#(he is in his pjamas)
katyahina · 6 months
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I can't believe I've managed at least something just in time this December ;-; I hope you have a good birthday @synthwayve !! Thank you very much for support and positivity in the fandom! And for being such a great mutual! And for the most scrungly Mico fanart I've ever seen x)
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konigsblog · 9 months
periods with simon riley ... (because im on my period!!) ☀️
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he doesn't have a uterus, he understands why you bleed, just not how to take care of it. simon finds you curled up in bed in the middle of the afternoon, sighing deeply before pulling the covers off you, revealing a sad, sobbing mess.
you have your hands covering your stomach in agony as your cramps worsen, your lower back pain increasing as you're laying in an uncomfortable position, and the only thing you want is chocolate and a bath. he coos at you, sitting beside you and nestling his hands in your hair in a soothing manner, your forehead hot and your face flushed as your cramps cause your stomach to churn and twist.
through discomfort, you grip his hand, whining for his help as the pain continues. he feels you drag his hands to your stomach, presses flat against it, using them as a hot water bottle. “'s alright, princess. what can i help you with?” simon's voice is tender and loving, soft and gentle, his hand coming up to cup your jaw. “bath, please.” he hears your whimper, sitting upright and pulling you into his arms, taking you to the bathroom as he fills the bathtub with warm, hot water.
you lean back, your back pain spreading down and making you wince. he adds the bubbles, a bath bomb giving it a pretty gradient, lights dimmed to ease your headache. “there, pretty girl. just relax f'me, yeah?” the bubbles around you soak your body, feeling him squirt some body wash onto his hands and apply it to your leg. he treats you like you're unwell, trying to make you feel comforted, eyes glossy from the pain.
the scent of roses and flowers, a hint and note if vanilla soothe you. the smell hits your nose, making you hum in approval as you give him a weak smile a small ‘thank you’. the towel wrapped around your body, drying you off before slipping some comfy pjamas bottoms on, a hoodie of his around you.
watches you favourite movie with your while rubbing your back, occasionally adding pressure to relieve the pain, your head rested on his lap, fallen into a sleepy haze with soft snores leaving your lips. perhaps, you two should just sleep on the couch. he doesn't want to deak with your grumpiness after being awoken and moved to bed ...
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valsdelulucorner · 1 month
Malleus head cannons<3
Malleus is isolated a lot due to his status and his reputation. He is the next ruler of the Briar valley, one of the most powerful mages in all of the land, of course people who have heard of him would be intimidated. When he met you, he was surprised to find out you had no idea who he was, so he took this to his advantage. It was refreshing to just talk with someone freely that wasn't Lillia and his family, having fun with someone who wasn't afraid of saying what's on their mind.
When you found out Tsunotaro actually Malleus draconia, he was quite surprised to find you still treating him like how you did before. He was glad to still have a friend after his identity was discovered by you, it was so refreshing to have someone treat him like a friend and not the next prince of briar valley
I love the idea that Malleus doesn't really know how to use a phone, and the only reason he got a phone was to talk with you and his Diasomnia family. He will randomly use you as google, sending random questions to you such as; "different gargoyle types?" "how to make friends?" "what do humans like to do for fun?" "Does Yuu like Gargoyles?" "Malleus, this isnt google" "How to google"
Malleus sneaks into ramshackle sometimes when he wants to see you, easily walking through the front door or going through one of the broken walls that Crowley refused to fix (I'm so generous my ass). He sometimes scares you when he sneaks in, his footsteps barely make any noise so if your cooking or studying with grim, he can just walk up behind you and scare you. He doesn't mean to but he finds it amusing how you jump
If you invite him over for a sleepover or a study date at ramshackle, he will be ecstatic! He's never had a sleepover with a friend before so he will do research on human sleepovers, even asking Lillia for advice and knowledge about this. He will show up with his sleeping bag, bag of clothes, and even some snacks Lillia said humans like best during sleepovers. If its a study date and a sleepover, he will help you with anything you need while you eat snacks and chill in your pjamas. Grim will sit on your lap or your shoulders the entire time, getting abit protective of you while you and Malleus talk the night away.
He had the best time with you! When will be the next sleep over child of man? He had alot of fun just hanging out with you, getting to know you better and getting a better learning about what humans do during these sleep overs. He will 100% bring some games over for you guys to play, teaching you about the games he played in the briar valley while you teach him about games you played from your world. He would even let you do his hair if you ask nicely, it was such a nice break for him to just be around you and not have to worry about his duties for a night. He will defiantly ask you over for a sleepover at Diasomnia, just be careful not to run into sebek
Imagine if the boys didn't find out that you both were friends after Vil overblotted but during a lunch break or during class. While sitting with your group, Malleus comes over to your table and sits down with you, happily starting a conversation with you while everyone on and around your table freaks out about how your so calm. Or during a Gym class, malleus spots you out on the field struggling with your broom so he comes over and helps you, teaching you how to properly ride it while the students around you fly all the way to the other side of the field, shocked your speaking so freely with the Diasomnia dorm head
If you guys ever start dating, he will be very happy but nervous. God forbid you tell the first years, Sebek would be screaming in your ear for a few hours straight while Ace shakes your shoulders. Deuce and epel will be worried, asking if you know what your in for and jack will just be quietly staring at you with worry in the background, trying to tune out the shrill screams of grim. If Malleus randomly appears behind you while this goes down, ace immediately lets you go and scatters back with the rest while Sebek will be asking Malleus if he's sure he wants to be with a human like you. He and sebek are in for a long talk after that
If you guys get to the point where you both physically affectionate, he loves to lay his head in your lap while you play with his hair, softly talking about his day, gargoyles, his family, his history and everything with you. He enjoys these quite moments with you when you both can just be yourselves with each other, holding each other softly while you both speak about anything that comes to mind
If you come to twisted wonderland as a sculptor or a artist, lord he can see the wedding. He absolutely loves watching you work and seeing the fruits of your labor come to fruition. He will ask you if you can make gargoyles for him, even if you are a beginner artist he will still love to see you make one. If you make him a miny gargoyle keychain out of clay or resin, he will love you forever. He will never be without his little keychain, he keeps it in perfect condition and will be absolutely devastated if it breaks
Will call you "my thorn" "Child of man" "darling" "my muse" "my rose"
When I tell you this man would get so protective over you is a understatement, he will use his status to scare off anyone that tries to bully you or make a move on you. Someone confesses to you? Suddenly they are avoiding you like the plague but don't worry child of man, he is there to wipe your tears. Someone is bullying you? Don't question why they moved schools, maybe they weren't cut out for such a prestigious school
"I know you, i walked with you once apon a dream" "I know you, that look in your eyes is so familiar agleam"
I Love malleus but this was the first time I've ever written for him so this was a lot more difficult then I expected. He was alot of fun to write for though, please excuse my writing, im still trying to improve
Who should I do next?
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whenlilyfallsinlove · 23 days
not anymore.
luke castellan x reader - college au, only one bed, enemies to lovers.
im back!! sorry for being afk, ive had lots of exams!
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"oh, you have got to be fucking kidding me." you hear luke say as you drag your suitcase into the room.
you rolled your eyes at the sound of his voice, already mad as it was. this was supposed to be a fun weekend: your college has organised a trip for students to go to new york, which you had been excited for.
the trip was off to a great start - you and your friend clarisse had explored the city where you had eaten the best bagel in your entire life.
your happiness, however, was short-lived.
"I'M SHARING WITH WHO?!" your voice echoed through the hotel lobby, causing clarisse to nudge you.
"luke. apparently." clarisse says, almost amused.
"that can't be right. how is this even allowed?" you frown.
"well you're adults, so you're probably trusted-" she starts but you cut her off.
"i can not share a room with him clarisse, i fucking despise him." you groan. you had hated luke since kindergaten and he hated you. that was the way it had always been.
"it's only two nights." she tries to comfort you.
"ONLY TWO NIGHTS, THAT'S TWO NIGHTS TOO MANY." you despised him. he was the bane of your existence.
"you think I want to be sharing a room with someone as stupid as you?" a new voice came from behind you, you turned round to see luke stood, glaring at you. next to him was chris, who waved at clarisse.
"i'm way smarter than you. i have every right to complain." you glare back.
"oh, do you even hear yourself right now? you sound ridiculous." he replies.
"literally shut up, your opinion is irrelevant to me." you say.
"you're so fucking annoying oh my god." luke groans.
"i'm annoying?! you're the one who-"
you continued to bicker, completely forgetting your surroundings. chris and clarisse shared knowing looks with each other, the two of you claimed that you hated each other, sure. but the tension between the two of you was unmatched.
"hey.." clarisse says, dragging your attention from luke "at least there'll be two beds, you can just ignore each other."
this put a smile back on your face.
"thank fuck.." you say and the two of you begin to walk up to your respective rooms.
"what is it-" you were about to come out with some form of insult until you realised what his reaction was for.
there, in front of you, was your hotel room. with only one bed.
"are you taking the piss?" you let out an exasperated sigh.
"i think i'm going to die." luke groans.
"oh shut up, go see if we can change rooms." you remark.
"why can't you?" he responds.
"because i can't be bothered to come up all those stairs again" you respond, rolling your eyes like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"you're so lazy." he replies.
"are you gonna do it then or what?" you put your hands on your hips.
"fuck yes." luke replies, and leaves the room.
when he is gone, you let yourself fall onto the bed and groan. this could only ever happen to you. having to stay in a room with the boy you've hated since the age of 6 was one thing, but sharing a bed with him? even worse. you wish you had never come on this stupid trip. then you'd be at home, no luke, curled up in bed, watching the new season of bridgerton. was it too late to-
your thoughts were interrupted by the return of luke, who looked as if he was going to kill you for even breathing near him.
"well?!" you stand.
