#htgawm fanfiction
oneshotnewbie · 1 year
Annalise is worried. Reader wants to die.
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Summary: Some say, violence is a bad thing- the physical pain. Some say, death is a bad thing- the mental pain. However, some do not realize that it is loneliness that destroys your psyche and physical health. Especially if it lasts too long.
⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️ This one-shot includes the topic of suicide and the plot is presented. If this triggers you too easily or you just can´t handle the subject, I urge you NOT to read this work. I am NOT embellishing this topic under any circumstance. Read at your own risk.
How immensely motivated you had been as you devoured the many books and articles, in your free time, in which death was nothing but aesthetic, dignified and painless. According to them, people fall asleep within a few seconds after whispering one last word to their loved one.
How romantic.
You were practically gushing and looking back on your current life as you took a sip of your brown liquor; you were in your mid-twenties, employed in one of the most famous and successful law firms, single and also surrounded by the depression that was engulfing you.
You sat alone in the dark kitchen, downing gallons of hard liquor, surrounded by the many wreckage of your life. Nobody who was happy when you came home in the evening. No one you could talk to privately about whatever was bothering you. Nobody to share your dinner with. Nobody to love you.
But how do change this sad and broken life that seemed so hopeless? After much thought and the drunken state you were in, you made up your mind and got to change it.
You wanted to die. After that, you wouldn´t need love or anyone. Paradise awaited you, you knew it. Everything there was cheerful and bright surrounded by light and color unlike your gray and cold life.
What´s the best way to go about it? In the numerous books that dealt with it, many lay down in the bathtub and bleed to death miserably. But you didn´t want to be in pain, you wanted to spend your last few minutes in peace. Sleeping pills? No, that was a bit too easy. A shot in the head? Would cause too much mess. Hang? That sounded like a true pioneering spirit.
Hang. Like the great dictators and soldiers.
The laptop, normally used for preparing a case before you sank down into a hole, was sitting on the kitchen counter practically prompting you to look up instructions online and painstakingly attempting to tie a hangman´s knot out of a static rope you retrieved from your mountain gear that was laying in the farthest corner of your closet.
The crossbeam attached to the living room ceiling served as a support rod for the end of the cord. Now you only needed the right chair to give your life a final end. Minutes later, you were standing on one of your kitchen chairs, the strap around your neck and your eyes closed. Five, four..
Dangling your right foot off the chair, you felt a slight pull under your chin; you life slowly passing in front of your inner eye, your heart beating and pressing hard against your chest while you took a deep breath. Three, two..
"What the hell are you trying to do?!" shouted a dark and harsh voice and you opened your eyes; almost tipping over the chair under you from shock. You looked at the figure, that was standing in your door in disbelief, stepping briskly out of the shadows and quickly approaching you.
It was no other then Annalise.
"I wanted to kill myself." you brought out stone cold and regretted the decision to sell the truth as a joke that didn´t come across even half that way. "Kill yourself?" she asked horrified and kept hurrying towards you without taking off her mud covered heels or wet coat.
"Yes.." you said meekly and nothing came out of your mouth except a soft whisper. "My 20s have been the loneliest time in my life. I am surrounded by people but not connecting with anyone. Everyone loves someone but my love never seems to get through."
Your professor´s watery, troubled brown eyes pierced your sluggish eyes, that looked straight at her and a horrid sorrow welled up inside you like tormented ice water eating through your limbs on a cold and rainy day. It wrapped itself around your heart with relish and penetrated deep into it, eating it up with an infinite and unquenchable greed.
The aching ice water reached your eyes and spurted out in torrents. The sadness prevailed and the inner pain tore you apart. Your hands clawed at the rope that was still wrapped around your neck, slowly scraping through your thin skin and your foot rose from the chair; hovering in playful, circling motions above the ground, which was much too far away to touch.
"You don´t want to kill yourself, Y/n. You just want to kill something inside of you."
You sobbed and suddenly felt warm and firm hands on your waist; Annalise had managed to slip into your immediate vicinity unnoticed. You didn´t dared to look up, didn´t want to be comforted. You wanted to let the pain out, just cry and end your life. You wanted to die, wanted it to be over so you didn´t have to suffer anymore. "Throw yourself into the sea and you will see yourself fighting to survive."
A hand on your hip disengaged and slid to the orange rope at your neck, fingertips tenderly pushing through and loosening it to invite you to get your head out of the noose. Once done, the brunette hesitantly pulled you towards her before you pressed yourself again her and found yourself in a protective embrace shortly after. You leaned against her chest, needing that support before the last bit of will to live would left you and you would try to put yourself in a situation that would eventually end your life for good.
You couldn´t cope with it all and endure it, couldn´t deal with it. The emptiness and loneliness consumed you and you didn´t want words, no empty promises where Annalise would tell you everything would be fine. You didn´t think so, your life was just an empty shell.
A shell that held nothing. Your soul was broken and destroyed by loneliness.
"Y/n." Annalise only said your name, that´s all it took. Your tears dried up and stopped running freely down your cheeks. But not because the grief had passed or the alcohol had lost it´s effect, but because you were empty. Drained.
Your tears were banished, but the sobs still echoed through the empty apartment.
She seemed to seize the reason for your pain; she knew the feeling of untamed loneliness that had eaten her up and carried her in it´s power. Softly she spoke to you, no solace crossing her vocal cords trying to block out the truth.
"Y/n, there is nothing you can do about it other than hope that one day, someone will love and appreciate you for who you are. Stop destroying your soul because you will destroy yourself if you don´t stop. The loneliness won´t go away just because you want your end."
The attorney swallowed hard and for a second, realization flickered through her. Like ink, hope flooded her veins and momentarily, she thought of the moment you realized that she was the only one bracing to take away your loneliness.
The one who was brave enough to save you from the darkness.
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natandwandaseries · 2 years
*Yelena watching How to Get Away with Murder*
Yelena: They’re doing it wrong!
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thefanficmonster · 2 years
Hi Vy:) If you’re not busy can I request angst with fluff hcs of Wes and Connor from htgawm with a gf who has daddy issues?<3
Ahh, as someone with daddy issues, I strongly respect this request, thank you so much for sending it my way! Enjoy the headcanons 💕
Warnings: Fem!Reader, Daddy issues, Mentions of dysfunctional families and tough upbringings, Swearing, Trust issues
Wes Gibbins
Wes is the puppy of the group for a reason
He's simply an angel who wears his heart on his sleeve more often and around more people than he should
That's why it's safe to say that he felt more than a little hurt when you exhibited a certain emotional distancing from him during the first few months of your relationship
At first he could sleep at night blaming the short duration of the romantic affiliation for your emotional isolation
But as your dating turned serious, nearing the six months mark, he could no longer convince himself of that
And his suspicions were further confirmed when he witnessed your almost panicked reaction upon asking if you'd like for the relationship to go a step further and for the two of you to start living together
You didn't explicitly say you were against the idea, but the way your face fell and eyes widened spoke volumes about how you felt in regards to the offer
That was the final straw, pushing Wes into confronting you about it, as gently as he could, of course
But even the gentlest touch can shatter what's already ben cracked in too many places too many times
"How do I know you won't change your mind? How do I know you'll stick around and won't leave me?!"
