#and right now I’m missing the time when I didn’t even know I was trans
gothgamergaara · 1 year
Like two days ago I started having thoughts that I didn’t actually need to go on hormones now bc I’m not actively suicidal from dysphoria & co. And now I’m certainly not doing super well, esp when I think about coming out to my family and like. Well . There are more ways to get to the same place aren’t there. I don’t know what to do w myself
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sunnysoulzz · 7 months
I need some Rodrick x ftm reader if you can!! Mbe some smut? I'll take anything no one makes ftm reader stuff with Rodrick :(
I’ll try my best 🫶🫶 I’m not an expert so I’m very sorry if I get stuff wrong :’(
Rodrick x ftm!reader
Contains: reader in diff stages of transitioning, smut, lmk what I missed lol, also not proofread
Smut under the cut!
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Idc what anyone says, HES SUPPORTIVE ASF. He’s punk asf bro, he fell in love with YOU, so he really doesn’t care how you present yourself. (Also he’s SO bi, he fell in love with you before you started transitioning AND after you started transitioning, like bro fell in love twice)
If you started dating him before you transitioned he’d gladly accept you, though he’d probably use the wrong pronouns at first. Plz slap him, he feels really bad abt it :(
If you started dating after you transitioned he’d probably be taken aback, but still absolutely adores you, it doesn’t change anything for him.
100% let’s you wear his clothes, he’d probably just hand you his shirt when you are hanging out at his house because he’s awkward but lovesss seeing you wear them.
He’d help cut your hair (it probably ended up uneven but yk-)
Definitely calls you handsome when he’s flirty, he’s so the type to lean in the door frame and just say “hey handsome”
If your family wasn’t supportive he would help you sneak out 🙏
I can imagine you helping him put on makeup, because you had the experience from before you realised you were trans, and plus he likes it when you do it.
Before you had surgery he’d 100% eat you out while calling you a pretty boy. And after you got bottom surgery he’d call you a pretty boy while sucking ur dick lol
He’s so touchy, he’s always trying to get his hands on you so when you got top surgery he was a lil sad because that meant he couldn’t touch ur nipples for a while :( but once it was healed he would definitely touch them non stop LMAO
You guys probably tried anal even before you got bottom surgery, he wanted to experiment yk and was just like “well once/if you get bottom surgery, that means we are gonna switch to anal right? So why not try it now?”
If you don’t feel like having penetrative sex because you just don’t like your body atm, he’ll gladly fuck your face instead :)
pretty sure this is my first time publishing a male!reader FIC? I can’t remember 💀 but! Definitely first time I’ve written for a trans reader :) I hope this works, sorry it’s short I didn’t know what to add 😭
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steviewashere · 2 months
27,28,32 Eddie finds out he’s pregnant and tells Steve
Oooo, okay, I had so much fun with this one! And, get this, it's not almost three thousand words!
27: "I'm pregnant.", 28: "Marry me?", 32: "I think I'm in love with you and I'm terrified."
Tags: Established Relationship, Post-Canon, Trans Eddie Munson, FTM Eddie Munson, Pregnant Eddie Munson, Eddie Munson is a Sweetheart, Steve Harrington is a Sweetheart, Steve Harrington Loves Eddie Munson, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Marriage Proposal, Pregnancy Announcement
————— This is definitely not how Eddie thought he’d start his day.
He’s in the bathroom of his and Steve’s apartment, just sat with his head in his hands to accommodate the wave of nausea that overcame him. And that’s when he got the smart idea that…well, maybe he should figure out why he’s been so sick the last week or so. Steve’s still asleep in their bed. Came home late from work, wanted to sleep in on his day off, and already knew that Eddie was sick.
But didn’t know that it was because Eddie’s period was late. He had a sneaking suspicion that there was something wrong, when he didn’t have to put a pad in his underwear, but he thought it could be from PCOS or something unrelated. It’s not. Which is evident in the stupid plastic stick in his shaking hands, lightly glistening from his own urine, and definitely showing two prominent dark pink lines. He’s crying at eight in the morning, holding a stick in his hand, sick to his stomach, and shaking.
Whimpering, he knows that there’s no way he can avoid this. Steve is too observant for his own good. He’ll figure out something’s wrong or changed. And he’ll be too good, too sweet, and Eddie knows he’ll run. So he’s going to face this. Just like he did with the demobats. Facing this is half the battle. Finding out Steve’s reaction is the other half.
He exits the bathroom, stick in hand, but stops short in the open space of their room. At Steve on his belly, snoring smooth into his pillow, blanket pooled at his waist, nude skin golden with sunlight that peers through the window. God, he’s so beautiful; Eddie doesn’t know what to do with himself if Steve rejects all of this. Carefully, he gets back in bed quietly, not even jostling Steve’s body. He sets the test on his bedside table, hovers a hand over Steve’s back, and swallows down the soft sob that wants to override him.
Gently, he runs a languid stripe down Steve’s spine. “Baby,” he whispers, “Stevie, sweetheart? I need you to get up.” He takes a stuttering breath as Steve stirs, rolling over on his right side, blinking his eyes sleepily. Steve yawns, stretches, rubs fists over his eyes. A pout present on his features. Eddie feels awful for having to wake him up so early, but he thinks he’ll throw up if he has to keep this a secret any longer. “Okay,” he exhales. His breath shutters. “Okay, Steve, I need you to listen to me.”
At that, Steve blinks completely awake. Sits himself up against his pillow. Hands already grasping for Eddie’s. Face blank of anything teasing. Eyes going soft and concerned and imploring.
“Um—I—I think I’m in love with you—“
Steve chuckles. “Baby, I already knew that,” he lightly teases. But the small quirk he had to his lips dissipates almost as soon as it appeared, falling into the space between them.
Eddie nods anyway. “—And I’m terrified,” he admits. “I’m really fucking scared right now, but I know that I love you. I know that you love me, but I…” He tears one of his hands out of Steve’s grip, runs it harshly over his face, and curses softly, “Fuck.”
“Hey,” Steve murmurs, “You’re okay. Take your time, babe.”
“I’m pregnant,” he rushes out. “Steve, I’m…I’m pregnant. I don’t know how it happened. Must’ve missed my birth control a few times? Maybe I—I’m probably just fucking stupid and miscalculated when my period was supposed to happen. I’m sorry if this is—“
“Really?” Steve asks, breathless.
That’s when Eddie notices he wasn’t looking at Steve. Drags his eyes from their hands, the blanket that swamps him, and up to Steve’s…excited eyes? Shining and happy. He’s smiling, the small crinkles by his eyes are all too noticeable. Smile lines deep. All his teeth are showing. He releases a sigh of relief, nodding.
“Oh my God!” Steve exclaims, bouncing the bed with it. “Holy shit! That’s awesome, Eds. That’s so…Wait.” He pauses. Movement stilling. He’s half off the bed, angling for his bedside drawer, and reaching to Eddie, too. “Unless…Do you want this? I’m really excited for this, but I only want this if you want to.”
“I…” Eddie looks off to the side momentarily. He’s a bit afraid, honestly. Of what may happen with his body. What he may have to go through. The absolute uncomfortableness that he’ll have to endure, but…He’s thought about this before and been excited about it, too. Kids weren’t always ideal to him, not really. But having a kid with somebody he considers the love of his life, who’s looking at him like a puppy awaiting a bone toss, he’s content with whatever happens next. “Yeah, Stevie, I think I do,” he murmurs, “But only with you. With anybody else, I think I’d shrivel up and die.”
At that, Steve bounds off the mattress and disappears down their hallway, clambering about their living room. He rushes back in, careless of the neighbors below them, and skitters to a stop in front of Eddie. Slams his butt back down on the bed, hand gripping something, taking both of Eddie’s hands.
“You’re going to think I’m crazy,” Steve pants. “Like, seriously, insane.”
“Okay,” Eddie says slowly, “You’re scaring me a little, baby.”
He can see Steve swallow harshly. “Sorry,” he mutters sheepishly. “I just—This is crazy. I’m crazy. So, like we were close friends for a really long time before we got together,” he begins first. Gesturing with their conjoined hands between them. “And I knew that you were somebody I wanted in my life, no matter what we were. I knew that, like, day one? So, when we started dating, I had a feeling deep down that you were it for me.”
His eyes dart very briefly as if searching for words. He bites down on his bottom lip and works his breathing to be set normal. Eddie didn’t even realize he was still panting until he fully relaxes in how he sits.
“In our second week of dating, I got this insane idea. Went out to the mall with Robin, dragged her to the nearest jewelry store, and made them figure out the size of one of your rings. The ones you put on your ring fingers,” Steve explains softly. He grabs for whatever is in his left hand, fidgeting with it so that only he can see it, and then turns it around for Eddie to finally peer at. It’s a small, blue, velvet box. “We don’t have to do anything about this immediately. Whatever you want, I want. You’re one of my best friends. My romantic soulmate. And I love you beyond belief. So…Marry me?” He asks, enamored and giddy.
The box opens. Revealing the shiniest silver ring Eddie’s ever seen. It’s not that thick, a simple thing, doesn’t have anything added to it. But to know that it was made to his exact size, that’s something he carries warmly inside his chest.
He looks back up to Steve. “Yes!” He exclaims. “Are you…You’ve had this since week two? I can’t believe you right now, baby. Holy—“ And he takes the ring from the box, lets Steve slide it on his left ring finger, and just admires at it.
“I can’t believe that I get to be a dad, too, Eds. You’re the love of my life. This is…Fuck sleeping, lets celebrate!”
“Oh, how do you plan to do that? Because I could just sit here and fucking ogle this forever, Stevie.”
“I’ll show you how excited I am, how about that?” Steve teases. His eyes hood, cheeks flush pink, and Eddie knows he’s the happiest man alive right now. Well, other than the darling man in front of him. The pure giddy excitement on his face is something special.
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WIBTA for asking my girlfriend to make time for me when she is busy and dealing with medical issues? (🤠 to find later)
I know this sounds bad. This is a messy situation and I’ve received very different answers but I’ve yet to provide anybody with the full story.
Me (FTM, this is important later) and my girlfriend (both teens) have been dating for almost 7 months. Everything seemed perfect the first couple of months. It’s important to mention that we started dating as a lesbian couple. I came out as trans about two months in and I’m afraid that’s where things started going downhill.
She identified as lesbian when we first started dating but now identifies as bisexual. Then she came out to me as being on the aromantic and asexual spectrum. I have zero issues with this. It took a bit to get used to but it didn’t change much about our relationship. I never treated her any differently because of this besides respecting her new boundaries.
She’s grown distant though. I barely talk to her anymore. Enter Z. Her older brother by two years. When she talks to me, it is always about Z. A lot of the time she misses my messages and can’t hang out, it’s because she already told Z that she would hang out with him. I don’t feel jealous of this relationship or of Z. I’m friendly with him and he’s a good guy.
I knew something was wrong when I sat on the bus with my girlfriend for a field trip and instead of talking to me at all, she called Z the whole time. When I was right there. She repeatedly calls Z her best friend in front of me, when it was previously established that we were best friends, even before our relationship.
I went to her house and gave her Christmas presents and the mother invited me to stay over for a half hour or so. I don’t think she talked to me once, even after I gave her presents (this was a surprise, I didn’t need to do it).
All of my friends have noticed that I put in much more effort into the relationship than she does. I don’t think that’s her fault though. She’s also been acting different. She’s a lot more tired and doesn’t put effort into any conversations and into any of her relationships besides the one she has with Z. She is autistic and claims that this is because she is unmasking. By asking her to spend more time with me or talk to me for a little bit a day, I would be knowingly forcing her to mask.
Additionally, she tends to jump from person to person. Constant calls and texts. Every hour of the day that she can is spent with them. First it was our good mutual friend J. Then it was me. Now it is Z. This lasts for several months. J has noticed this too.
Here’s where I think I might be the asshole. My girlfriend has been having severe migraines and being on the phone for too long hurts her eyes. By asking her to spend more time with me, I would be interfering with her health.
I really love her and don’t want to end the relationship. I have talked to her many times about this but nothing’s changed. So, WIBTA for explicitly saying that she gets one chance to put effort into the relationship?
I don’t have the energy anymore to put effort into a relationship like this.
What are these acronyms?
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braidlottie · 1 year
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wc: 747
warnings: smut, older!sidney (scre4m), suit kink, handjob, mommy kink, hotel sex, sub!transmalereader, dom!sidney, edging, use of “pretty boy/good boy”, afab language, little bit of aftercare/subspace at the end
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you sat in a booth with your coffee in the very back of the coffee shop, looking at sidney from afar. you could barely see her from all the people crowded around her, wanting to get their books signed.
she looked so good, the way her bangs flowed gently across her forehead. you had told her she looked amazing in her dress earlier this morning, the comment making her blush. gale and dewey even came down for her signing, they did not want to miss that.
fans hugged and took pictures with her for about ten more minutes, then sidney came over and told you if was time to go back to the hotel.
you sighed and sat at the end of the hotel bed you and your girlfriend shared, untying your shoes and plopping down on the king sized mattress behind you.
“you looked adorable today,” sidney walked out of the bathroom. “you’re wearing the tie i bought you.” you propped yourself up on your elbows. the tie was navy blue, and had tiny yellow ducks all over it.
“and this suit… you wore it just for mommy, didn’t you?” her hand snaked from your shirt collar all the way down to your belt buckle. “my handsome boy. i feel so special.” you groaned, her knee pressing against your aching cunt through your tight slacks.