"there's no other rooms. this is the only one, we have to wait till tomorrow." he frowns.
"oh for the love of god." you say, putting your head in your hands.
"yeah. that's how i feel right now. stuck in a room with a freak." luke says.
"i hate you." you glare at him.
"the feeling is mutual." he glares back.
"you're such a dick."
"only because you are the most annoying person on earth."
"fuck this, i'm having a shower." you grab your pjamas and make your way too the bathroom.
"be quick. i want one." luke calls out.
"i want, doesn't get." you stick your tongue out at him.
"what are you.. eight?" he glares.
you flip him off and shut the door, locking it, and get in the shower.
the hot water calmed your anger, as you tried to take as long as possible. maybe you should try and drown yourself? i mean it would get you out of this situation. that was what you needed.
you continued to ponder the logistics with this until you realised your skin had gone a bit wrinkly from being in there for too long. you got out, dried yourself, and put your pjamas on. you regret how little you brought. the heat was stifling, so you had only brought some shorts and a small crop top. in your defence, you thought you'd be sharing with clarisse.
you opened the door, and walked out the bathroom, luke was layed on the bed, on his phone.
"fucking finally, are you done in the bathroom yet, you took-" he blinks, stopping once he sees what you are wearing.
"oh shut up. i'm done." you glare.
luke nods awkwardly - what the fuck was up with him? - his gaze lingering on your figure. he clears his throat.
"uh yeah. um good." he finally responds standing up.
"the fuck is up with you?" you give him a funny look.
"nothing weirdo." he snaps out of it, and makes his way to have a shower over his own.
you frown at his reaction - why was he being so weird. you shake your head, and get into bed, laying on the edge, and go on your phone.
after about fifteen minutes, luke responds and gets into the other side of the bed.
you lay in silence for about fifteen minutes, both not knowing what to say.
"you still awake?" luke asks you, turning over to look at you,
"why wouldn't i be?" you retort.
"it was just a question.. why are you always so hostile?!"
"because you annoy the living daylight out of me."
"you can't even look at me when you say that." he smirks.
he was right, your back was still turned. you roll your eyes but turn so you are facing him.
"yes i can. you annoy the living daylight out of me." you say looking into his eyes.
his eyes.. were they always this pretty? what was up with you? it was luke. LUKE.
"i know i do." he smirks, looking into your eyes.
you feel flustered. the two of you go quiet for a minute until luke breaks the silence.
"why do you even hate me anyway?" he asks.
"because you anger me." you respond.
"but why?"
"do you not remember when you pushed me off my bike when we were 6?"
"oh yeah. that was so funny." he smiles at the memory.
"no it wasn't." you retort.
"it was." he looks at you again.
the two of you go silent again. what was happening to you? was luke moving closer or was it just you? no he definitely was. was he leaning in-
"turn the light off. i'm tired." luke suddenly demands, catching you off guars. you immediately move away from him.
"um no? i'm not tired." you respond back. you weren't crazy.. you swear you had just had a moment with him.
"do i care?" he asks, avoiding eye contact with him
"i'm not doing it." you retort, rolling you eyes.
"fine. i'll do it." he gets up and turn the light off, leaving just the lamp on the corner on.
"oh you are so irritating." you glare, looking up at him.
"whatever, just go to sleep, we have to meet early tomorrow." he responds and gets into bed, turning his back away from you.
you mock him whilst his back is turned, and turn away yourself.
how were you supposed to get to sleep? you swear you were about to.. i don't know.. kiss luke. your mortal enemy.. except not really. you knew for sure he was right back to being the same old luke as before.
you frown and lay there for about ten minutes, trying to fall asleep.
"(y/n).. i'm.. sorry." you hear luke mutter, next to you. luke had NEVER apologised to you before. EVER. but you were still mad.
"go to sleep." you repeat what luke said to you. you were petty, what can you say?"
"i can't." he responds, making you roll your eyes.
"you can't?! you literally said you were tired." you say.
"how in the hell do you expect me to sleep when you're right there and i can't stop thinking about you?" he raises his voice, catching you off guard.
what. the. fuck. what did he mean. what.
you turn over, to see luke already staring at you.
"what.." you feel your breath hitching in your throat as you see luke already looking at you.
"you're the bane of my existence. i hate you. you get under my skin. but fuck.. why do you have to be so beautiful?" he says, looking into your eyes.
"luke.." you mutter.
"i can't hold back any longer, (y/n), i can't keep pretending i don't l-"
you interrupt him by crashing your lips onto him, kissing him hungrily. luke happily returns the kiss, wrapping his arm round your waist.
after about ten seconds, you pull away.
"i'm sorry, i shouldn't have-" you aplogise.
"don't be sorry. i liked it." he replies, making you smile.
well one thing was now certain for sure. you definitely didn't hate each other anymore.
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thejakeslayla · 9 months
╰─▸ ❝ three am ❞ - ,, jake sim
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pairing bf!jake x gn! reader ୨୧ genre fluff ୨୧ warnings kissing, making out ୨୧ wc 1,4k ୨୧ just a little bit of beta, writer is sleep deprived req; prompt 19; (both waking up in the middle of the night and going on an adventure to find the perfect snack) prompt 9 (taking a photo of them smiling or in their element); prompt 14 (brushing strands of hair away)
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as the clock struck 3 a.m., you made the decision to change into more comfortable clothes and head to bed, or at least attempt to do so. it was weekend, nothing to for the following day, yet you couldn't shake the guilt of staying up late. it’s like ruining your sleep schedule on purpose. you had already swapped your jeans for sweatpants, considering that you still needed to eat, and you didn't want to accidentally stain your pjamas.
you had been texting jake an hour ago, but he had stopped responding, leading you to assume he had gone to sleep. as you left your bedroom, a knock on your front door startled you. your eyes widened in fear; it was so late, and you wondered who could be knocking on your door at this hour.
your instinctive reaction was to message jake. you were already holding your phone, so you unlocked it and opened the chat with him. 
your messages filled with panic; "oh my god," "someone is knocking at my door," "what do i do," "jake, oh my god, i'm about to lose it. help."
to your surprise, you received a response, making you think that perhaps jake hadn't gone to bed yet. "just open the door," you gasped at his message.
‘y/n.’ ‘open. the. door.’
you didn't understand, but a glimmer of hope made you consider that maybe, just maybe, it was jake. you cautiously approached the door, still fearing the person on the other side, and slowly opened it slightly, allowing you to peek at the intruder. 
the weight on your heart lifted, and the fear disappeared when you saw jake’s silly smile. you loudly groaned and finally opened the door.
"i'm also happy to see you!" he exclaimed, wrapping his arms around you as soon as he could enter your apartment. "i missed you," he added as you hugged him.
"you're insane, and i hate you. you scared me half to death," you said, pretending to be offended.
“you loooooove me,” he teased, swaying your bodies left and right. “anyways, i’m taking you on a date.” 
“a date? it’s late, jake.”
“don’t care, didn’t ask. put your shoes on, please.” 
you sighed, unable to say no to your adorable, puppy-like boyfriend. he was your soft spot, and he knew it, often abusing it, albeit in a loving way. jake was a pure soul, never even considering hurting you in any way. you quickly put on your shoes, and minutes later, you were outside on the quiet streets of seoul. as the world grew quieter, the streets came alive in a different way. the distant traffic hum became a soothing melody, and the cool breeze on your face, jake’s hand holding yours being the only source of warmth.
feeling the chilly air, jake pulled you closer, his body warming yours. soon, you entered a busier street, with neon signs flickering like distant stars, hurting your eyes if you stared too long. some music from nearby clubs revealed cities nightlife.
you walked in silence until jake pulled a pair of airpods out of his pocket and handed one to you. the music was already playing when you comfortably placed it in your ear. it took just one song for jake to start moving in rhythm with the music. taking advantage of the nearly empty street, he turned to you.
"y/n, let's dance," he said, making you chuckle, almost causing your airpod to fall out, which you had to readjust.
“dance?” you answered too late, as he had already moved away and spun you around. you couldn't help but laugh even more. you couldn't refuse; the melody forced you to dance on its own. for the entire song, you danced around, still moving forward. you didn't know where jake was leading you, but you didn't complain.
another song played, and jake began singing and even rapping loudly. you laughed heartily, enjoying the moment as much as you could. when the chorus rolled in, you both sang along, still somehow dancing. jake enthusiastically gestured while singing the lyrics, which only made you laugh even more.
at some point he even let go out of your hand to focus more on the song, soon after you were recording him and taking pictures, you were basically his hypeman, somehow shouting the adlibs. 
at some point, he let go of your hand to focus more on the song. soon, you were recording him and taking pictures, essentially becoming his hype person, enthusiastically shouting the adlibs. his moves were smooth and pleasant to watch, and you weren't laughing at his dancing skills; you were genuinely impressed. but when he suddenly twerked, you couldn't hold back your laughter and had to stop, nearly collapsing from laughter. 
he laughed alongside you. "please, don't tell me you got that on video," jake said after a minute or two of both of you laughing.
“i got it perfectly, don’t worry.” 
from an outside perspective, you probably looked like two idiots, dancing and singing to songs no one else could hear, laughing as if it were the funniest thing on earth. however, you couldn't be bothered to think about other people; it felt like it was just you, jake, and the music, creating cherished memories together.
you both gradually calmed down, still swaying to the beats as you walked. then, jake pulled you into a 7-eleven, mentioning that he was hungry.
