#he starts apologizing profusely to will with how hes been acting and hurting him
azuries · 2 years
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'cause boys don't cry
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thisonehere · 4 months
Can you please write Raiden, liu kang, bi Han, kuai liang and kenshi getting into an argument and it hurts the reader’s feelings? But in the end it gets soft with make up sex? 🥺
You Got it!
Mk Men arguing with their S/o
A/n: Thank you much for making this request, I loved writing this. I leaned into a more dark version of each character for a certain extent so that was real fun. Tags: MK1, MK AU, Request, Angst+Smut C/w: Dark Raiden, Make-up sex, toxic, verbal abuse and emotional manipulation (side-eyes Bi-Han), love bombing (Side-eyes Bi-Han again), G/n reader
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He has always been a quiet and level-headed man. You have never known him to angrily raise his voice; the concept seemed impossible.
But, as Raiden said, "Change is a constant in the universe." You notice a subtle and gradual shift in Raiden's personality. He started being more lunt and closed off, he often had his face scrunched into a sort of bitter expression, as well as his lightening sometimes turning red for some reason.
You were aware that, as the champion of Mortal Kombat, Raiden had many responsibilities he had to attend to, so it's no doubt stressful. But you can't help but notice his new personality is often directed at you. Raiden has driven himself into a frenzy attempting to keep Earthrealm safe, and that has not had the greatest of effects on his mental state. He seems to have forgotten himself and his love for you.
The argument starts when you make a mistake. Maybe you spilled milk or you broke a vase. Just a minor slip-up that wouldn't earn anything more than a chuckle and then you move on. But Raiden reacted much differently, he snapped at you, berating you. "What is wrong with you? Can't you do anything right for once in your life!?"
You are taken by surprise by this, you didn't expect him to just yell at you. Unsure of what to do, you talk back, attempting to calm him down. But he refuses to relent, he stays on his tirade. His insults get deeper and deeper as he brings up things you had no idea he was holding onto. You try your best to defend yourself, and before you know it, you two are screaming at each other.
Your eyes are blinded with tears as you start to sob, struggling to even form sentences at this point. The way Raiden was suddenly acting, hurting you felt your heart sting with pain. You turn your back to him and race to your room slamming and locking the door behind you. You fell to your knees as your sobbing and whimpering got worse.
It was at this moment that Raiden finally snapped out of it. The red light cleared from his eyes as everything became clear again. The way he has been acting, the way he has been treating you, it horrifies just what he has become.
He goes to your door, hoping to apologize and make things right, but he hesitates. He hears your cries and he can't do it. His heart begins to grow heavy as he realizes that he just might have ruined your relationship, this beautiful thing you had together, gone.
That night he sleeps on the ground outside your door desperately close to the door. Clinging to it like it your life depended on it. When morning comes and you finally open your door, Raiden is outside waiting for you. His perks up as he looks at you.
"Y/n, forgive me, I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to..." But he is interrupted when he looks at your eyes. They are so puffy and red that it is obvious that words won't do anything to fix this. He stares hopelessly into your eyes.
You tell Raiden how badly he made you feel. Raiden feels his heartbreak at seeing how badly he hurt you. He holds you as you cry and apologizes profusely.
Once you calm down, Raiden tells you how much he loves you, how special you are to him. He softly kises you on the lips.
Now you both lay naked in it, your bodies writhing against and inside each other. Outside, a thunderstorm begins to stir.
Raiden has never been an expert at sex, but he has always tried for you. He went steady and gentle, making not to be too rough you. He holds you tight as if he's going to lose you.
As he finishes inside you, you feel a buzz of electrical current vibrate throughout you. It doesn't hurt somehow, instead, it makes the climax even better causing you to scream.
You lay there for some time, Raiden holds you close and tight as if he is going to lose you. He stared into his eyes and you into his "Y/n, the way I acted was not right, I'm sorry." He says his voice stern, yet loving and soft at the same time. "Y/n, you are as important to me as Earthrealm, I love you. Never forget that, please."
Liu Kang
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Things haven't been going well between you and Liu ever since you found out he was the titan that rebooted the timeline. A drift formed between you two the moment he told you.
You couldn't help but think of every tragedy and traumatic event that ever happened to you, to the people not just around you, but everyone around. You think how he was responsible for them. This causes you to view Liu in a new light. You start to be distant with Liu, avoiding more often, keeping your conversations to minimum, etc.
It is very unlike Liu to lose his temper and raise his voice in anger, especially towards you. But this night was like no other. You sudden treatment towards him has left him upset with you. It's obvious that he's trying to be polite, but the contempt he's now is feeling for you shows how distant and apathetic he is to you.
The tension in the air is thick, so thick that not even a Shokan could get through it. You try to make small talk to get him to loosen up, but still retain his cold demeanor.
Finally, he lets it out, he tries to be calm with you, but he gets more violent as things gradually continue. You are taken by surprise by how quickly he springs this onto you. "In all my eons of living, I have never come across such an ungrateful cretin such as you."
And in an instant you two are yelling at each other. The room literally shakes with Liu's anger and fire begins to erupt from his body, but you are so caught up in your own rage that you fail to notice. "Of all the mistakes I've made with this timeline, bringing you back was one of them!" He screamed at you.
The room went silent at that moment. You stared at Liu Kang, you eyes grew and tears began to form within them. Liu realized at that moment that he messed up. "Y/n...I-" He says, reaching out to hold your hand. You don't even care to listen anymore as you turn from him and run to your room.
As you sit onto your bed, you feel the tears beginning to fall. Your face falls into your hands as you begin to sob uncontrollably as well as hyperventilate. You loved Liu, but that didn't change the fact that he was a titan. The concept that he had more power in a single finger than the elder gods, that he could do whatever he wanted and you couldn't do a thing about it. that both scared and angered you. Him saying those words didn't make things better.
"Y/n, my love, I am sorry." You jump as you hear Liu suddenly right next to you. Liu senses you panic and he gently shushes you as he pulls you close. Liu's soft words combined with his warm touch oddly calms you down and your tears slowly begin to slow down. He wraps his arms around you and you melt into him, your breathing become in-sync with his. "I'd rather die than hurt you, Y/n, you mean everything to me."
He lifts you up with ease and he sits you onto his lap and he kisses on the lips, neck and even your chest, you gasp as you can feel the hard bulge in his pants.
Liu lets you get on top of him to let you know that have control of the situation, he moans at the way you handle his length inside of you. "By the Gods, you're so perfect, he moans.". The world outside seems to act strange. The wind picks up at a rapid rate, the earth shakes slightly, thunder forms in the sky. As you both scream at the climax a giant thunderclap erupts that shacks everything.
You lay on Lu's chest as you try to catch your breath, his strong arms wrap around you and you melt into him once again. You listen to his heartbeat as you begin to fall asleep, a feeling of safety and love encompasses you as you do.
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It is no surprise that you're here, there had been tension between you and him for the longest time. You don't know how it started, maybe you said something, made him jealous, or questioned his leadership, all you know is that Bi-Han is upset and you know him to have a short fuse.
You try to walk on eggshells because all it takes is a little pinprick and he'll explode. Unfortunately, no matter how hard you try you still wind up here. Bi-Han's fuse eventually runs out and he snaps. Now, you are in your home cowering as Bi-Han screams at you. "You pathetic little whelp! Even a bitch is more useful than you!"
Though you're scared of Bi-Han, you are as equally angry with him. Here he was berating, shaming, hurting you, yet he insisted that he loved you. You have had enough and you yell back at him.
This caused Bi-Han to get even more angry at you for "defying" him. Before you know it, you two are yelling at each other. Bi-Han grew so angry that he began to say things that should have never been said, personally things that you thought he'd never say.
"Get out! I never want to see you again!" You scream as you rush to your room, hot tears falling down your cheeks. These words sting in a way he never could have anticipated. He angrily follows you, but he is stopped when you slam the door in his face.
Hours pass and you stay locked in your room, unable to go back out and face him. After a few moments, you hear a gentle knocking outside your door. "I'm...sorry." You hear, the first time he's said those words in a long time. "Please, talk to me." He begs, trying his best to sound soft and gentle. Bi-Han had been brought with you since you first got with him, so to him trying to be gentle, it sounds so wrong...yet right at the same time.
You slowly open the door. And there he is, on his knees. "I know I'm not easiest of men to deal with...But I just love you so much I-" He pauses, it's obviously killing him inside having to do this. "Please don't push me away, Y/n, I need you."
You sigh as you let into your room and onto your bed. You tell Bi-Han about how you feel, trying your best not to berate him and start arguing with him all over again. It feels good to finally let it all out without having to scream.
You feel a chill rush throughout your body when Bi-Han gently touches the side of your face. He pulls you in for a kiss, and you feel his surprisingly warm embrace encompass you, suddenly you forget why you were upset with him as a new feeling arises in you.
Moments later he's on top of you displaying his "love" for you. He showers you with compliments and affirmations of the unending love and adoration he feels for you as he fills you with his manhood. He does it so much to the point that it all gets overwhelming after a while.
he doesn't let go of you even after he finishes, he tenderly holds your face. His usually grumpy, frowning face has a twinkle in his eyes as he looks into your eyes. "I love you, Y/n," he says with a sigh "Don't ever leave me."
Kuai Liang
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Kuai has always been the opposite of his brother, cool, collected, emotionally stable, and available. But things were different now. There has been tension between you since your defection from Bi-Han.
Creating an entirely new clan hasn't been easy, and that stress was showing through the cracks in your relationship. You spent less time together and talked less, the passion in your relationship was slowly dying out. Kuai especially grew more frustrated and stressed. He began to bottle up his emotions and repress his feelings.
But as you can imagine, that is not a healthy way to handle things. His emotions were bound to overflow at some bound and spill out. And unfortunately, you were the one they spilt out on.
The Argument starts about something so minuscule and unimportant like one of you not washing the dishes or not taking the trash out. Something that would usually be ended calmly and rationally.
But right now neither of you felt like being calm or reasonable, especially Kuai. Things escalated quickly to the point that you were just screaming at each other. Things were getting so heated to the point even you wanted it all to end. But Kuai continued, he continued to get more brutal with his insults. "By the Elder Gods, I can't stand you! Harumi would never be like this!"
Kuai finally stopped when he finally looked at you, he saw the tears streaming down you face and froze. He was so angry a few minutes ago, but now, seeing you like this, he forgets all that he was upset about. "Y/n..." He said, now coming back to his sese, "I'm sorry, I-" but before he could finish you storm away from you.
