#and the truth is there’s music in everything ever because every living thing has some intrinsic level of rhythm and melody
ezraphobicsoup · 3 months
ok but music is actually the most beautiful thing in every way i’m gonna turn into the sun. music and people and the world and oouyggghhhh
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transfemlogan · 3 months
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(both the same image one is underwater though)
@warnadudenexttime wanted me to do this so I did :3
IF YOU KNOW ME you know I don't have headcanons like normal, regular people. they jump around depending on the scenario or AU or fic. i don't keep one hc for everything. so this was a little hard to do because of how much my ideas will change brcause of the fucking phases of the moon but I tried my best :3
there is not age or height difference because they are the same person. whether or not ones older or taller changes on whatever, i don't enjoy like... only ONE height hc. i have multiple!!
OKAY MAIN LOVE LANGUAGES: I think Virgil's would be quality time. i thibk he loves to sit next to someone and scroll on his phone, while they do something else. he's a parallel play master. PLUS, this is shown at the ending of my negative thinking, when Virgil is just listening to music next to Logan silently in the living room. once he felt comfortable around Logan, he spent time with him. like . a cat.
i think logan's love language would be acts of service. i think logan wants to do everything for virgil. which is also shown in Fitting In, when Logan dresses up and plays along just to help Virgil feel more comfortable. I think Logan likes showing his love through actions because they don't require words & because he, someone who does a lot every day for people, knows how relaxing it can be to have someone else take care of you. i also think he likes it as a way to show Virgil how much he is appreciated and wanted here.
PET NAMES: I think Virgil uses silly petnames all of the time. i know i've already talked about this 20 million times, but his favourite is babygirl. he will call logan baby & babygirl for the rest of his life. (logan says he hates it but we all know the truth.) i can also see Virgil using those like, really cringey ? petnames idk the word. in private to be silly and embarrass logan. he's like "hey, pumpkin. my snookums." "my shmoopie"
(virgil: hey, pookie, we still on for our date?
logan: not anymore if you keep calling me that.
virgil: sorry .... snookums. my shmoopsiepoopsie pie.
logan: im throwing my book at you.)
i think Logan wouldn't really use pet names, but casual classic names, if he ever does. like dear. or sweetheart if he's feeling really sappy. i think Logan enjoys calling Virgil by his name or nickname, because he knows how much is held in that name. he wants virgil to know he likes it and that he's proud of him for telling them all.
catch logan cradling virgil's face in his hands and saying his name with such sincerity and care.
JEALOUSY: i think they both get jealous Super easily and need a lot of attention afterwards. some guy flirts with virgil and logans crossing his arms and pouting. virgil laughs and coos and holds his hand the rest of the day. someone asks for logan's number and virgils grabbing him closer and hissing at the stranger. logan kisses his forehead and rubs his shoulder. i do think logan gets jealous way more though.
EXPRESSING AFFECTION: i think they're both super reserved with their affection, but Virgil prefers physical contact while Logan prefers words. Virgil probably fixes Logan's tie or brushes his hair back casually. i think Virgil loves to cuddle with Logan and hold him close. & i think logan knows virgil needs verbal confirmation abt things. esp like at the end if my negative thinking, when he compliments him.
ATTACHMENT: i think they are incredibly overprotective of each other. they both know what the other has been through and how they've been treated. logan defending vitgil with his entire fucking life after AA & virgil defending logan in current episodes (if thomas had not destroyed analogical friendship directly in front of my eyes).
confesses first: I think virgil would confess first only because he'd want to "rip the bandaid off" like he did with his name. i think logan would keep everything inside of him forever & never let virgil know anything ever about his feelings for him. so it would have to be virgil.
intiates first kiss: once again, it's virgil. logan is a little loser who probably shakes and gets red in the face when virgil sits near him. i also think logan might not want to in fear of making virgil uncomfortable and feel rushed, so he lets virgil do it first, but virgil is also worried about making logan uncomfortable and feel rushed so he lets logan do it forst and therefore neither of them kiss for A While until virgil finally does it like 2 months into their relationship. they are idiots and losers.
says i love you first: I THINK THEY'D BOTH SAY IT FIRST. i think logan would be very vocal about his feelings for virgil, in a very awkward nerdy way, because he's always vocal with how he feels about virgil. he wants him to know that he is loved & cared for & i bet he's said that he loves virgil before they even started dating. i also think virgil would say it at first in like a silly, joking way that could be played off as him being silly & joking before they start dating & then slowly saying more seriously & then saying it 100% serious when they start dating while he's all nervous & fidgeting & logan's just "yes. i know. you've told me that many times over the years. i love you too."
big spoon: virgils the big spoon. i dont care. i dontcare what any of you say. virgil could be the shortest man ever and still want to curl up around logan. i think logan likes being in virgils arms and i think virgil is so protective of logan that he wants to hold him in his arms so he knows nothing is going to happsn.
(logan: virge, please— i would... like to hold you in my arms at one point in our relationship.
virgil: absolutely not. what if something happens and i cant do anything because you're holding me. im holding you for-fucking-ever, baby
logan: what happens if something happens to y—
virgil: unrealistic. now come here.)
worrier: do i need to explain this one. hes got anxiety guys idk what else 2 explain.
better with money: logan probably writes out all his expenses in a little notepad & virgil runs to hot topic and 7-11 as soon as he gets a pay check so he can by another band t-shirt for 30 dollars & get a slurpee . it's his little boy treat. & then he's poor.
more experienced: NEITHER OF THEM THEY'RE BOTH NERDS WHO'VE NEVER TOUCHED ANOTHER MAN IN THEIR LIFE. they are awkward and strange but its ok. they talk about their relationship to the other sides and they all stare at each other like "why are they like 2 middle school boys in love for the first time" & thats because they are in fact 2 middle school boys in love for the first tims.
wakes up first: logan has an alarm & virgils been awake the entire night & has not slept in 20 hours
steals blankets: somehow, despite originally curled up around logan, logan Always wakes up to virgil being curled up in their blankets while he's freezing. even on movie nightnor when they're just sitting next to each other, virgil will snatch the blanket away
normally cooks: i think they both want to cook for the other and care for each other. you know that orange trend oj tik tok where couples will say they want an orange but dont want to peel it & it's supposed 2 see if the other person will peel it for them. logan's that green flag consistantly. virgil doesn't even have to say he doesn't want to peel an orange. he will pick up an orange & logan will teleport into the room going "do you need that peeled? let me do that for you." virgil's consistantly asking logan if he's hungry and bringing him snacks. they could be Anywhere & virgil will go "have you eaten or have you just been working all day?" & pull out a fucking granola bar from his pocket & force logan to eat it. they hang out & the 1st thing virgil does is get logan food. virgil will and has tied logan down to feed him food. it was a very strange convo when patton walked in on virgil straddling logan on the couch and spoonfeeding him soup.
And LASTLY... 3 SONGS FOR THEM. my analogical playlist remake is still in the works, but
arms tonite by mother mother — i think it could work in the perspective of either logan or virgil
And hey, you, don't you think it's kinda cute / That I (I) died (died) right inside your arms tonight? / That I'm fine even after I have died? / Because it was in your arms I died
I cry hard because I have died, and you're alive / I try to escape afterlife / I try hard to get back inside your arms alive
first date by blink-182 — 100% virgil's nervous rambling
Is it cool if I hold your hand? t Is it wrong if I think it's lame to dance? / Do you like my stupid hair? / Would you guess that I didn't know what to wear? / I'm just scared of what you think / You make me nervous so I really can't eat
When you smile, I melt inside / I'm not worthy for a minute of your time / I really wish it was only me and you / I'm jealous of everybody in the room
loser by sunday cruise — i can see this as a pre-aa analogical song
I don't care much about you / But I wouldn’t mind if you liked me too / Kisses on your hands, meet me in the bathroom / I wanna be alone with you
I’m a loser just like you / Way too scared, too confused
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arent-i-the-fairest · 2 years
Can you please do a part two of "what’s it like with neige leblanche having a crush on you?" Its so fun to see you write him
With love yakoko♡
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𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡-𝐡𝐨, 𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡-𝐡𝐨~ (𝟐)
author’s note : more neige! ♡\(^o^)/♡ i’m so happy you enjoy my writing of him, he’s one of my favorite characters to write~
also!!! neige background spoilers!!
part 1 here!
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neige pretty much fell in love with you at first sight. you haven’t known each other for long either, and neige being busy, you’ve had limited time to— what i’m getting at is that he knows very little about you. and you, him. you guys only know basic things like each other’s favorite colors. so you thought, why not use your next hangout as a “get to know me” session?
“wow, so you’ve been living with the dwarfs since you guys were kids? with no adults? that must’ve been.. difficult.”
neige nodded, his smile faltering as he thought back on those days. “it was a little tough, but hey, we’re doing just great now!” it’s charming how positive he is. “but enough about me, tell me about you!”
“hm, well,” you tapped your foot, thinking of what to say. “i’m not from here.” “from this island, you mean?” he asked. “no, no— from this world.”
“oh!” he took a sip of his tea before choking on it. “what??”
he’s very surprised to hear you come from a different world, and i mean, rightfully so. not every day you meet someone who was isekai’d~ he’s got lots of questions about your world!
“what kind of music do you guys have? what are some popular trends? what kind of food is there?” and the list goes on. all questions you expected, and were a breeze to answer.
“do you ever think about being back at home?”
you laughed softly. “huh, that’s pretty different from all the other questions you’ve asked. but yeah, of course i do. i think about it all the time, actually.” you let out a slow exhale thinking about your world.
and then you started thinking about twisted wonderland, and your face twisted into a conflicted sort of expression. you love your world, and wanna go back to it— but do you have the heart to leave this one?
“do you want to go back home?”
you gulped, thinking about everything. your friends. your dorm. your teachers. neige. “…no. well, yes, but no.” neige gave you a perplexed look. “sorry, that’s a confusing response— i’ll explain, don’t know if it’ll make any sense. but, basically, i wanna go back to my home, sure, but i like it here more. i just.. can’t leave. i’m too attached to my dorm and everyone, especially this one person.”
