#and not immediately decided to adopt the two of them whether they like it or not
olivegardenhunter · 23 days
The sannin as normal childhood friends who have sleepovers and play games in the forest and bond over liking "gross" animals
anon thank you SO much for this mental image. you have made my very miserable assignment-filled day. I have many thoughts about the sannin and baby sannin being inseparable best friends who were just normal kids make up about 90% of them. here's some hc I have about that (sorry for the massively long post, I'm a yapper at heart)
yes absolutely. I like to think of the sannin as misfits who never fit in anywhere else except with each other. there's so many different reasons for this. we know they became genin at age 6. if this makes them the exception, rather than it being the normal practice for a village in tumultuous times, then this must have meant each of them were prodigies in their own rights in the academy (yes, even Jiraiya I'd say, though I'd suspect his was more a case of recognised potential rather than showing any obvious prodigal talent from the get-go). this is further reinforced by the fact the third hokage became their sensei. I doubt the hokage would've taken up any random group of genin as his students. if this is the case, can you imagine how difficult it must've been for them to make friends with others, their age or otherwise? not only would it be hard to relate to their other peers cause of the age and probably ability gap, but I'd imagine people would've found them downright intimidating! all this, along with all their individual personality which, if their 6 year old selves were anything like their 50 year old selves, would've meant the little baby sannin would not have been anyone's first choice of friends.
so I'd imagine each of them being a bit of loners in the academy. then they get put in a team together. recognise they each stick out like a sore thumb from everyone else, but have all of the above common ground. their personalities are difficult for each to get used to initially, but once they do, these three super super super quickly become absolutely inseperable. to call them family would've been a serious underestimate of their relationship imo.
anyway this is all a long winded way of saying YES they're absolutely those regular childhood best friends who have sleepovers and hang out and play games. I imagine that tsunade grew up with a massive family in a massive loving home. direct contrast to orochimaru who's an orphan and, I imagine jiraiya is an orphan too (hence no canon last name). therefore, the senju compound is typically the designated sleepover venue.
the senju compound has mito, and nawaki, and depending on what your hcs are, would have tsunades parents, and I'd think they'd still effectively live like royalties even if the first and second are dead. (hashirama and tobirama wouldn't be around anymore by the time the three became genin I think, because (and someone correct me if I'm wrong) hiruzen would've already been hokage when he took on the three of them as his students, meaning tobirama would have already passed)
jiraiya and orochimaru just being at awe at the way tsunade lives and just how lively her house is and tsunade is just happy to have kids her age at home with her that just gets her cause her parents always nag her about training and chores, mito still treats her like a baby even though she's already a Shinobi that can take care of herself damn it!, and nawaki is so young he's so boring and sometimes gets annoying. so she always convinces her fellow teammates to come over to her house to practice and train, to babysit nawaki with her, to be the test dummy for try out this new jutsu or technique she's learning, and anything else that she insists she cannot do alone and needs them to be there with her
until suddenly it's already dark and oh her teammates can't possibly walk home all alone at this hour and besides my mum's making dinner and it's your favourite jiraiya and she'd scold me if I didn't offer some to you guys and orochimaru, mito found some sort of old scroll that uncle tobirama wrote about a new jutsu that she wants your thoughts on and besides, we have to meet sensei soooo early tomorrow for our mission and the training ground is closer from my house anyway, and you guys are just trying to get out of the bet we made and that's cheating y'know! and and and suddenly the senju compound just so happen to always have a few sets extra clothes and pyjamas that just so happened to be orochimaru and jiraiya's size and hey oro, raiya, look! it's got toads and snakes! and it matches mine! and the adults always just so happen to have two extra plates set at the table during meals, and the house just so happens to always be stocked up with both her teammate's favourite snacks, and orochimaru and jiraiya can suddenly enter the senju compound at any time of the day, with or without tsunade, and are greeted joyfully by the household's residents who had started nagging at them about training and chores and picking up after themselves, and mito is treating them like babies even though they're fully trained shinobis! and nawaki is being sooo annoying today and damn it, why isn't tsunade home yet? we agreed to train at 3!
(the three of them never quite notice that jiraiya or orochimaru's unannounced visits to the senju compound never trigger any of the seals that are activated by the presence of non-senju, non-family chakra in the compound. they never quite notice that the anbu guards at the front never give jiraiya and orochimaru any of the trouble or scrutiny that any visitors or guests to the senju compound are always subjected to, and the guards merely let them in with a slight bow of their heads, the same way they would to tsunade, or mito, or her parents.)
the only other times the sleepover isn't at tsunade's place is when there's a thunderstorm and orochimaru insists he needs to spend the night at his apartment because he tells them that last time the storm was this bad, lightning had struck a branch that smashed through his apartment that, if he wasn't already there and was even a little slower, would have destroyed the very few things his parents had left him that he so carefully keeps in a chest and he cannot ever take the risk that that would ever happen again he lost his power and his food went bad in his fridge, and c'mon tsu, you know oro not-so-secretly has a fear of thunder! don't you remember what happened last time at that mission where we were camping? we can't possibly let him spend the night alone at his house!
(later on when they're older, they'll come to find that jiraiya's new jonin apartment will become the new designated sleepover venue as jiraiya begins bringing back questionable sake from his missions that they were definitely too young to be having that he could not have possibly obtained that legally, and mito started banning them from playing card games at the senju compound when she noticed her granddaughter's tendency to lose her entire pay packet in a single game was becoming a bit too familiar to her... like a certain husband of hers' gambling habits that she had tried so hard to make sure wouldn't get passed on to the grandchild who the man had unwittingly taught said card games to at the age of 4. jiraiya started to call his apartment the degenerates' club then, much to the other two's dismay. though they couldn't quite protest when he correctly pointed out they were absolutely behaving like degenerates, even if princess tsunade and the leaf's once-in-a-generation prodigy felt like they were above those sort of disreputable behaviour.)
jiraiya and orochimaru fight tooth and nail that the massive forest that makes up the backyard of the compound, created by the shodaime himself of course, is the only reason they choose to hang out with tsunade at the senju compound, because princess tsunade (dammit oro stop calling me that!), the shodaime hokage seemed to have left so many fascinating things in this forest, there's so many secrets to discover. I don't think I've seen any of these species anywhere else in Konoha. I believe the secrets to some of his jutsu or techniques lie in this forest... oro you're such a nerd. and besides, Princess, the snakes here really seem to like oro for some reason and I think the toads are about to make me their king, I'm sure of it! and also, me and oro are the only people who don't find the fact you use the slime from those slugs in your potions or whatever absolutely disgusting, so we're the only friends you have to play in this gigantic forest with in the first place (it's not potions, it's a new medicinal gel I'm creating! and can you two just shut up? hide and seek is supposed to be a SILENT game and right now, you both really suck at it! I can literally locate you without even moving!) ...hey tsu, is mito-sama going to make those cookies she made last time again? she told me yesterday she would cause hiruzen-sensei told her we did a good job on our last mission.
the three of them knew everyone in Konoha had started calling them the 'Hokage's brats' behind their backs. but none of them realised that, particularly among the elders, this didn't seem to just be in reference to their sensei... there were other, more hushed whispers going around that if they had tried to listen to, would've sounded something like the adopted senjus... or lord first and second's legacies...
(these rumours may or may not have started when people started noticing tsunade's parents went from talking about their two children they adored, to their three rascals plus sweet little nawaki. or when mito kept comparing jiraiya's antics and personality to hashirama or orochimaru's brooding nature and hunger for knowledge was like tobirama's, or how tsunade's own hot temper and tenacity but also mischief was like her own's and the many Uzumakis that came before her, and that all three of them together balanced each other the way she, hashirama, and tobirama had. or when hiruzen constantly raves about his students and how much he sees his senseis in each of them and how the will of fire burns so brightly in them that he knew lord first and second would be extremely proud to see. in the end, though tsunade may have been the only one who shared a name with the senju founders, everybody couldn't help but see hashirama and tobirama and everything they had been and everything they had stood for in all three of the legendary sannin.)
#why yes i AM supposed to be doing my assignment right now#thank you anon for the ask and my apologies for taking your idea and absolutely RUNNING with it to the hills#as you can see i have a lot of thoughts when it comes to the baby sannin#with everything we know about the senjus (so not much) and all their stuff about the will of fire and the village being their family#there is absolutely NO WAY that they see tsunade's beloved teammates that she wont shut up about and see that theyre both orphans#that are in need of a little bit of love and family#and not immediately decided to adopt the two of them whether they like it or not#i absolutely believe that soon after they became a team the senjus started considering jiraiya and orochimaru as family#without even a shred of doubt in their mind#for as far it matters to them oro and jiraiya were one of them and were family no matter what#cause thats the kind of teachings that hashirama would've passed down#and cmon orochimaru had to learn tobiramas techniques somehow#i doubt these techniques were public knowledge#and jiraiyas proximity to the senjus could also be how minato learnt tobiramas technique too#but these hc just make what happened after the second war with the three of them so much more tragic#anyway anon i take your childhood friends sannin idea and raise it with inseperable unbreakable found family bond sannin#they mean everything to me#sannin#nart#meta#hc#tsunade#jiraiya#orochimaru#senju clan#mito#the legendary sannin#tsunade senju#naruto#naruto meta
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billiethepumpkin · 2 months
An Expanded Family: How They'd Be as Step-Parents
Warnings: Rated R. This content is intended for readers ages 18 years or older. If you are a minor, do not interact.
Contains: GN!Reader. Multiple family situations. Deceased parents. Coparenting. Absent parent. Blended families. Adoption of a younger sibling. Step-parent behavior.
Featuring: Izuku Midoriya. Ochaco Uraraka. Tenya Iida. Momo Yaoyorozu. Shoto Todoroki. Mirio Togata. Hitoshi Shinsou.
Author's Note: All characters are written to be adults because I am an old fuck :)
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Izuku Midoriya
It had been the first thing he learned about you. You were a parent. Parenthood was deeply engrained in the way you operated, especially in the Pro Hero space.
When you started dating, though, it became so much more complicated than that.
He started overthinking immediately.
Deku was a lot of things. A lot of little kids looked up to him. He met people every day, but the pressure of meeting your little one was extremely high.
Sometimes you'd catch him mumbling to himself, practicing how to talk to a little kid. He knew that screwing this up might mean losing you forever.
But there is literally no possible way that he could screw it up. In any universe.
He decided to go with you and your four year old son to a playground. He put together a picnic and everything.
Izuku was perfect.
You were sure you fell in love with him all over again, watching him on the playground with your baby.
He was a little awkward at first, but as soon as your son asked him to play tag, Midoriya was all over it.
Your baby had him climbing up slides, going down fireman's poles, swinging on swings, the works.
And you couldn't tell who was having more fun: Izuku or your son.
Sometimes, Deku would come over and babysit for you while you had to run off to work or to run an errand.
Izuku always just treated them like playdates or sleepovers, though.
He asks your son's permission for everything first. Especially when he's about to take big steps in the relationship, like moving in.
But when Deku asked your son if he could move in with you guys, your son got all wide eyed and excited.
"Yeah!" he exclaimed, smiling wide. "It'll be like a big sleepover!"
Midoriya knew your son had another parent, whether they were involved or not. He wasn't really trying to take over the father role.
It just fit him so well.
Soon, he found himself making pancakes and packing lunches and planning birthday parties.
Midoriya loved the life he had with you and your son. He loved it much more than he had anticipated.
And when you saw how much he loved your son, and how much your son loved him, it sealed the deal for you, too.
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Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco was surprised to find out you had kids. You were always so put together.
Not that parents can't be put together, she supposed, but you just didn't really seem like the parent type when she met you.
But whenever she came over while your twin daughters were there, she immediately saw a different side of you.
It made her fall that much more in love with you.
The first time you asked her to babysit, you were on your way to the hospital to see your sister have her own baby. Their other parent was never really in the picture, and everyone else that you would normally ask to watch the babies was also going to the hospital.
Uraraka volunteered almost immediately.
She had been with the twins and you enough times that she thought she had the hang of it.
However, they were only three years old, and whenever it came time to feed them, Ochaco realized she knew so little about children.
Nothing she offered seemed to satisfy them. It took her a while to figure out what they wanted, with their picky palates.
But she did it, eventually.
She knew the routine. Dinner. Bath time. Show on the couch. Then bedtime in the room they shared.
That night, you came home to find your two girls asleep with their heads on Ochaco's lap, her head leaned back on the couch as she dozed, too.
You merely giggled and brought your two girls to their own beds, then brought Ochaco into bed with you.
After that, it took her a while to feel comfortable watching the girls without you.
But she was very good at following your parenting style whenever it was the two of you!
And, man they loved her.
Any chance they got, they dragged Ochaco into the floor to play with them.
Coloring books, ball games, dress up, anything they could convince her to do.
With your permission, she had even floated them a couple of times.
And it warmed your heart when you heard one of them ask her, "Ochaco, will you be my Mama?"
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Tenya Iida
You only got your baby every other week.
Your son was still a newborn, and his other parent was still very much a part of his life.
You wanted to make as much of the time you had with him as possible. So originally, Iida wouldn't come over during the weeks that you had him.
However, all of that changed when his dad wanted to switch weeks for a family event that you'd had going on.
You'd been so absent minded about it that you had forgotten to tell Iida.
Tenya had offered to just go back home and to reschedule his visit for the following week. But you thought that was as good a time as any for him to meet your son.
Iida met your baby while he was sleeping.
He was quiet and attentive, taking in the entire nursery. He didn't think you had shown him that part of your house before.
And even though he loved you and your son, it took a long time for him to really feel like he was part of your family.
I mean, you were seemingly still really close with the baby's other parent. He was never going to be able to step inside the bubble of your family.
Especially because Iida never really did the whole "step-father" thing.
At least, not in the way that anybody else usually did it.
He was more clinical, more calculating, the way he was with everything.
He didn't give the baby any baths or diaper changes for the first six months that you knew him, at least. He felt like it was inappropriate for him, as someone who isn't even related to the baby, to be doing those things for him.
He would do almost everything else, though. Feeding, playing, walks, different learning exercises, cleaning, more feeding.
You knew that everything he ever said or did was only because he cared about you and your baby.
However, he was always insecure about it. He never thought he'd be able to get your ex to trust him, and he never wanted to give either of you a reason not to.
Until you had a conversation with him about it.
You had a heart to heart about how it felt like you were doing a lot of things alone in your relationship and that you needed him to do a little more.
