#and the struggles he has due to his autism are VERY relatable
autistic-beshelar · 2 months
ah yes dungeon meshi, the manga where an autistic man gets repeatedly bullied by people he thinks are his friends and not a single person supports him
#dont get me wrong i am enjoying this manga#but i'm failing to see how this is some great amazing autistic rep#like yeah laios is obviously autistic#and the struggles he has due to his autism are VERY relatable#but it's deeply uncomfortable that even the people closest to him are routinely awful to him#specifically for his autistic traits#and their bullying is almost always a joke#not a single person defends him#literally senshi is the only character that's never been cruel to him#well and farlyn but lbr she's also autistic and also has been in like half a chapter that ive read so far#maybe ive just not read far enough or not seen enough posts#but im not understanding why the fandom are treating it like amazing autistic rep and how it understands us so well#you could argue that the narrative tends to support laios's methods and way of thinking#but nothing else does#the scene with shuro was fucking awful to read tbh#'you're so annoying because you're autistic. how dare you think im your friend when you should have just guessed that i hated you'#and not a single person defends laios#or calls shuro out on what a fucking horrific way of treating a party member that is#like i dont know MAYBE you could have just said 'hey i don't really want to be friends'#maybe you could COMMUNICATE.#but no it's the autistic man who's the problem. for the crime of.... being too nice.#i don't have a problem with the scene.#i have a problem with the fact that shuro is framed as reasonable here. instead of utterly fucking vile.#i have a problem with none of the other characters sticking up for laios.#dungeon meshi#maybe ppl will start treating him better#i would like to continue reading#but if he continues getting bullied in EVERY fucking chapter as a 'joke' then idk man
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 5 months
Autistic Anime Boys Prelims - Propaganda Division - Round 2
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Amuro -
"Being a Newtype is just space autism to me. But also he sucks at falling in line in a structured environment, would rather work with machines than talk to people, and is only allowed as a child soldier because he's the bestest at big robots."
Kyouya -
"what's there to say? you know him. you love him. vote kyoya."
Euini -
"I relate a lot to his social anxiety, especially his performance anxiety that occurs when he's being watched by people, particularly due to his stress at needing to follow the plan/do things the "proper" way in order to not feel like he's a failure. he also stands like a lil autistic kid and i appreciate him so much for that.
(LIGHT SPOILERS) basically, he has a test that he needs to take in order to advance as a witch, and he keeps failing it because he cant perform properly while being watched by other people, even though he knows the "right" spells to use and why he's supposed to use them. on his third attempt of the test, he's prepared a "script" to use so that he can follow it and not worry about failing in the moment (in this case, his script is a hand-written book of the proper spells to use and the order in which he's supposed to use them), but when a part of the exam changes, he's no longer able to follow his script. because he's been taught all his life that there's only one proper way of doing things, his way of thinking is very rigid and he's not able to deviate from his plan without panicking. luckily, one of his fellow examinees (richeh from the autistic anime girls poll 💕) is able to convince him to try and change the way that he does things to something that is more attuned to his personal needs- basically change the way that he casts his spells and which spells to use so that he doesn't need to struggle with doing things in the way that everyone says that he should; the way that he cant seem to manage. but, even before richeh helped him with that though, he was still finding way to modify the "proper" spells a little bit to better suit his weaknesses. he was trying so hard to fit in to the mold that witch society gave him, but it just wasnt right for him and he was making it work however he could."
Aoi -
"He has a very devoted special interest in the idol Takada-chan, which he frequently imagines in fights and other situations… the moment someone (Itadori) expresses equal interest in something he is passionate about, he immediately declares them besties and brothers and creates a whole elaborate shared history for them that doesn’t actually exist. He’s not really interested in connecting with people who don’t share his interests. He’s seen as somewhat strange and eccentric. Though in the present he is respected because of his strength as a sorcerer, as a child he was very isolated."
Floyd -
"Has no emotional regulation skills and will make it everyone's problem. Prone to mood swings and can get angry at the drop of a hat, but can also be so goofy, silly, and lovely. Sways side to side for that good good stim, and loves to squeeze others (with violent intent and affectionate intent). Who doesn't love a good pressure stim? His interest in things can be fleeting, and his motivation to do things can change as quickly as his mood. Spontaneous and feral extraordinaire."
Apollo -
"Not canonically autistic but he has ZERO volume control plus he scripts/repeats stuff (“I’M FINE!!!”), sometimes mimics other people’s speech patterns (like replying “ja” to Klavier), sensitive to loud noises (stayed backstage at a concert cuz it was too loud) and bright lights (complained about the stage lights being too bright at the same concert + screamed when opening the hatch to the bright stage at magic show), and has been really into space since he was a kid, which could definitely be a hyperfixation (not to mention how he read every single one of Phoenix’s old case files back when he admired him). Plus he’s a little TOO normal, to the point where it circles back around to making him the odd one out, which is absolutely what masking feels like for me. Even when he tries to be fun and weird he gets strange looks/made fun of for not being weird in the right way. The list of autism symptoms is just a checklist for him at this point."
Ash -
"he just has those vibes ya know?"
Shou -
"His special interest is math. He uses math terms in regular conversations and calls people yoctograms/zeptograms which earned him monikers such as "math man" and "pi-face". Speaking of Pi, he once shouted 155 consecutive digits of it through a megaphone just because he could. He's so normal."
Sunny -
"Sunny has been told that his face is not expressive. He doesn't talk a lot and he often gets lost into his imagination. He is a great listener and recalls a lot of information being told he has a great memory (he is able to remember a whole speech about flower symbolism that his friend told him) He is compared to a cat."
Yuu -
"He’s like if an emo programmer boy was also completely unhinged and also had a tragic backstory."
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luci-luck · 2 months
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Earth “ponies” go first! MASSIVE autism dump comin’ atcha live
TW: ableism , grief , parental death (just in case the tags failed)
This is more so for me but I still wanted to share 🫶
Sandstone (Pinkie):
- b i g puppy energy
- Built for work but prefers to play
- Has crystal pony genes but depression makes them subdued. Can only go full crystal mode in a moment of pure and raw jubilation.
- after constantly being told who she’s supposed to be, they rejected the idea of labels entirely
- no labels for gender or sexuality means loving Pinkie does not impact your sexuality score!
- (intersex is not about gender but biological sex. That being said many intersex people use intergender as their gender as it relates to their experience as an intersex person.)
- deals with internalized ableism due to conservative fillyhood environment. Feels bad when they need to ask for help/support. Got herself an unofficial certificate in psychology so he can be his own therapist (it doesn’t work out)
- Parents would totally support the pony version of Autism Speaks just saying. Pinkie’s dad thinks neurodivergency is curable with hard work and the right attitude whilst her mom mourns the loss of her son after the diagnosis.
- ADHD makes xeir rejection sensitivity off the charts
- Internal battery runs on the company of others so can’t ever live alone.
- Had problems with food insecurity
- Relies on sugar as a steady supply of dopamine
- Can have moments of poor motor control. Clumsy
- Eyesight is bad but doesn’t wear glasses. Afraid that ponies will start thinking he is smart and they will expect even more from him. (In human world she wears contacts)
- Feels embarrassed being high support needs and just wants to be treated like everybody else. Hates when xer parents call her “special”
- Also hates being infantilized but is not confident in their decision making
- Xe is a sensory seeker unlike the rest of their family who are all sensory avoiders. Sisters compromise and try to meet his needs. Pinkie in turn tries to be mindful of their touch aversion but finds it hard sometimes. “Everypony’s just so scoop-able!”
- Trained Gummy to “stay”. Is very proud of his emotional support gator
- Is incredibly strong for her size
- feels like she has to constantly prove herself worthy of taking over the farm. Has gotten into arguments with Big Mac about overexerting herself
- Is a hinny (donkey mom and stallion dad) (ofc hinnies are supposed to have tails more like horse but I love the lion tail on AJ so 💁‍♀️) (I said mule in ALT text because most people don’t know what a hinny is)
- Because of this, she is more calm under pressure and thinks more logically
- has major depression from grief and ptsd (duh)
- Isn’t used to being in a stress free environment so she creates the stress
- Likes running the apple stand but certain families trigger her
- Obsessed with anything from the past generation. A time when her parents were young and happy
- Can be a bit insensitive to other’s problems and wants them to “put on their big girl pants” like she had to.
