#biff tannen x reader
80s4life · 2 years
Word Count: 3,970
Status: Requested!
Ask: I'm a sucker for him anyway LOL. And please write more of him! 
@: @violetoquinn54​
Fandom: Back To The Future Series
Relationship: Biff Tannen x Violet O’Quinn (Not my OC)
Summary: They had their fights, they had their agreements. They had their prejudices and they had their prides. They had their reputations and their futures. But, even when they’re so different, yet so alike, why do they always manage to find each other after pushing themselves away?
Warnings: language, fighting, alcohol consumption, weed and cigarettes, lewd jokes, slightly angsty, implied sexua activities/assault, mentioned deaths, slight bullying (on Violet’s part and her short temper)
Masterlist Back To The Future Masterlist
{gif is not mine, credits go to @brooklynpa-c​}
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“Mhm. Mhm. Mhm,” Violet nods, victory curls bobbing as she exaggerates her movements. She wasn’t particularly listening anyway, placing and pinning bits of different fabrics on her plush mannequin. 
It was the same tale, Lorraine droning on and on about boys, particularly the invincible Biff Tannen, and how either none or all of them want her; it really depends on the day it seems. Violet tries her best to balance the corded phone on her shoulder, eyebrows scrunching as she tries to wrap her creative brain around the style she’s aiming for.
Sighing, she places the container of pins down, settling her easily bubbling nerves as she feels the frustration itch underneath her skin. Reaching in her back pocket, she pulls out a cancer stick, placing the thin roll of crushed drugs between her heavily dyed lips, flicking the lighter for a match.
Inhaling the thick cloud of nicotine, she feels her nerves begin to ease, perching herself on her window sill. Allowing the smoke to escape out and into the warm breeze of summer, she finally decides to indulge Lorraine in a little bit of attention, finally zoning in on the topic. 
“He’s just so... so ignorant,” Lorraine sputters, recounting Biff’s attitude towards her earlier today. 
“It’s not something he usually doesn’t already do, Lo. He’s had the hots for you since we were at least fucking five,” Violet flicks the burnt ash at the butt of the cigarette.
“Yes, but why must he pester me everyday?” she groans, Violet joining her as she knows this’ll bring on another onslaught of complaints.
Pretending to check her watch, she chokes on the puff she inhaled, the time reading 11:45 pm. “Hey Lo, I know you’re all riled up and ready to beat him down to a stump, but we should sleep at some point.”
Violet hears a rustle and a sigh before Lorraine speaks again, “Yeah, like you sleep anyway.”
Violet snorts, feigning offense by gasping, “Don’t you know I need precisely 8 hours of beauty sleep? A minute more or a minute less would give me bags under my eyes, and - oh - the stress. It’ll break my schedule and surely mess with my hair growth!”
Lorraine giggles as Violet smirks to herself, the pair knowing all too well who she’s mocking. Sure, to some this would be cruel, but if you’d spent at least 5 minutes with Magenta O’Quinn, you’d instantly understand where the drama checks out.
“Besides,” Violet heaves after a good bout of breathy giggles, “We do need to sleep if we plan on going to the Weston Annual Party.” Violet’s face shines in mischief just thinking about the possibilities; she hadn’t had much fun this year with the inheritance, family business, and trying to somewhat stay grounded with decent grades at school.
Maybe she could even branch out, given it’s her last year. Maybe even move on from the familiar broad-shouldered, blue-eyed boy she oftentimes finds sneaking into her room more times than she could count.
“Are you sure you want to get caught up in that mess, Vi? You know who’s gonna be there and you know how he gets with his alcohol,” Lorraine twirls the cord of her phone between her fingers, brain swiping through all the endless scenarios in her head.
“Trust me, ain’t no one messin’ with you there Lorraine. And, if he tries it, he’s never met Violet O’Quinn on a bad day, especially if he thinks he’ll ruin my one night out,” Violet flicks her cigarette out the window, closing it with the lock at the top as she stretches to close the curtains, too. “God knows I need it,” she mutters, staring at the stars outside.
“If you say so, Vi,” Lorraine yawns, “Anyway, we really do need to head to bed. I don’t want my Pops hollering.”
“Alrighty, good night Lorraine,” Violet draws in her signature Southern accent, making sure to talk long and slow to give her one last laugh. 
Putting the phone back on the holster, Violet takes a moment to stare at her bed; fluffy, untouched pillows and comforter begging her in with warm arms. Then, slowly, she turns towards the array of mannequins, and with a defeated sigh, her hands find the container of pins again, inspiration spiking once more as she gets lost on her new design.
She couldn’t recall when she’d passed out, but with the horrendous banging and yelling on the other side of her bedroom door, she finds herself jolting up from the cool of her hardwood flooring. Painfully, she hisses upon rubbing her face, pulling one of her pins out of her cheek. “Damn,” she hisses, little dabbles of blood percolating at the small pinprick.
“Violet! Let’s go!” more banging pursues, angering Violet in the slightest bit as she tries to wake up peacefully.
“I’m...Up!” she hollers back.
“Come on, Violet, we only have 5 minutes or you’re gonna be late!” Rusty calls from the door.
“Shit!” Scrambling to her feet, she slides across the flooring with the rest of her pins from the night before, mentally cursing herself for not allowing her the simplest task of just going to sleep for once. 
Searching through her clothes, she finds a dark pair of roughed up, denim jeans, rolling the bottom cuffs to allow her boots some wiggle room. Sliding into a white T-shirt, she ties the bottom in a knot, rolling up the tight sleeves and tucking her pack of cigarettes there, completing the outfit with a black belt.
She would’ve gone for something more Violet inspired, but she really had no time to worry about the little things. Lunging for her door, she makes sure to lock it behind her, shuffling down the slim staircase behind a wall, allowing her out of her comfy attic-bedroom-turned-loft.
She grabs her bag at the kitchen counter, catches the side-wandering gaze of her envious younger twin. To make matters worse, Violet steals the toast on her plate before scurrying off to the front door and on the bus before Magenta has the chance to catch her. Opening the window, Violet sticks her head out, “It wouldn’t be so hard to run if you weren’t wearing 10 inch heels, Priss.”
“Violet!” the high-pitched girly voice calls after you from the other end of the hallway.
Shoving the rest of her books into her locker, she half-salutes the girl in the huge dress as if to signal she’s coming. Satisfied with what she’s taking and leaving for the weekend, she shuts the locker, places the lock and messes with the numbers, walking down the hall to meet the three teenagers at the end.
Violet tries to ignore the looks she’s given, she has for her whole life. Before her parents’ passings, she was the spoiled Priss who couldn’t manage to even look feminine; unless it was for fashion advice, then Violet was useful and the greatest thing Hill Valley’s ever seen. After the deaths, the looks were mixtures of knowing glances, disgust, and to be made fun of. Either way, she was simply...weird.
“Looking good, Shortcake,” the infamous mountain of a man cat-calls.
“Not too bad yourself,” Violet smiles, taking a small detour to indulge him in conversation. Had it been anyone else, Violet would’ve ripped them a new one, truly wish they’d never spoken or even learned how to talk in the first place. Biff Tannen was special, however.
“I heard from a little birdie that you’re gonna show up to the beer blast tonight,” he smirks, making eye contact with a very disturbed and flustered Lorriane that accidentally catches his eyes.
“That little birdie would be correct,” she states with a neutral expression, hand coming up to his cheek and moving his face back to train his eyes on her. “Though, it’s very rude to speak to someone without the respect of talking directly to them. I’da have to slap you for that one.”
“I wouldn’t be too mad about a little love tap, Shortcake,” he smirks, catching her hand in his lightly, despite his reputation.
As quickly as their hands meet is as quick as she pulls away, hand coming back to hide underneath her books, cradling it to her chest. Suddenly, her foot becomes more interesting than his cute face, shuffling her shoe around as if to look for dirt smudges.
Lifting her chin with his index finger, Biff leans in just the tiniest bit, “I expect to see you there.” 
His sentence comes more off as a demand than a question, to which Violet nods with the slightest of a tint in her cheeks, green eyes finding his blue ones to make an unspoken, and rather unneeded, promise.
Scurrying off, her elbow is pulled by Lorraine, “Took you long enough! Come on, us girls are going to find outfits for tonight!”
“Lo, please, I don’t need to be taken on this extravagant shopping trip just for us to end the night with spilled beer, puke, and dirt all over us.” 
“First off, ew. Secondly, we need your creative tastes!” Lorraine begs, grabbing Violet’s bag to place it in the back seat of her topless convertible. 
Begrudgingly, Violet hops over the car door to sit in the back diagonal of Lorraine in the driver’s seat, side-glancing Babs as she gags way too obviously. “I saw that,” she all but snarls in warning.
Babs straightens in her seat quickly, looking the other direction as Betty rides shotgun. Both girls share a look between themselves and before they have time to check themselves, Violet shuts them down, “I saw that shit, too.” Pulling out another cigarette, Violet lights it and continues, “I also know that neither of you wanted me here,” she smirks viciously, “You aren’t too good at hiding it. I know I was only invited for Lorraine, however, you’re gonna need me if you think you’re gonna be a showstopper tonight. Hell, even a makeover, if possible.”
Easily, both girls take offense and open their mouths in surprise, Lorraine choosing to appear as if she hadn’t heard anything, and Violet blowing a puff of smoke into Babs’ face with a devilish glint in her eye; she accomplished her mission in getting back at them, she didn’t need to say anything more.
The shopping, even as entertaining as it was, gave Violet quite the laugh and exhaustion throughout the two hours of being there with the other girls. So much so that she divulged herself in an hour’s nap in order to recharge. She didn’t buy anything that afternoon, no, she had made something better, something much more extravagant.
Standing in the center of her bedroom was a single mannequin, plain except for the outfit bestowed upon it and begging to be worn. Hand-sewn was a cropped tee, the sleeves and edges worn and roughed out to appear used and almost dirty. A crisp white with the word “BITCH” bolded in a deep black. Riding high up to the waist was a black, white, grey, and purple plaid pair of trousers; Violet’s personality shining through with the double belts on the top that hang low to the knees, two zippers on the kneecap and lower thigh and matching set on the pockets and very ends of the ankles. To top off the look, there was a black beanie and purple long sleeved shirt underneath the T-shirt.
Once woken up and prepared for the party, Violet wore the outfit like a badge of honor, one of her greatest works to come by. Before leaving, she added her black boots and grabbed her spiked black denim jacket to sling over her shoulder.
Waltzing into the party with a dark pair of shades, Violet quickly feels the overcrowding of people get to her, almost as if she’s becoming claustrophobic. Taking a red solo cup, she fills if with beer ans chugs it fast, refilling the next cup in desperate need to feel the tension in her shoulders leave. It’s been too long since she’s been in a public setting like this, and now that she’s here, all she can feel is the worry and stress of the days to follow this night.
“Ah, fuck it,” she groans, discarding the cup somewhere on the floor to find something stronger. Walking around the house, she finds the living room, people of many kinds either drinking, dancing, making out, smoking, or playing games.
Leaning against the door frame, she observes the people lost in the moment; she used to be a friend of those feelings, so care-free and happy, knowing that one night couldn’t possibly mess with her plans ahead. She was a kid then, a few months changing her almost simultaneously, and now an adult is left behind feeling like she’s missed so much.
Kids cheer in the corner, the familiar game of beer pong causing her to laugh as the poor boy passes out with the sheer amount of shots he was forced to consume. Violet almost considers joining in, but the tap at her shoulder pulls her from her thoughts swiftly.
“There you are!” Lorraine screams, trying to be heard over the loud music.
“Here I am!” Violet calls back with a smile, “Enjoying the party so far?”
“I was about to ask you the same thing!” she smiles, stumbling a little, “I’m having the time of my life! I’m talking to this boy, he’s real sweet!”
Violet nods questioningly, taking in the lack of details and obvious state of her friend, “How much have you had to drink, Lo? Who have you been hanging around with?”
“Roy! Come on, let’s go meet him!” she steals Violet’s forearm, tugging firmly.
“I-I don’t know, Lorraine!”
“Stop being such a wet end, just relax! Roy’s reeeeaalllyyy cool and he’s been such the charmer.”
Violet staggers a bit, staring at Lorraine slightly taken back, following the drunken woman weakly’ her mind working 100 miles a minute and not liking the odds of what this boy seems to be trying to obtain from her friend.
Strolling up to a group of loud boys and girls leaving not a bit of their bodies to the imagination, Lorraine calls out to the boy she spoke so highly of just moments before. “Roy, I want you to meet my friend, Violet O’Quinn.”
“Roy Holtz.” He stood tall and broad, shoulders squared and arms displayed nicely underneath his tight muscle shirt, dark blue skinny jeans displaying his package to what only he feels is a show-stopper. He looks Violet up and down from head to toe, the stupid toothpick bobbing around with the continuous movements of her tongue and grinding of teeth.
“Oh, great, a true charmer,” Violet rolls her eyes, crossing her arms to display a sense of unwant and protection, defensive.
“I don’t think your friend likes me too much, Lorraine,” he giggles, “Why don’t you come and hang out with me instead, huh? I can show you a fun time.”
“Lorraine isn’t going anywhere with you, Dick.”
“Oh no, and why’s that?” he snarls, stepping up to be almost chest to chest with a much shorter Violet, her 5′2″ stature being no match to Roy’s 10 inch difference. “You want some of me instead, is that it? You jealous she’s getting my attention?
Shoving him away from her with the tips of her fingers, she looks him dead in the eye, “You’re stepping on the wrong toes if you think you’re gonna get lucky with her tonight, you hear me? You’re severely mistaken if you think you’re gonna do so much as even touch her.”
“Oh, look at the mouth on you,” Roy advances towards her again, Lorraine being long forgotten. “Just imagine all the wonders it can do,” his hands snake around to grip her ass firmly, giving it a nice squeeze.
Quickly, Violet’s hand balls into fists at her sides, shoving him off of her with immense anger. Roy falls back at the force of her and, with a few shuffled steps, Roy gathers himself with an almost matched anger. “You Bitch,” he spits, scolding the girl for her defiance.
“Fuck you,” she spits at him, saliva gathering all over his eyes.
Her actions, albeit greatly intended to piss him off, are greatly regretted as Roy cocks back his arm, fist colliding with Violet’s face before she has the chance to dodge it. Staggering back with a hand to her jaw, her vision quickly shines red, body lowering to tackle the taller guy, shoulder jabbing into his stomach to throw him off balance.
Lunging on top of him, Violet’s hands land endless blows to Roy’s face, pummeling him to the ground. Snatching her elbow just as she goes to land another punch, Roy pins it back in a painful angle, throwing her body off of his as he goes to switch their positions, a fist flying into her nose intentionally. 
Somewhere, in his sick mind, his desire to see her bleed grew as the first hit didn’t quite break her nose. Her eyes tear up as another blow was thrown directly after the last, a small dabble of blood finding the rim of her nose as she feels the audible crack. 
Knee hiking up from underneath Roy, Violet aims for the groin, missing but managing to use it as a block. Pushing up again, her knee pushes Roy off her once more, hand grabbing his arm and pinning it behind his back. Sitting on top of the boy again, Violet pushes the arm high enough to earn a pained cry, other hand fisting his hair to bring his head back.
Forcing him to look her in the eyes, green eyes devoid of any emotion, she all but snarls, “You ever think of using another girl again, I’ll know about it. When you think of harming them, you’ll think of me.” Violet forces her hand down, smashing Roy’s head into the pavement below them before forcing his head back again, “Do I make myself clear?”
He nods.
“I said, ‘Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear?’”
“Y-Yes. Yes, ma’am.”
“That’s what I thought. Let this embarrassment be your warning, hm?”
Dubbing his fear an earned win, Violet lets the boy go with the drop of his head, removing herself from on top of him. Standing above him, her eyes find the crowd that had formed around them, suddenly feeling the center of everyone’s attention. Looking for Lorraine, she watches as the girl makes a run for it, Violet quickly tearing through the crowd to chase after her, “Lorraine!”
Lorraine makes a break for the sliding glass door of the patio in the backyard, turning around momentarily to remark how close Violet was getting, eyes widening as her eyes catch something from behind. “Violet!” she calls, Roy getting up and gaining on Violet once more.
However, her warning was too late, Roy tackling Violet again, throwing her head into the pavement just as he head, only he repeats the actions multiple times. Just as Violet feels her head spin and vision start to display stars, all actions stop. 
Lazily, her head turns towards her side, just catching the end of Roy’s continued war. A swift blow effectively knocks all sense of consciousness out of him, the tall victor standing above him like a waking nightmare. Fully aware of the damage he’s done, he stares at his knuckles, then turns to meet Violet’s eyes.
“You love getting yourself into trouble, huh?” Biff’s warm and deep voice paves a way through Violet’s clouded mind, huge arms coming to wrap around her limp body.
“Pervert deserved it,” she mumbles, eyes heavily lidded with the awaiting bruising and pain, adrenaline starting to run low.
“I know,” he smirks, opening the sliding door and walking you up the stairs to the bathroom in his friend’s room. “Sometimes you need to pace yourself, though. You almost didn’t make it through this one.”
“I knew you’d come to the rescue,” Violet smirks, allowing Biff to place her on the sink to get a better look at the damage.
“It’s still stupid, Tex. You don’t have to assert your dominance over every guy.”
Violet laughs, eyes closing at Biff pats the warm wash cloth over her eyes and forehead, wiping up the blood. “It’s not my fault they have shrimp dicks.”
“Guess that means I don’t have a shrimp dick then, huh?” he smiles widely.
“Oh hush,” Violet giggles, cheeks just dusting with a red tint.
“I’m serious though, Tiny, you could’ve gotten extremely hurt,” Biff’s hand finds her chin again, lifting her head with the intent of meeting her eyes and further exaggerating his point.
Suddenly, Violet feels the air shift, smile leaving her lips to show her full attention, “I know, Biff, but I had him. He was trying to use Lorraine and - I don’t know, I-”
“You felt the need to protect her,” he rolls his eyes.
“Yeah because I care for her. She’s my friend.”
Biff sighs amused, “Tex, why do you think I’m always here to end your fights for?”
Violet’s eyes widen at the question, both confusion and awe causing her walls to fall down and collapse around her. “I-I don’t know.”
“Well I ain’t taking punches just because I’m your friend, Tex.”
Violet gasps again, “Are you saying you have feelings? Biff Howard Tannen, are you saying you care about me?
“Well, I’m still here, ain’t I? I haven’t strayed like everyone else has.”
“So, you do then. Even with all of our fighting and bickering? The constant one-upping?”
“Are you really gonna make me say it, Tiny?”
“I think I need a little clarifying,” Violet grins, face slowly inching forwards.
Biff finds himself lowering his body, hands on either side of Violet’s thighs on the sink, “You’re gonna be the death of me, Violet O’Quinn.”
“You wouldn’t want it any other way, Tannen.”
Lips colliding in a passionate frenzy, Violet’s hands wrap around the huge man’s neck, hand playing with the hair at the base of his neck. Biff’s tongue drags along the bottom of her lip, begging for entrance, but in Violet’s defiance and typical teasing, she doesn’t allow him access. Groaning, his teeth nibble at her lip, encouraging a gasp that lets his tongue slide in freely.
