#and its not their fault they feel the way they do and its not their fault they dont know how i feel bc im not telling them
hi lovely!! can i please get a poly!marauders x fem reader where she’s always shy to ask for attention and maybe she just really wants them to smother her in cuddles and all (not as if they dont already) so she tries to discreetly cozy up to them at any given opportunity and they notice and they’re all like heck if its attention you want then its damn attention you’ll get
apologies for how ridiculously late this is, life STAYS busy, but of course you can have that lovely! i hope you enjoy :) <3
"cuddle puddles" 1.3 k words, poly!marauders (remus centric) x reader, extremely fluffy <3
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The last few months had felt like absolute heaven for you. Classes were going swimmingly, you'd won several points for your house, and generally felt like you were walking on air.
Not to mention, you were just plain in love.
The Marauders were well known for their boisterous and loving nature, but experiencing it first hand was entirely different. Ever since they'd woven you into their lives, there wasn't a moment you'd felt lost. Everything clicked. Always you had someone to turn to, someone to heal, someone to hold. The "Honeymoon" phase felt endless.
Constantly you would find yourself swept into James's arms in the halls, or Remus would be waiting to walk you to your next class hand in hand. The way Sirius would hang off of you often turned into a gentle lecture about how "most people don't like seeing couples snogging in the halls, so lets keep our hands in PG places, Sirius!"
All too often, however, it would also be a matter of dropping hint after hint after hint to your boys that you wanted more.
It really wasn't their fault at all! It just seemed like whenever you craved more attention, you'd tense up. Words escaped you and all you could do was stare and shuffle and pray they'd read your mind.
The unfortunate piece of the matter, however, was that now happened to be one of those times.
Sat upon a soft red blanket laid out across the grass, you let your eyes fall shut against the calm afternoon. A soft breeze brushed your cheek as you inhaled. Despite the sound of Sirius and James arguing over Quidditch players, all you could feel was complete and utter peace. With a delightful picnic settled in your stomach and your boys surrounding you everything was nearly right in the world.
A quiet chuckle emanated from Remus, who was sat next to you, and the sound of shuffling about reached you next. One of your eyes slipped open to observe Remus's new position before shutting and shifting accordingly to be seated directly next to him.
You did not see the fond smile that graced his face as he looked at you, the corners of his eyes crinkling at the sight of you so relaxed. Sirius and James were now settling somewhat.
"What's on your mind, dovey?"
A low hum left you as you opened your eyes to find his, which made you smile just the same as he was.
"Nothing much."
"Nothing at all?"
"Nothing at all."
He couldn't resist leaning over to press a gentle kiss to your cheek before returning to his spot. As he pulled back, you leaned to follow him, before righting yourself. The corner of your lips tugged down before turning to watch Sirius now flirt and paw at James, no doubt in an attempt to sway his opponent to his side. It seemed to be working.
Quietly, you pressed yourself against Remus's side and leaned your head on his shoulder. He let his head fall on top of yours in response. This began to return a smile to your face.
"You sure there's nothing on your mind?"
"Entirely confident."
Nothing but you, you thought, but did not say.
He turned his head to press a kiss to your temple before wrapping an arm around your waist to ensure you were pressed against him. James now realized Sirius's goal and was playfully chastising him for using his "beautiful face" against him. You turned your face into Remus's shoulder.
"Right, it's just you seem awfully touchy, and-"
"I'll drop it! I'll drop it... Only if you can tell me honestly there's nothing more I can do for you."
You flushed and pulled fully away from him this time, arms fully crossing and mouth down-turned into a pout. A crinkly, bittersweet feeling filled your heart as James gave in and let Sirius smother him. He pressed kiss after kiss after kiss to the seeker's face and eventually got him pinned to the ground in what must've been the largest and sweetest hug in history. Remus then gently coaxed your hand away from you and into his, making you lift your gaze to meet his concerned one.
"Please sweet thing," He began, running a soothing finger over your knuckles, "Tell me what's wrong? Watching you fret is making me fret and that can't be very good for either of us."
With a quiet sigh, you twisted your hand to intertwine your fingers and squeeze at his palm. He squeezed back.
"I just... find it embarrassing."
"What embarrassing?"
You felt your face warm even more as you groaned and dragged your free hand against your cheek. A mental search began to find the words you needed to explain to Remus that really nothing is wrong at all and in fact you just felt completely repressed about the whole affection thing.
"The whole... Well..." You huffed, squeezing his hand again. Now, Remus was nothing but the epitome of patience for you. "You know how you all love me so much? And you show a lot of that love through- through touch?"
At this Remus paused, worry pooling in his eyes as he inched away from you. He even began to drop your hand. "We haven't made you uncomfortable, have we love?"
"No- No, no, no, that's not it at all, in fact, I really, really wish you'd-"
A pause in your minor panic over correcting him. Any kind of words fled your mind and you settled for simply squeezing his hand yet again, feeling completely miserable about your inability to actually pursue what you wanted with confidence.
However, your misery was short lived as a light bulb seemed to go off in Remus's head and he tugged you close again, this time pulling you right onto his lap to face him. He smiled and pulled your face into his hands.
"Dovey, do you just want us to be more affectionate?"
This returned your smile, albeit awkward, as you nodded your head. Remus beamed and pulled you in for a sweet kiss before holding you tightly against him, his head resting on your shoulder. He began to speak when-
"Oi! What are you two doing over there?"
Your sweet moment was semi-interrupted by Sirius who came towards the two of you with a freshly kissed grin. He knelt next you both and pressed warm kisses to both of your heads. James followed not far behind him and laid down on your other side, completely sprawled out and grinning like a fool.
"Just making sure dovey gets all the love and attention they deserve," said Remus, who now turned his head into your neck to press a kiss there. "Apparently we've been neglecting the poor thing."
"I did not say neglect-"
Your protest was cut short, however, by a gasping Sirius. He all but body slammed you off of Remus, who only rolled his eyes, and on top of James, who let out a loud "whoof" sound at the sudden attack. Despite the wind knocked out of him, he didn't entirely seem to mind and quickly began to rub your arm with a pout.
"Is everything alright, lovie?"
"Everything is fine."
"Of course it is, now that we know you just need some extra holding," Remus teased, shifting Sirius off of him only to join him in hugging you on top of James, who was continuing to take the impromptu cuddle pile in his lap very, very well.
"If it's affection you want, dove, it is affection you shall have!" Sirius declared, before beginning to press kiss after kiss to your face, much in the same manner he had done to James. A sweet giggle escaped you before he eventually settled, content to hold you and Remus while James presided over all three of you, running his free hand through Remus's hair.
A little while later, after you all had been resting together and holding each other for quite a while, James's gentle voice broke the silence.
"I like this. We should do cuddle puddles more often."
You couldn't agree more.
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orphicosmo · 9 hours
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Posted on :10 june , 2024
Divider credits : animatedglittergraphics-n-more
By ængel💄
Disclaimer: mature content // dont fight with me if you disagree
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Moon square lilith - a lot of people be underestimating them, don't , they are the perfect epitom of 'you should be afraid of little me ' these people know your secrets , a lot of people try overpower of them by spilling their secrets , they'll seriously fuck you up , do not touch their wounds , they are going easy on you , these people are good debaters they have no mercy imo .
❁ Jupiter square/trine asc - i know you all are tired of taking on unnecessary drama for others , somehow people always involve you in their shit , a lot of people be trauma dumping on them for no reason , run you'll are not therapists .
❁ We dont talk about 12h sun's charm enough - you'll be making us crazy, these people are so emphathetic , sensual , and magnetic , literally oozes sex appeal
❁ Saggitarius dominants give off golden retriever vibes as well as "i'm better than you vibes" - because these people are big achievers , they dont stop at nothing, a lot of people think they are two faced but they be just projecting, also why you all friends with everyone? Stop rn
❁ Sagittarius moon attract people who want something out of them , they want them to do most of the work , sagii moon are really smart people tho , they know what you are plotting against them and they're usually aware, YOU just dont know it ,sag doms will never break their connections , they play you , you dont play them , nah .
❁ 7h suns - you all be attracting jealously by just being yourselves, a lot of people literally try to bring them down and its mostly their own family and friends, you guys are drop dead gorgeous tho its hard to tie them down , gives me butterfly vibes .
❁ Saturn + jupiter dom childerens are trophy kids sadly , how does it feel to parent yourself?
❁ 12h saturn - first of all you guys are intimidating second you'll be looking edgy in a sexy way , third it's not your fault you all be triggering lack of accountability in authority figures , literally the most empathetic people ever .
❁ Libra chiron & lilith Libra- my gosh the beauty they have is UNMATCHED , these people will always be famous for their looks more than their personality, i said what i said .
❁ Did anyone noticed how aqua sun/ rising people are internet gorgeous? Nobody stands a chance against them
❁ Scorpio moons - have clout , a lot of people are curious about them , the reasons you all are misunderstood is because YOU GUYS DO NOT OPEN UP, stop internalizing your trauma
❁ Anything that touches cancer degree or cancer house /4h out of the world , unattainable beauty and intelligence, these people are overachievers , you don't know shit about them , they are analytical and good at reading you
❁ Lilith in sixth house - being sexualised for your body , i have seen a lot of people be simping over them like its not okay its kinda creepy how others be fantasizing about them .
❁ Jupiter in 11th house - people thinking they have everything THEY need in their life
❁ Pluto in 8th house - fuck boy /girl energy , dont quote me ...its just you guys look like you have so many options
❁ Uranus mc - found in most online famous people, their persona is relatable, someone who rightfully critise others , someone who's def gonna speak to any injustices , gives off warrior vibes
❁ Lots of Libra retrograde houses - princess+ victim syndrome , confused energy
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❁ Moon in 6th house - gives off saviour vibes , if you are a man with this placement you won . These people have masculine energy & they look like everything is under their control.
❁ Mars in 4th house - control freaks , home was literally a war zone , was and is right about most of the things , gives off daddy vibes, probably has a sharp tongue , intimidating at first glance , very overprotective and possessive of their things & people.
❁ Libra placements and their never ending obsessions with collecting creepy stuff 😭 you guys are prone to get sick easily because they attract attention easily .
❁ N. North in 5th house- stop being chronically online 24/7 , we know you have a secret account, you guys do shit talk in a sarcastic way
❁ Aries sun's and their sexual appeal is too high , you all can arouse others easily also they have good teeth & their facial structure is attractive i dont know but something about their smirk .
❁ Mercury in 8th house - friends who casually make sun of their trauma , dark jokes , can charm others pant off .
❁ Mars 8h + jupiter 8h - stalkers , literally will find out your life history , they go all in or none at all . Super intriguing.
❁ Venus dom 🤝 others mistaking your kindness for flirting, people hitting up on you even if you are married, others having no sense of boundaries, criticise for your natural talents, discouraging behaviours from others , others using you for their own gain.
❁ Pluto 12th - has known every dark things that happens behind close doors , they have natural fbi talent, they have tons of secret account for sure , doesn't post easily, do not overshare easily , randomly waking up fron nightmares , have to tolerate others stalking them and obsessing over them and their achievements
❁ Scorpio 11th house - let me tell you a secret , your friends do compete with you , they are insecure and knows you are gonna get far .
❁ Sun sextile mc /conjuct ascendant - you all have notice how people be staring at you its cause they admire you and has heard about you from someone.
❁ Venus trine Lilith - people want you ,they masturbate to you , sorry
❁ Venus trine mars - androgyn beauty , delicate movements, attractive eyes ,soft body , sensitive skin
❁ Moon square pluto - you all be saying they dont have control over their emotions? Have they ever even showed emotions ? These people get wrongly accused the most , they are either " i heal others because i have been hurt " or " i fuck others because i have been hurt " - nothing. In. Between.
❁ Cancer /pisces /Virgo moon - give them space ? You all be all up in their space its disgusting how people are like leeches with them , you guys should be rude and bold , set those boundaries bae
❁ Leo placements - pissing people off because you guys are irreplaceable, they will always leave their footprint, they take up all the attention and are literally accused of being a pick me or an attention seeker most of the times , unforgettable people .
❁ Capricorn moons get attached to their lovers easily , its hard for them to forget those people who once were close to them or those who wronged them ,they get revenge by being the best version of themselves.
❁ Mercury 12h - accidentally being a motivational speaker lmfao 😭👍🏼 Literally validating people's emotions
❁ Mars in 12h men 🗣️ are the best in bed , unforgettable experience , they know how to pleasure you , their sensuality speaks for itself, very forward , you are lucky if you have them .
❁ Taurus Lilith/2nd house - their rights are violated by their family , they were sexualised as a child , they attract all the genders easily ,its disgusting how some of them has faced s/a at an young age , they were probably the most physically beautiful childeren .
❁Scorpio Lilith/9h - not feeling safe around people, being on guard , feeling paranoid, attracting aggresive obsessive people , people thinking they own you .
❁Scorpio moons make good chef
Cancer moons are so nice & understanding
❁Earth moons are sensitive to light and loud noises
2nd house is your childhood and how you were as a child
❁ Aqua 2h - may not remember a lot about their childhood , they have friends from other countries online the most , they are very smart with technology , others trusted you easily , prob adopted pets , they were disciplined children's ,they were mature than most adults , they have calming voice .
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❁ Capricorn/Scorpios have the best dark themed aesthetic.
❁ Fire signs 🤝 lots of childhood friends
❁ Neptune 1h people are idealised a lot .
❁ 29 degree people are others favourite , has mental maturity, good at many things , insecure , constantly looking for self development , is good at grooming themselves , glowy dry skin .
❁ Mars in taurus/ gemini people be giving passive aggressive energy lol
❁ 10 degree on venus - you all are not gonna have an easy love life ,your lovers will teach you a lot in this lifetime,you guys will be unforgettable to your lovers , you give off " i'm high maintenance vibe" .
❁ toppers have gemini , libra and virgo placement full stop .
❁ N.node in saggitarius gives off - your best friend vibe , its like these people are so chill ,they'll vibe with you , they have the worst road rage tho , can't underestimate their power over others .
❁ Aries moon - do one thing right 😭 they be too bossy .
