#anyway yeah great episode I really enjoyed it :D
Hmmm oop I.o
Ahhh I see, interesting 👀
Ahh crap
Ope o.o uhh ohhh
Ah right because they don't have the name 😬
Oh wait no they mean of who hired them :O
Girly is so wild o.o threatening too
Lowkey love her as a villain though xD
OOP o.o
Bro's nooot a fan either lol
Of the show thing I mean lol
Pretty not stoic for a hired criminal xD
Hmm well glad they know
Nolan tell themmm pleasee xdd we all need to work together
Ah hey girl :/
Yeahhh xd
Crap 😭😬
Yep that's why 😬😬
But also the detective guy is an important piece of the puzzle don't forget
Yeahh Lucy be carefullll 😬
Is Dr. Blaire not gonna be suspicious of him xD
LOL Smitty xD
AY Celina, wild xD
Anyway that's bad o.o
OOP yep O.O
It's not gonna be turn I don't think xd
Ohhh noo
Well good stuff though :DD buut xd
The music 👀👀 o.o :D?
Ayy got him like he got Tim >:)))
Go off y'all :DD
Though I wish we could keep him in custody xdd
Guess it was to turn :D!
I just don't know if I can trust it though xdd
Maaaybe idk she was hesitant but I'm not sure xd
? And?
Ahh right yeah don't want the bad people having it lol
Wait I always figured that was known about didn't think anything of it when she turned it off o.o was it not?
Nahh I think it was
Maybe it was a different one or just that they have access to it? Evil people that is
Girl what did you expect xD
Ahh hmm
Confess girl 👀👀
Girlll idk if that'll happen xD
Hmm maybe
Get her in protective custody quick y'all o.o xD
To know quick and to keep her safe xD
Ah hmm Eric Ramsey, now we have a name
Hmm he seems rough then
Ahh interesting, figured she wouldn't know him
Hmm true
But hopefully that'll get you exposed xD
Or on the path to it eventually lol
Well we have people who've done that but they're good people XD
Ahh interesting
Torture it, not recruit lol o.o?
Hmm what will it be
Will it be getting out o.o
Y'ALLLLL and I be stressed for Angela and Wesley o.o
Not that he's really a grudge holder but his CELLMATE ELIJAH-
Anyway xD
Maybe she'll help him break out through legal (as in lawyer not not illegal lol) means, or maybe he says break out but it is legally somehow, idk xD but O.O
Wild o.o 😬😬😬😳
And once again that music was good but stressful xD
Amazing episode y'all I loved it SO much :D :O
Based on the promo/commercial I saw I think the next episode's gonna come together even more and I am SO excited for that, love how it's all slowly pushing inwards towards each other :D and they've all been working on it and have no idea 😎
AUAGH love it, amazing :D such a good episode :)) 🥰😳🥰🥰
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your-name-is-jim · 10 months
TOS fans, you may want to read this comic series!
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Sooo I recently read this series of comics called Star Trek: Year Five, published in 2019-2021 by IDW Publishing; I heard it was good, but I didn't expect it to be that good!
If you haven't read it, I suggest to check it out! (it's also not hard to find it if you get what I mean)
The art overall is great and, more importantly, the characters act like themselves and there are several references to their canon backgrounds, past and future experiences! What I absolutely loved was also seeing a lot of "old faces" from TOS show, as well as mentions of events from the series and the movies.
As the title suggests, the story takes place during the last year of Kirk's five-year mission on the Enterprise. I'd like to tell you more, but I enjoyed the surprise of a lot of things I didn't expect, so first of all I'll post a few pics without major spoilers from the first 11 issues (there are 25, so you still have a lot to discover!):
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I especially love how Bones and Sulu are drawn, they really look like them! Scotty and Uhura too, but that depends on the artist. Speaking of them, if you like a little Scotty/Uhura, this series has something good about it!
The joke about Kirk thinking there's something strange with the way the Klingons look now cracked me up. LOL
Also, I'm not sure Chapel would call McCoy "Bones", but she is very right in that panel. :)
The last panel is classical James T. Kirk's ass appreciation lol
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Sulu has a love story with an alien who doesn't understand human genders and uses they/them pronouns. As someone who headcanons TOS Sulu as attracted to any gender, that was great to see :D
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I'm also posting this "end-of-the-episode" panel because it's just perfection. TOS in a nutshell. Aww, look at Kirk and Spock just looking at each other! <3
I must say, you may be a little disappointed if you expect to see many moments with Kirk and Spock together, BUT the scenes they have together are really good! I won't say anything more, just read until the end and you'll see! :D
By the way, this series has a Valentine's Day extra, which is the only part where Kirk has a love interest (a female original character). Yeah, you heard me: in the main story, Kirk doesn't have new romances with anyone; Sulu is the one who gets all the action! ;)
The Valentine's Day issue is not linked to anything else and I don't think Kirk's female love interest is mentioned outside that story, so you can easily skip it if it's not for you. However, even if I can't say I'm especially happy with that story, I personally found something interesting there, for example this:
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I think I saw this out of context once, but I didn't know where it was from, so sorry I'm just going to lose my mind thinking about ladies or GENTLEMEN in Kirk's life and Kirk not correcting her about his sexual preferences. Anyway, I might make a separate post someday about this special from a Kirk/Spock shipper's perspective, because I do have a lot of thoughts about it :)
So, if you haven't read Star Trek: Year Five, I hope I convinced you to check it out! I hadn't been lucky with other Star Trek comics before, so I had almost lost hope to find something good… and then here it was! Something that made me feel like it was really written with a lot of love for The Original Series! I really needed it!
If you decide to give it a try, I'd love to see your thoughts and see your favorite parts! I hope you enjoyed this little review. :)
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piracytheorist · 6 months
Episode 33 reaction!
*incoherent screaming*
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Yor talks about how they'll just put them in that inflatable boat and then go to the other ship, but would that really work with the amount of assassins on board? All they'd need to do would be fire with a sniper while the trio were boarding.
Anyway. Caught by the smell, after all. And indeed Yor doesn't seem to have a scent that super-smeller Turtleneck Guy can pick up. Interesting!
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I love how Anya didn't even have to negotiate this. She wasn't even direct about it.
Also, it looks like Anya got a little more comfortable hearing a myriad of passionate thoughts around her? Like, remember episode three, where she passed out from the amount of thoughts around her. Here she didn't seem bothered at all and thought she could "look around" for Yor's thoughts. Is that a sign that she's getting stronger and gaining more control of her power?
I love how Yor saw the two guys standing by the hallway and went like "These are probably assassins" and they were indeed assassins.
Okay. This spread is hilarious, with all the different expressions side by side, and I'm glad I had the manga in a physical copy and could see it in all its glory XD
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It was so sweet, how Olka tried to calm down Gram 🥺 the voice actress did such a great work there!
They actually fit three full chapters and one short chapter in one episode, and it still didn't feel rushed, what the hell! Like they took their time showing everything. This is amazing.
I love how Gram got excited over jumping around in Yor's arms XD
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The sniper got an order to kill the baby too, if possible! The fuck!
Setting a fight between assassins - which includes a lot of shooting - amidst a firework show is brilliant. The plain guests had no idea what was happening just a few meters away from them.
The difference between their reactions at the other dodging was hilarious. The sniper went like "She dodged that???!?!" and Yor was like "Aw shucks, he dodged it."
Then. Yor. Fucking. DESTROYED. A DAGGER WITH HER BARE FINGERNAILS. What the actual fuck! (I accidentally typo-ed "bear fingernails" there but was it actually incorrect? This woman is a beast!)
And Gram is still having fun! Fireworks? Time to cry. People trying to kill them? Laughing his heart out :D
My god! The assassins coming out, and Yor doing her tricks with her stilettos before preparing her stance? The animators really understand the assignment!
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Some good quick action there, McMahon coming to their help and I THINK I MIGHT HAVE SCREAMED WHEN ZEB GOT HIT.
Like they were actually falling and I was like. Please tell me he wore a bulletproof vest. Please tell me he won't die. PLEASE DON'T DIE ;_;
So yeah. I was so relieved to see he had a vest. And it's also funny that they took a humorous tone with that. A bit of an emotional whiplash was expected there XD
There's so much good animation there I can't even begin to comment on it. I'll have to gif a lot tomorrow :D Probably :D
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McMahon cleaning up! Both preparing to fuck shit up!
I love how Yor apologized for using a guy's dead body as a shield from bullets. Kindness over all!
And then Loid wondering why Anya is still so excited after a long show of fireworks. He would lose his mind as a modern parent whose child could listen to Baby Shark a million times in a row.
A literal bloodshow ensues! Yor killing guy after guy and McMahon cleaning up after her!
Meanwhile, Anya and Loid enjoy the fireworks, and the office dudes win a fortune. Wins all around!
Though shit! The mace guy broke one of Yor's stilettos! Sacrilege!
