#she stayed up all night making last minute pies
Linda Flynn-Fletcher
I think Linda Flynn-Fletcher is potentially one of the most misunderstood characters in the show.
It think comes from a natural enough place. Her role in the show is of course, to act as the potential threat to their summers of fun. While they boys never see her as a threat, narratively she's the big bad. If she sees it, its game over.
Here's the thing though. She's a not a bad mom. Her children LOVE her. Similarly to how Phineas and Ferb absolutely adore Candace and would do nearly anything she asked, Phineas, Ferb and Candace all love and respect their mother and don't disobey her. Now a bit of this is clearly Linda being a more permissive parent, but any rules that Linda has Phineas and Ferb never do anything to disobey their mother. While I wouldn't be surprised if there were one or two instances where Candace disobeyed her mother willfully, the closest I can think off off hand is Candace not doing a bunch of chores that she was supposed to do. Really, the fact that all her kids love her, shows how much all her kids feel loved in their household. And I think that's super important. Candace wrote a song about how much she feels loved by her mom, even if her mom is dismissive of Candace. But she still goes with Candace to see what the boys are up to even if she doesn't believe it. She sets boundaries on how often Candace can bust the boys sure. But she hasn't forbidden Candace from doing it altogether. Nor does she punish Candace for presumably lying?
At MOST Linda will say something like: "let's get you out of the sun" after a failed bust. The worst of it I think is probably the time Linda made her promise not to try or suffer the Pharaohs curse. Which, was just some guy in a Pharaoh costume telling Candace curse you. Linda goes out of her way to read books to try and deal with her daughter. She and Candace still clearly hold a lot of affection for each other and do spend a decent amount of mother daughter time together. Linda gives books to her daughter, tries to direct her to other activities, and finds her sleep busting cute, and sometimes goes out of her way to do activities her daughter wants to do with her. All things considered Linda is REALLY patient about Candace's busting. Could she be doing more to get to the bottom of why Candace is presumably acting out? Sure. But Doofensmirtz could also be doing a better job of listening to his daughter and not insulting her (or do we not remember why Vanessa wears earbuds around the house) but we all call him a really good dad.
A LOT of shows have kids hiding a secret from a parent for one reason of another. But while the crux of the show rests on Linda not knowing what her sons are doing, its not because its a secret. The boys aren't hiding it from her. The boys genuinely believe she knows. Lawrence genuinely believes she knows. Candace is the only one in the family who really grasps the situation.
Linda's ignorance, her disbelief of the wild shenanigans that her children get into is easily mistakable for normality. For representing the oppressive day to day. The same thematic antagonist as school. A mom who wants whats best for her kids, and thinks that whats best for them is them being normal, without realizing what's really best for them. After all why else we saw what would happen if she found out in Quantum Boogaloo. But the fact of the matter is aside from that one future (which also featured an effectively evil leader in Doofensmirtz, and therefore implies more factors at play than just Doofensmirtz and Linda's characters), we don't really know how it would play out in the long term. Future Linda even just kinda moves on after discovering the truth.
Linda is exactly like her kids. She just does the same things on a less physics breaking scale. The woman has like 37 different hobbies. She takes a cooking class, donated an art sculpture, is part of a jazz group. She has a background in astrophysics. She was a pop star. She won a meatloaf contest. She takes french lessons. The fact that Linda has several hobbies is part of the reason the formula works at all. Linda is constantly trying new things which gets her out of the house, while her sons are trying their own new things. Her absence is what prompts Candace to have to go looking for her. Also, What Do It Do when the moment Linda gets put in Candace's position she acts the exact same way.
Also it's why she and Lawrence are so compatible. They have a lot of weird hobbies they spend together. She likes Lawrence's history references. They watch car racing together. They went spelunking together. They go bowling regularly enough to have equipment. She has played the bagpipes while Lawrence danced (which sidenote: do you think she taught Candace how to play the bagpipes?).
Not to mention her extended family. Think about it. Her mom was a competitive roller derby skater who once bit a skate and shook it like a dog with a chew toy and pulls elaborate pranks with her identical twin. Really she's a lot like Candace with her aggressive passion. Her dad apparently won a balloon race, but tells the story in the most straightforward way possible, sometimes very oblivious, but is overall a lot like Phineas. Her sister is an adrenaline junky. And back to Quantum Boogaloo for a minute: Her granddaughter is just like Candace, Grown up Candace is a lot like Linda. Do you not see the implications!!?!?!? LIKE???? DO YOU NOT REALIZE THAT LINDA WAS PROBABLY A LOT LIKE CANDACE AND PHINEAS WHEN SHE WAS YOUNGER?!!?! YOU THINK IT SKIPPED A GENERATION OR SOMETHING???
Do you think Linda used to complain about Tiana??? Do you think Linda thought her family was weird and was embarrassed by them??? Do you think Linda ever called herself the only mature/normal member of her family?? LIKE CANDACE DOES????
Anyway, Linda is just like her family. Sure, she is RELATIVELY more normal, but that's relative, and probably simply because the universe bends itself around to keep her from knowing. Linda literally cannot find out about the real nature of her universe. Linda is just a grown up version of her children, seeking to make the most of each day, but within the bounds the universe has set upon her, both as an adult woman and mother, but also in the laws of physics expected of her. But she still makes the most of her life. You don't have to build a roller coaster to make the most of each day and all that.
I think if Linda is representing anything its that even parents can have rich fulfilling lives. Where they make the most out of each day. Having fun with your life doesn't stop with adulthood. Even if you have more responsibilities doesn't mean you can't have fun? Sure childhood is something you can't get back but growing up isn't inherently bad either?
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bl00d-bunny · 2 years
wakeup call - lip gallagher
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-pairing- lip gallagher x fem!reader
-summary- after you're late for a shift at patsy's pies, lip swings by your apartment to check on you
-warnings- smut minors dni!!, smoking (w33d), shameless activities lol, general smuttiness, unprotected p in v (be smart, wrap it!),
-word count- 2k
-additional notes- not proofread or edited,
18+ minors do not interact!
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the southside wasn’t the best place to live and you knew that, between the near-constant construction and the fights on the streets it was a miracle that you ever got a lay in. you hadn’t been able to sleep until at least 3 am since your neighbours decided to blast crappy songs in an attempt to hide the fact they were fucking all night long (it didn’t work, obviously). And it sounded like they just started up again, great.
you sigh as you glance at the clock, 9.34 am, there goes your lie-in. you roll over and pull a pillow over your head, but the pounding against the wall only gets louder. eventually, you decide you can’t take it anymore, full of rage and lack of sleep, you throw yourself out of your warm bed, tugging your robe on tight. as you make your way to the front door you realise the banging was not your neighbours going for round 5, it was someone knocking on your door, aggressively.
you grab the wooden baseball bat you keep by the front door just in case and make your way to the door. on your tip toes, bat raised, you squint to look through the peephole. you roll your eyes and lower the bat. what was lip gallagher doing pounding on your door on a sunday morning?
“what do you want?” you swing the door open.
juxtapose to his knocking, he didn’t seem angry.
“fi sent me, you didn’t show up for your shift,” he said plainly.
fiona really helped you out when you were in a bad place, she gave you a job at patsy’s and let you rent one of her apartments. she got you off the streets and gave you stability and for that, you were forever grateful but you knew you didn’t have a shift today, you never had a shift on a sunday, and in the rare case you worked a sunday shift you wouldn’t start til 11. you told lip that much.
“it’s saturday and…” he pulled out his phone to check the time, “it’s quarter past 12,”
“what? no, my clock said…” you trailed off rushing back to your bedroom
9.34 am still flashed on your alarm clock, the power must have gone out. you grabbed your phone from where it was charging but it didn’t turn on. it died last night on your shift, but you plugged it in. and it was still plugged in you pushed the cord and your phone lit up letting you know it was finally charging.
“fuck!” you flopped back onto your bed, dragging your hands down your face.
“i’ll call fiona,” you jumped not realising he had followed you, standing in the doorway of your bedroom.
“thank you, i’ll literally be 5 minutes,” you pushed past him making your way to the bathroom.
you brushed your teeth in record time, turning the faucet off you overheard him on the phone.
“…she can’t stop throwing up, fi. there’s no way she can come in.”
you poked your head out of the bathroom “what the fuck are you doing?!?” you mouthed to him.
“relax, trust me” he turned his attention back to his phone, “i think i’m gonna stay here a little while and make sure she’s okay,”
you looked at him with wide eyes, what was he doing? you were practically ready for work and he just told fiona you’re not going in.
“what was that all about?” you started as soon as his phone was back in his pocket.
“well now neither of us has to go to work” he shrugged with a smug smile.
“and what if fiona decides to come to check up on us?” you questioned. when you are actually sick, sometimes fiona will stop by and check on you, maybe bring you some soup and a box of tissues. what if she came to check up on you and saw you were fine and lip was nowhere to be seen?
“guess we will have to hang out here, ya know just in case,” he settled himself on the sofa.
“whatever, i’m gonna try and get some sleep,” lack of sleep finally caught up to you as you shuffled to your bed that had long lost its warmth.
after what felt like an eternity you gave up on going back to sleep. tired of tossing and turning you moved to the living room. plopping yourself on the opposite side of the couch from where lip was scrolling on his phone, as whatever daytime show played on your tv. you reached under your coffee table, pulled out your rolling tray, and began rolling a joint. you saw lip watching you out of the corner of your eye but chose to ignore him until you brought the joint to your lips. you locked eyes with him as you slowly slide your tongue out to lick the gum strip before rolling the joint closed. you only broke eye contact to find a lighter, which of course you couldn’t find. lip shifted his body weight as he pulled a lighter out of his pocket, he moved closer to you and sparked it. you leaned in, joint held between your lips, looking down as the end glowed red in the orange flame.
you brought your fingers up to remove the blunt from your lips, closing your eyes and leaning back as you inhale, feeling the warmth of the weed spread throughout your whole body, instantly relaxing you. exhaling, you sit up again taking another puff before holding the spliff towards lip, instead of taking it he pulled you closer to him with your outstretched arm. you’re confused until you finally exhale your last puff and he inhales it keeping his eyes on yours. you bring the joint to your lips once more, inhaling deeper this time, moving your lips inches away from his as you exhaled.
you watch as the milky smoke moves from your lips to his. your entire being is warm, maybe its the weed, maybe its lips hands resting on your legs, or simply the close proximity, but you feel lightheaded. finally breaking eye contact with him you place the joint in the ashtray- but don’t you move from your cross-legged position and he doesn’t move his hands from your legs.
you watched his eyes fall from yours to your lips and back again. you knew what was coming next, it was only a matter of time. you and lip have had this predicament going on for a while now. you’d flirt with each other, tease each other, until the tension hung in the air like smoke, and just when one of you was about to make a move, there was always an interruption. sometimes it was a phone call, or someone walking in, no matter what it was the interruption was always there. maybe it was a sign that you shouldn’t, but neither of you cared enough to pay it any mind.
but here, in your apartment, alone, together, with nowhere to be, there was no interruption this time. he knew that you knew that, still neither made the move to close the gap. maybe a little more weed would help speed things along, you reached towards the half-smoked joint still in the ashtray, but he stopped you, his hand on your jaw, forcing you to look at him. before you could say anything, do anything, his lips were on yours, hungry as if he was starved and only you could satisfy his hunger.
his hands on your face pulling you impossibly close, you pulled yourself to be on his lap, your arms around his neck fingers tangling in his hair. no distractions, no interruptions, just you two on the couch smoke hanging in clouds around, keeping the world out.
you feel him grow hard beneath you, grinding against him, searching for friction in any form, he growled in your mouth so you continued.
he pinned you between himself and your worn-down couch, his tongue moving against your own. you bucked your hips, still chasing any kind of touch or friction. his large hands came to pin your hips against the tattered couch, you whined missing the movement.
“be patient,” he kissed your jaw. you turned your head to allow him more access as he left sloppy kisses down your neck, nipping here and there. you bit down on your lip to not give him the satisfaction.
he soon found out how worked up he’d got you when he shoved his hand down your pants. his slender fingers teasing your clit with large, slow circles. you reach between you to start unbuttoning his pants but he uses his opposite hand to pin your wrists above your head.
