#at this point Steve does not known Sharon’s name or that she’s related to Peggy
daydreamerdrew · 5 months
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Tales of Suspense (1959) #76
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jaamesbbaarnes · 4 years
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader 
Warnings: talk of virus related topics, death, sickness, isolation
Summary: A virus has taken over most of the world. Some are handling it better than others. 
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: I know the world is crazy right now and we all are experiencing different levels of uncertainty. This is my way of dealing with it all. 
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He moved down the hallway, his hands fidgeting. There were only so many times someone could work out, run simulated tactical missions and clean their weapons so many times before going stir crazy. This was going to be a long three weeks. If not more.
Outbreak, pandemic, fear. They all ran through the streets of New York City. The virus was spreading its way as a rapid pace through the Empire State as well as the rest of the world. People were scared, and rightfully so. Healthy people getting sick, hospitalized and, in unfortunate cases, dying of a virus many professionals knew almost nothing about.
It had been a decision of the governor to shut down the city to slow down the spread. No one in or out unless it was absolutely essential for you to leave. People quarantined to their homes, stuck, unable to get a breath of fresh air it seemed. But it was necessary to keep the city from becoming a warzone.
Bucky made his way towards the shared kitchen and common room as he started hearing the yelling.
“Are you crazy? There is no way the answer to that question is video games!” Sharon yelled, getting up from her seat to show her dominance.
“It says right here on the card, video games.” The last two words were given emphasis by Sam who pointed at the card in his hand.
“Give it to me!” Sam willed back as Sharon lunged towards him. “Give me the card, Wilson.”
“Damn, someone is a sore loser.” The Falcon, well, now Captain, teased his playmate.
“I’m not a sore loser! You’re making up answers!” She lunged again, grabbing the card. “What?!” Bucky couldn’t help but laugh at the look of defeat on the special agent’s face.
“Oh, like you would have known this answer yourself.” She points her frustration him. He held his hands up.
“I didn’t say anything.”
“Would you believe that the answer to ‘Which form of entertainment was deemed free speech after the 2011 Supreme Court case Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association?’ was video games?” Her face turned from frustrated to desperate, trying to reassure herself of her intelligence. Bucky turned back to the coffee he had just poured for himself and stirred in the sugar.
“Honestly, Shar, nothing surprises me anymore. Would I have guessed it? No. Does it surprise me? Also no.”
“Ha!” Sam smirked in victory and Sharon groaned, turning back to the game.
Bucky surveyed the room, looking over the two and their game, then over to their makeshift command center. Sam had told him that this was a hideout they had used after the accords to stay contacted to those who didn’t see Sam, Steve and Natasha as criminals. This had been there home then just like it was his home now. Only one member of their team was missing.
“Hey, where is she?” He didn’t have to say her name, they all knew who Bucky would be asking for.
“Steve’s old room.” Sharon barely lifted her head.
“It’s been a rough day for her.” Sam made eye contact with him. They were all aware of how this virus and quarantine was affecting you. After coming back from the Snap, learning of the death of both Tony and Natasha, then finding out that Steve had done back in time to live his life with Peggy, you were desperate to find some sense of normal. This virus had thrown a wrench in those plans.
He nodded to the two and made his way up the stairs to the only room on the top floor of the house. He could hear the new anchors and experts debating and giving more updates on the situation that was going on outside of the walls.
“Many people turn off the news as a way to relax. You should try it sometime.” She smiled and looked back at him.
“You know I can’t do that.”
“Yeah, I know.” He matched the expression on her face. It was insane the number of ways she was similar to Steve. The same sense to fight for what’s right, stubborn as hell and willing to do what she needed for those she loved. Maybe that’s why he had always felt a sense of companionship to the girl.
“People are dying, Buck.” She broke the comfortable silence after looking back to the tv. “They’re dying and there’s nothing we can do about it.”
“We can stay inside.” He tried to lighten the mood. A small chuckle left her throat.
“I’m not used to feeling so useless.” He watched her as the number of infected scrolled across the screen. A sea of red indicating every area affected by the disease so far.
“Have you called your mom today?” Hopefully focusing on something she could do would help.
“Yeah. She said she’s trying to sew as many masks as she can in a day. She also said it’s a good thing it’s happening in the spring time and not the winter. She gets to kick dad out to do yardwork instead of strangling him and pulling all her hair out.” She turned back to him with an amused look on her face. He couldn’t help but laugh.
“You definitely get your sassiness from her.”
“You call Pepper?” Her face turned back to concern before he moved to sit next to her.
“Her and Morgan are upstate at the cabin. Said they have enough food for a few weeks but would reach out if they need anymore. Morgan has decided to take up beading. Pep assured me that we would all get beautiful jewelry made by Morgan for Christmas.” She giggled again.
“And I will wear it with pride.” Her face lit up talking about the young Stark. Tony wasn’t the only one Morgan had given hope to. “Buck, what are we going to do?”
He sat with her for a minute, not quite knowing what to say. His arm found its way around her arm ad he pulled her closer to him, her resting her head on his shoulder.
“We’re gonna take it one day at a time. Fill each day with as much as we can and then worry about the next day. It’s all we can do.”
She looked up at him from his shoulder. His hair was short again, like in the pictures Steve had shown her. His stubble was growing in from days of not caring to shave. When you’re locked in the same place with the same people, you stop your standard routine.
“Do you always know what to say?” He looked down at her and couldn’t help the grin that creeped onto his face.
“Believe it or not, that was actually the advice my mom used to say to Rebecca and I every night in 1930 Got our family through the Depression.” She nodded.
“Well, your mom gave good advice.”
“She was a smart woman.”
“Had to be. She raised you and Steve.” There was the sass again.
“We’re gonna be ok, Doll. This is just a moment in time. Things get better. Besides, we have each other. Also, we have the other idiots in the common room who are currently fighting over Trivial Pursuit questions.” She chuckled again and tucked her head back onto his shoulder.
“One day at a time.” She repeated before silence filled the room again.
They watched the news as the sun began to fall between the buildings. It was a scary time outside. People were fighting about the best way to take action to combat the virus and others were stockpiling food making it difficult for others to get the essentials.
After a while, he finally heard her breathing settle and felt her heartbeat slow. He continued to hold her after she had fallen asleep, it had been a few days since she had gotten an actual decent night’s sleep.
He looked down at her peaceful face and knew that they would get through this, it was only a matter of waiting out the crazy. It was hard to the light at the end of the tunnel but he knew it was there. He had made it through too much to have this be the end. All he had to do now was help you and the other two make it to the next day. That’s all he could do.
The world was on lock down.
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Silver Age Steve Rogers: A Summary
I wrote one for Tony Stark so now Steve gets one too. This covers Tales of Suspense Vol 1 #59-#99 (the Captain America part of it - Iron Man is in the Tony Stark summary I just linked) and Captain America Vol 1 #100-#120. I chose Captain America #120 as a stopping point, as that takes us up to December 1969.
Issue-by-Issue Synopsis
Significant events are in bold. Note that a lot of the earlier issues were kind of just silly fluff, so there isn't much to say about them.
