#at one point runs out of contacts (presumably because she forgot to get more)
Linda Flynn-Fletcher
I think Linda Flynn-Fletcher is potentially one of the most misunderstood characters in the show.
It think comes from a natural enough place. Her role in the show is of course, to act as the potential threat to their summers of fun. While they boys never see her as a threat, narratively she's the big bad. If she sees it, its game over.
Here's the thing though. She's a not a bad mom. Her children LOVE her. Similarly to how Phineas and Ferb absolutely adore Candace and would do nearly anything she asked, Phineas, Ferb and Candace all love and respect their mother and don't disobey her. Now a bit of this is clearly Linda being a more permissive parent, but any rules that Linda has Phineas and Ferb never do anything to disobey their mother. While I wouldn't be surprised if there were one or two instances where Candace disobeyed her mother willfully, the closest I can think off off hand is Candace not doing a bunch of chores that she was supposed to do. Really, the fact that all her kids love her, shows how much all her kids feel loved in their household. And I think that's super important. Candace wrote a song about how much she feels loved by her mom, even if her mom is dismissive of Candace. But she still goes with Candace to see what the boys are up to even if she doesn't believe it. She sets boundaries on how often Candace can bust the boys sure. But she hasn't forbidden Candace from doing it altogether. Nor does she punish Candace for presumably lying?
At MOST Linda will say something like: "let's get you out of the sun" after a failed bust. The worst of it I think is probably the time Linda made her promise not to try or suffer the Pharaohs curse. Which, was just some guy in a Pharaoh costume telling Candace curse you. Linda goes out of her way to read books to try and deal with her daughter. She and Candace still clearly hold a lot of affection for each other and do spend a decent amount of mother daughter time together. Linda gives books to her daughter, tries to direct her to other activities, and finds her sleep busting cute, and sometimes goes out of her way to do activities her daughter wants to do with her. All things considered Linda is REALLY patient about Candace's busting. Could she be doing more to get to the bottom of why Candace is presumably acting out? Sure. But Doofensmirtz could also be doing a better job of listening to his daughter and not insulting her (or do we not remember why Vanessa wears earbuds around the house) but we all call him a really good dad.
A LOT of shows have kids hiding a secret from a parent for one reason of another. But while the crux of the show rests on Linda not knowing what her sons are doing, its not because its a secret. The boys aren't hiding it from her. The boys genuinely believe she knows. Lawrence genuinely believes she knows. Candace is the only one in the family who really grasps the situation.
Linda's ignorance, her disbelief of the wild shenanigans that her children get into is easily mistakable for normality. For representing the oppressive day to day. The same thematic antagonist as school. A mom who wants whats best for her kids, and thinks that whats best for them is them being normal, without realizing what's really best for them. After all why else we saw what would happen if she found out in Quantum Boogaloo. But the fact of the matter is aside from that one future (which also featured an effectively evil leader in Doofensmirtz, and therefore implies more factors at play than just Doofensmirtz and Linda's characters), we don't really know how it would play out in the long term. Future Linda even just kinda moves on after discovering the truth.
Linda is exactly like her kids. She just does the same things on a less physics breaking scale. The woman has like 37 different hobbies. She takes a cooking class, donated an art sculpture, is part of a jazz group. She has a background in astrophysics. She was a pop star. She won a meatloaf contest. She takes french lessons. The fact that Linda has several hobbies is part of the reason the formula works at all. Linda is constantly trying new things which gets her out of the house, while her sons are trying their own new things. Her absence is what prompts Candace to have to go looking for her. Also, What Do It Do when the moment Linda gets put in Candace's position she acts the exact same way.
Also it's why she and Lawrence are so compatible. They have a lot of weird hobbies they spend together. She likes Lawrence's history references. They watch car racing together. They went spelunking together. They go bowling regularly enough to have equipment. She has played the bagpipes while Lawrence danced (which sidenote: do you think she taught Candace how to play the bagpipes?).
Not to mention her extended family. Think about it. Her mom was a competitive roller derby skater who once bit a skate and shook it like a dog with a chew toy and pulls elaborate pranks with her identical twin. Really she's a lot like Candace with her aggressive passion. Her dad apparently won a balloon race, but tells the story in the most straightforward way possible, sometimes very oblivious, but is overall a lot like Phineas. Her sister is an adrenaline junky. And back to Quantum Boogaloo for a minute: Her granddaughter is just like Candace, Grown up Candace is a lot like Linda. Do you not see the implications!!?!?!? LIKE???? DO YOU NOT REALIZE THAT LINDA WAS PROBABLY A LOT LIKE CANDACE AND PHINEAS WHEN SHE WAS YOUNGER?!!?! YOU THINK IT SKIPPED A GENERATION OR SOMETHING???
Do you think Linda used to complain about Tiana??? Do you think Linda thought her family was weird and was embarrassed by them??? Do you think Linda ever called herself the only mature/normal member of her family?? LIKE CANDACE DOES????
Anyway, Linda is just like her family. Sure, she is RELATIVELY more normal, but that's relative, and probably simply because the universe bends itself around to keep her from knowing. Linda literally cannot find out about the real nature of her universe. Linda is just a grown up version of her children, seeking to make the most of each day, but within the bounds the universe has set upon her, both as an adult woman and mother, but also in the laws of physics expected of her. But she still makes the most of her life. You don't have to build a roller coaster to make the most of each day and all that.
I think if Linda is representing anything its that even parents can have rich fulfilling lives. Where they make the most out of each day. Having fun with your life doesn't stop with adulthood. Even if you have more responsibilities doesn't mean you can't have fun? Sure childhood is something you can't get back but growing up isn't inherently bad either?
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incarnateirony · 1 month
Staying vague about the who what where, it's nobody anyone would guess, but a friend came to me for help-- you know, counselor-- because they had a super christian friend that was freaking out that their druggie mom was hexing them. And like, generally, spoopy as I am to the external viewer, I might personally chuckle at the idea, but I knew why this friend wasn't having success calming their friend down--
This friend is... atheist in a fairly casual societal sense where it's sort of presumed a logical default, even if those tides are turning on the scientific front, I'm not here to have that debate or advanced course with them, we're here for their friend.
But I was like. You don't. You don't try to unconvince her. And they were basically like, what.
It's like, you don't try to unconvince her. This is a faith based issue that can have a faith based answer. The harder you try to convince her it's impossible for curses to be real, the more she's going to fight you, because you're arguing with a base world view that runs her perception of everything, and she's going to clam up or fight back.
What you do is go, hey, I know I'm not real good with this religion stuff, I think we both know that, so I'm not good at knowing what to say but I know god keeps us safe from the dark, right? What are some good bible verses or prayers for something like this?
You try to give her a chance to remember her own answer from the light. If she's so upset or confused she can't remember any, that's when you can have done some light research to pull a few trusty ones out that work for her, and be like, I remember this one, do you want to do like a breathing exercise with me to calm down and we can read it a few times?
Because then what you do is you attach a therapeutic breathing to a comfort ritual she is literally summoning her inner confidence from. It doesn't matter if you believe in the curse, she does, but she generally believes god is stronger when she remembers the darkness has no power there. So help her remember.
If she still needs more after that, make a safety plan but in faith talk. Okay, let's try this for a few days and see if you feel better, try reading it if you feel something coming, or adding this to your votives, and if this doesn't work, since I know you're really religious, is there like a priest or pastor you can talk to, I bet they'll do a prayer group for you or bless the house or something.
And I was like, again, it doesn't matter if you believe the prayer group blocks the crackhead curse. Not only does she believe it but it gets her among community and social supports.
And that's what we mean when we say God.
Friend was like... huh. the socratic method, but for therapy. Yes, he's the great teacher. They were like, I forgot, just because religion doesn't serve that role in my life, it serves a role of community. Thanks.
Only a small aside, the reason it was so fundamentally offensive with the whole crackbear thing is just... the pure amount of confusion and reverse application. I would beg her to attach her works to anything but echos of me, but she won't uproot the rot, she still isn't really looking for it within, she's chasing shadows of the past without. And it made the addictive abusive behavior pattern of harassment. I do not want My Works to be what she defines or shapes herself to, and certainly not what she calls her friends to gather around in ignorance, to live, even if she does not recognize that is what she was and is doing, and refuses to dig deep enough to upturn it back to the point she is back at what truly made her confident, before she was pulling out her hair.
She just didn't expect me to figure out how to steal the superbowl as a prayer circle and a game launch as a work force. She gonna have trouble outpraying as long as she ~beliefs in the magical. Unless she faces she's only performing a regressive form of the therapy end without any supernatural contact either. While it would be a half truth on perspective and definition, it would be another one to stop her derealization cascade. But would require any attempts at reclaiming efforts to charge people for services to terminate until she was herself emotionally stable enough to be a general counselor.
The reason it was so easy to peel crackbear apart, is she's neither actually religious or spiritual, there is no core belief base, just pieced together things from my work and glued in reblogs, whatever argument puts the bandaid on a gap today. Hence the inconsistency. With her there is no core book to look at and pull a meaningful quote from, which is why she tried to reach back into the roleplay echos bag, because she only knew him through me, and it was me finding myself through him, and the entire point, and it was missed. There's nothing she can pull up and lean on in full faith, because it's all shit she knows deep down are lies or playthings assembled. To reach back in and pull out her old light requires the monster she has become to confess I've been right this entire time.
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writingmochi · 2 years
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chapter iv. twin flames
cast: grunge kid!yeonjun ✗ art student/painter!fem.reader
synopsis: you’re an out-of-place art student living in your childhood hometown, pursuing your dream of becoming a painter. one day, you were given a mysterious responsibility as you try to not get your childhood best friend killed
genre: coming of age, college/university au, childhood best friend au, supernatural au, angst, fluff, mature content (sensitive topics and explicit smut)
based on: video game life is strange (2013)
word count: 7801
taglist? closed
warning(s): mention of drugs (marijuana), alcohol consumption, explicit sex, unprotected sex (be safe!), handjob (m & f receive), oral job (m & f receive), cockwarming (if i forgot some, let me know)
message from the moon: remember that this story is fiction. do be careful and read the warnings at the top as both the chapter and the series as a whole will contain serious and sensitive topics.
probably one of the anticipated chapters of the series (cause it’s getting towards the steamier part). on a serious note, thank you so much for the love and a reminder that you can interact with the characters through beyond the wave! enjoy!!!
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"this is going to be a bad idea, yeonjun."
"no, it's not!" you heard him reply as the bass become more prominent as he parks the truck near the house.
two days have passed since that video about herin got sent to your phone, which you then realized the next day that everyone on campus got the video, courtesy of a few whispers, mumbles, and information from minjeong. that day you tried to contact her on where she is, even coming to her floor to ask about her but her floor's resident assistant said that a guardian of hers has taken care of her for now.
you got a text message from yeonjun after the resident assistant left, saying that the party she went to in the video is one of the parties he has gone to. he found out they're going to have another one tonight, which he proposed that you come with him.
sometimes you wonder if yeonjun knew about your introverted aspect or not and how much that kind of party scene is yours to despise. but you understand why he invited you to come because one. herin is your friend and two. you never seem to be an introvert every time you're with him.
"well..." you see yeonjun turning his head towards you as you stood right down the path to the entrance of the house. "i'm ready when you are," he said
people your age running around the front lawn, some are holding their drinks, some are half-naked, some are making out near the bushes that separate the house from its neighbors.
yeah, this isn't your scene at all.
"don't do anything foolish," you warned the boy beside you. he chuckles and strides forward. you rolled your eyes and walked on the path to the entrance where a man stood at the door which you presume is the host. he greeted the women before you with hugs and kisses on their cheeks. as they go in, you saw how his eyes widen as he looks at you both.
"woah... choi yeonjun! back again i see. you've missed a couple of-" the man trails off as he noticed you.
"who's this?" he then smirked as he leans against the doorway, his cup gesturing towards you.
"no one to you, mark." yeonjun replied as he rolled his eyes.
"jeez dude, cut the slack." mark said as he widens the door, letting you both inside to the dim room with flashes of lights showing up occasionally on the walls and ceiling, he joins you as he drinks from his cup.
as you trail inside, you notice the heavy bass that plays on the speakers and a disk jockey in the center room right behind a makeshift dance floor. people dancing, some grinding at each other, making you iffy. yet, you realized that the music they played isn't even yeonjun's favorite type of genre.
then why did he come to this kind of party often?
"you've seen minhyuk?" you heard yeonjun speaking to the boy that lets you both in, mark. he walked with you both and pointed at a certain area of the place. you follow them to witness a few people sitting in a circle with an unknown apparition that you don't recognize, seeing smoke coming out of the people's mouth and nose as they took turns to suck on it.
oh yeah... yeonjun does smoke marijuana...
"my fucking god." you heard a voice coming from someone who has brown hair, someone that you realized is minhyuk after a light source spotlight his face for a few seconds. the last you saw him was the day that you saved yeonjun from him.
"choi fucking yeonjun. didn't expect to see you here after you ran away like a pussy."
you see yeonjun rolls his eyes and replied. "i came here to talk."
"ooh to talk, huh? not gonna try this new and fresh 420 here that i got from my supplier? surprising." minhyuk slurs as the people around him laugh out loud, smoke coming out from them.
as they talked, you stood behind him, feeling the nudges of people behind you slowly but surely pushing you away so they can reach their destination. you wrapped your arm around yourself and returns back to the place that yeonjun was at to find it empty of figures other than the ones that are too focused on smoking.
panic surges in you as you see no head that you recognized as yeonjun and you quickly walk away from the group to the dense crowd. you try to find somewhere that's not crowded as you walk past people, saying "sorry" and "excuse me" many times to the people that you accidentally nudged to get through.
the chance of yeonjun consuming alcohol and marijuana is high and you don't want your ride to do something he might regret as he drives. if he does get high or drunk, you can't bring him home as you can't drive stick.
when you arrived at a somehow empty hallway in the house, some boys were kissing at the corner, you notice light coming from a room with countertops full of snacks. an empty bowl with remains of liquid gleams from the party scene across as it sits beside the bowls of chips. you took refuge there in the room that you have identified as the kitchen, realizing that two other people are there, one of them is yeonjun holding a cup of his own as he downs it.
too late... he finished it...
there's only one way you know that gives you another chance.
you open your palm and tap into a certain place, feeling the air and you getting sucked behind, you close your eyes.
as you felt time stop and open your eyes, you see the blurry figure of yeonjun moving towards the group of people, including minhyuk.
"choi fucking yeonjun. didn't expect to see you here after you ran away like a pussy."
you see yeonjun rolls his eyes and replied. "i came here to talk."
"ooh to talk, huh? not gonna try this new and fresh 420 here that i got from my supplier? surprising." minhyuk slurs as the people around him laugh out loud, smoke coming out from them.
a cue for you to leave.
you remembered the way to the hallway that you were at before the rewind. as you arrive, you walk to the kitchen and see the bowl almost empty of drinks. you looked around the kitchen to find someplace to throw it away and found none. the sink has a cooler on top and you can't see any trash cans around. you sighed as you realize what you have to do.
you have to drink it.
and you never drunk alcohol before.
but this is for yeonjun's safety...
you grab the bowl and position its rim near your mouth. as you tilt the bowl, seeing the pink liquid funnel down the transparent bowl, you slowly chug it down, tasting the sweetness that you've never tasted before.
it tastes... alright?
the bowl is now empty as you put it down on the counter you picked it up from. the sweetness making your saliva overflow as you continue to swallow it down. seeing the snack on the counter, you took the nearest bowl of nachos chips to get rid of the sweetness with the savory flavor.
then, from your peripheral, you see the couple of boys that you saw before emerging from the crowd and walking towards the hallway beside the kitchen, slamming their lips with each other's as they walk deeper into the hallway. you heard footsteps coming closer to the kitchen and you turn your body away to continue eating the nachos.
"(y/n)?!" you heard yeonjun exclaimed.
you turn towards him and minhyuk who stood beside him, slowly waving your empty hand as you continue eating the nachos. yeonjun walks towards you, observing the counter now only with food available, not drinks. you felt your stomach churn.
"you're going to do the talking, right?" you whispered to him as you see minhyuk opens the refrigerator to see it full of frozen food.
"fuck..." he exclaimed, your trial now a success, and you see yeonjun nods his head.
"maybe you can ask him where she'd come from and how was she doing. that way..." you trail off as you took a glance at the nachos. your sense reacts as something holds your cheeks, your head is turned towards yeonjun who stares at you with wide eyes.
"are you okay?"
"yeah..." you tap your hand against his chest. "thank me later," you spoke.
as you continue the nachos you've eaten, minhyuk chimes. "who's she?"
"she's here for support don't worry about her." yeonjun said as he looks at you, his voice sounded more serious yet his eyes tell another story of concern.
yeonjun looks at you leaning against the kitchen counter when minhyuk's voice interrupts the room as he started to talk to yeonjun. "what do you wanna talk about?" yeonjun looks at the swaying minhyuk, noticing that his pupils are now bigger as the white ceiling light above yeonjun makes him see it clearly. he knows minhyuk's going to be more open when he is high.
"the last party that you or your friend hosted, kinda regret not going."
minhyuk giggles and yeonjun felt someone gripping his lower arm where he sees you looking down to the floor, leaning against him. "saw from a video that's been spreading, a girl was there very drunk and kissing people, including you..."
minhyuk hums and replies, "yeah, that girl. she's fucking crazy." minhyuk swirls his finger beside his head and smiles wide.
"she came in sober with swollen eyes and immediately grabbed the nearest alcohol. and as she drank, she became flirty and this large make-out session happens in the corner of the living room. glad i join them, she's a great kisser. never seen her on campus grounds until that day." minhyuk snickers and leans against the fridge behind him.
yeonjun bites his lip as he recounts what you said the other day.
yeonjun looks at you as you looked up in fear. now, holding your phone as he sees the video playing. "you know her?" you nodded.
"s-she is not that kind of girl. she's..." you trailed off and he continues watching the video.
minhyuk continues to sway with the 90's hip-hop song that is playing from the dj booth. "did she say any reason as to why she did... what she did?"
minhyuk gulps and reply. "she did mention how she felt free when we kissed. then after like, i forgot how many minutes pass, fuck, she got a call from someone and walked out the house."
yeonjun felt you lean closer to his arms and mumble. "jun..." he hummed and cups your face to let him see clearly. a flush on it as you looked at him with hooded eyes.
"the room is spinning." your voice trails off and you wrapped your arms around yourself. before you both leave, yeonjun pulls out some cash money from his wallet and places it in minhyuk's shirt pocket.
"from that day." he sternly replied.
the truck is on its way to your hall, you leaned against your side's door while wrapping yourself tight. yeonjun gnawing the inside of of mouth as he glances sideways to see you. the empty street and the street lamp giving an ambiance to the whole environment, so quiet yet so full.
"i drank something before you come in," you mumbled, eyes on the passing trees. you heard the screeching of the truck braking, now moving at a slower pace than before.
"what? why?" he sounded, his knuckles turning white from the grip on the steering wheel.
"didn't want you to get in trouble..." you trailed off, making yeonjun eyes the road that is lit by the headlights. the truck rolls down the street like the gears in his brain when he realized that you said he will thank you back at the party. then realizing the situation you both are in, making the conclusion much clearer.
you tried not to get him to drive under the influence. the same thing that got his mother killed.
he shook his head and chuckled as he thought about how cute you were trying to protect him but he worries again as he sees your eyelids droop down. he picks up his phone and calls someone as he uses his other hand on his steering wheel.
"hello, who is this?" a female voice sounded from the other end.
"minjeong, it's yeonjun." he heard her hum.
"what's going-"
"(y/n)'s buzzed." white noise filled his ear as the static of the phone connection continues.
"i.. is she okay?"
he glanced at you again. "no she's not, can you help me pick her up in the campus' lot?"
"yeah yeah sure." he heard the change of intonation from minjeong's voice and a few rustling from the other end. he ends the call as he steps down on the accelerator and changes the truck's gear as it lurches faster.
the truck arrives in the institute's area of the town, driving to the parking lot to see minjeong waiting at the sidewalk. as the truck stops, he walks out to go to your seat and open the door, your body slipping down until yeonjun holds you up. your hooded eyes slowly opened as yeonjun gently greets you, helping you stand up.
"hey (y/n)..." yeonjun heard minjeong talk. you shook your head and grip your stomach.
"did she drink?" she asked. yeonjun nods as minjeong look at you in concern. "she never drank before. we never drank before." minjeong then soothes your head that rests on her shoulder.
"yeah... she... drank so i don't drink."
minjeong nodded and cooed at you, "you stubborn girl," you whined against her shoulder and yeonjun can sense the guilt forming in his mind. he went to the glove compartment of his truck to grab a strip of pills that he used for headaches and give it to minjeong.
"put this on top of her mini-fridge, she's gonna get dizzy in the morning." minjeong nodded as she held on to the strip of pills. "i'm gonna go now. i'll text her in the morning." minjeong gives a small smile and you both walk away to the hall, leaving yeonjun alone as the breeze of wind graze his arms.
holding on to the leftover strip of pills, you sit on the booth with a few takeaways on the table in miss ahn's diner. picnic foods like kimbap and riceballs that miss ahn made herself as she got the order from yeonjun. you're tidying the papers from your sketchbook when the bell chimes and you heard yeonjun's voice greeting miss ahn before stepping in the booth across from you.
"you're alright ?" he asked as your head lifted to see him leaning forward, pouting his lips.
"yeah, thanks for the pills. it really helps." you nudge the strip to him and he picks it up.
"i wanted to say thank you. i didn't understand what you meant last night, but i got an epiphany about it when i'm taking you back. so as a way to repay you, i invited you to a picnic at a special place that i founded with soobin."
you rose your eyebrows and he continued, "it's in nature at the hills. maybe it can help inspire you." you realize that he looked at your book.
"i mean, i'm here so pretty much sums up the nagging feeling you have." you lean your head towards him, and he giggles.
you gaze at the forest as the truck runs on the road of haeyang's highlands. you're not used to be here as most of your activities revolve around the ocean more than the hills. but, you always amazed at how green the background of your town is, the color complimenting the blue sea. the beams of light forming from the leaves as it shielded the ground from the sun. the truck drives up slopes as it reached an opening where you see a large body of water, a lake right beside a hill.
"wow..." you immediately exclaimed as you step out of the truck, gripping the strap of your bag. you see yeonjun laying out the blanket near the shallow part of the water with you helping to set the food.
"yeah... the lake's has been a tourism attraction for so long. then, soobin and i found this place, perfect for us to be as private as we can from the commotion that is downtown haeyang." you giggle as you both sit, him removing his red flannel shirt and put it beside him.
you eat the takeaways that sit in front of you two, feeling the pain in your head fading away after a scolding from yeonjun from your action last night. the environment around you giving a sense of relaxation and inspiration came to you to do a watercolor study on the view from your perspective.
as you sketch, you and yeonjun continue to talk. sometimes his voice disappears as you focus but he will always find a way to come back from the void. yeonjun commenting on how happy and relaxed you look while painting. you commenting on how obsess he is with chris cornell. the banter that always happen when you two are together, making the sunshine seems to be brighter.
"i don't know actually, you have a way to get money though." you hummed after hearing what yeonjun said. you place your pencil away and got out your watercolor travel kit. it opens to the dried blocks of color that needed water to activate, the other side of the palette still has some color left from the last time you paint with it.
"maybe i can work in the music store that i buy my stuff from, surely there'll be an employee discount there." yeonjun continues rambling as you mix some colors with your waterbrush on the lid as similar as possible to the view you're inspired from.
"or helping dad fix cars, he'll want to especially since dad taught me how to repair my truck." a thud came beside you as you started coloring the blue of the lake in front of you. you felt something heavy on your right shoulder and noticed yeonjun sitting there, his head on your shoulder.
mixing the blue paint with yellow, it changes to greenish color as you painted the trees around the lake. birds chirping; grasshopper jumping; you felt like you weren't even in haeyang at all.
"there are so many things at haeyang to do though," you reply to yeonjun's rambling as you felt his head move forming a nod. another nagging question rests up at the tip of your tongue as you paint a few parts darker.
"you never thought about leaving haeyang before? venturing to new places perhaps?"
he rested his hand behind you as he moves his body closer towards you. eyes now on your book.
"i have, cause, of course, haeyang has its downs. but as imperfect haeyang is, it is my home," his reply sends shivers down your spine. yeonjun then stands up as he stretches his arms and legs. you see him moving closer to the body of water and taking off his clothes.
"yeonjun! what are you doing?!" you covered your eyes with your book, still peeking to see if he is alright. you see yeonjun continue to walk as he faces you, walking backward, now pulling down his boxers.
"skinny dipping, something that me and soob-"
"watch out!" but you were too late as he trips from a pebble, head slowly falling down to a boulder as you see him pause.
everything pause...
you noticed your palm is open, realizing that you've tapped into your powers again. yet, it felt different.
your eyes move on your surroundings seeing it stop, the leaves not moving even though it is falling down. you told yourself to rewind, seeing the leaves flying up and yeonjun stood again, retracing his footsteps to before he turned to face you.
and it plays again like normal as you stop.
seeing yeonjun turning around to face you, you voice out. "watch out for the pebbles by the way."
yeonjun paused as he look at his surrounding, seeing the pebbles' shiny surface near the edge of the water with boulders right beside it. "thanks (y/n) and you're rewinding powers probably, and i'm going to skinny dip. it is something that soobin and i do every time we are here."
as he tried to pull down his boxers, you suddenly spoke out. "can i join?" startling yourself.
"i, i mean... i never done it before but it sounds fun cause you and soobin done it so..." your voice fades as you heard yeonjun chuckles.
"of course, you can. i'll be in the water first." you finished off the part that you painted, placing your book in your vision as you're not ready to see yeonjun's bare body. you heard the splashing of water, seeing yeonjun now inside with the water around his chest.
"can you turn around, please?" you said shyly, earning another chuckle from him as you see him turn towards the other side of the lake. you slowly shed your clothes, feeling goosebumps forming from the breeze. you walk towards the lake, bare and felt the water touching your feet, you jumped from the cold.
"you alright?" yeonjun asked.
"yeah, the water's cold but it's fine." you slowly pushed yourself into the water and swam towards yeonjun.
still didn't realize you were behind him, you splash the water around you, startling him. he turned around, shocked, as you giggle from his expressions.
"no, i'm sor-" you got cut off as yeonjun splashed you with the water, making your face wet. you continue splashing each other when yeonjun stopped you with a proposition.
"let's see who can hold their breath the longest underwater." his eyes glint with something fiery from within. you nodded as you both stare at each other's eyes. yeonjun counting down and as it reaches one, you both took a deep breath and see each other not diving your head in. you both laugh out loud after realizing it.
"that was my trick." yeonjun screamed.
"well, now it's not," you replied. he looks at you annoyed and splashes you again. you move towards him to tackle him, seeing yeonjun manuvering his hands so his hands wrap your wrists. smiles wide on each of your faces.
as the adrenaline dies down, you notice a feather-like tattoo on his upper left arm, seeing it multiply as it covered the side of his arm and continues to his back. yeonjun noticed your eyes fixated on the upper sleeve tattoo and brought your hands down. you swam around him to see the tattoo of an angel wing on the left side of his back connecting to his left arm.
"it's beautiful." you commented. "what does it mean?"
"you know back then when my mom used to call me 'angel'. yeah... that's where it comes from." he answered. you see another small tattoo of a mountain and wave together positioned on top of the wing near his neck. he said it represents haeyang.
after he turns around, he explained all the tattoos that he got and their meanings. a sleeve tattoo of a set of roman numbers representing his birthday. the small tattoos on his right arm that you've seen from the first time you see him, realizing that the bigger ones are always covered by his clothes.
"it must have hurt." you add another comment as you swam closer, holding onto yeonjun's left hand.
"it is but soobin helps me with them," he replied as he pull you closer to him. your chest almost touching each other, his fingers locking onto yours and felt another tug to move closer.
now, you stare into his eyes as you float in the middle of the lake. eyes moving anywhere on each other's face.
you smirked...
and landed another splash towards him.
you both do another round of splashes again before you end it. yeonjun climbs out first to get the towel from his truck and throw it towards you as he looks away from your body to pick up his clothes. you both dried yourself and put your clothes back on as you both sat at the back of the truck.
you shivered from the wind and felt another piece of clothing on you. yeonjun's red flannel draped on your shoulders and you putting your arms in the sleeves. seeing the sun slowly setting behind the trees and the sky turning from orange to purple, he said something that earns a chuckle from you.
"can you paint my wing?"