They didn't pull back. With the soft song accompanying the action, we then get a hilarious (!!) montage of Yor taking out the assassins one by one and HOW DO THEY DO THAT. How is the humor in this show so effective I DO NOT UNDERSTAND. Like, Endo's writing is funny in and of itself, but then the anime manages to pick up from that and use make it over the top! I love it.
Turtleneck guy thinks he's in the position to judge Yor??? Shut up my dude.
So McMahon is a pretty traditional dude, huh. Interesting. And did Turtleneck Guy really go like, "No, YOU will be eaten by sharks!" Like was that the best you could do XD
But then! Things get deeply serious! McMahon isn't dead, is he? O_O (don't answer)
Oh my god there's so much more I can barely comment! The katana guy being over the top! Yor worrying over breaking Loid and Anya's hearts! BECAUSE SHE'LL DIE. The haircut moment XD
But then Yor had her moment of wondering and then got her ass kicked and shit.
It is not clear in the anime, but it looks like in the manga Yor ripped the earring off her earlobe to stop Turtleneck Guy from moving on.
It's kind of tragic, how the Briar siblings ended up. Yor got into a dangerous, soul-eating job to protect Yuri's carefree life, and Yuri, seeing the sacrifices she made for him, did the same for her. They're so desperate to protect each other from the evils of the world, because they're all they have...
But now she's got even more of a motive...
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So what if I cry? What if I dissolve into a puddle of tears and feels? So what? T_T
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One last moment of logic that yes, she did rip her earlobe.
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And now I continue screaming. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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madlittlecriminal · 11 months
Heeyyy, not sure if your requests are open or not... If not, no worries, feel free to ignore this, lol. But I gotta say, I absolutely adored your mk fanfics! They were just so good! And it got me thinking, you know? What if, in Steven's date episode (the one in the series), the reader showed up? Like, maybe she could be the waitress or just someone who happened to be alone at the restaurant and saw him there. What do you think would make her approach him? I don't know, maybe a sense of sympathy, or just wanting to be cool? Or maybe he's just really good-looking? Who knows! Anyway, sorry if I rambled a bit, and please forgive any mistakes in my English. It's not my first language. Once again, I LOVED your mk fanfics!
- Anon🐌
Chocolates and Wine ☾ Steven Grant × Female!Reader
your English is great, don't worry anon! :) im glad you liked my fics though! it means a lot to be honest, especially since i was hesitant at first to write for the moon boys. but you and everyone else who has liked and reblogged my work has made my days so much better :') thank you and i hope you enjoy! :) also, i ramble too, so you can ramble as much as you want!
Warnings: being stood up, the so-called date of reader has no specified gender
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You glanced at your phone and sighed when you saw it was now 7:30 and your date wasn't there. 30 minutes late and not one message to you saying that they were cancelling or at least letting you know that they were running late. Honestly, you were beginning to lose hope. However, when you turned around to see a guy looking a bit sad after getting off the phone, you felt bad. Had he gone through the same thing you were?
It was kind of unfortunate really. I mean, he was handsome. Not to mention that he looked good in black, but that was beside the point. You saw he had a heart shape box with him, and you quickly knew it was chocolate. The waiter walked over to him, and you quickly decided that there was no way you were going to waste this night and let him be sad.
He looked too good to be sad anyway.
So, you did what you thought was right and quickly ran up to the table and sat down across from him. The look of shock on his face was hard to miss and you let out a breath. "Sorry I'm late! I typed the wrong address and from rushing to get here, I forgot to let you know." The waiter smiled at you while the man in front of you was frozen. "Did you order yet?" He shook his head and you smiled. "Great! Can I get a glass of red please?" The waiter nodded and looked over that the man. "And for you sir?" He nodded and looked up at the waiter. "Y-yeah, I'll take the same. Thank you." The waiter left while scribbling the drinks down on his notepad. Once he was far, you looked over at the man, his dark brown eyes meeting yours.
"Sorry if I scared you, sir. I thought it was best if I joined you." He shook his head. "No worries. I saw you waiting and I thought it was for someone. D-Did you get stood up?" You look down at menu the man had and sighed. "Unfortunately. I don't understand why people do that, y'know? Did you get stood up too or did they have the decency to reschedule?" You scanned the menu before deciding what you wanted before passing it back to him. He took it and embarrassment was written on his face. "I got the days mixed up. Thought today was Friday when it's actually Sunday."
"Yeah, it happens. Especially when time goes by quickly, you lose track of days, right?" Something was written on his face as the waiter came back with the wine before putting it down and asking if you were ready to order. You and the stranger placed your orders and he walked away. "You could say that. Sorry, I'm Steven...with a v." You raised your brow with a small smile as you looked at him. "Nice to meet you Steven with a v. I'm (Y/N)." His embarrassment quickly faded, and a small smile crept on his face. "This date of yours, did he bail because he was nervous?" You shrugged. "I wouldn't know. Tried contacting them and they never responded, so I gave up and came to your table."
"Out of pity?" You took a sip of your wine. "Honestly? Maybe a bit, but I figured I would take my chances. You seemed decent enough to talk to." He chuckled. "Thank you...I think?" You smiled. "Plus, it was a bonus for me since you definitely are cuter than who my date was." He raised a brow. "A man?" You shrugged. "Male, female, gender neutral, doesn't matter. You're really handsome, Steven." He looked down at his hands and you tilt your head to the side. Did he not get compliments? Surely a man this handsome got compliments daily, right?
He gave you a shy smile. "I'm not used to flattery, so I'm sorry." You grinned. "It's fine," your waiter returned with the food and you both began indulging on the food, having a nice conversation. You found out he was an Egyptian mythology buff and you thought it was cute. He told you about how he wanted to be a tour guide for the museum he worked at, but his boss was, and you'd quote "a complete twat" which made you snort. You told him about your career and your different interests as well, causing him to look at you with so much focus that you honestly became nervous.
However, as quickly as this whole thing started, it came to an end; he paid and you gave the tip since he refused to split the bill, insisting that you did so much for him, the least he could've done was pay for your food as well. As you both began to leave, you traded numbers, agreeing to hang out again soon. He then looked at the chocolate box that was now under his arm and turned to you. "Do you like chocolate?" You were shocked by his response and nodded. He handed you the box of chocolates with a smile. "There you go, love. Enjoy, yeah? You did a lot for me today and it was great. Thank you."
"You're welcome, Steven. Do you need a ride?" He hesitated for a second before nodding. "Yeah, alright." With that, you gave him your phone so he could put his address in it and got into your car. Honestly, you were glad your date stood you up or else you wouldn't have met Steven. After Steven handed your phone back to you, you send the person a text saying that you wished them the best, but you were no longer interested in them. You deleted their number and went back to your navigation app and began taking Steven home.
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graaythekwami · 11 months
What is your opinion about the ending of Miraculous?
(I'm using this ask as my chance to talk about both episodes as a whole, not just the ending-- spoilers ahead!)
My thoughts on these two episodes are mixed, but positive overall. :)
Over all, I enjoyed the episodes. It was fun, the action and animation were great, and there are parts that I really really loved that are being adopted into all my kwami headcanons right now and no one can stop me. I was worried with how the season would end based off of some things I heard, and was prepared for the worst-- but these were enjoyable episodes to watch.
However I will not lie that I am not happy with how some characters were handled. I'm sorry but I will never be happy with Gabriel being seen as a hero, and the fact that Adrien wasn't there or even told what happened?? Gabriel getting a statue?? Gabriel acting like he cared about Adrien when he clearly didn't?? No... just no, its not right or fair. I could go on about this all day, but I won't as there's a lot to say about these episodes.
Adrien not getting a role in this finale I am mad at. Him being left in the dark about what happened I'm also not happy with, HOWEVER... seeing Marinette's age, mindset, and everything she's been through... I don't feel that her actions were out of character. I can see a young teenager under pressure wanting to protect the one she loves from a horrible reality. I'm not saying her keeping the truth from him is right, but I can see how it fits into the narrative. As long as the fact that this lie was told is addressed in the future (and the weight it will no doubt put on Adrien) and not just brushed aside, then I won't get up in arms about this scene yet, and I will wait to see how its handled in the future.
Last small little tiny thing is Felix. Like... it feels out of character for him to just be like "yeah hero team!" and for the hero team to be like "yeah Felix!" Feel like more should have been addressed on Felix's character as a whole.
Okay-- enough about the negative-- onto all the awesome parts about these episodes! :D
First of all-- hero team!! Full time holders!! Saved kwamis (I'm so sorry Nooroo that you're still out there you deserve so much better!!) I love it, this is what we needed, and I hope the identity rules ease up among the heroes after this.
Next Nathalie. Oh Nathalie, the queen, amazing-- 11/10 this episode. She full on goes in dying and is ready to shoot Gabriel with a crossbow?? Like girl, you're amazing!! I'm glad to see that she is better now, she deserves it. Anyways I love her.