[ToS #59] Captain America gets his own story in Tales of Suspense (note that this means Tales of Suspense contains two stories, one Iron Man and one Captain America, not that Captain America appears in the Iron Man story or vice versa).  First appearance of Edwin Jarvis.
[ToS #60] Steve fights a bad guy.
[ToS #61] Steve fights a bad guy in Vietnam and saves a man whose brother saved him during WWII.
[ToS #62] Steve fights a bad guy who wants his shield.
[ToS #63] Recap of Steve's origin story.
[ToS #64] 1940s adventure of Steve fighting a bad guy.
[ToS #65] 1940s adventure of Steve fighting the Red Skull.
[ToS #66] 1940s adventure of Steve fighting the Red Skull.
[ToS #67] 1940s adventure of Steve fighting the Red Skull.
[ToS #68] 1940s adventure of Steve fighting a bad guy.
[ToS #69] 1940s adventure of Steve fighting a bad guy.
[ToS #70] 1940s adventure of Steve fighting a bad guy.
[ToS #71] 1940s adventure of Steve fighting a bad guy.
[ToS #72] Steve finds out that the Red Skull left behind three giant robots called Sleepers and goes after them.
[ToS #73] Steve fights the Sleepers.
[ToS #74] Steve fights the Sleepers.
[ToS #75] First appearance of Peggy Carter (in flashback), Sharon Carter, and Batroc the Leaper. Steve sees Sharon, is reminded of Peggy, and starts following her. He encounters Batroc along the way and fights him.
[ToS #76] Steve and Batroc work together to defeat a common enemy.
[ToS #77] Flashback issue about Steve and Peggy's relationship during WWII and how they parted. Peggy ends up getting amnesia, which is why they never found each other again.
[ToS #78] Steve and Nick Fury fight a bad guy.
[ToS #79] Red Skull is revealed to still be alive in the present day. First appearances of A.I.M. and the Cosmic Cube.
[ToS #80] Steve fights the Red Skull, who has the Cosmic Cube.
[ToS #81] Steve fights the Red Skull, who has the Cosmic Cube, until the land they're on crumbles and Red Skull and the Cube are both lost to the water.
[ToS #82] Steve gets drugged and captured by an adaptoid, who then takes his form.
[ToS #83] Steve frees himself and captures the adaptoid.
[ToS #84] The adaptoid adapts to all of the Avengers' powers and fights Steve.
[ToS #85] Steve goes to save Sharon, who has been captured by Batroc on behalf of Hydra under the condition that he be allowed to fight Steve. They fight, but when Hydra interferes Batroc gets annoyed and lets Steve save Sharon.
[ToS #86] Steve fights a bad guy in Asia and asks Fury to tell Sharon that they're going to go on a date, but Fury tells him she's on a mission.
[ToS #87] Steve fights the Planner, who is dressed in a Cap costume and committing crimes.
[ToS #88] Steve receives a video transmission from someone who looks and sounds like Bucky and goes after him.
[ToS #89] Steve finds out that the Bucky who sent the transmission was actually a robot created by Red Skull, who is still alive. They fight.
[ToS #90] Learning that Red Skull has some sort of plastic bubble weapon and fearing for NYC's safety, Steve promises to serve Red Skull for 24 hours in exchange for Red Skull not using the weapon on the city.
[ToS #91] Red Skull makes Steve reveal the location of a military submarine right before the 24 hours are up, then goes after it. Steve fights him. The sub blows up with Red Skull in it.
[ToS #92] Steve unknowingly interferes with a S.H.I.E.L.D. plot where an LMD Nick Fury is supposed to be assassinated, which puts Sharon in danger. Fury asks him to save her as a result.
[ToS #93] Steve and Sharon are both captured by A.I.M.
[ToS #94] First on-panel appearance of M.O.D.O.K. Steve and Sharon fight A.I.M.
[ToS #95] Steve goes on his first date with Sharon and proposes to her despite not knowing her real name. When Sharon declines, Steve decides to stop being Captain America and reveals his identity as Steve Rogers.
[ToS #96] Steve saves some random people dressed up as Cap who were filling the gap he left. He decides to continue being Captain America.
[ToS #97] Steve is summoned by T'Challa to Wakanda to help fight some bad guys who might be related to Steve's rogues' gallery.
[ToS #98] Steve and T'Challa fight Baron Zemo.
[ToS #99] Steve and T'Challa are caught by Baron Zemo. Sharon shows up while disguised as a spy and is asked by Zemo to shoot them.
[CA #100] Steve, Sharon, and T'Challa defeat Baron Zemo, who is revealed to be a fake. Steve asks T'Challa to join the Avengers.
[CA #101] Steve finds out about a fourth Sleeper and goes after it, but it gets away.
[CA #102] Steve and Sharon again go after the fourth Sleeper and defeat it with the power of love. Red Skull decides to use Sharon against Steve going forward.
[CA #103] Sharon's name is finally revealed (she was previously only known as Agent 13). They go on a date, but the Red Skull's minions kidnap her and force Steve to come after them. They escape, but unknown to Steve, the Red Skull has attached "nuclear tape" to the back of his neck.
[CA #104] Steve goes to fight the Red Skull while Sharon, Fury, and Tony Stark disarm a bomb connected to Steve's nuclear tape.
[CA #105] Steve tries to distance himself from Sharon, fearing his proximity puts her in danger, and goes off on a random mission to disarm a separate, unrelated bomb.
[CA #106] Steve fights some bad guys trying to steal LMD tech from S.H.I.E.L.D., including an LMD that looks like himself.
[CA #107] First appearance of Doctor Faustus, a psychiatrist Steve has recently started seeing. Faustus gives Steve some pills to supposedly help with nightmares, but it's a trap. Faustus gets arrested after a fight.
[CA #108] Steve and Sharon fight the Trapster, who they find out is working for the Red Skull.
[CA #109] Recap of Steve's origin story.
[CA #110] Steve saves Rick Jones from the Hulk. Rick then puts on Bucky's costume and asks to be his sidekick. Steve agrees, and they fight Madame Hydra/Viper (in her first appearance) and her Hydra goons together.
[CA #111] Steve and Rick fight Hydra again. Steve jumps into a river as they're shooting at him. A bullet-riddled costume and a Steve Rogers face mask are found afterward, but no body.
[CA #112] Recap of Steve's adventures from the original Cap comics, Avengers, Tales of Suspense, and this current run, narrated by Tony Stark in the wake of Cap's apparent death.
[CA #113] Captain America is given a funeral that Madame Hydra then crashes. Rick goes after her, and so does Steve, who is unsurprisingly alive after all. After Hydra is defeated, Steve explains how the Cap that was gunned down was a fake. Steve now has a secret identity again.
[CA #114] After Steve and Sharon fight A.I.M., Steve asks Sharon to resign from S.H.I.E.L.D. Sharon refuses to quit her job, and they break up. Steve then tries to assume a different civilian identity but is found by Red Skull, who has the Cosmic Cube again.
[CA #115] After spending some time toying with Steve, Red Skull transforms Steve into himself, and himself into Captain America.
