#and modern is playing a game cuz he came from games
novirp13 · 2 years
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Based on this FANFIC
Pants is the bane of Sonic and co. Especially when you came from Boom Universe :’D
Maybe that's the reason why Boom!Sonic is wearing sport tape all over his body. It’s a substitute for pants #lol #jk
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Movie!Sonic is a sweet innocent child but he can be very savage sometimes XD
#sonic the hedgehog#classic sonic#modern sonic#archie sonic#scourge the hedgehog#fleetway#zonic the zone cop#sonic wachowski#I put too much energy in creating a somewhat unique phone case for each sonics lol#cuz I cannot find any difference between archie sonic and modern sonic I made their background distinguisable#archie is in front of a bookcase cuz he came from comics#and modern is playing a game cuz he came from games#fleetway is in his super form for the sake of simplicity as well#or else there'll be too many blue sonics and nobody can differentiate them between each other :'D#anyway I'm starting to really like reading a chatfic#as long as there's enough plotline and not just nonsense comedy#I've read a crossover chatfic between danny phantom miraculous ladybug batman and spiderman before#title: The Black Tux Gang by ChipAndDealer#another crossover chatfic but without spiderman fandom in it#title: Crime Love and Ghosts (and others probably) by Thornrose270#and then a bnha chatfic#title: How To (Accidentally) Start A Cult by jihnari#the last chatfic is so very good cuz the author create a custom chat look (like discord line blog page) for their fanfic#and pretty serious too unlike the last two chatfic who focused on comedy#oh there's also a crossover chatfic between Persona 4 and 5#title: Cat Chat by Mewrose#tho it's not really a chatfic but rather a series#you need to read previous installment to understand the chatfic itself#okay i'm rambling#long story short i'm enjoying sonic version of chatfic so far
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sh1-n0bu · 5 months
can i request something?? can you do modern relationship with scara??
✿ 𝒊𝒕’𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝑰 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖! ✿
characters: modern!scaramouche x nb!reader
warnings: modern au!!!, fluff, crack, my poor attempt at humor, scara has a bad relationship with his moms, written with high school au in mind, scara being bad at feelings, headcannon format, raiden shogun goes as raiden shino since shogun is a title rather than a name and all…
notes: when that one song u used to religiously listen to when u were younger and cringier suddenly comes rushing back in for a fic idea
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oh dear gods, where do we even begin with this one?
tsundere to the max and we all know, his moms knows it, you know it, the entire school knows it, even the online friends he plays games with knows it
which explains on how you knew that scaramouche had a crush on you the moment he started showing small signs of it. waaaaayyyy before he even understood his own emotions and feelings and came to terms with it
safe to say, he is super easy to read. like, a motherfuckin open book that’s full of illustrations made for kids. at least, that’s how it feels to you anyways
has a bad relationship with both of his mothers and his older sister but at least he tolerates his older sister better than his mothers, which is a good thing. at least he has someone to turn to when something goes wrong
him, his mom ei and his older sister are carbon copies of each other alongside his aunt. the first time you went over to scara’s place to prepare for an upcoming exam, you almost got whiplash from just how many similar purple people were there
like… low-key concerning with how you easily mistook his mom ei with his aunt or his older sister with his mom ei
safe to say you made a fool out of yourself for the first few meetings with his family
his other mom, miko, is very… eccentric to say the least. teasing, sly, quick-witted, charming and charismatic. you and scara joke around that miko was a fox or a demon in her former life
his older sister, shino, is quite the sweetheart one the other hand. quiet, reserved, socially awkward and friendly if you go over how her normal face looks so emotionless and dead. reminds you of a soldier or a puppet with how shino is so willing to fulfill ei’s wishes or words to the T
his aunt, baal, is an absolute sweetheart. the ultimate sweetheart actually. such a sweet woman she is with her soft words, warm smiles and motherly affections. she offered you a hand-made cookie when you were about to leave simply because you were scara’s friend!
yes, you cried to the amount of kindness and scara made fun of you for it
you would never peg someone as mean, introverted and arrogant as scaramouche to be friends with the popular, soccer kid from school did ya’? well you are wrong because scara and childe are best friends!!! as childe claims
the ginger-head made a bet with scaramouche saying that you two’s friendship won’t last. cue scaramouche and his over competitive ass coming over and latching himself to you to make sure that your friendship would last
AKA childe’s plan to make scaramouche realize his feelings and come to terms with it has officially started!
likes to occasionally play video games such as wuthering waves, minecraft, resident evil, silent hill etc etc. hates first person shooter games cuz it’s so not his style and he hates the annoying boys that he comes across during the game
will never say it nor mention it but sometimes he plays those ‘using not a single part of your brain’ type of games like playing as dentists or doctors. hell, he even likes to play dress up games from time to time. he just loves the aesthetics and the different designs of the clothes, itches that inner aesthetic lover part of him. but he will NEVER mention it or be caught playing it. scaramouche would rather die
something tells me that his music taste would be more leaning into electronic or scene music. odetari, 6arelyhuman, kets4eki — you name it. sometimes, enjoys those gentle and soothing sounding anime openings too
he has sanrio plushies. more specifically, hello kitty ones
had an obsession with the cute white cat growing up and he never grew out of it
the moment he first found out that you like plushies or pink things or sanrio related things, he knew he gotta gift you anonymous sanrio gifts on your birthday or on special occasions. it was his early stages of courting you
he aint fooling anyone
takes his relationship slow since he has some big trust issues yet also attachment issues. pick a struggle tbh
had a panic attack after he officially, finally, after years of crushing on you, like literally acting like your boyfriend years later when he asked you out on a date because woohoo!! he asked you for a date \(^ヮ^)/\(^ヮ^)/ but also shit, what type of a first date would you like ლಠ益ಠ)ლლಠ益ಠ)ლ
yeah, he had to do something he hated the most. ask his moms and sister for advice
after a lot of talk, discussions, secretly stalking your social profiles or you in general to see what you would like, scaramouche decided to take you out for an arcade date
you two had fun, he was glad you had fun, played bunch of different games together and even managed to win a cute matching plushies and keychains!! kuromi for him and melody for you. he was so glad that you liked it but he won’t say it out loud
walked you home after your first date, to your front door and bid you good night and “hope you had fun tonight, idiot” chu!! on your cheek before making a mad dash back home
the type of boyfriend who would lovingly bully you
“why the fuck are you wearing that? it’s making your stupid face look cuter than normal”
“who in their right mind would choose the green one? yellow looks better on you. no, the soft pastel one, not the bright one you idiot”
“you wanna die? who said i was ever gonna stop loving you after you turn into a roach? i’m gonna keep you in a special glass case until you change back dumbass”
yeah… just say you love them already, scara
your contact name on his phone is literally my idiot٩(╬ʘ益ʘ╬)۶
would lovingly call you names as he leaves soft kisses on your face
“you’re a fucking idiot but it’s fine, you’re my idiot”
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eggluverz · 10 months
danheng and reader are interns at the same company and there’s one sided beef from reader’s end cuz they’re trying to compete with him but he’s clueless and just thinks she’s hardworking and cute 😭
In which you view your internship as a competition and Dan Heng is simply attracted to your hard work and determination.
PAIRING. dan heng x f!reader
GENRE. modern au. rivals? to lovers?
NOTE. ty anon for this super fun request!! <3 clueless dan heng the loml… and reader is so chaotic ngl alsjdkdl i hope u enjoy !! ^-^
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“Can somebody handle the emails from the Realm-Keeping Commission?” Mr. Yang asked as he rushed through the intern’s cubicle area. He had a cup of tea in one hand and a handful of folders in the other. “They’ve had a recent breach of contract issue so we should be getting an influx shortly.”
“I can handle it!” you immediately spoke up, sparing your cubicle-mate a brief glance. You had a smile on your face but your eyes were urging him not to butt in.
Dan Heng smiled back. “I’ll help her.”
“Great.” Mr. Yang nodded in appreciation. “We have such hard-working interns this year.“
Your eye twitched as you replied, “Right. Great.”
Once the intern director left, you turned to glare at Dan Heng. He was nonchalantly typing on his computer, no doubt responding to the Commission’s emails already. A job that you should’ve been doing alone. Alongside a million other things that naturally came with being an unpaid intern.
You wanted to prove yourself here. The Astral Express was well known in the industry and you wanted nothing more than a job offer after the internship. But how could you possibly secure that when Dan Heng constantly stole your shine? You had to keep pushing. Keep striving to do more and impress your bosses.
“Hey, Y/N,” said Dan Heng. “If you have too much on your plate, I can take care of the emails today.”
Heat rose to your cheeks as you frowned in indignation. “You think I can’t handle it?”
He titled his head to the side. The innocent look on his face made you more upset. You couldn’t tell if he was making fun of you or if he truly believed you were someone pitiful who needed constant help.
“Of course you can handle it,” he reassured. “I don’t doubt that. I just don’t want you to take on too much of the workload. I’ve noticed you push yourself quite a lot.”
You shook your head. “I’m not pushing myself too much. I can do it.”
Dan Heng’s gaze softened. “You know yourself best. But I just hope you don’t overwork yourself too hard. We’re only unpaid interns, remember.”
You puffed your cheeks indignantly. Of course he could say something like that and still be a top performer. “Thanks for the consideration, but don’t worry about me. Now, if you’ll excuse me… I better get back to work.”
He only nodded in response.
As you started scanning through the emails on your computer, responding to the ones you have already finished, you felt Dan Heng still looking at you. You turned your face away from his desk so you wouldn’t be directly in his field of vision, unsure why he was staring but not really wanting to find out. Besides, you had more important things to get to. How could you possibly get more work done than Dan Heng if you were too busy worrying about why he kept looking at you?
Perhaps his innocence was a facade and he was playing mind games to slow you down.
With a huff of determination, you worked extra fast, not wanting to let his plan succeed. He’d have to do better than that to win.
It was your lunch break the next day and for the first time since you started (except for those times Mr. Yang wanted to take the interns out for lunch), you were not eating at your desk to work through the lunch period.
