#are you picking up what im putting down
stewykablooey · 6 months
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thebiscuitbread · 8 months
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once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, three time...
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waterflowrr · 10 months
shows are for meal time and youtube is for snack time there is no other law
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willkimurashat · 4 months
Everyone’s comparing jack to henrik, but I’m just over here like
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final-heavxn · 11 days
you know what I don’t think that tommy’s actually that cool. I think his hobbies are cool but really the man is awkward and his deadpan humor doesn’t always land well. but so far what from what we’ve seen, Buck is always so smiley and giggly about his little jokes and quips, and I think a scene with the 118 either watching Buck smiling at his phone or when tommy is there in person kind of being like…man he’s not that funny you’re just gone on him
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valyrfia · 8 months
okay so the RBR representative….immediately chatting with and then spraying Charles rather than Max. Max coming over to join in….what is going ON between Charles and Red Bull
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purplecelestial-buddy · 2 months
God, I hate having a thought stuck in my mind.
Something, something the importance of Hirano's earrings in the story and how it relates to Kagi's possessiveness and jealousy. Because, despite no one knowing that Kagiura was the one behind the earrings, it makes a difference. Hirano wearing them daily shows how close they are. And while Hirano wears them absent-mindedly (as he does everything) Kagi knows. Kagi knows it was him who chose the gift, him who believes Hirano sparkles so much that only shiny jewelery could match his complexion and....
Sigh. Poor Kagi really. Imagine caring so much, imagine everything carrying so much meaning and the object of your affection simply not realizing.
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transfemjoker · 1 month
batjokes is a disturbing and immoral ship for perverts -> hmm. i’m not sure about that
batjokes is a disturbing and immoral ship for perverts -> this we cannot possibly refute
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astro-iplier · 10 months
Wilford has customised number plates because he’s cool and colourful.
Actor Mark has customised number plates because he’s that kind of person.
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b-dwolf · 4 months
as much as i would love love looove this to be eddie comforting buck after his and natalia’s breakup, thus giving him the “you’ll find someone someday” speech i also cannot help but want it to be eddie comforting buck after the cruise mission.
i mean, ever since the tsunami i can guarantee buck is still not 100% okay being around (much less In) water, and i think it would be so lovely to have eddie acknowledge that and just check in to see how he’s doing.
….they did have the pier be a prominent memory during the coma episode, what better way to remind us of his trauma?
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impommyyawl · 2 years
you know how in the movie heroes rising bakugou got ofa for a second? yeah well what if..hear me out now what if…YA KNOW
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m3tth4ws · 11 months
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valyrfia · 7 months
So the Red Bull pitwall don’t track Lewis Hamilton (P3 in WDC), Lando Norris (P4 in a McLaren with upgrades worrying to RBR), not even Carlos Sainz (currently the leading Ferrari driver in the championship). Instead they choose to watch….Charles Leclerc
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purplecelestial-buddy · 2 months
I feel that sometimes I tell people that Hirano is cat coded and they don't actually get what I mean, so let present you with a comparison between Hirano (a cat coded boy) and Izutsumi (quite literally a cat girl)
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Are you seeing what I'm seeing? In case you aren't I butchered the paneling to have more of a direct comparison:
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These people arw going through all the stages of the grieving process while being hugged, how is that not being cat coded?
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not-the-loch · 7 months
OK, but here me out. Miraculous Ladybug but it's Total Drama MKulia
Like, I'm imagining the most morally questionable superheroes possible. A Ladybug who takes selfies over the bodies of beaten up Akumas and calls them butt-knuckles. A Chat Noir who the entirity of whatever city this is quickly learns not to get too close to bc she will just steal your wallet.
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sunny-and-vicious · 7 months
Holly smokes, new episodes of secret life are on fire
Fandome is screaming about the "broke of canary curse", but how about a different perspective on that event? Strup yourself in and get ready to cry
So, what if Jimmy couldn't break the chain completely, so canary just dragged others alone with it. To the depths of the darkest mines.
At first, he stubbed the butterfly (Lizzie). Then, the bird attended his own funeral to mess up the watchers perception. Like he is already dead. And right before the varden/wither has been unlished, our little canary has gotten a task to push somebody into lava. Where can we find lava? Mainly underground. But Jimmy found a loophole, and that angered the watchers. Bird-boy was trying to escape the narrative, so narrative came straight to him. The underground creature was unlished to hunt down the one, who suppose to be out first.
It was only session 5, but the balance was shifted, so the world went in flames. 2 unfortunate souls were slain in this event, and even more have lost their green life. And it's all because one little bird wanted to survive so desperately.
It's also poetic, that Mumbo went right after Jimmy, again. And the fact that Grian was the one with a wither task.
Hehe. Spooky. And the only way we could know the answer is if there would be a new life series.
But that's just a theory. A game theory
Also, congrats, Jimmy, on not being first, we are so proud. My condolences to Mumbo and Lizzy. It is so sad that they were out so soon. And 'good job' to all the other hermits for staying alive and not even dropping straight down to red.
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