#annalise keating x you
oneshotnewbie · 1 year
Annalise Keating and Female reader "I Didnt know where to go, so I came here." Annalise's gf, shows up in the middle of a case after facing a tragedy. Please make it as fluffy as a blow dried sheep
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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️ This one-shot includes the topic of a car crash and blood/bleeding wounds. The plots are presented. If this triggers you too easily or you just can´t handle the subject, I urge you NOT to read this work. I am NOT embellishing this topic under any circumstance. Read at your own risk.
Tires squealed, people screamed and shortly afterwards, you could hear cars colliding. Your Audi skidded over the side of the road, hit another car and both were eventually stopped by a tree. The car on the opposite side of the road could not brake in time and grazed the rear or yours, shortly afterwards fire broke out.
Then everything was quiet, dead quiet for a few minutes.
Only the constant ringing in your ears and the pounding of your heart, which tried to chase twice the amount of blood through your body, remained in your auditory canal and did not leave you alone.
Less than fifty meter away from your car was a white Mercedes, the front of which was completely dented and wrecked. The man sitting in the drivers seat was in shock. In a flash, he jumped out of the car and ran towards you, but he got dizzy and fell to the ground, losing consciousness while falling.
A young man, barely reaching adulthood, was behind the wheel of the Hyundai in front of you, which was pinned against the tree by your car. Slowly, he regained consciousness and tried to understand the situation he was in. Panic shot through his body and he tried to free himself through the passenger side, but all efforts were unsuccessfully. He did not get out of his seat, realizing he was trapped.
And then there was you, your head on the steering wheel, wrapped in the airbag that erupted right after the first impact. Due to the force of it, you flew forward quite a bit, so that you were violently pressed into the seat belt. This caused you to gasp painfully for air in a daze. Your blood spread on the white sheet, the laceration on your head bleeding profusely.
"Ma´am, are you all right?" the boy in front of you asked, trying to get to his cell phone. He carefully tried to stretch forward, but the pain in his chest prevented him from doing so. No matter what he tried to do, he could not reach his phone. "Please answer me"
As you agonizingly tried to pull yourself out of the junk that used to be a car, slamming open the door with a thud and pushing yourself out of the seat to painfully fall onto the wet street, you heard a car pull up behind you. "I am fine, help is on the way"
When the rescue team arrived, two paramedics helped you into an ambulance and took your vital signs while an police officer questioned you about what happened. As detailed as you could in this situation, you described the accident and explained that the driver of the Mercedes was to blame for it and asked about the other people who had been hit much worse.
After half an hour, during which the doctors tried in vain to persuade you to take you to the hospital for a check-up to be on the safe side, you left the place with a few bandages and plasters on your hands and face, limping and with bloody clothes.
You only had one goal in mind; Annalise.
You walked the streets of the settlement only slowly, due to to the effect of the adrenaline you did not noticed the pain, which went far beyond the usual hematoma caused by seat belts in such accidents, until now.
Warm blood dripped down your forearm and fingers and you heard a whimper escape your mouth. Your breath quickened, tears stinging in your eyes as you pressed your palm to the open wound on your upper arm. The paramedics had not checked you out further, had not looked under your leather jacket, which, despite the profusely bleeding wound, had not gotten a single scratch.
You had almost arrived, had almost reached your destination when a sharp pain in your left side made you groan briefly and you fell down onto the steps of Annalise´s office. Even a brief twitch in your muscles suddenly sent a chilling throb from your hips up your spine to your head.
-Control yourself, Y/n. Put the pain aside and stand up!- you mumbled to yourself, but your body did not respond to your commands. Instead, your skull pressed against the pillar of the terrace and you closed your eyes for a moment.
The loud bang of your body weight on the old wooden floorboards had caused a stir; the door jumped open with violence. Your head stretched up as far it could, your eyes scanning the human standing in the open door. His expression was a mixture of shock and fear, concern and agitation.
"Y/n, what the hell happened? You look like someone straight out of a horror movie!" Frank shouted a little louder than expected, making you wince and cry out in agony. He pushed forward from his stand and ran down the stairs to perch on the first of these to survey you. "Annalise, you need to come quickly!"
He examined every limb of your body, roughly skimming the outward appearance of the uninjured areas and keeping his eyes glued to the blood pooling on your palm while he nervously listened to the bleating from his boss, who was obviously deeply involved in a case, talking to her client. "Frank, I don´t have- my Y/n.."
You felt your girlfriend´s strong arms nestle under your body, pulling you up and letting your head sink into your carrier´s shoulder as you tried to hold back the tears of pain and shock. But all you could manage was a pitiful whimper. "Shh, it´s okay. It will get better soon, honey."
Annalise soothing voice calmed your insides and you forgot the pain for a short while. "Y/n, what happened?" your girlfriend asked worried as she entered her office with you. You looked more than worn out, judging by your pale complexion you had been roaming the streets like that for a long time.
You did not answer and she dragged you over to one of her couches where she carefully sat down with you and you took a seat on her lap. Your tired upper body was still pressed tightly against her, the pain overcoming you with an ice-cold shiver down your spine.
"Honey?" the lawyer asked again, leaning over and looking at you worried with her enchanted eyes. You grimaced in pain as you braced your arm against her thigh to position yourself slightly differently and comfortable. "I.." you started, searching for the right words in the fog that surrounded your thoughts. "had a car accident. Someone hit me, crashed into another car and ended up curled up against a tree."
Annalise´s eyes widened and she had to swallow hard. With her mouth wide open, for the first time ever, she had no words to vouch for. "Why the hell are not you in the hospital right now? You need to get checked out!"
"I did not know where to go, so I came here. No need for hospitals, only you."
