#babygirl you are so cringe fail <3
nadjasnandor · 2 years
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I have prepared a little pitch.
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luvring · 6 months
scrolling past every babygirl joke people make with a frown on my face
#💬nia.rambles#we as a society can do better than this#i think a lot of people can. struggle with What else to say#'babygirl coded charas“ specifically . talk about how easy it is to fluster them. how ur gonna annoy the shit out of them#call him a sopping wet kitten. say god hes such a dumbass im going to kiss him on the lips and serenade him#say missionary because his eyes pretty and his face handsome. say youre going to tuck his hair behind his ear#His x y z looks and cringe fail personality have captivated me. his big eyes and loser boy personality.#this is also for when ur trying to talk about female charas w/o saying girlboss/mother btw#just go god shes so fucking cool. no ones doing it like her#someone might want her but you want her in a deeper intellectual way. no crimes to forgive because she didnt commit any.#she could fix me could make me worse she could say whatever and i would heed her call like a devout follower to their god#go i need them so bad im dizzy. i could change their life#like u have the brain capacity and meme/reaction album to think of jokes outside of. 3 terms. i believe in u#& how did babygirl charas go from ironic Big (serious) muscular men to Feminine Featured(?) Easily Flustered 'Pathetic' Men.#like im sure both cases existed before but. what its turned into now....its majority the latter... Hrmm....#< part of why i switched to saying my handsome beautiful prince etc etc. uve made me feel odd and upset..#babygirl character just say pathetic guy . loser dude. shy and silly . errrrghhhh...
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sunsguilt · 1 year
hello lovely! since vil is your favorite character, can i request some vil hcs similar to the other ones? he's not really 'pathetic little man' material, but i wanna see what you do with him 00
have a nice day <3
SO IF YOU NEED A HERO... OR A BOYFRIEND...┊ft: vil schoenheit
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warnings: none! contains : gn! reader
notes: if vil showed up while i was literally at the altar abt to say my vows i would dip so fast its not what it looks like babe ur th only one 4 me it was never that serious (this took a while, sorry guys i went silly)
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everyone who says vil is pure evil and would treat u like shit, you are all lying to yourself. he is literally my babygirl. argue with the wall.
vil schoenheit would fall for someone, fall hard, then want to die because why did he have to fall in love with you? like international superstar vil falls head over heels for an absurdly average person who they see in classes occasionally??? he doesn't know either.
he is striving to become the most perfect version of himself, just to have your attention.
and you're. not perfect. nowhere near what vil initially assumed would be his standards for a partner before you. maybe you sleep in class and you're scraping by with a barely passing grade.
he's gonna make it his goal to "fix" you. you're not irredeemably evil but he'll make it his job anyway.
(not that you guys need fixing! failing your classes is a hot bitch move but he is doing this bc he wants the best for you!)
this is going to serve as an excuse to be closer to you and allow him to tutor you. he won't bullshit it either, he takes it seriously.
moving on to the topic of nicknames, he usually just says your name. when he first meets you, he'll call you spudling. calling someone a potato is cringe; it's his only flaw.
he'll say "my dear" just as a general affectionate term. when he's annoyed at something or someone, he'll be calling you "sweetheart". his tone gets sickly sweet and you know he's mad at something.
but honestly, flashy nicknames just aren't his style. it's more of a rook thing to be like "my darling, my love" etc etc. vil would be mortified if he had to call you that, even as a joke.
vil vague posts about you. it's probably the most human vil looks in front of his fans. even vil schoenheit has someone they pine over? incredible for the self-esteem.
he's posting a photodump with a caption like: "i never know what to think about. i think about you." or "with them today."
you're probably vaguely aware of vil's social media presence, not really paying it any mind. it's awkward to cyberstalk a classmate, much less a friend.
since he doesn't tag you, you never really know about the posts and the wreckage that comes after vil happens to post a random photo of him holding your hand across the desk in an insta story.
vil wants his confession with you to be perfect, like it has to be. he agonizes it for a long time, rook occasionally dropping huge hints to you, much to his dismay.
he really is just scared of rejection. you denying him would honestly shatter him into a million pieces.
he'll take it slow, he'd never try to rush it with you. with time, he'll tell you his carefully guarded feelings, and it will be perfect.
— ☆
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subskz · 10 months
Apparently Jeongin hit his chin while swimming <3 my clumsy lil meow meow
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Whiiiiiich is bringing me back to skater bf!yenie... his lil clumsy self trying to do tricks for you to only fall off his board and scrape up his hands and knees and dirty his lil skater skirt.
Matching skate outfits to only edge him out in the bathroom because he already got his skirt dirty from failing an ollie.. can't get it dirtier with his cum </3 (bold coming from me bc i can't even ride a bike 😔 but i can absolutely ride a scooter)
clumsy lil meow meow!! i know he said it doesnt hurt but the scar still looks rough 💔 hopefully he heals up soon
skater innie is truly such a perfect concept i think i like it a bit too much…how much the aesthetic suits him w his baggy street fashion n shaggy hair falling into his eyes, and ofc a cute skirt to show off all his battle scars (bandaids from falling) <3 he tries not to be too obvious abt it but all he really wants is ur attention, he’ll spend hours practicing the same trick just for the chance to hear u praise and fawn over him, only to completely fumble it once he actually tries to pull it off in front of you 😭 lucky for him you are like “babygirl u are so cringe i want u”
you take him into the skate park bathroom supposedly patch up his scrapes, but it’s only a matter of time before he’s gripping the sink for support, bruised n bandaged knees shaking as u edge him over n over <3 maybe if u refuse to let him cum until he pulls off an ollie without falling, it’ll give him incentive to learn it properly~
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idle-brit · 5 months
10 Fandoms, 10 characters, 10 tags
Thank you @baepsrae for tagging me!! ♡( ◡‿◡ )
This is everyone's preemptive warning to skip past if you don't want to read a long and rambling post, I'm about to go wild lol. I'll also include the 5 people (not 10 oops) I'm tagging here at the top so they don't have to scroll; I'm interested to hear your answers but obviously there's no pressure to do it (・ω・)b
@koscheiy, @breitzbachbea, @runmild, @toffeeanddragons, and @yatzuaka!
