#batsis is frustrated
raineydays411 · 10 months
My fathers daughter pt 12
It all comes out sometime
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"Jay?" You ask.
"Yeah its me. How the fuck did you get access to the coms?" He asks amused at your actions.
"Trust me hacking this isn't any harder than hydra files" You say passively, " Anyways that's not important, I think I can help with this Joker thing."
"Wait? Really?" He ask seriously, "Y/n, listen carefully, I need you to go into Bruce's office and find the big ass clock --"
"Yeah I already found the secret hide out" You say annoyed, "Mommy dearest kicked me out before I could tell her how I could help."
Jason sighed, knowing that his mother probably tried to use her mom voice on you. " Yeah, she told us she didn't want you to be in the whole vigilante think."
The anger that was simmering under your skin came back, but before you let it get the best of you, you continued. Knowing that this information was more important than whatever mommy issues you had.
"Right, well that's not important." You say," Listen to me now."
"I'm listening." Jason grunted, sounding like was punching someone,
"Whatever chemical agent Jackass put in his venom is the exact same stuff that was used to brainwash the Winter Soldier" You say quickly.
"Kid, I wanna believe you but how do you know that? Tim was just able to get a sample and process it."
"Because, I was told that every antidote you use only makes the effects stronger right?"
"Right" He says strained
"In order to make sure that the Winter Soldier stayed the Winter Soldier and not Bucky, Hydra had to make sure his brain produced a certain amount of hormones. And that whatever anybody used, the effects couldn't reverse. Hence chemical X."
"Chemical X?"
"The name is to long for me to attempt to pronounce, anyways, lucky for us, my daddy just so happened to create a serum that undoes Chemical X. And if I check," You pause, taking over the computer downstairs, and checking the sample Tim had sent in, " The component is there."
"Well I'll be damned"
"Exactly. Now, I need you to find a lab or something. This serum was made with the intention of being made on the fly. So everything you need should be there." You say pulling up a map of Gotham general.
"Wait, I need to tell Bruce." Jason said, " Joker said he had the only antidote and he's fighting him right now"
"No thats not possible. The only ones who know about it is my father and I." You said worridly.
Meanwhile while you were upstair lending a helping hand, downstairs Christine and Alfred were panicking because they lost control of Jason's com and the main computer.
'Alfred I can't find him" Christinen cried, " How did he just disappear like that?
"I don't know miss, there's no possible way he could've."
"Wait." Christine says looking up to the screen, " Bruce and Tim are gone"
"How did you get con-"
"It's not important" You say cutting Batman off, " Listen to me, Joker doesn't have the cure."
"How do you know that?" The dark knight asks skeptically
"Because, until my dad figured it out, there was no cure." You say impatiently, " This chemical wasn't intended to have a cure."
"But you figured it out?"
"YES" You shout frustrated at the constant repetition, " DO you want the step by step or do you want to save lives?"
"hm" Bruce grunted, " And you know how to make it?"
"I do." You say earnestly
There was a pause, you heard grunting and what sounded like fighting in the background.
On Bruce's side, he managed to get the Joker disarmed and tied up.
He searched him for what he claimed was the vial containing the cure. But upon finding it, the Joker decided to throw his head back connecting with Batman's face. The sudden impact caused him to drop the vial, shattering it on the linoleum floor. The liquid oozing out and burning a hole into the floor.
"Ooops" the Joker cackled, " Aww poor Batsy, I guess I may have told a little white lie"
As Bruce rose from the floor, Robin ran in holding another vial
"Batman, the antidote." He says with a stern look on his face.
The smug smile fell from the Jokers face as he looked at the preteen.
"Thats...that's not possible!" Joker cried out, " There is no cure. There was never a cure."
Batman looked Joker straight in the eye, " No Joker, it looks like you miscalculated."
And with that, a swift punch to the face knocked the Joker out. A breath of relief flowed from the Batfamily. Now they can focus on what really mattered, helping the infected.
Back in your room you paced, after explaining how to make the cure, you hadn't hear back from the family. The anxiety you had building up in you made your heart feel as of it was going to explode.
"Y/n" Jasons voice came from your computer, " It worked."
You felt like crying, " Really? Are you for real?'
"No I'm lying and everyone died" Jason said sarcastically, " Yes I'm for real."
"Thank god" You said wetly
"Oh god are you crying?" Jason said uncomfortably
"No." and with that you disconnected, allowing access back to the main computer downstairs. After doing that you sat on your be, taking a couple deep breaths to calm yourself. But the tears kept flowing. You were so worried that you didn't get the information to Bruce on time. You were worried about the people that were exposed for too long. The ones that the antidote may not have worked on.
You may have been able to help a few but how many more could you have saved if you were listened to right away. The anger simmered back in your body.
You hated that Christine treated you as if you were a child. She completely disregarded what you had to say and took a shot at your father. At least he was smart enough to know that you were capable of more than just sitting and twiddle your thumbs.
You had half a mind to go down there and give her a piece of you mind. But before you could, a chime came from your phone
"Hey Starky! guess who's on the neighborhood <3"
By the time the Batman co. finally made it back to the cave they all were exhausted. Every single one of them wanted to get home and take a shower. Dick and Jason would be staying at the manor simply because they couldn't muster up the energy to make their respective journeys back home. Damian and Cass were knocked out in the back of the batmobile and even Bruce was having a hard time staying awake while driving.
Honestly, ever since his family was created, Bruce/Batman became less about vengeance and more about protecting the city that he and his family live and care about. And maybe, if there was anyway that he can help mend the relationship between your family and his, perhaps you can be a part of his team as well, as sad at it was to say your hacking skills were way above his and Tims.
Lost in thought, Bruce didn't realized that when he pulled in Christine was in borderline hysterics and Alfred looked a little more frazzled than usual.
"Oh! Bruce!", Christine cried throwing herself into the confused bat, " What happened?! Is everyone one okay?"
"Christine, darling what are you-" Bruce was puzzled, Christine always had somewhat of a flair for the dramatics but there should be no reason for her to be this worried, especially because she's able to see everything .
"I thought we lost you! All of you!" Christine cried, eyes welling up with tears," The coms cut our for what felt like hours and then the main computer crashed! Me and Alfred both were barely able to get it rebooted before you got here!"
"Wait, if the main computer crashed then how was Y/n able to talk to us through the coms?" Tim asked tiredly, only jolting awake when Jason harshly elbowed him, signaling him to shut up about your participation.
"What do you mean? Y/n has been in her room this whole time." Christine says with a look of confusion on her face.
The batfamily all looked at each other, silently daring each other to step up and tell the truth, and face the wrath of their mother. Even Bruce didn't want to rat you out, knowing where Christine stood on her thoughts of you being involved.
Now don't get the wrong idea, Christine is by definition an overprotective mother. Theres no doubt about that. But there is a reason as to why she wants you out of the hero life and spot life in general.
Firstly, you are Tony Stark's daughter. There is no getting around that. And being Tony Stark's daughter also means you're Iron Mans daughter. And that is the whole reason you are there in Gotham in the first place. Amidst all the familial drama, everybody seemed to forget that you are still being hunted by an anonymous group. But Christine hasn't. Every night she lies awake worried to death that that was the night they found you. That they would come for you.
Secondly, the villians that her husband and family deal with are...for lack of words psychoic. If they figured out that you, Iron mans daughter, was helping their enemy Batman there would be more people after you. And from what Christine has witnessed these people do, the horrors and atrocities they casually commit. That frightens her even more.
So, with that being said, the look on her families face and the circumstances that had just occurred, it wasn't hard for her to figure out the cause of their technical malfunctions. And what a coincidence that these malfunctions only happened after you were sent to your room.
"Bruce.", Christine said in a clam even tone, " What are you not telling me." She didn't ask she demanded.
"Darling." Bruce said in a pleading tone, " It was a long night for everybody, why don't we just discuss it in the morning"
"Discuss it in the morning?" Christine asked incredulously, " Discuss it in the morning?! Do you know how worried I was? How worried WE were" She gestures to herself and Alfred who looked mildly uncomfortable to be put in the argument, " We thought you were injured or worse DEAD!"
The kids tried to slowly back out, inching towards the elevator that you totally didn't know was there.
"Don't even think about it" Christine said without looking at them, " How dare you all? How dare you? I asked ALL of you for one simple thing. Just one. To keep her OUT of it."
"Christine that's hardly fair-" Bruce started to say before getting cut off.
"No! It is totally fair! There are PEOPLE after her. People who are still out there by the way! Tony and his team haven't been able to find them! They keep slipping away whenever they get close! They are out there, trying to get MY daughter, for god knows what!"
Bruce glances towards the staircase entrance but before he can say anything Christine goes on, " DO you understand how hard it has been to keep anything from this world from her!"
"Ma she grew up in this world, it's not fair to just cut her out" Jason cuts in, " She feels left out because we're all pretending like we aren't who we are and pretending as of we don't have The Tony Starks daughter in our house. She's not a civilian, she's in it."
"She is not just Tonys daughter she's mine too!" Christine shouts before tears start to drop from her eyes, " Shes MINE, she can't be taken from me."
In the batmobile, Cass buries her face into a sleeping Damians chest.
"Mom, do you think any of us would let that happen?" Dick finally speaks up, " I mean, come on have a little faith"
" I just wanted her to stay out of it, to get out for good."
" Darling, that girl was not made to stay out of things, look at whp her parents are," Bruce chuckled, " Besides, she's never going to come around if we don't fully open ourselves up to her as well."
"You have to admit Ma, fighting is the only way any of us bonded" Jason says, " Except me, she likes me."
"I don't know why " Dick says with a frown, still bitter at the fact that you had bonded with Jason before him.
Christine sniffled before saying, " I still need to go talk to her, the way she cut us off was unacceptable."
"But-" Tim finally spoke out but it was too late, Christine was already marching to the elevator, mind made up about scolding you for what she thought was a practical joke.
The rest of the team was left in the Bat cave shaking their heads at their mothers stubbornness.
Bruce's sighed and started to put things away, " There's going to be fight and I don't want to be in the middle of that."
The three awake boys nodded.
" Someone wake up Damian and Cass, they need to go to bed."
Jason and Dick pushed Tim forward, if there was one other thing they didn't want to get in the middle of, was those two and their sleep.
Back upstairs you were filled to the brim with anger. You had gone downstairs to greet the returning heroes and rub your success in Christines face, only to overhear what you had already confirmed.
Christine had been purposefully keeping things from you. Not only about Bruce being Batman ( Which you already knew), but about your situation.
See, when you had first moved to Gotham, you knew that there would be almost little to no contact with your family. The few times you were able to talk to someone from back home it wasn't even your parents. Something about phone lines being traceable and unreliable.
The only line of communication was given to you by Natasha before you left, a single flip burner phone that was only to be used for emergencies.
But Christine apparently was getting updates directly from your father. Updates you were sure were meant to be given to you. So not only had she had a hand in the intentional isolation of you from her family, she was trying to isolate you from yours as well.
It made you so angry! You already have sacrificed so much just to be here and you didn't even want to be there in the first place. You ripped open your laptop and went to do a little digging. Upon doing that, you found about a dozen of lengthy emails from your father describing in great lengths about your situation and details about life back home. These emails were obviously meant to be read by you and they all were marked as read and filed away. How they got to the Batcomputer was unknown to you but as you scanned each word tears welled up into your eyes, you father had not forgot about you.
You sat on the bed, taking deep breaths trying to calm down. You managed to restrain yourself and not blow up at that woman in front of her whole family and you really were trying to calm down so you can have a mature conversation about it.
You were trying.
but then, "Y/n Stark how dare you disobey your mother!"
"What?" You say eyes ripping open and anger finally bubbling over
"How dare you! I asked you for one thing! All I wanted was to make sure my family would have been okay!"
"And are they dead?" You ask bluntly, " Is everyone who was infected dead?"
Christine turned red, " That is not the point young lady and I don't appreciate you talking about your family like that."
"They are NOT my family!" You shout, " You are not my family"
'Y/n" Christine start but now you were the one to cut her off
"NO, and since we are on the topic of not appreciating things lets talk about how I don't appreciate how you have been deliberately LYING to me."
"Excuse me?" Christine asks angrily, " I will have you know that I do not have to disclose every single piece of information I have to yo."
" Not even when it's about my own father." You said with an even tone, " Or do you not have to disclose that piece of information to me."
Christine lifts her chine, " Y/n I have no idea what you are talking about?"
"Oh you don't?" You ask," So you and your husband aren't hiding emails from my father to me in that big ass computer?"
Eyes widen, " How do you -"
"How do I know about that?" You mock, " So it's true?"
"Y/n that's not the point" Christine started, " Your practical joke could have seriously put the lives of your siblings in danger."
" My siblings?" You ask, " They are not my siblings! I don't even know those people!"
Christine stays quiet, then shakes her head, " If you would just come out of the room and get to know them other than Jason-"
"Why so they could tell me how great you are?' You say, " So they can tell me memories they have of you being a good mother to them?"
Christine's eyes well up with tears, " Y/n that's not fair"
"Oh that not fair to you, mom?" you shout, " And it was so fair to me when you left me to raise another kid?"
In the hallway Dick and Jason are paused half way up the staircase.
Dicks heart falls into his stomach at your comment, knowing that that kid you were talking about was him.
Jason on the other hand had a grim look on his face. He knew that this conversation needed to happen in order for anything to move on.He knew the years of resentment you were holding on to. It wasn't fair to you that everyone in this house had this subconscious expectation that you should just put those years behind you.
"That is not what happened" Christine says wetly, " It was just hard, Y/n you don't understand."
"Hard?!" You shout angerliy, " It was hard? Hard for you to visit your daughter once every three fucking months? Was it hard for you to lead my dad on then crush his heart every time you left?"
"NO Y/N thats not true" Christine shouted but before she could continue you went on
"No???" you mocked, " Then what was it mom?"
" Everytime I went to see you, you had grown." Christine sniffs, " You had grown and had new adventures and stories and milestones that i was not a part of. I-"
"OH bullshit!" You shout
"Y/n." Christine says sadly
"NO, no you don't get to play that card! You left by choice!" You cry, " You left me by choice, you hid me away by choice! You chose this life for us."
" I loved you so much. I LOVE you so much Y/n!"
"You have a funny way of showing it." You say dryly, " You have this perfect life here. Perfect husband, a shit load of kids who adore you. I adored you. Why wasn't I enough?"
Christine's heartbroke and she couldn't answer you because truthfully, she didn't have an answer.
"And the one parent I was enough for I had to leave. I had to leave him and my mother behind for my other one who didn't want me. And I'm stuck in a house full of these kids who adore you and didn't know that I adored you well before them. And yet even though I'm here I'm alone. And that still isn't enough for you."
Christine wanted to say you weren't alone. You weren't because you have her. She's here for you, but that wasn't true. She hadn't been there. She wasn't there even when she was.
"You had to make me think my father forgot about me the way you did for what? So I can like you again? So I could forget all the times you promised you were going to come see me and you didn't? Why?"
"I..I just wanted to keep you safe.." Christine spouted pathetically.
"Safe?" You said, herding her towards your door, " No, everything you've done is because you want to look better. You're selfish. That's what you've always been"
And with that you slam the door in her face, startling the boys on the stairs and Christine as she didn't even realize that she was in the hallway.
Staring at your door she wept. For once, truly feeling the regret that she said she had been feeling. She did truly love you, she had not lied about that. To hear you finally say how you weren't enough for her broke her heart.
"Ma..are you okay?" Jason softly asked as Dick went to knock at your door, a bit angry at the way you spoke to his mother,
"Leave her be." A soft voice demanded from the hallway, " Dick, leave her be. Your mother was not the only one hurt in that conversation."
Bruce walked to Christine, and gently lead her to their room.
Upon the commotion outside, no one heard you open your window and slip out.
"It's about time, I almost died waiting for you."
"You can't die, that's your whole thing." You reply, wiping tears from your face.
"You're crying." Wade says in an unnaturally serious voice, " Do I have to kill your hot mom?"
You cringe, " No, just get me out of here."
"I could do that, actually I have a surprise for you~" He sings as he leads you to his taxi...
You heard what sounds like banging coming from the trunk and you're slightly scared to open it.
"Oh don't be a pussy" He says opening the trunk.
Popping out with a gasp is
"Peter?" You say with a sigh, eyes welling up with tears again. You truly have missed your friends.
"That was not cool Wade!" He shouts, not grasping where he was, " The trunk smelled like nachos and vomit! I couldn't nngh-"
He grunts as you throw yourself into his arms, " Y/n.."
His arms wrap around you tightly, " Y/n what are you.. Where am I?"
"Gotham, now get me the hell out of here."
And with that, you're loaded into the car, taking the backseat with Peter and Wade in the front with an Indian man.
"Y/n this is Dopiender"
"Hello ms. Stark, I promise I will defend you with my life."
"Oh...well, thank you."
"This was surprisingly easy." Wade said as they pulled out of the long driveway, " Bruce Wayne should update his security."
What they didn't know, was that a pair of bright green eyes watched your reunion through the security camera in the Batcave. Squinting as they saw the tears flow freely through your face and noting the license plate and the men you were with.
