#armin arlert x mother! reader
iqzo · 7 months
chapter one, armin x black reader. this is a book in which the reader is a bratty girl.
warnings: drugs, bullying, smut, sexual scenes, language.
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“Armin, don’t forget your lunch!” His mother shouted from her bedroom, armin sighs heavily. Glancing over at the navy blue bag that sat on of the marble countertop, “I won’t!” He shouted back as he stuffed the lunchbox in his bag, “Love you minnie!” She shouts, Armin chortles before turning the lock on the door he grasped the doorknob and opened it to a certain extent, “Love you too mom!” He leaves the house and locks the door behind him.
He steps down the porch steps, looking over by the house beside his own. Seeing that familiar brunette hair standing on the porch, a smile instant went on Armin’s face.
“Eren!” He shouts.
The brunette’s head snaps up with a confused glare, his bushy eyebrows furrowed as he stares at the blurry shadow figure by his front gates.
“Your glasses!” Armin shouts through a light chuckle, seeing his face relax, he digs in his bag and pulls out his glasses.
“Arminn” He smiled walking down the steps to hug his best friend, “Good morning,” Armin responds as they pulled away.
“Good morning,” Eren smiled, “What did mama Arlert give you today?” Eren questions as they began to walk along the sidewalk side by side. Armin shoulder shrugged.
“I think i got the lasagna she cooked last night.” Eren hums, “Did you see that update?” Eren asked which caused Armin’s face to screw, “Mortal Kombat or Fortnite?” “Fortnite.” He replied, “Oh yes, I haven’t gotten the chance to update it. But i’ll update it after school and we could play together.” Eren’s hands clapped from excitement of course.
“Oh crap, wait.” Eren groaned, “What happened?” Armin questioned as his eyebrow perks up. “That project from Mr. Simmins. I haven’t started on it and I need too.” Armin’s face scrunched up, he hasn’t seen anything about Mr. Simmins posting about a project. Maybe his class just hadn’t gotten there yet.
Since it’s filled with disrespectful students.
“Do you have a partner?” Armin inquired. “Yeah,” Eren blushed, “It’s Joyce.” He whispered with a full blown red face. “Isn’t she sisters with that brat?” Armin brusquely said, Eren’s shoulder shrugs softly.
“Yeah, but I think she’s the nice one.” Armin hummed.
Finally arriving early at the school, both students walked past the glass double doors. Stepping into the crowded hallways of Bridgetown HighSchool.
Armin walks over to his locker as Eren walks to his. Which was right beside Armin’s.
Armin placed in his combination, the locker opens with a snap. He stores his bag inside keeping his phone in his pants pockets. “Dude, i’m so mad i have math first period.” Eren soughed. “I thought you liked math?” Armin spoke softly as a chuckle emits from his mouth.
“Man I do but having it first period? I would rather have it in the middle of the day.” Armin chortles at his comment, “Oh no you would not. 5th period math class sucks, I’m with the brat and her hooligans.”
quick lil errr fit check.
armin’s fit
eren’s fit
y/n’s fit
joyce’s fit
anyway, back to the story.
Eren chuckled. “Damn, I feel bad for you. I just have one of her friends and they’re quiet.” Armin grins as he closes his locker causing it to lock, “Yeah cause they don’t have their freakin’ ring leader with them.” Armin scoffs as he held his english studies book between his armpits and his side.
“Hey, uhh armin right?” A girl with nice brunette lavish short hair said. Standing in front of Armin. “Yeah?” He answered eyeing the girl.
“I’m new to the school,” she chortles, “My name is Sasha.” She smiles as she placed out her hand for armin to shake.
He glanced over at Eren before returning the gaze back onto her hand, “Nice to meet you, Sasha.” He grins as he shook her hand.
“Nice to meet you too. Do you have any idea where the calculus class is?” She questions with her eyes squint. “Oh uhh.” Armin turned to Eren, “He’s going there now.” His emerald eyes panned over to the girl, “Oh, Uh, yes follow me.” He grinned as he began walking to his class as soon as the bell rang.
Armin sighs, sliding his hands into his pockets he trudges through the crowd of students who were trying to make it before that late bell rung. On his way to class, he saw you standing by his classroom door.
Looking all mad. Armin eyed you and than the outfit you had on.
The two piece juicy couture tracksuit. The fabric settling onto your body, framing it perfectly.
If it wasn’t for the way you acted, Armin would have most likely tried to take you out on a date. But you’re all bitchy because your father owns the school.
He walks pass you stepping into the classroom, your head perked up after your nose inhaled that familiar scent. Your eyebrows furrowed as you stepped inside the classroom, luckily this was your room or it would’ve been a different story.
browsing through the students trying to find that blond hair boy, seeing the tip of his hair peeking over a student you instantly made your way to the back.
Taking the empty seat beside him, you placed down your tote bag on the desk. Slightly slouched on the chair with one leg thrown over the next, “What do you want, Y/n.” Armin tiredly asked. “I wanna know why you didn’t do my chemistry homework,” Armin heavily exhaled leaning into his seat, “Bro, it’s your homework. Not mines, Y/n. You’ve could’ve done it yourself.” He jadedly said.
The tip of his pencil moved against his book, writing down every note Mr. Levi left on the board.
You sucked your teeth, completely ignoring his comment you pulled out the paper and slapped it onto his desk. “Do it.” You whispered.
Glancing away from him—Armin eyed you. That jet black lace front that framed your face and its beauty perfectly, the way your lips glimmered from the sun rays beaming through the large windows, your scent swallowed him whole. As if he couldn’t smell anything, but you.
And it made him mad. But he couldn’t do anything about it since your knuckle headed boyfriend who’s the caption of the football team is always not afraid to beat some geeks head in.
“F-Fine, whatever.” He stammered as he stores the paper into his folder, “I’ll do it after I do mines,” Your arms crossed on your stomach watching him from your peripheral vision, the way he was slouched forward writing down everything he saw on the white board, his glasses slipping down the bridge of his nose. He takes his pointer to push it back up.
He than sits up to make sure he wasn’t missing anything, his messy blond hair framing his cubby face perfectly. As well as his black frames and his comely blue eyes.
He had a perfectly side profile, a nice snubby nose that was slightly red at the tip. His lips that were perfectly pushed outwards. His soft jawline and his adam apple that bobbed every time he’d swallowed. Olive skin that looked so soft if you were to touch it.
You swallowed dryly, looking away with an eye roll, beginning to realized that you were staring at him for too long.
part 2 soon. Hope you enjooyyyeddd, this was lowk rushed idk if u could tell it was but😭
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drunkoffsmoke · 10 months
Hey do you have any platonic Headcanons for Reiner,Mikasa,and Armin?
a/n: RAGHHH IM SO SORRY I DIDNT SEE THE REQUEST EARLIER!!!! I DIDNT GET A NOTIF— anyways brother elliot shall provide once more >:) (this is like season 1-2 so no spoilers).
pairing: Reiner x gn!reader ; Mikasa x gn!reader ; Armin x gn!reader.
fandom: AOT (Attack on Titan).
genre: Fluff, headcanons.
! WARNING ! : N/A. (it's sfw pookies)
Reiner Braun.
Man is FLEXING his ass off when you're around.
Anything he thinks you might like? He's showing it off. Whether it be leadership skills (which he barely has) or muscles (okay he does have those), HE'S SHOWING OFF.
He likes to get your attention through random stuff such as constant poking or annoying you.
Since you're close to Reiner, he talks a lot about you to his friends Annie and Bertholdt.
Bertie likes you, although Annie keeps her distance. It's not that she doesn't like you, it's just that she's a loner and wants to keep it that way.
He probably follows you around during missions to make sure you're safe.
He's like a golden retriever off the field, but on the field, he's the most protective mf you can ever meet.
The second a titan reaches out to grab you, boom, he's slicing the titan's hand off.
If the mission proves to be easy with few dangers nearby, you and him have little contest like 'who kills more titans' and such.
He doesn't want to admit it, but he lets you win almost every time, blaming it on his gear for being this rusty.
You usually stay up past your curfew and watch the stars.
During this time you don't talk a lot, merely enjoying eachothers presence.
He's usually acting like an older brother, but sometimes you have to be the mature one and step in between fights he's about to start (somebody looked at you wrong).
Super supportive, literally the main cheerleader as you kick somebody's ass during training.
You and him have sparring sessions and he teaches you useful information about hand-to-hand combat!
He'd be a good teacher if he wouldn't be teasing you so much.
"Look at you, you're so fragile, you could never take me down!" were his last words before you kicked his ass.
He was shocked, he didn't expect you to ACTUALLY win the fight.
Nevertheless he's proud of you >:)
Mikasa Ackerman.
She firstly heard about you through Armin, telling her and Eren about how he made a new friend.
She was skeptical at first, thinking you were actually someone mean who just tried to get advantage of her blond friend.
But upon meeting you, she quickly changed her mind.
Mikasa is usually quiet and is always following Eren around, so the two of you don't really get some time alone.
But Armin told you she considers you a good friend of hers!
You're a feisty fellow, so she has to make sure you don't get in trouble aswell (as if she needed another Eren to take care of).
Being the mother friend of the group, she has to make sure nobody gets hurt, so she keeps you, Armin and Eren close when in missions.
Always on alert, she's ready to lash out at anyone who does you wrong.
One time a rookie spoke lowly of you behind your back. Mikasa found out, said she was going to take care of it, and you never saw that rookie again.
It's scary what she's willing to do to protect her loved ones, but it only makes you realize she is a good person deep down.
Honestly you're closer to Armin than her, but she doesn't mind that, since it gives her and Eren some alone time (nothing happens in this time, but she likes it when it's just her and Eren hanging around).
Not really good with praises, but will congratulate you after missions, saying you did a good job before walking away.
Armin Arlert.
If you're close to him, you're ultimately close to Eren and Mikasa too.
He likes to talk to you about facts he's learned from books and he's genuinely happy you listen to him (unlike a certain SOMEONE who has brown hair and teal eyes glares at Eren).
You had to rescue him a couple times from bullies. Because of that, you tried to teach him how to defend himself, although he believed this wasn't the right way.
He probably shows off every new item he found. It's mainly cool rocks or shards of glass bottles, but the way he's presenting them makes the trinkets look like some ancient relics.
He is a great listener and offers good advice where he can.
Most of the time he's shy so you have to speak up for him, he's really thankful you do that for him.
Armin's parents like you a lot, especially since you help out Armin so much. They tell you stuff about Armin which makes him embarrassed and blush.
You know the song 'To the Bone' about Undertale?
Well there's this one part saying "I am the Mastermind, he's my accomplice!"
Yeah that's Armin, and you're "You're still alive because I made a promise."
You guys are a great duo, fighting off titans together (although you end up eliminating most of them since Armin is a bit rusty on his skills, he's learning tho!) during missions and such.
He probably tells you all about the wonders of the ocean he's learned from his little book, it gets you as excited as him and it makes him feel as if he doesn't just let the information fall on deaf ears.
He thinks you're a strong, independent person and admires you for that.
He's the orange cat friend and you're the doberman friend. You can't convince me otherwise.
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kzlove · 1 year
love's rage
rage ; to show or have violent uncontrollable anger
when eren witnesses too much, he physically cannot control himself.
warnings : fighting, slight bullying, dick appointment mention, carla is alive, carla and grisha are divorced, not proofread
modern au!eren jaeger x reader
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eren jaeger from the football team was a big lover.
everyone understood that when he was seen walking his best friend, mikasa, to class and buying her food.
or even seeing him leave the school because connie ended up passing out while being in the street by himself.
he wasn't as open as he presented himself as, but he definitely did care about some things.
so when a random girl wearing a brown graphic tee began bringing him water when he'd forget during games, he grew a light crush.
he remembers ranting to his mother over the phone the fifth time it happened.
he was at his father's house, laying on his stomach while his mother was working.
carla listened to her boy go on and on about it, ending it off with a hush 'fuck she was just so beautiful. and godsent.'
of course, he got the cursing of his life for using that language towards his mother, but it was worth it.
his team teased him about it, and so did his friends.
even armin, who was still following annie around like a lost puppy.
the news went around almost immediately, and eren even giggled while showing his older brother, zeke.
the captain of the football team is a big lover, and is head over heels for some mysterious girl.
eren made sure to never let anyone know who it was, in case his 'fanclub' goes crazy over it.
sometimes, people think because their captain is such a big lover, the football team would follow behind in his footsteps.
the football team was quite the opposite..
"eren did you do the bio worksheet?" mikasa groaned, finally catching up with the boy.
she rode in her uncle's car on mondays, so they didn't get to ride together.
and of course, eren always has his headphones in blaring the neighborhood or whatever song armin has in his playlist.
"nah. gonna ask min during lunch." eren said, turning to mikasa with a cheeky smile.
it wasn't the first time eren had ask armin for the homework, and definitely not the last.
but of course, with armin arlert, there's always a price behind.
and with the amount eren failed to do, he might just have to cover the next hangout's expenses.
loud bangs could be heard, making eren roll his eyes.
they were at it again.
some guys on the football team amuse themselves by taking up one of the girls in the school and making them hate their days of school.
every week, they pick another girl to pick on.
whether it be for her weight, her clothes, or her face. nothing ever mattered when it came to those guys.
eren recalls the time they tried it with mikasa.
eren didn't have to do much at the time, because her uncle promptly failed them that semester.
he still remembers what levi had said to him after that.
'if you get them suspended from five games, i'll make sure you pass my class with flying colors.'
safe to say, everyone came to eren for answers he had no clue about.
"are they ever gonna give that up?" mikasa questioned, and eren knew she was watching again.
eren minded his business, knowing that floch forester was apart of half of it.
he'd gotten into the football team because his daddy had money, and occasionally sleeps with the assistant principal.
no one wanted to get in between the ap and her dick appointments.
so when he was walking past and see a flash of brown, he paused in his steps and looked behind him.
mikasa stumbled into him, annoyed. "what the hell?" she questioned immediately.
he ignored her complaints of her make up smudging even the slightest, squinting his eyes to look at who they were bothering.
and it was her.
wearing that brownish grey shirt that was suddenly stained pink.
you looked horrified, hands up in defense as they tossed baby powder on you.
eren watched as floch laughed, another guy shoved you down, and yet another one held a pair of blue scissors.
they practically slid you across the floor in the sticky mess.
of course they wanted to do it in the empty staircase, where no one really would go.
your cries of 'stop' echoed, making mikasa frown.
before she could open her mouth and say something to eren, he was gone from her side.
he was far ahead of her, stepping in the sticky mess with his fresh converse and ripping his hoodie over his head.
immediately, eren was shoving the boy behind you down the steps, hearing a sickening crack.
eren didn't flinch, just lifting you to your feet with a frown on his face.
you immediately recognized him, who wouldn't?
"here. go to the bathroom and clean up. you can wear this after." eren said softly to you, helping you step away from the sticky mess.
he didn't give you the time of day to speak, already swinging on the boy beside him.
that's how many men it took to rip eren off of floch forester.
of course, he handled everyone else before chasing floch down the hallways of the school.
the students watched it all go down, not believing eren was actually gonna hurt his teammate.
until the boy was caught.
the minute eren caught floch, he began pounding his face in something serious.
nothing about this was a joke.
nothing about this was in the slightest bit funny.
now eren was sitting in the principals office, his parents sitting on either side of their son.
after their divorce, it was rare to see them sit in a room together and agree on something.
but of course, they could agree that their son had some serious anger issues that built up over the years.
it stayed silent, carla and grisha not knowing what to say at all.
the principal walked in, a disappointed frown present on his face.
"i'm surprised to see you here today. where's your sweater mr jaeger?" the principal began, looking him up and down.
yeah, eren used to be a fighter. and he was known for removing his clothes during fights.
students even hung his gorillaz shirt over the school's message board.
"doesn't matter." eren responded, a common response.
carla swatted him immediately, giving him a stink look. 'behave' her eyes yelled.
the principal sighed, leaning back into his chair in annoyance.
"okay. then what happened." the principal asked, raising his eyebrow and holding a pen.
now this, is what eren was so totally ready to get off his chest.
he spilled everything about what these boys have been doing for the past few months.
every video created, everything he's personally witnessed, every girl he's comforted, and every rumor he heard.
some of these girls even began doing blended learning because of how embarrassed they were.
eren had given them multiple warnings as their captain, and they never listened to him.
this was their last straw, even if it meant eren had to do out of school suspension.
the principal listened and made notes, frowning while doing so.
when he finished writing, he looked up at eren with a sour expression.
"are you aware of the alter ego rule, mr. jaeger?" the principal asked, raising his eyebrow.
eren nodded, having it memorized from when mikasa forced him to take intro to law with her during their freshman year.
"when a person can only defend a third party under circumstances and only to the degree that the third party could act." eren recited, crossing his arms.
the principal nodded, slightly impressed. but eren knew exactly where this was going.
and how to come back to it.
"i'm sure that girl could not have put seven football players in the hospital." the principal frowned.
"very aware of that. that's why i did it in place of the twenty five girls they bothered." eren said, flashing him a grin.
carla could only placed her hands together and pray for her boy's future to be bright.
before eren could get into his car with his mother, he heard a voice calling out to him.
he paused, turning around and seeing mikasa and you chasing after him.
"dude! what the hell!" mikasa sighed, leaning over and catching her breath.
eren chuckled and looked over at you, who was now holding the hoodie he'd lent you earlier.
"thank you." you said, giving him the best smile that you could possibly offer after the day you had.
eren nodded, taking the hoodie from you with a smile. "no problem." eren replied, tossing it into his car.
"are you suspended?" mikasa questioned, tilting her head.
eren glanced at his mother, who had tapped her wrist with a frown.
"yeah. three weeks." eren laughed sheepishly, leaning back onto the hood of his car.
carla had nowhere to go but in her house, she'll be alright.
he noticed your expression changed from the corner of his eye, perfect lips beginning to form a pout.
immediately, he squeezed your cheeks and gave you a genuine smile.
"don't be sad. we'll meet again on better terms." eren joked, effectively making you smile back.
before his mother complained, he climbed into the car and smiled.
"give her my number miki!" eren said, pushing his head out of the car window.
carla pulled him back into the car by his hair, smiling warmly at the sight of mikasa.
she pulled off, making sure to let zeke know what his younger brother had done.
"wasn't she gorgeous?" eren dreamily sighed, leaning back into his seat with a cheesy smile.
carla glanced at him, before looking back at the road with a loud laugh.
eren immediately looked at her, ready to defend you with his life against his own mother.
"mm... my boy is in love." carla smiled to herself, turning onto the next street over.
and eren wouldn't have it any other way.
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ackerfics · 1 year
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in a world where everyone lives and are actors on a stage: aot
— i'll always look out for you; yeah, that's what i'll do.
armin arlert x best friend female reader
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you're seated in a dim room with only mellow overhead lights as the only illumination. the studio is designed this way for your current schedule — a lie detector test concerning your role in your current series and work as an actress. being one of the well-known stars in show business because of your involvement in the hit show attack on titan, you're almost always invited to interviews and gigs now that the final part of the season is expected to air a couple of months from now. mostly, you're with your co-stars — never a dull moment — but this time, this specifically asked for your participation. as one of the main characters, your acting has made your name in every platform there is and the fame that comes with it is unexpected and stressful, and yet, it is an appreciation to the work you've put out in the years.
questions passed about your relationship with your cast members, how a romantic development blossomed while filming for four seasons, and the interests that you managed to mention so long ago. so far, you're having fun — your smile hidden as you answer the necessary yes and no to certain questions (given that you're asked to be serious at every minute and second in this interview) and having to avoid a specific question about personal matters with your relationships.
"you're best friends with your co-star, armin arlert."
you hum in response and smile a little.
armin is your best friend since you can remember. even if everyone in the cast is considered your family now, armin places a special spot in your chest. you were both casted at the same time and brought to the studio at the same time (something that has to do with testing out the chemistry between you, him, eren, and mikasa), making your bond as tight-knit as possible. he's been by your side in every period of your life and you cheered for each other when the both of you would win at an awards show. armin has been your rock, your platonic soulmate even (don't tell mikasa), and it's a crime for you to say that a simple friendship with him summarizes your relationship because that mere phrase doesn't fully capture the entanglement of fate between you two. there are so many moments caught on camera but those that are witnessed behind the flashing lights are something that you always cherish. armin often jokes that he's your brother from another mother or maybe you're fraternal twins who got separated by birth because why on hell do you finish each other's sentences like it's a pop quiz?
"would a best friend let someone have this haircut?"
the interviewer pulls out a picture that haunts you for years. you can't help but let out a little whimper of prevented laughter. the picture is a scene from the previous seasons where armin still has that bob cut that became a sensation through the years. you have nothing against it, really, it's just ... it is funny seeing it after armin chopped his hair off at some point.
"he signed up for that," you vaguely answer, the smile pulling on your lips.
"do you think the writers of attack on titan are out to get him?"
"do you think he looks good?"
you breathe a laugh. you look down at the picture and the laughter bubbles in your chest that you have to glance away. "i love him. so much."
"answer the question please," says the administrator.
"yes, i do think he looks good," you immediately answer, chuckling under your breath. "sorry, sorry, yes, he looks ... amazing. that's my armin right there."
"in this haircut?"
you slightly shake your head yet you answer, "of course."
"that's a lie," the administrator points out.
you then grumble, "get that picture out of here."
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saturninesstuff · 1 year
What happens when a surten cadet gets caught with a surten captains little sister?
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Ship : armin arlert x reader ackerman
Summary : armin gets involved with the younger lieutenant after meeting her a few months ago. But what makes this lieutenant different? Well she's the captains younger sister. Will they get caught?...
Warnings : NSFW. slightly smutty ig, all characters are 19+. Sn 4 AOT. Cussing, gore, all that jazz. Might be a series?.
It had been just after noon and armin was studying in the library when he heard someone walking his way, which was odd. He was sitting all the way in the back of the library by the corner tables hidden far away from public view. " Thought I might find you here. " Y/n giggled. Armin's eyes widened and a smile appeared on his face almost instantly " y/n! Hi, I haven't seen you in a while. How are you? ". Y/n shrugged sitting down next to armin and leand her head on his shoulder. Which wasn't out of the ordinary for her, she was good friends with armin, and when they weren't in public she was very clingy, like a lovesick puppy. Armin chalked it up to her being very friendly, not entirely convinced that she'd even consider anything other than a brother-like Friend, since her brother, levi ackerman, wasn't too affectionate. Armin smiled at her bored face as she stared at his book
"Armin?", "Mhm?", "You intrested in anyone here?". Oh no, had someone told her? He instantly thought that eren had ratted him out but decided to play dumb in hopes of saving some dignity. "Ehm..not particularly, are- are you?" He stared down at her with questioning eyes that hid a glint of nervousness. "Yeah actually". Oh. Ouch. Armin looked away from her before she looked up at him, "oh, that's uhm, nice?" He said, eyes darting around. "Yeah, sucks that he doesn't really like me though. And my brother would kill me for getting with a cadet." She rolled her eyes. A cadet? That's weird. "Uhm, who's 'he'?" Armin asked not really intrested in knowing who stole the attention of the woman he's been head over heels for, for months. "You." Y/n shrugged again. She'd always been a blunt person, no concern for others feelings or thoughts. She said what she thought and called it how she saw it. That's something Armin loved about her, she was a confident and strong person, much like her brother, who was much less nurturing than y/n. See y/n atleast had a motherly vibe to her, levi more of a stern father vibe. Y/n would always pep talk the cadets, always treating their wounds with the gentleness of a mother, and saving their asses out on the field. Armin couldn't process thoughts right now. He was stunned beyond words. Y/n looked up at him from his shoulder, seeing the light blush on his face made her laugh. And armin snapped out of his trance. "Me..? Y/n. Are you joking around..?" Armin asked in a saddened voice, "absolutely" y/n started, seeing the heartbreak in armins eyes she laughed again "not" she ended. Armin didn't know what to say or do. "You okay baby blue?". That was Armins special nickname only she called him, something intimate with alot of meaning behind it. "Yes. Yes, I'm fine, but y/n, who told you I didn't feel the same? I thought eren had ratted me out." Armin said, seemingly serious but playful tone present in his words. "You, you just said you weren't intrested in anyone you dunce" She slapped his arm giggling. "So. Does this mean I can kiss you now? I've waited monthssss" y/n groaned playfully at armin, dropping her head on the table and smirking at him. "I- yes, yeah- uhm.." Armin was a stuttering mess now, much to y/ns amusement.
