#and unfortunately the franchise that should not be named
03josten · 4 months
they just put something in the media where everyone wants a special twelve year old boy dead but still he lives
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bogleech · 1 year
Hate how many movies only generate praise for the director or get treated by Hollywood culture as like a mystery Collab effort when there's a single specific concept artist who defined the entire look. Like how many accolades did How to Train Your Dragon or the Kung Fu Panda franchises get without Nico Marlet mentioned anywhere outside the final scrolling credits? Disney's Hercules was visually based on 700 drawings submitted by Gerald Scarfe. HR Giger's name should have to be credited prominently on every single thing with his Xenomorph in it and I mean right on the cover or under the title.
The only movie I can think of where it's famously tied to only the concept artist is unfortunately the nightmare before Christmas but that's literally an exception where the real director deserved the spotlight. The industry never does it right.
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s10127470 · 1 year
My Ideal Revival of the Disney Heroes Franchise
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What you’re looking at is the official logo for a now defunct franchise known as Disney Heroes.
Disney Heroes was basically meant to serve as the sister…..or more appropriately, the brother franchise of the Disney Princesses, with the focus being placed on the male heroes of the Disney pantheon.
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The franchise initially started back in 1999, but under the name of Disney Adventurers. Not only that, but the line-up was rather small, consisting of the titular protagonists of Hercules, Aladdin, Peter Pan, and their most recent film at the time, Tarzan.
The franchise mainly existed through toys, with some notable merchandising besides that here and there.
The franchise remained this way until about 2003, when it got a notable revamp.
The franchise would get its current name and it would expand the roster quite a bit. The new members included Merlin and Arthur from The Sword in the Stone, Robin Hood, Prince Phillip from Sleeping Beauty, and Li Shang from Mulan.
I also think Simba from The Lion King was a part of the roster as well, I think I remember seeing him on a backpack done for the franchise.
But in 2005, the Disney Heroes franchise had a another revamp…this one notably different from the previous ones.
Although the franchise mainly existed through toys and play-sets that more or less stayed faithful to their respective films, these however…..
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Your eyes are not deceiving you….these were actual action figures created and designed by Disney for the Disney Heroes franchise…..and I couldn’t be anymore happier.
Hercules looks like an ancient Greek warrior with the golden armor, plus he’s carrying a big xiphos and a golden shield with the face of a lion.
Peter Pan is now sporting some tan gloves, boots, and ever a mask, carrying a bow and quiver of arrows alongside his trusty dagger.
And Captain Hook has a more swashbuckling look, and his rapier has been replaced with a big ass cutlass!
Prince Phillip and Maleficent were also apart of this line-up of action figures as well.
Phillip had a more knight-like appearance, even having a helmet with a golden falcon on top.
And Maleficent…well, she was in her dragon form.
Sadly, only five action figures were made in this style….
And it’s a shame, given that there were plans to revamp the franchise with a more action-oriented style.
These designs by Disney animator Ruben Procopio for planned future figures for the franchise really highlight this…
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Aladdin was gonna look like an Arabian Knight, complete with a dagger and a huge ass scimitar that would make Cloud Strife impressed.
Tarzan was gonna go for a Conan the Barbarian-esque look, complete with a headband, a vest, a tooth necklace, boots, and even a quiver filled with spears, knives, and arrows.
And as you could see, they were even gonna introduce The Beast from Beauty and the Beast as a new member of a roster, with the appearance of a warrior prince and a mace as his weapon.
Unfortunately, these figures never came to be....
Although Disney Heroes franchise was doing decently fine, it was nowhere near the level of success of the Disney Princesses.
As a result of that, Disney slowly but surely phased out the franchise over the next three years.
By 2008, the Disney Heroes franchise silently ended, only merchandising through coloring books and their only new addition since 2003 being....of all characters....Milo Thatch from Atlantis: The Lost Empire.
So yeah....that's pretty much the story of the Disney Heroes franchise.
It's honestly a shame because I could totally see this franchise being pretty successful today.
And given the rise of nostalgia and crossovers in media over the last decade, I could see this being an absolute goldmine for all parties involved.
And today, I'm gonna share on how I think a revival of the Disney Heroes franchise should play out.
.It would aim more towards a older audience, mostly teenagers, similar to the Disney Villains franchise. It wouldn't really focus all that much on toys like the Disney Princesses, though there would be some figurines here and there, instead focusing on media that's more accessible with a older crowd like novels, comic books, video games, and even animation.
.Unlike it's previous iteration, and to that extension the Disney Princesses, it would be more gender-neutral, featuring male and female representatives of most of the represented films as members of the roster.
.Also unlike the Princesses, this franchise has its own backstory. Various Disney villains have joined forces in other to further their respective goals. In retaliation, a group of various Disney heroes, led by Merlin, have united to fight against the villainous alliance and protect their respective realms. I know it's a pretty simple premise, but I think it's the perfect that way.
.The franchise will have a major focus on action and adventure....which for a franchise like this, should be expected.
.Many of the characters will be receiving redesigns in the veins of the ones done for the franchise back in 2005, which give off a fantasy warrior, almost Dungeons n' Dragons vibe. While these wouldn't be to the extent as say, Disney Mirrorverse, they would clearly by different from the characters' usual attire and makes them come off as more like warriors ready for adventure and battle.
.The series will essentially expand on the worlds of the films and bring in elements from their original source materials, official continuations like the TV shows, and even the cultures they represent.
Okay, now that we got the major elements out of the way, I'm gonna briefly share who would be apart of the roster for this new franchise, and list them in chronological order of movie release.
.Peter Pan
.Princess Aurora and Prince Phillip
.Merlin and Arthur
.Robin Hood
.Ariel and Eric
.Belle and Beast
.Aladdin and Jasmine
.Pocahontas and John Smith
.Hercules and Megara
.Fa Mulan and Li Shang
.Tarzan and Jane Porter
.Milo Thatch and Kida Nedakh
.Jim Hawkins
.Tiana and Naveen
.Rapunzel and Eugene Fitzherbert
.Anna and Elsa
.Moana and Maui
Just imagine.....seeing this iconic heroes going on various adventures, from the hottest deserts to the deepest jungles. Fighting against mythical monsters, thieves, wild beasts, villainous knights, deadly invaders, mysterious spirits and swashbuckling pirates!
Anyway, that's all for now. I'm planning to go more in-depth on this idea, fleshing out the characters and their worlds.
If you have any ideas for this franchise, let me know.
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m1ndbrand · 4 months
"all it took was..." — The new President
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WARNINGS: Coriolanus Snow is it's own warning(Snow after the 10thGames, 2 years after to be precise); Mentions of death and corpse(small description, nothing big).
SUMMARY: The 12th Hunger Games winner unfortunately fortunately gets the attention of President Snow.
WORDS: 1.384
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the franchise The Hunger Games characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them. I do claim what I wrote and only that.
A/N: If you know the tragedy of Coriolanus by William Shakespeare some names will be recognizable...Also I'm sorry but this chapter won't be the continuation of their little...encounter— but I promise, it's going to happen!
TAG-LIST: @sorry-mrs-jacobs; @phoward89;
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He was never someone who believed in the stars and whatever they might mean to some people.
It seemed completely idiotic and beneath someone from the level of education, you would get from the Capitol to have this belief that in his humble opinion, of course — was archaic and beneath him.
Fate and stories written on the stars were all but a way of fairy tales being made, a topic on some and even a very important one at that "merging" some characters together like the universe itself deemed them a pair, one in two.
Star-crossed lovers.
How he hated that idea, he couldn't believe he even fed it to—
Let's not dwell on that topic, he had better things to do, like arrange a new Games Maker for the 12th Hunger Games.
Doctor Volumnia Gaul is no more, some freak accident with one or more than one mutt; it wasn't clear, the body was far too mutilated to be recognised by anyone at all if not for the DNA tests and well...the place of the accident, a place only a few people were able to enter and of course Doctor Gaul was one of those people, him included in the small pool.
It was slightly weird however how the mulls were able to break free, the reporters debated it for the first days the case broke daylight, but the theory was quickly suppressed.
After all, mulls were still in being tested and we're highly volatile, their behaviour unstable and unpredictable. And of course, accidents happen.
But the world continues to go around and so shall the Capitol, he needed to find someone and fast. 
He should have looked more into it, the selection that is. But he had more important things in his place, strength the security in the several points of entry on all distractions, the training of the peacekeepers and the change of the uniform like he so petitioned for just to name a few.
The new and young president had more important things to worry about than some person who would probably be soon replaced if so needed.
The theme he chose ,he didn't even try to remember the man's name, was an advanced-looking arena; a sign of the year the Capitol got a new President. Coriolanus liked the idea. It painted his future reign as one that would lead them into the future, lead them into a better time.
It painted him as a good leader.
The reaping ceremony passed without a problem. Some students clearly didn't like something— their tribute lack of attributes to make them win or the idea of having to participate in such 'twisted games' as the rebel-like-youth liked to name his games. He honestly couldn't care less, blue-ice-like eyes looking straight at the screens with a fake polite smile when the camera twists at him, showing his all too polished self composed with a deep red suit and thick coat that made his figure even more imposing than it normally is.
He would soon return to his manor and actually work, the two hours of the opening ceremony put his work ethic behind schedule more than he liked to admit.