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lazydoodlesandfanfic · 11 months
There For Me (Harley Quinn X Batsis!Reader)
Characters: Harley Quinn X Batsis!Reader, Batfam X Batsis!Reader
Universe: DC, Batman
Warnings: Unhealthy family relationships (Parentification) Mild mention of a past abusive relationship (Harley & Joker) Mention of stalking, mention of death
Request: A bruce wayne and daughter, she is an adult. Mainly responsible for her siblings. She is sick of being the responible one. She is really good friends with harley and ivy and they take her in. She is secrectly dating harley. Batman comes too take her back but she tells him she is very happy and harley protects her girlfriend. Bruce accepts and lets them be.
Notes: Kind of strayed from the request near the end, I kind of got carried away with this lol
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Ever since you were a child, you were well aware that your relationship and role within your family was different to a lot of other families. It wasn’t the norm by any sense, even for Gotham. Your mom was never in the picture, leaving you in the hospital you were born in with a note about where to find your dad, and after a test to confirm it, you were sent to live with your dad, who at the time was the opposite of responsible, and was a mess still, if the whole getting a woman pregnant who then left you without a second thought wasn’t something to go by. It was no surprise that Alfred ended up being your actual primary caregiver for your early years. That, and the whole secret life as Batman he actually had the foresight to know it was best you didn’t know about. 
You found out when you were 10, coming down in the middle of the night for something to drink after a nightmare, finding your dad badly beaten and barely conscious in the kitchen, also looking for something to drink. You stared at each other for a moment in horror, but after a moment, you swallowed, grabbing a cup, getting some cold water, and went back to bed without a word. Bruce told Alfred what happened, and Alfred explained everything after school the next day. That day changed a lot for you. You realised partly why your dad was almost always absent, that Alfred was helping him keep your city safe, and that anytime you needed help with something was basically time taken away from Alfred that he could be spending making sure your dad wasn’t bleeding out somewhere or in need of help. As soon as you got home that day, you immediately began the process of becoming as independent as possible. 
By the time your dad brought Dick home, you were entirely independent, but also very emotionally cut off from your dad and Alfred. You didn’t interact with Dick for a few days until he was up in the middle of the night due to a nightmare, and you came down as well, fixing a snack to share and then going back up to his room to keep him occupied till he was ready to go back to bed. It was after that point that Dick started to open up a bit more, especially with you. After Dick had grown into an adult and you two spent a night off drinking and catching up, he admitted to you that when he first joined the family, he wasn’t sure on what your role was in it, thinking maybe you were a recent adoptee as well and just weren’t adjusting well, and it took over a month for him to realise you were Bruce’s biological kid. 
When Jason arrived, you already had a rough idea of what to do as your role as a big sister to dysfunctional traumatised little brothers, though Jason’s anger issues did make it a bit more difficult to bond with him. However, you quickly found that if you challenged his own anger with your silent resentment and frustration with your dad for not actually doing what a dad is supposed to, you two would actually bond over your frustrations, cause a bit of havoc together to blow of some steam. 
Jason exposed you to two things. One, he showed you that you had every right to be more angry with Bruce about the fact that you had to raise yourself and now the kids he was bringing into the manor than you are. Two, it was because of you two causing a bit of mischief that you met Harley Quinn.
You had been doing some art outside to release some of your emotions in a healthy way, or as Bruce would call it, Vandalism in the form of graffiti, when you heard police sirens, and you both scattered to get away from the scene, getting separated and you ended up on the bad side of town, and was just trying to find a safe route home without having to call anyone, especially Bruce or Alfred, for help, and hoping that Jason was okay. Unfortunately, you ended up crossing paths with a group of business students, who decided to catcall, harass, and after you ignored them completely, decided to start following you. Fortunately, it was then that you took a sharp turn to try and lose them and bumped right into Harley, who was with her own posse of goons. You two stared at each other for no longer than a second, and in that second, you two had entire conversation purely through your eyes. Then she heard the men behind you, far enough away to not see who you had bumped into to realise they should run, but close enough for Harley to hear them laugh and tell the men surrounding her to grab you for them. He face contorted to anger for a moment.
“They bothering you?” She asked shortly, and you nodded, honestly scared to mutter a word. She took your arm, pulling you behind her. “Boys, time to teach these men some manners!” She ordered, and in a matter of seconds, Harley’s goons were chasing the men down the street and out of sight. You couldn’t help the small laugh that left your mouth at the sight. “You alright? Did they grab ya?” 
“No- no, they were just being creeps. Thanks.” You told her as she turned back to you, the streetlamp now lighting up your face better, and she was able to see your face clearer, and also now actually identify you, and you saw her eyes widen and realised she knew who you were. 
“Aren’t you Wayne’s daughter? What you doing out here? I’m sure daddy wouldn’t approve of you being out here.” She stated, hands on her hips, almost motherly, which was funny considering that you weren’t even a teenager anymore, now a young woman in your early twenties, only about 5-6 years younger than Harley. 
“I was supposed to be supervising my little brother while he released some stress in some street art.” You told her. She arched an eyebrow. 
“You and the younger Wayne were doing vandalism?” She clarified, and she saw the twinge of a smirk on your face before you tucked it back, and she grinned. “I like you, little trouble maker! Where’s your brother now?” 
“I don’t know, honestly. We heard sirens nearby and scattered. He’s a lot more street smart than me though- obviously.” You said, gesturing down the street to the incident Harley just prevented. 
“Why not call your dad?” She asked, and you couldn’t help the loud and quick laugh that left you, which told her a lot. “You two… not close?” 
“No… never were, honestly… I uh, I’ve always looked after myself, and these days I’m looking after my adoptive siblings. Bruce isn’t good with the whole kids having emotions things, so I’m trying to help Jason get his anger out in ways that don’t involve needing first aid kits constantly stocked up.” You explained to her, hands in your pockets, rocking back and forth, finding it hard to stand still. You had no clue why you were admitting all this to Harley, especially since she was literally an enemy of your dad, but the way she had immediately defended you, and was taking the time to listen to you made you feel safe with her. 
“That sucks, toots… you must be pretty lonely… say, if you ever find yourself back out here or just want a call or something and rant, call this number, okay? I might not answer right away, this is kind of a private cell, so don’t tell anyone, but I’ll get back to you, okay?” She said, plucking a gel pen from a pocket of her loud chequered jacket, grabbing your arm to pull your hand out your pocket and noting down a number on your palm. When she was done, she tucked it back into her pocket. “Come on, I’ll walk you to the edge of the nicer part of town, okay?” She said, wrapping her arm in yours and pulling you along with her. She did as she said, walking you to a safer part of town, reminding you to call her if needed (also if you couldn’t find Jason so she could look for him for you) and you parted ways.
She was the one you ended up calling when Jason was killed.
You didn’t talk to anyone for over a month after his death, other than the odd text to Dick to respond to him or to just make sure he was alright, but one night when things were really bad for you- your dad basically nearly killing himself every night, Alfred locked up in the cave trying to prevent him from actually dying, Dick away doing his own thing after arguing with Bruce, you were entirely alone in your mourning, completely lost in what you’re supposed to do next. You had no little brother to keep your mind busy with worrying and caring for, no one to make you feel needed. No one to make you feel wanted. You were completely alone.
You had called her as a last ditch effort, seeing no harm in at least trying, remembering she was once a psychiatrist. And sure, she was once affiliated with the Joker, but she had distanced herself from him, clearly a victim herself, and had been keeping a low profile ever since. You weren’t even sure she would pick up, probably changing her number, but she did pick up. “Hello?” 
“Harley?” You asked in a whisper. “This is… um, it’s Y/N. Wayne… you um, helped me out a while ago with some creeps, gave me this number…” You recollected to her. 
“I remember… heard about your brother… Not gonna say sorry, I’m pretty sure you’ve heard it a billion times and I’m probably a person you don’t wanna hear it from… you doing okay?” 
“Not really…” You admitted, sniffling. “I’m not doing good… I know you said to call if I needed help with something… I just… I’m alone and I don’t want to be. Is there somewhere we can just meet even if it’s just for an hour?” You asked. 
“Yeah of course!” You weren’t honestly expecting her immediate agreement. “We can have a girl’s night, me, you, and Ivy- I’ve been staying with her for a while now, I’m sure she won’t mind! Where do you want to meet?” 
You met her a few blocks away, and she walked with you to a small one bedroom apartment where Ivy was waiting already, lounged on the cramped couch. She didn’t ask questions as Harley introduced you as Bruce Wayne’s daughter, who was in need of some TLC after everything that happened with Jason, in fact the only questions she asked was “Do you want to get wasted or hold onto the pillow of emotions and tell us all about it?” 
“The pillow of emotions?” You asked, and she held up the pillow right next to her- a blanket, that even in the dim lighting you could tell was as soft as a childhood teddy, the perfect size and shape to squeeze tightly as you cried your eyes out. You pointed to it, and she handed it over, and it wasn’t long till you were on the couch next to Ivy, Harley sat on the floor, both women listening and nodding along as you hugged the pillow, sobbing and ranting about everything. From you basically being raised by Alfred, to you being more like a mother than a sister to Dick and Jason despite not even being that much older than Dick, and how because of that, you felt like a failure when Jason died, like you failed at being his protector, and how now you were all alone- Dick doing his own thing, your dad acting like Jason never even existed, and Alfred being too busy making sure your dad was actually caring for himself to notice you might even need help. 
Honestly, a part of you expected these women, who themselves had been through hell and way worse than you, to roll their eyes, point out how you had daddy’s money to buy a therapist and figure it out yourself, but they didn’t. In fact in the end, when you finally got it all off your chest, both wrapped you in their arms, promising you that they were there, that they cared, and that this apartment always had space for you if you ever wanted to get away. You found yourself there at least once a week. When Bruce brought Tim home, you fluctuated between spending almost every day there or being at home keeping an eye and trying to care for the new brother, until Tim expressed his independence and you went back to spending more time with the girls. 
5 years after Jason’s death, a lot of things changed. 
One, your friendship with Harley became more than a friendship, and you three mutually agreed that it was time for an upgrade in apartment, and you officially moved out, creating much more distance between yourself and your dad, though with Tim around and Bruce now getting more of a grip on his self-destructive behaviours, you were able to call and come visit Alfred, Tim and Dick who had moved back in on occasion, though you now mostly interacted with Dick and Tim (who had warmed up to you a lot more) outside of the manor. 
Two, Jason came back. It was shocking for everyone involved, especially since he was full to the brim of rage and fury, especially against Bruce. He worked with Scarecrow to poison the entire city, and the second you heard it was him through Dick, you tried to leave the safety of the apartment that you had promised your girlfriend you wouldn’t leave to try and find him, only for Ivy to find you quickly, seeing you in a panic and trying to run into the city without anyway to protect yourself, and in fear that you’d been affected by the fear toxin, she sedated you herself until it was all over and hopefully the toxin had left your body. When she woke you up with Harley there, your immediate question was if Jason was okay. Harley thought you were having issues with your memory due to the sedation and the toxin, but after talking with you for longer, explaining the call you had gotten from Dick, and also letting slip that your family was also the bat family, and that Jason was the Robin that had been killed, the girls gave you the rundown of what they knew. Bruce was alive. Dick and Tim were alive, and the Arkham Knight, who was apparently Jason, had disappeared, not confirmed alive or dead. Harley escorted you back to the manor to get answers on what happened, and to try and get in contact with Jason. You got confirmation that he was alive, but was still pissed off at Bruce and was not contacting the family for the time being. 
That didn’t sit right with you. So you went out into the city to one of the places you two would hang around, mess around, graffiti, where you’d complain about Bruce together, and had the best time of your lives. And you waited. And waited. You ignored all your phone calls and texts, simply dropping a text to Harley promising you’d be home soon and you were alright before turning your phone off, and waited more. When the air started to become too nippy for you as you continued to pace in the small snicket, head low, arms crossed and noticing you could see your breath now, you finally thought about leaving. Giving up for now, trying another day or another technique. It was then you felt something heavy drop on your shoulders, and someone pat you on the back. You looked up, startled at the tall man beside you, but even more so at his features that you could recognize instantly. “Jason?” You asked, getting a faint smile from him. That was all you needed, pulling the man into a tight hug, his heavy leather jacket nearly falling off your shoulders. 
You caught up with Jason. You told him how you’d moved out of the manor, how no one in the family actually knew where you lived, and you let the cat out the bag about your roommates being Ivy and Harley, who was actually your girlfriend, and how you met Harley that night where you two got separated in the city, and how she was the one you came to when he died. In classic Jason style, he was far more angry over the fact that Bruce totally left you alone to mourn him and you had to turn to another victim of Joker’s for comfort than you living with two criminals and dating one. In fact, he warmed up pretty quickly to it, knowing they at least can protect you ‘unlike Bruce’. He walked you home, promising to be in touch. You went inside, seeing Harley beside herself with worry, and after her throwing herself at you to hold you close and make sure you were alright, you told her everything, and after Jason and you got a form of communication, Harley and Ivy gave Jason the thumbs up to be allowed into the girl cave, the only real rule being to not tell Bruce or the others about the living arrangement in any way, which was easy enough. 
For a while, things were tense but working in the Wayne family. Jason was still limited to no contact with Bruce, only talking to Dick on occasion when they ran into each other, but almost all contact between them was through you, which resulted in you having more contact with Bruce, though things were still incredibly tense between you two, so often Dick and Tim became a filter for you both, which you despised. Still, the boys would always called you when they needed you, and so it was them who called you to let you know that Bruce had another child- this one biologically his. Your half brother. Damian. 
You let yourself into the manor, quickly rushing down into the cave to hear everyone bickering, Dick and your now youngest brother in the midst of a fight, though when Bruce spotted you and called your name, they stopped and looked at you. Damian stepped towards you, and Dick immediately held one of his Escrima sticks in front of him to stop him, and Tim stepped forward to be in front of you slightly, telling you that those two didn’t trust him to not hurt you. You patted Tim on the shoulder to tell him it was alright before stepping around him, and then you looked at Dick. “Put it away.” You told him. He did as told, though hesitantly. Damian remained still, though he glared at you. You showed him the palms of your hands casually. “No weapons on me, other than a taser, but that’s for creeps in the street.” You told him. 
“Who are you?” He demanded. “Another stray my father picked up off the streets?” Ah. Volatile, lashing out, not caring about hurting feelings. Reminded you of a certain someone…
“In a way, I guess. I’m your sister. Your half sister. Biologically related.” You explained, nodding your head in your father’s direction, who was stood off to the side. His eyes widened, before his eyebrows knitted together and his frown deepended. 
“I wasn’t aware father had an older child.” 
“Yeah, he had me pretty young, and I’ve mostly been out of the spotlight- I like keeping a low profile.” You explained to him, stepping forward casually. “I always joked that father dearest never wanted a girl and always wanted to only have boys- why he had Dick, Tim and Jason, so hopefully now you’re here, I don’t have to worry about raising anymore boys on his behalf.” You joked, offering a hand to him. You felt Dick and Tim tense at your action and proximity. Damian stared at your hand, then back at you, before taking your hand and you shaked it with a smile. “Welcome to the family, Damian. I’m Y/N, the eldest Wayne sibling, and your big sister. If you need anything, anything at all, you call for me, okay? I’ll be there.” 
You kept that promise to him, like you had the boys. He didn’t call you or contact you for a good few months. He only really interacted with you when either Bruce, Alfred or one of the other boys called for you and you went to the manor to negotiate, or to meet one of them on patrol to talk, and he was tagging along with them because Bruce didn’t trust him alone, but he witnessed his ‘brothers’ call you the second they had a problem, especially at home with Bruce, and every time you picked up, arranged to meet them, and came over. At first he hated how you got into fights with Bruce, especially when advocating for Jason, but when he realised that you were doing it on the boys behalf, especially when you got into a fight with Bruce for him regarding his grades and getting calls from teachers, he finally asked Dick for your phone number, and he asked to speak with you while he was on patrol. You agreed, arranging to meet him nearby. 
“You okay Damian?” You asked as soon as you saw him in the snicket. He nodded, not saying anything at first. “You haven’t ever called me before, so something big must have happened.” 
“Why do you fight for me and the others on our behalf to father?” He asked bluntly. You stared surprised for a moment, before walking closer to him. 
“I don’t have a good relationship with…father. Never have, and I’ve accepted I’ll probably never will. A long time ago, I just kept my mouth shut, let him ignore my existence despite living in the same building, and I was mostly alone. The Dick came along, and he was far more present for him than he ever was for me, but still, he wasn’t… there, there. He was still lacking, mostly emotionally, and I found myself just… filling the gap. Making up where he missed the mark. I looked after Dick when he was going through mourning of his parents, I was the one who helped Jason get some of his anger out, I was the only one who accepted Tim into the family from the get-go… I’m the one the boys call when they need help. Not Bruce… My girlfriend- don’t tell dad about her- is a psychiatrist, and she calls it parentification. It’s when a child, often the oldest, takes on a role similar to that of a parent, caring for younger siblings, and at times, the parents themselves. It complicates relationships between the younger ones and the eldest as well- like you boys turning to me rather than Bruce when you have issues. It usually damages the relationships in the family later on.” You explained to him. 
“Do you resent father for doing that?” He asked. You knew you couldn’t lie to Damian- he wasn’t naive by any sense, and you guessed he’d tell you were lying. 
