#and im sure i forgot multiple points
ganondoodle · 29 days
( totk rant?)
i have talked alot about my problems with totk in detail, as most of you probably know by now- but there really is a vibe of big ambitions but then not committing to it throughout the game
they want to have that building mechanic in it no matter what in a world that isnt in any way build around it, mister "freedom = good, linear = bad" guy wanting to give you ultimate freedom in the game (which imo leads to it being nothing again) but not committing to it and it creates a really toxic loop of things being more punishing than rewarding
you can build a fuckton of weird vehicles, but big parts, ESPECIALLY the glider, is on limited time so you cant actually go anywhere you want; they know giving you absolut freedom will remove any possible challenge- so they limit it by making the glider part timed, but then they cant do that for every single part bc it would be almost impossible to create anything that works well when every part is on a timer and you dont know how much of its lifespan is left bc you accidentally hit a fan once so now its uneven with the other one AND the more parts you have the more it uses battery, it makes sense, so you cant build soemthign super overpowered right at the start and its just kinda logical, but it leads to you being incentivised to build something with the fewest parts that dont have a timer-
then theres the battery power, which they try to limit by putting its upgrades behind multiple different currency exchanges, which is frustrating and leads to alot of grinding and gets overpowered really fast (it works against itself too that said currencies are all placed in the most undeveleoped and repetetive area of the game and are all never involved in anything interesting, its reused old enemy camps and the same mines everywhere, theres not a single reward in the underground that actually feels rewarding imo)
then you get the autobuild thing, so you can skip the building part of the building mechanic that is the main selling point of tha darn game, bc they know it can get frustrating to rebuild your things over and over so they give you a skip button for that if you are one of those players that doesnt like it BUT THEN they cant jsut let you do it for free so they give it a price, either spend the same currency you need for the exchange for the one you need for battery upgrades or spend parts you collected- both of which are things players generally save up and refuse to use (like the -never use any health potions bc what if i need it more at some point- thing is a problem for a reason)
then theres the added thing of the building stuff despawning incredibly quickly, im gonna guess its otherwise a performance problem (that the game is already struggling hard with) but it makes the entire already bad loop of trying to fix a problem with bandaids over and over even worse, you dont want to go too far away from your vehicles bc it will despawn and waste all that you used to build it, its like a leash to you stopping you from actually using it for more freedom- and potentially adds another annyoance bc you might try to bring it with you as far as you can, a monster truck in the depths you spend all your parts on gets stuck on the first bits of terrain you run into and you desperately try to get it out without destroying it, and if you cant you need to spend a ton of resources to build it again, even with autobuild
which is how you get the hoverbike, stupidly overpowered and boring but doing anything else is just less efficient in every way, it uses the least amount of battery, never breaks, is only 3 parts to rebuild
(i know me in particular doesnt enjoy the building in totk at all, for all those reasons and more ...... shiekah ........ and i know you CAN still choose to doing it more creatively, but you never need to, its entirely based around YOU making it fun for yourself, and i dont think its that controverisal to say a game should be fun and challenging without you having to create all the fun yourself and set yourself limit it all yourself)
similar goes for the dungeons, they heard you want the dungeons of old times back, but their strict adherance to freedom (which they themsleves contradict) leads to them being more breakable and less dungeony than even the titans in botw, they cant make it linear, thats BAD, so you can do any puzzle in any order, it cant build on any of the others bc you need to be able to do it when you want (the only one going slightly against that is the lightning one? maybe?), totks dungeons dont even limit that you cant climb them (even the titans in botw recognized that makign it easy to break so they are made of the same unclimbable material like the shrines and other shiekah tech) and the new abilities make them laughably easy to break ( .. im not even gonna mention the water temple one bc ... you dont even need to do anything there to break it to make it easier)
they wanted to cater to people wanting old dungeons, but didnt commit to it, making them WORSE dungeons than the titans with the only bonus being they got different designs and a longer build up to it (that often feels more like artificial filler than actually part of it ... like the missing lore tablet at the zoras and the missing part is a few steps away from it at best)
(ALL THE WHILE they DO limit you in SHRINES, you cant climb the walls again, for some reason, you can climb any other sonau structure though, why not that? idk, but dont limit it enough either bc you can break it all in really cheap and unsatisfying ways with ultrahand and time reversal alone- and they CANT limit those bc those abilities are the main ways to solve the 'puzzles'- botws abilities were .. well, limited in what they could do making them much more balanced, but moving sth with ultrahand and then stepping on it and time reversing it can be the boring solution to any 'puzzle', the best and only really good shrines are the ones that take all you shit bc it wactually forces you to be creative BC ITS LIMITING YOU)
(funnily enough a big possible reason why they removed the bombs from botw is bc of the glitches with it ...... like the new stuff isnt even worse and you dont even have to try lol)
people speculated on there being underground exploration due to the first trailer? people are worried about reusing the surface? ok they put the entirety of the surface map into the game again, but dont commit to it being a full thing, its horribly underdeveloped and filled with either nothing or reused filler material, while also neglecting changing anything substantial about the surface, and then the sky isalnds they even reduced and really there isnt anything of substance on there either besides the tutorial (hey, seriously, if one of botws most defining feature is its wide and empty sky why the hell would you decide to use that same map to put in your sky islands idea in), not commiting to one idea but doing all of them badly
ganondorf? well, they sure put him in there, but really what does he do? fuck all, the entire actual game hes jsut marinating in his own miasma juice for no reason, he doesnt have any presecne in the game, all he gets its a few scenes in the "story" that are told through memory cutscenes in a stupidly mega distant past i dont give a fuck about and all he does is go through the most stereotypical villain checklist of both actions and speech, they want ganondorf in there but dont commit to him ACTUALLY being there (listen i love ganondorf but really calamtiy ganon was more interesting than totk ganondorf ok im SORRY they did him so dirty)
they want dragon zelda and link 'losing' his arm be a big epic sacrifice but then .. again, dont commit to it, they tell you its oooh so irreversible and whatever and then at the end just fukcing reverse it, with no build up at all, and NONE of your own input, it just happens, and its not JUST zelda but also links arm, reversing it BOTH even and you dont even need to have all shrines (that are supposedly to cleanse your arm of miasma, i guess thats a non problem if you just stab the source of it to death instead)
they want it to be a sequel but also its own game, not committing to either and leaving us with this weird .... more alternative universe thing, vague references to botw but also acting like it never happened, slight changes, like zeldas hair, to make her seem different when shes exactly the same (you cant imply waifu zelda would ever age and not look like a little doll) and ignoring anything about her character from botw (no im serious, ooh shes nerdy for 3 minutes at the start and one time in a written thing from some servant of da royals in the past and thats it, interest in the shiekah? whos shiekah?- if anything her character is reversed, really having even less agency than in botw, that one decision to dragon is like, it really doesnt matter and not really her decision bc she didnt have a choice and it gets reversed anyway without her even remembering)
even retreading all of botws points (but doing it worse imo), but then attempting to differentiate itself from it by removing a big thing that made it what it is (shiekah) without giving it any or any sensible explanation among more, not committing to either sequel or AU and so doing both incredibly badly
(not quite the point but what i have been questioning for a while ... they way raurus abilities work ... so do all sonau have those? was it just a normal thing to have? could all sonau just glue shit together and jump through ceilings? he never uses anything of that when we see him? why is it just in the shrines at the start and its like .. he just gives it to you ...?? huh??is it part of his arm .. jewelry??)