Tentatively but quickly, she began to strip of the blazer and then your top, exposing the bleeding skin under the blue colored fabric of your sleeve. You sucked in the air sharply while an unintentional whistle escaped your lips as the filthy and dried blood spattered top brushed the left part of your shoulder.
The brown-haired woman instantly saw why.
A cut ran from the outer edge of your left shoulder down to about midway on your upper arm. She immediately motioned for you to let yourself fall into her arms and to close your eyes; she knew how much you hated blood and could not stand seeing it. "Frank, I need clean and fresh clothes- a shirt that has wide, short sleeves. A bowl of warm water, a cloth and bandages. Now."
The man, who stood nervously in front of you and observed the situation, disappeared from the room with a nod and returned shortly afterwards with the medically necessary items, which he placed on the small table beside his boss before letting you both alone.
She took the washcloth in her hand, soaked it in the bowl of water and began cleaning the wound. "This is going to hurt, I am sorry baby."
You tried not to let it show, but your arm spasmed several times and your fingers clawed at her thigh as the burning in your upper arm intensified. After each swab, she looked up at you and concern crept onto her tired face.
"Ahh!" you gasped in tears and clenched your teeth. Annalise was working as neatly as she could, not wanting to continue to watch your suffering. When she was done with that, she bandages your wound and tended to the small cuts on your face, which would heal just as well.
She quickly threw the used things on the floor and picked you up to lay you flat on the couch, which she lined with some pillows from the other sofa and an comfortable blanket. The brunette carefully lifted your wounded arm over the blanket and placed it high on another pillow before dabbing your forehead, which was clearly covered with sweat, with the washcloth.
Gently pressing the damp cloth against your cheek, wiping away some tears that were running down your neck, she watched you. "You should get some rest, my love." she said, tossing the damp cloth back into the bowl and stroking your wounded arm soothingly.
Instead of the expected pain, you thought would be rushing through your system, a sense of security flowed through you.
Your hand reached up to her, placing itself on her neck, gently pulling her towards you. Annalise closed her eyes as she felt your lips on hers, kissing her passionately, unconsciously leaning in a bit. Her forehead rested against yours and you let your eyes fall close.
"Will you lie down with me? I could use a good cuddle session. For the healing process if you understand" you whispered to her and she grinned into another kiss before pushing herself away from your face. The brunette gently ran her fingers over your hair and helped you push yourself a little to the side.
Annalise took off her high heels and carefully crawled under the covers. Her arms gently wrapped around your midsection, careful not to bump into your wound. "For the healing process, huh?"
You nodded and snuggled closer to her. Annalise kissed the bare skin of your collarbone, earning a tired moan while running her fingers in circles over your chest as she watched you enjoying the closeness and slowly drifting into a deep, well-deserved sleep.
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questionable-candi · 1 year
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thefanficmonster · 2 years
Hi Vy!:D if it’s not a bother can I request Connor Walsh with a fem s/o that has a guy best friend (also if you’ve watched the show You can the best friend have a personality similar to Joe Goldberg?<3)
Hi dear! Thank you so much for your request! I love that you included the detail about Joe Goldberg, not only cause it's such a good idea but because I love the show YOU. Enjoy the headcanons 💕
Pairing: Connor Walsh x Reader (Female) [How To Get Away With Murder]
Warnings: Implied Stalking, Threats, Swearing
Genre: Protectiveness (let's consider this a genre for now 😅)
Connor knew something was off about Tyler the moment you introduced them to one another
During their handshake, in fact
It didn't take a lot for Connor to immediately feel put-off by this guy, especially not when considered how he wasn't even trying to hide his odd behaviors
Behaviors you brushed off when they were brought up by your boyfriend
Stuff like how his smile was painfully forced, never reaching his cold eyes which were quite literally glaring through Connor instead of looking at him
The way he squeezed his hand a little too harshly and made the handshake a lot quicker than a regular one would last
How he'd only talk with you or about you or your guys' friendship, frequently openly ignoring Connor as if he hadn't heard him speak or would dismiss him and his opinion
He made no effort in getting to know him during the actual brunch, but then sent a follow request Connor's way which only served to confuse him further
He didn't like how touchy he was with you or the way he'd gawk at you when you weren't looking or the way his gaze sized you up as you got up to use the restroom
Hell, even with all of that in mind, Connor was willing to convince himself that it was all in his head and that he was simply overthinking it and being overly paranoid
But when Tyler had the audacity to drop some distastefully lewd comments about you in front of him the following few outings you'd forced him to go to, he knew it was far from unsupported suspicion
Man was seeing red regardless, but when he caught the asshole sitting in his car in the alley by your house, watching you through your bedroom window, he was ready to commit murder
And that's exactly what he told him after knocking on the windshield, startling him out of his daydreams about you
"What you doing there, bud?" He asked, leaning in through the rolled down driver's side window
Before he could reply, however, Connor had thrown open the door, dragging him out by the collar of his shirt, slamming him against the wall at the side of your house
"Listen here, you fucking pervert, I'll be getting away with another murder under my belt if I see you around Y/N ever again. Do you understand me?"
When Tyler didn't immediately nod, Connor made a point to reslam him against the wall, eliciting a pained groan from him
"Do you?!" He snarled and this time got a response
"Alright, alright! I won't go near her again, I swear. I promise."
With a complimentary punch or two, Connor considered his job was done
Not exactly, though, since he really wouldn't have minded calling up the remainder of the K5 to have Tyler's dead body taken care of
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kooqitas · 4 months
... law class & sex ★ with: jjk!
