#but I did add heterochromia because this is your headcanon ;-;
katyahina · 5 months
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I can't believe I've managed at least something just in time this December ;-; I hope you have a good birthday @synthwayve !! Thank you very much for support and positivity in the fandom! And for being such a great mutual! And for the most scrungly Mico fanart I've ever seen x)
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darlingbabyboo · 11 months
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(He's beautiful 😍) love my boy so much, I needed to make this post about him because he exists rent free in my head ❤️‍🔥
Warning: overwhelming love and me inserting some ship opinions (but actually, I mention suicide briefly
First off, let me say that I wholeheartedly choose to believe that Hanma has heterochromia. The only reason that the anime doesn't show it because they're cowards
Starting with the entirety of his life
Because the manga severely deprived us of a backstory, I'll never forgive you Wakui it is up to me to conjure up something that makes sense
I'm saying it with all the love in my heart, Hanma has such strong fatherless and motherless energy
It's probably from neglect, I don't think he was physically abused, I just think he didn't have a lot of love in his life
He probably got his tattoos when he was insanely young because his family just, like didn't care
Also, I don't remember where, but there's a headcanon saying that Hanma's dad is a police chief and I'm deeply obsessed with that idea and I think that it actually makes a lot of sense
Like his dad pushed him away even further because he didn't want his rep ruined because of his delinquent son
Also makes sense that Hanma wasn't caught when he was a fugitive (I don't believe that he could have run from the law for that long, I mean, have you seen this man??? This clown attracts attention everywhere he goes)
It would also add up if Hanma gets bored so easily because he's a rich kid and his life's so predictable. He wants something: he'll just get it. It's absolutely horrible
If I had to guess what his mom was, I would say she either left him when he was young or she was an actress/singer (I don't know why it feels like it would fit)
Hanma probably didn't have a lot of friends growing up (pretty sure that's canonical) and the reason that he's so strange and weird is because he had a wild imagination to occupy himself when he was growing up
Got into fights because he was very possessive as a kid (he probably didn't drop that trait when growing up, let's be honest), so when he saw some other kids try to play on the playground, he immediately went into fight mode
He was born really strong, so other kids kinda stopped messing with him and they treated him really well (where he got his dream of wanting to be treated like a king and having 100 servants)
He got bored so he moved on to seeking out fights, lo and behold
He got his Reaper title
Was of course really bored until some light came into life
He met Kisaki!
I think he loved Kisaki so much because 1) Kisaki was nefarious and he couldn't really guess what he was going to do next and 2) he's literally never had a friend before in his entire life and Kisaki quickly became his best one
Like, y'all can talk as much as you want about Kisaki, but he and Hanma had something
Their sleepovers might have consisted of Hanma playing video games while Kisaki's playing with people's lives but if that'snot friendship then what is
If y'all aren't planning the downfall of your enemies with your bestie then can you even consider yourself friends???
100% believe that Hanma has called Kisaki the light of his life
Or something weird like, you're the torch in my circus act or some shit
Kisaki probably hated the nicknames but it probably just fueled Hanma even more
Lives to annoy people
Completely random but I have to insert because I will forever ship Hanmai but I choose to believe that Hanma fell more Mikey after he tried to kick his ass and then when Mikey actually did kick his ass
It just seems so Hanma to fall for someone who hates him and has beaten the crap out of him
Kisaki would make fun of him for it, I know he would
On how much Hanma knows about Kisaki's plan, I think he chooses to know very little because he enjoys being shocked
I think that Kisaki would probably tell Hanma if he asked, who would Hanma tell?
Og Timeline:
Honestly, at this point what does that even mean?
But anyways, I honestly think that Hanma would have committed suicide
He doesn't really have anyone in his life and he's going to get bored one day
It's either that or jail
Just very depressing for me to think about
Bad Toman timeline:
Hanma probably uses his connections to the police, has a lot of fun because he has a friend and can do whatever he wants, breaks lots of teeth and enjoys everyone else's suffering
Bonten timeline:
Probably just trying to survive right? Like, Kisaki was dead in this timeline (god, there are so many timelines that I might be losing track or getting them confused with each other) so it's not like he had anyone to care about him
He was also on the run
Maybe he would have gotten recruited in another gang
I think he would have gone on living in order to keep Kisaki's legacy going on like wearing some of his old clothes, wearing his glasses, stuff like that
I don't know, this one is also pretty depressing
Final timeline:
He's actually very good at photography but I think the troll in him chose to take shoddy pictures of Takemichi's wedding
It's just so him
He either overcharges or undercharges, he's just that great
I don't remember if there are any other timelines so moving on
Random stuff (will be inserting ship opinions, lol)
Probably copied Takemichi's hatred of Kisaki, doesn't know why they hate him, but okay best bud!
Will obliterate anyone who bad talks Kisaki
Low empathy and sympathy for people and he enjoys other people in pain but that's more because the world is cruel and he decided to be crueler
Shameless flirt
Would flirt with someone in a relationship, if you destroy your relationship, that's not his problem
It's not his fault that he's so irresistible
I don't think that he has trust issues because he's very perceptive (way more then people give him credit for)
Don't need trust issues when you already know what everyone has planned
Makes his birthday a really big deal (if you're with him, be prepared to get him an extravagant present because he has no filter and will tell you when he thinks a present is ass)
But also, I think he forgets if his birthday is, like, the next day
Knows that Ran and Kakucho don't like/trust him but he literally could not give a fuck
He has also grown up with people not really liking him so he doesn't care
Spends as much time as he can with them because he adores pissing people off
He would probably try to sleep with them tbh to make them hate themselves (I don't know but my baby lowkey gives off whore vibes and he already likes fucking with people so two birds one stone)
Cares very little for people's opinions
Unless those people like him, then his opinions flip completely
Him and Draken would lowkey make a lot of sense guys, like forgetting the fact that in one of the timelines he aided in killing Emma, the love of Draken's life
Think about the fact that Draken sees the best in people and Hanma definitely appreciates Draken if you know what I mean
All Hanma needs is a little love and he's good guys (don't wanna call him easy, I mean, look at him, but throughout the manga he only has one person and that breaks my heart)
Mitsuya is also in a similar position as Draken
I will not let go of Hanma having a crush on Hanma and a relationship Hanma and Mikey could be possible!!!