“what are we feeling like eating?” he asked as you strolled through the instant noodles aisle. you quickly grabbed a pack for yourself, and jake followed suit. the argument at the self-checkout couldn't be avoided, but your boyfriend eventually won, claiming that he was the one treating you on this date and that he was the best boyfriend who needed to pay.
soon, you were sitting outside, near the microwaves and the self-cook ramen station. jake had you fill your cup with water first, and you didn't argue against his "best boyfriend" claims because, after all, they were true. as you waited for your cups to be filled, you swayed your hips to the music still playing in your airpods. jake quickly noticed and flashed you a bright smile.
the lyrics expressed a mutual desire in a singer's relationship, willing to do anything for their significant other. it was slow and perfect for the moment. you looked into jake's eyes, focusing more on the song's meaning. in the meantime, he placed his hands on your hips, swaying with you. you felt incredibly safe and loved in this precious moment between the two of you. a romantic song played, and you both gazed at each other with overwhelming love surrounding you. 
you couldn't resist leaning in and asking for a kiss. the tenderness in it felt different, and as his lips met yours, you were instantly flooded with butterflies in your stomach. it felt intimate and more passionate than your previous kisses. unconsciously, you wrapped your hands around his neck as you continued to sway gently, the loud beep from the machine preventing you from having a full-on make-out session in front of the store and the unfortunate cashier who could witness it all.
as you pulled away, you smiled at jake, feeling an abundance of happiness and love that seemed boundless and uncontrollable. both of you turned your attention to your cups, mixing the noodles. soon, you were seated, both slurping on the ramen.
“‘so good,” jake said, with his mouth full. “it hits different during nights like this.” he added after swallowing. 
you nodded, your cheeks full of noodles. he laughed at your adorable appearance, and you responded with a puzzled head tilt. "nothing, you're just cute," he said, perfectly understanding you without the need for words.
you swallowed your noodles, not responding verbally. instead, you reached out and brushed strands of his hair away as you saw him struggling to keep them out of his eyes, his hands occupied.
you both continued to eat as if nothing had happened, but jake's heart was undoubtedly racing from your swift action, his cheeks reddened, and his eyes widen. both of you were certain that this wasn't a fleeting relationship. this late-night date had made you both realise that this was something more, that you both loved each other unconditionally, and that you were both serious about your relationship, wanting to be together until the end.
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requests: open; prompt list © 2023 — all rights reserved to user thejakeslayla, please do not steal, plagiarise or translate any of my work !
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blvel4goon · 6 months
Peter Parker x Top male reader
This is my first ever work so please..forgive me if its bad!!
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Disclaimer: NSFW,minors and f!readers dni!
TW: blowjobs,jerking off?? And its really short,Idk what the fuck
In the heart of New York City, the cold air enveloped New York city as Peter made his way through the familiar streets where he played as a child with his best friend M/N who he had a crush on..and a strong desire to fuck him...The weight of his textbooks in his backpack only reminded him of the study session that he agreed on.
Navigating the dimly lit stairwell of M/N's apartment building, Peter approched his best friend's door with a mixture of anticipation and nervous energy...he didn't want anything to go wrong..and he certainly didn't want to embarrass himself infront of M/N. The thruth is that he had a crush on his friend for a really long time,but was too scared to talk about it with him.As he reached the final steps,the worn sole of his shoe caught on and uneven edge,causig him to trip and fall a couple of steps down. The door swung open, reaveling M/N who got scared of the loud noise and decided to check what was that about..
"Gosh..you scared me Parker,you good?" M/N helped him get up of the stairs and help him into his apartment.
"Yeah,yeah, just a little..stumble on the stair. No big deal"
Peter,sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck as he smiled awkwardly.
"Spider-Man stumbling on stairs? That's a headline i never thought i'd see."..Peter's face got ever reder if thats even possible.
,,W-well,all superheroes have their c-clumsy moments..right?''
M/N,still laughing: "Totally.Come on in, Spidey. Wathc out for the floor or you might trip over nothing again" Parker,with a shy smmile: "Noted..i'll try to stick to swinging from buildings next time"
After a focused study session where peter couldn't concentrate,only thinking about his friend and how badly he wanted him in this moment. M/N closed the textbook with a decisive thud. He suggested to go to his room with a warm smile that Peter could melt from. M/N lead Parker away from the living room towards the sanctuary of his room.
As they continued chatting about everything and nothing, Peter found himself stealing glances at M/N when he thought the other wasn't looking. He marveled at the curve of his friend's smile and thr way his muscles flexed everytime he moved, he felt himself getting more and more turn on by his best friend. M/N,raising an eyebrow with a playful smirk:"Hey,dude, you've been staring at me a lot tonight. What's going on? You nervous or something?"
Peter stammering as always: "N-nervous? No,no,not at all. Just lost in the thoughts. Thinking about you know..s-scoence stuff?"
M/N moved closer teasingly: "Science stuff,huh? You sure it's not more like..Me stuff?" Peter tried to help himself from this embarrassing situation: "W-what? No! I mean..yes! Youre my b-best friend,but its just..nothing don't worry!" He could feel his face getting reder and a bulge forming in his pjama pants but quickly covered himself with a blanket.
"Okay, seriously Pete! You can tell me anything" M/N grabbed him by his thighs..sending a shiver up to his aching member.
Peter tried not to make any sounds, trying not to alarm his best friend of anything. "A-alright,fine..it's just..i've been thinking about you a lot lately..about us..h-how close we are,and maybe it's just me overthinking,b-but.."
"but what?" M/N smirked, hearing his best friend like that really turned him on,all frustered and whimpery. He got closer to Peter..he sat between peters legs..slightly spreeding them apart as he saw the bulge in Parkers pants.
Peter's eyes widen open,he felt the touch of M/N's hands on his toned body..traveling up to the waistband of his pants:"w-what..are you d-"
His sentence was cut short by his own moan as M/N took his cock into his hand..long and slow strokes followed by Peters whimpers and heavy breathing.
"I like you too Parker,and i can see..that you like me too" M/N looked down at his bestfriend's cock..throbbing in the palm of his hand as he teased the head. Peter could only moan and gasp for air as M/N toyed with his sensitive member.
"i c-can't..please M/N.." His bestfriend only smirked..his lips met Peters in a hungry and passionate kiss. "You like it spidey?When i play with it like that?" M/N teased, kissing Peter's neck while stroking his cock faster.
"f-fuck..yes,yes i love it please-" Parker started moving his hips, trying to get more friction.
M/N suddenly went down on Peter..licking the slit with his tongue before taking his cock down his throat..it made him gag a little but he wanted to listen to these moans.
"a-AAH-..M/N..fuck!" Parker moaned loudly..his legs shaking as his bestfriend bobbed his head up and down on his member..his fingers found their way into M/N's hair..gripping them softly. M/N's skilled tongue teased Peters shaft..making him moan ever more,he could feel his orgams building up as he thrusted his hips into M/N's throat.
"f-fuck- ahh..im g-gonna cuuum!" Peter's body shuddered as he felt M/N's moans aroud this cock. He pulled Peter's member out of his mouth..and started stroking it again.."f-fuck! Pete,you made me tear up..i like it" He smirked as he teased Pete's dick some more before he came on M/N's face..legs shaking and his eyes rolling back in his head. "Ahh- O-h my god..t-too much!" Parker cried out as his swollen cock twitched in M/N's hand..
"Good job Peter..but were not done yet..."
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chapel-of-rizztual · 10 months
Thinking about the new bug being so tired on the final leg of a long tour that he starts slipping into a smaller headspace in the evening. The pack remembering how it felt for them when that bone deep tiredness settled on their first tour. Them feeling glad that Phantom finally feels safe enough to stop struggling through alone, and let them take care of him the way theyve noticed he hasn't had the energy to do for himself lately. Gently washing his face and brushing his fangs, braiding his hair back and finding his pjamas for him (to stop him crawling into bed in yestardays stained tshirt). Making sure he has used the bathroom and gathering up things he might need during the night (glass of water, charger, plushie, hoodie, and painkillers ect). The pack just want to make him feel comfortable as possible on the latest of lumpy hotel mattress'. Reading him a bedtime story (a few old buzzfeed articles) and stroking his back to help him sleep well. 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Swiss notices first. They’d just finished the last show of the European leg of the tour and they were all exhausted, but Swiss could see it exhaustion on Phantom especially, the poor ghoul looked like he was fighting to keep his eyes open with each blink. 
There was the usual after show chaos on the tour bus: Everyone was rushing around, getting changed, getting themselves cleaned up, but a Phantom just stood in the middle of the bunks, clutching his hairbrush in both hands looking like he wanted to use it but didn’t know how. He looked so lost, blinking doe eyed at anyone that walked past him. 
Phantom slow blinks at him when he walks up to him, his eyes completely unfocused. 
“Hey, bug. You want some help with that?
Phantom nods, handing him the brush, letting Swiss gently pull it from his hands. Swiss jumps onto the bunk behind him, he thinks it’s Mountains but he won’t mind, and pulls Phantom up with him so the smaller ghoul is sat in his lap facing away from him. 
He tips Phantom's head back and runs the brush the brush though his hair as carefully as he can. He brushes the knots out and Phantom only winces a little but he doesn’t complain once. Once the knots are out Swiss continues to brush, one hand on the bottom of a phantom’s back, rubbing small circles with his thumb. 
Phantom’s head rolls back onto his shoulders with a loud purr, shivering at the feeling of the brush on his scalp. 
“That feel good, bug?” Swiss laughs at him. 
Phantom manages to mumble out a ‘yes’ in between purrs, his eyes fluttering closes. 
He ends up with Rain next, standing in front of his bunk as the water ghoul carefully strips his stage clothes off him and replacing them pyjamas. They’re not his, but they’re soft and smell nice so he doesn’t mind. He rubs his cheek against the soft fabric, his pure increasing even more as he does. Rain doesn’t say anything as he helps Phantom change, he never speaks after a show until the following morning, but he doesn’t need to speak.
 He presses his forehead to Phantom’s with a thrill, kisses his cheek. Phantom understands what he means. He says all that he need to without actually say anything. 
Phantom presses his forehead back into Rain, giving off a thrill of his own. 