Adrien getting his amok-- yes, finally.
Marinette's Ladybug and Black Cat unification was a lot of fun. Its too bad the name Lady Noire was already taken, but I loved this whole fight. A piano being dropped on Gabriel's head, Gabriel's reaction to Marinette being Ladybug. Marinette beating Gabriel and just summoning all the Luck Charms... she was a boss. I loved the checkmate scene. I love how she did try to reach out to Gabriel (not that he deserves a second chance but Marinette is just a sweetheart). I loved Gabriel's betrayal to her with a Vemon because it was his last in character moment, I loved that we got to see all the other characters in action. The classmates, Fei and the New York heroes. All great scenes.
Now finally onto the gold of these episodes: THE KWAMIS. Hehehehe they were amazing, they were beautiful. Yes give me all their true forms, give me Gimmi (hehe) they look SO cool and epic. I originally thought I wouldn't like a true-form kwami or a fusion form of them but never mind they're glorious they are my children we need true forms for all the kwamis look at how powerful they are!!
And how the Wish works... I never really liked the whole "destroy the universe and create a new one" idea they had going on in other episodes, and I'm so glad they went with an equal price. And maybe destroy and remake the universe still has a role in it all but give me the green strawberries as a price. The whole Wish scene with how it works and the true form of the kwamis was fantastic and I love it so much.
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gojirawave · 6 months
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters, episode 3.
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I've really been enjoying the show so far. The first two episodes were great. However, this one was definitely the weakest so far, which isn't a bad thing it's still a great episode I just liked episodes 1&2 more. Still enjoyed it a bunch and am excited to see where the show goes in the next seven episodes. I'd give it a 7 or 7.5 out of 10, so yeah it's not a bad piece of television by any means, and my rating will probably change upon rewatch
I'm a little disappointed we didn't get a follow-up on what happened with the Ion Dragon from the end of episode 2, but who knows, maybe we'll revisit it and the mutos babies from the end of episode 1. It would be a shame if the two things from the e d of episode 1&2 just don't get revisited, and we move on
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Anyways onto the episode itself, the stuff happening in the 50s is definitely the strongest gest aspect of the show as of episode 3 imo. It's not that the 2015 story or cast is bad.
The 50s story feels like fun monster hunting, and that appeals to me. Like, I'd watch a whole X-Files monster hunting show with these three just running around during the 50's. They got good chemistry.
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The highlight of the episode, however, is Godzilla himself, specifically the recreation and expansion of the Bikini Atoll opening credits of Godzilla 2014. It is really rewarding as someone who first saw Godzilla 2014 when I was 13.
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Poor fella looked so confused and then got flashed banged. Keiko is definitely my favorite character so far, mostly cause I'm biased towards any characters who show a bit of empathy and curiosity towards kaijus and want to learn more about them and/or protect them because thst would probably be me. I'm honestly sad she presumably died thinking Godzilla was dead.
(I'm holding out hope she somehow miraculously survived the end of episode 1, and it's gonna be a twist.)
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Anyways, as far as the 2015 stuff, it was good. I gotta admit I only really vibe with Cate Randa and Lee Shaw, both Kentaro and May aren't really that interesting to me yet. Hopefully, that changes in the 7 remaining episodes. However, I enjoyed everything with the Frost Vark, and I am excited to see how the four of them get out of this situation with no obvious immediate means of escape. Plus, it's just a cool ass design, I'm always happy to see good, original designs from Legendary for the Monsterverse, and this really works for me.
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Like, look at it!!! It's a giant mole thing!!!
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fandomwe1rd0 · 6 days
I swear Rickdepedence Spray is such a horrible episode like oh my fucking god. Angry rant about this nightmare episode under the cut! TW for inc*st because well we're talking about this episode
Oh my fucking god this fucking episode is so fucking horrible like oh my god fucking god. I love Rick and Morty but why just so much why!? Like why does the episode exist, DAN WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!? My major problem with this episode, well my two main problems is Morty's sexualization and the fact that it has WAY TOO MUCH incest like WHY!? Wait that would imply that there is ever the right amount of incest- But yeah there is a LOT a LOT!
Butttt every Rick and Morty episode has positives! And I refuse to not mention the ones in this one! Don't worry there's not a lot! Uhm...I uh...laughed at like...1 of the jokes. Uhm...Beth, Jerry, and Summer were...ok. The President was also okay...they weren't at their best, but they certainly weren't at their worst, so uhm that's...fine. Butttt I REALLY LOVE RICK IN THIS EPISODE LIKE OH MY FUCKING GOD :D Yeah him uhhh with a CHUD is weird, but I mean they are sentient and she seems to be of age, so I can't judge. (Also I assume the age-inappropriate thing isn't talking about Princess Poneta being underaged, but talking about Rick being literally 70) BUT HE'S LIKE ACTUALLY NICE TO MORTY IN THE EPISODE! Like I give him WAY too much credit but the "Oh, hello kiddo, how's your Saturday" IS SO FUCKING CUTE LIKE AWWWWW! HIM ACTUALLY BEING NICE TO MORTY WHEN HE GOES IN THE GARAGE AND HIM HOLDING ONTO MORTY PROTECTIVELY THE SECOND THE PLANE STARTS GOING DOWN AWWWW HE LOVES MORTY SO MUCH!
Okay time for me to stop foaming at the mouth over Rick not being a complete ass to Morty and start suffering when I list everything bad about this episode!
Here's a fun drinking game! Take a shot everytime they say "incest"! Like I understand that Morty and Summer didn't DO anything (Thank GOD) But why was the incest baby thing even needed??? Like why??? Who in the writer's room was like "Hey y'know what would be GREAT for this episode?! What if Morty and Summer had a baby!" And everyone else in the writer's room were like "Yeah! What a wonderful idea! Let's bring it up mutiple times because why not?! Besides all the OBVIOUS reasons why not!"
Alsoooo the humor isn't even that good, like I will admit I did laugh at one of the jokes. It was the "He (The sperm monster) had a gun!" I dunno, I found it funny, but the rest of the jokes are incest jokes or sexualizing Morty, incest and sexualizing minors isn't funny. Moving on!
So, the elephant in the room, well the other elephant in the room besides all the incest, all the sexualization of Morty! I mean literally all the episode was started from Morty...uh...ahem...let's just say...enjoying himself with animal equipment. (Gross) I mean it doesn't SHOW anything, but still. ALSO! Later in the episode, it barely covers him uh...ahem...with the animal equipment again! As we hear him...uh...making noises no sane person wants to hear come out of a minors mouth, ik the voice actor is an adult but still, STILL! He's trying to sound like a child, which makes this soooooooo distrubing. Ik it's not supposed to uhhhh make anyone excited, but STILL! Nobody wants to hear that, like that scene is SO awkward like ughhhhhhhh. I hate it
Anyway, that's it! Fuck this episode!
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unleashthegoats · 7 months
Hey y'all! Loved the new episode, and wanted to chip in on one of the later points - videogames, especially in relation to the "Grey" Jedi concept. Knights of the Old Republic II really did some irreversible damage in that regard, as much as I love the game (though I prefer the first one). Kreia is one of the most central characters in regard to shifting morality debates in Star Wars (in universe and from fans alike) imo, and I'd honestly be super interested in hearing you three cover either or both of the games in the podcast, although I understand that's highly unlikely since none of you have played them. But she is extremely relevant to this topic because she preaches about neutrality and that there's more than just ~dogmatic thinkings of light and dark~, and your relationship with her suffers if you are kind and altruistic and get too rooted in the light side and she's like...one of *the* characters that kind of gets credited with developing a "grey" philosophy in-universe? But people always bring her up as if she's this great point of sensible consideration and not actually, as it turns out, a master manipulator trying to purge the Force from the galaxy (or something like that at least? It's been a while since my last playthrough lol) that lies to you all the time to get you to do what she wants (because she was so crazy bananas both the Jedi and the Sith said "no thank u :)" - well, with a bit more nuance but you get the gist). Really, it's a bit like people falling for Palpatine's anti-Jedi points all over how they talk about her philosophic arguments without bringing that up. But yeah, I thought you might be interested in that. Also, I think KotOR might be what people meant with being able to unlock Dark Side powers as a Light sider but you are absolutely correct that it's a mechanics vs story issue (especially since some powers are indeed alignment-locked AND making dark side choices does impact the character (apart from story, ending and relationships to your party members). It's a bit of a simplistic gimmick, of course, but the further you get into the Dark Side on the alignment, the more it's visible - sickly skin colour, cracks in the skin and flesh, your eyes change...stuff like that. I don't think using Dark Side powers actually pushes you further down the alignment, but the intent is obviously not for Light Siders to mix and match however they like).