It was then that he told you how much he worried about things like diaper changes.
After you had a long talk about it, he revealed that he had no problem with those kinds of things. He just worried that it would affect the baby's development, to have a stranger around for intimate moments like diaper changes.
After that, he started to help more. He became stronger and stronger as a caregiver for your baby.
He would never be the baby's father. You both knew that. And Iida wasn't trying to be his father. All Tenya wanted was to love both of you for as long as he could.
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Momo Yaoyorozu
You had a ten year old daughter when you and Momo started dating.
In fact, Momo met your daughter almost right away. She didn't have much of a choice because you had a really hard time finding childcare for her while you were away.
Your ex wasn't in the picture and didn't want to be. You didn't want them to be either. And your family didn't exactly raise kids the way you wanted your daughter to be raised. So it was just you and your daughter for the last ten years.
Until Momo came along.
She started out as just a really good friend.
Plus, now your daughter had someone else to look up to in her real life. Momo was smart and powerful, and you wanted your baby to have a woman in her life to look up to. Momo was perfect.
And then it became so much more than that.
Soon, Momo was over every single day. She picked up your daughter from school when you couldn't. She helped with homework and studying. She made dinner and taught your daughter everything she could about math and science and chemistry and hero work, everything she could get out of her system
And your daughter really didn't know how to feel about Momo because she just came on so strong all the time.
I mean, your daughter did like Momo.
It was just hard for her not to have some big feelings. She only had one real parent, and she didn't like any of her other family because of how mean they were all the time.
And Momo went from her parent's friend that sometimes tutored her to the person that sometimes steals her only parent.
And sure, it was cool to have a superhero as a stepmom.
But really your daughter missed the days when it was just the two of you.
When you noticed, you were heartbroken. You apologized over and over, and you promised your daughter that you could plan more days for just the two of you.
Momo was fully supportive of you having more alone time with your daughter. She knew it was important for your daughter to have that bonding time.
Momo just wasn't really sure how to react at the news that your daughter wanted her around less. She hadn't really considered how much she cared for you and your family until then.
Somehow, even though Momo knew how important it was for your daughter to have you as a support system, she still felt rejected and sad. She didn't want to leave you alone.
Momo pulled away for a while. Not because she was angry or anything, but because she didn't know how much space she was supposed to give you to be with your daughter.
Eventually, your daughter did start asking about her again.
"When is Momo coming back over?" she asked one time on the way home from school. "I miss her."
It took a long time, but you eventually learned to balance your time with Momo and your time with your daughter.
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Shoto Todoroki
You took in your younger brother when your parents passed away.
You were happy to do so. The two of you had always been close, and you were happy to be the one who takes care of him.
But he was a bitter, emotional thirteen year old boy whose parents had just passed away. And there was nothing you could do to ease his pain.
You did everything you could think of. You started both of you in therapy. You spent quality time together. You made his favorite meals. You invited his friends over. But nothing consoled him.
He was mean and angry. He was sad and anxious. He insisted on being alone the majority of the time.
And you spent so much time trying to help him heal that you ended up isolating yourself.
That was when you met Shoto. He was a good shoulder to lean on. He was never judgmental of you or your situation. He always listened and never spoke until the time was right.
Todoroki also put you first, the way that you were never able to. And you fell in love with him months after your brother moved in with you.
You were extremely careful of the way you presented your relationship to Shoto to your brother. You thought it would be too quick of a change for him so soon after the last one.
Your worry actually led to you keeping it a secret for a little over a month.
It wasn't on purpose. You always meant to tell your brother that you had a boyfriend. But at first he just wasn't responsive to anything you said.
But then he met Shoto on accident.
Shoto went into your apartment to grab something you needed for work. It was only meant to be a quick trip to the apartment, and your brother wasn't meant to be there.
But he was. Your brother had skipped school. Apparently it's something he'd been doing for a while. He would just walk home after you left for work.
Shoto found him, and they struck up a deal. Todoroki would teach him some skills in combat and he would avoid telling you about the skipping class if your brother would stop skipping school altogether.
Suddenly, Todoroki became best friends with your younger brother.
Your brother became more social, more active. He started talking to you again. He started getting better grades in school. He started joining you for family dinners.
And when you were finally able to tell your brother about the nature of your relationship with Shoto, it turned out that he already knew.
Apparently, he overheard you on the phone with Todoroki one night.
Todoroki became increasingly protective over your brother.
He took your brother to nightly training sessions to help him work off his emotions.
Your brother even convinced Shoto to try going to therapy himself, something he had considered but never actually went through with.
After that day, they started becoming closer. Almost brotherly, almost the relationship you knew Shoto was missing from his siblings.
You knew they both needed each other.
And Todoroki was so spoiling for the both of you. He took you both on trips. He bought you gifts for holidays. He took you to dinner and to his Pro Hero parties and banquets.
Every once in a while, he would work late, and he would refuse to come back to your place because he didn't want to wake up your brother.
And one day, when Todoroki had been at his own apartment for several nights after being on late night patrols, you heard your brother ask you from the other room, "When is Shoto coming home?"
And ever since then, the three of you became a happy family.
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Mirio Togata
You and your daughter met Mirio in the park.
Your daughter had been just six years old. Her other parent had passed away when she was an infant.
Your parents lived far away, and your partner's parents couldn't bear to look at your daughter now that they'd had to bury their own child. And you couldn't really blame them because of how much she looked like her other parent.
It was just the two of you, you and your baby.
Mirio had brought is own daughter, one from a previous marriage.
Their divorce had been amicable, though his ex-wife had since made some poor life choices and was no longer able to visit or take his daughter on the weekends. So they spent their days visiting parks and playgrounds.
You met because your daughter had taken quite a fall off of the swings and scraped up her hands, and Mirio's daughter had helped her up. Mirio, then, helped her find you so you could bring her home.
You were thankful, and you took your daughter home after a brief exchange of niceties.
From then on, you always noticed him at the playgrounds you frequented. Your daughter became very good friends with his, and you found it in your best interest to become friends with Mirio.
The rest is history.
You found out that your daughters would be going to the same elementary school. And from then on, they did everything together.
Meaning that you and Mirio now did everything together, too.
Mirio was particularly doting on your daughter.
He would play with her whenever she asked, no matter how silly the game was.
He would give her piggyback rides into school.
He would nurture her whenever she needed loving.
But he also never neglected his own daughter. He made sure they still went out on their father-daughter dates to cafes and parks and playgrounds.
Watching him love the kids so much created a longing in your heart that was so strong you couldn't deny that you had feelings for him.
Eventually, things spiraled until the two of you were much, much more than friends.
You hadn't exactly explained anything to your daughters yet, but during a play date, they walked in on the two of you kissing.
It was innocent enough. Nothing got remotely steamy. But it was just an innocent moment.
You both startled when you heard "OoooooOOOOoooh!" from the two tiny voices peaking around the corner.
You all started laughing, and your daughters came bounding in the room. "You loooooove Mirio!" your daughter teased.
"Yeah, I guess I do!" you said with a smile, looking at him lovingly.
Mirio was just as doting and loving on your girls as he had been the entire time.
A couple of months into your relationship, you discovered that you were pregnant. And then a few months later, you welcomed a new baby boy into the family.
At first, your girls were so loving and doting on their brother. They "helped" feed him, change him, and bathe him, which really meant just talking to him and giving him lots of kisses.
But you could tell that something with your own baby girl had gone awry.
She would cling to you all hours of the day. She always wanted to be cuddling you, right by your side every minute of the day.
Eventually, she let it slip that she thought you and Mirio loved the new baby most.
You decided that you had to do something. Your baby had to know that you loved her just as much as the rest of the family.
So you set up a special time after the baby was laid down for bed at night where you all did something together.
Sometimes you'd watch a show and cuddle under blankets on the couch. Sometimes you'd play board games together. And sometimes you would take turns reading parts of books.
You each took your girls out on solo adventures whenever you could, making sure to spend time with them just as you did one another.
You did your best to make sure that your family unit all felt loved the way they deserved.
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Hitoshi Shinsou
Shinsou actually met your eight year old son first.
You had been holiday shopping on one of the busiest nights of the year.
You knew you shouldn't have brought him with you. You knew you should've just waited until your parents could watch him.
But now, here you were, frantically running around the shopping center, waiting for your eyes to lock with his.
You couldn't help but shame yourself while you searched for him.
First, you got pregnant in high school. You knew you weren't mature enough to have a child, and all of this proved it. You were still a child yourself. You had no business raising a kid all on your own.
And then you saw it.
You saw your son being led through the crowd with a man with purple hair, and you finally breathed a sigh of relief.
Fast forward to a year and a half later, and you and that man were moving into the same apartment.
Shinsou had proven to be an amazing parent, even if he really hadn't seen himself as a parent before.
He knew he wasn't really the "step-dad" type, and he never pretended to be.
He just wanted to care for you and your son as much as possible.
Hitoshi really struggled at first.
Sometimes, when he was over, he just couldn't understand why he could wake you up in the night with some love and affection.
Eventually, you explained that your son's face was peacefully sleeping on the other side of the wall between your bedrooms. "What the hell would you do if he walked in, 'Toshi?" you had eventually asked.
The look on his face seemed like he'd seen a ghost when you asked.
It took him a long time to get used to the schedule, too.
You and your kid got up so freaking early.
And yeah, he knew it was for school. But that didn't mean he wasn't grumpy about the alarm buzzing on your bedside table at six every morning.
One morning, though, he had been awake when your son had woken up from a nightmare.
You would have been happy to wake up and be there for your son. But Hitoshi also knew this was his chance to really bond with him in a way he hadn't been able to. So he got up and led your son into the kitchen.
Hitoshi took the time to heat up some milk with honey and cinnamon mixed in, just like in that movie he had watched with you and your son recently... Oh, what was it called?... He couldn't remember.
They talked about the dream. Shinsou told your son all the ways that he remembered to be brave when he was afraid.
And ever since then, your son went to Shinsou for everything. It was like he was obsessed with your boyfriend.
Ever since then, they were best friends, always getting into one thing or another together.
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zykamiliah · 1 year
shen yuan likes yue qingyuan, the post
i've documented 19 moments featuring sy!shen qingqiu's feelings for yue qingyuan with the express purpose of showing those who think that sy!sqq doesn't like yqy that they are factually WRONG
this is a long one so buckle up, grab a snack, get a drink, etc etc
number one
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as it's the usual with shen qingqiu, the first thing he notices in a man is whether he's handsome or not. and here you go: the first thing he sees upon waking up from getting isekai-ed is a handsome, elegant young man looking at him with concern. we do know how shen qingqiu likes that look on pretty men (he likes it a lot)
i also want to point out that yue qingyuan is the first pidw character shen yuan meets. he's already linked to him, not only because he's shen qingqiu's martial sibling, but he's also intrinsically tied to shen yuan's rebirth, to the moment he opens his eyes to the pidw world for the first time. keep this in mind.
number two
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upon getting up to date on wtf happened to him and learning his new identity, the second thing shen qingqiu does is worry about yue qingyuan's fate. he doesn't even know him yet and is already giving him the blorbo treatment. why is that? oh, maybe because he likes him???
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do you know how many characters shen yuan was "rather fond of"??? not that many i tell you. he's only derailed from worrying about whether he'll cause yue qingyuan's death because the system gives him a little sneak peek of the human stick scene.
so up to this point sy!shen qingqiu has characterized yue qingyuan as a brother type, an amicable, elegant and handsome man, a bleeding heart, too good for this world.
number three
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now we add 'considerate' to the many praises shen qingqiu extols on yue qingyuan. the man has to be really busy with all the sect leader work he has to do and yet he makes time to visit shen qingqiu regularly. we know why yue qingyuan does that, but shen qingqiu won't learn about qijiu's backstory until much later, and right now it doesn't matter. the fact remains: shen qingqiu is grateful to the point of tears to have yue qingyuan. even if he doesn't talk about it, we can theorize that he feels a bit lonely: he's a stranger in a new world, like a newborn baby. he may be obsessed with luo binghe but at this point of the story he still hasn't got time to bond with him. so the person shen qingqiu first latches on immediately after his transmigration is yue qingyuan.
number four
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"how dare that scumbag shen jiu not treat his shixiong like the god he is, with the kindness and respect he deserves? well i'm not the same, so i WILL treat yue qingyuan better!"
(it's the intention what counts, okay? we know he kind of fuck ups a few times and gives yqy much stress)
also love how shen qingqiu says "brotherly covenant", he really values familial bonds, and he'll come to treasure his bonds with all his martial siblings really quickly.
also, may i point out that shen qingqiu decides to be a good shidi for yue qingyuan and treat him well without any "ulterior motives"? it's not even tied to his survival. he's a kind person by nature, yes, but he doesn't even try to convince the reader that he's going to be a good martial sibling for selfish reasons, which was the case with liu qingge. he just up and decides that yue qingyuan deserves his respect and consideration. he officially adopts yue qingyuan as his big brother.
number five
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"at home in the atmosphere of brotherly love", do i need to say more? yue qingyuan makes him feel at home in this new world, he's comfortable around him. his presence soothes shen qingqiu.
number six
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furthermore, yue qingyuan reminds him of the brothers of his first life, but the sorrow he feels for losing them is overpowered by a "comforting sense of warmth" so great it makes him feel cheerful. this is the scene where yue qingyuan welcomes him back upon his arrival from the skinner demon incident. in that scene, the first thing they do is smile at each other. shen qingqiu is happy to see him.
he's surprised when yue qingyuan takes his wrist to examine his spiritual circulation, but when he notices what yue qingyuan is doing he instantly relaxes. yue qingyuan's touch doesn't bother him at all.
see how yue qingyuan's presence is often linked to feelings of comfort, warmth, home, brotherly love, joyfulness? keep this in mind too. don't you dare to forget it.
number seven
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this is post-demon invasion, while they are discussing the effects of without a cure. shen qingqiu is making good on his word of treating yue qingyuan better than his predecessor, by tamping down yqy's tendency to blame himself for everything.
