#and then the camera would swing to sam in the background giving a thumbs up
aye-of-newt · 1 year
frodo was putting his whole little emo heart into being a dark lone wolf on a tragically beautiful death march to hell and sam was following him the whole time like
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queenlists · 4 years
Missing Pet: Found
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Summary: Not being a fan of school, the reader never paid much attention in class until the new teacher came in. Not long after, she became a teacher’s pet. After things took a turn, the reader left town to uproot a new life not knowing she hadn’t escaped from her past.
Word Count: 3564
SPN Taglist: @morguleth​ @yeolliedokai​ @sammykb1994​
A/N: Hey all! This is the end of the Teacher’s Pet series. If you haven’t read part one (click here) or two (click here), please do so! If you’re interested in more of my multi-fandom content, check out my masterlist here. We’re at 172! Closer and closer to 200.  I can never thank you all enough. I really hope you enjoy this ✌
Post Date: 05/18/2020
My life is completely ruined. Everything is ruined.
Life is good. It’s actually very good.
I’ll never be happy again!
I’m content.
What am I supposed to do with you?
I don’t really know what I’m going to do with you, but we’ll be okay.
“Ms. Campbell, the client with the order of twenty cupcakes will be swinging by during closing time. I have their cupcakes ready for your magic touch!” I smile as I hand Ms. Campbell the basket of edible decorations. “Thank you sweetheart! They look wonderful,” Ms. Campbell compliments as she takes the basket “Also, I’m tired of telling you to call me Mary! We sit on the floor and eat the leftover baked goods, talking about anything and everything. I think we’re way past the formalities!” “Okay, okay!” I giggled, shaking my head as I made my way to the front.
 I work with Ms. Campbell in her bakery. She’s owned it for about four years now and I’ve worked there for almost the same amount. She hired me on the spot, covered in flour with stress withered all over her face. She was going through a terrible divorce at the time along with a lot of familial conflict. She didn’t expect the workload that piled up on her and I came right as she was plastering the ‘Help Wanted’ sign up. Perfect timing, huh?
Mary lives by herself. Her two sons are states away and her ex husband is nowhere to be found, but it's not like she is searching for him either. I live with my son as a single parent. I needed a mother figure just as much as she needed someone to mother, so we meshed well. Our lives became more and more personal by the day. We ate dinner together most nights. We talked every night. We were the missing pieces to each other's loneliness. It's Mother's Day weekend and Mary's sons are visiting her for the first time in years!
 As I walked towards the front, I heard the bell chime
“Hi! Welcome to-” I stopped in my tracks as the customer came into view. That short dark haired man wearing jeans and a flannel was anything but unfamiliar.
“D-Dean?” I gasped, my heart sank as his eyes widened. “Y/n,” the corner of his mouth twitched as his eyes looked me up and down in disbelief “It’s been-” “Three almost four years,” I finished his sentence, clenching my jaw as tears threatened to spill. Dean nodded as his mouth hung slightly open, his tongue pressed against his teeth.
What is he doing here? Did he know where to find me? If so, how and why? Should I ask him what he wants from the bakery? It is a very nice bakery and we have a lot of selection. I should let Mary handle him. Introduce her to the jerk that I’ve cried to her about a million times before. I can’t-
“Hey Dean!” Mary chirped as she quickly took off her apron. I shook my head as I snapped out of my thoughts to watch the two interact. Mary pulled Dean into a tight hug, her eyes lit up as she smiled big “Oh, I’m so happy that you’re here! I love you,” Dean looked me in the eyes before saying “I love you too, mom,”
I felt like the air was knocked out of me as I slightly stumbled back. This had to be a dream! It just had to be. Mary pulled away from the hug as she walked over by me “This is the lovely, Y/n! The young lady that I’ve been raving about on the phone! Y/n this is my eldest son, Dean. You will meet my youngest, Sam, later on. They came to visit me this Mother’s Day for a week! Speaking of Mother’s Day, hand over the apron!” Mary giggled, handing me a bag full of treats “You’re off for the day. Happy Mother’s Day!”
I watched as Dean cocked his head to the side, his eyebrows knit together. “Tell Levi aunt Mary will see him later, okay?” Mary beamed at me. “Y-yeah, of course!” I gulped as I took my apron off, handing it to her before giving her a goodbye hug. “I..uhm..I will definitely tell Levi that his favorite aunt will stop by! Thank you for the treats. Happy Mother’s Day, Mary! Bye Dean,” I weakly smiled at Dean as I walked past him and out of the door.
My heart was heavy and my mind was racing as I walked to my car. I could hear footsteps from behind me. I stopped in my tracks before turning around to see Dean standing right there, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath “H-ho-how...You walked so fast! Hold on a minute. I don’t run around like I used to!” Dean panted. I looked away for a moment as I felt a grin coming on before looking back to a serious Dean. “How old is Levi?”
This was a conversation that I didn’t think I’d ever have to have. I moved halfway across the country, embracing the single parent life that I had chosen for myself. I see glimpses of Dean everyday in Levi, but I never thought I’d lay eyes on Dean Winchester ever again. Unprepared, my mouth opened and shut as I couldn’t find the right words to say. I shook my head at him as I felt my palms begin to sweat. “Please tell me how old Levi is,” Dean whispered as he took a step closer.
“Three. He’s three,” I watched as Dean’s eyes glazed over. “Duncan’s three as well...Levi’s mine, isn’t he?” Dean gulped, the tips of his ears going red. I sighed as I nodded “He is,” Dean stood there, staring at me blankly. His eyes filled with hot tears as his shoulders slumped forward. I knew it was a lot for him to take in. He has a three year old son that he didn’t even know about. That in itself would stun the toughest of people. I pulled my phone out of my pocket as I stepped closer to Dean, showing him pictures of Levi “He is a wild one. He has a love for cars like you. Those beautiful eyes remind me of yours. At first, it was hard to look into them but it got easier as time went by,” I let go of the phone as Dean gently took it from me, scrolling through every picture slowly and watching every little video. Tears spilled down his face as he smiled, laughing whenever Levi spoke or giggled.
Dean tapped on Levi’s birthday video. The most recent video that I had:
“How old are you, Levi?” I giggled. There were balloons and banners in the background. Levi was wearing a party hat along with a big cheesy smile “I free! I free, mama!” “Yes! You’re three, big boy!” I cheered from behind the camera. “Let’s all sing the birthday boy the happy birthday song!” Mary came into the camera frame, holding the candle lit cake “Y/n, give me that phone! You should be the one being recorded too,” “Ms. Campbell, it’s fine!” I protested, the camera shaking a bit as Mary tried taking it. “I told you to call me Mary! Give me that phone,” Mary giggled, taking the phone. The camera pointed to me playfully pouting before walking over to Levi and picking him up. “Alright on a count of three! One, two, three...Happy birthday to you” Mary began to sing and everyone else joined in. Levi blew out the candles in the middle of the song before yelling “I’m free!”
I looked at Dean who was grinning at the video footage, tears still spilling out of his eyes. I bit my lip as I watched the tears roll down his cheek to his chin before dropping to the ground. “Can you two come for dinner? I want to meet him,” Dean sniffed, wiping his hand over his wet face. “You should check with your mom first. I don’t want to ju-” “My mom adores you and Levi. She would be more than happy to have you two there,” Dean interrupted, handing my phone back to me “Please, consider it?”
My eyes searched his as I chewed my bottom lip. "Please, Y/n" I watched his lips as he spoke. They quivered around my name. I gulped down my pride as my eyes wandered down to his hand. That ring. "Will.." I sighed, shaking my head before looking back into his eyes "Will Jo be there?" Dean must have caught on to what I was implying as he quickly held his wedded hand to his chest. I watched as his Adam's apple bobbed in his throat, his eyes looking everywhere but at me "Jo and I...we...Jo and I split. We split a few months ago. I just never took it off," I nodded as I watched Dean stare at the ring "It's hard,"
Dean's mouth twitched into a frown as a tear escaped his eyes, slowly falling down his face. Instinctively, I gently placed my hand on his face and swiped the single tear away with my thumb. I felt Dean relax his cheek into my hand, closing his eyes with a content sigh.  The warmth of his face against my hand awoke the love I had for him. The love that had been buried underneath the piles of hatred for years now. "Please, come tonight" Dean purred against my hand, his eyes still closed.
I pulled my hand away and heard Dean whine from the absence of my touch "I'll consider it," I turned on my heel and continued to walk to my car. "See you later, Dean" I called from behind me, not looking back.
 Dean's Point of View
Y/n was still as beautiful as ever.
I could see the years of pain I had caused.
The years of hurt. The years of confusion.
Why didn't she tell me about Levi? Why didn't she tell me she was pregnant or at least believed she could be pregnant? Oh yeah, I threw money at her and told her to take care of it.
I knew deep down inside that there was a possibility and I did not want to think about what that would do to my marriage or even my career. A student pregnant by a professor is not a good look, but being an absent father isn't a good look either. 
Little did she know, I loved her. I still love her. I've always been in love with her.
After she left the hotel room, I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't think straight. Life buzzed around me as I drank myself into a stupor every single night. Jo and I were split before it was official. She knew where I had been all those times I was wrapped up in Y/n. I didn't hide it well. I didn't even try to.
I tried my best to look her up on social media just to get a glimpse of her, a taste of what she was up to. I never got anything. She must have blocked me.
I was convinced, sadly convinced that I would never see her again. That I would never hear her sweet voice serenade my ears ever again. That I would never feel that gentle touch or smell that sweet perfume ever again. But here I am. The smell of her lingered the air on this graveled parking lot. My cheek still warmed with her graceful touch. My eyes watched as her car drove away until it became invisible.
This whole time she's been in my head. I cried over the thought of her forgetting me. She's young. She has a whole life ahead of her, so I figured that after some time I would be out of her head, out of her heart. Little did I know she held a part of me inside of her and then in her arms. My son. Our souls were one in a tiny three year old body and I didn't know until now.
"Dean, you okay?" I heard my mom's voice call from behind me along with the crunching of graveled footsteps. "Yes, I was just making sure Y/n got to her car alright!" I turned around, smiling at my bright eyed mom. "She's a catch, huh?" My mom wiggled her eyebrows, giggling "Come inside! I made a fresh pie specially for you this morning. I warmed it up when you left,"
I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket "Thank you mom," I smiled at my mom as I fished for my phone in my pocket, slowly walking towards her. Glancing down at my phone and swiftly unlocking it, I saw an unfamiliar notification. A friend request. My heart raced as a toothy smile grew across my face. A friend request from Y/n. I quickly accepted it, not wanting to waste time. Not wanting her to take it back. I couldn't help myself but to click onto her profile and soak up every post. I swiped and swiped, my eyes reading every little status. My smile grinning at every little picture and muted video. Laughing at every cheesy meme. I couldn't get enough until..
"Dean? Are you coming?" I snapped my head up from my phone, stuffing it into my back pocket. "Yes! Pie time," I smiled as my mom took my arm in hers, leading us back to the bakery.
 Y/N's POV
I couldn't help but to wonder if I was doing this to introduce Levi to Dean or to see Dean again. Maybe both?
I walked up to the brightly lit patio, knocking on the dark front door. I looked down at my smiling son who was grasping onto his toy dinosaur. "Aunt Mary's house!" he cheered as the locks jingled. The door swung open revealing a smiling Mary "I'm so happy you came! Hey Levi. I love that new dinosaur. Does it have a name?" Mary picked Levi up and disappeared into the house. I followed, closing the front door slowly as I looked around. I could smell spices, fresh herbs, and Mary's favorite spring candle in the air. I took a deep breath as I savored the comforting smell.
Walking closer to the kitchen, I could hear the voices of two men. I could make out Dean's voice, but not the other man. My heart thudded hard in my chest. So hard that if I didn't know any better I would have thought my heart would burst through my chest at any moment. I tried my best to steady my breathing as I heard Mary coo "You're going to get to meet my other babies! They're much bigger than you are, but they were your size before. They loved dinosaurs and cars too,"
"Why won't you ever get another car?" "Baby is a one in a million...No, a one in a billion kind of girl. I would never insult her like that!" I heard Dean hiss from inside of the kitchen. "Dad had Baby before you were even a thought!" "Yeah and she runs better than your little frilly thing out there!" I heard Mary laugh as she shook her head, stepping into the kitchen.
 "Mom I'm seri-" I stepped into the kitchen as Dean stopped speaking. His eyes widened as he looked between his mom, Levi, and I. His eyes fluttered as they fixated on Levi. "This is Levi! Levi is Y/n's son!" Mary beamed as she bounced Levi on her hip as he hid his face against her shoulder, holding up his dinosaur in an attempt to block his face.