There was much to be done to make the Capitol and the Districts into the way he saw fit and Coriolanus shouldn't waste more time than he already has.
Not even a day later he would have the files of everyone who chose to review. For some reason the late president did this— the threat of the Rebels was still very much a problem and he was of course scared shitless by them so all 'useful' information was of course turned into two paper pages that it was his duty to read through.
Coriolanus was just about to skim through them all but the very first file caught his attention, District One female tribute.
Not the girl's image he didn't even look at it properly, he already saw every tribute face on the reaping ceremony... all looked underfed and clearly not fit for an entertaining games in terms of pure brutal strength, the mentors would need to sell them well to the Capitol. No it was her name. Her last name rang a bell.
A big warning bell was inside his head and it made his eyebrows furrow, hand picked up the two-page long file and flipped through the description of her family. Something was amiss, he could feel it in his bones. Something was wrong. 
Coriolanus could almost feel the hunger tearing at his stomach, his small sweaty hand tightly gripping his equally moist cousin's hand as they received the news of his father's death.
His other small hand gripping the files of several names of supposed rebels that could be the reason behind his father's death. Blond hair falls against his sweaty forehead as at that time he didn't understand why he had to read the names of random men.
His hand grips the file on his hand, veins popping up as his eyes skim through the contents of the file, once and then twice. He didn't even sit down, reading in silence for 10 minutes over and over again to look out for another word, sentence, or anything more.
Only two people are still alive from her family— grandmother and little brother, Valeria Brutus and Menenius Brutus, then they got the last name from her grandfather. His hand moves the paper right and left, trying to see if her grandfather's first name was there. But it wasn't. It probably wasn't deemed to be useful information since he is dead. Putting the papers down he turns with a sigh to his window, chin rising as he looks to see all the perfectly arranged garden of pure white roses in the front of his mansion.
No this shouldn't matter. It didn't matter, not now. He got what he wanted he won, the victor. He was still standing with or without his father.
The nostalgic feeling of feeling hungry regrows once again and it makes him nauseous, sharp eyes turning to the face of the girl on the page. She looked like every other girl he reminds himself as he starts a little too long at her face. Eighteen, one more year and she should have been safe from the reaping.
A smile creeps on his lips. Amusement dancing in his eyes like he had just read a good enough joke.
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He couldn't sleep.
Coriolanus hated to be in need of something even if it was just a simple pill to go to sleep. He was better than that, he could sleep alone thank you very much.
Couldn't he just get the information he wanted? He could, he had the resources, and he had the needs to if he so pleases, so why not?
No, he wouldn't lose to this...whatever this is, curiosity, need— want to know. Closure.
Maybe that was it. Know the person or people that did this to him. To his family. The people that made him starve and struggle. Envy and step on people that he knew were living better than him, growing to bring them down so he could feel himself high above them all. Know the people that in a way, made him the way he is now.
Rising he presses the inside of his palms to his eyes.
For fucks sake— Shut the fuck up! 
His mouth was open. Eyes shot open and hands grabbing tightly the silk covers, knuckles turning white. Did he shout those words? Wasn't it all in his head? His hands were shaking, face was slightly flushed red from anger.
It's one of those episodes.
Rising he curses under his breath, feet carrying him to one of the small tables with some pills on them. Deep eyes thin as he tried to look into the colours of the various drugs that looked like they were thrown there and he picked a deep purple one in the midst of the rainbow and quickly gulped it down without water.
His attention is caught by the silver-like glow of the moonlight slipping through his windows, blue tired-looking eyes looking up at the sky, they find the stars instead of the moon that sings for attention. Wishing to catch a stray star amidst the ones that stay. Maybe he could catch it as it falls.
With those thoughts, sleep would soon catch him.
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tieflingkisser · 28 days
Stop Trying To Defeat Racism With Logic
There's a black samurai in the new Assassin's Creed game, and it has made some people mad. You simply don't have to argue about it.
The new Assassin’s Creed game is set in feudal Japan, which is cool. It stars what appears to be a female ninja and a black samurai based on the historical figure Yasuke, which is also cool. Anyone who tries to argue about whether or not that’s cool is just not worth your time. In case you haven’t been paying attention for the last ten or twenty years, video game culture tends to be a repository for the most tedious people on Earth. You know the type—these are the kinds of people who don’t consider mobile games to be “real games,” or who harass women who use their mics in online multiplayer games, or who argue about “historical accuracy” in a video game that has dragons or elves in it. These kinds of people show up in a lot of nerdy hobbies, like tabletop gaming or whatever it is people do on Letterboxd or even enjoying Greek and Roman history. From the moment that the key art for Assassin’s Creed Shadows depicted a black man in samurai garb, I knew that this particular brand of person was going to get ripshit mad. Just look at the replies to this tweet. It’s absolute nonsense in there.  The most amusing replies are the ones that take into question the, of course, historical accuracy of this character. It may be tempting to try to argue with these people, for a lot of reasons, most of all that history and facts are on your side. This character appears to be based on Yasuke, a real guy who actually existed in the historical record. He was an African retainer for warlord Oda Nobunaga, meaning that he was indeed a samurai. Yasuke is a well known enough figure that he’s the subject of a Netflix anime that is named after him. He’s also a character in Nioh, which was developed by the Japanese studio Team Ninja. You can repeat those facts until you’re blue in the face to people who are determined to be angry about a black man having a leading role in this game, but it won’t matter. You should just save your breath and look forward to seeing whether or not Ubisoft fumbles this very easy layup. Racism isn’t a logical position, so you cannot defeat it with logic. Facts just don’t matter to a racist, especially not the tedious kind of racist who makes their home in video game culture. There will always be a new hair to split, a new way for this kind of person to object to a black man being in this video game. You can bring up the other fantabulous aspects of the Assassin’s Creed franchise that clash with history: the existence of the titular Creed and the Knights Templar; whatever the fuck was going on with the Apples of Eden; the series’ depiction of Karl Marx as a devotee of democracy rather than advocating for an armed revolution of the proletariat. It does not matter because the people who are mad about this have already made up their mind.  To them, Japan is a place that does not and has never had black people live there or make their homes there at any point in time—especially in history. The anger about “historical accuracy” is just a slightly more reasonable smokescreen for their real objection: having to see a black person at all. Unfortunately, blackness and black people have always been inescapable, both now and in the past. I’m not going anywhere, and I won’t be dragged into an argument about the value of my very existence.
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clovermarigold · 7 months
Smoke & Ice Head cannons and facts
Small facts and characteristics that are cannon to my fic, Smoke & Ice. Please note I do not claim any of these to be cannon to the MK franchise!
Don't worry I won't do any woobifying.
Also note after finishing this, I should have named this Angst angst and more angst
pt.2 pt.3
Calla has actually never been in a relationship because she always felt responsible for the Mangrove and like their parents/caretaker/sibling, even when they were around her age. (#oldest daughter vibes)
Bi han grew up with a different side of his father compared to his siblings. I head cannon that he probably learned his assholery from his father when he was younger. But he grew as a person as he had more kids.
Thats also why I think Bi han has both his evident hate and some internalized hate for Smoke. Because he's jealous of how soft and easy he went on him. (#oldest son vibes). This coldness and quiet resentment are also why he is TERRIBLE with children. He will seriously treat them like whole ass adults.
Calla: Go on. Talk to him
Bi han: ...Wanna beer?
Calla: NO!
Smoke on the other hand, is amazing with children. He didn't have a lot of interactions or experience with children, but that didn't stop him from being really good at it. Kids are really good at vibe checks, they can tell.
Smoke tends to hyper analyze and feel guilty after being around the children however, because he feels like he's projecting his memories of his sister onto them.
Smoke despite having MAJOR trauma has a habit of minimalizing it and brushing it off. Which infuriates Kuai Liang to no end.
Kuai Liang is the middle child that acts like the eldest. He got a glimpse to the kind of man their father was, since he's not that much younger than Bi han. But he was one of the first things to inspire their father to grow as a person.
Despite being the middle child, and the brother Bi han hates the least. It's usually Smoke who is the mediator between the two brothers.
The three brothers have vastly different relationships with their parents.
Bi han was an absolute mama's boy. He was always closer to his mom since she was the only person he would accept kindness, love, and even pity from. The day she died was when he truly became the Bi han we all know today. He had a terrible relationship with his father. Due to being put through grueling training when he was younger, as well and having the Lin Kuei's greatness instilled in his mind. Only to watch his father change and abandon this ideology as he aged. To him, any attack to his values is an attack on him.
Kuai Liang on the other hand unfortunately suffered from middle child syndrome. Often not being prioritized due to his mother's focus on Bi han, as well as his father's priority on training Bi han to lead, and later favoritism of Tomas. This neglect is what made him easily the most independent of bunch in their youth. Though this did change after the loss of their mother, which left Bi han to be the most independent and cold.
Smoke, however, is a more complicated matter. While he is undoubtably a daddy's boy. Due to his lack of a present birth father growing up and being taken in by him. His relationship with their mother is difficult. In no way does he dislike or have any problems with her. He just can't bring himself to truly see her as his mom. After watching the death of his true mother and sister, Tomas inherited a number of mental issues that the Lin Kuei never truly bothered to address. The loss of his twin sister made him incredibly clingy and reliant on his brothers, but the loss of his mother left him feeling guilty any time he tried to bond with his adoptive one.