- Feels like she has to fill in the roles her parents used to do. Especially so Applebloom and Granny don’t have to stress over as many things.
- Was in the process of cutting her mane when she remembered that AB liked to braid it so she stopped half way.
- Is the mom of the friend group. Makes sure everyone’s needs are met before tending to her own. (Which is bad btw)
- Has problems with insomnia but getting better.
- Struggles with OCD and will repeat unnecessary tasks if she believes it will help protect her family
- Has an emotional support dog named Winona who also reminds AJ to take breaks 🐕‍🦺
- Sees no point in getting her chronic pain checked out. Will hopefully change her mind in the future. Wears leg braces to ease the soreness.
- Got diagnosed later on. Grief masked her autistic traits.
- Also has a hard time asking for help but has gotten better after she found out that Applebloom has been internalizing that mindset. She must lead by example
- Stick around long enough and she’ll happily invite you over with a hot cup of cider 🍺
- (Other people tend to fall in love while getting to know someone. Demiromantics however need to get to know the person first and then develop romantic feelings later)
- Thought she wasn’t capable of developing crushes until she got to know Coloratura.
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pseudo-hero · 7 months
I don't know if it's occurred to anyone recently, that the real/biggest reason that Lex Luthor felt like an alien while growing up in Smallville wasn't just that he was extremely intelligent (to an admittedly astronomical degree), but mainly due to the fact that he was hypersensitive, struggled to connect with people unless he felt they were very similar to him and was basically socially inept, all likely due to a possibly undiagnosed neurological condition (your guess is as good as any).
I feel like it's been heavily implied for a while now in certain Superman works that Lex may have literally been on the autism spectrum or have grown up with a related condition. Combine that with super genius intellect, a deeply ingrained sense of superiority and entitlement as well as emotional growth-stunting abuse, and you have a recipe for the perfect completely unstable, super villain catastrophe.
Likewise, I think it's been implied for a while now that Clark is also a representation of what being neurodivergent is like, but with the metaphor being made actual. Hence why he doesn't "feel like" an alien. He IS an alien. An alien that has had to mask what makes him different from others his entire life. With only those closest to him knowing the truth.
A perfect example of both of these concepts can be found in the first issue of the (technically...) on-going Superman miniseries Superman: The Last Days of Lex Luthor. (Same with its spiritual predecessor Superman: Birthright, if I'm being honest.)
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What does anybody else think? It seems to me that only a few people at most have talked about any of this before, at least online.
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This is for the matchmaking, I'm a non-binary person in my early 20 who is extremely introverted, i struggle with social situations when I'm alone, i also struggle with depression and anxiety which makes life rather hard, i have been diagnosed with autism so when i get interested in something that tends to be my main interest for months if not a year or more. I am a very emotional person i cry at everything and anything honestly, due to being diagnosed with Autism very late in my life i have spent a lot of time masking, to make myself appear as normal as possible, so much so that i don't even know what I'm actually like normally. Even though i am a very anxious person i have a major case of Resting Bitch face, so much so that some of my friends told me they were scared of talking to me at first because they thought i look mean.
I'm a very creative person, i love expressing myself in ways that don't have anything to do with talking, i also love fashion and i usually dress in a mix of goth and comfy clothes, though comfy clothes usually overtake my need to look fancy due to major dysphoria so i usually opt for large hoodies. My hair is currently in a chin long undercut which is a kind of very light pink/purple due to the colour fading over time, i have green eyes, wear glasses and have a septum as well as tattoos. I'm also currently a major in art and Theatre, mostly focused on painting. I am a theater kid at heart, i love musicals and have acted in a few myself. I'm also Pansexual so i will literally just go for anyone I'm interested in no matter the gender.
Hi pookie! I apologize for the wait cause finals were a bitch but they’re finally DONE
Aight now lets get into this
Due to the information provided you will be matched up with…🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
My lovely chosito osito!!(ignore everything that’s happened in 259😀)
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Okay now walk with me🚶🏾‍♀️
I feel like you and Choso would really vibe together for numerous reasons. Choso is an eldest sibling so he’s incredibly patient and he’s proven to be very nurturing so I feel as though it would be second nature for him to always be thinking about you and how things might affect you. I think lil homie also has anxiety so he would be able to relate to you on that level, and since so much of this world is completely new to him you guys would be able to bond over the lovely overstimulation of day to day life.
From one autistic person to another I really feel like Choso would understand a lot more than some of the other characters? Idk I just get that vibe from him. He’s very blunt and straightforward, doesn’t cut corners in his explanations and he’s also got one hell of a resting face so I feel like he wouldn’t take lack of expression personally if you’re ever feeling burnt out.
Like I mentioned prior this boy is 🗣️NURTURING
He basically had to sub in as mom,dad,brother for all of those siblings so he’s got you bby don’t worry. I feel like he can be really protective and overbearing at times though but if that crosses a like for you then you just need to let him know. He’s no stranger to tears and he has no problem scooping you up in his arms and letting you cry it out.
If you wanna yap about a new hyper fixation you better believe Choso will listen!! The world is new and exciting and even though the bright lights and media tend to give him headaches, he can’t get enough of you relaying him the information because he’s kinda obsessed with you ngl.
Y’all with be THAT alt introverted couple who everybody is kind of scared of but are actually sweethearts. Once Choso figured out about department stores and piercing parlors it’s over for you bitches.
He thinks your tattoos are so cool and he’s kinda just like fascinated by the entire process. If you ever choose to get more he would wanna go with you but he’d be holding your hand and staring at the tattoo artist like this 😠
I also feel like he would definitely respect your pronouns once he wrapped his head around them because he is just not from this era so it’ll take him a bit😭 it’s genuinely just pure ignorance and not disrespect but he WILL get the hang of it.
Activities you do together include….
•going to see musicals and live theatre(he will be enchanted or overstimulated, it’s a 50/50 on this one)
•staying inside✨(a fan favorite)
•p i e r c i n g d a t e s
•painting!! More or less so him watching you paint but it’s the thought that counts🥰
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autistic-ghost · 2 months
I headcanon Sebastian from stardew valley as autistic. I do not think his character was written with the intent of being autistic, I think he can be read that way.
While he's not the only villager who is more of a loner, he's the only one who has friends that he has a clear disinterest in hanging out with- Penny being very shy but regularly tutoring Jas and Vincent and possibly avoids other due to her family life, and Shane being antisocial due to his mental health and drinking problems. He has a line of dialogue apologising because he doesn't know what else to say and while this happens to everyone in real life I think it's significant in a game where you can only talk to characters once a day and they have limited dialogue they can give you, implying that he's extremely awkward and possibly struggles with communication
He shows a strong preference for rainy days which could allude to sensory issues with bright sunny days, as does him living in a basement- no windows, isolated from the rest of the house so therefore quieter. This could explain why Robin has put him in the basement despite building the house from the ground up and could have easily made him a room upstairs. (I will note that he doesn't like his room at I think he says it makes him depressed at some point, though this could be a "the least worst option" sort of situation".) Demetrius' general dislike of him and his issues with Maru could be caused by autism too. It could also help explain why Sebastian has so much resentment for Maru, as she has something that he will never have; a neurotypical brain and being generally outgoing and well liked.
not to mention it's common for autistic people to remain living at home older than their allistic peers do, potentially he might not be able to care for himself well enough to be able to move out. He also doesn't hold a traditional job, having chosen not to go to college because he prefers his freelance work behind the safety of a screen. there's also a line of dialogue during a festival which says something to the effect of taking a break from all the people that I belive is in the fair?