“really?” you huff out
“i told you to be patient,” he smirked applying pressure to your clit that caused you to squirm beneath him, his teeth at your neck.
eventually, he removed his hand from your wrists in favour of your boobs, pulling your neckline down to expose your chest. one hand pinching at your nipple, the other keeping up the slow circles on your clit, as if he couldn’t be doing anymore he brought his lips to your free nipple, sucking and nipping leaving you a mess. the room was spinning, your head clouded, heart beating wildly underneath your ribcage.
he removed himself from you, much to your displeasure. with his legs on either side of you, he unbuttoned your pants, pulling them and your underwear down in one swift motion, leaving you breathless. with him above you now you could see his cock struggling against his jeans, almost instinctively you reach up to unbutton them. he stands up to remove them further as you kick yours from around your ankles.
he kneels over you once more, one hand next to your head the other pumping his cock between you. you look down to watch, subconsciously biting your lip. he readies himself between your legs, and you wrap your arms around his neck. in one agonisingly slow thrust he bottomed out. you squeezed your eyes shut mentally adjusting your self.
he places a hand on your hip as he pulls out almost completely, he looks down where the two of you connect. you can’t help but buck your hips desperate to feel him inside of you again. he brings both his hands to you hips to press you into the couch, all you can do is whine, showing him just how desperate you are.
before you knew it his hips snapped against yours in a ruthless thrust causing your eyes to roll into the back of your head, a mix of a moan and a scream climb from your throat.
his lips against your ear now “ i warned you to be paitent,” his voice darker than before
“guess i’ll just have to teach. you. a lesson.” each word punctuated with a thrust deeper than the last. you felt yourself coming undone, he knew it too, between the moans you let out and your nails in his back, lip knew exactly what he was doing to you.
he released you hips from his grasp but didn’t let up on the speed, he brought his thumb to your clit drawing slow steady circles, a mind-numbing contrast to his thrusts now growing sloppy.
his breath hot across your face, he was close, you were too, it was a matter of time before one of you came tipping the other over the edge. he picked up the circles on your clit hoping to make you come first, you attacked his neck with your tongue, trying not to give him the satisfaction. but it was to little to late, he had you a mess beneath him, you wrapped a leg around his hip, allowing him to hit just the right spot.
in a matter of seconds, you came, closing your eyes you allowed yourself to be swallowed by the sensations, lip following closely behind, collapsing on top of you.
eyes still closed, trying to catch your breath, you feel lip get up and move to the other side of the couch, then you hear the lighter click and his steady inhale. without opening your eyes you stick you hand out in his direction awaiting the joint, instead you only hear him inhale again. you sit up giving him a death glare.
“did that lesson really teach you nothing?” he smirks before blowing the smoke in your direction.
you stand up, taking the joint from him before sitting on his lap, taking a long inhale.
“i guess i’ll be needing more lessons then”
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elisela · 7 months
an introvert's guide to falling in love on thanksgiving derek x stiles, g, fluff, thanksgiving, 1.6k for @nerdy-stilinski ... just barely getting this up in time haha
It’s not that Derek doesn’t like being charitable; it’s that Derek doesn’t like people. What he does like is cooking, which is why, every Thanksgiving morning since high school, he’s found a reason to make himself useful in the kitchen and just …. not leave.
All day. 
Slowly, throughout college and grad school, he was put in charge of more and more of the meal, until the only thing he wasn’t responsible for was the appetizers his mother set out early and kept refreshing throughout the day. He has his timeline down to a science at this point, though the menu has evolved over the years to keep up with the guests his mother invites and the new additions always necessitate some last-minute juggling. He starts with the soups a full week in advance; butternut squash and split pea, made in huge proportions and kept frozen until the night before. Same with the gravy, though he’ll add in drippings for extra flavor just before it’s served. He preps the casseroles the day before and lets them sit until the morning, bakes at least half a dozen pies, and usually goes to bed the night before already exhausted for what’s to come.
But as tiring as it all is, he’ll gladly do it when the alternative is mixing with a bunch of college students he doesn’t know, all of whom don’t have another place to go for the holidays. The kitchen, at least, is his refuge.
A refuge that’s invaded far too quickly the next morning.
He hears the humming first; he’s been able to tune out most of the conversations since he was a teenager, though the more repetitive and annoying noises tend to break through occasionally. And while the humming is definitely repetitive, it doesn’t alarm him until it gets closer, closer, and abruptly turns into a low whistle at the threshold of the kitchen. 
Derek grits his teeth and reminds himself that while charity is important to his mother, genuine kindness is more so, and she won’t hesitate to voice any disappointment.
“Does the cooking or the clean-up take longer?” a voice asks, followed shortly by footsteps.
“Not sure,” Derek says, wincing when the potato peeler slips and cuts into his finger. He flips the water on with his wrist, hopefully hiding the blood from sight until his skin knits itself back together seconds later. “My sisters are in charge of cleaning.”
There’s laughter from behind him, and the sound of the wooden spoon he’d been using to brown the butter as it clinks against the pot. “So it doesn’t matter much to you is what I’m getting out of that.”
Derek feels his lips quirk up, despite his reluctance to have his space invaded. “If there’s a single clean dish in this kitchen at the end of the day I’ve failed.” This time, when he hears laughter, he turns around to look at the source of it and almost immediately wishes he hadn’t. If there’s anything that makes Derek a little weak in the knees, it’s pale skin and big, dark eyes, and he looks away before he can take the man in fully and find even more appealing details.
“Need any help getting dirtying them up?” the guy asks. Derek’s about to decline—politely, of course, or God help him if his mother overhears—but then he adds, “Because to be honest it’s kind of awkward being out there, I’m pretty sure everyone knows each other? There are groups, at least, and I was supposed to come with my buddy because we decided it was a Christmas-only trip home this year, only his girlfriend invited him to Tahoe literally this morning and he didn’t tell me until I got here and it also felt awkward to leave, so …”
Derek starts peeling the potatoes again and tells himself to stay strong, but he can feel his resolve crumbling. “I don’t really need much help,” he says; a weak protest, but still true. He does so much of the prep ahead of time that it’s really just managing the timing of it all. The disappointment that radiates from the man is so palpable that Derek caves almost immediately. “But you can cube the potatoes, if you’d like.”
“Yeah, anything,” he hears, and then, “I’m Stiles, by the way.”
Stiles … doesn’t shut up. He talks as he cuts the potatoes in a way that makes Derek think he’s going to lose a finger by the end of the night, an abbreviated life story that gives just enough details to get Derek interested in hearing more. But for every small fact about himself he gives out he asks at least three questions of Derek, everything from his middle name to the first flavor of ice cream he’d ever considered his favorite, and Derek finds himself talking much more than he does to anyone he’s ever met. He doesn’t even realize he’s answering the questions until suddenly they’re knee-deep in an argument over the relative merits of the Wildcat formation and he realizes he’s ignored the timer on the oven going off for a solid two minutes while he details his very short college football career.
“So how’d you get stuck with all the cooking?” Stiles asks hours later, just as Derek’s pulling the turkey out of the oven to rest. He’s holding a casserole dish in his hands and although his body is still, he also seems to be vibrating with energy. “I’m just assuming this isn’t the first time because you seem to have everything under control, whereas I would have probably burned the turkey to get it to cook faster and forgotten like, the rolls or something.”
Derek pauses, still holding on to the roasting pan with both hands. The words send a jolt of adrenaline through him—not the good type, not the type that comes with elation or something equally serotonin-boosting—but dread, and a mild sense of panic.
He couldn’t have forgotten the rolls. He gets the frozen type, bags and bags of them, because once they defrost and rise they only take a few minutes to bake. It’s the last thing he does every year; he takes the casseroles out of the oven and puts four cookie sheets worth of rolls in, and by the time they’re done everything else is on the table. 
“I forgot the rolls,” he says, letting go of the roasting pan and twisting to look at the island, where the shelf he typically keeps the cookie sheets on is depressingly empty. His heart feels like it’s sinking, even though he knows at the same time that there’s plenty of food and it’s not such a big deal. “I forgot to take them out.”
The oven door closes, pulling him out of his head, and Stiles taps at the buttons to set the timer. “I can grab them. Where are they?”
“In the freezer,” Derek says, probably too short, because Stiles raises an eyebrow in response. “Fuck, I never took them out. They take hours to rise, it’s too late. Shit.” 
“So we go without,” Stiles says, shrugging. “If anyone complains, kick them out.” 
He can’t keep himself from frowning. It’s such a simple, little thing, and he tends to get stuck on those at times and the unsettled feeling in his chest can stick around for hours. But then Stiles moves into his line of sight and reaches out, hand closing around his shoulder. “You’re cute when you’re upset,” he says, and grins even though a faint blush appears on his cheeks. “It’s not rolls, but I can make biscuits pretty quick if you’ve got flour and extra butter.”
Some of the pressure lifts off his chest. “Flour’s in the pantry,” he says, and Stiles nods once and turns around, further discussion not needed. Derek still needs to assemble the salads, but he takes a moment to find a clean mixing bowl and the pastry cutter so Stiles can get to work. It takes longer than the rolls would have, but everything is still hot when they come out of the oven, and he can’t even bring himself to care that his sisters will definitely make fun of him for messing up when Stiles breaks off a piece of a biscuit and holds it out for Derek to try.
They’re simple, but good—but even better is the way that Stiles kisses him back when Derek pulls him in, a little overwhelmed by the way the day turned out so differently than he had expected, but grateful.
“Thanks for that,” he says, quietly, when they part, gesturing to the basket Stiles had just piled all the biscuits into. “And everything else.”
“Thanks for letting me hide in here all day,” Stiles says with a grin. “Do you have to stick around for a while after dinner, or can I convince you to get late-night ice cream with me?”
“I could be convinced,” Derek says, picking up the last of the casserole dishes to bring to the table, “but I could also just forget to bring out that cherry pie you’ve been looking at all day and we could keep hiding.”
“Hiding’s good,” Stiles says quickly. “Hiding is great, let’s do that. Just not in here where I assume your sisters will be cursing our names as they clean, so—my place isn’t that far, if you wanna just … hide there. Instead. With the pie. You know, we could always get ice cream to go with the pie, that’s probably the best decision. Do people do a la mode with cherry pie?”
Derek shakes his head and grins, and uses his elbow to urge Stiles in front of him; they’ve only known each other a few hours, but he knows well how easily he can get distracted. “Come on,” he says. “Let’s go get this over with and we can find out.”
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palettesofrenaissance · 6 months
A few short ideas I have so far for the Fleur De Louve November 2023 event. With each of these, I welcome input, ideas, collaboration, and anything. My mind has started to come down from the stress and busyness of work and I've been spending time with family
Also, I welcome anyone sending these as prompts for me to fill, especially the ones I have nothing for, but please add more info. My brain is reviving but it's still mostly dead 🥲
Halloween Candy - Everyone is alternating between watching a movie night in the living room and answering the door for trick or treaters when the doorbell rings. Sarah is in costume, Bucky isn't. AJ and Cass are preparing to go out but the trick or treating seems to have started early. One time when he answers the door, the mother who's standing behind her child subtly grips him tight and pulls him back. She politely declines their candy and rushes her son off, ignoring his complaining. Others in line ignore her and happily take the candy from the bucket Bucky holds, but he can't help but notice that the mother begins talking to other parents down the street. After this, Bucky starts making excuses to no longer answer the door and Sarah and the boys notice. The boys pipe up saying that Bucky isn't scary, but edge it on saying that if he wanted to be, he should wear "that mask Cass got you." It's a scary, bloody, rubber mask with missing teeth bought from a party store. Bucky is unsure about it, but he tries it on anyway, thinking that it might be better if no one sees his face. Liking gruesome things, Cass loves it. Sarah thinks that he should wear the half mask and outfit that's left in the family's trunk of costumes; it's a Phantom of the Opera outfit.
I don't know where to go after this, but I imagine it being a happy ending
Sweet Potato Pie / Pumpkin - [Explicit] It's late at night and the boys are at a sleepover and Sam is away, Sarah and Bucky are savoring a plate of leftover desserts without the overhanging thought that the last of it could be gobbled up at any moment. Sarah is still working on her first plate, a slice of sweet potatoe pie with vanilla whipped cream. Bucky gets up for his second and returns with a slice of pumpkin pie, to Sarah's silent judgment, which was purchased at a grocery store. She teases him about it, he defends that both pies taste equally good, but Sarah digress. He cuts off a piece and offers it to her to taste since she's refused all this night. Her decision doesn't change. They begin to playfully bicker until Bucky says that he has a way to convince her that both taste fine. His idea: to kiss Sarah deeply and long. She "still needs some convincing." So he reaches for the whipped cream that's sitting nearby and sprays a dollop on her chest. Of course he proceeds to clean her up with his mouth, and continues to move down her body, undoing her buttons one at a time...