Johhny cage has MAJOR daddy issues and minor mommy issues. Based on character interactions from both MK11 & MK1, we can deduce that he was an asshole. His dad switched between emotionally abusive and absent all together.
While he absolutely adores and loves his mom for being the parent who stayed and raised him, it didn't change the fact that she gave mostly tough love, being a cop and a single mother of two. (His brother who is said to be an asshole though we don't know the extent)
Movies were his main escape from his shitty home life and social life. I decided to keep his characteristics from Mortal Kombat Cage Match, being that he was bullied as a kid. Both by classmates and his brother. As a result, he absolutely loathes bullies, and is fully down to beat the shit out of any adult or minor that bullies any future kids of his, nephews, nieces, or just friend's.
When recreating the timeline, Liu Kang had to decide what to do with the children of Kronica and whether or not to include them in it.
I don't have a canon decision of Shinnok, since we won't be focusing on that in the story, and it'll probably be explained in future games. But Cetrion is a different story.
Cetrion was made to be a caretaker of the earth realm and its life. However, after falling in love with a mortal, was granted permission by Liu Kang to live among them as a mortal.
Their children would eventually become the dryad and subsequentially the Hamadryad, which is why they do not exist in any other previous timelines. It is also why Cetrion was able to become mortal without abandoning her duties. By creating a clan tasked with her previous role.
Anyways! Hope you enjoyed my "Head cannons". Have some tissues on your way out, I know I needed them.
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chaibewriting · 2 years
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A DOLLAR MAKE ‘IM HOLLER! (( pt. one ))
yandere! gang leader! sanemi shinazugawa x chubby! black! fem! reader x yandere! gang leader! bakugou katsuki
-> NOTES: sanemi and bakugou are basically the same person but in different fonts and i don’t think anyone can convince me otherwise???
-> WARNINGS: she/her pronouns for reader, afab reader, violence, misogyny, piggy as a pet name, noncon touching, sanemi is an asshole and a creep, bakugou is a sarcastic dick and a creep.
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THE sky is on the edge of darkness, the inky blue hues threatening to spill over into the horizon. This particular neighborhood that you’re starting to call home is a little on the… raunchy side. Infested with gangs and criminals, garbage cans fostering fire meant to keep the homeless warm. The streets weren’t exactly the safest place to be but that didn’t matter, it was all that you could afford at the moment but that may change if you play your cards correctly.
Y’see, in this raunchy place you live in, you were currently working as the store manager for a restaurant that specialized in a few different things, mainly tits and wings, maybe a little ass on the side if you looked from the right angle. Another name for the establishment would be referred to as Hooters, a place where women could work with a little less clothing than most waitresses but a bit more clothing than your average stripper. It was an empowering place to work at as long as the patrons kept their hands to themselves— which was a rarity.
This particular franchised store was welcoming to all walks of women which has been a turning point for you, considering how often Hooters likes to stick to hiring the slimmer women, not that it was a bad thing. However, it was refreshing to see how the Hooters you managed had a variety of women working there, some short, some tall, some average, some skinny, some thin, some fat, some thick, some Black, some Brown, some White, some Asian… No one was left out, all they needed was to show they were a hard-worker and could prove that they wouldn’t fuck around on the clock too much. You were on the chubbier side yourself so the environment only seemed to invite you in more.
You had an every day shift of eight hours, sometimes going over the clock to help open and close up shop but you weren’t complaining nonetheless. It was getting a little closer to closing time but you still had some hours to go before you could leave, everything was going particularly well with little-to-no-incidents.
Unfortunately, though you were currently unaware of this since you had been in the back helping with things, the night was soon going to take a turn for the worse.
“Boss, we’ve got trouble in the front, but- you should be careful. They’re from The Explosivos,” a voice said from behind you, causing you to turn and peek at the voice of who had spoken. One of the hostesses, Pony had approached you, a little nervous about whatever she’d just witnessed.
You stood up straight after setting a box of napkins down onto the storage room floor before approaching her, “Huh? What happened?” The two of you then began to walk back to the eating area as she explained what had happened.
“Chlöe made a mistake and pissed off the customers. All she did was give them the wrong meal order and one of them started yelling at her. I tried to calm the situation down but they told me to get the manager so— yeah.”
You nodded at her words and then glanced around, trying to find who had been causing the ruckus, “What table?”
Before Pony could answer you, a crash was heard along with the sound of something cluttering to the floor, along with a shout. “YOU DUMB BITCH, I ASKED YOU TO GET ME A NEW ORDER. Are you FUCKIN’ stupid?”
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You snapped your head towards the loud noise and watched a well-dressed man with scars on his face and silver hair lift his hand, about the strike one of your servers. Moving towards them at the speed of light, you grabbed the man’s hand in mid-air and stopped him from slapping Chlöe across the face. Said girl had shut her eyes and began cowering in fear, preparing for the impact that never came.
The stranger stared you down, his unblinking eyes nearly bulging out of their sockets as he kept eye contact with you, attempting to psych you out. His expression held anger but then twisted up into a sinister grin before he spoke in a low voice, leaning in so that he was only a mere few inches away from your face, his eyes boring into yours, “What’s this? A little piggy coming to the rescue? I’ll destroy you.”
With a flex of his forearm, he removed his wrist from your grip but kept the closing distance between the both of you, his eyes running their way over your body as you remained silent and willed. His eyes lingered on your chest for a bit longer before he scoffed, no doubt having noticed your name tag. “Ah, so you’re the manager here. I was expecting to talk to someone a little more logical— a man, perhaps.”
“Ah, I’m sorry. This is a business ran by women, made for adults mainly. We don’t usually allow children in here but somehow you managed to get seated,” you replied, pretending to be shocked, “I think we may need to amp up the rules for this establishment.” His smile dropped from his face and he squinted at you, the corner of his lip quirking up in irritation, “Whadyou just sayta me…? Repeat it.” You stared right back at him and then sighed, stepping away from him to place your hands onto Chlöe’s shoulders. She had been standing there behind you, shaking like a leaf. “Take the rest of the night off, and tomorrow if you need to. I’ll handle this, okay?” She stared at you and then looked at the man who was staring daggers into the back of your head, her eyes then flickering to the blond at the table who’d been watching the scene unfold. She then squeaked before nodding and scurrying off, as much as she wanted to stick around so that you wouldn’t have to deal with the two of them on your own, she was scared shitless and wanted to leave as soon as possible.
At this point, you had just realized a few patrons had stopped to watch what was going on which meant you had to clean this up quickly before it dragged on too long. “I’m going to have to ask you to leave, sir,” you paused when a second well-dressed man suddenly shifted around in the booth, scratching the back of his head a few times, before you finished what you were saying “Oh excuse me, I meant sirs.” “For what reason?” The blond spoke up, crossing his arms over his chest as he gave you a questioning look.
You made a face at him, almost silently asking him if he was being serious. And when he made no change in expression you cleared your throat and spoke again, “Well, you’re disturbing the other customers. You threatened violence against one of my employees and—“
Stopped in your tracks by a sudden grip on your chin, you yelped in surprise when the bug-eyed man turned your face to his, squeezing your cheeks stopping you in the middle of your sentence. “Y’know who we are, dontcha, piggy?” The unnamed man questioned, lavender orbs glancing over your face as he watched you register the predicament you were in. He then let go of your face, giving you the time to recollect yourself before he was expecting an answer.
When he let go, you rubbed at your face that stung a little from having him grip onto your face in such a way, it wouldn’t be surprising if he’d left some bruises on your skin.
“Am I supposed to know or even care?” You spat, slowly losing your patience with every coming second. “Y’know what? Get the fuck out before I call the police.”
“Call ‘em. They ain’t gonna come to some shitty neighborhood like this. Plus, we own this area,” the blond spoke up, tilting his head ever so slightly, a grin spreading over his face, “It’d be in your best interest to give us a refund if you know what’s good for you, pretty piggy.”
You squinted at the weird compliment, shaking your head at him, “Fine. If it’ll get you the hell out of here.” Turning your head, you called for Pony to get the receipt for the table as well as the money that was owed. She quickly did as you said and scurried over to you like a newborn deer before hurrying away again. It was thanks to a recent uptake in dine-n’-dashers that your franchise has started requiring for payment upfront immediately after orders were made. It seemed like a surefire way to keep the restaurant from being stolen from, but you were starting to question if you should keep the policy going. When you turned back to the two males, the man who’d grabbed your face like he was trying to examine your teeth held out of his hand, awaiting the refund. You hesitantly placed the bills and change into his hand, about to put your hand back at your side when he drops the cash and grabs your hand instead, pulling you towards him flush against his front, his other hand on the small of your back.
“Gimme your number too and I’ll leave, piggy,” he grinned, blinking once as he moved his hand from your back to the curve of your ass, feeling you up, “Promise.~”
This fucking man… who did he think he was?
You’ve had enough of him.
With a few swift movements, and the use of some defense classes you’ve taken, you’ve turned the man around and held one arm behind his back, slamming his face down onto the table to keep him in place.
“Didn’t your mother ever teach you not to touch people without their permission you fucking asshole?” You asked, squeezing his arm.
He said nothing, more shocked by how quickly you had managed to overtake him when he left his guard down. A chuckle and the sound of a few clicks soon rang in your ears and you looked up, seeing that the blond man had started taking pictures of your compromised position, a look of amusement on his face, “Wow, never seen him get tossed around like that before. Consider yourself lucky. Or, perhaps… unlucky.” The male’s use of words caused your brows to furrow in confusion, why was he speaking in riddles?
