#barnaby b beagle fluff
celebrating their s/o’s birthday ; full ensemble
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requested by ; anonymous (27/05/23)
fandom(s) ; welcome home
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; barnaby b beagle, eddie dear, frank frankly, howdy pillar, julie joyful, poppy partridge, sally starlet, wally darling
outline ; “since it's my birthday today-though it'll probably be long past when you answer this lol-could i have headcanons for the welcome home squad doing something for it? i figure that headcanons would be easier to do for everyone, but you can write it out story-wise if you want. if you only want to do some of them, wally, frank, sally, and howdy is fine. thank you and have a good day!”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
barnaby b beagle
he’s a strong believer in ‘birthday bumps’ and will start the day by making sure you get your share
before bringing you some breakfast in bed, of course
he gets you a number of gag gifts as well as genuine presents and cards — but what those gags are depends on your boundaries and such (e.g. if sudden movements and loud sounds genuinely scare you then he won’t get you a pop up box or screamer)
hosts a small get together with by your friends and facilitates an all out prank war that’s based around your humour — doing everything he can throughout the day to keep you laughing and smiling
eventually everyone leaves and you sit down for your evening meal and that’s when he hands you his actual birthday card for you
of course there are puns scattered here and there, but it’s written so genuinely and it’s so sweet that you end up tearing up and tackling him with a hug
you end the day with your sides hurting from laugher and your heart full to bursting and you couldn’t have hoped for a better birthday
eddie dear
eddie unfortunately doesn’t get to wake you up on your birthday as his rounds have him out and about until about 9 — and your neighbour, julie, had already woken you up at 8 to give you the presents she’d prepared and give you (some very gentle) birthday bumps
he gets home around the same time that frank stops by to give you your gift so you all sit down and have a chat over a fresh cup of tea/coffee — with the others eventually joining you to share in good drink and sweet foods
it’s a good laugh and he can see the joy and appreciation in your eyes as your loved ones celebrate you and you open your remaining cards and gifts in the middle of this makeshift gathering
they all stay for a little while after that, leaving at around 1 as they had other responsibilities, leaving you and eddie alone for the first time that day
he hands you his main gift: a handmade scrapbook featuring photos and letters you’d sent to each other over the course of your relationship so far with little captions in his neatest handwriting noting down when each date happened
it’s cheesy and sentimental and incredibly fitting of him, but still you tear up and spend a good hour or so cuddling
then, to cap off the day, you go for a walk around the neighbourhood and into the surrounding woodlands
enjoying the beautiful weather and fresh air and good company as you talk about anything and everything
what a lovely end to a lovely birthday
frank frankly
frank takes a much more domestic approach to celebrating your birthday and will spend it comfortable indoors
he prepped your gift and card months in advance — having managed to get the complete collection of your favourite books from their original printing run after literal years of searching
and he was incredibly proud of himself for it — unbelievably excited to see your reaction when you finally saw what he’d gotten you
he lets you have a lay-in whilst he makes you your favourite breakfast before waking you up quite late and giving you your card
it’s simple but sweet and you share a kiss before you go down to eat
good food, good company, good conversation
and, once you were finished, good gifts and good cards
you were due to celebrate with the rest of your loved ones the next day but they’d dropped off their presents in advance
and you appreciated each and every one
then came your partner’s present and frank was anxiously watching as you tore open the wrapping paper
and you saw it and you gasped and you cried — a good cry, though
it’s such a sweet and thoughtful gesture that you couldn’t not tear up and, after placing them to one side, you pulled him into a hug and thanked him for your wonderful gift
what an amazing birthday you were due to have
howdy pillar
howdy actually takes the afternoon off to spend it with you — he needs to go in during the morning but he manages to close at noon
and he walks into your home with his arms filled with your favourite flowers, a personalised stuffed animal, a bag filled with presents and cards and a bag of your favourite take out for lunch
you eat whilst opening your gifts and cards with the radio on in the background, just enjoying each other’s company and the rare chance to spend a quiet afternoon together
the other neighbours had stopped by earlier in the morning to send their regards and gifts so you didn’t have anything to interrupt and ruin the moment
your flowers were put in a vase and displayed on the windowsill alongside your cards
then, after putting everything away and throwing away all of the rubbish, you decide to have a calm evening in
playing a new board game that had been delivered to the store — and winning despite all of howdy’s best efforts
dancing around the house — being spun and dipped and toss as you laugh and squeal
making your evening meal together and trying to keep up with howdy’s four handed mastery of the art of cooking
eating your favourite meal together and exchanging gossip that you’d heard earlier in the day
and ending the day sat on the porch, cuddled into your boyfriend’s side as you watch the sunset and smile at the conclusion of a birthday well spent
julie joyful
to describe the celebration in one word: colourful
she starts the day by shaking you awake, kissing you good morning and dragging you downstairs to open your presents because she’s terrible at keeping secrets
she watches you open them and is arguably more excited than you as she does — but she quickly busies herself by making you a cup of tea/coffee and some breakfast
then you eat together and chat and then she hands you her last gift and tells you to go and get changed
it’s a beautiful set of clothing, the fanciest you’ve ever owned, and then she does both of your hair and you spend the rest of the day going between your neighbour’s houses
celebrating with friends until your cheeks hurt and your legs ache and you’re just about awake enough to stumble back home arm-in-arm
ready to be greeted by her family, who help you celebrate the rainbow monster way — with lots of colours and lots of affection and lots of good food
and by the end of the night (or, rather, the beginning of the next day) when you’re finally drifting off to sleep you know that you’ll be looking back on this birthday with a particular fondness — and you can’t wait to spend the rest of your birthdays with julie by your side
