#anyways!!! i fucking love him. that's my like. older brother type figure.
multifandomhoodies · 9 months
my work partner and i are both younger siblings and that. has some kind of impact on a lot of our interactions. i asked him to move the truck forward the other day and he hit me with the whiniest bitchiest NO!!! >:( i've heard out of him and i was just like. bRO? he moved it anyways he was literally going to but like. i was like. mf that's some younger sibling shit.
he got baja blast the other day from taco bell and i was like?? where's mine? you went to taco bell and you didn't get me any?? and he was like. no. you didn't bring me any when you had it. anyways so i wound up having to take the truck for a bit and he was like "don't drink my baja blast." and i got back and told him i drank it all. when we were leaving for the day and he finally had a sip of it he said it tasted like someone had spit in it and i told him i put leaf humus in it
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Batfam/Batboys with a Yandere S/O
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[This is something I wanted to write personally and decided to share with all of ya'll. Please remember this is fiction, since it has come to my attention that it needs to be stated. I do not condone this behavior, I just enjoy writing it. Thank you, enjoy.]
Batman/Bruce Wayne:
Yan S/O is devoted to him, would literally kill anyone just to make him happy.
Even if Bruce knows that your love for him isn't healthy, he doesn't let you go. He honestly finds comfort in your love, it's tight like collar on the both of you. Yet, he can't help himself but let your chains keep him together.
You love him to the point of no return. Willing to forsake the world, morals, everything. Even Talia can't do that. You want to hold him and keep him safe in your sickingly-sweet embrace.
Bruce has a case of savior complex with you, thinking he can change you. Where your desires to coat Gotham in red aren't necessary for him to love you.
But to you, it matters that you try to kill anyone in your way to Bruce's heart, or maybe just managing to keep them at arms-length.
Those finky, so-called, "villians" are apart of your anger. They CRAVE Batmans attention, which should only be for YOU.
Bruce and Batman do their best to keep you from killing villians. Most times failing and trying to cover it up for your sake and his reputation.
I could see Yan S/O just straight up telling Bruce that they are gonna raise his childern..
Which is kinda true, since they managed to get Alfred's approval. 《No clue how...》
Anyway, Yan S/O is around for all of the Batfam. Being the kindest and sweetest parental figure ever. Often threatening and hurting villians when they try to get in the way of family outings or straight up killing them under the guise of "self-defense."
You teach your way of "love" to Dick and then so on and so fourth. Causing a horrible cycle and generation of yandere Batfam. It's kinda funny.
"Just what exactly are you teaching him (Y/N)?" Bruce asked you, his tone accusing as he watched you clean up blood off the floor of the parlor room.
Jason sat on a small armchair, a notepad in hand as he re-reads over his notes. 
Dick strolls up beside the older Wayne, watching the scene. 
"Oh! I remember when you taught me that trick, gotta remember this little-wing!"
Richard [Dick] Grayson:
This man has been emotionally starved, having been raised by Bruce. 
Dick has been in many romantic relationships, but they mostly fall flat and him and his romantic partners become just friends. Which is fine, but he still yearns for a romantic connection.
Or honestly a positive connection that has someone caring for him instead. Yes he's a good brother and son, but Bruce and his brothers mostly depend on him as the "happy-go-luck Dick Grayson".
Not the moody and depressed part of him.
Yet he meets Yan S/O, who is pretty much his personal everything. Cheerleader, bestie, (beside Wally), cuddle buddy, ect.
In your eyes, he could do no nothing wrong. You hold no high standard as how he should be seen.
He doesn't need to be the "Nightwing of Bludhaven" nor the "sweet and handsome Grayson".
He is YOURS, and you are his.
"Hey~ Welcome back," you whisper kindly. Aiding him inside the apartment. More-so dragging him in with strength he didn't know you possess.
Dick smiles at you, his eyes tired and body woozy from working late hours. 
Jason Todd:
Jason never really grew up in a loving home, when he did however, it was taken away from him very early on.
So when any once of love he gets from Yan S/O, he tries to push it away. Thinking he'll loose it, somehow.
Yet if Yan S/O proves their devotion, Jason will accept their advances.
He doesn't see you as a total threat to himself, to other's though, that's a different story..
You listen to him, wanting to know every bits and fucked-up pieces of him.
You don't see him as some type of puzzle to finish, you just want to know him. To love him.
Holding his hands in your own, you place them on your forehead. Breathing out a content sigh, tracing his fingers gently. As if he was made out of porcelain and not a monster he saw himself as.
Tim Drake [Wayne]:
Tim is concerned about Yan S/O affections, finding them perfect. Too perfect.
He's afraid to love them, because Yan S/O is all he could imagine as a perfect lover for him.
Kind, attentive, uncaring of his coffee addiction.
Someone who'll listen to him need out about ANYTHING.
It could be the stupid-est thing ever, yet you'll stare him like a love stricken idiot.
Even when he talks about someone he likes, you'll still smile. With clear hurt in your eyes, yet never sabotage his dates or try to change his mind. Just listen with a open heart, hoping for the privilege to let you love him.
He honestly doesn't want to push it, knowing you'd have to have a limit.
But you never crack..
It drives him mad.
To the point where he surrenders himself to you.
There was no one who could be as "perfect" as you.
"Hey! Hey!" You squeak, feeling Tim's cold hands touch your cheeks. Squeezing them together to make a fish-face, leaning in to give you a small peck.
Damien Al Ghul/Wayne:
Straight up opposite of Tim.
Damien pushes your button's, wanting to see if you had the guts to kill for him.
Not believing that you were worthy enough for him.
He is a Al Ghul.
A Wayne.
Yan S/O thinks saying a heartful declaration of love will sway his heart. Not even a little.
You have to be persistent for Damiens attention, clingy but not to the point of becoming a annoyance and a bother. 
Hell, maybe even uncaring. Giving up on the chase, which pisses Damien off.
Weren't you the one that wanted to be with him!?
Yan S/O acts like loving him was a phase. Which upsets him even more, he acts like it's not bothering him.
He starts missing your presence, whether if you were happy or timid around him.
"You already stuck around this long, might as well reward your efforts." Damien scowls, opening his hand out for you to take. A big smile breaks onto your face, which makes Damien freeze.
You won.
[Hope you enjoyed! Everythings appreciated!]
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megsforpresident · 2 years
Damn you, Steven Hyde! - Fluff
Steven Hyde x fem! Reader
A/N: Hi! this is the first one shot i have ever posted anywhere to be honest, but I've been obsessed with That 70s show and I wrote this directly here knowing that i would be forced to post it.
English is not my first language but I always loved to write so hopefully this is not too bad. let me know what you think!
I will make a part 2 of this, that will contain smut.
trope: two idiots in love, a little bit of miss-comunication.
TW: name calling, swearing, bad bad writing, smoking weed, under-age drinking. i think that's all, let me know if there are other things i should consider.
anyway, here we go!
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"Oh c'mon, I'll spend the night with you Fez." You promised. "We can watch a movie if you want, your pick." Fez smiled and crunched down a bit, hugging your neck from behind since you were sitting down on 'Hyde's chair'.
"This is why you are my favorite, Y/N/N." He smiled, accent thick on his tongue.
It was true. You were always nice to Fez and, even if you were Eric's twin sister, you were the only girl in the group that was single and Fez always thought he could have his way with you like he did with Donna and Jackie, if they were single.
Being Eric's twin sister had it's good sides. You were your parents favorite. It was more than likely to happen when you are the youngest and a girl. You weren't whoreing around high school like your older sister Laurie had been, and you brother, well Red just thought he was a dumbass while Kitty tried to baby him.
You didn't need that tho. you knew how to stand up for yourself, you were well behaved and your parents trusted you. Even if you did exactly the same things Eric did, it was always more fun to you even if you got caught.
Another thing, your friends were his and, most of the times, vice versa. The both of you had been friends with Donna, Hyde and Kelso since forever, always hanging out in your basement.
The bad side was Hyde. Not him necessarily, but the close relationship with him. You and Hyde would flirt all the goddamn time until your brother got uncomfortable.
Since you were around 11 or 12 that you had been fighting over who sits in that chair just for the sake of it, and that only stopped when you both decided by sharing a look that you would do anything to annoy your brother, so Hyde pulled you to his lap and ever since then, you would always sit on the chair or on Hyde, it basically just became a habit to everyone really.
