#bonkai fiction
leianaberrie · 2 months
Do you know of any other fiction where the characters are Bonkai coded? I have seen some YA books come out and the authors say the couples are inspired/coded Bamon, Delena, etc, but I want Bonkai (even though TVD forever made me weary of characters who are selfless like Bonnie lol I just can’t take it again)
Damn, i have no idea but that is a brilliant idea! Maybe I’ll do just that. ;)
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dirtygoldensoul · 1 year
Happy New Year guys!
I'm trying to finish the last two chapters of Imperator Princeps and start another human bonkai au, although I'm not sure who'll be interested in that.
I've just been busy with stuff, trying to improve my writing and experiment with my own original fiction.
I would also like to implore people to comment on the fics they like because especially in small fandoms, they can be a huge motivation.
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zalrb · 2 years
Do you have a personal favorite “toxic” couple or pairing? I hate using that word because it’s so over used lol but I don’t know how else to phrase it. Just like two people who obviously aren’t the healthiest together but they can’t stop themselves and you can’t stop yourself from enjoying their dynamic/scenes together ?
It's only overused because people refer to relationships they don't like as toxic and then try to defend themselves by being like, they had a fight one time so they're obviously toxic and it does my head in to the point that my header on tumblr before this one was this
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because i was fucking SICK of anons telling me ships were toxic because there were low points in the relationship.
Toxic relationships when done correctly can be extremely entertaining and fun and compelling, I love watching fictional toxic relationships when the writing is honest, which is why I've always maintained that if Delena was crafted properly I would've at least been entertained by them but they weren't. So, for me, it could go from:
Kelly and Ryan from The Office, which is a thoroughly dysfunctional relationship where they're both terrible people together but also portrayed in a very comedic and lighthearted way
or it can be Cesare and Lucrezia where the very fact that romantic feelings exist at all is in it of itself toxic and it's tearing them both apart but it only gets worse and better at the same time and it's just a constant struggle for them
I end up arguing against Spuffy a lot because Spuffy shippers come into my inbox and start shitting on Bangel and Angel and calling that relationship toxic and I don't ship them as a lasting couple but particularly season 6, as a sort of symptom and embodiment of Buffy's dark psychology at the time, it's a good example of a compelling toxic relationship
I was asked a few years ago about relationships that transition from toxic to healthy and I always went to Gallavich so Gallavich doesn't end up being a toxic relationship but they were when they first started and it's complicated because the toxicity is wrapped up in so many different things
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but there was a certain angst that came with it that, like, ruined my life and I was absolutely here for it
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Cookie and Lucious was another ship and I remember having to breakdown to an anon why Damon and Elena weren't in the same league as Cookie and Lucious and if any canon ship on the show would be remotely close, it would be Klaroline
From other posts of mine:
The World of the Married is some toxic, awful, terrible, entertaining shit where it’s a husband and wife, the husband carries on an affair while all of their mutual friends know and like have dinners and vacation with him and his mistress she finds out,
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they get a divorce and he marries his mistress except that he’s obsessed with his ex wife
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and even dresses his new wife just like his ex wife and his ex has sex with his best friend to get back at him
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and then they have hate sex,
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it’s this whole thing and it’s based I think pretty much shot for shot on a British show and it was just so fun to watch.
Tony and Carmela are not an OTP of mine but I’m a big fan of the writing for that marriage and of how Edie and James portrayed that marriage and it is a possessive relationship but an entirely hypocritical one, Tony cheats on Carmela frequently and Carmela is expected to deal with it because that’s the deal she made, she gets to live a luxurious lifestyle and Tony gets to fuck around  but that’s not working out
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but when Carmela just flirts with the idea of another man, Tony loses his shit.
First, it was this eroticism with her priest and he slept over one night and Tony was bothered by it
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then it was Furio and Furio flees to Italy because he’s in love with Carmela and thought about killing Tony even though the two of them didn’t really do much or spend much time together
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and I remember when David Chase said he would’ve changed this line
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to infuriate Tony even more to this:
“I remember being on the stage at, like, 2:30 in the morning when [Gandolfini and Falco] did that,” he said. “It was just unbelievable.” But that got him thinking about a way he could have done it differently.
“What she should have said — instead of ‘I have been dreaming and wishing and … about Furio’ —  she should have said, to get [Tony], ‘I have been dreaming and masturbating and blah blah blah,” Chase said. “But it’s too late.”
There are some ships that are portrayed as cute and romantic but are actually really toxic that I do enjoy like Joe and Kathleen from You've Got Mail because the concept of that entire movie is psychotic. Joe is a sociopath.
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Like, ma'am, he ran you out of business, continued your online relationship while he knew you were the one he was talking to while you didn't know he was who you were talking to, and then he befriended you irl and tried to get you to hate his online persona so you could like him for him, like WHAT?
I want to like Loustat more than I actually do because, like, there are some great things that happen? Like Lestat sending Louis a record with his lover singing on it as an apology that then riles Louis up so much that he swims across the river, kicks down Antoinette's door, demands she get out of her own apartment so he can have hate sex with Lestat while she listens on the balcony crying? I was like THIS is the type of shit I want from IWTV but it still all somehow very perfunctory like a lot of the show because the emphasis is on the voiceover and dialogue so there are aspects of Loustat where I'm like I want to live in this moment, I don't want to hear about it, I want to see it, which is also why I make vids of them because it's basically taking those moments out and emphasizing them more.
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nevereverthem · 1 month
Multi fandom (if you come across this and you don't understand the beginning just read, you'll get it X)) :
I was reading a fan fiction about Bonkai and I just came across a sentence where Kai is talking about Bonnie. He's like "Yeah that Bennett witch with her stupid this and her stupid that and her stupid this that...." Basically he's mad because she managed to make her way through his heart.
That reminds me of Spike and Buffy from BTVS when they're arguing and it ends up with "yeah and and.... And you've got stupid hair." 🤣😭
-> Saying something is stupid is a form of love. 💞🤣😭✨
Oh my God, that reminds me of Doctor Who. Doesn't Amy say to Rory that he's got a stupid face !?