poppy partridge
she memorised the recipes to all of your favourite foods and desserts and started practising them months beforehand
then on your actual birthday she woke you up with a selection of your favourite breakfast foods (and a peck to the cheek, of course)
next came a long chat as you enjoyed your breakfast in bed before you went to get dressed and she prepped the presents and cards you were sent by friends and family
she put on a vhs of your favourite movie in the background whilst you made your way through them — taking them off of your hands to arrange/wash/fold them and put them away to save you the trouble
the rest of the day is pretty standard, honestly
the neighbours stop by for lunch (another selection of some of your favourite dishes) and chat and hand over their presents
and after they leave you and poppy have a low-key afternoon
spending the day in your comfiest clothes, cuddling on the settee and reading and completing a puzzle that eddie and frank gifted you
and finishing the day with another favourite food of yours — dancing in the kitchen when she was cooking
it was calm and intimate and comfortable
you wouldn’t have had it any other way
sally starlet
this girl is nothing if not dramatic, so she naturally roped all of your loved ones into her plan to make your first birthday with her the most spectacular one yet
interviews your closest friends and family members to organise gifts and cards and transport — making sure that everyone was on the same page
then, on your actual birthday she was sure to keep things low-key at first
waking you up with a kiss and a cuddle, going downstairs to make you breakfast whilst you opened the neighbours’ gifts and cards
everything was very chill and affectionate and intimate — until 12pm exactly when her plan came into action and everyone showed up
friends and family with arms filled with food and gifts singing happy birthday to you as they filtered into the home
half doing a bang up job of decorating your shared home whilst the others absolutely spoiled you with affection and compliments
you could solidly say that she’d succeeded in surprising you
and when the food started to get plated up and you sat in a room with your loved ones, you found yourself smiling at sally and being thankful for having someone as charmingly dramatic in your life to do all of this just for you
wally darling
on a spectrum from high key to intimate celebrations, wally falls somewhere in the middle
like he won’t arrange a massive party but he also won’t force you to spend the whole day with him inside of home
it’s likely going to end up being a split day
the morning (6-12pm) is spent with just the two of you, with home waking you up early to open your presents whilst wally watches on and celebrates you
the afternoon (12-6pm) being spent going between your neighbours’ houses to celebrate as a collective
and ending the day with a sleepover at whoever’s home you’re closest with
that way you get a little bit of everything
poppy’s cooking that leaves you wanting more
eddie’s craftiness that gives you cards and gifts that are so charming and handmade that you tear up
julie’s attentiveness and insistence on making you look as fabulous as possible
frank’s genuine and honest approach to gifts and cards that has you grinning and pulling him into a side hug
barnaby’s endless humour that leaves you with straining cheeks and burning lungs and aching sides
sally’s dramatics and ability to make a celebration so impactful and unique that it stays with you forever
howdy’s cheerful disposition and willingness to help you with whatever whenever you ask — including tossing you up into the air to replace the standard birthday bumps
and wally’s endless affection for you — which he channeled into your gift: a painting of you through his eyes, one that wasn’t necessarily true to your physical appearance but that highlighted the aspects of you that made him fall in love with you
an exercise in perspective that made your eyes well up and your heart soar
you really couldn’t have asked for a more impactful gift to cap off your birthday, nor for better company to have spent it with
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date night! Barnaby planned. well. "planned"
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bigdumbtickler03 · 3 months
Barnaby Belly Tickles 🪶 (My Art!!)
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Haven’t posted any tickle art in awhile so decided to make something cute of the big lovable chubby doggo! Also I’ve been seeing Welcome Home stuff on my feed again so why not! Hope you like it!
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soda-sparkss · 1 year
i have to post them or i will D1E- argh i love them sm- some flowered Wallaby fluff for you allll i hope you enjoy
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distilledmelancholy · 9 months
Slow Dancing
Words: ~2k
Shoutout to @intrepidruid for proof-reading this <3
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You’ve always had two left feet. Growing up, it would cause a scene when you tripped while holding something or running into someone and spilling something on them. Your clumsiness left your arms and legs always covered in cuts and bruises. You became the running joke of the family, heck, even between your friends as well. You tried to laugh along, after all, they’re still hanging out with you… right?
Turns out you were just a pity friend. Excluded from the main group chat and being constantly left out while all your other friends hung out without you. Fine, whatever, you were an adult! You shouldn’t be hanging around those kinds of people anyways. With the support of your family, you managed to locate somewhere else to live, in a quaint little neighborhood in a gorgeous wooded area. The move was, as moves usually are, stressful. But your family helped you out so much, you couldn’t imagine doing it without them.
You were excited to have a fresh start. And the neighborhood you moved into was excited to have a new face. They were more than happy to help you move your things in, and even helped unpack! They even baked you a welcome pie, which took all your willpower to not immediately dig into it like a wild animal.
The unpacking went smoothly, except for a couple of crashes into your poor neighbors, who didn’t seem too bothered. But still, you silently worried. You think that they noticed how nervous you were, because they always made sure to reassure you that yes, it really was okay. And they seemed truly genuine, which satiated your insecurities for the time being. Over time, you actually began to believe them. There was never a neighborhood hangout hosted without someone inviting you, or even asking you to help plan it and set it up! Of course, mishaps would always happen one way or another, but your neighbors learned to prepare themselves with anything extra if you broke or smashed something, and you began to bring an extra change of clothes everywhere.
