dc-megatournament · 1 year
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DC Mega Tournament
Round 2
Please vote for who you think would win between the 2 characters and not who you like more.
Links: Eric Strauss, Blackstarr
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kasimart1980 · 2 years
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Hiphop Collage. 16x20. Dm to order. Shipping. #mosdef #collage #blackstarr #eligh #records #wax #vinyl #urbanart #hiphopart #home #decor #resin #hieroglyphics #deltron #photography #wood #frame #handmade #music #speaker #laart (at Rancho Cucamonga, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkwtJdUvqBq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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barovianbitches · 7 months
A Dance With The Devil - Taliyah Whiteoak & Blackstarr
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A young woman with copper skin clad in thick green fabrics and animal furs walked through a thick patch of berry bushes. She picked berries leisurely, replenishing whatever she took with a wave of a slender hand. Sparkles of light the color of grass flooded from her palm, and violet berries grew rapidly back to the buds where they’d just been plucked. The woman hummed slightly, a melancholy tune as she worked. Pick, replace, repeat. Her small wicker basket quickly filled to the brim with ripe berries, yet she continued her walk, using her witchcraft to mend any damaged branches she came across.
“That’s quite impressive,” a strange accent purred from the woods. 
The woman took no time in drawing her blade, aiming it directly at the intruder's throat, the silver tip just pricking his Adam's apple and making a droplet of red blood run down his neck, dribbling onto his ruffled collar. 
“Speak.” The woman demanded, her hazel eyes narrowing at the man. The man only grinned, his eyes flicking down to the blade and back to meet her gaze. He pushed the blade away with a single gloved finger, causing the woman to draw another, pointing it at his throat once more.
“Forgive me,” the man tilted his head, his eyes shining golden in the sunlight “I’m merely traveling in the woods and felt entranced by your beauty. The name is Blackstarr.”
The woman showed no care towards the stranger calling her beautiful, she knew she was, and anyone else’s input didn’t matter. She snorted, “Blackstarr? Is that name supposed to impress me?”
He frowned, a psychotic glint of malice in his eyes, “No, but it should scare you.”
The woman removed her dagger, sheathing them both in a swift motion. She tucked long black hair behind her pierced ears, the beads that lined the braids around the crown of her forehead jingled as she crossed her muscular arms. “I don’t startle easy. Not in my forest. Whatever power you have out there,” she pointed her lips to the area behind him,  “Doesn’t apply here. When you are here you are a guest of this land, do not forget that.”
Blackstarr nodded with a sly smile, “Of course, I mean no disrespect.”
He took a step back, holding his hands up in a humbled gesture. He tossed his head back, flicking his straw-colored hair from his eyes. He slowly declined his head downwards to meet her eyes once more, his grin illuminated in the evening sun. “What is your name?” he smiled, outstretching his hand in a bow with the intention of kissing her hand. “Taliyah Whiteoak of the Aspen Grove.” She responded, looking at his hand with distaste, “You may not address me as such, however, as we are not familiar.”
Blackstarr remained un-waivered as he stared at Taliyah. Unbothered by the woman’s clear desire to not communicate with him he continued. “Tell me, where did you learn that power?” he asked, a hunger in his voice, like a wolf stalking a rabbit. 
“From the earth,” Taliyah said, emotionlessly as she made to move away. She wouldn’t humor this stranger any further. “Hey!” Blackstarr snapped, grabbing her by the wrist, his grip as strong as steel. “Please, tell me.” He demanded of her. Taliyah struggled against his hold, though she was much more physically muscular than him, he contained a wry and unruly strength for someone of his size and slim stature. “Come now, dear,” He murmured, his voice like a charm to her, “I would love to be able to do the things you can do… I’ve watched you from afar for weeks, waiting so patiently to see how to do what you do… won't you tell me?” There was something slimy about it… a velvety and seductive venom in his tone made Taliyah pause. Though every part of her wanted to spit in his face, she stayed. Taliyah felt like her body had been turned to stone as he stroked a loose strand of dark hair away from her cheek, she tensed, breathing sharply from her nose as her neck went rigid, her eyes following his hand. 
“Tell me,” he instructed again, his eyes twinkling with danger. He was a dangerous man, that much Taliyah knew. She feared him, but she would not show him that she was afraid. Taliyah looked over her shoulder, to the path towards her village. Towards her people… she couldn’t risk leading him back to them.