And you absolutely adored the relationship you had with him. That's what fucked it up, Hyde grew up to be exactly your type. Or maybe your type was based on Hyde. You just know that on your last sleep over with Donna and Jackie when you borrowed your mom's cosmo you figured that Hyde filled all the categories as your dream man. And oh boy, did they tease you about it.
"But in all seriousness." Jackie said after a few laughs. "Hyde would never deserve a girl like you."
And that played over and over in your head.
After that you had gone to the disco and you bugged and bugged and bugged Hyde to come with all of you until he said yes.
That night you had danced with Fez after Jackie and you totally tired him out, after that you tried to dance with Kelso, cheer him up a bit and teach him a few moves so that he could keep up with Jackie before he realised that Fez and Jackie were outside alone.
And even after dancing for so long, you still wanted to keep going. You got that from your mother. The problem was, you obviously wouldn't dance with your brother, specially because he can't dance for the life of him.
"Hey that guy over there looks like he can dance." Donna declared, pointing over your shoulder. "He's been looking at you since you were dancing with Fez." She added quietly, mostly to your brother sake because he was obviously over protective of you.
In Eric's mind, if anything happened to you while you were both out, Red would absolutely kill him for not protecting his precious little angel enough.
"Let's see if he can dance." You add with a smirk, getting ready to get up.
"You wanna dance?" Hyde said before you even could get up. You looked at him puzzled, as did Eric and Donna. "C'mon, let's dance." He got up and grabbed your hand.
So that night you danced with Hyde to Fernando by ABBA. And he told you that he wanted to kiss you. And just for a tiny moment you thought he was joking, before you saw the seriousness in his eyes. And, god, did you wish the song could have lasted just a minute longer because you would've absolutely kissed him right there.
Ever since then, it had been different between you two, but only you had noticed. Hyde didn't want to make you weird around him and since you didn't answer, he took it as a hint that you would always be just friends.
That was another bad side of being a Forman. There were things that were hard to talk about, specially feelings. You got that from Red. But did you want to have the guts to tell Hyde how you felt.
When Christmas came along, he gave you his gift on the cruiser. He didn't get anything to anyone else because he didn't have the Money to do so.
He gave you the polaroid you had taken with Jackies camara on the next town over that you had lost over a rock, paper or scissors game. Hyde put a black frame on it with a bracelet from the concert you went to that night, and it had been in your night stand since he gave it to you.
You got him a new pair of sunglasses. The same exact ones he had and had you worked your ass off to find them. You were the only one who noticed they were broken so the lent would fall out. And he smiled so big when he opened the box, it was like he own a contest.
You thought he got the hint. He didn't. So now here he was, bragging about Chrissy, and the wild sex they just had, and how she had asked him to move to New york.
You weren't even listening until you heard your brothers pinchy voice, telling him he couldn't.
"Damn it Forman, now I lost my train of thought." He got up angry, touching your shoulder so he could sit on the chair. "Hey sweetheart." He said loudly, like he always did, coming to kiss your cheek, like he always did before you both sat back down.
"Hey Hyde." You said with a small smile, but avoided his kiss, reaching for the cruiser keys that were on the table. "What do you say Fez, wanna go grab a few movies?"
"Oh yes. Maybe the pretty blonde that works there will be there." He said excited, reaching for his jacket.
"Wait for us." You said more to your brother, knowing that as soon as Donna was gone and Michael was back they would get high, and you always did it with them, Donna didn't because she didn't like the smell.
Hyde found your behaviour weird since you never acted like that with him but your brother made the stupid joke that you were probably on your period which Donna hit him in the arm for, and quickly got back to trying to get Hyde from going to New york.
When you got to the video store, you gave Fez enough Money to rent two movies and stayed in the car. You cried, and you were woman enough to admit that you cried. Out of jealousy that he was with that Chrissy bitch, that he would leave town, but mostly because he would leave town with her.
You only realised Fez got back because he hugged you and you appreciated it even if you made him promise not to say anything and didn't exactly tell him why you were crying.
As soon as Eric heard the vista's doors closing, he got the pot from its hiding place.
"I don't think is a good ideia Hyde." Your brother said when it started to kick in.
And you blacked out. Not literally, you just didn't want to listen.
"Y/N you gonna help me and Fez out?" Eric asked.
"Nop." You answered, getting up from where you were resting against Michael. "Hyde can go to hell for all I care." And he laughed.
"Don't kiss my ass, sweetheart."
"But Y/N/N weren't you crying in the car because of..." And before Fez could continue, you threw a shoe at him. Yes, a shoe because your stoned mind couldn't think of anything else.
"You were crying?" Eric and Hyde asked at the same time but you quickly ignored them.
"I gotta pee." And with that you left before anymore questions.
The feeling left and Hyde went home to pack his bag, his mind set on going even after your brother's many tries. After dinner and before he went on his 'drive' with Donna, Eric tried to bug the truth out of you but you wouldn't open up.
"You don't want to tell me, fine." He said, annoyed. "I'm going over to Hyde's to try and talk him, do you wanna come?"
"Eric, mom and dad already talked to him, you bugged him all afternoon, me talking to him won't change anything, it won't either if you just keep repeating the same thing." You finally said, finishing up washing the plates from dinner.
"You haven't even said anything, I thought you cared for Hyde a little bit more." He said before he left and you just kept washing the dishes.
After a few minutes Donna showed up, sitting on the high stool as you cleaned the counter.
"Eric went to see Hyde before he left, he might be a bit late." You told Donna, avoiding looking at her knowing that she would know how you felt by just looking at you.
"And you stayed because?"
"It wouldn't matter if I went." Your voice was clearly emotional, not thinking about anything else but losing your best friend Hyde over New York, and the wild bimbo Chrissy.
"He likes you! You could make him stay!" Now Donna got up and you looked at her. "What are you waiting for? For him to leave with that bimbo? He's going to ruin his life in New york, Y/N/N. Talk to him, have him ruin his life here, with us." You laughed a bit.
"Do you really think I could make him stay?" You asked on a small voice, clearly wanting to ask something else.
"Of course!" Donna said. "Hyde is absolutely crazy for you." She smiled and you just left the counter half cleaned before you ran to the living room.
"I'm going out, but I promise I won't be gone long." You said before you tried to leave.
"Hold it." Said Red Forman and, you didn't even register before you stopped and turned back to the living room. "You're finally going to talk to Steven?"
"Yes daddy." You mumbled. You could have tried to fool your dad but it wouldn't pass the Red-dar.
"Take the Toyota. I don't want you walking alone so late at night." He pointed to the keys on the high table behind him.
"Thank you daddy!" You kissed his cheek and ran to the garage pass Donna showing her the keys.
You drove quickly but a lot more careful than you would have done if it was with the cruiser. Parking next to the cruiser, you quickly checked yourself in the mirror, cleaning the remaining tears and fixing your lashes, knowing that Hyde would know if you were crying.
When you got to his front porch, you saw Eric and Hyde sitting, laughing a bit. Nervously, you put your hands on the front pocket of your denim skirt and walked to them, clearing your throat so they would notice you and stop the conversation, never trusting what they talked about when alone and definitely didn't want to over hear.
"Hey Y/N/N, did you walk here?" Your brother asked quickly. "Why didn't you wait until I got back?"
"Red borrowed me the Toyota." You said showing Eric the keys. "Be careful when you back up the cruiser."
"Oh right." He said, looking between the two of you. Eric might be dumb most of the times but this one he could tell. "I guess I'll see you around if I ever go to the big Apple Hyde. Good luck." And with that they hugged, Hyde thanked him, and Eric left.
It might have been a twin thing, but you shared a look and you knew Eric hoped to every God out there that you would get Hyde to stay, even if you were going to try, it made you lose a little bit of hope that it was all up to you now.
"Hey sweetheart." He tried again, reaching for a cigarette in his pocket.
Tears were back in your eyes when you finally got closer to him, pushing him in the chest.
"How dare you, Steven?!" You asked annoyed. "How dare you even think of leaving without saying goodbye?!"
"Sweetheart..." He started, finally noticing the tears on your face, trying to get closer to you but you pushed him again, pointing a finger to his face.
"No. Don't 'sweetheart' me. You were supposed to leave this town with me. Follow me to college like a creep and sneak into my dorm room like we promised." And that's when it hit him.
