#bridlington harbour
richs-pics · 8 months
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Out of season
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poeticnorth · 1 year
Wrote some stuff about one of the holidays I created for my practice
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l-o-s-t---s-o-u-l · 10 months
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pigeonaday · 2 years
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Home just off of Bridlington harbour.
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verecunda · 1 year
One day in the early 1520s John Byrcham, Robert Saumon, Bartholomew Storme and Robert Wyndell, all of Whitby, went out fishing. As they headed back to port with their catch they were intercepted by a French warship and taken prisoner. The captured fishermen negotiated a ransom of 22 pounds, 6 shillings and 8 pence to free themselves, their ship and their fish. Byrcham hurried into Whitby and on to Bridlington to drum up the money from the ship's owners: a widow called Elizabeth Dodys and William Brownflete, head of the town's rich Augustinian priory. Byrcham then raced back and paid off the French, who let the ship go. Unfortunately, the crew had precious little time to celebrate their release from their French captors, for they were seized once more - this time by Scottish raiders - before they could get back to harbour.
Professor Steven Gunn, ‘Total War in Tudor England’, BBC History Magazine, April 2018.
shouldn’t laugh but 😅
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dansnaturepictures · 2 years
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22/06/2022-Post one of three: RSPB Bempton Cliffs and Flamborough Head Gannet and Puffin boat trip on the Yorkshire Belle from Bridlington-The wildlife photos I took and story of it
We did this boat trip today and it was amazing. It was such a joy to see seabirds galore yet again and get such valuable chances to see the key species here so well and take in enormity of the hundreds of birds flying around you and hearing the noises of the seabird colony which I love, on the water and on the cliffs. It was a breathtaking experience that I am so glad I was able to have, it was my third time having a boat trip this year already after the Pembrokeshire ones around and getting to Skomer Island and along the Beaulieu River and this like the others was a sensational time seeing so much fantastic wildlife and a perfect way to enjoy it. The crew on the boat as well as the RSPB volunteers were brilliant, they went out of their way to ensure everyone saw the wildlife and provided such an interesting commentary of the species with a vast range of information conveyed and lots of stories of the area area. It was such a feel good trip and just a perfect thing to do on such a hot and sunny day to immerse yourself into a wildlife spectacle. The weather was amazing for it we’ve been very lucky with the weather once again this week away. And seeing the seabird covered cliffs complimented perfectly visiting Bempton Cliffs and the parts of Flamborough Head seeing these birds and their habitat from a valuable different perspective.
The boat headed out from Bridlington harbour a lovely happy seaside town which it was great to explore today after being near and going through this and last time staying in Yorkshire for us we enjoyed an ice cream and doughnut here after the boat trip, past Flamborough Head and to Bempton Cliffs and back, taking in some exquisite cliff and rocky coastline which we’ve enjoyed a lot the last few days getting great views of Thornwick Bay too. This was so beautiful to see. My next post has ten landscape pictures I took on this trip. 
In terms of the many birds we saw; Razorbills were a revelation as we saw so many of these stocky auks, getting some sublime close views of them on the water and especially as they sailed through the air right beside and over the boat, looking brilliant against the bright blue sky with their characteristic faces beaming out in the bright sunlight which was so good to see. I took the sixth picture in this photoset of one. Mixed in so well with them was another bird I love the Guillemots there were many chances to see them both together including two diving in synchronicity at one point which was great and seeing them next to each other was a great chance to compare the two. As well as the rich coloured adults which I love so much I was over the moon to spot a young one, and a bridled Guillemot with the eye ring and marking which is always a special find. I took the second picture in this photoset of one. There were many fruity billed auks also as we saw lots of Puffins on the trip today. In my best ever year of seeing Puffins with the double dose of Pembrokeshire for Skomer and Yorkshire for Bempton I really made the most of seeing these incredible birds again. They were making people’s day as so many of us on the boat enthusiastically watched them on the water and flying through the air. It’s the case too for the others but as a headline species perhaps I’ve latched onto it with Puffins that that’s five days in a row I have seen Puffins now as we have seen them each day since we arrived on Saturday and it’s been a huge pleasure and must be a record for me which I love.