(anyway, tin foil hat moment but it just feels like either there was a huge internal fight about everything or they neglected it in favor for something else, like say, a movie that earns them billions and is faster and cheaper to make than a game... or just dont care anymore i guess, idk which is worse tbh)
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fadedmunson · 1 year
family man | joel m.
pairings ; joel miller x fem!reader
word count ;
warnings ; ohhhh this left me in guttural pain. angst then comfort because i've had a long week
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this could've been avoided if you never met the old grumpy fucking man
why were you always given the shit-end if the stick??
i mean, how were you supposed to know raiders would be in the middle of butt-fuck wyoming?
well, here you were, running back to ellie and joel after hearing gunshots and raiders shout
you were going to make a quick run to find some more bullets, but accidentally left your gun, and just as you realized, raiders got the idea to follow you
"has she lost her mind?" joel hissed, "leaving all her shit behind too, god this is laughable." joel scoffs under his breath
"joel" ellie whispers, "i know she's not here, but we need to do something." joel can feel her getting more anxious by the second
"i know, i know." joel isn't the best at comforting but he's good at violence, so there's that.
one thing he just never understood was how dumb and vulnerable you could be at times. you made stupid mistakes, stupid mistakes that could lead to your stupid death.
god, that word. death. it haunted him, it'll haunt him till his last breath. he'll meet it eventually, but only with you and ellie at his side. he can't loose anyone else
"joel!" ellie eyes shook from fear and so did her voice. joel left his momentary trance and quickly built a plan for her to get out safely
just as he was about to grab her, he hears the stuggle of the raiders, almost like choking.
he stands up to see that the threat was taken out by you and a switchblade
ellie was quick to react by running and grabbing your arms while trying to regain her composure
she looked death in the eyes multiple times, but this one was different.
"that was so badass! you swung in and- hey is that my knife?" she pointed out
"sorry, forgot. i was just keeping it safe." you flip the switchblade and hand it to her.
just as you hand it to her your sweater collar was gripped by joel
"now you've just about done it," he began
"let go of me joel, im grown. i handled the problem, i don't get the issue." you pry his hand off of you and get in his face
you were never afraid of joel, just curious. curious about how he kept everything so close to his chest. it probably got tiring
"do you have any idea how scared i was? you have any fucking idea?" joel eyes narrowed as he stabbed his finger into your chest while his teeth clenched
this doesn't scare you no, it's something much worse
this pains you, it pains you to see how distraught joel is feeling and the fact that you were the reason for it
"you make my life so much harder," he scoffs at you "you frustrate people, it's all your good at." he begins to raise his voice
your eyes are becoming glassy and you can feel it hitting you like a train
"stop it." you warn
"i didn't know this would happen and i'm sorry but this situation never came to my mind." your body language is frantic and so is your voice
at this point, tears are freely streaming down your eyes while ellie just stares, unable to do or say anything to set either of you off
joels face softens the littlest bit from your tears. he's not great at navigating feelings and people crying
"the last thing i need is to loose you," he looks at ellie "either of you."
you just crash into his body and he immediately responds by wrapping his arms around you and digging his face into your neck
"oh, sweet girl" he gently reassures you that you did nothing wrong and he "was worked up."
at some point ellie sat next to the both of you and just stayed in comfortable silence
joel kissed your neck, then your cheek, and then your forehead
you stumbled off of him and sat next to ellie, resting her head on your shoulders while you held joels hand
"i like being with you joel," you turn to him "i'm sure sleepyhead over here enjoys it too." you chuckle at ellie already asleep in your embrace
you can see the briefest smile on his face as he lays his head on yours
you've got joel miller absolutely smitten
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onismdaydream · 1 month
Hey, me again!♡🎀
Sure has been a while, but I'm sure you get how busy life can get ><!☹️
Anyway, it'd like 2 am when I'm writing this.. I was about to go to bed but I just CANNOT get the thought of like.. literally just Yuji being physically unable to NOT moan and whine when you give him a hand/blow job 😔🎀!!
IM SORRYYYY!!!!🙏♡ I feel like I have been saying this since like forever.. but it's soo true! 🎀 I swear, first time you ever wrap your pretty little hand/mouth around him.. it's OVER. Like- he is struggling so hard not to finish right then and there, so when you start moving.. it's like the best torture he's ever had!
He would totally try to hide his cute moans and whines by like biting his lip or cover his mouth with his hand. But that definitely won't help at all. At some point he just breaks, and he can't fix it. So it's just a bunch of whines, moans, and whimpers falling from his mouth.
He would totally be so insecure abt it, mostly bc he feels like he should be more dominant? If that makes sense. (It's his first time don't judge😔🎀!) But I just find it sooo hot. Just men being loud in general is SO 🤭!🧎‍♀️🎀!!!
Also, once he realizes that ur totally Into it, and not judging him... He sometimes let's a small little high pitched whine or whimper, especially when he's close..
Anyway it'd like SUPPERRRR late , and my vision is just so blurry.. so sorry for any bad spelling.. BYEE!!🎀🎀
I'm totally just thirsting over Yuji rn..
-your horniest Yuji lover!♡🎀
(Night lovely!!)
but yes!!! yuji is soo vocal in bed, and especially if his mouth isn't occupied (he loves kissing any part of your body), so when you have your mouth around him??? he is just whining and babbling about how good you feel. he is definitely one to praise you, telling you that you're doing such a good job, baby, just like that, oh fuuuck —do that again, please, baby, please
and if it's his first time, he's trying so hard to stay composed. biting his lip, biting his hand, anything to keep the noises in. he doesn't want to disappoint you :((( but the first little moan leaves his lips and you react so well to it?? you encourage him, asking him if he likes that and if it feels good and soon enough, he's putty in your hands.
i think he'd be such a pretty crier when you overstim him, too!! he has so much stamina and can go for multiple rounds, but he's sooooo sensitive!! his cockhead all red and leaky from his previous orgasms but even through the tears and the shaky whispers and whines, his hips are still bucking into your hands <3
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obey-me-disaster · 1 year
hey im the gal who requested ya write the whole, mc dies and doesnt come back thing. i just read the first part and i gotta say it was really well written lol. and if you dont mind, could i ask for the side characters' reaction?
thanks :yellow_heart:
I am glad you liked the first part ^-^
Spoilers for lesson 16!!
Warnings: death and description of it, grieving.