In comparison to what he expected, Wes was taken aback greatly
Still, your outburst led to a much-needed conversation and a much-needed decompress of emotions on your end, finally choosing to open up to your boyfriend about your past and your lack of proper father figure which has impacted your life in ways less than pleasant, morphing you into the untrusting person you are today
Despite what you thought his response was gonna be, the man was not the slightest bit put-off and offered you his embrace for you to seek comfort and sanctuary, reminding you that he'll always be there as long as you want him to be
That he loves you far more than yo could ever imagine
Needless to say, the following week you'd started the move into a new place for the two of you
Connor Walsh
Connor's relationship with his family hasn't always been shiny and splendid
Therefore it was easy for him to pick up on the subtle signs that you two shared, a result of the family environment you'd grown up in
Both of you could never imagine anything scarier than emotional vulnerability so the line between a friends-with-benefits and an actual romantic relationship was constantly blurred
To an outsider, the connection you share wouldn't have appeared to run any deeper than physical attraction and lustful desire
People who weren't in your bubble could've never guessed the honest love that's bloomed between you regardless of your self-made barriers and restrictions
You both had your own rights to your own insecurities but Connor and his reputation of a man-whore (as Asher or Michaela would put it) didn't help your trust issues, often going as far as to keep you laying awake at night
It took you questioning his loyalty to you during a particularly petty argument for the dam to finally collapse and let out all your feelings including your trust issues and the fear you have of losing him or losing yourself because of him
Emotions you were surprised to learn he partially shared, allowing you both to help each other work through them together and at a pace you found comfortable which has brought you to a lot greater point in your lives and relationship where you're more than happy and as in-love as can be
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dollriki · 1 year
HOW TO GET AWAY WITH ⠀⠀MURDER (amongst other things)
masterlist playlist next
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— CH 3. Killer Shangri-lah
WARNINGS 🩸 literal murder, lots of blood, nothing too specific, slight abuse(?)
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Riki had never had a girlfriend before.
It wasn't exactly his main agenda when it came to his high school life. His grandmother busied him with school work and clubs in and out of school so he honestly had little to no time to worry about any of that. And he'd never seen anyone he'd found particularly interesting. He guessed he had one or two crushes throughout his life but nothing he couldn't forget. If he was being honest, the whole love thing made no sense to him unless it was someone you truly wanted to spend your entire life with. People who threw the word around recklessly like it had no meaning made him frustrated.
Riki wasn't an angry person. Sure, things upset him and made him mad when they were especially agitating but he usually kept his feelings to himself. The only person he could really think of that made him so infuriated was his grandma, and she was a fucking wack job of a person.
But when you'd told him about your ex boyfriend on the walk home from the ice cream shop, Riki had never felt his skin buzz with so much hatred. He didn't show it, obviously. He didn't want to make a scene in the street and have you look at him like he'd gone fucking insane or something. But he hated Hyunjae.
You'd spoken about it so nonchalantly, like it was a normal thing to happen after a break up. But the more he thought about it, the more he realised that it was because you'd put up with it for so long that you'd gotten used to Hyunjae's fucked up behaviour. He wanted to grab you and shake you and tell you you should've told someone so it could've ended before it got worse, but what was the use in that? It'd already happened. Unfortunately.
Riki knew he was quiet, and he knew his responses probably weren't the best but he truly had no idea what to say. He was lost and angry and suddenly didn't want to keep you out of his sight in case something bad happened while he wasn't there. It was stupid, really, because you'd known each other for a good three days but he couldn't help feeling so strongly towards you. For some reason you understood each other and because of that, Riki knew you really could look after yourself - he knew how tough you were. If anything he probably needed you to take care of him because if he was in that situation, Riki doesn't know what would've happened to him.
Sometimes, Riki just let things happen. Even if he didn't want them to, he just let them. He had a voice, he could speak, but he couldn't say no or stop no matter how badly he wanted to. He'd go along with things, agree to do things, take the blame for things even if it made him feel like shit afterwards. He guessed it went along with his irrational decision making because one thing could lead to another and suddenly he wouldn't be in control of his actions and he'd done something he never thought he'd do.
Like, for example, murder someone.
"What type of music do you listen to?"
It was the first time you'd invited Riki over to your house. You'd demanded that he couldn't come over unless your mother was out, and as soon as she'd left for work, Riki had been standing at your door in his too big for him sweater and shy smile on his face.
Your house was bigger than his, Riki noted. It was a lot more modern too: white and black walls, marble floors, large open windows. Although he did find his house comfy, he felt he could breathe better here without his red flag of a grandma's boarded up windows constricting him. Your bedroom was brighter than his. There was a very obvious cream and beige theme going on, with random hints of grey here and there and you seemed to like fluffy things because your pillows and blankets and rug were extremely soft. Like really soft. And Riki wouldn't let go of the pillow in his lap despite telling him he was messing up your bed layout.
"Um. Anything, really. I don't exactly have a type I don't think." Riki responded, still glancing around your room as if he hadn't been there for almost an hour now.
"Okay. I'll just pick one I feel like playing." You started flicking through your vinyls under the bedside table which your record player sat on top. Neither of you, you'd come to realise, weren't much into the whole technological advancements shit and preferred to hang out in person, and do more practical activities rather than play games on your phone or whatever. You weren't a fan of the whole brain rotting thing, even though people tend to call you old fashioned.
After a minute or so, you'd picked one and carefully placed it on the record player. It started playing after a moment of crackling and you turned to Riki, "Do you know this one?"
The Ronettes' 'Be My Baby' came through the record player and Riki shrugged, crossing his legs on top of the bed when you turned to sit across from him. Your phone buzzed from the nightstand and for a second, your face dropped. Only slightly, but Riki caught it.
"What's wrong?"
You looked startled up at him, eyebrows furrowed. You seemed to hesitate as if trying to decide whether you should tell him but you caved when Riki tilted his head at you, "It's Hyunjae." Riki's face must've dropped because your reaction was instant, "It's nothing bad! He just keeps texting me."
The boy turned towards you when you sat down and leaned against the headboard of your bed. "It's probably because he saw me the other day. If I ignore him he'll go away."
Riki seemed to want to say something but let it go. He nodded, looking down at the fluffy grey pillow in his arms before he pulled his knees up and pressed his face into it with a small huff. You blinked with a slight laugh, raising an eyebrow. "Riki?"
He hummed.
"Riki, stop worrying."
He raised his head out of the pillow, resting his chin on top of it and mumbled, "I'm not worrying. I'm thinking."
He's so cute.
He stared at your bedsheets in thought, eyebrows furrowing a little and his cheeks pressed into your pillow slightly, "We should do something-"
Your phone dinged from the nightstand again and your eyes shifted to look at it anxiously before realising Riki was speaking so you turned your attention back onto him, "Sorry-"
It dinged again.
"Shit fuck, sorry I'll turn it off-" You reached over to grab your phone and Riki sat patiently, face still pressed into the pillow. "He seems persistent."
"He's annoying." You muttered, "He hasn't done this in ages. He's-" You sat up, heart dropping to your feet when your phone dinged again, "He's coming to my house."