Quietly, Violet whimpers, legs widening to allow Biff to step in closer, his hands lifting to cup her jaw carefully. With the begging of their lungs, the pair pull away with labored breaths, Biff capturing Violet’s bottom lip in her teeth for a moment before pulling away, foreheads colliding against one another’s.
“I love you, Tex.”
“I know you do, Tannen,” Violet giggles, another groan meeting her as his head falls in the crook of her neck. Slowly picking his head up with her hands, she watches as he molds to her like putty, face nuzzling into her palms. “And, that’s why I love you, too.”
“Don’t say the ‘too’ at the end... makes it sound like you’re agreeing with me,” he smirks, eyes trained on her face with adoration.
“I love you, Biff Tannen.”
“There it is,” he smiles, leaning in for another kiss.
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moristarcake · 3 years
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Biff Tannen x Reader: Chapter Two
There was a terrible screech and a barrage of offending neon colors before the DeLorean lurched to a stop. The momentum threw (Y/N)’s head into the steering wheel with their nose taking the brunt of it. Screaming, they shot their hands up to shield their face, albeit a little too late.
Warm blood rolled down their lips and off of their chin, and a throbbing pain seared through the bridge of their nose. The smell of burnt rubber, iron, and a strange chemical odor flooded the car, making an already terrible situation seemingly worse.
Dizzy, (Y/N) moved their hands away from their face slowly, half expecting to be dead.
Instead what greeted them was a familiar road. A road they’ve walked down plenty of times. But while it was supposed to be a sunny, warm day, it was now a dark downpour that flooded the asphalt and neatly kept lawns of a nearby neighborhood. Streetlights were lit down the sidewalks for as far as the eye could see, allowing some illumination in the night.
Shakily, (Y/N) moved to open the DeLorean’s door and step out, making sure to grab their backpack before exiting the car fully. Rain immediately soaked through their clothes as they started their walk at a brisk pace in a random direction.
Panic scrambled their brain and threatened to consume their nerves. Trying to keep calm, they hugged their backpack close and kept their eyes on their feet as they picked up their pace.
(Y/N) had no clue where they were headed, but they did know they wanted to be as far away from that DeLorean as possible.
“What the hell happened?” They muttered to themself, “did I pass out when I got in the car? Or get into a wreck? Do I need to find a hospital?” Their breath hitched in their throat and the smell of the blood dripping from their nose making them nauseous. “Shit, shit, shit!”
(Y/N) started to stumble into the road, losing control over their legs. Tears threatened to spill over as more panic set in, and the edge of their vision was growing fuzzy and black.
A blinding light cut through the black along with the sound of screeching tires. (Y/N) snapped their attention forward to see a car stalling mere inches from them, rocking back on its wheels.
“Christ, what the fuck are you doing?” An angry voice shouted from the driver’s side. (Y/N) just stared into the white headlights, trembling like a deer unable to move. The sound of a car door slamming shut startled them enough to look toward it, and a tall man emerged into view.
He was fuming, maintaining a threatening posture as he approached. “Are you deaf or something? I said...” His voice faltered when he came close, probably from seeing the blood caked onto (Y/N)’s terrified face. He still looked upset, but he stopped in his tracks.
“I didn’t hit you, did I?” The man asked, not sounding particularly concerned, just confused. (Y/N) stared with large eyes and clutched their backpack, not saying a word but shaking so hard you’d think they were staring at a monster.
There was a long silence before the man scoffed and turned, going back to his car.
“Wait,” (Y/N) called softly, “can I-can I get a ride? I don’t know where I am. I-I need help.” The man stopped and turned around, staring at them and considering it a moment. Then after what seemed like a century he let out an exaggerated sigh and motioned for them to get into the car.
(Y/N) scrambled forward and slid into the passenger side, letting the warmth of the car’s heating flood over them. Fresh blood from their nose decided to drip into their lap and they cupped a hand over their nose, muttering an apology to the man who now was in the car with them.
There was a rustling and some things opening and closing before tissues appeared in front of their face. Taking them, (Y/N) wiped their nose and looked over to the man. Now in the soft light of the car, they could see his features more clearly. He was quite attractive, with pretty blue eyes.
He glanced at them from the side of his eye, still looking disgruntled but a little less hostile. “Got a name?” He asked.
“(Y/N).” They replied, “thank you for doing this. I’m sorry for getting your car wet.”
He looked a bit flustered at the sudden kindness, “it’s fine, I guess.” He gazed at (Y/N)’s face for a moment. “What happened to ya’?”
(Y/N) scrambled for an explanation and brilliantly landed on, “car accident.” When the man looked startled they quickly added, “i-it wasn’t a bad one. I’m fine.” He gave them a weird look but eventually turned forward and started up the car.
“What’s your name?” (Y/N) asked, feeling a little more at ease with another person’s company-even if they were a stranger.
“Biff?” (Y/N) snorted, laughing a little.
Biff reared up, furrowing his eyebrows and leaning over them angrily, “what? Is my name funny to you?”
“A little.” (Y/N) stifled their giggles, unfazed by the giant man glowering over them. “Is that your real name or a nickname?”
Biff looked completely flabbergasted, “it’s my real name, butthead!”
“Butthead? Who says that? And oh my god, your face is so red!” (Y/N) erupted into laughter as Biff practically vibrated in his seat.
“I’m the one giving you a ride, don’t laugh at me!” Biff clutched the headrest next to them, his fingers digging into the leather.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” (Y/N) breathed, “I just-I’m having a weird day. I’m happy someone’s here with me.” They cocked their head up took look him in the eye. “Biff’s a good name. Just oddly cute for a guy as big as you.”
His body went rigid. Biff didn’t really know what to say. He almost hit this strange, bloody person in the middle of the road, and now they’re in his car making fun of his name. And the way they bantered with him made him feel... weird.
“You’re a really weird bastard.” Was all Biff could grumble before he turned back to the steering wheel, and pressed on the gas.
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gothicwidowsworld · 4 years
Biff Tannen #1
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Smoothing our her skirt Y/N sighed, just like the owner of the Vehicle the red leather of the car seat provided no comfort of any kind and yet she stayed in hopes that one day he’d notice her. The dance was coming up soon but she still had no date. How could she even consider another when he was the only one she wanted. Storming over to the car the gigantic male scowled in disgust muttering to himself “nobody turns me down for that butthead.” His rough hands gripped the steering wheel turning his knuckles white in frustration. “You’re swell Biff She’ll see.” The y/h/c girl offered in comfort her dainty hand gently squeezing his. Biff growled before doing what he did best complaining about how stupid Lorraine Baines was to reject him for the umpteenth time. Y/N never understood what was so amazing about Lorraine. Sure she was nice, somewhat smart and had an alright body but why was she the be all and end all for Biff. Every day it was Lorraine this and Lorraine that, she could never escape.
Hot tears filled her y/e/c orbs as the motor turned into the quite suburban street. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” The girl question in a hopeful tone a faux smile graced her cherry red lips. Shrugging her off Biff drove off radio blaring some random college football scores. With each step up the cobbled path the ability to contain her tears lessened. The hum of Frank Sinatra drowned out her cries but it couldn’t mend her breaking heart.
A/N not fantastic Ik but slowly getting back into writing lol just need that one piece to get the creative juices flowing as they say 😅
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venusisgeeky · 3 years
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George Mcfly x reader : how you meet/first date
A/n hello i hope you all enjoy these George Mcfly headcanons. Feel free to reblog and like if you want.
- you would always catch George looking at you during Lunch
- you thought it was really cute that he would look away blushing
- you’d seen him around school and thought he was kinda cute
- you also thought it was sad how people treated him
- one day when you were putting some books away into your locker, George came up to you
-“ umm…s-so…basically…wouldyouliketogooutwithme?”
-“what?” You say softly turning around to face him
-“would you like to go out with me?”
-“yes I would love to George”
- “ i knew this would nev- wait you would??”
- “Yes George I would love to.”
- after you end up exchanging numbers
The date
- for your first date, George took you to the drive in theater
- Since you and George both don’t have your licenses’, you’d end up meeting George at the drive in
-he’d be sitting on a blanket waiting for you already with popcorn and candy
- but don’t let that fool you, George was dying inside
-the poor boy thought you would flake on him
- he didn’t think he could take that kind of a rejection
- but you didn’t flake
- he thought you were absolutely stunning, even though you weren’t wearing anything special
- during the movie George would try to hold your hand but he would back out right before he actually touches your hand
- you catch on and sneakily place your hand on top of his
- which leads to your guys’ hands intertwined
- George walked you home after the movie
- even though people thought George
-was very weak, you felt a sense of protectiveness with him
- it made you feel really safe
- when you got to your house, you kissed his cheek and gave him hug. You weren’t ready to kissed him yet
- same goes for George
- when George got home, he couldn’t stop thinking about you
125 notes · View notes
randomfandomimagine · 4 years
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Imagine: Marty getting protective of you when Biff shows an interest in you
Requested by anon (x) 
You rolled your eyes, tired that he wouldn’t take a hint. Biff kept walking with you, even though you were clearly uncomfortable. He kept talking, gloating and making unwanted comments about you.
“Leave me alone!” You pushed Biff a little, earning a glare from him.
You were fed up with him and his attempts. Couldn’t he see you weren’t interested? He opened his mouth to retort, but before he could a voice interrupted him.
“Are you deaf?” Marty angrily told him. “Why don’t you leave Y/N alone?”
Biff scowled and watched the two of you. Not waiting for him to retaliate, Marty gently held you by the waist and took you with him, far away from Biff.
Tag list: @fortheloveofbenyandtom / @caswinchester2000 // If you want to be added or taken off the tag list for these fandoms or characters, let me know!! // Reblogs and comments are appreciated!
273 notes · View notes
oldies-enthusiast · 4 years
If you like Back to the Future or Young Guns...
Drop whatever the fuck you are doing and please send me a request because I am quarantined and I wanna WRITE but I’m out of ideas.
Literally anything would be appreciated.
P.S. This is just me being excited over handsome (cow)boys, but if there’s something other (movie or TV show) you’d like to request fanfiction for, take a look at my requests post.
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61 notes · View notes
mcwriting · 4 years
the costume
In which Tom dresses as Marty Mcfly for a Halloween party in Malibu and things get progressively wilder.
This is kind of my 200 followers celebration plus just some Halloween fun! Thanks to everyone who’s following, I really appreciate all of you and if you ever need a place to talk, my asks and messages are always open!
Ship: Tom Holland x Reader
Word Count: 1622
Warnings: mentions of alcohol consumption
Rating: K/K+
“So, how do I look, Jennifer?” Tom asked you with a raised brow and a smirk, his arms spread in display. 
You rolled your eyes in amusement. Tom looked ridiculous in his Marty McFly outfit consisting of jeans, a patterned button up, a Levi jacket, and the iconic puffy orange vest. 
Tom was taking you to a Halloween party at Robert Downey Jr.’s Malibu residence that was going to be filled with celebrities, some you know personally and others you were just fans of. 
Somehow, he had convinced you to dress as Jennifer from Back to the Future since he was Marty. So there you were, clad in pink floral pants that went way too high up your waist, a white button up, and a denim vest. Your hair was styled into big loose curls. 
“Good one Marty. That’s the last time I’m calling you that tonight, by the way,” you joked as you went to peck Tom on the lips. “You look very convincing. Too bad Robert wouldn’t go as Doc. You guys could finally recreate that scene.”
Tom chuckled.
“Yeah. I’m not actually sure what he’s going as tonight. He said it was a secret,” he said offhandedly. You could see a glint in his eyes but decided not to push him. 
Instead, you went outside where a driver was waiting to take you to the house party.
The party was in full swing when you arrived, drinks flowing freely among the star-studded crowd. You saw all kinds of costumes, movie characters, famous people dressed as other famous people, memes, mythical creatures, and more. 
You were a little star struck, but Tom led you through the crowd, saying quick hellos as you navigated the mansion. People were complimenting Tom’s and yours costumes and you felt yourself blushing.
Eventually you came upon a group of people you actually knew and talked for a little bit. You started looking around expectantly.
“Hey, babe?” you asked Tom quietly. He hummed in response. “Where is Robert? I mean, it is his party after all.”
“Oh you know him. He’s waiting to make an RDJ entrance. He probably won’t be long.”
You accepted that answer and went back to conversing with your friends, Tom leaving you for a moment to grab drinks.
Eventually the lights started flickering.
“Here he comes,” Tom muttered under his breath. You smiled. 
Some strobe lights circled the room and on came a spotlight, leading to cheers and applause.
Only a couple yards away stood Robert Downey Junior dressed in full Doc Brown garb, from the Hawaiian shirt and lab coat combo to an electrifying white wig. 
Your jaw dropped and you turned to Tom, who was just smirking.
“You knew?” you asked incredulously. Tom shrugged.
You rolled your eyes again. Robert scanned the room as people looked between him, Tom, and you. Finally his own eyes landed on Tom.
“Great scott! Marty, is that you?” he asked in an eccentric voice, one finger pointed up to the sky. He marched over as Tom began laughing, unable to hide his amusement. 
“Woah doc! I’ve been lookin’ all over for you!” Tom said in an exaggerated northern American accent, paralleling Michael J. Fox’s from the film. 
They didn’t make it any further as both men couldn’t help but break into laughter, hugging. The lighting went back to normal and people started going back to their own conversations.
“Well look at this, you brought Jennifer!” Robert said, turning to you. You hugged him quickly and began talking with him.
A few minutes had passed when there was a loud interruption.
“MCFLYYYYYYY!” came a loud exclamation from a male voice. Everyone turned towards the source.
“No. Way.” you said, looking to your boyfriend again. He had a wild grin on his face. 
From the crowd burst another man onto the scene: Jake Gyllenhaal. 
You couldn’t help but burst into laughter.
He was dressed as the one and only Biff Tannen: cuffed jeans, a white tee, and a grey zipped jacket. 
He pointed angrily at Tom, stomping over.
“Why don’t you make like a tree and get out of here!” Jake exclaimed. He, too, quickly fell into a fit of laughter just as the other two had. 
He then happily greeting the group as well, hugs all around.  
“What’s next, George and Lorraine?” you joked, looking to Tom expectantly.
“No, no. Jake was the last of it,” he assured. 
You took a few group photos to show off your great costumes and spoke for a while. After a bit, people started floating around from group to group, saying more hellos to friends and Tom making introductions for you.
You were happy to just hang out with everyone and drink and be merry, but eventually Jake came up and whispered something into Tom’s ear. He nodded and turned to you.
“Okay babe I need to go do something real quick are you good or do you want me to find Chris and the others?”
“Oh, um, well. I think they’re just over there actually, but where are you going?”
“You’ll see,” he trailed, throwing you a wink. “I’ll be back in a little bit.” 
He gave you a quick kiss and disappeared with Jake. You resigned yourself to finding your friends but couldn’t help but wonder.
What are those boys up to?
You were mid conversation when the lights once again changed to illuminate the stage where the DJ had been all evening. Everyone turned their attention to see a background revealed to look like a school hallway. 
Out came Jake in his Biff garb with a microphone, a giant smile on his face.
“Ladies and gentlemen, Doc Brown and Marty McFly,” he said gesturing to the side before disappearing off stage. 
Tom and Robert appeared, now changed into different outfits. 
This time, Tom had slacks with a grey and red jacket along with a patterned white button up underneath. Robert was dressed in similar pants with an eccentric red and yellow button up, a white sport coat, and white had with red accenting.
You slapped a hand over your mouth.
Tom shoved his hands into his pockets.
“Doc, she didn’t even look at him,” Tom said in his Peter Parker voice.
The crowd cheered.
One they died down, Robert said the next line, continuing the scene that had been famously deep-faked of the two.
The scene finished quickly with Robert first saying,
“What are their common interests? What do they like to do together?”
“Nothing,” Tom finished. With that, Robert walked off, leaving Tom to look around confused and the lights to go down.
Everyone screamed and clapped and cheered at the scene’s end. You let out a few whoops and clapped as the lights were brought back up, Tom and Robert both laughing and waving.
Robert gave a conductors’ signal for the crowd to quiet and everyone settled down. 
“I just wanted to give a big thanks to everyone for coming out tonight,” he began. He gave a quick speech about the circumstances that led to them doing the scene for the party and then turned the floor over to Tom.
“Thank you, thank you! Before I say anything else I first want to call up my girlfriend, wherever she is,” he said, looking around the room. A few people moved and pointed towards you, making it easy for Tom to spot you in the crowd.
“Come on up here, y/n!” he exclaimed. People shuffled around to let you go forward and step up onto the stage. You were confused as to why he wanted you there other than maybe because of your costume.
Tom wrapped an arm over your shoulders before speaking again.
“I need to apologize to my dear y/n tonight,” he started, causing you to give him an equally concerned and confused look. “Y/n, I’m sorry for lying to you about my whereabouts this week. Every time you went to work I came here to rehearse instead of just going to the gym.”
You breathed a sigh of relief and laughed, then smirked.
“Well I guess I should be honest too, then,” you followed, stretching up to say it into Tom’s mic. It was Tom’s turn to look surprised.
“Let’s just say that “find my friends” and snap maps don’t lie...” you trailed, causing the crowd to “ooooh” and Tom to drop his jaw. 
“You knew? Since when!?”
“The first day you came here, you goof. I kept dropping hints all week to see if you’d come clean about it.” 
“So you’re telling me, in front of all these people, that you knew about our surprise? And you never said anything?”
“Well I wouldn’t say I knew for sure, but that was the best case scenario and I figured I’d give you the benefit of the doubt.”
Tom just shook his head incredulously and gave you a squeeze, planting a quick kiss on your head.
“My girlfriend, everyone! The smartest, and maybe sneakiest, girl I know!”
With that the party continued on early into the morning of November first. By the time you were taken back to yours and Tom’s place, you were both still pretty buzzed from all the drinks you’d consumed after Tom finished his little speech. 
Neither of you, however, were all too tired yet.
“So... Marty,” you began as you and Tom walked down the hall to the bedroom.
“I thought you weren’t gonna call me that anymore,” he said with squinted eyes.
“It’s a new day isn’t it?” you replied, sliding his jacket off his shoulders. 
“Well I guess it is, Jennifer.” His voice was husky as he began stripping off your own vest. 
It didn’t take long for you to exhaust yourselves after that.
A/N: Once again, thanks to everyone for reading and following! I know I’m not the most consistent writer but you guys are awesome for sticking around. Hopefully I can get another marriage project chap our by next week :)
permanent tag list: @jackiehollanderr, @one-big-fangirl, @agentnataliahofferson
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cbilluminati · 7 years
IDW has so much great stuff on sale this week, and we have a look at all of it for you. Here’s the IDW Publishing Previews for 1-25-2017.