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"i understand that yue qingyuan is genuinely worried about me, unlike SOME PEOPLE, so i have to reassure him in case he decides to be more stressed than normal"
bonus: 7.5
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("the three of them" refers to shen qingqiu, mu qingfang and yue qingyuan)
i want to quote this part too, because i can, and because this scene in the donghua was 100% faithful to the novel. just another reminder that shen qingqiu likes martial siblings.
number eight
now we're coming to the siblings-coded moments
exhibit one: "oh oh i figured it out so i'll say it before you do"
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i want to point out that shen qingqiu says "obviously", because from his POV yue qingyuan only does things for a good reason. shen qingqiu idolizes him.
number nine
siblings-coded moments exhibit two: "i know how to make you let me do what i want"
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we've jumped 3 years, this is the prelude to jinlan arc, and this is how their relationship has evolved. shen qingqiu knows what he has to say for yue qingyuan to allow him to go to jinlan. this is a method he's used the past, of course, because this isn't the first mission he went on after getting poisoned or after the IAC.
+bonus: 9.5 yqy being a mother hen
(this is the day after lbh chased him around jinlan)
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number ten
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shen qingqiu has just been accused of abusing his disciple, consorting with demons, murder, and being demonic cultivator wu yanzi's disciple. yue qingyuan almost starts a fight right there and there because they want to take his shidi away, but shen qingqiu stops him and his other martial siblings before it can escalate.
he gives yue qingyuan a deep bow. we've already established he respects yue qingyuan a great deal. he's ashamed that he's caused yue qingyuan so much trouble and grief, because he really cares about him, and his opinion of him, and he genuinely didn't want to be like the original who made yue qingyuan suffer a lot. shen qingqiu cares about his sect, about his martial siblings, and about yue qingyuan to the point that he GIVES HIMSELF UP to be imprisoned.
this is plot relevant! remember it, because shen qingqiu only feels ashamed and guilty when he thinks he has wronged the people he loves!
on that note:
number eleven
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(this is when luo binghe is laying siege to qiong ding to recover sqq's stolen body and sqq, in the mushroom body, sees his sect siblings for the first time after five years)
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"the one who placed first" YOU HEAR THAT? YUE QINGYUAN IS THE PERSON HE ADMIRES AND REVERES THE MOST. AND NOT BECAUSE HE LOVED SHEN QINGQIU, IT'S NOT AN ADMIRATION BORN OF A SELFISH FEELING. it's because yue qingyuan is The Protector. THE BLEEDING HEART. he admires his kindness, his self-sacrificing nature, and even if shen qingqiu doesn't know, this are traits they have in common.
number thirteen
siblings-coded exhibit 3: when your other little brother tattles on you to your older brother and you're planning revenge
Remaining seated, Yue Qingyuan looked at him. “A lot of nonsense you’ve stirred up these days,” he said mildly. “Are you done?” Yue Qingyuan had never assumed such a severe attitude when speaking to him before, even going so far as to use a word like “nonsense.” This was already the equivalent of a flogging. It seemed that Liu Qingge had badmouthed him quite thoroughly. Shen Qingqiu swore that one day he’d steal Cheng Luan and use it to chop all the pork hock in all the kitchens of the Twelve Peaks. He’d chop until the oily sheen smothered all its sword glares!
so yue qingyuan being mad at you feels like the equivalent of a flogging. i get you sqq. like when my mom or my brother are mad at me i really feel like crying. anyway. it's hilarious that sqq is planning on stealing chen luan because liu qingge allegedly tattled on him to yue qingyuan.
it's obvious that shen qingqiu recognizes yue qingyuan as a figure of authority in his life, he respects him and as i said before, he cares about what yue qingyuan thinks of him.
number fourteen
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we know that shen qingqiu's unconscious actions say a lot about him as a person, and the fact that he unconsciously took a step towards yue qingyuan speaks volumes. he's practically wavering between following yue qingyuan or staying with luo binghe.
this will not be the first time he hesitates to go with luo binghe on the face of yue qingyuan's request/order to stay with him. and in this case, he does stay with cang qiong because the situation has gotten pretty bad.
He didn’t know how long he could hold the others off, and he absolutely couldn’t abandon this mess of a situation and escape with Luo Binghe. Yue Qingyuan and Liu Qingge had been brazen with their show of bias, and Wu Wang was already furious. Either Shen Qingqiu or Luo Binghe had to stay behind, or open conflict would erupt between Zhao Hua Monastery and Cang Qiong Mountain.
yue qingyuan and liu qingge just protected him in front of everyone, so he chooses to stay with them. shen qingqiu is incredibly loyal to them, and most importantly, he doesn't want cang qiong mountain to get into trouble because of him.
this is as good a moment to remind you all that in a lot of instances cqm = yqy in shen qingqiu's mind. obviously there is also the other peak lords and the disciples, but this is important. it isn't just because yqy is the sect leader. yue qingyuan was the first martial sibling he met, the one that welcomed him to the world of pidw and the one that kept him company those first days post-transmigration.
+ bonus: siblings coded exhibit 4:
yqy, out loud so others hear: you're grounded also yqy, whispering: let's have dinner and watch a movie once we get home, what do you want for dessert?
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i can't stop laughing
+ bonus 2: parallelisms
(this moment is right after shen qingqiu has learned of shen jiu's past and woke up after being unconscious for 5 days)
When he next opened them, what filled his vision instead was a white bed curtain, its corners decorated with tassels. At the sudden change in scenery, Shen Qingqiu froze in place, surprised and unable to react—at least not before he heard Yue Qingyuan’s voice beside him. “Awake?” Shen Qingqiu mechanically blinked a couple times. His throat felt a bit dry, but he forced out his voice. “Zhangmen-shixiong.” (...) Shen Qingqiu awkwardly sat up. Suddenly, he thought this scene was a little familiar. The first time he’d woken in this world, Yue Qingyuan had also been at his bedside, watching over him.
number fifteen
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so shen qingqiu knows he can get away with disobeying yue qingyuan and doing whatever he wants because yqy will forgive him anyway, and yet he chooses to respect yqy's decision and authority. of course he'll later convince yue qingyuan that he should allow him to go, like he's done many times before, but he won't deliberately disobey his zhangmen-shixiong.
so later, when they're on their way to maigu ridge, he tries to convince yqy that he must go with them. this is when yue qingyuan gets THIS CLOSE to locking him up in qiong ding hall.
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now this is officially the only time yue qingyuan has done something remotely yandere-y adjacent. and not without reason! shen qingqiu died by self-detonation, then he returned after 5 years, then he was taken by a demon emperor, then he spent 5 days unconscious etc etc. he's admittedly very worried that shen qingqiu will die on him again, this time without a miraculous return. and the best thing? shen qingqiu doesn't know what to do. he didn't know whether to reach with his sword or not, whether to fight yue qingyuan on this or not. he wants to listen to yue qingyuan, but he also wants to go save the world.
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and EVEN when he's finally allowed to go to Luo River, he hesitates again when he notices yue qingyuan may be struggling!
number sixteen
the reveal at maigu ridge's scene is really long, quoting it all would be a complete nightmare. so i'll just tell you to go read it because it reiterates some of the things i've already pointed out:
-shen qingqiu worrying about yue qingyuan
Thinking he was fine, Shen Qingqiu let go, but once he did, Yue Qingyuan didn’t remain standing for long before he unexpectedly collapsed again. Shen Qingqiu blanched with shock, then hurried to help him up again. “Zhangmen-shixiong? Zhangmen-shixiong?” After a brief examination, even with his superficial medical knowledge, he could tell that Yue Qingyuan’s current condition was horrible.
-shen qingqiu feeling guilty for causing yue qingyuan trouble
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-shen qingqiu almost crying because of qijiu's tragic story and because it breaks his heart seeing yue qingyuan like this
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number seventeen
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i pointed out earlier that shen qingqiu idolizes yue qingyuan, and this is the first time he sees him so weak, which understandably makes him panic a lot. shen qingqiu thinks yue qingyuan is being talkative because he's dying, but shen qingqiu is having none of it
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sobs shen qingqiu is so desperate to keep him alive.
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+ bonus 3: yet again shen qingqiu's heart breaking for yue qingyuan
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number eighteen
shen qingqiu, post-maigu ridge, wakes up, and upon remembering that he'd left zhangmen-shixiong in a pretty bad situation, he runs out of the lingxi caves in a panic.
you don't know how much this scene makes me feel
like, the moment luo binghe is out of the picture, yue qingyuan's safety becomes his main worry
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then when he finally sees him, he's so happy that yqy is fine!
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number nineteen: the goodbye scene
But even though he was the sect leader, Yue Qingyuan didn’t go with them. Instead, he stood in place, silently staring at Shen Qingqiu. For some reason, it became comparatively more awkward. As if testing the waters, Yue Qingyuan said, “Xiao-Jiu…” “Shixiong,” said Shen Qingqiu, “it’s Qingqiu.” Even though it would be too difficult to tell Yue Qingyuan the truth, Shen Qingqiu still hoped he could demonstrate the difference in other ways. Yue Qingyuan was stunned for a bit, then gave a small smile. “It’s Qingqiu. Qingqiu-shidi.”
i think this is the first time they've ever been awkward with each other. shen qingqiu says it would be difficult to tell him the truth, whether because the system won't allow him or because it'd be emotionally stressful for him to do so we don't know; but he still wants to mark the difference between the original and himself anyway, because he doesn't want to deceive yue qingyuan.
“What are your plans for the future?” asked Yue Qingyuan. “I have no plans for the time being,” said Shen Qingqiu. “First I’ll wait for Luo Binghe to return and see how he’s doing.” Yue Qingyuan smiled. “You truly adore that disciple.” Shen Qingqiu was searching for a way to answer when Yue Qingyuan said, “Shidi, Cang Qiong Mountain will forever be a place to which you can return whenever you tire of wandering the outside world.” These words were said with utmost sincerity and solemnity. Yue Qingyuan had always been this way. Whatever he promised, he would definitely deliver. And what he couldn’t deliver, he would endeavor to make up for, no matter the cost.
after learning of his past, after all that's happened, shen qingqiu's admiration remains unwavering. their relationship has become more complicated on account of the ghost that haunts it, but if anything, shen qingqiu's feelings for yue qingyuan have only deepened with this new understanding.
After assuming the role of this novel character, Shen Qingqiu had always refused to become the scum villain from the original work. He’d drawn a clear boundary between them and taken great pride in walking the opposite path. So never before had he felt such a powerful and impulsive thought: If only he really were Shen Jiu. If only that person could really hear these words.
but his heart still breaks for yue qingyuan and shen jiu and what they have lost.
[Luo Binghe] stood utterly alone, without a single person beside him. When the people walking past saw his face, their own faces filled with all sorts of expressions. Shen Qingqiu involuntarily ran forward a couple of steps, then turned his head to look at the person behind him. “Go on,” said Yue Qingyuan. He stood behind Shen Qingqiu, silent and with good grace. It was as if one was the past and the other the future.
this is the last interaction between shen qingqiu and yue qingyuan in the main novel. before leaving with luo binghe, he turns back and silently asks for yue qingyuan's permission, his approval.
it's like getting your family's blessing before running off with your paramour.
this is yue qingyuan to shen qingqiu: the person that stood by his side from the moment he was reborn into the world of proud immortal demon way, the steadfast, strong and reliable older brother that gave him a family and a place to call his, that has fought for and defended him against all his enemies to the detriment of his own reputation. shen qingqiu respects, admires and will try to do what yue qingyuan says, because he's the only authority figure shen qingqiu recognizes in this life. even if yue qingyuan's care was born out of his feelings for shen jiu, shen qingqiu can't stop caring for him, being grateful for his presence and the comfort it gave him throughout all these years. even after learning the truth, his only regret is that he can't bring shen jiu back so yue qingyuan and him can get some closure.
that's love, my dudes.
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bratzforchris · 2 months
Can you do dad headcanons for Nick? (Obviously not female reader I was thinking adoption or something)
Or uncle headcanons for any of them!
Dad Life
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Dad!Nick headcanons because this fandom is SEVERELY lacking dad!Nick content :) There are two parts here: one of dad!Nick to younger kids, and one of dad!Nick to older kids because I feel like he would be the type of person to foster/adopt teens. No warnings!
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Dad!Nick with younger kids ♡
☆ when nick decides that he wants to have kids, he genuinely does so much research and makes a well informed decision!
☆ whether through adoption or a surrogate mother (remember, there are different ways people can have kids <3), he is genuinely so excited to meet his baby and falls in love with them immediately
☆ the "newborn scrunch" his baby does on his chest the first time would definitely make nick cry
☆ matt and chris are always willing to help out during the first few months of the baby being home
☆ "oh my god, how did your blowout get through your onesie?"
"welcome to fatherhood, man"
☆ once he gets the hang of it, nick is genuinely the baby whisperer. whenever baby sturniolo wakes up in the middle of the crying, all it takes is some funny faces and an ariana grande lullaby in the rocking chair to get them right back to sleep
☆ nick leans more towards girl dad, but he would be happy and love his child any way <3
☆ even when the terrible toddler phase comes along, he always keeps his cool and makes it a point to never shout/get overly angry, which is a large contrast to his youtube days
☆ genuinely one of those dads who is always doing cute little handprint crafts with his baby
☆ "i'll give you a dollar if you tell your uncle chris he has a big forehead"
☆ nick's kid(s) know how to stand up for themselves. their daddy teaches them to always be kind, but not let people walk all over you. no one is bullying them off the swings
☆ he loves to play pretend with his kids because he usually ends up laughing too. pirates, princesses, you name it
☆ "daddy! i'm a princess locked in a class, save me!"
"weren't you just a ninja, honey?"