“do you love them?” you nodded. “i mean, love love them?” once again, you nodded. neige gasped and lept out of his chair. “who is it? tell me, tell me! please?”
you laughed, pushing him back into his seat. “calm down, you’ll find out soon, i promise!”
and “find out soon” he did!! ♡
it’s been a week. a week filled with more of neige making confession ideas (and inevitably nitpicking and scrapping them). though they’ve started coming to a stop— to tell the truth, it’s because he’s disheartened.
ever since you’ve mentioned this mystery person who you love so much, he’s been nervous. he wholeheartedly believed it was him at first, but the belief that he isn’t has crept into his mind.
it couldn’t be him, right? you’ve only known him for a few months; you don’t seem like the love at first sight type— he doesn’t have your heart!
thoughts like those were why he was so surprised when you suddenly came up to him one day, saying “i love you. let me take you out on a date, please!”
he felt so silly. here he was, looking for the “picture-perfect romantic confession” for weeks. he pictured something big and elaborate when this simple little confession was the perfect one he had been looking for all along.
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epicfranb · 10 months
Fuck it I'm not even rereading this. Here you go
Doc hired Etho, a skilled (probably) assassin to kill two of his most hated hermits: Keralis and Bdubs. And, after a long and fierce battle with Keralis that no one ended up winning, Etho wiped the layer of sweat from his forehead and said "Next one's gonna have to wait."
Does he even need to fight Keralis again? Hopefully, the fact that the fight took place is enough. After all, Doc's main goal is to scare them, isn't it? Etho and Doc go way back, so the guess probably has some truth to it.
Fixing up the gear after a long fight like this is a pain though. His sword needs sharping, the bow probably needs replacing, and his armor is... Well, everything could be in a better shape had Etho thought of a plan beyond "spam crossbows, then do whatever". His anvil aim could use some training, and his crossbow machine gun design could be improved. But it's better off in the hands of a more skilled player anyway.
Etho thinks he is quite a skilled player. But not in terms of fighting, no-no. Someone else could take the lead, someone more experienced – Etho's happy enough devising a plan and preparing the gear. Fighting isn't his forte.
Assassinating Bdubs is gonna need a better plan than this. If he succeeds in at least one of the hits, Doc will be happy enough (to pay him). But, unlike Keralis, Bdubs is... Too easy to kill. Pathetically so. It's just going to be boring. He needs a better plan than this.
Fixing armor was a job so usual and monotone to Etho, that it was easy to space out and lose himself in thoughts, and then wake up to a set of fully repaired gear. Normally, he would get some music on, but he kind of forgot about it before he spaced out, thinking about...
Yes, him again. Bdubs.
That man had an annoying habit of occupying all of the space within Etho's head. And, Bdubs himself doesn't do it directly, but Etho blames him anyway, because he knows it'd make him mad.
Bdubs has a funny voice. Every time he speaks, he voices his thoughts in such a strange manner, using some of the strangest vocabulary, interspersed with his "patented" "Bdubs noises". His speech patterns make no sense, the words never quite come out right, he's loud, he's boisterous, he's hilarious, and he's very, very talkative. Man has so many ideas and thoughts running through his head at all times, and he needs to get ALL of them out, to the point where he's been talking for hours, jumping from topic to topic, from idea to idea, and if he isn't stopped, he gets his throat killed. And a lot of the times, his throat does get killed after talking to Etho, because the other spaces out or falls asleep, as if Bdubs's voice is a lullaby to him.
Even now, one swing forth, one swing back, Etho's hands move on their own, the only sound in his head is a replay of Bdubs's voice, saying gibberish. It's like a catchy song that's been stuck in your head, you may not remember the lyrics, but you're enjoying the general sound of it. And Etho enjoyed his imaginary Bdubs singing to him. He has such a beautiful voice.
Helmet done, now onto the wings.
Honestly, it's appalling how different Etho and Bdubs are, even in the small things. Like, taste in food as an example. Etho's first impression of Bdubs was that he's the same sweet tooth that he is; turns out, it's quite the opposite. Bdubs doesn't put any sugar in his morning drinks, and he's a fan of green tea, which Etho only tolerates. He also likes bitter chocolate, and Etho thought those kinds of people only exist in myths... Oh, and he likes raisins. What a weird guy.
Their sleep schedules are so different, that at the rare occasions they've lived together, they barely ever saw each other. Bdubs goes to sleep early, and, despite taking his sweet time getting out of bed, he gets up early, too. A real morning bird with a solid schedule, in contrast to Etho, who stays up all night, working when no one and nothing is around to bother him – and gets up whenever. Sometimes he woke up first, and took his chance to prank Bdubs; other times he wasn't so lucky, and got pranked back. It was a fun back-and-forth while it lasted, but now Etho has the advantage of knowing Bdubs's exact sleep schedule, which Bdubs can't brag about – Etho's schedule is too chaotic. Those games are always fun.
With all the holes in the wings patched up, leggings are next.
Etho recalled his surprise when Bdubs came to him, all those years ago, and with eyes beaming of excitement, exclaimed: "Teach me how to fight!" Etho was never more than decent at fighting, but Bdubs seemed to be so caught up in his idealized version of Etho, that he thought it'd be better to ask him, and not someone who had actual skill. At least, that's what Etho thought at the time.
It was never about the fighting, no. It was never about swords, nor was it about bows or armor – it was about admiration. Bdubs admired Etho, and wanted to be closer to him. No, not in his skill – although, Bdubs admitted, that too – it was just about spending time together. The warmth of the other's skin on his hands, guiding him, on his torso, teaching him, his voice so close like it's reverberating in his heart, and his breath tickling his neck from behind... At least that's what Etho imagined Bdubs felt. Back then, he couldn't put his finger on why Bdubs shivered and blushed so often during their trainings, but, thinking about it now, it made some sense.
Swords clashing against one another, bodies in perfect sync, moving one after the other, shifting their feet in the same rhythm they got adjusted to – it was more like a dance than it was fencing. Sometimes, all of the competitiveness between the two would fade, and they were moments away from throwing their swords on the ground and taking each other's hands, wrap their arms around the other, to guide him somewhere else, in the same dance, same rhythm, but with much different implications. They regretted only a little bit that they never ended up getting into dance.
It was a nice memory, but Etho was somewhat bothered by his cheeks getting hotter. His entire body got hotter, in fact. Sweat dripped from his forehead, and his hands shook slightly.
It seems that it's time for a rest, Etho thought. He still had his boots to repair, but they could wait. He'll be gone only a little while.
For now, maybe he can think about a plan to kill Bdubs... Kill Bdubs, huh. Normally that'd sound quite tempting, but he wasn't really in the mood for any killing now. Getting soft, Etho chuckled to himself. But being soft felt kind of nice once in a while.
If I don't want to kill him, Etho thought as he got into the kitchen – if you could call it that, – maybe I'll find a way to make him die, and me not have to see it. That meant a trap, and, thankfully, Etho had an extensive catalogue of traps permanently in his head. Some of them more obvious, others – devilishly hidden, and whichever one he chose depended on what would get a funnier reaction. In chat, at least. Or in a later conversation.
But nothing really felt right. Etho cracked an egg – fill his base with chickens? no, that won't kill him. Entity cramming maybe? Etho whisked some dough – drowning is a good idea. But it's long, he can get out. And it's painful. Since when was Etho hesitant about a trap being painful? Etho put the cake in the oven –– Wait, cake?
Etho crouched in front of the oven, taking a curious look inside – sure enough, that is a cake. When did he make a cake? Why did he make a cake?
Etho has a pretty strong grasp on his own mind, but even that becomes a mystery when Bdubs is involved.
If the cake was meant to be a trap, it was a bad one. He didn't even put any poison in it! The frosting is now finished too, and that doesn't have any poison either... Unless Etho adds it. Which he doesn't. Whether he forgot, or just didn't want to, he didn't really know. Looking for the right poison, or making it from scratch, was a hassle, and Etho was too lazy to deal with that.
Besides, his mouth watered at his own cake. It was his sugary masterpiece, and he was itching to take a nice big bite off of it... But he held back. This cake is for Bdubs. Once he figures out how to make it into a trap.
Will Bdubs even want to eat such a sweet cake? Etho's mind wandered somewhere else while baking it, so he had no idea how much sugar he actually put into it. Knowing himself and his taste buds, it was probably... Way too much for Bdubs to handle. Maybe the excess sugar can kill him. Yeah, that'll do.
Etho rummaged around his storage system to find a nice big box and some wrapping paper with heart patterns to wrap the cake into. Maybe the heart patterns were excessive – Etho swore he had other types of patterns somewhere – but he couldn't find anything else, and wasn't bothered to. The cake neatly packaged, Etho grabbed his freshly restocked redstone box and flew off in the direction of Bdubs's base.
Etho usually thinks. He thinks about what he's gonna do next, even when he does something on a whim, he thinks first. How am I gonna do it? What are the steps? What am I going to need? His mind was in a haze as he flew, as if locked out of his own head, only able to peek through the bars, and the only thing left of his brain was an enormous screen with just images of Bdubs on it. This was getting ridiculous, but he couldn't stop. He didn't want to stop. The thoughts felt nice.
Bdubs wasn't online, thankfully, so setting up a trap didn't require any stealth ninja moves. Etho didn't even try to hide that it was a trap: the gift box was sitting right on top of an observer, ready to trigger it. There was nothing under it but a dispenser – what was in it? a damage potion? lava? exactly 24 boats to entity cram him (forget that you can't fit 24 boats in one dispenser)? Well, Bdubs is going to have to find out himself. The joy of discovery, and all. Etho's heart raced, despite knowing Bdubs isn't here to catch him in the act; he felt hot all over, despite Bdubs's biome being cooler than his; and his cheeks hurt from smiling, even though nothing happened yet. There was no rational reason for any of those body reactions to occur; and yet, they did. A human's body is hardly ever rational, but Etho found comfort in knowing what causes which reactions, and he was clueless about his current state. He guessed that he was just really looking forward to the prank working... I mean, what prank? It's a death trap! Totally!...
Etho had completely forgotten about the trap, when his communicator buzzed in his pocket. All of the gear repaired, and all the hitman matters taken care of, he has managed to distract himself from thinking about his... Friend, and get to work. However, the friend demanded attention, and who was Etho to decline him that attention? In his mind, a picture of an excited dog replaced Bdubs for a second, prompting a sudden outburst of laughter from Etho, which, he was pretty sure, could be heard even from Xisuma's base.
Etho took the familiar route through the Nether to Bdubs's base. He circled above it for a second, looking for the town's proud owner – he spotted him right next to his starter house (made of diorite, of course), and landed right behind him, scaring him to death.
"What are ya doin' sneakin' up behind me like that, huh?!" He fumed, stamping his feet all over the place. "What are you, role-playin' a ninja?!"
"Some people do call me a little bit of a ninja." Etho shrugged, prompting a scowl from Bdubs. "Anyway, whatcha got there? A cake?"