Apparently, HR was visiting the office so you all had to follow all the policies, no matter how silly anyone found them.
Instead of your desk, you were eating at a shaded seating area outside of the office. If you weren’t going to work through your break, you might as well enjoy it and get a breath of fresh air while you were at it. With your high ambition and willingness to push yourself for this internship, you were aware it probably seemed like you were a workaholic of sorts. That wasn’t exactly true.
You saw the important of work-life balance and valued it, but you also figured an internship is where you were supposed to work extra hard. Then, once you secured the job, you would be free to relax.
You took a bite of your sandwich you packed as you stared off at the gently swaying trees in the distance.
“Hey.” You almost jumped at the sudden sound. “Can I join you?”
You slowly turned towards Dan Heng, blinking. First, he tormented you in the office as an intern who provided ample competition. Now, he wanted to torment you during your lunch too?
Despite your inner thoughts, you didn’t want to be rude. Deep down you knew he was also just an intern doing his best. You just had to do better.
“Sure,” you acknowledged. “Have a seat, nemesis.” The words escaped your mouth before you could stop yourself. “I mean… Dan Heng…”
His brows furrowed. “I find it hard to believe those two words could get confused so easily.”
You cleared your throat. “Not sure what you mean.” Before Dan Heng could respond, you changed the subject. “What did you bring for lunch?”
As he sat next to you, he showed you his opened tupperware. It contained the yummiest smelling food with very neat presentation. You figured it probably tasted even better than it smelled or looked.
“I packed a bento box for today.”
You looked down at your soggy sandwich. Was even lunch a competition to him? Did he have to be the best at everything? You vowed to look up the most intricate lunch recipe and show it off to him once you made it.
He looked at your sandwich wordlessly before taking a bite of tender meat.
Your face burned in shame.
Tomorrow, you told yourself. Tomorrow you’d show him.
Today, your internship started around noon. It wasn’t a whole day of work and you knew fully well you didn’t need to pack lunch. Still, you stayed up all night perfecting this recipe and you had to show Dan Heng you were worthy competition as well. You even made enough servings to pack a meal for Dan Heng to try too.
Towards the middle of your shift, you walked over to his desk.
He paused his typing and looked up at you. “Can I help you?”
You held out a tupperware of your homemade food. “Look. I made this.”
Dan Heng’s eyes widened as he cautiously took the container from your hands. “For me?”
“Yeah. I saw your bento box yesterday and wanted to prove that I can also cook! Just like I can do all the work we’re assigned!”
Confusion was written all over his face but he still managed to smile. “First, thank you for making this for me.”
You looked at him, equally confused. Why did he sound so sincere? You simply wanted to prove a point. Not do something out of the kindness of your heart.
“Second,” he continued, “I do agree you can do all the work we’re given. Have I made you feel like I believe otherwise?”
“Not exactly… It’s just you keep offering to help me even when I say I’ll do it!” you explained passionately. “You keep trying to steal my work and do more than me!”
Dan Heng blinked, mouth opening then closing. He opened his mouth once more, trying again. “I wasn’t aware you viewed it as me stealing your work.” He rested his chin on his hand as he thought things through. “I didn’t want you overexerting yourself so I was only trying to help ease your workload… I’m sorry for undermining your hard work.”
“You’re not doing it on purpose?”
“No. I admire your determination and how you always step up to the task— I would never want to take away from that,” he said earnestly. His stare was unwavering as he looked into your eyes. “I more than admire it, actually. I find it quite attractive even.”
You gaped at him, unmoving. “Huh?”
“Attractive, endearing, cute… Do you need more synonyms?”
“Me?” You pointed at yourself.
Dan Heng nodded. “Well, I was referring to your work ethic. But yes. You as well.”
You bashfully stood up straighter. “You’re not too bad yourself, I suppose.”
That wasn’t a lie. You did find Dan Heng rather attractive. His hair was dark and messy, falling around his eyes in a way you could only describe as perfectly framing the vibrant blues. He had a pretty face and a serious demeanor that initially drew you to him— Until he started competing (as you saw it, at least) with you in your internship.
As you stared at each other in silence, Mr. Yang came in with a stack of papers. “Good afternoon, everyone. Can someone run an audit of the company’s stocks?”
You jumped up, startled. You didn’t except to be interrupted like that, but you quickly regained your composure, rushing over to him to grab the papers. A part of you was thankful for the distraction, but another part of you wanted to see where it would’ve lead. “I can do the audit!”
“Great, thank you!” he said in acknowledgment before rushing back out.
Once Mr. Yang left, Dan Heng turned to you and said, “Let me know if you need any help. I’m here if you need.”
You smiled. Now that you knew he wasn’t trying to best you, you were much more open to the idea of working together. “Sure, I’d love some help.” You paused and Dan Heng raised one brow. Though it came from the heart and the sentiment was there, you both knew it wasn’t completely true. You still did want to be the very best after all. “Well… You can help, but only a little though.”
Dan Heng laughed, accepting the small stack of papers you gave him, not even one fourth as tall as your pile. “I wouldn’t expect anything less from you.”
You hummed in agreement. Before focusing on your work, you thought of one small thing to ask him. “Hey, Dan Heng?”
“Maybe next week you can bring me some lunch, too? Or, maybe we could go out for dinner even…”
“I’d love to,” Dan Heng smiled and it was the widest grin you’ve seen on his face thus far, “if you give me more of your paperwork.”
You gasped, feeling thoroughly tricked. So he did want to beat you—?
“That way, we can finish sooner and I can take you to dinner tonight.”
Your train of thoughts stopped in their tracks as a light chuckle escaped your lips. “Fine,” you agreed, finding yourself strangely looking forward to having dinner with him. “But just this once, okay?”
“Of course.”
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dan heng: *stares at reader*
reader: he’s playing mind games to make me nervous and slow me down
dan heng: she’s hardworking and passionate and so cute u.u
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rauberrauber · 1 year
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line up baby
wanted to make a sort of ref for everyone so i can keep track of everyone's designs, heights, etc
side hcs below cuz i wanna ramble lol
fyi any links are just for pictures to help visualize what im trying to say
also add to these with ur own i love reading hcs :]
the sides work with a kind of cartoon logic (kinda like who framed Roger rabbit) which is what their shape shifting and such is, they can survive pretty much everything, dont bend to reality type thing
i also dig playing around with the idea that they just arent human, they dont need to eat, sleep, even breathe or blink if they dont wanna. They just play more human around thomas so they dont freak him out (everyone but remus at least, dude doesnt give a fuck lol) they all have their priorities regarding that kinda stuff. like logan doesnt eat or sleep almost at all (there r exceptions tho obvi (crofters))  while patton rly likes to cook and bake so why not eat the stuff you make? meanwhile remus eats literally anything he can find
they can also float if they wanna, same thing where they just dont around thomas. this came about me just imagining remus consistently floating around in the mindscape instead of walking for whatever reason? so yeah they can do that
theres a core mindscape and a ‘dark’ mindscape, that sorta works like the upside down from stranger things (as in the dark mindscape is like literally upside down and mirrors everything, like this)
everyones also got their own unique doors to their rooms. logans is very sleek and modern, pattons in more childlike and almost vintage, romans resemble castle doors while remus’ is more like a dungeons, virgils is typically angsty teenager with tons of posters and ‘keep out’ signs, and janus has tons of locks on his
design wise the core sides have straight teeth and fluffier hair while the dark sides have sharp teeth and rougher(?) hair (since changing, virgil has vampire-esque fangs)
square rimmed glasses
loves the rain
unintentionally fidgets with his clothes, always adjusting his glasses or rolling his sleeves up and down or messing with the buttons or his tie
playing more into the whole ‘sides dont have to eat thing’ he finds food kinda nasty lol, again only rly eats stuff thats very good to him (ultimate picky eater basically) patton has tried and failed many times to get logan to try and like new foods
roman was the one who got him to try crofters
watches those long ass video essays about random topics on youtube for background noise
round glasses and heart eyes
has roller blades/skates! specifically these ones that retract the wheels. good way of getting energy out (even if hes super clumsy with them)
tallest + dad bod
tons of bandages, kinda playing around with the phrase ‘broken heart’
him and janus play video games together (both of them are terrible lol)
definitely listens to dad rock/dad music
starry eyes!
crown can float on its own (same w/ remus’)
has one of these couches in his room to dramatically faint onto
him and remus dont share a room, but they have a sort of portal to each others rooms if that makes sense. a big mirror but instead of reflecting, its showing into the other room and only the twins can go thru
wants to be his own side after the split
roman and remus pierced each others ears when they were younger
decently tall but slouches a lot which hides it (slouching hes shorter than the twins but still taller than janus) also rarely stands or sits straight at all so it kinda shocked the core sides when he showed them how tall he rly was (queue roman being mad cuz hes actually the shortest of the main four lol)
has stereotypical emo hair and still has some purple dye in it
hot topic skeleton fingerless gloves and muddy sneakers (idk why it just feels right)
tons of random bruises
draws his nails black with sharpie
listens to metal music to calm down. remus got him into a lot of numetal, screamo kinda music when virgil was still one of the others, it was one of the few times theyd hang out and virgil wasnt 100% freaked out by remus
definitely experimented with scene fashion when thomas was a teenager
drinks tons of energy drinks
shortest ha
yellow eyes
bow wrapped on his hat
long flowy cape and heeled shoes with spats (thats what theyre called right?)