Obviously these traits are being examined in a vacuum, if he was a real person and this was the information I was given I would say maybe but likely not, however as deep as the characters are they are still story tools designed to give the impression of real humans that are likeable and relatable. There's likely a number of different neurodivergencies that he could fall under based on the traits he was given and depending on if the player is neurodivegent themselves and how they veiw the world
however he's my favourite character so therefore he's autistic BC I said so >:))
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wangxianficfinder · 11 months
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Fic Finder
1. Can you help me find a fic? It was a poly ship, with I think Lan Wangji, Jiang Cheng, Jin Zixuan, and Wei Wuxian. Possibly also Nie Huaisang? LWJ, JC, JZX (+maybe NHS) were divine beasts and WWX was another mythical beast but he hid it. I don’t think they were all romantically involved: WWX was the pivot between the others. It was abo or a fated-soulmate au. I think I might be getting two fics confused though, because I remember there is one where WWX, LWJ, JC, and JZX form some kind of soul bond and they fight through the Sunshot Campaign together and they can read each other’s thoughts and bring each other back to life, but this one is not that one! Can’t remember that one’s name either and it isn’t in my bookmarks. TT
FOUND? I’m pretty sure the one with the fourway soulbond is Quartet series by WithBroomBefore (T, 69k, Platonic Soulbond, Hurt/comfort, Canon   Divergence, No golden core transfer, JC&JZX stay in Xuanwu cave, Fix-it, Temporary character death)
2. Hello! I am looking for a fic where  Wei Wuxian is a hairstylist. Rich!Lan Wangji keeps coming back even though originally he would only make an appointment with the owner. Likes his scalp massage. I can't remember if the owner is Huaisang or Wen Ning. Thank you for your help! @toopunkrockforshul
FOUND! Delivered in Silence by DeviyudeThoolika (E, 17k, WangXian, Modern AU, Slow Burn, hairstylist!WWX, client!LWJ, Horny WangXian)
3. For fic finder: An mpreg fic: in the Gusu lectures Jin Zixuan rapes Wei Wuxian, and so Madame Yu pulls WWX out of classes and drags him back to Lotus Pier where he is confined in secret for a year to have the child. The story continues on through the canon storyline with WWX repeatedly clashing with JZX especially over his engagement to Yanli. LWJ realizes that JZX hurt WWX and stands by WWX’s side to face JZX. I think it was a very long fic.(wangxian endgame, not WWX/JZX)
FOUND! secrets for the stars to keep by UchiHime (M, 37k, WangXian, XuanXian, XuanLi, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Mpreg, Canon Divergence, not a/b/o, Hurt/Comfort, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Recovery)
4. Help me please! I am struggling to find a fic due to tumblr’s dumb search system (I know I originally found it due to this blog). The fic involves Lan Zhan slowly turning into jade and Wei Wuxian is asked to help bc he is great at breaking curses! It turns into the two of them basically doing a bucket list for Lan Zhan and it was very cute! @flamboyantly-asexual​
FOUND! A Curse of a Different Color by nickel710 (G, 35k, WangXian, XiChengQing, Modern with Magic, Modern Cultivation, Curses, Curse Breaking, Asexual polyamory, Repressed LWJ, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Drunk LWJ, Falling In Love, WWX Being an Idiot, Non-explicit vomit, just a tiny reference to it, Anxiety)
5. Hi! For the fic finder, I vaguely remember reading a summary where lwj turns into a girl and has to have an orgasm in order to get back to being a boy or something along those lines? Sorry, that's the only thing I remember about it but I need it 😭🙏🏼
FOUND! Coming Back to Yourself by acernor (E, 21k, WangXian, Vaginal Fingering, Cunnilingus, Oral Sex, Pining, Gender or Sex Swap, Vaginal Sex)
6. Hi, I'm looking for a fic, large I believe, where a transmigrator was born as Xichen... Any idea which can be @krysaniar​
FOUND? the eve of dawn by theAbandoned_Grimoire (G,132k, LXC & LWJ, LXC & QHJ & LWJ, LQR & QHJ, NHS & NMJ, future wangxian, canon divergence, dumb LXC au, hurt/comfort, angst & feels, fluff, dysfunctional family, happy ending, implied/referenced character death, minor character death, slow burn)
7. Hello! I’m looking for a fic I read a while back. My memory is a bit vague, so take with a grain of salt. Plot: Lan Wangji is stressed (forgot if it was just stress or if it was autism related) so Wei Wuxian uses his body as a weighted blanket, just laying on top of LWJ. (I think WWX buys him an actual weighted blanket later on but LWJ prefers WWX as a weighted blanket. Also, I think they get together at end of fic, but I’m not sure.) thanks in advance for your help! It’s greatly appreciated! @dweebdaweeb
FOUND? Happy for Now by ScarlettStorm (E, 79k, Female WangXian, Modern AU, no magic, Rule 63, Cisswap, There Was Only One Bed, romance author au, Adhd wwx, service top LWJ, Pining, Smut, Comedy, Minor Angst, major shenanigans, horny yearning, furtive masturbation, Cunnilingus, Vaginal Fingering, Sex Toys) there was a scene like that in 'Happy for Now' by ScarlettStorm
8. hi ! i’m looking for a fic set in post canon where i’m pretty sure wangxian we’re tg, they go on a hunt where smth puts everyone to sleep and eventually kills. but rlly the curse tricks you into showing u a horrible nightmare that u think is ur reality so u stay asleep. wei ying sees lan zhan die in front of him and he’s super angry and resentful that lan zhan would leave him, and after the funeral he ends up leaving cloud recesses and suzhui bc he can’t be there without him. eventually he is woken up and finds out it was a dream, but wei ying talks to lan zhan and is like “how did you not resent me i chose to leave you”. i cant find it anywhere !!
FOUND? more damage than a soul should see by Kika988 (M, 12k, WangXian, Heavy Angst, Whump, Post-Canon, Please see notes for specific warnings!)
9. Hello Mods!
I have two fics I'm looking for, that I have regrettably lost amidst my 53 pages of AO3 subscriptions (yes it is a lot no I will not shrink it I have 20+ fandoms I enjoy I am an unrepentant).
A) 1st is a Golden core reveal fic which also included Wangji telling Wuxian about the marriage ribbon and the two of them serving tea to Jiang Cheng and Yanli after it.
B) 2nd is a modern AU fic where Wuxian is a Hacker? Code writer? for his main job but also is a music teacher I think while Wangji works in hospital? They have a big concert together is what I remember.
Any help finding these two gems is greatly appreciated! (^_^♪)
FOUND? Come Around and Stay by trippednfell (M, 160k, WangXian, NieLan, Modern AU, Slow Burn, Kid Fic, Found Family, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, PTSD, Blood and Injury, Dissociation, So much trauma, Angst with a Happy Ending, Takes a while to work through it, Musicals, POV Alternating, Baking, Yunmeng reconciliation (eventually), Friend Zoning, Literal Sleeping Together, Hurt/Comfort, Panic Attacks)
10. I'm looking for a fic where they mention that something that sometimes stops cultivators leaving the sects and going rogue is having to pay the forge prices of their swords. IIRC it was in the context of the Lan sect helping WWX get out from the Jiangs by paying the forge price for him. Please and thank you!
FOUND! Rotten Work by ShanaStoryteller (Not rated, 64k, JL & WWX, wangxian, post-canon, protective WWX, protective JL, JC & WWX reconciliation, reluctant matchmaker JL, pre-JL/LJY) Rotten Work by ShanaStoryteller mentions disciples that leave have to pay to keep their sword, but it's about Luo Qingyang and the Jins
11. Hi! It has been a while. So there's this ff that I have read before and I cannot remember the title. So it goes like
Wei Ying was going to destroy the Yin Tiger Tally and he knows he's gonna die in process. Jin Ling's 100th day is also coming up so he insists A-Yuan to go there too with someone I cannot remember (but I think it was Song Lan) and he told A-Yuan to find Lan Zhan. I think he also wrote some letters for the people invited there to read. A-Yuan started crying I think and yelling that Gold was bad (he was refering to the Jins because they tortured them on camps before).
