#and then even that being shattered by the realization that all witch magic isn't that defined
grandwretch · 1 month
i knew that Renwick had witch blood from the beginning (he's just as much a foil to Rua's experience as Aneryn is) but the twist of him getting his nickname of Witchslayer is because he was killing witches to stop them from being forced to sell out Remy........ ohhhhhh my God. That literally made me cry like a baby.
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maguro13-2 · 2 months
Demons Unleashed ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Gaiden Pt.3 ~
[Salem Town Hall - Salem, MA]
[Central City (Yoru) - Mariko Nanba]
Eruka : Hey guys!
Ashley : Long time no see, Eruka.
Kimial Diehl : Congratulations, Froggy! I heard that you finally completed your Majo Detective Training.
Eruka : I sure did! I'm finally beginning to work in the force! Now that I am a recruited Majo Detective, I will save the innocence and stopping the evil forces and crime itself! No evildoers shall face the almighty Eruka Majo Detective! I am great with skills and far surperior although using frog magic was utterly useless so I decide to get my official spell book and learned traditional types of various magic.
Penny Crygor : Well, good for you! Good for you! Surely that you just wanted to go back as a frog princess in your homeland of Louisiana?
Eruka : Nah! I like it here up north. It's nice and cool to be a great person to visit New England. I mean, this entire state is one heck of a place to live here! I'm sure everything will just be at work! We always gotta love Boston! So I heard about this state being lucky for you to be grew up on.
Kimial Diehl : Actually, I grew up here as a child before I moved to Tokyo and right before I triggered the second event in Tokyo after the Shattering.
Eruka : Eh? The Shattering? The event that took place around 12 years ago? That the was the event when Maka Albarn was a little girl that triggered the power of Shattered Resonance and literally just wiped out 80% of Japan's population. So the Masked boy Makoto Asagiri of the Phantoms of Society, managed to save her life and is also a survivor of the event. Same goes to you, Kimial.
Kimial Diehl : Right, I usually have a real name that I used have from my ancestor, I was part of the Kasugatani Family Tree, even though I thought she was lame and I realize she just died. What's the point of being a witch anyway and become a hero.
Eruka : Hey, woah. Inca Kasugatani may have been a cool ancestor, but she's not that lame and you know it! Just because she died about 1000 years ago, doesn't mean that you could be just careless or--
Maba : Enough! (Bangs Gavel)
Eruka : Sumimasen, Maba-san. I beg your pardon.
Ashely : All do favor.
Kimial Diehl : So, Maba. You're our town's...Huh? City official.
Maba : Indeed. Now then, Eruka and you two have finally got my attention, her training skills as a Majo Detective were highly incredible, I've shown good progress on your training.
Eruka : (Nods) I've did! I worked my way out into being a skilled Majo Detective, I'm finally in the force and ready to do some justice!
Maba : Well, very quaintful. Well, the Family of Kaoru Enma is making some huge changes going around the city. Hopefully, Lynn, Lynn, City of Sin isn't too much about the awareness levels outside of Boston. Well, not necessarily in order. But I do know is that I've reported you to Town Hall to give you this important detail. It's about the humans that created the World of Soul Eater 1000 years have mysteriously returned after the Ohkuboverse's annihilation from the Time Eater.
[Mistery - Seirou Okamoto]
Kimial Diehl : Yeah, it's the same entity that wiped out Shinra and his people before he everyone knew that was gonna resurrect himself through reincarnation.
Maba : Well, technially, It is a commonly known sense that the first witch that gave them life in the Ohkuboverse like us, was executed after Shinra and his beloved's death. Penny Crygor was taking pictures of a mysterious lab where and discovered naked women that acclaims to be the humans of the Ohkuboverse and the witch who gave life to us and as you a part of her family tree.
Kimial Diehl : Me, a part of her family tree? Who is this "her" that is a part of the family tree?
Maba : It's simple, she is the witch gave life to the Majo order during her execution in the Ohkuboverse, everyone thinks that Shinra's man-made son calls us the "sworn enemies" to the DWMA it's because of the Spreading influence that led to the heartless' attention making us as their personal scapegoats.
Kimial Diehl : Wait a sec, so the witches are scapegoats to the heartless? But Shinigami said that our magic has wrecked havoc on the earth.
Maba : False, that's not what his son said. He said that the true enemies to us were the heartless their selves and same goes to the humans that had their hearts swallowed and conjured by the darkness itself. And we would've opened our eyes to the truth when the so-called DWMA trying to make an attempt on destroying the Kasugatani Family Tree, that's what got the Heartless' Attention on destroying the Kusakabe Legacy!
Kimial Diehl : Say what? Why would Shinigami wanted to say that?
Fox Witch : Lord Maba! Please excuse us! We got some terrible news coming from Nevada! Estimated over 9000 heartless.
Maba : What 9000? That's Dragon Ball.
Fox Witch : I meant over thousands of Heartless have came from the outskirts.
Maba : What's this excursion from Shinigami?
Fox Witch : We just discovered that the true creator of the Majo Order has returned after being executed in the Ohkuboverse. A criminal mastermind from the Paper Mario universe is gathering the eight vessels that he brought back to life from Shinra's newly world. First Vessel is Amaterasu, the spectral woman and mother of Iblis, second was the mastermind that destroyed Shinra's childhood, Haumea...
Kimial Diehl : And let me guess...the third one is definitely the ancestor of mine, not lame it is. I know why.
Ashley : I can think of one person who were one of the eight vessels that were connected to the Eight Pure hearts. Or should I say that the eight vessels of the eight Pure hearts are Eight Pillars, the keys to opening darkness, the adolla realm was apparently nothing more than nothingness.
[Aniexty - Yasuhiro Inoue]
Ashley : We all just discovered that the so-called "Anoter Era" or Adolla is was made for nothingness. Needless to say, The Ohkuboverse was nothing more than a cursed universe, there was never a god, nor it was evil itself, it was made from deception from Demon Vibe, the reason that authors like him were so arrogant, the crazy story of Soul Eater is all just a baloney. But how did Shinra not know it was Demon Vibe or Sephiroth that was manipulating everything from the very start, and in turned--[to Kimial and Eruka] manipulated you.
Kimial Diehl: What? Me? Manipulated by Demon Vibe?
Eruka : How on earth did you know, smarty pants?
