#and its also very funny i support that hc
kozumesphone · 23 hours
also, second one (cause i couldnt resist)
if u seek amy! i think thatll be fun
my hobby is reading and playing the guitar!
i think i read like fifty books last year..
my fav books are pjo tlt (its nostalgic ok!!) and the hunger games series
i like to play mostly taylor swift and gracie abrams songs on the guitar!
i basically steal my sisters guitar whenever i want to play cause i dont have my own lol (im better than her)
my favorite taylor swift song is youre on your own kid
my favorite gracie abrams song is feels like
my favorite color is yellow (pretty obvious i think) it reminds me of sunshine and just overall happy things yk?
my favorite season is spring! the flowers start blooming and theyre so pretty (downside are the bugs)
i have a lot of favorite shows: stranger things, brooklyn 99, the good place, modern family
my favorite subject is chemistry! i love learning about the world around me and its properties etcetc
some random stuff about my personality: i get distracted so easily its a nightmare to study, i am an emotional wreck i cry easily, definitely a night owl, hufflepuff, daughter of poseidon
i dont mind if u pick someone from a book i dont recognise, that will just give me incentive to read it!!!
oh forgot to mention im a straight girl
love uuuu and congrats again!!!
⊹ ࣪ ﹏𓊝﹏𓂁﹏⊹ ࣪ ˖
⟢ “I love you, okay, darling!”
a/n: okay but the way the ship name is corason? which sounds so close to corazon? which means like ‘my dear’ in italian, I think?? MADE FOR EACH OTHER MUCH 🤭💓
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I think you’d best match with jason grace!
I mean, daughter of poseidon x son of jupiter? hello?? PERFECTION!!
jason would learn to play the piano while you play the guitar, so you guys could play music together
he LOVES laying on your stomach while you read on your bed and run your fingers through his hair
^ sometimes, he even falls asleep like that, and you both slowly shift into cuddling
he definitely hypes you up to finish your goodreads reading goal, if not exceed it (what can I say? he’s jason grace)
he definitely went to the ballad of songbirds and snakes movie with you (supportive bfs even when they have no idea what you read/watch >>)
he once asked you why you love yoyok by taylor, and straight up bawled while you explained to him what the song meant
he’s a very sunshine-y person, just like you, so when you guys are together, leo pretends to faint and says “too much sun! i’m getting sunstroke! help!!” and he thinks he’s really funny (i’d laugh, ngl <3)
come springtime, he lets you put all the flowers you collect over the summer into his hair
^ he also does the rapunzel braid on your hair and puts in matching flowers in it
(he drives away the bugs for you, dw!)
in an au, he’d never have heard of any tv shows, but after hearing you yap to him about them, he watches them ALL and makes notes about them too (about what? only he knows.)
okay, here we’re going off the rails so badly, but it’s a very ooc and personal hc of mine: jason sucks ASS at geography and chemistry. he will literally breakdown at the very thought of them.
he gets you to help him out with the chemistry part, and he teaches you math (if you’re not good at it already)!
he makes sure you don’t let yourself get burnt out while studying, and also makes sure you don’t get distracted and procrastinate
he comforts you at any time of the day: you say it, he’ll be over asap to give you free cuddles with your favourite chocolates & drinks
sometimes, he doesn’t even need you to tell him. he’ll just. know. when you’re feeling off. and his jacie senses tingle, and he calls you up and goes, “is it cuddletime?” and then drives over
while you’re a night owl, he’s an early bird (he must teach me his way, tho, because h o w)
^ you stay up till 2-3 am reading/studying and wake up by 9 or 10 am, while he sleeps by 10 pm and wakes up by 5 am to the dot
so you guys leave each other sticky notes before going to bed for the other one to see when they wake up
you guys 100% go on bookstore dates (he buys you everything you can carry on your own), library/study dates (especially while grinding during finals szn), museum dates (to mock the statues), beach dates (so he can get mesmerised while watching you do silly little tricks with the water and talk to the fishies), etc.
his love language is 101% physical touch & acts of service <3
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temp. taglist — @nuncscioquidsitamor-14 @mqstermindswift @puffoz @skeelly @urmomabby
@sunnitheapollokid @jgracie @canonfeminine @cinemaconrad @roses4plvto
@urbanflorals @aezuria @thetunnelunderoceanboulevard @cherigall @percabethluvr
@pjoverseluvr @maybxlle @mershellscape @riordanness @starlitszn
@metyouattherighttime @a-beautiful-fool @sequinsnstars @ssparksflyy @fayvpor
@iheartgirlzn @nomournersnofunerals @over-the-ocean-call @seaglass-and-string @cer3lia
@lara20aral @bloophasarrived @xoxochb @auroraofthesun1 @sophiesonlinediary
@solangelotus @brodieland @s1utlvr @imasimpdealwithit @waitingonher
@nqds @skyrigel @daydream-of-a-wallflower @hermidastouch @catastrxblues
@moon-drop18 @d4rkdi0rrr @hopelesslyromantic-shark @saltwatergirl6 @hope92100
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event masterlist
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ineffablejaymee · 25 days
ok so i believe that the commander batch is
fox oldest brother, too tired to give a shit, hes intimidating and everyone in the galaxy is afraid of him, but his brothers arent and it makes him livid. when they tease him he tries to send them warning glares which make normal people piss themselves, but his batchmates start laughing everytime and fox hates them (no he doesnt hes the designated 'i need help getting rid of a body' brother)
cody and wolffe twins, fox calles them baby brothers because its funny, they are very close and treat eachother in a way which makes people without sibling very uneasy. wolffe will constantly start insane rumours about cody and everyone believes him because he gives 'no bullshit' energy, while cody will push him down the stairs with no hesistation
ponds is the true middlechild, the only one of them who keeps his braincells while they re together, noone except his batchmates knows how fucking unhinged he is, noone wants to get on his bad side. hes responsible for most of the bets going on between them
bly is the youngest and they all tease him relentlessly, his crush on aayla used to come up everytime they saw eachother but they gave up bcs instead of being mad, every single time bly just started daydreaming about her and they started teasing cody about obiwan instead. the only one of the batch without a menacing resting bitch face, wolffe once convinced him he was adopted
+forcefully adopted baby brother rex, cody just showed up with him one they and they just accepted it, they all love him so fucking much. wolffe is his best friend but cody is his favourite and they are inseparable, but when the whole batch gets together they always baby him and it always makes him hillariously annoyed (especially bly bcs he loves being the big brother for once)
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moeblob · 3 months
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Sorry I forgot Hanneman suggested Byleth undress after they show up with a different hair color. And I miss Hanneman. And also while swapping between Houses and Hopes and seeing Hanneman pop up to help in a Hopes paralogue is just devastating since he doesn't ever actually join you at all and I am denied my old man rights.
So I had to draw this. Thank you for understanding.
#fe three houses#byleth#hanneman von essar#i like that Byleth just kinda stares at him and he realizes WHAT HE SAID and the implications and is like#step back uh forget that I said that#like man so zoned in on research he blurts that out and has to backtrack mentally to AH socially bad to say that my bad#if i need to tag this as anything lemme know even though it is a conversation in game basically (minus the marriage)#also if you have never married hanneman i genuinely enjoyed his s support and was VERY surprised and hes just#honestly one of my favorites overall in 3h ?? and im still bummed i cant play as him in thropes like thats just mean#also i think if byleth was like oh well if its awkward to see someone undress randomly#then marriage would solve the awkwardness this is truly the best deduction#which is really funny that i can see it happening with both leths despite my hc of them#with fyleth as bi and myleth as ace i think both would just be like AH cool we can avoid awkwardness by marriage#and hanneman just wants to go lie down in a ditch because he said something like that#and and byleth doesnt even know about religion while working at church school they dont know about school regulations#that wasnt really on their mind to check ok just saying you could tell byleth no to something#and then they just go oh school policies i understand unfortunately#and the person is like no we just meant its frowned upon to do archery practice in the tea garden its not technically illegal just dont??