Behind him, the cake was sitting on the observer like on a table, unwrapped, with a small piece cut out of it. Bdubs probably checked it for poison; or maybe he couldn't eat the rest because it was too sweet. Either way, same thing, really.
"Aww, dontcha pretend like you don't know what it is!" Bdubs sang proudly like he just solved the world's hardest riddle; Etho couldn't help but smile, giving himself away. "Yeah, I knew it! It's yours! I know how you bake your cakes, you won't fool me!"
"Did I poison you with sweetness?" Etho asked through laughter.
"I'd rather not say what I did with the piece that I put in my mouth." Bdubs nodded behind him, in the direction of the river. Ah, so it was that sweet.
"Awwww, you spat out my cake? That I baked for you, with such love and care?"
"Yes, but I don't want to do it with the rest, so you're here to get rid of it." Bdubs walked up to the cake and shifted it around, sending a short pulse down. The dispenser didn't fire, meaning Bdubs saw the message.
"You mean you aren't going to eat it." Etho sobbed, hugging his arms. "Welp, more left for me!" He smiled.
"Great! Cuz I physically can't eat it!" Bdubs laughed.
He brought Etho a chair, a plate and a spoon, some tea (three spoons of sugar, as usual) and even a tablecloth to turn the observer into a real table (that ticks sometimes). Etho dug in immediately – he'd completely forgotten he hasn't eaten anything since that battle with Keralis. And oh was the cake sweet. Too sweet even for Etho, but he enjoyed it. Bdubs watched him enjoy the dessert, sipping his own tea, with a wide smile on his face.
"Didn't know you enjoyed watching people eat." Etho commented.
"Nope, just you."
"That's weird."
"You're weird, consuming that amount of sugar and not dying." Bdubs chuckled, but kept smiling. He was rather calm – calmer than Etho expected right after a prank.
The warm smile would get imprinted in his mind forever, Etho felt. There was just too much fondness, too much affection in it, that his skin started burning again.
Bdubs took the cherry from the top of the cake, closed one eye and put a cherry in front of the other: "You're as red as this cherry right now." He didn't even let Etho react, before putting the berry into his mouth. Etho tried not to think about the implications of that. "Come on now, what happened? What are you getting flustered for?" He teased.
Etho looked away – tried to, Bdubs followed his gaze – and put on his mask, even though he still had cake left on his plate. That didn't help hiding his rosy cheeks, and now ears too. Etho gave up trying to guess why his body was doing it at that point. He just didn't want Bdubs seeing him like this.
"Ay, you didn't finish your slice!" Bdubs laughed. "Sorry I took your cherry, but it the only edible thing on it."
"It's fine, I'm just gonna take the rest home," Etho said, attempting to appear collected, but regretted it immediately: his voice cracked in the most pathetic way possible.
Bdubs burst out, leaning on the observer for support, sending a few ticks again. The corners of his eyes teared up, but at least his face was now all red too, so Etho wasn't the only one. It was hardly comforting.
"Sorry, sorry, I shouldn't laugh! I shouldn't...!" He wheezed. Etho was ready to just take the cake and fly away in embarrassment, but the cake needed to be put in a box first – doing it now would only make the situation more awkward. Etho believed he could endure it. "Sorry–" Bdubs kept apologizing, "Know what? Next time, c'mere, and let's bake an actually edible cake together. Sound good?"
Etho sat still for a second, eyes wandering in the forest afar. They could bake a cake together, a cake that both of them could enjoy.
"That... Sounds good." Etho uttered from under his breath. It did sound good. Sweet, even.
"Then it's a deal!" Bdubs clapped his hands together. They arranged a time, he helped Etho pack the cake back up, and then it was time to say goodbyes.
Just as Etho was about to take off, Bdubs pulled his sleeve – and then pulled him closer, wrapped his arms around his torso in a sudden embrace. Etho instinctively put his arms on Bdubs's back, resting his head on his messy hair that tickled his nose. Etho could stay like this forever – or if not forever, then for a long time. But Bdubs let him go, and then they needed to go. Etho hastily took out his rockets and boosted off into the sky, to not let Bdubs see his face again.
Bdubs yelled after him:
"You have a good day as well!..."
Etho felt warm.
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sadaveniren · 1 year
When it's all laid out like that I don't see how this kind of life is preferable to just...being out. Obviously being out would come with it's own set of challenges but I would imagine it would be more worth it than whatever the fuck this is. What saddens me is that it's pretty clear that Harry and Louis have been conditioned to believe certain things and have become somewhat brainwashed by the industry and the powerful people within it. During the 1d days I had faith that they didn't necessarily believe everything they were being told. I truly think the Harry and Louis from that time period would be in a lot of ways amazed at their lives and all their success but also deeply disappointed with certain things and maybe even themselves.
I get how and why you feel that way, I've been openly and loudly queer since I was fourteen during the early 00s. I have a lot of complex thoughts on the closet BUT I'll bring you back to one of the very first points I made yesterday and that's that I understand and respect queer people closeting themselves, and that includes even when it's not the choice I would make.
Louis has who and what knows going on in his life. He has parts of it that we in fandom will never and should never know about. His decision to stay closeted is his and while we can say "hey it would just be easier to be out" that's not our call to make. That's not our decision and frankly I don't think he should take us into consideration at all.
I also want to make something very clear, I don't believe Louis is closeted in his personal life. I think we have a lot of evidence to show that Louis' team, band, friends, and family all know about him being gay. Taking it one step further, I think we have a lot of evidence to show they know about him and Harry being together as well. I think the same is true for Harry too, before people come for me. I think when they are out living their personal lives away from fame they are able to "live their truth" and be "out". I think ultimately Louis (and Harry) have chosen to not come out publicly for whatever reason they might have, and it's a very, very good chance they are both making moves right now so that way their private lives are completely separate from their public personas.
I believe it was Ian McKellen who once talked about how when you're famous and gay you never stop coming out. You have to come out every single time you meet someone new. And that can be exhausting. I know even in my much smaller life - again I'm someone who has been loudly and proudly queer for twenty years at this point - I'm always coming out. But there's also a flip side to being out and being famous that I don't think a lot of queer people consider and that's... strangers know you're gay before they even meet you. I obviously can't speak for every queer person ever but if I really start to think about that reality... this idea that someone I don't know knows I'm gay, and can approach me and just say "hey I know you, you're gay" that's absolutely TERRIFYING. Why? Because the world is still INCREDIBLY homophobic and I don't know who has what motives.
You say "Obviously being out would come with it's own set of challenges but I would imagine it would be more worth it than whatever the fuck this is." but have we as a fandom ever talked about what being openly gay and famous at the level we're talking about truly means? And I don't mean purely monetary and all the brand deals or movie options Harry might miss. I'm talking about what it means to live as someone of Harry or Louis' level of fame and be openly gay.
There are some countries they just won't really be allowed to visit anymore because the countries have laws against gay people, or they might not bother to travel to anymore because it's just not safe for them. There are countries that might ban their music. Inherently anything they put out will be politicized, regardless of what it is. Anything they do will be politicized as well, probably to a level of disgusting people in fandom who aren't deep into queer history are prepared for. I'm not trying to be US or western centric here with my thoughts even though they are western artists, I'm trying to think globally, because they both enjoy being global artists.
I get it, I do. BG is shitty and has sucked the joy out of fandom for a lot of people. Homophobia is the worst. But it's unfortunately very real and still very alive and so queer people have to play by those rules sometimes and if they choose not to fight that battle publicly I don't necessarily blame them. At the end of the day you don't have to come out to anyone you don't feel safe with even if you're "out" to your friends and family and living your best gay life. In the case of Harry and Louis or other closeted celebs they don't feel safe telling the world they're gay. Can't really blame someone there.
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selpide · 6 months
a long, confusing, existential introduction
i have noticed there's a proportion of us humans who seem to have a tendency to look for the essence of things
an obsession, some would say
(some would be right)
minimalism, others will state
(other will be wrong)
(there's nothing small about this search)
i am a number of this proportion, you see
everything i do, i try to undress it to the bones
find the skeleton
trace the carcass
what's the closest i can get to one truth before it burns my skin alive?
that's where i like it
that's where i live
a nomad in the borderland of skulls
there's some holy serenity in being able to go the distance
that distance
i went that distance yesterday
i have trouble putting into words what i do
and what i do is who i am
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so i spend an unhealthy (what is healthy anyways?) amount of time in this so-called minimalist search for the most precise arrangement of letters to make other people understand what my ego claims as hers
i am a writer
that is without a doubt
the first thing i have ever been
the last thing i will ever be
let's set aside the clearness and focus on the blurry lines
i am a singer
(i make songs)
am i a singer?
i am a cinematographer
(i am an audiovisual communication graduate)
am i a cinematographer?
do i deserve to claim myself as part of these guilds, these collectives, these ideas, these concepts, these communities, these archetypes, these
do i deserve to be called by any of these perfect words?
when you are called by your name
even if you know you are not your name
(you are not some letters nor their sound
you are flesh and blood and bones and maybe, if we are all lucky, a soul
when this name is called upon)
you answer
as if you were synonyms
as if meaning and symbol became lost within each other until becoming one and the same
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so when someone says
and i turn my head
when i jump at the sound
when my brain has already done the job — and i cannot escape my fate — the fate my brain has woven for myself — when someone calls for a writer and i raise my hand
do meaning and symbol get mixed up just the same?
this is where it got heavy for me
do i deserve to claim the same name as every single person who came before me, and whom i admire, and whom i respect, and whom i couldn't dare to offend (them nor the rest of the world) by suggesting we may belong to a somewhat similar category?
but then again
why should anyone be worthy of a title? surnames are given. they come to us by birth. like it or not, they're part of our identity — they give information on who we are — be it by acceptance or denial — be it by proximity or self-made walls — opposite or mirror — we don't need to deserve our surnames. they are us and we are them.
am i a singer?
am i a cinematographer?
i first was a songwriter — a writer of songs. then i discovered i could sing them. badly. but they were sung. less badly. and they kept on being sung. less less badly. and then i discovered i could put my own music into them. i once met kim yerim on the streets of madrid. i handed her a piece of paper with the lyrics of my song written on them. and she spoke these words: "so you are a producer? you are a composer?". and it was a conversation, and she was looking at me in the eyes, and so i answered. i said: "yes". and it was as simple as that. because it is true. i produce songs. i compose songs.
i am a producer.
sunghyuk said i already am a producer.
and it is as simple as that.
so i write songs. and i sing them. and i produce them. and that's all too long to fit a social media bio, isn't it?
so what am i?