Y/n turned herself to face armin completely, slinging her legs over his lap while staying on her own chair, leaning forward and connecting their lips, his lips were so soft. It started out as an innocent kiss, soft and tender. But y/n slowly started leaning in closer and getting greedy. Armin gripped at her knee and the side of the chair as she grabbed him by his collar, forcing him closer to her, what started out as just a press of their lips together was now a slowly heating make-out session. Armin whined into the kiss, whimpering, trying to pry y/n off, but failing miserably. He didn't want to stop, fuck no, he was worried someone would catch them. "Y/n-" kiss. "We're-" kiss. "Going to-" kiss. His words were muffled by her lips, no progress at all, "stop.." He whined again, softly grabbing her wrist that still had a grip on his collar. Y/n slowly pulled away. Leaving poor armin panting. "Whats the matter sweet boy." Y/, cood innocently. "What if someone walks in?" Armin said between heavy breaths. "Alright." Y/n smiled, standing up, armin watching her with curious eyes. She grabbed onto his wrist pulling him with her, into the library's supply room, closing the door behind her and leaning against it. "Think they'd catch us now?" Armin merely shook his head.
"Have any of you seen y/n?" Levi asked annoyed at your constant absence and sneaking away. "Think she's with armin in the library." Jean said shrugging, levi's face contorted into suspension. Why would she be hanging around with his cadets. His suspension was enough to make him march off to the library. Already planning a scolding for y/n. Reaching the library he walked in quietly. Stalking through it like a predator looking for it's prey. When he saw no sights of her he decided to look for you by hanji. Which Is where you usually were. He slowly made his way out the library, not as quietly now as he didn't see anyone around.
A small noise of surprise left armins lips, luckily muffled by your own as he heard someone walking out. Both now pulling away, panting again. "Y/n.." Armin whispered in a hushed tone, "they're gone." She whispered back. Sliding her hands to armins blazer. "We shouldn't-" Armin protested. "Then tell me to stop" y/n stared up at armin with amused eyes. Armins breathing only got shallower. Uniting armins blazer, she slid her hands over his chest pulling him closer, kissing him with more neediness this time. Pulling sweet whimpers from the boy, tangling her hands with his hair softly gripping it, armins hands made its way to the back of her neck and lower back, pulling her in closer. "Please.." He whined. "Hm?" Y/n hummed into the kiss. Only to be interrupted by someone running into the library. Y/n immediately covered armins mouth with her hand. Staring into his eyes. "Y/N IF YOUR IN HERE YOU BETTER GET OUT QUICKLY. LEVIS LOOKING FOR YOU-" hanji yelled. Running back out, not waiting for a reply. "Ugh" yn whined, pulling Armin into an embrace. "We'll continue this another time my love." Yn whispered to armin. "Does this mean..we're, dating?" Armin asked very confused with the current situation. "Duh" y/n flicked his forehead. Opening the door and starting to leave only to turn around and point down at armins crotch. "Oh, and sorry about that" She giggled. Armin looked confused for a second, looking down, and immediately tying his blazer. Blushing like crazy at the embarrassing hard on he had.
Note : YEAH SO. uhm. Idfk. Part two?? Anyone?? Idk. This is my first time writing any fanfic. And I had no idea where to go with the plot in one "part" so like yeah if we want a part two das possible. Hit my line for any suggestions or requests I take em all.
137 notes · View notes
m1ckeyb3rry · 8 months
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Endure I: Dolls
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Series Synopsis: You and Eren Jaeger have been best friends since the age of two, but the two of you are destined for an inevitable tragedy. The world you have been born into is cruel; it is one where friends are traitors and enemies are allies, one where you find yourself doubting everything you've ever known. In this life, mistakes are fatal, and you must be careful, lest you make one too many.
Chapter Synopsis: You befriend the doctor’s son, Eren Jaeger.
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Eren Jaeger x Female Reader, Armin Arlert x
Female Reader
Chapter Word Count: 6.1k
Content Warnings: swearing, canon-typical violence, sexual abuse (non-explicit), major character death, angst, original characters included
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A/N: I caved. Despite the length, despite the way it makes me cringe because I wrote it two and a half years ago…endure is coming to tumblr. It may take me a bit to get the whole thing up so please be patient!!
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Your first memory was that of the doctor’s son saying your name. He had tugged at your hair and yanked at your clothes, crawling around you as you sat, waiting for him to stop. He did not stop, but he laughed in childish delight at the fact that you didn’t complain, not once.
“Y/N!” he chortled, poking you in the arm repeatedly. You watched him curiously, and when he began to tickle you in the side, you squealed in protest.
You don’t remember what happened after that. According to your parents, Dr. Jaeger had come and rescued you from Eren’s clutches, having finished his check up on your then-pregnant mother. Apparently, the small boy had cried the entire way home. Nobody ever told you if you cried. You probably hadn’t.
The doctor and his son had continued to visit you for many months to come. You and Eren became friends of a sort, though it was mostly because you were often kicked out of the room while the adults talked.
“I’m turning three soon,” Eren informed you proudly as you sat on the floor of your bedroom, playing with dolls. He was always happy to play dolls with you.
“Three?” you said, your eyes wide with wonder. “That’s really old!”
“I know. I’m going to have a big birthday party. You can come if you want. My mom is going to make cake, and it’s going to be chocolate, and there’s going to be so many people, but don’t worry! I’ll make sure to sit with you, too,” he assured you.
“Yay! Can I bring my dolls?” you said. He thought about this for a moment before frowning.
“Well, I guess so...but don’t expect everyone to want to play with you. Big kids don’t play with dolls. It’s not mat-ure. That means grown up,” he said, pronouncing the adult word meticulously.
“That’s a really cool word, Eren! Where’d you learn it?” you said.
“My dad taught me! He has this ginormous book that’s like this big with all of these words in it,” he said, holding his arms out to show you how big the book was. You gasped.
“That’s huge! And I guess I’ll bring my dolls, but we don’t have to play if they're not grown up. What do big kids do?” you said, furrowing your brow and staring forlornly at your dolls. Eren shrugged.
“Dunno. We can play with dolls for now, since you like them,” he said.
“Okay! Ready, Sir Eren? You have to come rescue me from the evil dragon!” you said, pointing at your princess doll, which was sitting next to your dog. Merry, the small black poodle, did not even flinch, taking the role of ‘evil dragon’ with grace.
“I’m coming! Out of the way, evil beast! I have to save Princess Y/N!” Eren declared, making his doll fly over to yours. Merry paused in licking his paw to give the boy a disdainful look. Eren made sword fighting noises as he chased Merry away before picking up your doll and giving it to you.
“Princess Y/N, I have defeated the evil dragon and saved you,” he said. You clutched the doll to your chest and gazed up at him with a bright grin.
“Thanks, Sir Eren! I think we should have a party now,” you said.
“With cake?” he said.
“I don’t think we have cake,” you said sadly.
“Let’s go outside and make some!” he said excitedly, dragging you after him before you could protest, not that you would have. Eren was dynamic and impulsive, lighting up the very air around him with electricity, sweeping you up in the current. What could you do but follow?
“With what?” you said. He narrowed his eyes, searching for something and then clapping when he found it.
“Mud pies! We can’t eat them, but they’ll be good for a doll party,” he said, marching over to a puddle and sitting next to it. You did the same, looking at him in confusion.
“How do you make mud pies?” you said, crossing your legs and leaning over slightly to watch his hands as he packed mud into round shapes before handing one to you.
“It’s really easy. You just pick up the mud and roll it around in your hands until it makes a solid shape, and ta-da! It’s a mud pie!” he said. You inspected the mud pie he had given to you before gingerly placing it next to you and replicating his motions.
“Is this good?” you said, showing him one. He held it up to his face and scrutinized it before nodding.
“Nice job! It’s almost as good as mine. But mine are better,” he bragged.
“Oh,” you said, crestfallen, “Sorry.”
“Yours are good too,” he offered when he saw that you were sad, “I just have a lot of practice.”
“Really? You think they’re good?” you said, smiling. He smiled back.
“Yeah! You’re in second place for goodness!” he said. You thought about this for a moment.
“But first is the worst and second is the best. So am I the best?” you said. Eren was perplexed for a minute, mulling this over.
“Let’s just have our party,” he said.
“I forgot about that! Good idea,” you said, bringing out your dolls and arranging them so they were sitting next to each other. Eren began to set up the mud pies, making sure each doll had its own.
“It’s because I’m older than you. It means I’m smarter and know better,” he informed you seriously.
“Will I ever be older than you?” you asked. He scowled.
“No! I’ll always be older forever and ever!” he said, crossing his arms.
“But I wanna be older!” you said. “My papa said we have to take turns doing things, so that means I have to get a turn being older!”
“You can’t. I’m almost three years old, remember? So I’m automatically older than you until you’re three, but then I’ll already be three, see? That means I’ll always be older, so we can’t take turns,” he explained. That was just about the wisest thing you had ever heard in your two years of living, from your nearly-three year old friend, so you begrudgingly accepted it.
“Okay,” you said, dragging out the last syllable of the word, “Can we have our celebration party now?”
“It’s all ready. Let’s have a toast!” Eren said.
“Toast? I like toast. My mamma makes it for breakfast sometimes,” you said.
“No, not that kind of toast,” he said.
“There’s another kind of toast?” you said cluelessly. No wonder Eren was older than you. He knew so much about everything.
“My parents do it with their friends during their fancy big people parties! They like raise their glasses and make a speech to ded-i-cate the party to someone,” he said. That sounded really official, and you knew you had to try it.
“Eren, we don’t have glasses,” you said.
“We can pretend! Okay, I want to make a toast to Princess Y/N!” he said, lifting his imaginary glass in the air and then tilting it back to drink it.
“Why?” you said. He held up a finger to indicate that he was still swallowing before nodding.
“Because! What kind of knight would I be without a princess to rescue?” he said.
“That’s true. Yeah, I guess you’re right! I want to make toast —”
“Make a toast,” Eren corrected you. You pouted.
“Sorry. I want to make a toast to Sir Eren for rescuing me from the evil dragon!” you said, miming the act of drinking the way your friend had.
“Cheers!” he said, and you knocked your invisible glasses together before taking another sip each. Then you burst into laughter, your dolls sitting quietly with their rapidly-crumbling mud pies. The air smelled like flowers and the scorching sun, and the grass would surely stain your clothes, but at the present moment, neither of you cared much, wrapped up in your own world.
“Ready to go, Eren?” Dr. Jaeger said as the adults rejoined you, watching your tea party fondly. You paused to look up at them, and Eren’s face fell when he realized he had to leave in the middle of your celebration.
“Dad, we were having a party because I saved Princess Y/N from the dragon! Can’t we leave in five minutes?” he whined. Dr. Jaeger seemed amused but shook his head.
“Sorry, kiddo, but I’ve got other patients to look at. Why don’t you invite Y/N to your birthday party this weekend? Then you can see each other and finish your party with actual cake instead of mud pies,” he said, patting Eren on the head.
“I already invited her and she said yes!” Eren said.
“Did her parents say yes?” Dr. Jaeger said. You and Eren exchanged looks of horror. The thought of your parents refusing had not even crossed either of your minds, and you immediately turned to your father and mother, who were watching you with soft smiles on their faces.
“Please please please can I go?” you begged them. They looked at each other before nodding.
“Sure, as long as you help with the chores this week,” your father said.
“Yay! Did you hear, Eren, I’m coming to your birthday party?” you said in excitement. He smiled at you, a genuine, wide, bright smile.
“I can’t wait! Bye-bye Y/N! I’ll see you soon!” he said as his father picked him up and carried him off to their carriage. You waved frantically as they faded from view, and from his spot hanging upside down off of his father’s shoulder, Eren did the same, his lopsided grin visible until the moment he disappeared from your sight.
“Seems like you and the Jaeger boy have become friends,” your mother said as you gathered your dolls and flounced inside the house.
“Eren?” you checked.
“That’s right. Do you like him?” your father said, ruffling your hair affectionately. Merry, who had returned from wherever Eren had chased him off to, wagged his tail at you, probably hoping that you had some scraps of food to share. You showed him your empty hands, and he sniffed them before sighing and leaving again.
“Yeah, Eren’s really nice! He’s so smart, he knows these really super big huge words like mature and toast, but not breakfast toast, fancy party toast. I can’t wait until I’m three so I can be like him!” you said.
“Well, you only have to wait a few more months, and then you’ll both be three! And you’ll have a little baby brother, too,” your mother said, rubbing her belly idly. You peered at her stomach.
“Is my baby brother in there?” you said. She nodded.
“He is,” she said gently. You furrowed your brow.
“Hi, baby brother! How are you doing? BABY BROTHER!” you shouted when he didn’t answer. You had the feeling you weren’t going to like this ‘baby brother’ of yours. He was rather rude.
“He’s too little, Y/N. He can’t hear you yet,” your father said, stopping you from banging on your mother’s stomach to get your baby brother’s attention. You froze and gazed up at him.
“Should I be louder?” you said. Your father laughed and shook his head.
“No, I don’t think that’ll help. You have to be gentle and talk quietly to him. You’re his older sister, so you have to take care of him. Does that make sense?” he said. Older. You were older than your baby brother, just like Eren was older than you. That meant you were smarter and knew better than him, forever and ever. Okay, maybe this whole baby brother concept wouldn’t be too bad.
“Do you think he’ll play dolls with me and Eren?” you said. Having a third person meant you could have even more complicated stories. If your baby brother played, you and Eren might even finally be able to act out your ‘three little pigs’ storyline. You had done your best, but it was really hard for Eren to be both the big bad wolf and all three pigs.
“Not for a little bit, but maybe eventually. You’ll have to ask him,” your mother said, sitting down laboriously. Your father placed a comforting hand on her shoulder as she let out a deep sigh.
“Does he have a name yet?” you said.
“We aren’t really sure yet. What are your thoughts?” your father said. You sat on the floor to think about this. Merry crawled into your lap and began licking your face. You pushed him away in disgust before giving in.
“Umm...dunno!” you said, realizing you really didn’t care what your baby brother was named. Merry continued to lick you.
“Oh, don’t let him do that. Merry, off,” your mother said, whistling sharply. Merry got off of you and obediently joined your mother on the couch, thankfully leaving you alone.
“Let’s get you in the bath. You’re covered in mud and dog spit,” your father said, a smile on his face showing that he was not at all angry. You did not whine much, trudging up the stairs to the bathroom to get washed up.
Once you were clean and tucked into bed, Merry rejoined you, curling up at the foot of your bed as was his custom.
“Goodnight, Y/N,” your father whispered, blowing out the candle and closing the door after him. You did not respond, already fast asleep.
The entire rest of the week, you did your best to help your parents with the chores around the house, doing whatever you could to ensure that you would be able to go to Eren’s birthday party. Finally, it was the day of the celebration, but instead of being excited, you were horrified. You had no idea what to get the boy as a present.
“I’m sure he won’t even notice that you didn’t get him anything,” your mother consoled you as you bawled into Merry’s fur about your lack of a gift for your friend.
“B-but it’s his birthday! I have to get him something!” you wailed. Your father wordlessly handed you a tissue, and you noisily blew your nose before handing the paper back to him.
“Don’t worry too much. You and Eren are friends, right? He’ll like whatever you give him, don’t worry,” he said.
Your father had a point, actually. Eren seemed pretty happy-go-lucky. Maybe you shouldn’t focus so much on getting him something that you weren’t sure he’d like and instead give him something of your own that you already liked. That way he would be certain to like it.
Yes, this was a course of action that you were perfectly pleased to follow. Abruptly stopping your tantrum, you shot upstairs, digging through your closet until you could find something of yours he might like.
You didn’t think he would like any of your dresses or skirts, and you doubted they would fit him anyways. Your shoes wouldn’t go on his feet, either, so all of your clothes were out. What, then? What did you own that Eren might want to keep as a present?
Your dolls! You frowned, for you didn’t want to part with them, but it would make your friend happy. They were the perfect gift! You gathered them into a bag and, with one final, sad look at them, closed it and rejoined your parents in the living room.
“What have you got there?” your mother said.
“My dolls! They’re going to be Eren’s birthday present,” you explained.
“All of them?” your father checked. You nodded slowly.
“Yup! He’s three years old, papa, that’s really big! He needs a big present. I think he will let me keep playing with them anyways, so it’s okay,” you said with a shrug. Your parents exchanged amused looks before smiling at each other, a secret smile that meant they were hiding something from you.
“If you’re sure, dear. You had best be off now, or you’ll be late,” your mother said, straightening your navy skirt for you so you looked nice for your visit to the Jaegers’. You beamed at her.
“Thanks! See you soon, mamma!” you said, waving at her as you and your father began to walk down the cobblestone road. You and Eren lived fairly close to each other, it seemed; his house was only a ten minute walk from your own. You skipped ahead the whole way. It was a beautiful day to have a birthday, with the sun shining and a soft breeze threading its fingers through your hair.
“Ay, lassie, now where are you off to?” a Garrison officer you recognized to be Mr. Hannes said jovially when you passed by him.
“It’s Eren’s birthday party! He’s three now, can you believe it?” you said.
“Is that so? Tell the little bugger I said happy birthday, then, won’t you?” Mr. Hannes said.
“Sure, Mr. Hannes! Did y’know I’m going to be three in a few months and then I’ll have a baby brother?” you said. Mr. Hannes put his cup down and squatted so that your faces were level and you could have a proper conversation.
“Little Y/N’s going to be a big sister? This I’ve gotta see!” he said.
“That’s right! I’m going to be older and smarter than your baby brother, just like Eren is older and smarter than me,” you said seriously. Mr. Hannes let out a booming laugh.
“Ah, lassie, I’d wager you’re quite a bit smarter than that crazy boy,” he said.
“But Eren knows so many big words,” you said, unsure of how it was even possible for you to be smarter than your slightly older friend.
“Yeah? He sure has big opinions, I’ll give him that. I swear, everything about that kid is too big for these walls. If one thing’s for certain, it’s that he’s going to change things around here, mark my words. Now, will it be for the better? Well, I just don’t know,” Mr. Hannes said, shaking his head.
“Huh?” you said.
“By the Walls, Hannes, what have you been putting in your drinks? They’re making you all philosophical! Let poor little Y/N go to her party,” a Garrison captain named Mr. Orion said.
“Right! Have fun, lassie!” Mr. Hannes said, patting you on the head affectionately. Your mind was already racing with thoughts of Eren’s birthday celebration and the promised chocolate cake, so you did not pay much attention to the two men, leaving them behind without pause.
“Are you going to knock?” your father said as you stood, petrified, in front of the Jaeger house’s door. What if Eren didn’t want to see you? What if it wasn’t actually his birthday? What if it was his birthday, but he had forgotten? There were so many ways this could go wrong that you were beginning to regret coming.
Thankfully, it seemed that somebody had heard your approach, as the door was opened by a woman with long dark hair in a loose ponytail and warm, light brown eyes. She seemed surprised to see you standing in your nicest clothes, your hair tied back with a white ribbon and a bag in your tiny hands.
“Hello, darling. Is something the matter?” she said, her soft and lovely voice soothing. You blushed lightly.
“Isn’t today Eren’s birthday party?” you said shyly. Her face cleared, and she nodded.
“Oh, yes, it is, but you’re the only one that’s come. I’m afraid Eren’s in his room, a little bit upset. You can go talk to him if you want,” she said, waving at your father, who had begun to make his way back home with a promise to come get you after dinner.
“Which room is his?” you said, looking around at all of the doors, not wanting to walk in on something you shouldn’t see.
“That one, all the way at the end of the hallway. Tell me if he’s being rude, okay? Being upset isn’t a free pass to be a jerk,” Mrs. Jaeger said.
“Okay, Mrs. Jaeger, but Eren is really nice! He won’t be rude!” you said confidently, trotting down the hall to knock on the door.
“Go away,” a muffled grumble came through the thick wood. Well, never mind. You used your free hand to knock again.
“I said go away, mom! I don’t want to talk about it!” he shouted.
“Your mom said you’re not allowed to be mean to me!” you shouted back. There was a thump, and then the door opened, revealing a sullen looking Eren.
“I thought you were my mom,” he muttered.
“But I’m not your mom. I’m Y/N,” you said.
“Yeah, obviously. What are you doing here?” he said. You presented him with the bag of dolls.
“It’s your birthday! Happy birthday!” you said. He looked in the bag before scoffing.
“Dolls? Really?” he said, tossing the bag haphazardly backwards. You felt tears well up in your eyes. How could he have treated your beloved dolls so carelessly?
“They were my favorites. I thought you would like them,” you sniffed. Eren seemed alarmed at your sudden crying fit, and he darted back into his room, neatly organizing the dolls at record speed.
“Sorry! Sorry, sorry, sorry, I really really like them!” he assured you. Your tears instantly dried as you gave him a wavering smile.
“Really?” you said.
“Uh-huh. They’re really cool, but now you won’t have any,” he said.
“Oh. I guess not,” you said. Eren crossed his arms and scowled as he attempted to puzzle out a solution to the now-evident problem. Finally, he smiled as he arrived upon the answer.
“I’ll let you borrow them! That way you can still use them!” he said. You gasped. Eren was, without a doubt, a genius.
“Thank you so much! But why were you angry earlier?” you said, remembering his angry mood when he had opened the door. Eren frowned, a storm cloud settling on his features again.
“Nobody came to my party,” he said.
“I came,” you said.
“Oh yeah,” he said. You both were silent for a second, digesting this latest development. You were here. He was here. It might not have been what he had had in mind, but it was enough.
Leaning over to grab a piece of your hair, Eren pulled on it to get your attention. “Let’s go ask my mom for cake. I’ll bet she’ll give us the entire thing if we ask really nicely.”
“Is it chocolate?” you said.
“Think so. It smelled like chocolate in the house earlier, anyways, so I hope it is,” Eren said as the two of you joined his mother in the kitchen, where she was fussing about some pots and pans. Noticing you, she smiled.
“Hey, you guys! I see you got Eren to leave his room, Y/N. Thank you for that. Now, I heard you were promised cake,” Mrs. Jaeger said. Eren began bouncing up and down in place, and you nodded.
“Yeah, Eren said it was chocolate,” you said.
“Is it? Is it is it is it? Mom! I gotta know!” Eren whined. You were only marginally more composed. In truth, you were as eager as he was to have cake, but you were well aware of the fact that you were a guest in the Jaeger house; what’s more, this was your first visit there. It would not do for you to act spoiled and ruin your chances of being invited back.
“Yes, Eren, it is. Here you go. Make a wish!” she said, lighting the candles on top of the cake. Eren screwed his eyes shut before blowing out all of the candles in one breath.
“What did you wish for?” you said curiously.
“For us to always be friends and never be apart!” Eren declared.
“You’re not supposed to tell me! That ruins it!” you said, scandalized at the fact that he had fallen for it so easily. The worst part was that you wanted his wish to come true, too, but it couldn’t when he had said it out loud.
“Then why’d you ask?” he said, equally outraged.
“It seemed like the right thing to do!” you said.
“I’m sure you can make your wish come true even though you said it aloud,” Mrs. Jaeger intervened before you could continue to fight.
“I guess so. Okay, Eren, pinky swear that we’ll be friends forever?” you said, reaching your arm over the cake to interlock your pinky fingers.
“Yeah, okay, pinky swear,” he said as you shook your hands up and down to seal the deal.
“You guys got covered in icing!” Mrs. Jaeger cried out in dismay. You and Eren looked down at the now-ruined cake sheepishly.
“Sorry, mom,” he said.
“I’m really sorry,” you said.
“I’m sorrier!” Eren said.
“I’m the sorriest!” you shot back.
“Well I’m — I'm — I don’t know! More sorry than you!” he said.
“I’m the most sorry in the entire world!” you said.
“I’m the most sorry in the entire universe, times infinity!” he said. This made you stop.
“Wait, Eren, what’s infinity?” you said. Mrs. Jaeger had given up on admonishing you, taking a rag and wiping down your arms and attempting to salvage the cake.
“The biggest number ever!” he said, accepting a slightly squashed piece of cake from his mother gratefully. You did the same, keeping your eyes on Eren, fascinated with this new concept of infinity.
“Like bigger than one hundred?” you said. He nodded.
“Yeah, bigger than a hundred.”
“Bigger than a thousand?”
“Mhm, yeah.”
“Bigger than a million?”
“What? That’s impossible!” you said. Eren frowned at you.
“Ask my mom. Mom, isn’t infinity the biggest number ever, even more than a million?” he said. Mrs. Jaeger hummed noncommittally.
“Yes, dear, it is. Now eat your cake,” she said, leaning down to kiss him on the cheek, “I can’t believe you’re three! My little baby’s growing up so much.”
“Soon I’ll be a grown up and I’ll live in a house far away, all by myself. Well, Y/N, you can come too because you came to my party and gave me your dolls,” he said magnanimously.
“Okay!” you agreed, trying to lick the icing off of your nose but failing miserably. Giving Mrs. Jaeger a doleful stare, you reached for the napkin she held in her hand. She laughed and cleaned your face for you.
“There you go. Was the cake good?” she said.
“It was the best. Will you make it for my birthday?” you said.
“If you want. Are you guys done?” she said, collecting your dirty dishes and putting them in the sink. You and Eren exchanged glances before nodding determinedly.
“Let’s go to my room and play!” Eren said, grabbing your hand and pulling you after him. You stumbled but followed as he slammed the door behind you, sitting criss-cross on the floor and giving you an expectant look. You sat across from him, cocking your head.