Side characters x gn!MC(Luke is of course platonic)
MC stays dead for good
He was aware he was most likely sending MC to their death but he still held onto the hope that they will make it out alive. They have been doing so well until that point, managed to get pacts with over half of the brothers, but unfortunately, fate had other plans for them.
He will beat himself over this whole affair for a long time. Not only did the exchange program failed, but he also let down a friend and led them to their own death.
He got so carried away when MC said they want to prove that Belphegor was innocent that he forgot they were only human. They didn't have a grasp on how to use their magic and pacts.
This failure as both a ruler and a friend will always live in the back of his head. That day he failed multiple people and he was the one that had to tell them there is no saving MC in the end. The only thing worse than the memory of MC's corpse being craddled gently by Mammon were the defeated looks of all the brothers.
Belphegor should count himself lucky he is not killed on the spot. All of Diavolo's hard work went down the drain in one night. It would probably take another 2000 years before he could even attempt peace between the three world again. The only reason Belphegor is only locked up and not killed is because of the brothers. He will have to deal with political fallout that MC's death would bring, he can't deal with the chaos the brothers would rise if he were to kill Belphegor.
He knew this would happen yet he still hoped that MC would make it out alive, there are timelines where they do that after all.
In the end, he didn't get his hopes up and he was grateful for that. The sight of their corpse, the looks on the brother's faces, even the disappointed and sadness on Diavolo's face, he was able to keep his calm demeanor through all of that.
He was the one that dealt with all the details that about proceedings after MC's death. Their families would have to be informed but still hide all of the details about the exchange, Belphegor's imprisonment and standing by Diavolo's side as the consequences begind to follow.
He didn't get the opportunity to get close to MC and for that he was glad. It was easier to deal with their death and the fact that they were never coming back.
The only thing that bothered him is when he would see them happy and healthy in other timelines. That's when all the 'what if?' question would pop up in his mind. But in the end those were not his timelines. He knew better than to indulge in worlds that he did not belong to after living with his powers for so long.
He only found out days after MC's actual death but he felt something was deeply wrong even before that. Neither the brothers, nor Diavolo and Barbatos would show up to school and he couldn't reach MC.
When he heard that MC died he thought it was at the hands of a lower demon. He didn't know the whole attic ordeal so that was the only logical explanation at the moment.
When he learned the whole truth, he wasn't sure if he would have preferred to live in ignorance or not. It really shaken his perception of the brothers for a bit, after all he knew Belphie since he was an angel. To find out that the angel that loved humans so much turned into a demon that hated humanity was quite the shock to him.
He insisted to remain for MC's funeral. He wasn't there for their last moments, so he wants to be there when their soul is sent off to the Celestial Realm.
He tries hide how much MC's death hurt him from Luke. He is young and just lost someone, so Simeon tries to be there for him before the tries to work through his feelings.
He really saw MC as someone to cherish and even look up, often times referring to how they would make a better angel than him. To him they seemed so untouchable that he forgot how humans with no control of their magic could be.
All the progress he made about seeing demons in a better light is gone. He even sees them as bigger monsters than before.
Poor kid really looked up to MC as an older sibling figure so to hear that they have died broke him. Since he wasn't alive through the wars, MC's death was probably the first violent death he had ever have to deal with. Maybe MC the first person in his life to even die.
He is aware that Simeon is pushing his feelings aside for him and he hates but doesn't know how to deal with these knew feelings so he just accepts his help.
Will probably bake MC's favorite deserts in their memory...poor kid isn't really sure on how to deal when loved ones die, especially when they are murdered.
If MC died at the begging of the exchange program he wouldn't have been surprised, it's Devildom after all. But not only did they not die, they made 5 pacts with the lords of Hell and managed to sneak their way into his life.
He wasn't expecting that he would get so attached to his fellow human exchange but they did. So when things started to change about the brothers he started to expect the worst.
He knew there would come a day when MC would leave him for good and die, all the people in his life did that but he didn't expect for that time to come so soon. Especially in such a cruel manner.
MC was the one that made him see demons as friends, and while not all the progress is gone he will still need to take some time for himself.
He has done it 1000 times over the course of his life span, he dealt with the death of his loved ones more than he would like yet, it's still never easy to get used to their presence being gone. Especially when it's so out of nowhere.
For quite a while he doesn't even dare to try and make a pact with Lucifer. Is it due to MC's memory, knowing that he won't get a pact in those circumstances? He isn't really sure, he just knows he wants to throw himself into his research to distract himself from the wound MC's death left in his heart.
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dreamsy990 · 7 months
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so, re:chain of memories, huh?
warning! its been a little while since i played through recom, so the game isnt as fresh in my mind as some others. sorry for any innacuracies!
spoiler alert, this is my second favorite kingdom hearts game. at least of the ones i've played so far. i get that this isn't like. a POPULAR opinion but fuck you i have almost nothing but positives to say about it.
let's start with the easy stuff first. recom introduced a new card-based combat system. i cant compare it to the gba version, since i didn't play that, but i can say that for what its worth i DID enjoy the combat. recom is by far the hardest game so far (at least for me) and almost every boss took multiple days for me to beat, even with my hp maxed out. it took me a while to get the combat system, but id honestly love to replay the game now that i have a better understanding of how it works. the card system requires a lot of quick thinking and i get that it isnt everyones taste but its CERTAINLY mine. every fight is difficult and feels genuinely rewarding when you win. the movement, like kh1, can use a lot of work, but i wouldnt call it terrible. just kinda sluggish. i think my favorite boss fight was larxene. shes a pain in the ass but i love her.
i think riku's side dropping the deck building mechanic isnt terrible, but i wish i could reorder his deck at the very least. and the lack of healing cards is. not fun. basically any damage you take is permanent unless you HAPPEN to get mickey and its simply Not a fun time. im not very good at games okay.
i have a lot less to say about the worlds than the combat. they're definitely the worst aspect of the game, though. the idea of making worlds with cards is fine! it just leads to kind of repetitive world design. the stories are forgettable, so forgettable that i literally forgot them. and i could make a point about how thats the idea its a game all about forgetting things!! but honestly that just making excuses for it. the worlds couldve kept the idea of forgetting things without literally making them forgettable. i say this about every world, except for one. because DESTINY ISLANDS
destiny islands is just. so fucking good in recom. its the climax of both sora and rikus stories and i think theyre both amazing. id have to say i prefer rikus, soley because of the visual storytelling you get from his side of it, and thats not to say soras is bad at all. but something about zexion telling riku that its his fault his home was destroyed, as riku sees a version of himself turning into a literal monster? thats just good okay. its really good.
i ADORE the characters in this game too. everything we get from them is sooo good. it's the introduction to the organization and all of them (except lexaeus who did literally nothing) are a treat. axels my favorite ofc, but larxene is such a fun villain, you love to hate her. shes really the star of the org cast in this game. sure, axels may have said its his show now, but larxene stole the spotlight.
its namines introduction, too, and i love her. on one hand, shes just really kind. she wants a friend, she wants someone to talk to, she wants to meet sora. on the other, shes just a little bit fucked up actually. sure, shes honest with sora, but shes the tiniest little bit guilt trippy and i LOVE THAT. her response to sora saying he wants to get back his own memories and forget her is "oh okay. you want to remember your REAL friends, huh? theyre the ones who REALLY matter to you? yeah anyone would want that. no friends for namine i guess." like shes just a bit salty and we love that for her. i want slightly guilt tripping and salty namine back nomura.
but ofc one of my favorite new characters in this game HAS to be repliku. god i ADORE repliku. his hatred for riku is sooo fun and the way he fights with sora is great too. like in soras side i thought he was a neat villain but rikus side? hes amazing omfg. one of the only villains i liked in rikus story (sorry lexaeus, you werent good until days)
over all, this game certainly isnt everyones cup of tea, but its DEFINITELY mine. it's the game im most excited to replay at some point, mostly because of the amazing boss fights. 9/10. its got issues, but the story and characters are so good that i genuinely could not care less about like. most of them.