You had promised that one time on a sleep over when you woke up in the middle of the night and Hyde went to use your bathroom. He was the only boy you would let use your bathroom and he noticed you were up. You both got high on the room just outside your window and made that promise with each other before you went back inside and read to him the book Eric had gotten you for christmas and you both fell asleep.
Before he could respond, you had glued yourself to his torso, crying quietly on his chest.
"Don't go. Please." You asked before he tossed the cigarette aside and hugged you back. He calmed you down, before you pulled back to look at him.
You took the glassed from his face and held his face lightly. "Even if I lost my change with you, Steven, please don't go. I don't want to lose my best friend." You whispered.
And this time it was Hyde that was absolutely speechless, just like you were the night at the disco.
"I think I really want to kiss you right now, y/n." Your breath changed, as Steven reached to put a strand of hair behind your ear. "You don't have to kiss me back if you don't want to."
And with that you took initiative, you pulled his face to yours and kissed him. You felt him smile into the kiss, holding your neck and your waist as you passed one hand to his hair pulling him to you and smiled back.
"Promise me another one of those and I might just stay the rest of my life in this stupid town." Hyde joked when you broke a part and you both laughed a bit before you pulled him back in for another kiss.
"Can have as many as you want if you go tell that bimbo you're not going with her." You joked this time.
"Oh baby, are you jealous?" Steven tried to joke as you pulled him inside his house and picked up his bag. "Straight to the bedroom, hum?" He pulled you back by the hips, kissing your neck.
"Steven?" His mother asked, loudly.
"Gotta be quiet baby love." He whispered in your ear.
"Not right now, pretty boy. You got a heart to break." You pushed him back from you a lot softer than you had done outside. "Hurry up and you might just get lucky." Kissing his cheek you, left to the living room.
You knew his mom, and she surprisingly liked you.
"Hey Edna." You gave her a warm smile before she turned from inside the fridge to look over her shoulder.
"Oh hey Y/N! What a beer?" She took two out of the fridge as she asked and turned to you. "Would offer you a soda but I don't have any."
"Yeah sure, I'll take one." You kept your cool.
"Take a seat." She offered and you sat at the small kitchen table. "What are you doing here?"
"Steven came to pick some of his stuff up, we're having a sleep over." You lied easily, taking a drink of your beer.
"You are good to him." She said, sitting across from you and only then you realised that she was drunk. "I think he has a crush on you." Edna laughed.
"Mom." You heard Steven whine from the kitchen door.
"Really?" You laughed. "Do you have anything to say about it Steven?" Before you could embarrass him further he pulled you hand and started walking through the house to get out like it was eating him alive.
"I'm staying at Foreman's tonight." Was all he said before you both left the house, and he forced you to run to the Toyota.
part 2 - to be added.
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theautotrophic · 22 days
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my girl Violette!!!!
Dumping all the lore I have about my stupid little girlfailure bisexual radiostatic fankid <<<3333
So basically, she's a loser, a fossil, and I don't mean to sound hostile - but the demon is a coward >>:D
She's an absolute LOSER GIRLFAILURE just like her dad <3
Idk know how to explain it honestly, like, just think of the biggest, most dumbest of ass, girl loser you can think of and that's her
Just an absolutely deranged loser idiot
She runs a company with her brother Veer (maybe streaming or smth 🤔🤔 I haven't figured it out yet). She's the "creative mind" (kills people) and he's the brains behind the operation
A company name I thought of might be Viedio Enterprises?
For her powers they're a bit of a mixture between Vox and Alastor
She can travel via shadows the same as Alastor
She can use other people's shadows to puppeteer them
She's got a connection to the Internet and television the same as Vox because of her head and antenna
Can play things through her radio and on her screen and manipulate devices around her
Connection to radiowaves
She can probably traverse the Internet
Can corrupt technology
Basically, she would be an extremely powerful overlord if she wasn't such an idiot
I think I'm gonna have like two different timelines for this AU since I couldn't decide if I wanted them to be adults or kids when the hotel opens and Alastor returns after 7 years
Cause I think it would be really funny if Vox accidentally created her (and her brother Veer who I'll probably post for later once I actually make a good drawing of him) while Alastor was away for seven years and Alastor comes back and learns he has kids and is like "how the fuck-"
But also their adult personalties are so fun and I'd love to think about how they would react to Alastor going missing for 7 years (cause if they were adults he def would have raised them with Vox) and I just think the potential in that AU is more fun, while them being kids I can just think of a lot of art and funny moments to draw
So, in the case where they're younger Vox would accidentally create them a few months after Alastor has left when he's super desperate to find him. He would be like doing some type of demonic magic summoning circle type shit to try and summon Alastor or find out where he is but he has actually no idea what he's doing. So he's got like this whole setup sort of thing with like his blood and Alastor's hair in this wholeass satanic circle. And so he does the spell. And instead of summoning Alastor it like combines their DNA and BOOM, congrats ur a single father now. And now Vox just has two kids to raise. (Yes I thought of all this just because mpr3g makes me uncomfy (but also this scenario is both very funny and kind of sad to me and I will be drawing it at some point. probably)).
if they were older, like in their twenties by the time Alastor comes back idk Vox would probably still accidentally create them somehow I'd have to think about it
So yeah ill probably just do both versions and do what I want
Anyways! Send me asks about her if you'd like I'd love to talk about her :]
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audhd-nightwing · 2 years
more of punk!steve bc i adore him
steve first runs into the Party at the arcade (where he works part time because he wants to make his own money as a ‘fuck you’ to his parents and cuz it’s a chill job) and he becomes their favorite worker and they become his favorite customers. one day steve takes a smoke break in the parking lot and sees some kids bullying the Party and his older brother instincts kick in.
he walks up behind the party like “well well what do we have here?” and the Party is like “steve!! :D” and steve in his leather jacket and ripped jeans and combat boots glares down the bullies and they scamper off. from then on steve tells the kids to go to him if someone is bothering them and it becomes town-wide knowledge not to mess with byers wheeler henderson & sinclair. he basically becomes their personal Scary Dog.
the parents end up wanting to meet this young man who kept bullies away from their kids (and they’ve heard all sorts of rumors about him and he dresses like That so they’re suspicious) and steve’s like “yeah sounds great!” and immediately charms all of them because he’s a sweetheart and does genuinely care about and want to protect their kids. from then on he’s the go-to babysitter / ride to school / campaign host. steve pretends to be annoyed but he loves it and treats them all like they’re his younger siblings (especially lucas and dustin)
joyce and steve bond especially and they have coffee dates every sunday and just talk (joyce tries to get steve to come to her when he needs help or just someone to listen). at first everyone who sees them is super confused because what is paranoid mother Joyce Byers doing with the high school bad boy Steve Harrington?? but after a couple months it just becomes commonplace and people will even stop by to say hi
i also think jonathan and steve would end up being best friends in like freshman year and steve would get jancy together in s1 (steve and nancy don’t date). he’s never a third wheel though they have a great “this is my boyfriend and our best friend steve” type relationship. (plus jonathan never takes the creepy pics and the whole fight never happens so they’re all chill).
steve and robin are fellow outcasts so they’re chill. then steve beats up some guys who harassed her and they become actual friends and steve lets robin come over whenever her parents are being shitty. steve lowkey converts her into a punk and they basically do illegal shit and have a bunch of fun.
btw steve is a fully realized biromantic demisexual (or just queer whatv lol) and he has an extremely accurate gaydar which is partially why stobin become friends. anyways i’m mentioning this becauseee
steve meets will byers and Immediately Knows and pretty much comes out to him and tells him it’s okay and he becomes wills Gay Mentor (imo jonathan can either be straight or queer and just not really informed abt gay shit so steve would be the mentor in his place bc they’re basically brothers anyway (joyce absolutely tries to adopt steve multiple times)).
steve meets max at the arcade before any of the Party befriend her and she immediately becomes another of his favorite customers (the ranking is dustin, will & lucas & max, mike). she thinks he’s super cool and basically projects onto him as an older brother figure and he’s happy to play the part. he notices the way billy treats max and threatens him that if he ever treats her like that again he will kill him and hopper will help him hide the body. things are pretty peaceful for max after that. additionally neil hargrove gets arrested for domestic and child abuse and billy takes his car and leaves without a word. max’s mom still drinks so steve kinda unofficially adopts her, she has her own room in his house and ends up staying there most days. he ends up actually adopting her later but they’re still more of an older brother & younger sister dynamic than father & daughter
steve doesn’t interact with eddie until s4 but they know of each other and are on neutral terms until the byers move to cali and eddie starts DMing for dustin lucas mike erica and max (who steve managed to convince to play). they’re wary of each other at first but eddie realizes steve is actually a huge softie and steve realizes eddie is just a cute dork who reads LOTR and plays D&D.
steve isn’t on any sports teams or anything but he works out on his own, goes for jogs every morning with jonathan and nancy especially after the demogorgon and demodog shit. basically he’s fit and good at fighting (due to more experience with it) and nancy taught him how to shoot so he can do that too. most of his scars are from demo-creatures instead of fistfights, though he has a few of those too (not from jonathan or billy tho).