“What do you wanna do?” you said.
“Dunno. What do you wanna do?” he said. You shrugged.
“It’s your birthday, so you get to pick,” you said.
“Let’s play kickball,” he said.
“In your room?” you said, looking around in alarm. What if you knocked something over and it broke? Then you’d be in trouble. Eren clicked his tongue in irritation.
“No, silly Y/N, outside. But the ball is in my room so that nobody steals it, so we have to bring it outside,” he said, reaching up and grabbing a ball from his shelf and handing it to you. You looked it over before deeming it worthy to play with.
When you got outside, you were faced with two problems. One, there was not a field large enough to play a proper game of kickball nearby. Two, even if there was, you did not have enough people to make teams.
“Now what?” Eren groaned.
“We can just pass the ball back and forth,” you offered, kicking it towards him. He trapped it with his foot and kicked it forwards a few steps. You ran to catch up with him and accept his pass.
“Don’t you find this boring?” Eren said a few minutes later. You shook your head.
“No, not really. Why, are you bored?” you said.
“Maybe a little bit. How aren’t you? We’re just doing the same thing over and over, like animals or something,” he scoffed.
“I don’t mind. I like spending time with you! Even if it’s not particularly exciting sometimes. You’re really exciting all on your own,” you said. Eren kicked the ball at you particularly hard, and it far overshot you, hitting a different kid about your age straight in the back of the head. When he turned, you recognized him to be the son of one of your neighbors, Oskar Zimmerman.
“Hey, Oskar! Can you give us our ball back?” you said. He looked surprised to see you standing with Eren.
“Y/N?” he called. You gave him a thumbs up.
“Yeah, it’s me! Our mothers sometimes have tea together, remember? Now can you pass us our ball or not?” you said.
“This ball? Like the one that hit me in the head?” he said.
“I guess so? Sorry about that,” you said. He looked conflicted before tossing it gently towards you.
“There you go. See you around, Y/N and, uh...what’s your name again?” he said to Eren.
“This is —” you began to introduce Eren, who scoffed and yanked you away by the arm, leaving poor Oskar confused.
“Forget about it,” he muttered.
“You aren’t going to make more friends by not meeting people, you know,” you said, holding the ball under your arm and marching behind Eren.
“I don’t want to be friends with Oskar. He’s a stupid meanie,” he said.
“Eren! Those are bad words!” you reproached. You had been told to never use words like ‘stupid’ or ‘mean’ when talking about people. It wasn’t nice.
“I don’t care. It’s true,” he said. You were torn. After all, Oskar had never been anything but nice to you, yet at the same time, Eren was your friend.
“Wait. Eren, are we friends?” you said, realizing it had never been made official. All thoughts of Oskar were forgotten as you were preoccupied with this bigger problem.
“Yeah, ’course we are,” he said as you placed the ball back on the ground and began to idly dribble it back and forth. Eren smiled cheekily and stole the ball from you.
“...best friends?” you said. You had never had a best friend before, but if anybody deserved the designation, it was Eren. He did not even have to think about it.
“Best friends, times infinity!” he said, offering you the ball again. You accepted it with a firm nod.
“Good. You won’t, like, forget about me, right? When you’re older than me?” you said.
“Duh, I’m already older than you, and I haven’t forgotten about you yet, have I?”
“Oh, yeah. Wanna go play with our dolls?”
“Sure. I’ll race you back home.”
“Hey! You have to wait and say start if you’re going to race, cheater!” you shouted as he ran away, snickering.
Being around Eren was like staring at the sun. Everything about him, his presence and personality and the way he smiled, was burned into your retinas, so that when you closed your eyes, all you could see was him. He was blinding and bright, and yet for all his radiance, he never made you seem any dimmer. His warmth only illuminated you further, his golden glow bringing out the pink in your cheeks and the subtle hues in your irises.
Your birthday came and went. You were three now, the same as Eren. He had not been able to come to your party, disappointing both of you immensely. Oskar had been there, as well as a little blond boy named Armin whose grandfather worked with your father. Armin didn’t like you, or at least you didn’t think he did. He kept to himself, flinching whenever someone came near, so you and the other children left him mostly alone, besides the five minutes you spoke to him to give him some cake.
It had only been a week since you had turned three when your mother went into labor. It was late at night, and you were supposed to be asleep, but your father was running around the house frantically, and the doctor was there, his even tone doing nothing to calm anybody. So you sat in your dark room on your bed, hugging your knees to your chest, wishing it would all be over soon.
The door opened a crack, a beam of brilliant light shining, revealing the doctor’s son standing there, his jade eyes shimmering with childish wisdom.
“What’s going on, Eren?” you said quietly, for if anybody knew what was happening, it was him. He crept into your room and sat beside you on your bed, staring out the window at the moon.
“Your baby brother is being born,” he said.
“Is it cool?” you said. He wrinkled his nose.
“Nah, it’s pretty gross,” he said.
“Yucky,” you said.
“Super yucky,” he affirmed, “The moon is really pretty though.”
“I like the sun more,” you said.
“But it’s so hot. The moon is better,” he said.
“I guess you’re right, but I still like the sun more. That’s okay though! We can still be best friends, right?” you said. Eren laughed.
“Yeah, we can. Oh, hey, I made you something. For your birthday. Since I missed it,” he said, fishing around in his pocket before pulling something out and handing it to you. It was a tiny origami puppy, with a face drawn clumsily on it in black marker. You accepted it gingerly and placed it on your nightstand, taking care not to damage it in any way. Then you turned back and hugged him tightly.
“It’s so cute! It looks like Merry!” you said. Eren delightedly hugged you back.
“That’s what I was basing it off of!” he said.
“It’s so good! I love it! Thank you! I’m glad we’re best friends,” you said. You were interrupted by a scream from downstairs, and you gave Eren a wide eyed look. He seemed unaffected.
“It’s okay. Giving birth is really painful. Your mom’s fine,” he assured you, allowing you to find refuge in his embrace.
“Are you sure?” you said.
“Yup. My dad’s a really good doctor. She’ll be okay, and then you’ll have a baby brother...and then I won’t have to come visit you anymore,” he said, his tone dropping when he realized that once your mother wasn’t pregnant, his father wouldn’t have an excuse to come to your house, thereby ending your friendship.
“Yes you will! You promised to let me borrow your dolls to play, so we have to still visit each other all of the time. You can meet my baby brother, too!” you said.
“That’s true,” he said with a yawn. You mirrored his actions, and he immediately stopped to glare at you.
“Stop copying me!” he whined.
“I’m not!” you said.
“You are! I yawned and then you yawned! You’re copying!” he said.
“’M just tired!” you said, yawning again.
“Then go to sleep,” he said.
“You can sleep with me! Like a sleepover!” you said, taken with your own brilliance and immediately burrowing under your covers.
“I guess dad will take a while...so sure! Okay, goodnight!” he said, diving in next to you and pulling the blankets up over your shoulders.
Your mother’s cries of pain continued through the night until your brother was finally, blessedly brought into this world, though her shouts were quickly replaced with the baby’s wailing. Your parents and Dr. Jaeger were all exhausted as they began to take care of the small child, but upstairs, you and Eren slept soundly. Eren was far too used to his father’s line of work to even care, and you were convinced that your best friend, in all of his seemingly omnipotent glory, would somehow ensure that your mother and baby brother would be okay.
They were both fine. Eren had been right. Well, of course he had been right. He was older and smarter than you. You could trust him. You did trust him.
You shouldn’t have trusted him, but that was something you would not find out for many years to come.
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darklcy · 1 year
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𝐀𝐥𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 : 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 | 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
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𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐲 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 : armin arlert x reader 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 : 1.9k words 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: slow burn, takes place in season 1, parental issues, angst, drama, mentions of death, depression, violence, bad language, grief 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: prologue to the series 'altruistic' i am rewriting from a couple years ago. a desperate search results from grief, and the answer seems to be reachable in the world of swords, soldiers, and war. 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭
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He wasn’t always around.
In the depths of childhood, you find him there, arm caressing the waist of a smiling mother. Always happy, the two of them were. She wept pure salt at the bundle in her hands, a much smaller human asleep and unaware of the world they lived in now. A name tumbles from her lips, and the man begins to cry as well. What a name, to capture two adults into tears as they watched their newborn breathe peacefully, soon to blossom into a child, embarking their first steps into life.
It’s easy to forgive the world when these thoughts pop up. Images of a newly wedded couple and their baby, instead of the mother grieving her husband, waiting for him at the dinner table to write back. 
The gold from the fantasy faded away, replacing the room with a gray, empty house void of that couple and newborn. 
A basket of rolls and two cups of water sat at the table for breakfast, yet your mother hadn’t budged. Instead her eyes fixated on the wooden door, as if she could will him back home herself. The both of you knew she couldn’t.
The roll of bread twirled itself on the pads of your fingers. It’s gone cold now.
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅──╮
Last night, you dreamed of having three sisters.
You shared a bedroom with the eldest, while the vacant room across the hall occupied the two youngest. The mattress you slept on encaptured you in such a warm slumber, it was hard to realize it wasn’t real. 
..The door swung open abruptly, a stampede of footsteps thundering inside. 
"[Y/n]! Are you awake yet?!"
"Wake up, wake up, wake up!"
"We'll drag you out of bed again!"
Their names were Thea, Clara, and Maria. 
The living room roared with sunlight, as if the house itself had awakened from hibernation and pranced with the sisters in their excitement. A gourmet of foods laid out on plates for breakfast, a mixture of fragrances wafting throughout. A woman wearing a delicate apron warmly greeted you with affection, a kiss decorating your cheek, then your sisters’. 
“Good morning my loves, and miss Maria.”
Maria was the youngest. The woman swooped her up into her arms and pecked her face with kisses, earning her with sweet giggles. 
She appeared heavenly. Her skin bounced off the sun’s reflection and her smile was so beautiful. She prepared the meal as if performing a dance, a relaxed expression never swaying. It was melancholic to see her this way, as you soon realized you’ve never watched her be this happy. So at peace, no evidence of worry with the lack of stress lines on her smooth face. 
Overlapping chatter broke the trance as the sisters found their respectable seats at the table. They didn’t question you for still standing, instead the meal began without you, a normal conversation taking place amongst themselves. It was disorienting. Was this how life was supposed to go? Were you allowed to take part in this meal? 
“ [Y/n], please sit. Your food’s getting cold.”
..You decided yes, you were.
The rest of the fantasy was carried out in a similar manner. A layered dress now clothed your body, clean and pressed to fit the standard. The others wore garments of their own, the woman looking the most glamorous of all. The heels of her boots clacked against the wood floors, and all you could do was watch as she tied on her poncho, yet again caught in a transfix. 
A hand grabbed hold of your right. It was Thea, the eldest. 
The city had been changed, as well. Signs of wealth and abundance at every corner, showing an exact replica of the inner cities, deep inside royalty grounds. The stalls alongside the sidewalk provided a variety of embellishments. Brand new collections of clothing, rows upon rows of fish and clay pottery laid out , hauling all the way down the street.
A purple bonnet stood out in the sea of clothes. The woman chuckled.
“Do you want it?”
Her gloved hand dug a couple coins from her purse to hand over, the vendor sliding the bonnet towards you. 
“Have a good day!”
She squeezed your shoulder before pursuing down the sidewalk, the sisters finding interests and desires of their own. A surge of heat spread over your cheeks, your lips following it with a grin. You wished to follow them, to be a part of them forever. But the warmth was gone when your feet didn’t move. 
…Brought back to the real world, you opened your eyes to meet the wall of your empty bedroom, no loud siblings to wake you, and no delicious meal awaiting downstairs. 
No other sign of life, except for the sobs that tore the insides of your throat. 
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅──╮
The hand that gripped yours now wasn’t gloved, nor as loving as Thea’s. The walk through town was vacant and still, a hushed dread hanging over the citizens that dared anyone to speak up. The purple bonnet was nowhere to be found, and not a single vendor was selling clothes today. It was a lucky day if there were any fresh produce on the market. 
A piece of carefully folded parchment in a tight clutch reminded you the reasoning for today's outing. Lugging you down the streets, the brutal reminder that today was Wednesday hung from the cloudy skies. Post office day.
The entrance door loomed over your much smaller stature. Much like the walls that bordered the city, your neck craned up to get a better glance while she removed her hand to enter, her fingers returning to yours after the door shut. At the desk was a man who appeared busy with paperwork, his eyes flitting up to meet yours for just a second. The paper crinkled as she slid it over the desk.
"I'd like to ship this letter to the Survey Corps headquarters, please."
Her voice slightly wavered as she spoke. The man stared at her for a few blank moments before reaching over to grab the envelope.
"The Survey Corps, huh? I'll make sure this travels there safely."
He then smiled, tipping his hat softly. She thanked him with a nod of her own. It was always him working, but with each visit his kindness remained. Perhaps it was the smile that brought reassurance to other families, but she merely sighed and dropped her chin as you exited the building. You two knew better. 
It was dusk by the time you made it back home. The sun had fallen and painted a sunset behind it, a mixture of purple and red mixing with leftover clouds. Nighttime would be here soon, another day ending. She didn’t say it out loud, but the tally marks she imprinted in her mind each night was easy to deduct. Endless counting and waiting, always waiting. But even without her vocalization, the physical manifestation of his prolonged disappearance, you'd already begun counting, as well.
The skin inside your mouth tore away with another bite as another tally mark drew itself. He’d been gone for five hundred thirty-six days. 
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅──╮
The events of Wall Maria replayed itself in dreams. He’d been recruited just a couple days prior, and though he wore a loud sneer to calm her, you saw through the facade. His hidden terror, his trembling knees that threatened to give way. He was afraid, probably the most afraid you’d ever seen him. 
Once the news reached the town square, the mass destruction that slept just beyond the border, your mother sobbed for days, grieving under the belief he had perished at the hands of beasts. A violent death that promised suffering and blood shed, it was an image so horrid it terrified you. But as mysterious as miracles are, he was still alive, and was granted the opportunity to return. 
It was the happiest you had ever seen her. Tears of joy decorated the floors as she embraced him, one of his arms around her while the other held you. It was so overwhelming to see him again, all you could do was cry. A couple hours was all he promised, before he had to embark on yet another adventure.
As his figure recessed further and further into the city, it dawned upon you that it was easier this way. With him being gone, maybe he could slip into the grass and vanish into thin air, void from existing. If his living toyed with your mother’s emotions so drastically, maybe it’d be better if he didn’t exist at all. 
You missed the couple from your fantasies. The painting of gold, the love in the air that refused to tear away from their grinning faces. Where are they now?
The guilt cracked the vessels of your heart. You should love him. And yet you don’t. 
…His letter never made it back to your house. 
The soldier grimaced at your deadpan stare. He’d just retold the passing of your father, a heroic end met on the battlefield, and all you did was watch. You watched her crumble to the floor in screams and hollers. Her hands quivered under the tremendous weight of her sobs. That beautiful woman from your dream had just died in front of you. 
In the arms of your mother, you wept into her shirt. You wept from the guilt that broke you every night, when you longed for a loving family, yearned for sisters to play with, to hold hands with a mother who spoiled you of fresh clothes. He was someone you idolized once, someone you felt safe around. In his final moments, you wondered, did he think of you? 
While he fought, did he remember your face? Did he yearn for freedom, while his love awaited his return? 
You’ll never know. 
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅──╮
A whole year goes on.
She only becomes worse. Her skin now pale and grimsly, hair unkept and tangled, food untouched. Who is this stranger sitting across from you?
It kept you awake at night, what led up to his departure. He’s all you think of nowadays. The mystery forever unsolved was excruciating, so painful the nails on your fingers itched your skin till it painted red. Whatever the reasoning had been, you wonder if it was worth it. Were there any regrets left behind, any event he wished he could redo? Could you ever find the answer? 
…The search began when she didn’t wake up. 
Lost to mourn forever, her dreams finally took her away. Wherever she is, you hope she’s happy, as a kiss lands on her forehead. 
Somehow in bed, she appeared much more relaxed. She can finally rest. 
Leaving her to sleep, you departed from the house, just like he did the day he left. With a measly dress shirt and skirt on your form, you pretended they were the beautiful clothes from that dream as the military training grounds rounded the corner. 
A crowd formed a line at the entrance. At the head, a towering man with the posture of an elk, commands dripping from his tongue in a holler. Stepping towards the back, you find your place and await your turn. 
Perhaps you could find the answer here.
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jotatetsuken · 1 year
Commitment Phobia
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features: levi ackerman x gn!reader | WC: 3400
summary: due to many personal events, and events happening around you, you had started feeling wary of committing yourself to a relationship, until you met a certain someone.
warnings: dark content pretty much (so minors DNI), mention of abusive relationships, molestation attempts, divorce, death, trauma, injuries, self- indulgent AF, spoilers if you have not watched the anime or the OVA “No Regrets”
a/n: I’m backkkkk! Also, a belated happy birthday to humanity’s strongest soldier (it was on the 25th)!! yes yes i’m very late in posting but, i’m glad i’m getting this out fnfndndnd. i first saw him in a fanart reel, after which i learned that some of my friends were watching it. then, when i started watching, what got me attracted to him, was not his looks, not his battle skills, not the laurels he’s achieved, but the way he’s learned from his childhood and has become stronger in his mind. this chapter is based on a real-life experience i’m going through and writing about it keeping levi in mind really helped me. also i am crossposting this from quotev.
Tagging: @akaashi-todorki @bmthevick @sookisaurus @wakatshi @ofallthingswhythis @25-30-03 @romiyaro @whinestonecowgirl (taglist form)
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It was just another day where you were undergoing training as a part of the Special Operations Squad of the Survey Corps under the leadership of Commander Erwin Smith and Squad Captain Levi Ackerman. All of you were preparing for the closing of Wall Rose with the secret weapon: Eren Yeager, in his Titan form. Unexpected, right? 
When you lived in Shiganshina inside the Wall Maria in the past, you had become friends with Eren Yeager, Mikasa Ackerman, and Armin Arlert despite being 11 years older than them. You considered them to be your children and treasured them. Aside from being intelligent like Armin, brave like Eren, and skilled like Mikasa, you were also extroverted. It was clear that you did not hold back when it came to expressing your feelings. Your goal, like Armin’s, was to discover what life was like outside the walls. In your mind, this desire was a way to escape the harsh reality of your family situation. 
Having just started living in Shiganshina after moving from The Underground, your father started working in the coal trading business, your mother teaching history in one of the best schools in the Stohess District of Wall Sina, and your sister was a professional artist despite having undergone physical abuse from her previous marriage, the life you were living wasn’t a bed full of roses, but you liked to think it was because you could have it all, being the youngest child. 
There was one thing that kept bugging you, however. If you were to marry in the future, would your marriage last? In a world where your life could disappear in the blink of an eye, and you could lose people far sooner than you think, what’s to say that you’d be able to live a happy life with someone you loved?
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Despite your parents’ disagreements, they eventually made up and became a stronger couple, but the experience still caused you to wince at confrontations in relationships. Also, because you lived in The Underground, you were subject to mockery from the elite, and different merchants frequently attempted to molest you, but you kicked them in their sensitive areas and ran, unaware they were looking for you, only to be killed the next day. Although you were compassionate with everyone, these thoughts clouded your head, making it difficult for you to fall in love. 
You didn’t have time to think of anything else though, because you witnessed Carla Yaeger being eaten alive by the Smiling Titan, as Hannes, one of the unit captains of the Garrison, dragged you along with Eren and Mikasa. It broke your heart to lose Carla, who you were close to because you were neighbors. But you ran back to the houses, leaving Hannes’ hand, to check on your family, who were in danger, except for your mother who was in Wall Sina, but she called to check in on all of you. You seemed to have lost your father, as you didn’t know where he was.
Your sister’s feet and hands were crushed by the crumbling walls, so you called Hannes, who introduced you to Rico Brzenska, one of the Garrison's team leaders, who led you to Grisha Yeager, Eren's father, who was a doctor. While he treated your sister’s wounds, he was unable to save her feet and certain fingers. In addition to bandaging them and giving her some medical supplies that would have normally been expensive for free, Grisha advised her to move to Wall Sina to be with her mother so she could recover more quickly. Despite your sister’s concern, you promised her that you would fight for your family’s safety, and that you would find your father's location, and you kissed your sister goodbye, telling her you would see her later.
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Like Eren, you joined the Survey Corps to kill every one of the Titans, but you somehow had a hunch before that the Titans seemed humanlike so killing them mercilessly wouldn’t make sense, so you’d search around for the meaning behind the deaths of many. Having joined the Special Operations Squad of the 104th Survey Corps, you were amongst the quickest to learn, and you had the natural leadership skills, having later earned the trust of Erwin Smith, the Commander, and Levi Ackerman, the Squad Captain. 
You were also good at cooking, making sure that Sasha Blouse, one of your fellow cadets, got her first serving so that she wouldn't go hungry, and you were quick to control the commotion despite being one of the loudest. There was also something else that you made sure of. You told everyone to clean your quarters, telling them there’d be surprise inspections from the leadership team (usually just a lie to make sure the rooms were clean), failing which they’d receive punishment from the captain, and you’d have to keep an eye out for the troublemakers, Sasha, Connie Springer, and Jean Kirstein, to do their job well, even bribing Sasha with a delicious meal once she was done.
And the best part? You were hoping to catch Levi’s attention, not that you were doing all of this for him. It was your hope that he'd notice you at all, not only on a professional level, but also on a personal level, since you developed an infatuation for him when you saw him for the first time coming back from the 56th Expedition.
While everyone was looking at the Corps in awe and some with disgust when you first looked at Levi’s eyes, you saw pain, and your heart reached out to him. You saw him turn to you, noticing that you looked at him differently, with warmth in your eyes, and he left a small smile at you, indirectly thanking you for understanding him for what he was going through. 
Even though you were a cadet, you were close with Levi, Erwin, and Hange Zoë, one of the other Squad Leaders, having been able to tame your fellow soldiers and an innate desire to learn about the secrets like Erwin, to research stuff and be a crackhead like Hange, and mature and understanding like Levi. Like Levi, you had your fair share of a high number of solo kills. That was only because the need to kill the Titans drove you as they endangered your family and killed Carla and, later on, Grisha. You later learn that another Titan killed your father, but had sent multiple letters to your family in Wall Sina, leaving them with provisions and fortune enough to carry forward with their lives. 
The trust earned made Erwin promote you to a fellow Squad Captain along with Levi, who honestly was very delighted. He seemed to have an infatuation for you the moment he first saw you when he was coming back from the expedition, and even though you hung out with Hange a lot, researching the reason for the existence of the Titans, whenever she’d go overboard, you knew when to control her, reminding her to not put other soldiers’ lives at risk, causing Levi’s feelings to deepen over time. Although there was something that he could never understand about you. Why was it that, despite you being friendly with everyone, you looked like you had skeletons in your closet? Levi could trust you, so why couldn’t you trust him?
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All those doubts were going to go away, when in the evening after the training session, you called Levi and told him to come to the rooftop of their headquarters for some tea. At nightfall, you were closing your eyes, praying to a God different from that of the Wallists, asking him to help you lay down the walls in your heart and open up to Levi, when you hear someone clearing their throat, revealing themselves to be Levi. He noticed that you’d prepared black tea for him, especially because he liked it. You also told him you liked your black tea with milk because that’s what you grew up drinking. That’s when you heard the most annoying response from Levi.
Levi snickers, clicking his tongue, “Tch. Black tea with milk. Why do you have to be so annoying with tea?” You respond, “Excuse me,” and playfully hit his arm. “It’s the one thing my parents loved to drink growing up. My father used to tell me stories of who he was before being sentenced to the Underground.” Levi, perplexed, inquired further, “What do you mean, who he was?” You responded, “My father’s not an Eldian by birth, but by marriage to my mother. He was not from Marley, either. He was somewhere from the Oriental.” Raising an eyebrow, he questioned, “Was he a part of the Azumabito clan?” You nervously chuckle, “Oh, no-no. But he lived nearby. That’s where he grew up drinking black tea with milk and now, I can’t drink it any other way.” You gave a soft smile, remembering the laughter that echoed in your house, only to now have been a distant memory. “Oh, boy,” Levi shook his head in disappointment. He saw you looking at the moon with sad eyes, and while with one hand, he was drinking tea, he put his other hand on yours. You left him a small smile, holding his hands after some time. 
A comfortable silence lingered between the two of you, which he broke by inquiring, “You miss them?” “Hmm?” Breaking out of your reverie, you turned to him, causing him to question, “Your family. Do you miss them?” Sighing, you respond, “Yes, Levi. I do. My mother and my sister are all I’ve got. I was closer to my father, though. His demise is still hurting me.” As Levi came a bit closer, he put his head on your lap, with his face turned to you, and said, “Well, I never had a father, per se. But I miss my mother. She may have done a lot of wrong things, but I’m grateful that she gave birth to me.” You then put the tea set to a side, subconsciously patting Levi’s head and then humming a tune that you grew up listening to.