No matter what event was being hosted, you had an opportunity to sit back and watch everybody else. Choosing to stay on the picnic blanket and watch the others run around with a frisbee, or opting to stay off stage and out of the spotlight during karaoke night or when Sally hosted a play. Your favorite was movie night. Just getting to sit down and watch television with all of your friends doing the same thing, not feeling left out or awkward or afraid of messing anything up.
Which unfortunately, you are not getting the opportunity to enjoy tonight. Julie excitedly arranged for a dance party at her house, and it was a really big deal. Every party is a big deal to Julie. When Julie invited the neighborhood, you really tried to let her down easy, that no, you really and truly did not think it was a good idea for you to go. But she really did insist, telling you that it wouldn't be the same if you weren't there, and getting everyone else to voice their agreement with her.
So of course, you caved. You wanted nothing more than to please your neighbors. If they really wanted you to go, you would, but you would probably just be a wallflower all night, as usual.
Julie didn’t really believe you when you promised to come, so she actually assigned someone to come pick you up and escort you to make sure you kept your promise. You would never break a promise to a friend, but the situation did make you laugh. They seemed to know you very well, well enough to realize how much you hate dancing. And it really warmed your heart that, despite all your accidents, they still wanted to have you around. Dancing with them, no less.
Thinking about the night that you are about to experience has you nervously smoothing out your outfit in the mirror, and nitpicking the little details about yourself. Sure, you had no plan to actually dance, but you still wanted to put in effort for your friends. Your escort will be here any moment now, which makes you feel restless. You just wanted to get this over with already.
And just as expected, there was a gentle knock on your door. Your heart thumping in your chest as you open the door.
“Oh! Hello Barnaby!” You smile as the large blue dog is leaning down to be able to see into the doorway. After a moment you look down and see Wally looking up at you, “And Wally! I almost didn’t see you!”
“Heya (Y/N)! Us two gentlemen have the pleasure of walking you to our destination tonight!” Barnaby bowed and offered his arm.
“Wow, how lucky am I?” you humor him, intertwining your arms despite the vast height difference making it a little difficult.
“Can I join?” Wally asks, offering up his arm too.
You smile and link arms with Wally, and you all set off in the direction of Julie’s house. The presence of Barnaby made you feel a little less jittery, he really has a way of lightening the mood. Although the jitters would come back as soon as you would observe Wally in your peripheral vision. Everytime Barnanby made one of his funny little quips, Wally would look up at you and watch for your reaction. Was he testing to see if Barnaby is actually making you laugh? The attention made you queasy as you quickly made it to Julie’s front door.
“Allow me,” Wally smiles as he reaches up as far as he can to knock on the door.
You’re surprised that Julie even heard his weak attempt at a knock. Maybe she just has a sixth sense for when people have arrived at her party. It wouldn’t surprise you at all actually.
At the sight of all three of you together, Julie began jumping up and down and flapping her hands, “You’re finally here! Come in, come in!” she reaches out to grab you by the shoulders and pull you through the door.
And suddenly the attention was on you again. Everybody had turned their heads to look at you. You gave a nervous smile and wave as everyone greeted you and complimented your fancy outfit. Once everyone had greeted each other, they all went back to their business. Frank and Eddie were dancing, but it was more Frank scolding Eddie for stepping on his toes. Sally was attempting to teach Poppy how to tango, and Howdy was making smoothies and sitting at the bar, watching everybody else.
Howdy gives you a big smile as he notices you approaching him, “Howdy (Y/N)! Can I get you anything?”
“Yeah, I noticed you were whipping up some smoothies” you say as you sit across from him at the island.
“Say no more!” Howdy begins to use his four arms and hands to multitask pouring juice into the blender and chopping up fruits.
While you were watching him work his magic, you felt a gentle tug on your sleeve. You looked down and saw Wally smiling up at you, still holding onto the fabric of your clothing.
“Mind if I join you neighbor?” He asked slowly, and climbed onto the stool next to you when you smiled and nodded, “are you enjoying the party?” he asked.
“Oh, yes! Everybody looks really nice tonight,” you sighed, “but I’m not much of a dancer, I’m afraid.”
Wally swiveled his stool so he was facing you, swinging his feet, “you think I look nice?”
Your face flushes at his reaction as his face lights up, “of course! I think you always look nice.”
At that very moment, Howdy places a tall glass filled with smoothie goodness in front of you. You turn away from Wally, thankful for the distraction from his heavy gaze. Howdy begins to work on a different mixture for the blender, and you watch him do four things at once as you take a slow sip of your smoothie. The cold drink touches your tongue and flavor immediately explodes into your mouth, and you can’t help but start gulping some down. You can feel the cold drink travel down your throat and into your stomach, and it helps you feel a little cooler in the hot and crowded room.
Howdy was barely able to hold the tiny cup in his hands. He gently pushes it towards Wally, “There you go, Walls! I put apples in it, just for you!”
Wally takes the glass, and feels the coldness with his hands, “ha ha ha! That’s a good one Howdy, there aren’t actually apples in here!”
You smile and take another sip of your smoothie, almost finished with it at this point. Sometimes the way that Wally struggles to understand cooking is really funny. You glance at Wally, and he is just gently cupping the glass with his hands, and playing with the condensation building.
“I think you look nice too” Wally says quietly, “Not just nice, I think you look amazing.”