Pov to Wen Qing and Wen Ning. They weren't aware that Wei Ying was going to destroy the Yin Tiger. I think Wei Ying told them to buy something or collect something. So while they were out Wei Ying started to destroy the Yin Tiger. Wen Qing senses something was wrong and hurriedly went back to the Burial Mounds. Time skip Wei Ying still dies (?) Wen Qing was trying to revive him until she passes out. Time skip again Lan Zhan Jiang Yanli Jin Zixuan came to the burial mounds, Jin Zixuan got shot by an arrow and was poisoned so Jiang Yanli find Wen Qing and beg at her to save her husband. I don't remember much but at some point they saw Wei Ying's corpse.
Last time I read it, it was still incomplete. I hope you can help me with this. Thank you @hellothere9597​
FOUND? #11 i think its a deleted fic. The title is When I'm Gone by qiankun_pouch . Its fit the description that are mentioned
12. Hi I'm looking for a fic where Wei ying is obessed with marrying a rich man, so he goes to parties with meng Yao looking for one..Meanwhile Lan Zhan his room mate is rich and hiding it. He detests those who seek money. They have chemistry. But Wei ying never wants to risk being back in poverty. And Lan Zhan he into him a lot but he doesn't want Wei ying to be with him for Money.Wen ning is also a roommate. @imgonnablogtheworldtodeath
13. Hello!! This is a fic finder request but first I have to let you know that ur all doing gods work and that I appreciate u all sm!!
Ok so im not sure if im doing this correctly but I’m looking for this fic that I lost where lwj almost dies in nightless city saving jyl. Lxc was able to save him by binding their souls together or smth at the last minute and then he hid lwj away in qinghe where he’s basically in a comatose state. Wwx thinks lwj is dead and blames himself and iirc he turns himself in at cr and gets whipped? Also lxc 100% blames wwx for lwj’s near death and pretty much hates him. I also remember that when lwj woke up and wwx saw him he went a little crazy and wouldn’t believe he was real
Again thank you all sm for your hard work!! @kitekichenqin​
FOUND? If I Could Go Back in Time by Runningbarefoot (M, 122k, WangXian, NieLan, Canon Divergence, Role Reversal, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Grief/Mourning, Loss, YLLZ WWX, Eventual Happy Ending, The Twin Jade Brotherhood, Hurt/Comfort, Healing, Canon-Typical Violence, Character Study, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Dynamics, Slow Burn)
14. Hello! I am looking for this fic I read a reaaaaally long time ago. The only thing I remember is that wwx died but not really when he was on his way to jin lings one month celebration (ik it's really vague up till here) and wen ning takes him back and then goes to the banquet and talks with the main characters there privately. Thanks in advance! @la-diabla
FOUND? End Racism in the OTW | The Fire Lapping Up the Creek by notevenyou (E, 66k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Hurt/Comfort, Canon-Typical Violence, Injury, Injury Recovery, Blood, Respiratory Illness, Major Illness, Fever, Grief/Mourning, Burial Mounds, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Hunger and food scarcity, Surgery, Fix-It of Sorts)  
15. During Gusu lectures LWJ and WWX spar and something sparks between them like dual cultivation? I think they were already in a relationship at that point, and during the spar they are giddy with the thrill of the fight and, feeling their energy circling, it gets them horny and they, pardon the crassness, jerk each other off in a hallway after they drag each other off the field. @gloriousclotpole
FOUND! 🧡 Stunted, Starving Juvenility by TomatenMark (E, 663k, WangXian, WIP, Fix-it of sorts, Talisman master WWX, Not JFM Friendly, Study Arc, Getting together, Fluff and Angst, Engagement)
16. hellooooo I've been looking for this fic but I can't find it all I remember is Thant lwj goes back in the past after wwx's death (during the cloud recess study arc) and it ends withe a threesome with him wwx and younger lz. also at the end he goes back to the futur to wait for 'his' wwx can you help ????? thanks for all that you do !!!!!✨✨✨✨✨✨
17. hii i was looking for this wangxian fic where I think they accidentally end up taking care of a-yuan? the only thing i remember from the fic is that around the end social services or cps take a-yuan away from wangxian for a day or two and then they have to go sign some papers before they can have a-yuan back. that's all i remember sorry 😭 i read it a long time ago maybe 2020/2021? I've been looking for it for ages and i can't find it, please help 🥺
FOUND? All those roads are pointing to you by jiejieaini (E, 81k, WangXian, Modern AU, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Drowning, Canonical Character Death, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Bunnies, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Dubious Consent, Dom/sub Undertones, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, WangXian Have a Breeding Kink, Rimming, Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Marriage Proposal)
18. Zero idea if you still do this, but Im looking for a certain fanfic which is about lwj and wwx moving together i think because he was kicked out by madam yu, because he outed himself and I remember Lan Xichen being very supportive and even going back to the house to retrieve wwx‘s belongings and ofc lwj and wwx fall in love other the time course
FOUND? Found Family by fyredancer (T, 10k, WangXian, Modern AU, Fluff, Getting Together, POV Outsider, Dysfunctional Family, Coming Out, Bad Parenting, Protective Older Brothers, Protective Siblings)
FOUND? Where is home? by SpicyRamen_10969 (M, 42k, WIP, WangXian, Modern AU, High School, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Coming Out, Not Jiang Family Friendly, Supportive LQR, Good Sibling LXC, Fluff, Angst with a Happy Ending, JC Being an Asshole, Possible Smut?)
19. Hello, this is an FicFinder request.
I don't remember much, but it was a rare-pairing of WRH and WWX. I'm not sure if it was a time travel fic. When bunny was 14 or something, a water deity came from the waters of Yunmeng and told him of his powers/potentials. Bunny then was take. To kunlun mountain or smth like that and found out that he controlled the void, darkness, some elements as well. He meditated and became immortal and had lived for more than 200 years in another realm. In Yunmeng, he was still a kid and went to seclusion to complete his meditation or something. He also had a wife/lover in underworld and it was a mix of Greek mythology and others as well. @tinyfoxpeach
20. I particularly remember that it is a four part series with one fic rewritten. It's basically post burial mounds siege where wwx ascended to immortality, and lwj ascended after his 33 discipline whip punishment. Lwj's injuries were so grave that it carried to his ascension. It's not specified but lwj ends up in wwx's domain and wwx goes batshit after finding out what the lan sect did and confronted them. Mostly fluff and angst. @bananatoffeepie​
FOUND? Deity AU by crypticidentity (M, 5k, wangxian, hurt/comfort, madness, implied/Referenced character death, whipping, angst, protective WWX, BAMF WWX, deity WWX, deity LWJ) check all the tags before reading!
86 notes · View notes
faetaiity · 1 year
Hallo, hate to bother ya but is it okay if I request poly turtles (dark au or normal) x y/n who like physical affection but is kinda selective about affection (don’t know how to describe it, kinda like Donnie I guess).
You don’t have to, just wondering!
Two posts within a week?? wow I might actually get back to a decent schedule, hopefully. I went with Normal! bc I have so much shit for Dark AU, I just wanna appreciate my original boys, y'know? (also, I'm fucking around with how my posts look, so, sorry abt that besties :'}) I left the cause of Reader's Selective Affection/Selective Touch up to interpretation but it's mainly written for those who get overstimulated (ASD)
✩ Poly! Rise! Turtles x GN! Selectively Affectionate! Reader ✩
Post Format: Headcanons
CW/TW: angst for Leo's areas and possible hints of Mikey guilt tripping you unintentionally at the end
They actually take it pretty well once it's explained to them.
Donnie takes it the easiest, obviously, But Raph also takes it generally well, maybe not as well as Donnie but that's to be expected tbh, I can't decide who would take it the worst though, definitely Mikey or Leo, though.