“I love you too, Rainy.” 
He gets kidnapped by the ghoulettes after that. They take him to the back of the bus and sit him on Cumulus’ lap while Cirrus and Aurora snuggle into him. They braid his hair back so it’s off his face, placing kisses all over his face as they go, making him giggle. 
He snuggles into Cumulus’ chest unable to help himself, she so warm and soft, rubbing his face against her. 
“Mama?” He looks up her with big doe eyes. 
Cumulus’ arms wrap around him, squeezing him closer to her. 
“We’ve got you, babyboy. Don’t worry.” 
Cirrus rubs a soft finger over his cheek. 
“You’re safe, baby.” 
Phantom let out a chuff, burying his face deeper Into Cumulus’ chest. He feels himself getting smaller and smaller with each passing second, his brain feeling like it turns into melted wax and leaking out of his ears. 
He must have fallen asleep at one point because the next thing he remembers is being dragged down a hotel corridor with Cirrus and Aurora grasping both his hands. 
He’s gently pushed into a hotel room next and Mountain is picking him up with strong and  steady arms and carrying him onto the bathroom. The bright lights make him wince and he buries his face into Mountain’s neck with a whine. 
“Sorry about that, baby bug.” Mountain flicks the lights off and lights the candles that are in the bathroom. “That better, bug?” He rocks him gently from side to side. “That not as harsh now?” 
Phantom let’s out a squeak but pulls himself out from his hiding place in Mountains neck, smiling at the earth ghoul. 
Mountain smiles back at him, he can’t help himself. 
“Oh yeah, that’s much better.” He coos at him. 
He sits him on the closed toilet, giving his hair a pat. 
“The girls made you look real pretty, huh?”
Phantom let’s out a thrill, nodding, the spade of his tail making it’s way into his mouth. 
Mountain pulls his tail out of his mouth, replacing it with a toothbrush. Phantom giggles as the bristles tickle his gums. Mountain laughs at him, counting each tooth out loud as he brushes. 
Mountain Moves in from brushing his teeth to running a damp flannel over his face. Phantom flinches at the feeling at first, the wetness making making him jump, but he soon leans into the feeling, the warmth making him purr. 
“Ooh, that feel nice, baby bug?” Mountain coos at him. Phantom just gives a chirp in response, his eyes closing at the feeling. 
Mountain’s quick washing his face quickly, washing his own and brushing his own teeth as Phantom watches from the toilet. 
“Okay, last wee, then we can get nice and cosy in bed. Hopefully someone’s made the bed for us.” 
Mountain helps Phantom use the toilet, helps him wash his hands and his own, and picks him back up, carrying him out the bathroom. 
In the room, there’s three mattress’ on the floor all pressed together. He had no idea where they came from, but he doesn’t question it, especially when the rest of his pack are all piled cuddled together on said mattress’. 
He places Phantom in the middle and the little ghoul immediately curls in on himself with a sad whimper. 
Dew’s quick to curl himself around Phantom’s back, spooning him. Phantom thrills, burying himself deeper into Dew’s embrace. Dew shimmy’s a hand under his T-shirt, rubbing at his belly. Phantom hums as Dew’s natural heat seeps into his back, pushing his belly up into Dew’s touch. Dew noses at the back of his neck, pressing little kisses into his neckline. Mountain flops himself down on the other side, handing Phantom his favourite plush. It’s a bat. Named fruit because Phantom was sure she was a fruit bat. The moment he see Mountain holding her he lets out an excited squeak, making grabby hand towards her. Mountain laughs, handing her to him. Phantom immediately tucks her under his chin, cuddling her close as He get sandwiched between Mountain and Dew.  His tail makes his way back into his mouth, sucking gently.  “You comfy, baby?” Dew’s voice makes him jump a little. He lets out a hum around his tail,  his  eyes slipping closed. 
“Oooh it’s hard work being a sleepy baby bug.” Mountain coos at him. 
He lets out a hum around his tail, his ear twitching. He falls asleep, feeling safe and surround in the middle of his pack, knowing that they’ll look after him no matter what. 
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spacesurfing · 2 years
Can I request ghost reactions to you having a nightmare and you leave your bedroom to clear your thoughts please?
Wawawaw. Hi. I'm having a good time eating dry cereal so I'm gonna work on some requests. I don't have nightmares often, but when I do, I can never go back to bed so this will be fun! (All of these are established relationships, I don't know if you wanted that or not - my apologies!!)
How The Ghouls React To You Having A Nightmare
You woke up in a cold sweat, breath coming out if you heavy and hard. It was like you'd run a marathon, though you almost wished you were panting from exertion.
Instead it was from stress. A nightmare encased in darkness and indescribable to anyone. You couldn't tell if it was a feral beast or it was only a brush of wind. But no matter what it was, your heart shook from it.
Your shirt was soaked through, forcing you up. It wasn't like you'd be going back to sleep anyways. You took it off, clawing at it like it was infected with the plague. You found a tank top, opting to put that on. Who would care, Copia had heard of your nightmares, calling them messages from Satan. If they were anything, they were messages from the Lord of Paranoia.
Walking out of your room, your bare feet padded along the marble floor. Your pajama pants kept your legs warm, but the cold floor sent chills through your feet. It reminded you of the danger that the ministry reinforced for staying in after curfew. But you weren't scared of the ghouls.
Especially not when you held a soft spot for one of them.
He had smelled your fear before you woke up, not being able to ignore the way you seemed to suffocate in panic. He slinked out of his room and the ghoul's wing, creeping around the ministry, looking for you from deep shadows in corners. And when he finally found you, he watched you take deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth.
Your eyes scanned decorations, looking for a distraction. But it wasn't hard for them to catch on one you certainly hadn't seen before. Glowing yellow eyes in the corner of a display case.
You felt it wash over you; his reassuring warmth. You sighed softly, holding out your hand, "Dewdrop."
He walked out of the darkness with short steps, and then he finally came into view, mask having been stripped from his face, dark purple hues under his eyes and his long, blonde hair flowing off his shoulders, tangled in few placed. He only had pjama pants on, but you knew by how worn out he was that it wasn't on purpose.
"You're scared," he said, soon standing in front of you. He only stared at you, tilting his head, "You have nothing to be afraid of here, I hope you know that."
You smiled up at him in a way that was meant to reassure him, but you could tell he didn't feel reassured at all.
"I just had a nightmare, I needed to take a walk to clear my head, alright?" you looked up at him with softened eyes, "Go back to sleep, you look so exhausted."
Dewdrop's hand moved to yours so fast you almost didn't believe it happened. The glow of his eyes had intensified in that moment, radiating light that gave his eyelashes shadows.
"Only- Only if you come to bed with me," he murmered, slipping his nimble fingers around your other wrist and pressing both of your hands to his chest.
The ghoul shivered at the contrast of your cold fingertips against his warm chest. Rain was right about it being a cold night. But as he expected you to say no to the words that were so bold from him, you just nodded.
You could definitely go for some snuggles.
He felt the presence of you as you walked past the ghoul's wing. What could you possibly be doing so late? Especially around here?
He threw the blankets off of himself fast, tugging a long sleeve on and rushing out of his door. It closed with a creak, but he didn't care about the noise echoing through the hall. Something had to be wrong and he was determined to figure out.
You barely even noticed where you were going though, still trying to shake off the feeling of your dream. The ministry was probably the single handedly most creepiest place you'd ever roamed at night, but it was the most relaxing.
Well, until you felt a strong arm wrap around your waist, and a second closing around your mouth. Most likely to muffle your screaming, which it did. You were pulled back into a strong chest and you wanted to cry for a moment before you looked up.
And staring down at you was his soft yellow eyes. "Aether..." you said, still muffled. He let it down and slinked his second arm around your waist with the other. "You scared the living hell out of me."
"You scared me worse," he spoke, kissing along your jawline, "You shouldn't be walking alone this late. I'm so glad it was me that scared you instead of someone else..."
You knew the other ghouls would never hurt you - Aether would eat them alive for it. But he never stopped worrying about your safety.
"I just had a nightmare, I.. I couldn't fall back asleep."
Aether hummed, hands caressing your waist in a way that was only loving. His nose was brushing your cheek softly as his lips pressed softly to the skin on your jaw. His tailed ran up and down your calf, tickling your skin and making you smile.
You knew what he was doing, all his touches. They distracted you, made your mind fuzzy with love. And that's how he wanted it to be. Hazey and broken away from your nightmare.
You sighed softly, letting yourself relax into him.
You had decided to sit by the window seat, watching the fog drift across the grassy patch of land that bled into the forest. It was calming to you, but you couldn't shake the images of whatever that thing was staring you down.
You knew your heart was still thrumming, and you knew that it was about time you should go back to your room, stay safe from the dangers of the night. But you didn't want to. You didn't wanna lie awake for hours, occasionally babbling to yourself about being strong just to pull your covers higher at the sound of a branch hitting the wall.
Cowering in fear was extremely boring, but looking out a window was soothing, whether it was boring or not.
"Love?" a soft voice called out from behind you. You jumped in your skin, turning and placing one foot down on the cold marble.
But when Rain stepped out into the soft moonlight, opening his eyes, you downcast your own.
"You had a nightmare again?" He asked, standing near you, close enough to where his socks were in your line of sight. A gust of wind rattled the windowpane behind you, the chill hitting the back of your neck.
You looked up slowly, once glancing at his slender hands before looking up to see him, his droopy hair and curved horns presented to you. You gave him a faked smile, "No, just felt restless."
Rain furrowed his eyebrows, stepping up to you and curling his hand under your chin, forcing you to keep looking up at him.
"Please don't lie to me," he whispered, pressing his forehead down to yours, "I told you that you were welcome in my bed to help with your night terrors."
"I just.. I don't wanna keep waking you up like last time-"
"I don't care about last time, please," Rain whispered, pressing his lips to yours, "Please just stay with me from now on."
