queenofcringe · 2 months
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grandmascokebag · 6 months
The Fushiguro's And Their Totally Super Platonic Dates
chapter 2
Megumi absentmindedly spritzed his $700 Dior cologne as he watched his reflection in the mirror. He noticed an abandoned Axe deodorant bottle in the back corner of the cabinet, remembering how he briefly started to use it in middle school before Gojo bought him expensive cologne and threatened to kick him out should he use it again.
God what a freak.
Megumi sighed as he remembered his date (it was not a date) with the new student, Yuji Itadori, after school. He might be cute, but he was also an idiot. As proof, Megumi’s new bracelet glinted in the bathroom lighting. He still remembered how excitedly Yuji shoved the gift in his hand, revealing a simple beaded bracelet saying “it’s OK to be sad” with a bunch of frowny faces. In the face of the pink-haired boy’s enthusiasm, all Megumi could do was smile and take it with an unenthusiastic thank you.
“How come every time you come around my London London bridge wanna go down -“
Gojo’s music drifted obnoxiously through the cracked door as he listened to his (stupid) playlist (link)
“Oh Megumiiiii” his utter buffoon of a guardian called. “Brekkie is ready! I made your favorite, blueberry pancakes with a smiley face since you’re sooooo saddddddd”
Megumi looked into the mirror, determinedly ignoring the crazed shouting. “One of these days,” he tells himself, before trailing off.
He reluctantly goes downstairs to see Tsumiki already sitting at the table, eyes glued to her phone. This isn’t too abnormal of an occurrence, but when she fails to greet her little brother, Megumi knows something is up.
“Who are you texting?”
“No one!” Tsumiki says too loudly, quickly turning off her phone and putting it down.
“Oooooooh who are you texting? A sordid affair, perhaps?” Gojo takes off his self-bought pink apron with the words “World’s Best Dad”.
“MEGUMI IS MEETING A CUTE BOY AFTER SCHOOL TODAY.” Tsumiki shouts to escape the attention.
“What the fuck-“
There’s a pregnant pause before Gojo slowly reaches over and rearranges the pancakes to resemble a frown.
“Well that's my cue to get going!” Tsumiki cheerfully side-steps the elephant in the room as she skips outside, pausing at the door. “Wanna come with, Megumi?” she asks, clearly taking pity on the boy.
“God yes,” he mutters and quickly follows, ignoring his guardian’s attempt at puppy-dog eyes.
“You know, you should really be nicer to Gojo,” Tsumiki admonishes as they buckle up. “He did raise us.”
“Badly,” Megumi mutters back. “Do you remember that time I almost asphyxiated because he didn’t believe I had peanut allergies because that ‘doesn’t run in the family genes’. Tsumiki, we’re adopted.”
Her answering giggle sounds like chimes. “Well, it was a little funny.”
“I almost died.”
“You were fine! You’re such a spoilsport sometimes, Megumi.”
“Whatever.” Megumi leans back in his seat, giving his sister the silent treatment as they drive to school before he remembers the original topic of discussion. “So, who were you texting this morning?”
“It’s seriously no one,” she says but Tsumiki’s light blush is answer enough. “He and I are just… friends.”
“He?” Megumi’s focus narrows onto the word. “I thought you were gay?”
“What? I’m bi but why did you think that?”
“Probably because there’s not a single straight person in this town that I know of.”
“What? That can’t be true; there’s…. Oh never mind I guess you’re right. Well anyways, he’s cute but doesn’t see me that way.” Tsumiki frowns, gripping the steering wheel a little too tightly.
Megumi reigns in his quickly igniting anger when seeing his sister dejected, but just barely. “Why do you say that?”
“Well, he buys me flowers and holds my hand and walks me to class and gives me his jackets and ties my shoelaces when they come undone and holds my books but he hasn’t explicitly asked me out on a date.”
“Are you serious? He clearly seems to like you, not to mention you’re literally perfect. Don’t put yourself down over some man!”
“Don’t you like men?”
“That’s besides the point. You should ask him out. If he breaks your heart, I’ll beat him up.”
Tsumiki laughs, a weight lifted off her shoulders. “Don’t do that,” she lightly admonishes, though her lips twitch in a smile. “You’re right. I’ll ask him out later today. Thanks, Megs.”
“Ugh just don’t tell Gojo I gave you good advice instead of sabotaging your relationship.”
The car slows as they pull into school.
“Promise.” Tsumiki winks, linking their pinky fingers. “And I also won’t tell him any more about Yuji, though you should take your own advice.”
“Shut up!” Megumi quickly leaves the car and his annoying but loveable sister behind.
“Yo!” Yuji calls as he jogs over, his pink hair perfectly tousled and his brown eyes bright and stop THINKING STUFF LIKE THAT OH MY FUCKING GOD.
“Hey,” Megumi responds perfectly neutrally. “So where are we heading?”
“Don’t worry! I know just the place!”
Megumi feels his cheeks heat, wondering just how much Yuji has planned ahead, just how much Yuji has thought about him.
Not a lot, Megumi realizes as he walks inside a motherfucking Chuck E. Cheese.
“Man, I’ve missed this place,” Yuji sighs, looking around with nostalgia. “I haven’t been here since my grandpa died.”
Megumi softens despite his best efforts. “It reminds me of Disneyland.”
Yuji laughs brightly, grabbing Megumi’s hand to lead him to their table. “Haha really? When did you go there?”
Megumi freezes before quickly shaking himself out of his stupor. “When I was a young naïve little boy who still trusted his father. We went together to visit the happiest place on Earth, but it soon became the saddest place on my Earth…”
It was a bright and sunny morning the day little Megumi’s world came crashing down. His father, with the ugliest rat dog sitting on his broad shoulders, held his hand as Megumi ate his ice cream cone.
“If you drop that, I’m not stealing another one,” his poor as shit father scolded the child who didn’t listen.
Tsumiki, meanwhile, couldn’t keep her eyes off of the crusty dog on her father’s shoulder. She finally pried them away, forcing herself to enjoy the day to the fullest, before she heard a gravelly whisper behind her.
“Your skin smells tasty”
Tsumiki whipped her head around. “Did you say something, Dad?”
“What? No. Are you stupid?”
“I guess I must have imagined it…” Tsumiki turned forward once again, but felt a stare prickle the back of her neck. She quickly split off from her family. “I’m just going to go to the restroom quick!”
Her father absentmindedly nodded while the dog on his shoulder shook and foamed at the mouth, its beady eyes following her.
Megumi, meanwhile, stared fixedly at a couple having a noisy argument in the distance.
“I don’t care if the mice make your fucking clothes; I don’t want them in the house.” The tattooed pink-haired man gestured wildly.
The blonde woman slapped his hand away. “I’m surprised you even noticed the mice considering your never at the house, but rather drinking and fucking those WHORES-”
As Megumi’s nosy ass leaned forward to listen better, his ice cream scoop peeled away from its cone and fell onto the street.
“Hey, who taught you to swear like that?” His father frowned at him. “Fucking Christ, did you seriousy drop your ice cream?”
Megumi recognized the annoyed tone his father adopted and quickly scrunched his face up like he was going to cry.
“Ah shit, don’t cry, people will judge me for being a shit father. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…” Tojir looked around wildly for something to appease his (not really) upset son. “Here! Look at those pretty princesses!”
Megumi glanced over, his bout of fake tears quickly forgotten. “I kind of prefer the princes.”
Everything stopped.
Both his father and the dog turned mechanically to face the young boy.
“Are you a fucking fa-”
“Is the dog seriously talking right now?” Megumi interrupted, frightened by the turn of events and the intelligent gleam in the dog’s beady, homophobic eyes.
“No, of course the dog did not fucking talk,” his dad lied. “But more importantly, are you… one of those?”
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“You know what… I gotta go… make a phone call.” His dad took an awkward step back. “Can I see that napkin real quick?”
Puzzled, Megumi handed the tissue over while his father uncapped a black marker and scribbled something on it.
“OK kid, just wait here… I’ll be right back.” As Megumi gazed upon his father’s retreating back (for the last time, though he did not know that), the scraggly dog turned to look him in the eye.
It laughed, an awful squeaking noise that would haunt Megumi through his nightmares. He was shocked out of his pondering when a hand tapped his shoulder.
Tsumiki frowned at him. “Uhhhhh where did Dad go?”
“I don’t know, but he left me this napkin that I can’t read ‘cause I’m only 5.”
Tsumiki grabbed it and read aloud, despite the many spelling errors:
Yo Gojo if ur reeding this, I have abandoniene left my cids in ur qare. Take good qare of them! Or dont, I dont really qare, jyst dont kontact me again. Byyyyyyyyyyyyyy
-Toji and Lucy
There was a little paw print next to the message, though Megumi thought it seemed more like a threat than a goodbye.
Tsumiki’s eyebrows creased. “Why is the dog’s name signed? Actually, more importantly, who the fuck is Gojo?”
Suddenly, they heard a commotion in the distance and spotted an unreasonably tall man with sunglasses talking with the police.
“No, I already told you, I’m not trying to kidnap them; the dad left them with me for a super secret mission.”
“Sir, please calm down.”
“Unhand me, you pig!”
A brief scuffle came about, ending when the tall man was tazed by the officer. He shook sporadically, before his eyes met the two childrens’.
“Oh shit! Oh shit! Found them! Let me just get out of your hair.” The man jerked suddenly in what might have been a forceful handshake, before stumbling over to Megumi and his sister, crouching down obnoxiously.
“Hey little crotch goblins. I’m Gojo, but you can just call me papa.” The white-haired man shot them an award-winning smile.
What a creep, both kids thought, rearing back their fists.
In a true display of teamwork, Tsumiki’s fist cracked his nose while Megumi kicked his crotch.
The man fell back with a pathetic high-pitched scream of pain. “Damn, you guys really are Toji’s kids.”
“And that's how Gojo adopted me and my sister.”
“Wow that’s… really sweet,” Yuji lied. “Wait, how did your dad even know Gojo?”
“Well, I asked Gojo once and he said…”
One dreary night, as rain pattered the rooftops and froze the hearts of young couples, two men walked into a bustling bar.
The white-haired man, obviously tipsy, stared at the other. “You know, my ex also had dark hair. God, what a bitch.”
“Oh really?” Toji hummed noncommittedly, not really listening.
“No,” Gojo tearfully said. “Imagine God made a perfect angel and that angel happened to have dark hair and a weird kink for cults… That was my ex.”
Toji perked up at the mention of religion. “Man, I love God. I’ll drink to that.”
They clinked shot glasses and downed their respective liquors.
“Wait,” Gojo paused. “Isn’t alcohol a sin?”
“It’s only a sin if you get drunk,” slurred the clearly drunk man.
Gojo shrugged the comment off, not willing to waste his limited brainpower on the thought. “Hate the sin, love the sinner, I guess.”