“i saw you staring earlier today. you looked so embarrassed.”
“j-just wanted you.”
“i see. that’s why you’re probably wet for me right now, isn’t it?”
you tried to hump against her knee, but no avail.
“ahh, ahh. hips down. i’m gonna take my sweet time with you.” she made you scoot back against the headboard, her hand hovering over the wet dot on your pants.
“sid- mommy, please,” you were trembling at this point, you hated when she teased you like this. “please.”
“you want me to touch you, baby boy?” she whispered, making your cheeks heat up. you gulped and nodded, almost taking off the pants yourself. “yes, mommy.”
“yeah? ohh, good boy.” she chuckled at how desperate you were, taking her sweet time unbuckling your belt. she slid your pants and boxers down slightly.
her hand started to stroke you so gently, your moans coming out as wretched mumbles. “oh! please, right there, pleasepleaseplease-”
“you’re such a dirty little slut,” she mocked, playing with you so carelessly, rubbing your swollen clit.
“not so fast,” sidney pulled away, almost making you cry. that burning sensation spreading through your entire body, you felt like you were on fire. your clothes felt so tight, everything was just too much. “be patient, hmm?”
her middle finger slid into you first, then her index, making you gasp in surprise. “damn, baby, i could fit my whole hand in here if it wanted to.”
you whimpered in response, making her coo. “you like that?” she slipped her third finger in, your back arching off the bed.
she busted open your shirt, the buttons flying all around the room. you gasped, never knowing that sidney had the strength for that. “mommy wants to see all of you, pretty boy.”
she kissed right below your belly button, pumping her fingers into you faster. everytime you whispered “gonna cum, m’ gonna cum,” sidney’s hand abruptly stopped, curling her fingers inside you.
eventually she figured you had enough, finally lettting you cum tonight. “i’m gonna count down from 10, okay? then i’ll let you cum, sweetheart.”
“eight, such a good boy.”
you couldn’t take this much longer, squirming around in the bed.
“seven…six… five…”
“fuck, i-i, i can’t, icant,”
“four, three, two…”
“one.” sidney said the last number so sweetly, and you cried out into her neck, your vision blurring white as you made a mess on her hand.
“that’s it,” she helped you ride it out. “keep cumming, sweetheart.”
“oh fuck, sid,” you whispered, hips stuttering.
“yeah, you’re my good boy, aren’t you?”
“yes, fuck yes.”
“say it.”
“i’m- i’m your good boy.” you felt embarrassed until you saw sidney’s smile of reassurance. she loves egging you on like this. “there he is,” she caressed your face, while you came down. “my sweet angel.”
“i didn’t go to hard, did i?” she bit her lip nervously but you assured her that you were just fine. you were mostly non verbal while in subspace, just wanting to curl up next to sidney and let her praise you.
you wished moments like this lasted forever.
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melancholicheart · 10 months
All This Time- Chapter 7
cw: trans male pregnancy (past, mentioned), angst, miscommunication, fluff with a happy ending
There seems to be a lull in time, it goes so fast, yet so slow. Another three days fly by before anyone hears back from Price again. There’s hushed words through the phone call, promises of closure soon, and with that the waiting game begins again.
Simon has since met Sarah, their neighbour, properly. Johnny invited her around for dinner and her daughter for a play date with Elizabeth. As the kids played, they ate and talked and learned about each other.
Sarah isn’t as blindly trusting as Johnny, it seems. Simon likes her. Despite her being polite, kind, friendly, it’s clear that she has some upset towards him. Maybe it’s the fact that she too is a single parent and knows how it impacts the kids. Or maybe she just doesn’t buy what he’s selling.
All is confirmed when, after dinner, Simon is washing up and Sarah comes into the kitchen. The apartment is open plan, kitchen and living room attached, but Johnny is slinking off into a bedroom to check on the two girls. Simon knows a conversation is coming and one he doesn’t exactly want to be apart of.
“So,” Sarah starts, pulling a bottle of coke out the fridge and pouring it into her glass, “I get the miscommunication between you two and I understand that yours and his work is- dangerous, to say the least.”
Here it is, Simon thinks, She’s got questions.
“But what I can’t seem to wrap my head around is why you never contacted him. It’s all well and good saying that he tried to call you and couldn’t get through but these things tend to work both ways,” Sarah says and Simon carefully places the last dish down and turns around as he dries his hands, “So tell me Simon, why didn’t you contact John? Why didn’t you so much as tell him you were alive before rocking up here after nearly 5 years?”
Simon flushes red, placing the towel down on the counter and leaning against it, “I- I fucked up, alright?”
“Sure did. You’ve missed out on a hell of a lot of that little girl’s life. She’s amazing and you had no idea she even existed,” Simon’s eyes fill with tears, “Hell, who's to say you aren’t lying about not knowing?”
Simon’s head snaps up, “I might be an idiot but I’m not a liar. I fucked up, big time, I get that but don’t think for one second that if I knew about Elizabeth I wouldn’t have been here in a heartbeat. I love her and I love Johnny, I want to go back and change how things happened but I can’t and alls I can do is be here now, alright?”
Sarah smiles, wide and it reaches her eyes, “Good man. That’s exactly what I want to hear. I like you Simon, truly, I think you’re a good Dad and a good partner for John. Just don’t fuck up again.”
“I won’t,” He shakes his head, “Also Johnny and I, we aren’t together.”
“But you want to be.” Sarah said.
“No,” Simon forces, “I want to be here for my daughter and I- I can co-parent with Johnny.”
“You just said that you love him. And don’t give me the ‘he’s the father of my child, of course I love him’ bullshit, you don’t mean platonically. You’re in love.” Sarah says. She looks behind her, making sure Johnny isn’t in earshot, “He loves you back, y’know? Hasn’t even so much as considered a date since you left, trust me, I’ve tried to get him to go out with someone- anyone- but he’s still waiting for you.”
“Yeah well I also said I fucked up. My feelings can stay inside as long as it means I don’t fuck up with Johnny anymore, as long as I don’t make his life any harder than I already have.”
“Sweetie I don’t think that’s possible,” Sarah laughs, “He’s done a lot on his own but maybe you and him can start making memories together? With your little ‘un too, obviously.”
“Right, yeah. Maybe.” Simon mumbles, desperate to just end the conversation.
Thankfully, Johnny comes back out with Elizabeth’s friend in tow, ready to go home with Sarah. They say their goodbye’s and see them out the door, Sarah flashing a knowing grin to Simon before the door shuts.
Elizabeth is asked to go and tidy her room and make sure all her toys are neatly back where they belong. She goes with little fuss, despite mumbling about how she ‘didn’t even make that much mess, it was Macy’.
“Right, I think I’m gonna grab a quick shower, if you don’t mind.” Johnny says, stretching his back a little.
His shirt rides slightly, just a faint pink slither of his c-section scar is visible on his overall warm, toned skin and Simon sighs, “Actually, Johnny, can we- uh- can we talk?”
“Yeah, sure. Everything okay?” Johnny asks, sliding onto the couch. Simon takes a seat next to him and sits forwards, clasping his hands and resting them on his knees.
“Yes, well, no. Not really- Johnny I haven’t been completely honest with you. I want to tell you the truth, the real reason it took me so long to come back.” Simon mumbles.
“Oh. Right. Shit, serious talk, okay. What have you lied to me about?” Johnny asks.
“I haven’t lied, necessarily, I have just left some details unmentioned. See, I’ve been working out the timeline of everything in my head and I- I was away on a mission the first time you called. When I returned I asked for the messages you’d have left and they said I had none. They said no one called or sent letters or anything and I- I got mad. I thought you had moved on, gotten fed up and given up on me or whatever and I was so fucking pissed at you that I just couldn’t even pick up the phone to call you back.”
Johnny’s hands curl into fists and he takes a deep breath as Simon continues.
“You know how stubborn I am. Every week I waited for them to tell me I had a call or a letter or something and the longer I went without hearing from you, the angrier I got.” Simon huffs and toys with his hands, “I grew reckless without you, lost the Ghost I suppose. I got hurt, a lot. I’m probably more scar than human at this point and, well, I was never a looker. My last injury made Price furious, I had gotten out of the infirmary the week before and on the next mission I got myself thrown out of a window. Broke my wrist. All mended now, like, but the docs say I have carpal tunnel and, well, it’s pretty hard holding a sniper rifle now.”
“I spent five years nearly dead, Johnny, and Price finally told me to just go. Come back to you and learn how to live again, regardless of whether you wanted me or not. I just couldn’t be there anymore and Price told me that. I wasn’t expecting you to even be here, nevermind to have a kid. A kid that’s also mine. When I first saw her, I thought you had moved on. Maybe adopted, maybe had a kid, I didn’t know but then she called me ‘Daddy’. It made my heart hurt, really fuckin hurt, because I realised I wanted that. I wanted her to be mine and I didn’t think she was.” Simon sighs. His eyes are watery and face red. Johnny lets him continue, “And she is. She’s my daughter. Ours. And I’m so fucking sorry Johnny, for everything, I’ll never be able to make it up to you.”
Johnny goes to speak but is interrupted by Simon, who looks exhausted and weak, “I just- I want to be here for her. And you. But I’d also understand if you just wanted me to go and never come back. I’ve ruined everything and you can’t even say I haven’t. I should’ve called. Should’ve visited. And I didn’t. But I want to be better now.”
There’s silence for a short while. Johnny is letting everything sink in. Five years ago, he would’ve never even let Simon get a chance to speak, he would’ve accepted him with open arms straight back into his life. Now, alls that’s in his mind is his daughter. Elizabeth. What’s right for her?
“She needs you,” Johnny mumbles. He swallows down his own emotions, “Regardless of whatever the hell I want, it doesn’t matter. She needs you and she wants you here. I’m not going to deprive you of your daughter any longer.”
“I don’t want to be here if I’m causing you problems Johnny. I don’t want to be more of a hindrance than any good.” Simon mutters.
“You aren’t. You’ve not been a burden at all. Trust me, I’m mad that you didn’t tell me sooner, but I’m not mad that it happened. This whole thing has been a massive fuck up but I’m tired now, Simon. I just want things to be easier for me, for you, and for Elizabeth. She’s all that matters anymore.” Johnny says.
Simon nods, “Yeah, I’m with you there.”
“You know what my condition is already, but you’re not going to like it.”
“What’s that?” Simon asks.
“I can't tell my daughter that you’re dead, Simon, I won’t do it. You need to leave the 141.” Johnny states.
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pocketmau5 · 2 months
“Never Satisfied” being discontinued feels like the end of an era for me.
Specifically web comics with privately hosted sites. All the webcomics I read at that time of its production are all “dead” now: Monster Pop by Maya Kern, Monsterkind by Enenkay/Taylor C, Cucumber Quest by GiGi, Paranatural by Zack, and I thought Sakana was gonna be but it came back after a 3 year hiatus. (There are more, but I can’t remember their names. There is one where I distinctly remember the alt text on a page saying how another artist “lovingly redlined Avery’s ass”) A lot of newer comics are hosted on apps, like webtoons, now. Not that there is anything wrong with that. I think it’s convenient that they are all here together, but I do miss how incredibly personalized and charming browser experience each comic had. It’s just kinda odd to feel the passage of time and how things change in this way
Majority of the comic artists I follow have shifted away from comics and instead have taken to writing novels because they hell of a lot easier. Which is great for them and I definitely encourage doing whatever it takes for your mental and physical health. I think having the ability to write novels are an incredible skill and feat in of itself! However, I can’t help but feel a bit dejected. Because of my reading disability and vision impairments, I can’t enjoy these stories when they are converted from a comic into written form. It’s difficult for me to read walls of text, and even harder for me to retain it. Even typing this is difficult. I just have to pray that I didn’t make any typos and that this shit is actually coherent! And since these books are all very small productions, none of them are on audible so I can’t even listen to it. Sure, there is text to talk, but BOY is it hard for me to retain anything I’ve heard when the Stephen Hawking synthesizer is reading to me. Maybe it’s the cadence? Regardless, a lot of the comics I listed above have an ending written out that I will never be able to know of because I suck at reading. Hell! I’d be more willing to “tough it out” and struggle for long periods of time, but reading fatigues me something fierce. I got maybe 5 minutes max before I have go lay down. I don’t even get to retain what I read either! I just get exhausted, and I’m useless for the rest of the day.
For some reason, comics don’t seem to do that. I have absolutely no idea why. It is the only written media I can consume with ease. All I know is that I hate it, and it fucking sucks to be this way. If I know how I could fix it, I would. But so far, nothing seems to do anything,
I know it’s selfish of me, but I am curious if artists would be more inclined to finish a project if there was better system for comic artists. Of the comic artists I have followed years ago and still continue to make comics usually have a partner that they work with. Perhaps if there could be some kind of business platform where there was a team of artists working on an idea, like what they do with animations. ….However, considering how underpaid and overworked artists in general are, I’m sure the only improvement would be the rate of production. I know that is especially bad in other countries. They overwork and underpay their employees, which doesn’t really help resolve burnout, the whole issue I’m trying to address. Not that I have any right to say anything on the matter. My stupid ass can’t make more than 6 pages of a webcomic before hitting an art block.
Unrelated, but something I think is kinda funny is how many artists and comic artists I follow that have come out as trans within the last couple of years. In hindsight, it is probably why I liked and connected to their work so much.