Anyway, I'm so sorry for rambling on for so long, but I thought you (or someone, at least :D ) might appreciate that additional info. Keep up the good podcasting! :)
OUR FIRST ASK! I'm so glad you're enjoying the podcast, thank-you so much for listening to us ramble on for an hour once a month!
This is all really interesting! I've read a few metas about the Star Wars video games and the characters within them which is partly why I chose to briefly include them in the episode (and also because I am familiar with Jedi: Survivor which has its own "dark side" mechanic for the main character that was relevant to the discussion). Aside from Jedi: Survivor, I wasn't necessarily referencing any one specific video game, I assume it's probably a thing that's come up more than once.
As far as my reaction to Kreia goes, just based on your description of her, the idea of there being "too much light" just isn't how Lucas's own worldbuilding worked. It's clearly trying to hit on the idea of "balance" being equal amounts of light and dark usage, as opposed to balance being acknowledging darkness EXISTS (in yourself and in the universe) in order to keep yourself from acting on it. There just isn't a way to be "too light" or something like that, there's never "too much" kindness and compassion and selflessness in the world. In this sense, the video games are just going to fall into the same category as the rest of legends and EU stuff, in that they often just do their own thing based on their own interpretations of Star Wars, but it doesn't mean it actually fits with what Lucas himself was trying to get across about the philosophy of the Force and the Jedi in his own stories, and that's primarily what we're using as a base to discuss Star Wars from.
If any of us ends up playing KOTOR, we can certainly try to bring it up more often. I don't think we have any plans of doing more video game stuff currently, but if the KOTOR remake ever comes to pass, maybe I will!
-Mod Sugar
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tomaturtles · 9 months
ok. ive seen it on my dash enough to ask because it's really cute; what is Skip to Loafer about? is it slice of life styled, or is there an overarching plot? Will it make me smile and maybe tear up? 😲
Skip to Loafer is a slice of life, yeah!! The manga's at chapter 54 as of this post and there's a 12 episode anime!
It's basically about an ambitious girl named Mitsumi Iwakura who moves from her countryside hometown to live in Tokyo with her aunt and study in a prestigious highschool in order to accomplish her dreams. The story mostly follows her highschool life and relationships with other characters as she meets new people, adjusts to life in Tokyo and pursues her goals!
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I think there's a pretty good chance of smiles and tears :'D Mostly smiles! But possibly occasional tears. It has a very warm, sweet and lighthearted feel overall and I really enjoy the gentle way in which it explores the characters' feelings, there are both moments that made me smile wide and moments that made me so emotional 😭😭
The series' biggest strength imo and what I personally love most about it is its characters, their relationships and how they develop over the course of the story!! The cast is so compelling and endearing, and learning more about them and their struggles as the story goes on and seeing them eventually grow and learn and develop through their interactions with other characters is soo rewarding and delightful 🥺🥺
And also!!!! I love the wonderful way it portrays friendships and the weight and value the story gives to friendships!!!! There is so much love and care in them and watching the characters bond, learn more about each other and grow closer over time is soo lovely to see, and there's a few friendships that form that i did not see coming but absolutely adore :')
ANYWAY!!! I love this series very much i hope you have a great time if you check it out 💖💛💖
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tdoong15 · 7 months
hello once again kai, am back lol. here to request toddler NaJeongMo regressing while hanging out with other members (you can choose what members) and are forced to go into caregiver mode and end up having a bluey or paw patrol marathon while eating snacks and colouring with there CGs
Hello again :D this sounds really nice!
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Toddler!NaJeongMo, Cg!Sahyo
Relaxing with Bluey
The original idea was to have a movie marathon since it's what everyone had agreed on without any arguments. So Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Momo, Sana and Jihyo had all brought in snacks and drinks for their movie marathon.
"I'm so glad that we're able to have this break from our schedules" Jihyo said which was net with a simultaneous agreement from the other girls. "Yeah, anyway let's get this marathon started!" Nayeon cheered. Sana then reached for the remote control and turned on Disney+ since they had some movies already saved.
Whilst Sana scrolled across the previously watched section, the infamous show called "Bluey" popped up on the screen which made NaJeongMo's eyes light up. "Can we watch Bluey please, mama?" Jeongyeon asked Sana. "Yeah! We wanna watch Bluey!" Momo agreed along with Nayeon who gave eager nods, it was clear to both Jihyo and Sana that the three girls had regressed. "Of course we can. We'll even watch it from the very beginning." Jihyo responded.
With that Sana turned on Bluey for the girls to watch instead of the movies they had planned. But halfway through the fifth episode Jeongyeon got up and started walking away. "What are you doing, Jeong?" Sana asked curiously since it was not normal for Jeongyeon to leave halfway through an episode of Bluey. "Just gettin' coloring books" She responded with a grin before she grabbed the markers and coloring books from the drawers. Jeongyeon then placed one in front of Nayeon and Momo before going on the floor to color in a photo of a dog.
"Puppies aren't green jeongie" Nayeon said when she pointed at the drawing. "'Nd bunnies ain't blue Nay" Jeongyeon rolled her eyes and continued to color in the dog picture. "Girls don't argue, any animal can be any color" Jihyo told them in a soft tone. Throughout the whole thing Momo sat with Sana, eating popcorn and occasionally drawing but mostly watching Bluey. "Look mama Bingo!" Momo pointed out her favorite character because she kinda looks like one of her own dogs, Dobby. "Wow I see her Momo" Sana said with a smile on her face.
After a few minutes Jeongyeon and Nayeon settled their argument and agreed with Jihyo whilst they went back to watching Bluey. The room was filled with laughter and cheers throughout the rest of the show with the occasional rustling from grabbing snacks.
I hope you guys enjoyed reading this fic and I hope you have a great day/evening/night basically whenever you're reading this.
Also I'm sorry for not posting yesterday I was incredibly tired and I had spent well over 4 hours staring at a white screen because I needed to type things up for my Criminology course so I decided to post today because I knew that I could do it to a better quality.
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Ooope Tommy and the pastor dude!!!
Ooohh telling their kids :o
"You have to break up with him" SLGHDHJKS EIFKSOMCE OH LOL
Oh hi Grace :D
Ope nevermind we're at the station lol?
:OO Uhh???
Uh oh 😳
That doesn't seem good 😬 xDD
Okay but we're laying her down anyway even though they said she'd die if she wasn't upside down XD
I mean you gotta test but still lol
Ohhh nooo :oo
I mean just put her back up though right xD
Hmmm VERRRY interesting though o.o 👀👀
Poor Tommy though XD it better work out I like them together :)) and I want her to be happy <333
That's the last of my last thoughts, now it's time for the. . .
I loooved this episode! I thought it was great :D. Very dramatic :)), but everything still worked out! And somehow they did manage to make it so it wasn't the nephew, or like- not quite not his fault, but that he wasn't totally off the rails, he was being manipulated <3. Crazy stuff :D. And like, sure, we saw a lot of Owen being a savior and all that lol, but eh, it's a drama show :)). Owen's gonna Owen, and I'm just gonna enjoy the episode anyway <333. Also the 126 was great this episode :D. Loved actually seeing them xD. I know we did last week but still yk it's nice :)). I do miss Marjan though 😭.
Anyway! It's time for the individual parts :))
Quick, first off! Marjan :')). I MISS HER SO MUCHHH 😭😭😭. LIKE Y'ALLLLL 😭😭😭❤️❤️💔. But I know she's happy out on the road right now <33, and I also know that out of universe wise she will be coming back at some point :)). So, I'm holding out for that and having hope <33. I still miss her though :'D. I love her <333.
Okay, now for the people whow ere actually in the episode lol.
Tommy! She was great this episode :D. I'm glad she helped figure out where the bomb was 🥰🥰, and that it wasn't just Owen lol. But seriously, she's observant, and she's a paramedic captain - it totally makes sense that she would notice if something was amiss with one of them. So, proud of her for that :)). I'm definitely nervous for her next episode 😭😭. It would SUCK if she actually does have to break up with him for her kids :((. Because like I said, I like them together, but more importantly I want her to be happy. I'd say there's probably several reasons the girls could not want them dating (or maybe it's just one of them! I can't them apart, not when it was just one shot of one of them at least lol. Or probably at all xD), like because he's the pastor, or because they just don't like him, or because they're not ready for Tommy to be with someone new. But, whatever it is, I hope it all works out and everyone's happy <33. Anyway, Tommy was amazing this episode, as always 🥰🥰. And obviously, though we didn't see tol much of it, great at her job :)). I love her :DD ❤️.
Nancy! She was great 🥰🥰. By the way, I couldn't figure out a good way to split people up, so I'm just gonna do them all individually lol. Anyway, she was great this episode :D. Plus we got a little Nanteo moment 🥰🥰. Lovely, love them :DD. But honestly I'm still stuck on her maimed line at the beginning XD. It was so good lol <3. Anyway, she was great in the work sense too :), and even though we didn't see her do too much this episode, she was there and she was being awesome <33. We just didn't see a lot of anyone doing their jobs what with a bomb to be following and all lol. But, yeah xD. I love her 🥰🥰🥰❤️.