I'm not delusional, please guys
I think Hanma would enjoy Mikey when he's good or bad because he pretty much subverts expectations
He's small but he gives off such intense vibes
He's a serious person when he needs to be but he's also incredibly childish
He's super strong but you wouldn't expect it from someone of Mikey's build
The darkness that lies underneath those blonde locks would appeal to Hanma soo much
And I think Mikey would like someone like Hanma who's carefree, silly, and strong and has also done some crappy things and won't judge Mikey for his darker thoughts (though he may encourage him to indulge in them, but every relationship has flaws! )
I mean, c'mon guys, join me, ship them!!!!
They both crave unconditional love and I think they would give it to each other
Would do shit like name a snake cat and ask people if they want to see his pet cat (can you imagine him doing that to Chifuyu, it's gold)
Was probably an only child but if he had siblings they were probably like golden children who are 20 years older then him
Hanma gives off accident baby vibes
Judgmentally unjudgmental
If you killed someone, he wouldn't judge you for killing someone, would probably have a few comments on how bad you are at killing people and ask if you need tips
One things that's stated with his character is that he likes/admires seniors and I'm going two ways with that
He either respects that they've lived for so long
Or he had a grandpa or some other old person treat him well when he was younger (probably a teacher or something)
Fan of cartoons and childish sorta shows/movies
Finds all the murders and bloody in adult stuff unrealistic (and he would know)
Can't cook but can bake
Unlike Chifuyu, who I think can cook not bake
You guys could be a power couple, all you need to do is accept the fact that he manipulated your friend into killing your other friend
Everyone makes mistakes
That's actually so sad, these headcanons make me wish that I could be his childhood friend or something and shower him with all the love he deserves
Kazutora probably forgave Hanma because of self-hatred stuff idk
They would make each other the worst friendship bracelets ever and unironically never take them off
Then they would kiss softly on the lips
This could be a thing. Someone please make it a thing.
Second friend Hanma makes in his entire life
Hates reading but has read an astonishing number of classic books (like guys, he gets bored quickly, I wholeheartedly believe that he has tried everything)
Has lots of domestic thoughts because he craves for that familial connection
Would not advertise that though
Probably would openly mock it
Good with kids (because he had the mind of one)
Can also see him using his free time to scare kids at the playground
Loves being spoiled, not because he likes things but because he likes the care and love received from someone
Randomly spoils those he loves with things
Horribly touch starved
Would actually be so good in a relationship because he's very devout and loyal to the people he cares about
Hanma deserves good things, and I need to give it to him
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fictiontbh · 4 months
Do you have any Spring Bonnie centered headcanons or anything like that aswell? 👀
<Incorrect-fnaf-quotes, but it’s a sideblog, so I can’t ask from there
Ive been in the fnaf fandom for a WHILE so ive had TONS and TONS of headcanons over the years, ever since fnaf 1, before the lore became SO UNBEARABLE (hah... springbonnie would make that joke.)
Anyways.. onto headcanons:
I have a LOT of headcanons on Springbonnies eyes. Especially since i have an AU where they are possesed by both William Afton AND an oc of mine!
Though, lets start with BEFORE the murders, instead on how his own suit works!!
Springbonnie has a weird eye function, a strange mechanic inside his eyes.
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You see how springtrao has these clear plastic bulbs covering the outer layer of his eyes? Outlining where springbonnies more robotic and less alive eyes would usually stare? I like to imagine that its a mechanic that they have when NOT being used as a costume! Perhaps its a way to make springbonnie and its (I like to assume) Accidental AI to focus on children. Just something to keep it able to focus. Kinda like an adhd medication but for a robot to be able to NOT look around and get distracted. I like to assume they have something like that due to morbid curiosity. When used as a costume i like to think that springbonnies conciousness sort of.. not exactly VANISHES but isnt quite as STRONG, so those little like... glasses almost, arent needed cause humans are kinda better at staying focused than a curious bunny robot with adhd somehow programmed into their conciousness. Though these stay of springtrap because Springbonnie was sort of left to just rot and malfuction and grow obsolete for around 30 years before Afton came and decided to force himself in such a broken suit (while it was wet too, seriously afton, whats wrong with you?) So it wasnt able to turn them up while being worn.
I also like to think springbonnies eyes change COLOUR to match the person wearing their costume, as best as they can atleast, maybe with a tiny tiny tint of green? Buts till otherwise the same.. Brown eyes makes their green eyes brown, blue makes them blue, grey goes grey, etc etc. It follows EVERY eye colour. Which is why I like to headcanon william as having GREY eyes instead of a dull light blue (even though it IS canon in silver eyes. Tbf tho i also headcanon afton to still have his little manbun/ponytail even when the silver eyes made him NOT have that.) I like to make Springbonnie STILL able to stay alive ish kinda even after the springlocking, thought i like to imagine they cant really front much. And when they finally can it works alot like DID (Dissasociative Identity Disorder) where they will forget what happened during the times they WERENT concious. I dont like writing springbonnie alot because i havent done nearly enough research on DID but i sure would like to add it to him just because... I like leatning how to write and understand different disorders. Especially with my favourite characters!
I have a certain colour code to springtraps eyes for who is who, since again.. OC au.
Obviously, grey is most common, with william always being present.
Blue will be also common. Due to ot being the soul of my OC who happens to be very... stubborn. Not exactly vengeful but he HOLDS GRUDGES. He loves holding onto things that hurt him. Hes like the opposite of that one meme.
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He would truly just stare at you. Enraged. How could you say that to him??
Along with the changing eye colour headcanon... I like to imagine they can have both eyes different colours as well, because
1) heterochromia exists, they need to be able to mimic that!
2) it shows who is fronting out of the 3 of them!
This is the chart for how it should work really
Left is for who is FRONTING! right is for who is technically just watching over. They both have equal contribution, but not exactly the same roles.
