#black women sugar babies
kissmethroughthebone · 7 months
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Christmas Season list of chores:
Get as many spices, seasonings and sauces as I can to bulk up for the cozy season. If I want delicious devilled eggs and roast beef, I'm gonna have to do it myself! (And also don't be afraid to ask my long list of suitors for assistance with the fancy meats and materials I want... hey, if they want a wifey, they better be a provider man and get me what's needed for it!)
Stock up on hot chocolate, cozy teas, and any baking materials. Bake at least one warm good a week. Doesn't need to be any Cordon Bleu shit, (even though I have tried and failed at eclairs.... oh, boy, that n i g h t m a r e was as delicious as it was deconstructed!) it can just be a can of cinnamon rolls or cookies popped onto a tray and into the oven! Makes the house warm, and a warm, moist, sweet treat is every girl's best friend during a cold season!
A little extra wine, brandy and rosé in the cabinets could be stellar. Nights of sipping wine by a heater, cozied up in some blankets watching the Grinch? Could be stellar. Fantastical. :)
A humidifier for my house; or air purifier. Whichever works best to make it not too dry but not too moist.
Some more warm lighting; LED candles work, but the real deal is best. I wouldn't mind one more lamp.
Get as many vanilla and spice scented candles as possible. I *need* the house to smell warm and inviting. And incense! Vanilla, cinnamon, apple, pie, cake... all those goodies. Even if I can't bake all the time, I can make the place look, feel, and *smell* cozy all at once. :)
Stock up on even more blankets and pillows! And wash all that I do currently have!
Buy cozy socks, fleece tights, and a nice big puffer coat, with some texting gloves, and a few cozy hats to add on. All that.
Get one more heater! My place gets too cold, I can see my breath sometimes from how cold it is. Unacceptable! I need the living room nice and toasty, to easier play my video games!
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sortagolddigger · 4 months
Always remember it’s not about being head over heels in love, that’s how you get hurt and walked on.
It’s about how he treats you and does he make you feel safe asking for things.
Is he a provider that fits your life goals?
That’s your man.
I’m not saying date an ugly man, I am saying date a man you don’t mind growing old with because he makes you feel safe and pays the bills
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supersavageq · 2 years
Upgrading my wardrobe with essentials. I’ve found that I don’t have a lot of classic pieces that I can wear. My wardrobe consists of ALOT of bodysuits which is perfect and other pieces but I want to add more pants, dresses, sweaters and button down shirts. Im thinking a trip to Ann Taylor, Banana Republic & Express is needed.
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brownsugar-dreams · 4 months
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How are you investing 🍬 or extra money? I started trying to learn about stock investments during the panorama. I lost just under $5k playing around with crypto 😭 but I learned (and still learning) a lot about financial management. I recently moved $10k from my HY savings account to a CD. I was dating a finance guy and he told me to open up a CD because it’s a higher interest rate and he matched my initial deposit 🥰 There’s so much to learn but it’s much better than letting money sit & collect dust! I’ve been wanting to hop on live & share my experiences with sugar investments 🤔
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veryrichbitchh · 3 months
Let’s chat.. i am a black woman and I recently found out about ‘divesting’ from YouTube and that was the nail that broke the camels back for me. I’ve been getting so many signs saying leave SW FULLY from God.. I was fighting too hard to be handed a luxury life (that is not actually luxury) and not working for it for myself, righteously. Honestly… why are so much of us trying to sell p*ssy instead of getting ahead in life by doing the hard work that won’t leave our soul feeling rotten…?
So, I’ve accepted SW as a phase in my life. My Holy Spirit has been wanting me to stop but my body/flesh did not want to let go of it. I need to believe that God can solve my problems and have the highest faith in Him only, and serve no other gods.
Be careful who you bring around you also, friends can lead you into that lifestyle and it happens quickly. Around age 21 when I let superficial friends that only care about designers, men, etc… get around me and essentially corrupt my mind. Be careful because you can easily get sucked into that life of shallowness and do things you should not to keep up with the shallowness. It happened to me, led me to spend above my income and in turn, it led me to thinking money, rich men,luxury trips and dates, drinks, etc… can validate me. Then came me turning to older white men since I live in a city where the men with money are generally white. Even if marriage wasn’t the goal for me most times with them , it is truly embarrassing to be so strung out/in the sunken place (lol) that I thought being with a 70,60,50+ year old white man (especially in public) is okay. (I’m in my 20s!!!) I even at one point thought marriage was in the picture with them… lol. I was about to allow myself to enter that mindset when I know that’s not what I want. I know for a fact that I deserve better.