Now that I think about it, Leo probably takes it worse but gets over it VERY quickly
Donnie. Donnie will actually beat his twin's ass over it, understanding how it feels to be touched when you don't want to be (even if your issues don't stem from overstimulation.)
But Mikey very rarely gets punished from it due to baby sibling privileges, it'll take him longer to respect that boundary, especially if you don't regularly enforce it with him.
Now that's not to say that he doesn't respect it, it's just, like Leo, he's a very touchy person affection-wise, his preferred choice of showing love is physical touch.
He'll end up stopping all-together until you tell him it's okay, until then? Surprise hugs from behind!
I'll get more into them now, that's just the things that came to mind immediately.
Raph respects it, he might mess up a little bit every once in a while, and he apologizes profusely once it happens
Because while he definitely respects your boundaries 1000%, his usual form of affection is physical touch, but he'll try to find other ways! It'll just take a bit :}
Donnie definitely respects it, scarily so, often avoiding even brushing against you if he can help it
As he has Overstimulation issues and hates being touched at times, he understands the feeling, often he struggles to understand if your selective touch doesn't stem from ASD/SPD (Autism Spectrum Disorder/Sensory Processing Disorder), but he treats it like it is so it's easier for him to relate to.
Leo is difficult about this, I consider Leo a boundary pusher when he doesn't understand or agree with something, for this, it's the former
He doesn't understand why you don't want him to touch you sometimes, if it goes on long enough, he might start to doubt you love him, as his insecurities kick in and overthink about it, he'll think you hate him and just can't find a way to break it to him that you don't love him as much as his brothers
His walls get wrecked and forcefully torn down during this, which is why he gets desperate for affection from you, leading to him getting his shit kicked in by Donnie, just treat him with patience and have a talk with him about it, okay? It'll make him feel a lot better
Mikey is also a Boundary pusher, but not intentionally! He's just.... super Physically affectionate..... he wants to cuddle his darling 24/7 and gets a little bummed during your No-Touch/Affection periods
He still tries to sneak in a hug or cuddle, leading to Donnie scolding him (Donnie is the only brother who calls him out on this behavior lmao), he slowly gets more and more respectful, especially if you call him out on it. He doesn't want to make you uncomfortable after all!
Unlike Leo, he doesn't get insecure about this, he knows you love him, you say it all the time! Why would you lie?
Once you get out of these moods or if this is a constant thing, warm up to the idea of being touched by them, they're ecstatic.
Raph loves cuddling and peppering you with kisses for hours and playing cutesy games like AC:NH on the switch, probably tickles you if you're okay with it.
Leo gets emotional and just clings to you, especially if his insecurities were really bad before you gave the go ahead, you're not allowed to pee or get up for ANYTHING for a couple hours lmao.
Donnie is a 50/50, mainly because if you are okay with touch again, he might be in an Overstimulated state, so sometimes you don't get to cuddle him, but when you do? He's clingy like Leo, understanding that he doesn't know when he'll get the chance to do this again.
Mikey lovebombs you, dragging you to the couch to hug and kiss, constantly complimenting you and whining about how hard it was to not hug you, because he loves you so much!!
All in all, just give them patience and communication and they'll try their best to make you comfortable
7/10, communication is key, boys, communication is key.
Sorry if it's bad by the end, I'm super tired lmao, but I had the motivation to write and idk when I'll get more :'}
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oddballcobblebot · 1 year
hiii !!!!! i luvv telling people my headcanons so here are some of mine!!
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he's autistic and has bpd!!
he struggles with textures related to his suits so he tries to get them all in a favorable texture, he loves silk and satin, cant stand velvet
left handed
he struggles with impulsive suicidal/self harm ideation due to bpd, when triggered by things he can spiral easily and become overwhelmed which causes the impulsive ideation
he likes most foods but finds some absolutely unbearable and refuses to eat them.
he has anger issues from his autism!! he gets overwhelmed which turns into rage (like me)
he lovess food, he loves trying food and is willing to eat anything ed makes about 98% of the time
if his clothes feel too restricting he will wear ed's because theyre bigger on him, but only around the house, never anywhere else
he's always been chubby even from childhood!! and was fat moreso season 5 and onward, especially after finale!
he struggles with gender identity but chooses not to label himself much, but if it were put into a term, mainly genderfluid. he uses both she/her and he/him interchangeably. lesbian freak. she is also uniromantic and is only in love with ed!!!
he has a very low self esteem and has a hard time looking in mirrors sometimes, especially after hurting his eye
he gets headaches very often but they aren't very debilitating. they are usually triggered by potent scents and lights
(secret headcanon i have he has POTS shhh)
he sometimes smokes weed when the pain in his leg is too much to handle and pain medication isn't helping
he wont ever say it, but he loves being cared for
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he has npd, autism, and osdd!! he is a narc but not in the eww narcissists way, in the actual personality disorder way!!
severe sensory issues, especially towards lights and textures
hates the texture of grass
right handed
needs a near constant stream of npd supply, even if its in small ways like praising his riddles, ideas, calling him smart, etc
oswald listening to him intently is like a form of supply for him, feeling listened to is like supply
he uses she/her and he/him interchangeably like oswald, and discovered her gender identity in arkham (the last time she went for a decade...sad face), transgender lesbian!!
very very selective and picky with foods
loves to take care of oswald and cook, cooking makes it easier to cater to both of their texture needs, but they do occasionally eat out
loves infodumping to oswald about riddles and whatever is interesting him
nerm swana (turkish + arab specifically) !!
if oswald is smoking for leg pain u best bet ed is joining in!!!!!
loves to listen to oswald talk alot
he loves loves loves cats and pets the strays around gotham
he didnt ACTUALLY hate that oswald named his dog after him and found it quite endearing
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they both love having meals together and talking about future endeavors
oswald runs the iceberg lounge after the finale, edward is also a co owner
they spend a lot of time together
oswald sleeps on the left side of the bed, edward on the right
edward helps oswald a lot when hes having problems with anger, he tries to be more logical rather than just trying to tell him to "calm down." trying to give him a solution and talking it through helps oswald more
oswald keeps candles and dim lights around the manor to help with ed's sensory problems related to lights, as well as to prevent headaches for himself too
edward helps oswald with his leg a lot, like reminding him to take medications or use his cane when needed. he is always there to remind oswald its okay to need help with things time to time
they both love listening to eachother
oswald likes drinking more than ed does, he loves gin and tonic, frozen margaritas, and martinis. ed prefers not to drink, but doesnt mind a martini either. ed doesnt drink on his own, only with oswald really
oswald became an occaisonal smoker after blackgate, using it to calm any anxiety he gets. ed doesnt like it that much and hates the smell, but he bears with it for oswalds sake. doesnt mean he doesnt try to get him to stop, though
edward loves oswalds size and constantly compliments him, he loves oswald no matter what weight he is and never comments on his body negatively ever
they both have tons of bodily scars
they are both very physically affectionate with eachother but dont really like being touched by other people at all, both are very touch avoidant when it comes to anyone but eachother
both use fem terms on eachother and refer to eachother with she/her a lot!! they both love being fem in private
ed's special interest is riddles and oswald's is penguins!!! eds always loved riddles and puzzles, while oswald learned more about them after the title was bestowed upon him. he also loves sharks!!!
THEY R IN LOVE!!!!! !!!!
thats all. bye bye!!
