#anime x pregnant reader
0-animelover-0 · 5 months
Summary: So'lek was protective before but now that his little mate is pregnant, he grown even more protective.
(So'lek x Human!Reader)
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Warnings: pregnancy, possessiveness, fear of losing child, mentions of birth
kelku = home
ma'tìyawn = my love
Angstik = The hammerhead titanothere
Tulkun = large marine species native to the oceans of Pandora
Nga yawne lu oer, ma little tsamsiyu = I love you my little warrior
You think So'lek was protective before but as soon as he found out that you were pregnant with his child he became 10X more protective. He always has his hands on your waist or stomach. He also refuses that you go places alone.
One day So'lek arouse from his sleep and you weren't next to him. Panicking, he got up and grabbed his bow. He ran out only to be met with you laying in the hammock just outside of the kelku. Sighing in relief, he leaned his bow against the entrance and walked over. “Good morning, ma'tìyawn.”
You looked at him from the hammock and smiled. "Good morning."
You could see that some of the worry still remained on So'lek's face as he looked at you. He walked into the hammock and got in next to you, wrapping his arms around you holding your pregnant belly protectively. "Don't scare me like that again."
You can notice that as he is breathing in the smell of you, he seems relieved that you are still alright and not in line of potential danger.
You smiled at the way his tension left his shoulders. He sighed as you put a hand over his that rested on your rounded stomach. "I'm sorry, I just thought sunlight would be nice."
He looked up at you with a warm smile on his face as you placed your hand over his. His ears and tail flinched at the sun's bright light that broke through the leaves over head. "It is, but I do not want to lose you. Not now with the new life you are carrying within you."
You chuckled softly, honestly finding his words amusing. "Ma So'lek, I am only a few feet away from the kelku. I will be alright."
He groaned in annoyance as he was beginning to get annoyed with your playful attitude towards his overprotectiveness. "I know that you would be but I do not want to take the risk. You are not only my mate but you are the mother of my child. I will not take any chances whatsoever."
His ears continued to twitch at the sound of his own words.
You knew you couldn't change his mind on it, once his mind was set, he was determined. Like a stubborn Angstik. "I know."
He looked down at you with his pretty green eyes. Even if he is trying to be stern with you he is still having a hard time fighting back the urge to pull you close and hug you. He takes a deep breathe before he finally speaks to you in a gentle yet firm tone. "Please do not go far from the kelku from now on until you give birth."
You fingers intertwined with his. You knew you couldn't promise anything like that. You would loose your mind and become restless. Your lips touched his cheek and then kissed along his jawline. "You know I can't promise that."
He growled in annoyance at the thought of you not keeping the promise he requested from you. He also grumbled at the thought of other Na'vi men seeing you outside of his protection. He was starting to get possessive.
"Why not? Your health and my child is at risk the further you go from the kelku. What reason could you possibly have to go far away from here?"
"I have people and duties in Hometree. You know that." You told him with your gentle tone of voice.
So'lek thought for a moment about what you said. It was true that you did have responsibilities and people to look after back at Hometree but he couldn't fight this protective instinct anymore. He was already too worried and anxious about losing you and the unborn child.
"Then I will be coming with you. I don't want to lose you or our child. I will protect you and keep you close to me."
You smiled at his decree. At least you wouldn't be cooped up at your home. "Alright, I have no objections."
He let out a relieved groan and pulled you closer to him. He wrapped his arms around you tightly. This made him feel so much better now that he knows that he can still keep an eye on you while you attend to those matters at Hometree.
"It's settled then. I will make sure to keep a close eye on you and keep you safe from any danger."
A few minutes passed and you slowly stroked your big stomach that would soon hopefully birth a strong child for your mate. "How much longer do you think?"
So'lek looked down at you and took note of how big your stomach had gotten. This baby must be growing at an extraordinary rate. He has never seen a woman get pregnant this quickly before. He also could only imagine how much you were uncomfortable dealing with all this change in your body.
"We are approaching the 8th month so this baby will grow much quicker. I predict that it will be born in less than two months."
You sighed and laid your head on his chest. "Oh thank goodness." Carrying his child felt...uncomfortable on your body to say the least.
He rubbed your head while looking down at you. His eyes were filled with love and relief as he thought about how soon you will be able to give birth. The thought of the baby being born also made him have all sorts of thoughts like how much of you was in the baby and how much of him was in the baby.
"How do you feel? Is the pregnancy getting too uncomfortable for you?"
You nodded and shifted in the hammock to be more comfortable. "It feels very uncomfortable. I think the baby is going to take after you the most. I feel like a Tulkun."
So'lek felt his ego inflate at the statement that your child would be taking after him. However, he didn't like that you were experiencing major discomfort from the pregnancy. This really showed him just how much this pregnancy was taking a toll on you. He continued to rub your head as he spoke.
"I will tell you a secret ma'yawne. When I was young I was a very loud child. Perhaps our baby will be as well."
You groaned and rolled your eyes. "Just what I need, a rambunctious child. AND a baby on top of that." you teased. You only meant it half jokingly of course.
He scoffed at the comment but didn't seem to mind it at all. If anything, the thought of having an energetic child to take care of with you is something he actually looks forward to. However, the thought of having a rambunctious child is also going to make him an overprotective father.
"Well you mated with me didn't you?" So'lek chuckled in his raspy voice as he ran a four fingered hand down your arm. "So it is only fate for our child to have our personalities."
You smiled at his first statement. You did mate with him, and you'd never regret it. You nuzzled into his side, your hand caressing his chest. Your fingers gently traced patterns on his blue skin. After a minute of silence, you spoke up with a request. "Rub my stomach again? It felt good."
He didn't have to be asked twice. As soon as you asked, he pulled you closer and started to massage and caress your belly. In this position, he could really feel how big you were getting. The thought of his baby being inside you was making him feel excited yet nervous for the day that you will give birth.
He put a feather-light kiss to your temple and hummed as he traced circles on your soft skin. "I promise to be a good father to our child. Nga yawne lu oer, ma little tsamsiyu."
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sukunas-wife · 2 months
Faking a pregnancy with Sukuna for some humanities class project
Sukuna hit it one night and now it’s not so fake…
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dexlexia · 7 months
lunch break - garp x reader
pairing: monkey d. garp x reader rating: 18+ summary: This wasn't how it was supposed to go. You joined the Marines to fight against pirates! You were supposed to make it to the top ranks and be the best in the field. To protect the seas and the islands in them. But then you met Monkey D. Garp. tags: pwp, pregnant!reader, desk/office sex, gentle sex, pregnancy kink, breeding kink, GDILF!garp, former marine reader, husband and wife
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This wasn't how it was supposed to go. You joined the Marines to fight against pirates! You were supposed to make it to the top ranks and be the best in the field. To protect the seas and the islands in them. But then you met Monkey D. Garp. 
The man was old enough to be your grandfather and here you were, walking through the base with lunch in hand. Garp had told you to stay home and he'd find another way to eat. He didn't want you leaving the home you shared just to bring him some lunch. But you told him that the exercise was good, especially good for the baby. 
He sighed and told you not to take any detours, it didn't matter if an old woman needed to get something off a shelf or there was a kicked puppy. You were to go to the base, see him then go home. He didn't want to take chances with his pregnant wife. 
So the whole Marine thing didn't work out, it only took a year in the service and a few too many occasions of unprotected sex before you made a nice home for yourself. But you were happy, sure the age gap was a bit to wince at but you were an adult. You could make your own choices, and the vice admiral made you very happy. 
You were let into the base, most could recognize you by now. You were six months along now, and around lunchtime your baby knew that it was time to stretch so as you made it through the halls of the base, you had to rest against walls or sit on ledges and stools to take a small break. Garp was happy that his boy was active, it would mean that he'd be a good Marine. 