You captured his lips in a kiss again, reaching up pressing your hand to the back of his neck, you brought him closer to you. It was sweet and consuming, soft lip to lip contact as if you'd break him if you kissed too hard. Leaving the kiss for a moment, you murmured, "Fine, but I don't wanna leave this moment yet."
And you pressed yourself right back into him.
Swiss was rushing through his door before you even had woken up, feeling the panic of your own nightmare rush through him. By the time he skided to a halt by your door though, he didn't feel you inside, he smelled the fresh scent of where you once were.
And there he began to follow your trail, leading up to one of the practice rooms. He'd watched you sneak in there multiple times after you two started seeing each other, sitting in the back row and keeping your eyes on Swiss the whole practice. None of the other ghouls said anything to Papa, they wouldn't take that away from the multi-ghoul. But it must've become a comfort spot.
And it had. You curled up in the same seat you always did, but you brought your knees to your chest, pressing yourself together and you swallowed hard. The darkness was eating at you - maybe a walk wasn't a good idea. But you needed to get out of that bed, out of your room.
As you finally relaxed, chewing on the skin of your bottom lip, the darkness settled in once more and you felt the distinct chill of someone watching you.
Turning your head slowly, you'd begun to hope you saw nothing. You weren't in the mood; you were terrified and missed your big ghoul more than the world. But you felt the chill decrease and the eyes on you started to feel more comforting. Home settled in, a feeling you only felt with him.
You saw it, his eyes in the dark, wide and waiting for the lock of yours.
"Sw.. Swiss?" you called through the dark room.
There was shuffling within the minute, nearing you with quick strides. Swiss' figure became more prominent as he neared you, sitting down next to your balled form with a calming aura.
He seemed like he knew something was off - his cheerful demeanor was gone, like it never existed. And when he placed a hand on your knee, your heart broke. You just really wanted to feel safe, and in your bedroom, you hadn't. But Swiss was safe.
"Let it out, baby girl, tell me what's wrong," his gruff voice soothed you and his calloused fingers drifted across your pjama pants, index finger rubbing circled on your knee.
And you did as he said. You let it out.
Primo's garden was a place that you had always gone to cool off. Sure it was chilly that night, gusts of winds blowing against you roughly, but the plants were gorgeous. Especially the flowers, which were maybe the prettiest ones you'd ever seen; all different colors and all different shapes. And they were vibrant, almost like they wanted to glow but couldn't. And compared to the feeling of the dark ministry, you felt completely and utterly safe here.
And you would've stayed in this garden, looking at all of Primo's plants and flowers, if you hadn't felt a light prick on your face. Not a hurting prick, but that's the only way you could've ever described it.
Then another. And faster than you'd ever felt the weather pick up, you felt a dozen more on your arms.
Raining. It was raining, and you were stuck out in it. What a great idea this was, Y/n.
You quickly hurried through the garden, twists and turns, all prolonging your time in the rain. Vines curled through tresses, through the lenses of fear, they were trying to reach you and hold you there in the cold rain. You felt your hair flatten to your head, clothes sticking to your skin like wet paper. Only you could get stuck in downpour at midnight.
"Fuck fuck fuck!" you groaned out, almost slipping on a wet stone before you hopped up onto the stairs leading to a door to the ministry. You shook your head in annoyance, looking at how happy the plants were out there. In that moment, you wished you felt like them, so excited to feel the rain pour against them. But now you were soaked and freezing.
You stepped inside tracking in water from.. well, everything - your clothes, your hair, your feet. Everything worked together to possibly get you in trouble.
What freaked out the most though was the rushing of feet, before the sound stopped and two glowing eyes looked at you. "You are soaked."
You definitely knew that voice, and you instantly started walking towards it with the world largest frown on your face. You wished Mountain hadn't found you like this, and you sorta wished you had just stayed in your room and attempted to count sheep. Cause now he wouldn't get sleep as long as you didn't.
His sharp features came into view, lips also curled downwards in a saddened look, eyebrows knit together, curtain bangs messily falling down the sides of his face.
"Flower, what were you doing out there? It's so late," he whispered, holding your waist and pressing his lips to your forehead.
Mountain's hand smoothed out your wet hair, shaking his fingers and flinging water everywhere. "Ju-Just not t-tired," you said, not realizing you were chattering till you had finished speaking.
Mountain made a clicking noise with this tongue, and the next moment felt like a blur as he spontaneously picked you off your feet and into his arms.
His chest was bare and his skin was hot, so hot. It felt like he was defrosting you in his arms. You snuggled closer against him, almost trying to get under his skin so you could feel his warmth.
Your ghoul walked confidently through the halls, long strides towards his room. You could tell by the way the wall decorations ended and blended into darker stone, wooden doors only stained a darker tone that you were being taken to his room. You could never complain though - it always smelt nice.
He turned to open a door, setting you down once you were inside. It made you feel even worse dripping onto his floors than the marble, but he didn't seem to give a care in the world as he hurriedly rummaged through his closet, snagging something off a hangar and snatching something off a shelf.
Carelessly throwing the clothes onto his bed, the large ghoul's hands got to work. You would've offered to change yourself, as it was your own body, but Mountain eagerly took the job to strip you of your wet clothes, leaving them in a small, soaked pile near the door.
As he dressed you up like a doll, you looked at your lover intently. He was gorgeous, and he looked so cute when he was focused on something, even a little task like dressing his airhead girlfriend up after she went outside and got soaked.
"L- Lo- ove you, Mount- tain," you chittered, watching as he struggled to fit his too-large-pantleg over your feet. You managed to slip through, but the only thing that kept the pants on was a drawstring you decided to tie, the excess fabric basically pooling at your ankles.
He tugged his shirt over you, happy with the way his scent encased your body, "Oh I love you so much more flower."
Mountain kissed you on your nose, snatching you by your waist and dragging you into his bed. Slipping into a heavy blanket, your ghoul wrapped himself around you. And it was like your body melted.
His tail curved against your leg, arms tightly caging you against his chest, and his chest rumbled with a purr. And you felt it hit you, the exhaustion. You could go for this more often.
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𝙴𝚢𝚎𝚜 𝚆𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚞𝚝 - a Han Jisung short au!fanfic
-in which fast burn is actually slow burn that ends up with hearts breaking and words twisting and spit in your mouth.
"Oh-oh, talk fast, romance won't last, I'm okay with that oh-oh, burn, crash, romance Oh-oh, I'll take what I can get from you"
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💫PART 1💫
You take a sip from your first and maybe last drink of the night as the guests slowly trickle out two by two. The music has toned down, the original 4 hours long playlist long replayed to its last song until Spotify almost seamlessly shifted to some calmer, ambience tracks you don't know the names of.
Changbin kisses his girlfriend goodbye one last time - even though it's the 5th time he says that - and then walks her upstairs as Seugmin busies himself trying to subtly clean up the place by throwing away empty paper plates and cups, being the good Virgo he is. Which is much appreciated by the Libra in the house, slightly intoxicated and relaxed Channie picks up a few napkins and grins at his friend, patting his back as a thank you as he walks past him to get to the trash can on the other side of the room.
Parties at Chan's where always nice, they had this chill, feel good vibes to them. People could literally show up in their pjamas and bring some chips and they would still be welcomed with open arms and cheers by the host who dubbed in between deejaying and entertaining his guests - and sometimes making out with that friend of a friend who got invited by either Changbin's or Jeongin's girlfriend.
Today was an exception. Only because Jeongin's partner was on a work trip and the last time Changbin's girlfriend introduced one her friends to Chan it actually stuck for once. They were actively seeing each other, but they were not official, as he would put it. She wasn't here today but he still decided not to interact with basically any other girl but you throughout the party.
Completely different story for Minho. He would stick his tongue in whatever throat he got at hand, grab any and every butt. You had to hold back your laugh when a few hours ago you saw him slightly panic when the girl he was making out with on the couch slapped HIS butt all of the sudden. Apparently it wasn't a welcomed gesture. He dropped her and orbited around his other friends for the remaining on the night, namely complaining about her to Chan and Han.
Han who merely acknowledged you these days. You sometimes caught him staring at you while you were talking to any of the other guys or acquaintances, but the moment you accidentally locked eyes with him he would avert his gaze, uneasiness creeping up your insides every time he did that.
You had met all the boys through Felix, he was your closest and dearest friend out of the whole group, and even though you felt very comfortable and safe around every one of them, you still considered him to be your best friend. You had known him for over ten years and grew up with him, you cherished your friendship very dearly.
Parties like these were your favorite cause they were sort of intimate and chill as most of the people there you already knew and the whole thing didn't require you to have to mingle and be all that social. You could happily spend the night sticking to easy going, comforting - arms always around your shoulders - Felix, or talking quietly to Hyunjin in between his outbursts of energy when he heard his favorite song playing and he just couldn't resist moving his body in the middle of the living area like nobody was watching.
"Alright, looks like everyone's gone home. Care for one last round of drinks before hitting the showers?", Chan spoke out loudly, gathering everyone around him as he grabbed some soju and held it up to everyone's mostly empty cups, "I'm good, I might just hit my sleeping bag actually", Seungmin replies, yawning a little, "oh come on don't be a party pooper, the night's still young", interjects Minho, snatching the bottle from Chan and pouring the alcohol for everyone who offered their cups, "the party IS over, Min. You guys are the last ones here. But ya'll sleeping over so it doesn't even count. Anyway... Cheers", argues Chan through a signature giggle.
Minho dawns his drink in one chug and makes a satisfied face along with a resounding "aah" afterwards, he's so cute but so random, definitely one of the weirder ones in the group, you think fondly to yourself while silently sipping. And he catches that. You're pretty sure he can't read your mind but the glint in his eyes when they lock with yours for that brief second you were thinking of him, gives you the odd feeling he managed to pick up on your silent thoughts: "we should play spin the bottle", he announces mischievously.