Since you were a bit too distracted by attempting to decipher the blond’s words, you failed to fold the man down who’d you pinned down to the table, and the tables, literally, turned. He had broken from your hold and stumbled back before standing still yet again, glaring down at you like he was on the very edge of murdering you with his bare hands. The intensity of his gaze caused you to flinch but you quickly sprung back, glaring back at him with your own death glare, waiting for him to try something.
“If ya wanna get froggy with me, then fucking hop already, jackass.” You threatened, your tone remaining calm, though you couldn’t hide the way your knees trembled a tad bit, almost as if they were about to give out beneath you. The staring contest continued for a bit longer, the rest of the restaurant quietly watching in interest at what had been unfolding nearby. Talk about a dinner and a movie.
Neither of you were the first to move, instead, the male that was still seated slid out of the booth, pocketed the refunded cash on the table, and elbowed his comrade as he started heading towards the door. Taking the hint, the silveret who’d been staring you down flared his nostrils before straightening up and moving to exit as well, but not without a final word. “Don’t worry, this won’t be the last time you’ll see me, piggy. Bet your bottom dollar.” And with that, he left, leaving you to clean up their mess while also profusely apologizing to your other customers.
-> AUTHOR NOTES: yooooo, it’s been a while since i’ve posted anything on this account, but that’ll change soon enough. i’m excited about how this is going to progress. this reader in particular isn’t your typical reader and she sure as hell ain’t gonna let some weirdos try and kidnap her without a fight. stay tuned! taglist is always open, feel free to comment, reblog, or dm me to lemme know if ya wanna be added. and if you’re too shy to do that but still wanna keep updated on updates for this multichapter story— follow me or turn on the notifications for this post! thanks!
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stellaralignment · 5 months
After reading @kira-serialfaggot 's post about inaccessible menus and @butterfly-sapphire post about non-customizable menus figured I now had sufficient excuse to rant about how I hate how every big restaurant's ""solution"" to these two problems is somehow always the worst fucking app I've ever had to use in my life.
So, to clarify real quick. I agree with both previous posts. Places that serve food should have their menu easily accessible somewhere if they have an online presence, and places that let you customize your order need to have that as a feature of any digital ordering solution they implement. Good? Good.
So, a lot of places I've seen (Wendys, Taco Bell, and McDonald to name a few) Have tried to get around how fucking horrible the DD app itself is by making their own apps with DD integration for the actual ordering/serving of delivery orders. Great, this lets them provide their own menu customization options, serve discounts/coupons, and generally have more control over the user experience. Fantastic. As a bonus, this usually also allows you to just look at the menu whenever you want.
Small issue. All of these apps were written by the worst fucking programmers I have ever witnessed in my life. I havn't gotten angry enough to de-compile or try to reverse engineer one yet, but my user experience has been so consistently bad and I've encountered issues that, as a software engineer, I honestly could not tell you how fucked their system has to be in order to allow that to happen.
Allow me to tell you the worst of these. I'm trying to order delivery from a store. It's late, like 7pm, but I know the place is open till 10. I can confirm this on their website (I do later for reasons that will become apparent) and google maps. So I punch in my address, make my order, and go to checkout. Unfortunately, the app tells me "Your payment method failed. Please select a new method and try again". Which was odd, but not unimaginable. I've had issues with my bank in the past. So I swap cards and try again, thinking nothing of it.
Except, my other card doesn't work either. Nor does using PayPal, or Google Pay, or any of the other payment options I tried. I'm getting desperate. I buy some games on steam just to make sure some of these are working, which they are. I was worried, but now that I've confirmed all my money hasn't been siphoned away somehow, I'm just confused and getting annoyed.
So I start going insane. I buy digital gift cards from several different sites and try using them. No dice, payment failed. I try using the website instead of the app, on my phone and PC. Payment failed. I boot up an android studio instance with a brand new virtual phone, install the app on it, and try to order. Again. Payment failed.
I'm starting to wonder if their servers are just completely down. A friend in a different state can order with no problems. A friend in the same town can order with no fanfare.
But my roommates can't. They have the same issue
Payment failed.
So. I'm going insane. I've now spent almost 3 hours attempting to order food, and I'm starving. It is at this point that my anger finally overcomes my social anxiety, and I do the one thing I never thought I'd do.
I call the store in question.
Now, in all of this there was one crucial mistake I made. See, that friend in the same town? Lived on the other side of town. And there's 2 different stores of this franchise in town. We didn't control for this, because the app doesn't let you pick a store anyways when doing delivery. It's hard locked to whatever one is closest, which isn't a terrible thing to do. You need to get the delivery address anyways, and you know where all your store are, so it cuts out a step for me. But having to choose a store might've clued us in to what was going wrong.
Because the store? Was closed. Not just closed, like mega closed. It was being shut down. It hadn't been open for two weeks, and would never be open again. The order was failing because they'd already taken all the computer systems out, and it couldn't confirm to have received the order.
So there was nothing wrong with the payment. Literally nothing I could have done about this. I am just barred completely from ordering because the app defaults to the nearest location for orders, and my nearest location didn't exist anymore.
And you'd think that there would be some way to communicate this to the user when making the app. But for reasons I can only assume are profit motivated (Though I have no idea how the fuck this is more efficient/profitable), the app just defaults to saying the payment failed.
Now, I wouldn't be this mad if this was just "oops edge case lol" where I suffered the unfortunate consequences of some procrastinator forgetting to do the thing that removes stores from the database. Unfortunate but not really anyone I can blame for it. But no. This is just the most extreme example, and it's not even confined to the one app.
Almost every single app like this I've used defaults to saying the payment failed and to try a new payment method when anything goes wrong. No drivers out on DoorDash to actually move the order? Payment failed. You're trying to order a seasonal item that got dropped today? Payment failed. The companies servers actually are down? Payment failed. You're not connected to wi-fi like an idiot and there's actually something you can do to fix the issue that's not related to payment whatsoever? Payment failed.
What the fuck is up with this lazy ass programming? I seriously doubt there's enough technical debt from these apps to justify not having a robust error catching system that communicates with the user what the issue is. By the fucking stars these people love collecting intrusive data, I'm surprised they havn't used this as an excuse to harvest everyone's fucking location at all times and send "error data" back to central.
But just don't tell me my debit card was declined when I'm trying to order a burger and you closed that store two weeks ago.
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frc-ambaradan · 1 month
A long time ago in a... well... galaxy full of ducks and mice
Hello there!
How should we celebrate Star Wars Day? Uhm... what about a ride along some italian Disney "parodies" of Star Wars? And I use quotation marks 'cause, it'll probably surprise you but, as of today, there is no real Disney parody of Star Wars.
There are, though, many stories that draw inspiration from some elements of Lucas' saga, starting from "Topolino e la spada di ghiaccio" (1984) amazing fantasy saga by Massimo de Vita that has nothing to do with Star Wars but gives us the first Disney character whose design's been heavily inspired by Darth Vader: the evil Prince of Mists!
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The nefarious Prince of Mists from "Topolino e la spada di ghiaccio".
Scattered throughout the years there are many other stories inspired by Star Wars from Silvia Ziche's Topokolossal (1997):
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Mickey Skyrunner weilds his legendary catalytic baguette as he faces off Pietro Galactus.
up to "Paperoga eroe dello spazio" (2013) a splendid, touching story by Roberto Gagnor and Claudio Sciarrone that culminates in one of the best plot twists ever on Topolino's pages (this story is the dream of any Galactic Empire fan ❤️).
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Easy, Gorgius "heir" to Behlpost's throne... who do you think you are? Luke Skywalker? (Spoiler: you're not).
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You may call it Behlpost, but that's Naboo royal palace for sure... with imperial guards as it seems 😁 (or are they forerunners of Operation Cinder sentinels? 🤔).
The only story (well, saga actually) that comes the most close to a real parody is Giorgio Pezzin's "Topolino e i signori della Galassia" (1991) which draws heavily inspiration from Star Wars expecially in the second episode.
The main character of this story is Goofy, who finds out to have inherited special powers from some old relative. Powers that make him the only one able to help the Galactic Confederation in their struggles against robots named "the Metals" led by general Titanio who seeks to eradicate every biological life form from the galaxy.
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Jeez, Titanio's soldiers may be robots but their aim is as bad as Stormtroopers'... 🤣🤣
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That's definitely the Battle of Hoth.
I know for sure there are also Star Wars inspired stories starring Josè Carioca out there, and McGreals' "May the farce be with you" (2005), but, unfortunately, I never had the chance to read them 'cause they've never been published in Italy.
But today's biggest obstacle to a Star Wars parody is Disney's auto-censorship. Yes, 'cause there's a strict rule at Disney that forbids authors to write parodies of other Disney franchises... so any parody of Star Wars (and Marvel) it's a very loud no-no. Sad :'(
We do know, though, that there are at least three finished legit parodies that never saw the light of day. One by Francesco Artibani that was supposed to be published on Topolino and two made-in-Egmont drawn by Cavazzano and Freccero.
Of the latter we can appreciate a beautiful illustration and a single page thanks to Freccero sharing them online a few years ago:
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Alas, unless Disney change their internal directives (and there's no way it's gonna happen anytime soon) we'll never get the chance to see these or any other Star Wars inspired story in the near future.
