#anyway in this scenario i just wanna imagine maybe mike asking will to meet in the swings
azuries · 2 years
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'cause boys don't cry
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Merry Crisis (a.i)
Pairing: Ashton Irwin (ft.5SOS) X Fem!reader (Dad!Ash)
Summary: Shopping is always stressful, but when you have a baby on the way... it can become a chaos, especially when you have 3 crazy best friends with you.
Warnings: Language. Fluff and some crackhead moments. Reader uses she/her pronouns. Mentions of Birth. Some grammar mistakes (English is not my first language, sorry)
Word count: 4.5 k
Author’s note: Hello! This is my first Holiday fic with 5SOS and it’s Ashton’s turn to shine (even tho each boy gets their moment) This was so fun to write, I did it on my sociology class (so maybe it’s not that perfect) and I love it very much and I hope you do too! Reblogs, feedback and comments are always welcome and encouraged! Support your writers! ❤️ Hope you like it and Happy Reading 🦋❤️
My materialist // wanna be on my tag list?
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Twas the evening before Christmas, the streets were filled with Christmas lights and the chill air of Los Angeles made everything cozier as families gathered around the fireplace and enjoyed the most peaceful of times…
This statement does not apply to our favorite band, tho.
Our four Australians were not enjoying a cup of hot cocoa with their families as they were supposed to, oh no. They were doing the most dreadful thing a person could think of doing the night before dear Santa came to visit: They were Christmas shopping.
In their defense - or at least Calum’s, Michael’s and Luke’s defense, this was all Ashton’s fault for he was the one that dragged them to the crowded mall in the middle of one of the busiest days of the year. And, in Ashton’s defense, it was not his fault that the store had called him in the middle of a recording session to tell him that they finally had the only thing he wanted for Christmas: A music box.
He just had to get it before everyone else.
“Why did we come all over here for a little music box?” Asked Michael as they stood at the end of the line for the register. How could they only have one register open? It’s Christmas for fucks sake! but then again, it’s Christmas for fucks sake, so they know that people should be with their families instead of working a poorly paid job.
“It was the last one!” Ashton claimed, admiring the little circular box in his hand “It’s a limited edition and I just had to get it for Y/N and for the baby”
His eyes lit up when your name escaped his lips. Not even a year ago did he officially make you his wife, but now you were carrying his child! People might think it was rushed, but for Ashton it was the complete opposite. He had his life made when he met you, knowing that he will marry you as soon as he could… he had to wait a few more years to do that, but he was extremely happy, more so now that your little family was expanding. He loved you and your child with all his heart, and the boys all knew that so they can't even be mad about it, even if he kidnapped them to the mall with the promise of some cinnabuns later.
“She had one of these when she was little” Ashton continued as he admired the little hand painted details of the box “It always played a little lullaby to help her sleep. But it broke a few years ago and she always complained about not having one like this for her kids one day… But now she will!” The black haired man smiled.
“Shit, that’s actually pretty sweet” Michael commented “Okay, you’re forgiven”
“I don’t know if I want to hug you for being the perfect husband, or to kick you in the balls for being the perfect husband and making the rest of us feel bad” Luke chuckled.
The four boys laughed at the comment and started talking about their plans for the Holidays as they waited for the line to move. The problem was, it has been fifteen minutes and the line has only moved once.
“How long is this line anyway?” Calum said, peeking over the side, furrowing his eyebrows as he noticed at least thirty more people waiting in front of them “Shit, this is going to take a while. That man has at least twenty plushies and eleven race cars”
“I don’t know how people could leave this kind of stuff for the last minute” Ashton huffed, earning a death glare from each of his friends “This one is different, tho! It was the last one!”
“I’ll give you a hundred bucks for that!” Someone said behind Luke, making him jump at the sudden surprise.
“What the-” Luke said, placing a hand over his heart.
It was a short man in a trench coat who pointed to the music box in Ashton’s hand.
Ashton furrowed his eyebrows and said to the man “Uh, not a chance mate”
“Two hundred?”
“Five hundred?” The man would just not cave and Ashton was getting fed up with it, luckily Calum noticed and hurried to say something before his friend started a scene.
“Hey, mr. Devito wannabe. He said no, so just go bother someone else. Okay?”
The man scoffed and turned his face to the side, stating that he was offended. The four Australians rolled their eyes and turned their backs to him once again.
Another fifteen minutes passed and the line barely moved. The guys were not talking anymore, running out of things to say past the twenty minute mark. Each of them were bored out of their minds, well all but Ashton at least, he was still gleaming with pride as he looked at the music box and created scenarios in his head and thought about the joy that would be mirrored in your eyes once you open it tomorrow morning.
After a few more minutes of silence, Luke was the first one to break it “I think I’m just gonna get a coffee and wait in the car. These boots are killing me today” He looked at Ashton as if to ask permission, but the dark haired man just shrugged and nodded, asking him to buy one for him as well and to leave it in the car.
Michael then added “Yeah, I think I’m gonna go and check the electronics this store has. I think I saw a new camera that would be perfect for my streams”
And that only left Calum and Ashton waiting in line. But about five seconds later, Calum opened his mouth.
“Yes, you can go explore, too” Ashton said with a sigh before Calum even got a chance to ask.
“Cool” The curly man said, patting Ashton on the back before muttering a ‘I’ll be right back’ Leaving him alone with the music box.
Ashton didn’t mind. In fact, he kind of enjoyed this time alone. It gave him plenty of opportunities to imagine a new future for the both of you next to your little baby boy or girl. He catched a glimpse of families walking around the mall, buying gifts or eating a snack as they smiled at each other. He couldn’t wait for that to be his new normal.
He remembered the time when you told him you were pregnant. You gifted him a special baby bodysuit that said “My daddy is the best drummer in the world and there is nothing you can do about it” next to your positive pregnancy test. Ashton always wanted to start a family, especially if it was with you, but he never expected it to be so soon. Yet, once he held the test in his trembling hands, he knew that this was the best thing it could’ve happened to him. He remembers how tearful he got the second his brain processes the information, quickly running up to you and pressing an earth shattering kiss to your lips, promising you and your baby that he would be the best father in the world.