“Honestly? Yes. Absolutely. I didn’t have a childhood, and I had to grow up quickly to care for the boys he chose to have.”
“Do you resent Dick, Jason and Tim? Do you resent me? You said yourself you think he only wanted boys, and while I’m biologically his like you, he’s present for me like he was Dick.” He inquired. You stepped even closer till you were both straining your necks to meet eye contact. You reached out, holding his face with your hands, warming his cheeks with your calms. 
“Never… Those few years before Dick came home… were some of the worst years of my life. I was… so alone. When you boys showed up, I wasn’t alone anymore. I had purpose, something to keep me busy. Whenever I get a text from Jason complaining about Bruce, or Dick asking me to stop by, or simply Tim asking to get him coffee… I don’t mind, because they need me, and they trust me, and they love me, and I love them. They’re my brothers. Your my youngest brother, and I love you unconditionally, okay?” You promised him, and he nodded, before stepping back, turning on his heel, and going to leave the alley, before he paused, turning and looking over his shoulder at you. 
“I won’t tell father about your girlfriend… Does anyone else know?” 
“Only Jason. I don’t trust the others to not freak out about her, especially Bruce.” You told him. He nodded, and carried on his way. He started to text you from time to time like Jason did. Short and blunt. He never told you straight out he loved you- Dick said it all the time when saying goodbye, Jason said it on occasion, usually concealing it with sentences, Tim said it usually in the middle of the compliment, but never Damian. Instead he would simply text you ‘hope you’re safe’ at the end of the beginning of a conversation. When you realised that was him saying he loved you, you realised he said it the most out of the boys. 
More time passed, things were going good in your family if you ignored Bruce, and things were going extremely well with you and Harley. You were both now looking for a new place to live away from Ivy- her idea, she was planning to move in with Selina. However, the move was postponed when signs of Joker being near your current apartment started to show up, and Harley became anxious, and with very good reason. You hurriedly moved Harley and Ivy into Selina’s apartment and you temporarily moved back into the manor. Just in time it seemed- your old apartment complex was the victim of arson, the substances used to light the fire making it burn green. It was obvious who set it. 
Jason heard first, rushing to the manor, ignoring Bruce’s calls to come and find you, holding you tightly, relieved that you were safe, before he explained what had happened, and that it was an attack by Joker. He said that, in front of not only Bruce, but all your other brothers. They all, including Bruce, freaked out.
“Joker targetted you?!” Dick freaked out.
“No he-” 
“You’re staying at a safehouse for now, alright? We’ll fit it up and make it homely.” Tim decided.
“No, that’s not needed-”
“Y/N, you’re in danger, you can’t leave our sight.” Bruce ordered. 
“He wasn’t targeting me!” You snapped, making them all stop. “He wasn’t targeting me. He was targeting my roommate… my girlfriend.” 
“Your girlfriend?” Bruce asked. 
“Why?” Damian asked. You glanced at Jason anxiously, the only person who knew all the details. He instantly wrapped an arm around your shoulder, ready to put himself between you and everyone else if they tried anything, and get you out of there in a timely fashion if necessary. 
“My girlfriend is Harley. Quinn. We’ve been dating for a few years.” You admitted. Everyone stood stiff for a moment. 
“What?!” Bruce finally snapped, moving forward. Jason immediately held his arm out, pulling you behind him. 
“You stay the fuck away from my sister, Bruce.” He glared. 
“You knew?” Tim asked at Jason. 
“I did too.” Damian spoke up, trying to show solidarity with you and Jason, jumping to be beside you as well. “I didn’t know it was Harley, but from what she’s told me, she treats her well and loves Y/N.” Damian defended. 
“I’ve met her. Harley loves Y/N. She was there for Y/N when I died, unlike you. She looks after Y/N.” Jason defended. Bruce stared at you. 
“Where’s Harley?” 
“I’m not telling you. Her life's in danger, she’s in hiding… we’re going to meet up soon and… we’re leaving Gotham. Temporarily. Just until Joker forgets she exists, then we’re getting a new apartment, maybe somewhere closer to Jason.” You explained. 
“You can’t leave Gotham with her!” Bruce snapped. 
“Why not?” Tim asked. Bruce’s head snapped around to him. “If Joker gets an inkling that Harley has a girlfriend, especially if it’s Y/N Wayne, he’ll go after her. It’s better safe than sorry.” 
“Anything we can do from here? We can get you two a safehouse in another city till things calm down.” Dick offered. You smiled at him and nodded, and he smiled sadly. “We should cause a scene to keep him occupied so he doesn’t have time to realise Harley’s gone off the grid. One of us should also escort you both just in case. 
“I’ll do that.” Jason decided. “Atleast you know if worst comes to worse and Joker tries to stop you leaving, I’ll fucking kill him.” 
“Do none of you care about what I think?” Bruce asked. 
“No. We don’t. This has nothing to do with you. This is to do about the safety of Y/N and her girlfriend from her girlfriend’s abusive ex. This is about what is best for them, and what we can do to make things easier for them. You’ve never cared about her. You’ve never put her first and done what’s best for her. Leave us to deal with this, and stay out of it.” Jason snapped at him. Bruce looked around, seeing to see if anyone- even you- would tell Jason off. No one did. Without another word, Jason pushed you to go with Damian and Tim to go pack some things while he went to get a car from the garage for you and Harley and your things, and Dick got his phone out to start making calls for somewhere safe for you to stay. Bruce stared at Dick, the only one left in the room. He saw that Bruce was waiting for him to talk to him, say anything to him. 
“Y/N has always been there for us, no matter what. This is the only time she’s ever said she’s needed our help. We’re taking it.” He told him simply, before putting his phone to his ear and leaving the room, leaving Bruce alone, unsure on what to do or what to say. 
Hope you like it! If you have any questions, please send them in!
*Not my gif
TAGS:  @freyathehuntress  @courtneychicken​  @graysonmalfoy​ @bellero​ @originalpottervengerlock @supernatural-pan​ @esoltis280​ @lady-of-lies​ @lenaswritingandstuff @macbetheliza @mandywholock1980​ @cdwmtjb8​ @caswinchester2000 @determinedpines​ @huntheimpossible @automaticbakeryfreakshoe 
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aohisworld · 14 days
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ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ when the world picks on Aohi, she crumbles gently, and Ri-ki’s there to put her back together, piece by piece.
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ nishimura ri-ki x addedmember!oc. mentions of poly!ot7 x addedmember!oc, contains. cringe writing, angst (as always).
| : ̗̀➛ MINTIE’s NOTES: a little self-indulgent because I feel like poopoo honestly 😞 I apologize if this mini- drabble? fic? Is short, I really barely have any time to write to my pieces, and I can only offer you guys these small little fics 😭
| : ̗̀➛ WARNING! How I write ENHYPEN is not meant to portray the idols irl, this is my au and I write this for fun.
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✧. ┊    No one’s a stranger to the familiar feeling of coming back down from a successful peak, the sudden feeling of clouded thoughts or the slow burn-out of your sociality or productivity being a familiar dull sting to your body and mind.
And sometimes you can’t understand just why you have to burn out, and with that comes along frustrations, anger, the tantrums inside your mind when nothing goes your way when you’ve already had a bad day.
Aohi’s world dulls to grey for a little while, the exhausting schedule and the upcoming recording for memorabilia took a lot out of her.
All she wanted was to sleep, maybe for a week straight, if she could, she’d hibernate like a bear. Aohi knows she can’t though, engenes would miss her too much.
Despite her frustrations with the slightly wrong tones or the wrong words being sung out, she trudges on, continuing to work, to rewrite, to practice.
She’s repaid by the loss of her voice, and recording’s been pulled back a week later due to the sudden situation. Aohi sits in her seat speechless when her manager explains it on the way to the studio.
“But then, why am I going if I’m being put on vocal rest?” Aohi’s voice croaks out. In a comical way, she sounded like a Justin Bieber when he was in his teens, cracking and going airy from time to time.
“I didn’t want you to come in either, but the studio was insistent on it,” Aohi groans, despite how hurtful it was on her throat. “Trust me, I tried to fight for a day off, all I could do was move your session to a later time tomorrow.”
“I can’t even do anything at the studio, the whole point of a vocal rest is so I could rest!”
“First off, stop yelling, don’t use your voice-“ Her manager looked up at the rear view mirror, shooting her a glance that told Aohi to fix her attitude.
"Second, just get through this recording, it'll be over before you know it.."
Aohi just rolled her eyes, feeling already irked that she had to come in today. Aohi stared out the window as she ended up tuning out her manager’s voice and locking herself inside her mind.
There wasn’t much to do for her especially when she had a sore throat, even if she could, Aohi doubts her current health would even be able to keep up with anything.
“Aohi, let’s go.” Her manager could be heard unbuckling her seatbelt, Aohi following. Aohi grabbed her phone and opened her car door, squinting at the bright sun.
Her instant response to the sudden rays was to put up her hoodie, entering the studio.
“Batsy!” Sunoo chirps, reaching for the girl before any of the other guys could call for her, and with her call, Aohi gravitates towards Sunoo, his arms taking her in like a cuddly bear.
“I missed you..” Aohi mumbled into his clothes, and Sunoo just hums and kisses her forehead, “gonna keep with the PDA or are we actually recording?” Xiulin amusingly spoke from behind the two.
And it would’ve been funny, if Aohi hadn’t hissed back at her. “Unnie, respectfully shut up.” Aohi replied with a hoarse voice, and Sunoo was taken aback by her sudden reply. Xiulin must’ve been as well, looking at Aohi with widened eyes.
Aohi’s furrowed brows seemed to soften after realizing the stunned faces across the room, and she sighs, pulling away from Sunoo.
“Sorry, unnie… i just… don’t feel well.” Aohi walks into the studio booth trying to rubbing her temple with a frown. Xiulin was still waiting out her aftershock as she just watched her dongsaeng walk away.
“What’s her problem?” Ri-ki pointed his thumb at Aohi inside the booth, looking towards the boys who looked equally confused. “I know manager-nim said she wasn’t feeling well… but she’s never snapped at me like that before.” Xiulin frowns at the booth door, rubbing at her neck in discomfort.
“It’s okay noona, I’m sure Aohi just didn’t feel up to the teasing, you know how she is..” Jungwon tries to ease Xiulin’s feelings, patting the older girl’s back to comfort her.
“We’ll talk to her, don’t worry.” Sunoo added, giving Xiulin a gentle and reassuring smile as the group trailed into the booth.
Aohi sat in one of the couches, trying keep to herself, quietly playing on her phone. The boys looked to each other, trying to figure out how to approach the girl without already irking her more than she already was.
“Heeseung-ssi, Xiulin-ssi, we can record your lines now.” One of the producers called the eldest of the hyung and maknae line to come in, and Xiulin glanced at Aohi, who glances at her and Heeseung.
Aohi quickly darts her gaze back onto her phone as she tries to focus on her games, trying to get the day to go by faster.
Xiulin sighs, looking towards Heeseung who was already waiting by the booth, he mouths to her as if to tell her, that the boys will handle it while they’re gone, and not to worry too much.
Jay decides to make a move towards Aohi, sitting beside her with caution. Aohi squirms at the sudden dip in the couch, but refuses to look up anyway.
“Batsy.. look at me, baby..” Jay encouraged, his hands gently reaching for her tense ones. “You want to tell me what’s wrong?.. we just want to help, Aohi, baby.” Aohi feels rather suffocated in Jay’s hold, and she knows he doesn’t mean to cage her in, but she feels like she can’t breathe.
Aohi shakes her head, trying to pull away from his hold, and Jay’s eyebrow twitches, his first indication that something was worse than just annoyance or tiredness. She mumbled something that Jay couldn’t decipher, he leans even closer.
Jay knew that even if Aohi was annoyed, she’d never turn down any of his hugs, even going as far to tell him that he’s the best at cuddling besides Ri-ki.
“Look at me, Batsy.” Jay reaches for her face, his gentle fingers barely touching her cheeks when Aohi slaps them away. “I told you to leave me alone!” Aohi’s voice croaks loudly, and Jake stands up from his spot in the room.
Her hand reaches to push Jay away, who seemed hurt at the way Aohi raises her voice at him. Despite being scolded by Aohi before, it never sounded worse like it did at this moment.
Aohi’s hand is stopped by Jake’s hand around her wrist, and her attention’s turned from Jay to Jake, trying to pull her wrist away from him.
“Let go!”
“Aohi, that’s enough! We’re just trying to help you!” Jake holds her tighter, and Aohi squeezes her eyes tight, letting out a sob. “I don’t want your help!” Aohi stands up from her spot, shoving Jake away.
Jake toppled over a few instruments, hissing at the impact. “Hyung!” Jungwon and Sunghoon quickly stood up, rushing to Jake’s side. Aohi’s breath hitches, and she sniffles, glancing around, Sunoo and Ri-ki looking at her with disbelief.
Aohi could feel her heart beating with intensity as she only looks for her only escape, running out of the room to the front door.
She has no idea where to run, but her legs certainly aren’t stopping, Aohi doesn’t register which way she goes, turning all sorts of corners, and the sun blinding her.
Soon enough, her body stops running, and Aohi has no clue where she is, she sits on a random bench, the area seemed deserted, some patches of weed growing through the brick path she ran down on.
Aohi brings her legs up on the bench, and she remembers that she’s left her phone at the studio with everyone else, and the air doesn’t do much to calm her.
She digs her face into her knees, and she could feel the familiar sting of tears in her eyes and she squeals into her knees, as if angry that she’s crying.
Aohi has no idea why she’s been so upset lately, maybe she needed to be alone for a while, or maybe Aohi felt like the world hasn’t been so nice to her lately. She’s tired, so tired.
Aohi just wanted to rest for a little while, and she can’t do that when her company wants her to go to these recordings despite putting her on vocal rest.
Aohi can’t afford to go home right now either, for one, she has no clue where she is and Aohi knows that she needs a ride to even get back to the apartments.
She only whimpers, and lets herself cry into her arms, pitiful sobs leaving like a lullaby from her lips. Aohi’s back shakes as her sobs continue, and she realizes that she can’t even stop herself or quiet herself.
And in an ironic way, the world sends a somewhat comforting breeze to her side, despite being certainly mean to her the couple of days, Aohi takes the breeze with gusto, sniffling as she’s blanketed with the wind.
Aohi cries her pretty little heart out in a deserted part of this random park, and she cries and cries until her eyes tire out, Aohi can feel the creeping tiredness loom over her as her eyes don’t fight the urge to close, to get sleep.
She just lets it happen as her eyes blanket her vision with darkness, and she sniffles once more, the need to sleep heavy and she doesn’t fight.
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The sun’s starting to come down, and Aohi can barely register the muffled call of her name. Aohi could feel the approaching headache from dehydration, obviously from crying her eyes out the previous hours, but she looks up anyway.
“Aohi.. wake up, damn it..” Ri-ki curses, and he sits beside her balled figure on the bench, he runs his hands through his hair, sighing out of worry and concern.
“nini…” Aohi mumbled out, and her voice is still coarse, maybe even worse than it was the last time Ri-ki heard it. Ri-ki stops himself from softening at the nickname she calls him, one that she got from other fan accounts on Twitter, thinking it was adorable.
“Do you know how fucking worried we were?…” Ri-ki breathlessly spoke, and he gently placed a hand on her cheek, his eyebrows furrowed. Aohi whimpered, digging her cheek into his palm anyway.
“I’m sorry, nini…” Ri-ki curses under his breath, and he takes off his jacket, placing it over Aohi’s body, he felt the alarming heat of her body on his palm, he stands up from the bench and takes his arms under Aohi’s knees and supporting her back.
He lifts her up with a huff, carrying Aohi bridal style. “Don’t think just because you’re sick means you’re off the hook for running like that.” Ri-ki walks down the familiar path, the sun was going down and soon enough, he won’t be able to see the path out of the deserted park.
“You worried the fuck out of everyone… Jay and Jake were out in the cold for hours, you left your phone so we couldn’t even…” Ri-ki blinked his tears away, the worry and the thought that something could’ve happened to Aohi overwhelming him.
“We couldn’t track you down, and who knows where the hell you could’ve gone?…” Aohi, despite being too tired out of her mind and sleepy, felt guilty anyways, she felt stupid for running then, and she still felt stupid now.
“I don’t know what I would’ve done if I couldn’t find you… hell, what would we tell the engenes? you hate disappointing them..” Ri-ki grits his teeth, it takes a little while for them to regroup with the others, and Ri-ki had gone silent from walking for a bit and he finally walks out to a familiar path, seeing the boys and Xiulin waiting anxiously by the van.
“You found her!" Heeseung sighed in relief, jogging up to the two, Aohi seemed to knock out on the walk, and Heeseung reaches to check on her.
"She's burning.." Heeseung curses, and he walks to the van and opens the door, "Let's get her home before she gets worse." Sunoo agrees, nodding as he climbs into the vehicle, helping Ri-ki climb in with Aohi in his hold.
"Careful.. she's going to bump her head.." Sunoo whispers, placing his hands on her head, looking at Aohi with worry in his eyes.