You corrected him and told him it was his *daughter* who was active, and he didn't have a good track record of his family becoming Marines.
Eventually you made it all the way to his office and rubbed your lower back. A sharp kick in the ribs made you exhale deeply. You patted your belly, ”Calm down you.“ Before you knocked on the door. 
Garp told you to come in and he was delighted when he saw you. He got up from his chair quickly and went over to you. He even took off his jacket to cover your bare shoulders, ”You're going to catch a cold.“ He said, he took the wrapped lunch and shepherd you to the desk where he placed the homemade meal. 
  ”It's warm out today.“ You tried to argue, but he was stubborn. Instead he leaned down and kissed you on the cheek and rested a large hand on your belly. The doctor on the island said that the baby might be the largest born in a long time. 
  ”Still. If you get sick, I wouldn't know what to do with myself.“ He pulled away and grabbed you a chair to sit down on. He then guided you to sit down, he eyed your belly and smiled. Not much longer now. 
He grabbed another chair and sat it across from you. ”How is he?“
  ”She's doing fine, she knows I was coming to see you.“ You relaxed a bit in the chair to get the pressure off your back, ”Come feel.“ You pulled your shirt up a bit to expose your belly and reached over to grab his hand, ”She needs to know who her daddy is.“ When he touched your skin, your heart skipped a beat. 
Garp smiled, the kind of smile that reached those beautiful eyes. He rubbed your warmed skin, ”Are you being good to mama?“ He asked, ”Not causing her any trouble?“ He was hoping to fully retire by the time your child was born, then he could stay home and keep up with his child and younger wife. He wasn't too sure how much time he had left, he was getting older. 
  ”She's doing great, she's got quite the kick.“ You chuckled and placed a hand over his. Call it hormones but the way he was being so attentive was a bit of a turn on. It made you feel warm all over as he felt for the child you made together. A piece of your love. 
You got up from the chair and kept his hand on your exposed belly as you went to sit in his lap.You felt your heart hammer in your chest like it was your first love. 
  ”My beautiful wife.“ He said softly as he kissed at your temple. Soon both large hands were roaming your belly, ”Giving me strong babies.“ He felt so warm towards you. You placed your hands over his and turned your head to face him. 
  ”You made me this way, I wouldn't want children with anyone else.“ Then kissed him on the lips. What started out as a soft couple's kiss turned into something more heated. Soon you felt something hard against your back. 
  ”Good, because after this one I think we should give him a sibling. Maybe two.“ He pulled you in for another kiss as one hand dipped between your legs. The other remained on your belly for support. He undid the button of your pants and pulled down past your swollen middle. 
  ”How about our own Marine force?“ You giggled as you felt your face grow hot. His thumb played with your clit and you bit your lip to hold back a moan. You felt so small compared to him, he was a large man after all. 
  ”I'd be happy with that.“ He rubbed your swollen middle. He whispered in your ear, ”We have about twenty minutes before the cadets finish lunch. Or we can wait till I get home. What's my wife thinking of doing?” His voice was hot and it warmed your core. 
You smiled at him, “I'd let my husband take me in front of every cadet at the base, it's already evident that you and I have a lot of fun in the bedroom.”
  “That's my girl.” He grinned before he leaned in for one last kiss. His thumb still played with your clit over your panties. When he pulled away he said, ”I'll help you on to the desk.“ Then watched you get up and off his lap.
With some support from the desk, you got your pants and underwear off. Your sandals found their way next to them as you tried to get yourself onto the desk. But the size you were now, it made it hard to do that. So Garp had to hoist you up. 
He looked down at you, ”If it hurts, let me know.“ he rubbed the top of your head, ”I don't need you to be in more pain.“ Then get between your legs. He carefully undid his pants. His cock was threatening to break the seams of his underwear as he exposed it to you. 
You licked your lips, his cock was impressive. A slight curve, and thick. When you two first started to have sex, it was a struggle getting it to fit. You spent hours in Garp's room as he pleasured you in other ways to get you relaxed enough to make it fit. 
You were certain that if you were an outsider looking in, you'd wonder how he fit into you. Something so big fitting into something so small.
He leaned down to kiss you once more while he held onto your left thigh with one hand and rubbed his hardened cock against your wet pussy with his other hand. He groaned into the kiss, just the smallest taste of what he wanted. The pussy he bred happily.
Sure you weren't a Marine anymore, but you did your service by making sure that your husband got pleasure. You held onto the edge of the desk with one hand and held onto your exposed belly with the other. This felt more fulfilling than active duty. 
  ”Ready?“ He asked.
You nodded, you knew it was going to hurt a little but for your husband it was worth it. To feel that connected to him in a way that no one else on the island could. with him. You gripped onto the desk tightly and scrunched up your face as he slowly pushed into you. 
You told yourself to relax and he was able to get every last inch inside. Now you felt extra full. You leaned back a little and he helped you lie on the desk, he moved things out of the way. You held onto his wrists where his hands were on your thighs as leverage for his thrusts. 
  ”You're beautiful.“ He admired as he slowly thrusted. Your body moved gently against the wood of the table. He didn't want to tear or bruise anything. So he was going to be gentle with you. After all, you were in a fragile state. 
You chuckle softly, ”Just wait until I'm screaming my head off in three months.“ You moved one hand away and rubbed your middle as he kept a consistent pace. You felt warm all over, this was the man you married. The one who changed your whole path for the better. 
  ”And I'll still love you then. You can be mad at me all you want, as long as you and the baby are safe at the end.“ He reached and rubbed your bump too, ”I'll be there the whole way.“ His pace moved marginally faster and your stomach did a flip from the rush of pleasure. 
You moaned, “Garp!” You felt the pressure build up in your gut which only increased when he started to pick up the pace. You held onto your belly and his wrist for support as he thrusted up into you. You could tell he was watching every expression on your face as he moved in and out. 
Your back arched slightly when he hit a good spot and he leaned down to seal you into a kiss so you didn't make too much noise. You were married but he'd never live it down if someone caught the two of you making love in his office. 
You felt his white facial hair tickle your face as he continued to move inside of you. His thrusts were gentle and caring, you knew he could be dominating and rough but in the state you were in, the last thing on his mind was to hurt you. 
It felt almost romantic if it weren't for the fact it was being done in his office. The office he saw people almost every day, where he conducted his business. 
You made a small moaning noise into the kiss and he said “Shh, shh, shh. Let me make you feel good.” His voice was quiet as he continued to thrust up into you. He held onto you as he moved, his heart raced with every hard thrust. “You're perfect.“ He said.
  “Thank you, Garp.“ You replied with his lips so close to yours. The two of you kissed once more and the pleasure was building up. You didn't have much time and you didn't want to go home unsatisfied. 
You rolled your hips alongside him as he kept kissing you. Both of his hands were on your hips down as he thrusted against you. The feeling was amazing, you loved how you felt under him. 
He continued his movements as the feeling of pleasure took over. He moved a bit faster for the last few strokes and with one more jab against your sweet spot, you both climaxed at the same time. He pulled you into a searing kiss to keep both of your quiet as he finished inside of you, which left your insides all sticky. 
You held onto his tightly as you climaxed and then relaxed, out of breath onto the desk. Garp pulled out and rubbed your swollen middle, “That's a good mama, making her husband feel good.” 
Cum dripped out of you and onto the floor. Which he quickly cleaned up with a handkerchief in his pocket. He leaned down and kissed your belly, “Alright, mama, let's get you dressed and sent back home. You have to rest.' He smiled before he grabbed your bottoms from the floor.
As you laid in euphoric bliss, you couldn't have been happier. You may have failed as a Marine but you were very good at being a housewife. 