And, as he held the little object in his hand, he already thought he was doing a pretty good job. He smiled to himself and thought about calling you. Not only did he want to hear your voice at this moment, but also because he wanted to check up on you. You were having tea with your best friend at the moment, but the pregnancy hormones were hitting pretty hard lately and he wanted to make sure you were doing alright.
But as soon as he got his phone out of his pocket, your name started glowing on the screen.
“Baby! I was just about to call you” Ashton said with a smile, loving this little coincidence.
“Ashton, is coming!” You said in an alarming tone. Ashton, however, did not understand what you meant.
“Yeah? I’m coming home soon, why are-?”
“No!” You cut him off “The baby, Ash! The baby is coming!”
Ashton laughed “Ha, ha very funny Y/N. But the baby isn’t due until three weeks from now”
“ASHTON FLETCHER IRWIN” You yelled through the phone, making Ashton pull away from the phone for a second “MY WATER BROKE AND THE BABY IS COMING NOW. SO GET YOUR ASS TO THE HOSPITAL BEFORE I-” A sharp pain ran through you as you were experiencing the contractions. Ashton could hear your distant groan and immediately went pale.
The baby was coming and he wasn’t ready.
“Ash, hello?” Your friend’s calm voice came from the other end “I’m gonna take Y/N to the hospital right now. I need you to meet us there, okay?”
“Fuck, okay. I’m on my way” He rushed to say before he ended the call.
“Hey, dude. What’s going-?” Michael said as he approached the black haired man who looked like he might throw up.
“The baby’s coming!” He said, trying to concentrate on his breathing before he hyperventilates.
“Hey, Mike, is everything-?” Calum came next, worried about his friends’ weird behavior.
The guitarist started wandering the electronics and new technologies hall. He was secretly glad he got away from waiting in line for what it looked like another hour, but at the same time he was glad he decided to accompany Ashton in his little quest.
The moment he knew you were pregnant he set himself to be the best uncle that little kid will have. He already knew that you and Ashton were going to be great parents, with the way in which you love each other it was hard to think otherwise. Michael was always up for anything you guys wanted to do for each other, from secret dates or help you sneak out after a concert, or even to plan gifts! He always took pride to know that he was part of your epic love story, even if it was with just a little favor.
Michael stepped into the videogame aisle like he usually does, but this time he went directly to the kid’s section, knowing that eventually your baby will want to play videogames with uncle Mikey and he will have to be ready with the most family friendly games he could find.
He started grabbing a few of them and reading the little summaries they had on the back, eventually deciding that he did not understand anything about children’s games and that he might have to ask around in order to find the best ones.
He went back to the electronics aisle and something caught his attention.
“Is that a real megaphone?” He asked one of the workers there “I haven’t seen one since 2014” He said, remembering the last time the boys ever let him play with one of those in the Good Girls video.
“Yeah! It’s the new model” Said the teenage boy that was in charge of that seccion that day “Wanna try it out?”
“Before that, can I go and show it to my mates? I won’t be gone for long, they are just down the checkout line”
“Sure!” The young man smiled and gave him the megaphone.
Michael had a big smile on his face as he started walking towards Ashton to show him what he found. But his smile dropped the minute he saw Ashton’s face grew a thousand times paler.
He carefully walked up to him and asked “Hey, dude. What 's going-?”
“The baby’s coming!” Ashton said, trying to catch his breath.
He hated the mall. He really did. There were always too many people, too much noise and the prices were always exaggerated. But he knew that he was here today for a good cause. Calum was not going to let his best mate down.
Ever since you came into Ashton’s life - and the boys’ life for that matter - he could tell that you were special. Not only because of the way Ashton talked about you all the damn time, but because of your energy, your passion, your kindness and obviously your undenying love for the drummer.
Calum was always the protective friend, always keeping his guard up for any new companion they boys might have. But with you it was different. The first time you two met was the day you instantly became best friends. He knew he could trust you to keep Ashton’s heart safe, and he knew that if Ashton ever broke your heart that he was going to have to kick his ass for being that stupid. Luckily, he wasn’t.
He was the first person (after Ashton, of course) to know about your pregnancy. He swore to himself that he would not let anything happen to his future godson/goddaughter. That baby was going to be the perfect mixture of his best friends, there was nothing in the world that could stop him from loving them just as much as he loves all of you. He even got them toys so they could play with Duke when they’re older! Needless to say that he was very, very excited.
As he wandered through the halls of the store he noticed a commotion next to the toys section.
A line of kids accompanied by their parents awaited in front of a huge chair decorated with fake snow and candy canes. Santa Claus was going to be there.
“Oh my god” A female voice said behind him “You are Calum Hood!”
Calum turned around and was faced with a young girl dressed as an elf looking at him like he hung the moon or something.
“That I am” He said with a smile “Hello, nice to meet you!”
“M-my name’s Lizza” The girl blushed “I’m a huge fan! Is it okay if- I mean, could I get a picture? Please?”
Calum smiled “Sure!”
Lizza squealed “Omg, okay. But, can we do it over there? The kids aren’t supposed to see me yet” She said, pointing to a corner with a curtain and some costumes, presumably Santa’s and his elves'.
Calum nodded and followed the girl, catching a glimpse of the Santa Claus outfit “Do you think I can wear that for the picture?” He asked. Honestly, he just wanted to know how it would feel like to dress up as Santa, knowing he would one day have to do it for your child.
“Of course!” The girl said, taking her phone from her purse and giving it to another elf so he could take the picture.
Once the picture was done, he started to strip off the big red coat, the white beard and the hat when suddenly he had an idea “Is it okay if I borrow this for a while? Maybe five minutes? I wanna prank some friends that are at the check out”
“I’ll give it back, I promise,” He said with a smile.
Lizza sighed “Sure! We have another one for emergencies”
“Cool, thanks Lizza”
Calum walked away with the fake beard, the warm coat and the hat, feeling cheeky as he approached the line.
“What?!” He heard Michael yell. And although Michael always yells, this one seemed important as his voice sounded concerned.
“Hey, Mike, is everything-?” Calum said, approaching his friends with a very confused face. But before he could even finish the question, Ashton looked at him with fear in his eyes.