Much to no one shock, an abundance of "what the hell - why the fuck would you suggest we do that - Minho shut up you're drunk" an another string of curses follows his suggestion, with many of the guys faking disgusted faces and throwing up sounds.
You slap your forehead dramatically. It's like he knew you were thinking of him as a little adorable weirdo and he decided to play on that just then. Felix erupts into giggles and instinctively wraps his arm around your waist for support, he's a very light weight when it comes to drinking. He likes his alcohol finer, sweeter and possibly more expensive than the cheap soju he's been sipping on, you can tell he's already a little tipsy by the way he sways lightly on his feet.
"What? You guys too scared to get a little tongue action?", Minho teases, giggling in high pitched little breaths as Hyunjin plasters his hand all over his mouth and face, "please stop talking", he mutters, rolling his eyes, "whee whe?", he continues, his voice muffled and distorted by the impediment on his face until he pries away the hand only to interlock fingers with the brunette who looks at him perplexedly, "why? Why not? It's just a game to end the night nicely, you prudes".
Chan giggles and sighs while Jeongin shakes his head in disbelief, "cause it's literally just us nine you pabo, and some of us have girlfriends, and y/n is the only other girl here", he explains in fake frustration, "yeah I'm sure y/n wouldn't like to be thirsted after like some piece of meat to end her night", adds Changbin, to which you smile gratefully. Yet you're undeniably amused by the idea. Must be the alcohol you promised yourself you weren't going to drink much of. Which was still true to a point. You weren't even tipsy. Just a little amused by the silliest things.
"Fine. Changbin, Jeongin, Chan, feel free not play. More fun for us", rebukes Minho, slinging an arm around Seungmin on his side, who "ews" in his way, while still holding onto a progressively concerned Hyunjin who tries to unglue their fingers, "... I don't have a girlfriend", interjects Chan, scratching his neck nervously, Changbin shoots him daggers with his eyes only, "what about Lisa? Aren't you guys dating?", he eggs him on, "we're just seeing each other. No-", "no strings attached? You're just fuck buddies then, alright", Han cuts him off and everyone either mocks Chan or laughs at him.
"I was going to say it's just not that serious yet but... Moving on... I'm in, I don't care, I'm not too tired yet and it's just a game. An actual not strings attached game". Everybody looks at Chan with shocked expressions, yourself included. Except for Minho who just looks smug. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you Christopher Bahng or did someone clone you and send in the replacement?", comments Seungmin, only making everyone laugh more.
You feel Felix squirming a little, he finishes up his drink and takes a deep breath afterwards:"alright if Chan's in, I'm in", he declares and holds his hand up, Minho lets go of Hyunjin and high fives the blue haired boy, pulling him to his side, opposite you in the little circle you guys formed in the middle of the basement.
"You guys find each other cute? Cute enough to kiss?", Jeongin asks in bewilderment, most of the guys shrug, some make poker faces, Seungmin shouts a resounding NO while Chan giggles as he nods and winks at Felix who giggles with him.
Now now... You knew all of them felt very comfortable around each other, you had witnessed them being openly affectionate multiple times. You knew they liked to cuddle in piles and sometimes playfully grab at each other butts and stuff. It's not like you didn't expect them to randomly act out, you were just a little surprised about how the were slowly all coming around after initially shutting down Minho's idea so vehemently.
"I'm so going to regret this ugh", Hyunjin exclaims, joining the favorable group, Changbin sighs and crushes his plastic cup in his hand, "now how can I pass up the chance to finally kiss you, my prince", he says dramatically, blowing a kiss to the tall brunette who giggles loudly as he tilts his head back. "I love how everyone thought I was insane yet you're all crawling now. And y/n hasn't even agreed yet", comments Minho with an underliying victorious tone to his voice, "she doesn't have to", Han replies so lowly you're probably the only one who picks up on it.
And you don't miss the slight harshness in his tone. You knit your eyebrows at him, annoyance bubbling up at the base of your stomach as you lick the last drops of the soju in your cup and smirk, "yeah she doesn't have to but she will. Count me in", you declare fiercely, attracting a few astonished looks in your direction. Fuck it. You think. They were all attractive, kind hearted, good fucking people. Spin the bottle was just a stupid game and you felt safe and secure enough not to be afraid they'd disrespect you. Might as well enjoy a little fun.
Felix shoots you a curious look but stays silent, he blinks his pretty eyes and looks down for a brief second. "I hate you guys, I'm in. But I'm not kissing anyone with tongue". The cheers that follow Jeongin addition are so loud you have to cover your ears. "Seungmin, pup, join the dark side", Han prods the last of the group who looks utterly disgusted as he puckers up his lips and walks closer to him, "Jisung, stop that. I'll play, but no tongue for me also".
Chan pours out "an encouragement round" of tequila in tiny shots glasses, skipping on the few of you who refuse the liquid courage - you, Han, Seungmin and Felix - and then proceeds to invite everyone to sit down in a circle as he pulls out his phone.
"Okay. Here are the rules: we'll play three rounds, each a little more risqué than the last one, and I'll set a timer for each one. First round is a kiss on the cheek, second one is a peck on the lips and third one is a kiss that has to involve tongue, and has to last at least 30 seconds. If anyone's deeply uncomfortable at whatever point, they can pull out. Are we good? "
You find yourself sitting in between Hyunjin and Chan, with Minho and Felix sitting opposite you, next to Seungmin, Jeongin and Changbin while Han closes the circle on the other end, next to Hyunjin on one side and Minho on the other. A somewhat tense silence fills the room, if not for the quiet lofi music in the background, you can almost hear Hyunjin's stomach grumbling, the sound of your quickened breathing and swallowing once it downs on you there's quite a high chance you'll end up kissing Han.
You two weren't as close as the others. And not without reason. Truth was that when Felix introduced you to him, you felt the most intense sparkle crackling in your chest. You had clicked so fast and so well. And then you kissed and it all went crumbling down. You hadn't confessed your feelings for each other but a few years back on one wintery night while you were walking on one of your night walks through the park, he had kissed you.
You initially thought that was it, that was going to be the beginning of a beautiful relationship with this guy who was the sweetest, funniest, smartest guy you had ever met. He was insanely attractive and played the guitar and the piano and knew how to rap and sing beautifully and you were definitely falling for him even though you had only known him for less than a year.
Instead he had went ghost after that night. And when you had confronted him about it, heartbroken as you were, he cited how it was a big mistake and that he wasn't thinking straight. Obliterating the countless nights and days you had spent as actual good friends and that later evolved in slight flirting and closeness overall. A few years had passed and you mostly kept it civil and discreet. Nobody knew about it except for Felix who you just couldn't keep this secret from, and you suspected Minho might have known about it too cause he was Han's closest link in the group besides Felix himself.
Tension had been building up and it was gruelling and undeniable to the four of you but everyone tried their best not to show it too much. You kept your distance, slowly trying to heal your heart. And it was hard, it was so hard cause you all hanged out all the time as a group, seeing that some of the guys were getting girlfriends also didn't help much. You longed to have someone care for you like that, that someone looked like he despised you with a passion though.
Chan is about to spin the bottle when Han stops him brusquely: "yah wait! What's the point of this whole game if anyone can just call it quits whenever? Isn't spin the bottle supposed to make everyone at least a slightly bit uncomfortable?", he quips, a smug look on his face as he looks around. The older brunette sighs and nods," that's a good point, actually...."," yeah I'm not making out with any of you guys. Juni wouldn't appreciate it", comments Changbin, "yeah neither am I", adds Jeongin, looking cross. Minho rolls his eyes in annoyance, "fuck guys it's just a game... Loosen up".
A little debate explodes right then and there, with everyone trying to talk over the other and the ensuing chaos that makes you laugh half heartedly when you notice Chan looking absolutely spent as he massages his temples. "You are all making it way more complicated than it needs to be. Stop being so hellbent over anything, Jesus!".
Calm and chilled out Chan surprises everyone when he shouts in order to get everybody's attention back to him, he slams his hands down on the floor and sighs once all eyes are on him," first two rounds are mandatory. You either play it fair or you're welcome to go to bed, I don't care at this point. Changbin, Jeongin, you're automatically excluded from the second and third round. Seungmin you either pray this bottle never fucking lands on you or you can use all my mouthwash later on. I have gallons. Now, can we do this stupid thing and then go to sleep? ".
Seeing that no one protests in response, Chan grins, pleased with his unwavering authority, and places the bottle directly in front of you: "since you're the only sensible one and the only girl too, you spin first", he declares. 8 distinct pair of either amused or mildly anxious eyes land on you, you can feel them all burning tiny holes in your face as they expectantly wait for you to break the ice.
The crimson heat rising to your chest and your neck and your cheeks definitely alerts everyone, yourself included, that the confidence you began this night with is now visibly fading, leaving your body like it never was there in the first place. You smile meekly and look down at the bottle, giving it a little spin, not too weak not too strong.
The elongated neck of the bottle ends up pointing at Felix. Relief washes over you. He smiles brightly at you and opens his arms wide for you, you crawl over to him, letting him embrace you slightly as you place a soft kiss to his cheek, making sure to exaggerate the sound of your lips smacking onto his freckled skin, which makes everyone laugh. Since he was on the receiving end of the first spin, Felix tries his luck next, the bottle spinning and spinning until it stops in front of Minho, "Yongbokah!!", the black haired boy chirps excitedly, repeatedly tapping the cheek Felix kisses in between giggles.
Minho's spin lands on Hyunjin, who fakes the saddest frown and scrunches his face dramatically when his overtly excited friend complies to the game. He then spins himself along with the bottle, looking so silly as he rotates on his bum:"wheeeeee who am I gonna kiss?", he asks no one in particular: the bottle lands on Jeongin. Oh boy.