“Yes. It’s from the earth. A gift I was given at birth, a gift only those who truly love this land can harness.” Taliyah explained, softening her shoulders in an attempt to appear more “ladylike” whatever that meant. Something that she’d unfortunately been taught by the older women of her village from a young age… Men like this simply felt entitled to women like her, as if she were nothing more than a precious gem or a satchel of gold.
“I inherited it from my father, he passed the gift down to me, and my love taught me to harness it.” Taliyah held her chin high, with as much confidence as she could muster. Blackstarr nodded, looking at her with intense curiosity. His unruly beach-blonde hair curling around his ears, “So… would such a power be passed down?” He prodded. The question made Taliyah deeply uncomfortable, she felt her heart thud in her chest at Blackstarr’s insinuation.
“If the child had respect for nature and the will to wield it, then yes,” Taliyah answered. Blackstarr smiled, his gaze darkening with greed.
“How interesting,” he spoke, his voice almost sing-song with glee.
“Have you any younglings of your own?” He inquired, his eyes piercing into her, daring her for a response. “No,” Taliyah said, her voice coming out as a brisk exhale. Blackstarr roughly moved his hand from her face. “Shame.” He said, slinking around her and squatting her basket off of the ground, selecting a single berry as he stood up once more, rolling the berry between his fingers as he spoke… his voice a low grumble. “You do have the hips for it.” Taliyah felt her blood boil as the bushes around her began to prickle, spikes elongating towards the man as green light emitted from her fingertips.  “That is your village about a mile or so to the east, correct?” Blackstarr asked, a blank expression on his face. The magic left her palms like water pouring from a goblet, the thorns quickly halting their progress. Taliyah felt her heart constrict. She truly was a rabbit… a rabbit in the clutches of a wolf. “What-” Taliyah murmured. “Come now, Taliyah, don’t make me ask again,” Blackstarr said, looking to her.
Taliyah nodded slowly. “I assume you would be… very upset if anything were to happen to your people. Such a thing-,” Blackstarr crushed the berry between his fingers, causing scarlet-colored juice to run down his fingers, “Such a thing would be heartbreaking, no?”
“Do not hurt them,” Taliyah spat, standing with her back rigid as Blackstarr approached her like a predator, practically licking his lips. “I don’t relish in violence, my sweet.” Blackstarr said, “So please don’t force my hand.”
He bent to kiss her knuckles, and Taliyah reluctantly obliged. Blackstarr grinned, “Good girl.”
He stepped away, his demeanor fluid like water reflected onto a dark surface. “Now. What you will do,” Blackstarr instructed, turning back to the young woman with his hands clasped behind his back, “Is collect your things. Pack lightly. Speak to nobody of this, do you understand? I want your name to become a ghost story, Taliyah Whiteoak. Vanish without a trace, and tell nobody where you are going. Meet me here at dusk. Do not dare to run… I am watching you, and I will slaughter every last insignificant life in your pathetic little village as you watch. And then I will kill you.” Taliyah felt her lip quiver with anger, taking a slight backstep as Blackstarr approached her, sneering down at her. “Have I made myself clear?” He asked. Taliyah nodded, keeping her eyes firmly locked on her assailant, doing nothing to hide her hatred in her face. Blackstarr only grinned. “Good,” Blackstarr smirked, grabbing Taliyah by the jaw and pulling her into a kiss. A kiss that felt all wrong, a kiss of want and desire, but no love or softness. A hunger to have her. Taliyah didn’t kiss back but didn’t pull away out of terror of what the man might do. Blackstarr chuckled, a deep rumble in his chest before he pulled away, looking to her soft lips, dragging his thumb slowly across her bottom lip. “Though you may not appreciate my generosity now, I assure you that you will come to love me in due time.” He whispered to her. “Now scurry away, little rabbit.”
So Taliyah scurried. As fast as she could, racing to her home and closing herself into her sanctuary she began to weep.
Curling into herself, she wept. 
Wept for her home. 
And for her freedom.
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amvone · 1 year
AMV One - Tournament (2023)
More beats on the way 💪🔥🙏
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djducats · 1 year
Rakim - Guess Who’s Back with Talib Kweli, Black Thought & Bob James at ...
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sh4rkb0y-004 · 10 months
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My DND character from the INCREDIBLE campaign of COS I've been doing with my buddies on @barovianbitches
Bettany Blackstarr, a 23-year-old Druid with a... troubled past? OFC! ... no he's not named after Paul Bettany, IDK why you'd even ask that smh.