Ok Combo !! 🔥
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twistedscandal · 6 years
Title: Netflix and No Chill
Pairing: Bonnie Bennett/Kai Parker
Summary: Bonnie and her friends are supposed to be gathering at Lockwood Manor for Halloween to watch scary movies with Kai.  What could possibly go wrong?
Warnings: None really.  A little language.
A/N: I come from a long line of procrastinators, but this is ridiculous. The Vampire Diaries was still on the air when I started writing this. Then I thought I would revise it and post if for this year's bookai week on tumblr and I still didn't finish until now. So now I am posting a Halloween fic on the day after Thanksgiving. Shameful. I stopped watching the show during season five then picked back up for bonkai in season six then stopped again when I realized they were only going to continue to pay Bonnie dust, so I apologize for any details I may have gotten wrong. This fic contains vague spoilers for a couple of old movies.
It didn’t really surprise Bonnie that Halloween would be one of Kai’s favorite holidays and he had gone all out with the decorations. The pumpkin under Bonnie’s arm seemed to grow even heavier when she realized how unnecessary it was to have brought it. The winding driveway leading up to the front door was already littered with jack o lanterns. Each one bearing a different, grotesque carved expression. The front porch was covered with fake spiderwebs, cartoon cut outs of witches and skeletons posed in a variety of compromising positions. He had done his best to make Lockwood Manor look like a haunted house. Bonnie thought the outside of the house looked sufficiently spooky but knew it didn’t compare to the scariness of the monster currently dwelling inside.
The post it note stuck to the front door read, “Come on in” in Kai’s neat, blocky handwriting; a demented looking smiley face hastily drawn in the corner. Bonnie let herself into the Lockwood house, trying to ignore the general sense of unease that had been hovering over her all day. It was bad enough that they were even having a get together here in the first place but the fact that somehow, she was the only one whose schedule would allow her to get there first and get things set up left a sour taste in her mouth.
It had been a while since Bonnie and her friends had all been in the same room for reasons that weren’t life threatening, so Elena had suggested that with Halloween approaching, it would be a great time to get together and watch a bunch of scary movies. Horrible events that were confined to a screen and happening to other people seemed like a nice change of pace. Also, the thought of a get together that had almost zero potential to end in bloodshed was appealing.
There was one problem however, they didn’t really have anywhere to host said movie night. The dorm room was too small, casa Gilbert was no more and neither Bonnie or Caroline had stepped foot in their homes in over a year; there were too many memories of lost loved ones in the places they grew up to imagine going to either place for a party.
Not even the boarding house was a viable option. Stefan and Damon’s big, beautiful flat screen had been broken during some fight or other and they hadn’t bothered to buy another one to replace it. Neither of them watched a lot of tv anyway. Bonnie supposed that drunken housewives, cooking shows and whatever teenage love triangle tripe the CW was offering, didn’t have much appeal when you were over 100 years old.
There was a tv in Damon’s bedroom that he claimed he only used to “hate-watch” Grey’s Anatomy. Bonnie wondered if it really was hate-watching though, considering how misty-eyed Damon got when McDreamy bit it. That was all beside the point because there was no way Bonnie, Stefan, Caroline, Damon and Elena were all going to cram into Damon’s bedroom (can you say awkward) to watch movies anyway.
They were kind of stumped until Caroline suggested an alternative: “Why not just go to Kai’s place?” And by Kai’s place she meant Tyler’s. Kai had been squatting on the Lockwood property for so long that people had actually started referring to it as his. Bonnie had objected, but of course she had been unanimously overruled. There really weren’t any better choices and the Lockwood estate did have an actual home theater.
Apparently socializing with Kai was a small price to pay for cushioned seats and surround sound.
Bonnie was less than thrilled about the situation but determined not to let having to be around Kai ruin the evening.
She made her way to the kitchen, put down the pumpkin, shrugged out of her coat and began to unpack the grocery bag she’d brought with her. She laid tomatoes, onions, garlic, jalapenos, cilantro and a couple of limes on the island and got a cutting board off the counter. She searched around for a bowl and found one in the cabinet over the stove. Bonnie stretched up onto the tips of her toes and had just about gotten her finger hooked over the edge of the bowl when it suddenly seemed to move further back out of her reach.
Bonnie leaned further in and just when she got her hand on the bowl, once again it seemed to move closer to the back of the cabinet. She closed her eyes and sighed. “Stop it, Kai.”
“I’m not doing anything.” Kai appeared so suddenly that Bonnie wondered if he had cloaked himself and been standing there watching her all the while. He had perfected the art of casually draping himself in doorways and there he stood, his hair damp, his chest bare and a black t-shirt thrown over his shoulder.
Bonnie turned to face him full on. “I know you moved that bowl out of my reach.”
“Come on, Bonnie,” Kai said attempting and failing to look innocent. “Do I seem like the kind of person to engage in that sort of pointless and immature behavior?”
“Yes, Kai. You seem exactly like that sort of person because you are exactly that sort of person.”
“Don’t be like that. I was just having a little fun and I don’t see what the big deal is anyway. You do remember that you’re a witch, right? You could have floated the stupid thing right into your hands.”
“Yeah, well not all of us witches are powerful coven leaders with magic to spare.”
“You’re a Bennett. I seriously doubt that moving a bowl would tire you out.” Kai scoffed.
“Whatever. My Grams taught me that it was a waste of energy to use magic for anything that I could do like a normal person.”
Kai gave Bonnie an incredulous look. “That’s terrible advice. You’re not normal; you’re extraordinary. Try acting like it and you might actually have some fun once in a while.”
Bonnie ignored Kai, turning her back to him while she made another grab for the bowl.
“You are the most hard headed person I’ve ever met in my life.” Kai slid in behind Bonnie and reached over her to pull the bowl down from the cabinet.
Bonnie’s breath caught in her chest as she felt his body move against hers. For just a moment something in her brain went sideways and she wondered what it might feel like to lean back onto Kai’s muscular frame; to let herself be overwhelmed by the warmth of his body and the clean soapy smell emanating from his skin. The moment passed as quickly as it came though and her common sense clicked back into place as she elbowed Kai in the stomach. “Are you even vaguely familiar with the concept of personal space?”
The bowl clanged against the counter as Kai unceremoniously dropped it from his hand. “Are you familiar with the concept of saying thank you?”