❁ Cancer placements - others be putting unrealistic expectations and beauty standards on them , just stop , they are traumatised by your projections , they are not dumbo cutie cry babies who cant do shit for themselves its embarassing how others be describing cancer placements as sensitive creatures the way people talk about cancer placements reminds me of renainnance period where everyone just thought women was dumb creatures who dont stand up for themselves. Yikes .
❁ Libra moon unhealed 🤝 victimisation , bitcy ass , jealousy , unsolicited advice , making people uncomfortable, literally pick me's .
Scorpio moons be romanticing their anti social behaviour too much .
10h saturn - your dad is socially influencial
Venus dom- look like they are from well off family , artistic people , revellious , entertainer's.
Water + fire placements unhealed = victimisation at its core , attachment issues .
Leo sun's being people's friend crush . You all are too cool fr
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💋thank you for reading bae
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heavenangelly · 3 days
My opinions on what this community has come to
I know that I don’t really make posts anymore, and that’s simply because I have said what’s needed to be said. I’ve answered asks but end up turning them off after a few days. This is because the answer will always be the same regardless of ur circumstance. Assume and persist.
But I also feel like along the way, people have forgotten what the LAW OF ASSUMPTION actually is. People have become lazy and undisciplined and because they can’t manifest their desires they attack bloggers on anon mode and make unnecessary drama. Calling people names, making bloggers deactivate, framing them as bad people, etc. the list goes on and I’m actually so appalled by this community sometimes. And I don’t mean this in a superior way, but us bloggers are fucking helping you. We are teaching you a law so that you can get your dream life and in return we get hate, people calling us names, trauma dumping, sending asks upon asks saying the exact same fucking thing and the worst of all, people never applying. If all bloggers deactivate and all that’s left of the community is you hateful learners and undisciplined learners, the law will die with us. What the actual fuck is wrong with some of you? You will attack everyone but yourselves for YOUR mistakes. Do you want your desires or not? I don’t care what you circumstances are, because they never mattered. Log off of tumblr and apply the law instead of complaining so goddamn much. It’s no one’s fault but your own. And that may be a harsh pill to swallow, but it’s the truth. You are your saviour but you’re also your villain. It just depends on who you want to be. Your lack of belief in yourself is no one else’s problem but your own. Do some fucking shadow work or something or I don’t know, ACTUALLY APPLY THE LAW?
And back to what the law of assumption actually is, it’s whatever you assume to be true is true. And one of the things you absolutely have to do is persist. It’s not optional. It’s not an opinion. You need to persist if you want to be different. Assuming + persisting = success.
What is an assumption? Something you accept without proof. You don’t wait, you don’t hope for your assumption to be correct, you accept and it is shown in your reality. That is LAW.
you should be assuming its in imagination while leaving the 3d alone since it will always change to match who you are being in imagination…always. persist in the assumption that its done, because it literally is. you never needed physical evidence especially since imagination is what produces the physical evidence in the first place - etherealkissed88
Affirmations, scripting, vaunting, void, etc are all METHODS. They are METHODS that help you feel fulfilled in the facts it’s ALREADY yours.
This is no shade to any blogger who is an affirm and persist blogger, and not to bring back old drama with states and affirmations, but as an assume and persist blogger, what you guys are teaching can be wrong. You NEED to be fulfilled. You NEED to have changed self in order to get a change in your reality. Robotic affirming is something that along the process you eventually feel fulfilled from, but as someone who has tried it, I hated it. It felt like I was going in loops and loops and I NEVER felt fulfilled. And it certainly never manifested. And if it works for you, that’s great. I’m not saying stop. But if it doesn’t fulfil you, states/assuming will.
How I found states/tumblr
I remember I always used to use subliminals but lacked faith and would assume that some of them didn’t work and I eventually got tired of using them. I would legit sleep with earphones and hope for the best. I remember how I wished there was a way to use my energy to manifest. And that’s when I found tumblr and then found states. I literally found a way to do that and was so grateful.
And states are NOT a method. They are being. A mood. You can tell what state you’re in by the thoughts you get. Thoughts/affirmations come from your state. If you are in a state of lack, you will naturally get thoughts about how you can never manifest, your desires aren’t here, etc. States are endless and infinite and you can enter any state you like just by making a decision to enter it and choosing to stay there.
I’ve been in this community for a few years now and have seen many popular blogs leave their mark, and get their dream lives, and then leave. And that’s actually good for them. They actually fucking applied. And sometimes after their success stories were posted, angry entitled anons wanted proof or called them liars. You people are impossible to please.
You can either believe in the law of assumption or not. Either way, it’s a law. But don’t make it anyone else’s problem but your own.
My advice to the learners and bloggers of this community.
I think that the learners of this community need to actually apply now and to stop complaining. And bloggers need to put their foot down and stop trying to please everyone. As you bloggers gain popularity, you will gain haters. Do not give them energy. And DO NOT water down the law. Do not accommodate lazy learners by saying they don’t have to feel fulfilled, just consistent. WRONG. You have to feel fulfilled to be different. You cannot expect change without having changed. It’s like waiting for a plant to grow but you haven’t watered it. How the fuck will it grow?
I may get hate for this, I may get people agreeing with me, but I don’t not like what this community has become. YES this is YOUR reality and you decide but there is a core foundation you need to start on and needs to be exercised regardless of what you assume. Please do not let the law become something different than what it actually is.
Please do not make this community like law of attraction. This community was meant to be a safe space for everyone, please do not ruin it.
I don’t know if I’ll leave or anything, but I’m so thankful for all my mutuals and followers. You guys mean the world to me and to all the silent learners that have applied or even struggle to but never give up, I believe in you. You can do this. Anyone can. The law is easy. You just have to believe.
I hope this post has gave you guys some insight and brought you back to the roots of the law again.
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izelascendant · 1 day
Chapter 1 - Atlanta
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Rating | Mature Summary | What happens between the four after Tashi's injury. Pairing | f!Original Character x Art Donaldson x Tashi Duncan x Patrick Zweig Tags | Competition, Love Triangles (Squares?), Jealousy, Plot, Emotional Baggage, Smut, Exes, Unresolved Tension, Complicated Relationships Word Count | 2.7K Author's note | SMUT warning! This chapter is pretty much just smut with background plot. I been a nasty girrrl, nasty—is somebody gonna match my freak?
Part 1 of this series - Sportsmanlike
Unsportsman like on AO3 | Chapter 1 - Atlanta, Chapter 2, ...
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Everything changed after the incident.
Tashi Duncan, once the promising tennis prodigy, now faced a future irreversibly altered by a soul-crushing injury, leaving her dreams behind and her career at a halt. The chain of events set in motion had far-reaching consequences, affecting not only her own life but also the lives of those around her. The lives of the three people so close to Tashi's story would be forever changed, for the better—or for the worst.
Despite the accident not being her fault she could sense Tashi's silent resentment towards her. And although Tashi never outright accused her, she could sense the undercurrent of bitterness between them. It was as if the balance of power between them faltered, with Tashi's control over her slowly slipping through her fingers.
Tashi's attitude towards Patrick hardened after the accident. Despite his efforts to reach out to her, she wanted nothing to do with him anymore. Patrick's visits to Stanford became rare—eventually stopping altogether. The once close connections between Patrick and her, Tashi, and Art had dwindled to nothing.
Art’s interactions with Tashi took on a different tone, with him accepting her instructions and following her guidance. Perhaps this was the start of Tashi's next target, with Art willingly playing the role of the obedient follower she craved.
She couldn’t help but feel tremendously guilty about Art and Tashi's situation. She also couldn't shake the feeling of pity for Patrick. Despite Patrick’s attempts to fix things, Tashi refused to engage with him—and consequently—Art did the same. As she reflected on her last encounter with Patrick at Stanford, she could still hear his resigned voice. “Good luck with those two.”
She did everything she could.
Her desperation pushed her to plead with Tashi. "Tashi, please," she implored, "I'll do anything . I just want things to go back the way they used to be between us." Tashi's silence and distance had become too much for her.
"Yeah, I also wish things had gone differently," Tashi said coolly, "but there’s nothing I can do about it, so what are you begging me for?"
She found herself begging for forgiveness, even though she knew deep down the accident wasn’t her fault. "I can't begin to imagine your frustration, Tashi. I’m just asking that you forgive me."
"You want my forgiveness?" Tashi says, her tone commanding. "Here's what's gonna happen. You're gonna let me have Art and you’re going to play for me. I'll be here to train you and turn you pro." Tashi outlines her conditions unwavering determination, setting clear boundaries. "I don't want to hear any bitching, any complaints," she orders. "I don't want you distracted, trying to start anything with Art. If you're gonna be playing for me, you do it under my rules."
In her determination to secure Tashi's forgiveness, she found herself submitting to Tashi's demands and orders without question. She endured Tashi's harsh training daily, pushing her limits to the extreme during her final year at Stanford. The hardest part of her new reality was watching Tashi make Art fall in love with her, unable to decipher whether her jealousy was stronger for Art or Tashi.
Her own downfall came not long after. The intense pressure took its toll on her, leading to a breakdown during an important match. Overwhelmed, she dropped her racket and succumbed to an intense panic attack. She couldn’t take it anymore—making a promise to herself—she would never pick up a racket again.
Her studies came to a halt. The cursed year of 2007 and her Stanford days were over. She disappeared, similarly to Patrick. 
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Atlanta, 2011
Patrick walks down the streets of downtown Atlanta, feeling the warm summer night air caress his skin as he takes a puff from his cigarette. His gaze scans the surroundings, taking in the luxurious interiors of the hotels that line the area. He probably could be staying in one of those hotels if his tennis career was as bustling as he expected it to be back in the day. Sure, he has his family’s money, but he never had the guts to ask his parents for anything. 
He takes a deep puff of his cigarette, savoring the taste before flicking it away onto the pavement. With a final breath, he steps forward, his gaze fixed on the doorway of a hotel ahead. He can't help but notice the elegant wooden paneling of the hotel's interior, and the sparkling chandelier.
Patrick takes another step forward and comes to a stop in front of one of the windows.
She doesn’t seem to notice him at first, giving him the opportunity to observe the person he used to know. He notices how she’s changed—or, in fact—how little she’s changed since he last saw her. Her copper hair is slightly shorter, lending her a more sophisticated look, and her face holds a gentle expression as she gazes at the TV in the corner of the bar. He can't help but notice the familiar tilt of her head, a mannerism that is uniquely hers, and how she still looks youthful, yet more at peace and seemingly more adult.
As she turns her head and her eyes meet his through the window, her eyes widen in surprise. The soft glow of the reflection from the window falls upon her features, highlighting her beautiful expressions. Seeing her reaction, Patrick can't help but let a familiar smirk play upon his lips—his typical smirk.
For a brief moment, the two of them simply stand there, staring at each other through the window before he makes his way to the doorway to join her inside.
Her eyes follow him as he approaches over to her table in the empty bar. Patrick notices there’s no trace of hostility in her expression and decides to take a seat opposite her, his gaze briefly flicking down to the glass in her hands before meeting her eyes again.
As Patrick sits across from her, she can't help but notice how good he looks—perhaps too good—and she finds herself feeling extremely weak under his gaze.
She recognizes that familiar hint of smugness that has always been a part of his personality. But there is something different about him too, a gentleness beneath the surface.
The silence hangs in the air for a moment before she breaks it with a casual question, "Still playing tennis?"
“Yeah.” He pauses for a moment, considering whether to mention the lack of success in his career, but there’s no need to embarrass himself. "Guessing you're not."
As she shakes her head slowly, her eyelids flutter downward in a bittersweet expression. Art Donaldson's name is mentioned from the tennis commentary on the TV in the background, reminding them both of the shared history and memories that connect them.
Patrick's low, calm voice breaks through, asking the question that hangs between them. "So, what is it you've been up to?"
There's a hint of irony in her voice as she speaks. "I can't seem to fully escape tennis," she admits. "I'm an editor."
"You write about tennis?" Patrick quirks an eyebrow as he asks her a question.
"Sometimes, yeah." She nods slightly in confirmation. 
The moment of silence stretches out between them, neither wanting to bring up the topic of Art and Tashi, yet knowing that it's unavoidable. Patrick breaks the silence first.
"Are you still in touch with them?" The words hang in the air, carrying a heavy weight.
Without needing to say their names, she knows exactly who is being referred to. "I wrote a paper a few months back," she explains, "I spoke to them briefly. It was cordial." She recalls her last encounter with Art and Tashi.
"So it was awkward?" His smirk becomes more pronounced as he awaits her response.
She shrugs casually, refusing to admit anything. She tries to maintain her neutral facade, but Patrick's smirk implies that he sees right through her.
Patrick leans in closer as he begins to tease her lightly. "You know," he says, "the thing about me is that I was never obsessed with Tashi the way you and Art were. Maybe at the beginning I was, but you're still going strong, aren't you? What's it been—six years?"
She catches a hint of the familiarity in his comment, reminding her that perhaps he hasn't changed much since their teenage days together.
"Well, I'm not the one marrying her," she says calmly, "maybe you should tell that to Art." Her words carry a subtle sense of finality, ending the discussion about Tashi's presence in her life.
Patrick’s expression changes slightly, and she can see the surprise that flickers across his features as he absorbs the word "marrying." He’s slightly caught off guard by this news, and there is a momentary glint in his eye that indicates that he now realizes his assumptions were misguided.
"And how's life going now that she hates your guts forever?" She leans in closer, taking the opportunity to tease him back. 
He simply looks at her with a smile. "What about me? You hate my guts too?” He asks, his tone still somewhat playful—but with a sincere undertone—as if hoping for a different answer.
She notices the glint of subtle loneliness in his eyes and she can read past his facade of smugness.
"I wouldn't let you sit at my table if I still did." Her words are spoken in a soft, gentle tone, a hint of affection in her gaze as she looks at him. 
Her hand freezes mid-air, her fingers just about to reach her glass, as she feels the unexpected touch of his hands as he gently guides the glass back onto the table. Their eyes lock once again, and she sees an expression on his face that is completely new to her.
"I miss you." The words come out of Patrick’s mouth smoothly. There is no facade, no bravado, just a simple, raw confession that hangs between them.
His words aren’t directed to Tashi, nor Art. He’s in the moment—talking to her—and only her. Maybe that’s exactly what she needed to hear, both of them having been deprived of affection for so long.
Maybe he’s just in the right place at the right time.
