#backpack hero combo
undertalehuman · 1 month
[backpack hero] my greatest build yet
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so basically every time i use the bottom king's shield, the spiked crowns are triggered and deal 1 damage each to me. when that happens, BOTH my king's shields trigger (PER SPIKED CROWN) and add 1 rage each and 3 spikes from lower then 9 spikes from upper king's shield plus the cactus' 3 spikes plus the 1 spikes from the actual spiked crowns, all because that 1 damage being dealt to me is considered “attacking” me. that adds up to 160 spikes and 16 rage. per single use of the lower king's shield. in addition to that, my lower king's shield has +3 haste, and 2 guard rings (also the brick i have has +1 haste) so that's quite a bit of extra block PER USE OF MY SHIELD. and i get 25 energy turn 1. living rocks' damage increases based on rage. so whatever survives my THOUSANDS OF SPIKES PER TURN dies to my rocks. i call my masterpiece of a backpack... "the raging pacifist named david" (in reference to david from the story of david and goliath, when david defeated goliath with a rock since my only output of non-spike damage is thru rocks, plus i use no real weapons and i get a lot of rage.)
basically lots of spikes and haste and rage for rocks but no weapons.
this is an old explanation i made (the essentials are the same) but in my current version i have 2 cacti and 1 more energy from ore. not that big of a difference but still.
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aitotsakirimori · 4 months
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This build is disgusting/pos and backpack hero players who know the items by sight know why
half these cleavers have rage and the breastplate has three extra energy.
anyways I’m getting rid of one of the ductapes so it’s not so disgusting
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the-wandering-mage · 4 months
5+1 Danny Phantom x DC universe prompt
Five times The Teen Titans thought they were fighting a new bad guy and the one time they realized they were just trying to make a friend.
Had this idea don't know if I'll ever fully write it but here it goes for anyone else to use. As is Fanon ghosts socialize by fighting. Dani is sent to a dimension (clockwork identified as the safest for her or because it has a lot of young heros for her to make friends with and not enough healthy ecto to create ecto ghosts) her safety while Danny fights the whole war with the GIW and there is some political upheaval about how Danny is handling it. Danny doesn't want his child in the middle of it. Dani is sent with an emergency communicator, Cujo, a backpack full of things to help her, and most importantly a case with healthy ecto.
Dani wares a medical device that gives her transfusions of ecto and nutrients her human body needs to keep her form stable. Idk if a belt or a arm cuff I like the idea of better. I briefly thought a crown belt combo for the aesthetic but a princess crown would be really impractical.
So, to the meat of the story. Dani tries to make friends the only way she knows how from both her instincts and time spent in the realms before being basically witsec'd, she picks fights with them. Stealing their stuff to get them to chase her ect. A lot of taunting and shit talking and generally being a pain. Maybe even stealing food from stores because she needs it and knows Danny will pay them back. The teen titans think she's a villain she thinks they are really bonding. The more she evades them the more they get frustrated and uping the ante. They get confused when she actually helps them take out an actually baddy. Then she steals Robin's cape and they are right back to being pissed with her.
Then one day during one of their "spars" Starfire or someone else gets a lucky shot on her medical device which of course they think is just villain tech or something. Or alternatively she could just be running low and needs to refill if you want to be boring. Her medical device gives a warning beep and she calls time out. Now anytime she'd ever called time out it was a respected rule in the realms. In a play fight you call break everything stops so she is completely caught off guard when her new friends don't stop. They keep going and it's not fun anymore it's scary.
She starts crying and she gets hurt and doesn't understand why and is begging them to tell her why they are being mean. The team at first is annoyed and scoffs while thinking they finally got the upper hand and she is just trying to trick them with crocodile tears. Then she starts destabilizing. Then they start to freak out and realize that it's real. She calls Cujo to fetch her medkit with her ecto. They treat her and inbetween sobs and trying to help what they now realize is a scared little girl that they get she thought they were playing. Starfire and Robin are the first to figure out it's a cultural/species difference. The whole team feels super guilty.
Then scared when Dad Danny and Tucker show up having gotten an alert her medical device has malfunctioned. Danny explains everything and apologizes about the trouble. The team apologies for their side of things. Dani ends up with friends in the end and the team takes care of her and nicknames her princess. Funny beginning heartache middle and happy ending.
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wandixx · 3 months
Ghost of fries and hero of cookies final part
All work words count: 14 643 Words in this part: 244 Summary of whole work: Duke wasn't expecting to wake up from his quick rooftop nap to some meta kid with fries. He also wasn't expecting kid to stay Or Danny asked Dani to stay safe while she was in Gotham. Where would she be safer than under the wing of local hero? And he looked like he needed bad day combo anyway This part summary: What happened to Dani (author needs a certificate for being little shit) Beta read by @audhumla-sailor though English is second language for both of us, so proceed with this in mind. I also know all of the charaters through fics alone, so probably ooc. Stay catious if it's something you don't like
First part, Previous part
Dani packed her stuff as soon as she got back from patrol. While doing it, she called Tuck and Sam to coordinate travel plan with them and to make sure she heard where and when correctly. Danny’s birthday were coming, an alien’s autograph would be a good present. Unfortunately she wouldn’t have time to get any of his merch on her way so the sky map she printed in Gotham’s Public Library would have to make it. Because of Sam’s demand she stocked herself in protein bars, other high calorie snacks and tons of drinks. Guy at the register looked disturbed but correctly guessed it wasn’t his business. Thanks for physics meets magic mess that made her backpack lighter. It worked like thermos in a way, though she didn’t even try to understand it.
This flight was going to be challenge not only to her speed but also, mostly, her stamina.
Ancients let her survive.
Turns out, phones couldn’t survive falling from over a hundred feet at around 60 miles per hour. Well she had all important numbers (Jazz, Val, Tuck, Sam non- and yes-emergency Danny) on paper phased inside her hip. From Sam’s money she could buy one in Los Angeles and explain the change of number then. She would have to come up with an excuse though.
She wasn’t going to admit she got distracted and bumped into a bunch of pigeons, got startled and dropped her phone like a silly child.
I know I could and should post it with previous part but I wanted to build the tension.
Batfam: We will finally meet our almost niece! Dani: Oh, look, plot convienient reason to leave city fast! Dani was setting up most intense and insane work-out playlist known to mankind to get her through her journey when she bumped with these pigeons face first
Starting notes are longer than this part.
Shit, I really should put it with previous part but the tension and potential for drama aaaa I couldn't resist
and @audhumla-sailor is an enabler
Tag list: @pickleking8 @mynameisnotlaura
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class1akids · 1 year
BNHA 386 - first thoughts
OK, so after seeing pikahlua's translations some thoughts:
Dabi is doing this on purpose - he's turning himself into a suicide bomb - knowing full well that there are evacuation pods in the area. Does he know his family is stuck there?
It's a perfect plan - Endeavor can't do a damn thing with his quirk, only aggravate the situation.
The evacuees are getting to the surface, so maybe Touya will see Rei, Natsuo and Fuyumi, maybe they'll try to talk him down.
I think though even if they get through to him, he won't be able to stop the explosion by himself - risking a second Sekoto peak scenario
This time Endeavor will be there with him - maybe they'll use Inasa to get in the air
That's where Shouto comes in - he could literally hug it out with Touya and absorb the explosion with his Phosphor like when he took that Jet Burn to the face. It could actually charge Shouto with a huge amount of energy that he could then release maybe in combat if he can get a warp to Deku. That would be poetic. Almost a combo.
Shouto wanting to fight AFO makes sense tbh. He didn't know how Gunga was doing, but as far as he knew, there was nobody else. He's a good friend and wants to do right by Midoriya and do his part.
I get Iida's feelings, but boy, in that moment that was not what Shouto needed to hear. Like, he's already barely keeping it together.
Good for All Might's intervention though. I'm so so so happy that he talked to Shouto. It felt nice and warm and personal. Reminding him that being torn in different directions will make him lose and telling him to be faithful to what he decided in his heart and to himself. (I feel like all these things also apply to All Might himself).
It's the first time I think All Might called Dabi "Touya". Making that switch, I think deliberately - it's family. "Because you are you" or "for the sake of being yourself" - Endeavor would choose to fight AFO, but Shouto will prioritize his family in the end.
Iida giving all his gear to Shouto to protect him - he's too precious. He's not flying as far as i can tell, but parkour running the sides of buildings. Looks really cool.
Also, Gunga - reunion with Remedial kids and Inasa. The Heroes Rising Chimera team will be assembled. We are having half the class there at this point. Aizawa, hurry with ShiraGiri, all these guys will need a warp.
Stain - now that you stared at the boys and did nothing, where are you heading with your Green Goblin glider? Perhaps to All Might? Stain getting a sneak attack on AFO would be hilarious. I still don't get it, why meatball guy didn't just turn him into a meat sausage for a while.
Hawks is still sending reports from Gunga after everything? Him staying focused till the end, vs the visual of just holding Tokoyami...
So All Might is counting on the pettiness of AFO. I mean it makes sense - he knows the guy the best.
I always knew All Might would fling his backpack in the endgame. It's cool that he has a Mecha suit in it. (curtesy of David Shield, I presume). I honestly vastly prefer this to the Eri rewind theories. All Might answering Deku's question from Chapter 1 has been long built and I'm really glad we will get to it.
I don't get why people are mad that All Might is trying to do something, when last chapter they praised Mineta for yelling at AFO. Everyone is doing what they can with the power they have. Yeah, sure they know they are outclassed. They are still gonna do their best. That's kind of the point of them being heroes. Obsession with powerscaling makes people lose sight of this.
I don't know if All Might will survive (I think he will), but I think he WILL incorporate in the vestige world giving poor Izuku a heart attack.
Also, wouldn't it be cool if full circle to Chapter 1 a certain someone saved All Might?
Oh, that demonic grin in the end. Toshinori went full Bakugou there. Which is really really cool. I love it. Smile at the unscalable wall.
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kamenrideryeets · 1 year
Okay let’s close the tab I had open, STARLINE ANAYLSIS/RANT.
I honestly find it hilarious that there are people who actually wanted Starline to win in issue 50 (particularly the league of “professional” Flynn hate-readers,) because they clearly have no real understanding of his character OR his arc. They agree/follow along with everything he says because they don’t understand what it means.
Starline’s DEFINING CHARACTER TRAIT was, in fact, "I believe I know way more than I actually know.”
Everything Starline did, everything he claimed to have known from “diligently studying” the heroes and villains, was based on surface-level assumptions - Pontac and Graff-level assumptions. Surge and Kit’s personalities are twisted and ruined mockeries of Sonic and Tails’ from the outside, but as far as Starline knows or cares they’re exact 1:1 copies. His entire plot to take over the Eggman Empire was built on the assumption that Eggman ONLY knew how to use brute force, ONLY KNEW HOW TO FIGHT SONIC, and would be completely helpless against another “genius” or having his technology hacked. (And Starline assumed that doing this would immediately humble Eggman and cause him to forgive him for everything and finally offer to suck his dick.) Even his methods of controlling Surge and Kit had absolutely zero backup plan - he considered “constructing a bit of backstory,” but never went through with it because he didn’t consider it important enough.