Mateo! Btw yes I know it's been several days, everything after "Mateo!" is, but I've been busy lol. It also means it'll probably be shorter bc I need to get this done lol. Anyway! Mateo lol. I love him 🥰🥰. Little Nanteo moment :DD. Lovely, my babeys <333. And him being the only one who knew (in that moment at least) the laughing gas fact xD. Nice callback tbh :)). Anyway, he was great at his job, as always :D.
Paul :). Just as the others, he was amazing at his job :D. And also their silliness in the beginning of the episode, while maybe a bit inappropriate, was still adorable xD 🥰. And that includes Paul sooo I'm saying it here lol :). Anyway, his bit near the beginning with Judd was great lol - like wonderinf what Owen was doing there and whatnot xD. But yeah, as always he was awesome :p. I love him ❤️❤️!
Judd! Nice to see our boy as interim captain again :D. It's always fun to see him take on that responsibility, and he can definitely manage it. He did great, and with everything else too :)))! Also his little text to Grace ❤️. I love them your honor 😭 <33. But yeah he was amazing this episode, especially with having Owen's back the whole time lol. Like at the end with the firetruck (all of them did <3 but yk). So yeah! I love him 🥰🥰🥰.
Grace :DD. Our girl SLAYED this episode 🥰🥰. Finding that river for Owen to drive into? Amazing :D. And with the other calls too :). And again, the text from Judd 😭😭❤️. Also her background being Judd :'DD - I can't <33. I love them so much, my babeys :'))). But yeah! She was awesome this episode ❤️❤️. I just have to mention the last call again - she comprehended what was going on (a feat of its own lol), she set up the timer (which was less than 2 minutes if I remember correctly), she found a problem with where Owen was going and then found two more solutions, and she figured out that the water would deactivate the ANFO. Like!!! AAHHH!! She slayed 🥰🥰🥰. I love her :DDD ❤️!!
TK! He was great 🥰🥰. As always, he was amazing at his job :p. And that moment when Owen was going into the capital and he was just like "*Sigh* I really hate it when he does this :/" XDDD. Icon fr. And of course, the TARLOS SCENE :DDD. I mean barely Tarlos but yk they were both there in their house talking about the wedding sooo whatever lol xD. Anyway, it was AMAZING :DD. I'll talk about it more in a second with Carlos lol. Anyway, TK was great as always this episode :)). I love him ❤️❤️❤️.
Speaking of, Carlos! He went OFF this episode :D. Him staying to help O'Brien, looking for where the bomb was made and such, and then SHOOTING MIKEY!!! I'm glad he didn't kill him though lol. But fr it was SUCH A SLAY MOMENT!!! He seriously looked SO cool :DDD. Anyway, he was great at his job 🥰. And the end scene :D. Stop he was so adorable 🥰🥰. They both were :D. And AAAHHHH wedding talk! I loved it it was so funny and cute xD :D. TK and Carlos were just like "welp. This is happening" and Owen was OFF lol. "Off" like, "aaand they're off" lol. Anyway, Carlos was great this episode :D. I love him 🥰🥰🥰!
Owen! He was great :). And like, okay, yeah, he was the hero and whatever. It's not my favorite thing ever, but like- you sign up for a certain thing when you watch Lone Star lol, yk? So, that said, with a little half-affectionate roll of my eyes 🙄, I probably won't mention it from here on it and I'll just treat him like another character. SO! Glad Owen had that talk with everyone, kind of apologizing - bc tbh he was putting their lives in danger (not on purpose), and also it was DRAMATIC AS HECK :D. I loved it, I thought it was epic. Besides that, he realized the bomb was a decoy! And he had the good sense to call Grace when he was driving the bomb away (which was CRAZY btw lol). And I did genuinely expect him to try and push the ambulance further in, like jump half in and then try and back out xD. But I'm SO GLAD the 126 showed up. And the laughing gas but was hilarious XD. Also, I'm glad Owen managed to talk Andy, well, not quite down, but out :). And Andy thanking all of them was really sweet <3. And he thanked Owen in particular so that was nice :). Also, Owen comforting Ty, and then (as I saw mentioned more jokingly in a post lol) after seeing an emotional father-son type thing moment went to see TK 😭😭😭❤️. Lovely :'DD <333. Also, he was kinda right at the beginning, but I'm glad he chilled out a bit by the end. Anyway, he was great this episode <3!!! I love him :)).
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode. Both sides of the bomb plot were cool, Owen's side and O'Brien's side, and I honestly didn't suspect that they would redeem Andy! But, somehow, they managed it lol. I'm glad his family's okay :)). But yeah! I'm happy they managed to disarm (well, minimize the damage of lol) the bomb and that everybody was safe :D. Plus, a bit of Tarlos 🥰🥰. And a mention for Marjan <33. As she deserves :'DD. But yeah, everyone was great this episode!! They all did amazing and there were some really adorable and funny moments amongst all the drama, which was nice lol. But, all the drama worked out in the end :D. Next week looks like it's gonna be interesting! I hope everything works out with Tommy <33. I'm wondering if maybe her girls won't like the pastor's kid? Idk, but it'll be interesting! And hopefully we'll see Grace since she was in the promo, but who knows ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠∵⁠ ⁠)⁠┌. Plus that upside lady looks crazy!! Like, it looks like it'll be a crazy (but good) storyline. Plus it'll give us a chance to see Tommy's skill alongside her personal life :D. Who knows if it'll be the other full plot, but it looks cool nonetheless :)). Also, back to this week, I TOTALLY did not expect it to be that kid lol. Like, Mikey, I did not recognize him when he first came up behind O'Brien xD. Still, that was WILD!! I really enjoyed it though, it was a crazy but fun storyline all together :)).
So yeah! I loved this episode, and I'm glad the bomb threat is over. Next episode looks wild! This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1: Lone Star, Season 4, Episode 6: This Is Not a Drill
It was great! I'm excited for the next episode it looks like it'll definitely be interesting! I'll be back next week with my review of. . .
9-1-1: Lone Star, Season 4, Episode 7: Tommy Dearest
See you then!
0 notes
daisyishedwig · 7 months
Glee tag game
I was tagged by @annepi-blog, thank you!
1. Favourite season 1 episode: Okay, so the obvious answer is Laryngitis because it's one of the absolutely best Kurt episodes in the whole show. But I also fucking hate everything about Rachel's storyline but Rose's Turn alone does kind of give it the leg up to still be the best episode anyway.
2. Favourite season 2 episode: Oh I've got so many contenders for this one. I love Furt and the relationships we get to see between Burt and Kurt and Kurt and Finn. But then Never Been Kissed is just a classic with it being Blaine's first episode and Chris' acting in it is just so so incredible. Blame It On The Alcohol would be a higher contender because I love drunk Blaine and I actually really enjoy Finn in that episode, which isn't something that happens a lot for me until season 4, but the writer's biphobia that they push onto Kurt really ruins it. But I think the actual winner would have to be Prom Queen. I love Kurt in that episode and I love it being the first time we start to see that Blaine's not perfect, that he's a little broken, a little fragile. It's underutilized, but it really sets up so much of what makes Blaine my favorite character to write.
3. Favourite season 3 episode: Okay, we all know it's Michael. Like of course The First Time, On My Way, and Dance With Somebody are all great episodes that I really love. But Michael is the episode I rewatch the most. And part of my love for it is, a) the cut Want You Back scene, and b) believing Seblaine to be genuine, very close friends which makes the slushee incident so much more heart-wrenching. But it's still such a good episode, especially for me with my deep love of angst and Sebastian Smythe, it's really just the best episode in general. Plus it has the added bonus of having the one and only Samcedes duet so, yeah, it's the best.
4. Favourite season 4 episode: Diva and Feud are both a lot of fun, even if a lot of what happens in them is really ridiculous. Guilty Pleasures is such a good Blam episode. And I love I Do for the flirty and thirsty sides of Klaine we get to see. But I do feel like, once again, the angst lover in me has to go with The Breakup. The Scientist and Don't Speak are two of my favorite songs on the whole show. Everyone's acting in that episode is just so so good. Darren and Chris just knock it out of the park in every single scene, and I will never cease to be awed by them.
5. Favourite season 5 episode: I would probably say Tested, because I always love an episode where Blaine gets to cry. And I love Elliot and everything that he does for Klaine in getting them to communicate. And I love getting to truly see Blaine acknowledge his self-worth issues instead of them just constantly being buried and locked away. A lot of the episode is weird and difficult to watch but the conversation that Klaine have at the end will always be one of my favorite Klaine scenes. Other contenders were Bash, because I love Kurt in that episode and once again we get angsty Blaine. And then New York New York because its when we first get to see Klaine actively working to fix the problems in their relationship instead of clinging to the past so tightly that they crush it entirely.