Most likely a fade-to-black fic
Chai tea - Bucky has never tried chai. During a solo trip back to New York because he was invited to speak on a historical event, Sarah watches him mingle with a few historians afterwards, balancing a cardboard cup holder in one hand and periodically sipping her own. When he's done, he returns to her, greets her and asks what drinks she bought. Before she can even answer, he smoothly takes her cup from her hand to take a sip. He's stunned by the many spices and it takes a minute to process whether he likes it or not. Meanwhile, Sarah is holding in her laughter watching his face go from confusion to contemplating to surprise. In the end, he finds out he likes chai tea
Soup - Sarah is sick. AJ is sick. Cass is sick. Bucky and Sam, by chance, haven't gotten sick. But Sam has ran away to stay at Joaquìn's so Bucky has been appointed the unofficial nurse. He masks up, wears gloves, and serves out medicine every 3 hours, refills cups of Gatorade, reapplied Vics rub, and keeps the nebulizer full. Unfortunately, they've run out of soup so he has to hurry over to the nearest store to by some. There, he runs into a friend he's made in town who's surprised to see him wearing a mask. Baffled, the friend asks if Bucky even could get sick (because of the serum and not having 21st century vaccines). He doesn't know but doesn't want to find out. When he returns home, he jokingly says that if he gets sick, then it's everyone else's turn to take care of him. The AJ in particular takes interest in this proposal and shoots off ideas of how in the world one could help a man from the 30s feel better when he's so goddamn picky about everything
(Suggestions especially welcome for this)
"There's no place like home." - a short dialogue (maybe) about AJ practicing for his part in a school play. This year it's The Wizard of Oz after doing The Wiz for five years straight. Most of the children haven't seen The Wizard of Oz at all. The lead little girl who plays Dorothy has forgotten her lines, so AJ loudly calls to Bucky to help her with her lines. Bucky doesn't know why AJ thinks he'd know the lines like that by heart. Like the little kid he is, so he has limited filter, AJ honestly answers something along the lines of, "because you're old. It came out during your time, didn't it?" Bucky sputters, shocked at AJ's bluntness and that it's the truth. The little girl repeats what she knows. Bucky reminds her that it's the line "there's no place like home."
"I think it looks nice."
"Tell me a story." "I don't know any stories."
"You've got leaves in your hair."
"I love you, but you have the worse poker face I've ever seen."
"Do that again."
"Would you like to dance?"
Celebrity/Bodyguard AU
Coffee Shop/Bakery AU
College Professors AU
Space AU
Tattoo Parlor/Flower Shop AU
Med School/Doctors AU
Mermaid/Pirates AU
Falling leaves
Chilly mornings
Apple picking
Football game
Family dinner
They were roommates
Bed sharing
Found family
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xa176 · 3 days
Here are some of my fav LIs from each season of litg (we all have different and similar opinions, please be respectful)
•S1: Jake and Talia. Jake was a slow burn but really did care for Mc and was just afraid to show it until last minute, coupled up with him the moment I had a chance, plus when Cherrygate happened… Jake put a protective arm around you as you walked away from your current partner. Talia is so gorgeous and thoughtful, when my Mc was coupled up with Mason, him and Levi started getting into it and Talia told them to stop swinging their dicks and made sure my Mc was ok. I of course replayed it and took the Talia route 😊 have not regretted it.
•S2: BOBBY!! No words can explain when my s2 Mc and him just meshed together. Literally so thoughtful, kind, loving and funny. He really was head over heels for Mc in the end and really cared for his friends! When drama would happen, he would be the first to try fix things together.
•S3: Harry and AJ. Harry is cute looking and I love his backstory of his family basically saying he is adopted and he has two other siblings (I think, it’s been awhile and I of course am not able to replay it) he explains he such a good brother and his old t-shirt looked kind of cute on my Mc. AJ gives off golden retriever energy and she’s so beautiful! Her style is beyond stunning and playing her route was heart warming for me.
•S4: Youcef. Now towards the end of the season I realized I’m a sucker for slow burns. At first I thought he and Bruno were ugly when they showed up in the hot tub date. But as we got to see more of his personality somewhere in between… I had to make my Mc couple up with him. But seriously… fusebox did him REALLY dirty. I remember someone saying this… every time he smiles he looks like he’s in pain. He kind of does tbh. I love his personality but he could have looked better. Also playing his route is the sweetest and the only time you are on track with his route is when you say honesty is the best policy when talking with Tiffany, Bruno and him.
•S5: now f*ck this season! My Mc coupled up with Suresh and took her f*cking money because screw that season. Worst season ever.
•S6: Lewie, Bella and Andy. Lewie is major Golden Retriever energy, I just find him so attractive that I made my Mc immediately coupled with him right away, he just wants everyone to get along and when things go south I think his Captain instincts kick in and try to keep the vibes going. Bella is the most patient woman ever in all the seasons, she literally waited for Mc. She’s just so out of this world too! Her smile is just… UGHHH I WAS SO IN LOVE THAT I HAD TO DO HER ROUTE TOO!! WORTH IT! Now Andy, he was the most popular casa boy this season, I mean look at him! How can anyone resist his smile? And his little prank you see if you brought him back to the main villa on movie night and his little dance, ugh my heart. (I had to play the Ryan route so I wouldn’t have felt guilty for leaving Lewie to be dumped) and he works with animals, I love animals!!
•S7: Joyo. This season wasn’t really worth it since it lost all its excitement after Mc went into the main villa. Joyo immediately caught my eye so I stayed loyal and now I’m replaying for a Raphael route.
•S8: Claudia, Bea and Max. Claudia is so gorgeous AND SHE DESERVED MY MC MORE THAN THEO. My opinion on Theo was that he was still a playboy and disrespected Claudia by trying to flirt with my Mc, like Theo I don’t want you, I want your girl you are not treating correctly. Bea is so gorgeous and if you aren’t on her route, she’s literally your best friend and you get the option to have a little date with her when you guys are in casa together. As I am writing this, I notice that I’m a huge sucker for golden retriever vibes. Max’s color yellow def suits him! Adorable and I found it funny when he pied off your last LI (in my case, it was Jin) and basically showed he wouldn’t back down just because Mc and the last LI had history.
•S9: I have no opinions so far on my favorites but Natasha be looking like she could be a bit of me. She’s beautiful. I just hope Fusebox brings back people from later seasons and people we weren’t able to romance at all. Like being Eddie back, he did not deserve to go and how he experienced love island. I want him to have a chance with my Mc this season.
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cakepopalice · 3 months
Movie Star Levi x Fan Female Reader
I made this one on Wattpad. Like last time I just acknowledgment for being the one to make this. Enjoy!!
This is in modern day AU
(O/B/N) = Older brothers name
(Y/B/N) = Younger brothers name
Levi pov
“ Tch how many times do we have to retake this stupid scene?” I asked the fuckin director. It was five in the afternoon and at this time I would talk to a girl that I took a firm liking to. “ We're going to stop right here Levi since something is missing.” The director said I did my signature ‘tch’ then walked away to my trailer and I hoped that she was still online. I turned on my computer and logged in to the website and waited for her. It didn’t take long for her to respond.
Why were you late Levi? Did something happen? Tch the stupid director kept making me redo a stupid scene with a stupid girl. Oh….. What’s wrong? It’s nothing I’m just about to leave to go to California to visit family. Tch is that all brat?
 I know that was not the only thing because the director decided to put on a meet and greet for the fans of the shity movie series that will be coming out soon.
Okay I’m also going to the meet and greet. Tch well can I get a pic of you so I know what you look like so I can find you brat.
Levi I already told you. I’m uncomfortable with the way I look.
I rolled my eyes and I was going to tell her what I say all the time to her but then my stupid agent came in and told me to come back. So I told her bye and that I hope to see her. I have been talking to that brat for three years now and I started to have feelings for the brat. `I hope I can see her soon` I thought as I went back to do the stupid scene again.
(Y/N) pov
I can believe it!!!! Not only do I get to see my family after being in college for 6 years and 2 more years with my job I get to see Levi!! I’ve had a crush on him for a long time but every girl would. I met Levi when I was looking for someone to talk to online and saw his profile and started to talk to him. At first I didn’t think that he was Levi the actor until I saw his pictures. We talked a lot but since we live in different places we had to make a schedule. Once I had all my stuff in my car I locked the door and got in the car and started to drive the five hours to California.
~5 hours later~
Finally I’m here in California even though it was what like 6:15 pm it felt like it was eight o’clock at night. I stopped in front of a giant mansion and before I even got out my older brother (O/B/N) opened the door for me exhausted. “ Hey little sis *pant* how was *pant* your ride here?” (O/B/N) asked me and panted like he ran a marathon but I knew it was (Y/B/N) doing. “ It was long but I’m happy I could make it home.” I said to him with a smile. “ You also came back to go to the meet and greet right?” (Y/B/N) asked as behind (O/B/N) causing him to jump and I was glad I was still in the car or he would cling on me to death. “ Stop blocking your sister from coming out of the car and go eat.” I heard my father say with a light chuckle. I got out and went inside and enjoyed the rest of the day with my family and unpacking my car. I can’t wait till the meet and greet!!!!!
(Meet and Greet day)
Levi pov
“Tch how long do we have to be here? I have better things to do.” I said to the director with hate. I just want to go and message (Y/N) and tell her about my shitty day. “ Sorry Levi but it will be two more hours then you can go.” the director said to me. I ‘tch’ then looked into the crowd with my blank expression then all of a sudden my phone buzzed and when I took it out I saw (Y/N) had sent me an image of something so I opened it and saw her picture with two males which I know were her brothers. I looked up from my phone and scanned the crowd for her and when I didn’t see her in the crowd I went to find her. Well until that stupid director told me to stay put because it has only been 35 minutes. Now I am pissed that I can't go and find that brat and ask her to be my girlfriend. I don’t know how long I stood there until I saw a (H/C) in the crowd. I couldn’t wait any longer so I left to go talk to her and I could hear that director yelling at me to come back but I ignored him. Everyone cleared a path for me since they know I hate when people crowded me and you can ask the six fans that crowded me. As I got closer her brothers told her to look behind her and when she did she blushed a little, casting her eyes down to the ground. Once I was right in front of her I tilted her chin up and kissed her. There was a ton of gasps and a few snickering but I didn’t care at all. When we pulled away she was a blushing mess which was cute. “ Hey (Y/N) want to be my girl?” I asked her in a monotone voice I use so much. She blushed and said ‘yes’ in a kind of whisper voice. My smirk grew wider then I pulled her into another kiss.
Soooooo Since this was on Wattpad first I'll write what I put at the bottom and if you like the little name I call the people on Wattpad then I'll start using it here as well. Oh by the way Denis is a fake boyfriend in my other Awful story.
Hey my little cakes!!!! I’m so sorry for not posting anything but school in a pain in the butt!!! I hope you guys like this one my little Cakes!!!!! Bye!!!!
Me: Thanks Levi for bringing my boyfriend here * still hugging Denis*
Levi: Tch whatever brat and nice story *walks away*
Denis: Well then I guess.
Me: That’s Levi for you *kisses Denis’s cheek* Denis: Thanks babe *kisses cheek and smiles goofy*
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wormsin · 7 months
I actually really like thanksgiving. not so much when I was a kid, because even though I loved the food, I found parties overwhelming and hid away as much as I could get away with. but in college, I was usually at school for thanksgiving break and it was the bleakest, most depressing week of the year. I was deeply depressed in college and socially isolated, and for that week the days were darker, no one was around, there was no food, I once had to stay up for 24 hours doing last-minute costumes for a production of The Winter's Tale. simply horrible.
so if I don't do something for the holiday, I get very depressed. usually I do a small dinner with my bestie and whichever friends aren't out of town for holiday plans, which only ever amounts to 2 or 3 people. most people I know have family near they can go to, or their partner's family. my life is just... not really structured like that.
it's a holiday of horrid origins, but I think it's pretty important to gather with people that you like in the dark season and eat good food.
this year me and my bestie are with my girlfriend's family (bestie and gf are very good friends). it's been really nice. my gf is trans internet famous and known as a bit of a scary bitch, but she's actually very sweet and silly. as soon as I met her parents it was apparent that "make silly voices and jokes constantly" runs in the family. even I am slipping into a horrid Boston accent.
they're all so sweet. absolutely perfect, chill family gathering. we ate at 2:30 (their tradition, so they can make leftover sandwiches for dinner the same night) and are watching Adam's Family Values. there are 7 pies for 10 people. there's a cat and a sweet, tiny dog. it's a good day.
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invisibleraven · 1 year
Compliment prompt 100, reggie pair of your choice!
The first time Reggie uses his powers, he's a baby.
MeeMaw was trying to feed him, and making ridiculous faces in some vain attempt to shove the spoon into his mouth. Only to reel back in fear and shock as her infant grandson was now wearing her face, right down to the mole above her left eyebrow.
He changed back moments later, giggling and content to play with the pureed yams rather than be fed them, and Chavla took a moment to ensure she hadn't been seeing things. She decides not to say anything-just in case.
The next time is during a game of hide and seek with his cousin Jeb, and Reggie is desperate not to be the first one found. The big kids had claimed he was too much of a baby to play with them, only allowing him to join after MeeMaw gave them her patented glare. So he thinks really hard about how to hide and suddenly, he's a rock.
