redysetdare · 6 months
Some of you people need to stop acting so shitty over aspec stereotypes because it's starting to get to a point that you are just shitting on the people who experiences match the stereotypes and it's hurting a lot more aspects than it's helping.
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neptune-scythe · 23 days
I'm never a "I wish I was normal" type of person because tbh "normal" is boring and a lie anyway so why would I want that?
but the one exception is being aplatonic
people just don't seem to be able to grasp the concept of not wanting friends or to be social without it being because I'm just depressed and need to get out more
which even if it was because I was depressed that is not anyone's business to try and fix me without even asking if hanging out with them is even a remotely feasible solution
but I digress
people understand the concept of sexual and romantic attraction, that it doesn't always go both ways, and some people understand that attraction doesn't always exist at all, but people don't seem to get that with platonic attraction as well
like yeah I don't mind talking to people sometimes, I might even enjoy it on occasion, but that doesn't mean I want to be friends with that person, or hang out outside of work or wherever we met, and most people just don't understand that
and they can't understand that some people are simply not social beings, not because we're broken and need to be fixed, that's just who we are and there's nothing wrong with it
and it could very well just be that I've never been in a situation where someone asked me out or wanted to be in sexual or romantic relationship with me, but being aroace has never felt so alienating as being aplatonic does (alienating in the sense that no one really understands, not in the being separate from other people way)
there always seems to be a pressure to have platonic relationships, always confusion and concern when someone doesn't want that, always has to be a whole conversation and justification as to why I don't want to hang out with someone ... but even a conversation doesn't lead to understanding, just hurt feelings on the other person's part
honestly it was just easier when I had convinced myself I wanted friends, I just went along with it, I was uncomfortable but I ignored that until it was so far suppressed I didn't even notice it (until it got too much), I never had to justify my behaviors, never had to explain why I don't meet people's expectations that were put on me without even meeting me yet
so in this, and only this ... sometimes I would just like to know what it's like to be "normal"
because I know better than to expect society or other people to ever learn or improve their ways to accommodate me
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i propose that instead of pride month, we have queer year (queer people are treated like actual people all year long)
edit: @ilackhumanqualities wins best addition to this post
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milothem4ge · 9 days
"we need more weird queers!!"
you start parroting TERF talking points the milisecond someone says they are a lesboy or gaygirl
you cry when mspec lesbians/gays exist
you refuse to use neopronouns or it/its, even when those are a persons only set of pronouns
you expect a-specs to experience attraction in some way (yes, that includes platonic attraction)
you exclude intersex people
you can't even accept furries.
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thetisming · 3 months
people who exclude straight trans people and straight aspec people are my worst enemies. btw
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zephyr-heart · 4 months
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saffigon · 20 days
if you can understand that sex and romance aren’t essential to the human experience, you can understand that friends and platonic feelings aren’t either.
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bloompawz · 4 months
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aromantic-spinda · 4 months
A podcast run by an asexual, an aromantic, and an aplatonic called "AAA" and every time an episode starts, one of them welcomes the audience by screaming into the mic
"hello and welcome to AAA!"
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sure "romantic" isn't the only type of love but also "love" isn't the only type of positive feeling. So maybe stop insisting everyone needs love to be happy and accept that loveless ppl exist? Pretty please?
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Hey if you’re aspec in any way and you are reading this…
You’re queer as fuckin’ hell and that’s epic, keep doing what you do. Y’all’re valid
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neptune-scythe · 7 days
Lonely Vampire by Weathers the aplatonic anthem fr fr
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redysetdare · 2 months
Accept and support repulsed people or die by my blade
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loveless-yadriel · 6 months
Had a soulmate tarot reading done, in small hopeless aromantic hopes that I had a chance at love.
They described my cat. They even felt guided to say a name and it was my fucking cats name. I think they absolutely believed they were talking about a human girl but nope, just the goofiest cat that could ever roam. This is honestly the perfect possible outcome.
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thetisming · 7 months
the aspec experience of going 'but am i actually aspec?' and then seeing an allo and being like 'oh. okay. yeah i am. what the fuck'
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A does not stand for ally, it stands for ASPECS. aros and aces and agenders and aplatonics and ASPECS damn it.
i will fucking swallow a motherfucker whole if I hear that argument again.
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