#blueberry bagels are their favourites
I'm GLAD bagel is losing do you hear me I'm GLAD
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winepresswrath · 2 days
i'm so hungry i cannot think about anything other than how hungry i am. time for a snack break.
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iamatinydinosaur · 5 months
Hello! I really liked the wording of my application and thank you very much :DSomething I hadn't considered until I read it is thatThe brother reader will have unconsciously seen Ramón on a couple of occasions as a father figure since he was the only one who took care of the reader for 20 years. Thinking of Ramón as a “papá luchon” seems adorable to me (in my country we refer to single fathers and mothers who support their children with their own work, without any other presence to help them, therefore, they have to fight against the adversities) If possible, can you write something related to this topic about Ramón and the reader? (gender neutral)
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Through the Years
You were 3 and Branch was 5 when Grandma died. It was just you two. You watched as your older brother lost his colors. You were so scared. Branch saw this and promised he would never let anything happen to you. You were all he had left. Grandma's death effected you a lot, just not to the extent that it effected Branch. You were afraid of everything, never wanting to leave Branch's side. He preferred this anyways.
You Age 7 and Branch age 9
You ran into the bunker crying. Branch ran into the main room. "Y/N what's wrong?!" He exclaimed seeing you covered in scratches, dirt and slightly bleeding. "I w-as col-lecting berries and some sp-id-ers attac-ked me." You hiccuped. Branch got a napkin and wiped your tears away. "I told you to wait for me before you went to go get the berries." He whispered grabbing a warm bowl of water with a rag and a first aid kit. He rung out the rag and started wiping the wet rag over your face to get rid of the dirt. "I wanted to surprise you and show I'm getting big and help you." You pouted, sniffling. "You do so much. Maybe if I helped more maybe your colors would come back..." You looked down. Branch's heart swelled. He kissed your forehead. You looked at him shocked. "You're growing up too quickly. Stop it." He said smiling as he cleaned your scrapes. You giggled.
You age 10 Branch age 12
Branch laughed. You had made a dance number to your favourite song. You wore a silly outfit and danced horribly. Branch knew he had to help your dancing ability. You stroked your ending pose.
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Branch fell on the floor laughing his hardest. "Did you like it?!" You exclaimed jumping up and down. Branch wiped his tears getting up. "It was amazing. But let me help you improve the dancing. Your voice is amazing but your moves..." He teased. The rest of the day Branch showed you to do the moves better. This was the first time in 5 years you had seen him dance again. "Just like that see." He said turning to you. However, he froze seeing tears in your eyes. "What's wrong! I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.!" He exclaimed hugging you. "No, no. You used to dance and sing all the time before Grandma... I just missed this." You mumbled hugging him.
You age 14 Branch age 16
It was Branch's 16th birthday. You had gotten up at 4. Branch gets up at 6 am everyday so you wanted his birthday breakfast ready before he got up. You had been practicing this breakfast for the past month after he's gone the bed to make sure it's perfect. It was about 5:55 when you had finished. You made for the both of you eggs Benedict, blueberry scones, fresh apple juice and bagels with an assortment of jams. "Morning Y/N, why are yo-" He stopped mid sentence when he saw the dining room table. His eyes watered and looked at you. "Happy Birthday Branch!"
You age 18 and Branch age 20
You layed on your bed, covers over your head. You sniffled. You had just got back from what was supposed to be your 1 year anniversary date with your partner. "Hey." Branch said softly holding two cups of hot chocolate with marshmallows and cream. He placed them on your bedside table. You curled into a tighter ball. Branch sighed sitting on your bed. You slowly pulled the blanket off your face. Your cheeks were puffy, tear marks ran down your face and your eyes were bloodshot. "What happened?" He asked pulling your head onto his lap. "They broke up with me. They love someone else." You whispered burying your head into his stomach. This irked Branch. This low life scum hurting his baby sibling. "When I see this punk again I swear." He grumbled rubbing your back. This made you giggle slightly. "I made your favorite, hot chocolate." He whispered brushing your hair. You rolled over and sat up. You smiled taking it. You knew you'd always be able to count on your big brother.