Back to the Future: Biff to the Future #1 (of 6)
Writer: Bob Gale, Derek Fridolfs Artist: Alan Robinson Cover Artist: Alan Robinson
When Old Biff Tannen travels to the past to give his younger self the Grays Sports Almanac, he opens a lethal Pandora’s Box that drastically changes the course of history. In the BTTF movies, Doc and Marty save the day — but what happens in Biff Tannen’s dystopia before they do? Find out in BIFF TO THE FUTURE, the alternate life story of Biff Tannen detailing his diabolical rise to power, his dangerous relationship with the McFly family and Doc Brown, and his ultimate demise. The apocalypse has got nothing on the kinds of trouble a Tannen can make! Written by BTTF co-creator Bob Gale with Derek Fridolfs (Batman) and illustrated by Alan Robinson (BTTF: Citizen Brown).
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Variant cover by Anthony Marques!
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BATMAN/TMNT Adventures #3 (of 5)
Writer: Matthew K. Manning Artist: Jon Sommariva Cover Artist: Jon Sommariva
A fiendish alliance unfolds behind the scenes, unbeknownst to Batman and the TMNT as they are forced to fight a Poison Ivy-powered Snakeweed!
Bullet points:
New team-ups and classic characters return!
Variant cover by Billy Martin!
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Comic Book History of Comics #3 (of 6)
Writer: Fred Van Lente Artist: Ryan Dunlavey Cover Artist: Ryan Dunlavey
The inspiring, infuriating, and utterly insane story of comics, graphic novels, and manga continues in four-color glory! This issue, the award-winning Action Philosophers team of Fred Van Lente and Ryan Dunlavey bring you ROMANCE, WAR, and CRIME comics galore!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Featuring variant covers with all-new historically inspired comic strips by Van Lente and Dunlavey!
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D4VEocracy #1 (of 4)
Writer: Ryan Ferrier Artist: Valentin Ramon Cover Artist: Valentin Ramon
Ryan Ferrier and Valentin Ramon are back with D4VEOCRACY, the third arc of the acclaimed D4VE series. In the wake of a robo-political assassination, D4VE begins a presidential campaign. A hip new app startup has other plans for the robot society, however, and creates the perfect political rival.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
From the acclaimed creative team of D4VE, D4VE2, and HOT DAMN!
“…this book is funny. Not chuckle-quietly-to-yourself funny, but actual laughing-out-loud-in-public funny.” – IGN
“A sardonic satire of modern society that’s as funny as it is true…a series that will continue to delight.” – Multiversity
“…a fully developed future world that ingeniously blends technological fantasy with the mundane reality of domestic life.” – The AV Club
“D4VE is one of my favourite comics of the year. Very high quality work from Ryan Ferrier and Valentin Ramon!” – Fiona Staples
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G.I. JOE #2
Writer: Aubrey Sitterson Artist: Giannis Milonogiannis Cover Artist: • Aaron Conley
G.I. Joe’s mission in Mongolia gets underway, but the Dreadnoks and Crystal Ball have more allies than the Joes expect. And meanwhile, Lady Jaye and Gung Ho stumble upon a familiar enemy in Greece…
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Part of IDW’s Artist’s Edition Cover Month!
Spinning directly out of the events of IDW’s Revolution event!
Variant cover by Corey Lewis!
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G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #236
Writer: Larry Hama Artist: S L Gallant Cover Artist: S L Gallant
As Cobra Commander continues his scheme to start the Cobra World Order, Destro and Baroness begin to bring their own contingency into play…
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Insufferable: Home Field Advantage #4
Writer: Mark Waid Artist: Peter Krause Cover Artist: Peter Krause
The lives of Nocturnus, Galahad and Meg hang by a thread as the INSUFFERABLE saga comes to a climax! Lives, worlds and relationships will be shattered, and there’s little guarantee that the day will be saved. Fingers crossed!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
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Jack Kirby’s Fantastic Four: Artist’s Edition HC—SPOTLIGHT
Writer: Stan Lee Artist: Jack Kirby Cover Artist: Jack Kirby
Jack Kirby’s Fantastic Four. World-shattering events, cosmic calamities, and Kirby Krackle—does it get any better?
Jack Kirby is the most important creator in the history of comics, and the Fantastic Four is one of his greatest achievements. First published in 1961, the adventures of Mr. Fantastic, the Human Torch, the Invisible Girl and the ever-loving Thing introduced a bold new era in comics. Kirby’s dynamic storytelling, coupled with Stan Lee’s poignant writing style, were unlike anything comic book readers had seen before—it literally ushered in THE MARVEL AGE OF COMICS!
Now, with the cooperation of the Jack Kirby Estate and under license from Marvel Comics, IDW is proud to present the first Jack Kirby Fantastic Four Artist’s Edition! Including Fantastic Four Annual #6, the 48-page groundbreaking story that featured the birth of Franklin Richards! Also presenting issues #82 and #83, guest starring the Inhumans–plus more stories and and a beautiful gallery section of some of Kirby’s most incredible pages, all scanned from the original art!
HC • BW • $Please Inquire • 144 pages • 12” x 17”  • ISBN: 978-1-63140-831-1
Bullet points:
Celebrate the 100th birthday of the King of Comics with IDW Publishing—Artist’s Edition style!
  Jem and the Holograms #23
Writer: Kelly Thompson Artist: Meredith McClaren Cover Artist: Meredith McClaren
THE STINGERS part 5! It all comes down to this! The Misfits latest attempt to ruin Jem & The Holograms comes to fruition, and with Jem and The Holograms performance officially sabotaged will The Misfits have finally succeeded? Or will Jem and The Holograms live to fight—‘er sing!—another day!? Meanwhile, recent events mean The Stingers are shaping up to be not just reasonably friendly adversaries, but potential nemeses. Can Jem and The Holograms really have TWO nemeses?!?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
THE STINGERS arc ends here!
Variant cover by Gisele Lagace!
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Joe Hill: The Graphic Novel Collection
Writers: Joe Hill, Stephen King, Jason Ciaramella, Chris Ryall Artists: Zach Howard, Nelson Dániel, Charles Paul Wilson III, Vic Malhotra Cover Artist: Shane Pierce
New York Times #1 Best Seller Joe Hill is the creative force behind this collection of comic one-shots, short stories and graphic novels that showcase the world-building and bone-chilling talents of the famed Locke & Key creator. This deluxe hardcover includes: Kodiak (2010) with illustrations by Nat Jones, The Cape (2010) and The Cape 1969 (2011) illustrated by Zach Howard, Thumbprint (2013) illustrated by Vic Malhotra, Wraith (2014) with illustrations by Charles Paul Wilson III, plus the short stories “Throttle” (2009) from the Road Rage collection and “By the Silver Water of Lake Champlain” (2012) taken from 2016 Bram Stoker Award Winner Shadow Show: All New Stories in Celebration of Ray Bradbury. Fans of comic books, horror and Hill, take note.
HC • FC • $49.99 • 472 pages • 7” x 11” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-768-0
Bullet points:
Advance solicited for December release!
“Over the course of a decade, Joe Hill has gone from ‘promising new horror writer’ to one of the industry’s most reliably striking, exciting creators.” — V. Club
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Mickey Mouse: Shorts, Season One
Writers: Paul Rudish, Scott Tipton Artist: Paul Rudish Cover Artist: Paul Rudish
Join Mickey, Minnie, and all their pals in a comic adaptation of the celebrated multi-Emmy and Annie Award-winning shorts from Disney Television Animation!
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 132 pages • ISBN: 978-1-63140-814-4
Bullet points:
“It could almost double as an ‘Art of…’ book. Irreverent and fun, it’s capable of making you grin broadly the entire time you’re reading it.” –Multiversity Comics
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Mickey Mouse: Timeless Tales, Vol. 2
Writer: Romano Scarpa, Andrea “Casty” Castellan, Giorgio Cavazzano, Jonathan Gray, David Gerstein, Joe Torcivia Artist: Romano Scarpa, Andrea “Casty” Castellan, Giorgio Cavazzano, Jonathan Gray, David Gerstein, Joe Torcivia Cover Artist: Andrea “Casty” Castellan
“Omigosh!” IDW’s Mickey Mouse issues #7–12 land in a luxurious, limited collectors’ volume… with epic tales by Romano Scarpa and Andrea “Casty” Castellan, featuring the return of Atomo Bleep-Bleep, the quest for “The Chirikawa Necklace,” and the debut of Pegleg Pete’s sinister main squeeze, Trudy Van Tubb! Including archival extras for true Disney Comics aficionados, this extra-thick Mickey tome brings hours of thrills and comics history!
HC • FC • $29.99 • 256 pages • 7.25” x 10” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-801-4
Bullet points:
“A collection of different MICKEY MOUSE comics across various eras of the character that tell you absolutely why he and his comics have stood the test of time.” –Comicsverse
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Micronauts Annual 2017
Writer: Cullen Bunn Artist: Marcelo Ferreira Cover Artist: Marcelo Ferreira
The Micronauts have encountered many strange allies and enemies since they became stranded on Earth, a planet of giants, but perhaps none have been as unexpected as those awaiting them here. As we explore the origins of the various Micronauts, the team encounters a future version of… themselves? Are they friend or foe?
FC • 48 pages • $7.99
Bullet points:
Part of IDW’s 2017 Annual Offensive! Over-sized and action-packed key stories in a deluxe format!
Explore the origins of some of today’s most popular Micronauts characters in this can’t-miss annual!
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Micronauts #9
Writer: Cullen Bunn Artist: Max Dunbar Cover Artist: Max Dunbar
The Micronauts are stranded on a world full of giants, but they may not be as far from home as they thought. Relics from Microspace are all around, and allies–and enemies–from the microscopic universe have found their way to Earth!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
The Micronauts adventures on Earth continue!
Introducing all-new characters into the Micronauts mythos!
Part of IDW’s Artist’s Edition Cover Month!
Variant cover by K. Woodward!
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My Little Pony: Friends Forever #36
Writer: Christina Rice Artist: Tony Fleecs Cover Artist: Tony Fleecs
Rainbow Dash travels to a remote and dangerous location and finds her fellow Wonderbolt, Soarin, is about to undertake a dangerous mission. Will Dash be able to get over her ego help her fellow Pegasus?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Part of IDW’s Artist’s Edition Cover Month!
Variant cover by Low Zi Rong!
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Optimus Prime #3
Writer: John Barber Artist: Kei Zama Cover Artist: Kei Zama
An uneasy peace between Optimus Prime and the newly arrived Junkions is threatened by Soundwave’s discovery within their massive ship…
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Part of IDW’s Artist’s Edition Cover Month!
Variant cover by Joana Lafuente!
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Writers: John Barber, Cullen Bunn Artist: Fico Ossio Cover Artist: Tradd Moore
Explosions rip across the Earth—and all signs of blame point to OPTIMUS PRIME and the TRANSFORMERS! G.I. JOE refuses to go quietly—and they assemble heroes big enough to stop the invaders! ACTION MAN and M.A.S.K. fight for humanity—but where do ROM and the MICRONAUTS stand? Celebrating more than a decade of stories by IDW and HASBRO, this unprecedented event draws everything together—and leaves nothing standing. The REVOLUTION is here—TAKE A STAND! Collects Revolution issues #0–5.
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 152 pages • ISBN: 978-1-63140-816-8
Bullet points:
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Star Trek/Green Lantern Vol 2 #2 (of 6)
Writer: Mike Johnson Artist: Angel Hernandez Cover Artist: Angel Hernandez
STRANGER WORLDS PART TWO! With their power rings running low and no power batteries left to recharge them, the surviving heroes of the Lantern Corps join with Starfleet in the ultimate battle with Sinestro and the resurgent Klingons… until the arrival of an unexpected visitor from the Lanterns’ past changes the game entirely!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Following the blockbuster success of last year’s Star Trek/Green Lantern, DC Entertainment and IDW once again bring you the best team-up in the galaxy!
Part of IDW’s Artist’s Edition Cover Month!
Variant cover by Jen Bartel!
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #66
Writers: Tom Waltz, Kevin Eastman Artist: Sophie Campbell Cover Artist: Sophie Campbell
Alopex is alone, her psyche reeling from Kitsune’s mind control. With Raphael and Nobody searching for her, will Alopex be able to find her way back to the side of good?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Sophie Campbell returns to TMNT for a very special issue!
Part of IDW’s Artist’s Edition Cover Month!
Variant cover by Kevin Eastman!
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WEIRD Love #16
Writers: Richard Hughes, and more Artists: Bob Powell, Ogden Whitney, and more Cover Artist: Bob Powell
If you love your comics weird, then Weird Love is the perfect comic for you! This issue starts with the cover story by Bob Powell, “To Love A Cheat.” There are many more sordid stories this ish, but you demanded that we present another pinko-commie-cold war-comic so read it and weep: “Iron Curtain Romance!”
FC • 48 pages • $4.99
#gallery-0-72 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-72 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 14%; } #gallery-0-72 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-72 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
via IDW Publishing
IDW Publishing Previews for 1-25-2017
IDW has so much great stuff on sale this week, and we have a look at all of it for you.
IDW Publishing Previews for 1-25-2017 IDW has so much great stuff on sale this week, and we have a look at all of it for you.
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aion-rsa · 7 years
IDW Publishing Solicitations for April 2017
IDW Publishing has released solicitation information and images for new comics and products shipping in April 2017. When you’re through checking out these solicitations for new releases, be sure to visit CBR’s Independent Comics forum to discuss these titles and products with fellow readers and fans.
IDW Solicitations – Last Six Months
Product shipping March 2017
Product shipping February 2017
Product shipping January 2017
Product shipping December 2016
Product shipping November 2016
Product shipping October 2016
Star Trek: Boldly Go #7
Mike Johnson (w) • Megan Levens (a) • George Caltsoudas (c)
Part 1 (of 3) of “Murder at Babel”! As the Federation and Romulans convene in the wake of the Borg attack, the precarious peace is threatened by the murder of a key diplomat… and a Starfleet cadet is the prime suspect! Don’t miss this all-new adventure, guest-starring Jaylah from STAR TREK BEYOND, and the cast from the hit STARFLEET ACADEMY series!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Star Trek: Boldly Go #7—Subscription Variant
Mike Johnson (w) • Megan Levens (a) • Gerry Brown (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
A new arc featuring new artist Megan Levens!
Following the events of Star Trek Beyond!
Variant cover by Cryssy Cheung!
Star Trek/Green Lantern Vol 2 #5 (of 6)
Mike Johnson (w) • Angel Hernandez (a & c)
STRANGER WORLDS PART FIVE! The blockbuster event of 2017 continues here as the fight for the future of the Green Lantern Corps erupts! Can Captain Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise stop Sinestro from conquering the planet Oa for himself? Or is it too late to stop the green light of Hal Jordan’s ring from fading forever?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Star Trek/Green Lantern Vol 2 #5 (of 6)—Subscription Variant
Mike Johnson (w) • Angel Hernandez (a) • Hugo Petrus (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Following the blockbuster success of last year’s Star Trek/Green Lantern, DC Entertainment and IDW once again bring you the best team-up in the galaxy!
Variant cover by Chris Mooneyham!
Star Trek: New Visions: The Traveler—CERTIFIED COOL
John Byrne (w & photo-manipulation)
A mysterious Traveler is pursued by a ruthless robotic horde. Or is he? Jim Kirk must answer that question before his ship and crew are lost!
FC • 48 pages • $7.99
24: Legacy—Rules of Engagement #1 (of 5)—SPOTLIGHT
Christopher Farnsworth (w) • Antonio Fuso (a) • Georges Jeanty (c)
The clock has been reset with 24: Legacy, and this limited series will explore the past of its new leading character, Eric Carter, who led the elite squad responsible for killing an infamous terrorist leader and, consequently, forced into hiding. But before he was a national hero and a wanted man, Carter learned the Rules of Engagement in the streets of Iraq and Washington, D.C. hoods.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
24: Legacy—Rules of Engagement #1 (of 5)—Subscription cover
Christopher Farnsworth (w) • Antonio Fuso (a) • Photo (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Based on the new hit iteration of the 24 franchise!
Executive produced by Manny Coto and Evan Katz, writers of the show!
Covers by Georges Jeanty (Serenity)!
Each issue will have a photo cover featuring the cast of the show!
Ask your retailer about the Antonio Fuso (Drive) variant cover!
Written by Christopher Farnsworth, journalist, screenwriter and the author of The President’s Vampire series.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #69
Tom Waltz, Kevin Eastman (w) • Mateus Santolouco (a & c)
“Desperate Measures,” Part 3! Old Hob and the TMNT work together to save the Mutanimals, but Bishop still has some tricks up his sleeve!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #69—Subscription Variant
Tom Waltz, Kevin Eastman (w) • Mateus Santolouco (a) • Kevin Eastman (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
The fate of mutant-kind rests in the balance!
Variant cover buy Nick Roche!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Universe #9
Sophie Campbell, Bobby Curnow & Brahm Revel (w) • Pablo Tunica, Brahm Revel (a) • Freddie Williams II (c)
“Toad Baron’s Ball,” Part 1! Alopex and Nobody are looking for a little rest and relaxation but get more than they ask for when they become the unwilling guests of a never-ending party thrown by the hedonistic Toad Baron!
FC • 32 pages • $4.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Universe #9—Subscription Variant
Sophie Campbell, Bobby Curnow & Brahm Revel (w) • Pablo Tunica, Brahm Revel (a) • Pablo Tunica (c)
FC • 32 pages • $4.99
An important lead-in to a future TMNT ongoing story!
Variant cover by Sophie Campbell!
BATMAN/TMNT Adventures #6 (of 6)
Matthew K. Manning (w) • Jon Sommariva (a & c)
Months after the conclusion to their adventure, Batman and the TMNT discover that the hidden threat has not passed and now Gotham is in danger! A last-ditch effort may be the only thing that saves two worlds!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
BATMAN/TMNT Adventures #6 (of 6)—Subscription Variant
Matthew K. Manning (w) • Jon Sommariva (a) • Valerio Schiti (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Additional issue added by popular demand!
Variant cover by Sean Galloway!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures Vol. 13
Dean Clarrain (w) • Chris Allan (a) • Steve Lavigne (c)
The all-ages action continues in this collection of TMNT Adventures! Collects issues #55-57 of the Archie Comics series and the back-up Mutanimals comics.
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 120 pages • 7” x 10.187”
Relive the fun and adventure of the TMNT you knew as a kid!
Advance solicited for May release!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Eastman and Laird’s Mirage Studios Covers—SPOTLIGHT
Kevin Eastman, Peter Laird (a & c)
The book that classic TMNT fans have been waiting for! All the covers from the earliest days of Mirage Studios in one archival collection, plus pencils/inks/paintings by co-creators Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird, including all the original sketches, behind the scenes insight, and never before seen works made available through the incredible archives of Eastman and Laird! A must-have volume for Turtles fans and collectors.
HC • PC • $39.99 • 200 pages • 8” x 12.5”
A new definitive collection for fans of the Turtles, Peter Laird, and Kevin Eastman!
Advance solicited for June release!
Back to the Future: Biff to the Future #4 (of 6)
Bob Gale, Derek Fridolfs (w) • Alan Robinson (a & c)
“Biff Goes To Washington” — Absolute power corrupts absolutely… and when you’re Biff Tannen, that’s exactly what you want! If money is the root of all evil, then Biff makes like a tree to get his way by any means necessary, leaving the Hill Valley Civic Committee in dire straits — but in their darkest hour, an offer for help comes from an unexpected source.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Back to the Future: Biff to the Future #4 (of 6)—Subscription cover
Bob Gale, Derek Fridolfs (w) • Alan Robinson (a) • Derek Fridolfs (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Variant Cover by Anthony Marques!
