#and that someone is the one pacing due to his own case at the moment; and so! they talk. case talk small talk. talk!
minswriting · 20 hours
Rainy day with Spencer? It's nothing but soft touches, lazy kisses, and slow sex. Maybe someone gets up to make breakfast and puts a record on (cause, let's face it, Spencer definitely has a record player). After breakfast, it's back to bed and lounging, reading, and maybe more. Fluff or smut, just a slow rainy day with Spencer
nsfw | mdni | spencer reid x reader | soft sex, lazy days, giggles, overall fluffy vibes
being woken up to spencer kissing your face was most definitely the best way to wake up. it was a rare day when he didn’t have a case and you didn’t have to work. the weather was a rainy and dreary but that was truthfully your favorite as well as spencer’s. the two of you laid in bed for awhile, basking in each other’s warm and comfort. neither of you were wearing clothes due to last night’s fun little escapades, nothing more than a blanket to cover the both of you.
as your lovely boyfriend showered you with kisses, you couldn’t help but laugh as he did so. “spence,” you said, smiling. as you begin to speak, spencer cuts you off by kissing your lips, to which you automatically kiss him back. what started off as an innocent kiss turned heated quickly as he pressed himself against you, his cock on your thigh as you guys kissed one another deeply.
you moved yourself so that you were on your side, your leg draped onto spencer as you guys laid next to one another. he adjusted himself so that he cock was near your pussy. “need you,” spencer breathed against your lips.
“have me,” you replied back.
spencer reached a hand between the two of you, grabbing the base of his cock as he guided it past your folds and to your entrance. “you’re still so wet,” he murmured as he began to enter your cunt with ease. you let out a soft moan. when he was all the way inside of you, he stayed still for a moment, capturing your lips with his.
the kiss between the two of you was lazy and soft, a tell-tale sign that nothing else mattered except the closeness between you and spencer. he began moving his hips slowly, causing you both to let out your own whines of pleasure.
spencer laid an arm around you while the other went under your head. you pulled away from the kiss to snuggle into his neck as he thrusted his hips at that slow pace. there was no need to go faster. there was no need to chase the end. because all that mattered was being with each other, relishing in each other’s companies.
“i love you,” he whispered into your ear shakily as he thrusted into you.
“i love you too,” you replied softly.
with his lips on your neck, the sounds of the sheets rustling from the soft and slow movements, and the rain hitting the windows, the moment was perfect. it was all that was needed. nothing else mattered in the world except the two of you.
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landfilloftrash · 8 months
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afternoon ponderings
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spiriteddreams · 5 months
Your boxer!wriothesley got me melting ><
I'm rambling but HEAR ME OUTT
with the reader and wriothesley enjoying their little talk, dad!neuvillette is watching the whole scene. And the sneaky bastard wriothesley is, he saw neuvillette looking at them. I imagine wriothelesley then randomly asks you to hang out with him in order to risen neuvilette's dad instincts, "say, are you free this Saturday?" praying for wriothesley rn.
Neuvillette would immediately change the pace of the scenery by entering it, "unfortunately, my daughter is busy during weekends due to some other incoming shipments for the gym, may I ask why you're asking her?" with a hint of authority and suspicious voice.
imagine reader silently praying for both to stop
omg YES the little dynamic between the three and i just know wrio will take every opportunity to tease!! also sorry it's taken me a bit to respond i've been a bit busy and also needed to gather my thoughts!
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boxer!wrio who turns to neuvillette with that signature grin of his, not backing down even when your father towers over him. it's a tone he's used on wrio many a times, one laced with the undertone of a threat. a threat that the boxer purposefully ignores in favour of looking away from your father and turning to you to ask, "there's a new cafe that opened up just recently. care to grab a drink with me?"
"again, she's busy," neuvillette glares at wrio as you swat at your father's arm. you know your father means well, and you know that if he truly did think that wrio was trouble, he would have put his foot down immediately. but that doesn't mean wrio's constant teasing was helping his case. because boy does wrio seem to get an adrenaline rush when he pulls something in front of your father. the cocky grin on his face is evident of that as he looks between you and your father.
"i'm not!" both men turn to look at you, one with a clearly gleeful expression, the other with one that is darkening with each second. this is perhaps the boldest wrio has been, asking you out so shamelessly in front of your father. and poor neuvillette, left to his own defenses, doesn't know about the little "dates" you've snuck away to since wrio first asked you out.
boxer!wrio, who despite his almost frightening aura, turns out to be a big teddy bear behind his bandaged hands. past his cocky attitude is someone still a little unsure if he's doing all of this right, and you don't tell him that you've caught him staring at you multiple times while you're together, almost as if he's checking to make sure that he's doing this right. at the gym he throws punches with such force that its second nature to him. those easy going grins and flirtatious remarks are made with ease in the comforts of the gym, much to neuvillette's dismay. but on these little dates you find yourself at, watching as he fumbles over his words when he tries to be sly, or jumps at any opportunity to show off, you begin to learn more about him.
in a world of boys he's a gentleman, trying to impress you with the smallest of things from surprising you with mini bouquets of flowers or offering to go fill your water when you're working out alongside him at the gym. there's still some insecurity that lingers in his eyes when he sees you hesitate at times, but the moment you accept his offers with a little smile, that teasing attitude returns.
it doesn't stop at the dates he takes you on. in the gym, he seems to grow bolder with each day and wrio's lingering touches and efforts to bend down to whisper something to you make neuvillette's eyes twitch, his voice and tone growing ever so slightly louder and more aggressive.
"wriothesley." the boxer snaps to attention when your father's voice cuts through the gym. he winks at you cheekily before answering the call of his name, leaving you either with warm cheeks and an effort to hide the growing smile on your face or a classic roll of the eyes.
and poor neuvillette bears witness to wrio's shameless flirting. some of the regulars pat him on the back, commenting on "young love" and "your daughter's found a good man." and while neuvillette may agree, not that he'd say that to you, that doesn't stop the scowl that spreads across his face when he hears wrio's flirtatious comments.
neuvillette's attempts to "prevent" you from going on these dates, he has a feeling you've been on more than you say you have, are half-hearted. he can attest to being a protective father, but he's well aware of your own capabilities. as long as wrio knows that the moment he does something stupid, neuvillette will rain down all hell on the boxer.
naturally, wrio knows his boundaries and he'll back off the moment he senses discomfort but for now, when you're choosing to indulge in his cheeky attitude, he just can't help it. it's just so easy to poke fun at you and see how far he can go without being literally tossed out by your father.
boxer!wrio, who knows he's playing the long game, but he'll wait. he has plenty of patience and more than enough confidence to know that sooner or later, he'll win you over with his charms. hopefully sooner than later.
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reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated! <3
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genderliquid-witch · 3 months
Do flowers bloom from walkers? (Radical optimism in The Walking Dead: The Final Season)
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I remember playing The Final Season for the first time way back in October of 2022 and immediately being blown away by how polished the game was in comparison to its predecessor. I mean I had always loathed the visual style of A New Frontier, so this comic-book inspired look was a nice change of pace, especially once combined with the expert use of lighting that is present throughout the game. But what really took me off guard, more so than anything else, was the opening credits.
I mean, obviously; these games had never done anything like this before. And while I'm fond of the whole FADE IN TITLE ACCOMPANIED BY OMINOUS MUSICAL CUE, this was a welcome change. But there was one specific image that stuck with me throughout my playthrough: the decomposing walker (pictured above), painted in greyscale, with the only colour being the stark red background and the yellow flowers blooming from its corpse. I like to think that it was an intentional decision that ties into the game's themes and not just "Oh this looks cool, let's do it", but it weirdly never came up again. So I was kind of just left to play the game while it loomed in the back of my head, waiting for its moment to shine.
It wasn't until almost a year later where I'd figure out what the image represented, or at least my interpretation of it, and I settled on this conclusion: this decomposing walker is supposed to represent this apocalyptic world, and the flowers symbolise the people that attempt to build from it, in this case the Ericson's kids.
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I've had this opinion for a while that if the first three games show the attempts and failures to re-establish the old world ideals of order and civil society, then The Final Season serves as a rejection of that idea. From the walker-ridden fortress of Crawford in Season One to the bureaucratic nightmare that was the New Frontier, it's an accepted fact that these attempts at returning to the methods of days gone is ultimately futile and will result in total collapse, largely due to the decisions of its rulers. While we could argue about which of these groups is truly the worst, they all originate from the same basic principle: a desire to return to normality. Crawford, Howe's, the New Frontier; these groups were formed by people who, while cruel and monstrous in their own ways, all had the admittedly noble goal of attempting to return order to this ravaged world, but failed due to their leaders' cruel and selfish actions.
Or did they? (Vsauce sfx)
There's this interaction Lee has with Katjaa in the very first episode of Season One that has stuck with me for a while. It's an optional dialogue so it's very easy to miss (I did on my first playthrough), but when Katjaa hopes that things can go "back to normal", Lee has the option of expressing resentment for this old world:
"But they weren't before? The banks, the politics, the--the crap--those things are gone. Hell comes in a lot of different colors."
Usually this "fuck the old world" sentiment is expressed by sociopaths who are excited to enact their sadistic desires onto other survivors, but Lee's resentment for society feels a lot more justified. The fact that Lee is a black man who's specialty is American history makes his criticism of wanting to go back to how things were feel more warranted; he's someone who understands how corrupt and unjust the societal structure of the past was, so of course he'd feel conflicted about longing for its return.
And while this is just a small interaction, I feel it plays into what I've been talking about. Crawford, Howe's, the New Frontier; did these factions collapse because of their evil leaders, or because they were emulating an inherently unjust and corrupt power structure? Their desire for order and stability allows them to see past the cruelties that came with building these hierarchical societies, to the point where they begin to mimic governments of the old world (Crawford, discrimination and the outlining of "undesirables"; Howe's, prison labour and terror; the New Frontier, imperialism and state corruption). So these failed factions force us to ask the question: is a return to order possible in this world?
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It isn't until the The Final Season that the games give us an answer to that question: no, it isn't, but that doesn't mean you can't start something new.
When introduced to Ericson's it's made immediately apparent how different they are to any other group we've met before. While there's the obvious homage to Lord of the Flies with a group being made up of entirely children, I think this is more than just a "well it's the final game, best do something interesting". Children are a symbol of hope and optimism, but also of potential and, in a more abstract sense, the future. They are clay that has yet to be moulded, with infinite potential, a luxury most adults don't have. So I don't think it's a coincidence that the main group in this game, and the one that Clementine eventually settles with, is comprised entirely of children: it feels like an intentional choice to highlight how this group will be the one to survive on account of how they have the potential to create something new.
And it's not just their age demographic that makes Ericson's so distinct from the other groups in the series, but also their power structure. Following Marlon's death, their is no one person in control of the group. Sure, there are leaders (Violet takes the chair once Marlon's out of the picture, and upon her return Clementine becomes the one who's advising the group), but they feel like role models and advisors more than anything. When Violet takes the reigns it doesn't seem like anyone truly acknowledges her authority, and she doesn't even seem to enforce it either. Same goes for Clem; she doesn't really express any desire to control the rest of the group, instead preferring to make decisions in a more democratic manner as to include everyone's individual skills and expertise.
Ericson's vision of society more closely resembles that of an anarchist commune than any government that previously existed, and it manages to be the only group left standing by the end. It's through cooperation and an altruistic attitude that keeps them alive in the end; their concerns for the survival of the group far outweigh any desire to create "order". And I don't think it's a coincidence that a majority of the game's antagonists (Lilly, Minerva, and even James) are people who represent the past. Lilly is obsessed with the cruel lessons her father taught her and prides herself in her attachment to the militaristic level of discipline that she inflicts upon her subordinates. Minerva is essentially a ghost of the past, with her whole arc with Violet and Tenn serving as a lesson on the dangers of holding onto the past. James, while good natured and mostly kind, can't bring himself to accept the fact that the world has changed, and its these beliefs that either kill him or sever the only connection he had made in years.
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To conclude, while Telltale's The Walking Dead is a series that is rife with conflict and tragedy, I also find it to be a story that is ultimately about hope. I always considered that Lee's greatest lesson to Clementine wasn't how to shoot a gun or to cut her hair, but instilling within her a radical sense of hope, the idea that things can be better, and you should always try your damnedest to make it happen. That even in the most desolate of circumstances, something profoundly beautiful can bloom.
Or maybe I've been wrong this whole time and flowers growing out of a walker just looks really cool.
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Meet Me On The Courtyard | Spencer Reid
Add yourself to my taglist! | Here’s my masterlist!
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Spencer getting shot in Texas, mentions of stalkers, fluff!
Words: 3.418
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After living in his apartment for years, Spencer thought he would’ve seen about everything and everyone. 
But he  would’ve remembered seeing her. 
At first, Spencer thought he was dreaming, too tired from the case he had just gotten home from that it made him delusional. She was dancing across her living room in shorts and a baggy T-shirt, her hair scraped back into the messiest of buns, and a glass of wine swirling around in her hand. 
Spencer couldn’t help but smile as he watched her for a good minute until he realized how creepy he must look. 
Ever since seeing her for the first time, his eyes kept glancing back to the apartment across the courtyard. It brought a smile to his face to see her dancing around her place or pacing as she called her friends or simply mulling about her place. Witnessing as she went about her day, he felt more and more connected to her, which made him sound like a creepy voyeur. 
