#and when i'm like this it's very easy to spiral into negativity and i really want to avoid that
tvrningout-a · 8 months
so a lil quick psa is in order, i feel. starting off, this might be a little tmi? but plainly speaking, my hormones sometimes make my time of the month very challenging emotionally and mentally. i haven't experienced this in quite a while, and i wish i knew what changed or if it's just a random thing i have no control over, but i have no idea sadly! all i know is that i become very prone to bad mood drops and sensitivity, so if i'm extra quiet or inactive, i apologize; i'm just trying to handle myself gently and avoid making this all worse.
with all of that said, thank you for being patient with me <3 it really does mean a lot that y'all put up with my snail-like pace!
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reasonsforhope · 7 months
Do you have a tag specifically for stuff about the climate crisis/what is being done/can be done to help stop or reverse its effects?
Basically just read a post that was "I'm not trying to be alarmist but- *spends seven paragraphs about how climate change is inevitable, we will never possibly recover from it, it's not global warming anymore its global "boiling", none of the damage can ever be undone and we're all going to be dead in the next five generations*" and I'm trying.. very hard not to spiral from it.
Sorry for bothering you 🙏
The "climate crisis" "climate change" and "climate hope" tags should do the trick.
Of those, "climate change" is the one that has the most content by far, just because the others are more narrow and "climate hope" is a much more recent term, so to speak, because I keep forgetting about it lol
I don't post anything that's not good news, so you can go through the general "climate change" tag without fear
Also, while I'm at it, that person is wrong. For a lot of reasons, including that we're actively fixing a lot of damage to ecosystems literally right now. And also also, GLOBAL WARMING WILL BE AT LEAST SOMEWHAT REVERSIBLE
Why? Well, the rise in average global temperatures is caused by excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. As we keep fixing the planet, restoring ecosystems, and stop burning fossil fuels, nature will siphon more and more of the carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.
And if there's less carbon dioxide (and other greenhouse gasses) in the atmosphere, then more heat can once again escape the planet and radiate out into space
Will this be easy? Probably not! This planet's natural systems are incomprehensibly complicated - but that also means there are solutions out there that we haven't even discovered. There are some additional problems to overcome, like the fact that the oceans will be surfacing excess heat for a few decades after we stop CO2 emissions, and also "natural gas" and "carbon capture" are fake solutions/oil company traps.
But we can do it. I so, so, so sincerely believe that.
One term that I think we'll be seeing more and more of in the coming years is "Drawdown": "Climate drawdown refers to the future point in time when levels of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere stop climbing and start to steadily decline.[1] Drawdown is a milestone in reversing climate change and eventually reducing global average temperatures." (from wikipedia)
We can achieve drawdown. Will life in the future look very different? Yes, in both good and bad ways.
Climate change is the earth's "feedback" to humanity: "Fix your shit or die."
People are, in general, really, really, really committed to finding ways not to die.
I genuinely believe the rest of us can overcome the few dozen billionaires trying to screw the rest of us over. Money is powerful, but the remaining 7 billion plus people on this planet are more so. And the fortunes of billlionaires are made off the backs of the rest of us - which means we can make those fortunes run dry.
Sources for this answer (warning, these talk about the negative side of things a lot too, they're not the uplifting reads themselves. that's next): x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x
Other sources to read for hope: FutureCrunch, Project Drawdown and Project Regeneration good news websites in general such as Positive News and Goodgoodgood, which I think are the best content fits for what you're looking for. Make sure to check out Goodgoodgood's roundups specifically. And know that there are way, way more good news stories - and way bigger ones, too - than I've had time to post about lately, because work has been really hectic
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three--rings · 7 months
Okay so I know we're in this big anti-sex cultural moment.
And I know my own personal standards on this issue are way out there. I am a sex first relationship later person. It's just how I roll. So I'm biased.
But I have to say, everyone talks like it's definitely for sure that it was a bad idea for Ed and Stede to have sex when they did.
And honestly, like, I'm not even arguing with that. It was a very understandable time for them to have sex. There should have been some more talking either before or AFTER about how they were both feeling. But it wasn't ideal perhaps.
Still I want to be clear: I don't think them having sex is the fucking problem here.
Ed is overwhelmed and unsure of where he fits right now. He's been through a lot of trauma recently (and caused a lot of course.) So it's understandable why he'd feel unprepared to add sex with Stede on top of it all.
However, they both do very much want to have sex with each other. And when two people are in love and really attracted to each other and really want to have sex, even if they have other reasons why they are holding back from it...well, eventually they're going to have sex. Sooner or later, but probably sooner.
Time in this show is very difficult to gauge, especially this season. So some time has passed between the moonlight scene and the beginning of ep 6. Ed had his leathers back, he's not wearing the bell, things have changed and progressed. It's not the next day. Probably.
We don't get to know how much time it's been or what has been said in between. Ed seems basically in the same place mentally. If not a worse one. Progress is not being made.
It's easy to criticize Stede for initiating a rather aggressive pounce on Ed in the wake of his trauma. But he's clearly not thinking. That's his issue, separate from the question of whether Ed is ready, so I'm not going to get into it. But he does pause, and he looks to Ed for permission, which Ed gives before enthusiastically and passionately joining in.
They both just went through a scary time. They both are seeking comfort in each other. It means sooner comes rather than later in the inevitable 'they're GOING to fuck' race. I know that sentence is a trashfire but let's move on.
Ed is happy in the morning. He's a little nervous, with the breakfast, but he feels good about dumping his leathers. He's come to a decision. Even after he starts to get nervous after Stede talks about their career, he's mostly fine when they go eat. Relaxed, happy about what happened.
And then all the fame stuff starts and he's fine at first. He talks to Jackie and is fine about it until Jackie is like yeah but you have a problem with your man. He talks to Izzy.
Now he's REALLY done a 180. He doesn't see his desired life and Stede's desired life matching up. Stede apparently doesn't understand Ed and where he's at if he thinks they're going to be pirates together now.
This is the problem. This is what upsets Ed. he spirals for hours. He's running scenarios and coming to negative conclusions. He's not valuable or loveable if he's not Blackbeard. Stede doesn't want him if he doesn't fit into that life. He needs to move on. He is panicked and freaking out.
Then he talks to Stede, after already making the decision to leave and go fishing. Like, let's be clear, he doesn't decide that during their fight. He's decided and signed on. He's just saying goodbye.
It's only then that he brings up the sex. He does throw blame at Stede for it a bit, which I think is mostly fair. But he also isn't accounting for Stede's state of mind at the time. They were both off tilt. But he digs into that, and to me, I think he's using the sex as an excuse.
He didn't have a problem with the sex itself. He was happy in the morning and after. Smiling, smug, cute, loved up, having heart to hearts about mermaids and letters.
It was all the life/identity stuff that crashed in that shifted him. But he doesn't know how to talk about that. He doesn't know how to explain it or be vulnerable about his worst fears and self-worth issues.
So he goes on offense and says hey, actually, this is your fault. He picks the issue he has words for, the only one they've actually talked at all about.
Stede is NOT wrong when he identifies Ed as panicking and wanting to run. Stede is recognizing the behavior from himself.
Just like it's not about Ed wanting to fish, it's not about them going too fast. It's about them not communicating about their deepest needs and desires and fears.