uses the staff from pof as a walking cane
speaks fluent pig latin, remus and logan are the only ones who can somewhat understand what he says (remus cuz hes been around janus so long, and logan wanting to research and understand whatever the hell janus is saying) it also has always drove virgil up the wall cuz hes never been able to get it, janus will start speaking it just to annoy him
only rly relaxes when by himself, always kinda putting on a mask with the others and thomas, regardless of how trustworthy he considers them
constantly coming up with proper plans and schemes, typically wouldnt let remus near them with a 10 foot pole (affectionately)
knows how to lockpick
scared of the ocean
broken crown
eyes can go all crazy, pupils can be different sizes and such (there was a cartoon that did this where the eyes would go red and have a ton of rings around the pupils like spirals kinda? i cant find a pic of what im rly visualizing rip i hope that makes sense)
ton of rings (one of em is an eyeball ring)
is like half an inch taller than roman and will never let him live it down
enjoys all the ‘bad’ disney/pixar movies. (cars, home on the range, etc) and like unironically enjoys them. prolly started ironically to mess with roman but he genuinely find those ones the best and cant fathom why theyre disliked (totally not self-indulgent cuz some of those movies are my favorites)
comes up with random weird plans and ropes janus into them whenever possible, janus plays along best he can
somewhat wants to fuse back with roman (even if hes unsure why)
remus and virge used to make fun of roman together all the time
remus is the one who gave virge his septum and gages
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adoremexxs · 10 months
So not to spam but Just a genuine question. What would the Hantengu clones modern be like if they had a younger sister. Like a sister in toddler years who was genuinely kind, compassionate and well extremely innocent who nice to everyone? Just curious
I actually have thought about this before
Hantengu brothers with a Toddler sister
they all spoil her
like absolutely spoil her
but Sekido is also strict
she is NOT being an ipad kid like Zohakuten
Sekido stresses about if she is learning correctly and all of that toddler stuff
Karaku and Urogi help around the house more often to relieve some tiny stress off of Sekido’s shoulders
Sekido legit does not let her out of his sight, he’s so scared that she is going to stumble and end up hurting herself
karaku and urogi are often too careless with her but she likes it
they are the fun brothers
Zohakuten has been trying to tell her that she isn’t allowed to have a boyfriend in toddler language
it isn’t really working
aizetsu will sing her to sleep and read her bedtime stories
takes her out on bunny cafe dates
teaches her about animals and tries to get her to babble out the words
she’s doing great
aizetsu holds her a lot and talks to her a lot
if she gets hurt, aizetsu immediately goes to her, babying her and asking if she is okay
aizetsu is probably her favorite brother
for halloween, she was a queen bee like dressed up as an actual bee and the brothers dressed up as bees as well and carried her around
zohakuten rather drown than go out dressed as a bee again
they try to make her go outside as much as possible
but it’s a household filled with boys
90% of the time they are playing video games
she has tried to play before but all she did was smash the control buttons w her hands and Karaku and Urogi thought it was so cute
Karaku has an instagram highlight of just her in sunglasses
she was obsessed with frozen and would just babble the words when the songs came on
urogi recorded her and put let it go on and then edited it to make it look like she was actually singing the words
sekido dresses her up
he enjoys picking out outfits for her and also doing her hair but gets mad if she has a tender head and cries
that’s when Aizetsu comes in to soothe her crying
Urogi plays hide and seek with her and also does this thing called the airplane (if y’all ain’t ever done this before you didn’t have a childhood, jk me too)
he lays on his back and then he puts her on his feet, holding onto her hands and lifts her up so it’s like she is flying
she loves it
she loves being outdoors and urogi loves being outside too so urogi will take her on hikes with him
obviously he is carrying her half the time
had to stop her from eating a worm one time
karaku sets up playdates for her
gets sad though because hanging out with them should be enough but sekido said it was important for her to make friends to develop social skills
karaku and aizetsu will color with her
urogi will join if he can focus long enough
if she starts crying, all hell breaks loose because who tf hurt their little sister?
turns out that her crayon broke
karaku has tried to teach her curse words only to get yelled at by Sekido
Zohakuten is extremely gentle with her
he’s afraid of hurting her
Rui loves her and gives Zohakuten some tips for sisters because he has a lot
Zohakuten found out that she likes it when he bounces her on his leg and he’s been doing it ever since
she has yanked his hair several times and dragged him
Zohakuten won’t be mad at her tho cuz she is a toddler
Rui offers to babysit if the brothers are busy
Zohakuten also gets jealous if she gives the other brothers attention
all of them get jealous
they get extremely protective over her
oh hell no
zohakuten and sekido would kill for her
just wait until she is a teenager…
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fandomchokehold · 3 months
ok I finally made Samson's card for @bareee @tav-dex !!!!!
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These are his starting lvl 1 cantrips and spells
Class Action - Bardic Inspiration
Race Cantrip - Chill Touch
Bard Cantrips - Vicious Mockery & Blade Ward
Spells - Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Speak with Animals, & Dissonant Whispers
with each level up the cantrips, spells, and abilities he gains fall under healing and necromancy
Screenshots and summarized backstory & fun facts below the cut!
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and some cute screenshots from his and Gale's weave date 🥰
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Short Backstory:
Samson was born in Elmwood, south of the Moonsea, to a sun elf woman named Thalia and human man named Lonán. His father was a nature domain cleric of Lathander and his mother was a light domain cleric of Kelemvor, but by the time they settled and had Sam they were just simple village bakers. When Samson was 7 his father succumbed to his lifelong battle with a chronic illness (in modern terms it would be autoimmune vasculitis), and after 4 years of grieving him, Sam's mother decided to follow Lonán into the afterlife.
After his mother's death he was sent to Calimport to live under the care of his maternal Uncle and his wife; they weren't horribly abusive, never raising a hand at him, but they did not approve of his desire to study medicine and necromancy and instead tried to force him into the family business of heavily corrupt politics. Sam obviously was not thrilled with this life prospect and decided, after a year of living with them, to make a mad dash for Waterdeep.
At age 12 he stowed away on a ship in the harbor and was allowed to sail with them for 3 years, departing in the City of Splendors at 15 after making lifelong friends of the crew and gaining the necessary skills that enabled him to survive alone on the streets in Waterdeep. After being a transient for half a year he met Odette, the cranky duergar monk who let him crash on her couch as payment for healing up her infected amputated leg. It was always supposed to be a temporary living situation but, whether she wanted to admit it or not, the kid lit up her dreary life like nothing else and she basically just kept him as the younger brother she never had.
It was just the two of them for 15 years since meeting until one night when Samson happened upon a roughed up noble in the alley outside his and Odette's flat. Wren, a human sorcerer who couldn't have been older than 21, was more than happy to let Samson heal them and assured the half-elf and duergar that they would be paid handsomely if they allowed the noble to stay with them for just a week as there were some "unsavory types" looking for them... unsavory types who happened to bear their family's crest. Sam and Odette did not bother questioning it.
So a week came and went, then another, and another, and Wren just never really left. Samson was thrilled to have made a friend and roommate while Odette was just happy to have extra help with the expenses. They were an unwavering, unbreakable dynamic trio for five more years until they got snatched up in the street by the Nautiloid.
*so basically in my head Samson, Odette, and Wren were all out in Waterdeep when the Mindflayers attacked and all got snatched up at the same time, escaped together with Shadowheart & Lae'zel, and are running around the world as the wavering falling-apart-at-the-seams dynamic trio
**sorry if the inclusion of Wren and Odette in this was confusing it's just cuz they play an important role in Samson's life and I would be posting about them a lot like with Sam but I just haven't played as them or my dark urge Lior yet cuz I'm still rocking with my slow af first playthrough
***if anyone cares cuz they all exist together during the events of the game Samson is romancing Gale, Odette romances Karlach, Wren romances Halsin, and Lior the dark urge is aroace in game but in my mind him and Gortash get to have a Good Omens season 2 Gabriel and Beelzebub style romance ending where they just kinda fuck off to the Caribbean post Netherbrain
Fun Facts About Samson Silversten!
he's a really good baker but can't cook for shit
he's ambidextrous
his dad Lonán was Irish so Sam has an Irish accent; he sounds like Hozier both speaking and singing (lemme live in delulu land okay???)
he knows four languages: Common, Elvish, Gaelic, and Common Sign Language
can usually be found engrossed in a necromantic tome or copying medical illustrations into his personal journal
he's autistic (me when I project onto my OCs) in a resting bitch face, deadpan, lackluster reactions unless it's something he's really passionate about way
can get frustrated with tasks easily and go temporarily non-verbal; he never lockpicks, it's gotten to the point if they happen upon something locked Astarion will just rifle through Samson's bag and take his thieves tools without asking to avoid him getting upset
he's tall and thin and gangly as hell (think Julian Devorak physique)
he has heterochromia, his right eye (your left) is brown while his left eye (your right) is a golden hazel
he's demisexual homoromantic (i.e. can only feel sexually attracted to people he knows well and is romantically attracted to, only feels romantic attraction for men)
he loves going for early morning swims and can hold his breath for a concerning amount of time
the skills he picked up on The Daybreaker (the ship he stowed away on) were knot tying, star navigation, fishing, sailing, and basic sword fighting
he has several nicknames; everyone calls him Samson or Sam, Wren calls him Freckles (affectionately, they love him so much), when they're married Gale calls him Sunlight or Sunshine, Captain Aamiina of The Daybreaker calls him her guri dambeys, but the only person alive allowed to call him Sammy is Odette
he's not as hairy as Gale but he has body hair on his arms, legs, chest, and happy trail
he's absolutely covered in freckles, the ones in areas often exposed to the sun darker than the rest; has 100% said something cheesy along the lines of "you shouldn't kiss me, I don't need more freckles" to imply the person he's saying it to is an angel
wow that sure was a lot I am so sorry have these screenshots of Samson looking directly into the camera like he's on The Office as a departing gift!
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somebodys-nuisance · 1 month
Hey, Our Life Fans, who wants a Baxter End-Game Fic Idea?
Okay, hi, so, Baxter and his love for ballroom dancing means so much to me. Dancing has always been a big part of my life, and when I played through Baxter's DLC I was just floored by how much we had in common with our interests. I love finding stories that I can really relate to in that way. I was a bit disappointed I wasn't able to really lean into the idea my character was into dance, even before Baxter's DLC, and I had always wanted to make a version of the story that could be more focused on the dancing element, while also being Baxter End-Game (cuz I love Cove, but I LOVE Baxter.)
