#and when i was backing the truck to dump the load and was (understandably) nervous about smacking it again he was very chill like.
multifandomhoodies · 9 months
my work partner and i are both younger siblings and that. has some kind of impact on a lot of our interactions. i asked him to move the truck forward the other day and he hit me with the whiniest bitchiest NO!!! >:( i've heard out of him and i was just like. bRO? he moved it anyways he was literally going to but like. i was like. mf that's some younger sibling shit.
he got baja blast the other day from taco bell and i was like?? where's mine? you went to taco bell and you didn't get me any?? and he was like. no. you didn't bring me any when you had it. anyways so i wound up having to take the truck for a bit and he was like "don't drink my baja blast." and i got back and told him i drank it all. when we were leaving for the day and he finally had a sip of it he said it tasted like someone had spit in it and i told him i put leaf humus in it
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Mammon x gn!MC
Words - 4346
Content Warnings - angst, lots of fluff, happy endings, pre-relationship stuff (Mammon does call you ‘babe’ but I consider that a GN endearment)
Prompt/Inspiration - none
Summary -  You over hear Mammon talking to some demons at RAD, and both of you are forced to confront your feelings.
Classes had just finished at RAD, and you were heading towards the main gates to meet up with Satan so you could walk home together. Normally Mammon would escort you, but you had planned on staying after today to work on an assignment and told him not to wait for you. It worked out, however, that you had been able to finish your work during a free period in the library, so you got to leave early.
As you walked along, a familiar voice found its way to your ears and you broke out into a wide smile. Mammon was still at RAD and hadn’t left yet! Maybe he’d be able to join you on the way home? There was so much you had wanted to talk to him about, and you looked forward to this time together after every school day.
When you had first arrived here in the Devildom, your mere presence seemed to annoy him and he took advantage of every opportunity to dump you with his brothers and make himself scarce. But things had changed. Though he never said it, you were almost certain he was in love with you. His brothers would tease him about it regularly and it always left him so flustered and embarrassed.
And the truth was, you loved him too. Unconditionally. You knew how hard he tried to do the right thing, even if his plans often ended in disaster. And you admired how he was always looking out for his brothers, and didn’t even look for any acknowledgement - in fact, he preferred it that way. They didn’t know it was him who bought Levi’s new games when he had missed the preorder window, or that he had arranged for an entire truck load of Beel’s favorite pudding to be delivered after he had eaten the last cup that Beel had been saving. He had his reputation to maintain after all. And being thoughtful and considerate was not the look he was going for.
Mammon never failed to make you smile either. And while he was the biggest scaredy cat you had ever met (how was it even possible for demons to be scared of ghosts?), he always showed up to protect you when it mattered. Yeah, it stung sometimes when he’d intentionally keep his distance from you to avoid the teasing of his brothers, but you knew whenever you were alone with him that he treasured you more than anything.
These thoughts in mind, you quickened your pace and headed towards the sound of his voice.
“Hey Mammon, are you coming out with us tonight? That new club opened up.”
“Nah, ‘got babysittin’ duty tonight courtesy of Lucifer.”
“Babysitting duty? You’re still following that pathetic human around?”
You stopped dead in your tracks, rooted to the spot. The laughter of the other demons echoed in the now empty halls. You knew you should move. You needed to leave. This was not a conversation you should be listening to. And every fiber of your being said you should get out of there before you regret it. But still, you couldn’t get your feet to move.
“Ya know how it is. They’re so fragile. It’s not like I wanna be stuck with ‘em. But I can’t exactly let ‘em die either.”
You gave a small yelp as you spun around to find Satan behind you. It seemed you had taken too long to meet up with him so he had gone looking for you out of concern for your safety. You stared at him for a moment struggling to even process what he was doing there. But your brain was stuck on a loop of Mammon’s voice saying, “It's not like I wanna be stuck with ‘em,” on repeat over and over again.
“Um yeah, fine. See ya,” you numbly replied to Satan before you took off running. You just had to get back to your room. And now. Fast. You could feel your cheeks heating up and the pressure building behind your eyes. Just a little further, you thought, as you pushed yourself to run even harder than you knew you were capable of. Just a little further.
Satan stood there stunned. He had no idea why the hell you had taken off like that, nor had he understood your bizarre response when he had greeted you. Had he done something? He couldn’t think of anything since he hadn’t spoken to you since he saw you in the library earlier that afternoon.
That was when Mammon stuck his head out from around the corner. He could have sworn he heard your voice, but you were nowhere to be found. Weird. You had told him that he shouldn’t wait for you, but he had decided to anyway. The highlight of his day was walking home with you from school, so he wasn’t about to miss out on that just because you had to stay late. He had decided not to tell you, because he didn’t want to admit that out loud, but he had worked out the perfect cover story to explain why he would show up *just* as you were leaving RAD.
He jumped with a start before noticing Satan just on the other side of the corner.
“Holy crap. Why ya gotta sneak up on me like that?!”
“What. Did. You. Do.” Satan replied, emphasizing every word. He didn’t know what Mammon had said or done, but there was no way his presence and your sudden absence were unrelated. He couldn’t be sure, but he knew his brother well enough to know he had doubtless said something he shouldn’t have.
“Do?! I have no idea whattya talkin’ about! Honest! I was just hangin’ out with some friends. I swear!”
“Then why did MC take off running?”
“They WHAT?!”
Mammon’s face blanched. Oh no. Oh no no no no no. There was no way you had overheard him right? Nah, you couldn’t have. He would have known you were there. You would have said hi at least. You always said hi. Yeah Satan had to be mistaken. That couldn’t possibly be why you had left.
But try as he might to convince himself he wasn’t to blame - Mammon knew. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, he knew. That sinking feeling in his stomach was proof enough for him.
“Fix it,” said Satan, narrowing his eyes at Mammon, “Fix it or I tell Lucifer.” And with that he walked off to find you to make sure you had gotten home safely, despite his idiot of a brother. Why you enjoyed Mammon’s company was beyond him. But he knew how happy the scumbag made you, for better or worse, and that was the only reason he wasn’t giving Mammon a public thrashing right now. He at least had to give him a chance to talk to you, for your sake.
You weren’t sure how long you had been asleep when you heard a knock at your door. You weren’t in any condition to talk to anyone right now, so you hoped if you just laid there quietly for long enough they’d assume you were still asleep and leave.
But this wasn’t just anyone knocking at your door. It was Mammon. The most persistent demon in the entire Devildom, that also lacked that crucial ability to read a room and know when to leave well enough alone.
“HEY! MC! I know you’re in there. I gotta talk to ya. Open up.”
You let out a heavy sigh, and rose from your bed to go open the door. You knew better than most that there was no getting rid of Mammon at this point. He had decided to talk to you, so talk to you was what he was going to do, and you knew he was likely to break down the door itself if you made him wait too long.
So, without a word, you let him inside.
Before you had even had time to sit down on the edge of your bed, he had launched into a long winded, frantic explanation and apology. He had been joking. He didn’t mean it. You know how he is. He gets nervous.
“Mammon. It’s ok.”
He stopped mid sentence and took a good look at you. You certainly did not look ok. Your eyes were red. There were still dried tears staining your cheeks. Your hair was a disaster. There was no way you were ok, not while you looked like that.
Feeling a bit self conscious, you ran your fingers through your hair to hopefully at least get the tangles out, and flatten the lumps. It was probably a useless gesture, but you still had to try if you wanted Mammon to stop staring at you any time soon.
“You don’t look ok.”
Of course, trust Mammon to state the obvious. You couldn’t help but laugh a little. This was one of the things you had loved about him after all. It was part of his charm.
“Um thanks? I guess? I just meant you didn’t have to worry about me anymore. It’s ok. I got it.”
“Whattya talkin’ about?! What do you get?? You haven’ even listened ta me yet!”
You gave Mammon a small smile. He was trying so hard to figure this out and talk to you. You just had to appreciate that. You knew how difficult it was for him to articulate things sometimes, and talking about his feelings with you was particularly challenging for him.
“Look, I was being foolish. I got caught up in my own thoughts and began to expect things I shouldn’t, and I put pressure on you that you didn’t need. But I’ve cleared my head now and found a new perspective so you don’t have to worry. Honest. I’ll get Beel to start walking with me. It’ll be fine.”
Mammon was stunned. He had no idea what you were carrying on about. You expected things? You pressured him? When have you ever done that? The only thing you ever expected of him was for him to be himself, and he naturally just wanted to be the best version of himself he could for you. He wanted to make you proud of him. The fact that you never pressured him to change was one of the things he loved about you too. You accepted him and all his flaws, and you were always there to help him out of a tight spot or encourage him when he was feeling out of sorts.
And he loved you so much it hurt. Even though he knew he could never tell you, and knew you would never return his feelings, he still wanted to spend every second he could with you and make you smile so much you’d never forget him.
You sighed again. You could tell Mammon wasn’t understanding what you were saying. You had tried to avoid saying it directly because your emotions were still raw, but it looked like you had no choice but to rip off the bandaid and just get it all out there. Otherwise who knew how long it would take for him to understand?
“I love you, Mammon.”
Well, that was not what he was expecting.
“I love you very much. More than I thought possible. But I realize that I was projecting my feelings onto you and reading into things more than I should. Even though I had no reason to believe you felt the same, I still convinced myself you did. And I treated you like we were more than just friends. I shouldn’t have done that and put pressure on you. So, I’m sorry.”
You had been staring at your hands while you spoke, so you didn’t see when Mammon’s face flushed scarlet or when a few tears leaked out from the corners of his eyes. You also didn’t notice that he was about to wrap you up in the tightest, bone crushing hug of your life.
“I love you too,” he whispered, “so so much.”
By now you were laying flat on your back on your bed after being tackled by Mammon, practically immobilized as he buried his face into your neck and confessed his love to you. With what limited motion you had, you managed to wrap one of your arms around his back, rubbing it gently as he cried tears of happiness.
Now it was your turn to be at a loss for words. He loved you? You had realized when you had overheard him talking to his school friends that he was just being his usual awkward self. That wasn’t really what had upset you, not on its own at least. It wasn’t the first time he had said similar things to cover up his own embarrassment and you had gotten used to speaking “Mammon.”
No, what had gotten to you was the fact that you were forced to face the idea that you were nothing more than a friend to him. That was all you’d ever be. You’d finish up what remained of your year here, then you’d get sent back to the human realm, and he’d carry on with his life until he was introduced to a new exchange student whom he’d have to look after.
You weren’t his partner. He was never going to walk hand in hand with you through the halls of RAD, proudly showing you off to any demon that looked his way. That was all just a fantasy you had cooked up in your head due to your own loneliness and desire for love.
But now he was telling you that he loved you, and your brain was struggling to catch up with your heart, which had already started to run wild. All that work you had done convincing yourself to be more logical and not jump to conclusions was quickly unraveling. He loves you. He really loves you.
You wanted to give him a better hug, so you tried to wiggle your other arm free that was currently pinned to your side underneath him. But his grip on you only tightened, afraid you were about to push him away or take back what you said.
“Mammon, babe, can you at least let me hug you?”, you asked with a smirk as you tried to turn your head to face him, wiggling your arm again and hoping he’d get the message.
He jumped back slightly, afraid he had been hurting you, which only made you laugh. With your arm now free you adjusted your position, returning his hug with one of your own, holding him as tightly and closely as possible. You leaned your head against his, giving him a small kiss by his ear, and repeated what you had said earlier - “I love you.”
Mammon pulled back a bit, trying to get a better view of your face. Now that he was calmer, he really wanted to get a good look at you. He wanted to be sure he wasn’t dreaming and that he wasn’t hallucinating. He needed to see you speak and hear those words as they left your lips.
“Say it again.”
“I love you.”
And with that, he proceeded to give you the best kiss you had ever had in your life.
Mammon was playing with your hair as you slept curled up by his side, your head resting on his chest. Your legs were tangled together with his, and he loved how close he was able to hold you now.
Part of his mind was still convinced this was all some sort of weird fever dream. Nothing this good ever happened to him. Maybe he’d score big at a casino sometime, but that paled in comparison to being able to hold you in his arms now. You really were all his. He didn’t have to share you with anyone, and if he didn’t like how another demon looked at you, well, he would just have to kiss you right in front of them to show them who you belonged to.
That thought made him chuckle. Who you belonged to? Pfft. You didn’t belong to anyone. If anything, he belonged to you. He had since the first day you met, though it took him a long time to admit it. But look at him now. He finally got to tell you how he felt, and he didn’t have to hide it from you anymore.
“What are you thinking about?”
Mammon’s hand stilled, “Sorry, did I wake ya?”
“No, I’ve been awake for awhile now. Just enjoying the peace and quiet I guess.” You gave him a squeeze with the arm that was around his chest. This was definitely a good way to wake up, and you hoped you’d be able to spend many more moments like this together with him.
“Well, I should probably head back to my room. It’ll be time for breakfast soon and the last thing I need is Lucifer’s naggin’ first thing in the morning.”
You whined and buried your face into his chest. You weren’t ready for him to leave yet.
Seeing you like that made Mammon impossibly happy. How could you be so cute? It shouldn’t be allowed. You shouldn’t be able to make him feel this loved just by clinging to him either.
You whined again, realizing that he was right. And as much as you wanted for this moment to continue and to never have to leave this bed again, there were still some questions that had to be answered before he left, and you realized you couldn’t avoid them any longer.
“So umm...about yesterday…”
“Yeah? What about it?”
“Do you...umm…What do you intend to tell your friends?”
“My friends? Tell ‘em about what?”
Oh. Right. He forgot about that. Or more like he tried to forget. It had been sitting at the back of his mind since he woke up and realized he needed to go to school today. He had seriously considered just running off with you and trying to convince you that today was the perfect day for a trip, just to avoid having to deal with it.
Nothing had really been resolved yesterday. He knew that. After he kissed you, the two of you had just crawled into bed together to cuddle with some random movie playing in the background. The idea had been to watch the movie together, but all y’all had ended up doing was giggling and kissing and being generally silly, until you fell asleep in each other’s arms.
His silence was making you nervous, so you propped yourself up to get a better look at him. It was too dark to make out any details of his expression, but you could tell that he was lost in thought and not really looking at you.
“Mammon?”, you called his name again, and this time he responded by giving you a gentle squeeze with the arm that had settled around your shoulder.
“Do we really need to tell them anythin’? I mean, it’s not like they are really my friends ya know? Just some demons I hang around with at RAD.”
You may have been a bit drowsy earlier, but now you were wide awake. You sat up so your legs were hanging over the edge of the bed, with your back to Mammon. You were so foolish. So incredibly foolish. Why oh why did you not stick to your guns and push him away when you had the chance yesterday? How could you be so stupid as to actually confess to him? Hadn’t you been trying to create some distance?
It didn’t matter how deeply you loved each other. That wouldn’t change the fact that Mammon cared a great deal about how he was perceived by others. It didn’t matter if those people (or demons) would never see him again. He could tell you all day about how little those not-really-friends of his meant to him, but when it came down to it he still cared about what they thought and feared their rejection.
And you knew this about him. For all his passion and kindness and sincerity - he was only ever like that around you, when you were alone. And that wasn’t going to change anytime soon, and it wasn’t fair of you to expect him to change for you either.
“Babe? Ya alright?”
Mammon was sitting up now too, and had wrapped his arms around your waist from behind, placing one leg on either side of you so that you were essentially sitting in his lap. He kissed the back of your neck, and gave you a moment to reply.
He knew what was coming though. You knew him better than anyone. And he was painfully aware of this glaring personality flaw of his that was getting in the way of your relationship ever going forward.
You would never ask him to change, that wasn’t the sort of person you were. But you also realized that there wasn’t a future for you and Mammon, a future of any kind, if you couldn’t live your life openly and had to try to hide, minimize, or even flat out deny your relationship a good deal of the time. Or worse, listen to him deny he even cared.
Mammon rested his forehead against the back of your shoulder. I guess that’s it, he thought to himself. He had true happiness within his sight, and then messed it up like he always messed up everything. What he wouldn’t give to be able to change this about himself. Or for him to be anyone else, really. Someone that wasn’t a total waste of space that could actually make you happy and give you everything you deserved.