They can have sex or not have sex, if they're not communicating it won't work. They could continue fucking like rabbits and have long talks in between sessions and get really really far. Or do what they've been doing which is NOT having sex and also not communicating which can go on forever and they won't get closer to happy.
I feel like fandom has latched on to this one thing as The Problem, because it's all Ed SAID was a problem. But we have lots of evidence otherwise.
I mean, even the conversation...Ed says it's too fast, Stede is like...okay well we can do whatever. He doesn't get defensive even though he's hurt. But that's not good enough, because that's not actually the problem. But at that point Ed really starts running away.
And they start getting more heated, both being sloppy at expressing themselves. (Stede is unfortunately pretty freaking drunk.)
I think they are both very avoidant personalities when it comes to this kind of thing, this kind of deeply personal conflict. Their anxieties keep them from being honest. And so the sex combined with Stede's killing of a man, and newfound fame, that all became a crisis that forced them to confront these issues. I think ultimately probably for the best, instead of not addressing them.
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mournersandfunerals · 2 years
Alice Oseman's Solitaire is a very important book and here's why:
A lot of the time when mental health is being depicted in fiction, it centres so much around the person struggling with it. Which, of course, makes sense. It's important to show what people go through when they suffer from mental illnesses, and it helps others in similar situations know that they're not alone in dealing with it. But it isn't very often you see something from the perspective of a friend or a relative and what they go through when someone they care about is struggling. Solitaire is a book that's so important for this specific reason.
Here, you have Tori. A teenage girl who spends 50% of her time worried about her brother, Charlie, and the other 50% of her time trying to convince herself that she isn't worried about him. She puts so much pressure on herself to keep everyone's heads above water that she doesn't realise that she, herself, is starting to drown. Their parents don't know how to handle everything that's going on with their son, so they act like everything is fine, relying on Tori to be the problem-free "normal" one. That's a lot of pressure to put on your 16/17 year old daughter. Tori takes on the responsibility of keeping her family happy and together, which ends up having the opposite effect and drives them further away from each other. So now you have two siblings that are so near but not within reaching distance when they need each other the most.
Which leads us on to the themes of guilt within the book. This is something that is so well executed and hard-hitting and absolutely crucial.
Tori is someone who feels a lot of guilt and regret when it comes to what Charlie is going through. She feels partially responsible for everything that happened to him. It's not her fault in the slightest, but when someone close to you is hurting and struggling, and you notice but don't do anything because you don't know how, it takes its toll. A lot of the pressure that Tori's under comes from the crippling guilt that she's trying to hold in. It manifests itself into something entirely different. She suffers with anxiety, she has negative thoughts, she hyperfixates entirely on solving the Solitaire mystery so she has something to do while her family is barely holding it together. She spirals.
And what's super interesting about this is how Charlie has a similar reaction at the end when he eventually comes to terms with the fact that his sister isn't okay, either. He mentions how he noticed but didn't do anything, and he feels awful about it. The Spring siblings have a remarkable way of avoiding what's right in front of them because who in the world would want to admit that their brother or sister is the opposite of okay?
And to add to this, I think we really need to note the importance of Michael Holden within this entire situation as well.
Michael is there for Tori consistently. He shows up when she doesn't even realise she needs him, he comes back whenever she pushes him away, and it's almost as though he's her only form of stability within the chaos. And that's exactly what she needs. She doesn't know how to handle what she's feeling about her family so she's pushed everyone else away. She needs someone.
Because it's so easy to ignore the state of your own mental health when someone you love is going through hell. So now we have Michael, a character who essentially says, "I'm here. Let me worry and look after you, while you unwittingly take on the weight of the world." Of course, Michael has problems of his own but if he and Tori can share their burdens between the two of them, maybe the weight of all of it won't feel so heavy.
Alice Oseman created something so underrated and special with Solitaire. It tackles things that can be difficult to talk about but need talking about. It reminds you that it's okay to not be okay. You shouldn't feel bad about feeling bad. And just because someone you love is struggling, it doesn't mean that you're entirely responsible for them. It doesn't mean that you're not allowed to grieve and be upset about it. And it doesn't mean that you're not allowed to struggle through your own issues either. But it does mean that you can find your own support system and let them pull you out of the metaphorical and, I guess in this instance, literal fire that's burning around you.
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reverieaa · 1 year
Your perspective makes things seem easy but imo when changing something like your appearence it can be very tricky to accept your desire as real in the 4d while the 3d is still loading. Pls dont feel like im dumping my negativity onto your tumblr but like I have bdd and today Im gonna miss ANOTHER party because i look disgusting and dont want anyone taking my pictures. Its hard to manage all of that while simouteinasly "living in the 4d".
If i really had my DF I would be taking so many pictures rn, i would be going out n having fun.... this is just an example as to why sometimes ppl may prefer affirming other than living in wish fullfiled, tho affirming doesnt rlly give me results either.
I understand where you're coming from, even though loa is a simple concept to work with it's still not easy for people because you're changing your whole view on life and breaking habits you've been taught since birth and I'm sorry you're going through a tough time. This is why I advice ppl to NEVER blame or bully themselves for spiraling and being human, that is normal.
However the reason why people may find it hard to live in the 4D and when they do only spiral bc of the 3D is because they still believe they are an outer man, meaning they have read loa but don't fully understand it or have not yet accepted it. Licing in your imagination is somthing you should want to do, not force yourself to do until you feel bad.
Like Neville said when he addressed this, words themselves have no power without you, so using affirming as a way to "get things" only leads to more lack because that's what they have accepted from the beginning. You could live in the 4D, have a perfect life and take amazing pictures, but if you don't see it as real you're going to feel delusional and feel like you're forcing yourself to "be something you're not" which will make you sprial and give up.
Trust me I have been through the affirming thing, other techniques too that never worked for me, when i entered the wish fulfilled state once, it was the most amazing feeling in my life because I did not care what the 3D was showing in the slightest, it was automatic. These problems that relate to "the 3D", persisting, negative thoughts and "how will it come abt" take care of themselves and dissappear when you put yourself first by fulfilling yourself with whatever it is you desire. To give yourself what you want and be gentle is to love yourself, to trust imagination is to trust yourself. You never ever, try to push your emotions away.
However I have no experience with BPD so I really do not have any specific advice, nor a relatable experience, therefore if this does not resonate with you than that that is totally ok 💕 I hope no one feels like they have to take my words as gospel and degrade themselves over their mental health and push it away. Always do what you feel is easiest and best for you. Take care💐
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olivermorningstar · 3 months
The future of this blog
Hey heavy talk for a moment. I'm sorry, but I do need to get something off of my chest. I've been in a bad place for a little while now and I'll put it under the cut. Please be mindful going forward if negative talk (especially about bad mental states and suicidal ideation is a trigger for you)
Reblogs, of course, will be turned off for this.
TLDR: This blog will remain but out of concern for my own mental health and well being, my presence will be a lot smaller.
So as folks have noticed I've been having a rough go. Of course there have been concerning posts about wanting to disappear and wanting to get rid of this blog.
There is no easy way to go about this, so I want to make a post basically going over what is happening and what will happen.
First, despite me locking the blog, then unlocking it, then talking about deleting, and then locking and unlocking again, the blog will stay if only as a means for interacting with art and stories for characters that have helped keep me around the past few years.