“As if I would ever thank you for anything.” Bonnie grabbed a knife and began chopping tomatoes. She watched Kai out the corner of her eye, thankful as he finally shrugged into his t shirt and pulled it down over his torso.
He leaned against the island, his dark blue eyes locked on Bonnie. “So, you’re the only one here?”
“Do you see anybody else?”
“The rest of the scooby gang is actually coming though, right?”
“Of course they are. Why would you even ask me that?”
“I’m just trying to make sure that I’m not being lured into some type of Netflix and chill situation.”
Bonnie knew that she shouldn’t be, but she was continuously amazed by some of the nonsense that made its way out of Kai’s mouth. “First of all, ew. Second of all, what the hell would you know about Netflix and chill?”
“Call it whatever you want, but inviting someone over under the pretense of watching a movie just so you can get them alone in a dark room and start making moves is a tale as old as time. I’m sure there was some Neanderthal back in the day trying to get a woman to come over for cave drawings and chill.”
“Elena and Damon are at the grocery store getting more snacks.”
Kai’s eyebrows shot straight up. “You’re letting those two be in charge of the food? Don’t be too surprised if they show up with nothing but a bag of gummy bears, a few pints of o-negative and a gallon of bourbon. What about vampire Barbie and Ken? Where are they?”
“If you’re talking about Stefan and Caroline, he’s picking her up from Whitmore. She has a late class on Fridays. They should all be here in a little while. You and I will not be alone and your virtue, such as it is, shall remain intact.”
Kai made a dramatic show of rolling his eyes. “Bummer.” A hint of a smile danced around his lips. “I’ll be right back.” He bounced out of the kitchen, humming to himself.
Bonnie resumed chopping tomatoes and wondered if that was going to be the new normal for her interactions with Kai. Ambiguous (and potentially sinister) hovering had been replaced with flagrant (and terrible) attempts at flirting.
Kai returned to the kitchen a few moments later. He took a couple of beers out of the fridge and opened them; he put one bottle down in front of Bonnie as he took a long drink from the other. “What are you making?”
“I’ve heard that there’s places called grocery stores where they sell salsa already made in jars.”
“Do you really want to be a smart ass while I have this knife in my hand?”
Kai ignored Bonnie’s threat. “Want some help?”
Kai washed his hands then grabbed another knife from the butcher’s block. He stood beside Bonnie and began working on an onion.
Bonnie, understandably, was still somewhat wary of Kai with a sharp object in his hand, but after her initial apprehension passed they worked in a somewhat companionable silence. She thought it might not be so bad after all. Her friends would be there soon and then there would be four people to buffer the space between her and Kai. Damon especially always seemed quite eager to provide a barrier between Bonnie and Kai, both metaphorically and physically. All she had to do was hold on and hope that he could be quiet for just a little while longer.
“Hey, Bon.” Kai’s voice cut into Bonnie’s thoughts; she should have known him being quiet wasn’t going to last. “May I ask you a personal question?”
“If I say no, aren’t you just going to ask me anyway?”
“You know me so well. How come you and Dudley Do Right never hooked up?”
“Why do you keep calling him that? You know his name is Matt.”
Kai stared at Bonnie as though she had said something ridiculous. “And you know that I don’t care. Stop trying to change the subject.”
“There is no subject because I never agreed to have this conversation in the first place.” Bonnie put down her knife and looked at Kai, curiosity getting the better of her. “Why do you want to know anyway?”
Kai shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess I’m just curious. He’s around. You’ve known him forever. You’re hot. He’s hot.”
Bonnie raised an eyebrow at Kai. “You think Matt is hot?”
“I’m very comfortable with who I am so I’ve got no problem saying another guy is attractive. Young Matthew is quite handsome; in a bland, generic, Sears catalog model kind of way.”
“How is it that even your compliments manage to be insults?”
“Just one of my many God given talents.”
“I doubt that God has anything to do with any of your so-called talents.”
“I can’t really argue with that. Now let’s get back on topic, Bonbon. Do you not think Matt is cute or were you worried you two would bore each other into a coma?”
“I don’t know.” Bonnie said while shrugging her shoulders. “I guess I’ve always thought of Matt in a brotherly way. Not to mention the fact that he and Elena were attached at the hip for as long as I could remember. Even after they broke up it was hard not to think of him as her boyfriend. Then he was with Caroline and had that thing with Rebekah. After that….” Bonnie voice trailed off.
Kai leaned in closer. “What?” Bonnie shook her head and looked away. “Come on, tell me.”
“I don’t know.” Odd as it was, it felt good to finally voice her feelings out loud. Kai obviously would not have been her first choice for a confidante but at the very least she knew she could tell him anything, he wouldn’t judge and wouldn’t share it with anyone else.
“Matt’s a great guy but there’s never really been any kind of spark between us and even if there had been, I’m not interested in being anyone else’s second or third or in Matt’s case, fourth, choice. Been there, done that and it wasn’t a whole lot of fun. The next relationship I’m in I need to know that I’m not somebody’s consolation prize because they wanted someone else and settled for me. I need to be somebody’s first choice.”
Kai was silent for a moment. “Can I tell you a secret?”
“Again, even if I say no, you’re just going to keep talking anyway.”
Kai shot a couple of finger guns in Bonnie’s direction. “Exactly.”
“In that case sure,” Bonnie said, her voice dripping with fake enthusiasm. “I’d love to hear a secret.”
“I’ve never had a girlfriend before.”
“Shocking.” Bonnie responded in a deadpan tone.
“I know right. These boyish good looks and devilish charms, I should have been beating the ladies off with a stick.”
Bonnie wondered if her sarcasm had truly gone over Kai’s head or if he was simply choosing to ignore it. “Not what I meant, at all, but okay.”
“My father tried to keep it under wraps for as long as he could but by the time I was fourteen word was out amongst the coven that I was a magical dud and a budding sociopath to boot, so none of those girls were exactly beating a path to my door. Combine that with dear old dad’s insistence that the family not fraternize with outsiders and that added up to a very empty social calendar for yours truly.”
“So, you never went out with anybody? You didn’t have any friends?”