a music maker
i am a music maker
i first was a scriptwriter — a writer of scripts. then i discovered writing scripts was too boring for me. there is only so much you can control about a story with a script. movies have so much more to them. movies move. so i started editing videos. turns out i have an eye for that. rhythm. that's all it is, really. i have an inner metronome. i can sense patterns. i can repeat them. i am a little clock pedaling backwards and onwards and to whichever direction has the beat that pulses the brightest. but you can't edit a blank screen — you need images. and there is only so much you can control about a story when images aren't yours. so i got myself a camera. a little green sony point and shoot, y2k excellency, all digital grain and untreated saturation and pixelated zoom. then another camera. a little red sony handycam that, as i write this, is on the cabinet under the tv of this apartment in the middle of another continent that i moved to three months ago
(i got this camera when i was 14)
(i think it might be my favorite camera)
then another one
then another one
then you know how it goes
i became a videographer
but these cameras could take pictures too, right?
pictures are so beautiful
i became a photographer
this kind of motion got be so obsessed i could not picture myself doing anything in this life that didn't rely on its cadence
so i got into college and i majored in film
(it's not film)
(you can't major in film in spain)
(not in university)
(so i got into audiovisual communication)
(you can major in audiovisual communication in spain)
(in university)
(i specialized in film)
(i wrote a film script as my final degree thesis)
(i ended up working as a scriptwriter)
(i am, as of today, a scripwriter)
(i miss my red sony handicam)
(i miss the colors)
i miss the motion
i direct my own music videos
i keep a record of my own life
i can't escape live photographs nor still movement
there's so many information in there
how can you shorten that up for a social media bio?
a filmmaker?
but does that sum up everything?
i don't think so
so what am i?
an image maker
i am an image maker
let's get back to words
because i am a writer
that's the only one i savor between my teeth
every letter is mine to say, mine to keep, mine to pray, mine for me
a writer
but what does a writer do?
letters are the smallest piece of a writer's craft
but we are not letter makers
same happens with words
we work with them
we don't create them
(not all the time)
(not as a summary of our duty and routine)
(words are not the word)
it's sentences
i guess that's it
that's just how minimalist it can get
so what am i?
a sentence maker
i am a sentence maker
i am a music, image and sentence maker
but what is music?
what are images?
what are sentences?
i am an artist
(always a but)
aren't they all languages?
i am a translator
aren't they all symbols?
i am a speaker of metaphors
aren't they all unexplainable ?
i am a magician
aren't they all but a beautiful attempt to capture, to portray, to preserve, to understand, to celebrate, to blame, to share
i am a life curator
(it's funny
i have a song about this
i scrambled some of its lyrics around
i love clues and riddles and the silly breadcrumbs some humans leave for others to find in hopes of making their everyday a little more adventurous
i hope someone someday finds this funny
i hope someone someday
thinks of this
as an adventure)
this is me
life curator, writer and magician
welcome to the museum
i hope you find yourself inside here
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katethevampire · 4 months
All right so the new episodes just came out like 20 minutes ago for me (oh yeah me from the future here it ended up taking me about 3 hours to finish watching the episodes cuz I kept pausing to write stuff in between so uh yeah lol) so everything under the cut will be my live reaction to everything. I'll add time stamps so you know where I'm at in the episodes. I can guarantee you that I will be sticking to my promise about potentially eating paper if I'm wrong about Sir Pentious not dying. Which honestly now I'm not sure if anyone will die, it was pretty much confirmed in a live stream that angel dust isn't going to be the one to die so my money is on one of the Angels. Also I'm using voice to text and while I'll try and fix any misspellings or wrong words I might miss them.
LOTS OF SWEARING PROBABLY also I very much abuse capslock
00:51- I love Sir Pentious looking at Keke I just thought I should mention that
01:10 aw Alastor was sleepy you guys woke him up!
01:29- he did the gay little hand thing
01:50- okay so I've already seen this part because of the small leak but I cannot get over the fact that Alastor has his shoes on the bed!! Like man take those off you're getting it dirty!!!!
01:59- mfs kicking his feet on the bed acting like a high school girl about to ask out her crush on the phone at a sleepover like dude you're a serial killer you can't do this to me 😭 also I should probably slow down cuz I'm making an update literally every 2 seconds
2:33- Alasto be like "it's called masking deary. Ever heard of it?"
2:44- if he wasn't saying this in such an evil manner right now I'd be saying he's so me frfr
3:07- what do I even say to that line. He popped off but also like respectfully I think I've heard a third grader say the exact same thing
3:53- OKAY SO I WAS GOING TO SAY SOMETHING BUT I'VE COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN LOOK AT THIS FRAME, this could easily be the profile picture for someone's film review channel and I'm not 100% sure that people will understand what I mean by that unless you know a very specific person
04:38- Alastor is in his hat man era
4:33- okay so a few things, thank you subtitles for telling me that the music is edgy I feel like just the word tense would have worked on its own but I appreciate it nonetheless. Number two, I don't like seeing the girlies be mad at each other :(
05:34 I will support my boy Sir Pentious through and through he did nothing wrong!!
06:54- not the voice I was expecting for Rosie but pop up Queen she speaks the truth
07:24- ROSIE KNOWS WHAT YOU ARE ALASTOR. Also his confusion, I love him so much
11:04- she's kind of like that one Pokemon
11:13- catabettes! Cannibals and catabettes!!! This is going into my vocabulary from now on. Also this frame that I paused at I love her face.
11:57- ugh, susan. All my homies hate Susan
12:54- I have a dream, I'm here to cause a scandal in the cannibal square
13:37- :( well it wasn't obvious to me I just thought the x over the eye was to look cool :(
15:26 If this song came out years ago I know for a fact there would have been an undertale parody version of it. Also I just got a cosmic brownie and some chocolate milk let's go guys we're eating good tonight
16:30- therapist Rosie is not something I thought I'd be seeing today but honestly I love it. Also I don't think I'm going to be able to finish these episodes today because I'm only a little over 15 minutes through and I've been watching for like almost over half an hour and also I just realized that what if Lucifer is the one that dies?
19:38 I'm going crazy I'm going insane right now bro literally what how I don't know what to say I love this act I don't know, it's just really good I don't know what to say like this is cool I don't I DON'T KNOW! IT'S I I LIKE IT everybody in cannibal town is cool and I like them and it's like 10 seconds later now and they're literally So based like free food like so me I don't know I'm just rambling at this point
21:06- alastor, you know it's not right to make someone your political puppet. Your little dances are cute though so I'll allow it for now.
I don't know why it thought I was speaking Spanish for a second but anyways that episode was really cute and good and I liked it but I'm also scared for the next episode cuz like now I'm wondering is someone actually going to die or were people just lying. I feel like either Adam is going to be the one to die or it's going to be Lucifer cuz they mentioned a lot in the previous episode about how Charlie needs to take up the throne and get ready to take her place on the throne like why does she need to take her place on the throne? Isn't that her dad's job??? Please don't kill Lucifer off please please please 🙏 also I'm still not on board and probably will never will be on the whole political puppet thing. Like I just know I just have a feeling in my bones that alastor's favor is going to be something like "Let me be the ruler of hell lololol" or something anyways
01:01-Why are you watching other men get fucked?🤨 (/j)
01:19 🥺 I love 🥺 I oove him so 🥺 so much 🥺🥺🥺 does he have a spatula like spongebob
02:02- wait so how is Vox watching them like does he have bug cameras in the air like those little guys in v3 (woah now I have to put a Danganronpa spoiler on this)
04:18- I'm not even the biggest huskerdust shipper but awwwww also I don't ship him with anyone but I just want to see Sir Pentious happy pleaseeee also the little Melody of loser baby in the background
04:48- ugh I am clutching my heart right now Sir Pentious is my SON and I LOVE HIM
04:58- what the fuck that ao3 tag was canon this WHOLE TIME???? WHEN DID YOU GUYS HEAR ABOUT THIS?????
05:05- I told you angel dust wasn't going to die
05:38- it's like the song but different! Reprise it's called a reprise also is Mimzy gonna come back
07:15- Vox, you know that you guys are going to die if they lose too right?
Okay I can't timestamp this cuz I'll just be pausing every 2 seconds but just know that everything I'm saying after this is from 07:52 to whatever number I put after later right here->09:47
Okay, so this might be a weird comparison but you know like My Little pony Battle scenes? This feels like that in the very best way possible where they have the scenes with all the different characters fighting with the different music.
Oh my God yes Cherry bomb and angel dust I love them also that was a fire transition also I JUST NOTICED THAT SIR PENTIOUS HAT ALSO HAS THE EYE DOES HE JUST HAVE I HATS FOR EVERY OCCASION
Uh oh Adams angry he's going to do a my hero academia
Oh shit it actually worked that's not good.
Oh my God that is such a cool shot guys someone should make that frame of Alastor their computer background
Guys I think Adam's going to die
😨 okay so Alastor's microphone just broke and I paused it to add that emoji but as I did the people I live with got home so I'm going to have to pause it for there? I'll update if I get prime working on my phone. Also isn't alastor's microphone alive? Maybe that's the character that died.
Update: all right I got it set up on my phone about 30 minutes later now we're resuming
09:47- okay so I think it's interesting that Alastor pretty much lost all his powers as soon as his microphone broke, my guess is probably that whoever has his soul (lilith, eve, or anyone else) gave the mic to him.
09:53- I like the detail that Alastor is still smiling even though he literally just got slammed against the wall, also Vox has the biggest hate boner for Alastor like
10:02- Alastor: "Have to disagree with you there, radio's not dead." Hun you are bleeding out I'm sorry but I don't think you can gaslight girlboss your way out of this one, also I'm sorry to tell you but the only thing they play on my local radio station now besides music is like, a show that's only on at like 7 in the morning where people call to complain about how their husband wraps Christmas presents
10:38- haha silly also EGGS!!
11:12- no no no Sir Pentious you better not I don't want to eat paper
11:21- good for him
12:03- okay this is really cool but is he actually dead cuz I'll legitimately be really sad if so
12:50- *that one vine* "*gasp* Adam."
14:12 yes Vaggie, queen shit
14:44- gasp! His face!
15:00- he is, so stupid. I love him.
15:51-okay I went quiet for a minute cuz there were so much happening but oh my God what do I even say this is just so cool also I don't know if this is intentional or not but the blood stain on Charlie's hair is shaped like an apple
17:08- wait okay I had a brief thought that maybe lute was actually Eve but I think I'm wrong on that
17:13- Sir Pentious would've liked pancakes :((((((
Ad Time! I don't care about hard Rock Cafe I just want to know whether or not Sir Pentious is actually dead please I'm going through all the stages of grief right now and Brandan Rogers just came on my screen as Katie killjoy please
18:04- Keke :(
Oh my God they're going to find him in the rubble right? ... Right?? Right guys right???????