I've always struggled hard with the idea of being forgettable and that eventually everything and everyone will get tired of me and at that point the only thing to do is to vanish for good. The way I grew up supported this idea because it did not allow me to make any sort of lasting bonds. Friendships lasted a couple years and then I moved again and I had to start again.
To make a long story short, I found a kind of permanence in being online and being liked online. When I made my first otome blog, I was getting obsessed with being liked, with being known. I wanted to be a name folks could recognize and all that jazz, but of course, I had no clue how to do it. My art style doesn't fit, my writing is bad, my headcanons are weird - all that negative jazz caused me to never really post and eventually made me delete and start again.
This time I focused on myself, what I wanted. So I leas with my self insert. This went a lot better than expected and for awhile things were good, but folks got busy, things moved on, and I felt left behind and forgotten, causing me to obsess over numbers and notifications again, causing me to spiral out of control.
These past few months have been very bad with that spiral. For awhile I was doing good with keeping myself in check, but honestly that urge to just vanish and to just end has been intense. I have been in touch with friends though, I know that these thoughts and emotions will eventually fade again (and will come back again, but this is why we have networks), but fuck man. They suck in the meanwhile.
I'm not going to do anything rash, but I will be removing myself more and just being passive here. This blog will remain and all artwork and writing created will stay up.
I am honoring my offers to make and run events, but I plan on just being for awhile.
Sorry for all the worry and alarm I caused.
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ayyydra · 30 days
In this day and age, it's crazy how many distractions there are.
Even as I'm writing this tumblr post, I'm thinking about how I could be using this exact same time to continue writing one of my fics, read a few pages out of a book, continue to work on my art/make messy sketches, watch One Piece, but instead, I'm choosing to write about how social media has negatively impacted my attention span when it comes to me wanting to create.
I went two whole weeks with being able to draw something for 15-30mins, to an hour maximum, each night for roughly 10-14 days. It felt REALLY good! It felt great giving myself permission to make mistakes in my sketches/studies and not overthink what I was drawing too much. I even got back to using pen out of all mediums, and then using a simple yellow highlighter.
Then I made the mistake of opening instagram after I hadn't opened it in a little while. So much information - good and bad - at my fingertips, so many art resources available, so many ways of doing things. I've managed to keep a pretty tight leash on twitter, since I know that's a place that will cause me to spiral in my thoughts (long story short, I can't look at too much art on there because then the comparison braincell kicks in, along with the constant 'why can't I create fast enough?' question is on repeat like a broken record). I have upwards of 300+ tumblr drafts of art and posts that I need (not really) to queue, which is also time I could put towards my art, reading, writing and watching One Piece/other shows. Getting back onto instagram is ultimately where I have faltered. I have definitely considered deleting the app, but it's also an app where I keep in touch with people IRL (and one online, here on tumblr, and if you are reading this post, HI <3). Life also came in the way of things, and I have been picking up more chores around the house since my parents have been away overseas, along with doing my best to manage my mental health. I haven't been able to take myself out on my little 'artist dates' where I would take myself to the library and focus on something creative, whether that be writing or drawing. An opportunity for some proper, uninterrupted 'me' time if you will.
It's normal that life gets in the way, I know, but trying to get back to that sweet spot and that flow is always difficult. And i know it takes a considerable amount of time for a habit to stick (If I recall correctly, upwards of six months or less? Something like that). Having a diary, writing lists and keeping a journal are all very useful for someone like me who has depression, it allows me to compartmentalise things and visualise what I have to do rather than just store it all in my brain and then get extremely overwhelmed. Juggling a full-time job, hobbies, exercise and cultural dancing is quite a lot, even though I have the tendency to downplay how much I do and almost always think I can do more (which is an expectation from family more so than me, I can only do what I can and I'm happy with that). I know I will get back to that point eventually (and I should try to draw/write something right after I finish this post and collect the cats for the night), but with all things, it'll take some time, planning and organisation.
It's SO EASY to scroll and watch videos, but always difficult to invest energy into the things we love, but we NEED to invest that energy to nurture the creative soul and to share such intimate parts of us in our art and writing.
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bettsfic · 1 year
SNS? I had a panic attack the other night and asked someone I thought was a close friend (we've previously been open about mental health stuff and they had told me directly that I can always call them if they would) for help getting through it. They agreed and talked at me for a bit while I cried and did breathing exercises. Now it's a few days later and they texted me to tell me they didn't want me in their life anymore. (1/2)
Everyone is on their own journey and I respect that and I respect the boundary that they've drawn. I guess my question is how do you handle trusting sometime and showing them the ugliest part of you and then getting rejected? I'm finding it very difficult not to go down the spiral of "I'm a horrible repulsive person and should try to minimize my negative impact on the world by isolating myself"
i'm so sorry that happened, anon. that sounds devastating. if it helps, i struggle with a lot of the same negative self-beliefs especially when i think back on relationships and friendships that didn't work out.
the first thing to do is to let yourself be hurt by their behavior. even though i agree that everyone has a right to draw their boundaries, that doesn't mean you can't have an emotional reaction to them. right now it sounds like you're turning that hurt onto yourself, when i think it's more productive to acknowledge that, regardless of how you see yourself, someone you cared about betrayed your trust. you don't have to attribute any logic to it or build a case against yourself. just let yourself feel hurt.
as far as the negative self-beliefs that develop from these situations, i really do think positive reinforcement is a good go-to coping strategy. just earlier today i was in an appointment with my psychiatrist who asked me, "what do you do when you're at your lowest?" to which i said more or less that (very reluctantly and with profound irritation) i begin listing off all the people who love me and all the good work i've put in the world. there is cold hard evidence that not even my self-hating brain can deny that i've been a positive influence on some people, and if i don't lock myself away, i can continue to be a positive influence. even if you have to write it down just so you can see it, make your list. make it as objective as possible so you can't twist it. cold hard facts of the positive influence you've had.
i remember when i started therapy, my big question was, "but what if people hurt you?" i asked that question over and over. no one ever had an answer for me. it's hard to find therapists who understand C-PTSD and the reality that we struggle to process betrayal and abandonment, so we carry it with us from relationship to relationship, piling on armor, until we can't form real relationships at all. the image i always conjure is barbed wire around a teacup. something fragile and made to be loved, but unable to be touched.
the answer i came up with is that you just have to love everyone as well as you possibly can knowing that they can hurt you. they can reject you, abandon you, blame you, and berate you, but you have to remember that the reward of loving is worth the risk of pain.
and lastly, the truth of the world is that there will always be people who simply aren't strong enough to hold you. it doesn't mean you're too heavy; it means they're not willing to put in the work to be strong in the way you need. this can be hard especially if you're the sort of person willing to put in the work for others. but everyone has a breaking point. it's just that some people are a steel beam and some people are a tightrope. it's easier to fall off of one than the other. the weight they're willing to carry has nothing to do with you.
where the negative self-beliefs come in is thinking, but what if i'm too heavy for anyone to hold? what if i'm an unreasonable burden? my instinct has always been to make myself lighter, smaller. if i can make myself easy to love, then people will love me easily, and if people love me easily then they won't hurt me. but the truth is that i am hard to love, not because there's anything wrong with me, but because loving is hard no matter how light and small you are. you can be the happiest, most stable person in the world and that still doesn't make you immune to the hurtful behavior of others, and it doesn't exempt you from behaving in hurtful ways. we are all flawed beasts looking for a place to belong. in order to find where we fit, we have to find where we don't.
i hope you've found some of this helpful. again, i'm sorry you're going through this, and i wish you the very best.