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awesomespiritcat21 · 10 months
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*Jumpscares you with old Snake Eyes sketches that are just now being colored and posted*
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Suicide Squad Members both Past and Present (Minus both Captain Boomerangs)
Amanda Waller
Rick Flag Jr
Rick Flag Sr
Bronze Tiger
Karin Grace 
Black Orchid
Killer Frost (Louise Lincoln)
Parasite (Rudy Jones)
Mr. 104
Captain Cold
Shade the Changing Man
Count Vertigo
Dr. Light
Lady Liberty
Silent Majority
Major Victory
Poison Ivy
Black Adam
Silver Swan
The Writer
King Shark
Sam Makoa
Cameron Chase
Manchester Black
Sgt. Frank Rock
Big Sir
Clock King
Major Disaster
Solomon Grundy
Power Girl
Star-Spangled Kid
Double Down
Atom Smasher
Mirror Master (Evan McCulloch)
Tattooed Man
The General
King Faraday
Thinker II
White Dragon
Yasemin Soze
Black Spider
El Diablo
Harley Quinn 
The Unknown Soldier
James Gordon Jr.
Power Girl
Black Manta
Joker's Daughter
Reverse Flash (Daniel West)
Parasite (Joshua Michael Allen)
The Hunky Punk
Killer Croc
Mad Dog
Killer Frost (Caitlin Snow)
General Zod
Juan Soria
Lord Satanis
Master Jailer
Rag Doll
Scream Queen
Tao Jones
Baby Boom
The Shark (totally different guy from King Shark)
The Aerie
Chaos Kitten
Deadly Six
Black Mask
Film Freak
Shrike (Boone)
Ambush Bug
Black Siren
Nightmare Nurse
Heat Wave
Major Force
Victor Zsasz
Madame Crow
Black Hand
Etrigan the Brainiac 666
Gentleman Ghost
Klarion the Witch Boy
Snargoyle (deceased)
Alchemaster (deceased)
Doctor Thaumaturge 
Black Bison
Johnny Sorrow
Doctor Polaris
Emerald Empress
Doctor Destiny
Doctor Psycho
Hector Hammond
Manchester Black
Maxwell Lord
El Dorado
El Gaucho
Zachary Zatara
Mirror Master (Sam Scudder)
Polkadot Man
Gotham/Bane (idk some dude named Henry Clover Jr.?)
Arkham Knight
Mr. Bloom
Mr. Freeze
Luke Fox
The Verdict
Ratcatcher II
Killer Frost (Crystal Frost)
Ten Eyed Man
@ednygmaaskme I'm sorry it's long as hell. I also want to apologize in advance if this list has duplicates. It's hard to keep track.
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Dude had Blackstarr on this smh
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dc-megatournament · 1 year
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DC Mega Tournament
Round 1
Please vote for who you think would win between the 2 characters and not who you like more.
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gremlinboykevin · 2 years
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OC doodles !!
Sleepy Viktor in pjs, (and a nightgown because...he would.)
Some random GG doodles/practice
Dandy dressed as Patchwerk! (Patch owned by @lorddae )
BLACKSTARR and Them! ( BLACKSTARR owned by @lorddae )
and two Viktor n' GG pics ; v;
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browsethestacks · 4 years
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Superman Family
Art by Gil Kane
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barovianbitches · 10 months
Veiled Superstition - Bettany Blackstarr
Trigger Warning: Blood and Gore
(This story takes place during events in the campaign)
Bettany had gotten into an unfortunate habit of sleeping as different animals, usually a bat or a cat of some sort. When he shifted, he noticed that his dreams weren’t as vivid as they were when he slept in human form. Something must have happened that night at the Kolyanovich’s manor, for he slipped from his cat form briefly, where he lay at the foot of Rorali’s bed. The tiefling acted as though she was annoyed by his presence, grumbling and protesting about it, though he caught her smiling while she thought he was asleep- she even reached down to scratch between his ears. Bettany dreamt of a garden, a large swing tied from the branches of a sturdy oak in a field of wildflowers, and thick bushes of thorns creating a wall from the outside world. Trees overhead shaded the area with green light, almost entirely obscuring the sky… it truly was a little pocket just for Bettany.
The garden around him shimmered, sunlight spilling through the green canopy of leaves above. Bettany let the light touch him, radiating in its warmth as he ran his fingertips along the thick ridges of the thorn bushes that barricaded the outside world from the ecosystem.
The bushes might be an eyesore to others, a nuisance due to their sharp thorns, but Bettany appreciated their strength. These tremendous bushes provided a strong fortress, protecting the other plants from the dangers of the outside world. 