"Hey, Levi! I'm Sam. I love your dinosaur. I had one just like that as a kid," Sam grinned, nudging a speechless Dean. Dean cleared his throat, shaking his head a little as he tried to gather up his thoughts "Uh, h-hey!" Dean was visibly in shock as Levi stared at him. As if Levi saw himself in Dean, he leaned towards Dean with his arms outstretched. Dean hesitantly took him from Mary's arms, bouncing him in his arms "Hey dude," Dean smiled. "His name is Toby!" Levi beamed, waving his dinosaur in Dean's face. "Toby? Toby the dinosaur? That's such a cool name!" Dean glanced over at me and mouthed "Thank you" before taking Levi into the next room.
I felt a stab in my heart as I heard Levi erupt into a fit of giggles. He had never talked to anyone he just met, let alone willingly let them take him into their arms. I deprived them both of a relationship, thinking that what I was doing was for the best.  I felt tears sting at my eyes as I left the kitchen. My feet carried me out of the door and into my car where I was safe to cry. I let the tears flow as my mind replayed Levi reaching out for Dean. There was no denying that Levi knew his father. Their souls were one.
I jumped as I heard a tap at my window. Mary. I wiped at my face as I unlocked the car door.  Mary made her way to the passenger side, opening the door. She was silent as she climbed in. "I'm just emotional today. I don't even know w-" "Why didn't you tell me?" Mary sighed before looking at me.
Dean must have told her.
I felt my heart sink deeper into my chest as I tried to think of what to say. "When I first saw Levi, I saw my son. That nose. That smile. Those eyes! There was no denying that Levi belonged to my son. See, I heard all about you. I just didn't know that you were you until I laid eyes on Levi. Jo only confirmed my suspicions," Mary didn't seem angry. She didn't seem hurt. She seemed calm as if she expected this to happen. 
"The more you talked to me about this mystery man the more it confirmed that it was Dean. My Dean. My son. When he told me that he was coming to visit, I intentionally had him come to the bakery. I needed that final nail," Mary continued on, her smile twitching at the corners as tears filled her eyes.
 "The way you two looked in each other's eyes. The way Dean chased after you. The smile on his face after he walked you to his car..There are some things mothers can pick up on and I sense the love. He loves you and you love him. Levi deserves that family that you two want," Mary looked at me with knowing eyes as I gasped. I loved Dean. I love Dean. He's hurt me, but I've hurt him too. "With work, you two can make this relationship last," Mary whispered, sniffling. I wiped away tears that I didn't know were falling as I rushed out of the car.
I ran. I ran into the house. I ran through the kitchen. I followed the giggles and the dinosaur noises. I ran until I saw Dean twirling Levi around in circles. Dean stopped as soon as he laid eyes on me, he slowly lowered Levi to the ground as his eyes followed a tear that was sliding down my face "Y/n?"
I couldn't lie.
I couldn't hide away from the truth.
Mary saw through me.
I saw through me.
I walked up to Dean, crashing my lips onto his. Dean's hands landed onto my hips as he kissed me back. Our lips danced together in sync. I closed my eyes as I savored the taste of his lips against mine. He pulled away and stared into my eyes "I wasn't lying when I said I loved you," his voice shook as he began to smile. I looked down at our interlocked fingers with a smile on my face "I never stopped loving you," I gulped, looking Dean in the eyes again. "This is gross," Levi broke the silence as he pointed at Dean and I, sticking his tongue out and making a disgusted sound. "I agree, buddy!" Sam joked, smiling "Can someone explain this though? I'm lost!" Mary rolled her eyes, shaking her head "Winchesters sure know how to ruin a moment!"
  "Mom, I'm catching the bus today okay?" Levi grabbed his bagel off of the plate as he rushed towards the door. "Oh, okay! Don't forget your lunch and your backpack," I called from behind him. "Oh shoot! Thanks mom," Levi smiled at me as he ran back upstairs to get his backpack. "I'll see you two after work!" Dean straightened his tie as he leant down to kiss me and then my swollen stomach. "Alright honey! Don't forget your briefcase," I smiled at Dean who started looking around before running his hand over his face. "You're a lifesaver!" Dean ran back upstairs to get his briefcase. 
"Watch the suit, man!" I heard Dean yell from upstairs as I watched Levi run down the stairs "I love you!" I called after him as he sprinted out of the door. "Love you too!" Levi grinned before slamming the door shut behind him. 
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star-linedsoul · 4 years
Happy Birthday, Erica Winchester!
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Born June 17, 2016, my Supernatural OC Erica would be four years old today!
So, I thought I’d share a moodboard featuring the father-daughter relationship between Dean & Erica and was inspired to write a passage centered around the special day, which can be found beneath the Read More due to length.
It includes Daddy!Dean, fluff, & a cameo from the Colonel (because Sam & Dean should have kept him and you CANNOT change my mind!)!!!
This was written all in one sitting and given only a moderate proofread, so any mistakes are mine to be ashamed of later. 😅
I hope y’all enjoy!
As always, my ask box is open for questions or requests to be added to a taglist for Legacy!
Taglist: @wordspin-shares​
This is perfection.
An open highway stretched between rolling pastures, the asphalt shimmering in the heat of the mid-June sun. A black Impala cruised over the blacktop, its rumbling engine accentuating the guitars wailing from the radio speakers as Dean Winchester drummed on the steering wheel in sync with the bass line. Sam Winchester was not reclined in the passenger seat, however. The car wasn’t cruising along a highway somewhere on the far side of the country, making its way toward a town in the midst of being terrorized by one of the many creatures that went bump in the night. So what gave Dean the idea that this casual drive through the farmlands of northern Kansas was the epitome of idealism?
He looked up at the rearview mirror with a grin. A baby-faced girl with curly blonde pigtails sat in the backseat, secure in a purple, high-backed booster. She kicked her feet in time with the rhythm of the music, weaving her head side to side as she babbled her own made-up lyrics from a mouth stained snow-cone blue while her hands were busy gently stroking the ears of the aged German Shepherd with its head in her lap.
“Erica Jo!” Bright green eyes immediately met their match in the rearview mirror as Dean called the girl’s attention. “What is today?”
She grinned, her teeth as stained as her lips. “My birthday!”
“And how old are you today?”
“Four!” she squealed, raising one hand as she turned her thumb in to display the appropriate number of fingers.
“That’s right!” Dean confirmed, hitting his brakes and his blinker simultaneously as the pastures on either side of the road were replaced with lines of business-fronts. “And do you know what that means?”
“We’re having a party!” Her attitude was infectious as she clapped her hands in delight.
Dean felt his own grin grow into a full smile as he turned onto a street lined with modest houses, seeking out a familiar blue two-story with a wide front porch that already had several cars parked in front. As he wheeled into the driveway, he spotted his brother standing in front of the garage, already lifting the door so that the Impala could be parked inside. Erica was unbuckling the car seat before Dean could shift into park.
“Uncle Sam!” The birthday girl threw herself from the car as he opened the door, giggling as she was swooped into long arms and lifted high in the air.
“There’s my favorite niece! Happy birthday, kiddo!” Sam brought Erica down and rested her on one hip, stepping away from the car to give Dean room to get out. “Perfect timing, man. We’ve got all of the decorations up and I’ve got the grill ready for you.”
“Hey, I’m just glad I got the easy job!” the elder Winchester returned. “Keeping the birthday girl occupied for the afternoon was cake. We had fun, didn’t we, Slugger?”
Erica grinned and nodded. “Are we gonna have cake now?”
“Soon,” Dean promised. He then looked around at the cars lining the driveway and the street. “It looks like just about everyone made it.”
“Almost,” Sam agreed. “We’re waiting on…never mind.”
The brothers watched as a yellow Gremlin turned the corner and slowed to a stop at the curb in front of the house. Sam suddenly found himself in possession of a particularly wiggly four-year-old who took off for the car as soon as he returned her to the ground.
“An’ Carlee!” Erica cried as she raced across the front yard as fast as her legs would carry her.
The redhead who had climbed from the driver’s seat of the car quickly crouched down to catch the little girl in a hug. “Hey! How’s my favorite Winchester?”
“What’s up, bi—best friends?” Charlie greeted the brothers as she walked across the lawn hand-in-hand with Erica, quickly correcting herself as she side-eyed the birthday girl.
Dean was grateful. Erica was in that stage where she was a sponge for new words or phrases, and he & her mother had already had the trouble of explaining why she couldn’t call her little brother a “son of a bitch” when he took her toys. It had not been an enjoyable experience, nor had the lecture he had received afterward about watching his mouth around the kids.
“Hi, Charlie,” Sam said, pulling the redhead in for a warm hug.
Dean crossed his arms over his chest with a mock pout. “I thought I was your favorite Winchester.”
“That was the past,” Charlie returned with a melodramatic sigh. “I’m ‘An Carlee’ now. The times have changed.” She dropped the act for a wide grin, joining Dean in a tight embrace before holding up a Star Wars-themed gift bag. “So where does this need to go?”
Dean quickly ushered everyone into the house, sending Charlie and his brother on to join the rest of their guests while he steered Erica into the kitchen. There, they found the most beautiful woman in the world arranging food trays.
“Mommy!” Erica cried, surging forward to wrap her arms around Cameron at the legs.
The blonde smiled as she stopped her work and wiped her hands on a towel before returning Erica’s embrace. “Hey! I thought that was you guys I heard…did you and Daddy have fun today?”
Dean could feel himself smiling like an idiot as he watched the exchange between two of the people most dear to him as Erica gushed about their afternoon of fishing, snow-cones, and the park while Cameron listened with rapt attention on their daughter. He still didn’t know how he had gotten so lucky.
He had thought the evening plans might be derailed when Erica protested changing into the dress Cameron had picked out for the princess-themed party, but Cameron had quickly cut off the threatened tantrum before it could begin, waiting for the strong-willed little girl to disappear up the stairs before looking at Dean and releasing a long-suffering sigh.
“Don’t look at me!” Dean said, holding his hands up in surrender as he leaned against the counter. “She gets her stubbornness from you.”
“In your dreams,” Cameron returned with a scoff as she approached him, cupping his face in her hands and looking him dead in the eye. “That is one hundred percent pure Winchester, my love. God help us when she’s sixteen.”
Dean smiled down at the woman who had so readily built the home he had always wanted but never felt he deserved. “Aren’t we lucky?”
“Every day we’re breathing,” Cameron returned easily, offering a wide smile of her own before pressing her lips against his.
Before Dean could consider taking her captive and sneaking away from their own daughter’s birthday party, Cameron had pulled away and was disappearing upstairs with the order to start the grill before their hungry guests began to mutiny.
The evening passed in a blur of laughs and smiles shared between the gathered crowd of family and friends-that-had-become-family. Erica had been quick to grab the spotlight once she joined the guest in her princess dress and crown—though Dean was quick to notice she was in sneakers rather than the glittery sandals Cameron had painstakingly picked out. They had learned there were some battles that simply weren’t worth fighting. The guest of honor danced between the throng, accepting their birthday wishes with the charismatic enthusiasm reserved for happy children. Dean was happy to fade into the background and let her shine. He retreated to a corner of the yard, sharing a beer with Sam and relishing in this moment he had rarely dared to imagine in the days when his life had been focused around the darkest corners of the world.
“Did you ever think we’d be here?” He ventured aloud, trusting his brother to know what he meant.
“I’d hoped we would,” Sam returned. “Even when we were at our worst, I hoped we’d find a way back.”
“And we did. We made it, Sammy. We’re home.”
Sam clinked the neck of his beer bottle against Dean’s. “Yeah. We are home.”
The soft rushing of little feet through the grass alerted the brothers to the fact that they were no longer alone. In the same motion, they shifted and crouched, catching the two girls recklessly charging forward and swinging them up in the air.
“Just what do you two think you’re doing?” Sam demanded, lightly shaking the girl in his grip. His daughter dissolved into a fit of giggles, so he looked to his brother. “Uh-oh. Mine seems to be broken. Can you get any information out of yours?”
“Mama says it’s time for cake!” Erica reported immediately, unafraid where she hung slack in her father’s grip just over his head.
“Cake? We don’t have any cake over here, do we Sammy?”
“Nope. Just raspberries!” Sam blew against little Mary’s cheek, making her shriek and laugh.
Erica groaned, kicking her legs as Dean still held her in the air. “No! You gotta light the candles!”
“Oh! Well, why didn’t you say so?” Dean swung her back down to the ground as Sam did the same with his daughter. Taking the pair by the hands, their moment clearly over, the brothers returned to the party.
Dean lit the four candles of the birthday cake as everyone gathered their phones and cameras. Stepping back beside Cameron as the singing began, he watched the shadows dancing across Erica’s excited face in the candlelight. She screwed her eyes shut as she made her wish. Dean relished in the knowledge that he’d been able to give her a life where she was able to make the normal wish a four-year-old made over their birthday candles: a pony, a house made of candy, or a trip to the moon.
This was perfect.