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transmasc-advice-blog · 4 months
So I'm genderfluid but also trans masc. As such I have more masc days than I do fem ones. At the end if the day I'm fairly certain that I want to go on T and get top surgery. Problem is there's this lady who comes into my place of work and she's detrans. She's very open about this. But because of this my coworkers are super comfortable telling me their opinions on trans people (somehow always missing my pronouns on my name tag). I know I shouldn't let this affect my transition goals and such, but part of me worries that I'm going to make a mistake? I can't even pinpoint what exactly I'm so worried about? I just know I need another trans person to give some advice. How did you figure out what transition goals you had? Dis you ever have doubts? Surely I can't be the only person to doubt myself? Any advice would be appreciated!
i had doubts. that’s completely normal! transitioning is a huge step. i had doubts because when i was kid i liked feminine things. i had doubts because i saw other trans people saying they didn’t have any doubts at all. i had doubts because i liked some aspects of being a girl, because most of my friends are girls, because i thought i might not like all the side effects of testosterone, or that i would never be satisfied with my transition so why would i even bother. but then i realized, i was never truly happy as a girl and i was never going to be. no matter what i told myself, i knew one fact was true: after a transitioned socially i was infinitely more happier. no matter how much i tried to tell myself that my dysphoria “isn’t actually dysphoria” i couldn’t deny that i experience euphoria from dressing as, being perceived as, etc. a guy. and of course a lot of my doubts came from what my (then) unsupportive family was telling me. i had to realize that if they hadn’t been spouting their nonsense at me, would i even be this unsure? it was so hard to get passed those doubts. i still have doubts in the back of my mind and they will probably always be there until i transition medically. so my advice: take some time to think about the pros and cons. how do you feel you will be happier after T and top surgery? are there any ways you would be unhappy with the results? think about the ways you experience dysphoria as well as euphoria: what causes those feelings? try to pinpoint the root of your doubts. is it actually mostly what you’re hearing from your transphobic coworkers? do some more research on T and top surgery, even if you feel you know all there is to know. learn about other people’s experiences and try to find one close to your own or one that you hope for in the future.
when taking a big step like medical transition, it is normal to worry it might be a mistake. that’s why there are steps you are required to take beforehand. like talking to a therapist. i know some places require a year of therapy before you’re allowed to start hormones.
hope this helps! so sorry if i don’t make sense, i’m a bit tired right now!
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𝐂𝐨𝐩𝐢𝐚'𝐬 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐬
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 18+ only (MINORS DNI or I'll shart on your mother). Reader is AFAB, uses they/them pronouns, and uses trans tape. Unprotected PiV and anal (use protection guys!!!). Oral trans!reader receiving. Anal fingering. Threesome. Copia low-key being a bit of a sub. Praise and pet names. Some cuddling at the end. The terms clit, cunt, and pussy are used bc those are what I'm comfortable using for myself as a trans person, so if these make you uncomfortable or dysphoric please don't read.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 3623 words.
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 I promised you I had something in the works for y'all! This takes place after Bloody Mary and before Copia becomes a part of the relationship officially. I had a lot of fun writing this from majority Copia's POV and felt that this was the best fic to do from his perspective rather than TR's or Swiss', so hopefully I've not written him too OOC hahaha. I don't think I've used gendered terms or anything for reader, but if I've missed anything please let me know! Barely spell-checked because it's gone 2am and I am tired.
If you were to ask Copia after his morning sermon what he thought he’d be doing that evening, he would never have guessed that he’d be sitting on Swiss’ bed and watching the ghoul’s fingers slide in and out of you. His guess wouldn’t have been anywhere close to that, not that he was complaining.
When you and Swiss had swung by his office at lunchtime, his head buried in book pages and paperwork, he felt a slight lurch in his stomach. Ever since the two of you started dating, the former cardinal had started to feel an unnecessary, unprovoked sadness regarding both of you. It was a feeling he hadn’t experienced all that much, only knowing what it was from the times he had looked upon Terzo with similar sentiments. Similar, but not the same. Back then he’d been jealous of his almost-brother for being Papa and having all the attention that role garnered him, no longer having the time for him that he used to. Now the feeling was a strange kind of jealousy. One he wasn’t accustomed to. He only ever felt it when he thought of the two of you together and so he boiled it down to him simply being envious of you both for having a romantic relationship when he didn’t have someone to call his.
Swiss cleared his throat before he spoke. “Papa, we were wondering if we could bother you. Just for a moment.”
Copia nodded, gesturing for you and the multi-ghoul to enter and close the door behind you. “Something troubles you both?”
“Not exactly. Just an idea we wanted to propose to you for if you have free time tonight. Or any night. Doesn’t have to be tonight. Well, unless you want it to be tonight,” you told him, staring down at your hands as you played with the hem of your shirt, or rather a shirt that you’d taken from the underground dens.
“Perhaps you had both better take a seat then,” he said, gesturing to the chairs in front of his desk. He waited until you were both seated and offered a reassuring smile. “Whatever is said in this office stays between us, so please speak your minds.”
After a momentary pause, Swiss finally broke the silence.
“Papa, what are your thoughts on threesomes?”
Both you and Copia began choking and spluttering, the latter feeling his face heat up beneath his papal paint.
“Beg pardon?” His eyes were wide and trained on the smug ghoul.
“I said,” Swiss purred as he leaned forward to rest his elbows on the desk, “what are your thoughts on threesomes? I know ghouls tend to enjoy sharing and getting up to all sorts of mischief with each other, but I was wondering how you felt about that kind of thing?”
Copia cleared his throat, trying to compose himself as he shuffled some papers. “Ah, well… I’m not… against them? They look fun. If you’re planning on inviting another ghoul into the bedroom, I would advise that you bring this up with them rather than with me.”
“I think you and I both know that we have someone else in mind. Someone sitting right in front of us trying to look busy so that he doesn’t have to look us in the eye, hm?”
Copia slammed the papers on the desk with an indignant huff. “I am not avoiding looking you in the eye! What a silly notion.” Unfortunately, the moment he met Swiss’ eyes he proved the multi-ghoul’s point and quickly went back to looking down at his desk, making him laugh. The sound sent a flutter through Copia’s chest, which made him blush even harder. Thank Lucifer for his role as Papa requiring him to wear face paint, otherwise this would have been more embarrassing for him.
Your voice thankfully provided a good enough distraction from his embarrassment. “Papa, we’ve both talked this over a lot. To be blunt, I think it wouldn’t be as hot if one of the other ghouls joined us. You’re attentive towards all the siblings of sin and the ghouls. I trust you completely, and so does Swiss. If you’re not comfortable then we can leave, and we won’t speak of it again.”
He looked up at you and your reassuring expression, smiling. “Yes, I suppose you’re right. Very well. I am free tonight, so tonight it is. Whose room will I need to come to?”
Swiss casually threw an arm over your shoulders with a smug grin. “Mine, eight o’clock. Knock three times before you enter so we know it’s you and not one of the other ghouls trying to get in on the action.”
With that, the two of you left Copia’s office as you spoke to one another in hushed tones as the former cardinal tried to psych himself up for that night while also not overthinking it. It didn’t need to be a big deal and you would both understand if he changed his mind partway through. Neither you nor Swiss were the type to hold it over him and make fun of him if he couldn’t go through with it.
And so, when the time came, Copia made his way to Swiss’ room and knocked just as he was told to before he allowed himself in. That had led to what was happening now, Swiss naked and you devoid of any clothing or coverings aside from your trans tape with your legs spread over the multi-ghoul’s lap, your back against his chest as he sat against the headboard and pumped two of his fingers in and out of you. Copia himself was sat in front of you both, still fully dressed, and watching eagerly. His hardened dick pressed painfully against his trousers as Swiss continued to thrust his digits in and out of you, pressing kisses to the side of your neck.
“Don’t they look pretty like this, Papa?” the ghoul asked, the two men making eye contact. “They take my fingers so well. So well behaved for us.”
The moan you let out at his praise had Copia palming himself, desperate to relieve the pressure but not daring to do anything more until he was told to. His eyes met yours as you bucked your hips, Swiss cooing at you mockingly.
“Aw, does my little sweet pea need more? My fingers not enough for you? You know what you need to do if you want more. Use your words for us.”
The papa felt his erection twitch at the way your lover spoke to you and his hips jerked slightly into his hand, something that didn’t go unnoticed by you. You smirked at him before turning your head to whisper something into the multi-ghoul’s ear, making him grin and press a kiss to your temple.
“Papa, why don’t you come a little closer?” the ghoul purred, beckoning him closer with the hand that wasn’t currently pleasuring you. “We can’t have all of the fun without you now, can we?”
Obediently, Copia crawled up the bed until he was close enough to be able to kiss one of you if that’s what you wanted. Still, he didn’t touch either of you, acutely aware that he wasn’t the one in charge here. He would wait for you or Swiss to tell him what he could and couldn’t do, eager to please and be good for you both.
Much to your dismay, the multi-ghoul removed his fingers from your slick heat and held them up to the former cardinal’s lips, pressing lightly against them. Copia automatically opened his mouth and sucked them in, licking and whimpering at the taste of you. It was more intoxicating than he thought it would be, making him desperate to bend down and lap you up himself. Swiss must have sensed his desire, pulling his hand away from the other man’s mouth to push the back of his head downwards.
“Go ahead. Make them cum on your tongue for me like a good boy.”
As soon as the order was given, Copia lay down in a more comfortable position and began to kiss his way up your thighs, teeth grazing against your skin. He bit down a couple of times, sucking at your skin until he was sure bruises would form sometimes over the next day or so. If this were to be the only time he got to join you both, he was going to make sure neither of you would forget about it anytime soon. His fingers dug into the backs of your thighs as he moved your legs so that they were over his shoulders and gazed up at you with his mismatched eyes.
“Fuck, that’s so hot,” Swiss hissed out, looking down at the man between your legs.
Copia didn’t waste another moment and licked a stripe up your slit, groaning at your taste and how wet you were. His eyes fluttered closed as he slowly began to lap at your cunt, drawing as much of your arousal into his mouth as he could. Swiss carded his fingers through the other man’s hair, stroking his head encouragingly. The papa’s tongue flicked briefly against your clit, and he smiled in satisfaction at the gasp you let out before he returned to your entrance, leisurely pushing his tongue in and out of you. Despite knowing that this could be the only time he got to go down you, he decided then and there that this was the by far his favourite taste in the world. He wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about it once tonight was over and done with, but he could deal with those thoughts when that time came.
Without thinking, Copia moved one of his hands so that his thumb was lazily rubbing your clit in circular motions. The small gush against his tongue encouraged him to keep doing it, committing the way you whined and rocked against his face to his memory. Perhaps, in another life, he would get to do this with you every night. Make you a whimpering, writhing mess beneath him.
His movements faltered only for a moment when the thought struck him, and he quickly banished it from his mind. He could deal with his fantasies another time, the here and now was where his focus needed to be.
“Please go faster, Papa. I think I’m gonna cum,” you pleaded, your hands pushing Swiss’ out of the way so you could grip onto the former cardinal’s peppered hair.
Copia sped up his movements, licking and lapping at your dripping, spit-slick pussy as his thumb continued to rub your clit. He ground his hips against the mattress, humming at the friction. The sound of your moans getting louder and higher in pitch spurred him on until he finally felt you climax, holding him against you in a vice like grip as your legs tightened around his head and your hips jolted. When he felt you start to go limp, he patted your thigh and sat up with a grin. He felt your fluids start to go sticky against his chin, but he didn’t care to wipe them away as he watched your blissed out face.
Swiss pressed a soft kiss to your lips and moved you off his lap so that you were laying down on the mattress then turned his attention to Copia.
“Such a good boy, making them cum for me. Mind if I get a taste?”
The former cardinal nodded breathlessly and stuck his tongue out, grunting lightly when the multi-ghoul pulled him into a kiss. They licked into each other’s mouths, Copia’s cock aching and twitching with the knowledge that you were watching them. He tried to follow Swiss’ lips when he pulled away, the ghoul’s chuckle making him shudder.
“Take off your clothes and then get on all fours. Gonna give you the best fucking orgasm of your life,” he ordered, his thumb teasingly brushing against Copia’s bottom lip.
The former cardinal frantically pulled at his clothes, not caring to fold them up or make note of where he was throwing them. He quickly made his way back onto the bed and got in position just as he’d been told to, heart pounding with anticipation and adrenalin. He ignored the way your smile aimed at him made him feel warmth flood his chest, deciding it was just the excitement and afterglow of making you cum.
Swiss popped open the bottle of lube he retrieved from his bedside drawer, glancing over at the other man. “Are you comfortable with me prepping you, or would you rather do it yourself?”
“You can do it. I trust you. Besides, I think our tesoro would like for us to put on a show, si?”
The ghoul purred at that and squeezed a generous amount of lube onto his fingers, rubbing it in between the digits to warm it up before he knelt on the bed behind Copia. His other hand caressed the curve of the other man’s behind, making him bite his lip as he gazed over his shoulder. Swiss made eye contact with him and waited for him to nod before gently pressing a lube-coated finger to his hole.
Copia dropped his head when the tip of the multi-ghoul’s finger pushed in carefully. Swiss pushed it in to the first knuckle and stopped to allow him to adjust. “That okay, baby?”
The former cardinal nodded, moaning when he received a strike on his ass cheek in response.
“Use your words. I need you to communicate with me.”