“EXACTLY.” the older man clapped him hard on the shoulder. “You get it.”
“Sure, sure. It’s like the age-old question, y’know,” Gojo almost fell off the stool as he leaned back. “Gay son or thot daughter?”
Toji swiftly downed another drink. “I would sooner leave my stupid children in the hands of some stranger like you than deal with that fiasco.”
He shuddered with disgust but Gojo only laughed loudly. “Only if you buy the next round!”
Toji glanced up consideringly. “Shake on it?”
Gojo, clearly drunk and thinking this was a joke, shook hands all too eagerly.
Toji waved the bartender for another round. “I have this kid back at home, and I don’t even vibe with it for real. It’s so weird and gross and tiny. Like ew.”
Gojo morosely fidgeted with his empty glass. “My ex-boyfriend broke up with me to play soccer at another school. I mean, who does that? And right before nationals? Hella lame.”
“OK, you don’t need to rub your gayness all over the place. Like, tone it down. Anyways, I’m gonna ignore the fact that you’re a sinner ‘cause I really like you, kid.”
“Thanks, I guess.” The two men exchanged numbers before Gojo left to find a rebound (he didn’t) (he tried flirting and started crying) (it was pathetic) (he got kicked out of the bar).
Megumi was interrupted from his visceral flaming of his guardian by the Chuck E. Cheese rat arriving with the pizza.
“Oh, thank you.” Megumi tried to grab the food but the mascot held firm.
“Your skin smells so tasty.”
The rat cleared its throat, though it didn’t do much to help its raspy yet squeaky voice that somewhat reminded Megumi of Mechamaru’s stupid bitch ass whiny voice. “Your pizza smells so tasty.” It quickly left, but not before Megumi heard what seemed like strangely familiar growling.
“Yuji, did you hear that?”
“What? I was distracted by the pretty balloons.” Yuji pointed wistfully to a kid’s cheap birthday party in the corner. “You were saying something about Gojo?” He turned his pretty brown eyes back to Megumi and oh GOD FOCUS FOCUS.
“Yes… him. Well, even though he’s an annoying, irresponsible, pathetic loser who has almost killed me out of negligence multiple times, he wasn’t the worst. I guess. It was fun when he measured us against the wall growing up, or when we would watch horror movies that I totally wasn’t scared of even though they were rated R and definitely not meant for the sensitive eyes of children but, of course, sweet little Tsumiki never had a problem ‘cause she’s just sooooo perfect.” He paused. “Don’t tell him I said that.”
Yuji nodded along sympathetically. “I felt like I was in a horror movie when I saw my grandpa’s dead body,”
“Yeah anyway,” Megumi ignored his traumadumping with practiced ease. “I wonder what Tsumiki is doing now.”
Tsumiki sat with her notes spread out like a fan around her on the grass. As she read aloud her bundle of notecards, the man laying on her lap twisted daisies into a flower crown.
She scrunched her nose in annoyance as she got another one wrong. “Ugh this is so stupid. I’m totally going to fail Professor Geto’s quiz, and he won’t give me any extra credit ‘cause he doesn’t like me because Gojo has to ruin everything!”
“What, no,” the boy sat up to face her properly. “Miki, you’re literally the smartest person I know. If anyone is going to ace this test, it will be you.”
Tsumiki smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes as she looked away, clearly not believing him.
He gently brushed his finger against her chin, forcing her to look at him. With her full attention, he placed the flower crown on her head as her cheeks flushed a pretty pink.
“You’re perfect,” he breathed out, before realizing what he said as his cheeks burned a vibrant red. “I mean you’re- you’re obviously- I mean-”
Tsumiki’s answering smile was real this time, and all the sweeter for it, as she pulled his beanie down all the way and pushed his face back admonishingly.
“Yeah,” he said in a strangled and totally masculine voice. “The notes. We should get back to your notes. Haha. Totally.”
He made to lean back, to give her some more space because is it getting hot in here? Or is that just her? Oh shit it’s probably my beanie. He quickly pulled it off.
“Wait,” Tsumiki’s hand grabbed his shoulder, halting his escape and oh god even her hand is pretty I am so fucked.
“Do you… Can we…” The girl trailed off, looking slightly unsure before firming her resolve. “Ino, would you like to go out sometime? Romantically, I mean. On a date.” She coughed, her cheeks burning a more vibrant red at the awkward phrasing.
“YES!” Ino yelled, before coughing and looking away. “I mean, yes. Totally. That would be totally chill.”
There was a pause before they locked eyes and started giggling, their sweet laughter signifying a beautiful start to a beautiful relationship.
Tsumiki’s eyes caught on his watch. “Oh shit, I need to go home soon! Gojo is making us watch a new episode of the Real Housewives of New Jersey and he’ll totally freak if I’m gone.”
She smiled apologetically at Ino, but he had already packed up her things and started walking.
“Oh, I can carry-”
“Nope!” He smiled cheekily at her. “New boyfriend gets to carry his partner’s stuff!” His brown eyes danced in the sunlight before they widened in panic. “I mean- unless you don’t want to put a label on it- which is chill! So chill! Totally chill. I was just-”
“Ino.” Tsumiki leaned back onto her car as she smiled fondly up at him, chest brimming with adoration. “You’re fine,” she said exasperatedly.
“Oh, I’m fineee, huh?” His cheeks dimpled into a brilliant smile as he placed a hand next to her on the car, which was so fucking sweaty that he immediately slipped and almost headbutted her.
She caught him effortlessly, holding him up by his shoulder, faces inches apart.
Ino smiled dazedly. “Wow, you’re really strong-”
“Can I kiss you?” She cut him off.
His eyes softened. “Of course.”
They both leaned in, Tsumiki’s hands migrating to his neck and tangling in his soft hair.
Long story short, Tsumiki was late and, even though Gojo obnoxiously yelled at her the entire night, she couldn’t keep the smile off her face.
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gojonanami · 6 months
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↳ feat. satoru gojo, suguru geto, kento nanami, choso kamo, yuta okkotsu
cw: 18+ only, nsfw, overstimulation (f!), dick drunk, orgasm delay (f!), riding, semi-exhibitionism, spanking, teasing, dom! geto, soft dom! nanami, breeding, body worship, pleasure dom! choso, unprotected sex, creampie, marking, oral (f!), fingering (f!), facesitting (f!), marking (f!), geto uses the term "monkeys," degradation (slut) in geto's blurb, ijichi and ino mentioned in gojo's and choso's blurbs respectively, a/n: the only way to read the title is to the tune of olivia rodrigo's song. also its my first time writing yuta - be gentle.
SATORU GOJO | overstimulation, dick drunk, orgasm delay
jealous of laughing at another's joke
"T-Toru, ngh, please, I can't—" and you're only met with a laugh, his lips pressed against your neck, as his cock continued to fuck you.
How many times had you cum? You had lost count. Your cunt was soaked with your release, along with your thighs and his cock, slipping down his skin as he fucked you hard and fast.
He was relentless, maybe limitless, especially today.
"You can handle it, sweetheart, know this little cunt can take it," he's grunting, as his fingers dig into your plush thighs, "haven't broken this pussy yet," and you couldn't bring yourself to be concerned about the "yet" as he brought you to cum yet again, and you were sure if every word hadn't been fucked out of your brain— it had now.
Your eyes were glazed over, fucked out, as you stared up at him, as only pauses a moment, to press your thighs to your chest, "gonna fuck you right, baby, gotta kiss your womb," and you're whining, and he's only pistoning in deeper, "not so funny now huh?" he's hissing as you grow even fuckin' tighter — how was that possible?
"what are you—" and you whine as his tip grazes even deeper, and you're sure he's somehow fucking your stomach now, "are you jealous of Ijichi?"
"Don't say his name," he gives a particularly rough thrust of his hips to punctuate his point, drawing another squeal from your lips, and yet he's the one who brings him up, "fuckin' laughing at his joke like I wasn't even there. He isn't funny. Nowhere as funny as me!" and you're already close again, tears pooling in your eyes, as you stammer.
Was he really that upset because you laughed at an old friend's bad joke?
"Toru, a-are you serious—" and he's slowing down now to a tortuous pace, as you whimper, "baby, he just made a joke, I was being polite," you can't even laugh at how ridiculous it is with how badly you want to cum.
"Only i'm supposed to see that smile, that laugh," and he's teasing you with the tip of his cock now, dragging it in teasing circles around your clit, "you're mine, mine to make smile, make to make laugh, mine to fuck," and he's fucking you again, bottoming out in one thrust, "say it, baby, tell me who you belong to,"
And your back is arching, throat raw as you tell him just how much he owns you, as you orgasm for the nth time, and he's not far behind, his hot release spurting into your needy cunt, as he fucks it only deeper.
"Toru," you moan again, "Toru, fuck," you murmur, fucked dumb by his dick, as you both come down from your highs, "were you really that jealous of—"
And he only pouts, pressing his lips to yours again, "Don't say his name," and he's pressing needy kisses to your neck, as he pulls out, your mixed cum leaking out, before he's slipping two fingers in, pulling another moan from your lips, "by the time I'm done with you, you won't even remember his name."
SUGURU GETO | riding, semi-exhibitionism, dom!geto, spanking, degradation (slut)
jealous of you talking about someone else
"Princess, you can do better than that," Suguru is clicking his tongue, as you split yourself open on his cock, warm walls squeezing all too deliciously around his already drenched dick, as only whines and pants left your kiss ruined lips, "gonna have to be quieter than that if you don't want someone else to hear—"
He had you riding him in a side room of a temple he used often to collect money, some his other followers congregated in the room over to hear him "preach of the new world." Bullshit that he fed to monkeys that made them full and happy and complacent -- but right now, he had something else that was making you feel so full.
"C'mon baby, ride me like you mean it," he coos, and his hand is coming down on your ass with a mean spank to your already sore ass, heat blooming from the impact, "you certainly had plenty of effort when you were sweet-talking those damn monkeys, didn't you?"
"Sugu, I was just trying to help," you whine, as his hips snap against yours, making you squeal, as he finds his way even deeper into your already fucked out cunt, "I just was--"
"You were flirting," he hisses, as his hands find their way to your hips, forcing you to meet his upward thrusts, as your hands cover your mouth to muffle your moans, "you love this, love it when I fuck you like this, think you want them to see you like this, grinding on my cock like a slut," you whine, but his words only makes your sweet cunt give a telltale clench around his dick, "that's it — you can lie, but your princess cunt can't, baby,"
"Sugu, please 'm close—can't—" and his hands are pulling back, letting you do all the work, and you do, fucking yourself stupid on his cock, the wet squelch of your pussy ringing in your ears — so loud, you can't understand why someone hasn't burst into the room yet— but you can't bring yourself to care, when you're so fuckin' close to cumming.