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thedissociatives · 3 months
Heeeyyyy, I'm so so intrigued by your hockey posting. I'd love to know more about Fedorov, like what's the lore, what makes him special? Have a nice day/ night <333
good morning/afternoon/evening anon! since you asked so nicely i'll try my best but i do tend to forget everything i know when i have to actually explain it. there is a lot of lore tho so i'm not gonna go over all of it (mainly the bits that interest me the most + some other stuff). i guess what really makes him special (at least to me) is the fact that we don't get players like this anymore. and i'm not talking playing style here (the impact of euro hockey players of the 90s on the nhl today is still so obviously there). a lot of his early career was directly impacted by cold war politics, and since those circumstances haven't existed for a while now, we don't get this insane type of backstories and lore anymore. i should also make it clear that i'm a massive nerd who sat in classrooms for years learning abt soviet stuff which i think definitely has an impact on who My Guys are
seriously there is a lot under the cut so be warned because i did get carried away with myself A Lot (i literally wrote over 1k words on this. sorry in advance)
ok so. sergei started playing "pro" hockey in the soviet union in the mid 80s (i don't think this is the place to explain whether these players were pro or amateur so will leave it like that), first in minsk (only for a year) before being picked up by cska moscow- the central army team. these guys made up most of the national team, which can probably be explained by the fact that their head coach also coached the national team (god that's a bit of a mouthful, but incredibly relevant). he wasn't the only rookie on the team that season; another kid (i think they were both like 16 at the time ?) called alex mogilny had also just arrived in moscow. they would become good friends. sergei would play three seasons for cska before being called up for the national team- he was going to the 1989 world championship. alex would be there, too, having already played on the team before. naturally, the ussr won gold (as they did almost every year). but that doesn't mean everything was good with the players. not long too after the tournament, some of the older players would finally get permission to play in the nhl, but for the younger guys it was looking like they had no way of getting out any time soon. in the days between the end of the championship and the soviet team's flight home, mogilny apparently approached fedorov and asked him to go to america with him- sergei said no, worried about what would happen to his family. alex would go anyway, disappearing for a few days before popping up in buffalo ready to join the sabres. (this might seem irrelevant right now but it's actually really not- i'm getting there now)
that same summer, sergei would be drafted in the fourth round by detroit. this choice may or may not have been influenced by steve yzerman telling them sergei was better than him. after a bit of back and forth, they got him to defect after cska played a series of games in north america. it literally sounds like the type of shit they write in spy films it was fucking mental. this made him only the second soviet to defect in order to play in the nhl i'm pretty sure (defo the second in like 18 months- funnily enough it was his bestie who was the first one. what a coincidence), but they weren't the first two from the other side of the iron curtain to do that. might be wrong but i think that honour goes to the stastny brothers. anyway. when sergei got to detroit he wore 91 because he wanted to "be like stevie" or some insane shit like that. which i literally think about all the time. like seriously what was that about sergei.
okok can't not talk about the russian five so doing that now. since idk how much you know about hockey i'll do a better job on this bit. after sergei arrived in detroit, management must've figured they could get more russians. over the next couple of years they got vladimir konstantinov (who was drafted the same year as sergei) and slava kozlov to make the jump to the states. since i'm mainly talking about sergei i won't go into how they got those two but it's just as unbelievable as you'd expect. after the 1994-95 lockout, the wings traded for another russian- slava fetisov. if you ever want to learn about soviet hockey you'll hear a lot about this guy, and for good reason too. he won two olympic gold medals and seven world championships with the soviet union, and captained most of those teams. obviously adding a guy with that much experience winning was a smart choice imo, even if he hadn't won anything in the nhl yet. by now the wings had four russian players- why not add a fifth ? in 1994 the wings were embarrassed in the playoffs, losing to san jose. it just happened that sj happened to have two of the older soviets who had fought for the right to play in north america. one of them was igor larionov- probably the smartest guy to ever play hockey. it was his tactics (and refusal to change his style of play) that led to his team's success in the first round. and i guess detroit didn't ever want to deal with that again because they ended up trading for the guy in the first part of the 1995-96 season. the russian five first played together in calgary, where they played that style of soviet hockey that nhlers could never really wrap their heads around at the time. they walked all over the flames in their own building, and would continue to do the same to the rest of the league. the five would be a key part of the 1997 stanley cup-winning team, which was the first wings team to lift the cup in over forty years.
sergei stayed to win a few more cups, and then left the city. he signed w the ducks in anaheim, bleached his hair and moved out to california (i think we can all resonate with wanting to change our appearance and move thousands of miles away from where we've spent over a decade building out lives amiright). from what i can tell, this move was Not Liked by detroit's owners (honestly i can't see any other reason his number hasn't been retired there). he'd bounce around a couple more nhl teams before going back to russia to play on the same team as his brother, eventually retiring in 2012.
jumping to 2015, that year's hockey hall of fame inductees included sergei (and nick lidstrom, one of his detroit teammates and one of the best defencemen to every play the game). it was basically a 90s wings reunion. in sergei's induction speech, he did like everyone else and thanked a bunch of people who helped him out throughout his career. and, you know, it was all the expected stuff (hockey guys can be so predictable sometimes), but "to my captain, steve yzerman" still fucking gets me. it had been twelve years since he'd worn a wings jersey. my captain. i think you get my point but i'm gonna have to stop there because i can't carry on and be remotely normal about it.
oh and in 2021, after spending a few years bouncing around random jobs for the team, cska announced that fedorov would be taking over as head coach. he went back to the team where all this started. now i don't know how exactly he is with his team but i sure hope he learned enough from his days there as a player under tikhonov on exactly how not to treat your players. cska won back to back gagarin cups (the trophy awarded to the khl team who wins the playoffs) in sergei'd first two seasons behind the bench, and they're probably looking to make it a threepeat with the playoffs starting today (?)
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sebscore · 1 year
I see your Leclerc brothers holding an anxious little Leclerc's hand and I raise you this: the way they do it is different. Like the 3 of them hold her hand like usual bit their grip(?)/what the energy is like is different so like:
Lorenzo: he holds her hand the way a father would. A strong grip, not strong to hurt her but to help grind her to reality and away from the anxious thoughts. He does not let go till she says to and keeps a watchful eye on her throughout day. He's seen her grow up from day one. Nothing is gonna stop Enzo from protecting his little sister.
Charles: he holds her hand like and overprotective brother (I mean her is one) would. He would hold her hand whilst standing in front of her coaching her through breathing exercises that he would have learned especially for her. Any member of the paparazzi seen trying to take a picture gets a hard Leclerc™ glare and gets the Ferrari media and legal team after them. He is her brother and he'd never let anything hurt her.
Arthur: he holds her hand like a cross between the way Charles does it and a bit of playfulness. When she's calm down and in that state of trying to collect yourself (is that universal or just me?) he would chat about random things that happened in the garage, keeping her distracted and laughing. He would also swing their hands like an excited kid whilst grinning making little Leclerc giggle and forget about her worries. After one particular bad one, Arthur buys her ice cream to help calm her. She was extremely grateful and he never brought that up. However he would constantly bring up incidents where she would borrow money and not repay her ("you're a millionaire Art. You can spare 20 euros for fucks sake" * le gasp* "she swore!!! Charles SHE'S SWEARING THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT YOU- *insert French yelling*" ).
All three of them make her feel safe and protected. She doesn't like going to them constantly but she knows that if she stops they would start crying about her growing up like they did when they saw the edits. She loves all her brothers dearly (enzo more but she won't admit it out loud) and she knows that they love her too.