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
On a related but positive note,here's the reasons why Percy Jackson is autistic
The og troubled but good kid,an inherently autistic archetype-Speaking as a former irl one
Sucks at school but is super smart in pretty much every other area
Smelly Gabe delibaretly targeted his insecurities over his intellegence,as did his bullies and the latters also drilled it into his head that he's a 'weirdo who'll never fit in'
This has happened to him long and often enough for him to have it worse than almost any other demigod when it comes to self-eestem,not helped by Poseidon's abandonment that he's never actually made up for
Mama's boy.Not a definitive but autistic boys tend to be closer to their mom's than to their dad's,both irl and in fiction
His teachers refused to believe his good intentions despite how little he was
Sally dosen't quite understand how he works completely but never puts him down for being different and in fact considers him being different to be a blessing to both of them
Always insists on eating the same type of food(blue)
Dosen't even try to understand social norms because he thinks they're stupid as fuck
His sense of humor is the definition of autism
A brand of kindness that gets allistics big mad and calling it 'unrealistic/childish/etc'-Both certain other characters AND the gross people in the fandom
Jumbled up opinions on morality that obviously cause him distress because he wants things to be black and white(he has enough struggles to begin with)
Canon Resting Bitch Face
No manners but not on purpose,that's just how he talks
Hates tight and revealing clothes so he wears baggy ones
Dated Rachel,who's also autistic,and said he liked her because she made him feel normal and was direct and honest so he didn't have to walk on eggshells around her
Just lets people call him stupid and undermine his countless accomplishments despite how mentally strong he is because he thinks they're right
Was Tyson's defender(Tyson is coded as having at least one intellectual disability,iirc i believe i saw someone say it's Down Syndrome specifically)
Complex relathionship with gender due to canonically being intended as a cis male but most coming off as some type of transfem who's also super femme than anything else
Dislikes 'truly mature' media and behaviors so he has kiddy interests and acts goofy and is very chaotic instead
An actual punk instead of just EdgyTM
Can never tell when someone has a crush on him but when he likes someone back,he's unintentional rizz city
More of a playoff from everything else but he gets along so well with younger people to the point where not only is he Nico and Hazel's best friend but also their eldest sibling figure and pseudo-dad.Adding on that last part because he's been a better parent to them than Hades/Pluto's ever been
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heraldofcrow · 4 months
Do you have any specific neurodivergent headcanons for bb characters by far?
Yep!! Sorry for the wait on this, I was adding to it little by little.
Without further ado—
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Wait, I forgot, I need to clarify something. I don’t really believe neurodivergence refers strictly to autism and ADHD like many often try to say, so with that in mind, my answers might be more varied.
• Rom
Rom is my main headcanon for neurodivergence in Bloodborne because I suspect something is up with her basically being called the “mentally disabled spider” in Japanese, while also having been the only person in Bloodborne to have ascended. With that in mind, I see her as an autistic savant. Perceived as a fool due to stunted outward development, but a genius beyond what others could even understand.
• Laurence
This one is maybe odd, but I have Laurence as someone with bipolar disorder and autism. I don’t have some in-depth explanation for this one other than it fits with the character I wrote for him.
• Gehrman
Clinical depression, like from the time he was a really small kid. He was just different from the start and saw far more than he should have. He was never a very hopeful or upbeat person.
• Bloody Crow
I write Crow with severe psychosis that stems from schizophrenia. There are signs of him being autistic as well, but his schizophrenia is the main thing he struggles with. It is NOT what makes him a villain later on, but when his delusions get out of control and trigger his mania…well, you don’t want to pair it with hatred and anger. Sadly, Crow is overflowing with both.
• Micolash
Micolash was not brought up in an environment where he was able to develop empathy for others, so he was always a bit sociopathic. This wasn’t actually much of a problem for years though, because he tried and learned via others about socalization and interpersonal relations. Sociopaths are not inherently dangerous and neither was Micolash. He was a decent person for a long time.
However, tragedy always strikes, and darker emotional issues and beliefs were what allowed Micolash to eventually weaponize his own sociopathy, committing worse and worse atrocities without feeling the pain of his victims. I like to imagine he was fully aware of how he thought about the process. The problem wasn’t his lack of empathy, it was his choice to utilize it in an evil manner.
• Adeline
Adeline has both Borderline Personality Disorder and clinical depression. The traumatic experiences in her youth left her with a lot of unresolved emotional tension, poor kid.
• Maria
I have her as Crow’s biological sister, so as siblings, they both actually struggle a bit with the same mental challenges. Maria doesn’t really have schizophrenia like her brother, but she experiences severe bouts of depression that can lead to hallucinations and psychosis. She also deals with extreme memory loss at times and heavy PTSD.
• Ludwig
Ludwig has ADHD but people can’t really tell because he is hard on himself about keeping his focus intact. People like Maria absolutely notice his struggle and his periods of low self-esteem. He is too tough on himself :(
• Eileen
This one is actually my favourite headcanon, but Eileen has DID and has at least one other alter that she formed when faced with a horrifically traumatic event as a child. Her alter is a stiff, austere military officer-type, who is comfortable with emotionlessness and treating Eileen’s line of work as a task that must be completed.
Eileen’s alter is harmless and she is aware that she is different in this sense. It’s actually what draws her to Bloody Crow, who is already so terrified of his own mind that he finds comfort in knowing his mentor and mother-figure is not too different.
Some of these might change, but I am happy with most for now. I love psychology and studying it, so I think of it as a worthy challenge to try to write characters with unique mental states and accurately so. It can be a little scary because I know people really care about how several of these mental illnesses are depicted, but hopefully I am not screwing anything up too much. 😅
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 5 months
Autistic Anime Boys Prelims - Propaganda Division - Group 3
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Gene -
"Has a special interest in film and almost works himself to death because he doesn't think his film is as perfect as he wants it to be. He completely botches a project on purpose, an action blockbuster, because he felt like it wasn't respecting the thing he loves the most."
Kei -
"It was the scene in which Makoto and Nao discover that he was able to stuff so many wild plants into his bookbag bc there was literally nothing in it that sold it for me. I can't put it into words. I just see that and I know. I know that boy is autistic."
Arthur -
"His powers are literally fueled by his special interest in knights and chivalry."
Euini -
"I relate a lot to his social anxiety, especially his performance anxiety that occurs when he's being watched by people, particularly due to his stress at needing to follow the plan/do things the "proper" way in order to not feel like he's a failure. he also stands like a lil autistic kid and i appreciate him so much for that.
(LIGHT SPOILERS) basically, he has a test that he needs to take in order to advance as a witch, and he keeps failing it because he cant perform properly while being watched by other people, even though he knows the "right" spells to use and why he's supposed to use them. on his third attempt of the test, he's prepared a "script" to use so that he can follow it and not worry about failing in the moment (in this case, his script is a hand-written book of the proper spells to use and the order in which he's supposed to use them), but when a part of the exam changes, he's no longer able to follow his script. because he's been taught all his life that there's only one proper way of doing things, his way of thinking is very rigid and he's not able to deviate from his plan without panicking. luckily, one of his fellow examinees (richeh from the autistic anime girls poll 💕) is able to convince him to try and change the way that he does things to something that is more attuned to his personal needs- basically change the way that he casts his spells and which spells to use so that he doesn't need to struggle with doing things in the way that everyone says that he should; the way that he cant seem to manage. but, even before richeh helped him with that though, he was still finding way to modify the "proper" spells a little bit to better suit his weaknesses. he was trying so hard to fit in to the mold that witch society gave him, but it just wasnt right for him and he was making it work however he could."
Westar -
"something something Westar's entire character is an anomaly amongst the other denizens of Labyrinth in that he's a big goofball in a world where everything is dictated to the extreme by its ruler. if that's not an autism metaphor of some kind I don't know what is."