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kalfui · 4 months
The funniest thing to me is when someone makes an Alastor x (anime character)! reader and they put little pics and it's like
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lolaxbunnyy · 4 months
IDK IF YOU STILL DO MY HERO ACADEMIA AS IM NEW- but I love your writing so
What about poly Bakugo, Deku, Todoroki x Fem!reader who’s nine months pregnant, due any day now. She’s about to go into labor but they’re not home due to a mission
Idk if I explained this well 💀
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also I hope this is good enough I haven’t been on here in a while 😬 . Also I gave the baby a name and a gender if you want something else then you can feel free to change it. Also if anybody has anything they would like me to write please ask!
warnings: fem black reader, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of birth, nothing bad though just enjoy.
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SHOTO, IZUKU, AND KATSUKI. The top three most amazing and well known pro heros who were well loved by their fans had a little secret. They had a pretty little wife who was carrying one of their babies. Katsuki decided that he was going to be the one to get her pregnant first, the other two had no problem with that. After months of trying and no show she was finally pregnant and all four of them were so happy to finally have their first kid.
It’s been 9 months already and their precious baby girl has yet to leave her place within her mamas tummy.
Y/N rubbed her swollen belly as she did her rotations on her exercise ball. Katsuki’s mom was here helping her out with the little things that she needed. Mitsuki loved her from the moment Katsuki introduced them and now that she’s going to have a little grandchild she was even more happy with her future daughter in law.
"Y/N honey. The boys are calling again."Mitsuki said as she walked in from the kitchen to the living room rolling her eyes. “This is the fourth time they’ve called in the last hour.” Mitsuki chuckled.
"They're so worried that you're going to pop before they get back." Y/N grabbed the phone from, Mitsuki’s hand and put it up to her ear.
“Hello?” “Hey, baby. You doing okay?” Y/N rolled her eyes even though he couldn’t see her. “Yes I’ve been okay since the last time you called.” She heard him chuckle. “Okay. You’re a little worked up. What happened? Sick of us calling?” Y/N giggled. “Nope, never. I can’t even miss or worry about you guys because you’re too busy calling all the time instead of focusing on your task that you three were sent to do.” Before Izuku could respond she heard the faint voice of someone talking to him. “Oi? Is that Curls?” Katsuki of course.
Y/N heard what sounded like the phone being snatched away from Izuku. “Oi, Curls! If you ever hand up in my face again we’re gonna have some problems when I get back home, you hear me?” Y/N chuckled. “Yes sir.” She heard the blonde kiss his teeth before handing the phone back to Izuku.
“Sorry, bout that. Anyways you’ve got some scolding to do to Katsuki anyways.” “Don’t you dare tell her about that!” She could tell Izuku rolled his eyes. “He was being careless today and almost lost his leg.” Katsuki grumbled. “ ‘Was not bein’ fuckin’ careless. ‘The hell was I s’posed to know he was gonna turn his leg in to a fuckin’ chain saw?!” Y/N pursed her lips. “Y’know if you two are done bickering we have matters to attend too.”
Shoto said out of nowhere. “That’s right. Well baby, look like we gotta go. We’ll see you next week, hopefully.” Katsuki butted in. “Yeah so tell the brat to avoid her eviction notices till then.” Y/N laughed. “I’m sure she heard you, Kat. I’ll see you boys next week. I love you.” “We love you more baby.” Then the phone clicked and the call was over.
Y/N sighed. She truly did miss them. Sure she enjoyed the company of her soon to be in laws, but she missed her boys. It was quiet and peaceful while they were away and she hated that. The bed was always cold and empty and she also hated that but it still smelled of them and she could at least appreciate that. So did the large shirt that she borrowed from Shoto’s side of the closet.
The boys had already been gone for two weeks and they’d be back home next week but it doesn’t feel like Blossom can wait any longer to be out in the world. Her eyes trailed over towards the belly cast that she had gotten done. The boys had decorated it all pretty and even drew a little family of four on it in Katsuki’s terrible excuse of a drawing. She’d never tell him that though because even if it was bad it’s still cute and still has meaning to it. She can still even feel their careful hands on her stomach.
Izuku’s hands are the most scarred and a little calloused but still firm and calming. Katsuki’s hands being the most calloused and somehow a bit sweaty from time to time. Sho’s hands were the softest but were always cold.
She missed the special treatment and massages they’d give her before they left. They were very caring and spoiling.
It’s been like this since they’ve found out that she was pregnant. They couldn’t be home for her, they had their moms take care of her. Then when they came home for the night, they’d be all over her because in their words, “you look so cute when you’re pregnant.”
She smiled softly at Mitsuki as she smelled the cooking of her favorite food. It’s getting later and later and there was a storm outside brewing. She didn’t want her poor boys caught outside in the rain.
"Y/N, Inko sent some more clothes for Blossom." Mitsuki smiled as she handed them to her. “Awe. We’re going to run out of space in her little closets.” Y/N held the shirt to her stomach. “Do you like it, B?” Y/N suddenly winced at a sharp pain in her stomach. “Okay, I’ll put it away.” But the pain kept coming. Mitsuki helped Y/N up carefully and at that very moment, her water broke.
Mitsuki immediately started to call phones. "Inko, Rei! It's happening! I need you here now! The babies coming!"
Mitsuki was rushing around the house to get the bags ready and extra clothes before helping her soon to be daughter in law towards the car.
Once they arrived after some time Mitsuki rushed in to get a nurse and she came back with a nurse who had a wheelchair ready and the both of them helped Y/N out of the car in to the chair and she was wheeled in and rushed towards the maternity floor. They put her in a room and went to go get things ready for her.
“Where the fuck are they going?!” Y/N whimpered out as one if her hands held her stomach while her other arm was draped across her face. Rei and Inko walked in. "They're going to get everything ready. More doctors and your epidural for your pain, Honey."Inko responded and Y/N hummed in pain.
“Did you call the boys?” Rei asked and Mitsuki nodded her head as she tried to get Y/N comfortable and situated. "Yes but they're not answering. I think they're too busy in what they're doing."
Rei let out a soft okay before looking at the clock on the wall. 12:03 AM it read. A nurse came back in and injected her with the medicine but it didn’t have time to do its job because right after the doctors came in and it was time for her baby girl to come out in to the world.
Everything went smoothly. (beside the three mothers having to stop Y/N from attacking the nurse. Twice. First time because if her giving her the epidural late and second because the bitch almost dropped her baby.) when Blossom was all cleaned up it was about. 2:19 when Y/N got to hold her baby and feed her.
She was so pretty. Her skin was a mix between Y/N and Katsuki and her hair was blonde and straight but Y/N was sure that her curls would come in soon. Last but not least her eyes her round and (e/c) just like her moms as she looked up at her through her blonde eyelashes. The three mothers huddled around Y/N to look at their granddaughter. "Awe. She's so pretty." Inko cooed softly. “I’ve got to get pictures.” Rei gushed and both her and Inko rushed to their purses to get their phone out while Mitsuki stayed by Y/N.
"Do you want me to get her so you can rest?" “Yes please, if you don’t mind.” Mitsuki took Blossom and soon after, Y/N was knocked out.
Izuku was the last person to get out of the bath for that morning. They’d been up since midnight going on a fake lead, practically wasting their time all night. Izuku grabbed what he thought was his phone but noticed that it was Katsuki’s. “Hey, Kachaan? You’ve got 10 missed calls from your mom.” Katsuki raised an eyebrow as he set down his freshly cooked spicy ramen.