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unoriginal-and-dumb · 2 months
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I headcanon them as adoptive siblingsz. Do u see my vision here. (If u ship the characters or whatever that’s cool too! This is my personal take please don’t take this as an attack I just like siblings…)
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Extra talk 🔻🔻
I think that poob would try their best to be the super supportive older sibling, but since everyone kinda just gets along with them super easy it doesn’t go so well for Pest, which kinda results in why he just doesn’t like Poob very much :( that and also cuz poob is like, loud as hell. Loud little thing.
Adoptive siblings because I NEED poob to be pocket sized and I NEED pest to literally just be some beetle guy because ITS FUNNY.
Btw new voice hc for Poob, flapjack (marvelous misadventure of flapjack) if he talked like wander (wander over yonder)
Been in the mood for funny little guys who say “GOOD MORNING WORLD AND ALL WHO INHABIT IT!”
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ssparksflyy · 3 months
hii, this is my first time requesting and I’m not very good with English, so I’m a bit nervous but, I read the Leo Valdez x daughter of Athena and I loved it! So could I request for some general headcanons for Leo Valdez x daughter of Athena? Totally okay if you don’t have time or anything!
thank you so much 💗💗🥰
ask and thou shall receive ༉‧₊˚.
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leo valdez dating hcs ! ° ༘⋆₊˚ෆ
pairing: leo valdez x daughter of athena!reader warning(s): none!! a/n: hii! tysm for requesting! i hope u enjoyed this, i love writing leo w a child of athena cause i can finally talk abt his smarts !!
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nerd alert!!
its ok tho cause you guys are always able to help each other out when u have an issue with wtv ur working on
leo asks u for advice and ur opinions whenever hes working on a project
i feel like leo would be popular bcs he's a mf social butterfly
which means he knows everything abt everyone
that's why his hair is so big, its full of secrets
so while ur mapping out a plan for the next capture the flag game, you'll ask him if he thinks your plan could work based on how well people know each other
like ur not gonna put 2 ppl with beef by each other, cause then they'll end up fighting each other and not focus on the game
yk? yk.
ur smarts definitely compliment each other, and ut always trying to learn more about each other's interests
leo's definitely picked up some books in ancient greek about battle techniques and architecture
as have you on mechanical engineering
sometimes at the end of the day, when ur laying on the couch in bunker nine together, he'll ask you questions on architecture, just to hear u talk about things ur passionate about
he just loves seeing ur eyes light up and adores the way you practically talk with your hands as well
call me maybe crazy
athena would actually kinda like him ?!
she doesnt appreciate his constant jokes
but she thinks hes smart ( bcs he is ) and knows he makes u happy
hephaestus also rlly likes you
he likes anybody who shows his kids love lowkey
which means he likes you extra
if u were ever to get married, leo would 100% make your engagment ring, but hephaestus would me the one who would make you two the most beautiful wedding rings
its his way of showing he cares as a father
all of cabin 9 loves you
i feel like cabin 6 and 9 (omg 69) were already good friends, so they were ecstatic when they heard their fav mfs finally got together
i feel like in the flirting era it was a lot of spending time together, but just being unable to confess your feelings
now you still spend a bunch of time together, but dont rely on longing glaces and lingering touches
leo is the touchiest mf we all know this
but when u touch him?? the boy is in shambles
this sound a little strange but i promise i dont mean it like that
like yea he loves holding ur hand and kissing your knuckles
but when you kiss his knuckles?? hes a flustered mess
when he cups your cheek and you kiss the palm of his hand, he goes craaazzzyyyy
bouncing off the walls nd everything
he loves it when you tell him random little facts nd shit
ur literally his google
his go-to when he has a question
hes super proud of his smart gf ok ??
leo and percy actually get closer when you start dating
cause now they can both obsessively talk abt their genius gfs
and theyve evolved from the "my gf is smarter" "no my gf is smarter" fights
you and annabeth used to find their fights funny tho
annabeth is literally so supportive :))
she trusts leo and knows he makes you happy and has also obvi noticed how u light up his world
she still plays a semi-protective big sister role
like if shes leo getting a little to close, she'll shoot him one of her warning looks, and he'll move a little further away
but other than that she literally loves u guys :)
morse code is used quite often with you two
especially at night, when you dont want to break the comfortable silence, so you tap messages onto each other's backs.
or when your in a crowded room
or when your talking shit
before you met leo, you had only known a little bit of morse code but as you became closer, he taught you more nd more ♡
he loves it when you read to him
ur like his personal podcast
when you finsh reading a book together, u both write reviews about the book and have them all in a little notebook ♡
leo is for sure the type of guy to take pictures of you 24/7, 365
he has his all time favs taped up by his bunk in cabin nine and ofc has some of his bulletin board in bunker nine
he has the rest saved in a box, along with a bunch of other trinkets from dates u went on :))
you have a box like this yourself, filled with pictures of him, trinkets, and metal flowers he's made you ♡♡
oh and you for sure have a spot
you stumbled acrosss it while on your way to bunker nine and showed it to leo immediately
its a small clearing in the trees, where the sun shines through the leaves, and theres a small patch of flowers ♡
u have most of ur dates there, it ur special little place
leo is literally ur most perfect scholar bf fr ♡
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a/n pt.2 : heyyy, i hope u enjoyed these hcs!! im trying out hair rollers overnight rn so its a little hard 2 lay down but we will manage! also heres a leo x child of athena moodboard that i did for my event :) anyway, have a good day/night!!
peace from manhattan,
percy jackson ♡
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Elliott propaganda:
“Just look at him. Pure hunk energy.”
“I will punch anyone who dislikes him. He’s like a fire emblem character in the modern day. He’s so flamboyant and handsome, he can play the piano and he’s best friends with the old fishing man!”
“dramatic writer man with sexy hair”
"Since I like elliott. I will state some reasons why I like him
Imagine if Mr. Darcy didn’t insult your family first time you met him, that’s Elliott. The man who’s basically the hallmark romance love interest. He’s a writer who moves to the small town in the country side to find inspiration for his writing. Then he finds the farmer.
He has a crab living in his pocket
He can play the piano (hopefully it isn’t the river flows in you however)
His fans sometimes hc him as a merman and that’s just a major plus IMO
He genre of the book he writes is dependent on what genre you say you like.
He also sends letters to you if you marry him
Okay and also some things I dislike
His liked gifts, the easiest one is pomegranates, which cost like 6000g to grow a tree if you don’t pick the fruit cave. I AM NOT GETTING SQUID INK IN YEAR ONE FOR YOU.
he might be British /j
The fact he has no kitchen but still likes food like lobster, like he is just a mystery. Lives in a cabin, with no kitchen, no washroom (okay no character has a washroom), but still likes the most fancy food out there and has luscious hair worthy of a L’Oréal ad.
Gifting him on rainy days when you don’t have two hearts"
Dimitri propaganda:
“He's chivalrous, he's blood thirsty, all rolled up into one package and calling you "his beloved". Get you a man who can do both.”
“My husband <3 He's schizophrenic just like me and I love him for that.”
"First, look at him. No disrespect to the monster lovers, but even if blonde, blue-eyed hunks aren't your thing, you can't deny that Dimitri is very pretty.