18:10- fat nuggets survived that's good I see a rock that looks suspiciously shaped like Sir Pentious military hat whoa guys I wonder if that means anything and it looks like it's up like someone is standing? Whoa I wonder if they'll check behind that rock please
18:16- wait is he actually dead I'm genuinely about to cry
19:16- I am not crying about his death until the episode ends I am not crying until it is 100% CONFIRMED that he died
20:50- omg alastor's alive, he's in his Jack's skeleton era that means that maybe Sir Pentious is also-
21:08- friends :) he said friends just saying
22:34- you're telling me Lilith was just doing hot girl shit on the beach for 7 years.
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crstormzy · 1 year
castiel headcannons | my candy love
ok so i have this really annoying habit of inviting fictional characters to live in my head rent free for god knows how long. specially when they are assholes. specially when they're the type of assholes i'm really fond of. specially when they're castiel veilmont.
i also have the even more annoying habit of making extremes out of these characters in my head, but oh well... it be like that sometimes.
anyways, it's 3am where i live and i cannot sleep so here's some of the extremes i've taken castiel to during the last few years i've been obsessed with him:
so, first things first, my man is a genius. i'm not talking the einstein kinda genius, but more of a mozart or michelangelo or something like that. he likes art and he understands it and he is so good at it. like, otherworldly good.
he has an awesome vocal range, but he can rock the higher register. and he can also rock the growls so that makes for an interesting combination.
i don't care what others say, i just know castiel can cook. and i'm not talking instant noodles or frozen pizza either, i'm telling you my man can cook. call it perks of living almost alone from a young age, but he is a really great chef (and a really great lover, so be ready for a lot of breakfast treats if you're dating him).
although he is a singer (and a pretty good one at that), castiel just loves bad karaoke nights. like, all out awful singing: out of rhythm, out of breath, out of tune. he's paid to be a good singer all other nights of the year, so he definitely seizes the opportunity to just be a shitty one for a while.
songwriter is coded into his dna. like, waking in the middle of the night, genius ideas, music out of everything type of songwriter. dude writes like he's running out of time.
his lyrics are so deep, always with beautiful metaphors and the kind of thing that just guts you every. fucking. time.
or they're just vulgar nonsense. there's literally no in between.
can sleep anywhere. tour bus? yeah, sleeping. library table? long gone. the most uncomfortable chair in existence? catch him going. his bed, though? forget it. after midnight his brain simply starts running a mile a minute.
not. a. morning. person.
no, seriously. he hates mornings with a passion, specially during hsl. probably because he's always going to sleep horribly late, but he hates having to wake early for anything at all. the only exception is if he's really really really excited about something.
he can hold his liquor, but he hardly ever drinks enough for it to be necessary because he doesn't like the idea of losing control of himself.
stopped smoking somewhere after high school. he was never really dependant on nicotine and after a while (specially after crowstorm) he just stopped altogether. the sensation was nice and all, but kinda of not worth it anymore.
was bullied into becoming crowstorm's vocalist.
also hates instagram with a passion. shows up once every three months, posts a single story (after his manager grilled him for weeks to make any appearance at all) and promptly vanishes again.
would get rid of his phone if he could but, since he can't, he just isn't much of a user.
castiel please stop telling paparazzi to fuck off please for the love of god the press team is begging you stop trying to rip their cameras out of their hands please please
can be very polite and well mannered when he wants to (but he never does)
my boy is a charmer. like, literally everyone falls for him. and then he opens his mouth and just manages to be the biggest asshole ever.
(he claims it's also part of his charm)
lots of people speculate about how many plastic surgeries he's had. partly because he's very pretty, but mainly because of the nose and the eyes. no one believes his nose wasn't bought, and lots of people think he wears contacts.
(in truth he is terrified of plastic surgery, but, ironically, if he wasn't his nose would probably be top of the list of things he would wanna change)
anyways i could spend literal days talking with how much time i've spent with him inside this silly little brain of mine. these are some of the headcannons i could think of on spot but god knows i have so many more...
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uhm, hello! i've been lurking around some jkk blogs and finally decided to come out of the shadows,,,
one thing i noticed between most of armys collectively, be it jkkrs, tkkrs, ot7, solos, etc, is... that they don't really seem to trust JK very much? take their 10th anniversary for example. just because JK was the last one to post a message about it, people already startes doubting that he'd post anything /at all/, questioning it, wondering why he didn't post anything. but for real, its his group's /tenth/ anniversary, people really think that man wouldn't post a single message about it? JK? the man who is ever so considerate and caring to armys?
i'm using this as an example, but i feel this stretches to everything else. people doubt JK and question his behaviors every time a rumor pops up. people often times take those rumors as being the sole truth regardless of what JK says himself. i'm tired of people thinking he isn't serious about what he does and says.
and obviously, this stretches to jkk too. even to tkk, because many tkkrs love to throw him under the bus to explain their own delusions. why do his actions need to be questioned and explained and scrutinized every single time? why, for everything he does, it must have an underlying meaning, a hidden message, something that he isn't telling us? why do people feel the need to explain his every action and words? why him making a live to see JM content has to be under scrutiny? can't it just be JK watching content of someone he loves and wanting to cheer himself up? and when i say this goes for tkk too, is exactly because tkkrs love to add explanations for what JK does and to tell everyone that "it isn't what you're seeing that is real actually". and i imagine that, a lot of the biggest ot7s blogs and pages being tkkrs themselves, this mistrust spread to regular armys too.
and this is a callout for those jkkrs who throw themselves in a well of despair when JK seemingly acts like "he doesn't care for JM anymore" too. the man himself said a hundred times that he is shy, that he doesn't like to expose himself too much, that he has a hard time taking selcas, etc. how many times people believed jkk just "don't interact anymore" just for us to find out months later that they hung out as they always did, they just didn't post about it or tell us about it in their lives?
why can't people trust JK more? he more than once told he communicate his feelings and thoughts to us through lyrics, is honest and straightforward in his speeches, says lyrics have meaning to him and that he never does anything without being intentioned about it, always makes it clear to say what he means even if he doesn't find it easy or believes he isn't the best when it comes to expressing his feelings. i don't understand why many people see him as this shallow puppet, as this dumb guy who doesn't know what he's doing, who doesn't know the meanings of his /own creations/, be it songs, lyrics, GCF videos, posts, etc. as this guy who isn't to be very much trusted, when JK is so trustworthy and earnest. that's the only reasons i can come up with to explain how some "fans" rather believe in rumors and leaks than JK himself regarding what he does with his life and his art and music.
i know you're JM biased but i also know you're very fair in your judgements and is always defending both of jkk. i hope this ask make through, especially now where there are so many "leaks" and negative rumors spreading again about him.
Hi anon,
I love this. Thank you for taking the time to post this. I'm happy to know that Jungkook has a fan who defends him like this and who loves him so much.
Everything you said is on point.
"Why can't people trust Jk more?" This is my take on this question and I'm curious to know what others think.
I will speak in general terms, ok? I think we doubt Jungkook because:
-We let tkkrs get to our head and therefore don't think all Tae & Jk interactions are only platonic.
-We let the weekly Jk and random woman dating rumors get to our head.
-We believe the "fuck boy" image this fandom has tried imposing on him.
-We believe Jikook is fan service.
-Genuine people don't exist so he can't be genuine.
-We feel a hunch.
-We don't understand that he won't act according to our fantasies because he is an actual human being and not a fictional character.
-We think he plays the parasocial relationship card really well.
Maybe it's a combination of these things?
But you are right. It is unfair to Jungkook because everytime he has talked to the fans, explained, sang, and/or demonstrated his love he has been 100% genuine.
And his actions towards Jimin have been 100% genuine too.
I think the issue is not Jungkook. The issue is us. That simple. And how sad.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
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minijenn · 6 months
Jen Tortures Herself With Every Dreamworks Animated Movie Ever: Shark Tale
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See now this is the part where the word "torture" really becomes accurate because oh my fucking god that's exactly what this hell movie is.
So uh yeah. Shark Tale. It sucks. Do I really need to go on? It's insufferably annoying with ugly ass characters who are incredibly unlikable, with a paper thin plot that beats you over the head with its message right from the very start. But I suppose if I have to break it down....
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The movie stars Will Smith Fish I mean Oscar, who's a self-centered clout chaser who wants to become a "somebody" and a cliche misunderstanding succenly launches him into the status of a hero known as the Sharkslayer. This happens after the son of some shark mob boss (yes there's a shark mob shut up I hate it too) dies in an accident, and his other son, Lenny (who's a vegetarian, idk how that's possible, just roll with it) befriends Oscar and the two stage another shark slaying to keep Oscar in the limelight. Inset a stupid ass love triangle with Lola, the blatant gold digger, and Angie, Oscar's best friend who spends the entire movie pathetically simping over this piece of shit, and well... you have the cinematic mess that is Shark Tale.
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So the plot sucks, the whole messages of "tell the truth" and "status and wealth aren't everything" are so beaten into you the movie barely gives you a chance to think about them for yourself. But even worse than that plot are the characters. Oscar is just so damn unlikeable man, he's a lying asshole who only really cares about upward mobility and is willing to screw the few people who do care about him over to get it. Angie is just as bad, a bitchy, jealous simp who more or less gaslights Oscar into loving her by the end imo. The other characters are all one-note and lame, but I guess if any of them are mildly amusing, Lenny is the best of the bunch, if only because he's not an utterly miserable tool like everyone else in this movie is.
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The music is the typical early 2000s Dreamworks pop nonsense, it wasn't too insufferable given the vibe of the movie, but still, it wasn't anything standout. The animation is... ok, but god these fugly ass character designs. Why oh WHY did they decide to putt Will Smith's face on a fucking FISH? Who looked at this and thought THIS WAS OK????
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I will say the backgrounds and environments are genuinely nice to look at though, probably one of the very few redeeming qualities this film has to offer. As for everything else, well, there's a reason this movie lives in infamy as one of the worst things Dreamworks has ever put out. It sinks to scrub the bottom of the barrel (get it? Ok I'll shut up) in just about every way there is. It's riddled with lame puns, unfunny jokes, blatant product placements, and just about every stupid cliche you can think of for a kids movie. Save yourself the trouble and leave this one for the fishes (goddammit now the stupid ass movie has me doing it too).
