#and then like a week later they wake up as adults again like nothing happened
natelia-aldelliz · 1 year
"зайчик, we have a problem" Nikolai says, opening Price's office's door.
The Captain sighs and doesn't lift his head, focused on trying to decipher the last report from Soap and Roach. Never again he sends them out together, he swears to himself. Not without a chaperone.
"Are we at war?"
"Eh," Nik hesitates, making Price frown and finally lift his head to look at the man.
He has a child in his arms. A black kid, barely more than a toddler. "What the - Nik, who's that?"
"Ah, this is part of the problem," Nik says with his heavy accent, sending a smile towards Price. "Say hi to Cap, Kyle."
The child frowns at him, buries his head shyly in Nik's shoulder and mutters a little 'hi' from his hiding space. Price doesn't understand.
"Uh, hi?" he says back, sending a confused look towards his lover.
"It's Gaz," Nik explains. "Like I've said, we have a situation."
A 'situation' is a bit of an understatement, in Price's eyes. He's surrounded by toddlers, his chain of command decimated, with no explanation and no solution. And if he thought they were a handful as adults, well they're worse as children.
Even Gaz got over his initial shyness and is running around, screeching with Soap. The only one who's calm is Simon. But it's not for a good reason, and it breaks his heart to see him almost cowering in the corner, panicked at the idea of not being home and his father being angry at him for that.
"Psst," a little voice interrupts his thoughts, accompanied by taps on his knee. He looks down at Roach, who's staring at him with a grin. Oh god, what now.
"Yeah?" he asks, fearing the worse.
"I caught a bug," Roach whispers like a secret.
Price looks down at his empty hands and feels the dread rising in him. "That's uh, that's nice, did you want to show it to me?"
Roach shakes his head. "I can't," he keeps on whispering. "I ate it."
Oh god.
The child looks so fucking proud of himself too. Price is lost. If he had wanted children, he would have had them, honestly. Apart from his sexuality and work overload, nothing kept him from just going out there and making a baby with someone. The thing is, he never wanted kids. He has no idea what to do!
"I'm gonna bite him," Roach whispers again, pointing towards Simon.
This is a nightmare, he thinks as he looks at the child making his way towards the poor unsuspecting kid. Soap has started climbing him like a mountain, claiming to Gaz that there's a treasure at the top, encouraging him to start climbing his arm as well.
And Nik is just taking pictures. If he wasn't the only one here that had some idea of what to do, he'd have strangled him.
Soap suddenly stops moving, sitting on his shoulder with his arms on top of his head, and Price barely catches him as he falls, sound asleep, and Gaz starts crying that he doesn't want nap time.
Suddenly he regrets complaining about that report. He'd take a hundred of them over this right now.
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iiseor · 3 months
⋆𐙚 ₊ summer strikes . . . (1)
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synopsis: forced by joel to spend the summer in a small town consequent her agreement to get sober—ellie's acceptance towards the situation grows significantly the moment you cross paths.
cw: alcohol/drugs, mentalhealth issues, ellie is not Joel's daughter in this AU, she just stays with him for context! word count : 1.9k. Tags: @boobdrug @seraphicsentences @amberputh sorry this is short . . i didn't wanna wait any longer to upload it. Next part will be longer . . . master list
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" i don't understand why this was your first option?" ellie huffed as she planted her bags in the back of Joel's truck. "It's what's best for you" he replied, slamming the door as he got inside — ellie following. "Yea whatever" she scoffed.
For ellie days had been longer, the nights nearly decades, trailing behind her filled with nothing but misery. She had been locked inside for weeks, terrified of breaking her promise to joel.
the promise that she'd get sober. Straighten up and stop self sabotaging. Fix everything, stop acting out, become an adult and do good. She knew the consequences, she knew how he'd look at her if things got even worse. So she did her best, locked herself away from anything and everything that could possibly make her relapse.
But to joel, that was even worse.
His soloution? Taking her to an entirely different places to stay with his cousins family.
In a small, quiet town where she couldn't.
possibly be tempted to do bad.
The road trip was hours, tho felt like minutes for ellie who was asleep for nearly the entire ride, only waking up right before joel had pulled in the driveway. Which happened to be more than enough time for her to take in the beautiful scenery — and beaming sun.
"Miller!! Long time no see" the brown haired man yelled from the drive way as Joel pulled in.
ellie was stunned by the view ahead of her, a beautiful—yet typical country house surrounded by acres of trees, bushes and green grass, accompanied by a small barn, the lake only meters away.
both stepping out of the car, Joel greeted your father in an instant. The two brothers sharing a hug while Ellie breathed in the crisp air. For her, it felt like this was the first time she breathed freshly in years—soaked in sunlight opposed to narcotics, scents of salted ocean water and oak filling her senses.
"Someone's gotten taller" tommy motioned to ellie, her head still facing the clouds before she slowly came back to reality.
"Ready to check out the place kid?" He added, patting her on the back as Joel lifted the final bags out of the truck and put them on the pavement for Tommy to grab. "Sounds good.." Ellie sighed out in response, picking up whatever bags she could to carry inside. "Now holdon" Joel called out
"make sure you behave, and no going against old man's rules. He'll keep u in check while I'm gone, but just a reminder" he said pulling her into a hug. "Yeah yeah I got it" Ellie said pushing him away and following inside.
"See you later" they both called and waved as Joel hopped back in the truck.
and that was it for ellie.
the end of something, the start of another.
from the start, and all over again.
she had one last chance to get better.
Tommy sighed as he sat the last of Ellie's bags down on the living room floor, brushing his hands off and placing them on his hips—Ellie standing awkwardly like a confused puppy. "Welp, there's not much to the living room or kitchen... pretty generic... um, take a quick look around if you'd like and ill get these bags to your room" ellie was about to open hee mouth, protest that she could carry them up herself—but before she could, Tommy was already yelling up the stairs.
"Y/n can you come help me?" He called out. Y/n... Joel didn't mention there would be more company..
your foot steps marched quickly down the stairs, skipping a step on the way down.
Paint stained overalls flashed the girls eyes as you stood before her, paint brushes still in hand as you hoped off the final step.
"Oh hi Ellie" you spoke, so sweet and soft—flashing a smile.
she knows my name, how does she know my name ? ellies mind spun between the vision of you and the words you spoke.. already driving her crazy.
"H... hey" she choked out, almost jumping back as you stepped closer to her, holding your hand out for her to her grab onto.
you stared at her with a smile for a minute while she looked back at you like a deer caught in the headlights. For a moment, she was completely frozen—only for seconds before you picked up her hand and shook it for urself, smiling through the process and breaking her still shape, your touch sending sparks through her body.. "Nice to meet you" "I'll help you take these upstrairs!" You said, letting go of her hand picking up two of the bags and walking past her to go back upstairs, ellie still half in her day dream doing the same.
"Here it is!" You told, placing her bags inside and stepping out of the way so she could do the same. In front of her was four empty walls and bed framed mattress, "I took everything down, I figured you'd wanna decorate it your own way" you said with that soft smile again. "Yeah... thank you" she said forcing a smile back.
It's not like she wasn't thankful , of course she was. How couldn't she be when you were so fucking sweet to her already? she was so love struck she didn't know how to smile genuinely, or think of anything besides how good you looked—despite being caught of gaurd by her quick arrival. "Ill let you settle in" you spoke, breaking the awkward silence, "the closet is over there for your clothes and if you need any extra storage bins my dad can bring them up" you added. "if you need any help let me know!" knodding at her, you walked away.
Ellie's body ached as she looked around the vacent room, feelings sunk into her body and whithered throughout her veins 'I promised Joel' was all she could think of 'this is my last chance' she whispered to herself. Staying here with you and tommy wasnt the thing killing her inside, not in the slightest. it was the ringing notion in the back of her head that continuously told her to start again, to drink again, ruin everything and go back to her old ways, that made her want to tear everything apart.
for now, all she knew is that she had to build willpower. She couldn't let herself get worse. Not in front of tommy, not in front of you... not under the promises she made with Joel.
knock knock
"You good In here girl?" Tommy's voice broke hee out of a second trance and made her jump, turning to see the man just above her eyes. "Didn't mean to scare ya" he chuckled moving into the room, "its alright..." she breathed out. The room fell silent for a few moments, Tommy picking up a few of ellies things now scattered throughout the floor and putting them away for her. "This used to be Joel's room you know... before he was a grown ass man" he laughed, Ellie pushing a smile. "But I'm glad you have him and he has you, I can tell he wants what's best for you and I'm sure you'll find it while here" looking around the room he added, "Come down for dinner when your done, yeah?"
"Yeah" she agreed, tommy walking away while ellie turned her gaze towards the crystalline window, sun beaming onto her warm freckles.
One last chance she repeated.
Ellie only took an hour to finish her room, about the same amount of time it took tommy and you to finish cooking. She didn't bring much to decorate. some old band posters joel had gifted, her comic books, her journal and her guitar. The important things in her mind. She paced back and fourth throughout her room for almost ten minutes out of the hour she set up, staring at herself in her bathrooms body length mirror for another ten before building up the courage to face dinner.
"Done already?" Tommy questioned as Ellie made her way towards the kitchen, her eyes scanning and spotting you setting up the table. "Uh yeah" she replied standing awkwardly, Tommy's eyes faced her with confusion. "You can sit down you know, make urself at home"
"Right..." she replied again, sitting down at the table you had finished placing silverware on. "You like fish right? Joel didn't tell me any dietary preferences or anything so I tried to keep it simple for tonight" tommy smiled setting a plate of freshly cooked salmon, vegetables and rice down in front of ellie—and you who had joined her at the table.
To be honest, Ellie hadn't had a real cooked meal in months. Between the alcohol, and just overly terrible diet, salmon and rice sounded like a luxury to her. Let alone vegetables.
"This is good .... thank you" she told, not hesitating to taste everything in front of her.
Tommy sat down in between you two, the three way table being jsut enough space, you all silently eating till a thought popped into your head. "Oh! Ellie, have you seen the lake yet??" You questioned, Ellie giving you that dear caught glance again—Quickly clearing her throat before stuttering out. "Oh um .. kind of... I caught a glimpse of it" she replied, trying to contain the sudden shivers that went down hee body as you spoke to her. "Oh ! Well that's not good enough... its truly beautiful out there, especially when the weather is nice ! we should go fishing tomorrow, then you can see it for yourself" you rambled on, Tommy subtly knodding his head in agreement before swallowing his food and given a spoken one, "I agree, it'll be good for you girls to get to know eachother now" he spoke.
ellie—not against the idea ... more so embarrassed over her next words. "I um.... i don't know how to fish" she said lowering her head to her plate. "Joel never taught you?" You questioned. "No" was all she responded, slightly meeting your gaze, noticing tommy's semi shocked expression in the corner of her eye. You hummed for a minute, taking another bite of your food and a sip of your drink.
"It's okay then, you have me now! I'm probably better than him anyways" you laughed in response, Tommy laughing along as he stood up, gathering all of your now empty plates and dragging them to the sink.
Ellie stood up to follow him, but before she could touch a dish tommy stopped her "Don't worry about it kid, I got it, you go settle in" he patted her on the back setting her off—you already making your way up the stairs, though not fast enough to miss ellie before she got to her room. "Goodnight ellie !" You waved as you walked towards your door, ellie caught off gaurd by you once again and nearly stumbling into her room. "Night" she called back awkwardly, just awkwardly enough to make you frown in confusion by her lack of energy returned. Unknown to you, she was already slapping her hand on her face for how stupid her response sounded as she closed her door and sat on her bed.
As she layed away, thoughts poring into the moon lit night as crickets cherped outside her window, her wondering mind kept replaying the sound of your words in her head. "You have me now".
That sentence ... your words ...
she has you now .. even if you didn't mean it the way she thought, even if it was an empty statement. Somebody thought she had them ... she has people.
she has another chance to make it all right.
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oncillabrigade · 15 days
So here's my thing: I really like Tim and Bernard together, but I don't think they're a forever relationship. I think they're in their late teens and despite having a ton in common, they want different adult lives.
And given how weird, adaptive, and (most of all) considerate they both are, I think they'll have the world's most amicable breakup. It won't be normal, but it will be so friendly! So loving!
Because these guys are both at their core systematic thinkers, I genuinely believe they'll look at each other at some point around age 20 and go, "Oh, this isn't the correct relationship for our current lives. I love you, but... yeah. I think this is over." With no resentment! (Not towards each other, anyway. Tim Drake has no trouble adding this to his extremely long list of grievances against the universe.)
So yeah. They'd break up. They'd separate with tears and love and total confidence that they were making the right decision. And then a couple months later, when the sting began to fade, they'd be friends again. They'd text and joke and Bernard would definitely get invited to the next D&D campaign Tim ran. It'd be okay. They'd break up and nothing bad would happen. It would all be okay.
Can you imagine how HEALING that outcome would be for Tim fuckin' Drake? This is a relationship in HIS train wreck of a life that's being ended on HIS terms and with no indelible pain! That has never happened to him before. Tim has lost so many people, has had so many loved ones ripped from his arms by death or betrayal or both somehow because DC treats this boy like a chew toy... So imagine. Imagine his delight when he wakes up a couple weeks after Bernard has moved out of his shitty little boat and realizes: he's okay.
He's really okay.
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description] Fem Reader x Rafe Cameron x Barry
[summary] After a rough breakup Rafe sends Barry out to find you at a party and what they have for you in store is a nightmare full of pleasure
[cw + tw] 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, abusive relationship, physical abuse, strong language, stalking, non con, alcohol use, drug use, gun use, life threatening, degrading talk, angst, fear, embarrassment, SMUT
[authors note] this one is VERY long and has VERY sensitive triggers, please read at your own risk
Enjoy 🖤
Text messages:
- Kie: hey are you coming to Sarah’s party tonight? it’s at the water, i can pick you up
- y/n: i dont know.. after everything that happened with Rafe im afraid he’ll show up and i don’t want to see him right now
- Kie: Sarah told me he wasn’t going because she invited pogues lmao
- y/n: i’ll think about it, i’ll call you in an hour or so
- Kie: kk <3
Rafe and i dated for a year before things got bad, we had our ups and downs but never did i expect him to put his hands on me in a violent way
Rafe hit me for the first time a month ago, he said he was sorry and that he just couldn’t handle the way things were going with his family and business
i gave him the benefit of the doubt because he has been under so much stress and sometimes i add to the problem
two days later he hit me again and split my lip open then screamed in my face because i got blood on his shirt
slowly his i love you’s turned into i hate you’s
it’s hard because i love him so much, he was the picture boyfriend, until he wasn’t
i hid the abuse, i didn’t want people to know, just incase he changed
my friends know we ended badly but they just assumed it’s because Rafe is an asshole, everybody knows he is
the first time he threatened to kill me was the day that i left, that was only a week ago
he held me down on the floor of his bedroom with one hand around my throat and the other holding his pistol to my temple “the next time you speak to me like that again i’m going to put a bullet in your fucking skull, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?” his words spit on me like venom
a part of me misses him and that’s why i don’t want to see him tonight, i’ll cave and end up going home with him, i know i will, because i love him
i lay down in bed and close my eyes, i’ll make a decision in a little while
i fall asleep for a few hours and when i wake up i have another text from Kie
Kie: so Sarah and i decided you ARE coming because we need you!! she told me Rafe will not be there, the boys are coming too nothing bad is going to happen!! get dressed bitch i’ll pick you up at 7
i text JJ, John B, and Pope in a group chat
- me: hey all 3 of you are going to Sarah’s party tonight right?