A/N: I loved writing this. When I got this request I always thought Branch would only show you things he never did in the first movie (just not singing) I hope you like it!! ✨✨
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randomfoodpolls · 1 month
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hollowtones · 1 year
have you ever eaten a blueberry bagel? they are my favourite bagels
Nope. I usually get 'em with sesame or all-dressed. (I think people from the US call them "everything bagels"?)
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prettygirlmjmjmj · 9 months
that girl breakfast ideas
Breakfast is so important and it’s actually one of my favourite mealtimes, there’s just something so soothing and relaxing making myself a delicious and nutritious breakfast. If you don’t get hungry as soon as you wake up then you could always use these as brunch options or just try the less filling options instead. You deserve a breakfast that is as gorgeous as you absolutely are!!
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Cold breakfasts:
Yogurt parfait (yogurt, fruit and granola layered).
A smoothie bowl! This is a great way to get more nutrients into your diet and as smoothie bowls are so customisable you can add all of your favourite fruits and veggies.
A yogurt bowl. Start with a base of yogurt then add a variety of toppings from honey, nuts, fruit pieces to granola.
A fruit salad. Chop up a bunch of fruits, drizzle them with some lemon and enjoy!
Overnight oats. This is one of my favourite make ahead breakfast options - you can even blend them to make them even more creamy. Pinterest has lots of great recipes and inspiration.
Granola. I love making my own granola (it's much healthier and I personally find it to be tastier). You can have granola with yogurt, smoothie bowls and milk making it super versatile and easy.
A smoothie. This is perfect for a nice chill morning or when you don't wake up super hungry.
Homemade granola bars. These are super easy to make and are great for busy, hectic mornings.
Chia seed pudding.
Homemade muesli.
Healthy banana bread. This is so much fun to make and can be eaten as a snack or served with some Greek yogurt for breakfast.
Cereal and milk/milk alternatives. This is so easy and super quick, perfect for mornings when you're in a rush. I love to add fruits like banana or strawberries to my cereal!
Hot breakfasts:
Avocado toast! If I want a more protein heavy breakfast I'll add a poached egg.
Porridge (or oatmeal as some of you guys call it). Porridge will always be a 10/10 breakfast for me, especially when I add fruits, nuts and other toppings to it.
Baked oats. These are really comforting and yummy but they do take a while to bake so probably aren't the best option for people who have hectic, busy mornings.
A breakfast bagel. My personal favourite breakfast bagel combo is scrambled eggs, rocket and avocado. Super simple but always a winner.
Banana pancakes!
Pesto eggs. If you haven't tried these yet I really recommend them.
Toast and nut spreads. I adore peanut butter toast topped with banana or blueberries, but I also love an almond butter.
French toast. To me no breakfast item is more autumn that French toast. It's one of my comfort autumn weekend breakfast foods!!
Bacon or sausages with toast and eggs. I really like turkey bacon with poached eggs and tomatoes.
Eggs. Poaches, scrambled, boiled, fried there are so many variations of eggs and they are a perfect protein packed way to start your day.
Croissants or other warm pastries. So you can live out your Paris morning dreams.
Homemade waffles. These are super easy to make (provided you have a waffle maker) and you can find healthier recipes and toppings to make them super tasty and unique!
Breakfast quesadilla's. These are so good and such a fun summery breakfast. Plus they're easy to make a lot of if you're having people over for breakfast.
Drink ideas
A matcha latte! I love matcha whether it's iced or hot. When I'm feeling energetic I make a strawberry iced matcha latte!
Green tea.
Chai. I love an iced chai latte in the summer.
A juice! My favourite juices are cranberry, grapefruit and green juice. You can make juices yourself but this can be a bit pricy, so you can always find brands you like and buy them instead.
A smoothie.
Ginger tea.
Water. I always drink water as soon as I wake up but if you find it hard to stomach in the morning try adding some lemon or cucumber slices.
Peppermint tea.
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All my love, mj.
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glass--beach · 3 months
whats your favourite type of bagel
i like a sesame seed bagel with cream cheese, lox, capers, and dill… if i’m gonna have it with just cream cheese i like a blueberry bagel the most. gotta be a good bakery bagel though. i don’t really fuck with the grocery store bagels
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thetragicallynerdy · 10 months
Summer jam #1: peach!
Peach jam is one of my favourite kinds, but it's been a while since I made any! It didn't set very well (I kind of made up the recipe, so it's a bit expected) but it's very tasty!