At first he almost vibrates with glee, knowing there's no way in tarnation that he's gonna get found first now. But then he starts to panic.
What if he doesn't get found at all?
What if he can't change back?
What if Jeb picks him up to throw at the gulls like he does sometimes?
Reggie is back to himself after that, shaking and crying, unable to really tell anyone why he's so upset, and latches himself to his grandmother's side for the rest of the day.
He's a lot more careful about his thoughts after that.
Especially after his mom finds out.
She's scrubbing his face after a fun afternoon of mud pies and sighs as she takes in his red cheeks, thumbing over the warm skin. "I don't know where this rosacea comes from. Certainly not my side of the family," Evelynn said. "Wish there was a way to get rid of it, you'd be the handsomest little man."
Reggie so wants his mother to think highly of him, and hey, this is a flaw he can fix right? So he wills his skin milky pale, the mottled redness melting away, and his mother gasps when he offers her a smile.
At first she tries to use it to gain, but even Reggie's power has it's limits. He can only hold a different shape for a few minutes at a time, and panic makes him instantly revert. Changes to his own appearance seem to last, slipping away as he sleeps, but otherwise his skin stays pale unless he blushes.
Then it becomes a million different comments, about how he looks, things he can fix. Evelynn can enter him into modelling with that, and does.
Reggie hates it.
Hates the heavy feeling of make up on his face, but doesn't dare change his appearance in noticeable ways around strangers. Hates having to stay still as they pin and hem clothes around his slim frame. Hates the mindless hours of standing still, of smiling until his face aches, of always being hungry because they never let him eat on set and his mom sometimes forgets to feed him.
It keeps going for years.
Reggie learns to adjust himself to keep his acne from ever showing up outside of his room. Letting his growth spurt be a little exaggerated so his mom never finds out he'll never be over 5'8, since male models must be at least six feet tall. Gives himself muscles that he knows he doesn't have thanks to years of near starvation. Erases the dark circles under his eyes because he spends his nights catching up on homework and listening to his parents fight over anything and everything.
It all comes to a head when he passes out from exhaustion on a shoot.
He wakes up in the hospital, an IV in his arm, and the photographer from the shoot sitting at his bedside. He's worked with Ray Molina a bunch of times by now, and the man had always been kind to him. Talking to him about how cameras worked, about movies he enjoyed, about his son's baseball team. Always slipping Reggie a cookie or a juice box when his mom wasn't looking.
"Wh-What happened?" Reggie croaks, and Ray almost jumps from the chair before sitting back down and offering him a cup of water.
"You fainted mijo."
"Is everyone mad?" Reggie asks, whisper quiet and ashamed.
"More so concerned about you," Ray replies. "Especially since..."
Reggie glances down at the bed, and finally notices that he's shrunk. Bets if he looked in a mirror his skin would be flaming and spotty. He wants to shrink in on himself, and almost does when he thinks about what his mom is gonna say. "I changed didn't I?"
"You did," Ray replies. "How long have you been able to do that?"
Reggie shrugs. "My whole life?"
"And how long have you been changing yourself to make other people happy?" Ray asks, looking right in Reggie's eyes.
Reggie sniffles in response, which is really all the answer Ray needs. "Well, I have to say, I like this version a lot more."
"At least someone does," Reggie replies. "Mom..."
"Hey, no," Ray says, gripping his hand. "You're perfect just the way you are. Don't let anyone else tell you different." He smiles at Reggie, then lowers his voice, as if sharing a secret. "There is nothing I would change about you."
"N-nothing?" Reggie asks.
"Well, maybe just one thing," Ray ammends.
Reggie deflates. Of course he still isn't good enough. But then Ray squeezes his hand once more, forcing Reggie to meet his eyes.
"The only thing I would change is that you had a parent who loves you and is happy to let you be yourself-no matter what that looks like," Ray says.
The next little bit is full of Ray telling him why he's there instead of Reggie's mom, and it involves words like 'social worker' and 'child endangerment' and 'custody of the state' being thrown around. It involves a lot of uncomfortable talks about his parents. About how much they changed him-or made him change-to suit their own needs.
In the end, he ends up going to stay with Ray and his family. They seem to like him just the way he is, even if Carlos does delight when he can mimic people on the TV with his powers. But Rose encourages him to stay as he is, to finally be Reggie-au naturel for a change.
He finds that suits him just fine.
Plus, Ray's daughter Julie and her boyfriend Luke seem to find him plenty cute just as he is, and well, the feeling is mutual. So he doesn't need to change for people to love him.
He still has to work on loving himself some days, but with his new family, his partners, and a good therapist behind him, Reggie eventually gets to a better place.
And he never uses his powers again.
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A New Tradition
Written For: @madwomanlexie
Title: A New Tradition Author: @tigereyes45 Rating: G (Maybe a T rating due to the joke at the very end.) Summary: Carol and Daryl host a party for a new yearly tradition. A/N: It's vague on the holiday on purpose. Also I love the idea that they're Aunt Carol and Uncle Daryl to all the kids.
While Carol wrestled with the dishes in her domain, Daryl found himself more or less in control of the gaggle of kids taking over their living room. He tried to give them each a different task to do. Something productive, or at least energy consuming. However, as children often do, they weren't really staying on task. Judith attempted to bark orders at a few of the other kids to keep them in line, and help, as Socorro climbed his leg. As Coco swings herself from Daryl's outstretched arm, he carefully attempts to catch her.
Nabila and Aliyah distract themselves by using the crayons he had give to draw on the wall under the stairs. Jerry, Gabriel, and Nabila were out catching back up with old friends before the party would truly begin.
RJ has taken to putting pinecones and cinnamon sticks on the windows. He liked the way they smelled, and decided the whole house should smell like it for the house party. Carol didn't mind it, and gave the go ahead. Which now means the little punks is constantly moving the eight pinecones and half a dozen cinnamon sticks he grabbed from window to window. As Rj walks away from his latest pile, Daryl moves over to it. He lifts Coco up onto his shoulder, as he picks up a wash rag, Carol uses for dusting, and resets Rj's offerings on top of it.
Gracie was given permission to stay the night with Judith and Rj. Aaron was unable to make it to the party due to patrols. Daryl half expected him to just keep Gracie in Alexandria then, but apparently she had begged and pleaded. Now she stands at Judith's side, copying the other girl's lead and leading the younger kiddos. As she picks Nabila up, Aliyah screeches for her to put her sister down, splashing some washable paint across her face.
Gracie carefully sets Nabila back down as Judith shouts to stop throwing paint. Daryl sighs, and pulls Coco off of him. As he crosses the room, Gracie dips all five of her fingers into the blue paint, and splashes Aliyah and Judith's face. "On the wall! The wall!" Daryl attempts to be heard over the screaming utterly fail as the girls take off chasing each other through the house. By the end of their second round through the yelling was over, and giggling had replaced it. Paint and crayons were no longer just on the wall, but absolutely everywhere on the floor. Thankfully the girls seemed to know well enough to not flick any paint about, when near the photographs.
He would hate to see the expression on Carol's face if they ruined Rj's and Judith's school photos. "It's good to see them acting their age."
Willing himself not to react to Carol's sudden words, Daryl pretends to be completely calm. "Yeah." He crosses his arms as the girls run past them. "It's good for 'em."
Carol loops her arms around Daryl's. "It's good for you too."
He glances down at her before looking away. Rubbing his thumb across the end of his nose, he fails to hid his smile. "Yeah." Daryl gestures towards the kitchen with his chin. Always quick to change the subject. "What are you cooking this year? It smells delicious."
"Well aren't you a charmer." Carol teases as she squeezes his arm against her. Gently she tugs on it, leading him to the kitchen. Daryl resists a little, letting her walk him to the threshold, but refusing to step out of the living room. "They'll be fine. It'll take two minutes."
True to her word, Carol makes sure to point out the litany of side dishes an deserts she has been preparing for the last three days. She had pecan, pumpkin, and apple pies made out and spread around. A cheesecake like dish that had her fresh, handmade cranberries topping. There were baked pork chops, a whole ham that glistens from the sugar, and honey she had added to the glaze. A smaller, but just as juicy turkey sits, partially carved up already. That was probably to help the younger kiddos get their meals. Bacon was cooling next to the stove, with a green bean casserole sitting on top of it. Fried onions, baked beans, and toast spread on a long plate with an entire assortment of jams behind it.
"Think it's enough for the party tonight?"
He nods as his eyes continue to take in the sight. For too long he stood there, smelling the food. He knows that thanks to the loud growling from his stomach. The fish he had filleted earlier was typically enough to keep him going for a whole day and a half. Too bad it's nothing in the face of such a feast. "It looks good."
Carol shoots him a knowing smile. Her lips open for a moment. He waits for her teasing. Instead she presses them back shut and turns to the sink to wash her hands. "I know some of the others will be bringing their own dishes to add, but I figured it's better to be over prepared, then under."
"Did you take all the extra rations?"
"Perks of being in charge," she jokes with a wink. At least, he hopes it's just a joke.
"Shouldn't these be for the new holiday party?"
"Eh, that's tomorrow. I'll make a few extra side dishes tonight." She waves the idea away as if it's not a worthwhile concern. "This is just for us," Running a finger along a dirty bowl on top of her little pile of dishes in the sink, she collects a decent amount of cheesecake filling. Daryl waits patiently for her to put it on his nose. Just like always. "and our own little celebration." Smooth cream covers the tip of his nose. Carol rolls her eyes at his total lack of a reaction. He smiles at her, wipes the cream off, and looks back at the food.
It wasn't exactly Christmas. This little gathering of theirs wasn't really anything that special. It was a party Carol enjoys throwing before the Commonwealth's end of year celebrations. If anything it was just as much a new years gathering as it was a Christmas or Yuletide party. One big bash to cope with the middle of winter. Who knows if they'll ever see another.
That thought pulls his eyes away from the food to the framed photos and drawings on the wall. Rosita, Carl, Glenn, everyone they lost and had photos of, or someone who knew what they looked like and could draw them. The living go up in the rest of the house, but the head are posted up in her kitchen. She had settled in.
Good. He'll have to leave again soon, but it's clear that she's found herself here. Carol turns back to the sink. He wraps his arms around her waist, pressing his head against the back of her left shoulder.
The front door opens. Jerry's voice carries throughout the house, as the children cheer. Now that the rest of the guests were finally here the party will really begin with all the cut out snowflakes, pinecones, and newly painted walls setting the feeling of being home. "Our guests are here." Carol points out, sweetly patting the top of his head. He groans, and presses his forehead deeper into her shoulder. They stand there like that, gently rocking back and forth on their feet. One of Carol's hands on Daryl's head and the other resting on top of his. He pulls her closer against him.
"Don't look Rj!" Judith orders, as Jerry laughs.
"Okay kiddos, they're still cooking in there. Let's focus on clean up." A cry of boos, and oh mans fly out of the living room. Daryl smiles into Carol's shoulder. She lifts his hands to plant a kiss on each of them.
As he pulls away, his hands feel cold without her warmth. She spins around, and quickly cups his cheeks. "So, do you wanna fool around." The smirk on her face betrays her joke.
Daryl rolls his eyes before pulling his face out of her grasp. With a pointed finger he says, "That's still not funny." He grabs an dark red apple out of the fruit basket from beside her.
Carol laughs and playfully pushes him away. "Who says I'm not serious?"
Biting into the red apple he says, "Maybe after the guests are all gone."
"I think I'd like making that a part of our new holidays tradition." She wraps her arms back around his free one. "Come on big guy, time to eat and reminisce."
“Aunt Carol is the food ready?” Rj asks excitedly, hands covered in bits of cinnamon.
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fanficwriter284 · 2 years
HAPPY EARLY TURKEY DAY!!!!!! I was gonna post this tomorrow but..............................
The character Gloria belongs to @twyz
The Rays we're celebrating Thanksgiving, getting everything set up, and preparing the food. Tiffany had cooked a turkey and several steaks. Now you may ask why she does this? Well, it's because her husband likes having a variety of meats and would rather sink his teeth into a juicy steak, than a turkey. He wasn't much for poultry. Glen and Glenda had assisted Tiffany with the pies and side trays. Chucky was texting his daughters who were out of the house. Apparently, they had left early to go as they called it a sister bonding spree. They invited the twins, but they didn't bother going, for the sole reason that the two girls left at 4:30 in the morning. Glenda wasn't a morning person and Glen wanted to stay home and just help Tiffany with the meal. Chucky was leaned over the couch and typing quickly.
Where the fuck are you two? Get home now. Before mom kicks your ass
Gloria is typing
We are on the way, Dad.... We would have been home sooner if Chelsea didn't make me dig the damn whole to dispose of the body and she made me take the legs!
