#anyways just pretend that that stuff doesn't  matter right now
decarbry · 1 year
hey,, what’s up friends, I bring you... a literal summary of the Yabureme story up until around war arc events. obviously this is spoilery so if you don’t want to know what happens until the relevant comic pages come out don’t expand the post! this is just for people who don’t mind spoilers. also keep in mind that this is a summary so I kind of just. word-vomited. it’s... weird? short and sweet but not in some places. a literal mess. I put 0 effort into writing good and some sections are more wordy than others because I've thought them through for longer and have them more solidified. also things are subject to CHANGE between this and the actual comic pages so read with a grain of salt. the major events are probably gonna remain the same though. things might get inserted or removed. idk. also it’s LONG I’m so sorry. enj... oy ?? ?
Aizawa has been taken. Midnight and Nezu attempt to comfort Mic; there are no leads, but the faculty have already started working schedules out to help search, which reassures him. Though he is desperate to join the search, Nezu refuses to give his blessings until he knows Mic won’t act rashly. Mic hosts the Sports Fest in an attempt to ground himself and find unity with the students.
Hidden away, Garaki has begun his work on Aizawa. The injuries are bad; though Garaki is an accomplished and varied medical professional, he can’t do what Recovery Girl can, so Aizawa is merely stabilized and the bio-engineering in later dev stages will be relied on to do the heavy lifting. Aizawa suffers 2 days and nights of infusions (one for each new quirk) and barely powers through an intense fever on the last night. The capsule is the final and longest stage to allow the quirks to take hold and the body to heal. All for One is a regular voice in the background during the entire process, though those visits stop after an incident in the capsule in which Erasure activated for a solid ten seconds and strikes everyone in the room before going inert again.
Time passes with no news. Mic is becoming frustrated and less willing to listen to reason. Classes 1-A and 1-B attend their summer camp with Vlad and various other heroes that have substituted since Aizawa’s absence. Bakugou is kidnapped by the League in an attempt to recruit. Though the topic is raised, Shigaraki refuses to do more than tease Bakugou about his missing teacher, as well as use him as a bargaining chip. We still have yet to see him since his abduction. The mission to rescue Bakugou begins.
All Might engages in combat with AFO at Kamino. His weakened form is exposed to the world and he musters up his strength for the last strike. Instead, OFA fails, and all heroes present immediately know why. Edge Shot rushes to interrupt Erasure while Endeavor attempts to reach All Might. Neither get there in time and All Might takes a blow straight through his chest. Endeavor takes over the fight against a wounded AFO and Edge Shot engages in battle with Yabureme. Edge Shot is killed and Endeavor manages to subdue AFO.
Hours after the battle ends, Kurogiri searches for Yabureme, who has not reappeared as he was meant to. He finds Yabureme badly injured and hiding after his fight with Edge Shot and warps him back to where the League has taken up to recover. Shigaraki only knew that AFO had plans for Aizawa, not that Yabureme was to be a gift for him, but Kurogiri informs him of this. Shigaraki is unimpressed considering Yabureme’s wounds after only a single fight, but he’s going through some stuff, so he has license to be a bratty child for a night. Once Kurogiri hears from Garaki, he takes Yabureme to be patched up. Later he’s returned to the League, who as a whole are unsure about what to do next now that AFO is captured.
While everyone else is appalled to hear rumors that the supposed-missing Eraser Head was present at Kamino and had a hand in assisting the villains, Mic suddenly has a new fire lit under him. He breaks away from UA and strikes out on his own, against the pleas of friends such as Midnight. He manages to track the League’s movements after much work and finally sees Yabureme for the first time… but is unable to reach or speak to him as his quirk is erased during their escape.
Class 1-A witnessed Mic depart and, with the help of other pros, manage to convince Mic to let them help in catching Yabureme. He is very resistant to putting them in danger but relents with the alliance of Midnight and Gran Torino. During a previous sighting it was noted that Yabureme’s movements slowed and stiffened the more eyes were open on his body, so a plan is hatched to surround Yabureme with as many enemy quirks as possible in order to stun him.
Yabureme is located. He’s alone, which is odd, but not wanting to miss their chance, the operation is launched. Surrounded by what he believes are hostile enemies, Yabureme opens enough eyes to erase the quirks of every student, stunning himself. A short battle ensues; Kaminari is injured but proves instrumental in the discovery of a weakness in the Nomu: that an electrical current will force all of his eyes to close and subsequentially interrupt Erasure. Mic, Gran Torino, Midnight, and Class 1-A succeed in capturing Yabureme.
Too much of a threat for any normal prison containment, Yabureme is taken to Tartarus. They learn: about the nature of his engineering, that exhaustion has nearly killed him, that unlike every other Nomu contained so far he is not a corpse, and that three quirk factors were combined to create Yabureme. Erasure and Dupli-arms (or related) are confirmed, but the third is still being investigated. Because the third quirk is still unknown, containment is at a risk and a shock collar is placed to help mitigate any attempts at escape. The students are brought in to speak to him after everyone else, including Mic and Midnight, fail to get any response out of Yabureme. Unfortunately, the students are also unable to get through to him. Their failed efforts leave them dejected. Yabureme doesn’t speak a word the entire time he is inside Tartarus.
After a few days, the third quirk is activated by an unknown trigger. Yabureme and AFO escape Tartarus with the help of Kurogiri— the timing of the pieces prove that this was orchestrated from the beginning.
In the wake of the escape, Mic is told in secrecy that Yabureme has not removed the shock collar, probably because of its failsafes. It’s been tracked, and his location is known— a new operation is underway to recapture him. Mic rushes to get there first, finding Yabureme in solitude at an abandoned building, having split ways from the League temporarily to avoid getting them tracked while he tries to find a way to remove the collar himself. Mic and Yabureme have a tender moment, or so Mic thinks… but Yabureme slyly uses Mic’s obvious obsession with him to get the hero to take the collar off. Mic falls for it and Yabureme flees.
Though it seemed to be just manipulation, this kind interaction has left the first shred of uncertainty in Yabureme. He returns to the League and resumes his role in protecting Shigaraki and the others. A long period ensues where the League and the heroes play cat and mouse, Mic returning to society in order to accept help from friends and family rather than trying to go it alone as he had before.
Day after day, Yabureme’s doubts deepen as small things burrow into his mind: things like a song on the radio, a familiar black cat, names that he’s heard before. He can’t shake the face of the hero that spoke to him gently and had something warm in his eyes. He meets Eri, but seems to be merely a moment of warmth in her life before departing. Time passes.
The League grows frustrated with Mic, considering his constant interference as troublesome and annoying. Dabi sets a trap for Mic and attempts to kill him. Without any understanding of why, Yabureme takes the worst of the trap himself. He drags an unconscious Mic away from the inferno before collapsing with horrific burns across the right side of his body. Mic wakes in time to feel Yabureme’s heart stop, and in his anguish accidentally causes it to start again with the impact of Voice against the Nomu’s chest.
Mic manages to smuggle Yabureme to a hiding spot, containing him with the only thing available: simple metal handcuffs. Recovery Girl answers his call to the secluded site warily, unhappy that she is asked to keep such a dangerous secret. She stabilizes Yabureme and begins healing some of the burns, but considering his physical deterioration and exhaustion, can’t do much in one sitting.
When the Nomu wakes, Mic and Yabureme have their first real conversation, speaking mostly about the latter and how he’s feeling, what he’s thinking, and why Dabi, his supposed ally, would harm him so badly. He also points out that Yabureme could get out of the cuffs easily, and yet, for some reason, hasn’t.
On the second day, Recovery Girl returns, but so does a second guest: All Might. He is partially wheelchair-bound, the apparent repercussions of the wounds he took at Kamino. He expresses his unhappiness with this situation: Yabureme needs to be properly contained, not hooked to a chainlink fence with fragile metal handcuffs. Mic wants his blessing but plans to keep Yabureme here at least for a short while, highlighting the fact that he’s behaving more openly now than he ever did while in Tartarus. They notice Yabureme watching them and All Might speaks to the Nomu alone. He and Recovery Girl have agreed to give Mic a few days with Yabureme until his burns have been treated, but that he will be returned to Tartarus after that— and now that the third quirk is known, escape will not be possible a second time. He shares some belief that Mic is right that there is hope for Yabureme and that if anyone deserved a path back to normal, it was Shouta Aizawa. He urges the Nomu to try his hardest to remember anything he can.
In the ensuing days, Mic spends time conversing with Yabureme. Unlike the catatonic state he was in while at Tartarus, Yabureme is nervously conversational, answering questions and asking them on his own. He admits his confusion and doubts to Mic, and Mic learns that the whole reason Yabureme was unresponsive while at Tartarus was because of the lights and the intense head pain they cause, utterly decimating his senses and thoughts. He wasn’t shutting down because of his programming or a need to be disobedient— he simply could not function in those conditions.
The morning of the intake comes. Tsukauchi and numerous officers arrive to take Yabureme into custody. Mic attempts to keep everything smooth, warning Yabureme about their arrival and making sure that there aren’t too many men appearing at once. Yabureme nearly panics anyway at the sight of firearms, but is calmed when Mic holds his hands and gives encouragement. Yabureme is taken into custody without a struggle, though he shuts down when he’s led away from Mic.
Mic apologizes to Tsukauchi for hiding Yabureme, but is forgiven considering the relative ease of the capture. The detective promises to keep Mic with Yabureme as much as possible this time around, since his presence clearly helps. He also acknowledges Mic’s request for accommodating Yabureme’s aversion to the bright lights of the prison, especially with the confidence that it might help with getting information out of the Nomu. Yabureme’s shutdown reverses some when Mic reappears in the police transport to travel with him to Tartarus.
Yabureme and Mic arrive at Tartarus and the Nomu is immediately assaulted by the lights. He’s given relief in the form of a sedative. His wounds are checked over while he’s out: it’s discovered that his right eye took far too much damage from Dabi’s flames and must be removed before the dead material causes an infection, shock, or worse. The majority of the burn scars will be permanent because of the lack of proper immediate care in a supplied burn ward. Aside from a handful of new scars and wear and tear, nothing else is noted.
Yabureme startles awake, finding himself in a Tartarus cell with Mic at his bedside. The lights are dimmed rather than blindingly bright. Mic gives him the rundown of what happened, and proudly tells him that the hardest part, getting to the start line of his recovery, was over. He is questioned for the first time the day after waking, and though he is much more responsive to interrogation compared to his last stint in Tartarus, Yabureme still shies away from answering questions that would cause the League a disadvantage… though he is clearly conflicted.
So begins Yabureme’s long road back to someone he didn’t know he used to be. Mic becomes the only foothold of stability Yabureme has, finding that his physical reassurances such as hugs and hand-holding are intensely grounding. The second time he is questioned, he holds Mic’s encouragement in his mind, and manages to talk shortly about some of the Leagues’ hideouts.
He still has doubts about all of this Shouta Aizawa stuff, but Mic works him through stories of his past gently and at a slow pace. The first bit of information that helps Yabureme see that the possibility exists of a connection between himself and this other person is a story Mic tells about Aizawa feeding cats on the street; Yabureme shyly, but excitedly, admits that he does that a lot too. After this, things begin to come more swiftly. Mic brings him his wedding ring, and Yabureme asks to hold Mic’s as well, and remembers the sensation of them clicking against one another in his hand.
With Mic’s help, and the help of a therapist that meets with him daily, more and more begins to come back. Even memories he reclaims are left blurry and dull, but once the flood gate opens, it doesn’t close, and Yabureme’s progress quickens the harder he works. When his memories begin to focus on Class 1-A, he asks to see them. Plenty is still missing, but he apologizes for the things he did to them, focusing on Kaminari and the wounds inflicted during his first capture. He wants to work for their forgiveness, but doesn’t expect it. Midoriya mentions that he seems a lot more like his old self, which fills Yabureme with a hidden relief and encouragement.
Time passes. Yabureme continues to work hard at getting back to himself, and the image of Shouta Aizawa gets more clear by the day. His old mannerisms begin returning in small amounts: rolling his eyes at stupid things Mic says, muttering about things that annoy him. When he gets a surprise visitor, both Mic and Yabureme are surprised to find Kaminari requesting advice for a hitch in his hero training. As Yabureme converses with Kaminari in an observation room, Mic and Tsukauchi watch, and both are amazed to see the clearest image of Aizawa they’ve seen since before his abduction. Mic takes the opportunity to ask about a road that leads outside of Tartarus and, though Tsukauchi doesn’t shut it down, he admits there are many concerns— specifically regarding hidden triggers that might still exist inside Yabureme’s mind. An idea is floated: bring someone in with a voice-copying quirk, and see what happens when Yabureme is faced with orders from Shigaraki or All for One.