[CA #116] Red Skull continues to toy with Steve, who is being attacked non-stop due to looking like the Skull. Eventually, Red Skull teleports Steve to the isle where the Exiles are, as he recently betrayed the Exiles and know that they will want to kill the Red Skull on sight.
[CA #117] First appearance of Sam Wilson and Redwing, who save Steve as he's being attacked by the Exiles. Steve realizes he can take off the Red Skull mask and look like a normal man. He convinces Sam to adopt a superhero identity and names him the Falcon so that he can serve as a symbol when fighting the Exiles.
[CA #118] Steve trains Sam in hand-to-hand combat and together, they fight the Exiles. Red Skull is annoyed that Steve is thriving and decides it's time to end it himself.
[CA #119] Red Skull restores himself and Steve to their true bodies. They fight (along with Sam and Redwing). However, Red Skull loses his advantage when the Cosmic Cube gets deactivated as part of an unrelated plot by A.I.M. and uses the last vestiges of its power to teleport away.
[CA #120] Steve and Sam return to the States and part ways. Steve takes on a job at a local college and saves a professor from being kidnapped by A.I.M., then quits the job.
We all know Steve as the guy who will fight for freedom any day of the week and prone to giving rousing speeches, both during and after battle. He encourages others to do the same, and is responsible for Sam becoming the Falcon. He even trains both Sam and Rick Jones in hand-to-hand combat.
Underneath that patriotic exterior, though, is a conflicted man warring with a lot of dissonant feelings. Sometimes he seems to resent being Captain America: he's Cap because he feels a duty to be Cap, but he also blames that devotion to duty for Bucky's death as well as the fact that he can't just settle down with Sharon, who feels duty toward her own job. At the same time, he feels like outside of Captain America, the man under the mask - Steve Rogers - has no identity or life of his own. His resentment leads him to quitting being Captain America, but his sense of duty leads him to pick it back up almost immediately afterward. However, there is no resolution at this time to his lack of identity as Steve Rogers. He tries to fill in the gap with Sharon by pursuing a romance with her, but it fails when she won't fit in the exact way he wants her to.
On top of all that, Steve actively blames himself for Bucky's death (in addition to the bit about duty mentioned above). He thinks he shouldn't have brought Bucky with him on that fatal mission near the end of the war and that he should have been able to save him. As a result, his enemies frequently use Bucky's ghost to either lure him into traps or mess with his mind. Despite his guilt, though, Rick Jones is able to successfully convince Steve to allow him to pick up Bucky's mantle.
And of course, Steve still feels disconnected from his current present, twenty years into the future. The disconnect is bad enough that he sought therapy for it, though unfortunately for him said therapist was Doctor Faustus.
When it comes to his love life, he falls hard and fast - probably too hard and too fast. While Silver Age comics in general completely fail at "show, don't tell" when it comes to romance, Steve takes it to another level, and it's explicitly confirmed that his intense feelings for Sharon are literally because she looks like someone he loved during the war. This leads to him proposing to her on their first date, before he even knows her as anything other than Agent 13. When she declines, he's so upset that he briefly quits being Captain America. He also repeatedly tries to make her quit her job as a top agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. because he fears for her safety, and they break up after her multiple refusals to do so.
He's also so open about his feelings for Sharon that Fury is essentially left to be the middleman for them at times, arranging their schedules so they can go on dates. Random unnamed S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are also shown to be aware of Steve and Sharon's romance.
Bucky Barnes is Steve's teenage sidekick from WWII, though he perished as part of the same event that left Steve frozen in the ice for twenty years. Though he's dead, his spectre continues to haunt Steve, both in the form of Steve's guilt as well as enemies like the Red Skull using Bucky's likeness to draw him into battle.
Red Skull is Steve's greatest enemy, and continues to come back time and time again. His major flaw regarding Steve is that he enjoys seeing Steve suffer so much that he ends up drawing out his plots for long enough that Steve is able to escape and live another day.
Batroc the Leaper is on paper one of Steve's enemies, though they have worked together multiple times to fight a common foe. Batroc is shown to have a strong desire to defeat Captain America, but at the same time, he has an equally strong sense of honor that demands that any such defeat must take place under fair conditions. He will not hesitate to turn on others if they interfere with his sense of fair play.
Peggy Carter is Steve's first love from the war, though it's unclear if he ever knew her name. However, they were separated after Peggy got amnesia from an exploding cell, causing her to forget him and therefore never see him again.
Sharon Carter is Steve's singular love interest in the present day. He starts following her as soon as he sees her due to her resemblance to Peggy and learns she's a top agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. When he finally goes on a date with her, he proposes, and when he's turned down he briefly quits being Captain America. While she loves him back, she feels that her duty to S.H.I.E.L.D. prevents her from having a married life, and her refusal to quit despite his repeated requests lead to them breaking up.
Nick Fury is one of Steve's friends from the war, and is also the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. They talk a lot, and at least on one instance Steve has invited him to his place just so he can vent about his life (Fury usually mentions crying towels on these occasions). He also acts as a somewhat reluctant but also amused middleman when it comes to Steve and Sharon's relationship.
Rick Jones is a young man who briefly takes up the role of being a replacement Bucky. Steve trains him in combat gymnastics and though he fears for Rick's life, he ultimately allows him to be his sidekick.
T'Challa is King of Wakanda and the Black Panther. After they work together on a mission, Steve asks him to join the Avengers, which T'Challa agrees to.
Sam Wilson is a man Steve encounters while in the Red Skull's body (though his mask is removed so he looks like a normal person). Due to their shared goal of defeating a common enemy, Steve encourages Sam to take up a superhero identity and dubs him the Falcon, training him in hand-to-hand combat. Once the enemy is defeated, and after Sam learns Steve was actually Captain America, Sam returns to Harlem to be a superhero there.
Tony Stark is the weapons director of S.H.I.E.L.D. (and Iron Man, though Steve doesn't know this). Steve and Sharon constantly use gadgets he designed and have a huge amount of respect for him. The fact that Iron Man tricked out Steve's shield at one point is known by everyone, enough that there is not one, but two plots that involve enemies trying to steal said shield (though Steve removes the enhancements later).
[ToS #60] Steve briefly wields a shield that is enhanced with transistors, courtesy of Iron Man (he later removes them due to balance issues, though).
[ToS #63] During the war, Steve acted like a bumbling private to deflect suspicions that he was actually Captain America.
[CA #105] Steve makes an explicit enough reference to Christ that it seems to confirm him as a Christian.
[CA #108] Everyone is constantly using stuff designed by Tony Stark, who is referred to as the weapons director of S.H.I.E.L.D.
[CA #110] Steve smokes a pipe.
[CA #111] A description of Steve's fighting style, which is referred to as combat gymnastics.
[CA #117] Steve is capable of using clay to form makeshift facial prosthetics for himself as a disguise.
[CA #117] Steve is normally camera-shy.
Noteworthy Panels
These are mostly panels that are noteworthy for meme reasons, since actual noteworthy events are highlighted in the synopsis.