"Beloved, wait, please." Kuai says as he quickly catches up you and grabs your wrist. He grips you too hard and it hurts your wrist causing you to cry in pain. "I'm sorry, I didn't to!" He said, quickly retracting his hand.
He looks to you, he sees how hurt you are, and a great pain swells up in his hear. He takes his hands and gently cups your face and gives you a tender look. "I shouldn't have said any of those things. Y/n, I love you more than life. I couldn't be here where I am without you, I can't live without you." He says. Kuai brings he face to yours and you feel the soft touch of his lips.
You are now on the bed on top of him. He coos and whines as you ride him. "Gods, love you so much." He moans as he grips at your hips as they move in a circular motion. You feel an amazing rush of feelings as you feel his soft, warm skin clashes against yours. No doubt the Shirai Ryu can hear your cries as you both finish.
You fall to your back next to him exhausted, you can still feel lingering remnants of his warmness inside of you. Kuai softly holds your hand and wistfully looks to you hoping that you'll return his gaze. "Y/n, Know that no matter what, it is you who has my heart."
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This was bound to happen, no matter how much you both wanted to go on thinking that things were perfect forever. Kenshi had a very brutal upbringing thanks to the Yakuza, even though he is from them, old habits often come back. Such as him sometimes having a short temper. This time was a good example of that.
You don't know how things started, the night was going so well but then something happened that undid that peace. One minute you were laughing and the next you were bickering. Kenshi was the main one leading the argument while you just retaliated to his remarks and slights.
As you continue to argue, Kenshi's anger gets the better of him and before he knows he says things that go too far. "God, you're such a....a...God, Damn it!" He began to get violent, throwing things, punching holes in walls, etc. His violent outburst hurts you, both physical and verbal, and has a surprising effect on you. You turn your back to him, you try your damnedest to fight off the tears. But you can't help it, the way Kenshi is acting hurts on an unbelievable level. you feel your eyes burn with the tears filling them.
Kenshi can sense the sudden pain he has caused, even without Sento he can tell he has hurt you. He hears your sobbing and he he is at a lost for words. He wants to say something, reach out to you, but he just can't find the right words.
He just stands there as he listens to you running to your room and slamming the door behind you. He walks over to a couch and sits there and thinks. he sits there in the dark for hours, he hears your muffled sobbing in the distance, he feels his heart break.
After some more time passes you finally finish cry for the most part. Your eyes are puffy and your nose is red and sore from wiping your nose so many times. You suddenly hear a voice in your, Kenshi's voice *Y/n, please come to me*. You open the door and there Kenshi is, holding a bouquet with your favorite flowers. "Y/n, I should've never spoken to you like that, I love you and want this to work, believe me, I do."
To both of your surprise, you rush into his arms. Though confused, he holds you close and lifts you off the ground and spins you around. He cups your face, enjoying how soft your skin feels, you must be so beautiful right now. He comes close passionately and kisses you.
He lifts you off your feet again and carries them to the room that lays you onto the bed. He takes your clothes off, kissing your body up and down, from your neck to your thighs. He is on top of you moments later thrusting his "sword" inside of you. You are overwhelmed with the passion and care you feel Kenshi pouring into you. At one point his hand goes to your throat to choke you, he quickly retracts his hand when he is able to think."Sorry, force of habit."
After an unknown time of passion, Kenshi remains above. he takes your hands and tenderly kisses both of them. How he wishes he could see you at this moment, to see your smile, to know that you're okay. "You have my heart, Y/n," he sighs "No matter what, I will always love you."
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mrsnancywheeler · 4 months
Whatever you do don’t imagine Finnick and his sweet girl becoming intimate for the first time after she is sold. Don’t imagine how as soon as she feels his hands on her she cracks, don’t imagine how Finnick fears reminding her of all the clients, don’t imagine Finnicks sweet girl apologizing for not being able to give him that part of her, don’t imagine how she fights the urge to disassociate during it, don’t imagine how Finnick feels when he realizes that.
Okay…bye :)
tw nsfw and trafficking related trauma
there will be more discussions of this later on in the river but for now...
but I'm definitely not thinking about how
it's just so natural, the two of you have spent your day flirting, laughing, and you're just both in bed. you've been leaving light kisses all over each other's face, light enough to be slightly ticklish and then finnick is actually kissing you. at first it's fine, but then he's deepening it and he's already on top of you so you can feel him growing hard. how his hand that was on your hips is so close to your waist band when you're pulling away. it's too much and you're desperately wishing you weren't, but you're tearing up.
he's looking at you, confused for less then a second when he realizes what it is and off of you as fast as he can be. "I'm so sorry." And he feels so guilty for kissing you like that, for getting turned on by you.
but you're upset with yourself, he's so patient, loving, kind and you can't even be intimate with him. "No, I'm sorry, you deserve better and I really wish I could."
"You don't have to be sorry at all, sweet girl." And he's giving you tissues, making tea, making sure you have all the softest blankets, anything you need to try and help you feel somewhat better.
it takes so long for you to want to be intimate like that again and everytime you notice he might be in the mood, even though he doesn't mention it and acts like he's not, you apologize profusely for not being able to be that girlfriend which he always shuts down, soft kisses to push away your tears
nor am I thinking about
eventually one day you realize you might be finally ready, to be with him in that way again, to give the part of you that's been so hurt to someone willingly
you're sitting by each other on the couch, reading, when you softly take it from his hands and sit in his lap. he laughs lightly, "what do you need, sweet girl?" and you're kissing him and he's kissing back. it's nerve wrecking but you want him so bad, and you feel like you're finally able to try and have that. you're not sure if you can say it so you're just slowly starting to grind on top of him and eventually his hands are on your legs and he's pulling his lips away. he's getting hard and feels so guilty for it, "honey-"
"I want you, Finn." And he's staring at you long and hard trying to decipher if you mean it or just feel obligated because of how long it's been, he dreads you feeling that way. but your eyes are so pleading..
"are you sure?" you're nodding, "because we can stop at any time, I don't want to make you uncomfortable." He's nervous that he'll mess it up, he's wanted you for so long, missed the intimacy and hated himself for it.
"I'm sure." And later he's got you laid out on the bed and he'd ever so carefully taken off you clothes, kissed each part of you, praised you, muttered endless I love you's so you knew how much you meant to him. he needs you to feel loved but used. you're so grateful for it, but also you he's so slow and gentle that it's had you much to worked up with anticipation. "finnick, I'm not made of glass." you say it ever so softly.
"I know, sweet girl, I know. I just don't want to make you think of them, need you to know how much I care. You'll tell me if something's wrong right? I need to know if you need to stop and it's okay if you do."
"of course I'll tell you, Finn." and it would've been true if your body hadn't decided to go on autopilot. the moment he's finally slipped inside you, your brain takes it as a queue to leave. you don't want to, he's so sweet, and you're enjoying it, but your fighting the feeling of drifting away from your body. fighting off the daze you usually fall into and when finnick looks into your eyes he can tell. he knows what it's like, he's done it too many times to count. It's further cemented when you barely process the fact he'd stopped moving.
then his hand is softly caressing your face, his heart aching as he tries to get you fully back, "honey, we can stop it's okay." and your brain has somewhat started to settle
"no, it's okay, I'm fine, Finn. I'm sorry, just got lost."
"this is for you, sweet girl, if you don't want it, that's okay. I wanna make you feel good."
"I'm sorry." You're rubbing your face, trying to keep yourself in the moment. Then he's slowly pulling out, "Finnick..." You're so frustrated with yourself.
"just need to make sure you're okay."
He's so softly tracing calming circles onto your skin and you notice how hard he still is which makes you feel guilty. "Let me take care of you then."
Finnick looks so sad as he shakes his head, "You don't have to just get me off and then clock out for everything else, this is for you too.
"finn, I want you, I don't know why my brain is trying to escape, but I do want you." and he's making sure your being truthful again, so scared you'll lie to make him feel better, pull him into the same fantasy all those horrendous clients have
"why don't you keep your eyes on me then, sweet girl, and tell me how you feel as we go?" and you agree.
it's not necessarily the easiest bridge to cross, but it's baby steps because miss what you had and miss how much your body responded to him, so ever so slowly the two of you find a way
yeah I'm not thinking about any of that
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kingdomhate · 7 months
Accidently Hurting You Scenarios!
Kylo Ren: You both were in a heated argument, about how Kylo needed to take more time for himself. At first, he seemed calm and gentle about it, but he progressively got more and more impatient, eventually raising his voice at you. But were you frightened? No. Not even close. You were determined to get him to see your side and you were going to do that by any means necessary.
However, as he got more aggressive and demanding, you had barely any time to react before he pushed you. You yelp slightly, and fall backward. Squeezing your eyes shut and attempting to break your fall. But as your head hit the tile and Kylo finally realized what he had done... he was terrified. Apologetic, regretful. He picked you up in his arms and held you to his chest while cursing himself vigorously as he used the bond between you two to sense if you were alright. Once he was a thousand percent you were alright, he laid you down and let you rest. Cuddling very close to you, peppering your neck, check and whatever else he can reach with slow, apologetic and gentle kisses.
Armitage Hux: He was mad, what could he say? He was not in control, he was overcome with rage, practically radiating energy that screamed he was capable of killing anyone, you could barely comprehend it. But alas, you approached him. Why? Because you loved him. You had asked him twice what the problem was and he ignored you. Dismissing you as if you were a mere fly.
And now, in the shared quarters of his and yours, you decided to actually bring it up. Your words were sweet, coaxing and motherly, as if speaking to a child. Of course, Armitage was more keen to being spoken to as an adult, a superior. And that must've been the reason why he let you fall after jerking his arm away from you a little too fast, warranting you to lose balance and fall. Letting out a pained screech as you fell directly on your arm, resulting in the uneasy and blood-curdling sound of bones either breaking or chipping. That immediately changed his mood, as he recognized it was you, his angel. Instinctively, he checked the damage and carried you to the medical wing, patiently and worriedly watching over and waiting. Certain you were okay, he let you rest, muttering apologies as he waited for you to wake up.