There wasn’t anything else to say at this point, so Mammon planted one last kiss to the back of your head, breathing in your scent and trying to commit it to memory, before slipping out of bed and finally returning to his room.
Today had sucked. Really and truly sucked. The morning had started off with so much promise, but that was all over before breakfast had even begun.
Despite the fact that you and Mammon had finally made your feelings known to each other, both of you realized that being in an actual relationship would be impossible. You just wanted different things, and these weren’t things that he was able to give you.
You heaved a sigh and rested your forehead on your desk. Why couldn’t today be over already? Or maybe the floor could just swallow you up? That could work too, you thought.
The ear splitting screech of static jarred you out of your thoughts. Your hands flew to your ears as you sat bolt upright, looking around the room for the source of this hellish noise.
“Hey hey, is this thing on? It’s on right?”
“Yes it’s on you idiot! Everyone can hear you!”
Mammon…? And...Levi…? The screech of the speakers had finally stopped, and instead the sound of their bickering filled the halls. What on earth could these two possibly be doing? Why was Levi even at RAD in the first place? He was heading to his room to work on his online classes when you left this morning.
“Oi! Listen up! Consider this an official RAD announcement from The Great Mammon!”
You could hear Levi groan in the background as Mammon carried on with the theatrics. You still hadn’t figured out what they were up to, but you knew it wasn’t “Lucifer approved” that’s for sure.
“MC, I hope ya listen’ ‘cause I’m only goin’ ta say this once!”
All the eyes in your classroom were now focused on you, and you blushed furiously under the scrutiny. What the everloving hell did Mammon think he was doing? Didn’t you say all you needed to say this morning? What could he possibly want at this point?
“I love ya. Ya hear that? The Great Mammon loves ya.”
You weren’t even sure at what point you had stood up or left your classroom, but you were now tearing through the halls trying to find the source of the magically amplified speaker that filled every square inch of the RAD campus with the sounds of Mammon’s love confession.
It wasn’t like they had a traditional speaker system hooked up to a switchboard. If they did, you would have just made a beeline for that. But now you had to find where Mammon and Levi had decided to hide to keep Lucifer from finding them long enough for Mammon to complete his speech.
You didn’t have to search for long though, because you soon heard the sound of Lucifer’s voice echoing through the halls as well. He had found Mammon, and was putting an end to this. With Lucifer on the scene though, you knew that meant your odds of finding Mammon had shot up exponentially. He’d probably haul the pair of mischievous demons to the student council room, so you started running in that direction as fast as your legs could carry you.
As you rounded one final corner, you skidded to a halt, watching Lucifer dragging Mammon along, while Mammon tried to convince his brother to go easy on him.
“Mammon!” you yelled.
He and Lucifer both turned to face you, equally shocked to see you there at the end of the hall, panting heavily as you tried to catch your breath. Soon you were running again, tears streaming down your face as you were overcome with emotion at finally having found him. As if you had done this hundreds of times before, Mammon opened his arms to you and you all but leapt into them, wrapping your arms around his neck and squeezing him as tight as you possibly could.
“I love you,” you choked out in between ragged breaths and sobs, “so much.”
“I know. I love ya too. You don’t hafta worry. No more hidin’. Now everyone knows I belong to you and that you’re mine.”
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queenofspades20 · 3 years
Date Night
Y/n had been have a rough time at work, so Frankie plans a special night out.
Pairings: Frankie Morales x Reader
Word count: 2.6k
Warnings: Mostly fluff, some angst (light, stressed about work, nerves, nothing crazy)
This is something I’ve always wanted to do. Just need to get a boyfriend and a truck with an open bed. So, just two things. 
Y/n had been struggling at work lately and Frankie could see the exhaustion in her face. She had been coming home late every night for two weeks, working on a project that was supposed to be done Friday. Though she wasn’t talking much about the stress, he knew it was a matter of time before it was going to overwhelm her.  
It was ten at night on Thursday when Y/n came home from work. She felt the weight of the world on her shoulders. The project she had been working on was due to be finished the next day and she couldn’t wait for it to be done. She saw Frankie sitting on the couch, watching a show. He turned to her as she walked into the room. Seeing how tired she was, he just opened his arms and she climbed onto his lap and hugged him.
“You okay?” Frankie asked as he rubbed circles on Y/n’s back.
“I will be when this project is done tomorrow. I’m so tired,” she mumbled into his neck. She was as close to him as she could be, finding comfort in being in his arms.
“What do you say we feed you, because I’m assuming you skipped dinner again, and then we can go to bed?”
“I’m too tired to eat. I’ll eat breakfast. I just want to go to bed with you. I’m assuming Izzy is asleep already?” Y/n asked about Frankie’s daughter. Y/n and Frankie started dating when Isabella was 9 months old and her mother was no longer in the picture. At 4 years old, Isabella was a little spitfire. She had Frankie and Y/n wrapped around her little fingers. Y/n felt guilty for not being around as much the past few weeks and she missed spending time with Izzy.
“Yeah. She tried to stay up and wait for you, but fell asleep about an hour and a half ago.”
“Damn.” Y/n felt herself start to break down. Her tears started to fall onto Frankie’s neck.
“It’s okay. She doesn’t quite understand  what you’ve been dealing with, but she knows you love her.”
“It’s not okay. That little girl means the world to me and I’ve barely been around for weeks. How would she know I love her when she never sees me?” Y/n started to cry harder.
“Hey, look at me,” Frankie said as he shifted Y/n so she was looking into his face. “She knows because you make her lunch every day and you draw the little cartoons and pictures for her to enjoy. She knows they’re from you. And your late hours aren’t going to last much longer. Tomorrow the project is done. Why don’t you come home early, we can do dinner with Izzy. I’ll call Pope to come over and then you and me can go out for a bit. He’s always happy to watch her.”
“I should be done by 3.”
“Come home right after that then. It’s Friday and you’ve put in more than enough hours over the past few weeks. Start your weekend early. I’m off until Tuesday anyways.” Frankie stroked the side of Y/n’s face. She leaned into his touch and looked at him with watery eyes.
“I’m so lucky to have you.”
“I’m the lucky one, Hermosa. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Be perfectly fine because you have Izzy.”
“I wouldn’t be fine. I love Izzy, obviously, but you make our family complete. You’re always doing things to make sure we know how much you love us. You bring so much light into our lives. We’d be lost without you.”
“You’re gonna make me cry again,” Y/n sniffed. She moved forward and kissed Frankie. “Let’s go to bed, my love.”
Y/n moved to get off Frankie and helped him stand up. After making sure everything was turned off or locked, they made their way to the bedroom. After brushing their teeth and getting changed, they climbed into bed, Y/n snuggling close to Frankie.
“I love you, Frankie.” Y/n sighed as she got comfortable.
“I love you, too.” Frankie kissed Y/n’s brow. They fell asleep in each other’s arms.
 The next day, while Y/n was at work, Frankie called Pope to see if he could watch Izzy.
“Of course, Fish. I never turn down time with Izzy. Do you need to me to sleep over?” Pope said over the phone. Frankie was in the kitchen, assembling snacks for his plans for Y/n that night. Izzy was on the floor next to him, coloring.
“Probably. I’m going to take Y/n out in the truck to that area where we can watch the stars. I’m going to fill up the bed with blankets and pillows and we’re just gonna lay out there. It’s supposed to be clear tonight.”
“You know, this would be the perfect time to give her that ring,” Pope suggested. Frankie had made the decision to propose to Y/n, wanting to say vows in front of their friends and family that he intended to spend the rest of his life with her.
“I was thinking that too. Which is why I’m asking you to plan to spend the night. Then we can hopefully go out for a celebratory breakfast tomorrow.”
“There’s no way she’ll say anything other than yes, Fish. She loves you and Izzy.”
“I know she loves us and we’ve talked about marriage, but I’m still nervous.”
“It’ll be fine. And I think she’ll love your surprise for her. So, what time should be I over?
“Well, Y/n is coming home early. Why don’t you come around 5ish and we can all eat dinner together? Y/n loves seeing you too.”
Izzy held up the picture she had drawn. “Look, Daddy!”
Frankie smiled at his daughter. “That’s beautiful, Izzy. Who is it for?”
“Mommy!” Izzy smiled up at her dad.
“She’s going to love it. Your Uncle Pope is going to be coming over later. Why don’t you draw something for him next?”
“Yay, Uncle Pope!” Izzy quickly grabbed another piece of paper from the stack Frankie had put next to her to draw on.
“She’s going to draw something for me?” Pope almost sounded as excited as Izzy.
“She does love you.” Frankie laughed.
“Well, I’m her favorite.”
“I think Y/n is her favorite.”
“Fair. I’m her favorite uncle, then.”
“I’ll give you that. So, I’ll see you around 5?”
“Need me to bring anything?”
“Nah. I’m just going to order in some food. I’ll see you later.”
Frankie ended the call and turned to his daughter. She was happily drawing her picture for Pope. “Izzy, what do you say we move all this to the living room and wait for Mommy to get home?”
“Okay, Daddy.” Izzy picked up her paper and the crayons she was using. Frankie grabbed the rest of the art supplies, putting the picture Izzy did for Y/n on the kitchen counter, and the two made their way into the living room. After he got Izzy settled, Frankie ran around and grabbed as many blankets and pillows as he could to toss into the bed of his truck. He also blew up the air mattress and got it placed, so they would be comfortable. Y/n had mentioned wanting to do this for some time, but they just hadn’t made it happen yet. Frankie was determined to give her a night to always remember.
Around 4, Y/n came through the door with a tired smile. The project was done without any problems. Her boss had let her leave early and told her to take Monday off as well as a reward for all her hard work. “Hello?” she called out as she toed off her shoes.
“Living room!” Frankie could be heard.
Y/n smiled and walked over to where Frankie and Izzy were sitting on the couch, watching Izzy’s favorite show. Frankie nudged Izzy, who looked up and saw Y/n. She smiled widely and jumped up.
“Mommy!” Izzy ran over to Y/n and wrapped her arms around Y/n’s legs.
“Hi, Baby! Did you have a good day?” Y/n reached down and stroked the top of Izzy’s head.
“The best! I drew you and Uncle Pope pictures and Daddy and I watched some movies.”
“That sounds like a great day.” Y/n smiled at Frankie as she picked up Izzy. She made her way over to the couch and sat next to Frankie with Izzy being settled between them.
“Hi,” Y/n said, looking at Frankie with smile.
“Hi.” Frankie leaned over and gave Y/n a quick kiss. “Good day?”
“Yeah. Project’s done and I’m off til Tuesday. Jack gave me Monday off in recognition of my hard work.”
“Good. So, what shall we order for dinner?” Frankie slung his arm across the back of the couch, his hand reaching forward to stroke Y/n’s shoulder. “Pope will be here for dinner.”
“So, pizza?”
“Pizza works. I’ll call in a little bit.”
Y/n stood up from the couch. Frankie looked at her quizzically. “I’m going to change. What are we doing later?”
“It’s a surprise. Just dress comfortable, that’s all I’m going to give you.”
“So jeans?”
“Jeans and tshirt works,” Frankie confirmed.
“Perfect. After having to put in extra hours and wearing nothing but professional clothes, I’m happy to be casual. I’ll be back.”
While Y/n was getting changed, he called the pizza in. Pope got there around the same time as the pizza. After dinner, Frankie and Y/n hung around for a little bit longer. Y/n was getting caught up on what was going on in Pope’s life. While they were talking, Frankie made a thermos a hot chocolate. When he was done, he walked over to where everyone was sitting.
“Ready to go, Y/n?”
Y/n looked up at him with a smile. “Let’s go.” She turned to Izzy. “You be good for your Uncle Pope, Izzy, okay?”
“I will, Mommy.” Izzy moved closer to Pope and hugged him. “I’m always good for Uncle Pope,” she said, innocently.
The adults started laughing. Y/n went and kissed Izzy’s head. “Love you, Izzy. We’ll see you in the morning.”
Frankie went over and gave Izzy a kiss goodbye. He looked at Pope. “I’d give some rules, but you ignore them anyways. Just don’t do anything too crazy.”
Pope smiled at them. “You know me well. Have a fun night, you two.”
Frankie led Y/n to his truck, distracting her from looking in the back. He had loaded up the blankets and snacks shortly before she got home. He was happy she didn’t notice the blankets missing from in the house. Frankie put a blindfold over Y/n’s eyes.
“I want this to be a surprise.”
“This doesn’t end with you killing me and dumping my body in a forest, does it?” Y/n asked with a smile. She didn’t need to see him to know Frankie was giving her an unimpressed look.
Frankie sighed. “You’d think I would anticipate your jokes by now, Hermosa. But no, I’m not going to kill you.”
Frankie put the truck into drive and directed the truck towards the field he was taking her to. It was about a 45 minute drive, well outside city limits, so that they would have a clear view of the sky. Thankfully, the weather channel was right about the weather and the skies were absolutely clear. When he got to the field, he put the truck in park and had Y/n stay seated while he set up the blankets and pillows. After everything was set up to his satisfaction, Frankie felt in his pocket for the ring and took a big sigh. He helped Y/n out of the truck and then gently removed the blindfold.
“I thought we could look at the stars,” Frankie said, gesturing to the bed of the truck and to the sky.
Y/n felt her eyes tear up. “Frankie, this is perfect!” She moved her arms around his torso and pulled him close. “I’ve always wanted to do this.”
“I remember us talking about it once. I thought this would be a good way to wind down after the stressful weeks you’ve had.”
“It is. Thank you.”
Frankie led her to the back of the truck and let the tailgate down. He helped her jump up on the bed and she got settled on the air mattress. Frankie followed her up and closed the tailgate. The night had a bit of a chill to it, making the blankets a perfect addition. Frankie and Y/n were propped up against the back with the pillows, so they could sit up while drinking the hot chocolate Frankie made. They talked about everything and nothing, at some point just being quiet while looking up at the stars. The silence was comfortable and Y/n hadn’t felt this relaxed or happy in weeks.
“I love you, Frankie,” Y/n whispered, not wanting to disturb the peace they had created for themselves. Her eyes stayed on the stars and she had a soft smile on her lips.
Frankie shifted, reaching into his pocket for the ring. This was the moment he had been waiting for. He felt his heartbeat pick up pace and his palms started to get sweatier. He cleared his throat and looked down at Y/n. Y/n felt the nerves radiating off him and looked at him questioningly.
“I love you, too, Y/n,” Frankie rushed out, realizing he hadn’t responded to her in a few moments. He fumbled with the ring in his hands, trying to not let Y/n see it until he had asked her his question. “There’s actually something I want to ask you.”
“You can ask me anything, Frankie.”
“I, uh, I…” Frankie had prepared a whole speech, but in the moment, his nerves got the better of him.
“Take your time.” Y/n reached up and stroked the side of Frankie’s face. She smiled at him encouragingly.
Frankie covered her hand with his own, the ring in his other hand. He took a steadying breath and smiled down at her.
“You are the light of my life. When we met, I didn’t think I deserved another chance at a relationship. I had Izzy and I thought that would be all I could ever have. I don’t know what I did to deserve someone as amazing as you, but I’m so glad I did it. You are my best friend and you have become the mother of my child. You brought love into our lives and I couldn’t be more thankful for you.”
Y/n started to tear up at his sweet words. “I’m the lucky one,” she said softly. She didn’t want to interrupt Frankie, but she couldn’t hold in her feelings.
Frankie smile at her. “Y/f/n, would you do me the honor of marrying me and officially adopting Izzy? You are her mother in every way that matters and nothing would make me happier than to be your husband.”
Y/n couldn’t stop the tears falling down her cheeks. She pulled Frankie into a heated kiss. She smiled at them as they broke apart.
“Is that a yes?”
Y/n let out a watery laugh. “Of course, it’s a yes. I would love to be your wife and Izzy’s mom. Are you sure you want to go through the adoption process?”
“Yes. Izzy already clearly considers you her mother. I just want it to be legal.” Frankie took Y/n’s left hand and slid on the ring.
“Frankie,” Y/n said in awe. “It’s perfect. I love it.”
“I’m glad.” He pulled her close and kissed her. “You just made me the happiest man alive.”
“Well, as you just made me the happiest woman, I think we’re even.”