You cough and slam your glass onto the counter, momentarily choking on your drink, “u-um, sorry, I didn’t think…” you hesitated for a moment, “I didn’t think I looked my best tonight.”
“I think you always look nice, it’s always great to see you. I’m glad you came tonight.”
You looked at Wally, smiling up at you with a hint of blush on his face. You swiveled the stool, facing the living room and your neighbors dancing and having fun.
“I don’t think I should have come,” you say, averting your gaze from Wally, “this isn’t really… my thing.”
Wally hops down from his seats, and stands in front of you, and offers his hand, “will you dance with me?”
Your mouth hangs open in shock, “w-what? I- Wally you… you don’t want to dance with me.”
His hand stayed where it was in the air, “Yes I do, that's why I’m asking you!” he laughed and looked up at you with twinkling eyes, “…well?”
You looked out past him, to your neighbors who seem to be taking a dance break and are milling about, hanging out by the sides of the room rather than the center. The lively music was blasting, keeping the energy and buzz in the room alive. You look back at Wally, still holding out his hand patiently. You take in a shuddering breath and shakily reach out to take his hand.
He gently tugs you forward, leading you off of your stool and towards the open living room. The room is hushed as your neighbors notice you heading to the space they set up as the “dance floor.” Out of the corner of your eye you can see Julie fiddling with the radio, and then when she steps away, a slow, gentle tune floats through the air. Wally looks up at you, intertwines his hands with yours, and steps up so his feet are on top of yours.
“Just take little steps, neighbor.”
Holding onto Wally so he doesn’t fall off of your feet has you cringing about how sweaty your hands have gotten. You feel very aware of the eyes on you, the slow, almost romantic music, and Wally’s eyes boring into you. You look down at Wally, and his never-ending smile seems to grow a smidge wider. He breaks eye contact and rests his head against your chest, and hugs a hand around your waist the best he can. You pray that he isn’t able to hear how loud your heartbeat is.
You focus hard on the way you move your body, stepping around the floor carefully. You can vaguely hear Wally humming along with the song as he lets you guide him in dance. You take a deep breath and rest your head on the top of his head the best you can. Amazingly enough, you managed to get through the entire song without tripping over yourself. The song ends and raucous laughter and cheering and clapping fill the air.
All of your neighbors are cheering you on, rushing around you, shaking you around, and giving you big hugs. You laugh with them, their energy catching you by surprise.
“You did so well, neighbor!” Wally beamed up at you, reaching out to take your hand, “will you keep dancing with me?”
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wally darling x reader modern au series
authors note: wally darling belongs to @/partycoffin, please support their work ! TW: SLIGHT SCOPOPHOBIA
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Usual Day
(Y/n) had a normal life. Nothing too special; it is indeed very boring to work at an office. Dealing with papers and sorting out calls from customers, either it’d be a complaint or customer service. You do this Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., clocking in and out. Luckily for (y/n), today is Friday, and they entered their own cubicle as they took a seat and started up their computer, sipping their espresso that they made this morning. "Just have to get through this tiring day and it’s the weekend", you said, typing away, staring off the computer screen, focusing intently.  
Finally, it was lunchtime. (She/he/they) typed up the last of their documents on the computer and grabbed their lunchbox and went to the break room. As soon as (y/n) sat themselves down, (she/he/they) put their heads down against the table, hearing their co-worker Everett sitting down next to them. 
"Sounds like the sound of optimism", Everett sipped his coffee quietly, looking at you. You sighed out of exhaustion, "Mhm, totally enjoying this whole work day", sarcastically answering back at your co-worker as he let out a chuckle. 
"Since it’s Friday, I thought you might like this thing I found", Everett said, taking out his phone and showing you a picture of a puppet sitting down on a stool, holding a paintbrush in one hand and a painting palette in the other. You perked up seeing the blue pompadour puppet; "He looks like he’s from Sesame Street", You looked into his eyes. They feel like he was staring at you. 
"Close but not quiet, he’s from this old late 60’s, early 70’s cartoon show called Welcome Home", Everett scrolled through the pictures and showed you the whole cast, "So what’s the big scoop", You raised a brow as it piqued your interest. "Well, it was broadcast on some unknown channel at the time and disappeared into obscurity", Everett then proceeded, "although there was this website that is trying to restore this whole show, and I thought you might like it because it kind of looks like an ARG". 
The word ARG pulled you in as you sat back up, you being into mystery, horror, cartoons, and arg fanatics. You didn’t hesitate to ask for the website: "Thanks, Everett, I’ll definitely check it out", With the link saved on your phone, you couldn’t wait to check it out on your laptop once you got back to your apartment. Everett nodded and noticed lunchtime was coming to an end. You realized you hadn’t eaten your lunch due to sulking and being tired of your job, so you quickly ate your sandwich and gulped it down with water. 
When work was finally over, you clocked out as you took your keys out of your tote bag and went to the parking garage to look for your car. Eventually, once you reached home, you instantly flopped down on your couch, took a deep breath, and then decided to grab your laptop, which was sitting on the living room table. Luckily, you charged it before you went to bed, you were excited to enter the website name. 
You were introduced to such a colorful website. Seeing the blue pompadour puppet and smiling, you read through every page and commented on the guest book. You managed to grab the links that you found throughout the pages; you'd have to admit it was sinister but eye catching. Once done, you left the tab closed and left your computer open. "Okay, I've had my fair share of looking through that silly website, I'm gonna go take a nap", you said to yourself and went to your bedroom leaving the door open and flopping on your bed. 