☆ running after his kids is 100% a full time job, because they take after their daddy with sassy mouths and chaotic behavior
☆ on a serious note, nick never shies away from hard conversations. he's always honest and explains everything as best as he can to his babies
Dad!Nick with older kids ♡
☆ nick gives off foster/adopt for teens, mostly because he knows teens can feel excluded since a lot of people want babies, and that's just unacceptable
☆ he's actually so accepting of all the kids that come into his home, no matter what
☆ he makes sure they have everything they need to feel confident, because he knows how hard high school can be
☆ always makes sure they get their driver's license if they want, have a working cell phone, and have money to go out with friends
☆ "dad, this guy broke up with me because i 'wear too much makeup'"
"honey, looking like THAT...he should be trying to learn from you"
☆ as much as he tries not to be, he's the parent that cries ar every homecoming, prom, graduation, etc
☆ definitely lets his teens have their style (within reason). he'd definitely be okay with fun hair colors and certain piercings
☆ nick loves to be of homework help where he can. it's an easy in to get his teens talking to him about how they feel
☆ overall, nick is just genuinely the best dad anyone could ever ask for, no matter how old his kids are <3
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tags ♡: @aemrsy @jake-and-johnnies-slut @mattsfavwh3re @suyqa @chrissturnswife @mbsbaby @herxyz @ilovejohnnieg @lovingchrissposts @caffeinatedscorpio @bunny-cotton @emmagirouard @athaliahxoxo @bitchydragonparadise @dumpling-to-eat @ilydeaky @soggyslugg169 @not-phone-guy @books0fever @stingerayyy2 @strnlvr @sunsetsturniolos @mimi-luvzyu @mayhem-72 @faygo-frog @oobleoob @idek3000hi @runasvengence
note ♡: if you'd like to be added to my tag list, click here <3
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anikaluv · 10 months
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❤︎︎ pairing: Miles (e!1610) × fem!reader
❤︎︎ genre: fluff
❤︎︎ cw: adopting a puppy 🩷
❤︎︎ summary: Reader and Miles (e!1610) adopting a puppy headcannons
❤︎︎ w/c: 500
❤︎︎ a/n: Decided to make 2 parts cause the first part had me thinking lmao
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❤︎ E!1610 MILES always notices the radiant grin on your face whenever you come across people with dogs, and he loves how you can't resist petting them
❤︎ E!1610 MILES who notes that most posts you like on insta have cute lil’ pups in ‘em
❤︎ E!1610 MILES agreeing to take to you the pet shelter the day you ask even though he had a date prepped to surprise you there in 2 weeks
❤︎ E!1610 MILES walked into the pet shelter and immediately knew it’ll be a hard decision because every puppy was downright cute to the both of you
❤︎ E!1610 MILES accompanies you as you check out each puppy one by one, but he hasn't found a connection with any of them yet
❤︎ E!1610 MILES heart starting to race when the employee walks in with the last puppy coated in fluffy soft fur saying, “This is our last one, she’s a bit smaller than the others.”
❤︎ E!1610 MILES trying to get the puppy to come to him, saying “C’mere, angelita!” , and when the puppy turned her neck and ran towards Miles pouncing on him and liking his face, the name had stuck
❤︎ E!1610 MILES stays up all night with Angelita, helping her adjust to your apartment and ensuring she feels safe and loved
❤︎ E!1610 MILES immediately getting the apartment puppy proofed because he’ll be damned to let anything hurt his baby
❤︎ E!1610 MILES trying to teach Angelita tricks and when she finally gets one down he jumps for joy like an excited little girl
❤︎ E!1610 MILES heart breaking when he has to hold Angelita down at the vet and she’s sobbing
❤︎ E!1610 MILES denying that he was tearing up when you two were saying goodbye to Angelita on her first day of doggy school
❤︎ E!1610 MILES struggles to focus on work when Angelita constantly demands tummy rubs, and he happily obliges
❤︎ E!1610 MILES who updates 30 pictures a day of Angelita to his private album called “daddy’s little angel”
❤︎ E!1610 MILES can't resist picking up Angelita every time she whines, easily falling for her charm
❤︎ E!1610 MILES trying to not to be jealous when he introduces Angelita to Ganke and she warms up to him INSTANTLY (a little too quickly according to Miles)
❤︎ E!1610 MILES who pouts when you have to lecture him about giving Angelita too many treats (he can’t help it)
❤︎ E!1610 MILES pets Angelita while she whines, feeling guilty about chewing through his new Jordans during her teething phase
❤︎ E!1610 MILES who is not scared to go next door and shout at the neighbors to turn their TV down because Angelita is scared of loud noises
❤︎ E!1610 MILES always spoils Angelita with the newest collars, leashes, toys, and anything she might enjoy
❤︎ E!1610 MILES apologizing profusely when you tease him about whether he loves you or Angelita more, knowing that he loves you both dearly
❤︎ E!1610 MILES sadly watches as Angelita struggles to make friends with other puppies at the dog park, reminding him of his own early days at Visions Academy
❤︎ E!1610 MILES hissing when he tried slipping into his spider suit one day and Angelita shat in it
❤︎ E!1610 MILES heart warming while sitting on the couch watching tv with you two; realizing he has the two cutest things in the world right next to him
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ENDING A/N: This is my first Miles (e!1610) fic, so I might not have his personality right all the way yet lol
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TAGLIST:@janaeby @bellstwd @nmgstuff @axeoverblade @zaddyskye69 @agstuffsworld @spidrstar @laylasbunbunny @missusmorale @popeheywardssecretgf @lumineliax @fukingsad @wisteriaflowersss @crxss01 @joliety
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A DC X DP IDEA#14 His name is not Bruce Wayne, it’s…
Imagine dis…
It is another dimension travel between two fandoms but what if instead of having a Batman or even a Bruce Wayne in this dimension we have a Phantom? 
Dick, Jason, and Tim are adopted by a well-known billionaire while Damian is a clone that escaped from Vlad before the brainwashing program was even added to the family.
Daniel Nightgale a billionaire industrialist, his godfather the founder and CEO of Vlad Co. gave him the entire company as a 21st birthday gift. Renamed as The Triple Pack Inc, a weird name yet their quality in terms of products as well their services was something nothing to laugh at. 
 Daniel Nightingale created a great legacy for both his hero persona to his mortal life.
 A legacy that Dick, Jason, Tim, Ellie, and Damian Nightingale, all carry themselves with confidence as they strive to make their father proud as well look them in the eyes with pure adoration.
 Each vigilante from Gotham had just turned in for the night after they have just busted a large illegal export of various technologies from different tech companies which had just been robbed senseless. While they didn’t know where the cargo was headed, they manage to stop whomever the client from gaining state in the top technology.
 As Oracle logged off and went upstairs to catch the meager sleep she has ever since she entered this lifestyle, under the pile of confiscated tech she didn’t see the faint glowing of a mysterious green crystal that resembles a kryptonite, nor having the entire Wayne manor covered by a white light as each resident of the manor is now deep asleep.
 Waking up Dick felt that his bed had shrunk, but he knew that his old room in the manor had stayed the same aside from the different trinkets as well as furniture seeing that he was no longer a child. As he tries to grab more hand full of the blanket before Alfred wakes them up but he noticed an extra baggage in his bed thinking that one of his brothers had just had a nightmare and decided to sleep in his bed, the moment he turned to face whichever brother snuck in his room he has faced a shocked face of himself looking at him wide-eyed. 
 Now note this duplicate is quite different from him, a bit taller as well having a bit broader shoulders as well a bit paler than Dick is. Dick immediately woke up and tried to get away from the intruder by kicking the stranger, it seems the stranger has the same idea and tried to kick Dick as well, but both fell off the bed. Just as they were about to fight off, multiple shots of guns came from the direction of another room just across the hallway, both Grayson (I couldn’t write his nickname without reading it weirdly) and an intense star off went to the door and lo and behold they saw double of their siblings. 
 Bruce is with that “face” indicating whether he should join in to stop the said fight or gather intel, in the end, he joined due to the fact the female double of Damian got him with a kick on the chest after tiring him out seeing that his son fought off two doubles of himself, one a female and one a paler and blue-eyed version of himself. This didn’t go as planned seeing another double join the fight, a buffer version of Bruce Wayne with a goatee and his hair tied grabbed him by the shoulder and joined the fray. 
 Each member of the Bat clan is now fighting each double of themselves, Dick who is about to ask and try to de-escalate the fight joined in due to the fact his “clone” suddenly helps Jason’s double make him join in.
 Tim who was giving a hand to each member who was being pushed back suddenly had someone to keep him busy since the Demon brat’s double didn’t like that he is helping the others and joined in fighting, suddenly his double appeared still sleepy and disorganized, immediately joined in when he saw the commotion. 
 Jason fought his double when his double’s weird-looking gun looked like it ran out of battery, he pulled out a Lazarus green glowing sword and bought it into their gunfight, after cursing himself for not charging the gun the night prior. Now remember it is quite dumb for a person to bring a knife into a gunfight but the moment Jason’s double cut through a bullet as if it was butter, he knew that his double didn’t downgrade when he pulled out that knife. 
 It was when Alfred their butler and another person who has black hair and black eyes add to the fact that he is also wearing the same uniform their butler currently is wearing, shot out a green beam from a weird gun forcing them to be quiet. To try to figure out things.
After some exchange of information, the Bat clan was in a different dimension alongside their butler/grandfather. Both sides were able to be civil enough to move from the hallway and move to a study room. Each person sat with a clear distance between the two, now that both won’t attack sensibly, they could spot the difference between the two. 
Tim’s double told them to call him Timothy, who is healthier and taller which made Alfred ask his younger alternate some tips on how he made them, especially Tim to be able to eat healthier, Sebastian, merely chuckled and said it is because of their father.
Jason’s double introduced as Jason Peter Nightingale and told them to call him Shade, instead of black hair and having a single white streak shade has full on white hair and has a single black streak on his head. Glowing green eyes made Jason uncomfortable seeing that his alternate might be in the state of his Pit rage.
Damian asked who is the person besides their double, who was introduced as Danielis, gesturing at the female version of himself. Danielis introduced the person beside them as his twin sister Danielle also known as Ellie.
Bruce is wary, every time they dimension hop he self is evil to the point, they destroyed the world or enslave it, but the buffer version just rolled his eyes as if sensing what his other version had thought of it. Then Ellie laughed at Dan’s expense and exclaimed that maybe he shouldn’t have destroyed the last timeline so Dad and grandfather wouldn’t ground him.
At Ellie’s exclaim the Bat clan warily looked at Dan who is about to quirk up a snark back, you destroy one timeline and everybody is against you.
 When the front door suddenly made a loud noise, indicating someone entered the manor.
 Each of them immediately went to hide including their versions as Sebastian stayed standing on his feet. A large and very broad man entered, with black hair and blue eyes. Ellie immediately revealed her position along with the others to pile on the stranger whilst yelling Danny or Dad, while the bats stayed at their hiding spot. As the others are laughing and speaking at the same time to get the man’s attention.
After cleaning off any imaginary dust his clothes may have, he just stands in a corner waiting for the rest of them to be quiet, which immediately indicates that it is not often to have their father is quiet.
After calming down and looking at each of his children, he sighed very loudly and pinched the bridge of his nose, and asked very loudly to his children why on earth they created a portal to another dimension when they have a perfectly good and working one at the basement.
Each of them began choking and shenanigans ensues as two fathers try to keep their respective children from either killing each other, trying to take over the world, or even how they complement each other to the point their very sanity is at stake.
Sorry I haven’t much posted I haven’t had many ideas to write on.
PS: If someone out there wanted to continue or make a fic about this you are free to do so don’t forget to tag me though.
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paintingwhiteceilings · 8 months
My request is completely self-indulgent but if you want to can you write for seventeen reaction to their S/O preferably she/her pronounce but u can change it you want having a twin brother?? Also I apologize if by any chance you see this request repeated multiple times in your inbox it’s just my internet connection being slow and weak asf 👎🏽
❃Seventeen and their S/O’s siblings❃
Ahhh so sorry this took as long as it did! I had a crazy few weeks and somehow my asks ended up under a pile of notifications. I mayyy have changed the ask to a general sibling prompt. I don't really know any twins so I don't think I could successfully write that kind of sibling dynamic repeatedly and get away with it. Instead, I included a variety of different sibling dynamics (with a couple of twin brothers); I hope you don't mind!
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❀ When you finally decided to introduce Coups to your older siblings, you hadn’t really been worried about whether they would like him or not. After all, he is very responsible and mature, being in charge of his twelve younger members; it wouldn’t be too difficult for your older siblings to trust him with their youngest.
❀ What you hadn’t been expecting, however, is for them to love him and treat him as if he was their own younger brother. Being the youngest in his own family and, let’s be fair, a pouty, whiny baby in Seventeen, he easily fell into the role of the youngest once he shook off his initial shyness and your siblings ate it up.
❀ Even worse, where you often struggle to get your siblings to do anything for you, all Coups has to do is pout or act cute, and they will sacrifice the world for him. They will even offer to pay for his meals and take him out to fun family activities regardless of whether you are able to make it. You’re half convinced Coups has become the favourite because he has no problem with spending an insane amount of money on your family, and he refuses to let them pay for anything.
❀ Yeah, needless to say, you’re feeling a bit salty about the whole situation. That was until Coups took you to meet his family, and you immediately became their favourite adopted child; it felt like the universe had righted itself once more.
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❀ You regret introducing Jeonghan to your twin brother; for the past few hours, during your mandatory weekly family game night, he has been whispering in your ear that you should tap into your twin bond so that you can predict your brother's strategy. Jeonghan is absolutely adamant you two have a telepathic bond; he won't listen to you repeatedly telling him that you can't read your brother's mind just because you are twins.
❀ He will definitely try to figure out how to use the twin exploit to his advantage. Jeonghan will find a way to use this newly discovered information for chaos, either to prank someone else or to get his hands on new teasing material from the person closest to you.
❀ He will absolutely try to convince his members that he just happened to stumble on your male doppelgänger if you look anything alike, exclaiming in wonder that you two have even been born on the same day. Truly, what a coincidence.
❀ Overall, he would become such good friends with your twin brother; Jeonghan has such a charming and calming personality that it is difficult not to get along with him. Jeonghan also strikes me as the type of person who would put a lot of effort into getting along with their significant other's family, spending time with them whenever he can in order to maintain a good bond. 
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❀ Joshua is the prime example of the naive only child unprepared for the stuff that siblings put each other through. Sure, Joshua technically got saddled up with twelve brothers after joining Seventeen. However, he didn’t have to deal with siblings and their shenanigans for most of his childhood, leaving the concept of fighting over the last piece of cake, not because you want it yourself but because you don't want your sibling to have it, a bit foreign to him.
❀ He is trying so hard to maintain the peace when you and your younger sister get into another heated argument when you discover she has borrowed a piece of clothing of yours without asking. Your parents love him, as when he is around, they can finally take a break and let him defuse the situation.
❀ Your little sister adores him, too; Joshua has a lot of arts and crafts days with her, where he teaches her how to make bracelets and knit scarves. They even made you a bracelet together; it almost made you forget about her remarks on how Joshua is her favourite older sibling.
❀ At this point, your little sister listens more to Joshua than you. Whenever you want her to do something, and she isn't listening to you, you have now resorted to simply calling him. For some reason, his asking her in a sweet voice to let you use the bathroom seems to work without fail.
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❀ It doesn't really matter whether you have older or younger siblings; Jun is THE person to bring home. On the one hand, when it comes to younger siblings, he is their favourite playmate and the person they turn to for advice. When it comes to older siblings, on the other hand, he will be cherished and loved as if he were their youngest brother.