Yabureme (Aizawa? Yabuzawa by this point?) agrees to the experiment, though he is clearly discomforted by the idea, unsure of how he mind be effected. The experiment begins. Yabuzawa is secured heavily just in case, but he is clearly determined, if nervous. The voice-copying quirk speaks in Shigaraki’s voice first, ordering him to turn his head to one side. Yabuzawa doesn’t seem to have a problem disobeying, but when the speaker doubles down and becomes hostile about his refusing to obey an order, Yabuzawa spirals and has a panic attack. All for One’s voice cuts in with an order that is obeyed immediately, and Mic is only able to snap him out of it with a slap to the face. The results are clear: Shigaraki’s orders can be ignored with enough work, but AFO’s orders seem unquestionable. Yabuzawa is frustrated by his own perceived failure in the experiment, understandably upset that despite all of the progress he’s made, they still hold some power over him.
Time passes. Yabuzawa improves with his response to Shigaraki’s voice, though still shaken after being faced with it, can do so without panicking. AFO’s orders seem unbreakable. Mic once again breaks the topic of getting him out of Tartarus, and after some debate, it’s agreed that the UA students and the hero efforts (and Yabuzawa himself) would benefit more with Aizawa back in the world. By this time the unknown of the League and AFO and the PLA have long been poisoning society’s trust in heroes; Erasure can’t be hidden away in a bunker with tensions growing by the day.
Mic is permitted to confine him to their apartment under police guard for increasingly longer periods of time, regular check-ins and evaluations, and lots of rules. Yabuzawa isn’t permitted to be alone with anyone aside from Mic, and when outside of the building must cover his neck, arms, and hands. Finally, the shock collar is back as a last resort. If you read this whole thing you’re a certified #1 Yabureme fan sorry I don’t make the rules
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medicinemane · 2 years
Hmm... I think actually one of the number one things to frustrate me is people trying to act like they know why I think something and what I think better than I do
Thankfully don't have to deal with that too often these days, have curated my experience on here enough to generally avoid people like that, but yeah
Like maybe let me tell you what I think and why instead of just having decided you've already figured it all out
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silent-stories · 6 months
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Pairing: Eddie x F!Reader
Summary: After moving to Hawkins for a fresh start, you meet a boy with kind, brown eyes who will quickly become a friend and maybe something more. The only problem is: you took something that belongs to him by accident and now you don't know what to do.
Part 1
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When your alarm went off the next morning, you nearly fell out of bed.
“Shit.” You muttered to yourself, raising a hand to cover your eyes hit by the sun's rays streaming through the window of your messy bedroom.
As you got out of bed, you suddenly remembered that the night before you had fallen asleep after reading the first sentence written in the notebook that you had found in your bag and that most likely belonged to Eddie.
You found it at the foot of the bed and picked it up, making sure the picture of the unknown woman was still inside it and put it inside the backpack you were going to take to school without really knowing what to do with it.
You grabbed the first pair of ripped jeans you found in the corner and put them on with a random shirt before leaving your room. To do that you stepped over an old art project and a mannequin foot left on the floor, and you mentally promised yourself that if you ever moved again in your life you wouldn't take all that stuff with you. You hoped that you would soon find the will to sort out your things.
“Aren't you having breakfast?” Your aunt asked when she saw you ready to leave the house.
“No, I'm already late. And I promised Eddie we'd meet in the parking lot in front of school.”
“Oh, alright.” She commented with her usual smirk when you talked about Eddie.
“I told you not to look at me with that face!” You yelled at her with a laugh as you left the house.
You crossed the garden and got into your car. “Hey, Casper.” You spoke to the skeleton sitting in the passenger seat as you started driving towards school.
“If you were in my place what would you do, hm?” You asked the inanimate object, “I know that keeping the notebook is not the right choice: it doesn't belong to me. But what can I tell him “hey, I found a notebook where you wrote a lot of personal facts about yourself but don't worry, I know it sounds incredible but I haven't even opened it. I just know it's most likely yours."
You sighed. "It's ridiculous. If I give it back he'll think I read it anyway, won't he? So I can read it anyway, right?"
The only response you got was the sound of bones rattling and hitting each other when you drove over one of the bumps in the road.
You knew they said that curiosity killed the cat but you couldn't help but think that you wanted to read everything written in that notebook.
You parked your car in the first free space you found in front of the school, some students looked at your car with a mixture of surprise and concern, and to your big surprise, you saw Eddie with his arms crossed and his back against what must have been his van talking to Dustin, the boy you had met the previous morning.
Did everyone in that town know each other or was it a coincidence?
Whatever they were chatting about didn't really matter because when you reached them they stopped talking, Eddie looked up and when his eyes met yours, he had a smile on his lips. "Hey stranger." He greeted you.
You wondered if he had that reaction with everyone or if it was something he reserved only for you but you doubted the first option was the right answer, and just thinking about that made you smile the same way.
“Wait, you guys already know each other?” Dustin asked, moving his gaze between you and Eddie.
“Well, I called her a stranger, of course not.” Eddie joked and you rolled your eyes. He was wearing an Iron Maiden t-shirt and the same denim vest as the previous day.
"Yeah, something like that." You said to the kid, "and he promised me a tour of the school. I hope he hasn't forgotten already."
“Oh, how could I?” He brought a hand to his chest pretending that your supposition hurt him, "I have an honor to respect. I made a promise to a fair lady and i need to respect it."
You chuckled. "Then lead the way."
You said a quick "bye" to Dustin before Eddie walked off towards school and you followed him until he suddenly stopped.
"But first I really have to ask you something."
For a moment you thought it was about the notebook, your mouth went dry in a few seconds.
“Where the hell did you find that thing?” He pointed to the skeleton sitting in your car a few feet away from you.
You burst out laughing both for the relief that his question didn't involve his lost item and for the funny way he asked you the question.
"Well, it was my last day of school and I was in my old biology class..."
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During the tour, you realized that the jogs must not have liked Eddie very much and the feeling was definitely mutual. The first time a boy in a green and white jacket, identical to the one worn by the guy who tried to steal Dustin's hat, had shouldered Eddie while you were walking down the halls you thought it was an accident. The second time must have been a coincidence. The third time you understood that they were doing it on purpose.
"Don't worry about them, they try to act tough but they're all assholes who like to annoy people like me." You stopped in front of English class, the first one of your day, a sign that the tour was over. From the way he spoke, it almost seemed like he was trying to reassure you even if you didn't need it.
"Like you?"
"Yeah, the freaks."
You tilted your head to the side, studying his expression and trying to figure out if he was serious or joking. "You are not a freak."
"Well, you might be surprised by the rumors going around Hawkings about me." His brown eyes were kind, as always.
"What rumors?"
The bell rang and the students began to enter their respective classrooms.
"Oh, I think you'll find out soon. See you, okay?"
“O-Okay…” You mumbled before Eddie walked away and disappeared into the sea of ​​students.
You sighed, then walked into the classroom and sat at an empty desk at the back.
If he didn't want to talk about his secrets then you would find out on your own.
You opened your backpack and grabbed the little brown notebook.
You started reading as the teacher started talking about an old poem you didn't really care about.
I realized that I almost don't remember her anymore and that's the thing that scares me the most. I don't want to forget her.
She's been gone for years now, and I thought I had a grip on the memories, but they're starting to slip away now and I'm so fucking scared one day I won't remember her at all.
I used to hear her voice in my head, clear as day. Now, it's like tuning into a distant radio station with too much static. I find myself straining to remember the way she'd say my name or the casual "How was your day?" It's fucking frustrating, and it scares me that one day, even those snippets will be probably gone.
I don't wanna forget her.
At night, I close my eyes, trying to summon the feeling of being wrapped up in her arms. It's elusive, and I can't shake the feeling that I'm losing something fundamental. I miss that safe place and it's fucking embarassing.
I'm an adult now and I still miss my mom. Embarassing.
I catch glimpses of her in old photographs, frozen moments that I clutch onto desperately. But even those are starting to feel like stories I've heard rather than moments I've lived.
And it scares me. It scares me because it feels like losing her all over again.
You looked away from the notebook. You closed your eyes for a moment and inhaled air through your nose, the teacher's voice only a backdrop to your thoughts much louder than her words.
What you had read were private things, things you shouldn't have read and yet you couldn't help but continue to do so.
They were things he had probably never talked about to anyone if he felt the need to write them there, it was a vulnerable part of himself that he had decided to hide in that notebook and you were invading it.
The single page you had read had made you want to give the biggest hug to that boy who you had only known for a little more than a day and who was probably way sweeter than he wanted to let others see.
"Shit." You muttered to yourself for the second time that day.
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Tags: @jacklesbrainworms @morning-sky7 @pipsqueakkitten @navs-bhat @michaelfuckinglangdon @flawiette @needylilgal022 @bubsonnobx @yujyujj @findmeincorneliastreet @kennedy-brooke @witchwolflea
The only good thing: @corrodedseraphine @definitionwanderlust @paleidiot
Okay I'm already losing interest in this series sorry lol if you won't seen an update in years you know why
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azurlily · 11 months
Hello! May I ask for stalker/pervert yumeko x fem!reader (sfw And nsfw)
OH HO HO!! YES Y E S YESSSS!!! Sorry I haven't been active, mental health and all, but I'm doing somewhat better and this is one of the first I'm working on to get a good bit of stuff outta my drafts. This isn't all that dark, but I'm still giving a warning. Also(to anyone that actually reads these) this started stalkerish and developed into yandere territory. I apologize, but I couldn't help myself. CNC is briefly mentioned but not gone over.
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Stalker!Yumeko Jabami x Fem!reader
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Now, this is a somewhat unlikely situation. Yet, somehow, it still happened. So how did this even start, why is Yumeko following you home, why does she get all antsy when she cant be around you?
So many questions, so few answers. The only way to truly get Yumekos attention is to stand out. Not in a way she has already seen before, so there are few ways to do that.
You could have beaten her in a gamble, the higher the stakes the more interested she is. You could have possibly been a kind, and genuinely good person. People like that aren't seen as much at Hyakkaou, so it be someone she is very much interested in. Maybe you're a masochist and you lost to Yumeko, seeing you happy to lose would definitely turn her on and interest her...as long as you're not creepy like Midari.
Anyway, despite whatever peaked her interest about you...yeah you're hers now. So have fun. Yumeko is the last person you'd want to defy, I mean...have you met the girl? At first she isn't obvious about her recognition of you. No, she watches you, she even has others watch you for her. You, wether you're oblivious or not, will still notice odd behavior from those around you.
Maybe some of those ruder to you are nicer, maybe vice versa. It doesn't matter, you're going to realise at some point you're being tailed. When you do, that's when the icy hot hell that is Yumeko Jabami makes me debute to you. Or well second debute.
Before you learn all about her "nefarious" plans and she's still watching you creepily. She goes after you, in more ways than one. She watches you leave ethe bathroom, and go in. Yumeko just wants to make sure you're not being privately bullied...that's all.
She also follows you home, maybe she'll buy(just a reminder Yumeko is rich as hell) a car. One that looks like an everyday car, or an exact copy of one that lives near your house. You wouldn't suspect seeing your neighbors car right behind you...right?
Yumeko is fucking crazy, let's put that out there. I've more than likely said it once, but I'll say it again if needed. She. is. crazy. So after she's is caught stalking you, she wont lie. She'll tell you straight up, she's in love, well her idea of love. Her fucked up, disgusting idea of love. Yumeko is very blunt, she explains her intentions and what she wants. At least what she things she wants.
Whether you choose to date her or not essentially decides the outcome of your little interaction. Saying yes, immediately fucks you over, she no longer has to hide her stalker tendencies. Saying no, well she'll pretend she didn't hear it and the next day at school Yumeko announces your relationship.
She's also very touchy(yes, she's a pervert too) she likes putting her hand up your skirt and will smile. Yumeko likes to hig you from behind, why? Because that means she can touch your tits. Big or small, nonexistent or very obviously existant. She loves your chest, she love you, and therefore any and every part of you.
She likes to show you off, by that I mean she'll kiss and love on you while she's gambling. You just look so cute to her, shaking and looking away in embarrassment.
I feel like Yumeko as a stalker is giving her yandere tendencies, but toned down. She goes from stalker to the well known term: crazy girlfriend. She needs you round all the time, she cant gamble without you. She can't walk home without you, she hates leaving you.
You're her lucky charm, you make things better. She can talk about her sister, how she really feels. She doesn't always need to smile and act dopey. She can be anything without worry...and if you dislike something she cant just tie you up and have you miss a few school days...
Now, Yumeko is a less than savory person when you think about it. While she does her best to love you in every way she knows. It takes her a while, especially if you said no to dating her at first. She really cant help herself, she wants to show you things...but how can she trust you?
I'd say it takes months before she finally tells you everything, well everything that you didn't know. She trusts you to tell you hoe she really feels, hoe her fucked up mind decided you were her chosen protector.
Even if she was stalking you a lot to begin with. It was all in good faith, I mean look now. You two are inseparable, not that she let's you leave her, but that doesn't matter.
In her eyes, you're perfect, no matter the horrible things she's done. No matter how much she touches you in odd and somewhat disturbing ways. You don't leave, she'd die if you did. Yumeko Jabami, current heiress to the Jabami clan.