“Not really. Sometimes I used to sneak into town. As useless and unbearable as I found most of the other kids in the coven, I’ve got to admit that nobody can conjure up a better fake ID than a bunch of bored, repressed teenage witches. And it’s not like we were going to snitch on each other. We all snuck into town. The atmosphere in the coven was suffocating; I wasn’t the only one that needed to get out and breathe every once in a while. Wouldn’t have really mattered if I got caught anyway. I was already a lost cause in my dad’s eyes. I didn’t have anything to lose.”
Kai fell silent as a faraway look crept into his eyes. It was almost like he had forgotten Bonnie was even still in the room; like his mind had gone somewhere else entirely.
“Kai?” Bonnie spoke hoping to jar him from his thoughts.
He sparked back to life. “Anyway, it was nice to get out and talk to people that didn’t know. Hadn’t already decided what I was and what I wasn’t. Sometimes it was just enough to be around somebody that didn’t flinch if I tried to touch them.”
Despite her best efforts, Bonnie sometimes felt herself softening towards Kai. At the very least she felt sorry for the person he could have been had he been born with his own magic or born into a family that could have loved him and taught him to love himself without it. Her sympathy however dissipated quickly when she recalled the look in his eyes as he had stabbed her.
“Why are you telling me this?”
“Right. My point was that I’ve never had a real relationship before, so if I have one whoever I’m with would be my first choice.” He shyly dropped his eyes a way from hers. “My only choice.”
Awkward, Bonnie thought to herself. She hoped Kai wasn’t expecting some sort of response from her because she was literally speechless. She had given up on pretending that Kai didn’t have some sort of weird thing for her but that didn’t mean she was willing to discuss it with him or anyone else anytime soon.
Bonnie looked away from Kai to check her phone. It had been more than enough time for one of the couples coming to have shown up by now. Not only had no one come, she hadn’t gotten any messages or calls either. “Where are they? I wonder if something happened.”
“Please if something happened to any of them they would have already called you begging for help by now, wouldn’t they?”
“Yeah. I guess you’re right, but still maybe- “
“Maybe nothing,” Kai said cutting Bonnie off. “Your friends have the attention spans of rabid billy goats; anything could be distracting them. I say we finish making what is sure to be some very delicious salsa, grab some chips, go downstairs and start on our first movie. I’m sure they’ll be here soon enough.”
Bonnie and Kai were settled into the reclining seats with chips, Bonnie’s salsa, a bowl of popcorn and a big bag of Twizzlers sitting on the seat between them. Kai had insisted on dimming the lights for an authentic movie watching experience, so the only real light in the room was emanating from the screen.
It came as no surprise whatsoever that Kai was the type to talk through movies.
“I’m confused.”
“About what?”
“Are we not supposed to know that the boyfriend is the killer?”
“Really, Kai? This movie has only been on for twenty minutes. You’re not supposed to say who the killer is.”
“But I am right, aren’t I? Besides it’s not like I’m spoiling it for you. I’m the one that’s never seen this before.”
“That’s not the point. Will you be quiet?”
“If they don’t want you to guess the killer right away, they could have been a little subtler. I mean look at him. The greasy hair, the chock full of crazy eyes. I know a sociopath when I see one.”
“Well you know what they say. Takes one to know one.”
“Please shut up.”
The first movie had ended and still Elena and Damon nor Caroline and Stefan had shown up yet. Bonnie had tried calling all of them and had only been able to get their voice mails.
“Knowing them you know what they’re probably doing.”
“What are you talking about Kai?”
He wiggled his eyebrows in suggestive manner. “You know exactly what I’m talking about.”
“Let’s start another movie.”
Amazingly Kai was able to remain quiet until the end of the second movie. “I knew he was dead all along.”
“No, you didn’t.”
“You’re right, they got me pretty good with that one. People must have freaked out back in the day.”
By the time the third movie started Kai’s chatterbox tendencies had rubbed off on Bonnie. “You do realize that these movies make absolutely no sense. Mrs. Vorhees goes on a murderous rampage to avenge Jason’s death in the first movie, right?”
“Yeah, so?”
“So, Jason goes on a murderous rampage to avenge her death in all the rest of the movies.”
“Do you have a point, Bonnie?”
“If Jason wasn’t dead what was Mrs. Vorhees so pissed off about in the first place? If he was dead, how did he come back to life? Is he a ghost? A zombie? Every single movie other than the first one is utter nonsense because they ruin the entire premise of the series.”
“I. . .” Kai opened his mouth and then immediately closed it again. For the first time since Bonnie met him he had been rendered speechless. “I’ll be damned. I grew up watching these and I never even thought about that. Stop trying to ruin my childhood.”
Bonnie awoke with a start. It took a minute for her to get her bearings and remember where she was. She sat up slowly, the odd angle she’d fallen asleep at had caused a crook in her neck. The room was mostly dark as the last movie that she and Kai had been watching had long since ended. She checked the time on her phone and was surprised to see that it was just after midnight. Clearly, her friends had never shown up. She wanted to be more concerned, but it wasn’t like this was the first time they’d ditched her with no warning.
Bonnie looked over at Kai. He was turned sideways in his seat with his cheek against the headrest. She was taken aback at how young and innocent he looked. She supposed even the devil himself might look harmless while sleeping. She reached across the seat between them and shook his arm. “Kai, wake up.” When she got no response, she stood up and went closer; leaning over him and poking his shoulder.
Kai suddenly jolted awake, the contents of the half empty soda can in his hand splashing up onto Bonnie’s shirt in the process. He started apologizing immediately. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to do that.”
“Calm down. I know it was an accident.” Bonnie was surprised by the horrified look on Kai’s face. She wondered where this sort of apologetic energy had been after he’d shot her with an arrow.
Bonnie grabbed a napkin and started dabbing at her shirt, but it wasn’t doing her much good. “I’ll be right back.”
“Where are you going?”
“I always keep a change of clothes in my car.” Life in Mystic Falls had taught Bonnie to be prepared for anything. “I’m just gonna grab a clean shirt.”
Kai followed behind Bonnie as she left the room. “It’s not that bad, is it? You don’t need to leave.”
“It’s cold and it’s sticky.”
“You can just wear something of mine.” Kai almost seemed to be pleading with her to not go outside.