He didn’t quite know how to approach her. Knocking on her door wasn’t quite the option as that would come off as creepy and he didn’t have any luck of bumping into her in the lobby of their apartment building. 
On one of his rare days off, Spencer sat in his apartment, reading a book with the window open. He was laser-focused on the words he was reading until the sweet, melodic sounds of someone singing along loudly interrupted that. Confused, yet almost certain about who it was, he placed a finger between his book to keep his spot and made his way over to the window. His gut instinct was proven right once again. The girl from the apartment across from his was cleaning her apartment with her music blasting and her singing along.
“You got that James Dean daydream look in your eyeAnd I got that red lip classic thing that you likeAnd when we go crashing down, we come back every time'Cause we never go out of style, we never go out of sty–”
The last note came out in a shriek as her eyes landed on the guy across the courtyard, startled by the sudden figure in the window across from her. Spencer’s own eyes widened as he realized he had made her jump before holding up his hands in an attempt at an apology. 
“Sorry! Sorry!” he said, making sure to enunciate as she probably wouldn’t be able to hear him. 
The bubbly Taylor Swift song continued in the background as she clutched at her heart, trying to get it to calm down. Spencer took the time to reach for a notepad and a pen, and wrote down a message to her. 
“Sorry! Didn’t mean to scare you!” 
She narrowed her eyes for a moment before holding her finger up and reaching for something on the side. When she turned her head back towards him, she placed a pair of glasses on her nose to be able to read the message. Her answer came in the form of a shrug of her shoulders. 
At least she wasn’t repulsed by him. 
Spencer quickly scribbled down his next message, making sure to make his letters big enough for her to read. 
“I’m not a creepy stalker, promise.” 
A laugh bubbled up from her chest, though he couldn’t hear it due to the distance between them and the Taylor Swift song blasting in her apartment. He felt his lips curl up into a smile. He couldn’t wait to hear that laugh in real life. 
The girl held her finger up again and disappeared for a good five seconds before returning with a notepad of her own. As she wrote down her own message, Spencer noticed how a tingle traveled from his stomach all the way to his toes and to the back of his neck. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. 
“All creepy stalkers say that” 
She had drawn a winky face at the end of the sentence. Throwing his head back, Spencer let out a loud, genuine laugh. 
“Why are you talking to me then?” he wrote next. 
With a smile on her face, the girl wrote down an answer. “I have seen you around, Mr. FBI.” 
An involuntary blush crept up his cheeks. She had seen him around. She knew he was an FBI Agent. She had kept an eye on him as much as he had kept an eye out on her. The idea in itself sounded completely insane to him, but then again Spencer had once fallen in love with a girl he had never seen before. The fact that he was so infatuated with this girl without knowing her name wasn’t all that surprising, considering. 
“I’m Spencer.” Spencer wrote and drew a smiley face behind his name. 
She gave him a cutesy wave while the corners of her mouth seemed to be stuck in that ever glowing smile. “I’m Y/N.” 
Spencer offered her a wave as well, his smile mirroring hers. There was something about her that drew him to her. He wasn’t sure what it was. The smile, the bubbly persona he had witnessed over the last couple of weeks, her willingness to talk to him, her keeping an eye on him without him even noticing. All he knew for sure was that he wanted to talk to her. Face-to-face. 
Giddily, he ducked down to write his next message and when he came back up to show it to her, the message she held out for him was the exact same as what he had written for her. 
“Meet me on the courtyard?” 
His cheeks hurt from smiling so hard as he scrambled to get downstairs. His book long forgotten, he quickly put on shoes and grabbed his keys before rushing down to the courtyard where he finally saw her from up close. She was even more beautiful than he had imagined her being. 
She had exchanged her shorts for a pair of jeans and the T-shirt tucked in messily. Her messy bun had come out, allowing her locks to cascade over her shoulders like a waterfall. It was only then when Spencer noticed how beautiful her eyes were. Her eyes rivaled the sun, shimmering so brightly and provided him with so much warmth. 
“Hi,” she greeted with a tender, nervous smile. 
“Hey,” he greeted back before motioning towards the stone bench beside them. 
Chuckling, y/n took a seat and Spencer quickly followed, making sure to keep some distance between them. He didn’t want to scare her by sitting too close. They didn’t know each other at all, so giving up his personal space so soon wasn’t in the cards for him yet. 
“You have a beautiful singing voice,” he complimented, remembering her rendition of Style. 
Before she looked down at her hands in her lap, Spencer caught a glimpse of her flustered cheeks. 
“Thank you,” she said. “I-I used to be in choir when I was a kid, so… I suppose I did learn a thing or two when I was there.” Her eyes flicked up to his. “Sorry if I disturbed… Whatever you were doing.” 
Shaking his head, Spencer told her, “No, you didn’t. I was reading, but it was a nice distraction.” 
“What were you reading?” She sounded genuinely interested. 
“Something Wicked This Way Comes,” he replied honestly and her eyes brightened even more than he thought was possible. “I-It’s one of my favorites.” 
Her hand landed on his forearm in excitement as she said, “It’s mine too!” and then lapsed into her honest review of the book. Spencer clung onto every word, relaxed at the lilt of her voice and answered any and all questions she had about his opinion on the book. 
When she shivered and wrapped her arms around herself, Spencer realized how late it had gotten. The sun had started to set, casting a gloomy shadow over the courtyard. Talking to her seemed to have made the time slip away. Spencer didn’t want it to end, but neither of them had brought a sweater, so they were doomed to retreat back to their apartments sooner than either of them wanted. 
“You cold?” he asked and fought the urge to wrap his arms around her. 
She nodded her head. “Yeah, a little. But it’s fine,” she said as she suppressed a yawn. 
A chuckle rolled off his lips. “It’s fine if you wanna go inside. We’ve been talking for hours and I have to be in the office pretty early tomorrow anyway.” 
She offered him a thankful smile as she got up from the bench and he followed her example. The two of them made their way back into the lobby where she turned to him. “It was nice talking to you, Spencer. I would like to pick your genius brain more often.” 
“I’d like that,” Spencer said, his smile quickly mirroring hers again. 
After giving him a quick wave and that ever-present smile of hers, she turned on her heel and walked up the stairs to her side of the building. Spencer stayed put and watched her for a little while until he couldn’t see her anymore before retreating to his own apartment. 
Never in his life had he met someone who shared his opinions on books, who rivaled his rambling, whose intelligence made his IQ waver. In his mind, he thanked Taylor Swift for bringing them together. If it weren’t for her, Spencer doubted they would’ve ever started talking. 
That night sparked a series of events. Ever since that day, they’d meet in the courtyard every single day. Sometimes in the morning and then either one of them would roll up with fresh coffee, sometimes in the evening with cups of calming tea. 
Their meetups quickly evolved from the cold courtyard to one of their apartments. They’d watch movies, read the same books so they could talk about it afterwards even though he always finished long before she did, they made dinner for one another, … 
Whatever the day was, they’d spend it together and talk about everything and anything they could think of. Talking to her had to be his favorite way to pass time. Life suddenly made complete sense whenever Spencer was around her. No matter what sort of horror he had witnessed on the cases he worked, it all seemed to vanish from his memory whenever he met up with her again. 
And whenever Spencer was gone, she’d make sure his plants survived his absence, she got his mail so the mailbox wouldn’t overflow. Whenever she was gone for work, he would do the exact same for her. 
In the span of a few months, Y/N became Spencer’s best friend, and he couldn’t deny the feelings that had grown in his heart. 
Though he would never tell her that. 
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After living in her apartment for a good year, y/n thought she would’ve seen about everything and everyone. 
But she would’ve remembered seeing him. 
She’d catch glimpses of him across the yard in his apartment, mulling about his house with a book in his hand. Every time she did, she wondered what book he was reading and what he thought of it. There was something about him that drew her attention. 
The day she caught him looking at her when she was dancing around her living room whilst cleaning and belting along to Taylor Swift, was the best day. She loved how easy it was to talk to him and how intelligent he was. She loved picking his brain and listening to all the facts he knew about the most random things. 
Becoming friends with Spencer Reid was about the best thing that could’ve happened to her. 
He was there for her on her bad days as much as she was there for his. When the two of them spent time together, time seemed to just slow down and everything around them vanished. When it was the two of them together, nothing else mattered. 
Over the course of a couple of months, y/n couldn’t deny the chills she got with every single touch, how her brilliance simply turned to dust whenever he merely smiled at her. 
While Spencer was out on a case in Texas, y/n went down to his apartment often after work to water his plants and get his mail out. Though he told her not to do it, y/n was happy to. Sometimes, she’d even leave little sticky notes or she’d leave him the book she’d just read, so he could read it too. 
She was in his apartment when she received a call from Jennifer Jarau, Spencer’s co-worker. Y/N had seen Spencer’s co-workers a couple of times before, but never had they called her before. Her heart plummeted to her stomach. The fact that JJ was calling her didn’t scream ‘good news’. 
“JJ?” Y/N spoke into the phone, her voice dripping with confusion. 
JJ sighed, “Y/N… I, uhm… Spence, he–” 
The mail slipped out of her hands, envelopes scattering everywhere. Her mind was racing with questions and scenarios. She couldn’t imagine what was going on with Spencer, but she knew her best friend was hurting and she wasn’t there. 
“What happened?” she asked and without hesitation, she headed back to her own place while JJ explained what had happened. 
There wasn’t much y/n understood about what happened. All she heard was ‘open fire’, ‘gun shot’, ‘Spence got hit in the neck’, ‘surgery’. It was enough for her to understand she needed to head to Texas. 
“Text me which hospital he’s in. I’m coming to Texas,” y/n told JJ and after JJ’s agreement, y/n hung up and rushed out of her apartment with everything she needed. With her heart beating in her throat, y/n took the next best flight over to Texas and rushed towards the hospital JJ had texted her. 
Y/N wasn’t even too sure where she was going. With fear and anxiety selectively blinding her, she made a beeline for the front desk. 
“Spencer. Spencer Reid. I’m looking for Spencer Reid,” she told the woman behind the desk. 
“Y/N!” JJ’s familiar voice called and as y/n turned around, JJ ran up to her with worry flooding her eyes. The blonde wrapped her arms around her, allowing her lungs to deflate with the breath she had been holding. 
“How is he? Is he okay?” y/n asked in one breath. 
“Yeah, he’s just out of surgery. You can go see him.” 
A single tear rolled down y/n’s cheek before she stepped away from JJ. “Thank you for calling me.” 
“Spence asked for you,” JJ told her honestly. “When-when he was in the ambulance. He asked for you.” 
Letting out a shaky breath, y/n tried a careful smile. She was scared if she allowed her lips to fully curl up, it would take Spencer away from her. 
“Go,” JJ encouraged, softly pushing her towards Spencer’s room.
With a nervous pep in her step, y/n made her way towards Spencer. She could feel the nerves bundle up in her chest. Though she knew what had happened, she didn’t know how she was going to find him. She halted in the doorway, her eyes landing on Spencer, who was lying in the hospital bed with a gauze patched to the right side of his neck. He looked peaceful as he slept, though I noticed the bags under his eyes. Somehow, he still managed to look beautiful. 
“Y/N,” Penelope whispered when her eyes landed on me. Alex turned in her chair, offering me a kind smile whilst the peppy blonde embraced me in a tight hug. 
“How’s he doing?” she asked, entering the room further with Penelope to move closer to Spencer. 
“Very tired and drowsy from the painkillers,” Alex replied. “He’s in and out of it.” 
Y/N simply nodded her head, telling Spencer’s co-workers that she did hear them but didn’t have the energy to really respond. Alex and Penelope exchanged glances without y/n even noticing, and they got up and left the room to leave her alone with Spencer. 
Inching closer towards the patient, y/n wiped away a tear before using the same hand to stroke his hair out of his face. “God dammit, Spence,” she whispered, sniffling. 
Spencer’s lashes fluttered against his cheeks before she was allowed a peek at his honey-colored eyes again. A lazy smile landed on his lips. “Y/N,” he mumbled and shifted slightly, but then immediately hissed at how painful the movement was. 
“Hey, relax,” she cooed. Her hand moved back through his hair. “How are you feeling?” 
“Better now that I see you.” His voice sounded thick with sleep as he stopped her hand from going through his hair and kissed her palm. “Can’t believe you came.” 
Wiping her thumb against his cheek, she offered him a sad smile. “Of course I came. You got hurt.” 
“I love you,” he admitted drowsily before falling back to sleep. 
Y/N’s heart skipped a few beats at the sweet confession coming from his sleepy lips. Though he could still mean the words in a platonic way, it still made her insides go putty. 
The admission haunted her mind for a good day until she got him home safe and sound, and she could ask about it. A bundle of nerves settled in her chest as she placed Spencer’s bag down and helped him settle on the sofa. 
“How are you feeling?” she asked sweetly as she handed him a glass of water and his painkillers. 
Spencer groaned a little before taking the medication. “I’m all right, you know, considering.” He offered her a tender smile. “Thank you for being here.” Reaching over, Spencer enveloped her hand in his, entwining their fingers together. 
“Spence… Can I ask you something?” Spencer hummed in response. “In the hospital… You told me… You told me you loved me. I-I’m just not sure what to make of it?” 