The boys and Xiulin are silently driven home by their staff, and they all apologize to the staff member for keeping them waiting as Ri-ki, bowed, before walking up to the apartment.
"Ri-ki-yah.. I can carry her.." Sunghoon offered from beside him, and he shakes his head, just continuing to walk up to their dormitory, which Jungwon opens for the youngest.
"Wait! You should bring her to our dorm, I can't take care of her from your dorms.." Xiulin voiced, and the boys turn to her, "Noona, don't worry about it, I'm sure you're tired, me and the hyungs will take care of her." Ri-ki shoots their eldest girl a reassuring look, and Xiulin can't help but sigh.
"But-" Jay shakes his head, asking Xiulin not to fight them on it, "You can trust us, Xiu, don't worry." Xiulin softly frowns, but she couldn't go up against seven boys, even if she wanted to.
"Okay, just.. make sure she gets some rest..." Xiulin reaches over and places a small kiss on Aohi's burning forehead, a quiet goodbye as she recovers in the boys' dorms.
The boys and Xiulin part from the stairs, and Aohi's brought into the boys' dorms, they all have separate rooms now, the countless complaints from singer to manager had worked, and given them some sort of privacy.
Ri-ki makes a quick move to place her onto his bed, tucking her with record-breaking speed, trying to keep her warm, feeling Aohi shiver all throughout the car ride.
Despite his worry, he still feels sour about earlier, knowing Aohi wasn't feeling well, and her mood was not best, did not excuse the fact that she ran off, and for hours they couldn't find her.
"I'll go grab a rag for her fever.." Sunoo whispers from beside Ri-ki, patting the youngest's back in comfort before leaving the room. The rest of the boys seemed to follow after Sunoo, quiet excuses pouring from all of their lips.
"We'll get dinner started, make her some food.." Jay and Jungwon walked out together, and Sunghoon runs his hand through his face, "We'll give you some space.." Heeseung pulls Sunghoon with him, who seems hesitant to leave Aohi's side.
"How could you be so reckless, batsy?" Ri-ki whispered, his tone scolding. For once, he was babying Aohi without any complaint. Well, not that she could anyway. "I thought something had happened to you.. and I wouldn't of been there..."
Ri-ki sat by her side for a while, he repositioned to the ground, gently rubbing his thumb against Aohi's palm. A calming gesture for both of them. He quietly watches Aohi's sleeping figure, and despite the underlying cringe from him, feeling creepy for watching her, he couldn't help but worry, truly.
"...I would've lost it.. batsy, I need you," Ri-ki whispers, and it seems like every time they were by themselves, he starts to speak in Japanese, like he's at his most vulnerable with her. "I need you like water, my love.." He continues his sentence, hoping she'll awake for a little bit.
Like a miracle, Aohi twitches from her sleep, and she lets out a quiet groan, her eyes fluttering from her nap, and she's faced with the familiar ceiling of Ri-ki's room. She calls for him with a broken voice.
"Nini..." And Ri-ki makes a move, sitting up on his knees to coo at her silently, "I'm here, lovely.." He feels Aohi's hand squeeze his, and he feels himself relax. Ri-ki is relieved, comforted by Aohi's presence.
"Why.. would you go look for me..?" Aohi croaks from her spot, looking at Ri-ki with a hurt expression, and he's almost confused on why she would ask such a question. "Why wouldn't we?.." Ri-ki tilts his head, his thumb makes comforting swipes at the back of Aohi's hand.
"You could've gotten sick.. stupid.." Aohi tries to flick up at Ri-ki's forehead, and he shakes his head, making her drop her hand. "I don't care about getting sick, I care about finding you." He replies, and Aohi sighs, turning her head from Ri-ki to the wall.
"I hate when you say stuff like that.." Aohi whispers, and Ri-ki is confused, sure, his words would fluster the girl, but her? Hating such words from him when she was as affectionate as him?
"Why? You and I both know it's true," Ri-ki responds, and Aohi makes a move to almost throw a slight action of defiance. "And that's what I hate about it, I hate that you're willing to break your back as long as I'm with you.."
"And it's the same for the other boys, and I love that you love me so much," Ri-ki listens, despite his dislike for where the conversation was heading, "and I love you all the same, if not more, but I hate that you'd disregard your own well-being for me.. I wish I wasn't that important to you.. any of you."
"How could you say that?" Ri-ki asks, standing up from his spot and sitting on the bed, and Aohi sits up from her spot, "Ri-ki, how could I not? Hell, you gave me your jacket even when you knew it was cold.."
"You're always bending over backwards for me, and I wish you'd be a little more concerned with yourself." Aohi looks towards him and Ri-ki furrows his eyebrows. "You're the same way."
Aohi stays silent, "It's the way I am.." Aohi fiddles with her fingers, looking down at her lap. "And so what? You think we should just take and take, and you get nothing in return for yourself?" Ri-ki assumes, and Aohi looks to argue, to deny, but words don't come out of her mouth.
Ri-ki waits for a reply from Aohi and when she doesn't seem to speak, he continues. "What's the point of us dating you if we'll just be selfish while you break like this?" Aohi still doesn't reply, and she knows there's nothing she could say to fix her words, and what she meant.
"Are we even your boyfriends that way?" Aohi finally moves from her spot, "Of course you are! I just don't want you to be so consumed with being with me that you just.." Aohi brings her hands to her face, "It feels like you have to take care of me all of the time, and I'm just.."
"I don't want any of you to help me because it's not your job, I should be able to do this myself!" Aohi sobbed, and Ri-ki feels angrier than before.
“if you didn’t want any of us to help you when you’re crumbling like this then why are you still dating us?!” Ri-ki yells, and it’s the first time in a while that Aohi had heard him so loud.
Aohi blinks at him and for once she’s surprised of the way Ri-ki stared at her with angry tears. Ri-ki was angry at her.
“Are you angry at me?…” She whispers, and Aohi doesn’t miss the way her voice quivers as she asks this to Ri-ki who turns away from her.
“You don’t know how much it hurts when we see you like this… when I see you like this.” Ri-ki sobbed, his fists grab at his hair, and Aohi makes a move to stop him, knowing it’ll hurt.
“I feel like the worst fucking boyfriend when I see you fall apart like dust and I can’t help you.”
Aohi doesn’t say a word more, unable to reply. Her tears cascaded down her cheeks and she pulls Ri-ki into her arms. “I’m sorry.” She repeats like a mantra.
And it seems like Ri-ki breaks alongside Aohi, and she starts to think that maybe the world was a little too cruel on both of them, or maybe she was being too cruel on him, on all of them.
how could she fix this now?
"I'm sorry nini... I didn't mean to make you feel like that.. I just... feel awful and I've been too cruel.." Aohi holds Ri-ki tightly, and she could feel her hoodie starts to dampen with the boy's tears.
"I'm so sorry... I feel like the worst girlfriend to you... you don't even know nini.." Aohi hugs Ri-ki like she could never let go, and she knows she would never.
"Then help me know, I want to, let me understand, let me help.." Ri-ki begged from her, and Aohi feels worse than she already did.
Aohi places a gentle kiss on his forehead, continuing her apologies. Ri-ki seems to cry for forever he felt like, he just couldn't stop, and his fingers had gone red from how tightly he held Aohi in his arms.
"You don't deserve such a cruel girl like me.." She whispers, lifting Ri-ki's face, wiping at the streaks on his cheeks, and with a quiet voice, Ri-ki speaks, "I want you anyway, I'll always want to be with you, even if you don't."
"How did I score someone like you, hm, nini?" Aohi laughed through her own tears. "I don't know, but you're never getting rid of me." Ri-ki replies, before taking Aohi's cheeks in his hands and laying a gentle kiss on her lips.
The two's lips intertwined like perfect puzzle pieces, Aohi's hand reaching to cup Ri-ki's in a warmth he'll never deny. Aohi thinks that she could never get used to how warm Ri-ki's lips were, always comforting her in ways she could never do herself.
The two pull away, and Aohi almost chases after Ri-ki, already missing him so close to her.
"...I love you, so much." Aohi spoke after a while, using her hoodie sleeve to wipe at her nose, and Ri-ki laughs, grabbing a tissue from his bedside, "Don't wipe it on your hoodie, batsy.."
"I really do love you though, you know that right?" Ri-ki smiles, and nods, wiping at Aohi's tears. "aigoo... you big baby.." Ri-ki kisses at her nose, and Aohi squeals at the ticklish feeling.
"You cried too! I'm not the only big baby!" Aohi retorts, gently slapping Ri-ki's shoulder, the two continued to giggle for a little before they quiet down, the only evidence of their silly behaviour being their smiles.
"Don't ever be scared to crumble, we'll be here to pick you back up... just like you are for us.." Ri-ki hugs her tightly one more time, and Aohi's never felt as loved as she was with the boys, and it makes her realize how much she could never actually live without these boys.
"So.. how does soup sound?"
"Sounds lovely, nini."
"Good, you're going to have to apologize to Jay-hyung and Jake-hyung, they've been sulking since this afternoon." - "Oh... about that.."
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rogueshadow1124 · 1 month
Platonic¡Jason Todd x Batsis!Reader, slight platonic¡Dick Grayson x Batsis!Reader
Summary: Over a year ago to this day Jason died, his younger sister found him at the scene but was too late to be able to stop his death- she ended up blaming herself and vowed to visit his grave...
Word count: roughly 1805
Warning: mature language, mentions weapons/some violence.
The youngest Wayne, strolled through the graveyard that was set a light by the neutral tones that seeped out of the lampposts nearby. Y/N made this a weekly occurrence, she couldnt seem to push away the thought of her older brother not being here anymore, she couldnt come to terms with the fact that he was indeed gone.
She came to a stop at the grave she visited everytime she had a chance to. Jason Todd, a loving brother and son forever in our hearts and never to be forgotten, 1990-2012. Y/N had always admired her older brothers but more so Jason as they were the closest and had a similar persona, when she found out he died a year ago to this day she completely broke and nobody knew for sure if she could be fixed.
"Its been a year Jay, a whole goddamn fucking year." The girl dropped to her knees, reaching towards the ga stone to set a hand upon it. "I'm hurting Jaybird, everything hurts so much and I dont know how to stop the pain. I dont even think its curable, I'm broken, I've become a unrecognizable person." Her head dropped, tears seeped out of her eyes and dripped down the curve of her cheek, trailing down her neck. "Dick said I needed to speak to someone, maybe a therapist but I refused. Bruce- he's given up. Alfred's trying to keep us together but it's not working. We need you- I need you."
A buzzing echoed through the air as her phone started to vibrate in her pocket, she let out a heavy breath while reaching down to grasp it and see that Dick was calling. Her thumb swiped across the screen to accept the call before pulling it up to her ear.
"Y/N/N where are you?" His voice rumbled through the other end of the device, he sounded panicked yet calm at the same time.
"Dont worry Dick I'm not gonna do anything stupid okay I'm just doing a usual weekly round, I need space, I need you all to stop treating like I'm still a child and let me mourn in my own damn way. I can handle myself, maybe it doesnt seem like it but I'm still here arent I?" She let out a sob at the end, her hands shaking as she let out a laboured breath this time, closing her eyes in an attempt to calm herself.
"Y/N can you come back home, theres something really important we need to discuss..."
"What part of 'I need to be alone' dont you understand Richard?" She heard her brother sigh on before the sound of a few things being knocked over and then Bruce scolding someone in a hushed tone. "I'm going now."
"No, wait. Y/N!" She ended the call, placing her phone back in her pocket. Her head tilted back up to look at the grave infront of her, her thoughts ran wild in her head as she tried to figure what she could possibly say next. In reality she was speaking to nobody, there was nothing but silence but she felt a huge amount of relief lift from her when she 'spoke' to Jason.
Her eyes then narrowed in frustration, hands coming up to tug at her hair while more tears blurred her vision and suffocated the soft surface of her face. Small, audiable cries passed her lips in distress and sadness, her body shaking from her crying and the slight chill of the cool midnight air that flew within the atmosphere.
Y/N hated the feeling of loneliness. With Jason being gone that's exactly how she felt, sure she had her other brother but Jason was the one she confided in, he was her protector. He reassured her, he was her shoulder to cry on, he was her rock and without her rock she had nothing to go back to, to lean on when she needed comfort-
She pushed herself up to stand on her feet, looking down at the gravestone before spinning on her heel and speeding down the narrow paths. Her hands came up to pull the hood of her jacket over her head, trailing down to slip into her pockets that were the only source of heat to radiate through her hands to stop them from becoming numb on this cold night.
The cars whizzed passed on the Gotham roads, horns blaring and tires screeching as they sped by.
Y/N only ever came out at night, it was a time where she could set free from her mind- not fully but it was relieving while it lasted. She hated the silence that surrounded her daily, though she all but loved it at the same time. When it was silent she would drown in her own thoughts however if someone broke the silence they would ask the same questions and suggest what could help her.
A hand shout out from her left, hauling her into an alleyway. She yelped at the sudden force, her back cracked slightly when she was slammed into the brick wall behind her making a groan slip from her lips. Her deep blue orbs, that now seemed to be duller than ever peered up at the attacker- dressed in fully back and had a light grey mask covering their face.
"Y/N Wayne." Came a male voice, sounding quite sinister.
"Who's asking." She replied dryly, leaning back into the wall as the male tightens his grip on her shoulders.
"My boss. Your father seems to have upset him and he doesnt take things like that lightly sweetheart." The man pulled a gun from his back pocket, bringing it up to hover over her face, the cool metal sliding it up to the bridge of her nose to rest against her forehead.
"Do it. Kill me." Her words never faltered which surprised the man, her hand raised to grasp the gun and pull it further towards her head, eyes crossing as she peered up at the gun.
"Oh, who would have thought. The Y/N Wayne begging for death." The man teased, tilting his head to the side as dark eyes pierced her own through the holes in the mask.
"I've got nothing left to loose. I'm miserable. Do it, just pull the trigger. Do it!" She pushed forwards as the mans finger went to pull at the trigger, eyes screwing shut as a rush of anticipation ran through her veins as she waited for the quick way out of life. It never came.
Her eyes peeled open to see another person, a metallic looking red helmet hid his whole head, a brown leather jacket along with a black shirt and dark, tight fitted jeans and a pair of matted jet black combat boots. The new comer held the attacker up by his throat as he rithed under his grip, hands clutching onto the gloved hands that wrapped around his neck.
"You're so dead." The red masked vigilante grumbled out in anger, his hands tightened around the other males neck making breathing a hard task to do before the attacker slowly grew limp in his arms and was dropped to the ground.
"Who the hell are you?!" The girl whispered shouted, looking him up and down. Her eyes trailed to the man on the floor who lay unconscious- maybe, possibly dead. She fell back against the wall, hands by her side as she threw her head back and sighed.
"What do you think you were doing Y/N?!"
"How the fuck do you know my name?" She stood back to her full height eyeing the vigilante with a puffy red eyes from when she had been crying not so long ago. She watched as a gloved hand moved up and hooked under the metal helmet, tugging at it so it revealed a face. A very familiar one at that. "No. Please. Oh- no."
"Y/N/N I know this seems weird right now okay, let me explain." Jason spoke, holding his hands out to her as she shook her head repeatedly and whispered a bunch of 'No's' and 'this isn't real'.
"Your dead, yo-your supposed to be dead. I-I saw your body, I didnt make it in time." She sobbed out loudly, looking directly at the 'replica' of her older brother. Her brows furrowed and her lip wobbled as she continued to cry uncontrollably. "A year ago today, we found you dead!"
"I-I was resurrected months ago Y/N, I'm here. I'm real. I promise." Jason stepped forwards slowly, pulling the broken girl into his embrace. The sound of a motorcycle revving sounded in the background making the no longer dead Jason look over his shoulder to see Dick in his nightwing costume.
"Did you find her, please tell me you found her." Dicks voice echoed within the alley, breathing out a breath of relief when jason moved his form to reveal the crying girl. "Oh thank god."
A slap suddenly came to fill the secondary of silence along with a Yelp. One of Jason's hands flung up to cup his burning cheek while his eyes met with Y/N's fiery gaze, her hands set on her hips as she continued to sniffle, tears still venturing down her cheeks.
"Y-your telling me you've been alive for months?!"
"W-well yeah, I-" he tried to respond but was near to immediately cut off by his younger sister raising her hand and waving it around.
"I-I'm miserable. Broken even, for a whole fucking year I was and your telling me you have been alive for a few months. I saw your body Jason, I was the first to find you and I completely broke when I knew I could have done something to prevent your 'death'." Her voice became softer as she relived the memory, images flashed through her mind as she recalled what she had seen when she found him dead.
"Y/N I've told you millions of times it wasnt your fault. Nobody could have stopped it from happening." Dick stepped to stand beside Jason so both of them were infront of her, a small smile etched onto his lips when she rammed into him, wrapping her arms around his waist and buried her head in his chest.
"But what if I could have prevented it Dick?"
"Theres no way you could have sweetheart." Jason stated, running a hand through her messy locks that splayed upon her head wildly.
"I love you Jaybird, so much. I missed you." She turned around and attatched herself to Jason, jumped in his arms which made him laugh as he caught her and she wrapped around him like a koala bear.
"I missed you too, little bird."