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#pairings: teacher!jjk X reader
#synopsis: you didn't think your teacher would notice how desperate you were for his cock
#tags: teacher!jk, pwp, cockslut, rough sex, spanking, semi public sex (?), creampie, vaginal sex, overstimulation, degradation, humiliation,
🌸 . . nsfw, +18 | 
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"you fucking pervert. you like this, don't you? is this pussy wet after seeing my class?"
your teacher looks like you are a freak, yeah, maybe you are.
to be honest, it is kinda difficult to explain how this happened. you really have a big crush on your teacher and of course if he asks you to ride on his dick, but he's never made a mention about that, unlike this, he's really so kind and respectful with you and your friends. 
but he’s hot. super hot.
you feel your underwear wet after the moment you stepped on the class.
jeon jungkook is your teacher of criminal law, and you really like your teaching methods, but being a young adult in a constant fertile period doesn’t help. 
the teacher is so attractive, every part of your body, with the passing of the months you just want to sit on his face and sucking your dick. 
but you always hide this, except for today.
you never felt your pussy so wet when this man started speaking like annalise keating, and your tight pants doesn’t help, your thighs make you insane. 
the only thing you can do is take a lollipop and leave it in your mouth, sucking like jungkook's dick.
he got it. you practically devore him with eyes when sucks the candy.
the class is over, so he’s calling you.
“what’s your problem today?”
is he looking at your nipples? wow
“excuse me, sir?”
“to be honest, i really receive several proposals to eat my students, but you know, i always decline…”
it’s true, you always hear your friends say that they have tried something more with jungkook, insinuations, short clothes, inappropriate photos, everything, but he always said “no”. 
this is one of the motives you never tried anything.
“i know that, but i can’t understand why u tell me this, sir…”
“oh! really?” he asked, the mocker tone evident in his voice. “what you want of me, sweetheart?”
“excuse me?”
oh, jungkook we're going to humiliate you? say that you’re a pervert and he never wants anything with you? really? 
“i see how you look to me when sucks that lollipop, i see in your face how that cunt makes you wet at each little word i said.” he’s raised, staying in front of you. “you want that i fuck you, stupid whore?”
jungkook's face changed. he’s look like a devil, maybe the pleasure, but still a devil.
what the fuck he’s doing? all your friends say that he always said “i'm not interesting, bye” but why now he’s spoken like that? 
“i made a question, because to be honest, i’m tired of hiding how much i want to fuck your cute little drippy cunt, of hiding how much i want make you cum on my cock and made you my personal slut”
“y-yes, i want”
he laughed.
"you fucking pervert. you like this, don't you? is this pussy wet after seeing my class?"
so, he stood in front of you, grabbing her waist tightly and sticking his tongue in her mouth.
“the d-dor.” you said.
“that’s ok, i don’t care if someone see i fucking a whore.”
without a warning, he lifted your skirt and rubbed his middle finger on you wet underwear. you moaned.
“this is a good slut, i even need to prepare you with my fingers, you are so wet to my cock, desperate for me to fill you with my sperm, no?” he still rubbed, now your clit, your legs trembled and you feel that you can cum in his fingers. “we need to be faster, i said that i don’t care if someone see, but if this happened we can’t play anymore”
“p-please.” you even know for what you are asked, have jungkook brushing his middle finger on your clit is like a fucking wet dream.
“can your sweet and little pussy take my fat cock?” you feel the other hand pinched your nipple, and scream because of the pain. “a word, sweetheart, i need a word because nothing else will make me stop to fuck this hole open.”
“i dont need a w-word. i want everything.”
he pinched your clit, and you scream again, made him laugh on your ear.
“knew a dumb slut like you was good to me. desperate to feel begging me to defile this tight, no? but i need a word. but i know you won't use it, you're desperate to cry while i tear that pussy apart.” 
you said a word, nothing special just “popcorn”, don’t have a motive or anything, is just a random word that you can remember if it is necessary.
you even notice when he removed the belt and underwear, just feel he’s dick opening you without any care, it didn't hurt, you were too excited for that, of course, a slight burning but nothing that wasn't pleasurable.
“now, my favorite student, watch me dick fuck this little hole open” he said when he lifted your skirt and grabbed your leg, leaning against the table to leave you open for him. 
jungkook isn’t a ‘gentleman’ he’s fucking you like a toy, the table is shaking because the power of that he hit you and you scream everytime his ball hit in you.
you see his sucking his middle finger and you can’t understand what happens, but the confusion soon disappears when you feel him rub his finger wet with spit on you asshole.
“next time, i use this hole.”
“you gonna cum?” he let go of your waist to leave a slap on your face. “is your teacher's cock so hot that you're going to cum on it?”
“so cum, whore!” he slap on your face again, and again.
and when the orgarms finally came, he kissed you trying to muffle your screams.
he continuous to fucking your pussy. you ruined and felt the overstimulation, your body didn't stand up, but his still fucking.
still fucking untill cum on your pussy, the white liquid oozing on you. 
the floor is a mess, the table is a mess, and you is a mess too.
you think that is over, but jungkook got on his knees and sucks you. 
making him swallow your cum and his.
“so…” she said, standing up and fixing his pants. “i want to fuck you everyday now.”
“i'll do anything for my favorite teacher.”
“so when you get home, send me a video of your shower. i will be waiting.”
🌸 . . part 2 maybe?