[ToS #59] The heels of Steve's boots are razor-sharp.
[ToS #65] With true Nazi efficiency, the Red Skull has a hit list of four whole people that he wrote out in a notepad.
[ToS #74] All Steve needs is a flamethrower!
[ToS #79] Steve's A on his cowl peels off to reveal a circuit that blocks hypnotic waves.
[ToS #95] Steve tells Tony that he helped the Avengers the only way he could - with his money!
[CA #101] Steve rocks a Stark-designed transparent inflato-suit.
[CA #106] Steve hangs around shirtless in front of a random S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who is trying to talk to him about work stuff.
[CA #118] Steve apparently gave Rick an autographed photo of himself.
[CA #120] "Roger Stevens" is the best undercover name Steve can come up with.
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wazafam · 3 years
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Warning: SPOILERS ahead for The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.
In a twist that many saw coming, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier's season finale confirmed that Sharon Carter is actually the Power Broker. As the kingpin of the criminal haven of Madripoor, Sharon was responsible for funding the development of the super soldier serum used by the Flag Smashers, who were actually her personal paramilitary force before they abandoned her to pursue their own goals.
In "One World, One People," Sam Wilson comes through on his promise to get Sharon pardoned by the U.S. government, but she isn't at all interested in returning to her old law-abiding life. Instead, Sharon intends to use her newly recovered access to put "government secrets, prototype weapons, you name it" on the black market for anyone to buy. Optimistically, that could mean more superpowered vigilantes using their Power Broker-bought abilities for good. More realistically, it means the bad guys of the Marvel Cinematic Universe are about to become even more dangerous.
Related: US Agent Explained: John Walker’s New Superhero Name & Costume
In Marvel Comics, the Power Broker is a mantle belonging to different characters who all play the same role: selling superpowers to the highest bidder. It was from the Power Broker that the comic book version of John Walker obtained his super soldier serum. But why would a character like Sharon Carter, who has previously been on the side of the good guys, become the MCU's newest villain?
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Sharon Carter's evolution into the Power Broker unfortunately feels a bit underwritten, in large part because of the decision to make it a post-credits twist rather than something that was known throughout the series. But Sharon did actually lay out her reasons for becoming the Power Broker to Bucky and Sam, even if she didn't tell them the full story. When Sam made the observation that "it looks like breaking all those laws is treating you well," Sharon replied, "At some point I thought if I had to hustle I might as well enjoy the life of a real hustler." Though it seemed she was only referring to stolen artwork, Sharon's hustling actually involves far more expensive and dangerous products.
After helping out Captain America, the Falcon and the Winter Soldier while they were fugitives in Captain America: Civil War, Sharon herself was made a fugitive and - unlike the others - was never pardoned. She fled to Madripoor, which doesn't allow extradition, and used her Carter wiles and adaptability to rise to the top of the ladder as Madripoor's new pirate queen. Her experience as a spy taught her the value of secrecy and protecting her true identity, so she began operating under the alias of Power Broker and pursued a growing market: superpowers.
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Though it might seem surprising that Peggy Carter's niece and an important ally to Captain America is now a villain planning to sell government secrets to the highest bidder, Sharon becoming the Power Broker does fit with her story arc in the MCU. Sharon made her first appearance in Captain America: The Winter Soldier as a friendly and flirty neighbor who seemed innocent enough - until she came bursting into Steve Rogers' apartment armed with a gun. Steve then learned that "Kate" was actually Agent 13, and had been planted in his building by Nick Fury to spy on him. In hindsight, this introduction works as foreshadowing for Sharon's heel turn in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.
Related: US Agent Explained: John Walker’s New Superhero Name & Costume
Sharon's appearances in the MCU have also offered up plenty of reasons why she would become disillusioned with her work for the U.S. government. In Captain America: The Winter Soldier it was revealed that SHIELD - the agency co-founded by Peggy Carter, where Sharon had been a loyal agent for years - had actually been corrupted by HYDRA from the very start. Then, in Captain America: Civil War, Sharon took a risk to do the right thing and retrieve Captain America's shield and Falcon's wings for them. She was rewarded for this bravery and altruism by being made into a fugitive. This left her jaded not only towards her government, but towards superheroes as well. Sharon offered a glimpse of this new outlook when she challenged Sam: "You know the whole hero thing is a joke, right? I mean, the way you gave up that shield, deep down you must know it's all hypocrisy."
Sharon's villain turn could also be attributed to Steve Rogers kissing her and then apparently forgetting about her completely and leaving to go back in time and marry her aunt. However, there's little to indicate that Sharon was actually in love with Steve. The truly bad break-up was between Sharon and the government that betrayed her twice. It's little wonder that she has no interest in returning to a straight-laced government job, and no longer regards state secrets as sacred. After all, Sharon witnessed Project Insight - a surveillance operation developed by SHIELD - being weaponized as part of a HYDRA plot to slaughter 20 million people. She may well have come to the conclusion that cutting-edge weaponry is no safer in the hands of the military than it is in the hands of black market bidders, so she might as well get rich off it.
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Like the Vulture in Spider-Man: Homecoming, the Power Broker sees the current state of affairs in the MCU - with superheroes and supervillains popping up left and right - as an opportunity to make money. Sharon's intention is to sell prototype tech and weapons developed by the government, and WandaVision demonstrated just how advanced some of that tech is when SWORD unleashed White Vision in an attempt to end Wanda Maximoff's takeover of Westview. SWORD (which stands for Sentient Weapon Observation and Response Division) has graduated beyond simply observing weapons and into creating them, and Sharon's restored access could very well lead to SWORD tech ending up in the hands of supervillains.
Sharon's new role means that she could effectively pop up in any number of upcoming MCU movies and TV shows as a black market hook-up for those seeking to either fight superheroes, or become them. While she's unlikely to be the main villain in any stories, expect to see her again as a recurring character providing a shortcut to tech and weaponry for anyone who can afford her prices.
More: Falcon & Winter Soldier Ending Explained & MCU Future Setup
Power Broker Twist: Why Sharon Carter Is An MCU Villain Now from https://ift.tt/3sLT9LW
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Chapter Five
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Previous Chapter
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader  |  Word Count: 2959 Warnings: Angst, Swearing, Garry being an absolute shit.
Three days went by. Three days in which you spent almost more time with Garry than you did with Steve. Three days in which you were so rattled by what Bucky had said to you, you’d taken to avoiding him as much as possible. Something easier said than done even in a compound the size of the one you were living in, and it was messing with your head.
It was like he had two personalities. When he was around everyone else, he was the same old Bucky, the good-natured friend, the laughing, teasing jokester you’d always had fun with. Then, when he’d catch you alone, it was a lot less harmless. It was flirting, and sly glances, comments that would generally seem harmless had taken on completely new subtext. He made you uncomfortable but never more than that. He didn’t touch you beyond what was normal, yet still, he was freaking you the freakout!
It all came to a head the morning of the third day when, on your way to see Tony in his lab, you ran into Bucky in the hallway.
“Hey, dollface,” he said with a wide grin. “You avoiding me or something? I feel like I haven’t seen you in days.”