So, the idea goes a little something like this:
Jamie Last becomes obsessed with ballroom dancing (and dancing in general) when her older sister Elizabeth joined the non-member junior golfing league when she's a child. It'a a program that rents The Cypress' space, but you don't need to be a member to join, and it's relatively affordable. Jamie peeks in and catches a ballroom dancing class and is like WHAT IS THAT GET ME IN THERE and moms see what they can do. Turns out they'd need to become members (I'm pretty sure they are in the actual game but SHHHHHH, it's a fic, and I'm trying to make a STATEMENT here about what I know about ballroom dancing) and the class prices on TOP of the membership price are just astronomical. They absolutely can't afford it. Poor Jamie's sad and doesn't understand (she's like, 6,) so moms sign her up for general dance classes at the local studio. Not ballroom, her first dance love, but close.
Cut to the beginning of the game timeline-wise, and Jamie's performing in her dance recital. She's absolutely in love with dancing and is VERY talented. Anyway, after the recital, in the lobby, Jamie's awkwardly approached by a strange man who shoves 20 bucks in her face and asks her to be his son's dance partner. She's like uhhhhh, stranger.... danger? And she runs away before he can fully explain himself. Runs back into the theater, comes across boy with green hair and glasses. Get to talking, finds out he's the dude's son. Son kinda sorta explains his dad teaches dance and he used to co-own a studio back where they came from, and boy's been dancing since he can remember. But, boy seems kinda sad about it. Through a combination of Cove's explanation and Cliff eventually approaching moms and being less weird and awkward (love Cliff,) Jamie finds out he's a former ballroom dancing competitor turned teacher. Used to own a studio with his wife, they're not together anymore, and she's kept the studio. So, he has to start from scratch over here in Sunset Bird and form his own studio. He tried to inquire with The Cypress to use their studios to teach the classes, and the owners told him absolutely not, and shooed him off. But, the teacher, Mr. Suarez, told him if he could prove he's a skillful teacher, he could put in a good word and get him in. So, he's going to use his only student, his son, and find him a partner. He says Jamie was the best dancer he saw today, so he wants her to be Cove's new partner.
And, Jamie's like, um, YES? Cove seems shockingly sad about it initially, but Cove and Jamie hit it off almost immediately. Jamie picks up ballroom real quickly, and they enter a competition against some of Mr. Suarez's students, including his own son, Derek. Jamie and Cove SWEEP and are FANTASTIC, and not only does Gregorio allow Cliff to use the space, but they eventually become business partners, running ballroom dancing classes that are specifically affordable and accessible to the average person, as well as being a bit more daring, fun, and modern in their styles compared to the traditional Cypress classes.
Meanwhile, the underdogs from Cliff and Gregorio's classes go up against the hoity-toity rich kids that can afford the members-only classes, and Jamie and Cove begin to cross paths with certain partners consistently, like an especially captivating and elegant pair with a boy with grayish hair...
Story follows the basic plotline of the game from there! Cove and Jamie are only close, close, nearly inseparable friends in this one, with Derek being the only other possible love interest. It's essentially your classic competitors to intriguing acquaintances to friends to lovers to exes to enemies to begruding acquaintances to friends to lovers with lots of dancing, both ballroom and otherwise. We'd get more into Baxter's background, his parents, and Golden Grove in general, and the story would HIGHLY DEVIATE from Step 4 to allow room to fully center dance in some form. Also, YES. Every one of Jamie's friends are involved in ballroom in some way, shape, or form except for her immediate family in this au. Everybody's dancin'.
Would anybody be interested in something like this? My ADHD means it will almost definitely not happen, but figured I'd throw my ideas out into the horizon since I haven't been able to get it out of my head for literal MONTHS. Whaddaya think?
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sleepisaturn · 2 years
radio free america! [ 1/8 ]
pairing—steve rogers x barista!reader
summary—a cute guy forget's his sketchbook and it's up to the equally cute barista to make sure it's returned safely into his arms
warnings—lots of angst from Steve's pov, crushes at first sight, idiots who like each other, this doesn't really need a warning, meet-cute?? , set months before the events of the battle in New York
a/n—they definitely didn't show enough of what Steve might have felt waking up 70 years into the present
The man woke up from a war and almost immediately was thrown into another
the endgame ending only happened cuz my man still had unpacked trauma from everything
❥ owner of a lonely heart
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he felt many emotions as he woke up 70 years into the present
he felt so afraid not knowing a single thing as he opened his eyes
Is he dead?
If he's alive, where's Peggy?
Why did the radio say the game of '41? it's supposed to be 1945
he felt more scared as he was welcomed by a stranger
After running away from the fake room made to look like a hospital room he was in, he finds himself in a stranger – more modern version of New York that he could hardly recognise
Everyday since waking up, he'd just feel lost most of the time — a man lost in time.
There were more buildings and billboards that were lit up.
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He thought he died, everybody did.
Maybe he should have died , because he never asked to be alive after 70 years as he knew sacrificing his life was worth it.
it’s still weird for him to see everything has passed,his friends were gone and Peggy already lived her life without him.
it felt strange exploring New York, there were more buildings, more variety of foods.
It's new territory and he felt isolated, like a newborn exploring a new world without training wheels.
He wasn't lost too much, he's a 27 year old and some things came easy to understand.
He didn’t know what purpose he had left.They won the war and he had saved the city from being hit by the Valkyrie.
Everything was high tech compared to his time, electronics were a bit confusing to understand but he did find it fascinating that everything could be easily stored and done using a small square of a phone that you could bring easily anywhere .
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… but what’s left for him when he has lost everything?
Bucky fell of the train,the Howling commandos were gone and it’s too late for him and Peggy.
He basically had nothing left to live for yet he's given a second chance that he didn't know what to do with.
He felt distraught that day when he was given their files, every single one of the Howling Commandos were marked deceased except Peggy’s.
He didn’t have the courage to call Peggy, he didn’t even know what he’d say in the first place.
' Hi, I'm not dead and I'm stuck in my 27 year old body????? I was stuck in the ice like a freaking popsicle Peggy! I'm sorry we never got our dance ... '
He’s all alone and absolutely out of place in the world he’s now forced to live in.
He felt like God was playing a cruel joke on him.
He would go out strolling and see everything has changed.
He just wanted to go back as that skinny guy from Brooklyn with his best pal.
Everyday he'd be at the gym assaulting gym bags as a way to let out his frustrations. He would work out until he feels breathless. On sunny days he'd go out walking, he'd eye the buildings in awe as they were more developed.
Today he sat outside a coffee shop where he only bought a single cup of coffee while he started drawing the building up front.
He would ride his motorcycle and feel the cold air, he'd close his eyes for a few seconds still imagining that he's back in the forties.
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" good coffee? " you asked as you saw the cute guy that ordered a while ago that your co-worker assisted
" yeah, nice coffee " said Steve with a small smile
" good cause I made it " you humored
' seriously Rogers? niCe cOfFeE , he still didn't know how to talk to pretty girls '
If Bucky were here right now, he either would've stolen the girl or nagged him about how he should ask for her number, Steve thought not noticing you placing the cake on his table.
“ i didn't order any sweets, maam “ said Steve eyeing the small cake you gave him
It was a simple oreo cake with white frosting everywhere.
He saw how beautiful you were and is awestruck.
He couldn't help but feel he saw you before, maybe as he passed this very same shop.
“ i know you didnt but you seemed sad, no offense “ you said smiling as the man Infront of you smiled back
“ thanks, I guess i am kinda famished “ Steve said picking up the small fork to take a bite
He wouldn't say no to a cake given by a pretty dame
He wasn't that stupid
“ So waiting on the big guy? “
“ maam? “ he questions
“ iron man, lot of people eat here just to see him fly by “ you said pointing at the building he was drawing before you talked to him
“ maybe another time " said steve as he took the cake quickly in one bite that made you giggle seeing the frosting that was left in his lips
He felt hypnotized by your small laugh and the way you crunched your nose as you laughed.
He turned red thinking he made a fool of himself and quickly wiped of the extra frosting around his mouth.
“ table’s yours as long as you like,nobody’s waiting on it and plus we got free wireless “ you said as you started walking away wiping your hands on your apron
“ radio? “ the cute guy asked that just made you smile more thinking he was joking
“ ask for her number, you moron “ an old guy next to Steve asked as he shook his head
He walked away forgetting the sketchpad he brought, occupied with the thoughts of you and your laugh.
You returned outside to clean some tables and give out other people's orders.
He watched the trains go by, like the way years had gone in the blink of an eye.
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You went to the cute guy's table and saw his forgotten notebook.
You tucked it under your arm as your hands held the tray filled with empty plates and cups with the clattering of some utensils as you moved.
You set down the sketchbook just to peek in case the guy that left wrote his name.
You opened it cautiously to the first page knowing artists like to be careful with their sketchbooks.
You were an art major yourself but in digital arts, you wanted to pursue a career in animation.
You liked drawing a lot too as a teenager, and painting but animation fascinated you.
The moving pictures that could tell any story you want it to, the magic of voice acting and sound effects making a movie without actually showing real people amazed you.
You loved disney films and ghibli animation, you loved the way even drawings can showcase complicated emotions.
S. Rogers
His first initial and surname were written on the small corner of the first page. A thing most people do even if they didn't draw, they'd put their initials or signature.
You did it too,with all your notebooks, your umbrella and even your books.
You couldn't help but flip the next pages getting mesmerized by the drawings the cute guy had.
You giggled seeing the monkey in an army like attire holding a shield, their were drawings of people – most of them looked as if they were from the military. They had helmets on or had the more professional uniforms with buttons and medals.
The more drawings you saw the more it felt wrong peeking at his masterpieces, you'd hate it too but you made the excuse in your head that you were just trying to find more information on the cute guy that left rather quickly that afternoon.
You sensed the sadness, emptiness of the drawings he had, maybe he missed these people, you thought while closing the notebook not wanting to pry into his privacy any longer.
You smiled as you walked home remembering the details of the cute guy's looks. He seemed nice and dorky, not like the guys that would just hit on you and expect you to say yes after some sweet talking.
You kept it safe in one of the drawers under the cashier hoping the cute blonde will show up again.