Ashley : Easy. The Time Eater had to kill everyone because it was going to stop Demon Vibe from ever reaching the Door to Darkness, the same door that it's astral creation, the evangelist, was attempting to put the planet in omnicide with the usage of Firaga and darkness itself. Your ancestor, Inca Kasugatani, was used as a puppet for the entity's will, she went insane after she realized that wickedness was not the right answer. However, Shinra and his people didn't show Demon Vibe's true potential after he was banished to the Shadow Realm. So the Time Eater annihilated everyone and then executed Inca Kasugatani in resulting of destroying the Ohkuboverse. That's the real reason Soul World existed within Real World AU.
Kimial Diehl : I see then. Right now, we gotta stop those heartlesses. But if I'm worried about protecting our people, then I will break free from Shinra Kusakabe's will. Reclaim the name Kasugatani and my position. That's why I ran away from Tokyo to join the force.
"Meanwhile in Boston..."
[A Spirit of Bushi - Konami Kukeiha Club]
[people being terorrized and screaming]
Boston Citizen : Help! Help! There's a Monster on the loose!
*DBZ SFX : Scouter Scanning+Beeping*
Fracktail : Just as I expected. There are 5 of the eight vessels of the Eight Pure hearts, but only three of them is mississing. Where is the 5th vessel.
Sarissa: That's no monster on the loose! Some idiot awakened a dragon by accident! I'm sorry for my gratitude, but what are you supposed to be just as clever as some dragon from the Paper Mario. You're Fracktail from the Paper Mario Universe, Aren't ya?
Fracktail : Correct, it only took you 10 seconds to figure it out that it was me that is searching for the lost vessels that disappeared since the Ohkuboverse was destroyed. In any case, I will make you try to beat me in a battle test to see if you have what it takes to reclaim the Pure Heart as your own prize! See if you like it for yourself!
Sariss : Well, I'm sh*t out of luck! No way point of defeating this guy. Guess it's just my lucky day! (Uses her magic to attack Fracktail's antenna) Yes! Direct hit! This is just too easy! (uses her magic rapidly) Ha! How's this to taste your own data!? Not quite the possible movements about a dragon fighting against a magician that is here to stop troublemakers to search the vessels of the Eight Pure Hearts.
Fracktail : Hmmm...Your skills are quite intriguing, but I seem some minor damage due to your battle experience. You have the will of a warrior that is far superior to the others. I shall get a good reading on your performance of battle techniques. Commencing Data Scanning Operation.
Sarissa : Hmm? What's it doing now? Is it scanning my data just because I am a warrior? What was it going to scan me anyway?
Sarissa : Woah! (evades the attack) You're not going to take me down that easily! (uses Thunder magic to attack Fracktail, electrocuting) I hope this will wear you down!
Sarissa : Did this dragon say "Shinra Kusakabe"? Isn't it that the guy who created...the world that we lived in? What the hell is dragon talking about. He was talking about the Eight vessels of the Eight Pure Hearts.
Sarissa : Eh? That link! It sounded like nothingness coming from somewhere! But where?
Inca Kasugatani : Leave this one to me. I know how to take this sucker down. Hey, Dragon with an antenna! I'm the one you were looking for! If you know where Shinra Kusakabe, then I suggest that you look at me, the young woman or youth who happens to be the witch that gave birth to Majo in Soul World 1000 years ago.
Sarissa : Huh? Who are you? You look like the one that is similar to Kimial Diehl before, have I seen you before or did I even first meet...you?
Inca Kasugatani : You finally remember my future relative, of course she is the descendant to me that I was the one who started the Majo Order a 1000 years ago. The order was given to protect my family tree from being destroyed by the face of true evil, but after the Time Eater came on that day, everyone was annihilated and I was the only one left that is executed by it. Two mustache men from past and future made an execution about my death sentence for serving the will of Demon Vibe itself. But luckily, I was resurrected by my own soul from Shinra's creation. Giving the perfect body and not to mention the perfect platonic love that I given to the man that died at the hands of the Time Eater along with his beloved Iris.
Sarissa : Say what!?
Sarissa : Hey, It got away!
Inca Kasugatani : Not for long! Hey, Fracky! (Fracktail stops and turns) I know where Shinra Kusakabe is and I have heart that is connected to him.
Fracktail : Wise word, Mother of Witchkind. I will search for the legendary hero that is one of the eight vessels of the Eight Pure hearts. I shall find the one who have resurrected the 1000 years of death in resulting of 50% of the Ohkuboverse. The legenday Hero, Shinra Kusakabe, has finally returned after his demise by the Time Eater. Now that the Eight Vessels of the Eight Pure Hearts are beginning to make a return in the exchange of exisiting to Real World AU, I shall find the rest of the Eight vessels on my search for the eight pure hearts. But first, I shall give this to you what is left from the former of the eight pillars. (gives the orange pure heart to Sarissa) Now...Returning to base. Beginning new search of the missing right vessels. Farewell. (flies away)
[Doom's Eye - Jun Senoue]
Sarissa : Hey, Thanks so much anyway! Oh well, it flew away back to base. Don't know what's gonna happen next if he finds the other eight vessels of the Eight pure hearts. Very impressive for me that he gave this to me in order to find the missing vessels that were the eight sacrifices used to open the Door to Darkness. I wonder what does that even mean? So tell me, Pink-hair lady that kinda looks like Kimial, I'm her caretaker Sarissa and you must be the lady who was executed 1000 years ago from the Time Eater. Inca Kasugatani, the young lady who sold her heart and soul to the darkness. Just why on earth have you came back for so long after Shinra's death. Why are you here anyway? Here in Real World AU?
Inca Kasugatani : You're quite a noble caretaker is that it? I humbled my gratitude that you would believe that I created a line of witches who would easily find about Shinra returning to his ordinary self in the next years. I would guarantee you that I have a platonic love for him, to think that I'm wickedly insane because of me, I was chosen as a puppet by the will of Demon Vibe. It's will used me as a puppet to destroy his world. I just wanted to reunite with him and feel that I would needed to have forgiveness. I wanted to play with him again.
Sarissa : Reunite with Shinra Kusakabe? No way.
~ Stage 2 : Return of the Witch ~
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biaswreckingfics · 2 years
I really like your witchy series, so is there anyway I could get some other witches? Maybe a witchy!ATEEZ? I think a witchy!San being a bit reckless with his newfound magic would be a really interesting drabble ! But if that doesn’t work, I just really want to see more witchy boiz 🥺 Ty ily and congrats on another amazing milestone!!!