Overall Rating: 2/10
Verdict: Send these ugly ass fish to the toxic waste dump where they belong
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Previous Review (Shrek 2)
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gloombeauty · 17 days
Look at what Ethel Cain posted on her instagram.
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I've deleted everything I ever posted of Ethel Cain off my page months ago after she posted this
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Then the stuff they said about Lana didn't help
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Lipstick Alley is really going after Ethel right now too. The things they say isn't as cool as they think it is. 🙄
Isn't it illegal to threaten a president?
It is ILLEGAL to threaten any president of the United States.
I don't like Biden's politics, but I would never say anything like this about our president. You show respect no matter what.
Who the fuck does Ethel Cain think he is? His biological male rage always comes through every time he decides to go off online. His envy for the pussy shows loud and clear.
And I refuse to call him a "she" or "her" just because he decided to name himself "Ethel Cain" and sing creepy dark music ripping beats off Lana Del Rey, who he also openly hates.
The way this person just openly raged on biological women in the past and how fast he deletes his manifestos when he gets criticized by adult biological women. Teenagers love his shtick but adult women know a thing a two about men trying to take over women's spaces. That's why this perverse coward deleted his Tumblr page. He loves to rage on but once people criticize him, he cry's "stop attacking transwomen!!!" and hides after using the trans card.
The fact that Ethel is over here threatening the life of a sitting president, after this president literally took away the rights of biological women, to give it to transwomen. This is how Ethel Cain repays him.
Ethel Cain should be arrested and jailed. I don't see it happening though. Trans people are protected even when they threaten the lives of sitting presidents.
The White House is full of woke Democratics who are surely helping Biden (who allegedly has early onset dementia) make decisions. There is no way a man in his 80's gives this much of a shit for the trans community.
And it's funny how Ethel keeps sticking up for Palestine. I guess HE hasn't Googled what they do to Trans people over there in Gaza. Ethel wouldn't last 5 minutes standing straight in the streets of Gaza or anywhere near a Palestinian person. They kill gays, lesbians and bisexuals on a daily basis. Google the fucking videos. They are a proud bunch of motherfuckers filming all this and putting it up on Facebook and TikTok. Imagine what they do to Transwomen over there.
The usual punishment for being Trans, Gay, Bi or a Lesbian over there in Palestine is beating the person to close death in the middle of the street. Then they take the person and drag them up to the highest building in the area. Then once they reach the rooftop, they get beaten up some more before they are thrown off the roof. Once the person's body hits the ground, they throw stones at the body just to make sure they are dead. Other ways of death are beheadings, hangings and dragging the person's dead body in the back of a truck as they drive around the streets.
In case you don't believe me, here you go.
Make sure to log in and watch it on YouTube directly:
This is what Ethel Cain - Transwoman - is defending.
This is what all these stupid college kids are defending, especially the idiotic twats who go by "Queer for Palestine".
You are literally defending and sticking up for people who want you dead.
So, I truly hope Secret Service Agents find Ethel, arrest him and lock his insufferable ass up.
What Ethel said is so dangerous and illegal. I don't know how this fucking person has fans. Then again, Marilyn Manson has fans.
You can't walk around thinking you are hot shit and above the law just because you wear dresses with your balls dangling underneath. Fuck you.
If you really want to learn anything from an intelligent Transwoman, go to Blaire White's YouTube Channel. I adore Blaire. This transwoman not only speaks the truth, but she stands up for biological women on a daily basis. I have no problem calling Blaire a "she" or "her". I love her. It's hilarious watching the trans community lose their shit on Blaire, even calling her transphobic! Ha!
Buck Angel is a Transman who is also intelligent and spot on. Check him out.
There are good Trans people out there. Ethel Cain isn't it.
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Also, good on LSA for sticking to their guns on this subject. Women sports and spaces is almost nonexistent at this point.
Many seem to openly support this fuckery online, while everyone else stays silent. Well, I'm not silent and neither is JK Rowling, Blaire White or LSA.
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ryker-writes · 1 year
Ryker's TWST OC
hello everyone! I'm here to tell you all about a TWST OC. Currently obsessed with his backstory and character so yeah. If you have any questions feel free to ask me, or you can even send questions in the inbox for him to answer!
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Name: Jaxon Crowley
Personality: Loner, quiet, rebellious, aloof, observant, loyal to those he cares about, reserved
How others describe him: grumpy, dangerous, a delinquent, untrustworthy, selfish
Hobbies: listening to music, playing guitar, star gazing
Height: 189 cm (6'2)
Age: 18
Birthday: January 26th (Aquarius)
Dominant hand: Right
Pet peeves: being told what to do, bright flashing lights
Favorite food: Sushi
Least favorite food: Avocado
Dorm: Savanaclaw
Grade/Class: Third year (taking second year classes)/Class A (No. 21)
Best subject: PE (The only class he occasionally participates in)
Club: Pop music club
Talent: Memorizing things
Unique magic: Fear Raiser
Jaxon can use his unique magic to cause a rush of fear to those around him. He can focus it into the area around him, or one specific person. He can also adjust the level of fear he puts into others. However, the more area or people he tries to use it on at once, the weaker it's affects are. The most fear he's ever put into a person once caused them to pass out. There have been times when he's been known to use it on himself in order to give him an adrenaline rush for certain situations. It's speculated that this unique magic may be the reason he doesn't sleep much and has insomnia, but this isn't confirmed since he doesn't like to talk about it.
the only child of Dire Crowley, a future great mage, Jaxon Crowley
being the only child, it was just him, his dad, and his mother
the three of them were a family
Since the headmage is his dad, Jaxon grew up in and around Night Raven College
he's been taught every tradition, every activity, and every rule
and as he grew up, Crowley expected him to eventually take over Night Raven College and help him run the school
but that wasn't what Jaxon wanted
he said that he's going to do what he wants to do
Crowley didn't care what he wanted, he wanted his legacy at Night Raven College to live on
the two often argued and fought over this, and neither would give up their idea
Jaxon's mother always refused to pick a side, and often grew tired of their constant fighting
as Jaxon grew up, he began to grow more rebellious and stopped doing anything Crowley told him to do
whatever Crowley wanted, Jaxon did the opposite
this created more anger and hatred between the two, and the distance grew wider
it was shortly before Jaxon's first year at NRC that his mother left
she didn't give a single word or reason, she just left and took all of her stuff with her
Jaxon was more angry and confused than ever
Why did she leave?
Surely it must've been because of Crowley, he was insufferable
but why did she have to leave him behind with Crowley?
with her gone, the two's relationship only kept getting worse
the two fought over everything, and started to avoid each other
by the time Jaxon came to NRC, he had become a complete delinquent in the eyes of others
on his very first day, he got into a fight before he was even assigned to a dorm
and he only continued to get into more fights the longer he stayed in school
the truth was, he enjoyed the fights and took pride in how many times he's won
after each fight, he would always have a grin on his face and even start laughing
on top of that he refused to listen to any school rules, listen to anyone, participate in classes, and generally do anything in school
of course he would get scolded and receive punishment from Crowley, but all of it was ineffective and only made Jaxon more angry
some students tried to befriend him in hopes that he would protect them or even gain Crowley's favor
However, Jaxon saw through them and always pushed them away and would even threaten to fight them
the worst fight of his happened during his second year
according to some students, he was breaking a school rule when a Heartslabyul student came up to correct him
they had a bit of an exchange, before Jaxon got really mad and started attacking the student and using his unique magic on them
the other student had no chance, and ended up getting badly injured
the story spread through the school quickly about the violence Jaxon caused
most said they weren't surprised by his actions
but those who paid closer attention saw that he was unusually quiet after the fight, and his usual grin was missing
that fight was the final straw for Crowley, and Jaxon was expelled for a year
as far as students were concerned, the school was much safer because of this
and Crowley felt he had less to worry about
Whenever anyone asked about Jaxon, all Crowley would tell them was not to worry and Jaxon was being punished for his actions
a year later, Jaxon returned
now as a third year having to take second hear classes after being held back
still remembering his behavior from years ago, students naturally avoided him as much as possible
but many noticed he was much quieter and much less interested in anything or anyone around him
some students even tried to challenge him to a fight, but he acted like he didn't even see them and walked off
he didn't follow many of the smaller rules even now, but he was actually attending his classes now
However, he and Crowley still avoid each other and aren't currently on speaking terms
for the most part, he doesn't pay attention to people when they try to talk to him unless it's someone important
the staff and dorm leaders are the only one's he really listens to
most Heartslabyul students tend to avoid him or resist correcting him on the rules in fear of him fighting them
Jaxon is seen alone most of the time unless it's during classes or clubs
those in the music club have said that he talks a little more there, but mostly spends his time with his guitar
some students have said they've seen him wandering the campus at night too at various times, making them wonder when he sleeps
overall, his behavior after returning to NRC, his behavior has been less aggressive and instead more aloof
Updated look:
After returning to NRC:
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Before getting expelled:
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vierss-herondale · 2 years
“The sluttiest thing a man can do” Jace Herondale edition, Part 2
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Jace stood up, knocking his chair back violently. “You are not taking Clary to the Seelie Court without me and that is final!"
Clary stared at him with her mouth open. He was flushed with anger, teeth gritted, veins corded in his neck. -CoA.
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He can see the pulse slamming in her throat; her lipstick is gone; he can’t look away from the carnation-pink of her mouth, flushed from kissing, as she breathes: “Why can’t you talk to me? Why can’t you look at me?” -CoFA
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And the gray world blazes up around him with color as they come together, bodies slamming hard against the wall behind them. -CoFA
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He bent his head and kissed the burn on her wrist. A flare of heat coursed through her, like a hot spike that went from her wrist to the pit of her stomach. "I didn't realize," he said. He kissed the next burn, on her forearm, and then the next, moving up her arm to her shoulder (…) -CoFA.
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"Do you remember," he said, "when we first met and I told you I was ninety percent sure putting a rune on you wouldn't kill you—and you slapped me in the face and told me it was for the other ten percent?"
Clary nodded.
"I always figured a demon would kill me," he said. “A rogue Downworlder. A battle. But I realized then that I just might die if I didn't get to kiss you, and soon." -CoLS
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Jace never said things like that to anyone else but her. Alec and Isabelle knew, from living with him and loving him, that underneath the protective armor of humor and pretended arrogance, the ragged shards of memory and childhood still tore at him. But she was the only one he said the words out loud to. -CoFA
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Jace’s expression was focused and intent, the way it was only when he was doing something he considered worthy of his entire focus—fighting, or playing music, or kissing. He glanced up as if he could feel Clary’s gaze on him, and smiled at her. -A Long Conversation.