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His ocean blue eyes made you blush, they felt so intimidating in a way that made you feel like your old 16 year old self.
It was infatuation at first sight, his outfit making him look old fashioned but still dashing.
You wanted to be the one to always put a smile on his face if it looked as pretty as the one he gave you just hours ago.
You wanted to pass your finger through his blonde locks that you'd bet were as soft as clouds.
You couldn't miss his broad shoulders and thick figure.
You found yourself crushing on the mysterious cute guy that left his sketchbook.
You felt giddy as you slept thinking of the same pair of ocean blue eyes.
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oolathurman · 1 year
so uhh that was the first watch through, let's go over it again
enemies can interact with each other and the environment
still convinced that ganondorf somehow corrupted that arm of link's.
the large chalk drawings on the ground i love them they're SO gonna be puzzles
ok the spotlights seem to be in multiple locations so i'm betting it's for like. wayfinding purposes when you're in the air.
i wonder how long after botw this takes place?
seeing encampments near hyrule castle is so cool tho ahhh ARE WE BUILDING UP AN ARMY????
giant cloud in the sky five bucks says it's also related to skyward sword shit
i should. probably finish skyward sword huh i never did whoops.
i got close!!!!
the way music is reversed and shit. while ganon's music is cued. mm.
like i know we saw evidence of the zonai last trailer but i'm still seeing traces of twilight princess. such as in this music.
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ok so you can't see it very clearly in just a screenshot but
one arm is like. corrupted compared to the right. or the arms different at least.
this continues my theory that ganondorf corrupted link's arm
if he didn't i will eat my shoe
still fucking horny for ganondorf
what is this SPARKLING that zelda's doing as she's falling
it's clearly related to the piece of amber or whatever it is she holds later in the trailer
i love the addition of quicksand in totk it's so 90s to have quicksand everywhere
this underground area where link's wearing the goron armor tho
it's not goron built, the architecture is different and i KNOW nintendo puts careful thought into that shit
but it's underground or otherwise not receiving natural sunlight
is this the temple in the ravine??? the forgotten temple or whatever????
[cues mission impossible music]
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heehee poncho boy
yeah you can def fight with villager and npcs now and i like that link's learned how to do the spinning spear trick that the bokoblins used in the previous game! that's such a fun touch
if this dragony npc is a zonai by god we are gonna introduce so much more furry bait into the fandom (i say this with amused positivity)
well we're getting so much more furry bait already with their existence but shhh
wait a second i'm remembering this like. weird conspiracy theory i had when i played oot where a sect of separate sheikah who defected from hyrule were like. corrupted by magic and shit. i suppose i forgot bc it's been uhhh ten plus years but uh
eyes emoji
wait a second what's the zonai theory anyway
bc if my old conspiracy theory lines up with zonai then that means i came up with the zonai theory separately and--
well anyway
what is this script that's being used on the gears and walls in this next scene. it's a new language/script. it's not sheikah, it's not hylian. what is it. is it zonai as well. idr if the twili had a script.
ugh the way this unseen npc dresses reminds me so much of. shit what's his face. the other twili person that isn't midna. him. the weirdo. i guess it's just how the clothes drape but i have so much thread on this spool for the conspiracy theory board ok.
that amber i talked about is around her neck THAT AMBER IS AROUND HER NECK also girl cute earrings!!!!
i will say that seeing link using magic 2 part epoxy to glue a shield to a sword is fucking hilarious.
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does anyone recognize this rito from the previous game
was she(?) the (modern) champion's daughter or smth idr
the corruption has spread to mount doom you KNOW this is gonna be a main quest
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obsessed with this look yas girl oh my god i just noticed the additional ear piercings I LOVE IT
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new 'hit the eyes' boss revealed in the thunder cloud
oh wait the arms thing was a torn sleeve
i mean we still see ganon corrupting link's arm but also i wanna see more of like how it connects
still horny for ganondorf
can someone give zelda a goddamn break like just fucking let her be with her gnc boyfriend already
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9 and 10 for the whole cult 👀
*crawls out of my grave* I AM ALIVE!!!!! 
The holiday's don't have names yet cuz coming up with names for holidays is hard ;v;
Also I can't find which ask meme this came from cuz its been literal months but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Minori Løgner
9.What is their favorite holiday? (How do they relate to their culture/outside world. Also fun is least favorite holiday.) 
Minori doesn’t really have a favorite modern holiday mainly cuz they’re afraid that if they try to fully celebrate it the god that holiday is for will just hunt them down for sport.
Also it would like be celebrating a birthday for an ex-coworker that you probably didn't like. Not fun and I don't know why you'd do it unless you have a gun to your head.
The Spring Festival is the closest modern holiday they like but it’s a heavy mourning period for them.
Their favorite holiday that’s no longer being celebrated is her own holiday where it was similar to a combination of April Fools and Halloween with more learning. It was a fun holiday of just messing around and pranking your friends and family. Masks of Minori’s demon form got sold and worn a lot during this holiday.
Minori’s least favorite holiday is the holiday that’s basically Huyu, the god of winter and death, forcing mortals to love their loved ones cuz it’s his wedding anniversary or else. They dislike it cuz its a scary time of year for them due to them being terrified of Huyu.
10. What objects do they always carry around with them? (What do they need for their normal, day-to-day routine? What does ‘normal’ even look like for them.) 
Minori carry’s the golden silk ribbon that tied their long hair back when they were a full-fledged god. It’s tied around their wrist and its hidden behind the sleeve of their lab coat. The ribbon tarnished and ripped but it serves as a reminder for them of what they’ve lost and what was taken from them unfairly.
Also Minori likes the texture.
Jun Masipag
9.What is their favorite holiday? (How do they relate to their culture/outside world. Also fun is least favorite holiday.) 
Jun loves the Summer Maiden holiday and the festivities around it!
It’s a time where a lot of festival stalls have fun little sports game you can play at for a low price. Jun tries to win overly large plushies for his friends, mainly to inconvenience them. He is not the greatest at these games but he’s not the worst either he usually gets small to medium size plushes with the occasional large plush.
There’s also a lot of spicy food served at this festival which is something he likes a lot. He usually wins the spicy food eating contests. He tries to get Yoshino to do it but she learnt from her mistake the first time.
His least favorite holiday would be the Solar one. He just thinks it’s boring and only really traditional people do. You just go to church pretty much.
10. What objects do they always carry around with them? (What do they need for their normal, day-to-day routine? What does ‘normal’ even look like for them.) 
He needs his phone and wallet. Its nothing special or have any meaning but messing with his phone is how he passes time when he's waiting around. The wallet is just for identification just in case he just randomly dies. It's one of those ridiculously strong wallets that is covered in scratch marks and probably burn marks cuz he practically tortured it as soon as he got it to see how strong it really is.
So many wallets have died by his hands.
The wallet is also full of movie ticket stubs. It's his prized collection he loves seeing the movies getting cut off. If Yoshino goes to the movies without him he WILL steal her movie ticket stubs if he thinks it's funny.
Hyousuke Fujimura
9.What is their favorite holiday? (How do they relate to their culture/outside world. Also fun is least favorite holiday.) 
His favorite holiday is the Huyu and Etsu anniversary one. He gets the day off and gets to finally take a breather to take care of and bond with Mitsuko and friends. He also just has really fond memories on this day with his mother. He just gets a nice break.
Hyousuke has two least favorite holidays are the War Warding Holiday where people try to appease the major war god, Kyou, in hopes to prevent a potential war from coming forth. It’s loud and kind of sensual but he hates it. Gives him a headache every year. And then the other one would be Harvest Festival. It’s when the Valerian Bar gets the most busy and while it’s good money, he usually ends up having to throw more people out of the establishment due to them getting too rambunctious.
10. What objects do they always carry around with them? (What do they need for their normal, day-to-day routine? What does ‘normal’ even look like for them.) 
Hyousuke carries a wallet full of physical pictures of his daughter thats comedically long as well as carries around a pocket knife that he never uses.
Pictures of daughter for strength and to annoy others with
Knife for sick tricks.
9.What is their favorite holiday? (How do they relate to their culture/outside world. Also fun is least favorite holiday.) 
Yasushi likes New Years. It’s quiet and dark, and he usually ends up receiving a lot of sweets by Minori as well as random people who are in a good mood and decide to give a random fox their unfinished snack. He only gets more spoiled after the cult grows. Minori tries to stop him from eating too much but he might be a magical shapeshifting fox, he is still a fox so like he will just take the food and hide under the shrine where Minori can't find him or get to him.
His least favorite holiday is same as Minori. He doesn't like how stressed out the holiday it makes Minori and he doesn't like how sleep deprived she gets as the days lead up to it. He also hates this universe's version of Halloween. He's easily scared by nature so usually he sticks really close to Minori during the holiday and refuses to leave until dawn of the next day.
10. What objects do they always carry around with them? (What do they need for their normal, day-to-day routine? What does ‘normal’ even look like for them.) 
Outside of his clothes he doesn't really carry around anything. He's just out here free handling everything.
In his defense he can just summon a sword and he doesn't have pockets. Minori is his pocket and Minori doesn't even carry anything outside of the ribbon and maybe a couple of random objects they found as they walk around.
If he's at the shrine then he's usually carrying around a broom, but that's mainly cuz Minori tracks dirt and mud in the shrine and he's a clean boy.
Can you imagine though? If Yasushi had a credit card and wallet? That would be wild. Didn't even tell his master about it. Rude.
Yoshino Iwasaki
9.What is their favorite holiday? (How do they relate to their culture/outside world. Also fun is least favorite holiday.) 
Despite being an atheist, Yoshino really enjoys the Spring Festival. She just think its fun and enjoys looking at the flower decorations. As well as the additional fact that warmer weather is right around the corner.
She also likes the pastel colors.
She's mostly indifferent to the holidays but her least favorite one is probably any one of them that is extremely loud by nature. So any of the ones that has fireworks at the end so New Years, and the War Warding Holiday.
10. What objects do they always carry around with them? (What do they need for their normal, day-to-day routine? What does ‘normal’ even look like for them.) 