1. Loki (Marvel)
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My poor little meow meow. My silly rabbit. My sweet darling babygirl. Picking 9 other characters was honestly hard because there's few I truly consider a favourite like Loki. Between his 2011-2013 appearances in the MCU, the comics, and the pre-Thor high-fantasy-novel-esque fics on AO3, the ideal version of this character lives in my head rent free, and has done since 2012. I picked this gif from The Avengers because it was the moment that made me want to see the film again just for his scenes, and it remains the only film I've seen in cinemas twice. He's quite literally the reason I got Tumblr, for The Avengers fanart, and my very first post was some (bad) fanart of my own haha. While the rest of this list is in no particular order, Loki is absolutely my number one, for all time, always. I could talk about him forever.
2. Evy Carnahan (The Mummy)
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I had to choose the scene I got my blog title from. While Loki might be my favourite character, The Mummy is my favourite film. I think I saw it at the exact right time of life when I was a kid in my Ancient Egypt phase, but also far younger than the recommended viewing age the film suggests lol. Ever since then I've rewatched this and the sequel (yes, sequel, singular. I said what I said) more times than I can count and further developed my interest in actual Egyptology. Evy is intelligent and an academic, kindhearted, a little bit clumsy, but uses her knowledge and quick thinking to be an absolute badass and save the day multiple times. I've always wanted to be at least half as cool as her and also marry Rick O'Connell.
3. L (Death Note)
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Everyone here is lucky that I got Tumblr after the height of my weeb phase that started in 2008. Death Note was the first manga I ever read and I expected to enjoy it and move on, but as soon as I got to the Lind. L. Taylor event in volume 2 my young mind was blown and I was obsessed. One scene of L outsmarting Light kept me reading manga, got me into anime, introduced me to fanart, was the first fanart I ever drew, introduced me to fanfiction, and years later I would take Japanese classes at uni. L is an amazing example of a morally grey character, wanting justice to prevail but perhaps not for the right reasons, and no matter what it takes to get there.
4. Leon S. Kennedy (Resident Evil 4 Remake)
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Okay I'll admit Leon is the first babygirl on the list who is mainly here for aesthetic reasons. I had a passing knowledge of the Resident Evil franchise but never took an interest because military-gun-shooting-series are boring as hell... Until RE4R came out last year and I saw this scene in a playthrough. Where do I sign up for him to do this to my neck. Then I learned Leon's backstory and actually appreciated his character too. He hates and distrusts the US government, he was blackmailed into service for them at 21, he's haunted by being used as their weapon, and he's the most cringe fail man who thinks he's suave when he says "Nighty night, knights" as he's killing sentient suits of armour. I need him.
5. Astarion Ancunín (Baldur's Gate 3)
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Ah, a non-human in a high fantasy world, using knife skills and sharp wit to protect himself from a deeply traumatic past, but still good at heart and willing to open up to those who appreciate him for who he is, rather than living up to someone else's standards. Now where have I seen a similar character type before... When the game came out it shouldn't have been a surprise who my favourite would be lol. The whole cast does an amazing job, but the real draw of Astarion is the phenomenal work put in by Neil Newborn to really bring this character to life, and I don't think Astarion would be the same without him.
6. Kagome Higurashi (Inuyasha)
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Inuyasha is one of my all time favourite anime/manga. It's got time travel, a historic setting, magic, action and adventure, and romance between a human girl and a supernatural being who's down bad. Basically all of the tropes I adore and still look for in new favourite series haha. And Kagome has been That Bitch from the start; arriving in a village that fears a half dog-demon, freeing him from his imprisonment to help her, and then ordering him to sit when he pisses her off, knowing he's wearing a magic necklace that forces him to obey. No one is doing it like her.
7. Elizabeth Bennet (Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen)
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Yes this is a basic bitch pick, I'm well aware. But no matter if it's the book by Jane Austen, the 1995 BBC production, or the 2005 film by Joe Wright, I love this story so much! There's just something so romantic about it that no modern romance book can capture, and that's not without my trying to find one (just follow my trail of 1 star ratings on Goodreads). Elizabeth and Mr Darcy just read as complete and real characters, and I love how much Elizabeth cares for her family, refusing Darcy's first proposal in part because he insulted them and tried to separate Jane from Mr Bingley.
8. Lin Sukai (The Drowning Empire Trilogy by Andrea Stewart)
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Now we're getting into the realm of books without adaptations so I cant use gifs anymore, and I honestly couldn't find any fanart of Lin either. Which is a crime! My girl is out here being extremely intelligent and driven (and badass in some of the later scenes), using her familial magic as daughter of the Emperor to try and dismantle his tyranny despite craving his approval, and trying her best to gain allies even though she was raised within the walls of the palace and is slightly out of touch, and she doesn't have a fandom here on Tumblr? And that's only in book one of the trilogy!
9. FitzChivalry Farseer (The Realm of the Elderlings by Robin Hobb)
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I haven't even finished The Realm of the Elderlings yet (16 thick ass books, nay, tomes) but I already know this is my favourite fantasy series of all time, and Robin Hobb is beyond doubt a master of her craft. One of her main talents is writing the ultimate poor little meow meow because good lord, Fitz just cannot catch a break no matter what he does or who he's trying to benefit. The pacing of these books can be quite slow but I promise it's always worth the emotionally devastating pay off. (It's also a tough call between Fitz and The Fool on who my favourite Hobb character is!)
10. Sancia Grado (The Founders Trilogy by Robert Jackson Bennett)
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The final one is also my most recent addition to this list, seeing as I'm only just starting book two after finishing Foundryside late last year. While that shows how much I loved Sancia after just one book of her, I also hope the rest of the trilogy delivers! So often books will state characters are masters of their craft and just expect readers to take their word for it, but Sancia gets to show off her skills multiple times on page, so you get the impression she really exists and belongs in this world rather than just being a set piece for it. Not only that, she defies the usual lone-wolf-asshole stereotype that's so common in these gritty fantasy books, and it's heartwarming to see the found family she's gathered by the end of the story compared to where she began.
So uh, thank you all for coming to my TED talk about all my blorbos, see you later!