They settled into the blankets, holding each other. They spent the rest of the night out under the stars. Frankie texted Pope that they were going to camp out under the stars and that they would be having a celebratory breakfast in the morning.
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neo-culture-mafia · 4 years
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t.w.: THIS CHAPTER REVEALS WHAT HAPPENED BETWEEN MARK AND TAEYONG to make them hate each other (in jeno’s view), this chapter also deals with anxiety, death, and mature themes as in: prostitution, pills, and hand-to-hand violence
Lee Jeno
9 months that we've worked for our enemy. 9 months that I wished that we were all killed instead of transported. I don't even know who's left. I have looked over the ones who were transported with me. The enemies joke that we're the only ones left but my heart knows that they're still alive. The same way that I know that Mark and y/n are still alive. I know they are.
I have been using the resources I was provided with to figure out where they are as I remember the entryway to Neo Culture online databases. Seven Stars just decided to throw away the database as they deemed it unnecessary to keep tabs of...idiots.
Some days I get signals from their tracking devices but it's in the middle of the farming part of the country. I don't think they've moved for months. 
Maybe that's where their dead bodies were dumped. No. They're alive. They have to be. They would never kill themselves.
Renjun doesn't even want to talk to me because I always bring the possibility up. Kun tries to be understanding but I know he wants to tell me that I'm wasting my time. Jisung is the only one I can talk to where he still looks to me for guidance and leadership. And Chenle...he disappeared a month ago. Some of the head workers say he was transferred back to the main base while others joke he was sold into the prostitution rings. I know he's out there somewhere...I just don't know where.
"We need to show up soon, then." Jisung excitedly whispered as he held a makeshift stuffed animal made out of an old towel against his chest. "I know. I need to get the others on board though-" "No. Renjun will just tell on us and Kun will try to make us stay." Jisung turned over to face me more.
The mat we slept on was in an old storage closet a meter by 2 where there was no light and a thin sheet to provide the both of us warmth all year long.
"Renjun wouldn't rat us out-" "Yes he would. He ratted you out when you tried to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night...remember?" He asked and I tried to rake my mind for a valid excuse. "He was just scared of us all getting punished-" "You couldn't walk for a week!" Jisung's voice raised which made my hand fly up to cover his mouth.
"We need to go alone," Jisung said as he pulled my hand off of his mouth.  I focused on the dark blob in front of me. "Ji..." I sighed and rubbed my face to try and make a hard decision. 
If we leave alone- Renjun and Kun would get punishment. If we all go and find 2 dead bodies...how will we show back up to our captors? With our heads hung low and our tail between our legs? We would look like complete fools and probably killed on sight...but would that be the worst thing?
"Let's just sleep for now and I'll think about it a little more." I felt Jisung move closer as the 'stuffed animal' was now pressed in between us. Jisung's skin was as cold as ice but he had lost the want to shiver and try to stabilize himself a long time ago. I held onto him tightly as I listened to his breathing become steady and his body become limp.
I stayed up for what felt like ever as sleep evaded my mind. I knew what I had to do.
~~~~ "No! Please!" Jisung and I sat up quickly to screaming. "Get off of him!" We could hear yelling from the next closet over. It sounded like Kun as sounds of struggle echoed off of the concrete walls.
I scrambled to the door as I tried jiggling the handle I knew wouldn't budge. I started banging on the door. "Kun! What's happening!" I screamed hoping he could calm down and give a concise answer. "Renjun!" He screamed and I could hear the pure horror and anger in Kun's screams. "You're hurting him!" Kun screamed at the top of his lungs as I could only stare at the door in defeat and sadness. I couldn't do anything. I was utterly helpless.
"Do something!" Jisung's arms pulled me back as he squeezed past me to the door. "Open the door!" Jisung screamed as he got down on his knees to try and see out of the grates that let minimal fresh air in.
"Do something." Jisung looked back at me and I could only sit down on my bottom and try to block out the screams and thumps. "I can't do anything, Jwi." I said lowly. He didn't take it as an answer as he continued to hit and smack the door in an attempt to save his older brother.
After a while, a bang was heard and the screaming ceased.
~~~~ Renjun no longer came to work in the office room we all shared. "He's alive." Was the only thing Kun would mutter every morning. Kun had been losing faith every single day he would go back and see his little brother withering away to malnourishment and probable infection.
I knew what Jisung and I had to do. I checked their chips and they were in the exact same position...middle of no where. I wrote a note to Jisung on one of the paper scraps I was about to shred, "We leave on a supply pick up tonight. Be ready and leave everything" He read it and I could sense his whole body become tense. I already had the plan in my head perfectly.
"Kun." I sighed and he only side-eyed me, flicking through pages absentmindedly. I gathered my words after I chose them wisely. "I just wanted to say that I need you to take care of Renjun as much as you can and don't lose hope." I spoke and a microexpression of anger flashed through his eyes, "What do you think I've been doing, Jeno?" His words bounced off of my ears and a pit of guilt started to grow in my stomach, "Out of everyone here, I do the most, plus make sure that our family doesn't die." Kun said looking at me and Jisung. "You? Telling me what to do? Typical." Kun's eyes rolled in his head as I didn’t have the confidence to look at him. "I've already been doing my best-- but obviously it's not good enough for you." Kun stood up and slammed the file he had been going through on the table.
"Now if you excuse me, I'll go carry out your order, boss." His words were meant to be sharp but they propelled off of me for I knew that he would be preoccupied attending to Renjun now.
"Are you sure-" "You can't be serious. You wanted to do this and now you're second-guessing?!" I whisper yelled at a Jisung who sat still as he looked to his work-- or merely bending the edges of the paper he was supposed to be organizing, "sorry" escaped his lips quietly as he sunk into his seat.
~~~~ "Stay close," I whispered to Jisung as we hopped off of the loading truck. "You both need to get ammunition and medical supplies." Our group leader barked at me and Jisung as others pushed thick bags into our chests. Names were thrown in our direction while the group leader read off the rest of the tasks. "Dismissed."
Jisung and I were off into the abandoned building as the others stayed on the first couple of floors. The other group's echoes bounced off of the cement staircases Jisung and I were forced to climb. No other sane human would go into the upper floors of the abandoned warehouses where Seven Stars held surplus supplies-- let alone at night. But, tonight I was content as I climbed those crumbly steps up to the top floor. Floor 12.
I already knew how we were going to get our sweet-"What's the plan?" Jisung asked as I turned around to shut him up. "What plan?" I asked with a wink and he just looked at me square in the face, "The one for the paperwork that's due next Monday." He sighed and walked past me on the stairs to the last landing.
"Oh, Kun said he was gonna pitch in the last papers to boss on Friday." Jisung blocked me out as we rounded the harsh corners of the building to the familiar vault.
Jisung reached it first as he grabbed at the handles and pulled. My heart was beating faster as the nervous thoughts and guilt took over my chest. It was our lives...or theirs. If we were to be caught...it would be instantaneous death-- hopefully.
"Can you just hand me the bag already?" Jisung seemed upset-- as if I had blown off his question regarding his future freedom. I grabbed his bag and slipped the thin mask into the bag without notice.
I started to examine the door of the vault and slipped the lock on it that would make it impossible to open from the outside. 
Don't do it...he's gonna have a panic attack-- but that's what we want. The angel and devil on my shoulders fighting constantly.
Jisung started to shovel the boxes into the black sack when he finally noticed that I wasn't helping, "What's wrong now-" "Please forgive me. There's a mask in the bag. Start yelling in 30 seconds." I only looked at his confused face for a second before grabbing the vault door and slamming it shut-- deafening darkness surrounding him instantaneously.
I grabbed the chemicals from my side pocket and laid them out on the floor in front of me. "Jeno." Jisung's voice started ringing out. "I'm right here, buddy." I whispered. "Jeno! Let-" The yelling was starting to seep out of the cracks of the door. "Do you want to see Mark and y/n?" I asked quietly as I poured the lethal yet odorless liquid around the door frame.
I could hear him become calm. "Yes." Was all that was cracked out. "Then put on the mask I gave you in the bag, and start screaming like you're dying." "Please don't leave me." Jisung's voice was stripped with pure fear. "I would never. I promise."  I grabbed the vials and put them back in my back pocket. I could hear the rummaging and then his voice set out. I kicked the metal as if it had just slammed.
"Help!" I screamed and all of a sudden, a stampede cascaded up the steps. I continued screaming and banging on the door as Jisung's screams pierced the air.
"What's going on?!" The team leader asked with his gun drawn at my face. "Jisung got locked in the vault and it won’t open." I heaved as I tried to kick the door in, knowing it would do nothing. "Oh. Thought something more serious happened." The team leader chuckled as everyone else started to walk away. "Please help him out, please. For him-- for me." I begged as I got on my knees in front of the man I loathed, grabbing his hands delicately.
"And why would I help you?" His hands coming up so his fingertips could cascade across my cheekbone lightly. "Boss-- Jisung has been the top seller. If he's gone-- Boss is going to come after you." I pouted as a pit of disgust opened in my stomach; my heart and morals were now all thrown out of the window. The other men smiled on in dominance as they thought that the brat I had deemed myself had finally bent down for them.
"I just...couldn't bear something happening to you because Boss got angry." I held his hand lightly as I could feel my facade waver. A deep breath was sucked into his chest as he looked back at his group. "Help get the boy out." He motioned to the door. The men reluctantly got closer to the door as they touched the frame and actual door as Jisung's cries only grew louder and more frequent. I could hear the gasps for air as I knew Jisung was now in full panic mode.
"Now you, you're going to come with me to go get the lock breaks." He winked as he grabbed me by the back of the neck and dragged me down the 12 flights of stairs.
I started to internally panic as this was deviating from my plan. I didn't want to kill this man that was just an extra in the plan-- but the options were running dry.
We were approaching the truck as he slid the doors open and pushed me on my back on the floor of the car. He took his knife out and my body froze. He pushed his body against mine and held the knife to my throat. This was it. I don't know what to do at this poin-
"I know you're trying to escape." He said and my whole body drained of all heat. "No-" "Don't lie." He sighed contently, throwing the knife to the side of my body and pushed himself off of me.
"Huh-" "I'm on your side, hyung." He stepped over me and into the back of the truck where he sat down and stretched out on the black leather seat. “Jeno Hyung, fighting!” his fist was raised in triumph that had my mind doing back flips.
I sat up and looked back at him. "Yuta hired me a while ago-" I got in and slammed the door shut. "Who the hell are you? How do you know that name?" I grabbed the knife and held it up to his relaxed figure. 
"Well to the Seven Stars I'm known as, 'Chanhyun', but my real name is Sungchan. I swear I'm on your side, please don't hurt me." His arms came up to his head where he was begging for mercy, "How?" I asked and he cautiously unzipped his jacket and lifted his black shirt to reveal the same dragon I had tattooed on my bicep-- now covered by scar tissue.
"But you also have a seven stars allegiance tatto-" "It was authorized by Yuta. It's not even in the right place. Yuta said I could cover it once I return to the base." He tried moving the knife away and I obliged slightly, still holding it firmly in my fist. "How can I be super sure?" His eyes raked the surrounding area and he leaped for his backpack in the driver seat. He rummaged around for a couple of seconds before pulling out a pill bottle. "What's that?" I asked as I motioned to the bottle with the blade.
"Jisung's anxiety medication." My mouth subconsciously dropped. "I've been giving it to him crushed up in his food. I figured out you were finally getting the courage to escape so I've been carrying it along in hopes that I was around when you finally got the chance." He pushed it into my hand so I could examine it closer. It really was Jisung's medication.
"It's been 5 minutes. They should be out already." Sungchan motioned up to the 12th floor where there would be a pile of bodies in front of a thick metal door.
"You-" My head felt dizzy as I was trying to trust him. How'd he know- "I know a lot of things Jeno...that's why Yuta picked me." His voice seemed so inviting and a source of safeness. "You're coming with me," I said and he nodded. "Of course, but I'm going to back off and act like you ran. Just in case the others got any ideas while we left." I backed off and opened the sliding door, running back to the building and up the stairs without a second thought. "Get back here!" Sungchan's voice turned back into the malice tone I remembered oh so dearly.
I ran all the way to the incessant screaming I hate hearing. I arrived and all the bodies were scattered along the floor. Every single one of them was knocked out.
I went around and kicked every single one of their bodies as I felt Sungchan's presence in the doorway. "I'll watch over. Get him out." Sungchan pleaded as I walked to the door with a knife and pill bottle in hand. "Jisung, it's me." I announced my presence but the screams didn't let up as I put my shirt on my mouth to stop the chemicals.
"It's so dark." His screams broke my heart as I wanted to just open the door for him, but he had to be the one to do it.
"Jisung. Only you can open the door." I said calmly but the cries didn't calm. "No one is left. We actually have one of our guys here." I whispered and I couldn't help the tears from springing into my eyes. "We're not alone. He's going to-" I put my forehead against the door in a sudden wave of relief, "he's going to help us." I couldn't help the smile building under my shirt.
"You're never going to have to get in bed with any other person anymore-- you just have to open the door." I could hear his cries calm down and the lock begin to jingle as he was fumbling with it. "Pull the triangle to the left and you'll be able to open the door-" "It's stuck!" He yelled and the heaving picked up quicker and quicker as the seconds were ticking. I was losing him again.
"Jisung-ah. You have to concentrate for me. Take a deep breath and just play with the triangle a little more. More jingling and I was losing hope. I started to pull on the door as I heard Sungchan approaching.
He set his own gun down and began pulling with me. "Jisung just grab the lock and push as hard as you can." I yelled and all of a sudden I was sent reeling back onto the ground with Sungchan right next to me.
A disheveled Jisung walked into the moonlight lit room with tear streaks running down his face-- disappearing under his mask. I scrambled to my feet as he threw himself onto me. "I hate you so much." He cried but I could only laugh.
"Love you too, Jwi." I held him close. "We need to get out of this room. It has chemicals in it." I ushered him out of the room with Sungchan trailing loosely. "Here." I pushed the pill bottle into Jisung's hands.
He didn't waste time in taking a singular pill with no chaser-- the want for no nervousness clouding his mind. 
"Who is that?" Jisung asked quietly as he looked to Sungchan. "He's a friend. Yuta hired him." I looked to Sungchan and pointed to his ribs where he lifted his shirt so Jisung could see his dragon tattoo. "Are you sur-" "He's the one who brought your pills." I cut off Jisung's worry, not wanting to think about the circumstances more.
"I was hired to find Mark and y/n. Now, my mission is to deliver you both to Mark and y/n and get you away from seven stars custody." Sungchan began walking down the stairs. Jisung and I following diligently.
"Kun and Renjun are being looked over by Shotaro-" "But we didn't see him at the base-" "He changed his appearance. Stopped tanning and started using BB cream...wonders what makeup can do." Sungchan's smile could be heard as he talked. He was smooth and trusting. I just had a good feeling about him.
"After all, he's the one who beat Renjun to make sure that you all didn't leave at once. The whole of South Korea would've been littered with Seven Stars associates looking for the 4 of you." A strange feeling cascaded through my body, "He's the one who hurt-" "Who saved the 4 of you from a painful death because you didn't think out your plan entirely? The one who is the cause of Renjun's pain yet salvation? The one who has been slipping Renjun antibiotics?" We reached the bottom floor and Sungchan turned around.
"A blissful ending is the product of a painful process." He smiled at both of us. Jisung and I looked at each other and had no choice but to conclude that Sungchan was right. "Kun and Renjun already know where you two are and where you'll be going." He continued to the car. 
"I want to drive." I cut him off and he shrugged. "Fine with me, I can ride in the back if that makes you more comfo-" "Jisung will ride in the back. He needs rest. You'll be giving me directions." I told him what would be happening as he handed me the keys. "No problem." He smiled and opened the back doors for Jisung who hesitantly got in. "There's a blanket in my bag." Sungchan pointed to his bag that once held Jisung's medication. Jisung nodded and sat on the floor comfortably.
I got in and started the car quickly, Sungchan getting in next to me.
"I can also answer any questions you have about any of the other guys." The friendly boy offered as he buckled himself in. "Chenle." Jisung jumped in between the 2 front seats with eagerness.