“What is your problem? I’m not leaving, okay. I’ll come back.” And as much as the words leaving her mouth surprised her, Bonnie also knew that she meant them wholeheartedly. She didn’t want to leave. Despite herself she’d been having the best time she’d had in a while and genuinely did not want the night to end.
“I’ll grab a fresh shirt, come back and we can start another movie. Why don’t you go ahead and start up Nightmare on Elm Street and I can tell you all the things wrong with it too? It’ll be fun.”
“Okay. I’ll be right back.”
“Bonnie, wait.”
“I just want to say that I had a really good time with you tonight.”
“Why does it feel like you’re saying goodbye? I told you I’m coming back.”
“I know.”
Bonnie shook her head. “Weirdo.” She made a detour through the kitchen to grab her keys off the counter before making her way outside. As soon as she reached her car, her phone started going crazy.
Kai was leaning against the kitchen counter when Bonnie re-entered the house. “You know, I would have expected better from a mega powerful coven leader.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Bonnie had to admit that Kai’s poker face was world class. If she didn’t know for a fact what he had done his innocent act would have been quite effective.
“I’m talking about the fact that if you had extended the boundary of your spell just a few more feet down the driveway it would have taken me much longer to figure out what you’d done.”
“Still don’t have a clue.”
“Is this really how you want to play it? As soon as I stepped foot outside my phone started ringing. I have dozens of text messages and missed calls. Caroline, Stefan, Damon and Elena have been trying to get in touch with me all night. First, their cars wouldn’t start.”
“That sounds like a problem for Triple A. Don’t know what it has to do with me though.”
“In addition to their cars not starting, they’re bound where they are. Physically incapable of walking more than five feet away from where they are.”
“That’s crazy but strange things happen in this town all the time, am I right?”
“It was a spell Kai. A spell powerful enough to keep four supernatural beings in two different locations rooted to the spots they were standing on. How do you explain that?”
“So, it was a spell. It’s not like I’m the only other witch that’s ever blown through this one-horse town.”
“You’re not the only witch, but you’re the only one that would have done this.”
“Are you kidding? The Mystic Falls Scooby gang has collectively probably made enemies on every continent across the globe. Your bestie Damon alone can’t go two seconds without pissing somebody off. The list of people that might want to ruin their nights isn’t exactly short.”
“You can’t even do me the courtesy of just admitting what you’ve done?” Kai continued to stare at Bonnie, his arms crossed over his chest; his face completely blank. “I don’t know why I bother. I thought we were having a—" She stopped short realizing what she was about to say and pulling the words back into her mouth.
“Go ahead and finish. You thought we were having a good time and that’s because we were.” Kai stepped around the kitchen counter, closing the gap between Bonnie and himself. “Maybe I just wanted an opportunity to be alone with you and show you that I’m not some completely irredeemable monster. Maybe I wanted to be given half as much of a chance as you give everyone else. So maybe I bounced the cell phone signal away from this house. Maybe I bound those idiot friends of yours to the ground they were standing on, so they couldn’t leave.”
“So, you’re finally owning up?”
“I’m owning nothing. I’m just saying maybe I did those things.” He shrugged his shoulders. “Maybe I didn’t.”
“You are so full of shit, Kai.”
“I can tell you one thing I definitely didn’t do. I didn’t do anything to make you stay. You weren’t bound in any way shape or form. None of your friends showed up and you were free to leave at any point, but you didn’t. You sat with me all night watching a bunch of dumb scary movies for no other reason except that you wanted to. There was no trick to it. You were genuinely enjoying my company more than you thought you would and more than you want to admit. I think that’s the part that probably pisses you off the most.”
Bonnie opened her mouth but closed it just as quickly. She was at a loss for a comeback because she couldn’t honestly deny anything Kai had just said. She would have been able to feel it if he had worked any magic against her and there had been nothing. They had laughed and talked, watched movies and taken a nap and she would have come back for more, if only he hadn’t done what he’d done.
This was all a little more than Bonnie was willing or able to process at the moment. “I’m out of here.” Bonnie grabbed her coat off the counter and stalked towards the living room. She turned back to look at Kai one last time before walking out the door. He was leaning back against the kitchen counter, arms dangling loosely by his sides. The air of defeat around him was almost palpable. She paused for a moment almost subconsciously willing him to say something, but he remained silent.
As the door shut behind her, she faintly heard Kai’s voice. “Happy Halloween, Bonnie.”
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anonair · 2 years
𝐌𝐲 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞 - 𝐊𝐚𝐢 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: mentions of alcohol
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: You got tired of your friend group making fun of you being single. So, in an attempt to not look so lonely, you buy someone to be your date for the night.
tag list: @akshi8278
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The holidays were in full effect in Mystic Falls, but again, you found yourself dateless. Everyone had someone besides you. Elena had her everlasting love with Damon and Stefan with Caroline. You felt as if you’d never find your own love. It also didn’t help that the couples teased you about it. Sure, you knew they had only meant it playfully, but it was the disappointing truth.
This year, you had decided to shut them all up. To say you were fed up was an understatement. So, out of slight desperation and annoyance you felt, you decided to pay someone to be your date to the sexyChristmas party the Salvatore brothers were hosting- or at least, Damon was hosting. The feeling of frustration that your friend group made you feel overpowered the desperation. However, you decided to make the best of what was to come of the night. After spending nearly two hours on your appearance, you heard a knock on the door. You could feel your heartbeat gain speed as you made your way down the stairs.
You took a deep breath before being opening the door. You smiled brightly, swinging the door open to be faced with your desperate decision, Kai Parker.
It had been some time since Kai has been around. After everyone mended their differences and Kai’s multiple attempts to kill various people, Kai disappeared. To say he has matured was to say the least- or so you expected. “You look… hot.” Kai spoke, “alongside me, of course.” He snickered. You were met with his cocky sense of humor, making you almost regret making this decision. However, he made up for his humor by actually looking decent. You had never seen Kai in any certain way, being that you were too busy hating him rather than understanding him. That all changed now. Though Kai had disappeared, the two of you still stood in touch. You grew a tolerance for each other. To the point where you truly considered him a friend now. In fact, you only had to pay him five dollars for the night; he was desperate too.