Sousuke -
"Sousuke Sagara is an ex-child soldier turned teenage special ops who has to go undercover at a high school to discreetly bodyguard another student. The only problem is that he has no IDEA how to act like a "normal" teenager. Sure, you can say that a lot of his mannerisms come from the whole "raised as a child soldier" thing which, fair, you could make a decent case for (C)PTSD. However, he's also extremely serious and has notorious flat affect and does not understand when other people are joking at all. He's incredibly literal; there's several scenes where he misinterprets what someone says, like the time he asked the art teacher what a model was supposed to do and got a rambling flowery metaphorical response about "becoming one with nature" so he ran off to hide in the woods. Another thing, his social skills are… lackluster at best. He's very blunt, and also a terrible liar for an undercover agent, when the student in question confronted him his strategy was to repeat the same phrase over and over again. One time he's challenged to see if he can pick up any girls, and after a brief misunderstanding his "improved" flirting tactic was to jump in front of them and say "Hi! Would you like to know the names of defense agency spies?" Speaking of, Sousuke has an obvious special interest in the military tech and giant robots he works with. He reads their magazines for fun and was able to rattle off the specs for a model Russian tank. The first time he actually looks happy is when he accidentally starts infodumping in front of the class while introducing himself. One time he got distracted on a mission (and need I remind you, Sousuke takes his job VERY seriously) because he found someone who was also interested in the giant robots and got into a full-on conversation with them and completely forgot what he was doing. It is IMPOSSIBLE to read this boy as allistic. And sure, he might be a little stiff, but he's also very caring in his own awkward way. One time he gave a girl flowers as an apology gift…because they were poppies and he told the girl she could get rich by selling opium on the black market. The "picking up girls" challenge mentioned earlier ended with him helping a grandmother pick out a toy for her grandson. He agreed to pretend to be someone's boyfriend for a day (it went exactly how you'd expect, but it's the thought that counts). In conclusion: stan Sousuke Sagara. and vote for him too."
Katsuhira -
"His entire thing over the course of the entire show is that he doesn't feel pain or emotions like other people. He isn't 'interested in himself' or other people (low empathy) and doesn't realize that the things that happen to/because of him do effect other people, he doesn't realize when people have a crush on him or want to be friends, and all of this is stuff he kinda comes to realize as the show progresses. He struggles to care for himself physically because of the lack of physical and emotional input he experiences, and his friends canonically often cook for him and have to remind him to eat, and is a bit picky about what he eats. He cannot read social cues to save his life and is very blunt and honest when communicating with others, and doesn't talk with much tone or emotion in his voice."
John -
"Is very loud and passionate and says everything he thinks out loud, not understanding why others may see that as weird. Has difficulty controlling his volume, so he's almost always shouting."
Yuuri -
"So he models his entire life around the first celebrity he gets a crush on. He's takes up that celebrity's hobby, he gets the same kind of dog that his crush has, and he definitely has his bedroom wallpaper with his crush's face. But then, he actually meets his crush. And his crush likes him back. Naturally he panics over this and proceeds to deny it for months until his crush straight up kisses him. Then like a day later, he just, buys a ring and proposed to his crush on the spot. He's the guy ever. He's so socially awkward, yet somehow still incredibly cocky."
Yoshimori -
"Baking special interest but does Not Get math my beloved."
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weirdmorefics · 1 year
Can you do a Aaron hotchner young daughter reader who has autism and she starts struggling to control her emotions and she try’s to hit Aaron or jack but he tries to calm her down without triggering her worse
Autistic Daughter Reader x Father!Aaron Hotchner
Patterns and Observations
TW- Meltdowns, Panic Attacks, Sensory overload
Pronouns- She/her
Word Count- 954
Summary- Hotchner just finished a case sadly he was greeted with a nearly emptied fridge and Jessica had just left after watching the kids for three days. Hotch plans to take Jack and the reader to the grocery store but the reader starts to panic about the grocery store.
A/N- Oh my goodness, so sorry for how behind I am on requests. I just had a shop update so I have been very busy printing maybe check it out 👀 This fic would probably be super relatable for my Mom cause I use to slam my head on the floor of Walmart. Good times... not
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Hotch lets out a heavy sigh as he enters his home and sets his briefcase down. Y/N and Jack start running up to him as soon as they hear his signature sigh.
"How about we let your father rest for now he looks like he had a hard time at work." The kid's Aunt Jessica smiled politely.
"Don't worry, I may have had a hard time at work, but I always have time for my favorite people," He smiles and scoops them both into a group hug.
Y/N and Jack giggle and Jess smiles 'Looks like you have it all handled here I should really get going."
"Thank you again for watching them it helps so much," Hotch says as she prepares her stuff to leave.
"Anything for Niece and Nephew," she says pinching their checks as Jack rolls his eyes and Y/N winces. She kisses their heads and says her goodbyes and leaves.
"Now," Hotch clasps his heads together. "What should we have for dinner?"
"Chicken nuggets!" Y/N shouts.
"You always want that," Jack sighs.
Just as Jack and Y/N were about to start a rousing fight about chicken nuggets Hotch interrupted. "Lucky for the both of you we are nearly out of everything and have to go to the store if we want to eat dinner and breakfast."
Jack was instantly excited about leaving the house after being stuck there with his Aunt while his Dad was away. Y/N was not as excited as Jack and by that I mean she was not excited at all.
"Can't we just order food," She asks nervously. Y/N may be young but she knows patterns just like her father. She knows that is five o'clock and that is the time most adults get out of work which means the store will be busy with other adults bringing dinner home. If the store is crowded it will be loud and if it's loud everything else will be loud the lights, the wheels on the cart, the beeping of the registers. I try to physically shake the thoughts out of my head but it doesn't work so I shake my head faster and place my hands over my ears.
Hotch does not hear Y/N's shaking and answers while still looking in the fridge. "Well, we wouldn't have anything to eat for breakfast and you know how moody Jack gets when he is hungry." He chuckles.
Hotch's chuckle ceases when Jack says "I think there is something wrong with Y/N."
Hotch turns around faster than you think would be humanly possible to see Y/N shaking her hand and covering her ears.
"Hey Y/N, would you like to talk about how you are feeling right now?" He says as he slowly walks up to her.
" I think she needs a stim toy," Jack says happy to come up with a solution on his own.
"Great idea Jack why don't you get her one?" Hotch smiles.
Hotch returns his attention to Y/N, " I am going to hold your hands now because you are going to hurt your neck if you keep shaking your head so hard."
She can't seem to focus on his words too stuck in her repeated thoughts. When he takes her hands away from her she starts to try to hit him away. Instead, he takes her into a deep hug due to the fact he learned from Reid that deep pressure can calm autistic children and adults with hypo or hypersensitivity. Y/N's breaths slow after a couple minutes and her heart doesn't feel like it is beating out of her chest anymore.
"People get out of work at five then the store is busy and loud," Y/N states as a fact.
"That's a great observation, sometimes it helps to share your observations so we can make a plan. For example, like I do at my work we make observations about people so we can make a profile. So together let's make a plan to go to the store when it is less busy. What time do you think it's the least busy." Hotch replies in a soothing tone.
"Morning on a weekday everyone is at school or work so quiet and barely anyone is there." She responds flatly like she is reading it straight from a textbook in her mind.
"Great, then we will get take out tonight and shop tomorrow. If you keep up these great observations I might have to watch out for my job." Hotch says adding a joke at the end.
Y/N smiles and laughs, "I might be better at your job than you if I can tell when a grocery store isn't busy and you can't."
"Oh really if you would be so better than me at my job you'd have to be able to beat me in a tickle war and I don't think that has ever happened once." He says mischievously as he reaches his hands out to tickle her.
Y/N goes running to hide behind the couch and Jack enters confused. "What is going on?"
"Jack we must tickle him together or else we will never win!" She raises her hand and declared.
Jack quickly nods his head in agreement and they rush to tickle their dad.
"Hey. Hey. That's cheating," He shouts as they pile on top of him.
His shouts just make them giggle harder and he sighs in defeat, "How about we call it a draw in exchange for McDonald's?"
Jack and Y/N quickly get off him, "To the car!" They shouted in unison.
Hotch gets up shakes his head and far much enthusiastically says "To the car."
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naofaun · 7 months
listen. listen i know we always talk about the autism of akira and akechi and yusuke and futaba but consider: ryuji has SO MUCH autism potential. like what is more autistic than his incredible sense of justice, struggling to grasp concepts others find easy due to a difference in how he understands the world (both relating to school and palace stuff), tendency to be too loud or have poor vocabulary, quick to anger when he's embarrassed, not understanding the joking or sarcastic nature of the people around him/being unable to read the room very well.....
the list goes on and on
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asexualenjolras · 2 years
S04E02 of BBC Ghosts was such a special episode to me and it was mostly due to Kitty and the Captain's engagement throughout. I headcanon that they are both on the autism spectrum and I think the episode was really good at showing how different people show different traits.