( ̄▽ ̄)ノ
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sharpilu · 1 year
RiftClan Year 1
i will be blogging every year of my clan (RiftClan) in ClanGen which you can download here ! :D if you don't wanna see these, feel free to block the "riftclangen.blogging" tag i will be using :]
the rest of these wont have a cut-off, but this one will for your convenience <33
the decided lore i'm going with is that these cats were all exiled for standing up to a tyrannical leader from one of the other clans, and after finding a cave with beautiful crystals and water that shone like the night sky, they decided to live there. i will be starting in leaf-bare.
these are my founding cats :D
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(i changed Blackshines name to Ashspark after taking the screenshots)
okay i forgot to log some stuff but uhhh Pansypaw went out on his warrior assessment and got bit by an eagle. so. oops lolz. here is Pansypaw being injured and sad.
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ALSO moon 1, Ashspark just hunted a rabbit on Biteclan territory and got chased away. because of this, i'm gonnna say they were previously FROM Biteclan. woo! ALSO ALSO moon 1, Crestedfeather and Skyglare are mates <3
moon 2, Pansypaw got better and graduated! he is now Pansystreak and a good teacher :]
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moon 3
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get fucked old lady
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looks like he was from Biteclan too ig. he has a broken jaw and bruises. and Crestedfeather is shivering after going out in the snow with Skyglare. not a very good date lmao
moon 4
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STOP DYING (< sent her out alone willingly)
Ashspark had a vision ???
moon 5
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healing time ig
tried sending Crestedfeather and Skyglare on another date but they found a fox and Crestedfeather got a bite wound. cringe fail girlfriend ?? Pansystreak also got bit by a small ouppy.
moon 6
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motherfucker CANNOT catch a break oh my god.
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i guess everyone is sucking lmao
moon 7
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anyways- Olivefleck is all better now so we can see him!
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i think he is very cute :]
"Pansystreak is having a hard day." when the fuck ISN'T he clangen ??? on that topic- Olivefleck and Pansystreak kinda like each other but i'm on the fence about putting them together so. we'll see how that goes. just logging it down now.
okay i'm looking through the relations- i think Crestedfeather has been cringe failing too hard cause she and Ashspark have a good bit of romantic like for each other oh god
okay last relationship note for this moon- Echobeetle likes Juniperstar but it's one-sided, so i'll keep track of that.
moon 8
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good lord what is going on down there. also everyone is healthy now !! :3
"Crestedfeather feels a sense of dread." oh god are you gonna get injured AGAIN- nvm i had her go out with her girlfriends and they're all fine :]
i haven't been logging it but there seems to either be one very persistent small dog or alot of dogs in the area. weird considering we are mostly UNDERGROUND?
moon 9
Echobeetle only keeps liking Juniperstar more and babygirl is NOT noticing lmao
nothing really interesting happened, but we DO keep witnessing kittypets being abandoned and then run over. so.
moon 10
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first patrol, Marshalleaf, Skyglare and Ashspark found a child.
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she's very cute! excited to see her grow up :]
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would you look at that! moon 11! nothing much happened!! i didn't loose my leader and deputy in the same moon!!! wow how cool!!!! i definitely didn't cheat to avoid that outcome no siree!!!!!! :DDDD
i wasn't prepared and panicked.
also i just noticed Streamsmoke has a bite scar???
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you couldn't see it on any of her other sprites but. yeah. that wasn't something she got she's just HAD IT apparently.
aaand we met a loner!
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enby healer! they decided not to join after talking to us though :(
moon 12
Streamsmoke is healthy again!
nothing much happened on patrols, but Streamsmoke helped Echobeetle with gathering rosemary and got a small cut, so.
aaaand that's all for this year! thank you for reading <3
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miyaniacs · 3 years
tell me how Hisoka would fuck you if you teased him just a tad bit too much. just. pls, go ham skskksks
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A/N: sooo this got a bit out of hand, i just (sadly) love this man way too much. I love you so much for requesting this. SOOO.... the NSFW part is under the cut...and i could make a second part, like i really  wanted to write more but i thought it was long enough soooo yeah, tell me if you want a second part:) 
Form: One Shot 
Character: Hisoka x fem!reader
Warnings: 18+, nsfw, slight bondage, death (just a side mention), alcohol, slight sexual assault 
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Teasing Hisoka - gone wrong 
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Well... it’s Hisoka we‘re talking about ladies and Gentleman & non binary folks. So he was again a bit ( way too much ) flirty with one of the female workers at heavens arena. Yes you two aren’t officially together, but for the past weeks you only saw each other.
Step one: putting on a tight fitting black dress with a high slug in the left, you decided to skip the putting on a panties part and head straight to the Make-Up and get ready for your’s and his night out.
Step two: Hisoka likes playing games. So Truth or Dare it is tonight
Round 1 - you found out he always fantasies about fucking you in a public place like this, just to show everyone that you’re his.
Round 2 - he found out you try to make him jealous on purpose because the thought of what he’ll do to you afterwards is too arousing
Round 3 - you found out he secretly enjoys it when you try to make him jealous - it’s funny to him to see others thinking they have a chance with you, when he’s the only one that can fuck you into oblivion (his words).
Round 4 - he forced you to take off your panties
The fun begins the second you tell him you haven’t worn one in the first place. His eyes narrow and one of his hands rests on your thigh.
Round 5 - you force him to stay here and watch while you’ll have some fun with a guy sitting at the bar.
So you make your way over to said guy. You’d caught his eye the second you walked into to bar, so it’s an easy game.
“Hey.” You smile and sit on the chair next to him, resting an arm on the bar and leaning your head on you hand.
“Uhm- hey.” He says and slightly chocked on his drink, seeing your bright smile.