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words: 3k+
A/N: and there it is :') im still in shock that the second ever fic i finished is fuxjcking about godzilla of all things (and clocking in at about 80k+ words in total, it’s the longest thing ive written so that’s fitting i guess) but ngl, i had the most fun writing it and i actually felt motivated and even excited to start a new chapter ?? and it feels almost a little weird to see it end; anyway, it always feels nice to finish a project ur passionate about, no matter how self indulgent it is
you can also support this fic on wattpad & ao3
Jodie adjusted the mic on Dr. Graham's blazer.
It had been a long time since she had seen her so nervous, not since the mass awakening. But she couldn't blame her. She tried giving her a reassuring smile, but the woman was staring just past her shoulder, at the wall behind them.
"Uh, Dr. Graham?" Coleman cleared his throat as his head peeked through the door. "You're on in about in a minute."
Vivienne snapped to attention almost immediately, and Jodie stepped away. The doctor wrung her hands as she took a deep breath, taking a tentative step towards the door.
It was a big day, one that could potentially take a step toward mending Monarch's relations with the government and the public alike. Or, it could just make it worse. Jodie already felt her heart thunder in her chest, the start of a headache forming in the back of her head. She had suspected the oncoming barrage of conferences and hearings and the like after Boston, but she didn't think it would happen this soon.
"You got this, Viv." she punctuated with a thumbs-up.
The smallest of smiles appeared on her face before she turned away. Taking a deep breath, Dr. Graham stepped through the door, and in the brief moment before it closed Jodie could see the flashing of camera lights illuminate her form. Now, all she could do was wait.
Sitting down at one of the tables in the small, rectangular room, she pulled out her tablet from her bag. Things had been so hectic - what with being tasked with co-running the Monarch archive that Sam had created - that she barely had any time to catch up with her usual journalistic endeavors. She scrolled through the influx of newsletters that had flooded her inbox over the past couple weeks. It was odd, suddenly seeing 'deforestation halts across the globe', '14th species to be taken off the endangered list', and 'coral reefs restored' among other things. The general public was still unsure about titans as a whole, but their importance was undeniable.
Suddenly, she could hear Vivienne's muffled voice from just beyond the door.
"The Rise of the Titans was an unspeakable tragedy, one that we may never truly recover from. And while we've done all we can to track and contain the ones that were released, we have confirmed that they've begun to retreat to their natural habitats on their own. But it seems that is only the beginning. We believe that there are more titans to be discovered, ones that Ghidorah's call was not able to reach."
There was a massive uproar after that, but Jodie drowned them out. Or, tried to at least. Just then, a notification popped up at the top of the tablet's screen. It was a video call - from China's Yunnan Province. Opening it without hesitation, a livestream filled the screen.
It was Gill. Jodie had been waiting in anticipation for the stream to start, as she was just as excited as the rest of the expedition team for the trek into Mothra's temple. Though, Gill probably had her beat in that aspect.
The feed crackled every now and then, the soft fuzz of radiation seeping through the camera. It was dimly lit, but a fair amount of what looked like a tunnel was illuminated by a handful flashlight beams. It looked like they were walking down a spiral staircase, if those stairs had been carved straight out of the earth. Every now and then they would pass by tall, wide pillars. Just ahead of Gill's point of view were two figures leading the expedition.
In the background, just behind the door, the rabble died down and Graham continued with her speech.
"Which is why Monarch is currently developing a more effective means of dealing with the titans that will potentially..inevitably..wake in the coming years. More effective than our current containment facilities. Now, these plans are still in early development but we will make sure to provide you with regular updates as the project progresses. Which leads me to our next point,"
They had been walking for a while now. And every now and then someone would speak, but their voices would be difficult to make out. Just how far down had they gone?
Suddenly, the static on the camera spiked, filling the screen for a brief second before stabilizing. The feed was still fuzzy, but Jodie could tell they had entered a large chamber. As the flashlights fanned out, Gill's camera swept through the chamber.
There was a raised dais in the center of the room, and on either side were impossibly massive statues. They were identical, and they both depicted women standing almost protectively, their arms splayed out, pointing to something between them. Something massive.
Gill and the two figures that had remained ahead of her approached the object, while the others continued inspecting the rest of the room. One of the figures turned around, looking at Gill with raised eyebrows. It was Chen, and it wasn't too out of the question to assume the person by her side was her sister Ling.
They both pointed their flashlights at the object.
"As of now, Monarch will be operating with full transparency. In accordance with the United Nations, 60 years worth of our documentation regarding titans will be freely available to the public. And with each new discovery, there will be no more secrets. No more hiding. In a post-Godzilla world our mission was to provide a means of defense against every titan we uncovered. And now we believe that staying informed is the greatest defense of all."
Gill's camera was facing downward now, glancing at the EKG monitor in her hand. It was steady, but every other few seconds she could hear the beep of a heartbeat. The object on the massive platform was alive. Jodie felt a wave of chills rush down her spine.
Gill and the twins focused their flashlights onto the object, condensing into one beam. Jodie suppressed a gasp as she realized what the object was.
It was an egg, a giant egg about the size of two buses stacked on top of each other. It was a dull blue and yellow, with light white-ish spots accenting the striped pattern. She heard Gill laugh, unbelieving of the find. She turned to face the twins, and they had each lay a hand on the egg, staring up at it with the lightest of smiles on their faces.
Covering her bases, Jodie thought to herself. She couldn't help but smile along with them.
"We hope that with this new development, we can navigate this new era not just together, but with the titans as well."
She couldn't tell if the void she was in was the size of a crawlspace or the entire universe. But what she did know was that it was pitch black, and it was cold.
She took a step forward, but found that she was frozen. She tried to wriggle her fingers, kick her legs, anything that would allow her the slightest of movement, but it was all futile. Elena could do nothing but silently scream into the abyss, the deafening silence threatening to push at the fabric of her mind.
She was about ready to give up her struggle until she heard it. The laughter.
That same lilting cackle.
It kept echoing throughout the space, three separate sounds melting into something so loud she thought her eardrums would pop. She wasn't sure if she was screaming or sobbing, but she had to find a way out.
Get out get out stop laughing let me OUT -
Elena shot up in bed, eyes wide and tear stains trailing down her cheeks. That was the third time that month where she had "The Dream", as she had been referring to it as. With a shaky hand, she wiped the drying trails away with her palms, quietly looking around her room. It was cold, and the blanket was so warm, but yet she rubbed the sleep from her eyes, brows creasing in annoyance as she reached for the alarm that blared in her ears.
She lay there in the stiff bed for a moment, face half-buried in her pillow as she stared ahead in the dimly lit room. There was an ache in her bones that had never quite left her since the battle of Boston, and some days it wasn't anything more than a dull stiffness that would soon fade as the day went on. But there were others where it spread anywhere it could reach, seeping into her limbs and leaving her wanting to never get out of bed again. Today was one of those days.
For all its inconveniences, she couldn't hate the feeling - not completely. She liked to think of it as proof that she was alive. But that didn't mean it wasn't a bitch to deal with.
Eventually, she knew she would have to drag herself up and out unless she wanted someone knocking at her door, so she did. Swinging her legs over the mattress, she pushed herself up, shuffling to the bathroom. Brushing her teeth, the lukewarm water hitting her face in the shower - it all felt hazy through the sheet of grogginess that still clouded her mind. It wasn't until she looked at the time while getting dressed that she finally snapped back to reality.
Grumbling to herself, she shot out into the hall of Castle Bravo's living quarters, messily tying her hair back in a ponytail as she walked.
It wouldn't have taken her so long to reach the command center had she not decided to stop by the mess hall, picking up a cold bagel and a cup of black coffee. Discreetly popping a painkiller in her mouth, she took a swig out of the cup, walking over to the figures standing in front of an array of controls.
"Well, it's about time." Dr. Stanton said, glancing over his shoulder before returning to his screen, staring intently at the steady beeping that came from the monitor. "Tall, dark, and atomic over here isn't the most patient of lizards, you know."
Elena made no comment save for a roll of the eyes as she ambled over to the front of the room, approaching the wide window that took up half of the wall. Godzilla was just on the other side, multiple drones flagging him like remoras with their floodlights trained on his form. He didn't look particularly upset, but he didn't look too happy either. It was hard to tell with him sometimes. But he seemed to be in a good mood nonetheless, or about as good a mood as the newly crowned "king" could be. But that was likely due in part to the minuscule figure just ahead of her.
Sitting cross-legged on the floor was Madison.
She looked up, giving her a quick wave and a small smile. Elena gave her a friendly nod, crossing her arms and trying not to look directly at the titan as she leaned against the window. Elena wasn't too keen on being around the titan even now, but the child had insisted she be there to 'send him off'.
"Am I interrupting?" she asked.
The girl shook her head. "Nah, he's gonna leave in a little while anyway."
She nearly sighed from relief. "Busy schedule, huh?"
"I guess," Madison shrugged. "Says he's got somewhere to be."
Not too far away from them was a large, mobile screen. Hooked up to it with a handful of thick wires was a familiar device. The ORCA 2.0's soft humming thrummed throughout the control room as a series of words appeared on the screen.
Madison snorted. "I'm sure whatever you need to do isn't as dramatic as you say it is."
Elena slightly raised a brow, but she decided not to ask any questions. Since Boston, her fear of the lizard had significantly faded, but she still found herself on edge whenever she was around him, no matter how much Madison reassured her.
"You won't be gone long, right?"
Madison grinned sheepishly at the comment. Smiles like those were rare for her. From her mother's detainment to her father insisting she be given a "proper" education outside of Monarch's programs, Elena suspected the time she spent using the new and improved ORCA were moments of relief. It almost reminded her of..her. Or at least a long lost version of herself.
In that moment, Godzilla's eyes wandered from the girl over to Elena. She felt herself stiffen, but the lizard himself didn't seem to notice. At least, he didn't make it obvious that he did. Instead he let out a snort, a trail of bubbles fluttering above him. Madison had tried coaxing her into talking to him, even to say a simple 'hello'. But she wasn't sure if she was ready, not yet.
As he began to turn around, Madison waved him off. Elena simply watched, taking a bite out of the bagel still in her hand. With a strong whip of his tail, he shot away from the base. The drones around him returned to their stations, and the ORCA 2.0 quieted as its translation feed shut off automatically.
"Where did he say he was going anyway?" Elena asked as she watched the titan disappear into the blue.
Madison stood up, smoothing out the jacket that had bunched up behind her. In a voice that was all too calm, she answered.
"Skull Island."
Mateo led the men clad in black uniforms down the dimly lit corridor.
Despite their seemingly calm demeanor, they made him nervous, what with their heavy boots and steely gazes. None of them were talkers by any means, but that wasn't what made them seem..off. It was something in the way they acted, the way they spoke that unnerved him. It's not that they didn't act human, it's that they were trying too hard to be. That was especially true for the man that he assumed was their leader. Mateo had known people like him before, hungry for power no matter the cost. He didn't ask many questions, for at this point he just wanted their deal to be over and done with. Despite how uneasy they made him, he couldn't back out now. They were the ones that had approached him, after all.
And even if he could refuse them, it wouldn't have made much of a difference. The world had been changed forever. Much of his family and friends were either dead or scattered around the world due to the mass evacuations held just mere months before. He hated remembering it, how he could have been there for his family.
He had happened to be out at sea when Rodan woke from his slumber deep beneath the island's volcano, and he had been near enough to witness the drop of a bomb that left the waters lifeless. And during Ghidorah's storm, he had managed to make it to shelter. When it was all over, not many of his old relations were left. But he still had his boat and his fishing gear, even though they hadn't served much of a purpose since then. The island's seas were barren, and all the fish that had been killed during the bomb were poisoned.
But somehow, luck had been with him. He had made a good catch, and the strange men had come to pay him for it. Or they would just kill him and take it without a word.
They didn't look like any of the military folk he had ever seen, but they had a similar air to them. And in his experience, that usually did not bode well. But he had run out of choices, and he couldn't do much other than continue to lead them further down the warehouse.
"It's a brave new world, my friend." he told the leader with the calmest tone he could manage. "Such things as this have become much more valuable since the rise of the king."
The leader said nothing. Mateo swallowed nervously.
"Took nine fishing boats to raise it," he continued. "My men, they don't ask for much. Just enough to help their families."
Finally, he saw the entrance to the room where their prize lay.
"Can't fish here anymore..everything's dead."
As they reached the open warehouse space, he saw his men waiting to the side. They all seemed just as uneasy as him. But not because of the swarm of men behind him, but by the source of the stench of death that permeated throughout the room.
He flipped on the lights, and prayed that it was what they were looking for. His coworkers stepped away from it, recoiling as if it could strike them at any moment.
