#badass fem reader
layla4567 · 6 months
Until we meet again
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Mihawk x Fem!reader
Part 2
Summary: You make a living as a thief, stealing for your own benefit and working alone. One day you will cross paths with Mihawk and they will declare themselves bitter enemies.
Warnings: Enemies to lovers trope, not proofread, very poor conection to op universe, canon divergence, the reader makes judgmental comments towards men, mention of blood and and injurie
Word Count: 2k
A/N: This is purely and exclusively inspired by the Puss in Boots movie, why? I don't know, don't ask me because I don't have a clear answer lol
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You were squatting at the top of a terrace hidden behind a tower, from up there you could see your objective with shining eyes. You smiled and raised your scarf until it covered your nose and mouth completely. You slowly slid across the roof while adjusting the front laces of your black cape where you wore your pirate look underneath it.
Discretion had always been your greatest strength and you always had to go unnoticed if you wanted to achieve everything you set out to do. The life of a pirate thief has its rewards: adrenaline, treasures, etc. But also its cons, many people were after you, especially the government, there were even posters searching for you and capturing you, luckily no one knew who you were since you always wore your cape and your scarf, plus the added bonus that your hair was hidden in your hat.
You always used to say that if you wanted to do a job well done you had to do it alone, that's why you didn't have a crew or assistants or anything and even less men, you felt like you couldn't trust anyone. Do you remember the afternoons at your mother's house always saying the same silly saying: "Actually Columbus's wife was the one who discovered America, because the man couldn't even find his shoes." You laughed softly, repeating her words in a low voice, in the end she was right, men are useless, you discovered that when your father abandoned you both.
You approached the ledge of a balcony with your entire body against the wall and hidden behind some tall palm trees but without losing sight of your objective. Near a market a sailor had poorly stored a devil fruit that he had found. You had followed him closely to see what he would do with it, the middle-aged man looked everywhere nervous of being discovered while he put the fruit in a wooden box and covered it with a worn blanket. The poor fool didn't know that a shadow was lurking from above ready to attack, that fruit had to be yours no matter what. Smiling under your scarf, you were about to go ashore when you saw something that left you frozen. A tall individual dressed in a cape and a wide hat with feathers was approaching with long, slow steps towards where the fruit was blocking your objective. The man didn't seem to realize that a devil fruit was hidden there, he just looked around indifferently. Shit, you thought. Surely the government had sent him to capture you and now he was looking for you, although luckily he had not seen you yet.
Cursing quietly, you climbed back up to the roof without losing sight of him and went down the back, hiding in some leafy bushes, analyzing each of his movements as you slowly approached the stand where the hidden fruit was. You had heard about him before, if you didn't they would say you lived under a rock. Mihawk known as the lord of war was the most popular and skilled swordsman, everyone was afraid and respected him but you didn't care, you were also quite good at your job and until now you had not been discovered, the only thing you had fear is that he would discover your plans or that he would discover you. Now Dracule had his back turned and only his long cloak and wide-brimmed black hat were visible. You crept even closer stealthily like a cat while still hiding behind bushes or barrels without being seen.
You kept drilling Mihawk's back with your eyes so as not to lose sight of him. He seemed to sigh boredly as he looked into the distance. When you were close enough to the crate and the sailor was out of sight, you removed the dirty blanket, uncovering the fruit, and were about to grab it when the sound of a sword being drawn and hitting the edge of the fruit crate near your hands as a warning to you. you stopped When you looked up in surprise you found Mihawk's amber eyes boring into yours.
"I could feel your gaze on my neck, although I thought it was an annoying mosquito"- The man said, raising an eyebrow curiously.
You looked at him furiously, feeling your blood boil, you were always careful with all your movements, but apparently this Mihawk guy was not a fool at all. Had you underestimated men, perhaps, this one? Slowly growling, you moved your body away from the fruit with your hands up even while crouching.
"Very well, what you will do now is withdraw without tricks"
You pretended to bow your head in defeat but with a quick movement you took your hand behind your back and unsheathed the sword that you had hidden under your tunic. With a blow you decided to attack Mihawk but he already saw this coming and simply clashed his sword against yours to avoid the blow to his chest. He looked at your saber and laughed lightly, your sword compared to his was smaller (or rather his was abnormally larger than any other). He raised an eyebrow again, visibly amused by your attitude, not many dared to challenge him but he delighted in the few people who had the courage (or stupidity) to fight him.
"So the little brat knows how to defend himself, interesting"
His peaceful attitude in contrast to yours made you more furious than you already were, he prevented you from taking the fruit but when you attacked he barely defended himself? Was he doing it out of boredom? Gritting your teeth, you attacked again, putting your foot forward and extending your arm, but Mihawk dodged your blow and you clashed your sword with his again. Several attacks followed where he only defended himself and never started the attacks as if he knew he already had the battle won before he even started. Your body was almost shaking with rage and your breathing accelerated while he remained calm as if it were child's play. Bastard. You wanted to shout at him to attack and not be a coward but you restrained yourself and started running to buy time.
"Do you want to play cat and mouse then? As you wish"- He sighed
You ran trying not to burn all your energy so quickly, you avoided boxes by jumping over them and you passed between people without touching them as if you were as thin as a noodle. You felt like you were already quite far from your pursuer so you smiled satisfied and turned your head back. And that was a mistake. Shocked you saw that Dracule Mihawk was hot on your heels, it didn't seem like he was running but rather he was flying. You began to run faster and turned a corner of a house and climbed the balcony to reach the roof just when he hit the heel of your shoe with his sword, although without hurting you. Without looking down you ran along the roofs of the houses and jumping over the tiles while he followed you below and did not lose sight of you.
It was a wild chase where your strength already seemed to begin to abandon you slightly while his was still intact. Feeling your thighs burning, you jumped onto another roof further away and fell with a somersault to get back on your feet and go down a ladder and continue along another path. This time it seemed that Mihawk had given up and had not followed you, you laughed satisfied looking back as you continued running but suddenly something large collided with you and with a groan you fell to the ground while the tip of a sword was pointed at you. You raised your head and saw the tall man with yellow eyes staring at you with one corner of his lips turned up slightly.
"The game is over little mouse, the cat won"
You were not one to give up easily, so with your sword still in your hand, you took his sword out of your sight and jumped up, pushing him and running towards the only exit that he was covering with his back, preventing your escape route. Mihawk was just as fast and grabbed your wrist firmly to spin you around on your trunk and pull you towards him like it was a dangerous dance. You collided with his bare chest with a loud noise, you tried to get out of his grip by twisting like a worm but he wouldn't let you go. Being so close to him you could feel the heat emanating from his skin and you could hear his heartbeat which was fast, apparently the race had tired him out.
"I told you, you should have given up when you had the chance."
"And what are you going to do now, huh?"- You spat angrily, forcing a grave and deep voice to preserve your identity.
"Mmh" -He pretended to think- "What I do with you now is none of your business, in fact it's not even my business."
You didn't want to hear him talk anymore so you stomped his foot hard with your heel. Mihawk growled and let go of you as he bent forward slightly and closed his eyes. He didn't seem as calm as before and his muscles tensed a little. You walked away from him and shouted in a deep voice.
"You work for the government right? They sent you to capture me?!"
Dracule stood up straight and regained his composure. "Oh I just took this little job because I wanted some entertainment. I didn't even know why they were so obsessed with you although after seeing you in action I think I can understand it.."
He seemed amused by the situation, he kept looking at you with those hawk eyes that seemed to hide mischief and mockery towards you. It was more than you could tolerate and you moved your sword again to hurt him but he simply with a quick movement of his wrist not only pushed your sword away but also made a cut on your cheek. You closed your eyes tightly as you felt the itch of the wound on your cheek and fell to the ground in surprise. The force of the blow caused your hat to fall forward and some strands of long hair could be seen. You had your back towards the swordsman so he couldn't see you well yet. You took off your handkerchief to touch the wound with a grimace of pain, seeing your fingers were stained with blood.
"Enough. You're wearing out my patience."
You stood up slowly in pain and grunting but this time with your normal voice which surprised Mihawk a little since it sounded slightly higher pitched. When you stood up completely your hair fell completely behind you and he frowned. You turned around to face him angrily, now your scarf was no longer covering your face and the man could see that you were clearly a woman.
"Well, well" -He said low, looking at you from top to bottom- "This is a pleasant surprise"
Mihawk closed the distance between him and you with his long, slow steps while you tried to walk away but seemed rooted to the ground. Dracule was a few centimeters close to you and since he was incredibly taller than you his face was slightly downward. You avoided eye contact but you still perceived his yellow eyes traveling over your face as if it were the first time he had seen a woman. Suddenly Mihawk's soft fingers traveled to your jaw and slid under your chin to lift it up and force you to look at him. His threatening, yellow eyes burned your retinas and you felt intimidated. The man let out a low laugh.
"You have guts ma'am. I didn't expect to find an opponent as good as you."
You closed your fingers around Dracule's wrist and moved it away, closing your eyes, trying not to look at him, but his amber eyes were still in your head. Remembering the reckless woman you were, you challenged him by raising your chin.
"So? I asked you what you were going to do with me now, Dracule Mihawk."
The tall man narrowed his eyes slightly upon hearing her full name. He went from your lips to your eyes analyzing you. He would never admit it but deep inside he was greatly amused by your cheeky attitude and how you had dared to face him.
"You know what? I'll set you free. And you better hurry because they're probably coming."
You opened your eyes and were speechless as your lips parted slightly. You expected him to hand you over to the authorities, even stab you, anything but that. Was Mihawk going soft…for a woman? Seeing you frozen and unable to speak, Mihawk raised an eyebrow and smiled a small smile that seemed almost invisible.
"Didn't you hear me? Go now, if you value your life."
Mihawk turned around adjusting his hat and putting his sword back away as he climbed the ladder you had used to get down there. You shook your head and regained movement. You bent down to grab your hat and put it on while you covered your face with your scarf and walked away at fast steps trying to find another hiding place and then run away. Before losing sight of you, Mihawk turned his head with a look of satisfaction towards where you had fled to see you for the last time… or not.
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I'll definitely do a part two, when? I don't know but I will do it (I will try)
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henneseyhoe · 5 months
Milk Marie
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Unique x BLACK!FEM!reader
WARNINGS: unprotected seggs(wrap before you tap!), dirty talk, after care, soft(ish)!Unique, pussy whipped!Unique, kinda short, das it(I think)
SUMMARY: Unique figures if he can’t get over her, he’ll get under her instead.
Girl, I want everything that come with you. Even if you got stretch marks and even two children. I can’t blame you, girl.
It seemed like he always ended back up here. Right here. In this bed. With this woman. Wrapped up in her sheets with his hands touching all the parts only the luckiest of men got the pleasure of even seeing. He swore they were meant to be, and she almost thought so too. He treated her so well, like the beauty she was, and she couldn’t be more grateful.
They had known each other since the sandbox, his mother always offering to watch her while her mother was at work and since that first time they met, they were connected at the hip.
No matter if they fell out and swore to stop fuckin’ with each other, they always ended right back together. No matter how many times she attempted to leave, he’d just find her again.
He hoped by the last time she left he’d be too tired of her bullshit to follow after her, but he was more resilient than he thought, and withdrawals are a muthafucka. Now he knows how the people he serves feel.
That first taste he had of her? It was like a babies first lick of sugar, addiction waiting to happen. The first time he came was like floating in outer space with no destination or desire to be anywhere else. And as ironic as it was, she looked innocent on her knees for him.