Let me explain.
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Kitty and the Captain are two very different people; the way they see the world is very different. But, what we do see is that they connect with one another in a very unique, very autistic way. It isn't uncommon for autistic people to communicate with one another in a way that only other autistic people would understand.
Ghosts is such a well-written show and I love that we get such authentic neurodivergent representation, whether it was intended or not. I love that we can see ourselves in these characters.
While Kitty is rather free-spirited and enjoys going with the flow, the Captain is the complete opposite. Their differing upbringings and lives have shaped the way they behave and view time.
Kitty is shown to be a fun-loving, intelligent, empathic, positive and free-spirited person. She is depicted as be excitable and friendly. She is depicted to be intelligent and she always thinks outside the box to come up with solutions to issues that the other ghosts find difficult to deal with.
Meanwhile, the Captain is shown to be rigid, rather cold, difficult to communicate with and very, very particular about rules and regulations. But, beneath that mask (and it is a mask - it's a mask he struggles to take off, which is common in autistic people) he is mellow, loving and honest. He is shown to have a strong moral compass and a positive attitude. While he struggles to communicate his emotions and his feelings, he brightens when he talks about his interests - the military and all things related to the military.
The Captain is dedicated to his role and is shown to understand people's emotions. While all of these are rather stereotypical traits, the Captain is not shown to be unlikeable. He's relatable and the other ghosts are fond of him. He doesn't shy away from negative feedback and does his best to better his communication and opinions. It's so pleasant to see. He's a people pleaser.
I think it's very interesting that the Captain has to wear this mask and Kitty doesn't feel the need to. Cap worked in an environment and grew up in a society where being yourself was frowned upon - especially as a homosexual man. He had to adopt a regimental view on life and grapple the way of life that was expected of a soldier. Whereas Kitty grew up in a different world. She never had to undertake any duties or try to impress anyone. She simply existed in her own bubble. While her family didn't particularly want her to be her complete self, she remained true to herself and stuck to her guns.
I love that. I love when autistic people can be themselves.
Another interesting difference between the two of them is their relationship with conflict. The Captain, as expected, was not opposed to violence or war or conflict because of his role. He opts to think strategically about how to win a battle against the enemy, whereas Kitty is very conflict-avoidant. She refuses to get involved and avoids all forms of conflict - opting to offer solutions to avoid further violence. This is a very common autistic trait in women.
On another note, Kitty's vocalisation is very emotive - she speaks in emotions. You can tell how she is feeling by the tone of her voice, whereas the Captain is rather monotonal and rarely shows emotion. Both of these are common traits of autism.
It's not uncommon for autistic people to misinterpret when someone is uninterested in what we are saying when talking about our special interests, and Cap is no different. He doesn't pick up on the social cues very well. Even in this episode, he doesn't recognise that Kitty is uninterested in his facts about ants.
It's canon in my mind that his special interests extend into birds and insects, and he likes to puzzle this together with facts about the military.
This is an autistic man talking about his special interest. I won't hear any arguments.
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In addition, the Captain is shown to have a difficult time with co-ordination. It isn't a stretch to imagine he may be Dyspraxic. He struggles to dance and can never get a rhythm.
This episode was further evidence of this, when he was struggling to skip with Kitty in the garden. Dyspraxia is co-morbid with autism.
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Oh, and both of these ghosts stim. The Captain rocks on his feet, fiddles with his hand and plays with his stick when he's trying to regulate himself and his emotions. He clears his throat and raises his chin. These are all stims. They're stims he's adopted to help him cope with the outside world. And they're so natural. Kitty, on the other hand, flaps her hands, stims with her voice and throws her limbs in the air to show excitement.
Kitty's stimming is shown to aid her regulating her emotions, which is so important for autistic people ... because we all know what happens when she gets too excited. She throws up.
And, of course, this whole episode is evidence of the Captain's autism. The whole reason why Kitty was trying to help the Captain was because plans changed. He couldn't cope with that, he went into a panic. He has a very strict schedule that he sticks to religiously. And when things change unannounced he doesn't know how to cope. I like that Kitty was able to help him with that in this episode because it's something we all struggle with as autistic people. It was so well-written.
I just love the way these two interact. They couldn't be more different in personality but they are always able to find a common ground; they understand one another in a way the other ghosts can't.
I love how Kitty helps the Captain to relax and find peace with his life (or death), and I love that Cap helps Kitty to understand the world better and navigate through her life (or death) in such a simple way.
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LOOK AT THEM. I love these two autistic ghosts with all my heart.
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the-maddened-hatter · 8 months
hi!! if you're still doing the hazbindergarten au, I assume since you've done moxxie you also take helluva boss requests? if so, can we get hcs for fizzarolli and/or stolas?? ty!! this au is very fun jaja
Hi! Yes, I am still taking requests for the hazbindergarten au! (I just kind of forgot about it, but I still love it lol)
(btw you also get a bonus addition of Blitz and Millie because I had written up hcs for them and forgot to post them)
Blitz: Severe dyslexia & ADHD, he struggles badly with reading and writing, which is later found to be profoundly exacerbated by untreated strabismus that has made him blind in his right eye. His father is hinted throughout the series to be involved in several illegal business dealings and that the environment at home is far from safe. His favorite times of class are P.E,  free play, and art (his art always relates to horses and/or pirates in some way, regardless of the assignment). Blitz has a remarkable ability to cause chaos, even without particularly trying to (though he honestly very often is). He has vitiligo, and is a little bit older than his other classmates, turning 6 early on in the school year. 
Stolas: Born to an extremely rich and secretive family, he was initially enrolled in prestigious private schools, but repeatedly had to be discreetly disenrolled from them when he suffered “disgraceful” ongoing incidents of panic attacks and sensory meltdowns. Once he received diagnoses of autism, anxiety,  his father decided it may be “best to put him somewhere he’ll be out of the way” and enrolled him at the first special education classroom he found (which happened to be Charlie’s). Despite all of this, it does end up being a beneficial decision, with Stolas befriending Blitz almost immediately, and, feeling safe when he’s around him, becoming very relaxed and sociable. He mostly communicates through infodumping and scripting from all of the ridiculously advanced science and astronomy books he totes around with him at all times. His favorite time of the day is storytime and whenever the class takes a field trip to the school library he happy-stims the whole way there. Although he gets embarrassed that he doesn’t know as much “book stuff” as Stolas, Blitz enjoys being classroom buddies with him, with Stolas reading to him, and complimenting all of his artwork.
Millie: ADHD with severe hyperactivity & is profoundly hard of hearing. She has numerous rowdy siblings both older and younger than her, which can make managing some of her behavior in class rather difficult since being fast and loud is often advantageous at home. As the semester progresses she befriends Moxxie and helps draw him out of his shell, and she calms down somewhat around him. Her favorite parts of the day are P.E. and free play.
Fizzarolli: Afflicted with a profound connective tissue disorder that sometimes causes him severe pain. He wears complex orthopedic braces and sometimes requires the use of a wheelchair* when his pain is severe. His family works for, lives on the property of, and is implied to be indebted to Blitz’s father, with the majority of his benefit money his family receives for his medical care going towards their dues to him. He is very cheerful and sweet-natured, but if not engaged he will become restless and attempt to perform contortionist tricks for his classmates, not understanding that it will worsen his joint pain. His favorite parts of class are storytime and P.E. (where he gets to do P.T. exercise games with Pentious**)
*Pentious hates his P.T. exercise games, so Fizzarolli always does his best to make him feel better and have a good (or at least a better) time
**It’s very much a cobbled together DIY wheelchair, made from a plastic deck chair, some bicycle & big wheel tires, and a dismantled shopping cart. Everyone pretends it doesn’t violate 5 different school safety guidelines so Fizzarolli can enter the building when he's using it.
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