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theelderhazelnut · 8 months
My OC’s as characters
Tagged by @cassietrn @euryalex @inafieldofdaisies @darialovesstuff to take this quiz <3
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Top ten:
Robert Ford (West World)
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Dagny Taggart (Atlas Shrugged)
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Magneto (X-men)
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Olenna Tyrell (Game of Thrones)
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Annalise Keating (How to get away with murder)
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Lorraine Broughton (atomic blonde)
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Elim Garak (Star Trek: Deep space nine)
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Russell “Stringer” Bell (The Wire)
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Dr. Hannibal Lecter (Hannibal)
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Sherlock Holmes (Elementary)
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No Pressure tags (sorry for double tags): @vivilovespink @neonneurons @maddenedroses @roofgeese @huepazu @middlechildwhoescapedthebasement @krysta-cross @voidika @strangefable @mintspider @licoricelump @takiisieju-moved @captastra @socially-awkward-skeleton @aceghosts @jacobsneed @sweet-tigra @breakfwest @loverofthewindgod @starneko123 @devilzukin7 @nightbloodbix @bihansthot @shegetsburned @zoetheneko and you!
Some bonus characters under the cut!
Walter White (Breaking Bad) 90%
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Light Yagami (Death Note) 90%
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Amy Elliott Dunne (Gone Girl) 89%
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Thomas Shelby (Peaky Blinders) 89%
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initiumseries · 11 months
who are your favourite black characters - animated and not animated
Oh fun question. We capitalize Black in this house, and this is absolutely going to show my age but you asked, and I wouldn't say favourite for most, because I don't know that I have a strong attachment to every show but did like them, and you'll probably notice, most of the time they just have to be Black and on a show for me to like them so here we go:
As usual, in no particular order -
Numbuh 5 - Kids Next Door
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I thought she was funny, and she was Black and that's really all it took for me, lol. I based one of my characters off her actually.
Miles Morales
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I feel like this goes without saying.
Goliath - Gargoyles
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LOL this is so funny to me because the VA is BLACK. And Goliath always read to me as Black, and Elisa Maza...anyway lol. It always struck me as deranged that whenever the gargoyles in general, but ESPECIALLY Goliath AND Demona turned human, all of them were always white. Just didn't make any sense even as a kid, and I blame racism. This is probably the only time I'll go up for non-human characters coded as Black and no I won't be arguing about this.
Out of the Box
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This dude held me down after school every day and the song still SLAPS.
Mr. Trick - BTVS
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He is SO unsung but I loved almost every scene he was in.
Lieutenant Van Buren - Law & Order
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The only cop I like. she sued the cops for racism.
Detective Green
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Before he was on that stupid DC show, he was a cop on a better show lmao. See above.
Storm - X-Men & Xmen Evolution
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She's Storm.
Virgil Hawkins - Static Shock
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One day we'll talk about what the fuck is up with all the Black people having electric powers, but today we'll put some respect on Virgil's name.
John Stewart/Green Lantern - Justice League/Unlimited
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The only green lantern I recognize.
Vixen - JLU
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John fumbled her BIG TIME.
Abbie - Sleepy Hollow
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This show fumbled her BIG TIME. Lord release us from the shackles of Black people being cops in shows.
Papa Pope
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He rocked my ENTIRE world off axis when he showed up and read Olivia for filth and then fucked up her white side piece.
Annalise Keating
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She was SO messy, but she should've killed them kids too.
Michaela Pratt
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I had issues with her SL but she was a real one.
Greenleaf patriarch & matriarch - Greenleaf
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tbh with you it doesn't really matter what these two people are in, I'm going to watch the fuck out of it.
Lafayette - True Blood
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I feel like this goes without saying. RIP.
Romeo Carter - Student Bodies
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for OBVIOUS reasons.
Jett Jackson - Jett Jackson
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Again, obvious reasons. RIP.
Ashley Banks - Fresh Prince
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I liked her because she was around my age when I was watching the show.
This whole family - Family Matters
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I don't have a favourite. This whole family was Black in a time where there were few Black people on tv much less whole families.
Hobie Brown - Across the Spiderverse
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Obvious reasons.
Chloe - Sabrina the Animated Series
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I feel like I've dug significantly into the archives of my brain. I'm sure there are characters I've missed, but this is what I could remember. Fun! - oh wait no!
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She stole the damn show. I watched for her and Ambrose *only*
Tak & Quellchrist Falconer - Altered Carbon
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This sleeve of Tak specifically.
Michael Burnham - Star Trek Discover
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She acts her ass off in any role so honestly it doesn't matter.
T'Challa - Black Panther
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No I will not expand. Sigh. RIP.
All of them - Black Panther
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Ok I think I'm done. I've reached into the archives of my childhood, and I'm sure there are more I've forgotten, but yeah, here's top of my head. :)
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winedark · 1 year
rules: list eight shows for your followers to get to know you better.
tagged by @alethiometry!! thank u bestie <333
tagging: @wolfhalls, @godsopenwound, @derelictship, @avgustea, @besukhov, @wolveswithoutteeth <3
(lets see if i HAVE 8 shows)
elementary. SHOW OF ALL TIME. it is truly the only sherlock holmes adaptation i've watched from the last 20 (30? 40??) years that feels like a modern adaptation and not a self-parody (miss sherlock excluded — i've yet to watch!). i never got the hate towards nyc being the setting except i guess america bad?? but it makes total sense imo and it breathes light into one of the most adapted books ever. jlm's sherlock is SO treasured to me, lucy liu's watson is just as dimensional as sherlock, girlboss moriarty, BEES, also the focus on recovery throughout the series gave it so much heart, its truly such a good adaptation. i know fundamentally its just some procedural crime show (and its biggest flaw is obviously the inclusion of ny-pd, s03 e08 you mean nothing to me) but i love her and i rewatch the first season pretty much every year. literally where would i be without her
the x files. mulder and scully have had an IRREVERSABLE impact on my fashion sense. i am watching every single episode with a notepad by my side and taking detailed notes of what they're wearing. i love this show so much, every other episode is outrageously problematic even for its time, but i'm obsessed. iconic theme tune (my dads ringtone btw). scully is one of my ultimate pop culture heroes but i think i'm more like mulder (my hero for being irritating). i think my favourite episode is wet wired. i've never seen anything past season 7.