Holding her hands at the center of the table, he leans in and she accepts his lips against hers, sharing a slow yet passionate kiss.
His hand cups the side of her face before making its way up to her hair. She feels the smoothness of his face and his familiar scent. Someone she once hated so much she finds herself kissing with such tenderness.
After breaking the kiss, she takes his hand and leads him past the lobby and up to her room. They exchange few words, and as they step into her room and the door closes behind them, she looks up at him with an almost pleading gaze.
The look on her face, filled with desire, stirs something primal within him, and he knows at that moment that he will remember this night for a long time. 
He slowly wraps his arms around her, pulling her close, his touch is firm. His eyes lock with hers. "Tell me what you want tonight." His voice comes out as a raspy whisper.
“Take care of me.” She whispers back, wasting no time before reaching up to hold the sides of his face to kiss him again—needy and hungry—but still savoring the moment.
The vulnerability in her voice tugs at something deep within him. His mouth moves hungrily against hers as his arms tighten around her, holding her close. Slowly, carefully, he walks her backward toward her bed, deepening the kiss as he lays her down, their bodies pressed together in a tangle of limbs.
She starts to feel the reality of the situation settle in, sensing the rush of adrenaline, her heartbeat increasing along with the redness in her cheeks—but she doesn't back away.
They shuffle around to get rid of each other’s clothes. Patrick watches hungrily as she begins to undress, his eyes taking her in as he sees her in this light for the first time. He leans down, brushing his lips gently against her skin, his touch firm yet tender, as his hand softly caresses her side, tracing a path up to her breast.
"I want you so bad." He confesses in a hoarse voice. "You have no idea how beautiful you are."
She looks at him, searching in his eyes, craving the affection from him that he’s proved to be very good at providing.
“Have me, I’m all yours.” She replies in a breathy whisper, his touch sending a shiver down her spine. At that moment—as much as she feels like it’s her duty to be in control of every aspect in her life—she can’t help but simply let him take control. 
His mouth moves to her neck, his lips burning against her skin as he places gentle, fleeting kisses along her collarbone. He moves lower, his mouth moving to her breast—his hand gently cupping the other—his thumb brushing against her.
He lifts his head, looking down at her with a burning gaze, his breath ragged. "Tell me what you want," he urges, his voice a low, gravelly rasp.
She barely has the opportunity to answer as he doesn’t hesitate for a second. He moves down her body, kissing a trail down her stomach, down her hips, down her thighs, until he’s nestled between her legs, his breath hot against her.
“I want you, please .” She swallows, finding it harder to breathe with each passing second. 
She’s now had all three of them in this exact position before—Tashi, Art and now Patrick—faces buried between her thighs.
Patrick can practically smell her arousal, can feel the heat radiating from her, and it sends a shiver through him. He grips his hands on her thighs, his breath hot against her as he looks up at her, watching her grip the pillow behind her head. Without any hesitation, he leans in, his tongue teasing out of his mouth to lick and taste, his eyes not leaving her face, watching her every reaction.
Things quickly escalate to her fumbling to grab her wallet, fishing out a condom to pass over to him. She’s unable to contain herself from admiring how good he looks while he tries to focus while rolling the condom onto himself. It seems that every little gesture he makes is swift and somehow so attractive, and as much as she would like to take a more active role, she simply feels glued down to the mattress, her body still warm and limbs feeling heavy.
He reaches down, his hand gently gripping her hip, as he positions himself between her legs. He looks down at her, his eyes burning with a mix of desire and affection, his expression a strange combination of intensity and tenderness.
"So pretty," He reaches down, gently tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear and kissing the side of her neck.
“Patrick, please, put it in .“ She practically begs as she wraps her legs around his hips, almost locking him in position.
He breaks away from her neck, his eyes burning as he looks down at her, panting softly as he takes in her expression. Then, slowly, carefully, he lines himself up with her entrance, his grip on her hips tightening ever so slightly as he slides himself into her, joining their bodies with a soft moan. 
She cups her hands up to bring his face closer to hers. It’s almost pathetic how eagerly she receives him. “Keep moving—keep moving.” She begs in a breathless voice.
At the sound of her needy pleas, all restraint goes out of the window. He starts to move, his hips rocking against hers, his breath catching in his throat at the feeling of her, warm and wet and perfect around him.
“Oh god, ” he moans, his voice low and breathless. "You feel so good, so amazing." His body moves automatically, seeking out the best angle and position to drive her wild.
She feels perfectly helpless underneath him, her limbs tightly wrapped around him and her hand reaching for a fistful of his curls while she nuzzles into his neck in attempts to drown out her moans. “Fuck—” She breathes out, biting down on the back of her index finger.
One of his hands comes up, tugging her hand and pulling it away from her mouth with a breathless groan. “I wanna hear you.” 
Patrick really could care less about how late it is and about the poor guests next door.
In the end, both of them are glad she happened to be in Atlanta at the same time as him.
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moonlightazriel · 2 days
Chapter 20: Home /// Azriel X F!Reader
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Summary: Azriel and Y/N finally reunite.
Word Count: 3,9K
Warnings: None for this part.
Notes: This chapter was a little bit hard to write cuz it's always difficult to say goodbye to a fic, I can't believe this is the last one. Thank you for all of your support in this, love you all.
Main Masterlist
Worlds Apart Masterlist
The sweet aroma of coffee filled her senses, luring her forward until she pushed the wooden door open. A simple kitchen welcomed her, with white cupboards and a marble countertop, near the stove, a female with blonde hair stood there, humming lowly some old lullaby, she poured the boiling water over the coffee powder and two mugs waited to be used by the side. 
“Sit down, it’s almost done.” She said and Y/N did as told, the old chair scraping against the floor, as she pulled it near the crackling fire, the heart of the old cabin, warming the entire space, making her feel cosy as she waited. 
She reached for the fire, heating her numb hands, the snow fell outside, the snowflakes softly getting rustled in the air. She sighed with relief, rubbing her palms together, she needed it, that light, that heat.
“You always loved the fire, drawn to it like a little moth, seeking its warmth.” Asterin said, placing the mug in front of her, she took it, nodding her head in appreciation, hearing as the older witch pulled her chair near her as she sipped on the perfect coffee, feeling her chest boil with heat. 
“The fire reminds me of you, you’ve always been the torch in the middle of the darkness.” Asterin chuckled and she basked in that sound, letting it fill the void in her heart, turning to the side, her sister looked like she always did, with a soft glow around her. Suddenly her face turned into a frown and she lifted her hand, wiping the tears that fell down her cheeks.
“Why do you cry?” She inquired and Y/N lowered her head, not daring to look into those eyes. 
“Because I never got to say goodbye.” She mumbled and Asterin lifted her chin with a long finger.
“But I never left, did I? I was with you, right here.” She pointed to her own heart. “I'm alive in your memories, in your love for me, in the people we helped, in everything we left behind.”
“But this won't ever be enough, nothing is enough to ease the pain your absence brings me every waking moment.” Her voice was low, filled with hurt as she poured her heart out to her sister, she was never able to do that before. “Nothing is worth living for if you're not here.” 
“You found the only exception, the one that made all that pain, all the sacrifice you ever made worth it, the one worth enduring everything for his love.” She pointed out and Y/N sobbed harder.
“And what for? To never see him again, no matter how much I keep fighting, I always lose in the end.” 
“You didn't have to come back…” Y/N snorted. 
“I had to, because that's what is expected of me, I have a role to fulfil. I have to be like you.” She sounded so tired.
“It pains me to hear this, that they did the same thing to you. I left the love of my life, the life I wanted behind because I was too blind to see past other people's expectations, a warrior, a weapon, destruction, death, war. It makes me sad that you made the same mistake, no one wants you to be me, you don't have to, you're your own person and if anything, you shouldn't be like me, you shouldn't give up on the love you deserve so much, the happiness you would have by his side.”
“It's too late for me now.” She quietly lowered her head again. 
“It is not, you still have time, don't let your inner demons control you, what happened was meant to happen, you couldn't have stopped any of us, we made that choice and it isn't your fault.”
“I FAILED YOU, I SHOULD'VE PROTECTED YOU THE SAME WAY YOU PROTECTED ME.” she shouted, her voice echoing on the walls of the cabin. 
“You never failed me, not when you chose me as your family, not when you brought my daughter here, giving her the dignity and love I couldn't, not when you followed me to war, choosing a better world, not when you ended up almost dead fighting for what was right, I couldn't be more proud of you than I am.”
Her words hurt, old wounds open up ,bleeding profusely, causing so much pain that she didn't know if she could take it, why did it have to be like this? She sipped on the forgotten coffee, trying to focus on something else to calm herself down. 
“I had to die to finally live the love I always craved, I had to be buried in the ground to finally be free to be with my family. Please, don't convince yourself that you have to do this as well. You found something truly unique, don't let that go to waste, don't miss your chance. Not again.” Asterin begged.
“And what if I already lost it?” Asterin grabbed her hand, pulling It to her chest, and she could feel the beating heart against her palm, she didn't know how this was possible. 
“The gods work in mysterious ways and love always finds a way, it's not over yet.” She raised an eyebrow curiously. 
“What do you mean?” She inquired.
“Trust your heart, allow it to guide you back to what is yours, back to him.” Asterin advised and she nodded her head. “We don't have much time left, please never forget that I love you.” 
“Fuck, I miss you so much.” She leaned against Asterin's shoulder. 
“One day we'll be together again,but that day is not now Please, tell Manon that we're proud of her, just as much as we're proud of you.” Asterin said, getting up, Y/N followed her, the older witch wrapped her arms around her and she sniffled the sweet scent of Asterin, the comfort she desperately sought, finally making itself known.
“I love you.” She whispered. 
“Me too, with all my heart.” Asterin replied, departing the hug and walking outside, where a male with a baby in his arms waited for her and eleven fierce warriors waved at Y/N. Her heart squeezed at the sight, waving back and yelling at them that she missed her friends.
She gasped when she woke, wiping the waterfall of tears that fell down her cheeks, she rested her hand on her chest, feeling her beating heart. She was alive, and she was going to live like she wanted, if her chance was really coming back to her, she would grab it with her claws and teeth and never let him go again. 
Later that morning, she met a worried Fenrys, who definitely noticed how her face seemed lighter, like the darkness that clouded her life was finally dissipating, he had blinked three times to which she blinked one time, enough to appease him. He had come to her, hugging her and asking if she was ready to go to Orynth, for the ball in two days. 
She had nodded, getting her backpack and helping him up Meraxes’ back, riding her dear wyvern with the rest of Queen Manon's caravan towards Terrasen, where the pull on her chest urged her to. 
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
“How long are you guys locking us in?” Nesta bumped her metal plate against the iron bars, their weapons being taken away from them when the tall warrior had “gently” escorted them to the cell they were currently locked in. 
“I’m sorry for keeping you guys locked, we're waiting for our queen to decide how to deal with this situation.” The kind female spoke as she emerged from the shadows, her hair braided away from her face, her brown eyes scanned their figures up and down, each one of them kept in different cells, so they wouldn’t try to do anything. 
“Is she coming?” Elain asked and the female, Elide, turned to her, smiling gracefully.
“She’ll join us this afternoon, I’m here to offer you all a bath and a fresh pair of clothes if you want it.” She offered and Elain was the first to raise her hand. 
“Please, I feel disgusting.” Elide nodded and went to her cell, freeing her and taking Elain with her. By the door, the tall male watched them with a sneer, escorting the small female back to where they came from. 
It took two days since they arrived, in a place called Perranth, for them to be captured, it was too late when they realised that winged people weren’t that common there and everyone was staring at them as they walked in the city, leading to their later imprisonment, by the hands of the Lord of Perranth himself, Lord Lorcan. 
They were being kept in a dungeon, understanding why they were there but pissed anyway for allowing themselves to be taken by these people. One hour and a half later they were all clean and in fresh clothes, stuffing their mouths with delicious food and wine, being accompanied by Elide and her mate.  
“This tastes delicious, my lady. Thank you.” Lucien bowed his head towards the lady of the house and Elide smiled at him. 
“When is your queen arriving?” Azriel tried again, to which Lorcan replied. 
“My queen will arrive whenever she deems fit, be grateful that we’re allowing you to join us.” Elide felt her cheeks getting hot at his tone and rested a warm hand around his arm.
“You hear that, Buzzard? He called me his queen.” A blonde female said as she entered the room, hands on her hips as she eyed the Lord and made kissing noises to him, to which he just rolled his eyes.
Behind her, another tall fae slowly walked, white hair and a tattoo on the side of his face, he was beautiful, in a way that they would think of him as a god, but prettier than him, was how he looked at her, like she was the only female that walked on this earth, his eyes shining with pride and undeniably love, he kept a respectful distance but they knew he would give his life  to protect her if he had to. Nesta sniffled the air, mates, just like Elide and Lorcan. 
“He’s finally warming up to you, Fireheart.” The male gave Lorcan’s shoulder a tight squeeze prompting him to groan. Elide was already up, greeting the female with a hug. 
“Please join us, are you hungry, Aelin?” She pulled a chair for Aelin. “We have chocolate cake.” The female looked at Elide, her blue eyes sparkling with anxiety and she nodded her head. 
“You know how to win me over.” She pinched Elide’s cheek and the smaller female signalled for the maid to bring the dessert, their plates getting taken away. She turned to them, her eyes locking with Nesta’s, but she didn’t lower her head. “You must be our guests for the day, I’m Aelin Ashryver Withethorn Galathynius, Queen of Terrasen.” It was purely out of fear of losing their necks that they bowed to her. “That's Rowan, King of Terrasen.”
“What brings you all here? We have never seen anyone like you.” Rowan pointed towards  the two illyrians, their wings scraping against the floor in those normal chairs. Aelin kept looking at them. 
“We’re looking for someone.” Lucien took the lead, trying to appear friendly. Aelin smiled.
“She promised we wouldn’t have to worry about any of you because you had no interest in our world, yet, here you are, in my Kingdom.” She pointed her fork at them, before dipping it in the chocolate frosting. 
“We have no ill intentions, we just want my mate back.” Azriel said and they all looked at him surprised. 
“She didn’t mention a mate.” Rowan pointed out and Azriel felt his heart shatter a bit, was she embarrassed of being his mate? Why wouldn’t she say anything about him if she talked about them?