Anakin Skywalker: It all happened in a flash, the instinctive need to protect himself when he felt you touch him, it might have been paranoia but it happened nevertheless. He should've known you were only trying to help, why on Earth would you ever have the intention of hurting him? When his Jedi instincts came in and he jerked around and flipped you around violently, he gasped. The sight of your eyes teary and your mouth opened in a frightened manner... how could he forgive himself? He apologized profusely and started explaining why that happened, why he did that. Eventually, you understood and forgave him, smiling and acting as though it was alright, Anakin came to terms with it as well and finally forgave himself as well.
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Obi was more or less stressed, but all the same good-mannered as always. However, he had lost patience for some things, such as talking to you. Normally, Obi-Wan was all for speaking to you and getting to the root of the problem but today? He's mood was horrid, he was a mixture of tired and on the edge. He had tried to be patient, he really did. But he had ended up raising his voice and insulting you, calling you a name in which he had never thought he would. That being said, you shut down almost immediately, more so scared for Obi-Wan than yourself. He had never, ever raised anything at you, let alone his voice. So what was going on?
Stress is the first most thing that popped into your head, as you had known Obi-Wan for almost your whole Jedi-incorporated life. So, aside from him calming down, apologizing and reasoning with you, you gave him space. As he was on edge and clearly dealing with too much. He would speak to you once he was calm in control and ready too.
Luke Skywalker: The frustration from once again being denied his right to go to the academy with his friends, was a bit too much for Luke. Of course he had cared enough to tell you and you both talked it out but that was nothing compared to what he couldn't help but want. He wanted to go, he needed to, but he had to stay for another year? It was outrageous. And it warranted Luke to do some uncharacteristic, rebellious things, such as.... sneaking off to meet you in the dead of the night and ride around in his speeder, mostly talking and sometimes making out.
That helped him tremendously in the frustration and pent up tension of being forced to stay. But, upon meeting up with him again for another heavenly make-out session and heart-to heart conversation, he was practically screaming about his frustrations and you were both awe-struck and slightly frightened of this state, as you've never seen Luke so furious before. He had snarled how much he would love to spend time with his friends and take a small break away from you, and how clingy you seemed. That hit a bit too forcefully. You spaced yourself away from Luke for x amount of time and he seemed puzzled as to why you did, but he never asked. A few days later, he had finally seemed to have calmed down, and figured out what he did incorrectly. He apologized for offending you and reassured you that he adored the clinginess of your relationship.
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another-lost-mc · 10 months
hiii could i request how you think the characters with reptile like demon forms would react to an mc that's really scared of snakes? (we get a lot of wild venomous ones where i live and I've been terrified of them since i was little)
like for example if either levi or barbatos tails suddenly touched my leg without warning id probably jump out of my skin thinking it was a snake crawling up my leg and then id have to apologise profusely because i wouldn't want to hurt their feelings 😭
pet snakes are fine as long as like. they're in their enclosure or im not touching them, id probably think henry 1.0 was cool to watch in his enclosure but would be too scared to hold him so i feel like levi would not like me for a bit </3 barbatos might be understanding since he's scared of rats
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A/N: I've always pictured Mephisto with a tail seeing how the RAD sports event played out in Lesson 68, so I'm including him in this.
0.6k words | SFW | gn!Reader
Warnings: anxiety, insecurities, developing relationships (romantic or platonic in nature, your choice).
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You inform them right from the start, "I have a fear/phobia of snakes," but some of the demons hear, "I don't like snakes." They might not understand what the big deal is or take it seriously. Okay, sure, the Devildom serpents might be a bit bigger or deadlier than their human world counterparts, but it's not like they'll let you get eaten or anything!
When you first arrive, the ones with reptilian tails sort of glance at their tails and back to you and shrug. What are the chances you'll see their real forms very often, let alone be in a position where you might actually touch them?
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Levi is the first one to scoff and act like you and his tail have zero business being near each other. Fast forward to a few weeks later when you're both asleep in his tub after watching a streamer marathon on DevilTube. He's not sure how it happened but he shifted into his demon form during the night—at least partially—and woke up to you screaming and scrambling from the tub. It's not his fault his tail ended up curled around your leg! (Wait, why did it do that?) That's not important! He tries to blame you at first for being scared to begin with, then he blames himself for being even more disgusting and off-putting to you. He's going to feel embarrassed and a bit guilty about it, but it's going to take a while to get him calm enough to have an actual discussion about what happened. He'll be nervous sharing a tub with you after that because he can't promise it won't happen again, but he really likes cuddling with you...maybe he can put a body pillow between you? He'll brainstorm ideas to try and keep the accidental tail-wrapping to a minimum, and if he does go into his demon form on purpose, he's careful to keep it away from you.
Barbatos has even less reason to believe that you'll have any reason to come into contact with his tail. He doesn't like it when others touch his tail on the best days, and he trusts that you can keep your hands to yourself. He's very conscious about what his winged horns and tail are up to when he's carrying out duties in his true form. You've walked together before without any issues, and he makes sure that his tail flicks away from you to avoid any mishaps. He can't explain what happened the day you were walking through the Demon Lord's castle together. You yelled suddenly and he thought you saw a rat with how upset you sounded. He's not sure why one of the forks of his tail tried to slither around your wrist. (Later on he'll ruminate about how that was even possible—he should've caught himself before that even happened.) He apologizes profusely and masks his own embarrassment over the incident. He might avoid using his true form around you for a while after that to ensure it doesn't happen again.
Mephisto sees your issues with reptiles as something you need to deal with, and it doesn't concern him at all. It's not like he plans on spending more time around you than necessary, and certainly not in his true form. If that means seeing even less of you so you can avoid him, even better. Later, after he's eaten his words and you're almost friendly, you finally see his tail. It's not as long or scaly as Levi's, and it's not...wet...like Barbatos', but it's still snake-ish enough to give you goosebumps the first time you see it. He stands a few paces away from you, his true form on full display, but there's something vulnerable in his eyes even though he keeps his head tipped up defiantly. He braces himself for disgust or fear and he's not sure why anxiety gnaws in his gut when he waits for your approval. It's a positive sign that you don't run from the Newspaper Club office in terror. You offer him a smile to let him know you're fine if he wants to stay that way since you trust him to keep his parts away from you. (He lets out a deep breath he didn't realize he was holding when you turn away to continue sorting documents, and he remains in his true form—to help you get used to it, obviously.)
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sister-lucifer · 2 years
The Demon Brothers + Punishment (Part 1)
Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan x Gender Neutral Reader (separately)
Genre: NSFW Headcanons
Summary: How and why the older brothers would go about punishing you 
Content/Warnings: dom/sub dynamic with sub reader, spanking, toys, degradation, fingering, overstim, y’know the usual punishment stuff 
Like my writing? I take requests! NSFW or SFW for any fandoms in my bio! 
Also, please reblog! it’s free, takes two seconds, and really helps me out 
Feedback is encouraged and appreciated:)
Not fully proofread! Let me know if you see any errors
He low key takes it too seriously 
Very stern but gentle 
(Unless he’s particularly angry of course) 
“You know why I’m punishing you, yes? I need you to learn from your mistakes, my love, that’s what good little pets do.” 
The severity of the punishment depends on the offense you committed 
Something small will likely result in him making you cum on his fingers after you’ve apologized profusely 
Then he’ll treat you to his cock 
But when you mess up big time 
Ooooh boooy 
That sadism really comes out 
Collars, leashes, handcuffs, you name it he’ll use it 
He needs to be in a particular mood for his sadism to come out, but when it does it’s all or nothing 
He’ll either be kissing your forehead gently or pushing you down with a foot on your chest while he toys with the remote of a vibrator 
No in between 
He’s actually not super into spanking. Although he’s not opposed to it, it’s not his go-to 
He finds there are plenty of other, more humiliating ways to teach you a lesson 
And he intends to show you all of them 
“Now, now, no whining. You did this to yourself, my dear. Take your punishment now, or else you’ll only make your situation even more dire.”
As much as Mammon likes to play rough with you, rarely ever will he actually punish you 
He prefers to be playful, if a bit mean spirited at times 
You’ll often have a couple of bruises or bites, but that’s to be expected; usually nothing more 
So, what exactly merits a punishment from Mammon? 
Well, the first option is to ask for it
He’ll happily oblige, but he’ll start slow in the beginning and ask you if you’re okay at least four times before he actually gets going 
The other option is to make him jealous 
If he sees you getting a little too friendly with another demon he’s sure to lose it 
Drag it out for as long as you can 
That’ll make him even angrier 
Double points if you act oblivious about it later 
The second you’re home alone he’s bending you over his lap and spanking you until itll hurt to sit down for the next two days 
And he’ll make you apologize after each one 
When he decides he’s had enough with that he’ll move on to roughly shoving his fingers in you 
He’s going much too fast, but he doesn’t care 
You deserve it for pissing him off like that 
And he’ll talk down to you the entire time, making sure you’ve been thoroughly humiliated 
“This is what little sluts like you get for acting out! Maybe next time you think of pulling a stunt like that you’ll remember how this feels.”
Oh this sweet baby loves you far too much to hurt you! 
Punishments are so incredibly rare with Levi 
You could ask, yes, but he’ll be so nervous there’s only a half chance he’ll actually go through with it 
“O-Oh my stars, are you ok?! I-I know, I know I haven’t actually done anything yet, but…gah! I’m just so worried about you!” 
Sweet boy 
That means your only option is to earn your punishment 
The best way to do that is to get him on a day when he’s already mad about something 
Maybe Mammon stole one of his figurines to sell, or maybe he’s frustrated about a certain level of a game 
That’s the best time to misbehave 
Leviathan is rather possessive, even more so that Mammon, so the same tactics would work on him tenfold 
Leviathan usually isn’t very active in his punishments 
Instead he’ll tie you up on his bed and leave you squirming with at least three vibrators assaulting your sex 
He’ll have the remotes with him at all times, but after a while of playing with them he’ll just leave them on the maximum speed while he ignores you to game 
And he can get very, very invested in his games 
You might be there for thirty minutes, maybe three hours 
Depends on how he feels and how invested he gets 
One things for sure, he’s not done with you until you’re practically thrashing against your restraints as you desperately try to quell the overstimulation 
“You sound pathetic, whining like that…this is what happens when you underestimate me, human! This is all your fault…”
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beestriker015 · 6 months
Winter Schnee x male s/o headcanons
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Winter had never expected to fall in love with anyone, but somehow s/o managed to find his way into her heart.
S/o is a huntsman hailing from Vacuo, whom was asked by General Ironwood to work alongside Winter on a special assignment, to which he agreed.
