explororshy · 4 years
New Year {Bakugou Katsuki x Reader}
(A/N): Sooo, this is one of my fics on DA, but it’s the first one I’m gonna be uploading on Tumblr! It’s pretty old, but I thought I’ll start with this here :) A fluffy one for Katsu 
I really hope you all like it!! Please let me know what you thought of it, I would be happy to take constructive criticism <3 
also, this fic is dedicated to the lovely @annoy-ng-draws​ <33 she’s my number one supporter lol luv ya baby xx
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
Genre: Fluff 
Time Period: Third year of highschool 
Warnings: none apart from it being super fluffy!
Word count: 1.1k words 
P.S.  I tried to incorporate some Japanese traditions and beliefs I'm aware of in this, I apologise if I got them or the words wrong in this, please let me know if I did! (also req are open for BNHA!)
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You grabbed the woolen-knit scarf draped over your desk chair and wrapped it around your neck. Slinging your bag over your shoulder, you walked out of your dorm room, glad that the central heating was working again. 
A cold New Year's eve was as bad as it sounds, but luckily your class 3-A partied the night away, too wild to notice.
A small smile made it's way onto your face knowing that your boyfriend had gone to sleep way earlier than what is legal on New Year's eve. Your smile widened slightly when you saw him leaning against the front door, nose buried in his own red scarf which you had knit for him as a Christmas present.
"Katsuki," You said softly, placing your hand comfortably in his.
"What took you so long, idiot?" He muttered, finally walking out into the cold, his hand leading your's. Sighing, you said a quiet apology, knowing how much you both had been looking forward to this day.
January 1. Your first New Year shrine visit as a couple.
A shrine visit was something Katsuki never liked to do, much less as a couple. Earlier it used to be just a hassle for him, but he agreed to go with you without hesitation. There was something very calming and mundane about it, which he won't ever admit. 
You looked around at the frost on bare branches, the snow lying in small heaps on the street lamps, giving off a light ethereal glow. The chilly air swayed the naked branches with a gentle touch, while you glanced at the slightly dark sky. The first day was going to be a busy day, so you two wanted to visit the shrine before it started getting crowded.
"What will you wish for?" You asked, wrapping your free hand around his bicep, laying your head on his shoulder. He glanced down at you briefly, seemingly lost in thought. You nudged his jaw with your head waiting for an answer.
He shook his head, placing your intertwined hands in his coat pocket, "If I tell you, it won't come true."
Standing before the torii gate, you both bowed and entered, walking up the steps and veering off towards the temizuya (*water basin at shrines) to rinse your hands. The water was freezing cold, you could feel the numbness spreading when the water splashed against your palm. The huge tree towering above almost seemed alive, its sturdy branches still full with leaves, waving down at you.
Sticking close to Katsuki's side, you felt lucky knowing that your man was so unnaturally warm, it was too good a perk especially during the winter season. The shrine was bathed in early morning light, a few early risers with similar intentions already there. You both dropped a goen (*5 yen) into the coin box, it was a sweet tradition that the coin was supposed to bring good luck. 
The wind was picking up as you two walked inside after taking off your shoes. Standing close, your shoulders were almost touching. The inside was warm with a delicate scent swimming lazily, it relaxed your cold nerves. Bowing twice, you glanced sideways at your boyfriend. 
The serene expression accompanied by a small smile on his face stole your breath away, and as you both clapped twice to make a wish, your mind was flooded with just one word, one person. Katsuki.  
It was like sunlight was flooding through you, filling up every empty space in your body. At that moment, when he turned to look at you, your happiness felt like a sweet flute melody, gentle and comforting. 
Affectionate silence filled the words you two felt, it melded itself into the way Katsuki adjusted your scarf or the way he payed close attention to your feet while walking down the frost covered stone steps.