“Sooo... I saw you looking at me?” You laugh friendly. “I uhm... sorry I did, but I saw you’re here with someone.” Nervously he looks over at the table where Hisoka sits and watches, his signature smirk decorating his structured face. “Well... yes, but it’s nothing serious.” You roll your eyes and gently touch the arm of the stranger. “Soo... what’s your name stranger?” You smile. “D- Dave.” He stutters. “Hello Dave, I’m y/n, nice to meet you.” You flash him one of your brightest smiles. As an hunter, an assassin, it’s one of the easiest things to wrap someone around your fingers. You know exactly where to touch them or how to talk with them. “So... would - would you like a drink?” He asks while looking at your hand, which is rested on his arm. “Mhh actually... I came here to ... well leave and have some fun... and that guy over there.” You point towards Hisoka, “... he can’t give me what I want.” You smirk and let your fingers run up and down his arm. He just looks at you, mouth slightly open and blinks. “Oh sorry ... Uhm .. I was too straightforward sorry.” You bite your lip and remove your hand. “No no I - wow. I never thoght someone like you would ... would leave with me.” He lays his hand on your leg. You cringe, yet you keep up a smile, you have a mission to complete. “Well... then let’s go.” You get up and grab his hand, dragging him outside the bar with you.
Step three: The guy, Dave, pins you against the nearest wall. “Oh, dominant now, aren’t we?” You smirk. “What? I thought someone like you want to be treated that way.” He says in a lower voice. One of his hands grab your hip and moves up your dress. “Oh? No panties? You really are a little slut.” He says. “Oh no she isn’t a slut.” A chuckle is heard and a tall man steps out if the shadows. “She is mine.” A quick movement, blood and Dave lays on the ground. Blood spills out of his throat. Hisoka steps in front of you, the hand, which still holds the card moves to his lips. Tapping it against them, leaving some red stains on his porcelain like skin, he tilts his head and licks the edge of the card clean. “Sooo MY little butterfly. What should I do with you now.” He places one of his hands next to your head and leans forward. “Look what you’ve done.” His other hand moves around your waist and pulls you against him, letting you feel what you’ve done. “How you plan on fixing that?” He whispers in your ear and licks your neck, biting the same spot earring a moan from you.
Killing people and fighting a strong opponent. Those will always be his biggest turn ons. But if you could use one of those things for your own advantage... what is a dead body against the night that will await you?
Step four: have the night of your life
“Such a bad bad girl...” his fingers trace over your naked body.
You’re tied to the bedframe, by non other than his infamous bungee gum, leaving yourself complete vulnerable to him. His sharp nails run over your hips, up over your ripcage, over the soft skin of your chest, tracing the shape of your collarbone and moving upwards, running over your lips. His tumb pulls on your lower lip, slightly parting your lips. “Suck.” He says and pushes his index and middle finger into your mouth. Sucking in your cheeks, you let your tongue run over his nails, circling around his fingers. “So obedient.” He smirks and pushes his fingers further into your mouth, making you gag. A small tear runs over your cheek. Hisoka leans forward and places a soft kiss over it. “My good good girl.” His lips press on the soft skin of your neck. Removing his fingers out of your mouth, he cups one of your breasts. His mouth leaves wet kisses down your neck, biting down on your most sensitive spots, until his lips wrap around one of your nipples. You try your best to keep quiet, yet you fail miserably the second he bites on the sensitive bud in between his lips. There it is, the beautiful sound of your whimpers fills his ears. He continues to abuse that one spot, feeling your body struggling against his bungee gum. “Hi- Hisoka please.” You whimper. “Yes?” He smirks and looks up at you. His golden eyes keep a dangerous glint in them. “Please ... Hisoka... I need you..” you breath out and try your best to keep your eyes locked to his. “Mhhh... and where do you need me?” He teases and he licks down on your stomach and up again, connecting his lips to your other breast.
“No please, go down again..” you whimper and he bites your bud one last time before making himself comfortable between your legs.
His index finger traces over your inner thighs while his eyes are fixed on your face.
“My sweet sweet little butterfly, you have no idea what you got yourself into… don’t you?” His smooth voice sounds gentle, but the glint in his eyes tells you otherwise. His finger now brushes over the bundle of nerves, you desperately want him to touch.
“I’ll make you scream and cry before you’ll even feel me inside of you.”
His hand leaves your body and he gets off the bed.
“Hisoka?” You ask confused while your eyes follow him walking around the bed out of your view.
After a few seconds he comes back with something in his hand.
“Enjoy the night and remember our safe word is needleman.” He whispers in your ear and gently kisses your forehead.
“I still think it’s strange that our safe word basically refers to Illumi.” You roll your eyes.
“Shhhh - don’t think of any other man.”
Suddenly a dark silk scarf is so placed over your eyes and tied behind your head.
Your breath hitches and you call out for Hisoka, yet you don’t get any response, instead you hear a vibrating noise. Your shiver and try to press your thighs  together, forgetting that you’re tied to the bed.
Then you feel it, trailing up your leg, closer and closer to where you need it the most.
Then the noise stopped, just for you to feel something cold and smooth right on your clit.
“You want this babygirl?” His low voice echos through the room.
“Y- yes.” You shiver out of excitement.
“How bad do you want it?” He responds.
“Please… please Hisoka, just give me some sort of re-“ you stop, your breath stuck in your throat. He turned in the vibrator, on the highest level.
You arch  your back, press it back down, try to move your body just somewhere, but you’re stuck.
Next to you, Hisoka lays on his stomach, head rests on one of his hands, while his other hand pressed the vibrator on you. A smirk plasters on his face, his eyes hooded and dark with lust, while he listens to your moans.
Licking his lips, he sits up and crawls back in between your legs. He moves the vibrator up and down, wetting it with your own own juices that started to leak. He stops at your entrance and slowly pushes it inside of you, closing his eyes while listing to the sounds that escape your mouth. A growl leaves his throat and he throws his head back. “You’re perfect.” His other hand moves down to his pants and starts stroking the tent that already formed minutes ago. “You have no idea how hard it is to hold myself back … to not make you clench around me, making you scream my name, while I fuck you until you can’t take it anymore and then make you come two times more.” His voice is dangerously low. Your breathing gets quicker, while he moves the vibrator quicker in and out of you, simultaneously stocking himself.
You try to answer him, but you can’t form any words, the only thing leaving your lips are moans, screams and some form of Hisokas name.
Suddenly you feel the pressure that keeps your legs open, go away and just for them to be pressed against your stomach.
You scream out in pleasure when you feel his lips connecting to your clit.