This was not good. Not good at all. His wife is at the hospital about to give birth and he is still in the line of the fucking mall.
“Oh shit!” Calum said, looking frantically over the line that was still too long “OH SHIT”
“Okay calm dow- Is that a Santa costume?” Michael asked.
“Calm down?!” Calum said, panicking “My best friend is having a baby and you tell me to CALM DOWN?!”
“I’m having a baby…” Ashton said in a whisper, not really paying attention to what was going on around him “I’m having a baby”
“Not you!” Said Calum “Well... also you but I meant Y/N! She’s the one pushing it mate” But Ashton did not listen.
His whole world paused in that moment. Too many thoughts were running through his head as he tried to formulate a plan, any plan that would get him the quickest to you.
He thought he was doing a good job, he thought that he was going to be the best dad ever and now he was going to miss the birth of his first child because the line wasn’t fucking moving.
“Ash?” Michael called, but he wasn’t listening.
How could he screw this up so early in the game? Your baby wasn’t even born yet but he swore he could already feel their disappointment.
And you! How could you ever forgive him?! You will surely file for divorce once the baby is born.
“What?!” He yelled, looking at Michael who was shaking him by the shoulders.
“Fucking breathe man! You almost turn purple there”
Michael started breathing at an even pace, motioning Ashton to breathe with him and so he did “It’s going to be okay, don’t worry about it”
“How can you say that?!” Ashton almost cried “I’m not even a dad yet and I’m already screwing up! Who doesn’t show up to the birth of his child?”
Michael rolled his eyes, knowing his friend was just talking out of fear than out of reason, and shook him by the shoulders again “Listen to me, you are already a great dad! You were a dad even before Y/N got pregnant and you are not going to miss the birth of my nephew or niece. I won’t allow it. But first I need you to calm the fuck down!”
Ashton looked at Michael and swallowed the lump in his throat “What if I’m not ready? What if we’re not ready?”
Michael chuckled “You asked me the same question when you were about to walk down the aisle a year ago. You were ready even before you knew you were and this is not different”
But before Ashton could say something, Calum walked up to them again.
“There are fourteen people ahead of us” Said Calum, who had just run up to the start of the line “If we asked them to move, we might get there in time”
“Or maybe you could leave the music box to me…” The man with the weird vibe intervened.
“Fuck off DeVito!” The three Australians yelled.
Suddenly, a lightbulb got turned on on Michael’s head “I got an idea!”
A panicked Calum dressed as Santa and a very panicked Ashton watched as Michael ran out of the store for a second, only to come back pushing a Target cart “Get in!” He said jumping in the cart and motioning to Ashton to follow him.
Ashton jumped inside without asking any questions, not even when Calum started pushing the car or when Michael turned on his… was that a megaphone?!
“Attention ladies and gentlemen” Michael said through the megaphone, making every single person turn their heads towards them, as if two large Australians standing inside of a shopping cart being pushed by a very tattooed Santa Claus wasn’t stiking enough “We have a man that’s going to become a father at any moment now while his wife is in the hospital! Please let us through!”
Ashton does not know if it was the weird scene they caused, his desperate face or Christmas magic that made everyone on the line take a step back as Calum pushed them through the checkout.
Once they got there, the cashier took his money, too shocked to say anything else as Ashton yelled “Keep the change!” As they rushed through the doors and towards the parking lot with Calum pushing the cart at a great speed with all of his energy as all the other customers looked at them and wondered what the hell was going on.
“Mommy?” A confused random kid asked “Why was Santa pushing those men on the cart?”
His favorite Christmas playlist was playing in the car. He loved the holidays, but he hated Christmas shopping with his life. So he was very thankful that Ashton could understand this and let him wait in the car.
As he hummed through the song “His Favorite Christmas Story” he thought about the gift he got to your little unborn baby. As soon as he found out you were pregnant, he knew he had to spoil that kid rotten. Well, not that he knew he had to, but he wanted to. You and Ashton were the best people he has ever met, and he knew your little baby was not going to be different, so what’s wrong with giving that child the world they deserve?
A few months ago he talked to a friend of his that made customized presents made of crochet, so he asked if they could make a baby mobile to put over the crib. He also made sure to ask that the animals that were to adorn the mobile were your’s and Ashton’s favorites, and also throwing a little kangaroo in honor of their father’s homeland and a little penguin in honor of their future favorite uncle.
He smiled to himself as he thought he couldn’t wait to meet the little pal and how he couldn’t wait to start a family of his own. But his daydreaming got cut short when he heard a commotion coming from the mall’s doors.
Sirens were ringing and a lot of people stood and watched at whatever was causing the disturbance. He even had to take a double look because he thought he just saw Calum dressed as Santa Claus pushing a shopping cart with Ashton and Michael inside, the latter speaking with a megaphone in his hand. And indeed that is what he saw.
“LUKE START THE CAR” Michael yelled from his megaphone. And Luke, being the smart man that he is, did not ask questions as he did just that.
Soon enough, Calum Santa Claus was jumping inside of the car, followed by Michael and Ashton, who just sat in the front seat.
“What is-?” Luke tried to ask, but his three friends were quicker as they all said at the same time:
“The baby is coming!” “We needed to get the music box” “The line was too fucking long”
“Hurry up, dude!” Calum said, giving Luke a pat on his shoulder as he stared at them, very confused.
“Why didn’t you just leave the music box with one of them?” He said, motioning to his friends in the back “I could’ve come back for them after I dropped you off…”
The three Australians all looked at eachother like they were the most stupid people on the planet. Until Micahel turned on the megaphone again and said with a defeated voice: “Just drive”
The ride to the hospital was silent as Luke drove through the streets of LA at full speed. Michael even turned on the siren of the megaphone to make way across the traffic jam. How the hell they didn’t end up in jail? A Christmas miracle if you ask me.
Once they got there, Ashton was the first one to jump off the car, followed by his best friends as they ran through the hospital’s floors.
“Irwin!” He said, once they got to the maternity wing “Y/N Irwin! My Wife-”
Luke followed, almost knocking down Ashton as his boots slipped on the floor “His wife!” He said, almost out of breath.
“His baby!” Calum added, almost falling to the floor as he tripped over his foot.