“It’s what a good ruler would do, protect their people from any harm, we understand.” Cassian said, giving them a smile to which Elide returned. 
“Well, after everything she went through, I guess she wanted to keep this pain to herself.” Aelin concluded. “We apologise for keeping you all as prisoners but you must understand that we’ve been through many things and we can’t let our guards down.”
“You all came here, without knowing how it would be, to see Y/N?” Elide asked and Azriel nodded.
“I would go to Hell for her. Elain saw her, and I couldn’t bear being away from her, knowing she needs me.” His shadows moved faster at the mention of her.
“I’m sure she will appreciate seeing you all there.” Aelin spoke, taking the last bite of cake towards her mouth. She got up and Gestured towards them and towards the door. “I’m hosting a ball in Orynth in two days, you are my special guests, Y/N is a dear friend of mine and I want her to be happy, let’s go.”
“We would like to have our things back.” Nesta said as she got up. Lorcan ordered a male to grab their things and soon they were ready to leave, following the Queen and her King in horseback towards Orynth, where Azriel would finally see her again. 
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
Y/N smoothed the fabric of her deep green dress, with a flowy skirt, a crossed neckline, a golden corset hugging her frame and long sleeves, she looked beautiful, feeling the winds on her skin. Behind her back, Godslayer looked like an adornment complimenting her figure, but she still had to escort her queen, and she would be prepared. 
“Ready to go?” Fenrys asked from the door, his suit was a different shade of green, all matching the Terrasen official colour palette. She nodded, checking herself once more, before accepting his extended hand. 
They walked with the other witches, Manon and Aelin had asked him to stay with her so she wouldn’t be left alone, they were still worried about her after the failed attempt. She hated being babysitted but she understood their reasoning, deciding not to argue against them, knowing it was a lost battle. 
The ballroom was filled to the brim with people, she spotted Aelin at the throne, Lysandra by her side as the two giggled about something, and crossing the ocean of people, King Dorian Havilliard made his way towards Manon, bowing to her before placing a kiss to he back of her hand, whisking her away to the dancefloor. 
“We knew this would happen, let’s just grab something to drink, you don’t have to be her guard all night.” Fenrys whispered in her ear, guiding her with a hand on her back, towards the food filled table.  
Y/N sipped on the fizzy drink he offered her, a weird sensation of being watched as she did so, her eyes scanned the crowd, spotting in the middle of the dance floor, a couple dancing, huge wings poking from in between the people as he spun her in the air, her hair cascading down her back in a straight line, fierce blue eyes meeting hers in a millisecond. She could only be imagining things, there was no way those were Cassian and Nesta, not here at least.
Through the night, she kept glancing at the couple that looked like them so much, she also spotted a male with his long red hair in a ponytail, hand in hand with a female with flowers on her hair, and here and there she decided that she indeed was going insane, her friends wouldn’t ever cross the border for her, they weren’t there and she would never see them again.
“Hey, let’s go somewhere more private? This is starting to bore me.” Fenrys spoke against the shell of her ear, and she nodded. 
He escorted them through the empty halls of the castle, stopping in front of a door, pushing it open and urging her inside, telling her to wait for him while he fetched something for them to drink. Fenrys closed the door rather quickly, leaving her alone in the darkness. A cold breeze danced on her skin, she swore it was shadows dancing against her, creating goosebumps whenever they touched her. 
And as a light appeared, illuminating the room, she saw Azriel sitting on a chair, her knees almost faltering as she drank him in, hair falling to his forehead in loose curls, a suit matching her dress, his wings standing proudly behind him. She couldn’t control herself, afraid this was some sort of sick joke her brain was pulling in her, she jumped in his lap. 
Feeling him underneath her fingertips, looking at him so closely, feeling his warmth and his scent, it all told her that it was real and he was there for her, the chance Asterin promised in a dream, right in front of her now. She glued her lips to his, kissing him with all the longing she felt in those months apart, her chest almost bursting open with all the emotions coming from the bond, humming with life after being reunited with her mate.
“You came.” She breathed as they departed, resting her forehead against his, her eyes closed, just feeling him there. 
“I promised to respect your decision, but I couldn't live without you. You have to come back to our home.” He cupped her cheek. “I’ll build you a cabin with the garden and the books you dreamed about, I’ll learn how to take care of sheeps so Meraxes will always have fresh food, I’ll make all of your dreams happen, I’m yours for you to use whoever you please.” 
She leaned in again, kissing him repeatedly, her heart beating so loudly that she knew it reverberated throughout the whole room. She traced his features, exactly like she remembered him to be. 
“I love you, words are never going to be enough to express how much I waited for you, for the love of my life. I want to marry you, call you my husband, have our children running around and driving us insane. I want to grow old with you, spend every single moment of my life by your side until the gods decide that it is enough.” Azriel and her were crying now, while they smiled at each other.
“I’ll give you the greatest wedding ever, I’ll climb Ramiel and yell to the world to hear that you’re mine, and I’m yours, until The Mother decides that it is enough.” Someone knocked on the door and he rolled his eyes. “Come in.”
The door opened to reveal Elain, Lucien, Nesta and Cassian at the other side, squeezing themselves in and pulling her to greet her. She passed from hug to hug, talk to talk, hearing how they all went against Rhysand’s orders and jumped to Erilea to get them back, without realising, she was crying harder at that sight.
“I can’t believe you all came for me.” She sobbed.
“You’re family, we don’t leave family behind.” Cassian said, pulling them all for a hug. “Are you ready to go home?” 
“More than ever.” She assured them. 
“But don’t think that you’re leaving without saying goodbye.” Manon said from the door, behind her all of her friends waited for her. “Asterin would be really proud of you.” Manon pulled her for a hug.
“She is, and she’s proud of you too, all of them are, they wanted you to know that.” She whispered into her queen’s ear and Manon felt her heart squeeze at her words, she could just hope that her Thirteen were proud of her, after all, all that Manon did was for them.
“Promise you will visit.” Lysandra said, embracing her. 
“I will, we can always find a way to forge a second key.” She winked, embracing all of her friends. Aedion, Dorian, Lorcan, Elide, Rowan and then Aelin.
“If you change your mind, we’re all here waiting for you, but remember, you deserve to be happy, never forget that.” She cried on Aelin's shoulder and they all smiled at her. 
“Don’t ever forget me.” Fenrys said, approaching her after she let Aelin go.
“How could I ever forget you? You saved me.” She looked at him, blinking four times, to which he replied, blinking four times too. “I love you Fenrys, thank you for being my friend.” The male hugged her again.
“I’ll miss you, but please, be happy. I love you.” She nodded, promising that she would.
That night, after she said goodbye to all of them, they walked the group outside the walls of Orynth, giving her one last chance of looking at the Thirteen, her eyes remaining on Asterin’s figure a little while longer. She would make Asterin proud by living her life as she pleased, being happy and giving a chance to live the love she wanted so much. 
She waved them goodbye, Nesta opened the gate, the slit in the sky. Meraxes roared loudly, being the first one to cross, followed by Elain and Lucien, then Cassian and Nesta, and finally, after looking for the land she called home for a century, she grabbed Azriel’s hand a little bit tighter as the crossed towards Prythian again, falling in between the world until they landed on top of Ramiel.
“You should rest, we have Valkyrie training tomorrow morning.” Nesta warned, being carried by Cassian towards what she could only presume was Velaris. 
“And we have gardening lessons at noon.” Elain winked, disappearing with Lucien as he winnowed away, leaving her and Azriel alone.
“I’m glad to have you back.” He said, the winds roaring around them.
“I’m glad to be back.” She replied, wrapping her arms around him and kissing him again.
“I agree with the girls, we should head home and rest.” Azriel spoke, urging her towards Meraxes, watching as she climbed the wyvern’s leg, using his wings to get on top, strapping himself behind her, resting his head on top of her shoulder. “We have a wedding to plan.”
“A wedding?” She gasped, using the reins to make Meraxes fly.
“Yes, a big wedding, big enough to accommodate you friends, I’m sure Aelin would be pissed if she missed it, she was eager to help Nesta with the plan to get us back together, I’m sure those two will find a way to make a new key just so they can talk about books.” He laughed.
“Bringing them here?” The winds whipped her hair around.
“We may have made a deal of friendship, visiting each other’s world whenever we want, just because you chose me, doesn’t mean you have to stay away from them.” 
“You didn’t have to.” She whispered, her words being carried with the wind.
“I know it would make you sad not to see them, and I want to make sure that you don’t have sad days anymore, just happiness.” He kissed her neck and she blushed. 
“No more sad days then. I love you Azriel.”
“And I love you much more than you can even imagine.” She smiled at him, love filling the cracks in her heart, finally making her a whole person again, to never be broken and damaged again, she would never be like she was before, she would never feel small or afraid in her life. After all, her name was Y/N Blackbeak and she would not be afraid. 
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Taglist: @fieldofdaisiies @blackgirlmagicforever @a-frog-with-a-laptop @going-through-shit @asweetblueberry2
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tallgirl14 · 21 hours
Chilchuck angst
I love this lil middle age man but i aslo live for angst so her are few my ideas because I need tell someone and if you have angst dm me we can talk about it
He carries a wallet size family portrait (when his girls were little) with him when he goes down in a dungeon, and he looks at it when he miss them. ( I feel like photos are probably pretty 💰💰 so they only had few consist wedding photo, baby photo mayjack she's fist born, then one of the whole family ) and this photo is chaotic and It makes him smile.
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This is the ONLY photo he has of his entire family and he hasent seen them in few years with his kids grown living there own lives and him and his wife are split this photos all he's got.
How far would this man go for this picture. I can see chilchuck getting badly hurt because he went back to grab it and as Marcille is lecturing him about his reckless action as she's healing him.
Marcille: "What could have been so important that you risk your life over??"
Chilchuck: "my family or what's left of it"
He shows her the photo and marcille feels her heart drop she finally got to learn something about him and its sad ( this miscommunication leads to his group to believe chil family is dead )
Chilchuck taught Mayjack how to pick locks, and in the manga, he says when he dies, if they need someone, she'd be their first choice. SO he obviously took her through dungeon showing her how to navigate because being locksmith in a shop vs. dungeon is night & day different, dungeon being high pace environment.
Could you imagine how traumatizing that would be if saw her dad die in front of her AND NOT KNOW THEY COULD BE REVIVED!! (Seeing anyone die would be scaring) Especially if she felt it was her fault.
At first, Mayjack was curious about going into a dungeon with her dad to see exactly what he does she rember as kid seeing him come home late tired excused but mostly worn down.
Whenever she asked him about his work as a kid he was always vague or if he did talk about it was pg version and normally he was just trying scare us about going into dungeon. BUT one thing he made very clear, he didn't want any of her or her sister near the dungeon, but now that she's an adult, he couldn't stop her.
" I still don't want you near the dungeon, but you are a skilled locksmith, so you would be valued and well paid. IF you're still interested, I'll have you shadow me on my next small job so you can see what it's like."
At first, it was like any job we met with the client went over to the terms dad took payment, and then we headed over to the dungeon. I was awestruck by the new environment, but it quickly became overstimulating it took me a moment to adjust. the first few levels, dad had pointed out things to avoid what were scams & how to detect traps and walked me through a few I felt confident. Most importantly, when talking jobs, always have a skilled healer. Now I realize why as we enter new room dad was working on trap I was observing the room when I noticed treasure chest peaking out corner not knowing it was a mimick.
Chilchuck was Halfway through picking his lock when his dad sense went off. He quickly looked around room and spotted may messing with mimick
Chilchuck: "MAYJACK TIMS! get away from that!!" He starts running towards her
May turned to look at her dad, confused " why I already unlocked it?"
Her body stiffened as she could feel presents inside the chest, but before mimick could attach, chilchuck pushed her out of the way taking damage as it jabbed one of its claws through his neck causing him to bleed everywhere all mayjack could do was watch in horror paralyzed with fear trying process what happened. One of group members took care of mimick while she scrambled to her feet to get to here dad trying to put pressure on his wound tears flooding out
"Nonononno im sorry I'm sorry 🥺 "
As chilchuck lay there dying, he was more concerned with the fact he could comfort his daughter. This wasn't how he wanted to see death for the first time. Afterwards, the healer from their group came over and assured her he was going to be fine as she worked on reviving him.
Chilchuck let out a gasp and cough out some blood that had remained stuck in his throat. He turns to mayjack " that's why I told you to stay near me..." He moves toward her noticing her hands are strained with his blood. " are you hurt?... may? "
She shakes her head, and tears start to fall down her face he pulls her in for a hug. " it's ok, I'm ok ... I'm right here. " she hugs him tight, and they stay in that embrace for a while. When they finally break the hug, chilchuck wipes tears from her face.
" im sorry you saw that... do you want to go home.? "
" but the job?"
Chilchuck shakes his head " don't worry about it I brought someone along for that exact reason"
72 notes · View notes
miabebe · 2 days
BitterSweet (I)
A man of the shadows and a woman who belonged in the skies - fate could not have brought two more different people together.
But was this fate or was this a choice?
Pairing - Jeon Wonwoo x OC, Mystery Seventeen member x OC
Word Count - 6.3K
Warnings - Mentions of blood, guns, kidnapping, possible violence, a make out scene or two?
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The smell of gasoline was undeniably lingering in the air. The mud under her shoes was thick and wet, consistent with the sound of the rain echoing in the silence. The rope on her wrists was starting to burn into her skin and the heat of the car disappeared behind her as she got dragged into the darkness. It sounded like she was accompanied by three sets of footsteps. Or was it four? She couldn’t really tell. A sudden jerking motion threw her against what felt like a chair, her back hitting the wood, eliciting an involuntary groan. 
She had seen and heard enough about Seoul to tell she was going to die today – she just didn’t know how or why. All she wanted was a bottle of juice. Though pouring rains had taken over the city, she was feeling unusually dehydrated. A simple detour to the grocery store after work, somehow ended with an opaque bag over her head and her body shoved into a van, the dim streetlights being the only witness. I should’ve just gone straight home. 