"That's it, fuck, s'good for me," and he's pulling your hands away from your mouth, letting your moans resonate and fill the room, as he watches a white ring of your cum form around the base of his cock, as he grunts, dick twitching as your walls cream around his cock, "now moan my name as you cum so these goddamn monkeys know whose cock you're bouncing on."
KENTO NANAMI | soft!dom, breeding, hair pulling
jealous of running into an ex
"Did he ever make you feel this good?" Kento's question murmured against your neck, as he presses soft kisses to your neck, dragging his leaking tip against your aching cunt, "did he love you like I did?" And his fingers sneak under your head, making your neck arch as he tugged your hair.
"N-no, Kento, he didn't—"
"He certainly acted as if we were the same," he scoffed at the thought of your ex, the one you had dated before Kento, who had the audacity to approach the two of you today. Catching up with you and even touching your arm, as if your husband wasn't there, even ignoring him, until you introduced him. They had shook hands, and you knew Kento had squeezed his hand a little too hard, but now those same hands were gripping you softly — but firmly.
"He's nothing compared to you you're everything to me," and he's rewarding you with sinking his tip into your needy pussy, "ah, Kento, please stop teasing me," you whine, a noise leaving your throat that you didn't even know you could make.
"You're practically sucking me in, but did you do the same for that bastard?" he's dragging his cock up and down, driving you insane with how your walls squeezed, trying to pull him in, but he resisted every tempting contraction of your sweet cunt, "did you take him this well?" and his teeth graze against the soft skin of your neck, "did he make you beg for him?"
"Only you make me feel this good, only you, Kento, only you make me this needy, make this pussy so—" and he's sinking into you, slowly, torturously, but pleasurably — inch by inch, until he's bottoming out, but he doesn't move, not at first, "please, Kento, please—move—"
And he obliges you, thrusting into you, fucking you in earnest, his cock dragging against your walls with each snap of his hips agianst yours, "such a needy baby," he grunts, "your cunt is trying to hold onto me even as I pull out — is that how much you want my cock? Want me to fill you?"
You're nodding, moaning his name, as you meet his lips in messy kiss, all tongue and teeth, as he fucks you harder, "Look at me, baby," he orders, and your eyes flutter open, meeting his lust clouded gaze, making you all the more sensitive to his touch, "want you to watch me as I breed you," and you're groaning, pussy twitching at the thought, "how're you even tighter?" he grunts, "want me to breed you, don't you? Want me to fill you with my cum? Make you full with my children," and your head is thrown back, voice raw as you can only groan his name again and again.
"Kento, mmph, 'm s'close, can't,"
"Cum for me, baby, let me fill you," he's finding your lips in another sloppy kiss as you cum, hard, walls gripping him as he fucked you through your orgasm. And he's cumming too right behind you, filling your womb with his hot release, "good girl," he murmurs, pressing sweet kisses to your chest, "but if you think I'm done, we're far from finished," and he's pulling out slowly, before gathering his cum that leaked out on his fingers before slipping it back into your still sensitive cunt, "we're not going to be getting much sleep tonight, love."
CHOSO KAMO | body worship, pleasure dom, oral(f), squirting, implied oral (m!)
jealous of a fellow sorcerer flirting
"Cho-so! Nugh, please—" your fingers buried in his black locks, hair ties long since come loose from your tugging — and you're not even sure if you want to pull him closer, or push him away, "i can't—"
"I know you have more in you, my love," he's only murmuring against your sweet cunt, tongue flicking against your swollen clit, "need to feel you flood my mouth, need to taste every inch of you,” he’s re-doubling his efforts, his hot tongue dragging your gummy walls, making good on his promise, “sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted — how are you this perfect? How do I deserve you?” You look at him, nestled between your thighs, his lips and chin glossy with your release, tongue darting out to lick your pre from his lips.
“Choso, y-you do, I love you, only you,” and he’s peering up at you with a lidded gaze — but you see something else besides lust — insecurity lined his furrowed brow, and then it clicks, “you know that Ino was just being friend—"
But he’s burying his face back, fucking your cunt his his tongue, as his thumb teases your needy clit, your words falling away to pleasure.
“It wasn’t just friendly. He wants you. I know the lustful gaze of a man, especially one who wants what I have,” he mutters, as his teeth graze your inner thigh, drawing a gasp from your lips, “but how do I have the right to you? Half curse, half human — what am I really to have the right to be with you?” And then he bites your thigh, pulling a loud moan from your lips, “but I can’t help but want you.”
“I love you, only you, I don’t care what you are. I love everything about you because you’re mine. My Choso,” you manage between pants, as your fingers tug his hair to force him to meet your gaze — make him see the state he’s left you in — utterly fucked out with your chest rising and falling, your eyes glazed over with lust, “please, I need you—"
And that’s all he needs to redouble his errors, rubbing himself on the mattress below him, certainly soaking through his boxers and the sheets.
“Mmph, Choso, please, I’m—“ and his lips latch around your clit, sucking hard, until you squirt on his face, and he’s eagerly lapping up your release, as you moan his name. He’s slurping and swallowing your cum with lips quirked in a smile, his groans and grunts only making your cunt flutter around his tongue.
And he’s pulling away finally, an unspoken question on his lips whether he did well, and your only response is to pull him into a kiss, tasting yourself on his lips, before flipping him over. You kiss your way down his body, as you tug his boxers down to free his erection, tongue grazing the underside, making him groan.
You grin, “My turn.”
YUTA OKKOTSU | fingering (f!), marking, face sitting
jealous of an ex you just broke up with
“Yuta, please—" the last word comes out a squeal, as his calloused fingers tease the crotch of your shorts, a warm heat settling over your skin all at once but all too slowly — like the start of a wildfire.
"I told you I'd help you forget about him," he murmurs, his long and lithe fingers all too skilled, as they snap the waistband of your shorts against your skin, "he never deserved you - you're special, especially to me," and he's pulling down your shorts, until you're kicking them away at your feet.
And this fire had spread far too fast — especially with his fingers teasing your folds through your soaked panties.
“Still thinking about him?” Yuta asks softly, his words soft but not the intent, and he only sighs at your whine, "I'll have to do better for you then," and his fingers slip past your ruined underwear as they tug the fabric down your thighs, making butterflies bloom in your stomach before they surely burst into flames from the fire Yuta is brewing, as two fingers part your dripping folds, "already so wet? I've barely started,"
"Yuta," and he's pausing, as you try to form a sentence, but only comes out as a single word, "more," and his lips quirk into a smile.
"Of course," and he's fucking you open nice and slow, your pre slipping down his fingers onto your hardwood living room floor, "i've been wanting to do this for so long — has your ex ever done this for you?" and you only swallow, whining when he stops, only continuing when you shake your head, "you deserve so much, you deserve the world," and a third finger sinks into you, making you cry out his name, "that's it, love, let me make you feel good."
"Yuta, please," you moan, as his fingers drag against your needy cunt, as he noses the nape of your neck, placing wet kisses along your neck, before his teeth graze your sensitive skin, sucking and licking marks that surely will dot your skin the next day, "ah—"
"Mine," he murmurs, and that makes your cunt twitch around his fingers — god you were so close, so close—and that's right when he's pulling his fingers out.
"Yut—" and he's licking your release from his fingers, before he's tugging you into a bruising kiss, sticking his tongue out to meet yours in a messy kiss, before he's pulling you on top of him, wet cunt pressed against his chest, "what are you--"
"Sit on my face," he says, his pupils nearly completely dark as he meets your gaze, "i want to show you what you've been missing -- how you deserve to be treated," and the blood rushes to your face, as your head shakes no, but he can feel your pussy say yes -- walls squeezing around nothing, "please,"
"Yuta, you don't have to—" but he's unwavering in his gaze, "what if I crush you?"
"It wouldn't be the worst way to go — you know I did have a secret execution scheduled before," and you smack him, but he only catches you by the wrist and kisses each finger, licking your fingertips, sending heat right to your cunt, "let me make you feel good — better than he ever has," and now you realize what it is — it's jealousy.
So you settle above his face, your cheeks burning as you feel his breath warm your aching pussy, "don't worry," and he's helping you ease yourself onto his lips, and right before his tongue drags slowly along the length of your sopping cunt, "you won't remember your name, much less his, after this."
a/n: i just realized i used a similar line in gojo's and yuta's, but y'know what, like teacher like student. what was this? who knows? will i do something like this again? maybe.
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vlrspace · 5 months
promise me, you belong to me
okkotsu yuuta x reader
contains. nsfw/mdni!!, implied yandere! yuuta, possessive! yuuta, unhealthy-ish relationship, petnames (angel, baby), yuuta and reader are in their fourth year, all characters are 18+, no actual smut but it’s heavily suggestive, this is short
notes. yandere! yuuta keeps taking over my mind, help 🫠
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“did you have fun today with megumi?”
the question makes you drop your pen onto the table, spinning yourself towards yuuta with wide eyes. your boyfriend sits on the edge of your bed, legs spread as he leans back on his hands, dark blue eyes looking at you with adoration.
“jesus, when did you come in?” you’re a little startled as you ask the black haired male, a hand coming up to your chest, feeling your heart beating rapidly.
yuuta only chuckles before responding with a cheerful smile, though his eyes are far from that. “what, am i not allowed to see my girlfriend?” his tone is gentle, but there’s a slight layer of tension laced within his words.
“that’s not what i meant, you know that” you shake your head, the bottom of your glossy lips are jutting out a bit and your brows furrowing. your boyfriend’s smile disappears at your facial expression and you turn back to your table with a sigh, switching off the lamp near you before you slowly walk towards him.
you come to a stand between his spread legs, placing both hands on his shoulders, rubbing it tenderly while he gazes up at you. yuuta’s hands instinctively find their place on the back of your thighs, just below your ass cheeks and a grin stretches across his face. those blue eyes of his are unsettlingly darker than usual.
yet he still makes you feel safe, his touch on your bare skin is warm, fingers grazing your skin carefully, steadily making their way under your shorts. it shouldn’t have been a surprise when he grabbed a handful of your ass, but you couldn’t stop the breathy yelp leaving your lips. you’re glad you’re holding onto his shoulders, your knees are getting weaker as he looks at you so lovingly, in contrast to his harsh actions.
“you haven’t answered my question yet” yuuta reminds you lowly, eyes flickering with a sign of warning as his hands start rubbing your cheeks to soothe the ache he caused.