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It will be the same as above even if all are able to have concious at the same time, just with whoever isnt fronting or watching just having their colour around there the pupil is.
Im not sure wether youve noticed yet or not, BUT! I also headcanon Springbonnie as being nonbinary!
Throughout most of this i tried my hardest to use they/them on springbonnie BUUUTTT sometimes Afton or my OC got in my head and i used he/him.
I like to imagine that nobodu decided to give the animatronics any actual pronouns oyher than It/its BUT in those old AUs people made where all the animatronics knew eachother and even all shared a restaurant, i like to imagine Springbonnie would ALWAYS be refered to with they/them because... it would be all they respond to. Not really seeing themself as a boy/girl animatronic because... to them they are just that. An animatronic. And it goes with them everywhere. Every animatronic to them is they/them and It/its. They cant really differentiate between human and animatronic but they most definitely are more human, even if they are kinda restricted by.. being an animatronic. They act very human like.
I do like to have the same headcanon with fredbear as well, though he will respond to anything. She/he/they/it... they respond! Though i personally use he/they on fredbear cause it feels fitting.
I also like to headcanon, in my au that both springbonnie and Shadow Bonnie are the same! Eventually, after the afton springlocking, both springbonnie and my oc's conciousness will split from Springtrap, sometime, and go on to form shadow Bonnie, which is entirely just a physical form of their emotions over aftons actions, so not much like them, but still them. You get me?
Speaking of them basically being the same, i like to imagine the shadow animatronics are also able to ONLY move through walls, project on walls and can morph other shadows as well, sometimes even replacing them with themselves. i like having the headcanon of the shadows going by whatever pronouns, though it still fluctuates.
Projecting on a wall or not using anothers shadow as their own? It/its.
Switching with somebody elses shadow? Copies whoevers shadows they are using's pronouns.
Though this can still fluctuate with he/him for shadow Freddy and he/they with shadow Bonnie because of who they are made of (cc, Jake, and springbonnie.)
Plus! I like to imagine springbonnie was modeled to be what the kagamines are to fredbear. Yk. Like a sibling, lover, or a mirror image! I personally like headcanoning sprinbonnie and fredbear definitely being a ship, but it changes a lot depending on the AU of mine. Sometimes its found family dynamic with the golds, sometimes they just dont have any relation other than William's and Fredbears Fursonas (as therefor friends cause I dont ship willry)
Springbonnie is one of my faves aside from CC and Plushtrap, who i also headcanon being super best friends with springbonnie!! So im glad I got this ask!! Tysvm @incorrect-fnaf-quotes!!! V sillay...
And heres some art of them just for you!
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synthwayve · 10 months
what are your favourite headcanons for micolash? or maybe damian and/or edgar?
Oops, the doodles ended up under the cut lol. Still not sure how formatting works. Thank you so so much for the ask!! Sorry I talk so much as well, from now on I’ll keep asks concise unless asked otherwise!
For Micolash, some of my favorite casual headcanons are;
-He has heterochromia, I like drawing him with this attribute because it compromises on the “are his eyes blue or brown” dilemma
-he ran track at Byrgenwerth/runs as a hobby, I just find the idea hilarious
-He knows Edgar is a spy and has known pretty much instantaneously, and is always using this knowledge to pester/mess with him. Despite this, he is careful not to “out” Edgar’s position to the other scholars so they don’t get hostile towards him.
-I love the idea that he’s actually stronger than he physically looks but ONLY in regards to punching. He’ll get tired from holding a stack of books but will clock a Hunter in the face so hard it leaves a dent in the wall. Very nonsensical, but the thought is super entertaining to me
-while he regularly looks like he’s in his 50’s, he’s actually quite a bit younger than that. This HC is entirely for comedic purposes because I love the idea of him being offended that everybody thinks he’s nearing his deathbed when his face is just like that.
-he’s a dog? Bird? Dog bird? Bird dog? Person.
Some of my favorite serious headcanons are(brace yourself);
-He and Laurence were childhood friends, for some reason I’m really attached to this hc even though I know it lacks substance. I just like the idea that they contrast each other from a young age, with Micolash being a very frail/sickly child who’s often bedridden and is thus visited frequently by an optimistic and curious Laurence, basically the only source of entertainment/companionship for him besides his family and books. Then as they get older, they become academic rivals before just straight up drifting away and disliking each other. I imagine Micolash joined the Choir initially(for like, a day or such) just to witness Laurence’s recklessness turn him into a monster, giving him mixed feelings(mostly terror) since their Byrgenwerth days. I imagine Laurence to think of Micolash as having grown to be a pessimistic heretic, while Micolash sees Laurence to be too starry eyed for his own good and stupidly impulsive. Good ol’ “friends->rivals->good Kos what have you become” pipeline.
-This is more so fan theory territory and I imagine widely unpopular of a belief, but I like to think Micolash did NOT choose to incite the ritual himself. Either the responsibility was pushed on him by the other scholars(consequence for being a leader and all that) or a defector(probably not Antal but it’s fun to imagine lol) shackled him in at the last minute so the School of Mensis could not continue their practices if the ritual failed. This is based PURELY off Micolash being shackled to the chair he’s on, and honestly a more reasonable explanation for that is just that he probably shackled himself in so if he writhed/flinched it wouldn’t disrupt the ritual but what can I say, I like a little moral ambiguity in my unforgivably heinous villains.
-I find it more terrifying to imagine Micolash was actually fully unprepared to meet Mergo and just couldn’t show it, only losing his sanity and going mad after the weight of losing everybody(The other scholars, Rom, and Laurence if we also add the prev. HC) AND meeting a great one really settled in.
For Edgar, my casual headcanons are:
-He was basically brought up in the Church since his teens. Can’t explain this one, just seems appropriate.
-He is a neat freak of sorts and requires everything to be organized, which drives him absolutely up the wall when he’s around Micolash who is a walking tornado of harmonic chaos
-He really hates having to be the most normal person in both the Choir and The School of Mensis. It’s hard work.