You frowned, weirded out again as he’d seen you just yesterday when he’d flirted with you in the elevator. “Haha, funny, Barnes,” you grumbled, making to step around him.
He took hold of your upper arm drawing you to a stop. “Hey, (Y/N)? What’s wrong? Did I do something to piss you off, cause if I did just tell me and I’ll apologize. We’re friends, and you’re Steve’s girl. I can’t have you mad at me.”
The innocent look of confusion on his face only made you madder. “Maybe you should have thought of that before you opened your big mouth!” Jerking your arm away, a difficult thing to accomplish with his metal hand, you glared at him.
“Hey! Whoa! Stop your roll, darlin'! What’s your beef? What I do?” he held up his hands in surrender.
“You know damn well what you did! How could you, Bucky? How could you do this to me? To Steve? Why?” Shaking your head, you waved your hands at him, dismissing anything he had left to say. “I haven’t said anything to Steve, I’m not going to, but until you pull your head out of your ass stay the fuck away from me!” Turning, you made to stomp away, only to have him snag you by the arm and drag you back around.
“What in the ever loving fuck are you talking about?” he snarled, eyes hard and winter soldier cold.
“Let go.” The cold hard rage inside you washed out in your voice as you stared him down.
“Not a chance, (Y/N). Not until you tell me exactly what it is I’ve done to you and Steve.”
Drawing yourself up to your less than impressive full height, you snaked your hand up and gave his ear a hard twist. His howl of pain when he released you gave you great joy. “Stay away from me, Barnes. I mean it.”
Before he could retaliate Sam burst down the hallway and stepped between you. “Whoa, whoa, whoa! What’s going on? What the hell, you two?”
Backing away, keeping your eyes on Bucky, you muttered to Sam, “Keep him away from me.”
“(Y/N)?” Sam looked at you with furrowed brows.
“I mean it.” Turning smartly on your heel, you head for the lab, unaware of the look shared by Bucky and Sam.
Sam jogged after you, catching up quickly, tugging you into an empty office. “Spill it. What the hell was that?”
Closing your hands over your elbows, you hugged yourself tightly. “I don’t know, Sam. I don’t know. He’s… he said a thing… and the thing has me all twisted up.”
“What thing?” he asked, moving to rest his hip against the table you were leaning on.
“Crazy things. Things about feelings and Steve and…” You thrust a hand through your hair. “I don’t know what to do.”
“You could talk to Steve. Get him to sort this out.”
You looked to Sam, his eyes downcast, hands twisting together and inhaled sharply. “No!” you barked, backing away and pointing at him to stay where he was.
“Wh-what?” he stammered, eyes widening.
“If you give me some bullshit story about how everyone has these hidden feelings that they’ve kept locked down because I was mooning over Steve, so help me god, Wilson, I will fucking pluck you!”
“I don’t have feathers, shorty,” he teased, but it was half-hearted and full of regret.
“Oh hell no!” Continuing to back toward the door you shook your head. “You can just join Bucky on my shit list! No contact, Wilson, until you also pull your head out of your ass!” Bursting out the door, you ran for the lab.
If Tony waxed poetic, made cow eyes at you, or said anything sappy, you were heading for the hills. It was all too damn weird!
The door slammed shut behind you, and the mask of Sam fell away revealing Garry, whose smile slowly spread. Pulling out his phone, the one given to him special as it was undetectable by Stark’s annoying AI, he pressed a preprogrammed number and waited.
“Proceeding as we discussed.”
“She’s retreating from them. Two down.”
The line went dead, and Garry stuffed the phone away. It was time to up the stakes.
Later that afternoon, after having had a relaxing and completely normal conversation with Tony - thank god - you were going through the briefing when the knock sounded on your door. Calling out enter, you didn’t bother to look up until the door shut with a quiet click. “Bucky,” you hissed, rising to your feet. “What did I say earlier?”
He held up his hands, not moving from his place before the door. “I came to apologize.”
Blinking in shock, you straightened. “Really?”
“Yeah. Look, doll, I can’t apologize for my feelings, or for the fact that I was a fat-head and didn’t say something sooner. Maybe if I had…” he shrugged, “that ain’t the here nor there of why I’ve come to see you.” He motioned toward one of your desk chairs.
Giving a wary nod, you settled in your own, keeping the width of the desk between you. It wouldn’t do any good if he wanted to close the distance, but it gave you a sense of separation at least. “Why are you here, Buck? Cause if it was just to apologize, you did a shit job.”
“Look I’ll… I’ll keep my distance if that’s what you want, but… I gotta warn you, doll face,” he swallowed, looked at his hands.
“Bucky?” His discomfort worried you.
“Steve… he, he loves you, (Y/N) he really does, but… Sharon…”
You froze at that name, well aware of who Sharon was and what she had once been to Steve. As far as you’d known, she’d been out of the picture nearly a year before your arrival, and you hadn’t ever met her, nor had she had contact with Steve since their break up. “What are you saying, Bucky?”
“He was real hung up on her. I heard tell she may be coming back. Don’t know if it will be permanent or just for a mission or two, but… I don’t want to see you get hurt if Steve… reacts poorly.”
“You think he’ll leave me for her if the opportunity presents itself?” you whispered, heart aching.
“I just… want you prepared for the possibility.”
“He wouldn’t do that!” you rose angrily to your feet, “He wouldn’t! He’s not that kind of guy!”
“Doll…” Bucky sighed, getting to his. “I’ve known Steve a hell of a lot more years than you. Sharon is related to Peggy. She’s his closest link to his past. Who better to know what he’d do… but me?”
“Get out,” you whispered.
“Darlin,” he reached for you as the first tears fell.
“Get the fuck out of my office. Don’t come back, Barnes. Don’t come near me or I won’t be held responsible for my actions.” You refused to look at him, holding yourself together by a thread until the door shut quietly behind him. Only then did you collapse back into your chair.
Laying your head on your desk, you let the tears flow with all the insecurities you kept buried. You were just so… normal. Everyone was someone special, someone important, someone better than you. If this Sharon did come back, could Bucky be right? Would Steve choose her?
“Oh… god,” you whispered, unable to deal with the pain racing through your heart.
“Hey, (Y/N)? You got a minute… oh hell!” Garry swore, shutting the door quickly behind him and rushing to your side. “What is it? Are you hurt? Did something happen to Steve?”
You shook your head, turning your head on your desk to see Garry, blurry with your eyes full of tears. “Bucky…” you sobbed, hiccupped and snuffled.
“Hey, hey now,” he soothed, petting your hair. “What did that asshole say to you? Do I have to beat him up? Should I get Steve?”
“No!” you cried, turning your face back to the desk. “No, no, Steve.”
“C’mon,” he coaxed, “tell me what the metal wonder said to you. You need to talk to someone, and I’m willing to listen.”
He was a nice guy, Garry. The last few days had seen you growing closer as he’d opened up, revealed all kinds of things about his life, past, and family. He really had no one, no family. Had been in and out of foster care as a kid, had run away completely once he was fifteen, staying on his own and using his abilities to get by. Shield had found him after he’d fallen in with the wrong crowd, offering him a chance to straighten up, get his shit together, and do some good for once instead of the harm he had been causing, and he’d leaped at the chance.