She has put so much effort into you, into helping you gamble, helping you with debt, helping you with class work. She cant leave you...and if she has to strike a deal for a student life plan. All to keep your with her. She will.
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Sex is something else with her. Yumeko being the person she is, I highly doubt she's a virgin. No, she's had her fair share of men and women. Learning that she was particularly interested in girls help in her decided what to do with her interest in you.
Yumeko knows how to work your body. She puts on the cutesy loving girlfriend act...then eats you until you're trying(and failing) to pull her head away. Yumeko loves oral so this just makes things all the more fun for her.
Now of course just because she favors orla doesn't mean she doesn't like other things. When you two start dating she no longer needs to watch you as you go home...no she can drive you home herself. And she can also make you ride a vibrator the entire ride.
Yumeko loves humiliation(especially the stalker/pervert version of her) the idea of you crying and shaking after you been riding a toy for hours. She's been laughing at the faces you make, the whines, she'll pull on your hair and call you a slut.
Maybe take a few pictures, she loves to look through them during class when she's bored.
Oh, but seeing you all needy in public riles her up too. You're horny in public, maybe at school? Bathroom. She'll fuck you in the stall and then take a picture so she can create and album of you in the future. She likes to write the exact date and time of your little game.
Going back to the humiliation thing, if you end up doing it in a school or public bathroom. Prepare yourself, she taunt and belittle you.
You'll be so shaken up from her fucking you though, you hear very little of what she's saying. Whether that is a blessing or a curse is entirely up to you.
If it wasn't already obvious, one of Yumekos universally favorite things to do is overstimulation. Seeing you beg for mercy(that you will not be getting) after 5 orgasms is the best thing to ever grace her ears. It's an intoxicating sound, keep making it. The more you beg for mercy the longer it'll take for her to even want to stop.
Yumeko is a dominant and sadistic person in general. That goes over to the bedroom too. We see Yumeko get horny off of gambling, so she most definitely does a small coin flip or some form of small gamble.
It could decided whose on top(even though in the end you'll be bent over her knee crying her name), maybe it decides what toys you use, maybe if you win the gamble Yumeko wont punish as hard...
"So good for me, my good girl! Aww, are those tears for me? Thank you, I'm glad you know you place, sweet girl!"
She likes to mix praise in with her degradation. Calling you a mixture of darling, baby, good girl, sweetie, sweet girl, my love, sweetheart, princess(her favorite), ect. She has an extremely large variety of words for you. In and out of bed.
Stalker!Yumeko most definitely has a consent non-consent kink. I am not interested in getting into that unless specifics asked. Do with that information what you will.
Anyway, Yumeko and cat ears are like the ocean and salt. You can't really have one without the other. While Yumeko uses her money to buy you expensive lingerie sets, she also buys you cute costumes.
Maid, puppy, kitty, ect. She will dress you up with dog ears and an anal plug tail, or cat ears and an anal plug cat tail. Maybe even a bunny suit...definitely a bunny suit. Yumeko will also dress up if you ask, anything you want.
If you like the idea of a cute bunny girl dominating you until you (s)cream... Yumeko can and will do everything to set that fantasy up.
Now aftercare with Yumeko is an interesting situation. At first she doesn't know what it is, no matter if she's been with men or women. Top or bottom. She's never understood why she needed to care for someone. Mainly because she never cared for the others like she does you.
Yumeko loves you, therefore she does research into aftercare. Mainly out of fear that you'll slip into sub drop. She does her best with food and comfortable clothes, a warm bath and good television. She knows that isn't all that's required though, she reminds herself that you need to reminded you're loved.
All in all(and I do genuinely believe this) Yumeko is a good lover. Stalker!ver or not. She does love you, Yumeko shows her love to those she cares about. It's different and sometimes weird, and sometimes it's completely stupid and makes her look dumb. She does understand things better than you'd think.
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Hi I'm updating again. This is one of the many in my inbox, after I get down to a decent and not so overwhelming number I will begin to open my inbox(commissions will stayed closed. You can request like normal when I open requests again, I'd like to build a bigger platform before I do commissions.
If you want to be told exactly when this comes out I'm now willing to @ you. So just ask in the comments and I will add you for every post after this one.
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judasgot-it · 1 year
Ello o/, I really like your writing style. May i req the reader pretends to be a client but actually a member of the agency but the ADA doesn't remember the reader because they have an ability to make anyone/everyone forget they exist and used it to protect the agency also dazai is the only one who remembers them.
I'm so sorry I took so long to get to this request I've been busy with life and all of that lame stuff
Also, I hope you don't mind but I changed it a Lil to be a two-parter with Ranpo as well, I feel like he would figure it out pretty quickly
Scenario: reader visits the ADA pretending to be a client. Dazai is the only one who remembers them working for the agency. (Dazai, Ranpo)
Part 1; Dazai
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"So what brings someone as lovely as you to the agency today?"
Dazai was standing in front of you, giving you his best smile. He was holding your hand and reciting his lines as if you were in a play - although between the two of you, he looked like he was giving a performance for the ages.
"Dazai, you can't flirt with everyone that comes into the agency. You know this."
Kunikida had walked over from his desk, making sure to check up on your conversation. He just wanted to ensure you actually got the help that you needed and weren't swept away by Dazai's antics.
A part of you missed this.
"Oh, we're fine Kunikida. In fact, Dazai was just going to lead me to your consultation room so he could help me with my case."
You were covering for Dazai. Old habits die hard you suppose.
"You know, you shouldn't stress out so much Kunikida, you'll get grey hairs. Actually? I think you have some already!"
Dazai took this as his chance to poke around Kunikida's head, 'showing' him his gray hairs. You had to put a hand over your mouth to stop your laughter as you watched the two of them argue.
"I'll be in the room waiting on you Dazai. I don't have all day, you know?"
You walked out of the room, leading yourself through the building. Nothing really changed since you'd been there, although you could spot a couple of new faces among those working at their desks.
It was nice to see the agency moving on and continuing to grow.
The room was a bit different as well. They had finally replaced the old chairs that had been torn in a fight.
They were now a softer, blue fabric. The room seemed more softer, especially for what the room always brought with it.
"So, you finally decided to come back?"
Dazai appeared behind you, closing the door to the room - giving the two of you some much-needed privacy.
The curtain had closed on your little play.
"Well, only to visit. I'm leaving Yokohama tomorrow so I thought I'd stop by beforehand and see how you were all doing."
You looked behind you to see Dazai smiling. Although, you could clearly tell it wasn't a happy one.
"Let's sit down, I feel like you're going to want to know a bit about where I've been. I'll tell you if you promise to keep it a secret, ok?"
You had already moved to sit down on the small office chairs in the room - they were cozy enough for what would essentially be an interrogation.
Dazai wanted answers from you. Knowing him, he was going to get them one way or another - no matter how nice he was about it.
It was hard to stay silent anyway. He was the only man who really knew your predicament. You had hunches about everyone else, but it wasn't like they could escape your ability.
Even if they had this feeling about you, they couldn't escape the gap in their memories. No matter what, you were just a blindspot to them. The moment they met you, they would forget about you once again.
"You want to know why I left the agency, right?"
The most you left behind was a vague sense of unease. Not knowing why you had a sense of dejavue over a certain book and wondering why you know so much about something.
It was a great ability to have for a vagabond.
Dazai shook his head, placing it between it on his folded hands.
"You caught me there. I know how you did it, but I don't know if I can really figure out your why."
You looked to the window.
"Why did you leave when you were happy? Is it some form of punishment? It's got me really curious."
The view was perfect. Nothing would come and distract you from having to respond to the question.
He caught you, like a bird in flight.
"Because I don't have a choice. The longer I stay anywhere, the more dangerous I become. Right now I am just a ghost - I'm sure the president knows I exist, but can never really put a thumb on it."
You tried to wiggle around in your seat, looking as if you were in complete control.
"But if I stayed, eventually the feeling of being forgotten would wear off. It's painful being ignored, but when it happens all the time I can never feel the pain - I'm numb. But the agency?"
You let a watery smile out. Being in the room, finally talking to someone that wasn't a stranger. Talking to Dazai, who actually remembered you no matter how many times you activated your ability.
It was refreshing.
The walls that you had built up were breaking down.
"We got close. But eventually, I saw that their memory would get spotty, and it was happening again. I can't stand to see the people I love to forget about me, I don't want to become a stranger to them."
You hid your eyes behind your hands, trying to shield them from the sun. That's why they were dripping tears. Telling yourself this helped stave them off.
"So you left before that could happen, right?"
You felt an arm wrap around you, pulling you close.
Dazai's jacket wasn't exactly the softest, but you stayed close as you tried to push back your tears. You knew this visit would be hard, that you would have a hard conversation - but you didn't want to break down.
You tried to mumble out some sort of excuse or apology but your words were failing you.
Which left you with nothing but silence.
"Dazai. Thank you for not forgetting about me."
You took the lapels of his jacket in your hands, pulling him closer. You hadn't hugged someone who wasn't a stranger in so long. This was a feeling you definitely missed since your departure from the ADA.
Dazai pulled away, bending down so the two of you were face to face. He cupped your face with his surprisingly calloused hands, analyzing you with his soft brown eyes.
He let out a breath, in some emotion that you couldn't really place.
He backed away, wiping away his serious demeanor with a Cheshire smile.
"Besides. It's not like I have a choice in it. You know, you leave quite the impression on people!"
There was something behind those words. You felt it. The way he missed you, how it was unsaid in the air but was shown in the way he kept eyeing you.
He still kept his hands on you, as if the moment he let go, you would once again fade into a burning memory that only he was cursed to hold. Like so many other moments in his life.
A part of you wanted to stay, just for him. The feeling of his hand on your shoulder as he led you throughout the building, keeping you around so you could talk to the members one last time.
But your mind was unfortunately set.
He was nice enough to introduce you to the new members who had joined in your absence - it was a smart ploy.
He was trying to bide time, keeping an arm wrapped tightly around you while he joked around with Atsuhi about some memories they had a while back.
You could see how he tried to make you seem as if you never had left. As if you were always here.
It was a really smart ploy. It almost made you want to cancel your ability just so you could see everyone understand the inside joke that Dazai had said. One that only now you two understood.
If he was quiet after you had gone, staring at the papers at his desk - well that was, unfortunately, a secret only he would know.
Part 2; Ranpo
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You were set to depart Yokohama in less than an hour. In the meantime, you were meandering the train station, biding your time.
After having visited the ADA again, you felt a bit lost. You truly did want to stay - but you felt that the ramifications of that action would be worse than if you continued living as a vagabond.
Your ability altered people's memories to the point that they themself would forget about your existence one day - the curse of being able to run away at a drop of a hat.
You can always run, but seemingly never stay. Somehow, they would always forget about you. Either gradually or suddenly, you knew that it would happen.
Freedom was a blessing, but it always came at a high price.
"Is this line A? I don't really know the system around here well."
Ranpo had sat next to you, making you jump in shock.
He was looking at you, waiting for your answer. He didn't seem to recognize you - not from earlier in the day, and not from when you had worked together.
It was a blessing, you supposed.
You took a breath to calm down.
"Yeah, you have the right one. It's not coming for an hour or so though, so you have time."
You hoped he would walk away. Being near anyone from your past always made you hurt in some way or another.
He seemed stubborn though, drapping his shoulders across the back of the bench and spreading his legs out in front of him - like a starfish on a rock, leaving himself out to sunbathe.
"I think I know you from somewhere. Do I?"
That made you stop.
"What do you mean by that?"
"I just mean - have we met before? You seem familiar. I have a feeling I met you, kind of like..."
He put his hand in his pocket, unwrapping a lollipop.
"I can't put my finger on the word..."
He stuck it in mouth with a loud pop.
You supplied it to him, hoping he would go away. A cold, sinking had settled into your gut.
"Yeah! That's right!"
He looked at you, smiling wide. You realized your mistake when you saw that he had his glasses on.
"That's your ability name, right, Y/n?"
This was when you realized how unsettlingly quiet this station was. The announcement on the intercom felt like it was ringing in your ears.
Ranpo was still staring at you, waiting for you to piece a sentence together.
"Do you remember me?"
The man shrugged, settling back down. He was comfortable enough to take up more of your space than you had realized - his legs brushing up against yours.
"No. But I know that I could - if you let me. The ADA is a detective agency, Y/n. You can't exactly run forever when you have us on your tail."
Ranpo didn't wait for you to comprehend what he was saying. He leaned in close, your noses brushing up against each other.
"You're going to keep coming back."
"So. What are you going to do then?"
He said it in a monotone voice, as a simple statement.
"And even you think we won't find you - I will. I'm the best detective. No mystery is beyond me, not even your ability."
He waved up some papers. They were notes, photos and documents.
He was tracking you.
Ranpo smiled.
"I could go for some coffee."
"I dunno. You want to stay. I'm pretty hungry right now."