My serious headcanons are;
-he knows that Micolash knows who he is, and is constantly afraid this information will be used against him(in a more serious manner than just light teasing). By the time he thinks about abandoning his mission and returning the Choir, he’s in too deep with the School of Mensis and has compromised his values already to bring himself to leave of his own accord.
-By the time the Hunter meets him, he’s already gone a bit loony himself. Who knows how long they’ve been stuck in that nightmare?
-He is close friends with Yurie and she is the strongest tether he has back to returning to the Choir. It’s just not enough for him to actually leave.
For Damian, I only really have casual headcanons because I don’t own the game and thus haven’t had the chance to thoroughly explore every Mensis character on my own(and also I feel like my serious headcanons are a littleeee too atrocious to be shared, haha. Need to smooth them out first);
-He’s Micolash’s voice of reason(Edgar is the irritated sigh/scream of reason) but can only do so much when the Provost is so…eccentric.
-He is always trying to get Micolash to eat/sleep/drink properly and it never works, but that doesn’t deter him.
-He won’t admit it but he’s also very fond of the bird-dogs, even though they get fur and feathers absolutely EVERYWHERE.
-For some reason, and I can’t explain it if I tried, I can so clearly see him being an astrology/literature student. Just the general energy he gives off I guess?
-He’s honestly more concerned with Edgar’s status as a choir intelligencer than Micolash is, and feels the constant need to keep an eye on him as if he were an assassin and not a spy.
-He’s a lot more melancholic than Edgar when frustrated, and is the least likely to lose his temper out of the 3 (at least in Synth’s headcanon land, anyway)
Thank you again so much for the ask! Here’s some doodles to go with it.
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aftonfamilyvalues · 1 year
Sorry for trauma dumping in your ask box but I have no one to tell this to. I was looking up canon ages of characters from TES games and fell down a rabbit hole of the tumblr Elder Scrolls fandom where ppl are drawing Martin Septim as a black, fat, 'gay', trans man. At some point it stops being fanart and starts being original art. It's so divorced from the setting and character.
like im all for reimagining characters as something else or headcanoning things but yeah i think people try to change so many details on canon characters for the sake of this weird artificial inclusiveness? like itll be some tall average build white character in setting appropriate armor and suddenly theyre fat with tons of stretch marks and self harm scars and theyll be a female demiboy aromantic pansexual and theyll also be missing a leg and they have vitiligo and heterochromia and the artist will give them the worst fashion sense and autism and adhd and did and a religion and overall just a completely different personality.
i get the feeling there are a lot of these artists who try to add as many "ugly" and underrepresented details as they can to a character because representation but they really arent representing anything in a meaningful way. they just made their own character and shoved an absurd amount of things onto an established name and called it that same chracter. theyll put no research into what changes they made either, they just pick whatevers popular and add it to character without a second thought.
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coffee-in-veins · 1 year
What are your headcanons for DD characters' eyes? We never see them, and as much as it is a hidden gem of a design choice, I've always been curious what other people think of this.
hello hello! o/ thank you for the ask
In fact, I actually do, quite a few of those. I love overanalyzing things, and eyes were a thing I loved poking (figuratively! mostly...) in my characters. I wish naming eye colours wasn't so exhausting, though, because let me tell you it is a mess! It almost feels like everyone tries to outshine the name from another site, so I'll try my best to be descriptive but won't add images because finding proper ones is a doozy.
Please note that mostly I have headcanons for characters used in the fic the most (since most of those headcanons are for writing RRR), and some will be far less thought-through than others.
Abomination/Bigby – dusty green eyes with a bright, yellowish-green shine to them when he transforms or is close to transforming or uses his power; imagine the colour of the veins on his beast form arm's veins.
Antiquarian/Josephine – light, amber eyes, almost the colour of linden honey. Because of them, she looks trustworthy, sweet and approachable, and she knows that. Do with this what you will.
Arbalest/Missandei – light brown eyes with a bit of yellow and a dark limbal ring, which can make them appear black at a glance under a right angle.
Bounty Hunter/Tardif – brown eyes with grey flakes, but very few people ever saw those.
Crusader/Reynauld – bright blue eyes with a steel tint to them and a ring of tiny yellow flakes around the pupil, but those are almost impossible to see from afar.
Flagellant/Damian – striking, pale baby blue eyes which look amazingly out of place on his face and with his stature.
Grave Robber/Audrey – prominent bottle green eyes with a darker ring around the pupils. Prefers dusty-blue clothes to make them look shinier.
Hellion/Boudica – bright, leafy-green eyes with a prominent limbal ring and sparse yellow flakes.
Highwayman/Dismas – dark, almost black, brown eyes with tiny yellowish specks around the pupils, but very few people know about their existence due to him not liking people being close to his face and squinting quite a lot.
Houndmaster/Willam – grey eyes with prominent green flakes, darkening and more green than grey around the pupil.
Jester/Sarmenti – he has incomplete heterochromia; most of his eyes are dark hazel green with sectors of brown in each eye. This was one of the reasons he was forced into the role of a jester, who often had deformities in the middle ages.
Leper/Baldwin – pale brown eyes with milky, hazy pupils due to his deteriorating condition. Used to be brown, maybe with a bit of amber flakes.
Man-at-Arms/Barristan – dark grey eye, paling in colour to the pupil.
Musketeer/Margaret – sapphire blue eyes with hazel flakes around the pupils.
Occultist/Alhazred – dark carob eyes with a greyish ring around the pupil. His eyes probably look dark wine-red/purple if the light falls under a right angle, but that is mostly a result of his Pact.
Plague Doctor/Paracelsus – steel-grey with a prominent, thick dark limbal ring. They appear foggy behind her glasses if she's without her mask.
Shieldbreaker/Amani – dark brown eyes, almost the colour of buckwheat honey, since those are considered the prettiest colour in the part of the world she supposedly is from, and she is 'a beautiful thing' after all.
Vestal/Junia – warm brown hazel eyes with gray flecks which appeared in them after her 'enlightenment'. She believes this was because of her 'rejuvenation' by the Light.
Phew, that was a lot! Hope you liked my ideas ^^ Did they match any of yours?