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newmomblog · 1 month
Solo Parenting
Oh the dreaded solo parenting nights. I know I'm lucky that I have a present partner and I think that's what makes solo parenting such a challenge. We don't have the easiest baby, even though we lie when people ask, and give the "he's amazing" "we're so lucky" polite bullshit, because when you tell the truth people give you an odd look and never know how to reply.
My husband was going for a boys night to a hockey game, and managed to cleverly disguise it as a business trip because he's taking "clients", or guys that deal with him that he likes and wants to go out with is more accurate. When he tells me he's leaving I always go through various emotions. The first is anger; leaving me alone with a challenging baby and 3 dogs, fml. The second resentment; why does he get to leave and I feel like I can't. That one gets me; I want to have the freedom to leave but don't actually want to go anywhere. I miss the days that I could pick up and just leave with no guilt feeling.
At this point I start to spiral; my husband has never had to solo parent, he's never fed solids, never done bath time, never done the bedtime massage, never washed bottles, the list goes on. I usually take all this on willingly and in a very particular order to make it easy for me the next day when I'm alone again and he's gone to work. But it makes me angry that he hasn't done and never even tried to do it. I'm the kind of person that if he did do it and it wasn't my way I would never say anything negative to him and just have an anxiety attack on my own.
I go deeper and deeper into this rabbit hole getting more and more angry at him for not being the primary parent....but the thing is that I don't want him to be. I don't want to be him. I love that I get to spend every day with my little guy and I don't want to give that up for anything, but I do miss my old life at times.
This always brings up another feeling; I don't want to go back to work after maternity leave, but should I be having these feelings if I want to be a stay at home mom. I feel guilty and like if I don't enjoy every minute of motherhood I should be going to work and contributing financially to the household....but I don't really want to.
I go through 2 days of mixed emotions, not wanting to communicate with my husband, trying to piece together my feelings and figure it all out. I'm not sure that I'm there or ever will be, but for now I just need to get through the next couple days of being alone with my babies.
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zenaidamacrouras1 · 7 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
@somanywords Helloooooo friend always lovely to be tagged in these games!
Tumblr media
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Marvel, mainly Stucky
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
(all Stucky) Plastered (59,379 words) Monoclonius (62,000 words) Unpredictable Synchronicity (114,239 words) A Climb of Passion (32,666 words) Tension and Tonic (78,978 words)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I'm chatty so it's easy for me, most of the time. Sometimes I just do little emojis. I know it stresses some writers out which is fair, but I like it, so I do it.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't really do angsty endings, but I guess Manpain Spiral of Solitude, which in fairness I do think the title warns properly that there might be angst. :)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
They are all doopy and happy but Backhoe maybe? Honestly, they are all so cheesy. Sometimes I am hard on myself like, "This fanfiction I'm writing is not esoteric or high brow or relentlessly grim at all" and then have to slap myself around. There's nothing wrong with happiness.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really, though I have a few where the characters make particularly unimpressive decisions and those get some borderline negative comments, but most of my stuff is like, aggressively pleasing and my comments range from polite and supportive to deliriously charming.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Oh yes. The cheesy schmoopy kind full of yearning and feelings and lots of consent. I do like a sex scene where someone is a bit insecure or inexperienced, and their partner is like, "But I like you for you" and they communicate about their feelings and wants and then they are all more confident at their sex stuff, because, look, I'm a simple person with simple pleasures.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I keep threatening to do a Lord of the Rings / MCU-All the Avengers Live in the Tower Crossover and somewhere I have some notes about it. Bucky is VERY jealous of Aragorn, who keeps throwing looks at Steve, even more so when he realizes how jealous it makes Bucky. Natasha and Gimli get along very well and then Legolas is jealous of Natasha, so Legolas and Bucky end up sulking in the corner.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Podficced! But not translated
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, though I love collaborating with people via beta-ing each other's fics
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
I mean, yanno. Stucky.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I don't want to say never. My Magic AU is going to be a long term thing. I don't want to give up on it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, and jokes, I think. I like writing kids.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Probably like, clarity of thought, consistency of voice. I re-read my shit and dear god, my adhd is so bad y'all. Particularly my one fic Tension and Tonic which is the only one I didn't have an outside beta spend literally hours making me sound comprehensible and it's really kind of embarrassing. I spend a lot of time trimming down and re-arranging to try and make it comprehensible, and then after like 6 edits, someone else looks at it and immediately points out 9500 places for improvement and then I have like 3 more people look at it. I think it's a double edged sword because the adhd helps me quickly come up with ideas but then a lot of the ideas need to be removed or re-arranged. I don't necessarily mind editing and re-editing, but it's a thing. Also my fight scenes could be better, and I am working on getting better at plot.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I enjoy it. I tend to look at reddit or other forums where native speakers are coming up with phrases they use to try for authenticity. I love dropping in what I hope will be little Easter Egg hugs for people of whatever background. Recently I worked with a graphic designer to add in some super wonky dialog and I hope it makes another graphic designer out there somewhere smile and feel seen.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Well, if we're going in the way-back time machine, I really liked Star Wars, in particular, the novels, in particular, the witch planet where all the babe-witches rode rancors. I wrote some fanfiction in early high school about them. Also Mara Jade, binches, fucking MARA JADE. She was like my first Bucky. So tragic, so sexy, so brainwashed, so competent.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Oh it always changes. I'm actually pretty into the shrinkiclinks I'm working on right now which is kind of a spy thriller but also very cutesy and mundane. Monoclonius I think is my happiest, easiest to read fic? So maybe that one.
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I'm leaving your tags @somanywords because I love peer pressure.
No pressure tags for any writers who see this, and also @turtle-steverogers @hipsterdiva @tessabennet @voylitscope @greyhavensking @t4tstevebucky and anyone else who writes and wants to share!
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pumpkzsafeplace · 10 months
TW: body dysmorphia, feelings of worthlessness, slight reference to suicide
Help me, please.
I'm crying right now. I hate my body. I feel awful and disgusting. Not only is my twin sister smaller than me, she's taking adderall, which supresses her appetite. So now I feel like I eat even more compared to her. I can't go on anymore. I can't. Why do I feel so hungry all the time? Why do I have to eat after dinner? I feel so powerless. My body dysmorphia is so bad. I want to be small like my sister.
I know this probably doesn't seem like much to you, but to me it hurts.
I just wanna die. I don't wanna do this any more.