The wonderful smell of delicious snacks from stalls outside wafted your way as you walked out of the shrine. The two of you bought an omikuji (*fortune, oracle) each. Tying your bad fortune slip to eliminate the bad luck, you groaned as Katsuki wrapped an arm around your waist in comfort.
"This sucks," You pouted, burying your face into his neck, hands loosely linked around his back.
"I know, sucks to be you," He barked out a laugh, though his hands still ran up and down your back in a comforting gesture.
"Katsuki don't be mean in god's house, he'll put you on the naughty list," You glared at him and pulled back, stalking off towards a stall where a few ema (*wooden plaques for wish making) were hanging from hooks. People had now started pouring in waves, the chatter around growing louder.
"That's supposed to be Santa you brat," He rolled his eyes and followed you, accepting a marker the kind old man offered the two of you. Picking up a small wooden plaque, he scribbled something on it. You stood on the tips of your toes trying to get a peek, but Katsuki pushed your face away, turning to the other side to finish writing. 
Huffing, you wrote your own wish, smiling at it while hanging it on the highest hook you could reach on the wooden panel.
"Ne, Katsuki, tell me! What did you wish for?" You asked, eyes shining up at him. He only scoffed, flipping the plaque to the other side before you could see. You whined, trying to grab it from his hands, irritated that he wouldn't show you. He easily placed it on the actual highest hook before you could snatch it, grinning down at you, his height spurt made him tower over you and he loved it. You glared up at him, arms crossed across your chest.
"You brat!" You growled in your best Katsuki impression, face contorting into fake rage - it was way off and not accurate at all. You could see the amusement in his eyes as he lifted up his eyebrows. 
Bending down towards you slightly he wondered loudly, "Haaahhh? What was that? Did you just call me a brat, you brat?"
"S-so what if I did?" You chuckled, nervous at how his lips brushed against yours, sending shivers down your back.
"So this," He said and pressed his lips to your own. Katsuki's kisses were rough most times just like his personality. They were always loving yet charged, with an underlying current like that of a swiftly running river... but this one was different. It was more of a still lake. It was calm, it was loving and it was content. It enveloped you with a sense of safety.
Pulling back, you registered the morning glow around the shrine in a daze, Katsuki grinning at you, eyes closed in this rare smile, his blond hair fluttering very slightly, a small blush on his face.
"Let's go and get some food now to calm your monstrous appetite."
"Katsuki I keep telling you! You gotta stop sayin' stuff that's gonna put you on the naughty list!"
"I told you, that's for Santa, you dumbfuck!"
Sunlight slowly worked its way up, falling on the stall you both had left behind.
His wish?
I already got her. Just help me keep her happy or whatever. Thanks.
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rainy-tree-bird · 4 years
Sleepy-head// Bakugou x Reader
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Warnings: Swearing, mostly fluff
A/N: You and Bakugou have been dating since you guys started UA. You are one of the few lucky people who get to see Bakugou's soft side! Anyways on with the story! :3
3rd Pov
The students of 1A had been celebrating Midoriya's birthday all night while Bakugou had been trying to get some type of sleep, sadly Bakugou did not get enough sleep...
Its now morning and classes are supposed to start in an hour.
Bakugou's Pov
"Fucking extras... I couldn't get any sleep because of them..." I mumble under my breath while trying to get out of bed. I get out of bed and get dressed. As I'm getting dressed I get a text from Y/n.
Y/n: Morning! Just wanted you to know that I'm not going to class today... Woke up with a fever.. Love you<3
Bakugou: I told you to dry your fucking hair before you go to bed. Thx for telling me, get some fucking sleep if you can.
Y/n: I will, love you.
Bakugou: Love you too, idiot
I take my phone and head down to the common room. Once I come the common room I eat breakfast and head to class. Little did I know that this day would be a god-damn nightmare.
During class I almost fall asleep since I was so tired and after class fucking four eyes yells at me. Honestly, I was close to beating him up but Aizawa was keeping an eye on me and I didn't feel like dealing with his shit. During lunch Scotch-tape and Pikachu tried to tease me for looking so tired. Then HE came.