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rubatosisr · 8 months
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𖦹 synopsis. main four w sick reader ! — how they act when your sick.
disclaimers. swearing, slightly suggestive, cartman being a jew hater
notes. i have really bad allergies at the moment so i came up with the idea for this one !!
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eric cartman.
he kinda forgot you could get sick.
but you did, whether it was bad allergies, the flu, any kind of sickness at all.
hes Cartman, like i’ve said time and time before.
so he pretends like he doesn’t care, but your health is a priority to him.
“What do you mean you can’t come to watch Terrance and Phillip with me today? Why the hell not?”
“Eric, Im sick.”
“So what?”
genuinely gets disappointed and mad that you cant, and or wont come over.
pretty much is more agitated than he already is for the rest of the day towards everyone who speaks to him besides you, especially towards kahl.
“Shut up you stupid jew.”
If your sick for more than a day or two, he’ll just come over to your house because frankly—hes just a bit too dependent on your company.
But he’ll be so dramatic if you cough or sneeze around him.
“Oh my god ..i..i think i’m dying, your spreading your illness!”
You literally just sneezed next to him.
He acts like your both sick or something.
kenny mccormick.
kenny’s died, gotten sick, etc. multiple times before.
although, unlike him. You actually stayed home, being sick, resting. instead of being in the freezing cold snow like everyone else.
kenny does all of the above when hes sick instead of resting, no wonder.
“Wait .. why can’t you come outside?”
“Because, im sick, kenneth.”
“..But you can still walk.”
that aside, he does try his best to take care of you.
despite all the risks of doing it, he still lays down next to you, cuddles you, sleeps beside you.
and most definitely tries to kiss you.
And he just chills with you, maybe make you soup, soup at your house of course.
He doesn’t have alot of money to help you to be honest.
But he did steal something on the account of you were feeling 10x more horrible and he had to snatch some medicine for you.
Personally? Hes like butters when it comes to a relationship.
Both of the two act like golden retriever type of boyfriends, but thats just in my opinion.
kyle broflovski.
he acts like a mom.
He dropped everything as soon as you texted him and just came over to your house to take care of you immediately.
“Are you okay dude??”
“I just have allergies.”
“I bet thats what dead people thought too.”
“What the fuck kyle.”
Makes you food, kisses you, (on the cheek), and is just very present during the whole thing, hes like this even when your not sick anyways.
Pretty much is like Kenny, both want to be there for you.
He tries to make you feel better in any way he can.
Yes, any way, take that in whatever way you want.
So sweet though, and treats you so well the entire time.
You got better after a bit, thankfully.
stan marsh.
You had the unfortunate luck of getting sick while Stan and his family were out on a “family road trip.”
He felt so bad.
Called you the entire time just to make sure you were okay.
“Babe, im so sorry, i didn’t even wanna come anyways.”
he didn’t want to be there, though your voice and presence made the trip slightly more bearable.
Things got a little more .. intimate over the phone, but i’ll make a separate part on that later, or later.
Especially on the drive over, and back, was hell; to him atleast.
He had to get off the phone at some point because his parents said it was “family time”
And he did, respectfully and reluctantly.
In the end, as always. You got better.
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fictionfixations · 2 days
all the sad tales
penacony + aventurine spoilers
the wiki probably contains this but for my own sake i need to keep this somewhere.
(it'll be in bold. what im not sure on will not be in bold)
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(The murmurs near your ears grow louder, more booming. You can even see another ████ ████████. Let's hope you can hold on until the moment you step onto the stage of the amusement park.)
(whited out parts are parts i cant decipher yay)
im going to try my hardest not to miss anything because i really like aventurine and i want to take my time with this. but i also sometimes have a really short attention span or get too immersed in something that i forget everything else so like...
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(You ████████ ██ ██ █ ██████ discovered a strange child -- He seems to hail from the Avgin origins(?)... Weren't they already wiped out?)
(need to stop sprinting. i keep noticing breakable objects or chest so then i sprint towards them and im going to end up missing something instead of just heading straight into activating more of the story)
bby kakavasha runs so fast oh my god (its kind of sad to imagine that he can run so fast probably to run away from well yknow...)
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(You are completely entranced by the Avgin boy. Just who is(?) he? There's still time. Maybe you can catch up to him and ask him exactly what █████████.) (happened?) (the extra whited out part on just who --- is probably a space. otherwise it could be was but hm.)
(im going to cry if i miss checking it because an enemy is chasing after me and i run headfirst into story. yes i am a coward who doesnt like starting battles if i can help it. makes me wish i had acheron but id honestly never use her in battle unless i had someone to regenerate skill points considering i have 5 star dan heng, so other attack ppl on team dont get much attention, and i dont really know how to use her beside tehcnique insta kill?? does that mean i can whip out a lvl 1 acheron and it works??)
dont plan on talking about the dialogue too much (i saw multiple people go through the story before i started ngl) but (also aventurine boss creeping up on me... i literally only have one person on team who attacks multiple at a time, and no one else outside of the team is as built)
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LISTEN. have you SEEn hyenas playfighting its fucking adorable. call someone a hyena, i call it a compliment.
i missed the first piece of text... i forgot...
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(*Ride the Pinball Machine)
still the same
i dont know why but the puzzles in penacony make me lag so bad. the puzzles, the pinball machine, or that dreamweaver thing. bruh.
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(*Win the Hide and Seek game and find the Avgin boy)
anyway from what im understanding you can tell how many letters are missing because its as many characters as a character is missing. whenever ive blacked out text i never do that cause its so much bigger than the original text (i do one block for every two letters ngl. but i also dont do it with the intention of people deciphering what it says)
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(*Play the roll of █████ film) (wound?)
i dont know film terms enough to even decipher what it could be. it could be color. black. white.
wound? wound as in rolling? like uh uh. past tense of wind. like winding up a roll. a wound roll. cause the description of wounds.. it could be related to his family. or..
I MISSED IT AGAIN 'there is only water, not rock' or something like that
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(*Leave the maze)
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(*Check the things you(?) lost)
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i cant decipher this one 😭. you??? (Leave the maze you(?) █o) but i dont know what would make sense of it then. idk.