"oh fuck! that tickles"
"that's what you get for requesting it. now stay still."
after a stroke on his shoulder blade, you dip your brush into the cheap body paints that you bought from min's and other art supplies that you might need. visiting them after going down from the lake, min chuckles as they look at you both, whispering to you about how much more sporadic he is than what they predicted.
greeting pansy that stood in front of the back door of his house, he told you that no one's home today and everyone will be back tomorrow evening. saying his dad has more work in his shop while his dad's wife is focusing on the concert, making what minjeong told you before you went to the diner true as she told you that she has rehearsals and discussions related to her concert.
for the last hours as the sun goes down and the sky turns dark, here you two are, in yeonjun's room. his back facing up, the almost monochromatic color of black and white creates the base for his wing and with the added yellow, giving the tint of gold in it.
he hums, following the repeated melody of a song from a folk playlist playing from his wireless speaker, courtesy of you because you need a calm environment to focus on painting. his left arm resting beside his shoulder while the other holds a cigarette as you continue finishing the touches. you chuckle silently, knowing he was actually trying to suppress his laugh from the ticklish sensation from his skin, showing from how his shoulder shakes every time your brush graze them.
"straighten your arm for me."
looking at the artwork that you painted connected from the wing tattoo that started from his arm to his back. the colors make it feel alive, real.
"so?" he turns his head to you. seeing you sitting on your knees beside his body, biting your bottom lip as you observed, left hand with the plastic plate and the other with the brush.
"all done."
yeonjun smiles wide, helping you put your tools away on the floor and giving you his phone to take photo of it while he puts out his cig. you hold onto his painted arm so that you can capture your work. pressing the button a few times and the reflection of the flash reflect upon his back.
"let me see." he sits up and leans against your shoulder as you show him the screen. you both silently admire your work, feeling him wrapping his hand around you and squeezing your shoulder.
"that looks so fucking pretty."
you smelled the tobacco that he smoke when you were painting on him. "i was actually so worried about it cause this is my very first time doing body art. glad you like it" you look towards him.
"like is an understatement, i fucking love it. my mom's gonna be so proud of you if she saw it."
he turns his head towards you. his hair a bit ruffled, his chest rising up and down, the hand that squeezed your shoulder now on the bed behind you, propping him up.
he looks... hot...
he is your friend.
yet, what you both know is that what you are right now is out of the league of what is the definition of childhood best friends.
the tension that you both felt back at the lake. how attractive has he become since the last time you saw him before moving out. how fast you can connect your friendship again. how foolish yet mature he is. how open he is to you knowing what he went through with his family and soobin. how he helps you with your problems with your powers and herin. how you embrace each other, cry with each other, smile with each other, aiding each other, as the universe telling you that it's meant to be.
both of you start to move your heads closer and closer. his eyes gazing yours.
"can i?" he said as you felt his other hand cupping your cheeks. you bite your lower lip as you hesitate. yet, something within you tells you to go ahead.
you trust him enough.
you nodded and felt his lips on yours. you slowly hold his face with both of your hands on each side, softly caressing his cheekbones. while he held onto your waist, pulling you closer to him.
feeling his tongue playfully licking on your bottom lip, you gasp, letting his tongue in. your tongues now dancing with each other. your hands go to drape on his shoulders, holding onto his hair and nape. as you part, you see a string of saliva connecting both of your lips. your breathing becomes irregular as yeonjun looks at you with hooded eyes, his thumb softly swiping against your bottom lip.
"you wanna do this?" you gaze on his lips, swollen from the passion that you just made. it has been a long time since you have done this and you've only done this once. but from the deepest part of your heart, you gain a push to do it.
caressing his nape, you replied, "yeah, i do."
he licks his lips and leans in, kissing your neck. you lean your head to the side for easy access, looking at your painted work on his back, caressing the skin beside the paint following the shape of the wing. you felt yeonjun's hand unbuttons his flannel shirt that you wore from the lake, pulling it slowly as the cloth caresses your hand. you helped out with the sleeves and he threw it to the side. feeling the marks blooming on your neck, you hold his head and bring his lips back to yours. fingers lightly claw on his back, careful as to not ruin the colorful wing.
you moved yourself up his bed to make it easier for him to find a better position, your eyes sparkle from the sudden eagerness that yeonjun gives which you reciprocate in an instinct. you felt yeonjun pulling up your shirt making you straighten your arms for him. feeling a breeze on your now less-clothed chest, you close it with your arms. yeonjun pouted in front of you, making you let out a chuckle.
"let me get the courage to do so," you whispered towards him as he sat on his knees in front of you. your eyes gaze towards his little tattoos on his arm and now to his upper body, his lean body with prominent muscles that pop in certain areas, making you feel shivers as you realized that you've been holding onto it.
you slowly move your hand behind to unhook your bra, feeling it loosen as one of the straps fell off your shoulder. yeonjun moves closer to pull it off and kisses the area on top of your breasts. you moved your hands to cover your breasts. yeonjun stares at you, disapproving what you did.
"you're beautiful, you know?" whispering more sweet sayings as he guided your hands to the front of his jeans while starting to kiss the breasts, feeling the bulge underneath the zippers.
yeonjun kisses your skin as he goes down to your stomach, feeling your core ache as each kiss continues. after you nod at him, he starts removing your pants and underwear together, throwing it behind him to the floor, and kisses both of your thighs, making you squirm from the ticklish feeling. you caress his hair, looking at him as he also looks up at you. he teasingly caress your folds with one of his fingers, earning a gasp from you.
"i have to prep you up" he said as he rubs your clit. you hummed and bite your lip as tight as you can, petting his hair.
you felt wetness against your folds, seeing yeonjun's tongue licking you and gazing up, seeing your expression of pleasure. licking your clit, you hold his hair as he plunges his finger into you. his other hand holding onto your thigh, helping you open up with another finger added. you hiss, feeling the coil starting to unwrap itself. the sound of moist starting to become more prominent as he licks your flowing wetness up.
your head falls to his pillow as yeonjun wraps his free hand on one of your thighs, him pushing and pulling his fingers in and out of you as he looks up to see your expression. he smirks as he sees the pleasure on your face. you let out a moan as you felt your walls clench against his fingers, earning a hum from him. you felt that you are ready now.
"i'm rea-ready." yeonjun laughs against your thighs from your trembling voice, the vibration tickling you and you push his head away as you covered your face. he got off the bed and opens the drawer beside it, rummaging through his stuff inside.
"shit! i forgot to buy more condoms." you propped up your head with your hand, not caring about your insecurity as he has seen you almost cum a few moments ago.
"i'll pull out if i wanna cum. you're okay with that?" he continues as you look at him unzipping his jean pants, feeling your wetness flowing out of you, gently pushing his drawer close with your free hand.
you can still pull back, y/n.
but, you trust yeonjun so much that you want to share your pleasure with him.
that's how special he is to you.
"i, i'm fine with that, jun," you said as you sit up, helping yeonjun pull down his pants and boxer as he stood there froze after hearing your agreement. his swollen cock free from the clothing, bumping against his abdomen. you licked your lips as you softly caress him from the tip to the shaft, hearing him lowly groan from how sensitive he is. helping him get more aroused and ready.
"besides, i trust you. yeonjun." you replied as you see yeonjun smile warmly from above you.
he gets on the bed and settles himself between your legs, leaning in close to you as his hand aligns his tip to your opening. you shivered, wrapping your arms around him. you nod to him and feel his tip pushing through your folds. you gasp, bracing yourself as yeonjun pushes himself deeper.
you look down at where he and you are connected. him pushing himself as you look up at him. "shoot, w-wait." he looked at you with his worried eyes. "let me adjust myself. you're big." you quickly cover your mouth after realizing what you said. yeonjun smirks and puts both his elbows beside your head, leaning down and kissing your nose.
"and you're so tight that you snuggle me perfectly." he teases back. you slap his pec and lean up to peck his lips. "push in slowly, please." you continue as the pain subsides.
he kisses you again as you felt his hips meeting yours. your legs instinctively wrap around his hips, ankle locking on top of his butt, earning sounds from both of you.
"fuck!" he groans as he pushes all of him in you. you caress his face, admiring his shining eyes, feeling his cheeks warm, and sweat coming from his forehead.
"when's the last time you fuck?" he questioned, trying to distract you from the pain of him stretching you.
"well, it was the first time i did it, which is like, senior prom. before i go here. how about you?" you heard yeonjun sighing as he bites his lip.
"i forgot when. if i'm gonna be honest, i don't think i ever fuck someone sober." you widen your eyes as he scoffed.
"i know right? i was either high or drunk, maybe both, when i get to fuck someone. and... well... i haven't been with someone since i met you." he caresses your hair out of your forehead. "i think i wasn't in my right mind when i fuck for the first time. how did it feel?"
you let your mind wander to that stupid night that you want to forget with your 'high school prom date,' who actually uses you as a bet that his group of friends makes. where they made a bet with each other to lose their partner's virginity on prom night. you, being the naive girl that you are back then, believed that he approaches you because he actually likes you, as no one ever gives you any attention. your friends were peer pressuring you to accept the guy's promposal, only later at night did he bring you to his home, took your virginity, and immediately bring you home. saying that it was a bet as you open the car door.
"i felt so stupid that moment after i knew." yeonjun mimicks your frown, tracing the creases that formed on your forehead with his fingertips as you try not to fume.
"so, technically, you're first doesn't feel like a first right?" you slowly nod as you squint your eyes. you feel his breath beside your ear after he rested his head beside yours.
"and since i forgot how my first was like, let's make this a moment where we lose our firsts with each other," he whispered.
your heart skips a beat. this yeonjun has shown up every time since you meet up with him again. at first, you thought he was just being flirty. day by day passed, you felt his words starting to become genuine for you. how it warms you even though it is not your kind of conversation. but, everything seems to be right with him.
"i'm ready. you can move now." you bite your lips as yeonjun interlocks his fingers with yours besides your head. you felt him pull out and push back into you.
as it repeats, your ankles wrapping with each other. having eye contact with each other, you saw the sincerity and carefulness in his eyes, letting him see you feeling the pleasure he gives you. you closed your eyes as you felt his lips on you, saliva mixing and swallowing each other moans
"you're so good," you exclaimed against his lips. your hands are now over his back, not caring about the paint that is melting on his back because of the sweat, scratching it because of how good he is making you feel. his thrust now faster.
"you're so good to me," he whispered in your ear. your moans get rapid with each thrust. you need more to chase it down.
"harder! yeonjun, go harder! i can handle it." you said to his ear.
yeonjun pushes his palms against your hipbone, piston into you hard, with one of them rubbing your clit. tears falling down the corner of your eyes. skin sticking because of the sheen of sweat that covered both of your bodies.
as you both moans each other's name, grasping each other's body like you will go away if any of you let go, you felt your body starting to tremble.
"i- i think i'm going to cum." yeonjun suddenly grabs your wrists, putting them above your head and thrust much harder than before, the sounds getting louder, his groans getting louder, your moans getting louder.
"cum for me, (y/n)."
you breathe heavily, your body shaking, seeing flashes behind your eyelids, capturing his mouth to yours, letting him swallow the sounds that you made as you felt your muscle spams. your juice covers your walls and makes him move easier.
"shit! shit! i'm cumming." you felt the emptiness below as yeonjun goes to his knees, his hand now stroking his cock.
you quickly sat up on your knees and move in front of him, not caring how sore you are. "let me help you."
your hand replacing his, stroking his cock. yeonjun leans his head back, his hand helping you by rubbing his balls. you lean forward as your courage pushes you to teasingly lick his tip.
"(y/n), fuck you." earning a giggle from you.
"i... uh... think you did."
you teased him as you felt him shudder, readying yourself to catch his release with your mouth, which you did so in an instinct. you closed your eyes and felt it against your tongue, chin, and cheeks. he groans as he emptied himself and gaze at you. yeonjun brought you to him, letting him taste himself. calming your breaths down, you hold onto his thighs.
as you both pull away, you felt your lower half ache and you want to be closer to him. seeing how yeonjun's pupil dilated with admiration.
"can i sit on your cock?" you ask innocently, which you realized is the complete opposite of that. but, you don't care anymore. yeonjun sneer, letting his tongue out.
"you want another round?" you leaned against him, hiding your face.
"maybe. i just want to stay close to you." he smiled warmly and agree.
letting him sit comfortably, yeonjun lead you to his lap. you align yourself up and let your moans out as you sat on him, slowly pushing yourself down on him. you grasp yourself onto him, hugging him. feeling a thick substance on your palm.
"jun, the painting is ruined. look at this!" you said as you showed your hand and a lower arm full of greyish-yellow color and pointing at the edge of his wing on his upper arm.
he reaches his hand back and quickly rubs them to your body. you squirmed, feeling the thick liquid on your skin and the warmth of his hand. as the both of you gathered as much paint as possible on your palms, you two smeared each other everywhere you both can reach. both of your faces now full of the leftover paint, blotches of grey painted on your skins.
"now we are equal." he held onto your waist, his hand caressing down to your butt.
you hide your face in his shoulder. feeling his neck moving and facing somewhere. "well, i can happily say that we both just created a new art creation here."
you follow his eyes toward the mirror beside the door to his bathroom right across from the bed. seeing the reflection of you on top of his lap, the smear of colors blooming on your skin by both the paints and hickeys he gave you, some white liquid on both of your cheeks. yeonjun looking at you from the reflection and give your cheek a kiss.
an art that can exist somewhere in the world if you found the right place and time. an art that tells a story of two people with enough passion to create synergy. something that you might learn in class later in your college years, but lucky for you, a lesson you just got from you and yeonjun's doing.
"you still don't have some of the colors on you." you say as you lean onto a clean patch of his neck and suck the skin, earning a groan from him. sucking it down to his chest, while yeonjun caress your head, rewarding you with praises. he quickly dives into your breasts as you straighten up, feeling goosebumps forming on your arms. he softly licks your nubs and squeezes the unoccupied one.
"jun..." you moaned his name, seeing the blooming colors on your chest. yeonjun looks up, the sparkly eyes of his reaching out to you. the room is now silent with only your breaths. you lean closer, pressing your chest onto him, letting out voices from both you and him as you felt your walls adjusting to him again.
"i'm glad that you're still here." you mumbled, the corner of his lip lifting up a bit. "i really thought i was alone here. i really thought that i only have this town to anchor me back, because i don't have the people that make me want to stay here with me... other than you." yeonjun puts his forehead against yours.
"i'm so glad that you let me speak my mind to you and share both our concerns with each other." you closed your eyes. "i'm so glad that you also open up to me, letting me know how are you." you felt his hands caressing your back and his nose on yours. "i'm glad that even though we both change so much, we can go back to each other like nothing change."
yeonjun kisses your forehead many times and hugs you, resting his head on your shoulder. your heart beats helping you to calm down with you caressing him back.
thinking back on how you both have interacted back then. you got the feeling that he will be an important part of you someday. first meeting him when you were so young and him being your first friend. seeing how it evolves with you beside him at his lowest and him at yours. you feel like you are each other's version of each other. even though you didn't grow up and become the exact carbon copy of each other in your styles and personality, something within the both of your beings connects you two. that feeling made you both join up after a long time away and instantly click with each other.
"thank you" he whispered, you look at his face. "for trusting me." his eyes fluttered, "for listening to me and letting me listen to you." you smiled and cupped his cheek. "i truly never know what will i do these days without you."
you peck his lips. yeonjun smirks but suddenly yawns, which made you giggle and he grabs his wrinkled flannel shirt that you wore hanging by the bedside and asks you to wipe his back. preparing you both to sleep.
both of you now are one.
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taglist: @bubblejunnies @rein-deer-stuffs @papiibuprofen @kookthief @endzii23 @xiaoting999 @soobsfairy444 @xxunmeixsenpaixx​ @stayzentiny​
can’t tag: @meowchikatt
© writingmochi on tumblr, 2021-2024. all rights reserved
100 notes · View notes
fbfh · 3 years
I think you've horribly misread the situation [shitty roommate pt 2] - leo x reader
wc: 2.3k
genre: contemporary drama, you're definitly going to get second hand embarrassment, cozy fluff
pairing: leo x reader, attempted isabella x leo
reader: gender neutral, they/them
requested: hell yeah
warnings: mild swearing, roommate tries to steal your man once again, mentions of various mainstream vampire media (twilight, the vampire diaries etc.), brief mention of castlevania (even though i haven't seen it yet lol), breif mention of videogames and assassins creed, very mild delusion (roommate is secretly convinced leo is a vampire that's in love with her), attempted age gap relationship (she's 17 and leo's 19, he shuts that down real fast), very bad poetry
summary: You and Leo are both looking foward to spending a long weekend together, and Leo is determined not to let anything interrupt it, even if it means turning down your roommate's attempts to seduce him in the kitchen.
a/n: absolutley no hate or shade or judgement to anyone who has the same or similar traits as isabella!!!!!! at her core she's annoying because she's the antagonist, not bc of any isolated trait or traits
also she's shitty cause she keeps trying to steal your boyfriend?????
Edit: I forgot to mention before, but this is a college au where you're both still demigods, so you went to camp and on quests and stuff together
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This weekend is going to be all about recharging. Recharging from the ridiculous back to back closing and opening shifts at work, recharging from having to redo that stupid project twice because your professor couldn’t decide on a clear way to define the criteria, and recharging from Isabella having her townie friend Regan over almost non stop to “completely shake up her look” as she put it.
Between the constant presence of someone you’d barely consider an acquaintance and Big Time Rush’s self titled album blasting on repeat out of her giant airpod shaped speaker, it’s been harder than usual to get in some effective self care. You have no idea how many more times you can hear the phrase “I’m going for Jade West meets Elena Gilbert, with just a little Buffy Summers” before you lose your fucking mind.
Thankfully, the hard part is almost over. There’s some minor holiday tomorrow on friday, so you and Leo both have a three day weekend ahead of you, which you intend to spend entirely together. You planned ahead, frontloading homework, chores, errands, and everything you could think of to remove anything that isn’t cuddling or playing video games and watching netflix together from your horizon.
This includes going straight from work to the grocery store to stock the fridge and get any snacks you and Leo want. You had texted him a while ago asking for anything he was craving, and head into the store with a concrete list. After a while, you circle around some aisles, avoiding the check out.
“I feel like I’m forgetting something,” you muse, knowing it’s untrue, but hoping to trigger a memory anyway. You can’t put it off any longer, finally checking out and heading back to your apartment. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t avoiding Isabella just a little.
You know bringing in all these groceries would be way easier with Isabella and possibly Regan’s help, but you just don’t have the social energy to talk to anyone, much less her, right now. By some miracle, you bring everything in yourself, and hope to get it put away before you see Isabella.
You turn to the freezer, putting away the ice cream. When you turn back around, you’re suddenly met face to face with Isabella, who has opened one of the boxes and is picking at a pastry.
“Hey girlie,” she says, elongating the hey.
“Hey,” you reply lethargically, putting the last of the groceries away. She looks at the pastry in her hand like she’s just noticing it.
“Sorry, I can’t help it, I’m italian.” She smiles, endeared by her own behavior. You have no idea what being italian has to do with asking before you open a box of your roommate’s food, but this really isn’t out of character for her. She brings up the fact that she’s half italian more than Lele Pons blames her behavior on being latina.
She’s wearing sweatpants that say chaser on the leg in red and gold varsity font, and a tight tee shirt that says “it’s okay to love them both” with silhouettes of the male love interests from one of the vampire shows she always watches. You collect the plastic bags to put in recycling, and see a piece of paper on the counter.
It reads as follows:
Drowning in my mind
No one hears me cry
Who was I before society
Before society put me in a pink dress
And handed me blonde hair dye
And told me to lose ten pounds or be labeled a freak?
The happiest people cry the most
Let the lyrics be your story
But I’m not like the other skinny blonde pretty girls
-b.g. xox
You hold back a sigh.
“I think this is yours.” you say, handing it to her.
“Oh, it’s just some of my poetry I left lying around, that’s so embarrassing.”
I know, you think, you do that all the time.
“Did you read it?” She asks, hopefully.
“Thank god, that would have been so embarrassing. My poetry is something really… deep, and personal to me.”
“Uh huh. Hey, I’m going to be doing a lot of self care this weekend, so-”
“Oh!” she interjects, eerily similar to Phoebe Buffay - you guess she’s been watching friends again - “I wanted to ask… is Leo coming over later?” Her voice is riddled with subtext, the expression on her face a little too invested in your answer.
“Uh, yeah. I told you the other day we’re spending the weekend together…”
She cuts you off again, a sudden, intense look on her face.
“When will he be here?”
You check your phone, scrolling through your recent texts.
“By 7 at the latest.” It’s around 6:40 now.
“Oh my god, I have to change,” she rushes back to her room, presumably digging through her recent additions to her closet.
You’re frozen for a minute after the interaction, left with a furrowed brow and the beginnings of a headache. You blink, then choose to reschedule processing why she feels the need to change for your boyfriend to a more convenient time. That’s enough of that for today. You don’t care what else happens, you’re not talking to anyone besides Leo for at least the rest of the day. You retreat to your room to finally shower and change into something comfy. As you pass by Isabella’s room, you hear her talking to Regan.
“...There’s something almost… supernatural about him.”
You bite back a laugh.
“Do you think he’s a…” Regan begins, ending the sentence with something too quiet to hear, but you’d bet almost any organ she said vampire.
So close. So, so close, and yet… here you are.
Not much later, Leo texts you to let you know he’s here. You read his text, and run out to hug him in the living room before even typing a reply. He picks you up, and spins you around. The embrace is warm and fulfilling and familiar, and you wish it would last forever.
“Hi, Sparky.” you murmur into his neck.
“Estrella…” he says, rocking you back and forth gently and pressing a kiss into your jawline, “I missed you so much.” He punctuates the sentence with another kiss, this one to your lips, and you smile more genuinely than you have all day. You’re about to agree when you remember the good news you’ve been saving to tell him in person.
“Guess what I got on sale for like, half off,” you start, excitedly, continuing at his invested expression, “the Assassin’s Creed bundle I showed you!”
“No way,” he starts, and you nod.
“I’ll go get everything set up, drinks are in the kitchen!” He watches you retreat into your room, disbelieving how he could possibly get someone as perfect as you to fall for him. He’s not going to question his luck. He grabs a couple caffeinated sparkling ices, and meets you in your room, setting down his bag and grabbing some comfy clothes to change into.
As you both get settled in, you fill each other in on all the ridiculous shit you’ve been through this week. You finally conclude the bizarre - yet somehow standard - Isabella escapades.
“So I will be avoiding all contact as much as possible,” you laugh.
“Yeah, no shit,” he agrees, “Consider me your human buffer.” You thank him, hugging him again and pressing a kiss to his lips.
The next couple hours are spent cuddling and finishing season 4 of Castlevania. Both reeling from the season finale, you agree this is a good place to take a break, get some food, and decide what game you should start with. It’s already 10pm, which most people would consider too late for dinner, but you have all weekend to fuck up your sleep schedules.
“Let’s review,” Isabella says, holding up two red lipsticks. She turns to Regan. “Which one?”
“That one,” Regan says, pointing to the one on the left, then turns to her list, and continues. “Here’s what we know; we’ve never seen him eat, and he never seems tired. He’s really smart-”
“Almost too smart,” Isabella adds, selecting black rose dangle earrings from her jewelry. Regan agrees, and continues.
“He’s almost hypnotically attractive, and his smile is a little too dazzling.”
“There’s something… supernatural about him. Like he’s not… all human.”
Regan writes this down.
“Plus he’s always wearing black and red, and those flowy button up shirts? It’s all adding up, Ree. That dream that someone was outside my window, the ring, everything…” She says, referencing the black and red cocktail ring she’d found with her stuff when she’d first moved, “I’m not saying it’s definite, just that… there’s a chance.”
“What about…” Regan says hesitantly, nodding toward your room.
“Please,” she scoffs, “he’s only with them to get close to me, like Damon and Caroline. Edward couldn’t have just approached Bella out of the blue, he had to infiltrate her friend group first, to seem less suspicious. Not to sound mean or anything, but they really don’t seem like the type someone… like him… would choose.” her voice gets dreamy when she mentions him.
In spite of having seen most mainstream vampire media almost as many times as Isabella, Regan still considers her the expert on these things, and decides not to point out that Edward didn’t infiltrate Bella’s friend group. Maybe it comes up in one of the retellings she hasn’t read yet.
“So, what now?”
Isabella sets down her lipstick, and turns to her friend.
“I tell him.”
Regan’s eyes widen.
“You’re going to tell him you know?”
“No… not yet. It’s too soon, we don’t have enough evidence. I’m going to tell him I know he’s in love with me, then once he’s secure in our relationship... we’ll see where it goes.”
She stands up, assessing herself in the mirror. She chose her outfit carefully; short red dress with black roses and black mesh collar, black rose bracelet to match her earrings, snug faux leather jacket, and black stiletto ankle booties with a very skinny heel, the zipper on the outside gold, not silver. She fluffs her wavy hair and turns towards the door. She looks back one more time, holding onto the doorway.
“Wish me luck.”
Leo enters the kitchen, seeing Isabella already there, leaning against the counter seductively. She’s wearing an outfit and jewelry this late at night that makes Leo wonder if she’s going to an emo tea party. He puts the takeout in the microwave. She’s still staring at him.
“Uh… hey.”
She lets out a dainty giggle, looking him up and down.
“... Hi.”
At a loss for words, and really wanting the awkward silence to be over, he continues, “Did you need something?”
“What I need,” she walks closer to him, tracing her finger over his collar, “is you.”
What the fuck?
His brain seems to stall for a moment, and she uses this opportunity to continue.
“I know why you’re here. I know that you’re only using them to get closer to me. I know-”
“That you’re in love with me.”
Okay, double what the fuck.
She takes his stunned silence as shyness, and steps closer, putting her arms around his shoulders.
“You don’t need to play so coy, I-”
This time she’s the one that gets cut off. He grabs her arms and gently steps away, trying to make it abundantly clear that he’s not into this.
“Woah, okay, slow down. First of all, you’re 17 and I’m turning 20 in a couple months, so that’s a hard no. Second, I don’t know where you got this idea, but I am not dating them to get closer to you. We’ve known each other since we were like, 15, and have been through everything together. I’ve only known you for a couple months. I love them. Probably more than I’ve loved anything ever. I thought that was pretty obvious.”
He doesn’t want to be mean, he really doesn’t, but he can tell from the look on her face that she still thinks this is all part of some game.
“So why don’t I ever see you eat? Why are you so smart, and always up at night? I know what you are.”
He has to physically hold back a laugh. He takes a step back, and places his hands on the counter.
“Isabella, I have adhd. And I’m literally an engineering student. Why wouldn’t I be smart and have a shitty sleep schedule?”
She starts to protest, and he pulls out the reheated take out from the microwave.
“And for the record, I do eat.”
Exiting the kitchen quickly and retreating back to your room, he hands you your food.
“I got the game set up!” you say excitedly.
You take one look at his face and can tell something happened. He sees this, and continues.
“I just had a very… interesting interaction with Isabella,” before he finishes the sentence, your head is already in your hands. You let out a groan.
“What did she do?” you mutter from behind your hands.
He pulls you into his lap, rubbing your back.
“I’m not totally sure,” you laugh, “but I think she thinks I’m secretly in love with her…” you’re both laughing before he can even finish the sentence.
“No…” you laugh, “no fucking way…”
“Believe me, I put an end to that as soon as it started.”
“Oh, I do.”
He runs his hand over your back, and you’re quiet for a moment.
“You know,” he continues, “I think getting our own place has definitely moved up the priority list.”
You couldn’t agree more.
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bbq-hawks-wings · 3 years
Nope. The piercings came from Cristiano Ronaldo, and while we're here. What do you think made Hawks "free?" The August 2019 interview said he became a yes man for the HPSC so they could protect his identity/self, and I liked the idea that he only worked with them so he could be a hero/only allowed himself to because they were useful/an acceptable evil to get more progress, etc, probably something Robin explained once but I forgot. Now it looks like it was a threat to ruin his career that did it.
(+) I think we could still say it was because he didn't want to stop being a hero, and if the HPSC can so easily ruin his career/prevent him from saving people, then of course he'd agree to the infiltration since its what's letting him continue to save, even if not his preferred method. I have to say though, if they can threaten him with this, does it mean they'd actually do it? Thought they valued Hawks more than that. Guess not? Is this "wonder child" years long investment so replaceable.
(+) Back to my original question. "What made Hawks free?" the release of his history, so the HPSC cant control him through it anymore. Or them being shut down? Probably both, so we go all the way with freedom instead of 50 percent. Hes free from having to work with them, and hes free from keeping secrets. Its one less burden on both fronts. Now I guess, he might be able to come to terms with everything and use it to be the hero he wanted to be. "that child" could reach hearts better than "Hawks"
(You're right, anon 1, I couldn't remember and don't follow sports so I have next to no idea who these athletes are.)