Back to the Future #19
Bob Gale, John Barber (w) • Marcelo Ferreira (a & c)
HARD TIME part 1! The secrets of Jailbird Joey threaten Marty and Doc—what did Uncle Joey do in the past that was so bad… and what does that mean for Marty in the present day of 1986? You can bet your bottom dollar that Doc Brown has a theory!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Back to the Future #19—Subscription cover
Bob Gale, John Barber (w) • Marcelo Ferreira (a) • Juan Samu (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Back To the Future: Who Is Marty McFly?—SPOTLIGHT
Bob Gale, John Barber (w) • Emma Vieceli (a & c)
WHO is Marty McFly? That’s what Marty’s asking himself, as it becomes abundantly clear his childhood memories don’t match up with what actually happened in this timeline. How can he and Doc Brown fix things without breaking time itself? Plus, Needles’ story! What made that kid into the troublemaker we all know and despise?
Collects issues #12–17.
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 132 pages
“Having spent pretty much the whole weekend reading all 11 issues of this comic. I am now wanting to have more Back To The Future and the odd conundrum or two for Marty and Doc to solve.” –SciFi Pulse
Advance solicited for May release!
G.I. JOE #5
Aubrey Sitterson (w) • Giannis Milonogiannis (a) • Aaron Conley (c)
MONSTERS! G.I. JOE has fought Cobra, the Dreadnoks and more, but never before have they faced a threat like this: Gigantic, heaving abominations crawling up from the depths of the Earth itself. As teams of Joes struggle to respond to the unpredictable attacks, Scarlett must decide what to do with the enemy in the team’s midst. Plus, the G.I. JOE leader reveals a troubling secret to her second-in-command, Roadblock.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
G.I. JOE #5—Subscription Variant
Aubrey Sitterson (w) • Giannis Milonogiannis (a & c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
G.I. JOE #5—Tom Feister Variant
Aubrey Sitterson (w) • Giannis Milonogiannis (a) • Tom Feister (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
New storyarc!
Variant cover by Tom Neely!
G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #239
Larry Hama (w) • S L Gallant (a & c)
Cobra makes preparations for their next plot… one that even G.I. Joe may not be equipped to stop!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #239—Subscription Variant
Larry Hama (w) • S L Gallant (a) • John Royle (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Micronauts, Vol. 2: Earthbound
Cullen Bunn & Jimmy Johnston (w) • Max Dunbar (a & c)
Search for the Time Travelers! Oz says he knows where they are… but does anybody know what finding the secrets of the Time Travelers will mean for Microspace… and for Earth? Collects issues #6-11 and Micronauts Revolution.
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 152 pages
“A classic franchise getting new life from Cullen Bunn and a very talented crew of artists is something worth celebrating.” –ComicWow!
Advance solicited for May release!
Micronauts: Wrath of Karza #1 (of 5)—SPOTLIGHT
Cullen Bunn & Jimmy Johnston (w) • Andrew Griffith (a) • Alex Ronald (c)
As one universe dies, another is invaded! Microspace — the home of the Micronauts — is collapsing. But Baron Karza has discovered a new universe in which the people of Microspace would thrive, a universe in which he would rule! The first world to be conquered is Earth, and the first enemies to be targeted are the TRANSFORMERS, G.I. JOE, M.A.S.K., and ROM!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Micronauts: Wrath of Karza #1 (of 5)—Subscription variant
Cullen Bunn & Jimmy Johnston (w) • Andrew Griffith (a) • Michael Golden (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Baron Karza invades Earth and the Micronauts will never, ever be the same!
Variant cover by Valentina Pinto, Paul Pope, and Michael Golden!
Revolutionaries #5
John Barber (w) • Fico Ossio (a) • Robert Atkins (c)
M.A.S.K. vs. the ATOMIC MAN! The Revolutionaries uncover the deep, dark secret of Mike Power, the Atomic Man—and enlist the help of M.A.S.K. to bring in the long-lost agent! But there’s more to Power’s story than anyone imagined, in the oddest story of 2017!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Revolutionaries #5—Subscription Variant
John Barber (w) • Fico Ossio (a) • Ron Joseph (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Revolutionaries #5—Subscription Variant
John Barber (w) • Fico Ossio (a & c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Variant cvoer by Pierre Droal!
Revolution: Aw Yeah! #3 (of 5)
Art Baltazar (w & a & c)
THIS IS IT! The confrontations you’ve been waiting for! DESTRO vs ROM! Micronauts vs COBRA! The team-ups you’ve only imagined while playing with your action figures! ACROYEAR and BUMBLEBEE! SPACE GLIDER and SCARLET! Action? Excitement? Yes. This one has it all! Oh, and the evil BARON KARZA, too. By the EISNER AWARD Winning Cartoonist, ART BALTAZAR! Aw Yeah!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Revolution: Aw Yeah! #3—Subscription Variant
Art Baltazar (w & a) • Jay Fosgitt (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Eisner Award winning Cartoonist, Art Baltazar, brings his special brand of Aw-Yeah-someness to the new Hasbro Universe!
Variant cover by Franco!
Rom #10
Chris Ryall & Christos Gage (w) • David Messina (a) • Drew Moss (c)
“Interlude.” In Rom’s time on Earth, he’s affected lives both good and bad. See just how bad in this perfect jumping-on point and prelude to into Rom’s next great storyline, “Long Roads to Ruin!”
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Rom #10—Drew Moss-A Subscription Variant
Chris Ryall & Christos Gage (w) • David Messina (a) • Drew Moss (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Rom #10—Drew Moss-B Subscription Variant
Chris Ryall & Christos Gage (w) • David Messina (a) • Drew Moss (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Rom #10—Drew Moss-C Subscription Variant
Chris Ryall & Christos Gage (w) • David Messina (a) • Drew Moss (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
The return of original series artist David Messina!
Four special covers by artist Drew Moss!
Variant cover by John Stanisci!
Optimus Prime #6
John Barber (w) • Kei Zama (a & c)
“NEW CYBERTRON”—CONCLUSION! As the Junkions reveal their ultimate plan, Optimus Prime makes a decision that will define the relationship between Earth and Cybertron for all time… but will Arcee be able to live with the fallout?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Optimus Prime #6—Subscription Variant
John Barber (w) • Kei Zama (a) • Casey Coller (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Optimus Prime #6—Andrew Griffith Variant
John Barber (w) • Kei Zama (a) • Andrew Griffith (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Variant cover by Jin Kim!
M.A.S.K.: Mobile Armored Strike Kommand #6
Brandon Easton (w) • Juan Samu (a) • Tone Rodriguez (c)
“THE ORIGIN OF V.E.N.O.M.,” part one. As the M.A.S.K. team constructs a new headquarters in Miami, Matt Trakker goes on a solo mission to identify new recruits. Along the way, Trakker crosses paths with Dr. Mindbender who instructs him on the art of leadership and manipulation. But Trakker quickly uncovers Mindbender’s twisted goals and learns the true history of his former teammates who became members of V.E.N.O.M.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
M.A.S.K.: Mobile Armored Strike Kommand #6—Subscription Variant
Brandon Easton (w) • Juan Samu (a) • Alex Milne (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
M.A.S.K.: Mobile Armored Strike Kommand #6—Subscription Variant
Brandon Easton (w) • Juan Samu (a) • Abel Cicero (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
The origins of V.E.N.O.M. revealed!
Variant cover by Marcelo Perez Dalannays!
Transformers: Lost Light #5
James Roberts (w) • Jack Lawrence (a & c)
It’s TEAM RODIMUS versus a universe gone wrong! An alternate Cybertron is being torn apart as the malevolent Functionist Council implement a plan that’s been millions of years in the making. But with victory within their reach, they find themselves up against someone who really shouldn’t exist: MEGATRON.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Transformers: Lost Light #5—Subscription Variant
James Roberts (w) • Jack Lawrence (a) • Nick Roche (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Transformers: Lost Light #5—Alex Milne Variant
James Roberts (w) • Jack Lawrence (a) • Alex Milne (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
The end times are here for the crew of the Lost Light!
Variant cover by Jin Kim!
Transformers: Till All Are One #9
Mairghread Scott (w) • Sara Pitre-Durocher (a & c)
After the costly victory against the Titans, Iacon is in shambles and Starscream finds himself on shakier ground than ever. The key to his political (and likely literal) survival rests in the outcome of a very unlikely event: the trial of the Council’s first official war criminal—Chromia of Caminus!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Transformers: Till All Are One #9—Subscription Variant
Mairghread Scott (w) • Sara Pitre-Durocher (a) • Priscilla Tramontano (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Variant cover by Jin Kim!
Judge Dredd: Blessed Earth #1—SPOTLIGHT
Ulises Fariñas & Erick Freitas (w) • Dan McDaid (a) • Ulises Fariñas (c)
It has been 10 years since the events of Mega-City Zero, and Judge Dredd continues his mission to restore order to a lawless land. The mystery of The Blessed Earth begins to unfold here!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Judge Dredd: Blessed Earth #1—Subscription Variant
Ulises Fariñas & Erick Freitas (w) • Duncan Fegredo (a & c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
The sequel to the critically acclaimed Mega-City Zero storyline begins here!
Variant cover by Duncan Fegredo (Hellboy)!
Highlander: The American Dream #3 (of 5)
Brian Ruckley (w) • Andrea Mutti (a) • Andrew Griffith (c)
The cult-classic film’s triumphant return continues! The American Dream follows Scottish swordsman Connor MacLeod as he clashes with powerful immortals from the American Civil War to 1950s Manhattan on an unstoppable march toward The Gathering, where the last of the immortals will duel to the death. And to the victor goes the Prize… and control over humanity’s destiny.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Highlander: The American Dream #3 (of 5)—Subscription Variant
Brian Ruckley (w) • Andrea Mutti (a) • Claudia Gironi (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
The cult phenomenon returns!
Written by Scottish fantasy novelist Brian Ruckley (The Godless World trilogy)!
Interior art by Andrea Mutti (Rebels)!
Subscription covers by Italian artist Claudia Gironi!
Dungeons & Dragons: Frost Giant’s Fury #5 (of 5)
Jim Zub (w) • Netho Diaz (a) • Max Dunbar (c)
Frost giants and white dragons against our heroes in final battle! Minsc and his friends have been defeated before, but now the fate of north hangs in the balance and they must not fail!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Dungeons & Dragons: Frost Giant’s Fury #5 (of 5)—Subscription Variant
Jim Zub (w) • Netho Diaz (a) • Nelson Daniel (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
This new D&D story ties into the Storm King’s Thunder event that runs across multiple RPG products, novels, and video games.
This series continues with the cast from the hit Legends of Baldur’s Gate and Shadows of the Vampire stories, but is also built as a perfect jumping on point for new readers, bringing them into D&D’s classic blend of sword & sorcery adventure.
Orphan Black: Deviations #2 (of 6)
Heli Kennedy (w) • Wayne Nichols (a) • Cat Staggs (c)
In a world… where Sarah managed to save Beth from taking her own life! With this single twist of fate, the Clone Club comes together in a completely different manner and the mystery of Project LEDA unfolds in new, exiting ways! See all your favorite characters return in an all-new light!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Orphan Black: Deviations #2 (of 6)—Subscription Variant
Heli Kennedy (w) • Wayne Nichols (a) • Fico Ossio (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Find out what happens in a world… where Sarah saved Beth!
Ask your retailer about the papercraft covers!
The X-Files #13
Joe Harris (w) • Andrew Currie (a) • menton3 (c)
“Skinner,” Part 2 (of 2): Assistant Director Walter Skinner finally gets the spotlight! When a face from the past resurfaces, Skinner must confront painful memories of the Vietnam War in his effort to keep a dark secret from being exposed.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
The X-Files #13—Subscription Variant
Joe Harris (w) • Andrew Currie (a) • Photo (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Featuring the long-suffering FBI Assistant Director Walter Skinner!
Guest art by Andrew Currie (Justice League of America)!
Executive produced by The X-Files creator Chris Carter!
Ghostbusters 101 #2
Erik Burnham (w) • Dan Schoening (a & c)
Holtzmann and crew have been minding their own business and busting their own ghosts, when something even stranger starts going on in their neighborhood — and it’s noticeable. Their minds and their city are being subtly altered… but why? It probably has something to do with trouble started in the neighboring parallel dimension of the original Ghostbusters… but they don’t know that yet! The crossover you’ve all demanded continues here!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Ghostbusters 101 #2—Subscription Variant
Erik Burnham (w) • Dan Schoening (a) • Tim Lattie (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Straight outta the 2016 film, the Answer the Call Ghostbusters make their comic book debut! Abby, Patty, Erin and Holtzmann join forces with Winston, Egon, Ray and Venkman for some bombastic ghostbustin’ insanity!
Written and illustrated by the fan-favorite and critically-acclaimed creative team of Erik Burnham, Dan Schoening and Luis Antonio Delgado.
Featuring the second of six-interconnected covers by Schoening and Delgado.
Retailer incentive covers feature photos of the Original and ATF Ghostbusters casts!
Dirk Gently: The Salmon of Doubt #7
Arvind Ethan David (w) • Ilias Kyriazis (a & c)
Sally begins to pierce the mysteries of the Black Wing, as we follow the exploits of not one, not two, but three Dirks! Featuring favorite characters from the original books as well as the cast from the TV series, including Samuel Barnett and Elijah Wood!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Dirk Gently: The Salmon of Doubt #7—Subscription Variant
Arvind Ethan David (w) • Ilias Kyriazis (a) • Photo (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
The star of two (almost three) beloved Douglas Adams novels!
Written by executive producer of the TV series Arvind Ethan David!
Executive produced by Max Landis (Chronicle and Superman: American Alien), the writer of the BBC America TV series!
Each issue will have a photo cover featuring the cast of the show!
Variant cover by Robert Hack!
Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency: The Salmon of Doubt, Vol. 1—SPOTLIGHT
Arvind Ethan David (w) • Ilias Kyriazis (a & c)
Dirk Gently, created by Douglas Adams, and currently the star of his own television series from BBC America returns to comics by the executive producers of the show, Arvind Ethan David and Max Landis.
Plagued by nightmares about a childhood he never had, Dirk returns to Cambridge University to seek the advice of his former tutor, the time-traveling Professor Reg Chronotis. There he discovers that a holistic detective can have more than one past, and his adventures have only just begun. Featuring fan-favorite characters from the original books as well as the cast from the TV series, including Samuel Barnett and Elijah Wood.
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 120 pages
Advance solicited for May release! Collects issues # 1 – 5!
Wynonna Earp, Vol. 2: Legends
Beau Smith, Tim Rozon, Melanie Scrofano (w) • Chris Evenhuis (a & c)
Wynonna Earp, member of the U.S. Marshal’s Black Badge Division, has been through hell and back. It’s time for a vacation. Plus, Wynonna and Doc Holliday have faced off against demons and Revenants, but nothing can prepare them to square off against the infamous Pinkertons. Also includes Waverly Earp’s first appearance in the comics!
Collects issues #7–8 of the Wynonna Earp series and #1–4 of Wynonna Earp: Legends.
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 140 pages
Season 2 of the hit television show premieres in Spring 2017, on SyFy!
Advance solicited for May release!
Walter Simonson’s Thor: The Return of Beta Ray Bill Artist’s Edition HC—SPOTLIGHT
Walter Simonson (w & a & c)
The fate of Earth and Asgard hang in the Balance as Thor, Beta Ray Bill, and tons of guest-stars do battle Surtur and his horde of invading demons!
The second Thor Artist’s Edition by the legendary comics’ creator Walter Simonson! Featuring six complete issues of The Mighty Thor (#349 – 354). As with all Artist’s Editions, each page of art scanned from the original art, in this case, from Simonson’s personal archives. Simonson’s first Thor Artist’s edition won the prestigious Eisner Award and has gone through multiple printings, don’t miss what promises to be an extraordinary book.
HC • BW • $125.00 • 160 pages • 12” x 17”
Advance solicited for June release!
Home Time: Book One—SPOTLIGHT
Campbell Whyte (w & a & c)
The last school bell has rung and it’s finally HOME TIME! Even though they’re twins, Lilly and David don’t agree on much… except that the last summer before high school is the perfect time for relaxing with friends. But their plans for sleepovers, fantasy games, and romance are thrown out the window when the whole gang falls into a river and wakes up in a village of fantastic creatures. Hailed as magical spirits and attacked by lizards, these kids must find their way home — if they don’t throttle each other first. Australian cartoonist Campbell Whyte combines the rich imagination of Dungeons & Dragons with puckishly charming characters and a touch of video-game geometry in his spectacular first graphic novel.
HC • FC • $24.99 • 208 pages • 9” x 9”
Advance solicited for June release!
Nate Powell’s Omnibox: Featuring Swallow Me Whole, Any Empire & You Don’t Say—CERTIFIED COOL
Nate Powell (w & a & c)
Nate Powell has been called “a writer-artist of genius” and “the most prodigiously talented graphic novelist” of his generation. This box contains the reasons why. Swallow Me Whole won the Eisner Award for its portrayal of teen mental illness, Any Empire explores the trickle-down effects of war on young minds, and You Don’t Say collects Powell’s short comics from 2004 up to the debut of the landmark March trilogy. Together, these three volumes represent the first decade of mature work from one of the new giants of cartooning: a creator renowned for his sensitivity, intimacy, and visual courage.
TPBs w/slipcase • B&W • $49.99 • 696 pages • 6.5” x 9.5”
Advance solicited for June release!
Gumballs #2
Erin Nations (w & a & c)
The buzzed-about series returns! In his second issue, Erin’s ready to do some shots… of testosterone, that is, injected weekly for Hormone Replacement Therapy. The result? “I feel like I’m going through menopause and puberty at the same time.” Plus: an all-new assortment of workplace antics, memories of Erin’s triplet childhood, imaginative personal ads, animal observations, and much more!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Gumballs #2—Subscription Variant
Erin Nations (w & a & c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Insufferable: Home Field Advantage
Mark Waid (w) • Peter Krause (a) Nolan Woodard (c)
With their city under siege by an army of supervillains, only Nocturnus and Galahad can save the lives of millions–and they have no resources, no weapons, nothing but one another to depend on! Collects the final arc of the Insufferable saga.
TPB • FC • $17.99 • 100 pages
Advance solicited for May release!
Box Office Poison Color Comics #4
Alex Robinson (w & a & c)
Sherman’s on a date… with a girl whose name he can’t remember! And Ed’s employment situation changes, but will it be for the better? All this in thrilling color!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Winner of the Eisner Award for Talent Deserving Wider Recognition, the International Comics Festival Award for Best Debut Graphic Novel (Angouleme, France), and voted by Wizard Magazine as the best indy graphic novel of all time.