But we can sure appreciate the older ones and if you wanna indulge yourself in something different today... these are the stories you're looking for ;)
May the Force be with you!
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felassan · 1 year
Some more possible scraps of interest from possible DA:D leaks on Reddit, from another Reddit user, under a cut due to DA:D spoilers:
first, the usual set of disclaimers that should be kept in mind with all leaks: might not be real, unable to verify at present, sometimes leakers think they’re right about things but are unintentionally incorrect or got some wires crossed, games change a fair bit between development phases and final release, the opinion-based stuff is completely subjective, take with grain of salt etc.
I tried to gather comments together in bundles where it would make sense (if on the same or related topics).
They commented on the timepoint of development that their information is from, saying "It's up to date." and that they played much more recently than last October. Someone asked "Alright so this is like alpha or pre-alpha video right? Which means what we see is subject to drastic change." (basically asking if they played the same build as the Reddit leaker who shared screenshots/gif) and they said "Ehh, that would be based on how soon it’s released. Because I’ve playtested it recently, and if that video is old, then they’ve changed essentially nothing about it and probably don’t intend to lol." "Between when your comment was first written and now, I’ve learned enough to be convinced that it was indeed from at least a year ago, so you were right. I’ve just played a much more recent version." "Nope, completely different. But I read through it thoroughly just now, and that person is right. Based on the write-up [Insider Gaming report], it is pretty old. They’re talking about missing textures and placeholders. In my playthrough, they could’ve told me the game was done and I would’ve believed them. Definitely wasn’t from the same test." So it sounds like folks leaking played different builts/different playtests at different times.
Someone asked a bit more detail about what playtesting involves and they replied "Certain part of the game. I played specific missions, story missions, so I wouldn't know anything about the sidequest fluff." "I played in the middle because that’s how most controlled tests for games work. You almost never just hit “new game” and start from the beginning."
Reddit user: "Rook is the name of the protagonist. Like “Inquisitor” was in DA:I." Someone speculated that Rook would be a fridged prologue companion like Jenkins Masseffect (F) and they replied "As someone who has played the game, don’t try your hand at the lottery for a while lol."
Reddit user: "Grey Warden isn't the class" [of the character seen in some of the screenshots] "I’m not confirming or denying the existence of different origins, but “Grey Warden” was not the class."
Reddit user: "I've played it. You can't directly control party members. A more apt comparison (and it's extremely weird that they didn't reference this [referring to the first Insider Gaming report] considering it's another bioware franchise) is Mass Effect. It's exactly like ME's wheel where you hold RB or whatever it was, and choose what ability they use." "They can always change it, but I've played it and unfortunately, I can confirm. I personally don't care as I never switch to companions in games where you can anyway, but it's exactly like ME in that aspect."
Reddit user: "Given the timing, I'm 99% sure his source is someone I played with." "Nothing in the leak that was stated definitively is incorrect." [referring to the first Insider Gaming report]
Reddit user [re: combat]: "I've played it, and tbf, it was closer to XV than to say, DA:I" "Combat felt like Andromeda with melee weapons. Take that for what you will lol." "XV was in reference t the combat wheel. It wasn't over the top at all though, it played like a typical action game (ie not teleporting everywhere)." "I've beaten all 3 [existing DA games] and have played Dreadwolf. It's nothing like the other games. It's action combat. Grounded though, not in a fantastical way like DMC." "I don't remember a wheel in XV, but then again I havent played it in a long time. What it is exactly like though (and them not using this descriptor makes me feel like they don't play bioware games) is Mass Effect. I've played it. The wheel is exactly like the ME games."
Reddit user [re: combat, when someone was asking about hack 'n' slash]: "It's more like Inquisition, although I wouldn't describe it as either. Plays like an action game." "What they meant [in the Insider Gaming article] is that it plays like an action game. So not like any of the DA games" "I described my playtime to friends as "Andromeda but melee"." "I thought it was fun. Funner than the DAs of the past. However I never really took advantage of all the tactical options in Bioware games, so if there's someone who is looing forward to that, they'll probably have significantly less fun than I did." They also confirmed the existence of skill trees, a map, choosing the PC's class, companions who used classes and jumping & a jump button. They said that there are 4 ability slots ("I was only ever able to use 4."). There's blocking but not parrying. Stats are levelled up automatically like they are in DA:I, so no skill points to allocate manually. "I’ve played it with 3 companions and 4 skills."
They confirm the following infos from the first Insider Gaming article:
- "The game still lacks features;" The game is missing voice lines and has a lot of placeholder text. - "Dreadwolf has a lot of similarities with previous games in the franchise;" AND "You can recruit members to your team"; The article basically just describes a Dragon Age game. ***POSSIBLE SPOILER*** "It’s understood that you’ll be able to move from your hub to missions by passing through a mirrored portal." - "You cannot control your team members, but you can issue commands to cast abilities;" Key word here is currently perhaps - "Combat will be hack n' slash-like and will be like Final Fantasy XV;" The article did not say it's hack n' slash like FF15, but the combat wheel itself is more like FF15 (I never played FF15 so I don't know if it's a time-slow type ability wheel or what).
and added on this topic, "I can confirm 75% of what that person has said, and the other 25% I just never experienced. Don't know why they would lie about it." "Unless they change it in the future, you can't directly control companions." "I've played it and can confirm everything in that article except for the release date and multiplayer stuff. You cannot directly control your companions, and its full hack and slash" "Other than what I didn't experience (multiplayer/hub) it's all true. Down to the part about a 1/10th of the lines not being recorded yet." "I can confirm almost everything in that leak." "Multiplayer I didn't experience, nor did I experience the hub world that was described, although the portal thing is true." "The hub thing he described, I never played, but I did use the portals he was talking about." They also commented on the missing voice lines, "It's implemented, they're just not all there yet. During my playthrough Id say maybe a 10th of the lines were missing, and a good amount of the monster sounds." "Oh for sure, it’s definitely not a mess at this stage. On the contrary, the environments are pretty beautiful. Only things that were missing were a few audio clips."
Reddit user [re: mirrored portrals and an open world]: "I can't confirm the existence of one, I could've just never experienced it from my time with the game, but I myself never played anything that could be considered open world. Funny enough, I never thought about that until your question just now. But it would make sense from what I played."
Reddit user: "Combat's are great, cutscenes' are decent. Best ever as far as Bioware is concerned (which should be a given). What's not great are the facial animations. Granted the game isn't done yet (and might be far from done, who knows), but as of rn, it's Andromeda 2.0"
Reddit user [re: not controlling party members]: "It's true." "Unless they change it sometime before release, which I doubt, I can confirm that you cannot." "I can confirm. You can't directly control them." They also commented that companion control felt like Mass Effect.
When someone said "i hope they don't mean a real "action" combat, and it would still have those Dragon Age" they replied "That's exactly what they mean." Someone mentioned no party member control and hack n slash, FF combat and they replied "Can confirm, both are true. I wouldn't say "will be like XV", and technically that's not what he said either. What he meant was that it's more of an action combat, not that you'll be teleporting around." Someone asked if it compares to Elder Scrolls and they said "Uhhh, yeah I guess. I usually play Elder Scrolls in first person, so that comparison would be kinda weird to me, but third person elder scrolls I guess would be more accurate than any of the past DA games. ES combat has no weight to it though, and this has weight. For real, it plays like Dark Souls games if you took out the invincibility frames and all the things that make them "hard"."
Someone asked about the party size, and they replied "Yeah, 2 party members and then a third based on what mission you're playing. Weapon wheel to control 3 abilities each for the two companion's you've brought and then 4 of your own abilities." "Now I will say, Idk how far I was into the game, so it's possible that it'll eventually open up to 3 of your choosing, but I played multiple missions and the third person was whoever you were helping at the time." "It’s still 4 [party members in total, so PC+3]."
Someone asked about what's happening to Solas and they replied "I have no idea lol. He was mentioned in passing seeing as he's the big bad now, but I never saw him or anything." "in Mass Effect for instance right? WHat Sovereign was up to wasn't described in every main mission. It wasn't even described in most of them."
Reddit user: "The look of the hair was pretty damn good I will say, the physics of it though, I didn't really pay attention to. Everything about the graphics looked sufficiently next gen, except for the facial animations. They're still Andromeda level, maybe a step up." "Everyone else's hair is great. Your character's hair is...decent." "Graphics are sufficiently next gen except for facial animations. They were the one stand out." "Movements are less stiff feeling, even when people are still. Animations and movement are better as well. They were satisfying to me, but of course, that’s subjective." "visuals and performance were pretty solid from my experience. That could obviously change though."
On facial animations someone asked them "You said that facial animations were only a bit better than those in Andromeda, but how do they compare to Inquisition? Because I think in Inquisition they were somehow better or at least didn't stand out that much like in Andromeda, despite the latter being newer game. I think I'll be okay with them being just a bit better than in Inquisition" and they replied "I’m looking at clips of Inquisition now and I think you hit the nail on the head when you said “at least didn’t stand out as much” because tbh, Inquisition and Andromeda weren’t that far apart in that aspect, they were definitely made using the same process, but Inquisitions somehow don’t stand out as much. Idk whether it’s because a lot of the people talking aren’t human or what. But it looks more like that than Andromeda. But because technology has gotten better, it looks better than both. I guess the conclusion is it still has that stiffness that both of them have, where it looks a couple steps removed from a robot that gets told to move pieces of their face X way at X time, but then at the end come back to Z position. So I guess I’d say the faces look and move like an HD Inquisition. I would’ve compared it to that instead of Andromeda, but I never realized they were so similar until you pointed it out lol."