He went to his call log and clicked on his mom’s name in face time. "Hello?" His mom’s face showed in the camera. “You called 10 times?” He said unamused. Thinking that it was just her being worried and paranoid again. "Well, I needed to tell you something." Katsuki hummed. “Kay?” The camera flipped around and Katsuki saw blonde hair then the phone fell to the floor as his mom let out an agitated ‘damn it’ before picking it up and a sleeping baby was shown.
“Is that?” "Yep." Inko cut off her son. “That’s Blossom guys!” The boys mouths dropped. Their daughter was so pretty just like her mommy. After that face time call that day the boys had to call off the mission to get home to their girls immediately.
Y/N was released from the hospital two days before they could come home so when they made it back they instantly without a second thought came straight home and they finally got to see their daughter. Blossoms little hair started to curl up a little so she most definitely started to look like Y/N.
Katsuki was the first to hold her and she was so small Katsuki feared that he might break her. Izuku and Shoto walked towards Katsuki, standing on either side of him as they looked down at their daughter. “She most definitely looks like a Blossom.” Shoto spoke softly as the little baby curiously looked at the three men.
Their moms smiled at them. "Congrats boys!" Mitsuki had tears in her eyes as little sniffles came out. "Oh my goodness. I'm finally a grandma! I'm never gonna get over this!" She cried into Inko’s shoulder and Inko patted her back comfortingly. “I wanna hold her next.” Izuku held his arms out and Katsuki carefully handed Blossom to him. Once he was secure in his arms, Katsuki turned towards Y/N.
He smiled softly and he walked over towards her giving her a kiss on her cheek. He watched the others coo over the little blonde haired baby.
“Thank you so much, baby.” Three months later, the world knew about their two girls after Izuku had posted a video of Blossom giggling away at Katsuki and Shoto making silly faces at her while Y/N just watched in the background with a big smile on her face. That video was the most brought up topic in their latest interviews and they didn’t mind at all telling the world about their girls.
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this story belongs to @lolaxbunnyy !!
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hello!! i love your writing and i was wondering if i could request a yandere luffy x reader, where he really really wants to get reader pregnant and start a family even if it isn’t exactly what she wants? feel free to make it as dark as you’d like! thank you 💖
All Mine~..
The sky was sunny and bright as you casually hummed a song while doing one of your tasks on the ship. While you were working though Luffy, your captain was sitting down on the floor..just staring at you..or more specifically..your stomach.
You could already feel his stare from a mile away but tried your best to ignore it as his eyes followed your every single move.
Finally, he spoke up. His head tilted while wide eyes stared intently at you and your body.
“Hey Y/N? Where’s your big stomach at?!”
Blinking and slowly turning to your captain, you paused for a bit as an uncomfortable feeling started to grow.
“W-What do you mean Luffy?..”
You said softly while genuinely being confused.
Something then popped in your head and sighed. “..wait do you mean baby bump?..what pregnant woman have?..” You then asked while raising an eyebrow.
Only a week ago, Robin had made a joke about you and Luffy being a cute couple and how she guaranteed they you would have the cutest babies.It seemed like Luffy was getting a bit obsessed with the idea because he wouldn’t stop staring at your stomach, or just hugging your waist possessively in general.
Now that you think about it…genuinely for the past week he’s been acting very..persistent about it…
The cheery captain seemed to smile widely at just the mention of ‘baby’ while nodding enthusiastically and glanced at your stomach again.
“Yeah! Shshi!! When’s that gonna come? I want us to be family soon!”
Giving him a puzzled look you slowly looked away and sighed.
“Uhh that’s not how it works luff…” you said, your voice low with a undertone of annoyance and a bit of uncomfortableness as you finally finished your task and leaned against the wall.
It was now Luffy’s turn to be confused as he tilted his head. “Huh?..what do you mean?..I want you to have babies so why can’t you?!”
He asked now with a little annoyance, a dangerous glint hiding behind a pout. There was something about the way his smile quickly dropped when you mentioned you were having a baby yet..You gulped and quickly look away.
“Well luffy we have to go through a certain…process..and I dont think I’m ready to have kids yet y’know?..why don’t we wait until we finally reach our goal until we start thinking about stuff like that hah..” you said with a nervous laugh while slowly trying to hide the fact that your heart was beating very quickly.
Something just didn’t feel right about the way he seemed to react whenever you brought up the way you weren’t really ready for a child. But now..you were actually questioning your choices on if you got on the right ship..
Turning your head back at luffy since you’d been avoiding eye contact the whole conversation, you saw his expression went dark, a shadow covered his eyes while a frown was almost permanently placed on his lips.
Sitting up from his spot you were surprised by how he seemed to look over you and give off a aura you’d never seen or felt before.
All it took was a silent glare from him, his eyes piercing into yours, pinning you in place. He didn’t even have to move In this state to have your feet practically glued to the floor and your mouth running dry.
“Y/N..we’re having a big happy family. It’s a captain’s order..you can’t disobey that you know…we’re saving it sooner or later and there’s no doubt about it.”
Still staring up at him you couldn’t even piece together words together to reply, he slowly got closer to you as he kept his eyes on you the whole time.
He said, it wasn’t a question..more like a statement with a bit of a warning to what you would say next.
How could you possibly forget how scary your captain could be..? And how persistent he is to get whatever he wants..
Voice shaking and having no idea what to say you could only just stand there like a deer in head lights. His look was almost expectant as he slowly inched even closer to you..
“Dinners ready everyone!!!”
A voice then shouted from lower deck, you slowly breathed a sigh of relief while you saw the darkness in luffy’s eyes disappear. He looked at you for a few moments, crap! He was still waiting for you to…respond to his statement.
Slowly nodding your head you said nothing. Your head felt dazed and you honestly just needed some space and food to break the tension..
Delicious food was set all around the table as everyone in the crew all gathered around, seeming happy and definitely chatty per usual, Though you couldn’t help but stay silent while getting your plate and the food you desired.
Thoughts were just scrambling through your mind about this mess and luffy’s thoughts..
What was he going to do?
Why did he care so much of having a baby?..
What would he do to make you be apart of his ‘big happy family..?’
Taking a deep breath you say down in one of the chairs at the table and started to eat silently while staring at your plate. You then felt a hand on your shoulder, the hand was graceful and very gentle.
Slowly turning your head to saw it was Nami, she had a somewhat worried look on her face. Blinking a few times you assured her that things were fine and she nodded.
After that for a few minutes you and her engaged in a conversation, everything was going good and finally felt at ease after the whole ordeal with Luffy…
Could you possibly fix things?..yeah! You definitely could! Yea sure he was a bit hard headed sometimes but maybe if you just tell him how you feel then everything would be fine right?
For the last few minutes you talked to Nami and Robin since they were both women of crew also about luffy and his..infatuation. They both agreed with your thoughts and told you to just talk to him, that he just needed a little guidance sometimes because their one and only captain could be an idiot sometimes..
Feeling a new sense of confidence wash over you while you put your dish away you walking out of the dining area on the ship and towards the deck, finally ready to talk to Luffy about this little mishap.
Matching up to him with an almost proud smile, he grinned at you. Wrapping his stretchy arms around you with a grin.
“Hey Y/N! Zoro and Sanji told me how to make babies! You ready?!”
Slowly narrowing your eyes to the green haired swordsman and the cook you glared at then and they seemed to catch it. They looked surprised at your glare that was clearly saying: why did you tell him you idiots?!?!
Sighing as you looked back up at Luffy you frowned.
“Uh yeah about that Luffy….I don’t want kids..I’ve already made up my mind and I know you really want them but I just want you to understand that I’m not ready..at least right now..we can just wait! It’s cute…in a way that you wanna have kids so soon but..it’s just not gonna happen..”
Silence..he went silent and stared at you blankly.
Slowly he got back to moving and let out an exaggerated sigh, running a hand across his face.