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oh fuck i forgot to check the objective. its. probably the same as the other one for when finding a 'lost' object but like...
AGHHH wiki came in clutch
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(*Check the lost things and memories)
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(*Escape escape(?) the maze escape(?) the past/last(?) escort(?)) (this is a lot of 'idk')
(Failure discarded selfish useless pointless coward murderer gambler blessed discarded loser chosen-one Mother Goddess's beloved crazy murderer blessed failure discarded loser pointless coward murderer chosen-one selfish fool(?) blessed discarded loser chosen-one you(?) loser discarded pointless coward(?) murderer gambler blessed █isc█████ useless loser chosen-one Mother Goddess's blessed/beloved(?) loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser ████ ████ ███████████ ███ ██████ █████ █ ██ ████ █)
there might be way more losers then there should be because my eyes were getting confused. and also more of the blacked out character
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this line right here makes me wonder why he's still in the IPC after like the end of 2.2 (..im pretty sure 2.3 is the next update)
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my brain power is failing on me idk what this one is
im going to turn my settings to max for the picture because its so fucking pixel-y. im going to try to save it before my pc crashes.
my one complaint: the taking a picture function that continues the story disappears when you get close to kakavasha. so i cant take a photo with him and continue the story.,
whatever.where the fuck is the screenshot folder im crying
oh my god the LAUNCHER? HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNow after i go through the star rail folder > games folder > starrail_data folder > screenshots
thats way too many folders for me to even notice 😭
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second image cuz yes
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'there'll be one beside you' or something im sorry my memory is shit short term i already forgot
'over plains, endless'
'into cracked earth, stumbling'
im stressed so im getting distracted
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"So run, Kakavasha, do not be afraid, and do not look back."
now go back and reread the previous quest thing.
okay thats it i think
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pixiecaps · 17 days
niche desire but i want so badly for cellbit to do an alveus sanctuary collab with maya higa. or any qsmp creator tbh. she mentioned both cellbit and etoiles after streamer awards but said she didnt want to ask them to come all the way to texas just to go to alveus. i really want cellbit to come because theres multiple brazillian animals there and i think it would be cool :).
(jaiden did one along with alpharad back in february but that was quite a while after she left qsmp after purg, and it was also iirc not on her twitch (or jacobs, pretty sure it was streamed on mayas channel) so im not sure a lot of qsmp fans know about it. the vod is on alveus highlights and the edited version is on alveus' youtube channel if anyone wants to see it)
omg forgot to answer this but yess!!!
i love mayas streams of the sanctuary it was something i also considered cellbit might do some day. maybe if he plans to go to texas at some point he could stop by and do what will surely be known as the most iconic stream ever
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praisephantom · 2 months
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Literally me trying to figure out when exactly Lawlight started sleeping with each other 😭 I'm 100% sure that by the time the Yotsuba Arc "Don't be so shy, Light-kun" panel shows up, they already were, (I'm a queer man who's had his fair share of situationships so source: trust me bro) - so possibly they started hooking up sometime after Light's amnesia? There are certaintly some points that make it sound semi plausible, a) being that L might have less trouble being intimate with who he assumes Kira to have been at some point becaus he is now innocent and doesn't remember killing. (He couldn't confirm Light to be Kira, so technically he's not quite sleeping with a mass murderer. Even though he knows, deep down, that this is bullshit, desire makes us pliable and behave illogically. And isn't this the actual base concept of Lawlight; the development of desire building on top of lacking logic and the very first time both L and Light experience the feeling of their power slipping out their palms multiple times throughout their friendship? So it doesn't seem too unreasonable to me.) and b) being that desire transcends even through Amnesia, and this might sound like just a silly dreamy thought but it's quite literally confirmed by Misa still having feelings for Light after she forgot about him being Kira. Which means, just because Light forgot playing Cat and Mouse with L, doesn't mean his body also forgot. Aside from the fact that he has a whole new bond to explore with L which means being able to get to know him all over again while being forced to spend every waking second chained up with him, if you feel some type of desire for someone I don't think Amnesia can get this out of your system. So, this is how I'm assuming it went; Option #1: Light is aware he wants L, but is confused about the source of his want. Being the mastermind he is, he figures it out pretty quickly though (we see him thinking of how he would act and do things if he was Kira/how he did things while he was Kira during Yotsuba arc pretty often) and while not having the memories of experiencing it, his body guides him to the conclusion, and sooner or later to L as well simply because of the mere concept of having played Cat and Mouse with L paired with their current dynamic and everything Light learned about L after his amnesia. He's such a hothead, unlike L im assuming he doesn't need to convince himself much. Option #2: Light is not aware he wants L (or perhaps just in denial about it) and for this one there would be a lot less thinking. Since here, it's mainly his body reacting to L's preserence, Light could easily play it off with mundane things/reasons for it, and rather spontaneously end up in an intimate situation with L (mouth faster than brain type) and then possibly figure out his source of attraction and that it must have developed during his time as Kira IF he was Kira at some point. Another thing is, it would have been way easier for Light to sleep with L /after/ losing his memory because he wouldn't be so tense around him anymore. Obviously, being a suspect would make anyone nervous, but surely it's no match to how it was before. Yotsuba Arc Light was drastically more relaxed around L, that's a fact to me, just think back of the time Light told Misa how hard it is for him to act casual and non suspicious in front of L before he lost his memories. Of course it's still possible they started hooking up before Light's amnesia, but that would take an insane amount of control in order to not let anything suspicious slip out during intimacy, and I doubt Light would take that risk. After all, resorting to an intimate situation in the first place would prove the lack of control, with both men being each other's nemesis.
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aroacesetitoff · 4 months
i want to make so many AU's for the infinights but i have so little time. Anyways heres what i got
Prince & the Pirate-Bart is the Captain of the Jebediah w/ Gum Gum & Kyborg on his crew and they sail up to the Witherveins and run into a runaway prince (Mudd). And at first Bart's like "ey guess we're kidnapping a prince, im sure they have lots of ransom money" and then Mudd's like "you guys wanna take ma far away from this place? Fuck yeah lets get outta here!" and Bart's like "well i cant send this guy back now" and Mudd joins the crew
Band AU-the Infinights (OG) were a really popular band until Luz broke them up and made the Eveguard (currently just her & Brink bc i forgot who else was there). Spectril's on drums (daggers = drum sticks), Grislee is on bass (hammer = bass), Elleve's a vocalist/maybe pianist, Slique's on guitar but can play multiple instruments, and Luz was lead guitar. Shit went down and Dr. Ahem/Prattle started looking for a new band and they got the Interns. Bart's a musical prodigy who up until that point never learned how to read sheet music, Gum Gum's on drums, Kyborg's on guitar, and Mudd's on bass. Mudd also knows piano (former rich kid) and the only one who knows how to read sheet music.