Witch!San AU -I'm so sorry this took so freaking long to do 😭😭 I hope you enjoy this (actually, I hope it finds you in the first place haha). Also, thank you!! 🥺🥺❤️❤️-
(Have you lost your damn mind?)
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When the lights begin to flicker chaotically around you, your first reaction is confusion. Then, when you glance down the boardwalk to get a sense of what's happening, you notice a boy around the same age as you with a gleeful smile on his face. You recognize him right away and fury quickly takes over.
San, the new guy in town, and also a new member of your coven.
Shooting up from your seat, you make a beeline for him. You dodge scared people as they try to get away from the flashing lights that are now sparking or completely shattering in the air. If he keeps screwing around like this, he's going to expose himself, or worse, get someone killed.
You knew he was new to the whole magic thing. His powers suddenly manifested once he moved to your city, but he was told repeatedly that he couldn't use them out in the open like this. The elders made sure to drive that point home multiple times, and here he is ignoring them.
He spots you coming near him and his smile grows. It's like the angry look on your face isn't even registering to him.
"Hey! Are you seeing -"
"Have you lost your damn mind?!" You harshly cut him off. 
He blinks at you in surprise. "What do you mean?"
"What the hell do you think I mean?"
You grab his arm and drag him away from the boardwalk. The lights flicker and spark, but the danger level is quickly decreasing as San focuses less on his magic.
Dragging him in between two small shops, you turn on him the second you're hidden from the people freaking out on the boardwalk. 
"You're risking exposure! You know not to use your magic like that in front of people! What the hell are you thinking?"
His wide eyes stare at you, and once he sees how deadly serious you are, shame creeps into his features. "I'm sorry… I just wanted to practice using my magic… I got carried away…"
You can hear the sincerity in his words, but his recklessness has you on edge. A part of you worries about him doing something like this again. He's lucky as hell you're the one who caught him.
"San, you know about the threat… Not only from regular people but the -"
"Hunters. I know." Guilt is heavy on his face and you know he's just now realizing how serious this is. His eyes meet yours and you can see the fire burning behind them. "I seriously won't ever do anything like this again. I promise."
Unsure, you bite your lip and search his face. The elders will undoubtedly find out about this, but you won't be the one to tell them. You remember what it was like when your powers came to you, and it took everything in you to not experiment with them. You understand the struggle he's going through all too well.
"Okay… I believe you."
A relieved smile creeps onto his face, and you can see that he wants to gush about what he just accomplished. Fighting to keep the smile off of your face, you nod.
"Go ahead."
"Did you see what I did?" He exclaims excitedly. "I made the entire boardwalk flicker! I wasn't even trying…"
You let him carry on for a few minutes, enjoying this new step in his magical journey. From now on, you'll just have to keep an eye on him, and inevitably protect him when he gets carried away again
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shehercwilbur · 2 years
Hunter (toh) rant / character study
Dude Hunter is just such a good character. Ik my entire personality is being an "anti" and "hating" him (I deny it but he is my fav I will never say this again.) but like his development is so good. So here's reasons he's a great character and some character study of his struggles cause like #relatable (/hj) but yeah
-he starts off as an asshole. He's overconfident when we first see him and he's obviously working with belos so, evil.
-we see that the people in toh view him the same way (Lilith with the posters) so she's already painted that picture of his personality for us before we as viewers see him.
-in hunting palismen we really start to see his real personality and get to know him more which makes him seem more human and relatable to viewers. Slowly though, he didn't work with Luz willingly which shows how far his loyalty went even when Kikimora wanted him dead.
-the way he interacts with belos, wanting to make him happy and never fail even if he Hunter gets hurt or hurts others along the way. His whole story with Belos manipulating him and obvious CA is realistic (well obv except for the magic parts).
-his recovery from it too! In the end of eclipse lake when he brings belos the Titan blood and hunter flinches when belos reaches his sludge, obviously that's happen before. He didn't try to block it though, only stayed and he almost looks surprised it didn't hit him?? Coincidentally it was beside his scar...
-hollow mind we see as Belos literally parades Hunter and Luz around his memories to see the worst of them. Stuff Belos knew would shatter Hunters reality to pieces and hurt Luz the most. He did that on purpose. We see Hunters truth crack and shatter in front of our eyes when he realizes what he is and Belos' true intentions. We see him fear for his life, he doesn't want to die. He was willing to sacrifice himself for Belos and the Titan but he never wanted to be killed.
-we see his struggle with making friends from being isolated form people his own age and having to mature at a younger age to be the Golden Guard.
-after realizing Belos is evil and abandoning him and leaving for Hexside, Hunter threw himself into research about grimewalkers. We know he's always done research on a bunch of stuff (ex: wild magic and mindscapes !!) so he does want to learn and expand his knowledge and just learn about what he is because we see he's confused. Also at Hexside we see his panic when the guards mentioned belos and when that guard was literally going to kill him (like omfg ????).
-once he's free from belos we literally see his fear of seeing belos again. Probably being able to process some of his past while also the fear of being killed by going back is a pretty valid reason.
-and then when kikimora spoke to him when they were all trapped at Blighr factory, genuine mf fear again. But he fought back! He saved his friends no matter what though.
-Also when he sees belos again? When belos says that stuff, hunter is so scared. But he still says "you're lying" maybe to reassure himself or to stand up for himself idk, but he still did it, he was so brave in that scene.
-AND THEN BELOS GOT FLUNG INTO THE WALL. He literally just squeaked when the collector faced him. Belos, who Hunter thought was the most powerful person was just like smacked and gone by this kid.
-on another topic the collector knows sm about Hunter and all the other grimewalkers to hypothetically Hunter could get the answers and we could get Caleb stuff by just talking to the collector.
-anyways to sum it up, Hunter speedran character development over 1 season and yet it didn't feel rushed at all. He had his moments of doubt, of hesitation as his idea of what the world was cracked before our very eyes before it was shattered. We got to see his struggle with that and even then it's not over, he still can't fathom the idea that he isn't a witch like he thought for so long. It's beautiful to see that even with the isolation he found connections with Flapjack, Gus, Willow, Luz, and probably soon more Amity too. And he protected him because he knows he can do that.
-I'm just so happy he found people now. I like genuinely hated him at first LMAO like idk that first ep annoyed me but seeing him grow through the season ?? Mans rlly forced his way into my heart.