Her mouth worked its way down on him until the tip of her nose touched his stomach and her eyes began to water, her throat capturing his entire length. With no problem, she bobbed her head up and down on him, her mouth so sloppy that spit escaped from her lips and trailed down to his balls, making him shudder.
She took her hand and began spreading the spit around his heavy sack, massaging as she felt him throb in her mouth, the taste of precum already being prevalent on her tongue. He occupies his hands and digs his fingers into the couch cushions, knowing that she would stop and he’d be fucked if he reached for her freshly done silk press that was wrapped in a silk scarf, secure for those rough times.
Flashes of white appeared behind his eyes like stars as that familiar pull in the bottom of his stomach appeared once again, a warm sense of feeling covering his body as he came down her throat for the first time in months since he found out where she had been hiding. Which just ended up being her childhood home in the city over.
It took unique all but a mere few seconds to recover before he was pulling her up from her knees and into his strong hold, giving her that kiss of death before he got to doing his own damage. As he stood from the couch with no care about the jeans and belt still around his thighs, their tongues danced together in sync. Unique could taste every bit of both of them on her tongue, but he was never one to fuss about kissing after head if it was with her. He welcomed it if anything.
Tossing her body onto the bed, he takes a second to admire how the room hadn’t changed one bit since she became an adult. A doll house sat in the corner with dolls still inside, a memory of the last time she had played with them. Teddy bears that had eventually fallen off the bed when she was sat. Pink walls with brown, white, and gold for the future. A color pallet reminding him of something else in particular.
“Nique~” She moaned sweetly, her hands gripping the sheets underneath her as the man above her pushed his hips onto her ass, his piece sinking into her ever so slowly. The stretch was always the same, the thickness of him leaving a burning sensation at her entrance the more he pushed into her, but it only stayed for a few seconds as she adjusted to his size, which was nothing average.
The thrusts were sensual and loving until he leans up off of her and pulls out just a bit further than usual, giving her the room to pull her ass up in the air and put a perfect arch in her back. She began bouncing herself back onto him, gaining speed and momentum as he meets her ass with his hips.
“Oh fuck..” He groans quietly.
His eyes were trained on the motions of her soft skin jiggling with every collide of their bodies. His thrusts only got harder from there, segments of moans falling from the girls lips. He didn’t even have to tell her how wet she was, the squelching sounds erupting from where they connected told her all she needed to know.
Switching the angle of his thrusts, he places one knee onto the bed and leans into her, his hands placed in the middle of her back just to make sure she wouldn’t be able to run from the lethal position. And running, she did not do, couldn’t do because of how he was holding her. Suddenly the bed dipped under them both with the strong force of his thrust making her collapse on her stomach, leaving the girl breathless after calling out to the highest one she worshipped.
“You feel that, baby? I’m in it?” He asks with his breathing unsteady, his balls tightening and her toes curling.
“Yes, Nique!”
She was in shambles trying to keep up with him. She could feel the tip of his dick pressing against her g spot, constantly slamming into it like a button, like he’d get some kind of prize if he pushed it correctly. He fucked her so hard, sweet compliments being the only things that contradicted the rough strokes. She could hear the belt buckle of his pants jingling around his ankles, remembering that they had barely been undressed fully before Unique got impatient and just shoved his pants down and her nightgown up before pushing her to her knees.
As Unique continued on with damn near breaking this girls childhood bed, he thought to himself. This was the pussy that niggas killed for. The type pussy that’d have you bussing back to back without a second thought about a condom. This was the pussy he thought about on those lonely nights when she was mad at him, when he had to take matters into his own hands and desperately jerk himself off, his mouth agape and muscles flexing as he cums all over his stomach to the beautiful thought that was her.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” She whimpers. At this point she could feel him poking at her stomach and being pressed against the mattress helped nothing. He would probably fuck her through the cushion if he could.
“Uh-huh. Cum on this dick, Princess. Lemme feel you wet this dick up, show me how good I make this pussy feel” He spoke, punching nothing but a thick 9 inch pole into her spine. The man gave her no choice but to scream and give him exactly what he wanted, which was her release.
Between her thighs were messy and wet, coated with a layer of white cream that was from both of them. Unique gently wiped her down with a wet towel, careful not to swipe over her sensitive clit too fast or harsh.
“Shhh—“ She hissed, her thighs almost closing in on his hand. Unique’s eyes flickered from her core up to her expression. “My bad” He simply apologized before tossing away the dirty rag in a hamper next to the bed. Laying next to her on his back, he sighs. “you gon’ learn to stop running from what you love”
She smiles, turning her head to look at the side of his face, getting a view of that nearly perfect profile. “Who says I love you, Unique?”
He smirks. “I don’t need a second opinion on a fact”
And the cycle continues…
Woke up and remembered I forgot the taglist chile! LMFAO(some tags aren’t showing up, dk why!)
🏷️ @thatone-girly @notapradagurl7 @swavydadon @miyahmaraj @planetblaque @msinterlude @milkiboo @bloodripleygal @stevelacyballs @naj-ay444 @blackelysian @shaolyninferno
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bethsvrse · 4 months
Can we ban shy!readers? please 🙏
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owlwithanapple · 1 month
Bird & Fox
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Chapter 1
Late at night, you stand alone on a high tower somewhere in Gotham City and look around. It is said the sky in this city always overcast at night, and you can feel the cold wind blowing. If you don't see it with your own eyes, you can’t believe the city is so dark and cold at night.
The environment here is completely opposite to the place you live in. Before you immigrated to Gotham City, you lived in Tokyo, Japan. The city you live in is prosperous because of political management, public security management and economic development.
Compared with Gotham City, dark, scary and complicated. How warm and beautiful the city you used to live in is, and there is always a sense of safety and comfort late at night. But Gotham City is surrounded by weird and Gothic buildings, forming a huge contrast and chaotic atmosphere.
This weird and dark Gotham City is listed as one of the cities with the highest crime rate. On TV, the news channel always reports about the content involved in this city and some dangerous information, such as Joker, Penguin, Harley Quinn, etc.
Because of the experience given by your previous work, you know very well no matter where, there will be similar experiences and commonalities. But there will never be a lack of bright and beautiful images, and countless dirt hidden in the dark alleys.
One day, a righteous man dressed as Batman transformed into the Dark Knight and fight criminals for the city appeared in Gotham City. Because of his existence, the Bat Signal can be seen in the sky every night, as if he is promoting his own ideas.
Since he became a righteous Dark Knight to fight criminals, he has become a spiritual idol in people's hearts and a source of fear in the hearts of criminals, making his desire to stop evil more stronger.
In Gotham City, in addition to Batman fighting criminals, there are other superheroes such as Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, Robin, etc. who are also maintaining the safety of the city.
You sit idly on the edge of the roof, with your hands on your thighs, shaking your legs at the empty space, looking up at the Gotham City that is already full of chaos at night.
Seeing a person sitting on the roof of a high tower building, the first thing think of is someone is going to jump off to commit suicide. But you are definitely not trying to do something stupid. You are different. The fact that you can casually run to the rooftop in the middle of the night shows that you are not an ordinary person.
Because of your previous work and some reasons, you were forced to immigrate to this dark city. In the morning, you finally packed your things. Tonight is your first time to spend the night freely in this city.
Now you should be an unemployed vagrant. Although you have not been removed from the list, you have been exiled here by the "organization" after all. The more you think about it, the angrier you get. You were exiled to a strange city because of different beliefs, but you still have to thank the "organization" for supporting you with funding.
You are leisurely and bored. You hum a sweet song in a low voice and shake your head slightly. You are intoxicated in the song then hear the faint footsteps approaching you step by step. You stop humming the song.
The person approaching you stops, you glance back. A tall black figure and a shorter child standing next to him are standing behind you. You vaguely guess who they are.
You remain calm and composed, your face is covered by the fox mask but you still smile. Although they can't see, you cross your hands in front of chest and say "What a beautiful night, everyone."
The tall black figure keeps a distance from you, but from your observation, he is very wary of you. He is wearing a mask, you can't see his eyes, only his lips. He is silent then blurts out "Who are you? What are you doing here?"
You stamp your feet and think about how to answer his question, but no excuse can cover up the fact that you are suspicious, it doesn't make sense that you trespassed into this high tower and sit on the roof in the middle of the night. "I said I came here for a walk, would you believe it?"
The little guy standing next to him holds a katana, with a smile that seems very confident. Your intuition tells you that can't underestimate him. Even if he is a kid, his sword holding method and posture are not ordinary, but a skilled posture.
You noticed the little guy looking you up and down, perhaps he was waiting for his chance, he tightened the grip of his katana, seemingly ready to strike you "TT, you lie without thinking."
He pulled out his katana and pointed at you. You stayed still, hands still in front of your chest, breathing kept balanced, but stopped stamping your feet, tried not to make any unnecessary movements. This was a lesson taught by the "Organization".
When he was about to pounce on you with the katana, the black figure blocked the little guy with his hands in front of him. The little guy immediately stopped and looked at the black figure. At this time, the little guy was confused why stop him.
The black figure looked at the little guy as if giving some instructions. The little guy seemed to understand his intention and put the katana away walked to the side to look at you, while the black figure looked at you and said, "I am Batman. What about you?"
You finally heard the black figure say his title in person. He is Batman. The real person is right in front of you. It feels so cool. You noticed the little guy beside you frowned and looked impatient. "Hello, Batman. It's a beautiful night. Bring your kids to see the night view?"
When the little guy heard you say he was a "kid", his sharp ears immediately stood up, walked towards you with a red face and anger. His attitude towards you was enough to prove he was a kid with a strong self-esteem. This time, Batman did not stop him.
Realizing that you said the wrong thing, he can fight criminals and work with Batman, he is not an ordinary child. It is embarrassing to apologize at this time. He points his index finger at you and says, "Listen, I am Robin. Not a kid! Bitch!"
You feel bad when you hear him use the word "bitch", but he is just a kid. But not an ordinary child, Robin has rich combat experience and skill training.
Seeing him, recall that you were strictly trained in the "Organization" before. You were still 8 years old. No one showed mercy in the sparring battle. Until now, you have become an independent person at the age of 20, but you have been exiled by the "Organization".
Maybe you are not the person in their idealism. You have opposite beliefs and ideas from them. The result is your value judgment.
Robin noticed that you were in a state of vacant thoughts. He looked at Batman in confusion and tried to ask him what to do. Batman just stared at you expressionlessly, waiting for your reaction.
When you were in a daze, Robin slowly approached you, trying to touch you to wake you up. Subconsciously, you came back to your senses and grabbed his index finger with your hand. "Whoops, sorry. I was just in a daze."
Since the two of them have introduced themselves, you can't be rude. You let go of Robin's hand. With your right hand, you put your middle finger and ring finger together and press them on your thumb, and lift your index finger and pinky finger to form a fox shape. "Hello, my name is Kitsune, you can also call me Fox."
You put your hand into the pocket of your long sleeves and took out a flash bomb. They immediately stepped back and got ready for the fight, but you didn't want to kill people in vain. You just wanted to leave here.
You threw a flash bomb into the air, it flashed a dazzling light. Batman and Robin subconsciously used their cloaks to block their sight. When they put down and opened their eyes, you were gone.