3rd Pov
"Hey, Kacchan are you ok? You look tired" Midoriya asked whilst waking up to Bakugou. "What the fuck do you think?! Your fucking celebration kept me awake! Don't you fucking try to look down on me Deku." Bakugou shouts. Midoriya just stands there and in the end says: "I'm sorry Kacchan I didn't know..."
"Get the fuck out of my way Deku." Bakugou says while standing up and leaving the cafeteria. "I'm sorry Midoriya, Bakubro's really tired. Don't take it personally..." Kirishima says sympathetically. "It's ok, I know how Kacchan gets when he doesn't get enough sleep!" Midoriya says.
Bakugou's Pov
"I'm so done with this bullshit. I just want to cuddle Y/n or sleep" I think as I walk to class.
After a few hours school finally ends. I get out of class, get my shit and head back to the dorms. Once I get to the dorms I head straight to Y/n room.
Y/n Pov
"I wonder what Katsuki is doing" I think as I hear someone slam my door open and then closing it. "What the?" I say as I start to turn my head from my phone. As I'm about to look at my door I feel someone suddenly lay down on me. Pushing me into a laying position in my bed. I see a head of ash blond hair and I realize that it's Katsuki. He wraps his arms around my waist with his head laying on my chest.
"Hey Katsuki. What's wrong?" I say softly as I wrap one of my arms around him and lay the other arm on his head. "I'm so tired... Just fucking cuddle with me." He says pulling me tighter into a hug. "Ok, sleepyhead" I say as I stroke my hand across his hair whilst smiling. "Don't call me that" He says groggily. "No promises." I say quietly with a small smile on my face.
As we lay there, I start hearing small snores from Katsuki. "Sleep tight, Sleepy head" I say as I start to fall asleep myself.
Welp that's what I got. The story focused a bit more on Bakugou but oh well. Hope you enjoyed this little story! Tbh I'm mostly gonna write Bakugou oneshots cause I love him
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Fluffvember day 4
“I’m going to win this for you.” | Bakugou Katsuki x reader
Fluffvember Day 4
Fluffvember masterlist
A/N : This just screams Bakugou at me so that's exactly who today's drabble is going to be about.
Apologies it's so short! Hope you enjoy!
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With a grown, you stifled open your eyes, the familiar ceiling of Recovery Girl's office coming into view. You sat up, a dull pain aching through you. 
"You're up." someone commented.
Sending them a quick smile you nodded. "Everything alright baby?"
He scoffed, glaring intently at his hand as he picked up yours and laced his fingers with yours. "You're the one to speak."
Letting out a sigh, you squeezed his hand. "Sorry I lost."
"Damn right you should be." he shouted, you wincing at his harsh tone.
"Well it was either to him or to you." you tried to reason, knowing that your words would less than likely be able to deter the blonde from his rage.
"Yeah and you were meant to lose to me, not that shitty half and half bastard."
With a small giggle you reached out your other hand to ruffle his hair.
"Well you'll win for me right?"
He scoffed again before leaning in for a quick kiss. 
“I’m going to win this for you.”
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sunniethebakubean · 5 years
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lowercase intended.
fluff fluff fluff <3 
THE THREE GIRLS WENT TO A DESSERT CAFE AFTER SCHOOL, feeling the need to replenish all those nutrients lost during math class. during the period, (y/n) yamamoto sneaked out of the class for half an hour, roaming around the school canteen and get some snacks before she sneaked back into the class again, using the back door of the classroom; she ran to her seat as fast as she could before the teacher noticed her. at that time, the teacher has already given them homework, the girl went to uraraka’s place since she doesn’t know how to solve the equations and plus; her deskmate was sleeping which (y/n) yamamoto decided not to bother her. she was struggling with every math question and (y/n) was not happy about it, she closed the textbook beside her and looked outside the window,  a sigh escaped her lips as she tapped her pen lightly, glancing over the brunette in front of her;
“hey, can we eat dessert later?”