Reddit user: "Yup, a KO for you is game over." [a KO for the PC]
Reddit user: "The maps feel like they could've came from DA:I design wise."
Reddit user: "It feels the same but different. I know that's an incredibly bs non-answer but it's true. It feels like a 2023 Bioware Dragon Age. For better or for worse. Anybody expecting DA:I 2 will be disappointed." "It'll probably be worth it [the wait] in the sense that DA fans will find it passable. But at this point (keep in mind the game still isn't done) it's not something that feels like it took 10 years to make or anything. Which is probably due to them reportedly restarting development multiple times." "I'd say most things about the game definitely feel more like Andromeda then DA:I" "If they keep it pretty much the same as my playtest, average players will be happy, but people who play Dragon Age games specifically for the Dragon Age gameplay probably won’t be. It’s completely different."
Someone asked about whether it answers DA lore questions, and what the storytelling/spread of storytelling is like and they said "I was dropped in and out of missions, so idk, but I will say it has A LOT of story elements from DA:O" and then "Same answer"
On characters they said "I didn't spend a significant enough amount of time to make that call [whether they're as interesting as the chars in DA:I. they're quirky though" "I think the character designs are sick, but that's completely subjective." "I wouldn't say I had enough time with the characters to get emotionally invested." Also someone asked if the characters are 3D, realistic and complex and they replied "Stereotypes unfortunately". Someone asked how the dialogue compares to ME:A, expressing the opinion that their "biggest issue with MEA was the MCU-esque style of writing that made the dialogue sound like it was ripped from bad tumblr fanfics. I couldn't take most of the cast seriously because they sounded more like caricatures than real characters." They replied "😬 bad news my man. What you just described is exactly how I would describe it.
Reddit user [re: armors]: "Im not sure how to answer that. Nothing really stood out, if that helps. But then again, idk what parts of the game I played. Could've been closer to the beginning where you just get the plain stuff."
Someone asked them "was the camera a tight over-the-shoulder cam like Andromeda, or was it more zoomed out / character centered like DAI / other 3rd person games?" and they replied "Zoomed out, but then tight when you use the weapon wheel (which youll be using a lot)" The other user asked if it was like Mad Max, and they said "Actually that's not a bad comparison. Picture the camera a bit further out though." On tac cam, they said "I was part of the leakers playtest. As of now, there is literally no tactical camera, but like you said, who knows if they’ll add it sometime before release. Just don’t get your hopes up."
Someone asked them "Does it feel like a medieval fantasy game still? It looks so sci fi to me, like the eluvians are shitty Rick and morty style portal guns all of the sudden. Does the neon purple take away from that feeling at all?" and they replied "It didn’t feel sci-fi to me but it sounds like you’re referring to a deeper level than just baseline aesthetics, and for that I think it’d be subjective. If you’re not though, no it still felt distinctly fantasy. Some parts more medieval than others." Someone also asked about warriors breaking stuff in the world, mages restoring terrain and rogues picking locks and they replied "Let’s just say…the game doesn’t play in a way that requires those anymore."
Reddit user: "Map design was one of the best parts, and boy were they gorgeous. The greenery specifically was the only thing in the game where I was like "This is exclusively next gen, like they couldn't have done this on last gen"."
Reddit user: "I thought it was fun, but I mean fun is subjective. Things were changed about the series that some long time fans will hate and some people who never liked Dragon Age will now love, such as the lack of tactical options." "I thought the combat was fun, but fun is subjective ya know? For instance, you guys already know that all the tactical stuff is gone, and for someone looking for that, they wouldn’t find it fun. I guess the takeaway could be that it’s by no means bad. Footage and screenshots are real. That’s 100% the game."
Reddit user: "I’ve played it. Recently. And all of the things people are giving the “year old” line in reference to are still the case. So the likelihood of them being changed are very slim."
Someone asked them "Hello! Could you share (or hint in some way) if some of the characters from previous games will make an appearance? (Beside Varric and Solas, obv). Some old leaks implied Bioware considered dual protagonist at some point, so I'm wondering if it turned into something. Or, at least, any mentions about Inquisition?" and they replied "[besides Varric and Solas] Literally the only people I saw/heard about lmao, sorry. I also never experienced anything regarding dual protagonists."
Someone asked them "Did it look to be anywhere near close to done??? I mean it's kinda a dumb question because on one hand I think you may have only played a certain area... On the other though I don't know anything about why you playtested, nor do I want to but, I am interested in knowing more about the overall size, comparison of detail to say like anything new gen, and whether or not they incorporated newer tech such as haptics, adaptive triggering, graphic upgrade and is the story intriguing or pushed... You know.". They replied:
"No no, that’s not a dumb question at all. Tbh, they could’ve said it was releasing at the end of the year and I’d believe them. The only thing I could see that wasn’t finished were the voice lines, and not even that many weren’t recorded. Maybe 1/10th. Graphics were superb except for the facial animations (and given Andromeda, that might just be how they’re going to stay). Controls were solid, enemies were solid, abilities were solid, UI and menu all looked unique and finished. General gameplay was in a finished state. Had a couple glitches here and there but nothing that couldn’t easily be ironed out.
[re: about the overall size, comparison of detail to say like anything new gen] From what I played, it seems more instanced than open world like DA:I, so I can’t really compare it in size, and obviously the previous 2 games have been outclassed in terms of technology.
[re: whether or not they incorporated newer tech such as haptics, adaptive triggering] Not that I saw, but idk if that’s the type of thing they’d incorporate anywhere before near the end of development. You sound like you’d have a better idea of that than I would though.
[re: graphcis upgrade] Graphics are for sure upgraded. The flora in particular I would say wouldn’t have been able to be created before the PS5 gen. It’s that good. Environments, clothing, faces were up there as well (clothing and faces could’ve been better with your character, but everyone else’s were next gen).
[re: is the story intriguing or pushed] The thing about judging a story is that even the most interesting ones fall flat if you experience it out of order (unless that’s the author’s intention), which I did. Even with putting bits and pieces together from what the characters were saying, I really felt nothing because I was coming in mid storyline."
[source] <- read the comments in context for them to make the most sense ofc :)
Edit - Update:
New comment of interest from the user (thanku @ladymacbethsimp for letting me know!). Someone asked them "can you attribute a single emoji to every companion you saw? like an out of context spoiler kind of thing". They replied "Hmmm I can try…" and posted these three emojis/series of emojis:
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The screenshots I have included here are screenshots of the same comment from 2 different devices side by side, as emojis/emoji groupings can change appearance depending on OS etc.
so.. elf man of color, red hair woman and woman mage?
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yandereinc · 1 year
Isekai - Yandere!ShalnarkxFem!Reader 03
Prologue Chapter 01 Chapter 02 Chapter 04 Synopsis: You have an unfortunate encounter with Truck-kun which leads you to wake up in the HXH universe.
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Shalnark POV
Cute, that was the first thing he thought when he saw you standing there holding a game guide. The way you gasped at it as if it were some priceless treasure.
You were cute. And he was bored. So he came to the totally reasonable conclusion that he should start a conversation with you. You two already had one thing in common after all.
The fear that flashed in your eyes when you got a good look at him just cemented the fact that talking to you would be a good idea. He wondered how you knew about him. From the fear in your eyes you must know he was part of the phantom troupe. He doubted he met you during the hunter exam after all. He still had tabs on his fellow 'graduates' from that year and you weren't one of them. On top of that, you were obviously not a nen user.
For a moment he thought the troupe might've wronged you in some way. But as quick as the fear flashed in your eyes it disappeared. The casual way you spoke to him made him brush off that idea. You clearly weren't a good actress so it was probably from mouth-to-mouth advertisement instead of direct contact.
As the conversation kept going you kept piquing his interest. When he first saw you standing there with that Fortress Watch game guide in your hand he thought you reacted that way because you loved the game. He couldn't blame you if you did he quite liked it as well. But turns out you never heard of the game.
Which was odd for someone who was shopping here. It was odd for anyone to not know the game. It was an amazing game but pretty infamous for how hard they went on the advertisement campaign. Even if you never played it before you would've heard of it.
Then you proceeded to call him by his first name. Which could only mean a couple of things. You either knew him as a hunter or as part of the phantom troupe. From the fear in your eyes when you saw him he bet it was the latter.
But you clearly didn't mean to do that. He doubted you even realized you did. Because he didn't want to scare you away he decided to ignore it. He wanted to keep talking to you while you kept up your cute brave facade. It was adorable to him.
Especially when you proceeded to rave about a game franchise he never heard about. It would be one thing if it was just a small indie game but you claimed it was one of the biggest game franchises. At least until you backpedaled when he told you he never heard about it.
Lying about the game being bigger than it was would be an odd thing to do. And he already marked you as a bad actress. This meant you really did think of it as one of the biggest game franchises.
He couldn't help but notice the way you dodged his question about the content of the game. Nor the fact that you changed it from one of the biggest games to one even rarer than Greed Island.