“Hi, my name’s s/o! I hope we can work well together Winter.”
“I-It’s a pleasure to meet you s/o. I hope we do well together also.”
At their first meeting, Winter got a very alien feeling when she met him.
“W-what is going on with me? Why do I feel so…warm inside?”
She thinks to herself before shifting her full attention to the task she and s/o were given.
On the topic of their mission, Winter and s/o worked extremely well together, despite the differences in their personalities.
After its completion, they both report back to Ironwood before bidding each other farewell.
“Seems our job is done now. It’s been fun working with you Winter!”
“The feeling is mutual s/o. I hope to work with you again in the future.”
As s/o begins to leave, Winter does something that shocked even herself.
“W-wait s/o!”
“Hmm, what’s up Winter?”
“Would you like to exchange scroll numbers so we can keep in contact?”
After they exchanged numbers, Winter watches s/o leave with a small hint of sadness in her eyes before snapping out of it.
“Ok, why am I acting like this? I have never been this way with anyone I’ve worked with before, so why is s/o any different?”
She mutters to herself before starting down at her scroll, unaware of the smile that’s slowly beginning to form on her face.
As time passed, Winter and s/o talked whenever they had free time, quickly developing a friendship between them.
That friendship soon started to develop into something more though, as Winter and s/o both realized they were falling in love with the person they considered their best friend.
S/o had very little trouble accepting his feelings, Winter however…
“Oh my Oum, why did this have to happen?! S/o is my closest friend, I can’t be thinking of him this way! S-surely this is just a crush, and these feelings will fade eventually right?”
Unfortunately for her, they did not.
The more time she spent with s/o, both talking to each other on their scrolls and in person, the more her feelings for him grew.
Scared of her feelings, Winter begins pushing s/o away and began interacting with him less and less until she practically started ghosting him, much to his confusion and hurt.
“Winter doesn’t seem to want anything to do with me. Did I do something wrong? I guess she just doesn’t want to be friends with me anymore, and I never got the chance to tell her how I feel….”
He sighs sadly before going to delete Winter’s contact from his scroll, but can’t bring himself to do it.
Winter isn’t doing much better, as she realized that distancing herself from s/o is hurting her too.
“I’m such a fool! S/o probably thinks I dislike him! Out of all the ways I could’ve handled this, I chose the most childish option! I need to make things right with him!”
Not wasting any time, she calls s/o and apologizes profusely, also telling him to meet with her tomorrow to discuss something important.
“Alright, tomorrow I will confess my feelings to him! No matter what the outcome is, this is what I need to do.”
She says to herself before getting ready for bed, not sure of what tomorrow will bring.
The next day, Winter meets s/o at a popular cafe in Atlas and prepares her confession.
“Firstly, I am so sorry for ignoring you s/o, it was wrong and completely immature of me. It doesn’t justify my actions, but the reason for my behavior is that I was scared.”
“Scared? Of what Winter?”
He asks as she looks at him and takes his hands into hers.
“My feelings for you. I realized a while ago that…I love you s/o.”
The young huntsman looks at her in shock for a moment before a smile forms on his face.
“You have no idea how happy I am to hear that. I love you too Winter.”
Winter’s heart skips a beat as she smiles back at s/o with a blush on her cheeks before the two share a short but passionate kiss, thus beginning their relationship.
Due to Winter never being in a relationship before, s/o had to be patient with her (much to her appreciation), not that he minded.
Affection tends to be little more than a hug and quick kiss on the cheek while in public, but when they’re alone, s/o and Winter are much more affectionate with each other.
Winter is incredibly touch starved, so she practically melts whenever her boyfriend showers her with love, and tries her absolute best to reciprocate it.
Jealousy is pretty much nonexistent because neither one of them are the jealous type.
Thought if someone openly flirted with their partner, that’s a different story.
S/o would cut in and wrap his arm around his girlfriend, letting the other person know that she is taken.
Winter would quickly appear the person flirting with s/o and passive aggressively tell them that he is her boyfriend and no one else’s, while also shooting that person a harsh glare.
Dates are difficult because of Winter’s service to the Atlas military, but she will make sure whatever time she can have with s/o is special.
Some time into the relationship, Winter brings s/o to meet her sister Weiss.
“It’s nice to meet you Weiss, your sister’s told me a lot about you.”
“Pleased to meet you too s/o. Thank you for being so good to my sister.”
Winter smiles in relief that the two people she loves the most are getting along.
Unfortunately later on, s/o had the displeasure of meeting his girlfriend’s father Jacque.
“You cannot be serious Winter! How could you be in a relationship with someone like him?!”
“And what exactly is wrong with s/o?! He’s the best man I’ve ever known, I’m not looking for your approval!”
“You are a Schnee! Dating someone who’s not in your league is an insult to the company! I will not allow this relationship to go on any further!”
“That’s where you are wrong father. I won’t be a Schnee for very much longer.”
Jacque glares at her with a raised eyebrow.
“And what is that supposed to mean?”
Winter smiled and showed off the beautiful ring on her finger.
“S/o proposed to me a few days ago, to which I happily said yes. You don’t have to worry about me tarnishing the Schnee name anymore father, because soon I will be a (your last name). Come s/o, it’s time for us to leave.”
She takes her fiancée’s hand and begins walking out of the room with him as s/o looks back at his livid future father-in-law.
“It was…..nice meeting you Mr. Schnee…”
S/o says awkwardly before leaving with his wife-to-be.
“I’m so sorry about him s/o.”
Winter says as she rubs her temples in annoyance.
“It’s fine. You told me this was going to happen anyway. I don’t care if he doesn’t like me, because all that matters is that I’m with you. I love you Winter.”
She smiles warmly and kisses her future husband.
“I love you too s/o.”
The two then share a loving embrace, with Winter thinking to herself how glad she is to have fallen in love with s/o all that time ago.
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pinksiames · 19 days
Me and pookie @clevenhq are on our usual grind with this Emo!Gale and Punk!John AU🔥
Slight trigger warning for this one with mentions of self harm so be warned!!
Gale is a 16 year old high schooler who is the most stereotypical emo you can imagine. The thick black liner under the eyes, hair constantly swept in front of his eyes. He’s got the eyebrow piercing and nose ring but refuses to dye his hair black! He runs a decently popular MySpace page, posting emotional quotes and shitty mirror selfies that still somehow go viral on the website.
His dad is a severe alcoholic and mom does nothing to help, which ends up with Gale earning himself a black eye from the empty glass bottle hitting him in the face. It’s mainly why he wears so much makeup to try and cover up the abuse, but sometimes on the especially bad nights he’s huddled in the bathtub nursing fresh wounds littering his arms, old and new scars on top of each other.
John is a 17 year old who also goes to the same high school!! He’s the local teenage dirtbag of the town, going around and constantly partying, drinking, doing any type of drug that someone was willing to lend to the boy. He was constantly getting into fights, mostly with the authorities in his life, earning him the prize title of rebel punk with his track record with the law!
He was raised in a single parent household, mom trying her best after his dad walked out on them after his sister was born. A lot of his resentment comes from his dad not being there for them, leaving his mom and them to fend for themselves. When he acts out it’s the only time he feels alive, the urge to cause chaos and havoc for their hometown usually ends with him behind bars for the night until his mom comes and gets him.
When they first met it was at the skatepark during the summer, Gale on his peddle bike and John on his skateboard. They were both going down two different ramps but ended up crashing into each other, Gale being the one to apologize profusely since he was the one who knocked John off of his board.
John was about to go off on the boy until he made eye contact with those pretty sky blue eyes, instead only giving him a short “it’s fine don’t worry about it.” Thinking that it would’ve been the last time he’d see the boy. Until he started noticing him coming around the park a lot more frequently, always looking like he wanted to talk to John but not having the courage to do so.
It’s not until a month of seeing each other that Gale finally went up and introduced himself, once again apologizing for their little accident weeks prior. And John can’t help but feel his heart racing at gales obvious social awkwardness. Since then John introduces him to his group of friends, and slowly they start hanging out outside of the park, going and seeing movies as a group, fucking around town and getting drunk. One night while their all wasted John gets the bright idea that Gale needs a lip piercing, both of them drunk off their asses laughing while John’s trying to push a safety pin though gales bottom lip. Somehow the damn thing doesn’t get infected later down the line. It’s the happiest gales been in months, the self harming becoming more and more infrequent until the day gales dad actually puts his hands on him and not just the occasional beer bottle.
he stops showing up to the park, stops hanging out with John and his group to the point most of them are spamming his phone, but he doesn’t talk to anyone until the school semester starts in the fall. And by the time John sees gale again he looks horrible, sickly pale skin, sunken in eyes, clothes falling off his already thin frame. It takes John all day to corner him, demanding to know what happened to him and why he stopped talking to them. And gale just lets it all out.
He spends a good 5 minutes just sobbing, John trying his best to comfort him. And when Gale tells him what’s been going on his blood runs cold, that someone could hurt such a beautiful soul, how someone could look at Gale and willingly lay their hands on him. He makes a vow to not let anyone even think of hurting Gale, convincing his mom to let Gale stay with them.
While gales staying with the Egans he grows even closer to John, lingering touches staying between them at night, sharing John’s bed on bad nights, John tracing and kissing the scars on gales arms. Young love flourishing between them as the school year goes on, sneaking kisses between classes and holding hands in the hallways. It didn’t help that gales dad didn’t even notice his son missing, let alone his son’s belongings slowly getting moved out the house but who are they to complain. John and Gale would trade the world if it meant seeing each other happy.
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chvoswxtch · 1 year
Hi Court!! I saw your requests were open and I SPRINTED here :) I love your Frank fics and I wanted to switch to angst, because I’m a mean woman sometimes. I watched that movie called southpaw with the death scene and I thought that it’d be amazing with frank. Like he is in love with a very cute woman but in secret, she’s a friend and doesn’t know that frank is pining for her, but one of his enemies find him while they’re hanging out together and they start a fight and a stray bullet hits her. This is the scene (maybe it inspires you and also the acting is brilliant): https://youtu.be/bPL13UXFGr8 (minute 3:30)
nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie. I am also a mean woman sometimes (so thank you for making me feel seen) and when I tell you this movie was an emotional trainwreck for me...like there wasn't a single second of it that didn't hurt. I switched it up just a little in a way that made more sense for me (I hope that's okay) and absolutely wrecked myself in the process. 🙃 I don't even know if I should tell you to enjoy or not...but...happy crying??
psa: this one is rough. if y'all thought violets was bad...this one might not be for you. this is all angst. all pain. no comfort whatsoever. if you are on the more sensitive side & need to skip this one, you will not hurt my feelings! my inbox is open if you wanna yell at me, or if you need tissues or hugs. I am profusely apologizing in advance (pls don't hate me for this one).
warning: swearing, mentions of blood & violence, death, mentions of gun violence word count: 1.7k
let that go.