He was waving the documents around in a small circle, still refusing to give you space.
It was subtle, but you weren't going to get away from him without a chase.
I'm leaving the ending super open-ended, but Ranpo catches everyone in his life in weird ways so I feel like he'd do it this way too cause if you can somehow escape him once you're on his mental list
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rogueddie · 1 year
was originally on ao3, trying to organize a little :)
Steve wakes up and immediately hates himself.
He's so comfortable, warm. He didn't have any nightmares either. Can't remember what happened last night either. He tries to remember, but the last thing that he can remember clearly is Robin's worried face, warning him that he's already drank too much, "if you don't slow down you're gonna get alcohol poisoning! I won't hold your hair back, Harrington!"
He doesn't have a headache though. He doesn't feel sick or hungover at all, despite the blackout. He's only half-awake but knows he won't be able to go back to sleep now. He keeps his eyes closed anyway, hoping that maybe if he just pretends that he's fallen back to sleep then he will.
He's able to doze off for long while, vaguely aware of his leg warming up where it's sticking out the covers, assumable by the sun shinning through the gap in his curtains.
There's a soft hum behind him, someone shifting. It's then that he realizes that someone is spooning him, tucked tight against him. But it's so comfortable, makes something in his chest ease to have someone holding him, that he doesn't really care. Especially when they tighten their arms around him, just a little. Their nose presses into the back of his neck, the persons voice deep when they (he?) grumbles something unintelligible, sounding annoyed.
"Hangover?" Steve eventually asks. His voice is a little slurred, muffled a little because of how his face is still nuzzled into his pillow.
"Comfy," Eddie mumbles back. Tries to shift closer, wrapping his arms a little more secure around his torso.
Steve doesn't know if he's humming in agreement or because of how content he feels. He's not sure it matters anyway. He wonders if he drank so much last night that he might still be a little buzzed.
They lay in silence for another long moment. Eddie seems happy to just lay there too, so Steve isn't going to be the one to break the moment.
"How did we end up here?" Eddie eventually asks. He doesn't move away though.
"Fuck if I know. Don't really care, 's nice."
Eddie makes a curious noise, his arm staying curled around his chest as he lifts it to brush some of his hair off his neck. "You've got a hickey."
Steve finally opens his eyes. He's careful not to tense up, not wanting to freak Eddie out. Tries harder now to remember last night. "A hickey?"
"Yeah, right here." His finger gently rests on his neck. "You and Wheeler finally get your shit together?"
"Eddie, she-" Steve hesitates. He doesn't want to move but he needs to, shifts carefully so he can look Eddie in the eye. He thankfully stays curled around Steve. "Robin said she... told you. About, uh... stuff."
"That she's a lesbian."
"Yeah... did she not tell you, um... anything else? About her relationship, maybe?"
Eddie frowns for a moment, but then he finally catches up. "She's with Wheeler."
"And they were the only other ones here last night."
Eddie looks back to his neck and blushes. "Um. Ok... I'm, uh, sorry? For, like, taking advantage or whatever."
He's pulling away, taking all the warmth with him. Steve grabs his arm before he can get far, giving a sharp tug so he falls forward. He barely catches himself before faceplanting into Steves chest, but the rest of his front is pressed back against Steves side. He looks beautiful, hovering over him like this.
"I thought you were done with running away?"
Eddie blinks at him, looking dazed. "Yeah... I mean, if that's w-what you want?"
He looks so hopeful. Steve feels like an idiot. He's been complaining to Robin for so long, practically begging her to try and help him get a solid answer on whether or not Eddie could be interested in him too. He should have taken her advice to just go for it long before now.
Eddies breath hitches when Steve brings his hand up to cup his cheek, gently bringing his hand down along his jaw so he can touch his bottom lip with his thumb.
"You didn't take advantage," Steve does his best to sound disappointed, almost whining. "And here I thought birthday parties are supposed to be fun."
Eddie laughs, more of a huff. Grabs Steves wrist so he can turn his head and kiss the palm of his hand. Gently pulls his hand down onto the pillow, pulling his other wrist up too.
"Did you not have fun, big boy?" Eddie smirks, letting his eyes roam. Steve shakes his head, Eddie tutting. "Can't have that, can we?"
He finally leans down to kiss him. It's so soft, more like slow pecks. Just pressing their lips together, one of his thumbs gently rubbing against his wrist. It's not enough, yet too much, all at once. Barely there, no where near satisfying with how worked up Steve already is, yet...
It's so loving. Gentle, like Eddie thinks he's something precious. Something to be treasured. And when he pulls back, his cheeks are still red and he's looking at Steve like he hung the very stars.
"You're beautiful," Steve breathes.
Eddie sighs, like one of those love-sick girls in rom-coms he would be forced to go to on dates. It sounds better from him. "Is it too soon to say I love you? I mean, fuck. You're perfect."
"Perfect for you," Steve teases. Tries to lift a hand up, wanting to desperately to touch him, but Eddie keeps his wrists pinned. His breath hitches, which finally makes Eddies eyes darken. "I think I might love you too."
Eddie smiles soft, despite the maybe. "Well, now I have to wine and dine you."
"Those are the rules. Now, are you just gonna lay there and look at me? I was promised fun here, Munson, and you're doing a piss poor job."
He raises his eyebrows, but he's still grinning. "That's how it's gonna be, huh?"
"Yeah, punk, whatchu gonna do about it?"
And if he's walking a little funny when he finally goes downstairs for breakfast, that's nobody elses business.
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
guardian angel
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Pairing: Seonghwa x female! reader
Genre: romance, angst, fluff, slight crack, highschool! au, bad boy! au, happy ending
Word count: 3.8k
Requested?: yes
Warnings: cursing, a lot of cliche themes, mentions of smoking and drinking, elements of crack, potential sexual assault (doesn't actually happen), suggestive, wooyoung being his awesome self
Summary: Seonghwa is known for being a delinquent. Nothing phases, and no one messes with him. But there is someone who he is drawn to. Someone he can't quite keep off his mind.
Author's Notes: I had so much fun writing this you have no idea. It took way longer to write than I wanted but I need it to be perfect. This fic does have some mature theme so do be warned! Thank you so much anon for requesting this. I really hope you all enjoy. Let me know what you think!! <3
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The whole concept of having a guardian angel was comforting. intriguing, almost. Having someone watching over, protecting you, perhaps without you even knowing. That was a comforting thought.
Or at least for you it was. But in this compulsory religious studies class, most kids were seconds away from falling asleep. The teacher droned on with her monotone voice, flicking through the PowerPoint presentation, which looked like a half-hearted effort, put together last night.
Not that it mattered. No one was paying attention anyway, all except the handful of teens who wanted to get the best out of their mediocre education system.
"Silence please" the teacher mumbled weakly at the class. Poor Miss had no presence, no impact. The hard-working students, such as yourself, usually sitting in the front row, could usually hear her feeble voice. But they weren't the ones who needed to hear it.
"She said shut up!"
A voice with authority. Everyone collectively gasped, quick to close their lips now as they turned to face the principal, who walked in not moments ago. She was the one to be feared.
And yet there were still some people who just didn't fear her enough.
"You boys at the back" she snarled as she pointed over to the back of the classroom.
Ahh, the boys at the back. There's such a thing to be said about a high school's social hierarchy. It followed the same, cliche, stereotypical pattern as every American high school rom-com movie does. It is the same each time, each year. At the bottom: nerds, geeks, unconventionally attractive pupils, or just simply people who strive to succeed academically which for some reason makes you a loser. And at the top? Hot, rich mean girl gangs who absorb their power by thriving off the fear of the 'low-lives' below them. And, of course, the boys at the back.
"Why are you still talking? Did you not hear me the first time?"
One of them mumbled and snickered but it was hard to tell who. Or at least, for the principle it was.
It was quite clearly Wooyoung. Known for never knowing when to shut up, Wooyoung was the one to not understand when things went too far, or when a situation was too serious. And he was the one to get away with everything.
"Who's still talking?"
Wooyoung decides, the clown that he is, to turn to Seonghwa in this instance, with the usual shit-eating grin on his face, making it seem like Seonghwa was the accomplice.
"Was it you, pretty boy? To the front of the class now!"
Seonghwa glared daggers into Wooyoung as he reluctantly grabbed his stuff and got up to walk right to the front.
Even just walking through the class, you could see how much power Seonghwa would hold. Girls would giggle and swoon over him, whispering to each other about how good he looked today. Boys would cough awkwardly as he walked passed them, pretending not to be even remotely attracted to him. And the nerds at the front wouldn't even dare look at him. Especially you.
Which was typical because the only desk that was free at the front for him to sit at was the one directly next to yours.
So, as you screamed internally at yourself for not choosing another seat at the start of the year, Seonghwa settled down next to you, throwing his stuff on the desk and sitting back leisurely on his seat. he let out a long, dramatic sigh.
"Good. Now the rest of you need to get on, you will be tested on this!" Everyone let out a low groan at this, and then the principal promptly left without another word.
The usual rumble of conversation started up again. You stared downwards at the work in front of you, trying to concentrate on something, anything that wasn't the hot guy next to you.
Your heart stopped. Breath hitched up in your throat as you strangled on a previous inhale. Is he talking to me? You thought to yourself. Eyes wide with fear, anticipation, and excitement, you decided to do the unthinkable.
You turned towards him.
Never had it occurred to you that, not only was he talking to you, but he was looking at you too. So as you mustered up the courage to turn your head towards him, you were faced with two, large, deadly brown orbs staring at you, eating you alive by the intensity of his gaze. This was the closest he had been to you. And the bravest you had ever been to dare to take his features in this close. You couldn't help yourself. Eyes trailing along his smooth, tanned skin, jawline so sharp you were convinced you could cut yourself on it if you touch it. Jet black hair styled to frame his face so expertly; so precise was the wisps of his fringe, and although he kept brushing his hair back with his long fingers, the stubborn stray hairs would remain rested neatly on his forward. Perfect. Strong cheekbones, magnificently angled nose, luscious lips that hid a devious tongue.
And all this time you were staring at him. But by God did he stare back. Reality only hit you once you were done drinking in his features, savouring the human painting before you as if he was the last painting left on earth. You only blinked your eyes downwards once you were conscious and very much aware that your wide eyes and agape mouth had made his eyes sparkle with curiosity.
"Hi" was all you could muster. A feeble, pathetic excuse of a word that he could barely hear. He felt the corner of his lips pull up at your response.
"What are we actually supposed to be learning?"
You were surprised at his question. Did he actually wanna do the work? Or did he just want to talk to you? Or.. or... what was happening?? You blinked in response before clearing your throat.
"Well, today's lesson is about angels. You know, the different types of angels, and different religious interpretations of what they are like. Miss just finished talking about Guardian angels and-"
"Oh, I don't actually care sweetie," he chuckled lowly as you blushed ferociously at the sudden pet name. You suspected he was mocking you, but all the while his eyes held a warm curiosity as he continued to gaze at you. "I don't believe in angels or anything like that, tsk."
Perhaps he was passing the time. Making the lesson go faster for himself by making conversation. That's how you viewed it anyway.
"Why did you ask then?"
Your sudden boldness shocked you both, but you hid it well. His eyebrow quirked up with interest.
"I just wanted to that pretty voice of yours," he hummed, his tone a mixture of playful banter and flirtatious intent. It made your cheeks feel warm.
"Do you believe in any of this crap then?" He queried, suddenly looking away and taking a much more serious interest in his broken pencil, which he played with masterfully and with great skill between the fingers of his right hand.
You tried not to get defensive about his ignorant and outright rude attitude. Part felt that that's what he wanted. He wanted to lure you into a trap, an argument, and all just for his amusement.
"I like the idea of guardian angels," you paused to look away from him, your gaze sinking to your desk again, "having someone to watch over you like that... I don't know... the whole idea makes me feel less... less lonely."
That was your truth. This wasn't the first conversation you envisioned having with him. It felt a bit strange, a bit peculiar. Too deep too quick, especially with someone like him.
You expected him to scoff at this considering his previous remark. But you felt him gaze at you once more. He didn't tut, he didn't hum in response. He just turned away without another word.
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That was the first time you interacted with Seonghwa. And you had a feeling, deep down, that it would be your last.
I mean, who were you kidding? You both guys ran in different circles. Had different lives, different friends, different... everything.
You knew this, and you knew this well. So why were you still thinking about him?
You felt he was undoubtedly out-of-your-league in all aspects. Looks, attitude, social status. Stuff that meant absolutely nothing to you but supposedly meant everything to everybody else. It was infuriating to tolerate these mindsets on a daily basis and yet you find yourself enduring and getting swallowed but the same expectations these mindsets create.
As you wallow in a stream of these thoughts you do not think for a second that the boy you now had eyes for - the delinquent who took a shine to you for reasons you could not explain - would be thinking about you in the same way.
But he was. And he hated it.