Fulmars were headline birds on the trip too and I appreciated just how big these silver toned super birds are today with some exceptional views of them. There were Gannets galore once more a key species of this area and it was a real treat to be immersed into the world of this gigantic bird once more, they are mesmerising to observe. I I loved seeing them fly and there were also some impressive views of them sat on the water on the trip which was special. I took the fourth, fifth and seventh pictures in this photoset of them. There were also so many Kittiwakes seen on the trip, seeing these small onomatopoeic gulls was a true delight again, it was so nice to see them flying and lovely rafts of them on the beautiful blue sea. So breathtaking to see. And it wasn’t just on the boat I enjoyed these today as in Bridlington there are some nesting on the entrance to the harbour and on buildings like a fish and chip shop. This is reminiscent of the famous urban Kittiwakes in Newcastle on the Tyne which featured on the recent series of BBC Springwatch. Something I’ve never seen myself but have always wanted to, so this gave me a glimpse of that in a fairly urban area seeing these birds I associate with remote seabird colonies, it’s quite surreal of course to hear their iconic call and see them when in the streets and also just adds to the pleasant nautical tones of the place hearing and seeing them. I took the first picture in this photoset of some flying from the boat and eighth of some at Bridlington. 
There was one special bird I so hoped to see from the boat that I did on Monday at RSPB Bempton Cliffs and my Mum spotted from the boat a non-RSPB trip on the same boat yesterday and became known today as the person who saw it, the Black-browed Albatross affectionately known as Albert or Albie. And I am so pleased that it was sat in its usual spot on the cliff at Bempton. It was amazing to see this enormous rare bird on the cliffs this time after seeing it fly on Monday and make out it’s exotic charm, spending precious moments watching it in the binoculars and trying for zoomed in photos. It really enhanced the experience I had with this bird this week to get another view of it whilst seeing it Monday was absolutely amazing. What a wonderful moment to be able to see this bird and great to share it with many others. I took the ninth picture in this photoset a bridge camera record shot of it. We got talking to some great people on the boat and queuing up for it.
Also of note on the boat trip were two marvellous mammals seen, many shiny coated Grey Seals which we got great intimate views of. I love seeing these they are one of my favourite mammals. And we got exhilarating views of Harbour Porpoise which was sensational it was so good to see the dorsal fin come up. This was the first time I’ve ever seen a porpoise or any cetacean in English waters having only seen porpoise and Common Dolphin on boat trips in Pembrokeshire and of course we saw Harbour Porpoises so well from Skomer Island this year twice a massive part of that trip so it was amazing to see them so well so soon after and again this year.
Just like we did on a boat trip we did around Puffin Island off of Anglesey a year ago today in common with a few of the species seen today we saw Cormorant and Shag from the boat trip today which I really enjoyed. We got stunning close views of Herring Gulls as well and at Bridlington we saw them very well a key part of a place like that which was a highlight today. I took the third picture in this photoset of one flying so well beside the boat which was lovely.
Other wildlife seen on the boat trip and at Bridlington today was young Great Black-backed Gull, Feral Pigeon, House Sparrow and a bee over the sea interestingly. I enjoyed seeing and photographing a Rook early this morning at the cottage which the tenth and final picture in this photoset shows. What a truly awe inspiring and thoroughly enjoyable way to spend time on such a lovely day today on the boat. An amazing part of this wonderful holiday in one of the places I am happiest among a seabird colony. Today was so special.
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grahamartuk · 2 months
A pleasant wander through Bridlington's Old Town
Bridlington Old Town - a pleasant place to visit for Easter 2024
Bridlington is perhaps best known as a bustling seaside resort where candy floss, buckets and spades, prosecco, fish and chips and fairground rides can be had. And they can. However, away from its lively seafront Bridlington also has a thriving harbour and an overlooked Old Town where Georgian architecture, culture, arts, crafts and good cuisine can be found. The Georgian streets of Bridlington…
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chirps-world · 8 months
Storm Babet strikes Bridlington harbour
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bryonyashaw · 10 months
𝘾𝙤𝙖𝙘𝙝 𝙩𝙧𝙞𝙥 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙙𝙖𝙮 𝙩𝙤 𝘽𝙧𝙞𝙙𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙩𝙤𝙣! 🏖
The kids and I plus people from my Voluntary work spent the day in Bridlington - organised by @lighthousecommunityhub 'Lighthouse Outreach Project.'
Each week it has great community activities on, they provide food parcels, a baby bank and offer cooked meals too. I took my youngest to toddler group there and when she started school I just wanted to pay it forward and offer any help I could.
Which brings me to what did we do at Bridlington?! Well, we spent the day in a lovely seaside town where my children frolicked on the beach (Winnie stripped off and was having a mermaid moment in the sea, but discovered after that bathing in that particular part of the sea isn't advised but hey, building immunity) we have fish and chips and of course checked out the arcades.
Bridlington, on the Yorkshire coast, is a tradition seaside resort with golden sands, a promenade and attractive gardens. There is a working harbour located between the two main beaches to the north and south of the town - a dynamic business hub, crucial to the town and its residents. At the helm are the Bridlington Harbour Commissioners, a group of individuals, supported by an administrative team, who manage, protect and develop all aspects of the harbour and its activities.