And a different anon whose question I've been trying to get to for a while! 😭
Oh shit. I'm late, but I think I figured it out. That panel where Hawks takes off his mask, saying he's free of his shackles and right below it is the scene with his mom holding his hand? That has a grip on him, like a shackle. His past, his memories, his underlying care and obligations towards his parents, its all gone now. That's why he's free. Dabi released the truth, the HPSC has shut down, his mom ran away. He's alone, but he's free. Everything he knew has let him go. Its sad, its peaceful.
I think you're both right, and I think it was the combination of his mother running away and the HPSC dissolving that broke off his shackles completely, and I think it's because of an innocuous but even more sinister detail from his arrangement.
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Hawks doesn't make money and send it to his mom - it's the HPSC that signs her checks.
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If Hawks rebelled there's a chance they would deprive his mother to get him back in line. He's at a point where he doesn't care about his own future or reputation, but his mother was at risk as well; and despite going no contact for most of his life he still feels obligated to keep her safe.
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He thought she was the source of the leak, but he still got out of the hospital and personally went to her house to check on her and see if she was safe. If she had still been there, it may not have been unlikely that he was prepared to make arrangements to continue to provide for her when the commission couldn't any longer.
His mother said in her letter, "I don't want to cause you any more trouble" and ran away, presumably months ago. He probably could have her tracked down again, but he knows she doesn't want to be found and she gave him permission to completely leave her behind.
He doesn't have anyone holding anything over his head anymore - not orders, not threat of depriving his family, and not guilt for not being there or providing. He can dive in head first and put all his chips on the table. Nothing is holding him back anymore.
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Rubble (platonic! avengers x reader)
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Okay so this was a request by @breadgenie892​ who I want to thank since tHiS iS mY fiRsT rEqUeSt oMgEEE but also I’m sorry in advance if this isn’t what u were expecting 
word count: 1714
warnings: blood, mission gone wrong, talks of being trapped in a small space, injuries, and yeahhh
       “Stupid comms,” Y/N huffed, tearing out her earpiece and throwing it to the ground when all she could hear from it was static. She didn’t expect the mission to go the way it did, but there she was, under a collapsed piece of concrete, barely even giving her space to move.
       Then again, where the hell could she go? Her foot was trapped under a piece of scaffolding, the flat metal nearly cutting through the material of her boot…HER BOOT!
       She remembered the trick she pulled on Natasha before she left for her mission. She struggled to reach into the holster of her boot, but she struggled to move with all the cuts and bruises all oover her body. Finally, she managed to reach into her calf pocket to pull out Natasha’s phone.
       By some miracle, the phone didn’t crack! She wracked her brain in an attempt to remember the spy’s password. Her brain zoned into the one and only day Nat told her the password.
       “C’mon Y/N, you’re a spy! You can do this,” she mumbled to herself as she typed every character in Nat’s password until finally the screen changed into that of her homescreen!
       She shuffled to go to the messages app and went to the Avengers groupchat to make her final statement to them. A call for help with the undertones of goodbye.
       “Hey, it’s y/n. I was sent on a mission earlier, as you know, but things went to shit. A building collapsed on me and I’m trapped under everything,” Y/N paused, trying to figure out what to tell them next.
       “I’m sorry I won’t make it for our team dinner later, or ever at this point. At least I don’t have to eat Wanda’s attempts at cooking,” the h/c-haired girl chuckled as a tear rolled down her cheek, clearing a path through the dust and ash on her face. She really didn’t want to say goodbye but she knew she had to.
       “Please, don’t blame yourselves for this. There was no way for you to know anyways, right? My years as an avenger were the best years of my life and even though we’ve been through a lot, I’d never trade those years for anything. Before I began working as an Avenger, I didn’t bother making friends at S.H.I.E.L.D. I saw them all as temporary people I’d only be working with occasionally,” Y/N admitted as tears began flowing freely from her eyes. You could hear her gasping for air as she sobbed. Y/N wasn’t the type to cry. Not in front of anyone. It would’ve hurt the team when they heard her words.
       “You guys were the first group of people I was able to connect with and I’m grateful for that. I love you guys so much, in case I forgot to tell you that recently,” Y/N smiled, reminiscing on her times with her friends.
       “I’m sorry this had to happen. Please tell Nat I’m sorry for stealing her phone,” she chuckled before pressing send on the screen.
       After ending the recording, she just sat there, sobbing freely as she ignored the pain that overtook her body with every ragged breath she took.
       Meanwhile, at the tower, Wanda rushed out her bedroom to let everyone know what she just heard as her mascara ran down her pale cheek, leaving everyone confused.
       “Wanda? What happened?” Nat rushed to her side, helping the girl to the couch.
       “It’s Y/N. Her mission went wrong and s-she sent something to the groupchat,” Wanda sobbed into Natasha’s hair as she handed her phone over. Nat knew it must have been important so she linked the phone to the speaker.
       Everyone was now paying attention to the recording that began playing, instantly recognizing the pain in their teammate’s voice. They had no clue of what went down in her mission, making them regret not bothering to go with her all because the e/c-eyed girl promised them she would be able to handle the mission without their help.
       Everyone grew restless with every word that left Y/N’s mouth, her soft sobs tearing holes into their hearts. They wanted to be there for her, and reassure her that everything would be fine but even they weren’t sure about that.
       By the time the recording ended, everyone was pacing, struggling to express how they felt with the situation. They were all searching their brains for a way to help Y/N but from the sounds of her sobs, even the optimistic girl figured it was the end for her. Tony, ever the genius, did the next best thing they could…
       “F.R.I.D.A.Y, put Nick Fury on the line,” he demanded as the A.I responded with a simple beep before the line began to ring.
       “Stark, what the hell do you need from me?” Fury demanded, sounding about as stressed as the Avengers were feeling.
       “Y/N. What happened to her mission?” Tony demanded, hearing an audible huff of frustration from the other line.
       “Our bomb diffusing team weren’t able to diffuse all the bombs on time and they were told to evacuate everyone. Y/N insisted on following through with the mission which was to gather intel. Before she could get out, the building collapsed on her. We can’t even tell if she’s alive anymore,” Fury spoke with honestly, his last words leaving a bitter taste in the Avengers’ mouths. Were they going to presume her dead before they called? Were they going to stop looking for her?
       “Well, she’s alive, Fury,” Steve huffed, growing impatient with the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.
       “We sent a search and rescue team in the rubble, but even they’re beginning to lose hope in finding Agent L/N,” Fury admitted.
       “Bullshit! Y/N is alive somewhere under all that rubble. It was your people that put her in this situation and it better be your people that get her out or there’ll be consequences,” Bucky snarled, his metal fist connecting with a nearby wall, shattering the concrete.
       “You know what, Fury? We’re coming over there. We will find our Y/N. Avengers, suit up,” Steve snarled before walking into his room to change into his suit.
       The avengers got suited up so quickly, it may have been a new record for them. Finding Y/N was their priority and they sure as hell would be damned if they didn’t.
       They all gathered in the Quinjet as they flew to the location of Y/N’s mission, their hearts beating in their chests as they waited anxiously to arrive.
       Their hearts nearly broke when they saw the state the “building” was in. Everything was in ruin and thinking about the fact that somewhere, under there, Y/N was counting every second near her death broke them.
       “Split up. We need to cover as much surface area as possible. If there are any signs of Y/N being anywhere, call everyone immediately. It’s crucial we get her out from under all this ASAP. We don’t know the extent of her injuries and the sooner they’re treated, the better,” Steve commanded before immediately running off into the rubble in search of Y/N.
       The search was grueling. Their muscles were sore from carrying bits and pieces of concrete away from where they were in hopes of finding her, their throats went sore from screaming out her name, their faces were covered in dust from the rubble.
       They spent hours and their bodies nearly gave out before Rhodey heard a rhythmic tapping near his location accompanied by the sound of dry sobs. His find cleared up with his newfound strength, he ran while yelling into his comms. They found Y/N!
       “Y/N! Are you down there?” he yelled into a gap between two large pieces of concrete. He heard the sobs halt before he heard shuffling beneath the concrete.
       “Rhodey? Is that you? Fuck, help me, please!” Y/N yelled with her voice hoarse from all the sobbing.
       “She’s here!” Rhodey yelled out as he tried pulling the large piece of rubble off her, but even with his War Machine suit, he only found the concrete budging a little.
       When everyone else saw what their suited friend was attempting to do, they all rushed to his aid to push it away from Y/N. When they freed her from the confining bits of concrete, she tried pulling herself out to engulf them all in a hug, only flinching when she realized her whole foot was still under the sharp scaffolding.
       “She’s stuck!” Bucky pointed out, immediately trying to slowly clear away everything weighing on her leg.
       He frowned when he realized the last thing he needed to pull out, the small piece of scaffolding, was cutting into her flesh and pulling it away could have made everything worse.
       “We’re going to have to cut this away. We can’t take it out or else she’ll lose more blood,” Bucky stated, motioning to the piece of metal.
       “On it,” Tony huffed with determination before using a minute laser to cut into the metal, closely avoiding contact with Y/N’s skin.
       When she realized she was finally free, Y/N tried to stand, but failed when her muscles gave out from lack of use. Steve and Wanda rushed to her side to help her into the Quinjet. There, they set her onto a medical bed as she tried her best to keep from falling asleep, knowing it could have been dangerous.
       When they got back to the tower, they immediately began treatment for all her injuries. She spent 14 days in a medical-induced coma and there was always an avenger by her side at every second of the day. None of them wanted her to be alone when she woke up and they sure as hell didn’t want her alone ever again.
TAGLIST: @sxphiiwrld​ @the-romanian-is-bae​ (i’m tagging u cuz I loved how you said this would turn out great :))
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taichoh · 3 years
old friend
pairing: hitsukarin word count: 5298 (oopsies) warnings: none note: this is my self-indulgent fix-it fic because i can. technically post-canon, there's a hint of ichiruki but this is about my babies, who aren't babies anymore. :') ao3 link
Upon entering her adult years, Karin was coming to terms with her growing list of responsibilities, wishing she was just a kid again when the list was much smaller. Everyone can relate to missing things from their childhood, kicking a soccer ball around on a summer day, only having to stress about a simple book assignment instead of the plethora of things you’d worry about now, coming home to a full house even if it was chaos sometimes.. Most of the time. The house wasn’t quiet now, but it wasn’t as chaotic either. Karin missed it.
Ever since Ichigo decided to live the rest of his life in the Soul Society, things calmed down a bit. She was happy for him, he’d gotten a semblance of his life back after the Winter War, but it only took a couple years for him to crave a different life. She saw how morose her brother had gotten going day by day without a certain short black haired, newly appointed captain, and it only took him this long to realize some things everyone else could plainly see.
The Human World was boring anyway. She wouldn’t tell anyone yet, but she planned to follow in her brother’s footsteps. Karin wanted to wait much longer of course, for a multitude of reasons, one being she was stubborn and wanted to do what she set out to, fully prepared to hurdle any obstacles, and there were plenty.
But now she’s here, having finished school and now fully runs the family clinic with her sister. For a while their dad was with them, but after a very heartfelt conversation and a boatload of tissues, they all agreed that his time in this world was up as well. It was funny, how instead of his daughters, he was leaving the nest and going back home where he was welcomed, especially after the war. They missed him but Karin and Yuzu didn’t miss how much easier it was for their dad to smile whenever he visited. Still, with their brother and dad in a different world, reaching out wasn’t as easy as a phone call away, though Karin figured it wouldn’t be long before Urahara remedied that with yet another invention.
She still hangs out with old and new friends, but feigning disregard to Yuzu’s nagging about finding someone to settle down with was getting old. And so was she. Well not really, but she felt old. She was only in her 20s but she considered herself old when she found a gray hair in her hairbrush. It was most likely stress but regardless, the next thing would be wrinkles or joint pains and the stress from that is just gonna cause more grays to show up so really there’s no upside. She missed the days before puberty, and how much she didn’t care about her appearance. She doesn’t much these days either, but even Karin, with her confidence, had a list of insecurities that piled up over the years. It was part of being human she supposed. She missed when all she worried about was beating the stupid juniors at soccer, getting a scrape on her knee, grass stains, etc.. But she was skirting around the elephant in her room. She couldn’t ignore it any longer. She missed him. A lot. A huff escaped her as she stood at the sink in the bathroom connected to the clinic. She was watching the last of the suds from the soap disappear down the drain when she thought of him for what felt like the first time in ages. But it hadn’t been ages, she thought of him just a couple of days ago, when Yuzu mentioned yet again that she noticed how lonely Karin seemed. It was a bit harsh but Yuzu was right, and Karin knew she was just worried for her sister. “Have you talked to Hitsugaya recently?” The question caught her off guard and made her stop halfway from spooning more soup into her mouth. The answer was no. They hadn’t talked in quite a long time. She half expected to see him amidst the aftermath of the war, but she assumed he had a lot on his plate, so the idea was dismissed. “We barely talk to Ichigo or dad Yuzu, they’re all busy over there.” She knew it was bullshit the second it left her mouth. Acting nonchalant was getting harder and harder around Yuzu, because even though Karin is skilled at it, her sister was one of a handful of people that could break down those walls with a single push. The others are her brother and a boy with snow white hair and eyes you want to swim in, as much as she hates to admit it.
“But I remember you guys being pretty close, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind you reaching out... I know you miss him.” It was so embarrassing being read so easily, and it was making her lose her appetite. “Yuzu he’s a captain, he’s got plenty on his plate as it is.” I’m sure I’m the last thing on his mind. “So is Rukia and she along with the rest of the gang visits us ! And from what we’ve heard from Ichigo and Dad, things have been going pretty smoothly.” Yuzu had a point. The last time they saw their family including Rukia was maybe a month ago. Karin was just getting in her head. She knew Toshiro probably wasn’t that busy but she also knew that he wasn’t the type to sit and do nothing. He was a busybody. When he wasn’t eating, sleeping, or visiting her, he was working. And when the time between his last visit continued to stretch, she figured he must have been as busy as can be. Or, maybe he forgot about me. “Toshiro would never forget you!” Yuzu shouted across from the table, making Karin jump and her cheeks flush. Did she say that last part out loud? “I can’t believe you would even entertain the idea! No one could forget you !” Even in an accusatory insulting tone, Karin knew Yuzu was being pragmatic. She always was. Karin groaned and hung her head over her dinner, not wanting to look at Yuzu’s disappointed glare. “I know,” she said dejectedly. “It’s just... A lot has changed. There was a war, we’ve graduated, Ichigo and Dad moved out. It’s been a while.” Karin couldn’t even remember the last time she saw him. It’s been years. Karin was a full fledged adult in her 20s. She wondered if he’d grown an inch or two by now. She missed whenever he’d roll his eyes at her height jokes. “Well I think it’s been long enough.” It seemed Yuzu was going to take matters into her own hands. Getting up from her seat, Yuzu started gathering their empty plates and explained her plan,“Ichigo, Rukia, and Dad are coming to dinner soon, so when they go back you are going with them.” This made Karin open her mouth to object but was immediately cut off, “And don’t use that excuse about leaving me alone. I can take care of myself, and I can call Jinta if I need to.” Karin sunk into her seat as she watched her sister clean up their dinner. Yuzu’s mind was made up, and Karin knew better than to argue with her. Every Kurosaki had the potential to be increasingly scary when they wanted to and that included Yuzu. Karin shivered at being at the mercy of her sister’s wrath hidden under that bubbly exterior.
So, it was happening. She was going to the Soul Society. To see Toshiro. After years of no contact. That’s fine. The more she thought about it the more her thoughts turned intrusive, and it was taking everything in her to not punch her reflection. That would end up with bloody knuckles and a broken mirror, so all Karin could do was take another breath, and leave the bathroom. Yuzu’s plan was panning out, as days from their conversation, their little family reconvened over dinner and it was time for them to go back home. Karin excused herself to go to the bathroom and grab her bag of necessities that Yuzu forced her to pack because apparently her trip was extended to a couple of days and not hours as Karin presumed. When it was announced, Yuzu simply explained she had some extra work to do so she would join next time, which everyone accepted much too easily. “You ready?” Ichigo asked as Karin rejoined them all on the main floor. Karin nodded and gave Yuzu a small smile which she mirrored and nodded as if to say ‘good luck’. The four of them filed onto the empty street and before she knew it they were walking through the Senkaimon. Isshin and Ichigo walked a couple steps behind Karin and Rukia as they walked the dark path that was the Dangai. Karin had only done this a handful of times, to visit her family but it still gave her chills everytime she made the trip. “So, you got anything planned?” Rukia’s voice broke her out of her reverie. She glanced over to see Rukia smirking, looking a little too proud for Karin’s liking. What she could be insinuating?
“Uh, not really.” Karin tried her best to seem nonchalant, but Rukia was getting better at reading Kurosaki’s much to Karin’s chagrin. Her only plan was to see Toshiro, but she’d probably visit some others. A simple little reunion. Part of her wanted to confide in Rukia, but she had a feeling Rukia would absolutely make sure this reunion happened. She gulped willing her anxieties to shut the hell up. “Ooh, I see, so Captain Hitsugaya has no idea you’re coming.” “How did you-” “Oh please, I’m not as dense as your brother,” Karin suddenly appreciated the distance between them and the two idiots behind them, who looked to be having their own conversation after she took a glance over her shoulder. “Plus Yuzu might have filled me in.” Her smug grin made Karin’s blush deepen but there was no hiding it.
“You can’t say anything!” Karin kept her voice low but still full of urgency, which Rukia took in earnest. “Of course Karin! I would never! Unless you wanted me to, and I won’t say anything if you feel the need to deck the Captain in the face, though I have a feeling you won’t want to-” “Why would I want to punch Toshiro?” Has he done something? What did he do? Does he have a girlfriend? What happened? Her mind was racing at Rukia’s admission and the urge to turn around and go back home popped into her head.
Rukia only sighed at Karin’s confusion, “Well according to Yuzu, it’s been a long time for you two. And he never reached out. When me and Ichigo parted ways when he lost his powers, I couldn’t reach out to him as much as I wanted to. And I wanted to. So badly,” Rukia’s voice turned solemn and Karin relaxed, suddenly thinking about how much she envied their relationship. They were so good together, and they’ve been through so much, yet they managed to traverse all those obstacles and found each other again.
Karin vaguely wondered if she’d ever have that kind of connection with someone. Suddenly Toshiro’s name was written all over her mind, but she was getting ahead of herself. Just because she’s had a crush on him for years and years doesn’t mean he feels the same. He could already be with someone for all she knew. Rukia was right, Karin might want to punch Toshiro after all.
“Anyway, he’s had all this time and he hasn’t visited! I’ll have you know things have been just fine in the Seireitei, so really there’s no excuse.” Rukia sounded like Yuzu, and they both had a point, but- “That could go both ways though.” Karin admitted, frowning and going to scratch the back of her neck. “Well I suppose, but I still think the Captain should’ve done something. He always visited you didn’t he?” “Yeah, but I’ve been to the Soul Society before, and I chose not to go see him or anything.” “Why not? That doesn’t seem like you.” Rukia was so right. It was not like Karin at all. If she was her younger self she’d kick down his door and demand him to abandon all paperwork for a game of soccer. But that was younger Karin, who barely considered her crush on the Captain of the Tenth. This was older Karin, now an adult who had to deal with her feelings. Ugh. “I know. I guess I didn’t want to bother him. He is a Captain and all. And now that I’m older I kind of understand that it’s a lot of responsibility.” Once again, she was spouting absolute bullshit and Rukia was prone to picking up on it after dealing with this family for so long. “I’m disappointed in you Karin,” She said with a hint of mockery, not meaning it wholeheartedly, but still being genuine, “It might not be my place to say, but I know I’m not the only one that noticed how much happier Captain Hitsugaya was in your company. Don’t forget I’m a Captain myself, does that mean you think my relationship with your brother hinders me in being one?” “Of course not! I never meant to-” Karin exclaimed, immediately sorry for her backwards thinking, but instead Rukia chuckled. “I know, I’m just saying. You’re right in that we have a lot of responsibilities as Captains, but you know Hitsugaya, he’ll take on more than he needs to, and you were always good at reminding him there was more to life than paperwork.” A couple moments passed as Rukia’s words sunk in. Karin considered herself an adult but she still had so much to learn. She was so grateful she had someone like Rukia to show a different perspective. Karin had to admit, she had definitely mastered the art of handling a Kurosaki. They’re family was so crazy and complicated and Rukia had no problem at all. In the back of her mind Karin reminded herself to kick her brother’s teeth in if he didn’t propose soon. There was a difference though. Ichigo and Rukia lived in the same world. Karin and Toshiro did not have that luxury. But that thought was for another time. Just focus on one thing at a time. Soon Karin was squinting when a bright light washed over the group as they entered the Soul Society. The sky above them was blue with only a couple of clouds hanging, a gentle breeze wrapped itself around Karin, and she felt oddly relaxed. She regrets not visiting more often, this could easily become her second home.
“Well it’s about time!” Karin noticed the voice immediately and watched the beautiful woman with strawberry blonde hair walk up to them. “Lieutenant Matsumoto! What brings you here? We weren’t expecting a welcome party.” Rukia chimed in for Karin, who smiled at Rangiku. Just like it had been a while since she’d seen Toshiro, it had been a while for everyone else too. Rangiku and Karin managed to strike up a friendship when Karin was confronted by Toshiro’s second during one of their visits to the human world. Karin got that ‘don’t hurt him, or I
I’ll hurt you’ talk, which Karin quickly concurred and vowed to be a good friend to him. It shocked Karin to see her jaunty personality freeze over to solemnity, and immediately melt again after the serious words were said. She knew Rangiku wasn’t an idiot, she wasn’t a Lieutenant for nothing. Above all she was glad Toshiro had her. “I heard Karin was coming to visit so I wanted to come say hi!” And when she meant ‘hi’, that meant suffocating Karin in her bosom, and not for the first time. Though after learning first hand about Rangiku’s affectionate nature, she could understand how someone like Toshiro found it a tad aggravating. Karin smiled up at her as she pulled back from the hug, “It’s nice to see you again Rangiku.” “Likewise,” Rangiku smiled gently and stepped back, “So what does Karin Kurosaki have planned for this visit?” She seemed much too hopeful for some reason, and Karin had a feeling she knew what it entailed. Again, Rangiku wasn’t an idiot. But lying wasn’t Karin’s forte so she might as well be honest. “I was gonna visit Toshiro, if he isn’t busy.” She gulped. Rangiku’s eyes lit up like it was Christmas morning, squealing and giving Karin another hug that once again suffocated her. Seems like that was exactly what she wanted to hear. “Oh wonderful! He’s not busy at all, and he’ll be overjoyed to see you! You really grew up didn’t you?” Rangiku’s narrowed gaze and lilted voice made Karin blush. Her tone was definitely suggestive but she wasn’t wrong. Karin had a small growth spurt amidst puberty, her hair got longer, still in a ponytail. “Who knew you’d grow up into such a beautiful woman?” She didn’t know how but her cheeks flushed even more. “Wait until the Captain sees you-” “Rangiku!” Karin exclaimed, throwing her hands up to cover her face, suddenly feeling self conscious. Not only at Rangiku’s boldness but the fact that Rangiku, who was one of the most beautiful women she’d met, just complimented her like that. Rangiku only laughed, brushing a lock of hair behind her shoulder. “Come on let’s go!” Suddenly Karin was being dragged away to the 10th barracks no doubt, left to look over her shoulder to watch Rukia smirk and give a wave before turning to leave the gate as well. Rangiku let Karin catch her breath, and they walked in silence, until Karin had a thought, “I can’t help but wonder if Toshiro’s grown at all, like an inch maybe? He told me you guys aged differently here.” “Oh yes, we do! I haven’t done much aging in a looong time. Kind of a perk dontcha think? I’ve looked like this for ages,” Rangiku smiled brightly while flaunting and she had every right to, she knew she was beautiful. Karin would be lying to herself if she said she wasn’t envious. As a human you have so little time compared to the time you have as a shinigami. Though the profession is dangerous, so there’s that to consider. Karin remembers when Toshiro explained the way of reincarnation and the way things worked for souls. A weight she didn’t realize she had was lifted from her shoulders that day. “And Toshiro?” Rangiku’s smile turned mischievous again but Karin was too busy looking ahead at the continuing street. “The Captain’s grown a tad, nothing too drastic.” “Oh.” Karin chuckled, that meant she’s probably still taller than him. “So I can still make height jokes.” She smiled smugly, looking forward to his disgruntled face, it was so cute when he got embarrassed. “Oh I’m sure,” was the last thing Rangiku said before they rounded the corner and they arrived at their destination. Karin’s stomach started doing somersaults, and while it had to do with the fact that she was incredibly nervous, she was also very excited. But the reality of their time apart is hitting her once again and she didn’t know how to feel about it. “Don’t be nervous.” Rangiku’s voice was suddenly softer, warmer, almost motherly. And once again, Karin was being read like a book by another shinigami. Damn, she needed to work on her poker face. All Karin could do was give her a small smile before she realized they were right outside of his office. All that stood between them was  a sliding door, and suddenly her hands were clammy.
One last gulp, “Okay,” was all Karin could say.
And Rangiku being Rangiku, gave Karin no time to think before she promptly shouted, “Oh Captaaain!” and slid the door open with gusto causing Karin to jump and for the captain seated at the desk to snap his head up in alarm. But it was not Toshiro. No, Toshiro was cute and albeit attractive according to Karin, and this man was not cute. He was downright gorgeous. He was devastatingly handsome. Nope, not Toshiro. This was an imposter.
But, amidst her gaping, Karin noticed his hair was white, like Toshiro’s, and his eyes were that cerulean color that made her weak in the knees, like Toshiro’s. He was sitting in Toshiro’s seat, wearing a white haori like Toshiro did, and they were definitely in the Squad 10 offices. So, it has be- “Toshiro?” Karin croaked. Her eyes blown wide, her feet still planted at the doorway, while Rangiku buzzed next to her watching the whole exchange.
“Karin?” Oh god, even his voice was an octave lower. His eyes mirrored hers in that they were wide with shock. He couldn’t believe she was here, in the Seireitei, in his office. He also couldn’t believe that was Karin. But the more he looked at her the more he saw the familiar features he made sure to memorize, along with some noticeable new ones.. She was beautiful, and he thought he had the term defined already with a picture of her. It was still her, but he needed to update his memory it seemed. Her hair was still jet black and in a ponytail, only it was longer and a lock laid over her shoulder, her eyes were still as captivating as always, a grey abyss he’d gladly succumb to if asked. And her body, she was definitely an adult. She definitely grew up, but, so did he. What must she think of his new look? He was too starstruck to notice her eyes darken and her brows drop down in anger. “I can’t believe you!” Her fury replaced her nerves and she was suddenly marching across the threshold, fists tight at her sides, “You are such,” She grabbed the nearest object to her which was a pillow from the couch in the middle of the room and lobbed it at his head which Toshiro barely dodged, “an asshole!” Another pillow, only this time he caught it with both hands, using it as a shield for the third pillow. Toshiro wasn’t unfamiliar with Karin’s wrath, however, that didn’t mean he was happy with being at the end of it. Speaking of, her aim has dramatically improved. Anyway- “Karin-” “It’s been years Toshiro-” “I’m sorry-” “You could’ve visited-” “I know I-” “And you went and grew up! Looking like a fucking model all of a sudden and not even telling me!” A model? “Let me explain-” “No you are going to listen to me!” Karin was panting, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she stood in the middle of the room staring him down. Toshiro fought against his instinct to shout back and promptly shut his mouth, his brows creased in regret. She was shaking with rage and she was on the precipice of breaking something, preferably his face, but- shit Rukia was right. Again. “You don’t get to sit there on your ass when you never bothered to visit after years Toshiro. Years! When Ichigo got back from the war I had to hear that you were okay from him because of course I worried. I thought we were friends, I thought we-” “We are friends!” Toshiro couldn’t take that disappointed look anymore, but she was wrong. They were friends. Friends. “I thought we were closer than that.” Karin finished her thought, her energy depleting, shoulders starting to sag. He didn’t know which was worse. Karin angry, or sad. He just didn’t like it when she was upset. And he was the cause of it. Seeing her hang her head made his heart ache, and not in the way it usually did when he looked at her.
Toshiro had all the words he wanted to say on the tip of his tongue, but he was speechless. Part of him knew this day was bound to come around, he just wished he could’ve been prepared. But then again, expect the unexpected, especially with Karin. He couldn’t hate himself more than he did at this moment.
