#astro rant
astroforu · 2 years
Hello people ! I hope you are doing well, I am really sorry I disappeared but life has been chaotic and hard 😢 But, been thinkin and maybe might start doing some free Skype chart readings 🤔 should I drop the link ?
Let me know in the comments
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venussaidso · 2 years
Lame ass water sign descriptions on this darn app at it again. I swear yall just wanna run this stereotype till yall look dumb asl 💀 just talking a bunch of shit because that's all you know from everyone else who stays doing lazy research. I swear yall just recycle the same oldddd fucking shit.
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ceyrann · 2 years
Random ask! You don't have to give insight to these placements if you don't want to because I just saw them and was like "Ha! Nice!"
But, like, I have my Venus in Leo in a Taurus degree and an Idol I really like has his Venus in Taurus in a Leo degree.
So yeah! Nice!
Hi Anon! I'm skipping work rn to reply to this cuz I don't wanna deal with work rn lmAO
First, when I saw your ask, I was immediately reminded of something lmAO. I checked both mine and my idol's Moon Persona Chart, and my idol has his Venus in the same sign and degree of my Natal Moon. While my Venus in my Moon Persona Chart is in the same sign of my idol's Natal Moon. So yeah, I totally get you. IT'S WRITTEN IN THE STARS MY DUDE.
Anyways, back to your ask!
It's nice to see his Venus cuz his Venus is in domicile, since Venus rules over Taurus (and Libra), which means the energy of Venus will be strong over there. If there are more planets aspecting Venus, there may be a chance that Venus will be one of his dominant planets. I think. I'm not a professional so take whatever I say with a grain of salt. But also. There's this Leo influence in him so he probably is the type who'd have a really bright and confident grace to his demeanor. I think that's why you were attracted to him UwU
Now to yours. You have your Venus in Leo. If I recall correctly, one of my favourite astro+tarot blogger has this placement and boi I freaking love her so much. She has this vibrance in her that just lights up people, and I bet you're also one of them. You probably like gold jewelries? Leo is all about kingly vibes with Taurus, an earthy and grounded energy. You don't need to be all... Grand and outwards. Yet there's still a certain classy energy in you that makes you wanted to be treated like a queen, and you'll start it by treating yourself right.
I hope I'm making sense and hope you enjoyed this!
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sirenesolace · 7 days
wtf is a “casual” relationship??🤨 all i know is soul crushing deep love and devotion
#yes i have scorpio and 8th house placement
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mothinflamesdoodles · 7 months
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sayhoneysiren · 8 months
Venus in 11th/Aquarius people, can see the start and the end of a relationship and can see how the relationship will play out in the minds before it even happens.
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If they feel like there is something in the relationship that they desire to experience, then they will be open to a bond. If not, they would rather love from a distance.
They know that sometimes things are better left alone.
They have many imaginary relationships in their minds but the other person will never know.
If they see that their partner needs to grow in a different direction, they will end the relationship. They are the type that may meet up with their lover again after years apart and continue the relationship like nothing ever happened.
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They like to challenge those in authority every now and again.
In love they enjoy being stimulated mentally. They only accept partner who allows them to be 100% themselves. They are turned off by those who inhibit them. They understand that they are different but they don't see this as weird, they see it as genius.
Sex with these people can go anywhere and they can be turned on by anything. They have unique fetishes.
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They are very straightforward in their responses and approaches to things.
Private about certain parts of their lives.
Don't want big displays of affection.
In a relationship they dislike too many expectations and require plenty of space in and outside relationships.
People can never guess what they will do next.
They always keep progressing and learning new things about themselves.
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plutosmoonchild · 2 years
ugh I dislike those posts which describe every placement as the most special, magnetic, deep, … so so much. it‘s b o r i n g.
ofc everything/everyone is kinda unique in its/their own way but some things are just normal and that‘s ok too. for example, venus trine ascendant won’t make everyone the most charming beauty who draws people in easily. it can just mean you are pleasant to be around, a nice and likable person. BUT THATS OK. god.
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astrobydalia · 6 months
Ranking the extraversion of Leo placements
The og attention lovers and thrivers, competitive and showy, sensitive ego -> Leo mars, Leo moon
Pretty chill at first instance but is passionate and confident deep down -> Leo Venus, Leo mercury
shy in an adorable and charming way, always remind me of the lion from the wizard of oz -> Leo sun, Leo rising
What do you guys think?