Once he’d taken the chip off his shoulder, the nice guy beneath the gruff exterior had come out, and you liked him. He was fun, laughing, chatting, and he really was easy to talk to.
Sitting back, you smiled your thanks when he handed you the Kleenex box. “He warned me about Sharon’s imminent arrival,” you sniffled.
“Sharon? Who’s Sharon?”
“Sharon was Peggy’s relation, Steve’s Peggy.” That reference needed no explanation. Everyone knew of Steve and Peggy. “He and Sharon had a thing before… just before.”
“And? So what?” he asked, evidently confused.
“According to Bucky, Steve’s still hung up on her. He… he thinks Steve…” more tears welled as you sobbed, “will leave me!”
“Oh, shit!” Garry’s eyes grew wide.
“I never should have told him! I should have just left! Why didn’t I just leave?” you wailed, thoroughly distraught.
“Okay, okay,” he stroked his hands down your arms, offering comfort. “You know you’re being stupid, right?
"Your head snapped up. “What?”
“You’re being stupid, listening to what Barnes said. He’s already jealous of your relationship with Steve, of course, he’s going to say something fucked up like that to make you doubt yourself. If you’re anxious, ask Steve. Ask him outright if he has feelings still for this… Sharon.” He rolled his eyes in such a way as to show how foolish he thought it was making you snort laugh.
Leaning toward him, you hugged him much to his apparent surprise. “You know, Garry, you’re a really nice guy. I’m glad we’re friends. Thank you,” you said, sighing when he tentatively hugged you back.
“Hey, no worries. You mentor me through the hard stuff, like shooting and escaping Barton’s arrows, and I’ll help you navigate male B.S,” he snickered.
Laughing, you pulled away and dried your eyes. “What did you need?” you asked, wondering why he’d come to your office in the first place.
Confusion joined the blank look on his face. “Huh? Oh… right… jeez,” he tapered off, frowning. “Well, shit. Now I can’t remember.”
“Don’t worry about it. That happens to me all the time.” Shrugging, you looked down at the mess you’d made of all your paperwork. “Want to learn how to file a report properly?” you asked hopefully.
He groaned but gave in. “Fine! But you owe me!”
That night was the weekly movie night and all the team, including the newbies, had gathered in the common area to argue over what was on the docket to be watched. Technically it was Nat’s turn to do the choosing, but as she and Wanda, as well as Vision, were still away the choice had fallen to a group vote.
The arguing had intensified to the point where it was giving you a headache, and you got to your feet to leave when Steve took your hand.
“Where you going?” he asked quietly, mouth close to your ear.
“Bed,” you muttered, rubbing at your temple. “I’ve got a headache brewing.” That and you had no desire to be stuck in the same room with Bucky who’d taken to looking at you with a combination of anger and concern.
Sam at least had been called away for a couple of days, leaving you one less idiotic male to deal with.
“Yeah?” Steve cupped your chin, drawing your eyes up. He frowned, evidently able to see the pain in your eyes. “C’mon then. Let’s get you settled, baby.” His arm wrapped your waist, encouraging you away from the barking, snarling, hollering going on behind you.
Remaining silent, you walked on, breathing deeply of the scent of his aftershave. He always smelled so damn good it should be illegal. It would be heartbreaking if you lost the luxury of being able to press your nose to his chest and inhale his pleasing scent. The thought of losing Steve brought back Bucky’s words from earlier, and by the time you’d made it to Steve’s room, you were an anxious mess.  
Stopping at the door, Steve gently passed his hand over your hair. “(Y/N)? Sweetheart? What’s wrong? You’ve been… off the last few days.”
Hand on the knob, you pushed the door in, walking into the darkened interior without bothering to turn on the lights. “It’s… been a weird few days.”
“Weird how?” he asked, shutting the door behind him. “Something to do with Garry?”
You made the mistake of shaking your head and groaned, pressing fingers to your temple. “No, that’s been fine. It’s… other things.”
Warm, strong fingers closed over the back of your neck and began to knead the flesh. They had a whimper passing your lips.
“What things?” he murmured, pressing his thumbs into the base of your skull.
You wanted to moan, turning into putty beneath his talented fingers. “Just… things.”
“C’mon, darlin,” he placed a kiss against your temple. “I know it’s something. You’ve been… sharp with Buck lately. He’s upset, wondering what he did.”
The unladylike snort burst forth. “He knows damn well what he did.”
“Well, maybe you should tell me what he did. Then I can clear the air.”
“No, Steve. You don’t need to step between us. Bucky can pull his head from his ass all by himself.”
A large hand closed around your throat, tilting your head back. “You won’t let me help? Bucky’s my oldest friend. I hate seeing the two of you at odds.”
You flinched at the words oldest friend, Bucky’s warning echoing in your head:
I’ve known Steve a hell of a lot more years than you. Sharon is related to Peggy. She’s his closest link to his past. Who better to know what he’d do… but me?
Swallowing down the bile rising in your throat as the flood of pain washed through your heart, you pulled away from his hands. “If Sharon came back into your life, would you leave me for her?” The words were out before you even knew you were going to say them.
The quiet gasp of breath had you glancing to Steve’s face, but without light, it was nearly impossible to tell what his facial expression was. “I’ve heard that Sharon’s on her way back. That she’s coming here for a mission or permanently or something… and I… I just… will you?” Twisting your hands together, you shut your eyes.
Warm hands caressed your cheeks, cupped your jaw, lifted your face. Soft lips pressed to yours, moulded, clung.
“Baby,” he whispered, hands gentle and slow as the travelled over your throat, down your arms, up your back. He touched you with reverence, with care, with love. He took your clothes from you slowly, methodically, removing each piece as if you were precious and would shatter if he touched you too forcefully.
Lifting you, he made his way through the room, placing you on your shared bed. Lips again found yours, devastating kisses which had tears welling at his care. When he finally lifted enough for you to breathe, they walked the curve of your cheek.
“I love you, baby, so much,” he whispered, big hands caressing and touching, worshiping.
“Steve,” you moaned, clinging to him.
“I love you, (Y/N).”
“Steve,” you sighed happily. “Love you, Stevie.”
It wasn’t until hours later when he’d fallen asleep, head pillowed on your breast, arms holding you tight, that you realized… he never answered your question.
Next Chapter
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originaljediinjeans · 5 years
MCU Rewatch: “Captain America: Civil War” (2016)
After everything Bucky has been through, I really wanted him to be doing better after walking away from Hydra. He DESERVED better. I’ll bet I’m not the only person who feels the same way.
The person who really needs to be called out for their behavior is the lady who confronts Tony in the hallway at MIT. I’m sorry, I don’t care about what you’ve suffered, YOU SHOULDN’T DO THAT TO PEOPLE. THAT IS JUST CRUEL.
I don’t think Tony is in a good place at all in this film 
I don’t think I realized how deep Tony’s daddy issues went until this movie came out
I definitely think the Staron kiss was unnecessary 
but other than that Sharon Carter is a Queen(TM) in this movie and deserves respect. She deserves a mini-series/TV show.