Without a care in the world, you were in a deep sleep due to exhaustion from work. Little did you know your laptop that was sitting on the living room table, opened the welcome home tab. The same link you last typed in where Wally stares at you, but this time it was a spiral. Your laptop screen started to glitch as someone came out...
well I hope you like the prologue of this fanfiction! Sorry for the wait, let me know if you like this or not.
feel free to critic it too. I haven't been writing fanfiction in forever so I apologize if it didn't come ok !
as a thank you for waiting patiently and reading all the way to the end here is some concept art of Everett ^^
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I also made a Spotify playlist for Wally Darling (of course this will be useful later in the story and I thought y'all might like it)
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Back in the early days of Welcome Home, there was a large red bird named Petey. Despite his intimidating size, Petey was gentle, kind, and frightened of pretty much everything.
Everyone loved the big red bird named Petey and he loved them back, but something felt off.
Petey was sad all the time and didn't know how to explain why to his wonderful, concerned neighbours. He felt unhappy, trapped, not like himself.
Whenever the crew of Welcome Home worked with the bird puppet, they felt uneasy; just saying the name "Petey" when referring to the character was enough to make them feel sick.
One day, a designer had the irresistible urge to alter the big red puppet. They started with adding some makeup, a lovely golden blush with matching eyeshadow that helped the dark red to pop out!
Somehow, the entire crew felt a slight sense of relief without knowing why.
When Petey's neighbours stumbled upon him with his make on for the first time, he was showered with wonderful compliments. The big red bird started to wear his makeup every day, even going on Spa Days with Frank and Julie.
Another day, the urge hit the designer again. Next, the dull blue feathers atop the red bird's head were slowly replaced with a magnificent crest of vibrant blues, greens, and yellows with matching hackles.
The crew felt a wave of euphoria flow through the studio.
It was Julie's idea to try out a new feather-do. Wally was there to help him pick out a colour palette and teach him the tricks to having a good hair day. Trying new things was scary, but the happiness he saw in his own reflection was worth it.
These slight alterations kept on going over the next coming months; longer eyelashes, softer plumage, a colourful scarf with lace, a softer voice...
It all came to a head one day when the crew realised that they barely recognised "Petey Partridge" anymore. She needed a new name.
Petey struggled with what to call herself now, but it came to her on her birthday when Barnaby gifted her a bouquet of beautiful red poppy flowers.
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ten-shi-fandoms · 1 year
Welcome Home
☆ When were off together dancing cheek to cheek
Wally Darling, Julie Joyful, Barnaby B. Beagle
Perfect to Wally
I love you too
♡Wally Darling
"What can I say,your a great muse."
Painting buddies
"Everything will be fine"
"Don't worry safe now, I promise."
Just give me one more chance, one more glance
♡Julie Joyful
♡Barnaby B. Beagle
♡Frank Frankly
♡Eddie Dear
♡Howdy Pillar
Treated injuries
♡Poppy Partridge
♡Sally Starlet
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water-jam · 11 months
(my first welcome home fic! ah, i haven't written anything in ages, I'm a tad rusty)
First tickle fic with Lee!Wally and Ler!Barnaby! The weather ruins their picnic, so they choose to enjoy it indoors.
It was a very lovely day outside and two of the siliest neighbors had planned on a picnic. Everything was perfect! The blanket was folded, the food was all ready to go, and the two best friends had met up at Wally's house. As soon as the two were about to leave, a curtain of grey clouds started to form. A soft trickle of rain started to poor down, creating little pitter patters on the roof.
"Ah, for real? We were just gettin ready to have fun!" Barnaby grumbled slightly, though he wasn't too upset, as long as Wally was there.
"Well, we can certainly still have the picnic inside!" Wally suggested, pullling the blanket out of the basket and draping it across the living room floor. Barnaby sat down, his little painter friend plopping down on his lap. They both dug into their food, Barnaby having his signature hotdog with a multitude of odd toppings. Wally had chosen a desert to eat first, a slice of leftover cheesecake that Poppy had given him yesterday. He had taken a few bites and before he knew it, there were some crumbs and a bit of the cherry sauce that had spilled onto his shirt. Even moreso, some of the toppings had spilled onto his cheek and palms.
"Ah, yer all covered in gunk, bubs! Here, I'll help ya out," The big blue dog hoisted Wally up so the painter as standing on his legs. Soft giggles came from his little friend as the soft touch of Barnaby's paw pads grazed his sides.
The big guy glanced up at his friend, cracking a grin at his friend's reaction. He seized Wally's wrist in an instant, licking away at the toppings that had landed on his little friend's fingers. In an instant, the painter dissolving into little titters and squeaks.
"I'm barely even touchin ya, pal! What does it tickle-tickle there? What about here?" He teased, digging the fingers on his other hand into Wally's sides. This drove the smaller puppet up the walls.
"AHAHAHAHA!! GEHEHEHEHEEEEE!! NOHOHO NOT THEHEHEHEEREEE!!" Wally wailed with glee, his free hand flailing about as he was shown no mercy.
"Oh not there? What about here, huh?" With a swift movement, one of Barnaby's hands had slipped up Wally's cardigan and started tracing the outline of the yellow puppet's tummy heart. Wally kicked frantically, leaning back on his friend who had now wrapped an arm just above his middle to keep him steady.