"He's alive. He's...suffering from the same things you were going through...but he's surviving." Sungchan calmed Jisung's fears the best he could. "He's back at the base with the rest of the elites." Sungchan looked at me. "Jaemin is there." Sungchan looked me in the eyes. "He's looking over Chenle, and...doing a very...good job of it." Sungchan chuckled lightly.
My hands dropped from the wheel and into my lap. "And what is that supposed to mean?" I asked and Sungchan looked at me for a moment. "Well, a couple of weeks ago, Chenle was bought for...the night..." Sungchan cleared his throat, "and when one of the associates went to retrieve him from their room...Jaemin resorted to....biting....the associate." I cocked my eyebrow. "Why didn't he just punch-" "He was handcuffed because he kept burning, ‘Fuck You’ into the cafeteria walls." Sungchan sighed and Jisung's mouth hung open. "Sounds like Jae." I sighed and started driving.
"Is Mark and y/n really still alive?" I asked as I saw that Jisung was sound asleep in the back of the truck.
"Yes. And doing quite well I should say." He yawned and I nodded as I took in the information. "How is Taeyong doing?" I sighed and Sungchan could only roll his eyes. "Let's just say he didn't get what he was promised." The younger boy curled up into his seat comfortably.
"Alright, just drop it." I shook my head. "I don't want to hear anything about that bastard even if it's his last words." I shook my head and readjusted in the driver's seat.
"If I may ask, hyung. Why is Taeyong like this?" Sungchan asked meekly. "I heard that he used to be such a wonderful man from what Yuta used to say." I took a long breath and looked back to see Jisung with his eyes still closed in serene peace.
"Everything started on a mission...a mission gone terribly wrong." I looked over to Sungchan to see him listening eagerly.
"I was the only Junior Force allowed to go. It was Me, Taeyong, Mark, Jaehyun, Doyoung, Jungwoo, and Lucas." I repeated the details I had sketched into my mind.
"Mark and Taeyong told all the other elites, 'Whatever happens-- do not come to help us.' And boy was that the worst thing they have ever said." I chuckled. "But everyone agreed and went to bed not expecting anything to happen." I nodded, knowing that this was the exact moment that changed all of our lives.
"We walked into a trap. They were already waiting for us in the warehouse. Snipers from the roofs, men on the ceilings with knives, men in masks grabbed us and Mark was the only one to put up a fight." I felt a rush of blush as I realized I had admitted that I was a wimp-out that night.
"We were stripped down to our bare clothes. Strapped down to wooden chairs in this dirt room with ceilings that were so high I couldn't see them through my tears." My head shook at the painful memories. "We all looked to Taeyong for guidance. For help...for the faith that we weren't going to die," I couldn't help but let a sad laugh escape my chest, "and he choked. He told us to sit still-- to not go against him even though he wasn't giving us anything to go against." Sungchan had a frown of what looked like disappointment. 
"Mark was pissed. He was rocking in his chair when he happened to fall over and become free. "Taeyong told him not to move but Mark...Mark wanted to live. Not be a sitting duck waiting for death to come to him. That crazy-ass actually propelled the whole wall with his shoe as a claw and escaped out of the top window." Sungchan's jaw fell in shock. "No way." "Yes, way." I nodded.
"He said he ran all the way to headquarters, hit the alarm, and gathered everyone for help. Came up with a plan and came back to save us." I smiled, "While he was gone, I and the rest were put through absolute hell. The enemies tried cutting our allegiance tattoos off." The scarred tissue burned as I recalled the most excruciating pain I have ever felt.
"2 days later, Mark lead the entire Neo Culture Family through the enemy's front doors and laid everyone on their asses. He retrieved us and we returned to base. We were taken care of and then it came up that Taeyong was mad at Mark. Mad at Mark for saving him." I rolled my eyes.
"Taeyong was mad that Mark went against his orders...his orders that would've killed us." I got unnecessarily pissed. "Ever since then, Taeyong has hated Mark. He kicked Mark out and the Junior Forces went with him. Then we were allowed back but y/n-- who tried to bring everyone back together was exiled along with Mark. Jaemin tried to go retrieve them because Taeyong said he would allow them back because he lied on paperwork blah blah blah. Turns out Taeyong staged their deaths so we thought they were dead, so, now, no one else believes that they're alive...and here we are." I nodded at the conclusion.
“So...Taeyong caused all of this because he was...insecure?” Sungchan whispered the last word. “Basically. Mark says that there’s more to the story though. That’s why he left. He admitted he screw up. He should’ve listened to Taeyong as he is head boss...but Mark said that some more stuff happened that he never shared with anyone...more or less shared with me, honestly.” I sighed and let the younger boy regather his thoughts. 
"This...is a very dysfunctional family." Sungchan drew the equation himself with an uneasy laugh. "But, we're still family." I smiled and he couldn't argue with that.
"Now a question for you, Sungchan: Why did Yuta actually hire you?"
"Oh. Yeah." Sungchan laughed a little as he sat in his seat regularly again.
"Yuta was the one who gave Taeyong the idea to sell the family."
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Chapter 5 (Winter’s Gem) (Bucky Barnes AU)
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Characters: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader (AU)
Summary: Bucky Barnes has been scouted by your boss in Felicity Night, you were just a mere young, cleaner in Felicity night and have been living in the basement of the club for all your life. He's the most wanted Gigolo in the city, and taking him away from eager, thirsty women seemed to be impossible especially if he chose to be a Gigolo as his way of living.
Warning: The words in Italics can be quite dark. (My heart literally fell while writing it 😢) Obviously tons of cuss words because..you'll know why. 😉😂 One word that can be considered sexual. Ahem. 
Words: 3300+
A/N: Everybody give feedback! Your comments and votes make me think y'all are loving this! (Sorry for the typos and grammatical errors if there is, Buddies!) Thank you for all the support I’ve been receiving for this Bucky Barnes series of mine! Love y’all! 
Italics meant that flashbacks happened, alright? Thank you, tater tots! 
Disclaimer: PNG's, pictures and GIF's aren't mine. However, the whole series, one shots and edits are from moi.
Taglists: @damnbuckyishot​ @yn-the-reader​ @iwillmakeyoucraveme​ @willpoch12​ 
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Tick-tock. Tick-Tock. The black clock without hour hands said. Rain droplets fell on his forehead, cold ice caressed his bare, scrawny, soft skinned chest. He could feel a woman's cold, fingers stroke his stomach in the most sickening way. Every beat of his heart was travelling straight to his mind, fearing him what the woman could do to him. What more can she do when she already did everything she had to?
"Your mother's going to be delighted to know how much I'm paying her,"
The whole scene changed, and next thing he knew he was back in the huge, green garbage truck that he hid from the entire week. It was raining cats and dogs, his whole body was filthy, unwashed and greasy. Who wouldn't be after basically living in the dumps for a month? Trying to get away from your abusive, inhumane second mother that sells you to different kinds of people?
"I don't wanna be here, I don't wanna be here," James repeated over and over again, tightly tugging on his roots, appearing to be loco in other people's perspective. "Don't touch me, that's enough, I'm hurting!" He burbled non-stop, something probably triggered him to remember it again and now he was in another episode that he will surely have a difficult time to get out.
Somebody had to open the back of the truck, the bald man was startled to see a teen hurled inside a truck full of garbage, the teen continuously talking to himself. He was reconsidering helping him when baby blue eyes peeped up at him, a juvenile who had no light inside his eyes.
"goddamn--motherfucker!" Drops of bloody sweat fell on his dark-hued complexion, making him drop the coat he decided to throw away. It was already dirty, used and bloody.
"Yo, Kid." He nonchalantly called, shivering at the same time from the crisp, cold winter wind. "I don't wanna be here, I don't wanna be here," James whispered over and over again, rocking himself.
"Alright, alright. I know you don't wanna be here in this goddamn truck because it fucking smells like shit," The man replied with a sassy raise of his brow, before taking in James's filthy appearance. Receiving a huff once he got a wiff of his awful smell, "You look lost," He stated as a matter of fact. "Where's your mother?"
Just one mention of her made him react in a violent manner, quickly scrambling away from the tall, bald man. "No! Noooo! Not her!!!"
He was fast enough to tug on his ankle, refraining from him to crawl out further. "Alright, chill down! I'm trying to fucking help you, blue eyed Tarzan!" He sent out another aggravated huff, probably thinking why he even decided to throw his black coat away in a god damn garbage truck. "I know I look scary to you, a pirate even. But, I'm good. I think I am,"
"Do you need help?" James didn't bother to send a reply as he shrugged his ankle off his hold, making the man nod to himself, answering his own question. "Well, obviously you do,"
He abruptly talked, leaving James confused, slyly looking around to who he was referring to but he only saw a huge, black Ford Expedition a few meters away from them. "Miss Hill, give this kid whatever blanket or shit that'll make him warm," He talked to himself.
"Yes, sir."
He sighed, waiting for the blanket he was asking for. Now, it was time for a mini interrogation that was needed because he won't go helping the kid if he doesn't know a thing about him, "I'm Fury, Nick Fury." He paused as he watched how James looked entirely alert and cautious of his next movements.
"Now, what's your name, Kid?"
James could only swallow his saliva, appearing to be nervous and hesitant to state his name. "You can trust me kid," Yet, he still wouldn't budge.
Fury had to grab onto his pistol, checking if the mag was loaded and gave the gun to him. James's eyes could practically jump out of his eyesockets as of the moment. "If you think I can't be trusted, shoot me. I won't hurt you back and I'll just leave,"
He opened his lips to talk, before closing it once again. Giving himself a peptalk and then finally raised the imaginary white flag. "James.." He swallowed the ball of anxiety pooling inside his throat, down to his stomach. "James Buchanan Barnes,"
Nick gave a nonchalant nod, thinking of ways and probably some other kind of name to go with him. "That's one hell of a name, I won't go calling you that." He stated as a matter of fact. "You'll be called Winter from now on, Bud." The former didn't hesistate but to give his hand out at the lost juvenile, gesturing for him to join his mysterious voyage. "And you're coming with me for help," Nick gave a tight smirk, a sneak peak of his pearly whites showing a little bit. "We need some extra help in 'Maximum Risk' anyway."
Winter didn't hesitate but to give back his pistol, dropping it on his outstretched hand as he jump out of the garbage truck all on his own while he quietly muttered. "Count me in,"
"Winter, calm down. Calm the fuck down,"
"No, Fury. My arm! What happened to my real fucking arm?!"
"I-I can't do this, I can't do this."
Scars that came from treacherous battles.
"You can, Barnes. It's the only way, and after this. You're rolling in the riches,"
Bucky Barnes sat up in panic on his soft bed. A nightmare. What was her name, again? He remembers her face, the smell of her hair, the laugh that echoes inside his fragmented memories, yet he couldn't recall her name because all he could think of was that witch. The name that he loathed the most.
Bucky was quick to snatch the red book beside his bed. All perspired, anxious and heaving for life-saving breaths that could calm him down. Y/N's picture was all it took for his fears to concede.
"Y/N," He panted, fluttering his eyes closed. Taking in several breaths and retrieving his happy memories with her. Replacing the bad ones with those times he was untroubled and blissful. Those precious moments that he kept to heart. "Y/N." Bucky repeated, more like a mantra and a need to see and be with her.
He needed to see her. Bucky needed to see the only good thing that happened in his life and that was Y/N.
Dressed in just his sweatpants and shirt, he didn't think twice to scramble out of his bed, having a mission to search for his woman.
Right timing for Felicity Night to be closed because it was a holiday for them. Only a holiday that everybody picked to have their day offs. Even though, Gigolos and strippers shouldn't exactly have one.
As he was walking down the halls, passing by rooms that are vacant and a sharp right turn towards the bar, he instantly saw a semi-long blonde hair. All wavy and majestic just like his. Gigantic arms perched against the brown, wooden table with two people around him who were also drunk as a fly. Clint, the sneaky stripper who happened to own the stage with a nickname, 'the electrician' in which he highly despise because it sounded displeasing. Loki was the first to suggest that because he have seen him sleeping in the vents inside Felicity Night. As for Pietro who was called 'Silver' because of his unique hair color that the ladies loved.
"Thor, have you seen, Y/N?" Bucky clasped onto Thor's burly shoulders, startling the poor drunk man who had five seconds before he replied and acknowledged the metal armed man.
"No. I have not seen your gorgeous lady, Mr. Winter." Thor shouted a little too loudly. Well, a lot loudly. A whole lot. Startling his two drunk buddies who were tempted to curl into a ball and drop drunk on the floor with their barf all over. "Thor, shut it--"
Thor held a finger up, shifting on his seat to face him fully. "Or I must say I did?" He clutched onto his left boob. Bucky couldn't help but shake his head. He knew Steve's habit and it was getting too infectious now because Thor is beginning to absorb the way he laughs. "HAHAHAHA!"
"Well, well, well," Clint slurred, trying to keep his eyes straight as he grabbed a jigger full of vodka before drinking it straight. "If it isn't the Winter Soldier," He coughed, keeping himself straight on his seat. "Fury never forgot to mention you when I decided to move in this awful club," He drunkenly raised his empty glass, trying to keep his eyes opened. "Fucking vodka is making me barf like a hawk!" He hiccuped. "If that e-even makes sense!"
Bucky could hear another set of hiccups, however it was now coming from the silver haired waiter who became the best employee of the month because he was a quick server and his looks were a plus because it makes the ladies order more than normal. "Fury's infamous--" He hiccuped, slightly slapping himself with a smile. "--Soldat that everybody loves especially the ladies," Pietro chuckled to himself, his next words slurred and only Bucky, the sober person around the crowd full of drunkards could understand his words and foreign accent. "Why agree to an inhumane contract agreement with a bitch when you could've s-stayed in 'Maximum Risk', Soldat?"
Pietro deeply sighed to himself, feeling his barf in his throat as he tried to swallow it back. "Y-You were Fury's favorite right hand man," He frustratingly palmed his face, feeling more dizzy as time goes by. "Why leave, Winter Soldat?"
"CHEERS, UNCULTURED FOOLS!" Thor suddenly bursted aloud, a huge beer glass in hand as he laughed to himself. "I AM WORTHY," He murmured to himself, seeming to be in another dimension. "I AM THE GOD OF WHISKEY, I DO NOT GET DRUNK IN HASTE!"
Bucky left Pietro and Clint's question unanswered, leaving the three musketeers alone as they drink their hearts out. He sighed to himself, hearing those words come out of Pietro and Clint gives him mini flashbacks that he surely wanted to come back from but didn't want to remember all the horrible things he did.
Natasha's heels came echoing inside the pub despite of the semi-loud music. She swayed her red hair left to right, her hips swaying with the beat. She was a beautiful lady, too beautiful. Nonetheless, her beauty have been ignored by the metal armed man since day 1. Why? Because Bucky was used to beauties like her and he wanted someone different. "Natasha, have you seen--" She stopped dead on her tracks, a smirk lifting her maroon red lips. "Y/N?" She gestured behind her, "Think I saw her somewhere in the bar with Stan," She paused and nodded to herself, "Drinking their asses off,"
Bucky licked his cherry red lips out of habit, flicking his bangs behind his ears with his fingers, those kind of movements that the ladies loved. "Ah, Thanks." He nodded, thinking that his woman was probably drinking water because she was prohibited to drink intoxicating drinks. "Martini's is what I meant." And that made Bucky choke in his own saliva. "Jesus--what?!"
Only a mischievous smirk from the gorgeous red head was sent his way, "You just woke up, had a nightmare and this is what you do first thing in the midnight?" Natasha couldn't help but chuckle, Ahh. The smell of love, indeed. That's what it does to humans. "To find Y/N?" Pause. Bucky held a finger against his lips, hushing the grinning woman whom he considers one of his closest friends. "Shush, can you keep it down, will ya'?"
Thor's laughter made her glance towards where the drunkards and other drunk buddies where. Including a certain patriotic blondie who began stumbling to the bar where Stan was. "Yeah, yeah. Secret lovers hiding from the witches. Your fates are in luck," She clicked her tongue.