"What?" Riki raised himself out of the pillow, eyes blinking at you to give him some sort of explanation but you seemed just as panicked.
"He's- He's coming. Here."
Staring at your phone screen, Hyunjae's message stared right back at you, angry and full of rage. "I.. I don't know."
Riki put the pillow down to the side of him and crawled over to your side of the bed, peering over to read the messages on your phone too. "Fucking- What do I do?" You groaned, shoving the phone into Riki's hands and pulling your legs to your chest to hide your face into your knees. The boy looked at you, pursing his lips, "Can't you just tell him you're not in?"
"He lives down the street." You mumbled into your knees.
Riki snapped his head towards you, hair falling into his eyes, "What?!" You lifted your head to frown at him, "You didn't tell me that!"
You shrugged, "It didn't come up in conversation!"
Sighing, Riki glanced back down at the opened messages and you groaned loudly again.
"He's probably already here waiting outside with a hammer to beat me with." You moaned.
Riki faced you with an expression of horror, "What do you mean?!"
It was definitely not the time but you couldn't help but think he looked fucking adorable when he looked at you in shock. Even if he knew it was a joke, he looked genuinely worried and even if you were being dramatic it was still nice to think he cared.
But you snapped out of it quickly because there was a knock at the door and you both froze.
It was like the air had turned cold as you stared at each other wide-eyed, your heart beating in your ears but also not beating at all. There was complete silence in the room as the two of you refused to speak as if Hyunjae could hear either of you from outside. The music from the record player was still going and you realised you'd put the record on loop. Then your phone lit up from in Riki's hand and Hyunjae slammed his fists on the door again which knocked you out of it.
"You need to hide."
The boy blinked at you, "What? Hide?-"
"Please, Riki, I don't want to drag you into this." You pleaded, snatching your phone from his hand and standing up, running your fingers through your hair out of stress.
Riki sat up on his knees on the bed to turn to you, "What are you talking about-"
"Because if he sees you he's gonna fucking kill you!" You yelled, snapping your body towards Riki in frustration, sighing shakily after you realised you'd raised your voice.
Riki looked taken back, eyebrows furrowed and eyes seeming a lot more intense. "Y/N- I thought you were joking-"
"Hide in the closet or something, I don't know." You don't know why you were panicking so much. It must've been a protective instinct, you'd always made dramatic decisions when it came to protecting other people - you'd seen it happen during your parents divorce.
"The closet? Y/N you're being insane. You need to calm down-"
"Riki, please." You whispered, eyes genuine and pleading. You must've got through to him because after a moment, he sighed and threw his legs over the side of the bed and stood up and turned to face you. Thankful, you rushed over to the other side of the bed and grabbed his arms and shook him a little, nervous but relieved he was listening to you, "Thank you," You hesitated, looking at your hands before holding his face in your palms as he looked at you with worried eyes, "Nothing is going to happen, I've dealt with this before."
It didn't help in the slightest, if anything, knowing you'd gone through this before made him more angry than nervous and the boy stared, never seeing you so serious but he felt he had no choice but to listen. He pursed his lips, hands resting on top of yours on his cheeks, eyes sharpening a little, "Okay, fine. But I'm right here if anything happens."
You nodded, giving him a small smile before you ripped apart like some dramatic romance movie and you rushed out of the room to go to the front door.
Nerves were running through your body like electricity. You could feel your skin buzzing as you dug your nails into your arms as Hyunjae made himself at home on your bed.
You'd tried your best to not let him in, tried to get him to just go away but he was adamant on wanting to speak with you in person and you didn't want to anger him more than he already seemed so you had obliged, moving to the side to let him into your house. You should really learn to stand your ground next time.
"Are you gonna sit or…" Hyunjae motioned to the space beside him on the bed but you shook your head, refusing to get any closer to him. You couldn't keep still, constantly grabbing at your arms or wandering around in circles and your eyes kept glancing to the closet out of anxiousness.
"Suit yourself-"
"What the fuck do you want?" You got straight to the point, heart beating quickly and you felt like you were going to pass out if he didn't leave your house any time soon.
Hyunjae pushed his tongue into his cheek and stared at you for a second, seemingly picking up on your anxious behaviour. He did this all the time, it was his way of grasping if he had control over the situation or not. He sighed, leaning back on his arms on the bed, "My sister told me what happened at school the other day."
Your arms dropped to your side, breath coming back to you as you realised it wasn't as bad as you'd made it out to be. Fuck, I made a big deal out of it for nothing. "You came all the way here for that?"
"If you'd read my messages you'd know."
"I don't know if you'd noticed," You stepped towards him slightly, slight anger building up inside you because that's just what his presence seemed to do to you, "But I've been ignoring your texts since we broke up."
Hyunjae tilted his head, "And yet you still let me into your house?"
Well, he had you there.
When he stood up, your recent courage simmered away instantly and you took a step back. You heard movement from the closet behind you and your heart stopped for a second, though you tried not to show your panic on your face. Instead, you moved yourself to the other side of the room so Hyunjae was no longer facing the closet. Making it as inconspicuous as you could, you grabbed the key to your window from your desk on your way over to make it seem as though you were going to lock it.
Hyunjae didn't seem to notice your sudden change in attitude though, as he turned to follow your movements and he carried on speaking, "You're a lot more bold over text, why's that?"
"Because you fucking scare me." The words left your mouth as you thought of them and you wanted to throw yourself out of the window because he did not need to know that.
Hyunjae had the audacity to look genuinely upset though, and he stopped by the end of your bed and blinked a little taken back, "I scare you?"
You made sure to lock the window before turning to him, but you didn't answer.
He furrowed his brow, "What have I done to scare you?"
Is he having a laugh right now?
You didn't have the capacity to sit and list off all the fucked up shit he'd done to you, so you simply shrugged, "It doesn't matter. What are you actually here for? Because I kind of want you to leave."
The boy didn't seem phased at the sudden topic change, and leant against the bedpost, "I already told you, my sister."
"What about your fucking sister?" You were heated up and Hyunjae seemed to smile a little at how he was getting a reaction out of you. It was only slightly, but he smiled nonetheless and it pissed you off.
"She came home the other day with her new clothes covered in her lunch. Told me you did it." Hyunjae was very protective of his sister. They were twins, so it made sense for them to be close. There'd been multiple occasions where he'd gotten into fights with boys that had broken her heart. And you were sure he wouldn't be opposed to doing the same to you.
You glowered at him, not saying anything but the way your eyes refused to look at his kind of told him everything he needed. "Is it true, Y/N?" He took a step closer and it felt like an intimidation scene in a movie. He was so fucking scary. "Why are you picking fights with my sister?"
"I wasn't picking a fight. She deserved it. Her and all her fucking friends-"
"She didn't deserve it!" Hyunjae raised his voice, grabbing your wrist to drag you towards him slightly. Not again, not again, not again. You tried to wrestle your hand out of his grasp but he held on tighter, "You know how much my sister means to me. Have you seen what happens to people that mess with her?" It was like something had switched inside him. He was entirely built up on anger all the time, but one little thing and his eyes would turn black and it's like he wasn't in his own body. He's seriously so fucked up.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Your voice raised in pitch slightly when Hyunjae's fingers started to leave marks on your wrist, "It's not that big of a deal." You creased your brows in slight pain, trying to rip your hand away.