Unfortunately for him, duty called. But this did give him an excuse to ask for your number.
Only to hear that you didn't have a phone. It wasn't a lie either, and he could tell, you just didn't have one. That fact made him want to laugh. Everything about you made him want to put you under a microscope to find out every little detail and secret.
But that would have to wait. While it was a bit of pain he couldn't text or call you it wasn't that big of a problem. He was quick to run that errand for Paku though. He wanted to know everything about you.
Only to quickly find out there was nothing about you anywhere. After hacking into the surprisingly robust security camera system of the store he managed to get some clear shots of you. Only to find that you didn't have any records at all.
While that wasn't unheard of, he came from Meteorite City after all, and having no records there was par for the course. But you clearly weren't from Meteorite City. You seemed too soft for that.
Still, as he told you, he wasn't one to back away from a challenge. So he used the footage of the nearby security cameras to follow you around. Not surprised to see that you stayed at a hotel.
From there on it was back on easy street as he initially thought things would go. He hacked into the hotel's database and found your name, the room you were staying at, and the payment method you used.
What surprised him was that you used a prepaid credit card. He was quick to look up that company and hack his way inside. His smile widened when he saw your card's history.
It looked like you bought the card yesterday evening as the card wasn't activated until then. But within minutes of you owning it, you put 1000 Jenny on it. That wasn't very odd, but then you proceeded to add more money until you had 100 thousand Jenny.
Again this wouldn't be odd but for some reason, you insisted on not putting more than 1000 Jenny on your card instead of doing it all at once. But then you changed that up again to 50.000 Jenny until you had a million Jenny.
Realizing he wouldn't be able to decipher why you did this he went after a clue you gave him.
The Sims.
You claimed it was one of the biggest game franchises after all. But once more, he found nothing. Absolutely nothing. Not even a small fan forum. With the way you raved about it it should at least have one of those. But there was nothing.
But not for a single moment did he entertain the thought that you were just talking out of your ass. You were so sure of yourself when you talked about that game.
He thought that researching you would be easy. It clearly wasn't. And he found himself loving that. It would make finally getting to know everything about you feel more like a victory.
Somehow a non nen user caught his attention and he decided to let himself enjoy the ride.
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avis-writeshq · 7 months
my thoughts on dad!spencer (in a canonical sense)
I love it. Obviously. It’s immaculate and amazing and sweet and we can see the way Spencer showers kids with the love that he didn’t receive when he was a child. But there are obviously some logistics that we need to consider.
1. His genetic makeup.
His mother is a paranoid schizophrenic who also struggles with Alzheimers. Spencer has a bachelor in psychology and has likely read every little thing about these neurodegenerative diseases; he therefore knows that it’s genetic. He suffered so much anxiety as he reached his early twenties because he had to consider the possibility that he might experience a schizophrenic break. When Diana was diagnosed with Alzheimers, Spencer has hinted towards the fact that he was worried about having to wait until he was in his sixties to see if he also had that gene.
It is likely that both of these diseases skipped a generation, but there’s no telling if these will carry onto the next one, namely Spencer’s children. He has experienced how difficult it is to help his own mother. Can you imagine how difficult it will be if he has to help his own child through a schizophrenic break? That’s extra trauma right there drizzled with guilt and regret on the side.
2. His work.
I am an avid believer that Spencer would quit working at the BAU if it meant being there for his child. He already has a good rapport with Georgetown University seeing as he has taught there, meaning that he always has that option. But if we want Spencer to return as a father, there’s a likelihood he wouldn’t be a constantly returning character (that is, if the writers choose to stay true to his character). Obviously, we won’t know their final choices until after the episodes have aired, and MGG has stated that he would love to return; I just doubt he’d return as a dad (unfortunately ☹️).
3. His wife/partner.
The ending between Max and Spencer is honestly very ambiguous. We have no idea if they ended up working through the whole issue with Cat and we also have no idea if Spencer then moved onto another woman. Obviously, whoever they end up pairing Spencer with is going to either be adored or absolutely hated (read: Maeve Donovan) depending on how they create her character. Spencer is considered to be the most loved and favourited character in the whole Criminal Minds franchise, meaning that there is a whole fandom out there made specifically for him. The backlash that the actor/actress and the writers would face should his partner’s character be unsatisfactory would be detrimental to careers, and they need to handle the situation with care.
Final thoughts:
I would love for Spencer to return to Criminal Minds franchise just as much as the next person. Matthew brings such a life into the role and it’s honestly sad knowing that he isn’t in the last season. Seeing him as a father would honestly bring and provide so much closure to the character, but there are also unrealistic standards that need to be met. Maybe (for now) dad!spencer should just be kept as a fandom thing.
This being said, adoption/fostering is always on the table (and I don’t think Spencer would ignore it). Plus, him being a single father is also on the table. It’s all up to the writers’ decision.
This is my opinion!! If you agree or disagree, let me know, I’d love to read your thoughts 🩷
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weirdmarioenemies · 1 year
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gName: Pokeyplant
Debut: Super Mario Galaxy
Ah! It is Pokeyplant. Pokeyplant is a Pokey that is a plant, and this does not make it special, because they are all plants by default. But I have to admire how proud it is of being a plant! It takes this seemingly mundane aspect of itself, and really owns it. I think that is great! You should love something about yourself that you take for granted RIGHT NOW!!! Punk
You may notice that Pokeyplant is not particularly pokey. It is not pokey at all, in fact. Someone shaved this cactus! Evidently to gather enough cactus spines to fashion them into a very painful sweater. Why is that so obvious? Well, there are no sheep in Dusty Dune Galaxy, are there? No WOOL for sweaters. Gotta use cactus spines! Unfortunately!
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There is only one Pokeyplant in the entire galaxy. In the entire game. In the entire franchise! And while the Prickly Piranha Plant from Galaxy 2 is just as rare, it at least gets to have a pretty significant role as Piranha Plant’s side smash attack in Super Smash Bros. Imagine if Pokey was a playable fighter that also took aspects from its variants in its moveset! It could have a move where it turns into Pokeyplant, removing its spines and making it more vulnerable to attacks!
Pokeyplant’s whole gimmick is sort of being a Pokey that is more vulnerable to attacks, but like, in a fun way. With no spikes, it can be Spin Attacked, and its segments will go flying! Alternatively, its head can just be jumped upon to defeat the whole thing at once. That is really it. Its being a unique entity is certainly more fun than its behavior!
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However, Pokeyplant is not the first full-length Pokey who could be jumped upon! In fact, in their very first appearance, Pokeys- who were green- could be stood upon just fine!
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And then, in Sticker Star, they decided to just bring those back! As of Color Splash they are known as Green Pokeys, and their whole thing is being the Pokey that can be jumped upon. Mario does not punch in this game, but I’m sure they could theoretically be punched safely as well!
Pokeyplant is a delightful little tidbit in the ongoing development of Pokeys! Really, I mostly like it because its name is funny. If you take one thing from this post, I hope it’s that Pokeyplant has an amusing name. But I also think it is just fascinating that a separate modern spineless Pokey was established with Green Pokey, perhaps even entirely independently! Mario’s world is a whole ecosystem of fun little pretend creatures!
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irandomblogfulb · 1 year
This whole "crwby" shit really is a double edged sword.
Yeah, from the perspective of a capitalist Corp who only cares about lining their pockets, there's a benefit. Fans will support Ruwuby in the name of supporting "Crwby" when crwby is just a subsection of RT. Supporting "crwby" is supporting RT.
"The animation dept brings in 60% of the revenue or more."
Crwby is part of Roosterteeth's animation dept. Rwby is their biggest title. That 60% of their total revenue is very likely coming from Rwby exclusively.
Crwby is a vague enigma. What or who "crwby" is differs from person to person (or Stan to critic). That can work to Roosterteeth's favour as mentioned above but like I said, it's a double edged sword. You can't transfer Rwby's success anywhere else. They tried with Genlock and it flopped. Hard. Roosterteeth doesn't have the star power they once had. And though they cultivated a passionate fan base that will defend them tooth and nail ( in the guise of supporting crwby) those fans only care about rwby. They have dedicated so much of themselves, so much of their money and time into rwby, some new shiny rwby-clone isn't going to garner that same response and dedication.
Crwby is no Hideo Kojima. Tetsuya Nomura can leave Square Enix and do his own shit and people will flock to check it out. When you think of Kingdom Hearts, you think of Tetsuya Nomura. You think Metal Gear Solid, you think Hideo Kojima. You think Ghibli, you think Hayao Miyazaki. Final Fantasy XIIII fans are gonna check out Final Fantasy XVI cause Yoshi-P was director of both those games. The appeal of Final Fantasy XV was that Nomura was the director. Do you see what I'm getting at?
When you of rwby, you think of Monty, but unfortunately, he's no longer here with us to helm the franchise. Realistically, it should be Kerry but the guy is so...bland (?) and uninspired. Miles is more and less distancing himself from the franchise. The next best thing is crwby, an undefined, ever-changing group of people who work on the show.
How is crwby, this enigma supposed to take rwby back from the evil, big bad Roosterteeth? Kerry and Miles, the closest to a figurehead for rwby, and were there for rwby conceptualisation, are burnt out on rwby. Miles relinquished all responsibility he had. Kerry, just, I don't think he wants to be showrunner anymore, nor enjoys the responsibility he has as writer, producer and director.