He wasn't a ladies' man like Wooyoung was. Wooyoung thrived when given attention from a pretty girl and he would do anything to impress them. Seonghwa was just not like that.
Rather, he preferred to flirt around, subtly. Throw a few winks here and there, biting his lip for too long as he made fleeting eye contact with as many girls as he could. He was quiet in his flirtatious endeavours, but he never really meant anything.
So he doesn't know why he starts feeling this way about you.
"What's the matter with you then?" Wooyoung nudged his friend, who seemed quieter than usual. The usual gang of boys met on the rooftop of the art building in their school. They would usually stay back well after hours, long until it gets dark. No one knew they were there, and jumping the gates was easy when they need to exit.
So that's where they were, vaping sloppily and drinking uncontrollably. The bottles of beers accumulated around the overflowing rubbish bin. It was surprising that no one caught on to their activities considering they were shamelessly loud, with zero fear of getting found out, perhaps because they got away with everything.
"Nothing, I'm fine," Seonghwa shrugged his friend off, staring down at the glass bottle in his hand.
Wooyoung isn't stupid. He knows when something isn't quite right. Better yet, he is persistent. Stubborn, even. Annoyingly determined to chip away at you until you crack. He gets what he wants.
"Must be some lucky girl for you to be thinking about her so much," Wooyoung teased as the rest joined in to chuckle. Seonghwa scowled at the boy, glaring at him in a way that would send chills to someone's heart. It was a shame that he was glaring at Wooyoung, who was simply brimming with audacity. Seonghwa knew better than to get into an argument with him, so he just kept quiet.
What Wooyoung said made him think though. Why was he thinking about you? Why you, specifically? His calculating eyes shifted from one object to another as he tried to pattern in his mind some sound reasoning.
Perhaps it was the way you looked at him. Well, other people stared at his face on a daily. He just looked so perfect. So absolutely stunning. As Seonghwa looked back he realised you had the same gaze and yet something different. It was obvious you admired his appearance, perhaps even shocked when seeing him up close. However, he recalled a certain trace of curiosity. Of excitement. And as you stared at his face like this, he didn't realise was studying yours.
Yet, there was something in the way you interacted with him; the spike of boldness that shot out of you was something he didn't quite expect. Most girls either stammer like idiots when trying to talk to him, or they screech and giggle and touch him playfully when he doesn't want them to. There's no in-between. So admittedly, he was caught a bit off guard by how you responded to him.
And he liked being caught off guard.
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It had been a long ass day and you were, quite frankly, fed up. With your last lesson just finished you were so, so ready to go. Shoving your notebooks into your already heavy bag, you were stopped by the teacher.
"Y/N, I was just wondering if you wanted to join some extracurricular activities? It would really boost up your grades and would make your CV look excellent-"
Ah yes, of course. Here comes the lecture all the bright pupils get which guilt trip them into joining some weird club that no one goes to. You've heard this all before, and you weren't considering it now. It's a shame your teacher caught you at the wrong time because you were barely able to keep your eyes open from pure exhaustion as she spoke to you.
"Thanks Miss, but I've been really busy lately.."
You could see the disappointment in her face but you were so done with the day that you didn't even care.
"Just think about it, okay?"
Heaving a sigh, you slung your bag over your shoulder while the teacher left the classroom.
You knew one of the boys was still there, lurking at the back somewhere. The same group of boys always stayed back and you couldn't possibly think why. And you didn't dare to ask.
"Hey, Princess~"
You couldn't pin that voice on a face. It sounded familiar, but all the boys' voices sounded the same. Only Wooyoung's voice stood out the most since he talked so damn much. And, of course, Seonghwa's...
"You joining a stupid little club for your favourite teacher, eh?"
It was so petty you could've laughed. You turned around to face whoever this boy was, and his name escaped you. His name didn't matter to you regardless.
It unnerved you that he was by himself. Sure, having a whole group of them sneer at you wasn't ideal, but being alone with this guy after school hours made you want to run. But you didn't.
Your unamused face made the boy chuckle as you stared directly into his eyes. You wish you hadn't looked there, because surely you must have looked terrified by now; how he stalked up to you with confidence and intensity of a crow attacking a fresh piece of roadkill.
You stood your ground.
"No, I decided not to."
End of conversation. Done. Dusted. Swept under the rug.
He was at an uncomfortable distance now, too close for someone you don't know. And even closer for someone you didn't want to know.
"Good girl."
You shivered. The dread built up in the pit of your stomach.
"Still," he mused, "a strip club doesn't sound so bad."
He had you pressed up against the table as his hands started for the strap of your vest top, a finger curling around it as he slowly started to pull it down. You were paralysed. Eyes wide with fear and disbelief and confusion. You should've run, you told yourself. You should've run you stupid girl.
"Get your fucking hands off her!"
There was a voice, familiar in its depth, but not so familiar in its intensity and rage. Both of you snapped your head over to find Seonghwa, his eyes emoting the most indescribable anger someone could ever feel.
"What the fuck is wrong with you man, let us have our fu-"
It was too late. A fist thrown to the face was enough to send the boy flying. He was weak as he crashed down dramatically into one of the desks. Seonghwa moved to him and kept going. Punch, kick, slam. The boy would be bruised for weeks.
But he ran off anyway, stumbling out of the class. The heavy footfall of his feet echoed down the hall.
You and Seonghwa stared at each other in silence.
His eyes were full of regret. Regret that he didn't stay behind with his 'friend.' Regret that he let you see this violent side of him. Regret that he wasn't there for you. If he hadn't come in at the right time-
Your eyes were filled with sorrow, vision clouded by the beads of tears that formed at the bottom of your eyes. You had felt so alone, so out of your depth and in danger.
"Thank you so much," you burst into tears. You grabbed him and sunk your head into his chest and sobbed into the fabric of his t-shirt. Holding him close into a feeble, yet certain, hug. It was not something you intended to do, but in the overwhelming situation you found yourself in, you felt you owed him the world.
So a hug will do for now.
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"Of course he's out of the group, what are you even saying? It's no problem! He was a twat anyway."
Wooyoung sucked on his lollipop with such passion and vigour that Seonghwa thought he was going to inhale and choke on it, which admittedly would've been quite funny.
They sat by themselves on the rooftop, dangling their feet over the edge. They could see the sunset very clearly. It was beautiful. Wooyoung teased that it was almost... romantic! Of course this caused to threaten to push him over the edge for.
"You really pummelled him in though. He's got a black eye and everything. I never thought you were the type," Wooyoung said through slurps, talking with his lollipop still in his mouth.
Seonghwa stared at the sun ahead, its rays giving his face an ethereal glow.
"I don't care."
There was a moment of silence. Seonghwa's eyes stared ahead.
"I can't let anything happen to her."
"Why though?"
"I don't know. I don't even know!"
"I do."
"You L word her."
Wooyoung chose this moment to flutter his eyelashes mockingly at Seonghwa.
"Shut up."
"You do!"
"That doesn't make any sense I don't even know her."
Seonghwa may have said this but, in his heart, he knew he was wrong. Deep down he knew you. He had watched over you, observed the way you talk, what your interests are, what classes you liked the most that make your eyes light up, and what classes you hated and never put your hand up in. All from the back of the class, he would peak every now and then just to make sure you were okay. Like a guardian angel-
"Maybe you want to know her."
Seonghwa looked at his friend with an eyebrow quirked.
"How does your eyebrow not hurt from you doing that so much I will never know..."
"You're a pain in my ass, Wooyoung."
Seonghwa chuckled and gazed at Wooyoung fondly. It was nice having a friend like him to talk to about anything. Wooyoung can be crazy at times but he always has his back, that's for sure.
"Don't worry, I got this for you."
Seonghwa scrunched up his face in confusion.
"Wait wha-"
"Shhh, don't worry. I have an idea~"
"Not another one of your crazy-ass ideas."
"Don't worry. You're gonna love this one!"
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The end of the day on the last day of term felt like such a rush. Nothing exciting happened but you didn't expect much to begin with.
"Bye, I'll see you after summer," you hugged one of your friends goodbye, giving them a squeeze. It would be lonely without them for all this time, as they were going on holiday. There was a certain emptiness you felt at the bottom of your heart when you watched them walk away. You felt there was nothing to look forward to until they returned. It was a shame.
The hallway was starting to lull down with its usual chaos and students fled the school as soon as the bell rang. One by one, students disappeared until only a few remained around you.
As you fiddled with the keys to your locker, on opening it a piece of paper slipped out of it.
Your eyes sparkle with curiosity as you leaned down to pick the paper up. It was small and folded. Your fingers worked at opening it up, revealing slanted handwriting in black biro pen:
'Meet me on the art room roof.
~ Your Guardian Angel'
Your eyes glossed over now, staring at the paper. It was hard for you to examine what you had felt. It wasn't disbelief or shock or confusion. It was certainty. Relief. Comfort.
Smiling to yourself, you did as you were instructed. There was a quickness in your step, a skip of hope and anticipation as you marched to the other side of the school.
Up the stairs to the art classroom, opening the fire exit door and up some more stone stairs, cold and loud with each footstep. And up you were, on the roof, the sky now open to you with open arms as you were embraced by a warm breeze.
There stood Seonghwa, his slicked back hair shining in the sun. His shirt was untucked and hanging over his black trousers, and he wore his usual white bomber jacket on his back, which you thought, at this moment, looked like two angel wings. Perhaps you were romanticising, but it was his fault.
His back was to you as he stood near the edge of the roof. It was like he was posing, like he was in a movie and this was his action shot. As the drone camera circulates around him, getting a 360 cinematic shot of him, his face would be revealed as daring, determined eyes shining in his passion. That's what you had imagined.
"Is this my guardian angel?"
There was no movement when he heard your voice. You expected him to turn around but maybe he had other plans. Maybe he wanted you to come to him. On debating about it in your mind, you decided to give in, shuffling closer until you were right beside him, staring out into the distance just like he did.
"I don't believe in that crap, you know that."
This statement didn't hurt you. His voice was soft, playful, almost melodic. There was a purposeful gentleness about his words in which no man had ever spoken to you before.
A silence was shared between you both, and you couldn't discern whether it was awkward or just simply... was.
"But I like the idea of it," he continued. "The whole idea makes me feel less... lonely."
You recognised your own words that you had said to him before, and suddenly the bubbling sensation of hope erupted in your heart.
He turned to you with a fond smile, and at that moment your eyes connected. You had never felt so at ease when gazing into someone's eyes before. Seonghwa had a warm reassurance that no one could quite match.
Pulling you close to him, he embraced you gently, head atop yours as you both gazed out at the view together. It felt so intimate, like you had both shared a secret, that could never be told to another soul. It felt safe, comfortable. It just felt right.
Secure in his arms, shielded, protected: that's where Seonghwa wanted you to be, always.
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mlmmetalhead · 2 years
Steve Harrington with a boyfriend headcanons
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Male reader.
I remember being annoyed by Steve in the first season and look where I am now.
Writing this while almost dying from the amount of cold milk I drank.
It was really hard for him to comprehend and accept his feelings towards a guy.
Your relationship started as really close, if not best friends.
I don't think he'd be able to accept his feelings towards a guy, unless they knew each other really well.
Really oblivious as well.
So even if you thought you were dropping obvious hints, they all went right over his head.
Cut him some slack, I don't think he ever even thought about a same-sex relationship.
When he started feeling funny about his friend, immediately rushed to Robin for advice.
If I'm being honest, she probably caught onto your attempts almost immediately after they started, so she was pleasantly relieved when Steve's braincells finally worked, as they do once in a while.
She pretended to hear about this for the first time, gave him some of the most obvious pieces of advice and called it a day.
Probably ended up embarrassing himself, because he thought you were supposed to come up with a different strategy to score a guy.
He tried, but ended up just turning back to his god awful pickup lines, just a little... Different.
"When I'm around you I can't think straight."
"... Are you okay?"
"I don't need a spoonful of sugar to swallow you."
"What the fuck-"
You end up just asking him out yourself, since every single one attemt of his fails miserably.
So happy it's unbelievable.
Literally jumping in his place with fists clenched.
Goes home and just runs around his bedroom until he gets tired.
Since it's still the 80s, you two can't have public dates and expression of PDA, which is why every single one of your dates is "just hanging out with a friend".
It takes time since he's fully used to call you his boyfriend, but he's really exited he can actually do that.
Will try so hard to set up a perfect date, but it'll all crumble down somehow in the end.
Truth to be told, it's his favourite kind of dates, memory wise.
There's a lot more to remember from a date that went wrong, then from a quiet, nice one.
Not to mention how much he likes it when you console and reassure him, he feels so much better in your arms.
Again, mostly because he isn't used to not needing to be seen as a "leader" of the relationship, it'll be really hard for Steve to ask for praise and reassurance when he needs it, and he needs a lot.
You might have to make the first move here, again.
A lot of work is required from you in this relationship, actually. Because Steve for the love of god, will not speak up about his problems himself.
Not at first, anyway.