Olli: further on into their relationship, he would pull her towards him by her waist, kiss her head and cheeks while whispering words of encouragement. That's also the first time she said she loved him (He said so too and when she told her three brothers she had to run and get tissues because they started absolutely sobbing).
Anyways, toodles. Love you babe as always. Stay safe and healthy. Also drink water because hydration and shit :). Till my next brain riot
first of all- this is so illegal of you 😭😭😭 why would you make me cry in the middle of the day 😭😭😭😭😭😭
lorenzo is def the father figure and def keeps an eye on her way more than he does with his other siblings 🥺 that’s practically his daughter right there! 💗 he was a teenager/young adult when she was born so he’s never been the typical brother figure like arthur or charles!
to me, charles’ energy around her is very older brother x father figure mixed! he has a lot of patience with everyone, except when it comes to his sister! he knows that she doesn’t like it when people film her or take pictures of her without her consent so he’ll do everything he can to make her feel better!
the state of trying to collect yourself is def something universal, cause I have those moments too, darling! 💜
arthur is the true brother 😭😭 he opts for distractions as he often isn’t very sure what to do and showing physical affection in public to his sister can be kinda embarrassing in his opinion (they’re still bickering siblings lol)
thur is def the type to ask his sister for his money back, but then when she actually does it, he’s like “no, keep it.”
thinking about having those three as your older brothers makes me feel so emotional (rip only child) and these kinds of messages make me all delulu but oh well 🤷‍♀️ they love her so much and won’t hesitate to break someone’s neck if it came down to it lol
love you too, thank you so much for this! my heart is bursting with joy 🥹🥹🥹🥹 have a nice day and stay safe as well, my love! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
can’t wait till the next brainrot 💞
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anonymous-dentist · 9 months
I went through a midnight binge on your superhero deli au and its so good!!!! i would love to know more ab a lot of thing but first thisngs frist!
1- In the junior superhero program i was wondering how are the kids? i want to know more ab Juana, Tilin, Trump & Bobby and their day to day life or just simply their powers lol
2- I love the whole schtick w Vegetta being Lobo Nocturno!!!! funny shit we love that.
3- What kinda taco shop does roier work at its important!! (/j)
4- Is Slimecicle a Villain? are he an Mariana partners in crime similar to Philza and Missa?
5- FRENCH SNIPER LETS GOOOOO fucking love pomme shes so cool. I also need to know ab Etoiles what is that man doing, he must be upto something,,,,
6- Wilbur a Federation Sanctioned rock star lol? on a federation sponsered world tour? or just a rehgular guy?
7- Quackity my wet cat where are yoou???? Is Elquackity involved too? twins? one a villain and another hero? or not at all?
8- are you thinking of integrating the newer members? migth be a hastlr tbh but its a cool though
9- Cellbit's powers are pretty inch identyfy and modulate fear right? that is so fucking cool dude id never woulve though als any thoughts of bringing his whole "not a cat" bit from the server?
i thonk thats all of my midnig ramblings so far if i think of any more at a amore decent hour ill let you know
muah besitos x repsonder msi preguntas saluditos chayito tqm
Okay, long post!
Here's a few posts I've already made on the kids: - Arrival - Qualifications - Names - Abilities Other than that, they kinda just do... hero things. They do go to school at the FoH headquarters- basically homeschooling tbh. But they do patrols and they go out on fights and it's dangerous. They aren't usually all friends because it's a very competitive environment, so it's usually pretty lonely. Either your teammates hate you or they're dead.
Yeah lol, he's an alien prince and he will Not go back home now that he's got a family
Full disclosure, I've never even had a taco before so I didn't even know there are different types of taquerias, but the one Roier works at is lowkey his? Like his dads are rich af so they bought it for him as a birthday present when he turned 18, but he was like "Dads nooooo I wanna make my own way in the world!" so he works as a server and cook and lets other people take care of the business side of things. Is it practical? Considering he's also Spider-Man, it works for him! 4. So Charlie is kinda nothing, but he's been heading down a steady path towards villainy since his daughter, Flippa, was taken from him and put into the Junior Hero Program. He can't control when he Geggs out, though, so he kinda just sits in a sewer and mopes. Meanwhile Mariana was so bad at being a hero that the FoH literally kicked him out, and now he's also. In a sewer missing his daughter. But tbh the two of them will probably end up as partners in crime as soon as Charlie figures out how to purposefully Gegg all over the place 5. Etoiles joined the FoH entirely willingly because he fully and totally just legitimately wants to protect the city. But he lowkey hates everyone in the FoH and is like two seconds away from quitting and turning to vigilante-ing because he knows that the entire system is corrupt. But he wants to keep his daughter safe, too, so he's waiting to quit until she's just a bit older. Then they can be the father-daughter vigilante duo they've been planning to be since Pomme was, like, three 6. Wilbur is a rock star who can make flowers appear out of thin air, and his ability is so useless that the FoH can't even use him as a spokesman for the organization. All he does is make pretty flowers for his daughter and leave to go on tour, but that's fine, everyone loves him, anyway 7. So Quackity and his identical twin brother ElQuackity don't speak to each other. Quackity is an ordinary dude working at a coffee shop downtown with a shapeshifting ability that he uses exclusively for pranks and bullying. Meanwhile ElQ is a former villain who was "reformed" by the FoH. He works for them now, and he's the guy in charge of the Junior Hero Program: Dr. Duck, how scary 8. Yeah! Everybody's real in this au! I don't think any of them except Tubbo and Mouse and Bagi and maybe Willy and Rivers would ever appear in a proper big role because the story would focus on Cellbit and Roier and the people they know and work with yk? 9. Nope, nothing with the cat stuff this time. I'm focusing more on what the actual q!Cellbit is like in this au, what with the literal fear rooms and the spooky vampire castle and the fact that he's out here calling himself a vampire lol
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jaxxsoxxn · 11 days
Me, waving my fingers at Boomer, ominously: Ohhhh, you're gonna get projected on so harddd
Anyway, some hcs that will probably be mentioned in my future fics!
Boomer has horrid object permanence (totally not like me /s) - he can and will forget about some things unless they're right in front of him, the list of those includes: food, people, the whole idea of eating/hunger, sometimes clothes, plans.
Also, Flash adores it slightly, because when they're deeper into their relationship, every time he pops up (even if he was gone only for a second) he gets a kiss and a "'ello" mumbled to him softly. He abuses this power a lot.
Cap believes that anything that can fit in his mouth could be eaten. Does not question if it should be eaten.
He was born in a small town/village in Australia, everyone knew everyone type of thing. Sadly that also meant that everyone knew he was a bastard in the literal meaning of the word.
Loves his mother, does not believe she loves him. Thinks that she's just a good person, that's why she took such a good care of him. She does love him, btw.
I usually hc that she died when he was pretty young, leaving him alone, but in a world where she didn't, she'd love Barry.
"Not only ya gave me a son-in-law, ya also gave me two premade grandchildren?! Oh Digi, lov!"
Digger absolutely dies of embarrassment every time she calls them not only her grandkids but also says they came "premade" or "prebuilt"
Wally calls him sarcastically Digi once and Boomer looks him dead in the eyes and says "I'm fucking with your father figure."
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, Wally...
If Owen lives, I'd imagine he's actually pretty close to Wally in age, if not even older, since Boomer's like 45 years old in my head.
Wally, 22 years old, looking at his new "step-brother" who's 25 years old and looks totally unbothered about the new family he aquaried (he knows every single Flash fam member while none of them know even his name for the first few months)
Owen is a lot like his father, but I'd imagine he's softer around the edges than his dad. Also, lesser accent, since he moved a lot, most of his life.
Owen had rough teenage years, but Boomer was a rock trough them. Good for them.
Flash fam takes a lot of time to get used to two different speedsters - usually the biggest difference is the fact they're use reverse Speedforce or smth alike, but this time Digger is a straight-up fake speedster, while Owen isn't one (even if he has patience of one), though his agility is through the roof. (In some versions, while Owen is! A speedster, he only throws his boomerangs superfast, instead of running! Which is, like, crazy)
At the moment, Owen is acting rather careless. He's well known around most of the Rouges, which also means that if anyone is trying to get to them, they might focus on him. He might or might not ignore the danger fully and deem it "silly"
Flash fam, when they start getting used to them, are actually easily swayed towards Owen. Digger doesn't hold it against them, using "once a rogue, always a rogue" excuse, while the truth was simple: Owen was a kid or practically a kid to most of them - he's easily impressed and not many things can beat the excited kid looking at you like ya hung the stars & moon in the sky Those hcs took a while to get out, but here they are (maybe bc I got fully into Owen at some point while writing them, oops-)
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deerabigailhobbs · 1 month
Greetings and salutations good friend; I bring offerings of Adamgail-siblings thoughts!