The corners of his mouth curled up. “Do you remember the first time we met? How I was looking at you through the window like a true stalker?” 
“Gave me a heart attack,” y/n chuckled, trying to read his honey eyes to try and figure out where he was going with this. 
“I had stolen a couple glimpses at you before that, too. When you were just mulling about your apartment or when you danced around the living room with a glass of wine or when you cooked… I didn’t know your name and I hadn’t seen you up close yet, but from watching you just live your life, I thought you were the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. I’ve been infatuated with you ever since and getting to know you – actually getting to know you, up close and personal – it just made that infatuation grow to a love so pure and so grand, that I couldn’t keep that secret to myself anymore. I’ve fallen in love with you, y/n. And you don’t need to feel compelled to say it back. It’s fine if you don’t. I just– I figured you should know.” 
Tears lined y/n’s eyes as she listened to him talk. No one in her short life had ever told her words quite as beautiful as his. It warmed her heart and melted it into a puddle. She had been so scared to tell him how she really felt, scared he wouldn’t feel the same, scared it would ruin the friendship. All while he was feeling the exact same thing. 
“I love you too, Spence.” The words came out in a whisper as though it was a secret. 
“You don’t have to–” 
“I have to,” she cut him off quickly. “Because it’s true. You’re not the only one with stalker-tendencies, Mr. FBI,” y/n joked, causing him to let out a laugh, only for him to hiss in pain straight after. 
“Laughing hurts,” he whined. “Don’t make me laugh again.” 
Smiling, y/n leaned in closer and as her lips ghosted his, she whispered, “I can’t make such promises.” 
And then y/n kissed her best friend on the couch of his apartment. The one right across from hers. 
If they hadn’t decided to meet on the courtyard so many months ago, neither of them would experience the bliss that was kissing one another. 
And all because of a Taylor Swift song. 
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Everything taglist: @calamitykaty @littlemissaddict @n0wornever @wanniiieeee @unnowhatthisistbh
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animeyanderetalker · 2 months
So you finished enies lobby eh? How’s ur one piece journey so far, and do you have any brief thoughts on the straw hats (so far)?
I’m giving you my honest review here because as much as I like the series so far, I also have my fair share of stuff I don’t enjoy.
I adore the world in One Piece. I’ve been a big fan of Pirates of the Caribbean as a child and I have always wished back then that I would see Jack Sparrow exploring all mysterious islands and finding all treasures. I got that with One Piece but even better. Each island feels unique and whilst there are definitely pacing problems at times even this early for me, I do love the aspects of exploring each individual island and learning about the rules, the environment and the life of the people calling it their home. I know that the Skypiea Arc isn’t that beloved amongst Anime fans but I really loved the arc due to the unique and interesting setting the island in the sky had. From its past to the inventions to the way people live in the sky, everything has so much personality and that has been the case with every major island so far. The sense of adventure and curiosity I always get whilst getting to know a new island is really addictive and I love the foreshadowing. The fact that the end of the Going Merry had already been hinted during the Skypiea Arc but was only revealed during the Water 7 Arc is insane and from what I have heard, Oda is great in foreshadowing and I’m looking forward to that.
What I find myself struggling with, and I don’t know if the Anime is partially exaggerating this sometimes, are the characters itself at times and the, in my opinion, lukewarm comedy that gets very repetitive and boring after a while.
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I am actively struggling with the main character at times. Luffy is quite carefree, impulsive and does whatever he wants and it is not even that this is what I dislike about him. He has such heartfelt moments such as giving Nami his straw hat during the Arlong Park Arc despite the hat being a treasure for him or him defending the pirate flag of Chopper during the Drum Island Arc. It’s just that he sometimes is portrayed as so amazingly incompetent and stupid that I am agonizing over it. How can you get stuck twice within the same arc in between two walls and then spend episodes there whilst your friends are trying to save Robin?? Him being a glutton is expected, older Shounen protagonists just seem to have a habit of having a black hole instead of a stomach. I also still don’t understand how he learnt Gear 2 and 3 in such a short time considering that I cannot recall a time where he had time to properly train.
Roronoa Zoro:
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I have very little to criticize about Zoro. Luckily his character gag of always getting lost isn’t something that is thrown into my face every episode so I can tolerate it. He’s a man of honor and I like seeing him on screen, but I’m still waiting for that one moment of him where I go from liking him to loving him. I also feel like he suffered in the Enies Lobby Arc from being paired with uninteresting opponents to fight against (Kaku and Jabra).
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I love and hate Nami at the same time. But the reason why I hate her isn’t even her own fault. As a character I love how she isn’t someone who is actively fighting and has admittedly not the most interesting fights but without her literally nothing would work. As a navigator she is irreplaceable and without her skills the Straw Hats would go nowhere. Her backstory was also heartbreaking but Oda seems quite skillful when it comes to writing a good and tragic backstory. The reason why I hate her though is because she has become more and more a victim of sexualization the further the story has progressed and I just know that it’ll get even worse. I have seen the pictures of her after the timeskip and it is so infuriating because she didn’t look like this at the beginning of the story. The freaking scene in the Arabasta Arc where she was sexualized from a camel and a crab was a different low for me because it’s the first time I have seen animals thirsting over a female character.
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Usopp is a character I also find myself struggling with. On the one hand his creativity and his craftsmanship are to be admired. This is a man who invented Nami’s Clima-Tact and was the shipwright before Franky joined. On the other hand his character gags of being the big coward can get a little bit tiring after a while for me. I really loved the Water 7 Arc because it showed him in a much more serious light which was a nice change for once. And I am going to be quite honest here with you, I did not enjoy the whole Sogeking sequence. I understand that he was too ashamed to face his friends after he had left the crew but it got a tad bit annoying to me after a while. I was also not surprised that Luffy and Chopper were the only ones who didn’t recognize him in his disguise.
Vinsmoke Sanji:
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I actually really enjoyed Sanji’s character when he was first introduced. I admired his ideology of not letting anyone starve due to his own experience of being stranded on an island without much food and the relationship he had going on with Zeff and the other chefs was heartwarming. However, his simp character has significantly increased since then to the point where it has gotten frustrating and annoying. I remember that scene in the Skypiea Arc where the Going Merry was kidnapped with a few crew members still onboard. And the first thing that left Sanji’s mouth then was that he was disappointed that Nami wasn’t in bikini anymore. I think that is the moment where I started not liking his character as much anymore and from what I have heard, it’ll become a lot more worse. It’s really disappointing in my opinion because he could be such a cool character but around women he is always reduced to a simp with heart eyes.
Tony Tony Chopper:
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Chopper is adorable and I love his versatile forms he can use with his Rumble Ball. But I just wish that the show would actually give him more recognition because the 50 Berries he has on his head as of now and the fact that he was called a pet on those wanted posters is saddening. Because not only can he actually fight because he took down one of the CP9 members but he is the doctor of the ship and fulfills such an important role because of it. He is more than just a cute little animal and I hope that will be more recognized.
Nico Robin:
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Robin is as of now my favorite character and I have literally nothing I can criticize about her. She is intelligent, her backstory is my favorite as of now and I love how her character also shows that it isn’t only pure strength alone that can be dangerous in the eyes of others but also intelligence. She was wanted for simply knowing how to read Poneglyphs. I’m also happy that she hasn’t been sexualized in the Anime so far and I pray to god that she won’t get the Nami treatment later on. I also love her dark and blunt sense of humor.
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Franky is incredibly likable. He is as of now the newest member of the Straw Hats so I have not as much to say about him but he is also a well built character with a nice introduction. The relationship he had going on with Iceberg and his past with Tom were well written and despite his rowdy experience he has a heart made out of gold. The fact that he took all outsiders in Water 7 under his wings and gave them a new home and purpose says really all you need to know about him and I’m looking forward to seeing more of him.
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residentfromnowhere · 7 months
TW: 18+ Themes, Mentions of Cockwarming & mentions of rough Sex
Pairings: Sanemi, Tengen, Toji, Choso, Suguru, Saturo, Jean, Eren and Connie
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What is even happening right now and why are you so damn close?
His ears are ringing with immense pressure from the situation you unknowingly put you both in. How is it that anytime he’s alone with you, you both end up in the most suggestive scenarios? From being accidentally locked in and trapped in one of the university’s janitor closets to now being unusually close to the point where yours and his lips are not even inches a part due to some asshole bumping into you and pushing you on him in a narrow isle at the library? Cupid must be working overtime because the more this happens, the less likely these occurrences are mere “coincidence”
And why are you staring at me like that?
God he wondered why you would look up at him like he was the center of your world, irises blown out of unusual proportions and your lips, god those beautifully created luscious lips just sitting there, waiting for him to kiss them to his hearts content. Why did you wear that shade of lip balm knowing damn well it’s his favorite on you? This was getting out of hand and what’s worse, those same lips are perfectly positioned to be latched and sucked on.
Ugh. Do you not understand how hard it is not to kiss you right now?
Or every other time you’re close to him? Do you actually not have a clue or are you purposely teasing him, letting him know that he could but at the same time shouldn’t? These are dangerous waters that you’re playing in if that was it. Plus, He wouldn’t fault you in the least if that was the case because in truth, he would rather have it that way than knowing you’re completely innocent in all of this and he’s the pervy one.
“Hey, are you okay?”
Oh fuck, he forgot for a second how pretty your voice sounds. You asked in almost a whisper and it made his stomach flip. He won’t lie, he’s imagined that same voice crying out for him and begging him for more on several occasions but to hear it up close and personal in a concerned tone at that is driving him crazy. You can’t just do this to him and think that he’ll let you leave without at least tasting your lips. You can’t sound like that and not expect him to want you more. It’s impossible.
You call out his name, hoping to get some type of response from him seeing he hasn’t said a thing but all you see is his eyes gradually switch from one of shock to one of carnal desire. The way his eyes where fixated on your lips made you nervous and he could tell. Both of your body temperatures were rising to new heights as the tension grew between the two of you. With the friction of your bodies pressed against each other plus the unwavering eye contact, if someone were to see the two of you now, they’d think you were way more than what you were, which was friends.
Damn it…
He’s over this. He’s over the continuous day to day intruding thoughts of you in his bed doing things and saying things that only he could hear and see, over fantasizing about how if you ever said the word, he would snatch you up and beat up that little cunt without a second thought and over the fact that for months you have been living in his head rent free. If this moment continued, it will be the end of him and he couldn’t bare not tasting you any longer.
Fuck it.
Hands moving as of having a mind of their own, you feel his hand grasp the back of your neck and pull you forward, finding your lips pressed to his. It was slow and soft at first. Then gradually, you could feel each others bodies press and bump into each other as your once slow paced kisses intensified. It was a surprise for you, sure but it was most definitely wanted. With your tongues touching and your fingernails making small cuts on his lower back, he can’t help but to let his mind melt. He’s been wanting this, you have been wanting this, and now…
“Hey, I’m sorry for that. Are you okay?”
He blinks for a second, not really sure what just happened until he looked around and saw you blinking up at him. “You were gone there for a minute. I was starting to get worried.” You said while still studying his face. “I have to go” he says before high tailing it out of there, leaving you confused and alone in the isle. He doesn’t know what’s worse. That everything after bumping into you was a fantasy that he made up or that you were inches away from seeing and feeling his hard on in his sweats. Either way, he’s going to have to take care of it and afterwards avoid you for a while because who knows what will happen if another “coincidence” happens and if it will end up in him actually doing what his heart desires?
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snowflakeanimelover · 21 days
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Masterlist | Next Chapter
Relationship: Thomas Shelby x Mafia Boss!Female Reader
Fandom: Peaky Blinders
Warnings: cussing, death, major character death, secrets, lies, no Y/N mentioned, she is only given a last name, badass reader, lots of lore, slow burn, this chapter is a little rushed.
NOTE: this is basically just a Prologue, but if enough people like it then ill continue this :)
I believe this would be a perfect fit for readers theme song, for this story. Hence where the title comes from, as well.
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Prologue: The Greeting
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“Where is Tommy?”
That particular voice is very well recognized in this area. It has a stern and motherly tone with strict trauma behind it. The voice is so familiar that anyone who hears it from a distance of a mile away would know exactly who it belongs to. That voice belongs to none other than Polly Gray, the aunt of the Shelby brothers and sisters. Polly is known to be the intelligent one in the family, along with her nephew, Thomas Shelby.
Anyone who knows Polly knows to keep themselves a few feet back. She’s one woman no one wants to mess with—Thomas Shelby’s protection added to the threat.
“I don’t know,” John Shelby, second youngest brother, replied to his aunt with a simple shrug of his shoulders. “Fucker went off on his own a few days ago without saying a bloody word.”
A woman sat not too far from the Shelby and Gray. Her job is quite simple. Someone who counts the money in the Betting Shop, amongst other people. So far, she’s been working there for a few months now. Never has she spoken to the Shelby’s much, besides when she first met them to get the job.
But she wasn’t looking for talk. Her bright orbs often glanced over the shop, studying each and every person who belonged to the Peaky Blinders. And most importantly, she keeps her eyes on the important people, such as the Shelby family members and their allies.
Her back was facing John and Polly as they spoke, due to her desk being in a certain place, but she didn’t care. She doesn’t have to look at them to know what they’re talking about.