“we always train together and you always let me win. i wanted a little challenge to improve my skills” you answer quietly, fingers massaging his shoulders and you focus on the way his muscles tense under your hands. you can’t look at him any longer, not when he’s watching you like a hawk.
it’s better to not tell him that gojo asked you to pair up with someone else that wasn’t yuuta. gojo knows that yuuta’s abilities are excellent, he makes a good teacher, but yuuta wants to avoid you getting hurt and that won’t be handy during a fight where he’s not by your side.
you know that gojo is right, but you also knew that yuuta would get jealous and possessive of you the second he sees you, it happened before on many occasions.
you spent an afternoon with inumaki and itadori in the common room, while yuuta was away on a mission. he didn’t like seeing you sitting between the two boys, excitedly playing some game on the tv even if you were wearing his clothes. one of the hickeys he left on a visible spot on your neck took an awfully long while to fade.
you have to decline most missions with ino and nanami too because yuuta can take teenage boys hanging around you, but older men are a different level (not that he couldn’t beat them in a fight). yuuta made that clear by ruining you the night before your mission, leaving your muscles sore, throat dry and body covered in marks all over. it leads to you sleeping in (yuuta turns off your alarm) and you can barely function throughout the day, deemed useless to go on a mission.
“you can improve yourself with me too, i don’t see why you had to pair yourself up with megumi” yuuta speaks, words dripping with venom and you feel his hands leaving your ass and instead, he places them on your hips, thumbs slipping into the hem of your shorts. “look at me angel” it’s firm, the way he demands your attention on him and you oblige, not wanting to anger him.
yuuta’s gaze is predatory, it makes you bite your lips and you feel him slip your shorts down before pulling down onto his lap. one of his hands come up to your face, brushing his fingers against your skin and you instantly lean into his hold when he cups cheek. yuuta looks at you expectantly and you return his actions with both hands, leaning close to him.
“i’m sorry yuuta, i’ll choose you next time, every time” you whisper against his lips before pressing your lips together. “i’m only yours”your words are mashed between kisses, but yuuta gives you an approving hum, licking your bottom lip and you let him slip his tongue into your mouth eagerly.
yuuta’s hand move from your face to your neck, closing his fingers around your throat but he doesn’t squeeze it and continues to assault your mouth with his. you fist his black hair, pulling him closer to you and you moan into the kiss when you feel his other hand pinching your clit through your panties.
“you promise right, baby?” he mumbles against your lips, ducking his head lower to kiss, suck and bite the skin there. you already know you’ll be littered with love bites by tomorrow morning.
“yes, yes i promise yuu” you frantically nod and he leaves your neck and offers you a grin before laying you down on your bed. he kneels above you as he takes off his shirt and presses a quick peck on your lips. yuuta hovers over your panties, sucking your clit through the cloth, holding you down by your hips. it makes you trash and whine, lacing a hand with his.
“no one else gets to have your pussy, only me. fucking remember that” yuuta grumbles against the material, eyeing your reaction but ends up chuckling when you lift your hips up in a needy manner and he slides your underwear down.
yuuta knows he has nothing to worry about, you’re such an eager little thing, putty in his hands when he pushes the right buttons. but you’re also so delicate and beautiful, he knows that, sadly so does everyone else. yuuta fears someone might take you away from him because of that, yet when you’re so wanting and yearning for him to touch you where you need him the most, he remembers he has nothing to be afraid of. only yuuta knows how to please you and make you come undone just the way you like. it makes him love you so much more, you’ll always give yourself to him like this and let him do however he pleases.
why would you want anyone else, when he’s right here? you belong to him anyways.
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@/vlrspace, 2024
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pseudowho · 6 months
Defending Your Honour
A series in which the JJK guys stick-it to the creeps and perverts bothering the reader.
A multi-fic in a series ❤️🫖☕
Part Two (Takuma Ino, Higuruma Hiromi and Itadori Yuuji)
Part Three (Gojo Satoru, Fushiguro Megumi and Kugisaki Nobara, Inumaki Toge and Fushiguro Toji)
More JJK men and women to come
Trigger Warning: train gropers, flashers and unwanted sexual advances
Nanami Kento
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"Quick, Kento! We'll miss the train."
"This one's packed. We'll get the next one."
"Come on! We can make it!"
With a squeeze and a groan, you and Kento squash yourselves into the packed carriage, the air a humid perfume-deodorant-sweat miasma. You faced Kento's chest, his back to the door. As the doors closed, squashing you to his chest, you shoot him a playful smirk as he glowers down at you, only half-serious.
You lean up to give him a sweet peck on the lips as the train jolts to a start. Kento wraps an arm around your waist as you wobble, although barely, your movement corseted by the tight pack of people around you.
The train rattles through tunnels, dipping in and out of orange lights. As the train goes through a particularly dark tunnel, you feel a set of fingers inching between your legs to the inside of your thigh. You cringe, clamping your legs together, which doesn't dissuade the hand from climbing up the back of your thigh, lifting your skirt to rub the cleft of your bottom.
When light flashes back into the train, the hand doesn't stop. You're paralysed, eyes stinging with tears, constricted by the crowd around you and unable to move to stop your assailant even if you wanted to.
Kento is looking down at you, frowning, concerned; what's wrong? His eyes ask you.
You whisper, voice shaking, "A hand-- someone's hand-- touching me--"
Kento blinks once, and his face clouds, deep rage settling in the crinkles and lines as his narrow eyes scan the people behind you. Within moments, his eyes settle on someone behind you, his eyes narrowing further until they're snakelike. You feel Kento's hand leave your waist as both arms wrap behind you, waiting.
A minute later, your train pulls to the next platform, and Kento pulls you off. Behind you on the train, a circle has formed around a man on the floor, crying and screeching, cradling two badly broken hands, bloody, twisted and ruined.
You hiss at Kento as you're pulled away up the stairs, "What did you do?"
Kento scowled, "I've got strong hands, he had wandering hands. Had."
Todo Aoi
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"God, it's so busy. I don't think we'll make it to our table in time," you stressed, Aoi head-and-shoulders above you as he tried to see a path through the crowd. Halloween in Shibuya was always heaving, and throngs of costumed celebrants slid past each other like eels.
Aoi looked behind him to you, breaking into what he assumed was a charming smile, and you rolled your eyes at him as he squatted down, his hands out behind him like steps.
"Get on my back, babe. You'll get lost, I'll get us to the restaurant-- win win."
"Me getting lost is...a win?" Aoi blinked, gears grinding as he reconsidered his words. Smiling (charmingly, again) and opening his mouth to talk (again), you raised a hand to stop him, exasperated.
"I can keep up. It's fine. Let's go."
"That's my girl." Aoi grabbed your hand as you weaved together through the crowds. You found it harder and harder to keep up, body buffeted from side to side by faceless monsters, vampires, sexy cats, and you felt Aoi's hand slipping in yours, holding tightly to his knuckles, now fingertip to fingertip until--
With a pluck, his hand slipped out of yours. You tripped, stumbling, unable to see above the sea of heads, and you slipped sideways into an alleyway to get out of the thronging masses. Breathing in a sigh of relief, you turned your back to the street, knowing Aoi would turn back to find you.
Your breath caught in your throat when, on turning, you come within two arms-length of a middle-aged man, in a heavy coat...completely exposed, as he stared at you, thrilled and smug. You gulped, flushed, bizarrely exposed and humiliated and trapped, as if you had your genitals flung out for the world to see, and you opened your mouth to scream for hel--
"Oh, man. Is that all you're working with? You're no brother of mine." The flasher grimaced, scowling for a moment as his eyes fixed behind you, and he took a single step backwards before--
-- the crowd in the street behind you quietened for just a moment, enough to hear the sounds of a single rattling empty beer can, spinning in the flasher's place...before a cacophony of screams, laughter and appalled shouts poured into the alleyway. You gaped like a fish as Aoi pulled you gently to him.
"Are you alright? I'm sorry I lost you."
"I"m-- I'm fine-- did you just use your technique on that guy?"
You heard a ruckus at the mouth of the alleyway, watching your flasher's legs skittering as he was bodily dragged away by Police officers, arguing and bargaining.
Aoi grinned rakishly, thumb and forefinger framing his jaw, "Did you like that? Nobody flashes my girl but me."
Geto Suguru
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"Keep our table! I'll get us some drinks. You want...?"
Suguru rested a single bent finger against his temple, narrow eyes looking you up and down fondly; "You know what I like."
You skipped away through the buzzing bar, blowing Suguru a kiss as you went; most of the patrons were two or three drinks deep already, and you pushed through a hen-do, apologising loudly to get to the bar.
You stood at the bar, tapping your fingers as you waited to catch the bartender's eye, and you felt a big hand slip around your waist from behind. You turned, grinning, leaning in for a kiss--
"Oh! God, sorry," you cried as the beer-breathed stranger laughed as if he knew you, and you cringed as he leaned back into you.
"No harm done baby, thought I was gonna get lucky there," he shouted over the music, flecks of spit peppering your face and lips.
"Nope! Not tonight I'm afraid--" as you moved to pull away, his hand tightened around your waist, skimming down to cup your hip, pulling you closer, squeezing--
"-- look, can you get your hands off--"
The stranger raised his hands off you dramatically, waving them in your face, barely concealing aggression behind an easygoing facade; "Just trying to have a good night like everyone else here, sweetheart, so you could just loosen up--"
You turned your back, flushing with confrontation, almost tearful as you tried to attract the attention of the bartender. You felt hot breath on your neck, the same unfamiliar hand on the small of your back--
"So you got a boyfriend, then?" You swallowed hard, closing your eyes for a moment, desperate to be left alone.
"She has," Suguru crooned, voice mercurially smooth as he slowly took the stranger's hand off your back, his eyes black, flat and cold. You had never been happier to see him in your life, and you pressed yourself against him, back still to the stranger. The stranger's lips rolled inwards, an irritated tongue dabbing out to lick them.
"Sorry bud, didn't realise she was here with anyone--"
"-- but scum like you always respect an absent boyfriend more than a girl telling you no, right?" Suguru's voice could have frozen water. The stranger excused himself without another word.
"Come on," Suguru gently urged, "I don't like this bar anymore. Let's go somewhere else."
As he slipped an arm around you, walking towards the doors, you heard frantic shrieking behind you; the stranger writhed and squirmed on the floor, frantically undoing and shoving his trousers down, kicking and shouting in alarm.
Suguru smirked; "Had that weird little snake curse in my pocket for a while now. Even better, he can't see it."
Will do some more of these; always more Nanamin, but also the other JJK crew too!
Part Two (Higuruma, Ino and Yuuji) LINK HERE!
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daisynik7 · 7 months
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“I’m going to crush No Nut November,” Ino announces proudly during dinner at your favorite Korean BBQ restaurant. It’s the first of the month and it’s also the first time you’re hearing about this. 
You raise a brow at him, smirking, flipping over the short ribs on the grill. “Since when do you practice No Nut November?”
“Starting today,” he answers confidently, placing a few pieces of rice paper on your plate. “We’ve been going at it too much. I get hard just thinking about you. It’s time to establish some willpower.”
Your smile widens, amused by this sudden proclamation. A piece of meat hangs at the end of your chopsticks when you say, “Okay. Well, as always, I’ll support you.”