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He should’ve walked away. He should’ve just fucking walked away. You’d asked him to, begged him to, but he hadn’t listened. Instead he was reckless, and let that violent storm of chaos that always lingered in his bones take over, clouding his vision and dulling his vigilance with blinding shades of rage. They were just words, they didn’t mean anything. They certainly weren’t worth losing you over. But how could he just stand by while that asshole talked about you like that? 
C’mon, baby. You ain’t been with a real man before. He can’t take care of you like I can. 
You can’t handle a woman like that, bro. She’s way too damn fine for you. How about we play for her?
He was just another drunk shithead talking out of his ass, looking for a fight. You had grabbed onto Frank’s arm the second he had started mouthing off, giving him a soft smile as you shook your head slowly and squeezed his wrist.
He’s just trying to get a rise out of you, Frankie. Don’t listen to him. 
C’mon, Castle. You promised me a night with no fighting.
You had told him to leave it alone. To focus on you, and continue telling the story about how he and Curtis had snuck into Billy’s bunk one night and shaved off his eyebrows. Why didn’t he finish the fucking story? Why didn’t he leave when you asked him to?
You know what, let’s just go. I’ve got drinks at my place, we can order a pizza or something. Come on, let’s just go.
Let’s just go.
Let’s just go.
He was so close. Your hand was so soft as you held his, guiding him towards the exit of the dive bar you two hung out in all the time. The door was right there. Less than ten feet away, just a few more steps, and you two would’ve been out of there. Frank would be on your couch, right now, cold beer in hand, admiring you as you spoke like he always did. Laughing along with whatever joke you were telling. Smiling as he enjoyed how animated your hands were as you painted him a picture of whatever story you were telling. Maybe tonight would’ve been the night he finally worked up the courage to tell you he loved you. Maybe he would’ve kissed you. Maybe you would’ve kissed him.
What’s up man, I gotta fuck your bitch to get your attention?
The butterflies that had filled his stomach from the way your hand fit perfectly in his were immediately incinerated with rage as those words hit his ears. He abruptly stopped, dropping his hand from yours as he turned around swiftly to face the man, jaw setting in a hard line at the way he and his buddies were laughing.
Oh shit, there he is. That got his attention. What’s up, man?
Frank barely registered the feeling of your palms futilely pushing at his chest, trying to force him closer to the door as you pleaded with him. He only tore his eyes down to yours when you grabbed onto the back of his neck, cradling his face in your other palm as you stared up at him with an expression of pure concern.
Frankie, please. Let that go. Please, keep walking. Come on, come home with me. Don’t listen to him. Just let that go.
Let that go.
Let that go.
He should’ve listened to you. He should’ve just done what you asked. He should’ve fucking listened.
Don’t worry, bro. I’ll film it for you. That way you have a little tutorial on how to treat a piece of pussy like th-
Your voice sounded miles away in the back of Frank’s head as he charged forward like a vengeful bull, seeing nothing but red as his fist cracked across the man’s jaw, sending a rain cloud of blood from his mouth onto the floor. It all happened so fast. Frank’s fury completely took over, and anyone that dared to deter his merciless path of revenge was treated with the same unrelenting violence that surged through his fists. He could barely hear you screaming in the background, begging him to stop, pleading cries of his name leaving your lips.
But he couldn’t stop.
That bloodthirsty thing inside of him he thought was gone had only been lying dormant all this time, waiting for that first taste of crimson to reignite its craving, and now it wanted its pound of flesh. Everything passed by in a blur, and Frank had lost track of who exactly he was fighting at this point, but it didn’t even matter. His inner demons weren’t prejudiced about where their offerings came from.
The entire bar went silent the second a gunshot rang through the small space, and everyone immediately dropped to the floor. An ear splitting scream cut through the eerie stillness, and the sound seemed to snap Frank out of the haze of wrath he had been stuck in.
Frank had never heard your voice sound so small. He instantly whipped his head in your direction, seeming to sober up as he took in the twisted up look of pain and confusion on your face. 
Hey. Hey, sweetheart? What is it? What’s wrong?
I…I don’t…I don’t know…
Frank was over to you in two short strides, cradling your face in his large bloodied hands as he searched your face with furrowed brows. 
What happened?
Something…something happened…
As he glanced down to scan your body, he noticed the way your hand clutched at your side. Fear suddenly sent an icy chill down his spine seeing the hints of deep red that started to seep through your fingers. Tugging your wrist away gently, Frank’s entire body went rigid seeing the maroon stain on your shirt that was beginning to spread like a wine stain on white carpet. 
Am I…am I okay? Am I okay?
Fuck…fuck you’re alright, sweetheart. You’re alright. I got you, yeah? I got you, just hang on. 
A loud cry of pain pierced through your chest when Frank pressed his palm firmly against your side to apply pressure, wrapping you up in his arms as he glanced around frantically for help.
I know…I know, baby, I’m sorry. I gotta stop the bleedin’, okay? I know it hurts, just stay with me, alright? Fuck…someone call a fuckin’ ambulance now!
You gripped onto the collar of Frank’s shirt like a lifeline, staring up at him with wide panicked eyes as you started to hyperventilate. 
Here, let me lay you back-
No…no no no no, I don’t wanna lay down. I don’t wanna lay down!
Okay…okay, you don’t have to. You don’t have to, baby. I got you…I got you sweetheart, it’s alright. It’s gonna be alright.
Tears formed in the corners of Frank’s eyes hearing the fear in your voice. He held you as tightly to his chest as he could, keeping pressure on the wound. The bartender knelt beside him and handed him a rag for the blood, informing him an ambulance was on the way. 
Yeah? Yeah, what is it baby? 
I wanna go home, Frank. I wanna go home-
Okay, okay baby. We’ll go home. We’ll go home, I promise. Yeah? 
I wanna go home. I wanna go home, Frank. Please…I wanna go home. I wanna-
Frank hugged you tightly to his chest when you started to cry, nodding quickly as his frantic eyes quickly scanned over your body. His bottom lip trembled as he leaned in to press a kiss to your forehead, reaching a shaky hand up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
Just stay with me, sweetheart. It’s not that bad, yeah? 
Lot…lot of blood…it’s a lot of blood-
It’s not that bad, sweetheart. Just stay with me. Hey…hey c’mon, look at me. Look at me in my eyes, baby. C’mon, look at me honey.
Frank felt panic start to rise even higher in his chest as you coughed, blood spluttering out of your mouth and staining your lips and teeth a bright cherry red. Shaking his head quickly, Frank cradled your face and distraughtly tried to wipe it off of your lips.
Oh baby…fuck, baby baby baby-no, no no no, c’mon. Here-
It’s okay…it’s okay, Frankie…it’s…it’s okay-
It’s just a little blood, sweetheart. S’alright, it’s not that bad.
Frank leaned into your touch as your shaky hand cradled his face, staring down at you with glassy eyes as his lips trembled with regret. He shook his head slowly, mumbling endless apologies as your mouth pulled into the faintest of smiles, tears turning the lingering traces of blood on your face into transparent shades of pink.
I love you, Frank.
Pressing his forehead against yours, Frank let out a choked sob as he cradled the back of your head, tasting the familiar metallic tang of blood as he gently captured your lips in a soft kiss.
I love you, baby. I’m sorry. I’m so fuckin’ sorry, sweetheart. I’m sorry, baby. I love you. I love you. I love you.
I can…I can go home…we can go home…
We’re gonna go home, I promise. We’re gonna go home real soon. It’s just a little blood, that’s all. Just a little, yeah?
Full blown panic set in when your hand slowly dropped from Frank’s face, and your grip on his collar loosened into nothing. There wasn’t anymore fear in your eyes as your lids became heavy, and your chest didn’t shake as it struggled to take in oxygen. Frank pulled you fully into his lap, holding your head against his chest as he kept a light grip on your face, searching your face fervently with denial.
No no no…no no no wait wait wait wait. Baby…c’mon, look at me. Look at me in my eyes. C’mon sweetheart, let me see those pretty eyes. No no no no, please…please baby…stay…stay stay stay…c’mon baby stay…baby wait please…no no no…
Frank squeezed his eyes shut as he buried his face into your neck, hugging onto your lifeless body as tightly as he could. A howl of pain ripped through his chest as he sobbed, rocking you back and forth in his arms, repeatedly pouring apologies into your ear.
He should’ve listened. 
He could’ve been holding you in his arms, saying hello to a new life with you.
But instead he was holding you in his arms, saying goodbye as you took your last breath.
tags: @day-dreaming-goddess @neverlandcity @charmedkim @queenofthenoobs @stilldreaming666 @messymissy @dark-academia-slut @strawberry1042
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beautouslysandy · 1 year
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no explanation….
dallas winston x gn!reader by- sandy
warnings- lowercase intended, some language, and some angst
word count-352
note- i keep hoping back and forth on whether or not i want to convert to all lower case so i will probably just have some fics with lowercase and others not
“what do you mean…we’re over?” you said with a shakey tone as a hot tear raced down your cheek.
you and him were standing outside bucks, out of the blue he calls it off. he had been acting werid the past week but you would have never guessed this was going to be the outcome.
“it’s exactly that..we are over” he said this and you heard a strain in his voice, he didn’t want to do this but he was….why?
“why?” you whispered loud enough for him to hear, you were ready to get on your knees and beg him not to do this. he met your eyes, no response. he began to fidget with the zipper on his leather jacket, he always does this when he is extremely nervous or anxiety-ridden. you took a deep breath in hope to stop anymore tears as you do not want to become dehydrated.
“did you sleep with someone else?” you muttered, you knew that he wouldn’t, never in a million years, but right now you were second guessing everything
his eyes widen, he shook his head and looked at his feet. with a sigh he said “can you just go?” you swear you heard a sniffle
you stifled a cry, “why?”was all you could think. you stood there for a moment, hoping and praying this was some absurdly sick prank….that he would start laughing that dorky laugh of his, that he would come and kiss you, he would apologize profusely as he held you in his strong and safe arms after seeing how much it hurt you, or better yet that this was all a dream and at any moment your eyes would open and you would see you were in bed with him. that everything was alright.
after two minutes he walked back into bucks. no words could form.
you wanted a reason, but would it be a reasonable one? did you want to know the reason.
three years just thrown into the trash with no explanation…..
you wanted him….and he wanted you
so why did it end this way?
with no explanation….