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fractualized · 9 months
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I finally got around to reading through another classic batjokes story: Lovers & Madmen, which takes place in Batman Confidential #7-12. I highly recommend it, particularly if you are interested in stories about Jack-era Joker. Batman first meets Jack at the tail-end of his first year as Batman, and we get all the batjokes goods, including plenty that aren't evident from the isolated panels that go around. (Plus cameos from aspiring med student Harleen Quinzel and aspiring asylum administrator Jonathan Crane.)
This isn't a full recap, so I hope my rambling will spur you to check it out.
(Beware of gore and suicidal ideations.)
The key thing to know from issue #7 is that Bruce's mission has been going incredibly well. He has been operating for only 42 weeks, and he can feel the city quieting down. He's so proud! So content!
And we can't have that. Enter Jack, goon for hire. Bruce comes across one of his murders and becomes obsessed with how clean the scene is, how little a trail there is to follow. He investigates and investigates and investigates and comes up with nothing to his dismay.
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Meanwhile Jack is also having a sad at a bar because there's no challenge or entertainment to his job anymore. :( Luckily a nice server gives him a little pep talk.
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Jack does give things another go at a bank robbery, but it's still no fun. He trips the alarm on purpose, but a shootout with the guards is no fun for him either. He's literally in the middle of asking a guard to kill him, when Batman finally shows up.
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"He's an idiot. I love him." Nothing like infatuation to restore your will to live. #8 opens with Jack being sure to leave Batman a thank you note before he escapes.
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And Jack must see the Bat again, and of course the only way to ensnare him is to commit a series of awful but perfect crimes. And Bruce is infuriated! Here he is taking out his frustrations on a mugger— with Jack watching from afar.
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Bruce is just so mad he's been unable to stop Jack, like, "All those books! All that preparation! But crime man keep criming?!"
Batman and Jack next meet at a charity gala planned by Bruce's love interest in this story, Lorna, and boy do things escalate. Jack picks Lorna as his hostage, threatening to shoot her so he can get away, and Bruce ends up grabbing another gun and shooting Jack's gun out of his hand. But then Jack just stabs her good, and while Bruce can't leave her to die, he doesn't just let Jack escape.
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Jack isn't even the goddamn Joker yet and Bruce has intentionally given him a Glasgow smile as punishment. And even more insane, is that Jack appears to verbally respond to Bruce's inner monologue.
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With Lorna slowly dying in the hospital, Bruce goes to a professional to try to figure out what it is about Jack that makes him seemingly unstoppable— and of course that professional is Jonathan Crane, and his professional opinion is basically, "dude that guy is clearly just insane and you're doomed to fail lol."
Oh yeah? Would an insane man be this untroubled about his face being cut open?
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"He'll have to pay for that. Then again… it's nice to feel something." Just summing up Joker's cycling feelings about Batsy in the years to come. lol
And here's the plot point that sticks out to me most, after years of reading Bruce stalwartly refuse to kill Joker, including in other versions of their first meeting:
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Bruce has been Batman for less than a year and he's already like, "Fuck it! I give up! This guy stabbed my new girlfriend and made me lose faith in books! He has to die!" In a short time, Jack has burrowed so deep under Bruce's skin that Bruce tosses away the one solid crime-fighting principle he has. It's oddly refreshing??
So Maletesta, who is a crime boss Jack stole from, takes some goons and captures Jack at the doctor's while he's unconscious from surgery. They then take Jack to a pharmaceutical plant, and Maletesta starts beating him while he's still out. Except Jack is actually awake and just kind of bored by the torture attempts and slipping back into ennui. This issue, #10, really goes into Jack's struggle between wanting to live but not feeling there's anything worth living for.
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As you can see, Jack does eventually escape his bonds to fight back. As he and Maletesta fight, they end up in the bottom of the vat.
Meanwhile, Bruce is being quietly insane.
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Bruce. Bruce, what the fuck are you talking about. I have to unspool this because like, Bruce knows Jack has killed lots of people. But what he's fretting about is the ways Jack's madness has metaphysically harmed the world, maybe, and thinking, "I know he's caused so much damage, but what about the damage to my moral integrity?!" and putting that above all the material harm. I know Bruce already does this all the time, but it feels so much more explicit here, and it gets worse, and just... Sir. Sir. You are not well.
So Bruce arrives at the plant too late to save Jack but just in time to see him get doused in chemicals.
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Jack spends more time thinking on whether or not he wants to survive, but we know how this goes.
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Jack ends up on the riverbank, and there's a wholesome edge to his psychotic break.
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And so begins the criminal career of… the March Hare!
Kidding. The issue ends there, with Bruce lamenting that his change of heart came too late, that even if Jack is still alive, something awful has happened.
But then when issue #11 starts, Bruce finds he's not sure what he saw on the bank, if anyone. He gives chase but…
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But if Jack is still alive, then Bruce's soul may be intact. He keeps searching well into the day, but finds nothing.
When he returns home, though, he learns that Lorna will survive after all. He immediately heads to the hospital, to "the only good news in the world."
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Ah, Bruce is finally anchoring himself to the bedside of his ladylove. After he colluded to get someone murdered and seemingly succeeded. And it's the fear of what that says about him that sent him to Lorna. Almost like he's turning to her less because of his affection and more to hide from his moral failure. Romance!
Jack does soon appear in his new clown persona, and Bruce keeps his word and refuses to leave the hospital despite the multiple horrors Joker commits. Joker is not happy that Batman is MIA.
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Some idiot Joker's captured feels it's necessary to inform him that Batman tried to have him killed, and of course Batman doesn't care. Joker scoffs, because Batman doesn't kill.
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Faith restored!
Back at the hospital, Alfred verbally kicks Bruce in the ass, pointing out that committing himself to an unconscious Lorna isn't helping anyone.
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Bruce finally suits up to respond to the bat signal, but it turns out Gordon isn't the one who lit it.
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My Telltale-loving ass like:
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In issue #12, their fight commences, and after some mutual stabbing, we get Joker's real plan.
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It's like a dozen Lornas! Only this time Joker is telling Batman to come at him instead of trying to escape, and instead of taking action, Bruce suddenly feels overwhelmed.
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Joker says something similar earlier about Gothamites. They're "poor sickies" who can't even see the bunny on the moon. They need the same "medicine" that Joker got to see the big picture, to find true joy. Of course he wants to do that for Batman too!
But once Batman shakes the poison off and starts rescuing the civilians, Joker is also pretty cool with killing him.
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Bruce survives, as expected, and Joker isn't really upset about it.
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And destined to do this forever, you might say!
Joker goes on to say that Batman gave him a purpose, a world of color to live for. Bruce reiterates that Joker is murdering people and asks why. Joker asks why Batman saves them.
(This panel goes right to left, btw.)
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Joker's got a ways to fall, so Bruce has time to contemplate letting him die. "Let it happen… Let chaos prevail for the six more seconds it will take for madman to meet pavement… or the rest of my life will be spent picking up the pieces."
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Bruce has already had a moral crisis about what it would mean for his soul if he let Joker die. In the end, he simply doesn't accept there's a meaningful difference between someone who takes a life for personal gain and himself taking a life to prevent the suffering of others. The vat is the same as his parents' graves. Letting Joker hit the ground is the same as pulling a trigger. Bruce chooses Joker over countless future victims. He choose Joker over Lorna, who he'll soon break up with at the hospital, weaponizing the carelessness of his socialite persona. Bruce decides that, amongst all options, taking responsibility for the monster he created means spending his life picking up the pieces.
And he immediately accepts that fact, what's to come. Gordon talks to Batman about the total dead, saying, "Would've been worse without you," and Bruce responds, "Don't be so sure." Don't be so sure today and for the decades to come, because Bruce believes that if that clown dies, then so does his own soul.
Joker sees that future too, and he is delighted!
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Interesting detail, the Jack and King visible in the hat, side by side. Brings to mind how not too many years later, Snyder will have Joker crown his Bat King.
So there's Lovers & Madmen. Again, much more goes on in this story, particularly Jack's suicidal ideations and how he links the "enlightenment" Batman bestowed upon him to his contempt for regular people and his need to separate himself from them (and reconciling that with a good deed he does for a future henchgirl). The issues are collected into one book, and if you enjoyed this post, I encourage you to pick it up.
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laalaaliaa · 1 year
Can I pls rq a batfam x batsis were she gets her phone taken away so she logs onto her ao3 account on the TV when she thought nobody was home
Just some hc abt how they'd react (and maybe some Damian too, pls)
just some hc’s about how they react
batfam x batsis!reader
proofread?: no
thanks for the request, i meant to get to the others, but i fell asleep, enjoy <3
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So you got in trouble, whether it be in school, on patrol, or in general, so Bruce takes away your phone for the first time ever
At first you’re fine, you’ve suffered worse, so much so, you tell it to Bruce’s face
“I don’t need my phone, I’m doing just fine”
Then he keeps it for the next three days, that’s when you’re really suffering
You’re moping around the house, at school, in public, practically anywhere you’re at
Until you start sucking up to Bruce like crazy, in hopes you get your phone privileges back
You’re practically sucking up to him 24/7, especially before patrol when he’s giving THAT speech
“Tim, you were sloppy last night.”
“Yeah, very sloppy.”
And eventually when Bruce tells you that you still can get your phone back, you’re pretty pissed, you went out of your way to agree with this man—get a load of this guy!
So now you’re here, on the couch, alone, mad and frustrated as you stare at the blank tv screen, your reflection staring right back
Nobody’s home, it’s just you, and the beautiful TV right in front of you
So you decide to do possibly one of the stupidest things you could ever do, and you grab the remote, prompting the cursor to awaken and you guide it towards the internet symbol
Bruce may have taken away your ability to practically live, but he would not take away your ability to read whatever you wanted, about whoever you wanted
You’re on the Ao3 website by the time you can properly think about what you’re doing, and you can’t help but feel giddy, glancing around to make sure nobody was around to see what you were doing
You spend minutes browsing through your bookmarked tab, until eventually you actually click on one
Now you were here, on the couch, leaning forward as much as you could to see whatever it was you were reading
Now if Alfred were to catch you, it’d be very, very awkward
Not only would it be awkward but it’d be weird, because as much as he wants to ask, he doesn’t, instead he just stares at you, then the TV, then you
He’s behind you, you just don’t know it, so he’ll leave it like that—you never knowing he was there to witness it in the first place
If Bruce catches you, it’s game over, not only because you’re reading whatever it is in the living room, but because you’re grounded and you know better
You’re on the couch whenever he walks in, and he assumes you’re just watching tv, but no—to his surprise you’re reading those things again
He physically shudders before he’s stood behind you in an instant, hand on your shoulder as he watches you slowly turn your head around with a smile
Let’s just say you had a long talk, a really long talk, one where you had to leave halfway through cause it got too embarrassing
And the only question on your mind is—“how does he know what Ao3 is?”
When Dick catches you, it’s not awkward or embarrassing, but rather weird because instead of making you feel weird about it, he’s smiling at you, rubbing your back as he tells you he “understands”
You’re cringing on the inside, trying your best to keep your smile up as you nod absentmindedly to every word he says
He’s a sweetheart, that’s expected
But hearing him say you’re fantasies are well justified is not expected
Safe to say you’re never gonna read Ao3 in the living room again, the confrontation was too embarrassing
She has no words, and you don’t either
You just stare at each other, unable to comprehend the fact that you’d been caught, and that she caught you reading Ao3 on the TV
It isn’t until she tells you that she wanted to hangout that you finally snap out of whatever trance you’re in
You agree, but only if she never tells anyone about what you were doing—she agrees, quicker than you thought she would
You were both awkward while hanging out until she eventually told you to get over it, and that it’s normal
He’s bursting out into laughter immediately
Full on hunched over laughing, slapping his knee, the whole gist
You’re scowling, closing out Ao3, all while this dude is STILL laughing
You’re not embarrassed anymore that you got caught, but rather annoyed that he’s full on laughing at you
You tell him not to tell anyone and he says “no promises”
He even gives you a look, a look reminding you that he caught you on Ao3 on the family tv in the living room
It’s safe to say he won’t tell anyone, but he will always, and I mean, always remind you of what you’ve done
When she catches you, she’s full on gasping, not out of shock, but out of happiness
She’s hopping over the couch, sitting beside you as she asks about what you’re reading, who it’s about, and much more
You’re pretty much bonding over the fact that she caught you on Ao3, and you’re not ashamed
When you ask her not to tell anyone, she’s pretty much holding pinkies with you, and it’s safe to say the two of you have a secret that you both gladly divulge in
He’s pretty shocked, he gasps out loud, dropping whatever he has in his hands, and ultimately scares you in the process
He’s pointing at you, and the tv, and going on a full rant about how awkward it is for him to catch you reading on Ao3, he even reveals he already caught Stephanie on there, making you chuckle
You’re laughing, but he’s not, he’s just collecting his things while dramatically revealing how traumatized he is by this, groaning loudly, even pretending to slip and drop his things once more for an even more dramatic effect
But then he’ll literally forget two days later and you never have to worry about whether or not he’ll tell anyone
She’s silent, so silent you don’t even hear her sitting beside you until you lean back, catching a glimpse of her in your peripherals
You don’t scream, no you’re just shocked, you hope she doesn’t know what it is, and you hope she doesn’t tell anyone
But you know Cassie, she’d never reveal you like that, so you go as far as giving her the remote and explaining what it all is
She’s just sitting there listening to you, remote in hand as she does nothing, so you take it from her and ask if she’s gonna tell on you
She shakes her head “no” and you’re practically hugging the girl to death
He’s judging you 100 percent, going on and on about how Bruce would be disappointed in you and your antics
Even when you’re logged off the tv, walking towards your bedroom, he’s still going off on you
Right before dinner you promise to give him your dessert if he shuts his fat mouth, and he somewhat agrees
Once dessert comes out, you don’t even gotta look at him, you’re sliding him your plate, watching him devour it with a mischievous grin
He’s definitely gonna hold that against you for the rest of your life
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morgansunflower · 1 year
Can't Run From Me
Garfield Logan X Batsis! Reader
Damian Wayne X Raven
Warnings:suggestive content, explicit language and angst
Arthur's notes! Third P. O. V! Reader is Damian's full blood sister! Good mom Talia. Loosely based off of Beast Boy Loves Raven.
Requested taglist @too-strong-to-lose
To spare those whom they love Damian and his twin blood sister Y/N leave their family.
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Y/N touches Alfred's head. He was almost killed by the assassin's Ra's sent. Alfred was hooked to a breathing machine and covered completely in bandages. This was a message. A threat.
"I'm so sorry Alfred.."
Gathering only what she needs, excluding anything her father could use to track her down. As everyone's main focus was on Alfred she used to the opportune moment to leave. Can't harm the target if the target isn't there. She hated not telling Damian goodbye or her family. Jason was going to have a justifiable shit fit. Dick will probably panic for a very long time. The whole family will probably try to find her but she can't let that happen. She had to erase all contact with her friends and family.. Including her fiancé Garfield. Y/N traveled deep in the woods. She started a small fire. She lays a small blanket on the ground. She hears rustling in the woods. She quickly took her weapons out.
"tt I've been tracking you for 90 miles" Damian says walking closer to his sister.
"Damian! What are you doing here?!" she shouted in frustration putting her, weapons back.
"the same reason you are. You weren't the only intended target" he coldly said.
"you know we can never see any of them again. You won't be able to see Raven"
".. I know..." he said bitter
"if you want to cry it's OK I cried for like 3 hours"
"I'm fine and I already know you did!" he snapped
Garfield tried calling Y/N but the stupid thing kept dropping his call. She wasn't home or anywhere he checked. Rachel teleported to each location she knew Damian could be and for some strange reason she can't mind-link with him. Garfield and Rachel look for each other hoping the other knew where their significant other was.
"Garfield! Where's Damian?" she demanded with her eyes glared.
"where's Y/N? Wait you can't find Damian?.."
"you can't find Y/N?.."
"you don't think that they?.." Gar stammered.
"Damian won't allow me into his mind... Either he's dead or he is going to be" she said with her hands on her hips angered.
"they really do not handle guilt well"
Y/N and Damian stood back to back. She held the sword her mother gave her while Damian held his own sword. They both spin a circle as the assassin's swarm around them.
"I told you we should have gone northwest!" Damian hissed
"at least they can't hurt anyone we care about.. You should have stayed home" she bitterly mumbled "as tempting as I know it is for you.. Don't kill"
"I know!" he snapped
Y/N blocked the blow from assassin. Damian and Y/N held them off as best as they could. She runs skidding to cut the leg of the assassin running to Damian. She thrust kicked an assassin. They were outnumbered... Y/N blocked holding back the large assassin's sword. She struggles as he inches closer. Damian tried to get to his sister but he was surrounded. Suddenly a bear roars in the distance. Raven appears, she uses her powers to throw several assassin's to the trees. Garfield runs to Y/N tackling the assassin. He pins him down to the ground roaring to him. Y/N kicked the assassin running to Garfield. They run to Gar as he thrust them away with his paws.
The rest of the assassin's listened to their order's. Rachel landed onto her feet.
"Beloved--" she slaps him across his face "I suppose I deserved that..."
Y/N lifts her head to her lover, still in a bear form. He lowly arched his back down to her and growled angered.