But when you notice he's been off, when you ask him, and make him feel better, even if it's just something as simple as a cuddle session, he'll melt. Almost physically, he just loves you so much.
On to the more general stuff,
Sometimes, you just happened to tag along on Steve's and his kid's crew adventures.
Then, "sometimes" becomes "every time", and then, whenever you aren't there, someone always goes "Call Y/N!"
Were you asking for this? Hell no.
Are you complaining? Not really.
Every time this happens, Steve is going to apologize profusely every chance he gets, because he genuinely feels like you don't want to be there.
"Y/N, I'm so, so sorry, really, you can go the next chance you get, I promise it's okay no one's going to-"
"It's alright, babe, I'm not complaining."
"No, but you actually can go home, I promise I won't be-"
"I said it's okay, Steve, I am okay with this."
But this comes mostly from how much he cares for you, and doesn't want you hurt because of, what he feels like, is his responsibility.
Again, I somehow always end up with discussing serious matters.
I don't know where to put this hc but here, but he adores cats. Loves 'em.
If you have a cat, will not leave it alone whenever he comes over. He'll talk to it in a baby voice while cradling it like a child.
If you don't, you'll sometimes hear something along those lines:
"Y/N, can you move in with me and adopt a cat? Please?"
"Why can't you just adopt a cat on your own?"
"Because then it'll be your cat! Y'know, a special one."
If you're on a date and Steve spots a cat walking around, y'all are not leaving the location, until the cat will get fed up with his antics.
If you'll visit him while he's working shift at Scoops, will refuse to leave the counter even after you've made you order, staring at you with practical hearteyes, making it painfully obvious to everyone in the cafe.
He likes getting you little things.
Can get you a literal piece of junk he found somewhere at the mall, and will say:
"This reminded me of you."
With the most loving expression ever.
And you won't be able to reject it, goddamnit.
Overall, he's a lovesick dummy, take care of him, even if he wants to seem as the one in control, he really just needs a hug.
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kiwi-channn · 3 months
Just a drawing
(Part 2)
Older Simon Riley × fem reader(artist)
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∆ Artist reader sees Ghost while he is patrolling her city and she wanna draw Ghost but he refuses ∆
Part 1 - part 3 - part4
I just thought that he looked like a great drawing reference... That rough aura... With a strong body... The look in his eyes is something I never saw before... So cold and alone... Interesting it was...
I wanted to capture that man on my canvas... I will use black and blue as a palette for him with a tiny string of red... It is gonna be amazing...
But! No matter how much I try, he refuses to let me draw him... The thing is he doesn't know me yet.. I never give up... Especially when it's something I wanna draw... I will try and try and try until it works.... Just perfect results are accepted...
So for the next week, I stalked him.... He crosses this area every Saturday at 10 pm... Luckily I live here ... So I can easily see him every Saturday when he patrols the area...
He looks so grumpy... Wonder if he has other layers.. wonder if he has other colors under those dark basic colors...
Will he let me draw him?... How should I convince a scary soldier to let me draw him?...
"don't you give up!..." Ghost said with an annoyed tone... He is so done with this little college girl who is after him...
She doesn't answer and pretends to be behind the tree...
"you know I can see you right?... Do you call that a hiding spot?..."
She sighs tiredly and moves away from behind the tree...
"I just wanna talk to you sir" said so innocently like she wasn't stalking him for the last week like a prey...
"really?.. so you stalk me from behind the trees..." He isn't even surprised... He now is sure that this girl is out of her mind...
"no no... I was just taking a little peak.. not stalking or anything..."
He can't understand that girl at all... Is she even okay?!... Why is she so consisting on drawing him when he refused her many times?...
(is it really just a drawing?!)
Ghost can't stop but think that this girl is suspicious... He doesn't trust her consist...
"why are you looking at me like that?" She is looking at him like a creeped rabbit in headlights...
"what?" He says confused at her looks ...
"like a wolf..." She says quietly with a calm look of some fear... She is in her own little world now.. imagining other stuff...
"huh?.. bloody hell.. you crazy?... You really have a problem.."
She chuckles and looks up at him... Her gaze going through his soul not just his gaze... She is really analyzing him ...
"just get lost.. little girl" he snarls at her... Trying to be more rude so she gets away from him...
"you think I will give up with just that?... Iam not that easy lieutenant..."
"what do you want?..." huffing with cold tired heart... He wanna get straight to the point now .. he doesn't have time to chat especially with this weird girl...
She didn't expect him to ask her that and she thinks a bit...
"will you come with me to somewhere..."
"do you think iam easy too?... Why will I go with you anywhere?..."
She smiles a bit and leans her head to the side slightly ... "Do you think I can hurt you, lieutenant?..." Said so calmly with a gentle tone ....
He stays silent for a few moments... Just looking at her... He doesn't get her at all...
"fine... I can squash you if you ever tried anything funny anyway.."
She feels a bit shocked at the way he speaks... But she pays no mind and laughs it off....
And after ten minutes... They were both in her car... She is driving... And he is sitting on the passenger seat beside her... He doesn't fit at all beside her... With her small pink car... And her calm oblivious aura... He looks out of place...
"where are we going?.."
"don't worry.. I won't eat you..."
He gives her a side eye... He knows for sure whom can truly eat the other ...
"brave little minx ..."
"well I understand little minx.. but brave?.. me?..."
"you are more stupid than brave..."
"ugh.. can't you be nice for a moment..."
She shakes her head a bit... And she stays silent for the rest of the road...
They reach the sea and he feels a bit confused that she brought him here...
This city has a beautiful sea, that's what he heard but he never came to see it... And it's indeed pretty... The sea water are so blue like the sky... The shore's sand is a bit dark colored but still matches the sea so much.... With a nice breeze... So refreshing and smells like salty water... That special aroma...
He just stands beside the car not moving a muscle... And she takes off her shoes and walks on the sand softly like walking on sharp glass...
She then stops midway and looks back at him... Giving him a look of inviting ...
"what?" He says
"what!" She says back
"aren't you coming?... Are you gonna just stand there like a statue?..."
He feels a bit offended and steps on the sand...
"aren't you taking off your boots?... It will fill up with sand.."
He doesn't answer her and she gives up and just walks with him closer to the sea .... Then she sits down in front of the sea... And he just sits beside her ...
"so?.. just brought me here to look at the water!..."
"oh .. sorry to disappoint you sir ... Did you expect more?..." Says softly with a smirk that annoyed him so much....
He just glares at her... She is really weird he thinks...
She looks ahead of her... Listening to the soft waves hit the shore...
"when I was young, my parents had a divorce... At that time I thought that I could fix it... But I was just a kid ..."
He didn't say anything for a few moments...
"why are you telling me that?..."
"maybe I just wanna bribe you... To let me draw you"
He smiles a little behind his balaclava and doesn't say anything back for a nother minute...
"what did you do then?..."
She feels a bit relieved that he chooses not to be rude...
"I just cried... I couldn't imagine my life alone... Without mom and dad ..."
"alone?... Didn't they just get a divorce?.."
"yeah.. but they both didn't want me anymore... They wanted to start new lives ..."
"hmm..." That was his answer... He doesn't know what to say in these situations at all...
She laughs and nudges him...
"it was long ago... It doesn't affect me like it did before..."
He frowns and didn't say anything... And they just sit silently, looking at the sea...
"I still won't let you draw me.."
"come onnnn... I told you something sensitive about me .."
"well I didn't ask you to tell me... You forced me to hear you..."
"forced you?... You are so Stony.."
He chuckles a bit and stops immediately so she won't hear it... "Stony!... That's the weirdest thing I have ever heard..."
She heard him chuckle quietly and she decides not to mention it...
"come on .. just one portrait of you... Just one .."
"ughhh... Evil..."
"and you are a little baby ..."
"so you will come again?.."
"come where?.." he acts dump...
She looks so done with how annoying he is...
"to here... The sea... It's my calming place..." She sighs and looks at him...
"so?.. you will?.." she want him to accept so bad... She wanna come here again with him... Maybe that will convince him to let her do a portrait of him...
"without a portrait?..." He breaks all her hopes..
"okay.. just for now..." She had to agree for now... She wanna know that set of colors and complicated emotions for now... For her portrait of course...
"fine ... Maybe another time here won't be a problem..."
"deal!..."says happily and she smiles a bit smile and looks back at the sea.... She can't believe he agreed... Maybe he is indeed easy...
The sun setting down over the sea... The sky isn't totally blue now... It has some orange and a bit splashes of pink...
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familyvideostevie · 1 year
may I humbly suggest a cute lil winter date with Steve or Eddie whoever u prefer like going ice skating or something and bf is NOT good at it hehehe it’d be so cute
ok my darling i took this and ran in a different direction but i hope you like it anyway!! here is very short sweet stuff about steve not being able to make a snowman very well <3 | fluff, 0.8k, gn!reader
"If you keep laughing at me I'm going to go inside," Steve says. He frowns at you from his place on the ground as he half-heartedly pats the ball of snow he's been working on for almost 10 minutes.
"I'm not laughing," you say, laughing. "It's just--" You abandon your shaping of the base of the snowman and get on your knees across from him, placing your gloved hands over his. "This is the biggest snowman head I've ever seen, Steve."
He rolls his eyes at you. You have to swallow another laugh, this one hitting you for the same reason -- he's so handsome you can hardly believe it. Here in the cold, on his knees in the snow, he's the prettiest thing you've ever seen. His cheeks are flushed and the tip of his nose is pink and he's a little puffed up from the three sweaters he put on in lieu of a real coat. His hat is askew, one ear showing more than the other, and you reach out to tug it down.
"Quit it," he says, but he doesn't move away from your touch, allowing you to fuss over him as he crinkles his nose. "Is it really that bad?" he asks, eyeing his snowman's head dejectedly. "I was always shit at this."
"No, not that bad," you tell him and mean it. "But if we let Dustin see it..."
"Asshole will never let me hear the end of it," he sighs. "Alright, how do we fix it?"
It's the ease with which he says we that makes your heart race like always. No matter how long you're together, how many mornings you wake up next to him, how many times he tells you how he feels, you sometimes can't believe that he's yours. He's Steve.
You both start to pull off chunks of snow to make the ball a normal head size, swatting at each other like kids the whole time. The laughter of the rest of your friends is clear in the chilly air as they search for sticks and whatever else they're going to saddle your snowman with.
"You cold?" he asks you. I love you, he's saying. It makes you the opposite of cold. You raise your eyebrows at him but he looks at you innocently.
"Are you trying to cop a feel right now, Steve Harrington?" He grins at you and rolls the slightly less misshapen head to the side so he can shuffle closer on his knees.
He shrugs. "Depends," he says. "Will you let me?" You stop patting the snow and settle back onto your heels, pretending to consider it.
"No," you say. He throws his head back and looks at the sky like it's personally offended him. Always so dramatic, your Steve. "But I guess my...lips are cold."
He looks at you with naked delight. "Oh my god," he says. "That was so bad." He pulls one of his gloves off with his teeth and says something else that you can't make out.
"Don't tease me, loverboy," you say. He reaches for you with a bare hand, gently cupping your jaw. His skin on yours is warm.
"I said that I just have to kiss you," he replies. "Don't you know by now that bad flirting is, like, the key to my heart?"
You laugh right as he kisses you, your smile big against his mouth. His fingers press firmly into your jaw as he leans into you and you kiss him back properly, pulling his lower lip between yours. Any cold you felt is quickly chased away.
"Alright, what the hell are you guys doing over there?" Dustin calls. Steve pulls away from you with a sigh. "That thing on the ground better not be the hea--"
"Not a fucking word about the head, Henderson," Steve says. He's still close enough that you can feel his breath on your skin, and his eyes roam over your face, crinkling at the corners as he smiles. "Unless you want snow down your collar."
"Steve," you chide. "We really should fix it." He rubs his nose against yours, his bare hand firm on your neck and the other still gloved one gripping your hip through your coat.
"Nah," he says. "They can finish. Let's go get the hot chocolate going." He pecks your mouth one more time before releasing you and hauling you up to your feet.
"You mean let's go make out in the kitchen after we put milk on the stove?" you tease.
"Now that's a great idea," Steve says, mouth agape in mock surprise. He grabs your hand and tugs you towards the front door, ignoring the calls from the kids. "Seriously, it's like you took the words right out of my mouth."
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antianakin · 3 months
So if I pretend this season exists in a vacuum, I can see how people would argue it's better written. From a purely structural standpoint, for now at least, it's far less episodic and has figured out how to write a longer arc while still having each episode deal with a separate sort-of "adventure" that moves the plot forward. Cool, great, love that.
Except that it's STILL a terribly written show because the character moments here require me to forget a lot of what was established in prior seasons.