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epickiya722 · 3 years
8, 13, 24
8 - How do you develop your OCs?
It's a complicated adventure, honestly. I don't have a concrete plan as to how I develop OCs, but it depends on what I'm writing, I guess. For fanfictions, I try to write OCs like recurring characters. They'll pop up once in a while, but not enough to 'annoy' readers unless that's their purpose. When it comes to fanfiction, I don't write a lot of OCs because I just don't. However, if original works? Ah jeez, it's something crazy. While for FF, it's simple. For original works, I go through so many drafts and whatnot to make sure my characters are different. Here's a few things I do when making OCs.
Listen to playlists, pick songs I believe could work as 'theme songs' for characters.
Create moodboards. Sometimes, I'll put some pictures together that look good to me and then BOOM! Before I did this for practice, but now it works like a story board for me. A visual representation for how my character thinks, feels, looks like, etc.
Freewrite my story. Ever since I started writing (which was middle school), I realized planning does NOT work out sometimes. Creating charts and stuff makes me feel like I have to be perfect with everything and I have limits. So when I write without planning, I have free range. I just write the story and along the way, my characters develop and show off a piece of who they are. This tip is probably my most to-go step to do when I want to write.
Inspiration... mix 'n' match... I'm trying to think of a phrase/wording for this, but my brain is being stupid right now. Anyways! This is something I do when writing fanfics, but it helps too when I write original works. I don't copy a character down to the T, but I'll probably use a characteristic I like and use it for another character that I feel like is missing that piece. Example being my OC for my one of my BNHA fics. He's a second-year, General Studies student. I had an idea how I wanted him to look and act, but his quirk? Yeah, it was lost to me until I watched an episode of Charmed (2018) and decided on an emotion quirk seeing Maggie uses her powers. Come to think of it, is there anyone with an emotion quirk?!
Face-casting. Physical appearance is just as important as a character's personality. Looking through photos, I might see a picture of a person and go "Ooh, they look a character I can make up." The person could have heterochromia or maybe pink hair.
Despite what I said, making graphs can work, too! I can get stuck with freewriting so I'll make a graph or the like to keep track of my characters. Making sure I have their eye color down, hair, height, anything. I even add notes of what the character has done or whatnot so I don't have to go thirty pages back to one or two scenes.
13 - Do you prefer writing multi-chapter fics or single-part fics? Do you prefer reading multi-chapter fics or single-part fics?
Both for both. I like writing mult-chaptered fics especially for a whole plot I want to get into. Single chaptered are just as good, too. These are good to write for if I don't have time or a prompt that is meant to be short.
24 - Which fic of yours do you wish people would ask about more? Why?
Ooh, there's a lot of them. I don't get much questions about my stories since I don't post about them here. I do plan to on my other blog though! However, to pick there's 2 of them. One is a fanfic, yep. This one is posted, a comedy for BNHA. It's called 'Beware of the Bunnies' because, yes I am funny like that, don't judge! It's not that old, but I love it so much already because I headcanon that if Midoriya wasn't doing his Work Studies with the Endeavor Agency, it would be with Miruko. Miruko just needs to be acknowledged more honestly, not because she's attractive (she is though), but because she's just a fun character in general. And even though she has had little screentime (I read the manga, too), both her VAs are awesome in their work. I can see her and Midoriya going back and forth in funny convos.
Another fic is an original work and it hasn't been posted yet. This is the one I have been rewriting. I adore the story already even though I just started. It's the characters for me. And I just hope those who do read the story will ask questions about it. Even now if curious about the series and the cast.
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gunloyal · 5 years
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kinda dumb but heres my mlp headcanons!
you can read my garbled text below! sorry its so repetitive lol i kinda rushed it!
HI i'm not the first one to do this (duh) but i wanted to do my own! some info abt the ponies; Theyre all different types of ponies sent from different parts of the pony...earth? To this magic school so they can become the defenders of equestria and stuff! The series surrounds them becoming friends while going thru character arcs and stuff. The villains are all the same but are being sent out by one being or something so the final villain/season revolves around testing the truth of their friendship!! Also they like......live there so theyre all like stranger roomates! also theyre all modeled a little differently so none of them look the same Twilight Sparkle -shes still a unicorn(at first) -shes very hipster and standoffish at first. -She has a really bad memory regarding things from the past, but easily remembers things from the present onward (this is important for her character arc) -she wears her hair up most of the time in a messy bun/ponytail, but sometimes she lets it down -guess what guyz!! she cant see at all lol so yeah..she finally gets the glasses she deserves (if ur wondering yeah she had big dorky glasses as a kid) character arc -shes princess luna!! thats why she has such a bad memory from the past. Princess celestia made this entire school a thing because she wanted to give her sister a redo since twilight messed up so bad in the past and she thinks giving her a chance to experience friendship will help prevent repeating the past. -cus of this i gave her a new cutiemark bc her old one doesnt represent that moon princess vibe! -also she has a really big horn since shes royalty! This also gives her a reason to become an alicorn once she finds out shes princess luna. AND IT EXPLAINS HER NAME FDHJSKF (shes the last to get her character arc) Rarity -shes still very prissy and loves fashion but loves to dress her friends up -her hair moves really pretty in water bc shes a MERPONY! heck yea -she has a mole under her eye -she hav hooves on land and a tail in water (like h2o just add water vibes) character arc -shes originally very standoffish and doesnt want to accept spending time with different species of ponies, but when her sister (Sweetie belle who is also a merpony) becomes friends with a pegasus(scootaloo) and an earthpony (apple bloom) she learns to be more accepting and earns the generosity element (Shes the second to have a character arc) Fluttershy -shes a flutterpony! so she is very very teeny -her hair is a lot longer and covers one eye (until her character arc) -she's super meek and has a very big head and ears and really skinny legs! very cute aah character arc -She used to be really scared of everything until she gets in an intimidating situation with like a dragon or something and then she realizes she has the power to talk to animals in both a strict but loving way. She learns