“Are you, are you comin’ to the tree
Where I told you to run so we’d both be free?
Strange things did happen here, no stranger would it be
If we met at midnight in the hanging tree..”
You were ruffling Levi’s hair and humming in the presence of a full moon. You didn’t know why you were feeling this way for him. What started as an infatuation developed into a sense of respect and, eventually, love for him. While you were jealous of Petra following him around, you knew that his eyes were on you alone. You constantly worried about his safety, especially whether he’d make it back to you or not after every expedition, and whenever he came back, he would give you a pat on his head with a soft smile telling you, “I told you I’ll be back.”
In the blink of an eye, Levi felt something damp on his cheeks, and when he turned around, he saw you crying and looking at the moon. “Oi, brat,” he said as he turned his head to look up at you while his head was still lying on your lap. “Did some dust fall into your eyes or something? Your eyes are watering.” You attempt to wipe the tears from the corner of your eye, when you snapped jokingly, “Shut up, Levi. Sometimes you can be dense, you know.” Scoffing, he responded, “Me? Dense? Huh, please. All I was trying to do was lighten the mood." Levi and you softly smile at each other, as the soft wind blowing against your faces felt so calming when it was just the two of you. The squad captain then broke the silence by speaking to you softly, “What’s up, brat? Please talk to me.” You continue to tear up while silently holding his hands and looking at the moon. “I’m scared, Levi.” With a confused glance, he inquired, “Of what?”
You sighed and then responded, “Losing people. Letting them enter my life, only to lose them again. I don’t think it’s an extroverted or introverted thing at all. It’s just, the feeling is scary. I’m ready to give up my life if it means saving my family, my close friends,” then looking at Levi, “or you. You mean a lot, you know?” Levi’s eyes widened. He didn’t think that you felt strongly for anyone, let alone him. “Levi, I-”
“Shh,” he places a finger on your lips, interrupting you. He then gets up, with his back facing the moon and him facing you, and after wiping the tears off your face, he holds your hands, sighing. “I fear letting people in as well, brat, only to lose them, too. When Kenny abandoned me, that’s when I thought I wasn’t good enough. For anyone. For my mother, for Kenny, Farlan, Isabel, Erwin, Hange, or-”
“Me?” you completed his sentence, looking into Levi’s eyes, as he was stunned by the fact that you remembered. “I remember you telling me about how Farlan and Isabel passed away. It must have been really heartbreaking.” For a moment, he looked down on the ground and shook his head in dejection. “You do not know how I felt, (Y/N). It seemed like a wave of anger consumed me when I saw them. They were all I had. They made me feel special. Now, Erwin does, and you do, but I fear losing you more than Erwin. Is it wrong for me to feel this way?” You then cup his cheeks with your hands and tell him, “crazy, yes. But wrong, I’m not sure. I fear letting you in, even though I’m so irrevocably in..”
“Love with me? So am I, with you, I mean.” Levi’s confession shocks you, this was not how you expected the conversation to go. “I mean it, brat. Yes, you’re loud, you can be obnoxious, you’re like Four Eyes,” he rolled his eyes, causing you to giggle a bit, and he softly smiles, “but I adore you more, for many reasons. You’re unafraid to call out on people’s actions, although you’re close to Eren, Mikasa, and Armin and you feel the need to protect them, yet you choose me over them if I’m saying something that makes sense. But…” You sensed that he was going to ask you something so you completed it for him, “But? If this is about me not talking about my past, it’s not that I don’t want to talk about it. I just find it futile to relive the hurt, the pain, the creepy touches…” As you shudder in fear reminiscing the painful memories, the calmness in his eyes turned to anger as he pressed your hand hard as if he was going to crush it. “Did those bastards at The Underground try to…”
“Take advantage of me?” You nodded, “Yes. But I’d kick them and run away, only to find them being killed the next day instead. I still don’t know who did so, but I wanna thank them, you know?” Levi threw a knowing smile, not just because he noticed you seemed freer than before, but that you were finally going to learn the truth. “You can thank me for sure. I didn’t know that you were the one these merchants were hurting, but when I learned of the news, I felt I should take justice in my hands, and so I stole from them before killing them.” You were shocked and didn’t know what to say. Appalled at the lengths Levi went to protect people, it scared you he may turn into a ruthless soldier devoid of any feelings if he killed those merchants. 
You got up off the ledge of the roof, walking back, carefully passing the tea set beside you, and Levi was walking towards you, then looking at the tea set, with a surprised gaze, as if he’s seen the set somewhere before. He then was told to sit down and you continued to talk to him while he was looking at the tea set. “Levi, I remember meeting your mum around the time my family was in The Underground not knowing you were her son. She was very kind to me, and always brought me food to eat despite her having gone hungry on a couple of occasions. She may have looked sickly, but she’d sworn to look after you in any way possible. It was sad that what job she ended up taking was one of the most painful jobs ever. She’d given me this tea set to hold on to and said to give it to her son when he ends up getting to know me. Was your mother’s name Kuchel by any chance?”
Tears streamed down his cheeks, realizing that his mother will always be with him no matter what. Levi then looks at you and nods his head in agreement. You then hold his hands and talk to him, “Oh poor Levi. I’m so sorry for all the pain you went through. Both of us have had different backgrounds, but the pain is pain. It hurts the same no matter what.” He agreed with you, heaving a sigh of relief knowing that there was someone out there who loved him despite him carrying all this baggage.  “You know something? I’m afraid of committing myself to someone. What if they just love me for how I look and not for who I am? What if they just love me for how I perform in the training and in the battle and nothing more? What if I’m not good enough for them?”
Levi again places a finger on your lips, giving you permission to wipe his tears off his cheeks. He then cups your cheeks with his hands, brings them forwards, and gently kisses you. You can tell that he’s been wanting to kiss you, wantonly for eons now, but he’s taking his time, enveloping your lips with his, expressing his sheer love and desire to be with you, regardless of what the circumstances may seem. After what seemed like an eternity, both of you pull back and press your foreheads against each other, where Levi confesses, “why don’t you get it? You’re good enough for me. You don’t have to reveal everything about your life to me right now, but when I’m with you, I feel like I’ve known you for ages. I want you. I don’t say it all, because I’m scared of my feelings, but with you, it feels easy. I want you, brat. I’m so in love with you, that I need you to be by my side when we’re fighting the Titans. I’ve always been a loner, but ever since I met you, I don’t ever want to be alone again.”
Those gray eyes conveyed a level of honesty you hadn't seen for quite some time. Your mind raced as you tried to recall the last time someone expressed their love to you. His words seemed like a balm to the aching wounds of your heart. “Levi,” you softly called out, as he held your right hand and his other hand cupped your left cheek. “I’m not perfect. I’m not done going back to my family yet. I’m not done avenging my father’s demise yet. I can’t do this alone. If you really do love me…”
“(Y/N),” he softly calls out to you, “nothing’s going to stop me from loving you the way you are. I understand there are walls around your heart and I have them too. But, we’re going to have to work together to overcome them. I… love you. I hope you know that. Now that I know that you love me too, I’m going to tell you and show you all the more. Okay?” Both of you then end up in a warm embrace, for somewhere longer than twenty seconds, which, according to science, was enough, to build trust between the people hugging. You may have not known what the future brought, but you were certain that it brought with you someone that you’d hold close with all your might and that you’d give your best to not let him out of your sight. That’s when you decided to let him in your heart by saying, “Okay, my love.”
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© Shyna 2022
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lady-lunaaa · 2 years
Birthday Boy
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Pairing: Armin Arlert x fem!reader
Rating: EXPLICIT! minors do not interact
Warnings: established relationship, sneaking around with family and friends downstairs, female reader, use of pet names 'baby' and 'angel', blowjob, hair pulling, lots of lip gloss, choking on dick, fluffflufffluff (and no h/c in sight, can you believe it).
WC: 3.7K
a/n: idk this just happened...legit sat in bed and wrote this in one go, so if you see any mistakes, no you don't. but birthday boi deserves it 💙 will be thinking about this and him forever, thanks, have a nice day. AND THE BIGGEST THANK YOU TO MY WIFE @dabilove27 WHO BETA'D THE FUCK OUTTA THIS, practically co-wrote jesus, BECAUSE I HAD SQUARE EYES BY THE TIME I WAS DONE. I love you forever <3
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Armin is doing the rounds, greeting friends and family and thanking them for coming. It's been a long day. You insisted on making tonight a big affair, pulling out all the stops and decorating his childhood home in birthday streamers, banners and bunches of balloons. You and his mother are a dangerous combination, you can't be stopped once you get going. 
But tonight is special for another reason than just his birthday. You both have an announcement to make, and he's unusually nervous about it. Armin is happy not having the spotlight on himself. It's been that way ever since he was a child, having a best friend like Eren Jaeger meant he wasn't usually seen. Until he met you, of course. You saw him from the very first moment you met him.
He was oblivious at first, he wasn't used to attention, to people flirting with him. Mikasa told him he was an idiot. Actually, so did you. He smiles at the memory, taking a sip from the champagne flute you practically forced into his hands earlier. His phone buzzes in his pocket and he hopes that it's you. You've been gone a while. You went upstairs to prepare for the announcement, you said you'd only be a minute, but it's been at least ten. 
Armin steps out into the hallway, where it's quieter, and fishes his phone out of his trouser pocket. He isn't prepared for what meets him as he presses his fingertip to the scanner. His phone screen is lit up with an image of you, scantily-clad, in a delicate lingerie set. It's new. The same shade of blue as his eyes (he's sure that was an intentional choice on your part). You're perched on the bathroom counter upstairs, back to the mirror, and your head peeking coyly over your shoulder. 
His eyes roam the screen, the curves of your ass, the way your cheeks squidge against the marble counter beneath you, back arched alluringly. 
The front of his slacks tighten, and he hastily lowers his screen's brightness, despite the fact there is no one currently out here. Habit, he guesses. I mean both your families are wandering around and this is his mother's house. He doesn't think you'd be too pleased if his grandma, or one of your brothers, caught an eye full of your bare ass perched on his parent's bathroom counter. He readjusts the front of his trousers surreptitiously before tapping out a response with his thumb. 
A- I thought when you said you were preparing, you meant for our guests. That's taking hospitality a little too far, don't you think?
You immediately send a photo back of your pretty face, eyes rolling dramatically, and he laughs quietly to himself. 
A- Seriously, the boys will never recover if you come down dressed in that…
He watches, heart racing, as the little text at the bottom of the screen displays, 'typing…' 
You - Get up here rn, Arlert. Before I change my mind.
He doesn't need to be told twice. Armin slips his phone back into his pocket and scans the hallway, making sure no one sees him making his way to the stairs. He downs the last of his champagne, in a hasty decision, and sets the flute down on the decorative table by the front door. 
His heart hammers with every careful step he takes, ascending into the darkness of the upper floors, thoughts on your gorgeous body clad in lace all for him. His dick twitches in his pants in anticipation.
When he finally knocks on the bathroom door, you open it a crack, smiling softly when you see it's him. Christ, you didn't even lock the door. This is a dangerous game you're playing. You let him in, opening the door just enough that he can slip through, his chest brushing against the frame as he does so. You shut the door quietly and he slides the lock into place. Just in case.
"Took you long enough." You tease. 
"I was barely a minute." He counters, taking a step closer to you and drinking you in. 
"A minute too long." You quip back at him cheekily, mirroring his action and moving closer to him. 
He chuckles, you keep him on his toes that's for sure. You're practically chest to chest now, almost touching, but not quite. The tension is palpable, electricity crackling between your bodies, as you each wait for the other to make the first move. Armin uses the moment to appraise your choice of underwear, once again admiring that soft blue, so beautiful against your skin. 
He lifts a slender finger to trace the edge of the lace that cups your full breast. You shiver at the contact, pushing out your chest in response, unable to help yourself. He continues his journey, letting his finger slip between your cleavage and pulling at the panel of lace that sits between them. The lace pattern is fairly large, and there's no fabric underneath, meaning he can see your pert nipples through the design.
Your tits are pushed together in a way that makes his mouth water. He can't get enough of your squishy curves and soft skin, you make him crazy. 
He slides his other hand over the curve of your shoulder, slow and soft, delighting in the way you shiver. You trail your fingers up his arm delicately, unable to hold back any longer and let him have all the fun, as you run your eyes greedily over his frame. He looks fucking delicious. Smart casual, as is the dress code, but somehow he manages to make simple look so darn good.
It really is unfair of him, wearing a turtleneck, he knows it's a weakness of yours. The slim fit hugs his torso perfectly and accentuates his slender neck, the deep blue material bringing out the different hues in his eyes. He's so pretty it takes your breath away, and you're so glad you finally have a moment alone with him. 
"Missed you." You murmur, voice a breathy whisper. It's silly to miss him when you've been in the same room for hours…but you did anyway. You missed his full attention on you, being able to touch him, be intimate. His heart squeezes in his chest at your confession. 
"Mhm," you hum, pressing your body flush against his (oh how he wishes he wasn't wearing clothes right now), "you look so good tonight, couldn't keep my eyes off you."
It's funny you should say that, because now he's the one who can't keep his eyes off you. There's just too much flesh on display, and the scent of your perfume, mixed with the unique scent of you, has him intoxicated. 
"I missed you too, angel." He whispers, brushing the back of his hand against your cheek. He's faintly aware that he feels dizzy, perhaps a side effect of the champagne. Or then again, maybe it's just you. 
"Do you like?" You look down at yourself, gesturing to the lingerie. He nods, lips parting to let out a contented sigh. It stirs the hair brushing against your neck, and he has the sudden impulse to wrap his hand around your delicate throat, to push his thumb into your pulse point and steal the breath from your lungs. 
"I like, very much. This all for me?" He teases, running a finger under the strap of your bra and playing with the lil blue blow that meets the cup. 
"All yours baby." You whisper coyly, fluttering your mascara-clad lashes at him.
He groans and pulls your bra strap towards him before letting it slip from his finger. The snap of the material against your skin makes you yelp and buck into him. 
He loves all the little noises he can elicit from you, the way you play along, and give as much as you get. He likes to play with you, but right now, he's impatient (and very aware of the room full of people waiting for you downstairs). He uses the same finger to trace over the thin lace again, but this time he flicks over your nipple, quick and light, making you gasp.
He moves to give attention to the other one, but you catch his wrist in your hand, manicured nails digging into his skin just slightly. A warning. 
"Uh uh baby, you're the birthday boy, this is all about your pleasure." The words send a thrill shooting down his spine and straight into his cock. God, you're so perfect. And so good to him. 
You let go of his wrist in favour of placing a hand against his chest and walk him backwards across the room. His mother has a weird penchant for putting a decorative chair in every room, including the main bathroom (kind of like fancy hotels), but he finds himself thanking the weird decorative habit as you push him down into the chair with a firm hand. 
You straddle him once he's seated, draping your thighs over his and using the points of your toes against the floor to keep yourself upright. You arch your back so that he can see your ass over your shoulder and walk your fingertips down his chest lightly. 
Fuck, he's so handsome. All blue-eyed and blonde-haired, with that little upturn to his nose, in complete contrast to his strong jawline. He drives you crazy. You wish you could undress him slowly, take your time with him, but your guests won't wait forever. You sigh, feeling the stiffness in his pants poke into your thigh. You roll your hips into his lap and place your arms around his shoulders, leaning in dangerously close. 
"Fuck, you're gorgeous." He whispers, pushing his hips up into yours, seeking friction.
"Patience, baby." You whisper against his mouth, glossed lips brushing his, your breaths intermingling. 
Armin can't deal with your lips so close to his, all plumped and shiny from your hot pink gloss, that he assumes you applied just before he got here. They look irresistible, and he should be worried about that gloss staining his own lips, but he isn't. He doesn't care. He surges forward, ready to capture your mouth with his own, but you're quicker. 
You tangle your fingers in the shorter hair at the back of his neck and pull his head back, firm but not harsh, exposing the curve of his throat to you. You watch carefully as his adam's apple bobs in his throat, his turtleneck so tight that you can see the movement through its material. It's mesmerising, watching him do something as simple as swallow.
His plump lips part, breath coming fast, as he regards you from under his lashes. He looks drunk, cheeks flushed and eyes at half mast. His blonde lashes are so long that they skim the apples of his cheeks as he blinks, slow and deliberate. He must know what he does to you, you tell him plenty, how he makes you want to lose control. You want to sink your teeth into him, leave marks. But that will have to wait until later. 
Your heart rate picks up at the thought but time seems to slow. It's so strange the effect Armin has on you (has had on you from day one), as if time stands still when you're with him, so caught up in each other that the rest of the world passes you by - it's inconsequential. 
He looks at you curiously, unsure why you won't kiss him, but trusting you implicitly. You smile, slow and sweet. 
"Not yet, baby, I have other plans for this." You roll your lips together, your cherry pink gloss sticking your lips together for a second, before you let them pop apart. You put on extra for a very good reason, it probably looks ridiculous, but there's a method to your madness. 
Armin tracks your every move, chest rising and falling rapidly. Every time he inhales your breasts squish up against him invitingly. He's getting impatient. Usually, he lasts the longest in your little games…but he's always so needy when you take control. You love it. 
You hold his head back, fingers fisted in his hair, for just a moment longer…to display the control you have over him. He watches you watch him, your gaze heated and affectionate. When you think you've tortured him enough, you pull away and slowly slide from his lap onto the floor, kneeling against the cold tile between his legs. 
Armin slowly tilts his head forward (now that you've relinquished control of it) and watches you descend, his pupils blown wide, engulfing the pretty blue of his irises that you love so much. It's exactly the reason you chose this lingerie set, besides the lace and bows and pretty design, it's the perfect shade of sky blue that immediately made you think of his eyes. 
You slowly undo his belt and pop open the first button of his slacks, humming in appreciation at the hardness you feel brush against your hand as you do so. 
"So hard already, baby," you murmur, petting his erection through his underwear lazily. He sucks in a breath and grips the arms of the chair tightly.
You laugh breathily as you tug his trousers down just enough to let his dick spring free from his boxers. Armin has the prettiest cock you've ever seen, long and curved with a pretty pink head. A pretty cock for a pretty man. 
You wrap your hand around his length and give it an appreciative pump. He throws his head back and lets out a long moan, so sensitive now he's finally being touched. 
Fuck, you love the noises he makes for you. Love it when he pants and whines and groans. You could listen to his symphony all night long, but you're suddenly reminded of the time once again, and decide to give him what he wants. 
You pump his shaft a few more times, satisfied with the precum that beads at his tip. A few more breathy groans escape him, and as much as you adore them, you decide to quiet him down the only way you know how. You peel his shirt away from his stomach, revealing his defined abs, and stuff the end into his mouth. 
"Be a good birthday boy and be quiet, will you?" His eyes flash, liquid heat pooling in their depths, but he nods quickly. 
You watch him as you lean over and press a kiss to his swollen cock head. It leaves a messy red print against his skin in the shape of your lips. You admire your handiwork. Armin's eyes widen, realising the point of the lip gloss.
You waste no more time, licking a long stripe from his balls all the way up his length to his head, where you lap at the pre with little kitten licks, smearing your sticky gloss mark over his tip. Armin pushes his hips into your face, his moan muffled around his shirt. 
"Fuck." He curses, biting down into his makeshift gag. You smile against his cock before you open wide and let him push himself inside your mouth. He's long, too long to fit inside you all at once, and you gag when his mushroom head nudges the back of your throat. He groans louder as your throat constricts around him. So tight. So warm and tight, he can't even think straight. 
You plant your hands on his thighs for leverage, digging your nails into his slacks, if he wasn't wearing them you know you'd leave crescent-shaped welts in his pale skin. You swirl your tongue around his tip as you come back up, delighting in the salty sweet taste of him. 
You breathe in deeply and relax your throat, letting him in further this time. He rolls his hips up, trying to encourage you to increase your pace. Naughty, naughty. You slooowly pull back and focus your attention on his tip, working it between your lips with fervour until he's shaking beneath you, and then dipping down and taking his length into the back of your throat again. You repeat the action a few times, teasing his tip and then swallowing him down. 
At some point his hand finds the back of your head, guiding you up and down his cock. You get lazy, eager for him to take back a little control. You open your mouth wider, expanding your throat, and let him fuck gently into your mouth. His grip on you is firm but not rough, he doesn't want to muss up your hair too badly. He pushes his cock to the very back of your throat, slow enough not to cause any pain, but until you're gagging around him uncontrollably. 
He loves that sound, wet and muffled, loves the vibrations against his dick as you moan and hum around him. He's tensing, his movements a little sloppier, more erratic as he chases his high. He can't help but fall apart whenever you look at him like this; eyes hazy and tearful, and your lips stretched around his girth as you make a mess, drool dripping down your chin. Your gloss is smeared across your lips and all over his cock, leaving a ring of sparkling magenta around his base. You think it looks beautiful. This will have to do until you can mark him properly later. 
You can sense he's near climax from the way he's writhing and shaking beneath you, muscles tight, as curses and praise fall from his lips in tandem. At some point his shirt fell from his mouth, you can't find it in you to care, blindly hoping no one can hear you from downstairs. 
"Fuuuck baby, feels so good. My pretty lil' angel always knows how to make me- ahhh, feel good."
You keen at the praise, humming low in the back of your throat, knowing he loves when you're vocal. He shudders, mouth open, and brows pulled up in that perfect display of ecstasy. He looks so pretty and so fucking hot. You're wet, so wet, and painfully turned on. You wish you could fuck him right here, ride his cock until you were squirting all over his thighs, but there isn't time. And your guests might have some objections to that. 
Luckily you're patient, you like the wait, like to be worked up for so long that Armin can practically make you come untouched. 
You slide your right hand up his thigh until you're cupping his rounded balls in your palm, fondling them lightly, as you shove his full length so far down your throat you think you might pass out. Stars dance across your vision, and you feel a rush of arousal pooling in your panties. He comes with a cry, humping your face as he rides out his high, hands holding your head still. 
Your clit throbs at his uncontrolled moans and whines as his warm release paints the back of your throat. You feel tears slide down your cheeks, thank the Lord for waterproof mascara. 
Armin lets his hands slip from the back of your head to the sides of your face. He holds your face in his palms as he comes down from his high, breath returning to normal and his cheeks losing some of their colour. He rubs your sticky bottom lip with his thumb absentmindedly, clearing your face of lip gloss. You could get drunk off the way he looks at you, with sheer adoration, like you're the most precious thing to him in the whole world. And you know that you are, just like he is to you. 
"I wanna eat you out," he breathes, pushing his thumb past your swollen lips. 
You smile around his digit, taking it into your mouth and sucking obediently. The way his eyes darken has slick wetting your panties once more, the lace garment is soaked through now. Nothing much you can do about that. As much as you'd love to take him up on his offer, there isn't time. You part from his thumb with a pop of your lips and let it rest against your bottom lip once more. 
"No time, baby, I'll have to take a rain check." You lean into his palm for a moment, taking comfort in his touch, before you squeeze his thighs with both hands. He takes the hint and lets you rise from the floor, zipping up his pants and straightening out his clothes. 
You cross to the corner and slip on your heels, before stepping into your dress and pulling it up over the curves of your body. Armin stands and makes his way over to you, as you offer your back to him, holding your dress around your front so he can zip it up. He finds the zip and you suck in a breath as his fingertips skim your lower back. He slowly zips you all the way up, standing so close that his breath fans across your neck. You allow yourself to lean into his warmth one more time, and he nuzzles his face into your hair, speaking directly into your ear in a low voice. 
"'M gonna ruin you later." 
You moan quietly, pushing your ass into his crotch as you arch your back slightly. He clamps a hand on your hip to stop you from grinding against him, his dick is half-hard again already, and kisses the spot where your shoulder meets your neck. The action causes your skin to tingle. 
"I very much look forward to it," you smile, tone sultry, as you spin around to face him.
You finally press your lips to his, short and sweet, and full of promise.
"Happy birthday, baby." You whisper against his lips, brushing your nose against his affectionately. He repeats the action, giving you nose kisses until you giggle.
"Come on," he says, lacing his fingers with yours delicately, "let's go introduce everyone to my new fiancee." 
His lips dance across yours as he speaks, and then he's pulling away all too soon. 
He slips the diamond ring from his pocket, where he had it hidden, and you place it on your finger, watching it sparkle in the white lighting. 
Armin raises your joined hands to his lips, gazing at you softly, as he kisses the gemstone. He never fails to make you melt inside, feel all warm and fuzzy, and happier than you even thought you could be. 
You smile back at him lovingly, bottom lip caught between your teeth, trying to contain the elation threatening to burst forth in girlish squeals. 
You take a deep, calming breath. 
"Let's, future hubby."
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Page divider by: @/firefly-graphics
Thanks for reading! 💙
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kyskaisen · 2 years
gay and romantic - {Maki Z.}
Maki Zenin x Logical! Reader (basically light yagami + armin arlert + female body + very flirty = you!1!1 <33)
Chapter 1 - Another Incident
“Hello mother, where’s dad?” 