and now they’re standing outside a random cafe, still contemplating whether they should find another decent cafe or just go with the flow - and jiro insisted they should have stopped here, not wasting any time to find other cafes because the heat was overwhelming; sweat running down through the back of their necks as (y/n) yamamoto waving her hands in a fanning motion. she pushed the door open, greeted by the waiters and waitresses as they all nodded in response, eyes glancing around to find the perfect spot to fit the three of them. the cafe was well known for its floral and botanical-inspired designs, which gives you a sense of peace and tranquillity while enjoying some cake and coffee at the same time. the girls sat on a corner table, uraraka and jiro were sitting side by side while (y/n) was sitting across them.
“well, i like the music here, it’s relaxing.” uraraka stretched both of her hands and leaned against the chair. after a few minutes, the brunette then took out her maths homework and placed it on the round marble table, wanting to finish the questions today. (y/n) yamamoto rolled her eyes while snatching away her blue pen, uraraka pouted and nudged on jiro’s shoulder; asking for help. the petite girl smirked at her, shaking her head and put everything back inside her school bag, uraraka was confused and yet feeling irritated at the same time; she needs to finish her homework by tonight and there’s no way she was going to finish the questions if her friends were bothering her like this.
“what? ochaco! we don’t do this here.” (y/n) yamamoto grinned cheekily while ruffled her hair, she pushed her hands away, but gently, nicely because she didn’t want to offend her; she then looked at both of them sternly. “i am hanging out with izuku tonight, and i really need to finish the questions...” uraraka puffed her cheeks and crossed her arms over her chest, (y/n) yamamoto shrugged on her statement as she put out her purse and put it on the table; “copy his answer, uraraka. he’s smart.”
“yeah, he’s smart-”
“guys, i-”
suddenly, a loud bang makes the three girls jolted from their seat. (y/n) yamamoto, covering her ears while looking back; her breath hitched when she saw someone familiar walking towards their seat. (y/n) yamamoto immediately turned around and glared at jiro, squeezing her wrist tightly while she let out a squeak; “why did you ask them to come over?!” (y/n) whispered quietly, she could feel her heartbeat pounding against her chest when the footsteps are getting nearer; their voices echoed in the cafe and (y/n) yamamoto just wanted to leave the place now.
she was shy.
“i think you are asking me why bakugou is coming over, but not kirishima and kaminari.” jiro snickered at her while using hand gestures to ask the boys to sit with them. uraraka again, was confused about why (y/n) yamamoto was acting like this, but she wasn’t going to ask her on the spot because kirishima was now pulling the chair from another table; sitting beside her while rubbing his arms. “damn, this cafe is cold.” the red-haired male sighed, rubbing his hands, then moving on his thighs and rubbed it against his pants. kaminari was sitting next to jiro and obviously, katsuki was sitting next to (y/n) yamamoto. the girl rested her elbows on the table and cupped her chin in her hands, trying to avoid eye contact with katsuki bakugou, the blonde beside her, too; was nervous. the orangey-blonde haired male wiggled his eyebrows and looked at them playfully, “why are you guys so tense?”
“nothing?” (y/n) yamamoto forced a smile while looking at her friend, pleading jiro to get herself out of this situation.
“must be doing something that we don’t know? i guess? ” jiro laughed, earning a glare from katsuki.
“shut the fuck up, emo girl.” he huffed, accidentally making eye contact with (y/n) yamamoto, the blonde blushed and he immediately slammed on the table; trying to hide the fact that he was actually peeking on her. “w-what the fuck are you l-looking at?! idiot!” katsuki then quickly took out his phone to distract his thoughts, his cheeks burned hotter the more he thought about the things that they have done a few hours ago.