Second, one of the things I love most about Dimitri is how self aware he is of his privilege as a prince (or king) and how seriously he treats the gravity of his position. He has a strong sense of duty and wants to be a good leader who listens to and provides for the needs of all of his people. This includes the citizens of Duscur, who were nearly wiped out by his own countrymen in (mistaken) retaliation for his father's murder. His commitment to righting this wrong is one of his primary goals in life.
Third, while he is more than capable of crushing a man's skull with his bare hands, under normal circumstances he absolutely wouldn't. A large part of the reason why his fall is so shocking and devastating to witness is because by the time he snaps, we know that Dimitri is actually a kind and gentle soul who hates violence and understands that even his enemies are human. Even at his worst point he still recognizes this, which feeds into his extreme self loathing. He extends compassion and forgiveness to others but struggles mightily to allow himself any forbearance for his own mistakes. He's kind quite literally to a fault, as his empathy is both his greatest strength AND his biggest flaw and I find that as heartwarming as it is heartbreaking."
"Okay first for all the "he needs therapy haha funny" (and its annoying corollary "I can fix him") comments, 1) don't we all? And 2) you can't romance him til end game when he is in a much healthier place due to his own choice to change his priorities and the support of you and his friends. He battles daily with severe mental illness in a repressed society that doesn't talk about it. And on multiple occasions tells people that it is okay to feel your feelings and offers support despite his own struggles (I include that bc that is a date able trait to me). If he's not your fave that's cool, but leave the ableist language out of it pretty please 💙💙 Okay reasons he should be your boyfriend now!!
He calls you his beloved and wants to hold your hand 🥺
His happiest moments in game are when you smile
And in conclusion, he is shaped like a dorito and has a huge cloak to snuggle you up in"
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mitchellpete · 10 months
Dating Maverick (Headcanons)
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summary: What dating Mav is like. (In ‘86 and in TG:M)
pairing: pete “maverick” mitchell x gn!reader
genre: fluff, a bit of angst
word count: 1278
A/N: if anybody wants a drabble/one-shot or for me to expand on any one of these (or if you wanna just talk about or exchange hcs), drop me an inbox! 
1986 (and a few years after-ish)
Maverick is a very gentle lover. It didn’t seem so at first, with how cocky and flirty he might’ve been to catch your attention, but after the second date? So vulnerable and soft with you.
He can sing! Like actually super well. You noticed one day and now you ask him to sing when you can’t sleep. He was kind of self-conscious at first, used to singing with Goose in a playful, rowdy manner, as opposed to softly to you. He grew more comfortable as time passed, and now he likes to sing you his mother’s favorite songs.
But also gets incredibly obnoxious sometimes and will loudly impersonate Elvis while you’re trying to get something done.
Spontaneous road trips on his motorcycle (when he’s able). Dinner in Oceanside. Lunch in Palm Springs. A pick up in Vegas. A day in Phoenix. When? Now! Now?!
Knows the Southwest like the back of his hand, actually. It’s not as fun as flying, but driving through the wide, open stretch of desert with you clinging behind him is one of his absolute favorite pastimes.
Is from somewhere in the Southwest, therefore he absolutely hates the cold. Will have the heater on in the winter time and is not opposed to getting wrapped up in blankets by you. You tease him on how easily cold he gets, and he’ll playfully go “Whatever.”
You frequently find random candid photos of you. Taped to his wall, to his fridge, suddenly framed on his bedside table. He almost never mentions them until you laugh and point them out, to which he responds, “I thought you looked pretty there.” (With a shit-eating grin.)
Definitely has one in his F-14, by the way.
Is very stubborn about his attire. Very insistent on dressing like a cowboy at all times. You had to buy him his first pair of beach shorts.
Loves seeing you in his clothes; he’s crazy about it, actually.
Very cute lunch dates. He knows the best diners.
He likes taking you out for ice cream. Sometimes you share a cone and watch the sunset and the planes soaring through the sky. 
He’s the best kisser. He prefers soft, sensual kissing and it definitely has its effect on you.
He has a habit of leaving paper planes everywhere. Some with love notes in them, others with funny doodles. Sometimes it’s just both of your names written, a little heart in between. 
He rambles a lot. He’s very, very passionate about flying, and about his plane. Though you might not know what he’s talking about, nodding along with a simple smile and asking him a few questions makes him so happy. “Well, no, you see..” And then he goes on and on again. 
At the same time, Maverick can be difficult sometimes. Especially after Goose. Sometimes he feels he needs to be alone, but don’t take it personally. He appreciates your support, but he’s been conditioned to “suck it up and move on.” It weighs on him to have to try, so expect him to be a bit quieter at times, a bit slower. You can sit around with him as he sulks, your head on his shoulder to let him know you need him, and that he’s loved. That he doesn’t have to isolate.
You get to watch him visibly becoming Bradley’s father figure. 
“Hey, about tomorrow’s date. Can I bring the kid?” 
Melting when he’s got Bradley in his lap in front of you, making airplane noises with a french fry to watch Bradley giggle and clap. Your heart swells at how good he is with him.
“Pete.. You can’t take him to watch that movie; it’s not for kids.” His signature grin. “Carole won’t mind.”
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Still sings to you. Or, in general, really. He likes to hum while making you breakfast.
He writes all your dates on his calendar. 
He’s very playful with you. Likes making you double over in laughter because it usually results in you wrapping your arms around him and kissing him.
But he also enjoys when you tease him. Tell him there’s something he can’t do as well as he used to and boy, he will prove you wrong. He insists he’s getting better with age.
He’s still as flirty as ever. Except, you’re already dating, so he does it to watch how flustered you get. He loves making you blush.
He likes pet names. Sweetheart and honey are the ones he calls you the most.
He still does not like proper beach attire. Will roll up his jeans and call it a day.
He loves beach days with you, though. He likes laying back on the sand and watching you sunbathe, or play in the water.
You’re almost scared of phone calls now, with the way you’ve been called and informed of the accidents he’s been in while testing his planes. Though most are minor, you can’t help but worry that the next one might not be.
You’ve cried to him a couple times, making him promise he’ll be careful.
He’s a bigger cuddler at his older age, with the habit of pulling you from where you stand, from whatever you’re doing, and tugging you into bed with him.
He likes it when you play with his hair. It’ll lull him to sleep sometimes. Especially when you gently massage at his scalp, and bonus if you’re giving him kisses too. The fastest way to get him asleep, truly.
Alternatively, he also likes playing with yours. He’ll randomly twirl a strand when you’re in front of him, will tuck another behind your ear, will softly intertwine his fingers in it while you lay on him. 
When he’s able, sleeping in together. As often as he can. 
He notices you so well. If something is bothering you, he’ll make sure to find out what it is. He’s also a very good problem solver (duh, but with mundane things too). You feel like he deals with a lot, so you don’t always take every single one of your problems to him, but boy, when he figures out something is wrong? Expect him to walk you through the simplest of things if that’s what you need. He has an unbelievable amount of patience with you. And if it’s something he can’t help with, he’ll at least want to be there with you as you deal with it. He can be the best listener if you need him to be.
Is a lot more domestic and able to settle down. Likes the idea of having a “home” with you. (Not that he didn’t when he was younger, but he feels more grounded now. More grown up. Able to breathe a bit better.)
He makes your coffee just the way you like it. If he’s up before you, he always wakes you up with it, and a kiss on the forehead.
The days spent in his hangar. 
Sometimes, in the summer, a late night thunderstorm will pass through, and there’s nothing more thrilling than cuddling up to him in the trailer, the both of you giggling at the sound of the rain pattering and the loud cracks of thunder. 
But also the days! Though he’ll be occupied with something, you’re always a mere 10 feet away, reading or sketching or entertaining yourself in whatever way you can. Other times you just watch him work. Other times you ask him to tell you his infamous stories, or about his dad. He’ll have sort of a sad smile as he talks, but you know that he loves talking about the past. You make sure to always make room for it in the tranquility of the desert.