Dad is typing
Well hurry your asses up, before your ma finds out
Gloria is typing
We're like 5 minutes away
Dad is typing
Shit, you guys gotta go through the back your ma's gonna go get you
Gloria is typing
We gotta what!
Dad is typing
Shit nevermind you two gotta go through the window, she's calling you how far are you guys?
Gloria is typing
We're here!
Dad is typing
K Ima go open your window
Gloria is typing
Chucky went to his daughter room and pushed open her window.
"Here give me your hand and grab your sister.....fuck you guys are heavy"
Chucky hoisted the two up into Gloria's room.
"Thanks Dad"
"Yeah thanks"
"Yeah....and we're gonna talk about this tomorrow but get your asses dressed and head downstairs"
Chucky left the room heading downstairs, leaving the two sister's alone.
"What are you wearing to dinner?"
"Me? Glad you asked! I'm wearing my new brown silk suit with my brown bowtie. AH! Its gonna be great! What about you?"
"Ima go take a quick shower, I'm covered in blood. And well go from there"
".....please tell me you're gonna style your hair"
"YES! God I am"
"And don't wear a hoodie it's Thanksgiving!!! Not movie night. I don't wanna see your grease-stained hoodie anywhere near the table"
"I won't Jesus!"
Gloria had a face at her younger sister and headed to the shower. Chelsea carefully changed out of her spotless suit and into her Thanksgiving outfit. Then setting an orange headband perfectly on her head. She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her head and applied some perfume. Before heading downstairs, she adjusted her orange bowtie and smiled in the mirror.
"GLORIA WHAT THE HELL! I've told you to knock"
"Hehe sorry, but you look nice"
"Thank you"
Chelsea took a moment to inspect her sister, smirking in approval.
"You clean up pretty nicely, glad you did something with that hair of yours"
Gloria rolled her eyes and hugged her sister.
"Come on lets head downstairs the food should be ready by now"
The youngest Ray nodded in approval and the two met up with the rest of the family.
"Wow! You too look beautiful"
"Yeah, what she said"
"Thank you!"
"Come on let's eat I'm fucking starving"
All the Rays had sat down at the table and dug in.
Glenda grabbed a large turkey leg and bit into it,
"This is so huge; I don't think it's gonna fit"
"That's what your mom said last night"
All the Rays fell silent for a moment and then began cackling, all except for Glen who was covering the side of his face.
"Oh god why......"
Gloria was snorting trying to hold back laughter from her father's joke, as well as Tiffany.
"AW come on Glen lighten up!"
Chucky took another bite from the leg still chuckling to himself.
"Oh god haha....shit....hahaha.....well Happy Thanksgiving to all ya your asses better be thankful"
"Happy Thanksgiving!"
"Happy Thanksgiving!"
"Happy Thanksgiving!"
"Happy Thanksgiving!"
"Happy Thanksgiving!"
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sailorstarr-chan4 · 2 years
beloved, you are mine (at last) - a Red River fanfic
@lord-rika, @hazukininja for your immense patience and for being the only two people I know of online who ADORES this manga, I hope this brings Kail/Yuri justice ❤
Posted: ff.net and AO3 Words: 1,085 Rated: M or E Genre: Romance Setting: Chapter 38 of the manga, in which Kail and Yuri lock themselves up and fuck endlessly for four days lmao (I'm not even joking, that's literally canon)
The hours blurred. Nothing existed outside of the four walls of their bed chamber. Day and night were one, just as they, rolling their hips together, joined and rejoined again and again… 
Yuri always knew Kail was insatiable. The man could never keep his hands to himself, but the days spent in their bed after consummating their love (or was it weeks? Mere hours? Yuri couldn’t tell anymore), Yuri learned something entirely new. 
She, too, was ravenous for this beautiful man and the things he did to her body. 
“Oh gods,” she gasped, clutching the sheets in tight fists as Kail mounted her from behind. 
(Was there really a time that she disliked the idea of this position? Impossible to believe, now.) 
When Kail took her this way, he went in deeper, touched places she didn’t think was possible, and oh, the stimulation! Her body trembled no matter how many hours they went at it, only Kail’s strong hands holding her hips in place. 
More than just towering over her, a strong, tall leader, born a king, Kail was also quite well-endowed, enough to frighten her at first, but Kail was a master at preparing her body to be ready. 
Incredibly, despite desperately needing her, he dedicated several minutes with his head between her legs, until she was a quaking, sobbing boneless pool of ecstasy. His tongue and fingers played her like a conductor with his orchestra; Yuri never knew she was capable of making such noises before! 
At first, she  was almost tempted to ask him to stay down there, but then he pushed inside her at last and all protests died on her lips. 
Yuri used to daydream about her first time, of course, but the fantasies were always soft, tender, chaste. 
Kail made love to her like a man dying of thirst taking his first drink from a well. 
With a fury, a hunger that could not be satisfied. 
When he had taken her virginity, she felt no pain, much to her own shock (she supposed all of the times they had nearly made love before, plus her many hours horseback riding during the battle campaign, had prepared her body in more ways than one).  
But whatever pain that was lacking in becoming Kail’s true concubine was quite made up for during the rest of their coupling.  
The faster Kail had pounded into her, the more savage his desire, and soon Yuri was mirroring his actions. 
Together, they clawed up each other’s backs, pulled each other’s hair, overwhelmed in their passion, all of it blurred into one deliciously pleasurable experience, incomparable… 
And before she knew it, they were doing nothing else but sleeping and making love. 
The hours rolled by and Yuri was swept away by Kail’s adoration, lost in her own love for her beloved king, the waves of pleasure mounting until she would scream and Kail would kiss her so hard, she thought he would devour her right then and there. 
She forgot all embarrassment, all etiquette, all protests. She made sure Kail knew how much she longed for more, more, more! 
She needed him to know, without a single iota of a doubt, that the choice she made to stay in his world, to be making love to him now and countless times thereafter, was one she would not regret until her dying day…. 
“Yuri…” Kail moaned now, digging his nails into Yuri’s ass cheeks, causing her to mewl and writhe under him. He watched her ass bounce against himself, mesmerized that such a petite body could be so utterly erotic in this position. 
“K-Kail, do that – ah! – that thing– with my h-hair…” Yuri cried out, her back arching back in gesture. “P-please…. AHHHH!” 
Her voice rose into a pitch only rarely achieved, a sound that Kail could listen to for hours on end. He tightened his grip on her short locks, securing her neck safely as he pulled her back until he could lean over and kiss her upside down. His thrusts slowed down with the effort, but the deep, slow strokes combined with the strenuous position was one of Yuri’s favorites and he could deny her nothing. 
But it was still a risky maneuver held for too long, and he quickly let go, watching her collapse, gasping for breath. She was soaked through, and her gasps were slowly growing into moans of absolute pleasure. Kail knew what to do next: he reached down and pressed her face sideways into the bed and flattened himself on top of her, thrusting faster and harder… 
For what seemed like the umpteenth time (and yet, also not nearly enough!), he spilled his seed into his beloved, kissing her shoulder blades as she rode out her pleasure at the sensation of his completion. 
“My beloved, you are mine…” Kail murmured into Yuri’s ebony hair, listening to her moans of rapture slowly fade into exhausted panting. 
But he had waited too long. Too many times they were interrupted, and now Yuri’s world was gone from her grasp forever. 
Her sacrifice would not be in vain, Kail vowed as he allowed himself to doze off on Yuri’s back, caressing her soft skin. 
He would make love to her until long after she turned old and gray. 
He would worship her body like the goddess that she was, an inspiration and beloved to his people already, a leader in her own right. 
Gone was the naive child he had protected long ago by pretending to be her lover. 
Yuri, his goddess, his future queen, his one and true concubine, was embedded in his very soul. 
“Mmm, Kail…?” she stirred under him. 
The king lifted himself slightly to ease the weight, kissing the top of her head. 
“At last,” he whispered, turning Yuri sideways so he could gently, ever so gently, enter her once more. 
Yuri whimpered at his entrance, still sensitive from their last session, but he was not wholly hard yet. He was only within her shallowly, clinging to her on the side and running kisses down her neck and back. 
“You keep saying ‘at last,’ but I think we’re losing count of how many times it’s been,” Yuri moaned back, giggling slightly. 
Kail could feel himself harden more within her (and she could too, judging by her sudden jolt and tremulous cry). He cupped her chin and kissed her deeply, starting to thrust again in earnest. 
“Beloved, you will never stop hearing me say those words, for you are now mine. At last.” 
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japanesepenguin · 11 days
Garden Update!
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+ Well, I have another Malibu business trip coming up in a couple days, so let's see how the garden is doing; I've created a second bed and planted big and small tomatoes, as well as a few cape gooseberry (goldenberry) plants; everything's staked and tied up because it gets very windy
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+ Strawberry row, really filled out with plants
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+ Just in case you don't believe me, there's actually strawberries
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+ Here's one new addition I'm happy about; this is Oliver... an olive tree; the tree was 32 cents, the dirt was considerably more expensive; it'll be a long time before he makes olives, so stay tuned
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+ This is the persimmon tree; he's alive, but past the period for flowers, so nothing on him this year; considering I thought it was a dead stick just a couple months ago, I'm pleased with his recovery
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+ And the most exciting new addition: a pomegranate tree from Akina; she's all tied up due to the wind
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+ Blueberries... doing blueberry stuff...
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+ Like making blueberries!
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+ This is the bunch of flowers from a packet of seeds from my mom; here's some of the flowers:
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+ The bottom-right one is cornflower, which I'm excited to try and make into tea
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+ Some stuff on the side: plum tree (lots of blossoms, but no fruit); rosemary (doing very well); basil (doing well, tastes good); and leftover seed trays of tomatoes (as back up); the cups of water on the side is a surprise for Akina (if they grow)
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+ And more: there's dill in the yogurt containers in the top-left, but they're probably past the period where they'd taste good (I guess only young dill is good); the three brown shallow pots have okahijiki in them, which is a type of Japanese succulent you can eat
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+ Lantana for Akina
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+ Iyokan (a type of Japanese citrus); there's two fruits on the tree... looking good
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+ Practicing crop rotation by putting the lettuce over here; I reduced the amount of Romaine lettuce this time around
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+ Another new addition, this is goya; I think it's called "bitter melon" in America, but it's a lot more common here; Akina doesn't like it; I kinda like it (it's super bitter)... like, really bitter; the whole plant smells like it; his name is "go-tyan"
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+ Some re-arranging here... Consolidated my rock pile and freed-up all the space along the ledge for many of the smaller pots; from left to right: parsley (going strong), kiwi (male, just for the flower), tansy (smells awful, keeps away bugs), okra (looking good), and lavender (got lots of flowers for tea already)
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+ Moving along... right-to-left: chives, chrysanthemum, chamomile (for tea), and lavender; and peeking into frame from the bottom-right:
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+ These flowers, from a packet of seeds from my mom; they weren't supposed to bloom this season, but some of them did
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+ And resuming along the ledge... starting from the chives, from left-to-right-skipping-even-numbers-unless-it's-number-four-then-reversing-the-order-of-the-rest: chives, cilantro (bolted already and probably no good), snap dragons (still going strong), some flowers that the beetles eat, and ooba/shiso
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+ Last ledge entry: ice plants (for Akina)... they're actually growing much better now; I think I started them too late last year
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+ Previously the lettuce bed, now has herbs: cilantro (better looking) and chervil
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+ Here's na-tyan, an eggplant...
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+ Here's pi-tyan... small bell peppers; I think the wind really messed her up last night, gotta go check in a minute
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+ Uhm... corn; if you're wondering, the plastic bottles atop the stakes are so I don't stab myself and/or poke my eye out while working; the stakes are hard to see, the bottles make them obvious; despite growing up in Ohio, I realize I know next-to-nothing about growing corn
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+ Green onions; the packet said to grow them this closely without thinning... I'm trusted that's correct, but I have my doubts
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+ I put a row cover up here to deter moths/butterflies from making caterpillars all over the Brassicas inside (kale and broccoli)
+ Oh no, there's a limit of 30 pictures/post
+ Well, the rest is a row of carrots, some edamame that I'm pretty sure is sick/diseased; and some snow peas from my mother that are in various states of stunted growth due to "leaf borer" infestations... but the peas they do manage to produce taste pretty good!
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thaliaisalesbian · 3 months
i get myself twisted in threads
fell asleep pretty much immediately after spending four hours making pie from scratch yesterday. might post pictures of the pie at some point, it is still pi day after all.
Chapter 21: i had to do something to break into your golden thinking
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22
This doesn’t feel real.
He knows that there’s been someone in here—not his room specifically, but the house—to clean it up, get rid of the dust after no one has been here for months.
Joyce, he thinks. Or maybe the kids tried to help.