the sopranos. WAIT! wait before u (understandably) judge me i promise its more than a dudebro mafioso show, i think the characters are all some of the best written characters i've ever encountered, and idk i don't watch a lot of similar shows but i don't get the impression that its about justifying the mafia lifestyle, quite the opposite. also the introspection that you see develop is phenomenal. what really floors me about the show is that the female characters are ALL so incredibly written, carmella soprano i love u 💍 i'm actually only half-way through this show so maybe the inclusion to this list is premature but i trust my judgement
succession. this show is constantly rotating in my mind like a slow roast. i'm also quite convinced that 90% of the fans are watching an entirely different show. is tom my favourite character YES but i hope shiv leaves him and he gets nothing in the divorce and he has to move back to iowa or wherever. he's the worst. marcia i love you
it's always sunny in philadelphia. embarrassing how many times i've seen seasons 2-10 but my brother and i's lexicon are primarily references from this show. i think my favourite episode is the cereal defense, it's so stupid.
1899. netflix i am gonna get you bitch 🔪 daniel crawling out of the atlantic ocean changed me
ummmm. i don't have 8 shows. can i leave this as a placeholder for yellowjackets because i see potential my loves <3 if not um. earth's greatest spectacles, the 3 part documentary series narrated by domhnall gleeson that changed my world. i think about it all the time. i love u new england i love u svalbard i love u okavango.
how to get away with murder.
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this show has done so much psychological damage, charlotte and i watched it together and i've not been the same since. i don't even know where to start; why is your penis on that dead girls phone. season 1 part 1 being the best few episodes of television ever and immediately going downhill after. annalise keating will send anyone to jail. bonnie killing a 22 year old because why not. whatever the hapstall case was. michaela pratt's villain era (ilu). laurel's flop era. connor's haircut. michaelasher breakup on some random crossover episode in favour of a character who gets about 2 minutes screentime. guy murdered at the gay wedding. michaela growling at someone in a grocery store. connor being the ONLY person to get arrested for murder(conspiracy?) out of the k5, while arguably being the person most removed from committing actual murder (flop king). gay divorce. frank incest reveal based entirely on the ''foreshadowing'' of some throwaway season 1 line. franklaurel girlies found dead. whatever the fuck was going on in the series finale. i'm not the same
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c1tyhaunts · 7 months
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STATISTICAL  CHARACTER  PERSONALITY TEST.   take  the  linked  quiz  from  the  perspective  of  your  character,  then  select  5 - 10  results  from  the  complete  matches  list  that  you  feel  resonate  with  your  character  the  most.
Meredith Grey (Grey's Anatomy): 82%
L (Death Note): 82%
El Profesor (Money Heist): 80%
Elliot Alderson (Mr. Robot): 79%
Viktor (Arcane): 79%
Dana Scully (The X-Files): 77%
Annalise Keating (How To Get Away WIth Murder): 77%
Clarice Starling (Silence of the Lambs): 75%
Elizabeth Bennet (Pride & Prejudice): 74%
tagged: @cartelheir <3
tagging: @lotuskissed, @hesperid (thyrra) @bellecosebabe, @ohshadow, @waterdepths and anyone who else would like to steal this from me!! <3
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perceives · 2 years
10 FAVORITE CHARACTERS FROM 10 DIFFERENT FANDOMS.  ( in no particular order.  ) (who... fewer than 95% of you already associate me with, hopefully)
lana lang (smallville)
don draper (mad men) (allow me to redirect you to the niche article that reconfigured my dna)
annalise keating (how to get away with murder)
elliot alderson (mr. robot)
death (discworld)
buffy summers (buffy the vampire slayer)
ned the piemaker (pushing daisies)
joey potter (dawson's creek) and marissa cooper (the oc) a.k.a the original best girls ... they are going to share nicely here because i cannot bear to choose. it's already bad enough that i can't put joey and pacey both :-(
fox mulder (the x-files) and josh lyman (the west wing) a.k.a 'same jewish entp with [redacted] trauma, different fonts'
sayid jarrah (lost)
parker (leverage)
rachel berenson (animorphs)
kalinda sharma (the good wife)
tagged by: @lingeringscars (you actually did tag me forever ago and it just sat in my drafts 'cause i couldn't decide on anything! so!)
tagging: you, if you want
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sinatra · 2 years
tagged by @ronandreams, thank you!! ♡
ten characters, ten fandoms, ten tags game! (i only have like 5 followers 😵‍💫)
steve rogers (marvel)
annalise keating (how to get away with murder)
stiles stilinski (teen wolf)
olivia benson (law and order svu)
geralt (the witcher)
buffy summers (buffy the vampire slayer)
kate sharma (bridgerton)
dani clayton (the haunting of bly manor)
steve harrington (stranger things)
dana scully (the x files)
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oneshotnewbie · 1 year
Annalise is worried. Reader wants to die.
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Summary: Some say, violence is a bad thing- the physical pain. Some say, death is a bad thing- the mental pain. However, some do not realize that it is loneliness that destroys your psyche and physical health. Especially if it lasts too long.
⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️ This one-shot includes the topic of suicide and the plot is presented. If this triggers you too easily or you just can´t handle the subject, I urge you NOT to read this work. I am NOT embellishing this topic under any circumstance. Read at your own risk.