- John B: yeah i’m here now helping her set up
- Pope: yes i’m picking Cleo up soon
- JJ: yep Kie called me and told me that you’re afraid Captain Douchebag will show up so obviously i will be there… and i would like to drink some alcohol…
- me: thanks boys, see you later <3
i let out a sigh of relief, at least those 3 will be able to handle Rafe if he shows up
i undress myself to take a shower and run my fingers over my yellow healing rib cage where Rafe had kicked me a couple weeks ago
tonight will be fun. tonight will be fun. tonight will be fun. i try to convince myself, i deserve to go out
after i shower i do my hair and makeup then get dressed
i throw on a short pink dress and my birkenstock sandals
text message
- Kie: i’m here
Kie is in my driveway playing music on full blast and dancing like a nut which makes me laugh, i’m always thankful for her trying to lift my spirits
We jam out in the car and get ourselves pumped for the party
When we get there i scan the entire lot for Rafes pickup or dirt bike, neither of which i see
“Relax y/n, he’s not coming” Kie says, she grabs my hand and holds it, we share a smile, hers excited, mine nervous
A giant bonfire glows in the middle of a heard of people
Loud music, beer, liquor, and over 100 people- kooks and pogues combined…
if Rafe isn’t coming, he at least has someone watching
i immediately grab a drink to loosen up so i can enjoy tonight, the first one goes down like water so i pour myself a second
“whoaaa slow down there killa, you’re drinking like me right now!” JJ laughs while nudging my arm “i’ll be right here all night, enjoy yourself, i got you” he says with the sweetest smile
i’m on my 3rd drink and 2nd shot, my cheeks feel rosy and i have the urge to move my hips “Sarah! come dance with me!” i demand while holding out my hand
“sorry babe, my girl needs me” she says to John B getting up from his lap, she grabs hold of my hand and we dance, solo cups in the air
the boys stay close by and enjoy watching us make a fool of our selves while they smoke a joint
my phone vibrates
text message:
- Rafe: don’t drink so much, you’ll get sick
tunnel vision. nausea. panic. swallow it, don’t let anybody know.
“i’ll be right back” i tell Sarah “i need to fill my cup”
“okay” she furrows her eyebrows “you okay?”
i give her a nod and the best smile i could
once i’m out of sight i run to Kie’s car, hopping in and locking the doors, i need to sit down, my heart is pounding out of my chest, i can hear the blood rushing in my ears
*knock knock* i jump out of my skin, i’m met face to face with Barry
“open the door sweetheart” he smiles flashing his gold teeth
this can’t be happening.
i go to grab my phone to call JJ. where is my it?
Barry waves my phone in front of my face taunting me. how the fuck did i drop it?
“open the door y/n, don’t make this difficult” he tugs on the handle “open it, i’m not playing witchu right now” i shake my head “country club wants you to come wit me, y’aint safe here without him” his eyes grow darker, i don’t budge
he gets on the phone, he’s calling Rafe “you either come out on your own or i call him and he pulls you out, your choice” i’m scared. i don’t want to make Rafe mad. but i don’t want to see him. i’m getting a headache.
i make the dumbest decision of my life. i open the door, my hands shaking 100mph.
“that’s it, let’s get you home” he says grabbing my hand hard
my face is burning up. my legs grow weak under me. i’m stone cold sober at this point.
we approach the truck, “Barry please“ i plead “i’m sorry mama, y’know him” he helps me into the passenger seat and buckles me in, “can i have my phone please, i need to tell my friends i went home” i cry “can’t letchu do that, what’s ya password, i’ll text ‘em for you” he says, i shake my head rejecting the offer
he starts the truck and we take off
his phone rings “yeah i got her, she was a good girl, she didn’t fight me” he smirks “we’ll be there soon”
i stay silent, Barry puts his hand on my thigh and i flinch at his touch “what’s wrong sweet thing, scared of a little love?” he laughs
we pull up to Tannyhill, Rafe is standing out front with a whiskey glass in his hand, he raises it and smiles at me
my stomach is in knots
i want to scream for help and run
the other half of me wants to jump into his arms and submit
Barry gets out of the truck and walks around opening my door “c’mon, get out” i jump down and fix my dress and fix a smile in attempt to hide my mixed feelings
“you look nice, who’d you get dressed up for?” Rafe asks “nobody” i reply, he laughs “sexy little thing isn’t she?” he asks Barry, “yessir” he grins
i want to crawl inside my own skin
Rafe grabs me by the arm “let’s get inside” he looks at Barry “you comin? you’re not gonna want to miss this”
he brings me to the couch and sits me down, “what to do with you?” he ponders finishing his drink
“Rafe i want to go home” i whimper
“and you know what i want? a girlfriend that doesn’t dress like a slut and go to parties without me” he seethes “since you wanna act like a slut, take your clothes off, i’ll treat you like a slut” his eyes filled with fury
“i’m not your girlfriend anymore” i whisper
“what was that?” he cocks his head to the side
“nothing” i say
i stand up and slowly pull my dress over my head, my knees becoming weak, leaving me exposed in just my panties in front of him and Barry
“lay down on the couch” he demands, i obey “now touch yourself”
“Rafe please i-“ there’s no use in begging, i bring one hand down to my pussy and run it up and down my panties, the thought of them watching begins to turn me on no matter how hard i try to reject the feeling
“she’s sweet” Barry says licking his lips
“wait til you taste her” Rafe says deviously
their words go straight to my heat, i rub my clit in circles arching my back, trying not to let out a sound
“come here” i say holding my hand out to Rafe, my pussy aching for him
“you’re gonna finish yourself off first” he smirks
Barry adjusts himself clearly growing hard, Rafe watches me like a hawk not missing a beat
i pick up the pace now craving dick inside of me, i throw my head back and whimper coming closer to an orgasm, the band in my belly snaps and my legs start convulsing, i ride out my orgasm and when i’m finished i beg to be fucked “come here- please”
Rafe looks at Barry “try her out” he says patting him on the back
the look of fear on my face. Rafe would never let someone else look at me nevermind fuck me.
“since you wanna act like a slut..” he says shrugging his shoulders, then topping off his whiskey
i become embarrassed, im attracted to Barry but being on display is not something im used to
Barry gets comfortable in the chair and pats his lap, he undoes his belt and slides his pants down to his knees, his hard on is enormous even through his boxers
i try to contain my arousal and walk toward him, looking at Rafe for approval, he nods
i lower myself to my knees and pull Barry’s erection from his boxers, it fills my entire hand
“i ain’t even gotta ask to get my dick sucked, you got this one trained man” he laughs
Rafe walks behind me and manspreads on the couch enjoying every second of this
i seal my mouth on Barry, bobbing my head up and down while working my tongue inside “shhhit” he groans, saliva begins dripping out the sides of my mouth
i go to work on his swollen cock, his moans encouraging me to get the job done “that’s it baby” he takes a sharp breath in
“get up and sit on him, facing me” Rafe commands from behind
i rise from the floor, turn around, push my panties to the floor and kick them off
i slowly seat myself on Barry’s length, i gasp taking all of him inside my cunt
his hands reaching in front of me to grab my breasts, he holds onto them and starts pumping into me from below
i try to hold myself up on the arms of the chair while i’m staring directly into Rafe’s lust filled eyes
“ohhmygod- yes- fuck me-” i moan in between breaths
“how does she feel?” Rafe growls not taking his eyes off of me “like a million bucks country club” Barry replies while slamming his hips into my ass repeatedly
“flip her onto the chair and fuck her brains out” Rafe instructs
Barry pulls me off his lap and flips me around, my chest pushed into the chair and my ass in the air he slams into me showing no mercy
i can’t control the sounds coming from my mouth, moaning, whimpering, and screaming at the way i’m being used
Barry pulls out of me and releases on my ass leaving my pussy dripping “you like that shit huh?” he says rubbing my slit from behind “taste her” Rafe says, Barry sticks his fingers in his mouth savoring the taste of me “just like candy” he tells Rafe
my torso still on the chair and my knees on the floor i lay there weak, trying to control my breathing
Barry gets dressed and pours himself a glass of liquor, sitting in the other chair
“c’mon we’re not done, get up” Rafe says, i try to stand but my legs are weak “i think you broke her” he laughs looking at Barry “sorry man, she’s got great pussy” he says
Rafe walks over to me and wraps his hand around my throat, lifting me to my feet, he sloppily kisses me and without warning plummets two fingers inside of me causing me to scream
“who’s pussy is this?” he asks pushing deeper inside of me, “it’s yours” i choke out, his hand still tight around my wind pipe,
“say it again” he growls
“it’s yours Rafe, i’m all yours” i plead
his hand slips into my hair and he guides me to the couch by my head using me like a rag doll
he throws me down on my stomach then pulls my hips into the air
“look at you, you’re a fuckin mess” he smacks my pussy causing me to cry out “you like that?” he smacks it again, i wince in a mixture of pain and pleasure
Rafe pulls me up by the back of my head “open your mouth” i open and he sticks his fingers inside, i suck his fingers just like i would suck his cock, Rafe loves having his fingers in my mouth “dirty fuckin slut” he says
he removes his fingers and forces them into my tender vagina, he works his hand slowly like he’s dissecting my insides, i move my hips back and forth trying to fuck his hand my pussy screaming to be pounded
“she just can’t get enough huh?” Barry says “i told you she was a good one” Rafe smiles
his slides his warm fingers out of me and spits on my cunt, i feel it drip down to my clit “please-“ i look back at him
Rafe pulls his shorts and boxers down exposing his delicious throbbing cock, he’s leaking precum
i brace myself
he taps the back of my pussy with his dick a few times before sliding it in, i feel myself become full of him “i gonna fuck you like i hate you” he whispers
guttural screams escape my lips as he sinks deeper into my swollen used hole, he feels so good
he pushes my face into the couch “shut the fuck up and take it”
i turn my head to the side to catch my breath and see Barry sipping on his liquor enjoying every moment, i hold eye contact with him while i cry out
Rafe picks up the pace, the sound of our skin smacking engulfs the entire room
it all becomes too much, the overstimulation is extreme, i reach back trying to push him away
“i ain’t done” he growls grabbing both my arms and pinning them behind my back “i’m gonna fuck MY pussy as long as i want”
i’m screaming at this point, i can feel him in my stomach, a new sensation arises in my pussy, stronger then an orgasm “Rafe i- i can’t-“ and then i feel a release and a gush of liquid between my legs
“squirting on me like a dirty whore” he smacks my ass hard, “i fucking love it”
“please- please-“ i sob begging him to stop, my body convulsing, eyes rolling in the back of my head
Rafe slams into once more before cumming inside me, he pulls out and places a gentle kiss on my ass
my body goes limp and i lay flat on the couch, he pulls my hips back up and holds them there, “stay up til you soak all of me in”
i lay there defeated, used, and bruised
Rafe wipes the sweat from his brows and puts his pants back on, he walks over to the table and pours himself another glass of whiskey, clinking cups with Barry
they sit across from my numb body and watch me recover
“you’re such a good girl” Rafe praises “you’re never getting rid of me”
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its-vannah · 1 year
Angel of my Eyes | Graham Dunne x Reader
Request from anonymous: gasps NFWMB by Hozier and a graham x reader fic inspired by it falls to knees. reader brings out the better in him and it feels like only the two of them in the world
Warnings: Profanities
Daisy Jones and The Six Masterlist
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Eddie: So much happened when we moved to LA. The band started getting bigger, we got our own house... We were on top of the world.
Graham: Even if we never went anywhere in LA—if the label hadn't picked us up or we hadn't gone on tour—it wouldn't have been for nothing. I mean, I met my wife in LA.
There were times when Graham missed the feeling of being back home in Hazelwood. While LA was his home now, a part of him longed to go back to his childhood bedroom and just keep dreaming. Keep dreaming about the band getting bigger; only waking up to the smell of his mom's cooking.
But he was an adult now and he had made his choice. He never really regretted moving to the west coast, he just missed the feeling of home.
He was in the middle of creating a new riff to suggest to Billy when they practiced later when he saw a bright yellow bike cruising down the road. It stood out against the rundown house across the street and the vast amount of trees.
What caught his attention even more was the woman on the bike. With an orange headband holding back her hair from getting caught in her face, sunglasses perched on her nose—a permanent smile plastered to her face as she peddaled. She looked like an angel.
As soon as she was out of his view, Graham raced to his desk, shuffling through the drawer until he found a pen and piece of paper. With you on his mind, he started writing.
Graham: I wrote "Angel in my Eyes" in under an hour. But when I pitched the idea to Billy, he shut it down; told me the song was shit. I sold it a few weeks later and it climbed the charts to number two.
Billy: I always hated that damn song.
Graham: I waited weeks to see her again, but I never saw her riding by our street. I had almost given up hope. I'm glad I didn't.
Graham was on his way to the grocery store to grab any odds and ends he needed around the house. That's when he saw it: a bright yellow bike chained to a bike rack.
Graham: I must've waited outside by her bike for a half hour before she came outside. Looking back on it, I probably looked like some sort of creep.
Y/N Dunne, wife of Graham Dunne: I was walking back to my bike when I see a grown man sitting on the ground by my bike. My first instinct was to go back inside, but something in me decided against it.
Graham: I don't think she saw me at first, cause she was just humming a song. But it wasn't any song, it was my song.
"Can I help you with something?" You asked, holding two bags of groceries in your hands.
His eyes widened, scrambling to get up off the ground, "That song—that song you were humming—"
"'Angel in my Eyes'?"
"I wrote that song."
You forced a smile on your face, unsure of whether you should believe him, "Congratulations."
"About you, I wrote that song about you."
You paused, "We've never met before."
"This bike," He gestured to the bright yellow bicycle behind him, "I saw you riding it down my street—it inspired me to write the song."
"How do I know you're telling the truth?"
His chest was heaving now as he rambled, "You were wearing an orange scarf to tie your hair back, sunglasses, a white blouse, and jean shorts."
"And my shoes?"
He hesitated, suddenly flustered, "I—"
"I'm just messing with you, Graham."
His eyes widened, "You know my name?"
"Everyone in the United States knows your name."
"So you believe me?" He asked, "That I wrote that song about you?"
You shrugged, "You can tell me more about it over dinner."
"Over dinner?"
"Well, you do think I'm an angel who fell from heaven," You teased, "That is how the song goes, right?
Graham nodded eagerly, "What time are you free?"
Y/N: If he hadn't been a well-known, respected musician in LA, I would've turned him down. I mean, usually when people stand outside waiting for you despite having never met you, you run in the other direction. But he was different.
Graham: I still can't believe she agreed to it.
Y/N: He was so wound up, he didn't even ask me my name until our first date.
Graham: I just called her "Angel" until she pulled out her license and showed it to me.
Y/N: I figured it gave him a basic run down of everything about me. My name, my last name, eye color, birthday, height. That way, we could skip that part of the conversation and move on to something else.
Graham: It took me a minute to realize what she was doing.
Y/N: It takes him a minute with certain things, but it was kind of endearing.
You met the band a week or so after your first date. After that night, Graham swore up and down he was going to marry you.
To his delight, you got a long with everyone great—even Billy.
Y/N: Billy wasn't easy to get along with, but I knew that if Graham and I were going to last, we had to be cordial to each other.
Billy: She meant a lot to Graham, still does. I didn't want to ruin that for him.
Graham: It was rare for my brother to get along with anyone, especially outside of the band.
Karen: Y/N was—and still is—the best thing that ever happened to him. He started standing up for himself during rehearsals. Billy used to just tell him what to do and he'd do it, but Y/N encouraged him to speak his mind.
Eddie: God, Y/N really was an angel. Graham wasn't such a pushover for Billy anymore, it was fucking great.
Y/N: He had so many ideas that were shut down because they weren't Billy's. I told him that if he wanted to be taken seriously, he needed to take a stand. To my surprise, he did.
Graham: Once you have a girl like Y/N, you don't let her go.
Weeks passed by that turned into months. Through it all, you were by Graham's side, supporting him in any way you could.
You took time off of work to go to a few of their concerts out of state. You were witness to the end of Daisy Jones and The Six.