Even DURING the Metal Virus, BEFORE Starline was supposedly “derailed,” he brought in the Deadly Six under the ASSUMPTION that him simply HAVING the Cacophonic Conch would render them his loyal servants forever. The entire final arc of the saga, Eggman ultimately TRULY losing control of the virus and having to team up with the heroes, was SOLELY Starline’s fault, and he never acknowledged this, because he couldn’t possibly admit he was wrong about anything.
Even outside of Starline vs. Eggman, Surge and Kit were doomed to lose as well. In spite of being built to kill Sonic and Tails, they only knew how to fight robots and Badniks - they had NEVER fairly fought a living, breathing opponent before, especially someone with Sonic or Tails’ experience. Starline also clearly never expected Tails to know how tech like Kit’s backpack worked, going on how he only gave Kit surface-level tech knowledge and MASSIVELY prioritized his sidekick role. Bring up their fight with Metal Sonic? Not only is he still a robot, but he was thrashing Surge’s ass without Kit backing her up - they had to fry his system with a combo attack to beat him. Sonic and Tails were 1v1 fights against living creatures with more skill and knowledge than Metal. As much as we all wanted to see Sonic get a giant slap of “reality” to the face right away… looking at everything realistically, this wasn’t it.
Starline’s instantaneous mental breakdown when Eggman revealed the truth was his immediate reaction to, in layman’s terms, having his head pulled out from so deep in his ass it had popped back out of his own mouth before being slammed to earth from his space-elevator high-horse at terminal velocity. He had only become more delusional over the course of the arc as more and more of his plan succeeded - I’m pretty sure he was dreaming his entire life by the time he actually uttered the phrase “Starline Empire.” Most of the people treating his beliefs on Eggman and Sonic as gospel were already reading solely to insult the comic and its character portrayals. As far as they cared, the characters in IDW were already boiled down to the flat stereotypes Starline proudly declared them to be. But they weren’t. Starline was just fucked in the head.
The entire point of Eggman utterly obliterating him was to show what Starline’s entire plan, Starline’s entire character really looked like from the outside. Everything involving Starline up to that point, from comic stories to SOLICITATIONS, had been told from Starline’s own POV. His own twisted, deluded POV!
(Hence the hate-readers I’m flogging basically appointing him as their self-insert, and then complaining about him being “derailed” in Imposter Syndrome when the comic actually made it clear that he, and subsequently they, were wrong about everything.) 
And that was the one and only reason for the constant grating affirmation that EVERYTHING in his plans, before and during Operation Remaster, was ABSOLUTELY PERFECT and COULDN’T POSSIBLY FAIL. Because if you look at anything involving him from ANY perspective other than his own, ESPECIALLY from that of a veteran villain like Eggman… you see Swiss cheese.
He wasn’t above it all. He wasn’t a philosophical mastermind. He wasn’t a superior villain to Eggman. In the end, he was nothing more than a sociopathic, child-abusing yandere who believed he could walk into the Sonic series out of NOWHERE, take over the world with his SUPER COOL EDGELORD OCs, and make Eggman his trophy husband, when his only actual knowledge of the characters came from browsing Wikipedia for 20 minutes.
And that’s exactly what Ian Flynn intended for him to be.
He was a great villain, and we all loved to hate him, and still do. But in spite of the “Sonic Cycle” being a thing… Dr. Starline was WRONG.
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channajen · 1 year
Chapter 3 of "Fly Like a Bat" is now posted! Danny finally makes it to Gotham, but he's not alone! The GIW are hot on his trail and are closing in fast. What happens when they finally catch up to our hero? Read the chapter and find out!
Chapter tease below cut:
The night sky grew ever brighter as Danny finally approached Gotham City. His mood had lifted at the thought of sleeping in safety that night. The half-ghost didn’t know if the spirit would greet him immediately, or if he would have to search for its lair. He decided it didn’t matter…he could search for the spirit at the same time he searched for the Bats. His research told him that they typically operated at night, and that each one covered a different area of the city. His timing was perfect. All he needed to do was grab something to eat, and then find the right spot to wait.
Just as he approached the city, Danny felt the sensation that told him he had crossed into a Lair—the Presencethat had called to Danny was effusive and thick. It made the teen a bit uneasy, but he was out of other options, so—for better or worse—he decided to trust his mysterious host. Once in the city proper, Danny had to drop down in altitude just to get his bearings. The level of smog was horrible! It made the half-ghost thankful that he didn’t need to breathe. As he looked around, Danny noticed the city’s amazing Gothic architecture. Sam would absolutely love this. He thought, pain lancing in his heart. He made note of the various landmarks that were visible from his height, and then he looked for a quieter, darker neighborhood where he could get in and out unseen.
Finally, Danny spotted an area that suited his needs. He scanned the area and found a place to set down. For some reason, he felt like walking for a bit. He found a surprising amount of peace just soaking up the vibes of the city. With a strangled yowl, the teen’s stomach made its needs known. Danny slapped his forehead with his hand. He had forgotten to eat again. He looked around, and about a half-mile ahead, Danny saw a sign that pulled a laugh out of him. The word “BatBurger” lit up the night with neon lights. It looked cheesy and completely tacky. It was perfect!
The teen remained invisible until he was in the alley behind the restaurant. Being visible made him feel insecure, so he decided to keep his backpack with him inside the restaurant. The weary half-ghost leaned back against an inside railing and scanned the menu. They had themed combos! He totally wanted to share this with Tucker! He knew that that was the past, though. He had to focus on the NOW. With a sigh, Danny walked up to the cashier and placed his order: the Red Hood Special. A double cheeseburger, loaded with hot peppers, with a side of Jokerized fries and a Red Mountain Dew. Once his order was ready, he found a seat in a corner facing the doors and started in on his food. The BatBurger was good, but it wasn’t the Nasty Burger. Danny sighed. Thinking about his now-former home wasn’t going to help anything. He quietly finished his meal, tucked the small Red Hood figure that came with his food into his waist pack, and decided to use the restroom before hitting the streets again.
Just as he exited the bathroom, his eyes caught sight of something that would have stopped his heart, had he been fully human. Hovering at the windows in front of the BatBurger were not one, but three GIW drones, all with their cameras pointed on him. His feet stuck to the floor and his breath hitched. Suddenly, a white van screeched to a halt in front of the building. Danny wasted no time. He ran back into the bathroom, turned invisible, and flew fast and hard because the devil really was chasing him.
Read the rest on A03!
Thanks for reading!!!
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Road, arms, and texture! Since I know that your ocs probs have some texture opinions
so. fun fact. i had typed out most of this already and then i accidentally undid it all. anyways. superhero guys
Reflejo is the least prepared out of the three when traveling, having an old, frayed backpack she bought years ago and going with a hoodie and jeans to make herself harder to recognize. If she's going somewhere, she doesn't really want anyone else to know.
Blessing would carry an oversized backpack and stuff it full with everything she might possibly need, and would wear her hero suit under a simple t-shirt and leggins combo, with comfy running shoes. She's trying to follow all the advice from the hero agency when travelling but overcompensates and ends up forgetting something anyways.
Toxicoferan has the most experience with traveling, and would know how to pack properly, carrying everything he needs in a hiking backpack and keeping a messenger bag with notetaking devices on him. Outfit wise, it would pretty much be his regular outfit minus the lab coat, he doesnt need that when traveling around.
Reflejo has her signature shotgun-cane, and a collection of ornate knives she rotates between.
Blessing favors brass knuckles and quarterstaffs, but she's gotten familiar with tasers since joining the hero agency and quite enjoys them.
Toxicoferan isnt much for direct combat, so his weapon of choice are explosives placed in strategic spots. Hes a very skilled trap maker :]
Reflejo enjoys stiffer and more structured natural fabrics, the one she comes across most often being denim. She's learned to be ok with all fabrics, but isnt very fond of smooth silks.
Blessing likes everything soft and fuzzy! Velvet, knitted garments (so long as they're not itchy) and fur are her jam. She's not much of a fan of rubber and spandex- luckily she was able to request her hero costume be made out of cotton.
Toxicoferan is by far the most sensitive about textures off the three of them, though his main sensitivity is slimy textures, which while unfortunate for a herpetologist, dont come up that often in clothing. He's fond of Linen and cotton, as well as rubber, but generally despises the feeling of polyester.
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differentbuthuman · 2 years
The Villain Arc - The Incomplete Arc part 2
Chapter 1:
The Lowardian’s attack is the tipping point that shows Kim and Ron they can no longer go into every battle with non-lethal methods and hope to make it out alive. By consecutive agreement Team Possible takes a year off. Then they all fall off the face of the earth. For Wade it’s easy, he already only exists behind a screen. It’s the same for Ron, who is invisible to the rest of the world as only the sidekick can be, he tells his family that he is traveling, a gap year before college. For Kim, disappearing is harder. Global Justice is monitoring her as they always have been, her parents would never believe that she is taking a gap year and giving up hero work at the same time, and she has always been the face of Team Possible, but she manages. She tells her parents that she needs to figure things out, she avoids Global Justice with all the intelligence of a Possible, and she changes her looks to camouflage herself to the rest of the world.(She ends up having to cut her hair into a fashionable bob and dye it black. She also took to wearing blue contacts.)
They are all unaware of what the other was doing until the year is over. Kim had done the Possible name proud and completed a degree in criminology and finished EMT training. All while picking up more weapons related martial arts styles and incorporating that into her fighting style. She had also decided to finish learning sign language. Ron had gone back to the Yamanaka’s where he’d gotten a well balanced training into the things most Yamanaka’s spent a lifetime learning. The fact that he’d had the information already in his mind made training easier, otherwise he might have had to stay longer. As it was, they'd mostly trained him in things like ninja poisons, medicines, stealth, and other skills he might need like piloting a basic plane. Just things that knowledge alone couldn’t teach. As for Wade, he had spent the time upgrading most of their gear having had an idea as to what they would spend their year on. For Ron he had created his own personal suit, also without the neurolink, with button activated stealth and many of the same ninja tools he’d learned to use at Yamanaka’s, Ron did have to ask for a few things, but Wade did well all in all. For Kim, he’d completely dismantled the suit, as most of the gadget’s relied on the neurolink, and made a new one, this one with a gadget belt that had gun holsters for when she became certified. The new gadgets included a normal grappling hook, a pocket of lasers disguised as pens, and an extendable staff that also turned into a wakizashi and katana combo with the push of a button. He also drew up plans to add an attached backpack where Kim could keep her medical equipment. He had also begun working out so he would be more fit if Team Possible ever needed him out on the field and expanding his information servers by creating a shell company that sold computers, cameras, and other electronics to anyone who would pay.
When Team Possible goes on their first mission once they come back it’s a message. While they had been gone new villains had sprouted up, villains who had gotten cocky. Global Justice was stretched thin trying to provide relief to all hit by the Lorwardian attack. All they could do was send in hit teams to dismantle whatever attack the villains were planning and hope all of them made it back. Team Possible not only gets the information before Global Justice, but they are there and out before Global Justice could even prepare a team. They left nothing but broken bodies behind. The lab is completely stripped. Kim decided that her enemies’ inators were too dangerous for the government. They sell the less dangerous stuff.