(y/n) yamamoto was shocked-
(y/n) yamamoto took her purse and walked towards the counter, looking at the pastries from the shelves. they are tidily placed on the transparent glass cabinet, lining up and waiting for her to pick them. (y/n) gulped loudly, she was so famished that golden sparks danced before her eyes when she saw different types of cakes like blueberry cheesecake, loaves, cookies and many more. macaroons that are round, flat, in bright colours were placed in the second row, up above near the ceiling bar, there were different kinds of packed coffee bean packed in brown bags. (y/n) yamamoto rubbed her hands in excitement, already knowing that which are the cakes that she will choose. the cafe assistant snapped her back to reality as he smiled at her,
“hi! how may i help you?” the guy greeted enthusiastically, he raised his right hand and extending it towards (y/n) yamamoto, she was surprised by the formality and quickly gave the person’s hand a gentle squeeze and solid, firm downward shake. the black-haired male chuckled, still gripping her hands tightly while his thumb gently caressed on her fingers, (y/n) yamamoto was obviously terrified by his actions as she quickly pulled away and nodded apologetically;
“you are cute and pretty.” the guy winked at her and (y/n) shivered slightly, not knowing what to do; she smiled awkwardly and pointing the cakes from the shelves. after choosing the cakes that she wanted, (y/n) took out the money from her purse but was stopped by a certain someone, the girl turned around and saw katsuki bakugou was standing right behind her; his ruby eyes glared menacingly at the cafe assistant. just when (y/n) yamamoto wanted to speak, the explosive teen wrapped his muscular arms around her waist protectively whilst slamming the money on the counter, “keep the change.” the black-haired male nodded frantically, assumed that (y/n) yamamoto and katsuki bakugou were a thing.
“and four eyes, don’t you fucking dare touch her again.”
5:58 PM
spending time at the cafe was not bad, (y/n) yamamoto get to socialize with kirishima and kaminari more which they became a little closer after having small talks with each other, she felt much more comfortable hanging around with them and also; (y/n) yamamoto was secretly happy because she gets to sit next to katsuki. the girl was still in a daze, she still feel butterflies dancing in her stomach as she kept recalling the incident that happened not long ago, of how katsuki pulled her closed towards him and how he became overprotective of her all of a sudden; which these doki doki actions was making (y/n) flustered even more.  and now everyone was standing outside the cafe, waving each other goodbye and walked separately as most of them were staying at different places. unfortunate- luckily, (y/n) yamamoto and katsuki bakugou were “forced” to walk together because they were staying in the same housing area.
the heat of the day has ebbed to a comforting warmth, the pair walked together in silence as their hands would accidentally brushing against each other, and katsuki bakugou was so embarrassed; the blonde quickly shoved his hands into his pockets; denying the fact that he actually wanted to hold her hand. (y/n) yamamoto took a deep breath and looked at the explosive teen beside her, she wanted to talk to him; but katsuki turned his head to avert her gaze. he blushed even harder when (y/n) tugged at his sleeve softly, katsuki sighed, scratching the back of his neck before he looked at her;
“his voice was so soft, what the heck-”
“i- i mean- what the fuck do you want?! don’t touch me, idiot!” katsuki scowled at the girl as he pushed her away, suddenly felt the awkwardness as he attempted to hide his rosey cheeks behind his fingers. (y/n) yamamoto laughed at him which resulted in pissing off the blonde even more, just when he wanted to yell at her; her face suddenly changed into a serious expression as she grabbed on his right arm gently.  
“thank you for helping me today.”
“...whatever.” (y/n) yamamoto grinned at him as she immediately released his arm, taking out her phone to check the notifications, katsuki gulped as he suddenly stopped in his tracks; the girl was surprised but still waited for him anyway. he tapped his shoes on the ground, his whole face turned red and (y/n) yamamoto tilted her head to the side, waiting patiently for him to speak. “thelatestchapterisgood.” he mumbled as he quickly walked away, and (y/n) yamamoto just nodded as she continued browsing her social media, and then a sudden realization hits her; katsuki was actually talking about her book.