I asked as I walked through the door that led to the kitchen on the left and the living room straight ahead. She turned around and looked at me from the corner of the manilla wall and smiled then answered, “He was called back on shift, there’s been another incident” She answered lightly, but the slightly cheery tone couldn’t mask the slight loneliness that was evident on the edges and corners of her well-framed face.
I nodded before taking off my shoes and setting them right by the door and heading upstairs to my room to do my homework. But before I opened my door, I back tracked to my older cousin’s door and kicked it, earning a low, loud groan from him. 
“Leave me alone, Y/n” He grumbled from behind the door. I chuckled and kicked it again then finally headed towards my room. 
Perhaps a couple hours later, I looked up from the book I was reading and looked at my clock and noticed that it was 10:30 at night. I huffed then got up from my spot and went to go do my nightly routine, then got back in bed and kept reading. 
I heard the front door open and shut with a small ‘bang,’ indicating that it was probably my dad who’d just walked in. I huffed once again and closed my book after marking my spot and left my room to glide down the stairs to find my dad sitting at the table in the dining room across from the kitchen, reading over some paper. 
“Hello father, is that the report from some other incident that happened in the city?” I asked, pulling out a chair and sitting down across from him. He looked up at me through the edges of both his glasses and the paper sitting in front of him, then smiled. “Yes, it is. How was your day, Y/n?” He asked smoothly. I smiled back at him. “It was good. What was the incident this time?”
His smile slightly fell, then he went back to reading the paper. “Even though it’s a fairly good city, even Tokyo has its darker parts.” He answered, as if to inform me of something. Of what, though?
“Another murder case, I assume?” I replied with somewhat of the same tone. His eyebrows knit together slightly before looking up at me, letting the paper drop slightly to show his puzzled face. “Seems to be, though I’m not sure I would call it that.” He answered. I lifted a brow before he handed me the paper. “I wonder what your co-workers would think of this, letting your daughter read over information disclosed only between staff of the Tokyo Police Department” I lightly joked, skimming through the words on the paper. He chuckled with me.
I stopped chuckling once I got to the description of the body that was reported. It was described in such a way that made it sound like a completely different species from human. 
“..They’re sure a human did all this?” I questioned, handing him back the paper. He nodded before flipping the page to the next one. “Yes. And since this is the third one this week, they’re setting up a curfew for 8 o’clock Monday through Friday, and 10 o’clock on Saturday’s and Sunday’s. It’s not official yet, but they’re considering it.” He explained. “And given how stubborn the government is, it’ll probably be mandated within the next two weeks, I’m guessing.” I replied. He nodded in agreement.
I sighed then leaned back and rested my arms behind my head. He looked up at me once again. “Hey, Y/n, you’re pretty smart..and I’m sure the police force wouldn’t mind seeing you again, would you maybe want to come with me to work tomorrow?” He suggested. I immediately leaned forward to the table and looked him dead in the eye. “Me? Come with you to work?” I repeated. He nodded, “I figured it’d be nice, a change of pace from school, and also because it’s a Saturday tomorrow, so why not?”
“YES! YES YES YES! I’VE ALWAYS WANTED TO SEE A REAL LIFE CRIME SCENE AND NOT THOSE PHONY ONES FROM CRIMINAL MINDS!” I cheered, getting up from my chair and jumping up and down. He chuckled then told me to sit down.
I sighed happily after sitting back down at the table.
My alarm went off at 4:30, as I set it to that time just before I went to bed last night. I turned off my alarm and sprang up out of bed to get my clothes on, then sped downstairs to meet my dad who was fixing his tie.
“Hey sport, you ready?” He asked, turning to me with a smile. I grinned back and nodded my head.
“Yep! Can’t wait to become the youngest detective in
LMAOOO i decided to not post this on wattpad since i knew one of my friends would bully THE LIVING SHIT outta me for making my 1000th maki story
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sparkywrites25 · 2 years
Summary: You and Armin sneak out of the compound and take in the sunset as talk turns to another sunset.
Pairing: Armin Arlert x Reader
“I’ve never seen Sasha look so happy,” Armin keeps his laugh quiet as you and he weave your way through the last of the trees on the hilltop. “She looked like she was going to pass out with joy.” Despite his efforts to contain his laughter, he’s still grinning, his soft blue eyes glimmering in the light that peeks through the gap in the trees. 
“Course she did,” your chuckle is low as well. “We just told her she could have our portions of soup if she managed to get us some extra bread to take with us. As exchanges go, she’s coming out of this all right. I’m just glad she was willing to cover for us,” you continue, your breathing coming out in pants from your trek. You glance behind you. The training compound is shrouded by the trees.
“Yeah she’s pretty great,” Armin smiles. “I can’t imagine she feels that loyal to the Commandant’s rules though considering that she’s still on limited food privileges.”
The two of you finally walk out of the woodland, onto a cliff overlooking an enormous lake, shining amber and gold under the horizon of sunset. The sun is halfway disappearing behind the mountains beyond the lake. The air is warm against your already heated body from the climb. The pair of you move closer to the edge and sit yourselves down with your food packs and water cannisters. 
“Wow,” you breathe, taking in the streaks of gold and orange overlapping over pale pink clouds that suggest a bright day tomorrow. The same kind of sunset as that day. You swallow back a wave of intense emotion as pain awakens in your chest. Your breathing hitches. For a moment you’re back there again, watching that demonic red face staring over the wall, dead expression in its eyes. 
You hear your name being whispered and when you side-eye Armin, he’s frowning gently at you, one of his hands hovering over your shoulder. “You okay?”
You nod, even though it’s a lie and return your eyes to the sunset. You should look away so you can stop feeling like this; the way you’ve been doing at sunset for the past two years. Never looking at the horizon for too long because you’re afraid of what you might see. 
“Sorry,” you find your voice after a number of seconds have gone by, “but it’s the first sunset I’ve really looked at since Shiganshina.”
“It’s okay,” Armin assures you. “I get it. It was beautiful that day, wasn’t it?”
You nod again. “It shouldn’t be beautiful now. Not after everything we’ve lost, but it is. It’s not fair.”
Armin leaned back, hands planted on the ground with a soft sigh. “No, but I think that’s a good thing.”
“What do you mean?”
“If the world looked as bleak as it is, all the time, then no one would ever want to do anything,” Armin mused, drawing your attention to him again. “No one would be inspired to keep trying for better things,” he continued. You watch the way the colours of sunset pass over his face, lighting up his eyes like candles. His golden hair shone under the light and you reach up to touch it. You stop yourself before he can notice and quickly turn away from him. Don’t be stupid.
How can he think like that, at our age? You wonder. How can he be this wise, this objective, when he’s lost so much too? 
In the floating wispy pink clouds, you think you can see them - the faces of your mother and sister as they were stopped from boarding the ferry, as they watched you being taken to safety away from them. You avert your eyes again. 
“I can’t think like that,” you whisper, bringing your knees to your chest and hugging them. “It hurts to look at this,” you confess. “Everything hurts. Training hurts. I’m so weak. Sometimes I think that someone like me shouldn’t be wasting the military’s time.”
“You’re not the only one who thinks like that,” Armin pauses only for a short time before he speaks. As you look at him again, he offers you a comforting smile. “I’m not exactly cut out for all the physical stuff either,” he muses. “I’m not as driven as Eren or as strong as Mikasa.”
“No one’s as strong as Mikasa,” you mumble with a weak smile at him.
He chuckles. “Yeah that’s probably true. No. It definitely is.”
You both fall silent and resume looking at the sunset. It still hurts but Armin’s words help to occupy your mind as you gather your thoughts, thinking over training. You and Armin are always at the back in the endurance runs. You spend most of hand-to-hand combat training picking yourself up off the floor. You’re decent on horseback and you manage well enough on odm gear. The aptitude test gave you a false sense of your own overall skill, you think. Even in the classroom, you’re average at best. Not like Armin whose brilliance shines through there. He grasps ideas and formations like he’s drinking water; he just takes it all in. 
“You’re a strategist,” you finally tell Armin after almost ten minutes of quiet reflection have passed. “The military needs people like that.” You cross your arms across your kneecaps and lean your chin on them. “You’re so clever. They need people like you.”
“You think?” There’s no false modesty in Armin’s tone as he asks you that. He’s genuinely surprised. You can hear it in the uncertain innocence he emits. 
You give him a firm, smiling nod. “Of course.”
“And I’m not just saying that either,” you add hastily. “I mean it, Armin.”
“I know!” Armin’s eyes blow up as he leans in insistently. “I know! You’re a very honest person.”
The grips of your hands on your kneecaps grows stronger. You can’t help but question his words. How honest can you really consider yourself. “Am I really though? I’m honest with other people, sure,” you agree. “But I’m not sure I’m being honest with myself at all, about this.”
“Why do you say that?” Armin’s brow furrows thoughtfully. 
Your fingers drum on your knees. “Well, I-I know I’m rubbish at all this,” and when you say that, you jerk your head in the direction you and Armin came from, “and yet I’m still doing it. If I haven’t got a talent to offer the military, wouldn’t the honest thing be to just leave? Stop wasting everyone’s time? Maybe I’d do better as a medic.”
Armin shuffles a little closer to him and it confuses you to see that he’s smiling a little. “I don’t think that it’s that simple. Do you want to leave and go into medical? There’s no shame in dropping out and choosing something else.”
You know how you feel as soon as he says the words. “No.” Your answer follows instantly. “No. I’ve always wanted to join the military. I don’t think I could sit by as a civilian. I have to be a soldier. I just know that deep down.”
“My grandfather talked about that feeling,” Armin recalls, stretching his legs further out ahead of him, his feels close to the edge of the cliff. “He said it was a calling.”
“A calling,” you muse. 
“Like someone calling your name, only instead of a person, it’s what you want to do, what you need to do.”
Your eyes roam over the horizon again, watching the luminous golds begin to disappear as a weighty dusk begins to press down on the world quietly inch by inch. The sun sends up some defiant rays and you’re reminded of outstretched arms trying to haul themselves out of titan mouths. Your stomach burns with resolve. I can’t just stand by and not contribute something. It may not be much in the end but it’s got to be better than not doing anything. 
“I like that,” you decide, smiling thinly. “Makes it sound like I actually know what I’m doing.”
Armin’s laugh was quiet, delicate even. Very much like the boy himself. You’ve always liked that about him, ever since you knew him back home. You like that he’s not the rough and tumble type. You like that he reads, and you really like listening to him talk about the books that he’s read. Sometimes it makes him sad, knowing that those books are all the way back in Shiganshina now, probably smushed. Your heart aches for him when you see that hurt.
“I don’t think any of us really know, so don’t worry,” he remarks, giving you one of his bright, beautiful smiles, his words pulling you out of your musings. “And you know,” he says your name softly, “it’s okay to just be a soldier and do your duty with all that you have. You might not know what your talent is yet but you have it. Something shifts in his tone of voice, a kind of resigned sadness. “I’ve spent most of my childhood getting beat up by bullies. Eren’s rushed in to help me so many times that I’ve lost count. Yet what have I done to balance the score? That’s what I keep wondering.”
You stare at your friend, amazed that he could hold that kind of admission behind such a beautiful, encouraging smile. It’s almost frightening how good he’s hidden it. 
This time, when your hand lifts to find his, you don’t hesitate before squeezing his fingers. “Friendship doesn’t work like that.” You try and fill your voice with as much comfort and conviction as you can. “I’m sure Eren and Mikasa don’t see it that way.”
“No,” Armin agreed, some of the sorrow that shines in his eyes begins to vanish. “But that’s my point. You don’t need to stand out to make a difference here. We work together, as a unit.  We can make each other stronger. Just like how Reiner helped Eren train for the aptitude test.
“Yeah,” you concede. “It’d be nice to become strong like them one day.” Turning your gaze towards the sunset again, you find a kind of solace in the slow meeting of light and dark, in the fading golden glows that you used to associate with that terrible day but now have in this moment with Armin and in the disappearing orange streaks of cloud. You can’t change the sky any more than you can control what happens to you. It’s a heavy thought, inspiring an even more sobering thought. “But if I’m not strong enough then at least I’ll get to see my family again and, and it;s not like I will be really leaving anyone behind.”
“Hey.” The word snaps out of Armin as his hand grips yours tightly. “Don’t talk like that. You’d be leaving me behind, you know?”
Startled, your eyes snap to his and shame fills your chest. You didn’t mean to sound so morbid and yet you can’t help but think of that. You’re alone now, without all your family, the people who would grieve you. You just didn’t think about Armin and you curse your own forgetfulness. You hear the words as he must have heard them and squeeze his hand. But, although you want to speak, to apologize, the words freeze in your throat and you hesitate. 
“I’d really miss you,” Armin continues, his eyebrows coming together to form a golden line across his brow. “I can’t stand to think of you not being here so please don’t say that again, okay?”
You nod, glad for the opportunity for a non-verbal response. You shuffle a little closer to him and, instinctively, lean your head on his shoulder. He stiffens beneath you but only for a second. In another second, he leans his head on yours. You smile under the warm pressure and you clasp his hand between both of yours. 
“I’m sorry, Armin. I didn’t mean it like that. I’d hate for you to not be here too. You’re really important to me.”
Even though Armin has his own circle of friends, he’s always made time for you and tried to include you. You’re not quite sure yourself on what’s held you back. Maybe it’s just not wanting to intrude on what he has with Eren and Mikasa. You were always afraid that people would think that you were trying to do that. It means a great deal that he’s still included you in his life even after the hell of Shiganshina’s fall, the refugee crisis and now starting military training. 
“In fact,” you continue, the admission slipping out automatically, “it’s really selfish but I like that we both struggle with the physical stuff here. I don’t know… I guess… I guess I feel less alone.”
Armin’s fingers lace with yours. “It’s not selfish. Or if it is, I guess I’m selfish too.”
You stroke the back of Armin’s hand. “No, Armin,” you tell him in a whisper. ”You’re really not.”
Silence falls, once again, between you both as you watch daylight fade away, replaced gradually by a glorious blanket of stars and an enormous, silvery moon. Even as the air turns colder, you linger there under the beauty of night 
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maxthefryingpan12 · 1 year
I’m not as pure as you believe I am.//Armin Arlert x Titan Shifter!Fem!Reader
Because I’m on an Armin high right now. And I am not in the mood to write anything else.
Summary: You and Armin are a couple. You are very afraid of what he’ll think of you when you reveal that you and your family are titan shifters. You are aware that when Erwin makes the call you are obligated to turn. It scares you to death, but you know you can’t falter. Thankfully, Armin is there to help take care of you when you’re too exhausted from the mission.
Warnings: violence, swearing, Anxiety, mentions of death, My OC (it’s not Y/N, she’s important to Y/N’s story though. And she helps you take a relaxing bath. She’s a mother figure, don’t worry.), Fluff, past trauma, revenge, masking exhaustion, being a mother in place of an actual mother, etc.
Hope y’all enjoy this installment of me putting my OC as Y/N for your viewing pleasure!
He always calls me Angel. I have no Idea why. I love him, I truly do. The nickname gives me butterflies but also a sense of guilt. I don’t know how he thinks I’m an Angel. He saw me threaten to slit a guy’s throat when I was 16. There’s also so much death and destruction in my past that I haven’t told him. Like the guy that dared to kidnap and molest one of my younger sisters. I don’t know how he does it. If anything, HE’S the Angel, not me. I am the demon dragging him to hell. I mean, he saw how willing I was to decapitate someone at Levi’s order to kill without hesitation. And he saw how relentless I was when I was ordered to kill Kenny Ackerman. I don’t understand how he still calls me Angel. Especially since I’m a titan.
Revealing what I truly am to him scares me to death. I don’t want him to think that I’m a monster. That would be the worst feeling in the world.
I’ve raised my siblings, been stabbed, shot, punched, sexually assaulted, and abused, and yet, I’m scared of what he’ll think.
I can’t dwell on it too much though. Right now, we’re on a mission, resealing the holes Bertholdt and Reiner created five years ago.
Bertholdt just shifted into his titan form, would’ve done serious damage to me and my gear if it weren’t for my various Titan abilities that carried into my human form. My goal right now was to find Armin, my boyfriend. With Hange squad behind me I made my way towards Levi squad.
Armin was freaking out, clearly very stressed. With no time to waste I landed in front of him and put my swords away.
“Armin, take my hands.” I commanded, speed walking towards him.
“Angel! You’re alright! I’m so glad!” He looked a little relieved as his eyes fell on my face.
I took his shaking hands in mine. “Deep breaths, hun. Clear your mind so you can think.” I comforted.
He took a few deep breaths before I heard a sharp, long whistle.
Four counts long, the whistle to turn to Titan form.
I turned my head in that direction.
“Did you hear a whistle? Which one?” Hange asked excitedly.
“You all have to trust me, okay? In the events happening next, I promise I won’t hurt you on purpose.” I looked back at the people around me.
“Angel, what are you saying? What do you mean?” Armin furrowed his brows in worry.
The feeling of anxiety, guilt, and fear nestled in the pit of my stomach.
“Just please trust me. I promise I’ll make sure we’ll make it out alive.” With one final glance at Armin’s worried face, I pulled away and used my ODM gear to fly off to a point where I won’t hurt someone when I go Titan.
I took my knife from my boot and sliced my hand open.
Objective: kill the beast titan and get everyone home safe.
I reminded myself. With that I had an adrenaline rush, I wasn’t in free-fall anymore but instead crouched on the ground and my head being over the buildings.
“Everyone! Attach yourself to her collar! And prepare for a bumpy ride! Eren! Climb on her back!” Hange ordered.
I felt a few dozen pairs of feet land on my shoulders and back. My skin and flesh morphed and shifted so that Eren had secure handles on my back for his hands and feet and make a cavity in which the scouts using me as a war horse could stay safe and protected.
Once Eren was secure I stood at my full height, about half the size of the colossal. The armored titan came into view, running at me full speed. I easily picked him up and grew in size, the same size as the colossal Titan.
With my eyes on my target, I launched Reiner at the Beat Titan, effectively knocking it down. Bertholdt turned to me, I ran full force at him and picked him up almost just as easily. With both hands holding him over my head I reeled back and launched him at the Beast Titan.
From there I began to step back a few paces before running at the wall. I jumped at just the right moment to get over the wall and not crush anything. My flesh reverted to its original state so the people and titan on my back can get off.
“Detach!” Hange yelled.
Seconds before I hit the ground and rolled the last person escaped from my back.
“RAAAAGE!!!” Erwin yelled.
My body shrunk to a little bigger than the Titan I was about to fight. He had pushed off the two titans I’d thrown at him and was now up.
“Y/N, come with me. You’ll no longer be used as a weapon.” The beast spoke.
“Lies, I see the way Braun and Bertholdt are always completing missions you command them to do. And why the hell should I trust you when you killed my mother and are working with my father?” My distorted voice spoke with white hot rage.
“He just wants you to be free.” The beast attempted.
“Lies! He just wants me to be his puppet. He only wants to use me to save his ass! I will NEVER bend will to him.” I yelled.
“Then we’ll have to take you by force.” The titan spoke.
“Over my dead corpse.” With that my legs pistoned into the earth as I ran at him and lunged.
Seeing his face brought the memory of my mother rushing to put the five of her children, including me, on horseback. The day she sacrificed her life to keep us safe. The day she had me promise her to always protect my siblings and take care of them. The day she sent me to live inside the walls and to find Erwin to raise us.
I hated him for it. He’s the reason my siblings starved for five years searching for scraps. He’s the reason the five of us had to make a cuddle pile with Eren, Armin, and Mikasa just to stay warm enough to make it through the winter nights. He’s the reason I had been on the streets long enough to be raped. He’s the reason we all have PTSD from being raped. He’s the reason we’ve suffered so much.
I got lost in my anger as I ripped him apart. He called multiple times for backup from the titans forming a line back none came to his aid on account of the fact that my growl sends them away, instead they kept walking away per my command.
By the time my mind became my own again I had captured all three shifter and they were safely in my mouth, passed out due to the knockout effect of my saliva.
A whistle.
Not even one count, come back.
Following Erwin’s unspoken order I came back towards the wall, the hole was now plugged up and Eren was coming to the wagon.
I shrunk and kneeled.
“Drop them.” Erwin commanded, pointing at the cart.
I followed his orders and dropped the three men onto the cart.
“Good girl,” Erwin praised, “you can revert back to human form.”
I laid down and burst through the nape of my Titan’s neck. I pulled uselessly at the strings of flesh attached to my limbs. I was so fatigued that I couldn’t actually pull myself free without help.
“Do you need help?” I heard a familiar, soothing voice call from the ground.
“Yes please.” I replied weakly.
Suddenly Armin was kneeling next to me.
Here it is… the words that are going to break me…
“C’mon, let’s get you back on the ground, Angel.” Armin said as he cut the last of what was tethering me to my titan body.
My eyes widened and tears pricked at the edges as he turned to me to pick me up. I let him pick me up and carry me to his horse as my mind was racing.
Was he going to break up with me when we got back to the base? Why was he being so sweet to me? Why isn’t he calling me a monster?
He situated me against his chest after he got on his horse, and he gave me a kiss on top of my head.
“You did so well, Angel. Thank you for keeping your promises.” He kissed the top of my head again and held me tight against his frame.
“Let’s move out! Mission accomplished!” Erwin barked.
Within a few minutes we were on the move, heading back to the walls that haven’t been breached.
On the way back, Armin kept whispering how good I did and how he would make sure that I was well taken care of when we got back. It calmed my thoughts a lot, but I still had this bad feeling in the pit of my stomach that he was putting up a facade to not embarrass me as much when he broke up with me.
When we got back, I had gotten some rest which allowed me to assure my siblings that I was just fine as we were passing through. I still couldn’t stand on my own once we got back to the base.
“Help me get her to the tub, Armin.” Nyx told Armin as she came out of the front door. “Poor thing looks exhausted and in need of some TLC.”
Armin carried me to Erwin’s personal bathroom and set me down as Nyx started the water.
The woman was 5’4” and had short brown hair, her eyes were a deep shade of brown and she wore the normal scout uniform.
“You can go now, Cadet.” She smiled at Armin, “I promise I’ll take good care of her.”
“Yes, Captain Smith.” With that, Armin gave me a quick peck on the cheek before leaving.
Once the door closed, she turned to me. “C’mon, let’s get you in the bath, hun.”
She helped me undress and once I shed the last piece of clothing on my body, she picked me up in her toned arms and placed me in the tub. She’d already shed her uniform jacket and rolled up the sleeves of her dress shirt.
“Thank you.” I muttered quietly.
“It’s no problem, you look like you needed one to relax. I’ll be right back.” She got up and walked outside the door into Erwin’s office. “Armin, can you grab her a fresh set of clothes to rest in? I’d do it myself, but I don’t want to leave her in there alone for too long.”
“Of course, Captain. I’ll go get a fresh set of clothes.” I heard Armin reply.
“Okay, let’s get you washed up.” Nyx came back in the room and sat on a stool.
She worked the soap into my hair delicately, making sure not to pull on it. When it came time to wash my body, she had me stand up and brace myself against the wall as she scrubbed the dirt and grime from my skin.
She let me lay back down in the hot bath once she was satisfied with the rest of the dirt being gone. She let me relax for a bit while she got some information about how the mission went and ask if anyone was seriously injured enough to need tending to while she grabbed me a nice 'n fluffy towel.
Once she came back, I was hoisted out of the tub and placed on the stool which also had a towel on it. She had my body propped against the wall as she dried me off.
“Okay, let’s get you dressed.” She grabbed my underwear from the pile of clean clothes on the counter.
“Hey, Nyx?” I grabbed her attention softly.
“Yes?” She looked in my tired eyes as she pulled my underwear up my legs.
“Do you think Armin still likes me?” I asked.
“Why would you ask that? Of course he does.” She chuckled, grabbing the pair of fluffy short Armin grabbed for me.
“I just…I’d hate for him to hate me because I can turn into a titan…” I spoke quietly.
“He doesn’t hate you. He knows you can’t control the fact that you have the ability.” She pulled the shorts up my legs.
“But I lied to him for years… I let him believe that I was just talented at using ODM gear…” I spoke.
“Erwin had just finished explaining the fact that you had to hide it for your safety, he knows why.” Nyx reasoned, pulling a hoodie over my head.
No, not just any hoodie, ARMIN’s hoodie. I could tell from the scent, it’s his favorite hoodie with how strong said scent is.
It melted my heart at the fact that he would still give me his hoodie even though I had lied to about being a Titan…
“This his hoodie…” I sniffled, on the verge of tears, “I love him…”
Nyx chuckled softly before placing my favorite pair of slippers on my feet and standing me up to finish pulling up my shorts and underwear.
“He even got me my favorite slippers…” I said, my heart melting with how sweet he was. The fact he even remembered to grab me slippers and actually grabbed them made me melt with adoration.
Nyx opened the door, “You can come get your emotional girlfriend now, Arlert.”
“Awe, Angel, don’t cry. You know I love you; nothing could change that.” Armin took me in his warm arms.