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rottmnt-residuum · 1 year
Any other LGBTQ+ Headcannons that are canon is the comic??;)
*patiently awaits Cupioromantic Donnie*
hmm... had to think about this for a while and talk about it with co-author, but here's what we got. we mostly base this stuff on how plausible it is in show/if there's evidence for it. with a dash of personal experience. This only applies to residuum, btw. I have different personal headcanons for these characters outside the comic.
april: lesbian. this is mostly based off of the fact that most aprils get with their caseys & the comment she said to dale. which could be taken as disinterest in dale specifically, but she seemed more concerned with impressing that popular girl earlier and that reads as more... saphic, i suppose. or at the very least homoromantic.
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raph: raph is just raph. we look at him and basically just *tv static*. go crazy. all we got is jokes or stuff that has too little evidence to support. so, yeah, he's whatever you want him to be i guess?
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leo: trans. already said my reason in the other post. also, gay. if gay were a power source he could power the entirety of the united states for five months straight without a single power outage. failing power grid notwithstanding (< thats the actual word. its supposed to be mushed together like that. wack.).
donnie: as much as i'd like him to be ace/aro spectrum rep, he just doesn't have the evidence in show for us to apply it to him in this comic. it's funny, for being hc as ace so often he sure is the most outwardly romantic/sexual turtle in the show lmao. one! cherry: "you're so cute, but you're so mean! why do i always go for your type?" two! astrogirl?? (whatever her name is) he is very very romantic with her. he has a type y'all. also just look at those two, he's a leg man lmao (bootyyshaker9000 anyone? ha!) anyway. and with the bromance/instant chemistry he had with that one guy in the purple dragons... Pan. or possibly Omni as he does seem to favor... cute brutal femme... Yeah. Omnisexual.
(you have no idea how fucking bad i want this boy to be ace spectrum. hes got the colors y'all!! The Colors!!!!! but alas... i am bound by my canon plausibility creed for this comic)
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mikey: ace. possibly ace/aro. he shows interest in literally no-one. we're aware that the common hc is pan but... we know a pan 13 year old, and let me tell you ahahahaha, kids going through puberty are very uncomfortable to be around sometimes, especially around their partners. or crushes. and mikey... well, that boy is ace behavior personified lmao. aces in the back you get what we mean right?? right??? anyway commiting to aroace
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#residual asks#rottmnt#i really get a kick out of he/him butch lesbian raph and ghostbear-sexual raph#but i'd never use those seriously. or at least in this comic#co-author says what they get if they really had to choose for raph is ace homoromantic#but otherwise...#he's just raph#like we can't apply any identity to him. and we really mean ANY identity. not even straight or umbrella terms like queer#its a very odd feeling#i also really like trans april but we don't have enough evidence for it#in fact there's actually counter evidence- but don't let that stop your dreams y'all. it just stops ours :P#sorry for stepping on your donnie dreams anon#but honestly i think that label applies more to 2012 donnie imo#i really do personally prefer ace/aro donnie. but i'd make everyone ace if i were able lmao#co-author would also do the same thing ahaah#i just don't like depicting romantic relationships. or attraction ahahaah#with mikey... we get why people hc him as pan... but like its a fandomism stereotype#that literally every fandom applies to optimistic friendly characters. and honestly i really don't like the fandomism stereotypes#i just find them... unenjoyable i guess#cuz like y'alll... your sexuality isn't inherently determined by your personality or vise versa#cuz like i know for sure that in fandom spaces- if i were a character- i'd be stereotyped as pan or a hypersexual cis het#to which i am neither. at all.#and co-author would be stereotyped as the demure femme book lesbian#which they are VERY much not#and i know this because i've been fandomified by people in my life more than once#it is a very uncomfortable experience y'all#whoops rant in the tags#residuum#rottmnt residuum#residuum wb
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wjehfshs · 10 months
Keegan and Logan relationship HCs both fluffy and smutty bc I’m on a kick for them rn (seperate)
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This is gonna contain NSFW, also don’t ask me why I put hello kitty as the GIF I just felt like it
I think everyone can agree this man’s cuddly
I saw someone hc (I can’t remember who) that he bites affectionately
Like will just bite your shoulder or smth
Also he rides a motorcycle (he’s better at driving it than a car, thankfully), and he loves to take you on rides at night for a date
First getting with him you probably had to confess, look he’s not insecure or anxious it’s just that he didn’t pick up on you liking him as well
Kinda just stood there after you asked him out like “😦”
“Kid stop messin’ with me it’s not funny”
“I’m not messing with you Keegan”
“Oh… Oh!” Got all excited internally but tried to keep that stoic demeanour
First time cuddling with him (which was probably right after you confessed) he lay on top of you, putting his full weight on you (if safe to do so ofc), and basically just melted, almost fell asleep if you didn’t have to get up to use the bathroom
Anytime before he has to go on a mission he’s extra cuddly, basically glued to you
And if you work day or night he’s devastated
Part of him wants to convince you to quit your job so he can have you all to himself when he’s home and he also makes very good money, but if you genuinely like your job/career. He’s supporting you 110% and won’t say anything
Will have you on his lap as he plays games or watches TV with you
If you also play games even better, sometimes he lets you win just to see you happy
But if you naturally beat him at a game where we didn’t let you win he’s all pouty and shit
Still can’t help but let his heart skip a beat when he sees you all excited, even if you’re rubbing your win in his face
If you have a cat, the cat and him are standoffish at first, kinda fighting for your attention but now they can’t be separated
Spends like a good 2 hours saying good bye to the cat before he is deployed
Falls asleep with it on his chest
If you have a dog he’s all over it immediately, treats it like it’s his childhood dog or smth
You catch him cuddling with the dog while watching TV, sometimes even falls asleep while watching and the dog just sits there with a smile on its face
Probably prefers big dogs but doesn’t mind either way
After he gets home from a mission no matter how long he was away, he’s hugging you, kissing you, and lifting you up in his arms in the middle of the airport like you haven’t seen each other in 5 years, doesn’t care if people are staring at all
If you get embarrassed he may tone it down a bit but he just can’t help himself
If you two get married/have a traditional wedding, he’s so impatient, just wants to kiss you
When he’s told he can he just wraps you in a bear hug and kisses you, he’s just so happy that he gets to be with you
If you don’t want to get married/don’t want a traditional wedding he’s also totally fine with that
Doesn’t care if you’re married or not, doesn’t care if the wedding is traditional or not he’s just so happy to be with you
You two don’t make out for very long when you do because he’s also impatient in that area, can’t control himself sometimes he gets so worked up
He’s into some very kinky stuff (only with consent and very long talks from you two)
He also likes biting in the bedroom, if you aren’t ok with it he won’t draw blood or hurt you two bad but if you give him the ok, or even better want it, he’s having a field day
When he’s away he lives for phone sex with you
When domming he’s rough (unless you ask him not too or you’re more vanilla), but if either of you are having a bad day or smth he’s soft and very vanilla
When he’s having a bad day tho he prefers to sub, I think he’s pretty quiet when subbing, not for any particular reason, just is
Covers his mouth when subbing because even when being dommed he loves to hear you moan
Not above being pegged/anal
I’ve mentioned this in a couple of past posts but I fully believe that Keegan is a tit man
Doesn’t matter if they’re big, small, uneven, different sizes, covered in stretch marks, have hair, fake, or on a man HE. LOVES. TITS.