Robin ran to the edge and looked down at the 40-story building. There was no trace of you. Batman stood aside and looked around. There was indeed no trace of you. The two of them confirmed that you were gone, Robin was surprised and swallowed his saliva. "That bitch really disappeared."
Batman listened to Robin's words but didn't respond. He was actually thinking, and confused about how you did it. You disappeared just a few seconds after the flash of light, leaving no trace.
The two of them looked for your trace everywhere, but there was no clue. In desperation, they had to retreat temporarily. In fact, you just used some trick to deceive them.
After you return home, take off your mask, place it on the table, remove all your equipment, put them in the closet, close the closet and see the mirror reflecting your naked body. You gently touch each scar, which are the marks of your becoming a "ninja" and the medal of your success.
You don't hate these scars all over your body. Although the scars are deeply engraved on your body, you are very happy, even grateful to have them. This is proof that you have survived, you have experienced the test of the "organization" to prove yourself.
"Kitsune..." You muttered in front of the mirror, code name, the name you used when you were a ninja. But now you are Y/N L/N, just an ordinary woman with ninja abilities.
The Batcave at this time—
The Batcave is Batman's command center, where he monitors all crisis points in Gotham City and the world. It is usually located beneath Wayne Manor and is part of a large group of underground caves.
Batman is replaying the surveillance video with Robin to see the footage of you and conversation. In order to catch your clues and find out your purpose, no clue can be easily let go.
Alfred came to the Batcave and saw the two of them busy watching the video. He carefully made two cups of hot drinks and placed it in front of them. "Master Bruce, Master Damian, take a rest."
Batman stopped the work, leaned back the chair, gently massaged his eyes with his hands. When he saw the hot drink in front of him, he took it up and took a sip. "Alfred, what do you think of the people in the surveillance video?"
Alfred looked at the screen, put his hand on chin and rubbed it gently. You didn't attack them, nor did you commit a crime. You just sat on the edge and stared blankly. "Hmm, it's harmless at the moment."
Robin finished the hot drink and asked Alfred for a refill. Alfred filled the cup with the hot drink and handed it to him again. Robin took the cup and complained to the big screen, "I will definitely catch her next time."
Alfred looked at Master Bruce who was distressed and Master Damian who was complaining. He thought about what he could do to help. He suddenly suggested, "Why not ask Master Tim?"
Batman looked at Alfred. It was indeed a good suggestion. Perhaps Tim had a way to solve this problem. After all, it was he who deduced that Batman was Bruce Wayne. He had a strong reasoning ability. "I will contact Tim later.
Robin listened to what Batman and Alfred said then left the Batcave with a "TT". Alfred put the cup back on the tray prepared to leave. "Master Bruce, I want to ask you. Why didn't you take her down on the spot?"
Batman thought about it realized he could have taken her down, as Robin was also there at the time. But facing you who showed no hostility and showed no intention to escape or kill, he was confused. "I want to confirm who she is? Is she righteous or evil. That's all."
Before leaving, Alfred bowed to Batman's back. "I understand, Master Bruce. I'll leave first."
After Alfred left, Batman was left alone in the Batcave. He thought about Alfred's suggestion and called Red Robin who was on patrol. "I need your help with something."
Red Robin stayed in the alley talk to Batman and understand the ins and outs of the matter. He vaguely guessed he was distressed and confused. "I understand. See you in the afternoon ."
After saying that, he hung up the call. When Red Robin left the alley and went to a higher place to continue patrolling, he ran into Nightwing who was talking gossip and Red Hood was having snacks.
Nightwing waved to Red Robin and invited him to have supper together. Red Hood took off his helmet started to eat hamburgers, and handed Red Robin two fries, "I'll treat you."
Red Robin looked at the two fries in Red Hood's hand and speechless. As the "older brother", he only shared fries with his "younger brother", but he still took it and put it in his mouth to chew.
"Hey hey hey." Nightwing handed Red Robin a bag with hot coffee, hamburgers and fries. "I didn't forget to buy your share." After saying that, he continued to eat.
Red Hood finished eating, crumpled the wrapping paper into a ball, threw it into the bag, and then found a trash can to throw it away later. He opened the cap of the soda bottle and started to drink. When he was halfway through, he put down and ask "Bruce looking for you?"
Red Robin, who was drinking coffee and addicted to caffeine, put down the cup immediately after hearing it. He looked at the other two, and nodded after a moment of silence, "Yes, meet at the manor in the afternoon ."
After listening to Red Robin, Nightwing nodded to indicate that he could, Red Hood drank up the soda and threw it into the bag, "I can't. My motorcycle needs maintenance tomorrow, don't count me in."
"Are you serious?" Nightwing asked him seriously. After all, he didn't want Bruce and Jason to have a hard time. Although the two did have bad memories in the past, Jason was very defensive against people, and that incident also left a shadow on his life.
Red Hood stood up, wiped his mouth, put on his helmet, took a bag of garbage, and held the door handle to indicate that he was leaving, leaving Red Robin and Nightwing sitting there. He thought about it and said, "Let's see, if I finish my work early." Then he left.
Nightwing knew Bruce and Jason had a rough time. The past experience and feelings led to the current collapse, but sometimes, both sides had mutual trust and cooperation.
Seeing Red Robin's self-blaming expression, Nightwing put his hand on his shoulder to comfort. Tim became Robin after Jason died. During that time, everyone had a hard time, including Tim, of course.
Being Robin is a very proud thing. It is very cool to fight criminals with Batman. Of course, there are always crises, just like Jason's death, which has become one of everyone's shadows.
"Although that guy is bad-mouthed, he is still trustworthy." Nightwing comforted the frustrated Red Robin, hoping he and Jason would not have a quarrel again.
"I know, thank you, Dick." Red Robin smiled again and continued to drink coffee. The caffeine he couldn't quit became a source of energy, making him more motivated and confident.
Do you hope there will be Chapter 2?
Leave a comment to let me know 😁
Other Chapter
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Rodolfo, trying to fix something : Could you give me a hand?
Y/N : Sure.
Y/N, grabs his hand and hold it : ☺️
Rodolfo, chuckles : You’re cute but that’s not what I meant.
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lokalblackie · 6 months
Imagine y2k earthy black reader just walking into class late. Their uniform altered and their tatties + piercings out on full display.
Imagine y2k earthy black reader getting scolded by all their teachers except Midnight, who applauds their style and sense of creativity.
Imagine y2k earthy black reader sitting down at the lunch table with the Baku-squad casually, as if they were oblivious to all the awestruck stares the students around were giving them. Whether they wore pants or a skirt, they looked incredibly sexy.
Imagine y2k earthy black reader during physical training, their sexy self wiping the floor with their classmates, barely breaking a sweat because "Sweating is for the weak". Don't you know how long it took to look and smell that good?
Imagine y2k earthy black reader getting a particularly high grade for a test they claimed to not have study for. "It's not my fault I'm this smart," they'd smirk confidently as Kaminari leans his head on their shoulder, sulking silently at his own results.
Imagine y2k earthy black reader inviting the class to their crib. Their home was absolutely stunning, like a place you'd find in a Pintrest post. Their room was just the embodiment of their personality perfectly. Posters, figurines, framed photos, other cool shit proud on display and don't get me started on that gamer station...
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careful-please · 1 year
His hand is poised to knock, loose fist stopped mid air when he hears a crash from behind the door. With everything that has happened to her during her time at the base he really can't be blamed for the huge spike of fear that shoots through him. He immediately opens the door, his other hand already reaching out to help her.
Instead of his worst fears, he is greeted with the sight of her pale, plump thighs wiggling her rump in the air as she reaches over the side of the bed for something that had obviously fallen, cursing mildly as she sits back to scowl at it in her hand. The oversized hoodie she wore was the only thing protecting her modesty and the cursed thought that she might not be wearing any knickers refused to let him think of anything for a solid minute before he forced himself to focus.
"Lass, are you alright?" He asked while fighting back a deep flush and averting his gaze from the sight of her long, pale legs.
"Oh. Captain. Yes I'm fine. Do you need something?" She tilted her head slightly while looking up at him.
"I- no I just- i heard a crash but I guess it was a false alarm. " He rubbed the back of his neck as he finished. 
"Oh yeah.  Just me being a clutz again. Nothing bad." She was fidgeting with the hoodie, expression barely hiding her frustration.
" You know you can talk to me about anything, sweetheart. You don't have to bottle it up. Im sorry you had to experience that. I discharged him, so it shouldn't be a problem ever again. "
"Ah. Well I'm just frustrated about my shorts. They were my favorite. " she sighed heavily. " The boys tried to make me feel better. But everything has just been off since. Feels almost like they wasted their efforts. And that makes me feel guilty, I don't want it to be a waste. Just- nothing is going right since that-." She makes a vague gesture.
Price nods in understanding.
"I understand. Im sorry you're feeling frustrated." He runs a hand through his hair. "I wish I knew how to help. "
She perks up and pats the bed beside her, silently beckoning he to sit as she speaks.
"It's enough knowing you care so much. I really appreciate everything you do for me. I still feel helpless sometimes and it's comforting to know I can lean on the team. I feel like a burden but there's not much I can do about all this. Hunting the people who tortured me and ghost will take time. I just wish I could fight with you."
"Bunny, I never want you in harms way. You aren't a burden. You are the most amazing woman I have ever met. But you are still just a civilian. Im not going to put a gun in your hands. Never."
Price wraps an arm around her in comfort, drawing her close. She lays her head on his shoulder and sighs gently.
"I know you don't want to, but with how determined life is to hurt me, you may not have a choice one day. I ought to know the basics at least. If nothing else, I should know how to engage the safety on any gun."
"Well,  maybe. But I'm not letting you shoot any of them. " he concedes with a huff.
"Awww come on. " she whines, trying to looks at him with puppy dog eyes. It's ruined by the grin she tries to hide unsuccessfully.
" Nope. Not gonna happen, Bunny. Not on my watch." Price shakes his head firmly.
She looks down at their legs pressed together and shifts from side to side.
"But we aren't on your watch. I think you left it in your desk." Now her grin is obvious and cheeky.
Price tries hard to keep a stern look of disapproval but can't help a grin of his own.
" Bunny." He warns.
"Aww come on.  That was clever and you know it."
Price just shakes his head again.  They stay like that for a few moments until Price can no longer resist.
"Why aren't you wearing any bottoms?"
"Ah. Just got out the shower. "
"Oh. I see. ...."
She looks at him expectantly.
"......are you....?" He nods at her lap.
This grin is salacious.
"Wanna find out?" She winks.
His face is quickly turns red as he groans.
"Seriously?! Why must you be such a bloody tease?"
" Because I'm your Bunny. You love it anyway. " she giggles.
He growls as he moves to push her onto the bed and leaves kisses all over her face and neck.
" Your going to be the death of me." He grumbles half heartedly. One of his hands sliding up her thigh to confirm she is,  in fact, not wearing knickers.
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Every night I'm dreaming I could hold you (Namor x Soulmate!witch!reader)
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Pairing: Namor x soulmate!witch!reader
Word count: 690 words
Summary: You finally met.
Warning: You are awesome and can’t shut up
A/N: Here we go!!!
Coments, Reblogs and Asks are happily received! I love to read your lovely coments :)
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You hated the beach with so much passion, being under the sun, surrounded by loud families being annoying, the smell of salt in the air, the weird feeling of sand on your feet, you just couldn’t help to hate it.