Kim’s parents are surprised by the way she looks as she keeps the bob and the edges of her hair are still visibly black, but they welcome her back eagerly. They take her criminology degree with only a small measure of surprise. She had been saving the world since her childhood. Her mom almost cries when she hears Kim has become a trained EMT. Kim stays with her family for one day and is instantly sure that she needs her own place. Her brothers were off in college now too and her parents had spent a year alone. They were used to a quiet house to themselves now. She moves into an apartment with Ron who wants to have more freedom to come and go. He gets his job back at Smarty Mart and goes to a nearby community college. They live a pretty spartan life with only their rooms(bed/nightstand 4 Kim futon for Ron) and the kitchen fully outfitted with furniture. There is a dining table with two chairs in the dining room and a few mats in the living room for training. Kim practices her moves while wearing her medical backpack kit. Wade does his best to design a flexible bag that can seal and hold a lot without taking up a lot of space. He gets Moniques help.
The first old villain they meet is Monkey Fist and despite never defeating him before they destroy him so badly that he and most of his monkeys end up in the hospital barely alive and he instantly retires. Many of their other old villains take a cue and do the same. Drakken and Shego remained as inactive as they had been in the year gap. Shego saw no point in fighting useless GJ goons and three months into the year figures Kim took the time off to train and began to do the same. While Drakken was riding high off the recognition he earned after the Lowardian invasion.
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havnblog · 3 months
A Couple of Chill (Some New) Indie Games
I love small, chill indie games. They’re cheap, and the money goes to small developers who needs the support. Many have short gameplay loops, that make them easy to fit into my schedule. Many of the ones I like have non-realtime gameplay, and that, coupled with low hardware demands, makes them well suited for playing on my laptop. That’s an M1 (Pro) MacBook Pro - and many of the games have native Mac ports, but those who don’t run perfectly fine through Parallells.
Two (not very new) realtime games
Vampire Survivors (2022)  is a weird game, that has no rights being as fun and satisfying as it is. so buy it where you prefer!
You walk (slowly) around a big field, while your character auto-attacks. You then pick up experience, new items and upgrades. It shouldn’t work, but it does - and this good video essay by Adam Mallard explains why:
Vampire Survivors Only Works Because We’re Stupid
It has spawned tons of knock-offs - but not all of them are good. But Brotato (2023) is! I actually prefer it to Vampire Survivors.
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The slower stuff
I love board games, and Dot Age (2023) feels like one. It’s a turn based city builder with roguelike progression, built around worker-placement.
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Balatro (2024) is the thousands in the line of games that take something familiar and turn it into a roguelike where you do runs where you try to break the game with combos. This time: Poker!
While perhaps not «beautiful», it drips with style with its CRT filter and screenshake (both possible to turn off). Very chill - but I hope it comes to iPad sometime!
With the worst art direction since the amazing Slay The Spire, Backpack battles (2024) is my last recommendation for the day.
In a combination of Backpack Hero and Super Auto Pets, you arrange items in your backpack to (hopefully) win against other players in some asynchronous chibi on chibi action. It also has a demo playable in a browser!
I’ll sign off with a bonus tip, to check out the demo of the Norwegian game Seablip (Q2 2024), which looks very promising!
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dailyreportonline · 9 months
GoPro Hero 12 Review
GoPro Hero 12 The GoPro Hero 12 is pretty solid, but competition is catching up Head out for a vacation – whether it’s on the beaches or in the hills, you’re likely to bump into someone using a GoPro. No longer the preserve of extreme sports enthusiasts, a GoPro finds itself equally as often thrown into holiday backpacks and wedding celebrations, all for that two-punch combo of insane video…
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undertalehuman · 2 months
an example of using a curse for your benefit (backpack hero)
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so the evil hand pulls in the closest item in the direction it’s pointing. and destroys it when it’s close enough, and adds rage when it does so. but if you pair that with the lootbox, it makes an excellent combo where each turn it will destroy the item, create an item of the same size which you can then place in the position of the previous destroyed item, and repeat. the only thing that could break this is an item being destroyed outside of combat. that disables the lootbox, so when you enter battle the evil hand will destroy the item and you’ll have to replace it manually. the coral is a little bonus to this combo because it helps me get free fuel for the evil hand when i need it. also, sometimes i get an item i like from this combo. in which case i will reorganize to get the item out of the destruction zone and put some of that free fuel i mentioned from the coral into the destruction zone. now this setup can be altered to get rid of the downside of the out of combat thing, such as putting a row chain star or a copy star in that spot to the left of the destruction zone. as these are both common, they’re also duplicatable via coral. so you can have one in a different part of your backpack ready to duplicate if you ever have to use the one next to the destruction zone. also sometimes you can get a shiv and just get an extra hit in, or sometimes you can get a drink, so you can drink out of it and then the cup will be left in the destruction zone.
all in all, it’s a self-sustaining combo that mostly gets you rage but can occasionally find pretty good items that you can reorganize to yoink into your main backpack area.
sometimes i write too much lol
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linuxgamenews · 1 year
Backpack Hero is managing into a full release this spring
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Backpack Hero inventory management roguelike game gears up for full release on Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. This is all due to the continuous twists from developer Jaspel. Available on Steam Early Access with 82% Very Positive reviews as well as itch. Jaspel and Different Tales are pleased to announce their inventory management roguelike, Backpack Hero, will be exiting Steam Early Access in May 2023. During the Early Access phase, Backpack Hero has attracted 180,000 players with its unique twists on the standard deck-building roguelike. Success in each combat encounter isn’t about what you carry. Since it's mainly about how you organize items in your bag. Backpack Hero offers a roster of five heroes to choose from. Each with a unique pool of items and abilities that completely change the way you play. The robot, CR-8, for example, lets you program commands in your backpack Factorio style. While Pochette carries pets, giving Backpack Hero a Pokemon-esque twist. Since there are hundreds of rare items to discover and arrange into powerful combo's. Doing so with over forty enemy types for you to battle. As well as colorful characters to encounter in your procedurally generated adventures.
Backpack Hero – Full Release Announcement Trailer
There’s even more to come from Backpack Hero too. The new console announcement trailer offers a sneak peek at the highly requested “Town” feature. Due to add a whole new layer to a game. Which is already receiving bags of praise in its Early Access phase. Offering a rewarding progress path for you to expand your item pool and unlock new heroes. With the addition of the Town feature, you will transfer your skills from your backpack to the streets. Due to build a perfect town with the resources you gather on your adventures. Backpack Hero inventory management roguelike game is available on Steam Early Access and itch (includes Steam key). While offering up Linux, Mac, and Windows PC support, that is Steam Deck playable. Priced at $16.99 USD / £13.49 / 13,99€. But try the Free Demo on Steam, first. Full release is due in May 2023.
Backpack Hero by Thejaspel, BinaryCounter, GangsRobin
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class1akids · 2 years
BNHA 355 - Thoughts
Even after a couple of read-throughs, I feel ambivalent about this chapter, tbh.  Some critical thoughts under the cut, so DLDR please. 
But let’s start with the positive. 
The things I like:
- Endeavor hitting rock bottom (I thought the hospital was it, but no - there was even further down, lol), and him thinking about his kids without all the self-justifying BS was a good moment. For the first time, he calls Touya by name, for the first time, it is not their quirks that’s in the center. It’s the biggest emotional pay-off in this chapter - something that was built for a long time. (But also, it’s sad that it was the most emotional bit)
- Jirou getting the spotlight, with Hawks and Tokoyami supporting her. The way she is out of her element, experiences mortal fear and overcomes it to act is good - though I think too short to have the emotions sink in. Her injury looked bad, but since Eri being in the series, these just don’t hold the weight they should (which is why I hate her being this plot device looming over the narrative). 
- Hawks being a quick-thinking gritty fighter is always fun to watch. The fight choreography was for once pretty dynamic and the combos were good. 
- The art / music references were spot on. Great panelling. 
- I even like the narrative of the power of the weak adding up, and AFO’s hubris is biting him in the ass - just not the execution. And so we come to....
The things I dislike:
- In the end, Jirou’s moment still falls flat for me, unfortunately. She’s one of my fave Class A girls and I want to be hype and yet... I think it is because of how rushed this fight is. Side characters like Gentle got longer / more developed fights than AFO here. We saw 1 initial hit by Hawks, 2 moves by Endeavor + Hawks, 2 moves by Jirou (one block and one attack), and 1 more hit by Hawks.  AFO’s mask broke from 4 sword hits (is it made of cheap plastic????) in the end. And AFO feeling like a weak, incompetent troll with nothing to back up his trash talk kind of devalues this moment overall.
- Jirou’s great moment had a very distinct ass-pull feel to it. Now don’t get me wrong, in the grand scheme of things, it makes sense, because the premise of the entire manga is Deku smacking the Sludge Villain with a backpack that somehow qualifies him as greatest hero. Deku got many wins like this - so I guess endgame will give it to others as well. So the vestiges happen to react to Jirou’s cry just now after everything they’ve seen or experienced? Like, why not? But also - how convenient. Just like these moments never worked for me when it was Deku - it doesn’t work for me now either. I don’t want the “everyone can be a hero” theme to boil down to “everyone can make suicidal, rush in with no plan or hope” kind of actions and if they are in Class A, it will magically be OK for them. I prefer preparation and combo moves that build on intuition and conscious planning, thinking, foresight. I prefer non-conventional acts of heroism - that highlight that being a hero =/= beating up bad guys only.  I like characters making their training work for them or overcoming a wall through character development.  I feel like there is barely any build-up here, so there is no good pay-off. If Jirou met AFO earlier in the story, she could have done this exact same thing - and if she was lucky, the vestiges would have responded to her.  She deserved better build-up than this. 
-  The Hawks moments felt rushed to me. We ticked the boxes - unwavering faith in Endeavor even now, acknowledging Tokoyami, confronting his reduced abilities, getting inspired by the kids - but it didn’t feel enough after what Hawks went through and experienced in the last war or how he miscalculated with not having a proper Plan B. The art was great though. 
Overall though, what makes me most uncomfortable about this chapter is that the direction it signals is a speed-run to the end. I can see next chapter Dark Shadow going beserk over Jirou’s injury (a la Heroes Rising, where we had this exact plot point just with Mina), Endeavor resurging through some “I need to do this, so I can get to my sons” kind of “dad-moment” (pls don’t ruin the Todo-plot, Hori) and finishing AFO, who merges with ShigarAFO and takes over there. 
I can see a couple of chapters of the other kids all having their plus ultra “for my friends” moments - and I do like Power of Friendship, but only where it’s earned. Like Shouto’s moment who we know had his life transformed by his friends felt earned. Jirou thinking of two characters she never interacted with in meaningful ways is just - meh. And it’s only 2/20. We have still 18 of these left? 