”What’s the trouble?” John finally asks after a beat of silence. Knowing her his whole life, he can't miss the unusual way she paced and looked a bit frantic. She’s worried about something, and if that's the case, then it ain’t good for the business or the family.
“Sullivan,” she answers him a bit harshly. “Tommy is supposed to meet him today, and he’s not fucking back.”
The woman listening in on the conversation raises her brows, pausing her writing and she tunes in. This was very important.
John nods absentmindedly, showing he’s listening. “Alright,” he stresses, rubbing his chin in thought. “Alright. Well, send Arthur.”
”Fucking Arthur?” Polly asks in disbelief. “You can’t be fucking serious. Tommy would have his shit if he knew Arthur took his place.”
”Well, what the fuck do you want me to do?”
The woman had already tuned out their voices as she brought herself into deep thought. She takes a moment to think properly; her plans, her ideas, her past business. And within a few minutes, a wicked smirk plays on her lips.
Light chatter and curses echoed in the small, empty church. The cloudy day had refused to shine light into the holy building, only candles lit in the most important places.
”What the fuck is taking him so long?” A man curses, pacing back and forth in the candlelight. His few body guards stood around, guns in their hands for preparation.
His lips part once more to complain about the tardiness of his new ally, but the sound of the door to the church creaking open makes him pause. Sullivan tilts his head, focused on the new arrival. Although it was too hard for him to see, the darkness took over the corners. “Thomas Shelby?” He calls out, guessing who it could be. “I don’t got all fucking night, eh? I’ve got things to do. Business to take care of,” he boasts, annoyed that his ally was late.
”Well, that’s no good,” a feminine voice breaks the silence, one Sullivan knows well.
Sullivan flinches back in surprise, pointing a finger at the darkness. “No, no…” he mutters in disbelief. “H-How the fuck did you know I was here?!”
“Come on, Jordan,” she teases lightly, slowly stepping into the light. Sullivan takes another step back. It’s her, for sure. The clothes say it all. The only woman to wear such material, such style. Much like the Peaky Blinders. “You’ve done me dirty. You think I’d just let you go so easily?”
”I said,” he yells out, anger and fear taking over his form. “How the fuck did you know I was here?!”
She takes another step forward, a threat. And that was it for Sullivan. “Fucking shoot her!” He demands, his bodyguards doing exactly as they are told.
Guns fire and men fall. It ended within seconds, with Sullivan’s men down in a heartbeat.
Sullivan watches in fear as two women come out from the darkness, dressed the same as the woman he fears the most. Members from her gang. Guns held tightly and confidently in their hands, pointing directly at Sullivan. She didn’t even have to lift a finger.
Sullivan doesn't say a word as he turns and flees, running through the back door of the church and into the dirty streets. She merely laughs, trudging off her long trench coat and handing it to one of the women standing by her side. “A chase?” She chuckles, rolling her shoulders. “How fun.” With that, she starts the chase.
The run didn’t last long, to her disappointment. The man was down with one simple trip on the uneven gravel, hitting the ground hard. She jumps over a crate that was in the way, and stops to study the scene.
A smile grows on her lips as she pulls out her gun from her holster, pointing it right at him.
Sullivan’s words are slurred together fearfully as he begs to leave her alone, to let him live. He stumbles to push himself back up and eventually gives up, staying on the ground with his hands up in surrender.
“Where’s the money, Jordan?” She hisses, cocking the gun back.
”P-Please—please let me go, I-I swear I’ll pay you back all that I stole, Miss Rose,” he begs, “I-I’ll give you even more than that!”
She takes a moment to observe his fearful state. The way his body shook. The way he cowards with the gun being pointed right at his head. She reveled in all of it.
She wastes no more time putting just a little bit of pressure on the trigger, the bullet flying. Sullivan jerks back as the bullet goes straight through his head, and his body falls back.
Relief didn’t come as much as she hoped. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end—A feeling she was being watched. Her hand holding the gun lowers as her orbs turn, finding none other than Thomas Shelby, Arthur Shelby, and John Shelby standing there with their guns pointed right at her.
A sigh leaves her lips as she puts the gun back in its holster, pulling a smile at the boys. “Apologies,” she says, noticing the shocked expressions they hold, “I didn’t know I had an audience.”
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chernabogs · 8 months
Hi, there 🌼
I saw the event and I wanted to take advantage and do my own:
GN Reader x Silver
Promt: if you tell me yours, i’ll tell you mine
Take your time and no pressure, your blog seems so beautiful to me, thank you 🌠✨💐
Thank you!
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Inc: Silver, GN!Reader, Lilia (mentioned), Sebek (mentioned) Warnings: None save for a bit of post-overblot struggles WC: 2.4k Summary: It reminded him of the cottage he lived in with Lilia, and perhaps that’s why he never tore his gaze away from it once. He wanted that halcyon paradise to be the very thing he saw each time he closed his eyes.
There once was a gallery in the Valley, tucked away in a small village that lay nestled a few miles out from Black Scale Palace. The village itself is of a slow-living sort—people move at their own pace, most stores close by sunset, and the most excitement it draws is a yearly festival that he attends religiously for a peaceful break. The gallery reflected this sentiment. It was only one floor with paintings done by artists within the Valley adorning its walls. Lilia sent Sebek and him, when they were both still young, to this place with the instruction of sitting still and staring at a painting for an hour without breaking focus.
It was meant to be a lesson in resilience. Sebek lasted only a few minutes before he became fidgety and annoyed. But Silver remembers it as one of the few rare instances where he didn’t feel tired doing a task. He had sat before a painting of a landscape; florentis it was, with a blue, blue sky and the greenest grass he’d ever seen. There was an old brown barn at a slight angle on a hill with a bucket of flowers outside of its door, which had a window shaped like a crescent moon with a warm glow coming from within. A part of him wondered what the rest of the landscape looked like beyond just the snapshot he was granted. 
It reminded him of the cottage he lived in with Lilia, and perhaps that’s why he never tore his gaze away from it once. He wanted that halcyon paradise to be the very thing he saw each time he closed his eyes.
The gallery is gone now. It shut down a year after that assignment due to a lack of funding to keep it operational. He wasn’t too surprised to hear this is the case—a lot of things end with shuttered windows and padlocked doors in Briar Valley. Although the nation itself can hold steady in the international sphere, intranationally it’s a decaying cadaver of outdated beliefs and bygone days. He figures Malleus will be the one to fix it. He hopes Malleus will be the one to fix it. 
Someone needs to. 
With the death of the gallery, so too came the death of that painting within. A part of him mourned it for the sole reason that he wished to see it once more. That tends to be the case with things once they’re gone—you don’t grieve for the loss, but rather for the opportunities you missed leading up to the moment. 
Still, days continued in the end, and he soon grew from the enraptured boy to the individual he is now. The painting became a blur of colours and misinterpretations in his memory until it finally reached the point where he struggled to recall the original piece to begin with. What was the barn like, again? And the flowers? Were there clouds, or was the sky clear? 
He hardly knew. It hardly mattered. In a realm of over-blots and grief, the angle in which an old barn leaned was the last thing on his mind. 
It was the summer of his third year that it did come back to him. Many things had happened in the past few months that sat heavy in his mind—the revelation of his bloodline, the consequences of his prince’s despair, and the pending departure of the man who he actually considered his father. It had been overwhelming to the point that he felt like he could hardly breathe. He had support, of course—those who had gone through similar circumstances with over-blots were quick to be by his side. The reassurances were effective in nullifying most of his anxiety, but a small part still held residence in his chest, gnawing away at his mind in the night as sleep, for once in his life, evaded him. 
He’s standing in the cottage with a cardboard box at his feet and a faint frown on his lips. From the kitchen he can hear something rattling about before a familiar face pokes around the corner. 
“How many mugs does he have, seriously?” 
You look despondent as you hold up three ceramic mugs in each hand, causing his lips to twitch into a faint smile. 
“Father is a bit of a collector, you know,” he hums softly as he looks back at the pictures in the box by his feet. It feels cathartic to be able to call him father in front of you; after the events of the over-blot, you knew the reality of their relationship now, and so keeping a ruse of mere friendship was pointless. “Which is why he assigned you and me to clean up this mess. If he was here with us, he’d be trying to stop us from throwing anything out at all.” 
Indeed, with Lilia preoccupied at Black Scale Palace dealing with the last few Senate meetings about the incident, now is the only time you had to clean up the cottage to a degree. 
“I’m not too sure. He seemed onboard with the clean up idea.” You come shuffling out of the kitchen with your own cardboard box which, by the clanking inside, tells him that you’ve stashed away most of the ceramics. “I think he’s looking for a clean slate as well.” 
Silver falls silent at that comment as he sets aside a few more old books and documents. It wasn’t just him who found some change in the aftermath—Lilia and Sebek had experienced flips in perspectives as well. His brow furrows slightly as sunlight streams through the window with flecks of dust dancing in the rays. Each time he sets a document into the box, more of that dust rises to greet the light. “I suppose so.”
He hasn’t felt tired since everything that happened despite the issues at night. In fact, he feels painfully alert as he glances towards you. You’re shuffling the boxes around by the front door with your own focused expression, trying hard not to bump too many of the valuables. 
“I think we should take out what we have so far. If we keep adding more, we’ll end up walling ourselves in, and then we’ll need to escape through the window or something.” You point out in humour as you gesture at the many boxes by your feet. He assesses the situation and then nods in agreement before closing the box of documents. 
But he doesn’t move quite yet. He can hear you opening the front door with a huff as you carry one of the boxes out to the cart beyond. His attention goes towards the sunlight, and he watches it embrace the hardwood floors he kneels on. His fingers go out to touch the spot warmed by this. He remembers many moments on this floor—from childhood to now. He remembers the voices of people he once knew, the scents that the passing seasons brought, and the anticipation of his fathers return whenever he went on his trips. 
Silver withdraws his hand and picks up the cardboard box with a sigh. This too, shall pass. 
He’s greeted by the sound of cicadas screaming in the nearby trees as he emerges from the cottage. You’re already gone, having set off for the cart ahead while he was lost in rumination on the floor. A small sigh escapes him as he follows your footsteps in the dirt. Your ability to keep moving ahead is something that he admires—and he’s come to rely on you to tether him in place, so he doesn’t keep sinking into the river of memories pulling him back. Gratitude is hard to express at times, and he wishes he could express it to you more for all that you’ve done for the entirety of his family. 
“Did you get lost?” Your voice is teasing as he emerges from the treeline. You’re leaning against the cart with your arms crossed, your lips pulled in a small grin as you watch him approach. He smiles slightly once more before setting the box inside. 
“Somewhat,” he replies, half in humour and half not. He pushes back the strands of his silver hair as he turns to look down the road beyond. It’s a dirt path leading towards the nearest village—and the second-hand store that these items are inevitably going to. The horse that’s meant to attach to the cart grazes mindlessly on the nearby plain. This, combined with the warm air and the faint scent of flowers, creates a peaceful moment in the swirling chaos of the past few months. 
“Somewhat?” You muse as you brush past him, nudging his side with your elbow before tossing a wry smile his way. “Try not to wander off—we need you to be able to get the horse moving.” 
Silver huffs a small laugh as he watches you walk back towards the cottage. His hands come to rest on his hips as he turns back to survey the valley beyond. The rolling green hills are familiar to him, as is the tree line, and he can feel himself relaxing further—
Before his gaze catches on a structure in the distance. 
For a moment he doesn’t focus on it too much, until it catches his gaze again, and he begins to pay attention to it a bit more. It’s a large structure that looks to be dark brown in colour and leaning on an angle. His eyes narrow, then widen in surprise, and before he knows it, he’s already setting off in the direction of the abnormality. 
Perhaps he should have waited for your return. Most certainly, he should have not left all those valuables unattended in the cart, even though only Lilia and him live out this far. But the lure of what he sees up ahead is far too great to ignore. It’s a barn. 
It’s the barn. 
He can tell as he gets closer to it. The bucket outside of the front door, which has a window shaped like a crescent moon on it. The flowers in the bucket are gone and there is no light coming from within anymore. The grass around the front porch is overgrown and there are vines now climbing up the sides. The structure itself is far more decayed as well; it leans heavily to the left, and he can see gaps between the planks of wood that comprise its body. It’s an old, worn being, which has withstood the test of time for far too long. But it still is the very structure that he saw.
He draws to a stop a few feet away as he stares at it in disbelief. Despite the changes, florentis it still is, with a blue, blue sky and the greenest grass he’s ever seen.
“Oh…” he whispers to himself. Suddenly he’s a child again, sitting on a wooden bench with his friend fidgeting to his side. His father’s words of resilience echo in his mind and a part of him feels compelled to just stand here and stare for an hour or so, drinking in that halcyon paradise until it’s all that he’ll see when he closes his eyes. 
He once wondered what the rest of the landscape looked like beyond just the snapshot he was granted, and as he turns, he finds that lingering question finally has a response. 
He can see the treeline and the edge of his family’s cottage just beyond. He can see the cart, and the horse, and you—trekking through the green, green grass towards him. You wave one hand, and he waves back, still partially in a daze as he does so. 
“Please don’t go wandering off like that!” You call out as you approach. “I still remember you telling me about how there are bears in these woods—you really had me thinking you finally lost a battle with one.” 