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ihopethisendswell · 1 year
Thinking about Lyric. Lyric and his friendships/relationships are so fucking interesting to me. With Damien, it had this wonderful childhood innocence to it at one point, but it wasn't exactly sunshine and rainbows? They loved each other, clearly, but there was this sort of imbalance between the two. Lyric was the prince and Damien was his knight that would always be behind him. Cute, yes, but it also presents how they acted around each other. Damien was always a follower,he constantly brought Lyric up, thought he was amazing, she in his eyes Lyric is. But he never really put himself in a position where he and Lyric were equals. And Lyric strived for that. He loved Damien but it was always him on top of the world and Damien right behind him,bringing him up when needed. Their friendship dissolved for a multitude of reasons,but it really started when Damien started to get that agency. And it wasn't even Damien himself, it was the people around him pointing at him and going " the next big hero" and treating him as such. Damien, at the time, was more than content being just a lackey, but the positive attention wasn't so bad either. But for Lyric? The one who had dreams of being the prince of the hero world? It was insulting. This was before the whole magic trade + coach debacle, so their friendship was still intact and strong, but the jealousy was growing. And then the magic trade + coach debacle happened and that combined with his already existing resulted in their friendship breaking. There's more but I wanna talk about Jolee first.
Jolee is someone who I'm still learning to characterize, but an interesting idea came to mind. Jolee is pretty much like Damien when they were kids, as in she's very content being the follower to literally anyone ( this is due to her upbringing from The Witch). And usually, Lyric would thrive with this. But at this point in his life where he's more depressed than he realizes, lonely even with his existing relationships, and oddly more self reflective than ever ( thank you Ash), Jolee's follower attitude kinda makes him uncomfortable? I mean. A lot of things about Jolee makes him uncomfortable and very worried ( she can't fucking sleep with red eyes and blood powers like-), but her just being okay with. Following. Bothers him. And it bothers him that that bothers him cause stuff like that never bothered him before so why now? He actually tries to encourage her to do some things for herself- get some hobbies, make friends, all that jazz. Partly because he's telling himself that he's too much of an ass to be friends with someone as genuinely sweet as her, so better have her get attached to other things until she leaves him, and partly because he is genuinely worried for her, he sees. So many red flags. And not just her eyes. But yeah, Jolee and Lyric's friendship is going to be interesting to explore.....if/when to it.
Finally Ash cause Ash fucking shattered his reality. Maybe that's an over exaggeration but that's kinda how Lyric looks at it. Ash is someone who just appears out of nowhere, and almost immediately latches onto Damien and the two become bff's. This pisses Lyric off. And he hates that it does. To put it bluntly:
Lyric: I know that our friendship is pretty much over and that I have no right to decide whether or not Damien can make friends but at the same time seeing him be so close to someone that isn't me means that we are further drifting apart and that scares me cause our "rivalry" was honestly what kept us in each other's lives and now Ash is taking that away and I hate that I'm thinking like this, I hate this scenario, I hate it I hate it I hate it-
( a lot of Lyric's initial dislike of Ash is very much unfair to Ash herself since she's honestly trying to vibe).
Outside all of that, Ash pretty much challenges him in the whole heroing department. She isn't the greatest,not yet,but willingness to actually challenge Lyric's skill and go against his perfect persona really erks him. But it also has him respecting her a lot. Not that he would admit this, not yet anyway.
And yeah. Damien gets the biggest chunk cause their relationship is Complicated atm, but I think his dynamics with everyone is do interesting cause they all play into his insecurities and self loathing in some way
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edoro · 2 years
Also when do they get teleported out of belos' mind cause I assumed that it was when babybel was summoning the palisman souls, when Luz grabbed him she just didn't let go so she and Hunter scream for Eda to take them out and luckily she could but Luz didn't let go of babybel when grabbing Hunter so now Hunter knows the truth (probably still going to have his panic attack sadly :( ), but Luz realizes that she also brought the 'kid' with her. Now to think about it wouldn't babybel kinda be out of it for a while, since the form came from the dream realm so his body is literally trying to exist.
this is one of the questions i am trying to answer for myself! because when they get taken out really changes some things - well, mostly it changes what i think Hunter's attitude towards Babybel and the whole situation is.
so i'm considering it in terms of those three memories - the staged 'wild witch' attack, the first attempt at coven sigils, and the Collector conversation post-Eclipse Lake.
they should definitely, i think, see at least the first one. i want Hunter's perception of Belos to be shaken for sure, and for him to be confused and uneasy about the previous Golden Guard(s). he knows he isn't the first, but they didn't just have the same rank - they sounded exactly like him! and he clearly noticed.
the more i think about it, the more i feel like my sweet spot here is after the coven sigil attempt memory?
it gives Luz enough info that Owl Team more or less knows what Belos is planning (genocide) although she doesn't have the context of why (witch hunter), and it's something that Hunter can't actually excuse - he was trying, but in the end the best he could do was 'well maybe i'm completely wrong about everything i know to be true', which is not solid grounds for long-term denial.
so Luz has her confirmation of Belos's plans that she can tell Eda and Lilith, while still leaving room for her to realize/find out that Babybel is a human and therefore Philip in the way i outlined in this post
and Hunter also has all of these doubts and fears - suddenly Belos isn't the harsh-but-fair benevolent Emperor who is leading the Boiling Isles into a utopia, but a liar and a manipulator who's been hurting and killing people for a very long time and is clearly trying to do it on a mass scale.