And last but not least came a small “Help?” From Michael who was completely out of breath as he sat on one of the chairs in the waiting room.
The nurse, apparently not taken aback at the sudden outburst of three grown man and a Santa Claus in her waiting room, just smiled at Ashton and said: “Over here, Mr. Irwin. You are just in time, she just started dilating…”
But Ashton didn’t hear much as he walked behind her, anxious to see you and see your baby. Breathing heavily as he tried to calm his nerves before he got to your room. He gave one last look to his friends and smiled at them.
“You can do it man!” Michael said, giving him the thumbs up.
“You go Poppa!” Luke cheered.
“We will be here!” Calum said, feeling tears of pride gather up in his eyes as he watched Ashton turn into another hallway, ready to become the dad he always knew he could be.
“Did you actually steal a Santa costume?” Michael said as the other two sat down next to him.
“And you stole a cart and a megaphone so shut up”
A new family.
You watched with tired eyes as your husband held your baby girl in his arms.
“She is so tiny…” He said with fresh happy tears falling rolling down his cheeks. Ashton started crying as soon as he saw her little face and heard his heart shattering cry.
You almost thought that he wasn’t going to make it in time, afraid that you were going to have to get through the birth of your child all alone. But he came through the doors just in time and he did not let go of your hand for a second, even when you knew you were crushing it as you pushed.
“I love you so much” He said, just as he’s been saying for the past hours since he got here “I love you so much and I love her so much I- Thank you”
“Why are you thanking me, love?”
“For giving me the best gift of all” Ashton said as he laid next to you with your daughter curled up on his chest “You gave me the family I always dreamed of. I could never thank you enough for it”
He slowly lowered his head and pressed his lips to yours, showing you all the love that he could in only one simple kiss.
“Well, it’s not like you didn’t help on making this, you know?” You teased, making him chuckle “I should be thanking you, Ash.You and her are the best thing that has ever happened to me, I love you”
“I love you” He said, capturing your lips in another kiss as you let the music box play in the background, filling the room with the notes of your favorite lullaby.
“Should I let the boys in?” He asked as he passed your daughter back to you. You just nodded, not wanting to let your friends wait a second longer to meet your baby. “Oh, and just a heads up, Calum is dressed as Santa Claus and we might never be allowed on the mall again”
You laughed “I can’t wait to hear that story”
Ashton smiled as he got out of the room and walked towards where the boys were sitting. Once they saw him walk up to them, they immediately got up, all of them smiling proudly at the new - official, father of the band.
“Boys, come and meet our baby girl: Jane Elizabeth Irwin”
Tags: @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @talksoprettyjjx @mystic-232
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ghostnebula · 4 years
Let’s have some hurt Eddie with Richie trying to comfort him. Make me sad with all the feels 😢
Oh bby you KNOW that’s all I write ;)
The Losers are all supposed to meet at the clubhouse for family movie & game night (thanks to Richie’s transistor TV they can watch movies out there now). It’s a Saturday and Eddie is a typical amount of late. He always has to deal with an interrogation from his mom when she catches him trying to leave the house and they’re all kind of used to it by now. 
Except then he’s... late late. Like, they’re halfway through the movie and there’s no sign of him? Richie’s getting a little antsy because now it’s dark out and he’s imagining the worst (Eddie’s influence has made him an expert in catastrophizing). Is he lost in the woods? No way; they could find their way here with their eyes closed. Did someone get hold of him, the way Bowers used to? Even with him gone, there’s a little bit of evil and cruelty in most Derry residents, so there’s no such thing as total safety for them, especially not Eddie, who gets tripped in the hallways at school on a daily basis and who’s had to kick people twice his size in the nuts when they they tried to beat the shit out of him, and who’s had FAG and QUEER spray-painted on his driveway three times already this semester. 
So maybe he’s right to be imagining worst case scenarios. Maybe Eddie is dead in a ditch. Maybe someone finally made good on those threats carved into the benches at Bassey Park and the interior of the Kissing bridge, hidden in the shadows: “kill the homos” and “stick nails in eyes of all fagots” and other things, worse things, more gruesome the further you go. And maybe the way his heart is pounding and his lungs feel heavy is warranted, and so is the urge to go out there and find him, make sure he’s okay.
For once, he hopes Eddie’s been locked in his room for some trivial reason that only his mother understands.
He’s just standing to announce he’s leaving, all eyes turning to him, when the clubhouse door creaks open and Eddie’s favourite red running shoes appear at the top of the ladder, and Richie thinks that holy fuck he’s drunk on the relief that washes through him. 
Eddie hits the bottom of the ladder and everyone is staring at him, assuming he’s going to offer some kind of crazy explanation about why he’s late, but when he finally lifts his head his face is shining with tears, eyes swollen and cheeks splotchy, but he’s put on a smile anyway, a feeble little thing, and his voice is thick when he says, “Sorry I’m late.”
Richie’s across the clubhouse and standing in front of him in an instant, and it’s worse when he’s up close because he realizes the swelling around his eyes isn’t just from crying, but there’s purple creeping along under his eyebrow and spreading high across his cheekbone. Dark marks, like fingerprints, are scattered across his chin and jaw and down towards his throat, and some are elongated like pressure from the whole finger -- or maybe the whole hand -- was held for too long, and all around those are tiny bleeding crescents and longer, deeper scratches from fingernails. When he swallows Richie can see the discomfort in it, and his, “Hi, Richie,” is too taut. 
“C’mon,” Richie says, pressing a hand between his shoulders to direct him to the sofa where the Losers are lounging, and he’s shaking, just enough for Richie to feel under his hand, but he’s still keeping that brave face even while Bill moves to make space for them and Richie drags him down to sit with Eddie’s legs draped over his lap, half on top of him, an arm curling over his shoulders. He doesn’t have to ask to know. This might be the worst it’s been yet, and he knows they’re all wishing right now that Bev was around to help. She understands. She knows what to do, better than any of the rest of them. She’d know just what to say, not like Richie, whose parents would never, not even when he’s acting his worst. So what he says is, “It’s alright,” and, “I’m sorry.” 