“Sorry,” he murmurs as he looks back to the barn once more. The sun makes it cast a long shadow down the hillside, exactly like the painting still. It’s so surreal that his mind is still running to grasp it. 
“Are you okay?” Your voice changes from teasing to slightly worried as you stop before him. It’s a tone he’s become accustomed to hearing from you—worried, caring. Your eyes betray that very concern as you give him a once over. He feels that familiar need to reassure you as he nods. 
“I am, I am.” He soothes you as his hand comes to touch your arm briefly before dropping back to his side. He doesn’t wish to overstep. “I just… wished to come see this building for a moment.”
He doesn’t elaborate, and he can see the calculating thoughts this withholding generates in your mind. “If you tell me yours, I’ll tell you mine.” 
Thoughts, he realizes. You’re talking about what he’s thinking right now. Another smile plays on his lips as he shakes his head. 
“I just figured something out, that’s all.” 
This comment is a gentle shut down towards you, and he appreciates it when you look at him for a moment longer before nodding your head. “Alright. Well, if you’re done figuring out the world's secrets, can you come help with the horse?” Another smile appears on your lips, and he feels a sense of warmth as he sees it. “I’m not ready to accept a hoof to my face just yet.” 
“I should really teach you how to handle horses.” He sighs softly as he gestures for you to go ahead. He hears you laugh as you turn and set off back towards the beast you seem to be struggling to tame. When he goes to follow, he pauses for a moment to look back at that barn.
A thought occurs to him then. Lilia isn’t much of a painter—Silver knows this from his childhood when he would recruit his father to colour with him, and Lilia had a habit of constantly finding himself drawing outside of the lines. So, he knows for a fact that Lilia wasn’t the one to paint the scene. 
Then who painted the picture? It’s just him and his father who live out this far. He doesn’t recall ever seeing an artist's name on the painting when he was young, but perhaps the memory was too far gone to recall. 
A faint frown plays on his lips before he turns away and begins walking once more. He supposes that, with one question resolved, there are still many more left unsolved. 
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tenebraevesper · 1 year
Sonic Prime (My Thoughts)
So, I had just a marathon of the first 8 episodes of Sonic Prime and here are my initial thoughts before I start thinking rationally. Since my thoughts are too much of a mess to create any sort of proper cohesion, there will be spoilers.
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First of all, Sonic Prime is awesome! I had so much fun watching it and every time one episode ended, I found myself craving for the next one. You know that something is good when you come to the end and find yourself wanting more. The animation, the voice acting, the action, the comedy, even the angst... it all hits right. Now, I might be biased, but honestly, I don’t care. I know that some people might not have the same opinion as I do, and that’s okay. I am proud to say I fully enjoyed every second of this show.
Next, the episodes themselves. Unless I have missed something, I don’t believe there was any filler episode. Instead, we have non-stop action, lore drop and even quiet moments. I did hear from someone that, at least in the beggining, the pacing is a bit off, but I guess this show needs a bit of a warm-up, but once it gains momentum, it just keeps going. I genuinely felt my heart racing at times (and it still is). Also, another thing to note is that episodes have flashbacks to show us more about Sonic’s life before the whole Shatterverse happened, including how we came to that moment. I can imagine that some people might find them tiring, but I didn’t.
The plot is also very simple. Sonic has to find the Paradox Prism Shards and save his friends and his world. Most episodes are centered around New Yoke City, which is the main world Sonic returns too whenever he leaves another world, with the Chaos Council (consisting of five Eggman at various ages) trying to track him down after learning what the Shard can do (also, Mr. Dr. Eggman wears a toupee).
Following next are the characters, and I gotta say I really enjoyed how they were all written. Although, I can imagine that some people will find Sonic obnoxious due to being very impulsive and not focusing (and Shadow constantly reminding him of that). However, he has his heart in he right place and genuinely reflects on his mistakes and wants to fix them. As for the other characters, I adore them all, especially Tails Nine (he’s definitely my favorite Shatterverse character). By the end, I just wanted to give him a hug.
Now, I’m pretty sure you’re wondering what the deal is with Shadow. After all, he was the character people were worried the most about when it came to writing, fearing he’ll be reduced to a Vegeta-esque behavior.
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In all honesty... I absolutely love Prime!Shadow!
Now, I gotta give more context regarding his character in Sonic Prime, so be warned, this is spoiler territory you’re entering.
Shadow was basically introduced in the first episode watching Sonic’s fight with Dr. Eggman and him unleashing a blast of energy that led Eggman to the Paradox Prism. Then he appears again, telling Sonic how everything’s broken, before finally reappearing in the flashback and clocking Sonic in the face.
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So, what gives?
Well, we learn in the second episode that the reason why Shadow was in Green Hill was because he was searching for a Chaos Emerald and eventually finding the green one.
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Why was he searching for it, I have no clue, but I guess it would be a good idea to have one Chaos Emerald at hand just in case. We then see him reacting to the blue blast of energy and foreseeing what will happen next.
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Not gonna lie, I legit laughed at his reaction. Out of context, it feels as if Shadow has a sixth sense for whenever Sonic messes things up. So, he quickly races to where Sonic is and punches him straight in the face, questioning him about what he had done, which leads to them fighting each other.
So, to put the debate to end, yes Sonic was just minding his own business when Shadow attacked him, but Shadow was also minding his own business when Sonic caused that energy blast.
In any case, Sonic engages in some banter, with Shadow telling him to listen for once. What he doesn’t do is tell Sonic what he saw (admittedly, Shadow was never the best at communicating) and the two continue their fight, with Sonic noting how he’s on a mission, only to not tell Shadow what this mission is about.
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Let’s just say that this wouldn’t have happened if both Sonic and Shadow failed at communicating. In any case, Sonic manages to to get the drop on Shadow (in the most hilarious way possible; idk if that beats Boom!Eggman’s attempt to trick Boom!Shadow in Sonic Boom, but it was funny to me) and get back to his friends, with Shadow following him.
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He manages to get to the entrance of the cave, just in time to see Sonic shattering the Paradox Prism and use Chaos Control to save himself.
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However, that leads to him getting trapped inside the Void, which is basically a space between the worlds of the Shatterverse. He cannot escape it, but whenever Sonic kicks with his super speed into overdrive, he can somewhat communicate with the latter, trying to tell him what is going on. His exact advice was for Sonic to keep on running, as this is how they can maintain communication and it also appears to be a way for Sonic to go between worlds, since he is juiced up on Paradox Prism energy.
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In the (currently) last episode, Sonic manages to enter the Void again, coming face-to-face with Shadow.
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Sonic is surprised to see him, thinking this is another Shatterverse!Counterpart and tells him he just wants to go home. 
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“Home? Home doesn’t exist anymore because of you!”
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Furious, Shadow punches Sonic again and before we can see the end result, the episode’s over. Episode 1 ends with Shadow punching Sonic and now Episode 8 ends the same, and I’m all for it.
Man, that was a roller-coaster. I definitely love what they did with Shadow and considering the information we’ve been given, Sonic and Shadow will have to learn to work together to figure things out (and hopefully get better at communicating). I read that there will be a whole episode centered around the two and I’m looking forward to seeing it.
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Also, Sonic? Introducing your rival with “It’s complicated” makes me really raise an eyebrow.
Oh, and this gem...
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‘‘...and by the way, he roller-skates!”
“They’re air shoes.”
Shadow just casually interrupting Sonic’s narration and breaking the 4th wall is everything.
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In any case, I absolutely love Sonic Prime and I want more from it! Also, I’m probably gonna be insufferable about it.
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erosuguru · 1 year
Desecrated sanctity
Headcanons, Priest student!Nagi studying under High priestess!Reader and becoming plagued with unholy thoughts, characters are 18+, brief Reo cameo, 700+ words little proof reading
CW: NSFW, Religious themes but no specifications, masturbation, sexual fantasies, Nagi is a creep (reader doesn’t know about Nagi’s affections)
Notes: finally wrote sth for Nagi after writing 4 fics and it’s a headcanons post I’m a fake fan sobs but enjoy
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The monastery you had given your life to finally recognized your efforts and you’ve been blessed with the position you’ve yearned for the moment you were admitted in said monastery; High Priestess.
It was a difficult shift from student priestess to high priestess, but you’ve adapted to a schedule after a few weeks and established authority.
As a high priestess, it was your job to bestow your wisdom and guidance upon your students however there were a group of promising disciples who were given the honor of learning up close and personal, your requirement is to prepare them and give them an advantage in their teaching, all this in case harm would come to you and someone needed to step up.
There was one of your apprentices who you could not understand, no matter how much he slept in sessions or dozed off he always passed whatever test the monastery threw at him, you knew him as Nagi Seishiro.
He was always seen near your best student, Reo, although it seemed like Reo was the one attached to their odd friendship. You couldn’t understand their bond but as long as one doesn’t fall back due to the other you remained an onlooker and refused to interfere.
Nagi was second best and he was satisfied with that, he never even aimed to become a priest, his parents left him to his own devices at the monastery frequently which resulted in him being admitted into the student priest program.
He found himself growing an attachment to you, and not in an innocent admiration sort of way
Whenever Nagi would hear you command his colleagues or whenever he would be in a position where you expected obedience from him, he felt excited and he couldn’t understand why.
Until he had an eye-opening dream that made him realize why he feels this way toward you. It was Lust, fueled by a yearning love.
These dreams and thoughts plagued him more once he identified the festering emotions, he heard the same thing happen to people of his position before but the only difference they shared is that Nagi wasn’t disgusted by himself as they were.
He enjoyed the warm tug at his heart whenever you said his name when you looked in his direction
Sometimes when he passes by you in the halls, he has to keep his calm as he takes a long silent whiff of your scent. You abstained from wearing any perfumes as it would go against the extremity of purity taught in the monastery yet he still does it every time hoping to catch your natural scent.
If only Nagi followed your example and stayed close to those teachings, if you knew what he thought of you, you’d tell him how much of a terrible apprentice he is and reprimand him until the shame finally settled in him but you could never know.
The way he stares at you with those emotionless eyes, a lustful glare camouflaged by a listless gaze. Nagi knew that if you caught wind of these hints, this behavior, he would be punished severely.
The threat didn’t stop him from caressing himself in the silent privacy of his room at night as he thought of you in the most debauched ways his mind could conjure.
Nagi thinks of you in places, his bed, the altar, the confessional booth, your office, hidden behind the decorative structures in the garden away from prying eyes but never from holy eyes.
He think of how you would sound cooing his name so sweetly in his ear as opposed to the stern and powerful voice you used on a day-to-day basis, he imagined you’d squeak and stutter if he was ever blessed with the chance to have you on his dick.
He fists his cock in accordance with the speed of his pace in the fantasy in his mind, one hand trailing up his stomach to cover his mouth so he won't get carried away as he imagined you in any way he could. He imagined you riding him, and if you got tired he would gladly pin you down and fuck you until he was sure you were filled to the brim
When Nagi finally bursts from the self-given pleasure, his clarity is regained he doesn’t feel ashamed nor regret, he only cleans himself up lazily as he hopes tomorrow would come sooner so he can see you again.
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Jay- Baby Birth Alphabet
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A= Aftercare After Birth (How they act after you finish giving birth.):
During delivery, Jay was attentive. He constantly made sure I was ok whether that was asking me or the nurses/midwife's to know how me and the baby were doing.
After I finished giving birth and I was able to go home, Jay made sure that i was comfortable. He wouldn't let me lift a finger so it was like I had my own personal waiter.
B= Baby (Who is the baby more like?):
According to my mum the baby looks exactly like I did when I was born, but I can definitely see Jay's freckles starting to show.
C= Care Taking (Who takes care of the baby more? Do you have someone else take care of the child?):
Jay and I have a good system. While Jay is on paternity leave Jay takes a lot of the shifts giving me time to relax before he goes back to work. When he does go back I tend to look after the baby more for obvious reasons.
During the night I take the most shifts, letting Jay sleep because of work, but he definitely takes his turns.
D= Delivery (How they act when you are in labor, do they stay in the room or outside the room?):
Honestly during labour Jay was a mess. I had woken up in the night due to my waters breaking. Jay was panicking the whole time, said he hated seeing me in pain.
Once at the hospital Jay doesn't leave my side once, he holds my hand the whole time and when it's time for me to push, Jay let's me squeeze his hand hard.
E= Emergencies (How do they act when something happens to the baby? If something happens during labor how do they react?):
Thankfully the labour and delivery is pretty smooth, however once baby is born neither Jay or I can hear the baby cry. Of course I'm worried but Jay is pacing up and down asking if the baby is ok, turns out the baby was just a quiet one and was absolutely fine.
F= Friends/Family (Who visits you in the hospital?):
Both my parents come to visit me after I had the baby, and although Will was working he would pop his head in to cheek on us.
Jay even had the whole of intelligence out to come and see me and the baby.
G= Gender(s) (What do you have?):
A girl Jay and I  named her Amelia.
H= Hair Color (What hair color does the baby inherit):
She is born with Jays brown hair.
I= Illness (How do they react when the baby gets sick for the first time? How about when the baby is ill for a while?):
Amelia was born healthy, but developed a reflux, which meant that she would often throw up after she has eaten. Jay at first was scared there was more to the story, after all Amelia is he's princess. I however was more laid back, telling Jay to calm down.