“You remembered to get me slippers…” I whined.
“Of course I did, My Love, I even remembered that those were your favorite.
“I love you…” I buried my face in the crook of his neck.
“I love you too, Angel. Let’s go to my room and braid your hair, yeah?” Armin picked me up bridal-style.
“You’d really do that?” I looked at him with big, loving eyes.
“Of course, Angel. I do it all the time I don’t plan on stopping any time soon.” He kissed my forehead as Nyx handed him my hairbrush and a few hair ties.
“You make me so happy…” I rested my head against his chest.
Armin chuckled and walked out of Erwin’s office.
“Is she alright?” Erwin asked, concerned because it looked like I was about to start crying.
“She’s fine, just tired. She’s kinda emotional when she’s exhausted and she also thought that her being a Titan would change my feelings towards her.” Armin explained.
“Oh, that’s adorable.” Erwin leans in to whisper in Armin’s ear and I hear it as well, “Nyx is the same way after a long mission.” Erwin grinned.
“Erwin!” Nyx gasped.
“What? It’s endearing! And it makes me feel more loved!” Erwin laughed.
“Yes, but not every Cadet in the survey corps needs to know!” Nyx said, exasperated.
Armin walked away so they could have some form of privacy in their playful fight.
Once we got to his room he set me on the bed, the supplies to braid my hair were set on the nightstand. He then went to his closet to change into sleepwear. I kicked my slippers off and placed my feet on the fluffy carpet.
“Okay, let’s do your hair now.” Armin turned to me once he finished changing.
I sunk to the floor carefully and waited for him to sit on the bed behind me. Once he was seated, he handed me his pillow to cuddle with as he braided my hair. Eventually I rested my head against his thigh and began to nod off. His long fingers were so delicate while braiding my hair and were so gentle while he was messaging my scalp.
I woke up when he picked me up and placed me back on the bed.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you up, Angel.” He climbed in beside me.
“‘S alright, baby. I just want cuddles.” I let go of the pillow and made grabby hands for him.
He chuckled and raised my head gently before placing the pillow back in place. “C’mere, Angel, I’ve got you.” He pulled me into his chest and kissed the top of my head.
“You missed.” I looked up at him.
“I missed?” Armin looked at me, puzzled.
“My lips are right here, idiot.” I tapped a finger on my bottom lip.
“Of course.” Armin’s warm smile returned as he leaned in to press his lips on mine for a long, romantic kiss.
I hummed in content as I pulled away and snuggled into him.
“Listen, I know you were being anxious, and you were scared. But I promise that I will love you no matter what you do. I know you lied to me about it because you were protecting yourself and your siblings. I love you. Forever, Angel.” He kissed the top of my head.
“I love you too, Armin.” I nuzzled my head in his chest and closed my eyes.
He rubbed my back and arm as my body relaxed fully as sleep overtook my body.
“I’ll see you in the morning, My Love.” He held me tighter to his chest as I drifted into sleep.
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starfirette · 3 years
maybe for a part two for mother!reader x armin is when armin is like 15 and she visits the scouts to see him and she ends up embarrassing him??
 New Life: a direct sequel to New Start | part three is out!!
| Armin Alert x Mother! Reader | some Levi x Reader hints because I’m a SIMP for the man | masterlist | more snk x reader | no word count only insomina and the procrastination of changing my major |
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The big, round eyes you once swore would be green turned out to be blue. 
And they were so eager to leave you and be a man. 
It was the hardest choice you’d ever made, allowing your son to leave the village and join the cadet corps. It was what he seemed to want, so so desperately. You couldn’t tell if he wanted it as much as he wanted to follow Eren Jaeger and the Mikasa girl. Both were pleasant enough children. They stood up for your Armin more than enough times to be allowed in your household. You didn’t mind if they both showed up unannounced to take Armin on an adventure or even to eat dinner and spend the night. 
Carla was a sweet enough woman who seemed to have the same concerns for Eren that you had for Armin. She wanted them to be friends and be normal children that didn’t have to worry about death and disease. It was a common scene for Carla to walk Eren and the young girl to your house with a freshly baked cherry and butter pie, made from the fresh picked cherries in the shared village orchard. 
Hosting the two children was never an issue. You liked having the house filled. The boys even seemed to get Mikasa on her feet, running around and doing some sort of adventure. 
Armin’s wide, blue eyes always taunted you, taunting the color green you’d imagined they’d be. 
Armin had grown up to be a better young man than you could have ever hoped for. He was a sweet young boy who enjoyed his studies and never forgot his mother’s birthday. He never argued, never disobeyed, (though you like to think he naturally agreed with your set of rules). 
It was one evening that he’d burst into a fit of yelling and crying when he broke the blue, crystal vase that had been your obvious favorite piece of decorum in the house. He was a smart child. He noticed how you doted on your vase. It was always filled with fresh flowers, always dusted and cleaned, and never moved from the spot on the credenza in the center of the living space. 
You felt a strange sadness as you swept the pieces of thin glass up. You did your best not to let it show. Seeing Armin blubber and apologize profusely with bleeding palms from where he’d tried to mend the vase back together was a sore sight. You weren’t angry. You assured your son as much, holding him and assuring him it was only a ‘thing.’ 
But you cried that night in your small cot, when you were sure that he’d fallen fast asleep in his own room. 
Tears were never a stranger to your household. 
You were familiar with them, as you had been all your life. 
You’d burst into hysterical tears when, one day, the dishes shook off the counter, clattering and crashing to the floor like an earthquake. You knew like you knew the sky was blue that there were titans. Invasion was on your mind since you’d left the Interior, but you never suspected it would be this way. 
You raced to the city square to find Armin. Your boy was with Eren and Mikasa somewhere. But he was small, and tender, and he could be hurt. Your heart fell at the sight of any blond head in the nearest proximity of danger. When you found your boy, you scooped him into your arms, and you ran like you’d never run before. 
It was only at the safety point when you’d set Armin down and spoke. You examined him for wounds, asking if he was alright in a straight voice while tears streamed down your face. 
It was the beginning of a cruel five years. Eren Jaeger and Mikasa had become your newest children. You cared for them as best as you could. Your discreet funds of money that was stored in banks all across the walled lands did a good job of keeping you all safe and protected. You lived with Armin and the kids for seven months at the new house. It was considerably smaller, but everyone had their own bed, and they never had to worry about food being on the table. 
Eventually, the time came for the children to make their choice. You’d sensed it coming from a mile away. How could you not? They were not slick. Eren spoke loudly in the nights about his plan for vengeance and justifying poor Carla’s death. And where Eren would go, Mikasa would. Then Armin would be following close behind, only stuttering when he had the least bit of hesitation. 
It was easily, without a doubt, the hardest choice you’d made in your entire life to give Armin your blessing. Even after all he’d been through...he still wanted his mother’s approval. 
The time came to leave the children. Their enlistment was eagerly accepted. It wasn’t assuring how quickly they’d been enrolled and cataloged. You knew that the regiments were looking to fill the mass gaps of dead soldiers. 
The days of an empty house passed to months. Those winded into years. 
You made the three beds every week, re~fluffing the pillows and shaking off the dust. If any of them ever wanted to come back home, you’d have to make sure they had a clean, comfy bed. 
It was the motherly part of you that wished for any of them to knock on that door. Where one went, the other two followed, like the stars followed the moon.
Some days you thought of Armin. Armin, the departed husband that is. What a jovial man. You missed him often. He would have approved of the life you’d built. He would have liked Armin, the younger. He might have had better furniture choices. 
Letters weren’t enough to keep you from losing your mind. The years just kept adding on, leaving you to wonder what the future held. But one particular letter caught your attention, signed and sealed with the Scout regiment’s signet. Commander Erwin called for an immediate family reunion at one of the safe castles. It would happen while it still could. 
Oh, what a relief, you’d thought. You practically threw your clothes in a traveler’s case and took all the paths you could to the castle. 
It was clearly a rare occasion. Several wagons and carriages were offering rides to the castle, and every passenger was a parent, aunt, or uncle, with the occasional younger siblings of the other cadets. You hadn’t considered it before, but you’d realized that you weren’t just going to see your son. You were filling the roll as a parent for two others. 
Every passenger had a story to tell about their children. You all bonded on the journey with the shared thought, is their child friends with mine? Did they cry together? Train together? 
One mother expressed how badly she’d hoped it would be an annual event. Soldiers hardly got leaves of absence. Who knows when you could see your child again? 
The last of the wagons rolled up to the castles grandiose pathway. It was quite overgrown with shrubbery, but the look it gave was stupendous. You’d wondered if such a look could be mimicked by growing your own plants at home. 
The thoughts vanished as the soldiers were brought out to the courtyard, lining up to find their family.  You stood patiently. You waited for the familiar trio to appear. They wouldn’t be the exact same. You caught yourself watching for small children. Everyone here were soldiers, the real kind, albeit most being cadets. You anxiously watched. You tried not to think, “What if they’re dead?” 
You’d gotten a letter from all three at least a month ago. And there was no issue of death from the corps. Still, the thought lingered. 
You swayed in the breeze, smoothing your dress as you tried to remain patient. 
Your heart dropped into your stomach when you heard the familiar voice call out to you. You looked around, trying to pinpoint the voice from the crowd. You were hardly able to take a good look when you were rushed by two muscular figures. They both pounced on you, pulling you into a giant hug and delightfully exclaiming something you didn’t understand from your heart beating loudly in your ears. 
“Oh, Mother,” Armin said into your head, kissing the top of your hair. He was tall. 
He held onto you longer than Eren did, who had pulled back and looked down at you with a gleeful smile. 
“You’re both so...tall,” you exclaimed as you pulled away to look at them both. Armin was tall and slender, but his shoulders were broad. His blond hair was clean cut to his chin as it had always been. He was always a neat person. You imagine he would be keeping up with his routine hair trims as usual. 
Eren stood even taller than Armin, if that’s possible. His unruly brown hair was wavy and too long, as if he didn’t care to cut it when it grew to the tops of his ears. His shoulders were twice as broad as Armin’s, and you could see even under the uniform he’d grown quite muscular. It figures. With him being a titan, and all, it makes enough sense that he’s muscular. 
It’s the first time you’d seen Eren in person since learning via letter he was one of the first of what Armin dubbed a ‘shifter.’ You tried not to let the thought show on your face. Besides, no one here seems to be giving him a hard time. 
You couldn’t help but feel the tears form along your eyelashes like dew drops on a spider’s web. You had once held that little blond boy close to your chest, telling him how he had made you the happiest you’d ever been. 
You meant it, and you mean it now. You couldn’t help but sniffle at the thought of your little boy all grown up. 
Eren laughed while Armin smiled bashfully. “Oh, mother, there’s no need to cry,” he said, bringing you close for another hug. 
You wiped your eyes with your thumbs, trying not to embarrass Armin further. “Well, young man, where is that sister of yours?” you asked Eren. 
Eren’s gleeful smile faltered just slightly. “She’s not feeling well. She decided to use the day off and catch up on some rest. But she’ll join us for dinner.” 
You couldn’t imagine the pain she’d be feeling right about now. It’s no surprise that she’d not felt up to the task of greeting a mother that wasn’t even her own. 
Even in Eren’s eyes-who was doing his best to be strong-had a distant sort of grief that lingered in his eyes, especially at the sight of you adjusting Armin’s clothes. 
“Mother, I’ll show you to your room,” Armin said, linking his arm in yours. You fondly accepted Eren’s offer to link your other arm in his own. You asked the boys thousands of questions, intently enjoying their answers. 
The castle towered tall above you, the rooftops that arched up being blushed with the shadows of the bushy tree tops. You were only one of the many mothers being escorted gently through the vast castle built with limestone that was polished down to perfect edges. Parents and siblings were being taken on grandiose tours, all while being hugged and pulled by their solider children. 
“This is where the survey corps lives?” you asked. Armin nodded ambitiously, a smile curved wide on his mouth. “We move around sometimes depending on where we’re being deployed, but this is where we usually are.” 
“It’s huge!” you awe. The castle seemed ancient. Every turn had a piece of character that felt ageless and wiser beyond even your own years. Thought vast, the castle was well kept. You couldn’t find a single cobweb, even if you wanted to. 
“Tell me about it,” Eren groaned as he touched his forehead. “It’s a real bitch to clean.” 
You looked at the boy in shock, your mouth open. “Why, Eren, where have you heard such language?” 
Eren looked to Armin for help as he floundered for an answer. He couldn’t quite form one, so his mouth contorted uneasily. “I-Well I mean...I...I’m sorry.” 
You playfully told him you’d allow it this once. 
You felt so happy to see the two boys grown and healthy. Armin’s soft hands had doubled in size. He once had such chubby, little hands that gripped your finger tightly for comfort. Always sticky, even one thumb tucked in his mouth. 
Though his face was the same, he looked so different in every other aspect. But, this thought was comforted by the matter of Armin being the same in personality as he has always been. He still wore the little timid smile of someone bursting to the seams with words he wants to share. He always has something interesting on his mind. His intelligence had even taken you aback when he was a child. He certainly didn’t get that from you. 
You figured it was a trait inherited by his birth mother or his biological grandfather. Truthfully, those are the only relatives of his that you know. After adopting him, you tried to dig up more information about his family. You would have liked for him to have the answers to the questions he’d one day ask. 
“Walk faster,” Eren said in an urgent voice. 
“Oh, God,” Armin said under his breath. “Let’s go back that way.” 
The two young boys-young men- were now trying to steer you in a jarring direction. “What’s wrong?” you asked, starting to pull your arms away from them. 
“Mom, he’ll see us!” Armin urged you in a loud whisper, attempting to push you into walking. 
“It’s too late, he’s coming,” Eren said in a stiff voice. “We can’t-He’s looking right at me. He’s looking right at me!” 
“Who’s looking at who?” you asked desperately trying to understand.
“At ease, cadets,” a smooth voice said. It came from the figure you finally spotted striding towards you, encased in a not so tall, but lean figure. “I presume this is Mrs. Arlert?” 
The words struck you in the chest. Armin’s face became screwed and red as he looked down at his feet. “That’s not her name, captain,” Armin quickly said. “But yes, she is my mother. Y/n L/n.” 
You didn’t let the hurt bleed into your expression. “I am Armin’s mother. It’s wonderful to meet you. What’s your name?” 
“Levi Ackerman, ma’am,” the man said, holding out a hand to shake yours. You realized why the boys had wanted to run away. The famed captain Ackerman was mentioned in plenty of your letters from all three of the children, even Mikasa’s. Though Mikasa mentioned him only when she asked for favors for you, namely ancestry research. She wanted to know if she could be related to the man at all, since she’d never met any other person with the name. While your efforts proved weak, she’d appreciated the attempt. 
Meanwhile, Eren and Armin mostly wrote about the man to complain. He was mean, you’d heard. Stern and, as Eren put it, “A major jerk.” 
The captain Ackerman doesn’t leave me side; ever. I’d say he’s obsessed with me, but I know it’s because he doesn’t trust me. My power is one that has to be heavily monitored. I wish it didn’t have to be this way. I wish that, at least, my supervisor could be someone nicer. Someone taller, at least, so I don’t have to look down all the time. It’s strange to be chewed out by someone two heads shorter. Note, auntie, this is an estimate. 
You shook the captain’s calloused hand. It was a stark difference from the curtseying and bowing from when you were among the society in the interior. The thought of a woman shaking a man’s hand without wearing a glove was ghastly; it was intimate. This part of etiquette was so deeply engrained in your mind that you blushed at the feeling of the captain’s skin against yours. 
It was enough to keep you from thinking about Armin. 
You’d given him the information about his true name just in case he ever wanted, or needed, to use it. You didn’t expect him to ever go by it. It did hurt, though, to think of your boy being Armin Alert, and not Armin L/n. 
“I can easily see where Armin gets his grace,” the captain said in a smooth, deep voice, looking almost proudly to Armin. 
Eren looked shocked at your left side, and even Armin’s mouth fell agape. “Your son is quite the tactician,” the captain continued.
You chuckle. “He certainly is. Armin’s been impressing me with his brain since he was a baby.” 
Armin laughed nervously. “Mother, we don’t need to share that,” he said in a shy voice. You couldn’t help but continue to gush. You rarely bragged about your child, mostly because your neighbors at home had lost their children and it was a sore subject to speak of. 
“Well, captain, I’ve heard so much about you,” you said, offering the man a warm smile. He was awfully handsome with his dark hair that grazed the edges of his jaw. 
“If I had realized I’d meet the beautiful famed mother, I would have dressed for the occasion,” Levi said with a remarkably steady voice. You felt your cheeks rush with warmth while Eren forced a loud, awkward cough. It sounded as though he was hacking up a piece of his lung. “We’d better get aunt Y/n to her room, ey Armin?” 
“Yeah,” Armin said in a short voice. “I mean yes! Yes, yes, we-yes. She’s tired.” 
“She’s exhausted,” Eren added, holding his hands over your shoulders and massaging them for good measure. You raised your eyebrows. 
“She’s also so hungry,” Armin added loudly. “She’s starving.” 
“There’s a buffet going in the mess hall until mid noon,” Levi suggested. “And then tomorrow there will be a large breakfast party.”
You looked at your son with a teasing look of shame. “Why, you boys never mentioned a party. I would have brought my good dress.” 
“As if you’d need a good dress,” Armin teased. “We can go out to town. There’s going to be available transportation all day for your visit. It’s very exciting. I’ve even been dismissed from my chores!”
Eren sent a small glare to the captain. “I wasn’t dismissed from my chores,” he grumbled. 
“Unfortunately, Jager, you’re one of my favorite cadets. I just can’t spend a minute without you,” the captain said humorously. It made you laugh, to Eren’s horror. “I hope to be seeing you again during your stay, Missus L/n.” 
“Oh, it’s just Miss, captain. I am widowed.” 
Armin took a pause in his breath. “...Widowed?” 
You realized then that you slipped, too. “Unmarried, I meant,” you corrected yourself, albeit too late.
You could see that even Levi knew the well intended flirting was over. Clearly you and your son had things to talk about, and soon. The matter of the surname would likely not compare to Armin’s questions, especially considering that you never spoke of your old life, or your family (this very well may be the reason Armin chose to use his other name in the first place). 
“It was a pleasure, Miss,” the captain said before taking a small bow and walking away. You didn’t have time to notice that the bow was not common for people beyond the interior. “I’m going to go meet Connie’s family,” Eren said calmly, though you felt is was more directed to Armin than you. 
“I’ll be seeing you soon, Eren,” you softly bid the boy as he prepared to walk away, leaving his best friend to the awkwardness that would ensue. 
You looked up at your son with half a smile; he looked uncomfortable. Your boy was doing that thing he did when he was too afraid to say or admit something--he rubbed his palms together nervously, as if he were trying to start a fire. “I’m not angry with you,” you told him before you said anything else. “You don’t have to explain anything to me,” you added. 
“I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings,” Armin explained, sounding shaky as he averted his eyes to the floor. “You haven’t told me anything about your family. Your life couldn’t have started only when I was adopted. I just-I just want to know my history.” 
You took a breath. “My days living in the Interior were not something I enjoyed. It was a vastly different lifestyle that I did not enjoy, and likely couldn’t ever enjoy again. Yes. I was married. To a man also called Armin. The marriage was arranged, and he and I held no romantic feelings for one another.”
“Did you have children with him?” Armin asked, his voice quiet. 
“None, my love,” you assured him, wishing you could just stroke his hair and cuddle him tight like you did during his infancy. “I am so sorry that I haven’t...That I have failed to be more forthright with you.”
Armin failed so say anything. He stood motionless. “May you please not flirt with Captain Ackerman again?” he finally said, looking exasperated. 
Your eyes widened. “O-Oh. I’m so so sorry, honey, I just-You-Of course. I swear to not flirt with anyone. Although, I can’t say that I started that. Rather, you should tell the captain not to flirt with your mother again.” 
Armin went beet red in the cheeks. “You can’t just tell the captain what and what not to do, mother,” he said in a low and eerie voice; it was as if someone had made such a mistake before, and Armin had witnessed the consequences first hand. 
“Armin,” you said quietly. 
“I mean it, mother, he once kicked Eren in the face!” Armin went on to exclaim. 
“My dear, I could care less about the captain,” you tell your son firmly. “I admit that I was surprised to hear that you use your biologicals name. And for a split second, it did hurt. But, you are your own person. You have been through things grown men haven’t seen. I am so proud of you. No matter what name you go by, you will always be my dear son. I will always love you with all my heart.”
Armin’s eyes softened, and the corners of his mouth turned into a dimpled smile. “I love you, too, mother,” he said. He brought you close for a hug. He kissed the top of your head as you had always done to him during his youth. 
Some things were bound to never change. 
Armin would always be your intelligent, kind hearted, good tempered son. When he walked, you could only see his toddling down the hallways of your old home. When he laughed, it reminded you of his gasping giggles as he was fondly amused by something some insignificant.
Armin linked his arm with yours one more time. “Let’s get to your room, now,” he said with a happy grin.  
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terry-perry · 4 years
Armin and daughter looking for the best Eevee gift for Mom!Reader. My love for the mons have returned and I love Eevee so much. Thank you in advance.
Modern AU
Also I will be putting in my favorite Evee Evolution in this story as a filler. 
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You were someone that never grew out of your childish ways. Especially when it came to your undying love for cartoons. Which was what brought Armin to the best toy store he knew in order to find the best gift for you. And luckily, he had someone who was an expert on the matter.
“This one’s Evee, Daddy!” Your daughter Lila explained to him, picking up a nearby plushie of the fox-like Pokemon. 
“Oh yeah,” he responded, recalling seeing it on the T.V. whenever she’d watch the show with you. “So this is the one we should get for her?”
“No Daddy! We need to get the one that’s Mommy’s favorite Eveelution.”
Lila gave a frustrated sigh, getting a little exasperated with how her father didn’t understand something so simple. She decided to answer his question slowly this time so he’d be able to get it.
“Evee can turn into different versions of itself. We need to get the one that Mommy likes best.”
Armin resisted the urge to smile since this was some pretty serious business for his baby girl. He needed to give her the respect she needed while they conducted this search. But he wouldn’t deny how cute she looked giving him this little lesson.
“So which one is Mommy’s favorite?” He asked.
“Umbreon. It’s black with red eyes and yellow circles on it.”
“Oh, I see. I think I might’ve seen something like that at the front of the aisle. Let’s go see.”
Lila continued to walk with him, but shook her head in disbelief while doing so. It was amazing how much grown-ups didn’t know.
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ficsforeren · 2 years
Our Little Secret - Chapter 1
Series Masterlist
Pairing: Eren Jaeger X Female Reader
Genre: College AU, Spider-Man/Spider-Girl AU, Fluff, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Eventual Smut
Series Summary: Eren Jaeger, a 21-year-old virgin college student who loves his camera a little bit too much, has a crush on you. Every night, he switches on his camera and talks about you but he never could find the courage to speak to you in real life. Strangely enough, he finds it easy for him to befriend Spider-Girl, the crime fighting vigilante, not knowing that you both share the same identity.
Chapter Summary: A prologue to the story where you meet Eren Jaeger, the resident hot nerd, for the first time.
Content Warnings: explicit sex scene (happens at the end of the series, can be skipped if you want), swearing, mentions of characters going through depression, traumatic past events
Word Count: 4k
Poster art by the most talented @rainbuniart (follow her on Twitter)
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“So, there’s this girl.”
Twenty-one-year-old Eren Jaeger has been making a video journal every day for the last three years of his life, but never, not once, did he ever start with “So, there’s this girl,” like a lovesick fool.
Making daily entries of his life as a college student may sound a bit weird when he has zero social interactions with popular kids, zero chances of being invited to frat parties, and zero experience in dating cute girls—or just girls, period. Eren won’t think of himself as a nerd, despite what the jocks and rich kids called him. His neighbor—a.k.a his one and only friend—Armin Arlert is a nerd and Eren looks nothing like him.
Unlike the blonde boy who dresses himself in baggy clothes and huge thick eyeglasses, Eren dresses casually in a pair of dark jeans and a button-down denim shirt with his long sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His mother used to say that he was the prettiest boy in the world, but then again, she was his mother so she was obliged to say that. He thinks he looks okay.
He has dark brown hair, silky smooth. When he was younger, his strands used to be long enough for him to dress himself up like Pocahontas on Halloween without having to wear a wig (he got five buckets full of candies in one night, the neighbors loved him, he was the prettiest Pocahontas ever), but since he often got mistaken as a girl, he decided to trim it off. Now, his hair is only long enough to graze his shoulders every time he wears it loose. He tries to look cool and sporty by tying it up in a man-bun, which is probably quite popular in, like, a decade ago but whatever.
What makes him look totally different from those bunch of losers–no offense to all the nerds out there–is the fact that he is actually quite muscular for a college student. He does a part-time job every summer at his uncle's moving company where he's forced to lift stuff, ranging from boxes full of clothes and delicate dishes to a three-piece living room sectional. It builds up his arms and core, giving him a nice set of pecs and a pair of guns that don’t belong to someone who stays up all night playing Days Gone.