You were sitting under an umbrella completely dressed up, a pair of jeans, boots and a tank top, people were giving you weird looks and you just responded with a sarcastic smile and the middle finger. One mother even went full crazy mode and demanded you to leave because you were making her kids uncomfortable.
You just laughed on her face before putting on your sunglasses, but that didn’t end up there, the moment the lady left you alone, you made all the birds go to where she and her family were and let’s just say it was a magnific poop party.
As soon as sun started to set and everybody began going home, you got comfortable on your spot, watching your watch moving slowly. Last night you had a dream, you were finally meeting the man of your dreams (literally), after his horrible attempt of healing himself, you made a huge bag with the necessities you would need to help him correct his mistakes and scars. You sighed, terribly tired from today. Just another 3 hours more. Jesus Christ.
You couldn’t help to fall asleep, today was a tiring day, the first thing you did when you open up your eyes was to look at your watch, you smirked, four minutes and fifty-two seconds until you both met. So you waited.
He got off the waters, his tan skin beautifully wet, his eyes dark just like you saw them before, pointy ears, fun and tiny little wings on one of his feet? What?
You quickly stood up and walked to him. You didn’t have a plan. “Hey!”
The men stood still, watching you with hard eyes. His hand gripped his spear harshly.
“So,” You put your hands on your pockets. “Coming here often? Let me tell you, I don’t know how you do it but living closer to a beach? Awful. Name’s (Y/N).” You offered your hand but he stared at you like you were mad. I mean you are. “Right, not so talkative, are we? Well, meh.” You shrugged. “Well don’t worry, my therapist says I speak for everyone, like literally I never shut up.”
“Leave.” He demanded before turning away and walking to the waters.
“Rude.” You told yourself, running to catching up with him. “So, you’re from the water, right? That’s cool, I’m from Salem, you know, the land of the witches and spells.”
He ignored you.
“So, we should like talk about us, you know?” That made him stop, he looked at you like you were crazy. You shrugged. “I mean, destiny put us together, y’know? Like look at this.” You raised your left hand and a red string quickly appeared on one of your fingers, another appeared on one of his fingers. “We should talk about it…so, where do you live? You live under the water like nemo? That’s cool, don’t worry you go ahead, I’ll catch up with you, babe.” You patted his back before going to where you were sitting.
He stared at you without knowing what to say.
“So this is were you live, pretty cool, I like the rock collection, really aesthetic, y’know?” That was the first thing you said as you entered the cave where he lived. He was standing there startled at how you arrived. “Where should I put my bag?” You wiggled it. “It’s heavy.”
“What is this?” He whispered, taking a few steps closer to you.
“Yeah, that’s a portal, sorry for not coming sooner but you know how faith is, everything needs to happened at an exact moment, sorry for your back I mean it sucks how you fixed it but still a good attempt, want me to patch you up better? I’m really good at it.”
“Who are you?” He confusedly asked you.
You smiled, letting the bag hit the floor and offering a smile. “Well, Namor of Talokan…meet your soulmate!” You exclaimed, your arms opening in happiness.
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ifevilz · 6 months
i love my sweet girl rebekah mikaelson i would marry her like immediately
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d-a-n-n-y-y · 9 months
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Prince!Luke skywalker x knight! Fem reader
Being Luke's personal knight bodyguard and you always kept being serious about your job,your duty,and serving the Skywalker family and him immediately falling for you secretly,he wont admit it and he kept a secret to himself to his parents except his sister princess leia knows(dont worry she won't tell either kept teasing him about it,you being oblivious about it.
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sarahisgay01 · 2 years
You Deserve Better
Chrissy Cunningham x Female Reader
TW: Jason’s a dick and is verbally abusive to Chrissy. Chrissy struggles with food and weight!!
Notes: Language and kissing
You and Chrissy Cunningham have been best friends for years. Despite the two of you being best friends for years, she still hid a huge secret from you. She wasn’t sure for a while, but since sophomore year, Chrissy’s had a crush on you. It’s now senior year for the both of you and the two of you have been friends since freshman year. You always thought she was being extra gentle and caring with you because the two of you were best friends, but that wasn’t it. Chrissy hid her feelings for you by dating Jason, she thought he was a good guy at first, someone to just date to say you’re dating, but she was wrong. As they continued dating, the relationship just kept getting worse and extremely toxic. You hated Jason, hated him. The way he treated Chrissy made you so angry and it took a while for you to finally build up the courage to talk to her about it. It was a Friday night and Chrissy had a date with Jason at 8:00pm. You had the house to yourself tonight and felt like relaxing by yourself, alone. You were in your living room, watching ‘The Breakfast Club’ for the fifth or sixth time. It was a little passed 8:30pm when your doorbell rang and you were confused. Nobody was expected to come over, so you cautiously peaked through your front window. You rushed to the door when you saw who it was. When you opened the door, you saw a sobbing Chrissy at your doorstep and pulled her inside. She clung onto you tight, sobbing into your chest and you wrapped your arms around her tightly. You said, “Chrissy, what’s wrong? Why aren’t you with Jason?” She said, “I’m- I’m sorry if I-” and you interrupted her, saying, “Hey, you’re fine! I was watching ‘The Breakfast Club’ so you truly weren’t interrupting anything. Can you tell me what’s wrong, please?” She replied, “Yeah, okay. Jason and I went to the movies, but when I arrived, he said my outfit was slutty. I ignored his comment, but when I said I wanted some candy, he looked disgusted with me. He said, 'Babe, candy makes you fat and you shouldn’t be eating that. You can’t put on anymore weight, Chrissy. You don’t want to be fat, do you?’ I stood there in shock, then started crying and ran away from him. I ran into Steve and Eddie on my way out, they offered me a ride after they saw I was crying and running from Jason. I didn’t want to be alone, so I told them to drop me off here. I’m sorry for just showing up, but I just- I need you, (Y/N).” You pulled her in for a hug and said, “It’s okay, Chrissy, I promise. You’re welcome to stay the night and we can have our own little date night, as friends of course. I can rewind ‘The Breakfast Club’ and I have some candy, if you want? Whatever you want, Chrissy.” She smiled and said, “Are you sure, I wouldn’t be intruding?” You replied, “I wouldn’t lie to you, I promise you aren’t bothering me. You never bother me, actually.” Chrissy smiled again and said, “Yeah, I’d like to stay here with you tonight, (Y/N), please.” You replied, “Yeah, of course! For snacks and candy, I was eating some red vines on the couch before you came. Do you want those or I can look for something else?” She said, “I’ll pass on the candy, but thank you” and looked down at the ground. You squinted your eyes at her and said, “Chrissy Cunningham, if you’re not eating them because of what he said, I swear.” Still looking down, she replied, “(Y/N), I- I can’t- I can’t eat them. He’s right, I can’t gain anymore weight.” You lifted her chin with your thumb and index finger, then replied, “Chrissy, you’re so beautiful, so so beautiful. I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. If you could, you’d love yourself so much and see just how beautiful you are. Now, I’m not going to force you to eat them, but I don’t want you to not have any because of what he said. You are allowed to do whatever you want, he’s not in charge of you. No matter what you eat or what you look like, you’ll still always be beautiful.” Chrissy’s eyes started to tear up and her cheeks turned a bright red.
She asked, “You uh- You think I’m beautiful? You’re not just saying that, you- you mean it?” You stared back at her, seeing the hurt in her eyes and lightly grabbed her shoulders, then replied, “I think you are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. You, Chrissy Cunningham, are beautiful, inside and out. I’m absolutely not just saying that, I mean it with everything in me.” Tears started rolling down her face and she said, “Sorry for crying, it’s- it’s stupid. It’s just- it’s just nobody’s ever- nobody’s ever said something like that before and really meant it. Thank you, (Y/N).” You gave her a hug, holding her tight in your embrace. When you released, she said, “You’re beautiful too, so beautiful, (Y/N). I just want you to know that.” You smiled and said, “Thank you. I don’t hear it a lot, so really, thank you, Chrissy.” She pulled you back into a hug and when she released, you smiled, then said, “You wanna watch the movie, now? All the snacks are already on the coffee table.” Chrissy smiled and said, “Yes, please.” Then the two of you walked into your living room and Chrissy plopped down onto the couch. You went to the VCR to rewind the tape and when you were done, you plopped down next to Chrissy. The movie started and you grabbed the red vines, then placed the package on your lap after grabbing one. She grabbed one and you smiled widely, happy that she listened to you. Around 20 minutes later, Chrissy said, “Can I- Can I ask you something?” You nodded your head and said, “Mhmmm, of course.” Chrissy mumbled, “If it’s not too uh- too weird, can we- can we cuddle?” You replied, “It’s not weird, of course we can. However you want to is fine with me, anything to make you feel better.” Chrissy smiled and hesitantly extended her legs over your lap, then placed her head on your shoulder. She said, “(Y/N), is this okay? Are you comfortable? I can move if-” and you interrupted her. In a calming tone, you said, “You’re perfect right where you are. Just relax for me, okay? Everything is okay.” Chrissy looked up at you and all she felt was love. The tone of your voice made her heart melt and her stomach had butterflies. She tried to turn her attention toward the movie, but she couldn’t, she just wanted to look at you. In that moment, all she wanted to do was grab your face and kiss you. It took a couple minutes, but she was eventually able to turn her attention toward the movie. When thr movie ended you said, “Chrissy, can I ask you something? You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.” Chrissy replied, “Yeah, what’s up?” and you asked, “Why do you stay with him?” She said, “What? What do you mean?” You replied, “Jason. Why do you continue dating him?” She said, “I’m uh- I’m scared to leave him. You hear what he says about me to my face, imagine if I broke up with him.” You replied, “Chrissy, you deserve so much better than him. You deserve everything good in this world, not the lies and garbage he’s giving you. You should be told you look beautiful every day, because you do and I know he doesn’t say it. You deserve to go places and eat whatever you want, because that’s what you want to eat. You don’t deserve to cry and feel awful about yourself. You deserve love and happiness, Chrissy.” Chrissy couldn’t hold back any longer, she cupped your cheeks and kissed you.
