#angst is going hard rn
jordanraye47 · 2 months
Headcanons about my favourite characters (yk who my fav is but whatever stfu /respectfully) [some ANSGT for y’all depressed people] ITS SO MUCH IZZY OMFG
Izzy is Scarlett’s younger sister. Idc if the order of seasons don’t let it make sense. Scarlett has older sister energy so I decide that they are sisters.
Noah has dyslexia. He loves to read and won’t let dyslexia stop him‼️Like his sisters see him with the same book for 3 months bc it takes AGES to read one
did I forget to mention that? He’s the youngest of ALOT of sisters (inspo from @deadmxnsparty on TT from the fic Stakes)
I have SO MUCH on izzy I need one list js for her so I’ll try and put a few on this one.
Her hair gets really really messy and often covers her face. So she ends up having to manually hold up her bangs if she has to look someone in the eyes or smth cause her hair covers up her eyes.
She canonically has psychosis, and being a pretty expressive and hyper person, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with emotions. So regardless of how many psychotic attacks or breakdowns she has, she never gets a full grip on how to handle them. So it ends with her running away from whatever situation she’s in so nobody sees her, and so she doesn’t hurt anyone.
Just like Duncan, I think Izzy has some family that’s in the police or involved in it. So she’s definitely familiar with law and punishments. But she’s also really good at getting away with it.
Imagne if like Scott Izzy and Scarlett were siblings 😔 izzy would be a farmer lmao
she wears crocs, attack me
She is not allowed in the kitchen alone. During cooking challenges on TD, she’s either js put to the fucking sidelines or someone it put on duty just to make sure she doesn’t fuck up.
got recruited by the FBI and/or army. She’s smart and strong like ??????
omfg I’m so bloated rn fuck my uterus
COURTZZY HCS (my pookies)
its js criminal x lawyer so she KNOWS the law, she just dgaf
regardless, she tries to help Courtney w work whenever she needs it. She probably has no idea what she’s doing but she tries helping at least, and she’s js happy when Courtney is. So like if Courtney passes an important test or smth, she js goes along w the excitement, even though she has no idea what’s happening.
and speaking of school n shit; Izzy dosent prioritise school, nor focus much on it. Especially compared to Courtney. But shes smart, enough to understand that Courtney is passionate about it. And as much as she likes bothering Courtney and hanging with her, Izzy’s quiet when she thinks Courtney needs silence to study, or just alone time in general.
IOTSSSS😈😈 (the angst is going hard rn. REREADING THIS IT SOUNDS SO DEEP AND LOWJRY POETIC IM PROUD) I wanna make this into a fic😔
Man the survivors guilt is CRAZY‼️🙏
Like she has Eva but the feeling that she had the opportunity to change the outcome still lingers. Like why didn’t she argue with Duncan enough to not let Noah stay
It’s not that she thought Noah wasn’t able to protect himself, but he didn’t. He didn’t exactly know how to fight, and he couldn’t sass his way out of death.
Duncan had to practically force Izzy along when they walked back. The danger of the island hadn’t properly gotten to her then, but if it had, she wouldn’t have let any of her friends out of her sight for a second.
She wasn’t strong enough to protect everyone, but she’s convinced she could’ve done better. And maybe Noah, Courtney, Owen, Lindsay and everyone else could’ve made it.
Like I said, the survivors guilt is pretty rough after a fucking massacre ykwim?
And she was 16 when this happened. And so was everyone else. And regardless of age, nobody should’ve gone though that, alive or not.
Her relationship to things associated with the death of her friends are definitely weird. Like when things like showering and drinking water felt like tasks. Like watching the water from the tap run for 10 minutes cause the image of Noah’s dead body in the water, surrounded by his own blood, wouldn’t leave her alone.
She felt disgusted by herself when she avoided water like the plague. She refused to leave the house, even to just go out with the trash or pick up the mail.
The neighbours across her father’s apartment used to come to her door and ask for her parents. They complained about how loud she was when she was outside by the playground when she was 10. Their jaws would probably drop if they saw how she’d changed.
She found herself on multiple occasions, talking to herself. Just to make sure she still had a voice. She hadn’t talked in ages. And even if she did, it was only to her siblings maybe once a week, and maybe a word or two to her parents if they were lucky.
Even after turning 17, the mentality and maturity stayed the same. The memories of that island never faded. But the others did. She had a few videos and pictures on a digital camera, and that was the best preserved memories of her friends. She was afraid that if she lost these, she’d forget their voice and face.
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aria0fgold · 1 month
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With a glass body
You bear the weight of the world
Praying for safety
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welcometogrouchland · 15 days
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(ID in Alt) have a WIP of this fun new piece I'm titling "the saddest boy alive"
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papaiyatree · 11 months
the want to read fanfiction vs the fact i can't find anything i want to read
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iris-kinnie · 1 month
Songs I Love Ask Game:
Apple Cider: What was your relationship with your F/O before you got together romantically? How did it change once you got together, and what were the most significant changes? (Also, what’s your F/O’s favorite flavor of juice? What’s your S/I’s?)
Dear Arkansas Daughter: Does your F/O know how to swim? Does your S/I? Either way, do y’all enjoy visiting pools or bodies of water?
Paper Bag: Are you and/or your F/O daydreamers or do you tend to stay focused the moment?