He’s taller than most of the nerds too, thankfully, standing six feet tall with his broad shoulders hunched slightly as he walks. And unlike Armin who has a human-size pillow featuring a printed image of a half-naked anime girl in a questionable lying pose, Eren’s bed is as dull as his life—a single size bed with normal size pillows and gray sheets that he wishes someday can smell pleasantly like a girl’s bergamot perfume instead of his yesterday’s sweat.
What makes him look a little bit like a nerd is probably the way he carries his Canon EOS 90D camera in his hands at all times. At one point, he swore he heard a girl named Hitch laughing behind his back, jeering, “Bet you a hundred bucks he named his camera Rachel or something and pretends it’s his girlfriend.” Eren pouted and groused under his breath for the rest of the day because Hitch was completely wrong about it. He doesn’t treat his camera as his girlfriend. He treats his camera as his life partner. They’re committed to each other. It isn’t just a fling. And no, its name isn’t Rachel. It’s Sarah. But that’s beside the point.
Nerds often wear thick eyeglasses due to their endless hours of gaming, binging TV shows and anime, or reading hentai mangas late at night. Even though Eren does all of those things, his eyesight is perfectly fine, maybe even better than most people. He’s shared infinite hours of gaming too—Overwatch is his favorite online game at the moment—but his vision is so perfect that he often catches the little details that people missed or perhaps he’s just pretty observant. But Eren doesn’t like his eyes that much. They’re too green, too radiant, and combined with his thick eyebrows knitted together in a neverending frown, they make him look a bit… frightening. They make him seem unapproachable.
“You’ve got a resting bitch face, that’s your problem,” Armin concluded one night as they sprawled next to each other on the floor with their Xbox controllers in hands. “That’s why you always scare people off. This is why you don’t have a girlfriend, man.”
“Yeah, 'cause you’re so popular yourself,” Eren snorted which was quickly followed by a groan when Armin’s character on the screen managed to shoot him dead for the fifteenth time that night. “You fucking kidding me right now? Gonna shoot me from behind like that? That's cheap, bro. I was still changing my weapons.”
“Pussy. I would’ve had your ass killed in a real war within seconds,” Armin mocked back, fixing his eyeglasses. “And excuse me, I don’t have a girlfriend because I choose not to have a girlfriend. I’m loyal to my wife.”
“Your wife is a 2D character with fox ears wearing a kimono that highlights her unproportional boobs.”
“Yes, your point?”
Eren sighed in defeat. When he said he was married to his fictional waifu, Armin wasn’t kidding. All those photoshopped pictures he hung on his wall and the silver wedding ring he kept around his fourth finger were solid pieces of evidence of that.
But Eren never really cared about finding himself a girlfriend. Actually, despite popular beliefs, he had a few girls asking him out for a coffee date. That goth girl Mikasa Ackerman was even obsessing over him at some point. He received a text from her one day that said, “Do you feel it?” which he answered with a frown, “Feel what?” Not a few seconds later, another text appeared on his screen. “I’ve got your voodoo doll. I’m sucking your balls right now.” And Eren, almost right away, thought All right, that’s enough social interaction for the day. He changed his phone number right after. He low-key wanted to change his name too and maybe invent a new whole identity for him, just to be safe.
Now, let’s go back to his video journal. Due to some personal reasons, Eren has been making one every night, usually right after he got home where his memory was still fresh. Today, his last class is canceled so he returns earlier than usual to the small house he shares with his Aunt Dina. She was the one who took him and his older brother Zeke into her home right after their parents passed away. Zeke, three years older than he is, has been taking a late shift at a local restaurant so he won’t be back before midnight.
“Hey,” Eren greets the beautiful old lady as he closes the front door behind him.
“Hey, darling,” Dina responds with a benign smile. “You’re early. How was your day?”
“Last class was canceled. A bit burned out from all the pop quizzes but if I could survive high school, I think I’ll live. I’ll be in my room if that’s okay?”
“Sure. Gonna talk to your girlfriend again?”
So, yeah, the camera is his life partner but his computer? Now that’s his girlfriend. “Yep.” Placing a little greeting kiss on her cheek, Eren makes his way to his room. He yawns as he tosses his bag without a care to his bed, switching on his iMac before he plops himself down on his favorite swivel chair.
Throwing his head back, he heaves the loudest sigh ever known to mankind as if he had the roughest workday on NASA trying to stop an asteroid from hitting the earth when all he did was try not to cry over the pop quiz he had in his advanced statistics class. It’s some kind of stress relief for him, sighing like that, which is another habit that he often does just like how he nibbles on his bottom lip whenever he feels nervous. That sigh is also a signal for his other girlfriend to come along.
“Hey ya, girl,” Eren coos as a little Siberian Husky climbs up to his lap. He just bought her from a very shady pet shop called “Bow Wow.” She’s a four-month-old puppy with a black and white fluffy coat and striking icy blue eyes. She always does this little bark whenever Eren tilts up his chin and howls at her as if she’s trying to communicate by imitating him but she’s too young to produce a howl. It never fails to make him laugh. “Who needs a girlfriend when I have you,” he giggles, nuzzling their noses together. “Not that I’m into bestiality or anything, but I think you’re super cute, Muffin.”
And yes, her name is Muffin, literally because the first thing he saw after he stepped out of Bow Wow—god, he hated that name—was this little girl wolfing down a blueberry muffin as if her life depended on it. Does he regret it? Probably. Should’ve named her something better like Grey Wind or Nymeria or something. Then again, Game of Thrones’ ending sucked balls so maybe he’s glad he didn’t name his dog after stupid direwolves that literally contributed nothing to the show but have cool-looking CGI.
Activating his iSight camera, Eren watches the little green indicator lights up above his monitor. He starts recording, staring blankly at the screen for a couple of seconds as he contemplates what he should say as a form of greeting. His favorite introduction had always been, “Today sucks donkey’s ass,” which promptly followed by him rambling for a whole thirty minutes about how ridiculously boring college was, or complaining about how good his archenemy Jean Kirstein’s hair looked that day—that stupid horseface.
If he was having a good day, he tended to be more chatty, not just talking about his day but also making theories about life itself. His last video lasted for almost two hours, trying to answer “Does fate exist? If so, do we have free will?” It was the stupidest two hours he’d ever wasted in his life as he, by the end of his session, couldn’t even come up with a single gratifying answer.
But today, Eren can't think of anything else but one thing, or rather, a person, which is why he gives up with a groan, rubbing a hand over his face as his cheeks turn rosy. Keeping one hand on his puppy’s head, idly stroking its fur, he stares straight at the camera and confesses, “So, there’s this girl.”
This girl is you, one of the most popular girls on his campus. You’re not notorious for your skimpy clothes or getting handsy at parties. Honestly, you’re not even sure why almost everyone—even several teachers—knows your name. Sure, you’re one of the brightest kids in the university who has a few science trophies under your belt, but surely, that’s not what makes you famous, is it?
But unlike you, Eren knows perfectly why you’re popular. You’re kind, every junior knows your name because you’re a reliable senior who’s always eager to help people. You’re not only smart, but you’re witty too. You have a wicked sense of humor, sarcasm is your weapon of choice, and your confidence level is over the roof. Eren can tell from how easily you can make people smile and laugh whenever you strike up a conversation. You have the sweetest smile he’s ever seen on a girl’s face—or anyone’s face, really, maybe even more beautiful than the smile he used to witness on his mother’s face. It doesn’t help that you’re super cute too—cuter than Muffin, even, and that’s saying something.
There are so many things he adores about you and he knows that once he opens his mouth to form your name, he’ll never stop until his computer explodes from overheating. He’s been trying not to talk about you for so long, keeping all of these emotions bottled up inside his chest because he doesn’t want to sound like an obsessive stalker more than he already is. He’s too ashamed to admit it, but he’s been keeping his eyes on you for… what, maybe a couple of years by now? God, he’s such an embarrassment. Even right now he’s giving himself secondhand embarrassment by watching his face turning all lovey-dovey on screen as he talks about you. But how can he not after what happened today?
It was during lunch break when he felt like his world was flipped upside down. He was sitting in the backyard of his campus, just chilling on the ground with his legs stretched out, not caring if it would leave grass stains and dirt on his dark blue jeans—which he would enormously regret in the next seven minutes as it made him look like he just shit his pants. He was playing with his camera—because what else could he be doing? Talking to himself? He already did that during the first period—when he caught sight of you sitting on a bench with a few of your close friends: Sasha, Historia, and Annie (yes, aside from knowing your habits and your favorite sweaters, he memorized your friends’ names too, what a loser).
Sasha was telling a story with her mouth full of a salami sandwich—which was nothing new, of course—and you looked so adorable when you pushed a lock of stray hair behind your ear, listening intently with a little angelic smile breaking on your pretty lips.
Now, Eren didn’t mean to be a stalker. He knew how terrible it felt to be stalked by someone after what he went through with Mikasa. But he had taken a thousand pictures of you without you knowing, so why should he stop now? Plus, he had never seen you wearing that blouse with that skirt before and he had to have this look in his collection.
“Eren you stupid fuck,” he mumbled to himself as he brought his camera to his face. “Could’ve just told her she looked beautiful–maybe even ask her out on a date, but no, you just had to be gross.” And yet, he still did it. Switching his shooting mode to portrait, he adjusted the ISO and focused the camera on you. He pressed the shutter button repeatedly, taking pictures after pictures, every bit of your smile, the way your eyes turned crescents as you laughed, the gestures you made as you took the lead of the conversation.
God, you were breathtaking.
He took a quick look at the photos, reviewing them with a little content sigh escaping his lips. “I am so whipped.” He had taken around twenty pictures, which meant he had to take another twenty before he was satisfied.
Repeating the same action, he zoomed in to focus better on your facial features. Through his lenses, he noticed how you were wearing a new shade of lipstick that day, a little bit pinker than red, which made you look younger—and made him want to kiss you even more but that was a secret he would bring to his grave (unless you are willing to stop for a full make-out session behind the bleachers, of course).
He was smiling to himself as he took your pictures when suddenly, you spun your head around and looked directly into his camera.
“Shit!” Startled so hard he almost pissed his pants, his camera slipped off his grip and fell onto his lap. Panicking, he tried to gather his belongings quickly in his arms because apparently, his pea-sized brain thought it would be a great idea to run away instead of trying to make up excuses like how a normal person would do in that situation. To his defense, being normal wasn’t really his thing. Being a fucking dumbass was more like it.
“Hey there, whatcha doin’?” You greeted in a sing-song voice with your hands placed above your knees as you bowed down to match his eye level.
“I—I—” Yeah, that’s great, genius, just stutter like a fucking idiot, that would make everything better. He gulped. “I was, uh…” Say something faster, say something faster. “N-not taking your pictures.” Say something better, say something better. “Landscapes. I do landscapes. I was—I was taking pictures of the, uh, the park—the yard—the campus.” Fuck, just stop speaking. Never speak again, oh my God.
He’s cute, was the first thought that entered your head. And an idiot was the second one. But that was what made your smile grow a little wider. “So you weren’t taking pictures of me?”
“N-no, why would I?”
“I don’t know, maybe you find me cute?”
He almost cho—no, he choked. He definitely did. “I don’t find you… c-cute.” Somewhere at the back of his head, someone is shouting, “LIEEEEESSSS!”
“Oh, no,” you faked a pout. “It would've made me happy if you did.”
Is she... flirting with me? This was your first time talking to him, and you were flirting with him? Eren was about to explode. He would've punched himself in the face to make sure he wasn't dreaming if you weren't looking down at him with your pretty eyes.
Marry me, oh my God, marry me. “I was just taking a picture of the cherry blossom tree. You just happened to be sitting under it.” Hey, for once, he actually made sense! Time to pat himself on the back.
“I see,” you said, taking a step back when he rose to his feet to avoid your heads bumping against one another—Eren was dumb enough not to think about that before he jumped up. “We’re similar then. ‘Cause I’m an artist and I draw landscapes from time to time. Can I take a look at your photos? Might give me some inspiration.”
“Umm—no.” He shook his head, more times than necessary.
You did this little cute thing where you tilted your head slightly to the side and Eren thought, Fuck, I should’ve gotten this look on camera. “Why not?”
“‘Cause, uh… My pictures are boring. They won’t inspire you.”
“I don't think so. You’re from the photography club, right? I think I saw you documenting our homecoming party. I saw the photos you took. They’re pretty cool.”
Eren was so happy he felt like he was about to throw up a bucket of rainbows—or his insides, which would've made more sense. You noticed him? You acknowledged his presence? He wasn’t a speck of dust in your world, but actually a whole size human being that you remembered by face? Holy shit, his heart rejoiced. Holy—
Holy shit, his eyes widened in horror. I am so fucked.
Because now he couldn’t lie, could he?
“What’s wrong?” That little angelic smile of yours turned into a devilish smirk, letting him know that yes, dumbass, I saw through your lies, but Eren only felt his heart thumping faster because damn, that smirk was hot.
“I–I have to go to class,” he stammered, slinging his bag on one shoulder before he made his run but you were fast to catch him by his wrist.
She’s touching me. She’s actually touching me. Her fingers are so soft, so delicate. I want–
“Just one look?” If your smile didn’t work on him, it was time for you to use your ultimate weapon: batting your eyelashes. “Please?” You asked with a pout and Eren swore, he just felt his jeans turn ten times tighter.
“I... can’t.”
“Why not?”
“Because I took pictures of my dick.” Now, clearly, that wasn’t the best excuse to say but it was the best one he could come up with when all he could think about was how you smelled pleasantly like strawberry (is it her shampoo? fuck, that's cute). His reason made sense too, in a way, so hopefully, that would work.
You quirked up an eyebrow, not judging him for his actions, but simply not believing him. “Fine,” you muttered, and Eren almost breathed out in relief, when suddenly your hand swooped in to steal the camera from his hands. He yelped in surprise—an actual girly yelp—before he felt like his soul just left his body. Right, so plans for today: jump off a fucking bridge and die.
Then, the devil whispered in his ear: or you can just steal it back from her.
Eren reached out a hand but you were faster, swinging his camera to the side and spinning your body around. No matter how many times he tried, he couldn’t snatch the stupid thing from your grasp. Growing desperate, he shrouded his arms around your body from behind, catching you off guard for a few seconds, enough for him to pry the camera from your hold (Eren was too caught up in a frenzy to realize that he was practically giving you a teddy bear hug). Instead of running away, he did the most brilliant thing his dysfunctional brain could come up with.
He deleted the pictures. All of them. And Eren thought, ah, so this is what dying must feel like.
Thankfully, he had already backed up all the photos he took yesterday on his computer but these last photos he snapped—with you wearing this new wonderful blouse—he had to kiss them goodbye.
“Here,” he said, returning the camera to you with his shoulders sagged forward, and a great wrench of sadness in his chest.
Your forehead creased in lines, a bit confused. Clicking your thumbs against the buttons, you realized that his memory card was empty. “Did you just delete all the pictures in here?”
“No,” he replied, rubbing his nape as he looked away. Then, he added a little, “Yes,” with his face turning scarlet.
“Do you have copies of them?”
“Some of them…”
“But not the ones with me sitting under the cherry blossom tree?”
He tucked his chin, kicking one foot against the ground. “No,” he murmured under his breath.
Ah, he’s so cute, you held back a laugh. You wished you could shrink his six feet tall body so you could carry him inside your pocket, maybe dress him up in a bunny suit so he could cheer you up during rainy days. “Well, let’s fix that, shall we?”
Eren almost dislocated his jaw when he saw you lift the camera in the air. Making a peace sign to accompany the gleeful grin on your face, you faced the lens and pressed the shutter button. “There,” you said, returning the camera to his hands with a radiant smile. “I’m not sure if I got the cherry blossom tree in the picture, but I can guarantee you got everything else.” Still flabbergasted, Eren could only stare at the camera, his fingers shaking as the screen showed a close-up picture of your beautiful face. “Don’t delete it this time, big boy.”
With one last smile, you pivoted on your heels, your hair fluttering as the warm wind of spring caressed your strands. Eren felt like he was living in a fucking shoujo manga where he was the heroine clothed in a frilly summer dress and you were his rugged, super masculine male lead. God, he could already hear wedding bells ringing in his head.
“And that,” Eren talks to his computer screen, finishing his video journal of the day (it’s already one and a half hours long for fuck’s sake), “ladies and gentlemen, is the story of how your best boy, Eren Jaeger, had his heart stolen from the very first meeting. I think it went well.” He brings his gaze to his lap, scratching his furry friend behind her ear. “Don’t you think so, Muffin?” The puppy lets out a growl in response. “Don’t worry, baby, you’re still my number one girl,” he chortles, lifting her in the air just so he can nuzzle his nose against her belly.
He exhales heavily, casting a dreamy gaze on the ceiling. “I can’t believe she knows I exist.”
This is the best day of my life.
If only a mere thought of you acknowledging his presence already makes him feel so surreal, then maybe he should start consuming his chill pills to avoid having a cardiac arrest because once he discovers the truth about your identity, he’s going to lose it for sure.
Because you’re not just the it girl on your campus now, are you?
“And we’re back on earth,” you say to the little boy in your arms as you return to your feet. The toddler, dressed in an adorable Spider-Man costume, wobbles on his little feet, dizzy from having his body suddenly lifted off the ground, right before he was hit by a passing car. He watches you let go of your web, cutting the natural fluid from your wrist. Your costume itself is already eye-catching enough even without the web—black on the lower body with a white upper body, complete with a hoodie and cyan soles. The underarms and inside the hoodie are magenta covered in cyan web patterns, while your lenses are white with magenta accents.
His mother embraces her child, smiling in gratitude with tears lining her cheeks. “Thank you,” she says. “For saving my son’s life.”
“You’re very welcome, Ma’am.” Your mouth twitches in a smile, even if it’s not going to show on your mask. Smiling has always come naturally to you. It’s harder not to smile than to do it. Offering him a fist bump, you say, “Stay off the street, Spidey.”
He knocks his little fist against yours, grinning at you. Ruffling his curly hair, you turn on your heels, ready to shoot your web to swing yourself from one building to another.
“Wait,” his mother calls right before you lift yourself off the ground. “Who are you?”
“Well, Ma'am,” you perform a little bow, being theatrical is a part of your job. “I’m your friendly neighborhood Spider-Girl.”
Hi, everyone! I'm back with a new mini series this time! This one is going to be all fluff with a sprinkle of comedy and smut (no angst, I promise lmao). I've decided to post early 'cause I couldn't wait to share this story with you hehe. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it ❤️
Thank you Sandra, Nissa and Ben for being my beta-readers for this one. I love you, guys! Oh, also, I've decided to go with Spider-Gwen's costume 'cause I think it's cute but you're welcome to imagine a different outfit for y/n.
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@l6ffys @vivi-et @halparkebitch @fwess @littlemochi @thebeardedmoon @didiyogo @coyloves @erenbean @tehehebri @justasketch @infnteen @naiomiwinchester @spiderlingh @doyochii @ahornyenby @aengelren @sakurashell @the-princess-button @resonancesoul @blrqt @cacapeepee @persyhange @jaegersdiary @erentoes @trashgremlin36 @meed18 @j0livi0ni @snowflake-201 @jaymihawk @eva-gates @claudevonstrukesblog @sofijaeger @rinsie @blanccofiie @ereninbunu @natanialora @khinjito @ackersune @watermelon-online @tropicsoda @damselofblueroses @alexackrman @bblgumz @jurrasicpork @erenjaegercult @holycandypizza Thanks for reading, lovelies ❤️
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m1ckeyb3rry · 7 months
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Endure XVIII: Heir
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Series Synopsis: You and Eren Jaeger have been best friends since the age of two, but the two of you are destined for an inevitable tragedy. The world you have been born into is cruel; it is one where friends are traitors and enemies are allies, one where you find yourself doubting everything you've ever known. In this life, mistakes are fatal, and you must be careful, lest you make one too many.
Chapter Synopsis: You get news from your home country of Triura, asking you to return from Marley at once.
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Eren Jaeger x Female Reader, Armin Arlert x Female Reader
Chapter Word Count: 6.4k
Content Warnings: swearing, canon-typical violence, sexual abuse (non-explicit), major character death, angst, original characters included
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You reclined back on the bad passively as Claude placed wet, open-mouthed kisses against your neck, sucking on the skin and leaving dark marks wherever he went. Letting out a soft breath through your nose, you resigned yourself to not moving, knowing that the quicker he finished, the quicker he would leave you alone.
“You’re so pretty,” he murmured, “I’m so lucky.”
Luck. Luck had nothing to do with this sham of an engagement. You had been attacked by some mysterious outside force and sent to Triura. When your blood was tested, it was revealed that you were an Eldian, but instead of kicking you to the curb, as most countries would have when faced with a wayward Eldian girl without her memories, the Triurans saw an opportunity.
“You’ll be such a good mother. I can already imagine it. You’ll be even prettier filled with my children,” Claude said. In and out, in and out, the motions were painful and repetitive. You knew what to expect and so you just closed your eyes, willing it to be over soon.
Claude Tybur. The youngest of the three siblings, though still quite a few years older than you were. He was also famously the cruelest when compared with his unassuming sister Lara and his charismatic brother Willy.
Triura needed an alliance with the powerful Tybur family. The Tybur family needed a noble Eldian girl to marry to Claude so that he could produce heirs, one of which might inherit the Warhammer Titan once whoever the current holder might be’s time ran out. You solved both problems.
So you were adopted into the Triuran royal family, given the title of princess and then nearly immediately given away to Claude, who was delighted to have a bride as young and beautiful as you. It was a matter of pride for him.
You, for one, were in no position to complain. You were spoiled, whether in Triura or in Marley. Everything you wanted, you got. If you had to put up with Claude’s cruelty for the few minutes you saw him each day, then so be it.
In and out, in and out. You wanted him off of you. You never wanted him to come near you again. You did not move. As always, you let him have his wicked way with you. You had no choice, after all.
“Do you think this’ll be the one?” he grunted, face flushed.
“I should hope not. It would be shameful if we were to have a child out of wedlock,” you responded.
This was the wrong answer. Claude’s hand went around your neck, and the other shoved its fingers down your throat.
“You need to have as many children as possible in order to continue the Tybur line and ensure that there is a proper candidate for the Warhammer Titan. If you know what’s best for you, you’ll take this time. And out of wedlock? Shame? You needn’t worry about that. Do not forget your place, Eldian whore. You are only here because I allow it, but I can replace you easily if I so choose. Triura wouldn’t do anything. You are alone; you have no friends or allies. You belong to me. Do you understand?” he said. You nodded frantically, tears slipping out of your eyes as you stared into his cold, dead blue ones. He gave you a pleased smile, removing his fingers from your mouth and his hand from your throat. Bending down, he nuzzled the very spot he had just bruised.
“That’s right, pretty girl. You’re so good,” he cooed mockingly, caressing your sides and cupping your jaw until he finished, after which he collapsed on top of you, falling asleep within seconds, leaving you a mess with no escape.
Unbidden, a pair of jade green eyes flashed across your mind, and you frowned. Checking to make sure Claude was truly asleep, you sighed, whispering an apology to them.
As soon as Claude had rolled off of you, you took a shower and then fairly ran to find your best friend and inform her of this latest development. She was where she always was, tending to the garden. Hiking up your skirts, you waded through the grass to tap her on the shoulder.
“Hey, Princess! How are you today?” she said, bending down and plucking a pink camellia from the bush and tucking it behind your ear. You gave her an impatient look.
“It happened again,” you said.
“What did?” she said.
“May! What do you think?” you snapped. The girl looked at you, raising one perfect eyebrow. Her caramel colored hair was tied back loosely in a messy bun, and her icy green eyes were impassive as she regarded you.
“You saw something?” she said. You sighed and nodded.
“Yes. Claude was...you know...and then I saw a pair of eyes that were the most beautiful shade of jade green I have ever seen, and I felt like I had disappointed them, somehow,” you said. May frowned, returning to pruning the camellia bush.
“Maybe you had a lover before, and you feel like you’re cheating on them now,” she said with a shrug.
“Am I?” you said.
“I don’t think so. I mean, it’s not like you remember him, or anything, really. He can hardly blame you,” she said.
“Plus, for all we know, he’s dead or something, killed in the same attack that claimed my memories. It’s not unlikely. We have no clue what happened or how I ended up in Triura, so…” you trailed off, feeling immensely saddened at the thought of this jade-eyed person’s demise.
“Or we could be wrong and he might not have been your lover, or even a he. Your memory’s a funny thing. I doubt it’ll come back until you’re surrounded by things that remind you of your past, but the problem is that we can’t exactly do that when we don’t know what your past is,” May said, handing you the pruning shears and gathering the fallen leaves she had cut away in a basket.
“It’s probably for the best that I don’t remember my life before all of this,” you said with a wistful sigh. She gave you a sad look.
“Rough day?” she said.