Hunter can say he was 'just perfecting sigil magic' (he's not even wrong!) but they both heard Belos say those witches still being alive meant he had more work to do. and there was that Guard - same voice, slightly different clothes, but we don't know how much time passed between those memories, so it could still be the same guy under the mask.
but there's that seed of doubt there too, that little nagging sense of existential horror. who is that? is that his uncle's brother - his own father? a son he never knew Belos had? is that the same Guard who was Darius's mentor? how many of them have there been? what happened to them? who were they?
so i think cutting it off there, between that one and the scene with the Collector, puts Hunter in an interesting place. his faith in Belos has been badly bruised and his sense of self and purpose suddenly taken away. he can't deny that whatever Belos is planning, it's bad, or that he's been complicit in it. he can't deny that Belos has been lying to everyone, including him, for a very long time. and he doesn't know what's up with those other Golden Guards, but there isn't a non-horrifying answer, really.
however, his perception of Belos hasn't been completely shattered, nor has it been revealed to him that he's just the latest in a long line of murdered clones. he doesn't know that the 'Titan's plans' for him are just a lie Belos uses to make him easier to manipulate.
he knows he's seen things he wasn't supposed to see, but he's still loyal. he doesn't know that previous Golden Guards have been killed for 'betraying' Belos. he doesn't know that he's just a replaceable object to Belos. he's hurt and betrayed and scared and confused, he isn't sure what his place is anymore, he isn't sure if he can or wants to go back to the castle, he doesn't want to help Belos bring about the Day of Unity anymore, and the residents of the Owl House definitely aren't going to let him take Babybel back
but i think that because those crucial revelations have been withheld from him, it means that he might fall back on his position as his uncle's caretaker when he's faced with Babybel. with almost everything he thought he knew turned on its head, he might cling onto what feels familiar.
his relationship with his uncle has been forever changed, but by taking care of Babybel the way he used to take care of Emperor Belos, he can still have some vestige of a relationship - a simpler one, even, where he doesn't have to fear being hurt, where he can care for and love this man who he's spent his life serving without suffering for it.
which also sets him up for Babybel to be able to try to manipulate him into helping him back to the castle and into his adult body. normally he would get rid of Hunter after what Hunter saw and just make another one, but he really doesn't have time, and right now he can't give up such a powerful ally
(of course, he'll have to play his cards right - Hunter doesn't trust the real him anymore, and similarly to Luz, sees his child self as kind of a do-over. he can't just reveal it right away, but he's going to have to manage Hunter's wounded expectations and sense of betrayal from being strung along and lied to when he does, so he's going to need to have Hunter wrapped very firmly back around his nasty little fingers, or else find some way of convincing Hunter to take him back to the castle without actually revealing that he's For Real Belos)
it seems like Hunter really wants to find a way to be loyal, so who is Belos to deny him that? at the very least, he can try to play on Hunter's loyalty and love for him to get back to the castle so he can continue with his plan, and then figure out what to do with Hunter from there. maybe this one is salvageable. maybe this one will finally turn out right. maybe this one is the version of Caleb who loves him more than anything else.
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pedanticat · 3 years
How did Ruby message affect Remnant?
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Of the many things that happened within Volume 8, one of the biggest things that I feel have been overlooked is Ruby's message to the world about Salem, the relics, and the maidens. While Ruby definitely made the right choice to tell the world the truth so that they can be prepared for Salem, people will no doubt react to the message in mixed ways.
Mass Panic
A big reason why Oz kept the truth about Salem from the rest of the world is that if people learned that there was a vengeful immortal witch who wants to end the world, people would naturally freak out. And when you live in a world in which demonic creatures are drawn towards such emotion, keeping a secret like that from the rest of the world makes a lot of sense. This was even addressed in volume 7 when Ironwood explained his plan on telling the world about Salem. Though he had the intention to use the Atlas military to help out where needed due to the panic that would break out. But given the fact Remnant's biggest military force has now been destroyed, that option is completely out the window. So suffice to say that things are about to get very bad in Remnant.
Now while people will no doubt panic over Ruby's message, others will most likely doubt the truth of the message. After all, the idea of an immortal witch who controls the Grimm and being responsible for all the recent disasters that have happened along with magic apparently being real does sound pretty crazy. It also doesn't help that they're being told this earth-shattering news by some random teenager. Now to Ruby's credit, she did state that Professor Goodwitch and Headmaster Theodore can confirm what she's saying. Yet even with respected and well-known public figures backing up Ruby's claims, I can see that still not being enough to convince people. After all, if people in real life think factual things such as the earth being round and global warming existing are lies, than accepting what Ruby is saying is going to be a hard pill to swallow.
Allying with Salem
This is honestly the most dangerous thing that could happen as a result of Ruby message to the world. While Oscar and Oz managed to strike a vital blow to Salem allies in volume 8, the fact that people now know of her existence will give Salem an opportunity to recruit new minions. While Ruby did state that people shouldn't give up just because Salem can't be killed since if she's as powerful as she claims to be, she would have won centuries ago, not everyone will see it that way. Just look at Hazel after all. He saw Salem not as a person, but as a force of nature whom can't be stopped, which is why he ended up allying with her. The only reason why he broke away from her was due to the fact that Oscar and Oz made him realize that Salem didn't want to remake the world, she wanted to end it. Thus it made him realize that everything he did for her was nothing more then a disservice to Gretchen memory.
Yet people won't know that Salem goal is to end the world and will flock to what they believe is their biggest chance of survival. It also doesn't help matters that when Salem hears Ruby speech, she isn't worried, instead she's smiling. I wouldn't put it past her if she started playing god again like she did when Oz first reunited with her in which she goes to various towns and get people to fight for her.
Pushing characters into action
Now for all the disastrous things that will happen as a result of Ruby message to remnant, there is some good that will come out of it. We already seen it in the form of Ghira contacting Lilia during the montage, so we know that the White Fang will be helping out in the fight against Salem. We'll also no doubt see Tai getting into the fold since between learning the truth about Salem and realizing just how much danger his daughters are in now (along with how he upset he was over Ruby message being cut off) he'll want to help out. This will no doubt lead him into tracking down Raven with Raven getting involved in the fight as well after years of running away
I also wouldn't be surprised if the criminal organizations such as Junior's and the Spiders actually ended up helping the heroes fight Salem. Sure, its just as likely that they may ally themselves with Salem but at the same time, there have been cases like these in which villains will go "Hey, we may be evil, but we aren't that evil!" in regards to a larger threat.
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catgirlcommie · 3 years
hey can you summarize who Oriko and Kirika are and what their whole deal is/what makes them so "everything"? I'm trying to tell a friend about it but having trouble
Oriko and Kirika are the two main characters of the Madoka Magica spin off manga, Oriko Magica, Oriko Magica: Sadness Prayer, and Oriko Magica: Extra Story. sadness prayer and oriko magica are the only two you really need to read but extra story is also worth a read. Oriko is the child of a politician, who's mother died while she was really young leading to her trying to act as mature as possible. Her family, being the lesser liked branch of the Mikuni family as her father wasn't as savvy or something as the others, was only middle class compared to the wealth the rest of the family had. Her father committed suicide one day, when she is about 16, after being caught up in a political scandal that was mostly used as cover for other people's careers (there's a lot more to this i highly suggest reading sadness prayer)
Oriko finds her father's corpse and was left to deal with the fall out of her father's supposed crimes and suicide. The house falls to ruin and decay and she starts wondering as to the purpose of her life and is implied to be thinking of killing herself when kyubey comes to her. She wishes to know what her purpose in life is which results in her getting precog magic. the first time she uses it she see's Mitakihara destroyed and Madoka's witch and decides she has to stop this no matter the cost.