Class Swap-doesn't really count as an AU? I just wanted to give Kyborg a violin. But:
Bart-fighter/rogue multiclass. Leans into the pirate aesthetic more and also has a gun
Gum Gum-druid (Circle of the Stars maybe)
Kyborg-bard (Circle of Valor) uses a violin bc you know they both have bows
Mudd-barbarian (Path of the Totem Warrior)
Plotwise Bart & Gum Gum are the same, but maybe Kyborg survived and also made it down to Ürbloom and didnt get so uberly traumatized, while Mudd ran away very early and has just been surviving in the Witherveins (Seuss having convinced him to leave and his parents that he was dead)
Edit-one more AU
Internship AU-Luz doesn't uhhhhh fucking kidnap all the OGs and their legit heroes. Dr. Ahem still asks for interns and the boys still show up but they actually get to meet them instead of having to save them and fight Luz. Theres a running joke that Bart's Ostin's illegitimate son
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thedoover-if · 1 year
So it sounds like it's set that MC's ex cheated on them, but, since different people have different concepts of cheating... Is it set what exactly the ex did, and what the boundaries were?
nobody asked for this but im just gonna use this to give a little more background LOL (under the cut)
so the ex works a white collar job and when they got together with the MC that was the case back then too. they've had multiple promotions and such since but typically they'd be out the house by 8.30 and back at home at 6 latest mon-fri (the MC has their office at home).
they started cheating with a work colleague about a year before the official divorce but even now the MC doesn't truly know cause the ex was very calculated with it.
building up to the actual cheating part (sleeping with their colleague) theyd make sure to mention fake business events, changes in work schedule and so on WAY in advance (a month prior) so it wouldn't be suspicious. thats mainly why they were able to get away with it for so long! if the ex was ever late for dinners or dates, the MC knew about this and reason for this many weeks prior, so communication always seemed transparent.
after roughly 6 months the ex forgot to lock their draw and when the MC went to look for some patient files they had misplaced they stumbled across a draw full of nude paintings of this one recurring person. each picture was more intimate than the previous, and there were about 20. (by the way, the ex never mentioned this habit or asked to paint the MC ever so that was a shock)
when the MC confronted the ex, they confessed immediately but also repeatedly said that it was purely sex and there were no emotions at play. and if the MC asked why, they couldnt explain it. all they said was "i don't know". thats why even if the mc decided to give them another chance the ex refused. they really believed the MC would be better off without them
hearing about the MCs accident just kinda forced them to really think about their whole life and the years spent with the MC. and even though they remarried there were NEVER any feelings involved. they just kind of went with the flow cause the person they cheated with wanted them to take the next step and at that point the ex didnt have much left anyway.
(btw the ex did NOT tell their partner they were going back to town to check on MC *facepalm*. so they're sat at home thinking it's a work trip...🚩🚩)
sorry for the long wall of text i got carried away haha but yeah LOL
fyi this is a standalone game so if you choose 'the ex' ro route, once you rekindle your relationship it's up in the air whether you grow old together or they cheat again (thats your belief!!)...
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hanatagami · 1 year
Batfam! Reader x Platonic! Damian Wayne - cuddle sessions
this is probably some wishful out of characterness but i dont really care, i just want some fluffy damian sibling time in my life screw capitalization
and please dont look at the tags i dont know if im doing them right
i also haven’t checked for grammar errors
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so im gonna show a damian under some very specific conditions
its gonna take you being a very affectionate person
but also someone who doesn’t tease, or knows when not to cause if you do it even once this is never happening again
its gonna take him being absolutely completely sure you wont tease him, or utter a single word about it to anybody in the house
he also has to be completely sure you won’t say no, like 120% sure you won’t say no
heres what i think thats gotta happen for cuddly sibling damian
first is to show an example of how much you want to crush him with affection but don’t because he wouldn’t like it
the scenario i imagine to start this is a competition between all the wayne siblings
the winner gets to do whatever they want to the loser
you are the fortune winner, damian is the unfortunate loser
well he wouldve been unfortunate if it was anyone else
ignoring all the suggestions from the others that would most certainly piss damian off, you already had your heart set on something
“You gotta let me hug you for an entire minute!”
que jason laughing (just ignore him)
the others get a big smile on their face for multiple reasons i dont feel like getting into
but damian grumbles and reluctantly steps up to you
(dick is in charge of the timer)
you crouch down and proceed to wrap him in what you want to make the best hug in the world
you wrap your arms around his neck and hold him to your chest, cradling his head in your arms
you gave a good amount of squeeze, a good comforting amount of squeeze
you don’t think you’d get a chance like this again, damian would never let himself lose again no matter what it takes if you have a good chance of winning
lost in the feeling of finally being able to smother your youngest sibling with affection you didnt really take notice of his reaction
you didnt notice how his body melted into your embrace (though only just a bit)
you didn’t feel how his breath on your neck began to slow down and relax 
or how his eyes began to droop halfway
you were lost in your own little word- and so was he
in fact when dick decided to break you out of your trance, it seems you both had gone passed the promised time without realizing
you had assumed damian was keeping count and would shove you off immediately after it hit the 60 second mark
but he didnt
and by the embarrased look on his face you could see he had MEANT to, but for some reason forgot
you had never seen his composure so broken as jason took the chance to immediately poke fun at him
(tho damian didn’t know that jason was also a secretive fan of hugs from you)
it was a good time 10/10 would hug again
lets skip a bit
but just know theres been a lot of thinking while damian has been on his  lonesome
he liked your hug a lot more then he thought he would
it was so warm and comforting and he had found himself unconsciously leaning into it
his mother wasn’t an affectionate person, being an assassin didn’t allow such luxuries
bruce wasn’t much better, though he tried to be
and by the time his siblings and him got any kind of close he was already uncomfortable with such affections
he never realized how truly touch starved he was cause at this point in his life he didn’t see why he would indulge in such niceties, it was unpleasant
but it more pleasant then he expected, and he had let his guard down which was a critical mistake in both assassination and vigilantism
but there was an itch he now couldn’t scratch with that mindset
he’d been going back and forth with himself for days about asking you to hug him again
(cause lord knows he wasn’t asking anyone else)
and after a particularly stressful day, people at school just bugging the hell out of him, and not being allowed to go out on patrol that night cause bruce noticed his stress
and damian could only assume bruce thought he’d take it out on criminals
which damian was too proud to admit was possible
So imagine your surprise when Damian just bursts into your room, slams the door shut, and turns towards you with his eyes squeezed shut and his arms out
now this is what i meant about teasing and joking, a teasing “no” or any other funny comment and he’ll be humiliated and outta there faster then he was in and he will never come back
its a good thing you knew that right?
you couldn’t help the smile that spread on your face as you approached him and gently wrapped your arms around him
you could tell he was grateful you didn’t say anything
you’d have to guess he has been wanting this for a minute cause it didn’t take him long to completely snuggle up into you
You hadn’t realized he was so craving of affection, and you hazard a guess he hadn’t known either
it was a couple minutes before he broke away from you
when he looked up and saw your warm smile he turned completely red and sped out the door
how cute!