“Let’s get going, Y/N. Can’t be late to my grand entrance.” Kai cockily joked.
You followed behind him, fixing your Christmas hat and making your way to his car. You couldn’t help but notice your eyes glancing over at Kai’s hands during the drive. You didn’t know if it was the anticipation making you think differently, but something about his hands made you feel things- good things.
After the 30-minute drive to the Salvatores’ you both had finally arrived.
Not surprisingly, there was already music blasting and people walking in and out drunk. The colorful lights from the inside of the house were illuminating the outside as well. Nervously, you looked at Kai. “You ready?” You asked. He smirked and nodded, stepping out of the car first. He walked around to your side of the car, reaching for your door, and pulling it open for you. For some unusual reason, you could feel the butterflies arise in your stomach.
You got out of the car, fixing your skirt on the way out. You knew you looked undeniably sexy. You had on a sexy elf outfit with fishnets underneath the short skirt. You prepared yourself for this moment; You wanted to show them you were more than just someone they could joke about. Besides, you never really got dressed up, but tonight was your night. You could feel Kai’s eyes lock on you for a moment. It made you tense, questioning whether he was getting the same excitements you were. The both of you made your way toward the door, Kai placing and keeping his hand on your lower back. You could feel the heat rushing to your cheeks. His touch was even making you feel things.
You both made your way through the crowd of people, finally making it to where the whole friend group was. “Hey, guys.” You announced, seeing everyone’s eyes dart up to you and the quickly at Kai. “Before you all start talking at once, Kai is my date for tonight.” You said, the sardonic tone in your voice apparent. Suddenly, they all smiled. You smirked, feeling Kai bring his hand to yours and grab it. “Yeah, I’m her date.” The grin on Kai’s face made him look smug. Why was this making you feel things? You used to be repulsed when he did things like this, but now it was turning you on.
“Shots for everyone!” Bonnie shouted, trying to alleviate the awkward tension in the room.
It wasn’t that they hated Kai anymore, it was just weird to have him around after him being gone for so long. Everyone got handed a shot, even Kai. “Let’s do a toast. To my sexy date, Y/N.” Kai raised an eyebrow, putting his shot glass up in the air. He looked over at you, sending you a wink. You smiled, sure that the red blush on your cheeks was intensified. Luckily, everyone didn’t think much of it and clinked their glasses together. You brought the glass cup to your mouth, downing the shot. You could feel the flame-like sensation slip down your throat. You enjoyed the sensation, preparing yourself for more shots.
You and Kai broke away from the friend group for a moment, finding yourselves at a table with more alcohol. “Let’s get fucked tonight, huh?” He asked, but there was no denying him. “To five-dollar dates!” You joked, pouring yourselves more shots, and swallowing then quickly.
After a while, you lost track of how many shots you and Kai had taken. That didn’t matter, though. Everyone was wasted and the alcohol has been running through everyone’s veins. At this point, Damon and Elena slyly made their way out, making a beeline to Damon’s room. So did Caroline and Stefan. The point of this party was to get wasted and have fun, which everyone clearly was. In the small crowd of people that were left in the party, you locked eyes with Kai. In the moment, it felt like he was the only person in the room.
The music was still blasting loudly when you made your decision to pull Kai in. You started dancing with him, his hands quickly finding their way on your hips. The thumping of your heart started to grow louder than the music in the moment. Without thinking, you quickly crashed your lips against Kai’s. The taste of liquor prominent on both of your lips. You could feel him kiss back, his hands tightening around your hips. You began deepening the kiss, allowing for his tongue to travel your mouth. You never thought a moment like this would be possible. You both had never looked at each other in this light, but without warning, everything has changed.
You could feel his smirk against your lips. Before it could lead anywhere, the kiss got cut off by Bonnie asking you to take a shot with her. She was already way too drunk, but you unwillingly obliged anyway.
You looked back at Kai; an intense look of lust written all over his face. You couldn’t wait to get back to your house…
To be continued...
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bonniobonnott · 4 years
note: this is a self repost:
Twenty-Four Hours With A Heretic: Hour One
Set in Season Seven after Damon’s desiccation, Bonnie Bennett is struggling with her new normal. Things aren’t made any easier when an old foe appears with the promise of only one day, but a lot of things can happen in a day. Twenty-four hours with Kai Parker seems like a lifetime to Bonnie Bennett, but, at the end of those twenty-four hours, she might just find that twenty-four hours isn’t long enough.  
Dedicated to @koiporker, my fantastic boyfriend who has always supported me, and the lovely people at @bonkaishippersclub, whose bookai prompt for samhain inspired me
Triggers: Death, Loss, Violence, Abandonment
Being abandoned by people was Bonnie Bennett’s forte.
Her mother had abandoned her as a child, leaving her waiting for a woman that would never come back.
Her father had abandoned her too, just not quite in the same way. With Abby gone, and faced with the task of raising a child with powers he couldn’t even begin to understand, he kept himself away. He spent her life working, and ever years after he died in front of her, Bonnie found herself remembering phone calls and emails more than the man himself.
Grams had stayed the longest, taking care of her, loving her, being everything the witch could have ever asked for in a grandmother. Though, in the end, she left too. Sheila didn’t leave intentionally, and even when she was gone, she looked out for Bonnie. Unlike the others though, Grams would always be with her, but in time like this, when her best friend chose desiccation in a coffin over her, it was hard not to feel utterly alone.
Yes, being abandoned by people was Bonnie Bennett’s forte, so she dealt with it the best way she could, by burying herself in work so she wasn’t buried by her grief. She chose to obsess over a problem that wouldn’t be so easily solved, the problem of her connection to Elena Gilbert, and the sleeping spell that had been cast of the doppelganger. Before he died, Kai Parker had made a point to tell her what she couldn’t do, he’d tried to steal her hope of ever seeing her best friend awake again,  he’d tried to make Damon Salvatore kill her, or rip them apart. He’d succeeded at one of those things, and she’d be damned if a dead man take everything from her.