His room is quiet, but he can hear everyone talking downstairs. They’d all insisted on coming, even El, who’s not talking to him right now. She hasn’t said more than a few words to him in the past couple of days, but last night she’d pulled Steve into her room and read to him until she couldn’t hold the book up anymore. She was still curled up next to him when he woke up.
She’d probably spend the night here if Hopper let her. She’ll be back tomorrow, though, and the kids will probably want to take over his living room for sleepovers at some point.
Standing here, staring at the walls he’s not allowed to change, he kind of wants to tell them he’s not moving back in after all. That he’s going to stay with Hopper and El, and spend some (most) of his nights in Jonathan’s bed.
But he can’t do that, because no matter what’s going on, no matter how long it’s been since he’s been in the house, if his parents saw it all dusty and closed up, he’d get in trouble. He doesn’t want anyone else to have to deal with the fallout.
Steve knows he only has a few more minutes in here alone, before Nancy or Jonathan or one of the kids comes looking for him.
By some miracle, Nancy has her mom’s permission—even though it’s really just out of courtesy that Nancy even asks anymore—to spend the weekend here with him and Jonathan. The kids will be around most of Saturday, too, but Sunday is all theirs.
To help him get adjusted to everything, to help him unpack and organize, to go over homework and just spend time together.
He knows they’re all worried about the stairs up to his room, but he can handle them. He’s barely ever on his crutches anymore, and Owens had come and looked at everything before he’d let Steve move back in. He’d said they could count as a physical therapy exercise if Steve went up and down them five times in a row.
Honestly, that sounds more time consuming than most of his exercises, so he’s probably only going to do it if he gets really bored.
“You okay?” Nancy rests her hand on his back, hugging him from behind.
“Yeah, I’m okay. Just thinking.”
“We could still recruit the kids to repaint your room, you know.”
“And they would all make a mess. Except for maybe Will and El.”
“Wouldn’t be such a bad thing, I don’t think.”
“You know,” Steve knows he probably shouldn’t even be thinking this, it’s way too early, they haven’t been dating that long, but he’s a hopeless romantic. He knows it. Once, when he was younger, he and Carol had been talking about their dream weddings—at the time, they’d been convinced they were going to grow up and get married, because they were best friends and couldn’t imagine not being in each other lives forever—Tommy, who hadn’t been invited because this was Steve-and-Carol time, had just walked into Steve’s house and jeered at Steve for talking about weddings.
And then, he’d made sure to interrupt whenever he knew Steve and Carol were going to be alone. He’d said it was because he had to make sure Steve wasn’t acting ‘girly’.
Nancy pokes his side, gently. “What do I know?”
Oh. He’s stopped talking. “I think, when we get a house of our own, for the three of us, it’d be cool to have Will paint us a mural or something.”
Nancy’s quiet for a minute. Shit. He’s overstepped, he shouldn’t have said anything.
“Don’t worry about it, it’s fine, you can forget I said that—” 
“No, Steve, it’s nice that you’re thinking about it. That would be good, I think. Will would make it look good.”
“I know.” Steve turns around in her arms, slouching so he can rest his head on her shoulder.
Jonathan finds them like that.
finish on ao3 or under the cut
“We’re okay.” Nancy tells him. “Just having a moment.”
“Want me to step out?”
“No.” Steve doesn’t know why his voice is hoarse, but it is. “Come here for a minute.”
Jonathan can just barely get his arms around both of them when they’re arranged like this,, but they manage.
“The kids are asking where you are.” He says, after a few minutes. “We can stay up here, if you want.”
“No, it’s… I don’t know. It’s just weirder than I thought it would be, somehow. I’m okay.” He doesn’t actually know what’s going on in his brain right now.
“Hopper’s going to pick up dinner.” Jonathan says. “The kids might be pulling all of the cushions off your coach.”
“Of course they are.” Steve pulls back a little. “Well, let’s go make sure they don’t start hitting each other with them. They’re heavy, for cushions. Tommy broke my nose once with them.” It’s an offhand comment, but he catches the look Nancy and Jonathan give each other.
“It was years ago, babes, we were kids. Don’t worry about it, and don’t be mad at him for it.”
“How hard was he swinging it? It’s pretty difficult to break someone’s nose with a cushion.” Nancy says, but she doesn’t sound mad. Yet.
Tommy had been mad about something, sure. Steve doesn’t remember what. He doesn’t think he even knew what Tommy was mad about when it happened, just that Tommy was upset and being meaner than usual, to him and everyone else.
“I dunno. He’s the one who suggested it, it seemed like fun.” It hadn’t, really. Steve had been terrified of ruining the cushions (he’d had to get bloodstains out of the ones they’d been using, and the carpet, afterward), and he’d been a little scared of Tommy, too. But Nancy and Jonathan don’t need to know that, it’s not like he even talks to Tommy anymore. “It wasn’t the sort of thing Carol and I did together. Climbing trees and racing on our bikes, that was all fine, but she didn’t like pillow fights.”
“Well, let’s go stop the kids from breaking any bones. Or lamps, or anything else.” Jonathan holds both of their hands until they get to the stairs.
Since they haven’t exactly told any of the kids (Will and El don’t count, since El pretty much figured it out before they did, and Will had clocked it on Jonathan’s face the first time he came home after they started dating), Steve understands why Jonathan drops his hand. They haven’t really talked about telling them, even if it’s not going to be a secret for too much longer.
Max has probably figured it out already, but she knows how to keep things to herself. Mike actively avoids thinking about Nancy’s dating life. Lucas might pick up on something, but he’s good at keeping things close to his chest, too. Dustin… if he were looking for it, he’d probably get it pretty quickly. But last time Steve talked to him, just briefly over the walkie, Dustin had asked if there was anyone at school he was going to try and date, since he was ‘so mysterious now’.
As soon as he’d gotten over his terror that Steve is going to just vanish back into the Upside Down, or die from his injuries, Dustin had started keeping track of the rumors he was hearing in the middle school about Steve. He’s convinced that Steve’s ‘injured air of mystery’ is what’s going to get him a date.
Steve gets it. He knows that Jonathan and Nancy are the public couple, they’re going to continue being the public couple. As much as people—mostly other high schoolers, Steve thinks—talked about Nancy ‘running off’ with Jonathan, it’s not super scandalous for a high school girl to date more than one boy.
It would be a little more scandalous for her to go back to the boy she ran off on. They weren’t on and off like Tommy and Carol have been, it would be out of the blue, and Steve knows that it would make Jonathan an open target at school.
So, Steve understands. He knows why Jonathan won’t even hold his hand in front of the kids, not when they can’t play it off as Jonathan helping him.
It doesn’t take away  the sting that comes with his now-cool, empty hand.
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fun8869 · 7 months
I suppose I should blame the internet. If there was ever a case of too much choice then the internet is that case. As a famous TV show once said if they took the porn off the internet there would only be one site left on the internet ‘www.bringbacktheporn.com’ After about 5 years of just typing in sex in the search bar people stumble on to certain types of sex which they get into, mine was femdom (where a female is the dominant force in the relationship) It got to a time when wherever I got a chance to go on the internet I was on it, even in public in some corner where no one can see my screen or in fact my hard on hidden underneath my lap top or when at any of my friends house. This is where my story starts.
I suppose I should start by describing my self. I am 6 ft tall and although sporty I would not be well built or anything. I am 24 with a nice job that keeps me going, am single, and live by my self with a lot of family and friends close by. My story and life is now about 1 friend in particular. Her name was Emily; she was slim 5ft 9 inches with long shiny black hair. I was always attracted to her but always thought that nothing would ever happen between us because we were such good friends plus her having a boyfriend for 5 years could never help my chances. One night Emily hosted a dinner party, not as posh as your probably thinking it was just about 12 friends invited around for finger food and drinks. After about 6 drinks everybody went home but I decided to stay as Emily and her boyfriend Steve had a couple of spare bedrooms and like a couple of times before I was asked to stay over so I accepted. Soon after Emily and Steve said they were going to bed and with the wink she gave me I knew that soon enough they would be upstairs fucking, she always found it hilarious telling me about their sex life. My room was downstairs which was a good thing because I did not fancy being awake all night listening to Emily orgasm very loudly as she told me she did on a previous nights. On my way to the room I noticed that Emily had left her laptop on the kitchen table so I picked it up and bought it to bed. Of course after about 5 minutes I was cruising the femdom sites and looking at varied vivid pictures and photos of women dominating men. I loved them all, women fucking men with strap on’s, or demanding blow-jobs on their big fake cocks. Men being made up to dress up as women being dominated in every aspect and even cuckolding sites where the men were made do ‘despicable’ acts such as sucking real cock, eating cream pies and even being raped by gangs of men all the while the women in the scenes were either joining in or laughing. After a quick wank I soon fell asleep not before quickly erasing the recent history on the lap top. The next day I went to work normally, and had a normally boring morning until suddenly I received a text from Emily, thinking it was her daily joke she always sent me I opened it, it read ‘laptop crashed, technician in worked fixed it, virus was on it from a website accessed last night, straponsissy’s.com who’s a naughty little boy then’. I was shocked and embarrassed, her technician must have been looking at what could of caused the virus and been able to see what the recent history was even though I thought I had deleted it. Then my phone beeped again ‘I sent you a delivery, you might want to open it in private.
An hour later a delivery man knocked at my office door and handed me a package in a white envelope with a card attached. Once the delivery man was gone I locked my door and opened it. A pair of pink panties fell out; I could not keep my eyes off them. I ripped open the card while still holding the panties it said to put on the panties and send 4 different pictures to Emily’s phone, if I did not she would tell everyone what sites I had been looking at. I could no have anybody knowing so with making sure my door was locked I started to get undressed and 2 minutes later I was standing alone naked apart from a pair of tight pink panties. I sent the pictures as quickly as I could and then got dressed again quickly but with leaving on the panties because to tell the truth they were the biggest turn on I had ever seen in my life.
I tried to get back to work as quickly as I could all the while having the biggest hard on in my life. 2 hours later there was a knock at the door and before I could raise my self out of my chair Emily had burst through my door locking the door behind her. Her face could have told a thousand stories I could tell there would be no arguing with her, she looked like she was a woman on a mission. She quickly ordered me to strip which I did, standing before her with pink panties on and a huge boner made me shockingly embarrassed but also excited as this was part of my fantasies for ages.
‘Oh what fun we are going to have with you’ she said in a tone that would make you think she had just one the lottery. She ordered me to kneel down, as she pulled out a pair of handcuffs and what looked like a black penis gag. She quickly secured my hand behind my back and shoved me into my 11ft oak table. She told me not to turn around but I soon heard the sound of clothes hitting the floor. The next thing I knew the penis gag was being forced into my mouth the second it touched my tongue I could taste her pussy juices on it so it ran through my mind that she must have stuffed it up her pussy before stuffing it into my mouth. She began to tell me how she had always wanted to be dominate in a relationship but never got the chance because her boyfriend Paddy was the top in their relationship. She further explained about all the stipulations he puts her through, including to always be fully shaved, to never say no to being bondaged, to always beg to be allowed to blow his thick 12 inch cock and when he wanted, to service his friends.
She told me that I would be following the same rules but to her, after today I was to be completely hairless and get waxed once a week. She would be tying me up and I was not to complain, that I would turn my self into a cock whore always begging her to drive her strap on into my hungry ass and mouth and I would be servicing anybody that she put in front of me. If my jaw was not secured with the penis gag it would have hit the floor. All my dreams were coming true, but I could also tell with the evil smile on her face as she walked in front of me for the first time since she shoved me bent me over the table. The first thing I noticed was how amazing she looked in a tight leather corset, next came the butterflies in my stomach when I seen that big black strap on dildo, she shoved everything off my desk including my laptop I heard it smashing on the floor but dared not move or make a sound. She kneeled up on the desk and removed my gag. As my spit drooled on the table she pulled me forward lifting my feet of the carpet. Without warning she stuck her cock straight in my mouth. I LOVED it. I went to town on it as she started to slap my face. Things were going great until there was a knock at the door and I heard the handle turn. Thankfully Emily had locked the door just as I turned my head to look at the door Emily grabbed me by my two ears and started to fuck my throat, I started to gag immediately but she did not care, the knocking on the door stopped as she started to hold my nose and cause me to splutter all over the plastic member in my mouth. About 10 minutes later she plopped it out of my mouth and told me not to move and she dismounted the desk. It took her about 5 seconds to walk around but it felt like an eternity. She pulled my panties down and inspected them. There was a lot of pre cum on them, she laughed as she put them over my head making sure to be the cum stained crotch area over my mouth. Her strap on was still soaking wet from being in my mouth thank god because she was in no mood for lube.