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maccreadysbaby · 1 year
You know how all of the gunners inside of hallucigen are hallucinating and stuff? How would male companions react if they breathed it in and what would they hallucinate?
I am taking FULL creative liberty with this one. Most have to due with the companions pasts, so here’s a spoiler warning thing. This is also assuming the drugs work on synths like Nick and x6 🤷‍♀️
Male Companions in Hallucigen Inc.
Danse: For the most part, Danse would probably hallucinate that any combatants inside were synths, super mutants, ferals, or something of that nature that the Brotherhood is used to massacring. It doesn’t change his demeanor or actions very much. The only thing that might change is Sole’s mood when he turns around and calls them Cutler. The first time they think they heard wrong, but when he does it a second, and a third time, it starts to hurt their heart a little. He genuinely thinks they’re Cutler throughout the entirety of the building, and he’s acting a little different, a little more relaxed, like his old friend really is there. If it’s post-bb, the whole thing is entirely worse. He sees everyone as Brotherhood trying to kill him and he’s a panicked mess. He will try to pull Sole out of the building if he can. Will have a very hard time killing anything and Sole will have to do it themselves, and if they do it in front of him, he’ll immediately launch into a huge angry betrayal monologue, probably with watery eyes. In both situations, when they get outside and he breathes the drugs out of his system, he will apologize profusely but won’t remember much, other than he doesn’t really know what kind of enemy they fought inside.
Deacon: Let’s just start by saying, vulnerability isn’t a Deacon thing. And when he’s on these drugs, it is probably the most vulnerable Sole has ever seen him, and the most vulnerable they will ever see him. His cool, calm demeanor flies out the window, and his hands start to shake, no, his whole body starts to shake, because these aren’t Gunners anymore, they’re the UP Deathclaws. They’re all ghosts of his past, faces he saw only when he massacred them after they killed Barbara, coming back to haunt him like phantoms. He still knows Sole is Sole, but he will go into this protective mode he’s never gone into on their behalf before, because he can’t lose them to the Deathclaws, too. It is arguably the most dangerous he’s ever been in battle, the most serious and lethal he’s ever been in front of Sole. They hardly had to take out any gunners themselves. When it’s all said and done, and he’s got the drugs out of his system, he will remember everything but pretend he doesn’t. Might disappear for a while afterwards. He needs time to be sad, to get himself together before he bee-bops back to Sole like nothing ever happened.
Gage: He is actually pretty resilient to the drug at first, probably takes the longest for him to actually start hallucinating, but his is by far one of the worst. Not only does he see everybody as Connors old raiders, but he sees Sole as Connor, and will absolutely fight them. They will have to take his gun and probably wrestle him out the door. He doesn’t even know where he is — the entire atmosphere changes, takes him back to a place he hasn’t seen since he was a teenager, to people he hasn’t seen in decades. No matter what Sole says, he won’t relent. All the while he’s screaming profanities and stuff at them that they can’t even understand because his accent is so much thicker than normal. He will fight tooth and nail with Sole. If they take his weapons, he will come at them with his bare hands. Once they finally get him into some fresh air, he takes the longest to get back to normal. They might need to tie him down or something because dude ain’t giving up. Once he finally comes around, he’s very confused about why Soles bleeding all over the place and why he is, too, because he doesn’t remember anything. Might apologize if they admit it was him.
Hancock: His is less of a fight or flight kind of thing with enemies flying everywhere. Instead, he just sees his brother’s crooked face, his mile long smile. Flinches around every turn because he’s there, clutches onto the back of Sole’s bag like he’ll simply pass away if he lets go. May or may not say something to his brother, beg him to leave them alone and go away, or maybe something about the Institute. He might shoot at him even if he isn’t there. Every person that runs out of nowhere, every noise of shifting rubble, every voice in his head, it’s all him, the synthetic version of the man he grew up with, following him and taunting him, reminding him that his real brother is dead over and over and over again like a broken record. He will ask Sole several times if they see him, too, if he took any botched chems. He just stays super close to Sole, touching them, if he can, staring at the floor as they walk through the compound because every time he looks down a hallway he sees him, every time he glanced through a doorway he sees him, every time he rounds a corner he sees him, smiling, staring at him like the day he let the ghouls in Diamond City get kicked into the wasteland. Once Sole gets him outside, he remembers it all vividly and will probably take more drugs trying to forget it. It’s was so traumatic for him that he may have nightmares about it.
MacCready: He doesn’t seem all that affected at first. The only hint that the drug is getting to him is when he turns around to look at Sole and immediately freezes, probably drops his rifle, and whispers, “Lucy?” It doesn’t matter if Sole is male or female he’ll see Lucy. He immediately starts questioning them, where did you come from, I thought you were dead, where’s Duncan, is he finally better, all the while crying so hard he can barely breathe. He won’t touch Sole because he’s afraid Lucy will disappear if he does. Completely loses all fight instincts, and sole will have to basically drag him, tears and questions and all, through the entire building. He does not need his gun because he gets insanely jumpy and will shoot straight at walls and down hallways even if no one is there. He doesn’t dare leave their side, though — because last time he left her side she died. He seems to comprehend on some level that this can’t possibly be Lucy, that it has to be a dream or something, but still acts on the tiny flutter of hope in his chest that says it’s really her, she’s right there. He probably sees other things, too, like Winlock and Barnes rushing at him, a mountain of ferals climbing over each other just to feast on his flesh. But the only thing he sees consistently for the entire course of the building is Lucy. Doesn’t remember a thing when it’s over and has a massive headache from crying so much.
Nick: Nick’s is mostly a hodge-podge of old, scary memories he didn’t remember he knew. Old psycho killer cases the old Nick went on, where he got pursued by a man with a knife covered in blood, a homicide investigation where a group of people tried to kill him in the pitch black, the frantic screaming of a kidnapped child echoing through corridors without a solid direction to take. A bloody teenager tortured for answers, barely breathing when he made it to them, a woman chained up in a basement, a red-handed thief beating him over the head with anything he could get his hands on. This will probably render Nick more unable to fight than anything. Constantly asks Sole if they see that, if they heard that, might call them the name of an old partner but won’t fight when they tug him gently through the building. He’s very careful not to shoot because he doesn’t know who’s good or who’s bad, where they are. He will probably just rely on Sole to navigate him through the building, to talk to him, help the hallucinations fade. Once they get outside, he forgets what happened, but can suddenly recall all those memories he didn’t necessarily want floating around in his brain again.
Preston: Oh my God, so many tears. He sees the faces of all of the Minutemen, all of the settlers he wasn’t able to save at Quincy. Probably the most… self aware while under the influence? Like, he knows Sole is Sole and can still have a conversation with them about who and what he’s seeing. He knows it isn’t real and Sole can talk him out of seeing it by telling him no one’s there, the hall is empty, etc. But that won’t stop him from immediately starting to cry as soon as he sees the first person he let down in his life. He will apologize to the nonexistent people, plead with them for forgiveness until Sole pulls him away. May or may not see the settlers he did manage to save, like Sturges or Marcy Long, dying and will rush to help them even if they aren’t there or it’s an injured Gunner. Sole will have to pull him away. The entire thing is extremely hard on him, and by the time the drugs are out of his system, he apologizes for crying even though he hasn’t really stopped yet, and will accept a hug for once in his life because he is torn up. He stays distant from Sole for like, a week, even if they keep traveling together, and it’s probably best if they keep an eye on him. Just to make sure. He will politely ask them never to take him into that building again.
X6-88: X6 doesn’t really get afraid. Well, he thought he didn’t, until Sole took him into the building he so quickly decided was hell on earth. He has the weirdest freaking hallucinations, the entire thing is like an acid trip. He doesn’t know where he is, he doesn’t know what he’s doing, and he doesn’t know what that humanoid looking thing is doing climbing across the cieling? No, wait, what the crap is that massive dog-like figure with six foot legs doing with roller skates? And why is that tree trying to talk to him? Why does he feel eyes on him from behind? Why is he hearing voices he’s never heard once in his life? Will shoot at literally everything. He turns into more of a turret than a courser, literally spraying every single room full of so many lasers sole doesn’t even need to do any killing. He’s so, for lack of better word, completely and utterly horrified at what he’s seeing. Gets jumpy, might accidentally pistol whip Sole if they scare him, it’s probably best if they hold onto his shoulder or something so he knows it’s them. Once he leaves the building, he tells Sole he will never go back into that hellhole even if they’re dying inside and he’s the only one around for ten miles.
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tmntxthings · 2 years
HIIII I ABSOLUTELY ADORE THE LOVE POTION FICS WITH LEO AND DONNIE THEY’RE ADORABLE💕 Do you think you could do one With Raph, he’s already a big softy so I think I’d be adorable!
Make You Feel Loved
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requests: ‘I need a Raph version of the love potion! I need to see the teddy bear just be able to let out emotion because he deserves the best!’ ‘Can You pls a Raphael version of the love potion 😩? (My main language is not english sorry)’ ‘I just saw both of the love potion oneshots that you made and HOLY CRAP THEY'RE SO GOOD so is it okay if I ask for one for Raph?’
author’s note: happy to oblige hehe, hope you all enjoy <3
warnings: FLUFF, and maybe lil’ profanity aka cursing, established relationship
> leo’s < > donnie’s < > mikey’s < > casey’s <
“Raphie it’s okay I’m not hurt that bad,” you said reassuringly. But he wasn’t listening he had turned away from you in utter despair. The two of you had been horsing around, a game of cat and mouse. You had ran away trying to escape from the living area to his room to call a time out and collapse on his bed out of breath.
That had been the plan. Until you tripped, scrapping your knees as you fell to the concrete floor and Raph had been right behind you not expecting such a fall and had tripped right over you, practically crushing you for a couple of seconds before he regained momentum and hastily got off of you. He had apologized profusely, reaching out to help you up, “Oh gosh Y/n are you okay?? Are you hurt??” His voice strained with worry, and he looked over your body checking for wounds before you could even form a sentence. He noticed your bloody knees and gasped, “fuckkkk!” Raph slumped and started whimpering to himself thinking he was the cause of your injuries. “Raphie it’s really not that bad, they just sting a bit!”