The lifestyle of the sugar baby, sw'er, whatever, I've been invested in for so long and I am just tired of faking that it is .. idk the word . Tired of faking that it is “all that”. Idk the word .. but you get my point (maybe). And I’m not saying it was an entirely horrible experience… but at the end of it all you don’t gain much. (What is it to gain the whole world and lose your soul.) and I feel God never let me get fully invested (face out) either like He kept me protected. My Holy Spirit had me understand through the whole journey that this is not forever and to not let my mistakes linger for life that I actually start to embrace the mistakes.
But thinking back to it all, what was it for? Because I could have put all that time into a more l*gal and profitable business that I am actually proud of , but I chose not to… I chose the “easy” way out which was not so easy especially when the income is sporadic. Maybe it was the thrill. It was like a high. A drug almost. This is a lot to unpack babes.. The devil wanted me to give even more than I gave to that lifestyle and I gave a lot… but nothing God cannot return.
Anyway, babes, I have so much on my mind but I am choosing to work on businesses, study/figure out how to pass my exams, take trips, learn the righteous way I can live my life, travel, lean on God always and just being at peace. I am so at peace right now it's amazing. I am okay with my past because without it i would not come to this realization and I am thankful for the Grace of God that his kindness led me here. So, ladies, the summary is, work for what you want that is beneficial for your Holy Spirit. I am no longer in sw and will continue to write updates here and there! <3
And yes I still very much am a Very Rich B*tchh😘
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itsjustme1991 · 2 years
Are you guys ready for some hard-core videos and pictures!!! DM me!!!!
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kissesfromkriss · 11 months
Cum get a taste🫶🏾
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samplesizebarb · 1 year
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JT in Poster girl 💕
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kissmethroughthebone · 8 months
I am high end.
I am elegant.
I am special.
I am so much unlike the others that there is no such thing as comparing me to anyone else.
I am loved.
I am artwork.
I am pleasing; to myself, and to others. But always myself. First and foremost. I never have to work hard to please others, since my natural energy draws them to want to please me first, and never the other way around.
But I am naturally caring, beautiful, and thoughtful. So I love to help with ease.
My value is seen and recognized so easily.
I am so blessed and abundant, always. God bless and amen. Thank you!
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sortagolddigger · 7 months
Learn to recognize when you can do better.
If he makes you feel guilty for wanting to be taken care of, you deserve better. Since the 1700’s women have only survived because they chose men who were capable of providing and protecting
Don’t let these new age dusties gaslight you into accepting the poverty love they offer
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sbrown82 · 1 year
I wish people would acknowledge that Marsha was more than Mick’s girlfriend, she had a career you know. 🙃 This woman starred in several movies and plays, was the most photographed woman in England, and the start of the “Black is Beautiful” movement. Mick was her bitch for a little while but she was more than that.
Model, singer, actress, activist, writer, novelist, playwright, radio host, 60s icon, The Face™ of the 'Black is Beautiful' movement, breast cancer survivor...& a WHOLE queen. Marsha Hunt DID that!!!!!!
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brownsugar-dreams · 1 month
Another Approach To Online Sugaring
Recently I took a break from dating. The dating apps can get exhausting and sometimes you’re just not in a place where you have the physical/emotional energy to get dressed up and go out. I didn’t want the money to stop, so I decided to start camming again but only for online sugar dating(OSD)/girlfriend experience (GFE). It’s been such a success I decided to make a post about it.
When I reactivated my no face cam accounts, I started casually talking to users in my chat rooms. There were a good share of users who just want to chat. If you have an outgoing personality, this is really easy and comes natural. We would talk about all sorts of things from what they do for work/fun, casual interests, kinks. I’d tell them stories, my POVs on pop culture topics, fantasies, made up stuff. At this point I noticed specific users were tipping in the general chat. I focused on those users and made sure to show them the most attention and they continued to tip. They’d often initiate a private session (more $ per min) and we’d continue chatting.
If you’re consistent with signing in at least 1-2x a week, it’s easy to find someone who adores you. I created a Snapchat (SC) profile and advertised it on my cam site as a way for users to connect with me 1:1. Set it up so they have to pay to get the username. Using SC, I posted no face pics with a link to my wishlist/cashapp and sparingly answered messages (mostly messages inquiring about pricing/services never free endless chatting). Later I created a price menu for services offered and shared that from time to time on my story. Once a relationship is established, it’s super easy to straight up ask for money. Since they met you on a paid cam site they already know what’s up so don’t let anyone pretend to be naive or use your time for free.