Kirika is, at first, just some edge lord girl who has no friends (revealed to be because her first friend basically made her take the blame for a crime in extra story). One day, she bumps into Oriko and drops her books or something, and is like damn well guess i have to pick them up because no one cares about me. But Oriko helps her out and basically Kirika falls in love with her. Later on, Kyubey approaches Kirika while she is wondering if it even could be possible if someone like her could be close to Oriko. She wishes to change to be what Oriko wants ( i dont remember the exact wording read oriko magica okay) which basically changes her personality in a few ways. She is basically a yandere (though literally the least murderous one there is as the only reason she kills anyone is because oriko tells her too as well as her being deeply deeply affected by the act of killing people to the point that after her first kill she is basically shattered for a while).
Oriko and Kirika are like basically confirmed to be in love with each other like all but stated (depending on your definition of stated as they both call each other "their worlds" or reasons to live for and also literally go on a date in extra story as well as how we see kirika literally read yuri manga in a panel), but they start out as much more antagonistic towards each other. In their first meeting, after they both make their wishes, Kirika even tries to kill Oriko, but when she is defeated she basically starts working for Oriko. Oriko at first views Kirika as a pawn in her game to save the world, but eventually (really quickly even) comes to deeply care for her. In the end of Oriko Magica, Oriko fully realizes that her whole reason to exist isn't to save the world from Madoka's witch, but to be with Kirika it's like really gay.
Go read Oriko Magica and all the spin offs.
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pink-salts · 4 years
I wasn't sure exactly how I ended up in this situation.
Hands wrapped tightly around my wrists. The man before me was beyond gorgeous, like nothing I had ever seen. His eyes scanned every inch of my face as if I was an intricate puzzle he could not solve.
I bewildered him it seemed.
But why?
I was only curious of what Hell would look like, the creatures and horrors my mind conjured were far too mysterious for me to avoid. I just had to go. Sabrina meant only well when she brought me, I'm sure, but the most beautiful eyes now laid upon me and I was quite sure I was not to leave Hell unscathed.
Our chatter died the moment he— whoever he was— had stolen me away from Sabrina's side and pushed me up against the cold walls. Sabrina had a heated look on her face from the start, but whoever this beautiful man was— he had just thrown her rage over the deep end.
"You slimy little bastard! Don't touch her!" Sabrina hissed with such fire and hatred. The man didn't even flinch. Not even for a second. I was surprised, because if truth be told, ever since Sabrina had embraced her witchery and throne rights she had become a bit badass.
His soft lips parted, and for a moment our eyes connected and we held each other's gaze. I felt like I was missing something. I had to be, because whoever he was, he looked at me with such... interest.
"My queen," He whispered. His first words to me sent a cold chill down my spine. "My queen." The man whispered once more, to himself this time. He was magnificent, his voice was beautiful and deep and he was everything.
Except— what? This made no sense, how my body felt so relaxed in the presence of this stranger. My thoughts were off the chart insane because normal me would not be thinking these things. My heart was beating out of my chest, my stomach swirling with butterflies. Yet, I did not fear this man. I wanted to be near him. This had to be some side effects of being in Hell or something.
This is not like me. How can I feel this way? I let out a shaky breath, finding the strength to speak. "Release me."
"You heard her, Caliban! You better let go or I swear to you, you'll be burning and begging." Sabrina says. I look over him at her, she's red in the face with anger but she hasn't moved. She's hesitant, really. Is she afraid of him? Or maybe he has the upper hand...
He lets go of my wrists and for a moment I think to dart to Sabrina. After all, I happen to enjoy being alive and not being killed at the hands of what was probably a very handsome incubus.
And yet— I stay. Right there at his side, as he backs up and gives me space. He lingers close and doesn't allow his eyes to travel away from me.
I'm beginning to wonder if I'm unconsciously suicidal or going insane. Because normal me would never be this stupid. I should be running. Probably screaming like a lunatic while I'm at it too.
"I'm okay, Sabrina. Really I am," I smiled at her as she looks at me with worried eyes. I turn to look at the stranger. I've got my courage back now that I'm away from his touch. "Caliban, I'm assuming. Thank you for releasing me, but please understand that I fully intend to punch the fuck out of you should you ever do something so abrupt to me again." I say, giving him a sweet smile and walking back to Sabrina's side.
Okay. It's officially true, I've gone insane. How did I really just say that like I'm talking to some normal human back on Earth? I probably just broke some super magical Demon law and they are going to torture me for a thousand years, or something crazy like that. Why does my mouth always speak before I can think? And why are my feelings so bipolar?
I feel so much better now that he isn't touching me. His touch was like a hazy corruption of my soul and emotions. I still feel something though, but I couldn't name these swirling emotions even if I tried.
Caliban looks at me taken aback for a moment before he smirks and chuckles to himself. He runs a hand through his hair and glances at Sabrina.
She's annoyed, a little over the edge now. We only intended to seek out a particular book in the Library of Hell, one that may help us reclaim Sabrina's throne. Whoever Caliban was, she knew him clearly and didn't like him.
"Well now, Sabrina, this is a surprise certainly. First, you practically hand me your throne," He says tauntingly, seemingly enjoying the way Sabrina's eyes light up with anger, "And now.. you bring me my soulmate? We might get along better than you thought, Sabrina." He laughs as if he did not just share some earth-shattering news.
Sabrina sputters for a second and looks at me. My eyes have practically bulged out of my eye sockets, I throw my hands up and give her a bewildered look. I wanted to scream in frustration.
This must be the man, the King of Hell— the one who stole Sabrina's throne. Maybe rightfully in the eyes of Hell, but from what Sabrina said, he could never be as good a ruler as she would be. Caliban. King of Hell...
"Stop playing around Caliban, I have no time for you or any games. Go away, and never touch her again." Sabrina says, grabbing my hand and pulling me behind her.