“If I hadn’t been running so close behind you this would’ve never happened!” He said with so much sadness in his voice like your pain was his pain. Everything had gotten a lot more intense ever since Raph had ‘accidentally’ drank that love potion from the Hidden City. It had been a date, Raph wanting to show you all kinds of cool mystic things you’d never experienced. The two of you had been surrounded by what resembled a shopping market, a bunch of crazy stalls that had weird stuff for sale. One in particular had these super cheap potions and well, everyone could probably guess what happened next. Not thinking it was real, and he had been really thirsty Raph bought it, winking at you flirtatiously as he downed it in one go.
The two of you had been inseparable ever since. And you would think since the two of you had been dating that things wouldn’t be too much different, but no! Not at all! Raph was wayyy more emotional than he’d ever shown you before, not that you minded it just came as a shock when it happened all so fast. He had blinked down at you a couple times after the drink, sighing as he pulled you into an embrace in the middle of the mystic market! “Raph! We aren’t- we’re in public!” You squeaked as he only hugged you tighter. “Y/n, I love you so so so much,” Raph had said pulling back to look you in the eyes, conveying how much you meant to him. How serious he was, and you couldn’t help but giggle, “are you acting or did that potion really work?” And he shook his head sternly, “I mean it Y/n, I love you thissss much!” He said as he pulled you in for a tighter hug, squeezing the breath out of you as you tapped quickly on his arm, “okay okay I get it!!” you wheezed and he immediately let go.
“Oh shit, did I hurt you?? Oh no, I’m so sorry Y/n!” Tears were already rolling down his cheeks and you knew the potion not only worked, but it was working overtime. “Shhhh” you said trying to calm him down while simultaneously getting air back in your lungs. “You didn’t hurt me Raphie, you just made me breathless,” you joked and Raph didn’t seem to appreciate it as he sniffed. “Hey that was funny!” You harrumphed, grabbing your boyfriend’s big hand and pulling for him to follow. It took a few seconds cause there was no way you could actually move him unless he willingly followed. But he obliged, following after you sniffling as he apologized for making you breathless.
You were holding back laughs until you got back to the lair. Where all of his brothers busted out in loud laughter at the sight of their older brother, runny nosed and clinging to your hand like it was a lifeline. This for some reason wasn’t all that funny to you after about ten seconds and you glared at them all to be a little more sympathetic! “C’mon Raph,” you said pulling on his hand again to bring him to his room. Maybe the potion would wear off after he got a good nights sleep.
You hadn’t planned to stay the night but Raph begged you to get in bed with him, “just until I fall asleep!” He said quietly, as his hand engulfed yours, not letting go. “Okay but once you fall asleep I’ve gotta go!” You said climbing into bed next to him and he gave you the biggest smile, happy you were next to him. Somehow after a lot of shifting and getting comfortable you ended up tangled in Raph’s limbs, he had one arm over your stomach and one leg over both of yours. You were effectively trapped in his embrace yet you couldn’t find it in yourself to be upset, he was just so warm, and his deep rumbly churring had you falling asleep faster than ever.
You woke up to the feeling of his lips on your forehead. You groaned and felt his kisses move from there to your temples then your eyes, nose, cheeks. You couldn’t help the smile spreading, awaiting for his lips to finally meet your own. But when they didn’t you peeked your eyes open. He was smiling smugly down at you, “g’morning angel” you melted at the sound of his morning voice. “good morning my love,” it was true but you were slightly teasing since you could just tell he was still under love potion influence. The real Raph would’ve been a flustered sputtering mess to have been caught kissing all over your face, much less laying in his bed together after a night of sleeping in each others arms.
He churred at your nickname, his lips finally closing in on yours. You let your eyes close in delight, kissing him back in earnest. The two of you had to pull away for breath and you couldn’t help but blush, this was definitely a lot more than you were used to but you were not complaining! Raph leaned in again and you quickly brought up a hand to cover his lips and he groaned in dismay. “If you want more kisses like that you’ll have to catch me!” You winked as you shot out of bed, surprising him completely as he fell out of bed trying to catch up to you.
And that was the beginning to where you were now. Raph bent down, scooping you up in his arms, careful to not touch your bloody knees. “Raph I can walk!” You said more than embarrassed to be carried around with minor injuries like yours. “Shush, I’m gonna take care of you,” Raph said sounding overbearing but you knew he meant well. He hated it when you cried, hated it more when you were physically hurt, so you just let him take over. “Okay you big teddy bear,” you teased to which he ignored as he grabbed a spare first aid kit from a cubby in the main part of the lair and then carried you and the kit back to his room.
He set you down gently on his bed, then did the same with the first aid as he knelt down on the floor in front of you and opened it up looking for some disinfectant and bandages. You watched him contemplate which bandaids to choose from as you looked down at your pitiful kneecaps. They’d be bruised and have scabs for weeks. You groaned at the thought and this caused Raph to look at you worriedly and hastily choose the biggest bandaids possible. “Those look a little big don’t ya think?” You questioned as he set them aside as he grabbed the antiseptic spray. “Mmm it’s fine at least it covers everything,” Raph mumbled focused as he grabbed a cloth to wet with the spray. “This’ll burn a bit baby,” Raph warned but you were too focused on the nickname to really comprehend until you were hissing in surprise at how much it stung.
Raphael blew out a breath, “I’m really sorry,” he said tears swimming in his eyes and you reached out running your hand over his red bandana, going back to caress the back of his neck and then the top of his shell. He shuddered slightly at the contact, and then refocused, dabbing your knees gently again with the cloth as you held your breath to keep from making any more noises. When he was finished and carefully putting on the bandaids you tugged on his bandana ends. He looked up, and you planted a kiss on his nose. “Thank you,” you said sweetly, smiling at him. “Any time” he sighed lovingly, pursing his lips for you to kiss him again, but on the lips this time. You giggled, doing exactly that.
When Raph did finally come out of the love potion influence he was sooo embarrassed. He was so flustered when he saw you he’d have to turn away and regain his composure or he’d accidentally trip or stub his toe on something! He was a mess for a good couple of days before you finally talked to him about it, “Raph!” You called out to him, climbing the fire stairwell of your apartment. Reaching the rooftop and coming face to face with your tall and red boyfriend. He was so handsome you smiled giddily. He smiled at you, “Hey Y/n!” and you smirked, “what happened to angel or baby??” you teased and one of his hands flew up to his face, as he turned away embarrassed.
“Awwwe Raphie really, I enjoyed the nicknames,” you giggled and then continued, “you may not remember it but I called you my love that morning when we had slept together,” he shook his head. “I remember, you had been teasin’!” He grumbled and you reached out to him, touching his arm. “Maybe so but it’s still true..” it was your turn to blush. Both of you turning his favorite shade of red. “Really?” He rumbled affectionately, pulling you close. “Yes my love,” you said looking up at him shyly, and he wasn’t embarrassed anymore. He was smiling so big and bright, “you’re the cutest!” he gushed, rushing forward to kiss you.
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devils-dares · 1 year
hi bee!! so proud of you for 700, ilysm!!! can i get partners in crime #18 with matt and a fem reader please?! love you 😁🫶🏻
#18 - falling asleep in each other's arms after a stressful mission
wordcount: 460
“That all?” The metal container makes a hollow thunk sound as he sets it down on the coffee table. You nod, feeling the fresh burn of stitches in your skin.
The two of you had been trying to take intel from an organized crime family, and had gotten caught in the act when you were cornered in a room. You’d been sliced and Matt apologized profusely about not having caught them sooner, to which you replied with, “Can’t get it up when it’s life or death but you can taste my cheat meal off my lips for fun.”
He did not find that funny.
Now, although you were insistent you could move on your own, he carried you to bed. He pulled your suit completely off of you, and dressed you in a pair of his sweatpants and his shirt before your goosebumps could rise.
“I have to eat, Matt.” You say.
“I’ll bring you some food and painkillers, you relax here and try not to bust any stitches.” You mock him once he turns his back on you and he sticks up his middle finger in retaliation.
He returns with some hot tea and snacks, as well as painkillers, which you’re eternally grateful for. He climbs into bed as you eat after shedding his suit and changing, and pulls you close as you sip your tea.
“You okay?” You reach a hand up and stroke his stubble dotted cheek.
“Yeah, just bruised and-”
“You know that’s not what I mean. I know how hard you took it when I got hurt.”
“I just,” he started, “what if it was more than a slice? What if his aim was better? What if-”
“I’m fine, Matt, I’m still here and I’m not going anywhere.” He smiled down at you.
“Now that’s unfortunate.” He said, and your laugh flooded his chest with warmth. You placed your now empty mug on your bedside table and scooted closer to him.
“Hold me?” You ask, and of course he obliges. The two of you slip down to rest your heads on your pillows and you place a hand on his chest.
“I love you, Matty, don’t you forget that.” Fingers running up and down your arm paused for a second, and then squeeze your upper arm in an act of comfort.
“I love you too, princess.” His hand covers yours on his chest, and he brings your palm up to his lips to press a kiss to the center.
You let him fall asleep first, seeing the stress lines leave his face. You watch for a bit, his breaths even and peaceful. Sinking down a bit lower, your ear rests directly above his heart, and you allow the steady thudding to lull you to sleep.
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avianyuh · 4 months
I'll Call You: Jaehyun (Part 3)
Summary: idolreader x jaehyun.
You and Jaehyun have had a secretive on and off again relationship for a few years. After a nasty fight and assumed break-up, you anticipate he'll be back at your door within a few weeks. When word gets back to you that he's been seeing Winter from aespa, you're angry, confused, but mostly hurt. Is Jaehyun done with you or is there more to the story?
Recap: After finding out Jaehyun had moved on, he tries to contact you, acting like he had nothing to hide. More importantly, he acted like he had nothing to explain. Will you hear him out? Or is it time for you to treat him the way he has always treated you?
- 1
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The next morning was a bad one. I opened my eyes and was greeted by a sleeping Yura to my left. She had stayed with me the whole night. There were a lot of tears, but as the night went on, I decided that I would feel better if I just fessed up and told her everything about Jaehyun and I.