Throughout the ride, to her own surprise, she sat unusually still. It was a fight or flight situation; her survival instincts should have kicked in; she should’ve done something but she simply froze. She couldn’t move, couldn’t think, couldn’t do anything to save herself. She was never really scared of the unknown or the darkness but today? Today the black was somehow stifling. Having that bag over her head finally taken off didn’t help much either - darkness was soon going to be a constant in her life anyways. 
Her eyes struggled to adjust to the very dim, barely visible surroundings of what seemed like an old abandoned warehouse, streams of light and rain making their way from scattered holes in the roof. Textbook kidnapping location, what a dramatic way to go indeed. There were people all around her; definitely more than four, perhaps around twenty? but they all stood half hidden in the shadows, visible only waist down, light particularly shining off those combat boots they all seemingly had in common.  
Her cold sweat was replaced by the cold metal of a gun pressed against her cheek, turning her head towards its wielder. His frame blocked nearly her entire visual field – he was tall and broad, looming over her, his golden tresses falling into his cold eyes. Thank god his vest didn’t have sleeves because his biceps looked like they would have ripped right through the fabric. She knew he could knock her out cold with barely a swing of his arm, so she told herself to be very careful about when and how she opened her mouth before him. But that warning to herself barely sustained for a minute.  
Suddenly, a light was flashed on her face, making her wince and look away but grabbing her face, the blonde man forced her to meet his eyes again, frowning in confusion.  
“Who are you?”  
She blinked at him rapidly, not being able to fathom if she misheard him or he had indeed just asked her the dumbest question possible. The uncomfortable series of whispers that went around like something was not right. Did they…. Did they make a mistake? Was she not the one they meant to kidnap tonight?  
Her perpetrator turned towards the darkness at the far end of the room, talking to it, his voice ever so slightly shaking. “We were outside the hospital all afternoon; we had our eyes on her for hours. I don’t know how this happened…” He turned back, his eyes void of even the slightest tinge of guilt – they blazed with anger. “I asked who the hell are you.”  
How dare he. How dare he be mad at her like it was her fault she was sitting tied up in this chair. Like she was the one who fucked up.  
He wasn’t patient enough for an answer. She wasn’t planning on giving him one anyways.  
She watched as a woman walked up with her bag, emptying its content onto the floor carelessly, eyes skimming over her discarded things. Spotting a wallet she reached for it, scouring through and then tossed a card to the blonde man who held it under the light. “Baek Na Bi” He frowned. “Emergency medicine, Seoul National University Hospital…..”  
Na bi spat the blood-tinged spit pooling in her mouth on the wet mud around her. “So you’re not blind.” She looked at him, anger bubbling in her chest. “Just devoid of human intelligence then.”  
“Shut up.” He snarled, his gaze on her hardening as did his grip on the gun. Of all the ways one could die, Na bi was sure hers was going to be the most deservedly pointless one. 
“Or what?” Her eyes flickered to his gun and back. “You’ll stalk, kidnap and threaten me? Oh wait, you’ve already done all of the above.”
“There is a fourth option on the list.” She felt his gun right in the middle of her chest, the nose of it digging into her sternum. “Don’t push me to do it.”  
Na bi tried not to swallow the phantom lump in her throat or let the defiance in her eyes die out. Thankfully for her, a sound from the shadows turned the blonde man’s attention away - The sound of a lighter click. 
“We made a mistake.” His otherwise harsh voice had a tinge of fear yet again. “It was dark and they look so alike I- “ 
“They look nothing alike.” An unfamiliar low voice echoed across the warehouse. Na bi tried to look through the darkness, searching for its owner but all she saw was a small dancing flame.  
“We can still find her.” The blonde man stashed his gun back in its holster, his hands searching his pockets for a minute before he pulled out a photo. “They work in the same hospital, maybe they know each other.”  
Turning to her, he held it up in front of her face, shining light on it. “Who is this?”  
Na bi didn’t know what good resistance was going to do for her but at this moment she did not feel like being of any use to him at all. She continued stubbornly staring at him, making him grab her face once more, forcing it to turn towards the photo in his other hand. Na Bi squinted at what seemed like a picture captured from a security cam of a woman maybe in her mid-twenties, face half hidden under her cap but still revealing the brown eyes that matched her brown hair…... Ana. 
“Don’t know.” She pulled herself away from his grip. “I don’t know who she-.”  
“She knows.”  
The voice from the shadows sent a chill down her spine. Na Bi thought she did an excellent job of concealing her shock on seeing Ana. She was only betrayed by the very slight widening of her eyes, a momentary slip he caught from all the way across the space. Denial was going to be futile. 
“Why are you looking for her?” 
The blonde man narrowed his eyes at her. “You’re in no position to ask questions.” 
“If not for your incapability, I would not be in this position.”  
Na bi could practically hear his jaw tighten, letting her know she was mere seconds from being hurt real bad but before he could do anything, the low voice boomed across the warehouse.  
So that was blondie’s name. And a warning too. 
Baekho immediately took a step back and Na bi realised belatedly - the man in the shadows was the leader. She felt herself stiffen at the sound of him walking ahead. More accurately, at the sound of his shoes, which she noticed were not combat boots like the rest but a pair of dress shoes that appeared in the light when he neared.  
“I’m looking for some answers Ms. Baek. I just want a conversation.”  
“What could she possibly know that’s of interest to you?”  
“To begin with, on who’s orders has she been going around looking for me.”  
Na bi raised an eyebrow in disbelief. “She’s looking for you?”  
“It appears so. But no one simply looks for me Ms. Baek.” The click of the lighter resounded in the silence, this time the tiny flame briefly illuminated what looked like a grey shirt. “I’m the one who hunts.” 
Na bi scoffed incredulously. “Not so good at it, are you? Clearly you can’t even pick the right prey.”  
He hummed; a tinge of amusement laced in it. Baekho though, stared at her like he had just mentally put a dozen bullets through her. Na bi didn’t care; aggravating him felt alleviating for some reason. Besides, she didn’t think he would actually do anything without instruction from the man in the shadows and strangely, it didn’t feel like he wanted to hurt her.  
She knew how stupid that thought was. She knew what it meant to be kidnapped in this city – it was a one-way road; no one ever came back. Even though she was not the right target, she was a liability, a risk factor roaming on the streets. As much as she hoped and prayed, there was no way they were going to let her go tonight; her fate was sealed.  
“Let her go.” 
Na bi felt herself choke on nothing, launching into a coughing fit, thrown off by his words. If she didn’t see the sheer shock in Baekho's face, she would have thought she misheard him but the blonde man took both a hesitating and obedient step towards her and with a small pocket knife, cut the ropes binding her hands. She rubbed her wrists ignoring the sharp pain in her shoulders. 
“You’re… you’re letting me go?” 
Though she had accurately predicted the lighter click to follow, she did not expect to hear a smile in his voice. “You’ll come back to me.” 
To this hell hole? “And why would I do that?” 
He didn’t answer.  
Giving her barely a minute to gather her discarded things, Baekho pulled her up to her feet impatiently. As she was led out, she heard footsteps receding into the darkness behind her and as much as she was surprised, sceptical and relieved all at once to be walking out of here alive, when the bag made its way back over her head, a part of her was disappointed to not being able to put a face to the voice that was ringing in her ears. 
You’ll come back to me. 
“I won’t.” She muttered as she was shoved back into the van.
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Na Bi looked at herself in the mirror as she stepped out of the shower. She was a mess. 
As if her job as an ER resident did not contribute enough to her ever so permanent dark circles, last night’s events further threw her into a sleepless night. Pushing her bangs up, she ran her fingers over the bruise on her forehead. She did put up quite a struggle when she was being forced into the van but in vain. She was no match for those clearly trained hands that were tying her up - The scars on her wrists were still burning. Letting her fringes carefully cover the bruise on her head, she pulled her hair into a ponytail, eyes glancing at her phone for the hundredth time this morning. There was still no response from Ana.  
Last night, when Baekho had kicked her out of the van onto the street by her house, he had given her a warning loud and clear. “If you know what’s best for you, you’ll forget tonight ever happened.” Heart racing in her chest as she entered the home she never thought she would see again, Na bi neatly ignored his words and called Ana immediately. Sure, the two of them weren’t really close and barely knew each other but how was she supposed to just stay quiet when someone was in danger? She had to warn her at least, tell her that some very sketchy people were out there looking for her, but every call she made went straight to voicemail. Not knowing what else to do, she left her a bunch of messages, explaining the situation and it had been hours but there was still no response.  
Na bi looked up at the face in the mirror, her brown eyes reminding her of Ana. She was often told that the two of them looked similar but she could never see how. Yes, they had the same brown eyes and wavy brown hair but other than that, they were nothing alike. Ana looked angelic. She had such kind, warm eyes, a beautiful smile; she was the kind that stood out in a crowd, making heads turn as she walked by. Na Bi on the other hand was as ordinary as could be. Not so pale skin, tired eyes, tired posture, average height, average looks. Nothing about her was really noticeable…..except maybe her lips. She was told more than often that she had very irresistible lips but it was usually in very drunk and desperate settings so she never really took it seriously.  
Throwing on an old t shirt and a pair of ripped jeans, Na bi dressed herself to work, eyes and mind still on her phone. From what she understood, it seemed like those men knew they could find Ana at the hospital. If Ana was lucky and Na bi was not too late, then maybe she could find Ana at work and warn her before they got to her. The man in the shadows did say all he wanted was a conversation but honesty was not exactly the defining factor of men who hid in the dark behind their guns. There was no reason to believe that Ana was not in danger from him.  
Then again, he did let her go. 
Na bi might not have seen his face or know who he was but she knew of their intentions, she had seen their hide out, she had seen enough. She was exactly the kind of loose ends that people like them made sure to clean up. They should have done away with her and ended this instead her she was, safe and alive. Either they were not smart enough to realise just how risky it was for them to let her go or they were somehow capable of some form of humane reasoning and had spared her considering picking her was their mistake. Na bi didn’t think either were possible, which meant there was something else she was missing here.  
And those words of his kept ringing in her ears. 
“You’ll come back to me.” 
“I won’t.” She stubbornly muttered again to no one in particular and stepped out of her house into the darkness before dawn.  
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Two hours later, Na bi found herself standing in front of apartment number 186. 
The moment she reached the hospital, she hastened to the oncology ward, looking for Ana. To her surprise, it had been days since Ana came to work and no one had heard from her in quite a while. Something was not right. Na bi immediately got a nurse to look up Ana’s hospital records for any alternative forms of contact but suspiciously, there were none - no emergency contact, no family members mentioned, no workplace hotline, but there was an address. Quickly scribbling it on a post-it note, she dropped a message to her attending about an upset stomach and left the hospital. After a 20-minute bus ride, a short walk and a ride up the elevator, Na bi was finally standing in front of the door number on her paper, praying Ana was in there.  
She wasn’t picking calls and hadn’t been seen for days – the idea of finding her in her home was hopeful but given this was Seoul, it was not realistic. And Na bi’s gut feeling was right. No matter how many times she rang the doorbell, there was no response; no one was home. She had a feeling the trip here would be pointless but maybe it wasn’t that futile after all because just as she turned to leave, a chilly wind brushed her arm and Na bi traced its source to a small crack between the door and the frame. It was open. 
Without much thought, she pushed the door and stepped in. Na bi didn’t know what exactly she was expecting to find in here, but everything seemed….. fine? At least at first sight, till she noticed the details. 
The dishes in the sink were giving off a repulsive smell, the trash clearly hadn’t been cleared in very long. There was a bowl of cereal and milk which seemed like it was sitting on the counter for days now. The fruits in the bowl had rotten and the bread loaf on the table was way past its expiry date. To simply put it, it seemed like no one had been here in quite some time. There were no signs of struggle or injury though, no smell of blood. But there were two fading, faint lines made perhaps by suitcase wheels, leading from the door to the cupboard in the room. 
Na Bi walked in and opened the wardrobe, immediately noticing it was almost empty. Her eyes skimmed over the remaining contents, mentally noting that there were no pants, not many t shirts and no inner wear at all. She did notice a white shirt that clearly belonged to someone much bigger than Ana - a man's, perhaps a partner? Na bi didn't know Ana had a partner but then again, she didn't even know Ana that well.  
One thing was evident though. Given how things were left in the house and that clothes and even cash was missing, Na bi could tell Ana was on the run, perhaps for days now. Maybe she already knew the man in the shadows would come looking for her. Maybe she made sure to disappear before she was caught.  
As much as Na bi was curious, there was no time to speculate – the front door creaked; someone else was here. 
Following her instinct, she quickly climbed into the cupboard, closing the doors as softly as she could, covering her mouth tight to not let even the soft sound of her breathing be heard. She watched through the tiny air vents of the cupboard as two men she had never seen before walked in, armed with guns, looking around. 
“See, there’s no one here.” 
“But I swear I saw her. A brown-haired woman walked into the building-" 
“Hundreds of people live in this apartment; it was clearly someone else. Where’s your head at, are you drinking on the job?” 
“Of course, I wasn’t…It really looked like Ana….” The shorter of the two looked around, first confused then disgusted. “Every time I come in here, I forget how terrible the smell is. Why can’t we get someone to clear the trash? Those bananas especially- ” 
“Boss said nothing here was to be touched remember? Just do your job. Watch the place as you were instructed.” 
“But it’s terribly boring…” 
And the voices faded away, perhaps as they left, allowing Na Bi to loosen her tense muscles just before they began to cramp. She gave it a good ten-minute grace period to make sure they were truly gone and climbed out of the closet. Thinking fast, she quickly stripped out of the shirt she was wearing, stuffed it into her own bag and pulled one of Ana’s pink sweaters over her head. She then grabbed a cap that was lying in there and put it on, tucking her hair into it. Without wasting much time, she left the house, leaving the door the way she found it and got into the elevator. Looking at her fuzzy reflection in the silver of the walls, she adjusted her clothes and put on a mask to hide her face just before it opened at the ground floor, revealing the two men from earlier standing right there. 
They looked at her but Na bi didn't panic - she made sure they wouldn’t recognise her, there was no reason to be worried but she held her breath nevertheless as she walked past the oblivious men, still arguing about their ‘job’. Head down, she made her way out of the gates and onto the street, processing all the information and most importantly, her biggest observation – those two men, they were not wearing combat boots.  