Before you can bring it to your lips, Ino pokes his chopsticks at you, giving you a stern look. “Be serious about this babe! If you’re going to support me, that means you have to promise not to tempt me! No teasing!”
You fake a gasp. “Me?! I’m a good girl. I would never do such a thing!”
He shuts his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose, sighing. “See, this is what I’m talking about! You can’t just say you’re a good girl and not expect me to think of things.”
You roll your eyes at him. “Okay fine, no teasing, no tempting, no nothing. I wish you good luck, Taku.”
And good luck is definitely what Ino needs. 
Even without you provoking him in any way, your boyfriend manages to find every mundane thing you do to be somewhat erotic. At breakfast the next day, he stares at you with his tongue out, watching you eat a banana, claiming that the way your lips wrap around it is way too familiar to something else you do expertly. At night, he ogles you in your leggings as you bend over to pick up your phone that dropped to the floor, complaining about how good your butt always looks, especially in a compromising position like this. While you sleep, you actively avoid cuddling as to not “tempt” him into something further, but even with you rolled all the way to the other side of the bed, you hear him mutter to himself, “Pickled onions. Grandma’s dirty underwear. Pickled eggs. C’mon, go down, go down.”
Three days into November, Takuma gives up. He ambushes you as you’re brushing your teeth in the bathroom, his hands firm at your hips, his clothed erection pressed between your ass cheeks tight against your pajama bottoms. His mouth is hot on your ear. “Okay. I give up, sweetie. I’m weak. I’m so fucking weak for you.”
You spit the remainder of your toothpaste out into the sink, rinsing your mouth with water, some of it dripping down your chin. You grin at him through the reflection, sticking your ass out to grind on his hard cock. He moans, shuddering from your touch, already too far gone to go back. “Good boy. I knew you’d finally come around.”
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organicxslime · 8 months
☆kissing you (gojo, nanami, toji, megumi, yuji, ino)☆
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GOJO kisses you like it’s the last thing he’ll ever do. He’s suave about it, wrapping an arm around your waist and giving you his signature pretty-boy smirk before leaning in and pressing his lips against yours. He’s passionate, but not too forceful, and he has a way of flustering you despite having done this a thousand times. Occasionally (read: almost every single time) he’ll get a bit frisky, taking you in both arms and dipping you slightly as he gently catches your plump bottom lip in his teeth or swipes his tongue along the edge of it. The experience is dizzying, and by the end of it you’re always bright red from ear to ear.
NANAMI's kisses are more a bit more chaste. They're best described as sweet - he's not trying to overwhelm you with passion, but you can feel the quiet adoration and his underlying love for you in even the quickest pecks. The best ones are when he's just gotten home from work, not even bothering to shed his coat or shoes before seeking you out. When he finds you, inevitably curled up on the couch or working on something in the kitchen, he'll envelop you in a warm embrace from behind before gently slipping a hand underneath your jaw to cup your face, softly pressing his lips to yours as you melt into each other.
TOJI's kisses are rough. Gentleness doesn’t come easy to a man like Toji, but he’s not trying to throw you around, either. When he kisses you, it’s pure dominance, smashing his lips against yours and squeezing your waist between two large hands. You’ll typically have to initiate, but the second he knows it’s coming he’s taken over the situation and made you his once again. Your favorite is when his tough-guy demeanor has softened a bit and he allows you to sidle up next to him, big doe eyes silently pleading as you look up at him, urging him to take you in his arms and kiss you. When he complies, it’s much more reserved, almost gentle, and you don’t think you’d mind leaving his more forceful displays of affection in the past if this is what’s been available the whole time.
YUJI’s kisses are messy and unpracticed, but he's clearly so adorably excited to be with you that you don't mind. You’ll have to lead while he finds his footing, but once he’s figured out how to position his head, he’s softly planting lingering pecks on you, unable to get rid of the smile that stretches his cheeks so taut that it almost hurts. He’ll seek you out anywhere, anytime - it doesn’t matter if you cross his mind for a fraction of a second, he’s immediately seeking you out with the intent of pulling you into a quiet corner. He’ll brush your hair out of your face, flashing you a lopsided smile of nervous excitement before leaning into you, kissing you deeply before pulling away to get a look at your flushed cheeks and grin before diving right back in.
MEGUMI's kisses are shy, almost hesitant. He's the type of person that has to warm up to you every time it happens, starting off stiff with an air of uncertainty before eventually melting into you the way he wants to. He's not the type to be all over you all the time, but you can always count on a kiss goodnight from him. You'll both be curled up in bed, ready to pass out for the night, but he always makes sure to brush his lips against yours for a lingering kiss before the two of you fall asleep. It's warm and soft, and although he usually acts stoic and unfeeling, you're giddy that you get to know the real, unguarded version of him through these sweet little moments.
INO’s kisses are a bit boisterous - not because he's trying to be, but because he's over the moon to be able to do this with you at all. He usually tries to be slick about it, sweet talking you and creeping a hand up the small of your back beforehand, but he’s easily flustered and tends to melt into you the minute your lips touch. He’s eager, smashing his lips against yours in a way that makes it all too clear how much he wants you, and when he pulls away for some oxygen you can see the deep blush blooming across his cheeks. Sometimes (usually after a mission or when he’s exhausted) you’ll get a softer, even sweeter Ino, where your lips will meet with feather-light touches, warm and soft and impossibly saccharine, and when he comes up for air he’ll press his forehead against yours, with him meeting your eyes with a look of absolute adoration.
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seraphdreams · 8 months
robber!ino takuma — thirst.
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— smut, noncon, thievery. unedited
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it had been just another peaceful night for ino, strolling down some rich suburban neighborhood at the kick-off of midnight, searching for a pretty home with lots of valuable junk that he’d be able to make another wad of cash from. it was how he made his source of income, and he was quite enthusiastic about it.
time hadn’t passed much when he came to the sight of your home, the lights were off, and it felt as though no one was home — vacationing, maybe. he pulled his balaclava down over his face, picking out a pair of make-shift universal keys to pick at the lock of your front door. the knob jingled once, twice, and then thrice before it clicked, signally it’s openance.
“damn.” he whispered under his breath as he treaded carefully into your home — or as carefully as the combat boots he wore allowed for. he couldn’t exactly piece together the feeling he felt sneaking around your living room then to your kitchen. you were one expensive bitch, you lived in a thief’s wildest fantasies.
meticulously, he made his way up the stairs, searching for any other rooms to swipe from — he reached your bedroom quite hastily, swinging the door open only to be met with your body under a thin blanket, dreaming away. had his mind been in a stable state, he would’ve left quickly, took a few personal items and made his leave , yet the sight of you, so innocently sleeping as if there were no dangers around spurred him on. you were pretty, and he’s regret it for life if he didn’t make his move.
he kicked off his shoes, inching closer to your bed. he pulled up his balaclava so that it sat like a beanie atop his head, giving him a less obstructed view of you while he diligently removed your covers.
holy fuck.
you were sleeping in a simple satin nightgown that bunched up at your waist. takuma was gentle in pulling your panties down. your folds glistened beautifully under the moonlight, it was clear as day that you’d been dreaming of something special.
his cock ached in its confines. he knew that he needed you now. taking the bottom of his shirt between his teeth, he worked quickly to undo the zipper of his pants, setting his cock free. he was thick, leaked a heavy amount. wasting no time, he aligned his cock between your folds before slowly sinking in. he expected some sort of reaction from you, but was relieved when the rising and falling of your chest reminded him of your slumber. he starts up a slow pace before gradually speeding up.
you felt too good around him to keep himself contained. his brutal pace had your eyes flitting open, horror written on your seductively etched features. his hand was quick to cover your mouth, a friendly smile on his face contrasting to his actions.
“don’t be scared, pretty. just cum and i’ll be on my way.”
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dr4kenlvr · 4 months
jjk men + types of kisses
feat. yuji itadori, megumi fushiguro, ino takuma, choso, noritoshi kamo - fluff
nana's note. thinking about ino and noritoshi a lot ... :( just wanna hold them and kiss them pls gege help a girl out
yuji love love loves cheek kisses. when he walks past you—but doesn't have the chance to stop and talk—he'll place a warm palm on one cheek and smooch a quick pouty kiss to your other. "catch you later, babe!" he calls out as he runs after fushiguro. it always leave you flushed, especially if you're with your friends AHH. yuji expects requited kisses in return as well, and glady accepts them whenever you're willing. he's so cute; leaning on his elbows on the desk, palms propped beneath his chin as he patiently blinks up at you. or rather, expectently. and when you finally kiss him, his eyes sparkle. "my day is going so much better already!"
megumi goes for the modest temple kiss. the kind that he can plant on you anytime without drawing too much attention. approaches this super meticulously so he doesn't fuck up and have nobara or yuji start hollering at you two. he'll grab you with an arm either by your waist or your shoulders and pull you into him before kissing your temple softly and letting go. does this alll the time—for comfort, when he's missed you, when he knows you've missed him. megumi'll smile down at you gently before he moves on with his day, you tagging along behind him.
ino HAS to kiss you on the lips, or it's not a kiss to him (jk he loves kissing every part of you but lips top it all). he's lowkey so sensual with it too like WHATTTT ino???? (im giggling). nimble fingers fleeting up your neck while he pulls you in with his other palm, flat against the small of your back. LOVES it when you lift just the bottom of his mask up cause feels like a superhero BAHAHA. specifically, spider-man for obvious reasons—and you bet he has attempted to do the spider-man kiss with you multiple times (many ending with him landing flat on his face or ass).
choso, dare i give myself the mental image—is a knuckles kisser. hear me OUT, this man is so over his heels in love with you. literally worshipping the ground you step on. but you told him he can’t kiss your feet so he opts to kiss your hands, specifically each of your knuckles. his lips brush over the bone so fleetingly, it’s like he never did it. but his thumb rubs soothing circles on the back of your hand and your face flushes every time you look down at him. his eyes are closed and his bangs sweep over his face perfectly. god, you love your handsome man.
noritoshi (i’m giggling as i type this next part) likes to kiss your shoulders. (someone HELP me i am going INSANE.) only ever does it in the privacy of your guy’s rooms. you will NOT catch him kissing you anywhere else. but it’s kinda hot—private, not secret you know? plus, he makes up for the lack of public affection because the private affection goes so hard. i’m talking noritoshi slowly removing your top, revealing in the way your skin glows when you’re with him. his lips pepper light kisses down your shoulder, making sure to pay extra attention to that spot near the juncture of your neck.