"I know.." she sighed
He changed to his original self and pulls her into his arms.
"after all we've been through.. Shit.. Baby you could've.. "
He gives her sweet kiss trying to calm down his anxiety from almost losing her.
"I'm sorry" she apologized genuinely
"you are so important to me babe. I love you. I am here for you"
In Gotham their absence was truly worrying the family. After endless hours of searching.. Jason laid down on his side unable to calm down. Artemis could feel the stress radiating off of him. She had just returned to find her husband in his great distress. She lays in the bed with him. She kisses his temple and then snaked her hand down his chest.
"I'm not in the mood Artemis" he snapped
Rather than get upset she knew something was very wrong by the hint of sadness in his tone and that he didn't even want to have sex.
"my love" she kisses his neck "turn around"
He turns around to face her. She holds his hand. He pulls her to lay on his chest. She leans her head up to kiss his face.
He stuttered shaken from his emotions trying to get the better of him "if that bastard fucking hurts them" he fights tears "there just kids Artemis, what if he?.. Why the hell didn't they come to me?.. We can't find Talia.. For all we know she could be.. " he let out a deep breath trying to calm his emotions.
That morning they went to Garfield's safe house. Each couple shared their own respected rooms. Whilst in each other's arms, Garfield kisses his fiancée. They had been engaged for 3 months now. His poor lover had been sick. Throwing up during the mornings, she seemed sore in all the right or wrong places. She laid with Gar while closely to him. Garfield eyes went wide hearing something very special in her abdomen area. He leans down as she sleeps listening very carefully. Their babies.. Two little babies. That following day Garfield and Damian went on patrol to ensure that they were safe from any threats.
"stay 5 feet away from me.. I don't want to get sick"
Garfield rolled his eyes at his friend's remark. Afterwards they changed to their civilian clothes to get food before heading home. Garfield snuck away from Damian to the baby department. He looked at the array of infant clothes feeling quite overwhelmed. Damian approached his friend.
"don't you suppose it be wise to wait for your urges to start a family" Damian scolded
"that's true but..." he lifts up the little Batman themed onesies with a, soft smile "it's kinda too late"
"Garfield..... Is my sister?" Damian was completely taken aback.
"two buns are currently in the oven... You gonna kill--" Garfield stammered as he smiled. "are you ok?"
"delighted" he smiled. "however you should learn to control your urges"
"well I'm not the one who wan--" he cut Garfield off quickly
"again must I remind you she is, my sister!!"
Back home.
"deep breaths Y/N. I sense your quite nervous. What's wrong?" Rachel asked her friend.
"I.. I think I'm pregnant" she blurted out
Y/N and Rachel walk through the store to look for pregnancy tests. She grabbed several boxes. Rachel went to snacks that Y/N had been craving for. She made her way to the baby clothes unable to avoid them. She sees her husband to be. He was shocked seeing her beautiful face. She sees him holding the infant outfits and two little stuffed bears. She was speechless. Rachel walked up holding the snacks and saw Damian with a kind smile. That instantly made her want to start a family with him. Garfield looks at the pregnancy test. He smiled softly.
"you uh.. You can put those back" he said
She couldn't move as she was genuinely overwhelmed. Her eyes begin to shake. Damian takes the boxes away from his sister to put them back but not before kissing her head. Garfield walks closer to her taking her face into his hands. He kisses her and hugs her. Garfield put the adorable infant clothes back and gives the bears to Dami with the money for them. He then took his lover outside to the car. She was already in tears. He opens the car, door for her. They sit in the car together.
"y-you're sure?.." she asked before she broke.
"I'm completely certain.." his eyes start to shake as cups her abdomen "and I'm also certain that I am so so happy.. I'm so sorry you can't be with your family. It kills me that I can't fix this.. I know it's too dangerous, but I--" he holds her hand "I promise that this is not going to be forever. Sooner or later we will see your family and.. My family too.."
She kisses him "Garfield, my only love. I appreciate all you've done to keep me safe. We are going to be, OK"
He nodded beginning to feel quite emotional hugging her "I know with you with me, I'll be OK. That we'll be ok"
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book-place · 2 years
Rooftop Run
Warnings: mentions of- violence, disowning, falling off roofs-, cursing, let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Dick Grayson x sister reader, Jason Todd x sister reader
Request: Could I request a batfamily with batsis reader. She’s older than Damian but younger than Tim and maybe she does some after school sport and dick and Jason go to pick her up but her and her friends are running around through the whole school at night, like in the rafters, roof, just running around maybe playing a game of capture the flag or something and when they see the two brothers they run and Jason and dick have to catch them?
Request by: @hutaos-gh0st
*not my gif*
Summary: Your practice runs late, but turns out you weren’t even at practice. And your two older brothers start to worry
A/N: This one kinda went to crap, sorry
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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“Stop. Jumping.” Jason rubbed his temple in frustration, knowing that in one second his fist would go flying into his older brother's face.
Dick landed on his feet, crossing his arms and pouting childishly, “I’m just trying to see her.”
“You’ll see her when she gets here.” Sometimes he could swear that he was the elder of the two.
This caused the other one to huff and roll his eyes, “Well we’ve been waiting forever and-“
Jason cut him off, a look on his face that could put everyone within a ten mile radius underground, “Yes, dickie-bird, we have been here for a very long time and it’s dark now, but my patience is becoming so short with you that it’s become the size of the thing on you that is the literal definition of your name. So zip it.” He seethed.
For what appeared to be the first time in his life, Richard Grayson was speechless, “So zip it.” He finally mocked under his breath, turning away and sulking on the other side of the hood of the car they were leaning on.
Bruce had sent them to pick you up from your sports practice, not knowing that it would go two hours over the original pickup time.
Normally, this would’ve worried your two older brothers, but all the other parents and guardians were lined up in the parking lot the same way they were, so they knew that nothing was wrong, it was just late getting out.
Finally, after what felt like decades of waiting, the doors to the school flew open and at least forty kids your age flooded out and over to the cars, greeting their parents and quickly leaving.
Both of the brothers craned their necks to try and catch a glimpse of you in the sea of color, only to come up empty handed.
They frowned as the space cleared out and there were only a few stragglers left, all of which were most definitely not you.
“Where is she?” Dick asked, his frown deepening as the last of the cars left the lot.
Jason pushed himself off the car, “I don’t know.” He mumbled, eyebrows furrowed in both concentration and worry, “Come on.”
Dick was left to scramble after his brother, who had begun striding towards the doors all the kids just came out of.
He pulled on the door handle, but it was firmly locked, and the younger of the two let out a curse, picking up his hands to run them through his hair.
“Somethings wrong.” Dick mumbled, wide eyes trained on the floor. Call it big brother instinct, but no matter what it was, he just knew.
This only caused Jason’s worry to spread faster. Prompting his legs to move quicker, he jogged around the side of the building, coming to a stop in front of an old ladder that led up to the roof of your school.
Without hesitation, he quickly began to climb, not even glancing back to see if his brother was following behind him. He was.
Neither one of them knew what to expect when they finally got to the top, but it most definitely wasn’t the sight that greeted them.
You and three other kids your age were running around the room, laughing and appearing to have the time of your lives.
One of the kids was carrying a football, while you and another one were chasing him, clearly trying to tackle him.
“Whoo!” The boy cheered, throwing his hands up in the air after a couple more yards.
You and your friend had stopped running to double over and put your hands on your knees, panting. And a girl came over to high-five the boy who had appeared to win whatever game you were playing.
Everyone was yet to notice the two men standing there like idiots.
Dicks eyes scanned the remainder of the roof and it was like a lightbulb went off in his head.
There was another football on the opposite end of the roof, and given the chasing that was just happening, he could only assume that you were all playing a game.
“It’s capture the flag.” Dick said quietly to Jason, who nodded his head, already having come to that conclusion.
“Y/n?” Jason called out, finally having enough of waiting around.
All of the kids' eyes widened and you all whipped around. And even though they knew that you recognized them, that didn’t stop you from yelling, “Scatter!”
Your friends didn’t need to be told twice.
Without hesitation, you and all your friends turned around and jumped off the roof.
Now, if it weren’t for one simple fact, Dick and Jason would have screamed out in agony and terror, not caring who was around to hear.
But this was Gotham city, and all of the buildings were abnormally close together here.
Meaning, when you all jumped, one by one, you all landed on the next building's roof.
None of you stopped there though, as soon as all of you were over safely, the run continued.
“What the-“ Jason cut himself off with a look of surprise when Dick took off after them, “Wait- dickie-bird! What are you doing?”
“Going after them!” He called over his shoulder, volunteering no other information as he leaped across the roof.
And Jason followed him.
That was how it began.
It had to be at least fifteen minutes of the trained vigilantes jumping from rooftop to rooftop, unable to catch a bunch of teenagers.
“If-“ Dick said between gasps of breaths, his sprinting having been forced to slow down, “If… Bruce saw us now… I think he would disown us.”
Jason didn’t even have the energy to reply, he just nodded his head.
Finally, after what felt like hours, you and your friends came to a skidding stop.
“Shit!” You cursed, snapping your arms out to each side to stop your friends from trying to jump.
There was at least ten feet between you guys and the next roof.
It wasn’t exactly something that could be easily cleared.
With sighs and groans, all of you turned back to your two eldest brothers, who had come to stops, both doubling over with their hands on their knees and gasping for air.
“What-“ Jason finally managed to gasp out, turning his head to glare at you, “What the hell was that for?”
You shrugged, none of you or your friends out of breath, “We were bored, and both of you ruined our capture the flag game.”
One of your friends glanced down at his phone, “Hey, I should probably get going anyway.”
“Yeah same.” Another said, the other two nodding in agreement.
“See you guys later.” You called, smiling slightly when they challenged each other to a race and took off in the direction that you had just come from.
A silence fell over the three of you as you just stared at each other.
“Let’s not tell B about this.” Dick was the first one to break the silence.
“Deal.” You and Jason had barely even waited for him to finish his sentence.
Come to find out later, the thing that Dick had been so worried about in the parking lot- his big brother instinct that told him something was wrong- was only you losing the round in your game.
Dick complained for the rest of the day that you abused his ‘gift’ by making it go off at something like that.
The Superior Robin ❤️- @ineedmorefanfics2 @sambucky8 @spidyyparker
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coupleoffanfics · 11 months
I'm thinking of having batsis y/n be borderline Yandere for Jeremiah. Not full-on or anything. Just loves him to a degree that it could arguably be called obsessive and unhealthy. She doesn't have many people in her social circle, but the few she does have (Barbara, Norah, and Jeremiah) she holds onto for dear life. She just holds on to Jeremiah a little tighter because they're in a romantic relationship.
She's into the idea of true love and there being someone fated for everyone, but doesn't believe it. Just likes the idea of it. Has thought of what their wedding would be like and thought of baby names after a few months of dating. Living a nice house far, far away from Gotham. Won't admit it though because she knows how its a bit weird.
(Pre-Spray) Any trouble in their relationship y/n is determined to fix it, but it's not like it ever happens often. She's so afraid of him leaving her because she did something wrong. Although her biggest fear is him leaving her for another woman. That he finally realized that there are infinitely better options than her. If that were to happen, I mean it wouldn't but still, y/n wouldn't do anything about it. Cry alone and reinforce the idea that everyone is better than her. 'He's moved on and he deserves happiness just like everyone else.' y/n thinks to herself eating a tub of ice alone in her apartment.
When Echo comes around y/n is internally screaming and also has bi/pan thoughts. y/n gets the reason for Echo and whatnot, but she can't help feeling insecure. Echo is smarter than her and probably doesn't have undiagnosed dyslexia like her. Echo is an excellent fighter who brings up an old insecurity she has when around the Batfamily. Echo is also just so much cooler as well while y/n freaks out about everything. Don't even bring up how hot Echo is. y/n lets out a frustrated sigh, "Yeah, yeah, I know. Echo is hot as fuck and I'd call her mommy if I wasn't with Miah." "I was just asking how your day was."
(Post-Spray) This is when the tables turn actually no. This is when the tables are flipped. y/n wants to still love Jeremiah so badly. She wants to be okay with what he's doing, but just can't. The cult, the death, the destruction is too much. She feels like she failed him. If only she went to the family sooner rather than later. If only she was stronger.
Now for the first time, she has to let go of someone. Not slowly, but rip them out of her heart and never let them back it. No matter how much she tries to stop loving him, she always seems to fall back. He burrowed himself into her heart a long time ago. She'll never stop loving him deep down, but she'll sure as hell try to hide that from the family. Can't handle the judgmental looks she'd get especially with Jeremiah looking a lot like the Joker.
y/n snuggles into Jeremiah's side while sitting on the couch. A documentary is playing on the TV. She doesn't even know what it's about because she's thinking of the reasons why Echo is so much better than her in every conceivable. Her blond hair was neat while y/n's was a [hair color] mess. Everything about her was perfect, maybe even down to her blood type.
Bottling up isn't helping and y/n knew she'd have to talk about it with Jeremiah. As soon as the thought popped into her mind she opened her mouth. Knowing that she wouldn't have this impulsive courage later and end up bottling everything once more.
"Hey, honey. Darling, sugar, Miah, Jem, Jim, sweetheart, dreamboat, hot stuff, McSteamy-" Anytime she wants Jeremiah's attention she'll start calling him pet names off the top of her head. Every time it makes his ears turn red. "Did you just call me McSteamy?" y/n shrugs her shoulders, "Did you like it?" Without thinking about it he says no with a flat tone making her smile and lightly laugh.
"Okay, no McSteamy. I'll keep that in the bedroom."
"y/n!" She slightly tilts her head back to laugh at his reaction. He rolls his eyes trying to suppress a smirk. She isn't sure if she's laughing because she's nervous or finds his reaction that funny. Probably a mix of both. After her laughter dies down he asks, "What is it."
The smile on her face disappears. Her pointer finger starts twirling some of her hair and her cheeks are turning pink. It felt so embarrassing to say it out loud. Yet she took a breath and said, "I'm jealous of Echo." Jeremiah can not get a word in because y/n is listing off a hundred things now. Half of things aren't even related to Echo it's just y/n's insecurities. Once she's done she looks at him like her life is in his hands.
Jeremiah needs a moment because he has whiplash from the sudden mood shift. Collecting his thoughts he tells that there isn't anything to worry about. This doesn't ease y/n in the slightest as he watches her [eye color] eyes shift away from him. He can feel his face burning before he even says the sappiest thing in his life.
"Look, y/n, I...I really care about what we have. The whole time we've been together you've...you've made me really happy. Happier than I've been in a long time, maybe ever. Echo and I are strictly professional and I have no interest in her because you know why?" y/n looks at him to continue. "Because she isn't you." A big goofy smile appeared on her face. She bit down on her tongue to spot herself from giggling.
"Aw, thank you. I really needed to hear that and you make me unbelievably happy as well." Jeremiah isn't sure if y/n is being her expressive self or if he actually needs to express his feelings more. He kind assumed that she knew how he felt about their relationship. "Honestly, Echo has been making me have some gay thoughts, but glad that I have nothing to worry about it. I need to use the bathroom, I'll be right back."
Leaving Jeremiah with another case of whiplash.
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celestialnxva · 2 years
Opposites Attract
Bruce Wayne x Avenger!Reader
Summary: In which a powerful witch finds love with a man who quotes himself to be a ‘rich kid with lots of issues.’ What could possibly go wrong?
Warnings: It can get pretty suggestive because of the flirting, but it’s a pretty lighthearted fic.
WC: 4k+ words
A/n: I keep writing angst and the only fluff fic I wrote was the Stephen oneshot. It’s time I added another one to the list. Also, it’s Batman with Justice League.
masterlist. | main masterlist.
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Bruce had finally gotten himself cornered by a lunatic with the rest of the Justice League. It was only a matter of time when his crime-fighting days would finally come to an end. For the first time in his life, he’d run out of ideas on how to escape. Between him being mortally injured and all of the other League members being compromised due to the tiny Mister Mxyzptlk bending their reality once again to cause mayhem, there was no way out anymore. He was too powerful to counter. As death approached him, he braced himself for the inevitable and gave himself the consolation that he did everything he could to protect the innocent and bring as much justice to the world as he could.
But of course, fate seemed to play with Bruce’s life like a cruel game of poker when he watched a group of heroes he despised the most come to save the day. Again. If he had the strength to do so right now, he would absolutely be rolling his eyes at the sight of the one and only Avengers. As for the reason as to how they are here: trailing behind them was none other than the Question himself.
As Superman weakly helped Bruce stand up, Bruce glared at Question with irritation. Before Bruce could even speak, the Question was one step ahead of him and countered his unspoken argument.
“‘Why did you call the Avengers, Question?’’ he mocked plainly. If he could see Question’s eyes, he would be rolling them due to Bruce’s display of distaste from Question’s decision. Question chose to ignore the glare and gestured towards the group who was already helping the League back to safety on their jet. “Perhaps you can thank me later for my consistent paranoia coming to your rescue when we get back to the base.” And with that, he disappeared into the crowd of heroes. They all made their way towards the jet, except for one person, the one he never really get along with (yet was always secretly curious to know more about): you.