“Yes, that’s good. You can keep going,” Copia said, his voice cracking. He was too caught up in his lust to care.
Swiss hummed as he inserted his finger further, crooking it slightly. “Such a good boy, doing what you’re told for me. I bet nobody else gets to see you like this, do they? No-one gets to see you being so obedient and desperate to please.”
Copia tossed his head back, lips parted and eyes closed. Once the multi-ghoul’s finger was in all the way, he began to slowly thrust it in and out before adding a second finger. The addition had the man beneath him mewling and rocking back against him, his mind hazy with pleasure as he tried to get Swiss’ fingers exactly where he needed them. He folded his arms and rested his head on them, his torso touching the bed and changing the angle of the multi-ghoul’s fingers. Copia cried out when they finally brushed against his prostate, eyes flying open and his gaze meeting yours. He watched as your fingers slid between your folds, touching yourself at the sight of Swiss stretching him open.
“Think you can handle another one, sweetheart?” the ghoul cooed, pressing a kiss to Copia’s lower back.
The papa nodded, then remembered the other man’s words from before. “Please add another one. Feels so good…”
Swiss chuckled but did as he was requested. Unbeknownst to Copia, he used his free hand to motion you closer. The former cardinal watched you sit up and shuffle closer to him, humming happily as you brushed your fingers through his hair. You and Swiss exchanged a look while he was occupied, deciding wordlessly what you were going to do.
Satisfied that he was prepped enough, Swiss slowly withdrew his fingers from Copia’s behind and grabbed the bottle of lube once more. He tapped the man’s hip and pulled him so that he was sat up. The papa licked his lips as you moved to straddle him, taking hold of his dripping cock and rubbing the tip through your folds. He whimpered, staring down to watch as you toyed with him.
“Okay, I’m gonna push in real slow, so tell me to stop if it hurts or you need a moment to adjust,” Swiss told him, kissing his shoulder as he lined himself up to Copia’s entrance.
Despite being prepared, Copia still hissed at the sensation of Swiss’ thick girth entering him. The ghoul stopped for a moment once his head was in and caressed his back while you peppered the former cardinal’s face with kisses.
“You’re doing so well,” you praised him. “You’re a very good boy, and good boys get rewarded. Don’t they, honey?”
Swiss pressed his chest up against Copia’s as he slid in a little more. “That’s right. You get to have your way with both of us, Papa. We’re gonna make you feel so fucking good. I promise.”
As soon as he said that the papa felt you begin to sink down onto his cock. He gasped and his eyes rolled into the back of his head as you fully sheathed him, still slick from before. You clenched around him, and he groaned. His arms instinctually wrapped around you to pull you completely flush against him. Swiss eased himself in more until he couldn’t fit anymore of himself in and the three of you panted as you all adjusted to the feeling of being full. Copia shook a little, not used to being penetrated while also penetrating someone else.
Your lips ghosted over his forehead before you made him look into your eyes. “Hey, still with us? Is this okay?”
He nodded. “I’m not used to… you know…”
You smiled soothingly and cupped his face. “I know, baby boy. We’ve got you. You let us know when you’re ready for us to move. We’ve got all the time in the world.”
Your words brought tears to his eyes, and he wiped them away harshly. Your thumbs caressed his under eyes, smudging his already messy eye makeup. He waited for a moment more before signalling for you and Swiss to start moving again. The ghoul slowly thrusted in and out of him, gripping his sides for leverage, while you rose yourself up before slamming back down again, making Copia sob. The three of you kept up your rhythm, moving in tandem as hands wandered over one another’s bodies in sweat-slicked strokes.
After a minute or so, Swiss picked up the pace a little and thrusted up into Copia a little harder, aiming for his prostate once again. Meanwhile, you bounced in his lap and clenched around him, fingers brushing over one of his nipples and giving it a teasing pinch. The former cardinal growled and buried his face in your neck as he started to move his hips, biting and sucking your flesh. He felt you squeeze him when his teeth sank in, and it encouraged him to move you so that you were laying on the mattress beneath him and Swiss. He pushed your thighs as far apart as he could get them without hurting you and started to rub your clit as he thrusted into you, desperately chasing down the climax he could feel approaching.
Swiss’ thighs slapped against the backs of Copia’s as he started to get rougher, heat pooling in his abdomen as he thrusted into the other man as deeply as he could.
“So. Fucking. Tight. Fuck,” he panted, grunting out his words and punctuating each of them with a thrust. He pushed Copia down a little more and smirked when the man beneath him cried out in pleasure.
“Fuck, right there, tesoro. Just like that.” Copia felt himself starting to drool, hazy with pleasure and drunk on the feeling of being filled and sheathed simultaneously. His hips began to stutter and lose rhythm as the feeling continued to build. He was silently grateful when you moved his hand away to touch yourself, gripping the sheets so tightly his knuckles turned white.
Copia was the first to fall over the edge and yelled out a litany of praise in Italian as his cock kicked inside you, spilling inside you as Swiss continued to hit his prostate. You came not long after, squeezing and milking him as he panted and buried his face in your neck to hide the tears spilling from your eyes. The multi-ghoul came after a few more thrusts, pulling out and painting Copia’s lower back with his seed.
The three of you lay on the bed together, boneless and trying to catch your breath. The former cardinal rolled off you and onto his back and the two of you cuddled into each side of him, you kissing his collarbone while Swiss tangled his fingers into the curly hairs on his chest. The moment seemed to stretch on for eternity until you came down form your highs. You got up momentarily to use the bathroom and retrieve a warm, wet flannel to clean up, leaving the two men alone together.
Copia sighed and sat up, making Swiss frown.
“Where are you going? Is something wrong?” the ghoul asked, concerned.
“Ah, no, nothing like that. I just figured that… now we are done you would want me to leave you both alone for the night.”
The multi-ghoul snorted and pulled him back down, cuddling up to him and wrapping his tail around Copia’s thigh. “We could after sex in this house, thank you. You’re not going anywhere.”
The papa chuckled and wrapped an arm around him to bring him closer. “Of course. How silly of me, ah?”
“Very silly,” you replied, flannel and bowl of warm water in hand. “Now come on, you both need to get cleaned up before we decide to fall asleep. Crusty, dried cum is disgusting and a pain to clean off in the morning.”
Once Copia and Swiss were clean, the three of you snuggled under the covers. Swiss spooned Copia while you tangled your legs with the former cardinal and tucked your head beneath his. Soon after, exhaustion took over and all three of you fell asleep in one another’s arms.
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I'm in love with the LGBT snippets. Might I Request
m villain finding out f hero is trans while pinning them down and it gets spicy
Have fun 😊 ps ur awesome
His grin was inevitably the worst thing about the situation in total. Maybe his hand placement was even worse with one hand on her hip and the other pushing down her shoulder.
“You actually have a bit of blue in your eyes,” the villain whispered, the pressure of his palm on her shoulder only increasing. “I’ve never noticed that.”
“Not that attentive?” she asked.
“Oh, I’m sinfully attentive when it comes to you. I’m just astonished there’s something I’ve missed.”
Oh boy. The hero knew he had definitely missed more than a bit of blue in her irises. He had missed a terribly important detail that was probably (also sadly) going to stop how he treated her.
It didn’t surprise her. But still, it was disappointing every time.
“I’m pretty sure you’ve missed a lot more. You’re not as smart as you think.” At that, he laughed.
“Oh? Someone’s getting cocky, hm? I don’t think you’re in a position to allow yourself to act like that.” His gaze followed the curves of her body, all the way down. “Literally.”
“You should back off,” she said quietly even though it was the last thing she wanted.
“Are you uncomfortable?” he asked. Somehow it hurt even more that he was respectful.
He’d murdered someone last week in front of the press. He was a villain. Yet, that didn’t hold him back from asking her if she was uncomfortable.
“No, it’s just…I don’t think you’d like me.”
“I like you,” he said. “I like you a lot.”
She swallowed. As a hero she’d been making tough decisions almost her entire life. But this hurt physically.
“You don’t know everything about me,” the hero said.
“I know enough,” he whispered. He leaned down, the tip of his nose touching her cheek. “I like you. You intrigue me.”
“I’m trans,” she blurted out. “I was born as a boy.”
He pulled back to look into her eyes. And in this moment she knew, the image of her came crashing down like a house of cards in his head.
He wouldn’t like her, he wouldn’t want her with this information. She knew it.
“So?” he asked, his eyes dropping to her lips.
“So?!” the hero asked back, her voice trembling.
“Yeah, so? I still like you. In fact, I’m pretty sure I love you. You’re always so clever when it comes to defeating me…”
The hero could feel herself blush so much it almost hurt.
“It doesn’t bother you?” she asked.
“It bothers me that we’re not making out right now,” he answered.
With that answer, she had no choice but to pull him into a kiss.
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 2 years
Whumptober Day 22 (BAU x transmale reader)
Toxic | Withdrawal | Allergic Reaction
ALT: Ambushed
(there will be a part two fo this!)
Warnings: transphobia (from a load of people, it's the main theme), deadnaming (D/N), the t-slur/trans slur/(tr**ny) used once, outing, misgendering, probably hate crime tbh, please let me know if I've missed anything
Word count: 2696
No one missed the looks you received when you walked into the precinct. It was your hometown, a typical small town with its typical small-town views and beliefs. You, however, had become accustomed to these looks. Particularly those who worked at the station. When you came out and started your transition (despite the strong words and opinions of your parents), it was as though the town had frozen you out. No one would speak to you unless they had to, no one would approach you, sure, you even got beaten up a few times. You were dreading this case to say the least. 
“Why do they keep glaring at you?” Spencer mumbled as he walked close to you.
“I was a smart mouthed kid,” You whispered back, finding the best excuse you could, “And this is a stereotypical small town - they have nothing else better to do than gossip,”
What made everything ten times worse was that the team didn’t even know. You didn’t write it on your application, fearing that if you did, you wouldn’t get the job - or the team would treat you differently. You had planned to tell them you were transgender, of course, but the right time had never surfaced and you were in too deep now. You’d just have to be stealth until you retired from the FBI. And if that’s the way it went, then hey, that would be okay. 
You knew Spencer didn’t believe you, but he didn’t comment on it either, which you’d take as a win. You had a feeling you were going to need all the wins you could get with this case. 
“Officer Hart is currently working this case, so you’ll be working closely with him, if that’s alright?”
You look at the officer, the name feeling familiar and your heart jumps. Standing in front of you with a wide smirk is your high school bully, Seth Hart. You mentally groan. Just your luck. And judging by his widening smirk, he recognises you. 
“That’s perfect,” Hotch said politely before turning to you, “(Y/N), do you know Officer Hart?”
You nod, about to answer, when Seth cuts in, “Oh, yes, (Y/N) and I go way back,” He emphasises your name and it makes you feel sick. You should probably just pretend to be sick and spend the rest of the case at the hotel. 
When the team had found out that you grew up here, they had immediately asked to meet your family, curious as to who raised the Fabulous (Y/N) (Garcia’s words). The whole team had joined for the case, Garcia included. When they had asked, after a moment you agreed. Instantly regretting it, but able to go back on your decision. Although you were trying your best to come up with an excuse, but you could worry about that later. Your current problem was staring straight at you. 
Hotch, sensing the tension, nods, “Good,” He says, “I’m sure that will be helpful for the case,”
It had been hours since you all were introduced, after checking the scenes, going over the files again, flicking through suspects, you were all worn out. 
“Alright, everyone, lunch break,” Hotch declares, looking up from the file, as he turns to you, “(Y/N), any recommendations?”
You pause, thinking for a moment before nodding. “There’s a diner not too far from here,” You said. 
“Vamoose to the cars,” Rossi cheers. 
You give directions from the back, anxiety building up in your chest as you do. ‘They probably won’t even recognise you’ You tell yourself. It does little to calm you down and soon enough, you’re there. 
“Ugh, she’s back,” You turn your head in the voice’s direction, holding back a smirk when you see the woman. 
“Janice,” You said curtly, “Still a joy to be around I see,”
You’re behind the rest of the group and they’re too caught up in chatter to have noticed or heard the conversation, which you were grateful for. You were going to make it out of the case without the team finding out you were trans if it was the last thing you did. 
When you’ve all chosen your seats and have gotten settled (you sat in a booth by the window), you realise you need the toilet. You announce it with a huff before standing and making your way over. It was still in view of the team, but quite a trek away. 
“Sorry, you can’t go in there,” Your stomach drops and you pause at the door. Turning, you see Mr Miles, your eleventh grade science teacher. “It’s mens,” He says, pointing at the stick figure on the toilet with ‘MEN’ written under it. 
“What do you want me to say?” You ask, “Well done for reading?” Mr Miles glares, stepping closer to you. 
“You’re not a man.”
“Listen, I get it, you’re insecure about your masculinity, but that’s no excuse to take that out on other people. You’re getting on in years, it’s completely normal to be insecure about your little soldier at your age,” You were exhausted and had no energy to waste on people like him. “Now, I suggest we both go our separate ways. If you don’t want me in your bathroom, wait until I’ve left.”
You walk into the bathroom with a smirk. 
When you exit the bathroom, a waitress is standing there, “I’m going to have to ask you to leave,” She says, folding her arms. You raise your eyebrows.
“Excuse me?” 
“You’re making customers uncomfortable,”
“Whatever,” You say with a laugh. You walk past her with a scoff, going up to the table the team were sitting at and you take your seat. You knew this wasn’t going to go well. 