All I need right now is some words of support and encouragement. Thank you.
hihi lil bug’ 🌼
okay, what were going to do first is take a deep breath in. you seem very overwhelmed and overstimulated (which is completely OK and understandable, i just don’t want you having a panic attack or anything bad happening to you <3.
now with body dysmorphia, you have to realise that it’s sadistic goal is to make you despise yourself. it can turn any nice comment negative and it’s a horrible evil daemon that everyone struggles with on a daily basis, myself included.
when it comes to body types, i believe everyone is beautiful.
unless you have been told that you’re body is potentially life threatening by a doctor, you’re body is simply perfect.
it’s you at the end of the day.
it’s who you are!
it’s a common thing to crave and wish for something we can’t have. i’ve been a curvy queen my entire life, and when i was younger i would wish for nothing more than to be skinny- god i was obsessed with it.
but as you grow older and you meet different people, it turns out that the skinny people i used to admire and be jealous off actually wanted my body and my curves.
it really brought it into perspective that we are all insecure about something, i bet even some celebrities are. but you know what, that’s what makes us human.
little one listen to me, you are beautiful the exact way you are! you are perfect, you are unique, you are one of a kind! there will never be another you ever. i understand how easy it is to fall into that negative spiral of bad thinking, but you simply don’t deserve it my darling <3.
hunger and appetite can be adapted and changed, no two people can eat a like. for example, my daddy can eat all day if i allowed him too & i can only eat so much. that doesn’t mean one way is right and one way is wrong, it’s just two different ways. you can change your eating habits to a healthier routine, if you’re still hungry maybe try to eat little and often through out the day instead of just your three meals a day.
i promise you you’ve got this little one <3 we are all here to help, and i’m so so proud of you for venting this out instead of doing something stupid <3
i’m always here for a chat if you need me.
big hugs 🫂 and i hope to see you smiling soon <3
- 🍰
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bcofl0ve · 4 months
I only said that about austin/dune not because I don’t want anyone else to get attention of course I do. But because it social media campaigns look at who will bring them most positive content and it seems like both dune and MOTA have toned down on Austin a lot because is internet comments it doesn’t have anything to do with me not expecting other cast members to get promotion. If someone questions something no need to take it to the extreme and trash the person asking a question
i dont think anyone was trashing anyone. but we can only go off of what's included in what people say, and when i *have* gotten anons about both mota and dune that have felt like very directed complaining about other cast members breathing on the press tour, it's easy for me to assume what's meant by vague questions like that. i said this on my priv twitter this morning, but i feel like ive auto deleted more anons in the past week or so then i *ever* have on here. its gen bringing me down a little that we just got a new austin project for the first time since 2022 but my inbox has been largely negative.
sorry i and the follow up anon were wrong in this case, but my point stands. and mota didn't "tone down" anything over internet comments. austin didn't go to dc likely because he wanted to go home before he's on the dune world tour for a month here soon. they've posted plenty of austin pics on the apple tv account, a photo dump or two that doesn't include him doesn't "mean" anything. they have a *big* cast and esp when characters are going to start dying as the show picks up/certain actors won't be in future episodes when their characters get killed off there's nothing nefarious about them trying to promote the others. apple tv isnt going to pull back promo of a main character bc some people on twitter are making dumb jokes about elvis voice. that's genuinely just. not a professional choice that would be made by a juggernaut like apple. a network will pull promo on someone back if they're dealing with something gen problematic, like an arrest or an abuse scandal or an actor being racist or homophobic. not some people on twitter making bad jokes about them. and i wish people wouldn't convince themselves of this bc i gen don't want y'all to work yourself into a panic over nothing. dune hasn't "pulled back" anything either. they've barley started press at all! warner bros also did the damn elvis movie, they really aren't yanking anything or anybody over mentions of another production of theirs.
fandom is supposed to be fun. i'm not gonna give into working myself into a negative spiral and ruin that fun for myself.
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Hi! Hope you're doing well! But may I ask for a matchup, please (matchups for both eras in HP, the MCU, and Stranger Things?) Thank you! <3 I'm 24 years old, aquarius sun/scorpio moon/gemini rising, INTP, slytherin with ravenclaw tendencies, biromantic asexual with a preference for guys and I go by she/her pronouns! I was diagnosed with ADHD at a young age and I have yet to get myself rediagnosed since my last diagnosis was like over 20 years ago so yeah. I'm currently in College taking up Bachelor of Multimedia Arts, Major in Animation!
I also stand about at 161.3 cm based on my last height take!
As for my personality, the thing is that I know more about the worst aspects of my personality but I'll try to start off with the good ones before spiraling down on that. POSITIVE TRAITS: For a start, I think of myself as someone who is kind, charming, strong, nice, humble and loyal. I like helping people out as much as possible and try to be open-minded and understanding since the world's already as wack as it is. I also like to think I'm pretty funny with some of my weird sense of humor but I'm usually sarcastic. I also stick to my personal opinions but I'm happy to learn from a mistake, if I'm being spoken to nicely and not yelled at. I would also do anything for my loved ones but I have a hard time showing it, I'm also very understanding and will stand up for what's right and fight someone for them and I won't hesitate to defend the person or call them out on their bullshit while remaining respectful. But that usually depends on the person, as much as possible, I try to be neutral.
My friends also designated me as the chaotic wine aunt/gremlin with minor mom friend moments but usually the chaotic wine aunt/gremlin friend. I also have a mischievous streak at times as well but nothing too big. I'm also smart, introspective, creative, ambitious, brave, determined and willing to change. I've been told that I always seem to speak with gentle words and that I bring positive energy to conversations. My best friend thinks I'm very clever and sly. NEGATIVE TRAITS: I've been told by some of my family members that I could be aloof and closed off from everyone (I mean there was a point in my life that my older sister said I was like Wednesday Addams) and because of this a lot of people think I have low EQ. I also spend a lot of time in my head than being well down with people and I always have this strong urge of proving people wrong. There are also times where I have to rely on other people's opinions to see who I really am because I don't know who I am at certain days. Often I'm also commonly perceived as someone who's either always grumpy or angry. I also have the mindset that no one will love me for me because of the fact that I have ADHD (but mostly this has something to do something my grandmother said to me as a young child). I'm very stubborn and too independent for my own good and I have this solid belief that I can do everything by myself but when in reality I just don't like asking people for help because I'm a bother to them or that its a sign of weakness and I don't like being seen as someone who is weak.
I also have the tendency to be sharp-tongued, forgetting about other people or doing certain things but I always say 'I'll do it later' but actually won't end up doing it eventually, pretending I'm okay but when in reality its not and just bottling everything inside of me until they come toppling over. There are also days where I would prefer the easy way out than the hard road taken and that I give advices out to people but I don't even follow them, I've also been told that I can be selfish and inconsiderate but I'm trying my best. I'm also very cynical and a high procrastinator who either is very cautious or too trusting of people that it becomes a mess.
I'm also very introverted and that I like love and the idea of it but I'm afraid that once I'm with someone, I might hurt them or I get hurt by them. I also don't like being compared to my father like it really gets to my nerves that someone says that. I also have this rebellious streak but not super rebellious. HOBBIES: I have like a LOT of them. My grandma says I'm a 'jack of all trades, master of none' Most of them are artistic exploitations such as drawing, listening to music or playing music since I have like instruments of my own like a ukulele, an electric piano, flute, writing, crafting or coming up with unique stuff on my own and constantly reinventing stuff I have or the stuff I hyperfixate on, cooking and reading, I also like learning about the occult and I usually dabble with divination and astrology and I collect stuff like funko pops and books but I'm usually seen on my phone and being on social media where I shit post memes to my friends and talking to them either joking about arson, doing petty crimes and etc. or I'm playing video games (Stardew Valley, The Sims 4, etc.) I'm also very particularly fond of learning about flower languages and symbolisms because I have this knack of like piecing things together like a big tapestry of sorts, like they don't mean something to the normal person but to me I could just as easily connect something small to something silly.