She spread my ass cheeks and began to enter me. I was basically a virgin apart from once feeling so horny sticking toothbrushes up my rectum while jerking off. It hurt like hell but the good type of hell where I would gladly vacation. I was being sure not to open my mouth because of the stains on the panties, and soon Emily had noticed this and while only being a couple inches inside of me grabbed both of my nipples and started to pinch them hard. I could not help it my mouth was wide open now with the smell of my own cum getting up my nose. She ordered me to start licking them and I had to comply with 4 inches of her cock inside me already and her twisting the fuck out of my nipples. This made her laugh very loud and I was scared someone was going to hear her. I was trying so hard not to moan out so no one could hear my but it was very hard. She stopped very sudden and pulled straight out I felt like my stomach had been pulled out, for a moment I felt disappointed that she was no longer inside my until I realised she only wanted me on my back. I turned over already exhausted but wanting my ass to be full again. She instructed me to spread my legs and pull them back which I did all the while with the panties still covering my face. She entered me again and with slow strokes started pounding away at my ass. She was asking me did I love it in my ass pussy I said yes as I started moaning feeling like the biggest slut ever. She started stroking my cock while banging away at me. As her dildo started to hit my prostrate she told me to cum, I would not of been able to stop even if I wanted to as my spunk started flying all up my chest as this was where she was aiming my cock. She grabbed me by hips and thrust forward and made me scream out loud and stayed there. She told me to take the panties off my face and as I did she started rubbing my cum covered chest with her fingers. I knew what was coming as she stuck her cummy fingers in my throat and repeated this process I could not believe what was happening my ass was stuffed with a cock, my nipples were red raw and I was sucking my own cum off Emily fingers. She told me not to move as she pulled out. She told me that this was only the start of her making me into a superstar slut, she said that while fucking me a lot of ideas came into her devious mind and said soon my life would involve her fucking me, her and paddy fucking me, being turned into a full sissy, she males, gangbangs, and being a party slave to everyone.
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piecesofmicorazon · 2 years
what a day
today i received messages from my friends about a spam. this man was saying that he was a PI investigating me, who had allegedly attacked someone at a location i didn't even know existed. the biggest gag was that he never messaged ME, it was all to random people that i hadn't spoken to in years. i was terrified, freaking out, i even looked back at what i was doing that day. thank god i had documented it, and i was glad that i'm one of those people that posts everything and puts everything on their story.
i got dinner with menelik that night and went to westlight, and had the whole thing in my IG stories.
but then i wondered, why the FUCK would i even need to prove myself? after searching, jordan had found that it was from my last tiktok. there were bots and spam accounts on there, saying something similar. basically, it seems like someone who literally HATES THEIR LIFE AND HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO, had created this absolutely crazy and terrifying narrative. they sent it to all my friends to slander me, and it scared me to death. i immediately took down all my videos and contemplated deleting all my social media. but then bee said something -- do not let them take this from you, or else they'll be winning. i was grateful that my friends messaged me so concerned, none of them believing it for a minute, reporting and blocking this god awful human. i'm thankful that my character was never questioned, and at the end of the day -- this person is still miserable. i win. i always do.
then, i was able to see my sweet sweet bee. we explored harlem, and i've decided that there's not much to see there. but then afterwards, we went home, smoked hookah in her room, listening to music, and making love.
so here i am saying this -- bee is literally the love of my life. she is everything i've ever dreamed of, everything i've ever prayed for, all i've ever wanted in a partner. she is the most perfect one for me. i love her with all my heart, and i have never cared or cherished someone so much. i want to be with her forever, and if it was soely up to me-- it'd be done already.
but i am human and life is not as beautiful or simple. i still find myself hiding her, being scared to tell people, lying to the people closest to me, not being able to fully love her. i still find myself holding back on telling her how much i am in love and love her. because of my undying fear and reality of how one day.. we will have to break up.
on my way home, the trains were not running. i got off at fulton, started crying, and called her. she was already in bed and probably half asleep, when she stayed up, called me an uber, stayed w me on the phone the entire time, and was completely there for me. telling me how proud she is of me and to stay strong -- as i cried like a baby the entire time.
i have never met a person who would do anything for me. who's love literally radiates for me, someone who fully loves and sees me. someone i can be fully me with, in where my childlike playful self comes out so naturally, someone like bee. my sweet sweet bee.
i wonder how / if the Lord will come through in this. because i hope i never have to let her go. Jesus... please. help me. i love her so much, i want to be with her forever. how could i let go of my sweet bee? oh, please don't tell me..
and lastly as i go to paris, cover me lord, with your hand of protection. on my departure, and on my arrival -- please let it be as smooth and easy, perhaps even better as last time. please bless the officers, the staff that review my case, and everything in between. i hope it's everything i've dreamed about this time.
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qslovebot · 3 years
Midnight Escapade: Spencer Reid
Summary: Spencer Reid and the reader have been crushing on each other since they met, but neither of them cared to admit it. When doubled up in a hotel room for the night, reader tries to convince Spencer to go with her at 12:30am to get frozen yogurt to cheer him up and it turns into much more than a snack run.
Pairing: Spencer x Fem!Reader
Warnings/Includes: Swearing, mutual pining (a long time of pining leads up to this fic), food, mention of Sept 11, 2001, self-doubt, fluff, kissing
Word Count: 4533
The case was solved, closed, and finally, your eyes could rest. The case you had just finished was particularly stressful to not only you, but your fellow BAU members as well. You all hadn't slept for nearly twenty-nine hours and Hotch decided it was best you all got the rest you deserved at a nearby hotel.
The ride there, you struggled to keep your eyes open, but Spencer Reid was on another greatly interesting rant about a show he liked, so you figured you would try to stay awake to hear it. You always listened to him because a lot of the time, the rest of the team dismissed him and his oddly accurate monologues. They grew tired of Spencer talking so much about things they didn't understand but you were rather the opposite- and that's probably because you liked Spencer so much.
The two of you met when he was introduced to the BAU. Praised for his mind, he introduced himself to you with a shaky voice and a meek handshake. You instantly admired him from his geeky personality outwards to his tall, thin self with a face sculpted by artists. Little did you know he did the same, but immediately thought of you as out of his league, so he stayed quiet.
You had been friends since then, pairing up on cases as your minds seemed to work like a perfectly oiled machine when together. Like Penelope and Derek, you two were known for the science jokes no one understood and shared looks of adoration that the both of you somehow didn't recognize as romantic. But everyone else saw it.
Derek Morgan teased a lot. He talked to Reid about working with the 'pretty girl' every day, poking him in the side and messing with his hair. The geek and the girl who was smart as hell, but didn't make it her dominant trait.
A doctor and the outgoing agent who matched the loudness of Penelope Garcia at times at karaoke night. You brought more liveliness to the BAU- more music, more spinning, more levity in dark cases. Spencer was always trying to hide a smile when you walked in, trying to pretend he hadn't been waiting for you to bring him coffee each morning. You didn't need an eidetic memory to remember his order and that, for some reason, always sent him over the moon.
But you were here now, listening to him wrap up his story as you fought the sleep that was looming over you as the car came to a stop outside the hotel.
"-And that was the end of it all. I think it's so fascinating how they wrapped everything up into this intricate timeline of interactions and moments and backtracks. We should, uh, watch it sometime." He said as he hopped out of the back, holding his small bag and yours.
You sleepily hopped out after him, hoping you didn't look like you felt, because you truly felt like hell. "Yeah, I'd like that," was all you could really mumble out. He passed you your bag and you smiled your thank you.
Emily held you up by the shoulders as Hotch sent through the check-in information. "Some case, huh?" She laughed as you rubbed your left eye. "I suppose we can't make this a girl's night of post-case celebration if you're dead asleep."
You groaned, "You wanted to do that? Damn it, Em, I'm sorry-"
"You need beauty sleep, (Y/N). I'm not mad or anything, I'll just take a bath and pull out an adult romance novel." A smirk played on her lips as she raised her eyebrows. You chuckled tiredly. "Seriously, no worries."
"Did I hear talk of a romance novel?" Derek shuffled over. "Which one are we reading? 50 Shades of Grey?"
Spencer stepped in, "Did you know that 50 Shades of Grey is actually fanfiction written about Stephanie Meyer's Twilight Saga? If you go further back, Stephanie started Twilight as written alternate universe fanfiction where the emo-slash-hardcore band My Chemical Romance were all vampires. But My Chemical Romance was started by musician and comic book creator- who published a series of comics called The Umbrella Academy in 2008, unrelated, his name was - Gerard Way, who created the band to make music that expressed the trauma he was given from witnessing the twin towers falling on September 11th, 2001."
Emily looked at him, jaw open. "So Nine-Eleven essentially created a badly-written and toxic sex novel, years later?"
Spencer nodded, eyes flickering to you for a brief moment. Derek grinned at Emily, "So you have read 50 Shades of Grey, huh?" He teased. She swat at his wiggly fingers away as Hotch walked over, brow furrowed.
"Rooms need to be doubled up tonight. Morgan, you can come with me. As much as you may hate it, I feel like (Y/L/N) here might collapse on the spot, so we can't go anywhere else." He handed Spencer and Emily a key, expecting them to make their own choices. Of course, Emily knew exactly what she needed to do when Hotch walked off. You were about to turn and go with her, but she bolted off, reaching for JJ.
You looked up at Spencer Reid who had his mouth in a shy, straight-lipped smile. You both knew what this meant, but you were glad you'd get to crash somewhere, floor or not. The room was on the fifth floor, so you took the elevator with Spencer in silence that you were sure he was granting you until you reached the door of your room.
"I will... take the floor tonight," he said, sticking the key in the lock. "You're tired and I'm just going to get dinner and um... read."
His watch read 4:34 pm- it was so much earlier than you had thought, but you were almost collapsing. "I'm sorry," were the last words you could reply with before you walked into the room, got into the bed, and you were out, cold.
You had never had such a fulfilling sleep. You woke up feeling clean, fresh, renewed and restored. There was no groggy feeling that you had accidentally travelled to another dimension while asleep. The room was dim, except for the lamp that was on in the right corner.
When you peered over the edge of the bed, there was Spencer, laying on his stomach with few pillows under his chest and elbows, a book in his hands. He looked peaceful, quiet, calm. "Spence," you whispered. He practically jumped out of his skin and you couldn't help but laugh. "Oh my god, I'm sorry." You grinned.
He smiled sheepishly, setting down his book. "You're awake."
You nodded back, "How long was I out?"
"Since 4:34, so... 8 hours and 20 minutes. It's only 12:22am." Spencer sat up and against the wall while you adjusted yourself to sit cross-legged. You were still in your clothes from earlier and it surprised you to see Spencer in less preppy clothing.
Well, less preppy for him. No cardigan, no dress shirt, just a t-shirt that read 'math is as easy as pi' with the pi symbol made of cherry pie and his regular khaki pants. "Aren't you tired?" you asked, smiling from his shirt, back to him.
"No, uh, I actually got about four hours in the middle of your eight. I usually don't dream anymore but I actually dreamt I was falling, which is a sign of..." he stopped himself, but he was with another profiler, what was the use, you could already fill in the blanks. He continued, "Which is a sign of insecurity and inferiority, but I don't believe in dream analysis..."
You furrowed your brow, watching his eyes look down at his hands. "Are you feeling insecure and inferior, Dr.Reid, because need I remind you that 99% of the time, it's your brain that leads us to solve the cases."
He shook his head, "Thinking myself over, I'd-I'd say it doesn't revolve around work." The stutter was back. He hadn't talked to you with a stutter in months, you'd assumed it was just because he wasn't as comfortable around you then, but now it was back. Spencer Reid needed to be cheered up, something was wrong.
"Well you know you can tell me anything, right? I've kept secrets about my friends since grade one, I can keep yours." You slipped off of the bed and walked to your bag on the table in the far corner. You could feel Spencer's eyes on you as you went, so you shot him a smile over your shoulder. He reverted back to looking at his hands.
Through situations and being friends, you knew Spencer was insecure. He was bullied constantly as a child, some going as far as to strip him down and beat him. Disgusting, self-esteem-ruining acts you wished you could remove from his eidetic memory.
You took off your button-up blouse to stay in your white t-shirt that lay underneath. You hadn't the time to remove it before falling asleep. Thinking about that- you probably had bedhead too. Your balled-up shirt was shoved into your bag and you pulled out a brush in exchange, to get the knots out of your hair.
"I could really go for frozen yogurt right now," you said, running the wooden brush through your hair. Spencer narrowed his eyes at you, a little confused. "I haven't eaten dinner."
"It's nearly 12:30 am..." Spencer said. It looked like he was running through his vast mind to find a scientific explanation as to why you might have wanted frozen yogurt at half-past midnight. You let him, a teasing smile on your lips as you pulled the top bit of your hair up. "Are you pregnant?" He asked, out of the blue, entirely serious. Seemed like the only logical explanation he could find. You nearly choked on the air.