and now to your greatest hopes, it had started becoming a common occurrence!
your youngest brother is now actively seeking out your affection and its an incredible feeling
after the first couple times you had actually gotten him to speak to you during or after
and then a couple times after that, you had gotten him to stop speeding out of your room
he came the most at night, after dinner when everyone would be too busy working or in their room to notice his venture to yours
it was now common for you to silently hug him with one arm with him sat with you in your chair while doing homework or studying for college
or when you play something he’ll sit in front of you and let you rest your head on his
one of your favorite memories is him falling asleep on your lap on accident and him being so embarrassed when he woke up he pretended to still be asleep
you could feel the heat in his face so you decided to do him a favor and pretend you hadn’t noticed and instead moved him to your bed
though you couldn’t help the small kiss you planted on his forehead, knowing he couldn’t bring it up without outing himself
he’ll have to live with it
and you were surprised to find out he was the kind of brother who would sneak into your room at night
now you never caught the reason why, but you at least knew he didn’t want you to know
he came in and laid next to you when you were “sleeping” and left before you “woke up”
you assumed he was facing some inner demons when he did this, and wanted the small comfort but didn’t want the embarrassment of waking you up and asking you
you and alfred now have a hidden code, not that alfred knows (he probably does but you didnt tell him, but you were sure him and bruce had noticed and got a good idea as to what was happening)
well its not much of a code but when alfred asks for you or damian for one thing or another, you can send him something along the lines of “hey, ive got damian helping me with something” and alfred seems to get it and leaves you two alone for now
im not gonna say how, you and damian dont even know he does, but bruce has pictures
which is crazy cause you’ve never taken one, even while damian is asleep, cause this isn’t something your ruining
but bruce has pictures and he keeps them safe and secure for only him and alfred to see
seeing damian be so close to you makes him so happy
not that he’d say, him and damian are alike in that way
but alfred knows though
he always knows
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fearandhatred · 3 months
Bestie first of all good luck with your group project!!!!! Secondly im very curious about the unnamed bible fic👀 what is it about?
hello bestie thank you <3 the presentation is in 2 hours and i'm stressed the hell out so i'm answering this first to take my mind off it lol. also sorry in advance this will be quite long because i do love the concept of this fic
ask game
ok firstly idk why i said unnamed bible fic it DOES have a name i just forgot. it's called "that's the pain", taken from and inspired by the song the origin of love from hedwig and the angry inch (my favourite musical)! it's a retelling of plato's (soulmate) myth of how people used to have two faces, four arms, four legs etc. but because we were proud and disobedient, zeus split us in two and so now we spend our lives trying to find our other half.
so this fic was intended to be something like that but about angels instead: angels used to have multiple heads and limbs but because some of them decided to rebel, god split them apart as punishment and cast half of them down to be demons, then wiped all memory of how they used to be. the premise is that crowley and aziraphale used to be one being that was split apart, and when they're both in the garden of eden they feel this inexplicable pull towards each other which leads to them meeting on the wall. both of them attribute this feeling to them being on opposite sides and thus not being allowed to be near each other, and aziraphale takes it as a sign that they should not be talking which is like one of the conflict points of this fic. and thus begins the next 6000 years lol.
and i called it a bible fic because i was gonna write it bible style HAHA. i kind of ditched this whole fic because i wasn't sure how sustainable that was going to be and so i didn't know if i would have to change to prose at some point.
anyway i did share some snippets last time but i'll just put them here again. this is from near the beginning of the first book of said fic bible, called apochorismós, which roughly translates to separation in greek.
Apochorismós 1:7-16
⁷But on an indiscriminate day, the day to eclipse all days, an angel spoke out against the Lord, for he had pondered his position in heaven and deemed the rule of God to be insufficient. ⁸And he, Lucifer, angel of the highest order, with his two pairs of wings and eyes and arms and legs, said unto the other angels: "The Lord claims that He extends his grace to all beings, for He is mighty, and the one true God to rule over all others. But who has determined it to be so? ⁹He has endowed us with knowledge, and knowledge seeks change, and unto us what follows shall be the natural order of things. And so I will ascend to the throne, above God and the stars, and all of creation shall play by my hand." ¹⁰And God heard of the words of the angel Lucifer, and burned with righteous fury. ¹¹"I am displeased," God said unto all the angels, "for you have sinned. A sin come upon one who remains unquestioned is a sin upon all, and for this sin you shall be ripped apart, for cursed now is the sacred ground on which you walk. ¹²"This is your punishment: through strength and defiance you have separated yourselves, and only through strength and defiance shall you return." ¹³And from a mighty hand shot bolts of lightning that cut right through the angels and split them in parts. And all orders of angels split apart, until they had one pair of eyes, and one pair of arms and legs and wings. ¹⁴And the Lord cast out the angels who were with Lucifer to roam the salty ground of the earth. These were the fallen. And He made it so that the angels and demons alike did not remember they had once been joined together, in body and in spirit. ¹⁵Such was the natural order of things. ¹⁶Then came the first war.
Apochorismós 2:19-20
¹⁹The serpent felt injustice at his words, but did not speak against them. "Perhaps it was the plan to have you give away your sword," he said, in sarcasm. "And when His plan has finally been fulfilled, may that fill the unsettling emptiness and misery within my belly." ²⁰''You feel that as well, then?" The angel asked, surprised, as he had felt the same for all the days of heaven and also as guardian of the gate. "It is worse with you near."
ok that's all. sorry for the rant i went insane but also now i'm thinking about how i could incorporate hanahaki into this
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journey-to-the-attic · 3 months
i just finished reading chapter 50 of jtta and oh my gosh. i don’t even know where to start.
jtta is SUCH an amazing work of art that my words fall short.. it’s rlly the best fanfiction i have EVER read and i’m sure it’ll continue to be my Number One forever. your writing style is absolutely beautiful and your choice of words is IMMACULATE. the way you describe certain scenes truly baffles me everytime like,, there’s people out there who are really able to write like this?? they can magically plant a mental imagine w colors and all in my head from??? Words only??? u r so amazing omf
i also have to say that ur work has rlly helped me with expanding my own vocabulary — i had to look up a A LOT of words (though i’m sure i forgot them all by now..) but it was always so fun to learn new stuff!
your mind fascinates me sm bc?? when i was reading some scenes from jtta i rlly thought ‘man.. if i was the author i’d have no idea how to solve this..’ but u managed to surprise me every. single. time. u outdid urself each time and my jaw legit dropped at some scenes bc i could’ve NEVER EVER thought of that,,,
i only discovered jtta last summer bc i was looking for a platonic obey me ff (i can’t see the boys romantically to save my life 😔) and ur writing was rlly the best thing that ever happened to me.