And then back to ShigarAFO being beaten by some BKDK combo stuff, Deku no jutsu-ing Vestige Tenko and then Tenko disintegrating the Vestige plane and AFO with it. 
So I’m worried now that we won’t get Touya and Toga and Spinner turning and helping out the heroes. 
Basically, I need a twist to make this endgame battle a bit more exciting than the kids executing the All Might-Aizawa-Hawks plan and going plus ultra / power of friendship when things start to look bad. I need to get a sense that things could go very bad - so the win in the end comes with a sense of triumph. 
More on Chapter 355
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The “Better Half”; A Poly KiriBaku x Reader Fanfic
enjoy the series | part one part two part three
part four part five
“Heyyyy! Ichiko!” You heard your twin brother chasing you, but you didn’t turn around. He couldn’t see you cry like this, especially over a boy, who happened to be his bully. You had never cried in front of Izuku before. You were supposed to be his protector, and you refused to let him see me as weak or vulnerable. You continued to walk towards the main square, ignoring him while also wiping away any sign of crying. “Hey Ichi! Wait for me!” Izuku ran up to you, pulling on your backpack.
“Go back to class Izuku…” You angrily shoved him away, but only softly. Izuku stared at you as he followed, shocked by your behavior. “N-no! I can’t!” Izuku walked in front of you and looked back as he continued to walk backward. “How am I supposed to leave you alone after something like that?! You just cut your relationship with your childhood best friend. Surely you want someone to comfort you.” Izuku explained as you shook your head, trying to get him out of your mind.
“No! I’m fine Izuku!” You shouted, now speed-walking to try to get away with him. You didn’t exactly know where you were going honestly, but oh well. Anywhere people didn’t know you. You didn’t even want Izuku around, especially Izuku out of all people. “But you just had your first heartbreak Ichiko! I can help by-” You stomped your foot to the ground, stopping and staring at him angrily. “Enough! You’ve done enough! I only had to do that because of you Izuku! Now go away from me! I want to be alone!” You screamed as he saw the tears in your eyes and finally left you alone to walk, understanding.
You felt bad, but thanks to Izuku, you had to accept something he said. Heartbreak, something that you had never thought you would feel, especially not today. You had been the most popular girl, had the best groups of friends, and had never lost a friend before. You ran to the town square, first running through a tunnel that led to the main market place and most public place. Through your footsteps, cries, and sniffles, you were unable to hear the gushing, slithering noises echoing throughout the tunnel that followed you. When you reached the end, you stopped, looking at the large crowd in front of you.
As you went to take a step, you watched as pieces of gel reached out and grabbed you from behind, wrapping around your neck, waist, and feet. The entire crowd of people turned to you, shocked and scared for the young girl in front of them. “Someone call the pros!” A lady screamed as you began squirming, watching another slime limb start reaching around your head towards your mouth. “Stop squirming kid! It’ll be a lot less painful for both of us if you just let me do this!”
As the slime began going into your mouth and cutting off your oxygen, you could watch as everyone’s eyes laid upon you. You began punching and kicking the slime monster as it fought against you, squeezing the air out of you. You watched as reporters and pro heroes surrounded you, not knowing how to confront the situation. “Please!” You screamed, choking on the slime as you felt your brain becoming foggy as all the oxygen in your body slipped away. Before your final breath, you raised your hand and used your quirk to the best of your abilities.
“Do not worry! Because I am here!” You heard in the background of your mind as the slime retreated from your body, letting you crash into the ground painfully in a cloud of dust. “Young girl, are you awake? Oh god, this isn’t good... I’m running out of time. Young girl, please wake up please!” You opened your eyes to see All Might... THE All Might. You sat up slowly, unable to believe your eyes. “What the-” You stood up quickly, staring at the tall, muscular man in front of you. “Oh good, you’re able to move. Are you breathing properly?”
All Might questioned as you nodded slowly, still recovering mentally. You flipped yourself the other way where you could see the slime monster and its eyes, watching you. As All Might began to step towards the monster, it slithered back into the shadows. All Might went to chase it before you began coughing loudly, trying to sit up. He stepped back and knelt down, trying to examine you for any injuries. “W-Where is it?” You asked, looking around slowly for the slime that had captured you.
“You used your quirk on it before you passed out. It dropped you and slithered back into the tunnel.” All Might explained as you stretched your arms around, hearing the cracking and popping within your body. “Why didn’t you chase it?” You asked, using All Might’s arm to help you stand back up. “Well, you stopped breathing for a second. I couldn’t just leave you.” He explained and handed you your backpack.
“I’m sorry. Thank you.” You whispered quietly as All Might finally notice the mascara tear streaks under your eyes. Had those been there from the monster attack or beforehand? Had you been crying before you had been attacked? “I can walk you home if you-” All Might stopped talking as you wiped a tear off your sulky face. “I’ll be fine. Thank you All Might.” Staring at the ground, you gave him a weak smile, bowed, and walked away from the crowd, feeling the eyes staring at you from behind before you disappeared from view.
As soon as you were out of the town square, you began running. Tears streamed down your face as you ran through alleys upon alleys, crowds, and crowds, across streets and past buildings. You kept running, not caring where you were going until you hit something. While running through an alley with tears in your eyes, you ran into a ladder on the side of an abandoned building. Looking up it while rubbing your sore head, you got an idea.
You didn’t really think, you just wanted to getaway. You began stepping up the iron ladder on top of the 28-story-building until you felt the wind in your hair, and saw your school from afar. You had about an hour until school ended, which meant it would be about an hour until your mom would be blowing up your phone. You didn’t care though, you had no more care left in you. You walked to the edge of the building and sat down, swinging your feet in the air as you stared out.
For minutes, you sat in silence, thinking about Bakugo and Izuku over and over. How had this happened? Just years ago, you and your boys had been happy, little kids with dreams and love for each other. You had all been so close, and now you all were separated both emotionally and physically. Your dear brother was most likely at home, wondering where you could be, and Bakugo… well… knowing him he was probably smoking or skating somewhere with friends, not even thinking of you. Who knew he could be so selfish…
“Young lady, please do not j-jump off! A simple monster attack has no reflection on your self-worth!” You turned, out of your deep train-of-thought, to see All Might once more, standing before you with a worried expression. “All Might? What are you doing here?” You asked, getting up and walking over to him. “I was flying by and saw your poor self sitting on the edge of a building. I was worried about you.” He confessed as you nodded, looking over All Might’s body.
He was shaking, as if in pain but trying to conceal it. “I wasn’t… I wasn’t going to jump. I was just… thinking.” You explained as he nodded, walking towards you slowly. “Well, if you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to take you down from here so I-” All Might stopped as he fell to the ground, clutching his side in pain. “A-All Might!!” You yelled, bending down to try to help before All Might began to shrivel up like a grape. Before your eyes, a long-haired, blue-eyed man stood before you.
“You’re not All Might!!” You screamed, backing up away from the imposter slowly. “Do not fall off the roof Young Lady.” The man’s hoarse voice whispered cautiously as you realized the voice was still his. Before you could help him up, he began coughing up blood as his face became red and he began to fell towards the ground. Without hesitation, you ran to your backpack to retrieve our first aid kit and bento box and ran back to All Might.
“All Might, you’re puking blood!” You exclaimed, grabbing your backpack and putting it under his head to act as a pillow. “It’s okay, this is normal.” He waved it away, watching you take out a bento box and food with it. “Here.” You grabbed your chopsticks and began to feed him tonkatsu and rice cakes. ‘Nice kid.’ All Might thought, enjoying the company of you feeding him good food. ‘A little weird, but nice.” He smiled again, before noticing the mascara marks under your eyes.
“Young lady, why were you crying? It wasn’t because of the attack, right?” He asked as you slowly shook your head, continuing to feed him. “N-no. I had a rough day at school. There was… There was a disaster at school today, and I just had to ditch.” You explained as All Might nodded, enjoying the drama and food combo you were giving him. “My childhood best friend told him he loved me, right? I mean, I kind of knew because I’ve always loved him but he literally confessed to me two days ago.”
All Might continued staring, wanting you to continue. “Anyways, my twin brother, Izuku, is quirkless. He… my childhood best friend told him to go kill himself and beat him up without me knowing. Anyways, I… I told him I would never forgive him, and then I stormed out. I never thought… in a million years… that anything like this would happen! But now… it is. God, I feel so hopeless and used! School is ending in a week, I have to prepare for the UA, and now my best friend isn’t my best friend anymore.” You explained, trying your best not to cry in front of the pro hero.
“God, I just feel so hopeless. It’s like everything I ever had is crumbling around me and there’s nothing I can do.” You began to cry before All Might lifted your chin to look at him. “Where are your parents in all this? Surely you can go to them for help.” He suggested as you slowly shook your head.
“My mother is nice and all but she’s very simple-minded. She wanted to become a mom and that was it. Even when I was a child, she told me how it wasn’t realistic to dream of becoming a hero. Besides, my brother and I have not told her anything about the bullying or the drama that’s gone on. It would only change her relationship with Mitsuki, his mother. Izuku has always gone to me. I’ve always been his protector from everything.”
All Might smiled sadly at you, pitying you deeply. In a way, you reminded him of his young self. Scared of the future, fragile, and wanting more. Could he possibly help you? “What about your father? He must be willing.” All Might recommended as you looked up at him depressingly. Oh right, most kids had dads that were present. “He… He left when I was young. My father was a genius in college with a good heart, but drugs and alcohol consumed him.”
All Might’s eyes immediately filled with despair as he realized you had grown up mostly without a father. “He was a smart man though, and looking back on it, I have reason to believe he knew Izuku was quirkless before us all. Izuku was shorter than he was supposed to be, along with his muscle-building being slower than me even. Even if he wasn’t quirkless, Izuku had always been a burden to my father. I hate to point the finger, but Father didn’t like Izuku. Not at all.”
All Might lightly grip your hand to comfort you as you continued to feed him now a tamagoyaki omelet. “Although I miss him, I remember now how terrible he was, and how aggressive he was to all of us. He would pull me around and say it built character. He would make me train when my mom went out and pushed me to my limits. He calorie count, made me work my quirk out and pushed me to not trust others. At the end of the day… I’m glad he’s gone.”
All Might sighed, nervously wanting to say something but having no idea of what to actually respond with. How could he have known about the terrible situations you had been in? If only your dear brother hadn’t been quirkless, then none of this would have happened. The universe was just so very cruel.
Before All Might could ask you more, your phone began ringing. Excusing yourself, you lifted it to your ear and responded. “Ichiko! I’ve been texting you for the past ten minutes! If you don’t come home with me, Mom’s going to get worried. Where are you anyway?!” Izuku yelled into the phone worryingly. “I’m… nowhere. Where are you now?” You asked, hearing people’s voices in the background. “The town square where I last saw you.” You nodded, looking over to All Might.
“Alright, stay there. I’ll meet you.” You hung up the phone and walked back over to the pro hero who sat up, staring at you. “I can fly you back if you want.” He offered, but you shook your head, denying his generous offer. “That’s nice, but you’re in no condition to fly right now. It was nice talking to you All Might, I hope you enjoyed the food.” As you were about to leave, you heard him yell out.