He watches Mike’s hand slip slowly into Eddie’s where it’s resting on his leg and squeeze, and more silent tears slip down Eddie’s cheeks, face pressed to Richie’s shoulder, gaze unfocused. Mike can probably feel him shaking, too, and it kills them all to know there’s nothing they can do, because they’ve exhausted all their options, and all they’ve got going for them is that in the fall, they’re going to college together, and they’re all leaving this shithole behind and Eddie will never, ever have to see that bitch again. 
Eddie is eerily quiet while they sit there, Richie’s hand rubbing up and down his back, Stan pressed up close beside them. Eventually Richie grabs his other hand and curls their fingers together because Eddie’s own nails are biting into his palm and coming close to drawing blood. He doesn’t relax much but it’s enough. The credits roll on their movie, which no one is actually paying attention to anymore, but the quiet is tense, and finally Richie says, “You can talk to us,” but Eddie only shakes his head, biting down on his lip, and he’s too quiet; it’s almost scary. Richie looks at one of the bruises high on his throat and thinks he could kill Sonia Kaspbrak, he really could, despite his claims to pacifism and the little doodle on his new converse that says, “Make love not war.”
“We’ll stay here tonight,” Richie decides then and there, and there’s no dissent from anyone else, so when Eddie nods Bill starts delegating, directing the other Losers to go get the things they need from their houses, to get extra blankets and pillows, snacks and drinks, air mattresses and flashlights. They all ascend the ladder with promises to return shortly and then it’s just Richie and Eddie left curled up on the couch. 
The second the door closes Eddie makes a choked little sound and then he’s crying again, loudly this time, shoulders jumping with each breath, and Richie’s pressing kisses to his forehead and hauling him the rest of the way onto his lap, wrapping his arms around him like a vice, like he can hold him together. “I don’t wanna go back,” Eddie says against his shirt and Richie has to blink away his own tears. “She hates me. She hates me, Richie.”
Because even if she did love him once, so much that she was willing to hurt him to protect him, it’s gone now. Now that he’s embraced some vital truths about himself, even at the risk of his own safety. And this is the worst it’s ever been.
“Let’s leave, then,” he says without processing the thought properly. But he means it, he really does, and he doesn’t mean just the two of them. He means Bill, whose parents have been borderline catatonic since 1988 and left him to pretty well fend for himself. Stan, who’s father is just as bad as Eddie’s mother but in ways that don’t leave marks. Mike, who’s been the target of racism his entire life and who has to live looking over his shoulder with every step he takes. He knows they wouldn’t argue. They’ve already discussed it, albeit jokingly. 
They’ll pick up Bev on their way to nowhere and it’ll be the Lucky Seven against the world. They can manage with just the seven of them. They can find money, they can figure out food. They can get a cramped apartment and sleep on the floor, or cram themselves onto a bed so close together they can hardly breathe, and it’ll be just fine. It’ll be fine if they’re away from here and they can feel safe, and if Richie can know they’re all safe, can have them in arm’s reach at all times. 
“Please,” says Eddie, softly, breathing already slower, less like he’s verging on an asthma attack, and Richie commits himself to getting Eddie the fuck out of this town as soon as humanly possible right then and there, still holding him like he’s about to fall apart. 
“Okay.” Richie smiles a little and Eddie reflects it and it doesn’t look as strained as before, when he tips his head up to stare at him. “We’ll get you the hell out of Dodge. Get a nice mansion in L.A. Become rich and famous. It’ll be a huge middle finger to this garbage town.”
There’s a little puff of air against his throat that might be the beginning of a laugh. “Dream big, I guess.”
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takemealivelh · 5 years
i heard i can send mike requests so here i am. i got this from a prompt list so iMagine mike coming to the restaurant you work at and choose you as his waitress every time just to annoy you and you can’t do anything in retribution or you'll get fired 👀 pls make it enemies to lovers😭 im a bitch for enemies to lovers aus ngl ok bye ilysm❤
HONEY SORRY IT TOOK ME FOREVER but you know I wanna give you the best content I can create and you deserve!
I present to you: Raspberry Chocolate MilkshakeThe title is not the best but I think it sums it up pretty well.
ANYWAYS, I hope you enjoy it!
/special thanks to @angelbabylu for helping me with this! Best personal editor ever!/
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“Thank you for taking your time-”
“Fuck off, Clifford.”
“Wait, what did I do?”
Michael had been going to the same restaurant for a while now, and that interaction that took place three weeks into his newly found routine had been haunting him ever since.
He liked Chloe, she was nice to everyone and never yelled back at those men who tried to shame her for the uniform she had to wear. And she looked damn good in her uniform. The little black skirt hugged her hips close to perfection, the green button down complimented her skin colour. Her hair up in a snug ponytail let the dining lights define her cheekbones even more.
She hated it.
Chloe hated the way she had to suck in her tummy to zip up the skirt. She hated the roll of fat under her bra she had to deal with when buttoning up the polyester shirt. She hated how her eyes seemed to stretch into the back of her head when her hair was up. She felt like a tight blob during working hours, but she had to keep the smile on her face to keep earning the money.
Unfortunately, most money she made was when Michael was her customer. The musician who insisted on taking the wobbly stool at the end of the bar. The one who kept ordering drinks that weren’t on the menu. The man who took forever to decide what to eat, even if he’d been eating at the same place for nearly 6 months now, and then he changed his mind at the last minute.
“It’s all the same, Michael,” she tapped the pen on her notepad. Having been his personal waitress for long, they were already acquainted with each other’s quirks and manias. Her boss was both scared and excited about their interactions. She worried that Chloe was rude to the guitarist of 5 Seconds of Summer, but also liked that Michael seemed to enjoy it. “You can’t possibly find something that you haven’t tried.”
The bell of the diner rang to announce more customers had arrived. Chloe turned her head to the door and gave the family of three a friendly smile. Michael noticed her sudden change of demeanour and was crushed by how nice she could be, just as long as she wasn’t dealing with him.
“You always seem so happy to help me with my order, I feel honoured,” the words slipped out of his mouth in a playful matter, but really, he wondered when Chloe would actually be pleased to see him. Everyone loved her, and he could see why. Whenever a table got a cold meal and started complaining, Chloe would stand there and nod, listening to the others rant. She would apologize on behalf of the kitchen and promise to throw a couple of extra fries for the inconvenience. That always seemed to calm the worked up clients. She made sure every single shake she served had been topped with either three cherries or lots of chocolate sprinkles. Michael had never had to ask for another portion of whipped cream since he started having his lunch here. He took his whipped cream seriously.