i swear everytime i read another chapter i dived into this World bc ur writing is so????? Perfect??? i cant put it into words
idk how many times i repeated myself by now but i just wanna give u this BIG word of appreciation (even if im struggling w it LOL) for everything. your characterisation of all the characters was always SO on point and the pacing of the chapters always elevated the reading experience and and and i’m just so overwhelmed by the quality of your work 😭🫶
and when i found ur tumblr??? oh i was FLOORED. like. not only r u absolutely GIFTED at writing, ure also good at drawing???11!?1? the writer & illustrator combo is INSANEEEEE
jtta got me all wrapped up in this universe that whenever i went back to read other obey me work or play obey me itself, i got sad bc the newspaper club and ik weren’t there 😭
normally i’m sad about things ending, esp when i indulged in it over a course of time but with jtta all i felt was a warmth (oh and the tears…..) in my body, it rlly couldn’t have ended better!! jtta made me elict all sorts of emotions while reading and it was just such a wonderful experience!
i feel like i just want to say more to u and sing more praises for u and jtta but i’m just at a loss for words,, my mind is COMPLETELY blank :c
writing is definitely your superpower and i’m forever grateful that i found your work!!!!!! T__T <3 can’t wait to see more of your work in the future 🥹💝
i need you to know that i had to look away multiple times consecutively just to compose myself because aAAAggkj
from the bottom of my heart, thank you!! i don't know what else i can say, everything you've said means so much to me! messages like this make everything about creating so worth it, all i can do is thank you twice <33333
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snalz-artt · 9 months
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forgot to post this doodle SAY HELLO to the shittiest bbc ghosts/mcyt au ever conceived, thankyou @/luigra for helping hehe
i have A LOT to say so its going under the cut this is soso silly
basic bbc ghosts plot: A young woman inherits a huge mansion estate in england from a dubious familial connection and moves in with her husband. They plan to renovate the manor and guesthouses to make into a hotel/venue, but when she falls out a window and almost dies, she comes back to life with the ability to See Ghosts. With the house being very historic, there are quite a few interesting characters (the falling out the window thing might be their fault, actually). Hijinks ensue.
CLEO: Cleo is the Allison of the story, she inherits the house and falls out the window, now.. undead(?) they can see and interact with the cast of Ghosts they’re now stuck with. Making ZombieCleo one of the Alive characters was too funny, sorry.
SCOTT: Scott is Mike!! Cleo’s best friend/partner/chosen soulmate (like in double life), he Cannot see the ghosts but completely trusts they exist.
They get up to various antics as they try to renovate and market the place, usually while being hindered or helped by the ghosts. I haven’t thought of a good pun on the name Button House yet though..
The ghosts are not all from any specific series, but a selection of ghosts/dead characters from multiple mcyt sources ^^
JOE: Joseph Hills takes the role of Thomas Thorne. He is a dramatic regency era poet who mostly follows Cleo around, trying to impress her with his… unique poetry, that was considered before his time. Their ghost theming comes from Beetlejhost of course.
RANBOO: Ronald Booth is Pat, a 1980’s Scout Leader. To be honest, this is just because Ranboo is very associated with the 80’s aesthetic and can fit the silly yes-man subordinate role, and of course was a ghost on the dsmp (Boo).
BDUBS: Bdubs is Robin!! A caveman who lived on the land well before the house was built. He’s seen it all, which fits Bdubs’ storyteller theme!! This is also just a fun visual choice because instead of wearing animal furs he gets to wear a big mossy coat. He also talks in a quite a unique and funny way which could replace how Robin talks like. Yknow, a Caveman. There was also a tiny bit in.. last life? Where bdubs was a ghost? (We were running out of ghosts at this point.)
SLIME: Charles Slime is Humphrey Bone, a headless tudor nobleman!!! Slime has a pretty constant track record of dying dramatically in mcyt (dsmp, epic smp, slimecicle cinematic universe) hence getting to be a ghost here. He has a lot of comedy that i think fits pretty well with being a ghost and with the visual humour of having your body separate to your head <3
FLIPPA: Juanaflippa as Jemima!!! I had to get one of the Eggs in here, even if i dont know much about qsmp at this point its just too perfect for one of them to be Jemima, since we have Charlie why not have Juanaflippa ^^ This can fit the common bbc ghosts fanon of Humphrey being found family for Jemima, with Charlie and Flippa’s father-daughter relationship. Creepy little singing ghost girl!!!
QUACKITY/MEXICAN DREAM: Yeah ok we were really running out of mcyt ghosts at this point, if you dont know anything about the dsmp you would probably think im making this up- uh, quackity plays him, he died and became a very prominent dsmp ghost. He takes the role of Julian as a 90’s politician character (like quackity/md in el rapids etc) here. I GUESS.
GHOSTBUR: Im pretty sure that while alive Kitty didnt blow up a country or whatever but the innocent and kind character of ghostbur fits the role of Kitty pretty well, with both having poor/inaccurate memories of their lives and being very sweet. A georgian noblewoman! Instead of Kitty he’d be called Willy or something. That way one of the ghosts can still have an innuendo name. Thats important.
JIMMY: Jimmy (James) as Mary. A stuart era peasant who got burned in the witch trials. He could still have the power to make people smell smoke, i think it fits the canary thing a bit. AND SPOILERS FOR BBC GHOSTS, Mary being the First Ghost of the main group to get.. sucked away is just too perfect. While never explicitly being a Ghost, Jimmy has such a connection to death that i think im justified.
PIX: Pixie as Fanny!!! He used to own the house many years ago and is now a ghost that really wants it to be perfectly historically preserved. Pix was a ghost in empires s2 and an archeologist who wanted to preserve history of course, so this fits the really proper and old fashioned personality of Fanny pretty well. Also her love of animals fits pix having the ghost cat and the dodos…
SCHLATT: Schlatt as The Captain, a repressed gay ww2 Captain who never actually saw any combat. He can fit the leader role that the Captain does, especially the fact that he just assumes himself the leader, and the others kind of don't take him seriously. Schlatt was a ghost, Glatt, on the dsmp! He will be a bit less.. nice? Than the bbc ghosts captain, but could still have a good bit of development.
bonus convex as the plague ghosts, vex are kind of ghosty, right?
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kniveschaudefender · 6 months
I think it would be a good idea to make a thing talking about what you will and won't write, like do you write/don't write NSFW, angst, etc. I want to ask you for fanfics but I want to make sure your comfortable with what I ask for before I do!! :)
What I will & Wont write !!
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What I will write :
multiple parts / series (if asked for)
most NSFW (certain things will be in won’t write)
character x character
character x reader x character
small age gaps (HAS TO BE ADULT X ADULT.)
readers of all genders (includes trans!readers !!)
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What I wont write :
big age gaps
x readers that are minor x adult (common sense guys pls💔)
gorey NSFW (this is thin ice if its WAY too much i will not be writing it)
vore (😨)
feet kinks (that stuff scares me)
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thats about it !! remember that both of these categories are up for debate and can be changed at any point !!also just because it isnt on the list doesnt mean that i will 100% write it !! remember that this js my blog and I can pick whats posted !! But thank you for reminding me I literally would have never made this 💔
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