"No, Spencer, I am not pregnant!" You laughed. His face tightened as he went back to searching his mind. "I just want frozen yogurt. Regular cravings, not... pregnancy cravings. Are you coming?"
He looked at you, oddly surprised he was invited. "Why?"
"Why not?" You picked up his jacket from the hook and tossed it to him. "Nobody has to see your cheesy math shirt."
He smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck, but went right back to being analytical, a mumbling rant with hand gestures.
"The average half-cup serving of frozen yogurt alone has about 17.3 grams of sugar and plus various toppings, the sugar is upped to at least 25 grams. But, versus a half-cup serving of vanilla ice cream, the sugar is only about 14 grams and with toppings can be upped to about 22. Fat-wise-"
You interrupted him because this was seemingly the only way to lift his mood and he was making excuses to stay here and wallow. "Come on, for once, let's be able to act like the youngest members of the team. Once, Spence. I don't need a play-by-play on how much sugar is in it- though I did find that interesting-I just want frozen yogurt and I would like you to come with me. I'll pay for yours if you want any, just... please?"
He met your eyes with a curl falling down his forehead and quickly looked back at his hands. You'd been friends for nearly a year and four months and he still couldn't look you in the eyes for long. He really wasn't good at refusing you at all, either.
Spencer nodded and you practically beamed. Maybe this would help to take his mind off of what was bothering him, even if the distraction was brief. You jumped on the spot and slipped on your own jacket and grabbed your wallet, ready to go and by the door.
He had a small smile when the two of you stepped out, his hands behind his back. You locked the door behind you and the two of you walked silently to the elevator, careful not to accidentally wake anyone else in case they decided to peer out into the hall.
In the elevator, you turned and looked up at Spencer who was fiddling with his hands. "You look nervous, Spence. It's frozen yogurt, not a pretty girl."
"Well I'm with-" he stopped himself again and actually started laughing his breathy laugh, squeezing his own hand so hard his knuckles turned white while his cheeks and nose went a little pink. "You..." He finished, rocking on his heels.
You scrunched your nose, shaking your head. Though you mentally disagreed with him sometimes on your appearance, you smiled and looked back up at him. "Thank you. You're pretty too."
He shrugged himself further into his jacket, hands still wildly fidgeting. "Thank you..."
You both stepped out of the elevator the moment it got to the ground floor, looking for air that wasn't filled with odd tension neither of you could explain. You two walked through the lobby and into the cool midnight air outside, where things were open, dark, and still.
You shut your eyes for a moment and opened your arms to face the gentle, cool wind that blew your hair and hit your face gently. Inhaling deeply, you opened your eyes again to Spencer in a similar state, but much less relaxed looking. Instead, it looked like he was trying to calm himself down.
"Spence, you look out of it," you said, folding your arms over your chest. You had gotten him outside, now maybe instead of distracting him from whatever it was, you could help him through it. It was part of being a friend- profiling wasn't needed to see he was thinking long and hard over something that bothered him. "You can tell me what's wrong."
He started walking down the street toward the neon lights that shone bright with the word 'fro-yo', you stepped quickly to follow. "If I like a girl.. h-how am I supposed to go about telling her?" He asked, not even looking at you. His forehead was creased and his hands in his jacket pockets.
So this was about a girl he liked. Spencer Reid had a crush. Of course, you were oblivious it was you, but Spencer Reid was romantically interested in someone!
An odd feeling of happiness came with finding this out and there was an uprising feeling within you like the first drop on a rollercoaster, but it lingered... and it was much less happy. You ignored it, of course, letting your outer emotions display themselves.
"Dr. Spencer Reid, the human encyclopedia- have you finally found a girl that puts you at a loss for words?" You teased, pressing the back of your hand to your head for dramatic effect, struggling to keep up with him.
His mouth twitched, "Maybe."
"Well, to be honest, Spence, just... tell her. Just go at it- ask to kiss her, maybe, then confess after. Or... or, you could confess, see how she takes it, then you can see if you should or shouldn't kiss her based off of if you get rejected or not." You told him, catching him by the shoulder to get him to slow down at the entrance of the frozen yogurt place.
He was much taller than you, so that came with him being that much faster, but that didn't matter now, he had stopped. Spencer looked at you, concern in his eyes, panic. You smiled kindly, "She won't reject you. I don't know any girl who would even think of it." Reassurance, because he needed it.
His eyes trailed to the ground and he ran a hand through his hair, opening the door for you. "And w-what do I say?" Spencer asked when you both went inside. You were the only two there and the cashier must have been in the back room.
You hopped over to the flavours, "I mean, whatever feels right, Spence. If you feel like going on a long, romantic, poet-written rant about how much you like her, do that. If you're afraid to bore her, you can wait for her to speak, but the truth is if she can't listen to you rant, she probably isn't worth going for."
He evaluated your words while you casually got yourself vanilla frozen yogurt. He also scanned the flavours, probably mentally shaming the company for marketing this as somewhat healthier. You giggled watching him try to figure out how to get the yogurt out of the machine as you put raspberries in yours.
"(Y/N), uh..." he said quietly, gesturing you over. The genius's mind was scrambled enough to miss the lever in front of him. You took his cup from him and pulled the lever, to which he made an 'o' shape with his mouth and nodded comprehensively.
"Chocolate mocha," you smiled, handing it to him as he stood there sheepishly again. "Good choice."
You spun back to your yogurt, adding a bit of honey over the top of it all. He followed, choosing raspberries as well, silently adding them. He still didn't seem at rest with the girl thing, you noticed by the way he was failing to open the scoop-box of cookie crumbs. He had long fingers, usually nimble ones, but not so much right now. Spencer was too stressed to work properly. Error in the system, you may have joked if things weren't so bad with him.
When you were both finished, Spencer tapped the little service bell on the desk and a little woman, maybe mid-30s came out wearing the merchandise of the shop. You both placed your cups on the scale and she weighed them for the price, but both you and Spencer pulled out your wallets.
He put his card out faster, so you swat his hand with your card and paid while he mumbled "Ow..." Of course, you checked to see if he was really hurt, but he had his small, crooked smile back on his face. He was okay, maybe he was feeling better?
Saying good morning/night to the lady, you both stepped back into the midnight air, starting to walk, but not back toward the hotel. You'd think with what cases you two had worked on you'd be a little warier, but with each other, you both felt safe. You walked a few steps, eating your yogurt, before Spencer spoke up again. "Is it a bad thing I'm so clueless as to what women like? Everything I know about women is scientific. Chocolate releases endorphins, flowers are associated with beauty and love, but... other than that... I don't know anything."
You swallowed your bite as Reid took his, waiting on your answer. Just as you always listened to him, he always listened to you. He probably valued your opinion over Derek's at times. You waved your spoon in the air when you spoke, "I wouldn't say bad. Everyone starts somewhere for everything. If anything, a man who is willing to learn is more attractive than one who wings it and doesn't ask comprehensive questions to up the relationship quality."
"Asking questions, got it. Should my confession include a gesture, though?" He spoke with his mouth full. Spencer really wanted to get this right- it was admirable. But there came that uneasy feeling again. It was more like an ache this time. Perhaps it was the awkward hours of sleep throwing you off?
You sucked it up, shoved the feeling down. "Really, Spence, it depends on the woman. Do I know her? Maybe I can help- that is unless you want to profile her to get her interests? I can help with that too-"
"No, I-I don't want to profile her, I want to stay away from that, we do that on a near-daily basis."
"We?" You questioned. Reid froze, but kept walking, looking a little petrified. He put more frozen yogurt in his mouth, maybe to shut himself up. You grinned, "We as in you and her are both profilers or we as in you and I profile others together, so you don't want to profile her with me?"
"I don't want us... to profile her," he cleared his throat. "Yeah..."
You sighed with a breathy laugh, "Good, because I was starting to think you were after Emily."
He chuckled, "Oh, no, not Emily. She's too scary for me anyway. Uh..." He swallowed hard, the way he always did was he was anxious or nervous. I saw in his face he'd come to some sort of conclusion. "Don't... don't yell at me for this, alright?"
"Yell at you? Spence, I wouldn't..." You were confused. He set his frozen yogurt down on the bench he had stopped in front of and stood back in front of you, pushing his hair behind his ears. He looked at you with his doe eyes and the wind blew his curls back in front of his face, he looked to the ground. His forehead still creased between his brows, but his eyes were soft and sweet, his nose was slightly scrunched and his mouth was twisted to the side as if he was once again mentally calculating something. You granted him back the silence from earlier, wondering what was going on in that mind of his. That was... until his eyes met yours and he looked so desperately lost and longing and like he ached inside... and you no longer wondered.
You let out another long sigh. She was you.
This girl that he was trying to understand how to win over, she was you. He asked you because he needed to know what you wanted. He was nervous because he was practically confessing to you and you, a profiler, were too blind to see that.
He watched your face for your reaction, waiting for something good, but you were too shocked to react right. He unfroze, hands flying to the roots of his hair and he spun away from you. He started rambling, obviously thinking everything had gone wrong. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, (Y/N). That- that wasn't how I had things planned and I was so certain that maybe you-hm- liked me too."
His words made it true. This was, in fact, happening at 12:56am in the middle of a foreign city. Your words spilled out, stern, focused, serious. "Kiss me then."
He spun around again, "What?"
"Confess, then kiss, remember?" You recounted carefully, looking directly at him, stepping closer.
"But I didn't get to do my whole monologue thing-" He was grinning pretty hard now, all signs of stress removed from his face. He looked brighter than the neon froyo sign, in happiness and disbelief right down at you. You were pretty sure you looked similar as all the pieces fell in place in your mind. It all fit.
"I don't care." You beamed back. "Do it after."
So without wasting another second, he grabbed your face and kissed you. He kissed you with a year and four months' worth of frustration, lust, confusion and past jealousies. His hands holding your jaw, his fingertips in your hair and your hands on his chest, holding fast to jacket. The kiss was a little messy the first two seconds, but every second after it was enjoyable and sweet and oddly powerful. He also tasted rich, like chocolate mocha, but you knew where that came from.
He pulled away first, which surprised you, but he didn't move very far, in fact, he mumbled against your lips as he tucked your hair out of your face. "I think I've liked you since you and I first met. You didn't hate my science jokes and instead of being annoyed with my informational rants, you listened to me. I wasn't expecting you to be so involved with me since you're, well... you're you and you're loud and fun and sweet and beautiful, but we worked so well together how could I ignore what I felt?"
His hand was a little shaky still, but his fingertips on your cheek were gentle. He continued to quietly ramble, "I decided maybe I'd do something with myself that wasn't devoted to the BAU so I thought maybe I'd- I'd tell you this. That I think you're beautiful and smart and talented and maybe you'd understand and feel the same way and now that I know maybe you do, I feel oddly put back to how I'm supposed to be. And... I think I'm supposed to be with you. If this is too soon or... ruins our friendship, I'm sorry and I'll slow it down, but I won't stop liking you."
You couldn't believe that in a three-minute span you had gone from painfully oblivious to so extremely wide awake. But it was in the best way possible after a year and four months of you also being painfully crushed by your secret feelings for Dr.Reid.
"It's fine, Spence," you said quietly, smiling at him with the most happiness you had found in months. "More than fine, I can't believe this is real."
He tucked the other side of your hair behind your ear, "You might have DRC, then. It stands for dream-reality confusion and is a difficulty or inability to determine whether an event or experience occurred during the waking state or whether it was part of a dream. I can assure you that you aren't dreami-"
You reached up and pulled him onto your lips by the back of the neck, smiling into it. This would be the first time you've ever shut him up. He welcomed it by kissing you back again, softer this time. Now that he was sure you wouldn't hate him for it, it felt a lot more natural, a lot more at ease. His passion was still there, as was yours, but this was how things were supposed to be. There was no longer a rush.
The two of you started laughing after it all. Both of you laughed at how painfully oblivious you both were and he went on a small explanation as to why we don't see our own tells and how feelings of romantic relation cloud the judgement. You went over every time the rest of the team had made a comment you both secretly loved or some you dismissed because it was an ache to hear.
Spencer opened up about his fear of rejection and you did the same and that too resulted in more laughing because here you were, so afraid, but you had both been in it for so long. You deserved to have each other after all this time not only because you fit, but because everyone saw it too, far before either of you did.
An innocent, fun, midnight escapade to cheer Spencer up turned into him finding a truly happy state of mind. You took that as a win and success as you tossed frozen yogurt containers in the garbage and found your way back to your room where you told Spencer it was okay to sleep in the bed as long as he was nice.
So he let you turn out the lights and lay next to him, your head on his chest in the way you had done before when it was only an achingly platonic move. He played with your hair, stared at the green walls, ranted about the history of the colour green and soon after, the both of you went right back to sleep, entirely happy.
Tagged: @ellyhotchner @softhairedhotch
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