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[ID from alt: three photos of peach jam. First, jars of homemade peach jam sitting on my kitchen table, with a basket of fresh peaches behind them. Second, my hand holding a jar of peach jam up to the light. Third, a toasted poppyseed bagel with peach jam on one side, and strawberry-blueberry on the other. End ID]
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batmanshole · 9 months
my favourite emojis
thumbs up. salute. bomb. tulip. strawberry. sobbing. two red exclamation marks. red exclamation mark and question mark. woozy. dizzy. hand cupping. hand pointing. eye. female firefighter. female farmer. female construction worker. pregnant man. woman in wheelchair. woman in power chair. woman with probing cane. puppy face. duck. duckling. snail. ant. bee. jellyfish. whale. seal. sheep. guide dog. wing. dove. clover. four leaf clover. sprout. mushroom. lotus. bouquet. hyacinth. hibiscus. cherry blossom. rock. sunflower. coral. sparkle. star. rain. rain and thunder. snowflake. gust of wind. onion. garlic. bagel. ginger. cherries. peach. green apple. red apple. pear. lemon. orange. mango. blueberry. carrot. corn. broccoli. bok choy. potato. bread. sweet potato. baguette. pretzel. pancakes. hotdog. hamburger. sandwich. fortune cookie. rice. dango. sorbet. flan. lolipop. tea. honey. bubble tea. hockey. roller skate. fishing. woman surfing. fencing. paint palette. woman juggling. trumpet. saxophone. violin. chess pawn. guitar. headphones. probing cane. wheelchair. power chair. crutch. suspended train car. tram. trolley. train. train at station. airplane. airplane taking off. airplane landing. different airplane. ship anchor. moai head. map. roller coaster. park fountain. pink hospital. keyboard. phone with arrow. CD. DVD. minidisc. floppy disk. VHS tape. camera with flash. dial. antique clock. hourglass. hourglass with falling sand. old tv. plug. candle. lightbulb. ID card. ladder. pickaxe. saw. nut and bolt. gear. hammer. box propped up by stick. magnet. water gun. knife. axe. sword. dynamite. cigarette. gravestone. hole. bandaid. telescope. pill. broom. plunger. picnic basket. bath with bubbles. razor. toothbrush. lotion. soap. person in bath. toilet paper. toilet. sponge. bucket. key. skeleton key. bed with person in it. bed. chair. door. teddy bear. present. balloon. box. tag. scroll. document. document bent. file folder. open file folder. clipboard. office trash can. rolled up newspaper. filing cabinet. newspaper. composition notebook. plain notebook. red volume 1 notebook. green volume 2 notebook. blue volume 3 notebook. orange volume 4 notebook. stack of books. open book. triangular ruler. pin. pen. fountain pen right. fountain pen left. pencil. crayon. closed lock. pink heart. red heart. orange heart. yellow heart. green heart. cyan heart. blue heart. purple heart. grey heart. white heart. brown heart. black heart. sparkling pink heart. pink heart with arrow. pink heart with bow. double pink hearts. swirling pink hearts. glowing pink heart. vibrating pink heart. broken heart. radiation warning. libra. big red X. big red O. crossed out circle. question mark. exclamation point. warning sign. trident. fleur de lis. accessibility sign. canadian flag. brazillian flag. pirate flag. ok sign. cool sign. music notes. on arrow. top arrow. TM sign. crossed out bell. thought bubble. yelling bubble. speech bubble. spade. club. heart. diamond. gay pride. trans pride.
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threadsun · 1 year
Anonymous Asks: "What do you think are Jack's, Joseph's, Shaun's, Ian's, Nick's, and Jean's favorite foods and drinks?"
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Ooooh I’m gonna do these a lil out of order for Headcanon Reasons~
Content: Food and drink talk
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Okay so I know everyone headcanons him as Italian-American, but like… my little Jewish heart likes to think he’s Jewish
Some of his favourite foods are ones he remembers his bubbe making for him before she passed away and he ran away
Her brisket is the thing he misses the most, so soft with just a hint of hot sauce and horseradish. Sandwiched between two slices of freshly baked challah…
The slightly gross bagels and lox she used to buy for him on a Sunday morning
But also he’s a sucker for a greasy burger and slightly soggy fries, a strawberry milkshake on the side
Shitty boxed wine (or manischewitz lmao)
So, Sunny Day Jack was meant to be an all-American guy, but this Jack is a weird amalgamation of Jack and Joseph
So, uh, he’s Jewish too now. It’s my house I get to make the rules, and the rules are I project onto characters
Apples may be his favourite snack, but for a meal? Matzo ball soup. It’s got vegetables, protein, carbs… if you make it the day before, you can skim off the schmaltz!