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rainydetectiveglitter · 9 months
Neptune, the dreamy and mystical planet, brings both enchantment and shadows as it journeys through the astrological houses. Its influence can evoke a sense of magic, spirituality, and creativity, but it also has the potential to cast a fog of confusion, delusion, and escapism.
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Neptune in the 1st House - House of Self
The enchantment of Neptune in the 1st house can be enticing, but its shadow side can manifest as identity issues and an inclination to escape from the harsh realities of life. Individuals with this placement may struggle to establish clear boundaries, often absorbing the emotions and issues of those around them. This can lead to a sense of confusion about their own identity, as they become chameleonic, adapting to others' expectations. The allure of substances or daydreaming might provide temporary relief, but it can lead to a pervasive sense of self-deception and disconnection from their true selves.
Neptune in the 2nd House - House of Values
While Neptune in the 2nd house adds a touch of glamour to one's values and possessions, it can also lead to financial instability due to idealized financial decisions. The shadow side may involve a tendency to overspend on escapist pleasures, such as lavish vacations or excessive indulgence. Money can become a source of confusion and escapism, rather than a means of practical security. Beware of deceptive financial schemes or unwise investments that can lead to substantial losses.
Neptune in the 3rd House - House of Communication
Neptune's influence in the 3rd house can foster creativity in communication but can also result in a propensity for misunderstanding and deceit. The shadow side can lead to a struggle with truthfulness, as individuals with this placement may resort to white lies or delusions to avoid confrontations or preserve their idealized self-image. They might find it challenging to express themselves clearly, often resorting to vague or cryptic communication, which can create confusion and mistrust in relationships.
Neptune in the 4th House - House of Home and Family
The dreamy allure of Neptune in the 4th house can infuse the home environment with a sense of enchantment and creativity. However, the shadow side may involve unresolved family issues, secrets, or addiction problems that are concealed behind a façade of tranquility. Individuals with this placement might struggle to establish emotional boundaries with family members, leading to emotional overwhelm and escapism through emotional numbing or substance abuse.
Neptune in the 5th House - House of Creativity and Pleasure
In the realm of creative expression and pleasure, Neptune in the 5th house can inspire artistic endeavors and romantic ideals. However, the shadow side may manifest as unrealistic romantic fantasies or creative blocks stemming from self-doubt and a fear of rejection. Individuals with this placement might find themselves caught in a cycle of seeking unattainable romantic partners or escaping reality through indulgent and potentially harmful pleasures.
Neptune in the 6th House - House of Service and Health
Neptune in the 6th house can lead to a strong desire to help others but may also result in blurred boundaries and a tendency to sacrifice one's well-being for others. The shadow side can involve a susceptibility to unhealthy work environments, where individuals become enablers or victims of manipulation. They might struggle with self-neglect, pursuing self-destructive habits or substance abuse as a means of escape from the pressures of daily life.
Neptune in the 7th House - House of Relationships
In the realm of partnerships and relationships, Neptune in the 7th house can create an idealized view of love and a longing for soulful connections. However, the shadow side may involve a tendency to attract or idealize partners who are emotionally unavailable, deceptive, or even addictive. Individuals with this placement might find themselves entangled in codependent relationships, where they sacrifice their own needs and boundaries for the sake of an illusory love.
Neptune in the 8th House - House of Transformation
Neptune in the 8th house can deepen one's connection to the mysteries of life but may also lead to an obsession with hidden truths and secrets. The shadow side can manifest as a preoccupation with dark or taboo subjects and an inclination toward manipulation or deceit in matters of shared resources. There is a potential for individuals with this placement to be deceived or financially exploited by others, leading to financial instability and emotional turmoil.
Neptune in the 9th House - House of Philosophy and Higher Learning
While Neptune in the 9th house can foster a spiritual and philosophical outlook on life, its shadow side may involve a susceptibility to cult-like beliefs or dogma. Individuals with this placement might become lost in a world of delusions and spiritual escapism, where they reject practical realities in favor of idealized spiritual pursuits. This can lead to a sense of disillusionment and isolation from grounded wisdom.