Hungrily he starts sucking on it while his tongue licks your sensitive bud. You arch your back,trying to escape him, but his hands grip onto your thighs, his sharp nails dig into your soft skin and he buries his face even deeper between your legs.
One of his hands leaves your leg, allowing you to wrap it around his shoulders. Two of his dinners join the vibrator inside of you, curling again and again at that one spot inside of you.
You scream and try to move your hands to grab his hair and shove him away from you, but your arms are still tied to the bed.
“Hisoka please… pleaseee, I’m so close.” You scram and he moans against you.
Feeling you clenching around his fingers, getting closer and closer to your high, he feels himself getting harder with each moan that leaves your soft lips. He bites down on your clit and you scream, the knot in your stomach loosing up, while your walls tighten.
Hisoka moans your name and feels himself releasing inside of his pants, while helping you getting trough your orgasm.
Removing his fingers, leaving the vibrator inside of you, he crawls up leaning the weight of his body onto his arms, as he lowers his face to kiss you.
Then, his phone rings and he groans.
“One second butterfly.” He quickly gets up and answers the phone.
You press your legs together, the vibrator still moving inside of you.
“... Yeah… but Make it quick, I have some things to do tonight.” He hangs up.
“Sorry babygirl, but I have to leave you alone for a bit, shouldn’t take any longer than an hour or two.” He whispers inside your ear and softly kisses your cheek.
“Wait - what ???” You protest wiggling around, trying to get rid of the blindfold.
“Nahhhh ah ahhhh -“ he sings.
Taking another silky rope from god knows where he ties your legs to the bed again, before moving to your arms, releasing his bungee gum, the second he’s done.
“I’ll leave you alone, think you should be ready for me  when I come back.” He teases.
“Oh damn, you’re right, I’m sorry butterfly.” He walks back and you feel him adjusting the vibrator. The vibrations increase to the maximum and he leaves a quick kiss on your clit.
“See you in an hour or two.”
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kalinawtokilig · 3 years
S/O with a Charming/Sharp Tongue
Get ready I’m getting all mystic and biblical;
“There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing...” (Proverbs 12:18) 
But we’re gonna use that to SWORD TO THRUST INTO PPL
Pair(s) : Hinata Shouyou x Reader, Goshiki Tsutomu x Reader, Yachi Hitoka x Reader, Koganegawa Kanji x Reader, Haiba Lev x Reader
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Hinata Shouyou x Reader
((Clementine babes,, *cue puppy eyes*))
It wasn’t much of a surprise tbh
Okay it kinda was 
It’s just,,, Hinata can match anyone’s wavelength, y’know??
This babe thinks you’re so frickin cool,,, throwing spats on someone who decides to make the first move to insult you,,, bruh you are literally throwing out clever insults that can make Tsukishima impressed
At first, he was intimidated by you, and was a bit biased, having heard you had the same mannerisms as Saltyshima
He still tried his best to befriend you,, 
And it worked! 
Being paired into a group project, he introduced himself as bubbly and kind as possible 
and damn,, ya heart melted,,, 
You became friends as you both bonded over which type of meat buns taste good after a study 
and you being a sharp, s m o o t h, muthafuca, you said
“If we’re talking meat buns, how bout I take you on another study date? Pork buns, right, Hinata-kun?” 
This boy had to process what you said and became a total pomegranate 
“ : 0 “
“Alright, cutie, c’mon if you get this question right, maybe we can get outta here and get snacks :3c “ 
You’re gonna kill him
and i think we all know he’s okay with that
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Goshiki Tsutomu x Reader
((Omgahhh this babie,,, He is one of my fav first years in HQ,,, I do not pimp,,, I simp))) 
You’re actually a second year whilst this bowl cut bahbie is a first year
When Shiratorizawa lost to Karasuno, it was a defeat that reigned with rumors of how the volleyball team isn’t as great as everyone thought they were
Goshiki was greatly affected by this
He feels he failed his Senpais and felt more of a disappointment rather than a failure
You being a tutor of his, you guys would occasionally converse about tips on self-care or he explains with the cutest expression when he talks proudly of perfecting a spike
he seemed normal, but you can obviously tell he was not okay
Tsutomi-bae was trying to hold his tears in while the students that accompanied the library talked about the defeat of Shiratorizawa
Having enough of this trash talk, you sternly declared each one of them, even seeing a few second-years from Shirabu’s class. Setting them straight and saying that if they can take on the freak duo that happened to attempt to take down not only Dateko, Seijoh, and Shiratorizawa, then they might as well try to come back to school, defeated as well  
 You say at least Tsutomu was able to play against them, playing proudly as the upcoming ace and knowing at least some of their tactics
Sitting down with a huff, you nonchalantly continue to tutor him
He sits there, starry eyes wide, mouth agape, and a pink flush on his face to the tips of his ears
Tilting your head, cutely, I daresay, you ask him if he’s alright
“Y-Yes! Thank you, (Y/N)-senpai!” 
Humming, you smile slyly, “You are really such a cute kohai, Tsumtomu-chan.” 
Congrats, you killed someone
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Yachi Hitoka x Reader
You were a second-year in Nishinoya’s class
You were actually good friends with the libero 
as he was short tempered and ready to throw punches
you were ready to assertively borderline aggressive hurl insults on those who hurt your precious friends
unfortunately, while in a spat against other students, Nishinoya almost foaming at the mouth with Tanaka holding him back, you were snarkily talking the students down into their place
It was their defeat after Seijoh and it hit a sensitive topic to them
Yachi had been bringing paperwork to the teacher’s office and nearly BOLTED when she heard you talk with such confidence with provocation and underlying threat 
when you were finished putting those maggots in their place, your pissed off glare landed on Yachi’s
Oh,,, she’s shaking,,, terrified,,, 
Hurry to leave, she quickly turned around but rammed into the wall, packets falling to the ground
she scurriedly tries to pick them all up,, Babygirl almost shits herself when you tower over her
“P-Please don’t-”
You crouched down to her and she’s sweating bullets, seeing that your hand it outstretching until-
“I’m sorry about that, I didn’t mean to glare, you just so happen to be in my line of sight.” You apologized, helping up pick up the papers
Glancing up, you smile as kindly and less threatening as possible, “I didn’t mean to scare an angel like you, I really am sorry about that.” 