Thank you so much for requesting a matchup! I hope you enjoy them!! Sorry for the wait! <3
Harry Potter (Marauders);
Remus Lupin:
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🐾 You met Remus in Hogwarts, but didn't become friends with him until after you both graduated; having bumped into each other again in a bookstore
🐾 You both bonded over your love for books, love for learning, and your love for the arts; Remus had mentioned to you that he thought you were a great artist from that one time at Hogwarts when he returned your sketchbook
🐾 After the meeting, Remus offered to buy you something to drink at the small cafe next door, you were a bit hesitant, thinking that your actions or what you say might scare him off, but you accepted his offer; though you were worried, Remus seemed to understand you better than anyone else
🐾 You didn't start dating for a long time, your thoughts getting the best of you in most situations, you were worried you'd hurt Remus in some kind of way, and you, yourself didn't want to get hurt in the process either; Remus though, as smart as he is, always seemed to see through you and always reassured you
🐾 One day, while the two of you were baking, Remus asked if you wanted to go on a date with him, you were a bit hesitant again, your mind thinking about your ADHD, but Remus was there to reassure you one more; he loved all of your quirks, he'd never do anything to harm you... He cared about you so much
🐾 It was slow, but you did begin to start dating, going on walks together, traveling, reading by the fire, and even teaching remus how to play some of your favorite video games; even knowing about his furry problem and insisting in helping him after a full moon
🐾 Sometimes when you're feeling particularly down in the dumps, Remus is always there for you, he'd drop anything and everything just to run to your side and try and help you; no matter how stubborn you got or how much you disliked being helped, he broke down your walls and was there for you; whether that be holding your hand and talking things out or just sitting beside you, just in your presence
🐾 As the years went on, Remus seemed to unlock more and more about you, your love for drawing and animation to your brilliant talent for playing the ukulele and flute; you were beyond amazing and a beautiful soul, he couldn't get enough of you
🐾 Sometimes on slow days, in your shared home, the two of you would just read books or write in front of the fire, enjoying the quiet and the peace, enjoying each other's presence; even sometimes trading books with one another and learning new things
🐾 You even joined Hogwarts as the new arts teacher, teaching longside your Remus when he taught DADA, the two of you would eat together at lunch, and Remus was always there if you needed him or vise versa; you two are the perfect match and Remus is so happy he had met you
Gilderoy Lockhart:
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💞 You were just minding your own business, thinking and daydreaming in your mind as your walked through the cobbled streets of Diagon Alley on your way to your favorite book shop when you noticed that a certain author was present inside
💞 Gilderoy Lockhart was someone you had heard of before, even reading one of his books before you got slightly annoyed by his self-obsessing, egocentric, and narcissistic self-promotion; so finding him self-promoting in the book store you were entering was a bit... Eh
💞 But, you were a kind and understanding soul, maybe Gilderoy's actions and behavior was because of something from his past or someone had said something to him that had made him be so self-centered; so you kept an open mind about the man, and went on your merry way inside to find the newest edition of your favorite book series
💞 What you didn't know what that Gilderoy had noticed you enter, and was star-struck, captivated by you as you walked by to the point he didn't even call you out to try and get you get buy his new book; he didn't even offer you an autograph; star-struck he was
💞 As you were leaving the bookstore, having purchased your new books, you were finally stopped by the blondie, (somehow he snapped out of his admiring thoughts of you enough to finally speak to you); that's when he offered you a book of his... For free (how could you pass that up?)
💞 That's when he asked for your name, you awkwardly/hesitantly answering before he autographed the inside cover of the thick book and even a picture of himself for good measure; he even tried his hand at asking if you were free for dinner, and you politely declined before thanking him for the book, and leaving
💞 When you go home, you opened the cover to read the inscription, you cheeks feeling a bit flush when you found that Gilderoy had written a full poem for you, about you even; you had to admit it was a sweet sort of odd gesture, but you didn't really know what to think really
💞 You couldn't stop thinking about the poem that he had written for you, so much that when you were heading back to the bookstore after finishing your new book and in need of another, your brain replayed the poem often; it was also just your luck when he was in the bookstore that day again
💞 What you didn't expect was some random guy screeching at the poor author about how narcissistic he was, and you hated yelling and fights especially when the antagonist was being so mean for really no reason; so you broke up the fight, telling the guy off for just being plain rude and to leave Gilderoy alone; and when I tell you gilderoy had heart eyes, he had heart eyes
💞 Gilderoy thanked you once the man and the small crowd dissipated, finally being honest and somewhat humble when he spoke, and that was when you built up the courage and pushed away the nerves to ask if he wanted to join you for lunch; of course he said yes
Bruce Banner:
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👨🏻‍🔬 You were part of the Avengers, having amazing powers and intelligence to match, Steve Rogers actually recruited you for the team after you bumped into the Super Soldier at a museum; you were a bit hesitant at first, but you agreed to join them, at least for a little while
👨🏻‍🔬 But the thought of helping others from aliens and baddies was the real reason you decided to stay at the tower as one of the Avengers; you loved helping others especially from wrongdoers, and with your powers, being able to save others came easily
👨🏻‍🔬 When you weren't out on the field or helping in missions, you were in the lab with Tony and Bruce; from the way you sometimes acted aloof or a bit closed off, some of the Avengers, I won't name who, thought you weren't really that smart; you fooled them when you were able to calculate equations as if it was second nature for you - which shocked them immensely
👨🏻‍🔬 They also found your art skills fascinating, even little Peter Parker asking if you could draw him with eight legs; no matter how odd the request was, you drew it for the kid and he loved it
👨🏻‍🔬 Working in the lab, you dealt with Tony being somewhat of a nuisance and Bruce, being the sweet and shy guy that he was; you slowly bonded with the two of them, moreso Bruce than Tony (though you sarcasticness and mischievousness did clash well with the Iron Man)
👨🏻‍🔬 As said, you grew close to Bruce, finding him to be a loyal and understanding friend; to a point in your friendship though, you began to grow feelings for the man which was a bit nerve-racking to say the least
👨🏻‍🔬 You kept quiet about it, keeping your feelings in your mind as you did your best to pretend everything was alright; at some point Bruce even asked if you were alright, and you said that you were, but you weren't; your mind constantly raced with insecurity
👨🏻‍🔬 Bruce thought felt the same way, he thought you were incredibly smart and charming; even some of your jokes made him laugh, to Tony's dismay
👨🏻‍🔬 Now you two didn't start dating for a long while, thought that didn't stop the two of you from getting coffee together at cafes or some brunch at the diner down the street; you and Bruce spent hours talking about astrology, divination, and even flower language
👨🏻‍🔬 Thought it took a bit of adjusting, understanding, and trust, and in the end the two of you were more than just best friends :)
Steve Harrington:
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😎 You went to college for Multimedia Arts a whole state away when you met Steve Harrington, for some reason he had decided to drive to another state just to get away for awhile
😎 You both ran into each other at a diner with your friends, he accidently spilled his drink on you and profusely apologized to you, offering to literally go out and buy you a new shirt or something, he even went out of his way to even give your his jacket to wear; when you tried to give it back to him, he refused, shaking his head, it was yours know
😎 Steve then gave you his number so he could do something to repay you while he was in town, you took it, though you felt a bit unsure at first
😎 Your friends were supportive and even encouraged you to meet up with Steve, thinking that he might be a good match for you, you had the strong urge to prove them wrong... But they were right
😎 You awkwardly called Steve with the support of your friends, and Steve asked if you wanted to go to an art diner, you accepted and you were surprised to see Steve with a clothing bag in his hand, he gave it to you and it was a new shirt; you couldn't help but smile
😎 The two of you ate at the art diner, before wandering the upstairs where you both looked at all the art from people in the community, which inspired you greatly; the two of you even spoke about your interests, it was hard in the beginning but it got better
😎 After three months of meeting up with Steve at diners or parks, he asked you out on a real date, and shyly, you said yes; it was a fun date at an arcade and a nice dinner afterwards
😎 Steve felt nervous around you, all the time, he really, really liked you; he loved how caring, strong, creative, and funny you were, and you liked Steve a lot too, from his sarcasm, bravery, to his hair
😎 When Steve had to leave back to Indiana, you tried to hide your disappointment, but Steve said that he'd call you when he could and he kept his promise, calling you almost every night and when he was busy he always made sure to call at least once or twice a week
😎 You missed him a lot, but both you and Steve had planned to meet each other again during breaks and vacations, and you couldn't wait
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basicallyamoo · 10 months
Pollyanna's Glad Game
"I'm sure this will be a very nice room," said Pollyanna. "And I'm really glad that there isn't a mirror, because now I won't be able to see my freckles!"