It's a place with a rich history, stunning scenery, and a range of attractions and activities to suit all ages and interests - plus a popular destination for birdwatchers, with the nearby Bempton Cliffs nature reserve being home to thousands of seabirds. The town has a range of accommodation options, including hotels, guest houses, and self-catering cottages too!
Situated in the region East Riding of Yorkshire in England! It is on the Holderness part (Flamborough Head to the Humber estuary) of the Yorkshire Coast by the North Sea. The town is about 28 miles (45 km) north of Hull and 34 miles (55 km) east of York. The stream called Gypsey Race flows through the town and enters the North Sea at the harbour.
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themoreuplay · 1 year
Bottle nose dolphins off Bridlington harbour in the North sea.24/5/23.
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academyguide · 2 years
This article brings to the reader some of my favourite areas of the Yorkshire Coast.Thornwick BayIt is said that Thornwick Bay takes its name from "Thor" the god of thunder because this is likened to the roar of the waves breaking on the cliffs during one of the frequent North Easterly gails. The cliffs are simply magnificent. White chalk against the azure blue sea go together to make stunning scenery whichever direction you look. The stretch of water close to Thornick Bay is nicknamed "the graveyard" by local fishermen due to the large number of shipwrecks in the area. Situated not far from Flamborough Head and Bempton Cliffs, a vast abundance of birdlife can be seen in and around Thornwick Bay including Puffins, Kittiwakes and Guillemots. There are actually two bays here, separated by a headland. The larger is called Thornwick Bay and the smaller Little Thornwick Bay. At low tide it is possible to walk between the two bays along the pebble and flint beaches. There are many caves in and around Thornwick Bay but the largest three are: Smugglers Cave (the largest on the East Coast), Church Cave and Thornwick Cave.FileyIt would be hard to find a more traditional English seaside resort than Filey, with its long sandy beach set in a wide bay, long promenade with Sculpture Trail and pretty little beach chalets it is easy to connect with its Victorian heritage. The name Filey derives from "Five Leys" meaning a clearing of forest or meadow and is Anglican in origin and suggests that there has been a community there for around 12 centuries. For many years Filey was a small fishing village with just a few inhabitants living in Queen Street. The oldest building in the town is the Filey Museum which is also situated on Queen Street and was built in 1696.Filey remained small until the 18th century when visitors from Scarborough started to look for places to stay away from the hustle and bustle of such a busy seaside resort. They stayed in local peoples houses until the Foords Hotel was built in the early 19th Century. In 1835 a Birmingham solicitor named John Wilkes Unett purchased 7 acres of land and built the Crescent, later renamed the Royal Crescent. It was opened in 1850 and for over 100 years was the most fashionable address in the North of England. The railway reached Filey in 1846-7.A perfect family day out can be spent in Filey with Glenn Gardens, paddling pools and fantastic soft sand beaches at one end of the resort leading to the Cobble Landing with its Lifeboat station, beachfront cafes and amusement arcade at the Northern end. The hot chocolate with marshmallows and a flake from the caf on the corner of Cobble Landing is worth the visit as is Sterchis chocolate shop in the town centre! From the Cobble Landing you can walk along the beach to the Brigg which juts out into the sea and has some interesting rock pools to find and explore!BridlingtonBridlington is a seaside resort and small seaport, it lies just south of Flamborough Head on the East Yorkshire coast. Full of character and charm, Bridlington boasts two award winning beaches with golden sand which stretch out either side of its historic harbour. With wide promenades along its length it is possible to experience the hustle and bustle of the fun fair or the simple quiet of a seaside walk where the only disturbance is the sound of the waves rushing to shore.Whether you choose to visit one of the cosmopolitan towns, small fishing villages or simple bays of the Yorkshire Coast you will discover rugged but beautiful scenery which easily rivals any other coastal area of England. Source by Sharon Malone
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monkparkfarm · 2 years
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at Bridlington Harbour https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch3CAgDNBqd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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poeticnorth · 1 year
Wrote a Hymn to Rán (Well, I've written three so far, but this is the one I'm sharing as part of an ongoing project)
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sh-photography · 2 years
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Taken using Ilford XP2Super 35mm film 📷 🎞️ @analoguewonderland . . . #blackandwhitephotography #blackandwhitefilmphotography #ilfordxp2 #ilford #ilfordphoto #35mmfilmphotography #35mm #35mmfilm #olympus #olympusphotography #olympustrip35 #analogue #analoguephotography #bridlington #yorkshire #WeAreOCA (at Bridlington Harbour) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfmtGZRInr0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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susanleeson · 5 years
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@ferensartgallery Open Exhibition.
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nunoxaviermoreira · 4 years
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Gull on a Mooring Bollard .. by ** Janets Photos ** A Typical scene at most Harbours and Ports around the UK and Else where, . https://flic.kr/p/2jseeKH
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