“Wait! I don’t even know your name, Young Lady. Do not keep such secrets from someone who knows your life story!” You grinned back at the pro hero who looked healthy now. “My name is Ichiko Midoryia, and I go to Aldera Junior High. See you around All Might.” You smiled as you went down the iron ladder and returned your feet to the concrete. You walked throughout the very busy sidewalk, and towards the town square that was buzzing with people.
You walked towards the tunnel and stood just outside of it, bringing your phone out to call your brother, who you didn’t see at the moment. All you could hear was the ringing as you continued to call him, yet as you went to call him again, you began to hear ringing behind you. Before you could turn around, many of the people in the square turned and began screaming, backing up even as their eyes laid on something behind you. As a response, you began to turn around quickly before gasping.
Before your eyes was the slimy, sludge villain with the black beady eyes, currently strangling your brother. Wrapped around his waist, neck, and legs, it held Izuku still as he stared at you, the eyes slowly going to the back of his head. You backed up, still on the ground, looking around for anyone to help. That’s when your eyes laid on All Might, in his weak form, staring back with panic in his eyes.
That’s when you realized he was unable to help, and nobody else was going to save your brother. “Young Ichiko, get away from that thing!!” All Might yelled from the crowd, barely standing out of the crowds shrieks and screams, as he didn’t realize that Izuku was your twin. You stood back up and began to face the villain. Ignoring the protests of the crowd, you ran towards the villain and threw your backpack at it, right in the eyes.
As it reacted in pain, you raised your hand and began to use your quirk against it. As it opened its eyes, it began to shrivel and shake in pain as the pain consumed him. You continued to use it to the best of your ability until it dropped your brother and began to go back into the darkness of the tunnel. You ran to Izuku and dropped to your knees, watching All Might sprint out of the crowd and join you. “Someone call the ambulance! Someone call the ambulance!” You screamed, shaking him.
It was five minutes before the ambulance was there, and two before the reporters got there. Blinding cameras everywhere, microphones being shoved in your face, and questions from all over being jumbled together into one loud deafening noise. You began to cry, the emotions being too much as your brother’s unconscious body laid next to you. It was all too much to handle, causing you to not even care about the several pro heroes that crowded around you, trying to comfort in any way.
“Why did you save this boy? Is this your brother? Is this your friend? How do you feel about the heroes not coming in time to see him? Can you tell us about his condition? Tell us about the villain that attacked him!” You began sobbing as you felt arms wrap around you, but the questions kept coming. Finally, they stopped all of a sudden. “Leave the poor girl alone!! Hasn’t she been through enough! You should ashamed of harassing a traumatized minor! Stop with these questions!”
You looked up to see All Might shielding you from the lights and reporters with his bulky self. Adjusting to the light again, you looked around to see Mt. Lady hugging you, Midnight trying to shoo away cameramen on your left, and a few students from your high school on the right, watching from afar. Finally, though, the ambulance arrived. They propped your brother onto the bed and rolled him in, offering you a spot next to him. Before you could deny, hero-formed All might stepped in.
“I think she’s been through a lot, maybe if I fly her there it will help calm the trauma. Mt. Lady, will you ride with the poor boy?” All Might asked, acting as a father-figure almost to you. Mt. Lady nodded calmly and stepped into the ambulance, letting the reporters get many photos f her fro behind. You watched slowly as the ambulance drove away, taking Izuku with it.
“Come now, before any more stupid reporter asks you another dumb question.” He wrapped his arm around you and soared into the sky, leaving behind the flashing cameras. It was a short flight, but with the night sky and the city lights below you, you felt happy. YOu knew it wouldn’t last, but it was nice. Finally, you arrived at the hospital, All Might transforming into his weak state and walking in with you. It hadn’t occurred that the 1# hero had spent his entire day with you yet.
You walked in, allowing All Might to check you in as your parental custodian, and walked up to Izuku’s assigned hospital room. Slowly but surely, you walked your way down to the hospital and prepared yourself. All Might rubbed your shoulder comfortingly as you finally made up the courage to go inside. As you stepped in, you were graced with the sight of Mt. Lady sitting on a stool beside him, reading his chart.
“Ahh, there you two are! I knew it! In this lighting, it’s easy to tell you’re his twin!” She placed the clipboard back on the wall and walked over to you. “They showed camera footage of you fighting that sludge villain! You’re such a hero in the making!” She exclaimed quietly, hugging you lightly. “Th-They showed that on tv?!” You asked, running to the box television and turning it to face you. Exactly as she had said, the footage of you was on the tv, alongside many witnesses answering questions from a reporter in the town square.
“Why yes, it was quite incredible! She went from being terrified to making a whole plan to save the victim in just seconds. It was quite impressive for a junior high student who was in shock.” One lady in a fur coat explained. “Why would you say she went into action, and the many adults around her didn’t?” The news reporter, a blue-skinned woman with blonde hair asked, putting her microphone back into the lady’s face. “To put it simply, I do not believe that anyone but her in that scenario chooses the hero aspect of the fight mode.”
You felt Mt. Lady pat you on the head as you continued to watch the television, before remembering someone. You took your phone out and laid your eyes upon hundreds of messages and notifications. Girls who you didn’t even know were texting you, all of your friends were trying to call, and your mom had called you hundreds of times. You went to call Bakugo, before stopping yourself. No, you couldn’t do that to yourself. Looking at your notifications, he had called you non-stop since you ran out on him. You did your best to stop the pain in your chest as you went to call your mom.
It only took one ring before she picked up. “Ichiko?! Ichiko?! I saw you on the news Baby! Mitsuki is driving me to the hospital now! We’ll be there in a few minutes!” She yelled into the phone, before abruptly hanging up. Huh...weird. You put your phone back, ignoring all the annoying notifications and looking back at the other three in the room. “Young Ichiko! If you’d like a small break before your mother gets here, I recommend you come with me.”
You followed the smiling pro hero in his weak form to the end of the hall, and then up a set of stairs behind a heavy door to the roof of the hospital. “I know you like tall places to think Young Ichiko, so this might work!” All Might proudly exclaimed before noticing your sad expression. “He’s going to be alright Ichiko. He’s simply sleeping. He’ll be able to come home tonight.” All Might explained, walking to the edge and sitting down with you.
“I… I couldn’t protect him.” You murmured, only loud enough for All Might to hear you. “Ichiko, you saved him! He’d be dead without you, you do know that right?” He asked as you nodded slowly. “I know! I know that! But still, he was only waiting there because I left him and yelled at him to go away! If I had been a better sister and stayed with him, none of this would have happened! If I had just put Bakugo in his place earlier, none of this would have happened! God!”
All Might began to rub your back, watching you sob. “When will it end? Things are just getting worse and worse! First, I lose my friend. Then I almost lost my brother! What’s next?! Gosh, I just want something good to happen!” You yelled out into the open space, 30 floors above the ground. Up here, freedom was natural, and yelling was a habit. “Young Ichiko, I know a lot about you now. Is there anything you want to know about me?”
You looked over to the blonde man, wondering what you did want to know. Surely there was something. “Yes actually. Why do you puke blood and shrivel up like a grape?” You asked as he laughed softly as if trying to hide despair in his voice. “It was a terrible fight against All For One. One where I was lucky t walk away with my life. He gave me permanent internal injuries that act as a timer for when I can be in my hero mode. If I overdo it, that’s just how my body reacts.”
You nodded slowly, following along with your idol’s words. “For years, I grew up seeing heroes as these higher beings to worship like Gods, but the more I try to get involved in hero stuff, the more I see they’re just human. Well, except for your quirk.” You smiled, thinking of your younger self that obsessed over All Might day-and-night with your brother. Izuku never grew out of it though, always wanting to hold on to his childhood where his life wasn’t defined as useless. Where he still had hope.
“Listen Young Ichiko, I’ve been thinking. You showed me how powerful you are, and how dedicated you are to saving others. You’re in a tight spot, and I’d like to… Well, I’d like to train you, to where you’re guaranteed to become as good of a hero as myself one day when I can’t hero anymore.” You looked into his blue eyes to see nothing but the truth. “Y-You want to train me? Like help me, and see me on a regular basis?!” You asked, joy overcoming your body.
“W-Wait, UA… That means that I’ll be away from Izuku. If classes take up every day, and then I train every weekend with you… then will when I have time for him?! We’ve always been together. What if something happens to him?” You began to freak out before the hero lightly put his hand on your shoulder. Oh my god All Might, I… I have to think about it.” With that, you ran into the hotel and back into the hallway, pacing around.
As you turned around, you froze, seeing a boy your age coming up to you. He had strange eyebrows and blue hair with glasses. He looked like he had just finished playing golf. “Excuse me. I see to be lost. Do you know which level the… hmm… Urgent care is? I know you don’t work here, but my brother is waiting and I’m terribly lost.” He explained as you sighed, trying to remember the sign on the first floor. “Fifth floor I’m sure. If not, there’s a sign on the first floor with a map and everything.”
He nodded, bowed, and ran back the way he had come from. Interesting… You began pacing again before your Mother opened the hospital door to reveal Mt. Lady helping Izuku, who was now in his normal clothes, walk. “Going home already?” You asked, worried for Izuku’s health as they all walked out into the hospital hallway. “Don’t be silly, it’s not like he broke anything. Just had to monitor his breathing and brain wave patterns, but he’ll be perfectly fine.” Mitsuki explained, holding flowers that she had brought.
“Come, dear, it’s time to go home.” Inko gestured for you to follow her before you shook your head no. “All Might is going to take me home actually. I’ll see you there.” You waved to her as she smiled sadly at you. YOu had never been close to your mom, especially after your Dad had left. She always said that she saw so much of him in you, which had traumatized you from ever building a relationship with her.
You walked back up to the roof, accidentally ignoring Izuku waving and smiling at you? You weren’t mad at him, but he didn’t know that. You met back up with All Might and said your goodbyes, exchanging your numbers and setting a time to meet. “Meet in front of your school when it gets out tomorrow. I will see you then Young Ichiko. Have a safe night.” And with that, he flew off, smiling and waving as he disappeared from view.
You went back down to the main lobby and signed yourself out before stopping at the dors. As you removed your skateboard from your backpack, you felt eyes on you. Looking up, you saw the boy from before staring at you. Then he looked back at the tv, and then once again, returned his stare to you. You thought nothing of it before glancing at the screen to see a photo of you with the label “Future Shining Hero???” You blushed, wrapping your backpack around you, setting down your board, and skating away.
Down four blocks, a right, then down another five before you got to the skatepark. Absolutely nobody would be there at this time, right? Wrong. As you skated to the concrete platforms, you saw a black-haired boy biking, and an older man skating on the other side. Choosing to ignore them, you plugged in your headphones and began to skate around, performing kickflips and dropping in at impressive speeds. You were one to ignore any stereotypes that said girls couldn’t skate.