“A salute to comics, an exploration of the human condition, and a solid, absorbing, and riotously snide tale about at least half of the things that make life important.” — Tasha Robinson, The AV Club
Comic Book History of Comics #6 (of 6)
Fred Van Lente (w) • Ryan Dunlavey (a & c)
The inspiring, infuriating, and utterly insane story of comics, graphic novels, and manga continues in four-color glory! This issue, the award-winning Action Philosophers team of Fred Van Lente and Ryan Dunlavey FEED YOUR HEAD with POP and THE TEXAS MAFIA!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Comic Book History of Comics #6 (of 6)—Subscription Variant
Fred Van Lente (w) • Ryan Dunlavey (a & c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Animal Noir #3 (of 4)
Izar Lunacek & Nejc Juren (w) • Izar Lunacek (a & c)
Though still on the trail of the missing prey fantasy flick, Manny Diamond decides to call it a night and return home to his disconnected wife. But how will their night go — and Manny’s case — when a group of hippo mobsters bust in looking for Manny?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Animal Noir #3 (of 4)—Subscription cover
Izar Lunacek & Nejc Juren (w) • Izar Lunacek (a) • Nick Pitarra (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
The Maxx: Maxxed Out, Vol. 3
Sam Kieth (w & a & c)
Sam Kieth’s opus, The Maxx, is collected here in all its freshly-recolored glory. Taking remastered pages from The Maxx: Maxximized, this new volume collects the final 11 issues of the series, #25–35.
TPB • FC • $29.99 • 264 pages
“The way this is laid out and drawn could only be done for this story and only done properly by Sam Kieth.” –Comic Bastards
Advance solicited for May release!
Helena Crash #2 (of 4)
Fabian Rangel, Jr. (w) • Warwick Johnson-Cadwell (a & c)
Helena Crash receives a message from the notorious crime lord known as WHITE DEMON. White Demon wants Helena to track down a rare, hard to find movie for her, on VHS no less. Helena begins her hunt, only to find herself in hot water for her association with White Demon’s chief rival, EL ROJO.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Helena Crash #2 (of 4)—Subscription Variant
Fabian Rangel, Jr. (w) • Warwick Johnson-Cadwell (a) • Alexis Ziritt (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Pour yourself a cup of coffee and get ready for HELENA CRASH!
D4VEocracy #4 (of 4)
Ryan Ferrier (w) • Valentin Ramon (a & c)
FINAL ISSUE! D4VE vs. The World. The fate of robot civilization will be decided. As the clock to extinction ticks, D4VE must make the ultimate sacrifice to save the planet from a renegade, internet incarnate madman. THIS IS THE 3ND.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
D4VEocracy #4 (of 4)—Subscription cover
Ryan Ferrier (w) • Valentin Ramon (a & c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
From the acclaimed creative team of D4VE, D4VE2, and HOT DAMN comes the E4RTH shattering conclusion to the D4VE Trilogy. THIS. IS. IT!
Real Science Adventures #1 (of 6)—SPOTLIGHT
Brian Clevinger (w) • Lo Baker (a) • Scott Wegener (c)
A group of Women Airforce Service Pilots banded together after World War II and became the daring “Flying She-Devils.” Food and fuel are in short supply, but the She-Devils have a plan: take it from Mad Jack, the pirate king of the Pacific. What could go wrong? Also a never-before-seen short featuring THE SPARROW!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Real Science Adventures #1 (of 6)—Subscription Variant
Brian Clevinger (w) • Lo Baker (a) • Veronica Fish (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
From the pages of Atomic Robo, the Flying She-Devils embark on a new daring adventure!
The spinoff story to the online sensation—in print for the first time!
Brutal Nature: Concrete Fury #2 (of 5)
Luciano Saracino (w) • Ariel Olivetti (a & c)
As our hero learns the history of the shapeshifting masks, the evil Thomas Wolf relives his own experience with the powerful artifacts… and makes his nefarious intentions clear!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Brutal Nature: Concrete Fury #2 (of 5)—Subscription Variant
Luciano Saracino (w) • Ariel Olivetti (a & c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
The beautifully painted story continues, featuring art by comics superstar Ariel Olivetti!
Cosmic Scoundrels #3 (of 5)
Andy Suriano & Matt Chapman (w) • Andy Suriano (a & c)
Our two men and a baby narrowly escape being converted by The Sisterhood of the Stained Glass Squadron, Love Savage gets his Bi-Bi-Bebar account hacked, the true owners of Roshambo’s Galactic Gauntlets come to collect (hint: they aren’t Etsy users), plus the “real” Tad and Jacob show up and aren’t happy with what The Cosmic Scoundrels have done with their ship (and here Miss Bills was complaining her boys never come to visit)!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Cosmic Scoundrels #3 (of 5)—Subscription Variant
Andy Suriano & Matt Chapman (w) • Andy Suriano (a) • Alexis Ziritt (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Andy Suriano is an Emmy and Annie Award-winning artist who has worked on such iconic series as Samurai Jack and Star Wars: The Clone Wars!
Matt Chapman is a writer of Disney’s Gravity Falls and the co-creator of Disney XD’s Two More Eggs and Homestar Runner!
Darkness Visible #3
Mike Carey & Arvind Ethan David (w) • Livio Ramondelli (a & c)
When the demons came, humanity reluctantly learned to share the world with another sentient race. Eighty years later, this uneasy co-existence has spawned an endless terrorist conflict. This special issue, with guest artist Livio Ramondelli, reveals just how that compact was forged during the darkest days of World War II.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Darkness Visible #3—Subscription Variant
Mike Carey & Arvind Ethan David (w) • Livio Ramondelli (a) • Dave Kendall (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
From bestselling author and screenwriter Mike Carey (Unwritten, Lucifer, Girl with All the Gifts) and Arvind Ethan David (Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency) comes an all-new, original world of darkness and demons.
Featuring guest art by Livio Ramondelli (Transformers)!
Ask your retailer about the variant cover by Ryan Kelly (Saucer Country)!
Kill Shakespeare – Past is Prologue: Juliet #2 (of 4)
Conor McCreery (w) • Corin Howell (a & c)
Juliet’s quest for vengeance leads her to the most dangerous tavern in Verona. But the cut-throats that make up the Centaur’s clientele may be the least of her worries – as her mother’s murderer is watching her every move. Can Juliet find the ally she needs to stay alive amongst a den of vipers?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Kill Shakespeare – Past is Prologue: Juliet #2 (of 4)—Subscription Variant
Conor McCreery (w) • Corin Howell (a) • Simon Davis (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Night Owl Society #1 (of 3)—SPOTLIGHT
James Venhaus (w) • Pius Bak (a & c)
When David’s only friend at school is killed by the local mob boss, David and his misfit friends take matters into their own hands by sneaking out at night to fight crime and take down the mob without getting killed . . . or grounded.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Night Owl Society #1—Subscription Variant
James Venhaus (w) • Pius Bak (a) • Valentin Ramon (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
An original and exciting new creator-owned series!
Variant cover by Joe Eisma!
The Rocketeer: High-Flying Adventures
John Cassaday, Michael Allred, Kurt Busiek, Mark Waid, Darwyn Cooke, Lowell Francis, Ryan Sook, Joe R. Lansdale, Jonathan Ross, Dave Gibbons, Joe Pruett, John Arcudi, Marc Guggenheim, Peter David, Stan Sakai, Tom Taylor, Paul Dini, Walter Simonson, Dave Lapham, Kyle Baker, Matt Wagner, Louise Simonson, David Mandel, John Byrne (w & a) • Alex Ross (c)
The Rocketeer Adventures continued where Dave Stevens’ original masterpiece left off, creating for the first time new stories involving the ace stunt pilot Cliff Secord. This oversized deluxe edition collects all 24 stories by some of the most talented creators in comics.
HC • FC • $39.99 • 268 pages • 7” x 11”
Advance solicited for June release!
2017 marks the 35th anniversary of The Rocketeer!
Disney announced a sequel-reboot to the beloved 1991 movie at San Diego Comic-Con International 2016!
Pluttark (w & a & c)
An encyclopedia of fun little tidbits about the most popular films! Imagine a list of the best romantic comedies without Hugh Grant! Or a tally of the most improbable fantasy flicks. Or even a ranking of giant movie monsters by size! In Cinegeek, messy, fun, and 100% subjective appreciation of cinema comes into focus for the delight of moviegoers and pop culture fans everywhere!
HC • FC • $14.99 • 96 pages • 7.875” x 10.354”
Are you a geek for films? Then this book is for you!
Advance solicited for June release!
Starstruck: Old Proldiers Never Die #3 (of 6)
Elaine Lee (w) • Michael Kaluta (a & c)
Back at the Sailor’s Grave, Harry and the Galactic Girl Guides try to decipher the recording made by the Sisterhood’s recruiting bot. While viewing the footage, Harry realizes nearly everyone he knows is involved in a plot to… what? He has many of the clues, but they still aren’t adding up. Could a fire on the Vale of Tiers shed a little light on things?
FC • 32 pages • $4.99
Completely new coloring, and 50% new art from Michael Kaluta over the course of the series!
Bo Hampton (w & a & c)
Somewhere in the dark jungles of the Andes mountains lies a Dimensional Bridge which leads to a violent, medieval world ruled by Magic of the Blackest sort! Fortune hunter Tyler Flynn enlists fellow ex-pats Ambrose Bierce and Amelia Earhart in a desperate attempt to break free from the diabolical orbit of… the Lost Planet.
The long awaited fantasy opus/reboot Lost Planet from Author/Artist Bo Hampton is returning in a hardcover edition in glorious, living Black and White! Although The six-issue mini-series from 1984 was printed in color, Hampton’s line art was done on craft-tint Duo Shade board—a long gone tonal process not seen since the heyday of E.C. Comics. The laboriously plotted, and lavishly illustrated, tale draws upon fantasy and classic pulp tropes for inspiration but remains completely unlike anything in comics, before or since.
HC • B&W • $29.99 • 180 pages
First time in Black & White, showcases the Duo-Shade process!
Advance solicited for June release!
Yakuza Demon Killers—SPOTLIGHT
Amit Chauhan (w) • Eli Powell (a & c)
Tokyo harbors a dark secret! When a museum heist goes wrong, a damaged thief named Ochita becomes trapped in the middle of a battle between a horde of demons and the merciless Yakuza. No matter who wins, humanity loses.
TPB • FC • $17.99 • 104 pages
For fans of eastern thrillers and supernatural suspense!
Advance solicited for May release!
Toybox Time Machine: A Catalog of the Coolest Toys Never Made—CERTIFIED COOL
Marty Baumann (w & a & c)
Recapture an innocent era of boundless commercial creativity in a beautifully illustrated tome featuring some of the greatest toys NEVER made (but wouldn’t your world have been a better place if they had been?). A tribute to the unbridled imaginations, madcap design, and illustrative skills of the toy creators who drew inspiration from the robots, movie monsters, comic books, and military men that kids adored, as well as the limitless possibilities of the space age. Showcased in catalogs, comics, trading cards, drug store and department store displays, somehow these geniuses knew what we wanted before we did. Marty Baumann has drawn inspiration from these incredible creators and extrapolated on those outlandish and appealing ideas, developing and illustrating an amazing array of fictional toys that reflect that optimistic era.
HC • FC • $29.99 • 160 pages • 7” x 10.5”
Baumann has worked as an illustrator, graphic artist, and production designer at Pixar Animation Studios and is an award-winning freelance artist and writer with more than 20 years experience in toy, magazine, comic book, newspaper, and illustrated children’s book design.
Advance solicited for June release!
Red Range: A Wild Western Adventure—CERTIFIED COOL
Joe R. Lansdale (w) • Sam Glanzman (a & c)
Set during the 19th century, and combining an unusual mix of racial unrest, odd ball characters, and strange happenings, Red Range is a unique take on “The Western.” During a Klan lynching, a mysterious rider appears, and proves to be a deadly shot! It is the Red Mask, a tough, lethal, black man who wisely keeps his identity concealed, especially while battling his enemies. Through a series of events, the Red Mask continues to thwart the violent and hateful actions of the Klan, while picking up an orphan along the way, and teaching him how to turn his hate into something more positive.
HC • FC • $19.99 • 112 pages
The first release from the It’s Alive imprint!
Lansdale has received the Edgar Award, eight Bram Stoker Awards, the Horror Writers Association Lifetime Achievement Award, the British Fantasy Award, the Grinzani Cavour Prize for Literature, the Herodotus Historical Fiction Award, the Inkpot Award for Contributions to Science Fiction and Fantasy, and many others.
Advance solicited for June release!
Yo-Kai Watch #1—SPOTLIGHT
Eric M. Esquivel (w) • Tina Franscisco (a) • Dono Sanchez Almara (c)
The hit anime, manga and toy sensation from Japan comes to North American comics! Join Nate and his Yo-Kai, Whisper, as they battle against ill-intentioned Yo-Kai causing terrible trouble in their hometown!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Yo-Kai Watch #1—Subscription cover
Eric M. Esquivel (w) • Tina Franscisco (a) • Rob Duenas (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
All-new, full color comic books based on this coming year’s hottest Anime and video game!
Yo-Kai Watch products have sold more than $2 billion in Japan in less than two years. A staggering statistic soon to be repeated here in North America!
Michael Recycle #2 (of 4)
Eleanor Wharton (w) • Alexandra Colombo & Thomas Zahler (a) • Alexandra Colombo (c)
Michael and company head to South America when a landfill fire threatens to destroy the precious surrounding jungle – and a recycling plant not too far away! Will Landfill Jill learn a valuable lesson about recycling and repurposing before it’s too late? Join Michael and his friends in their latest adventure to find out!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Young readers who have enjoyed the Michael Recycle books and their eco-friendly messages can now thrill to more adventures in comic-book form!
Children are becoming more and more aware of the environment around them, and Michael’s green tips help them become responsible at an early age.
Alexandra Colombo’s charming art will captivate readers of all ages.
Jem and the Holograms #26
Kelly Thompson (w) • Gisele Lagace (a) • Jen Bartel (c)
Truly Outrageous Part Three! It all comes down to this oversized final issue! As the Holograms try to come together in paradise, their secrets (and their rivalries) continue to threaten to tear them apart.
FC • 40 pages • $4.99
Jem and the Holograms #26—Subscription Variant
Kelly Thompson (w) • Gisele Lagace (a) • Jenn St-Onge (c)
FC • 40 pages • $4.99
Now that Rio knows the truth about Jem do he and Jerrica have a future? Can this really be the end of Jem and The Holograms?!
Variant cover by Sophie Campbell!
Jem: The Misfits #5
Kelly Thompson (w) • Jenn St-Onge (a) • M. Victoria Robado (c)
OUR SONGS ARE BETTER Part Five! The Misfits Reality Show has been unearthing all of the bands secrets since day one. Jetta’s secret is bigger than all of them, but she’s also better at keeping it. Still, when coming clean might mean saving the day, will Jetta show her true colors and save her band, or just save herself?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Jem: The Misfits #5—Subscription Variant
Kelly Thompson (w) • Jenn St-Onge (a & c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Who will have to strike a bargain to save face?
And what does this mean for the future of The Misfits?!
Misfit’s first ever series of their own!
Variant cover by Jen Bartel!
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #53
James Asmus (w) • Tony Fleecs (a & c)
With the other ponies trapped, it will be up to Twilight Sparkle to uncover the secret agenda of Shadow Lock and put an end to his plan once and for all!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #53—Subscription Variant
James Asmus (w) • Tony Fleecs (a) • Sara Richard (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
The surprising conclusion to an epic tale!
Variant cover by Christine Larsen!
My Little Pony: Friends Forever Omnibus, Vol. 2
Jeremy Whitley, Bobby Curnow, Ted Anderson, Christina Rice (w) • Agnes Garbowska, Brenda Hickey, Jenn Blake, Jay Fosgitt (a) • Jay Fosgitt (c)
Friends Forever celebrates the magic of friendship in these stand-alone tales featuring all of your favorite characters. Share adventures with Princess Luna and Spike, Applejack and Mayor Mare, Twilight Sparkle and Big Mac, Rarity and The Cakes, and many more!
Collects issues #13–24.
TPB • FC • $24.99 • 292 pages • 6” x 9”
Advance solicited for May release!
My Little Pony: Legends of Magic #1—SPOTLIGHT
Jeremy Whitley (w) • Brenda Hickey (a & c)
The origins of cutie marks, friendships, magic and more are available in this new ongoing series devoted to revealing the secret history of Equestria! In this opening story arc, we travel back in time to uncover the secrets of Starswirl the Bearded and his magical friends!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
My Little Pony: Legends of Magic #1—Subscription Variant
Jeremy Whitley (w) • Brenda Hickey (a) • Zachary Sterling (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Ties into new season of My Little Pony!
The magic of My Little Pony continues with a brand-new ongoing series!
From seasoned MLP writer Jeremy Whitley, creator of Princeless, and writer on Marvel’s The Unstoppable Wasp!
Variant cover by Derek Charm!
Angry Birds: Flight School #2 (of 6)
Kari Korhonen (w) • Marco Gervasio & Various (a) • Philip Murphy (c)
Red has moved from his old home back into the village to be closer to his new friends. But after a life of solitude, Red quickly learns that having roommates, in the form of Bomb and Chuck, might be a bit more than he is ready to take on!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Angry Birds: Flight School #2—Subscription cover
Kari Korhonen (w) • Marco Gervasio & Various (a) • Paco Rodriquez (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
All-new comics featuring stories based on the hit movie!
Donald Duck #19
Rodolfo Cimino, Jonathan Gray (w) • Giorgio Cavazzano (a) • Daan Jippes, Ulrich Schroeder (c)
“Kingdom Under the Sea!” Skindiver Donald chases a fish dinner straight into Princess Reginella’s awesome subaquatic world—just in time for duck-smashing deepwater danger!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Donald Duck #19—Subscription Variant
Rodolfo Cimino, Jonathan Gray (w) • Giorgio Cavazzano (a) • Andrea Freccero (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
At last! The great Reginella makes her long-awaited USA Disney Comics debut—and Donald’s love life may never be the same!
It’s a legendary Disney epic by fan favorite Giorgio Cavazzano… in English for the first time ever!
Continues this beloved series’ legacy numbering at #386!
Variant cover by Massimo Fecchi!
Duck Avenger #4
Alessandro Sisti, Jonathan Gray (w) • Corrado Mastantuono, Paolo Mottura (a) • Claudio Sciarrone (c)
“Two!” A mystery hacker is taking down computers all over Duckburg—and One, Donald’s supersmart electronic brain, is slowly turning malevolent!
FC • 72 pages • $6.99
Duck Avenger #4 —Subscription Variant
Alessandro Sisti, Jonathan Gray (w) • Corrado Mastantuono, Paolo Mottura (a) • Marco Gervasio (c)
FC • 72 pages • $6.99
More of the new-to-USA Disney adventure that fans want most—the famous “Duck Avenger New Adventures” (known in Europe as “PKNA”)!
Adapted for our readers by fan favorite Jonathan Gray (Sonic the Hedgehog)!
72 pages of action for just $5.99!
Variant cover by Claudio Sciarrone!