The metal armed man couldn't help but scoff from her choice of words, making him shake his head with a bittersweet smile. "I never had a good fate,"
"Now, don't go all drama with me, Barnes. Your lady's drunk with our old man, go get her before she pukes," It was a wrong move for Natasha, because she knew it would trigger him a lot more if she continues to talk and so she was quick to change the topic and move on to a subject that will definitely make Bucky's mind travel into another dimension. Y/N and his own dimension. "She's lucky her mother's currently having a meeting with the club in West Coast,"
One mention of the word, 'West coast' made his lost, fragmented soul lit up like birthday candles. "Maximum Risk?" He questioned with utmost curiosity, seeing his lips turn a little curve. Well, that was good. "Yep. The one and only,"
"God, I miss that place."
"Try and come by some time. I bet Sam misses you," Natasha joked, crossing her arms against her bountiful chest. Bucky mentally groaned at hearing that certain name, God. He thought to himself, remembering the kinda good ol' days with his old friend, Sam Wilson. "You make me puke, Romanoff."
To Bucky's surprise, he didn't know that the person he was finding for was actually swaying towards his way. A giggly Y/N was on a hunt, and it was a hunt for her Bucky Barnes. She knew he was fast asleep, however she didn't know he was up and at 'em. Searching for who knows who. Her of course.
Once at arms reach, she smiled, those kind of smiles that Bucky wanted nothing more than to take a picture of. Kind of heartmelting, kind of infectous too. "B-Booki? Is that chu'?" You took his appearance in, gray sweatpants and all of his glory. Eyes turning wider from accidentally taking a glimpse at his jam-packed crotch that made you nod your head a thousand times. Grading it in the back of your mind. A+ indeed. "It's Love for you, Doll."
Bucky caught her in his arms when she began to turn around and give a wave at the tipsy Loki who called her from afar. Swaying in the process. Bucky's arms were quick to engulf her waist, pulling her close to him as he breathed on her ear. "Lo-love? Are you serious? Do I get a man like you? Are you for real?" You giggled with a hiccup, quickly holding your mouth for no reason. Laughing more to yourself. "Shush. We don't want everybody knowing our relationship yet, right?"
You hummed, clicking your head to the side as you felt his breath fanning over your neck. It was hot, warm and it felt good. Too good for your own good and you were definitely wrecked. "Y-Yeah..But, are you seriously for real?" Bucky chuckled, tightening his hold around you and kissing the back of your ear which gave you the shivers. "Yeah, I surely am, Doll."
James chuckled from behind, his smile reaching from ear to ear. Kind of too precious not to notice and you leaned into his touch. Loving his warmth. Natasha was also grinning from ear to ear and the people who were close with her would know that her, 'grinning' or 'smirking' meant that she was being unpredictable. She noticed how everybody was doing their own thing, Bucky and Y/N currently wrapped in their own invaluable world and so she discreetly left like a Black Widow in disguise.
Not a little long after Natasha's silent departure, Bucky's patriotic best friend came wobbling-walking towards them. Igniting a stern look on Bucky's once happy face. He kept you beside him, his metal hand tightly clasping on your hip, making you giggle and hug his flat, sinewy stomach, geting comfortable and still completely intoxicated from all the Martini's that Stan made you drink. Your alcohol level was a little bit low than the others since you don't drink a lot.
"Hey, Buck. Y/N seem to be..left uncompromised?" Steve greeted with a chirpy tone, giggling just like you are. "And here I thought I could trust you with her, Punk." Bucky responded with a huff, shaking his head in disappointment as he watched Steve's face that was all red because he was damn drunk. "You said she has asthma? Why did you even let her drink?"
"I said she has asthma," Steve declared, his teeth showing from how wide he was smiling, "I didn't say she was disabled!"
Bucky couldn't help but wash his face with his flesh hand. Jesus.
"I-I was about to take her to my room--" Steve honestly spoke, gesturing towards where the stairs where. Bucky was quick to protest his disapproval towards it. Glaring right at his bestest friend. If he does that before for her..well, now's different. Everything turned a 180 degrees since last month. "Don't you dare, Steve." Bucky taunted with a scowl, making Steve giggle.
"It was a very genius suggestion!"
You began to realize that Steve was in front of you. Thus, you began to make grabby gestures with your hands. "Steveeennnn Grannnntttttt Roggeeeersssss," About to lean and sway in front of him yet Bucky was quick to hold onto you. Pulling you back against him with a gentle hush followed by a tender call of 'Doll' and the word 'Behave' that kept your feet rooted on the ground, giving your lower half a tingly sensation that made you giggle once more. Weird. Why were you feeling horny all of a sudden?
"Jesus Christ," Bucky muttered beneath his breath as he saw Steve twirling round and round. Completely watching him so smashed. "Steve--" He began, though he only got a laugh as a reply. "--Whatever, you need to lay it down a bit, pal. You know, you gotta hit the sack? You're stewed as hell,"
"I will, Buckaroo!" His bestfriend called out loud with a grin, knowing that Bucky didn't like to be called that way and it could tick him off. With a loud huff and a stern frown he grabbed you around your waist with his burly arm, not wanting to let go of you.
"That's it, we're leaving. Have a nice night, punk."
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FEEDBACKS ARE VERY MUCH APPRECIATED, TATER TOTS! My works aren’t to be copied anywhere. I do not share nor let other people copy my works, I have seen other people plagiarizing writer’s works here and I do not like that happening to them and also to me as well. Thank you very much!
20 notes · View notes
cozy-the-overlord · 4 years
Getaway Car
A/N: Again, based off the Taylor Swift song of the same name, which also happens to be my favorite off of Reputation (sensing a pattern here?). I also was heavily inspired by the movie Smokey and the Bandit, which is one of the best comedies of all time change my mind. 
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Everything had been going so well until he almost hit the bride.
The transaction had been clean, quiet, just like Anderson had promised. Mike disposed of the guards while Tristan loaded the cars, and soon enough they were off in different directions, gone long before the sirens and the red tape.
All Tristan had left to do was deliver Anderson’s cut, which was to be dropped off at a park two hours away. Dump the car for the new one, and that was it—he was free to go and live his life, a million dollars richer.
Yes, everything was going perfectly. Then the bride dashed out in front of his hood, the white mass seeming to materialize out of the manicured shrubbery on the side of the road.
He hit the breaks and cranked the wheel, tires screeching to the smell of burnt rubber as the car careened to a stop inches in front of the hem of her stained skirt. The woman regarded his bumper with an airy sort of indifference before marching around to the passenger’s side and yanking the door open.
“What the hell are you doing?” he yelled at her as she flung the two bags she was holding into the back. 
“I need a ride,” she said. She crawled into the seat, cursing as the tulle of her veil caught the door. “Damn this dress.” There was the sound of fabric ripping, and she flung half of the offending lace to the side of the road. The door closed with a slam.
“Does this thing move?” she asked.
Tristan just stared at her.
“Well, come on, dude! I don’t have all day!” She began fumbling with what remained of her veil, yanking out bobby pins and dropping them on the carpeted floor. “Can we go?”
“Go where?” was all he could think to ask.
She laughed. “East? West? North? South? I don’t give a shit, long’s it’s not here.” Her hair tumbled down from its loosened bun and curled around her ears.
Tristan thought of the two million in the trunk. “This isn’t Uber,” he said.
“No shit. If it were Uber, we’d be gone by now.” She cast a glance over her shoulder. “Look, I’ll pay you for gas or whatever. Please, can we just go? Harry’ll be showing up any minute, and I don’t want to be here when he does.”
Tristan opened his mouth, then closed it again. “Alright.” And they were off again.
The bride didn’t say anything for a while. Tristan kept glancing at her out of the corner of his eye, trying to stare without staring. She was futzing around with her dress, wriggling about on the seat as fabric rustled. He didn’t understand what she was trying to accomplish until he heard a zipper unzipping.
“What are you doing?” he cried out, whipping his gaze to the road as his cheeks burned.
“Exactly what it looks like.” She pulled the balloon of a gown over her head and pushed it out the window. “Don’t look.” The seat buzzed as she lowered its back and climbed over it to rummage through her bags. “Don’t worry,” she called out. “I’ll be decent in a sec.”
“Great,” he mumbled.
            The runaway bride let out a sigh. “Oh, it feels good to look like a normal person again. That damn dress was the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever put on in my life. I looked like a fucking pastry.” She climbed back into the front seat, and Tristan was beyond relieved to see that she was now clad in a t-shirt and a pair of jeans. His guest fumbled with the seatbelt for a moment, never breaking off the conversation.
“It was Harry’s mother who insisted on that one. ‘Oh, it balances out your figure so well, you just have to take it!’ And I was like ‘I’ll buy anything if it means I don’t have to deal with your bullshit for any longer’ so we picked it out and here we are.” The seatbelt clicked, and she relaxed against the cushion. “I’m Eris, by the way. I’d shake your hand, but you know, you’re driving.”
“Oh, uh, yeah,” he stuttered. Should he give her his real name? Anderson said to keep a low profile, but this was kind of out of the ordinary. But what if she wasn’t who she said she was?
The woman was staring at him with raised eyebrows, her gaze overflowing with silent judgment.
Say something, you idiot!
“Tristan,” he finally spat out. “My name is Tristan.”
Eris smiled. “A pleasure to meet you, Tristan.” She leaned forward. “I did mean what I said, about paying you for this. I know it’s all kind of crazy, me just straight up hijacking your trip, but thanks for helping me out.”
“Uh… no problem.” No, big problem, but he didn’t know how to say that without screwing things up more. “I-uh- I take it that we have an angry groom behind us somewhere?”
She laughed humorlessly. “Oh yeah. Harry’ll be pissed. Though not as pissed as his mother, I’m sure. That lady’s a crazy old bat. She goes on a rampage when they give her the wrong dressing at restaurants; I can’t imagine what she’s doing now.”
“What happened?” he asked.
 Eris sighed, twitching uncomfortably. “Nothing really happened,” she said. “It was all going fine, I just… I didn’t want to marry him. I ought to have broken up with him a while ago, because we just weren’t working out, but then he had this surprise proposal at my birthday party and… well I couldn’t say no, could I? All of his friends and family were there! How cruel would that be?”
Tristan frowned. “Less cruel than leaving him at the altar?”
“Probably…” She sighed once more, slumping back in her seat. “But it’s too late now. What can you do?” In a moment, she had perked up again. “So what about you? What’s your story?”
Momentary panic rang through his ears. “I’m running an errand for a friend.”
“Wow,” Eris leaned forward, resting her head on her fist and her elbow on the armrest. “That is fascinatingly vague. What type of errand?”
“Nothing interesting.”
“Doesn’t look that way.”
“Well, it is that way.”
“Did you steal something?”
Tristan’s heart was pounding harder than during the robbery. “No.”
“Did you kill somebody?”
“What?” He whipped around to look at her. She returned his gaze with complete seriousness. “Of course not!”
“Then what’s the errand?”
“I’m just delivering something for him.” There. That would be the end of it, right?
“Oooh… Drugs?”
Eris exploded into giggles, stretching back towards the window. “I’m just teasing you. No offense, but you don’t seem that interesting.”
“Oh, yeah…” Relief swept through his chest. “None taken.”
“You look so nervous,” she laughed. “Am I really that frightening?”
“No, no, of course not,” Tristan stuttered. “You’re not—I’m not nervous.”
Eris laughed even harder. “You remind me of one of my exes,” she said. “He was so uncomfortable around women—”
“I’m not uncomfortable around women!”
“—that whenever I was anywhere near him, he could barely get a coherent sentence out.” Eris smiled. “Yeah, he was a cutie. Real gentlemanly, too. He would like, pick up my napkin when it fell or some shit like that. I bet you’ll do that too when you get a girlfriend.”
Tristan bristled. “What makes you think I don’t have a girlfriend?”
She shrugged, placing her feet on the dashboard. “I can tell.”
“There’s no way you can tell!”
“Do you have a girlfriend?”
“I—” Quite suddenly, he felt like a buffoon. “No.”
Eris smirked. “Then I can tell.”
“I—whatever.” Tristan turned his focus back to the road in a poor attempt to save face. He shouldn’t be focusing on her. She was a distraction, and the sooner he was rid of her, the better. Anderson wouldn’t be happy if he showed up to the drop-off with some babbling ex-bride in tow.
A sign up ahead warned him that they were approaching a town, finally leaving the fields and forests behind them. There was still about an hour left to the park, but the rest went through towns and small cities. Tristan’s pulse spiked in his neck. Towns meant more people, and more people meant more police. Anderson had assured him that if he obeyed traffic laws, the police had no reason to pull him over—after all, they wouldn’t have any idea who the thieves were or what cars they were driving—but still, his grip on the wheel tightened.
Eris seemed oblivious to his increased discomfort. In contrast, she appeared more relaxed than she had the whole trip, mindlessly picking at the skin by her thumbnail as she watched streetlights go by.
“So where exactly are you dropping off this errand for your friend?” she asked.
“Uh… Dowridge,” he replied distractedly, scanning the increasingly busy road. Now they were behind a rickety old pickup truck puttering along well under the speed limit. Hurry up, asshole.
“Oh, Dowridge! That’s perfect! My cousin owns a restaurant there. You can drop me off there. It shouldn’t be out of your way.”
“Great.” There was a police car behind him. His heart was pounding. It’s okay, it’s okay, they don’t have their lights on, it’s okay…
“It’s kind of funny how she ended up with the restaurant,” Eris was saying. “You see, she had been working as a waitress to try and get through college, and the guy who owned it—”
A siren pierced through the air.
“Oh no.” Their lights were on now. They must know. Something must have gone wrong, and they found out. With a shaking hand, Tristan reached for the turn signal.
“No!” Eris grabbed his wrist. Her face had gone white as snow. “Don’t pull over,” she hissed. “Whatever you do, don’t fucking pull over.”
“What?” He barely heard himself over the wailing of the siren. “You don’t understand, they’re after me—”
“They’re after me,” she whispered. “I’m so sorry, someone must’ve seen me get into your car—”
“Why would they care about a runaway bride?” snapped Tristan. “It’s the money, they know about the money—” He made to pull to the side of the road. What should he do? Play dumb? But they’re here, they must know… He looked at Eris, who was hunched over in the passenger seat, white knuckled. He shouldn’t have picked her up. They’d arrest her as an accomplice. He’d tell them that she had nothing to do with it—
The police car whizzed past them, siren and all. Tristan and Eris watched as it pulled behind the pickup truck. For several moments, the two sat in stunned silence.
Eris burst into laughter.
“Holy shit!” she chortled. “Holy fucking shit! I’ve never been so fucking scared in my whole life!” With a hoot, she slapped his shoulder as she dissolved into a pit of unintelligible giggles.
The rush of adrenaline was still thudding through Tristan’s eardrums, so much so that all he could muster was a shaky grin, which seemed to set Eris off even more.
“You—” she wheezed. “You look like you just shat your pants!” And she howled even louder.
It was a good minute before she got ahold of herself, and once she did, she snapped back into her inquisitive mode so quickly that Tristan jumped.
“What money?” she demanded.
“W-what?” he asked nervously.
“What money?” she repeated, emphasizing each word with a thrust of her shoulders. “You thought the police car was coming for you because of ‘the money.’ What money? I assume this has something to do with your top-secret errand for a friend?”
“I—” Oh no. He was screwed. He was so screwed. “What about you?” he countered. “You were positive that they were after you. Why? Surely Harry wouldn’t call the police just because you dumped him?”
“Oh, he would,” she said. “But not because I dumped him. You see”—she reached into the backseat to grab one of the bags she had been carrying— “before I ran for it, while I was still in the throes of my mental breakdown, I kinda-sorta-maybe went through his mother’s jewelry box.”
“Wait—what?” Tristan stared as Eris pulled out diamond pendants and strings of pearls, a never-ending train of precious gemstones on silver chains. “Are those all—”
“Real? Yep. And worth millions, too.” She shoved the tangle mass back into her bag. “That old hag was always bragging about her diamonds and her emeralds and her pearls and goodness knows what else. Rich bitch. She made my life hell when I was living with Harry—he couldn’t make a damn decision without her approval. She even insisted that the wedding take place in her fancy mansion. So, when I left, I wanted to stick it to her.” Eris looked up at him expectantly. “Alright. I’ve confessed. It’s your turn.”