Will bury his head in them when cuddling and Will also occasionally cover them in hickeys
Also loves cumming all over them
If you don’t say otherwise, he’s all over them. You cannot detach this man from your boobs
If you’re insecure about them his mouth is not leaving them until you feel better
He would never admit this but he loves when you make him cum all over his clothes/in his pants
If you’re ok with it, he’ll do stuff like choking, spitting, specifically in your mouth/on your tongue, and the occasional ass slap (but remember consent is key guys)
He LOVES to eat you out, female genitalia or male genitalia he doesn’t care
Eye contact>>>
A bit of a dirty secret of his but he loves when you look away so he can hold your face and force you to look at him
Dirty talk dirty talk dirty talkkkkk
Oral fixation
He’s a bit of an anxious lover
Also less experienced than Keegan
He’s not clueless but you may have to guide him on some stuff
Very protective of you
Unlike Keegan, he can actually be trusted behind the wheel of a car
He prefers to show his love through acts of service
That’s not to say he doesn’t love any kind of affection giving or receiving
But there’s just something about being able to cook you breakfast while you’re asleep, taking care of you while you’re sick, and helping you pick out an outfit
Although I do have to admit he does also enjoy being taken care of
But he prefers to take care of you than be taken care of
Please cuddle this man likes he’s the most precious thing ever made, he needs it
He’s too embarrassed to admit it but he loved when you whisper and coo at him
And if you cuddle him while playing with his hair, this man is out COLD
But equally he loves when you fall asleep on top of him
I believe since he’s the youngest of the Walker family, he probably feels insecure about his strength so if you fall asleep wrapped in his arms it’ll make him feel big and strong
Cold days where you can cuddle with him>>>
His kisses are soft and calm
He was the one to confess, well kinda
Hesh did it for him
Hesh just kinda strolled up to you casually one day with Logan silently standing behind him
“Hey [name]! How are you? Cool cool. Anyways just letting you know Logan’s in love with you… bye!” And then he walks off leaving you and Logan alone
And it just went from there
Hesh wasn’t stupid, he knew you both liked each other but Logan wasn’t convinced
The only reason he let Hesh confess to you for him was because Hesh promised to treat him to a “sorry dinner” if he was wrong and you didn’t feel the same
Luckily Hesh was right
While Keegan is a biter, Logan is more of a licker
He won’t just randomly lick you like Keegan but he’ll probably kiss you somewhere and leave a little lick for shits and giggles
I do believe he’s selectively mute
So most of the time he doesn’t talk at all but I’m rare occasions he’ll whisper something to you and only you
Probably something like “baby I’m tired… can we go home?”
Or “I love you so so much”
It’s like a special treat just for you
He tries to take as many photos of you and the both of you together, prints it out, and takes the little photo with him on missions
Prefers to soft dom
But either way he will absolutely destroy your insides as he kisses all up and down your torso
If he’s subbing, please crush this man’s head in between your thighs
Doesn’t matter if they’re thick, thin, fatty, muscly, whatever please just crush him
He wants to suffocate between them
He would happily die in between your legs
Also gets whiny when subbing
Jerk this man off while he whines and begs, bucking his hips up into your hands
Not really as kinky as Keegan but loves being rough or you being rough on him
Doesn’t matter if you have a dick yourself or use a strap on, he wants to deep throat it
Will bend you in half when fucking you
Especially when he’s close
If he’s feeling mean one day he will manhandle you
Flipping you from position to position on the bed, basically throwing you around like a rag doll
Sometimes he’ll wear his mask while you two will do it
Aftercare with him is top tier tho, kisses, maybe a bath or shower, food if you’re hungry, water, maybe even a hot chocolate
As I said earlier he loves to take care of you
Prefers things clean but does like cumming on your face
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lxmine · 1 year
Heyy! I’m the person that asked for the pt 2 for the chest hc’s <3 I was wondering if you can do kissing hc’s for dottore, childe, Capitano, or Al haitham? (Separate) I loveee your writing <3
❝shut up.❞ + dottore, childe, capitano, al haitham
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+. fluff, lots of kissing, slight suggestive
+. summary ; genshin men kissing head canons <3
+. A/N yawl this isnt smut ok T-T but its kinda suggestive but not rlly, as you know im a minor so i wont be writing it too smutty LMAO AND THANK YOU GUYS FOR SUPPORTING ME! I HAVE REACHED 60 FOLLOWERS AND U GUYS DONT KNOW HOW GREATFUL I AM FOR THIS <33 ILY GUYS SO MUCH
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your first kiss with him was just kinda normal. this dude does not make a single reaction when he kissed you for the first time.
not bcuz he didnt like it, it was just its so he could tease you about it.
“did… you not like it?” “oh dear, i was spacing out, darling. would you mind doing it again?” he smirks as he sits down on his chair and then pulls you closer by the waist, while looking up at you.
he loves it when you get all shy on him.
he’s not a fan of pda but i think if needed to be obvious, he would take off his mask while glaring at the person who was trying to get with you and just pull you in close and LITERALY make out with you.
he’s a sadist of course he loved the embarrassed look on your face.
but if you’re feeling sad and if he loves you enough to even comfort you (i dont think he’ll be that affectionate and just date for the thrill of it or just so he could have you as a personal test subject, but he’s hot) he’ll sit you on his lap and kiss you on your neck while he listens to your problem.
he also loves your neck sm, like when youre at home and wearing something that reveals your neck, he’d come behind you, arms wrapped around your waist as he kisses your neck softly.
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bro is majestic, passionate, and good at kissing ;)
i really like the thought of him being a big softie because!? why not!?!?!
whenever the two of you are cuddling, and your face is buried against his chest, he’s give you small head kisses or forehead kisses cuz he loves you sm.
kisses with a warning, “may i kiss you?” everytime he wants to. he’s a gentle man okay!?
daily forehead kisses from him <333
would have you sitting on his lap while yall make out 0_0
his arms or hand will always be on your waist no matter what.
insecure? of your face? your tummy?? don’t you worry dear, capitano is here to kiss it better <3
would kiss your insecurities away while sweet talking to you.
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no shame at all T-T in front of the other harbingers? yeah, definitely would kiss you out of no where to piss everyone off.
make out sessions 3x a day just like a meal fr (HELP THIS IS SO FUNNY)
love love love loves to hugs you so tight while you kiss.
he admires capitano so just like him, he loves having you on his lap while making out too, with his hand on your waist.
bites your lower lip whenever he gets cheeky.
sleepy kisses on the neck/chest whenever you cuddle and he’s the little spoon and forehead/head kisses whenever he’s the big spoon <3
just loves kissing you everywhere and anywhere in general tbh.
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al haitham
unlike childe, he likes to keep it lowkey.
holding hands under the table while the two of you study together, stealing kisses whenever no one’s looking.
but his personal favorite is kissing you at the library behind the big bookshelves whenever the two of you are alone.
holding you on the neck softly while he pecks your lips several times with a small smile on his face.
whenever he gets jealous of your mates, he would simply just steal you away from them and take you somewhere the two of you could be alone and just… make out.
kaveh isn’t new to catching the two of you in act, in fact he’s caught the two of you more than he could count by his fingers. and he’s tired of it T-T bro feels very single.
the first time was when you and al haitham are left in a classroom and your arms were wrapped around his neck and his around your waist.
“what the… fuck did i just walk in to??”