Neptune in the 10th House - House of Career and Public Image
In the realm of career and public image, Neptune in the 10th house can create an aura of mystique but may also lead to confusion regarding one's professional path. The shadow side may involve a tendency to deceive or be deceived in the workplace, leading to career setbacks and a loss of reputation. Individuals with this placement might struggle to distinguish between their authentic professional aspirations and illusory ambitions.
Neptune in the 11th House - House of Friends and Social Groups
While Neptune in the 11th house can foster empathy and idealism within social circles, its shadow side may involve a susceptibility to deception or disillusionment in friendships and group affiliations. Individuals with this placement might idealize friends or become entangled in deceptive group dynamics, ultimately leading to feelings of betrayal or isolation. The allure of escapism through social activities can be particularly pronounced.
Neptune in the 12th House - House of the Subconscious
Neptune's natural domain in the 12th house deepens one's connection to the subconscious but may also lead to profound emotional struggles. The shadow side can involve a tendency to escape from reality through addiction or spiritual delusions, creating a sense of inner chaos and isolation. Individuals with this placement might grapple with unresolved trauma or psychic wounds that require careful attention and healing.
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Navigating Neptune's darker aspects through the houses is a profound journey, one that demands self-awareness and a commitment to confronting illusions and delusions. By acknowledging and addressing these challenges, individuals can harness the transformative and spiritual power of Neptune while navigating the shadows of self-deception
(this is intended to appear somewhat disorienting)
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rendezvouz-fling · 8 days
Astro rants #10
There's nothing more annoying that trying to guess somebody's rising sign!
You go "Oh! This person has good bone structure they must be a Cap rising"-but then you find out they have their sun in your 10H and their mars in Capricorn. Orrr, you feel like they're a Taurus rising, but then contradict yourself thinking "Maybe they just have such strong traits of the sign over my 2H, that I think they're a Taurus rising."
Please tell me I'm not the only person who stresses like this😭💀.
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capricores · 10 months
pisces/virgo placements... it's about time you took care of yourself, too, ok?
you burn yourselves out allowing yourself to be pulled by so many people in all different directions. you exhaust all your resources and empty your cup - no, your entire well - to help those around you, even people you don't know. it's such a beautiful thing, and i know you genuinely love helping others, supporting people, seeing them thrive. it's such a beautiful trait! but you constantly end up neglecting yourself, right? you don't realize that you have permission to set aside time to care for you, to cater to your needs for once. you often feel like no one puts a drop in your cup, the favor is never returned - it's exhausting; you might think if you just keep giving your all it will come back; i understand. you will find the people that give the same energy back to you one day, but regardless of whether you've found those people yet, you need to learn to step aside and fill your own cup!
setting boundaries and saying no is the most important thing you will learn to do in this lifetime. it will not be easy for you, sometimes it will feel painful. but you cannot help the world if you're constantly drained and tired! you deserve to take care of yourself in the same way you do for others. be gentle to your kind soul, nourish yourself; do the things you love to do. learn to worry about others less, as hard as it is, and focus on yourself more.
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nico-esoterica · 3 months
This is a total astro-hack but if you have challenging placements, you should literally just think/believe they're beneficial instead. They can be regardless but if they give you trouble, look at the definition, and skew it in your favor. Some can also see this as changing your perception of them.
I don't believe in limitations and I believe that even if a negative definition applies to us, instead of surrendering to it, we should make it work for us. Astrologers say this but there are certain positions where the only thing you'll hear are view points that'll just make you wanna throw in the towel lol. Then they become beliefs about your world that simply don't need to be there.
For example, if you have a 10H Saturn, the common description is that you're going to experience career success later in life or after a period of great struggle in order to be recognized. IMO, since this means you were brought up believing you had to try harder than others, you need to start thinking that everything is super easy for you and that those in authority will immediately recognize your efforts.
I unfollowed someone for this on twt because she'd always complain about it but if you have a 12H Venus, your love life is not DOOMED, lol. It just means that you were raised w/ circumstances where your wants and needs weren't attended to and you prob have various traumas and as a result, you're drawn to emotionally unavailable people that keep you trapped in a cycle. You need to start thinking and believing that you've always been worth the effort and that the sun shines out of your ass and that NO ONE is unavailable to you. Believe you're irresistible and you WILL be. You're everyone's dream person now except they WILL show up in reality.