“I love it that instead of helping me choose, your eyes are glued to that couple over there and their really cool kid that has a Pikachu hat.” Michael followed her gaze to the table with the family, a grin on his face.
Even when he tried to start a flirty banter, Chloe could only take it the wrong way. Maybe, if she wasn’t his waitress, she would flirt back. Maybe, she could take his words lightly and playfully nudge his shoulder before responding with something like, “My attention is valuable, Clifford. If you were wearing that hat I would even consider you cute.”
But she didn’t say that.
“So… the burger and a salad?” she jotted down his usual order and then walked away from him.
- - -
“Chloe! The stool is tumbling again!” Michael’s words echoed through the half-empty diner he’d been sitting in for the past hour. He so desperately wanted her attention, even if it came in the form of a frown. Her chest seemed to grow red when his voice hit her ears, also red now, and she set the broom aside before making her way to the end of the bar. She could feel her coworkers eyes on her. They kept teasing her that she needed to do something drastic, like ask Michael out on a date, or spill a shake on his pants so she would have to help him clean up.
The scenarios were several and varied, and none of them bothered her. But Michael could be such a jerk. Of course, the only reason he kept sitting on that shitty stool was so he could watch her bend down and stick another three sugar packets under the rickety metal leg.
Michael just enjoyed having her near, even if it was for a few seconds. He’d tried to spark up conversations about her job, but that only seemed to irritate her more. He’d tried to ask her about her hobbies or what she did in her spare time.
“My commute is 40 minutes long, Michael. I don’t have much time to spare,” was the closest he got to a real answer.
Chloe wiped the sweat droplets that had glided down her forehead, she stood up and shook the stool a little, it didn’t wobble. “There,” she whispered, immediately turning on her heels to go back to her chores.
That small movement, that uncalculated spin, caused her elbow to collide into Michael’s glass of raspberry-chocolate milkshake, the one she had begged the bartender to make even if it wasn’t on the menu. Michael’s eyes saw the fall in slow motion. Before he registered it, the liquid was all over his pants and her skirt.
“Fuck”, they mumbled at the same time. The faint laughter from the other side of the diner was obvious. That until they heard Chloe’s boss making her way towards them, apologizing for Ms. Clumsy’s earned title.
They were told to go to the back and they obeyed, getting whistles from the other waiters.
“I’m really sorry, Mike,” Chloe had never called him Mike and he noticed. She soaked and wrung out a cloth before handing it to him, “it was an accident.”
Her eyes wouldn’t meet his, he could tell she was embarrassed, but he wasn’t good at dealing with awkward situations smoothly. “Was it really? I thought you just wanted me here in the back without my pants on.”
Clearly, the joke was not amusing. “Oh, fuck off, Clifford.”
They remained quiet as they dampened their clothes, but the stain wouldn’t come off. He had a meeting in an hour, she had her mom’s birthday after work. The room was barely bright, crammed by boxes full of imperishable goods. Chloe didn’t want to do it, but she walked around a pile of boxes anyways, and took her skirt off. At the sound of the zipper being undone, Michael quirked an eyebrow. “What are you doing back there?” He wasn’t stupid, but he wanted to hear her say it. Besides, if she was taking off her bottoms, it wouldn’t be weird for him to do it as well. The damp cloth wasn’t working, he couldn’t see properly, his boxers were also getting wet. He was uncomfortable and just wanted to take the pants off.
“My mum’s turning 50 today.”
A sigh came from the other side of the room, Chloe was sat on a small box and trying to get the stain out of her skirt with better lighting in that position. “She’s big on birthdays and she doesn’t like it when I wear anything but formal when she has people over. This is her favourite skirt on me. It’s the only thing she would like me to wear. Otherwise, she’d shove me into this hideous yellow dress she has for special occasions. It is uncomfortable and if I can avoid wearing that, I will. I can’t go back home and grab a pair of pants because then I wouldn’t be there on time, and she hates unpunctuality. Even though, she’s never, ever on time. Ever.”
“So… ever?” Michael stripped off his pants and heard something unknown to him until now. A light chuckle.
Michael sat on a box and started working on the stain, the same way she was doing, trying to reach better lighting. He didn’t say anything else, this was the most she had told him about herself. This was the girl he had wanted to get to know for months now, but hadn’t been able to because any word that slipped from his lips seemed to annoy her.
Another sigh. “It’s not like I’m scared of her, because I’m not. I just want her to be happy today. She has a perfectionist side, maybe I got it from her, and I don’t want her to be bitching tonight about me not wearing something she likes. It’s not the point of tonight, is it? She’s been so scared of turning 50. I’ve told her that she’s not old and all of that, but I don’t think that’s what scares her. I think she regrets not doing all the things she wanted to do before turning 50, you know?”
Michael hesitated for a second, he wasn’t sure if the question was rhetorical or not.
“I don’t wanna be like that. It sounds exhausting,” she huffed and scrubbed the black skirt clean. “You’re not going to have that problem, Mike. I don’t think you will. And if you do, just remember that time you were in your twenties and had to sit in a gloomy room with no pants, listening to some waitress talk about her 50-year-old mum.”
That small chuckle again. Michael could feel his chest growing warmer. “Uh… I guess I’ll have to strike this off my bucket list,” he laughed lightly, she followed, he gained confidence. “Actually, I’m still scared.”
Chloe’s silence served as fuel to continue his train of thought out loud.
“I’m, uh… I’m scared that I’ll reach 50 and I’ll feel like that. I’m doing a lot of shit, Chloe. Like… a lot. And it’s fun, I’m having a great time and I’m putting all my energies into doing the things that I love but… what if I wake up being a 50-year-old man feeling unfulfilled? I know it’s crazy, but-”
“It’s not crazy.”
Michael rested his head against the wall behind him and sighed. He had never told this fear to anyone. “Thank you, Chlo,” he rocked his head towards her side of the room and caught a glimpse of her ponytail.  No other words were exchanged. For the first time, he enjoyed the stillness between them, unspoken complicity.