Y/N: When you watch someone pour their heart and soul into something their passionate about—and it ends—it breaks your heart.
Graham: I don't know that I would've gotten through it like I did if it hadn't been for Y/N. I would've gotten down on my hands and knees and begged everyone to stay together. But I accepted it.
Y/N: I was proud of him.
Graham: She made me a better person.
Graham proposed to you a month after the band split up. You said yes before he even got out the full question.
When the wedding rolled around, he decided to invite everyone from the band. Everyone showed up except for Daisy. Eddie just made sure to keep his distance from Billy to avoid any fights.
Y/N: I remember our wedding like it was yesterday.
Graham: It seems like a lifetime ago. We've been married for half my life—I really don't know how to live without her.
Y/N: During the vows, he quoted a few lyrics from "Angel of my Eyes". I had to hold myself together.
Graham: I could've talked about her for hours, but if I did, the ceremony never would've ended.
Y/N: I'll never forget the lines he said, "You're the angel of my eyes, and I'm the devil in disguise/I gave you my heart, you gave me the world/My angel, where have you been all of my life"
Graham: She still tears up about it to this day, nineteen years later.
Y/N: How could I not?
Graham: Every song I wrote from then on was about her. I owed her everything—she made me who I am.
Y/N: When he looks at me, I feel like I'm the only other person in the world.
Graham: It feels like we're the only people in the world.
Warren: It was awkward as hell watching them eyefuck each other whenever they were together. Get a room, damn.
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thecluelessdoctor · 6 months
Now as much as I rip and hate on chrismas at times, I need to admit there is not a better feeling than experiencing a childlike wonder again. Seeing beautiful hand crafted clock work decor and extraordinary snow globes, or seeing those mechanical trains youd see in the movies, nothing beats the feeling like that.
I'ma talk about the movie Klaus. A personal favorite of mine, not just for chrismas.
Klaus was released on Netflix about four years ago (I feel old)
I love this movie. It breaks the Christmas movie stereotype and it does it well. I love it from animation, to story, to duologue to characters, it's amazing.
So to start off, let's start with animation and style.
I can't explain it just look
Stupid thumbnail. But yeah. Watch it. Beautiful.
The story is beautiful.
It starts, with a letter. Just a letter.
And a man.
The plot starts with Jesper, the snotty son of the owner of a huge postal company. Jesper is failing postal school, before being told to be a post man in a town in a island called Smeerinsberg, and have 6000 letters done in one year.
Smeerinsberg is a violent town, a large feud between two family's that go back generations living there.
Jesper has a hard time getting letters at all. Until that is a small child drops his drawing out the window and towards Jesper. Remember this. Jesper tries to get the child to mail the letter, before he is attacked by the child's father's dogs. Before this he meets a character named Ava, who was a attempted teacher
Weeks pass by, and he finds out about the old woodsman cabin, and desides to go there, finding many hand crafted toys.
The woodsman comes home, holding his large axe, and scaring jesper. Jesper flees, dropping the drawing from the child.
Things happen, and the woodsman, Klaus, tells jesper to bring him to the home of that child to deliver a present. Jesper does so (unwillingly) and nearly dying.
The next day, jesper wakes up to a few children saying they have letters for Klaus. Montage of Jesper bribing kids for toys lmao.
Jesper then goes back to klaus's home, pleadunf to be able to take the toys to the kids and shiz. Klaus agrees, and they'll do it at the dead of night.
Word gets around about Klaus, no one knowing it's actually jesper that's going into the homes lol.
One day he's getting letters, and meets a little girl named Márgu, who is Sámi, and Jesper cant understand her. He also learns some of the children can't write and read, so he sends them to Ava's school.
He also remeets a kid who told him to go home earlier in the movie, who he gave coal, and ends up making a thing called the Naughty list, sorta as a explanation.
Children all over town start doing good deeds, and soon after, the adults follow after. The two family's have dwinled, the large fued basically being ignored. The two leaders of the families make a truce to put a end to this peace.
Jesper is then at Klaus's cabin, rambling about his idea called 'Christmas'
After this, Jesper and Klaus get into a argument, and jesper goes home to find Márgu there. Jesper sorta vents, before deciding to try and figure out what Márgu wants. He goes to Ava's school, who helps translate a letter basically
Jesper goes home, and attempts to make what Márgu wanted, even though he doesn't know how to work wood
Klaus comes back, and helps him make Márgu's gift, and they go to deliver it, seeing her excited. They are later back at Klaus's cabin feeding the reindeer, and jesper is obviously happy that he made Márgu happy.
More stuff happens, and after a bit, Márgu's people have come to Klaus's cabin to help. They make him a sleigh, and a outfit similar to theirs, as well as help with toy making.
Though during this, what's left of the two family's finds out about jesper's goal of 6000 letters, and end up 'helping' him.
It's December 24th now, daylight, and suddenly jesper's dad comes to collect him, saying he's done 14000 letters. Klaus, Ava, and the Sámi people feel betrayed, and are mad at him
He goes to leave, but looks extremely sad, sadder than when he came to Smeerinsberg. His dad gives him the look, and he ends up staying.
Márgu went to go find him, trying to stop him. But looks like he missed his ride.
He ends up seeing the mob planning to get rid of the gifts, and trys to intervene, que drama scene with lots of tension, before it was revealed it was all a decoy, and jesper ends up regaining everyone's trust, and they go to deliver the gifts.
Years pass, and word spread, and they had to expand, just as they had hoped. Ava and jesper are in love, and jesper gets a mustache at one point (in which Klaus remarks 'what is on your face')
But suddenly, by the 12th year, Klaus's time has finally come, and he goes to join his wife. To anyone other than the viewer though, he seems to have just.m disappeared.
We cut to later, in a Christmas eve with jesper's kids. Him and Ava tuck them into bed, and Jesper goes down, to stay up for the night, the movie ending with the line 'but once a year, I get to see my friend'
Truly a beautiful movie.
I can't express how much I love this movie, and I can't even explain how good it is.
It's a 20/10, go check it out
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
Missin My Baby
A First Lady of Private Garden Fic
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AN: Inspired by my boo @jackharlowsthings thank you mamas for this idea! I hope I did it justice and that you like it!
Synopsis: You and Jack have never been without each other for an extended period of time since you were both 14 years old. So what happens when it's your first tour promoting your new album and he's not with you?
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Rapper!Reader
You tried to quickly wipe away the tears that were threatening to fall as you stood in front of the mirror before your manager Brandi walked into your dressing room to tell you that it was almost time for your set.
"Hey, lil bit. You okay?"
"I'm fine." You answered dabbing at your face so you wouldn't mess up your make up that Julissa had just finished.
"You know this is the second time I caught you crying today. You aren't fine."
"I am. How much time do I have?"
Last thing you wanted to do was explain what was going through your mind and the whirlwind of emotions that came with it.
"I'm going to let that slide for now. But you're on in fifteen."
Truth be told you were overwhelmed.
This was your first big tour and the first time you had ever been away from your husband as well as your best friends for a long period of time.
Jack was so proud of you and the last thing you wanted was to let him down. He really stuck out his neck for you with telling DJ Drama how you were just as talented and deserved to be signed too.
But, one thing was clear.
You missed your husband and couldn't wait for tour to be over.
You missed your bed, your pets, and having some quality down time in order to recharge.
You had been going non stop for an entire year and knew that you were about to break sooner or later.
You felt it.
But you had to be on tour for another month and a half.
Jack had come to your first few shows and stayed with you for two weeks.
Then you were on your own.
You didn't dare tell him that you cried after he left.
The separation anxiety was real.
You made sure to talk to him every day despite the time difference but he noticed that something wasn't quite right.
You never held back anything from one another and Jack knew there was something wrong.
He just didn't know how to approach this because it had never happened before.
You sighed before slipping on your shoes and began to make your way to the stage.
Just another month and a half to go.
A smile instantly hit your face when you saw Jack's face pop up on your phone indicating that you had a FaceTime call.
"Smush!" You exclaimed while getting comfortable under the comforter in the bed.
"Hey baby girl. How's everything going?"
"Fine." You shrugged your shoulders because you didn't want to get into it.
You'd rather talk about anything else but being on tour.
"Tell me what's been going on. You haven't really been saying anything when I call you."
"It's just wake up, do interviews, meet and greet, perform, and go to sleep to do it all over again."
"Babe, you're not out with Brandi and Julissa?"
"Hmm, sometimes."
You were now staring off into space and Jack's concern for you was increasing by the second.
It was now or never.
He had to figure out what was wrong with his wife and try to fix it to the best of his ability.
"Baby, what is going on with you? You just seem off."
"I'm fine, Jackman."
"Y/N, chill. I'm just trying to help. We always support each other."
"Oh, do we?"
"Wait a minute. Where is this coming from?"
"It's nothing. Whatever."
"Naw it's not whatever so you better start talking because we not doing this shit."
"Drop it."
"I'm not dropping anything because you literally started this shit. So you want to be an adult and tell me what's wrong or keep being childish?"
"I have things to do, I gotta go."
"The only thing you need to do right now is communicate with your husband!"
"I'm not communicating shit with someone who doesn't give a flying fuck about me."
"What the hell did you just say to me!?"
"You heard me, Jackman. You not fucking deaf!"
"Naw Y/N you must got me confused with someone else because when did I ever and I mean EVER act as if you aren't my entire world?!"
"I'm hanging up now."
That night you cried yourself to sleep. You don't know what came over you to yell at your husband the way you did but the damage was done. After you hung up on him, he called you back multiple times but you didn't answer.
Jack was thoroughly confused and couldn't make sense of what had happened.
Did you feel like he wasn't being supportive enough?
If that was the case then why didn't you tell him?
He was worried about you because you had never acted like this and the two of you had never had an argument that bad in almost the entire ten years that you had been together.
He wanted to be mad at you, he really did.
But, he could tell his girl was hurting and he needed to figure out why she said what she said and felt the way she did so you could go back to being your normal bubbly self that everyone loved.
All of PG went out to dinner that night and Urban could tell that something was wrong with his best friend.
Jack was there, but he wasn't there.
All he could think about was you.
Urban waited until it was just the two of them to confront him and find out what was going on.
"You good?"
Jack looked up from the sparkling water that he was drinking to look in Urban's direction.
"What's wrong with you? You've been off ever since you called Y/N."
"I really don't even know."
"What do you mean?"
"We had an argument and I can't even tell you what it was about. All I asked her is what had been going on and she went off on me."
"That doesn't sound like her at all."
"Right and then she hung up and I tried to call her back and she never answered."
"You need to ask Brandi."
"I did and all she told me is that she's caught her crying multiple times the past few weeks multiple times a day but she won't talk to her."
"Maybe we could try and get Neelam to talk to her?"
"It can't hurt, but I don't think she'll open up to her either."
Jack really didn't want to ask Neelam, but at this point it couldn't hurt.
She noticed something was off when Jack was having a hard time focusing and confronted him.
He finally told her after twenty minutes and she volunteered to text you.
Neelam- Baby girl! How are you mamas? We miss you!
You- Miss you too. I'm ok.
Neelam- You should know better than to try and lie to me
You- I really am ok.
Neelam- Cut the bullshit
You- Jack told you, didn't he?
Neelam- There really wasn't anything to tell because both of us are confused. The two of you have never had an argument like that and he's been sad ever since
Well fuck
Now you felt like an ass
You- I didn't mean to yell at him 😔
Neelam- Well you need to tell him that and tell him what's wrong. We're all only trying to help. I know it can't be easy being away from him since you two literally would never go anywhere without each other
You- That’s it.
Neelam- What's it?
You- I miss him so much and I am so overwhelmed. I feel like my body is going to shut down and I'm not used to this.
Neelam- You have been going non stop for an entire year. Go talk to your man.
You- He's mad at me 🥺
Neelam- No he's not, he's worried about you. He can barely focus.
You- I have an interview in ten minutes. I will later.
Neelam- Don't forget!
You didn't have an interview, you just didn't know what to say to Jack.
Now the both of you were unable to focus and it was all your fault.
You felt bad and you weren't quite sure where to begin to fix the mess that you had created.
It took a few hours before mustering up the courage to text him knowing that he should be asleep and would see it when he woke up.
You- Stink, I'm sorry for what I said the other day. I know that you only want the best for me and you always tell me how proud you are for doing what you knew I could do all along. I'm just really overwhelmed and I miss you 😔 I'm not used to being away from you this long and I really can't wait until tour is over. I love you and see you soon 💕
It had been more than a day since you sent that text to Jack, but he never responded making your anxiety increase.
You saw where he had read it and nothing else and you just didn't know what to do.
You placed your phone to the side and began to head to the side of the stage since there was only about thirty minutes until your set.
And you would make it a priority to call your husband when you finished.
You had been standing there for about five minutes when you felt arms around you and immediately smelled his cologne which was your favorite on him.
Your eyes immediately began to water as he turned you around and kissed you.
"Baby I'm so.. "
"Smush, why didn't you just tell me you were overwhelmed?"
"I didn't want to let you down and I missed you."
"You can literally never let me down. I actually mentioned the other day how surprised I was because you were taking this all in stride not knowing how it really was affecting you."
"I thought I could handle it, but as soon as you left I just went on auto pilot."
"You have to communicate with me and tell me these things mamas."
"I know. I need to be better at that. But you made me so nervous when you didn't answer my text. I thought you were mad at me."
"I admit I did get mad, but I knew something was wrong. When I saw it, I immediately finished up what I had to do and got the first flight out I could find. You're my wife and I don't care what I have going on, my priority is making sure you're good."
"I just love you so much." You replied while looking up at him and kissing his nose.
"But not more than I love you."
"No, cut it out. We'll be here for eternity because yall will be going back and forth."
"Shut up Brandi!"
"I'm serious! Anyway, get ready. Just a few minutes left"
You turned to Jack one more time before leaning up to get another kiss from him.
"We always need to talk through our emotions, baby because that is never happening again. You tell me the minute that something isn't right. You promise?"
"I promise."
"Good, now go out there and kill it like you usually do because we have some business to take care of later."
"Wait, what?"
"Now you know for a fact I didn't come all this way to not let you ride my face, right?"
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edb954 · 1 year
Back to you/The Banshee
(Henry/001/Peter x Fem! reader)
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(Summary: where the reader has the banshee scream/is a banshee but, doesn't know exactly what she is, starts working at the lab as a nurse and finds comfort in an old friends arms)
(Warning: death, mentions of death, obsessive behaviour, gore, long chapter)
  When Y/n first started at the lab she hoped nobody would know her secret that she had 'voices' in her head. That unpredictably predicted death. She never knew how or why.
   She remembered predicting her Grandmothers death and letting out a Earth wrenching scream but, her parents didn't believe her. Until, two nights later when they got a call from the EMT saying she had passed two days earlier. You were only six at the time. The more you thought about it, it happened with anyone you knew. Like, your old neighbours the Creel's. You were particularly very close with their son Henry. You were eleven at the time a year younger the Henry.
  The Creel's had just moved in about a week ago, when your parents informed you that you were moving in a couple of months. Henry and you got along well being strangely different from anyone in the family. He knew about your secret and you knew about his. You weren't going to lie, you didn't like him at first he was quite rude but then you somehow chipped away at his wall and he let you in.
  You remember the week before you left, you had met Henry in their garden saying how much you didn't want to leave particularly because of him. Little did you know he was furious that you were being taken away from him. That was the last day you saw him. The 'voices' in your head telling you to stay away from him. The last night, before you moved you had that feeling and your wrenching scream came blaring through the house shattering the lights and window in your room. Your parents scolded you. You told them what was going to happen and yet again they didn't believe you.
  Only to wake up the next morning, to an ambulance and a police car outside the Creel's house. Alice, Virginia, and Henry Creel found dead with their father/husband Victor alive. You spent that day wailing at the lost of your friend. That same day you left.