6. Favourite season 6 episode: God, this one is hard because I'm honestly not sure there's any episode that I truly love. Like The Hurt Lockers are iconic, and I love Chris' acting in 2009. But so much of that season is just weird and almost pointless that I'm not sure I have an episode I like enough to consider my favorite.
7. Episode that makes me cry: I haven't rewatched The Quarterback since it aired because of how much it makes me cry. Tested and The Breakup also both hurt a lot.
8. Episode that makes me laugh: The Hurt Lockers for sure
9. Favourite tribute episode: Michael obviously. It's probably my favorite episode of the whole show in general and the songs are so well done.
10. Favourite Christmas episode: Ooof, I love them all for different reasons, but there's just something about Blaine going to New York with Burt to comfort Kurt that will always get to me so it's gotta be Glee, Actually.
11. Episode with the best songs: Ooooh, probably the mashup episodes? I'm not sure I can pick one but it would be a tie between Never Been Kissed and Mash Off.
12. Favourite sectionals episode: Oh, I'm torn between Special Education and Hold On To Sixteen. I love Quinn and Sam getting a duet, and I love Valerie, and I love Mercedes and Tina getting to sing Dog Days Are Over (maybe I just love the lack of Rachel solos, lol). But I do love the set list in Hold On To Sixteen, I love Quinn singing Control, I love Kurt and Tina and Mike all getting solo parts in ABC. And of course The Troubletones are just so good.
13. Favourite regionals episode: I've gotta say On My Way even if it's largely just for Glad You Came and Cough Syrup. The actual competition doesn't matter much to me, but the Karofsky storyline was handled really well and I love Sebastian's apology to Blaine and the New Directions, and it's just good in general.
14. Favourite nationals episode: I really love the set list for Nationals in season 3, but I hate Rachel and so much of that episode is all about Rachel and her choking at her NYADA audition and somehow convincing Carmen Tibideux to come see her anyway. But on the other hand while I don't love the City of Angels set list for nationals as much, I do love the fact that they were all Finn's (and Cory's) favorite songs. And I love Burt and Carole being there. And I love Throat Explosion (or at least John Baptiste) actually being very kind and respectful of Finn's passing. I like that they didn't just lean hard into the show choir rivalry there and let them actually be humans who recognize the pain of the McKinley team. Also Throat Explosion's set was really good too.
15. Episode most people like but I don’t: I might get killed by my Klaine friends. But Love, Love, Love? At the time it aired I was super excited about the proposal, but now as an adult, I really wish it hadn't happened, especially not like that. Like I get that it's romantic in that big grand gesture that Kurt deserves and Blaine would always want to give him. But. They hadn't talked about it! While Kurt guessed it was coming on the drive, it still didn't leave him with anyway to actually pull Blaine aside and talk about it. And with multiple other show choirs there, including Sebastian, can you really expect Kurt to be able to say anything but yes? Like I would have loved for them to have a quiet, personal proposal. To have Blaine ask and have them talk about it and whether or not they're ready for that. And then they could do the big thing. But instead we got Kurt not being given a chance to think about if this is something he actually wants, and it leads to a lot of problems in the future for them.
16. Episode most people dislike but I like: Probably Old Dog, New Tricks. Like it's a weird episode, admittedly. But we get some of my favorite things in it. We get Blaine being a sweet and supportive partner, we get Klaine being a team, we get Kurt calling Rachel out on how selfish she is, we get puppies, and we get Peter Pan. It's great. I have fun with that episode.
and now that I have finally finished that, I'm going to tag @esilher, @calsvoid, @lusthurts, @backslashdelta, and @cryscendo
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aromanticannibal · 1 year
Transfem Dabi headcanons :D (edited as of Nov. 2023)
This was prompted by this post by @violet-sumire. Spoilers for Dabi's backstory and the Dabi's dance episode/chapter!
Transfem Dabi uses she/her and xey/xem pronouns. She/her just always felt better to xem and she started using xey/xem to spite people and ended up actually liking them.
As a child, Dabi never really understood why she didn't like being a boy and never wanted to understand, because in her head, being a girl was like being her mom or her sister, someone weak who couldn't help or understand xem. Plus, her dad obviously wanted a son! She couldn't disappoint him!
After she became a villain and started to search for ways to make her dad miserable, these feelings xey had buried resurfaced and she decided to try and figure them out.
At first, xey didn't really know what any of this meant, so xey just tried to be as gender non-comforming as possible. To be the most confusing motherfucker in the room, xer fashion style was honestly horrendous and it was fantastic.
She let her hair grow longer, although it regularly changes in length and looks just fucking weird sometimes because of it burning. just imagine her with a really choppy asymmetrical wolf cut/sort-of mullet.
Entering the League first meant seeing and interacting with a girl (Toga) often for the first time in forever. Dabi tries at some point to imitate some of Toga's behavior to look more feminine, not exactly failing miserably but more so feeling like a moron throughout every attempt at looking like a cute manic pixie dream girl. Xey eventually start to use Toga's cute mannerisms to annoy people (Toga approved™).
The REALLY good thing that comes from entering the League is Big Sis Magne! It's the first time Dabi sees someone who's like xem, and Magne also has way more experience and knowledge than her.
Magne IMMEDIATELY notices Dabi and approaches her with star eyes. Think of this post which is very great.
Despite wanting to keep up her stone faced persona for now, Dabi can't help but feel excited to see someone like her. It actually makes her think of something else than ways to hurt Endeavor, which xey definitely need.
Magne helps xem figure out who she is and how she feels, explaining xem her own experiences and feelings about transness.
Toga actually loves to listen to Magne and Dabi talk about this too, despite being cis (more or less). She really loves hearing Magne's passion about her identity and seeing Dabi happy, which is not an emotion Toga had seen on xem until now.
Dabi figures out her style more, getting to that cool ass outfit we have in canon and realizing xey don't need to wear dresses and skirts to be a woman (anyways she finds them uncomfortable).
She does enjoy heels occasionally because it allows her to make it more painful to get kicked by her (xey definitely wore heels when they fought Hawks and kicked his face into the ground) as well as extravagant jewelry a lot, and when the League figures that out, jewelry shops and Claire's start getting robbed way more often :)
Dabi is like. An actual mystery to anyone who comes across her. Her traits are naturally pretty androgynous, and all of her burns make xer facial traits difficult to see clearly, and facial hair is just out of the question at this point - she presents femininely enough for a villain, isn't that tall, xey wear a thick enough coat to hide the shape of xer body, and no one knows anything about xem anyways, unlike with Magne (who doesn't pass as cis, and who the heroes know the real identity of, leading to misgendering her like in canon). But her voice is deep, like deep. So people look at her and go "yeah, ok, woman" and then she starts talking and they just fucking panic. Who the hell is that. Why am I horny (this is just me I am here too I love trans women with deep voices 🥰🥰🥰🥰).
Dabi fucking loves confusing people. She doesn't care about asshole n°12345 not using the correct pronouns, because that means xey have an excuse to beat the shit out of them or argue with them until they die of exhaustion or give up, and xey love knowing xey make people confused.
Ignoring her relation to others, her vision of herself is pretty clear cut : she's a woman. Boom. That's all. Girl. In a world where she wasn't killing people every Tuesday xey'd probably get on HRT and shit, but in xer current life she doesn't give a flying fuck.
The League also greatly helped her with accepting xemself in different ways. They all always respected her pronouns and correct others (or kill them if needed) if they misgender xem, and they often affirm her gender in small, meaningful ways. Just by being included when Twice says "the girls", or Mr Compress being like milady✨ and shit.
Trying to imagine the canon reveal scene now because I think it would be even fucking better if it was queer. Like everything actually everything is better if it's queer /hj. But especially this.
Dabi would do like usual, laughing her ass off like the queen she is and dancing like xey're on Japan's Got Talent (Japan does have talents clearly).
"Touya" is her deadname here but she won't let that be a reason to have it be forgotten by her father lmao (in canon Dabi reclaims the name Touya, saying he has a really nice name, and later Toga calls him Touya-kun which is btw actually adorable).
She'd probably say something like "You gave me such a nice name" instead of reclaiming it, saying something after like "Too bad I don't like it that much though, what do you think of the one I picked?"
The hair dye thing would be so much messier with more hair lmao it'd be great.
She'd definitely insist on how she isn't the son Endeavor wanted in more ways than one. In English you can't really indicate that much how you're gendering yourself but I know in Japanese it's easier so she'd probably be very insistant on using traditionally feminine words to talk about herself, AND to talk about Touya so Endeavor gets the point.
Bro the fight with Shouto would be so fucked. It already IS in canon (affectionate) but hhh. Sorry I love trans anger I am trans and angry
"How sad, Shouto, you never got to know your big brother. Hope you're not too disappointed to get another sister."