“Y/N..come onnn..this isn’t funny anymore..hurry up and let’s just make babies already!!” He Said rather loudly, causing you to get a little fed up.
“Ugh! No Luffy! Please just get it through your head that I DONT want kids right now!! Please stop asking!!”
A frown appeared on his face again as he went silent.
Rolling your eyes you were about to say more, until he grabbed your hands forcefully and pulled you away from the deck.
Eyes widening at his tight grip and the sudden action you tried to pull away but that of course was rendered useless since this was the future pirate king we’re talking about.
Bringing you to his captains quarters he threw you on the bed, slamming the door and locking it with a soft and quiet sigh.
Slowly stepping closer and standing over the bed he hovered over you with an almost blank expression as he grabbed the both of your hands and put them up forcefully with his strength.
“Luffy! Stop this!! I-It isn’t funny!!! I’m being serious!”
Saying nothing he got the bed and quickly started to undress you. Slowly, he ran his hands across your body. Down to touch and rub every shape and size of it..
Your eyes widened at what was about to happen as you slowly looked up at him fearfully. He looked up at your face finally….and smiled cheerfully. The smile you thought was sweet..pure and charming..
“Don’t worry Y/N! This won’t hurt..by the end of this..we’ll be a big happy family! After all..you’re All Mine..”
Hiiii i know I’m writing this SO late and I’m so sorry!! I had a lot of homework and practice but I got it by midnight!!…I think..thank you so much to @flowercrowns-goodvibes for this request and I LOVED the idea! Thank you darling! I honestly and genuinely hope you like this because I worked hard on it and I tried to make his character accurate but scary y’know? I honestly hope it’s not too short but if it is I’ll add to it! <33Thank you so much for requesting and I hope you all loved this!! Bye my flowers petals!! 🌸🌸❤️❤️🌺🌺
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yup-thats-me · 10 months
all for you • Gabimaru.
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pairing: Gabimaru x wife!reader
synopsis: his wife has given him the best gift of all. a baby ; the reader is pregnant.
warning: pregnancy.
note: I'm delulu I know but I can't help it. let me be delulu in peace 😌
"y/n, let's take you to the village doctor, yeah?" Gabimaru said, stroking the back of his wife lovingly as she threw up.
this was the fourth time this week and it was making Gabi worry about his wife. obviously she's his the only reason to stay alive. it was for her that he made it out alive from Shinsenkyo alive, no matter the dangerous situations he faced. it was all for her. now that she's unwell made his insides churn in fear. if anything happens to her, maybe he'll burn down the entire country.
however, y/n partially knew what the problem was, just a little uncertain.
"Okay...", she spoke slowly, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. she slowly drank the water Gabi gave her. by the help of her husband, she stood up slowly, walking back inside the house to get dressed to visit the doctor.
"do you want me to help you change, y/n?" Gabimaru offered.
it won't be the first time that he'd help his wife get dressed. he had done it a number of times, but this time, y/n turned down his offer.
she smiled at him softly, "I'm quite alright. just be outside ill come in a bit, okay?" She kissed him on the cheek.
Gabi nodded, waiting outside the room, pacing I'm anticipation.
inside the room on the other hand, y/n was already dressed. she stood in front of the mirror, caressing her stomach deliberately. "can it really be true?" She wishpered.
when she came out, Gabi put his hand around her waist, walking slowly. y/n felt weak. every now and then, she held Gabi more tighter as the two walked. finally, the two reached the doctor's place.
"how many days has it been?" the doctor, an elderly woman asked the couple.
the two looked at each other for a second. "this has been going on for more than a week," Gabi replied for y/n.
the woman nodded. "can I talk to y/n alone for a moment?"
Gabimaru shot the woman a suspicious look but nevertheless agreed when y/n squeezed his hand, silently telling him that its alright. again, Gabi stepped out from the room and sat outside.
so many thoughts ran amok his head. what if y/n is terminally ill? or some incurable disease that will take her from him? no. he won't let that happen. even if it was an incurable disease, he'll die with her. no questions asked. and if the disease was curable, he'll do everything in his power to cure back his y/n. he made so many assumptions about y/n's hypothetical diseases, never for once did he think she might be pregnant. he's that thick skinned when it comes to y/n. he forgets to think anything logical when it comes to her.
few minutes later, the two women stepped out the house. Gabi ran to y/n. seeing her smiling made him relax just a bit.
"well? what is it?"
the woman giggled. "I'll leave you two to it. Best of luck", she said going back inside the room leaving the couple alone.
y/n seemed to be avoiding any eye contact with Gabi. "y/n you're making me nervous again. tell me what the problem is!"
"Gabi...you're going to be a father", Y/n replied slowly. she laughed internally as the look on Gabi's face changed from anxious to a confused one. "...huh?"
y/n blushed. "Gabimaru, I am pregnant, woth your child." She spoke nervously. she knew Gabi won't be angry at the news but still she was hesitant.
Gabi stood in his spot not miving even an inch. "Oh my god," He said sitting on the ground. He was too happy to speak. Y/n smiled, kneeling down beside him. "shh...its okay." She hugged her husband as her husband broke down in her hold.
she made Gabi face her, wiping his tears away. "are you okay?"
Gabi smiled at her, hugging her close. "Okay? I'm far more than okay! you've made me the happiest man alive, Y/n!" He laughed, kissing her shortly.
the two also went to the market on their way back,buying sweets and Y/n watched with a smile as her husband gave the sweets tk everyone for the good news. he even fed the stray dogs. he was happy, he wanted the world to celebrate too!
when the two reached home, Y/n was about to enter the kitchen to prepare the dinner, when Gabi stopped her. "And what do you think you're doing?"
Y/n looked at him confused. "We have to have dinner too. you know," She giggled, making Gabi's face tinted with bright red. "Of course I know. but I won't allow you to cook. I'll do it." He said.
"Why, darling? you want to eat something different? tell me and I'll make it. why should you make dinner?"
"No. from now onwards, you can't cook, clean, or do any work. I'll do it all. You and our baby need rest," He said, scratching the back of his head. his statement made y/n giggle. "But anat, I'm just two weeks in. I can still work."
Gabimaru shook his head. "No. I said I'll do all the work. all you have to do is rest. I can't have you working in this condition. I want both my baby and my wife to be healthy," He said caressing your belly. You smiled at him, knowing there's no way of changing his mind now. so you gave up.
as Gabimaru prepared the dinner, so many thoughts came to his mind. family. a family. it was always had been just a word for Gabimaru. he believed he'd never be able to have a family, not a person like him. he was a monster. how can a monster have a family? but then you came along. you healed his scars, made him look at the world differently. it was yiu who taught him that this world is a beautiful place if one knew how to look at it. he is forever greatful to you. he always will be. he prays now, something he'd never ever done. he prays to the Almighty that you'll always stay with him. he promises to love you endlessly, and now that he's soon going to have a baby, he wishes to become the best father that there ever is. he wants to become perfect for you. all for you.
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reblogs and feedbacks are appreciated!!
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blue-sadie · 7 months
Pregnant Hungry
Asahi Azumane x Pregnant Girlfriend Reader
Summary: your eating for two and he gets that
Warning: aged up characters, kinda short
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Yn/3rd person pov
The small of cooking ramen filled the small apartment it made your stomach growl "asahi" I whined stretching my arms out from my place on the couch he hummed not looking away from the food he was dishing up "I feel like I can eat a horse".
I felt like a whale at the amount I eat "well I think that would be best for our little future champion" he chuckled quietly as he brought the two plates of food over "come on sit up" he murmured and smiled as I groaned slowly sitting up.
He handed me a bowl of stemming hot ramen I giggled happily "thank you my lovie" I chirped giving him a small peck on the cheek as he sat beside me "no problem" he murmured giving me a kiss back.