He also loves fruit salads and regular salads, and—no surprise here—blueberry pancakes
Any sort of fruit juice is good for him! He’ll freshly squeeze it himself to make sure there’s not too much sugar
Man loves milk
Shaun is an accomplished man in many respects, but uhhhh… cooking is not one of them
He’s not the worst at it, he can make himself ready meals or boxed mac and cheese or simple dishes
But generally, he kinda prefers to just get food in. Chinese, Thai, and Indian are absolutely his favourites, but he does also like to try new places when he can
He’s a big fan of sandwiches! Any filling, he just loves something he can hold in one hand while he works
As for drinks, he loves a good smoothie. Especially those super healthy green ones full of like kale and spinach and stuff
Shaun’s alcoholic drink of choice is vodka
Ian’s a pretty good cook! Not like… professional chef level, but he likes to watch cooking shows
He’s picked up a few things, and he’s learned to cook all of his favourite foods
He makes an absolutely delicious ramen, a very good full English breakfast, and he’s also a decent baker. Pies, cookies, cinnamon rolls of course
Breakfasts are definitely his specialty, especially things that are good for breakfast in bed
He loves strawberry milk, it’s almost silly how excited he gets about it (but also so cute)
He’s a big fan of all types of tea!
Now, Ian may be a good cook, but Nick is almost a professional level cook. He’s practiced for years
He’s good enough to make his own new recipes if he knows the basic ingredients needed
He specializes in all types of rice and pasta and bread, all made by hand. Fried rice, coconut rice, carbonara, bolognese, naan, pizza, anything like that
He does love a good pain au chocolat, especially with a hot coffee. It’s his ideal breakfast
When it comes to drinks, he mostly sticks with water and coffee, but sometimes he’ll drink soda
He’s a sucker for lemonade
Look, Jean never wanted to be an actor. He wanted to be a baker. It’s why he stuck with the Rory role for so long.
He’s not like… the best at it, just cause he doesn’t have much time to practice
But he definitely loves to eat sweets! Cakes and cookies, macrons and meringues, parfaits and puddings. Anything sweet, he has a major sweet tooth!
Cafe foods and drinks in general are his favourites. Croissants, doughnuts, coffee, tea
He loves a good cup of hot chocolate, with marshmallows and whipped cream
This man loves baileys
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Get to Know Me Tag
tagged by: @rose-bookblood thank you!
tagging: Open Tag and soft tagging @ink-fireplace-coffee | @sleepyowlwrites | @words-after-midnight | @lawful-evil-novelist | @sam-glade | @drabbleitout | @rhikasa | @magic-is-something-we-create | @kaylinalexanderbooks
3 ships you like: GoldenHeart (Nimona), Iron Triangle (Iron Widow), Garmasako (Ninjago) (Misako haters will be blocked on sight, I don't wanna hear it-)
First ship ever: Hard to pinpoint the first first ship i ever had, but one of my first ships was either Jack and Goldie or Queen Red and Froggy from The Land of Stories
Last song you heard: I've been on a video game music kick lately, particularly the Divine Beast themes from BOTW. Vah Medoh and Vah Ruta themes are my faves and I've been listening to them on constant loop lol.
Favourite childhood book: I couldn't possibly choose just one... some of my absolute faves that got me through elementary and middle school were: How to Train Your Dragon series, Percy Jackson series, The Land of Stories series, The Hunger Games series, Micheal Vey series, Pegasus series, The Unwanteds series, and Peter and the Star Catchers series
Currently reading: I just finished Valkyrie by Kate O'Hearn, she's an author that got me through middle school (and yeah the books are targeted at a much younger audience, but I'm currently making my way out of a reading slump, so don't @ me)
Currently watching: Almost finished with Agents of Shield, better than 90% of the MCU tbh
Currently consuming: a blueberry bagel :3
Current craving: a parmesan bagel :3
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nakimochiku · 1 month
counting kisses
word count:1k
Pairing: songxuexiao
Xingchen listens to his favourite sex education podcast on a low volume while he fixes breakfast, feeling across the jar lids in the fridge until he finds the one for blueberry jam. The toaster is taking too long to pop up Xue Yang’s blueberry bagels. The coffee maker percolates. He listens to the shower, the rush of water on tile, the occasional splash. 