to stop being as meek and rarity makes her a little hair clip so she can get her hair out of her face and........boys..........get this.......she has heterochromia. (shes the third to have a character arc and this starts her love for animals and gets her the kindness element!!) Apple Jack -shes a regular ol earthpony :~P -she wears a handkerchief in her hair instead of a hat bc hats are hard to draw and i think she looks cuter in this lol. -freckles..........everywhere -she wears her hair in a bunch of different ways!! country girl i love eeyouuuu -she doesnt speak a lot in the beginning :/ shes kinda standoffish and she has a very lovely country accent and i love her (also she has clydesdale hooves hehe) character arc -applejack deserves a good arc and they keep focusing on her stupid parents............I WANNA SEE MY GIRL GO THRU TROUBLE!! okay get ready -she is very scared of being tomboyish bc she doesnt want to be made fun of by her friends so she hides her tomboyish nature and how STRONG she is bc/ she doesnt want to seem boyish. she forces herself to act really girly but a situation occurs or something and she is forced to show her strength and come clean to the others. she is really scared but because she tells them the truth she gets the element of honesty and the others are like "were glad u told us because youre our friend and u shouldnt have to hide anything from us!" yeah anyways i love her and from that point on she is more tomboyish but still girly! (shes the fifth to get her character arc) Rainbow Dash -shes still a pegasus! -i love her so much but people think she's annoying and always make her buff and calm but i did the OPPOSITE i made her SUPER PUNY and SUPER FAST and MORE ANNOYING because i LOVE HER!!! -she fluff up like a bird when she's upset! -because she's smaller she has bigger ears and wings >:] -shes very conceited (At first) and bosses people around (even tho shes so puny) character arc -she's a really selfish character before hand but then everyone gets into some sort of danger and she risks herself just to save them!! bc of this she gets the loyalty element and cares a lot more about everyone else afterwards and is still annoying but is able to stop herself from being so selfish! (shes the fourth to get her character arc!) Pinkie Pie -shes a crystal pony! -when she first is introduced she forces herself to be regal and in her crystal form -she cant let herself laugh around the other ponies bc she doesnt want them to see her as silly/not good enough/not serious -she has a really 80s spunky vibe and wears roller skates -yeah she still has that twitch thing but instead of it being her tail its her little hair curl coming from the top of her head -gummy is a croc she finds and decides to keep (after her arc) character arc -in like the second episode or something, a curse is placed on the characters where they all look different, but pinkie isnt affected, and after seeing everyone laughing and struggling with the temporary defects, she starts laughing and reverts from a crystal pony to her normal state and her hairs all poofy and its real cute and shit.........she gets the element of laughter and everyones like "whyd u hide ur happiness?" and she says she didnt wanna get judged and god.......its jsust real nice (shes the first one to get an arc) anywayz this took a long time to write for no reason and its just SO MUCH if u actually read this i love u!!! this was inspired a lot by jenny nicholson's next gen ideas!!!! 100% creds to her for the inspo<3 i changed a lot of things but i still based some ideas from her!
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oofichangeit · 4 years
My Headcanons for:
She isn’t one to shy from showing her body-ody-ody(RPDR reference)but of course in front of her kids she dresses down a bit
The woman loves wigs of all lengths and styles
She really doesn’t mind when other horror antagonist hit on her because she knows her husband will take care of it.
She is Chinese. first learning her native tongue, then English
She designs clothing and attends fashion shows every now and then
The girl knows her movie facts.
Of course she loves spending time with her children.
He’s a foodie yet can’t cook for shit.
He trains his kids so they can kill and fight like he did growing up.(Target practice, boxing, different killing techniques, and got them bulletproof vest to test how different bullets feel)
He has insomnia.
He stims a lot, sometimes accidentally waking up the kids and Tiff when hes on his midnight walks around to house, constantly clapping or snapping.
Even though he could take out someone 4x his size without a hassle he can’t stand seeing rodents. Bugs he’s ok with, but rats or mice just kinda make him feel weird.
He’s a very predictable person
Resting bitch face to the max
He’s picked up a bit of Tiffs native language and now knows what words she uses as insults.
He’s more of a cat person. He doesn’t have enough time to go running around with a dog outside.
He and Glenda used watch reality tv shows like ‘Dance Moms’ just to make fun of it but then they genuinely got sucked in. There’s something about middle aged white Karen’s yelling at each other that really does it for them.
She looks more like her dad than her mom
Despite her behavior and whiny voice she isn’t much of a ‘daddy’s girl’
She genuinely likes science
She hates the color green cause she’s always compared to Christmas decorations while wearing green clothes and obviously her giant red hair.
Her hair takes 5 hours just to wash, blow dry, moisturize, and detangle
She’s rambunctious
Glenda either has two settings: Talk your ear off until tomorrow, or lay quietly on her phone
She also has insomnia but that’s only cause she doesn’t take the whole “one more video before bed” thing too seriously
She can’t focus for shit, if she’s listening to a song, scrolling through others and sees a better she clicks on it before the first one is even done.
Seafood makes her sick
Has Heterochromia. (One of her eyes is green. The other is blue)
He’s not that big on anime(I only say this because it seems like everyone has the head cannon that he’s obsessed with anime and whatnot and I don’t see him like that)
He does like how beautiful Japan is though
He has a board on the wall in his room marked with places he wants to travel to someday
He’s vegetarian
He likes to change his style a bit everynow and then to express himself
He has every meditation app you can think of on his phone
He, unlike his sister, doesn’t really see that much use for his phone and often goes hours without using it. He could charge his phone fully and by the next three days it would probably be only on 83%
He wants to be an older brother to someone.
He helps his mum with cooking.
His hair is long as hell. About as long as his dads
Speaking of Chucky, if Glen were to dress in his clothes people could easily confuse him for Chucky.
Like his sister, he also has heterochromia(except both of his eyes are blue, just the right one has a mixture of green dots/splotches)
(Obviously, I tried not to add the very obvious shit like that Chucky has anger issues and whatnot and that Glenda is a bit of a brat. So this is just going over their hobbies and small canons I have.)
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wltsleakirazine · 4 years
Mod Spotlight
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Here is the moderator team behind We Live to Sabotage!