How immensely motivated you had been as you devoured the many books and articles, in your free time, in which death was nothing but aesthetic, dignified and painless. According to them, people fall asleep within a few seconds after whispering one last word to their loved one.
How romantic.
You were practically gushing and looking back on your current life as you took a sip of your brown liquor; you were in your mid-twenties, employed in one of the most famous and successful law firms, single and also surrounded by the depression that was engulfing you.
You sat alone in the dark kitchen, downing gallons of hard liquor, surrounded by the many wreckage of your life. Nobody who was happy when you came home in the evening. No one you could talk to privately about whatever was bothering you. Nobody to share your dinner with. Nobody to love you.
But how do change this sad and broken life that seemed so hopeless? After much thought and the drunken state you were in, you made up your mind and got to change it.
You wanted to die. After that, you wouldn´t need love or anyone. Paradise awaited you, you knew it. Everything there was cheerful and bright surrounded by light and color unlike your gray and cold life.
What´s the best way to go about it? In the numerous books that dealt with it, many lay down in the bathtub and bleed to death miserably. But you didn´t want to be in pain, you wanted to spend your last few minutes in peace. Sleeping pills? No, that was a bit too easy. A shot in the head? Would cause too much mess. Hang? That sounded like a true pioneering spirit.
Hang. Like the great dictators and soldiers.
The laptop, normally used for preparing a case before you sank down into a hole, was sitting on the kitchen counter practically prompting you to look up instructions online and painstakingly attempting to tie a hangman´s knot out of a static rope you retrieved from your mountain gear that was laying in the farthest corner of your closet.
The crossbeam attached to the living room ceiling served as a support rod for the end of the cord. Now you only needed the right chair to give your life a final end. Minutes later, you were standing on one of your kitchen chairs, the strap around your neck and your eyes closed. Five, four..
Dangling your right foot off the chair, you felt a slight pull under your chin; you life slowly passing in front of your inner eye, your heart beating and pressing hard against your chest while you took a deep breath. Three, two..
"What the hell are you trying to do?!" shouted a dark and harsh voice and you opened your eyes; almost tipping over the chair under you from shock. You looked at the figure, that was standing in your door in disbelief, stepping briskly out of the shadows and quickly approaching you.
It was no other then Annalise.
"I wanted to kill myself." you brought out stone cold and regretted the decision to sell the truth as a joke that didn´t come across even half that way. "Kill yourself?" she asked horrified and kept hurrying towards you without taking off her mud covered heels or wet coat.
"Yes.." you said meekly and nothing came out of your mouth except a soft whisper. "My 20s have been the loneliest time in my life. I am surrounded by people but not connecting with anyone. Everyone loves someone but my love never seems to get through."
Your professor´s watery, troubled brown eyes pierced your sluggish eyes, that looked straight at her and a horrid sorrow welled up inside you like tormented ice water eating through your limbs on a cold and rainy day. It wrapped itself around your heart with relish and penetrated deep into it, eating it up with an infinite and unquenchable greed.
The aching ice water reached your eyes and spurted out in torrents. The sadness prevailed and the inner pain tore you apart. Your hands clawed at the rope that was still wrapped around your neck, slowly scraping through your thin skin and your foot rose from the chair; hovering in playful, circling motions above the ground, which was much too far away to touch.
"You don´t want to kill yourself, Y/n. You just want to kill something inside of you."
You sobbed and suddenly felt warm and firm hands on your waist; Annalise had managed to slip into your immediate vicinity unnoticed. You didn´t dared to look up, didn´t want to be comforted. You wanted to let the pain out, just cry and end your life. You wanted to die, wanted it to be over so you didn´t have to suffer anymore. "Throw yourself into the sea and you will see yourself fighting to survive."
A hand on your hip disengaged and slid to the orange rope at your neck, fingertips tenderly pushing through and loosening it to invite you to get your head out of the noose. Once done, the brunette hesitantly pulled you towards her before you pressed yourself again her and found yourself in a protective embrace shortly after. You leaned against her chest, needing that support before the last bit of will to live would left you and you would try to put yourself in a situation that would eventually end your life for good.
You couldn´t cope with it all and endure it, couldn´t deal with it. The emptiness and loneliness consumed you and you didn´t want words, no empty promises where Annalise would tell you everything would be fine. You didn´t think so, your life was just an empty shell.
A shell that held nothing. Your soul was broken and destroyed by loneliness.
"Y/n." Annalise only said your name, that´s all it took. Your tears dried up and stopped running freely down your cheeks. But not because the grief had passed or the alcohol had lost it´s effect, but because you were empty. Drained.
Your tears were banished, but the sobs still echoed through the empty apartment.
She seemed to seize the reason for your pain; she knew the feeling of untamed loneliness that had eaten her up and carried her in it´s power. Softly she spoke to you, no solace crossing her vocal cords trying to block out the truth.
"Y/n, there is nothing you can do about it other than hope that one day, someone will love and appreciate you for who you are. Stop destroying your soul because you will destroy yourself if you don´t stop. The loneliness won´t go away just because you want your end."
The attorney swallowed hard and for a second, realization flickered through her. Like ink, hope flooded her veins and momentarily, she thought of the moment you realized that she was the only one bracing to take away your loneliness.
The one who was brave enough to save you from the darkness.
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immakingitupasigo · 2 years
tagged by @deadendtracks, thanks!
10 characters, 10 fandoms (in no real particular order because my mind changes all the time although Dean is bona fide number one).  
 Dean Winchester - Supernatural
 Dr John Carter - ER
 Dale Cooper - Twin Peaks 
 Buffy - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
 Agent Dana Scully - The X Files 
 Dr Daniel Jackson - Stargate SG1 
 Thor - Marvel movies 
 Tuvok - Star Trek Voyager
  Daenerys - Game of Thrones (fuck you GoT writers!!!)  