It was when you decided to take a break when your life flashed before your eyes. Looking to your left, the 21-year-old man was about to fall on you and smack you into the concrete. You shrieked, ducking, and waiting for impact. But all you heard were the two guys arguing. “Be more careful!” The black-haired one yelled at the other as she apologized to you both and skated away.
You turned to the black-haired guy, who was around your age and had rock-like forms on his body. His quirk possibly? “Thank you! That was awesome!” YOu exclaimed, looking at his body, very impressed. “It was nothing compared to those tricks you were doing! Can you show me a few?” He asked like a fanboy, happily smiling as you nodded.
You showed him everything you were practicing, talked about skating, and even let him use your board any times. IN return, he let you use his bike as y’all exchanged stories, talked about random stuff, and bonded over the dumbest of things. “Wait, I didn��t even get your name. What was it again?” You asked as he turned to you, smiling a shark tooth grin. “Eijiro Kirishima! It’s nice to meet ya!” He high fived you before y’all went back to joking around. This dude was a keeper for sure.
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nightwingshero · 3 years
A, F, G, M, P, R, and S for Evune, Athera, Blair, Suzume, and Kumeko :D
MEL! THIS IS MERCY?! You're killin' me, smalls! Lol under the cut, love!
A: Aptitude
1. What are your oc’s natural abilities, things they’ve been doing since young?
Evune: Sneaking around and throwing knives. Evune doesn't really like to play the Game, but she's had some bard training when she lived with her noble guardian, and then when she was living in the alienage. She's had to steal, fight, and learned some bow skills before being reunited with her clan.
Athera: Aside from when her magic manifested when she was a child, I would say she's always had a special touch with halla and is rather good at drawing. But she hung around the clan's halla, sticking with the halla keeper because she was always fascinated with them.
Blair: She's always been a pretty smart cookie, so I'm going to say chess was something she was pretty quick to pick up on when she was young. She plays often with her dad.
Suzume: Drawing, cooking, and skateboarding. She's always been pretty good with balance and being naturally good on her feet, so that was something that caught her attention rather quickly. Now, drawing and cooking almost seems to be a family thing, mostly because of her father's quirk got him into art as well. So she would often sit in her room and just draw alone, and then come help her mother cook when it was time--which explains the cooking ability.
Kumeko: Dancing and hacking! Shopping doesn't count, so I won't add it. But Kumeko loves to dance to her music, and will play Just Dance often. She's always light on her feet, and when she started walking as a kid, she would bounce. So her mom says it's pretty much in her blood at this point. Now, her fascination with electronics might have something to do with her quirk, but this girl was taking computers apart and rebuidling them when she was a kid.
2. What activities have they participated in?
Evune: A few games here and there with her clan. There's a game that her and Athera would play with the kids as they told the stories of their gods, and Evune would lead Fen'an with her and they would play tag and chase them around as they pretended to be Fen'Harel. She also does arm wrestling with Thyra, plays chess with Cullen, and does shooting contests with and plays Wicked Grace with Varric.
Athera: She would teach the children of their clan the history and the stories of their people, often leading to the tag game with Evune. She will read with Dorian, practice magic with Halesta, and play chess with Solas. She would often ask him things he saw of her people in the fade as well.
Blair: Lots and lots of science fairs and clubs. She did chess club at one point too, and then learned to play the violin. But she didn't really stick with that, since she preferred doing science stuff, especially astronomy. She does a lot of ice skating too, if that counts, and she'll go out with friends.
Suzume: Heh. Well, she'll get dragged go to karaoke with Kumeko and a few more friends here and there. She's done the Sports Festival a few times with Kumeko when they attended U.A. High. She even placed one year. But when it comes to activites to participate in, mroe often than not, it's Kumeko or someone else coming up with the idea and having her tag along. She'll go to the school events in support for the students, and she'll do team ups with heroes here and there when she has the time. Every now and then she'll anonymously participate in art festivals just to share her art.
Kumeko: Karaoke! Though the last time her and Suzume went they ended up getting thrown out and banned because someone decided that the music selection wasn't cool enough and she hacked the machine. She did the Sports Festival in high school, and does a lot of team ups, especially when her agency is contacted and Fatgum has his plate full (I know what I did there--yes, it was on purpose.) I'm gonna throw shopping on here because she loves it so damn much. DJing is something she does often too, more out of a hobby than anything.
3. What abilities do they have that they’ve worked for?
Evune: The bow. Evune had more experience with dagger growing up and she had to work extra hard to master the bow because that demanded a patience from her that she didn't have. But she gives people a run for their money now, often outshooting most people.
Athera: Making wolves and hallawith her magic. That took forever to master. She can use her elemental magic and manifest it in the forms of wolves, and her protective barriers come out as halla. It took her years to perfect, and it's still hard for her to do sometimes.
Blair: Definitely controlling her powers. Girl was a walking hazard because of it. She was too scared to really practice it because it seemed to always hurt people, and she hated herself for it.
Suzume: The patience to handle those crazy ass class 1-A kids, epsecially the one that blows shit up without warning and has rage issues or the perverted one she's kicked out of her class a few times. Tattoos. She can draw, it took her time to nail skating and cooking, but tattoos...that took her the longest. If she can do it herself, she will; it makes it easier for her to use with her quirk. But it took time because it's not the same as drawing in her sketchbook.
Kumeko: Fighting. Honestly, it was so hard for her because she's not really...a natural fighter. She had to really work at making her quirk for her in fight scenarios, but luckily she was able to really adapt her dancing and hacking into her own odd style that actually works well for her. U.A. was hard for her in the beginning, but she really pulled through and excelled.
4. What things are they bad at?
Evune: Holding her tongue. Evune can and will say whatever it is that's on her mind. It gets her into so much trouble, but she never really learns from it. She will always tell you what she's thinking whether you wanna hear it or not.
Athera: Making very hard decisions. She hates being put on the spot and making choices that really don't have a good ending either way. The pressure isn't something she wants and she fears the backlash and the consequences of the choices.
Blair: Lying. Girl can't lie to save her life. Not that she would ever really want to, but it's always bitter on her tongue whenever she has to, and it never goes well.
Suzume: Being emotionally vulnerable. Not that she doesn't have emotions or doesn't want to share her emotions, she just gets shy and awkward with it. Word vomit is what ends up happening if she's not careful, and so she finds it easier to stay quiet.
Kumeko: Dealing with loss, honestly. She's naturally a go lucky and cheerful person. It's not that she hasn't dealt with loss before, she just takes it really hard when it does happen. It weighs on her shoulders and mind for a long time.
5. What is their most impressive talent?
Evune: A combo move with Fen’an. She jumps back and fires arrows, while her wolf moves in from the side and attacks when their opponent isn’t looking. She’s so good with her bow and working alongside her wolf companion when she needs to--which happens more often than not. 
Athera: Her magic, honestly. She’s the First for a reason, and when Falessan was around, he tuaght her a trick or two. The wolf elemental magic is something she only uses when she needs to, and it’s very impressive. Though it takes quite a bit of mana to pull off. 
Blair: I know this is going to not really count, but I can’t help it; I’m going to say her intelligience. I could say her meta powers, but honestly, Blair is stupid smart and isn’t afraid to flex it. She has enough braincells to cover for those who are lacking. 
Suzume: Okay, so I would say Quirk wise, it’s going to be her ability to animate her tattoos and drawings, but the most impressive? Using her samurai tattoo to cover herself. Its one of her ultimate moves, though whatever damage the samurai suffers, is damage she absolutely feels once it returns to her. It’s cool to see though, she’s such a badass!
Kumeko: This girl can be deafening. I’m not even kidding. She can hack into surrounding sound systems or use her very own built in speakers to deafen an enemy temporarily. Like...some are left immobilzed because of it. She doesn’t do it often because its more of a last resort ultimate move, but it’s super impressive and handy...she can definitely be someone to fear. 
F: Fun
1. What do they do for fun?
Evune: She loves to drink and watch people when she has nothing else to really do, and that’s usually watching Thyra start bar fights and wrestling with a lot of the warriors and soldiers of the Inquistion so she can prove her Avaar strength. Other than that, she’s joking around with Dorian, making fun of people or playing Wicked Grace with Varric. She’ll also sing to herself when she thinks no one is listening.
Athera: She loves to read and draw for fun, mostly. She’s very at peace with quiet time to herself, and as things progress with the Inquisition, she doesn’t really get a lot of it. If she’s not doing that, she’s playing chess or spending time with some of her companions to get to know them better or because she enjoys their company.
Blair: Video games, movie marathons, and ice skating. She’s such a nerd at heart, and when she isn’t working on things for fun (yes...for fun), she’s either gaming out or watching movies and eating crepes. Winter is her favorite season, and she goes ice skating every year with her parents and friends. Its one of those things she’s been doing since she was a kid.
Suzume: Mostly skating, drawing, and cooking. She likes to read too, but she’s most likely doing one of the first three things. Music is often blared while doing any of them, and she gets super focused. There are a few places she likes to go for skating, and she’ll usually meet Kumeko there, or just skate around and look at different things with her cat in her backpack.
Kumeko: A little bit of everything. Shopping, dancing, and going to amusement parks. Kumeko likes the rush of things, and likes to be on the move. The girl can’t sit still, she’s gotta be doing something, and so she’s usually always out and about with something on her agenda. Much to Suzume’s dismay because she’s dragged with her.
2. What is their ideal party?
Evune: Small with only the closest of friends. Evune doesn’t like meeting new people, she’s very wary of them. She wants a small get together on the beach at night around a campfire and laughing together. She does go to the big parties Dorian throws at his dad’s in the College AU, mostly after they play a gig or something. 
Athera: Something casual with boardgames and cherades! Probably a cookout, if we’re being honest. More people than Evune would invite, mostly because she oddly has a lot of connections--she’s even shocked by it. Its very casual because she’s more comfortable that way
Blair: Honestly, there are a few. She loves surprsie parties, both for herself and for others. Slumber parties are a thing too, mostly because she would throw all the blankets and pillows she had in the living room, make crepes and hot chocolate (or get wine) and have a movie marathon in her pjs with her friend. 
Suzume: That’s a huge no. No way in hell. Parties aren’t her scene at all, she doens’t really like going to them because she’s secretly (not that secret tbh) shy and gets nervous. She will go to the hero galas, she will allow Kumeko to drag her to places, but she doesn’t really prefer a type of party. The word just puts dread in her stomach. Now...honestly, a dinner party with a few friends isn’t so bad, but it has to be super casual. Best Jeanist’s annual Halloween party isn’t too bad either. 
Kumeko: All of them. Honestly, there isn’t one that she doens’t like, Kumeko loves people, loves music, and parties have plenty of both. Dance parties (which is usually her and a few more friends playing Just Dance at Suzume’s because someone hates going to clubs) or ones that have karaoke so she can challenge Present Mic. Kumeko is perfect for throwing surprise birthday parties too, Suzume finds out every year (as if she could ever forget that). 