Mickey Mouse #19
Andrea “Casty” Castellan, Thad Komorowski, David Gerstein (w) • Massimo De Vita, Cèsar Ferioli (a) • Andrea Freccero (c)
“The Magnificent Doublejoke,” Part 1! A bizarrely trollish crimefighter turns Mickey’s and Pegleg Pete’s lives upside down! Then it’s Mickey vs. Mortimer in “Early to Bid!”
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Mickey Mouse #19—Subscription Variant
Andrea “Casty” Castellan, Thad Komorowski, David Gerstein (w) • Massimo De Vita, Cèsar Ferioli (a) • Claudio Sciarrone (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Modern Mickey master Andrea “Casty” Castellan brings us a brand-new… hero? Villain? Maybe the amazing Doublejoke is—both!
Continues this beloved series’ legacy numbering at #328!
Variant cover by Marco Mazzarello!
Uncle Scrooge #25
Tormod Løkling, Byron Erickson, Daan Jippes (w) • Arild Midthun, Daan Jippes (a) • Arild Midthun (c)
“The Hansa Hazard!” Scrooge and Donald set sail on the trail of a long-lost Clan McDuck treasure trove—but old enemies Azure Blue and Sharky vow to get there first!
FC • 40 pages • $3.99
Uncle Scrooge #25—Subscription Variant
Tormod Løkling, Byron Erickson, Daan Jippes (w) • Arild Midthun, Daan Jippes (a) • Giorgio Cavazzano (c)
FC • 40 pages • $3.99
Continues this beloved series’ legacy numbering at #429!
Classic Carl Barks bad guys Azure Blue and Sharky return for a new round of piracy and plunder!
Variant cover by Fabrizio Petrossi!
Uncle Scrooge: Tyrant of the Tides
Romano Scarpa, Francesco Artibani, Thad Komorowski, Dick Kinney, Lars Jensen, Corrado Mastantuono (w & a) • Andrea Freccero (c)
Yaarrr, matey! When super sea expert Ludwig Von Drake gets zapped by pirates with a laser ray, it means trouble for Scrooge’s aquatic expedition. But he’s still hot on the trail of the world’s first submarine… till a ferocious giant squid evens the score! Then in “The Golden Birds,” vicious archaeopteryxes are Scrooge’s treasured quarry… while “The Substitute Santa of Strathbungo” reveals the McDucks’ first Christmas in long-ago Scotland! Ho-ho-hoots mon!
Collects IDW’s Uncle Scrooge #20–22.
TPB • FC • $12.99 • 124 pages • 6” x 9”
Advance solicited for May release!
Complete Voodoo, Vol. 3
Ruth Roche, Various (w) • The Iger Shop (a & c)
One of the weirdest, coolest, cheesiest, most bizarre, goriest pre-code comic books printed in its entirety. Voodoo features beyond good taste, sexy Good Girl art, and old school horror art by the master Matt Baker and his associates from the infamous group, the Iger Shop!
HC • FC • $29.99 • 184 pages • 8.5” x 11”
“A lot of fun reading… plenty of gruesome panels… top-notch classic ’50s-era Good Girl Art. Great stuff!” —Rock Shock Pop
Advance solicited for June release!
Haunted Horror #27
Various (w) • Hy Fleishman, King Ward, Ed Goldfarb, Bob Baer (a) • Adolphe Barreaux (c)
The terrifying third and final installment of THE HORRORS OF IT ALL 3-issue special screams to its corruptible close, as THOIA blogger/horror host, Mr. Karswell unleashes another unhealthy dose of Pre-Code plagues upon the unsuspecting comic book world! This one will be the final nail in your coffin!
FC • 32 pages • $4.99
Popeye Classics #57
Bud Sagendorf (w & a & c)
In the first story, Popeye fights a titanic sea battle to bring orchids to hungry jeeps–watch out for the Sea Hag! Plus, an adventure-filled Old West story, “Pot of Gold,” including Wimpy and Swee’pea. Read a delightful Uncle Elmo story and a hilarious O.G. Wotasnozzle comic!
FC • 32 pages • $4.99
Variant cover by Aeron Alfrey!
Popeye Classics, Vol. 10: “Moon Rocket” and more
Bud Sagendorf (w & a & c)
Popeye the One-Eyed Sailor, his sweetie-patootie Olive Oyl, the conniving but lovable Wimpy, the “adorbs” li’l rascal Swe’pea, the villianous Sea Hag and Bluto—they’re all here in these rollicking comics!
Collects issues #45–49.
HC • FC • $29.99 • 168 pages • 8.5” x 11”
Advance solicited for June release!
The Amazing Spider-Man: The Ultimate Newspaper Comics Collection, Volume 4 (1983-1984)
Stan Lee (w) • Fred Kida, Floro Dery (a & c)
The merry Marvel team-up you’ve been waiting for, as Spider-Man crosses paths with the one, the only, the regal Sub-Mariner! Plus shock follows shock as Aunt May turns criminal, Mary Jane Watson finds she has not one but two rivals tugging at Peter’s heartstrings, and Spidey is caught between the mysterious Cerebrum Institute and a fanatical terrorist organization!
HC • PC • $49.99 • 324 pages • 11” x 8.5”
Spider-Man: Homecoming is releasing in the US on July 7, 2017.
“The trouble with a daily serialized story is how long it takes for anything to happen. Thanks to IDW’s continuing collections of notable comic strip runs, that trouble has been eliminated. Here in [each] handy book is two full years of Spidey adventures…It’s a fine addition to the library of any comic strip fan, and sure to be a treat for Spidey, Lee, and Romita connoisseurs.” –Cinema Sentries
Advance solicited for June release!
Complete Chester Gould’s Dick Tracy, Vol. 22
Chester Gould (w & a & c)
Two worlds are in turmoil when the inter-species romance between Junior and Moon Maid heats up.
Can the twinkling of little antennae be too far in the future? Back on Earth, Diet Smith introduces the Two-Way Wrist Television fifty years before the Apple Watch, while Moon Maid turns vigilante and a series of events reveal a mob plot to kill both her and Dick Tracy. The clues eventually lead to Mr. Bribery, who proudly displays his collection of shrunken heads of the people who have crossed him. Volume 22 includes the complete comic strips from April 13, 1964 through December 26, 1965.
HC • B&W • $44.99 • 272 pages • 11” x 8.5”
“It’s time to build new bookshelves to welcome one of America’s singular artistic achievements.” –Art Spiegelman
Advance solicited for June release!
The post IDW Publishing Solicitations for April 2017 appeared first on CBR.com.
0 notes
outright-geekery · 7 years
IDW has so much great stuff on sale this week, and we have a look at all of it for you. Here’s the IDW Publishing Previews for 1-25-2017.
Back to the Future: Biff to the Future #1 (of 6)
Writer: Bob Gale, Derek Fridolfs Artist: Alan Robinson Cover Artist: Alan Robinson
When Old Biff Tannen travels to the past to give his younger self the Grays Sports Almanac, he opens a lethal Pandora’s Box that drastically changes the course of history. In the BTTF movies, Doc and Marty save the day — but what happens in Biff Tannen’s dystopia before they do? Find out in BIFF TO THE FUTURE, the alternate life story of Biff Tannen detailing his diabolical rise to power, his dangerous relationship with the McFly family and Doc Brown, and his ultimate demise. The apocalypse has got nothing on the kinds of trouble a Tannen can make! Written by BTTF co-creator Bob Gale with Derek Fridolfs (Batman) and illustrated by Alan Robinson (BTTF: Citizen Brown).
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Variant cover by Anthony Marques!
#gallery-0-55 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-55 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-55 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-55 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
BATMAN/TMNT Adventures #3 (of 5)
Writer: Matthew K. Manning Artist: Jon Sommariva Cover Artist: Jon Sommariva
A fiendish alliance unfolds behind the scenes, unbeknownst to Batman and the TMNT as they are forced to fight a Poison Ivy-powered Snakeweed!
Bullet points:
New team-ups and classic characters return!
Variant cover by Billy Martin!
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Comic Book History of Comics #3 (of 6)
Writer: Fred Van Lente Artist: Ryan Dunlavey Cover Artist: Ryan Dunlavey
The inspiring, infuriating, and utterly insane story of comics, graphic novels, and manga continues in four-color glory! This issue, the award-winning Action Philosophers team of Fred Van Lente and Ryan Dunlavey bring you ROMANCE, WAR, and CRIME comics galore!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Featuring variant covers with all-new historically inspired comic strips by Van Lente and Dunlavey!
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D4VEocracy #1 (of 4)
Writer: Ryan Ferrier Artist: Valentin Ramon Cover Artist: Valentin Ramon
Ryan Ferrier and Valentin Ramon are back with D4VEOCRACY, the third arc of the acclaimed D4VE series. In the wake of a robo-political assassination, D4VE begins a presidential campaign. A hip new app startup has other plans for the robot society, however, and creates the perfect political rival.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
From the acclaimed creative team of D4VE, D4VE2, and HOT DAMN!
“…this book is funny. Not chuckle-quietly-to-yourself funny, but actual laughing-out-loud-in-public funny.” – IGN
“A sardonic satire of modern society that’s as funny as it is true…a series that will continue to delight.” – Multiversity
“…a fully developed future world that ingeniously blends technological fantasy with the mundane reality of domestic life.” – The AV Club
“D4VE is one of my favourite comics of the year. Very high quality work from Ryan Ferrier and Valentin Ramon!” – Fiona Staples
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G.I. JOE #2
Writer: Aubrey Sitterson Artist: Giannis Milonogiannis Cover Artist: • Aaron Conley
G.I. Joe’s mission in Mongolia gets underway, but the Dreadnoks and Crystal Ball have more allies than the Joes expect. And meanwhile, Lady Jaye and Gung Ho stumble upon a familiar enemy in Greece…
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Part of IDW’s Artist’s Edition Cover Month!
Spinning directly out of the events of IDW’s Revolution event!
Variant cover by Corey Lewis!
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G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #236
Writer: Larry Hama Artist: S L Gallant Cover Artist: S L Gallant
As Cobra Commander continues his scheme to start the Cobra World Order, Destro and Baroness begin to bring their own contingency into play…
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Insufferable: Home Field Advantage #4
Writer: Mark Waid Artist: Peter Krause Cover Artist: Peter Krause
The lives of Nocturnus, Galahad and Meg hang by a thread as the INSUFFERABLE saga comes to a climax! Lives, worlds and relationships will be shattered, and there’s little guarantee that the day will be saved. Fingers crossed!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
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Jack Kirby’s Fantastic Four: Artist’s Edition HC—SPOTLIGHT
Writer: Stan Lee Artist: Jack Kirby Cover Artist: Jack Kirby
Jack Kirby’s Fantastic Four. World-shattering events, cosmic calamities, and Kirby Krackle—does it get any better?
Jack Kirby is the most important creator in the history of comics, and the Fantastic Four is one of his greatest achievements. First published in 1961, the adventures of Mr. Fantastic, the Human Torch, the Invisible Girl and the ever-loving Thing introduced a bold new era in comics. Kirby’s dynamic storytelling, coupled with Stan Lee’s poignant writing style, were unlike anything comic book readers had seen before—it literally ushered in THE MARVEL AGE OF COMICS!
Now, with the cooperation of the Jack Kirby Estate and under license from Marvel Comics, IDW is proud to present the first Jack Kirby Fantastic Four Artist’s Edition! Including Fantastic Four Annual #6, the 48-page groundbreaking story that featured the birth of Franklin Richards! Also presenting issues #82 and #83, guest starring the Inhumans–plus more stories and and a beautiful gallery section of some of Kirby’s most incredible pages, all scanned from the original art!
HC • BW • $Please Inquire • 144 pages • 12” x 17”  • ISBN: 978-1-63140-831-1
Bullet points:
Celebrate the 100th birthday of the King of Comics with IDW Publishing—Artist’s Edition style!
  Jem and the Holograms #23
Writer: Kelly Thompson Artist: Meredith McClaren Cover Artist: Meredith McClaren
THE STINGERS part 5! It all comes down to this! The Misfits latest attempt to ruin Jem & The Holograms comes to fruition, and with Jem and The Holograms performance officially sabotaged will The Misfits have finally succeeded? Or will Jem and The Holograms live to fight—‘er sing!—another day!? Meanwhile, recent events mean The Stingers are shaping up to be not just reasonably friendly adversaries, but potential nemeses. Can Jem and The Holograms really have TWO nemeses?!?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
THE STINGERS arc ends here!
Variant cover by Gisele Lagace!
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Joe Hill: The Graphic Novel Collection
Writers: Joe Hill, Stephen King, Jason Ciaramella, Chris Ryall Artists: Zach Howard, Nelson Dániel, Charles Paul Wilson III, Vic Malhotra Cover Artist: Shane Pierce
New York Times #1 Best Seller Joe Hill is the creative force behind this collection of comic one-shots, short stories and graphic novels that showcase the world-building and bone-chilling talents of the famed Locke & Key creator. This deluxe hardcover includes: Kodiak (2010) with illustrations by Nat Jones, The Cape (2010) and The Cape 1969 (2011) illustrated by Zach Howard, Thumbprint (2013) illustrated by Vic Malhotra, Wraith (2014) with illustrations by Charles Paul Wilson III, plus the short stories “Throttle” (2009) from the Road Rage collection and “By the Silver Water of Lake Champlain” (2012) taken from 2016 Bram Stoker Award Winner Shadow Show: All New Stories in Celebration of Ray Bradbury. Fans of comic books, horror and Hill, take note.
HC • FC • $49.99 • 472 pages • 7” x 11” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-768-0
Bullet points:
Advance solicited for December release!
“Over the course of a decade, Joe Hill has gone from ‘promising new horror writer’ to one of the industry’s most reliably striking, exciting creators.” — V. Club
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Mickey Mouse: Shorts, Season One
Writers: Paul Rudish, Scott Tipton Artist: Paul Rudish Cover Artist: Paul Rudish
Join Mickey, Minnie, and all their pals in a comic adaptation of the celebrated multi-Emmy and Annie Award-winning shorts from Disney Television Animation!
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 132 pages • ISBN: 978-1-63140-814-4
Bullet points:
“It could almost double as an ‘Art of…’ book. Irreverent and fun, it’s capable of making you grin broadly the entire time you’re reading it.” –Multiversity Comics
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Mickey Mouse: Timeless Tales, Vol. 2
Writer: Romano Scarpa, Andrea “Casty” Castellan, Giorgio Cavazzano, Jonathan Gray, David Gerstein, Joe Torcivia Artist: Romano Scarpa, Andrea “Casty” Castellan, Giorgio Cavazzano, Jonathan Gray, David Gerstein, Joe Torcivia Cover Artist: Andrea “Casty” Castellan
“Omigosh!” IDW’s Mickey Mouse issues #7–12 land in a luxurious, limited collectors’ volume… with epic tales by Romano Scarpa and Andrea “Casty” Castellan, featuring the return of Atomo Bleep-Bleep, the quest for “The Chirikawa Necklace,” and the debut of Pegleg Pete’s sinister main squeeze, Trudy Van Tubb! Including archival extras for true Disney Comics aficionados, this extra-thick Mickey tome brings hours of thrills and comics history!
HC • FC • $29.99 • 256 pages • 7.25” x 10” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-801-4
Bullet points:
“A collection of different MICKEY MOUSE comics across various eras of the character that tell you absolutely why he and his comics have stood the test of time.” –Comicsverse
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Micronauts Annual 2017
Writer: Cullen Bunn Artist: Marcelo Ferreira Cover Artist: Marcelo Ferreira
The Micronauts have encountered many strange allies and enemies since they became stranded on Earth, a planet of giants, but perhaps none have been as unexpected as those awaiting them here. As we explore the origins of the various Micronauts, the team encounters a future version of… themselves? Are they friend or foe?
FC • 48 pages • $7.99
Bullet points:
Part of IDW’s 2017 Annual Offensive! Over-sized and action-packed key stories in a deluxe format!
Explore the origins of some of today’s most popular Micronauts characters in this can’t-miss annual!
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Micronauts #9
Writer: Cullen Bunn Artist: Max Dunbar Cover Artist: Max Dunbar
The Micronauts are stranded on a world full of giants, but they may not be as far from home as they thought. Relics from Microspace are all around, and allies–and enemies–from the microscopic universe have found their way to Earth!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
The Micronauts adventures on Earth continue!
Introducing all-new characters into the Micronauts mythos!
Part of IDW’s Artist’s Edition Cover Month!
Variant cover by K. Woodward!
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My Little Pony: Friends Forever #36
Writer: Christina Rice Artist: Tony Fleecs Cover Artist: Tony Fleecs
Rainbow Dash travels to a remote and dangerous location and finds her fellow Wonderbolt, Soarin, is about to undertake a dangerous mission. Will Dash be able to get over her ego help her fellow Pegasus?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Part of IDW’s Artist’s Edition Cover Month!
Variant cover by Low Zi Rong!
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Optimus Prime #3
Writer: John Barber Artist: Kei Zama Cover Artist: Kei Zama
An uneasy peace between Optimus Prime and the newly arrived Junkions is threatened by Soundwave’s discovery within their massive ship…
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Part of IDW’s Artist’s Edition Cover Month!
Variant cover by Joana Lafuente!
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Writers: John Barber, Cullen Bunn Artist: Fico Ossio Cover Artist: Tradd Moore
Explosions rip across the Earth—and all signs of blame point to OPTIMUS PRIME and the TRANSFORMERS! G.I. JOE refuses to go quietly—and they assemble heroes big enough to stop the invaders! ACTION MAN and M.A.S.K. fight for humanity—but where do ROM and the MICRONAUTS stand? Celebrating more than a decade of stories by IDW and HASBRO, this unprecedented event draws everything together—and leaves nothing standing. The REVOLUTION is here—TAKE A STAND! Collects Revolution issues #0–5.
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 152 pages • ISBN: 978-1-63140-816-8
Bullet points:
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Star Trek/Green Lantern Vol 2 #2 (of 6)
Writer: Mike Johnson Artist: Angel Hernandez Cover Artist: Angel Hernandez
STRANGER WORLDS PART TWO! With their power rings running low and no power batteries left to recharge them, the surviving heroes of the Lantern Corps join with Starfleet in the ultimate battle with Sinestro and the resurgent Klingons… until the arrival of an unexpected visitor from the Lanterns’ past changes the game entirely!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Following the blockbuster success of last year’s Star Trek/Green Lantern, DC Entertainment and IDW once again bring you the best team-up in the galaxy!
Part of IDW’s Artist’s Edition Cover Month!
Variant cover by Jen Bartel!
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #66
Writers: Tom Waltz, Kevin Eastman Artist: Sophie Campbell Cover Artist: Sophie Campbell
Alopex is alone, her psyche reeling from Kitsune’s mind control. With Raphael and Nobody searching for her, will Alopex be able to find her way back to the side of good?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Sophie Campbell returns to TMNT for a very special issue!
Part of IDW’s Artist’s Edition Cover Month!
Variant cover by Kevin Eastman!
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WEIRD Love #16
Writers: Richard Hughes, and more Artists: Bob Powell, Ogden Whitney, and more Cover Artist: Bob Powell
If you love your comics weird, then Weird Love is the perfect comic for you! This issue starts with the cover story by Bob Powell, “To Love A Cheat.” There are many more sordid stories this ish, but you demanded that we present another pinko-commie-cold war-comic so read it and weep: “Iron Curtain Romance!”