Caliban laughs again and shakes his head. "You false queen, I will never leave her alone." He says fiercely with his eyes locked with mine. "You," He whispers taking a step closing to us, "You are the one true queen of Hell. My queen. My soulmate. I will never let you go."
I feel nervous again.
He speaks with such a passion, I don't dare to think he is lying. Witches, goblins, all these monsters— It's far less insane, to believe soulmates exist. But even if they do, is he really my soulmate? Does everyone have soulmates? I have so many questions.
"That's it! We are leaving, let's go." Sabrina turns towards me in a huff and begins to mutter her teleportation spell. Just as she is finishing the words, Caliban grabs my hand and yanks me from her.
She's gone in a second. My heart is racing as I realize it's just me and this man— the King of Hell, I remind myself.
He smirks at me. "My mortal queen, I'm sure you've got questions and lucky for you, I have answers. All you have to do is come with me, away, where Sabrina cannot find you. She will come back any moment once she realizes you are not with her." He speaks quickly, thumb rubbing over my jawline and tracing my bottom lip.
I don't have words to say, so I listen as he continues. "I wanted you all to myself for all eternity. Yet, it seems that will be unlikely, so give me this short time before you go back. I have waited for many, many years to find you. Come with me?" He mutters, putting a hand around my waist.
I glance up into his wonderful eyes and nod slowly, "Okay, but you have to answer all my questions. No holding things back. I don't want to be in this place for long either, so when I say I wanna go you have to take me back home." I demand. I wanted answer and I damn well am going to be getting them.
He leans closer and dips his lips close to mine. My breath hitches and I pause, waiting for his next move. My cheeks feel hot and my legs feel like jelly.
He locks eyes with me as he smirks, "Anything you want. I'll give you the world, the moon, and the stars if you ask me too." I feel overwhelmed at his smooth words and the way his lips brush against mine when he speaks. I'm speechless in his presence.
"Now come." He says and leads me away. I'm helpless to his words and follow behind, my hand in his.
Thanks for reading! I noticed the lack of Caliban fics on Tumblr, so I'm posting my ongoing Wattpad one here. This is the first chapter, depending on how it goes, I may or may not post the rest.
Check it out @Iamdollie on Wattpad and follow me if you'd like as I post every day or two!
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maguro13-2 · 3 months
Shattered Hero ~ Origins of the Ink Demon : Episode Maka Finale (10/11)
[Dark Nebula Scantuary]
*Sonic SFX : Chaos Control*
[Crescent Serenade (Soundtrack ver.) - Hideaki Kobayashi]
Maka : Huh? This is the place. It looks similiar to the place that I was born in! This must be the domain of Dark Nebula!
Soul Evans : What is even is this place?
Moirai : Wait a sec. This place, it looks exactly like the Phantonian Shrine. (realizing) It's our home planet.
Maka : This is the planet where I grew up on?
Moirai : Of course, sister. This planet was once conquered by our people long before Humanity's birth. Their civilization of our ancestors have reached to the profounding powers of our DNA that humans and witches can't possibly imagine their crave for the devouring of souls to gain power. Eventually, the Phantonians disappeared and only remained as Phanto. But I am assure they were only survivors and our blood traced back only them. Somehow, they discovered that the powers of Shatter Resonance could easily destroy the planet or vaporize it in omnicide. Their research containing that the powers of Shattered Resonance can be unleashed by the anger and sadness of one female individual.
Maka : ...A female indvidual?
Moirai : Yes. an individual or a magical being that we call it a "Witch".
Maka : So...Shattered Resonance is the power to bring destruction by a female? And I was the person to have it. So that's why people started to pick on me, I was outcasted and did not have any friends, you were always there for me and then Makoto came to see me.
Soul Evans : Makoto?
Maka : That's right. He was the boy that I first met before you! I got so mixed up and I got you and Makoto in a love triangle. But when people started to tease on me, I couldn't take it no more and to put a stop to it, I unleashed an explosive shockwave of energy called the Shattering, an event that was created in 1994, resulting eighty percent of Japan's population being destroyed by only me, the only way to stop Shattered Resonance, is calmness. Makoto calmed me down and lowered Shattered Resonance's power by giving my first ever love.
Soul : Hey, now I finally remember. All those deaths occurred in 1994, It was you and that girl named Kimial. Now I understand why you were framed for your betrayal against humanity, the author who brought us to existence has been toying with us from the start. He didn't really cared about us, he cared about was his greed. That's how Mangakas make a lot of money for these crazy-mad stories that is the world of Soul Eater. And let's face it, Soul World is not what we expected from him, only Shinra. I was the only person in the Real World to ever see you in California three years ago. We could've been a perfect pair or a duo, Maka. But all of that was thrown away, we've changed alot after Grim taken you away for the mess on America and the people of Tokyo itself. Guess the State of Nevada wasn't interested being connected the Ohkuboverse. It just wanted to be a perfect state that no shounen manga wanted to be part of it's world. If Nevada considered to bepart of Soul World, that's on Shinra, and if Nevada can't be a part of the Ohkuboverse, then Soul World cease to exist within Real World AU.
Maka : But papa said that I was born in Nevada and...
Soul : Spirit didn't say that you aren't born on Nevada. Your mother told us that you were born at an alien sancutary on Jupiter! All of those were lies, all lies from Shinra Kusakabe and the Men of Shinra's influence has led both Humans and Witches astray from truth!
Grim : He's right, Maka. authors like Ohkubo in the real world can make everyone a fool to you, but it's not like that anyone isn't stupid enough to make a bunch of crazy-mad stories that doesn't make any sense to your world, the world that you were never part of. So you woke up in the Real World and to reveal that Soul World isn't really real, just a fantasy you were living in and not Nevada.
[If What You Say is True - Jun Senoue]
Maka : Just a fantasy...and not Nevada. Our author lied to our faces? I...I trusted him! He made us to exist in the stories he made, how can I even exist in the Real World!? The Kishin that fought as my final enemy, no there wasn't a Kishin nor a God, it was a Heartless trying to put the planet in Jeopardy! But Shinra's influence or our author hid the truth from us, how could he do this to his own heroes and villains!? The Ohkuboverse we lived in is nothing more than a bunch of bull crap! I should've known about spreading the lying that Shinra caused! Don't worry, I know how to stop the lying...Truth is winning against the lying of Shinra Kusakabe. And this time, Truth is gonna win.