You see the waitress talking to the manager. The team gives you a questioning look and you try your best to look innocent and shrug it off. And then the manager walks up to the table. 
“I’m going to have to ask you to leave,” He says. 
“What, why?” Hotch asks from next to you.
“No you, just-” His eyes flick to you, “You.”
“Why does he have to leave?” Morgan asks, eyebrows furrowed.
“Making customers uncomfortable,” He’s not using pronouns and it makes you bite back a smile. These people were the pettiest people you have ever met. 
“Right,” You say sarcastically, “Yet he was the one trying to get a sneak peak of my dick,” Had you had bottom surgery? No. Did they need to know that? No. 
The team’s jaws drop. “Leave willingly or we will forcibly remove you.”
“He’s an FBI agent-” Hotch argues.
“An FBI agent making multiple customers uncomfortable.”
“How?” Prentiss questions. 
“Alright, I’m leaving,” You say, beginning to stand up. Garcia grabs your arm, preventing you. 
“No, you’re not.” She says.
“It’s fine,” You lie, turning to the team. “I’ll meet you back at the station,” The team tries to protest but you shake your head, “No, it’s fine, I’ll grab something on the way back. By the way, the burger’s really good,” 
With that, you stand up and begin to make your way out of the diner. You’re shaking and you can’t remember ever being this angry. You’re getting a headache from the built up rage. 
You see Mr Miles smirking and waving at you as you leave. You respond with a sarcastic smile and the middle finger - watching as his face fills with rage. Old prick. 
You’re out of the diner, about to make your way back to the station when the team catches up. You close your eyes. “What was that about?” Spencer asks curiously.
You give a tightlipped smile, “Nothing,” You say, “Just-”
“You were a smart mouthed kid?” Spencer adds, referencing the lie from before. You nod. 
“You got kicked out of the diner for being smart mouthed as a kid?” Morgan asks. You nod.
“I don’t want to talk about it, can we just grab some food and get back to work?”
After a moment of studying you, Hotch nods, “Alright. But we will be talking about this later,” You repress a groan as you quickly nod.
Spencer’s sat next to you on the drive back and he’s keeping a close eye on you. So was Morgan (through the rearview mirror) and Garcia (from the passenger’s seat). Emily, Rossi, Hotch, and JJ were all in the other SUV. 
“You sure you’re okay?” Morgan asks as he takes a left. 
“Yeah, I’m fine,” You respond, “You need to take a right,”
It was near the end of the case, you could feel it. It was that awkward plateau before all the answers flooded in and you solved it. You were in the break room, grabbing a coffee for you (and Spencer, who looked like he hadn’t slept in a week). You hummed to yourself as you made it, you were the only one in the room so you felt comfortable enough to do so. 
The door opened and closed quietly behind you and you stopped humming but continued to make the coffees, currently waiting on the machine. 
“Do your team even know?” You roll your eyes, turning to face Seth.
“Do my team even know what, Seth?” You ask. 
“I’ll take that as a no,” Stepping closer to you as he spoke, Seth sneered, “How are they gonna feel when they realise that you aren’t the person they thought you are? That you aren’t the person that they tolerate?”
You gulped, “Seth, shut up,”
“How can you expect your team to trust you, if they don’t even know you, huh?” You shoved him back when he went to touch your shoulder.
“Don’t fucking touch me,” You growled, you pointed a finger at him. “My team can trust me, they do trust. I have proven myself over and over again. So what they don’t know every damn thing about me? They don’t need to know everything about me to trust that I can do my job!”
"What's going on?" Your stomach dropped. Hotch. You turned around, seeing the team behind you. 
Seth snickered, “Nowhere to run now, (Y/N),” Breath hit the back of your throat. You felt like you couldn’t breathe.
Say something.
Say something, damnit! They’re all staring at you, waiting for you to reply. What do you say? You need to say something. 
“If you trust them so much, tell them. Go on, tell them pinochio. Tell them that you aren’t a real boy after all.” Seth laughs.
You open your mouth, ready to come up with a shitty excuse, yet another lie.  “I-”
You flush deeply at the laughter behind you, “God, this is just pathetic. How about I spell it out for you?” He suggested, “Since you can’t seem to do so yourself.” He turned to the team, whose faces were all painted with confusion. “She’s a girl. Woman. Female. A tranny.” Seth placed a hand over his chest as he gasped loudly. 
You feel your hands start to tremble, you shake your head - trying your best to blink back tears, “Stop,”
“Not that big tough FBI agent now, are you (D/N)?” The first tear falls causing Seth to taunt you with his smirk, “Oh this is just pathetic,” 
You’re not sure whether you want to hit him or run and hide away from the world for the rest of your life. You’re tempted to hit him and then hide away. Luckily for you, your legs are way ahead of your brain and you run, the team too surprised to chase you. Well, until Morgan snaps out of it and tries to run after you. You weave in and out of the buildings expertly, this wasn’t the first time you had to hide from someone. Although, you doubted that Morgan would hurt you. You didn’t have that doubt about Seth and his friends when you were growing up. You hide behind a dumpster and Morgan runs straight past you, you go undetected in the opposite direction. 
You’ve been out of the station for hours, it’s dark now. You can still see where you’re going, granted that’s mostly because of the dull street lights, but you can see well enough. You had left your phone at the station, knowing that the first thing Hotch would do is get Garcia to track it. You didn’t want to be found. You didn’t want to see the look of disappointment and judgement on your team’s face. You couldn’t deal with that. You had dealt with that your whole life and now all you wanted was a family and that’s what you had found here. All you wanted to do was find somewhere you fit in, where you could be who you really were and this team was the closest you had gotten to that and now it had been ripped away. 
You found the spot you used to hide in when you were young with ease. First floor of an abandoned building no one ever went in. Some teenagers a few years older than you started a rumour that it was haunted and since then, no one enters it. 
Glaring at Seth, Hotch walks forward. Seth coward at the glare. “Where would (Y/N) go?”
Seth gave a half-assed shrug, “Why do you care anyway?”
“He’s our family,” Rossi answered. “Where would he go?”
“Some stupid abandoned building,” Seth muttered after a second. 
“Perfect, sounds like you know where it is,” Prentiss said sharply. 
You sat in the corner, scowling at the wall opposite you. Seth had just ruined everything. Everything was gone. You shouldn’t have even come on this case. You should have pretended you were ill, or something! You groaned, letting your head fall back on the wall behind you. “This is just shit,” You mumbled. You kind of wished you had brought your phone with you so you could at least play Candy Crush or something. 
Your head snapped up, hearing a floorboard creak and you shot to your feet. Part of you expecting it to be Sean and his friends before you shove that thought aside. Hotch walks in first, followed swiftly by the rest of your team and your heart plummets, expecting the worst. 
“I told Hart that if he misgenders or deadnames you again, Derek will shoot him,” Garcia says, stepping forward to embrace you in a tight hug, which you gladly reciprocate. 
“You’re okay with it?” You mumble into her shoulder.
“We all are,” She replied, rubbing a hand up your back. “I promise. Look, we’re all okay with it, right guys?” 
“Of course!”
“We support you no matter what,”
“We’re family,”
“Why wouldn’t we be?” You grinned. 
“Come on, let’s get back to the station, I’m starving,” Garcia said.
Hotch nodded, “I’d like to try out that diner, I hear the burgers there are great.”
“I’m not allowed in, remember?”
Rossi patted your back with a grin, “Don’t you worry about that, kiddo,”
When the case was wrapped up, you sighed, turning to the team. “You still wanna meet the family?”
“We don’t have to-” JJ began, you shook your head.
“No, it’s fine, we’ve pretty much all met each other’s parents at this point,” You said with a laugh. “It’s my sister’s birthday and I don’t want to miss another one,” You and your sister, Clara, had always been close. She was the only one who supported you throughout your transition and you had managed to keep in contact, (despite your parents’ wishes). She was the only family member you kept in contact with. 
“I didn’t know you had a sister,” Spencer commented.
“There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me,” You said mysteriously, you all gave a short laugh. “Besides, it’s only round the corner anyway,”
With that, you began the car journey - Derek had let you drive. Turns out, getting outed did have it’s benefits. Within five minutes you’re out the car and walking down a road. 
“This is it,” You said, pausing in front of the door. You hadn’t been here since you left for university. It would be fine, your team was here.
With a deep breath, you knocked on the door. 
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New Year's Eve Kisses 2022
Note: Hello, friends, and Happy New Year! At long last, and for the third year in a row, I present to you, New Year’s Eve Drabbles! I tried to make reader gender neutral in all of these, aside from the Kili one, which is a continuation of The Book Keeper! It may also serve as an introduction for a possible sequel to that fic.
Fandoms: Stranger Things, MCU, Tolkien, Harry Potter (fuck JK Rowling; Trans Rights are Human Rights), Once Upon a Time
Total Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol (champagne, mostly), kissing (obviously), and two (2) marriage proposals. Also mentions of Eddie’s bat scars.
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Eddie Munson
Word Count: 0.4k
Quite honestly, Eddie Munson didn’t think he’d live to see the end of 1986. It had had its ups and downs and its Upside Downs, but through it all, he’d had you right at his side, his second-in-command, his cleric, and, in real life, the very person who’d saved his life and ensured he’d live to see 1986 fade into 1987.
You and Eddie had been friends since elementary school. You’d been bullied as a kid, but Eddie didn’t put up with that and he didn’t want you to, either. He’d stood up for you one fateful day in the third grade and made a friend he knew he’d cherish for the rest of his life.
At the moment, the two of you were at Steve Harrington’s New Year’s Eve party, a sentence neither of you thought you’d utter, with some of his friends as well as Eddie’s bandmates, the Hellfire Club, and a few of Dustin’s other friends. Trauma was a weird thing, after all, and bonded the most unexpected people.
“Here.” Eddie handed you a solo cup full of booze and you sniffed it before taking a sip of whatever mystery punch the rest of Corroded Coffin had poured together.
“Don’t mention it.” He leaned against the kitchen counter, taking a sip of his drink as well, tattooed arms folded across his chest.
“Another one, huh?” You chuckled, shaking your head. “Another year.”
“Thanks to you.” He nudged you with his elbow. “You really saved my ass, you know? I really don’t think I’d be standing here without you, big ugly bat scars and all.”
“Yeah, well, you’ve saved my ass plenty of times, Munson, I’m pretty sure we’re even.”
He smirked, bumping his shoulder into yours. “You think so?”
“I do.” You nodded.
Steve drew everyone’s attention to the countdown, which was nearing a steady close.
“Hey, uh, (Y/N)?” Eddie said, his words slowing. “So remember that…not running away thing I was working on?”
“By running straight into a herd of evil mutant bats, yes, I recall.”
He scoffed. “Heh, yeah, well, um…There’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while, and I…you know what, fuck it.”
“What, Eddie—”
He smashed his lips against yours as the ball finally dropped, kissing you hungrily. You kissed him back, spilling your drink as you surrendered to his embrace. It was uncharted territory for both of you, sure, but just like your DnD campaign, you couldn’t wait to explore it with him, side by side.
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Word Count: 0.5k
When the New Year finally rolled around, the Eternals that were close enough decided to throw something of a celebration, just as you’d all done in the years before you’d split off and gone your separate ways. Now that Druig had finally come out of hiding, he was standing in the corner of the room, sulking, snacking, and sipping champagne as he watched some random guy flirt with you across the room.
You and Druig were…complicated to say the least. You weren’t together, not officially. You obviously both cared about each other a lot, but neither of you had ever taken that next step, not before Druig had all but dropped off of the face of the planet.
You’d missed him, of course, but you weren’t sure how to bridge that gap, if that was even still what either of you wanted. He was the Hades to your Persephone. Quite literally. Your dynamic was where Sprite spun the legend to begin with.
“Why the long face?” Sersi asked, standing next to him, that soft, compassionate look on her face.
Druig shrugged. “Dunno. Just…not feeling the party, I guess.”
“Is that so?” She asked. “Why’s that?”
“Just…thought it would be different, is all.”
“Huh, well, looks like someone else might feel the same way.” Sersi nudged him, motioning to you with her head. Sure enough, you were giving the ‘help me’ eyes, stuck in conversation with the stranger in front of you.
“Oh.” Druig said, straightening up his jacket before standing up and briskly walking to you. “This guy botherin’ you, love?”
“Who’s this?” The frat bro in front of you asked, looking Druig up and down. It was true, Druig was much shorter than the lunkhead, but, of course, Druig had his own secret weapon up his sleeve.
“I’m their boyfriend.” Druig announced, slipping his arm around your waist. “Who are you?”
“Well, Kyle, if you don’t mind too much, I’ll be borrowing the beautiful, beautiful (Y/N) for the rest of the night.”
Kyle looked like he was about to retaliate, but then a golden hue took over his eyes and he turned around abruptly and walked across the room and out into the cold.
You chuckled and looked over at Druig. “Thank you. You just saved me from a riveting conversation about NFTs.”
His eyebrows furrowed. “What’s an NFT?”
“You don’t wanna know.”
He grinned. “I’ll take your word for it, then.”
“How are you doing?” You asked, leaning into him a little more.
“Better now.”
“You looked a little grumpy before.”
“You noticed.”
“I always do. Especially when it’s you.” You smirked, mischievous. “So you’re my boyfriend, huh?”
“For the evening.” He shrugged. “Or longer, if you want.”
“Are you finally asking me out?”