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THIS TOOK SOSOSOSOSOSOSO LONG IM SO SORRY T-T BUT NOW I HAVE OVER 80+ FOLLOWERS OMGG THANKYOUGUYS SM I LOVELOVELOVELOVEYOU ALL ISTG anyways this took too long but i rushed it T-T im sorry nonny </3 pls send more requests so i could busy myself because were having a week long break <33
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pokemenlovingmen · 10 months
Okay!! I was able to counter act the links being funky in my app by opening your blog in my mobile browser!!!! so I was able to read your rules n stuff so now I can finally request (yusss!!! also, I saw the "ingo,,, again" under the PLA characters you write for and it made me think "ingo 2,,, electric boogaloo" heheheh. also yeah fuck kamado, all my homies hate kamado)
okay, could I please request a lil drabble (if you only do hc's thats fine of course! I just couldnt find it clearly if you only do hc's) of Adaman taking care of a reader who is on bed rest and healing? the exact stuff of how and what is up to you, for me its more so the comfort and caring side, not so much the angst side (so like, nothing thats like "omg reader was near death" pls?). gender of the reader I dont mind, just do what youre most comfortable with and yee!! thank youuuu
Hi you’ve been such a kind supporter I’m sorry it took me so long to get to you!! And yeah. Fuck Kamado. That exile would have been my villain origin story if the game gave me more agency, I swear to god.
And conversely, we love Adaman. They put him in pokemas and my quality of life has improved significantly <3
Oh and I’m sorry about the lack of clarity of what I do! I do only HCs, but at the level of detail I can’t stop myself from including, they’re kinda like a weird fusion between drabble and headcanons.
Healing Takes Time — Adaman x M!Reader
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💎 — Hisui is a dangerous place and injuries ranging from minor to severe are all too common. So Adaman’s not exactly a stranger to presiding over loved ones on bed rest.
💎 — Doesn’t mean he’s good at it, though.
💎 — Mai reminds him that the slow passage of time is just as important as things that happen in the quick, efficient manner that he prefers as well. It’s not a slight from Mighty Dialga being displeased, it’s just the nature of time. But he can’t just stand around when it comes to your health! Yes, rest takes time, he’s aware, but all this waiting feels the same as doing nothing to him.
💎 — Mai basically has to keep him away from you constantly because he’s always fretting over you, which is definitely sweet of him even if it’s not exactly helpful, but it is funny to watch the cartoonish shenanigans of Mai trying to constantly shoo Adaman away from the medical tent.
💎 — Even if what you’re recovering from isn’t serious, you’d never be able to guess that from how he behaves.
💎 — He essentially becomes your primary nurse and seldom lets you out of his sight if he can help it (thanks to Mai being the reasonable one, he usually can’t).
💎 — Once things calm down though, after the first two or three days when your recovery progress is becoming quite apparent, he’s less frazzled and more willing to leave you be. He just can’t help that impatience winning out, though, sometimes.
💎 — He’ll be there to help you with maintaining yourself while you rest, sitting beside your futon while you recover, brushing your hair so you don’t have to, keeping a fresh cold compress on you at all times if the problem is that you’re sick and feverish, changing your bandages if it’s an injury, all that.
💎 — If you’re okay with it, he’ll also happily bring his Leafeon to see you for some good old fashioned grass-type aromatherapy. I know Leafeon can’t actually learn the move aromatherapy, but it’s clearly made of plants and must have some kind of floral/herbal smell.
💎 — And since we know he is a house husband in the making guy with an interest in cooking, you bet he’ll be bringing you all manner of home-cooked meals.
💎 — He’s so dutiful, oftentimes he doesn’t go back to his own tent for the night and will instead fall asleep on the cold floor next to your futon.
💎 — Adaman is very sure to keep you abreast of all goings-on in the clan, usually nothing much of interest, but he does uncharacteristically bring you all sorts of gossip. It’s not that he likes to gossip, but while you’re bedridden he can’t think of much to entertain you with so this is what he’s settled on. And also he probably would like to vent his multitude of frustrations with Melli specifically because you just know 3/5 instances of drama involve some kind of category 5 Melli moment.
💎 — Once you start to recover and leave your bedridden state, he’s still just as present as he was before.
💎 — If it was an injury he’s always making sure you’re not overexerting yourself, and if it’s something that happened to your legs, he’s volunteering to help you walk around so you don’t put too much pressure on the injury.
💎 — For illness he’ll always be on your case about taking whatever medicines/remedies you were instructed to, because your recovery has already taken ages (to him) already, and he’s not sure he can bear seeing you sick for much longer.
💎 — Regardless of the reason you’re bedridden, he’ll always give you a kiss on the forehead when he enters the tent and before he leaves—though if you’re sick, he musters the self control to wait. Ideally he can keep that up, but he might get a little impatient… oh well. He needs to remind you how much he loves you, and if he ends up getting what you have, he knows you’ll care for him just as dutifully as he did you.
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hadesisonlyalad · 5 months
yk i dont post a lot on tumblr but we all saw that red flags post so im gonna take a moment of ur time to say something on each merc and the red flags listed for them. im doing a read more incase u havent seen the “mercs red flags” headcanon post and it does not flood ur page
both the medic and engie things with “not wanting to spend time with you/wont make time for you” is SUCH bullshit if that was the case they wouldnt even date you. and then ur telling me engie tf2, DELL CONAGHER, would NEVER want to take you on a date? like ever??? u are INSANE. And then sorry to tackle medic and engie in the same paragraph but they had a lot of common “””””red flags””””” that were listed. why would he yell at you. he hardly even yells in general (based off comics and voice lines) if anything hes just kinda a loud person 💀 AND YOU BRINGING UP ONE THING WONT MAKE HIM SUDDENLY IGNORE YOU FOR DAYS LIKE?? he KNOWS hes committing medical malpractice btw. he would not leave you for bringing that up he is WELL AWARE of what hes doing. and we see him CANONICALLY DISCIPLINE ARCHIMEDES IN MEET THE MEDIC, WHY WOULD HE TOLERATE HIS BIRDS ATTACKING YOU????
also why are we listing an addiction as a “red flag” what the fuck is wrong with you. i get not wanting to date someone with an addiction, its a valid concern, but thats SO much more serious than a “red flag” or “ick”??? LIKE ARE YOU OKAYYYY???????
i’m fine with the miss pauling ones, at least two of them, because yeah, it’s canon that she doesn’t have the most time and i imagine if ur not a merc or work in that area a relationship might be a bit hard? but shes an honest person, i don’t think she’s gonna lie to you. idk im very neutral about the pauling ones, if anything theyre the most in character of this shithole list.
all i have to say for pyro is like. yk those people who hc pyro as aroace except theyre super weird about it? like theyre either infantilizing them or have weird ableist feelings about pyro? yeah thats the vibes im getting. actually wait where did u pull codependent pyro from actually wtf
i think the “tryna live like hes 20” thing for spy is really fucking funny 💀 like go girl go live through that middle age crisis!!/j no but seriously. hes dating you hes gonna think you’re a 10, and even then YOU’RE SAYING IF YOU AGE AT ALL HE’LL LEAVE YOU??? CANON MILF LOVER SPY. “OFF TO VISIT YOUR MOTHER!” SPY TF2. WILL LEAVE YOU IF YOU GET OLD AND AGE AT ALL…? HE LIKES HIS WOMEN LIKE HE LIKES HIS WINE MOTHERFUCKER: AGED. sorry bad joke lets keep going uh- i think the other hcs are garbage too i just really hate specifically this spy hc. just this one specifically.
im not a sniper connoisseur, my friend will is way better versed in sniper’s characterization, but even i know this isnt sniper. “thinks if he argues long enough he’ll win”…? “cannot support you in anything”?!!?! “IF YOU’RE HIS FRIEND AND YOU TWO GET INTO A BAD ARGUMENT PREPARE TO NEVER SEE HIM AGAIN” IM GENUINELY AT A LOSS FOR WORDS. I JUST. I DONT..? WHAT DO I EVEN SAY. I DONT K N O W WHAT TO SAY. BUT IF I DID KNOW WHAT TO SAY I’D BE SAYING VERY BAD THINGS.