"My, you're awful giggly today! What, the tickle monster gotcha good? Tickle tickle tickle!"
"AIEEHEHEHEEE!! BAHAHARNABEEHEHEEE!! IT TIHIHICKLES!!!" Wally exclaimed, one of his fists balled in his now unwraveled hair. Soon enough, Barnaby ceased his tickling. He turned Wally around to face him, pushing his best friend onto the picnic blanket. In n instant, Wally's shirt and cardigan were lifted from its usual tucked positions. This made Wally squeak with surprise and his face burn brighter.
With a short chuckle, Barnaby wiggled his fingers just an inch above the center of Wally's tummy heart. This made the smaller puppet squeal and wiggle with anticipation.
"Look like I missed a spot riiiiiight...HERE!" Barnaby exclaimed playfully before diving his muzzle right into Wally's tummy heart. The painter let out a series of giggles and joyful snorts as the tingliest raspberry rippled through his body. Followed by another and then another until the artist was kicking his feet and banging a fist on the floor of Home.
"EHEHEHEHEHEE!! AHAHA *snrk* HAHAHAAHAHA *honk* GYAAHAHAHAHAAAA!! B-BARNAABEHEHEHEEE!! QUIHIHIHIIIT IT!~" Wally cackled, to which his best friend stopped his attack. The smaller pupper lay limp on the picnic blanket, his face flushed all the way up to his ear with an adorable red tint. After he caught his breath, Wally was scooped up and held tenderly in Barnaby's arms.
"You okay little guy? Did I go too rough on ya?" He asked.
"Oho, no, you're juhust fine," Wally replied gently, nuzzling into the soft tuft of fur on Barnaby's chest. The big dog moved to the couch with his tiny friend and laid down.
"Sleep well, little buddy."
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atripandahalf · 1 year
we are each waves and also the ocean
(ao3) (au link)
It was a quiet day in the neighbourhood, and Barnaby looked out the window from his kitchen. The sun was shining, it was about midday... and the neighbours were throwing a party?
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part of my mlpth au for welcome home but can be read as standalone! please send me asks about this AU :)
tags: barnaby-centric, minor references to hello puppets, fluff
It was a quiet day in the neighbourhood, and Barnaby looked out the window from his kitchen. The sun was shining, it was about midday, and he had just got back from the shops, where Howdy was busy working. He was spending the early afternoon washing and preparing the fruit and vegetables he had just bought. The chopping motions were soothing, and it was warm enough that he could leave his window open. The neighbour felt like it bustled more than the farm back home ever did, with all its chatter and gossip, and its contact with the other local neighbourhoods. Plenty of people visited their neighbourhood, either to shop or to simply chat with the residents and so there was always noise, the space always lively, and all the houses were close enough together that the lively chatter could be heard from Barnaby's house. And it was always pleasant. The noise got louder, reaching a crescendo, and Barnaby wiped off his hands before walking out into the town centre.
The town centre was, in actuality, pretty small, just like the neighbourhood, but to Barnaby, it seemed huge. There was a fountain in the centre, but the space was also filled with familiar faces - and a few new ones. The plaza was filled with the sound of music, as what Barnaby recognised as one of Julie's siblings if the hair was anything to go by, was singing into a microphone. They were shorter than Barnaby, although that was hardly saying much, and wore a ruffled dress, that faded from orange to yellow, making them look more like a sunset than a puppet, especially with that sparkle in their eye. The melody was bright, and almost jazz-like in the swing of it, and it made you want to get up and start moving, which some of the other people in the square appeared to have already been doing. Barnaby watched Eddie coax Frank into dancing, Julie pushing him further into dancing quite literally, as he stumbled into Eddie's open arms. Frank's face was blushing bright red, and he moved a little awkwardly, yet Eddie just seemed to find it more endearing as he whisked him away to the swing of the music. Frank accidentally hit Wally in an attempt to follow Eddie's dance moves, letting out a very strangled, "Sorry!" as he went by. Wally just smiled back, in what Barnaby thought was that adorable way of his, and continued talking to somebody that Barnaby had never seen before.
He was an older man, his hair greyed and sticking out on either side of his head, with a little purple top hat resting on his head. He was wearing an old-fashioned suit, in a dark cool purple, and that, paired with his monocle, made him feel slightly out of place within the Neighbourhood. There was a woman standing next to him, with a mop of ginger hair on her head, and in a very badly stained lab coat - a scientist of some sort, then - who seemed to want to interject but thought better of it, and kept rolling her eyes at her companion's answers. She kept moving her hands oddly, seemingly seeking something to hold on to at her hip, and coming up short. These people seemed to be new to the neighbourhood, but somehow knew Wally - were they old friends, or even his family perhaps? Barnaby had always thought it odd that Wally had never mentioned any of his relatives, but he didn't want to open a can of worms that Wally would rather he didn't, so he never asked, but by the looks of it they were close, with Wally listening intently to the mans every word, and even when the woman interjected with a snide comment towards him, Wally would laugh good-naturedly. They seemed to be... okay.
Just next to their little group, Howdy was leaning outside the open window of his shop, talking to Sally and Poppy. Howdy made eye contact with Barnaby and waved, and Barnaby walked on over.
"Hey y'all, how's it going?" Barnaby greeted standing on the other side of Howdy, across from Sally and Poppy. The stand seemed to have changed what it was selling since Barnaby was here earlier and now had an array of snacks and drinks, and there was even a small freezer full of ice cream and lollies. Clearly, everyone was celebrating something, and Barnaby was so confused as to how he could have missed it.