They put their garments back on when they were semi-dry and half-decently unstained. Chloe took a deep breath to suck her stomach in and zip up the skirt, Michael brushed the dust off his pants when he stood up. They felt closer to each other somehow. She hated to admit it, but Michael was actually a nice person. Once she let her guard down and was willing to accept his words, he was pleasant company. She’d been so hard on him. His awkward way of dealing with social situations wasn’t the best, but she didn’t make it easier either.
“Hey, Mike,” Chloe turned to face him before she opened the door back into the diner. His green eyes glistened through the pathetic fluorescent lightbulb. She seemed nervous, a cute kind of nervous, and he was eager to hear what she was about to say. “Do you…” she cleared her throat, “… do you want to go out sometime?”
“Oh my…” Michael’s laugh made her stomach drop and he noticed the flush on her cheeks, “Chloe, I’ve been trying to ask you out for months now! I can’t believe you beat me!”
@brown-eyedshell @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt @myloverboyash @hopeless-renassianceluke @dukesnumber1 @rip-lukes-balsamic @angel @cal-pal-cuddles @ashtons-favorite @1dthewantedlove  @problematicprincessa@heartbreak-5sos @bloodmoonashton @lilacsos @irwinkitten @singt0mecalum @sublimehood @sugarcoated-pain @5sosnsfw @cal-puddies @lashtoncurls 
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tattooedsiren · 7 years
breaking rules (harvey/mike) - for goddamnmikeross
Harvey’s first inkling wasn’t even really an inkling. It was more of a tilted head and a “Huh?” as he approached Jessica’s office to see Mike already in there. Jessica was at one end of the couch, Mike at the other, and they were smiling as they chatted. Harvey couldn’t see any files or paperwork, so he wasn’t sure what they were talking about. And if he didn’t know better he’d think it wasn’t work related.
But Harvey did know better, because what could Jessica and Mike possibly have to say to each other that wasn’t work related? So he walked into the office without a second thought.
They were laughing, and Mike looked over his shoulder at Harvey’s entrance, still smiling. He looked back to Jessica and said, “I’ll leave you to it.” He then stood and walked out of the room without another word, as though the whole thing was totally normal.
Harvey and Mike were discussing trial strategy. Heatedly. Okay, let’s call a spade a spade: they were arguing, voices raised as they each tried to convince the other that they were right.
That was the thing about people as smart as Harvey and Mike: they always thought they were right, and were stubborn as hell about it.
Mike ran out of steam first. His face fell as he said, “Why don’t you trust me?”
That wasn’t it. Not at all. Harvey trusted Mike more than anyone in the world. But Mike’s idea, smart as it was, was extremely risky. And when Harvey Specter was calling an idea too risky, then you knew it was bad.
“Mike, you know that isn’t it. I trust you, beyond all others, and I admire your passion. But this could backfire on us so quickly and if he-”
“What’s going on in here?” Jessica demanded. They turned to find her walking into Harvey’s office. “I’ve had three separate calls about you two causing a scene.”
Harvey rolled his eyes. “I hardly think discussing trial prep is causing a scene.”
“With you two, anything is possible.”
For some reason that made Mike smile. And then he said, “It’s fine, Jessica. Harvey was just convincing me of the merits of his plan. That’s what we’re going with. It’s all good.”
“If you’re sure,” Jessica said, and her voice was impossibly soft, as though she was genuinely concerned that Harvey had been bullying Mike about it. Which made no sense, because not only would Harvey never do that (and Jessica knew it), but why was Jessica suddenly so concerned about Mike’s emotional well being?
Mike nodded. Jessica smiled at him before she turned to Harvey and said, “Be nice.”
Harvey could only gape at Jessica’s retreating back.
Harvey started to get suspicious when he saw Mike and Jessica outside of work together one morning.
He had an early meeting, and ordinarily would’ve gone straight to his client’s office, but he’d forgotten some paperwork on his desk so had to come into work first to collect it. As he was leaving the building he noticed Jessica’s car pulling up to the curb down the street. A minute later, as he stood by the side of the road, idling looking around while he waited for Ray, he looked back and saw not only Jessica but Mike enter the building. Together.
They looked chummy, both holding cups of coffee in their hands while they walked and talked. Whether they just happened to meet up in front of the building or they arrived together, Harvey couldn’t say. But what he did know was that something was going on. And he didn’t like it.
Harvey watched.
He’d never been a dismissive or unobservant man. You didn’t get to be the best closer in the city - not to mention a damn fine poker player - without being able to pick up on the little things. And yet, the more he made a point of looking for any sign of a changing relationship between Mike and Jessica, the more he couldn’t help but wonder if, when it came to certain people, he didn’t have a massive blindspot.
Because now that he was looking, he noticed all sorts of things. They were much more relaxed around each other than before. Harvey had seen Mike literally turn heel and flee when he saw Jessica approaching before, only now he not only remained in place but smiled warmly at her approach. With some careful yet seemingly nonchalant questioning Harvey discovered that Mike knew Jessica’s coffee order and her favorite breakfast food and even where she lived.
But the final straw, the one thing that convinced him that something was going on that he didn’t know about, came unexpectedly one Friday morning. Harvey and Jessica were sitting on the sofa in his office, strategizing about how to fix Louis’ latest mistake, when Mike walked in. In Mike’s defense, he didn’t just walk in and make himself at home. When he saw they were talking about something that didn’t concern him he turned to leave, but Jessica stopped him, saying they were just about done.
Jessica stood, looking down to Harvey and saying ominously, “Just fix it.”
Harvey nodded, his mind already racing with different ways he could put Louis in his place, to the point where he was so distracted he very nearly missed what happened next.
“I see the devil’s wearing Prada today,” Mike said to Jessica, smiling.
Harvey raised his eyebrows at Mike’s insolence. But Jessica didn’t seem mad or offended. If anything, she seemed amused. “I felt it only fitting. I’ll see you tonight. Don’t be late.”
Mike gasped in exaggerated offence. “When am I ever?”
Jessica just smiled at him as she left Harvey’s office, and Harvey could do nothing but stare after her retreating form, completely baffled.