3. Who would they have the most fun with?
Evune: She’s honestly one of those people that if she can’t have fun with you, she probably won’t like you. Naturally quiet, it would seem that would be impossible to gauge, but it’s really not. Evune has a sense of humor, and she prides herself in being a good judge on character. I would say Arkyn, Thyra, Emerson, Varric, and Dorian are the people she has the most fun with. Cullen, too, but I think it’s different with him--not as chaotic.
Athera: She will try to have fun with pretty much anyone because she wants to get along with everyone. I think the main people she would have the most fun with would be Josephine, Iron Bull, Krem, Leliana, Dorian, and Varric.
Blair: You either love her or you hate her, because she’s not afraid to say what’s on her mind and correct you when you’re wrong. But she has tons of fun with Cisco, Caitlin, Felicity, Ray, Sara, and eventually Mick. You wouldn’t expect it, but it is what it is. 
Suzume: Not Hawks. It depends, honestly, but she has a lot of fun with Kumeko, Aizawa, and Tai. Midnight as well whenever she has the energy to actually hang out with her outside of work. She also has a lot of fun teaching and training some of her students (more than that one angry explosive one), but at the end of the day, Tai is really all she needs. That or staying home and locking the door, and ignoring Kumeko when she pounds on her door or when Chicken Nugget calls her 5 times in a row for a casual hero hangout. 
Kumeko: Who doesn’t she have fun with? Listen, it takes a lot for Kumeko to not like you, but if you rub her the wrong way, you will absolutely get the cold shoulder. Other than that, that girl is gonna have fun with whoever she’s with. Suzume she forcibly is fun with, she has tons of fun with her boyfriend Aizawa, Hawks, Present Mic, Tai, Rumi, and Midnight. 
4. Can they have fun while conforming to rules?
Evune: If she has to break the rules to have fun, they’re getting broken. They’re just a suggestion, right?
Athera: She will do her best when it’s within her control. She doesn’t want there to be any trouble, so she’ll try to avoid it if she can...though her cousin sometimes makes it hard.
Blair: Often, she’s a straight shooter, and it’s not until Leonard and Mick come into her life that she starts seeing the fun to bending just the slightest for fun. 
Suzume: For the most part, she can. It depends on who you are and what the situation is if she’s willing to be lienient. Like how she will sometimes let Kaminara, Sero, and Kirishima get away with things here and there.
Kumeko: What they don’t know won’t hurt them. Kumeko is okay with breaking minor rules to keep that fun going, as long as it’s not crazy or gets people hurt. She has her limits. But at the end of the day, she’s still a hero. She will draw the line somewhere, she won’t let things go too far. 
5. Do they go out a lot?
Evune: Shockingly, she does. She’s introverted, but she’s hanging around with people and watches on the sidelines. In the college AU, her and Emerson are often at the diner, their regular place, and at the bar where they perfomr. If its not that, and she’s going out, then it’s most likely a friend’s house.
Athera: She does! Athera loves visiting parks and other places where she can draw. The library is also a place she goes often when she wants out of the house, meeting other friends there for maybe a study session in the college au.
Blair: YES. Honestly, the cafe is like her second home, and the observatory is her third. She will often go to book stores and such to buy books and other things she might need. 
Suzume: If she’s not at home, drawing, reading, or watching movies, she’s out skating or with Kumeko. At a certain point, she finds herself visiting Fatgum’s agency rather...frequently. For no specific reason, she swears.
Kumeko: ALL. THE. TIME. She always has some place to be and Aizawa has to sometimes beg to get her to have a day in (she caves rather easily, actually). But she’s usually out and about, plus she is a hero, so patrols are also a thing. 
G: Gorgeous
1. What is their most attractive external feature?
Evune: I feel like there’s a lot attractive about her, but I would have to say her smirk. Its so teasing and it will absolutely draw you in--especially with her gorgeous eyes sparkling with mischief. Her vallasin are also very striking on her face, even if the silvery tint of them. 
Athera: Hmmm...defintitely her eyes. Which...I know I eluded to that or Evune too, but they really just have gorgeous eyes. Athera’s have a teal/light blue eye color with specks of silver. They’re gorgeous. The light hitting them just gives you different shades that just...wow. Its no surprise that she caught the attention of the Dread Wolf. 
Blair: Her smile. She is always smiling and it will just blow you away--you can’t help but smile right back at her. That smile will become the center of your galaxy if you’re not careful. It’s even more wow-ing when she actually decides to wear lipstick. 
Suzume: Honestly...I could say hair, or her beautiful green eyes, or the way her blush makes her face light up...but it’s honestly her tattoos. Suzume is decently curved with an hourglass figure, but it’s not something she shows off. At least...not upfront. Her tattoos. Suzume has an eye of an artist, and every tattoo is placed perfectly, allowing the lines to  flow naturally with her body. They’re gorgeous honestly. You could look at them for hours, though after a while I could guess you’d be staring for other reasons. 
Kumeko: She would tell you its her hair, half (natural) metallic silver, and half (dyed) electric blue. But...it’s gonna be her curves. She has pretty decent curves, and she absolutely shows them off. She’s not really overly revealing or anything, she just wears clothes that really complement her and she’s proud of how she looks. 
2. What is the most attractive part of their personality?
Evune: Her fierceness and her sense of humor. She’s very passionate and is just...a lot of fun, to be honest.
Athera: Her kindness and patience. She’s kind to everyone and is always patient with people, epsecially when they need it.
Blair: Her compassion. There’s an empathy that Blair has about her that just draws you in and you can’t really escape it, no matter how long you try. 
Suzume: Her belief in others, especially in herself. Even she struggles with self doubt, but honestly, the sheer belief in herself and confidence in her students and friends so heartwarming. 
Kumeko: Her bubbliness. Mostly because she uses it to make everyone’s day good, including hers, and she never fails to be optimistic. 
3. What benefits come with being their friend?
Evune: A fierce loyalty, honestly. She will have your back whether you’re right or wrong, because that doesn’t matter--you do. Plus, she’ll drink and sing with you. 
Athera: She is lowkey a mom friend, so she’ll make sure you’re doing okay. Plus, she’s defintely someone to mentor you if you needed. 
Blair: A friend that will always make sure you’re knowledgeable about what you’re talking about.  She’ll correct you for your benefit, and do it kindly, just to make sure you’re at your best.
Suzume: ...uh...she draws. And cooks...she’ll probably grumble about it, but she’ll absolutely bring you food to work and honestly, she’s just a good support. She speaks honestly about her opinion, but she has your back. 
Kumeko: Lots of shopping sprees and a true cheerleader, honestly. Constantly cheering you on and trying to play matchmaker for you (yes Suzume is bitching in the corner, its fine.)
4. What parts of them do they like and dislike?
Evune: There might be a scar or two with a bad memory, but other than that, nothing. Evune is very “take me as I am, or don’t take me at all” and she will be very direct about it. She’s not about that. 
Athera: She’s never really thought about that because she just...never really considered pulling herself apart like that. If she had to choose something, it would be the way she comes across as naive (because she is, just don’t tell her that). She hates how people treat her because of it. Also her nose. 
Blair: Her feet. She’s so weird about her feet, she is always wearing socks because of it. 
Suzume: She hates that she’s quiet and awkward, honestly. She can be shy at times, depending on who she’s around, and she doesn’t understand it because she’s mostly a confident person. She also lowkey hates that she looks so different from her adoptive family, only because of the questions seh gets because of it. Its why she put dark green streaks in her hair. 
Kumeko: This girl loves every damn inch of herself, who are we kidding? 
5. What parts of others do they envy?
Evune: I wouldn’t call it envy, but she feels very bitter regarding the people who have had a good life and still find a reason to bitch about it. She just wants her people to have better. 
Athera: The lack of responsibility. She wishes that she didn’t have the fate of the world on her shoulders, and she envies those who don’t have to worry about the things she does. 
Blair: Not having meta powers that might kill your friends when you lose control. Gee, must be nice.
Suzume: Mostly, nothing. She does wish she could be more charismatic though. It would help her speak to a certain someone without blushing like mad and glaring at the ground. 
Kumeko: Not a damn thing. This girl is happy with herself and what she can do, it took her some time to get there. But ultimately, she came to the conclusion that you have to love yourself for who you are and focus on what you can become, instead of seeing all the things you aren’t and comparing yourself to other people when it’s not relevant to you. 
M: Maternal
1. Would they want a daughter or a son?
Evune: Her and Cullen end up actually having a girl and then a boy, but she never really thought she would have kids to be honest. 
Athera: She ends up with twins: a boy and a girl. But she’s in Evune’s boat, she wasn’t exactly planning on having kids or even meeting someone.
Blair: She never thought about kids until Leonard, then once she’s pregnant, she can’t help but imagine a little girl, which she ends up having. 
Suzume: She didn’t really have a preference, she was just shocked that she was becoming a mom. Suzume wasn’t sure how it happened, but it did.
Kumeko: Girls. She wanted daughters because after pretty much adopting Eri, she wanted more little precious girls running around their house. They ended up with twins, a boy and girl, and she was so excited and happy. 
2. How many children do they want?
Evune: She’s never really thought about it, but she’s happy with the one, open to having just one more. 
Athera: Just the two. Athera has a lot on her plate, the twins are honestly enough for her. 
Blair: I would say probably 4, because she wants a big family. She loves kids. 
Suzume: She wants a couple more because she at least wants another girl, and maybe just another, depending. 
Kumeko: I think she’d wanna try for another to make it an even number, with Eri and the twins making three, but after that, she’s good. 
3. Would they be a good parent?
Evune: She didn’t think she would, to be honest, but she’s a fantastic mom. She really tries her best and loves her children deeply. 
Athera: Yes, though she doesn’t feel like it. Their father is gone and she has so much repsonibility, she feels that she’s failing at being a mother. 
Blair: Absolutely. She’s really good with kids and that definitely applied to her parenting. 
Suzume: Yes, though she was worried for a minute that she wouldn’t be. She’s a high school teacher, so she doesn’t have a whole lot of experience with tiny humans. But she’s fantastic, just like Tai said she would be. 
Kumeko: She is PHENOMENAL. She honestly is super mom, and she’s the go-to nanny when Suzume needs someone to babysit. 
4. What would they name a son? what would they name a daughter?
Evune: I haven’t decided on the son’s name, but the girl is Mirae, which means Little Thief in elvish. They did it on purpose becaus Cullen would call Evune his little thief because she would take or mess with things on his desk. 
Athera: The daughter is named Soufei (the strength of a thousand wolves) and Hallen (which has something to do with halla). Essentially, wolf and halla related for her and Solas. Symbolism.
Blair: I...have not named their daughter. But it would probably be something space related because Blair is definitely that person...girl really loves space. 
Suzume: I haven’t really figured out the details for their kids just yet, but she would want their names to be meaningful.
Kumeko: Same as Suzume, but honestly, whatever sounds good. Kumeko just wants it to sound cool and she’s good. 
5. Would they adopt?
Evune: She would if the occasion would arise where she came across a child in need. She doesn’t have the heart to just ignore that. 
Athera: I don’t think she would actively seek adopting a child. I think that Athera would do everything in her power to make sure the child found a loving and safe home, only adopting if she failed, because she’s not letting an orphan suffer a terrible fate with an orphanage or worse. 