I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can): Be so honest. Can you fix them? Can you make them worse? Do you like what’s fucked up about them? Are they not fucked up at all? Or is it the other way around, and one of these is them about you?
Florida!!!: Where do you two like vacationing the most, and why?
Espresso: Which one of you hears about anything the other one wants and immediately gets it for them? (Or is it both/neither of you?)
Lavender Haze: Do you make your relationship very public or keep it more to yourselves?
Emoticons: Did either of you play hard to get before you got together?
I Don’t Know Why I Like You but I Do: What are your favorite things about each other?
Glitterbug: What are things that the two of you do better together, or that you do for each other when one of you can’t?
Pink Lemonade: How are the two of you when you have to spend a long time apart?
The Scene Is Dead; Long Live the Scene: What is a secret that your F/O has let you in on?
Come Hang Out: How often do you hang out with your platonic F/O’s? How easy is it to plan around your schedules?
Don’t Throw Out My Legos: If you live together, how long in the relationship did you move in together?
Humpty Dumpty: How do you two handle injuries and sicknesses? Do you prefer to tell each other so that the other can help, or do you prefer to keep it a secret so that the other won’t worry? Or maybe something else entirely?
I Won’t: How extraverted are you and F/O? Do either of you like crowds?
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scatterpatter · 1 month
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Let me actually try and explain the brainworms I have for these two (Click for better quality since tumblr loves decimating image quality)
Peak enemies-to-lovers vibes. They're both so stubborn and ready to pick fights with each other, but once they catch feelings it's ALL DOWNHILL FROM THERE
Once they catch The Feels theres no going back for either of them. They would DIE for the other if it meant protecting him. ... *nervously glances at Gigamix for Cut and Archie for Quick* haha ANYWAYS-
Also listening to All At Once while making this and feeling very normal /lying
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sapnapsboyfriend · 2 years
me, who's been brainrotting for an entire week after the reveal of desert duo soulmates, rolling up to grians session 2 pov:
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clonememesfrikyeah · 2 years
Rex, trying to give a motivational speech but then it evolved into him casualty talking about his really really fucked up cadethood:
“-I mean yeah all the other kids bullied me, hated me even, and no one liked me or even came near me. Come to think of it I did get shuffled around a lot, but that’s just because my entire original batch was decommissioned. And yeah I did have a lot of near death experiences, but I only needed to be resuscitated a handful of times. Ha, there was that one time a trainer threw me off a platform because they were sick of dealing with all my paperwork, but I pulled myself up by my bootstraps and hauled myself out of the ocean. You know what they say; you want something done you gotta do it yourself, because no one else is going to do it for you! I think I came out the other side just fine and I’m stronger because of it! :)”
The entire 501st: “…whAT THE FUUUUUCK!”
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sundial-girl · 8 months
what do you think Len tastes like
the realistic answer: depends on what he is in a given storyline i think. if he's an android/robot i can't imagine all the wires/mechanical bits taste all that good (casing/motherboards go crunch ig??????). if he's more human-adjacent and something organic that'd obviously be more like. you know regular human probably.
the funny answer: banana-flavored
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uh-oh-its-bird · 2 years
Do you ever like
Read a fic
And it's one of those like 200k super long incomplete monsters with beautiful writing and characterizations that lets you get like *really* into the story almost instantly
And it starts off like oh light angst can't wait for the reveal and eventual comfort! And then the light angst turns to heavy angst
Then the heavy angst turns to fucking overwhelming angst
And things keep getting worse and worse and there's no comfort in sight and you've come to the realization that no matter what happens this story will not have a happy ending. And the main character that all this fucked up shit has happened to is so fucking far gone that it's starting to make you Feel Things in a Bad Way(tm) but you can't tear your eyes away from this impeccably written train wreck in the distant far off hope that somehow, someway things will get better
And suddenly it's almost 5am and you feel kinda floaty and like someone took an icecream scooper to ur chest and you just kind of lay there like *wow I don't think I can emotionally recover from this actually* and you know that while you can't being yourself to subscribe to this fic, in the long run its absoloutley going to haunt you at 3am when I'm busy staring into the void unable to sleep
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spectralpooch · 1 year
putting undue pressure on myself to make this chapter good enough to justify taking a month to post it but also... maybe it should be underwhelming? like. lets all ease back into this after the great lore drop of april '23
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pyrriax · 1 year
sincere doubts anybody will actually see this, but i wanted to do a poll anyways just because i want opinions
elaboration because Room:
i'm debating adding more chapters because i feel like the current+upcoming parts need more breathing room. i'm realizing the ending of the fic feels a bit rushed (at least imo) so. yeah.
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orcelito · 1 year
Did a bit of a number on my knuckles. Hands r hard to bruise, but there's the shade of a bruise on the outside edge of my hand, right at the knuckle. That really was not intentional.
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cosmetichorror · 2 years
You KNOW your angst fanfic is good when even you start crying while planning it.
If my readers don’t cry reading the last chapter I will start throwing hands
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currently having a very angsty idea ft. the first ninja and the human! nomicon (and the sorcerer) and i swear i am frothing at the mouth. anyone willing to hear me rant about it?
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xstrawberryshiftsx · 4 days
Literally my relationship with Percy in my PJO dr
especially the bridge/end
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