“I’m so sorry Karin,” His voice lifted her head and they locked eyes, his full of regret and hers, disappointment. “I-” This was harder than he thought, his chest hurt, his hands were stiff, and all he wanted was to see Karin happy, but he didn’t know how to make it happen, but she deserved an explanation. “I should’ve visited you. I wanted to. So badly. Even after things settled, I was so caught up in everything, I didn’t realize how long it’d been. I lost track of time. I’m sorry Karin. I was- I am an idiot. The last thing I wanted was to make you feel neglected and I went and did it anyway.”
Taking a hasty breath, he pushed himself to stand, rounding his desk and standing in front of her , only the usual roles were reversed and he was now looking down on her. No, it didn’t feel right. He towered over her and yet he felt as small as can be. Karin was still silent, ignoring his height for the moment, though she wasn’t entirely surprised given his changes. Changes she wished she could’ve witnessed sooner. Her eyes were glassy, tears on the brink of falling down her cheeks, but she willed them to stay. Until she watched Toshiro drop to his knees and bow before her, resting his head at her feet. She almost didn’t hear the tiny gasp that came from behind her, she’d completely forgot Rangiku was here, witnessing this all. “I don’t deserve your forgiveness Karin, but still, I’m so so sorry.” Karin was.. astonished to say the least. She expected an apology, but she didn’t expect this. Toshiro did many things, overwork himself, scowl, eat unhealthy amounts of amanatto, but he never did anything half-assed. Here was Toshiro Hitsugaya, a Captain of the 13 Court Guard Squads, bowing with his head at the feet of a simple human. Maybe not simple, but human nonetheless. Any bystander would argue that this was completely preposterous, but they wouldn’t know that Toshiro viewed Karin in the highest regard. He knew how much he royally fucked up, and he’ll spend the rest of his life trying to make up for it. “Look at me.” The closeness of her words startled Toshiro and he slowly lifted his head to see her knelt in front of him. Now it was his turn to be astonished. It wasn’t unlike Karin to be gentle when she wanted but Toshiro couldn’t understand why she would want to, he neglected their friendship for years and now she was smiling at him. Expect the unexpected. Toshiro held his breath. Karin huffed and her smile widened, “Don’t be so dramatic,” she didn’t stop herself from using her finger to brush his hair from his face. The gentlest touch, from hands that could do plenty of damage. She should’ve socked him, he knew he deserved it, he would’ve taken it. But instead, she was caressing his face. Not that he was complaining, it was just oddly uncharacteristic of her. She really had changed after all this time. They both did. Toshiro kicked himself for not witnessing it. “I forgive you, but don’t do it again.” She smacked his head, not enough to actually hurt, but enough to get the point across. He spoke too soon. This was definitely Karin though. Rubbing his head, he slowly sat up and back on his haunches, even while hunching, he was still looking down at her. It was so odd to him. But he’d have to get used to it it seems. At least there wouldn’t be any more height jokes. “Thank you, I don’t deserve it.” He said, watching Karin get to her feet and offer her hand to help him up. “Yes you do. You said sorry. That’s all I wanted. We’re adults now.” “You threw pillows at me.” “You deserved that. ” “...Yeah.” Toshiro sighed. A moment of silence passed until Karin spoke again. “I mean it, don’t do this again. I won’t be so forgiving.” “It won’t happen again. I promise.” Toshiro gave a gentle squeeze to her hand which he never let go. The simple action made her blush, looking down to their entwined hands and up his arm, which were much longer, and then to his broad shoulders, and finally back up to his face, much higher than she was used to. “And don’t grow anymore. You’re like a giant now. It’s gonna be annoying having to look up at you.” And as easy as that they were back to bickering, the tension filtered out of the room as easily as a simple breeze, and they were both thankful. “For what it’s worth, I’m not a fan either.” Toshiro noted, scowling at his new height and features which he still hasn’t gotten used to. All these years he complained about his height and now he realizes he should’ve been more careful with what he wished for. And on top of that, he was getting an increasing amount of attention which Rangiku pointed out was thanks to his sharpened features. Not his cup of tea. “I never said I wasn’t a fan.”
Karin’s words made blood rush to Toshiro’s face, did she just- Maybe it’s his cup of tea after all, if it’s Karin’s attention. That being said, he’d never wanted anyone’s attention more than hers, and now that he has it, he’s just a little alarmed. But in a good way, he thinks. And it made it easier to smile at her, even with a face redder than ever. But it was quickly replaced with a frown when he realized his Lieutenant just witnessed this entire scene with Karin, where she yelled, he bowed, she smiled, and he blushed. Her squeal made both Karin and him wince, looking over to see her jumping up and down with glee, then running over to pull them down into an uncomfortable hug. “I’m so happy for you too!” Rangiku was sniffling, squeezing the life out of them, and when she let them go they gave each other a confused glance before Toshiro spoke. “Why are you crying Matsumoto?” He asked, slightly worried and as well as confused. Karin looked softly at Rangiku, but still confused by her tears. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me. You guys are just too cute together!”
Karin almost interjected to say that they weren’t together but what stopped her was another squeeze of her hand from Toshiro. A slow shake of his head told her to just let it go, and with further thought she realized convincing Matsumoto of anything was a difficult feat.
Later, after Toshiro escorted her to her family for dinner, dropping her off with the promise of seeing each other the next day, Karin thought about how even when walking through the Seireitei, they continued to hold hands. Toshiro paid it no mind it seemed, and while Karin wasn’t complaining, it still puzzled her.
Correcting his Lieutenant from time to time was normal for him, especially when it came to bold claims like this, but this time he refused. Did Toshiro reciprocate Karin’s feelings? Something about his behavior made her feel elated as well as nervous, they’d have to talk about it eventually. It would take some time for her to completely forgive him, but if what happened today was any consolation, everything would be okay.
They both can definitely sleep better tonight, and there was always tomorrow.
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laurasimonsdaughter · 4 years
Scales and share houses (part 2)
Aka: the one with a dragon who hoards housemates: [Part 1]
“So he does breathe actual fire?”
“Yup, fire confirmed.”
“What about wings? Does he have wings?”
Michael paused for a moment, holding his phone up with one hand while pressing the button at the pedestrian crossing with the other. “Dunno. I remember she mentioned he goes out flying sometimes, but I didn’t ask if that meant wings.”
“I’m going to presume it means wings,” Lindiwe’s voice decided on the other end of the line. “And for the record!” she interrupted herself. “I am only calling you so you’ll stop texting while you walk. My hatred for phone calls stands unchallenged.”
“I only nearly walked into traffic once.” Taking a single step off the sidewalk probably didn’t count as walking into traffic, but he just made Lindiwe huff in exasperation and that was all Michael cared about. He didn’t mind phone calls. Especially not if they meant getting to hear her voice.
“Your lack of self-preservation aside, this is actually happening then? You’re interviewing to go live with a real life fire-breathing, wing-having creature of legend.” Hearing her excited for him was even better than hearing her exasperated on his behalf.
“Hell yeah it is, I’m going to meet him today, and the other housemates.”
“Are there more than one?”
“Not sure.” The lady from the agency had made it sound like that, but he forgot to ask for a specific number. He forgot to ask a lot of things. He had other things on his mind. Like—
“Mick, I still can’t believe you found an actual dragon.”
“The dragon found me, to be fair,” he grinned at his phone. “Or his weird matchmaker lady did.”
Lindiwe let out a snort, but then went quiet for a moment.
Michael hesitated. They hadn’t been friends quite long enough for him to know the difference between her silences. “She’s a legit weird matchmaker lady, though,” he assured her. “I checked up on the company.”
“I should hope so!” Lindiwe made an exaggerated thoughtful noise. “I mean, she is giving you the chance to meet a dragon. That’s worth a lot of weird.”
“If I end up locked in a tower somewhere, will you come rescue me?”
Another, considerably louder snort. “Sure, if you grow out your hair long enough to climb.”
Michael could feel his face do something that made one of the people waiting at the bus stop shoot him a knowing look, but so what. He was used to going around grinning like an idiot by now. “There isn’t even a dragon in Rapunzel, Lee,” he pointed out. “I’m so disappointed in you.”
“You’d know, mister dragon expert.” A sound of running water started up in the background and when Lindiwe spoke next her voice suddenly seemed a lot closer. “I honestly thought there were no more dragons here. Only abroad, you know?”
“Me too. Talk about luck.”
“Yeah, no fair. You have all the luck.”
Michael bit his cheek, still smiling. All the luck. He sure felt that way right now. Well… “Hey, Lee, if I do get this place, dragon and all. Will you go on a date with me to celebrate?”
Het laugh was definitely startled, but it wasn’t incredulous, and that alone was enough to make his heart skip two beats.
“That’s a very stupid way to ask me out.” There was a smile in her voice, he could hear it. “You’ll never know if I say yes because of you or because of the dragon.”
“Hey, if you only want to date me for my prime dragon contacts, I’d respect that.”
This time around her laugh was warmer, deeper. “Yes, I’ll go on a date with you,” she answered. “If only to make sure I still get to see you after you move into what sounds like the best house ever. Honestly. Forget the dragon, I saw that balcony on the pictures—”
Michael was grateful she kept talking. For multiple reasons. Least of which was that he couldn’t possibly try to talk with his heart beating a damn victory fanfare. She. Said. Yes.
214 notes · View notes
lonelyreputation · 3 years
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C’est Toi (coffee shop au) • CHAPTER FOURTEEN, wc: 8.2k
previous chapter | let’s chat | C’est Toi Index
Wednesday  - February 20, 2019 - 21:18
Shawn’s here. Like he’s in my dorm which is something I honestly didn’t think would happen. Since the first time I ordered coffee, I just imagined myself fawning over him from afar and watching my back account dwindle with how much I was spending on coffee as an excuse to see him.
But now I’m saving money on coffee, he wants to see me just as much as I want to see him, and he’s in my room.
“I’m just saying––”
“I don’t think you should say anything.”
With open books and loose leaf paper scattered on top of the table, Ella and I were in a stare off. Her eyes were narrowed in on me and I gripped the pen between my fingers. For the last half hour, studying had been long forgotten on Ella’s end. She kept pestering me on what happened with Shawn and I after the soccer game on Sunday.
And I repeated the same sentence I told her not even five minutes ago.
“Nothing happened,” I dropped my pen and buried my face into my hands with a sigh, “We came here, helped Niall fix something with the espresso machine, and then just spent time together.”
With both palms flat on the table, Ella leaned forward and whispered, “Bullshit.” I leaned back on my chair, raising my eyebrows as I crossed my arms over my chest. She continued on, “He was literally about to leave without saying bye to you.”
Ella’s eyes softened as I broke eye contact with her and turned toward the door.
I slumped down in the chair, “He admitted he was jealous,” Ella’s eyes perked up at the information, “And he…I asked if we were okay and he said he didn’t know what––” I uncrossed my arms and lifted my fingers to put air quotes around the next word, “––‘we’ I was talking about.”
Ella’s eyes widened, “What?!”
I nodded my head slowly, “Yeah, it wasn’t––I tried to leave, he told me to stay, said he was jealous, admitted to liking me a lot, and then we ended up here; at Brightside…” My voice trailed off at the end.
Ella scrunched her eyebrows together, “That doesn’t make any sense––He says he doesn’t know about the ‘we’, but then says he ‘likes’ you?” Her eyes shifted from mine and glared over my shoulder, presumably at the person of topic, “He’s an idiot.”
I picked up my coffee to take a sip, but frowned when I was met with cool air instead of hot espresso. I set it down on the table and shrugged, “I don’t blame him.”
“Don’t you dare take the blame for him,” Ella shook her head, “He obviously knows there’s something between you two, so for him to say that––” Her glare at Shawn intensified for a second before looking sincerely into my eyes, “Want me to beat him up?”
I tipped my head back in laughter, “I don’t think that would work out in your favor.”
“Most likely not,” Ella shrugged nonchalantly, “But he’s dumb.”
I rolled my eyes and picked up my pen, hoping to get back to studying, but Ella closed her books and pushed them aside.
“You need to define your relationship with him.”
The pen I just picked up dropped and fell to the floor, “Define the––I don’t think I can be the one to bring that up––I still––Do you remember what happened when I asked for his name?”
Ella rolled her eyes, “But you know him now,” she exaggerated her next words, “it’s different.”
“I don’t think I could do it.”
Again, Ella leaned forward, “You have to––”
“What’re we gossiping about?”
Not expecting to hear Niall’s Irish accent, I jumped in my seat, with my elbow knocking into my empty coffee cup. It bounced a little as it fell to the ground, Niall bent down to pick it up, and then stole a chair from the empty table next to us, and then sat down next to me.
He rested his chin in the palm of his hands as he looked between Ella and I, “Hm?”
I shook my head and glared at Ella, “We were just getting back to studying––”
“I was saying how she needs to define her relationship with Shawn.”
My mouth dropped as I whisper yelled at her. She just shrugged her shoulders and Niall held his stomach as he laughed. Once he calmed down and wiped a tear away from the corner of his eye, he scrunched his eyebrows together and looked at me.
“You’re basically his girlfriend.”
I shook my head and let out a sigh, “We haven’t talked––”
“That’s what I’m saying!” Ella cut me off once more with an eye roll.
I slumped further down in my chair, “But we’re not––”
“As he was leaving yesterday, I asked him where he was going, and he said––I quote,” He gave me a pointed stare with raised eyebrows, “Off to see my girlfriend.”
I blushed and looked down at my notes. I fiddled with my hands as Ella let out a loud ‘Ha’ as her way of saying I-Told-You-So.
Without acknowledging either of them, I went to flip a page in my textbook, “That doesn’t mean––”
Niall leaned back in his chair with his arms crossed over his chest, “Shawn calling you his girlfriend really pissed Lola off,” he smirked, Ella happily cackled, and my mouth dropped wide open, “She was in a mood for the rest of the shift.”
“I’m telling you,” Ella reached across the table and closed my textbook, “You have nothing to worry about if you bring it up to him.”
I let out an annoyed breath and I ran a hand through my hair, “What is it with you two cutting me off today? You seem to be on the same wavelength.”
“Don’t change the subject,” Niall nudged my shoulder, “I know Shawn, and Ella knows you, so when you put us together…” he offered both Ella and I a blinding smile, “You get one wavelength about your relationship.”
I silently looked between them before letting out a dramatic sigh. With my eyes closed, I leaned my head back against the chair, “I wish it wasn’t this complicated.”
“It’s not.”
I peaked one eye open and glared at Niall for his response, “It’s not complicated to you,” I let out another sigh before running a hand through my hair, “But to me, it’s just…complicated.”
Ella took it as her turn to speak, “But why is it complicated?”
Yeah, I thought to myself, why is this complicated?
In theory, everything was fairly black and white; I liked Shawn and he liked me. We spent a considerable amount of time together, we both knew that the other wasn’t seeing anyone else, and I enjoy our silences just as much as the times he makes me laugh.
When he gently brushes the tips of his fingers against mine, before slowly slipping his hand into mine, it’s a feeling I never want to go away. The way he softly caresses my face, as he leans his forehead against mine, before he kisses me is another feeling I never want to go away. And the zip of electricity I feel down my spine when I hear him call out my name from behind the counter…His eyes soften, his shoulders relax, and he says my name with a little bit of relief.
It’s the same way I feel around him.
I never want that feeling to go away.
Nothing would make me happier than to call Shawn my boyfriend. But a real title meant a real relationship. And a real relationship came with commitment. And with commitment comes an extended amount of time you spend with a partner for the unforeseeable future.
Which is what made this whole situation so complicated in my eyes.
“My Visa,” I let my shoulders drop as I regretfully looked between the two people I’ve only known for about two months, but was already finding it difficult to picture my life without them, “I leave in June.”
The cheeky mood that hung around the air of discussing the possibility of a potential boyfriend quickly dissipated. It was as if they too also forgot I was only here for a few months, and not indefinitely.
Niall sucked in a harsh breath and Ella casted a look downard as she bit the inside of her cheek.
Niall drummed his fingers on the table, “He’s smitten,” Ella nodded her head in agreement, but knowing Shawn’s feelings toward me didn’t relieve the heaviness in the middle of my chest, “He…Just don’t think about that now.”
I whipped my head around to look at Niall with wide eyes, “Don’t think about it now?! How do I––That’s all I can think about.”
“Just be present in the moment,” Niall slowly nodded his head in reassurance that this was the best route to go, but his blue eyes were a bit more dull, as if he didn’t agree with his own advice, “Enjoy your time here.”
I shook my head, “I have a literal expiration date––”
“Maybe he’s right,” Ella’s voice was small, and I turned my head to look at her with the same wild look I had given Niall, “Just go for it. Don’t think.”
After a few beats of silence I let out a single laugh of disbelief, “You’re agreeing with him?” Ella’s only response was a small shrug of her shoulders. “Him––Niall? You’re agreeing that I pretend like I’m not setting myself up for failure?”
They both stayed silent. Because while they both wanted to see their respective friends happy…They couldn’t deny that this outcome would be earth shattering devastating for both Shawn and I if things were to progress further.
I shook my head, “I don’t think I can––”
“Don’t think you can what?”
Hearing another voice I wasn’t expecting––except this voice was Canadian––I felt myself jump more in my chair, a feeling of panic flooding every inch of my body.
How long had he been behind us?
But when I slowly turned around, the tension I felt in my joints melted away when I saw Shawn’s disheveled hair and a yellow cup with steam coming out from the top in his hands.
I offered him a lie that was as easy as the smile on my face, “Write this paper.”
Shawn rolled his eyes and, like Niall had done earlier, he stole a chair from the empty table and brought it around next to me. But unlike Niall, Shawn had set the chair down almost right up against my chair so we could sit as close as we could together.
“I saw your empty cup fall to the floor,” Shawn pushed the yellow cup of coffee in front of me, “So I brought you a new one.”
Even if I tried, I couldn’t hide the smile that overtook my face.
“Thanks,” I whispered as I wrapped my hands around the cup, and looked into it. I stifled out a laugh and looked up at Shawn, “That’s a nice flower.”
Shawn smiled triumphantly and nodded his head, “I’ve been practicing––”
Ella leaned over the table to look at the latte art herself. Her eyebrows were scrunched together as she picked her head up from the latte to look at Shawn, looked down into the cup again, and then back up at Shawn, “It looks like a cobweb.”
Niall barked out a loud laugh as Shawn’s cheeks turned red.
I glared at her, “Of course you wouldn’t know what a flower looks like––”
Ella’s eyebrows shot up as her soft accent rose in pitch, “I wouldn’t!” She pointed an accusatory finger at Shawn, “Because he only makes latte art for you.”
I was in the middle of taking a sip of the latte Shawn made for me when Ella hastily spoke. I set the yellow cup down on the table and shut my eyes as I coughed into my elbow. Once I felt like hot espresso wasn’t going to come up my throat, I wiped the wetness from the corner of my eyes and looked at Shawn.
He immediately looked away from me with cheeks even more red than before.
I glared at Ella. But she just raised her eyebrows in an I-Told-You-So manner as she leaned back in her chair. She was about to say something, but then the bell above the door rang, and all of our heads whipped around to see who had walked in.
It was a small group of university students with slightly hunched over backs from carrying their books and a look of strong desire for anything caffeine in their eyes. I didn’t miss the small sigh that passed through Shawn’s lips.
And it seemed as if Niall didn’t miss it either because he stood up and greeted the students with a––I’ll be with you guys in a sec––as he returned the chair to its rightful table. He clapped Shawn on his shoulder and said, “Take a little break.”
Shawn didn’t have to be told twice before he let his whole body slump forward on the table; head buried in his elbows. Instinctively, I brought my hand up and grazed the tips of my fingernails up and down his back. I felt him release a deep breath.
“Long day?”
Keeping his face hidden away, he nodded his head.
I looked down at him, and even though he couldn’t see me, I offered him a sympathetic smile. With his head tucked away, I didn’t know if he felt like talking, so I just kept lazily running my fingers up and down his back. I was about to pull a textbook toward me to read, but then I caught Ella’s stare.
She wasn’t either looking directly at me or at Shawn; she was more so looking at my hand comforting Shawn. The movement came naturally to me––I just wanted to make him feel better––it would make me feel better to see him at least a little bit relaxed. But the look in Ella’s eyes wasn’t her usual lovey-dovey know it all look she usually gave Shawn and I.
She looked somber.
Ella was the first person who I told every little detail about Shawn to. She was the first to know about my little crush on him, she was the first to know when I found out his name, the first person I told every little interaction––no matter how big or small––I had with Shawn, and she was the person I celebrated with when Shawn asked me out on our first date.
And there was no belittling Ella’s attempts at playing matchmaker either.
Ella had seen the very first encounter I had with Shawn, and she would most definitely be here to see my last encounter with him. I could see her brain churning out thoughts, debating with herself if she still thought it was a good idea to pretend like I didn’t have to legally leave the country in four months.
I continued to softly run my hand up and down Shawn’s back, but my movements had definitely slowed down a bit. I continued to look at Ella, who hadn’t caught onto my staring, as I saw her frown morph into a small bittersweet smile.
And for the first time since coming into Brightside today, Ella willingly opened up a textbook and started taking notes.
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It was nearing closing time, the gray misty sky was now pitch black with street lights dotting the sidewalk, as Shawn and I were the only ones in Brightside.
Ella had silently left hours ago, claiming she had to practice a monologue in front of her mirror. And just like every time Niall’s shift was over, he clocked out right on the dot and ran out the door. Shawn ended up sitting at the table with Ella and I for close to forty minutes with his head tucked away. From the way his breathing evened out, I knew he had used the time to take a little nap.
It was only Wednesday, but I was sure Shawn had already worked a full work week already.
On Sunday, he worked the opening shift, came in to help Niall with the espresso machine after soccer, and worked up until an hour before close. Monday, he worked from opening to close. Tuesday––Yesterday––He worked the opening shift once again, and when we were at his flat watching a movie, he had to work until close because someone had called out sick.
And Wednesday––Today––Shawn had worked another opening to closing shift. And he was due to open the store again tomorrow.
Needless to say Shawn was exhausted and it was clearly catching up to him with the few times he messed up behind the counter.
Brightside hadn’t seen a customer in well over an hour, and Shawn did everything he could to complete his closing procedures early so he could leave right when the clock hit eight. I abandoned my school work a few hours ago in order to help Shawn with his closing procedures, in hopes it would help him clock out right when the store closed.
I climbed up and down the stairs multiple times to bring up stacks of cups wrapped in plastic, various sizes of black lids, napkins, and anything else Shawn rattled off to me. I helped with the easy tasks, but if there was something more specific, I would stand behind the counter for Shawn as he fetched whatever he needed.
There were only a few times when customers would waltz in, and were put off by my American accent, when I told them that the actual employee would help them shortly.
But that was nearly an hour ago, and now I was finishing off washing the last table on the main floor. There was only twenty minutes left until Brightside officially closed. And Shawn took it in his liberty to make it look like the store was already closed from an outsider's perspective.
“Is it really necessary to have all the lights off except the one above you?”
Shawn held a finger up to me, silently letting me know he’d answer my question the moment he was done counting out his drawer. I playfully rolled my eyes as I walked behind the counter to put the sanitation spray bottle in its spot under the sink. As Shawn was still busy double checking his count, I lifted myself up to sit on the counter.
And right as I fully sat down, with his back to me, Shawn said, “That’s unsanitary.”
I let out a soft laugh, “I’ll wash it again.”
The register made a noise as it printed out a slip of paper and Shawn ripped it off, scanning it over once, before turning his head around to face me with a soft smile, “You better.”
He collected the stack of money, deposited the coins in a yellow cup, and walked to where I was sitting on the counter. When he was right in front of me, he rested a hand on my knee and opened up my legs with enough room for him to stand between them.
“To answer your question,” his voice was mesmerizing, but I could only focus on his hand that was still on me, now tracing circles along my kneecap, “If the store looks empty and dark then people won’t bother coming in. And we,” he squeezed my knee which caused a smile to light up my face, “can leave early.”
I tilted my head, “Aren’t you afraid of getting in trouble?”
Shawn let out a tsk, “Not when I’m the manager.”
He let out a small laugh and looked down at his hand on my knee. A soft closed lipped smile toyed at the corners of his mouth, but when he looked back up at me, I could see just how exhausted he really was. He kept having to repeatedly blink his eyes to keep them from drooping, his skin looked a little pale, the bags under his eyes were a tad more prominent, and his hair was falling a little flat.
I offered him a small smile in return and brought my hand up to run through his hair. His eyes closed and a content sigh softly passed through his lips.
“I just have to do my drop and then we can leave.”
With one last scratch to his scalp, I let my hand fall and his eyes opened, “Sounds good to me.”
He smiled again, “Be right back.”
In one swift motion, he kissed my cheek and retreated from my legs. I watched him as he took long strides toward the steps and walked down. With a smile still on my face, I hopped down from the counter, and kept to my promise of grabbing the sanitizing spray to wipe off where I had just sat.
Right when I threw the damp napkin into the empty trash bin, I heard Shawn’s footsteps, and soon I saw his mop of curls as he continued to climb the stairs. Once he was fully on the main floor, I could tell that he looked more relaxed bundled up in his soft pink hoodie and jacket, backpack over his shoulders.
I nodded my head with a smile and went over to the table where I had set up shop since arriving a little before the lunch hour. Once my jacket was on and zipped up, I slung my tote bag over my shoulder and smiled at him, “Ready.”
At my response, Shawn took a few long strides over to me, grabbed my hand, and we left out the front door. We both shivered when a particularly cold gust of wind hit us, and I felt even colder when Shawn dropped my hand in order to lock the door.
Once he double checked the door was locked from the outside, he stuffed the key back in his backpack and picked up my hand, already leading us in the direction of the Temple Underground.
After a few steps of silence, Shawn spoke up, “You didn’t have to stay.”
“I wanted to,” I squeezed his hand, “I got to spend more time with you. That’s always a bonus.”
I could see Shawn’s breathy chuckle through the cold London night air. He turned his head to look down at me, “I really appreciate you.”
Breaking eye contact with him, I looked down at our feet that were in perfect sync with each other. I bit the inside of my cheek to suppress my smile, but I could feel my face redden with blush. Shawn bumped his shoulder against mine which caused me to look up at him.
“Aw c’mon, don’t hide your smile.”
And this time I didn’t.
I let the butterflies in my stomach consume me as I felt them travel everywhere from the tips of my toes to the ends of my hair. I let the smile overtake my face, showing all of my teeth, with my eyes crinkling at the corners. There was an overwhelming burst of zeal in the center of my chest that I felt course through my veins as I saw him smile down at me the same way I was smiling at him.
For once, my face hurt from my smile reaching its full potential, not from the cold London wind. And when I looked deeper into Shawn’s eyes––even though they were only lit by the dim street lamps––they shined with the same elation I knew was present in my eyes. The moment I knew Shawn felt the same burst of energy in his chest was when I screwed my eyes shut, to exaggerate my smile for him, and his laughter boomed through the empty streets of London.
The feeling was happiness.
I matched his laughter, albeit a little softer, and squeezed his hand, “You’re too nice to me.”
Again, Shawn bumped his shoulder against mine, “If it makes you smile it’s worth it.”
As much as I wanted to shield my smile away from him again, I didn’t.
The rest of our walk to the Underground station was spent in silence. The only noise on our walk came from me, when Shawn dropped my hand and threw his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close into his side. The sound was a content sigh escaping my lips when he pressed a kiss to the top of my head.
When the Underground station came into view, I momentarily shut my eyes and nuzzled my head further into his warm sweatshirt. I felt Shawn’s chest slightly rumble with a chuckle as he hugged me closer. And when we came up to the entrance, neither Shawn nor I pulled away from each other.
I shifted my body from being tucked away in his side to his front and circled my arms around his waist in a hug. Shawn let out a deep exhale as he hugged me back and traced small incoherent patterns across my back.
“I don’t wanna get up in the morning,” he groaned. I nodded against his chest and he continued grumbling, “I feel dead.”
“You look dead too.”
Shawn lifted his head up and poked my side, “Where’s the reciprocation for my niceness towards you?”
I let out a small laugh, “Just being honest.”
He pinched my waist and I wiggled out of his hold with a laugh. I opened my mouth to offer a rebuttal on how him pinching me wasn’t very nice, but then an idea struck my mind. While his flat was only about a twenty minute ride on the tube…I could get to my dormitory in fifteen minutes or less. It was only a five minute difference…The possibility of asking Shawn if he wanted to stay the night in my room made sense if it gave him some extra time to sleep in. But I didn’t know if it would make Shawn uncomfortable, or if it was too soon in whatever our relationship was.