Thunderbolt Ross is a pompus twat
Natasha’s hair in this film is her best hair
Redwing is cool, and the fact that Sam Wilson has a drone like that hints that he probably knows a bit about computers and AI--not necessarily as much as Tony Stark or even Natasha, but he knows a bit
the Lagos fight scene is so great
The airport battle is either Feels or literal LOL. there is no in-between
Brock Rumlow is a drama queen. yeah his face could’ve turned out worse but it’s not as ugly as his soul
The dead look in Tony’s eyes when he sees Pepper’s name on the teleprompter
Natasha apologizing to King T’chaka for the deaths of his emissaries was necessary. The Avengers owed him that much even if it was an accident. And it was.
Civil War is the darkest and most intense Marvel film. Partly because some of the fight scenes are filmed in shaky-cam mode.
It was a cute nod to Sebastian Stan to have Bucky be hiding in Romania. But was Atlanta/Berlin/Puerto Rico really the best place to film those scenes? Because I don’t think Romania has that nice of infrastructure.
How much has Bucky been running? The answer is, a lot.
Also, how often has he found himself trying to escape and stuck awkwardly in the middle of traffic?
The demo “memory” in Stark’s simulator at MIT is probably 90% fabricated. Tony probably didn’t interact that much with his parents when they said goodbye IRL. 
“I know that road--” In spite of how much SHIELD/Hydra covered up the real nature of the Stark’s deaths, Tony was still acquainted with what happened. Like, he had detailed knowledge of anything that wasn’t covered up
I love how Vision is still loyal to Wanda even after they choose different sides. I love how he is trying to help her from the beginning, because he probably knows better than anyone that she is really down on herself after Lagos
I’m not sure how much on purpose Rumlow and his thugs chose to go after a bio-weapon kept in a developing country, but (A) he knew the Avengers were going to catch up with him at some point, and (B) collateral damage would make the Avengers look bad--their popularity had been declining since even before Sokovia. I’ll bet Rumlow watched the remainder of the events from Hell laughing at how much trouble he’d gotten the Avengers in. 
Plus the suicide vest: he wanted to take as many people with him as he could. He was already wearing it so he was banking on having to make a quick exit. He was even hoping he would run into Cap so he could get them both. Rumlow is SO evil.
The really unfortunate thing for the Avengers is that the people really responsible for the things that they are getting blamed for--Ultron, Hydra, Rumlow--are dead or in prison. So who do people blame? The people who saved the world from those idiots.
Vision states when explaining his feelings about the Accords that he’s noticed that in the last 8 years the number of world disasters has gone up. He’s right about the Avengers’ strength being challenged from the Universe. It may not look like it to a normal person within the MCU but there is causality. But as much as those events are related or unrelated Vision knows there’s something up. It’s like he knows Thanos is coming without being able to put a name on it
Helmut Zemo may be evil but Vasily Karpov is also a disgusting human being.
Karpov in the flashbacks: he’s deaf to the sounds of suffering but he hears when there is silence
Wanda’s arc in this film is about dealing with growing up
If Steve Rogers was condescending to anyone, it was Spider-Man
NO ONE of the Avengers was happy to see Secretary Ross show up at their compound. Even Tony looked like he was going to be sick--if he wasn’t already ill from the sheer awfulness of the situation. Like that look he gives to Steve is “I’m sorry, I don’t want this either.”
Tony is just under a lot of stress and he’s desperate to keep the team together. He knows that working with Secretary Ross and trying to make his team sign the Accords is a terrible idea. and he knows Bruce would hate him for it But to him, it’s the only option.
Tony may be acting cooperative but Thunderbolt Ross still treats him like garbage and it burns me. Thunderbolt treats all superhumans like garbage. 
I’m not sure Tony was at all hopeful that the authorities would play nice, including Ross. But if he did, or if he thought he could protect his fellow Avengers, it was a very slim hope, and he was gravely mistaken.
However, Tony is rude and condescending to the Avengers and to Steve the ENTIRE TIME. Except for when he goes to Siberia--but as we all know that doesn’t last long, thanks Zemo
The airport fight, Tony is like “YOU LISTEN TO ME, YOU ARE DELUDED, YOU ARE A PROBLEM, HAND OVER BUCKY”, he practically yells at Steve. Steve’s “You did that when you signed” is a low blow but he doesn’t say it in a mean way at all
Even after Natasha fought on his side in the airport battle, Tony took out his angst over Rhodey getting hurt by talking down to her--a woman he has known and respected for a long time. No wonder she walks away.
So much for Tony “protecting” his friends
I’m not mad at Tony, really. I’m really sad for him, in fact.
It can also be argued that Wanda Maximoff was genuinely mad at everyone except for Vision, she totally meant to hurt people at the airport
But tell me how that justifies the authorities putting her in a straightjacket. If Wanda has an attitude problem, that’s her problem, not an excuse to punish her for being who she is.
One thing that has always bothered me about this film and Doctor Strange is that right before the climax, the leading female characters disappear and it’s all about the men. Not that the climaxes of either film are poorly executed but it still bugs me
okay maybe FRIDAY counts but I’m not a huge fan of Friday
Why the heck didn’t Steve or Tony or Bucky destroy the computer while Zemo was playing the video?
Steve was definitely defensive about the Accords, but he was Woke about how corrupt they were and how Zemo was bad news. True, he was going on instinct for some of it, but his instinct was correct, and experience told him that it wasn’t worth trusting higher authority. He refused to compromise because of how it was unfair to his teammates, and to the world he was trying to save.
I’m still definitely Team Cap. 
But the Sokovia Accords were a no-win situation for anybody no matter which “side” they were on
It’s kind of hard to not be on an Avengers team with Steve Rogers and not at least know that Bucky is kind of a big deal to him
The shot of the inside of Rhodey’s helmet after he gets shot down, there’s no AI or computer projections--that is scary
There’s no reason Natasha wasn’t sitting in the back of the church at Peggy’s funeral. But the funeral may have been limited to just family and friends of Peggy and her family, so how would Nat have gotten an invitation?
The timing of the transition from the funeral to the UN bombing makes no sense, unless it was all happening on the same day and Sharon invited Sam and Steve to fly to Vienna with her. Which still doesn’t make sense.
Look, if Steve Rogers wants to be romantically involved with someone, then it makes the most sense, at least to me, for him to pick Sharon. 
The thing with Natasha is, her inner darkness is a lot different from Steve’s and she knows it, and that’s why in TWS she kept trying to set him up with someone else. They’re friends but in my opinion they don’t have to be romantically/sexually involved. In fact, Steve and Nat not dating makes their relationship stronger, in a way.
The kiss might have made more sense if Steve and Sharon had kept in touch over the last two years, but they’ve both been pretty busy
A Staron mini-series would also be great. IDK, don’t tell me that Steve and Sharon weren’t in touch between Germany and Infinity War.