“I—” He shouldn’t. He should deny everything, say it’s all a misunderstanding. Tell anyone, and he could spend the rest of his life in a cell. Anderson had been very clear about that. And yet, she was looking up at him so earnestly, so eagerly, her eyes so wide… They were greenest eyes he’d ever seen. The color of seaweed floating on waves, piercing through his soul. She wouldn’t turn him in. Somehow, he was sure of it.
“A friend of mine and I robbed an armored truck earlier today, on my boss’s orders.” He whispered the confession, almost afraid that someone else would overhear. “We’re splitting the money three ways. My friend took his million and drove the other direction. I took the other two. They’re in the trunk.” Eris’s green eyes flitted towards the back of the car. “I’m dropping one million off with my boss, then I’m taking my cut and going off.”
“Going off where?” she whispered.
“I…I don’t know. I haven’t planned that far ahead,” Tristan’s cheeks burned. Saying it out loud made him feel even stupider than when he thought it. He had never been much of a planner. That was Anderson’s job. Tristan had always operated on a more “figure-it-out-as-I-go” mindset, but that became increasingly more difficult when the thing he had to figure out was how to take care of millions of stolen dollars.
Eris stared at him, cocking her head to the side as she did. A smile broke across her face. “Tristan,” she said. “It seems that I was wrong about you. You are far more interesting than you at first appear.”
He smiled shyly.
“So,” she continued. “I assume we’re still going to Dowridge? Because we might want to get a move on.”
“Oh, yeah—I mean yes, let’s go.” He pulled the car out of park and continued back down the road. If it were possible, Eris was even more talkative now than she had been when she first jumped into his vehicle. She wanted to know every little detail about the “Grand Theft Armored” as she called it. What did the truck look like? How many guards were there? How long did it take to plan? Was it an inside job—did one of his accomplices work for the truck company? How did they know how much would be in there? How did they get the truck to stop? Was there a fight?
“Honestly, I wasn’t that involved with the whole thing,” he told her. “Originally it was just Mike and Anderson. I only got brought in when they realized that they needed a third person.”
“Why’d they decide on you?” she asked. “I mean, you’re putting major faith in a person once you offer them a role. They must’ve put a lot of thought into picking you.”
Tristan had wondered about that as well. Why, out of all the people they knew, did Mike and Anderson decide to let him in on their game plan?
 “Well, I follow instructions well,” he said. “I keep confidential matters confidential. And I could use the money.”
Eris scoffed. “It’s a million fucking dollars! We could all use it.” She leaned towards him. “You know why I think they chose you?”
Tristan laughed nervously. “Why?”
“Because you don’t ask questions. If they tell you to do something, you’ll do it without arguing about it or trying to change things up. They can rely on you to just eat up their orders and shit out profits.” Tristan opened his mouth to argue, but Eris shushed him and continued. “I mean, think about it! How long did it take you to ask what the hell I was doing after I jumped into your car?”
“I—” Tristan didn’t know what to say. He prickled, under attack but unsure of how to defend himself.
“By the time you finally asked for an explanation, I had already changed into a new outfit and chucked the old one out the window,” she laughed. “That’s why Anderson had you take the extra million, and not Mike—he doesn’t trust Mike to bring him his money. But he knows that you’ll do it, without question.”
“You’re making me sound like a puppet.” His voice came out far poutier than Tristan intended, and internally he cringed.
“You are a puppet,” she replied, stroking his shoulder. “A very rich puppet.”
Tristan tried to focus on the road, but his mind kept taking him back to Anderson. Was it true? Was he really nothing but a mindless puppet? He remembered when Anderson had first called him up with the proposition. Eris was right—he hadn’t questioned anything. He had been nervous, of course, regarding the police and the guards and the sheer pressure of carrying two million dollars, but Anderson had assured him that it was all planned out and that he had nothing to worry about, and Tristan hadn’t questioned it. At the time, he couldn’t get over how lucky he was to be given this opportunity. Now, his pathetic nature made him want to retch.
Eris’s hand moved down from his shoulder to stroke his forearm. “I’ve made you angry,” she said. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. We can talk about something else.”
“No.” Tristan surprised himself with how firm he sounded. “No, you’re right. I’ve let Anderson walk over me for far too long. I can’t keep being his puppet.”
Eris looked up at him, a mischievous grin in her seaweed eyes. “What are you going to do?”
“I—I don’t know.” The firmness had now completely drained from his voice. What a shock. “What do you think I should do?”
“Well,” she said, leaning up against his shoulder. “For starters, I wouldn’t bring him a million dollars.”
Tristan gawked at her. “Oh, no! I can’t do that!” he cried out. “That’s his—he planned this whole thing out. I wouldn’t even have the money if it weren’t for him!”
“So what if he planned the whole thing out? He was too lazy to show up to the actually robbery.” She lifted herself up so that her breath tickled his ear. “Think about it—if he was actually invested in this plan, he wouldn’t have needed to hire you.”
“But… It’s not right! It’s his!”
“And he’s welcome to get it. If he wants it, he can come to you. He shouldn’t expect you to scamper across the country like a glorified delivery boy just because he had one decent idea.” Eris returned to his shoulder. “You want him to stop using you like a puppet? You have to show him that you’re not a puppet.” With a contented sigh, she lapsed into silence.
Tristan hesitated. “So… should I not drive to Dowridge?”
“No, no!” she smiled. “Drive to Dowridge. There’s a nifty little motel right across from the restaurant my cousin owns. You can stay there for the night. Then, if Anderson wants to get in contact, you can make him come to you.”
“Okay… but what if Anderson doesn’t get in contact?”
“Then he obviously doesn’t give a shit,” she yawned. “Or maybe he’s too proud to grovel at your feet. Shouldn’t matter to you. You’re a million dollars richer.”
“Alright.” He straightened his back, trying to sound more confident than he felt. “I’ll do it.”
“Great!” Eris squeezed his shoulder. “We can have dinner at my cousin’s restaurant. The food’s shit, but she lets me eat for free!”
The restaurant she had him park across the street from a little while later turned out to be more of a café sort of place, a little hole in the wall eatery in a little hole in the wall town. Eris ordered their food, then ushered Tristan into a booth in the corner of the room.
“So.” She sat down with a deliberate thump.
Tristan gave an uneasy smile. “So what?”
“So, I told you all about my crazy love life. Now I want to hear all about yours.” Eris grinned.
He shrugged. “There’s not much to hear. You already know I don’t have a girlfriend.”
 “Have you ever had a girlfriend?”
“Not really…” he trailed off. “There was this one girl in high school, but that didn’t go anywhere.”
“So you haven’t gone around any of the bases? No kissing, no touching, nada?”
Tristan blushed. “Well, not exactly…”
“Oooh.” She leaned forward across the table. “Do tell!”
“Like I said, there was this one girl in high school.” Ugh. His face burnt with the memory. “She kissed me once, at a dance, and I didn’t know what to do.”
Eris laughed. “What do you mean you didn’t know what to do? Kiss her back!”
“Well, yeah.” Why was he telling her this? It was so pathetic. “I got that part, but I meant after.”
“Yeah. After she kissed me, she looked up at me like she was expecting me to do something, but I didn’t know what, so I just stared at her for a long time. Finally I left because I had to use the restroom.”
“Tristan!” Eris sounded exasperated.
“I’m sorry!” He held his hands up in surrender. “I didn’t know what I was supposed to do!”
She sighed, then leaned closer to him, resting her hands on the table so that she was sprawled across it. Her face was inches from his, her green eyes sparkling like the ocean.
“Let me show you,” she whispered, pressing her lips to his.
At first Tristan stiffened, alarm bells ringing through his skull. But as she pressed in closer, gently caressing his thigh with her fingertips, he relaxed into the kiss. Without thinking, his hand came up to cradle her head through her hair, and she leaned into his palm.
Finally, he pulled away, reluctantly desperate for air. She looked at him expectantly.
“What do I do?” he whispered.
“Kiss me again,” she replied. “Kiss me again and again and again.”
And so he did.
He didn’t remember asking her to spend the night with him, but he must’ve, because an hour later they were in the motel room, kissing and caressing and she was running her fingers through his hair and his phone was ringing but he didn’t care because it didn’t matter…
“Do you want me to show you?” she whispered in his ear.
“Yes,” he whispered back. “Please.”
That night, he fell into a sound sleep, unaware of the creaking of the ancient mattress, his only thoughts to the woman tangled up with him.
He was happy.
He was really, really happy.
 The pounding of the door awoke him in the morning.
“Police! Open up!”
“What…?” His head was cloudy. He reached for Eris, but she wasn’t there.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
His skull rattled with each punch to the door.
“Police! Open up!”
They had found him. Somehow, they had found him. Tristan fumbled about for his clothes. Where was Eris? Had they gotten her too?
The door burst open and several costumed officers flooded in, hands on their firearms. Tristan’s arms flew up to the ceiling.
“I’m unarmed! I’m unarmed!” he yelled.
Everything happened so fast. Somebody began patting him down, another person was reading his rights, another was rummaging through the meager furniture in the room, and then he was on the floor, barely hearing the click when the handcuffs closed around his wrists.
“Where’s the money?” somebody was asking him. “Where did you hide it?”
“Just tell us,” another voice joined in. “It will make everything easier on yourself.”
“The money?” Tristan mumbled. “We left the money on the table…”
Someone let loose an exasperated sigh. “Come on. You’re caught. We know you did it. Where’d you put the money?”
“On the table! On the table!” Tristan cried. “It was in a duffle bag on the table. Eris told me to—”
“How’d you find me?” he whispered.
“Anonymous call from a woman early this morning,” came the first voice. “Now why don’t you make things easier for yourself and tell us where the two million dollars are.”
            “She took it!” he yelled, wriggling uselessly. “She took the money and called! She took it! She took it!”
Stupid. He was so fucking stupid.
“Sir, I need you to calm down,” someone was saying. “You can tell us the name of your accomplice. Please sir, just calm down…”
Eris watched as they took him out of the motel. It was fairly early in the morning, but still, a small crowd had gathered about the blinking police cars to see what all the fuss was about. She wasn’t sure what she expected to see when they brought him out—maybe he would be struggling, cursing her name, screaming that it wasn’t his fault—but perhaps she should’ve known what she would see. Tristan walked out completely subdued, not making a sound, only making the bare minimum effort when it came to walking down the stairs. When they put him into the car, he collapsed like a puppet with its strings cut. It was depressing.
She sighed and ordered another coffee.
            It wasn’t her fault. He should’ve known better than to trust her. Someone involved in such a well-planned robbery should at least have some level of common sense. It was his own idiocy that got him arrested, nothing more. Had she not come along, there would’ve been someone else, someone smarter, someone crueler, who would take it all away from him. It was only a matter of time.
            She should be happy. In less than a day, she had managed to bamboozle two unsuspecting men out of their fortunes. Yesterday, she had been a nothing, completely dependent upon her future husband for any sort of respect. Today, she was independent and rich.
            Yet conning Tristan had none of the satisfaction that had come with conning Harry. Harry was an asshole born and raised, who could get anything and everything he wanted and knew it. Bringing him pain had been sweet.
            Tristan, on the other hand, was kind. Honest. Genuine. He didn’t deserve to be hunched in the backseat of a police car, speeding off towards a jail cell. It wasn’t fair. And yet, neither was life. Every woman for herself, and all that.
            The waitress brought her a new mug, and she drained it within a minute.
            “Later, coz!” she yelled at the kitchen.
            Her cousin popped her chubby head out the door. “Leaving already Er? Where are you going now?”
            Eris shrugged. “Who knows? Wherever the road takes me, I guess.” She chuckled. “Maybe I can pick up another rich husband along the way.”
            Her cousin grinned. “Good luck!”
            Eris tipped her head and strolled out the door.
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all-sortsa-stuff · 7 years
A new start, part 14
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Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Word Count: 3257
Warning: Language, angst, fluff
 Part 13
The phone had been relatively quiet over the last few days.  There was not one call or text from Chris as he had promised.   Your family still texted at least once a day until you got back.  Then it felt like they all converged on you.  Jake and your parents invited themselves over for dinner the first night you were back home.  At first, they all seemed to be brimming with excitement until they realized your mood was not what they thought it should have been.  Then the questions started.
“[Y/N] what is wrong honey? You getting’ sick?”  Your mother walked over putting her hand on your forehead as she always did when checking for a fever.
“No Momma, I’m fine. It’s just been a long month and I’m exhausted.  I just need a few days to recuperate.”  Three sets of eyes stared at you from around the table.  No one believed a word you said, but they were smart and refrained from pressing further.  Dinner passed and they all left you to your quiet misery.  As tired as you were it was difficult to fall asleep.  You could only think of how the conversation would go when you finally called Chris back.  Would you reconcile or would you end your relationship?  The turmoil in your mind did not make for a sound sleep.
 Just after dawn, you were up to feed the animals.  It had been so long since you were able to spend any time with the goats.  After feeding them and cleaning out their portion of the barn you made sure their pasture had hay as the colder weather was killing off the grass.  When you had moved on to the horses’ stalls, you heard footsteps coming through the barn. By the sounds of the heavy tread, you knew it was your father.  “Want any help, Sugar?”
“No, I’m good Daddy. It’s been a while since I have done it. I told Jake I would give him the week off from doing it.”  Trying to avoid looking at him directly in the eye, you continued to shovel the droppings into the wheelbarrow.  
“You must be exhausted. I have never known you to want to muck the stalls.”  His short laugh, you knew was to test your mood.  When you did not respond, there was no doubt things were not right.  However, he said nothing as he leaned against the doorway.  
“They are my animals; I need to take care of them too.”  When his silence continued, you glanced up seeing that face he always gave you when he was waiting on you to confide in him.  “Dad don’t…  Please.”
“I ain’t doing a thing darlin’.  I’m just standing here watching my girl shovel horseshit.”  You frowned over at him before tossing another shovel full into the wheelbarrow.  
“I know what you are trying to do.  It won’t work.  I don’t want to talk about it.”
“There’s more of that horseshit, just coming right out of your mouth.”  He crossed his arms over his chest, staring directly, at what felt like, your soul.  There was no way he was going to leave it like this until he understood why his daughter was acting like that.  You looking up at him, as he raised a brow and the lump grew in your throat.
“Daddy, please.  I can’t.”  Your voice was gravelly as you tried to keep from crying.
“Whose ass needs a round of buckshot in it?  My rifle is itching to get some use lately.  Your momma won’t let me go huntin’ much anymore.”  Laughing quietly you tried to hide the sniffle that escaped as you looked down at the ground.
“Just things happen and I’m trying to figure out what to do.  That’s all.”  
“Just go ahead and pile it on thicker, [Y/N].  I’m waitin’ to see if you can drown in the shit that you are piling up.”  Throwing the shovel on top of the wheelbarrow you lifted it to take it to the pile out back.
“You sound like Mom.”
“Yeah well after thirty-some-odd of marriage you are bound to pick up some things.”  Your father followed you out back as you dumped the remnants of the load.
“You gonna tell me what that boy did?  Or do I gotta call him myself and find out?  Because I happen to have his number in my phone.  Won’t take but a moment to get a hold of him.”  This was the first time you could remember that your father had resorted to a threat to get something out of you.
“No!  Don’t call Chris!  It’s…  How did you get his phone number?”  Eli’s face went white a moment as though he had revealed something he was not supposed to. It made you more suspicious.  “Dad…  how did you get Chris’s number?”
“Never mind that. What is going on between you two? And if you tell me ‘nothing’ again I will set your momma on you.”  Damn twice in the span of thirty seconds, he was serious.
“Fine…”  The story of it all came out.  It hurt just as much as when it happened the weeks prior and made you even more confused as to what to do.  Your father though just laughed.  
“Are you laughing at me? Dad this is serious.”  Teared welled up as you watched him shake his head.
“No baby I ain’t laughing at you.  I’m laughing ‘cause boys are stupid.  Doesn’t matter who they are, they do dumb shit.  The girl that Jake finally settles down with will know that too.  Ask your momma about how stupid they are.”  It made you feel a little better that he was not laughing directly at your pain, but it was still pain.
“Momma doesn’t think you are stupid.  I know she thinks you hung the moon.”  Your father scoffed at you as he put his arm around you.