“Might be.” Druig pulled you closer to him, his hands on your waist as the other Eternals began their countdown. “Are you saying yes?”
“Might be.” You repeated, nose brushing against his as you went in for a tender kiss.
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Word Count: 0.8k
“So the Dwarves are coming over here for New Year’s Eve…why?” Your friend Chelsea asked, hanging up some 2023 balloons.
“Because they already had their New Year’s on Durin’s Day there, so…” You shrugged. “You know how they are, they just like parties.”
“That is true.” Kili nodded, walking into the kitchen.
Your face lit up when you saw him, and you walked over to him, surrendering to his embrace. “When did you come over?”
“Just a moment ago, my love.” Kili replied, pressing a kiss to your lips. “Do you need help preparing the festivities?”
“Actually, yes. Do you and the guys want to bring the drinks in from the car?”
“One step ahead of ye, lassie.” Dwalin replied, sipping from a bottle of beer he’d found out there, Fili and Thorin carrying in cases of beer behind him. You had bought a lot of it, but you still weren’t sure it would be enough to satiate the Dwarves. Only time would tell. Worse case scenario, they could go back through the portal in your closet and get some ale from Erebor.
“Thanks, guys. Anyone wanna go with Phil to pick up the pizzas?”
“I will!” Ori volunteered excitedly. “What’s pizza?”
The pieces slowly started to fall into place. You explained human New Year’s Eve traditions to the Dwarves whenever they asked questions.
“Kissing at midnight?” Thorin asked, well within earshot of Kili. “Does it have to be your betrothed?”
“Nope! Some people kiss total strangers, but if you have a partner, you usually kiss them, yeah.”
“Why, you have someone in mind, uncle?” Fili asked, teasing.
“No, of course not.” Thorin shook his head, flustered.
“Hmm.” You hummed, laughing softly. You turned to Kili, smirking. “Do you know who you wanna kiss?”
“I have a faint inkling, yes.” He smirked, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
In no time at all, the party was in full swing and the dwarves were distracted very effectively by the New Year’s Eve countdown, mesmerized by the colors and songs and segments included. Ori was taking notes ferociously while the other Dwarves participated in a drinking game led by one of your friends.
You sat in Kili’s lap, chatting with the others, sipping on champagne, and waiting for the final bell to toll, bringing 2022 to a close.
“Do you have a New Year’s Resolution?” Dori asked you, sampling some champagne himself.
“I’d like to write another book.” You said, leaning into Kili. “What about you?”
“I do have one.” Kili nodded. “But I think I’d rather tell you in private it it’s all the same to you.”
“Oh?” You asked.
He nodded, giving your hips a push off of the couch and taking you to the other room. You looked up at him curiously. In your world, the Mortal Realm, Kili stood about six feet tall, as opposed to his usual 4’ 10” that he sported so proudly back home. It was odd how your height difference flip-flopped back and forth, but you were coming to love it.
“So, I’ve been doing some research.” He began, taking one of your hands with his own. “It may be too soon, but…” Kili reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box. He slowly got down on one knee, offering the box to you.
“Kili…” You whispered, your voice breaking. “Is this…?”
“Open it.” He urged, his voice faltering.
You opened the lid of the finely crafted wooden box. It was clear he’d made that from scratch as well, and sure enough, inside, you found a small tuft of green velvet, atop which sat three things: an intricate engagement band, which looked much like the claddagh ring he’d made for you, but with a diamond in the place of the emerald in the other ring, which currently sat, upright, on your right ring finger. The second and third were matching wedding beads, meant to be braided into your hair and his, to signify in Dwarven society that you were married.
“Oh my God. Kili, I…”
“In this New Year, in your world, in mine, I wish to marry you, to be your husband, to care for you for all of your days. And if you’d have me, my One, I would love to make you my wife.”
You nodded, tears slipping from your eyes as you pulled him back to his feet. “Yes, Kili. I love you so much. So much. I can’t wait to marry you.”
Kili pressed his lips to yours, collecting you in his arms, kissing you for the remainder of the year, your last year as an unmarried couple as it slowly bled into the year in which you would finally be married to the Dwarven prince of your dreams.
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Neville Longbottom
Word Count: 0.8k
“Professor Longbottom?” One of Neville’s fourth year students asked, entering the greenhouse. It was winter break and only a handful of students remained in the castle, along with the few professors who had stayed. It had been a few years since the Battle and Neville had returned to Hogwarts, now the Herbology professor.
“Yes, Tilda?”
“Have you seen Professor (L/N)? I have a question about the extra credit assignment for their class.”
“I haven’t. Did you check their office?”
“I did, it was empty.”
“Huh.” Neville thought for a moment, running through your favorite places in the castle that you could have stolen away to. “Well, what’s the assignment?”
“We have to write about a Muggle holiday we haven’t learned in class yet. I wanted to write about New Year’s Eve, but…”
You walked into the greenhouse, holding a bundle of flowers. “Neville, have you--? Oh, hello Tilda.”
“Professor (L/N)!” Tilda grinned.
“She has a question for you.”
“I thought you might be in here with Professor Longbottom…” Tilda admitted with a shy grin. It was no secret to most of your students that there was something going on between the two of you. “I have a question about New Year’s Eve. So, the kiss everyone talks about, is that before or after midnight?”
“Oh, a New Year’s Eve kiss? It’s usually right at midnight. Muggles believe it’ll bring them luck in the new year.” You explained for her.
“Ohhhh. That makes a lot of sense. Thank you so much.”
“Of course. Let me know if there’s anything else you need! Will you be at the party tonight?”
“I will!” She smiled, saying goodbye to both of you before walking away.
“A New Year’s Eve kiss?” Neville raised an eyebrow, taking a step closer to you as soon as Tilda was out of sight and earshot.
“It’s tradition.” You shrugged, resting a hand against his cozy sweater vest. Outside, there was snow falling in large, fluffy flakes, visible through the greenhouse windows. “And if you’re lucky, you just might get one tonight.”
“What are these for?” He motioned to the flowers in your hand, changing the subject, his cheeks reddening. He had grown up a lot since you’d first met him, that was for sure, but every so often, the shy side of him showed itself again, reminding you of that shy Gryffindor boy you’d first fallen in love with. Little did you know he was nervous about something else that the evening would bring.
“They were in my office.”
“Well, you should put them in water, they’re lovely.” He replied, knowingly.
You rested your arms on his shoulders, pressing your forehead against his. “Thank you, Nev.”
“Of course, love.”
Later in the evening came the party Headmaster McGonogall was throwing for the few kids who were still there, as well as the staff who had volunteered to stay behind. The Grand Hall was decked out with silvery decorations, the tables near the front of the room loaded with food and punch.
You and Neville kept orbiting each other, keeping a safe distance to remain professional, but it was terribly obvious to anyone who knew the two of you that you shared a deep connection.
“You look lovely, dear.” McGonogall complimented, looking at your outfit.
“Thank you, Headmaster.” You thanked. “Happy New Year.”
“A Happy New Year indeed.” She eyed Neville, standing in the corner. “Mr. Longbottom looks quite nervous, does he not?”
“Oh.” You glanced over at him and she was right. He was pacing, even as midnight approached. “Yeah, he does. I’ll go check on him.”
You walked over to him and grabbed his attention, pulling him to a private corner. “You okay?”
He nodded, shaking.
You took his hands in yours and felt the way he was trembling. “Hey, hey, what’s going on?”
“I…” He sighed. “I’m…”
“Take your time.” You encouraged, your voice soft.
He took a long breath, centering himself, that Gryffindor courage finally taking hold. “(Y/N), I have been in love with you since our fourth year. When I saw you at that Yule Ball in this very room…I knew that I had to…to do this someday.”
“Do what someday?” You whispered, watching as he, shakily, pulled a tiny box from his pocket, opening it to reveal the most gorgeous engagement ring you had ever seen, its gem in the shape of a flower, metal leaves on either side of it. Tears pooled in your eyes. “Oh, Neville.”
“Will you marry me?”
In the background, you heard the students counting down to the new year while you had a brand new life waiting in anticipation for you to make your choice.
“Yes, Neville, of course.” You rushed into his arms, pulling him into the tightest hug while he exhaled a sigh of relief. “I can’t wait to marry you.”
And sure enough, right as the new year hit, you sealed your promise with a sweet kiss.
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Peter Pan
Word Count: 0.8k
“What, so you’re telling me you don’t celebrate New Year’s?” You asked in disbelief at the nightly bonfire. It had been a few months since you’d taken up permanent residence in Neverland with Peter and the rest of the Lost Boys, but you’d been visiting the place in your dreams, and their self-appointed ruler, for that matter, for several years.
“What point would there be in that?” Felix asked, rolling his eyes at the sentiment. “Time doesn’t pass here. We don’t have a calendar year like they do in the Mortal Realm.”
“Then how do you keep track of time?”
“We don’t.” One of the other Lost Boys laughed.
“No other holidays?” You asked, eyebrows scrunching together. “None at all?”
You didn’t say much after that, thinking about it. You’d been trying to keep track of the days since you’d left home, and you knew it was probably getting to be around that time there. Not that you wanted to go back; you didn’t. But it still felt strange, one last final difference that further divided your new life from the one you had left behind for the adventure of a lifetime.
Pan found you later, studying the look on your face. He didn’t like when people were sad; it brought the whole vibe down, but he had a soft spot for you, had picked you especially to be, well…his. He wanted you to be happy for that reason, too. It hadn’t entirely dawned on him why that was, why your feelings were so important to him.
“Something bothering you?”
“Not really. It’s not important.”
He chuckled and sat in front of you, pinching your chin with his fingers and forcing you to meet his eyes. “Yes it is. What’s going on?”
“I just…Felix said you guys don’t really celebrate holidays here. I guess it makes sense. I should have realized that sooner, I guess.”
Peter thought for a long moment, putting the pieces together. “You miss holidays, then. We celebrate a lot, have parties nearly every night.”
“Yeah, I know, and I like those a lot too, but…I don’t know, something about…the rituals, I guess. I think New Year’s Eve would have been soon. It’s one of my favorite holidays.”
“Is it?” He raised an eyebrow, taking your hand. “Well then…let me see what I can do about that, eh?”
A few nights later, Pan sent you out with Felix on a “special errand.” You weren’t really sure what you were supposed to be looking for, but he’d said something about seashells, so you and Felix were combing the beach and collecting some.
“I was skeptical of you, you know?” Felix admitted. It wasn’t any surprise to you that was the case. Felix was Pan’s right hand man, after all. Most of his job was figuring out who was and wasn’t to be trusted. “But…something about having you here…Pan is different, more powerful, lighter, even.”
“Thanks, I think.” You chuckled. “You’re not so bad yourself, you know.”
“I’ve been told I’m something of an acquired taste.”
“Yeah, well…I appreciate you looking out for me. You both made the transition a lot easier.”
“Anything for Pan’s Chosen.” He bowed playfully as you gathered the last of the seashells and you began the long hike back, only to find…the campgrounds were decorated.
There were glass orbs and flickering lights dangling from the tree branches, a large grandfather clock propped up against a tree. In the center of it all was Pan, dressed in a sparkly gold suit, holding an even sparklier gold outfit for you in his arms.
“What’s all this?” You asked, looking around in awe.
“It’s New Year’s Eve, love.” Pan insisted, smirking. “Here, get dressed. I’ll save you some champagne.”
“Champagne?” You asked, incredulous. “Where did you get all this stuff.”
“Details, details…” He shook his head, giving you a little push towards your hut, where you quickly changed into the new outfit before meeting him outside, where the Lost Boys were acting out what you could only assume was supposed to be some form of a New Year’s Eve broadcast while the grandfather clock began to tick down to midnight.
Peter took your hand and raised it to his lips. “You look absolutely stunning.”
“You clean up nice yourself.” You chuckled, still in disbelief at everyting that was unfolding around you. “I…”
“You don’t like it.” His expression fell.
“No! Oh my gosh, Peter, I love it, I just…I can’t believe you would do all this for me…”
He met your eyes, his voice very serious. “I would do anything for you, (Y/N). I suppose I’ll just have to keep proving that to you.”
It truly was one of the best nights you’d had on Neverland, if not in your life, and sure enough, when midnight hit, Pan made sure he wouldn’t miss out on perhaps the most important New Year’s Eve tradition of all. And he met you under the stars to capture your lips in a sweet, tender kiss.
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maximus-tugs · 1 year
Golden Rays
(Happy pride month! Just barely got the fourth piece done on the last day of June. Well, in my timezone. Anyway, have a little bit of Sea Rogue and trans woman Boomer! A little short but sweet piece to wrap up the month).
It was the end of the work day for Sea Rogue. He walked home at a slow pace, in no particular hurry. Quite the opposite, actually. At the edge of the forest, a houseboat had recently been placed by the riverside, made from the hull of a tugboat. It had a single occupant, a woman. Sea Rogue had intended to introduce himself the night he first saw her, but he found himself frozen in place. The woman had met his gaze, and gave him a friendly wave. Sea Rogue had waved back, before continuing on his way. Now it had become their routine. Occasionally Sea Rogue thought about talking to her, but he never worked up the courage.
Sea Rogue walked by the houseboat. The woman was outside on the deck of the ship, tending to one of the many plant pots she had. Her blond hair sparkled in the sun, making it look like the golden wheatfields of the nearby farmlands, her sundress rippled slightly in the evening breeze. To Sea Rogue, she was the most beautiful woman alive. She looked up, seeing him. Sea Rogue waved at her. She waved back. “Hello!” she called.