Your eyes widened in shock and when she released from the kiss, her eyes widened in fear. She said, “Shit! I’m sorry, (Y/N)! I shouldn’t have- I shouldn’t have done that. I’m so sor-” and you interrupted her by kissing her back. When you released from the kiss, you said, “Chrissy, I don’t want to take advantage of you being upset.” She said, “(Y/N), I’ve liked you since sophomore year. I just never thought you’d like me back.” You laughed and replied, “I’ve always liked you, Chrissy, always. I’m so in love with you.” Chrissy smiled, then cupped your cheeks and kissed you again. She released from the kiss with a smile on her face and she said, “I love you too, (Y/N). I love you so much. You make me happy and you- and you make me feel beautiful. For fucks sake, you make me feel like a princess.” You giggled and said, “You can be my princess, if you want”, then lightly tapped her nose. Chrissy giggled and said, “Oh my god, you’re so stupid. But are you- are you being serious?” Her cheeks turned red at the question and you said, “Mhmmm.” You changed your tone to one that was sickeningly sweet and said, “You want to be my princess, sweet girl?” Chrissy’s heart melted right then and there, her cheeks turned dark red. She nodded and said, “Please, I want to be yours, (Y/N).” You smiled and said, “You can be all mine, princess. My cute little angel.” She smiled back at you and started peppering you with kisses, until you giggled. A grin appeared on your face and you said, “Come with me, we’re about to make a fun little phone call.” Chrissy followed you to the phone and you said, “Dial Jason’s number for me please, sweetheart.” Chrissy did it without question and it only rung a couple times before he answered the phone. He said “Hello? Who is this?” and you replied, “It’s (Y/N). I’m calling on behalf of Chrissy. She’s breaking up with you.” He said, “Yeah, good luck with that. I’ll ruin her reputation and turn her into a slut. I mean, it’s not like she already isn’t one anyway.” You said, “Mhmmm, okay. If you do that, she’s going to tell everyone that you’re an abusive boyfriend. So, if you don’t watch what the fuck you say, you might lose scholarships. I’m sure colleges would love to know that you’re abusive, Jason.” He said, “She wouldn’t say that” and you replied, “Oh, but I would. Try me, Jason.” Jason gulped and you could hear it through the phone. He said, “Can I talk to her?” You replied, “Mhmmm, you sure can”, then handed the phone to Chrissy. They talked for a couple minutes and Chrissy was nodding along, occasionally humming at something he said. After around five minutes, she said, “I’m dead fucking serious, Jason. We’re over, I’m tired of you treating me like shit.” She hung up on him and took a breath of relief. Chrissy looked at you, then smiled and said, “(Y/N), that felt so good.” You smiled back at her and said, “I’m so proud of you, angel.” Her smile grew wider and she hugged you, then you gave her a kiss on the top of her head. You said, “You wanna go upstairs and cuddle, sweet girl?” Her cheeks turned pink and she nodded her head.
You grabbed her hand and led her upstairs to your room. She closed the door behind her and said, “Is it okay if I borrow some clothes? This isn’t very comfy to sleep in.” You smiled and said, “What’s mine is yours, whatever you want to wear you can.” Her eyes looked like they were sparkling with happiness and love towards you. Chrissy picked out a pair of your sweatpants and one of your band tees. When she put the band tee on, you admired the way she looked in it. It was a size too big for her, so it was baggy, but you could still see the outline of her figure. It was one of your favorite shirts and you loved the way she looked in it. Seeing her in your clothes made you want to give her your entire wardrobe. She said, “How do I look?” and you responded, “So hot, sweetheart. You look so hot, come here.” You made grabbing hands towards her and she giggled, then quickly moved over to you. Chrissy started giggling more when you grabbed her by her waist and pulled her onto you. She straddled your lap with a huge smile on her face, then cupped your cheeks. Chrissy looked deep into your eyes and said, “I love you so much, (Y/N).” Before you could even respond, her lips were on yours. Your hands met her waist and hers slowly inched their way to the back of your neck. Once they were there, she tried to pull herself impossibly closer to you. When the two of you released from the kiss for air, you said, “I love you so much, Chrissy.” She smiled and said, “You wanna cuddle now?” You replied, “Mhmmm, yes please!” You laid down flat on the bed, then, once you were comfortable, she wrapped her arms and legs around you. Chrissy said, “If this isn’t comfy for you, I can move. Jason hated when I’d cuddle like this. You replied, “I love it, angel. No need to worry. You’re like my own personal koala bear, so cute and cuddly. I’ll be your own personal tree!” She smiled, then said, “You’re so cute, baby” and kissed your cheek. You blushed, which only made her smile more. Her smile was one of your favorite parts about her, it was so beautiful. You said, “You’re so beautiful, Chrissy. God, you’re so beautiful, especially with that cute little smile of yours. I love you, angel.” She replied, “You’re so cute, sweetheart. I love you too, (Y/N). My sweet baby.” You turned off the lamp beside you and then kissed her forehead. Within 30 minutes, the both of you were asleep. You fell asleep listening to her heartbeat and thinking about how you can finally kiss the girl of your dreams. Chrissy fell asleep the same way and thought the same thing. She also thought about how safe and cared for, she felt when she was with you. Chrissy teared up as she realized, she finally felt loved. You were the first person to make her truly, feel loved. In that moment of realization, Chrissy held you tight, never wanting to let go of you.
Hope you liked it!!😊💖
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layla4567 · 8 months
That's how the money works
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Summary: Villain par excellence (much more efficient than other male villains) you are in a relationship with Jeremiah Valeska and you are his queen of Gotham: Lady Gotham
Warnings: maybe a lil suggestive, fighting, mention of injuries and blood, mention of harassment of women, bad words/coarse language
wc: 1.8k this is hort folks
A/N: inspired by Lady Gaga's song "money honey"
Clicking hard with your steps echoing on the cold wet sidewalk of Gotham City. The nauseating vapors came from the sewers and gave the city a mysterious and dangerous vibe, it was always like that. It was night and you were tired, the last robbery went perfectly, you always got what you wanted. This time you were dreaming about a pearl necklace that you saw in a shop window, you remember telling your boyfriend Jeremiah that you were going to get it no matter what it took. He looked at you with a knowing and mocking look because he knew it was true. And there the necklace was now, adorning your neck exposed to the cold temperatures of Gotham.
A luxurious life is what you always aspired to, and being a villain it was much easier to achieve. Although to be honest Jeremiah was a lot of help, you know, he's a millionaire and he can buy you anything, and he does, but it's much more fun to steal. You are an independent woman too. You knew that trying to be a hero in this putrid city would never lead to great things, Gotham had been lost for a while. And that stupid Bruce still believed there was hope, poor thing. With you at the helm as queen of Gotham City there was no place to hide. You continued walking, taking off your sunglasses to put them on your head, it was night but you didn't care, it made you look elegant. Your long black dress with a cut on the leg accentuated your best curves and caught eyes, but be careful of the slimy guy who whistles at you on the street and says dirty things to you.
To top it off, your beautiful white feather boa hugged your back and rested in your arms, serving as a shelter. Every step you took squared your hips. You passed near an alley where there were two tall guys who looked like thugs, when you passed they licked their lips and gave you lustful glances. You made a face of annoyance and disgust.
"Hey doll, what is a pretty girl doing alone at night?"
"What do you fucking care, idiot?"
The other jerk who hadn't said anything whistled in amusement as he continued to look at you up and down.
"Chill out pretty, don't get angry with us"
They were making you sick. You gritted your teeth and continued on your way in silence, or so you intended when one of them grabbed you by the arm tightly.
"ah, ah, ah where do you think you're going huh?"
If you were a different person you would be terrified and shaking, but all you felt was an angry anger building in your stomach and chest like a volcano about to erupt. They didn't know who they were messing with.
"If you don't want to lose your useless arm you better let me go NOW"
You struggled until you got away but the other asshole got in front of you and cornered you, you were in the middle of those two creeps who were now starting to get angry.
"You're not leaving here, bitch."
The one who was in front of you grabbed you by the wrists making you hurt and he clung closer to you. Now they were going to meet you. Baring your teeth, you kneed the person in front of you in the groin; he doubled over, uttering insults. The guy behind you grabbed you by the stomach trying to get you off the ground but you were faster and threw your head back, headbutting hard towards his face. He screamed and put his hand to his bloody nose. The other one who was lying on the floor started to get up but you kicked him in the stomach, leaving him immobilized.
"Damn whore!!"
Still holding his nose he tried to punch you but you stopped him just in time and hit him in the ribs. Before he fell to the ground in pain, you grabbed him by the face near the jaw with your cat claws digging into his flesh, scratching it and causing him to bleed slightly. You brought his face closer to yours so he could listen carefully.
"Listen to me, you stupid bastard, if you were looking for a defenseless woman to preach your disgusting things, you were in the wrong person. I feel sorry for the woman who had to give birth to such a useless being like you."
You spat the words like they were bullets piercing his skull, your eyes flashing with rage like burning flames. Your nails kept digging into his skin. They'll probably leave a nice mark tomorrow. With your face contorted with anger you slammed the man's head into the ground hard, it made a crunching sound when it hit the cement. But he had not died, no, he would simply suffer some bruise or fracture. Painful enough for him to remember who he had messed with.
You turned around threateningly and breathing hard towards where the other guy was ready to continue fighting if necessary. The idiot was still on the floor clutching his stomach, visibly terrified, you couldn't help a small grimace similar to a smile on your lips. You slowly crouched close to him who tried to crawl away from you without success, he was still very sore and you could see it in his expressions.
You tilted your head, considering your words. "You're lucky you're still alive or Jeremiah isn't here with me." Upon hearing that name, the guy's face turned pale as wax as he opened his eyes wide, a feeling of pride flooding your chest. Mr. Valeska as you used to call him was the most feared villain and you were proud to be able to stand by his side.
"Oh I see you know him, well in that case you know that his favorite prey are the perverts who harass women and of course, that he loves to test his new acid tanks on them" You stood up now smiling smugly. "So if I were you I would be careful next time, take that as advice." You shrugged your shoulders and left the alley with the same confidence and security that you felt before this attack.
As you approached the mansion you could notice that your nail had broken "fuck" you cursed under your breath. The truth is that after that fight you were no longer as presentable as before, your perfectly combed and stretched bun was now letting out rebellious strands and you were panting from the effort of the fight. He noticed that, and as quickly as you entered, somewhat disheveled, he looked up from his desk where he was arranging and cleaning his weapons on top of some plans and fixed it on the person who had entered.
"Darling, what the hell happened to you?"
His deep voice took on a serious but calm tone, when he spoke like that you knew he was trying to control his confusion and anger. He sometimes got upset when you went out alone or were reckless about who you messed with. But you were his Lady Gotham and he couldn't hate you for that, on the contrary, he knew perfectly well that you were capable of disarming an army of men with a look, and he was delighted to have a faithful and loyal companion like you.
You tried to make light of it by standing up straight, crossing one leg in front of the other, one hand on your hip and the other brushing a rebellious strand out of your face. Jeremiah snorted, feigning exasperation, but a glow dilated his pupils. You knew that when you posed like that he melted
"Come here"
He ordered, pushing the chair he was sitting in back with his feet to move away from the desk and make room for you, then he patted his thighs demandingly. There were countless times you had sat on his thighs, sometimes when he was working on a new plan. Sometimes you did it casually or when you wanted me to buy you something, and other times it ended up being something else. You bit your lower lip and approached him, sitting on his legs with yours between the space he had left. You placed your arms around his neck.
"Some thugs harassed me in an alley." You said with an anguished pout, trying to be sad.
Jeremiah's face tensed as he looked at you seriously. He knew very well that you were not just any defenseless girl, even so, having some miserable perverts hissing at his favorite woman was something that made his blood boil.
You noticed that his face was acquiring a slight reddish color, furious with anger. You placed a finger on the tip of his nose. "But don't worry, I taught them good manners." You ended up smiling mischievously and openly.
The villain's face relaxed and a seductive smile emerged. He loved a woman who knew how to defend herself, he loved you.
"That's my girl". He smiled wider looking at your lips.
Without waiting any longer, you succumbed to your desires and kissed him passionately, licking his lower lip. With each kiss he placed his hand on your thigh and slid it, caressing you up and down. Suddenly his gloved hand slowly came up and came dangerously close to your inner thighs. The fabric of his glove tickled you. You moaned into his mouth.
He flashed you his white-toothed smile in response. Your lips were running over his chin and jaw, barely resting on his pale skin, humming his name. Your warm full lips rested on his neck and you smiled against his skin while he caressed your back. You felt his breath and his fragrance near your ear.
At the best moment, Ecco came in abruptly, opening the door with a slam, making you jump and making Miah's muscles tense.
"Tell me one good reason not to blow your mind with a bullet now for interrupting my office like that."