Zichen exits the washroom in a cloud of steam, bare feet padding across the floor. Xingchen tips his face up. Zichen brushed a kiss across his cheek. He smells of citrus and cedar, skin damp and warm. “Morning,” he murmurs, sliding a hand across Xingchen’s hip. 
“Morning.” Xingchen says happily back, and with a pleased sound, Zichen continues on to the bedroom to get dressed. 
A Qing’s lunch waits for her on the kitchen counter. “I can’t find my—“
“Did you check under the couch?” Xingchen asks, since he distinctly remembers finding her favourite scrunchie there.
“Why would it—“ footsteps towards the living room. The sofa creaks as she leans on it. “Oh. Thank you gege!”
She rushes up, grabs her travel mug from his hand, kisses his cheek. “Gonna be at soccer today. Bye gege love you!” And she hurtles out the door. 
11:27 AM
“Fuck!” Xue Yang darts out of the bedroom. He grabs at the bagel Xingchen left for him, soggy and cold, with a clatter, storms to the door to shove his boots on. Xingchen waits in the office door way. 
“I told you to get up three times,” he teases. 
“Fuck off,” Xue Yang grumbles, no heat. Finished with his shoes, he skips up a step, mindful not to go beyond the entry hall, and grabs at Xingchen’s hand to pull him closer. 
“What are you wearing?” Xingchen asks. On the step above him, Xue Yang can tuck comfortably under his chin. 
“Those jeans you like. And Zichen’s shirt.” Xue Yang slips his hands into Xingchen’s back pockets, and leans up so he can crush a searing kiss against his lips. His mouth is sticky with blueberry jam. 
“You’re gonna be late.” Xingchen reminds, a little breathless, tempted to chase the taste of sugar and blueberries into Xue Yang’s mouth. He licks his lips. 
“You’re a fucking tease.” Xue Yang mumbles. He pecks him on the lips again, and dashes out of the apartment. 
Zichen’s return home brings the scent of fried chicken, salt and grease and fat. “I brought dinner,” he calls. Xingchen meets him at the door, taking the bags so Zichen can head straight to the washroom for his evening shower. 
He sets the take out in the counter, and moves to the bathroom to lean against the door jam. The room is already steamy. Xingchen flicks on the vent. “How was your day?”
“Stressful.” Zichen calls over the shower spray, groaning gratefully under its heat. “There's only so many times I can explain the same thing before I feel like I'll explode.”
Xingchen places Zichen’s towel over the towel warmer (Xue Yang got it for Zichen for new years. He claims he was trying to bully Zichen for the amount of showers he took. They all know thats not true.) “didn't feel like cooking?”
“A Yang was complaining about junk food so…” he trails off awkwardly. The shower shuts off. Xingchen smiles. The shower curtain rattles as it's pulled back. The bathroom is small, with two fully grown men standing chest to chest. 
“Can I help you destress, maybe?” Xingchen smirks. 
Zichn makes a soft wanting noise, pressing him against the bathroom sink until Xingchen hops onto it. “Yeah,” he breathes, lips already brushing. They kiss, tongues tangling, sweetly exploring each others mouths. Zichen’s hair drips onto Xingchen’s face like tears. The mirror is cold against his back. He wants to let Zichen all the way inside him. They pause, take breaths, kisses pressed to a sharp chin or the corner of an eye, before they are kissing again, hungry for each other. 
They don’t part until A Qing comes home.
The printer is making the clunky wheezy distresssed noises it makes when it is sick of working. Xingchen whole heartedly understands. He almost doesn't hear the front door close gently, or the office door whisper open. 
“You’re late.” Xingchen murmurs, spinning in his chair and getting a lap full of Xue Yang for his troubles. He smell like coffee, chemically sweet and artificial, sweat and skin. Its digusting. Its also kind of nice. 