“Hello!” Sea Rogue managed to find his voice.
“Wait there one moment!” she said. She quickly climbed down from the houseboat, hurrying over to him.
Sea Rogue felt his heart racing. He hadn’t prepared himself for this. He didn’t know what to do or what to say. She approached him, brushing her hair out of her eyes. It was the first time Sea Rogue got a proper look at her. She was rather strong and freckled from the sun, with a bright smile. “I’ve been wondering when you would approach me to introduce yourself.” she said. “But I got tired of waiting, so I decided to approach first. You can just call me Boomer. Everyone else does, anyway."
"I'm…well, just call me Sea Rogue." he said nervously, looking down. "I'm, uh, I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier. I just…never knew what to say or what to do."
"It's alright." Boomer reassured him. Sea Rogue paused, trying to think of how to continue. He could feel his face growing hot. He hadn't planned for any of this. Boomer spoke up, breaking the quiet between them. “Would you like to come in? I could make us a cup of tea and we could talk.” Boomer offered.
“I would love to, but I’ve got to get home.” Sea Rogue answered truthfully. “Would you-would you like to walk with me? It’s not far.”
“Sure.” Boomer nodded.
The two walked side by side at the forest’s edge, Sea Rogue’s favorite route home. He knew it well. The bright rays of the evening sunlight streamed through the trees, creating hues of green and gold. “So, you work on the river?” Boomer asked.
“I do tug work. I do jobs wherever I’m needed. Usually with the munitions factory.” Sea Rogue nodded.
“I see. I used to do tug work.” Boomer said. “For about ten years.”
“I never really enjoyed it. I always felt like something was missing.” Boomer admitted. “Then the jinx happened and that only made things worse.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.” Sea Rogue said.
“I’m much happier now. Once I stopped doing tug work, I had time to think about what I really wanted to be.” Boomer smiled. “I wanted to be a woman. I’ve always wanted to be a woman.”
“I think you’re a beautiful woman.” Sea Rogue said. A pang of worry tugged at his heart as he spoke. Was it the right thing to say?
“Thank you.” Boomer smiled. “I like to think so myself.”
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jojo-mlm · 2 years
Hi! Could I request a bruno fic with a reader who is trans nb or a trans man? Maybe the reader is feeling dysphoric and bruno comforts them.
(It's really cool to see an mlm blog for once :D )
Thanks! Sorry to take so long to get to everything. I hope to do both trans man and nb but I'm not nb myself so I'm going to post this for trans men then make a separate one for nb people when I do a little more research!
𝔹𝕣𝕦𝕟𝕠 𝕏 𝔻𝕪𝕤𝕡𝕙𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕔 𝕋𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕤 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣
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You and Bruno Buciaratti. Wasn't that something? You were still getting used to it. Everything seemed so obvious now that you two were together. He talked with such command, you didn't ever think that he was trying to gently lead you into his arm. And happily you were led, until all of the hints had become too obvious to ignore.
You were a frequenter of a local restaurant, a mom and pops, it was how you first met. Admittedly, he was a shady character, taking money from the owners for what you assumed was protection. His serious demeanor seemed contradictorily radiant. When he glanced back, you felt it was only a matter of time before you fell into him.
It seemed too perfect when he sat down at a table in the corner and made friendly chit chat with the waiters. You knew that he had been here before, and with you luck, you'd be able to see him again. He was hard to miss with glowing metal zippers connected to his jacket, you would make sure to keep your eye out.
Thankfully, you did. And you saw him again in the same places, finally deciding the day was the day. But then he approached you, and everything from that day felt like it had changed. It didn't take long before you to were officially together. Dangerous for you, sure, but he had kept you safe for a long time. And you trusted him enough to let him know one of the deepest part of you.
You're trans. It wasn't as big of a deal as you worried it might be. Bruno simply smiled and reassured you that he wasn't there for your body. He was there for you.
That led to now. You weren’t particularly a fan of fashion but you had Bruno by your side to comment on what you wore when asked. Not that it was very helpful though, as he said you looked amazing in anything. Adorable, but not exactly helpful. Unfortunately you hadn’t been feeling the best recently. You’re mood had been down lately, and it spilled over into your self-conscious thought. And for the the first time in a long time, Bruno’s comments about how handsome you were didn't seem to help.
He sat on his bed, letting you rummage around in a spare drawer for your clothes he gave you when you started to stay over more often. Bruno lolled his head to the side, not exactly upset or frustrated, just getting bored. You had been taking a while, needless to say.
“Darling have you picked something yet?” He asked, the words rolling lazily off his tongue. “The afternoon is almost up, and it looks like you might take a while longer.” 
Bruno didn’t mean to be rude, you knew that, but you still couldn’t help but feel irritated. When did all these clothes get so feminine? It seemed like all the clothes you had gotten yourself, even the items Bruno had given you and said you looked handsome in seemed like they expressed an hourglass figure. You wanted to tear everything apart. The only way you could describe the clothes were stupid.
The clothes was stupid, going out was stupid, and in your irritation you were starting to think that this whole date was stupid. 
Bruno had stood up and walked next to you, placing a hand on your shoulder. “Perhaps you would like to cancel, it doesn’t look like you will be ready soon.”
You swatted his hand away. Of course you didn’t want to go! You felt girlish and feminine and being out in public felt utterly humiliating when your body wasn’t right! You might as well have bugs under your skin, that’s how uncomfortable you were. “Maybe I wouldn’t be taking so long if you helped!”
Bruno took a step back, pulling away from you. You had fought and yelled at each other before, but this felt different. “I- I’m sorry.” You sighed out, shaking slightly.
You were so close to falling apart. And over something so little... you felt so sensitive. You fell into Bruno as he wrapped his arms around you, needing the support he was giving you. He slowly placed his hands on your head, petting your hair sweetly. It might have been embarrassing if anyone but him was doing it.
He didn’t know how to help. He couldn’t fully understand your hurt or your pain, but when he held you and whispered into your ears all the wonderful things he thought you were, you felt safe. You took it to the bed, a much more comfortable position then laying half way on top of his chest still standing.
“Let’s reschedule. I’m not going anywhere... so we have plenty of him.” He hummed softly, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. 
“No, we made plans, we should-”
“With all due respect, no. You’re upset, and it’s my duty to help wherever I can. We can go somewhere else when you’re ready.” He insisted further. “Handsome, we have all the time in the world.”
You felt your face get hot and your buried your face in his chest. “Oh, you like that? Well it’s true. You are the most incredible, handsome, strong man I’ve had the joy of coming to know.”
Bruno gave you words of affection until you told him what was wrong. He gave you something of his to borrow, and when you put on your ‘boyfriend’ jacket, you couldn’t help but feel more confident. He slid his arm around your shoulder, pressing a kiss to the temple of your head. “You look so handsome.”
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raccoon-eyed-rebel · 1 year
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Part 24 - Sy
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Series Masterlist
Part 23 -- Part 25
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Pairing: Sy x trans!ofc (Alicia)
Summary: The guys throw a New Years Eve party at 179th Crescent Street...
Warnings: SMUT, NSFW, 18+, MINORS DNI, oral (m and f receiving), anal fingering (m receiving), an interesting case (if I do say so myself) of phone-moaning (look it up if you have to). Brief mention of transphobic parents and mention of (child) abuse.
ETA: PLEASE, if I missed any tags/warnings, let me know. (Always let me know, but let me know for this one in particular. It's way more likely I accidentally missed something that can be triggering for someone here.)
Word count: 3.6k
A/N: I'm on the verge of having a panic attack over posting this. Not because I think it's bad - I personally love this chapter - but because Sy is such a crowd favorite and I'm a little nervous about how this will be received. Also: Liz is the first trans character I've written at this point. So much research went into this, which is part of why I struggled with writing this so much. We're still horny on main, though, as always.
It's obviously a first for Sy, too, and he says some stupid shit - he also really likes this girl, which doesn't help with foot-in-mouth-disease, obviously. Bear with him, please.
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@deandoesthingstome @geralts-yenn @summersong69 @peaches1958 @fvckinghenrycavill @keanureevesisbae @livisss @sillyrabbit81 @ellethespaceunicorn @ylva-syverson @poledancingdinos
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Charles punched a guy. We’d all love to get through a night out - or in, apparently - without something like that happening, but it doesn’t seem to be in the cards for us. That said, I think he was right to do it, and if I’d been within arms reach of the guy, he’d have had me to deal with, too. Harassing Dani was wrong, but to do it right in front of our eyes… That’s just plain stupid. When everyone’s back to their business, I turn back to Alicia and watch her as she takes a sip of her beer. 
“What?” she asks. 
“Nothing,” I say. I huff quietly when I hear myself speak. Little too much emphasis on that ‘g’ at the end. I’m hiding my accent. I like this girl. 
I first noticed it when I talked to Mike after the chaotic house meeting from a few days ago. I say ‘chaotic’, but it wasn’t exactly out of the ordinary for us. It’s not our fault! Who puts eight guys our age in a house and calls it a day? Anyway, he told me one of Dani’s roommates wanted to find out if Dani had been lying about my… Let’s go with ‘skills’. Apparently, the review was pretty good. Now, I’ve seen Sloane. She’s on the hockey team, and I normally wouldn’t dream of passing up an opportunity like that, but I just… Couldn’t care less, to be honest. And then Liz texted me and Mike caught me grinning at my phone like an idiot. Which he pointed out while also grinning like an idiot. And now here we are. 
“Say that again,” she teases. Fuck, I’m busted. How about I don’t answer her, and just shake my head instead? Will that work? “I like the way you talk, Sy.” 
There’s a hint of a drawl to her voice. It’s definitely subtle, but it’s there. At first I wonder if she’s messing with me, but when she asks where I’m from, I have my answer. She’s not mocking me, she’s from Georgia. Which my stepfather would say is even worse, but I stopped listening to him right around the time I turned six. The longer we talk, the clearer her accent becomes. Makes me wonder when she lost it. And why. Takes me a while longer than I care to admit to ask her that… 
“My aunt from New York took me in when I was twelve,” she answers. “Parents kicked me out for… You know… What about you? What made you move away?” It doesn’t bother me that she doesn’t finish her sentence, because I have a perfectly good idea of what she would have said if she had. I feel like everybody would have known. When Mikey found out Liz and I were texting, he asked me if I knew. I told him I did. Then he asked me if I cared, and I told him I didn’t. I meant what I said. 
“The short version is that I tried to hit ma’s scumbag boyfriend back, hit ma instead. Can’t come home unless I apologize to him. Which I ain’t gonna do.”
“Ouch, you win. More beer?” She’s on her way to the kitchen before I can even answer. 
Now that I’ve got nothing else to do, I look around the room. Charles has disappeared - probably with Sloane - and Leon is still chatting up Ariel, Dani’s other roommate. They seem to know each other, which means she might be the same Ariel he always competes with to be first in his class. Marshall is up to something that involves Vivienne Chase. I know the type. We all do. I know Marshall has referred to her as a ‘puck bunny’ before. He seemed pretty annoyed by her at the time. Guess that’s over now. I don’t know what’s been bugging him, but it can’t be good. I reckon there’s an eighty percent chance that this ain’t the way to solve it, either, but it’s none of my business, and I’m gonna treat it that way. 
Alicia and I play a few more rounds of horrible childhood bingo, until people around us start counting down. It’s a countdown to a first kiss I’m shockingly nervous about. Luckily, she’s braver than I am, putting her bottle down while reaching for mine. Then, when that’s put to the side as well, pulling me closer to her by hooking her fingers into the pockets of my jeans. I expected to not have to lower my head: she’s nearly six feet tall. What I didn’t expect was that I’d be looking up slightly. She’s wearing heels, too, fucking hell. It takes everything I’ve got to keep with a certain level of decency. Yes, practically everyone in this room is doing the same thing I am, but that don’t mean… Alright, she doesn't seem to care about propriety half as much as I do. 
“I’ve got a perfectly nice room upstairs, with a lot less prying eyes.” Why am I not surprised she’s coming with me?
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Goddamn, this girl can kiss. I’m already dizzy, and something just tells me I ain’t seen nothing yet. The way she’s clawing at my back makes me think she likes it rough. I don’t mind it one bit: I ain’t exactly built to be gentle. She moans loudly when I pin her against the door. Her dress was already creeping up her thighs when I walked her upstairs, but is now only inches away from exposing that gorgeous ass completely - I didn’t let her go first on the stairs for no goddamn reason, and now that we’re in private, whatever fabric stands between me and that ass is frustrating me to no end. 
“Hm, eager,” she chuckles as my hands push her dress up further. I groan as she makes a point of grinding her hips against mine. 
“Well, you’re a hot piece of ass, so…” She laughs when I pull her away from the door, towards my bed. 
That dress comes off easily, but not before she pulls my shirt over my head. That look in her eyes as they glide over my chest, the way she takes her bottom lip in between her teeth… This chick is driving me fucking nuts. I enjoy the way she looks at me for a while too long, apparently, because she reaches behind her back to undo her bra and tosses it aside. Now it’s my turn to stare and her turn to revel in the attention. ‘Great tits.’ That’s it. That’s the only thought I have. Anything else, my brain just refuses to process - like the ringing of her phone, which I hear faintly in the background somewhere. The only reason I know I’m not making it up, is because I watch her pull it out of the purse she dropped next to my bed, and hang up on whoever is on the other end. Other than that faint notion, that rack is really my whole world right now. Fucking magnetic. I mean it. It’s as if gravity in this room has somehow shifted, and everything is now pulled towards her chest. Alright, maybe not everything, but God knows I am, for sure. 