Also Steve walked Sharon back to her hotel room, he’s not the same man that came off the ice but he’s still there with the old-fashioned manners
The authorities treat Bucky Barnes like an animal. Yes, he’s got issues, but it took Zemo specifically triggering his programming to get him to act out, and when he did the restraints were of no use. Gosh.
Two-on-one Natasha Romanoff and Sharon Carter versus the reawakened Winter Soldier HOW COOL IS THAT? Have they done that kind of thing before? Does Sharon need to be in the Black Widow movie? because she does. Does Sharon need to be a part of a someday all-female superheroes Marvel film? Absolutely.
Zemo triggering Bucky was a nightmare for everyone involved, including Bucky himself.
Call out Tony for whatever else you want but don’t call him a creeper for taking Peter with him to Germany
The beginnings of IronDad are actually beautiful to watch. He may have brought in the Spider-Dad to get an edge over Team Cap but he was still protective of his charge.
I also relate to Peter Parker’s satisfaction with nailing an Algebra test
Zemo probably had a long wait in the old bunker in Siberia. 
During the scene after the Winter Soldier attack Ross comes to chew out Stark. Ross says out loud that he wanted Barnes dead. I don’t know whether to shudder or to throw up thinking about that--and Tony felt the exact same way. Look, Tony is painfully aware of how much Bucky means to Cap. He offered to get Bucky into an American psych ward if Steve cooperated. Tony was willing to give Bucky a chance--until he found out that the Winter Soldier murdered his parents. And that’s when Tony chose himself over Bucky and Steve. 
Did I mention how much I hate Helmut Zemo?
Just a small observation: decisions made on impulse and based on emoton, such as attacking and murdering the person who was brainwashed into killing your parents, are often selfish
Wanda Maximoff was confined to the Avengers compound without her information or consent. How is that right? How is that fair?
Word on the street is that the Civil War comics ‘bent over backwards’ to make Iron Man the villain. The movie...in some ways did that to Captain America.
Part of the reason it LOOKS like Cap is the villain is because the film is structured so that everyone is aware of how much personal and psychological pain Tony Stark is in. And unfortunately Steve isn’t as aware of that. At least enough to be sensitive about it and give Tony the benefit of a doubt and compromise.
But you could also say that Tony Stark is made into “villain”--either because of his suffering or in spite of it
“You could at least recognize me”--I’m sorry, there is no other explanation. The Red Room happened.
“If it is any comfort, they died in their sleep.” No, that is not a comfort at all. That is horrifying.
Wanda Maximoff isn’t literally a “kid” but she’s still vulnerable. She’s been through a lot and she’s sensitive to criticism. Grown-ups can be vulnerable too. Case in point: Tony Stark.
The Raft prison scene: Clint is TICKED.
Rhodey’s argument for supporting the Accords is pretty logical, he’s not doing it just out of support for Tony. But at the end of the day, he’s the only person still there for Tony because Rhodey is the only person that Tony hasn’t been a jerk to.
Vision energy-blasted a line in the pavement in front of Team Cap. I grew up in Texas, just outside San Antonio. So I’ve heard a lot about the Alamo. I know the story about the Line in the Sand. It may be a legend, but I think it was referenced here.
Clint turns his bow into a baton/staff when he confronts Black Panther. How did we not see this as a hint at Ronin? Did anyone?
Can Tony sleep in his Iron Man suits on long flights?
“Oh, this’ll clear things up.” The dynamics between the new Avengers teammates--we don’t see enough of them but the’re fun to watch. Sam and Rhodey having arguments, then Vision cutting in with his uber-logic and them being annoyed with it. Darn, the new Avengers were great.
Sharon reading the quote attributed to Peggy and then looking down at Steve: I do not approve of the Accords and Peggy would not have supported them either
In the comics, the “no, you move” speech was originally Cap’s. The fact that they changed it to being originally Peggy’s words shows that the screenwriters and Kevin Fegie and perhaps other Powers at Marvel think she is important to the MCU
I wonder how much Sharon knows about what’s going down with the Accords? She’s just a CIA lackey, but who knows? Would she have told Steve more about it after the funeral? I’ll bet you she did
But that leaves me wondering what was in the rest of Sharon’s eulogy. And why she was important enough to the family that she gave that speech
Just for the love of everything LEAVE WANDA ALONE!
So did Tony actually want to kill Bucky or just hurt him really badly? It’s hard to tell the difference. 
The end of the fight: Steve really did ALMOST lose it and ALMOST kill Tony. But he caught himself after he broke the arc-reactor. And Steve DOES NOT LOOK HAPPY about what just happened--and what just almost happened.
If Steve Rogers compromised on one thing, it was acknowledging that he didn’t deserve to be Captain America and dropping the shield. 
Rogers didn’t leave Tony to die smh, he and Bucky went to Wakanda with T’challa and Tony took Zemo in the QuinJet to somewhere more hospitable, where he could hand over that son of a camel to the authorities (in my fanfic they go to Japan, bc it’s probably closer to that part of Siberia than central Europe)
The post-credit scene: Aunt May isn’t stupid y’all. She doesn’t know the whole story yet but she knows Peter is up to something.
Mid-credit scene: I don’t think Bucky consulted Steve at all about going under voluntarily. Bucky probably made the decision on his own with the doctors and then Steve was told and asked to come say goodbye ;kjfadslknj
There’s a shot where Bucky looks at the cryo chamber before Steve speaks to him and I wonder what he was thinking
Did Bucky even care whether or not he woke up?
On this viewing, him voluntarily going under does make some sense, his programming can cause him to do pretty bad stuff--but I’d still rather he hadn’t. I think it was partly out of self-loathing. “I’m too dangerous to have a normal life or be loved.” That thought that breaks my heart. Gosh darn it I thought this time I was over it but now I’m starting to collapse again...
There’s no arguing that Steve isn’t very happy about it
“Allow Barnes the dignity of his choice” Great insight. Where is the option for him to have a safe, normal, and happy life? Does he need to be unconscious for his programming to be fixed? Hm?
Oh yeah, I wrote a fanfic about that.
Also, there’s a deleted scene where the other Ross informs T’challa that he got extradition for Barnes. So maybe the “Let them try” line wasn’t necessary. Unless Thunderbolt was so determined to get Bucky’s head on a platter (*shudder*) that he literally did not care. Then again, nobody tries to invade Wakanda and gets away with it. Thunderbolt maybe thought it was a lost cause and he was probably right.
After I get Thanos, I’m coming for Thunderbolt Ross. 
And you better hope Ross got dusted and doesn’t come back because it won’t be pretty.
Steve’s letter to Tony is sincere.
The Raft was already built and operational when the Accords were created, it must have been in planning way far back--this has Thunderbolt Ross written all over it.
I really need more Steve and Bucky fighting together side-by-side and being bros. But I guess that just means I need to work on my fanfiction.
At the end of the day, it’s a tragedy that these wonderful people let their differences get in the way of getting along, but deep down and in spite of everything that happened they are all still friends.
I used to hate Spider-man. Tom Holland as MCU!Peter Parker is cute. And he’s probably one of the best things to ever happen to Tony, after Pepper. He can stay.
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