Howdy greeted him warmly and offered him a drink. Barnaby accepted and let the conversation wash over him. As he sipped his drink, he caught up with his friends, listening to their stories about the latest happenings in the neighbourhood. The party was in full swing, and Barnaby felt grateful to be a part of such a close-knit and welcoming community.
Suddenly, the music stopped, and a voice boomed through the speakers. "Neighbours and friends, may I have your attention please?" It was Wally, his striped suit glinting in the daylight. "Thank you for coming out today. Our neighbourhood is truly a special place, and events like this remind us of that!"
The crowd erupted into cheers, and the music started up again. Barnaby felt a sense of belonging and happiness wash over him as he danced and laughed with his neighbours. He knew that he had made the right choice in moving to this neighbourhood, and he felt lucky to call it his home. Although, he still had no idea what the event was for.
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relationship hcs ; barnaby
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requested by ; anonymous (09/05/23)
fandom(s) ; welcome home
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; barnaby b. beagle
outline ; “i LOVEEE the way you write so much🙏!!Is it possible that you could do barnaby head cannons but romantic? If you want😭”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
this relationship is built on a foundation of shared humour, carefreeness and just generally being on the same wavelength whilst also being in love with each other
his love language is quality time, which usually involves him doing everything he can to make you laugh — even making a fool of himself in order to have you folding in on yourself and wheezing from laughter
dates aren’t really a fixed thing since the two of you spend basically all of you time around each other anyway, but you do try to take one day out of the week and just dedicate it to doing something new together
this can be trying a new food, visiting a new place or trying to learn a new phrase in a new language (usually a joke)
this way you end up making plenty of memories and, even if you end up looking like fools a lot of the time, you end up growing as people and as a couple through these new experiences
he gives you lots of stupid nicknames and they change with basically every sentence he says — and, somehow, he’s never repeated one, which is actually quite impressive
you are his arm rest. this is non negotiable
he loves hugging and cuddling you, meaning you’ll usually end up spending the evening wrapped up in his arms as you watch whatever new vhs he managed to snag from howdy on a loan
scratching behind his ears will make him fall asleep — but be warned that he both snores like a freight train and kicks like a mule in his sleep
he will pick you up at random and it’s 50/50 whether you’ll get the princess treatment or just get flung over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes
it depends on his mood, honestly
he didn’t realise that he had feelings for you until, midway through his 90th rant about how awesome you are, julie piped up and asked when he was going to ask you out
and he did, about twenty minutes after she said it
he only ever gets jealous of dogs — like if you come home after petting and cuddling with a friend’s puppy then he’ll get incredibly pouty
this only really lasts about ten minutes though, so don’t worry, he can’t stay mad at you
usually goes to wally for relationship advice — and, no, wally doesn’t know why he does this either and will usually flag down julie or eddie to give him a nudge in the right direction
he’d 100% do the handprint thing from up and your mailbox 100% has your smaller handprint inside of his massive paw print — his in blue and yours in your favourite (non-blue) colour
(eddie thinks it’s adorable whenever he delivers your mail and wants to do the same thing with frank)
you have frequent prank wars that can involve anything from whoopee cushions to pies-to-the-face to water-filled fake flowers to basically anything else
as one could expect, this means that your house is pretty much always in a state of chaos — but it’s still your home and neither of you would have it any other way
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jesting-bug · 1 year
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Watch out, neighbor!!!!! It’s a water war!!!!!!
Howdy and Barnaby are certainly the most dangerous duo when it comes to Home waterballoon fights, with Howdy being able to carry so many water balloons and Barnaby using just regular sized balloons, they destroy everything in their path!!
They also show no mercy, just ask Wally-
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Sketch Below ⬇️
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speckle-meow-meow · 1 year
hey, here's an idea. since it's my birthday today-though it'll probably be long past when you answer this lol-could i have headcanons for the welcome home doing something for it? i figure that headcanons would be easier for everyone. if you only want to do some of them, any three of wally, frank, sally, julie, or howdy is fine. thank you and have a good day!
Dude I am so sorry happy late birfday...
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Warning: wee bit of angst
It was your birthday
And everyone knew
So they decided to throw a surprise party!
It was 7 am when you woke up, you felt happier than usual because it was a very special day for you. It was your birthday!!!
Which ment....
BIRTHDAY PANCAKES (or whatever preferred breaky)
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After you finished your breakfast you got dressed, you decided to doll up a little and add a little spice to your clothing.
And a little bit of makeup (ik not everyone wears makeup but like... Please let me have this 🥺👉👈)
You looked fantastic!
After you sorted yourself out you left home and made your way to Howdys bug- I mean Bodega.
Everyone saw that you looked slightly different
More pep in your step and more dressy than usual
And they knew why
You stepped inside the Bodega sort of expecting a "HELLO Y/N happy birthday" but it never came.
In all honesty in made you a bit sad but, not everyone has to remember your birthday, especially when you don't remember most people's birthdays. (Not me calling myself out..)
"Hello howdy! How are you today?" You grinned towards your fuzzy tall four armed friend
"Oh hello y/n! I'm doing great! What about you?" He turned to face you
"I'm doing great! After all it is a very special day for me! Which means I'm going to buy a (dessert of choice)!" You giggled hoping that he would know what day it was
But he didn't
"Of course!" He grabbed some metal tongs and grabbed your dessert, putting it into a small box then putting it in your hands "alright there ya go! Enjoy!"