Yachi tries not to combust at the compliment you’ve thrown at her
Getting up, she nods her head in thanks and you ask, “You’re Yachi, right? Noya says another student joined the club, Yachi, he told me. He was right,”
“About what?”
“Managers, specifically you, really do bless the eyes of a person like me.”
Stop killing ppl you sadist
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Koganegawa Kanji x Reader
((I have a thing for blondes,,,, Not atsumu tho, I’ll peg the sh-))
this babie, can just be frustratingly cute
its not that he’s stupid, it’s cause he does more action than thinking
when he does think, it’s on the court and it’s in full hard drive
You usually get into petty spats with Futakuchi cause he’s being too hard on Kogane
“It’s not my fault you have such an obvious crush on him, (Y/N) <3”
“It’s not my fault that you have no one to worry about you the way I do for him Futakuchi-kun </3″
People often mistake why you would for,,, a bubble headed blone himbo like him
“Why do you go for people that are toxic and continue to go back to them when they obviously want your convenience :) ?”
Kogane literally needs to carry you to prevent further provocation
Lots of people don’t get WHY him
And you tell others to worry about their own bitter, single, loveless lives rather than your better and healthy relationship
You are salty and jab at them when they so much as talk negative about your boyfie
Kogane really appreciates you for stepping up for him, but he worries for how far you’d go for him
“Do you...need me to murder someone, baby?” 
“Oh, then you got your answer sweetcheeks ;D”
You, my friend, need to stop
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Haiba Lev x Reader
((Silver-grey haired babes HIT DIFFERENT))
Being in manager of Nekoma is like,,, chaotic but in a way you NEED to prevent Kenma from strangling Kuroo for taking his Nintendoswitch and Yaku yeeting a ball at Lev’s tall ass
Until YOU wanted to yeet a ball at your boyfie’s tall ass
He finally was able to spike a ball. 
but you caught it 
with your face
and blood seeped outta your nose
Kuroo: This is my part no one els- Kenma: Shut up 
Fiery anger. 
Yaku is the one restraining you from going on an all out roast, covering your mouth and holding your shoulders
“Yes, yes, (Y/N), Lev is an idiot.” 
“I agree, he can be a pain in the ass, but YOU’RE the one dating him”
Lev is so sorry. he is so sorry, so so-
“Lev, give me a towel..”
“Yes love.”
While Coach Nekomata calls a break, he chuckles at the young couple, that being you and Lev
Kenma cringes
As he cradles you with his larger figure, a hand resting on your head to lay on his shoulder
“You’ve improved on your spike, bae.” 
“I did?!”
“Yeah, next time aim for Kuroo’s unnatural bedhead, maybe if you hit it, it’ll turn back to normal.”
“Oi, oi (Y/N), watch it. Rudolph.”
Lev freezes when your eyes smile with confidence, and he restrains you
Kenma : “nice pokemon reference”
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espooky · 2 years
Top5 characters from Okupas?
This is literally the best anon I've had in my life thank you ok let's get cancelled:
1. El Pollo. Sergio, Posho, What can I say, hes my boyfriend, my king, my poor little meow meow with a berserk button and a questionable taste in friendships. Honestly hes the absolute heart of the show gluing everyone together. King of tragic romances- also very much the mean streets trope of 'sleeping with your best friends cousin because you're secretly in love with your screw up best boy friend'. Just such a tragic character because you want him to get out so badly and the ONE friend he has who isnt a criminal insists on dragging him back in. The way Ricardo treated him like shit and he STILL didnt mind being stabbed for him. So intelligent throughout the whole show and makes you so frustrated because he could have gotten somewhere. Truly the most tragic character as he sees where everything is going and is powerless to stop it. The faith he has in his friends is heartbreaking.Also 2000's Diego Alonso is probably the most beautiful man in the world so I'm biased but Clara was absolutely insane to chose that other guy with actual life prospects and stuff I would have proposed to Pollo the second he offered me the cigarette.
2. Ricardo. On god I hate this little cunt SO much and still at the end of the day hes the sacrificial lamb. Normalize 3 years of studying medicine and still being a fucking idiot who thinks you can get AIDS from cocaine. Too short to hold all the anger and fear in his body but truly truly just a little shit. The bratty girlfriend who makes you bring her to the party and then immediately starts bitching that she wants to go home.Truly a summation of what it feels like to be in your early 20s with absolutely no fucking clue with what you want to do. Babygirl. A boy of contradictions. The worst friend in the world with the fattest ass in buenos aires. The origin of "why are you as a man obsessed with other men ". SO good with kids I almost cried all the way through ep 4. Smacking a guy on the back of a head and stealing a chicken funniest shit in the world that scene made me cry with laughter the first time I saw it. Okupas drinking game- take a shot everytime this kid makes the worst decision possible in the situation. Fellow pokemon and mahler enjoyer. Also I have a whole essay on how like 70% of his actions post episode 4 can absolutely be put down to trauma but that's for another time. I want to hate him so much but I can't. Would love to have seen more about his and pollos history. Love how they styled him to always look like a little kid trying to look tough and it WORKS. He is cringe he is fail and yet he is my son that I feel a need to protect.
Ok I'll be quick with the rest
3. Chiqi. BEST BOY BEST BOY. Yes he wants to buy drugs yes he wants to know what's in the kinder egg hes a man of many interests. "Lobotimia....... electroshock..." Sound of the summer. I wish I was chiqi like hes literally the best friend. Like yeah he had some level of responsibility for some of the shit that went down but still. Friend shaped, in ep 4 when he gives ricardo that big hug I've never wanted to do that tik tok project into a universe thing more. Also that time he almost beat the shit out of Walter was really funny.
4. Negro Pablo. I KNOW hes horrific but god what a fucking character. No idea what's going on in his head he literally looks like a 12 year old in his little kit but still actually manages to be terrifying. Another character, probably maybe the 4th so far in the show, where you're like "oh that's a guy repressing gay feelings". Idk hes just fucking such good fun to watch. Dante mastropierro should have worked way more after this its I'm so upset he didnt becausevhes fantastic.