Even in death, covered in seaweed and barnacles, his once golden scales dulled by decay, Ghidorah's head was still terrifying. He had seen it happen, when Godzilla tore it off with his bare teeth and dropped it in the sea just before the bomb hit. He didn't have the slightest idea as to why these strangers payed him and his men to fish it out, but he knew - vaguely - how much titan parts ran on the market. He refused to dabble in that sort of thing, as something about it made him feel wrong. But evidently, whatever they were planning to do with it, the leader had no such qualms.
The leader stepped into the light, walking so close that he was able to touch the creature. As the white-haired man placed a hand on its slimy, rotting flesh, he stared up at it with an unsettling expression. His eyes were as placid as a lake, almost expressionless, and yet he was smiling. But there was nothing denoting happiness in that smile. It was the sort that his father used to call la sonrisa del diablo.
For the first time since his arrival, the man spoke.
"We'll take it."
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arcticficialbanana · 6 years
Pairing: BiFemale!Reader x Jack SPN
Word Count: 11,449 (I know, but I am so proud of it)
Warnings: Tiny angst, medium fluff.
A/N: Request from my most loyal reader @draiela about the song Saturn by Sleeping at Last “i just got an urge from listening to the song and a path of self acceptance ive been on lately with being myself around myself and others if that makes sense.. [the request was a whole conversation, so I copied the main story point]
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Your name: submit What is this?
 “Could I ask you to help me out?” you finally break the silence after walking with Jack for nearly a mile around the park.
 “What do you need?” he asks very seriously, forming a knot in his forehead.
 “I’m taking this photography class.” You motion a fake camera with your fingers and close one eye to look at the trees along the path.
 “What’s this?” he says as he leans in to inspect the arrangement of your fingers.
 You turn to him suddenly and flick your finger in a mock-snapshot, making a clicking noise with your tongue.
 He moves back defensively and his eyes widen at your hands, making you giggle and drop them to your sides. He always lightens your mood when you need it most.
 “I just need a few hours of your time to take some photos. Play around with lighting and backgrounds.” you see a bench up ahead and make your way over to sit down.
 “It’s no big deal, but it can get creepy with a stranger with all of the staring and I don’t want them to think I’m going to make a wall of their face or something.” you kick your feet in front of you, swinging them back and forth underneath the bench.
 “I don’t know why you would make a wall of someone’s face.” Jack screws up his eyebrows as though he is bewildered by your statement.
 “Exactly. I don’t want them to think I’m a lunatic.” You give an awkward and toothy smile.
 “I don’t understand what you need me to do?” Jack says with concern.
 “Not much actually, I just know it won’t be weird with you. The assignment is this before and after photo, where one person is shown in two very different images.” you wave your hands around to different parts of an imaginary storyboard of ideas you see.
 Jack nods wordlessly with a tight lips and a clenched jaw. You aren’t looking directly at him, but you know he’s trying to figure something out in his head. After Dean yelled at him for having too many questions he’s been holding a lot of it in, until he can’t take it anymore and he practically explodes with words.
 “Let’s go get my camera and we can take version one now. I was thinking just the way you are would be a really good starting point.” You slip off the bench.
 Jack nods his head, mulling something over silently.
 You side glance at him, catching his sharp yet soft features. He’s a perfect subject for the assignment. How can such contrasting details in his face blend perfectly into...Jack? Smooth, curving lips. Flawless, baby soft skin. Delicate, neatly arranged hair. Yet also... the straight, rigid lines that make up his jaw. His pointed noise and piercing eyes. He is such a...swan. Poised and picturesque while also being dangerous and strong.
 You feel a whoosh against your face and brush right past Castiel in the library, reaching for an Enochian history. You quickly look over your shoulder and notice Cas is inspecting you, making you feel uneasy. You continue down the hall and shake it off; the residual chills running through you.
 Jack walks in with you and grabs a box sitting on your dresser, “Is this it?” he holds it in his fingers the way you positioned yours before, mimicking a camera. 
 He taps on it with his index finger to see if it will click.
 You turn as you adjust the camera strap on your neck and suck in your lip to keep from laughing. You walk over and grab the box of tampons and throw them in a dresser drawer, “No, I found it,” you point at the device around your neck and shut the drawer.
 You replaced his empty hands with a case of filter lenses and walked out of the room, “Carry that!” you shout, knowing he might try to put it in the dresser as well.
 As you pass through the library once more Cas isn’t around anymore and the rest of the bunker is empty. Perfect. This is the place for the before photo.
 “Tell me how the caged bird sings, Jack.” you stop in the front room, where most of the ‘family time’ happens lately. Ironically, the war room will show his softer side through contrast.
 You peek through the viewfinder and aim at your cinnamon roll. He has his mouth hanging open but again no sound comes out.
 “Argh.” You lower the camera. He takes a breath in and closes his mouth.
 “Come here,” you pat on the table and he walks up to the edge of a chair, “No, Jack, come up here.” You insistently tap your finger on the map covered in little utensils of measurement.  “But,” Jack starts to protest, and not finding any viable reason not to crawl onto the table, pulls himself on top. You clear the way a little bit, so he doesn’t learn the pain of tiny trinkets stabbing in unwanted places. A whole different kind of torture.  “Why here?” he asks, probably trying to recall a time he saw Dean or Sam standing on a table that wasn’t during a fight.  “Well,” you come around the other side of him, dragging your hand along the edges of the map, “This is meant to plan fighting strategies, and uses of weapons...” you pick up a couple of toy soldiers and tap their heads together, “But it’s so colorful. It looks more like a children’s game.”  “Like Risk?” Jack says, scanning the board and no doubt recognizing the similarities.  “Exactly like Risk.” You frown and toss the soldiers aside.
 You look through the viewfinder again, then let it down to hang by your stomach. You lean over the table, closer to Jack, allowing the camera to sway slowly back and forth.  “It’s just so mismatched like you. War and games, Jack.” you place a hand on either side of his face, tilting his head up and watching him watch you.  “Color and killing.” you mumble after you let go of him to hoist yourself up onto the table.
 You hover above him, making sure to get several different outlines of bright countries surrounding him inside the frame.  “Look at me.” you start snapping some test shots through the camera, “Good, now look at the ceiling above me.” you notice a muscle in his neck, elongated and had the sudden urge to brush it with your finger. But you didn’t. That would be weird, right?  Jack turns his eyes from the ceiling back to you. He waits for you to say something, but is clearly picking up on your stupid thoughts. You feel your face burn a little bit and start rambling a little bit, “Okay, close your eyes.” 
 He shuts them obediently.
 “So..what’s going on with you?” you divert the silent subject, and he opens his eyes to furrow his brows at you, “No, keep them closed. And relax your face.” you continue directing him wordlessly with your hands as you chatter, “I mean, are you feeling okay?”  “I am not unwell.” he says with a hint of suspicion in his voice.  No. Not suspicion. Jack isn’t capable of suspicion in his sweet, trusting state. Maybe it was more confusion.  “You’ve been trying to say something all day, Jack. I can see it on your face.” you counter, while moving his head around in different directions.  “I ...I’ve been trying not to-” he says in a restrained, twisted voice, “I am trying to learn the right time to speak and the right time to ask.” he chooses carefully.
 You drop the camera to your belly and frown at him. Sweet boy, what are you talking about. “Is this because of Dean?” you wrinkle your forehead and make a mental note to punch him in the back of the neck next time you see that jerk.  “No, don’t-” Jack pipes up, seeing your signature aggravation spawning, “I just want to be more...” he searches for the words.  But you see it written all over his look. Normal. Useful. Independent. Undemanding.
 “Oh, Jack.” you sit down and grab his hand, calloused and covered in tiny scratches from training. “I love you so much, do you know that?”  “I care about you more than anybody in the universe.” you are sure to look him in the eyes this time, rubbing your thumb over the smoothing tiny scratches, never bound to become scars due to his healing. “More than Dean, more than Sam, more than anybody, Jack.” he watches your fingers intertwine with his, “I cannot think of a more perfect and special person in the universe.” you say, heart beating hard with pain as you think about the internal conflicts he’s struggled through.
 “You.” he says.
 Immediately your face flushes with heat and you freeze in surprise. “I-” you look for sounds to come out of your mouth but you only end up stuttering silence.
 You let go of his hand and swing your legs to the other side of the table, “Hold on, I’ve got something for you.” You hop off and jog up the couple of steps, camera smacking from one side of your ribcage to another as you wind through the halls to the kitchen.
 You stop in the doorway, holding the frame to brace yourself as you catch your breath. A trickle of sweat runs down your forehead and you blink, trying to remember why you came here.  You look around and see a box on a shelf, “Ah, yes.” you exhale and run your hand from from your brow to the crown of your head.  Weird. You feel chill, despite the blood pumping through you from the impromptu jogging.  You rip open the box and reach your hand in to snag a couple of candy bars you had Sam get on the last shopping run. You jam them into your pockets and turn to walk back to the War Room. Normal speed.  You look through the carousel of photographs you’ve taken and feel like you just haven’t captured his innocence correctly.  I mean, how can someone just SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT? you scream inside your head. You start clicking more ferociously through the photos until you reach back to the first one.  You let out a slow breath and calm down before arriving at the table.
 Jack sits there, hands wrapped around his knees loosely, awaiting further instructions. You smile subconsciously and he lights up at the end of a wrapper sticking out of your bulging pockets.  “Is that for me?” He is suddenly rigid, awaiting your approval.
 “Yeah, thanks for helping, Jack.” you toss him one of the bars and pure glee washes over him as he secures the catch.
 You begin pulling out the second bar for yourself, but in seeing him washed over in joy you rasp to yourself, “That’s it!”
 You snatch the camera up and start snapping away, crawling onto the table without pausing your shoot.
 You wake up early, unable to shake the feeling that something is bothering Jack. You rub your eyes with the back of your hand and stare at the ceiling. Was he diverting the conversation so I wouldn’t ask him about it? You wonder up at the darkness. No, that isn’t like Jack. He’s doesn’t calculate. You’re just projecting your mistrust of other people onto him. One of your favorite traits about Jack is his inability to speak dishonestly. He is straightforward and open, while also being so accepting and understanding of anything you ever tell him.
 You decide to check in on him, although you were sure it was just before dawn. You slip some socks on and walk over to Jack’s room.
 You rap lightly on the door, and turn the handle gently so it doesn’t make a noise.
 “Y/N?” he says, sitting peacefully against his headboard.
 “Right.” you close the door behind you, “I forget sometimes that you don’t sleep.”
 “Sometimes. I sleep a little amount.” he shrugs.
 “Do you mind if I lay with you?” you point at the bed.
 “I don’t mind.” he says, allowing you to walk over and lay down on top of the sheets.
 “Are you going to lay down?” you chuckle as he continues to sit against the headboard.
 “Sure.” he says and adjusts himself into the laying position.
 “What am I supposed to do?” he asks, looking at the ceiling.
 “Nothing, just relax.” you turn on your side and watch his face in the darkness.
  After acknowledging with an, “Okay.” he lays there silently as though you aren’t there.
 “Do you mind if I lay my head on your chest?” you wait for his approval, and with his, “I don’t mind.” you nuzzle closer to him, moving his arm around you and laying your head on his warm skin.   You hear his heart beating, steadily with a rhythm like a bass drum. You imagine that your heart sounds like a piano, and together they almost make a musician’s band.  You hum an imaginary tune of a violin to your fantasy band and the vibrations from your throat ring against Jack’s ribcage and sound in your ear.
 A short while later you open your eyes and realize you must have fallen asleep, your arm wrapped around Jack’s chest like a ribbon.  You peel your arm away carefully and retract it to your body, curling it in closely. Your hand was still warm from where it rested on his delicate ribcage. You tuck your hand under your cheek while you wait for your eyes to adjust to the darkness.  Slowly, Jack’s face comes into focus. He’s asleep. You think in surprise. It’s really amazing, but in all of this time you’ve never seen him asleep. But unlike other people, hunters don’t look calm when they sleep. Even in their dreams they are battling, and on the verge of rushing out of sleep at the slightest sign of danger in the waking world.
 “I’m here.” you try to whisper to his subconscious, hoping that the crease between his brows will subside at the sound of your voice. Maybe you were connected. Maybe he needed you. Then you would feel like somebody in this world needed you.
 You move your limbs slowly, the way you would approach a target to catch them by surprise. You thanked the Men of Letters for making the bed frames from sturdy wood, crafted with care so as not to squeak when moving around.  You close the door behind you with a snail’s pace, like a game of ‘Don’t wake Jack’.
 “That’s new.” Dean mumbles into his coffee mug as he passes you in the hallway. You nearly jump out of your skin and praise yourself for having already carefully latched the doorknob into place.
 “Shut up.” you snarl at Dean and swiftly rush toward the bathroom.
 After a refreshing shower and other preparing for the day you think about telling Jack your part 2 plan for the photographs.
 You run one last brush through your hair for good measure and go across the hall to Jack’s room. The door was open, so you walk right into a scene you were not expecting.