After a few months Amelia caught a cold which again Jay was super worried about because it sounded like Amelia was struggling to breathe, even though Will told us many times that she was ok. While she had the cold Jay would be up every hour of the night checking up on her.
J= Job (When do you go back to work?):
I wanted to go back soon because I was so bored at home. I asked Voight if I could do paper work after being home for 3 months. He agreed and also allowed me to bring Amelia with me.
After a year we put Amelia into nursery and I started to work out again and would do the odd case here and there until I felt ready to come back full time.
K= Kisses (Do they kiss the baby?):
Jay is very affectionate with Amelia, always giving her kisses on the head or cheeks and he can't just give her one. Everyone notices how sweet he his with Amelia, he even becomes more affectionate to me (if that was even possible).
L= Love (Do they fall in love with the baby right away? What do they love the most about the baby?):
Yes. Jay loves the baby the moment he lays eyes on her. He tells me how much he loves her eyes because they remind him of me.
M= Movement (How do they react to baby first crawling and walking?):
Amelia started crawling at 7 months old. Jay was so sad he missed it, but when she started pulling herself up Jay would act as if no other child has done the same. He encouraged Amelia to walk by holding her hands and praising her when she took her first steps. When she started walking on her own Jay nearly cried with happiness.
N= New People (Taking baby to meet the rest of their/your work colleagues.):
Jay and I take Amelia to meet our friends when she was a month old. Jay was so proud of her and already protective, so it took some convincing to let anyone hold her. Everyone loves her, it's like bringing the baby to meet your family.
O= On Time (Are they there by time you go into labor. Do they arrive before or after the baby is born. How do they feel if they are late. Is the baby on time?):
As I had gone into labour at home, Jay was with me the whole time. Baby was a week late, by that time I was so ready for the pregnancy to be over, although now she's here I miss being pregnant.
P= Pain (How do they react to seeing you in pain due to the contractions? How do they handle seeing you in pain during labor?):
Jay struggled to see me in pain, asking Natalie and the nurses if there was anything I could have to help, even though I was already on gas and air and painkillers. Jay just let me squeeze his hand as hard as I needed to to. He would tell me how much he loves me and how proud he is.
Q= Questions (Do they ask the midwife a lot of questions? Do they keep asking if they are doing something right when they are doing something with the baby?):
Yes. Once Amelia was born and Jay could hold her, he kept asking if he was holding the head right. When we brought her home he would pass her to me if she cried, scared he had hurt her. Soon he realised that he wasn't going to harm Amelia, and he would stop asking questions.
R= Resting (Do they get a lot of rest when the baby is born? Do they stay awake at night worrying about the baby?):
Not at all. If it's not the baby crying during the night it's Jay not being home or both of you being paranoid the first month she came home. Jay, already being a light sleeper, would wake with any noise worried that their was something wrong with Amelia.
S= Singing to the Baby (Do they sing to the baby, or do they listen to you sing to the baby? What is their favorite song to sing to the baby?):
Jay doesn't really sing to Amelia, but he will tell her stories. His favourite being Cinderella. I sing 'You Are My Sunshine' or hum the tune to here.
T= Talking to the Baby (Do they use baby talk?):
Jay doesn't use the typical high pitched baby talk, but he does talk to the baby in a different voice to how he would talk to me or his friends. I also don't talk in the baby talk, but I do find I talk more softly.
U= Underneath the Man/Woman's Heart (How do they truly feel about having a child? Do they feel as though they are ready for a baby?):
Jay loves being a dad. When we decided to have a baby he felt ready, but once the baby was born he told me he didn't feel prepared, neither did I, but we soon figured it out.
V= Vision as in Supervision (Do they keep a close eye on the baby? Do they have someone watching the baby at all times?):
Of course. Jay is super protective of Amelia, if I'm not watching her then he is. When we dod decide to put Amelia in nursery, Jay did a back ground check on the all the staff wanting to make sure she would be safe.
W= When the Baby is Born (What day is the baby born. Are they off work? At work?):
Amelia was born on the 13th June at 2:33 pm. Jay had been off since my due date. He stayed off for 3 weeks following her birth.
X= X-mas (What's their first Christmas like?):
Our first Christmas as a family was amazing. Our friends spoiled Amelia rotten buying clothes and toys for her. We decided to spend Christmas with my parents, which soon becomes a tradition.
Y= Yawning (How tired do they get when dealing with the baby? Their reaction to the baby yawning?):
The first time Jay saw Amelia yaw he fell in love with the little movement her mouth did at the end. He will always comment on her yawns saying how big they are and she must be sleepy.
If Jay gets up in the night with Amelia I can tell how tired he is, but during the day he has no problem.
Z= ZZZ (How much sleep after the baby is born?):
Not a lot at first as we were all trying to figure out a routine that suited us all. Soon Amelia would sleep through most of the night, only waking up once or twice in the night meaning both Jay and I can have a decent sleep.
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thatgirl4815 · 7 months
Only Friends Character Rankings/Analysis
I did this once at the beginning of the series and once in the middle of the series, so time for final character rankings. I'd invite anyone else in the fandom to participate if you'd like! :)
1. Sand & Ray
I originally put Sand above Ray, but I've reached the point where I can no longer consider them anything but a package deal. I love them both too much. It also occurs to me that interest in a character is different than love for them, but in this case both apply.
Ray was, to me, the most evidently well-thought out, complex character in the series. He has the most baggage to go through, and all of that manifests in a lot of tense scenes and emotional outbursts. No one in the cast could've handled that better than Khaotung. As Jojo has mentioned before, Ray is someone who could easily be viewed as one dimensional, even despite his painful backstory. But the fact that Ray generated such a mixture of anger, sympathy, frustration, and love is such a testament to both the writing and the acting. His growth is also the most poignant and prominent throughout the series, so big points for that. Double points for fashion sense.
Sand is just—the ideal guy. He’s got good tastes and he’s also one of the most caring people on the planet, as he demonstrates time and time again. He’s a shoulder for people to lean on (literally, in Ray’s case). He has his own painful history to work through, and while I still struggle with some of his behavior towards the latter end of the series, on the whole Sand felt like a well-rounded character despite being outside of the core friend group. The way he views himself and Ray, and just his at-times overwhelming empathy for others makes him so memorable to me. He also gets double points for just being awesome (plus the leather jacket!! Hello?), but he’d get triple points if he picked up a bat.
2. Nick
Second to Ray, Nick’s growth is one of the most compelling to watch throughout the series. Despite some qualms I have with the pacing of the finale, I do think Nick’s decision to part from Boston was hinted at in prior episodes. We witnessed Nick go from being a pathetic, groveling simp to a man who knew his worth. Sand helped a lot with that, but the decision to walk away was ultimately all Nick's. Nick goes from telling Sand that he can be Boston's side piece so long as Boston doesn't hate him, to telling Boston that they should break up even when Boston wants to be with him. The growth is phenomenal.
I wish we would’ve gotten to see a little more of Nick in the end. Is he doing okay? Is he with Dan? Regardless, I love that Nick is going after what he wants now. I got some creepy vibes from Dan, him being Nick's boss and all, but I think they could've had something sweet. Nick--I hope you're fulfilling your dreams.
3. Mew
Mew gives me the most mixed feelings throughout this series. I wanted to like him more than I actually did, and 99% of that was due to his moral superiority. I think his character was stronger in scenes without Top involved. Like with Ray--I think Mew and Ray's friendship, especially when they agree to just be friends, is such a good characterization moment for both of them. Instead, we witness Mew scowling at Top for the majority of the series, despite claiming he's in love with him. Which yeah, understandable that he'd be angry given what Top did. But Mew never convinced me that he was in love with Top.
With the moral superiority thing--I like that Mew has such a defined set of values. I think that's an admirable quality, unless it's used to put himself above others who do not always conform with his rigid standards--yes, I'm thinking of his condescending tone with Ray early in the series in regards to his drinking/drug use. I see myself a lot in Mew, but this is one part of him that I hope I don't share. Compared to Sand, Mew has a startling lack of empathy for Ray's situation. He must be oblivious to his tone, because what might be intended as helpful comes out judgmental.
I will give him some points though for the scene where he tells Top that he knows about the hookup with Boston. I don't think I ever liked Mew more than I did in that moment. Boss behavior.
4. Boston
As far as interest goes, I'd put Boston above Top, even though Boston frustrates me far more from a moral standpoint. Boston is such a hot topic in this series because his lifestyle is constantly on trial. Sometimes I think that discussion point overshadows other aspects of his character and even becomes equated with his bad qualities. I hate how certain readings of Boston suggest his promiscuity is the problem. I don't think the show is necessarily making the argument that the lifestyle is the issue, but they do highlight that many of the characters view it as an issue. Monogamy is right, polyamory is wrong; that's the way most people tend to view romantic relationships, even if they shouldn't judge other lifestyles so harshly. Ultimately, boundaries and allowances in a relationship are something Boston isn't good at handling. He's dishonest, and his communication skills are lacking because of it.
I could go into more details about Boston, but in general I found his assholery to be entertaining, even if it was frustrating.
5. Top
There are exactly two reasons why Top is below Mew in particular. 1) Because he cheated on him and 2) because he seems to lack any dimension whatsoever. The thing that frustrates me so much about Top is that I can see something there. He could be a very compelling character! But the most depth we get out of him is that he has trouble sleeping because of a fire when he was a kid. There's more to unpack there I'm sure, but we're left at that. Why?? I've seen the showrunners make comments before that Top was hated much more than they foresaw--I'd wager this is part of the reason. Give me something to care about! Give me context! Sand and Ray, by comparison, are given such rich backgrounds. We don't even need to know that much about Top's childhood--I just want to see some personality. He's a designer, but what does he like to do? What are his big hobbies?
There were a lot of missed opportunities to flesh out Top through his interactions with Mew. Their discussions were almost always about either Mew's hesitations about Top's intentions or Mew's inability to forgive Top for cheating on him. That does not make for a very compelling relationship.
6. Cheum
I don't think the show expected me to dislike Cheum as much as I do. And the thing is, I don't think I would've disliked her so much if we would've gotten more insight into her character. That hurt her, in the end. To put it bluntly, I disliked 1) her moral superiority (very similar to Mew's), 2) her disregard for boundaries (inviting Top to Mew's Halloween party and Boston to the New Year's party), 3) her lack of empathy (for Ray in particular, but that kind of extends to the whole friend group), and 4) her lack of accountability (she does apologize, which I commend, but Boston deserved to hear a little more of an apology than that when he was being accused of SA).
The reason Cheum is ultimately below Top is because we get even less of her in the series, and we don't get to see any growth from her. It's not her fault really given the lack of screen time, but at least with Top I can see his efforts to be better. With Cheum, it feels like I left her exactly where she was at the beginning. Not entirely a bad thing, but I wish she would've grown up in some aspects.
~ X ~
Gotta give a final shoutout to the real MVP, Freddy. I love you Fred.
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emilycollins00 · 5 months
Autumn troupe + SAD!GAD! reader
To one of my lovely besties 💕
Attention: Slight mentions of anxiety and such! Not too much, but just in case wanted to put it here. Good ending tho! <3
Please enjoy! 💕
Okay so! I their reactions to someone with these characteristics does depend of course on who you come in contact with, because all of them have different layers of approaching the situation:
Becomes a ball of nerves when you threaten to cry. If you do he might as cry well!!
As time passes, decides to share things about himself with you.
He doesn’t know what you go through and he’s not going to pretend to, but! wants you to know he’s someone you can feel at ease with, at of course he thinks you learning more about him could help. Maybe that way you won’t find him as scary?
Will probably use jokes to diffuse any awkwardness or discomfort during interactions, and will be over the moon if you laugh.
So, so patient.
Catches on quickly about what might be going on is might become a tad protective.
Definitely eager to help you not feel tense around him and the others -anything to help you, he’s ready to do.
Lets you take the lead and control the pace of your interactions, always with a gentle smile. If he feels you are a bit over the edge, he will give you all the space needed while leaving some sweets on the table <3
After any answer or comment you say as a response that clearly made you want to be swallowed in a hole, he begins to use open-ended conversation starters, something to make sure you shift your attention to something trivial.
If he notices you need help, often supports you in ways that don't add let’s say pressure. I’m thinking about indirect support like suggesting equipment, resources, or offering assistance from a distance.
Proud when you answer him or the others back, even if it's a short answer.
Tends to remember many things, so if he knows there’s something in particular you need, he’ll be sure to mention it so that you don’t feel awkward in certain silences.
Your encounters are a bit awkward at first. Juza's is also someone who adapts slowly so your interactions might take a bit to be called, conversations.
He sees the way you react when he and the others arrives so he usually tries to make the least movement and noises.
This is mainly due to him being one of the most understanding when it comes to the situations you experience, already aware of his own presence and the impact it might have.
As such, he tries to avoid the pressure you feel regarding his height and deep voice by not standing too close to you, opting to sit if possible.
Watches your body language and behaviour from moment one, even though he may not act like it.
Picks up immediately your uneasiness around many of them with the exception of director.
King of respect. Seeing as you prefer not to engage in one-on-one, Sakyo will most likely ask Izumi to delay the information and if not, will leave a note or message.
Azami isn't the most social person either, he doesn't actively try to engage regularly in conversations. Simple greetings are good for you both.