“Well, if it isn’t the one and only Batsy! My my, let me just say that you look absolutely enchanting with all that blood all over your suit!” you exclaimed dramatically while floating down to the ground in front of him. He watched as you casually sent a magical blast from your fingertips towards the mischievous imp that was slowly regaining consciousness. From his experience in working with and observing the extent of your powers, he quickly came to the conclusion that you were the real reason as to why the powerful being was knocked out and defeated. To make matters worse, Superman happily cheered you on like the supportive friend he was as they both watched you open up a golden portal to shove the mischief maker back into his own dimension. You let out a happy sigh and turned towards Bruce with a wink.
He was too frustrated and too moody right now, so he really didn’t want to deal with any of your teasing antics right now. Sensing the shift in his friend’s mood, Superman decided that he did not want to be anywhere near an irritated Batman, so he silently pleaded with his eyes if you could take him to his own Bat-jet (or whatever Bruce liked to call it).
He never thought he would say this, but he wished Superman stayed with him instead. Life was so tough sometimes, honestly.
You chuckled at his irritation. You weren’t really fazed by it when you held him up with ease. “Oh dear, it seems that my damsel in distress needs his knight in shining armor to save him once again!” you gasped out loudly before laughing softly against his ear at your own joke. A shudder ran down his spine when he felt your breath brush against his sensitive neck. Of course, he would never admit that he only let you touch him because he loved to feel your firm touch against his body, but he shamefully liked it and it pissed him off. Though, he supposed that out of all the Avengers here, you were the most tolerable. It really could have been worse, so your presence will have to do.
You gently lead him to his jet, knowing that he was probably not in the mood to deal with Stark’s attitude or Superman’s bickering with Captain America. Being alone with him wouldn’t be so bad! You could say you like the brooding bat and you don’t really mind having a jet all to yourself with him. Besides, it was probably better to keep your antics away from the rest of the group. Everyone that had the displeasure of being in the same room as you and Bats had noticed your obvious affections for him, but they couldn’t seem to have the heart to tell him of how completely oblivious he was to your flirtations, due to his desire to keep emotions as far away from him as possible.
Even if he didn’t want to address his emotions, it was getting out of control. The way you held him right now drove him crazy; he can’t get enough of the feeling of your body so close to his. His mind was constantly plagued with thoughts of you: your chaotic personality, your body, the way your costume hugged your features in all the right places, your lips, your beautiful skin. God, he just wanted to—
Bruce. Stay focused. Now’s not the time to let the witch know about your minuscule fascination for them.
When you two finally settled into the jet, you rested your hand on the control panel and casted a spell that could take you two back to the Hall of Justice. From where you currently were in the world, it would be a relatively long flight back. Being stuck with Bruce for a while wasn’t too bad, right? Sure, it was a bit cramped to your liking, but with this jet on autopilot, you had time to turn around and talk to your currently injured ally behind you. When you did so, he groaned and braced himself for the onslaught of your incessant chatter.
“So,” you drawled out before smacking your lips comically. “Word from Question is that you were in quite a predicament before I saved your ass,” you commented before flashing him a lopsided smile (that he had grown to adore). “I can’t help but feel touched that the mighty Batman needed saving from a little ol’ witch like me,” you cooed, which caused him to narrow his eyes slightly. “I had the situation under control,” he lied through his teeth. Yeah, like hell would you believe that.
You raised your brow at his response and leaned forward for as much as you could to rest your head on the jet’s seat. For some reason, he couldn’t find the strength to pull away from your close proximity to his lips. He trusted that you wouldn’t do anything too bold with him, as he had figured out by now that your teasing was nothing too serious. You smirked at him and tilted your head to the side. “Somehow, I don’t really believe that… Bruce.”
The mention of his name made his eyes widen in shock and despite his terrible condition, his body became alert with paranoia. How the hell did you figure that out? He hasn’t told any of the League yet about his identity and you didn’t even visit him that often, so how did you figure it out?
When you sensed his panic, you waved your hand dismissively and shrugged. “Come on, it just made sense. If Stark was one of the billionaires that had enough money to become a self-made hero, then surely the one upper crust social outcast from Gotham City, who actually had the motivations to become a hero, would use his money to do the same exact thing,” you assessed, leaving him completely stunned. Watching you analyze him so accurately made him realize that he knew absolutely nothing about you. At first, he believed that you weren’t really a League member nor his friend, so he didn’t feel the need to make a file about you. But now, it was clear that he had more of a desire to do as much research as he could about you. He never really had someone figure out his identity so quickly with little to no evidence to support it. He supposed that it was admirable, even though he should find it dangerous.
You finally leaned back and gave him room to breathe, despite Bruce silently wishing for you to stay where you were before. Then, he looked up and saw your eyes soften with a shimmering, unrecognizable emotion, and suddenly, he became curious as to what you were thinking about.
“Despite you being a rich kid in a bat costume, I always admired how powerful you are in your own right,” you said sweetly.
Wait. You what? You admired him?! He surely thought you looked down on him because of you powers.
You chuckled knowingly at his shocked expression.
“Come on, Bruce Wayne, you’re not just a man dressed in a bat costume. The thing about you is that—unlike Stark, you seem to dedicate your entire life to making sure that not only Gotham City was safe, but you also do everything you can to change the systemic problems. Unlike him, you want to get to the root of the problem and prevent crime from happening at all. And that, to me, is the one thing that I respect the most about you.” You paused and flashed him a kind smile. It was the most genuine smile he had ever seen you do towards him. Without knowing it, his heart skipped a beat at the sight.
“You are a wonderful hero, inside and out. You are a natural leader and one hell of a better superhero than those randos with magical superpowers. I mean come on, the last time I hung out with you guys, you saved the day with just your badass combat and heavy strategic skills!” you exclaimed, your mood suddenly shifting to a more playful one. He couldn’t help but smile sheepishly at your compliments, even though he found it so strange that you suddenly wished to compliment him. He supposed that’s one of the most intriguing aspect of your personality: your unpredictability.
You saw that you were nearing the destination and your heart sank a bit in your chest. You kinda wished that you could stay a little longer all alone with him. But the man had yet to say anything. At least, until now.
He shifted in his seat and clutched his aching stomach before his eyes hesitantly met yours. “I can see what you’re doing. You’re selling yourself too short,” he grumbled. “You were there to back me up that day and defeated those demonic armies with your superpowers.” You tensed up at his words and your eyes diminished its original joy. When he saw you change in demeanor, he felt a little bit guilty for pointing that out.
You decided to speak up.
“Ya know,” you hesitated at first, before you decided to let Bruce in on a secret. “I don’t really have superpowers; at least, not in the traditional way that the Hulk or Superman have them.” Your eyes blurred into a more somber expression. With that look alone, he decided to stay quiet, knowing that this was a topic that you must’ve held close to your heart. “I’m not a superhero, I’m a witch,” you corrected him. “I can use my magick to help others, sure, but I didn’t exactly choose this crime-fighting life.”
Considering the fact that Batman had self-proclaimed that he was a brooding mess with lots of issues, he knew out of everyone that this moment was a moment of vulnerability. He assumed that some of the League members might have felt insecure in their place here, but he never really met someone that is insecure about their reputation as a hero. It surprised him that you trusted him with this secret, despite you not knowing him that well, but he chalked it up to you trusting him with a sentiment so morally grey because of his own brooding nature. You continued. “I like to think that I am a normal human, just like you. The only different thing about me is that I decided to play with magick that I just wanted to keep for myself.” Your eyes saddened at the memory before they darkened with bitterness.
“A man named Dr. Strange had recently gotten involved with the Avengers, but he was my friend first. When we met each other while studying the ancient practice of the Mystic Arts, we just clicked and decided to stick together for a very long time.” He nodded in understanding, familiar with the practice. You looked at him before you shamefully stared back down at your gloved hands. “He was the one who told me that I would feel fulfilled if I joined the Avengers, but I quickly realized how wrong he was from the moment I stepped foot in their base. It may be selfish, but I just want to live a peaceful life, Bruce. I don’t want to save people anymore.” Your eyes shined with sadness and pain. “But of course, destiny had been called me to suffer a crueler fate, and that was—“
“to feel guilty at the thought of abandoning your life as a hero, so you stayed one, despite all the pain,” he finished, reaching out to rest his hand on top of yours so he could make eye contact with you. You made a soft noise of surprise at his touch and you looked up at him with your own wide eyes. He observed how they were filled with so many conflicting emotions that seemed to swirl around in endless circles, no doubt the same feeling you felt in your heart too. Seeing you so vulnerable tempted him to be vulnerable too, for the first time in his life. If your gaze was always this deep and earnest, it made sense that Wonder Woman had admired you for your ability to let her rant for hours on end about anything she ever wanted to talk about. And now, here you were, giving him the opportunity to let his emotions go, to finally feel them fully without anyone else’s judgment. Your ability to do this may be what he liked the most about you, even if he would never confess that to you.
His thoughts cleared when his eyes shifted to the scenery in front of you. It seemed that you two had finally arrived at the Hall of Justice. However, you knew that it would take a while for the jet to park itself in the designated ‘parking lot’ for all the cars and jets, so you continued speaking.
“I… know I’m not the one that you could get along with. I’ve known that fact for a long time. But if there is a redeeming aspect of myself, it’s that I’m waiting with a heavy heart for a chance to finally put the fighting behind and use my magick for the purpose I originally had intended to fulfill with it: build my own cottage and grow my own garden in the middle of the woods,” you explained with a hopeful smile before you let out a final sigh.
While his heart burned with shame over his icy behavior towards you, there was something so endearing about hearing a powerful witch such as yourself wish for a life dedicated to taking care of nature. You reminded him of all the good qualities that Poison Ivy had. It touched Bruce’s heart, even if you sometimes irritated him with your teasing. Now more than ever, you seemed to be more relatable to him than he originally thought.
It made you much more desirable in his eyes. It was scary how many emotions he had to repress, just so he could appear calm in in your presence.
Then, your eyes met his again. He could see that you were waiting for his reaction, anything from him that could provide a source of comfort for you. But he was at a loss for words. How quickly his life changed in just one flight. From the moment you put him in his jet, he never knew that he could find a friend in you. It made his heart soar and beat wildly in his chest. But in your eyes, he seemed to not care about anything you said, so you just decided to brush the deep conversation off and focused on landing instead.
When the jet had finally stopped, you got up and got out of the jet. Reaching up, you helped him get down from his seat too. He knew didn’t need to be babysat and taken care of, but you didn’t make him feel like it was that. For the first time in his life, he found someone that had always respected his abilities as a hero. You surprised him when didn’t interrogate him about everything in his entire life because you understood why he kept his life a secret in the first place. Finally, for the first time in his life, he finally met someone who saw him as Bruce: not Bruce Wayne or Batman. Just… Bruce.
While he was stuck in his thoughts, you dusted yourself off and guided him down the empty cave and towards the elevator to get you both to the main floor. But before you could press that button, he suddenly gripped your wrist and whipped you around to face him. You knew he was a mysterious man, but when he slowly backed you up against the wall, you couldn’t help but wonder if your choice to rant to him was the right one. You closed your eyes in fear and turned away from his gaze. You braved yourself for a hit or a yell from Bruce, but nothing happened. Instead, he pinned your wrists against the wall. Your eyes snapped wide open at his action and you stared at him in surprise. Your breath hitched in your throat when he leaned in close to your face.
“Will you…” he trailed off in silent nervousness, but he forced himself to move past his fears. He searched your eyes for any signs of discomfort. Despite your position, you more so showed signs of pleasant surprise and dare he say it—excitement. Taking it as a sign to stay in his position, he continued voicing his request while he leaned closer until you could feel the breath of his whispers against your parted lips.
“Will you take off my cowl?” He whispered quietly. When you heard his request, you gasped lightly in shock. Wasn’t he always going on about people not being allowed to get to know what he looks like? Nonetheless, you hesitantly reached up and slowly pulled off the cowl to reveal the ethereal sight of none other than Bruce Wayne. For the first time, you saw as his eyes seemed to hold deeper emotions than you had ever seen him express. Your heart pounded in your chest as you watched his eyes wander all over your face. His eyes finally settled on your lips and at that moment, you realized exactly what was going on.
“W-What are you doing…?” You inhaled sharply as your hands flexed against his. You could feel a soft sigh from him that seemed to fill your entire body with chills. This was the right time to confess before it is too late. “I’m tired of this, of my distance towards you and my inability to…” he paused as you felt his hands move up to intertwine with your fingertips. “to… touch you, to hold you and to make you mine,” he almost growled out while you tried to figure out what he was trying to tell you. Was he saying that he liked you romantically or if he wanted to pursue something more physical? You hoped it was the former, since a relationship with Bruce was something you had always dreamed of having. Having him so close to you right now was causing you to burn bright with the hope of finding love with him.
Suddenly he caused you to accidentally squeak in shock when he leaned in to breathe deeply against the skin of your cheek. There was no kiss—at least not yet. But somehow, this moment was more intimate than any kiss you had ever received in your life. And from your reaction, it made him only want you more; to continue to fluster you and feel your cheeks burn up against his own. “Tell me. Tell me that you do not feel the same towards me,” he sighed hotly before his head moved slightly back to press his nose to the side of your lips. You realized now that the two of you were here in the Justice Hall garage just a moment away from kissing and clawing at each other’s skin in an attempt to seek a sense of intimacy that both of you had never experienced before.
“Tell me you don’t feel the same towards me and I’ll back off,” he murmured. He was so close to you, to the point where you could drown in his pounding heartbeat. From the way he treated you with so much passion but with a certain gentleness to it, it made you finally realize that he really wanted you to tell him that you loved him; that his shaky, nervous breaths were not due to his lust, but rather because of his desperate hope that you might like him back. How could you not say no to him when he’s being so vulnerable with you?
You let out a shaky sigh from his sudden confession and the feeling of his body pressed up against yours. After all this time, you thought that your love was unrequited, but here he was at your mercy with desperation in his eyes for more of your touch. You didn’t want to keep him waiting, so you decided to finally make a move.
Instead of releasing your hands from his restraints, you nuzzled your cheek against his to display your reciprocity for his feelings. It took everything within him not to act out sinfully while he felt your breaths against his neck.
“(Y/n),” he whispered desperately to you, his hands gripping tighter around your wrists. “Please, tell me you feel the same way.” You hummed in response and leaned back until your lips almost touched his. “I like you too. I always have,” you confessed to him so delicately that drove him absolutely wild with unruly passion to make you his. “You mean more to me than you know, Bruce,” you whispered before your lips barely pressed a kiss to his lips. He growled under his breath in frustration from your teasing, but the next words that slipped out of your mouth finally compelled him to kiss you like his life depended on it:
“I am yours entirely. My heart belongs to you.”
At this point, he was too far gone to scold himself for feeling so strongly towards you despite knowing barely anything about you. He knew now that love doesn’t have to make sense. Even if there wasn’t a day that would go by without him being vexed by your outgoing personality, he still adored it nonetheless. He was okay with it because you were his light outside of Gotham City and he only hoped that one day, he could see your endearing lopsided smile when you find out about the cottage he had built for you both to retire in for the rest of your days.
Maybe it was cliche to think that opposites really do attract, but Bruce didn’t care. What matters now was you are his and he is yours.
And he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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siiinfully · 1 month
continued from this with @thehavsofblvck
Azrael had not felt this riled up in a long time. The one person he had been avoiding in the city of Gotham had finally caught up to him: The Batman. The man they called the Dark Knight has sniffed out who was behind the sudden deaths of several high profile mob bosses and criminals in the city. The two had met face to face for the first time and it frustrated him greatly that he couldn’t escape his eye. Thank goodness for Harley, she was the only woman on the planet who could calm him down. She offered herself to him to help him relieve his stress. The demon pulled Harley over to a nearby alley and threw her against the wall, within moments having both their pants at their ankles and Azrael ravaging her from behind with his hand wrapped around her hair in a ponytail.
Aside from killing, this was what she was good at. Being fucked and used like an overgrown sex doll. Azrael’s sex doll, to be precise, because if anyone else tried touching her like this, then she would have slit their throat or bashed their brains in. But with her lover the one plowing her from behind, pushing her partially exposed body against the dirty wall, she took the fucking like a good girl.
Harley would have thanked Batsy if he was there because it was because of him that prompted Azrael to claim her like she was nothing more than a couple of holes to be used, to be filled and spread apart. The thick slicking noises that her cunt made each time he thrust in and out told her that she was dripping wet, and it was the frequent strike of his tip against her cervix that showed her just how badly he needed this sexual outlet. Harley pushed her ass back as much as she could – hard to since he kept pushing her back against the wall – to try and keep his cock lodged inside her for longer.
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lovevalekai · 4 months
The daughter of yestay
Chap 4:
Yesti had many questions, but she left it later, but something happened, Yesti got news, she and Isi have to go to Ecuador to look for a 16-year-old girl, they just had to give her information about her and from Ecuador she lives.
While Batsy told her to open the letter for Yesti to read personally, while she opened the letter, Isi went to look for the girls where Batsy and Stella stayed, but a mysterious voice gives strange news to Isi, she must something strange about her, she didn't know what it was and that she wanted to look for that mysterious voice:
?: Isi…
Isi: What do you want from me (Confused and scared).