"It's not just that! You've been ignoring me for weeks," The blonde had grabbed your other wrist now, keeping you tightly in his hold, "And guess what?"
Panic settled in your stomach when you couldn't move away from the boy, breathing slightly more erratic because there was nothing stopping him from hurting you. "Hyunjae, stop-"
"You just go and get yourself a new boyfriend? After what? Two months? Did you think you could get rid of me that quickly?" There was something insane about his eyes and how they seemed to glow red the angrier he got. He had serious anger problems and it just so happened you were the one he chose to take it out on.
Somehow, the grip on your wrists tightened and you could feel the blood being cut from them the harder he held them and you were scared he was going to break your hands right from your wrists.
"Listen- We can just talk it out- Please stop."
"Talk?! I've tried talking to you for weeks! You're just being a bitch. This is the only way you'll actually listen." And he showed you what he meant by digging his nails into your wrists and pulling them in front of your face. You wailed, ripping your hands away from him which made him scratch all down your arms, drawing blood with his nails. Eyes wide, you cried out slightly, watching the blood drip down your arms and even Hyunjae seemed to stop for a second seeing the red against your skin. There was a quick silence, which was drowned out by the quiet hum of 'Be my Baby' still playing mindlessly in the background. The blood didn't stop him, though. The blonde grabbed your arms again, shaking you slightly, "See?! See what you did? This is what you get for not listening to me."
"I didn't do anything- You're being insane!"
"Me? I've tried to be so nice for weeks but as well as ignoring me you go and attack my sister? And I'm insane?" Hyunjae's hold on your arms was forceful and you could tell he was completely blinded by rage.
Biting down hard on your lip, you struggled in his hold, trying to keep a calm voice and think but it was hard when you were so scared. "I didn't attack her- Stop, you're hurting me!"
It was at that moment, when Hyunjae brought a scream out of you from twisting your wrist, that everything went to shit.
You'd almost forgotten Riki was in your room from the blind state of panic you were in until you caught a flash of black hair from behind Hyunjae.
Riki didn't know why it took him so long to act. Maybe it was because he trusted you and when you'd told him 'nothing was going to happen', he believed you enough to let it go on. After Hyunjae had raised his voice, Riki recklessly opened the closet door to see if you were okay when he realised Hyunjae had his back to him. He'd kept the door open after that, still out of sight but he could hear everything. There were moments of scuffling and Riki was starting to become blind to anything other than wanting to make sure Hyunjae wasn't going to hurt you, or at least try to like he'd done in the past. That was probably why when you'd screamed, he'd acted so blindly, so irrationally and recklessly.
Hyunjae didn't even have the time to turn around and see what you were yelling at before there was a flash of bright white then red. Completely red. Everything was red.
You closed your eyes out of instinct as something splashed into your face suddenly. There was only heavy breathing, a gasp and a choking sound echoing through your ears as your eyes were tightly shut. It took you a moment, and you wiped away whatever was in your eyes before opening them slowly. Seeing red on your hands sent your heart to the pit of your stomach. You had no idea what had just happened but Hyunjae's hands were ripped from your wrists and he slightly dragged you forward as he stepped back. Then you realised the blood. Lots of blood. On your hands, on your shirt, dripping from your face. And then the blood standing out against Hyunjae's blonde hair, and on his face, and his shirt. And the slit in his neck.
The slit in his neck.
There was a slit in his neck.
It was pouring blood and Hyunjae's hands went straight to it to try to stop it. He couldn't make a noise or speak or anything, just garbled whimpers and chokes as he opened his mouth.
You couldn't do anything. You just watched as he stumbled backwards, hands desperately clawing at his neck. You couldn't move, your body refusing to function as you stood in place, heart no longer beating and breath taken straight from your chest.
Hyunjae looked at you with wide, pleading eyes, face covered in his own blood and you didn't believe this was real. You thought you died, and this was a dream or a nightmare or something before you woke up in Heaven.
But then Hyunjae stepped back again and his leg caught behind him and he fell backwards straight into the bedpost. His head hit the top of it with a sickening crack and not even a second later he was out cold on your bedroom floor. You gasped and screamed, hand going to cover your mouth at the impact of the fall. He didn't move. He didn't fucking move.
Hyunjae was no longer standing in front of you so you finally caught sight of Riki from where he was standing behind him. The boy was frozen, back pressed against the wall and your white desk lamp clutched tightly in his hands against his chest. The lamp. The flash of white, the lamp. The lamp was covered in blood. What the fuck.
The boy's breathing was ragged and quick and he looked as though he was about to have a full blown panic attack as he still stared at the unmoving body bleeding out on the carpet in front of him. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. His hands were shaking, slightly covered in blood and his grey jumper was too and he was going to be sick. Riki's dark hair was in his face, covering his eyes because he clearly was in too much of a state of shock to move. There was splatters on blood on his face too, decorating his face like some fucked up art piece.
Riki had killed him.
Riki had killed him.
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SYNOPSIS! trying to find a way to escape your shitty life, you decide to indulge in the new boy at school. what you didn't realise, is that you'd be on the run from murder with him a week later.
freya's notes OMGGGG HI GUYS IM BACKKK FINALLY sorry this took soo long to get out lolol. i got a job but i quit so i finally have time to write. BUT to make up for it this chapter was very long and WE GOT A MURDER🔥🔥🔥 phew anyway i hope this was okay, there's not a lot of characterisation in this one bc it's more plot based 👎 anyway idk when the next one will be out, hopefully not as long as this one took AHAHAH Love u all mwah
taglist! @hafsa-hoofsa-heefs @purinoid @blossomnct
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© dollriki 2023.
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So I’m writing a fanfic with these shows in them(not in this order).
It’s called Criminal Minds: Danika. On Wattpad and I’ve already published 200 chapters and am starting on the next book.
Here are the shows I have in the story so far:
Criminal Minds
Law and Order SVU
Teen Wolf
The Originals
The Morning Show
How to get away with murder
Percy Jackson (books) (working on a spin off story)
Greys Anatomy
House MD
The Mentalist
Black Sails (after the show)( working on a spin off story)
Mad Men (after the show) (working on a spin off story)
Peaky Blinders (plan on adding) (working on a spin off)
Chicago Fire (plan on adding)
Chicago PD (plan on adding)
Chicago Med (plan on adding)
Vikings (plan on adding) (working on a spin off)
Hannibal (thinking of adding)
So, now you can see why I might need some help with the upcoming parts of my book and their plotline order lol. Because I want to continue some of the stories but am having a hard time trying to sort it out into a timeline that works with one another really well.
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stan-fixations · 2 years
♡Connor Walsh♡
Inspired by the song:
Love Won't Change by J.I
☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ A story in which you and Connor are best friends but he wants a deeper relationship. So he hatches a plan to make you his forever.