“Gini loves me that ain’t no secret.  And I love her to the moon and back, even though she drives me damn near crazy every day.  But no relationship is perfect.  There is always a fight or something you gotta work on.  She ever tell you about our Christmas formal when we first starting seeing each other?”  Thinking back to the many stories your mother had told you over the years, you were not sure you remembered that one.
“I don’t think so. Why?”  Eli pulled you over to sit next to him on one of the hay bales before telling his story.
“She probably didn’t tell you because she doesn’t want to remember that night much.  Though I remember it, clear as day.  Gini wore this pretty dress.  It made those green eyes of hers just sparkle.  We were… damn I think fifteen or so.  I was nervous as a sinner in church and trying to keep my cool.  It had been a fine night, we danced and danced.  After a bit I went to go get her a drink like a gentleman should.  When I came back Bobby Tucker, that smooth sod, was talkin’ to your momma.  Well… I may have gotten a little angry and words were said.  By the end of it, Bobby Tucker was missin’ his front tooth and Gini was standing there screaming at me like a banshee for hurting her friend.  She didn’t talk to me for near a month after that.  I was heartbroken, [Y/N].  I tried for a while to make it up to her but after a bit I gave up thinking with my fifteen year old heart I lost the girl I love.”  No wonder why your mother never wanted to tell that story.  Your father looked sad thinking about the old memory.
“Obviously she talked to you again though.”  A smile appeared as he nodded over to you.
“Yes she did.  She got wind of me turning down Mary Johns after the football game.  Mary Johns was the most popular girl in school and all the boys wanted a date with her. She asked me to take her out one night and I turned her down flat.  Gini cornered me after I got out of work one day wanting to know why.  So I told her the truth.  I told Gini that Mary Johns had nothing on her and I wanted to be with her. That was start of what we got here. Two babies we love more than life itself, a good piece a land that I get to grow things in, and a good truck I can drive ‘round in.  Plus I get to see that smile of your momma’s every day.  I couldn’t ask for more.”  Was is possible to let go of the hurt and allow Chris’s apologies in?  It felt good to hear someone else had dealt with something similar and made it through just fine.
“I’m telling you this because I know you, [Y/N].  You hold it all in, letting it eat at you.  Relationships are hard and the road ain’t always smooth.  There are bumps in it but you get stronger for them.  If this boy is your heart like I think he is, don’t let this bump ruin what could be the best thing to ever happen to you. Listen to what he has to say and then let your mind and heart makes its choice.  How many times has he tried to call you?”
You laughed as you wiped a tear from your cheek.  “I lost count after the first couple days.  It was a lot.  And texts too.”
“See there, that boy loves you and wants to work this out.  Just talk to him.  Will you do that for me?”
“I will talk to him, I promise.”  He kissed your forehead before standing up.
“Good girl.  I will leave you to it; I have a herd to get back to the main pasture before the frost sets in tonight.  Make sure those goats are settled before dark, it’s gonna be a cold one.”  Nodding you stood up to give him a quick hug.
“I will Daddy.  Thank you.”  With a sigh, you went back to cleaning the rest of the stalls.  Your back was sore by midday when you had finished with everything.  It had been a while since you had done so much work on the farm.  Now you were fantasizing about a long hot bath and a glass of wine.  You did not care that it was only noon.  The cold crisp breeze was bringing a pink tinge to your cheeks and sending your hair blowing in all directions.  If Hollywood could see you now.  Dirty, sweaty from the farm work, with no make-up and smelling just lovely.  The trash magazines would have a field day with your picture now.
As you left the barn, you could see someone standing on your back porch in a dark pair of jeans and a flannel shirt.  You did not understand why Jake had not just come to find you in the barn.  He knew where you were going to be.  Getting closer to the house, you saw that it definitely was not Jake.  Chris was standing with his hands in his pockets, a tentative smile on his face, watching you as you walked up.  It had been over a month since the last time you had seen him
“Hey, [Y/N].  I… I couldn’t wait for a phone call.  I needed to see you.”  His voice made your stomach flip.  “I know I probably shouldn’t have shown up here… You asked me to leave you alone for a while…”
“It’s okay… I… just wasn’t expecting to see you.  I was going to call you later.  After I showered and didn’t feel like I lived in a barn.”  Afraid to step closer you had stopped just short of the porch.
“Umm I don’t want to stop you from your shower or anything… I’m an idiot... I’m sorry I should have waited. I was just… I feel like I’m dying every day without you.”  Chris’s eyes filled with tears as he nervously cracked his knuckles.
“Look, let me get a shower and clean up.  I feel disgusting, I smell worse and I don’t even want to look in the mirror.  I can only image the terrifying image I would find there.”  Slow steps towards the door you unzipped your jacket, laying it over the porch rail, not wanting to bring anymore of the smell inside.
“You look beautiful. You always do.”  You shook your head as he followed you inside.  
“Yeah I don’t think so. There is plenty to drink in the fridge and the remote there if you want to watch T.V.  I will try not to take long.”  Once you got to the stairs, you all but ran to your room trying to prevent yourself from hyperventilating.  Seeing Chris standing on your porch was a sight you had not expected so soon. Stripping your clothes and throwing them into the laundry basket you turned the shower to the hottest temperature it would produce.  
Glancing in the mirror had been a mistake, because you looked worse than you had thought.  Dirt smudged over your pink cheeks, with a rat’s nest of hair on top of your head.  The man was losing his mind if he thought you looked beautiful.  
As you showered, there were so many scenarios going through your mind on how the conversation would go. So many in fact, that by the time you finished the shower you had worked yourself up into an anxiety filled hot mess. You did not bother to dry your hair, deeming it unsafe as your hands were shaking.  Instead, you pulled it up into a wet bun on the back of your head. Clean clothes followed quickly, though you left your feet bare.  Chris was sitting on the couch in the silence with his head in his hands.  He must have been in his own world because he did not hear you come down the stairs or enter the room until you had gone to the fridge to grab a bottle of water.  As he heard the door open, he jumped up in surprise.
“Oh… you are done. That was quick.  I mean you could have taken your time.  No rush or anything.”  He looked nervous and you hated it.  Hated this whole situation and what it had done to you both.
“I didn’t want to drag this out.  Like pulling off band aid or something.”  You took a seat on the reclining chair across from him, pulling your legs up beneath you. It felt safer pulling everything close.
“That sounds, well awful. I don’t want this to be awful. [Y/N] I need you to know how much of an utter idiot I am.  I am so sorry for everything.  I was drunk and I don’t know why I let a stupid tabloid picture get into my head. Normally it wouldn’t have made me think twice.”  He rambled on for another few minutes, deprecating himself further, trying to explain his mistake. Though he owned up to all of it. None of it was an excuse for his behavior and that made you even the slightest bit better.  Having someone that would not make excuses for their horrible behavior was important.
The conversation with your father earlier came back to the forefront of your mind.  No one was perfect and Lord knew how many mistakes you had made in your life and honestly had made your own in this situation as well.  Chris was wringing his hands as he spoke now as he sat on the edge of the couch.  “Please say something I am going crazy here. Yell if you need to.  Just something please…”
The pleading in his eyes put a vice around your heart.  “I’m not going to yell.  It wouldn’t do anything.”  There was no look of relief on his face, as you had not said anything to give him an idea either way of what you were thinking.  “Chris when you called me… it is difficult to describe everything I was feeling.  But I was hurt, very hurt that you would even think that.”
“I know. I am so…” Stopping him from going further, you wanted to get it all out before he said anything.
“Let me finish.” Chris took a long breath, giving you an apologetic smile.  “I let the hurt fester inside me which was the wrong thing to do.  I made a mistake by running from the problem and not talking to you about it.  Even if it was something that lead to the end of this relationship.  It needed to be talked out.  It’s one thing to need a little time to think things over but it’s a completely other thing to run.”
“[Y/N] no, this was completely on me.  I did this to us.”  Raising a brow at him as he had interrupted again.  “Oh sorry. I’ll shut up.”
You smiled for the first time in a while before you continued.  “It’s rarely just one person.  Yes, you made a huge idiotic mistake that hurt me.  But I could have prevented this from dragging out so long. I’m sorry for that.”
“You are killing me.” Chris’s head went back into his hands as he agonized over what you were saying and not saying.  While you had taken some responsibility for his mistakes, you had not said a word to how this was going to proceed.  Would you relationship continue?
Standing from the chair, you walked over to sit beside him, pulling him close.  He buried his face in your neck, hugging tightly.  “I’m not letting you go.  Just promise me from here on out you trust me.  If there is no trust then there is no point to this.”
“I promise.  I trust you completely.  I’m just an idiot.”  The words were muffled as he spoke into your neck.  His arms tightened further around you.
“And stop saying things like that.  I can’t stand it.”  You kissed the top of his head.
“Fine can I say meatball instead?”  Laughing you lifted his face to look him in the eye.
“I guess meatball is acceptable.”  Chris laughed before placing a soft kiss on your lips.  “I’ve missed this so much.  I hate being away from you.”
“Me too.  Which before all the mess started I was going to talk to you about…”  The back sliding door slid open and your mother walked in.
“Oh look at you two so happy!  It’s time to break out the champagne I think!!!  Where is it? Let me see it, let me see it.” Furrowing your brow in confusion, you looked between your mother and Chris.
“Mom what are you talking about?”  She stopped short half way to the couch.
“Oh… I… You two look like… well aren’t you celebrating?”  The look on her face matched the odd one your father had worn earlier when you asked how he had Chris’s number.  “Jake told me Chris was here and…  Well hot damn I better leave you two alone.”
You were not sure when the last time you had seen your mother retreat that quickly.  “What was that all about?”
Chris shrugged trying his best to feign a confused look.  “I have no idea.”
Something was going on. At some point when you were ready to leave Chris’s embrace you would find out.  However, until then you cuddled up closer to him, taking in everything you had missed over the last weeks.
 Part 15
Tags: @feelmyroarrrr  @bolontiku  @aquabrie   @malindacath  @almondbuttercup  @thegirlwithnodragontattoo @magellan-88  @jensenxnina  @thedoctorsnerdgirl  @waywardswain @tacohead13  @beckyboo1188  @pegasusdragontiger   @our-chaoticwhispers @smoothdogsgirl  @kitty11223   @sf0206 @debzybrazy @theresnotenoughwords  @smurfielovesyouu @adeptkillsyasse  @castallandiangelo @xxxeatyourh3artoutxxx @white-chocolate-mocha-fan  @supernaturallymarvellous  @cinema212 @emmatron  @suz-123
60 notes · View notes
dizzedcom · 5 years
The Audi RS 5 Sportback is an animal. Tamed, sure, but not domesticated. It’s important to remember as one day, maybe next week or next year or both, the RS 5 will revert to its natural state and become fervid, wild and unforgiving.
The RS 5 sedan shares a similar look to the everyday Audi A5 and S5. The RS 5 is a different animal altogether. At a moments notice it can go from a Home Depot hauler to a street brawler. Even in its most mild form, the RS 5 feels like a cat ready to pounce, but click few settings, and the cat turns feral.
This five-door sedan is raw and unhinged, and there’s an unnatural brutally under the numerous electronic systems. Its twin-turbo 2.9L power plant roars while the Audi all-wheel drive system keeps the rubber on the tarmac. It’s insane, and like most vacations, it’s lovely to visit, but I wouldn’t want to live with the RS 5.
After a long, cold winter, it’s finally nice here in Michigan. Leaves are peaking out, and the grass is turning green. The severe winter left Michigan’s crumbling roads in a state of disrepair. There are potholes the size of bathtubs and this Audi is equipped with rubber bands for tires. This became problematic during my time with the vehicle.
The RS 5 is Audi’s ultimate version of a midsize sports sedan. The tester I’m driving costs $99,990 and is outfitted with every option available including ceramic front brakes, 174 mph limiter,
Like most modern sports cars, the RS 5 has a bevy of driver-selectable options. Everything is adjustable, from the seats to the throttle response to the exhaust note. The RS 5 is a track superstar, and the adjustable options reflect that pedigree. Options are adjustable from intense to hardcore. Clicking from the so-called comfort setting to dynamic is like going from a 10 to a 12. Want even more? Click the transmission to sport, and the car turns from feral to rabid.
Driving the RS 5 is an exercise in restraint. The car leaps off the line with intoxicating enthusiasm. The shifts drop into place with German precision, encouraging the driver to go faster and faster. The RS 5 isn’t a commuter car. This isn’t a car that should be relegated to a life of driving to and from an office park. The RS 5 is built for the weekend racer and never lets you forget it.
The RS 5 offers impressive driving dynamics thanks mostly to the twin-turbo power and quick transmission. Engage the transmission’s sport mode and it seems to read the driver’s mind. It feels like there’s a camera looking at the road ahead telling the transmission that at any moment the driver will want to click down three gears to pass a meandering crossover. And then, when called upon, the RS 5 is ready to overtake, slamming the occupants into the quilted leather seats.
It doesn’t matter if the RS 5 is shooting off the line or going 70 down an expressway; when the driver mashes the accelerator to the floor, heads snap backward.
Driving the Audi RS 5 is like using a cheat code. The all-wheel drive system and instantaneous shifts can make anyone feel like a professional driver. To be clear, there are faster and quicker cars than the RS 5. I’ve been in those cars. The RS 5 is different in an old-fashioned way as few new cars feel as raw as the RS 5. The way it lays down its rather modest amount of power results in its nervous smile.
The RS 5 is a car with an old soul. Hidden under the modern German engineering is a vehicle wanting to break free of the electronic restraints. The RS 5 doesn’t want the advanced traction control or adjustable exhaust note. It wants to spend every Saturday morning at the track burning through another set of its low-profit tires. This car feels like a sports car from an era where it took skill to stay on the track.
The RS 5 feels as quick as the fastest electric sedans though by the numbers it’s slower. Audi pegs the RS 5 with a 0-60 time of 3.8 seconds. Some electric counterparts can best that time by more than a second. Audi’s use of a twin-turbo on an ingenious V6 engine enables the RS 5 to launch with the best of them though it will quickly fall behind as the speed climbs.
The ride quality is adjustable but always harsh. The RS 5 rides like a work truck in its comfort setting. In dynamic, it feels like a farm tractor. This stiff ride helps the RS 5 stay planted but it cannot ever be described as comfortable or enjoyable. Sure, the RS 5 can throw its occupants sideways while taking an expressway ramp at 70 mph. It also feels like it will shake itself apart while cruising down a side street.
The RS 5 shares the same proportions as Audi’s entry-level A5. It’s a midsize car that feels bigger than it should. The RS 5, like its A5 and S5 siblings, is comfortable and roomy for a vehicle of its size. There is plenty of room in the front while its a bit tight in the back for a couple of adults.
The one I’m driving is the Sportback trim. It features a sort of rear door that opens like a hatchback without sporting the trademark hump. It’s similar to that found on Audi’s fantastic A7/S7 series. The configuration gives the operator more convenient access to the rear storage while retaining the look of a sedan. I like it.
The infotainment system inside the 2019 RS 5 is of the same design as Audi’s used for years. It’s old but aging nicely. Everything is controlled by a large knob located by the shifter. It’s still one of the best user interface available though several 2019 Audi vehicles are equipped with a brand-new system that’s quicker and even easier to use thanks to a touchscreen with haptic feedback.
Besides a few choice details and carbon fiber trim, the inside of the RS 5 is unremarkable and rather pedestrian. That’s fine with me. Above all, the cabin is usable and comfortable. RS 5 buyers are not looking for luxury appointments. They’re here for the speed, and on that, the RS 5 delivers.
The RS 5 is proof we’re living in the golden age of internal combustion engines. The biturbo 2.9L engine is brilliant. While cruising around town, the power plant is easy going and agreeable. In stop and go traffic, the turbos are restrained and slow to spin up.
What I’m saying is the RS 5 is properly tuned and will only snap necks if instructed to do so.
I came for the performance but stayed for the noise.
The RS 5 is loud. I love it, and my kids love it. I’m sure my neighbors will be glad when this tester goes home. The RS 5 has the performance chops of the fastest electric sedan, but the exhaust is a constant loud reminder that it burns fossil fuel. The exhaust roars while the turbos scream. In comfort mode, the exhaust is mechanically subdued, and yet it still growls. In dynamic, it sounds like an angry dragon as it spits, grumbles and roars an explosive warning to everyone in a three block radius.