A young orphaned girl moving into her hot, horrible attic room and still being glad about it piqued my interest. I was only 8, and Pollyanna by Eleanor H. Porter was my first attempt at reading novels without dialogue bubbles.
Today you and I, my dear reader, are regularly exposed to negativity. Social Media has assumed the role of justiciars, the news tends to be TRP driven, and we're trapped in our homes, on the verge of stagnation. We must make sure we do not spiral down or dwell on what we're unhappy about, and that we keep our hearts and chins up.
To that end, might I suggest playing the Glad Game?
It's easy. Every time you find yourself in an unpleasant situation, look from another perspective and try to see how it can be positive.
Pollyanna wanted a doll, but in the church-barrel came only crutches. That's when her father introduced the game to the crying little girl and said: "we must be glad we don't need those crutches!"
Granted, it may not be the most straightforward task to find the good in bad. We take what life throws at us at face value, and often overlook the different viewing angles. But it's nothing a conscious effort can't deal with. 
It's healthy to rant, of course. Acknowledging your emotions is an essential part of maintaining your mental health. But there exists a fine line after which negativity can turn a bad moment to a bad day. A spark of positivity, however, has the potential to not only brighten up your day but, like dominos, lead to effects that last a month, a year or even a lifetime.
"Oh, look, Nancy! Look out the window at the beautiful trees and houses and the church steeple and the river shining like silver. Now I won't need any pictures inside to look at!"
Playing the glad game will give you incredible peace of mind. You'll find yourself in control, and better prepared to make decisions.
Let's play the glad game:
I'm glad that I'm safe, and so are those around me. I'm glad I'm doing my part by staying at home and maintaining my immunity so that I can't be a threat to others in my community.
Even though I am not scoring a dream 100, I'm glad that I am a recipient of formal education. It'll make it easier for me to find work that I love.
Even though I can't meet them or talk to them as often as I'd like, I'm glad that I have friends and family who consider me an essential part of their lives.
I'm glad for every opportunity I get to spread positivity with others!
None who live may avoid sadness. It is our outlook that decides the weight of that sadness. A positive demeanour is what we must all try to pursue.
To that end, might I suggest playing the Glad Game?
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soapoet · 8 months
hey soapy! I was curious: what tarot decks do you use and also what's your favorite cards?? I want to get one myself but there are so many options and I don't know what to get 😫 could you maybe give pros and cons of yours or some advice for choosing the right deck? thank you sm❣️
Hiya ♡ this might be a little long sooo...
Here are some of my favourite cards represented by my decks (oracles and lenormands excluded):
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Rider-Waite > Dreaming Way > Shadowscapes
Crow tarot > Heaven & Earth > GOT tarot
The following are just my personal experiences and opinions on these decks and how/when/where I use them:
I tend to recommend this (or similar) to beginners because it's very easy to follow, and many other decks follow the same concept and I find it easy to use other decks because I know Rider and its symbolism so well, and then easily pick up on how other decks may present things differently, which adds a lot of meaning and variety. Rider is my most scuffed up and beat deck because it has been loved and used for a long time. Even though I have 'prettier' decks (ones that appeal to my aesthetic tastes more like Dreaming way as an example), I always come back to this one. It's my true ace and all-rounder, and I reach for it for a variety of reasons. Bonus: I have a lenormand deck which is built from the imagery in Rider, so they pair beautifully together! 10/10
Dreaming way
Gosh, the imagery in this deck is so precious, like the picture books from my childhood. Differs a little bit from Rider, and those differences are usually very relevant in the readings I do with it. I tend to reach for this one when I do interpersonal readings or need a little more nuance than Rider. The deck is predominantly made up of female characters, even some of the Kings are presented as feminine. Very playful and also easy to read. There's a lenormand deck that pairs with this that's been sold out in the shop I get my decks from, and I'm waiting for them to restock because I need it in my life. Also a 10/10.
I really treat this deck like a delicate flower, and tend to only reach for it for more extensive or significant readings, like my annual overviews or spiritual guidance/healing type of stuff. The imagery is very detailed, the kind that you might not always notice everything at first glance and it takes quite a while to acquaint yourself with everything present in each card. It thus requires a little more observing and connecting to each card, but it also gives a lot more if I have the patience. Very soothing deck to use, and I adore the little tales that come along with each card in the book! I wouldn't necessarily recommend this to a beginner because of how many intricate details each card has and how, at least in my experience, it seems to require a higher degree of a meditative state to make the most of readings. 7.5/10
Crow tarot
You'd think this deck would be darker than it is, but it's very vibrant and I have found that it really helps make sense of some darker themes. I tend to reach for this deck specifically for readings that are a little heavier or the querent feels a little anxious about something. It has a very stable and secure energy. A lot of the 'negative' cards (I don't consider them negative but iykyk) have a good amount of hope layered on top so it's not so easy to spiral into unnecessary worry and fear. Despite that, it's still very honest and clear. I'd say Rider is the most brutally straight-to-the-point, no flowery filler or sugar-coating type of deck, whilst Crow is that, just more gentle. The deck does follow similar symbolism, but is a little more abstract which is fun because it really opens up more doors, so to speak. It's slightly larger than the standard sized cards, but I also have very long fingers so I don't have too much of a problem handling the deck, but I know people with smaller hands sometimes struggle with it. 8/10
Heaven & Earth
This is my most recent addition, replacing several decks that I previously owned but gave away to people who needed them more. And boy has this quickly become my go-to. Rider can finally catch a break because this is the deck I bring along when I have somewhere to go, and it's the one I seem to default to often. Very strong and vivid imagery, reminds me of paintings I'd find in a museum. Closely follows Rider's imagery, but also has some additions like symbols for different planets and zodiac signs, Hebrew letters and elements and such. Some cards also have their name changed, like 5 of Wands is called Strife, 10 of Swords has been renamed to Ruin, 2 of Swords is Peace, etc. I find this deck delightful, very thorough yet easy to read and I connect to it very quickly and effortlessly. 10/10
Game of thrones tarot
Listen, this was originally just a suitable type of merch for me (I got my brother the hand of the King pin bottle opener at the same time) but honestly? A surprisingly good deck even though I didn't get it necessarily to use consistently, but the cards are very good quality, even beating some of the above decks in how they feel and could take a serious beating without damage (useful for someone who shuffles like I'm at war). The cards themselves follow the tried and true imagery, but using moments and characters from the show, and I was taken aback a bit by how well they chose some of the cards. This deck produces very vivid imagery and, as I should've expected, is a good story-teller and really takes me on a journey when I use it. It doesn't get a lot of use, but it's still always a nice experience when I do. 8/10
What deck to get is very personal, though most readers would likely agree that starting off with something that has clear imagery and teaches and helps reinforce the basics of each card is the best bet so that the beginner's journey starts with a solid foundation.