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Jace stepped forward and took her hands, lifted them and kissed them quickly; she closed her eyes, feeling as if just a fraction of warmth and light had been returned to her. -CoHF
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“Just for a second,” he said, in that low voice of his that made bad ideas seem like good ones. -A Long Conversation.
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Despite everything, I can’t bear the thought of this ring being lost forever, any more than I can bear the thought of leaving you forever. And though I have no choice about the one, at least I can choose about the other. I’m leaving you our family ring because you have as much right to it as I do.
I’m writing this watching the sun come up. You’re asleep, dreams moving behind your restless eyelids. I wish I knew what you were thinking. I wish I could slip into your head and see the world the way you do. I wish I could see myself the way you do. But maybe I don’t want to see that. Maybe it would make me feel even more than I already do that I’m perpetuating some kind of Great Lie on you, and I couldn’t stand that.
I belong to you. You could do anything you wanted with me and I would let you. You could ask anything of me and I’d break myself trying to make you happy. My heart tells me this is the best and greatest feeling I have ever had. But my mind knows the difference between wanting what you can’t have and wanting what you shouldn’t want. And I shouldn’t want you.
All night I’ve watched you sleeping, watched the moonlight come and go, casting its shadows across your face in black and white. I’ve never seen anything more beautiful. I think of the life we could have had if things were different, a life where this night is not a singular event, separate from everything else that’s real, but every night. But things are different, and I can’t look at you without feeling like I’ve tricked you into loving me.
The truth no one is willing to say out loud is that no one has a shot against Valentine but me. I can get close to him like no one else can. I can pretend I want to join him and he’ll believe me, up until that last moment where I end it all, one way or another. I have something of Sebastian’s; I can track him to where my father’s hiding. And that’s what I’m going to do. So I lied to you last night. I said that I just wanted one night with you. But I want every night with you. And that’s why I have to slip out of your window now, like a coward. Because if I had to tell you this to your face, I couldn’t make myself go.
I don’t blame you if you hate me, I wish you would. As long as I can still dream, I will dream of you.
- Jace, City of Glass
So I did a second part, it was as much fun as the first one.
Part 1 here
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roesworks · 1 year
the music room
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(not my gif)
gender neutral muggle-born gryffindor!reader x ron weasley. takes place during fourth year in a situation that doesn’t include yourself apart of the triwizard tournament.
summary : who would’ve thought asking someone to the yule ball would require a lot of mental capacity warnings : none that i can think of word count : 2.1k pretend that hogwarts has a music room and we’ll be fine ! so i thought of this fic in the shower and i thought it would be really cute, so enjoy
You were without a doubt a very popular figure at Hogwarts, but not for reasons a normal witch or wizard would assume. You were known for your music and the passion you had for it was greater than yours for witchcraft, and as silly as that may seem, it was just the truth. After wandering around during your first year, you stumbled upon a hidden room that you knew for a fact was not on a regular map at Hogwarts, and with a simple spell, you unlocked the door that would be the gateway into your future.
It was such a beautiful sight; a grand piano stood in the center of an array of instruments in the string family, and even a few harps, though, that piano was your element, and from nearly every day forward, you were found there practicing and sharpening up your skills. ‘Where’s Y/N?’ was a question that was hardly ever asked, simply because everyone knew where you would be. Even if that query was prominently spoken, eye rolls may ensue, but, an answer would still be given.
Why music? People would ask. Witches and wizards don’t study music; they have other things to worry about!
Well, not you. You were the opposite of what others thought was terminology.
You were born to muggle parents who also shared a love for music, and you were classically trained on the piano as a child. Your life was already going as smoothly as possible when about a six months before you were accepted into Hogwarts you found out that you possessed magical powers and you were brought into the living fable of witchcraft. You were nearly forced to leave your old life, your old friends, your old school, and even your own family to keep that secret from the rest of the muggle world. You left it without a trace.
Ron Weasley was, without a doubt, absolutely infatuated with you and your music. He thought you were unique... in the good way, of course. He couldn’t say a singular bad thing about you, and frankly, even to you. Normally, he was shy around others he wasn’t exactly familiar with, but as strange as that may seem, he knew you personally. In reality, he just could not find the words to say anything amazing about you to your face, and when he eventually did, he would get tongue tied and eventually embarrassed.
Today, though, today was going to be the day. He was going to talk to you, one on one, and would not stutter.
...easier said than done, of course.
But, the Yule Ball was coming up in a few short weeks, and nothing is more embarrassing than going to a fancy ball at Hogwarts stag. Hell, if Neville could snag his sister, surely he could do the same with you.
Ron planned out everything one night meticulously, writing down of responses to every outcome he could think of. Sitting in the common room in front of the burning fire, he rapidly wrote down his thoughts and wiped little beads of sweat in the process. Pressing his head back to massage his neck, he noticed Hermione Granger leaning against the stairwell, smiling at him from afar. After making eye contact, she strolled up to the stressed boy and sat beside him with a comforting smile.
“Now, what’s got you all riled up?” she asked, calmly placing her hands in her lap. Ron diverted his gaze from the paper and to his friend, brushing away his shaggy bangs so he could get a better look. “What’s on this paper?” she reached for it, but Ron quickly snatched it back, away from her outstretched arms.
“You know better than to grab my paper, ‘Mione,” he said quickly, “It’s just some homework.” Hermione eyed him with suspicion, but she didn’t buy it.
“Oh, Ron, you know better than to lie,” she spoke back, smirking as she began to grab the upper hand of the conversation. “You’d never stay up this late to finish a homework assignment, or even complete the assignment in general.” Ron sighed and shook his head.
“Well, maybe I want to... change my habits,” he said with finality, folding the piece of parchment and slipping them in to his bottom pocket. “I’m going to bed-” To prevent him from standing up, Hermione grabbed his arm and held him back. To his surprise, her grip was strong. “Let go of me, ‘Mione, this isn’t funny,” he spoke with slight aggression in his tone.
Hermione loosened her grip on her friend, and pulled him down next to her. “I know something’s troubling you, Ron.” Her voice was sweet and inviting. Ron hated it.
“Bloody hell, Hermione can’t you let me deal with my problems on my own!” His hands clasped over his mouth. Open mouth, insert foot.
“You’ve let the cat out of the bag now.” Ron sighed again, but heavier than before. “You can talk to me Ron. What’s going on?”
He hesitated for a moment and sighed once more. “Fine. Fine, fine, fine. You want to know why I’m so stressed? Here, I’ll show you instead.” He took the folded parchment out of his pocket and tossed it onto her lap. Reluctantly, she opened it and read it to herself.
“Oh, Ron... who is this for?”
He scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment and his ears turned almost redder than his hair. He spoke your name, and Hermione gasped.
“Oh, Ron! That’s so sweet!” she cooed, “But... why write it all down?”
“So that I remember what I want to say?”
“Don’t be so daft. You don’t need this silly sheet of paper, trust me. If you just speak from the heart then everything will be fine!”
“You obviously have never heard me talk to them before,” he muttered, taking the parchment out of her hand and folding it back into how it once was. “’Mione I can hardly get a word out without stuttering like a fool, how do you expect me to ‘speak from the heart?’“
“You really are down bad...” she mumbled in thought. After thinking for a moment more, her eyes lit up. “Well, what exactly are you planning on doing?”
“Well, I’d probably go to the music room. I reckon I’d find them there... I... guess I don’t know what else I’d do...” He quickly unfolded the paper and started to furiously write down ideas.
Hermione knew better. She took the quill out of his hands and hid it behind her. Ron reached for it, but to no avail “So... wing it!”
“Hermione, I can’t!”
“Oh, sure you can! Why don’t you just imagine talking to them like they’re myself... or Harry? You can talk to us easily; it’s practically the same thing. Plus, you know them, so why should it even be harder?” That was the same question he’d been asking himself for the past year and a half. Even after you cared for him and stayed by his side when he had broken his leg during third year, he still found it hard to talk to you, and for what?
Hermione placed a sympathetic hand on his leg. “You can do this Ron.” She stood up to walk back to her dorm and smiled. “Tell me everything that happens, alright?”
Ron sighed for the fourth time that night. Her quick sympathy and advice didn’t exactly help him out, but maybe if he slept on it, he would be better off.
That was picture perfect advice.
Ron loved the weekends. Fortunately for him, it was Saturday, which meant that he had a whole day to himself - that meaning he had a whole day to ponder how he was going to break the news to you. Merlin, he was quite troubled. After hours of sitting on his bed and staring at the ceiling, he knew what he had to do; he had to talk to you before he lost his nerve.
You loved the weekends as well. Fortunately for you, you had the whole day to yourself - that meaning you had a whole day to practice your music without interruption. Today’s task was composing a piece from the melody that continued on in your brain for days. You were stationed on the piano bench, drawing measure lines with your quill on a piece of parchment. The lines weren’t perfectly straight, but they had to do, after all, you were in no way a professional.
You began to push through, tapping the keys so that they fit the melody in your brain. After about an hour or so, you heard a knock on the door, to which you shouted back and greeted them in. You looked back and smiled at the red-headed boy that was making an appearance in the music room. “Hello, Ron!” you greeted.
He scratched the back of his neck. “I’m not interrupting anything, am I?” he asked softly, and you shook your head.
“No, of course not!” You patted an open spot on the bench beside you, “Come join me; I live for audiences.” Ron slowly made his way to the bench and sat. He seemed a bit out of place, but he had to shake that feeling off. Brushing his bangs, he looked at you.
“What are you working on?” he managed to stammer, then eyeing the parchment with eighth and sixteenth notes plastered all over it. There was no way in hell Ron could read would you had written - it was as if it were a code - but it still intrigued him.
“I’m just composing. Thought of this little melody last night and it sounded swell in my head. Care to listen?”
“Of course.”
His words of approval sent you and your fingers began to glide over the keys with ease and experience. While the tune may have been simple in your eyes, Ron was still mesmerized. How you could think of a melody the night before and write it all down the day after was absolutely amazing to him.
When you finished playing what you have written, Ron clapped enthusiastically. “You know... I think it’s really bloody cool that you can play an instrument,” he complimented softly but with a smile, “and-and you really don’t care what other people think. I admire that, really.”
“Do you, then?” You were intrigued at his sudden and subtle flirting.
“Yes! Yes I really do!”