Blair: She would, and I think it was something she considered at one point. Like, no, she really didn’t think she would have kids, but she had little thoughts of “what if” when it came to adopting. 
Suzume: In a heartbeat. She was adopted herself, so that’s definitely something she would do. Giving a child a loving home is something she would think about doing. Especially with how she takes some of the students under her wing. 
Kumeko: I mean, technically, she does. Her and Aizawa adopt Eri, so yeah, she absolutely would do that. 
P: Personality
1. What is their best personality trait?
Evune: Her sense of humor, I think. Evune is sarcastic and hilarious. Granted she will use it to tear you down, but when she’s doing it for genuine fun with her friends, she’ll have to in stitches. 
Athera: Patience. It makes her so kind and forgiving, honestly. Athera is so soft most of the time, and people are sometimes shocked with the lack of judgement that comes with her. 
Blair: Cheerfulness. She’s usually always in such a good mood, to be honest. There’s always an underlying happy disposition with her...until you piss her off. 
Suzume: If you asked her, she would just shrug and avoid you. But her fierceness...is just...she’s very passionate, truly. She’s very strong-willed, especially when it comes to her protecting people. 
Kumeko: Determination. This girl doesn’t know what the phrase “give up” means, it’s not a thing she has ever done or heard. She sticks to something to the very end. She won’t quit you. 
2. What is their worst personality trait?
Evune: Arrogance. And with her, its more patronizing. Mostly because of her tongue, she will cut you with words and make you feel small. It will drive her to challenge you, mock you, and make a show to demonstrate how wrong you are and to stroke her pride. 
Athera: Arrogance as well, but hers is different. While Evune’s is external, Athera’s is internal. She will raise her head high, and naively believe she’s right (whether she is or not), and brings about a stubborness that can be suffocating. You won’t be able to talk to her, she won’t hear you because she has already made up her mind. 
Blair: Logical. I know that doesn’t sound bad, but when someone is looking for emotional support, Blair isn’t the girl for you. She’ll immediately break down the situation and come at you with logic rather than the emotional support you need.
Suzume: Guarded and pessimistic. Suzume has a hard time being emotionally vulnerable at times, mostly because sh’s not sure how to be. She knows she’s hard to read and that people get frustrated and kinda give up on their first try with her. She can be a little pessimistic, though she’s normally a realist. It’s always something to do with her personally though.
Kumeko: Obnoxious. Its not a secret that Kumeko can be...a little much sometimes. She tries to tone it down for certain people or when the situation calls for it, but mostly, she’s a take it or leave it kinda girl. If she’s too loud for you, she’ll say “sorry, but that’s how I am” and then move away from you with a smile. 
3. What of their personality do others love?
Evune: With her, it’s not just one thing. It’s everything that makes her her. She’s just a mix of things honestly, you can’t detangle that mess.
Athera: Her kindness. It makes her forgiving and warm to those who interact with her. 
Blair: I would say her dependability. Blair is always there, no matter what, and she absolutely has your back--whether that’s physically or mentally. 
Suzume: When you really get to know her, her softness. Because not everyone gets to see it or even recognizes it when it happens. 
Kumeko: Charisma! She has a natural charisma that she oozes and so many people get blown away by it. 
4. What of their personality do others envy?
Evune: The way she gives zero fucks about anyone other than those close to her. She will dead ass ignore you. 
Athera: I want to say resilience because the girl has gone through some stuff, and she’s still standing. She lost her arm, girl has guts. 
Blair: Tenacity. She won’t back down, her spine is made of steel. Especially when she knows she’s right about something. Good luck with that. 
Suzume: Her ability to stay calm. Suzume is very level-headed, even in the most dangerous of situations. Girl will jump in front of her students or that yellow hero to protect him (he doesn’t need it), and won’t even flinch. 
Kumeko: The way she can make every situation seem bright, no matter how dark it really is. She always makes things better.  
5. Do they hate anything about their personality/about other’s personalities?
Evune: For herself? No. Others? Absolutely. If you rub her the wrong way, she’s not going to like you. It’s not really about a specific thing, it’s just a vibe. Like Cassandra and Blackwall...she doesn’t like them. If you lie to her though, you’re done for. 
Athera: She hates dishonesty because she’s the kind of person that you can come to about these things with no judgement on her part. Now about herself, she does hate how she can be a little too nice. It makes her think that people try walking over her or steer her in the direction they personally want her to go. 
Blair: Her being more logical in emotional situations bothers her, so she tries to work on it. She hates people that are deceptive, the kind that like to play their cards close to their chests. Not necessarily lying (though she hates that too), but just not being upfront about it. 
Suzume: Arrogance, she can’t stand it. You will absolutey paint a target on your back with it, because she’ll be super sarcastic and dismissive of you if you are. If you’re overly arrogant, she will watch and hope for you to trip and fall on your face so she can just raise her brow at you and walk away after being like “see? Not so great, huh?”. She is not Bakugo’s favorite teacher. She wishes she wasn’t so awkward at times, to be honest. It would make things easier for her. 
Kumeko: Just...bitterness. Like, being mean for no reason. She doesn’t understand it and she won’t put up with it. If you’re being a bully, she will absolutely call you out on it, Kumeko isn’t afraid to step in when she needs to. Now, she loves everything about herself and her personality--shocking nobody. 
R: Rules
1. Do they follow rules?
Evune: No, they’re just kind suggestions or she just doesn’t care. She makes her own rules. Meme of “I’m the Captain now” goes: here. 
Athera: She does her best! They’re there for a reason and she doesn’t want trouble. 
Blair: Yes, but she will bend them for the greater good. But mostly, she’s following the rules. 
Suzume: Oh yeah, she follows rules. Now, there may be moments where she instills her own set of rules, but not very often. It depends on the situation. 
Kumeko: Is a very good law-abiding hero! She will encourage you to not jay walk and all sorts of things.
2. Would they be a strict or laid-back parent?
Evune: A mixture of both. She’s firm, but she’s also the parent that’s probably doing something really stupid to make the kids laugh. 
Athera: More on the strict side, but it’s a soft version of it. Very guiding, in a way. 
Blair: More on the stricter side. She’s a fun parent, but there’s a routine and schedule thats down pat and she has a calendar that has post it notes to keep track of everything. 
Suzume: Another mixture, but she’s soft. She it more guiding than strict, and she will have fun with her kids, she’s just more quiet than Tai is. 
Kumeko: Abosultely laid back. Aizawa has to be the strict parent because Kumeko can’t be strict to save her life, she likes having too much fun with her kids. 
3. Have they ever been consequenced for breaking a rule?
Evune: Yes, but that doesn’t stop her. That just tells her she needs to up her game and not get caught. The noble was a strict guardian, so she had to really watch her step. 
Athera: Yes, and she immediately felt bad about it. She’s the one to learn her lesson unlike her cousin. 
Blair: No, not really. Blair hasn’t really broken any rules. 
Suzume: No, because if she did, it was small or she wasn’t caught. 
Kumeko: Yep, as a kid, and she would put on the innocent “I won’t do it again, promise” only to do it again, but better. 
4. Have they broken any rules they now regret breaking?
Evune: Nope! No regrets! 
Athera: Yes, messing with the Dread Wolf statues outside of the clan--she worried that she might have put a curse on her clan for it. 
Blair: Nope!
Suzume: No, she was never caught. Maybe pirating that movie once, but that’s it. It just put a virus on her laptop when she was a kid. 
Kumeko: Getting kicked out of the karaoke bar after hacking the machine. It was her favorite place. 
5. Do they find any rules they/others follow absolutely ridiculous?
Evune: The rule that her and Varric can’t participate in the archery contest because they would both win every damn match. 
Athera: Some of them, but she follows them anyway. Like the whole mage and elf restrictions are ridiculous to her. 
Blair: She personally thinks that any rule Rip has is stupid, but she follows them because he’s captain. 
Suzume: There are some rules that will make her look at you like “really?”, but she follows them because they’re there for a reason and she needs to set a good example.
Kumeko: Mosly the rules at the karaoke bar, but other than that, she has no issue with following rules. 
S: Streets
1. Are they street-smart?
Evune: Absolutely. She knows her way around and isn’t stupid. She lived on the streets when she was in the alienage, she’s no stranger to it. 
Athera: Not in the slightest. This girl has lived in her clan for all of her life, she’s way too sheltered for it. Evune would have to go with her so nothing bad would happen. 
Blair: A little bit, yeah. She doesn’t use that knowledge to her advantage, she’s just aware of some of it. 
Suzume: Yes. Suzume is very street-smart, she can hold her own. 
Kumeko: Absolutely not. Kumeko struggles with it a bit, and even Fatgum has to explain some things here and there to her, because she’s never really had to think much of it. Just fight the villain, then save and smile at the civilians. 
2. Would they give money to someone on the streets?
Evune: Yes, she’s been there and she knows what it’s like, so she’s going to give what she can. But will also keep an extra eye out because she’s a rogue and she knows what cons can be played. 
Athera: Of course. Athera is a giving person, she would want to help in anyway she can. 
Blair: Without question. She will even try and help them find a job or to better their situation. 
Suzume: In a heartbeat. But she’s also escorting them to a shelter, a soup kitchen, or somewhere they will be safe. The streets aren’t safe to live on and they deserve more. 
Kumeko: She’s not only giving them money, she’s using her standing as a hero to help out with charity if she can. Hiring them for something, even, to help get them on their feet. 
3. Have they ever gotten in a fight on the streets?
Evune: Ha! That’s not even a question? What kind are we talking? Fists? Knives? She’s done both!
Athera: Nope, never. Very sheltered, this one. 
Blair: Only hero fights when she’s patrolling. Other than that, no. 
Suzume: Yep! As a hero, she’s had her fair share of fights, even on her time off. 
Kumeko: Pretty much the same as Suzume: she’s a hero, she’s fighting often. 
4. Has anything happened to them on the streets?
Evune: A lot, honestly. Mostly fighting, robbing, and just trying to survive, honestly. Not much different than any other elf in the alienages. 
Athera: No, she’s never had an instance like that. 
Blair: You mean like when Leonard Snart kidnapped her ass with Mick? Or when she almost lost control of her powers when patrolling with Ollie? Pffft, what? 
Suzume: She’s been jumped before...or at least, there was an attempt of it. Girl can kick ass and take names. So that’s what she did. 
Kumeko: A guy tried taking her purse once, but she blasted his ass with her speakers and turned him in to the authorities. 
5. Are they cautious when out?
Evune: Very much so. Her guard never falls when she’s out and about. She learned you have to always be careful. 
Athera: Yes, she knows that her kind isn’t treated well, and she won’t let her guard slip to allow her to be vulnerable. 
Blair: Not really, no. She’s going to just go about about her day like normal until something happens that calls for her to be cautious. 
Suzume: Yes and no. She’s aware, but not like...overly cautious. Its a mixture of ease and caution. 
Kumeko: Not at all. If something happens, she’s goit it. Anyone would be stupid to mess with her. 
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