That meant someone else was looking for Ana as well. Someone who already knew who she was and where she lived and by the look of their guns, someone who was equally dangerous. Clearly this whole deal was a lot bigger than Na bi had ever imagined and like an idiot, she had just walked herself straight into the mess. 
And also, into the rock-hard chest of a very familiar man. 
She looked up, rubbing her hurting forehead to see the man standing with his arms behind his back, a disapproving look all over his face. Baekho. And over his shoulder, Na Bi saw a black van. Fuck, don’t tell me- 
And sure enough, she was grabbed by her wrist and shoved into the van before it sped off. 
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10 days later. 
“Are you sure you want another drink? You’ve had quite a few tonight.” 
Na Bi raised her head and looked at the bartender through her hooded, heavy eyes. 
“Just pour what I’m paying you for.” She slurred. 
The man shook his head disapprovingly before placing a shot glass with pretty, pink coloured drink on the counter. “You don’t have to pay; the gentleman there already did.” 
Na Bi rolled her head back lazily and looked in the direction he was pointing at. Like any other drunk woman, she was used to being approached by all kinds of men in the bar but she usually didn't care much. Though it didn’t take much to bring her inhibitions down, she was always in control of herself and a woman who knew what she wanted. The older men she refused, the younger ones she laughed at, the sleazy ones she steered clear of. But very rarely, a captivating one like him would appear and Na bi did not think she minded this one.  
She got up with her drink, a bit too tipsy to fix her shorts that were far too up her thighs and made her way to this so-called gentleman sitting on the bar stool, further down from her. She found herself a place between his manspread, her eyes running from his long, bared neck to his only partially concealed chest. His eyes though, were fixed on her mouth. She knew he wanted it but what was the rush? 
“Why this drink?” 
“Try it.” He half shouted over the music, so she raised her glass to down it, the warm liquid pleasantly burning her throat. 
“I like it.” She licked her lips, knowing his eyes were fixed there. When they flickered up to meet hers, she felt hot under his gaze. 
“I like you.” Uh oh, too cheesy. 
Na Bi was decently good at reading people which meant she saw right through him. He was incredibly handsome, with the kind of built that probably had women fawning over him all the time, but looking at his soft doe eyes, how his hands didn’t even try to touch her yet and his terrible way with words, she could tell approaching women was not something he did often. Normally Na bi wouldn't have done the following, but today, something pushed her to.  
Setting her glass down on the counter, she slowly took his hands and wrapped them around her waist before letting her own go round his neck, fingers making their way into his hair. With just millimetres between them, hot breaths mingling, she expected to feel her pulse quicken, like his did, in the veins of his neck. What she wasn’t expecting was how fast his mouth found hers, latching almost hungrily, like it waited too long. He felt like a strange ecstasy, lips, tongue, teeth, all of it, her stomach knotting like she was plummeting from a height as he pressed her up against himself harder. 
Noticing his hands starting to get more daring on her body, much to his surprise she pulled herself from him and walked away, past the dancing crowd to the edge of the club. He watched as she stopped right by the washrooms and turned to him, beckoning him with her finger. His lips breaking into a small smirk, he followed, somehow getting more urgent with each step until he reached her, pushing her back, trapping her between the wall and his mouth.  
“You’re so fucking hot, I could take you right here.”  
Na bi chuckled at his unexpected desperation, a snide response dancing at the tip of her tongue but it was lost when his mouth moved down her neck and his hands found her ass. Biting back a moan, she revelled in the feeling of his mouth on her, not caring about the many judging eyes she met over his shoulder. Until she saw them.  
Two pairs of combat boots. In the middle of the dance floor. Watching her unblinking.  
Na bi immediately stiffened and it did not go unnoticed by the man before her who pulled back, looking tensed.  
“Is something wrong?”  
“No, I uh…” Her head slightly spinning, she shook it. “I think I need water. Could you get me some?” 
Making sure she was okay once again, he left for the bar, allowing Na bi to look around, observing her surroundings that were starting to turn hazy. They seemed to be the only pair of combat boots around and maybe the alcohol was seriously affecting her judgement but she had enough. Turning on her heel, she quickly walked past the washrooms to the back door of the club, swung it open and stepped out. As expected, the two men instantly followed her but when they stepped out after her, she wasn’t there.
As the door shut, Na bi who had hidden herself behind it, grabbed a discarded metal rod and took a swing at the man closer to her, knocking him out in an instant. His partner immediately turned, his gun pointing right at her but even drunk, she was faster than him, striking him with the same rod, his gun dropping to the ground. Within a second, the tables had turned.  
Na bi had possession of the gun, as the man across her stood with his hands in the air, the slightest tinge of fear in his eyes.  
“Keys.” Na bi held out her hand. “Car keys.”  
Reaching for his back pocket, he took out a bunch of keys and handed it to her slowly.  
“Where’s the car?” She raised an eyebrow, repeating when all her gave her was silence. “Where is it?” 
“Near the entrance.”  
“Do you have a phone?” He shook his head. Sighing Na bi tossed him her phone which he caught frowning in confusion. “9963. Unlock it.”  
He complied, holding up the phone to show her. 
“Good. Does this gun have a silencer?” This time he nodded. “Then I suggest you act fast. Ambulances take time on Friday nights and this guy has 20 minutes before he bleeds out.”  
And without a warning, she aimed the gun at the leg of his partner lying unconscious on the road and took a shot, blood instantly gushing out. Stashing the gun behind her, Na bi ran towards the entrance, without even so much as looking back at what she had done. Reaching the parking lot, she let the sound of the car unlocking to lead her to a black Mercedes and got in, immediately turning on the engine, driving away from the dark of the night to where it was darkest.  
It had been a little over a week since Na bi’s little visit to Ana’s house.
That day when she was shoved into the van again, everything made sense - this was why they had let her go. They had expected her to contact Ana to warn her and so evidently, they had their eyes on her the whole time, waiting for her to make a move. Lucky for them, within 24 hours, they went from not knowing a thing about Ana’s identity right to discovering where she lived.  
Na bi had underestimated them; she knew something bigger was at play yet she allowed her emotions to cloud her judgement and now she was truly done for. She had given them what they wanted; she was of no use anymore. She accepted that finally her time had come to an end but turned out, she was wrong again. Instead of the warehouse, Na bi found herself being tossed onto the street near her house once more and the black van sped off once before Baekho gave her yet another warning.  
“Third time’s a charm Baek. I might not be so merciful if I see you again. Stay away from where you don’t belong.”  
Anyone in her place would have thanked their stars for getting not one, but two chances to live but Na bi felt an unwarranted anger. The first time they let her go, they had an agenda. They used her to their advantage which meant this time too, they were up to something. Na bi hated the how they kept playing her but the truth was, no matter how many ways she tried to analyse the situation, she had no idea what they wanted from her now. The only one who could put her mind to ease by giving an explanation was the man in the shadows and with a bitter taste in her mouth, Na bi remembered that he predicted she would go back to him.  
“You’ll come back to me.” 
Recalling the sheer confidence in his voice, Na bi promised herself to do anything but that. He was clearly playing some mind game with her and she was not going to fall for it again. 
As far as Ana was concerned, after a lot of contemplation, Na bi decided to go to the cops. After all, that was what any logical, reasonable person in her place would and should do. There was more than one group of dangerous people looking for her and it was only a matter of time before they managed to find her; only the law could help Ana now. But the next afternoon, the moment Na bi stepped into the police station closest to the hospital, she realised that yet again, she was wrong.
Sitting right there on the bench was a widely built man dressed in a black shirt and olive-green pants, tapping away his foot on the concrete floor. His combat boot clad foot. Before he looked up and caught her eye, Na bi looked away as though she didn’t notice him there at all. When a cop approached asking why she was here, thinking fast, she took out the largest bill she could find in her wallet and handed it to him, claiming she found it on the street and left immediately.  
Of course the man in the shadows had his men in the police station. Criminals always made sure to stay close to law enforcement - prevention was after all better than cure. Na bi sighed in relief, glad that she was quick enough to notice the man. Had she given her statement, she would have turned from a mere risk factor to an actual threat and the man in the shadows definitely could not be benevolent or dumb enough to let her walk away with that. As much as she hated to admit, there was nothing Na bi could do to help Ana anymore – the time had come to forget any of this ever happened.  
Except they wouldn’t let her.  
The first time she noticed was that night when she went to close the curtains of her window – standing right across her building on the street was a man leaning against the lamp post smoking his cigarette, the combat boots evident on his feet. Though she felt like her heart was in mouth, Na bi simply drew the curtains and told herself to calm down. She was tired and lived four floors above the ground floor, maybe she was just not seeing right. But the next morning when she left her building, Na bi knew she didn’t make a mistake – he was still there and he was definitely wearing combat boots. Turning up her senses to high alert, Na bi made her way to work and realised much to her horror, the men in combat boots were everywhere – on the roads she walked, in the trains she took, the bakery where she grabbed her breakfast, the library where she worked on her papers and even in her workplace, one sitting aimlessly in the visitor lounge and another with an IV line hooked up for ‘dehydration’.  
Na bi was wrong once more. It wasn’t the police station they had their eye on, it was her they were watching. More than just watching actually. She could tell her mail had been opened and checked before she got to it. The newfound buzzing sound in the background of all her calls meant her phone was being tapped. She was being monitored round the clock.  
Na bi tried her best to behave like she didn’t notice anything. She still had no idea what these men wanted from her so she knew had to make her every move carefully – she was not going to be their little scapegoat yet again. Though as days passed, it got more and more hard to pretend. Not only was the feeling of constantly being watched invasive, intrusive and extremely uncomfortable, the fact that Na bi still couldn’t fathom why the hell they were doing it was driving her up the wall. But she held it in and let her despisal for ignorance take a backseat while they continued to treat her privacy like it was nothing.  
And now, after whole week and a half, she had finally reached her limit. It had been a few very draining days at both work and in her personal life and after weeks, she had come out with some colleagues to wind down, so to see those men watching her when she was having a preferably private moment was just – 
Na Bi slammed the brakes as she reached her destination. The man at the bar. She had forgotten all about him and left without an explanation. A slight guilt rose in her chest but it quickly died down. She didn't owe him anything - he was company for just a bit, a momentary escape, an illusion before she threw herself back into her regular life. After the days she had, she badly needed a break from everything but here she was instead, in front of the large doors of the warehouse where it all began. 
You’ll come back to me.  
She stumbled out of the car, her footing trying its best after all the drinks she had tonight and walked up to the metal doors, pushing them open. Standing right in the middle of a familiar scenery was Baekho, who’s eyes narrowed at her first in suspicion, then annoyance.  
“How the hell did you find this place?”  
“Wasn’t so hard.” Na bi pointed around vaguely. “Looks like a warehouse, reeks of gasoline, mud on my shoes from that night was coal black. Considering It took 30 minutes at average speed when you brought me back home and there were barely any stops on the way means no traffic signals, means highway, means outskirts. Combine all that and there was only one abandoned car engine factory that fit the profile.”  
When the weight of her words sunk in, Baekho chuckled. “You’re smart.”  
“I know.”  
“But not smart enough.” He walked up her. “You found a way in but do you have a way out?”  
Na bi reached for the gun stashed behind her back and pulled it out, pointing it right at Baekho's chest, history repeating itself, just a little differently. Immediately she heard the click of at least 40 guns, men and women finally stepping out from the shadows around, their weapons aimed right at her.  
“Now now, let’s not be hasty.” She threw the gun down in the mud, holding her hands up. “I just want to talk.”  
“Conversations don’t interest me.”  
“I don’t need long. Actually, I can’t take long. You see, I just left a party about 20 minutes ago without informing anyone. Now the amazing people that my friends are, the longer I’m missing, the more likely they are to try to locate me by tracking my phone, which, I should let you know, is with two of your men who are in a very unexplainable, compromising situation right now. So, before it becomes a scene and the cops get involved and this whole thing spirals out of your control and mine, I suggest you let me get my answers and let me go.”  
Baekho laughed but when his subordinate walked up and whispered something in his ear, the smile was wiped off his face, landing on Na bi’s instead. Her claim had been verified. 
“What do you want to know?”  
Na bi shook her head, instantly regretting it when her head started spinning. “Not you. I want to talk to your boss.” Baekho stiffened, making her click her tongue. She knew she didn’t have long before all those drinks in her body betrayed her. “Tick tock.” 
Sighing he moved out of the way, his voice disgruntled. “Straight down, door on the left.”  
Taking a deep breath, Na bi followed his instructions and a big white door loomed into sight. Every part of what she was doing was stupid and reckless and insane but it was too late. She had come too far for answers, she just had to go a little further. Ignoring the way everything around her was spinning, she opened the door and stepped in. 
Na Bi didn’t know what she expecting to see in here. Her best guess was something straight out of the Godfather movie. Some sort of luxuriously decorated room with a middle-aged man sitting on a velvet couch drinking whiskey on the rocks. But the sight before her was nothing like that. It was a small, simple, dimly lit room with empty white walls, just a wooden table and chair in the middle and in front of it was a young man with his back to her. He was tall and lean, putting on a black vest over his white shirt, looking at her over his shoulder, the long fringes of his hair covering most of his face. 
“You came back Ms. Baek.”  
He turned, walking up to her, finally appearing in the light and Na bi felt her lips part wordlessly.  
He was beautiful. Beautiful in a way dangerous things were. Skin pale like it had never seen the light of day starkly contrasting his jet-black hair pushed back in a way that framed his face so appropriately. His eyes were empty but also saying a hundred unknown things at once. Her gaze wandered down his sharp nose and thin, blood red lips and Na Bi felt like she finally understood what people meant when they told her lips were captivating. There was nothing more she wanted to do than feel them just once, her hand unknown to her, reaching for it. 
He took a step back, moving away but she held him by collar and pulled him back towards her, their faces inches away from each other. If Na Bi thought she felt electricity with any other man in her life, what she felt with him was feral. The attraction was inexplicable and illogical and inappropriate.  
“Sorry, I don’t know why I just really wanted to….” She let him go, stumbling back, feeling her knees starting to give away. “Who… who are you?”  
A whole minute passed before he decided to answer. “Jeon.”
Na bi continued to look at him with big, expectant eyes, urging him to continue. 
The edges of his lips curved into a small smile. “I am Jeon Wonwoo.”   