 Cas was sitting on one side of the room, Dean was standing by the bed on the other side of the room, and in the middle was Jack - laying the way you’d left him this morning.
 “What’s going on?” you speak up so Dean and the others turn to you.
 “Ah, Y/N.” Dean brings his hands together making a dull ‘clap’, “I was just explaining the birds and the bees to Jack, here.” he motions at the bed.
 “What?” You growl, half shock and half confusion. Castiel and Jack share your confusion and turn simultaneously to Dean.
 “You know, about protection and all that.” Dean winks at you.
 “You idiot - it’s not what you think.” You begin to defend.
 Jack and Castiel speak at the same time, talking over one another at Dean, but Dean cuts them off and turns back to Jack, “I’m just kidding. I was telling Jack that Cas and I are going to run some monster errands if you know what I mean, and Sammy is going to stay behind to research any lore he can to help us out.”
 “There were no birds or bees.” Castiel clarified, “I believe it’s a black aggie.”
 “Eh, I think it’s just a statue, but we’ve gotta check it out.” Dean interjects.
 “Like Doctor Who?” you smirk and Dean screws his face up at you, “Why are you speaking gibberish to me?” 
 He knocks on Jack’s headboard, “Anyway,” he starts walking toward the door, “We’re out of here.” you step out of his way before he barrels through you, seeing as he takes up most of the doorway.
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 “He didn’t say anything about protection.” Jack says as you stand there in silence, listening for the guys to get out of the hallway.
 “Does he want us to help Sam research about protection from the statue?” he asks.
 “Nah,” you lean into the hallway for good measure, “Get dressed, we’re going to develop my photos.”
 “Okay. Will I need any weapons?” he asks.
 You lean back into the room, “What?” you look at his serous face, “No. I’ve made a dark room to process the photos I took on the camera into physical pictures.” you explain as you walk over to his closet.
 “Here, wear this, it doesn’t matter.” you throw a hanger at him and toss him some jeans.
 “Okay.” he says and you walk out of the room, “Meet me in the kitchen, I’m grabbing some coffee.”
 He nods and you walk off to prep your first cup of the day.
 A few minutes later he walks in and you take his arm to direct him to a mostly empty storage room where you’d set up black out curtains in a corner. You push past the thick fabric and reveal some red lights illuminating a clothes line and trays of liquid on a couple of tables.
 “I want you to know that what we are about to talk about is for ONLY YOU to hear!” you emphasize, drawing in a hard breath as you prepare to let out a river of secrets.
 Jack looks around and nods at you triumphantly, “Yes, I am the only one in the room.”
 You roll your eyes but don’t want to defeat his accomplishment right now. “Okay...but Jack,” you lay your hands on the table and press your fingertips into it nervously, “this is meant ONLY FOR YOU. Don’t tell anybody what we talk about today.” you bore into him with your eyes awaiting his acknowledgement.  “Alright, I won’t tell anybody.” he says. You release the long breath building up inside you and begin to move around the photo making supplies.  “Jack do you know what it means when someone is straight?” you avoid eye contact with him as you pour measured amounts of chemicals into vats.  “Doesn’t it mean they are standing or laying down? If they are straight they make a line-”  “No Jack,” you cut him off, “let me put it this way... do you know what it means if someone is gay?”
 Jack ponders silently and you gnaw on the inside of your cheek nervously. What was most likely four seconds felt like minutes later, Jack says “No, I do not think I know what that means.”  You continue fiddling with prints and bottles and trays as you think about how to approach this subject. Like a child, Jack is questioning and open to learn. Unfortunately, you are uncomfortable and awkward and wish you could just transfer him your knowledge instead of having to explain anything.
 Wait. Why are you awkward around Jack? It’s Jack. You feel your muscles slowly relax and you cleanse yourself with a fresh breath.
 You turn to look at him and smile immediately, as he always makes you feel giddy when you look directly at him.
 “Well, straight people like someone of a different gender. Gay people like someone of the same gender.” As you say it out loud it sounds both stupid and also simple and not entirely a good explanation.  Jack’s face seems to agree with your assessment that this is not an adequate explanation.  “So...if Sam were gay he might like Cas...” you say, although you’re not sure if angels have specific genders and what the identity dynamics were based on what body an angel is currently occupying or had previously occupied.  Before you can drift too off track Jack hums, “So when Dean will talk to a lady when we get dinner, he is straight?”
 “Um..” you repeat back to yourself what he said and slowly nod at him, “Although I’m not sure why you qualified when he does that...but yeah that would make him straight.” you scratch your head and wonder if Jack might be on to something with a ‘when’ qualifier.  Now that you’ve explained the basic zero or one scale, you think about how to show him more of a spectrum scale. You rake your teeth against your bottom lip as you clip the last print to drip dry on a hanging line.  You reach for your mug and as you tip it to your face nothing touches your lips. You realize it’s time for a refill so you push through the curtains and hear Jack following behind you. Trying to form the words together for the next part of your explanation prove more difficult than you initially pictured for this conversation.
 “I don’t know what I am.” Jack says, making you nearly drop the coffee pot into the sink.
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 “Erm.. well...you know someone can be more than just gay or straight.” You internally cringe as you’ve never said the words gay or straight so many times in your life before this conversation.
 “What if they like everybody?” Jack asks matter of factly, putting so simply into words what you are overcomplicating.
 Yeah, what if. You think as you take a sip of the mug, nearly spitting it out immediately. “The coffee’s burnt.” you pour it down the drain and stick your tongue out at Jack.  “Come on, let’s get some coffee outside.” you rinse the mug and lay it in the rack to dry. It’s a perfect opportunity after all to introduce him to someone special.
 As you walk out the kitchen you fidget nervously. Excitedly. You can’t stand it and take Jack’s hand unapologetically, as holding him usually calms you down. Jack, your sweet bug, doesn’t say anything weird in response.
 “Before I forget let me explain my concept for the second photo.” you swing your hand back and forth, taking Jack’s hand for a ride along.
 “Does your beard grow?” you peek at his jawline, clean and smooth and pale skinned.
 Jack leads his free hand up to his face where he notices you inspecting his chin. “You mean my face hair?” he rubs his fingers along the edges of his face, down his neckline. A tiny chill runs through you.
 “Mhmm.” you murmur acknowledgement as cool air brushes your cheeks in a rush with the door opening.
 “Sam showed me how to shave a long time ago. Since I don’t sleep much I usually groom myself while everyone else is sleeping.” his warm hand encloses yours like a mitten.
 “I wish I had that power.” you scoff, thinking of all the priming you could do in the wasted hours of sleep. No wonder he always looks so perfect. But how can you have such flawless skin and no dark circles without beauty sleep?
 “What power?” Jack touches his face suddenly, and as you peek at him his inquisition is plastered all over his face. You giggle as you imagine him wondering if facial hair growth is a super power. Ugh. You internally groan and wish you had the power not to grow hair.
 “Actually, I just want you to let it grow for a little bit, okay? Once I feel it’s right we can take pictures.” You notice some stones lined up in a row ahead and walk over them, using Jack as your balance point.  “I think we need to go shopping too. I’ll get you some other clothes for my idea.” you step off the last stone and realize Jack was raising his other arm - mirroring your balancing act.  You sigh a relieved, happy breath, feeling so blessed that somehow Jack was brought into your life.  “You’re my best friend Jack.” you smile, “I can’t imagine my life without you.” and of course he is unabashed.
 “Well you’ve been with me my entire life.” he says, “So I actually cannot imagine it without you either.”
 You smile to yourself and walk quietly the rest of the way until you reach the coffee shop.
 “Here it is...” you gulp softly before opening the glass door to walk through, “Coffee.”  Jack walks through with you and steps to the side of the door as some people behind you try to escape the cool weather. He looks at you as you continue to stand there by the entrance and follows your gaze to the front counter.  “Yeah, it’s just coffee.” you nod toward the counter, “No big deal. Let’s just go get the ...coffee.” you rub your hands together, realizing they’re colder and at some point you must have dropped Jack’s hand.  “Does she have the coffee?” Jack looks from you to the girl at the counter, “I don’t understand, why do you keep staring at her?”
 “SSHHH-shhut up.” you hiss, “Just follow me, Jack.” you walk up to the counter just as someone finishes their order.
 Her hair frames her face like a picture. Her eyes are piercing yet soft. She reminds you of someone, soft and bold simultaneously. She’s writing something down on a notepad by the register and her free hand tucks her hair behind her ear. You can just imagine taking her photo in a field of daisies.
 You shudder yourself out of your imagination. Whaaat. You shake your head and feel Jack’s presence hovering to your side. Stop being so..hover-y. You tap your fingers on the counter, unintentionally making the girl look up at you.
 “Sorry, just a moment.” she says quickly as she scribbles more rapidly.
 “No! That wasn’t- I don’t mind waiting for you.” You shove your hand in your pocket, “Actually that sounded condescending haha..” you chuckle nervously.  “I just had a song stuck in my head.” you cover up with a shrug as you rock back and forth on your heels.  She places the pen down with a clack! and smiles at you tiredly, “How can I help you?”   “Looks like you need a coffee.” you chuckle again, feeling cheesy as hell.  “Yeah, I wish.” she rolls her eyes, fluttering her lashes like a butterfly.  “Well, can I order you one?” you ask sheepishly.  Without missing a beat she smiles and gives a little laugh, “Nah, thanks. I get them for free, I just have to wait for my break.” She subconsciously glances over at the clock on the wall.  “Oh, cool.” you say lamely and lean on one leg to stop yourself from rocking compulsively.
 Her hair shimmers as it blows strands around her face. Jack turns around to see someone walked through the door and queued up in line behind you.  “So...what can I get you?” She asks, pulling you away from images of wind blowing through her hair as you ride a bike together or a sailboat or a convertible.  “Right.” A blush creeps up your neck and you place a five dollar bill on the counter, “Just a hot coffee, to go.”  “Coming right up!” she takes the cash and clacks on her register, making a little song of bells as she gathers your change.  You start to walk away and say over your shoulder, “Keep it!” and hide behind the receiving counter with Jack.
 “So you like her?” Jack asks in what was probably a normal voice, but sounded to you like he was speaking through a megaphone.  “SHHH!” you punch him in the chest and look over his shoulder to make sure she didn’t hear him. She was taking the order of the next customer, oblivious to your tiny crisis.  “I...I don’t know. I can’t stop thinking about her. Sometimes.” you fumble through your words, unsure of what you want to tell Jack.  “I think you either like her or want to take pictures of her, right?” he asks, making you stare at him dumbfounded for a few moments.  “Don’t say it like that, it sounds creepy.” you gape at him feeling like he hit the nail on the head.  “I don’t know, maybe both?” you say and peek over the counter, watching as she goes back to scribbling on her pad.
 She glances up and you avert your eyes, pretending to inspect a printed painting on the wall with much interest.  Jack looks from you to the girl behind the counter to the painting in confusion. “Why are you looking at this picture?” he asks.  “I’m not.” you say through clenched teeth.  Jack furrows his brows in distress and looks closer at you and makes sure that you are, indeed looking at the painting.  “It looks as though you are looking at the picture.” he says with a strained voice and you groan, a tiny bit annoyed at his constant narration of your situation.
 You peek out of the corner of your eye at the counter and she’s back to writing on her notepad. You release a tight breath and turn to stick a finger into Jack’s chest.
 “It’s complicated!” you say assuredly, as though that was that.
 A barista saved you as he calls out, “Y/N?” at the receiving counter and places a paper cup down in front of you. You snatch it up and walk to an inconspicuous corner table with a couple of armchairs. You plant yourself down, motioning for Jack to join you in the chair next to you.
 “Oh shoot, sorry Jack. Did you want something?” you ask snapping out of your haze, “Sorry I’ve been so focused...” you trail off as he stares at you wordlessly, “on coffee...” you finish and you can hear your inner monologue rolling her eyes and saying Yeah, on coffee.
 “Yes, I’ll go get a drink.” he says and stands up suddenly.
 You shrug as he walks away and try to hide behind your paper cup unsuccessfully as you watch her again. This isn’t creepy at all. You think to yourself. I’m just sitting here drinking this cup of coffee I ordered. You nod to yourself in agreement. Because the coffee at home was burnt. You concluded. Yes, there was no other choice. Well it wasn’t that bad, and you probably could have made another cup, but you quickly shut your inner thoughts up. No, that’s not the point. I didn’t have time to make another pot. Well, maybe you had time. Then, I just didn’t feel like it. Yeah, I’m lazy. You satisfy yourself with a reason to come here and spend $5 on probably 20 cents worth of brewed beans.