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Part 1
You first met in kindergarten. It was halfway through the school year when Connor transferred to your school. The teacher sat him in the seat next to yours and asked you to help him out for a few days. You tried to talk to him throughout the morning but he kept his head down not saying a word. At lunch you found him sitting alone and went to join him. When you opened your lunchbox you found that your mom had packed you two juice boxes. You slid one over the table and Connor took it, neither of you saying a word during the exchange. The next day at lunch he had two apples and slid one over to you. You took it, again neither of you spoke. It soon became routine for you. You'd bring one extra snack to share everyday.
On the last day of school you were walking out the front when you heard someone call your name from behind. You turned to find Connor standing a distance away looking at you. Then he did something. Something you never thought would happen, something you never saw coming. He waved and said "Have a good summer!". With a smile on your face you waved back and replied "See you next year Connor!". That's how it all began.
Every year since then you sat next to each other in class and shared snacks at lunch. You started hanging out during summers. Late night calls, movie nights, concerts, you guys did it all. Overtime you came to be best friends. To you it was a simply perfect friendship. You had someone to count on who you knew would always have your back. All your secrets, dumb questions, insecurities, every thought that crossed your mind Connor knew and you were fine with that because he was your best friend. If you couldn't trust him then who could you trust?
However, your friendship was more complicated for Connor. He told himself you guys just spent too much time together. You were too similar. You were his best friend so of course he had a strong connection to you. Over and over he said these things. Yet he never believed them, not once because he knew deep down underneath all the lies and the fake reasoning, he knew with every ounce of his being what the truth was. He loved you. He loved you more than anything. He loved the way you laughed. He loved the way you hung your head when you were embarrassed. He loved to watch your eyes light up whenever you heard your favorite song. He loved how peaceful you looked when sleeping. He loved how every moment he spent with you made his heart beat out of his chest. He loved you. There was nobody else he dreamt of being with, nobody he wanted more than you. Still, with all this love flowing through him he could never bring himself to confess. His palms got sweaty at the thought of confessing. What if you didn't feel the same way? What if he ruined everything? All those years together. Every birthday, wedding, funeral, party, injury, day, and night. What if it was all washed away with nothing but the words his heart ached to say? The words that fought to escape his lips everytime you looked into his eyes.
He'd known you since you guys were five years old in kindergarten. Now you're 18 going into your senior year in highschool. He knew he was running out of time. Graduating meant starting a new chapter of life and he feared that there wouldn't be a space for him in your next chapter. He knew that senior year was his last chance to get over his nerves and finally tell you about his feelings. So he made up his mind. This school year he was going to do everything in his power to make you fall in love with him. He was desperate to make you see that he was the right guy for you in hopes that maybe, just maybe he could avoid having to say goodbye to you forever. In Connors eyes he was yours and you were his. His first love, his only love, his sugar sweet craving.
To be continued...
Original work - do not use without permission
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dumbs0ckss · 6 months
do we like connor/wes fanfiction here fellas
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screamkinh · 1 year
My fanfiction.
If you'd like, please do check out my fanfiction. It's a bit old, but I plan on updating it in the next couple of days, and updates will be steady with about 2 weeks or so apart. It explores Oliver (from HTGAWM), and his love life over the years prior to Connor.
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No one asked me too and I don't think anyone will care, but I'm gonna do it anyway!! (Only works I haven't posted any chapter of yet)
-"Pain is always a fanged serpent, but to Eve it was a friend"
-"Guren+Shinya and the squad adopt Yuu after Guren finds him"
-" Yuri on ice fic 2"
-"hornets nest (jikook)"
-"HTGAWM adoption fic"
-"hunger games fic"
-"jikook au"
-"SuperM beat Red force"
-"Shigaraki is Izuku's brother"
-"Shinee have a kid"
-"Taemin comes out (blackmail by ex)"
-"ice skates and ballet shoes"
-“Sometimes when you lose your way, you find yourself.” – Mandy Hale
-"The root of all evil"
-"There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable"
-"SOTUS Au 1"
-"Suthiluck and Rojhnapat families meet"
-"katniss youngest ever victor at 12"
-"otayuri week"
-"the beginning, the end and everything in between"
-"Worlds end"
-"the chronicles of the city of Santa Maria"
-"Santa Maria"
-"Goddesses of infinity"
-"The super division"
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thenicestthingiveseen · 4 months
one year of fanfiction!
this was my first year writing fic after years and years of reading it off and on.
i published my first fic on February 10, 2023. As of today, (exactly one year)I have written [insert number] of fics for Harry Potter and Red, White, and Royal Blue.
My top 5 favorite fics I've written are:
5. i want that late night sweet magic forever lasting love
4. love songs
3. almost doesn't count
2. every thing i need is right here by my side
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
I'm currently working on two longer fics:
in all chaos there is calculation
untitled RWRB htgawm AU
My writing and posting has been slower in the past few months. Which, I have a love hate relationship with. Real life has been busy and ideas haven’t been flowing the way they used to, but also I’m forcing myself to be better with what I put out and how I share it. I’ve never really considered myself much a writer - I wrote little stories in grammar school, but by middle school other people seemed to be much more well equipped for fiction (I could still write kick ass academic essays - I’m very proud of research papers I’ve written about Beyoncé, Chicago (2002), and the history of House Music). Now I’m rambling. The point is. Writing fiction lead me to reading more fiction and reading more fanfiction (I’ve been lurking in the HP Fandom since idk when, ily hgnetwork.co.uk) and re-learning how to tell stories, well. Telling long ones, actively planning, being organized, all of it. I fell into the RWRB fandom, I need people to scream with about Kennedy Ryan’s ‘Before I Let Go’ trilogy, I was recommended books I would have never ever found in my life and loved them. I’ve watched movies, shows, documentaries that have been referenced. Listened to more Taylor Swift in this year alone than I have since 2009.
I’ve grown so much and still feel like I’ve come back to myself so much.
All of that to say, thank you to every one who has ever read anything that I've yeeted out into the universe, thank you for your ideas, your feedback, your comments, book recs, fic recs -- all of it means so much to me and here's to the next year of fics!
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ace-dameron · 7 years
coliver, 29 or 13
29. “I’m not going anywhere.”
(My apologies on how shitty this probably is. You’re the only person I would write Coliver for, Jasmine.)—
An uncomfortable silence permeated the apartment other than the steady stream of water from the faucet and the clanking of dishes in the sink. Connor stood rigidly as he scrubbed some dried up pasta sauce off the side of the pot with a sponge. His thoughts went back to that failed intervention, most likely set up by Oliver.
He clenched his jaw as anxiety pooled into his stomach. Michaela had a point, didn’t she? Oliver got into a relationship with a Middleton Law Student who was interning for one of the best professors/lawyers in the Philadelphia area. Now, he was just with Connor, a guy without direction, without an idea of where his future was headed. He bowed his head slightly, his hands gripping each side of the sink, dish washing completely forgotten. With unseeing eyes, he focused in on the water swirling down the drain.
He jolted, entirely startled when he felt two arms wrap around him. “Connor?”
Pulling away from Oliver, he painted as he tried getting his breathing back to some level of normalcy. Oliver took a step forward, a concerned look adorning his face. “Con?”
“Michaela was right, you know. You got with a winner, at first. A strong and intelligent winner, who would have done anything to be on top, to be the best. And now what you have left is this mess that I am.”