Cafri: Social Media Mod
Previous/current zines
Klance Merfolk Zine (Social Media Mod)
What do you like about klance?
I absolutely love how their personalities seem to fit together like a glove, and how they’re ambitions and shared experiences connect them together in such a deep and meaningful way with the potential to blossom into something beautiful (like love haha). Also, I’m an absolute sucker for enemies/rivals to friends to lovers.
What is your favorite Leakira headcanon?
I like the headcanon I saw a while back that Akira is half Japanese half Filipino because I feel there needs to be significantly more representation in media of people of mixed races and cultures, and as someone who is also mixed, it certainly would have made me feel much better about myself to group up with more mixed characters rep on TV and in movies.
Iza: Graphic Design/Formatting Mod
What do you like about klance? 
Their rivals to friends trope that can easily be written into a friends to lovers relationship. They were romantically coded within the show, especially during seasons 7 and 8, with the feud episode and the sunset scene. They’re red and blue, complete opposites but perfect matches for each other. What is your favorite Leakira headcanon? 
Akira has a flying motorcycle, his hair turns white whenever he gets into fights/releases adrenaline in general. leandro has heterochromia, double wields pistols/swords.
Porter: Beta Mod
What do you like about klance?
I really am a big fan of how they interact and how you can really see how much they care for each other, whether it’s romantic or friendly. They’ve become big parts of my life and I can see them as soulmates and you can really have that true love aspect with them. What is your favorite Leakira headcanon? 
I love the fact that the world is a steam-punk-cyber-neon world. It’s such a cool design and so many amazing ideas can come out of it. The character designs (Akira’s white hair, Leo’s freckles, tattoos) are gorgeous and so fun to add onto!
Ruby: Shipping Mod
Previous/current zines
Zine Master List
What do you like about klance?: 
I’m a sucker for “enemies” to friends to lovers tropes, and I loved seeing their relationship develop and grow over the seasons… but fandom did it better. The lion switch arc, in particular, was really interesting as Keith grew into a leadership role and Lance became his right hand man. What is your favorite Leakira headcanon? 
Nothing in particular, but I really like the cyberpunk-esque setting and I think there’s a lot of interesting tropes and character arcs to play around with!
Aqua: Graphic Design/Formatting and Finance
Previous/current zines
Zine Master List
What do you like about klance?
I love the rivals to friends to lovers dynamic. It’s always such an exciting character arc for me. So when I first saw these two interact I knew I was gonna fall in love and I did! Voltron ended two years ago but that hasn’t stopped me from loving every second we got of these two on the screen. What is your favorite Leakira headcanon? 
Oh there’s a lot, I love that Akira has white hair? I also love that Leandro has freckles. Not to mention Akira’s bike wow I’ve a bit of a soft spot for cyberpunk in general but a cyberpunk BIKE takes the cake.
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So, after downloading an app called 'Live Portrait Creator', I decided to make my personal facecanons for @nighttimepixels Lilytale girls! I'll explain my reasoning for each one a bit
First up are Sapphire and Crimson, since they already have a canon face, I did my best to get as close as I could to it
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Up next is Scarlet! I wish the app could let me make narrower eyes, but this was what I did:
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Honestly, I totally think Scar would love dying her hair, and she'd be great with the hair care regime. I was debating giving her long hair, but then I thought curly short hair might suit her better so it doesn't get in her face. Plus it's fun to run your fingers through
Next is Amber!
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Look at this ridiculously chill and attractive lady. Observe her hair, take in her warm and caring eyes. She just wakes up looking like this, somehow
Next up is everybody's sweet summer child, Vellum!
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I gave her long hair because I think that the og paps wanting hair to flow in the wind absolutely applies to Vell. The blue eyes are a trait that runs in the family, so both Serif and Vell have blue af eyes
Speaking of Serif, here she is!
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(Vell totally got ahold of her hair to add color to match with) Serif doesn't dye her hair so it's normally a dark brown, but she likes the almost space-y effect Vell did with it. If y'all've noticed a theme with the sanses, there totally is one. Every single sans has freckles. All of them.
It's time for the swapfell gals, and I'll admit, I had a bit of trouble with Cinnamon here
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I couldn't get any jackets in the app, so she gets a tank top. With swapfell, I do my best to remember that it's a mix of aus. So with Cinnamon, the mix isn't quite as clear, but it's there. I headcanon that both Pepper n Cinnamon have heterochromia, but hers is very subtle. She has longer hair, which she would let down, but Pepper lectured her on tidiness, so she keeps it up in a lazy bun.
Pepper was fun for me to think about, and I honestly had the most fun with her, second only to Twist.
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Right off the bat, Pepper's heterochromia is startlingly obvious, and quite stunning if you ask me. Pepper has a skin condition called Vitiligo which has some of her skin loosing pigmentation, and it carries all over her body. She absolutely takes pride in it's uniqueness, and let's it become a statement of it's own.
Lastly, are the HT cuties, Blade and Twist! Blade'll be up first
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I did my best to give her the effect of dilated pupils, and in reality her scar would be more spread out. Because of her injury, I see her being blind in one eye, which leads to her being very protective of her left side. Her hearing may also be slightly affected which frustrates her, but Twist talks in a loud and punctuated tone and consistently stays by Blade's left side, so she can be Blade's eye. Blade's hair is a bit choppy, but it's unclear if it's on purpose or if she just doesn't care.
Lastly, is Twist!! I had so much fun with designing her, and it was a total blast
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Her hair is, like Blade's, black. She saw Amber n Sapphire dyeing each other's hair, and they invited Twist over. She keeps it long, and finds it relaxing to run her fingers through it and find new and more intricate ways to braid it. Her facial expression tends to fall into a softer look, often when she's gardening, or relaxing with the crew. Unlike the picture, her lips and heavily scarred, and her eyes are sunken in a bit, but she looks amazing anyway and she knows it.
So that wraps up this long post of faces, and I'd love to hear opinions of them!