  During your years growing up your parents had put you into a psych hospital and sent you to many therapists. They all said that it was just a coincidence and said their was nothing the could do. Your father started to get agressive with you while your mother would be at work or asleep in the next room. When you were 18 years old you took as much money as you could from your parents and that you had saved and ran away to start a life that you wanted. You were already an adult so they couldn't stop you. You went back to Hawkins got a job met wonderful people like Hopper and Joyce who became your friends especially Joyce. You soon were able to rent and buy a tiny house and at the age of 25 you got a new job working at Hawkins Lab as a nurse.
  Once, you started working at the lab you met the kindest and not to mention good looking orderly 'Peter Ballard'.
"Ah! Peter I would like you to meet our new nurse Ms. Y/n L/n. And Ms. L/n this is Peter Ballard." Brenner introduced you both. 'Peter' looked over remembering that name- remembering you.
"It's nice to meet you." You smiled and stock out your hand.
"It's nice to meet you as well." He shock your hand, not wanting to let it go. But quickly went back to his position behind Brenner.
"Now Ms.L/n if you need anything we will be around so don't stray to ask." Brenner said before leaving the infirmary.
"Of course sir." You replied. And with that 'Peter' and Brenner left.
  Since that day, you always saw 'Peter' he would come check up on you and would always bring the children to you. You both got to know each other very well, almost like you've known each other for years.
  Henry couldn't believe it was you. He-you had actually found him, he kept a close eye on you as much as possible. Seeing how much you've grown and change, he always tried to be around. Taking the children to you , coming to see you during his breaks. He realised that he had missed you. He remembers that night hearing your screams from the attic, he knew that you knew what he was about to do. Someday you would understand and someday it would just be you and him once again.
   A few months later, and it happened again one of the children had passed. The scream that would make everyone's and anyone's ear bleed. You had tried to tame it so badly which had caused you to start hyperventilating.
"Y/n breath tell me what's going on." Henry tried to calm her.
"It's like it's on the tip of my tongue and I don't know how to trigger it... I swear to god.,. it literally makes me want to scream... I-I promised it wouldn't happen here.." you said, freaking out, shaking,
"Come with me.."
  Henry grabbed your arm and started taking you to a different place but it was to late.  The blood curdling scream, broke breaking the lights making Henry cover his ears, as well as everybody else in the lab. After it was over you fell and passed out in Henry's arms. But, Their was another person in the hall with you and Henry. The one neither of you wanted to face. Dr. Brenner.
  Brenner had never heard anything like it. The more he started to think about it he had heard of the term banshee before but, he had never expected to come across one. Let alone one of his employees. He read the words very carefully.
Banshee: a female spirit whose wailing warns of an impending death in a house.
  You had predicted the death of one of the children. After, you had passed out he sent you to the infirmary and had you on the medical table with wires all over you. When you woke up, you started to freak out.
"It's okay Ms.L/n, this will help." The one doctor said.
   While holding a needle to your throat, you grabbed his hand, sitting up. "Y/n.. DONT!" You heard a voice yell and with that letting out your scream. Breaking lights once again making the needle shatter and the doctors ear bleed making him pass out. You fell back onto the table tears streaming down your face.
"Unbelievable... you have no idea what you are do you?... The wailing women... a banshee.. right before my eyes." You heard and slowly turned around to see Dr.Brenner.
"W-what do you mean?" Y/n asked.
"We will talk more about it tomorrow. Get some rest Ms. L/n... i will make sure nobody tries that again.." and with that Brenner left.
He left you with your thoughts. What was a banshee? Was she one? What did Dr.Brenner mean? How did he know what you were?
"How are you feeling?" A voice knocked you out of your thoughts. You quickly sat up only to see 'Peter'. " I apologize didn't mean to scare you."
"Uh.. n-no it's fine. I-im sorry for what happened be-before." You said as you looked away ashamed.
"It's quite alright. Its not the first time it's happened I'm sure." He replied.
"I-uh.. no.. no it's not the first time.. h-how did you kn- you know what actually never mind.."
"How are you feeling?" He asked again.
"Throats a bit soar but I'm fine.. just tired." You replied, you could have swore you saw a faint smile fall onto his lips.
"Well I will let you get some rest. Goodnight." He said before getting up and walking towards the exit.
"Goodnight, Peter.." You said, before drifting off to sleep as the exhaustion you felt consumed you.
Once, Y/n fell asleep Henry walked back over he had missed you so.. he brushed a few pieces of hair out of her face, dragging a finger over her features. She had definitely grown into your features.. so beautiful.. before, he left he kissed her forehead while smelling the vanilla conditioner.
"I promise, we will be together again and we fill be free from this hell." With that he left.
  The next day, you were feeling a lot better up until you saw Brenner. He called you into his office.
"Ah, Y/n I'm sure your feeling better." Brenner said.
"Yes, I'm fine." She replied.
"I'm sure, you want to know more about what I meant.." He asked, you looked up and nod.
"Y-yes, more than anything.." She replied. Brenner stood up going over to a shelf and pulling a book out.
"This will tell you. If you have questions you can always come to my office but, your a smart young woman so I think you can figure it out. I also advise you, to stay away from 'Peter'.." "why?"
"I know it may not seem like it Ms.L/n but, 'Peter' is very dangerous.. with that being said we have made your room sound proof so the children won't here when.. you have your episodes.. the rules are still the same and if you have a feeling go to the room. I will be monitoring you while you are here. Do I make myself clear Ms. L/n."
"Y-yes Dr.Brenner."
  With that He handed you the book and dismissed you. You took the book straight to your room. Once, you got to your room, you sat at your desk, took a deep breath, opened the book to the page Brenner had marked, and started to read.
  A banshee is a female spirit in Irish folklore who heralds the death of a family member, usually by screaming, wailing, shrieking, or keening. Her name is connected to the mythologically important tumuli or "mounds" that dot the Irish countryside, which are known as síde in Old Irish.
  Personality Traits;
  Banshees may seem ghoulish, but they have no record of being violent or even mischievous.
  A Banshee is said to be a fairy in Irish legend and her scream is believed to be an omen of death. The scream is also called 'caoine' which means 'keening' and is a warning that there will be an imminent death in the family and as the Irish families blended over time, it is said that each family has its own Banshee!
   Their were a million thoughts going through your head at the moment as read and read.
'Am I the only one? Their is one in each family? How did i become one? Is their a reason?' You were so deep into your book and your thoughts. You didn't even here someone had come in.
"How are you feeling?" You jumped at the voice breaking your trance. While you snapped the book shut, turning around to see 'Peter'. "I didn't mean to startle you."
"Peter.. uh um.. it's fine, I'm doing okay." Y/n said cautiously.
"I know.. that Brenner told you to stay away from me..." She looked him for a moment.
"So why are you here?" Y/n asked, turning back to the desk not wanting to deal with him. You heard his footsteps approach you as he kneeled down to your height. Pressing his chest against your back making you tense. "W-why are you doing this?"
"Because, I'm not letting you go.." he whispered.
"Since, when did you have me?" You asked.
"I will tell you tonight if you will let me.." you turned your face to him just realising how close you actually were and nodded.
  Later that evening, you heard a knock on your door. You opened it, making sure no one saw and let him in.
"So what did you mean?" You asked. He looked at you hesitant. "I promise, I do want to know. I want the truth. Why it feels like I've known you more than just a few months."
"Because, we have known each other for longer ever since you were eleven and I was twelve." You looked at him for a moment. "It's me n/n."
"H-Henry.." you looked into his eyes.
"N-no, that's not possible Henry's gone, his father killed him and the rest of his family.." Before you could say anything else he pulled up his sleeve revealing '001' . He pulled you back down to sit next to him.
"I fell into a coma Y/n. When, I woke up from my coma only to find myself placed in the care of a doctor, the very doctor I had hoped to escape. Dr. Martin Brenner. Papa. But the truth...the truth is he did not just want to study me. He wanted more. He wanted to control. When Papa finally realized he could not control me, he tried to recreate me. He began a program. And soon, others were born." You looked at him.
"I-it's really you.. H-Henry."  Hesitantly placing a hand on his cheek, before smiling and tears coming your eyes. "I can't believe it's actually you.."
  Before you knew it his lips crashed down on to yours. Finally (almost) getting what he wanted was you. Before, either of you knew he was on top of you. You broke away for breathe looking deeply into each other's eyes before, you both leaned in once more. Wasting the rest of the night away reconnecting *wink wink*.
Few weeks later, you both had actually been able to keep your relationship a secret. You both had also been reconnecting more. You telling him everything that has happened during you're time apart. Him sneaking into your room when, everyone else is asleep or had gone home. And tonight was like no other, or so you thought.
"Henry, what happened?" Y/n asked dragging him, making him sit on your bed. While, unbuttoning his shirt knowing full well what happened.
"He doesn't like me getting close to Eleven." Henry replied. You sighed before getting up to get the bandages and saline. Turning back and starting to tend to his wounds.
"I don't mean to pry but, why have you been getting close to eleven?" You asked finishing, tending his last wound.
"I told you, that I was going to get us out of here." "And by using a five year old is away to do that?" You scolded. He grabbed your hand which forced you to look at him.
"I'm not using her.. she just going to help us."
"What about the other children?"
"It would be to dangerous."
"So why does eleven going to help us?"
"I have a chip in my neck.." he said taking your hand and placing it on to the back of his neck were an abnormally bump was. "Brenner calls it 'sortia' it's binds my abilities.. weakens me and tracks me.."
"Your going to have her take it out for you aren't you.." "Yes." You sighed pulling your hand away about to look away before he pulled you back.
"It's going to work. I'm doing this for us." Henry said, caressing your cheek. You hesitantly nodded.
A few days later, Henry's plan was about to be set in motion and you have that feeling.. the feeling the voices before the deaths but this one seemed different it seemed more harder for you to bare. After, Henry left your room that night, you couldn't sleep the voices becoming louder and louder it sound like a thousand people screaming all at once.
The next day, Henry told you to stay in your room. Brenner had let you have the day off from the lack of sleep you had the night before. The voices and the feeling didn't stop, the pressure became to much and you let out your blood curdling scream but this scream was different. When it was over you felt weak, you felt blood running down your faces and tasting the metallic of blood, Barley being able to breath, and spots began to blur your vision. The last thing you heard were people screaming a few feet away from your room and with that you were gone.
Brenner woke up to sirens blaring and blood streaming down his face, he made a call asking what was happening before hearing screaming. He looked around to see everyone dead. There eyes gone bones twisted.. he knew exactly who did this 001/Henry. Then he remembered you remembering what he read in the book he gave you.
'If more than a handful of people die, it could be hundreds or even thousands of people dying. The banshee will be put to rest, ears, eyes bleeding, as well as their mouth.'
He knew the past between you two and maybe you could stop him. He made his way as fast as he could to your room.
Once, Henry finished 002 he made sure eleven had made it out. Nice to know she did. Now he was on his way to you. Passing through all the dead bodies noticing one was missing Brenner. He got to your room as fast as lighting speed. Once he got their he saw you lying on the floor with blood surrounding you and Brenner.
"What did you do to her." Henry asked, as he lifted Brenner off the floor.
"0-001 please. I need to help her.." His grip tightened. "If I don't help her she will die!" Brenner yelled before his airway closed.
"What do you mean or she will die?" Henry asked loosening his powers on Brenner.
"It's what she is.. because of what you have done, it was to much.. she felt all of them.. everyone that you have murdered.. it said that 'If more than a handful of people die, it could be hundreds or even thousands of people dying. The banshee will be put to rest, ears, eyes bleeding, as well as their mouth.' If I don't help her. She will die." Brenner said swallowing his pride continuing. "And if you l-let me go, I will grant you and her freedom. They will never know it was you. And will think it was me. It's what I deserve for keeping you here and the others.."
  Henry looked at him for a moment before letting him drop and follow him with Y/n in his arms to the infirmary. Brenner tended to Y/n who was stable for the most part and before leaving Brenner pointed a gun to Henry's head and with a blink of an eye Brenner was gone. Henry sealed Brenner's fate with the flick of his head. Before, picking up Y/n and leaving this place far behind to start his life with you.
Word count: 3180
(A/n: WOW! This is a long one! I hope y'all liked it! Can't wait to see all your comments! Let me know how I did *nervous laugh* I couldn't decide on a title. Lol. Requests are still open! Hope you all enjoyed! Bye! :) )
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honey-minded-hivemind · 7 months
After reader wakes up from being kidnapped brought home in the ABO Parent AU Wolverine Edition, they are a little groggy, but the first person they see looming over them gets kneed in the crotch, hard. They then drag themselves out of the bed, down the hall, and to wherever the nearest sink is. They're tired, they're annoyed, and kinda scared. Because great, just great. They ended up kidnapped by the guy who is supposedly their dad, someone they've known and liked for the last several months, and his herd of kids who were what they thought were their friends, and whomever else the other adults are. It's too much for them to handle at the moment, so dunking their head in cold water, rinsing off their face, and drinking water that seems okay, is the best thing they feel they can do at the moment.
And they are found, about fifteen minutes later, sipping ice cold coffee that they dumped three sugar packets into, and waiting for the platonic yans. The reader points out that they realize they maybe could have talked to them, but if kidnapping is their go-to, then maybe their reaction wasn't so unwarranted. They're not a happy camper. So begins the two hour long discussion of what they're going to do now, and how they're going to proceed with the information on hand.
Reader's demands are rather simple: They don't discuss what happened, they don't get kidnapped again, and they take things slow, no rushing to certain points.
Platonic yans demands: Reader doesn't try to flee town, they visit once a week, they at least let them explain a bit of what happened, and if there is a problem, they go to the adults about it.
Reader is slightly annoyed, but accepts it. So far nothing has to change too drastically, and if they only have to visit one day a week, that's better than other alternatives. Of course, now they have to deal with their own emotions, which are shoved deep down after what happened...
And the platonic yans, especially Logan, know they should take things gently, not rush anything more than they need to... but their Urge periods are coming up, and now that they know the reader is alive and nearby, they might have to drag them in to avoid an incident...
Reader, passes out in bed after being brought kidnapped to the Xavier Institute:😴
Logan, sitting beside them: 💕
Reader: rolls over and hugs him in their sleep
Logan: gently hugs them back, keeping them tucked against him🥰
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cupoftaae · 1 year
Forever And A Day (KTH x READER) series ♡ we have to be adults now (chapter 9)
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Summary: your lifelong friend is forced to face his true feelings for you once he breaks the number one rule of becoming friends with benefits: dont fall in love. He knows he loves you, but you on the other hand need more convincing of the most important thing: the right decision.
Genre: fwb. Roommates, friends to idiots to lovers, fluff, angst, smut, the whole 9 yards tbh.
Pairing: taehyung x female!reader
rating: 18+ (minors dni!!!)
wc- 6k
chapter warnings- theres kind of a time jump (not long) later in the chapter, swearing, mentions of sex, mentions of hookups, kaito, slight angst , mentions of an anxiety attack
a/n- hey guys, so sorry for delaying this for 2 weeks, my semester is ending first week of may and i'll be more free to write and post more often, I am gonna get a different job as well where I work mornings over the summer so my nights are free :D hope u guys enjoy, love ya!
The following week was.....odd.
Not in a bad way, nor perfect way, but it was just plain simplicity at home with Taehyung. You had sat him down and spoken to him monday when you returned from classes because your mind wouldn't let your rest.
Sure, you both had sex, but obviously you both could feel that it was different from the previous hookups you engaged in just months ago.
You both discussed the situation, and now that you knew you were being dumbasses and liked each other without realizing it, you decided to just take things one day at a time. You felt safe, and not rushed when it came to Taehyung, but you wanted to take your time with him and not run into a brand new relationship right after the Kaito situation, of course, he agreed as he said waiting for you was easy.
oh and speaking of the devil himself-
"you know he tried to get Chae to text me for him, about what happened"
you were sitting at the kitchen counter with taehyung as you indulged in breakfast on Wednesday morning
"wait what? like....to apologize? you didnt-"
"I didnt respond, and no- I dont know what he wanted or planned to say to me, but I wouldnt let him back in like that again...I think he knows we are done" you sigh, taking a bite of your toast.