Jeremiah's face was serious again, he didn't even bother to get up from the seat or push you off his lap. The clumsy Ecco swallowed and spoke with an erratic and fast voice like a nervous hummingbird.
"I'm sorry, but it's the weapons supplier. He says he does not accept the payment terms. In fact, he's here waiting at the front door".
The pale man uttered insults in a low voice with his eyes still on Ecco but he did not seem to see her, his mind was beyond this earthly plane, devising a plan. Suddenly you had an idea.
"Oh but who does he think he is!" You said out loud dramatically as if you were in a theater. Jeremiah looked at you surprised but he caught your intentions at once, you had that Machiavellian glow on your face and he knew what it meant.
"I think we should teach him good manners, don't you think dear?". He said smiling and looking at you knowingly.
Oh yes, Team Valeska was back in action, it was so romantic to destroy annoying people together as a team. Who wanted one threat when the world could have two?
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first time writing for this fandom of which I'm not a part and I have no idea what the series is about or most of its characters, but tumblr insists on showing me fics about the valeska twins in my feed, so here I am.. *sighs*
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henneseyhoe · 7 months
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Joey badass x BLACK!FEM!reader x Skepta
WARNING: smuttt, SHORT, mentions of !!blood!!, VAMP!Joey, VAMP!Skepta, orgasm t*rture, overstimulation, degradation, rough, !SLIGHT CNC!(consent+non-consent), spit.
Sweat and tears wet my face just enough that the reflection of the streetlight on the outside of the small window bounced off of my skin, giving them the perfect view of my tired expression. The room was dark, my eyes only being able to see nearby bodies and shadows. My lips were swollen and my jaw was sore from holding the gag for so long. My knees ached and both my wrists and arms burned from the rope holding them behind my back for an extended time, but there was no feeling that beat the constant pulse from my clit, the vibrator placed on it only allowing it to throb more.
I cried out for the fifth time that night, my eyes squeezing closed as my hips attempted to move backwards away from the toy, but considering I was hoisted up mid air and nothing supported my lower body apart from the ropes that held my legs up and apart, I had no luck. My actions earned me a harsh smack on my ass that had me crying out to my maker, beginning to mumble pleads to stop. I couldn’t even count how many times I had came, but I knew the floor was beyond wet with how their boots hit the floor with ever stride and how soaked their shirts were.
The younger one kept the toy against my clit as the other man circled around me with that same terrorizing paddle in his hand, the same paddle that made me cry in the first place. It was black and had the word ‘slut’ carved out into the flat part, the purpose of it being to mark up anyone who was hit with it, giving them the name that was carved. No matter how light or dark you were, if you were hit hard enough, that word was definitely gonna be imprinted on your ass with bruises surrounding the sensitive area.
They started to call it a reminder.
It was a hell of a reminder. Sometimes the pain felt good on my skin, the sting lingering so long that it had me tensing my muscles until it was completely gone and only the tingling of my flesh was left behind. I allowed myself to melt into rhapsody, a loud holler erupting from my throat which was muffled by the black ball forced between my teeth. It had been there for so long that saliva was falling from my lips, coating my chin. Sometimes it would slide back and run down my cheeks, dripping to the hard floor when I got tired of holding my head up to see what they were doing.
“You like it, don’t you? Don’t pretend, be a proud bitch” I heard one of them say, his hand holding that same damned vibrator against my clit. I had already been humiliated passed feeling shy for that question. Used to the degradation and name calling, I just nod before flinching, feeling wind whoosh past my backside. I thought I felt another hit coming, but it was only the teasing of the other man. He purposely swung the paddle in my direction, my entire body tensing up from the feeling of strong winds hit me right before the painful smack. He hadn’t hit yet, but I knew once I stopped expecting anything and quit flinching, he’d show me I had a reason to be fearful and on edge.
I had wondered when they were gonna let me go, when I could go home and rest, but both of them had different plans.
Before I had been tied up completely, they went back and forth, using me till I almost lost all consciousness, stretching me out and filling me up to the hilt with dicks only a few inches below the size of 12in rulers. One of them had flashed their fangs at me while pounding away, threatening to bite again and break skin for the second time, and the other was already having his taste, carelessly feeding from a small slit on the palm of my hand that he made himself with his own teeth. The taste of warm blood lingered on his tongue long after he was done, giving the other man his turn to taste me.
Their lips were coated in the color crimson, the liquid dripping down from the corners of their mouths and falling to the floor they fucked me on. They were rough with their feedings, just as rough as their actions were. The older one took his time to stroke into me, but when we collided, it was rough. He sucked softly, opposing to the other one that drank me up like he had never drunken before. The feeling was so euphoric with the thrusts that I didn’t care about the soreness of my legs, knees, and throat, or care about the life dripping from my had.
It had stopped after a while, but before I knew it, I was focused on a ‘situation’ much, much bigger.
“Just like that. Go all the way down like the good bitch you are” the older one commanded, his irises swirling with a creamed white color, flashing at me like headlights every time he got close to his edge. He didn’t even have to tell me to go all the way down, with the way the other was holding onto my hips for dear life, forcing the deepest arch I could give while using his dick to invade the deepest part of me, I had no choice but to go all the way down. His balls slap my clit repeatedly with every push forward, sending me directly into the hold of the brit. His hands palmed my locs as he shoved himself deep down my throat, making me gag with a shiver. Goosebumps appeared down my arms and hairs raised on the back of my neck. My knees and thighs were scraped up now from both the hard wood and their low cut nails scratching me up whenever they needed something to brace themselves before they came, but I had a full night to survive before I’d get a break.
“Such a pretty girl. Open that fuckin’ mouth” The one with the more American accent spoke. Really a mixture between Jamaican and Newyork, extremely strong, and extremely deep. I complied and opened my mouth for him, welcoming his the saliva that dripped from his tongue before he slurped it right back up from my lips, giving me a kiss. I tasted myself on his tongue, sweet and strong with iron lingering from the stream he took from my hand.
I was pushed passed my limits now. I was happy they had realized.
“That wasn’t too rough for you, right?Love?” Joseph asks with consideration, untying me from the hooks strewed to the ceiling. I couldn’t speak if I wanted to, my voice was long gone. I smile with a shake of my head, my sharpened teeth peaking from underneath my plump lips. Jo’Vaughn smirks and helps me up to the first floor of the house, carrying me bridal style while Joseph stays behind to finish clean. “I told him you could take it. I’m proud of you, baby”
Ps. I’m working my ass off to get the rest of these fics out by the end of the month cause I underestimated how much I was gonna write so bare wit me chile! But enjoy this unedited nasty lil treat tho lmfao. Idk how I came up with this pair but I love it.
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owlwithanapple · 1 month
Bird & Fox
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Chapter 2
When the alarm clock rang, you opened your eyes looked at the ceiling. The paint color of the ceiling was your favorite blue. You sat on the bed, raised your hands, stretched out, and yawned.
In the past, you didn't have a chance to get up on time in the "organization", always wake up by the sudden attack. The sudden tranquility made you very uncomfort, felt as if something was missing.
You get out of bed, go into the bathroom, pick up the toothbrush and squeeze the toothpaste to start brushing your teeth, squeeze some facial cleanser and rub it in the palm of your hand, apply it evenly to your face, wash the facial cleanser on your face with water, and wipe your face with a face towel.
You take off your pajamas and underwear, adjust the water temperature to warm water, which can release the fatigue on your body, turn on the shower head and let the warm water wash your body, squeeze some shower gel on your body and then wash it.
Take a towel to wipe every part of the body, dry the wet hair with a hair dryer, leave the bathroom and return to the room. The most distressing question every day is what to eat, what to wear and what to do.
Open the drawer in the wardrobe, which is full of all kinds of underwear. Choose a set to put it on, choose a simple vest and denim trousers to match, which can highlight the curve of your figure, and then tie your hair up. Today's matching is complete.
You posed to the mirror in front of you and appreciated your figure, but you were heard "Woff!" from the living room. Somebody interrupt you, your pet corgi, named Kirin, which barks outside the door.
As soon as he see you open the door open , he quickly run into your room. You see him jumping like a child in your bed. You lie on his fluffy stomach and absorb energy to heal you.
You pinched his fat cheeks. "Little bad boy, I'm going for a walk today. Don't make trouble. Do you understand?"
"Woff~" He ignore you and lie lazily on the bed. You open the curtains let the sun outside shine in. His cute appearance is really super charming and healing.
"If there is a bed, there is no master, you traitor corgi." You smiled at Kirin and touched his head, you took out your bag and mobile phone from the drawer and left the room. You went to the hallway and put on a pair of boots and left home.
The first time walked on the street, opposite of last night. In the morning, it was full of hardworking workers, and at night, a bunch of criminals were messing up the city. The buildings saw last night seemed like a horror city. But, the buildings in the morning were clearer.
Yesterday you only had a bowl of instant noodles, so today you must have a good meal, but facing a strange city and crowds, you are really a little scared, but you have to overcome these obstacles. Since you are here, you can't rely on others.
Told yourself that you must learn to be strong. You are a very experienced ninja. How could you give in because of fear? So you took the first step. Inadvertently, a motorcycle came from the right. Thanks to him braking in time, he didn't hit you.
You were so obsessed with self-thinking that you completely forgot that you were wandering at the intersection. You subconsciously stepped back two steps from the motorcycle. If the rider hadn't stopped in time, your death record in Gotham City would be crossing the road without looking.
When the news of your death reaches the "organization", they definitely make fun of you. You will die with eyes wide open and cannot be buried in country. Calm down first, don't mess up your thoughts, and apologize to him first.
You saw him get off and push the motorcycle aside park it. You went forward to apologize. As soon as you got close, noticed that he was tall. Before you could say anything, he had taken off his helmet. His face looked very handsome, cool and stylish motorcycle, a part of his bangs is white, smooth black jumpsuit, matched with a cool leather jacket, and a pair of combat boots, the overall look is cool and atmospheric.
You noticed that his handsome face was the type of man that was pleasing to the eye, and he also had a sexy temperament. I saw Batman last night and thought he was quite mysterious and sexy, especially his lips. Are the males in Gotham City all that good looking?
"Lovey, are you okay?" You were interrupted by him when you were thinking. You panicked and hesitated about how to answer. As a ninja, you are a very confident person. But now you just an ordinary person, so you have to give a relative conclusion.
Unlike before you could easily knock people out, hide in the shadows, or scare people. Since you are an ordinary person, you should play an ordinary role. You smiled slightly to show that you are kind, and then an idea came to you, "I'm fine, sorry, I didn't look at the road when I walked."
Jason POV
I have been busy on patrolling and fighting criminals for several consecutive nights, and I don’t even have enough time to sleep. I woke up early today with a lot of resentment. I ate fast food for three meals, and I made a mistake to schedule the maintenance of the motorcycle in the early morning. I didn’t even have a little free time.
There is no point in complaining more. Work is work. The motorcycle can help me at work, and can’t ignore it. Criminals won’t wait, and I can’t take it lightly.
"Hwah~, so fucking sleepy." I yawned, changed into clean clothes, went to the garage to start the motorcycle, picked up the helmet and put it on, rode the motorcycle and left home.
Morning of Gotham City, people come and go, busy office workers, and the bustling commercial streets. People never stop but flow away one after another. I stopped at the intersection waited the traffic light to turn on.