5. Claudio Rissi Van Driver. Idk I always keep coming back to episode 5 and hes at least 50% of the reason. Just such a real character but also so necessary after ep 4. "In the dock you dont leave people like this" Yes hes fundamental in Ricardos downfall by giving him the advice and helping him get back at pablo but also the way he helped the boys was just idk man. He kinda sums up what's great about the show for me. Theres something about this older presence with an unconditional care for the boys that you dont get with any other character. Also he was sexy.
Honorable mentions also go to Sofía, Peralta and Clara who are great characters. Walter is not on here because although hes funny this is a Walter slander blog.
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antigoneidk · 4 years
hiii💖i loved ur writting btww u r amazing🥰anyways im here for a request!! i want a tom x reader where they are both in quarantine with tom's brothers and friends and tom's going live on ig(like the quiz he did last night) and he requests the reader and she's like "we live in the same house " can it be cute, like after that they cuddle and kiss😇
I’m sorry|t.h.
a/n: thank you so much for your request love❤ (edit: so many mistakes i am truly sorry guys!)
warnings: fluff
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You were sitting in the living room watching Netflix on the TV. Blankets were all over you, making you feel cozy and comfortable. You were exhausted, even though you didn't do anything all day.All of the sudden you started feeling sleepy. and your eyes were struggling to stay open.
Tessa was sleeping on your legs. It was hard for you to move but also you didn't want to wake her. So you stayed there ready to fall asleep.
Suddenly you heard a notification from your phone.
𝘜𝘴𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘰𝘮𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥2013 𝘪𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘸!
You ignored it thinking that he was just going to be his silly self talking to fans and answering questions.Well you wanted to be there or even watch it but you were so tired that even unlocking your phone was difficult.
You tried to get to sleep but you noticed that it was so quiet down there that you started looking for the boys, but neither Harry or Haz were with you. so you tried to remember something you shouldn’t have. And as the time went by you finally remembered.
It was the quiz live today! 
You quickly grabbed your phone not longer feeling tired and stopped the episode that was playing on your T.V. Michael Scott was at the screen now shipping from his famous mug. What a legend!
The three boys appeared on your screen and you smiled as you heard them talk to the fans and fighting with each other .Some of them noticed you and started asking why you weren't with the boys, while others were just saying hello. So you decided to greet them too and that didn't go unnoticed.
"Well look who decided to join us" Harry said and pointed at your username making you laugh.
"Hi baby" Tom smiled through the screen and even from there your butterflies were jumping into your stomach and your heart was already beating faster.
"She should definitely take the quiz too huh?" Haz suggested and all of them agreed. You brust out laughing not waiting for them to actually invite you, but all of the sudden you got an invention from them to join the live.
You declined feeling a little bit insecure about your appearance. You knew that  being worried about yourself,would make Tom mad. He always did,but it was a fight with yourself you just couldn’t stop it..
"Why would decline us Y/N? You just did the biggest mistake of your life. Accept it or we'll come down to get you" Tom said with a straight face and you lauged out loud at his reaction. He was the cutest guy in the universe without even trying.
"Oh she's laughing down stairs. I can hear her"Harrinson said you laughed even louder.
You got again the same invention and this time you accepted. After a few seconds your face popped up on your screen and they all let out happy noises.
"There's she is finally. Babe what are you doing?"Tom asked smiling.
"I was about to fall asleep but then realised that you all disappeared and then I remembered.I'm dumb" you said as you started yawing and smiling at the same time.
"Ohh come on you're not dumb Y/N.Okay maybe a little for forgetting such a huge event but it's okay we forgive you" Harry said looking at the screen and at your boyfriend,who was watching him with an angry face.
"Thank you Harry. You’re so sweet!"you said back.
"Okay darling listen. I have just one question for you. You need to answer this right. If you don't we're gonna have a huge problem in our relationship" Tom said as he grapped the piece of paper with the question.
"Don't put pressure on me now"you cried as your hand touched your forehead.
"So..are you ready?" your boyfriend asked you anticipated.
"Yes I am"you let out a breath and waited for him.
"So...who is the coolest super hero in the m.c.u.?"
You knew the answer,his answer. But you wanted to play a little.
"Ohh that's easy. Of course is Iron Man. Is that even a question baby, come on"you said trying to play it cool.
Well his face was something you didn’t know you wanted in your life. You felt the need to laugh so bad but you tried not to, although his was making it hard for you while he was blinking fast staring at the camera.
"Okay you know what? We’re gonna talk about this later. Now we’re gonna talk to our fans that KNOW the RIGHT answers to this quiz. You should go get some sleep okay?"Tom said looking at the screen a little surprised from you not saying the 'right' answer.
"Well I though I was right"you tried making a puppy face but failed miserably.
"No apparently you were not"Harry interrupted with a half smile on his lips.”Oh no he seems mad”
"We have to let others to join too. We'll talk later"Tom said raising his eyebrows and after 3 seconds you disappeared from your screen.
Was he mad at you? Why? You wanted to have fun for a while, you didn’t expect things to turn like these. You tried to keep up with them for a little longer, his smile not leaving his face. You fell asleep with him on your mind and sad thoughts making you feel guilty.
Two strong hands lifted you from the couch you were sleeping on. From the smell that came to your nose you knew it was him. You felt him walk for a while and then the cold sheets hit your back as he tried to let you sleep comfortably and peaceful.
"Please stay with me"you said with your sleepy and deep voice as you grabbed him from his shirt trying to make him stay next to you.
With your eyes closed you put your hands around his torso. His hands were making their way through your hair, the most relaxing thing you could have ever asked for.
"Spiderman is the coolest superhero in the m.c.u."you said opening your eyes but still not looking at him but at the wall across the room and squeezing his shirt a little more tighter."You were right I needed some sleep but now i know this is the right answer."you finally looked up at him
He smiled at you, admiring your face and how cute you were acting now.
"Do I have something on my face?"you asked little worried. Your self confidence was about to start falling again even more.
"You are the cutest person Y/N I have ever met. I love you so much. I never thought I could get to love someone as much as I do. I even question my self at night how did I get so lucky. You're the best thing in my life now. And not only now. I love you babygirl. And I'm sorry if I ever made you feel other than loved. I love you."