i dont think scout is misogynistic- i see why people think that but me personally i just think he has no game and people mistake it as violent misogyny for some reason. but. listen we know scout is a dick we do okay but he loves women. why would he cheat on you.? bro he’d be glad u picked him 😭 AND THEN THE PERIOD THING?? he was raised by a SINGLE MOM do you REALLY think shes gonna raise him and let him think that way about a natural body function. im speaking entirely from the single mom experience and the answer is NO!!!! also how is loving your mother a red flag. being the youngest child is also a red flag, i guess. and having issues with his dad. (/s) also, second verse same as the first: IF HES DATING YOU HE THINKS YOU’RE A 10 WHAT IS SO HARD TO FUCKING GET ABOUT THISHXWHBVWBWBXvqvsbs?1?2!2’wndjwke
uhhh soldier wasnt. here for some reason. so nothing to say about him.
anyway leave ur opinions below. i rly dont wanna get into any tumblr drama or internet drama at all bc it scares me dearly and im always self conscious about leaving a bad digital footprint especially over something as petty as tf2 drama but i cannot stand for this slander I CANNOT‼️‼️‼️‼️ sorry if u also think im mischaracterizing anyone here i only put hours of studying into my fav mercs and thats. abt it,, listen im silly okay
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cosmic-cogs · 1 year
So, I want uh... an Autobot (NB) reader and Soundwave, both pinning on each other and in a more calm battle (maybe 2v1) readers "subtlety" compliments him in his battle skills and the other member of the team prime is like 'THAT'S THE ENEMY' while Soundwave is completely calm about it, at least in the exterior and beating their asses. You are welcome to add whatever you like, and if it was headcannons I would be pleased
(I am aware that that would be extremely ooc from Soundwave but it's was a funny idea in my head 😔)
You get both hc's and a short blurb, aren't I so delightfully evil? Also I don't know how I managed to make this into angst but I hope you like it.
Pairing: tfp!Soundwave x nb!autobot!reader, romantic
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Missions with Bulkhead were, simply put, fun. There were no real restrictions, safe for the obvious once like "don't cause human casualties" and "aim for the spark but torture isn't cool". No one would complain in the background as the wreckers lived up to their name and utterly wrecked the surrounding area.
Bulkhead didn't complain about the mess, no, but he did complain about… other things. 
"Oh! Such elegance and grace! He moves like he's air~' the bot practically purrs in admiration as they stare at the sleek Decepticon who's very much so trying to get somebody killed today.
"Uh- hey you do remember that he's the enemy, right? Haven't hit your processor and forgotten that, have you?" Bulkhead asks as he barely dodges another attack from Soundwave, giving his teammate an opening to shoot, which they gladly take. To no one's surprise Soundwave gracefully moves to the side and dodges the energy blast, "I knoooow, it's such a shame the cute ones are all Decepticons, right?" "I- have you lost your mind?!" "First Knockout, then Breakdown, and now him!  I mean seriously, what's with that?" "(N/N) now is not the time for this" talking and fighting at the same time come to the pair like breathing comes to humans, at this point it's just how things are. They kick ass and exchange their thoughts in the process. 
"If not now, when?! I can't just gush over him at the base! Arcee would yell at me" they frown, taking another shot at the con, finally landing a hit though it barely even scrapes his paint job. 
Bulkhead is so done. If it was anyone else- correction- if this was an autobot his friend was gushing over he'd be nothing but supportive. Truly he wishes them all the best. 
Not with a goddamn Decepticon though. He's internally begging that they're just messing with him.
They aren't. 
Miko definitely sneaked through the groundbridge to witness the battle and yeah she definitely heard and yeah she definitely ships it.
In a sense, Soundwave is completely unaffected by the compliments. Of course had this been a time of peace he would have entertained the thought of returning the affections, but he knows it's a foolish thought now. His spark may yearn for a lover but he denies the call, he won't betray his cause, not after everything he's done in its name, and he knows the autobot is unlikely to betray their friends.
He's neutral toward the compliments, he doesn't need the praise, he's not blind to his talents. He knows he's graceful, agile, and though he doesn't give it much consideration he knows he's beautiful in the eyes of many.
Though slowly and slightly he warms up to the bot. They seem kind, he might be a Decepticon but that is still a trait he admires, even if he more often than not would take advantage of such a trait.
As time goes forward, slowly he starts to go just slightly easier. Gives them a second longer to dodge, doesn't immediately go for their spark. 
Small changes, but once he hopes they can notice. 
Maybe after the war is over, regardless of whose victory it'll be, maybe then he could spare them more of his time, get to know them a little better. Return their compliments, allow himself to open up to them.
But that is all wishful thinking, he's aware of as much. But it's a wish he keeps close to his spark.
Perhaps he would meet his doom by their servo, or perhaps he would extinguish their spark before that wish ever came true, they were in the middle of a brutal war after all. 
He's fully aware that each fight could very well be his last, or theirs. He knows that each time seeing them could be the last, he tries to savor those brief moments.
Either way, whatever the future holds, however the story goes, he hopes that their face would be the last thing he sees. Be that because they bested him in battle, or because they'll be the last thing he'll be thinking of, along with his long lost cassettes.
There was a time they met alone in a barren battlefield, or, now it was just a field.
There was no need to fight, no real desire to.
Both were standing face to face with an enemy, yet neither made the move to kill.
No, for that brief moment they looked around and exchanged their wordless confessions. 
The world was still, for a moment it felt like the years of endless bloodshed were yet to happen, or almost as if they never existed at all.
It felt like they were back home on Cybertron. The other's presence didn't feel like the one of an enemy, no. Instead it felt like they were both new sparks who had met for the first time, yet at the same time it felt like they'd known each other for all their lives. 
It felt like all these eons spent at war had been pointless after all. 
They stared at him for a little longer and he stared back, he didn't need to say a word, they understood the meaning easily.
"After the war"
"After the war"
That was a promise he could only hope he could keep.
But as the cruel and unrelenting fate, which at this point he assumes to be vengeful, would have it, he was right. That accursed moment of separation came eventually. Not because death tore them apart, rather it was the fault of humans. 
Now he was to roam this lonely realm, Shadowzone, alone, silently watching as the bot he'd made his sweet promise had to quietly grieved for him in solitude. 
After all, Bulkhead was under the impression they were merely joking, and how could they ever tell the others the reason behind their sparkache? As if they'd understand the pain that came with this loss, one they needed to cope with by their lonesome. He was their enemy yet he was undeniably loved by them. But now it seemed that said love could never truly bloom, not even after the war as they'd once promised to one another.
He never left their side, not till they went too far for him to follow, back to Cybertron. 
Now he's alone.
Even still, he hopes that one day he'll be able to keep his word. 
"After the war"
He'll wait for that moment for as long as it takes, but at the same time he wonders.
Will they be waiting for him as well?