So I was thinking about Adam going 'fuck this' and bringing Abby back home with him. Does he still live in the same shitty place, or has a boost in the popularity of his photos following his post-trap fame given him enough money to get a better place? Do they bring any of the Hobbs House furniture with them? Orrrrrrrrrr does he live with Lawrence, coming home after being missing for a week with no warning like "Honey I'm home, and guess what I brought back: your future sister-in-law!"
Whatever the case, we see a drastic change in the type of clothes Abby wears after episode one. Going from floaty more casual clothing, to a more compressed(i can't think of a better word) look. So what if after moving in with Adam, she starts to wear a more grungy look; quite a few people dress aggressively to warn away people, so maybe Abby could go for that to get randos to stay back to keep herself safe.
Her and Adam could maybe have a siblings bonding moment of Adam giving her a (probably not great) haircut and dye-job in the bathroom to make her look less like the pictures in the paper!
I like to think of the idea of a while down the line Abby meeting Danny from Saw 2 at a 'Teens who nearly got serial-killed support group' or maybe Adam met Danny at a survivors group and Danny stuck to him because 'wow this guy knows Scott Tibbs lead singer of Wrath of the Gods (the band on his t-shirt)' or at some point Adam was like 'hey I have a sister your age I think you two could be good friends'. or something.
Anyway, the end result would be the two meeting and becoming friends, perhaps bonding over their trauma a little bit. And then mayyyybe joining forces to create an angsty teen band where they sing songs about the fucked up things that happened to them!
Hope you're having a good day!
Hello! Very happy to see you in my inbox again friend! I'm a little sick right now, but happy to ramble about the siblings :D
I LOVE the idea of Abigail, Adam and Lawrence living together. I really think Lawrence would be fond of Abigail. Although Adam wouldn't say exactly why Abigail had come to live with them, he'd know the situation back home is dire. I can imagine him getting the house all ready for their return , asking Adam beforehand what Abigail's interests are. So when Abigail arrives she's greeted with a small bedroom full of art supplies, and a window facing the park nearby the house, which he delightfully explains to Abigail had all sorts of critters roaming around day and night. I'm sure this would not only warm Abigail's heart, but Adam's too. Knowing that his partner would care so much about someone so close to him would make Adam want to propose that very moment.
I like to think when Diana visits, her and Abigail would get on well. Abigail would finally know what it's like to be an older sibling figure. I can imagine her helping Diana with her homework or making food for themselves when Adam and Lawrence decide to go on a date night, which would consist of homemade pizza and ice-cream for dessert.
(now I've got a really cute image of Adam and Lawrence coming back home to a sleeping Abigail and Diana, snuggled up against the couch while The Little Mermaid credits roll <3)
Funnily enough, I'm planning on writing a part of my fic where Adam cuts Abigail's hair, but dyeing it is also a nice thought! I'm sure Abigail would be quite hesitant to trust her brother with scissors and hair dye, but surprisingly he knows his way around a head of hair. And paired with some new clothes Lawrence had bought her (no matter how hard she insisted she didn't need them), consisting of flowy skirts, loose tops, cardigans and jumpers/sweaters for the winter months, she'd really start feeling like her own person, not who someone wanted her to be.
I also love the idea of Abigail and Daniel (Danny) being friends! Especially since the only person we see Abigail interact with her age is Marrisa and her dad's victims. He'd think she'd like so cool with her platinum blonde hair (thinking of that one picture of Kacey rn) and they'd hit it off!!! In my opinion, if they were to start a band, I think Abigail wouldn't want to be front and centre, so I can imagine her taking up the drums, hidden away from everyone yet still soaking up the atmosphere. And of course for their first gig Adam insists on taking pictures for free (much to the jealousy of Scott) and he'd be so proud of her!
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anymethynker · 8 months
Yeah, okay, so... I have a fic idea that I'm never gonna ever write probably-maybe. So imma just share it will people on here. And if you like it, write about it, but tell me so I can read it please. :] (Theres a TLDR at the bottom if you don't want to read my rant. I'm sorry if I'm confusing. :[)
So to start, this is post mk1 and everyone is settling after everything is done. People are living their lives and they doing their own things. The thing is its centered around Johnny, for a specific reason. I want to see an outsider's perspective. Like his fans, his co-workers, and people he knows personally.
Now the twist, they see him hanging out with everyone else from the game.
You must be thinking, how is this the twist? How is this an interesting concept? Well, I feel like Johnny loves to be online, and that comes with sharing his life online. So imagine one day, a popular actor who's hasn't really been active online at all and hasn't been seen in real life(during the game he's recording shit but he doesn't have time to do it all the time), just randomly comes back into the frame. His fans are wondering where he was, but happy he's back. Co-workers wondering where the fuck he's been(they either hate him or are neutral about him). And people that know him, well, I feel like they hate him besides from a few(ex-wife just wanting his money).
The thing is, Johnny really doesn't specify any of the questions asked of him, just post a few videos with some people that aren't really important(the people part anyway because Johnny knows a lot). But we know that they people are important, and everyone learns this too, as Johnny ever really hangs out and post about them with him. Now everyone is confused because these are people no one know. They aren't famous, so why is Johnny with them. Fans think they're his team or something like that, and co-workers and people that know him just think they're assholes like him.
Then Johnny starts posting videos AND people meet then in real life. Johnny ever just posted pictures and small videos that doesn't really focus on the people. But now with Johnny having more free time and no longer acting that much(to everyone's surprise), he starts to hang out and post more funny videos with his friends.
People see Raiden(super nice guy that is kind to everyone), Kung Lao(silly goofy guy that knows how to have a good time), Kenshi(seems to be the best "friend" of Johnny(note that yes, I am applying shipping but it doesn't have to be)), Syzoth(curious guy who's sarcastic as hell), Tomas(the cinnamon roll of the group), Liu Kang(he be the father figure honestly), etc.
Now, the fans love it. People are feeding off of these interactions and want to see more if then. People who know Johnny are more iffy, how does he know these people? Are they this kind or are they just assholes pretending for views of popularity? They find out because of Johnny filming movies. Not everyone is there, the most recurring people are Kung Lao and Smoke.
There are specific reactions that would be amazing, like his ex-wife(cough reacting to his new boyfriend cough), his older brother(reacting to his new brothers and father), and some fellow stars(seeing how his friends can tolerate and even enjoy Johnny's company). His fans, when met at Cage Con or just stumbled upon, would be really excited, but it would really be awesome to see how they react(I can't think of anything besides shipping Johnny with Kenshi, saying Johnny is Tomas's and Syzoth's older brother, and Liu Kang being his honorary father. If you can think of anything else, jump on in).
Okay that's all I got in my brain this late at night, it early morning doesnt matter. Now this is just personal preference, you don't have to listen to this, just things I wouldn't really read or write. Not really an x reader type fic, I don't think you can fit that in here(jump on in if you can), and mostly found family fic(like now SubSmoke or ScorpionSmoke(I dont know the ship name ;-;) for some examples. If you do writing it with is, cool, you do you, not my type if fic bc of me seeing then as brothers).
Okay, I'm done. I'll probably make some small fics or just jot down the more specific ideas in me head later. If you do want to write this, go ahead!!! Just tell me when you do and send the link so I can fuel my brain. And if you want to take some ideas I have, do so as well. I doubt I'm the only person with these thoughts so I can share. Anyway, good night!!!!! :DDD
TLDR: Outside view from Johnny's fans, co-workers and people he personally knows reacting to him hanging out the people from the game.
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deeptrashwitch · 2 months
*During a insomia night, inside Witch's mind*
So, who are you again?
A fictional girl
Yeah well, it doesn't help me to understand
Start writing and you'll figure it out
...I need to sleep, I'll lead with you tomorrow
*ends up writing (and even doing the picrew) at midnight to at least keep the idea out of her mind for a while*
Yeah...the thing below just appeared while I was trying to sleep, and now I'm writing about her. It's a new OC, and she'll be Ghost's civilian girlfriend. And no, she has nothing to do with my main timeline, so there won't be anything related to her on my post about the Specters.