❀ He truly shines when it comes to younger siblings, though. Jun is shameless when he plays with your younger siblings; he will crawl over the floor as if he is a snake or meow like a cat for hours on end. His acting skills are definitely paying off, and he will fully commit to whatever role your younger siblings need him to play. In all honesty, he enjoys playing with your siblings as much as they do; he is such a kid at heart.
❀ Jun is also THE person for advice. He never judges them and he is always willing to hear them out about whatever is troubling them. It doesn't leave the room either. He will never share whatever they confided in him with you unless they specifically have told him it is okay to do so.
❀ Honestly, your siblings will be threatening you to not break his heart or break up with him. They adore him and have already begun planning your wedding; you're stuck with him now.
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❀ Initially, you were incredibly worried about introducing this delusion tiger man to your older sister because you were sure that she would ask you whether you wanted to date a madman. You forgot, however, that Hoshi can be incredibly shy when meeting people for the first time. He is so timid, glancing over at you for assurance every so often, that your sister has to pull you aside to ask whether this man truly is the same insane one you have described in your stories.
❀ He acts shyer and younger around your older sister, reverting to his younger brother role, and she dotes on him so much. He gets a lot calmer around your sister, and quite often, he tends to sit back to watch the two of you bicker back and forth, reminding him of his older sister.
❀ In your sister's eyes, he is the perfect boyfriend for you. He always texts her whenever he wants to buy you something, double-checking with her whether you will like the gift. Their private chat consists mostly of your sister sending him gift ideas based on what you mentioned or looked at during your last shopping trip.
❀ You have repeatedly told her to stop supporting his delusional tiger agenda. Whenever she sees anything tiger-related, she makes sure to buy it to gift to Hoshi the next time you meet up with her. She even goes to the extent of scolding you when you tell him to knock it off.
❀ After he gets more comfortable and his crazy side comes out to play, she will lean over to you to ask whether you have replaced him with a clone.
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❀ Wonwoo can be incredibly introverted and shy, so when you proposed introducing him to your twin brother, he had a full-on mental breakdown, pestering Mingyu constantly for advice. He knew that you were very close to your twin brother, and it would mean the world to you for the both of them to get along nicely. He couldn't afford to mess this up.
❀ Initially, the meet-up was incredibly awkward, neither saying very much and, instead, sending you countless help-me-out glances. Fortunately, you knew exactly what topic to bring up to get the two socially inept souls talking: video games. You hadn't been particularly worried about the two not getting along, knowing that both of them were enthusiastic gamers.
❀ Nevertheless, a part of you slowly started regretting bringing up video games. The two had been discussing LoL and PUBG strategies for the past hour, and even though it was interesting, you would appreciate the occasional change in topic.
❀ Even worse, after the two of them exchanged user names, you now have to share your boyfriend with your twin. At this point, Wonwoo is spending more time with your brother duoing on Valorant than taking you on dates.
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❀ All the training Seventeen has given him, preparing him for the day he would get a significant other with siblings, has been for nought. He still acts like he has never seen a child before upon entering your house. He is so worried that he will mess this up that you can see his hands shaking as he stares at your younger siblings.
❀ Fortunately, Woozi has a superpower; he is loaded and doesn't care to spend it on himself. The moment he offers to buy your younger siblings food with his black card is the moment he becomes their all-time favourite person. Armed with this valuable information, he spoils them rotten; your siblings only have to mention something or point at something in a display, and he will almost trip over himself to get it.
❀ You have tried getting him to stop, as you don’t want your siblings to continuously expect expensive gifts, but Woozi refuses to listen. Just as he does with Seventeen, he treats them like his own family, ensuring that they know he treasures them by burying them underneath a pile of gifts.
❀ One of your younger brothers is convinced he is Iron Man or Batman because someone that rich surely must be a superhero. You may have accidentally let it slip and told Woozi. He has never been more determined to empty out his bank account.
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❀ DK is one of those people that is immediately loved by your family. He is such a sweet and happy person; how can anyone not fall in love with him? DK, in addition to that, is one of those types of people who want to be close to their partner's family and dedicate a lot of time to hanging out with them.
❀ He is perfect boyfriend material when it comes to dealing with your younger sibling, spending hours and hours playing hide and seek with them. In all honesty, DK is far more energetic than your younger siblings, and after spending an afternoon running around with him, they always immediately pass out.
❀ DK is so thoughtful when it comes to older siblings. He makes sure to put reminders for their birthdays on his phone, and he always seems to remember whatever they briefly mentioned wanting for a gift during a conversation five years ago. Does your older sister like theatre? Well, guess what. DK somehow managed to get his hands on tickets for that new popular musical. He only spent the past five hours calling every actor in his contact list to ask whether they could get him in. 
❀ DK would absolutely love to have a big in-law family with many older and younger siblings to surround him. The constant chatter and energy remind him of Seventeen, and, in his opinion, nothing beats that. 
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❀ Hear me out. Mingyu is husband material and the dream of every mother-in-law. That being said, your siblings at first couldn't stand him. It wasn't even anything Mingyu did, but from the moment he stepped into your house and met your mother, she completely fell in love with him.
❀ She keeps comparing Mingyu to them. They can't escape her mentioning Mingyu and his amazing qualities in every other conversation, resulting in a bit of resentment. “Mingyu would cook for me.” “I wouldn’t have to ask Mingyu to put his laundry in the basket.” “Mingyu would at least offer to help me clean the house.” 
❀ They would have been able to ignore her if the guy had any flaws, but no, the guy is tall, handsome, rich, talented and intelligent. They begrudgingly admit that maybe they could be more like him, and the world would be better off for it. They also have to begrudgingly admit that they too, are completely charmed by Mingyu.
❀ Poor Mingyu thinks that he has done something wrong and that they absolutely hate his guts. However, when Mingyu reveals he had a rough week due to an insane amount of random hate comments on his Instagram, they surprise him by declaring war. They have been fuming behind their laptops, insulting anyone who dares to hate on Mingyu. It made him tear up.
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❀ He was incredibly anxious when you wanted to introduce your little sister to him; sure, he is good with children, but he never had to deal with younger siblings. Even within Seventeen, he is one of the younger ones, and he already struggles to keep up with the chaos of his twelve members, lovingly (but harshly) scolding them whenever they tired him out. What if he accidentally loses it when your little sister bounces off the walls and insults her, forever damaging her self-esteem???
❀ Well, he had nothing to worry about. Sure, it takes him a second to realize that philosophical discussions with a barely ten-year-old won’t work, but the moment he discovers that your sister likes dressing up and drawing, he knows he will do fine.
❀ He organizes an entire fashion show for her and helps her assemble the most stylish outfits. Every morning, your little sister forces you to send Minghao pictures of her outfits, and he never fails to send a heartfelt compliment back.
❀ Moreover, Minghao spends many afternoons teaching her to throw paint at canvases. One of the paintings hangs proudly in his apartment for everyone to see, and another has replaced you as his phone background. You would be upset if it wasn’t so adorable.
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❀ Seungkwan fits right in with your older sisters. Maybe it is because he has two older sisters himself, but somehow, it's as if he always has been a part of your family. You feel like he broke a record as he got them to love him in less than five minutes.
❀ The three of them have a private group chat where they share the latest tea and gossip. Neither party knows any of the people the other mentions. Still, whenever anything remotely exciting happens, it will be discussed at length in the chat.
❀ Recently, they have upgraded to calling, and Sarah-from-work's not-so-subtle move on their married boss may have interrupted your date. Then again, you were quite invested in what Sarah-from-work did this time as well, making Seungkwan put them on speaker.
❀ He is so comfortable with your sisters that they have no issue roasting each other. The moment they hurl an insult at you, he has got your back, ready with an arsenal of embarrassing moments they entrusted him with. It never fails to make you love him more.
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❀ When you told your older brother that you had a boyfriend, he was ready to give them a good talking to, intimidating them the way an older brother should. However, the moment you introduced Vernon to him, his entire game plan went out of the window. Your brother quite quickly realized that Vernon had drunk enough respect-women-juice that he would never intentionally hurt you.
❀ Moreover, the two of them connected over some obscure film that you had never heard of. They spent most of the evening discussing what they thought of its plot and how the cinematography masterfully added to the atmosphere in the scenes. You could tell that your brother was impressed by how well-articulated and well-thought-out his points were.
❀ At the end of the evening, your brother has completely forgotten about the if-you-hurt-my-sister talk he was supposed to have. The two of them even make plans to go to an indie film that is releasing in art cinemas next week.
❀ That being said, I do not think Vernon would be the type of person who needs to be best friends with your siblings. Sure, he would want to be friendly with them and would not be opposed to the occasional hang-out, but he wouldn’t go out of his way to do stuff with them one-on-one.
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❀ It doesn’t really matter whether you have younger or older siblings. Dino is used to both. He grew up with a younger brother and is fully aware of how annoying they can be and how much responsibility you feel towards them as the older one. Dino also has had to deal with twelve annoying older brothers who don’t let him breathe.
❀ Bro is ready with the quick comebacks. Do your siblings want to tease him about something potentially embarrassing he did? Good luck. His members have completely desensitized him. Do your siblings betray him in a game of Risk? He won’t get upset; his members have tried sacrificing him in games even when it wasn’t needed.
❀ Your siblings can’t help but be impressed by how witty and quick he is. When he mentions it to his members, they have the audacity to tell him that this has been part of their plan all along. He definitely believes them when they argue that all the years of teasing and borderline physical harm were for the day he would meet his partner’s sibling, easily able to remain calm regardless of whatever teasing remark was thrown his way.
❀ “What if my partner would have been an only child?” They suddenly get really quiet. The wall has become interesting.
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badmuni · 1 year
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く⁠コ⁠:⁠彡 BLUE SOULS (in a rainy night)
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★ credits to anon's idea/request.
₍⁠₍ pairing— lee heeseung x reader. genre— fluff, established relationship. words— 800 ₎⁠₎
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Heeseung wasn't feeling well, which is why he was distant. He believed that only when he was in the best mood could he truly make you happy. He avoided you for hours and just responded to your messages after arriving the dorm at night.
You persisted that you would still see him, even though he said he was feeling bad and wouldn't be able to make you have fun. You even found it amusing that he had that mindset, as if his company was only good if he was at his best and all.
Of course it wasn't like that.
When you left your house and your feet hit the road, you felt a drop of water fall on the tip of your nose, and when you looked up at the sky, you could see that a storm was coming. Fortunately, the path to where Heeseung lived wasn't far, it was actually rather close, so you hurried to get there as fast as you could. And as expected, the rain began to fall as soon as you reached the entryway.
You knocked on the door only once, for a tall, hurried boy to open it.
“Oh... You came so fast, love” Heeseung said, making room for you to enter.
You smiled, happy to finally see him in a while. “You opened the door so fast too...”
“No lie, I was standing here because I knew it was going to rain and that you could end up getting wet.” He confessed.
Lucky for Heeseung the rain couldn't reach you.
He came to give you a hug when you walked into his room. His body grew limp in your arms, which was a sign of tiredness. You two continued to hug each other for a long time before he came to give you a soft kiss.
“You should tell me when something is bothering you. If your mind is too full of thoughts, bringing them out will relax you, baby...” You said, when you held his face in your hands.
Heeseung was still stubborn and only wanted you to feel comfortable around him, so he didn't truly express how he felt, even though he felt better after hearing your words.
Then, out of shyness, he gave you another hug while burying his face in your neck to cover off his red cheeks—Heeseung can be easily made to feel shy with little effort.
He took you to his bed making you lay there before putting forward a compelling proposal.
“I will be the happiest person in the world right now if you play with me on my switch,” He stated, immediately grabbing up the switch and placing it in your hands.
You just accepted your fate.
When he realized that you were actually willing to adopt his idea, his huge smile broke out.
You two started playing it, and it was fine at first, but after a short while things became competitive. Heeseung lost a few rounds only for you to win, to make you satisfied, but then he decided to take it back for himself—and you couldn't stop playing anymore.
The minutes turned into hours and it was almost 3am. Your eyes were heavy, Heeseung's not so much. He could remain awake for a long time on end, and he really didn't like to go to sleep before you did. Your head was lying pleasantly on one of his arms, and his body warmed you, while the sounds of the rain falling outside rang in your ears—working almost like a sleeping pill. You couldn't take it anymore and ended up falling asleep while your fingers were still trying to press the switch's buttons. Heeseung didn't stop you from sleeping; in fact, seeing you in this state made him feel warm inside—he was undoubtedly the happiest at that moment.
He passed his palm in front of your eyes to test whether you would still wake up, and grinned to see that you were actually dozing off. He then calmly and slowly grabbed the switch from your hands and came closer to you. Your body unconsciously shifted to his side, forcing you to withdraw into a warm embrace that felt good on both of you.
Heeseung felt like falling asleep now, while practically glued to you.
It was sufficient for him that he felt you were safe in his arms.
“I love you, Yn... On my bad days, you are the best thing I could possibly have.” He murmured as he drowsed gradually.
You were sleeping so deeply that you wouldn't even be able to hear him, therefore his statements would only be heard by your subconscious mind.
Yet Heeseung would undoubtedly say those kind words to you again in another moment.
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# masterlist
[ ★ ] notes — do not hesitate tell me if you find mistakes, please! i'll be so glad ♡
© badmuni | 2023
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While he's walking in the street to get groceries, skeleton discovers his teen kid has a boy/girlfriend. They're hanging out near the grocery store, having fun. Which skeleton are going to embarrass them? Who's going to be a little protective?
Undertale Sans - He's screaming "Are you winning son?!" from the other side of the road, as his kid is trying so much to ignore him. Their partner is a bit confused about what's going on, but won't resist when the kid drags them to find another spot to hang out lol. Sans is waiting for them when they're getting home though, wiggling his inexistant eyebrows at his exasperated kid who tries to run to hide in their room.
Undertale Papyrus - He was about to let them be, but man... He's so excited! He wants to meet their boy/girlfriend so bad! He's vibrating with excitement, and eventually can't hold it anymore and runs to present himself to his kid's partner, shaking their hand like it's a coconut and screaming 10,000 questions at once. His kid facepalms.
Underswap Sans - He's patrolling so he can't really stop. But the kid notices very well the police car passing in the street, again and again, lol, each time a little closer to them to have a better view. Blue is not exactly discreet about this.
Underswap Papyrus - He lets them be. However, as soon as they come back home, Honey will interview them suspiciously lol. He wants to know who is stealing his baby's heart from him, and you better convince him because he's not letting go easily!