“When is it not? He called me a whore and threatened me, saying he’d cast me aside if I didn’t get pregnant this time,” you said, drawing your woolen cloak tighter around your shoulders as if it would protect you from Claude’s cruelty.
“You won’t,” May predicted. She was uncannily good at such things, having known when each of Willy Tybur’s children would be born, and even which gender they would be. This meant that she was right; you had not gotten pregnant, and even though you were scared, a part of you felt relieved. You didn’t want Claude’s demon child inside of you. You didn’t want any child inside of you, to be fair, but you did not want Claude’s most of all. It would be just another way for him to control you.
“Is it bad that I don’t feel upset?” you said as the two of you walked back towards the Tybur mansion.
“Well, you’re here to marry Claude and have his children, so in that sense, yes, it’s probably bad, but I understand your feelings. If I were you, I wouldn’t be upset, either,” she said, stopping by the shed to toss her pruning materials and the basket of cuttings in their proper spots.
“I really shouldn’t complain. The Tyburs are good to me, besides Claude of course. Willy and Lara are perfectly pleasant, and Willy’s children adore me. If I must put up with Claude and bear his children, then isn’t that a small price to pay?” you said. May hugged you tightly, stroking your hair.
“We both know it isn’t.”
Entering the mansion, you were immediately sought out by Willy’s five children. Fine and Vanessa, his two daughters, began to tug on your skirts, while Alois, Bruno, and Rico ran around you, chattering about something or another. You exchanged looks with May, who was doing her best to hide her amusement at your predicament.
“What’s the matter with all of you?” you said.
“Daddy said we can go into Liberio if we have an adult watching us! Uncle Claude and Aunt Lara said no, so we came to you and Miss May! Please, Aunt Y/N, please!” Fine said.
“Why would you ever want to go into Liberio? That’s the internment zone, isn’t it?” you said.
“Well, yeah, but it’ll be exciting! Like an adventure, you know? We’ve never been before. Please say yes! We’ll be very very good,” Bruno said, clasping his hands together and giving you puppy dog eyes. His siblings all did the same, and you sighed.
“Let me check with your father. I’ll take you, but only if he says yes,” you said.
Willy Tybur was lounging about in his sitting room when his children dragged you and May into it. He gave you both knowing looks.
“Did my hellions pounce upon you next?” he said.
“You guys are the hellion duo!”
You blinked. Whose voice had that been? It must have been another memory, though you did not recognize it. May gave you a worried look, and you shook your head.
“They want to go into Liberio. May and I are fine with taking them, but only if you’re okay with it,” you said.
“That’s fine. You five won’t bother Aunt Y/N and Miss May too much, will you? I better hear only good things from them, or no more field trips,” he threatened his children, though his voice was gentle and amused as he spoke, belying the fact that he was not serious. Still, all five took it to heart, saluting at their father.
“Yes, sir! We will be the bestest in the whole world!” Alois said. Willy smiled.
“Very well, then. Have fun!” he said.
The seven of you stuck out in Liberio like sore thumbs. The Tybur children were bright and happy, wearing neatly pressed clothes and having spotless faces. May wore a long pastel skirt and white blouse tucked into it, and she had on a sunhat to shade her face. You were the worst of all, with your dress that touched the ground, your wool cloak, and most importantly, the gold tiara adorning your hair, marking you as a princess amongst commoners.
People gaped at you in awe as you walked through the streets. The Tybur children raced ahead, pointing at the different sights and whispering amongst each other excitedly. You and May followed at a far more sedate pace, fond smiles on your faces as you watched over them.
“So, what was all that earlier?” she said to you after a moment.
“Another memory,” you sighed, knowing immediately what she was referring to.
“What now?” she said.
“A man saying ‘you guys are the hellion duo!’” you said.
“Hellion duo? Was the princess a troublemaker back in the day?” she teased. You shrugged.
“It’s possible. I wouldn’t know,” you said, tapping your head mockingly, cursing your own amnesia.
“Ah, that’s true. But this is good, right? You got two memories in one day! Let’s run through everything you’ve remembered so far, maybe it’ll help trigger something in you,” she said.
“It’s not much, you know that. There was a white horse that I rode sometimes, a town that I saw from the perspective of a rooftop, a dead girl with red hair that I gave a lily too, and now the eyes and the man’s voice,” you said.
“Right, and let’s go over where you got these memories from,” she prodded, even though she already knew the answer. It was an exercise in futility, to be sure, but one you engaged in anyways.
“The horse I remembered when I saw horses pulling the Tybur’s carriage, the town I remembered when I went in one of the airships for the first time, the girl I remembered when Fine was sick, the eyes I remembered when Claude...and the man’s voice I remembered when Willy called his children hellions,” you said, abruptly cutting yourself off when you got to Claude. May gave you a sympathetic look.
“So it seems like whenever you’re put into situations similar to the ones that you used to know, you remember more. That tracks up with most amnesia patients,” she said.
“Glad to know I’m not abnormal, but it seems my memory regaining is going to be a slow process, since so far, all of these situations have been at random. We don’t know what situations to put me in, so we can’t put me in them deliberately in order to force me to remember more,” you said. She pouted.
“I know, I was just hoping talking about it would make things better,” she said.
“Thank you for your help, May, truly. You’re the only one that even cares. It couldn’t matter less to the Tyburs if I remember who I truly am, and same with the Triurans. In fact, it’s better for them if I don’t. Kind though they may be, I have to remember that besides you, nobody here is truly my friend. Oi, Rico! Leave that poor man alone!” you shouted, seeing Rico messing with a tired looking blond man.
Rico froze and looked back at you with a guilty expression, darting back to your side as you reached the man.
“I’m so sorry about him, Mr…?” you trailed off, staring into his wolfish amber eyes. He looked at you in fear.
“Y/N?” he said.
“How do you know my name?” you said. He shook his head.
“Ah, right, of course. I’m Vice Chief Reiner Braun,” he said.
“Please, Reiner, you were joking, right? This is a joke. Please get off of me.”
This time, it was your voice that you remembered. You backed away from Reiner hesitantly, some instinctual part of you telling you that you had to run, that the man you were faced with was dangerous, though he had been nothing but polite in the few seconds you two had spoken.
“Lovely to meet you, Vice Chief. I’m Princess Y/N,” you said. His face was sorrowful when he spoke again.
“I know. Have a nice day, your royal highness,” he said, turning abruptly and marching off before you could say a word.
“Who was that? He’s pretty good looking,” May said, appearing beside you.
“Run along, Rico, but please try not to bother strangers anymore,” you reprimanded him. He nodded at you, wide-eyed, before scampering off to rejoin his siblings.
“That was Vice Chief Reiner Braun. He has the Armored Titan right now, if I’m correct. May, for some reason...I remember him. I don’t know how, or why, but at some point I met him, and I was scared,” you said.
“Maybe you were from Liberio. You must’ve been scared because he’s an Honorary Marleyan or something. I wouldn’t think too deeply into it. He would’ve said something if he knew you, right?” she said.
“Well, I guess that’s true. He knew my name, but I suppose that isn’t too hard to guess. How many princesses are visiting Marley at the moment, especially with Willy Tybur’s children?” you said, relaxing only slightly at May’s assurance.
“Right. This has gotta be some kind of record, huh? Three memories in one day?” she said.
“Certainly,” you said, “I wonder if it’s because my head injury finally healed and I’m more comfortable now, allowing my mind to relax and begin to try and remember things.”
“Could be true,” she said.
“Regardless of the reason, I think it’s a blessing in disguise. Maybe if I remember enough...I’ll be able to return to my old life. Provided that my old life is worth returning to,” you said.
“As long as you take me with you,” May said with a wry smirk.
“Why would you give up being one of the Tyburs’ favored servants to run away with me to god knows where?” you said. May’s stature was not one that came easily. She was treated as one of the Tyburs themselves instead of a low-class Eldian, and it was a role many dreamt of.
“It would be rather boring to deal with the Tyburs without a friend, now that I know what true friendship is like. We’ll suffer together, yeah? Us two Eldians against the world,” she said, interlocking your pinkies.
“I’m glad to have you as my best friend,” you said.
“I promise we’ll be best friends forever,” she said.
“Best friends, times infinity,” you agreed.
Returning to the mansion, corralling the Tybur children into their rooms, you and May were met with an irritated looking Claude and an equally irritated Willy.
“Why the hell did you let her visit Liberio?” Claude hissed.
“She’s a grown woman. You don’t own her. She’s free to do as she pleases, and she did me a great favor by watching the children,” Willy said.
“I didn’t give my permission,” Claude said.
“She doesn’t need your permission. Like I said, she’s a grown woman,” Willy responded, crossing his arms.
“She is my bride-to-be, and ergo my property!” Claude said.
“Excuse me, am I interrupting something?” you said, entering the room with May at your side. Claude turned his cold gaze to you, stalking across the room.
“Who the hell said you could go out today?” he said.
“Your brother,” you said.
“Are you engaged to my brother? Or are you engaged to me? You’ll come ask me for permission next time,” he said. You frowned at him but nodded demurely, not seeing the point of fighting. It would just lead to more pain and suffering for you.
“There won’t be a next time for quite a while, actually,” Willy said.
“What are you talking about?” Claude said.
“The princess has been called back to Triura to take care of some affairs there. She will return to her home country at once,” Willy said.
“I can accompany her,” May said. Willy seemed surprised but nodded.
“Very well, then. Pack your things, both of you,” he said.
“Wait a second! I will go as well,” Claude said.
“Claude, you were not invited,” Willy said.
“Neither was May!” Claude said.
“May will come as my lady in waiting. King Alexander and Queen Lanie should accept her then,” you said immediately.
“Whose side are you on, anyways?” Claude said.
“That is enough. The two of you, go pack your things. You will depart as soon as you are ready,” Willy said. You and May raced out of the room before Claude could find some new reason to make you stay.
“What a relief!” you said, giggling as you ran through the hallways.
“You can get a vacation from Claude, and maybe we can work on your memories, too!” she agreed, her eyes sparkling. You did not know how you had become lucky enough to have a friend like her, so dedicated and loyal.
You packed as many gowns and cloaks and tiaras as you could fit into your trunks before calling a few of the servants to bring them into the carriages. Triura was, thankfully, not too far from Marley, so the carriage ride would only be a few hours or so.
“I wonder why I was called back,” you said to May, who was sitting across from you, leaning her head against the window.
“Who knows?” she said.
“I just hope nothing’s wrong,” you said.
“Triura’s a peaceful country. I’m sure it’s nothing big. They probably just want to check up on how your engagement’s going,” she assured you.
“Well, I guess we’ll find out.”
The driveway to Triura’s palace was lined with ancient cypress trees that towered, nearly touching the sky for how tall they were. They formed a natural archway, almost, shading the paved drive and protecting it from the weather.
King Alexander and Queen Lanie were standing and waiting at the end of the driveway for you and May. Opening the door of the carriage, the coachman helped you down, and you both immediately dipped into curtseys.
“Princess. We have much to discuss,” King Alexander said, his voice and face serious. You gulped but nodded.
“Very well, your majesty,” you said, “Come, May.”
“Do you trust your friend?” Queen Lanie said.
“More than anyone. Anything you want to say to me, you can say it in front of her,” you said, grabbing May’s hand. King Alexander pursed his lips but motioned for you to follow him.
As soon as you were shut away in his private meeting room, the king turned to you.
“Who are you loyal to?” he said.
“Triura, of course,” you said.
“Y/N. Having seen how Claude treats her and how Willy and Lara do little to stop it, I can no longer in good conscience continue to serve them. It is why I’m here now, instead of back at the mansion,” May said.
“Good. Triura has decided that it is going to ally itself with Zeke Jaeger and the devils of Paradis,” he said.
“What? The island devils? What happened to the treaty with the Tyburs?” you said.
“We’re going to play both sides, as it is. The outcome of this war is far too uncertain; in order to assure Triura’s continued survival, we must have good relations with both the forces of the island and the Tyburs. You are key to both contracts. We will explain Zeke Jaeger’s plan to you and then send you to the island, where you will explain it to them. Once your business on the island has concluded, you will return to the Tyburs as if nothing happened,” Queen Lanie said.
“Fine, I’ll go, as it is my duty to Triura. But I will not force May to come,” you said.
“Like hell I won’t! I’m by your side, remember?” she said.
“May, the island devils are a savage people, from what I’ve heard. It won’t be anything like what life with the Tyburs is like,” you said.
“You’re a princess, and I’m your lady in waiting. They won’t do anything to us. They’d be foolish to try it, and I’m sure we’ll have guards, too,” she argued.
“Yes, we will send guards with you. Mark my words, every effort will be taken to ensure your protection and safety on the island,” King Alexander said.
“It’ll be suspicious if I return to the Tyburs’ alone, and I have no place in Triura. I’m coming with you, like it or not,” she said. You sighed in acquiescement.
“Alright, then. When do we set out?” you said.
“Your ship leaves tonight,” Queen Lanie said.
“Well, at least we won’t have to worry about unpacking our things,” you muttered.
The ship ride to Paradis was long. You and May lazed about, walking above deck and watching the sea until you grew bored; and when you were bored, you tried to jog your memories.
“The sea...I think it was important to me,” you said to her, staring at the water as the ship cruised through the waves. There was a sense of home, of longing and wonder that you felt as you basked in the brilliant blue.
“Does it have a memory with it?” she said.
“No. No, I don’t think I ever got to see it, but I think I wanted to. What a shame, I must’ve lived in some landlocked country or something,” you said, feeling bad for your previous self.
“Then let me officially welcome you to the sea!” May said, spreading her arms out. You rolled your eyes.
“Bit late for that, don’t you think?” you said.
“Now you’ve finally been officially welcomed. It’s never too late for that!” she said.
“Thanks, May. Means a lot.”
Paradis Port was nothing special; indeed, it was downright primitive compared to Marley or Triura’s. It was lucky that there were only two ships docking, yours and the one from Hizuru.
You had never met the Azumabitos, but they were famously greedy, and you were not looking forward to having to meet them. Still, they were friendly enough, so you supposed it wouldn’t be so bad.
“And now, her royal highness, the Princess Y/N L/N of Triura!” the herald called.
“That’s our cue,” you said to May, who grinned at you as you disembarked the ship.
“Time to meet these so-called devils,” she said.
Immediately, your eyes were drawn to a group of people that looked to be roughly you and May’s age. They were staring at you in shock, their faces white and hands shaking, as if you were the devil. As you watched, one of them, a particularly handsome boy, began to smile and run towards you. You were taken aback. Was this some sort of traditional greeting on the island?
“Y/N!” he said. Before he could reach you, though, he was tackled by your guards. They were famously protective, and you were glad that they were there, lest you be assaulted by this random boy. He struggled against them, but their grip was too strong.
“Let go of me, bastards! Let go, I’ve waited two years for this! Y/N, tell them to let go! Come on, tell them we’re friends!” he said. You frowned at him before giving May a perplexed look. She seemed equally as lost, biting her lip.
“I’m sorry?” you said. You were quite sure you had never met him in your life, let alone been his friend. You had never even been on this island before.
“It’s me! Eren! You know me!” he said. You felt bewildered, looking around for some sort of aid. His friends seemed confused as well, though understanding had dawned upon the blond one’s face.
“I’m very sorry, but I’m afraid I don’t,” you said.
The only way you could describe them at this moment was horrified. The handsome boy, Eren, gazed at you with huge, wounded eyes, going limp in your guards’ grasp. The blond boy buried his face in his hands, and the girl with braided hair’s jaw dropped.
“The hell kind of joke is this?” Eren said.
“Is this a typical greeting in Paradis?” you said, furrowing your brow. The customs of the island were a mystery to you and the rest of the world, but perhaps this was what they did.
“Why are you acting like you don’t know anything? What is wrong with you?” he snapped.
“Excuse me?” you said.
“Eren, that’s enough. I think she has amnesia,” the blond boy said.
“How did you know that?” May said.
“By the walls, this is a joke, right? This is all a fucking joke or something. She’s not supposed to forget me! We were going to meet again, but not like this!” Eren said.
“Did I know you before or something? I’m sorry, I don’t have any memories from before I arrived in Triura. Although, I don’t know how I would’ve known you. I’ve no clue how I would have gotten to Triura from this island,” you said.
“Did you know me? Did you know me? Oh, Sina, you really have forgotten everything,” Eren groaned.
“Come on, Eren. Let’s go. We can talk to her later,” the girl with the blonde braids said. Her pear green eyes pierced into yours, as if she was searching for something. You tilted your head, but obviously, whatever she was looking for, she did not find. She turned away in disappointment, and you shivered, bringing your cloak tighter around you.
“That was weird,” May commented as you rode in the carriage towards Paradis Castle. You snorted.
“You’re telling me. That Eren kid was really upset I didn’t recognize him,” you said.
“He’s the one with the Founding Titan, did you know?” she said.
“No, I didn’t. Claude hardly found such things important to tell me. Is he really? Wonder what he wants with me, then,” you said.
“You must’ve known him! Maybe he’s the key to regaining your memories,” May said in delight.
“Do you think I was from this island?” you said.
“It’s possible, although you’re right in saying that it’s very odd that you ended up in Triura of all places,” she said.
“Agreed. We can worry about this whole situation later, at any rate. For now, we just need to focus on informing the Paradisians of Zeke’s plan,” you said.
The Azumabitos had arrived at the castle far earlier than you and May, most likely because they had not been held up having a conversation with the people of Paradis. When you joined them in the courtroom, Lady Azumabito was crying about something. You gave her a startled glance.
“This girl is the rightful heir to the Azumabito line!” she sniffed, pointing at a beautiful girl with short, dark hair and grey eyes.
“How fortunate that you were able to meet her, then,” you said before smiling at the girl, “You have lovely hair, by the way.”
“Thanks,” she said, her eyes wide when she looked at you. You remembered her as one of the ones from the port, and you wondered if she had known you before, too.
“Well,” you said, clearing your throat uncomfortably, “Let’s go meet the queen, then, and inform you all of Zeke’s plan.”
You sat beside Lady Azumabito, with May on your other side. Queen Historia looked equally surprised to see you as everyone else had been, and you were beginning to wonder what the implications of all of this were. Had you been an islander in your past life?
“Zeke’s plan, um, has three parts,” you said nervously, well aware of Eren staring at you as if you were a precious piece of art or some sort of angel. Your cheeks warmed, and you kept your eyes focused firmly on the paper that had Zeke’s plan detailed on it.
“First, there will be a small-scale version of the Rumbling, in order to test its power,” Lady Azumabito said, noticing your nerves. You gave her a grateful smile before taking a deep breath and continuing.
“As well as testing its power, this will demonstrate your strength to the world on a non-catastrophic scale,” you said.
“While preparations for this are being made, we will also work to improve and modernize your military. With Triura and Hizuru’s aid, you should be able to become strong enough that, in time, you will be able to defend your country without the need for the Rumbling,” Lady Azumabito said.
“And the final part of the plan is for someone with royal blood to inherit the Beast Titan. This person will then need to continue to have children that will take the Beast after them, as for the Founding Titan’s powers to work without it being possessed by someone of the royal family, they must be in contact with a titan that has royal blood,” you said.
“I will do it,” Queen Historia said calmly.
“Absolutely not!” Eren said, slamming his hands on the table, his eyes filled with rage. They were a pretty shade of jade, though they had darkened with fury. You flinched back, scared by the anger he was displaying.
“It’s necessary to have a royal titan shifter at all times,” Lady Azumabito tried to explain. Eren turned his fierce glare upon her.
“We aren’t cattle that will be forced to breed in order to survive. Find another way,” he spat.
“There is no other way. I’m sorry, but it’s what must be done, according to Zeke. He could be wrong, but…” you trailed off, frowning.
“No, he’s not wrong,” Eren said, shaking his head, “The one time I used the Founding Titan’s powers, I was touching a titan that had royal blood, I’m sure of it.”
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Commander Hange, the leader of a branch of their military called the Survey Corps, said.
“I didn’t know what you’d do to Historia,” he said with a frown. You gave him a pleading look.
“Please, I know you don’t like it, but it’s your country’s best chance for survival,” you said. His face softened impercibtly when he saw you, but he did not give in.
“It isn’t fair,” he said.
“Zeke still has a few years left. We can execute the first two steps of his plan, at least, and revisit the Queen Historia issue later, but I’m afraid you won’t really have much of a choice in this matter. My apologies, but the world isn’t a fair place,” you said, your hand unconsciously going to your stomach. Like it or not, you were in the same situation as Queen Historia. Soon, you would have to have Claude’s children, and just like Queen Historia, you had no choice in the matter. Unlike Queen Historia, you could not even pick who the father would be.
Eren’s sharp eyes went to where your hand was placed, and he gave you a surprised look. Face burning, you drew your hand away and turned back to Queen Historia, who nodded at you gratefully.
“Hey. We need to talk,” Eren said as everyone left the courtroom. You and May paused, and you turned to look at him curiously.
“Certainly. What’s the matter?” you said.
“Privately,” he stressed.
“I’ll go. This could be your chance to get your memories back! Good luck!” May said, darting off. You groaned, watching her go before turning to Eren, who was standing there and waiting for you.
“Lead the way, then,” you said, following after him through the maze-like hallways of the castle without complaint. Once you were a safe distance away from everyone else, he paused and gave you a look.
“Are you pregnant?” he said.
“I don’t see how it’s any of your business,” you said.
“You — Sina, I fucking hate this. Fine. You’re right, it’s none of my business,” he said, running a hand through his hair.
“I’m not, by the way,” you said, “Not yet, at least.”
“Is he good to you?” he said. You did not respond, and he scowled at you, grabbing your hands in his own.
“I have everything I could ever want,” you said.
“I don’t give a rat’s ass. Does he hurt you?” he said.
“Why should I tell you? Why do you care?” you said. He stared at you as if you had said the most ridiculous thing he had ever heard.
“You seriously don’t remember me. Not even a little bit,” he said mournfully.
“I do not. I’m sorry. Were we close?” you said. He laughed bitterly, closing his eyes in pain.
“Yeah, we were close. We were best friends, Y/N. Ever since we were two years old, we’ve been best friends. We all thought you were gone forever these past couple of years, but you’re not. You’re back, and you’re alive, but yet I think I had more of a chance with you when you were dead than I do now,” he said.
You racked your brain. Where were your memories now? If there was ever a time for something to happen, it was now, but nothing appeared. You stared at Eren, wishing you could remember what he did, but you just couldn’t. You were his best friend, or so he claimed, but he was a stranger to you.
“I think you might be right on that count,” you said. He let out a choked sob.
“Don’t do this. You’re joking, right? It isn’t funny anymore,” he said.
“It’s not a joke, Eren. I genuinely don’t know who you are. I really, really want to, but I just don’t,” you said.
“Do you remember any of us? Tullia? Armin or Mikasa? Jean? What about Petra?” he said. You shook your head.
“No, I don’t. Like I said, I have no memories. I wish things were different, but the fact remains that they aren’t. Maybe one day I’ll get them back, but in the meantime, this is who I am. Princess Y/N L/N of Triura,” you said.
“So there’s a chance you’ll get them back?” he said. You shrugged.
“Yes. When I’m placed in situations that mirror ones I’ve been in before, I sometimes get memories. It’s May and I’s hope that if I go through enough of these situations, I’ll be able to get most if not all of my memories back. However, it’s not really been a reliable indicator of anything. After all, it isn’t like anybody knew what my past was. We didn’t know what situations to place me in, even if we wanted to. As it is, the Tyburs haven’t exactly been falling all over themselves to find a cure for my amnesia, either. I expect that’s because I will make a far better wife for Claude if I don’t even know who I am,” you said.
“But I know what your past is! And so do Tullia and Armin and Mikasa and Jean and Captain Levi and Sasha and Connie! We can try to help you get your memories back!” Eren said excitedly.
“So I really was an island devil, then,” you said with a small frown, “How amusing. Say, did I ever know Reiner Braun?”
“He was the one that killed you. Fed you to a titan, or so we thought,” Eren said coldly.
“What? But when I saw him in Liberio, he didn’t seem at all like he knew me,” you said. Eren shrugged.
“Reiner’s a good actor. Who knows what was going through his mind back then? Anyways, what do you say? Will you let us help you?” he said, offering you his hand. You stared at it for a second, weighing your options.
Like May had said, this was your chance. You could get your memories back, and you could maybe even escape Claude for good.
This motivated you. More than anything, you wanted to escape Claude. If the people of the island could offer you protection from your fiance, then I’d be a fool to deny them, even if it did mean you were stuck with the island devils.
The island devils. It seemed you were one of them, if Eren was to be believed. And for some reason, you did believe him. There was an honest openness to his kind gaze. His jade green eyes shone with affection, and you realized that it was his eyes you had seen, back when you had lain with Claude. You had known him in the past, and what’s more, he had been important to you.
You took his hand and shook it. A pleased grin formed on his face, and your expression mirrored his own.
“Well, I’m willing to give it a shot, Eren. Yes — I want you to help me get my memories back.”
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