"Now let's dig in before that stomach wakes up the neighbors" he chuckled making me roll my eyes as I started eating, I basically moaned at the taste "this is so good" I sighed happily.
"I'm glad you like it I was trying a new recipe" he said with his mouth half full I laughed and used my thumb to wipe the side of his mouth where a bit of source spilled.
We continued talking as we ate I was the first to finish but I wasn't full yet, I kinda got quite and didn't know how to ask for another bowl "that was good" asahi said putting his plat down on our small coffee table.
He turned to me gazing at me and then glanced at the bowl "would you like another" he murmured putting out his hand, I hesitated and nodded slightly and mumbled out a 'yes please'.
He leaned over and kissed my forehead before getting up "do you ever think differently of me" I asked nervously slightly rocking side to side "you mean that now your pregnant" he said as he glanced at me with his brows frowning as he dished another helping into my bowl.
"Yea well kinda of what I mean is I kinda feel weird eating so much" asahi put down the bowl before he burst out laughing at my words my eyes widened I was taken a back at his out burst.
"M-my love I do not care if you eat a cow or two or a thousand as long as you and the baby are happy, I think it's better even because you know the bigger the person the bigger champion" he said as he calmed down from his fit of laughter he brought me the full bowl and cuddled up next to me.
"I just want you and the baby here with me, we're going to be the happiest family I promise"
@neteyamyawne @greekgods15 @sweetirilly @laylasbunbunny
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citrus-simp · 11 months
Okay so we all enjoy the cute pregnancy stories BUT! Realistically pregnancies are sometimes worse than the sweet stuff that even I write about
So now I’m thinking of:
Modern Levi! Who was with you through the entire labor who is also there postpartum from the second your baby was placed in her bassinet. He’d help adjust your pillows, feed you and even change your pad if your need help. You desperately wanted a shower and you weren’t sure if you’d make it on your own.
“Come on, hold on to me” he said standing in front of your bed and offering his arms to you. You brace yourself on both as you stand up on shaky legs.
“Levi, I-I don’t know if I can stand in the shower…” you said nearly on the verge of tears. The birth was difficult, labor was a pain and after wasn’t any better. You were overwhelmed, overstimulated and just exhausted.
“Hey, hey…it’s okay. Whatever you need I’m here. Do you want my help with anything in the bathroom?” He’d ask
Modern Levi! Who helps you to sit on and get off the toilet and will stand out side of the shower to help you. Hell take the sponge and scrubs anything from your hips downward so your didn’t have to bend over. While you got dressed he’d prepare another pad for you to put on and even change your sheets. The nurses said they’d do it but he wanted to be of help.
Modern Levi! Who makes Sure to have his paternity leave because he’d rather lose his job then to let you adjust in your own!!!!
Modern Levi! Who knows that even at home it was hard for you to adjust. A lot of crying, diaper changes and feedings. Sometimes you’d go way too long without eating or a shower. He’d make sure to get the baby all night so you’d be able to rest. Change every diaper he could get to and even helped with latching if it wasn’t working. When you do have calmer days he’d take the time to just sit with you and be in the moment
“How are you feeling love?”
“Better, still kinda weird but I’m okay”
“How about some tea and cuddles?” He asked
Modern Levi! Who has seen you when you’re alone and how god look at your new body in the mirror. How you would squish and poke at areas that have now change. How you’d wipe tears away if you heard him coming. He’d even see how you would avoid looking at yourself int he mirror and it broke his heart. He knew your body is now new but, you had done something he couldn’t do and gave him something he never had. He’s never loved someone more each day from looking at them than when he looked at you . At night he pull your in with his hand resting on your stomach and whisper
“You’re the most beautiful creature to ever Grace this world. And to pick me of all people to have a family with, I couldn’t be any more lucky”
Modern Levi! Who is your entire support system postpartum
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henrioo · 6 months
꒰ SYNOPSIS ꒱ : "Ace makes the mistake of eating one of your pregnant husband's sweets, you, now he needs to somehow earn her forgiveness. However, it seems that in this dispute, your son has already chosen who his favorite father will be."
꒰ WARNINGS ꒱ : TRANS MALE READER, FTM READER, TRANS MASC READER, PREGNANT MALE READER, MEN PREGNANT, BIOLOGICAL PREGNANCY, GAY RELATIONSHIP, Reader is a little dramatic, pregnancy dramas, unnamed baby but is a boy, Ace and you are married, Ace is a golden retriever and you're mean to him (just a little), Ace is a perfect dad and husband
꒰ WC ꒱ : 917
꒰ NOTES ꒱ : Wow, more babies! Hahah who would have thought... Okay I wanted to say that it's the last baby story but it's not, At least next time I'll try to post another topic or you'd start to think I'm weird. The post was supposed to be yesterday and it was also supposed to be a late ask, but the ask is 7k words long and I'm having a serious problem translating it, so I'm going to post this other story today so I can have more time, enjoy!
"Love, honey, my husband, my man, my sweet, forgive me." Your husband, Ace, whimpered beside you as you lay on the reclining sofa, covered in pillows and with a soft blanket over your huge belly. You had an irritated expression and crossed arms, purposely ignoring him and pretending to pay attention to the television.
"I'm not talking to you," you snorted irritably, and if your feet weren't swollen and your legs weren't aching, you would have kicked his ass out of the house.
"I swear, I didn't know it was your chocolate! I thought it was mine... I'm sorry, my love," he was kneeling on the sofa next to you, his hands clasped together begging for forgiveness, and his puppy eyes were so sad that anyone would have accepted his apologies.
Anyone, except you. No, no, you were a pregnant man dealing with a very active baby and hormones so out of whack that you seemed like a ticking time bomb. You definitely wouldn't forgive your husband for eating the last of your chocolate stash. Especially because it was Sunday! The store that sold your favorite, expensive, artisanal chocolate only opened on Tuesdays. You would have to go two days without your chocolate because of your husband's stupidity in not checking who the chocolate belonged to before swallowing it!
Okay, you weren't exactly craving chocolate in the past few days, and that one had been stored for a long time... But that doesn't change the fact that he shouldn't have eaten it!
"I swear I'll buy the whole store for you to forgive me! Please, don't pout at me like that," he whined again as he lovingly rubbed your arm. Ace hated hurting you, no matter how small the reason. Now that you were pregnant, he tried his best to make you live in paradise, as he was extremely worried when he found out that stress could cause serious complications in pregnancy. Although Marco and Law tried to explain that it had to be an absurd amount of stress, he practically didn't listen and accepted as an absolute truth that even the smallest amount of stress was a deadly risk for you and the baby!
"I hate you," you murmured irritably, and your frustrated pout grew. You didn't like arguing with Ace and usually didn't care so much about something like this, but those damn hormones made you go crazy. One moment you were crying, and the next you were trying to set the house on fire with Ace inside. Then, you would go back to normal as if everything were fine. You could only think that this was Ace's punishment for taking so long to propose to you.
"What can I do to make you forgive me, my king?" he sighed and sat closer to you, kissing your arm and then trying to kiss your cheek, which resulted in you moving away. "You're breaking your poor husband's heart."
"I'll ask for a divorce if you keep annoying me," you said, trying to stay strong, although you were almost giving up on arguing and just getting lost in Ace's warm embrace.
"Ouch... So cruel," he whimpered and carefully laid on your belly, then gently stroked it, giving kisses on the shirt you were wearing. "Come on, little guy, help your old man make peace with your daddy. He'll put me to sleep on the couch if he stays like this," he whimpered, trying to get help from his unborn child.
Before you could reprimand Ace again, a kick was felt by both of you... Your baby had just kicked exactly where Ace's head was, making him startle and jump from the slight blow he received, causing both of you to widen your eyes in shock.