You looked up to the boy next to you.Him confessing his feelings to you was something that you never could get used to. You loved that boy with your whole heart and soul. Your tears left your eyes falling all the way down your face. The love you had for him was unbelievable. You couldn't explain it, or put it into words.
"I love you Tommy. And I'm sorry for making you mad today. I wanted to play with you but i never thought of this. I'm so so sorry baby" you grabbed his face and kissed him on his cheek.
"I am sorry for making you feel bad or sad. I thought you were going to laugh but after we closed and I couldn't hear you laughing I knew I screwed things up"he laughed but you saw this tears at the edge of his eyes.
His was the love of your life.
He kissed you gently on your lips. His hands now on your waist trying to pull you even closer to him. Your hands on his hair playing with them. Your felt your heart almost explode into your chest.
"Goodnight Tom"you said with your sleepy voice after breaking your kiss.
"Goodnight babygirl"he said grabbing you into a hug that lasted till next morning.
I'm so sorry for any mistakes. And I'm sorry if this is cringe for you heheheh...<3
*gif is not mine*
Thanks for reading❤
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4benji4 · 7 years
2 Years
Here’s your Tumblr post. Im hoping to make up for the delay by making this really, really good but thats for you to judge.
Happy two years my love (that’s 731 days, or 104.43 weeks, or 17,544 hours, or 1,052,640 minutes, or 63,158,400 seconds, or a lot of time). As i find myself saying a lot, these have been, by far, the best two years of my life, full of love and fun and memories i can never forget.
The beginning 
This isn’t actually the beginning. I wish i had the photo that you storied of yourself all those years ago in Colovray, but i dont. However, what I do have isn’t that far off. Remember when you called me talking about how you wanted me to teach you German, well here that is, along with some more screenshots of cringe 
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Jacomoche, classsiiiicccc. We’ve come a long way from then, but then again a lot has stayed the same. We still crack jokes and laugh, we are still eachothers favourite people (you were mine back then too ngl) ,we still pretend to want to help each other with work and, evidently we are still horny (See: “Bangable Benji”, “Fuckable Fia”). Those two months leading up to Caribana were special, really special and despite what was said, I really do feel the same now as i did back then. I’ve always had that urge to talk to you, I’ve always gotten butterflies seeing you for the first time in a day,  i’ve always found your terrible jokes funny, and our conversations enticing and ive always loved every bit of you, head to toe. Summers our season, let’s have an unforgettable one and best that first magical summer we had.
The Middle
We’ve been together a long time, like a really long time. To be honest, going into this, i had no idea how long we were gonna last. Whether it was gonna be a week, or a year, or forever (We’re edging closer to forever ;) ). We’ve had some amazing times, some not so great, but when i think about us, only those great ones come to mind. We’ve had
Caribana 1.0/the beginning
Our first kiss
Our first date, getting ice cream
That kiss by the lake under the rain
All those days spent at mine, in front of the fire, on the balcony, at Mont Mourex, and in my beddd
Dates by the/swimming in the lake (can’t wait for some more of those this year)
Saying we loved eachother for the first time
Sara’s and that special night we had together
Caribana 2.0
Night of the lit condoms
All the times spent away from eachother. idk they just stick in my mind because i always spend so much time thinking about you when youre not around
Courchevel (what a fucking paradise)
Valentines Day
The days spent at yours, eating pasta or Mcdo and watching netflix (my idea of pure relaxation)
Those are all muddled up and there are soooo many more that i’m missing, forgive me. These are memories that will always stick with me, no matter how old i get, whether I’m with you or not. I’ll always look back and think that was amazing, she was amazing. You’re the one person I can talk about my feelings with, you’re the one person who can make me laugh when i really need it, i dont know how to explain it but you’re just always there for me. You push me to do new things and to be a better person, and i really need that because without it i would literally do nothing all day. If i ever feel bad I just think oh, i’ve got Fia to make me happy and a simple text or conversation with you cheers me up more than anything.
Whenever you try to go 
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Whenever I think of that god damn gorgeous smile or giving you a tight cuddle, I can’t help but let out a big stupid grin. You never fail to make me smile. Going through all our old photos has made me realise how much we’ve done in these past two years because for me, they’ve gone by in a flash. I remember that first Caribana like it was yesterday but yet here we are all this time later. You are my first (real) kiss, my first love, you have given me so much, i can’t thank you enough.
The Now
We’ve been through a lot of tough times recently and we’ve been way too close to this ending, but even after all that happened, after all that was said, i’m not worried. I’m not worried because i know what we have is special, I know that even if we did split up, we’d always find a way back to each other, I know that you are my ultimate goal and one way or another i will always end up with you.
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We’ve made it out stronger, and getting past this milestone will only help us. That night of Arjun’s was a lot of fun even though Sara’s wasn’t. I loved going out on the lake and having dinner at Luigas and then Pirates of The Caribbean and then topping off the night sleeping at yours . I need more likes that and the fact that we’re having them is proof of us getting better
I look forward to 2/3 more years of school with you, meeting in the caf, walking you to class, having romantic lunches eating fries, sitting by the lockers and adopting children. After all that and Uni we’re gonna be free so start a life of our own and i can’t wait. Every time i think about my life with you and our future together i get butterflies. It’s safe to say I’m excited for what’s to come.
But for now, we sit at 2 years. 2 of the best years of my life, and 2 I will never forget. We have a lot to get through and this is just the beginning
Two years,
I can’t believe it’s been two
It all began with a lace from a shoe
From then on, thinks went quick
From the beginning people were sceptic
“10, 11 months tops, they wont last”
Now all of those haters can suck my ass.
For we made it to two years, you and I
A power couple, soul mates, we blocked out the haters with spoons on our eyes
This poem i must rush as my princess waits impatiently,
Ill skip to the end, when you walk down the isle, gracefully.
Until that day comes I will cherish what god has given,
Whatever you do or say, you are forgiven.
Time has passed so quick I can’t believe its been two
Never forget baby, that i love you
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My love, my baby, babe, bb fi, Fia Khalifa, honey, Fuckable Fia, babygirl, FMOMC, fifi, darling, Pia, happy two years, i love you
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