See how easy this is???
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sirenesolace · 1 month
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its so repetitive at this point omg💀 there HAS to be other observations about those synastry placements. AND CAN WE PLEASE GIVE OTHER SYNASTRY PLACEMENTS A CHANCE?? (6th house, 2nd house, 10th house, 11th house, 3rd house, 4th house)
don’t get me wrong i love hearing about the challenges each synastry placements has a possibility of bringing, but i only see the bad😦
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astronomodome · 6 months
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sayhoneysiren · 5 months
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Being born on a New Moon phase, means you love new beginnings and activating your new ideas. Your perception on things is one that no one has ever thought of before and it makes you appear as very knowledgeable. You also love to get your rest and prioritize your self care. Keen intuition and creativity are a natural gift that you have. Being alone is easy for you, actually you prefer it that way so that you can let your mind wonder and create beautiful art and designs.
Being born on a Waxing Crescent moon phase, means that you are a child at heart. You don't take life or yourself too seriously. You don't mind being a beginner and trying something new, joining new clubs or new organizations. Like a turtle, you are slow but you get to your destination on your own time. You don't jump into things all at once and prefer to stick your toes in first. Many may be surprised that behind your carefree nature you like to plan and your plant seeds fort he future. You hold the power of healing and creativity within' you.
Being born on a 1st Quarter moon phase, means that you prefer being active in daily activities. You attract many opportunities to you because of your forward attitude and you easily bond amongst others. Your life's work and passion is a main focus in your life and you have the fresh energy to make it happen.
Being born on a Waxing Gibbous moon phase, means that you are a determined individual. You're not passionate about everything but once you have your eyes set on something you desire, you gather enough strength and manifest it. You are not afraid to start again if you fail and this makes you an unbreakable character with full confidence. You also enjoy meditating and resting here and there to recharge and reflect.
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Being born on a Full Moon phase, means that you enjoy indulging in the excitement of life. You naturally have tons of energy and can motivate those around you with it. You have a high psychic ability and can read people very well. Manifesting your desires is effortless and your spoken affirmations are very powerful, so be mindful of what you speak.
Being born on a Waning Crescent moon phase, means that you like to go with the flow. Being present in the moment is very important to you and you have a good sense of humor. You don't usually entertain negativity but you will play Devil's Advocate sometimes just for the entertainment of it all. In a group setting, you like to keep in the background and observe other people's characters. You have a gift for banishing and removing negativity.
Being born on a 3rd Quarter moon phase, means that you have strong boundaries. You are extremely sensitive to energy and your surroundings. Your gift is knowing how to transmute this energy to benefit you. You are wary of people who drain your energy and prefer a calm people and a balanced environment. Because of this you keep your circle small.
Being born on a Waning Gibbous moon phase, means that you are very thoughtful and a deep thinker. You like to hear other people's side of the story to come up with solutions (You'd make an excellent counselor). You keep your feelings to yourself and healthily work through them. You have gratitude for the good and bad experiences in life. You project a sage-like character.
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tezuka-brainrot · 4 months
Poor 09 Astro...
He literally has all of Toby's memories and thought he was Toby.
Only for Tenma to tell him he's not who he thinks he is.
Sure that's pretty horrible and what happens in the Japanese continuity anyway but the difference is most versions of Atom thought he was a kid named Tobio and didn't really know there was another before him until later. (2003 Atom is the exception but this ain't about him.)
Astro Boy thinks he is THE Toby Tenma because that's what his own memories say, not just his dad.
1963 Tenma has to be all "So you're name is Tobio and I'm your father now." He has to explain cause this new android is a blank slate.
2009 Tenma doesn't have to say shit because to Toby/Astro it's just another day where things are just a little off.
He's just a scared and abandoned robot walking around with the vivid memories of a DEAD FUCKIN CHILD and that's messed up.
Do you think Astro remembers feeling what it's like to be a human?
Do you think he resents the fact he'll never actually be that way?
Do you think he ever mixed up his fake memories with actual experiences leading to him getting all disoriented and confused!?
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