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ajokeformur-ray · 7 years
Hey babe, could we get some headcannons on what kind of female s/o sebastian would be attracted to and actually go the trouble of courting? Characteristics: personality-wise and a few aesthetic-wise would be brilliant. Feel free to add on other characteristics you deem suitable! Thanks hun xxx
What kind of female S/O do you think Sebastian fall for? More character-wise but aesthetic related details can be included. Thank you! :)
I can tell you now that this is going to be a big one… Took me just over an hour!
As a demon, Sebastian is above the shallowness of some humans to base attraction off of something as impermanent as appearances. But I broke appearance down to four categories and answered them separately. I did say this was a big request.
He likes shedding his gloves after a long day and running his slender fingers through your hair, slowly and gently untangling any nicks. If he’s got time, he’ll braid and brush it for you.
For dark hair, he’ll compare it to starlight or the beauty of blood in the moonlight (reserved for those particularly morbid moods he gets into, usually after murdering someone or may or may not have deserved it).
For light hair, he’ll compare it to the sunlight or to having pure gold woven into your locks.
For unnatural colours, such as red, he’ll be fascinated by the true colour showing at the roots and will want to know all the reasons behind why you dyed it. 
Length doesn’t bother him, but he’s usually pretty content if it’s long enough to braid. If you consent, he’ll find out your favourite styles, learn them within a day or two, and then replicate the chosen style of the day each morning for you, taking it out and brushing it before you go to bed.
Eye colour
Any eye colour. Eyes are the windows to the soul, and it’s for precisely this reason that he loves to look into them, his own magenta eyes boring into yours. 
For genetic mutations such as heterochromia, he’s completely entranced and just loves commenting on the individuality of the two colours.
In any case, some baser part of him toys with the idea of gouging your eyes out surgically, so that they’re fully intact and carrying them around with him because of how much he loves them.
He always talks himself down from this, though, because they have that little spark of life that he so adores and if he removes them from your person, he’ll never witness them light up when you see him walk into the room, and he can’t have that now, can he?
Besides, he’s pretty sure that you’d like to keep your eyes exactly where they are.
Height doesn’t matter at all because everyone’s the same height when they’re laying down.
With clothes, it can go two ways: pastels or dark. Sebastian generally doesn’t pay too much attention to what you wear because it’s your body and you can wear what you like, but he may offer to choose your clothes for you each morning or to design/make/order clothes for you to wear, completely tailored to you and your tastes. You wouldn’t know about this beforehand because he won’t physically measure you. Just one look at you head to toe, and he already knows exactly what you should wear. He has an eye for these things.
I think, with pastel colours, he’d appreciate the difference between his stark black and white outfits with very little variation, to your different shades of pinks, purples, greens, blues, etc. He’d likely compare it to the fragility and delicacy of the human body, almost going off on a tangent about how easily humans are disposed of, before remembering that you’re a member of said species and that you may not be able to stomach what he’s talking about. He’d apologise and change the subject.
With dark colours, he’d appreciate the similarities with his own clothes and make the occasional comment about how what you’re wearing matches his thoughts, his nature; he’s the epitome of darkness and he never misses an opportunity to tell you this.
He lives in Victorian London, don’t forget, so he wouldn’t approve of too much revealing of your skin. He’d tell you that “it’s unseemly and might he recommend something else that may be to your taste, My Lady?”. This would be coupled with comments muttered into your ear that is designed to leave you blushing.
Makeup doesn’t bother him, though it intrigues him. Why do you cover your natural face? He’d make it clear that he prefers you fresh-faced, though. Makeup carries a certain connotation in this time period.
Personality traits
The most important thing is that you’re not afraid of him. He’s a demon and capable of the biggest monstrosities you can think of and is mostly unfeeling, but he cannot court someone (yes, court, not date, “a frankly ridiculous modern adaptation”) who fears him. So, his s/o’s love for him needs to override the fear of what he is in all situations.
Full acceptance and understanding that Sebastian cannot love to the same extent that humans can and do, but rather, he’s possessive. You’re his and as such, he will protect you and fight for you, with you, with his life, if need be. Don’t expect declarations of romance and romantic proposals, it’s not in his nature. He will not change for you and the very suggestion would be most insulting.
Someone who knows that Sebastian can and will play games with them. Tell him your fears, he will exploit them for his own amusement. Tell him your dreams, and he will crush them if you let him. Tell him your insecurities and he will shut them down with logic in just a few sentences. But, devilish though he may be, he is still your partner, and so he will refrain from doing these things. He may still play tricks on you, though, not nothing life threatening. It’s no good courting a dead person.
Independence. He’s very busy with his contract, running the Phantomhive estate and doing all the other things that he does, so he won’t always have time for you. His s/o would need to be able to fend for themselves. His ward is a child and he doesn’t need or want another one. 
Confidence. He understands that this grows in humans, and he’d be willing to help you with that. He does care for you in his own way and will show you in every way he knows how that you’re a wonderful woman and that he loves you, again in his own way.
Someone who is okay with Sebastian being himself around them. So he moves a little faster, he speaks with a lower, more gravelly voice. If he realises that you enjoy that, or you tell him this yourself, then he’d be pleased and would make it a point to be a little less human around you. This links into not being scared of him.
Someone who is themselves. No false modesty, no façades, no masks or acts… just you. He won’t appreciate falsehoods, even if they’re meant with good intentions.
Someone who is strong-stomached. I don’t mean this in terms of gore, though that would help, I also mean someone who can hold their own. He will tease you on occasion about your weaknesses. For example, if you’re afraid fo the dark, he might grab your foot from under the bed. But that’s a different set of headcanons, which can be found on my masterlist.
Intellect. Enjoy books or writing, drawing. Plays an instrument or wants to learn one. Bi-lingual or wants to learn another language. An inherent appreciation of culture and class. Someone who appreciates the finer lifestyle. These things aren’t necessary but it would help your relationship, in that you have mutual interests.
This is such an important point that I left it for last, and it’s pretty self-explanatory: Maturity. Someone who loves Sebastian for exactly what he is, in all the right ways. No games, no competitions, no playing, just love. Love him for what he is, and he’ll return the affections in kind, though in a slightly different way. Respect him and he’ll respect you. That’s all there is to it.
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