  Annalise Keating - How To Get Away With Murder 
This is my sideblog so I don’t have many followers, hopefully people will recognise me (main blog is @jensenis-still-deansnumberonefan). 
tagging @laurelwinchester, @justjensenanddean @sensitivehandsomeactionman @lost-shoe @sabalovesdean @endversewinchester @hunenka @deanwinchesterswitch @lolaused2run
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thefanficmonster · 2 years
Hello<333 May I request headcanons of Connor walsh when his fem s/o who’s usually kinda mean and a lil distant gets really drunk and accidentally starts telling him how much she really loves him and how she’s just scared of getting attached to him because she’s used to losing ppl she really cares about?:’)
Sure thing dear! Enjoy 💕
Pairing: Connor Walsh x Reader (Female) [How to get away with murder]
Warnings: Minor usage of derogatory terms (bitch), Drinking/Drunkenness, Swearing
Genre: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Minor Angst, Drunken Confessions, Romance
In the beginning of the relationship, no one knew why Y/N and Connor were even dating
As time brought him closer to the members of the Keating 5, he started confiding in them little by little about his personal life, more specifically the romance department
There’s always been room for a roll in the hay in Connor’s book, but the romance had been lacking significantly
Until he revealed that there was finally a spark in there somewhere
A spark for a girl who he agreed to be nothing but friends-with-benefits with
And who slowly inched her way into his heart despite what people who don’t know her well enough would think
He didn’t care for a second opinion from anyone because no one had ever seen her the way he has
He’s seen her enthusiasm in the morning when she wakes up to sunny skies
Has been a witness to her melodious humming as she waters her neatly upkept plants
Has rescued her from the aftermath of her own cooking failures
He’s seen and been with her through some of the best, worst and most interesting moments that no one else had the chance to catch a glimpse of
So, regardless of what his friends would say, he’d always defend her
“She sounds like a bitch, why are you even with her?“
He’s heard that one about a hundred times and each time replies to it in a similar fashion that clearly states said line should not be repeated in his presence if the other person doesn’t want to leave the establishment with a bloody mess for a face
Truth is, honest to God, he had no idea why he was with her despite not being with her with her
To put into more accurate terminology: he didn’t know how these feelings came to be nor did he know how to extinguish them
Soon after his confessions, he was slapped across the face with the realization that maybe opening up to the Keating 5 was a bad idea
Mostly due to the fact that they laid a solid but certainly uncalled for one on the girl, Y/N
They told her all the things he’d been biting back behind clenched teeth all this time without even blinking
And if there had ever been a recipe for disaster, it was probably false, because a new one was created that day
After being told what they did - which they did in a manner that made it seem like he should thank them - he didn’t even give himself any time to blow up at them for interfering with something so personal
He simply ran out the door and hopped into his car, trying to call Y/N several times in the process, getting sent to voicemail every time
Tracking her down in person proved to be a lot more simple but also a little bit too late
He found her already on her third drink at a bar they frequented together most nights when they just wanted to not be alone for a drink or two
And man was she not happy to see him
If anything, the alcohol seemed to be working in Connor’s favor because it deluded her anger, throwing it in a mix with genuine hurt and sadness
“Y/N, I’ve never said those things to them! Not like that at least!“
“Right, so they pulled all those detailed accusations straight from their asses, huh? I mean, I know y’all are supposed to be good lawyers, but that’s next level!“
“And why did it seem like they thought we were dating? They kept saying crap like you deserve someone better than me. Like, no shit! I get that I’m a cold distant bitch at times, or all the time, but damn! In no scenario do four random strangers have the right to say that to me! One girl even called me a bitch! Is that how you describe me to your friends? Why do you even talk about me in the first place?! Are you worried about your reputation of a conquest man so you wanted to appear as someone who’s settled? Don’t bother, no one’s fucking falling for that but if you decide to do it again, try not to drag my name through the mud, ok?“ Shooting back the remainder of her drink, she continued: “God, and to think I was developing feelings for you! Good thing I didn’t spew ‘em before or I’d feel extra bamboozled right now.“
“You don’t get to say that!“ He’d had enough
He put up with her speech and was ready to put up with anything more she had to throw his way but he couldn’t and didn’t want to put up with it any longer when she brought feelings into the mix
Her confusion left her momentarily speechless, giving him the time to go on his own spiel, “You don’t get to talk to me about feelings when you’ve been neglecting and undermining mine all this time! I try so hard to get you to see that things are no longer the same for me but it either flies above your head or you’re purposefully ignorant to it, and I don’t really care which is it. Your feelings don’t get to be served first when mine arrived first and were belittled every time you chucked the idea of a proper date between us in the trash with no more than a snort of laughter! Where was I supposed to go with all my problems when you were the source of them? I get that what they did was wrong and I’ll make sure to sear it into their heads, but if you wanna hear me say it - here it is: They thought we were dating because I didn’t want to seem as pathetic as being head over heels for someone who saw me as nothing more than an occasional fuck! There!”