Every plant deserves the opportunity to thrive and the chance to reach its fullest potential, whether it be a delicate lilly or a stubborn weed. He felt safe in his skin with the traveling party, which is probably why he accidentally slipped back into his own form. The brief moment he let his guard down was all his mind needed to fuck him up again.
“You feel safe?” A velvety voice hummed in his head as Bettany twitched in his sleep, “But they don’t know, do they? What would they think of you?”
The voice chuckled as the scenery faded.
The garden unfurled, spilling into blurred unfocused blobs like water dripping onto ink.
The sunlight that bathed the garden turned into moonlight, a large blue moon hanging low in the sky as the plants around Bettany’s feet withered and died. The ground cracked and warped, becoming uneven and bowed.
Bettany felt something rise in his throat, nauseated, he raced to the stone birdbath- purging into the basin. Bettany’s distress worsened when he realized that the contents of the basin weren’t stomach bile or vomit, but rather deep crimson blood that sloshed and swirled.
The blood oozed from his mouth, almost like someone had turned on a tap inside his body. He stumbled back from the birdbath, furiously trying to wipe the blood away from his lips using his sleeve, though it only smeared the gore across his face.
“What would they think, boy?” 
From the depths of the stone bowl shot a taloned claw, skeletal and decaying with age. The sickly skin blistered and tore as it reached for his face, puss-filled boils attempting to scratch out his eyes, he lept back, smacking his elbow on the rough ground behind him. Another hand broke free from the ground, a ghastly blue magic smoked around it as hordes of undead limbs erupted from the cracked earth. Dozens of Owlfolk in various stages of decomposition screeched as they hobbled towards Bettany, who attempted to call upon the earth to help him, but the swarm managed to grab ahold of him. Their beaks pecked at his flesh, talons piercing into his skin as their high-pitched cries reverberated in his ears. 
The Owlfolk were blasted off of him by a blast of blue energy, their bodies crumbling away into black dust. 
The surrounding area fell into darkness.
The voice laughed, low and scratchy, “Who could ever love a monstrous thing like you?” 
Bettany jolted awake, knocking his head onto the wooden bunk above his and Rorali’s cot. Holding back a yelp so he wouldn’t wake Tyyran who was snoring away in the corner, notably snuggling with his new silver lute. The strange displacement of weight on the bed alerted Bettany to Rorali’s absence. The only thing other than himself on the bed was Geronimo, who chirped softly in his sleep. He slid from the bed, making his way to the washroom that Ireena and Ismark had shown him and his friends on the way to the guest quarters. He quickly bolted the door behind him and slid to the floor, folding into himself- convinced if he was as tense as possible he could squeeze the fear out of himself. 
“Just a dream, it wasn’t real, just a dream…” He repeated to himself, heartbeat thudding in his ears. It was then that a pungent smell overpowered him…
He had a keen sense of smell, due to his drudic heritage and being a gardener, he had to be able to identify certain plants, poisons, and scents.
The sharp smell of flowers, sickeningly sweat, daring to lure him from sanity... Though the perfume couldn’t disguise the smell of death underneath- the dusty scent of centuries walking among the living. 
The Kolyanovich’s residence had visitors earlier, Two of them. And they weren't human.
Vampires had walked in this house unnoticed and infiltrated a space where his friends had felt safe. And he didn’t know, he let it happen. He’d slept through the threat like a goddamned fool.
The stairs creaked, making Bettany jump. He slowly opened the door, peeking out of the restroom as Ireena and Rorali trodded up to the second floor, speaking in hushed voices. The scent trailed the two of them. Bettany’s large yellow eyes caught two deep puncture wounds on Rorali’s neck.
“Fuck,” Bettany clamped a hand over his mouth, scampering back from the door so as not to be heard. He’d never liked curse words, he’d always thought that they were a crutch for inadequate fools who were unable to express what they truly meant. 
But as the smell of two undead filled his nose, their scent lingering on Rorali as she followed Ireena to her quarters, Bettany appreciated the existence of curse words because that’s how he felt.
Entirely, and utterly…
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thatsclassic · 3 years
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Day 27 #blackstarr @theofficialheruary #indiecomics @ibaaronbeatty_artist #heruary2021 #heruary #shugalenepublications #illustration #fanart #blackcomix #blackgirlaction
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stevenegordon · 4 years
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A #blackandwhite #commission of #Filmation's #Blackstarr There's still room on my #Comicconfromhome commission list. DM if interested. https://www.instagram.com/p/CC_UT4bA0DZ/?igshid=1e1oiker54zk1
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