Taehyung looked down at his plate and pushed the fork around, his food now gone cold as he had gotten distracted with whatever he was doing on his laptop while talking to you.
"hey." you walked over, gently brushing your fingers to behind his neck and grazing his skin softly, "what are you thinking about?" you asked quietly
"nothing" he smiled and gazed his eyes over your face, you had no makeup on, just waking up about a half an hour ago, yet you were still making his heart thump loudly against his chest.
you looked at him before leaning in to peck his lips, something he was more than happy to reciprocate. His eyes met yours as you pulled away, arms draping to your waist and pulling you closer to his seated lap, urging you to sit.
"wait so you said chae texted? you guys are talking...thats good" he mumbled, picking at his food as you sat on his lap and leaned into him, coffee mug warming your hands.
"hm...not really" you laughed to yourself, "she only texted in regards to kaito, otherwise neither her or dahyun has reached out" you pouted and he squeezed you gently, kissing your shoulder.
"I dont know what I did, like as if I urged him to fucking hit me" you scoffed, lost in thought. "I get that they are kaito's friends but they are also mine, and should see that I did nothing....dont really get the whole silent treatment thing"
"maybe its because I kicked his ass" taehyung mumbled, nibbling on some fruit you cut for him.
"maybe" you smiled, shaking your head and turning to look at him
"im sorry that they are being like that, i know you like to hang out with them and do girly stuff" he pouted at you, rubbing your leg softly.
You giggled quietly, cupping his face, "hmm, I can do girly stuff with you though, you'd let me paint your nails again, yeah?"
He scrunched his nose and raised his eyebrows, shrugging
"oh come on you love it" you teased kissing all over his face as he finally broke and laughed, "whatever"
"chae and I were supposed to get our nails done and go for lunch this week" you sighed and rested your head against his chest.
Taehyung wrapped you in his arms, humming, "we can do a spa night if you want..." he smiled and looked down at you
He giggled at you jumping up so quickly
"yeah, just dont do my make-"
"i am so doing your makeup, pretty boy" you squished his face and laughed before hugging him. "Thank you..." you whispered
"no need to thank me, i like spending time with you" he rubbed your back and closed his eyes. Maybe getting a spa treatment wasnt exactly his idea of a fun night, but he enjoyed seeing how your face lit up so fast at his words, and he would do anything to keep you like that after such a crazy past few weeks.
"You know, I hate everyone" you huffed, pulling back to look at him.
"why's that, princess?"
you blushed at the nickname, smiling before responding. "I mean, I just hate people here, everyones so....I dont even know....hoity-toity." you sighed and leaned against the counter. "you know how we were talking about Gwangju and how we miss everything...like our childhood homes and shit?"
He nodded, hand rubbing yours,
"I was thinking of how, next month is my birthday, right?"
"mmhm" he smiled
"And im going back to Gwangju to see my mom..."
"Do you wanna come? It'll only be a week and Ive already checked in with school and they are okay with it.....I was gonna take you know who but....I think my mom would love to see you more" you smirked
Taehyung smiled brightly and stood up, taking your hands in his, "I would love to, y/n" he kissed your forehead
"mhm, I think that exactly what we need, to get out of here for a while" he hummed, hugging you.
"I do too, but um-" you bit your lip and looked at him, "I was also thinking about going back for the summer as well...with you?"
Taehyung nodded and looked back at you, "summer....My trip is scheduled then too, perhaps I could push it back, I wanted to take you" he giggled nervously
"the paris trip? you were gonna take me?"
"obviously" he smiled and brushed your hair back, "but its okay, it can wait until end of summer"
"are...are you sure? I dont wanna-"
"im sure" he pecked your lips softly, "we will work it out later okay?"
"okay" you whispered, smiling at him, "thank you"
He swiped his thumb across your cheek and giggled, "now, you are gonna be late to class- go get ready!" he teased, jokingly hitting your butt as you turned on your heel to your room
You looked outside for Taehyungs car, he had texted and said he would pick you up from classes this afternoon so you could both grab a bite to eat.
You received a text from him saying he would be there in 5, so you sat on a nearby bench and watched groups of people leaving classes together, enjoying the fresh air and eachothers company.
You hated to admit it, but the whole situation with Dahyun and Chae not talking to you was seriously starting to make you upset, they were your best friends, and for them to take Kaitos side when they clearly saw what happened wasn't fair.
You- of course, still won, because at the end of the day you had Taehyung, and he wouldnt leave you like that over something so stupid and immature.....at least youd hope so.
You looked down in thought, legs lightly kicking back and forth as you waited for the boy
"oh...hey y/n"
you turned around to the familiar voice to see Annie
"oh, uh hey"
"have you spoken to Taehyung recently? well- of course you have, youre roomates! what I mean is, has he spoken about me at all? havent seen or talked to him since last week..." she mumbled, taking a seat besides you, making you shift away slightly.
You contemplated just telling her to f off, but decided to politely do it,
"uhh, well....he, and i, have been dealing with some shit, im not sure if you heard or not, or even saw, but both of us have kind of retracted ourselves away from our social lives for a bit" you chewed on your bottom lip, watching her fidget.
"can you tell him to text me back?" she glared at you intensely
"annie, i-"
Sighing, you nodded your head, "yeah i guess"
your answer seemed to cheer her up, she thanked you and hurried along, making you question what was so damn important about her text that needed urgent responses.
"Annie told me to tell you to text her back" you laughed, shoving noodles into your mouth as you looked back at taehyung, sitting across from you on our living room floor with a face mask on.
"did she now?"
"yeah....you should probably hop on that"
Taehyung opens his phone and goes to her contact, "i had her on mute, holy shit she sent like 50 texts"
you burst out laughing, "are you...fucking kidding me? i told you, she likes you...."
He shook his head and threw his phone on the couch "i am not responding"
"great. now shes gonna hound me in the halls like a sad puppy" you looked at him
He shrugged, "she didnt even text anything important, it was just about me applying for school next semester"
"oh....are you thinking about attending the same school as me?" you giggle softly, putting the food down to pay attention to him.
"kinda....I just....man, to be honest, no"
Your face fell in slight disappointment, of course you want him to pursue what makes him happy....but you also would have loved for him to be in school with you so you both could have that experience.
He noticed your expression, "sorry Y/N" he frowned, "I was just thinking a lot and....besides, our Paris trip was moved for August and thats when classes start, I wouldnt be here for it anyways-"
"you could defer your admission if you got in..." you began "not that im saying you have to apply, but if"
He nods "I know..."
Taehyung seemed slightly off, you wanted to press into it but also chose to respect whatever might have been making him feel this way-if its important he will come to you, right?
"look lets just enjoy our spa night...can i take off the mask now so I too can enjoy my noodles?" he pouted, making you giggle
"tae, you still have 2 minutes left, if you take it off now your skin will stay oily and never gain that last bit of hydration....but you do you!" You teased
"these noodles will make my skin oily anyways, its a double negative, the mask was useless...." he teases, taking the sheet mask off, and beginning to indulge in his dinner.
"your nails are cute though" You snicker, watching as he glared at you, his nails bright hot pink, undoubtably noticeable.
"you like it, dont lie..."
"i have a dentist appointment tomorrow and he is gonna see it and think-"
"you look fabulous!!!" you tease, getting up and walking over sot cup his face as he ate, "because you do"
"whatever" he blushed, looking away and at his food.
You both spent the next few hours eating snacks, laughing and enjoying eachothers company. It was late, for sure, as you put on a movie and silently laid next to taehyung on the couch, the rooms darkness surrounding you.
The movie is quite boring in all honesty, but neither one of you bring up that fact, no, you both are in your own minds way too much.
You sigh, noticing he isnt paying attention to the film either. "do you think chae or dahyun will ever talk to me again?"
Taehyung is slightly startled, looking down at you before speaking, "wh-why do you think they wont? and who cares if they never do....I thought we agreed everyone here sucks?" he rubbed your back
"i know but...I dont have many people in my life...and it just sucks...being alone in school"
He frowned, hugging you closer "hey, you have me, and like we talked about, you have everyone back home, too."
you half smile, playing with his hair, "I know...."
"and when we go to your moms for your birthday, you can see Jessica again, and Suvi...all your old friends..."
"I doubt they still live on that street, last thing I heard from suvi was that she was possibly getting married and going to live in America with her white boyfriend"
"sounds fun"
You laugh and nudge him, "dont know if its true though....and with Jessica, she is married and I doubt she will have time to hang out with some old high school classmate who pops up out of the blue"
He sighs loudly and shakes his head, "oh darling you worry so much"
"i cant help it"
"nothing is wrong....dont worry, even if shit hits the fan im gonna be right here, no matter what" he kissed your knuckles and looked at you, the movie now long forgotten.
You lay your head against his chest in a silent thank you, grateful you did have him to lean on metaphorically and literally.
It was a few silent moments filled with soft breathing and gentle touches before Taehyung spoke,
"you know I love you....right?"
You closed your eyes and took a breath, squeezing his hand in yours, "I know...." you looked up at him, "I love you too....ya big dork...."
About a month and a half later
It was coming down to the final weeks of the school semester, summer was approaching which meant it was your birthday.
Like you promised, you reluctantly packed everything into a tiny carry on bag and left for Gwangju with Taehyung to see your mother. Its not that you didnt want to go back home, its just you were stressed and nervous about everything, which isnt out of the ordinary for you at all.
"you probably arent feeling well because you are doing homework and reading on a plane...." he mutters from the seat next to you, pausing whatever movie he was watching when you began to mention feeling ill.
"Taehyung...its an airplane, not a car or train...Pretty sure you dont get motion sickness up here like that-"
"thats not true!" he took his headphones off, "why do you think these are here!" he pulled out the folded paper puke bag from his seat, waving it in your face just to prove a point.
"whatever" you rolled your eyes, putting your homework away after he scolded you.
"here..." he handed you crackers and water, telling you to nap and that you both would land in about an hour and a half.
After you both landed, you grabbed all of your suitcases and began to head outside of the airport for the Uber to take you to your moms house.
"think she will be happy to see me?" taehyung asked softly, biting into his croissant he bought
"of course she will, she loves you....its a surprise" you giggled, looking around for the pickup car.
"is that them?" you pointed to a car parked, confirming with your phone, "yeah it is, cmon"
He helped you place the bags into the trunk before stepping into the backseat with you, allowing the driver to transport you to your old home.
As the atmosphere around you turned darker and the houses looked familiar, your heart twisted at the sight.
sure, your neighborhood has always been poor and nothing special, but it was yours, and it would always remind you of home no matter how long its been.
Taehyung gently nudged you, "You okay, princess?"
You nod, "yeah...its just emotional being here again after so long"
"i know, i know" he squeezed your hand and helped you get out of the car, tipping the driver as you both got your luggage out.
"here it is...." He smiled, looking around as his mind got flooded with memories of younger him and you, running through this very yard. Things were so different back then.
To him- you were simply just the girl he grew up next to, went to school with, and hung out afterwards. If you would have told 11 year old Taehyung he would harbor such feelings for you now, he wouldn't believe it.
He looks at the house a few feet away from your moms...it was his house before his parents moved recently.
"crazy huh?" you rubbed his back before putting the bag over your shoulder, taking his hand
"yeah....it is..."
You both knocked, waiting to see the lovely face of your mom open the door.
"hello who- oh!...Oh!!" she smiled brightly at the sight of you both
"mom!" you hugged her frail body tightly, kissing her cheek as she stroked your hair.
"oh honey I missed you, happy birthday my sweet little one!"
You giggled, "thank you mama" you held her hands as her gaze peers behind you at Taehyung- she gasps
"Taehyung? is that you? it cant be, look how much youve grown!!"
He chuckled and gave her a hug, "Yes, it is I, in the flesh" he smirked and politely bowed.
"I thought you were bringing Kaito, no?"
she brought you all inside, allowing you to sit in the living room as she brought you both coffee.
"well thats a whole other story..." you smile softly and give her a knowing look
"oh, you didnt break up did you?"
she seemed upset- disappointed even.
"um...well not officially but.....basically" you frowned and shrugged, an apologetic gesture.
"oh no! thats too bad, im sorry honey...he seemed sweet"
taehyung had to stop himself from laughing at this, but he knew he wouldn't want to drag you down with him and end up confessing to the incident- so he bit the inside of his cheek and drank his coffee.
The conversations were typical, your mother asking about school and work, you told her you were thriving and enjoying uni as best as you could.
She seemed interested when you both told her about the art competition Taehyung had one a few weeks back
"Paris? thats amazing" she happily clapped her hands and looked at you both gracefully "good job, im sure your parents are proud"
"ha, sort of" he brushed his hair back with his hand as she brought up his mom and dad, remembering how a month ago shit hit the fan with them- he still never told them he won the competition anyways.
"well im sure you both are exhausted from your flight, i'll make you both something nice to eat while you go wash up....I even bought a cake!!"
You giggled, "mom...my birthday isnt until tomorrow.."
"so? let the festivities begin now, who cares!" she laughed and stood up, ushering you and taehyung upstairs.
"theres a guest room right here for you, taehyung" she politely spoke, pointing across the hall. You were obviously going to be sleeping in your old bedroom, and you would have taken him in there with you but you felt a little sheepish at telling your mom the situation with him, despite her possibly being elated, you also had just told her you got out of a relationship, and you didnt want to make it seem like something it wasnt.
You winked at him and walked to your room, opting to take a bath and clean up. Your throat had begun to develop a scratch, making you sit in the tub and pray that you weren't getting sick right now, not on your one week off.
meanwhile, down the hall, taehyung put his bags onto the rather large bed and looked around, it was pretty nice for a guest room. The view pointing out into the backyard, immediately flooding his head with past memories once more.
His eyes stayed on the small, now broken, tree swing. That very bench was where you cried into his chest senior year of high school, cursing your father for what he did.
"i'll never forgive him" you cried, hands gripping his shirt as your tears fell onto him.
All he could do in the moment was rub your back- "you dont have to..."
"h-how could he, taehyung?" you sat back to look at him, makeup running down your puffed up cheeks. "how could he just leave?? I dont even- god...what do I do?? im alone...my moms just- we are alone..." you began to sob again as he carefully pressed you back into his chest, quietly shushing you as he leaned against your head.
"shhh....you arent alone....you're never alone...."
"how can a man just leave his wife and child......"
He wasn't sure what to say...he knew your parents had issues for years but he never thought it would end like this: your parents divorcing because it turns out he cheated on your mother with a co-worker.
You swore would never trust another man again.
He cleared his throat as he snapped out of the upsetting memory, unpacking his clothing and stepping into the shower.
Afterwards, he had sat on the bed and continued to peer out the large window, millions of words soaring through his brain.
"you okay?"
His attention was brought to you, standing in the doorway with a towel on your head.
cute, he thought. "im okay...come here" he smiled and reached out for your hand, pulling you onto the bed with him.
"mm you smell nice" he whispered, arms wrapping around you as his face hid in your neck.
You blushed, unable to help the smile that crept onto your face. "tae-" you giggled and tried to get up
"shes not coming, shes in the kitchen cooking" he laughed, trying to keep you in his arms a little while longer.
You sighed and looked at him, "look, just dont do anything that would make her suspicious, okay? I dont really know what I would call us as of right now, we agreed to take things slow, if my mom sees us she will think we are dating and-"
He smiles and pulled you down to kiss him softly, his hands slipping under your shirt and up to your chest teasingly, making you gasp.
"I understand the plan princess, stop worrying"
You shyly smiled and turned away. "okay...."