“Are you planning on stopping by tomorrow––”
“I have a question.”
I felt my eyes double in size as the words slipped out of my mouth before my mind could comprehend what conversation I was initiating. Instead of being put off by my bluntness, Shawn’s eyes shined with curiosity as he nodded his head at me to continue.
I let out a deep breath as I felt a ball of tension form in the middle of my chest, “I know…Traveling back to your place takes a bit of time––And if you wanted––Not that you have to or anything––But I know my place is close, and you’ve had a long week,” Shawn’s eyes twinkled with amusement at my rambling and I took a deep breath, closing my eye for a second, before getting the question out, “You could stay the night at mine, if you want?”
My voice cracked with uncertainty at the end.
With one eye squinted, I slightly leaned back from Shawn and inhaled a sharp breath. But before I could backtrack my offer in a ramble, Shawn eagerly nodded his head.
“Yeah, I could––That sounds––Yeah,” he easily smiled at me, “That sounds nice.”
We stood there for a moment in silence before Shawn tugged my hand, “Lead the way, I’m sleepy.”
I nodded with a bright smile and led the way into the Underground station and to my designated platform. We waited for the train in silence, and I could feel Shawn leaning more into my body as he tried to fight off his sleep. Luckily we didn’t have to wait too long until the train approached and we hastily stepped inside.
Much like our night before, the whole tube ride back to Waterloo was spent in silence, with only Shawn’s soft breathing reminding he was next to me as his head was tucked away on my shoulder.
When we got to our desired destination, Shawn was still a bit delusional from having fallen asleep for a little, but when he noticed we were almost at my place, he walked with a little more purpose. I tapped my Oyster card as Shawn tapped his phone to exit the Underground station at different turnstyles, but when we were both out, our hands reconnected like a magnet.
I scanned into the residence hall and led Shawn to the elevator. He seemed to be taking in his surroundings, but with how fast he was blinking, I was sure he was just trying to keep himself awake. Thankfully, the lift dinged right when I pressed the up button and we quickly stepped inside as I pressed my floor number.
The ride up seemed to take no time at all, and before I knew it, I was fumbling with my keys to unlock my door with Shawn standing close behind me. Once I heard the desired click and was able to push the handle down, I stepped inside and flicked the lights on.
Shawn followed my steps and he took his time examining my room more than he did with the lobby. With a small smile on his face, he slipped his hands into the front pockets of his sweatshirt, “So this is where you spend your time when you’re not at Brightside.”
I scoffed, “I don’t spend all of my time there.”
He raised his eyebrows and teased me even more, “Are you sure? You were there for most of the day today.”
I turned my back to him as I placed my bag down on the desk chair, “What were you saying about always wanting to be nice to me?”
Shawn let out a chuckle as he turned around to close the door and locked it. He shrugged his shoulders, “This is just teasing. I’m still being nice.”
“Mhm,” I hummed with a slow smile creeping up on my face as Shawn walked toward me and picked up my hands.
We were standing incredibly close, the tips of our shoes touching, as he played with my fingers and looked at a few scattered pictures along the wall next to my bed, “It’s a cute room.”
I rolled my eyes, “Thanks.” I tried to ignore the nervousness I felt in my stomach, “There’s uh, you can shower if you want.”
Shawn smiled in appreciation, “That sounds nice.”
I nodded my head and looked anywhere in the room that wasn’t his eyes. While his eyes were arguably my favorite thing about him, I felt incredibly apprehensive under his gaze now. While we’ve been alone together at his place, something about Shawn being in my room and staying the night seemed a bit more intimate.
I cleared my throat, “I think I have clothes that’ll fit you? I can check––”
His hands squeezed around mine for a second, which caused me to look up at him. His eyebrows were pulled together and I noticed his jaw was more tense than before, “You have boy's clothes in your drawers?”
I nonchalantly shrugged my shoulders, “Yeah, I stole some from my brother before I left. Figured it would help with homesickness,” I tilted my head as I looked up at him, “You guys look to be the same size.”
Something in Shawn’s eyes visibly relaxed as he let out a deep breath, “Oh that’s––I forgot you had a brother. That makes sense.”
Thoughts of Shawn’s lingering jealousy over Jack swirled around my mind at how tense he was acting. So like he did with mine moments ago, I squeezed his hands in reassurance, “You have nothing to worry about.”
I leaned up on my tip toes and kissed his cheek.
A faint tinge of red spread across his cheeks and I smiled at his bashful reaction.
“There are towels in the bathroom you can use,” I dropped his hands and pushed him toward the small bathroom that was luckily inside my single room, “The sooner you shower, the sooner we can sleep. You also smell.”
Shawn stumbled backwards, “Hey!” As he turned his head around his shoulder to playfully glare at me, “That’s not very nice.”
I rolled my eyes, “Shower.”
He was still somewhat laughing as he retreated into the bathroom. And soon enough, the door was shut and I heard the water running. With a sigh I walked to sit on my bed and pulled out my journal from the drawer in my nightstand. I tried my best to write in it daily, and right now was the only free time I had between classes and spending all day at Brightside with Shawn.
So before I would be interrupted by Shawn finishing his shower, I picked up a black pen and flipped to a fresh page. Like always, I checked the date on my phone and wrote it on the line––Wednesday, February 20, 2019––and checked the time to write that too; 21:18.
When I had all the details I needed, I started to hastily write in cursive so I could get a quick entry in.
Shawn’s here. Like he’s in my dorm which is something I honestly didn’t think would happen. Since the first time I ordered coffee, I just imagined myself fawning over him from afar and watching my back account dwindle with how much I was spending on coffee as an excuse to see him.
But now I’m saving money on coffee, he wants to see me just as much as I want to see him, and he’s in my room.
I still can’t believe he’s here. I still can’t believe I asked him to come over. Still patting myself on the back for that…Even if I did ramble on like a little bit of a mad person. But thankfully Shawn seemed to be more enamored by it than put off.
There’s just something about his presence that makes me feel calm. Something I haven’t felt with any past boyfriends––Or really anyone in general. I could be having the most stressful day, but if I were to see him, I could think about how in that moment my life felt just a little better. I didn’t have to be with him at all times during the day either to feel like that. I could see his smile flash through my mind if I was having a particularly hard day and feel content.
But all of these feelings make me more nervous about when I have to leave––
I slammed my journal shut and threw it aside as I heard Shawn’s voice bring me out of my own head. I quickly lifted my head to see what he needed, but when I was met with a dripping wet Shawn in a towel, absolutely everything in my mind disappeared.
He had the towel wrapped around his hips, and I tried not to make it obvious that I was staring at him, but from the way I felt my voice get caught in my throat, I knew I failed. Just standing in a towel, I could see his slightly defined muscles and tattoos that had been partially covered by his shirt. His chest still had some water droplets that the lights were reflecting off of, and his curls were matted down on his forehead.
I gulped.
Shawn smirked at the crack in my voice.
“Do you have your brother’s clothes by chance?”
My eyes widened in realization that I never handed them over to him and I scurried off my bed. I knew my whole face was flaming red, especially when one of my legs got caught up in a bed sheet and I almost face planted on the ground. But I quickly recovered and avoided all eye contact with Shawn.
I opened and rummaged through three drawers before I found where I had my brother’s sweatpants and sweatshirt. Pulling them out, I walked over to Shawn with my head down and held them out for him to take.
When I felt him brush his hands against mine as he took the clothes, I looked up at him to see that he still had the same prideful smirk on his face.
Taking advantage that I was actually looking at him, Shawn dipped his head down and pressed a quick kiss to my lips that left my forehead wet from his curls.
He pulled away slightly and whispered, “Be right back,” against my lips. And just as fast as the kiss was, Shawn spun around and went to change in the bathroom.
I took a deep breath before going back over to my drawers and picking out a pair of shorts and an old t-shirt to sleep in. Soon enough Shawn was out of the bathroom, wearing my brother’s clothes, and before he could get a quip out, I scooted past him and made my way into the bathroom to get ready for bed.
And to get my flustered thoughts together.
While I changed and brushed my teeth, I tried to calm myself down. There was no reason why I should be this nervous about sleeping in the same bed as Shawn. We’d spent enough time alone together that I was comfortable with him. And it wasn’t like this was my first time sleeping in a bed with someone I had feelings for.
But the nagging voice in the back of my head told me this was different.
My feelings for Shawn were different.
With a deep breath and a semi-clear head, I twisted the bathroom door knob and stepped into my room. I saw Shawn sitting on my bed, back pressed against the wall my bed was up against as he looked intently at the pictures tacked up.
When he heard me walk over, he turned his head with a smile, “You look nothing like your brother.”
I let out a quiet laugh and sat next to him on the bed. He was looking at a picture of William and I sitting on a boat that was taken last summer. William had an arm thrown around me while my head was leaning on his shoulder, as the wind blew my brunette hair in front of my face, and William had a hand on top of his blonde hair to keep it from blowing around.  
“Throws everyone off when they find out we’re twins.”
Shawn let out a small laugh as his fingers traced over a different picture, “Who’re they?”
I smiled at the memory as I leaned my head on Shawn’s shoulder, “My highschool friends. That was our prom.”
Shawn hummed in acknowledgement and rested a hand on my thigh, “You look pretty in your dress.”
“Thanks,” I whispered.
His fingers started to lazily trace circles on my thigh, “Do you still talk to them?”
I nodded against his shoulder with a faint smile, “We FaceTimed last week. It gets a bit hard with the time difference, but they’ve been my friends for like…ever,” I looked up at him through my lashes to see a slight frown on his face, “So it’s worth it.”
“Do you miss them?”
“Yeah,” his fingers stopped their movements on my skin, “But we all go to different universities, so being away from them is nothing new.”
Shawn nodded his head slowly, a slight frown still present on his face. His fingers slowly went back to tracing shapes on my leg, but I could sense that his mind was somewhere else. He kept a low-spirited gaze trained on my senior year prom picture, as we sat in silence and I wondered about what was troubling his mind.
My wall was only of pictures from home, only happy memories that I knew would keep me company abroad. So while I stared at them with a fond smile, Shawn stared at them with the opposite facial expression, and then something in my head clicked as to why he seemed upset.
It was my life before him.
And it would be the life I returned to after I leave London; after I leave him.
I soon felt my smile tugging down into a small frown that matched Shawn’s.
Ella and Niall’s words of ill fate wisdom popped up in my head––Just go for it…Don’t think about it…Be present in the moment––And I half-listened to them. Be present in the moment. That’s all Shawn and I could do.
“We’ll take lots of pictures and I’ll hang them up here,” I whispered into the crook of his neck, hoping he would take it as a promise that I wasn’t planning on leaving him any time soon.
I felt his hand inch ever so slightly up my thigh, as he tore his solemn gaze away from the pictures and looked down at me in an adoring way, “I like the sound of that.”
His eyes flickered down to my lips, as if he could also feel the strong pull between us. He darted his tongue out to wet his lips as I picked my head up from his shoulder. He took his hand that wasn’t on my thigh, and slowly lifted it up to reach under my hair and cup the back of my neck. With his forehead resting against mine, we stared at each other for a few seconds before I couldn’t wait any longer.
I leaned forward and caught his lips in a kiss.
Without hesitation, Shawn kissed me back slowly. The kisses were innocent as I let my hands wander to his chest and clutch the fabric of the sweatshirt he was wearing between my fists. With my hands pulling him closer, Shawn’s hand that was on my thigh continued to creep up until he slid it under my t-shirt, and ran his hand down my bare back.
He glided his palm and tips of his fingers down the expanse of my back. I shivered as he delicately touched every ridge of my spine, every bone, and every curve. He pressed his palm flat on my back, pushing me toward him as the tip of his tongue peeked out in a quick stripe across my lower lip.
An involuntary whimper left my lips as Shawn continued to press his lips against mine.
“Lay down,” he managed to rush out in between his kisses.
I was barely able to nod my head in agreement before Shawn pressed his lips back against mine and started to slowly lower me down. When the back of my head landed on the pillows, Shawn slid his hand from my back to rest on my hip. As he laid me down, he didn’t once break the kiss, and I craned my neck up to meet his lips that were hot with anticipation and need.
There was a brief moment of hesitation where we shifted our legs to intertwine and he slid his knee between my legs.
I unclenched my hands from the sweatshirt and slowly ran them up his chest, over his neck, and tangled my fingers in his hair.
While just moments ago Shawn dismally looked at my past through photographs, he touched me as if he didn’t give a damn about anything except a future together. It terrified me a bit how strong my feelings were for Shawn; I didn’t even know he existed at the beginning of the year, but now, I didn’t want to go any longer without his presence in my life.
Just be present in the moment.
It was a piece of advice that was easier said than done. Easy for two people looking in on their friends and wanting them to achieve happiness. Easy when a person wanted to forget about reality and fall into the fantasy of having their ideal life. Easy for people who lived in the same country.
And I knew Shawn was having these exact thoughts; every kiss was deepened with a fiery passion and the trail of his fingertips on my body would leave a lasting burn.
It was a silent agreement that we both wanted nothing more than to be present in our moments together.
Overcome with emotion, I had to break away.
As I tilted my head out of the kiss, Shawn didn’t lift his head up as he nuzzled his head into my neck and deposited a few kisses. He nipped at the skin as I sucked in a deep breath when he hit a particularly sweet spot right above my collarbone.
Slowly, he kissed his way up my throat until he got to the corner of my mouth, and placed another sweet kiss. He gasped for air as he leaned his forehead against mine, with his eyes still closed. I still had one hand in his hair and my other hand cupped his jaw as my thumb moved in soft circles on his cheek.
Eyes still shut tight, he gulped as if he was revealing his biggest fear.
“I really like you, McLane.”
His voice was convincing, but the smallest waver behind his tone wasn’t lost on me.
I ran a hand through the front of his damp curls, and when he finally met my stare, I offered him the softest of smiles. I leaned up to press a quick kiss to his lips,  “I really like you too.”
Shawn let out the faintest of laughs, returning my smile, as he brushed a piece of hair out of my face and tucked it behind ear. He leaned down and mumbled, “Good,” against my lips as we both smiled into our next kiss.
Both of our hands wandered a bit more freely and with a bit more certainty. Like how my hands were first clutched around the sweatshirt Shawn was wearing, they found their place there again, except this time they were clutching at the hem of the material. I wasn’t sure what Shawn was thinking, and my hands were definitely more timid than they were before, but after a few moments of indecisiveness, Shawn broke our kiss and reached behind him to pull the sweatshirt off over his head.
Unlike when I saw him shirtless in a towel, I didn’t have much time to stare at Shawn’s chest above mine before he dipped his head back to reattach his lips to mine. Carefully, I let one of my hands trail down his chest. My fingertips ghosted over his skin when I felt his stomach muscles contract. I went to remove my hand, but Shawn shook his head against mine.
“Hands are cold,” he murmured between kisses, one of his hands fiddling with the hem of my shirt, gradually pushing it up against my stomach, as his warm hand laid flat on my stomach, “‘S fine.”
I let out a giggle and nodded my head against his.
“Are you okay with this?” He momentarily broke our kiss to lean his forehead against mine, eyes fully opened and staring deep into mine.
With a hand gripping onto his shoulder, I caught my breath before answering with a swift, “Yeah.”
The corners of Shawn’s eyes crinkled with a smile as we were both on the same page with each other. We moved in sync as I slightly leaned up with Shawn so he could remove my shirt, leaving my upper half bare.
We fell back onto the mattress togher, chests pressed flat, latched in an openmouthed kiss. Before coming over to my dorm, Shawn was half asleep on the tube, but now it seemed as if he was wide awake and didn’t have to be back at work in less than ten hours. I felt jitters in my nerves and blood running hot through my veins.
Shawn gently ran his hands over every bit of my skin he could reach; his fingers skimmed my neck, over my collarbone, caressed down my sides, until his hand rested on the waistband of my shorts. His fingers stayed immobile for a few moments before he shallowly dipped his thumb just under the elastic.
He slowed down the pace of our kiss until they were just pecks as I held my breath.
“Are you still okay with this?”
When I opened my eyes, he was already intently staring down at me with attentive eyes silently saying he would stop if I wanted. But I didn’t want him to stop. I wanted to live in our moment.
I swallowed, “Yeah––I––Still good. Really good.”
Shawn chuckled at my short phrases and pressed a searing kiss to my lips, the same time his hand dipped into my shorts. I thought I knew what it was like to have my breath stolen away from me, but the moment Shawn’s fingers slipped past my underwear, I felt a sudden shiver of euphoria as my eyes closed in bliss.
After we reached a new threshold in our relationship dynamic, I was curled up into Shawn’s side in a half-awake stage as his even breathing indicated he was asleep. As I laid my head on his chest. with his arm curled around me, I could finally pinpoint why I felt apprehensive the whole night from when I asked him to stay over up until now. Because even though I’d only spent a mere two months in London, a majority of that time with Shawn, I finally felt like I truly belonged somewhere.
And I didn’t want to mess it up.
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A/N: Hiiii!! It’s been a bit longer than expected…But here’s the chapter! Whoop!! Getting some progress between the two! They had their first sleepover 😌 And she stayed to help him close!! How cute 🥺
I’d love to know your every single one of your thoughts!! They make me happy happy and give me lots of motivation!! I already have the ~next chapter done and let’s just say…There’s some jealousy on both sides 
Thank you so so much for reading & staying with C’est Toi!! I am forever in debt to every single one of you who has let me share this story with you!! Love you all lots!!! 
taglist (add / remove yourself): @mendesficsxbombay, @5-seconds-of-mendes, @pupsandpucks, @musicalkeys, @madatmendes, @im-salt-but-not-salty, @shawnmendez, @determined-overthinker @lenamds, @samaratheweirdo @shawnsreputation, @ineedmorestyles, @kerwritesthings
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lilbabycee · 4 years
Hello! I have fallen in love with miles and I was wondering if we could have another one about a family barbecue with the avengers 🥺 I live for his relationships with his aunts and uncles! Thanks so much 🥺❤️
anon, yes!:
it’s tony’s suggestion initially
he wants to “boost morale” and thinks that “it could be a lot of fun, babycakes” and you shrug, nodding because it’s not a bad idea
but then he gets mad and leaves because you ask him innocently: “but who’s gonna cook? cause i know for a fact it’s not gonna be you”
so you stand in the hallway as you relay the information to your husband and your very sleepy, newly three-year old son miles, one of miles’ arms circled around steve’s neck and his other hand on the end of the pacifier that bobs in his mouth, eyebrows furrowed as he listens to you, his long lashes sweeping his cheeks
you shoot steve a look when you see the paci because you’ve definitely been hiding it so that you can wean your son off of it
(it’s still better than sucking his thumb) but as you glare at your husband, he simply smiles because he’s a pushover
“sounds good, sweetheart,” steve kisses the crown of your head and when the both of you fall silent, miles raises his hand patiently looking between the two of you
“go ahead, bud,” steve laughs at him
putting down his hand and pulling the paci out of his mouth, miles still looks lost: “daddy, why are we having a-a bar-bar-barbecue? is there a birthday?”
“no, miles,” steve smiles, “uncle tony wants to have a barbecue because he thinks that it’ll be fun.”
“but it’s a party - you can’t have a party if it- it- there isn’t a birthday!”
miles says it with exasperation and smacks his hand on his forehead, like it’s so obvious and the both of you are idiots for even suggesting otherwise
“honey, people can have parties when it’s not their birthdays too - sometimes having a party can just be fun and that’s why people do it.”
miles listens to steve’s explanation patiently, blinking up at him and then nodding slowly, handing his dad his pacifier - steve throws it on the table and you make a mental note to hide it later - and looks far more alert than before, a smile spreading on his face
“mama, can we go to the barbecue?” he looks up at you pleadingly, hope shining in his cerulean eyes and you can’t help but roll yours because that’s the exact same look that your husband gives you when he wants something
“of course we can,” you boop the end of his nose playfully and he scrunches it up, giggling and squirming in his dad’s hold while you tickle his sides
“mama, stop, i gotta get ready!” he slides down and falls through steve’s arms, shocking you - “oh my god, miles, stop that!” - because he must’ve dropped at least five feet onto a hardwood floor
he sprints to his room and steve shakes his head fondly as you bury your face in your hands because your son is a maniac
(the barbecue is also tomorrow but you help him pick out his outfit regardless)
miles is up extra early the next day, jumping on both you and steve at 5:30 in the morning, before steve even has the opportunity to head out for his run
“okay okay, bud, we’re up,” steve groans encasing his son in his large arms and pulling him down to lay on the bed while you shove a pillow over your head and try to get back to sleep
“mama, get up!” miles whines and you can hear the smile in his voice
“yeah, mama, get up,” steve teases, nudging you with his foot and you rub your temples because you live with the most exhausting human beings
you make a light breakfast for the three of you after you all fall back asleep at your insistence, giving miles a bath and washing his hair while steve takes his own shower
then you trade off, steve putting miles in his chosen outfit while you go and get ready
you wear a sundress, appropriate for the scorching heat outside, while steve emerges wearing a white t-shirt and light wash blue jeans; he’s carrying your son who’s wearing a red, white, and blue striped shirt under a pair of denim overalls
your heart melts because he is so his father’s son and looks so cute and you can’t help but kiss all over his face
“so cute, baby,” you tell him and he smiles so sweetly that you kiss him again. “alright, let’s go.”
and so you do, leaving your house and heading to the compound where tony has set up a very extravagant barbecue and although you guys are on time, the place is already bustling with all of your friends
miles jumps (yes, jumps...again) out of steve’s arms and runs towards where peter and shuri are sitting, clambering on top of shuri’s lap to throw his arms around her neck (”hi, auntie shuri! i like your hair!”)
he then turns to peter, parking himself in his lap and grabbing his hands, presumably wanting him to “do the web thingy” (even though peter’s explained a million times that he has web shooters, he still entertains your son’s pestering)
“you made it,” tony, dressed in a silk hawaiian shirt and shorts - and pepper, who has her hair down in loose waves, approach you - the former claps steve on the back and his wife kisses your cheek
“this all looks great, you guys,” you compliment them, steve’s hand on the curve of your waist to tuck you into his side
“thank y-”
tony’s interrupted by pepper slapping his shoulder, to which he lets out a loud “ow!”
“thank you,” she says instead, giving you a bright smile. “i’m not just gonna let him take all the credit now, am i?”
“no, dear,” tony grumbles, cracking a beer open and handing it to steve
“let’s get you a drink,” pepper winks at you, looping an arm in yours and dragging you away from the men but not before steve presses a kiss to your forehead
“he’s still so in love with you,” pepper gushes, looking at you with wide eyes and a grin
you shrug, suddenly feeling bashful, and avoid eye contact with her. instead, you see that miles is now on his auntie wanda’s back, the two of them running away from natasha. the redhead catches your eye and smirks, speeding up her jog to a run which makes miles squeal and hold on tighter to wanda
“i guess so,” you admit, grabbing a mimosa off of the table. the two of you toast to “i don’t know, y/n... what about happy and healthy marriages?...no, that’s corny - let’s toast to good sex.”
pepper leaves you to go and find tony because “he was supposed to be getting dessert but i have a feeling he forgot”
“what’s poppin’, lil bit?” sam greets you with a cheeky grin, slinging his arm over your shoulder as bucky sidles up next to you on the other side, playfully shoving you with his shoulder because he’s carrying your son on his other side 
“hey, doll,” bucky grins as well, short hair framing his face wonderfully, although miles seems to miss it because he keeps running his hands through it with a slight frown on his face
“hey sammy, hey bucky,” you lean over to make a funny face at your son, distracting him temporarily from bucky’s hair. “sam, i thought you were gonna be cooking today.”
“i did, but then big guy over there insisted that he should take over,” sam rolls his eyes and jerks his thumb over to point at rhodey who is wearing an apron that says ‘trophy husband’ and it makes you snort out loud
“whose apron is that?”
“i think it’s tony’s,” bucky answers, miles now out of his arms, running away from him and towards his uncle tony who is standing with “momo!”
miles and morgan embrace each other dramatically and then morgan starts what is presumably a game of tag, sprinting away from miles and giggling happily while your son chases after her
“cute,” you say and bucky chuckles
“but isn’t my apron better?” sam stops the three of you in your tracks so that you can stare at sam’s white ‘kiss the chef’ apron
“meh,” you and bucky shrug, laughing loudly when sam shoves you and bucky, grumbling something about jealousy
bucky goes after him, giving you a wink before jogging lightly after his friend
miles is now sitting in nakia’s lap, t’challa and thor telling him stories that have his eyes wide and mouth wide open in awe - you make eye contact with nakia and she blows you a kiss that warms your heart
(“uncle thor, where’s your hammer?”...“uncle ‘challa, can- can you- what about your claws?”)
sam is now trying to wrestle the spatula out of rhodey’s grip, the two men fighting beside the grill while bucky and clint look on in amusement
“hey, dollface,” steve’s hand slips around your waist and he pulls you back into him, dropping a kiss on your lips. “having fun?”
“yeah,” you sigh. “you?”
“definitely. i’m kinda hungry though-”
“food’s ready!” tony calls out right on queue, obviously having broken up the two chefs and deeming it time to eat
lunch is delicious and so much fun that your stomach hurts afterwards, not from overeating but from how much you’ve been laughing
miles sits on sam’s lap the whole time, the two of them pestering “uncle ‘ucky”, but since it’s miles, bucky doesn’t mind at all
(he’s shooting sam looks that could kill but the gap-toothed man only smiles charmingly and continues throwing food at his head)
you’ve had enough mimosas to be a little tipsy, just enough to feel relaxed and loose, leaning into steve’s side as rhodey tells another one of his stories that makes everyone groan
but then nat and clint take over, sharing tidbits about what happened in budapest that have everyone on the edge of their seats
the sun is setting by the time people start leaving - you’re tempted to stay longer but miles is getting sleepy and a little whiny
“mama,” he tugs at the bottom of your dress and his blue eyes are barely open. “m’tired.”
“yeah?” you swing him up into your arms and his head immediately rests on your shoulder, arms around your neck and eyes slipping closed. “okay, baby, let’s go home.”
and so you do, saying your goodbyes and driving back home
you and steve are on the couch, cuddled up next to each other while soft music plays in the background, the low lights in your house making you tired
miles is still sleeping on you (you tried to put him down earlier but he wouldn’t go to bed, so you’re waiting until he’s deeper asleep)
“sleepy, baby?” he glances at you, eyebrow raised and voice quiet. you nod, yawning and burying your face in his shoulder. “okay then: sleep.”
“what, right here? we’ll just go to bed, babe-”
“i’ll take you both to bed later. i’m comfortable and i’m sure you are too, so sleep, sweetheart.”
and when you fall asleep not even two minutes later, steve admires the way the planes of both of your faces look in this light and his heart flutters at the sight - he can’t believe how lucky he’s gotten and presses a kiss to your cheek and then miles’ because he can’t help it
you sigh and shift in your sleep, curling further into him and it’s in moments like these that he knows he wouldn’t trade his little family for the entire world 
i am in love goodbye
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simpforsnape · 3 years
Sincerely Yours.
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Severus Snape x OC/Reader
wordcount: 2599
warnings: none, minor errors.
credit to the creator of this gif.
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Chapter 7
The clicking of Anah heels echoed throughout the halls of Hogwarts. 'Somehow' Sirius Black has found his way into the school. It’s already known how he was able to get in. Remus. Speaking of, he went missing. From what she was told by Dumbledore, he forgot to take his potion. So he would be gone for a few days or so.
Still, things weren’t looking so good for either of them.
She paced the dark halls on with her search. What would she do if she ran into him? Fight him? Cry maybe? Who knew.
Her eyes met with a panting that settled on the wall. Since the school is magical, there no doubt that it was alive.
“Has anyone lingered around this area?” Anah questioned as most of the paintings uttered.
”Why yes M'lady.”
She turned to an old painting. It was an old man sitting in a rocking chair smoking a pipe.
”Who was it?” She questioned holding her light wand near the portrait.
The man adjusted his pipe before giving off a cocky smirk.
”Sirius Black M'lady."
She placed her hands on her hips.
”Where did he go?”
The elder man pointed over at the Ravenclaws stairs.
”That way I presume.”
She nodded her head in gestures of thanking him before making her way to the tower.
Instead of walking.. she started running. But why?
The stairs were literal hell. It took her almost an eternity to reach the top.
She came to the door that stood between her and the common room. The knocker settled there. She gave off a gentle sigh bringing her hand up to knock.
Of course, how could she forget about the riddle?
The knocker spoke.
"Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?"
Anah felt her eyebrow twitch, honestly, no one had time for this.