?: Someone is looking for you, they want to kill Yestalina, you have to be very careful, they don't know what it is, but you must have a lot of protection from her and your loved ones.
Isi: Wait? What? I don't understand? What are you talking about? (He gets confused).
?: A mysterious being, I don't have much time (Disappears).
Isi: Wait...
The mysterious voice left, Isi was very confused, but she continued on her way, meanwhile, yesti was reading the letter:
Dear friend yesti.
My friend, I'm sorry for leaving that damn school so soon, it's not because I hate you, I had an argument with my grandmother, a long time ago she lied to me about my birth, my last name and my origin, then I'll tell you about those details, well I told the deer shaman to give the letter to your parents, so that they could give it to you, I know you are angry, and I'm sorry for being a stupid friend, I promise that I will be with you, well I'll leave you, if you want to see me, I'll let you a brochure about the school I'm in, I hope to see you soon
For your friend: Isi Yoeta.
Yesti, she started to cry, Batsy comforted her to calm her down, while Isi met Yestay, she apologized for leaving her daughter at the school she was at and for the distance away, she told her everything but Yesti knows all that:
Isi: Wait, who told you everything about me.
Yestay: The deer shaman also told us everything about you, my wife and I were worried about you, my daughter wanted to be close to you for your help, because she loves you very much as her sister.
Isi: I know, I also love my little sister very much, and I promise that I will be next to her in case she wants help.
Yestay: The good thing, you haven't changed at all, continue with your dreams, don't let them hurt you and take good care of my daughter, I'm leaving her for you to take with you, I've already enrolled her in her school, I wish you both luck and that Don't ruin your friendship.
Isi: Thank you, say hello to your wife for me and I will tell your daughter to visit you soon.
Isi went to see the girls, but she stopped on the way, she remembers her past, she doesn't want to remember, it was very ugly for her, but she stopped, her girlfriend saw her frustrated, Batsy hugs Isi so she can calm down and take her to Yesti.
When they arrived, Yesti was sitting with Stella, Isi approaches Yesti, but the guanaco girl hears someone's footsteps, she turns to look and gets up and sees her surprised:
Yestalina: Isi, Isiiii (He runs up to her and hugs her).
Isi: My friend Yestalina (Hugs her tightly).
Yestalina: I missed you, I thought I wouldn't see you again.
Isi tells Yesti everything, about her nationality and gives her a brochure with all her information, even an old photo, Yesti reads it and is very surprised:
Yestalina: Seriously, it's strange that your grandmother hides it from you for a long time and it's very unfair (Very serious).
Isi: I know, I always wanted to know at first, but she erased it with some enchicho or voodoo, but that's not all, she told me that I am the granddaughter of a blue deer god, I don't know what she meant (She's confused) .
Yestalina: Wow, will you see more of your grandmother later? (Confused)
Isi: Not after he lied to me all this time, I decided to stay in my real home, I never felt comfortable in my life, since I saw a lot of family and I stayed with my grandmother and the shaman, and before leaving one half-human and skeleton woman took me, but before leaving I asked the deer shaman to give you the letter.
Yestalina: Well… actually my parents gave it to me.
While talking about that conversation between Yestalina and Isi, Yesti had a question: Who was the woman who took Isi, but she prefers to decide later.
But something happened with Isi, her head hurt, she remembers a lot that her grandmother did some bad things with Isi, she also remembers a human child, Batsy, Stella and Yestalina were scared, they ran, Batsy was looking for the sphere to take to Isi to school, but Yesti saw that Stella had one, she grabs it and throws it and they take her away.
When they arrived, Isi wakes up in the infirmary, Batsy was scared, Yesti was worried about Isi, she thought something bad happened to her, but the nurse told them that she had to remember something bad in her life.
Yesti had many questions, but she left it later, but something happened, Yesti got news, she and Isi have to go to Ecuador to look for a 16-year-old girl, they just had to give her information about her and from Ecuador she lives.
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When you have a fear of...Catwoman?
"I just need you to watch the cameras." That's what you had been told. "So I'm looking for a cat or I'm looking for a bat?" You winced. "Either." "I'm more of a dog person myself." You sighed. Some time passed and as the time passed, your anxiety grew. You noticed something in the corner of your eyes. "Uh, guys just to let you know. I think I saw something in the..." You trailed off as you caught sight of something once again. A black shape just moving out of sight. "(Y/N)?" "Sorry thought I-" You cut yourself off sharply as you dived out of your chair. "Bitch is on the ceiling!" Not much clarification was needed considering the well known fear you had of Catwoman over the Batman. Even if it wasn't necessarily understood.
The Riddler: So he knew you weren't fond of cats but Catwoman isn't actually cat! You didn't seem to care about that. Even as the Riddler tried to reassure you time and time again that Catwoman was merely a nuisance. You were never sure if Edward was deluded or in denial when he said that. He couldn't have forgotten the number of times she had kicked the crap out of him. Did she kick a permanent concussion into him?
Scarecrow: His eyebrow twitched as you screeched. Whilst his henchmen might find your outbursts amusing or comical, Jonathan didn't particularly enjoy the implication. The Master of Fear is romantically involved with someone who screams the most comical sentences? He wasn't embarrassed, only surprised that it was you he fell for.
Two-Face: Catwoman had scratched him in the face once and apparently that was enough for you to develop a complete fear or her. He couldn't decide how he felt about it considering he's the one who got scratched yet you are the one frightened? Two-Face will not hesitate in calling you a wimp, a tiny scratch is nothing. Try getting kicked in the face with a stiletto heel and then talk to him about being afraid. Besides, you never got attacked by either the Bat or the Cat. You gave in to them almost everytime so why were you so worried? Also can you not be so embarrassing by screaming like that?
Black Mask: That's his signal to get armed and ready. He isn't going to let the cat touch you but he's learned that telling you that will not stop the screaming. He has since learned to block out most of your wailing and so doesn't comment about it anymore.
Joker: And here comes many many many jokes that you're allergic to cats, afraid of confident women or in denial of sexual frustration for those suits. That extends to him asking if you'd have the hots for him if he wore one of those. He seems to find it hilarious and considers it your way of welcoming Catwoman to the party. Careful though! Batsy might get jealous!
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airis-hunter · 11 months
So I'm writing a story with my sona (Airis) and Batman and I need help from Batman and Danny Phantom fanfic writers to tell me if my Batman and Alfred are accurate
Bat Meets Dragon, Dragon Meets Bat
The dark knight was facing off against the Joker once again. The clown threw something down on the ground that caused Joker Gas to explode out of it. Batman backed up as he covered his face with his cape. He was about to go back to fighting the clown prince when a growling noise sounded from inside the alley he had backed up in front of. Both of the Gotham residents paused and looked into the alley. The growling got louder as whatever was making the noise got closer. The first thing they were able to make out were two front legs that were dark-ish light blue. Within the next few seconds, they couldn't make out much else, besides some of the creature's face. Its face looked to be completely white, with small horns on top of its head, its eyes glowed a bright blue, and most terrifying of all, its giant mouth was open in a salivated snarl, showing off the creature's massive sharp teeth. Batman raised one of his hands in caution as he got ready to take a step back. The Joker, seeing that the creature was completely locked onto Batman, grinned.
"I'll just leave you two here to get acquainted, catch you later, Batsy!" he laughed before running away into the night. The Joker's signature cackle echoed throughout the streets. Batman grunted under his breath in frustration.
"Just what I need," he grumbled. The creature made no move towards the bat, only its tail flicking back and forth. Now that it was just him and the creature, he was able to try to get a better look at it. From what little he could see of the creature from outside of the alley's shadow, the creature was covered in wounds. Cuts and scratches littered its body, most of them looking somewhat fresh. Glancing downward, he saw blood covering the alley floor. The bat's eyebrows furrowed underneath his mask. All the creature saw was the eyes of his cowl narrow. It growled a little louder in response.
"I'm not going to hurt you," he whispered gently as he put his hands up in the universal sign of surrender/peace. "I can help you." he continued while daring to take a step forward. The creature made no move to retaliate, only growling even louder and narrowing its eyes at him. Batman understood the look, 'You hurt me, and I won't hesitate to eat you.' Nodding to himself, he walked forward slowly. When he got within two or so feet of the creature, it opened its mouth a bit more and spiked the pitch in its growl. Batman held his ground and gently set one of his hands on top of the creature's snout, the other disappearing inside his cape. He watched as the edges of the creature's mouth tried to relax but it seemed to try to stop it from doing so. The edges of the creature's eyes glistened. Clenching its teeth it tried to hold itself back from, inevitably, breaking down. The final straw was the creature's breath becoming ragged before it broke down and pushed its head against Batman's chest. The capped crusader stood still as he rubbed the side of the broken creature's jaw gently. The dark knight kept his shock to himself when the creature started to shrink. Batman caught the creature in his arms. It was the size of an average adult cat. One hand held the bottom of the cat-sized creature while the other rested on its head, holding it close to him. Walking towards the Batmobile, he commed Alfred.
"Alfred, I need you to get the medical wing of the Batcave ready," Batman stated.
"Sir? Are you alright?" Alfred questioned worriedly.
"Yes Alfred, I'm fine. However, I can not say the same for my," he paused as he looked down at the creature silently crying in his lap. "guest."
"Very well sir, it will be ready as soon as you arrive," Alfred confirmed. Nodding, Batman cut the com. Stepping on the gas, the Batmobile took off. He glanced down when the creature flinched.
"Hurts," a weak girl voice whimpered out. Grunting the dark knight put one of his hands on top of the creature's head and began scratching gently while still keeping his eyes on the road. Even when she relaxed he still kept one of his hands on her head. His eyes narrowed slightly when he saw one of the secret entrances to the Batcave. The entrance flew open and closed again once the Batmobile had entered. Stopping his car he got out. Making sure not to jostle her wounds as he moves.
"Oh my," Alfred muttered with a hint of sympathy. Batman followed Alfred as they both headed to the medical wing in the Batcave. He set her down on the bed as Alfred began to get ready to clean and bandage all of the creature's wounds. Opening her eyes more the creature looked around the white room. Batman saw it before it happened. The creatures hackles rose as it began looking around a little more frantic. Putting a hand on the side of her head Batman began scratching gently again.
"You're alright," he whispered. The creature turned to him, looking at him. He could see the fear in her big eyes. He observed that her dilated pupils were surrounded by the same aqua marine green as her horns and the rest of her iris was the same blue as the spikes going halfway down her back.
"If you enlarge your self to about my size it would be easier for Alfred to treat your wounds," he pointed out. Looking at Alfred, who was standing next to the bed patiently, she seemed to contemplate it. Setting her head down in front of her she whimper before enlarging herself to human size. Alfred took his time cleaning each wound and bandaging it. Everytime she would flinch or whimper in pain, Batman would rub the side of her head.
"All finished, a few days of rest and you should be good enough to run around again. However, I suggest not using your right wing for at least 3 weeks, whatever happend to it has severely damage the bones in it," Alfred assessed. Sighing in relief the creature nodded. Both males watched as her breath evened out as she fell asleep. Batman stood up and headed out to the Batcomputer. Pulling his cowl off Bruce began to tried to find anything on the creature.
"Sir?" Alfred asked.
"Yes Alfred?"
"I am greatly concerned for that creature," he voiced. Bruce raised a brow at his butler. Clearing his throat Alfred continued. "Their wing was not just injured by some other animal, nor were any of their wounds for that matter." Narrowing his eyes, Bruce added.
"So you're saying-"
"That every injury on that creature was caused by human hands? Yes," Alfred confirmed. Grunting, Bruce turned back to the computer screen. Pulling up a scan of the creature, him and Alfred looked at the scan. The more and more he read, the more and more angry he got. The creature had multiple bones that were broken and then healed wrong. Some even looked like there were broken repeatedly. The blood sample proved even more disturbing information. Her blood was filled with all kinds of poisons and diseases. Someone was experimenting on the creature, seeming to test over and over how much she could take.  A low growl surfaced out of Bruce's throat.
"Why would someone do such horrid things to this creature?" Alfred contemplated out loud. A loud cat like yowl mix with a roar echoed across the Batcave. Standing up imediatly Bruce ran to the medical wing, followed by Alfred. The creature had enlarged to the height of the ceiling as she yowled. Spotting the two males she snarled, but Bruce could see the fear in her eyes.
"You're okay," Bruce whispered as he put up his hands and stepped forward. "We aren't going to hurt you." She glanced over him before looking around the room more frantically, calling out in distress.
"Sir? Maybe they are looking for Batman?" Alfred theorized. Nodding, Bruce got the creature's attention.
"Hey, hey look at me," once the creature looked at him he pulled up his cowl. "It's me, I'm right here," he consoled. Her teeth clenched as tears dripped down her face. Shrinking to cat size she nestled into his chest and began sobbing. Her smaller wings wrapped around his torso as if trying to grab onto his as close as possible. Holding her like he did before he let his cap enclose her. Grunting he walked back out to the Batcomputer and sat down. Alfred watched as he began to type on the keyboard again, the creature resting under his cap, still clutching to Bruce he assumed.
"I am assuming you will be down here all night, Master Bruce?" Alfred raised a brow. The only response he got was a grumble. Nodded, the butler walked towards the elevator. "I will bring your breakfast down in the morning. Goodnight Master Bruce."
"Goodnight Alfred," Bruce mumbled, his attention fully on the screen in front of him. With that the elevator doors closed, leaving Bruce and the creature all alone in the Batcave.
"Do you have a name?" Bruce prompted after a few minutes of silence. The creature poked her head out of his cape and looked up at him with a tilt of her head.
"Do you have a name?" He asked again while glancing down at her. He observed as the creature's ears flatted against her head.
"Yes and no..." she answered. "I do have a name, but they say I don't have a name," she mumbled out.
"Who's they?"
"The scientist," she whimpered. Putting one of his hands on top of her head he started petting her, all though he couldn't go very far down her neck thanks to her spikes.
"I don't care what the scientist say or think," he grunted as he looked back up at the computer, keeping his anger inside. She hummed before tucking back into his cap to curl up on his chest.
"Airis," she finally told him after minutes went by. Grunting in acknowledgment he continued typing. He continued long into the night, even after Airis had fallen asleep, he continued to try to find anything on the people who had done this to Airis.
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deadleavescry · 11 months
Monster High and "subtle representation"
Remember: This is just my personal opinion.
Now let's start with this (long) vent 😸
A few days ago I was thinking about some g1 characters that have not been introduced to the g3 universe and since this new generation tends to change the background of their characters, I started to wonder what if they made one of those already established characters panamanian. Would I like that? Would I feel represented? My overall answer would be... Not really...
Growing up I never liked how nobody knew my country, how there weren't any panamanian characters or celebrities known outside of Panama/latam (try to name at least 1) and since I was such a MH fan I saw how there were monsters from different parts of the world that represented different cultures. I wanted a panamanian monster character so bad 😹 even more after the introduction of Marisol or Batsy or any other culture/nationality-based monster.
The thing is that I personally don't find the appeal in taking a random established monster (that would keep their name & their general design) and just making them be panamanian, in this case. Like ofc I would be like "oh hey, that's nice" but it wouldn't give me the same feeling as a new character being created entirely with Panama in mind. A monster that screams "I'm from Panama", that's entirely based on one of our folk creatures or national animals, whose way of speaking, whose clothing is soo entirely panamanian. I think that's something that little me would have loved, something that little girls or any mh fan from my country would be so happy with.
The issue came when I expressed my opinion on another online MH fan base platform & I saw a lot of comments from ppl being like "why can't you accept subtle representation?" or things along that line. And it's so frustrating bc literally everyone that commented something like that was from the U.S, like white U.S. Americans specially! Y'all just don't get it, you may comprehend my point, but you will never get it. Nationality-wise, what type of representation do you need? Y'all have never known how's like ppl not knowing about your country's existence, not seeing your nationality on cartoons, movies, series, etc. while growing up.
This is obviously not how every panamanian mh fan or international fan feels about this topic, but I don't think that makes my opinion invalid or something to not take in consideration when having these discussions.
Anyway, if anyone actually read this... what's your personal opinion about it?
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quirkthieves · 1 year
[ ADJUST ] — mihai fixes an article of hinata’s clothing, but does not stop there. he fixes her hair, turns her around to check her outfit, etc, all to make sure that she looks her best. she probably only asked him for some minor advice, but mihai can't be caught slipping. he's willing to fix her entire outfit and hairstyle instead of simply stopping at whatever she had originally asked for.
"Hey, what're you-" She does begin her protest, but closes her mouth just as quickly when she feels him fiddling with the braid in her hair. It had become harder, after losing half her face, to do the hair on that side. It had become harder to do a lot of things, but she found herself giving up halfway through the style in a fit of frustration quite often.
And he was fixing it. So she lets him go about realizing whatever vision he had been hit by, even though she starts fidgeting as the work goes on. Her patience has been worn rather thin by the time he's done, but that irritation is erased when he shoos her over to a mirror.
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"Yo-- hey! You're really fucking good at this!" Fashion was one of those few areas where Hinata did know quite a bit-- so even if he'd been talking out his ass on everything else, she could at the least vouch for his work here.
"Goddamn, batsy-- you should just come out with me! The clubs would be sucking your dick if you threw on a little ensemble like this out there!"
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