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selfishdoll · 8 months
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I know what you fantasize about
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sum: ino, desperate to feel the touch of a woman, seeks out alternative options. which includes, summoning a demon into his house.
cw: ooc characters, modern au (no cursed techniques), lowkey loser ino (i love him), virgin!ino, switch (both of you), handjob, blowjob, cowgirl, praise, pussy-drunk ino, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, pet names (on both sides), demons, demon rituals, angst if you squint, porn no plot, chubby reader, gojo is a bit of a dick, etc.
it was so funny looking up rituals for summoning a succubus, i know the person watching my phone activity is concerned. also, does this count for kinktober? idk i’m new around here. but i got this idea while working so…:) hope you enjoy. unedited, please excuse typos & grammar mistakes.
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Takuma Ino was having a bit of dilemma. It wasn’t anything serious like a sickness or losing his home, rather— it was actually quite silly.
He has never, in his twenty-one years of living, made love to a woman. Or anyone for that matter.
Now he’s been on dates before. Has flirted with woman, hell; even kissed a few. But, it never went farther then that. He wasn’t sure why, it ate him up inside that he didn’t have such experience like his seniors Gojo and Geto, even Nanami. And as much as he’d like to find the root of the problem, Ino refused to ask any of them for some perspective.
The thought alone made him want to curl into a ball and die.
But him being inexperienced wasn’t a secret, given Satoru teased him on it constantly. Much to the younger man’s dismay.
Things really took a turn one night, however, when Gojo said something a little off-putting.
At this point, you should just summon a succubus.
The statement was quickly overshadowed by Geto stating the white-haired male was being rude, along with Nanami agreeing. But in that moment, Takuma Ino wasn’t focused on Gojo’s lack of manners, rather; his mind swarmed with that idea.
Was it possible? Were such creatures real? Could he really summon one?
Ino was desperate. He felt something was lacking inside of him having no experience and all. So, just the thought of a solution like this.. well, it wouldn’t hurt to try, right?
Which brings him to tonight, the man seated crisscrossed on his bedroom floor; staring down at the pentagram and candles in the middle of the room. He had spent hours before searching the web for summons, deciding on a relatively easy one. Drawing the pentagram took much more time then he wanted it to, along with placing the candles down. It was currently dark out, the moon shining into his already lit bedroom.
Ino pursed his lips, a bout of anxiety developing in the pit of his stomach. What if, he messed it up somehow? The thought of dealing with something worse then a succubus scared him much more than never having sex. However, another thought plagued him..
What if it didn’t work? Was it really worth wasting time on some stupid comment Gojo made?
It took a moment for Ino to decide his next choice of action, leaning on his crossed legs as an exasperated sigh escaped him. Moments of silence passed before he rose up, a small fuck it, escaping him. Leaning against his bed, the man glanced at his phone, reading through the remaining steps quickly.
“Okay, blood.. then chant.” Ino gulped softly. Settling his phone back beside him, he reached for the pocket knife off to the side. Flipping it open, he placed the blade against his palm, squeezing the handle of the small weapon. His breathing got heavy for a moment, bottom lip caught between his teeth— glaring down at his hand. Quickly, Takuma slid the blade across his skin, a sharp hissing escaping him once the wound started to sting. He watched as scarlet red blood slowly bubbled from the cut, breath hitching as the sight.
Ino breathed, lifting his hand over the pentagram and rose petals in the middle; watching droplets of blood slowly fall from his hand, into the pile. His lips moved, softly chanting the spell he had found on the internet, dark eyes glaring at the ritual.
The chant escaped his mouth five more times before he stopped, resting their silently for a moment. Waiting for.. anything, really. A signal, a sign the ritual had worked. That his desperation wasn’t all for not..
That he hadn’t cut his palm for some odd fantasy.
Unfortunately, nothing happened. Nothing, except for the sting of his hand and the one of his dignity. He was such an idiot— taking Gojo’s word at face value instead of as a joke.
Takuma Ino, felt pathetic.
Silently, he pulled his hand back, ignoring the sting of it as he began to collected the dirtied petals. He moved to blow out the candles next, collecting them as well to throw away. Once that was completely he exited his bedroom to his bathroom, coming back with a wet rag shortly after to rub away the pentagram.
Still silent, still completely mad at himself.
That was about five hours ago, Takuma deciding to push the event to the back of his mind and sleep. He couldn’t dwell over his stupidity for too long, he had work in the morning.
Curled up under his blankets, the man slept soundly, face pressed into his pillow. The room was quiet, atmosphere soft, his legs, heavy… heavy. Why were his legs so heavy? The half-asleep man turned, pulling his blankets a bit, thinking it was simply that.
But, no. Ino quickly realized it wasn’t that. Sleep was slowly drifting away, annoyance traveling into his body. Did he accidentally place something on his bed? Did something fall? Such question entered his mind, blinking away sleep as he turned— shutting his bedside lamp on.
Takuma Ino blinked slowly, eyes peering down at.. something, someone. A woman. She was, pretty. Cloaked in warm mocha skin, a form figure will full hips and curves; pudge pushed against the blankets underneath her. Her hair was neat, styled in long braids that rested in curly ends just below her ass.
And from what Takuma could see, she was completely bare.
“Wh—what..” The man stuttered under his breath, slowly pulling his legs from under her body, backing to the headboard of his bed. Biting the inside of his cheek, he reached over, planting a hand onto her shoulder. “Hey.. uh— miss?” He spoke, watching her stir just a bit. To his horror she turned from laying on her stomach, Ino quickly tossing his blanket in her direction. “Miss— its time to wake up!” Ino spoke again, voice holding much more urgency then it did before.
You slowly stirred from your sleep, blinking and yawning softly. You tilted your head to spot Ino already staring at you, a look of shock and nervousness painting his features. You only smiled, turning once again to rise up on your hands. “Hi..”
Ino gulped the moment your voice hit his ears, range a sickeningly sweet tone, soft; traveling into his mind so easily. He bit his cheek, clenching his pants in his hands. “How did you..get in here? Are you lost?”
You blinked at him for a moment, coming to sit comfortably on the bed, nearly smiling at the way he refused to look at you. Or rather, your body. “I’m not lost.. you summoned me here, right?”
As the words left your mouth, his breath hitched; eyes widening in shock. The ritual, actually worked? He had really summoned one, a succubus? There was no way, this had to be a prank.
“You look human.”
“I look how you want me to look..” You spoke softly, leaning back, sliding your hands down your body. “Or rather, your type.” You grinned, watching a warm red spread across his cheeks. You leaned, crawling up to him until you were far too close for comfort; watching as he sunk into the headboard to gain some space. “But, would you like me to change? Is there something else you wish to see?”
Ino breathed heavily, eyes finally falling from your face and to your body; trained on your soft plump breasts, your thighs, your hips.. everything was just so, perfect. Change? Such a thought would never pass his mind.
His trance was interrupted the moment a pretty giggle escaped you, his entire body stilling the moment your hand rested upon his lower stomach. You pushed up until your mouth was against his ear, speaking lowly;
“Looks like your body answer the question for you..” He hissed softly as your hand breached his black tshirt, gliding your fingers along his vline. You were so close, yet so far from he really wanted you to touch him; his head leaning back as you continued to rub gentle circles into his skin.
“Hm?” You feigned innocence, pulling back to glance at his face. His eyebrows were pinched a little close, eyes closed as he gently bit his lips. The sight was very pretty, you had to admit. “You want me to touch you more?”
“Yes—“ Ino spoke far too quickly, raising his head to look at you. His cheeks were flushed with red, embarrassed out of his mind— but he didn’t care. Not one bit. “Please.. please touch me more.”
Your glossed lips curled into a small smile, leaning over so you two were only a breath’s away. “You’re so cute, Ino.” You spoke softly, closing the gap to capture his lips. Slowly, you two enjoyed the other’s mouth, pressing your body against his own. You felt his hand twitched with uncertainty, slowly lifting to gently grasp your waist. You smiled against his lips, gently biting them in response. The moment a soft gasp escaped him, your tongue intruded his mouth, while your hand.. reached into his pants.
His fingers gripped your bare skin as your own traced his shaft, feeling him slowly harden under your touch. You wrapped your hand around his cock, slowly pulling him out of his pants and boxers. The man groaned softly as your thumb traced his tip, feeling precum slowly drip from the slit. You pulled back, cooing at the sight of his strained face. How cute..
You leaned over, lips pressed against his neck as you began to drag your hand up and down his shaft, slowly, watching him twitch with each glide across his sensitive tip. You sucked a kiss into his skin, switching around to kiss against his throat; relishing at the gulp you felt under your lips. Your hand quickened around his cock; focusing around his tip, grinning at the way his hips rose up into your hand.
“So cute..” You murmured to yourself, watching him carefully. He felt so sensitive from your touch, gasping out; soft groans escaping him every so often. The hand on your hip was bruising by now, fingertips digging into your skin, holding on for leverage. He’s never felt anything like this; your hand completely differently from his own. You played like him as if you knew his own body more than he did, grazing across secret places he’s never known about.
“O—oh, fuck..”
“You’re close, handsome?” You questioned softly, eyelids lowered as you hand got even faster. The man was bucking up into your hand at this point, fucking it, chasing his release. One he reached easily, lips parted as a husky, prolonged moan escaped his throat. You hummed softly as his warm release coated your fingers, glancing down as your hand slowly came to a stop. You tilted your head with a little simper, traveling down the bed. “You made a mess of yourself, Ino.”
Your voice brought him down from his high, blinking tiredly over at you. To his horror, you were leaning down towards his cock; the man gasping the moment your lips brushed his tip. “F—fuck..” He whined softly, gripping the blanket under him, a stuttered groan escaping him as your tongue traveled up his shaft, collecting his cum. “‘M too sensitive, please—“
Ino’s own pornographic groan interrupted his words the moment you took him into his mouth, eyes rolling back at your warm cavern. He could only lay there, overstimulated whines escaping him as you took him deeper into your mouth, tongue gliding across his cock; allowing his tip to hit the back of your throat.
You bobbed up and down his length, eyes closed and focused on your breath. Your hands resting on his thighs, feeling the muscles shake and clench with each movement of your head. It didn’t take long for the poor man to come again, his voice much louder than before; painting your mouth and throat white. Your moaned around his cock, slowly sucking him dry, feeling his hand press against your shoulder— gasping from the sensitivity. You pulled back slowly, swallowing the rest of his release, eyes peering over at him.
You warmed as his hand traveled to your face, feeling his thumb gently wipe away your mouth. You leaned into his palm, “Did that feel good, Ino?” You questioned sweetly, watching the man nod rather quickly; still breathless. You gently kissed his palm — right above his wound —, slowly traveling up his body, settling on his torso. His hands found your ass, gently caressing the warm skin— clenching when you pressed against his chest lightly.
“You want more, don’t you?” You spoke softly, leaning closely. Your noses brushed, moving in as if to kiss him, only to back away the moment you saw his eyes fluttered. His hand clenched your ass, a small chuckle exiting you as a result. “Use your words..”