“oi, bakugou! too fast!” she ran to him and smacked his back, katsuki turned around and gritted his teeth, instantly regretting his decision for telling her the truth.
“okay, so you like the chapter, did you read that and masturbate?” (y/n) yamamoto bites her lip - probably need to bite her tongue off to stop laughing, her hands smacking on her thighs continuously as she laughed even harder when katsuki’s face was red with anger and his face was all scrunched up; “stop laughing, idiot.”
“o-okay, hahaha- i can’t- hmph?!” he pulled her against him and pressed his mouth to hers, taking her by utter surprise. (y/n) quickly pushed him away, panicking as she looked around to see if there were any people passing by this area. “what the fuck?! people might see us, stupid! it’s not like you are my boyfriend or something-”
“i told you to stop, didn’t i?” he spoke softly, kissing her once again.
“katsuki bakugou is...actually cute.”
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taka-makki · 5 years
here we go again | bakugou katsuki
✎ fluff
✎ bakugou katsuki
✎ cute
“here we go again, i kinda wanna be more than friends...” the strums of his melodic cords echoed throughout her room. dim pink lights illuminated the shape of a lump in the sheets. a bright light could be seen beneath the blankets. 
“so take it easy on me,” every smile he flashes, millions of heartbeats begin once again. out of everyone in this app, she loved him. only him, katsuki bakugou.
“I’m afraid you’re never satisfied.” the gaze of pure confusion on his face, lip piercing, nose piercing, just everywhere.
It ended into another loop. Here we go again.
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rainy-tree-bird · 4 years
Secrets//Bakugou x Reader
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A/N: This fanfic is inspired by Sketchbiscuit on Tik Tok. So if you have Tik Tok then I recommend following them! They make really cool content and they also have a series that has inspired me to make this Oneshot! So it's all thanks to Sketchbiscuit! The quirk and idea with Bakugou is taken from Sketchbiscuit so credit goes to them!  Also thank you to everyone who waited for me to make this, and Sketchbiscuit you are awesome! <3 
Also this story is more of a platonic relationship between Y/n and Bakugou. 
Warnings: Angst, fluff, swearing, bullying, mentions of suicide, panic attack, depression. 
My name is y/n l/n, I attend UA in class 1A, I would like to say that I'm special but there are so many people in UA so I honestly don't think that I am that special. Though I do have a pretty rare quirk, its a healing quirk! I'm able to heal people by touching any part of their skin, the downside to this is that whilst I'm healing them I feel the pain too... I'm capable of healing pretty much anything, from Midoriyas broken bones all the way to Yaomomo getting a papercut! Luckily I have a really high pain tolerance so it's all good...
Except for the emotional pain, no one really knows the fact that I can also temporarily remove a person's emotional pain. The teachers know of course! But not anyone of my classmates, I'd rather that they wouldn't know. What if they found out and avoided being around me because they don't want to accidentally give me their pain? They know that I feel their physical pain but just accepted that it doesn't hurt too much due to my high pain tolerance, but if they knew about me being able to temporarily remove emotional pain? They could never get to know that, plus I suck at dealing with that type of pain. So that brings us to what's happening now...
Quiet sobs are heard from a dark dorm, looking closer, a girl is slightly visible her knees up to her chest, arms holding on to said knees for dear life. Her head is buried in her arms. Her h/c hair is a mess, her whole body shaking violently. Tears flowing down her face as the sobs get quieter, being replaced with rapid breathing as if she were barely breathing as she is crying. A soft knock is heard at her door. She stops in her tracks and starts to stand up, heading towards the door. She wipes her face from any leftover tears, hoping that her face isn't too puffy so it won't be obvious to whoever is knocking at her door that she has been frantically crying.