Will most likely avoid personal questions or just questions that could turn more private, respecting your boundaries.
He knows how it’s like not wanting to share more than needed, so he’s really empathetic about this.
Usually if he needs your help he goes for activities that don’t require constant conversation and that can be done in separate paces.
“Here we are. Impressive, right? I even managed to stock it like an inventory!”
You grimace. If the storage could ask for help, you were sure it would be doing so right now. The room felt cramped, stacks of equipment towering over you like a fortress.
Matsukawa goes inside and you follow without much enthusiasm. He has yet to turn to look at you though, engrossed in an unbroken monologue of self-praise, evidently delighted at the chance of showing someone the product of his work.
While carrying your own boxes of equipment, you shift your weight uncomfortable. You wish you could muster the courage to get him to focus. In truth, you would have preferred he left you alone to take a look around but alas, he was the one who supposedly knew where all Mankai’s props were.
“I-It will be just a minute!” his confidence had quickly dropped after the initial entrance. “I think I might have misplaced the props director asked me to select for you— but they must be here I’m sure!”
You bite your lip as you watch him look inside some more boxes. Izumi had requested your help —being on your way to becoming a property designer and all that— and you had been more than glad for the opportunity, but the current situation felt overwhelming.
“I thought I asked you to rearrange all the upper shelves and throw what wasn’t necessary.”
A sudden, harsh and accusatory voice cuts through the air, freezing both the rustling of boxes and your racing thoughts. Honestly, an incoming bear might have given you less of an internal freak-out — because of course the voice belonged to another man. Just your luck.
You notice the manager flinches and you feel a pang of sympathy for him. You really wouldn't want to be in his skin either. "Sa-Sakyo-san!" the initial disorder in the storage upon your arrival had transformed into an even more distressing sight after he had begun the search for the props.
“I did!" he exclaims, maneuvering to find a path between the piles of boxes. "Just yesterday you could almost see the walls in between the shelves, and let me tell you it has cost me sweat, tears and quite a few scratches!”
There's a pause. You and the blond man scanned the room. If anything had been removed, it didn’t seem like it. As if the room itself tried to make a point, a few objects squeezed too tightly together toppled to the floor.
“I don’t think you are making the point you think you are.”
You hadn’t meant to say that out loud. I mean, you never do. It was supposed to be a muttered remark to yourself— a feeble attempt at humor to conceal yourself from the escalating discomfort. The comment however seems to catch the attention of the scary looking yakuza still standing on the doorframe. He crosses his arms, sighs, and to your luck, focuses on you.
You immediately feel the need to apologize even though you had nothing to do with their problem.
“You must be Y/N.” he says instead, pushing his glasses up and visibly choosing to ignore the chaos in front of you two. “My name is Sakyo, I don't believe we've worked together before. Our director had a last-minute emergency with another troupe and she told me to…"
His lips keep moving but you barely listen to anything afterward. Izumi wasn’t going to be there while you worked? The information hits you like a train. Heck, you might as well have started to cry right there at the idea of being surrounded by men all alone.
"Traitor." you whisper betrayed. Your voice is barely audible, almost lost in the expanse of the hall, but there is a sudden thought that tells you the blond man with glasses might have very well heard you again. So you cough, hiding your initial reaction the best you can and try to recompose yourself. “I, uh, yeah. I came to fix your props.”
Great job, Y/N.
You stood there, lips pursed, nervously nibbling the inside of your cheek, half-expecting a similar reaction to what Matsukawa had received. Instead, the atmosphere shifts almost imperceptibly.
You kind of notice he subtly moves a few steps away from you, though it could also have been your imagination— There was a lot to keep up with. He then speaks again.
“I assume you have your own schedule to keep. I will manage over here. You can go first and set up your equipment. I believe our carpenter has left some tables set on the stage since it’s the place that has the widest space for you to work while getting a signal.”
Stunned, you nod. He offers a small nod in return, giving you directions to get there before addressing the issue at hand with Matsukawa, annoyance flickering once again across his features.
“And you. How many times do I have to tell you that pushing boxes doesn’t equal…”
The scolding echoed as you left the storage.
Mankai's theatre wasn't as big as other theatres you had worked at, so at first, it feels like a cozy haven rather than an intimidating workplace. You soon reach the stage and begin to set up your equipment, beginning to create some props. Surely Izumi would finish before—
You freeze at the unexpected male noise coming from one of the wings. “Don’t come closer.”
Here we go again.
The young man that had appeared stopped immediately of course. He stood taller than most people, his presence looming over you even from where you were. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to barge in so suddenly.” His relaxed smile did little to ease your tension, especially with his imposing height. After a few seconds of silence on his part, maybe waiting for you to say everything was fine again and he could move again, confusion showed on his face. “…Is everything okay?”
You barely swallowed. Why was your mouth so damn dry? Come on Y/N, say something. “Yeah, um, I’m—  organizing the equipment and stuff is also on the floor so—  it’s messy here.”
Another pause. You whine inwardly and again feel like crying. You watch the actor —at least you think he is an actor— study the situation, and something might have clicked, since he finally nods.
“Of course. I will leave in a bit, my phone just died...” he takes it from his pocket and shows you the black screen, as if to show proof he wasn't lying. “And I was supposed to meet with the others here.”
You nod curtly, and opt to focus on your work. Hopefully he doesn't begin to make up conversation if he sees you concentrated.
Minutes go by and amidst the silence you can't help but steal a glance at him. You notice a distinctive scar etched across his chin, giving him quite the menacing image—  His demeanour however emitted an air of calmness that clashed starkly with the anxiety boiling within you.
"Excuse me. Do you need help with that?" his offer breaks the silence, gesturing toward a set of props in your hands. The tool had been quite fragile, so you had wanted to carry it as securely as possible. Maybe too secure. You had been fighting with it for a few minutes, and Omi seemed to have noticed your struggle.
He offers you a smile when you look his way. “I’m Omi, by the way. I’m sorry I didn’t introduce myself from the start and entered without warning.”
“Ah, no it’s— ” the fact that he had been so far so attentive makes your cheeks burn. “Um, my name is Y/N, I’m a property designer… if I can properly schedule a meeting with my anxious thoughts before work.” The self-deprecating joke masking your escalating nerves might have been too much. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to say that.”
To your surprise he lets out a soft chuckle. “It's fine, I understand. I’m a part-time photographer so I also get nervous when I have to go alone somewhere for the first time. Especially when I have eyes on me.”
You doubt that was true (weren’t they all actors?) but if he had wanted to calm you —albeit unknowing to him the fact that him being a man was the terrifying part—  you felt it worked a bit. He had managed to get closer to you during the exchange, and you didn’t feel as tense as before.
Today was getting weird.
“Then, would you mind if I try to open it?” he asks again.
It took a while. Or maybe it just seemed like that to you. Omi didn’t make the slightest comment or movement that indicated you were taking way too long though. You walked towards him. You hand trembled slightly as you reached out to him. With a shaky breath, you handed him the prop. Omi’s gaze softened.
"Thank you for coming to give us a hand." his words are gentle, his tone a blend of reassurance and warmth while he places the tool on the table. “Work for this new play has been quite hectic and none of us know much about fixing props so when director said—”
“’s anyone home?”
“We’ve come to help! Director-sensei told us not we didn’t have to, but we thought it would be good to— Oh, Omi-kun you made it!”
This was bad.
Near you, Omi notices how you had completely frozen at the entrance of his troupemates. He turns and begins to walk up to them. “Hey Taichi, everyone.”
They are good kids so while they might seem scary you have nothing to be concerned about! Besides, I’ll be there with you as much as possible.
You remember her comment over the phone yesterday. “How about I surprise you with a sudden burst of irrational concerns then…” the comment echoes the place, their attention directed toward you. You whimper. They were bulky, tall and absolutely intimidating in your eyes.
To your surprise, the redhead laughs. “Hey, that sounded like Tsuzuru-san just know!”
You yelp and you bit your lip. The rest of the actors had begun to walk almost where you stood, their collective gaze intensifying your unease. Part of your brain tells you they are only being friendly, but you feel like prey under scrutiny.
“You must be Y/N! Are those the new props we will use?”
The red head (Taichi?) appears in the blink of an eye in front of you. His eyes move in awe from one tool to another, humming lightly and above all, talking non-stop.
The proximity was too much, too fast.
“Oh wow, this is so cool! Look, Ban-chan!”
Before you can process it, someone else begin to lean in as well to inspect your equipment.
“Sweet.” The young man mentions, his expression one of approval. “Is this going to be—”
“If any of you get any closer I swear I will cry.”
Words tumbled out before you could stop them. There it was, your usual way to threaten people to leave your personal space. Some tended to find it funny. Others not so much. Your stress picks up just by imagining their reactions.
“Settsu, stop intimidatin' them.”
“Uh?! I don’ think ya should be the one to talk, fuckface.”
"I wasn't the one who was putting their nose in the work of others."
"How are you so sure they didn't mean your..."
As those two bicker, Taichi put his hands together, worried. “I'm sorry! We got too excited. We’re not bad tho, just so you know!”
“Tell that to that resting-bitch face over there.”
"Guys you are not helping!"
Omi chuckles while the one with dark black hair next to him rolls his eyes. “Great first impression.”
You blink. You were not sure what was happening but you felt… calmer. Or at least more than you thought for some reason, just like with Omi moments before.
Their movements and voices lowered, as if they had pick up on your discomfort but weren’t really angry or bothered by it. There was a hint of understanding in the air. A subtle shift and attempt to create a cautious yet friendly distance.
“Ah, right." the one called Settsu turned to you, temporarily derailed from whatever retort he’d been about to deliver. "Did Matsukawa show ya where the storage is? We don’ have many props but Director-chan said to take a look at what we could use. They are shitty tho, guess that’s why ya are here too.”
You nod. “I was there but… he couldn’t find them. Sakyo, I think was his name, came and said he would take care of it.”
"Yeah," he confirms in understanding. “That place is a lost battle so we might as well help. Would ya like us to divide what we find or somethin’? If you’re cool with that, I mean.” he turns to the others nonchalantly and then to you. “We can also just leave. It’s your call.”
The attempt to steer the conversation away from the unease you had at first was relieving… and the thought of not having to go back to that room also helped, of course.
You make an effort to meet their gazes, but they were already talking among themselves. You try to take them all in once again. Many of them have quite a few earrings, piercing eyes, and combined with their rugged features without meaning, added to their imposing appearances.
Still, the interactions had been considerate, more than what you sometimes were used to, and the proposal had made your chest feel warm, which is why you imagine despite your usual nerves stirring, you found yourself nodding. “Anything related to the play could work. I have the equipment to fix stuff so…” you shrugged but did just best to smile. “It’d be helpful, yeah.” You meant it.
Banri sends another in return. “Copy that. Let’s go.”
“We’ll be back in a while, Y/N! Ah—  I'll make sure to look for cool things we find so you can have the play be—“
“Taichi-san you’re getting overly excited again.”
“…Thanks for the work.”
Omi, who is the last one to leave the room and follow their troupemates turns back to you at the last second. “If you need anything else we can call director and let her know you are still here."
“It's... fine. Thanks. Um, sorry for…” you didn’t finish the sentence. You didn’t really know what were you apologizing for. You back down. "Nevermind."
His laugh echoes again through the auditorium. “There’s nothing to apologize for. We'll see you in a bit then.”
And just like that, you were alone with your thoughts.
Despite the uneasy feeling you had brought, the encounter hadn't been as terrifying as you had imagined. The prospect of further interactions still seemed daunting, but for now, you found a sense of relief regarding Mankai’s Autumn Troupe.
You take a deep breath and resume working again. This time however, a small smile decorates your face.
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blogofloathing · 4 months
Part 1 of 1, Victoria And The Bespectacled Girl
"Got anything on your line?" Gesturing vaguely in Walter's direction with her back turned to him.
He paused, as if maybe Victoria had summoned a fish with her query, but the rod stayed slack.
"m'nope, maybe they're gone fishin'" he coughed, letting out a joke so dad she didn't even bother with a lighthearted sigh in admonishment.
And in any case her lungs were busy working, as she dug through another large hill of refuse,
Bottles and wrappers, shopping carts, broken glass and jagged metal, but still no food.
These dubious materials clinging to each other with whatever weird algae grew in these parts.
For a moment she thought she felt something, but one again it was snatched back by whatever spirit had brought it out to her in the first place.
And finally she wrenched herself free of the garbage heap, sat dam to the river, her only findings were a new set of scrapes along her arms.
An unpleasant risk when scavenging, though she found the scratching to be oddly satisfying
"Walt I'm tellin' ya these fish ain't bite these days!"
Her companion giving a strained sort of chuckle, something between tobacco and weed.
It was a wonder you couldn't see clouds billow out when he spoke, to obscure his patchy stubble.
"Mm, maybe we need to pick a new spot.." the words themselves glancing around the little hovel,
Recollecting her favorite graffiti or nastiest gash.
She paced around idly, shoes providing less than comfort with soles long since worn out.
This had been their spot, finding a pile of trash comfortable enough to sleep on took time!
But she couldn't deny that if the fish had run dry, and not due to being cooked, something would have to change soon,
"I'm cool with whatever though" Walter added, a disclaimer just incase his plan didn't work out.