Overall this has been a flexible way to earn money that is relatively easy and low maintenance. Most of these clients are lonely and desperate for female attention so making each feel special is the key.
Things to Note/Logistics
I personally don’t show my face by having the cam positioned from the neck down. But other no face cam girls have talked about using full or half face masks to conceal their identity. Given the nature of “professionalism” in our fields I can understand a lot of us wanting to preserve our identities. But do what you’re comfy with! I’d suggest no nudity in free chat otherwise users will be less likely to pay for private.
Each cam site is different and pays differently. Most let you adjust your price settings as you like. I researched the sites with the most consistent/quickest payout schedule and reputation by searching Reddit posts and cam girl forums. I picked my favorite sites shared below.
To maximize earnings, I stream multiple sites at a time by opening tabs. Some use OBS software but I haven’t had the time to figure out how to incorporate that yet.
I changed the settings to allow only users with money to participate in chat. This helps reduce hecklers and incels looking for a free show.
Sites have varying popularity during different times/day. Keep that in mind when starting out so that you can develop a schedule. We’re busy professionals irl so making sure to cam on days/nights that have the most earning potential saves a lot of time.
Different clients have different needs so it’s important to be flexible and only take on clients you’d be comfortable with. I have clients that want me to be bossy and mean while others want a more traditional GFE where they’re the caretaker (think MTS “daddy am I your baby” type of thing lol).
Tips to Earn More
Share your wishlist in your bio across platforms. I like to use throne.
Create a links page and share to let your big spenders get notified when you’re online. I use beacons
I use sextpanther to supplement on weeks that are too busy to cam. I love the convenience of texting and it yields good money.
If you want to incorporate toys in your private shows when you’re starting out, use Aliexpress to order cheap toys. Eventually when you gain a consistent following, I suggest making the guys pay for anything they’d like to see you use and of course non sexual gifts for you too!
Keep a list/diary of users to keep track across platforms. Make note of their interests/kinks/imp things they’ve shared so you can refer to it during sessions.
Successful Cam Sites: CB CS
Keep working towards your goals!😘❤️✨
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veryrichbitchh · 26 days
In 2025 I’m married to my husband and dancing to matrimony by usher with my amazing rich loyal generous and God fearing husband🥹💕!
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luxuryandbrown · 2 years
Master the Art of Mystery [digitally]
Being mysterious in an era of over sharing has become increasingly difficult. If you have no social media, this may come off as weird or like you’re hiding something. If you have social media but share too much, you lack mystery. The key is to find the right balance.
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Being mysterious online isn’t for everyone. You should ask why you want to appear mysterious. If you’re trying to build a large following, online community or personal brand, then this may not be for you. But if you want to add an element of mystery or you’re naturally mysterious and want to master this online, then keep reading:
1. Limit how often you show your face
Your face and expressions tell a lot about who you are. Keep your followers wondering by limiting how often you reveal yourself. This does not mean you should never show your face. However, every photo should not showcase you. Even once you do show your face, limit your expressions by having a “blank” look (see Kylie Jenner or Marlene Dietrich for examples). This will add to your mysterious aura.
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2. Do not tag locations or people
Where do you live? What restaurant is that? That’s a secret you’ll never tell *gossip girl voice*. Being at beautiful places, events, and locations but never revealing where you are will drive your audience crazy. It shows that you are not impressed by the beautiful or cool places you attend because you don’t even bother to share where it is.
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3. Limited to no captions
Always say less than necessary. In other words, know when to shut tf up. Save the catchy song lyrics to the influencers. Say one-line quotes, metaphors, or nothing at all. This leaves your audience guessing.
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4. Be interesting
Guys, you can do all this and more but still lack mystery. Why? Because you’re not interesting. A mysterious person with nothing going on for themselves is just a boring, ordinary person that doesn’t post often. No one will care or even be curious to know more about you if you don’t give them a reason to.
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Travel abroad often but never post where you work and they will wonder how you afford it. Appear with celebs at exclusive parties but never reveal how you know them and they will be curious about your background. Go to luxurious restaurants and events but never post details and they will want to know more about you.
The reason we are so drawn to mysterious people is not just because they reveal little about themselves, but it’s because they spark an interest in us and we cannot understand what it is. You have to appeal interesting, first, while revealing very little about yourself.
X, @luxuryandbrown
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faitheffect · 2 years
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deerlyfawned · 7 months
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