 Wait... you see Jack gesturing with his hands. What is he doing? You watch the girl laugh and nod her head. WhaT IS HE SAYING?? You grip your coffee cup until it bends into the shape of your grasp.  He points to your corner and your heart stops. You aren’t sure if you should sink into the floor or seem super cool like you don’t notice them at all.  She looks over at your table and you decide to smile and wave sheepishly. She nods and Jack walks back to you.
 “What. The. Frack.” Your eyes widen at Jack as he casually sits down.
  He smiles at you and folds his hands in his lap.
 “Umm... WHat dID YOu SAy.” you ask in a very broken and raspy voice.
 “I said I’m not sure what drink I want. She told me she usually gets a plain hot coffee and I said that’s what you got too. Then she said you’re in here all of the time but she’s never seen me. I told her you took me out here to take pictures for a class and she said she would love to see how the pictures turn out, and she said she can bring my coffee over to our table.” He recounted to you.
 Your jaw was slack as you processed the entire conversation.
 What does that mean? Does she like me? Does she like Jack? Is she going to come kick us out and tell me to stop stalking her? Am I way overthinking this and she was just having polite conversation and is just going to bring Jack’s coffee to us?
 Your mind races a mile a minute.
 You close your mouth and look at Jack in utter amazement. He looks quite pleased with himself. 
 “I don’t even know what to say to you right now.” You slam back in the leathery chair and lift the cup to your face with mixed emotions. Secret joy? Anger? Flurries?
 You lift the cup all the way over your face, but nothing comes out. Damn.
 “What was the point of taking it to go if you drank the entire cup here?” Jack asks pointedly.
 “I know. I don’t need you bringing your logic into this.” You grumble.
 You watch her walk up with another steaming paper cup and you sit up straighter in the chair.
 “Hey Y/N!” she says and you blink in surprise that she knows your name.
 “So Jack here tells me you are a photographer?” She smiles as she hands the cup to Jack.
 “Oh, I’m just taking a class.” You glance down at your lap.
 “That’s really cool! I wish I could do something other than make a coffee.” She groans.
 “That’s really important!” you pep up in your seat, making her giggle.
 “What are you doing on that notepad?” Jack asks out of seemingly nowhere.
 “Oh,” she brings her hand to her cheek, partially covering her face in embarrassment, “That’s just some story writing ideas.” she says.
 “Woah.” Escapes your lips without warning, “I just assumed you were writing down orders or something.” You look at Jack in surprise, impressed that he noticed such a thing.
 “You draw too, right?” he asks, taking her by surprise just as much.
 “I ...doodle. Sometimes it helps me with the writing ideas.” she says.
 “That’s so cool.” you breath.
 She waves a hand dismissively, “You don’t even know what it looks like, it’s garbage.”
 “Don’t say that. Even if you’re drawing just for yourself, it’s brave of you to express yourself that way.” you spew out of your mouth without any control whatsoever.
 For a moment she looks at you in wonder, but a bell at the front door brings her attention back to her job. “Hey, do you want a refill? On me.” she winks.
 “Sure.” you nod automatically.
 She takes a look at your paper cup, crushed under your grip of stress, “Um.. I’ll get you a new one.” she turns to walk away and you stare as she floats away.
 “You’re doing that thing Dean does when a woman walks away.” Jack points out, and you throw the empty paper cup at him.
 “I can’t believe I actually talked to her.” You make circles in the worn leather arm of the chair with your forefinger.
 “That was a nice conversation.” Jack says, and although it’s impossible for him you are pretty sure you sense a tinge of smug in his words.
 Jack happily sips his coffee.
 “I am going to think of ways to torture you. Once I figure out what in this world embarrasses you.” You vow at him, narrowing your eyes at his innocent smile.
 You get up and stretch, feeling a crackle run through your back. “Okay cupid, let’s go.” you yawn.
 As you start toward the door you hear, “Hey, wait!” behind you and turn around. “Here you go.” the girl hands you a cup of coffee and your fingertips ever so slightly brush the inside of her wrist by accident. You want to pull her in and hold her, but instead grab the coffee.
 “Thanks.” you say weakly and she runs back to her counter.
 Once you get outside and walk back toward the bunker you turn the cup around in your hands.
 It says, ‘Look at me, being brave!’ with a little caricature of herself winking underneath. You attempt to suppress a smile as you hold the hot cup closer to your core, warming you in the windy morning.
 You walk into your makeshift dark room and pull the photos off the hanging clips. As you stack them together you run your fingers along the edges to make sure they are neatly fitted into one rectangle.
 You push through the heavy curtains and turn off the dark light switch. Absentmindedly you walk out to the hallway and stare at the top photo. It’s one of Jack looking directly at the camera, making you feel like he is staring right into you. Knowing all of your secrets.
 You see him sitting at a table quietly reading and walk up behind him. 
“Let’s take a look at those photos.” You sit down next to Jack and spread the glossy rectangles all over the table.
 You run your finger along them as you inspect each one and your finger halts on one of Jack eating a candy bar. 
 “It’s so colorful.” Jack muses.
 “Yes, I know exactly what I want for the second picture. We’ll use a black and white filter.” you picture it in your head, hoping it will turn out the same in reality.
 “This is coming along nicely.” You turn to Jack and run your hand along his stubble, scratching you pleasantly. His lips are red front from the cold walks you’ve been taking together and you think to yourself you should get Sam to buy some chapstick.
 “Did you want to finish talking about sexuality?” Jack says, stumping you in your thoughts. You immediately withdraw your hand from his face and cover your mouth to stifle a laugh.
 “You have a way with timing, Jack.” you snicker.
 “Welp.” you exhale, as ready as ever to talk.
 “That girl, from the coffee shop. I just keep thinking about...her...about us.” You say, pausing to gather your sentences.
 “Us?” Jack asks, tilting his head.
 “Her and I... going away together.” you smile meekly.
 Jack’s face drops, but you don’t notice as you are fiddling with your fingers, making them knot and unknot one another.
 “I want to touch her, and hold her, and kiss her in my arms. And every time I see her my mind goes blank and I don’t even know how to ask her name.” you say.
 “Why don’t you start with her name tag?” a voice says on the other side of the room, making ice water run through your veins.
 You spin around in your chair and see Dean had walked in at some point in your conversation and was casually adding his two cents as though this wasn’t the most private conversation of your entire life happening right now.
 You feel yourself burning and the muscles in your throat swell up, so the only think you could think to do is push out of the chair and run full speed out of the room into hiding.
 “What?” Dean throws his arms in the air, bewildered at your reaction, “What did I do?” he turns to Jack who is pressing his eyebrows together, concerned but not sure what to do.
 “I don’t think you were supposed to hear that.” Jack says further knotting his eyebrows together. He hates to see you in pain, and he could tell that whatever just happened hurt you very much.
 “What’s the big deal? Who cares if she likes a girl?” he rolls his eyes and drops his arms to his sides dramatically.
 “She cares. And if she cares that’s all that matters.” he says, and gets up to look for you.
 Dean sighs in defeat and is left frowning with guilt in Jack’s wake.
 You can’t believe he was so callous as to butt in and completely destroy your privacy like that. You just barely figured yourself out, and now Dean is involved. You’re not ready to talk to the guys about this..well the other guys anyway. What if you just like this girl? What if you don’t even like her, but you just think she’s really amazing and admire her and don’t know what other feeling to put to it other than romantic ones? What is Dean thinking about it right now? It’s not even any of his business. What the crap.
 Tears are hot running down your face, as though your internal temperature was blasted through the roof and your tears were just water boiling over. You bring your knees to your chest and lay your wet face into the fabric of your clothes, blacking out everything from your sight. What does this mean now that it’s out there?
 An arm lays around your shoulders and you tense up at the touch until a voice says, “I’m sorry.”
 “Jack.” you sigh with relief and your body relaxes, “You didn’t do anything.”
 “I know, but I am sorry that Dean upset you. He didn’t know that he wasn’t supposed to hear that.”
 “Thanks, Jack. I guess I should’ve picked somewhere less likely to get walked in on...” you trail off, not really sure if you ever want to show your face to anyone again.
 He lays his head on top of your head and stay silent for a while. He probably isn’t sure what to say, but that works just fine for you, because being held in the darkness might be just what you wanted.
 After some time you raise your head up, coming face to face with Jack. You press your forehead into his and blink away the last of your tears.
 “You don’t have to be afraid, Y/N.” he says, and a smile spread across your face. “Thanks, Jack. With you I feel less afraid.”
 “I feel less afraid with you, too.” He says quietly. “I don’t want you to leave.” he says with a sadness.
 You open your eyes to look directly into his and search them for meaning. “Why would you think I’m leaving?” you ask and pull back so you can see his face more clearly.
 “You said you want to leave with the girl at the coffee shop. You said you want to take her away and go just the two of you.” He says with worry. “I just don’t know what life is like without you.”
 “Oh Jack.” you whisper, “I’m not going to leave you. Don’t you remember I said I can’t imagine my life without you? I don’t plan on ever imagining it either.” you reach for his hands and hold them against the sides of your cheeks.  “I might be nobody special, but at least I have you to worry for me.” you feel his warmth radiating against your skin and your heart opens wide for him.  “Why do you think you’re not special?” Jack asks solemnly. You remove his hands from your face but continue to hold them in your hands.  “Sweetie, not everybody was born to save the world. I’m not a Winchester, and I’m not Nephilim. I’m just a human, no stars aligned when I was born, and no demons came for me, and no angels wrote lore about my coming.” You almost feel a relief as you say it, although it was meant to be diminishing, “I’m just a girl. And nobody cares if I like other girls.” you say, realizing as you say it out loud that it’s kind of true. When you put it into perspective like that, it doesn’t seem like something to worry about after all.  “You know what? I feel kind of better.” You brace yourself against Jack’s shoulders to stand up, then offer him your arm, “Let’s go tell Dean off.”
 He takes your arm and stands up, following you down the hall with concern still somewhat radiating off of him.
 You approach the War Room and see two bodies standing by the table. The long trench coat turns around and Castiel looks apologetically to you.
 “He didn’t mean to walk in on your conversation.” He defends for Dean, as usual, attempting to excuse his rude behavior.
 “Are you KIDDING ME?” You ball up your fist and walk around Castiel to Dean, “You TOLD HIM?” You get right up in Dean’s face ready to give him a piece of your mind.
 “First of all, back off.” Dean says, putting a hand up in the small space between you two.
 “Haven’t you learned ANYTHING about privacy and not butting in to things that have nothing to do with you?” You fire up, pushing his hand out of the way.
 “No, I heard his mind. He wouldn’t stop feeling bad about it, over and over again.” Castiel attempts to calm you.
 “Hey, I’ve got it Professor X -” He waves away Castiel, “You know how nosy angels can be-” he puts a hand on your shoulder.
 You grind your jaw, unsure of if it really is his fault after all. You shove Dean’s hand off your shoulder, stomping toward the stairs.  Dean grabs your arm before you get away and his voice cracks, “Hey kid, really. I didn’t mean it -I-I’m sorry if I wasn’t supposed to hear that.” he says sincerely.  You unball your fist, but don’t turn to face him. You bite your lip and furrow your brow in confusion. Who am I really mad at here?  He pulls you into a hug. “For what it’s worth, nothing matters to me as long as you don’t have those black eyes, okay?” he pats you on the back in that lovingly awkward big brother Dean kind of way.  You inhale deeply and exhale just as hard, giving in to his apology. “Okay.” you begrudgingly say just loud enough that he can hear.  “I mean it, kid.” he says as he kisses the top of your head and lets you go. “Now go catch that coffee girl.” he waves his arm like a lasso.
 “No Dean, too soon.” You shake your head and walk toward the hatch.
 When you get outside Jack sprints up to your side, and you release the flood gates of complaints.  “It’s just that I don’t know who I want to know, you know?” you scratch your head.  “I mean...this is a part of me, I kind of think it always has been...deep down anyway. But I don’t need other people telling me their opinions when I don’t even know...” you trail off, feeling mixed emotions of acceptance and frustration.  “I think this is who I am, and it doesn’t even mean that much, but it means a lot to ME you know?” you grind your teeth left and right trying to figure out why you’re spouting all of this.  “I’m glad Dean... I mean... What if he didn’t feel the way he does?” you inhale sharply through your nose to stop flooding emotions.
 “But he does feel the way he does, not a different way.” Jack tries to connect for you, making lines in the air with his eyes.  “What if...other people don’t feel the same as he does?” you ask hesitantly.  “Everyone feels differently. Everyone has their own feelings, right?” Jack asks, making your real worry bubble up without warning.  Your heart starts beating faster, quickening your breath as well, “But, I don’t have very many people in my life, Jack. What if I lose one of the few people in my life because they don’t want to be around me anymore?” you feel your hands start shaking and Jack looks frantically at you.  “Why wouldn’t someone want to be around you? Because of someone that you like? Why would anybody want to leave you because of someone else that makes you happy?” he grabs your hands the way you always grab his when you’re nervous. You’re not sure if he’s trying to calm you down or calm himself down.  “Why, indeed?” you say, blinking away hot wetness in your eyes.  “Y/N, if you aren’t hurting anybody, and someone doesn’t want you to be happy...do you want them in your life anyway?” he asks so simply.  You stop breathing, stop shaking, and stop thinking altogether.