So, it was another day of going through her grandmother’s grimores looking for answers she knew she wouldn’t find. Searching and scanning every line for some sort of answer, some note she’d missed, a miracle in latin, and just like every other day, she came up empty. She wasn’t sure what time she’d nodded off on the couch, but when she woke up the spell book was still on the couch beside her and the sun had set. With a sigh the witch moved the grimoire to the coffee table, standing up to stretch when she heard the familiar sound of her fridge door opening.
Green eyes darted toward the kitchen and she froze in place. The fridge was out of sight, and she was exhausted, she had to be imagining it. She’d almost convinced herself it was nothing when she heard something that sent a chill running down her spine, a familiar hum that rang out through the silence. It couldn’t be, her mind had to be playing tricks on her, yet she found herself to the doorway, and saw the familiar silhouette standing in front of the open fridge.
“Good morning, Sleepyhead.”
The heretic’s teasing comment was met with silence as the Bennett witch tried to process what she was seeing, and hearing. As if he could read her mind, Kai turned his head around to face her with a brilliant smirk painted on his lips.
“What’s wrong, cat got your tongue, Bon?”
Shaking her head in response, Bonnie finally found her voice, albeit weaker than it normally was.
“You’re not here. You can’t be.”
“Really? That’s news to me.” was all the heretic offered in response as he turned back to the bare fridge and shut the door. He proceeded to turn around to completely face Bonnie Bennett, the two looking across the room at each other.
“Your dead.” the witch insisted, crossing her arms across her chest as she waited for the temporary nightmare to come to an end.
“Tell me something I don’t know.” Kai Parker offered with a chuckle, leaning back against the fridge and crossing his own arms to mimic the witch.
“So, you can’t be there. Therefore, this is a dream, and I’m about to wake up any minute.” Bonnie shot back smugly, simply waiting for enough time to pass for her to wake up.
“Oh, so you dream about me, Bonnie? You’re going to make me blush.”
“That’s not – You know what, it doesn’t even matter, you’re not really here, none of this is happening, so I’m not going to even bother correcting you.”
It all seemed so obvious to the witch, even if she did get flustered at his accusation. The other side was destroyed, Kai had died, and even if he’d been resurrected, he couldn’t even enter the house unless he was invited in. As the only inhabitant, she knew she hadn’t invited him in, so she didn’t have to have anything to worry about. Her confusion and fear was pushed aside for the moment, a confident smirk and a chuckle replaced them. She’d laugh about this later, so why not get a headstart?
“Oh, Bonnie. Sweet, sweet, ignorant Bonnie.”
Before Bonnie had a chance to retaliate to his name calling, the heretic is starting up again, and witch is forced to listen.
“Have you ever heard of Samhain?”
The Bennett thought for a moment, the term seemingly oddly familiar, but, in perfect fashion, Kai cut her off before she could even try and answer.
“Yeah, me either. But, as it turns out, the dead are allowed to come back once a year. Some visit friends… some visit family…” Kai explained, making the move to close the gap between himself and the witch.
Dream or not, his movements brought him too close for comfort, so the witch retaliated the way she always had.
And… nothing happened. The Bennett witch stared at the Gemini in stunned silence, her smirk fading as she gawked at him. The corners of the heretic’s lips curved upwards and he continued to close the gap between them.
“Funny thing about that… I’m not alive so you can’t maim, kill, stab, or otherwise hurt me, Bon. Also means no magic for either of us, unfortunately. Kind of a bummer if you ask me, but it means that our time won’t get cut short.”
Realizing her position, and the fact that this might not be a dream at all, she fought the urge to take a step back. She was Bonnie Bennett, she wasn’t going to run away from him, not this time.
“… What do you want, Kai?” she finally asked, glaring as he finally closed the gap between them.
“Well, Bonnie, I’ve got a get-out-of-hell-free card for the next twenty-four hours. And, as I don’t have any friends, and I killed all of my immediate family, for the next twenty-four hours, you’re all mine.”
With a satisfied grin plastered on his face, he stared down at her as she glared up at her. Bonnie opened her mouth to argue when she was interrupted once more, but this time not by the Gemini, but rather the old clock ringing out the change of the hour, a noise that brought both the witch and the heretic to look at the clock.
“Make that twenty-three.”
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covenparker · 4 years
Kai: *sneaking into Bonnie's house to see her sleeping*
Bonnie: What are you doing here?
Kai: Oh my God, what a coincidence
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chriswoodfandom · 4 years
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In celebration of the first look photo release of the return of Kai Parker on Legacies, I have decided to share the short fan fiction that I wrote as a back-up for the #bonkaisecretsanta exchange this year. Enjoy!
Kai had always been addicted to magic. However, now Kai was specifically addicted to Bennett magic. After spending 20 years all alone as a siphon in a prison world entirely created by Bennett magic, how could he not be? He had felt it the very moment Bonnie Bennett had somehow been transported into his prison world. Her magic called to him like a beacon.
Kai had always looked forward to the merge because finally – FINALLY – he would no longer be an addict always looking for another hit. One way or the other, that part of his life would be over. He would as a siphon most likely be able to absorb Jo’s magic along with her essence during the merge. His twin was by far his favorite sibling and by merging with her he would no longer be the black sheep of the family. Instead, he would finally have magic of his own and also become the coven leader. In addition, he would never have to feel alone and abandoned again, as Jo would by his understanding become part of him after the merge.
But even if by some strange fluke Jo would have been able to overpower him in the merge ceremony, Kai would have been fine with that as well. His essence would live on in Jo and there he would bask in her magic and the warmth of her soul – never again be alone, never again be shunned, never again be rejected. Sure, the inherent goodness and “perfect princess” persona of Jo could be annoying, but he was sure that he would be able to at least insert some measure of mischief there.
Once Kai’s parents had discovered that he was a siphon when he was just a small child, he had been prohibited from touching anyone in the coven. But by then Kai was already addicted to the warm and giddy feeling of magic coursing through him. He could literally sense the magic around him and often the temptation to reach out and touch one of his siblings would overpower him, because the special kind of high that he got from magic flowing into him was beyond compare.
As a small child binging on Halloween candy had not given him a buzz even close to the slightest taste of magic, as a teenager booze and drugs had also failed to give him any relief from the constant clawing feeling of needing another hit of magic in his system. Only each time he had needed a little bit more magic to feel the high. He was an addict.