"Sorry you were lied to Shouto, your big brother is a girl."
(As a side note I think it would be funny if Spinner, upon seeing the video Dabi broadcasts to Japan about her identity while shirtless, immediately covers his eyes and panics about seeing a woman's unclothed upper body, making Dabi laugh xer fucking ass off. "Spinner, I don't have anything here you moron.")
I desperately want more insane women transfem Dabi brings me exactly that. Also I'm gay and I want xem to step on me.
That's all for me I have exams tomorrow and I wanna go find transfem Dabi content not created by me now bye
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twdmusicboxmystery · 9 months
not sure if you are aware but amc plus is not doing early release of any of the daryl dixon episodes. My initial thoughts are, is this because they do not want anything spoiled, that they want everyone to see the same episodes released at the same time. If beth returns I do believe there will be mixed reviews from the GA, the same with the hate that TD got especially in the beginning.
Another thought, Glenn's fake out death. On the Talking Dead right after the episode where he is revealed alive, one of the writers- can't remember which one said something along the line that the reason they did the fake out death for Glenn was to test the waters on fake out deaths. TDers always believed this was about beth. That they planned to revealed her alive. Imo bringing back Madison and Troy are examples of seeing how the GA feels about bringing back "dead" characters. As far as I have read, the GA wasn't mad about them returning.
I have always wondered if the backlash about bethyl was why they didn't bring her back sooner. In the beginning the writers played with her age too much. At the farm she was a teenager. Hershel makes the comment about this, when talking about her and Jimmy. At the prison she is raising a baby yet she tells Axel she's 16 or 17 I can't remember, then daryl refers to her as a dumb college b. Yet EK was in her 30s and you could tell. For example other young characters like lyda, Enrid or Carl seem young on the show, they felt like teens. Beth never did. She should have been aged in the beginning the same as tara or rosita. Everyone argument about bethyl was age. Still is if you follow reddit. After all these years beth would not be in that teenage category. Possibly meaning the GA would be more open to the idea.
Yeah, it's interesting, isn't it?
I think they messed up from a PR standpoint when it comes to not showing the episodes to those who pay for the app early. Personally, I don't really care when the episodes drop. I'm watching them either way. But they've released them early for all the shows for so long now that if they were going to change it, they should have done a very big, very obvious announcement about that, and they didn't. People were expecting to be able to watch it yesterday, and that's not happening. So, now they're doing a lot of damage control. Not good.
As for the rest, you make good points about them wanting everyone to watch the episodes together. I seriously doubt it's about episode 1. So much of that episode--practically all of it, tbh--has been spoiled already in one way or another, that it wouldn't matter if they showed that episode early.
But it's probably not about the first few episodes at all. Maybe they're just setting a precedent so that everyone watches the last episode together. And if that's the case, it does suggest something huge happening in that episode. Let's hope so!
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I really enjoyed reading what you said about tptb testing the waters for the fakeout. I'd forgotten that about Glenn's death. And I agree that no one seems particularly angry about Troy's or Madison's return. Which means tptb have done their job, getting the GA used to this sort of thing so there will be less of a backlash. There will always be detractors, of course. And Troy and Madison aren't a big part of the shipping wars, as Beth is, so there's that. But still, all great points.
And yes, I totally agree that no one will be able to say anything about Beth's age anymore. She told Axel she was 17, and that was only a year or two into the apocalypse. I read in one of the review articles that the Daryl spinoff goes out of its way to tell the audience we are now 12 years into the apocalypse. There must be some reason they are being so specific about that. So, without a doubt, Beth would be close to 30 now.
And just like that, arguments about her age are gone. ;D Anyway, thanks for your thoughts. I guess we'll have lots to talk about on Sunday. 😊 Xoxo! 🍁🍂💓
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d0d0-b0i · 1 year
(SPOILER FILLED) alrighty, time for some more cohesive thoughts on prime for me (since my last one was written directly after finishing it and now its had time to sit in my brain) (long post btw, i ramble @w@)
overall, i very much enjoyed it! the animation had me positively salivating over the fact that its /actually/ using animation techniques and not just. moving characters from A to B without the time for proper stylization. the overall plot was enjoyable and i am excited to see what the rest of the season will offer.
the fact that it is only one-third of the whole season also makes me a lot more forgiving about certain flaws i found at first, like only showing three worlds and not giving the characters a lot of time to breathe. theres the very high likelihood that such a thing actually will happen, and we might even see more places and worlds, which is an exciting thought! nonetheless, going in i did not know this as i was sleep deprived and had forgotten how many episodes the season has, so i felt a little bit salty, ngl.
Devon Mack does a very good job as sonic, and it makes me feel warm inside hearing his portrayal! every actor does a great job honestly, and it truly feels like they all understand the respective character they voice act(especially considering they have to acclimate the character /and/ voice for each new world. very talented!). the eggman voice actor could use some rerecords at times honestly;; but he does a good enough job that i only notice it sometimes; and he is fun to listen to regardless, and is just a subjective thought of mine.
the different universes also intrigue me! :D i really enjoyed the first one the jungle one was interesting and had beautiful flora models, but it is with this one that a problem of mine arises (but ill get to that later). the waterworld was also interesting, but kind of boring worldwise, since its just. water. (i get that its a pirate world and thats fine! i just cant give a good description of my feelings besides just. water. yknow?)
ive seen that a lot of people think rouge shouldve been the captain in the third world and. honestly. yeah. i think we might get to see why later on? but idk. i hope they have a reason that makes sense as to why she isnt, like if the worlds stick around and dont fuse back, shed be the next captain? weh! (i do love knuckles in a captains outfit though, so bonus points for that!)
now. i only have a few “criticisms”, and although some can be attributed to not being intended for me(and i will therefore not include cus. duh), there is one thing i just cannot let slip by.
(CRITIQUE START) the issue i have is that it feels so empty. new yolk (i refuse the yoke) is populated, but later episodes only really reuse the same five models roughly multiple times and i think had at most like 30? of them at the same time, and obviously could not have had more due to budget and such (which is understandable, but that still doesnt mean i cant point it out).
the jungle episodes! THE JUNGLE EPISODES?? ONLY HAD 5?? CHARACTERS MINUS SONIC (froggy counts) AT ALL TIMES?? and even the flashbacks only show those, probably so as not to imply death but like. come on. not even a few background characters at all? am i meant to believe they will all die out anyway simply by being the last people on this earth? im sorry i just cant get over this. you can make sean mcloughlin, mr jacksepticeye, get a cameo and his own personal character model, BUT CANNOT EVEN FILL A JUNGLE WITH PEOPLE?? did i miss something? if theyd shown even /one/ bg character once in a single frame in the flashbacks, id forgive it but i. cannot. im sorry. im nitpicking but come on! this is like the only issue i have. you only have 11 of the original characters in the first place (sonic. tails. knuckles. amy. rouge. big. froggy. shadow. eggman. orbot. cubot.), and then half of them are pretty much gone most of the time.
i just. its so empty? DO NOT GET ME WRONG I HATE WHEN THAT HAPPENS. I DEEPLY ENJOY THIS SHOW! I LOVE THE CHARACTERS WEVE GOTTEN TO SEE !!! THAT DOES NOT MEAN I CANNOT COMPLAIN ABOUT SOMETHING I HAD TROUBLE PROCESSING. if its gonna be a show about sonic and his friendships. where the fuck are the rest of them? is all we’re gonna get homages to their characters? (jungle knuckles was just sticks. come on now. just put her in shes already canon to the mainline games now) sega, if youre going to make a show about his friendships, why wont you let his friends be there? why can you only license 11 of your characters to the show? please make me eat my words.
and yeah you could say that the reasons others arent there (in-canon, not because of legal issues) is because they werent hit close-up with the prism shatter, but neither was big? he was shown to be down by the hills when it exploded, and i dont know if that counts considering that orbot and cubot arent even in any episode besides the first one, and they werent visible in the blast, i do not know what the blast radius would be to affect anything else. eugh. idk man. this is like the ONE issue i have, and its so small it feels meaningless. yeah yeah the budget the tight grip on characters yadda yadda i get the reasons behind it but it still affects the endgoal and i should be allowed to point it out.                                                                                                                     (CRITIQUE OVER)
that being said. i am in love with the character designs! especially a big fan of sonics gloves and shoes in the pirate world. i fuck w/ that very much <3
anyway, thats it. show good. binge it if possible! we need netflix to know that we like this. and maybe theyll realize that one episode per week for this show would be perfect (im looking at you episode recaps)
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go-to-the-mirror · 1 year
FROM: landscaping-your-mind
TO: @a-mag-a-day
RE: MAG 111 - Family Business
Howdy a-mag-a-day, and others who may be reading,
This is a bit more of a liveblog than the others, because this is going to be my second time listening to it, so expect quite a bit of rambling!