Your callused hands reached for his and placed them on the keys. “Here, let me teach you a little something.” You played a small melody, expecting him to copy your movements, which he did, but in a not-so-neat fashion. You chuckled. “Close.” You played the melody again, but slower. He repeated. “There you go, you got it!” You played another melody
This was his chance. Taking a deep breath, Ron began to speak. “So... are you planning on going to the Yule Ball?”
At that, your hands stopped. Your heart began to pang in your chest and your train of thought had completely crashed at that out of the blue question. Usually, you were very well put together around everyone, but the simple query seemed to almost push you over the edge... in the good way.
“We-well...” you cleared your throat and adjusted the collar of your shirt, “that depends.” You stared at him with your face reddened. “Why?”
“Um, are you going with anyone? ...by chance?”
You smiled. “Well, no. No I’m not. I haven’t been asked.”
Ron grinned as his confidence surged. It was as if a boost of electricity went through his entire body. “What are the chances you’d... that you’d want to go with me?”
“Aw Ron, I’d love that!” You said in finality. You grabbed his hand on the piano and gave it a squeeze.
“Good... frankly I’ve been planning on asking you for a little bit and that would be a bit embarrassing if you said no...”
“How long is a little bit?”
“Well, a while, actually.” He felt himself about to ramble, but he couldn’t stop. “I’ve been wanting to ask you out an’ everything but I couldn’t find the words to tell you, and I was a bit nervous, you know? Y/N I think you’re really amazing and I love everything about you.” There, he said it and he was proud of it, but his outward demeanor said otherwise.
“You don’t need to be nervous around me, Ron. I think of you just the same as you do me. I think you’re a beautiful boy with a big heart. Honestly, I wouldn’t want to go to the ball with someone other than you.”
His face lit up. “Really?”
You brushed his bangs out of his eyes. “Yeah.”
Well, it was safe to say that Ron was kooky for the whole rest of the month leading up to the ball. He couldn’t believe he found the words to talk to you, even if it didn’t go exactly to plan. Hermione was right. All he really needed to do was wing it.
i hope you enjoyed! i loved writing this so much. let me know if i should write a second part to this, like of the ball and such okok
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jgroffdaily · 8 months
In theater, chemistry is crucial, particularly in a musical about deep, long-lasting friendships. Fortunately, the stars of the highly anticipated Broadway revival of Merrily We Roll Along are filled to overflowing with admiration for one another and for the show they’re bringing to vibrant life at the Hudson Theatre after a sold-out 2022 Off-Broadway run. As they navigate the reverse chronology of Stephen Sondheim and George Furth’s portrait of three mixed-up people, Jonathan Groff, Daniel Radcliffe, and Lindsay Mendez draw the audience in with empathy and immense talent.
Groff nabbed a best actor Tony Award nomination at age 22 for Spring Awakening and went on to TV’s Glee, Looking, and Mindhunter, as well as a juicy role as Agent Smith in the most recent Matrix film.
During a lighthearted rehearsal-break chat with Broadway Direct, the stars referred to themselves as “theater nerds” thrilled to be sharing the stage for a second time in Merrily We Roll Along.
“The three of us have a very similar sense of humor and outlook on theater, which we love,” Mendez begins. “Jon and Dan are incredibly gifted actors — so complex, so present, and so fun to play with in every moment. It’s the biggest honor of my acting life to do this with the two of them.” Radcliffe praises Groff’s truthfulness and likability in the notoriously difficult role of composer-turned–film producer Franklin Shepard, and calls Mendez “one of the most ferociously talented people I’ve ever worked with.” Not to be outdone, Groff says that Mendez “has this backbone, this inner strength, that lifts the entire company. Her skill is off the charts.” As for Radcliffe? “Dan is like Beyoncé,” Groff declares with a laugh. “I’ve never met a person more passionate about acting. It’s an inspiration to be around him every day.” Laughing, Mendez concludes, “Our friendship will never fade!”
This mutual admiration is key to director Maria Friedman’s thrilling production, which invites audiences to identify with Franklin and his friends Mary Flynn, a novelist-turned-critic, and Charley Kringas, a lyricist-turned-playwright. In scenes that begin around 1980, we see the painful effect of Mary’s unrequited love for Frank over the prior two decades and Charley’s disappointment at the fracturing of his and Frank’s youthful songwriting partnership. “It’s a complicated show about a really simple thing,” Radcliffe observes. “It shows the complexity of relationships over time, which, in some ways, is an intimate story, but it’s also the biggest subject in the world.” Adds Mendez, “It’s rare to tell a love story about friendship, not to mention telling it backwards, which is a fascinating exercise for us as actors. Normally in a show, you carry everything you just did into the next scene, but here, you’re letting it all go [as the characters get younger]. That’s been hard, but also really fun and freeing — it forces us to stay absolutely present at every moment.”
In Friedman’s production, Franklin is the linchpin whose memories set the musical in motion, a framing that works because of Groff’s quiet magnetism. “He finds the truth in what Frank wants and never judges his character,” Mendez explains of her costar. “We all know people who bend the way the wind blows, but Jon does it with this incredibly huge heart and soul that no one can resist or say no to, including myself and Dan.” Groff modestly turns the conversation toward the show’s opening sequence, when every cast member — including wives, ex-wives, collaborators, and hangers-on — take the stage to sing “How did you get to be here?” during the title song. “We’re looking to the audience and encouraging them to track our journeys from the 1970s to the ’50s,” he says, “but we’re also asking them to reflect on their lives and how they got to be where they are. We’re inviting them to see themselves in all of us on stage.”
The miracle of Merrily, which had a disastrous Broadway debut in 1981, is that it includes some of Stephen Sondheim’s loveliest songs, including modern classics “Old Friends,” “Good Thing Going,” “Not a Day Goes By,” and “Our Time.” “It’s such an interesting Sondheim [score] because it is so hummable,” says Groff. “The songs are so tuneful, and yet the stories are so thorny; I think we ache for more musicals like that. This show is 42 years old, but it feels ahead of its time. It’s thrilling to deliver big scenes and complex characters and adult themes in a musical. It’s inspiring to young writers to be able to say, ‘You can write a show this complicated, and it can be on Broadway.’”
From the first note of the overture, Merrily We Roll Along is a deeply satisfying, emotional ride for both the stars and their audience. “When the music begins and the people start cheering, I’m thinking, ‘Oh my god!’” Radcliffe says with a laugh. “There is nothing better than doing a show you know people are excited to see.” Echoes Mendez, “We’re going nuts too, because it’s such an honor to be in this, and I’m happy we’re getting to share it with more people. This is what we all dreamed of when we moved to New York: a Sondheim musical on Broadway.”
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pumpkinpie59 · 2 years
What musicals the 2012 cast would love most
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This was in part inspired by @fabuloustrash05 ‘s post about her Renet headcanons, where she mentioned that Renet likes historical musicals. You can find it here.
Anyway, since I am a theatre performer myself, I decided to associate some musicals with the rest of the TMNT cast. Enjoy ^^
“When I drive
When I drive
I'm in love, I'm alive
And I forget about everything I hate
When I drive
When I drive
I can read 65
I won't pay the long, long line
They'll always be behind
And man that just feels great”
If you were to ask him, he’d claim his favorite is Singin’ in the Rain (which I’ve been in btw). It’s funny and a total blast to watch (though ... the movie is better than the stage show). But in reality, his favorite is Bonnie and Clyde. You cannot convince me otherwise.
“Always you, every thought I'll ever know
Everywhere I go, you'll be
All the world is only
You and me!”
Like Leo, he also doesn’t tell the truth about his favorite musical. He claims his favorite is Phantom of the Opera. An easy choice, and everyone believes him because it’s just as dramatic as he is lmao. But his favorite is West Side Story. I mean, c’mon, it has gangs, violence, and at its core has a mushy love story. He will not admit he likes it as much as he does.
“If only you could know
The things I long to say
If only I could tell you
What I wish I could convey
It's in my every glance
My heart's an open book
You'd see it all at once
If only you would look”
He seems like a Disney fan. You’d think I would’ve chosen Beauty and the Beast, but nah. The Little Mermaid fits him better (I’ve also been in this show). He’s so insecure about not being human, and he’s also from a big family with an overprotective father, so I think he’d relate to Ariel a lot. Plus she’s a redhead so there’s that lol. Maybe a bit on the nose, but I don’t care.
“We're a notorious couple of cats
As knockabout clowns, quick-change comedians
Tight-rope walkers and acrobats”
Yeah, he’s a Cats fan. I think he’d love how artistic and chaotic it is. His brothers probably hate it, which only makes him like it more lmao. He hated the movie.
“You can build me up, you can tear me down
You can try but I'm unbreakable
You can do your best, but I'll stand the test
You'll find that I'm unshakeable”
I kinda see April as the kinda girl to like the most popular musicals rather than obscure musicals, and I also wanted to choose one that was about strong women. I considered Wicked and Legally Blonde, but Six seemed most appropriate. Also, she’s my queen, so why not choose the one about queens pfft
“Flashpots are shootin' bright as the sun
I'm one highfalutin' sonuva gun!
Don't ask me how
Fortune found me, fate just crowned me
Now I'm King of New York!”
Casey’s favorite is Newsies. It just seems so freaking obvious. Plus, the love interest is a journalist, so do with that what you will.
“Home, Love, Family.
There was once a time
I must have had them, too.
Home, Love, Family,
I will never be complete
Until I find you...”
Like Leo and Raph, she also lies about her fav musical. She says it’s Little Shop of Horrors, and she does like it. The Dentist song cracks her up. But her favorite is Anastasia because it hits close to home. See lyrics above. She also lost her real family at a young age, and didn’t know the truth until she was 16. (Also, Anya is my dream role. I got to see the show on tour!)
“Gotta haunt till it hurts
Through the night
And give those guys the fright of their lives”
Shinigami gives me Beetlejuice vibes. I don’t know what else to say about it.
Mona Lisa
“Tranquil as a forest
But on fire within
Once you find your center
You are sure to win”
It’s my headcanon that Mona loves movies once Raph introduces her to them, so I think she’d like movie musicals more than stage musicals. Her favorite is Mulan. As a soldier herself, she respects how the film takes war seriously while still having uplifting and even funny moments throughout.
Lotus Blossom (my 2012 version)
“A new dream
I have one i know that very few dream
I would like to see that over-due dream
Even though it never may come true”
Jekyll and Hyde is a musical about murder, the duality of man, and tragic romance, all things that appeal to Lotus Blossom, an assassin with difficult experiences in romance. (Jekyll and Hyde was my favorite musical back when I first got into TMNT, too! Still is a favorite.)
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