He sat silently, taking off the towel on your head and running his fingers through your wet and curly hair, detangling it.
"you seem pale sweetheart, are you not feeling better?" he whispered
you shrugged, "ah my throat is starting to bother me now, I think im getting a cold unfortunately, just my luck right?"
"aw poor baby" he frowned and cupped your face, pressing kisses all over it gently
"you are gonna get sick too if you-"
"i dont care" he grinned and squeezed you against him once more before letting you stand up.
"kaito texted me" you suddenly spoke, making him freeze
"what? why?"
"he wrote me these huge paragraphs explaining how sorry he is and how he misses me....its ridiculous ill show you after"
He frowned and nodded, wanting to offer an apology but not sure for what exactly
"kids- dinner is ready!!" your mom suddenly called, making you smile
"cmon lets go eat"
"this is delicious mom, it really is" you smiled brightly, eating the warm meal she prepared for all three of you
"thank you, honey, i used to make it all the time"
"i remember" taehyung smiled, referring to the many times he would come and stay for dinner at your house growing up.
"I miss your cooking, at home we either get takeout or I try to replicate some recipe offline and it always tastes off" you snort
"nuh-uh, I think your meals are good" he protested
"no, they arent...but thank you" you giggled and rubbed your leg against his under the table.
"see you both need to visit me more so I can cook and cook and cook all day for you" your mother joked
"that sounds so fun" you spoke, taking a bite of your rice.
"so you guys told me about the paris trip, when is that happening?" she asked gently
"probably August-ish" taehyung spoke up
"mhm, we were thinking of coming back down here once the semester ends for me" you added, making your mom happy with that.
"that would be so delightful!!"
All three of you chatted happily as you finished your dinner, your mom standing up to clear the plates.
"i'll do it" you stood, collecting them and bringing them to the sink to clean.
"you know, just because I have back issues doesn't make me immobile" she teased, coming up from behind you as tae stayed seated at the table, distracted with the small cat prancing around the dining room. "go into the fridge and take the cake out!"
You smiled and walked over to the refrigerator, opening it up to grab the cake and place it on the table.
Your mother unboxed it and revealed it to you,
it was your all time favorite: a mango cream cake- topped with a "happy 23rd birthday" banner across the top.
"oh!!" you grinned, taking a photo of it, "its so pretty, thank you mama" you kissed her cheek and sat down as she grabbed plates.
Taehyung licked his lips in anticipation, always eager to eat dessert.
Your mom smiled widely, handing you a cut piece and kissing your forehead, "happy birthday my not-so little one"
you giggled and took a bite, and oh man, it was good.
"this is fucking delicious" taehyung mumbled, filling his mouth with the cream custard before remembering where he was, "sorry..." he giggled nervously
"aish, taehyung!" your mom jokingly swatted his head, taking a seat and enjoying a bite of the cake herself.
You were all discussing something when you felt your phone vibrate in your sweatpants, you took it out to see you had received yet another text from Kaito.
and this time- it wasnt so sweet.
Your eyes scanned over the screen, making your body run cold in chills and nervousness.
Suddenly- the cake wasnt as good and the room was too loud.
Taehyung noticed your look of fear and patted your back gently "you okay y/n?"
You looked up from your phone and at him, then looked at your mother who had grown concerned over your expression, "what is up sweetie? is everything ok?" she gestured to the phone.
You tried to gather your words but it was too late, you felt it come on suddenly as it always did: an anxiety attack.
"yeah- uhm, I just..." you put your phone away and stood up, hands trembling slightly. "I am not feeling well"
"so suddenly?" your mom frowned
"she mentioned not feeling well earlier" he spoke, looking at you as you peered at the floor.
"whats wrong?" she asked once more, trying to specify what exactly made her daughter so sick
You felt your vision clouding over, it seemed silly to have such a dramatic reaction to something youve dealt with before, you have dealt with much worse with kaito, why was this making you panic?
You apologized and mumbled something before quickly escaping upstairs to the bathroom, feeling yourself about to get sick-which made you panic even more.
"go check up on her please?" her mom asked taehyung, a sad look in her eyes, "I hope it wasnt the food...."
"im sure shes okay....she told me she wasnt feeling good all day" he patted her shoulder before coming up to your room, knocking softly on the door to your bathroom.
"baby...." he whispered
You felt dizzy and sweaty, but most of all, embarrassed for yourself and for worrying them like that. "what?" you mumbled, head in your arms as you sat near the toilet.
"can I come in?"
you hummed quietly, watching the door crack open just enough for him to peak his head in.
"princess whats wrong? did you get sick?"
You sniffed and wiped your eyes, "no- I feel so nauseous though" you waved him off, afraid that if you continued speaking you might actually puke.
He immediately grabbed a cold cloth and pressed it against your neck, cooling you down as he felt for a fever.
"I think it was an anxiety attack" you softly mumbled, leaning against him on the bathroom floor.
"oh baby....im sorry" he cooed, rubbing your arm slowly
"I havent had one in so long...it was so scary I felt sick and dizzy and-"
"what caused it?" he looked beyond worried to have seen you like that, it all escalated so fast.
You moaned in discomfort, pulling out your phone and bringing up the texts you received during dessert
"I would assume that?" you spoke as he took your phone
It was all messages from Kaito, cussing you out and calling you a whore, anger filled his entire body as he tensed up, unable to comprehend most of the paragraph.
"annie told everyone I dumped him because I was cheating on him....with you" you scoffed and covered your face, trying not to get worked up again.
It was one thing for Annie to be so jealous of your closeness with taehyung that she ran and had to seek attention from the entire college, but it was another thing for her to lie and accuse you of cheating.....something you resented so much yourself.
"I would never cheat on anyone and now all these kids from my classes are in my texts saying all of this shit and-" he took your phone and shut it off, squeezing you in his arms tightly, slowly rocking back and forth as you began to cry.
He wanted to say so much, but he had no strength. Seeing you upset and crying pained him more than anything, and for someone he considered a friend to go and ruin your reputation like this.....it was all so much. Suddenly your reaction made sense, he was feeling sick too now.
"my love im so sorry..." was all he could muster as you held his hand, closing your eyes and resting against his chest.
"I love you, okay? youre okay."
You nodded as he brushed away some tears on your cheek, "I love you too"
He sat there, tense, as he tried his best to comfort you while contemplating how to get away with murder.
"how is everything in- oh!"
You opened your eyes to see your mom standing in the bathroom door way, she noticed you on the floor in taehyung arms and immediately backed up, feeling a bit invasive.
"am i interrupting something?"
suddenly you were embarrassed that she had caught you and him being so close together, obviously you've sat with tae before but this looked a little more than friendly- you were practically in his lap.
"n-no we...she was feeling really sick so I sat with her." he mumbled rather quickly, slightly pushing you off his chest.
You nodded in agreement as she looked at the two of you, "do you know what happened?" she asked after a moment
"anxiety attack" you wiped your face with the cloth as she walked in and helped you stand
"oh sweetie, you still get those?"
nodding, you looked down at your hands which were trembling.
"havent had one in a long time..but yeah"
"well lets get you to rest then, yes?" she smiled softly and led you to the bed, tucking you in gently before bringing you a cup of tea.
You remember how when you were struggling with dad, you had your first panic attack and you quite literally assumed you were dying.
"I cant breathe.." you whispered, clutching your chest as you cried in your moms arms, she was absolutely terrified.
Her hand rubbed your back slowly as you sobbed, trying to console you. "my angel you need to try, you are scaring me"
You sat up and she wiped your tears, "I know you are upset, i am too, but we cant fall apart now, i need you to....I need you to stay strong for mommy, ok?"
You hiccuped and nodded, squeezing her hand.
She brought you a warm cup of tea and sang softly, watching as you came down from whatever level you were just on. She rubbed your back until you fell asleep in her bed.
You might have been 17, but you were her baby and she wanted to protect you.
You drank the tea as she brushed your hair, suddenly feeling calmer in her presence. You wish you never moved out, she had such an ability to calm you that even taehyung had not mastered.
She looked back at him as he awkwardly stood away from the bed, his face wearing concern, then she returned her gaze to you.
"i think we all need to rest okay? tomorrow is gonna be so good, I promise" she squeezed your hand before kissing your forehead softly. "goodnight honey...come get me if you need anything" she spoke, patting taehyungs arm on the way out.
He watched her leave, then looked back to see you laying under the covers of your childhood bed. He couldn't help but smile slightly, you looked so safe and comfy, he wanted to make you feel that as well.
"you alright?" he whispered
You nodded, sipping the tea once more and asking him to turn the lights off- he did so as he walked over to your bed, kissing you lightly.
"im sorry this happened, get some sleep okay? cant have a sad birthday girl tomorrow" he smirked as you giggled quietly, it was nice to hear.
"okay....goodnight taehyung..." you watched him begin to exit the room as you got lost in thought, quickly sitting up before he was gone
He turned and looked at you, eyebrows raised gently
sighing, you put your tea down, "can you...stay? just lay with me?" you seemed embarrassed to even ask this, but you knew you had told him to keep his distance while staying at your moms, now you were breaking your own rule.
"are you sure? what if your mom sees?"
You shrugged, eyes still red and puffy. "pretty sure she already saw in the bathroom.....I bet shes conspiring about us right now" you huffed, watching him giggle and walk over, slowly climbing onto the small bed.
He wrapped you into his arms gently, kissing your head.
"you are okay....I promise"
You hummed and held his hand, looking up at him, "can you rub my back?" you asked quietly, shyness in your voice as you felt yourself shrinking down to ask something that seemed silly to you.
He nodded and turned you to face him, his hand gently rubbing patterns against your clothed back, calming you quickly, "is this okay?"
"more than...." you smiled, eyes closing as you leaned into his chest. "my mom used to do it to help me sleep" you giggle
"thats sweet" he hummed happily, suddenly glad you felt safe enough to allow him with you at this moment, to do something so simple yet intimate.
It was silent in the dark room, only noise that is audible is your moms small cat meowing in the other room, making you smile.
"I dont want you on your phone for the rest of the trip okay? we have 6 days, lets just have ourselves yeah? if you need to make a call use my phone" he suggested after a moment
"but what if-"
"no what ifs or buts....you need a break, look at you." he huffed, rubbing your back still.
You had to admit, he was right, you were a fucking mess and tonight was shameful to say the least. It had been such a long day already and it just so happened to be the straw that broke the camels back.
"okay" you mumbled, allowing yourself to melt into his touch as the time slowly ticked by. He had fallen asleep not too long after, but you were still awake.
Your mind was no longer on panic mode, but you were thinking about possibly every situation there was to worry about at that very moment.
school. kaito. work with ms.choi,
fuck you forgot to tell ms.choi about your trip, she must be blowing up your phone right now.
you need to go grocery shopping when you get home
your mom is probably worrying sick about you down the hall
you are probably a bad daughter
you are 23 and have nothing to show for it
your throat still hurts, damnit
You roll over and look at the ceiling as your thoughts raced.
shit, you regret not finishing that cake slice, you are craving it.
dahyun and chae, fake ass friends...but maybe it was your fault?
you sigh and turn to lay on your stomach
why are you going crazy? are you losing your mind?
maybe its just your period starting
maybe but-
Your eyes shot open.
"my period...."
oh shit......yeah....the thing that never came.
@turnthepageandbeburnt @taebangtanbabe @borahaexoxo @lelefoodlover @tan-veee
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senor-plume · 2 months
McDonald Avenue Solitude
Man, was I alone
I was down to zero friends with family hours away
I had a cat but that was my only interaction with something alive
even my phone flew the white flag of surrender
5 rooms with a front and back porch
I frequented the front often so I could smoke my solitary cigarettes and watch the Chenango River slip down slowly into town
I tried to sleep often to escape the pounding of my ears and heart… to rest my weary legs from the miles that I paced around that apartment as the somber music played
but sleep never came easy so I’d drop a few pills to get me into that wavy, hazy tiredness
I picked up a dandy of a methadone addiction from a bum hip a year or so earlier so I always had them to help put me down
My legs restless and hot
I’d shake them hard to remove the invisible insects that crawled around within calves …nightmarish…
I’d fall asleep only to wake up a while later with a great desire to sleep again
but a man can only slumber for so often and I’d be forced to rise and begin the pacing back up
not a single soul to visit me
not a person on the planet who’d be stopping over
now, don’t get me wrong… I’m all for being alone
Hell, I can handle it and enjoy it as well but when days eek into weeks and then months then I had a problem
sadly though I exist within the cruelty of social anxiety so I never went out for an evening… never tried to make a friend …male or female just alone… alone with that beautiful cat who would eventually pass away the day after Christmas, 2013.
So, I wrote poetry and ignored all desires to crack a can and become a drunkard…again
this lasted about two years
two years lost within myself
two years of crybaby masturbation and a sink constantly filled with coffee mugs and spoons
Now, I am out of that home
and in a new one filled with more rooms, more cats and a woman who decided to take me on
and… it didn’t make me a stronger or weaker
it was just a thing that happened in my adult life and I survived it
although, sometimes, I miss it and I’m not sure why
But I do like to pretend that my lonely soul …my living ghost, if you will is still there
pacing with nothing to look forward to
walking towards no prize
trying to sleep and survive as the world continues on outside the front window
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Sneak Peak to Solar Opposites in Mighty Solars Issue #20 Cheer Up Jesse
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Jesse collapses on her bed cries into her pillow as Yumyulack runs up to her and started to feel sorry for his sister. He rubs her back softly back and forth with his hand as comfort thing to do for Jesse. Phoebe comes in the kids’ room and gasp in shock as she sees Jesse crying. Korvo and Terry, who is carrying Pupa came up the stairs after hearing about what happened at school.
Yumyulack: Oh sis, I am so sorry about all this. Our adults and I had no idea about all this.
Phoebe: comes towards the Replicants Aw Jesse, sweetie, are you okay?
Terry: What’s wrong Jessebear? Did something terrible happened at school today?
Jesse: sniffles I didn’t what was going on with these nine girls but it turns Morlak manipulated those girls into thinking I’m a fungus spewing pink monster! cries back into her pillow
Korvo, Terry, Yumyulack, Pupa and Phoebe gasp in horror as Terry dropped his coca-cola can as it spills soda on the floor.
Korvo: What?!
Terry: Ugh! That bitch! How dare they manipulated our little lady!
Yumyulack: Morlak?! How could she?!
Pupa: Oh no. Jesse.
Phoebe: Those motherfuckers! kicks a lamp If they make one more insult on Jesse, clench her fist furiously I swear to God.
Korvo: We can worry about it later. Right now, to Jesse you have to tell us what’s wrong Jesse.
Terry: Yeah, what’s the matter sweetie? You’ve been depressed ever since Morlak attacked Earth-4. You gotta tell us what the fuck’s wrong with you sweetie.
Yumyulack: Yeah, we’re family. You have to tell us.
Pupa hugs Jesse in worry as Phoebe puts her hand on Jesse’s shoulders in a concern manner. Jesse sighs and gives in.
Jesse: Fine. I’ll tell you guys. It all happen when those nine princesses ran away. Cuts to the flashback of issue #19; voiceover They didn't really get too far, they only made it as far as the alley way. But then they started hearing voices stating everything in their lives meant nothing and everyone would abandon them. They were so scared, they didn't know what was going on, but then some vortex opened up and pulled them in. After that, they blacked out, they didn't wake up for a quite a while, but they must've gotten petrified or something because they couldn't say anything or move. When they were eventually able to move again, the girls found ourselves back at an abandoned Castle. Sadly, that's when Morlak show up. They tried to stop her from starting whatever her plan was, but she use the illusion spell on them before we had the chance and lied to them that I was a total pit of control monster and that I would completely destroy them and Earth-4 and that everyone didn't truly care about them. They tried to resist her, but it was no use. She was too strong for them to resist. Their memories after that are a bit of a blur. But from what you recalled, that bitch used fake memories of me with fungus powers to scaring them into giving into her control. And once she told them to give into the darkness within their hearts, they did so without a second thought. When they returned to normal and then two weeks later, when they told Monica what they had become and how, I felt awful. Marlok was making me look like a monster and they were used as weapons to fucking murder us and destroy the entire planet.