FC • 48 pages • $4.99
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via IDW Publishing
IDW Publishing Previews for 1-25-2017 IDW has so much great stuff on sale this week, and we have a look at all of it for you.
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80s4life · 3 years
The Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing
Word Count: 4,438
Status: Not Requested
Fandom: Back To The Future 1985
Relationship: Biff Tannen x Female Reader
Summary: As time is altered for a total of 2 weeks (I extended it slightly), you and Marty struggle to get his parents under control, having problem after the next. But, when an unexpected solution occurs, you find yourself willingly okay with it, soon finding the exact reason as to why.
Warnings: language, fluff, Biff being a dick, slight angst, cute Biff
Masterlist Back To The Future Masterlist
Prompts: (from this list @youneedsomeprompts​)
Y/C/S= Your Choice of Sport/ Your Chosen Sport (you don’t have to honestly play one, just choose one you like or one that comes to mind)
{gif and prompts are not mine, gif credits go to @backtothefuturemovies and credits were given above for prompts!}
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No one ever said time travel was fun. No one ever said the job was easy. And no one sure as hell told you the consequences that come with it. Well, at least not before you, and your best friend, Marty McFly, had gone dead-on through a barn, sacred a neighboring family of ‘alien invasion,’ run into younger McFly parents, and altered time just enough to fuck you over for a few days.
I mean, who would’ve guessed right? Your mom just so happens to be romantically interested in you, their child. Well, that was at least in Marty’s case. For you, you had just managed to run into the biggest dickhead of the century, Biff Tannen. Or so you thought?
Making your way out of bed, you automatically go to where Marty was sleeping in the garage, waking him along with Doc up. The go-to plan for the day was to go undercover as usual students in the 50′s, secretly following Marty’s parents around, finding out where they lie in this part of time, and try to find ways into manipulating them together once more in time for Marty and you to get back home. Easy enough, right?
Groaning, Marty goes to slap your hands away weakly, mumbling something along the lines of ‘Just a few more minutes.’ You giggle slapping his hands back in an attempt to wake him up cheerily. Mornings weren’t really your forte either, so any upbeat wake-up is better than a pissy, tired, horrible morning. 
Doc, on the other hand, was happy to return the affection, getting out of bed to give a quick hug and kiss to the forehead. Then he makes his way over to the bed, going to tickle Marty’s feet as you go to tickle his sides. Finally, in a fit of laughter, Marty gets up and goes straight for the bathroom. You were going to argue him, having to use the bathroom first, but decide to just leave it be, heading for the makeshift kitchen instead.
You smile fondly as Doc and Marty play around a while later, wrestling about, cracking jokes. It was only just a few hours ago that you and Marty had witnessed the untimely death of the currently very lively man in the house. Witnessing the blood loss, the machine gun in action, and the bullets that whizzed pass with only one malicious intent: to kill. But he’s here now; he’s safe and sound, having many years until that date will arrive.
With the freshly cooked smell of eggs, toast, and pancakes, the boys straighten up, Doc clearing his throat in an attempt to organize himself, and Marty leaving his shirt ruffled as he follows the smell of deliciousness. You giggle as both men of different ages act exactly the same, piling their plates high and digging in, giving thanks through mouthfuls.
After breakfast had finished, you and Marty made your way to the school, not wanting to be late, and, quite frankly, not wanting to miss a second in the disaster we’re in, wanting to fix it as soon as possible. Upon entering, the building erupts in laughter, tears, screaming, perfume, cologne, aftershave, and lots and lots of both testosterone and estrogen. Fucking high school, you smile.
Going to “your locker” right besides “Marty’s,” you both place the books and supplies that are unneeded inside it and take only the things you need for the first two classes, somehow having those together. As Marty catches glimpse of his father, George McFly, he winks at you, moving to catch up to him. Rolling your eyes playfully, you turn back towards your locker, just barely missing a group of young men some ways down the hallway, locking eyes with a particularly taller man, towering almost everyone in the halls.
You pay no mind, however, being blindsided by three girls your age. Instantly, you recognize the one right in front as Lorraine, Marty’s mother. Smiling nervously, your cheeks tint only a little, being unprepared to see her so quickly, not yet having a plan made up on how you could help tackle the situation with Marty.
“Hiya! I’ve never seen you before, are you new here? I’m Lorraine Baines, and you are?” she asks cheerfully, her books clasped tightly to her chest.
Taking an obnoxiously long time staring dumbfounded, you finally realize you haven’t spoken, quickly recovering with newfound purpose and confidence, “Ah, yes! I am new here! Sorry, I’m just trying to get used to this place a tiny bit. I’m Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Well that’s quite alright, you can come with us!” she says once more in a cheery tone, taking you by the arm and lacing her arm around yours, locked elbows. You smiled, knowing exactly where Marty’s cheerful and people-person nature had come from. Walking down the halls, she had asked for my schedule, checking classes to see what we had together, “English, History, and Agriculture- Hey! You should try out for cheer leading!” 
Shaking your head lightly, “Nah, I’m more of a Y/C/S myself to be frank.”
“But...We don’t have that sport here? There are no girls sports at all actually...” Lorraine says confused. You go to cover it up, choosing to say it was a sport you play for fun at home, in the backyard. However, a beefy arm separates you momentarily from her, as the owner of the harm moves to pin her to the lockers.
You were going to walk away, figuring it was some sort of make-out session in the works, but upon looking at her before going, you notice that the man was absurdly unwanted. 
“Get your meathooks off me Biff!” she screams at the man, his huge form towering her much smaller one. Not taking the message, the pair continue to squabble, neither of them being successful in winning. The warning bell sounds over the halls and classrooms, alarming kids to get their asses moving, but it seems whoever this dick is, he feels he is greater than the school, and god forbid, knowledge.
“Hey, you do realize your not making a damn bit a difference, right? She’s not interested! And, quite frankly, it seems as if no one does! Now, if you don’t mind, could you please be kind enough to unhand her as some of us treasure a piece of mind and how to take a hint?” you finish, quite ticked off as the last bell warns, cursing under your breath as you already know your in for detention on the first day.
It finally seems that he’d caught a grip, thankfully, letting go of Lorraine’s arm and she quickly scurries out of his proximity, taking your hand to lead you to the class you both needed to be in. As you go to walk in, you are stopped by the teacher, scolding both you and Lorraine. Looking at her regrettably, she smiles defeated. So you decide to do what’s right, take the fall.
“I’m sorry sir, I didn’t know where to go as I was trying to find where all of my classes were before I ended up lost every time classes switch. I caught up to Lorraine here at some point, and as she was hurrying to this class, she was kind enough to show me where I needed to be,” you finish, sighing guiltily.
“Well, as you’ve taken acknowledgment to your mistake, then you’d be just as happy with detention. After school, on Friday, as the first week is extremely busy. As for you, Miss Baines, thank you for your help. You are off the hook for now,” the older gentleman finishes, nodding to each of you personally before turning around and beginning just one of the classes you’d have today. This is going to be fun!
Finally, after grueling hours of just a few of your classes, lunchtime had came round, giving you a slight break. Catching sight of Lorraine, you smile and wave, going in the direction of Marty, or Calvin Klein, as you’d heard Lorraine go on and on about. You’d known it was him the second she’d said it, the brand not yet known to man yet; or at least in this timeline, it wasn’t.
As time had went on, it was only natural for the peace to be broken, as a newly familiar face was starting to appear more and more, Biff Tannen, as you’d known his name by now. But, instead of heading towards Lorraine, he makes his way over to the table you were residing with George and Marty, sitting himself right beside you. 
At first, you were trying to ignore him, knowing his presence was there, but keeping your eyes trained on either Marty or George, eyes dancing between the two. Biff, being the everlasting child he was, tried to catch you attention, trying stupid ass things after the other: kicking your shins, pulling your ears of hair, flicking your head, and even trying to tug on the 50′s style dress you’d been forced to wear to play your part. 
Only when he goes to tug your hair once more is when you finally snap, turning a furious glare to the hulking figure beside you, shoving his shoulder in a feeble attempt to create distance. He giggles at this, his body not moving an inch at all. “You can’t be serious right now! You don’t know when to quit it, do you?!” you scream, fed up with his shit.
“Well, if you’d give me the human decency of turning your head when I’m trying to talk to you, then I wouldn’t have to pester you, now would I?” he asks in a teasing tone, no doubt taunting you, but all you do is stare him down, getting lost in a staring contest, daring him to say something again. “Alls I wanted to say was that we have detention together. Just thought I’d let you know since you got me in all that trouble this morning.”  
“Why you-!” And with that, he gets up with a shit-eating grin plastered to his face, prancing out of view and back to the table he and his gang usually sit. Watching the whole interaction, George smirks at Marty, the pair giving an unspoken mutual agreement to whatever they had both caught on to, bursting into fits of laughter moments later. 
“You have a longer tolerance than I do, I-I-I’ll tell you that much,” George says, his usual slight stutter back in place, Marty laughing once more. As George joins in again, you couldn’t fight it either, giving into the childish antics.
To say your week had gotten any better than the first day was a lie. It hadn’t gotten any better, and your meetings with Biff at lunch had only gotten all the more common and all the more infuriating. He’d made it his duty to agitate you in any ways possible, even resulting in whispering something nagging in your ear when you weren’t paying attention, usually doing something in your locker.
Either way, he was on the countdown to Friday, it being constantly on his mind, mentally counting down the days, hours, minutes, and even seconds until the two of you were locked in a room alone.
Unfortunately, that day had seemed to come way faster than you’d like, Friday rolling around quite quickly. School had finished, and you were making your way to the front office, awaiting a tiring 2 hours with only yourself and Biff as company for the time being. You hadn’t known where the room was, and instead of spending time looking for it, you gave up and looked for the office instead, the nice front desk lady leading you where you needed to go.
Upon entering the room, there was Biff in his prime, casually spread across his chair, legs crossed atop his desk nearest the windows. Sighing, you ignore him, deciding to sit on the opposite side of him, the front desk lady giving you a sympathetic smile before she closes the door behind her. You look at the wall, head turned away from him like the plague.
You knew it’d only last so long until he’d speak, the time coming way faster than you pleased. Given it was Friday, you couldn’t even do homework or even study in order to block him out as he started to blabber, running his mouth over stupid shit once more. Inhaling through your nose, and exhaling through your mouth slowly, you straighten in your seat, hands clutching the desk so tight, your fists turned white. 
“Biff, Sweetheart, Baby, Doll Face, Hun. Please. PLEASE. Shut up for five god damn seconds. I know you truly have nothing to say, so why do you insist on speaking so much?” you finally say, hands prying off the desk to turn in his direction exasperated. 
“Well, if you’d just talk to me, Shortcake, I wouldn’t have much to say at random,” he answers, copying your actions and posture. With this change in childish demeanor, you give in, laughing at him in an unexpected rush, running your hands through your hair tiredly. 
Although you hadn’t seen it, he’d smiled in satisfaction upon seeing you laugh, the glitter in your eyes much more captivating than it ever was when he looked at Lorraine. He hadn’t barely pestered her since you’d barreled into his life. It was weird, but he welcomed it with open arms. And for the first time, he learned what it was like to have an actual, clammy-handed, closed throat, warm, cheek-tinted, teenage crush. A crush that left his heartbeat loud and fast, breathing ragged and uneven, and his behavior out of character and out of his control. Lorraine was way under whatever level he’d placed you on, holding you up on a pedestal like you were the sun or sky.
Of course, you hadn’t taken notice to his antics, just thinking he was annoying. Just Biff being his notorious self. But, as you finally calm your breathing down, the giggles fading, you decide to give him a chance, knowing that sitting in silence is just going bore you. Smiling warmly, you say, “So what do you want to talk about then?” 
Grabbing your bag, you get out of your seat, giggling at a story Biff had told you. He follows your lead as well, getting his own as he lets out a bark of laughter at a certain part. You guys looked like idiots as you shoved each other down the halls, making your way out of the school as your detention had came to a close. Sighing as the warm sun radiated on your skin with the light, spring breeze, you stretch out any kinks the classroom chairs and desks had left. Biff watched you intently, your small body easily swallowed by his shadow beside you.
The sun was setting and it was getting late, although you weren’t concerned. The boys knew you wouldn’t be home ‘til late due to the detention you had initially despised. Now, you and Biff were side by side, walking peacefully to his car in the school’s parking lot. For once, he was quiet, great company to have. It was something else for sure, but you enjoyed it. As you came up towards Doc’s place, you’d realized that Biff had drove you home like a gentleman, too lost in the conversation to notice earlier on. 
Sheepishly, you itch the back of your neck, realizing your mistake and feeling guilty for making him walk all this way to now have to walk all the way home. “Ah- Sorry...I didn’t realize I’d dragged you all the way out here. Now you have to drive all the way back.”
“It’s no problem, really. I liked it. It’s nice to talk to someone other than the guys every now and then. And to have A female speak to me instead of screaming,” he answers, now being the one who is a bit shy.
“You do know that you bring that on yourself right?” you say teasingly, now leaning your head on your hands, propped up on the passenger side door. “Not every girl would want to kick you in the groin if you showed a little more respect, “ you finish off with a smile.
“Yeah...Yeah I know. I’ll try harder, I swear.”
“That’s all I ask,” you say with a wink, drumming your hands on the door as you take a step back, waving as you start walking down Doc’s driveway.
“Hey!” Biff calls from the car, stopping you in your tracks to turn around, facing him with a smile. “Uhm- Well- The Enchantment Under the Sea Dance is coming up next week...Would you mind being my date?” he asks, stuttering as he feels his cheeks heat up, nervous as hell.
“I’d love to!” you answer, turning back around to walk into the house. Biff does a little fist bump as he puts the car back in gear, excited for what is to come.
Marty was a little less than amused with this newfound knowledge once entering the door and going over the events of the day. It was only when Doc had suggested that the date with Biff would keep him away from Lorraine, giving George the freeway to attract her long enough for their True Love’s Kiss. Then, and only then, did Marty give the okay, shaking his head, but liking the fact that it’ll give George some time, being the nerd that you know and love.
///Enchantment Under the Sea Dance///
Checking yourself over in the mirror for the final time, you let out a nervous yet satisfied sigh, feeling like an absolute princess. You never minded dresses too much, although you couldn’t deny the fact that normal pair of shorts, jeans, or even leggings were your first choice. All that mattered was that you liked the dress you were wearing, it fit you; it was your favorite color, length, and strap(less) type to hold everything in.
Walking out, you grab the pair of heels to match, knowing that you couldn’t get away with sneakers in this generation, painfully grimacing at the reminder. Finally standing, you recount when you had gotten the dress just a few days ago, having gone with Lorraine and the her two friends, Babs and Betty. They were very endearing and supportive the whole time, you not having to worry about being “to picky” as they were just the same. You ended up loving the dress given that you’d taken the time without pressure.
As you walked into the main room of the garage, you heard a low whistle of Marty, Doc slapping him on the back of the head for it. Giggling, you curtsy and spin in the dress. Doc, the gentleman he always was, compliments you, “You look amazing, my dear. Let’s hope this boy deserves it, hmm?” 
As an answer, you hug him tightly, knowing that, by the end of the night, he will be nothing but a dead man at home, in a lonely, dark parking lot. Your eyes tear up just at the mere thought of it, clutching him tighter. Marty seems to be on the same wavelength, going to interrupt the moment with great urgency, trying to pass him a piece of paper.
“Marty, if this has anything that involves my future, do not. And I repeat, DO NOT try to hand it to me. Whatever happens, happens young man. That’s how the world works,” he says in a warning tone. You wanted to disagree, but you knew the truth that was laced beneath it, as if it was a punishment. You whimper instead, pulling him in tighter; Marty looking down in defeat, soon switching to anger. In the midst of it, he storms out of the garage, getting in the car to go pick up who you’d hope was Lorraine for the dance.
“Just let him go...” you start, sadness evident, “He’s just not very happy with the outcome of what the future has in store for you. Quite frankly, neither am I.”
“I’m sure whatever the outcome is, that I wanted to go with it, dear. I assure you, I’m fine,” Doc answers in a consoling tone, wiping the tears that had slipped from your eyes. You knew it was just a mask, no one wants death, but you knew he needed to go no matter how much you hated it. So you nod, not having to say much more as a honk sounds from outside.
“That’s Biff...” 
“Have a great time! Make sure the McFlys kiss!” Doc screams, following out of the garage, scolding Biff from behind you.
“Yes sir!” you scream back, saluting him as you take a seat in the passenger.
“You look beautiful Y/N,” Biff says after a while, finally working up the courage to speak.
“Thank you Biff. And you look handsome yourself,” you giggle, the car pulling into the lot. 
He shuts the engine, grabbing his keys from the ignition and closing the door, making his way around to you as you let yourself out to straighten yourself out. He takes your hand as he leads you to the entrance of the dance, you sighing in relief as you catch a glimpse of Marty pulling up in a car with Lorraine. Finally, you relax, grasping on Biff a little lighter and with more meaning now as you have the night to yourselves. He smiles down at you as you wrap your arm within his, something Lorraine does with you quite often.
With the party in full blast, you let loose with the music, dancing and joking around with Biff. At some point, however, he says he needs a drink and will be right back. Although, he doesn’t seem to actually come back. You’d thought you’d seen him spiking the punch just as few moments ago.
Just as you were going to in the direction of the hallways to the rest of the school, you notice Match, one of Biff’s friends, storming out of the gym through an exit. Taking your bets, you follow behind him, soon being greeted by a huge commotion of screams, all of them from familiar people. Biff was in a car with Lorraine, her dress pulled and taken off in parts. He was no doubt about to do something stupid, the fact pissing you off, saddening you in some ways as well.
The others that were screaming were also George and Marty, the pair trying to get Biff to stop before he regrets it. He doesn’t listen, unfortunately, until your voice booms over the rest, “Biff!” 
His head snaps instantly in your direction, the situation dawning on him the instant he looks at your face. You hadn’t meant to portray your emotions so clearly, but your face had shown such distraught and hurt. He lied. He had gotten over Lorraine, yet the moment she was alone, he runs right back to her.
With his momentary change of focus, George finally steps in, “You get your filthy hands off of her!” finishing with a blow to the jaw that knocks Biff off balance. 
Marty looks to you sadly, but tries to smile in cheers as George and Lorraine leave together, motioning that he was going to follow them just in case. You nod, looking down now as your play with your fingers. You didn’t know what to do now as the only reason you were really here was for Biff. You weren’t needed for Lorraine and George, you knew Marty had it.
You decide to make your way home then, as there was nothing else you could do. Dances were just drags anyway, nothing worth while. “Your just going to leave? Just like that?” asks a deep voice, his body having gotten back off the pavement and stood by the car he was pinned against.
Without turning, you answer his question with another, “Why not? There’s nothing left here for me is there?”
“And why wouldn’t there be?” Biff asks once more, no doubt ticking you off at his usual teasing tone.