"Our son just kicked me?" he asked, confused and incredulous about the situation.
"Humph, looks like it's two against one now," you smiled triumphantly as you caressed your belly. "Our son is smart, he knows that this daddy here is the only one whose right," you continued teasing Ace, already feeling your mood improve and the anger dissipating.
"This is unfair! The two men in my life are ganging up against me!" he crossed his arms with a pouting expression.
"Think twice before eating my sweets next time," you shrugged. "You heard the baby, today Daddy Ace sleeps on the couch," you laughed, feeling some gentle kicks from your baby, as if he really agreed with you.
"This little rascal will have to deal with me when he's born... Stealing my husband, I was here before you," he muttered childishly as he glared at your belly. "And you, mister grumpy husband, I'm going to squeeze and kiss you until you're forced to forgive me! And if you try to kick me out of our room, I'll cry at the door like a stray dog," Ace made his threat, and before you could disagree, he threw himself on top of you, covering your face with kisses as he hugged you tightly. All you could do was laugh, feeling ticklish from his kisses. You didn't usually get mad at your husband so often, but if it meant having him as a repentant little puppy trying to win your forgiveness through affection and love... Maybe you would start getting mad more often, especially if your son would help you.
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httpsjeonglvr · 1 year
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tsukishima. k x fem reader
chapter warning: pregnancy,angst,freaky tsukishima,let me know if there’s anything else. I also might’ve mixed up the characters because im stupid
After your families figured out the two of you were expecting, both of you quickly got a private home away from them. This definitely had gotten to Tsukishima’s head, but he did forget that not only were you both expecting, but another little thing had decided to be with you both every step of the way.
“Are they kicking yet? Shouldn’t they be kicking?” Hyori bounces around you as you eat, the child’s words making you more anxious then they should have.
That was the problem, they should be kicking by now. Kei had been gone every day from sunup to sundown, barely able to escape work since it was getting closer for him and his team to start playing agains You knew he was going extra tough on him because he was your fiancé ,but the fact you both barely had time to spend with each other alone made you more emotional than your pregnancy hormones.
You inhale shakily, biting into your food as Hyori pauses, sitting next to you. “It will be okay, Y/N! The babies will be here soon!”
It was a guess that you were having twins, your tummy was bigger than both Hinata’s wife pregnancy was with their children. You didn’t know if you were having twins, you couldn’t even feel them, and it terrified you.
“I hope they do, Hyori,” you giggle half heartedly, stroking her hair with a sigh. “I truly hope.”
Her face scrunched as she looked up at you in confusion. “Why would you hope? They’ll come, I promise! And then you will have two babies!”
You laugh sadly, looking away from her to wipe your eyes from the onsetting tears. You were doing everything you could to believe her, but something felt wrong, and you couldn’t think if it was truly because something was wrong or you were making yourself feel that something was wrong.
“Why are you crying?” She whispers, trying to console you as much as she could as she hugged you. “Don’t cry, Daddy will be back soon!”
“I am not crying! Do not worry, I am fine,” you continue to rub your eyes, sniffling lightly as Hyori pouts. “Besides, your dad should be here soon, so it would be time for you to go to bed.”
“I don’t want to go bed, I want to stay up with you!” Hyori pulls away, sitting down with a pout before she gets picked up, yelping as Kei pulls her over his shoulder.
“What if mommy wants to sleep? You never let her sleep peacefully, you are going to bed,” Kei walks out of the living room , Hyori fighting him by banging on his back. “Say good night to mommy!”
“No! I don’t want to leave, mommy!” She calls to you for help, but you giggle lightly and wave at her disappearing form.
When they’re finally out of view, your smile falls quickly as you start picking up your area, putting up your food before moving to your room. You inhale deeply, letting your fingers trail over your stomach softly before sitting down on your bed. You lay back, closing your eyes as you let your fingers shape your tummy, feeling and trying to find some sort of sign of your baby, or babies, moving.
You didn’t hear Kei walk in, slowly coming behind your form to sit near your head, stroking your face. You open your eyes, sighing shakily as you lean into his large palm before he leaned down, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Is there something wrong?”
“They are not kicking,” you whispered to him, moving one of your hands to grab his. “My mother said they should be kicking by now. It makes me worried.”
Kei shakes his head, leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead. “You need not to worry. There are plenty of reasons for a child not to kick, especially with a mother as stubborn as you.”
You cracked a smile at that as he leaned down, placing a hand on yours before letting his fingers dance along your stretched belly. “They will be so active when they come out of you. That is what they are saving for.”
Your eyes water as you lean into him, shaking your head with a shaky breath, whimpering softly. “I hope so, Kei. This… this does not feel right, nothing feels right anymore.”
Kei moves to go over you, kneeling over your calves as he shaped his hands over your stomach, pressing soft kisses from your throat, over your necklace to down between your chest before kissing firmly against your belly button. You let your hands intertwine with his, sighing heavily as he lets his tongue trail over your stretch marks.
“You need to make some movements for your mommy,” he mumbles, nuzzling his nose against your pale blue skin. “She is scared that you are a little sleepy in there. I get it, she’s all tight and warm-”
“I wanted to be inside of her every day too but-”
“You better stop talking like that to our children, Kei.”
“But you gotta give your mommy some signs. You gotta give us a little bit of movement,” he pressed a kiss to your rib, mumbling something only he could hear. “Come on baby, just give us a sign. Just give us some signs, please.”
His voice was breaking as your fingers went to his head, your head tilting back as tears filled your eyes. He exhaled heavily against your skin, a gasp escaping your lips as something slams into your side. You yelped, Kei shooting up as two pains pressed into each side of your ribs.
“Kei! Kei, they are kicking!” You take his hands, moving them to each place where they kick again. You whimper as they push into your muscles, Kei laughing as he massages your sides.
“There we go, darling, they’re there. I promise you, they’re there,” he kissed your jaw as he rises, pecking your lips softly. “I think they like it when their daddy talks to them.”
His hand trails to your side, their kicks following as you hiss, the children obviously excited with their fathers touch. “I think they just like their daddy, Kei,” you whisper as he smiles, pressing his lips onto yours all over again as you wrap your arms around his neck. You wince, pulling away when they kick the center of your stomach at the same time, almost trying to push Kei away from you. “Or they do not like you touching me.”
Kei rolled his eyes, shaking his head. “I am going to believe that they like me.”
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“They’re monsters,” Kageyama says, child in his arms as Akaashi bobs the other up and down slightly, your oldest son already asleep. “That one specifically!”
He points at your youngest, the other young boy sitting peacefully as Hinata plays with the middle child, bouncing him and down. “He just does not like your ugly face.”
It was almost on cue when he got slapped in the face, Akaashi laughing as Hinata sits in front of your youngest, offering him a small stick.
“Hinata, what are you doing?”
“I want to see what he does with it,” he explains, taking his own stick and offering it. Your child is confused for a second, Kei watching from behind you, stirring the tea he had prepared to ease the headache you had. He sits down behind you, slowly placing the warm cup into your hands before your youngest softly poked Hinata’s nose. The older man makes a face before the child drags it up to his forehead, slapping his skin softly. “That was… odd.”
“Maybe he just likes Hinata,” Yachi explains, sitting next to her friend to take the child Kageyama was fixing to throw hands with. “And that one does not like Kageyama.”
“Let me see that one!” Kageyama points at Akaashi who flips him off, holding Jin closer to his form.
“No, find another one!”
Yachi yelps as Nico begins to cry in her arms, Kei quickly standing to scoop up the child. “I’m sorry! I do not know what I did!”
Kei shakes his head, laughing lightly. “You have no need to worry. He is most likely just tired.”