As she opens the door she sees a blonde with a black lightning streak in his hair. Yellow eyes looking at the door frame to keep him from looking at you.
-Hey, y/n I just wanted to thank you for comforting me during my panic attack, it really helped. Almost as if it just disappeared-
He looks up at you, seemingly confident enough to look at you. He stops mid-sentence looking a bit shocked as he sees your puffy eyes.  
-Holy shit! D-did I make you cry after you helped me!? I'm so sorry!
He looks at you with a guilty face, how could he have made you cry and after you had been so kind and comforted him!? As if your mind is in another world you come back realising that he is seeing you post-panic attack due to you comforting him. You quickly try to come up with a lie not wanting him to put the pieces together that it was because of you removing his pain.
-Oh, what? I just got really allergic, ya know pollen... Yeah!
You exclaim, hoping he will believe you and luck seems to be on your side as he appears to relax, believing you.
-Oh really? For a second I thought it was my fault, you don't look too good. Maybe take an allergy pill?
He suggests and you nod in response, happy that he didn't catch on.
Movie marathon with the Bakusquad seemed like a good idea and honestly, it was (depending on how you see it). Movies where watched, food was eaten, popcorn and pillows were thrown, screams from Bakugou were heard. Perfect movie marathon for the Bakusquad! And now everyone had fallen asleep, you were the only one left awake but just barely. You were trying to find out if the girl in the movie was going to end up dating her crush or not! But you just couldn't handle it anymore and fell asleep.
You opened your eyes, you were on a stage, you could see hundreds if not thousands of people looking at you, your arms were restrained in what seemed like a big metal box, at the end of the box was a chain that kept you from moving from your spot on the stage. On your face there seemed to be a muzzle keeping you from speaking, it was extremely uncomfortable, to a point where your jaw was in pain.
You reacted, looking towards the source of the sound. "But wait my name isn't Kacchan? I'm not Bakugou!"  you thought but looked towards the source anyways. You could see Midoriya, he was at the edge of a roof, it looked as if he was about to jump off.
-Why did you do this to me Kacchan?
You heard Midoriya mumble. Tears were streaming down his face, his green eyes wide, crazed looking. They were staring into your soul as if they were immensely judging you. You were shocked, scared, horrified. What was going on? You tried to scream, to tell him not to jump, but all that came out were muffled screams. Moving towards him was also impossible, the chains linked to your restraints keeping you in place. You tried to move anyways, suddenly they came off with an explosion. "Wait, this isn't my quirk", you thought as you looked at your hands.
Suddenly shouting was heard and all of it was directed to you. As if everyone and everything was judging you with all the anger of the world.
-Monster! Villain! How is he a hero!? He's terrifying! He's not good enough! Bully! Unloveable! Evil!
You clutched your head, squeezing your eyes shut, desperately trying to block all the negative sounds and comments. Then everything goes silent and dark. You hesitantly open your eyes and look up, you see Allmight. He is in his weak form, blood everywhere, his hero costume is ripped, a visible frown and blue eyes piercing your soul.
He screams, you feel extremely guilty. You start to gasp for air,  it feels as if your getting choked.  You feel more and more pain, your limbs starting to go numb. Vision getting distorted with black spots everywhere.
You wake up in a cold sweat, tears streaming down your face as you try to get your shallow breathing under control. You feel a weight on your side, you glance towards it.
Bakugou is lying on your shoulder, both of your arms touching each other. His eyebrows furrowed as always, a frown on his face, his eyes are shut tight, he looks extremely uncomfortable almost as if he were having a nightmare. He fell asleep and during his sleep started leaning on you. You quickly put two and two together and realise that you were feeling his emotions.
-You're feeling all of this?
You whisper, more to yourself than Bakugou, but you are shocked, "How can he bear all of this?" It's the only thing that you can think about. A tired sigh is heard from said male, his body starting to move from his slumber.