 “That’s a great point...” you say to the floor.
 “If this hurts you so much now, they will hurt you over and over again.” Jack squeezes your hands and searches your face for any sign that he’s helped ease your pain.
 “Jack...” your lip trembles and you thrust yourself into his arms, crying unstoppably.
 “Y/N, did I say it wrong?” he asks tenderly.
 “No Jack- they’re good tears.” you sob out, hoping he understands the words. You are just so happy to have someone who so unconditionally loves you and shows you warmth and kindness in this world of monsters both human and inhuman.
 You squeeze him with all of your might and wipe your face vigorously on his jacket, giggling a little bit as a heavy weight was lifted from your soul.
 You feel light and a little bit dizzy, and you want to stop making Jack worry.
 “Let’s go shopping for your picture.” 
 Several outfit changes later you decided on some torn jeans, a rock and roll tank top, and leather jacket. It’s like a Jack from another universe - it’s perfect. You decided to take some pictures by the Men of Letters motorcycle in the bunker garage. It’s got that edge to balance the playful atmosphere of the first photo.
 You played around with his hair for over an hour deciding which tools and what product gets the exact messy finish you want. The opposite of his usual smooth and soft wave, no hair ever out of place. It’s still the same, but rougher. Like he was riding at the beach all day long - hair all over the place and wavy like the wind instead of perfect waves like the ocean.
 “Okay, this is it.” you pat him on the shoulders, deciding it’s now or never. Otherwise you could play dress up Jack all day long, and never stop enjoying yourself.
 He looks rather rugged...
 You feel something not sure you’ve ever felt from Jack before. It’s not an a friendly love, or an admiration. That scruffy look...is giving you some lustful ideas.
 “Ahem.” you clear your throat, especially as you pass by Castiel on your way to the garage. Is that damned angel there every time I have extremely uncomfortable thoughts, or what??
 You direct Jack again, where to look, how to sit, what to do with his arms.
 You try getting him sitting on the motorcycle, but he looks too stiff and unsure. Not as cool as you expected. You give up the motorcycle as a prop and use it as the background drop instead.  You sit Jack in front of the bike and ask him to lean against the wall. He is tired, you can tell, probably from the emotional hoops he’s been jumping through all day for you. Probably all week.  “Relax. Just look at me and loosen all of your muscles.” the shutter snaps away and echoes through the tall ceilings of the garage.  He is so flawless. You decide it was the right decision to have him as your case study. It doesn’t matter if he is smiling childishly about chocolate, or if he is staring emotionlessly into your camera lens, he is stunning.
 You release a heavy breath and rub your eyes with the back of your hand, “Well, that’s it. Now we wait for the photos to develop!” you stand up, feeling tense and sore from all of the weird angles.  “Did I help?” Jack asks innocently, always eager to please. You smile and nod happily, “Yes, you helped.”
 He hops up and smiles ecstatically, winning some internal award in his head.
 As you go to pull the film and measure the chemicals in your dark room again Jack says he is going to get ready to go to bed. I guess he actually needs to sleep tonight. You think to yourself after all you’ve put him through, physically and emotionally.
 You think about the girl from the coffee shop, perfect in her own ways. Beckoning to your savior side to take her away from her small town and have adventures around the world with her.  But that’s not who you are. What if you do ask her out? Will you reveal to her that you are a hunter? Will you put her in danger by showing her this side of your life? Or will you hide it from her - even if you become seriously engaged? That’s not the kind of relationship you want... but you also don’t want to have a fling with her like one of Dean’s floozies.  You sigh mournfully. No, not floozies. You don’t blame Dean for never getting close to anybody. Other than your little makeshift family that is... it must be hard on him... but of course it’s always harder falling in love and trying to keep a ‘normal’ relationship, huh?  You shake the liquids off of the photos watching them magically develop from a blank piece of glossy paper into a work of art. Amazing.
 Like you told Jack anyway, you’re not leaving. So what can you offer her in this town anyway?
 You decide to leave the coffee girl as a chapter in your life that helped you discover more about yourself. You put away your daydream and leave the dark room to go to bed.
 Breakfast the next morning couldn’t come soon enough. You tossed and turned all night, unable to get up while also failing to absorb any actual rest.
 “Hit me, Sammy.” you grunt in a raspy voice as you clang down your favorite coffee mug on the table.
 Sam pours the elixir into the mug and raises his eyebrows as Dean walks through the doorway, “That’s my mug.” Dean grumbles, but one stern look from you swerves him toward the shelves to find himself another mug.
 “I know, it tastes better when I know I took it from you.” You scratch the back of your head and yawn before taking that first perfect sip.
 “Good morning.” Jack and Castiel say in unison as they both show up at the table. You glance at Jack, slightly disappointed to see him back in his regular style. Not that it is particularly unpleasant, just having gotten a taste of Hot Jack was very curious and he’s already gone and washed his hair and shaved his face. Guess you didn’t sleep much last night after all.
 Castiel sits across from you and you turn away, ignoring the puzzled look he gives you.
 Dean sits down and slurps his coffee as he catches your eye. He points at tilts his head toward Sam as if to ask if you’ve told him yet.
 No. You shake your head at him groggily, not that you’re not ready. Just tired.
 Dean reads you loud and clear and nods equally groggily.
 Sam sets food down in front of everybody and we all quietly pick up our utensils. All quietly, except for Cas, who out of the blue asks, “Why are you so sure that you like that girl?” he directs to you.
 Dean chokes on his coffee, Jack turns to you expecting to see a glare or signs of reaching out to choke Castiel, and Sam’s spatula freezes mid-scoop.
 “Good job, Cas.” you say and turn to Sam, “Yeah, I like girls.” you casually shove your fork into your mouth and since everyone was looking at you add, “Enjoy your eggs everyone.”
 Everyone turns their heads to their plates except for Castiel, who presses onward, “I just don’t understand-”
 Dean puts a hand up and interjects, “You don’t need to understand the dynamics of lesbian romance Cas, and if you feel the need to learn I can direct you to some videos-”
 “Dean.” Sam shakes his head and Dean shrugs, but Cas looks ready to protest again. “It’s fine, Y/N. You like whoever you like.” Sam warmly smiles at you, “If you want to talk about it I’m here, not that it’s something to talk about...just-” he waves his spatula in the air before finishing, “you know.”
 “Smooth.” Dean nods and grins satisfactorily at Sam as he raises his mug to hide his smugness.
 Sam rolls his eyes and Cas continues, “It’s just that you already like Jack, don’t you?”
 Somebody’s knife screeches against the plate, making you squirm at the sound.
 “Well...” Sam defends, “You can like more than one person at a time.”
 Jack nods at Sam and says, “Y/N said there is more than just Straight and Gay.” then he turns to you and says, “Is that true?”
 You bore your eyes into your scrambled eggs as you feel everybody else’s eyes on you. “Do you mean...that there is more than one sexuality... or that I like you?” you gulp and can hear everybody turn back toward their food uncomfortably for the moment.
 “I mean.. sexuality is definitely a spectrum... and I just only accepted that I like girls, but I guess I didn’t think about what that means for how I feel about guys..” you twirl your fork through the contents of your plate as though somewhere hidden in there will be the answer you are looking for.
 “Wait a minute.. why do you even think that?” You ask Castiel defensively, pointing your fork toward him.
 “I didn’t think it was a secret.” Castiel tilts his head inquisitively at you, “Every time you walk past me you are thinking quite loudly about Jack. Usually about his physical attractiveness or how happy you are that he is in your life-”
 “STOP INTRUDING INTO PEOPLE’S THOUGHTS.” you shout over the table.
 “...” Castiel looks at Jack and looks back to you, “Like I said, you were thinking it quite loudly.”
 Dean clicks his tongue and winks at Jack, “He is quite an attractive boy.”
 You narrow your eyes at Dean who wiggles his eyebrows and gleefully shoves a piece of bacon into his mouth.
 You remind yourself to smash his mug so he can never enjoy its feeling in his hands again.
 “You make me happy too.” Jack says simply and continues eating breakfast.
 You raise your butter knife to point at each of the Winchesters and the Angel individually as you warn, “If anybody says so much as another word for the rest of breakfast I will find a way to shove this knife all the way inside of you until the handle isn’t reachable anymore.”
 Everybody nods and continues eating. Cas shrugs, Sam smiles nervously, Dean shakes with internal laughter, and Jack blinks obliviously.
 Hours later, after the utensils are safely put away and out of reach, Dean walks up behind you on the couch.  “I mean, Cas isn’t wrong. It is pretty obvious.” he says quietly to you, prompting you to snag the pillow next to you and bash him in the face with it. He jumps back and raises his arms defensively, but adds as a last note, “I mean, I thought you were already together when you were sneaking out of his room in the morning.”  You grab the remote and chuck it at Dean’s head but he grabs it mid-air and tosses it gently back at you before sprinting out of the room.
 You feel very conflicted.
 You’ve just spent a very long time accepting this new part of yourself. Well...it felt new. It was probably always a part of you if you think about it...but acknowledging it is new.
 So...what if you’re bi-sexual? It doesn’t matter any more than being straight or gay or asexual when you’re a hunter. Doesn’t it?
 Unless...you’re dating another hunter you guess.
 You decide to get the final pictures to put in your portfolio, even though you’ve been avoiding the outrageously gorgeous images of Jack all day.  Well..that doesn’t help the situation does it... or Does it? Doesn’t that mean that you do like Jack? I mean..the guy is part angel, of course he’s attractive. Doesn’t mean you’re in love with him.  Though you do love him. But ...like that? Also, you’ve met some unattractive angels. Haven’t you?
 You get to the dark room and pull the final prints to inspect and choose the winner.
 You go to your room and spread the prints across your bed. You hold up the picture you chose as phase 1 to compare to the phase 2 results. They’re all so beautiful. Maybe you are a master photographer after all.
 You close your eyes and point to one at random. He’s sitting on the motorcycle stiffly, with a deep wrinkle in his forehead as he tries to balance on the handlebars. You chuckle.  It’s partially covering one up and you pull it out to place it on top. You lay the first photo side by side.
 The contrast is perfect! Look at the color, the softness, the joy. And the darkness, the roughness, the loneliness.
 ...The loneliness in his eyes. Your heart aches. It clenches to see any bit of sadness in his eyes, especially next to such a bubbly photo full of pure joy.
 You sigh.
 You pick up the two photos and walk over to Jack’s room. You tap your knuckles on the door and crack it open to see Jack sitting against the headboard again.
 “I think these are the winners.” You raise up the photos in front of yourself and he smiles at them.
 “You’re really cool! I look so different.” He says with an approving nod.
 “Great.” You tuck them under your arm to put in your portfolio in a moment.
 “Thanks Jack.” You look around his room, “Thanks for helping.” You put a hand in your pocket and turn around to go back to your room.
 “Hey Y/N,” Jack stops you and you look back at him, “Could we actually go for another walk tonight?”
 “Sure, Jack.” you smile.
 By some anomaly today is a warm night. After many cold nights in a row, you’re able to ditch the jacket at home and enjoy a starlit walk without shivers.
 You walk side by side, Jack leading the walk tonight through a path of trees. You follow silently, until Jack breaks the sounds of crunching leaves. “Y/N, I’ve been thinking about what you said.”  Your eyes widen and you decide to keep your mouth shut and hear him out before deciding to say anything.  “You said you are nobody special, and I haven’t had the chance to talk to you about that.” he says with a tinge of pain.  Oh. You feel half relief and half discomfort. “I may have been born Nephilim,” Jack says tactfully, “You have been born human. But being Nephilim is what makes me special.” He stops at a treeless patch at a ridge where a blanket is tucked between some rocks. He spreads out the blanket and sits down, looking to you as a signal to sit as well.  When you sit down he continues, “You are human. Which means everything about you is special.��� He looks up at the sky.  “You chose to hunt. To protect other people. You chose to give up your regular life so other people can continue to life normally.”  “What other choice did I have once I knew the truth?” You interject.  “Anything. You could have ignored it - avoided it - chosen not to put yourself in danger anyway. We’ve met plenty of people who’ve done just that.” he retorts, and you guess he has a valid point.  “That you feel you did not have another choice doesn’t mean that you didn’t, it means that you care so much for the protection of this world that it didn’t seem like there was any other choice to you.”  He sees goosebumps run up your arms and decides to take his shirt off. You lean away from him and shriek, “What are you doing?”  He hands his t-shirt to you, “You’re cold, take my shirt.” and waits for you to accept his offer.  You are bewildered. You glance at his body, smaller than the Winchesters, but sculpted nonetheless. You feel yourself getting warm and protest, “Won’t you get cold?”  “No, I run a little bit warmer than you.” he says with a finality.  It’s true that he is always warm and you often reach for him on those chilly walks because he radiates heat.  “O-Okay..” you take his shirt and pull your arms and head through the holes, embarrassed to say that the reason you got goosebumps were because of his words, not the warm night air.