The utter chaos and ooohhs and ahhhs and mocking and chants that ensue are loud enough for your ears to start ringing. While the youngest boy fake cries and whines profusely, Hyunjin makes the roundest kissy face and smacks his lips together, "MY BABY BOY, MY BABY BREAD COME HERE", he tackles Jeongin to the ground, laughing excitedly as he places what must be a wet kiss on his friend's cheek.
The traumatized maknae's spin ends on Chan, who laughs so much he starts squeaking. Jeongin curses under his breath and kisses his cheek half heartedly, "I'm so glad this torture ends for me now", he mutters, causing new laughter and squeaks to erupt in the basement. "Aaand time! First round is over", Chan resets the timer on his phone just as Jeongin takes his leave, waving everyone goodbye as he makes his way upstairs.
Changbin pouts sulkily, "I can't believe I lost both chances to kiss our prince and our baby", he whines, while the rest of the guys mock him playfully, Hyunjin laughs the most but still blows him a kiss that his friend pretends to catch and hold close to his heart. "I'll stay for the show until I pass out", he announces then, removing himself from the circle, going to then sit on the couch in the corner.
"Alright, this is where it gets interesting", Chan rubs his hands together and proceeds to start the timer and spin the bottle. You swallow a little nervously now, watching as the bottle spins on itself a few times until it slows down and inevitably comes to a stop: it stills at a weird angle, the narrower part of the neck pointing into the empty space between you and Hyunjin.
You lock eyes with him, uncertainty displayed across both of your faces, "I think it's y/n", says Seungmin, "mmh nah it's Hyune", contradicts Minho. Chan crawls over and frowns, he tilts his head and tries to look at the bottle from a different perspective, he steps over and around it with a confused look on his face, "I'll spin again, just for fairplay sake".
As the countdown ticks and ticks, the bottle spins again, Chan sits back down next to you and observes closely as the empty tequila finally stops. This time it points squarely at you. You inadvertently suck in a little breath. It's fine, you tell yourself. It's just Chan. Cute, cuddly, ever supportive and reliable Chan. You kissed each other on the cheek before on like birthdays and Christmas, no big deal.
He turns to you with an almost apologetic look on his face and smiles gently, "is this okay?", he asks quietly and you nod, "time, hyung", Minho cuts in, much to everyone's amusement, "what? Eager to kiss your next victim?", the aussie teases back before placing a kiss to your lips. It's gentle and quick, passes like a breeze.
Your hands are a little shaky now that you hold the bottle. And it's not from the kiss you just shared but the potential one you might get next. You give the bottle a little twist and then spin it more vigorously than the first time, squeezing your eyes shut. Not Han not Han not Han. "Oh... So it was fate, in the end".
Chan's voice echoes through your ears. You open your eyes to find the bottle pointing at Hyunjin who looks at you a little nervously, "seriously? The three of you might as well just play on your own", poor Changbin is fed up, he stands up from his spot and walks to the door, "I'm not watching someone else living out my dream, goodnight".
It takes everyone a few seconds to calm down from the giggles but when you all finally do and the impeding timer going off resurfaces in your mind, you quickly move onto Hyunjin. It was supposed to be you who initiates the kiss but he does it for you, his lips hands down the softest thing that has ever landed on you when he pecks your mouth slowly. When he spins next, it lands on Seungmin, who goes so pale and flabbergasted he might just pass out right there - "time!".
Everyone groans at Chan's announcement while the remaining youngest exhales in relief: "is my spin null? Do we restart the lap?", Hyunjin asks, "yeah I reckon. It ran out of time right when it landed. It's null. We start over", replies Chan, promptly placing the bottle in front of you, "me again?", you say confusedly, "yup. Hyunjin's turn was basically deleted. The loop begins from you again". Han hisses underneath his breath at this executive decision, while you can see Seugmin regaining color in his face, his features slightly more relaxed even if it's short lived.
Now you're really really nervous. You try not to show it but a strange mixture of excitement and anxiety swirls in your stomach and makes your heart pound when you give the bottle a strong flick, setting it off to spin again.
is this a cliffhanger? Am I doing this right🤔💀
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thoughtsforsoob · 3 months
Hiii!I hope that you're doing well!
Can you please write smth about Soobin taking care of you on your period + cuddles at the end?
He looks so soft and cuddly.I just want to squish him so badly.I just want him to hug me to sleep when I am dying due to cramps.
Have a nice day/night<3
a/n: hello anon! thank you for sending this request! im sorry it has taken me so long to get to you but here you go! please enjoy and as always, inbox is open!
soobie is always serious when it comes to your periods. he goes out of his way to make sure you're comfortable and have everything you want and need. he hates when you get embaressed to ask him for things like pads or even snakcs that you're craving because he wants you to feel comfrtable with him. he gives you a pouts when you hesitate to ask him for something and he finally makes you cave and ask for said thing. anyways...
last night, the two of you had a sleep over. soobin had came straight to you apartment after his schedules and you two spent some much needed time together. you watch movies, did face masks, made popcorn and cookies. all the goos stuff you two loved doing together. everything was fine and dandy until the next moring...
you had woken up before soobin and immediately, you knew something was off. your eyes go wide when you realize what's just happened to you. you pull up the blankets and discover evidence your suspicion. there was a small stain of blood on the sheets surrounding your lower half. you started to panic, hoping soobin wouldn't wake up and see the mess you've made. you were thinking he would be disgusted but in the back of your mind, you knew he wouldn't. he would understand.
you try to slip out of bed but obviously, soobin immediately notices what you;re doing and pulls you closer. poor baby was still tired and half asleep so he had no idea why you were trying to get out of bed. "soob? please? i have to go do something." you whine and gently place a kiss on his forehead. he groans and doesn;t let you go, only pulling you closer. "whats wrong hmm? what do you have to do that's more important than my cuddles." he pouts at you with that sleepy look in his eyes still. you think about lying to him but it wouldn't have worked. he would've seen right through you. so, you build up the courage to tell him straightforward. "soobie, i got my period. i kind stained my sheets a little too. it's okay if you wanna get out of bed now. im sorry. it's gross-" he cuts you off with a peck on your lips.
"you're so silly, baby. what do you mean 'gross'? you know i would never think that's gross. it happens. now lets go clean you up and throw these sheets in the wash. okay? im here. you can talk to me. depend on me." soobin smiled at you, his doughy cheeks forming his dimples. you almost reach over to take a bite of his cheek. "you're the sweetest, soob. thank you for not making me feel weird about this."
afterwards, he makes sure you get into a warm shower and let's you have some privacy while you shower. he goes back into the bedroom and takes off the sheet, taking it to your washer and throwing it inside, as well as a towel in the dryer for when you get out of the shower. he grabs a new set of sheets and puts them onto your bed. once he was done, you were finsiing up in the shower so he starts his plan to absolutely baby you the rest of the day. he grabs the warm towel from the dryer and goes to give it to you.
you were happy to see him passing you a warm towel and he even wraps you up and gets you dressed in some plush pjamas you loved. he laughed at the little sleep sheeps printed on them but you didn;t care, they were cute! he suprises you by picking you up off your feet and carrying you all the way back to your bed, that now had fresh sheets. he smiles when he sees the wide eyes you havve due to the changed sheets. "soobie, you did all this? i could've done it myself-" you were cut off by a shot of pain erupting in your tummy. you practiculy cave in and roll into a ball on the bed. soobin frowns, seeing the cramps begining to kick in. "ill be back bubbie. let me get you your pills for those horrible cramps. okay?" you nod up to him and he runs off, coming back in record time with water, your pills, and something to nibble on before and after your pill so you don't feel sick.
once you've taken your pills for the pain, soobin puts your water on the beside table and get's into bed behind you. he pulls you close into his chest and holds you tight. of couse, he also asks if it's okay you rub your belly a bit. "well, if you let me, my hands are kinda warm. maybe some tummy rubs can help?" he learned this from huening, of course, who would rub his hyungs tummy as a joke and when he needed some comfort. if you allow him, he put his big hands on your tummy and rubs away, gently.
overall, he works endlessly to assure your comfort, going to whatever lengths it takes to make sure you're happy and not in too much pain.
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The morning after the night before…
(A Hazbin Hotel/Alastor x Fem reader fanfiction)
Part 5
Pairing: Alastor x Fem Reader
Plot: A hungover you speaks to Angel and Husk to try to dig up more information about the Radio Demon’s past ruts…
Warnings: 18+, swearing, alcohol consumption, adult themes, fluff
Word count: 1.1k
You awoke in a haze, ears ringing, head pounding, face down in the pillow. You turned over with a groan and looked at the time - 11am. “Oh God how much did I drink?” you questioned, trying to make you body sit itself up in bed. After a triumphant effort you sat up and looked around the room.
You noticed your clothes were carefully placed on the chair in the corner, a pint of water sat on your side table and you were wearing your pjamas, things usually impossible for drunken Y/N. Someone must have got you home safely. You took a large swig of water, it flooding your hungover body with life like the desert rain and you could finally start to think. “Only Angel Dust would go to these lengths for little ol drunk me” you thought feeling incredibly greatful to be blessed with such a good friend. “I should go and thank him.” You swung your legs round to meet the floor and paused for a moment “I feel like something happened last night. Maybe some food and a chat would set me straight” you mused groggily.
As you put your dressing gown on and headed to the door you noticed a bow tie that Alastor had accidentally left in your room after a late night rendevouz a few nights back. You smiled to yourself as you remembered the night’s antics. But then it finally dawned on you what last night entailed. Angel Dust was questioning you about your involvement with Alastor and how you were the first girl he’d seen with him. Your gut wrenched. You knew you wanted to speak to Alastor more than anything, but didn’t want him to see you so hungover and disheveled. You decided to freshen up and speak to Angel Dust before facing the Radio Demon…
The toaster popped with a clunky bang and you swiftly chucked the two slices on a plate, no butter today, dry toast and tea was your hangover cure. You exited the kitchen to the lobby and saw that Angel Dust was already sat at the bar. “She lives!” He exclaimed throwing his gangly arms in the air as he clocked sight of you. “She does, just” you said sleepily taking a seat next to him.