Rwby fans are not Miles Luna fans. They are not Kerry fans, Eddy fans, Barbara fans etc etc. They got into Rwby because of the initial appeal of the premise, strong art direction, and fight choreography, but they stayed because Rwby ultimately fuels fandom. There is no passion (from higher up), just pandering to the largest demographic.
Tdlr, because I forgot where I was going with this rant; Roosterteeth is fucked because they can't pivot the success of Rwby towards anything else because their fanbase is obessed with Rwby. Miles, Kerry, Barbara and anyone considered part of "crwby" is fucked because the stans only like rwby because their fanfics are treated as canon and the parasocial relationship they have with the team behind the franchise. They need Rwby, not the other way around. They might be kekeing and enjoying the clout for now but eventually the stans (again, who arent their fans and the extent they care about them doesn't go beyond their involvement with rwby. Case and point - Kdin and everyone else part of crwby or not who spoke out against RT ) are gonna get annoying real quick.
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dynared · 3 months
“Characters in search of a plot” is a pretty good way of putting it. And you aren’t wrong about really weak villains. I think a lot of bigotry allegories tend to fall apart if you scratch them a bit but this one is particularly bad. Mostly I think I just don’t like how the war machines get treated with more leniency by the writing than any human it seems.
I’m pretty new to the franchise and was initially really interested in the IDW comics but the more I’ve heard about them the less enthused I am. I mostly gather wonky characterizations, a weirdly BNF-y trend to the fandom and poorly written space politics.
I also… may have spent a decent amount of time in a fandom with a weird amount of imperialism apologia because “well things had to change!” so I get really antsy if I feel any rumblings in that direction. Pity because I love Space Operas, I’m interested in Cybertronian worldbuilding and I’d like less focus on the humans but little of it sounds done well. I may try them at some point to at least form proper opinions but they sound like an incohesive mess, and not in the fun way.
I do hope that the people who enjoy them are having fun though. And despite my reservations and some issues I am quite enjoying the Skybound comics for the most part! Though time will tell if it stays that way.
There's a decent amount here, so let's go through it one step at a time since I don't want to come off as ignoring things:
One could argue that "characters in search of a plot" is probably a better conundrum than a plot where you just don't like the characters. I fully believe some of the Terrans might get another shot at being featured in something, even if it is with modified backstories not connected to the Maltos. Twitch is probably the most likely to get another crack at a big role, although I could see her being portrayed as just a regular Autobot in a subsequent production. Hashtag, despite a name that might make some cringe, actually seems to be the closest the brand has come to a proper Blaster replacement, and Jawbreaker as the Dinobots kid sibling would make a lot of sense and serve to humanize them in a future work. Unfortunately Thrash, who doesn't have much of a personality, and Nightshade, who has become a lightning rod of controversy, I'm less sure about.
That said, bigotry allegories are tough in the best of times. Even in good cases, they're often subject to bad faith readings, and in bad cases, like here? Forget it. It's an awkward, clunky mess that heavily contradicts the rest of the franchise, in particular the comic they're releasing right now where the Cons could not give a damn about anything other than themselves, and whose Starscream is a sadistic bully. But the writers here are clearly fans of the fanfic Cons, so in trying to make them as sympathetic as possible, their cruelty and issues are swept under the rug. It was worse in IDW admittedly since the Autobots were oftentimes just terrible people, so you were often let with no one to root for. For all its problems, the Autobots in Earthspark are more often than not ineffectual, not evil, which is probably because Hasbro pumped the brakes on having cash cows like Optimus Prime be shown as evil without say, brainwashing.
I would not recommend the IDW comics to anyone. The few gems of characterization and concepts cannot make up for the mountains of coal that was most of their run, and IDW2, the prequel that tries to establish a framework for the Great War? The damned thing was so slow and boring that no one mourned IDW losing the license. Not to mention if you're not REALLY familiar with these characters and why you should care about the variances in how they're portrayed, I find most people would just be completely lost, and if you don't like how the portrayals are altered, frustrated. It's simply put, not a fun comic unless you are in the market for a very specific portrayal.
The main issue with the humans (something the very first Transformers comic writer, Bob Budinansky noted was important) was that without that connection, the Transformers could be anything else. They could be humans with power armor, weird bug aliens, or freakish mutants. But it's that relationship and contrast with the humans that makes them special. That's not to say that there are versions of the story that significantly overdo the human element, because there assuredly are, but to have it be completely absent is to cut off part of why we invest in these characters.
Finally, while the Skybound Energon Universe is a little less than a year old, and there are definitely some concerns as well as plot holes that hopefully the narrative will fill in later, I argue that those comics have bought something that seemed to be missing from so much Transformers media as of late, a sense of actual fun. The writers get mecha and what makes them cool. They get the core of why these characters work. I can only hope that the quality stays high, especially with Daniel Warren Johnson, part of why I think the comics have been so good (no one in IDW would dare think of references pro wrestling or the 08th MS Team) phasing out of the book.
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violently smashing my two major fandoms with an F together as a form of procrastination
A question for the ages: WHICH Avatar character matches up with WHICH Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle one and WHY the fuck should anyone (besides me) care? We'll answer at least one of those questions for you tonight, dear viewers!!!!
First up
Neteyam - Leo
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Eldest son, blue theme (like I could say this for all the Sullys, but shush), can do no wrong except when one of the siblings stubs a toe and then the Guilt, daddy's favorite solider who's also a huge dork (like we don't see a lot of evidence of this in canon for Neteyam but let me have this), Neteyam's Untimely End vs Leo getting treated as such a punching bag by each TMNT iteration that throwing him through a goddamn window is an established franchise staple by now.
Kiri - Donnie
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A case can be made for April-Kiri parallels (particularly for psychic powers re 2012 April, my beloved, and dead mom syndrome) and also Karai-Kiri (for dead mom syndrome, how often I've mixed up their fucking names while writing), but Kiri-Donnie fits the siblings theme, so there. They're tech nerd-nature nerd solidarity, autistic Entities of unparalleled death and destruction, happy to destroy government property, younger siblings pretending to be above the Chaos while very much not, and in desperate need of a nap and a stiff drink.
Lo'ak - Raph
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Rage issues. Daddy issues. Big brother issues. Relatively smol and Keenly aware of that fact. Adored by the (smart) fans, cursed by Eywa/God. Makes strong bonds with animal fwends and also collects traumatic experiences like magnets collect nails. 100% either in a fistfight or sobbing into his pillow rn. In a family living at the bottom of a fucking sewer and/or on the run from the government, still manages to feel like an odd one out. Someone needs to introduce Lo'ak to emo music, it would fuck him up so much /pos.
Tuk - Mikey
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Youngest and most excitable sibling, heart of gold and jaws of steel. Optimism that remains in the face of innocence slowly being shaved away by Events. Hates being left out or left behind, committed to various Schemes and Plans with historically mixed outcomes. Has definitely either killed a man or will do so as soon as the opportunity presents itself.
Spider - Karai and April
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Spider's kind of an unholy amalgamation of April's Token Human We've Shared Traumatic Experiences With journey and Karai's At Odds With Creepy Undead Father Figure And Complex Relationship With Less Creepy Father Figure (see below) arcs. Basically part of my ongoing psyops plans to Feminize That Boy (don't worry Karai-Kiri and April-Kiri parallels, I still love you). Also, Leorai/Apritello and Speteyam/Spiri (mix and match at will) have exciting interspecies and/or vaguely incestous vibes we should all strive for in our weird fanfics.
Jake - Splinter/Hamato Yoshi
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Tired dads trying their best and just so happening to raise The Kids as soldiers-warriors along the way. Exciting and confusing relationships with the concept of this thing you call "death." Shameless species hoppers, even though Jake did it on purpose while TMNT writers in various iterations have to come up with increasingly more convoluted ways for it to happen to Yoshi against his will. Is not afraid of violence, especially when it comes to their homoerotically homicidal relationship with
Quaritch - Shredder
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Big Bad of the story, or at least the one everybody pays attention to. The Bitch Who Refuses To Die. Unhealthy, possessive, genuinely quite creepy (/pos) obsession with sort-of-kid who ended up in his care through Unfortunate Means. Will destroy everything he remotely cares about and sit in the ashes with surprised Pichaku face before finding someone to blame. Refuses to let go of a fucking grudge, be it with aforementioned homoerotic-homicide buddy or various children.
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Technically the best Neytiri parallel in terms of family relationships would be Tang Shen, Splinter's wife and the pseudo/actual (depending on the iteration) mother of his children. However, Tang Shen has an unfortunate history of being Dead Girled and Ghost-Momed in a way that puts her more in common with Grace or Tom Sully (rip). Still, Neytiri has a lot in common with the vengeful demon ghost version of Tang Shen that exists primarily in my head.
Payakan - Casey Jones
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Outcast from society, defender of the weak, wanted by the authorities. Combines genuinely passionate belief in justice/revenge with an equally genuine talent for wanton violence and destruction. Has an interspecies bromance with Lo'ak/Raph that puts Achilles and Patrocles to shame. Someone definitely needs to introduce Payakan to emo music, too, not to mention death metal--he'd start a band to put those Little Mermaid fuckers to shame.
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Arguments? (you're all wrong btw) Only know me from one of these fandoms and have no idea what the hell I'm taking about? Hit me up in the reblogs!
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