Underfell Sans - He's hiding behind a tree. He thinks he is sneaky but he is really not as you spot him immediately. Red is staring into your soul intensely, and he won't stop before you decide to end your date. He doesn't like that. He doesn't like that at all. He was teaching you to walk yesterday, stop growing up now, that's not funny anymore.
Underfell Papyrus - He walks to his kid, grabs them, carries them like a bride, growls at their girl/boyfriend, and leaves with his kid lol. Yeah, he's not ready for this yet. You're going to have some talking to do...
Horrortale Sans - Hum... He's staring, unsure. Does he know the kid you're hanging with or not? He doesn't remember. Whether he does or not, he really doesn't like the way you're looking at them. Your friend eventually whispers to you a strange skeleton is staring at the two of you for twenty minutes without blinking now and that they're scared lol. His kid dares to shoo him away. How dare D: You don't shoo him! He huffs and obeys, but still. He's going to note this in his notebook and you're going to have to answer some questions.
Horrortale Papyrus - Aaaw. That's cute, two kids hanging together, it's the best time to do it. At least until he realizes it's not any kid but HIS kid and suddenly stiffing in disagreement. What are you doing? You can't have a boy/girlfriend now, you're like six years old the last time he counted! What do you mean you're sixteen now? No you're not! Go back home this instant! He's having anxiety just looking at you!
Swapfell Sans - You see him walking on the other side of the road. He stops, looks at your friend from head to toe critically, then just "meh." and then he leaves. What is that even supposed to mean? Your friend is a little in shock honestly lol.
Swapfell Papyrus - Oh my gosh! He's running to you, then puts his two hands on your shoulders as an apology. You beg him not to, but it's too late. He grabs your friend and drags them to his house, asking if they want to see your baby pictures. Your friend is really happy to accept. You want to die.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He comes to you, stares at your friend from head to toe, and then tells them he's not adopting strays at the moment, before dragging his kid along. Your friend is quite in shock after this, not knowing what to even tell. Rude! You're so mad.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He's too shy to intervene. That won't stop him from following you discreetly to spy on you. He's your biggest fangirl, go for it! He wants to meet your friend so bad though. You better hurry and present them to him already!
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audhd-nightwing · 2 years
okay okay modern high school au w/ no upside down
steve is a popular jock his freshman year, still best friends with tommy h & carol, kinda an asshole but honestly all freshman boys are
anyway so sophomore year steve meets nancy and befriends her and barb. nancy convinces steve to drop tommy and carol (they’re not good friends) and he nancy and jonathan have a tentative friendship. steve asks nancy out and they date for like 5-6 months before nancy breaks up with him. it’s nothing dramatic and they end on okay terms but steve is kinda heartbroken and when nancy gets with jonathan a week later he distances himself from both of them. him and barb lowkey bond during that time but they’re never best friends.
anyway, after that steve and robin ending up working at the same minimum wage job and robin realizes they actually have a lot in common and that steve is kinda a loser (in the best way). they become close friends really fast because they just like, complete each other. steve feels like he can actually be himself with her, and it’s the first time he’s ever met someone like that (cough cough they’re both autistic and he’s comfortable enough to subconsciously unmask around her).
robin comes out to steve one night when he’s sleeping over. they’re just laying on robins bed listening to music when robin suddenly sits up and faces steve, who does the same. he raises an eyebrow to ask what is it? and robin opens and closed her mouth a few times before shaking off the nerves and saying “i’m a lesbian,” voice coming out as a whisper. without hesitation steve hugs her and they just hold each other for a bit, steve reassuring her that it’s okay, he doesn’t see her any differently, and that he’s actually been thinking maybe he isn’t straight either
robin encourages steve to pursue his nerdy interests and steve drives robin to all the places she’s wanted to go to. steve kinda fades into the background of the school hierarchy. him and robin are losers and they like it that way
enter one (now senior) eddie munson, spotting these two arguing about whether leia or padme is hotter and whether the prequels deserve to be called movies instead of cinematic failures. he is immediately enamored and decides that they will be the newest additions to his herd of little sheep
a few hellfire members hold a grudge against tommy h and by association steve, but when they learn he dropped tommy (and also thinks he’s a dick) they’re fine with steve being around
sidebar- chrissy is a lesbian with comphet and dated jason freshman year until she broke it off the summer before sophomore year. jason is a douchebag and spreads rumors about chrissy but everyone knows chrissy is a sweetheart so they don’t really believe them. also steve once pulls the Harrington card to get jason to stop spreading shit. after that some of chrissy’s “friends” drop her because they value popularity over her friendship which leads to eddie adopting chrissy into his flock
just buckingham and steddie being iconic, and steve and chrissy being loved for their true selves instead of the popular personas they created
(when they all become friends robin and chrissy are sophomores, steve is a junior an eddie is a senior)
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sh1-n0bu · 1 year
✿ 𝙤𝙝 𝙝𝙚𝙮, 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩'𝙨 𝙢𝙮 𝙞𝙙𝙞𝙤𝙩! ✿
@lufenianwol asked: can i request a bosacious x male!reader headcannons or one-shots? whichever you prefer!
characters: bosacious x male!reader
warnings: fluff, a different AU where everyone is alive and well, nothing bad happened i swear, bosacious being a himbo, reader is zhongli’s child. whether adopted or not can be up to your interpretation, reader is half-dragon but can disguise as a human
notes: currently writing from inside my casket. kinda comfy in here ngl
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art credits to: apol on hoyolab!
lucky you, lucky you
how in the name of celestia did you got so lucky that you ended up together with this fine ass himbo?
like what?????
well, it all started with your young, mischievous, troublemaker of an ass decided to play a prank on your dad AKA the geo archon
it was another simple day, morax calling upon his yakshas and adeptis to hold a their weekly meeting on top of mount hulao
everyone was present, serious, standing ready as they all attentively listen to the dragon’s words. that is until you decided to play a prank on your old man and dump a bucket of cold water with ice over the geo archon. immediately, you felt a large hand pull you down from the tree branch you were on by your throat and slam you down on the ground harshly
grunting and groaning under your breath, you glared up at your attacker, ready to hit them with a nice vile threat, did you saw your attacker
“…well hello, sailor”
and that was how you and bocasious first met
of course morax had to explain to every adeptus and yakshas there that you meant no harm and was simply playing a prank. also a certain adepti, cough cloud retainer cough, may have fainted when she found out that you were the geo archon’s son. and yes bocasious immediately apologized and bowed and even suggested he would kill himself for offending his lord’s son
cue the rest of the yakshas trying to hold back the himbo from jumping off of the top of mount hulao
that was how you two first met. comedic, a bit aggressive but certainly memorable and nice to recall on and get a good laugh out of
since then bosacious has started to be a bit more gentle towards you. at first it was because you were his lord’s son, he must stay respectful and keep his manners in check after all
however as more time passes and the two of you interact, the more genuine bosacious’ feelings for you became
what started out as “he’s my lord’s son so i must respect him and stay close to him” slowly morphed into “he isn’t so bad after all. i kinda like this guy” to “oh… oh! i like this guy!”
and yes bosacious still haven’t figured out that he had romantic feelings for you until an incident happened
an incident where he got heavily injured and bled out a lot of blood and i mean a LOT of blood. of course in standard injury trope, bosacious had started to shake and tremble the night he gained his injuries. as a half-dragon, it would mean your normal body hear is higher than the average and so deciding to help the poor twitching and groaning yaksha through the night, you decided to cuddle his bigger frame close to yourself
heat can be transferred very quickly through physical touch, that was all you kept mumbling to yourself as you held him close. as the night passes on, it had become comfortable to simply just… lay there in each other’s arms
“perhaps this human act of cuddling isn’t so bad…”
famous last words, [name]. famous last words
the next morning when the rest of the yakshas had arrived at bosacious’ own nest, it was literally the perfect epitome of that one vine
[name], barely awake, peeking up from bosacious’ nest: “what the fuck-“
cue the screams
xiao is just standing there with the most annoyed look on his face stfu babybird, we know you’re happy for your big brother indirias and bonanus are happily screeching while menogias is rubbing his temples and rambling to himself on HOW on teyvat did his big brother ended up together with his lord’s son
at first, when morax heard of the news he was incredibly overprotective and always throwing the electro yaksha the “i’ve got my eyes on you” look
but as centuries pass and the archon war finishes with the yakshas alive and well, the geo archon and his son being revered together alongside the god of dust, eventually morax comes to trust bosacious in taking good care of one of his sons
after morax had officially gave his blessings for the two of you and his approval, bosacious got a little bit too excited and called the geo archon “father”
no one lets him live this down and i mean NO ONE. not even xiao
as time changes and liyue prospers more and more, after morax and his loyal illuminated beast followers retires into the peaks of the many great mountains of the nation of geo, did the electro yaksha asked the half-dragon to be his betrothed and mate
it definitely took an incredibly long time of pining and stealing looks over each others’ shoulders but it was all worth it
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lost-lila · 2 years
I love your work I was wondering if you could do domestic head cannons for poly dorm leaders. Like meeting each other families. The case of last names, some are royalty or their last names are important. How would marriage be, any kids and all that. Sorry if its a lot. Thanks 😊
I know that I've got a similar request to this somewhere in my request box, so this will probably be two parts.
• It goes without saying that after the relationship became official, there were a lot of families to meet. Some of the boys were more hesitant about introducing everyone while others couldn't wait. Kalim belonged to the latter, immediately writing his father (after asking everyone of course) and sharing his excitement.
• Azul, Malleus, Idia and Vil were probably next, though it took some time for them to think about it. Still, all three of them have a good relationship with their families. And yes, Malleus told Lilia first. Ortho was also excited.
• As for Riddle and Leona, I don't think they would tell their family at all, at least not without a lot of convincing. Riddle fears the reaction of his mom to such an "imperfection" and Leona doubts that revealing his unusual relationship would improve his reputation.
• When it came to the discussion of last names, there was pure chaos with no one wanting to give up their name. Kalim suggested hyphenating everyones names, but was shot down quickly for obvious reasons. In the end, everyone would either keep their name or come up with a new one together.
• There was another fight when the time came to propose. Everybody wanted to be first, yet it was also kind of difficult to propose to so many people at once. Finally, you managed to get everyone together to take a break from the dilemma and relax, only for you to pull a fast one on them and propose yourself (they were torn between hugging you and letting you sleep on the couch for that stunt)
• Finally, the topic of kids. There would have to be a lengthy discussion first on whether everyone even wanted children or not. No one should be forced to be a parent if they didn't want to, so the goal was unanimous decision. If someone in the group didn't want to be a parent, you decided to leave it at that (Idia would probably ask for a cat at some point though). If everyone was on board with the idea, I can see you adopting multiple kids together, making sure to split the responsibilities between you.
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itsyagurlchip · 2 months
how is the original bone skeleton man doing?? OH OH AND is the setting the usual portal opening in the house and bam you've got new uncles or something else??? YAIOEPEPWLWKWPWBAOAV
buckle up, cuz this is super long yall 🥲
OKAY!!! THIS IS WHERE MY "INTERESTING" PART COMES IN 😁 monsters are just coming to the surface, and speciesism is as high as ever. after a year of this, queen toriel decides to open a human-monster program, something that also promotes her small school.
monsters adopt humans! ebbot was a bit iffy on it, but after realizing the benefits the mayor eventually agreed. (jk that nigga only wants the money 💀-) It was hard to get the program started, because many schools and orphanages werent as trusting, and the state wasn't fundinh it at all. So Toriel took a different approach.
Many monsters put their savings into it, considering their currency is literal fucking gold, and the program would allow each child to get $1000+ per month, depending on their age and needs. and yes giving kids thousands of dollars per year doesn't sound like a good idea, but shhhhh! the plot my dear!
The monsters who take care of them aren't allowed to use it themselves in selfish situations. Both the child and the guardian has rules.
one) you guys have to interact in some way. whether it be verbally, or even physically. two) NOTHING 18+, as all children being minors, that would be kinda weird. three) follow laws as follows- just dont be a shitty parent. four) the child has to want to participate as well, and cant do anything to hurt the guardian. including verbally (bc monster souls are made of feelings pretty much [thats another hc for another day])
id love to go deeper into the details, yet i however cannot bc i dont know how a parent-child program works.
and you have to be in the program for 1 month before you or the child wants to back out.
doesn't matter if its one-sided or not, when someone doesn't like it it immediately stops. id like to say that frisk and papyrus put most if their money into this, just so she can be adopted by toriel.
so when papyrus sees that gaster and sans have been stuck in the lab (not the basement!) for globs of hours at a time, sporadic sleeping, and overall exhaustion from work, he says the craziest shit
sans, in his sleep deprived state, promptly rose an eyebrow and fell out of his chair onto his side.
yea, its not that he didn't take the thing well, bro couldn't process it 💀💀
gaster just rolled his only visible eyelight and went back to work
well that worked well!!
reader arrived to the house the next day, and seeing that it was a two story house!?!?
AND there was an in-law suite? fuck yea! orphan kid made the jackpot 💥💥😼
they had fuckin steps too les goo!!
Your dark skin shined against the light of the sun, your brown eyes sparkling in excitement.
reader let go of papyrus's hand and ran inside immediately.
Careful as to not smudge your dirty shoes against the shiney floor, you looked around the house in amazement. This place had to have atleast 5 rooms!
and then the in law suite on the side looked like another 2 rooms!?? BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE!!
Not only did you have super nice guardians (you hoped), they were packed enough to keep you and themselves stabilized!! Hell, if theirs more people, they could support them aswell!!
Taking off your shoes, you looked around the living room. The long couch was green, albiet a bit patchy for a nice place, while the tan side couches could lean back!!
where those outlets on the sides? omg
"HAVING FUN DEAR HUMAN CHILD?" Papyrus smirked. He knew that the house of the Great Papyrus was enough to impress anyone, even of young ages.
"You guys are so rich!! wow- i mean, not that im tryna take your money or anything, but like- WOW!! Its so big!! Bigger than anything ive ever been to!" You were now flapping your hands and bouncing a bit. Your locs of hair bounced in it's pony tail no matter how small the fidget-hop was.
Behind the living room was a beautiful and lavish kitchen, and to the right there was the steps. To the right it looked like some like of master bedroom or guest bathroom.
But you didn't care about rooms right now, you wanted to see your other guardians!!