"A circle has no beginning."
The door creaked opened soon after.
"Well reasoned."
Anah stepped into the quiet common room. She held her lit wand up motioning around the room. The moonlight filled the room mostly, so it was hardly needed. While she gazed across the room she couldn't help but embrace the silence that was overhauling it. She noticed a presence in the corner of her eye standing in the veer of the room. It was Sirius.
He slowly stepped from the darkness into the light unveiling himself to her.
"Anahstacia..." his tone was rough.
She made a face. Mixed emotions were running through her. What would you do if you haven't seen an old friend in 12 years?
"Sirius.." She allowed a slight smile to peer on her face as the two soon walked towards each other to quickly embrace.
"You've grown.." He mumbled as the two pulled away.
Anah turned her head, doing her best to not weep. Sirius, along with the rest of the Marauder's Crew were brothers to her. Only two were alive.
"I have no words, Sirius..." She mumbled to herself soon walking over to the nearest couch. Sirius stood there, still in his prisoner's clothes. Of course, he didn't have such an elegant appearance.
"It is alright to not have any..." he enunciates the woman who then turned to him, whipping the single tear she shed.
"Why are you here.." She questioned with her eyes still on him. She heard him sigh at her question.
He moved to the settee across from her.
"Do you believe that I'm innocent?.." His question almost hovered over Anah.
"Yes, of course...”
He clasped his hands together as he then looked down at the blue carpet.
”I didn't give up Lily and James location.. it was Peter. Peter Pettigrew..He framed me.. For everything. Their death, the muggles.. Everything..”
Anah cocked a brow with her arms tugged around herself. Hearing him re-explaining the whole situation was anguishing, but he was only speaking the truth.
”But he's dead?..”
Sirius gazed up at the young woman as he shook his head.
”He is alive.. he's here..in the castle. That's who I'm after..”
But how? The only thing that was left of the man was a finger.
”Are you certain that he's here?...” she questioned again.
”I’m sure.. I just need a chance.. A chance to confront him..”
Anah was sat back into the confronts of the chair. After all this time, It was Peter who betrayed the Potters..
”Where is he?”
Sirius leaned toward the chair.
”He’s in his Animagus form disguised as a pet.. I've seen him in a picture with the Weasly’s..”
Anah hummed against herself.
”So.. You need to get to him?...”
Sirius shook his head as Anah soon stood up from her seat to extend her hand out to the man.
”I’ll help you...”
She paused again this time glaring at him. "But only for the sake of my Godson."
Sirius looked at the woman before shaking his head, almost as if he was worried.
”I don't want you to get dragged into-”
”Sirius, shut up and shake my hand.”
Anah’s face remained the same as she gestured to him to shake her hand.
Sirius hesitate for a second. He knew he could rely on the woman.
The two then shook hands agreeing on the hunt for Peter Pettigrew.
He chucked a bit as he now tucked his hand beside him.
"You know, Harry Potter is my Godchild as well."
She rolled her eyes ignoring his statement. Well, after all he was.
”I’ll be on the lookout, until then Sirius... Please be safe.. And if you ever need anything don't hesitate to ask alright?” a smile peered on Anah's face. The man in front of her stood up to embrace her once more.
”Of course Anahstacia, until then..”
She turned on her heels now heading out the door.
”And Anah..” Sirius called out as she quickly turned to him.
”Thank you... For not attacking me.. Honestly, I was waiting for you to do so..” He grinned as his comment caused Anah to roll her eyes and smile.
”It was tempting, but.. I rather greet you with love than hate.. Now go before someone sees you..”
And like that, Anah left the Ravenclaws tower now heading back to the Grand Hall.
Once she arrived the entire hall was silent. There were sleeping bags everywhere. She noticed the Headmaster and a few other Professors standing on the other end of the hall. She must have been the last to return.
She walked past the asleep children approaching the Headmaster. Dumbledores hands were tucked behind his back as he then turned his head towards Anah.
“The west wing is clear..” she spoke making mere eye contact. On both sides of Dumbledore stood Severus and Minerva.
“Good.. I would desire the teachers to remain here until morning.”
Anah nodded her head now turning to look at Severus. He only returned the look. He knew something was up with her. It shouldn't take that long to search the west wing, or should it?
The night carried on as usual, by morning everything was back on schedule. Classes were delayed a bit, some teachers were able to sleep. On the other hand, Anah didn’t get much.
By the time she hit her third class, she was completely over the paperwork, and sad to say some of the students.
It was the evening and classes were let out. The big Quidditch game was coming up in no less than an hour. Anah, along with Harry and his two other friends Hermione and Ron were all in her classroom waiting until it was time to go down to the Quidditch field.
“Are you excited?” Anah asked while Harry turned to fix the Quidditch attire.
“No, and Yes..” his voice said it all.
The Professor was sat behind her desk watching the children in front of her.
“You know, your Dad would incredibly nervous before every game..”
Her comment got his attention fully.
She shook her head, propping one of her legs up on her desk. She had on muggle clothes. Black skinny jeans with a navy blue turtle neck tucked in. She still had a cape on, but it was also black. As old as she was, she still had insecurity about her body.
”Oh yeah, James was something else back then Harry..” she smiled adjusting her posture. ”He’d always make it seem like was all calm in front of the ladies, but when he was around us, boy oh boy..” She spoke making a face causing Harry to smile more along with the other two teens.
Hopefully, that was able to ease his nerves.
”It’s time Harry..” Ron called out with his hands in his pockets. Hermione was standing next to him. The two had on their regular muggle clothes on top of their rain attire, there was a storm going on already.
An arrangement was made between Severus and Anah. He would meet up with her before the game started so that they would sit with each other.
The three students left afterward. Anah did a lot of ’mother pampering’ to Harry and the gang before the big game.
The Professor has just finished straightening up until she heard the familiar heavy footsteps marching into her classroom.
”Are you ready?...” asked the tried man.
The man in black just eyed her. He had on his regular attire, but with a clock over due to the weather.
Anah turned around getting Severus with a simple smile.
”Yes, I am. How were your classes?”
She started to fix her clothes in the reflection of a window.
She heard the man pacing around, with his shoes clocking in the walk.
”Those daft dimbos will never get anything right.” He groaned while bringing his hands up to his face in the process. She turned to the man.
”Was it a potion?” She questioned. Her attention was still on herself. She was fixing her hair, along with her face.
"Lupin neglected to take his potion, so.. I was told to overtake his class until he.. returns." Anah heard the annoyance all throughout the man's words.
"It's not all bad isn't it?" The woman questioned now walked over to the Professor who was now sitting down in the nearest seat.
"It's quite vexatious if you ask me." Anah appeared behind him with on hand propped on his shoulder and the other gripping the bottom of his chin.
"You just need to relax.. That's all... How about this.. after the game, allow me to take you out for a drink.." She gave him a charming smile. He watched the woman utterly astonished by her movements. He should have expected it as always.
"And why.. should I accept this..?" He phased throughout his words.
She smirked leaning down to invaded his space.
"Because, I know you'd go.. exceptionally with me.."
He scoffed but he knew she was right. He turned his head now loosening the grip from Anah.
"Alright.. but.. I expect you-"
"To be on my best behavoir~ I know, don't worry. I'll do my best to not embarrass you~" She teased. The man turned his back somewhat satisfied with her response. The two were then off to the Quidditch game.
It was rather long due to the storms. The teachers were all in one reserved tower. It was raining cats and dogs, but not literally. Anah sat between Severus and Minerva. The had just begun. The players were out, the ball was set and the crowd took place with their roars of support. Anah's eyes were on Harry the entire time. Quidditch was a rough game, but every time she saw him getting roughed up, her anxiety only worsened.
For a point and time, Anah lost track of him. Anah sighed with her hands clenching onto the raincoat that was covering her. Severus eye's quickly looked down to see what the woman was fiddling with. "Something.. frettins you?" He spoke loud enough for her to hear. She glanced at him soon making a face. "Don't you think this game is a bit.. you know..severe?"
A chuckle escaped from his chest. "You're worried about him?.." She didn't bother to look at him. The rain was dripping off their bodies in the midsts. There were uproars of chatters going on around them. "Of course I am.. I'm his Godmother." He knew this. "Hmph." The conversation ended afterwards.
The game continued on a usual with the unlike disturbance of the storm. There was a lot of calamity going on. Some brooms were being strucked by lightning and catching on fire, while others.. well.. let's just say some will spend some time in the Infirmary.
The young witch noticed that Harry had been away for some time now. There were too many thoughts going through her head. Feeling like a mother at the moment, worry over buried her.
"Severus, He's been gone for too long now.." Her eyes soon met with the man who quickly dismissed her concern. He quietly sighed before speaking. "Anah, he's fine." He expressed hovering his hand over hers. For a moment the two went silent. Severus Snape just showed affection. In public.
He turned his head away, he was in no doubt timid. As soon as he tried to pull away his hand away Anah grasped it keeping it in place. Like mentioned before, he was never the one to show affection, but he was aside himself today.
Anah was just about to utter a word until gasps and screams spread throughout the yard. Someone was falling from their broom. It was Harry. The woman's heart stopped. Before the poor boy hit the ground the Headmaster saved him in the nick of time.
He and the other injured players were quickly rushed to Hospital wing. Anah left as quick as she could to check on the poor boy.
If it wasn't for Dumbldore.. Well, Harry would have taken a hefty fall.
Anah stood at the edge of the bed looking over the poor boy. He looked.. well. He didn't look so great.
Ron, Hermione and a few other students including the Weasley twins all came strutting in to check on their friend.
”Professor V?” Questioned the chestnut gal, Hermione.
”Hm?” Anah turned to greet the students.
Hermione went to go sit by the bed while the others hovered over boy.
”Is he alright? I mean, he took a bloody fall.” Ron added gleaming down at his bestfriend.
”How else would you look like if you were to fall 3,000 feet?” Fred added while George nudge at him.
”Yeah, Why don't we push you off the astronomy tower and see how you would look Ron?”
Ron made a face at the two brothers before rolling his eyes. ”Shut up..”
A smile peered on the woman's face watching the interaction going on between the teens. Her eyes soon hit the clock when she had seen what time it was. It was rolling into evening and she had some ’Business to attend to.’
Anah gave one more glance at the boy before turning to Hermione. ”Tell him I waited for him, alright?”
”Yes Professor V.”
Anah bid well to all of the students as the headed to her Chambers to change into something for ’fitting’ for the evening. When she finished changing she glanced into the mirror once more completely satisfied with her look.
When she looked at her she noticed a few tweaks. Her hair was a mess, along with her dress. It looked as if.. hm.. that’s interesting. Was tonight the night Severus would finally give in? The mirror only gave minor hints.
Tonight was going to be something after all
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andoqin · 3 years
Sisyphus: The Myth Ep 1- A Dissection
Okay, so I’ve had some time to process what I subjected myself to today, so I’ve decided to list everything in episode 1 that is just completely insane and an example of how Not To Do it. 
I’m not an expert on Film Theory, but i’ve watched a shitton of media, plus I watch a lot of Youtube Video essays, so clearly I’m half
The episode starts off okay enough even if we get a weird exposition dump and “tense” parting scene between a father and daughter. 
We start in what presumably is the time travel terminal where people stand around in pyjamas waiting to get through.
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Okay, fairly interesting if unspectacular but I’m guessing that’s the point, this is now an industry. We zoom in and get this line that made me laugh, because well...
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a) humans are living creatures and b) the amount of microbial organisms on human skin is estimated to be at hundreds of billions, or more. And this kind of time travel/teleportation is always hinky because well if you think about it, how does that even work without getting into The Fly territory. I’m willing to cut this drama some slack here and maybe it’s an awkward translation besides. 
This gets... exceedingly long, but if you want a (too) in-depth summary of what happens in ep 1 and why it doesn’t work (for me) read on :D.
But then the real trouble starts, because PSH’s dad (I’m not bothering to learn the character names) says he’s not going with her and this is apparently very sudden. He then makes her repeat some lines that are supposed to create tension? Be exposition? Idk.
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“Don’t trust anyone.” 
“Don’t get involved with [CSW]’s character.”
PSH get’s teary eyed, because her dad is not coming with her, but the problem with scenes like these is: I don’t know either of them and do not have an emotional connection to their parting. Sure, it tells us something about PSH (she likes her dad and is worried about him) but I also don’t know how important her dad is going to be down the line. So when PSH asks about her mom and what if her mom dies and her dad just replies everyone dies at some point I’m a bit weirded out, but not to the point where I necessarily want to know more. 
We then smashcut to PSH waking up in a world that’s more similar to ours and she does what her dad told her to do. She grabs her (very inconvenient) suitcase and runs along the tracks she woke up next to. We see that she is somewhat surprised by the running trains and also hardy enough to track on despite bleeding feet. 
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Alas, creepy people in gas-masks with guns and drones are waiting for her, so she runs even harder and after some near misses (they are able to track her by some sort of radiation meter) makes it to safety. 
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On top of a train car that the TWO DOZEN PEOPLE WITH GUNS AND DRONES are too stupid to check apparently. Clearly if she’s not under the train car, the detecting devices must be mistaken. So she just chills on top of the train car, sitting on her suitcase and those goons trundle off after 5 minutes presumably like they’re Assassin’s Creed Enemy NPCs.
Now we get introduced to CSW in the most insane scene i’ve ever witnessed. Honestly. 
He is just ~chilling in 1st class in an airplane, filming a douche who is rude to the plane staff and epically owning him because he’s So Smart.
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First of all, I don’t know what that has to do with soggy noodles(which the other asshole complained about), since by that measure the noodles should be *undercooked* (lower boiling point means longer cooking time after all) and secondly good lord I already hate this guy. He then proceeds to Epically Own (tm) with a convenient Forbes (sorry “Eorbes”) Magazine that he is on the cover of and flirts with the plane hostess. 
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So right off the bat, our impressions of CSW are supposed to be: He’s Cool (look at his hoodie and general bearing), he’s Smart (debatable), he’s nice to The Help (I guess???) stands up to bullies, and most importantly he’s fucking rich. I guess we’re also supposed to get the impression that he’s arrogant, maybe a bit of an asshole, but still cool and everything. 
If this had been where the scene had stopped I would have rolled my eyes and then just continued on watching. But no, the writers thought: “Schooling some sexist rich asshole isn’t enough to show off how Cool and Smart and Cocky our main character is. Also he likes the ladies.” Look at him, he’s Tony Stark only from South Korea!!!
So shortly after he sits down, and we have the first moment with CSW where he connected with me emotionally (he sees the ghost of his dead brother and the way he says “because ... you’re dead.” and I thought OOOH this I can work with), the cockpit windshield is hit by what looks to be a suitcase (DUN DUN DUUUN) and something crashes into one of the engines, causing it to explode and catch fire. 
The pilot is knocked out and unconscious and even the co-pilot loses consciousness (after conveniently unlocking the cockpit lock). CSW is the only one who goes to check on the pilots, having grabbed a fanny pack from his onboard luggage and quickly assessing the situation he revives the copilot and welds the hole in the windshield shut with some ducttape out of his fannypack and a plastic notepad. IT’S VERY EFFECTIVE! They did it in WW2, or so CSW tells us so you know it’s true.
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I’m not sure that ‘s how plane windshields and duct tape and plastic notepad thingies work, but well the plane is still in freefall we have more important things to worry about :).
The electrics are all on the fritz, the copilot cannot get control of the plane and so CSW takes a seat in the captains chair (having foisted the captain out of it, not even he is so crass to sit on some unconscious dude’s lap i guess) and quickly calculates that they have 3 min and 30 secs for CSW to restart the electronics before the plane crashes. So he hands the co-pilot HIS PHONE with a timer on it for 3.5 minutes so the co-pilot can tell him when 30 seconds have passed. Instead of idk, contacting Air Traffic Control or ANYONE he just sits there and lets his big boy brain work. 
After 30 seconds he has an idea, because he’s Tony Stark-ing it up like crazy now and can just figure out the electronics of a plane cockpit in 30 seconds, but guess what. HIS PHONE RINGS. AND HE ANSWERS IT, because he’s devil-may-care and “haha look at this, friend, i’m in the cockpit of a crashing plane we have 2 minutes before i’m dead.”
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Said friend is calling him from the board meeting of CSWs company, bc of course the board is ~unhappy with CSWs antics (I gotta say I can’t blame them) and the friend doesn’t believe it at first, when he says he’s in a crashing plane, but checks on the news to see it’s true. 
I ... I don’t think news work like that, we’ve gone 5 minutes from the initial troubles till now, there won’t be news reports all over the media yet. THEY’RE NOT EVEN TALKING TO AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL YET. Hell he even tells his friend to call 119 or the airport for help. I just... I’m very forgiving of a lot of things in a drama when it comes to writing. I’m willing to ignore obvious blindspots in a narrative, if I think the narrative is strong enough to support whatever it’s trying to say. At this point what could calling the police or the airport do, they have like 90 seconds left...
I don’t know what the writers are trying to tell me with this scene though? It’s so stupid, so unrealistic and CSW is so unpleasant and weird in it, because he tells his friend that he has to confess to taking out the friend’s college girlfriend on a date while they were still together. 
Well since the drama is longer than one ep, they do make it out alive, but the fact that the co-pilot managed to safely LAND the plane (which is insane to me) gets skipped over and we just get news snippets that herald CSW as a hero who singlehandedly saved the planes passengers. 
We then get to see him in his natural habitat “convalescing” in his giant apartment where he is being showered with gifts by worshippers basically. He continues to be an asshole, but his friend tells him, one more stunt and the board will kick him. 
The board will kick the guy who just saved a plane full of lives????? Yeah right, I’m sorry but that’s just fucking stupid from the writers. Why would anyone do that, even if the board hates him, kicking him now, when he’s literally a national hero would be the worst thing they could do for the stock prices. It’s only here so the writers can shoehorn in that CSW is close to OD-ing on pharmaceuticals and that the board wants to monitor his therapy and they have a way of “forcing” him to comply. 
Also he has what looks to be a dental x-ray machine next to his bed. Someone correct me if I’m wrong but lol what’s up with these set design choices. 
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His friend tells him to go to fucking therapy or else and the next scene he is actually at a therapist. 
Who’s his ex-girlfriend (they have a whole tangent about that).
Who writes a report about his therapy to the board. 
But hey at least the therapy gets us a flashback of the last time he saw his brother. Big surprise he was an asshole to him as well, so no wonder he’s traumatised by that.
After therapy he *conveniently* runs into the co-pilot who’s incoherent and beaten up and hands CSW a usb-drive. It contains video of the cockpit on the day of the crash and it’s obvious what struck the plane was a suitcase and what crashed into the engine was a human being (DUN DUN DUUUUUUN maybe someone forgot to convert feet to meters when setting up the time travel thingamabob).
As he looks at the (very pixelated) figure of the person about to crash into the engine, he suddenly sees his brother’s face and honestly this scene just made me laugh? I know it’s supposed to be haunting and more evidence of CSW’s deep trauma, but I guess at this point my brain was just completely checked out. 
And that’s what we end our introductory phase of CSW. What the fuck was that plane thing even for. To show us he’s callous in the face of danger? He’s an asshole even when he’s about to die, so he’s got a long way to go? He’s haunted by the spectre of his dead brother and the guilt he feels for not being there when he died? I got a lot of that before we had the insane Plane Adventure!!! There are literally millions of ways they could have gotten this information to the viewers and not made an absurd spectacle of the plot that means that everything afterwards just feels lame, because you already had the insanity that was this plane ride, so it can only go down tension wise.
Now we’re back to PSH, but honestly her parts are kinda boring and bog-standard “UwU I’m unfamiliar with this way of life, I don’t even know how to eat a banana (that looks *nothing* like a banana btw), so I just eat it peel and root and all. Also I’m from the Future, that means I obviously know todays LOTTERY NUMBERS.”
I know kdramas like clichés and tropes, I like them too, that’s why I watch kdramas, but you gotta give me a bit more if you want me to at least invest in PSH, because I’m sure as hell not invested in CSW. 
She gets taken in by some guy, because we can’t have her homeless all the time, and she needs someone to explain this world to her and also how to eat bananas properly and she opens her suitcase. It’s got both future-tech-y looking stuff and a pink notepad that seems to hold specific information on what needs to happen on certain days. 
She also makes this expression and I don’t know if we’re supposed to laugh because she’s not threatening or if we’re supposed to laugh because she’s not threatening, but we know she’s gonna kick ass later, haha you just thought she was harmless. I gotta say it’s the former for me.
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Rarrr fierce Elite Warrior PSH coming to get you.
She tries to get in touch with CSW, already breaking one of her dad’s three commandments. Oh, I guess staying with this guy breaks the other two. Welp, so much for that then. What even was the point of that first scene...
Anyway she tries to get in touch with CSW but ofc you cant just call the richest person ever (Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos would get very angry voicemails from me if that were the case), but she manages to get his voicemail. Or a voicemail he spoke for. But oh no, she is just Not Familiar with this world and keeps having a conversation with the voicemail as if it’s CSW himself. 
CSW who has scienced his way to finding the suitcase that crashed the plane and as she begs his voicemail not to open the suitcase, of course he opens it and gasp the combination for the suitcase lock is his birthday!!! Something his brother used to do!!! 
But thank fuck the episode is over now.
Just no. Don’t do this. The latter half of the show is more standard fare, but the first 25 minutes destroy any capability of this show making sense. I can see what the writers are trying to do, but it’s so hamfisted and badly written I’m just not willing to go along.
If you want a show that also has a fantasy action aspect (and this show is all fantasy no matter how much it tries to science it up), watch LUCA instead. That show at least knows how to set a tone, how to get us invested in the characters and does exposition in a way that doesn’t feel obtrusive. 
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crowleyellestair · 4 years
The Point- Witcher Lambert OS
Warnings: mention of blood, injury and swearing
Summary: Y/n wakes up after suffering a wound in the heat of battle, and her lover, Lambert hadn’t been handling it well
 AN// Welcome to the idea of a 3 am, sleep deprived brain
When Y/n woke up, it wasn’t a jostling scene. At first, she blinked softly, then rubbed her eyes as she usually did when she woke up. The last thing she remembered was crystal clear, though she was highly aware that much time has passed. She knew moving wasn’t going to be easy, as her last thoughts had only been about Lambert and how lucky she was to have enough adrenaline to not feel the gaping hole through her chest.
The room she was in was quite familiar, as it was the one she shared with Lambert at Kaer Morhen. When she had first made a home with him there, the room had been bare. Eskel had stacks of books, practically making a labyrinth of text, never knowing how to get to his bed. Geralt had small trophies and nick-knacks from grateful contractors who didn’t necessarily have enough to pay, yet were still grateful. The young witcher had said it was because he had never wanted to have to lug items around till winter, though she knew it was deeper than that. When she had moved in, he had a single item that showed life was present, and it was a small plant near the window. He had said it was to make the place ‘lively’ so she would feel comfortable. There still wasn’t much in it, but there had been notebooks on the new desk he had built, and clothes usually disorganized throughout the closet. One plant had become three, and there were portraits amateurly hung over the mantle of the small fireplace.
Now, all of those small things that made it their own, were strewn everywhere. Two of the smaller plants had their pots smashed and the leaves wilting. The fireplace had charred stains outlining the hearth, as if someone continuously casted Igni into it. The papers where strewn everywhere, laying on the floor next to the clothes that seemed to be hastily ripped from the closet. There was a chair next to the bed, blankets layered over the back.
Worry and comfort both flooded through her as she knew Lambert was the chair’s previous occupant. The questions though, that sent ice through her veins, pertained to where he was and why their room is in such a state.  While knowing that a larger amount of time had passed, it was hard to approximate. The leaves were wilting, which meant Lambert probably hadn’t watered them since their return. If the plants, happily named Sir Green Leaf and Planty, had only wilted, it seems she might not have been out long.
The woman’s eyes dart to the opposite end of the room where the door opens. She had yet to see who was behind the door, but she knew by the lack of rush that no one knew she was awake. Eskel walked through the door, putting the broom he had in hand down, and propped against the wall. His hands fly over the papers and journals on the ground, being gentle, yet quick enough as to not be able to read anything. It brought a small smile to Y/n, knowing that Eskel wouldn’t break their trust, even if now would seem like the most opportune time. The witcher straightened his back, placing what he had collected back onto the desk.
“Not snooping?” She had a grin and a sarcastic tone, but both were wiped away after she heard how gravelly and rough it was. Eskel’s head snapped to look at her, and a smile spread over him. He swiftly made it to the bed, grabbing the waterskin on the floor.
“Through your stuff? The only info I’d have to gain from that is theories on medicine.” Despite her voice, she was excited to see her brother.
“At least I have some. I know Dandelion loved the place, but those medical professors are doing Jack-all to try and fight terminal illnesses. I mean, really, we already have headache medication, we don’t need a new strain.” Eskel’s smile never fell, and only grew when his hand fell to her shoulder.
“This is why I didn’t snoop to begin with.” Y/n smiled back, then looked to herself. Her favorite fur had been thrown over her torso, so she had yet to see the damage. Her eyes flicked back to the witcher she had considered a big brother since falling in love with the youngest in the wolf pack.
“Would you mind helping me sit?” Eskel’s face fell, and his brow scrunched. His hand flew over his scars, immediately telling her how uneasy he truly was with it.
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” Y/n’s hand grasped the fur, holding it up to peak at herself. If anyone could decide her state, it could be her as a medical professional.
Her shirt had been rolled up to rest just under her breast, giving her a great view of the wound on her lower abdomen. She remembered being with Lambert when he had to fight with some Giant centipedes. One time, he had thrown the bomb and it landed right into the hole the worm receded into, and the explosion was massive. Dirt debris flew everywhere, and it was much like how her wound looked. There was the initial puncture wound of the large lance that had flew through her like butter. Then, there seemed to be a second cut made, presumably when the handle broke while the weapon was still lodged in her side. It seemed that there were extra cuts made from the initial wound, probably due to whoever operated on her. The edge to every cut made was ragged and there were remnants of stitches from before the new set she now dawned. The impact was on her lower right side, but bruising painted her whole chest. The cuts were red and puffy, but it seemed that there was a very watchful eye on it, and the stiches were beautifully done to allow some movement.
“It will be fine. It’s doing nicely.” Eskel let out a shaky breath, but placed a hand on her lower back and upper chest, trying to force her to keep herself straight as she sat. Once he helped her slide, and rest against the headboard, he looked to the door.
“I should go tell Lambert. He’ll be upset I didn’t rush to get him sooner.” The medic rolled her eyes and huffed.
“He won’t have a chance to. Planty and Sir Green Leaf deserve an apology first.” Eskel’s lip twitched, but the grin didn’t last.
“The room was an accident, by the way. Geralt had been worried about him, and it had been about a week since Lambert truly left this room. He dragged him out of here only an hour ago, and he didn’t go without a fight. Though, I’m sure you’ll be grateful,” his smile finally returning. “As he smelled worse than the stables after Dandelion forgot to clean it last year.” Now it was Y/n failing to return the smile. Her hand gently reached out and grasped his, giving a small squeeze. The action carried a lot from thanks to worry.
“Would you mind getting him for me?” He gave a nod and headed to the door. Her hands flew to the wound feeling a small ache. She knew she had a numbing agent on it, or she would be in immense pain, but it seems that shifting started a reaction and her body started to release fluids. Gently, she called out knowing the brunette would still hear even in the hall. “Would you also bring a bowl of water and fresh bandages, please?”
One would be alarmed by how calm Y/n has been. Though, Y/n was above all grateful to have opened her eyes, and could see no reason to make a big deal of it. There had been an attack on the fort. The witchers and some allies had to migrate back to Kaer Morhen in early autumn to try and help Dandelion. There had been a large price on his head, and the poet was apart of the family, no one was to harm him. A large militia of hired swordsman had attacked, though had been defeated. Y/n, despite being told to stay by Triss and Yen, decided she wouldn’t leave Lambert’s side. She had walked the path with him for years, and the two fought in tandem. There had been a group that flooded the back path where the two had been held, and she noticed the lancer before him. Knowing the casting time of Quen, she knew Lambert wouldn’t be able to throw it in time. Y/n hastily threw herself against the witcher, who casted the shield as he felt her body. It had been too late, and he knew it the moment he felt the tip of a lance on his hip. The weapon had speared through her so far that it still scathed the man. The shield had broken the handle, splintering the lance, and making her would worse. In that moment, Y/n had decided that Lambert was more important than she was, though she knew it was also selfish, as she wouldn’t be able to live without him. Being awake new has just been a blessing.