Ex. The Kawaii tarot, as adorable as it is, probably isn't the ideal place to start, because it doesn't have much for you to go off of, and would require you to memorise everything without any clues in the cards themselves for everything the card represents. Whereas the Modern witch tarot has the basics that the majority of decks follow and have a lot more for you to pick up on:
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Learning tarot is only partially about knowing the basic meanings, and studying the cards and their intricacies just builds the foundation to the craft. Ultimately you will see each card differently every time, notice different things, find alternative meanings and see how they are altered by different combinations with other cards, and depend on the context at hand. Tarot is a tool. You can train your intuition and benefit from using divination tools like tarot to help it along, but ultimately it is your intuition that observes energy, not the cards that dictate what's what, it just gives you something more tangible to tie what you pick up on to.
So really, choose a deck that appeals to you and you'd enjoy using, yet is thorough and clear and has a lot of symbolism, but not too much *cough* Shadowscapes *cough* so that it's too messy, requiring too much focus to pick up on what you're looking at. You can move on to more stylised and abstract decks once you feel more secure and confident in your ability to wield your intuition.
Note: Not all decks are identical to Rider, but many are, so it can be beneficial to know how they work. I know people who learned the basic meanings of cards without anything remotely similar to the imagery presented by Rider, and use highly abstract decks very successfully, and that's perfectly okay too!
But yeah, that's just my two cents. Hope it helps :') ♡
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purenguyening · 9 months
N A O L I C E + Q T
This one will definitely be long, eheh..
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
Bellow mostly applies to Touhou Project:
More character analysis based on how they appear in the games. It doesn't happen often but I think talk centered round how Touhou characters express themselves through spell cards can add a lot of depth that doesn't come through in fanworks.
More fanworks that draw from their historical inspiration (this limits to a small cast of characters but I feel like Historical Touhou is very rare...I also understand why this doesn't happen much mostly due to high barrier of entry and in general requiring more work.)
Also a huge fan and will always welcome Touhou designs that pull from the artist's nationality. It's a fun twist and I'm always impressed when they incorporate design elements from the original outfit into the clothes.
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
Sakuro and Cleru during my Summon Knight: Swordcraft Story playthrough made me laugh a lot. Sakuro is a very, very silly Craftlord. They have a very similar dynamic to Steven and Brendan's relationship from Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald (though I feel like Emerlad is probably the better fit to their dynamic).
There's a few others but Giyuu/Tanjirou and Sabito/Tanjirou are on my mind because of [this fanart]
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
Alright, I had to have Youtube randomly shuffle my Summer Recap but it pulled up Fifty Fifty's Cupid and it just reminds me of Devil Survivor as a whole for the sole reason I read all eight volumes while listening to this song on loop at 1.25x speed. It's really funny of all the songs I put on loop throughout the summer, it happened to pick one I actually have some association with a fandom....
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
Major spoilers for Swordcraft Story: I really like Ureksa a lot as a character, he's portrayed in a pretty sympathetic manner and I think how he patches things up with Cleru/Pratty is really refreshing. While I don't love the suicide bait and switch, it really does feel clear to me even if he made some pretty bad decisions, I do think he's a kind person at heart. He's a very prickly person, but I think it makes sense from his design (a lot of spear specialists tend to not be very direct, which makes sense for their fighting style, the game specifically sets up spear users to fight at a range).
Now that I think about it, Matsuoka Rin (Free!), is also someone I warmed to eventually because I liked seeing him be a mentor to Aiichirou and Momotaro. I think that's part of his character design though...
As an aside, it is possible to send me this prompt multiple times since there's very few characters I actively hate and I always have something tucked away in the back of my mind. Most of the time is me wanting to comment their role in the story, but I think that can be read as me recognizing their purpose....
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
Not tumblr, but on Twitter, I do think it's really easy to lose interest in fandom because it's very easy to fall into negative spirals. There is a general shift in fandom overall that made me feel the need to keep my interests separate with side blogs and I tend to be more active through a very closed off account on Twitter.
Maybe one day I'll be courageous and blog about my interests from my one main blog, but that's still an option off the table for now.
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
Toyosatomimi no Miko/Soga no Tojiko the popular fandom portrayal just gets on my nerves and I find it really annoying when sometimes posts still appear because the ship name is not mentioned anywhere in the tweet. I do have a specific portrayal but I'm hesitant to say if's romantic, but i do think their dynamic is interesting, I just can't bring myself to think of it as romantic.
This might be more closer to me complaining I wish I had post block on Twitter/Tumblr Mobile.
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
I think a long time ago I made a joke about how the fanon portrayal of Shinichi drinking coffee is a subtle way for him to drive away people bugging him. (Caffiene is a natural insecticide, hence the word play). Truth be told I'm not 100% sure now if that was the inspiration for this post I made...
I think maybe you can still find it in the KaiShin discord, but I felt like there's a lot of innuendo to be had knowing Toichi and Yuusaku having a back and forth with just a question mark and exclamation point. (The symbol that combines both the question mark and exclamation point is called an interrobang and it looks like this: ‽)
I don't think either of them spawned too much in the fandom, but I realize my sort of humor needs like a short essay just to explain the context and this is probably why I don't really share my more cracky/insane interpretations....
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why.
I think the only true fandom I've completely abandoned is Harry Potter? Aside from the obvious reasons, I've learned I still do really love the concept of magic, but I would rather have it manifest itself in different ways. I love fantasy and magic, but I think I end up preferring it to be a back drop or the setting rather than the primary focus. I guess it's more closer to, I like it more as an aesthetic, but dislike it when it becomes the center focus.
Even more controversial fandoms I never can quite fully bring myself to fully abandon (the one that mainly comes to mind is Hetalia). A lot of other fandoms that are less contentious I tend to just cast aside for a while but after a few years I end up picking it back up again for one reason or another.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? 
Listen, I know it's basically confirmed now that Futo killed Tojiko as of Strange Creators of Outer World, I still refuse to believe Futo actually did it. The closest thing I'll compromise on is Futo's definition of killing Tojiko is "she was not present to stop the murder." That's about it.
I'm basically a Futo apologist and I'm sorry you had to find out this way.
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