The flashback ends as Jesse sighs and lies down as tears stream down her face. Terry places his left hand on Jesse’s head as he soothes it with his fatherly love for his daughter while Korvo sat down sadly, Yumyulack and the Pupa gently pats Pupa and Phoebe continues to look at Jesse in concern
Jesse: I just don’t know how I’m going to live with this... What am I going to do now?! sighs Everywhere I go, I just feel weak….
Korvo, Terry, Yumyulack and Phoebe: WHAT?!
Pupa: gasp in shock
Yumyulack: Weak? Jesse have you lost your mind?!
Korvo: How dare you call yourself weak?!
Terry: Yeah honey. That’s not true.
Phoebe: I can’t believe you would say that about yourself. Why would you think about yourself as that?!
Jesse: in a depressed tone Because I… I always feel like I am a weak person all the time. Throughout our lives. I’m just a kid. I just don’t have the right stuff. I’m not even a superhero. I’m not as strong as Terry, or smart as Korvo, or brave like Yumyulack. How am I supposed to be a brave teenager, help people, stand up to the Stacies, tears burst from her eyes if I can’t even feel courage inside of me?
Jesse tearfully fell on her haunches as tears fell from her eyes, leaving the rest of the Solar Opposites staring at Jesse in sadness, concern and disbelief, this was worse than they thought. She were doubting everything she knew. For Korvo and Terry, it was the aftermath of the Knothole Aftermath incident all over again. But now, Jesse is the one that has even worse emotional trauma than Yumyulack had before, and the fact she has been plagued by nightmares didn't help with her depression at all.
Jesse: tearfully All this time, I thought I could do those things, but I was wrong.
Jesse continues to cry as the family pulls Jesse into a comforting embrace.
Korvo: Don’t be silly Jesse. That’s not true.
Phoebe: If anyone can do it, it’s you.
Jesse: sniffles But, how do you know?
Yumyulack: Are you kidding?! Look what you did for the past years.
Terry: Fight a bunch of zombie teenagers with your family like a teenage badass!
Yumyulack: Save me from a giant dick and saved Korvo and Terry before they were about to be devoured from napadoodles!
Korvo: Did an amazing job at the pronunciation bee!
Phoebe: Defeated an evil Deenosaur!
Korvo: Even a white goobler and how you set me straight with how much you wanted to me to treat you.
Terry: hugs Jesse You’ve grown up so much Jesse. You’re not my little girl anymore, but you always will be in my eyes. You can do this.
Phoebe: Just don't feel too down, I know your well-being and feelings aren't in the best shapes right now, but we'll always stay by your side and support you no matter what happens.
Yumyulack: Yeah, if you ever feel down, just remember that you've got us, because we’ll always have your backs.
Korvo: And no matter where you go, or what you’re doing, we’ll be with you the whole way, points at Jesse’s heart right here.
Jesse: sniffles Oh, thanks guys. I can always count on all of you. Come here.
The Solar Opposites and Phoebe gets into a group hug as Jesse finally cheers up.
Phoebe MacCarthy belongs to @themagicwolf6677
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jsaunderswrites · 4 months
A personal (and probably wrong) ranking of the MonsterVerse
I decided to start the MonsterVerse last month after realising it's 10 years old and one of the only successful outcomes of the cinematic universe boom of the early 2010s. And so I marathoned everything in a couple of weeks. And now with the next movie coming out in March I decided to rank my opinions. And I get that everything I say is probably objectively wrong but that's how it is. I should mention I have no history with kaiju movies. I saw the 1998 Godzilla as a kid and once again as an adult. I thought it was a flawed but passable blockbuster, not the worst thing ever created. I would love if Zilla were added to the MonsterVerse but I get there are probably licensing issues in the way. And I remember being very positive about the 2005 King Kong and those leeches will haunt my nightmares forever.
N/A. The novelisations and TTRPG (2014-) I haven't read these. I understand the novels expand on the story of the movies by adding context and backstory. I might try these later.
7. All the comics (2014-) Just to get them out of the way, all the tie-in comics kinda suck. In the way all tie-ins tend to. Rushed inconsequential stories with no real depth. Skull Island: The Birth of Kong had a chance but was so focused on the Monarch mission that the titular event is relegated to a questionable vision by the villain. This doesn't cover Justice League vs. Godzilla v. Kong which I have not started.
6. Godzilla (2014) The movie starts pretty good, but with the death of Cranston's character we lose the most interesting viewpoint and are left with generic white-bread soldier guy, who is the least of all the protagonists in these movies. The movie even looks gorgeous at first and settles to just very good after they leave Japan. I am uncomfortable with how uncritical this movie was of the US military. Out of their depth sure, but good people trying their best. When Serizawa brings up Hiroshima, the film has so disconnected Godzilla from the horror of nuclear weapons that it feels like he's only protesting because of his family history. not connected to the themes in any way. ALSO they do the thing where they bring up a historical tragedy/atrocity but use an in-universe justification to make it less objectionable. So the Castle Bravo test was actually trying to destroy Godzilla. The occasional shot of dispassionate, uncaring destruction left in the wake of phenomenally uncaring monsters of unfathomable power are very effective, but they're too few. And at the end the MUTOs start caring about the regular soldiers. "I may currently be fighting Godzilla but some guy started a boat over there and I need to kill that for some reason!" And the fact they monster fights keep happening in locations that coincide with soldier guy's journey gets comical.
5. Godzilla vs. Kong (2021) Some fun fighting between giant ape and lizard. And I was happy to get King Ghidorah back because he was awesome in KotM. But his actual fight is not particularly long because we spend most of the movie on the journey to the hollow earth and then the second fight between Kong and Godzilla, leaving Ghidorah's return feeling too rushed. The actual human plots are very meh. The investigators team feel very Marvel studios goofy in a bad way. I have no love for conspiracy theorists anymore and the moment Bernie brings up fluoride he lost me. The expeditionary team are boring. I do not care beyond the little girl having a bond with Kong. That was sweet but everyone else is irrelevant to me. I would prefer just learning about the axe and Kong's people rather than focusing on this crossover. I did have a chuckle that both the star kaiju are characterized as massive alpha-bros who need to be the biggest dick in the room. But otherwise it's just some fun action with nothing much of substance.
4. Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) There is an ongoing problem in this whole franchise that is most present here: nature doesn't have inherent balance. So much is based around heroes and villains insisting we need to step back and allow nature to fix itself, because it has a plan and a will. But it doesn't. Nature cannot fix the damage we have done on its own. We need to actively undo what we've done to it. So the fact they keep insisting this and treating what amounts to new age religious faith as though it is any way scientific gets on my nerves. But otherwise this is a good one. Mark Russel is the best of the generic white guy main protagonists, his hatred for titans and insistence they're better all dead makes sense contrasted with everyone else's unfounded faith. But he also is willing to cooperate when it comes down to it. There are some gorgeous shots in here. King Ghidorah really sells the apocalyptic alien invader/literal actual Satan thing very well! I wanted more of him! I was interested in how they set up a universe of monsters with Mothra seemingly seeding something with her sacrifice and Rodan bowing to Godzilla but the movies so far seem to be ignoring them. Bring them back! Also I liked Dr. Stanton so I'm disappointed he was also dropped.
3. Skull Island (2023) I was surprised at how attached I got to the characters, especially with everyone actually turning out to be on the same side. There is a strong theme of family through all of these installments that can be interesting or not depending on the actual media. I don't think we're getting a season 2. It's Netflix. So in like 3 years one of the comics will mention how a bunch of people were rescued from the island in the 90s with no other context. And any continuation that doesn't end with a three way wedding between Sam, Irene and Cap is not canon.
2. Kong: Skull Island (2017) I know I'm against the majority rating this one here. But I love the anti-military theme. I like the way it looks, the sometimes psychedelic shots. Samuel L. Jackson sells the villain, the creatures are all awesome, none feel like filler creatures. I felt like Loki Bond and the anti-war reporter don't get arcs but their performances sell the characters very well. I would love if we could get them back, just do more with them. The stinger feels like a set up for a more behind the scenes look at Monarch. Speaking of...
1. Monarch: Legacy of Monsters (2023-2024) This was the best one. Great characters, story, visuals, the whole package! Every Godzilla appearance is better than all the movies. The theme of family drama is central here and strong. The drama is palpable! I hope we get a continuation, either a season 2 or bring these people back in the movies. Rather than Millie Bobby Brown again. It's strong enough to be enjoyable on its own but sadly I don't know how sensical it is without having seen the movies. I want a physical release now!
The future Now I am going to start trying other films. Shin Godzilla and Godzilla Minus One, rewatch King Kong 2005. Also I started Godzilla: The Series to see if it gets interesting. And also eventually Godzilla Singular Point. I'll eventually watch Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire when it comes out but whether in theaters or not I don't know yet.
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missizzy · 9 months
Perc'ahlia Week Day One Fic
(Mild adult content in this one)
For the first moment as Percy wakes, encased in the familiar sheets he again instinctively knows as his home once more, he's a little confused as to why he feels the warmth of another person against him. That's something that happens on the road, when they press together for warmth and safety, or sometimes in inns, when they've shared beds to save money, although they don't really have to do that anymore.
Then he becomes aware of his own nudity, and that of his companion. His female companion; that's definitely a pair of generous breasts pressed into his back. A moment after that, he hears heavy shuffling on the floor, and the quiet grunts of Trinket, too, waking up.
It all comes rushing back to him, then. The walk to Vex's room, holding the drinks he'd sweated over choosing, telling himself that evening would lead to wherever it led. Vex making clear exactly where it would lead when she answered the door. How she'd promptly brought him to her bed, relieved him of his clothes, and introduced him to passion and pleasure beyond anything he'd ever known before that night.
He opens his eyes, and turns his head back to look at her. Her face is pillowed against his shoulderblade; he can just see her still closed eyelids. Also the tangles in her hair, and the slight bruises on the top of her back, which he thinks might just be from him gripping her a little too hard at certain moments last night. They did wash off a little, but she still smells faintly of sex, as does he. She's beautiful, but of course she's always been.
He's been inside her. He's seen and heard her in the throes of bliss, learned what she feels like to touch; all those things he's tried to imagine so many times, he now knows. He's given himself up to her, been beneath her, her hands allowed onto every part of him. He's fallen apart for her, been made open and exposed before her, which still terrifies him a little.
He's also held her in his arms when she's unexpectedly broken down post-coitus. Nothing was wrong, she insisted to his distressed questions, and really, she lamented, she didn't know what had come over her. Maybe she was just feeling overwhelmed, same as him; it's not impossible he might have broken down a bit, if she hadn't first. It passed after a few minutes, and he distinctly remembers them smiling at each other when they at last settled down to sleep.
It's still very early, with only the first rays of the sun creeping over the bottom of the window. This was Vesper's room, and is one of the relatively few rooms of the castle Percy has few memories of, either positive or negative. Before last night, stepping into it might have hit him hard with memories of her instead. But, well, he doesn't think that's going to be the case anymore. It makes him feel a little guilty, but then again, this has to be Vex's room now, and remain so for as long as she wants it to.
Of course, that all assumes they both are alive at the end of today. This terror that floods him, at the thought of dying today, is another feeling that's new to Percy. How ironic, that this is the day he wakes up wanting to live more than he has in a very long time.
He feels it when Vex sighs against him, and as she stirs, he shifts around to face her. He's not sure how she'll react after her breakdown last night, but she has a grin on-that small, mischievous smile, maybe slightly suggestive, actually. "Morning."
"Morning." Bit of a pity, that he can't make it sound as alluring as she can. "How are you doing?"
For a moment the cheer fades; she, too, must feel the knowledge of what this day holds. But then she says, "Right now? Very well, indeed. And we're not heading out until a little later, so we don't have to get up just yet, do we?"
"No, we don't," Percy says. On a different morning he might have still preferred to, because there were preparations both of them needed to make. But on this one, he instead leans in to kiss her as if they could stay in this bed forever.
It's a little stunning, how quickly the hunger rises back up. Before he knows it, Percy's once again on his back, Vex on top, and he's pulling her close as he can, almost overloaded just by the awareness of her mouth, her hair, her back, her breasts, her arms, her legs, all surrounding him, and already he wants to beg for more of all of it. He already had a morning erection, but now he's throbbing, wanting so badly to be in her again.
But Vex pulls herself up, and to his dismay, Percy sees regret on her face. "The thing is," she says, "I actually went to see Keyleth last night, before she and Vax went off to Zepyrah, since I know she has a spell that prevents pregnancy. I had her do it on me. But it only lasts for eight hours, so it's not in effect anymore."
The revelation can't help but send Percy's mind reeling. "You mean...you were planning...that early??" He did wonder last night, when she let him come inside her, but still.
"Percy," Vex chuckles, "do you really think you were the only one who looked at what we were doing today, and though maybe we'd better go and do certain things first? Besides, you'd certainly kept me waiting long enough." Her smirk makes him outright squirm against her, and she sighs, "You don't know how badly tempted I am just to risk it. And we certainly should do something with ourselves right now. Of course, I'd have to get out of bed to retrieve my strap-on, and I might even have to leave the room to find enough oil to use it..."
She trails off, then, and he can tell, despite the smirk staying in place, that she's gauging his reaction to this idea. Percy is, in fact, briefly wondering if they're going to recreate the entirety of his short sexual history with their early encounters. His first sexual experience wasn't unlike what happened last night, and the second involved him being buggered by another man. Which he did, in fact, enjoy, at least as much as he was capable of enjoying anything at the time.
And really, Vex buggering him is very much a thing he'd like to experience if they live through today. But right now, he wants to keep her here in the room and in the bed with him a little more, and also, there's another thing he wants to try, a very common act, from what he understands, but he's still never had opportunity for it.
Common it may be, but Percy still feels a little anxious as he says, "I might like that some time other time, but actually, do you think we might try oral sex? I've never done that, either giving or receiving, and I'd really like to try it. Either way. Or preferably both ways, but I'd be happy to do just one." He's losing the fight not to babble. That was bad enough last night, when at least Vex got good at cutting in him off in ways that did not offend him in the slightest.
Thankfully, she did so once again, this time by placing a finger on his lips, letting it lay there a moment before, very gently, she pushed it between them. Without him even telling it to, Percy's tongue came forward and lapped at it, and he thought he saw her eyes darken just from that.
"I am wondering if you're as good with your tongue are you are with your hands," she tells him. "Or at least as quick a study with it."
"I'll give it my best," he says, because of course he will. For Vex'ahlia, he's never been able to do anything less.
He actually ends up needing quite a bit more instruction than he did with anything they did the previous night. He already had the vague impression cunnilingus could be a complicated task. It can be made easier, to be sure, if the recipient is willing to voice their exact preferences, which then still requires their partner to listen very closely, despite the alluring distraction right in front of their face.
Vex, however, has no trouble telling a partner what she wants, and Percy knows well how to handle a task with care and diligence, making sure to put everything together exactly right. And oh, is the delight in his success sweet, maybe sweeter than it has ever been in his workshop, when he feels Vex shudder around his fingers with his mouth full of her, and knows this is one of the best things he can do, one of the best things he can have, and for the rest of his life, regardless of whether that consists of seventy more years, or only the rest of this day.
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randomly-a-fan · 2 years
One Step at a Time pt. 1
The sequel to @tuttifuckinfruttifriday‘s heartfelt story “Not Your Fault”
MJ was being released from Psychosocial Camp, thanks to Eric. But she’s not completely free just yet. Eric insisted that MJ spends a couple of weeks at his place, since he has a spare room that he can let her stay in. MJ was alright with the idea, even though she misses her family very much. On the side-note, she wanted to give Eric a hand anyway, since he’s just adapting to everything around him in his own home.