“Connor…” He gave him a sad look, using that tone he always used when Connor’s self-deprecation grew to new levels.
“No, Oliver, don’t give me that tone. That look. She’s right.”
Oliver sighed, closing the distance between them. “She’s not right.”
“Sure, she is. Setting up the intervention wasn’t your idea or anything.” He wrapped his arms around his middle, trying to hold himself together.
“Connor, listen, I am worried about you. If law isn’t for you, that’s fine. But being worried about you doesn’t mean that Michaela is right.” Oliver reached out and placed a tentative hand on Connor’s arm. Connor didn’t pull back this time.
“Why do you stay with me? I… I don’t understand it, Oliver. You should leave. Or rather, make me leave, since it’s your apartment.”
“I’m not going anywhere. And neither are you. You’ve gone through so much since you moved here. Anyone would be having an existential crisis. Just… don’t forget that I’m here to offer help. Get the recklessness out and we can figure out together what the next step is.”
Connor nodded, not all of his anxieties quieted, but enough. “Okay, Ollie.” He turned around, finally aware that the water was still running. “Let me finish the dishes and we can watch something on netflix.”
“The dishes can wait.” He wrapped an arm around Connor, tugging back into him.
“Who are you and what have you done with Oliver Hampton?”
“They can wait until morning, Connor.” Oliver pressed himself into Connor’s backside. Connor felt a stirring of something.
“I think those are agreeable terms.” He said with a half smile over his shoulder as he bypassed their living room and went straight to the bedroom.
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rixareth · 2 years
Fandom: How to Get Away with Murder Rating: Mature Relationships: Laurel Castillo/Wes Gibbins/Michaela Pratt/Connor Walsh Wordcount: 1,900
You know the scene in ‘Meet Bonnie’ where the murder quartet talk about banging? Here’s a fic where they actually follow through.
Not very explicit; some mentions of violence, because it’s hard for Connor not to think about the murder when he’s in bed with his accomplices.
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izonis · 3 years
I don't know how people can just get into a show they like and are just like. Alright. That's it
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thefanficmonster · 2 years
Can I request a fluff Drabble or smth with Connor Walsh where he’s struggling with a case and than his 4-6 year old kid points out something about the case that helps Connor solve it and he’s just really proud of them?<333
Aww sure thing, darling! Enjoy the drabble 💕
Father-son relationship: Connor & Child Character [How To Get Away With Murder]
Warnings: None :)
Genre: Domestic/Family Fluff
Summary: see request above
This was the type of case that got everyone fuming. Literally everyone. Yes, even the too-cool-to-care Frank. How did Annalise pick this one out of all the cases that she rifled through this week? It's almost as though she wanted to make them suffer because she dropped the case on the K5 and hasn't made an attempt to help them ever since. She proclaimed she had some work of her own to do therefore wouldn't tolerate anyone trying to bother her.
That's left the five students with plenty of research work to do, work they inevitably caved and started taking home with them. It's a guessing game how much of it they actually get done with all the distractions they have at home, but unlike the others, Connor gets a pass for that one. Rightfully so, because the man has a lot more responsibility than his colleagues.
He has a toddler to be looking after all on his own while his partner is on a trip provided by the establishment where they've been interning.
"Alright buddy, it's you and me against this fu...." Connor cuts himself off on time, "...damn case. Come on."
With that, he sits the five-year-old in his lap, turning the TV to a cartoon channel as to keep his son entertained while he rifles through a few more files before calling it a night and turning to watch cartoons himself.
He's just flipped to the page of the file with the press-taken pictures of the day of the first trial taken outside the courthouse. Most of them have captured the plaintiff and the defendant along with his previous lawyer.
Basically, this man's wife is suing him for supposedly embezzling portion of her half of their joint company's income. He's sworn up and down to every tabloid, every journalist and even everyone in the Keating office that he's had nothing to do with the embezzlement that has been proven to actually be taking place behind the scenes.
As Connor's reading the recounts of what went on before, during and after that trial, a little finger lands on top of the attached picture up above the typed out writing.
Looking up, Connor chuckles to himself, seeing that his son is pointing to the bright red jacket the defendant's wife - or now presumably ex-wife, is wearing. "You like that jacket huh?"
Turning the page, he's met with the pictures of the second trial that happened within months of the previous and was the last one the defendant attended with that lawyer who claimed he was a lost cause and dropped him before her career could get ship-wrecked. Why he waited four months before contacting Annalise is a mystery but, if Connor's to be asked, he believes the man is actually guilty. They've brought up too much concrete evidence for him not to be. And he knew that. But he's now restored his determination to not pay the large sum he'll be owing his wife (ex-wife) if she wins the lawsuit.
As he's reading through the recounts, his son once again takes it upon himself to point at one of the pictures that are pinned at the top of the document. His dad has an idea of what he's pointing at before he even looks up, "Ok, ok, I promise to get you that jacket for your next birthday." It's only after he looks up that he realizes that although his son's pointing at the same jacket as before, it now resides on a different body - the attorney's.
"Wait a second..." He mumbles, aware that he's grasping at straws here. There's a big possibility they both own the same or similar jacket. Which is exactly why he quickly flips back to the previous pictures to compare the two.
It's the exact same jacket. It's the same fucking jacket, holy shit!
An emblem of the designer on the bottom of the right side - check!
An identical seemingly cigarette burn mark on the left sleeve - check!
An indent in the leather around the collar - check!
"Oh my fucking God! They were working together!" Not minding his vocabulary anymore, Connor carefully picks up his son and sets him down on the couch next to the file as he dashes to grab his phone and dial Frank. While it's ringing, he makes a point to kneel before his son and give him a kiss on the forehead, "You, sir, just saved your dad's life. You're getting ice-cream tonight."
"You're buying me ice-cream, Walsh?" Frank, who picked up a moment sooner than Connor expected, says with upmost confusion.
"No, but I think I just solved your case. Sorry, we just solved your case." He quickly corrects himself before sharing a high-five with his son.
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dollriki · 1 year
HOW TO GET AWAY WITH ⠀⠀MURDER (amongst other things)
masterlist playlist next
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— CH 2. Shake it Out
NO WARNINGS 🩸 but it's a bit.. cringey i don't like it so maybe that's a warning
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You've had three boyfriends since the start of your school life.
Your first one was in second grade. He had just moved to your school, and girls had circled him like a moth to a flame. But he'd come up to your desk one morning and asked you out. You said yes. It didn't last a week before you broke his heart. You told him you didn't actually love him and only said yes to save yourself and him from embarrassment. You were eight, okay?
The second boy was in your first year of high school. For some reason, you'd decided to develop an infatuation for the boy sitting opposite you in your science class. Your relationship lasted about three weeks and neither of you actually spoke outside of school. And then you realised that this twelve year old boy was talking to about six other girls at once, so you dropped him and promised yourself you'd never fall for a stupid high school boy again.
But then you turned fifteen and met the blonde boy from your filmmaking club. And you'd never fallen harder for someone more.