Accidents always happen. When the traffic light turns on, I continue to drive. I see a woman suddenly walk out of the road. I brake immediately. The thrill of a moment makes me completely sober.
I parked my motorcycle aside, making sure was fine, I spoke to the woman. She said "I'm fine." From the looks of her, apart from some old injuries on her arms, there were no signs of me hitting her, she didn't ask me for compensation. I was so lucky.
But look closely, although she is wearing simple clothes, she is particularly eye-catching, with a pretty face, a slim upper body, jeans that make her legs look long, and long brown hair. She is simply beautiful.
Perhaps can be said the bad luck of several consecutive days has finally brought a good thing. I wanted to ask her out, but accidentally trespassing on the road cannot be a reason for conversation. It is really distressing. I have done everything I should care about.
What should I do?
You were lucky not to be hit, but why did he keep staring at you? Did he want compensation? That would be reasonable. There will always be such people in life. They suffer even though nothing happened. Gotham City is not short of such people.
It's just like what happened during the training. It was obviously not you broke the sword, but framed by others and punished. You knelt on the stone cut bamboo with a sword every night. The person who framed you, will definitely beat him up next time you see him.
With no choice, you reached into pocket took out your wallet, wanting to give him some cash as compensation, but plans can't keep up with changes. When you opened it, there was no cash in it, only your ID, driver's license and two bank cards.
You forgot go to the ATM to collect the cash you need for daily use. You took out your phone and checked your bank account. You found that you had not yet processed the online transfer procedure. You could not use force,"Ummm,I'm sorry, I don't have any cash on me."
When he heard what you said, he immediately shook his head to indicate no. You were confused. He noticed your expression showed confusion, and hurriedly explained, " No, Lovey ,I don't mean anything else. I just want to make sure you are unharmed."
You were stunned but relieved, thankful the situation didn't develop to serious level and didn't need to be resolved by force. You hesitated for a moment and pointed to the other side, "Then I'll leave first, bye."
When you said you were leaving, he had no reason to keep you, he had to let you go. "Yeah, bye sweetie." You heard his reply and walked across the street to the other side, while he got on his motorcycle dejected and frustrated.
Jason POV
"Fuck me! Why am I such an idiot and so timid! Ask her out for breakfast! Hey, Lovey , do you want to have breakfast together..., it's so simple! Why are you so stiff!
I complained as soon as I got on the motorcycle, regretting not getting her contact number. I hadn't even started chatting her up yet, and I, Red Hood, backed off when I met a girl.
But what's the matter with the scar on her arm...
You left the intersection , on the way, you smelled a faint smell of coffee. You followed the smell to a cafe. It was the smell coming from the cafe.
The smell increased your hunger, you stepped into the cafe. There were many people in a hurry, perhaps office workers. You noticed the cafe was a counter ordering place, called the number and went to pick up the food.
You hurriedly followed the line waited for your turn to order. After a few minutes, finally it was your turn. You went to the counter read the menu. The menu was accompanied by pictures for reference. You wanted to try every food, but didn't order more just to avoid wasting food.
You ordered your favorite cup of cappuccino and a simple delicious English breakfast. The waiter gave you a number card, noting you were dining indoors. You found a seat by the window and put the number card down to reserve a seat.
While waiting, you listened to the lyrical songs playing in the cafe. During that free time, you took out your phone to check the news. Sure enough, there was content about Batman arresting criminals.
"The hell?" Something caught your attention. Last night, someone filmed a video of you doing parkour on the street wearing equipment and posted it on social media. But! What is "Gotham runner"? ! The title is so shit!
Let's pause the story content and make a simple self-introduction here. My name is Y/N, code name Kitsune, I just turned 20 years old, I grew up in the organization "SHINOBI" founded in Japan.
It is an organization that trains people to have super high-level combat capabilities. "SHINOBI" is divided into two groups, SHIRO and KURO. Even are divided into two groups, everyone's work style is completely different, but the purpose is the same, which is to contribute safety of public security for the country and produce social poisons.
No matter which group, there are levels, such as S, A, B, C, D, which are called "Cyber ​​Ninja". I am a ninja in A, which belongs to the middle and high-level group. I go on missions and take a break from my busy schedule.
For some reason, I was kicked out by "SHINOBI" and exiled here. Forget it, as long as they can continue to provide equipment and money, it won't be disadvantageous to me. For the time being, I will just watch and find something I want to do.
The above is my introduction, and the details will continue from the story.
When you hear the waiter calling your number, you take the receipt to the front desk to collect the food, and go back to your seat to eat.
"Huh?" You looked out the window. It was the motorcycle guy just now! Are you kidding? Why did him chase you here? Is he following you? You let your guard down didn't even notice that you were being followed.
He knocked on the window again. He stood outside the window and talked. His lips moved as he said, "Wait for me." Then he ran into cafe and stood in front of you. His forehead was a little sweaty. He put his hands on the table and winked at you, "Hi, Lovey."
What exactly does he want to do? You can't feel any murderous intent at all. You don't understand what his intention is. Does he know your true identity? Since he is in front of you, you can't back down.
"Can I sit down?" He asked politely. You were embarrassed to refuse him, so you nodded. He moved the chair back and sat down. You took a sip of cappuccino to your mouth. You took a peek and saw that his appearance was durable.
You put down the cup and looked at him, facing him with a very optimistic attitude. "What a coincidence, you are also nearby?"
He heard your question, and this time he decided to go for it. "Hahaha, yes, my motorcycle is being maintained nearby."
You nodded slightly "So...?"
He swallowed and held out his hand "Do you mind making friends? My name is Jason. What about you?"
You were confused. What is this? A scam? You held his hand "No, hello, my name is Y/N."
After letting go of his hand, you just looked at the plate of food on the table in silence. You didn't know how to send him away, but you felt bad to send him away like this, you took the initiative to start a conversation "I just moved to Gotham City recently, and I'm not familiar with this place. It's good to make some friends."
He frowned when he heard it, and you realized that his expression was different, but soon he returned to a smile, this time he looked more confident and charming "Wow, then I have the honor to be your first friend?"
He spoke with a sweet tone accent, you have met many men, but this is the first time you have met a man with such a personality. You are unconsciously interested in him. "Haha, of course."
At the moment you laughed, Jason felt an inexplicable warmth in his heart, an unprecedented feeling. Even though he had been with many girls before, your actions were attracting him step by step. He blurted out what he wanted to say most in his heart, "Y/N...Your smile is very beautiful."
The sudden compliment made you a little overwhelmed. You didn't hate it. There was a warmth lingering in your heart. He gave you a feeling that was a little difficult to grasp, but he was not a bad person.
In a strange city, you are alone without any friends. Maybe it is a good thing to make a friend. Since you have started a new life, you should move in a new direction and not stop at the same place.
The wonderful thing is you two can chat with each other. Through Jason, you know every bit of the city. He even recommends restaurants and supermarkets near the apartment to you, which are exactly what you need to know.
When you came to Gotham City, you didn’t know much about the daily life of this city. You didn’t even know where the supermarket was. Thanks to him, you finally know it. You can go to the supermarket to buy some things in your free time later, and then go home to cook.
When Jason learned that you immigrated here from Japan, he was very surprised, and you live alone. He heard you also have a corgi. Jason likes dogs very much.
Jason POV
Actually, someone just contacted me said the motorcycle has been fixed can be picked up, but I replied it would be later, because I want to continue spend my time with her. It will be too late if I don’t seize this rare opportunity now.
I didn’t expect to have such a good chat with her. I didn’t notice how much time had passed. At first, I was really afraid I would scare her away, but she was so easy to talk to. I was glad I didn’t miss the opportunity when I met her.
Suddenly a phone rang was interrupted us. I clicked on the phone and it showed "Dickhead". I hung up the phone and continued to chat with her.
The word "Dickhead" show again, the second call. I hung up the phone impatiently. The quiet time was interrupted by the third call again. It was that "Dickhead" again.
After a while, I received several text messages…
Dickhead: Good morning, Babybird😆
I muted my phone put it on the table. A few minutes later, it suddenly vibrated. I picked up the phone and saw that it was “Boy Wonder”. Even Tim called, but I hung up.
His phone kept ringing, maybe it was something urgent. You two had been chatting for a long time, and it felt like it was time to find something else to do, so you said, "Jason, if you're busy, let's talk next time."
Indeed, you talked for a long time, and the phone kept interrupting the conversation, so he turned off his phone in anger, but you didn't know when would talk again. You got up walked to the counter to ask the waiter for a piece of paper and a pen, and then put them on the table.
"What's wrong?" He was confused and looked at you blankly.
You thought and wanted to know if he would have a chance to see you again, so you took a bold try. You opened the pen cap and wrote your private phone number on the paper.
After writing, you folded the paper and put it in the front pocket of his jacket, and said "Let's keep in touch." Jason was dumbfounded and quickly took out the paper. It was your phone number. He excitedly said, "Wait for my call!" and then left the cafe.
Jason POV
I ran to pick up the motorcycle that had been maintained. When paid the bill, I confirmed the paper was still in pocket. It had your phone number. I can’t lose it, otherwise the chance to see her again would not be so easy.
I happened to want to buy breakfast today, and then I saw her sitting by the window. Without thinking, I went to the window to attract her attention. Although she looked at me with a smile on her face, I knew she were confused when I suddenly appeared out of thin air.
I leaned against the motorcycle and took out my phone to turn it on. I found a bunch of missed calls and messages from "Dickhead". I was hesitant because very difficult talk to this guy. I had no choice but to call "Dickhead" again.
"Hey, idiot Dickhead, what do you want to talk to me for?"
"Hey, Babybird! You finally answered my call! ~"
"Fuck you..." I was about to hang up the phone.
"Did you call me back for breakfast?"
"Right! So smart!" Dick said happily, and I was annoyed...
"Go to hell, Dickhead!" I yelled at him.
"Damn, you really know how to mess things up at the right time. Don't let Tim sit in my seat." I hung up the phone.
I saved Y/N's phone number and clicked into the chat room see your profile picture was a corgi face. This was the corgi you mentioned. The description said "Hello" in Japanese. What a simple style.
Looking at your chat room, I hesitated about how to start the topic, but I still put away my phone, put on my helmet, and rode my motorcycle back to the manor first. Bruce asked Tim to investigate something, maybe I could help.
You are sitting alone in a cafe, looking at your phone, but you haven't received any message from Jason, which means he is really busy. You are a little lonely. Don't think about it now. Going to the supermarket to replenish food is the most important thing.
You walk on the street and feel that this city brings a strange charm. It is a scenery you have never seen before. This can be said to be your new beginning and new life.
Occasionally, miss your previous life.Practiced as soon as you woke up. Even the rest time was only ten minutes. Three meals were carefully selected and prepared. There was no day to go out and stroll around, just stayed indoors.
Now can walk on the street with a swagger, eat and drink casually, and see the sun. Even the shadow can be seen. It is no longer a dim room. You are now on the road of light.
Now there is a foul smell of alcohol coming from behind. It is conceivable that this smell has been smelled since you left the cafe and walked a distance. You walked into the alley decided to lure the wolf into the house. You stood there motionless waiting for him to take the bait. The prey always appears as the prey.
"Hey, beauty~ Come have a drink with uncle~ I'll treat you~" Sure enough, the good times didn't last long. A strange uncle with a strong smell of alcohol stood behind you and followed you all the way to the alley, even putting his hand on your butt without any hesitation.