The hat her grandma gave her. She is usually seen wearing it outside of her job or any formal event. She can't help but feel anxious whenever she doesn't have it on her person.
Its her one last connection she has to her missing grandma.
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justajely · 1 year
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My DnD oc, cute lil femboy, his name is Volcan
He’s a weird hombrew situation but mostly has the stats of a magma genasi
(Earth + fire genasi)
Again with some special stuff thrown in
Our dm was doing a clash of the ages campaign, someone from the past (medieval era) someone from the 1920’s , someone who is modern and someone from a cyberpunk future. We drew straws to see where we came from, I got cyberpunk so I retconned my boy Crowley (a very laudna inspired abomination) to play a Science experiment from a cyberpunk future
The outfit he shows up to in the campaign is the colored one
That’s his jailbreak outfit
Than he awakes in a foreign land with 3 other strangers after a weird voice speaks to us about saving the multiverse from a god before he gets the power to take over the multiverse
A dragon appears above weary and angry we are in its territory (the dm plays the dragons more like our equivalent of reptiles rather than sentient beings who can speak)
My dumb ass wanted to befriend it
So I said I wave at it
I roll high enough that it isn’t
Intimidated by us being in its territory
I look at the dm after hearing that the dragons are more like reptiles (or like Game of thrones dragons)
I tell him I want to befriend the dragon! Cuz he’s cute
Dm laughs
Says if I roll a nat 20 I get the dragon
Friend 1 jokingly rolls
No luck
I decide I’m not gonna get the nat 20 but I want to see what I would get
So I roll anyways
Nat 20
Unintentional nat 20
Dm is baffled
I get a dragon friend
I name him igneous
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 1 year
Twst X P5 au, but make it next gen
Let's get this show Rollin! Y'all know what you signed up for from the title!
Today... We will cover only the Prologue, without any other hints of who may be the first palace...
A few notes from me:
-Riddle is again the wildcard(like in PTTW)
-This takes place far into the future, when already the P5 gang are adults with working jobs and families. It also takes place in the P5 universe(modern day Tokyo)
-Some twst boys are children of the thieves, some are not.
-This will NOT follow the Royal version, nor the Scramble one. Only the pure, classic P5 game.
-there will be ships in between the og p5 gang... I will not make them the main thing, but I warn just in case. If you don't like them, they won't be that present... You do you, buddy. :3
-This au WILL play into the same genre as the P5 game... So expect some more mature themes... (I will try my best to tag appropriately and section those parts)
Now onto the cut, cuz this one is not really that long. :'3
Starting off with the premise: Riddle was a boy from UK, his father being Japanese, while his mother was British. Both were great doctors, expectation having for Riddle to follow the same carrier.
Being quite sheltered, Riddle was thankfully given to at least a private school. Yet there, everything went south since not only he was considered to be wierd, his kettle like temper got him to not integrate so well. And of course Riddle realised it too late to fix anything.
Unlike his mother, his father was a more open minded man. So he had a few times where he took his son of to Japan, to explore and see other places than the familiar ones. As in a domino effect, that meant Riddle became fluent in both Japanese and English because of his childhood influences. There he happened to meet Che'nya and Trey. So whenever a trip to Japan occurred with his father... The 3 would be extremely happy to see each other. They also tried their best to keep in contact, despite the timeszones and Riddle's mom being extremely strict.
But as he was supposed to start high-school, suddenly both of his parents decided to send him to Tokyo, to attend Shujin academy. What raised more questions was when he was told he will stay at a friend of his father. Usually his parents would be far more strict about this... So leaving him off the hook so easily was bewildering. Of course he had to journal and call them every night before bed... But still! With all that paperwork and grades switchup... Shujin started on 10th of April.
When the big day came... Riddle was trying extremely hard to not show what he was way too excited for this. It was his chance to be free. To turn over a new leaf and start again from 0, but this time he would make it right! He would make friends and have fun times!
He was given an address and off he was to Tokyo! :D
While it took a bit of time, asking for directions and navigating through the alleys, Riddle finally found his destination: LeBlanc!
The LeBlanc was the same as ever... Both on the outside and inside. With the small addition that the button phone wasn't anymore on the counter. Behind the bar, a woman with long hair was talking with a blonde woman that looked quite fashionable. Noticing the poor clueless Riddle, the 2 immediately realized who he was.
The ginger woman presents herself as Futaba Kitagawa, the owner of this place. The other one was Ann Takamaki, a friend of hers. It was a short round of introductions, before Futaba tells Riddle that his room would be upstairs.
While the redhead does get up on the stairs, he doesn't fail to hear Ann mentioning how 'He' had the same room before. Futaba replies that back at her residence, she couldn't possibly have poor Riddle share a room with one of her 'spawns'. And from that the conversation derails to things Riddle doesn't know and would rather not pry into.
The attic was quite tidy. No dust in sight, showing signs that it was still used like a common room from time to time. So first on the list was unpacking, which in all honesty, took all of the rest of the day, leaving Riddle to go to sleep, after Futaba checked up on him one last time.
Tomorrow they will have to go to school and have the proper paperwork signed for it.
That night, Riddle couldn't really sleep that well. Sure, he made the call to his parents, like he was told to, but he noticed something wierd after that.
An app... One he doesn't remember ever installing. He did check his phone several times before leaving UK and knew very well that he had no such app before. But he couldn't delete it. Maybe his mother put it in there for him, so deleting it surely would get him in trouble. It looked wierd on top of that.
But staring too much at it, made him sleepy. Maybe the emotions regarding his new start was what kept him from getting some shut eye after all...
Unfortunately for Riddle, he woke up on a velvety seat from a theatre. He tried to get up, but he was tied up with ribbons and strings, that immediately tightened once sensing his desire of getting up. That panic of being trapped only made Riddle to look around and that's when he realised.
In front of the stage, a desk was placed, at which a man with a long nose was staying, introducing himself as Igor. Next to him, a boy with silver hair and golden eyes stood like a guard, holding a book. Igor introduced him as Silver, the attendant of the Velvet room. The only details that were given to Riddle was that this 'velvet room' existed 'in-between dream and reality' and that those who have forged a contract can access it, so Riddle tried his best to remember when he signed a contract, but nothing came up.
Silver explains that they will collaborate together towards making the best improvisation act, showcasing the 'downfall of injustice and ruin'. But that can only be achieved if Riddle played it in real life, as he is a 'puppet of fate'.
With that and the ominous 'we are looking forward to our next meeting', Riddle was left to wake up to the real world, with the confusion of the century. Maybe it was because of the jetlag? He didn't really question it more and decided to get ready for the day.
Getting down, Futaba prepared some curry, but there were 3 plates, one from which a boy was already eating from and another, from which a man was eating. Futaba did the intros this time too.
The man was Yusuke, or as she nicknamed him: Inari. He was her husband and an artist, more specifically a painter. The other boy was Ortho, her younger son, a first year at Shujin. This reminded Riddle that actually he was a second year.
Riddle did assume ortho didn't notice him, as he had those headphones over his ears, but he was surprised when Ortho did greet him happily, noting how Riddle was from around Tokyo. The redhead corrected that actually he was from the UK, which made Ortho to point out that this was not what his accent and tone implied.
After a more quiet eating session, Yusuke had the job of going over the papers, so he will go with the 2 to Shujin for those. In addition to that... They had to take the train route, as the traffic sure made it way harder.
On the way there... Yusuke mentioned how his close friends and even Futaba attended Shujin. He hopes the 2 would integrate in the colective as surely there were no more problems like those at the time he attended school.
Ortho happily mentioned how his big brother actually attended Shujin too, but usually he would go in before classes to work on a project he hopes on presenting for an application at college. Ortho mentioned how his brother worked since last year on it, almost losing permission of continuing it on the school grounds if he didn't reveal it to the teachers, much to his dismay. Yusuke added that he eagerly waits for the time his older son would present to everyone his creation.
With all that chatter, the 3 reach Shujin. Yusuke notes how it didn't quite change at all aesthetically speaking. The same bushes, the same gates, the same building front, the same halls. What indeed changed were the posters, the announcements on the buletin board and the ones roaming around the halls of the building.
The principal was nice, Riddle would say decent after the speech mannerisms, but in the end, they got introduced to the teachers: Mrs Kawakami, who was taking ortho in her last class before retirement, and Mr Vanrouge, who already had a class with an opening due to an 'unfortunate accident' to one of his students. He seemed like he did not want to elaborate and nor did the other teachers.
And that sure was handled quickly, both of them getting their students IDs and being expected tomorrow to attend classes properly.
So returning to LeBlanc, Futaba greets them, saying that they just missed the older Kitagawa boy or as she nicknames him: Firehead. Riddle asked Ortho in a whisper about it, to which Ortho replies that his brother usually is a hothead when it comes to video-games.
And so, another day passes.
The big school day came and Riddle sure as heck was awake really early. He was used to waking up early, not because he had a nightmare he can't remember anymore, no sir, defenetly not... :'3
So getting down from the attic, he did not expect Yusuke around. It seems like Futaba left for them something to pick from the fridge and Yusuke was running late to his workshop, so he just greeted Riddle and ran off.
The next to come was Futaba and Ortho. Futaba of course looked through the fridge and noticed that there were 3 lunch packs instead of the 2 meant for ortho and Riddle. Ortho offered for him and Riddle to get the lunch to his brother, even if that meant going in more earlier than usually.
So off they were! Except that it so happened for the 2 to catch up with some spring rain. So because none of them wanted to get a long shower and nor did they have any umbrellas on them (Futaba did warn them to take one, but ortho's rush got them to forget), the 2 got in the front of a flowershop, which had a small tent like roof that shielded them from the rain.
Riddle pulled out his phone, looking on the map for the shortest route they could take. That's when someone else came next to them to shield from the rain.
It was an average height boy with rosy cheeks, pale skin, big eyes and short black hair. That's when Riddle noticed, that unlike him, Ortho's hair looked extremely fluffy, in it residing some blue streaks of dye. The newcomer frowned upon seeing ortho, but smiled as he saw Riddle, asking if the 2 were from Shujin too. Riddle says yes, but before they can get any conversation on the table, a group of students with umbrellas see them and invite 'Neige' under their umbrellas and maybe go to and hang out somewhere before classes.