However, it's the same guy you call your crazy fucking ex. You're seventeen for fucks sake, you should not be having such drama over stupid boys. But he was insane. That's probably not a nice word to use but nothing could describe how scary he turned once you fell out of love. Your relationship lasted over a year, ending just as this term started, and maybe it was kind of your bad for breaking up with him on his birthday, but he'd gotten too much and you needed to move on and it was the only time he'd actually sit and listen to you rather than make up some excuse to not talk. He was upset, clearly, and made a big fuss about how you could've had this conversation any other day other than one where he was supposed to be celebrating (he was probably right), but you thought he took it quite well other than that.
A week after you broke up he would text you nonstop, and if you didn't answer he'd start calling you over and over until you either picked up to tell him to fuck off or turned your phone off and ignored him for the rest of the day. He'd badger you at school, find all sorts of ways to be around you so he could sit and whine like a baby about how you need to get back together. And he'd shown up to your house on multiple occasions just to top it off. Most of the time it was just annoying and an inconvenience, but at times where he knew you couldn't go anywhere, he'd get angry and yell and throw things. You considered yourself quite a calm person when it came to dealing with anger - you'd developed a method from dealing with your mother - but something about the way this boy threw himself at you made you step down a little and you couldn't help the inkling of fear in you whenever you were alone with him. Thankfully, he'd stopped showing up around you now and you only received the odd message from him now and then.
The shitshow of a relationship didn't stop you from getting infatuated with people though. It was known to you that you fell hard for every person you developed an interest in. Whether it was the guy who sat in the front of the class, or the girl from your gym locker room, your inability to constantly develop crushes on people left you feeling stranded.
And that's why Riki was such a fucking pain in the ass.
"Have you ever had a girlfriend?"
Riki looked up at you from where he laid on his stomach on the bed. He was drawing something all over his physics textbook; you hadn't asked what it was though. "Uh, no." He didn't seem embarrassed by it, going back to doodling.
You frowned at him, slightly taken back, "What do you mean?"
He blinked at you, eyebrows creasing as he laughed a little, "I mean I've never had a girlfriend."
"Have you had a boyfriend?"
You gaped at him, sort of in disbelief and it took him a second to realise that you were staring at him with the resemblance of that of an angry kitten. Riki scoffed, "Why is that such a shock to you?"
Because you're fucking beautiful.
Shrugging, you tore your eyes away and looked down at your fingers in your lap, "I dunno. You just seem like you would."
"I guess I'm full of surprises." The boy replied and you giggled a little at that. It was partly true, to be fair. You didn't know much about Riki considering the fact you'd known each other for a two whole days. You'd spent most of the day in separate classes at school (you found out Riki took photography and dance classes, along with extra curricular art after school on Wednesdays), and then came back together on your breaks so you didn't have much time to talk. Riki hadn't exactly invited you to his house but he didn't complain when you'd waited for him by the gate and followed him home. He'd warned you that his grandmother would be home, to which you shrugged at but there was still an inkling in your mind to know the whole thing.
"What's the whole story with your grandma?" The words left your mouth as you thought of them and you probably should've apologised for the sudden change in mood but you were curious.
The boy bit down hard on his bottom lip, halting his drawing and the two of you sat in a kind of awkward silence for a moment. Before Riki spoke, "Um. I've lived with her my entire life."
"Oh," You puffed out your cheeks, "So your parents…"
"They're not dead or anything. Well, I don't think they are. I don't really know. They left when I was like five or six." It was a good thing Riki seemed so open to sharing because you wanted to bash your head into the wall for bringing up such a sensitive topic out of the blue.
He hadn't stopped drawing, not taking his eyes off his paper and you didn't take your eyes off of him as he spoke so freely, "Don't make it a whole thing though, I can tell you feel bad." Riki grinned cheekily at you and you shrunk into yourself as you looked away, "It's not like I can remember it. I just wish they could've left me with someone a bit nicer."
You couldn't help the laugh you let out at that, "Yeah your grandma's a bit of a prick. No offence."
"Non taken." Riki shrugged, snapping his textbook closed and propping his chin on his hand, "What about you?"
"I live with my mum."
"Yeah. My parents divorced a while back. I don't see my dad at all, he could be anywhere now," You stared off into space as you spoke, "I guess we both hate who we live with because my mum is a bitch."
"In what way?" Something about the way Riki listened so intently to what you had to say made you feel... warm because not many people (if anyone) actually did. When you turned to glance at him, he was already looking up at you, head slightly tilted on top of his palm and his eyes (they were such a pretty colour and they were so shiny you couldn't stop yourself from smiling at him) were filled with soft curiosity.
Pouting your lips in thought, you let go, "I dunno. Ever since the divorce she's been erratic and snappy with me. Since there's nobody else in the house she seems to think she has all the control and is constantly angry at everything I do. I get she's probably tired and upset and has to look after me but that's not my fault?" It felt nice to get it off your chest. The feelings had been bubbling up inside you for weeks and it was only a matter of time before you snapped back at her which could've gone wrong in so many ways. You liked talking, and you liked having Riki there to listen.
The boy hummed and it seemed he was trying to come with something to say in response. You gave him a small smile, heart slightly warm. "You don't have to say anything. It was nice of you to listen."
He smiled back at you, shrugging his shoulders. "Well, I know my grandma might not be much of an improvement, but you can always come here if it gets too much."
Fuck, fuck, fuck. Fuck, he's so lovely. He's gonna ruin your fucking life.
"Thanks, Riki."
A warm silence fell over the both of you as you processed the conversation. Riki played with the creases in his bedsheets and you kicked your legs over the edge of the bed before you turned to him, deciding to lighten the mood, "Do you wanna go for ice cream?"
The response was an immediate, "Okay."
The ice cream shop was quiet when you walked in so there were a lot of empty seats. You decided to pick a booth by the window, settling down opposite each other and you picked up the menu instantly.
"My dad used to bring me here all the time. I get the same thing every time." You were speaking without thinking, smiling a little down at the menu.
"I've never been." Riki muttered, pouting his lips as he read over the menu. He blinked a little at the shock written all over your face. "I moved here a month ago!" He defended, the whining in his tone making you bite back a giggle.
He continued to flip through the menu but you didn't take your eyes off him, staring him down hard whilst sometimes glancing back at the menu in front of you.
Riki seemed to clock on quite quickly as he lifted his head with a worried expression.
"Why are you staring at me like that?"
Your hard glare didn't falter when you replied, "I'm trying to decide which ice cream flavour is your favourite."
Riki let out a breathy laugh, blinking a bit in confusion. "I'm a really boring person. If you're expecting something crazy you're gonna be sorely disappointed."
"You're not boring." You mumbled, and before either of you could get another word in, the waitress had made her way over to you.
She gave you both a smile which was probably forced because she dropped it as soon as she started talking, "Are you ready to order?"
Tilting your head at Riki, you turned to her when he nodded. "I'll have the honeycomb and dark chocolate with extra honey." You recited your order as you'd done a million times and the waitress raised her eyebrows at the specification of it.
She turned to Riki. "Just strawberry, please." Riki said sweetly with a shy smile and he handed his menu over to the waitress who nodded and walked away.
You gaped at the boy in front of you, eyebrows furrowed and you mumbled, "Oh, maybe you are fucking boring." To which Riki grinned at.