Originally, I just wanted to shake him off and run away, but facing such a person who is mentally confused and addicted to alcohol, the more you resist him, the more excited he will be, indicating that the problem cannot be solved in an ordinary way.
You turned around to face him and observed that he was holding a bottle of wine in his hand. If you use force to solve it, he might hit your head with the bottle. At that time, you hand it over to the police, they will be treated as mentally confused and the matter will be hastily dealt with.
You looked around to make sure that there was no one around and no surveillance. You put your hands behind so that he couldn't see your hand, you clenched your fist and hit him on the chin at lightning speed to make him lose his balance. Then he fell to the ground and fell into a short coma.
You made sure he fallen to the ground then dragged him to the side of the trash can. You leaned over and whispered in his ear, "If you touch me again, I will break both of your hands."
"Ah..." You thought of the point. It was too late for you to say that he fainted, but this kind of person deserves a lesson. If he makes the same mistake again, you can only pray that he will not meet you again, otherwise it will definitely not be as simple as fainting.
The matter is resolved, you leave the alley and walk among the crowd as a passerby. This is a habit. Ninjas always act secretly and remain vigilant and cautious no matter where they are.
Your phone receives a message. You click into the chat room to find out. It is a report from "Gotham runner" and there is a message send by your companion "So lame, bad name." You reply "Shut up!"
Put the troubles behind continue to carry out the main task, which is go to the supermarket to buy things and fill the empty kitchen with food. No matter whether you are a ninja or an ordinary person, it is never allowed to have no snacks at home!
Chapter 2 End.
Do you hope there will be Chapter 3?
Leave a message to let me know 😁
Other Chapter
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luveline · 1 month
BABE i miss badass bau!reader!!! do you feel up to write something about her and spencer? 🫣🫣
—Spencer comforts you, even when you think you don’t need it. fem, 1.2k
You’d think that agents and staff working for the Behavioural Analysis Unit would use a little subtlety when gossiping about their coworkers. It’s in the name. You’re a profiler, after all, but you wouldn’t need to be to know that the sudden quiet that falls over the kitchenette area when you walk in is for a reason. 
You’re determined to act unbothered. Only, it’s high school all over again, the whispering and the staring boring holes in the back of your head, and you’re thinking What are they saying about me? What have you done now? 
Flustered, you make a cup of herbal tea and forget it on the counter by the sink. Humiliated, you rush back to your desk. 
Spencer doesn’t look up as you sit. Your desks are together again for now, but who knows what whim will have Hotch separating you again. Last time it had been for ‘enabling bad behaviour’. 
So what if Spencer likes to talk? He’d only think all the things he’s saying to himself. You’re speeding up the process if anything by listening. Plus, whatever the others might think, he’s interesting, smart and funny and he deserves to be listened to when he wants to tell you things. 
“Hey,” you say, trying to push the humiliation brewing in your chest back to a quiet place. 
“Hey,” he says. He talks to you in a way he doesn’t with the others. He’s more relaxed, less exuberantly friendly and more like a true friend. 
He’s the only one in this whole office you’d ever want to sit next to every day. “Hi. What are you reading?” 
Spencer folds his novel closed over his hand, an answer on his lips that stutters and fades. “Hey, are you okay?” 
“I’m fine.” 
“You look unhappy.” 
It’s that unfortunate moment that Morgan decides to arrive, a cup of coffee in one hand, a brown paper bag in the other. He shrugs out of his leather jacket, eyeing you both where you’ve stopped your conversation, the slight light of smugness to his eyes as he says, “Doesn’t she always?” 
“Around you, Morgan, yes,” you say, turning your body fully to your computer. “That would be accurate.” 
Morgan laughs heartily. “You love me.” 
Maybe. You certainly don’t like him. Or, you’re annoyed with him most of the time. You wonder occasionally if he and the rest of your teammates are emotionally blind, considering the way they treat Spencer. Everybody makes their funny ‘harmless’ jokes, you’ve never understood why. They’re profilers, aren’t they? Can’t they tell it hurts his feelings?  And they love to tell you that Spencer’s your soft spot, he is, but he’s also a nice boy who wants to be listened to above all else, so you’re a little bitter about it. You weren’t too sweet to begin with. 
Today, you aren’t in the mood. You ignore Morgan and open your emails. 
“You want tea?” Spencer asks, standing from his desk. 
“You always have tea in the morning. I’ll make it. Sit tight.” 
You follow Spencer’s figure as he leaves. Morgan wiggles his eyebrows at you from across the divider. 
“Do you ever think about taking him out?” Morgan asks. 
“That’s an inappropriate question,” you say. You aren’t monotone, but you certainly don’t bustle with emotion either.
“You like him, he likes you.” 
That’s exactly what Spencer needs, you think bitterly, the moody girlfriend, another thing to make him an outsider.
“You make each other happy,” Morgan continues.
“You get the same blueberry muffin every day,” you say, clicking an email attachment Hotch sent this morning distractedly, the temptation to roll your eyes at an all time high, “will you marry the baker?” 
“I could. His wife might not like the idea.” 
You hold in a smile. You sort of maybe do love Morgan, even when he’s prying. Better when Spencer returns and Morgan asks about the younger man’s weekend trip to Quantico’s seven floor library. 
“It was awesome,” Spencer says, putting a mug down in front of your keyboard, his palm still warm from the mug taking temporary station on your shoulder. “There were more books about inmate crime than there were dictionaries. Is that okay?” 
You take a sip of your tea. “It’s perfect,” you confess once you’ve swallowed. How does he know how you like it? He must steep it just as you do. Even the water level. You’d think it were the tea you’d left behind if it wasn’t in a new mug, scalding hot. 
“Morgan, could you excuse us, please? For five minutes?” Spencer asks. 
Your eyes widen of their own accord. Morgan makes flirty winky faces to hide his concern and meanders up the steps to Hotch’s office, pointedly looking away from the bullpen and your mess of desks. 
“What’s going on?” you ask. 
“I was hoping you’d tell me,” Spencer says. 
He’s wearing his glasses today, a rare sight these days, less so at the office when you’re sure there won’t be a case to go on. His hair curls at the base of his neck and flicks out under his ears, brown eyes like the flat of a mirror against the light, dark and deep. You wince when you realise you’ve been looking him over intensely, averting your eyes to the cup of tea warming your fingers. 
“You know you can tell me anything,” he says. 
“I’d defend you. Just like you would for me.” 
You drag your eyes to his. “I don’t know what you mean.” 
“I mean, if you want me to go fight your corner, I will.” 
“Who says I need that?” 
“It’s Madge, right? The blonde woman with the pearl earrings. She and Andrea monopolise the kitchen in the morning and talk about all of us.” 
You hate profilers, but you could never hate Spencer. You can’t find it in yourself to be upset that he’s worked out what perturbed you so quickly. 
You cross your arms over your chest, leaning back in your desk chair slowly. “There’s no point arguing with them, babe, you’d end up at Human Resources by the end of the day forced to write an apology letter.” 
Spencer looks like he wants to touch you again, hand heistant, fingers moving as though he’s typing curled into his palm. “I’ll stick up for you if you want me to. I don’t care if they make me write a letter.” 
“Can’t argue over silence,” you say.
It’s a kind offer, and he really is so handsome. Everybody else in the office might drive you up the wall but he’s a sweetheart, through and through. 
“I like when you smile. Doesn’t happen much,” he murmurs. 
If it were anyone else, you’d tell them to fuck off. “Thank you, Spencer. I like your smile too.” 
He leans down for a hug. Again, if it were anyone else, you’d wriggle out of reach and give a speech on boundaries, but it’s him. He folds his arms behind your head and back, encouraging your face into the crook of his neck as he bends to meet you, gentle even when you don’t hug him back. “Don’t listen to anybody,” he says, rubbing your shoulder with his thumb. 
“I don’t.” 
“Who cares if they’re talking about us?” Spencer asks. 
You touch his waist. “Not me.” 
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a-hazbin-reader · 4 months
So this takes place before they start dating and the beginning of the relationship. Reader basically has never met a guy who has chivalry(or is respectful) like ALASTOR, so when Alastor’s mannerisms come out, reader just looks at him like “wtf are you doing?” BUT NOT IN A MEAN WAY, more like in a confused way because they’re from a time where chivalry isn’t as popular(especially to women in general) and reader was raised to be tough(but it’s still nice to get treated like a lady). So whenever alastor acts like that reader just gets awkward and shy.
IM ASKING FOR THIS CUZ LIKE THE GUYS NOW HAVE NO RESPECT OR CHIVALRY like alastor😔😒 (ik not ALL guys but most guys now and days are jackasses)
Hnnng I fucking love this ✨️
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Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Harassment, Men being nasty
Description: ☝️⬆️
Back when you were alive, men never did the sort of things that Alastor does unless they wanted to get laid
Most of the men you knew had tendencies to act like frat boys or old perverts
Only having one goal in mind and if they got rejected then they got fucking nasty as hell with you
On top of that, you didn't have the luxury of growing up to be soft and helpless like some people
You had to be strong and look out for yourself, you rarely looked to others for help
Not even your own family
Some people didn't even look at you as a woman, just as some tough badass who didn't need anyone's helping hand
At least you hoped that how they looked at you
Not that you would've rejected the offer if anyone actually tried to help you out, everyone needs a hand now and then
The only people who ever offered any sort of help were horny guys who offered to help you let off some steam with them
Fuck off
But Alastor grew up in a very different time than you and his way of treating you always gave you whiplash
He would never dream of asking you to fuck within the first few days of knowing each other, or even the first month wtf kind of animals have men turned into??
You don't even wanna know, Alastor
His little pet names alone made you flustered but his actions??? A whole other monster in itself
When you first met him this crazy guy kissed your hand like you were in some regency movie
You were so shy afterwards that you couldn't look him in the eyes, your cheeks hot and pink
One time, Alastor actually took off his coat and put it over a puddle for you step on
Didn't you just beat up some guy for ripping it???
You could've just stepped over the puddle in the first place??? Why did you do that??
"I did what any proper gentleman would do for a lady such as yourself, Y/N..!"
You gotta look away at that point or else he would see how hot your face is getting, feeling flustered
Alastor actually asked you to dance to a song that wasn't meant for grinding and sweating on each other??
You blush and mumble something about not knowing how to dance to music like this and instead of making fun of you Alastor teaches you how
He's a wonderful dancer and leads the entire time, not letting you make a fool of yourself in front of everyone
You've never felt your heart do skip so many beats before
You're trying to ignore what some random lecherous demon is saying about your body and the things he would do to it??
Guess what-
"Now that is not the way to start a proper conversation with a lady of Y/N's status, or any lady for that matter."
Alastor scares him off for you and won't even accept your thanks in return, making your legs wobbly
Once your suffering with feelings for Alastor then every little thing he does makes you turn into a gooey puddle
It doesn't stop when he's suddenly courting you, only getting worse with each romantic act
He brings you flowers, dedicates entire broadcasts to you, asks you to take evening strolls with him
He does all this and never even expects a parting kiss from you, simply happy to be in your presence
When/why the fuck did men stop acting like this?? This is so much better than how they were back when you were alive-
You get flustered just at the sight of him now, wondering just how he's going to make you swoon today
Alastor is slowly getting you accustomed to how he believes you should always be treated, happy that you're no longer confused by his actions
This motherfucker just Pavlov-ed you into falling for him
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This was so fun to write!! I hope I did a good enough job!!
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