I started from the beginning about how we met, which was backstage at a music show. I had been walking down a hallway, preoccupied, looking at the walls of the accomplished artists that decorated the walls as I myself was nervously anticipating my group's performance. I had told my group I needed to take a breather so I wanted to take a walk. Jaehyun had been coming the other way and was staring at his phone. We ended up crashing into each other. Luckily he didn't drop his phone and no one was hurt. He immediately helped me up and started apologizing profusely. I was embarrassed but I reassured him that it was an honest mistake. But then we started talking and he said he had heard of my group and even started to sing one of our songs, which actually took my mind off of the performance for a minute. I didn't think I would have a chance to talk to him again after we said our goodbyes, but by the end of the show, a number was slipped into my bag when I went to collect my things. It didn't have a name on it but I had my suspicions it was him.
It was true because when I sent a simple 'Hello' text to the number, I was met with a 'Are you sure you're okay after that fall?'.
And that's where the relationship started.
We had texted for weeks, which developed into long phone calls, the meeting in person. I couldn't deny the fact that he was insanely attractive. He was charming, charismatic and kind. All of that was proven just in the first day of meeting him. I didn't understand what he could have possibly seen in me?
Our first kiss was after he had dropped me off at my dorm. It was really cliche. Up until that point, there had been no talks of a relationship and we had just viewed each other as close friends. But when we stood in front of my door, he held my chin in his hand and leaned in. Before I knew it I was leaning against the door and wrapped my arms around him. When he pulled away he whispered, "I don't think we can be friends anymore", with a smug smile on his face. I nodded, staring into his eyes.
We hadn't started any relationship talks that night. It wasn't until a week later that I saw him again. Though I'd like to preface that we had been texting the whole week.
But when he came over to my dorm and sat on my bed, next to my side, I could tell that something had changed.
He didn't seem as attentive as the night of the kiss. When I had greeted him at the door all he did was give me a brief hug before walking in and heading straight for my room.
And that was when he said it. That he wasn't ready for a relationship, but he didn't want to be friends.
And for a moment I thought that he would say we shouldn't see each other anymore. Which would have crushed me.
But when I over at him in confusion, he started to elaborate.
"I think that we should just see each other. No one else. But you know, I'll call you when I have time and you'll do the same. But we not dating or anything. No expectations, no time commitments." , he finished explaining and seemed pretty content with the idea.
I on the other hand felt like crawling in a ditch and burying myself. He didn't want to date me. He wanted to sleep with me, mess with my emotions, make me fall for him, but I couldn't call him my boyfriend.
Part of me thought that it would be a bad idea. But the other part of me didn't want to lose him, and could see that not committing could be an easier thing to hide from the public. Which would be wiser for both of our careers. The sad part was...I felt like it was all or nothing. If I didn't agree with this, he would probably leave.
So, I caved. I said I'd be willing to try and that's what we did for three years. But just like I predicted, I fell for him. I felt like a fool now knowing that he had replaced me. That he had moved on so fast. That he had been a lot more outgoing with information in this new relationship than he had even been with me. I think that's what hurt the most.
When I had finished telling Yura, she told me that everything was for the best. That I would heal. But that I shouldn't even think about taking him back if that ever became a possibility. I knew she was right, so I nodded in agreement.
But when I woke up the next morning after my mock therapy session, I was greeted by a text.
10 minutes ago: 'Can we talk?'
I didn't even have to look at the name to know who it was from.
So I picked up my phone and angrily tapped on my keyboard, I wanted him out of my life.
'There's nothing to talk about."
I was surprised by the text I received back.
'I just want to see you and apologize. I was a massive dick.'
True, I thought, but a little too late. He waited almost a month to contact you, for a shitty apology of all things? Had he texted me back within the first few days of the fight, sure, I would've heard him out. But to wait this long and learn he's been seeing someone else for half of that time...fuck no.
So, I decided to take the more blunt approach.
'Oh? I see that your new girlfriend has made you a better person, I don't want to talk to you. Leave me ALONE.'
He took a few minutes to respond, but all he did was make me angrier.
'What are you talking about? I don't have a girlfriend, the only person I'm seeing is you.'
All I sent back was 'Bullshit'. I couldn't believe he would play dumb. What's the point of an apology if you're not going to be honest...My train of thought was cut off when I heard my phone vibrate again. I looked down and read his last message: 'I really need to talk to you'
And to that I blocked him. I'm done. I don't think he can ever make it up to me. Three years of mind games, and he still can't be honest with me.
I felt the tears welling up again. I let out a sniffle, which woke Yura up. She sat up and pulled me into a hug. She didn't even ask why I was crying, but I think she already knew the reason.
I told her what happened, but as she was reading through the text messages, we heard the buzzer go off.
We could hear one of the girls go over to the intercom and look at the camera. Then we heard her make her way down the hallway before she stopped at my door.
"Jaehyun's here", she said. "Should I tell him to go?"
Yura spoke up immediately, "Yes, she doesn't want to hear what he has to say.", but when I thought about it. The fact that he came over in the first place, at least I could get some closure, face to face.
"No", I said as I stood up, "I want to talk to him.", Yura looked at me, disappointment evident on her face. "Yura, I need to get closure. Three years of on and off. I just want an explanation."
I quickly changed and splashed my face with cold water to help with my puffy face, caused by all of the crying, and I headed towards the front door.
{A/N: One more part to go! Might be from Y/N's perspective again. I have really enjoyed writing this little story so I'll probably start preparations for a new one, so if you have anyone in mind please let me know.}
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bots-and-cons · 7 months
Hello! How are ya? I hope you’re havin’ a good day
Could I request some HCs with Smokescreen in which his recklessness causes his human s/o to be in an accident?
Oh I really like this idea and I'm having an okay day, nothing out of the ordinary. I do have a pretty old scenario for Smokes being totally oblivious about something he said to the reader and hurting the reader’s feelings. If you’re interested in that you can find it here
•The moment it happened he knew he had messed up majorly
•He had to transform quickly, and to avoid crushing you, he just sort of had to throw you out of his chassis
•You were thrown to the side as he collided with a vehicon, but when the fight was over, he noticed you hadn’t gotten up from the ground, you were just laying there and groaning quietly
•Smokescreen immediately rushed over to you and knelt down
•He didn’t dare touch you, in fear that he would make it worse
•So he called Ratchet in a panic, telling him to get there quickly
•You started waking up when Smokescreen was on the comms with Ratchet
•You hadn’t been out cold for even a minute, but it felt like hours especially because Smokescreen couldn’t do anything
•You woke up with a wicked headache and you felt like you were going to throw up
•Your left side and arm also hurt like hell, because those took the brunt of the impact when you were thrown out
•Ratchet checked you over when he got to you, but he insisted you be taken to a hospital
•You wouldn’t let Smokescreen take you, and he didn’t understand why
•You were feeling very sick and sluggish, your arm hurt like hell and you had a killer headache too
•It turned out that you  had a concussion, and your arm was broken
•You had to get a cast and stay in the hospital overnight, so they could make sure you were okay
•When you returned to the base, you were acting a bit distant with Smokescreen
•He does apologize to you, and even though you tell him it’s okay, he gets the feeling it’s not really ok
•During the coming days, you’re pretty quiet, and you flinch every time you hear the rev of an engine
•Smokescreen feels like you don’t really talk to him anymore and he doesn’t understand why
•You do blame him for the incident, because he could’ve probably gotten away if he had just continued to drive or he could’ve called for backup, or both
•But he decided to fight, and you got hurt in the process
•Smokes doesn’t blame himself, he feels like he did the right thing and while he hates that you got hurt, he doesn’t think it’s his fault and he made the best choice he could in that situation
•He isn’t selfish or the type to blame everyone else for his mistakes, but he is eager to prove himself and he’s also quite naive
•When he confronts you about your cold shoulder treatment, you’re pretty irritated, because he seems to think he handled the situation well and he doesn’t understand why you’re angry at him
•You don’t feel like he hurt you on purpose of course, but you also feel he didn’t make a good choice in the situation
•You tell him how you feel, that you felt like his apology wasn’t sincere, because he didn’t think he did anything wrong
•You explain your side of things, and while he doesn’t completely understand, he accepts your reasoning and that he was in the wrong
•He apologizes profusely again, and you feel a bit better now that you know he gets where you’re coming from
•Your relationship is going to need some more work in order to get back what it was
•Eventually the whole thing brings you closer, but it takes work
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fabuloustrash05 · 2 months
RaMona 18, 19 and 23
18. What are they like when they're drunk? How do they act together? & when 1 is drunk, while the other one's sober?
Do you know that scene in the animated Wonder Woman movie (2009) where Steve Trevor takes Diana to a bar and the two start drinking, and after taking so many shots Diana is still not effected by the alcohol, but Steve is gets completely drunk. Diana even tells him something along the lines of "You thought you can outdrink an amazon, you light-weight!"
Yeah, that's Raph and Mona.
19. What do they fight about most often? (Alternative: what was their biggest fight?)
I can imagine they'd sometimes fight about how a situation against a bad guy in a fight should've been handle, maybe they have different ideas and couldn't come to a compromise. They're both stubborn after all, but then after the situation is cooled down, one of them would realize the other was right after all and apologize, then they'd make up (by making out lol).
I'd say the betrayal on Lord Dregg's planet was their biggest fight overall, so after that the couple tries their best to be open and honest with one another more to avoid something like that to ever happen again. Maybe one time, during a very heated argument, Raph, completely blinded by his anger, brings up the Dregg incident as a shoot back at Mona after she insulted him. Mona freezes from his words as she goes quiet, beginning to tear up. Raph immediately realizes what he said and starts apologizing profusely. This is the first time Raph ever made her cry, which makes him start to cry, mad and ashamed of himself for bringing up such a painful subject and using it against her. This would bring the couple to finally talk about the betrayal, how it effected them both, how it hurt them, etc. and realizing how this memory is still haunting them both. After a long conversation, the couple realizes that though it was a hard moment in their lives, it made them stronger in the end. Raph would apologize to Mona for his harsh words and Mona would apologize for hurting him. They can finally move on and are ready face bigger challenges in the future, not separately, but together.
23. Who initiates cuddling more?
Raph, almost ALL the time. The boy is extremely touch starved cause he didn't get enough love and attention from rat dad. Mona never complains about it cause she loves to cuddle with her adorable boyfriend. There will just be days when Mona is doing something (sitting on the coach reading or talking to someone) and Raph just walks up to her, not saying a word and just starts embracing her. Mona doesn't react, continuing whatever she's doing as she hold him in her arms to comfort him.
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