The few quick kisses on her neck are out of a kind of twisted courtesy - pure pretense, to separate myself from a fucking caveman by a hair or two. As much as I hate to admit it, all I really want right now is to get more closely acquainted with these boobs. They’re far from the biggest I’ve ever seen. I wouldn’t say they’re the nicest, either - although they’re definitely up there. But, damn, I’d be lying if I said there had ever been a pair I’d been more curious about. I have a strong feeling she won’t appreciate it if I say something about that, but unfortunately there just ain’t enough blood going to my brain right now for me to think straight…
“Can’t believe these are fake.” Once I realize what I’ve said, I look up at her like a deer in headlights. 
“No worries, you’re good,” Alicia laughs when she sees my face. “I mean… They are fake.”
“How ‘bout I just try ‘n’ keep quiet from now on?” It’s gonna be tough, but I wouldn’t forgive myself if I accidentally say something really stupid and ruin this.
“Oh no. They say you’ve got a dirty mouth. I wanna hear it.” That’s all good ‘n' well, but I’m gonna keep my mouth otherwise occupied for the time being. I sincerely hope she won’t mind.
My nerves about saying something stupid end up on the back burner when her phone rings again. I fucking hope it's a protective friend or something.
"Jesus, who keeps callin' ya?" This is the third time in ten minutes. I gave it a pass the first two, but now… Why doesn’t she turn the damn thing off?
"My ex," she groans. Not what a man wants to hear, honestly. The phone stops buzzing for a minute, and then it picks up right where it left off with call number four. The good news is that she seems as annoyed as I am. The bad news is that continuous phone calls from the ex of the girl you're trying to nail are a really effective boner killer. Liz sighs and hangs up again, while I give up on trying to ignore this issue. 
"Bad breakup?" I ask lightly, barely taking my lips off her skin. I'm fixing to get as much quality time with these tits as I possibly can, ex be damned. 
"The worst," she groans. "She cheated." There's two words in that sentence, and I have no clue which one confuses me more. 
"Cheated? On you? Now that's just stupid." She laughs in reply - a sound that turns into a moan when I bite down on her nipple. 
I’m a little disappointed when one of her hands reaches for my chin and pulls me back up. I was having a great time! Must’ve looked sad, too, because she laughs and looks at me with feigned pity in her eyes before kissing me. I wonder if that’s the only great way she has to cheer me up… My hands continue their exploration. It’s almost impossible to move on from her boobs, but I eventually make it further down, and my hand finds its way between her legs. Hm. 
"Sy," Liz has clearly picked up on my… surprise? Is that the right word? It's a good thing there’s a hint of a chuckle to her voice, because I'm just confused at this point. 
"This vagina was brought to you by the wonders of modern medicine. Doesn't get as wet as you’re probably used to." That actually explains a lot - and nowhere near enough. It sounds like lube would fix most of that problem, and I have some, so we’re good there. Thing is: it tastes horrible. Luckily, Liz manages to solve my dilemma before my indecisiveness really gets to me. 
“I’ve heard too many good things about that allegedly incredible head game of yours,” she says coyly. I chuckle as a grin spreads on my face. Knowing her expectations are high should probably make me more nervous than I already am, but it doesn’t. I know what the girls I’ve been with say about me, and I take pride in that particular skill. Does that make me a cocky jerk sometimes? Absolutely. They don’t seem to care when they’re screaming my name, so why should I?
I kiss my way down Alicia’s body. Slowly. I may be impatient but I enjoy teasing ‘em a little too much to skip that part… She clearly disagrees, trying everything in her power to push me down faster. It’s cute, and it makes me laugh. 
“Ain’t gonna work, sugar,” I say in between kisses pressed to her stomach. “The more you try, the longer I’m gonna drag this out. Be good for me, okay?” She agrees - reluctantly - meaning I can continue my journey south. 
Not being able to use my hands is going to be a challenge. One I’ll gladly accept, that’s for sure, but a challenge nonetheless. It takes me a minute to find something she likes. Thank God she’s not shy! Actually, she’s pretty loud, which is fantastic. I love a woman who just offers up the intel on what she likes unprompted. Makes me look like I know what I’m doing, because… well… I’ll know what I’m doing. She’s all moans and whimpers and ‘right there’-s and breaths hitching as my fingertips dig into her hips. Her hand is on the back of my head, pulling me closer to her… I can’t wipe this smug grin off my face - she’s gonna cum in no time.
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Fuck! That goddamn phone again! I stop what I’m doing, raise myself up on my elbows and look at Liz. 
“Pick up the phone,” I growl. I’m done with this bullshit. 
“What?” Liz asks me, slightly dazed. I understand her confusion, but I’m seriously over this. 
“Pick up the goddamn phone,” I repeat. My grin widens as I watch Alicia accept the call and put the phone to her ear. 
“Kelly. Hi," she says. She’s clearly not happy to even speak to her. Doesn’t matter. I’m gonna try my best to make this the best phone call they ever had. I can’t help but chuckle as my mouth finds its way back to where it was a minute ago, and goes right back to doing exactly what it was doing before we were so rudely interrupted. When I look up, Alicia stares back at me, eyes wide with shock, begging me… to keep going. 
“Eh, no. I - ah - I’m not home.” She’s trying hard to keep her voice steady, I’m trying hard to break her. Neither of us have it easy right now. And ultimately we’re both still playing for the same side. 
“Why do you even give a - fuck!” Honestly? Nice timing. Kelly’s voice - which I can barely make out from where I am - starts to sound more agitated. Apparently, the answer to that question is a long one, because Kelly keeps talking for a while. That gives me just the right amount of time to really drive Liz nuts. 
“It’s literally - hng - none of your business - hmm - what I’m doing,” Liz suddenly snaps. “Or who I’m doing.” I almost choke on my own spit when she adds that last bit. 
“Because we broke up, remember? Jesus.” There’s no way she can last long now. 
“Kelly, seriously, stop bothering m-oh my god, Sy!” It’s a good thing she can’t see my face, because I’m grinning like crazy.  
“That was fun,” I tease when I lie down next to her again. “Turn that thing off.”
“I doubt she’ll be calling back,” Alicia says, but she turns her phone off anyway before turning to me. “You really are as good as they say.” 
It’s a reputation I never asked for, but I can’t say I mind having it. And I certainly don’t mind honing my craft, so to speak. Besides… most girls are willing to trade good head for good head - in my personal experience, at least. I can't complain about that. 
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Her fingers leave goosebumps on my skin wherever they move - and they move absolutely everywhere but the place I actually want them in, while she kisses me fiercely. It’s far too easy to lose myself in her touch, especially when she finally does go where I need her most. 
I’m prepared for the soft gasp I hear when she wraps her fingers around my cock - anything else there is to notice gets lost in the sensation of her lips all over my chest and abs as she makes her way down. Her tongue feels amazing as she slowly swirls it around the tip of my cock before taking me all the way down with no issues. 
I'm staring. I know I am, and I don't give a damn. It's been a while since I've been this impressed with a girl's skills. Fuck me, she's good. Her eyes are on me the whole time she's down there, slobbering all over my dick - pardon my French - and I'm in absolute heaven. Until… 
"Whoa!" Those fingers are headed directly where no man - or woman, for that matter - has gone before. Not on me, at least. 
"What's the problem, Sy?"
I curse softly under my breath and pray Geralt isn't listening in. "I'd say somethin' along the lines of me not bein' used to a girl tryin'a stick a finger up my ass," I mumble. Judging from the grin on her face, she heard perfectly. She slowly climbs up until she's lying next to me again. 
"I strongly recommend that you give it a try," she says in a sultry tone, with eyes that put 98 percent of pornstars to shame. 
"Normally I'd ask ya why I should trust a girl on this," I sigh, "but I reckon you would know…" 
"First-hand experience," she replies. I don't know what it is, but something about this is intriguing. 
"Is it good?" I ask carefully. I'm not saying I will… just that… I might.
"Like you wouldn't believe," she purrs in my ear. That's it, I'm blaming her. It's her. She is impossible to resist. 
"Alright, I'll bite," I say, and I can't believe my own ears. "I'll try it." She's made me fucking curious. Dammit. Oh well. If I don't like it, I don't ever gotta do it again, right?
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"Told ya," she grins. I'm still dizzy. That was hands down the best fucking orgasm of my entire life. Fucking hell. And there she is: smug smirk firm on her face, and soft lips torturing my earlobe.
"Gimme a break, sugar," I moan softly as I gently pull her head away from my face by her hair. She seems to like that. 
"That good, huh?" Yeah, yeah, missy, you're awfully proud of yourself. Well… she's not wrong. It really was that good. 
"Yeah," I sigh. "But why not go for the… more traditional…" What I want to know is why she didn't…
"You want to know why I didn't let you stick me." That would be one way of putting it, yes. 
She takes a deep breath and looks at me.
“Cards on the table, Sy: There’s no way you’re gonna fit,” she says. Are my eyes deceiving me or does she look embarrassed by that? 
“Alright, that explains that,” I say, pulling her into a hug. 
“You’re not disappointed?” she asks, her voice as full of disbelief as the expression on her face. I shrug. Of course not! Why would I be? 
“Nah.” It’s the truth, however hard that may be for her to believe. It’s not even the first time this has happened. You never know what the reaction is going to be when girls first find out what you’re blessed with. At this point, I’ve seen everything from nerves to sheer terror to excitement - sometimes on the same face, within the same minute. This ain’t nothing new to me. But it bothers her. And it bothers me that it bothers her. 
“Hey,” I say as I put a finger under her chin and make her look at me, “I’m okay with it if we don’t have sex.” That’s not what I should have said, but I hope she doesn’t jump on it…
“We are having sex,” she says, one eyebrow raised. Fuck. 
“Yeah… I know that. Sherlock pointed that out a few days ago, I’m just… I’m still… adjusting my vocabulary.” The grin on her face spreads slowly while I scramble for words, and I glare at her. 
“I’m sorry, Sy, I shouldn’t be teasing you like this,” she laughs. 
“No,” I reply, “you shouldn’t. You’ll have to make it up to me.”
“Well, there’s always anal,” she says. There’s no way she doesn’t actually hear the record-scratch in my brain. That whole thing came out a little too point-blank for her to be joking. I think. At the same time, I’m not even sure she said what I think she said. I have to have made that up, right? There’s no way… 
“What?” I blurt out. And lo and behold: She repeats herself. There it is again. ‘There’s always anal.’ She really said that. Alright.
“Hold on… Your pussy can’t handle me, but your ass can?” I don’t mean to sound as surprised - or crude - as I do, but I can’t help it. This is very… counterintuitive to me. To say the least. 
“The downside of designer pussy is that it doesn’t really… stretch easily,” she says softly. I can’t stop myself from letting out a chuckle when she says ‘designer pussy’ - two words I’d probably never expected to hear that close to one another. 
“Hey, I’m not opposed to the idea,” I say. It would be another first for me. Definitely something I wouldn’t mind crossing off the list. But not tonight. Not after that blowjob - that's what we're gonna call it for now, I'm still getting comfortable with that other thing that happened. Not after that orgasm. Not after all those beers. She seems to understand perfectly.
"Do you want me to leave?" she asks. I look at her, completely confused.
"Literally not even one bit, darlin'. You're stayin' right here." 
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unnerving-presence · 9 months
I have such mixed opinions about Separate Ways Wesker 😭 I don't mind his voice but I miss the voice he had in RE5 (hate DC Douglas though and I'm glad they didn't bring him back) and he's so impatient now 💔 Idk I just prefer when villains are slow to anger he's still a cutie patootie though
sw wesker kinda disappoints me
because it deviates so far from the cold, calculating, quick-thinking wesker in turn of the quick to anger, impatient, but more intimidating wesker
i feel like they could’ve incorporated like.. any other part of his character without making him seem so pissy. like he just irritated me through most of his because he was so impatient. ada’s mission JUST started and he’s already like “stop wasting my time 🤬” like she isn’t infected. even if wesker didn’t know it’s not like she could’ve controlled passing out anyways. she was doing her job and he still got mad because her mission is gonna take a little longer.
i get being suspicious of her and not trusting her but wesker also didn’t trust her in the original either and acted nothing like remake wesker. he took advantage of opportunities and never showed any of his irritation. this time wesker is literally in the village and he has less control of the situation than original wesker.
this version of wesker is probably my least favorite now just because of how far it deviates from his character just so they can make their game more ‘serious’. i can already see how they’re going to make him in re5 and i’m just.. not fond of it at all.
maybe it’s the voice? i actually really like his voice, but it also adds a lot to their character. like wesker always having that trans-atlantic accent was just a part of him that stuck with a lot of people. i think in re1 they did his character well with a different tone of voice. it still seemed like wesker even without the accent which i really liked. re4r does a good job with the voice, but the tone just makes him seem very angry and i can’t really get behind that.
it could possibly just be the direction of the game and how capcom wanted their characters to be portrayed but i honestly cannot support how they’re doing wesker right now
like still love him but he’s probably one of the only weskers i will look at and immediately think of how ooc and fucking annoying he is
yeah i’m sorry but he’s lowkey annoying af like what r u so mad for literally shut up
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