Fast footfalls could be heard bouncing off the halls. There had been a moment where the sounds had faltered, and a loud curse followed. The running started back up, and moments later, Lambert slid into the room, out of breath. It seems that he had just been in the hot spring, only a pair of unlaced trousers being donned. Steam rolled off of his skin, and his hair dripped everywhere. He had been panting, and his eyes were frantic- more frantic than she had ever seen them. Large bags fell under his eyes and his lips looked pale, and those were the only attributes she could use to tell how he hadn’t been treating himself properly.
He pushed himself to the bed once they had made eye contact, though he stopped himself moments before wrapping himself around her. His hands flew to hers, pulling both to his mouth, his eye closing, and letting out a shaky breath.
“Lambert.” He let out another breath, but his eyes remained closed. Her fingers griped his, pulling his hands closer. Y/n dropped her tone to a whisper, and seeing him so broken started to affect her. “Lambert, look at me.” Eyes that she knew were made of the sun peered up at her, glass covering the relieved gaze. “Please hold me.” The young witcher’s gaze flew to her stomach and he gave a small shake of his head.
“I don’t think that’s-.”
“You can either hold me, or I can start lecturing you on how you haven’t been taking care of yourself.” His brow raised and she gave a fond sigh. “I’ve been resting. It’s not like I’ve forgotten how to read you, and trust me, I have a few words.”
“A few words, huh?”
“Yes.” Lambert huffed, yet he still crowed her into the headboard. Only their shoulders were pressed together, but his arms tightened themselves as much as he thought was safe. His nose pressed itself into its usual spot under her ear, and that’s where he remained as his body started to shake. She could feel the wetness of his tears start prickling her skin.
“I actually have a few fucking words, Y/n.” She could feel him start to fist her rolled shirt.
“No. What you did was unforgivable.” There was a long moment where nothing was said, and the only movement was the man’s sharp intakes of breath and Y/n’s thumb moving in small circles.
“Letting you get hurt would be unforgivable.”
“I would have been fine. You, on the other hand, have been laying here. There were times…” He took a long breath. His tone hardened, but was still quiet. “Y/n, there were times where I thought your heart stopped. Hell, I think it did the second day.”
“My heart would have stopped if yours did.”
“And what would I have done?” His voice grew in volume, and his arms held on just a little tighter. “Centuries? Without you?”
“You wouldn’t be without me. You have my heart and soul.”
“And you have mine. Don’t you get that? I can’t live without you here. You are the only thing in this world that keeps me going.”
“That’s not true. You have the rest of our family here.”
“What was the thing you said before I asked you to move in?” Y/n smiled at the memory.
“You mean told me to move in.”
“What was it?” Lambert pulled away, his hands moving to cup her neck. His eyes were torn between sorrow and love.
“What’s the point of going on if you can’t enjoy it.”
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homeformyheart · 3 years
expectations - beckett harrington x f!mc (te)
author’s note: this fic was a request from tanu after the brief scene i wrote in my other beckett x f!mc fic, the sunshine of life.
copyright: all characters owned by pixelberry studios. series/pairing: the elementalists – beckett harrington x f!mc (celeste russell) rating/warnings: 13+; family tension, fluff word count: 2.4k based on/prompt: request from @robintora​ summary: celeste meets beckett’s parents and it goes about as well as expected.
celeste cradled her throbbing toe as she sat on the bed with beckett standing in front of her. “why wouldn’t you give me more of a heads up? i have nothing to wear and i have to get a gift! i can’t show up empty-handed!”
beckett rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “it’s not that big of a deal, is it?” celeste gave him a pointed look. “okay, i kind of… forgot.”
“how do you forget about your parents wanting to have dinner with me?!” celeste’s eyes widened in disbelief. as oblivious as her boyfriend could be sometimes, he usually wasn’t this dense.
beckett let out a long sigh. “well, you know how i struggle with their expectations and there’s lot of pressure now that we’re a year away from graduating to make sure i pick the right career.”
celeste lowered her foot and crossed her arms over her chest. when she finally spoke, her voice shook with vulnerability. “and i’m not exactly someone who would meet their expectations, right?”
“i’ve never really had a girlfriend before, so i can’t say for sure,” beckett said thoughtfully. he glanced down and noticing celeste’s crestfallen expression, crouched down to meet her at eye level. “but that doesn’t mean i wouldn’t be proud to introduce you to them as my girlfriend. i love you so much, celeste.”
she tried to smile to reassure him. “i love you too, beckett. i just… i don’t really know the attuned world very well but it seems like your family name and reputation is really important to your parents. and for all they know, i may as well be attuneless. i can’t exactly tell them i’m half-source.”
beckett sat next to her on the bed and wrapped his arm around her waist. celeste leaned into his embrace, laying her head on his shoulder so her nose so she was up against his neck. she breathed in his comforting scent.
“you are the most amazing and impressive person i’ve ever met. they know that you mean a lot to me. they just want to get to know you,” beckett said, pulling back slightly to kiss her hair.
“will katrina be there?” celeste asked hopefully. having a friendly face in the room would definitely make things less daunting.
“i’m not sure actually. last i heard she was somewhere in the amazon doing research,” beckett said.
celeste sighed and stood up. “since i don’t have much time to get ready, help me figure out what to wear that’s going to offend your parents the least.”
beckett followed her to the closet and wrapped his arms around her from behind. he bent down and kissed her cheek. “that dress i bought for you when we got lunch with katrina last year should be more than fine. you look radiant in pretty much anything.”
“yeah, yeah, flattery will get you everywhere, beckett harrington. i’m still annoyed you didn’t tell me until last minute.”
beckett peppered her face and neck with kisses in response until she shooed him away so she could change into the outfit in peace. when she emerged from the closet dressed in the yellow dress and blue coat he bought her a year ago, his eyes lit up and traced the way the outfit curved around her body perfectly.
celeste ran an air spell down the coat and dress to remove any wrinkles before looking up at beckett. “this is the best i’m going to be able to do on short notice. what do you think?”
he put a hand on her waist and pulled her toward him. she stumbled forward and he steadied her with his other hand, leaning in to capture her lips into a steamy kiss. celeste felt warm when they broke apart, beckett resting his forehead against hers. “you make me wish we could be late,” he murmured softly. “you are so beautiful.”
celeste nuzzled his nose with hers. “flatterer. now let’s get going. i really don’t need to get on your parents’ bad side by being late.”
beckett had already manipulated the portal in her dorm room to take them directly to the harrington estate. the arrived in a matter of seconds, which was certainly not enough time to mentally prepare for the evening ahead. she would never admit this out loud to her friends, mostly because they wouldn’t be able to relate, but she wished they had traveled the attuneless way. it would’ve taken infinitely longer, but at least it would have bought her some time to prepare.
celeste stared up at the large, mahogany doors with the harrington family crest etched at the top and swallowed nervously. she fiddled with the buttons on her coat and tried to take slow, deep breaths. beckett slid his hands into hers and squeezed it gently before directing a metal spell with his other hand toward the door. celeste’s eyes widened as she noticed the metal inside the door turn and creak internally before opening slowly to let them in.
he took her coat and handed it to a servant before taking her hand and leading her down the long hallway. they passed what looked like a foyer, a sitting room, a study, another sitting room, or maybe it was a parlor, and a stairwell before celeste realized that she would be utterly lost in a place like this if she were alone. why anyone would need this many sitting rooms was beyond her.
when they finally arrived at the dining room, she noticed that his parents were already seated. mr. harrington appeared just as imposing as she’d imagined, with hair as dark as katrina’s except for streaks of silver running through it. her gaze shifted to his right, where beckett’s mother was sitting with her hands delicately tucked under her chin, eyes not-so-subtly inspecting celeste from head-to-toe. her shoulder-length brown hair was curled and celeste noticed that beckett must’ve inherited her cheekbones.
“ah, they’re finally here. come join us, children,” mrs. harrington said, her tone friendly but without any real warmth.
celeste took a deep breath and followed beckett, taking care to avoid eye contact with his parents as he pulled out her chair for her before settling comfortably to his father’s left. she felt a little relieved that she wasn’t sitting directly across from either parent but made sure to keep a smile on her face. regardless of whatever she felt inside, she needed to remember to smile through it all.
“hi, i’m celeste. it’s very nice to finally meet you, mr. and mrs. harrington,” celeste said, making an effort to keep the nervousness out of her voice.
“it’s very nice to meet you too, my dear. and you can call me alice. i found it odd that our beckett has been dating you for over a year and yet this is the first time we’ve actually gotten to meet you,” mrs. harrington replied; her gaze, however, was focused on beckett.
beckett cleared his throat. “we’ve been busy, mother. with school, internships, and celeste is on the thief team as well.”
“well, at least you seem well-rounded, miss russell. i will say it’s been great to see penderghast as back-to-back thief champions. and you’re a sun-att, correct?” mr. harrington asked. as far as she could tell, he was genuinely curious.
“yes, that’s correct. my secondary attunement is metal. both definitely come in handy in the thief arena,” she said cheerfully, glad to have some common ground with at least one parent.
his mother let out a soft hum before turning her attention to the food that had arrived. celeste stared at what she presumed was a salad in front of her but wasn’t sure given the mix of strange looking ingredients that she hadn’t seen before.
“what’s wrong, dear? salad not to your liking?” alice asked.
celeste quickly grabbed her fork and held it over the plate. “no, it’s just, uh, there are a lot of ingredients i don’t recognize,” she said quickly before taking a delicate bite. she was actually pleasantly surprised at the bright flavor.
“that makes sense given your attuneless upbringing. although truthfully, most people in the attuned world wouldn’t have tried any of the food you’ll get to have tonight. we imported special ingredients from around the world.”
“oh, well, the quality is certainly unmatched. everything looks absolutely delicious,” celeste said as the servants brought out the next course.
while the food was good and unlike anything she’d had in the attuneless world, she didn’t think it was that special. and judging by the pink tips of beckett’s ears, he didn’t appreciate his father’s comments either.
the rest of the dinner went by relatively smoothly, with peppered bits of small talk here and there. most of the questions weren’t too intrusive, and she found it relatively easy to ignore the lightly condescending remarks sprinkled here and there. they were finishing up dessert when they finally got to the topic of what they were going to do after penderghast.
“i haven’t really decided yet. i think i’d probably like field research and working with magickal plants,” celeste answered honestly when they asked her what fields she might be interested in. she had given it some thought as she prepared to declare her major last year. working with plants would allow her to spend more time outdoors and with nature, which is where she felt most like herself.
alice let out a soft tsk of disapproval, barely audible over the sound of her setting her spoon back down on the table. celeste looked away and saw that mr. harrington was giving her a thoughtful look and she tucked her hands between her thighs to keep from squirming under his gaze.
“well, it’s not a very compelling field, but to each their own, i suppose. we have high hopes for beckett to live up to the harrington name, and i’m sure you understand your role in supporting him.”
celeste jaw fell open slightly. they weren’t seriously implying that she should be a trophy wife? “i think i understand where you’re coming from, mr. harrington, but with all due respect, beckett and i challenge and support each other to excel in each of our respective fields. i would hope that you’d prefer someone who can match your son in intelligence and drive and not someone who acts as arm candy.”
“arm candy? is that an attuneless phrase?” katrina’s voice broke through the tension in the dining room. “sorry i’m late, everyone! trying to arrange a portal out of the amazon last minute is not as easy as you’d think!”
“kitty kat! you made it after all,” mr. harrington said, his demeanor seeming to morph into that of a doting father as katrina stopped to give him a kiss on the cheek before making her way over to the seat next to her mother.
“of course, i wouldn’t miss a family dinner like this! i’m so glad we all get to spend time together, celeste is practically family after all!” katrina said, giving celeste a subtle wink.
“that seems a bit premature, darling, considering they’re not even out of college yet. plenty of time to find a proper match,” alice said, dabbing the corner of her lips with a napkin.
“she is by far one of the best students i had at penderghast last year. made it very difficult to decide who to nominate for the attuned magickae uirtus award,” katrina said matter-of-factly as she took a sip of her mother’s glass of wine, much to alice’s annoyance.
mr. harrington’s steely gaze shifted to beckett. “i presumed you would be a shoo-in for the award, beckett. but barely beating out someone who didn’t grow up with magick? i’m not sure that’s something to be proud of.”
“with all due respect, mr. harrington, beckett was able to stay on top of his studies while helping me and my friends protect penderghast from a rogue…” celeste’s eyes briefly met beckett’s. “…attuned thieves. the high attuned herself was very appreciative, and you should be very proud of your son.”
beckett cleared his throat before katrina or anyone else could respond. “celeste and i must be getting back, we do have exams to study for.”
mr. harrington gave beckett an understanding nod. “of course.” his gaze flitted over to celeste, who swallowed nervously. “it was nice to meet you, celeste.”
“thank you for the wonderful dinner and for having us. it was very nice to meet you as well,” she said clearly, hoping her voice conveyed the same grace and confidence as katrina’s.
they stood up and were making their way to the front door when they heard katrina’s footsteps speeding toward them.
celeste turned around just in time to catch katrina as she wrapped her arms around her in a huge hug. “don’t worry about those stuffy old busts. you’ve always got an ally in me, celeste. take care of bean,” she winked, before turning gracefully and heading back into the dining room.
once they were safely outside and out of earshot, celeste let out a long sigh. “i suppose that could’ve gone worse.”
beckett gave her a reassuring one-armed hug. “you did wonderfully. i know it’s not easy to deal with my parents, and you still handled them well while being yourself.”
“sure, because that’s what sounds reassuring right now – ‘your boyfriend’s parents may not approve of you but at least you were yourself!’” celeste retorted, rolling her eyes and pulling away from him.
beckett laced his fingers through hers and tugged their joined hands to pull her close. he leaned down to give her a kiss, “believe me, you did well given the circumstances. and i promise i’ll make it up to you.”
“good, because my mom is visiting next week and we have to get lunch with her,” celeste said cheekily, not even bothering to hide her grin.
beckett’s jaw dropped. “what? you can’t just drop that on me last minute! that’s not enough time to prepare! i’ll have to go to the library straight away to make sure i can engage in conversation – what was her thesis at penderghast?” he started walking faster down the sidewalk, half-dragging celeste with him.
celeste giggled and she sped up her pace to keep up with him, allowing him to tuck their joined hands in the pocket of his coat. now she just needed to remember to actually ask theia if she could make it to lunch next week.
* * * * * mentions: @robintora; @miss-smrxtiee; @eleanorbloom; @itsjustwinter; @mm2305;
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nosferatvpussy · 4 years
distorted lullabies [chapter VII]
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Word count:  6,292
Warnings: vulgar language 
Pairing: Dracula x female reader
AO3 link
A/N:  I had a lot of fun writing this chapter and I hope you do too while reading it. Side note 1: I reference a few movies here and there. I would advise you skipping one or two paragraphs to avoid spoilers if you still mean to watch it. But, I'm assuming everyone reading this has seen it already. Site note 2: Anne Rice will find a way to sue me if this somehow finds its way to her (it won't, who do I think I am) Side note 3: if you haven't yet, watch every movie and read every book mentioned here. They're all great.
I had a huge grin on my face as I left the courtroom. My client grabbed my arm and shook it, chuckling. 
“You won!” she squealed. 
“ We won,” I corrected. I stopped walking and faced Mirriam. Her make-up was smudged beneath her watery eyes and her lips were quivering. “I’m happy for you.”
She pulled me into a hug, knocking the breath out of me. Both my hands were occupied, carrying my briefcase and purse so, I had no choice but to stand there, unable to hug her back. Mirriam sobbed, her arms tightening about my neck ever so slightly as she thanked me. Over her shoulder, I saw Judge Llewellyn leave the courtroom, still dressed in his robes. He looked at us, the perpetual crease between his eyebrow softening. Mirriam exclaimed and released me abruptly. The squeals of happy children echoed down the hall and I turned to see Mirriam make a run for the two kids sprinting towards her. 
“Congratulations, Miss L/N,” said Llewellyn. I turned my head to see him standing at my side. “You did well.”
“Can you repeat that, please? I didn’t quite catch it,” I said, grinning from ear to ear. 
His lips tugged up as he glanced away. When he looked at me again his face was serious.
“Don’t try your luck,” he extended a hand toward me. “I’m looking forward to seeing you at practice in my court again.”
Any moment now my cheeks would tear from smiling so much. I let go of my purse, not caring that it almost tipped over, and shook his hand. Although his fingers were long and bony, his handshake was firm.
“Thank you, my lord.”
He nodded and made his way to the opposite direction, presumably towards the judges’ chambers. I watched him go, his robes swaying after him and then turned the other way, taking in Mirriam on her knees, laughing at whatever her children had said. Yeah, I did well. As I picked up my purse, I felt it vibrating. I stuck a hand inside it, searching for my phone as I made my way out of the Royal Courts of Justice.
“Hi, Zoe.”
“Any news?” She asked on the other end. 
“It’s been over a week since he took you out. Shouldn’t he have called you?”
“Maybe he’s lost interest,” I countered, frowning at the twinge on my chest. 
Out in the open, I lowered my head to protect myself against the drizzle as I walked.
“That’s absurd. He wouldn’t go to all the trouble of bribing someone--”
“I still regret telling you that.”
“Nevermind who he is, that was impressive.”
An outsider could hear our conversation and think we were complaining about some guy giving me the cold shoulder, not plotting against a five centuries old vampire.
“Zoe, I don’t care why he hasn’t called as long as he leaves me alone. Maybe he met someone else,” as I talked, I managed to make eye contact with a cabbie inside a passing taxi and nodded. “I saw you two days ago. I’ll call if anything changes. When do you want to meet again?”
“Let’s make it Sunday. It’ll be the fourth set of samples and I want to keep the every 2 days pattern we’ve got going on until your bite fully heals.”
The taxi stopped next to me and I juggled all my stuff in order to open the door. I glared at the cabbie, hoping that he would be moved by my anger and help me open the door. I could be Queen Elizabeth and he wouldn’t care. 
“Fine,” I said as I managed to open the car door and get inside. “61 Marney Road,” I told the cabbie and he accelerated. “St Thomas Hospital again?” I asked Zoe.
“Yes. 11am. Call me if Dracula--”
“I know, I know. Bye.” I ended the call before she could keep talking. 
Once I settled my belongings next to me and made myself comfortable, I leaned my head on the window, watching as London’s lights started coming to life in the nearing dusk. Getting complimented by Judge Llewellyn deserved to be celebrated. A good film accompanied by popcorn and lots of chocolate appealed to my body overridden by PMS. Add an hour in a hot bath and then I would have the perfect Friday night. How would Count Dracula spend his Friday night? 
I lowered my shirt’s high collar and touched the scar on my neck. It was nothing more than small scabs now that the bruises were gone but I still wore turtlenecks to conceal the strangulation marks. I hadn’t felt the tingling sensation on it ever since my date with the Count and I wondered if it would react at all to him now that it was almost healed. 
“Miss, you alright?”
I removed my hand from my neck like I had been burned. 
“Are you feeling alright? It sounded like you were out of breath,” he spoke the same way someone would if they were addressing an elderly person.
My entire face went hot and I thanked him silently for not being one those cabbies that always had the rear view mirror turned to the back seats in order to watch the passengers. 
“I have, uh, asthma,” I shut my eyes as I spoke, overcome by embarrassment. “But I’m fine now.”
Had I gone mental? Rubbing my scar to test if it was still reactive to touch in the back of a taxi was just plain stupid, especially considering that I’d gotten so utterly lost in pleasure that I had been panting loud enough for the cabbie to hear me. 
“Tragic, innit?” 
That my bond to Count Dracula paired with PMS had made me become a dog in heat? Yes.
“Sorry, what?”
The cabbie leaned forward and a second later the whispering voices coming from the car speakers raised to an understandable volume. 
“ Surrey police has no leads so far ,” was all I heard from the narrator before a song started playing.
“What happened?”
“Two students were found dead this morning in Surrey University. Bright youngins, can you imagine what they could--”
I straightened on my seat.
“Makes no sense, how brutal. Police says it appears they were having a movie night--”
“How were they killed?” 
The cabbie took hold of the rear view mirror and angled it at me. I smiled dryly at his frown.
“Professional curiosity,” I told him. “I’m a defense lawyer.”
That answer did nothing to soothe the crease on his large forehead.
“Police isn’t sure yet. But I heard from a pal from Surrey,” he lowered his voice, like he was confiding in me, “that the person that found ‘em threw up and so did a coppa. Looked like a scene straight from The Shining, I bet. Nasty stuff.”
I nodded, relaxing against the window again. Taking he referenced The Shining, that probably meant that there was a lot blood. Dracula wouldn’t waste a drop, I supposed. Odd horrific murders came about once in a while, sadly, and all of them committed by humans. Besides, would he really go all the way to Surrey just to murder a bunch of uni students? London was stacked with several student halls for him to pick from without the trouble of traveling across counties.
“First what happened at that company and then this… This is a bad, bad week. My gran used to say that everything comes in threes. I assure ya, miss, there’s more-”
“Which company? What are you talking about?”
“Ya haven’t heard?” he questioned, glancing at me through the mirror. “Why, miss. Two nights ago the, whaddyacallit, the big corporate cunts in charge of a company- oh, excuse my mouth, miss-”
“The board of directors?”
“Yeah, those blokes. Murdered, the whole lot of ‘em, inside a meeting room!” he started whispering again. 
“Was this here in London?”
“Central London,” he nodded.  “Can’t remember the name of the company, now-”
“Like the murders in Surrey? Bloody?”
“Nah, don’t think there’s been news about that. Cameras were dead, caught nothing of it. They were found by security at almost midnight after a wife of one of ‘em called looking for her husband.”
“Cause of death?” I asked and he looked at me. “Just answer the question.”
“Stab wounds to the neck, all of ‘em. Apparently some of them put up a fight because there were broken arms and fingers. Scotland Yard said that it’s prolly more than one murderer, other than that they’ve been quiet about it… They’re investigating it,” he made air quotes, “that’s code for we don’t know shite.”
He continued ranting for the rest of the trip but I wasn’t listening anymore. I doubted that Netflix would be able to salvage my mood after that conversation.
Once I paid the cabbie, I bid him a nice weekend and jumped out of the taxi. Compared to how he had barely cared about my struggle to get in the taxi, he was nice enough to wait until I got my door opened. Now that the night had come, the automatic light above my front door had turned on and I could only make out the shape of his hand waving at me from inside the car. I waved back as a thanks before going inside. 
I went straight upstairs after I locked the door. With how wired I was, I forgot all about my intentions of taking a bath and took a shower instead. Considering I was humming a tune to myself after thirty minutes under a steady stream of hot water, I was making a quick recovery. I was still singing when I turned off the shower and wrapped a towel about my body. I opened the door, tendrils of steam spilling from my bathroom into my bedroom.
Count Dracula grinned at me, lying on the middle of my bed with both arms folded beneath his head. I pressed the towel to myself, desperately seeking more cover. 
“I was starting to wonder if you would ever come out of there.”
“I wish I hadn’t!” I exclaimed. “I locked my door! How the hell did you get in?!”
“Window." He pointed one long finger at it.
Deadbolts. I’d have to get deadbolts on every single window in my house.
“Couldn’t you have texted in advance?!”
“I did. You didn’t reply.”
I stared at him, waiting for something else to come out of his mouth. Instead, his gaze slid down my body, a crease appearing between his eyebrows as he inhaled sharply. I knew exactly why he was whiffing the air. Thank God my body was flushed from the hot shower, otherwise I would have gone bright red in anger.
“Ugh, leave!” I said, projecting my voice like I was in court. 
I stretched an arm out, pointing at the window. The sudden movement almost caused the towel to open and I immediately took hold of it again with a little squeak. Count Dracula was up at once, circling the bed towards me. I gulped. His gaze pulled me in and for a moment my anger sizzled down.
“I’ve missed you,” he said and a shiver went down my spine.
I stepped back into the bathroom to put some distance between us.
“Too bad, go away.”
A smirk tugged the corner of his lips. 
“You’ve missed me, too.”
“Absolutely did not.”
“Your heartbeat says otherwise.”
“It’s called anger.”
He clicked his tongue and shook his head.
“‘I’ll go wait downstairs,” he said before turning away from me and slipping out of my bedroom. 
My knees almost gave out when he left and I rushed to sit on the edge of the bed. I held my head as I tried to concentrate and take deep breaths. Had he stayed any longer I wouldn’t put it past me to lock myself in the bathroom and remain there until morning. Not only I had to deal with him, I also could feel cramps coming. I wanted nothing more to curl up in bed with a heat compress and chocolate. Summoning my courage, I got up and went to get dressed. 
As I went down the stairs, Dracula peeked his head out from the living room.
“You’re going out in your nightgown?”
I stopped for a second, frowning and then continued down.
“I’m not going out. I’m tired and uncomfortable and I’m staying home,” I forced a smile, batting my eyelashes just to annoy him. I rounded the staircase, giving my back to him and heading for the kitchen. “I do hope you haven’t wasted your money bribing someone else to grant us entrance to another museum.”
I swiped at the switch and soft lights came on over the kitchen island and at the corners of the room. 
“I haven’t. There’s no problem in postponing tonight’s date.”
I turned around to see him standing on the other side of the island, staring at me.
“You’re not leaving, are you?”
“No.” He smiled. “Like I said, I’ve missed you.”
I leaned down and opened the cabinet under the sink. I pushed a set of pans to the side, looking for my heat pad.
“Been busy for this past week?” I asked, my voice echoing inside the cabinet. 
I found the heat pad and stood up, closing the cabinet door after me as I put it inside the microwave and set 5 minutes. I turned to face him, propping my hips on the kitchen counter. I pulled on my courtroom face. If Count Dracula squinting at me meant that he saw me do it, then I needed to work more on my tells. 
“Reading Jules Verne or killing a board of directors?”
One of his eyes twitched before he smiled.
“Both. Although I haven’t finished the book yet.”
“Why did you do that?”
“Not finish the book?”
“I was bored." He waved his hands on the air, dismissing my hard stare. “Please, I did the world a service! Yes, I went after them on a whim but as soon as I drank from one of them… I killed them on principle.”
“Principle? You’ve got that?”
“Is it that hard to believe?” He put his hands on top of the island and leaned forward, the light above his head creating shadows on his face. “The first one I bit was a child abuser. It was in his blood so, forgive me if killing him offends you. I broke his neck because I didn’t have a stomach for him. The rest of them… were palate cleansers. Although it didn’t do much good. Incredible how many of them had raped women and beat their wives.”
We stared at each other, frozen in place.
All my anger from before vanished and I had to struggle to keep my courtroom face on. In another world, one where there was no law binding me, I would have done the same. Was this the good in him I had been searching, however twisted it was?
The microwave chimed, prompting me to blink and break eye contact.
“I hope you hid at least some of the evidence,” I said, pushing back from the kitchen counter. “I’m not sure how representing a vampire in court for murder would look on my resumé.”
“No need to worry.” He grinned.
I grabbed the heat pad from the microwave, juggling it between my hands to avoid getting burnt until I dropped it to the counter. 
“What about the students in Surrey?”
“Surrey? No, I haven’t been there.” 
I nodded, somewhat relieved. I turned my back on Dracula to conceal my face as I broke the façade. He wasn’t responsible for the murders on Surrey as I suspected but after killing those ‘corporate cunts’, as the cabbie had put so appropriately, he probably went somewhere else to find another palate cleanser. Somebody else was dead because of him but for the life of me I couldn’t find something inside me to care enough. He had indeed done the world a service. 
I rounded the island, past the Count so I could reach the pantry. From there I took popcorn and a bar of chocolate I had hidden, from myself, behind a set of spices. I could feel his eyes on me the entire time I moved and I fought the urge to steal a glance of his face to try figure out what was on his mind. 
“I’m surprised you made an appearance,” I said in the unnerving silence. 
“Are you, really?”
“Yes.” Hugging the popcorn and chocolate to my chest, I moved past him, congratulating myself for not looking at him. “No, actually. I was fairly positive you would come looking for me again, much to my dismay.” I chuckled. “One would think what happened at the museum would encourage you.”
My back burnt with the weight of his gaze. I started tearing the popcorn package frantically, making as much noise as possible to distract me. It was almost working but after I put the popcorn inside the microwave and closed it, I saw his reflection on the microwave mirrored door, moving towards me. 
“It’s not very nice to sneak up on people,” I said, holding my ground.
He met my eyes through the reflection. 
“I’m not nice.”
He had a reflection. I blinked, turning at once to face him. He was directly behind me, less than an arm’s length.
“You can be.”
“Do you want me to be nice?”
“No. It makes it harder to hate you.”
He smiled. 
“I believed that for a second, really did. Especially when I found out that you had been asking our dear friend Renfield about me.”
I gulped.