“Bitch fucking Jessica was up her own fucking ass about closing tonight,” he grumbles from his place against Xingchen’s shoulder. The printer whines moodily. A thump, Xue Yang knocking the side with his foot. The printer sputters and resumes. 
“Anything I can do to make you feel better, Yang’er,” Xingchen pouts out his lower lip. 
“Yeah,” Xue Yang shifts until he’s straddling Xingchen’s lap. His fingers curl in Xingchen’s hair, tilting his face up, the tip of his nose trailing along Xingchen’s throat, up to the hinge of his jaw, a drag of teeth and lips, hot skin and hot breath. “Can kiss it all better, right?” Xingchen can feel Xue Yang’s smirk. 
Instead of answering, he catches Xue Yang’s mouth with his own, trading kisses, broken only by the sharp nip of Xue Yang’s sharp canine, sinking into plump flesh, or scraping across his tongue, as thrilling as electricity. 
They keep kissing until Zichen pushes the office door open. “You gonna eat dinner or should I put it away?”
Xue Yang laughs like a crow. “Having dessert first.”
“You’re so damn cheesy.” Zichen huffs, while Xingchen giggles helplessly into the hollow of Xue Yang’s throat.
Xingchen tallies up the day’s kisses while he listens to Zichen brushing his teeth. Xue Yang clings to his side, sweaty and breathing heavily. It gusts against Xingchen’s neck, ticklish. 
Its a pretty good count, by his estimation. The sink shuts off. The bathroom door swings half closed, leaving a crevice from the night light. The mattress dips as Zichen climbs in beside him. 
He leans down, minty and cool, to kiss him. “Good night,” he murmurs. 
“Night,” xue yang mumbles. He kisses Zichen first, then Xingchen, settling back into a coccoon of blankets. 
Xingchen adds two more kisses to his tally, and goes to sleep. 
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gyaradont · 1 year
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thebirdandhersong · 11 months
Spread mango chutney on a toasted blueberry bagel and then layer thinly sliced cucumber. Mash some cooked salmon up with some mayonnaise and chili oil and then spread THAT on top of the bagel. New favourite combo
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doubleca5t · 2 years
Hi hello, favourite Will Wood songs on the new album? I’ve been looping The Main Character mostly. But Falling Up is way up there too
Cicada Days, Tomcat Disposables, The Main Character, Against the Kitchen Floor, and of course Big Fat Bitchie’s Blueberry Pie, Christmas Tree, and Recreational Jell-o Emporium a.k.a. “Mr. Boy is on the Roof Again” (Feat. Pasta by Sneakers McSqueakers) [From the Motion Picture ”B.F.B.’s B-Sides: Bagel Batches, Marshmallows, and Barsh-mallows]
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lunarfly-studios · 9 months
🍝+🥯+🥪+🍛(including favourite pork, beef, chicken, fish and shellfish dishes) for Persephone Meadow
(Disclaimer: Character uses She/Her Pronouns)
🍝 SPAGHETTI — what is/are your oc's favorite food(s)?
Creamy Soups, like Mushroom and Tomato
Most Meats - Pork Medallions, Beef Stew, Baked Chicken Pesto
Seafood/Shellfish - Crab and Salmon
Sweets - Red Velvet and Blueberry
Apples, Grapes, Bananas, Peaches, Berries
Carrots, Peas, Potatoes
🥯 BAGEL — what does your oc's typical breakfast look like? do they usually eat breakfast?
Her breakfasts are usually light. She's generally satisfied with fruit, a mushroom omelet, and ham slices.
She's always up with the roosters, and she always starts with a shower and breakfast.
🥪 SANDWICH — what does your oc's typical lunch look like? do they usually eat lunch?
Her lunches are usually a little heavier, usually eating brown rice, sushi or baked fish, with mixed vegetables.
She has a habit of skipping lunch when she gets too hyperfocused on her work.
🍛 CURRY AND RICE — what does your oc's typical dinner look like? do they usually eat dinner?
Her dinners are usually lighter, sticking mostly to just a sandwich, carrot sticks or fruit, and a light soup.
She tries not to eat too much right before bed, but she often times has to be reminded to stop working and eat dinner, lol
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