"I didn't know what I was getting into with the Empire." Yes, he did. He very explicitly knew exactly what he was getting into. He REMOVED HIS OWN CHIP and stayed with the Empire ANYWAY. He knew exactly what they were and how they were controlling him and STAYS. By season two, you could perhaps argue that he stays because he doesn't think he has anywhere else to go and this is the bed he's built so he may as well just lay in it as long as he can, but he's still the one who built it and is choosing to lay in it, so that doesn't line up with "I didn't know what I was getting into." The whole POINT behind Crosshair's betrayal is that he DID know what he was doing and DID IT ANYWAY.
"I just wanted to be a good soldier." No, he didn't. He lays out exactly why he stayed with the Empire and it was for vengeance against the Bad Batch when he has the chip removed and realizes they didn't come back for him and takes that personally. He stayed in order to hunt them down as punishment for the perceived slight. By season two, again, you could argue he's staying because he thinks he has nowhere else to go, but that's not the same as wanting to "be a good soldier." It's closer, but not the same. And even if it were, it's not the ORIGINAL reason he stayed which is when the actual betrayal happens and therefore the more relevant motivation for this discussion with Hunter, the one Hunter was hurt by.
"No one knew what was going on back then." Yes, they did. Very specifically, ALL OF YOU KNEW WHAT WAS GOING ON. They figure out the chips in the PILOT EPISODE, Crosshair is a PART of that conversation even if his chip is partially activated at the time. And his actual betrayal isn't when the chip is activated anyway, it's when he REMOVES IT and stays in the Empire DESPITE knowing exactly what was going on.
Crosshair's betrayal is entirely intentional and done with his eyes wide open. He knew the Empire was hunting down innocent people and killing them, he knew the Empire was mind controlling the clones, he knew exactly what the Empire wanted from him, he just decides it doesn't matter to him because staying in the Empire gives him the opportunity and resources to exact vengeance on the Bad Batch for leaving him behind.
If I didn't remember anything about season 1, this scene probably works better. But I do in fact remember some stuff about season 1 of this show and none of it lines up with what was established about Crosshair and his knowledge and motivations back then. So this scene that is intended to be the emotional conclusion of this arc developing Hunter and Crosshair's relationship doesn't hit at all because they're asking me to just forget everything I know about why Crosshair did the things he did and why Hunter has every right to be upset about it and not trust him as a result. The Ahsoka show did this EXACT SAME THING, where they refuse to address the actual betrayal, the elephant in the room, because it's a lot more work if you do, and they're just unwilling to put in that amount of work in order to earn the emotional pay-off.
The last time Hunter even SAW Crosshair was on Kamino where they offered him forgiveness and he rejected it, went back to the Empire after yelling at them for leaving him behind or whatever. It's been months if not a year since then and the only other communication they've had with him was the warning he sent out that they VERY justifiably couldn't trust because it could just as easily have been a trap of some kind. Hunter has no REASON to trust Crosshair and has had zero time to believe Crosshair has had any kind of change of heart about the things he was so upset over a year ago. And yet instead of actually addressing any of that, the way Crosshair very intentionally hunted them down to try to kill them out of anger and vengeance, instead of truly dealing with the issues that tore them apart, they expect me to believe that the REAL reason Hunter's upset is because he's... * checks notes * jealous that he didn't get to save Omega?
This SMACKS of cowardice and laziness on the part of the writers. And they've ALWAYS been cowardly and lazy on this show, but this is why, even though the structure seems to have improved, the writing on this show is still SHITTY. Structure is important, but if your characters are off, the entire thing is a lost cause. And this poor shitshow has never had good characters to begin with, and that hasn't changed in this season.
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a-roguish-gambit · 13 days
Hi there I love your design for a Romy fankid, she is so cute!!! I was wondering do you have any headcanons about Rogue's pregnancy with her? I bet Gambit was the most ecstatic father to be ever!! Anyways that's all I wanted to ask. Love your blog :)
Oh yesssss well it goes in few directions
One if she has control of her powers, and two if she hasn't.
#1 If she has control of her powers:
Girl has been touch starved for years. Once she can touch people she cannot keep her hands off of Gambit. It's only a matter of time till she gets pregnant.
When she does, the mutant morning sickness is NASTY
She's having weird bouts of powers she's previously absorbed. Just split seconds of them after sudden nausea.
Girl is terrified she has lost control of her powers again some how goes straight to Hank.
After assurance that she's just pregnant she's now nervous how Gambit will react
They weren't planning for kids after all. What if he doesn't want it? He seems like the child free type of guy
He's overjoyed tho. Lifts her up and swings her around
Cooks her all kinds of BS. Pulls out the old family cookbooks, steals a few old family cook books from the assassin's guild, sweet talks some old church ladies into giving up their secret recipes.
Makes her non alcoholic banana foster and versions of their favorite fruity drinks
Baby shower is incredibly extravagant and weirdly themed like a casino. Cause he thought it would be fun
There is no gender reveal party but Remy does take bets on the birth gender at the shower. Cause he is a gambling man. Options are: doctor will say girl and be right, doctor will say boy and be right, doctor is wrong about the gender, doctor mentions any obvious mutant traits before the gender (winner gets to pummel doctor for this)
He's not over bearing or super protective. She's still rogue she can handle things herself
He will spoil the fuck out of her tho. Relentlessly.
Instead of pink or blue they go for royal purple for the baby's room.
He handles her mood swings ok. To him it's just rogue but more
Gambit talks to the baby in her belly often pretends to have conversations
Remy talks to the baby bump in Cajun french. Wants the kid to be bi lingual
He comes up with ridiculous nicknames for the baby which last beyond the birth despite rogue's best efforts to stop him
Rogue dealing with worries about being a good mom considering her history with moms, biological and adoptive
Gambit fucking adores how her body has changed. Absolutely worshiping her at times. She's so confused. "Ah feel like a potbelly pig and you think this is sexy? Ah always knew you were a strange man Remy...."
Gambit Will fight any doctor that tries to refuse to take her. So will rogue even while currently in labor
Gambit accepted from the start his hand was gonna get broken in that ER and takes a shot of whiskey and marches in there like a man when it's time to push.
Rogue cries when the baby is born. Refuses to let anyone hold her for a while, clutches her close
#2 Rogue can't control her powers but gets pregnant anyways
Rogue and Gambit still have sexy times but with lots of body cover and condoms obviously.
The condom broke at some point not enough to cause skin to skin contact but enough to let stuff through
Neither of them realize that she gets pregnant from this for a few months
They didn't think she could she thought she'd essentially just miscarry cause of her powers
When she finds out she panics. Gambit is excited but she's so worried she's gonna kill her own baby on accident
Which Gambit knows that much worry will absolutely cause a miscarriage
So his goal is: keep her lowkey as possible
House husband mode engaged.
Rogue is acting reckless for a bit. Sure she's gonna miscarry or it's just gonna disappear one day. Pushing to keep fighting and working like normal. Refusing to plan for the baby to come. Gambit catches her trying to drink coffee and take Tylenol to deal with nausea
They have an argument. Gambit finally says "Does rogue actually want dis bebe? Just be honest wit Gambit. I will understand!"
She breaks down. Admits she wants it but doesn't want to get her hopes up.
"my powers can only destroy things it's only a matter of time before this poor thing suffers the consequences"
He calms her down "you don know dat, chere. Da bebe has survived dis long...mebbe dey Gon be fine cause dey part of you?"
"what about after they're born huh? What if I can't hug my child without hurting them remy? What kind of mother will I be if I can't nurse, I can't kiss my child's forehead, can't hold them close."
"you'd still be a good mama. Cause you already worrying so much bout dem. We'd find a way to make sure our baby knows how much you love dem."
This calms her down
he convinces her to get an ultrasound the next day and she tears up when she sees the little thing, moving around she renews hope.
She's celebrating every little milestone.
Some nights staying up late talking to her baby in her belly
"I may not be the best mama....I'm sorry if I can't hold you as close as some can their own....but I will love you no less. No matter how you come out."
They pick out special mittens for rogue to hold their baby. Get a breast pump so she can still give milk. All just in case.
When she gives birth Gambit is there with a falconry glove. He knows his hand is still gonna be broken but she needs to still be able to touch it.
When the baby is finally born a nurse hands her to rogue cause she doesn't know her powers
She shrieks at first as her skin touches hers....but as skin touches skin nothing happens
She cries in relief as she's able to hold her baby, nuzzle her close
3# she can't control her powers and She can't get pregnant because of her powers....but they have a forge to solve this problem
Gambit and rogue want to have a baby but don't think they can have one
They go to forge and Hank for advice cause a human fertility clinic would be no use
The two have come up with a perfect solution: an artificial womb. It still needs to be surgically attached for blood flow between parent and child and delivering nutrients but it can be attached to any person, female or male or non sex individual.
Gambit volunteers to carry
Rogue is concerned for him thinks he lost his mind but he insists
It's attached to his belly and grows as the baby needs space with a set due date. It's heavy already to start with, and is just gonna get worse
Has to be on a strict diet to make sure the kid is getting good nutrition. Also hormones have to be introduced daily to the amniotic fluid For the baby's sake. Thankfully don't affect him too much
But he does get some mood swings as a result and tiredness.
And his back hates him.
But it's worth it for the baby.
The worst part is not being able to drink
mardigras is the WORST this time round
Calls himself the world's saddest king cake
"da tings Gambit do for ya feve"
Also yes his nickname for the baby while in the incubator is "feve" cause it looked like a bean when they first saw it on scans.
He's slightly upset about being left behind on missions for a while until he realizes it means he can be lazy with his cats
Rogue is concerned at first. Feel this is all a bit uncanny, but loves being able to cuddle the baby belly and gets used to it quickly
He's constantly talking to the belly like he's having convos with the baby. States the baby's "arguments to things" (really his)
Rogue feels a little insecure about not being the one to carry at first. Like she doesn't deserve to be called mom but over time gets used to it.
They have a heart to heart about it
Starts joking that Shes the dad and he's the mom.
The birth is easy, chamber gets opened and baby pops out like a literal bun in the oven. but the womb has to be surgecally removed after wards.
Daddy has to recover but he gets cuddle time with baby first.
Also rogue can touch her baby still in this one
Aaaaaaand that's it!!!!
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Second, bitch wtf? How was he a shitty friend, when he literally saved her and her family's life multiple times? And he was a teenager with *GASP 😱* reactions of a teenager, he saw the love of his life, the only women he'd ever love, kiss another man and he had every right to be jealous. He obliviously didn't hold it against her personally if he managed to find time to be with her, along with working 12 hours a day, six days a week. And you're pretending as if Peeta didn't do the very same thing by saying "aLmOsT tHoUgHt ThAt KiSs WaS rEaL" and don't you dare say that Peeta apologized and Gale didn't because Gale might've not apologized with words, but actions.
And third, Gale knows a LOT about survival. He did not blame her, if he blamed her than why would he constantly be with and around her, he was jealous and apparently his crime is that he wasn't completely okay with the girl he loved kissing another dude, the dude who, let's not forget, stalked her for yearsl
okay one yes he did save her and her family's lies but other than that he wasn't really a good or supportive friend. second yes he's jealous but that's not the problem the problem is is that he's mad that she had to kiss penis to survive and he's making her feel guilty about it. I mean he even said it himself "I told you he hated me," I say.
"It's the way he hates you. It's so...familiar. I used to feel like that," he admits. "When I'd watch you kissing him on the screen. Only I knew I wasn't being entirely fair. He can't see that."
Yes Peter was just too but the difference is he realized it was wrong of him to hold it against her for doing what she had to do to survive and that's the difference Peeta take accountability and Gale does not. also Gale just tries to pressure kindness into choosing between him and Peeta even though she tells him multiple times that she can't think about a relationship right now because of her fear of being killed and he doesn't listen and he keeps bringing this up again again I'm going to give you a good example of this
"I knew you'd kiss me."
"How?" I say. Because I didn't know myself.
"Because I'm in pain," he says. "That's the only way I get your attention." He picks up the box. "Don't worry, Katniss. It'll pass."
this is what I'm talking about he literally admitted to making katniss to feel guilty and to kiss him oh and then he complains about her kissing him it's one of my most hated Gale moments because this it's just pure manipulation there's no ifs and their buts about it he knew how she was going to react feeling to him rejected and feeling like he doesn't have a chance with her romantically and he did it anyway and that to me is gross.
here's another example of him being manipulative and blaming katniss.
"I thought...I'll never compete with that. No matter how much pain I'm in." He spins the feather between his thumb and forefinger. "I don't stand a chance if he doesn't get better. You'll never be able to let him go. You'll always feel wrong about being with me."
This is blame. Straight up, Grade A premium blame being put on Katniss because OMG she has strong feelings for someone NOT Gale. This isn’t about her feelings. This is all about him and how he’s been ‘mistreated’ by her. He’s laying all this guilt on her because he can’t handle
I hate that he was making someone else’s pain all about himself. Seriously, your “rival” has been tortured and brainwashed and all you can think about is how this affects you? While your supposed best friend is clearly miserable about this, and all you can do is just add to her emotional turmoil instead of making any kind of attempt at being a supportive friend?
what other example of this type of stuff but these two are the ones that piss me off the most and it really just shows to me that gale would never be a good match for katniss and Peeta is 100 times more better because like even though he's jealous he still a good friend the kindness he is there to support her and be there for her and coming her through nightmares I mean this man literally gives her a locket with Gale in it and so hopes that the create a life together this man is so selfless.