You smiled but it was a meek smile
It pained howdy when you didn't show your usual bright smile
He had to resist telling you happy birthday
After all he couldn't ruin the surprise right?
But oh boy was he wrong...
You passed everyone each hoping you'd have a great day and nothing else, not even Frank who seemed to remember everything said happy birthday
You suppressed the urge to cry until you reached your home. When you got there you threw the dessert you got from the Bodega into the trash. To you it would taste to bitter.
We're you being a bit petty? Or over reacting? Maybe.. But it was your birthday...
Once they saw you go into your house they all prepared poppy barn for your party
Poppy made the sweets
Julie and Sally were discussing activities
Wally was keeping watch just incase you were gonna show up
Frank was putting your presents on a table
Howdy was helping Eddie make decorations while handing/putting them around
Later Julie put a note in an envelope running to your house and putting it on your porch then running after knocking on your door.
You heard the knocks and checked seeing the envelope on the ground.
You picked it up and closed your door, then reading the contents
It was an invite
Deciding not to let your sadness get in the way you got dresses again making yourself presentable, and left.
You arrived at Poppy's and opened the doors
It was quiet, until you heard a loud
Everyone was there!
They did remember!
The night was fully of fun and laughter
You even forgot what your were sad about because you realized that they did remember.
{God's you don't know how much I had to restrain myself to not make it to angsty, anyways I hope you liked this anon and happy late birthday! As always hearts and reblogs are always welcomed along with questions, comments, and requests}
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soda-sparkss · 8 months
fluff i shared with some besties earlier
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brights-place · 8 months
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A/N: I made this in 2am Im so tired and anyways here’s An special Halloween Headcannons of welcome home! Let’s enjoy these Headcannons even though this is a very early Halloween post :DD
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Halloween Headcannons with “Welcome Home” Characters
You and sally like to go to Julie’s house so you three can show each-other your costumes.
When you want to add some finishing touches to your costume you ask Julie and sally for help.
Wally tried to convince you to match with him with an Angel and Devil costume like a “Matching Couple” costume you thought it was cute but wanted to do your own costume Wally was sad but understood.
You visited Howdy’s to buy some candy and noticed his Ghost costume beside him was Poppy who was buying things you ran to poppy and continued to tell her how her Pumpkin costume is so cute “Well Later Once im finished making Pumpkin pie you can come over if you would like?” You nearly cried at Poppy due to her motherly figure and howdy laughed at how you looked at Poppy “Poppy Look She/He/Their Close to crying for how sweet you are” poppy started getting worried hut you assured her nothing was wrong and said ‘You are a gift’ poppy heart was aching
You bought the stuff you needed and started chatting with howdy about your plans for halloween.
Howdy enjoyed how you were bursting with joy about Halloween (If you don’t like Halloween ignore this one!)
You planned on buying food and watching horror movies and pranking kids if they decided to poof into the town.
Returning to Julie’s house you waved hello to Eddie and frank who waved back with a smile on there face.
Heading inside Julie’s you noticed the two surrounding a bowl of candies “What are you? OH DANG THOSE ARE (Favourite Candy/Sweet) LET ME JOIN THIS CULT” you joined the two.
Eddie knocked on the With frank but heard nothing frank sighed taking out a spare key Julie had given him he clicked the door open and walked inside the dark house.
Flicking on the lights he and Eddie jumped seeing the three of you dancing around a bowl of (Favourite Candy/sweet)
Frank gave the weirdest look while eddie laughed.
Eddie motioned you guys to leave julie’s house “Wally is hosting the Halloween party this year come on” you guys walked over to Wally’s and. You smiled greeting house only reciving a *Creak* and a *Squeak* in return.
Heading inside everybody separated you in the living room talking with howdy before noticing Eddie and Frank in the corner of the room.
Both do them blushing and smiling at each other you couldn’t help but squeal silently hearing Eddie compliment frank is costume and frank doing the same.
Howdy noticed this as-well and glanced at you when You slowly raised up a Polaroid camera and took photos of the two and ran away once frank noticed you and the camera
“SHOW MERCY FRANK” you screeched running to Julie while frank chased after you while Eddie laughed at the scene seeing you and him run around in circles.
Barnaby walked out of the kitchen with Wally both chatting and noticed the commotion.
Now Standing beside Eddie Wally tilted his head confused but chuckled “LET ME GOOOOO” you yelled wiggling in franks grasp as he held you upside down while you flapped your arms “No” Frank said.
Julie entered with sally inside the room after they went outside to give poppy a hand with food both of them were even more confused seeing you upside down.
the two laughed along with the others as you begged for mercy seeing frank eat some of your candy as revenge making you wail.
Wally walked towards you and smiled wearing his lil devil costume and helped you up Barnaby by his side.
You grinned “Nice Vampire and Devil costume guys” Barnaby smiled “Not bad costume either! I like the (Insert costume) I like it very much” Barnaby said crossing his arms nodding.
Wally smiled “I like it too” you grinned at him and turned your attention to Eddie “Eddie here I took the photos just for you” You said handing the Polaroids do him and frank you took moments ago “I’m keeping one for my Memory Book” Eddie grinned “Thanks Y/N”
Wally smiled calling out to everybody to get ready for a group photo.
Rushing over the group huddled together smiling at the camera “Say happy Halloween!” Wally said grinning everybody shouting out “Happy Halloween” at the camera with smiling faces.
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Sooo, I've started getting into Welcome Home
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