The supposed Neige asks if it's ok for Ortho and Riddle to join too, but Ortho cuts it off that they really are hurrying somewhere, despite being 1 hour before the students usually arrive at school. Before anyone can cut him off, Ortho drags Riddle away in a hurry, thankfully, the rain seemingly starting to disappear.
Riddle asks what was that, Ortho replying by telling him that his brother warned him last night. The warning was: 'whatever you do, don't mingle with Neige...'. Riddle initially assumed Neige was a delinquent of some sorts, but he didn't look like that.
Ortho starts to explain that apparently, his brother told him that Neige was 'the prince' of the school. He was a raising star in acting and always had the first impression of a prince charming straight out of fairytales. Mockingly, Ortho compared Shujin as 'Neige's fairytale palace'. Riddle still holded his argument that the guy seemed nice, to which Ortho retorted with 'I trust my brother more than some apparences.'.
He was kind of right after all, so Riddle gave Neige the benefit of doubt for now.
Until they realised that Riddle still had his phone in his hand. He put it in his pocket as the 2 hurried on an alleyway.
And that's when a headache got over the 2. They brushed off, because they realised where exactly they stood.
Where Shujin was supposed to be... Now it was a castle made out of precious glass and jewels, with beautiful smelling flowers, as if it was straight out of a fairytale, where the prince brings the princess after defeating the evil foe.
The 2 checked their way, knowing damn well that it was the exact same way they went on yesterday with Yusuke. So why instead of Shujin now it was well... That...
So of course the 2 are very much confused, but nonetheless, Riddle insist to head in and ask about this, while Ortho just knows this will end up with either this being a big prank, both of them having a comune hallucination or both of them ending up dead in dungeons/kicked out for witchcraft(their modern looking clothes), like any kind of medieval themed movie preaches.
And here is where we are stopping for the story. :'3
Ofc there are a few parallels to the og P5 storyline... And that is my point... :3
That is it for the intro! Next time... We tackle the first part of the palace!
If you have theories, questions or anything else to talk about, you are always welcome to the asking corner :3
Until next time! Buh bye!
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newtypezaku · 2 years
P-P-P-Power Rankings!!
Dragon Quest: Dai's Adventure (Last: 3): Dai took the fight to Vearn, Hym showed his full strength to Myst, and Avan found some traps.
Aoashi (Last: 2): Aoi struggled through his first game at fullback, though he activated his eyes on the final play to break up a corner.
Isekai Ojisan (Last: NR): Takafumi's uncle woke up from a coma and had to adjust to modern life... with his isekai-acquired skills.
Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer (Last: 5): Yuuhi suffered through difficult training and childhood trauma despite Sami's affirmation.
Teppen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Last: 6): Bullet Kunoichi and Akudare Kingdom treated a cute-girl variety show with as much contempt as it deserved.
Love All Play (Last: 7): Ryo tried to pick up some leadership skills to help the first-years but needed a little help from his guys.
Shine on! Bakumatsu Bad Boys (Last: 4): The squad went on an escort mission and thought about the future after seeing US warships.
PoT2: Under-17 World Cup (Last: NR): Japan came out firing at the pre-tournament exhibition, so the Germans decided to get serious.
Aiming for eight each week cuz eighters gonna eight. [Full Watch List]
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demonicintegrity · 2 years
oh yeah for sure, not trying to make any definitive judgements on will's current moral character or anything, obviously i don't know him. i just find it interesting that people who were previously okay with knowing he has done bad things to people in the past are suddenly just dropping him after seeing a bit of the potential reality of who he used to be by his own words. it's understandable cuz it's one thing to know a vague fact vs to see the harsh details from the perspective of someone directly harmed by it. i hope for more context and info and for this to all be addressed!
Oh yeah that certainly is an interesting side effect of this whole. But I guess if you know Will solely from his music, like I and many do,
1) it’s hella vague as you said and open to a number of interpretations. And admittance to being a bad person in the past can mean a number of things and w/o context I don’t think any of us could place a solid guess as to what that meant. Nor do I think we wanted to, both out of personal exhaustion of trying to puzzle that one out and respect for Will in not wanting to drudge up the past in bad faith.
And 2) it’s really hard to distinguish how much of his music is Will the person off stage and Will Wood the musician doing the funny scream songs playing up/portraying certain aspects in a specific way for the song
And that doesn’t even consider that maybe this kind of relationship Op describe could strike a chord with a number of people. It certainly did with me because I’ve been that codependent person. But it didn’t strike a chord in the way that now Will’s music reminds me of that now, as I’m assuming it might’ve for a lot of other people. And that’s okay if his music is now washed with those memories and you’d rather avoid that.
Nor does it account for this reactionary modern purity politics shit where you can be slandered as a Bad Person who Supports Bad People for consuming material at any point in your life that might’ve been from a problematic person. A lot of this distance is from people genuinely going “I don’t want to be a bad person for listening to this music” which is an entirely valid thing to want. No one wants to be a bad person. The reason this want came about though, is a whole other discussion to the way some people put a significant moral weight to content consuming while ignoring you can consume content critically and w/o supporting bad people and there are valid separation of art from artists contexts.
But yea, now it’s just the waiting game for more information as we chew on all this
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cherryasagiri · 8 months
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The Homicidal Herons
pairing: Gale x Tav
wc: 2,782
synopsis: What happens when you take characters from Baldur's Gate 3 and put them in a modern setting as a successful band? A whole lot of fuckery and hijinx. Join Karlach, Astarion, Gale, Zevlor, and Tav as they navigate stardom, come to terms with past traumas, and try to kick current addictions.
warnings: Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Past Rape/Non-con, Drug Use, Drug Addiction, Drug Abuse, Drugged Sex, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Past Child Abuse, Underage Rape/Non-con, Underage Drug Use, Grooming, Master/Slave, Mental Health Issues, Mental Breakdown, Drunk Sex, transphobia
a/n: So I was supposed to be updating other fics I had been writing, but BG3 came out, and I have been waiting years to play the game as a finished project. When Larian said something in a tweet about what we would name our bard band, my brain wouldn't stop working, and my fingers wouldn't stop typing, so the first chapter is pretty long! Sorry, haha. I hope everyone will enjoy the jumbled mess I created! Defos not beta'd cuz I am lazy.
Oh, and before I forget, this fic will get extremely dark, and I will leave a trigger warning in the notes at the beginning of the chapter, so don't worry! This is also being cross-posted on AO3 and probably Wattpad.
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“How about The Pussy Poppers?” Tav asked, writing the name down on the whiteboard display before being immediately struck through by his bandmate. “Absolutely not, Tav; we can’t have a name like that,” Gale responded, shaking his head in routine disapproval before writing down his suggestion. “What about Waterdeep’s Finest?” “That only would make sense to you, pal,” Karlach sighed. She didn’t look at either party that recommended a name for their band, opting out to playing with her black expo marker. “Do we really need to come up with a name right now? We need to practice and write new songs. Who cares what our name is,” she explained, tired of wasting precious time bickering over a silly band name when they could be going buck wild on their instruments right about now while coming up with something hard to perform.
“Oh, but darling, a good band name will take you a long way, especially with our talents of course. Would you rather have our adoring fans calling us by some putrid name those two idiots came up with, or you could come up with something angelic that rolls off the tongue?” Astarion questions, giving her a sly smirk, not waiting for her to say anything as he continued, “either way, I think I have the perfect name!” He exclaimed, his earlier smirk growing to an amused grin. ‘The Homicidal Herons’” he beamed, eyeing the group trying to gauge their reactions.
Everyone was quiet. The three questioned looked at each other silently, conversing through their eyes. Tav was the first to break the ice with a hearty laugh. The other members watched cautiously because he only laughed like this when there was a sinister thought swimming through his mind so their only response was to stiffen when Tav suddenly stopped laughing and gave them the brightest smile he could muster. “Gods, Astarion, that’s a fucking stupid ass name!” He started, a light chuckle leaving his lips before he continued, “But I fucking love it.”
That was three years ago, and things changed for them over the years. Old routines are broken to accommodate their ever-growing, fast-paced lifestyle, habits that have gotten out of hand, and the accumulated tension between the lead singer and their base player. But first, let me introduce the band.
Karlach was their ever-loving drummer. The sweetheart of the group lives in positivity but can be truly reckless and emotionally distant when it shows that morally right things aren’t as they should be. She’s usually breaking up the arguments between Gale and Tav when he decides to go on a reckless bender and is usually the one who can hype up the crowd better than anyone else in the band. She hates seeing Tav like this, but what can she do when Tav doesn’t want to listen to anyone? Gale is their very calm and collected base player. He’s the most sane of the group that has to make sure that the rest of his friends aren’t getting into too much trouble that’ll eventually fuck up what they had. However, he wasn’t immune to their shenanigans as he is Tav’s loyal drug buddy. They like to binge use and take that time to come up with new songs, think about how the drugs enhance their connection to the weave, and try to come up with new cantrips, only for most of those days to end up with them fucking each other and waking up refreshed. Astarion is the extremely dramatic second guitar. He’s always instigating Tav’s outlandish behavior while feigning ignorance when he gets arrested. He can’t keep his hands off anyone willing to give up their chastity for the night. He has his own demons, which he doesn’t discuss with the rest of the band. They know he’s a vampire and usually feeds off of Tav when he allows; however, there are deeper traumas he has yet to express with the rest of his friends… can he really call them that if he’s keeping them at arm's length? Then we have Tav, their first guitar and lead singer. He is the founder of the band and the one who gets in the most trouble. He tends to get high whenever he feels depressed and hates it when the other members try to get him to understand that his drug use is borderline an addiction. What does he do to combat their complaints? He goes sober for a month before binging heavily, starting the song, and dancing all over again.