I'll leave this programed and then go to sleep. See ya!
OC: Samantha "Sam" Cohen
Tumblr media
Nationality: American
Age: 34
Date of birth: 15th january 1990 - Richmond (U.S.A.)
Residence: Washington D.C
Profession: Marketing director
Height: 1.72 m/ 5"7' ft
Weight: 70 kg
Blood type: A+
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Simon "Ghost" Riley (boyfriend)
Mike Cohen (older brother)
Lily Cohen nee Dupont (sister-in-law)
Valerie Cohen (niece)
William Cohen (nephew)
David Cooper (friend)
Irene Sayre (friend)
Jayden/Cassandra Fisher (friend
-Her main hobby is make flower arrangements, using many type of flowers. Sometimes Simon helps her, and he even has learned how to do some crowns.
-She loves cuddles and always hugs Simon when they are on their bed, she even plays with his hair when they are looking a movie. And she's the only one who'll ever see Simon all lovey-dovey and clingy, so anytime people says he's cold, scary or things like that, she cackles internally.
-When they visit her brother, she always plays with her nephew and niece while the rest talk calmly.
-She's the second oldest on the group, only Cassandra/Jayden is older than her. Irene and David always mock them because of it, but they love the little brats anyway.
-She tends to be explosive, it can be when she's excited or pissed off. Her reactions are usually effusive (read as: laughter when she's happy and ugly cry shen she's sad), except when she's furious (if she ignores you, then you really fucked it up).
Random quote
"Are you saying that Ghost is scary and cruel? That Ghost? If...you say so, I guess" -talking with a random rookie (who got punished later by said Lieutenant)
When and how met their partner?
She met Simon through a dates app, to be honest she was intrigued because his profile just said basic things (no likes, hobbies and what not) and his photo was him with the baclava. They went to the African Art National Museum and walked for a while in silence, until, when they saw an object from the expo, Ghost commented a non-classified anecdote about a mission in Africa where he learned a bit about their ancient cultures. It called Sam's attention, and they started a conversation, more like Sam asked many things and Ghost answered.
Also, she wasn't exactly stingy with the compliments, admired to find out thar her date knew such interest things. Then she found out about Simon's shyness when it comes to compliments outside of work, because he was blushed and a bit nervous down the mask he was using (he'll deny it all his life, tho). And when the date finished, she was the one to ask him for a second date the next time he had a free day, to which he happily agreed.
And from there, it's history as well.
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the-heaminator · 1 year
Idk if you already been asked but girl give us your hcs on New Zealand. name, gender, relation with the other bitches
Ngl my New Zealand is mostly just stolen from @historia-vitae-magistras (I hope you dont mind me tagging you,) her stuff is GREAT.
But here it is in the shortform.
Name: Eleanor....ngl I dont actually have a last name for her??? I never realised that I put her as like 18-20 in the modern era
Height. Around 5'7-5'8, I want her to be tall, robust, and an inch taller than Arthur, better nutrition and all, shes...robust, no better way to put it, shes healthy, tall, and can and will yeet Jack, even as he is built like a brick shithouse. Only has to go on her tippytoes sometimes, mmmmm shes a very good hugger when she does hug, which is rare. Unless you're Jack, she hugs her idiot older brother a lot.
Relation with other bitches as you very concisely put it.
Jack is her sunshine demon of an older brother, she does have to reign him in sometimes, stop him from accidentally killing himself, he does the same for her on occasion, they ho drinking together. When pissed she gains a level of confidence that is frankly terrifying for someone as sharp as a whip as she is, they go surfing together. Zee loves birds, Jack is pretty much a reptile, man starts brumating when it gets too cold, she likes sitting in trees. Like a bird.
She bitches and whines a lot with him but like usually, not always, but usually in a good natured way and is not against physically knocking some common sense into him.
With Matthew it's like tender but also a little more distant than it used to be, he was basically the stand on parental figure for her while the kirllands were out doing fuck knows what, after she got her independence it is still very close and caring but not as much as it used to be.
She is also very blunt when she wants to be. Not something Matt is used to so she will go up and tell his lanky ass that he needs to eat, sleep, and lay off the fucking weed for a bit or he will end up in a ditch somewhere with a squirrel up his arse. Shes direct and a little scary. Matt usually listens to her because again she is not afraid to use blunt force trauma.
Her relationship with Alfred is odd, it is more a business type relationship, he was never really around for her upbringing so she doesnt see him as a brother or anything, more like a far removed cousin. But besides that they and matt absolutely love bitching about people together, like in a corner. It's kindif funny. jack does not join very often unless its winter, he's cold, and has to do official shit, then he gets awfully similar to Arthur and has soooooo much shit with everyone. Hes a little scary like that. Alfred kind of like, tries, to seem familliar bit it never actually works, so hes kind of given up, the business relationship is pretty good though.
Fuck this ask is getting long I need to shut up but I shan't
Anyways now the hard part is her relationship with the isles
She sees Arthur as a father figure, but like a distant one, hes warmed up a little in recent decades but still seems quite cold, even if unintentionally, hes just really really really repressed like that, but he is protective over her, he is protective over all of them but will personally raise hell if anyone touches a finger on his little girl even as she isnt all that little anymore, he tries but it isnt enough, but the sentiment is appreciated, he was strict with her, but not really in gender roles bc again Arthur is not really the type to be fussy about gender, bug he made sure she was s art, if not physically stronger she will be smarter, and she is, and is also strong so a win win for her.
Hes the softest with her when sober, like a little bit of him melts because shes the youngest, she's a girl, and he's kind if getting old now, but is happy to just sit in silence with her. With say Alfred they always have ti be talking or moving or something, Alfred got it from Arthur and it just kind of echoes back. With Matthew he has gotten more lax but still is professional with him, unless either or both are more rats assed then a scouser after a football match, with Jack he is nearly as soft as he is with her, just a little bit more restrained.
She finds it a little odd but not unwelcome that he is calmer with them, but sometimes his near inability to process feeling or feel sympathy or empathy absolutely drives her around the fucking bend. She gets angry at him a lot, for good reason too, historical and personal both. I wont get into them bc I'm nit that well versed in their history.
With alisdair it's very much an uncle situation, same with rhys, and a closer aunt with Brighid, unlike Matt who had Alisdair as basically a stand in parent while Arthur was drunk, or busy, or Jack who has called brighid mum before, they all feel somehwat distant, she likes Brighid but does find her a little intense, most people do but she isn't complaining too much, she has the widest emotional bandwidth of any of the isles and is also the best at comforting by far, Zee likes to feel physically grounded and none of the Kirklands can do hugs without being very awkward about it, closest is the slightly tipsy hugs that Alisdair gives when he sees her looking down.