It didn't take long for your order to come, the ice cream coming in small cardboard bowls with a little spoon. Yours was practically overflowing, the extra honey pouring down the sides of the bowl and onto the napkin underneath. It looked fancy compared to Riki's, but Riki's came with a strawberry on top so you were kind of jealous.
"This is cute." Riki was smiling as he picked up the strawberry, his eyes brightening when you grinned back at him.
"Right? It's my favourite place ever, they make everything so…" Your train of through trailed off when you looked out of the window and spotted a boy crossing the road opposite the shop. You furrowed your brows, trying to make out if it was actually who you thought it was.
"Y/N? What's wrong?" Riki's voice snapped you back for a second. You blinked at him with a slight frown, his own face filling with confusion and you opened your mouth to reassure him that it didn't matter when the boy outside the window actually passed where you were sitting and any words you had at the ready had simmered away.
This cannot be happening right now.
You hoped that he hadn't seen you and he was just walking by. You knew he lived in the area because you'd been here multiple times with him, but the thought of him actually showing up didn't come to you.
But then you heard the bell above the door ring and you felt your heart drop to your stomach.
Riki seemed to notice your instant change in mood and his face grew worried-
That voice didn't belong to Riki.
You felt like someone had dropped cold ice all over you. Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath as an attempt to calm yourself before you did anything stupid. He won't do anything with Riki here. You hoped, anyway.
Turning to your right, you faced the blonde boy. There was something inside of you that hoped you'd made the whole thing up and your ex boyfriend wasn't standing at the end of your table. Trust him make a good day fucking terrible.
"Hyunjae." You smiled through gritted teeth, sending Riki a slightly pleading look but he looked between the two of you with puzzlement as he continued to eat his ice cream.
Hyunjae glanced at Riki and you knew the look in his eye when he looked Riki up and down. "Who's this?" Hyunjae asked, not even trying to sound polite and for some reason it made you angry. You were an easily angered person, most people knew that, but it never really upset you when people were blunt or judgey because people's opinions didn't matter to you. But because it was Riki it, for some reason, felt different.
You took a spoonful of your ice cream, skin feeling slightly hot. "Not even a 'hi' or a 'how have you been'?"
The blonde wasn't amused, arms itching to cross over his chest and you scowled at him. Looking across at Riki your heart kind of melted in your chest. He was staring at you with the utmost innocence and confusion, eyes slightly wide as if he was trying to ask you what was happening. You wanted to reach across the table and hold his hand but instead you looked back up at Hyunjae. "This is Riki."
Hyunjae raised his eyebrows. You knew him well enough to know that he had nothing against Riki, and it was just the fact that he was a boy sitting across from you that was making him act so bluntly. Yet you still wanted to punch him in the face.
Riki looked uncomfortable, turning slightly away from Hyunjae and when he met your eye you scrunched your nose apologetically and glanced down at his ice cream as if to tell him to keep eating and ignore him. Riki obliged and settled with watching out of the window. You turned to Hyunjae, skin buzzing with annoyance now and you opened your mouth to tell him to leave but he bet you to it, "So is this like, a date or something?"
The question left you kind of stunned. There were a million things you could've said in response to it. You could've been honest and told him no but that could've given him some sort of weird false hope that he still had a chance with you. Or you could've lied and said it was, so he would finally fuck off and leave you alone. But there was always the chance that Riki wouldn't like that.
Fuck it.
"Yeah. It is." You lied.
Both boys seemed taken back by your announcement. Hyunjae looked at you like he didn't want to believe it, which then turned into a frown and all that left his lips was a defeated, "Oh."
Riki, however, snapped his head towards you with wide eyes like a deer in headlights. You fought back a laugh by biting hard on your bottom lip because his shock was kinda cute, but you sent him a pleading look as if to say 'don't say anything.'
He didn't, thankfully.
Slightly relieved that everything was working out, you took another spoonful of your ice cream and pursed your lips in Hyunjae's direction. Your ex took the hint and pushing his tongue against the inside of his cheek, he nodded his head, "Well it was nice seeing you, I guess. Enjoy your fucking date."
Riki blinked a bit in shock at the sudden spite in Hyunjae's tone, turning to glare as the blonde stormed off but you just rolled your eyes. The sigh you let out as soon as Hyunjae walked away was so shaky. It was like a wave rippled through your entire body and you slightly shivered but shook your head and rubbed at your face to bring yourself back to life.
Riki was staring at you like he'd seen a ghost. "That was so fucking weird-"
"I'm so sorry," You blurted out, "I really wish that hadn't happened. I wasn't expecting to see him nevermind him come over. He's an asshole. He's scary and weird and jealous. We broke up months ago but he won't leave me alone. I'm sorry I had to drag you into this. I just couldn't stand seeing him anymore. And I'm sorry for the way he acted towards you, it made me really mad because you're such a beautiful person and he was looking at you like you were shit on the bottom of his shoe or something." What the fuck were you saying? "I'm just- I'm sorry, Riki. You didn't need to see all of that, or him. He's a piece of shit."
Riki had never seen you pour so much emotion out at once. He was a little taken back, speechless really, that you'd just admitted all of that over bowls of ice cream but he shook his head. "No, it's okay. Don't apologise."
You pouted, still wanting to apologise but you stopped yourself. You weren't any good at saying sorry, but you knew when to, so when you did, you couldn't stop.
"Was that your ex?"
Nodding, you went back to your ice cream. Riki had almost finished his but you'd hardly started.
"Oh, okay," The boy pursed his lips, "Well don't worry about it. He's gone now."
You nodded again, thankful that he hadn't made a big thing out of it and let the whole thing go as quickly as it came. The two of you sat in silence for a moment as you finished up your ice cream. You took a bite of one of the chocolate pieces when Riki broke the silence like a knife:
"Are we on a date?"
Usually you were good at masking your feelings, covering them up with snarky replies or bitchy comments. But the question echoed through your mind, bouncing around your head and suddenly you felt extremely hot. Your breath caught in your throat and when you glanced over at Riki, he was pushing his spoon around his empty bowl before he looked up at you timidly.
"Um." What the fuck do I say? It wasn't like you minded the idea of it. However, Riki wasn't like you. He didn't fall for people two days after he met them. Or at least you didn't think so.
"I don't- I kinda-" Fucking hell. "It wasn't… intended to be a date. But. I don't, like, mind or whatever." You busied yourself by finishing up the last of your ice cream in hopes it would stop the furious heat in your chest.
Riki wasn't saying anything. Why wasn't Riki saying anything?
And then he did: "Okay."
"Okay." You muttered, the fire dying down and leaving a slightly empty void in its place.
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SYNOPSIS! trying to find a way to escape your shitty life, you decide to indulge in the new boy at school. what you didn't realise, is that you'd be on the run from murder with him a week later.
freya's notes hello everyone 👋 sorry this took so long to post ive been busy with my new job!!! but the next update might not be for a while until i get time to finish :( anyway i don't like this chapter at all it's very boring but the next one is much better and more interesting :D !!! pls be patient with me
taglist! @hafsa-hoofsa-heefs
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© dollriki 2022
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franks-law · 4 years
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Um we were,.....just ya know.....talkin’
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