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The chirping of the local birds outside and the loud calls of the nearby roosters finally stirred the half-sleeping, tired older man awake earlier than he expected. Zevlor slowly sat up on his bed, letting the warmth from his blanket dissipate as it fell from his upper body, letting the early morning chill wake him up. He glanced down at his phone to see the time, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes while he adjusted his sight. There was a reserved sigh that escaped his lips, knowing that the day was going to be stressful. He noticed he woke up at 5:30, thirty minutes before he was supposed to wake up, something unusual but reasonably needed for the day. The Homicidal Herons had a gig that day in a particular city, and Zevlor was already worried about their lead singer traveling there without prior notice. He wanted to tell him, but he knew if he did, Tav would wholeheartedly be against it and would refuse to go along with them to the gig, saying things like “You can find another singer for the night” or “I will kill myself and everyone here before I step foot in that fucking city again Zevlor,” and many more colorful things that Zevlor isn’t too keen on thinking about right now. He knows that he isn't going to tell the male about it but instead is preparing himself to take whatever crap the human was going to give him.
Zevlor was so far down the rabbit hole of his own mind that he didnt notice the male in question had been knocking on his door. So far into his own thoughts, he didnt notice said man sneaking into his bed and under his blanket. So far gone with how he was going to hide their trip that he didn't notice Tav wrapping his arms around the tiefling’s torso as he gently moved his lips closer to Zevlor’s ear before whispering, “Penny for your thoughts, handsome?” he questions, forcing Zevlor to wince from surprise. His heart was beating rapidly from the surprise and close contact he was adjusting to. He was used to Tav's constant flirting and borderline sexual harassment but didn’t mind. He welcomed it honestly but wouldn't let Tav know that. He is technically their band manager, so he wasn't going to overstep his professional boundaries even though it was getting harder and harder. He would be lying if he said he didn’t have a bit of a crush on his client, seeing as how he was able to bring the sad older man out of deep depression when he lost everything that he cared for. Tav didn’t look at him as a lost cause or someone to pity; he genuinely cared about his soon-to-be manager at the time and only wanted to help since he had the means to. That is how he secured the managerial job overseeing an up-and-coming successful band.
Zevlor felt the heat rising from his neck and stretching across both ears; the embarrassment of being caught off guard and having Tav so close to him warmed his entire face. He thanked the Gods for giving him red skin because he wouldn't know what to do if Tav had noticed how hard he was blushing. He cleared his throat, refusing to meet the star-struck gaze he knew the human was giving him, and began his usual speech. “How many times do I have to tell you, Tav, to stop coming into my room without permission?” he growled unintentionally. He wanted to apologize but ultimately gave up and just blamed it on him just waking up. Tav pouted at his tone, which was quickly diminished and replaced with a half-smirk. “Yeah, yeah, I know Zevy, but I kept knocking, and you wouldn’t answer me, and you left the door unlocked, which is not like you, so I just walked in,” he started, eyeing the tired male while he slowly snaked his arms up from his torso to around his neck while pressing his chest against Zevlor’s arm. “I was worried about you because you went to bed last night way more grumpy than usual, so I wanted to see if you were okay because I knew you were going to be up earlier than normal when you get like that.” he finished, the smirk never leaving his lips. At the same time, he lightly blew air into the tiefling’s large ear.
Zevlor glanced at Tav for a split second before sighing heavily. He was annoyed that Tav knew so many little things about him, yet his heart swelled with how much he cared. He couldn't let his feelings get in the way at the moment, so he feigned annoyance and pushed the male away, much to his and their dismay. “I'm fine, Tav. Just leave my room and get everyone ready to leave. We have to make it to the next gig early this time around so we can make sure everything is perfect unless you want to end up like last time,” he spoke, noticing Tav wince at the mention of their last gig. Tav shook his head and sighed lightly, leaving the bed and Zevlor’s room. At the same time, he let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding in before rubbing at his temples. It was going to be a long day.
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Once Zevlor was ready and ensured everything was accounted for on the bus, he reluctantly made his way over to Gale. He didnt have a problem with the wizard per se; it was just that he knew the relationship between the two was sexual and toxic for the both of them, and the less time he was around Gale while he smelled like Tav’s perfume, the better. However, this is such a time when he couldn't stray away.
“Gale, has everyone made sure not to tell Tav where we were going, right?” he asked, scouring around the area to ensure the male wasn't around to hear what they were discussing. Gale glanced over at their manager and proceeded to do the same before giving him an answer. “Of course, Astarion didnt care, so we don’t have to worry about him. But I know it will be hard for Karlach to keep her mouth shut because she doesn't like to lie to Tav… and I agree with her sentiments. I hate lying to people, but lying to Tav about this? Isn't this a bit extreme?” he asked, his brows etching together from the stress of keeping this from the man he’s been actively sleeping with, so being around him in such an intimate way while keeping such a secret from him was eating him up. But he knew it was for a good reason and hated it.
Zevlor could see the distress swimming in Gale’s eyes. He wasn't meant to be someone who keeps things from people he cares about, and Zevlor feels a tinge of guilt for making him hide this from their leader. “I know Gale, and I am sorry for making you keep this from him, but I know you understand why,” he began, watching as Gale nodded before egging him to continue. “It would be either this or watch Tav find different ways to get what he wants, and we all know how ugly that can get.” he sighed, Gale shaking his head at the memory, not wanting to live through that again. After a bit of time and everyone was on the bus, their hired driver soon began to drive off to their next destination. Zevlor had made earlier preparations so they could get to their destination without Tav knowing.
First, it was the tour dates where three cities were surprises (two that they told him were real and the other was fake). Second, the bus windows were tinted and had it covered on the inside that, surprisingly, Tav didn’t question. Third, even though Zevlor was against it, Astarion made sure to supply Tav with enough drugs to keep his mind off of their destination and more on getting high. But the thing is, Tav isn’t stupid. He knew that something was up with everyone other than Astarion. Karlach was being a bit distant with him on the bus, Gale couldn’t even look at him when they spoke and kept the conversations to a minimum, and Zevlor was more attentive to his drug use now than at any other time. At first, he was going to ignore it. He mostly chalked it up to first-time jitters at this new venue they hadn't performed at yet and how the crowd would take them. But, after about 10 hours of driving and the tension growing thicker, the lines of coke just tasted bitter on his brain. With one last snort and a nostril cleaning, Tav had enough.
“What the fuck is going on with you guys?” he stood in the middle of the bus where everyone was gathered around and crossed his arms over his chest. He looked around at everyone, trying to gauge their reactions to see if they would give something up nonverbally, but they were solid as a rock.
“What is wrong my dear? Are the drugs fucking with your head? I told that guy not to try me today.” Astarion commented, his scowl apparent with his fangs visible. He seemed concerned and ignorant of what Tav was trying to get at, but he didn’t relent.
“No, you all are just acting fucking weird. What's going on?” he asked with more authority leaking from his words. The gang looked at one another, wondering who would be the one to crack first before Zevlor broke the tension in the air when he spoke up. “It’s nothing Tav. We’re all just tired and a little nervous about performing somewhere new like they always do.” he tried to persuade the accusor, but it seemed like it wasn't working.
Before Tav could respond, the tour bus jerked to a complete stop, which made everyone but Tav let out a sigh of relief. Tav was getting irritated with everyone, but didnt feel like fighting it out with everyone since they just got there; he just wanted to drop his equipment off and head to their hotel to sleep. But before he could set foot outside the double doors, he was stopped by four bombastic voices yelling, “Wait Tav!” and then his suspicions were confirmed. “Okay, so you all lied to me. Nothing unusual, I guess, but why?” his glare was lethal now, and there was no way out of it. Karlach was the first to speak this time.
“Hey bud, listen, we didnt want to say anything before, but you need to calm down, alright? We didn't mean anything malicious behind it, but you gotta trust us, yeah?” she weakly smiled, watching Tav intently. The smaller male looked up at him with his unwavering glare, refusing to speak. Karlach tried to find the words but came up with nothing. She felt defeated and looked over at Gale for a helping hand.
“Listen, Tav, we wanted to talk to you when we arrived and before we got off the bus. It’s about our next gig and–” Gale cut himself off when he noticed Tav turning his back to the wizard and bolted for the door. The group didn't waste a second chasing after him, yelling for him to stay back so they could talk, but it was going in one ear and out of the other. By the time the other wizard was out of the bus, he was taking in his surroundings. They were parked in front of the venue where he first met the man who destroyed his life. The memories flooded as he held back the sob, trying to force itself out of his throat. The rest of the band froze when Tav turned back their way: his shoulders were shaking, his icy glare fixed on all of them, and the tears threatening to escape from his waterline were apparent, and they knew they had fucked up badly.
“Why the fuck would you bring me here.”
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callsignbaphomet · 1 year
As evidenced by the last few posts I'm on a Fallout kick again. I haven't started 76 cuz I wanna play with Arcade but won't be able to till end of February (hopefully a lot sooner).
Still debating who the heck I'll make though I'm leaning on Loke or Jelani. Not Angelus cuz I have a very specific look to him and I'd need mods for that, unless the PS version of the game allows mods like in 4.
Anyway, I messed up 4 so much that I couldn't find a fix so I nuked the whole thing and did a clean install of the game. I was THIS close to downloading Vortex to try it but in the end stuck with MO2 and started downloading mods last night.
Back home from a long ass day tl;dr my car's in the shop and my eyesight is still blurry from the eye drops the doctor put on them. Good news is he said everything was perfect and next appointment is next year. So continuing the arduous task of re-downloading all the mods. Well, not all of them cause it turns out I had some that were basically copies. Also I'm reconsidering some of the modern weapons I had or better said the look, I'm looking for weapon mods that don't look so clean and shiny to better fit the aesthetic. Some do have "worn" skins but most don't so I'm reconsidering some of them. Still very much an absolute hater of those disgusting pipe guns. I still wanna knock the fuck out of whoever came up with that nonsense.
Also discovered there are people who make cute separators, all this time I've made my own but these are helpful to distribute mods easier. So that's what I'm gonna do for the rest of the afternoon.
Fingers crossed that the car gets fixed fast and it isn't anything serious.
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