"Where are the other people im supposed to be meeting? Are you my only guardian or do they have to take care of me too? Are they mean? Are they bums? I hope they dont smoke or something, Do they have an addiction? What about-"
"THAT!, DEAR CHILD, IS GOING TO BE FOR INTRODUCTIONS!! DO NOT WORRY, WHILE THOSE TWO MAY BE GRUMPS, THEY ARE PLEASANT PEOPLE TO BE AROUND...EVEN IF THE LACK OF SLEEP TAKES THEIR PLEASANT PERSONALITY AWAY..." Papyrus concluded. You noticed that, despite the way he tried to talk to himself, you still heard it loud and clearly.
Maybe he had a hard time with volume control. meh.
Grabbing your hand and leading you towards the back door next to the kitchen, Papyrus opened the door. He had to lean down a bit in order to hold your hand, but he didn't mind.
The hallway was looooong. Instead of it being regular walls, it was glass windows of different colors. Which made you raise an eyebrow abit.
You both reached the end of the hallway, hearing mumblings, ramblings, and overall terms that lowkey hurt your brain.
Getting too excited, you open the door to a glass-based lab. With the occasional plastic and metal equipment.
In the middle of the room there was an island counter filled was rainbow colored stuff ('gay as hell' , you sniggered), small green candies, and lots and lots if paper and pencils sharpened to the ends.
At one end of the room, there was a tall skeleton, a little shorter than Papyrus, who was more goop than skeleton. Infact, he looked like someone took a fire torch to his upper body, but you didn't say anything.
At the other end, there was a short skeleton, probably shorter than you (hah, being 5'0 did pay off), laying with his head on the desk, knocked out with blue slob. You marveled at the sight, wanting to know more about monsters at this revelation.
"FATHER! BROTHER! THIS IS THE CHILD I ADOPTED FOR ALL OF US!" Papyrus announced, grinning undauntedly. The smaller skeleton banged his head on the desk at the loud voice, while the other one barely flinched and turned slowly in irritation. "INTRODUCE YOURSELVES WHILE I MAKE LUNCH FOR THE GROWING FETUS!" He declared, marching out with a big smile.
If this plan went correctly, then his favorite family members would be mentally stable (as much as one could try- he thought to himself).
after banging his head on the damned table, sans sat up a bit disoriented.
why was there a human child in the house?
why was it in the lab?
"uhh kid, ur not supposed be here...uhh, its not safe and uh, you could die."
"WOW! Your so freakin cool! How do you talk without moving your face? Are you wearing a mask? I could die here! ooh shiney stuff, can i touch it?"
yea.. this kid has not had a proper friend in a minute
he was overwhelmed by the questions you asked at first, he didn't answer them at all in favor of watching gaster struggle to calm you down.
sans didn't mind how loud you were, it was moreso the curiosity that you brought along with you.
that wouldn't do.
"Hey! What's this?" the kid asked, walking towards the machine that could very much possibly cause the heat death of the universe, before getting snatched up by gaster.
"Enough! you are here to introduce yourself, and you will do as such" It was funny to see the man twitch like that. sans likes this kid already.
After knowing your name and age, sans was a bit surprised.
he honestly thought you were younger.
while introducing himself he tried to keep it simple and short. how old is he?
"how old am i old man?"
His blue slippers shifted from the movement of his ankle bones.
he thought you were just an average kid, but something about you was different.
oddly enough you always wore these earrings saying Y on the right and N on the left.
he wonder what it meant
Now its a week past since you came into the 'haunted house', aka the skele-dungeon
you two play pranks against gaster when he has free time. watching him bounce his leg in irritation every time he finds a lima bean in his notes is pure gold.
since you're virtual, due to your choice, he tries to take you places.
some of the most consistent ones are dance class every saturday and neighborhood walks you take by yourself.
I think of sans is the type of person to give less of a shit about his dad.
mostly because if the way he approaches things, iN tHE NaME oF sCIeNcE
it pisses him off everytime he tries to ask you for a blood sample
and it makes him even angrier when you say yes without a second thought.
but despite that, he cares about gaster.
but he wants to choke him out being his first son.
Despite being constantly sleep deprived, he makes time for this little new joy in his life.
Back then he's sleep at his desk, especially when his magic reserves were too low to shortcut.
But now, and you thought he didn't notice, you carry him to the living room of the main house and turn the tv volume down to 9 when you cant fall asleep.
another thing you both have in common
More often than not, you both find each other at the odd hours if the night.
since he can barely cook shit, it's mostly you making the midnight snacks
he appreciates the food you make for him, despite him initially coming to get a 10 1/2 ounce bag of chips
other times you guys will sit in the living room in silence
occasionally he'll find himself rambling to you about physics, specifically quantum, so he can keep his memory up.
sans likes the way you treat his brother.
as an uncle and not a childish cousin.
You may not be able to keep up with Papyrus's schedules and puzzles
but when you can, you two shine this wholesome light on the whole house that makes sans's soul ache lovingly.
Papyrus likes to take you out for walks more than him, or you'll both hang out in the backyard next to the glass hallway of the suite.
on his breaks, he'll find you two doing silly things
like rolling in the grass
or trying to carry each other.
without being able to admit it, sans and papyrus feel a new joy in their life.
and they got a cool kid to come with it :)
Gaster and sans were in the lab when his father said the most dumbest shit his nonexistent ears could ever listen to
gaster was never fully succumbed into the void, as sans had saved him before anything totally horrible happened.
hence his melted face and arms.
but he saw something, or rather somethings, that his meticulous little nerd brain has been hyperfiaxting on since the child came.
"Let's discover new universes!"
sans was just like 'naw, jit crazy'
so gaster fucks around with the machine for a while in secret while sans is frolicking with his newly adopted child.
ew, children.
but he guesses that she's okay, despite her adamant queries (hehe).
and soon enough, the machine made that man find out after he fucked around
Now that the machine stopped pouring in different variants of his children, this only made gaster more excited to use the machine.
sans on the other hand was fuckin freaking out.
the damn geezer did it
but not only that, there are aggressive ass versions of him who are willing to kill a child and that wont go.
sans is not gonna give on the things that bring him joy that easy.
*insert battle sequence*
ok so he got his ass whooped, no biggie.
and now his adopted child is befriending them. great.
annnddd now his brother is taking care of them. even better.
AANNNDD now his father is too interested in them to try and find a way to send them back. AMAZING!
bro wants to jump off a roof at this point
to be honest, he doesn't like the other versions of himself.
Theyre different possibilities of what could've happened currently and he already thinks about that enough.
but, reader likes them, so he gives them a pass.
but if they hurt her...or even worse, his brother...
he wont need the machine to figure out a way to take them out of this world.
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i know the reader sounds super excited rn, which is sorta unexpected for an orphan centered fic, in the official thing you're gonna see a less than..nice attitude from them.
btw i wanna make a house plan to this can make more sense for your guys. ohhhhhhhh- IM TOO DAMN EXCITED 😋😋💕 i prolly gotta learn skeleton anatomy too-
@kittykittyanon @radicallxser @oleander-nin @towomatos @thealphagirl @ziipzeepzop-eez @amorvincitomnia-14 @spongejuice @cyb3r-st4r. if you would like to be added, check my blog. if you would like to be added, check my blog. SEE? I SAID IT TWICE!!
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whumpshaped · 7 months
For when you're looking for a prompt, can we get more pet recovery whump?
A former pet just brought to Caretaker's home to be rehabilitated? Maybe with the help of another former pet who's been there longer and made more progress? Someone for them to cling to and to help them feel marginally safer until, with their help, they can come to start trusting that their new Caretaker won't abuse them?
anon i have the perfect people for this. zeddy, mari, meera, and dr pax belong to me, lucky and the other pets belong to @hidden-dreamland :)
tw pet whump, past trauma
Lucky had no idea who his new owner would be. If he was being perfectly honest... he didn't really want to leave the guaranteed security of the hospital for something uncertain and possibly dangerous. Dr. Pax had told him that it would be fine, that Meera's men ran extensive background checks on every person who'd volunteered to help pets reintegrate, but...
All too soon, the two of them were standing in front of a big house, and the doctor was lifting a hand to knock. Lucky was staring at the ground, taking deep breaths, just like he'd been taught.
It's fine. Dr. Pax wouldn't betray you. He even gave you a name. Your new owner won't be calling you mutt... probably.
Lucky heard the turn of a key in the lock, then a soft click as the man opened. And oh, dear. He was... big, and imposing, and intimidating, and part of Lucky wanted to make a run for it immediately. He wasn't a small pet by any means, but he was weak, and he knew how easy it was to overpower him, hold him down, hit him–
"Lucky, this is Zed Hansley, one of our most trusted friends," Pax said, gesturing to the man. He gave Lucky a sheepish smile and a wave, which he returned through great effort. Scary. Scary, scary, scary. "And Zeddy, this is Lucky."
"Hi, buddy," he tried softly, and Lucky attempted to swallow the lump in his throat.
"Hello, sir."
"I'll go ahead and fetch the rest of the family while you guys make yourselves comfortable in the living room. Pax already knows where everything is."
Mr. Hansley disappeared into the house, and Lucky could soon hear him calling names that reminded him a lot of other pets' he'd met while staying with his previous owner. Dr. Pax seemed to read his thoughts perfectly. "He's adopted three pets before you. I thought it'd be beneficial for you if you could see how happy and healthy they all were, not to mention all the experience he has dealing with rescues." He nodded towards the door with a soft smile. "Shall we?"
Lucky willed himself to take a few steps forward, crossing the threshold and committing to giving this process a chance. He wanted a kind owner. He just wasn't sure whether that was something he deserved at all. Whether life would get in the way. Twenty years as a neglected, borderline unwanted pet had taught him nothing but fear, and he had no reason to believe that if he wasn't good enough at twenty, someone would suddenly decide to care for him now that he was forty. Pets his age... there weren't many pets his age.
Dr. Pax sat down on the couch, and Lucky settled on the floor by his feet. He watched nervously as Mr. Hansley ushered everyone in: three pets, just like the doctor had said, and a beautiful woman he introduced as his wife, Mariama. Mari, as everyone apparently called her.
The pets looked... alright. As in, unhurt. All their scars looked old and faded, and while one of them was missing a couple parts, their prosthetics seemed like the nice, expensive kind. They actually looked quite happy.
They introduced themselves one after the other, and Lucky tried to keep up with all the names and tidbits of information. Berry, Cupcake, Spots... Spots was the newest of the bunch, and they already seemed to be getting along quite well with everyone.
Lucky found himself wishing he could experience that too.
"So," Mr. Hansley started, and he quickly looked away from the pets, back up at him, "this is the family you'd be joining. Now, I know what you're thinking– Here's this huge guy with arms thicker than my torso, how could this ever work out in my favour? Or, well, some pets have said that. But I can assure you, if you decide to come live with us, I will do everything in my power to keep you safe and happy."
"I will, too," Mrs. Hansley added with a smile. "And we both mean it. We're very passionate about helping people in need."
"I'm a pet," Lucky said timidly. Her smile didn't waver.
"Pets and people. Anyone we can help, we try to help."
Lucky glanced at the other pets again, and all three of them gave him nothing but encouraging grins and nods. Berry even did a thumbs-up. "Um..."
"You can ask questions," Dr. Pax prompted. "You don't have to, of course, since you can call me at any time if this house isn't the right fit for you, but it might be nice."
"I, I'm just wondering... I don't... I don't know why you'd want to help a mutt like me. All the others... they seem..." Sweeter. Bubblier. Better. "I'm not sure I can be of any use to you, sir."
Mr. Hansley hummed thoughtfully. "Believe it or not, all the others had the very same doubts. I'll tell you what I told them, yeah? I just want to help. This community has helped me more than I can ever explain, and now that I have the means, I want to give back. Besides, the house is too big for just Mari and I."
Lucky shifted on his knees. It hurt to kneel. "I see," he muttered.
"You should tell Lucky about your job," Cupcake suggested, and Mr. Hansley's face lit up.
"Oh, I have the best job. My wife and I run a little soap business, and we handmake a lot of the stuff. There's always a DIY project in at least one room in the house, if you ever feel like you want to unleash some creativity." He stood up from the couch and walked over to the table, picking up something Lucky had assumed was a decoration. It was very pretty, soft pink and shaped like a rose. "This is my latest obsession. Ever since I learned how to make flowers like this, I've been making dozens every day."
"Is, is that what smells so nice?" he asked, and Mr. Hansley handed the soap to him with a grin.
"You tell me."
It was the soap. It was the most gorgeous scent, rich but delicate at the same time. Lucky thought he would like to stay in this home for sure, if only to have access to something to amazing on the regular.
"What was that last one? The last big era?" Spots asked quietly.
"The swirly ones," Berry chimed in. "Swirly and striped. Everything was swirly and striped."
"Oh, right! All of them looked so tasty."
"You're not eating soap, are you?" Dr. Pax asked with all the concern of a well-intentioned doctor.
"Zeddy makes me edible soap now!" they clarified, and it made Mrs. Hansley chuckle.
It all seemed... so innocent. Even Mr. Hansley seemed less threatening like this, chatting away about scented soaps. Lucky handed him the rose to he could put it back on the table, then glanced at Dr. Pax for confirmation that he really was allowed to stay here.
"It's your choice," the doctor said softly. "And it's not permanent, if you don't want it to be. I'm always just a call away."
Lucky looked back at his potential owners, and all the new friends he would gain by agreeing to this. The new life he could live, so far removed from dingy basements and cattle prods.
"I think... I think I'd like to try, sir."
When the pets erupted in cheers and excited clapping, Lucky dared hope that their joy was honest.
general drabbles taglist: @ashh-ed @whumpsday @whump-queen @the-scrapegoat @hidden-dreamland @rosewriteswhump @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @whumpkinpie @delicateprincepaper @whumppmuhw @whump-em @cyborg0109 @morning-star-whump @justanotherlokifan @2in1whump @lthrboy @justletmereadmywhump @florissimps @anonymous-tiangou @whump-kitty
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Hi!! First of all thanks for doing god's work! This blog really helped me find some of my favorite fics <3
I was looking for fics where stiles is new to the town. I read Stilinski's Home for Wayward Wolves by owlpostagain and What I Did On My Summer Vacation by grimm and I'm kinda obsessed with it?
Hey @attentionzero! @kevaaronday found these for you.
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Stilinski's Home for Wayward Wolves by owlpostagain
(1/1 I 35,197 I Teen I Sterek)
“At least your puppies knock first,” Stiles snorts. “Here I thought their alpha raised them to be well-mannered.” 