“He wasn’t very forthcoming, if that makes you feel better,” I said and he chuckled but when his face grew serious again, I wondered if he forced that laugh. “Is that why you disappeared? Because Renfield gossiped about me to you?”
“Amongst other things,” he acquiesced, stepping back and supporting his body on the island much like I had done on the counter. 
By his evasive answer, there was more to it but if he didn’t want to tell me it was fine. He had his secrets and I had mine.
“What do you know, boys really do gossip as much ladies do.”
He gave me a lopsided smile, one I judged was genuine, unlike his chuckle before. The microwave beeped again and I inhaled the delicious scent of done popcorn. I retrieved the popcorn with the tips of my fingers. I placed it briefly on the counter and then offered the heating pad to Count Dracula.
“Take this for me, will you?” I said and he did. I grabbed a glass of juice for me and then the popcorn and chocolate. “Come on. We’re watching a film.”
Count Dracula followed me into the living room. As I settled myself on the sofa, he gave me the heat pad and then occupied himself with analysing my library. Library was a kind word. It would take up the entire wall behind the telly if the fireplace had not been there. I wouldn’t say it was an impressive collection to a connoisseur but it was my collection and I had love for every single book in it, even the ones I didn’t like very much. Count Dracula had his hands laced behind his back and his head tilted as he admired it. I stopped myself from turning the telly on when I heard him whispering the titles to himself.
“Oh, would you look at that ?” He stepped forward and reached for the second to last row of books closest to the ceiling. I usually had to climb on the armchair to reach that far up but all he did was extend his arm up and pluck a book from up there. He turned around, showing me the gold cover with white and red lettering between his hands. “A vampire book?”
Of course he would find that. At least I should be thankful he didn’t find Story of O or Venus in Furs. If he had and then decided to flip through the pages, I would be doomed.
“Be very careful with that,” I warned. “It’s first edition and it was a gift. It’s sort of a classic.”
“Really?” he grinned, tipping his head up to the row from where he retrieved it from. “Are all of those classics?”
“Anne Rice might say so but the rest of the world wouldn’t,” I scoffed. He looked at me. “She thinks very highly of herself.”
“We would probably get along wonderfully,” he smirked. “Perhaps I should pay her a visit to give her real inspiration.”
“She’s an old woman now and would die of excitement if you actually visited her,” I laughed. “There’s a film for this one,” I pointed at the book in his hands. There was gleam in his dark eyes. “Do you want to watch it?”
“You’ve seen it already,” he said as he placed the book on the shelf. 
“Yes but I can’t deny myself the irony of watching a vampire film with a real vampire,” I said, grabbing the remote control and turning on the TV. “We’ll watch this one and then you can choose the next one.”
I gazed up at him, waiting for an answer. He traced his tongue inside his lower lip, giving my body all sorts of ideas my brain was not agreeable with. My hand tightened around the remote. Count Dracula took off his blazer and threw it on the armchair beneath the window. I almost asked him if all his shirts were missing buttons because the top ones were undone like the last time I’d seen him but then he started undoing his belt. Popcorn spilled on my lap.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I exclaimed.
“Getting comfortable,” he replied with a frown, like I was ridiculous for asking. He rolled the belt around his fingers and then placed it neatly on top of the fireplace. “Like you are,” he gestured at me.
I was sunken back on the sofa between pillows and cushions, with my feet on the coffee table and popcorn all over my nightie. Technically speaking, I was indeed comfortable, especially because of the heating pad on my lower abdomen relieving menstrual cramps. I was less comfortable with Dracula undressing in front of me while my body was working against me in every way possible.
“Fine,” I said between gritted teeth. My eyes widened as he started moving towards me. “W-wait, no, no, no, you’re sitting over there.”
His smirk widened into a full grin as he sat by my side, letting out an exaggerated breath, he kicked off his shoes and stretched himself in the same position as me. 
“What happened to personal space?”
“I thought we’d gone past that already,” he raised his thick eyebrows. 
I clenched my jaw. His gaze fell on my neck. All he would need to do was lean to sink his teeth in me, if he wanted. His lips parted and I was reminded of their softness when he had kissed me.
“Stop it,” I all but whispered. 
“I’m not doing anything,” he said, eyes fixated on my neck.
“You know exactly what you’re doing.” I started picking off popcorn from my lap, hoping that would show him that he wasn’t affecting me. “Let’s just watch the film.”
I endured his stare as I clicked on the remote to bring up Netflix and started searching the catalogue for Interview with the Vampire. He decided to focus on the telly once Louis started talking to Daniel. As the film went on, he laughed with Lestat and cursed at Louis constantly for his sentiment. More than once, Count Dracula was literally at the edge of his seat. He nodded approvingly at Claudia at times and at Lestat’s flare for the dramatics, making his critiques here and there about how Anne Rice had gotten it right or wrong.
“That’s Haydn,” Dracula said, eyes glued to the screen as a corpse-like Lestat played the piano and Louis and Claudia watched in horror.
“Good ear,” I commented. “Not that I’m an expert but it took me a few google searches to find out where this piece was from.”
“Good appetite,” he countered without looking at me, raising his forefinger.
I paused the film and he turned to me with an indignant look on his face.
“You ate Haydn?”
He grimaced.
“Ate is a poor term.”
“You did!” I accused, mouth falling open. “Who else?”
“I didn’t kill Haydn, that would be outrageous. I would have deprived the world of Mozart and Beethoven. I just stole a few sips to understand his genius. Chopin, however, I did kill. He was a prick, and so was Mozart. Bach, too, was unbearable but I didn’t get the chance to off him,” he shrugged. “Paganini was a riot, though. I tried turning him but he was committed already to a long time friend, you could say.”
I stared at him for a long moment. I didn’t know where to start but him saying that about Paganini, very subtly, confirmed people’s suspicion at the time that the man had made a pact with the Devil to have been that good. Finding myself unable to form another coherent thought faced with that, I simply pressed play again.
The film was doing a fantastic job of keeping the Count’s attention and I started relaxing because I didn’t have to be on guard, even if he was laying by my side. That is, until we reached the scene on a theatre where Armand drinks from a woman on stage in front of unsuspecting humans. My heart had begun hammering inside my chest as soon as Louis and Claudia stepped inside the theatre because I knew what was coming. 
Though I kept my eyes on the screen, I was suddenly hyper aware of how close I was to Count Dracula. An entire side of my body touched his, down to where my leg ended. Had I grown that comfortable and not noticed it? Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Count Dracula swiveling his head to stare at me. 
“You’re missing the film,” I told him, jamming popcorn in my mouth to keep myself busy.
“Your pulse is more interesting right now,” his words tickled my shoulder. 
I snuck a glance at him. His eyes were still bottomless pools of black. The heat in his eyes was just as worrying if his eyes had been red.
“Don’t,” I warned.
The human girl was on stage now, screaming and begging for mercy. Soft, cold lips touched my shoulder and I swallowed dryly. Another kiss marked his path up.  I forgot how to move, caught in the rapture of his touch. I could have at least this. Nevermind that I was being touched by the man who meant to steal my life. My chest heaved as his kisses became sloppier, less sweet. My entire body shuddered in anticipation as a kiss landed on the curve of my neck. 
A hand delved into my hair with a demanding tug and I shut up. The popcorn bag crumpled between my hands. Armand was on stage with the woman, hugging her and providing comfort before her death.
“Say it,” his lips brushed my ear.
“I won’t.”
His lips brushed my scar and I released a shaky breath. His mouth descended on my neck and a cry tore out of me upon feeling him sucking on my skin. Another hand laid on my chest, creeping slowly towards the shoulder strap of my nightie. I closed my eyes, letting myself be consumed by pleasure and forgetting every reason why we shouldn’t do this.
“Be mine,” his words were muffled as he continued his assault on my neck.
Sharp teeth grazed my skin. 
This couldn’t happen, not if I wanted to live. The minute he bit me he would know about my plan. I had to summon every ounce of control on my body to resist the sensuous ripple of pleasure coursing my body. I dodged his hands and shot up to my feet. Dracula caught himself on his elbow before he fell between the cushions. His eyes were still every bit as dark as before but his mass of hair was tousled, as mine probably was.
“I think--” I took a breath. “I think you should leave.”
He sat up and I noticed that another button on his shirt had come undone, revealing more of his chest than I had seen before. I didn’t dare look any lower. I almost cried in frustration. My body demanded him despite the fact that giving myself to him meant danger.
“I want to finish watching the film,” he said, gazing up at me as he buttoned his shirt again.
“I’m sure you’ve got Netflix at your place.”
“I do but I don’t have the pleasure of your company there.”
“I’ll behave if you do,” he put his legs on the coffee table again but I didn’t fall for it. No way I was looking below his waistline. “ Promise .”
Would I make it if I ran upstairs to my room? But what use would it be if he could simply climb through my window? I wasn’t ten years old anymore to run away from my fears, hoping they would disappear if I didn’t acknowledge them. Then again, Dracula wasn’t the monster under my bed. He was more likely to be the one on top of it. Jesus, focus! Mind over matter, come on. Up until that point he was being good company. If he was toying with my self control or not, I wasn’t sure. Besides, I couldn’t push the man away any time he made me nervous. I needed to lead him on until Zoe and I found a breach.
“I’ll hold you to that promise. You stay there,” I pointed a finger at him. “I’ll sit over there.”
Grabbing the remote and the bar of chocolate, I tiptoed my way between the remains of my popcorn and curled myself up on the armchair. I started unpacking the chocolate, doing my best to keep my eyes on the telly. Louis and Claudia were now below the theatre, in Armand’s chambers.
Feeling the Count’s gaze on me, I said, “Are you watching the bloody film or not? Because I think I would rather watch something else now.”
After I started chomping at the chocolate bar like there was no tomorrow, Dracula paid attention to the telly. I managed to breathe normally again once he seemed to be engrossed by the film and made conversation about what was going on, like we had been doing before. He celebrated Louis’ revenge by clapping at him and I laughed at the joy on his face as Lestat popped up from the backseat of Daniel’s car and bit him. I mouthed the words to Sympathy for the Devil as the credits rolled and Dracula stayed with his eyes glued to the screen.
“I must talk to this Anne Rice woman,” he muttered.
I chuckled.
“Leave her alone. She hasn’t completed the series yet and I need to know how much dumber Lestat can get in the next book.”
“He’s not dumb,” Dracula said, frowning at me.
I chuckled again. God, he’d grown attached to him.
“You haven’t read the books yet. You might loathe him as much as you did Louis if you read them.”
He groaned.
“Let’s watch another one.”
“Another vampire film?”
“Narcissist,” I accused and he smiled. 
After searching through the Netflix catalogue, I found a vampire film that didn’t seem so ridiculous called Byzantium. It seemed like a better alternative than Lost Boys or Fright Night. I could just imagine his outrage at Twilight so I spared him of that, too. Twenty minutes later, however, Dracula was rolling his eyes at the TV and asking for the remote. He chose Silence of the Lambs and I thanked the heavens for it. I wouldn’t be able to sit through another sexy movie with him.
“He’s a great actor,” I commented as Dr Lecter and Clarice talked through the glass prison. 
“How many times have you watched it? You quoted that to me before, word for word of what he just said.”
I shrugged. 
“An unhealthy amount of times,” I admitted. He looked at me. “It won four Oscars, c’mon. It’s fantastic.”
I refused to tell him the reason I loved it so much was because of Hannibal Lecter. The Oscars excuse was better. We didn’t say much after that, that’s how fascinated Dracula was. Afterwards, he chose Crimson Peak, at last, one I hadn’t seen. Resting my head on the armchair and using Dracula’s blazer as a blanket, I closed my eyes for a brief moment when Edith met Thomas. 
Sleep’s warm embrace had me floating and I sighed happily. Something hard and cold pressed at my cheek, making my eyes flutter open. Dracula’s face hovered above mine. I wasn’t floating, if his arms around me and his hard chest on my cheek meant anything. My heart hurt like someone had squeezed it.
“I’m just putting you to bed,” he said in a low voice, sparing me a glance.
I was too tired to argue with him and simply rested my head on his chest again.
“You’re cold,” I complained, holding onto his blazer.
“I’m sorry.” 
The harsh lights of the telly made me squint at it with drowsy eyes. Rachel Weisz was on the screen now and I frowned, trying to remember if she appeared in Crimson Peak. Had he started another movie?
“Did the sleep- huh.” I furrowed my brows and tried again, “did I the movie- no,” I sighed.
Hearing his laugh inside his chest made me smile sleepily. 
“You slept little more than 2 hours,” he replied, maneuvering me out of the living room.
“You understood,” a yawn, “what I said,” I giggled and patted his chest. “Well done.”
He flashed me an amused smile before looking ahead again. I wrapped my arms around him when he started going up the stairs, afraid that I would fall. I tried listening to his heartbeat - something I enjoyed doing to people whenever I had chance - but there was no sound coming from his chest. Oddly, that was just as comforting as not hearing soft thump-thumps. But maybe that was just my sleep-addled brain.
“Tell me what happens in Croms- ah, whatever, in the film.” I frowned, mad at how stupid I sounded when I was sleepy. 
He laughed again.
“A lot.”
I rolled my eyes before surrendering to my heavy eyelids and closing them. 
“Be nice, tell me,” I mumbled.
“I thought you didn’t want me to be nice.”
“Right now, I do.”
He started telling me but the rumble of his voice coming from inside his chest, so close to my ear, made me drift back to sleep again. I woke up when he was laying me down on my bed. The bedside lamp made me squint. He set me in the very middle of the bed and perched next to me. I rolled on my side to face him and fluffed the pillow below my head, hiding my face from the light.
“So Edith and Thomas got married, huh?” I asked.
“You got nothing of what I just told you.”
“Not a word." I shook my head lightly.
He pushed back a lock of hair that had fallen on my face and his fingers hovered over me for a moment before caressing my temple.
“You were married,” I blurted. He dropped his hand and frowned. “When you were human. Weren’t you?”
“What does it matter?” He went to get up but I grabbed his wrist.
He glared at my hand.
“It was just a question,” I told him. “Don’t be mad. We bicker all the time, already.” I raised my eyebrows at him. His gaze fell on mine, indecipherable. “We don’t have to talk about her. Forget I said it.”
For a second I thought he would storm off. Dracula looked out the window, staring into the night. I waited for him to say something, waited until sleep started creeping again. My fingers slid down his wrist, resting on the back of his hand. 
“She was nothing like you.”
My eyes fluttered open. He was still staring into the dark. I had to choose my words carefully if I wanted him to keep talking. 
“How was she like?”
“Fragile and fearful of… everything. Deeply religious and foolish, at times. She smiled whenever she looked at me, even when I had done horrible things. In her mind, all that I did was in the name of God. There was this one time when I came from battle and I had blood on my face and armour-" he stopped, shoulders sloping and then stiffening "-she kissed me.”
“She wasn’t that fragile, then.”
He scoffed.
“I suppose not,” he conceded.
“Did you love her?”
“More than I thought I was capable.”
I had a feeling I knew the answer to my next question but asked it anyway.
“What happened to her?”
Finally, he turned his head to look at me. For the first time I saw a semblance of real emotion in his eyes and it broke my heart.
“I happened to her.”
I furrowed my eyebrows and took a breath to ask more but he stood up, his hand grazing mine briefly. I watched as he closed the curtains and then picked up the duvet at the bottom of my bed, unfurling it on top of me. I retrieved his blazer from beneath the covers and handed it to him. When he met my eyes again, his expression was devoid of all emotion. His hand reached behind me and turned off the bedside lamp, plunging us into darkness. I couldn’t make out his face anymore.
“Thank you for keeping your promise,” I whispered but I wasn’t sure if he was still in the room to hear me..
Taglist: @festering-queen @feralstare @rheabalaur @girlonfireice @dreamer2381 @mr-kisskiss-bangbang @thorin-smokin-shield​ @deborahlazaroff​ @apocalypsenowish​ @a-dorky-book-keeper​ if I forgot to tag anyone, please let me know
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family meeting
A/N: this was requested by anon, I hope you enjoy! Sorry it took so long, I’ve been sporting a pretty bad migraine for the past couple of days. Let me know what you think! 
Summary: Can you do one where Richie has a daughter and Eddie meets her for the first time and she put up a fight to make Eddie think she’s doesn’t like him
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Richie’s sudden departure flabbergasted you, more so because he didn’t give you any warning or explanation why, only that it was a friend emergency and that the only option was for him to go. The way his voice cracked down the line when you called him in a panic solidified the fact that something bad occurred. With a promise that you would take care of yourself and a final I love you, he disconnected the call, leaving you in disarray.
After two days he contacted you again, this time to inform you that he was on his way back home, and that he had a certain type of friend with him that he wanted you to meet.
You’ve been aware for a long time that your father is gay, not thanks to Richie himself, but thanks to the fact that you’re not an idiot, the context clues painting a clear enough picture that it’s obvious without him having to utter the actual words. Richie remained quiet at all times about this fact, and so you did as well. Richie refrained from bringing any girlfriend home with him, though you heard about his conquest from gossip tabloids anyway. The overabundance of ‘my girlfriend’ and ‘your mom’ jokes obviously an effort to hide his true self, even from his daughter.
A sneaked glance every once in a while led you to believe that Richie knows you know his secret, but any conversation you attempt to begin about it gets shut down faster than a blink, and so despite hating it, you started to accept that your father may never be ready to reveal every single thing of his being, always locking away that part he feels is most revolting.
That’s why it’s such a surprise that Richie reveals he’s bringing a friend along, for you perceived that the empathizes on the word friend means that said ‘friend’, is perhaps more than Richie would prefer you to understand.
A hushed conversation draws your attention, peering outside your bedroom window to spy on the first person your dad allowed you to meet. You don’t dare to draw up the curtain, to avoid getting spotted, so your view is limited, but you watch as Richie opens the door of the passengers seat, like a real gentleman he never bothered being to previous lovers.
He pauses for two seconds, then bends down to presumably say something, his hand egging the person out like a cat that gets shuffled away, until his hand is slapped and Richie retracts it with a laugh.
Richie’s laugh is loud enough to be picked up on from the second floor, holding his hands up in surrender and making way so that his friend has room to get up himself. The first thing that is noticeable, even with your obstructed vision, is that the man is sporting a scowl, so terribly annoyed and done with Richie’s shit that he is at the point that he apparently doesn’t energize enough to cover up. You can relate, since you are no exception to your dad’s ability to drive people crazy.
Luckily or unlucky depending on your point of view, such a feature is inheritable, and by god do you use it to your advantage.  
Richie slides his arm across the lower back of the man, pulling him close enough that they’re taunt against each other. The man pretends to wriggle away, but as soon as Richie loosens his grip he grabs his arm and places it neatly back where it belongs.
The angry frown lines vanish, replaced by a thoughtful look that captivates Richie, and the emotion behind the stare tells you exactly one thing, your dad and the man are absolutely smitten with one another.
Your feet tick loudly on the wooden boards on the floor as you bolster down the stairs in anticipation of your dad coming home.  
The door opens and before Richie has the opportunity to greet you, you tug him into an embrace, your hands fisting the fabric of his shirt in an iron grip.
‘Hello pancake, I missed you.’ Richie says, hugging you back equally as fierce.
‘I missed you too’, you admit softly, not yet stepping out of the way and making room for his friend to come in, simply because your sole focus is on your father.
‘Don’t you ever do something like that again old man’, you threaten with a steel voice, ‘or I will shorten your curfew, don’t you try me.’
Richie chuckles, shaking his head solemnly, and lifting one hand in an oath motion, ‘I wholeheartedly swear I will never commit such a hanus crime ever again.’  He promises, a British accent coating his words in his intended way.
‘Holy shit your voices have gotten better.’
‘Told you Eds.’ Richie declares proudly as he turns to face his friend, the both of you stepping aside so his friend can walk in.
The man standing in the hallway beside your father had to be the most uncomfortable person you had ever seen. He shuffles from one leg to the other, filled with a nervous energy and no way to get rid of it.  
‘Hey, my name’s Eddie’, he says lumbersome, one of his hand tucked stiffly in his back pocket, the other doing a vague motion of a halfway wave.
You cock an eyebrow up, tilting your head slightly sideways to absorb the smaller man, watching as he looks to Richie for guidance. He’s a lot smaller than your dad is, with him barely reaching his shoulders, but from their interaction outside, you determine that he’s a fire cracker who has no problem pointing out things as they are. You like him already. You must be somehow intimidating though, he’s barely able to hold eye contact with you for over two seconds, and the figure of speech of someone shaking in their boots is no longer only figuratively.
You try hard to keep your smirk hidden at the prank that is forming in your mind, a little messing with someone has never seemed so appealing. Besides, if this man plans to date Richie, he needs to know what he’s getting himself into.
‘Hi’, you draw out, imitating the movement from the man to taunt him a little.
‘Look at you, you look just like your dad’, Eddie tries to strike up a normal conversation, pulling out all the cliches. You vaguely wonder if he spend his time reading through a parenting book on the way here.
‘I resemble a forty year old, single comedian guy? Thanks for the flattery.’ Eddie fake smile slides of his face, producing a gawky chuckle to hide the unease that’s very clearly present.
‘Okay now that’s just cruel Y/N, I am so much more than that. Try handsome, successful and courageous.’
‘Courageous? Dad, eating a rotting hot dog is not courageous but plain stupid.’
The two of you stare off, provoking the other to add another comment, but then Richie knacks the tension by lolling his tongue out, a laughable face resulting in you laughing.
‘Now that I’ve reestablished my roll as funniest in this family, this is Eddie. Eddie Spaghetti is an old friend from Derry.’
He points to Eddie, then slangs his arm around his shoulders, tapping a melody into his shoulder blade and throwing a grand smile his way.
Eddie swirls around to face him, his eyebrows drawing in close and his mouth opening in protest. ‘Don’t fucking call me that dickwad.’
A dark red color spreads across his entire face, peeking a glimpse of you from the corner of his eyes, gauging your reaction. You summon all the willpower you posses to stave off the hearty laugh bubbling up right beneath the surface, maintaining an perfectly poker face.
‘Nice’, you eventually say as it becomes clear that Eddie is flabbergasted at the way he said that right in front of you.
Richie eyes twinkle in amusement, catching up to what your intentions are. ‘I’m craving food, you want some too Eds?’
‘I-I guess I could eat’, Eddie stammers nervously, shutting his mouth with an audible click to stop the anxious word stream threatening to let loose.
‘I’ll get some food, Y/N can show you around okay?’
Richie begins his journey to the kitchen, and Eddie, only now realizing that would mean he’s left alone with you, attempts to grab Richie’s sleeve. He misses by an inch, and he dejectedly drops It back down and whips his clammy hands on his jeans.  
You smile slightly devious, the fact that Eddie throws his all in getting you to like him is pretty entertaining.
‘So childhood friends huh?’ You inquire, leaving the task of getting to know the house up to Richie. You doubt Eddie would appreciate you showing him around the house while interrogation him, at least if Richie leads him around they have an opportunity to create new memories.  
‘Yeah’, Eddie response, not elaborating further on the topic.
‘You guys weren’t very close then, he never once mentioned you, and you guys didn’t keep in touch in either?’
‘No we were best friends as kids’, Eddie defends tempestuous, though he bites his tongue and urges to hit himself over the head because of his stupid admission. He comes up blank with explanations why they forgot about each other, and there was no way in hell that he elucidates the Pennywise situation.
Thinking back to old days during which Richie and him rode their bikes in a race, or running to the edge of town to locate the beginning or end of a rainbow in hopes of finding a pot of gold triggers a protective side in him, and Eddie sets his heart out to convince you how much he appreciates all those short moments that meant nothing to them back then.
‘Richie bought me a slushie once, than after we finished it he proceeded to turn us around on a UFO ‘till we both threw up. Before we left that day he got another one anyway. The heaten deprived of self-preservation even then.’
You give him a pass and decide to forgo the subject, smiling with crinkled eyes, the first genuine one you grant him since he arrived, because that does remind you a lot of your dad.
Eddie perks up, his back straightening and allowing his hands that cramped up by his side to relax in retaliation.
‘On to the real though questions, what do you do for a living? Are you planning to sleepover a lot? Are you accepting of all his quirks.’ You fire off rapidly, acting like a parent interrogating the first partner they bring home, which may or may not be payback to the time where Richie humiliated you in front of your classmates at prom.
Eddie blanches, reforming his scattered brain and considering what questions to answer first. You add one more for the hell of it; ‘How did my dad and you reconnect?’
It’s confusing, the duality between angst and pensiveness that strikes Eddie’s face, making you wonder what the story behind all of this is.
‘Y/N, get your ass over here and help me please’, Richie calls out from the kitchen, so out of nowhere it spooks you.
You sneak a peek at Eddie, then the door frame, and wondering if you said something wrong and if you should leave Eddie alone in this state. Another yell of your name decides for you, darting out of the room and hurrying beside Richie, halfway done with peeling an orange.
‘What the hell are you doing?’ You snort, unimpressed with the obvious attempt to appear healthier than he really is.
Richie gazes up in surprise as if he didn’t call to you, but then he shrugs. ‘Eds obsessed with these, so I’m giving it a go.
‘An orange? It’s a fruit dad and not even an exotic one. Lying isn’t a good feature, I know you zeal for it as well.‘
‘Okay little miss, hid the attitude and help your old man. I aided you in changing diapers and stuff, now it’s your turn to step up.’ A squirt of orange juice trickles from the side of the tabletop, staining your dad’s shirt and leaving a spot you’re sure is not going to wash out.
Refusing to acknowledge his stupid claims, you were a baby for god sakes, you snatch another orange and strip it from it’s shell, demonstrating to your dad how it’s done without massacring the fruit.
‘Thanks, I knew there was a reason I had you. Also lay of Eds a bit, the lasted for ages and you’re scary if you set your mind to it.’, Richie expresses his gratitude by planting a kiss on your your temple leaving residue of the orange he apparently wielded with his mouth behind.
You wipe at it with the bottom of your sleeve excessively, removing as much as you can.
‘Like you don’t find it funny to mess with him.’
‘Fair,’ Richie admits’, you coming?’ He asks right before he leaves the room, holding the door open and clutching the orange and a few napkins in the remaining hand.
‘I’m going to grab my own fruit and I’ll be right there. Oh and dad?’ Richie nods, listening intently to you.
‘I love you no mater what. There’s nothing you can say, do,’ you pause to let the words really sink in, ‘or be that change that. My love for you in unwavering.’
His eyes turn wet, and he stares far off-ish taking in your words, sniffling and then swallowing past the lump in his throat.
‘Thank you’, he remarks, letting the door pound shut as he shuffles Eddie’s way.
Smiling to yourself, you pause and count to five in your head, persuading yourself that you should not snoop on your dad and his potential boyfriend, but the curiosity wins over. You stagger to the door, unlatching it from the lock, and generating a peep whole that allows you to eavesdrop.
‘Really Richie? What about a plate or something to eat this on? All the juice is going to spill on the floor and it will be disgusting and dirty and you’ll have to clean it up.
‘Relax Eds, it’s no big deal. Just be careful and I’m sure you can avoid sloshing.’
‘Oh yeah?’ Eddie challenges, ‘so you didn’t obtain that speck be peeling it?’
Richie must be debating if it’s worth it to lie or not, and concludes that lying to Eddie is never a good idea. He sighs exaggerated and stomps his feet like a petulant child.
‘Fine your majesty Spagheds, you’re lucky I love you.’
‘Don’t fucking call me that Rich.’
Instead of moving away from the door, you freeze, the words your dad uttered repeating themselves in your head. Never in a million years did you think the day was going to go like this, with your dad proclaiming adoration to a guy he forgot to hint at to you, but you’re weirdly okay with it.
Richie laughed more now then ever with someone other than you, and if Eddie pitched in Richie’s happiness, you accept him already.
The entryway unrolls, you jumping away in the nick of time before hitting you full in the face. You stare up at Richie sheepishly, twinkling at him with innocent eyes.
‘Snooping much, buttercup?’
‘I learned from the best.’
You walk back with him to the living room Eddie sits in and watch as your father hands over the plate. He’s leaning against the backrest and showing sings of tranquility, but when he notices you his posture goes rigid, nervously balling his hands up by his sights.
You snicker, deciding to put the poor man out of his misery and finally welcome him into your home.
‘Do you hate his stupid nicknames as much as I do?’ You ask him, finding common ground to strike up a conversation.
‘Yeah they’re the worst.’ Eddie admits, decomposing at the turn of events.
‘Eum I’m seated right here. Is this how it’s always gonna be? You two ganging up on me?’ Richie whines.
Peering Eddie’s way, the both of you nod excitedly.
‘Yeah it is.’
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