When Mike looked back to Harvey he seemed genuinely confused by Harvey’s reaction. “What?”
Harvey wanted to demand Mike tell him what the hell was going on, but seeing Mike standing there looking at him like that he just couldn’t bring himself to. And to be honest, he was starting to worry something was going on that really shouldn’t be, and if that was the case it was probably better if he went to Jessica rather than Mike. So instead of demanding the answers he desperately needed Harvey shook his head and said, “Nothing.”
“Okay, well, do you wanna know what my awesome brain discovered while researching last night…”
Harvey wasn’t an idiot. He knew something was going on with Jessica and Mike. He just didn’t know what. Every scenario he imagined, every possible explanation he conjured, they all just felt wrong. So Harvey decided - he was just going to flat out ask Jessica. He was going to find out if she’s taking advantage of Mike, maybe remind her about the rules Pearson Hardman had against fraternization between ranks that she herself put in place. He’s going to shut this thing down once and for all.
As much as he wanted to storm right over there and demand answers he waited until the following night, remembering Jessica’s comment about them having plans that night. But when he arrived late on Saturday evening and he knocked on Jessica’s apartment door it swung open to reveal someone who wasn’t Jessica on the other side.
It was Mike.
Harvey hadn’t prepared for this, and despite his renowned ability to think on his feet all the possible excuses he could have for being there somehow disintegrated before they became fully formed. He couldn’t have this conversation with Jessica while Mike was here, and Mike just standing there like answering the door at Jessica’s apartment was the most natural thing in the world really didn’t help either.
“Harvey,” Mike said brightly, “what are you doing here? Do you wanna come in?”
Harvey took a step backwards, shaking his head. “Sorry for interrupting,” he muttered.
Mike looked back over his shoulder for a moment before returning his attention to Harvey. “Harvey, it’s-”
But Harvey couldn’t listen, couldn’t hear anything other than the blood pounding in his ears, his whole body seemingly revolting against the sight before him. He shook his head again and turned tail, ignoring Mike’s voice as it called after him.
He made it to the end of the block before he felt someone’s fingers wrapping around his forearm, and he turned to see Mike standing there, breathless from having run after him.
“Is Jessica pressuring you?”
Mike seemed taken aback by the blunt non sequitur, staring at Harvey for a moment before he started laughing. “No, of course not, we-”
“Oh, so it’s mutual then? God, Mike, do you know how wrong this is?” he demanded, all the simmering rage he didn’t even know he had within him suddenly exploding.
Mike just looked at him for a moment. “Why is it wrong?” he asked haltingly.
Harvey didn’t actually have any reasons, none that he could articulate anyway. All he knew was this feeling deep in his soul that it was wrong.
Mike was raising an eyebrow, waiting, so Harvey said the first thing that came to mind. “Because she’s too old for you.”
“She isn’t that much older than you,” Mike pointed out, as though it was somehow relevant.
“And it’s against the rules.”
“Do you really care about that?”
Harvey tried to come up with another reason but his mind was completely blank. He tried, started several sentences that were abandoned after a couple of words when he realized he didn’t have anything to follow them up with, and after a few aborted attempts Mike took a step forward, putting his hands up to get Harvey to stop stuttering.
“Harvey, do not interrupt me this time, just let me explain, alright?”
Harvey reluctantly agreed, bracing himself to hear about how he and Jessica were working together late one night and how one thing lead to another and then…
“We aren’t sleeping together. We aren’t dating or in a relationship or anything like that, okay? We watch Meryl Streep movies together. That’s it.”
It took a few moments for Harvey to try and work out what Mike was talking about, because it sounded like he just said that they hang out and watch Meryl Streep movies together, and that couldn’t possibly be right.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Remember when I helped Jessica on the VTIS lawsuit?” Harvey nodded, so Mike continued, “Well, we were working together in her office one night and I was reading through depositions and one of the employees names was Madeline Ashton. It was late, I’d had way too many Red Bulls, so without even thinking I just said, out loud, ‘My Ass! I can see my Ass!’ - because Madeline Ashton was the name of Meryl Streep’s character in-”
“Death Becomes Her,” Harvey supplied.
“Exactly,” Mike grinned. “Anyway, so I said the line, and without even blinking Jessica responded with ‘And there's something really wrong with your neck too’. So we started talking about the movie and how much we loved it, which other Meryl movies we loved and so on, and it sorta … somehow … evolved into us having movie nights to work our way through her entire back catalogue.”
It was the most ridiculous thing Harvey had ever heard in his entire life, but he also knew it was the truth. He felt suddenly stupid for imagining the worst, and he sheepishly admitted, “That is not what I was expecting.”
“I know,” Mike said, chuckling. “You thought we were having an affair or something. And you sounded kinda jealous about it actually.”
“I did not,” Harvey automatically exclaimed, but when Mike continued to look skeptically at him Harvey took a moment to really think about it - all of his confusing feelings, his ridiculous behavior - and he realized that they only really make sense if Mike was right, if he was jealous. “Okay, maybe I was a little jealous.”
Mike’s eyes widened, like he was surprised that Harvey admitted as much and didn’t want to scare him into taking it back. “Just to be clear,” he said, taking a small step forward, “it's not because you’re secretly in love with Jessica, is it?”
Harvey couldn’t stop the slow quirk of his lips into a smile even if he wanted to. “No.”
“So all those things you said, the reasons for not being able to have a relationship, did you mean them?”
“Yes, I meant them. And they’d apply just as much to you and me as they’d apply to you and Jessica.”
“Oh,” Mike said, deflated.
But then Harvey leaned forward and kissed him. Mike made a noise of surprise before getting with the program, wrapping his arms around Harvey’s shoulders and pressing their bodies together and shamelessly deepening the kiss. Harvey’s head spun, completely overwhelmed by how right it felt to have Mike like this. And even though he’d only just realized he’d wanted Mike in this way it still felt like he’d been waiting for this for a long time, his whole life actually.
When they finally broke apart, foreheads pressed together and breathing the same air, Harvey said, “Just because those reasons exist doesn’t mean I’m going to listen to them.”
Mike huffed out a laugh. “We’ve been breaking rules since the day we met. Why stop now, right?”
“Right,” Harvey agreed, kissing him again.
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