“Well, let’s see. You. You asked me to the dance as your plus one. I came here as your date. We have a good time, we dance, we talk, and then you come up with an ‘Oh I need a drink’ charade, not returning. Then, I come to find my date in the parking lot, about to get his licks in on a woman he was apparently over with! So tell me, what is left here for men here, Biff?” you finish, tears pooling your eyes over the time, although you don’t let the fall, keeping them there.
He looks guilty, you can see it, but you don’t care. Your not in the wrong this time. But, as your blood starts to cool down, you do notice the look in his eyes, the change in his demeanor, and the utter remorse that has overcome him. He has his head down, fists clenched at his sides, body stock still. He doesn’t know what to do, all he knows is that he’d fucked up.
“Or was this your fabulous way of telling me that you love me?” you finally ask, eyes moving to look up at him in a teasing manner.
He hadn’t expected you to speak, head snapping up to meet your gaze in confusion. Being as you’d looked at him with a glint in your eyes, he finally lets everything click together; you’d forgiven him. His face heats up in bashfulness however, as your words resonated within him as well, hand going to itch the back of his neck again.
You giggle, walking up to him now, hands going to his collar. Pulling him down, he gazes at you in amazement, his own hands falling to rest on your waist. Then, you crash your lips to his, pulling him ever closer. It takes him a moment to get the hang of it, soon pulling you closer to himself as well. Lifting you slightly, he sets you on the hood of his car, the height difference a definite stretch for him. But he wouldn’t have it any other way, you were perfect. Just the same as he was perfect for you.
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oldies-enthusiast · 6 years
Being Marty McFly’s sister would include...
A/N: Hey guys! I’ve been working really hard on this one, hope you like it! I’ve got lots of ideas at the moment and headcanons are my favourite type of fanfiction, so you can expect more of them in the near future. Feel free to request, comment and share. Love, Ally xx
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✴️ you being older than Linda but younger than Dave
✴️ helping him sneak out to see Jeniffer when he’s grounded
✴️ “Marty? Just saw him in his room... Yeah, he’s totally doing his homework.”
✴️ literally sibling goals
✴️ not really getting along all childhood and then somehow building a really strong bond as teenagers
✴️ when you were kids, you and Linda would never play with Marty because he mostly liked playing cowboys and Indians, football and action figures, while you so obviously weren’t thrilled with his ideas
✴️ so Marty would destroy your Barbie dolls on purpose, cutting off their hair and bringing insects and snails into the house “for you to see”, which would almost always end up with you screaming and him getting grounded
✴️ it’s not like you were an angel either
✴️ you two would have silent fights behind closed doors no one knew about and since you were older and bigger you were known to kick his ass real good
✴️ but once you grew older, it all changed
✴️ now when you overhear someone talking about “that obnoxious McFly guy and his short temper” OH BOY
✴️ “Hey! That’s my brother you’re talking about. Shut the hell up.”
✴️ little do you know that he also protects your name at all costs
✴️ “Who, [Y/N] McFly? She’s such a bitch...”
✴️ “Excuse me, a what? You take that back right now. Nobody talks that way about my sister!”
✴️ comforting Marty when his first girlfriend dumps him for some jock
✴️ “Marty, hey, hey, it’s alright... It’s alright to be upset, buddy... It just means she’s not worth it... She ain’t worth your time. Someday you’ll find someone who really cares, I know you will.”
✴️ him getting furious when some jerk asks you out as a dare
✴️ him literally beating the crap out of that guy
✴️ him also wearing a horrible bruise across his jaw for whole two weeks afterwards because, well, the guy didn’t exactly sit and wait to get whipped
✴️ you freaking out at the sight of him after the fight
✴️ but being deeply moved as well
✴️ “For God’s sake, Marty, what were you thinking? Look at you!”
✴️ “[Y/N], that guy was an asshole, do you really think I’d let him get away with that?”
✴️ liking the same music
✴️ blasting out Def Leppard, Bon Jovi, Van Halen, etc. at full volume and singing in the car together
✴️ having debates over the dumbest of things, like that “Team Coke/Team Pepsi” kind of thing
✴️ having drastically different tastes when it comes to food
✴️ which is sometimes a good thing, like when you recieve your Burger King order messed up
✴️ so you don’t have to throw away that burger with chili sauce (even though you politely asked for none) because there’s always someone (aka Marty) who’ll gladly eat an extra burger and never complain
✴️ you two becoming even closer after the whole time-travel thing
✴️ you being the only one who knows the truth aside from Marty and Doc, since you saw that something crazy was happening and pestered Marty into telling you about the time machine after you threatened to tell your parents about that strange incident that had ocurred when mom’s favourite vase got broken under some mysterious circumstances that totally didn’t involve the 10-year-old Marty and his football
✴️ coming to pick him up from school when he gets into real trouble
✴️ “C’mon, kid, spit it out. What’d you do this time?”
✴️ “Get out of town, [Y/N]! You’d really think I actually did something? I was just late. Like, fifth time this week. It’s not that big a deal.”
✴️ “Well, according to Mr. Strickland, it’s a hell of a deal.”
✴️ “He’s an asshole. But please don’t tell mom, you know how she gets... I won’t tell her that you came home late last night.”
✴️ “Deal.” 
✴️ giving him girl advice when he first goes out with Jeniffer
✴️ “Just don’t push it and be a gentleman. And whatever happens, be yourself. If she can’t accept you for who you are, then she’s not worth it.”
✴️ you and Jeniffer becoming great friends
✴️ having girl dates, going shopping, doing each other’s nails, hair and makeup
✴️ not having double dates though because you and Marty find it kinda awkward
✴️ Marty being really sad when you go away to college
✴️ you also missing him terribly there
✴️ him coming to pick you up so that you can spend holidays together at home
✴️ getting him a brand new guitar for Christmas
✴️ him being so astonished and happy
✴️ him surprising you for your birthday while your on college
✴️ it’s an awfully busy time of the semester and you basically can’t afford any free time, much less a birthday party
✴️ so, you’re sitting alone in your dorm, textbooks and papers spread all over your bed, when all all of a sudden you hear a knock on the door
✴️ you think it’s just your roommate coming back from a visit
✴️ so you open the door
✴️ and you can’t believe your eyes
✴️ Marty’s standing there with a pizza and a big, goofy grin on his face, almost bringing tears to your eyes
✴️ the pizza topping reads “Happy birthday, [Y/N]”
✴️ not being able to stop hugging him, you’ve missed him so much
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moristarcake · 5 years
Biff Tannen x Reader: Chapter One
(Please read the author’s note)
(A/N: Two changes: this will take place in college, not high school like it was in the movie, and there’s no terrible r*pe plot line with Marty’s mom anymore. Obviously this could be taken as a meme or seriously, I don’t mind either way you see it, but c’mon, Biff Tannen deserves redemption. His actor’s too sweet and handsome.)
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Finishing class work early always has its perks of free time and earlier sleep, but it didn’t come without a cost, either. (Y/N)’s eyelid’s droop in boredom as they walk along the sun baked sidewalk of Hill Valley. A small, uninteresting town with nothing to do but glance at passing shops and daydream of buying trinkets with money you don’t have.
Not even being in college makes things more interesting around here. The old building where students gather is about as fun as a funeral. Professors are strict, students are too tired to party, and there are no dorms to stay in. Most of the community college’s students still live with their parents or in a dinky little apartment somewhere close to campus.
(Y/N) had the latter, and their job to keep the stupid apartment was even more grueling than school. Still, they had the day off of work so they were free to do as they wished after classes were over.
They still had to walk everywhere, though. A job at a gas station didn’t exactly pay enough to get through a month’s rent, let alone a car.
A sigh escapes them as they shift the weight of their backpack, soreness developing in the centre of their spine. It was a long walk home, and the sun was beating down mercilessly onto their skin and sticky clothes. Instead of continuing forward, they made a sharp turn down a cul-de-sac with a small bakery squatting next to larger buildings, and trudged into ‘McFly’s Pies’, the bell atop the door notifying an elderly man behind the counter.
“Well if it isn’t Little Brown,” he chuckles, sliding from around the counter, “summer heat got you beat?”
They glance up at him unamused, “what’s with that lingo, Marty? It’s twenty-twenty one.”
“Since when is rhyming words together ‘lingo’?”
“Since an old man said it to look cool,” they gave him a smile and plopped into a seat.
He rolls his eyes and chuckles, smacking them with a dishrag, “you and me both know your grandpa was the coolest old man to ever live.” He slips behind the counter and grabs a glass, filling it with cool water.
(Y/N) shrugs, “never met him Mart, only heard stories from you and Jen.” They take the glass gladly, gulping it down faster than they should have. Marty shakes his head and pulls out the seat across from them.
“Hey, slow down kid. And they aren’t stories, (Y/N). I may be old but I know what happened to me, Doc, and that DeLorean.” (Y/N) gives him a disapproving look over their glass, but remains silent. This has been an argument ever since (Y/N) was little, even their mother would take Marty’s side. ‘Emmet Brown was her father after all, she would know!’ was what Marty would always rebuke with. They’ve learned to ignore it, though there was always that curiosity of why they’d keep it up for so long, if it was a lie.
“Look,” his sudden speech caught (Y/N) off guard, “you got school work to do?” They shook their head, a wave of boredom hitting them again as they remembered there was nothing to do for today. Marty leaned forward in his seat, a trademark sly smirk wrinkling his already wrinkled face, “I got the key to Doc’s old shed. He kept all of his inventions in there. Mind reading machine, dream controller, even the DeLorean. It’s all in there.”
(Y/N) leans forward as well, intrigued, “what? Why are you telling me this now, after all those years of bickering?”
“I’d lost the damn thing,” he said, holding up a copper key he dug out of his pocket, “but turns out after ten years I found it under the pie racks today. Must be fate, huh?”
(Y/N) throws themself back dramatically in their chair and groans, “don’t tell me you believe in fate now, Mart. What’s next, true love?”
He chuckles and throws the key to them, “Jennifer’s all the proof I need, (Y/N). Even after seeing future old, gross, wrinkly me when she was a teen, she still loved me. And now that I am that old, gross, wrinkly man-”
“You’re only fifty two.”
“-she still loves me.” (Y/N) rolls their eyes so hard they’re sure they ruptured a vessel, but they can’t argue. Though they don’t entirely believe Marty and Jen’s fanciful story, they do know the couple had been together since high school. And that takes a lot.
“Well she ain’t wrinkle free either,” (Y/N) remarks, a shit eating grin tugging at the corners of their mouth as Marty widens his eyes in mock amazement.
“Sick burn Little Brown, now bounce. You already know where the shed is.” He shoo’s them as he hauls himself from the chair. (Y/N) wrinkles their nose at the obvious use of old slang, and grabs their bag.
“See ya.” He gives them a final wave before they disappear out the door, the bell chiming soon after.
It doesn’t take long for the sun to become an annoyance again as (Y/N) makes the final stretch out of the cul-de-sac, past their old house, and in front of a looming, beaten warehouse. Well, garage. Supposedly Doc Brown moved from Germany with his mother and father, who were rich, and bought a mansion here. It got destroyed, and the garage of it was where he lived until (Y/N)’s mother was born. Their mother told them he made a living making inventions for his clients because he spent the whole family fortune on trying to make the DeLorean.
“Crazy old geezer,” they say to themself as their eyes scan the chipped plaster, “I see where I get it from.”
The copper key in their palm reverberates with uncertainty. The fact that Marty found the key after ten years of it being lost seems unbelievably fishy to them. They’d known him since they could walk after all. That smirk meant something. But what was he hiding?
They slowly bring the key to the lock, pausing a few moments before finally shoving it in and twisting the gears. If there was any moment to find out, it was now.
The door creaks open followed by a barrage of dust and cold air. They bring their hand up to their mouth and cough, using the other to wave the particles away. Even though it was mostly dark, the thin curtains on the windows allowed sunlight to stream through. Silent clocks decorated the walls in large amounts, and strange looking machines stood with an eerie stillness about them. Furniture and cooking appliances looked untouched, a thick layer of dust coating the counters and a solitary TV in the corner.
And in the middle of it all, was a sleek, ivory car.
Feeling strange would be an understatement. Though (Y/N) had never met their grandfather, their mother and Marty’s eyes would light up whenever they spoke of him, and a warm fondness would unmistakably be present in their words. It felt as if (Y/N) didn’t have the right to be in here. They’d never known him, why were they allowed to glimpse his former life? It felt wrong, but they press forward into the frigid darkness.
(Y/N)’s hands graze the walls for a light switch, but upon finding and trying one there was no luck. They sigh and reach in their back pocket, pulling out their phone and turning on the flashlight. The rather rough looking sports car caught their eye almost immediately and they made their way through the clutter towards it. Dents and scrapes littered the bumper and doors as well as the windows.
“Damn, girl,” (Y/N) ran their hand across the damage, “you’ve been through hell. Maybe I’ll get dad to fix you up.” It wasn’t until they wandered to the back that they noticed the thrusters jutting from an intricate tangle of wires and added machinery, “oh, well, maybe not.”
They nearly leap from their skin as the door of the DeLorean hisses open, causing them to whip around and aim the flashlight inside the older vehicle. Slowly, they crept up to the opening, peeking inside and unsurprisingly seeing, well, nothing. “You better not be haunting me, gramps,” they grumble, feeling irritation crawl up their back.
There’s a pause before (Y/N) rolls their eyes and climb in, letting curiosity get the better of them. They switch off the light and pocket their phone, throwing their backpack to the passenger seat as well. Their fingers come to trace the various buttons and switches with wonder, questioning for a moment if what their mother and Marty said is really true. 
Bright red, green, and yellow lights obscure their vision as their finger hits a switch.
Their hands immediately shoot up to cover their eyes as a dormant pair of goggles drop onto their lap. Blinded, they scream and rear their foot forward on the pedal. The ancient car lurches backward, tearing through various machines and furniture before breaking out of the garage. They grip the arms of the seat and move to slam the break, but it’s all too late. There’s a piercing array of colours before a zap of white light swallows (Y/N) along with the DeLorean, and they vanish.
For @mintgreenmenace and @im-a-butch-bitch-u-cant-kill-me in particular. They supported me in the making, real MVPs :’)
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randomfandomimagine · 7 years
Characters Tags Masterlist Part 2
Add ‘x reader’ to character tags if you want to see the fanfiction posts and avoid ships and other random posts. 
Part 1 of this masterlist
Final Fantasy VII
Zack Fair, Cloud Strife, Tifa Lockhart, Aerith Gainsborough, Reno Sinclair, Yuffie Kisaragi, Denzel, Vincent Valentine, Sephiroth, Genesis Rhapsodos, Barret Wallace, Biggs, Jessie Rasberry, Leslie Kyle, Tseng
Paper Towns
Quentin Jacobsen, Ben Starling, Radar, Margo Roth Spiegelman
Glee Club
Rachel Berry, Finn Hudson, Kurt Hummel, Will Schuester, Noah Puckerman, Quinn Fabrey, Santana Lopez, Brittany S. Pierce, Tina Cohen-Chang, Mike Chang, Blaine Anderson, Mercedes Jones,  Artie Abrams, Sebastian Smythe, Rory Flanagan, Sam Evans
New Girl
Schmidt, Winston Bishop, Nick Miller
Final Fantasy X
Tidus, Auron, Yuna, Rikku
Back to the Future
Marty McFly, George McFly, Lorraine MccFly, Jennifer Parker, Biff Tannen
Nathan Young, Kelly Bailey, Simon Bellamy, Curtis Donovan, Alisha Daniels
Death Note
L Lawliet, Light Yagami, Mihael Keehl (Mello), Mail Jeevas (Matt), Nate River (Near), Touta Matsuda
Nathan Drake, Sam Drake, Victor Sullivan, Chloe Frazer
D’Artagnan, Aramis, Porthos, Athos, Phillippe
Bart Allen, Clark Kent (Welling), Oliver Queen (Hartley), Jimmy Olsen (Ashmore), A.C., Lex Luthor, Chloe Sullivan
Geralt of Rivia, Cirilla of Cintra, Dandelion, Jaskier (Batey), Yennefer of Vengerberg, Triss Merigold, Renfri
Final Fantasy XV
Chocobros, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prompto Argentum, Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia, Nyx Ulric, Cor Leonis, Aranea Highwind, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, Cindy Aurum
Jurassic World
Zach Mitchell, Owen Grady
Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton, Thor Odinson, Natasha Romanoff, Pietro Maximoff, Bucky Barnes, Maria Hill, Darcy Lewis, Stephen Strange, T’Challa, Shuri, Loki Laufeyson, Jane Foster, Peggy Carter, Pepper Pots, Peter Quill, Peter Parker, Scott Lang, Carol Danvers, Howard Stark, James Rhodes, Vision
Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield), (Tom Holland), Gwen Stacy, Mary Jane Watson, Harry Osborn
PS4 Marvel Spider-Man
Star Wars
Poe Dameron, Finn, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Anakin Skywalker, Rey, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Leia Organa, Padme Amidala, Rose Tico
Wade Wilson, Vanessa Carlysle, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Nathan Summers/Cable, Yukio
Kara Danvers, Winn Schott, Alex Danvers, James Olsen
Fantastic Beasts
Newt Scamander, Credence Barebone, Queenie Goldstein, Jacob Kowalski, Theseus Scamander
Hercules, Li Shang, Aladdin, Tarzan, Eric, Jane Porter, John Smith, Belle, Jasmine, Mulan, Kristoff, Anna, Kuzco, Milo Thatch
Eugene Fitzherbert, Rapunzel
Stanley Yelnats, Hector Zeroni, X-Ray, Zigzag
Fantastic Four
Johnny Storm, Reed Richards
How I Met Your Mother
Marshall Eriksen, Barney Stinson, Ted Mosby
Chandler Bing, Joey Tribbiani, Ross Geller, Phoebe Buffay, Monica Geller
Malcolm In The Middle
Malcolm Wilkerson, Reese Wilkerson, Francis Wilkerson
Pirates of the Caribbean
Jack Sparrow, Will Turner, Henry Turner, James Norrington, Elizabeth Swann, Carina Smyth
Charles Xavier, Raven Darkhelmore (Mystique), Jean Grey, Hank McCoy, Peter Maximoff (Quicksilver), Logan Howlett (Wolverine), Scott Summers (Cyclops), Erik Lehnsherr
Life Is Strange
Warren Graham, Nathan Prescott, Max Caulfield, Chloe Price, Kate Marsh
Diana Prince, Steve Trevor, Bruce Wayne, Arthur Curry
Clark Kent (Henry Cavill), Lois Lane
The Big Bang Theory
Sheldon Cooper
Brooklyn 99
Jake Peralta, Rosa Diaz, Amy Santiago, Terry Jeffords, Raymond Holt, Gina Linetti
Baby Driver
Baby, Darling
My Hero Academia 
Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, Toshinori Yagi/All Might, Momo Yaoyorozu, Shoto Todoroki, Denki Kaminari, Uraraka Ochako, Mei Hatsume, Iida Tenya
God Of War
Kratos, Atreus, Mimir, Freya, Athena, Sindri, Brok, Faye, Baldur
Others (fandoms I don’t usually write for)
Augustus Waters (TFIOS), Oliver Queen (Arrow)
Part 3 of this masterlist!
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