 “Look, there’s Orion..” you point at the constellation in the sky, the easiest to spot in your opinion. You lean back on the blanket, inspecting the bright lights in the black endless expanse.
 Jack leans back along with you. “You know, this was all made for you.” he says to you, “My Grandfather made this all for you.”  While you are taken by surprise, you attempt to correct, “You mean all people right?”  He shakes his head, “Not the way you think of it... I’ve heard some of your thoughts -” he stops and apologizes, “Sorry, I know you don’t like that. Sometimes I just hear them when I’m not thinking about anything.” You don’t say anything or push him in frustration, so he continues, “It’s not meant for all of humanity as a group. It’s meant for each individual person as an independent observer.”  He turns to face you, “That’s why you don’t have angel radio, you’re not meant to think together. You’re meant to experience everything as one person with your own experience.” He watches as you look up at the stars.  “So it is meant for you. You, Y/N.” the sincerity in his voice makes you turn to face him and you see his eyes sparkling in the night’s light.  “What you see is the most important part of the universe. What you see will only happen once in all of time, and you’re the only one who will see it ever again.” He searches your face as you stare deeply into his eyes, watching them move across your face in measured movements.  “You can see it any time you want, over and over again in your head, but no other human can. You’re special because you are the only you that will see what you see, make the choices that you make, or even make decisions the way that you do. No other person thinks like you, and that makes me glad, because I like the way that you think. And I know by being with you, I can see the way you think every day, and you surprise me every day when you make a new decision even though I thought you would do something else. No matter how much I think I know you, I still can’t predict you. I just have to be here with you and watch ....you happen.”
 You stare at one another for a long time, not knowing exactly how long since the night time feels like one large infinite moment.
 Any time you’re with Jack it feels like one large infinite moment. And he’s right, as much as you know him, he still takes you by surprise. And apparently, as much as you know yourself, you still have learning to do about what you will decide.
 You prop up on your elbows and look from him to the sky, deciding that it’s not possible to know anything at all. Except that you’re here, and he’s here, and you’re both together right now. 
 “Jack, how do you know who you’re supposed to love?” you ask.
 He props up on his elbows and looks at you indecisively.
 “I’m not sure” He looks at the darkness ahead and back to you, “but I don’t think there is an exact person we are supposed to love.”
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 “I think I know, Jack.” You say, and lean against his chest, absorbing his warmth in the glowing night.
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rllovestoskate · 7 years
It was easily arguable that Steve was one of the best friends Sam had ever had. They lived together, they ate together, they worked out together, they watched ridiculous Netflix dramas together. Considering all of the things they did together, Sam knew many things he’d rather not know about Steve. He knew that he eats peanut butter by the spoonful and double dips into the jar, he knows that he has three pairs of wonder woman underwear, and he knows that he will send back an anchovy pizza with extra anchovies because it doesn't have enough anchovies on it. However knowing all of these things, he knows very little of any importance, and hardly any details that would lend themselves to anything before the day Sam had met him.
When you were to meet someone over six feet with shoulders as broad as you are tall, you tend to assume that when they say they’re willing to go running with you it means they're not going to collapse a half a mile in. Sam had seen Steve at the gym almost every time he’d been there, leg day, arm day, chest day. He was polite enough, one of those acquaintances that you greet when you see even if you don’t know there name. But three months of casual hellos turned into spotting and conversations and then they were gym buddies who waited for each other and texted if they were going to be late. And asking Steve to accompany him for a few miles in the morning before a workout seemed only polite.
“Hey man what up,” Sam called as he rounded the corner, moving into a jog as he approached Steve.
Steve looked up and smiled, shrugged one shoulder, “Hey Sam.” He fell into step and moved onto the sidewalk, letting Sam set a pace.
Looking back Sam knew that if he had known Steve the way he does now he would have noticed something off. But on that day Steve’s responses of “I’m fine” and “just an off day” explained away all huffing and puffing. But kneeling over into the grass, unable to speak, grabbing at his jacket pocket was not anything Sam would believe was a bad day.
“Steve! Steve! Look at me!” Steve was avoiding his eyes, taking wheezing breaths, hunched over himself in a painful looking way. At some point Sam simply reached into the pocket Steve was still fumbling for, stunned to pull out a inhaler. Steve snatched it out of his hand and with a few puffs was breathing normally enough to stand.
“Steve, I swear to god, you don’t tell someone you’ll go on a run with them if you have fucking asthma,” Sam said, head in his hands. This was just the kind of thing Steve would do, three months and occasional conversation hadn’t kept him from realizing that Steve didn’t know how to say no, especially when  it came to his friends.
“It’s fine Sam,” Steve was panting, “not a big deal, ya know. I just haven’t run in while, not in shape.
“Okay, no. The amount you bench press tells me that this had nothing to do with you not being in shape and everything to do with not telling me that going on a run is going to cause you’re freaking airways to close.”
Steve looked away sheepishly, still trying to uphold his poorly supported lie “Don’t worry about it Sam I’ll live, know how to handle it”
“Yeah, obviously,” Sam said, throwing an arm around Steve’s shoulder. “But that certainly doesn’t mean that you're going to ignore me when I say I’m making you breakfast. Gotta make sure you don’t keel over on the way home.”
And so a pile of pancakes two stories tall turned into a weekly thing. Which then turned into lunches and crashing on the couch and “it’s cheaper for both of us Steve, I’m not saying you’re incapable” and then they were living together. And Sam was suddenly surrounded a man that didn’t know how to choose clothing that fit and a disgusting habit of making his bed. And asthma went at the very top of the list of things Sam knows about Steve.
Slowly the list grew to include that he grew up in Brooklyn, either had no family or refused to see or talk about them, and took the 3 hour train ride from D.C. to New york every other month, and came home to grumpy to be around. Sam knew that Steve had an art degree which he often complained about one day and blessed the next. And he knew that Steve used this degree for freelance work, which seems to Sam to consist entirely of being yelled at by people on the phone and then subsequently complain to him about it.
However this list included no childhood memories or facts about parents and someone this closed off was just yelling at the psychologist inside him. But Sam had a very strict rule of not using his therapy voice on his friends, which meant no pushing, even if Steve was a spitting image about everything he’d been taught about the consequences of suppressed emotion. So Sam tried to discreetly mention a therapist friend or group a colleague had told him about, but he knew had to respect someone's boundaries.
The day the list grew exponentially started about as normal as any other meaning not at all normal  because when Sam woke up Steve was hopping around the living room with a shoe in one hand and his phone in the other looking quite insane.
“Dude what freaking time is it, what the hell are you doing?” Sam wandered out of his bedroom, to tired to really care.
“Oh god Sam I’m late, I’m so late. I’m supposed to be downtown in an hour and the traffic’s going to be crap and I’m so, so late.” Steve finally had his shoe on and was shucking on a jacket, turning about looking for his keys.
Sam poured a cup a coffee and said “You’re fine, quit freaking.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, I’m certainly not fine,” Steve said, “this meeting, this meeting is….” he ran into his room and came back with a wallet. “...a big company Sam, could be real money, so important.”
Sam simply nodded, he’d seen Steve like this before, harebrained and on thin ice. He’d freak out all the way there before blowing away some important customer and coming home with expensive cheese because that was the sort of thing Steve spent extra money on. So he pushed Steve out the door, gave him a thumbs up, which Steve frowned at, and went back to his coffee.
A few hours later Sam was studying, a masters was hard work let him tell you about it, when Steve called.
“Steve! How was the meeting?”
“It was good, they offered me the job and…”
“See I told you you could do it.”
“That’s not the point they want me at another office in a half hour and I told them I already had rudimentary plans drawn up and I have ones that will work but I don't have them with me and I don’t have that much time and,” he paused, “will you get them for me?”
“I don’t know why you’re worked up of course I’ll get them, calm down, you got the job. You should be happy.”
“I am happy, just stressed”
“Well don’t worry about it, tell me where to find these plans and you can swing by on the way, I’ll even come down and give to ya. You won’t even have to come upstairs.”
“That great Sam, you’re great. There’s an old portfolio in the top of my closet, it’s green.”
“Green portfolio top of the closet, I got it man. Text me when you get here.”
Once he’d hung up Sam stood and stretched, walking into the hall and towards Steve's room. In the closet the portfolio was easily spotted but not so easy to get down and Sam managed to knock down what seemed nearly every other box on the shelf in reaching for it. So the portfolio was put safely aside ready for Steve while Sam attempted to put everything back. A few boxes went back on the shelves but one had landed on it’s side, dumping its contents onto the floor.
Dozens of photos now littered the floor and Sam had to pick them all up.
Two boys on the front steps of a small house with little backpacks and big smiles. “Steve and Bucky first day of kindergarten” on the back.
A wedding, a young couple maybe 20 standing at an altar. “Sarah and Joe 1990”
A boy at least 15 who looks like Steve, except smaller than Sam ever knew him, sitting on the hood of a blue truck.
A toddler with a shock of blond hair and tears down his face in the arms of a man wearing fatigues, the man from the wedding photo.
The two boys again, both with shaved heads, and the one who’s clearly Steve has yellow skin and gaunt cheeks. “First round of chemo 2001”
A beautiful blond woman looking in wonder around time square. “We’re not in Ireland anymore”
A close up of the boy, Bucky, a teenager now, except he has purple bruises all down the side of his face, a black eye, and a deep cut on his cheek.
Steve again, no older than nine, a little black suit, next to the brown haired boy and the woman who Sam knows is his mother, a coffin, and a folded up flag.
A small family in the front of a church, a baby in the woman’s arms. “Steven’s christening 1991”
A pair of blue jeans and boots sticking out from under a beat up blue truck.
Steve looking small from behind a barred window, an unfamiliar background, and a woman behind him yelling at whoever’s taking the picture.
A hospital where Bucky leans over the bed and a woman who looks like him holds a baby and a man on the other side, the only one not smiling. “Becca’s born 2007”
Steve older again, bigger, almost an adult, maybe 18, except he’s in a wheelchair and there’s an IV and he has no hair and a scar on his scalp.
A million copies of either boy when they don’t know there’s a camera.
Two graves one says Sarah 2005 and the other Joe 1998 and in the middle is the back of a blond head of hair, framed by sunlight.
Two toddlers sticking their heads out of a blanket fort.
A room covered in beer bottles, and Bucky with a trash bag while a man in a wife-beater sleeps sleeps in the background a gun on the end table.
Another funeral and Bucky has tears this time, he’s holding a wailing baby.
A set of knees obscures the picture but you can a priest standing over a hospital bed, head down and beads in hand, a small body on the bed.
A large run down house with a dead lawn and a wooden sign that reads “Mrs. Marge’s Foster Home”
Steve and Bucky, in a tree house this time.
The little girl, Becca, waving from the back of a car and Bucky in the foreground not waving back.
The boys again but Steve is too skinny and too pale, and Bucky with too many bruises, but they’re both smiling.
The view from a passenger seat of truck, the brown hair of the driver obscuring his face but you can see Brooklyn in the background.
Police in the driveway of the little house and a man in handcuffs, and a stretcher with a body.
Steve in the hospital and Bucky with his head on the sheet’s, they're both asleep.
Bucky tickling a little girl who’s not yet one, supported on his hip.
Steve leaned over a notebook, tongue sticking out of his mouth. Just the way just the way Sam’s seen a million times.
They’re sitting on the front stoop of the same house a big poster that says “no more cancer” it’s dated 2003
A cross in the middle of an intersection, where Bucky’s setting roses, it says Sarah across the front.
Bucky and Steve with party hats and a cake. “Bucky’s 8th Birthday”
The boys younger again sitting on the lap of the woman who looks like Bucky who’s holding a children’s book.
A brown haired young man in a set of fatigues, and he’s walking out of the room with hunched shoulders, clearly taken from a hospital bed.
Two boys one with blond hair and one with brown, faces squished together both smiling sunshine smiles.
And Sam picked them all up. And he put them back in the box. And he put it the box back on the shelf. And he grabbed the portfolio and went downstairs because his phone had just pinged. And when Steve thanked him he only nodded. Cause he didn’t know what to think.
And Sam thought himself a good friend. But he didn’t think anyone was capable of taking this in without questions. Maybe he should tell someone. But Steve was clearly didn’t even want him to know. And he thought that they were best friends, and best friends tell each other when they’ve accidentally discovered each other's deep dark secrets. But they’re not supposed to have them anyway.
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