Ino breathed sure his cheeks and ears were terribly red. He never imagined his first time would go like this, but, he wasn’t complaining. He glanced into your eyes, “Please.. I—I want to feel you.” He spoke, watching as you moaned softly at his words. He felt accomplished the moment you rose your body, scooting down a bit to hover above his crotch.
Your hand collected his cock, breathing slowly as you lined it up with your entrance. Pressing your knees into the bed, you slowly lowered yourself on his length; feeling his hands grasp your thighs the moment they began to shake. You moaned as he stretched you, velvety walls clenching the deeper he went. Soon, you settled into his lap, pressing your hands against his stomach to still yourself.
“Ar—are you okay?” You glanced up to spot the tinge of worry in his eyes, your cheeks warming at this. You leaned over, kissing his chin.
“Of course.”
Digging your knees into his soft blankets, you rose yourself up until only his tip remained inside— dropping down in one swift motion. The action caused the both of you to moan, his hands clenching your skin; resting his head on his pillows. You hands pressed against his stomach, fucking yourself on his cock; pretty moans escaping your swollen lips.
Ino was holding you so tightly at this point, allowing you to do anything you wanted; trapped under the pleasure you were giving him. Your plush walls clenching him, your hot skin pressed against his own— it was all so much, but he loved every piece. Hazy eyes slowly focused on you, watching work yourself up and down his length, how erotic your expression was.
“Look.. fuck— You’re so pretty.” Ino gasped out, hands traveling to your waist, slowly meeting your thrusts. His hips circled, watching you clench his shirt, pretty babbles of his name escaping you. He wanted to see more of it, needed to. You were far too much, yet he craved it.
A surprised whine escaped you the moment he began to fuck up into you, his feet flat on his bed, holding you tightly on his cock so you could do nothing but take it. The sound of skin on skin contact entered the room, your jumbled noises of pleasure surrounding the space too. Your bodies moved against each other, desperate for release— for the other’s as well.
Repeated fucks escaped you, leaning over to wrap your arms around his neck as he rose his hips more; reaching even deeper inside your messy cunt. You held onto him tightly, eyes pinched close as your nails dug into his covered skin. “F—fuck, so close, so close— Ino!”
His breathing was ragged, face stuffed into your neck as he felt his hips began to stutter. “Me.. me too, fuck— can i come inside? Wanna.. fill you up, oh fuck!” Ino’s voice came out in harsh whimpers, thrusts turning desperate, slamming into you as his mind grew cloudy. In the midst he heard your soft pleas for his cum, your pretty whines enough for him— pushing him over the edge. Spilling into your, fucking his seed into you; stuffing you full.
You gasped, eyes rolling back as you came as well; wet walls clenching, milking him of all he’s worth. The two of you panted heavily, his hips slowly falling to the bed as his arms wrapped around your middle. Your fingers curled into his hair, eyes closed as you simply laid on him.
“… Are you leaving now?” His tone was soft, voice scratchy from its previous abuse. You smiled at his words, shaking your head. “I’ll stay as long as you want me to.”
To your surprise his arms wrapped tighter around your waist, pulling you flush against his body.
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queenofcringe · 8 months
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Nanami and Ino are dating (Gege told me)
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sanjisblackasswife · 9 months
What They Do When You Sing “I’m off, two shots of that Hennessy! I might fuck this nigga if he look at me!” And point at them:
He’s straight up STARING BACK the SECOND you say “fuck”, you can’t even finish the rest of the verse because his huge arms are wrapped around your waist, kissing and giggling like the horny slut he is, because eyou both know what’s about to happen next. If you say no he’ll be respectful of your wishes, but pouting all day because you “teased” him.
Sanji, Gojo, Bokuto, Suna, Atsumu, Jean, Connie, Ino, Toji, Tengen, Hinata, Luffy (that’s if ya’ll had sex, i hc he’d be very addicted to it after the first go ‘round, Ace, Roger, Buggy, Tanaka, Kuroo, Oikawa, Oliver, Shidou, Fat Gum, Hawks, Present Mic, Todo
He’s more calmer of his approach, He did in fact hear you and glanced smirking, he has a bit of pink dusted on his cheeks from how vulgar you sounded speaking, “You’re such a pervert. You sure you’re not drunk?” He licks his bottom lip at you, he isn’t above walking over and taking you up on your offer.
Nanami, Sae, Geto, Zoro, Law, Killer, Eren, Osamu, Daichi, Tsukushima, Coach Ukai, Kageyama, Levi
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kishibe-kisser · 6 months
Waking up right (nsfw)(Aoi Todo, Sukuna, Toji Fushiguro, Ino Takuma)
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Tags: jjk men x fem!reader, face sitting, nicknames, dub?con (only in Sukuna's), little bit of degradation, spooning, p in v, blowjob, teasing
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3
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Aoi Todo: "It's the best way to start the day." Todo mumbled into your neck as he flipped you both over, pulling you on top of him. "Hmm is that so?" You asked before connecting your lips, feeling his hands wander to your ass and grip the flesh harshly. "Come on princess, let me have a taste." He asked and pulled your hips up his body.
Your hands wandered over his abs as you moved to straddle his face, not wanting to put all your weight down on him just yet. He hummed, just feeling your weight on his face. You were ridiculously sexy to him, sitting on his face and leaning over him to stroke his cock at the same time. This was indeed waking up right.
"God, Todo-" You moaned, his tongue rolling over your clit as his arms wrapped around your thighs. He smiled at your sounds, pulling you down on him even harder. You could hardly focus on him, his tongue making your legs shake as it prodded at your hole. His fingers joined in, rubbing your clit as his tongue continued to fuck you. You sat back up, reaching behind you to grab at his longer hair and grinding down on his face. "You're gonna make me cum." You warned, expecting him to stop and pull you off of his face and onto his cock.
"Come on, give it to me princess." He moaned into your pussy, vibrations sending you over the edge. If it wasn't for his strong grip on your thighs you would have toppled over, moaning and shaking as Todo didn't let up.
"Better than any breakfast."
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Sukuna: A wave of pleasure from between your legs caused you to stir, shifting around in the bedsheets trying to wake up. You had mentioned the idea of being woken up this way and since then, Sukuna couldn't imagine anything else. He liked the thought of you squirming in your sleep as he fucked you and well, you liked the idea too.
It was even better in practice, feeling your pussy willingly open up to his cock in your sleep. It was even better as he slowly rocked his hips, seeing your face contort as you slowly started waking up. That coupled with the light from the sunrise on your face made it hard to control himself. "Sukuna?" You whimpered, his cock seated deep inside you as he kept a steady pace. This was better than you had imagined, nearly cumming at the realisation of what was happening.
"That's right, doll. Aren't I nice? Giving you what you asked for." He smiled devilishly, placing your legs over his shoulders and pressing them into your chest. You barely had a chance to process what was happening as his pace picked up, making you choke back screams.
He was simply so overwhelming, complying to your wishes in the most Sukuna way he possibly could. He was chasing his own high with each thrust and watching your expressions was getting there a lot quicker than he anticipated.
"You don't sound very greatful, you haven't even said good morning to me."
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Toji Fushiguro: Rough hands gripped your hips and pulled you back into bed before you could even process that he was awake. Your back now flush to his bare chest, Toji kissed just under your ear as his hands wandered. "I didn't know you were up." You commented with a soft sigh, feeling his boner press into your ass.
"Been up, been wanting to touch you." He remarked, voice deep in your ear as his hands found their way to your underwear. You let out a squeal as he harshly tugged them down and lifting your leg. "What's gotten into you?" You asked with a laugh, feeling his cock press against your entrance. His other hand played with your boobs as he slowly started sinking into you. "Won some bets last night." Toji's voice was so gruff, making you whimper.
He sank into you fully, bottoming out and pressing into all those sweet spots in you. "Next time I'm taking you with me for good luck." He huffed, a low groan escaping him as he slowly fucked you. You grabbed his hand on your chest, trying to find some leverage as he bit down on your shoulder.
"Toji, oh God." The room was filled with the sound of your moans and his grunts, your neighbors would most likely complain about being woken up later on in the day. That didn't matter though, you could only think about how good he felt fucking your brains out that morning.
"Nothing feels better than sex after a win."
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Ino Takuma: "I need to leave on time. Don't want to be late." Ino mumbled against your lips, feeling your nails gently drag over his bare torso. You pulled a cheeky grin, shoving the sheets down slightly as your lips moved to his neck. "I know, you wouldn't want to keep Nanami waiting." You said, lips continuously moving down his body as your hand palmed him over his sweatpants. "Don't worry, I'll be quick." You added on and pulled his cock out of his sweats.
Ino watched you with big eyes, the way your hand wrapped around the base of his cock making him sigh. "You're always so happy to see me in the morning." You teased before taking his cock into your mouth, tongue circling over his tip. "Can you blame me?" He choked out, watching your head bob on him.
"Fuck." He moaned out, fisting the sheets and throwing his head back. You were unbelievable and waking up to this? Ino was going to have to explain a few things to Nanami later but that was okay because of how fucking good your lips felt on him.
Your hands found his, grabbing them and placing them in your head. A silent way of telling him to guide you and he could have cum instantly. He looked at you again, tangling his fingers into your hair and pulling a little. Your eyes locked with him and he swallowed thickly, trying not to cum too quick.
"You're unbelievable."
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A/N: got to write for my favs atm, Ino and Todo. More love for Todo in this house!!!
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nova-amor · 8 months
༘☁︎⋆ ◜ 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬, 𝐝𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮? ◞
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"eyes forward, pretty girl," he leaned over to whisper in your ear, the warmth of his breath causing heat to rise to your cheeks, your teeth gnawing at the plump flesh of your bottom lip. "keep 'em legs wide open and just relax, baby." his warm hand slipped beneath the fabric of your skirt, calloused finger tips brushing against the lace edges of your underwear.
it was inappropriate— to fuck in a movie theatre was scandalous, definitely against the law and could get you in major trouble if you two were caught. but something about the risk made you grow wetter, adrenaline coursing through your veins as he rubbed at the wet spot forming on your crotch. you tugged the thin blanket a little further up onto your shoulders, providing the perfect barrier to shield your activities from the rest of the theatre patrons.
"if you keep squirming like that, sweetheart, someone's gonna notice," he purred into your ear, a ghost of a lick left on your earlobe as he nudged your underwear to the side. "don't think you want that, do you? or, maybe you do… you want someone to catch us, huh? want someone to see how pathetic and desperate you get for your boyfriend's fingers?"
you shook your head in disagreement, lying to not only him but yourself. struggling to control your breathing pattern as he rubbed tight circles and squares around your clit. your legs twitched, foot tapping against the floor as you fixated your gaze on the movie playing rather than the familiar sweet stretch of your walls engulfing your boyfriend's thick digit.