It was nighttime and already MJ is sleeping soundly. But in the middle of the night, she woke up with a jolt as she had a nightmare. MJ got out of bed to get a glass of water, until she saw Eric sitting on the couch, since he too had a bad dream. She didn’t want Eric to know that she woke up from a nightmare, since she’s afraid that she might have to be sent back to the camp again; Why she didn’t want to go back will be explained later in the story. “Oh, hi MJ... Did I wake you?” Eric asked. “Uh... No... I’m just... Getting a drink of water...” MJ said in a shaky tone. “You just had a nightmare, didn’t you? I’ve heard you crying in your sleep; I didn’t want to wake you, so I decided to just get a drink and watch my program on late-night.” Eric explained. “Sorry... I sometimes get those same dreams about what happened back there in Ambrose. I know you said it’s not my fault, but I couldn’t help but dreamt about that day.” MJ explained, almost tearing up. 
Eric made a sad and worried expression as he understands what she’s been through. “MJ... Come here...” Eric escorted MJ to sit next to him so they can have a talk. “I too get nightmares about our traumatic event; like the time I thought you were killed by that hockey-masked killer, and how he almost killed me. I get nightmares about that day, non-stop.” Eric explained. “Yeah? How did you get over it?” MJ asked in curiosity. “I’m afraid these dreams keep on coming, but not all the time; you will be having these nightmares from time to time, but not often.” Eric explained. MJ stared at the floor, not liking the answer.
Eric laid a hand on her shoulder to make her look at him. “You know something? the more you dream about it, the stronger you become; sooner or later, you’ll find that the trip we had was nothing but water under a bridge. The best way to start, is to learn to accept what happened and be thankful for the future that you’ll be having. That worked for me after I have found you alive after all these years.” Eric said with a smile. MJ smiled back; Eric is making some great points, even she’s starting to find her nightmares as nothing to her. “That actually helps... Thanks...” MJ said in a calm tired tone. “Pleasant dreams, MJ.” Eric said. “You too, Eric... Goodnight.” MJ said before she goes back to bed.
Before all that, Malon received a call from the man of the Psychosocial Camp. “May I speak with your parent or guardian about your mother?” The doctor asked; since Malon is only a child, he wanted to speak to the adult figure. “My dad can listen, but he’s a mute, so he can’t respond back.” Malon informed. “That’s okay, we just wanted to inform him about his wife.” The doctor replied. Malon understood and gave the phone to her dad. “He said you don’t have to say anything, he just wanted to tell you something about mommy.” Malon explained. Jason took the phone to listen to what the doctor needs to say. “MJ was being released from the camp early, due to her positive and healthy behavior. I thought maybe you’d like to hear that.” Jason almost cried with happy tears that he could lift up his daughter and swing her around. However, now is not the time. “Unfortunately though, she was being picked up by her friend Eric Manson, which was recommended, due to the fact that MJ needed to take things slow before living her normal life again. That is all.” Jason nearly dropped the phone after hearing all that.
Malon saw her daddy becoming sad, so she gave him a hug. “It’s okay daddy, we can make it work.” Malon said in between hugs. Jason looked down at Malon and smiled fondly, he picked up his daughter and carried her to the kitchen for a snack. While Malon eats, he wrote a note about where her mom is and why she’s at Eric’s place. “At least we can trust Eric with mommy, after-all, they’re like best friends, and he’s very supportive.” Malon said. Jason nodded to Malon’s statement and had to admit, that what Malon believed was 100% true. Which is good, since he’s starting to accept Eric more and more; now that he became a parent to Lily, he didn’t want to do anything that could scar her for life. So Jason thought of just visit Eric and see if MJ wanted to see him and Malon.
It was 10:00am in the morning and MJ is still sleeping, Eric would simply understand that she’s still tired, since that long drive and when she woke up in the middle of the night with a nightmare, so he’s letting her sleep in until at least 10:30. As Eric and Lily were going to have breakfast, they heard a knock on the door. “I’ll be right back, Lily. You eat your breakfast.” Eric said as he walked over to the door. 
When Eric opened the door, he saw that it was Jason with Malon being nowhere to be seen. “Hey Jason, is it just you that came over?” Eric asked. “No... I’m here too.” Malon said as she came from behind her dad. “We just wanted to see mommy.” Malon explained. Eric could have figured that Malon and Jason would want to see MJ after being separated for two and-a-half weeks, but he knew that MJ needed to take a few steps before seeing her family all at once. “I know you both missed MJ, and I get it. But her doctor advised me to make her take small steps...” Eric expressed. 
Jason nearly made a tear come out of his eye, but is willing to hold it back. However, it doesn’t mean that he’ll lay low, so he tried to walk in. “Jason WAIT...” Eric tried to shield him. “Dad, NO... STOP.” Malon yelled. Jason paused after hearing his daughter talk back at him. “Listen to Eric, he may be on to something... Please dad?” Malon begged. Jason quenched his fist and made his knuckles cracked, until he turned around and walked back outside. “Thank you Jason. I’ll have a word with MJ when she wakes up, then I’ll come by to your place and explain the steps to you two.” Eric said. Jason patted Eric’s back as he understands and that he accepts his request. Still, he really wished he could see her again, just so he can feel MJ in his embrace while showering her with affections, but he can’t have that at the moment, which nearly killed him mentally. 
Malon took her dad’s hand while massaging his hand with her thumb. “Come on, dad, let’s go back to the lake.” Malon said in a calm and understanding tone. Jason smiled down at Malon for being so mature; she even sounded like MJ. So they walked home quietly to enjoy the day until Eric comes by later that day.
After Jason and Malon left, Eric heard MJ coming out of her room. “Eric, who was that? I thought I heard Malon’s voice and Jason’s heavy footsteps.” MJ asked and said. “Yeah, Jason and Malon wanted to see you, but I turn them down gently, so they left. We have to go through the steps first.” Eric explained. MJ looked down to the floor sadly, along with a sigh. “Okay...” MJ said before she walked over to the kitchen to make herself breakfast. Eric can see that MJ was disappointed, but he knew that putting her in isolation for a while was the only option, if she didn’t want to go back to the camp again. 
Eric placed a hand on MJ’s hand on the kitchen table before he spoke. “Hey, we’ll have this sorted; you will get to see your family again, I promise. You just have to have faith and be cooperative.” Eric said in a calming gesture. MJ smiled up and nodded slowly, it’s not like she’s going to be apart from her family forever, it shouldn’t be a problem.   
Later that afternoon, Eric went over to visit Jason and Malon for a brief meeting, while MJ stays behind to watch over Lily; and make some tasty treats for later. After Jason lets Eric in, he guided him to the living room where Malon was coloring in her coloring book. “Hi Eric.” Malon said with glee. “Hey Mal, why not you come up with me and your dad so we can have a brief conversation about your mom.” Eric said with a friendly gesture.
Eric was explaining about the steps that MJ needed to take before she can live her normal life with the Voorhees again, without being so intimidated. “So when can I and dad see my mom?” Malon asked. “Actually Malon, what I’m going to do is set up a three-day hang out next week, where only one of you can hang out with MJ, for now.” Eric answered, before explaining what he meant. “You see, next week, I’ll have you spend the day with your mom for three days, with the final day on spending the night with her.” Eric said. Malon smiled big with glee, until she remembered her dad; who really missed MJ the most. “But what about daddy?” Malon asked. “Well, starting a week after, Jason can spend the day with MJ for three days, along with an overnight stay on the final day. I thought maybe while your dad and mom were alone, I can take you and Lily to ‘Pizza Castle’ for a pizza; it’s got a play-place like McDonalds has, only bigger and more fun.” Eric answered. 
Malon may like the idea, but it means that Jason will have to wait until like two weeks before he could have MJ in his arms again. Malon noticed that her daddy is sad. “Why not let daddy see mommy first? and I’ll wait until the week after before I can see mom.” Malon thought. Eric was going to answer until Jason made a gesture with a fond smile that he wanted her to see her mom first, since he knew from the first week of MJ’s absence and his style of childcare, she misses her mom the most, so he’s accepting Eric’s ways of taking it slow. Even he had to admit that he can be a bit intimidating if he were to go first. 
After explaining to Malon and Jason about the steps MJ needed to take, he walked back to his place to see MJ and Lily. As he entered into his house, he smelled a delicious pastry, it smells like shortbread cookies. “Hi dad! Me and MJ made cookies.” Lily said. MJ giggled. “Well, I have to say, Lily did a remarkable job on her first time, even I couldn’t do a much better job than she could.” MJ said while patting her back. Eric laughed before he entered the kitchen to try his step-daughter’s first batch of cookies. “Mmm, you’re right MJ, Lily is a born baker.” Eric complimented. “But I didn’t put them in the oven or take them out.” Lily admits. “That’s okay, you’re still a little young to handle a hot oven, but you did most of the measurements and adding the ingredients; it’s still a good start.” MJ explained. “It’s how I was taught when I was your age... I do missed baking with my mom.” MJ said with a happy sigh... Then she took a bite out of her cookie. Everyone laughed before they enjoy the cookies.
When nighttime loomed, MJ was squirming in her sleep; only this time, she wasn’t having a nightmare. MJ has been thinking about Jason, she missed him very much. In her dream, she and Jason where snuggling together like as if they can never departure. Just as they were about to kiss, MJ woke up, realizing that she’s been making out with her pillow. MJ then sat up and pasted her hands onto her face, as she tears up for her family back at home.
MJ wasn’t the only one with trouble sleeping, Jason too has been suffering. He was worried that MJ would never come back; as they were cuddling, she was being forced to be drifted away. Jason woke up with a gasp and turned on his side lamp. When Jason turned towards MJ’s side of the bed, it was completely empty. He was going to cry until he heard Malon knocking before coming in. “Daddy... I had a bad dream...” Malon said while rubbing her eye with one hand and her teddy in her other arm. Jason nodded and gestured her to come sleep next to him. 
After Malon climbed into her mom’s side of the bed, she spoke to her dad before falling asleep. “I missed mommy... That’s why I had the nightmare... About mom not coming back.” Malon admits. Jason rubbed Malon’s cheek and gently kissed her by the forehead before letting sleep consume her. Once Jason turned out the light, he laid onto his back, facing the ceiling feeling mindless. He loves Malon; especially when she sleeps adorably right next to him, it’s not having his wife in his arms is what kept him restless.   
To Be Continued
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noxiatoxia · 2 years
hello noxia toxia its me again
so i was thinking about hikakao cuddling (as i always am, due to the fact i am insane) and i really like the idea of them snuggling post canon, like as adults
like maybe theyre home from college for a break and they dont see each other very often bc theyre busy and go to different colleges so they missed each other a lot. i imagine they call and catch up super often when school is in, maybe even just silently do schoolwork together on call so they can have company, but it just isnt the same sometimes yk
so when they see each other again theyre really clingy with each other, and even though they think its probably a little silly to be cuddling again after everything, theyre too exited about being together again to care. so they snuggle in bed and watch movies or a show or something, talking and catching up, real cozy...and then they fall asleep like that snuggled up together (actually writing a fic similar to this concept atm lol)
or maybe well after college, one of them (either of them could be either role but im gonna say hikaru for this so itll be easier to write) gets some sad news or something bad, nothing super tragic just something that makes him not want to be alone. so he calls kaoru like 'kaofruuuuruuuuuu can u come over i want company pls:(' and of course kaorus there within minutes. seconds even. if there was traffic hed literally just take his private helicopter and fly over there instead even if its like less than a mile away like the rich dude he is. anyway hes there and he hugs hikaru and keeps him company, letting him vent and cry on his shoulder and all that. hikaru gets really tired from all the emotion, and hes snuggled really close to kaoru for comfort, so he just falls asleep there. and kaoru doesnt want to disturb him, so he keeps holding him and just sleeps kinda awkwardly and in his clothes so he wont wake hikaru. and even long after he wakes up the next morning he lets him sleep for however long he needs to just because he knows he needs it. im so sane and normal about them i am i am (foams at the mouth)
im so sorry this is so long i was just rambling, i literally have so many of these
anyways i LOVE THISSSSS I need to write my own hikakao college au <- so much angst potential. The idea of hikaru and kaoru going to different colleges, while not super realistic (?) in my head, is SO cute when they finally reunite... I can see though them often having to split up bc work is so busy in their adult life, and getting thru their catalogue would take ages if they worked side-by-side so to get thru it faster and more efficiently, they have to work by themselves... so Hikaru may be out in Spain and Kaoru is in America.
Which makes, like you said, their reunions so heartfelt...
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I mean, same guys who do this. Of COURSE they're gonna be dramatic after a WEEK of not seeing each other.
After a week of not seeing each other (because lets be real, they would be meeting EVERY weekened no matter where or what. Kaoru is in England? Hikaru is in Australia? Doesnt matter! One of them is flying over on a private jet gdi) they would smother each other in hugs and maybe even a kiss on the cheek if im bold to say and they'd just... cuddle. Talk and goof around like they were in middle school again, bc really, they're immature brats at heart.
(Btw?? I'd LOVE to read your fic!!!! I'm sure it'd be so cute!!)
If something happened while they were separated you bet your ass the other would be there in a heartbeat. Doesn't matter if Kaoru is in the middle of a Super Important Business meeting in America, he'll fly his ass home to Japan later that night to comfort Hikaru.
Your prompt also reminded me of a similar idea i had, about how they deal with each other getting nightmares... tbh I don't think Hikaru dreams often; Kaoru is the one who dreams almost every night (and talks in his sleep). And I think Kaoru used to get nightmares a lot as a kid, to which Hikaru would feverishly calm him down (he had a nightmare once about that fucked up scene in Cinderella 3 with the corrupted pumpkin carriage and the humanized Lucifer... iykyk)
But as they got older, Kaoru never really... stopped getting nightmares? He just got better at hiding them. In highschool, he'd wake up in cold sweats sometimes from really vivid dreams. No longer are they childish fears about a scene in a movie or being chased by a monster. His dreams focus on him losing his friends, his brother; people in his life leaving him. Things he worries about in his waking life; things he believes are going to happen one day. Except, in his nightmares, they happen in the worst ways possible.
He doesn't tell Hikaru about it, usually. Not because he thinks Hikaru would make fun of him or something, but because he doesn't want Hikaru to worry. He only wants Hikaru to be happy. He wants Hikaru to be free and live his full potential - if Kaoru told him he had nightmares about Hikaru leaving him, what would that make Hikaru do? Stick even closer by him. And that's the exact opposite of what Kaoru wants. So, he says nothing, pretends nothing happened as he uneasily falls back asleep, hoping he'll forget what he dreamed about...
And though he doesn't tell Hikaru, Hikaru sort of knows. Not the full extent of course, but... Kaoru can get pretty loud in his sleep. He doesn't toss and turn much (that's Hikaru's thing) but he speaks, and it can be loud and frequent. Usually, it's funny things Hikaru will tease him about if he happens to overhear it; nonsensical silly shit like "Please don't eat us, Usa-chan!" murmured sleepily and Hikaru will have to hold back a giggle to not wake him up. But then sometimes it's not so funny. They're very clear, scared pleas. In his asleep state, they're barely intelligible, too. Just whispers of "Please don't go" "I'm sorry" and "I don't want to be alone". Sometimes he sounds like he's going to cry. Sometimes he looks like he's going to cry. And that's what really scares Hikaru the most. He doesn't say anything, either - he doesn't know how to - but he always holds Kaoru in his arms close to his chest when he hears him make these noises, and soon enough, Kaoru will go quiet and resume a relatively peaceful sleep.
They'll talk about it someday... just not right now.
...I'm totally normal about them too, anon. I promise. I promise.
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