You can expect: thoughts about Gerry Keay, thoughts about Jon, thoughts about the fears. There will be a lot of thoughts about Jon. He's my favourite.
I really don't understand why the fandom treats Trevor and Julia like they're bad people, like yeah, it's not great to keep Gerry trapped like that, or to kidnap random people (Jon) and threaten to murder them, but it's not... in the grand scheme of things, it's really not that bad. Like they're still avatars, they've still done bad stuff, it's just been highly overstated. In my opinion. Maybe I just like their voices, I like Peter Lukas because I like his voice. I like Elias' voice too but in a "I want to punch him" way.
"And his only thought was to cry out for his mother. But with the last vestige of his stubborn will, he refused. She would not claim his last moment. He was silent."
D: I'm feeling Emotions rn. Just the she would not claim his last moment like she claimed so many of them before. Feeling emotions. At the risk of oversharing on tumblr dot com, I will just say "ADHD mood, but in a specific to me way". It's just... his life right, he didn't even have the chance to have a normal life, and he's going to die by himself, because she doesn't get this. She can take everything else but not this.
GERRY Nice lighter. You a spider freak, then? ARCHIVIST What? Oh! Er, no. I-I never really, uh… I never really thought of it.
*vibrating* I'm going to be Completely normal about this. How many times has that lighter even been mentioned. I know it was obviously in the episode where it came, MAG 38 (?), MAG 39, this episode, MAG 197, MAG 199, and of course MAG 200. But like hh whenever it's mentioned I just die a little inside anyway of course it's mentioned in the "my life will be ruined and all you will do is watch" episode, and the "my life was ruined by forces beyond my control" episodes.
GERRY Yeah, the world changes in horrible ways. For you. I’m a book. ARCHIVIST You can’t be serious. GERRY I’m dead serious.
I love him he's so silly and goofy (in immense pain from being a book). I love Gerry's voice I think it's just it's like a mixture of like he's got the sort of uhhh done with everything and emotionless but also he does sound angry and gets steadily more so as he talks about the trials of being a spooky book. But still quiet. I like it.
ARCHIVIST Just one. How do I stop the Unknowing? GERARD [Casually] No, I don’t know. ARCHIVIST [Incensed] What?! (...) GERRY But, once it starts, then it might be vulnerable. ARCHIVIST Vulnerable to what? GERRY I dunno. ARCHIVIST Oh, goddamn it!
Gerry is absolutely enjoying this. Also
"Well, not long before I ended up in the hospital, she told me that if something got her first, I was… There’s a storage unit on an industrial estate up near Hainault. She said she rented it under the name Jan Kelly, and hid a key for it somewhere in the Archives."
Firstly, I'm guessing the name "Jan Kelly" is either a reference to Jan Kilbride, perhaps? Or maybe it's just a random name. Secondly, does this imply that Gerry would be the Archivist if he hadn't died before Gertrude? Of course, Elias never would have picked him, because he knew too much, and (probably) knew to be suspicious of Elias, but that's interesting. Archivist Gerry...
GERRY Hmmm… Well, she could make people tell her stuff, sometimes. They’d suddenly get real talkative, and lay out whatever she needed. She didn’t do it often though. I don’t think she liked it. ARCHIVIST [Perky] Oh, er, I can do that, too. GERRY Huh. Do you like it? ARCHIVIST I-I don’t know. I never really thought about it. Yes, I… I suppose I do.
Firstly, the way Jon says "Oh, er, I can do that, too" is so adorable. Secondly, something something at least one side effect of the become a monster thing actually gives him a defense against the things that want to kill and/or harm him, and a way to get information he doesn't have to doubt. Of course he likes it. It's the one thing he can control in his life that is spiraling off course. Also, you know. Hurt people hurt people. When you're under that level of stress it can feel good to feel in control, even when feeling in control is doing horrible things. Ah, I can't wait till Scrutiny.
ARCHIVIST Like the, the Lukases? Or the Fairchilds? GERRY Well, Fairchild’s just a name, they’re not really family. The Lukases, though, yeah.
Diversity win!! The Vast Avatars who pushed you off a cliff to your death are found family!!!!!!!!
GERRY What’s out there… doesn’t care about blood. ARCHIVIST Well, I-I mean, except for the vampires… GERARD Yeah, obviously except for the vampires
I just love this line okay-
Families are just useful ‘cause they can push you in the right direction. And the Lukases are very good at that.
I have ✨feelings✨ about childhoods and TMA and stuff. Like Martin's only at the institute at all, because he has to look after his mum, he got dragged into the whole Lonely thing because he's just lived a really lonely life that ends up with his mum dead, friend in a coma, other friends dead, and only hostage work acquaintances left. Jon had a neglectful grandmother who bought him a Leitner, not that it was his grandmother's fault that he was almost killed by a spider monster, but he was like regularly abused by an eighteen (at least) year old when he was 8 and his grandmother made him feel like a burden so I am blaming her for some things. And then of course Gerry's only in the world of the supernatural because of his awful mother who cared more about fucked up if true books than her son. And then there's a bunch more but just... hhh. Your childhood can fuck you up, and then you end up being an adult who's tied to an eldritch entity beyond your comprehension apparently. Oh also Mike Crew. Mike Crew had such a Life, and I have so many thoughts about him, but I'll get into that at a later date (probably around one of the more jangsty episodes). Also Agnes. Jon Gerry Agnes trio my beloved.
ARCHIVIST What happened? GERRY I tried to abandon her. ARCHIVIST I see.
I get why people ship Jongerry, Jon's voice was so soft anyway they're platonic in my heart but like i'm holding them gently they're besties your honour, testament? what? never heard of faer.
Oh this statement happens in pride month! Diversity win!!
She did her best to look after me, and bring me into this world she inhabited, but she wasn’t a caring mother or a skilled teacher.
(Gerry Keay, MAG 111)
She cared for me as well as she was able, and whatever her private feelings might have been, she did try her best.
(The Archivist, MAG 81)
Anyway uhm Jon, consider uh, being like Gerry and believing that actually the people who failed at raising you were way older than you, were supposed to be way more capable, and it wasn't your fault. Please.
And the worst thing was, she marked me as a part of that, without my understanding. Or consent.
Jon Gerry Agnes trio rotating in my mind. Childhood supernatural trauma? Check. Being the centre of a ritual? Check for Jon and Agnes. Being involved in the world of the supernatural from a young age? Check. Holding 'em gently actually. Thinking about them is not enough I need to have an Agnes statement. /hj
I think… I think I finally understand why she brought me back. I just don’t understand why she left me behind.
I always think it helps to imagine them like colours. The edges bleed together, and you can talk about little differences: “oh, that’s indigo, that’s more lilac”, but they’re both purple. I mean, I guess there are technically infinite colours, but you group them together into a few big ones. A lot of it’s kind of arbitrary. I mean, why are navy blue and sky blue both called blue, when pink’s an entirely different colour from red?
And colours are different in different languages! And that I'm guessing affects how we see them. At least different languages affects how we see shapes in words, and so sure, Smirke's fourteen was used by Elias for the ritual, but only because both he and Jon had a belief in that as a good system for categorization? And also how yellow literally doesn't exist in a way we can see, but we still say it does. And how magenta is just. There. Weird colours that don't make sense! I love thinking about the rear entities (being confused but in a really enthusiastic way)
Like colours, but if colours hated me. Got it. Christ, I need a cigarette.
ARCHIVIST The Stranger is the, the unknown. The uncanny. GERRY That kind of creeping sense that something’s not right. That guy you saw that might be following you, might mean you harm.
(MAG 111 - Family Business)
I’m just reading, and there is this… creep in the corner- your guy. He just… keeps staring at me, like- oh, properly staring, like it is super intense. And, and real… weird? Like he knows me, but I sure as hell do not know him. I – I try to ignore him, look, I just – I just read my book. And everytime I look up – there he is. Watchin’ me.
(MAG 142 - Scrutiny)
Like okay I know being watched, eye, whatever, but also fear soup, Stranger!Jon. Will die here on this hill. Nice view.
GERRY Yeah. Being manipulated or puppeted. The worry you’re caught in a trap you can’t see. ARCHIVIST Yes. ...
Jon did The Yes. :( The one where it's like almost a sigh and you can here the Thought Spirals.
Gerard was what my mum called me. [Embarrassed chuckle] I always wanted my friends to call me Gerry.
Oh. Oh I'm so sad :( feeling so many emotions about this episode I get why it's a fan favourite :(
Also, at the end there, I really wish we got more of Julia and Trevor. I like them, and I feel like they could've come around to the idea of burning Gerry's page. I'm not upset about how it went, but... hmm. Thinking.
Anyway, I'm really sad about this and feeling all kinds of emotions about Gerry Keay. I understand you now. D:
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