There are a few competitors to the RS 5, but only the BMW M5 matters. The M5 is the classic sports sedan with a pedigree that spans generations. Between the two sedans, the performance is similar though, by most accounts, the BMW is quicker to 60 mph by a half a second. The BMW uses a 600 horsepower 4.4L twin-turbo V8 while the Audi taps a twin-turbo V6 that outputs 444 horsepower. A BMW M5 starts around $100,000 and can easily reach well north of that. The $74,00 Audi RS 5 starts closer to the sticker of the smaller BMW M3. The fully-loaded example I’m driving costs $99,990.
The pricing between the Audi RS 5 and M5 only tells part of the story and shoppers should spend time in both vehicles to understand the differences. Some might get drunk on the RS 5’s raw power while others could be sold on the M5’s refined performance and superior ride quality. If it were me, I would opt for the RS 5 and dump the difference in cost into a savings account to pay for speeding tickets.
There are countless examples of people expecting wild animals to behave like domesticated animals. But there’s a line between a tamed animal and a domesticated animal. One is still wild and shouldn’t be trusted. At a moment’s notice, the tamed animal can attack. That brings us to the Audi RS 5 Sportback.
To be clear, the RS 5 is not a grand tourer or a grocery getter. It’s an intense performance vehicle. For the right person, it will give countless thrills and endless smiles. During my time with the RS 5, I found myself continually egging the vehicle a bit faster and louder. The noise is addicting but the ride is back breaking.
The ride quality is intense and could be a deal breaker for some people. It’s rough and unforgiving and tuned for performance. The RS 5 is not for people with back problems or those that need a zippy commuter. For those, look at the much-less-expensive but still impressive Audi S5.
The RS 5 deserves a life on a track or open road. This sedan is a bottomless pit of power and thrills. The RS 5 is invigorating, a bit backbreaking but ultimately unforgettable.
2019 Audi RS 5 review: A bruising high-tech cruiser The Audi RS 5 Sportback is an animal. Tamed, sure, but not domesticated. It’s important to remember as one day, maybe next week or next year or both, the RS 5 will revert to its natural state and become fervid, wild and unforgiving.
0 notes
zeusevo · 5 years
The Audi RS 5 Sportback is an animal. Tamed, sure, but not domesticated. It’s important to remember as one day, maybe next week or next year or both, the RS 5 will revert to its natural state and become fervid, wild and unforgiving. The RS 5 sedan shares a similar look to the everyday Audi A5 and S5. The RS 5 is a different animal altogether. At a moments notice it can go from a Home Depot hauler to a street brawler. Even in its most mild form, the RS 5 feels like a cat ready to pounce, but click few settings, and the cat turns feral. This five-door sedan is raw and unhinged, and there’s an unnatural brutally under the numerous electronic systems. Its twin-turbo 2.9L power plant roars while the Audi all-wheel drive system keeps the rubber on the tarmac. It’s insane, and like most vacations, it’s lovely to visit, but I wouldn’t want to live with the RS 5.
Review After a long, cold winter, it’s finally nice here in Michigan. Leaves are peaking out, and the grass is turning green. The severe winter left Michigan’s crumbling roads in a state of disrepair. There are potholes the size of bathtubs and this Audi is equipped with rubber bands for tires. This became problematic during my time with the vehicle. The RS 5 is Audi’s ultimate version of a midsize sports sedan. The tester I’m driving costs $99,990 and is outfitted with every option available including ceramic front brakes, 174 mph limiter, Like most modern sports cars, the RS 5 has a bevy of driver-selectable options. Everything is adjustable, from the seats to the throttle response to the exhaust note. The RS 5 is a track superstar, and the adjustable options reflect that pedigree. Options are adjustable from intense to hardcore. Clicking from the so-called comfort setting to dynamic is like going from a 10 to a 12. Want even more? Click the transmission to sport, and the car turns from feral to rabid. Driving the RS 5 is an exercise in restraint. The car leaps off the line with intoxicating enthusiasm. The shifts drop into place with German precision, encouraging the driver to go faster and faster. The RS 5 isn’t a commuter car. This isn’t a car that should be relegated to a life of driving to and from an office park. The RS 5 is built for the weekend racer and never lets you forget it. The RS 5 offers impressive driving dynamics thanks mostly to the twin-turbo power and quick transmission. Engage the transmission’s sport mode and it seems to read the driver’s mind. It feels like there’s a camera looking at the road ahead telling the transmission that at any moment the driver will want to click down three gears to pass a meandering crossover. And then, when called upon, the RS 5 is ready to overtake, slamming the occupants into the quilted leather seats. It doesn’t matter if the RS 5 is shooting off the line or going 70 down an expressway; when the driver mashes the accelerator to the floor, heads snap backward. Driving the Audi RS 5 is like using a cheat code. The all-wheel drive system and instantaneous shifts can make anyone feel like a professional driver. To be clear, there are faster and quicker cars than the RS 5. I’ve been in those cars. The RS 5 is different in an old-fashioned way as few new cars feel as raw as the RS 5. The way it lays down its rather modest amount of power results in its nervous smile. The RS 5 is a car with an old soul. Hidden under the modern German engineering is a vehicle wanting to break free of the electronic restraints. The RS 5 doesn’t want the advanced traction control or adjustable exhaust note. It wants to spend every Saturday morning at the track burning through another set of its low-profit tires. This car feels like a sports car from an era where it took skill to stay on the track. The RS 5 feels as quick as the fastest electric sedans though by the numbers it’s slower. Audi pegs the RS 5 with a 0-60 time of 3.8 seconds. Some electric counterparts can best that time by more than a second. Audi’s use of a twin-turbo on an ingenious V6 engine enables the RS 5 to launch with the best of them though it will quickly fall behind as the speed climbs. The ride quality is adjustable but always harsh. The RS 5 rides like a work truck in its comfort setting. In dynamic, it feels like a farm tractor. This stiff ride helps the RS 5 stay planted but it cannot ever be described as comfortable or enjoyable. Sure, the RS 5 can throw its occupants sideways while taking an expressway ramp at 70 mph. It also feels like it will shake itself apart while cruising down a side street. The RS 5 shares the same proportions as Audi’s entry-level A5. It’s a midsize car that feels bigger than it should. The RS 5, like its A5 and S5 siblings, is comfortable and roomy for a vehicle of its size. There is plenty of room in the front while its a bit tight in the back for a couple of adults.
The one I’m driving is the Sportback trim. It features a sort of rear door that opens like a hatchback without sporting the trademark hump. It’s similar to that found on Audi’s fantastic A7/S7 series. The configuration gives the operator more convenient access to the rear storage while retaining the look of a sedan. I like it. The infotainment system inside the 2019 RS 5 is of the same design as Audi’s used for years. It’s old but aging nicely. Everything is controlled by a large knob located by the shifter. It’s still one of the best user interface available though several 2019 Audi vehicles are equipped with a brand-new system that’s quicker and even easier to use thanks to a touchscreen with haptic feedback. Besides a few choice details and carbon fiber trim, the inside of the RS 5 is unremarkable and rather pedestrian. That’s fine with me. Above all, the cabin is usable and comfortable. RS 5 buyers are not looking for luxury appointments. They’re here for the speed, and on that, the RS 5 delivers. The RS 5 is proof we’re living in the golden age of internal combustion engines. The biturbo 2.9L engine is brilliant. While cruising around town, the power plant is easy going and agreeable. In stop and go traffic, the turbos are restrained and slow to spin up. What I’m saying is the RS 5 is properly tuned and will only snap necks if instructed to do so. I came for the performance but stayed for the noise. The RS 5 is loud. I love it, and my kids love it. I’m sure my neighbors will be glad when this tester goes home. The RS 5 has the performance chops of the fastest electric sedan, but the exhaust is a constant loud reminder that it burns fossil fuel. The exhaust roars while the turbos scream. In comfort mode, the exhaust is mechanically subdued, and yet it still growls. In dynamic, it sounds like an angry dragon as it spits, grumbles and roars an explosive warning to everyone in a three block radius. There are a few competitors to the RS 5, but only the BMW M5 matters. The M5 is the classic sports sedan with a pedigree that spans generations. Between the two sedans, the performance is similar though, by most accounts, the BMW is quicker to 60 mph by a half a second. The BMW uses a 600 horsepower 4.4L twin-turbo V8 while the Audi taps a twin-turbo V6 that outputs 444 horsepower. A BMW M5 starts around $100,000 and can easily reach well north of that. The $74,00 Audi RS 5 starts closer to the sticker of the smaller BMW M3. The fully-loaded example I’m driving costs $99,990. The pricing between the Audi RS 5 and M5 only tells part of the story and shoppers should spend time in both vehicles to understand the differences. Some might get drunk on the RS 5’s raw power while others could be sold on the M5’s refined performance and superior ride quality. If it were me, I would opt for the RS 5 and dump the difference in cost into a savings account to pay for speeding tickets. There are countless examples of people expecting wild animals to behave like domesticated animals. But there’s a line between a tamed animal and a domesticated animal. One is still wild and shouldn’t be trusted. At a moment’s notice, the tamed animal can attack. That brings us to the Audi RS 5 Sportback. To be clear, the RS 5 is not a grand tourer or a grocery getter. It’s an intense performance vehicle. For the right person, it will give countless thrills and endless smiles. During my time with the RS 5, I found myself continually egging the vehicle a bit faster and louder. The noise is addicting but the ride is back breaking. The ride quality is intense and could be a deal breaker for some people. It’s rough and unforgiving and tuned for performance. The RS 5 is not for people with back problems or those that need a zippy commuter. For those, look at the much-less-expensive but still impressive Audi S5. The RS 5 deserves a life on a track or open road. This sedan is a bottomless pit of power and thrills. The RS 5 is invigorating, a bit backbreaking but ultimately unforgettable.
2019 Audi RS 5 review: A bruising high-tech cruiser The Audi RS 5 Sportback is an animal. Tamed, sure, but not domesticated. It’s important to remember as one day, maybe next week or next year or both, the RS 5 will revert to its natural state and become fervid, wild and unforgiving.
0 notes
robertkstone · 5 years
Ford vs. Chevrolet vs. Ram: Heavy-Duty Truck Prioritizer
Answering these eight simple questions can help you determine which of the new heavy-duty trucks is the best fit for you.
Read about the new 2019 Ram HD, 2020 Ford F-Series Super Duty, 2020 GMC Sierra HD, and 2020 Chevrolet Silverado HD here:
2019 Ram Heavy Duty First Look: Making Nice
2020 Ford F-Series Super Duty First Look: Super Is as Super Does
2020 Chevrolet Silverado HD First Look: Easy Does It
2020 GMC Sierra HD First Look: Heavy-Duty Competition
Am I an open-minded shopper in search of the best truck?
Absolutely: Keep reading
Not really: Stop pretend-researching on the internet and go buy the brand your family has bought since granpappy got his license in ’46. (Note to Dodge chauvinists who’ve been out of the market for a decade or so: Buy Ram.)
How important is payload?
Max me out: Each of the heavies achieves its highest payload rating with the gas engine because they weigh a lot less than turbodiesel engines. Ram’s 3500 dually regular-cab, long-box configuration with the 6.4-liter Hemi will haul 7,680 pounds, but we expect Ford to trump that figure by a feed bag or two when it rates its much larger 7.3-liter V-8 gasser. Ram’s fuel economy might be better, though, as its gas engine features cylinder deactivation.
Meh, my stuff is bulkier than it is heavy: The Chevy/GMC boxes are built differently so the floor and inner wall panels can be closer to the outer panels, making them wider inside. The 8-foot box boasts best-in-class volume of 83.5 cubic feet. CornerSteps in the bumper and BedSteps at the front sides of the bed ease loading the bed and securing loads, as well.
How adept are you at maneuvering a trailer?
I’m a total pro: Get the Ram to send the message that you don’t need all those sissy camera screens and trailer-aiming gizmos.
It’s been a long time since my last mailbox flattening: Go for Chevy, and load it up with the Advanced Trailering System, which comes with a slew of built-in cameras plus two you mount in and on the trailer. They combine to provide 15 useful views, and they can even make your trailer invisible for a clear rear-view.
I’m a total nervous greenhorn: Then Ford is the brand for you. You get most of the camera coverage offered by Chevy, plus Pro Trailer Backup Assist, which lets you twirl a knob to steer a reversing trailer—and it works with bumper or fifth-wheel/gooseneck hitches. Magic.
How heavy is your trailer?
35,100 pounds: Lucky you! You can enjoy the prettier styling, vastly nicer interiors, and 1,000-lb-ft torque of the Ram 3500 dually turbodiesel.
35,500 pounds: You’re going to need the Chevy 3500 turbodiesel dually, which might at least get slightly better fuel economy than the Ram, thanks to its 10-speed automatic, and which we are promised can put all 910 lb-ft to the ground in the low gears.
35,501 pounds*: Hang in there; Ford should announce its Super Duty max tow rating any day now, and smart money says it’ll be a number greater than those above.
Are you a label snob/name dropper?
The only label I care about on my truck is the one on the grille: Then go for the Ford. The Blue Oval gang is the only heavy-duty/commercial truck company that designs, tests, and builds all its very own powertrains (nowadays—it dumped Navistar almost a decade ago).
I trust the big names in long-haul/commercial trucking: If you’d really rather be driving a big rig, you might be happiest with the Cummins-powered Ram It’s the first truck to hit the magic torque number of 1,000 lb-ft, and the Cummins name is legend around the truck-stop pumps, but it’s now the only turbodiesel heavy with a six-speed automatic. Or go for Chevy/GMC to get some nice Allison Transmission logos. But understand that GM builds that 10-speed automatic and designed the geartrain and clutch architecture in conjunction with Ford.
How important is ride?
I demand a flying carpet: Then retire, sell your giant boat, fifth-wheel camper, horses, or race cars, and downshift to a four-wheel-air-suspension Ram
It’s pretty important: Try the Chevy/GMC, which is the only heavy-duty pickup with a fully independent control-arm and coil-spring front suspension. All brands feature hefty leaf springs in back, which are going to feel really stiff when unloaded. Opting for the rear air helper springs on the Ram might buy you a bit more unladen rear ride compliance.
My kidneys can take it: Go for the Ford.
How gadget-/connectivity-obsessed are you?
Beam me up, Scotty: A big-screen-equipped Ram is the obvious choice for the connection-obsessed, especially with the fun infotainment opportunities it brings, like SiriusXM programming you can pause and rewind.
I mostly need it for work: FordPass Connect technology is standard on all and features a 4G LTE modem with Wi-Fi connectivity for up to 10 devices, and Ford offers fleet managers a suite of telematics and data services to help monitor driver behavior and optimize costs and fleet utilization.
Trailer connectivity is more important: Then you’re gonna love the way the myChevrolet app connects via Bluetooth with an RV trailer equipped with ASA Electronics’ iN-Command Control system. The app lets you control trailer functions like the generator and HVAC while monitoring the status of the water and waste tanks—all from your dash screen.
Will you be connecting a snowplow, dump bed, cherry picker, etc.?
Yep: Then you’ll be needing a power takeoff on the transmission. Ford offers factory-installed Live-Drive, which takes power off an upsized idler gear that powers the transmission’s oil pump. Chevy offers a beefier and reportedly quieter chain-driven PTO. Both operate at engine speed, not turbine or transmission input speed. Tie-breaker for snowplow folks: Chevy claims its front end will accept a snow plow without the need to drill into the bumper or otherwise permanently mar the appearance.
Oops, I mean yes but I already bought the Ram! Don’t fret. Ram claims its transmission can accept upfit PTOs on either side of the transmission—good news if there’s some reason your PTO needs to be on the opposite side of the factory ones. Ram is also the only one that can offer “fuel saver” mode, by operating the PTO in cylinder-deactivation mode when loads permit.
More on new heavy-duty trucks:
  2019 Ram Heavy Duty First Look: Making Nice
2020 Ford F-Series Super Duty First Look: Super Is as Super Does
2020 Chevrolet Silverado HD First Look: Easy Does It
2020 GMC Sierra HD First Look: Heavy-Duty Competition
0 notes