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ganondoodle · 10 months
need help for rewrite
so ... im still stuck trying to decide who fits what sage role best, mainly its a tie between purah and monk miz kyoshia for the role of spirit sage, current plan is that the spirit temple is located beneath the forgotten plateau and is accessed via shrine of life/the DLC dungeon from kyoshia but its broken and leads into the temple
purah pro
female character in a mostly male cast in the sages roles
tech enthusiast = tie in with mineru
kinda hinted at in the game to be a sage but then isnt (imo)
possible tie in with josha so she actually gets something to do
possibly fun companion for a dungeon
already gives link his shiekah prosthetic arm and its abilities + upgrades
doesnt seem that spiritual all things considered
what would her ability be?/would a guardian laser fit her??
doesnt seem to have any magical capability without her tech (then again does mineru?)
monk kyoshia pro
hes cool :)
very spiritual
would be a very unexpected choice
located right where the temple starts
can do a guardian laser just like that
having a floaty mummy monk in the sage meeting would be kinda funny
possibly having funny interactions with koga as he/the yiga seem to take after the original shiekah alot before they were split (plus my HC of koga having been a monk from the same time as well ... should they know each other ..??)
he was a DLC character
another male character, making zelda and riju be the only sages
duplicated moveset with koga, what would be the most logical ability to gain from him and in turn whats more iconic for koga? (as in AoC tho non canon koga does a laser thingy too, would be neat to pick that up here, then again kyoshia and koga both teleport like nobodies business)
lore clash bc he should know too much, he could tell everyone whats going on robbing away alot of the mystery (and if not mentioned, is there a good excuse?) plus would render alot of the research into new tech useless bc he might know all of that .. unless being monk doesnt mean also knowing the tech ..
possibly less fun companion for a dungeon
additionally, zelda mainly being the sage of light (perhaps the time thing being just an inate thing the shiekah arm can do bc its a more developed version of the stasis rune) could also mean she could do a laser attack as we see rauru do, then again the moldora attack is not part of the rewrite so if ever used by rauru its when he and ganondorf fight one on one in one of the new memories which brings up the problem of what would be the most logical ability to gain from either, is the teleport the yiga do not a little .. to little impactful for someone like koga? also kyoshia can do the same, again a moveset overlap and .. if it was purah instead, what is her ability (same problem with paya, she doesnt have any ability either .. tho i could imagine giving you a shield like sidon does in canon and change sidon ability to be something healing related bc of mipha?)
if i took kyoshias ability to make clones of himself as an ability (since you dont have the sages running around you in the rewrite) as a distraction tech and battle support, would it fit koga more to have a laser attack or the teleport? i kinda like the idea of giving zelda the laser attack bc she rarely gets an overly offensive role
more thoughts, if it was kyoshia, couldnt he just waltz around with you all the time bc he doesnt have any leadership roles he needs to furfill? or perhaps he cant leave the area of the shrine of life, hes a mummy after all, would that be a good excuse? (thought about impa too bc it would be cool to have an old character kicking ass in the main team, but after giving her role to paya she doesnt have any reason why she wouldnt be able to tag along everywhere too)
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itsallgrianhere · 3 months
avian grian headcanons?!? yes. (I HAVE SO MANY GRIAN HEADCANONS AND IM HERE TO SHARE.)
birds normally have hollow bones to support themselves while flying—and its widely accepted that avians have to be short to stay suspended in the air, grian is no exception. meaning yes, hes easy to pick up and carry! so the hermits dont really mind when he perches on them, they find it funny
he naturally likes being in higher places
grian gives feathers to all the hermits as a sort of way to say theyre part of his flock (avian instincts) also i hc that his favorite fruit is apples, idk why
theoretically, if avian grian has bird legs/feet, a hallux talon would be very important, as thats what lets some birds hang or latch onto things—so useful for building!
grian, despite being lightweight and short, prefers claymores and axes as weapons because why not
(i love yapping about him)
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tvbbosdarling · 4 months
Caregiver Dazai hcs
Warnings: None! (Surprising considering its Dazai right?)
Notes: I ACCIDENTLY POSTED THIS WHEN I HADN'T FINISHED IT YET :( anyway, I don't understand bsd characterization yet.. So if Dazai seems reallyy ooc I'm sorry :[ This is centered around reader or you~ But if you want him for actual characters feel free to send an ask and request :D
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- Dazai is a very excited caregiver, he likes taking care of you and he isn't afraid to show it! He's very affectionate- Hand holding, kissing your forehead, holding you close. Lots of hugs!! And I mean lots.
- But Dazai is also secretly, very overprotective. He keeps you safe in ways you wouldn't notice unless you looked closely, but you are much too small for that !! So let Dazai cuddle you instead of walking near that alleyway- "Oh- Nope! No going over there~ It's cuddle time!!"
- Speaking of him being secretly overprotective, he's so silly that you won't notice him glaring at anybody who comes a bit too close for his liking!! If he even hears of port mafia members walking near the place you two are headed (because he obviously can sense Chuuya coming a mile away) he will switch walking routes instead of doing his thing where he purposefully walks down that road.
- He will probably baby you even when you're big, which means it's impossible to ignore your regression with him.. And you better not try. You're too busy? Not anymore!! You wanna focus on a project? Uh.. Nope!~ You can't regress? That's alright! Just let him wrap you in a blanket, give you a paci and watch your favorite cartoons together.
- Dazai uses you as an excuse alot to get out of doing paperwork- Kunikida is yelling at him and Dazai is just pouting, "My baby needs me! I can't stay here when my precious baby needs help-" and the thing you need help with is changing your cartoons, somehow it takes three hours before Dazai comes back to do paperwork.. But oh! Atsushi finished it already sooo-
- Dazai coos at you. Constantly. 24/7. You will literally breathe and Dazai is dying from how adorable you are, People know to avoid the room where you can hear the high pitched- "Awh you are such a cutie!!!- oh you need help? Ofcourse- AWHHH~~~"
- In the agency, no one cares you regress. However.. Kunikida IS TIRED OF DAZAI AVOIDING HIS PAPERWORK. So after a bit, they build you a little area near Dazai's desk where you can play.. Now he can't LEAVE. BECAUSE YOU ARE HERE- *Ahem.* anyway.
- But!. If you don't want others to know you age regress, or more specifically the agency- Then Dazai will keep it a secret! He's good at excuses, and very good at knowing when you are regressed or slightly drifting near your headspace. So if you guys are in a important meeting but you're starting to regress, Dazai literally does not care. Man will just pick you up and go "Okay cool, we are gonna leave now :D" just up and leaves with you in his arms.
- Dazai doesn't seem like much of a cook, and he isn't, but he can make the basics. You know those mom's who cut their children's lunch into shapes? Dazai does that. If you are older when regressed, he will make your food into funny shapes and HE LOVES IT. You caused him to start following millions of mom's just so he can keep getting new shapes and ideas.
- Dazai is SO into doing funny voices when you two play together, just hand him a stuffie you want him to play and he's already going into a voice and acting out things.. No matter how dramatic. And no, he isn't embarrassed about getting caught. He'll just drag whoever caught you two into it, so congrats! You'll have another playing buddy!
- If you prefer coloring, he's happy to color right with you! He started using the agency's printer to print out coloring sheets for you, (It also gets on Kunikida's nerves, I mean he loves you too! Thinks you are adorable, but seriously- please Dazai the printer is for agency matters-) and will happily buy you whatever materials you need.. Including finger paint. He's so supportive when you're messy. "All the great artists have caused messes!!" He reassures you.
- But if you are a smaller regressor, or maybe a more calm/sleepy one, he's good at being just quiet enough but still excited enough. If you are tired, he'll carry you. It's comforting to have you rest your head against his chest while he walks around, it's nice to know you are close.
- It's even cuter if when tired, you talk or do sleepy babbles because Dazai literally just nods quietly and goes "Mhmm... Oh really? Wow!" He's trying to stay as quiet as he can, but internally he's cooing :( look at his sweet baby, so sleepy.
- Dazai loves being called 'Dada', I mean, he loves whatever his baby will call him but dada makes him feel all warm inside because yes!!! He is your dada!! It makes him feel even more happy about being able to take care of you.
- Calls you 'His little star' or the most common 'his baby', Usually adds 'his' instead of just baby. A bit possessive, but he adores you too much for someone else to take care of you. "My little star, how about we cuddle and go to sleep together hm? Dada is so tiredd~"
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