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Please can you do platonic 141 x reader x romantic(??) Ghost where the reader is addicted to painkillers? Like going through a pack per day and practically inhaling them before and after a mission. Its something went under the radar but somehow came to their attention Thank you!! xx
(Its ok if your not comfortable writing this)
a/n: sorry this took forever to post! I’ve been on a break recently to have a social interaction month I guess and things have slipped- also I’m quite alright with writing this! Tell me if I messed anything up of course as always because it’s my first time writing for lots of things
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-feels utterly horrid for not realizing the details, for gods sake he was dating you! He should have picked up on it, he should have done something, he should have! It makes him sick to his stomach that he wasn’t the first one to notice either
-it was gaz who told him, gaz… it made him feel so guilty that he hadn’t noticed before others did. Apparently gaz had noticed the little signs before him and had caught you after you had downed a pack of the medbays stored pain meds that were supposed to be lock
-was half scared to talk to you about it, but knew he couldn’t make it worse. So when you both luckily got some time off, he sat you down and held you close and just… talked. No special goal; just talking. And then he got you to sign up for some mental and physical help to work on getting off meds that he was so worried about you because of
-froze in place when he saw you in the med bay. Sure he had expected something for quite a while, ever since you joined the team in fact he could clock something was off with you but he chalked it up to him being overly worried
-that was quite a bit ago, and you two have been good friends for so long now that he had grown blind to little warning signs
-he was frozen for a long time just looking, taking in the idea of someone he cared so much doing something he didn’t expect. Not that it was your fault, but it was truly unexpected
-he didn’t know what else to do so he dashed knowing you hadn’t saw him and told ghost, but didn’t think to tell price or soap
-wasn’t told till you were on break to get off painkillers, and utterly livid nobody had told him!! He wanted so so badly to comfort you but knew you probably didn’t need extra events during recovery, so he waited on his nerves end until you came back to base and utterly showered you in gifts as soon as you got back, chocolate, snacks, gifts galor
-he wanted to make up for not knowing, for not being able to help or reach you before hand, and gifts seemed to be the best way. He’s just always so glad your here and that you are getting better, albeit slowly
-ghost had told him the day after your talk, and he was just utterly shocked, even more so then gaz to be honest… and he felt so guilty, why? Because he had brushed off the medbay nurses reports of missing pain meds for months thinking it was nothing big
-he’s your captain! He’s supposed to watch out for you, he’s supposed to be there for his team, that’s his damn job
-laswell had to slap him out of guilt to get him back in shape, and he promptly gave you and ghost the next month off, but made sure ghost would update him
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jgracie · 5 hours
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husband!jason grace x wife!fem!reader
masterlist | rules
warnings reader is on her period !!
an on my period so naturally i had to write this 😁 also reader is characterised the way i act on my period (i become x10 the crybaby i already am) so yeah just keep that in mind!!!!
waking up before you did is a habit that jason's had ever since your days at camp half-blood when you'd first worked up the courage to sleep in the same bed. early rising was heavily encouraged in a roman upbringing, and he liked to make sure everything was perfect before you woke up
now, you share a lovely apartment and have been married for a little over five months, and although many things changed over the years, jason's sleep schedule did not. when jason woke up that morning, he planned to go on a run, passing by your favourite coffee shop on his way back home to buy you a coffee and a pastry
however, those plans quickly changed once he spotted the blood that stained your once white sheets bright red. instead, he decided to have a nice day in with you, knowing how hard the first couple days of your period were and wanting to make sure you're as content as one could be when on her period
instead of changing into his running clothes, jason made his way to the kitchen, planning to make you a breakfast consisting of all your comfort foods and some others that would provide you with the nutrients you needed
"oh my god," you mumbled under your breath when you woke up. even while drowsy, you would've immediately known you were on your period. luckily, the stains on the bed would've informed you if you didn't catch on. quickly, you got out of bed and began pulling the sheets off, hoping to put them in the laundry before jason noticed
what you forgot was how perceptive your husband has always been. after spending many years living with you, jason had your sleep cycles memorised. before you could even finish stripping the bed, you heard a voice behind you say, "hey, it's alright, i'll do that."
you turned around, mortified at the fact that jason had caught you in your frantic state
"no, i'll do it. its my fault, after all," you replied, a little embarrassed. sure, you couldn't control this and yes, jason is the last person who'd ever judge you over it, but you still couldn't help it. he'd just washed and dried those sheets yesterday and now they were ruined again
jason wasn't taking no for an answer. gently, he pulled you away from your attempt at carrying the giant mass of sheets in your bare arms and said, "i'll do it, i like doing the laundry, you know that. you go freshen up and come to the kitchen, i made breakfast."
a silence followed his statement, then, you felt tears prick your eyes and all of a sudden you were crying. jason, your sweet perfect jason, simply smiled at you fondly and took you in his arms, running his fingers through your hair
"it's just that you're so nice!" you managed to say in between sniffles. jason's smile widened at your words, your husband touched by how the bare minimum managed to get you in tears so early in the morning
wiping the tears off your cheeks, jason absentmindedly said, "i can run you a nice bath later, if you want."
new tears ran down your face as you said, "you'd do that? for me?"
"i'd do anything for you, baby."
with a husband as sweet and doting as jason, how could you not feel your heart fill with a constant swell of pure love?
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epiphainie · 2 days
i think a very tasty flavor of bucktommy angst would be a situation where there's a big emergency, maybe their apartment building is on fire or the hotel they're staying in is about to explode and it needs to be evacuated immediately. the two of them - immediately in lifesaver mode - quickly get everyone off the premises and barely make it out alive themselves.
then they realize someone is missing (an elderly neighbor who got stuck? a child they met during vacation whom buck bonded with?) and buck being buck wants to run back in and save them but the chances of him making it in and back again is extremely extremely slim and tommy sees this. so he doesn't let him.
like he physically holds buck back as buck tries to move in and buck immediately starts trying to fight him off and tommy does not let him go and they both begin screaming and shouting in each other's faces. it only lasts mere seconds, though, because during their struggle, the building actually goes boom. a loud bang, then the silence of the aftermath sets in.
this, of course, puts a strain on their relationship.
no, worse. this ruins their relationship.
because for months after this - months - they live in this perpetual feeling of grief and malaise and it turns their world upside its own head.
they're talking but not really. nothing more than mumbles of "how was your shift?" and "can you pass me the salt?"
they're touching but not really, a handjob here and there then lights off and their backs to each other.
they're tiptoeing around each other; they never ever tiptoe around each other.
it all is so foreign to them, so alien.
buck, of course, is wracked with guilt. how could he not be? he was right there when someone in danger needed his help, and he couldn't. he was right. there. he feels upset, no, he feels tormented. he's so angry with himself because it's his fault, isn't it, for missing the child the first time? children get stuck in the most unexpected places, after all, so why did he not check the room again? why did he not do a head count?
anger with himself, however, is familiar. guilt? he's experienced plenty of that too. no, the worst is the bitterness he feels. he feels oh so bitter, with resentment set deep in his chest, because how could tommy not let him do his job? how could tommy - who's always been respectful of buck's wishes and who knows just how desperately that child needed saving - dare hold him back and take this choice from him?
tommy, of course, does not regret it. he tells himself that every day because how could he regret keeping buck safe? it wasn't even a choice of buck's life over a kid's, tommy knows this, because there was no choice, not really. there was no way for buck to get the kid and get back to tommy safe and sound. he'd die, within seconds, in his reckless impossible attempt, and tommy knows this, and he. does. not. regret. it.
but it starts to fall on his own deaf ears as days pass and he sees his evan become even more withdrawn, torturing himself over someone who couldn't be saved. and the distance between them becomes wider, the cold snap even more sharper, and they're walking on eggshells around each other as it feels like one wrong move could bring everything down.
turns out, they need to break the eggshells to finally crack the ice. they realize this on a random, particularly cold night. neither can stand it anymore and at one point that icy pressure turns into screams of "why did you have to stop me?!" "you couldn't have helped him!" "you should have still let me do my job!" "it wasn't your job! and i wasn't gonna let you get yourself killed on our damn honeymoon!"
again, a loud bang. then the silence sets in.
then, for the first time in months, they find themselves actually in each other's space, reaching for the other. their chests rise and fall against each other as their arms find a hold on the other's back, shoulders, neck in desperation and they actually cry and talk and apologize and cry some more. it gets better.
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saveugoodmadam · 1 day
lmao this has less than a day to be relevant and sorry for publishing it so late but @dedhumn here is a oneshot based off your desire for the reveal to be with red-eyed hyde!!!
Henry Jekyll was in agony.
His heart hurt in his chest- though whether it came from the waver in Robert's voice or the all-too-familiar smashing in his muscles he didn't know.
“Don't come in, Robert. Please,” he implored as that awful green goop bubbled up through his body and leaked from his face. Hyde was a constant movement, flitting from vial to vial as he babbled, high-pitched, panicked and incessant. In fact, Henry realised somewhat triumphantly, the only words Hyde hadn't yet uttered were ‘this is all your fault’.
He knew it was, though. Hyde passed through the reflection of another vial, its blue glass a reminder of less dire times. A dangerous glint entered his eyes as he reached a trembling, goo-coated hand for its neck.
“You idiot,” Robert Lanyon hissed through the door, pushing down his tears like the good little high society boy he had been trained to be. “Are you really shutting me out again? After everything we've been through?”
He was used to friends ditching him as they grew older. It was a fact of wealthy life he had been forced to become used to. Once they were too rich, or he was too queer or not pale enough for their tastes, he had always been cast aside. But Henry wasn't like them. From the first meeting, he had been kind and gentle and no, it hadn't always been perfect but it had just started getting good again and last night had been so good and suddenly words he'd tried so hard to swallow were spilling from his lips.
“Don't you know how much I-”
Just as soon as they had started to be said, they were cut off by a muffled yelp of pain.
As the transformation came over him, that familiar all-consuming pain, Henry tried his hard to muffle the wracking sobs and piercing shrieks he usually emitted. He and Hyde’s spirits swirled around like water and oil in a stirred beaker; infinitely close but distinctly separate. Their voices groaned as one as their body grew shorter and their hair longer. They were both vaguely aware of the door slamming open and a sharp gasp in a familiar voice, then the whirling feeling settled and Henry was left in charge of a body that was not his own.
Blinking his eyes open again, his eyes settled on the form of Robert Lanyon.
“Fuck. Not you,” he groaned in his best approximation of Hyde's demeanour. His heart thumped anxiously in his chest. The jig was up, after all of those years hiding it all. He could feel the sommeil de la mort swirling through his cardiovascular system and prayed it would set in before too many questions could be asked.
“Henry?” Robert gasped.
Robert could have sworn it was Hyde in front of him. Same hair, same height, same voice, same everything. Everything except the eyes. He had met Hyde before, and one of the man's most striking features were his eyes, those strange, glowing emeralds. Certainly not the deep, soft garnets staring up at him in a way that begged for mercy and affection like a stray puppy. Those eyes were deeply familiar to him, ones he had seen in every colour of light; from the soft glow of the golden hour to the sordid glimmer of a candle.
He knelt beside the smaller man and awkwardly patted him on the back, before some strange force in his chest puppeteered his arms to wrap around him and pull them close together.
“Why didn't you tell me, Henry, you numpty?” he asked softly.
“I- I'm not Henry! I'm Hyde! Henry's boring and… and likes paperwork and I like jumping off stuff!” the man in his arms declared in a poor pantomime of Hyde, his blinking somewhat sluggish.
“Henry, I can tell it's you. I'm not stupid.”
“But I look like Hyde. How could you say I'm Jekyll?”
Robert sighed, moving his head so his lips hovered just above Henry's. He could feel the erratic heartbeat just below his own chest, attributing it to simply nerves and the heat of the moment.
“Do you think I don't know you do well- don't love you so much- that I couldn't pick your eyes out from a sea of faces?” he murmured as their lips locked together. He could have stayed there forever, if Henry hadn't pulled back with a retch and a wheezing groan.
“What is it?” he asked, beginning to panic as he felt the arms wrapped around him grow heavier and watched as it got harder for those gorgeous ruby eyes to stay open. “Henry, please, we've kept secrets for too long. Just, for once, tell me something.”
“Robert, I- I love you. And I'm so so, so sorry,” Henry mumbled, his words slurring as he leaned his head into Robert's chest and shut his eyes.
“Why are you sorry, Henry? Henry, talk to me! Why are you sorry?” Robert begged, his breathing ragged as he pressed a hand against his oldest friend and greatest love’s still chest. There was no heartbeat.
Lanyon opened his lips and let a shriek tear from his throat.
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manias-wordcount · 20 hours
that jinx x reader was soooo cute!! u write her so well i’d love to see one where Jinx tries surprising reader with like breakfast in bed or something idk for a birthday or anniversary or whatever but she like accidentally burns it or drops it cue her feeling super sad but then u just get a sweet moment where reader is like “it’s ok it’s not ur fault ur not a jinx” and yall cook something together to make up for it
A Little Morning Mishap (Jinx x Reader)
𝗔/𝗡: 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗲𝗲𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗼!!!
𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚? ⇒ 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙟𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧?
𝙗𝙪𝙮 𝙢𝙚 𝙖 𝙘𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙚?
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Part of you knew this was coming. Right from the very beginning. 
  The day started too peacefully. The day was calm, and the mood was good. That’s a rarity for the two of you. That’s a rarity for her. Not that you mind the good days. You cherish them even. But you know with her past and her life now, good days are few and far between. So you were wary of a good start. You were wary of just how happy she seemed doing something she doesn’t ever try to do. 
  Not because you’re worried about her. Not because you’re worried about what she could do to you. Not because you’re worried about what she’s capable of. But because you worry for her. She’s yours as much as you are hers after all. 
  So call it your intuition. Your special little quirk when it came to her. You just knew. You just knew it was coming. But you still flinched when you heard the crashing of plates and silverware coming from down the hall. And by the time you heard your partner suck in a stuttered breath and sink to her knees in defeat, you had already pulled on your slippers and grabbed the closest thing to a thick pair of gloves, and shoved them in your robe pocket.
  Pushing open the door to your shared bedroom, you make a beeline to her. The sight before you is exactly what you expected it to be- no surprises often are a good thing. It doesn’t make your heart ache any less than it does now. Not one bit. 