In the beginning it had been enough for him to sneak around the house and touch various magical objects. Then he had needed skin to skin contact. He was greedy. He was selfish. He knew he had hurt all of his siblings at some point simply by draining too much magic from them at once. But he could not stop himself when he felt magic flow through him – it felt too good! He was truly addicted to magic. That is why Kai truly went crazy after he learnt that he would be denied the merge. He wanted to hurt his father as deeply as he had hurt him. He could have killed his siblings simply by taking all of their magic, but he felt a more potent statement was required. Hence the massacre…
But Bonnie’s magic… Nothing compared to Bonnie Bennett’s magic. It had the familiarity of the Bennet magic that had surrounded him in the prison world, but also had a hint of darkness and death that intrigued him. He had felt her magic calling out to him, even though she could not access it herself. When Bonnie set the whole grocery store on fire while giving him an evil smirk, Kai knew he had met his match. To him, their interactions in the prison world were akin to a boy pulling a girl’s pigtails to get her attention. After all, nobody could really die in the prison world. That Bonnie was able best him most of the time was annoying, but he still admired her tenacity and viciousness.
But when he had returned to the real world leaving Bonnie behind in the prison world, after he had siphoned the massive Traveler spell magic and he had won the merge with Luke so he now had magic and was the powerful Gemini coven leader, Kai did not get quite the high that he had hoped for. He was missing Bonnie’s magic. He missed Bonnie. He had become addicted to Bonnie Bennet and her magic.
Then Bonnie came back to the real world but refused to even talk to him. Then she stabbed him and set him up to be left in another Prison World to be the walking blood bag for a bunch of starving Heretic vampires. That had truly pissed him off! Once again, he felt a truly epic statement needed to be made. Returning to exact his revenge on the whole Gemini coven and the Mystic Falls bunch by means of the wedding massacre and Sleeping Beauty spell, he could do easily have killed Bonnie as well. He did not want to.
Instead, Kai became so upset that Damon did not seem to care about Bonnie that he became distracted. After spending years in Hell with Cade after Damon chopped his head off, finally escaping he never even got to see Bonnie again until he ended up chained to a chair in another Prison World with the worst song of all time playing on repeat – courtesy of the one and only Bonnie Bennet. She was truly evil in her own twisted way. He loved that about her.
And now, because of another generation of Gemini twin teen angst about the merge, Kai was once again free to roam the real world in pursuit of the only witch who could truly satisfy his craving. After another 15 years in a Prison World created by Bonnie Bennett’s magic, Kai was so keyed to her magic signature he could feel her magic even if she was in Tibet meditating with monks.
Kai had had a lot of time thinking about all the things he wanted to do to Bonnie Bennett. He had quickly decided that simply killing her would let her off too easy for all the pain she had caused him. Also, he did not think he wanted to exist in a world without Bennett magic.
Kai had been surrounded only by Bennett magic for more than 35 years of his existence and he could not fathom ever being without it now. This meant that Bonnie Bennet had to procreate, preferably copiously to ensure that he would never have to face a world without Bennet magic.
He would find Bonnie Bennet and exact his own brand of revenge. It would involve bondage and some pain, but also pleasure. Bonnie Bennett would become his completely. He would own her body, soul, and magic. Bonnie Bennett would become his personal temple for pleasure and pain.
He wanted to have Bonnie Bennett all to himself forever. He was greedy. He was selfish. Time to hit the books to find a magical way to impregnate her! Then, when Bonnie had given birth to three or four sprogs, Kai would turn her into a vampire to be his companion for all eternity.
Yes, Kai had it all planned out. Unfortunately, Kai was also very well aware that when it came to Bonnie Bennett, he could plan all he wanted but chances were that in the end, Bonnie Bennett would be the one to prevail. Kai could not wait for their battle of wills to begin anew! Love and war and his true addiction all wrapped up into one…
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leianaberrie · 2 years
Hi,I'm a very new Bonkai fan. I think as a reader the only thing I can do is letting the writers know how awesome they are and how much I appreciate their works. So I just drop by to tell you I really love your fiction I'll Wed You In the Golden Summertime. I have to admit that I was expecting BonKai's interaction from the start while Kai didn't appear until chapter 7. But once the moment come,all the waiting and anticipation are worthwhile. After all the struggle and torment Bonnie get through the past fews days,she finally met her Mr Right. You made it convincing that Bonkai would be the endgame of all the couples mentioned in this fction,Bambon,Kennet,Bonemy and Bonkai,even that is their first encounter. Nice work!
This was so kind of you! Thank you!
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captainimfangirling · 4 years
Libraries and bookstores are closed so thank you fan fiction writers.
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zalrb · 4 years
so when that anon a while back said i was referenced on twitter a lot, i decided to check it out and i saw this
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and i’m just kind of like
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Title: The Reset
Author: Studio Eden
Synopsis:  Bonkai AU: "No matter what I do, I still can't seem to escape that hell..." Set around the events of 6x17. Some part of the 1994 Prison World still clings to Kai after he left. A part of him that he never really took stock in. A part of him that he'd taken advantage of. A part of him that is now his curse.
Pairing: Bonkai
status: Multi-chapter in progress
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metamorphosis-tvd · 5 years
Haven’t read Chapter 10 check out the trailer! If you have read it watch the trailer so it can hold you off until I update the fan fiction!
Chapter 10
Bonnie realizes Kai too has fears and to learn what they are she must delve deep into his psyche. While also fighting not to lose herself in the process.
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jamfingers · 6 years
I wonder if my fbi agent reads my fanfiction? Do you like it, fbi person? Do you have any con crit? Do you want me to write for a different ship? Bc I know I'm a little obsessive about the otp. Hmu fbi agent, tell me what's good and what's ass.
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twistedscandal · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Vampire Diaries (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bonnie Bennett/Malachai "Kai" Parker Characters: Bonnie Bennett, Malachai "Kai" Parker Additional Tags: Humor, Romance, Kinda Romance Series: Part 2 of Random Encounters Series Summary:
Bonnie and her friends decide to meet up at Lockwood Manor for Halloween and watch scary movies with Kai. What could possibly go wrong. Takes place during the version of season 7 that only exists in my warped little mind.
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