"breathe f'me, sweetness, don't want you to pass out," he chuckled, curling his finger into your squishy walls. the filthy squelching noises of your sopping cunt were overshadowed by the movie's well-timed soundtrack clips and action sequences. "such a good girl f'me— fuckin' pussy's gushin’ all around me. you like this, don't you? love it when i use you like the slut you are?"
you rested your head on his shoulder, choking down the pathetic moans and whimpers that threatened to escape your lips. he slipped another finger into you and then another, plowing three fingers deeper and deeper inside you— stretching you out beyond your usual limit. you were growing delirious, hips bucking up relentlessly to chase the sweet release building at the pit of your stomach.
"gonna cum f'me, pretty girl? can feel your walls startin' t' milk my fingers," he pressed a kiss to the top of your head, hooking his fingers into your sensitive g-spot. the heel of his palm dug into your clit, each rut of his fingers into you stimulating your sensitive nub. "that's it, baby, fuck yourself on my fingers— fuckin' cum around my fingers."
black spots flashed across your eyes, your orgasm almost completely blinding you. your hips stuttered, body convulsing in the cushions of the theatre seat— there certainly would be a wet patch on the seat after the movie was done.
"such a good girl, you did so good f'me," his voice was distant, your head practically in the clouds as he retracted his fingers from deep inside you. he brought his fingers up to your lips, the lights of the movie causing his fingers to glimmer with the clear sheen of your release. "now open that pretty mouth and clean my fingers f'me— that's it, be a good girl and suck. maybe i'll give you some dick in the parking lot as a treat later."
satoru gojo, takuma ino, connie springer, zeke yeagar, natsuo todoroki, shota aizawa, kei tsukishima, tōru oikawa, kim hong-jin, gary sanderson
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mgnemesi · 9 months
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Hi, I'm Neme, and sometimes I exaggerate (lll¬ω¬) POTENTIAL SPOILERS IN THE ART AND THE DESCRIPTION BELOW!! Adding a separate post with a video :D
THIS, this was born from a vague idea I had, of drawing Inosuke falling. For some reason, I wanted to draw him from the back - shoulders bare, hair flying everywhere, his face not visible; body straining, bowing, arm outstretched towards... something, way, way up above him, too far away and unreachable. And I did that. Then I told myself, "let's add Kotoha!"... Then I said "Why not add baby Inosuke?". Then I said "let's make the falling section something inspired by his death scene in the Entertainment District Arc!". Hence the trail of blood. Then, since Baby Inosuke already had bubbles around him, to represent the river he falls into, I added debris, flowers and grass falling from the cliff where Kotoha dies. Between Baby Inosuke and Teen Inosuke there are leaves and acorns, to symbolise the Mountain and the woods he grows up in. Since I'd decided the third scene is the scene where Gyutaro stabbed Inosuke in the heart, I added pieces of roof tiles, broken vases, fabric, splinters of wood... stuff that I guessed could be seen falling as Yoshiwara was destroyed. Then, since this was already a summary of Ino's (tragic) life, I HAD to add a ray of light at the end/the bottom... The Kamaboko Squad in all its glory. Between Inosuke and his friends, I added - mainly - feathers. Crow feathers around Tanjiro, Sparrow feathers around Zenitsu and... well, honestly I put sharp, demonic teeth around Nezuko. It felt like the feathers had no direct connection to her, so I had to improvise.
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gojoloves · 8 months
✧˖°. on location ✧˖°.
fem!reader x ino takuma 1.6k words kinks and warnings: established relationship, unprotected sex, semi-public sex, light teasing, dirty talk, spit talk, pet names, creampie
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it’s not that unusual of a situation to find yourself in: aimlessly wandering around with ino, looking into reports of some lower-grade curses in the abandoned shopping center. it’s not particularly what you’d had in mind for a friday night, but once nanami had made the request, who were you to say no?
not like ino would’ve listened, anyway, even if you had wanted to ignore nanami.
“we’ve been looking for over an hour,” you comment, glancing over to your partner. “you sure this wasn’t some misunderstanding?”
ino tilts his head curiously, your boyfriend reminding you a lot of an overgrown puppy in the moment. he’s always had that charm about him, you think - a bit dim at times but always so endearing and hardworking, curious about the world around him. he hasn’t changed a lot in the years you’ve known him. “i don’t think nanami-san would send us out here if there was a chance it was a misunderstanding,” he mumbles. “maybe we’re just not lookin’ hard enough.”
you laugh quietly, stepping closer to him. “we’ve circled this place three times by now,” you tell him, resting your palms against his chest. “don’t you want to go home, throw on a movie -.” you lean up, pecking his lips gently. “- maybe have some fun?”
ino’s eyes narrow, one eyebrow raising curiously. “fun, huh?” he asks. in spite of the look he’s giving you, you can see the way his eyes seem to sparkle, both from mischief and intrigue.
“lots of fun,” you say with a grin. “we need to get started decorating for halloween, remember?”
with a click of his tongue and a roll of his eyes, he laughs. “you’re such a fuckin’ tease,” he says, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you closer, kissing you once more - a bit more intensely this time, like he really means it. you feel your back press against one of the shopping center’s pillars as his tongue runs across your bottom lip.
your own arms come to rest over his shoulders, caught up in the moment until you feel his hands ghosting underneath the edge of your skirt, coming to rest on your ass. “kuma,” you murmur, tone a clear warning.
“hmm?” he asks, angling his head to press his lips to your neck. “what is it, babe?”
“here?” you ask. “seriously?”
you plan to say more, but the way he pulls at your panties, letting the elastic snap back against your skin, makes you squeal, pushing your hips against his in surprise. then, you can feel him - his half-hard cock pressing against his sweats - and you understand he’s very serious.
“very serious,” he says, and you can feel the smile he’s sporting against your skin. he pulls away to look at you. “this place has been abandoned for ages, and like you said - no curses around. why not?”
the problem with your boyfriend being so charming, so damn lovable is that he rarely hears the word “no” from you. with the boyish grin he’s wearing, you know he won’t be hearing it today, either.
“okay, fine,” you cave, biting your lip briefly before giving him another kiss. “just - quickly, yeah?”
“that’s my girl,” he says with a wink. “turn around for me?”
you do as he asks, turning around and placing your hands flat against the pillar, bent over slightly so that your ass is on display for him as soon as he flips your skirt up. his hand trails down your lower back and over your ass before settling between your thighs, rubbing your clothed core.
“god, i love how easy it is for me to make you wet,” he says. you can hear the pride in his voice, and it only gets you even more excited.
the whine that escapes you isn’t your fault, you tell yourself. “kuma, don’t - don’t say things like that,” you mutter, but it only makes his smirk grow wider.
“i’m right, though, yeah?” he asks, taking another look around before using his free hand to tug his sweats and underwear down his hips, just enough to reveal his dick. he spits into his palm, moving to give himself a few strokes before pulling the damp fabric of your underwear to the side. “don’t even need to get you any more worked up.”
when you feel him tap his length against your pussy, you squirm a little; it only gets worse as he rubs his head up and down your slit, and a moan slips from your lips as it presses against your clit. your nails dig into the column, eager for him to just fuck you already.
“please,” you beg, turning to look at him over your shoulder.
as you do, you feel it - the way he slowly begins to press his length into you, one hand guiding himself, the other arm wrapped around your waist to support you.
“damn, you feel fuckin’ amazing,” he says, letting his head loll back for a moment before looking back to you. “pussy’s so warm and tight.”
you can feel every inch of him as he pulls his hips from yours only to bring them back again, thrusting in and out of you at a pace he knows is your favorite, sure to hit your sweet spot just how you like it. with a moan of his name, your nails drag down the pillar again, leaving scratch marks behind. “f-feels so good,” you whimper. “always makin’ me feel good.”
and he has the nerve to laugh, his chuckle low and breathy as he continues to fuck into you. “that’s my job, pretty girl, huh? gotta keep my girl feelin’ good,” he says, the hand on your hip squeezing your flesh in the most enticing manner.
your breaths grow heavy as you do your best to maintain your hold on the column, and your attentive boyfriend is quick to notice. he pulls out of you briefly, making you whine again, but it doesn’t last long.
“stand up ‘n turn around for me, babe,” he says.
when you do, he quickly presses your back against the pillar, hiking one leg up around his hip before pushing back into your cunt. “oh god,” you cry, resting your forehead against his.
“that better?” he asks. “just hold on to me - i got you.”
you press your lips to his, one hand resting on his cheek as you pull him closer. with every thrust, you feel his pelvic bone brushing against your clit, sending you closer to the edge. when he trails a hand down to add his thumb to the mix, you know you’re in for it.
“k-kuma,” you cry, the tightening in your stomach only growing worse.
“you gonna come for me? gonna cream all over my cock?” he asks with a grunt.
you can only nod as you feel your orgasm wrack your body, head falling against his shoulder as you tremble in his hold. but you’ve barely had time to come down from your own high when you hear his voice shakily say your name.
“close, babe,” he tells you. “where - shit, where do you want it?”
without hesitation, you answer. “inside me,” you insist. “wanna feel you, takuma, please. fill me up.”
your words are unfair, and you know it. you know there’s no faster way to get him to finish than to egg him on with those three little words. unfair, maybe, but so, so sweet-tasting in your mouth.
with one final thrust and a moan that’s music to your ears, he comes inside you, pulling you tighter against him. he kisses you again, hips at a standstill as he reaches up to rest a hand on your cheek. “so good, baby, fuck,” he whispers. his lips move to press kisses to your cheeks, your nose - practically anywhere on your face he can reach. “you okay?”
you give him a smile, nodding eagerly. “felt amazing,” you say softly, matching his tone. “you always make me feel good; you know that.”
he laughs softly, nodding. “maybe. but i still like to hear it,” he says.
the intimate moment is broken by his phone ringing in his pocket. without even pulling out of you, he reaches down to grab the device, answering the call.
the look you give him isn’t enough to make him feel ashamed.
“what’s up?” he says into the phone. you can vaguely hear nanami’s voice on the other end of the line, and you watch ino with a curious expression. “yeah, she and i are there right now. we didn’t see any - yeah, the old shopping center off of nakamichi street.” there’s a pause. “oh. you - you’d meant the one off shichifuku street.”
you have to cover your mouth to stop yourself from laughing.
“got it, nanami-san. we’ll, uh - we’ll head that way now. sorry.”
as soon as he hangs up, your laugh echoes through the building. “i can’t believe you,” you manage to get out between laughs. “seriously?”
the faint hint of pink on his cheeks tells you plenty. “shut up,” he mumbles, but there’s still plenty of affection behind it. he carefully pulls out of you, reaching down to adjust your panties and skirt before pulling his sweats back up.
taking your hand, he begins to lead you towards the building’s exit. “come on, pretty girl. let’s see if we can find a bathroom to get you cleaned up in before we get back to work.”
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