-The fucks going on?
The mumble is heard from him. He groggily opens his crimson eyes, looking straight at you.  
-Oh shit-
You say, realising that he's looking at you and you looking at him with tears still streaming down your face. He stares at you trying to figure out what's happening, mind still foggy since he just woke up. You stare back at him not knowing what to do.  His eyes slightly widen realising that you've been crying this whole time.
-Oi, why the fuck are you crying?
He says quietly, not wanting to wake the others. His tone is aggressive but slight worry is evident.
-Ehm, i-its nothing important, seriously!
You stutter, partially giving away that it is an obvious lie. You wipe your tears and he shifts his body so that he can face you.
-Quit the bullshit, what is it?
He says. It sounds more like a threat than a request. This goes on for a while, Bakugou aggressively telling you to spill whatever is going on and you telling him not to worry about it.
-You're not gonna give up, are you?
You sigh, hoping that he actually decides to leave it.
-Hell no, just tell me already you dumbass.
He replies, crossing his arms. You sigh once again, knowing that you're just going to have to tell him the truth. Which sadly means that you have to tell him about the hidden part about your quirk.
-Fine, I'll tell you...
You say, he smirks.
-Fuckin finally.
He says triumphantly, prepared to finally know.
-You know how my quirk is able to heal people?
You say in a low voice. He nods.
-Yeah, but how the fuck does that relate to you crying?
He asks annoyed, you ignore him.
-Well, I'm also able to heal emotional pain but only temporarily, so like the person I heal won't feel the burden for a while, but it also means that I feel that pain. So during your sleep, you must've at some point have touched my skin so... I basically dreamt what you felt...
After your whole explanation, there's a silence between the two of you. The only sounds that are heard are the snoring and heavy breathing of some of your sleeping friends and the tv playing the credits to the film you were watching before you fell asleep.
-Oh fuck...
He says, breaking the silence between the two of you. You look at him, studying his facial features to somehow find out what he's thinking. It's his usual scowl, his eyes are looking off to the side, he looks slightly.... guilty and ashamed...
-Does you're quirk activate just by skin to skin or does it also activate through fabrics and shit too?
He asks, he looks at you once again. You wonder why he would be interested in that but decide to humour him anyways.
-Nah, it's just skin to skin, plus you have to be experiencing emotional pain at the moment my skin comes in contact with someones for it to activate.
You answer, still confused as to why he wants to know that. He then turns around, grabbing something. Confusion is visible on your face. He then turns around and suddenly grabs you, you feel something warm and fuzzy wrapping you plus a pair of arms wrapping tightly around you.
-Bakugou, what are you doing!?
You yelp. Then it clicks, he's hugging you and a blanket in-between the two of you so that your quirk doesn't activate.
-Shut up... It's my fucking fault that you were crying so don't complain, take this as an apology... You dumbass...
He mumbles the apology part, a slight blush is visible on his cheeks as he looks away from you, his grip slightly tightening. You smile and relax.
-Thanks, apology accepted.
You whisper.
The Bakusquad were walking to a café together for another after-school hangout. On the way, Mina and Jirou walk closer to you.
-Hey, n/n! What's going on with you and Bakugou? The two of you have gotten much closer lately. Come on, give me the tea!
Mina says very curiously, Jirou nods at Mina's request, also curious as to what's going on between you and Bakugou. You look towards Bakugou, his usual scowl on his face as Kirishima has an arm around his shoulder and Kaminari and Sero are talking to him. You smile, thinking about what to answer.
Ever since that night, when Bakugou found out about the second part of your quirk and you found out about his emotional wellbeing, the two of you had gotten closer. Bakugou would occasionally talk to you about his feelings and he would sometimes help you and try to comfort you when you had used your quirk to heal someone emotionally. You then got the perfect answer for your two curious friends, you smiled softly and replied.
-I guess it because we found out something personal about each other, that's all.
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