Anyways back to the point, as I said, Gale doesn't apologize with words but over time admits he was wrong with his actions.
Second he doesn't push her into a relationship when she isn't ready, that would be Peeta, Gale saw she didn't want it and then backed off after he kissed her, she is the one who continued something romantic. He didn't manipulate her. He was insecure. He was jealous. You can't say he manipulated her just because he loved her in a different way than Peeta.
And while we're on the subject, yes, sometimes people think about how a worse situation for someone else affects them negatively. Gale didn't praise The Capitol for what they did to Peeta, he cooperated with him while still trying to protect Katniss.
Gale was a morally gray character. He wasn't perfect, nobody's saying that he is. But he was realistic and complex and different and he sure as hell was better than Peeta. His motives and actions are much deeper than even Katniss' so I understand how most people can't even comprehend how morally complex he was.
Also you didn't answer why you're following me, like, genuine confusion and no hate but your shitty English made me not understand some of the things you said.
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wikiangela · 10 months
For a holiday (and forevermore) - now complete
chapters: 30/30
words: 94k
rating: M
summary: Eddie's sick of personal, intrusive questions about his love life whenever he visits his family, so he starts bringing Buck for the holidays as his (fake) boyfriend. He only wants to shut them up, and doesn't expect that the small crush he has on his best friend could actually turn into something more...
aka a fluffy fake-dating, rom-com-inspired fic (with only a splash of angst), with lots of family feels, oblivious and pining idiots in love, bed sharing, hand holding, denial of feelings
[read on Ao3]
(excerpt from chapter 2)
 “Honestly, sometimes I wanna just bring some random guy home for the holidays and introduce him as my boyfriend just to spite them and shut them all up.” he adds without thinking, frustration still evident in his voice.
“I mean, we can do that.” Buck says, his tone teasing. Eddie snorts. “What? I could be your boyfriend.” he continues and Eddie feels his cheeks heat up. Shit.
“Yeah, right.” he chuckles.
“No, seriously, we could do that.” Buck’s voice sounds more earnest now, and Eddie looks at him with surprise. He can’t be serious, Eddie was joking, it was just a thought, a crazy idea from the spiteful and petty side of him.
“I wasn’t serious.”
(excerpt from chapter 6)
He feels his face and neck grow hot. Why the hell did Buck buy him a Valentine’s Day gift? “For my fake boyfriend.” he adds, smirking, as he finally steps inside the house.
“Oh.” Eddie’s kind of stunned. Obviously, it’s a joke. They’re pretending to date, so Buck figures it’s funny to buy him something. No big deal. Except, try telling this to Eddie’s heart that flutters in that certain way he doesn’t want to name… because fact of the matter is, Buck noticed what day it is, that it’s Valentine’s Day, a day of love, and his first thought was Eddie. But it’s a joke. Of course. He can’t read into this. “Thanks.” he chuckles nervously, closing the door and trying to get it together. It’s not weird, you can buy a friend a Valentine’s Day gift. Especially as an inside joke, because you’re fake boyfriends anyway. He takes a deep breath and follows Buck to the kitchen. He adds jokingly: “Sorry, got nothing for you. I had no idea what day it is.”
“Yeah, me too. Until I got to the store and saw all the Valentine’s Day-themed stuff.” Buck says, putting the beer in the fridge. “But kinda figures we’re spending it together, huh?” he looks over his shoulder to grin at Eddie. “Since we’re kinda dating.”
if you like fluff and romcoms, especially the movie "Holidate" (2020) which inspired this, and Eddie&Maddie friendship, and sibling dynamics (particularly big brother!Eddie), and uncle Buck (not only to Jee👀), and Buck being a ray of sunshine everyone falls in love with - you might like this one haha
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fountainpenguin · 4 months
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"I simply must go-" ("Baby, it's cold outside...") "The answer is 'No-'" ("But baby, it's cold outside...") (x)
New Dog's Life chapter today! ~ 3rd Life series fan-season
Chapter 22 - “Fizzle (Bdubs, Scar, Mumbo)”
❤️ Read on AO3
💛 Start from Chapter 1
💚 More Pixels Imperfect fics
Bdubs ruins the soul delivery route for everybody. Scar tolerates NPC_Grian's snark as best he can. Mumbo eats pizza and makes a new… friend?
Also, Scar follows up with Grian on the rumor that he's secretly trapped in his red life even in the Between dimension, one slip-up from a perma-death... That talk goes great!
(First 1,000 words under the cut)
Bdubs - Phantom
Status: Morose
Captain of New Star Station’s Phantom Hybrid Flock
💙  🧡  💚
There are no horses in New Star Station. Not even one. Horse hybrids, sure, though they're not as common as you think. People have been saying for years that horses might be extinct in Between by now, but he's still got hope. You're sharing minds with Bdubs right now, just so we're on the same page. He's the guy with hope.
It's fine! There's no time in his schedule for horse caretaking anyway. Being captain is practically a full-time job. Seriously.
Phantoms don't need to go offline (as long as they're absorbing souls on the regular for the energy zing, of course). A phantom who goes more than three days without a single soul will start dropping the hunger meter fast, and if they can't find someone to eat, they'll probably go offline a while so they can rest and think things through.
It's all about energy. Even Scott's not immune to naptime, no matter how hard he denies it. Have you ever seen him sleep when he's on-server for like, the Life series and stuff? He's out cold. Might as well be in free-cam with how little reaction you'll get out of his body. Maybe he really does go into free-cam and wander around, pretending he's sleeping when he's really not. Scott's the type who can't settle down for anything. Maybe that's why he's so big on cozy little builds.
But the thing about 'No horses in New Star' is, well… Not having horses doesn't leave him with much to do on nights like this when he's stripped of title and stripped of wings. He should probably be taking Brittney out to dinner, but since he wasn't expecting to, y'know… Lose his wings this weekend, he didn't make reservations early enough. Brittney's fine! She's doing Gals' Night tonight with Cocoa, Jewel, Ferks, and Vera. They'll have fun. Bdubs snorts, kicking his foot against the edge of town square's fountain.
A stubborn sniffer, an athletic ravager, a sharp-eyed hoglin, a parkour-loving axolotl, and a beefy glow squid walk into a bar… Now that's a group you don't wanna mess with. The ravager is not the one with the most XP in her close combat skill. And Bdubs knows firsthand that as mellow as his beloved wife is, she's not afraid to headbutt or wrestle around. Look- phantoms do wrestle, but even Bdubs finds himself all too easily pinned when facing a woman with four arms.
I should bring her some chocolates. Not back to their server, obviously, but they've got an apartment he's spent… way too little time in lately. Bdubs stares down at his reflection in the fountain water. His mossy cloak sways, hands tucked in his pants pockets beneath. No wings. Nobody paying him any mind. Hhh… Well. Brittney still loves him. And even though she's got a Gals' Night going on, it's not hard to be romantic. He does this all the time, obviously.
Plucking blossoms off the cherry trees is going to be such a pain without wings.
I mean, it's just temporary… He'll get his wings back after someone cycles him through the system, but that'll knock him out for a week if he's not careful. The secret plan is to join Cub in Hermitcraft tidying - They're down to the last couple days before the Season 9 download drops, you know - and then treat the guy to dinner tonight. Scar ate last week. So did Etho's mystery vex… whoever he is.
See, that's the problem. Since unthreading's illegal, it's not like there are lots of other vex to choose from. Phantoms have a game balance stipulation in their code that prevents them from logging each other out properly, so submitting to a vex is the easiest way to go. Not a lot of other vex besides those two around, which is such a shame. Sure, New Star Station is a refuge, but most of its residents peaced out of the anarchy world before they ever mod up (either forcibly or of their own will).
Modding is a skilled art, especially if you're looking for body tweaks that will stay consistent in and out of different servers (not to mention Between). Tango's one of the best aesthetics modders Bdubs has ever met. That lion-like tail he wears wherever he goes? That's free advertising. Do you have any idea how hard it is to code an additional limb like that, and make it prehensile and expressive at the same time? Yeah. Tango's your guy if you like looking pretty.
What? Oh, yeah. There's zero horses in New Star. Bdubs already logged out a straggler who dropped to phantom hour and refused to pathfind home, too busy flirting instead. Combined with the "Thanks for being a captain; here's your parting meal" thing from yesterday, his hunger bar's topped off. No point in hunting. There's nothing else to do if you're a phantom except whatever the captain orders. And Martyn tasked him with the delivery route.
Bdubs climbs the clock tower and ducks inside the storage room. Pungence already prepped a satchel of souls for delivery. He always does. Good on him. Some people have an easier time hunting than others (Physically and/or emotionally). Bdubs slings it over his shoulder and turns out the lanterns. He shuts the storage room door, but leaves it slightly propped so it won't auto-lock. None of the fox eggs look like they've hatched yet. Hard to tell, though… Most are under a blanket. A few sit by a magma block.
Bdubs glances at the stairwell, but Martyn stomped off with Cleo. He'll be back soon, of course, of course, but… Don't they need to be rotated? That's what Etho always says. Etho used to eggsit for his mom all the time before he finally moved out of her den and settled long-term in New Star.
The fox eggs are Martyn's responsibility. It does him no favors if Bdubs handles everything for him. But… Bdubs walks over and touches one of the exposed eggs with a hand. He yanks his fingers back.
Too hot. Oh, they're cookin'.
Dozens and dozens of eggs lay cozied up in warm wool blankets all around the roost. Bdubs shifts the eggs nearest the magma block away and replaces them with the eggs at the farthest blanket edges. He tucks the blanket under a bit more, sends Martyn a whisper - Leaving for delivery route, eggs look kinda cold btw but I rotated the ones on the magma - and heads downstairs again. Every step clunks and clangs. When he reaches the bottom, he's got a response from Martyn… but it's not much to look at.
InTheLittleWood: k
All right. If that's all he has to say, that's all he has to say. So off on the delivery route he goes.
[Full chapter on AO3 - Link at top]
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wotw round 1
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propaganda under the cut!
So for context as to Why This Has Happened, he does happen to be an incredibly controversial character because of bad writing and that time he blew up a catholic church (complicated), so a lot of fans, even fans who otherwise wouldnt do so, of him swung HARD in the other direction of "he has basically no flaws at all" which is. Not True. Even if you agree with the blowing up a church thing. He is RUDE and MEAN and HAS BOUNDARY ISSUES. also he js very much the epitome of Extremely White activist and doesnt know how to communicate unless he is arguing (he is not good at arguing and he does not like doing it. these conflicting traits cause exactly the amount of problems you think it would).
Now are these various issues he has generally due to "forcibly imprisoned in a cult", "a year of solitary confinement", and "hes mentally ill and his writer is incredibly ableist"? Yeah for sure. But that doesnt mean the solution is to scrub every flaw he has away or pretend like they dont matter or blame it on the (very cool and sweet) guy possessing him (willingly) its SO uninteresting. And then if you try to talk about these flaws you get people excitedly talking about how they always without fail kill the passively suicidal man and how his romance is inherently abusive to the pc or some shit. Im DYING out here
I know this is like really minor but it bugs me SO much. Ok so. At the beginning of the game, Link gets woken up by Zelda. She calls him a sleepyhead. Later in the game, she references that he would oversleep sometimes. Some of the other npcs do this also. Fandom decided that this was one of his only personality traits, being a sleepy little soft guy who loves his girlfriend soooo much (ok, he does love her a lot, but that's not the point).
This just makes me so upset because he. is. not. sleepy.
Oversleeping doesn't make you sleepy! Many fics portray him as someone that's very soft and gentle and kind and can fall asleep anymore!
At the very most, he's tired. He pushed himself hard during his quest, losing sleep. Afterwards, he would probably go back to a regular sleep schedule and sleep fine (barring nightmares). This is a very different thing than sleepy!
Anyway. Next point. Soft and gentle. He is a kind person, he's on a time sensitive quest and he'll stop to help a mother find her lost child, help a demon become human, find a LOT of lost things, all sorts of stuff like that, but he is not soft and gentle. At the very beginning of the game, he tells the bully "nice hair" (it's kinda ridiculous). Many of his answers are short and blunt. He says "not that guy" when he has to enlist the help of someone he doesn't like. He broke a chandelier for the equivalent of five dollars. He eavesdropped on a private argument-- like literally if you walk by the house at the right time control is taken from the player and he'll walk towards and listen to it. He tells a guy that his elder is dead just for shits and giggles (he's not).
Anyway. Fandom, of course, remembers none of this. He's the peacemaker, he's the soft and gentle one, he falls asleep whenever possible-- he is none of these things! The only thing they get right is that he loves Zelda!
I just want the fics where he's properly snarky and rude and tired (of this bullshit), is that too much to ask?
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