Victoria stood thinking for some time, it's not like she had much to move,
She could count her possessions on one hand, half of which accounted for the clothes on her back.
The rest summing up to Walter's various bags of supposed bait—and though she questioned the quality of his selection—it had worked until now.
She allowed those fish one last rain check before Bus Victoria would depart.. and..
"Urgg okay! Let's go!" Her exclamation a symbolic and literal stomping of her foot.
Walter's face maintained a neutral, calm smile, as she began marching around.
"m'all I've got's my fisher pole, so just let me know" Walter mumbled, taking a debatably deserved rest.
Back flat against the bridges support beam, it was so old she wondered if he would collapse it.
The whole setting was a minefield of rusty metal and discarded items tossed over the railing.
Which lended well to the hobo lifestyle, someone's always too full to finish their food, and equally too lazy to seek out a trashcan.
And when that didn't work, Walter knew his way around the fishing pole.
This is how the pair had subsisted until new government regulations swooped in to sever this lifeline, making it illegal to actually fish in the river.
Signs were pegged all around warning passersby that to catch anything here was punishable by law
Including those same signs, sitting in piles nearby. Transformed into yet another nameless trash pile.
She set her hands together and closed her eyes,
"Please let there be food soon" both to herself and any god watching, a quiet prayer, just incase
Maybe some divine inspiration would come down and show her how to fix her life somehow,
Victoria had let herself become comfortable here, stupidly, of course this was unsustainable.
She just didn't think it would have to end so soon, despite all evidence, she had remained optimistic.
What if their next spot was flat too, or one of them got sick? Either would be a death sentence
These worries and tragedies-to-come swirled in her head, a violent rapid of her own making.
Rendering her mute in this airless terrarium.
She wordlessly "packed" her things, sure that Walter had said something—probably another stupid joke—but even the river din was inaudible
It felt like her life had all been building up to one big explosion, with her at its centerpoint,
An auto pilot careening herself right towards the nearest mountain, "god this sucks"
Said to no one in particular, but all the same Walter wilted back "amen to that sister"
The two of them giving a limply disconnected fist bump, an unspoken friendship with the air.
Though even if they had touched, Victoria knew she was far too insulated to enjoy his warmth.
She wandered around the small bit of land they called home, trying to take everything in
To grab every piece of herself she'd strewn about in her short time here, it was all so scattered
Like every night here had taken another minuscule of herself and plastered it onto the concrete,
Victoria almost wanted to resent this place, for coddling her, allowing her a short rest.
Like the bridge itself had deceived her, but all the same she knew it was her fault in the end.
Once again standing still in the eye of her storm, surely she was used to this by now right?
She hadn't even noticed her pace halt, as if these lingering thoughts had slowed her to a stop
The careful drag of the wind against her hulking fears and great unknowable anxieties.
Maybe this was how it was supposed to be, she'd been homeless almost as long as she'd been.
Maybe it was just the way the world worked, the losers lose, and the people up top throw their trash down on them. Out of sight out of mind.
This contemplation carried her right back into pacing, a dead man's trot, rendering her oblivious to anything around her but the weight in her heart.
Oblivious enough apparently, that she didn't see the large tread-wheeled machine in her way.
Despite its whirring and raggling, she only took notice of it when her feet had met its path.
But rather than courteously stepping to the side, it continued on, pulling dust and sand up in the air.
And out of her; an embarrassing cry of surprise, as she stumbled head over heels onto the ground.
Landing unceremoniously in a heap, adding a new scar to her already bled through knees.
She found herself staring at a pair of greasy boots, evidently belonging to the owner of the device.
"Youch! Hey watch where you're goin with that thing eh?" She clattered, rubbing her head.
As she sat up and muttered unheard profanities, sitting crossly criss cross, sans apple sauce.
"Me watch where I'm going? You almost ruined my school project being so careless!" The palid toned girl spat back, this was gonna be fun.
A sly grin gravitated onto Victorias face, "oh ho you one of them S.I.T smarty pants' huh?"
She sneered down her nose at her, despite being generally shorter on even footing.
"Yes infact I am one of 'them S.I.T smarty pants" she spoke venomously, mocking Victorias accent
"Are ya now? Well I just could never tell by ya four eyes and little gizmo here" pointedly eyeing both.
Her dark hair seemed to frizz up at the remark as if itself had felt offended on her behalf,
With a quickly reddening face and equally faltering temper she grumbled "well at least I'm educated"
"And you know I ain't? Psh, figures for an upper crust like yourself" the retort acting like a push to the chest, an overzealous verbal challenge.
Both now standing straight, Victoria looked down
"Do you even know who I am? I-" this remark pushed aside by Victorias "ohh you're one of those types huh? Well sorry missy I haven't heard of you"
Seems lucky I haven't, thought Victoria, of course some preppy trust fund kid is who she'd run into on her proverbial eviction day, "and I don't want to"
The still yet to be named girl seemed fit to burst with unpleasantries, "I'm Simone Chekhov! of the S.I.T Robotechtronics department!"
This smattering of accolades fell from her like it had been sitting right on the edge from the start.
"I've received several letters from several colleges even more prestigious but I've refused all of them because I take this field very seriously and S.I.T is the only college with a proper robotechtronics department that allows me to do what I need to do because I'm already higher level than my teachers and I'm involved in every single robotics club and related groups studying how to-"
She continued for quite a bit, Victoria had mentally tuned her out around halfway through,
A manic fire had lit in her eyes, as if she hadn't just been trying to one up this dirty hobo
At parts her expression fittingly incredulous, a fury at being questioned on her credentials,
But equally adopting a strange sort of excitement, Victoria sensed she didn't get to say all this often.
"And that's not even the half of it!" She finished, panting like her monologue had run a marathon
Victoria was partially stunned at the conclusion, just who was this girl? She wondered, even after hearing what was effectively her life story.
She glanced back at Walter for support, but all he provided was a shallow sort of thumbs up.
"I didn't understand a word of that, but congrats to ya, I'm sure your science friends love it"
A dismissive little remark, that seemed to thunk on impact with Simone, like hitting a wall
"Yeah, they do" short and snappy, a little too quick of a response, something in it trembled
"I'm sure they do.. Simmy?" Victoria said, though she remembered her name quite clearly.
"It's, Simone, thank you" something had shifted in her tone, while it hadn't been haughty before..
It was certainly more subdued, "struck a nerve eh? Figure your dorm feelin empty?" She slithered
"That's none of your bui-" a scarlet sheen leaking back into her face, gosh was she a cute one.
Victoria eyed her up and down, her hair black and glossy, strung up in two pigtails.
Giving off the effect of a disappointed rabbit with the pair tucked behind her ears.
With an oversized pair of nerd goggles sat atop like a pair of rings for a wedding.
"Look you're a real sweetheart I'm sure but me an' my pal over there-" pointing backwards to Walter in the complete wrong direction.
"Need to go find our next fishin spot-" but before Victoria could finish her exit,
Simone cut her off with a pippy sort of ahem, "you do know fishing in the lake is-"
"Illegal yeah and unless you have a machine that grows fish, you can shove it"
Simone looked a bit shocked at the expression on her face, but hit back with.
"Well if you knew anything about robotechtronics you'd know that's not how it works!"
"Well I don't need to know a thing about it because it's not a field worth pursuing!"
The two let out a growl of frustration, moving closer, their words circling each other like lions.
"At least I'm not living under a bridge!"
"Well la dee da misses richy rich here!"
"I'll have you know I worked hard to get into this college! Something you clearly wouldn't get!"
"Oh it's real easy to get, you put together a few nuts and bolts and now you're a fuckin genius!"
Simone had an almost hilarious expression of indignation, as if she wouldn't be able to stand this stupid girl a second longer.
Victoria snarled each biting remark like a beast at the bedside of a dying animal, eager to hunt for this entertainingly easy prey.
With each advance of their argument the deep maroon shuttering their faces flooded in.
The pairs fists clenched as if to strike, but using only their words, flames licking at their skin
"ugh!! You are impossible! I don't even know why I'm still standing here arguing with you!"
She shouted, the angry expletive echoing around the cavernous space where they stood.
"Then why are you still standing here dumbass! We need to find a new place before it gets-"
A well of emotions that had been prime to rupture the entire time finally exploded inside her,
Even her freckled ears turned a dark shade of red, staining every part of her pale skin.
"Do you wanna sleep in my dorm?!" Less of a question, and more so a screamed exclamation.
Suddenly the mood had seemed to shift, but not in too drastically different a manner.
This was the last thing Victoria would've expected, it caught her so off guard she nearly fell again
"W-What? You want me to-" but the shorter girl had already started dragging her alongside.
"Let's just go! You look like shit anyway, and smell as much too!" Though this seemed unrelated.
"Well why don't we go then? We don't need you stinking up the place anymore" Victoria hissed.
"You're the one with stink lines coming off you!" Following up with "not to mention that hair"
Practically spitting in the bespectacled girls face, "fuckin nerd I can't believe I'm gonna go see your stupid ivory tower" rolling her eyes exaggeratedly.
"It's not like you're moving in, idiot!" She blistered hotly, "I'm bending the rules enough bringing a girl like you into this school.." Simone grumbled further
"Well thank you soooo much I'm sure it'll be very hard for you" Victoria drawled sarcastically
"Yeah it will be actually thank you very much!" A delightful fury painting her round face.
The two bickered all the way to her campus, their faces a moment apart at every step.
Their loud shouting battle soon replaced once more with the sound of the rushing river,
While Walter contentedly watched them walk off, good for Victoria, he thought, mildly amused.
He reached for another wriggling fuzzy worm, and skewered it expertly onto the aged old rusty hook.
And with a hefty swing.. he slung the line back out.
Part 1 of 1 END! What A Delightful Start To A Surely Long Lasting Friendship, Walter Was There Too!
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myuni-moon · 1 year
#Growing Pains
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—Synopsis: There are many things that will remain unspoken, but maybe someday, you'll find it in yourself to love again. For now, you mourn.
—Pairing(s)/Character(s): Past!Tighnari x Reader
—Genre: Scenario, modern!au
—Word Count: 762
—Warnings: Angst, mentions of unrequited love, pining
—Note: Something to heal me. Sometimes, I miss who I was and the people in the past who I couldn't imagine not having in my life. Also, I'm alive, just busy!
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No one taught you the mourning that came from growing out of someone. No one told you that at any point in time, it'll unexpectedly occur to you the role that someone once occupied had been barren or, perhaps, even replaced. It was like a case of those sequels where the once main characters of the series were now supporting roles in the background that now served as minor plot devices and were used to draw in older fans, knowing they'd cling to something familiar and reject the prospect of something new because of their lingering emotional attachment.
The realization came to you on one autumn afternoon as you sat outside your favorite café. Gone was the usual bustle of the world, now replaced with the peaceful silence of golden hour. You quietly sipped on your drink and sneakily peeked at the people passing by on the other side of street. If you got too bored, you'd count the number of red cars passing within the hour-- perhaps you'd end up doodling on a napkin with a pen.
The chilly air nipped at your nose, and the sun had begun to set. Somewhere in the background, you could hear a child laugh from far away. It warmed your heart, made you feel as if something deep within you was healing. But from what? What were you healing from?
Then in the deep recesses of your heart, mind, and soul, an image is conjured up. Tighnari, the name felt foreign as it danced in your head-- even though you knew it wouldn't have four years ago. Honestly speaking, the very notion of him had become foreign to you. You were familiar with who he was, what he was to you, and just how important he had been. But that's all it was now, familiar. Well-acquainted but uncertainly so.
Your mind was thrust back in time, one completely different to now. It was a time that you could only say was an era given to Tighnari. After all, you characterized it as such due to him. He lived in it as much as you did. Though hazy, you could remember how your chest swelled with love, joy, and the universe. He used to take the train with you, his figure standing parallel to your own as you gripped the handle grip as tightly as you could lest you ended up tripping the moment the vehicle started moving-- but he'd always stand behind you, waiting to catch you if your grip ever loosened accidentally. You'd laugh softly as he whispered to you funny hypotheticals of other people on the ride. Afterwards, he'd walk with you to the Akademiya before you two split into your own schedules. When everything was finished, you'd head home, with him right behind you, and talk about how your day went.
You were never lovers, even if you wanted to be-- more than anything in the world. But you knew that life wasn't always how you wanted it to be because even after more than half a decade of friendship, everything would eventually change. People live their lives and start matching the pace of the world. Before you knew it, your present had long become the past.
How long had it been since you were in love? Did you even still have it in you to? And even then, why did the thought of growing up and loving someone else as much as you loved him scare you? Why did it feel like it made your heart falter? You weren't even in love with him anymore, but why did the thought of moving on from something that used to be so wonderful seem so frightening?
But just when the pain settled in your chest, threatening to constrict your ribcage and leave you feeling out of breath, it dissipated as if it were never there in the first place. Still, it sent you reeling. It took you a few minutes to settle your world that had been shaken up. As you glanced back onto the scene in front of you, you took a deep breath. You silently whispered your goodbyes, watching the sun set in the horizon. You stuffed all your lingering regrets and attachments in the last rays of sunshine, watching the sun sink and taking everything with it. You wonder if what you just felt would ever come back to remind you like how morning always came after the night. If it did, you don't know if you could handle the devastation another time.
And just like that, you mourned.
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