He gives you your child, watching as he calms down immediately and nuzzles into your chest. Your youngest, Taro, continues to hit Hinata’s stick, Hinata blocking his attacks so that they wouldn’t hit his face. “He’s going to be good with defense,” you tell Kei who nods, laughing as your child slaps Hinata in the cheek. “Very good with defense”
Hinata hissed in pain, the child’s eyes widening and tears filling his eyes before a loud cry filled the room. It was like a chorus, the sobs that followed afterwards from your two other sons, Akaashi gasping in surprise from the previously calm child. Hinata curses as he scoops up the baby, and Akaashi quickly brings your child to Kei as Hinata bounced him up and down. You lean back, kissing the child’s temple as Hinata quickly calms down Nico who begins to laugh.
“You little faker!” Kageyama screeches.
“I will see you later. Coach wanted to send me to the court to get a special sort of technique for the game tonight,” he squeezed your shoulder as he flicked the child’s head lovingly. “Have you both come up with names?”
Kei nods, smiling. “We have.”
You push him away by his forehead, Hinata walking over to hand you Nico. “I will be going with him. We will see you both later, good luck.”
You smile, nodding with a giggle as Hinata grins at you, Kageyama cursing. “I guess I’m going with them so I don’t seem like I do not want to help.”
He leans down, pressing his palm to your forehead as you push him away. “You are as much help as all of them. Thank you.”
“See, Y/N thinks I help,” he sticks his tongue out at his friend who pressed a kiss to your shoulder.
“She doesn’t see you fooling around when we play,” your partner responds as you giggle, the rest of them saying their goodbyes as you lean back against him, sighing heavily at the children in your arms.
“Did you like my name suggestions?” He whispers into your ear, his fingers running up and down your arms. “I thought Tamaki was a pretty good one.”
“Oh, thank God you did not get your father’s naming skills,” you mock him as he rolled his eyes playfully. “No, I did take some inspiration. Would you like to know?”
“Am I allowed to know before the game?” He whispers against your temple. “I want to know if one of my names made it on the list.”
“They did not but,” you look back and smile. “Their names are Shota, Taro, and Nico. Is that okay?”
His eyes widened, watering as he leaned into your neck. “They’re lovely. Beautiful, so so beautiful my darling girl. And boys.”
“I love you, Kei.”
“I love you too, Y/N.”
With those few words, everything else was set. He pressed a kiss to your lips, shifting Shota, cupping your face as he leans over your body. His thumb parts your lips, holding your chin as he slowly pushes himself up, standing. He pulls away, smiling at you before taking the Nico from you, arranging the children to grab Taro.
“Let me go lay these boys down and then I can give you a nice gift before the game, hm?”
You giggled as he walked off, slowly standing as you walked to your shared room, Kei laying the children down in their own shared room before coming in. He slowly kneeled next to your body, pressing a firm kiss to your tummy as you lean your head back, holding his head. “I want to put another baby in you.”
“Let’s wait a little while you horn dog” Kei hummed kissing you tummy again before pulling the covers on you two.
I didn’t know how to end it 🤷🏾‍♀️
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animeficsworld · 2 years
Fushiguro Family
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Fushiguro Megumi x Reader
All you wanted was to sleep in your husband's arms and forget about the world and the worries. But the curses had other ideas. 
What felt like the sixth time in a row that those disgusting curses appeared and Megumi had to run to get to them before they could hurt someone. 
And you were annoyed.
Extremely annoyed and just pregnant enough to make it worse.
That night, as he run out the window, you got up and headed to the bathroom then to the kitchen.
You made yourself a nice hot tea and grabbed your blanket so you can sit out on the porch.
Megumi was devoted to his work, you knew that you used to be a sorcerer before you got pregnant, you just hated the curses for making him leave the warm bed and your side.
"You should be in bed." the voice came from next to you as you turned to see Toji standing there.
"You shouldn't even be here, Megumi will be back soon." you said as he sat down next to you.
"I just wanted to see how my grandchild is."
"Oh, you suddenly care about children? Well, I'm doing fine thank you. I felt an ultrasound picture for you which you took so you must know."
"You are too kind to me Y/N. If my son knew..."
"I think he does. I think he knows that you come here, I think he knows that I talk to you and leave you pictures. He just doesn't say it." Toji looked at you and sighed. 
"He is a smart kid, after all, he did marry you."
"Yes, and I also know that you want to be in the life of this child, but I tell you right now Toji, if you make this kid like you, call you grandpa only to disappear, I will personally hunt you down."
"I know, you told me that already. I do plan on being better though. Even if Megumi won't believe that, I know you do, and you gave me an opportunity. I won't mess it up." you nodded and finished your tea. "Now, since Megumi will be back soon, I'll take my leave. Thank you for the picture and the note, I'll mark your due date."
"It's a girl." you said as he stopped and turned to look at you. 
"A girl?" he smiled. 
"Megumi said the exact same when the doctor told us. Yes, it's a little girl."
Toji's smile never faded. 
Then just as you felt Megumi's presence return, Toji disappeared.
Megumi silently entered the house only to find you sitting on the porch at the back.
"Y/N? You should be sleeping." then he stopped in his tracks as he looked at the place Toji just disappeared from. He clicked his tongue before looking at you again.
"He was happy it's a girl."
"I told you not to talk with him, he will just break your heart and leave as he pleases."
"I will break his arm if he does that, but for now, he's good. I won't let the baby get attached only for him to leave." Megumi nodded as he picked you up and started to walk back into the house and upstairs. "I love you so much Megumi."
"I love you too." he placed a kiss to your lips before he spooned you with his hand on your belly.
The Fushiguro family was something else.
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iris0-0 · 6 months
[Hange & Y/n are partners, any gender]
Hange calmly speaking to their partner y/n, as they look at the blood test results:
“You’re pregnant.”
Hange more excited runs to the mess hall, excited to be a parent, and you quickly follow.
Hange: “Guys! Y/n/n’s pregnant. I’m gonna be a parent!” They yell excitedly.
*Everyone turns their head, especially Levi shocked. He looks at you in horror.*
Levi: “Y/n. How could you do that to us. Oh my god they’re multiplying.” He says quickly walking out of the mess hall.
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https://www.instagram.com/p/C60I-DmO1IT/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== here's a little lady who's gonna have pups soon =]
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(images from the linked post)
I had no idea Ginger Rogers was pregnant!! With TWINS no less!!! She's so fucking round... I bet it'll be nice to have em out. Also check out those little pup skeletons in the X-ray!!!! So cool!! Their skulls are so TINY....
Bats tend to only have one pup, but Eastern Reds can have up to FIVE (although that is fairly uncommon) so twins aren't super unprecedented for her! They also have four nipples which is cool, I didn't know that until I looked up their litter sizes. These two will be able to suckle to their heart's content without bother :)
Here's hoping for everything to go well for her, I'm looking forwards to seeing the babies :3 Thank you for this VERY important Chopper update, anon!!! I haven't restocked the queue recently so I've been woefully behind on the PA bat rescue news...
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yurmomsawh0r · 11 days
Alpha!Sesshomaru x PregnantOmega!Reader coming soon😭 (I LOVE THE PREGNANCY TROPE SUE ME)
It just poppped up in my head. A mix of smut x fluff.
Side note: Almost done with Unhinged ( Choso fic )
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yandere-kokeshi · 2 years
Yandere thought of the day:
Katsuki would love your pregnancy stretch marks. His giant hands run over your bumps and curves as he mumbles into your neck how much he loves you.
He always tries his best to make sure you feel loved and always well taken care of, especially when you are carrying twins. He knows it's hard for you but, whenever he sees you; you always manage to blow his breath away with your figure.
He's just glad you're his and his only.
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