“There’s a sign,” Derek responds stiffly. 

Stiles, whose curiosity outweighs even his hardest of grudges, abandons his chilly façade of nonchalance in a heartbeat. He jumps right up and all but pushes Derek out of the way in his effort to get to the window, and sure enough when he leans outside there’s a laminated strip of cardstock duct taped to the vinyl siding: 

DON’T FORGET TO KNOCK Stiles gets cranky when we scare him
Or, in which Stiles Stilinski moves to Beacon Hills for his junior year of high school and accidentally adopts a pack of teenage werewolves.
What I Did On My Summer Vacation by grimm
(4/4 I 118,749 I Explicit I Sterek)
There's something weird about Beacon Hills that Stiles can't quite put his finger on. The way everyone in town knows his name the day he arrives. The way they insist the melancholic howling that echoes through the forest every night is just a dog. The way his dad denies getting a dog, even though Stiles comes home to find one sprawled across his bed, some big black thing whose eyes gleam red in the right light. The way that massive oak tree out in the woods vibrates under his touch, pulsing with sickly life.
There's something weird going on in this town, and Stiles is determined to get to the bottom of it.
A Teenage Love Story by HaleHathNoFury (26/26 | 155,834 | Explicit | Sterek)
Stiles is sick and tired of how much he fucks up. His dad is disappointed, his step-mom judges and his step-brother can do no wrong. It's not that he doesn't love them, he just gets so tired of being different. Now he's being moved lock, stock and barrel to Beacon Hills aka the town his mom grew up in so they can go live in his grandma's house and his father can get him back on the straight and narrow. 
It's going to suck.
487 by Finduilas (14/14 | 52,840 | Explicit | Sterek) Two years after graduating from the Police Academy, Stiles decides to transfer to the Beacon Hills Police Department, where his father is Chief. But when he gets assigned his new partner, Stiles isn't so sure if the transfer was a good idea. Derek 'Officer Grumpy Cat' Hale isn't exactly his first choice of partner. Then again, Stiles really isn't Derek's first choice either.
Northern Blues by kaistrex (12/12 | 40,682 | Explicit | Sterek) When Stiles steps into the room that the Hale house has conjured for him to stay in, the first thing he sees is a window already open, letting in a pleasant breeze. The second is a door in the right-hand wall.
Laura clears her throat, scratching at her nose. “That leads to Derek’s room.”
Stiles’ eyebrows shoot up and a laugh bursts out before he can stop it. Now he understands how the pack knew this room probably wouldn’t belong to his dad (which, gross).
He looks over his shoulder at Derek who’s glaring pointedly at everything except for Stiles with pink-tipped ears.
“Presumptuous. I like it,” he says to the house, patting one of the walls and throwing a wink at Derek hovering in the doorway.
When the Hale pack transitions to a new Alpha, Stiles is thrilled to be assigned to Beacon Hills to try out as their new Emissary. He and his dad are immediately enamoured with the idyllic little town, fitting right in with the rest of the Hales – except for Derek. The new Alpha shows no signs of welcome, but it will be hard for him to stay stubborn in the face of his family’s encouragement and a sentient house that has plans for the two of them whether Derek likes it or not.
The Wonderful Mess We Made by haleonwheels (12/12 | 34,619 | Explicit | Sterek) Derek is Scott's rude older brother. Scott is Stiles' new best friend. Stiles is in a really hard situation (in more ways than one).
Or the one where Stiles Stilinski moves to Beacon Hills from New York City and immediately befriends Scott McHale. Scott tells Stiles he's an only child--except he really, really isn't. So how was Stiles supposed to know Derek From The Jungle is actually Derek McHale, Scott's older brother that he kept secret for a reason?
Not Who You Think I Am by GrimReaperlover11 (17/? | 28,611 | Mature | Sterek) Stiles Stilinski is the new kid at Beacon HIlls HIgh. Derek Hale finds himself wanting to be friends with the new student. however, will these feelings change when Stiles reveals himself to not be exactly who he says he is?
Maidens, Mothers, and Crones, Oh My! By Panicitsamelon (14/? | 22,760 | Teen | Sterek) (aka)
Hunters, Wolves, and Sparks, Oh My!
Psychos, Brooders, and Not-Quite-Damsels In Distress, Oh My!
(I could keep going, but I'm gonna stop before it gets worse.)
Stiles Argent lost his mother at a young age. He continued to live with his stepfather, Chris, and eventually stepmother, Victoria, and stepsister, Allison, as they traveled across the country for his stepparent's work. 
Everything is normal... until it isn't. 
When they move to Beacon Hills, Stiles discovers there are a lot of secrets his family has kept from him, especially about his mother. 
Magic? Like more than herbs and manifestation... that shit's real, apparently and Stiles isn't exactly sure why, but his is leading him to people and places all over town. He's just a high school student trying to make friends (and maybe get laid) at his new school. He didn't plan for comatose uncles, scary-hot siblings, and people trying to kill him.
True Love’s Kiss Isn't Always The Cure by nicole135 (19/19 | 22,037 | Explicit | Sterek) Stiles isn't normal, well at least on the inside. He's a Spark, a trait he inherited from his late mother; it's something that has run in her family since before her Polish ancestors first inhabited America's soil when America was being colonized. Now when Stiles' father moved to Beacon Hills for the job opening of Sheriff, Stiles follows six months later after spending time learning from his Gran, only to dive head first into the towns deadly secret, one that has affected the town since it was first founded. It's a curse that affects the whole town, and when Stiles finds out, it's the same one his mother told him about in bedtime stories, one that has haunted every generation of his mother's family ever since the curse was cast.
Just A Moment Too Late by gremlins-came-and-got-me (7/7 | 13,164  | Mature | Sterek) Derek Hale is fourteen when he is murdered. Instead of that being the end of his story, he watches life go on for the people of Beacon Hills, until one day he sees a new family move in. Stiles Stilinski doesn't mind Beacon Hills. His dad is the new sheriff, so everyone treats him well. However, Stiles is a detective at heart, and Beacon Hills has a secret: Derek Hale's murder.
Of course, Stiles can't leave well enough alone. He's going to solve Derek's murder if it's the last thing he does.
It just might be.
How are you so bad at this? By thornconnelly (11/ | 6,242 | Gen | Sterek) Stiles moves to Beacon Hills at the start of senior year of high school. Before class even starts, he bumps into a very cute and flirty werewolf who happens to be in almost all of his classes, and who is seemingly TERRIBLE at hiding his werewolfy traits.
Moving to beacon Hills by hufflepuffbaby (1/1 | 1,453 | Gen) Stiles moves to Beacon Hills after his dad is offered the Sheriff's job. He's only been there three days, but he's pretty sure he's already found his best friend.
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neuroprincess · 1 year
Abbott Elementary - Having a baby with Melissa Schemmenti (Headcanon)
Melissa Schemmenti/Female Reader
Classification: Fluff
Warnings: None
Word count: +1600
Part One | Part Two
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- She is scared to death of the idea of being a mother, first of all that it's something she put off all those years married to Joe because she knows it's a big responsibility she's not ready for, and second that Melissa thinks she's too old to have a baby. When you bring up the subject she immediately denies and laughs nervously, putting her cards on the table being sincere, you understood and respected her;
- But nothing is the same after that conversation, the famous "baby fever" happens and all she sees are babies, dozens and dozens of chubby babies, full of hair, gaping smiles and sweet eyes. And then her cousin had a daughter, Sofia, a baby who is obsessed with you and won't leave your lap at family reunions, in those moments she catches herself imagining how a baby of the two of you would look like. She always imagines a chubby baby with rosy cheeks, olive eyes, and a Schemmenti appetite;
- And it's at one of these reunions that she decides to give the possibility of having children a chance even at 50, you are cradling Sofia in the bedroom when she enters, with a plate of lasagna in hand and a rehearsed speech in mind, but when the teacher sees the scene she softens completely forgetting any words she has rehearsed. "I think I want one." She whispers sitting next to you on the bed, absorbed in the beauty of the scenery, pushing her own insecurities into the background and imagining a shared future;
- When you start talking about the possibilities, she tells you that she knows a guy and soon realizes the equivocation, retracting it by saying that she knows a guy who owns a fertility clinic and owes her a favor. After a few consultations you opt for artificial insemination and spend weeks choosing a donor, Melissa thinks it's stressful at first, but soon gets excited, especially when she and Barbara start ranking the "ugliest men no one would choose". After almost a month you find the perfect man, Italian family, green eyes, red hair, law degree, in appearance almost a male version of your wife;
- The first attempt is frustrated, there were six negative tests thrown away and a sensitive redhead for days, she is impatient and can't wait to work. The team finds her behavior awkward, and you fend off curious colleagues, choosing to hide from them and everyone else that you are trying to get pregnant, except Barb. The second attempt filled you with hope with a false positive from the pharmacy test and that was snatched away from you with the blood test, Melissa left the clinic silent and on the way home asked if you still want to go through this, the hormones, consultations, procedures and the disappointment. And it's not as if you can continue to pay for so many attempts on a teacher's salary. You say you feel equally frustrated, but want to give it one last chance and that you can turn to adoption;
- As some say, the third time is the lucky one. One trimester after the second attempt you decide to give insemination one last chance and, not wanting to give your already frustrated wife hope, you decide to do the test alone when suspicious. Almost a dozen positive pharmaceutical tests and one blood test confirm what you both hoped and wished for. A Schemmenti baby on the way;
- The reveal is simple but symbolic, you order an apron with the words "Mommy Schemmenti" embroidered on it. Melissa weirds out the random gift, especially since she hardly ever wears an apron for cooking, so she makes a sexual joke, teasing about a new kink she's heard about and whether this is an invitation for you two to try it. When you tell her that the two of you will be Schemmenti mommies she finally understands and can't help but shed tears of happiness, lovingly hugging and kissing you for the rest of the night, thanking you for bringing your child into the world;
- You decide to keep the pregnancy a secret, at least during the first trimester because it is the most delicate and intimate, the teacher is a fierce, loving and protective mother. The first weeks were physically exhausting, all those nausea, excessive trips to the bathroom, the fatigue and vomiting, the last one was the worst part, the baby apparently rejects any food that is not salad and yogurt. Melissa seems almost offended when you run to vomit after eating pasta a carbonara and questions the Italian origin of the donor while rubbing your back in front of the toilet;
- This woman has always had a hand on you, whether it's over the table at a dining table, the hand on your thigh at work meetings, on your back while you're leaving Abbott, etc. But since the discovery of your pregnancy this has become more than frequent, she simply won't leave your side, accompanies you everywhere you go and to all your appointments (she has even considered combining your two classes in just to be with you), takes care of your every need and desire. Do you want a weird milkshake in the middle of the night? She'll do it. Do you feel pain in your back or feet during class? Melissa will give you a massage at lunchtime. Did someone bother you? She will already be taking out her earrings to make that person cry;
- And that's how everyone finds out you're pregnant, you've just reached your second trimester and the baby has started to show, a visible lump that you hide with clothes. But Janine broke the air conditioner, again, and you had to take off the extra layer, which caught Ava's attention, the woman commented that you have put on weight and said she would send you a tik tok of a diet that is making success, Melissa doesn't lose your look of pain knowing how much you are struggling with the physical changes and self esteem. "She's not fat, she's carrying my baby, idiot!" your wife raises her voice and stands up, already taking off the earrings, ready to attack but you stop her;
- The team is simply delighted with the news, the next day they show up with gifts (among them an Eagles bodysuit and another written "Philly, No one like us. We don't care.”, brownies and Ava starts a bet about the baby's gender behind your back, Melissa secretly enters the bet, she is sure that the baby will be a boy. Earlier the redhead wanted to find out almost immediately, so you were weirded out when she suggested a cliché baby shower reveal and insisted it be at the school. Obviously Barbara was in responsible, the only one who wouldn't open her mouth to anyone and so it was, you found out only when the slice was removed from the cake, revealing a dark blue. She, Janine and Gregory won the bet;
- The Schemmenti's don't exactly know how to react or what to say with the news, the siblings and cousins soon show excitement, always waiting for the moment when Melissa would bring additions to the family and a cousin to their children. Her parents seem more skeptical, they have seen their daughter have her heart broken and everything seems so fast with you compared to her previous relationships, deep down they are just afraid that she will over indulge and get hurt again, but they quickly get excited about the arrival of the new grandchild, her mother shows you all the embarrassing photo albums, told you about how Melissa was as a kid and gave you tips, you come home with copies of photos of your wife as a child and a happy heart knowing how lucky your child is;
- She likes to call the baby "Tesoro (Treasure)" and "Amore mio (my love)", Melissa has the habit of talking to your belly, the boy is very agitated by the presence of the other mother, but is also easily calmed down by her voice and affectionate nicknames. If he won't let you sleep, your wife will read children's books. If he is agitated while you are teaching, she will lecture the little Schemmenti, which he seems to understand and won't kick your internal organs for the rest of the day. Before bed is her favorite time to talk to your son, Melissa likes to have deep conversations with the child while you fall asleep, admiring their interaction;
- Although it doesn't seem so, she is still scared to death to be a mother, but ready and willing to do her best for your son. Sometimes insecurities surface and Melissa soon goes looking for advice, usually from Barbara, the first grade teacher reassuring her about motherhood and always giving affirmations about how she will be a great mother, the kids love her and so does the bambino, and he hasn't even been born yet;
- When your waters break a month earlier than expected, the usually composed and rational Melissa gives way to a terrified and crazed mother, running around before putting you in the car and making at least three tickets on the way to the hospital. She doesn't leave your side at any time, except when you ask for something, and she holds your hand through the six hours of labor, not caring about the painful squeeze and the swear words directed at her, the redhead knows it's not easy and all worth in the end, when you hear that loud cry that sounds like music to your ears;
- Melissa is the first to hold him and suddenly she finds herself very vunerable, the teacher can't help but shed tears as she stares at your little angel curled up in her arms, fragile and lovely, so perfect as you once imagined, with coppery hair, olive eyes, chubby cheeks and a killer smile, moody like his mother, a perfect little Schemmenti.
I have material for a second part that maybe will post, I confess I got excited, but also need a name for the little Schemmenti. Help an undecided author, because I write for you, the readers, and nothing more fair than that you choose.
There is a link to a form where you can leave ideas of names, if some are repeated a lot they will be chosen or will be chosen by voting, democracy XD
Name Ideas Form
Name Voting
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