Thang God the bar was practically empty, but the bartender who was observing this from the other end of the bar was petrified as well as entertained
The anticipation was palpable in the air as a long silence hung in the air following Connor’s dramatic confession
His eyes spoke volumes of how hurt he was, but they were in no way comparable to Y/N’s when they welled up with tears she tried so hard to suppress
“I didn’t want to risk losing you, Connor.“ She admitted heavy-heartedly, bottom lip caught between her teeth as she finally averted her gaze, “In such a short amount of time you became so important to me....that could only spell out disaster for me. That’s what my life is like. People come and go, I know that’s a basic fact, but I hate losing them. I hate seeing people go. And hell...I never wanna see you go. So the easiest way to never have you leave is never let you in my life fully. Does that make sense?“
It did make sense and on a personal level at that
And no matter how hurt he was, he understood and refused to let her hurt too, especially not without his comfort
So, his arms as if on autopilot, wrapped themselves around her, enveloping her in a familiar embrace she'd dubbed her safe space
"It does make sense, Y/N. It does make sense, but you have to understand that as someone who's always been closing himself off, I know the pain it brings. It may be lesser than the way you'll feel when someone leaves but that is in no way a good way to live. You will never truly be happy. So tell me, please tell me what I have to do for you to let me in? What does it take? No matter what it is, I'll do it cause all I've ever wanted to do is make you happy, see you smile, hear you laugh. That's all I ever want, Y/N. And think about it, why would I ever leave your life if all I wanna do is be a part of it?”
She has never thought she’d get to see this side of Connor
As shallow as she’ll sound for it, she’ll admit she wasn’t even sure he had it in him which is also incredibly hypocritical of her when she too keeps such a large chunk of who she is hidden
She’s taken aback, but the alcohol in her system is not about to let her remain speechless for long, “It’s not always up to you.”
“Which means it’s not up to you either.“ Connor replies, taking her face in his hand, swiping away the tears spilling down her cheeks, “Then why don’t we just do all in our power to be together and hold onto each other even when the world tries to tear us apart?“
His words bring a smile to Y/N’s face, the sun rays through the rain of her tears, “Yeah...why not?”
Why not? 
Who knew it was that simple?
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Do you write for Annalise Keating
If you’re asking if this is a Annalise Keating x OC story, then the answer is no.
It is based on the show and she is in it, but that’s it.
I’m writing a full story, not “one shots” and “imagines.”
I hope that answered your question.
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luu-detat · 4 years
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serena-waldorf · 4 years
Fan Fiction I would write if I could actually get my sh*t together:
Some kind of Tegan and Annalise fics based on Sleepover by Hayley Kiyoko and Hey, I'm Just Like You by Tegan and Sara (so cliché I know 😂)
An angsty Tegan and Annalise story where Annalise tells Tegan the entire story about the car accident and losing the baby.
I have so many random ideas/headcanons for Tegan and Annalise fluff but no cohesive story ideas lol. But I have random snippets and images in my mind of Tegan and Annalise celebrating Thanksgiving or Christmas together, and travelling the world together, salsa dancing together, and chilling/having fun on the beach together after Tegan takes the millions she got from orchestrating the hit on Jorge, retires early and buys a beach house for her and Annalise in the Dominican Republic 😂
I'd finish My Madam Secretary WIP where Stevie gets pregnant from 5 years ago? I'd have to check but I think the last time I updated it was in 2015 lol. I was FLOORED when I got a review on it a few months ago. Someone must have been bored in quarantine lol. I got over my Madam Secretary hyperfixation but still have vague ideas and memories for what I wanted to do with that one and how I wanted to finish it.
I have another Madam Secretary idea for an AU that I'll probably never write where Elizabeth has a much younger cousin who she is estranged from who drops by the state department unexpectedly one day and ends up staying with the McCord's for a time but she's very irresponsible, rebellious and flighty. She causes all kinds of problems and wreaks havoc on the McCord family during her stay.
I don't think I will write this but I did have a funny headcanon of Bill and Hillary Clinton watching 90 Day Fiance by accident (or like coming across it somehow) and getting sucked in during quarantine and then getting addicted to it like the rest of the world 😂😂😂 But it would have to be a VERY crack-y, slightly unrealistic and fluffy fic I think lol.
I have another Billary idea I've had for YEARS and never written a word of that is kind of similar to my current WIP but not really? It would be a post 2016 election AU where they have another daughter a few years younger than Chelsea (so she's in her early thirties) and she's the complete opposite of Hillary and Chelsea in personality and career and life choices. She's closer to Bill in personality but she's an actress so she's more of a creative type compared to the rest of the family. And she's dating a rapper (at least at the beginning of the story). She gets along with Bill but her relationships with Hillary and Chelsea are more strained at first. But this fic would probably be VERY self indulgent lol and I worry that it would become more the OC's story and less of a Billary fic so idk if people would be interested? Let me know. Maybe I'll attempt to write it or start it somehow one day and see how it goes. You never know.
This is more of an original fiction idea that might work better as a TV show than a story BUT I have an idea for something Grace and Frankie and Dead To Me esque. A thirtysomething actress has it all. Her career is finally going in the right direction, she's engaged to a fellow famous actor and musician and they just moved into their dream home (Person A and B). However the fiancé's less successful younger brother (Person X) is a struggling musician trying to break into the industry. He asks to move in with A and B when his mom kicks him out of her basement so A and B are generous enough to let him stay with them until he can figure out a better situation. But PLOT TWIST, his new girlfriend (Person Y) wants to move in too and the girlfriend is an older 40something year old trophy wife who just got out of a VERY high profile relationship with either a politician or an actor. She has nowhere else to go after her marriage broke up because she was cheating on her husband with Person X. X and Y are in love with each other so X asks A and B if she can move in too and knowing that Y's ex husband is abusive trash, they allow it even though A knows Y and Y knows A from around the Hollywood scene and their respective reputations. And they HATE each other but have to come together and find at least a grudging mutual respect for each other for the sake of their spouses if they're going to be living under the same roof. And maybe it eventually turns into more than just respect and friendship between the two ladies...
(the original fiction idea makes more sense in my head than it does on paper lol)
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