[Crescent Crusade (Soundtrack ver.) - Hideaki Kobayashi]
Maka : Follow me everyone! Let's go find, Dark Nebula together!
Makoto : Don't forget the one who saved you from that terrible incident. Control the Shattered Resonance with ease.
Maka : That voice! It sounded like...(turns and sees Makoto for the first time) Makoto!
Grim : This must be the masked boy that saved her life. But he's grown since he was a kid.
Tsugumi/Sir Halberd Knight : That's him, the son of the legendary Phantom. He was the kid that saved Maka's life! I've known him somewhere before! He has to be the one!
Makoto : You must be, Soul Evans.
Soul Evans : That's right. I'm the one who met her back at the country, you must be the guy who saved Maka's life back about over a year ago.
Makoto : Same to you. Maka is the one that I first met.
Soul Evans : Are you sure about that? How can Maka trust a guy like you?
Makoto : I have my own reasons that the girl belongs to me.
Soul Evans : Oh really? What do you want from Maka?
Makoto : Shattered Resonance. The powers that lies within her heart and soul. It's a deadly force that needs to lower it's power. With Maka in my hands, I'll be able to save Japan's population.
Soul Evans : Now I know about that old news paper I read about. Maka Albarn, the unwanted child that blew up Japan's population, a deadly force that is a power system that could easily bring death and destruction.
Makoto : My Phantom brethren will stop the powers of Shattered Resonance, reclaiming the one that I am connected and our position to save earth from it's will. That's why I needed Maka to be with me. I'll help you out if all of you will cooperate.
Moirai : Uhh, Earth to Makoto, are we having a good time to chat with Soul Evans, or we are just standing with those heartless baddies that are in front of to get their selves a knuckle sandwich!?
(the heartless are wielding their weapons and are ready to attack)
Maka : You ready, Makoto? Everyone, CHAAAARRRGE!!!
All : (battle cry)
(the group battles their way through the heartless raid)
Makoto :[To Soul] Do you think that Maka we'll give her life to me? Even though that we are in a love triangle. Guess that Crona Kid was not her type anyway.
Soul : [to Makoto] Same to you! She knows that how to kick ass! I would recognize that the witch we fought were not always that true. And you Phantoms knew about the truth about my world's existence. Shinra started it all!
Makoto : So everyone wanted to be heroes of Soul World because Shinra started all of that? How can you even trust a punk like Shrina in that way?
Soul : [To Makoto] To tell you the truth, the author that made Soul World is a weird one and is a complete moron! Perhaps that the crazy stories he has written didn't make sense to the real world! So the truth about Soul Eater's existence was keeping out truth trying to win, the Truth from FMA's world.
Makoto : And truth was letting itself to win, that's the reason Maka was so frustrated for not being the hero to Soul World. And she stood in the Real World, in my livelihood as a hero for over a year and I've know Maka more than before you.
Soul : I could agree with you more!
Makoto : Care for something that once I give Maka to me, we'll settle this once and for all.
Soul : Gladly you asked for it!
Moirai : Oi! Less talking, more focusing on the battlefield! We gotta get to Dark Nebula an put an end to his misery!
Tsugumi/Sir Halberd Knight : Tell no one about messing with the wrong planet!
Grim (Metal Sonic) : The Galaxy or the cosmos has no place for the face of true evil!
Maka : And we're all in this together!
Tsubaki : I can be more of a help than the rest! I will strike them with my flesh and blood! Time to cut through!
Maka : Time to make them to get out of our way!
Hearless : [all together] THEN FIND ANOTHER WAY!
Makoto : Heh! After all, you're still the same Makoto.
Maka : H...Hai, Makoto-san. (blushes)
Moirai : Sister, do you have feelings for that guy?
Maka : Oh, it's probably nothing.
Moirai : I think you still have a 12-year old crush with that masked person, you know what I mean?
Maka : [blushes all red] U-Urusai! You're starting to make me nervous about that! You realized that I always get shy all the time, it's why I'm never been this nervous to someone like him, like this before.
Moirai : Heh, I see that you're still the Maka Albarn I've known about. Anyways, let's keep on battling through!
"Three hours of fighting a horde heartless later..."
Maka : This must be it. We finally reached to the gate to the core! But we don't know how to open it!
Grim (Metal Sonic) : How are we supposed to open it if we don't have any keys to open. We got through the Heartless raid, but we need three people to open.
Seto : Leave this one to us!
Grim (Metal Sonic) : Seto! Solva! You're right one time!
Seto : Sorry for the delay, Master Grim. You thought that we missed party! We were battling our way through a wave of heartless and finally managed to get here on time! We all always have good timing!
Solva : And there's always will be!
Seto : Stand aside and watch closely! (Aims her sword at the gate, charging and energy of light)
Maka : That power! Is that...
Seto : I figured it out that this sword I'm wielding holds the power of light and Darkness! This sword was hand crafted by the angels their selves, they were called the Angels of Death, Solva might be a descendat of them as well.
Solva : You got that right.
Seto : Time for me blast this gate! Open sesame! *DBZ SFX : ENERGY BLAST+EXPLOSION* Presto! We may now enter the core!
Maka : Let's go inside!
Dark Nebula : [voice heard] Going somewhere? I need peasants like you to enter the sanctuary. If only there was a Phantonian that would easily enter the Sanctuary and I suggest you would meet in the fairest of all. So this is my final preparations for my the quest of evil plans of reclaiming the title as Ruler of the Underworld, So I suggested that you will be the part of my work in prepare for the ultimate test to see who will be the greatest ruler of the Underworld! Come, Maka Albarn. I shall await to give you a special treat! (starts laughing, and then continues to laughs evilly)
Maka : What!?
Moirai : Huh?!
Seto : What the-!?
Makoto : It can't be!
Soul : No way!
*DBZ SFX : Energy Wave*
Grim : Seto!
Tsugumi/Sir Halberd Knight : Maka!...No, Maka!
Solva : Seto! Are you alright? Seto! Oh, please! Hurry on out of there! Please make it alive! Please, Seto. Please... come back. (A tear flows from her eye and drops)
"Now then, Let's get this show on the road!"
"The road leading to Victory Lane!"
"The Ultimate Battle Has just begun!"
"Watch as I, Dark Nebula, unleash the Everlasting Darkness in my own nature!"
"This will be the end of everything!"
~ Act 34 : Reunion of the Love Triangle ~
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