  A tray turned upside down.  A shattered glass- maybe two- that was at one point filled with juice. Broken pieces of ceramic plates and bowls and a mash of colors that was at one point breakfast for two. Dark brown pieces of toast by her knees. Scrambled eggs lumped together in disheveled piles. Small pieces of fruit dotted here and there. Some next to a fork. Some next to a knife. Some rolling, rolling, rolling along the ground. Staining the floor. Sitting in the dirt. To be thrown out. Uneatened. Cried over. Maybe even screamed over if you don’t play these next couple of moments very, very carefully. Nonetheless, it’s fate. A fate you predicted.
  But a fate you wished you were wrong about. A fate you wished you knew nothing about. 
  “These were the ones that didn’t burn,”
  That’s all she utters as you slowly approach her and crouch down in front of her. Her voice is barely above a whisper and just about as strong as a string. Her head hangs low, her shoulders sag, and her body looks seconds from going limp. She looks so small like this. So defeated. So sad. The big t-shirt she wears drowns out her frame. There’s a corner of it getting wet from the juice. A couple of strands of her blue hair, all wavy and pretty from being recently freed from its typical braid receive the same treatment. But she doesn’t make a move to get it out of the way. And you don’t either.
  Instead, you get down on your knees in front of her. In the clearest spot you can find. You put the thick pair of winter socks that you grabbed earlier instead of gloves on your hands. And you start to push away broken pieces of glass and ceramic and food from immediately in front of her. Creating a path between the two of you do.
  She doesn’t say anything while this happens. She never even looks up or tries to meet your eyes. And neither do you. Your apartment is silent except for the scrape of materials and food being pushed across the floor. And the occasional sniffle from your girlfriend, of course. But you don’t stop until it’s all out of the way. You don’t stop until you can finally and safely reach her.
  And the second you do, you’re reaching for her. Just like she’s reaching for you. 
  In an instant, the two of you surge forward. And Jinx is just barely able to outweigh you in terms of strength as she manages to get to you first and throw her arms around you tightly. But you’re right there- right behind her as your arms cut across her torso and pull her impossibly closer to your body. She responds by burying her face into the crook of your neck, wetting it with tears as her nails dig into your pajamas. She shakes as she struggles to get words out. Intense feelings are bubbling inside of her. 
  You spend the next couple of minutes supplying her with soft encouraging words and forehead kisses. You tell her how much you adore her efforts. You tell her how you’re so thankful that you have her. That you have friends whose significant others wouldn’t even peel an orange for them. You tell her who cares if the food was burnt or on the floor. That you’re just thankful she isn’t hurt. That she has always and will always matter more to you than some sliced apple or cheesy eggs any chef in the world could make you.
  And when all is said and done, the sniffles start to die down. Her grip starts to relax- at least a little. You know her well enough to know that she’s still not completely okay. There are still emotions stirring inside of her- making her sick with sadness and anger and tons of things you’ve never been able to explain despite all the days and nights you’ve spent by her side. But a few more forehead kisses are enough to coax her into standing up beside you. And a hand in hand is enough to lead her back into the kitchen with a promise that you’ll both deal with the mess on the floor later. 
  Because for now, you know the day can be salvaged. You think that as you both enter the kitchen- compete with the smoky smell of burnt food and unclean dishes out here and there. But you know that when she gives a timid, but determined nod in response to you asking if she would do the honor and be your assistant as you prepare one of her favorite dishes of yours for lunch.
  The day can be salvaged. The world can be saved. Tears can be dried. Messes can be cleaned. 
  If you’re careful enough. If you’re caring enough. But it's her. It’s your Jinx. The girl you fell in love with. The woman you fall asleep with every night and wake up to every day. The person you want to be with for the rest of you. Of course, you’re going to be careful in this moment. Of course, you’re going to be caring in this moment. When have you not been? Because she’s yours as much as you are hers. And sure, that requires a little more than patience sometimes. But so does cooking. 
  And so does everything else in life.
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fancyfade · 2 days
I had to back out of the notes of that post I was getting too worked up over a bad take lol. Dick is a *whole ass man* he *should* be taking care of the emotional needs of a ten year old and he just didn't. Like I'm sorry your salty over your eldest child syndrome but having a shite parent isn't the kid's fault. What did they want Damian to do for Dick? Die protecting him? HE DID.
(Also Tim making himself responsible for *a grown ass man* at 13 years old was a *bad thing*.)
i didn't read the notes for that so yikes.
OMIGOD and also I forgot. yes damian literally did die saving dick's life. What else is he supposed to do???????????
I dont feel comfortable talking about other people's personal traumas if I don't know them/what they're OK with (hence why i didn't mention them in my RB) but like (keeping this comic related). I do think its pretty clear that Dick was not a real person who was responsible for his younger siblings as a child and then had to raise them. He was at least 25 when he met Damian. he had helped train tim, run the teen titans, run the outsiders, saved the world multiple times, briefly helped train rose, volunteered to teach kids gymnastics... he was not an inexperienced 18 year old who had not had any similar challenge before. his peers had children they were raising as well at this time (Roy, Wally).
I also think Tim stans way overstate how responsible Tim was for Bruce. like. his existence helped bruce get his head on straight at a very difficult time. Tim clearly cared a lot about thim. Then his entire Robin run was pretty much not about that. He was doing regular teenager stuff and having adventures on his own! Bro was not Bruce's therapy dog! Lonely place of dying was the intro Tim comic but it was not the only Tim comic.
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omkookie · 8 hours
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The second descendant [pt. ?]
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You don't feel much. Just tiredness thanks to your situation. You work a shitty job that pays you minimum wage per hour. You're barely making enough to live, and working long shifts every week is draining you both mentally and physically.
You sometimes wonder if it's because your family's financial situation has always been bad, Or is it just because you didn't want to go to college or university? If you went to university would you have become something better than a minimum wage employee? Or would you be drowning in student debt?
You don't know.
You don't know anything. You don't know what you want to do, you don't know what your future might be like. You're just breathing, living day by day and being physically present while your mind is absent. Your boss and colleagues have chided you several times for spacing out, but what can you do about it? Nothing.
You don't feel like being here.
Now, Imagine you’re the great Solomon’s second living descendant– pretty much useless. You didn’t inherit any of his abilities nor pacts, you just happen to be a member of his bloodline. Now, you’re not exactly the weakest sorcerer alive, but you’re not the strongest either. The way that the demons found out you exist was by a loudmouthed angel reporting to Michael about you during an attack on hades.
So, What about life after coming to hell? Different world different situation, right?
When you somehow get into trouble involving the seraphim, you know that you're near your end. When Beelzebub comes to see you, he gives you a sympathetic look, his face clearly showing he was pitying you. "I'm tired. Leave. " You tell him, trying to ignore the stench of blood that was left in your cold apartment, along with the dead bodies of angels and a broken wall.
Curse you Solomon.
This is all your fault.
Not even Satan can look at the poor excuse of a sorcerer that you are compared to your ancestor.
At least Ra-on can somewhat use her abilities, unlike you.
The useless descendant whoose body is too weak to handle its own power.
...you regret not torturing all of those angels you just killed.
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storiesbyjes2g · 9 hours
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We arrived at home late that night loaded down with more gifts than the nursery could hold. If we received one more thing, we'd have to start a warehouse in the empty bedroom. We got so much stuff, we could probably support six more babies, heh. Baby girl could use a different towel every day of the week for the rest of her childhood. We had enough shampoo and lotion to last the rest of her life, it seemed like. If one day she entered a nobody loves me phase, I'll be sure to remind her of this scene.
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Sophia had never been a busybody and always took a more relaxed approach to life, but I was glad to see her following the doctor's orders. She spent a lot of time on our balcony, rocking in the chair early morning, thinking about whatever expecting mothers think about. Sometimes I'd catch her reading on the couch. Seeing her take the warning seriously made me feel good about leaving her alone for a few hours to visit Maira. I thought about it in the shower, and visiting her before the baby was born was the move. Who knew when I'd be able to spend quality time with her after that.
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Like I always, I began our conversation with an apology, but she didn't fault me, of course. She said it wouldn't have been right for me to neglect all my guests to hang with her all afternoon. That was true, but I still didn't like that she was alone all day. She assured me that she was okay, so I asked about her brother.
"He died in a fire," she said.
"Oh, gosh! I'm so sorry, Maira."
I never liked him, but he didn't deserve to die like that.
"Knowing he's not here anymore is its own challenge, but what makes it worse is when I think about the fire, I often think about us."
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I swallowed a few times because I knew exactly where she was going, and it made me nervous.
"I think about how you held me when you realized I was okay and what we both felt."
I couldn't move or even blink and sat there, holding my breath, hoping she wasn't about to pull a Yasmine on me. Finding good friends had been a long journey, and I felt like I had a nice inner circle now. I didn't want to lose Maira because of her feelings for me. I also didn't need her digging things back up because I had worked hard to let that go.
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"Sometimes I think about that moment and I wish I would have given in," she continued. "We could have tried to see if we would work. I imagine myself married to you and pregnant with your baby. My parents would finally be proud of me."
I wanted to stop her from talking so she wouldn't say something that would ruin our friendship, but I was frozen. This was a mistake. I wanted to be a better friend, but we couldn't be alone together anymore.
"All of that is nice to think about," she continued, "but I would be miserable. And you would get fed up with me. We wouldn't be friends anymore. Life turned out exactly how it was supposed to, and I wouldn't change a thing. I like how we are, and I like my life. It's just lonely sometimes, and I wonder if I'm missing out on something."
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I exhaled the breath I held and blinked, finally. I could keep my friend. As uncomfortable as that was to hear, I loved that we were able to be that honest with each other. That's true friendship right there.
"Everyone has their own opinions about what you should be doing with your life, so I don't think there's a right or wrong answer for that," I said. "I think as long as you're happy with your life, no one else's opinion matters."
"Yeah. You're right. That's what I say to myself. But you know how it is."
"Yeah. It's a battlefield up there."
"So...there's no one you're interested in right now?" I asked, trying to pivot the conversation...and maybe be a tiny bit nosy.
"No, and it's all your fault. You ruined me!"
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"Me? How??"
"You set the bar way too high! No one else can measure up!"
"Oh please. I'm sure there's plenty of guys out there who are way better catches than me."
"I assure you, there aren't."
"I don't believe that for a second. Ooh, I should set you up with my friend Justin."
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"That guy who comes to all your parties? He's kinda cute. What's up with him?"
"He's a landscaper and lives in San Myshuno. He comes from a big family just like you and is a good man...a bit older than us, but at least he won't bother you about children."
"Oh-my-Watcher you're trying to set me up with an OLD man??"
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"He's not that old...I think."
"You are officially fired from matchmaking, thank you!"
I missed our banter. It felt good to laugh with her again. Hopefully, she would let someone into her life soon. She didn't need a man, but it was obvious she wanted some kind of companionship, and I was not the man for the job. Besides, she deserved to be loved and cherished, and I wanted to see her happy for once.
"The baby will be here in a couple of days, huh?" she asked.
"Sure will. I can't wait to meet her."
"So, is this the first of many, or..."
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I sighed, realizing this would be the first time I admitted this out loud.
"She might be it for us. At least if we want more, we'll have to adopt."
"Yeah. We went through a lot to get her. Sophia says she doesn't want to do it again."
"Are you cool with adoption?"
"Oh yeah, totally. You know Sophia's adopted, right?"
"Really? I don't think I knew that. It's funny...I've known her almost my whole life, but I've never really known her until now."
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Was it bad that I often forgot she and Rashidah were sisters? They rarely spoke of each other, and Sophia and Rashidah seemed closer than the sisters.
"Yeah, she is," I said. "And she's got quite a story. But yeah... We're both open to it, but actually doing it is another story."
"Well, whatever happens, I'm glad you two are finally getting your family. I can't wait to meet your kid!"
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"Oh yeah? I thought you didn't like children."
"I never said that! I don't want my own children; I love the auntie life! I think my first order of business will be teaching her forbidden words!"
"Oh Watcher. Here we go."
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zaebeecee · 1 day
People are free to enjoy whatever they want, obviously. I’m not anybody’s dad, and if someone wants to disregard clearly posted warnings, fine. I’m not trying to gatekeep. That said…
I think the Full Moon Episode is a pretty clear example of why Helluva Boss is 18+. It’s also a pretty clear sign that so much of the analysis of the episode should be completely disregarded.
When people hear “adult themes”, they think about violence and sex and drugs, but adult themes are more than that. It’s the portrayal of complicated adult relationships and toxic dynamics and unclear situations, the understanding of which comes from having complicated adult relationships and being in unclear situations and suffering from, or contributing to, toxic dynamics. It’s meant to be thought-provoking in ways that parallel aspects of the viewer’s life.
Instead, we get flooded with “it’s Stolas’s fault entirely” or “it’s Blitzø’s fault entirely” discourse from people who have never been in anything paralleling either situation and who can’t take the time to do even the most basic level of examination into the scene as a whole. They can’t see that the point of the episode is “it is simultaneously both of their fault and neither of their fault”, because they see fights as binaries with a clear aggressor and a clear victim.
It’s why we have so many people insisting Stolas hasn’t changed at all since S1E1: they formed an opinion based on their very first impression of him and have absorbed none of his character development since.
It’s why we have so many people saying that it only matters what words Blitzø used, not how he said it or what his body language was communicating: they believe the only thing that matters is what’s spelled out in black and white and that subtext doesn’t exist.
It’s why we have so many people who believe that Stolitz is now completely out of the question as a canon ship, even though this is quite literally their first fight and they are, as a point of comparison, in the equivalent of their late 30s: they’ve never had a relationship that has even had this kind of fight, let alone survived it.
There is nothing wrong with not being able to really relate to these problems. It’s natural, because they’re problems that come with adulthood; teenagers don’t have struggles with messy divorces and conflict with their adult (or almost adult) children and businesses with employees to juggle alongside personal lives and three straight decades of trauma they’ve never unpacked.
Helluva Boss, for all its myriad writing flaws, is astonishingly deep (for what it is). Almost nothing in the show is strictly black and white, and I feel like the people in the fandom who insist on treating it like it is are gonna have a bad time going forward.
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