I dont actually have much developed for rhys or alisdair. I'm sorry :,) and I probably do have other thoughts I just cannot be asked to type it out rn so I hope this is satisfactory
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queen--kenobi · 1 month
Can you explain more about this Tymon and Elayna dynamic? I'm curious how this all gets going. Like I've picked up on bits and pieces and Elayna's deep hatred of the Lannisters, SO I WOULD LIKE TO LEARN MORE
Ehehehehe yeeesssss time to reintroduce my terrible awful evil son
So. Tymon is Jason and Tyland's younger brother. He's a year older than Elayna. Tymon is... well. The best way I can describe Tymon is That Annoying Rich White Guy? Like in a modern AU he's the lacrosse player who got into an Ivy league because his family is a legacy family. He is actually smart and charming on the surface but underneath all that, he's absolutely awful. The type of guy who's never heard no in his life and has a meltdown because of it
Elayna gets warded to the Lannisters when she's about 8 or 9. Alon has his first major sickness so Elayna’s older brother sends her to the Lannisters. Since Tymon is about the same age as her, they do gravitate towards each other. When they hit 12/13, Tymon realizes he's attracted to Elayna. And being an entitled 13 year old decides yeah, he's going to marry Elayna
It gets complicated because they're still basically kids. Elayna doesn't necessarily know what she really wants or likes. Also she thinks she knows him, and this is the first guy who's shown interest in her in a not overtly creepy way. So she's receptive at first and she ignores some red flags that crop up
I haven't exactly figured out what the specific thing that makes her go "wait. Hold up" is yet? At least, not for canon. Based on what I'm thinking for other AUs, like him branding someone in the Western AU bc lbr that's some shit the Lannisters would do, it has to be Bad. I have some ideas floating around. But yeah. Tymon does something that is a very "oh fuck he's dangerous, and he will hurt me" thing. Elayna had been having doubts anyway, but this just freaks her out. She starts spending less time with him and in general trying to avoid him
Elayna also notices he doesn't care about her in a love way but a possession way? There's some discussion of her marrying a Tarbeck, and Tymon flips the fuck out over it. It's very much in an abusive partner type of way even though he and Elayna were never technically together
Elayna tries avoiding him but a) Tymon has made it clear he's the only one allowed to marry Elayna and will get violent over it and b) Elayna is literally living with his family so there's no one she can turn to. Since Elayna is saying no, Tymon bounces between love bombing Elayna and trying to make Elayna’s live a living hell
Mind you. She's 12? 13? When this starts. And she endures 3-4 years of psychological abuse. And unfortunately she does have to learn to be like the Lannisters to survive during this time period. The only person on her side seems to be her dad. Seban, her older brother, is even kinda like "what's the big deal? It'd be a great opportunity" blah blah blah
Eventually Alon gets Elayna under the guise of taking her back to Castamere, probably so as "not to tempt Tymon" or w/e. But as soon as they're on the road Alon tells Elayna he's set everything up so Elayna can live in KL as either Helaena or Jaenna's lady-in-waiting. Obviously once Tymon finds out he's on his way to KL but like. Tripling down on everything because how dare she run away
(Bonus fun fact: in the modern AU they go to high school together, they have this weird relationship of like... they're not actually dating but also they kind of are? They keep on saying no they're just friends but they make out at parties. But then the next day in class they'll be at each other's throats for who has the best grade and being super competitive in a nasty way. They end up deciding to go to prom together but... They end up sleeping together and being each other's firsts. Which then less than a week later Tymon tells Elayna no he's not taking her to prom, someone like him doesn't take girls like her to prom, and anyway he's had a girlfriend this whole time. And he does this several days before the SAT/ACT. Which Elayna realizes later he timed it in an attempt to make her so upset she'd completely bomb the test
Bonus bonus: unfortunately. Tymon is Hot.
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This is his FC, Brandon Sklenar. Imagine him but blond)
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midwestclover · 11 months
I’ve got an older tumblr, but made this a seperate one and I seen @callivich post so I decided to answer the questions and find more open-minded people! Expand my horizons more, guess you could say!
Name: Howdy! Names Nova :)
Age: Twenty-seven.
What made you fall in love with Gallavich?: They are both able to relate to one another when it comes to having a big family, with dysfunctional tendencies yet that is also something where the pair are extremely different because one family shows far more agression, while the other still shows compassion and love. I loved the idea of the big bad macho dude softening for Ian as time goes on, even despite the fact he wanted to ‘teach a lesson.’ The two of them bring out the worst parts of eachother, mean while are capable of as well bringing out the good even if the other cannot see themselves as such. Their continuous meetups, and fall outs make me think about the whole ‘their souls are bound to another laced by a golden thread.’ Because in the end? They always come crawling back to one another. Also! I love the idea of Mickey showing hate towards the world in the beginning, softens for Ian but through character development Mickey grows. Something wholesome about them together, growing, evolving and changing for better.
How long have you been a fan?: I would say around 2015 I got into Shameless? So, I’d say since then!
Favourite Gallavich moments/scene?: Oh goodness, there are numerous that are rent free in my delulu thoughts. One of them would have to be when Fiona makes the connections of Ian possibly being Bipolar and needing to go into a Psych, but Mickey wants to take care of him. I can only imagine how straining that may have been on the two of them, yet Mickey went ahead and did it anyways. Another scene would have to be Mickey’s coming out. God, there’s just so many to count! I don’t know why, but them parting ways when Mickey crosses the border. There’s just something so special about their kiss and it makes me weak in the best way possible. But their wedding? Never seizes to make me ugly cry!
Favourite Shameless character apart from Ian and Mickey?: Lip, Kevin and Veronica for sure!
Do you write or draw or make edits?: I have been a writer for twelve years, but haven’t been able to make any fanfics for ao3, yet. But my works will likely be posted here, once I get more inspiration. I do also make moodboards, and random edits sometimes! Depends on the mood. But I am a sucker for aesthetics so. I also do roleplay, so there’s that as well.
Favourite type of Gallavich fics?: Still figuring this one out, once I know I’ll be sure to give my input!
Favourite Gallavich quotes?: ‘Ian, what you and I have makes me free.’ - ‘you’re under my skin man, fuck can I do?’ Both by Mickey. ‘Hit my husband again and I’ll fucking kill you’ this one PHEW, because Ian is saying that to Lip—HIS BEST FRIEND AND BROTHER! ‘You are so much better than that.’ Because goddamn. Dare I say more?
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
Brick, ramble about something, really, just ramble about anything.
okay so i have an alien au that i really haven't talked about at all except with xyz, and i think it'd be cool to introduce and talk about!!
soo basically the au is found family but not in a sense of found family, but he found another family that's worlds better than the one he had, and the dynamics of said family are more likee friendship-y? it's just the family you chose (friends) over the family you were born into. i cannot think of a way to describe it 😭
have a lil sample of the plot outline!
phil and techno, tommy's father and adopted older brother, both got accepted into a version of nasa that specializes specifically in the study of planets, including traveling to them. tommy didn't apply because it didn't interest him, and even if it did, he was far too young. so naturally, interplanetary travel took up a lot of his family's time, leaving tommy at home to take care of himself.
so, jealous, tommy did the only logical thing, and followed emduo to their work! and....broke into the facility.
during his exploration, he ran into wilbur, a mini-giant who's going to be travelling to the same planet as phil and techno. and who also just so happens to accept tommy's request that he be taken along! tommy of course added in a few lies about his age and maybe said his family allowed it, and definitely used persuasion and a little guilt tripping, but nonetheless, wilbur accepted. tommy would be going to another planet! to finally see what the big deal was.
time comes for the day of their departure, and tommy again follows emduo to work, meeting up with wilbur immediately after.
the trip is excruciatingly long and a little jarring to him, a virgin to space travel, but it gets done. so now, tommy's given permission by wilbur to go exploring the planet. it's pretty. scarce, but pretty.
while looking around, tommy comes across a waterfall, which he immediately drops all the technology wilbur gives him to go explore within the water. it feels....weird, much different than the water on earth. that aside, he missteps and accidentally slips into a hole that'd been previously covered by (haven't figured that out yet) and plummets down, down, down, down into a beautiful underground civilization. the only downside? a giant alien-esque being walks by, and tommy knows he's royally fucked when he remembers there's no way out. at least he landed in something soft!
meanwhile back at the campsite with wilbur, their clocks say dusk is nearing. he doesn't think too much of tommy's absence, given that his curfew was a little bit after dusk and that this entire place was huge, it was easy to get a little lost, but as half past his required hour passes, he starts worrying. he's getting anxious when he hears emduo talking about tommy, so anxious he almost lets his fuckup slip. he goes to bed, hoping for tommy to be in his tent, alive and sleeping, as soon as dawn hits.
but he isn't. and to say he's lonely and scared is the complete opposite of what he is. he's acquired a lovely bundle of friends while amongst the pretty town.
pretty fun!! i actually made a doodle for this au and would be totally cool with making one of those pages, because alien designs are one of the more flexible character designs! the doodle i made i'm 90% sure is deleted by now but it was of dream's face and i am SOOOOO proud of it like it's SO cool OH MY GOD x came up with it and i added some things and OH MY GODDDD ASJDFFDSAFJASJFJAS i cannot express my love for dream's face design in this au :)
the au (apart from wilbur growing guiltier by the second) is primarily fluffy with only 1 angsty part i already have planned out :D me and x did talk about this a lot so i can probably bring some of that to the surface :D
aHHHHHH i'm typing and deleting so much stuff bc in don't wanna give away too muchhhh ADJVFJD
i'll cut myself off here!! but i do have MUCH more to say!!! questions are always welcome, i'll def answer the ones that don't give away too much :DD
i think this is my third day in a row introducing a new au or set of aus. what the fuck is wrong with me ??? i'm like a hoarder but instead of random crap it's minecraft block men fanfiction universes that occasionally are sprinkled with g/t and vore 😭
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