“You look like shit toots, glad we didn’t stay out any longer!” he laughed giving you a pat on the back. “Thanks for getting me back safe Angel” you said greatfully.
“Don’t sweat it hun. The amount of times I’ve ended up in the gutter I wouldn’t wish it on anyone” he shrugged taking a sip of his coffee.
“Angel…” you started sheepishly. “We talked last night didn’t we?” you said avoiding his gaze. “I knew this would come up” Angel said coolly “Look Y/N, I’m not gonna tell anyone about you and Mr Creepy Radio Pants” he said in a quieter tone.
“And I really appreciate that” you said genuinely “but, I feel like you let me into an insight about Alastor last night. You said how he never really dated anyone?” you questioned.
“Ah yeah no, he is an enigma when it comes to relationships and sex ‘n’ all that” Angel reflected “that’s why when he started sneaking around with you I was surprised. But you said how he’s in a rut, so I guess a man has needs right?”
“Definitely true” you responded. “But Alastor has been in hell a long time, so would have rutted every year. But you say you’ve never known him showing interest in relieving himself with anyone per say. So my question is - why me now? And what did he used to do while he was rutting?” You said gazing up at the skulls that loomed over the bar ominously. “Don’t get yourself worked up sugar. Maybe he has been off getting his dick wet in the past, who knows? As I said - he’s an enigma. You gotta talk to him sweety.” He said with a sympathetic smile.
“Afternoon folks” a raspy voice chimed. Husk appeared behind the bar and grabbed a green bottle off the shelf before pouring himself a small glass. The sight of alcohol being poured made you feel queasy. “Well ain’t you a sight for sore eyes” he laughed taking a sip of his whisky. “Always love your honesty Husk!” you chuckled.
“You guys have a good night and stay out of trouble?” He said, darting his eyes towards Angel.
“Yeah good fun, some revelations too…” Angel chimed grinning at you. “Angel don’t, please” you whispered, your eyes pleading.
“Oh yeah? Like what?” Husk said casually leaning on the bar in front of you and smiling wryly, “that she’s fuckin’ the Radio Demon?”
“DOES EVERYONE KNOW?” You exclaimed a little too loudly before slumping you head down on the bar. Husk placed his face by you head and whispered “Remember my room is next to Alastor’s. If you didn’t want anyone knowing maybe you shoudn’t have been so damn loud!” He stood up and roared with laughter. You felt your face burning scarlet against the bar. “I’m sorry little lady, me and Angel have had our suspicions for some time.” he said pouring himself a larger glass.
“She’s having a crisis cos I told her she’s the first one I’ve seen him sneaking around with. Got her questioning things…” Angel said trying to pull you back up from the bar. Reluctantly, you sat up and faced them. “Do you know anything Husk? Have you ever heard of Alastor rutting and going off with anyone?” you said quietly.
“Honestly, no” Husk contemplated. “The Radio Demon has always been obsessed with power and I should know.” He scowled at the thought of his deal with the Demon. “But no, I’ve never heard of him being interested in sex or relationships or anything. However…” he placed his head in his hand deep in thought. “At certain times of year Alastor had been more volatile, now that I think of it. He would bite at me over the smallest indiscretions and his broadcasts would be more frequent and more terrifying.” A shudder ran down your spine at his words.
“Maybe he was interested in other things. You know what a power crazed fuck he is!” He said with a warning tone.
You didn’t know how to feel after hearing Husk’s words. On one token you loved spending time with Alastor and the intimacy was out of this world. But what did you really know about him? Was your heart just blindsighted by lust and his charm? Did he have sinister ulterior motives? There was no doubt about it, you needed answers…
All instalments:
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konigsblog · 7 months
༉‧₊˚. stepdad!könig thots ...
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tw: stepcest, somnophillia, non-con/rape, dumbification, forced self degrading, degrading, cheating, daddy kink, college!reader...
note: stepdad!könig drives me crazy :'3
not proofread, pls correct errors or point them out in the cmmts :) comments and reblogs are appreciated !!!
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Your stepfather is a cruel, strict man. He expects the best of the best from you. You're his little princess, he hates punishing you, but god, the way his thick cock gets all hard when he see's that pretty, upset expression. Perhaps it's your tears, or perhaps it's the way he fantasies about rutting into you while you're mother is away at work.
He knows he's horrible for it, a total and complete jerk for going behind your mother's back—and yours too. When he see's you asleep on your bed, with textbooks and websites on your computer open for the exam next morning, he can't help but twitch, his breath hitching in his throat at the opportunities infront of him. “Meine Gott...” he chuckles, palming himself through his jeans before taking a step closer.
Through your baggy pjama shorts, he can see your thin, white panties. It drives him crazy, and you have to believe him when he says that it's not just fault—and if anything, it's yours for being so scandalous or promiscuous around a man like him. You're filthy, aren't you?
He slowly pulls your shorts down, taking them off of your unconscious figure. He rubs his weeping tip between your slit over your panties until they're transparent with your sweet cum. “Don't move, prinzessin.” König growls out under his breath, moving your panties to the side to slip his bulbous, wet cock into your tight hole. “Oh, you naughty girl-Hah...” he breathes out, smacking your ass painfully to your surprise.
It shocks you awake, your head stirring, dizzy and confused after waking up from a nap in this setting. König's large hand grips your hair tightly, pushing it down against your book as he begins rutting into you. Not giving you a second to adjust to his size, he begins thrusting erratically. It's painful, burning between your soft thighs at the force of his big dick into your wetness. “Ow—stop--!!” you plead, gripping your bedsheets tightly as he begins going harder, one hand on your hip and pounding into you restlessly.
“Don't try me, Puppe. You've been dreaming of this, ja? Wearing such short shorts and expecting not to be touched like this.” his hand goes underneath your body cupping and grabbing your by the pussy while his thumb runs over your clit, rubbing it in circles. “König—No!” you squirm, panicking as he rams into your cunt over and over again! To say it's not sore is a lie, and you quickly begin to feel lightheaded from the ache between your thighs.
His veiny, hard shaft rubs against your gummy walls. Veins lugging and dragging against your walls while you pulse around him uncontrollably! “Look at you—call yourself a slut, because that's all you are!” he grumbles out, smacking your ass painfully, earning him a broken sob. “I-I'm a slut...”—“For who?” König cuts you off, making you weep harder. It's the way your cunt squeezes and drools around his huge dick, in a way that only drives him crazy.
“You...” it doesn't help that you're so depraved and desperate for praise that you'll do—almost—anything for praise, especially from your stepfather. A guttural chuckle leaves his lips, smacking your ass again, causing it to ache. “That's right, a slut for your daddy. A dumb one, at that.” König makes you shudder and throb around him, repeating his words over and over again as he fucks you raw and dumb.
“A dumb whore for me.” you plead for gentleness, but you're met with a rough and painful—yet deserved—fucking. It's all your worth around your stepfather as he pumps and drives his achingly hard dick into your swollen folds like you're a fleshlight and nothing more than that. Your pussy begins spamming around him, an irresistible urge you can't help. Tears soaked the pages of the textbook infront of you, and your voice is hoarse from a screaming.
“What are you, mäuschen?” König asks as slows down his pace, broad hips meeting your ass, holding it there. “Were you listening? You're a dumb, dumb fucktoy for me to use. Say it.” when he picks up his ruthless pace, you're almost silenced. Raping you like you're worth a penny—not even that. “I'm a dumb fucktoy for you to use...” you say through exhaustion, breathless.
Your orgasm draws closer with each thrust. White, hot, and sticky release pulls you closer and closer to euphoria. That burning, rupturing feeling in your stomach pulling at your orgasm causing you to whine out. “Please, daddy, I just want to cum...” you beg, gasping when König pulls you by your hair, forcing your back to his chest and your back arched. König is hunched over, his lips beside yours as he degrades you. “Go on, work for it.”
You're so numb that you didn't even notice how he'd stopped moving. Bouncing your ass back, a mewl leaving your lips, before you bite your bottom, quivering lip. Your ass aches from his spankings, and you're too far gone to even think of what your mother would think...
Squeezing around his thick, meaty shaft as you fuck yourself back onto his wet cock. You pulse around him, your hands pulled behind your back. You stutter, shuddering as you cream around him, pussy drenched with your cum. You cry out, shaking and trembling. König pushes you down against the bed harshly, pushing you onto your side and lifting your leg up into the air. He ploughs into your raw hole over and over again while you whimper and cry.
White, hot release drips from his cock as he spurts ropes and ropes of his cum into you. Dumping a load into your walls before pulling out. He lets out a low grumble, balls coated in cum and slick. You're half passed out from the aggression forced onto you.
Left with wet cheeks, a sore cunny and your stepfather's thick cum oozing down your thighs.
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strawberrylabs · 10 months
Lyney drabbles
ok so...
i know i said id be getting all my other requests out like a month ago and i promise im working on them- just slowly
but i my brain is ROTTING with Lyney headcanons atm because I just finished fontane archon quests and his story quest so yall are gonna have to let my numerous lyney dabbles tide you over until i upload anything else
(also please send me lyney headcanons or prompts i am DYING to write about this man)
reader can be interpreted as any gender! no gendered terms are used
WARNING! this will have spoilers to fontane lore and Lyney's story quest!! I will also be mentioning death, grieving and slight depression! read with caution if you're sensitive to these topics.
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spoilers will be under the cut!
I'll be here
synopsis: after the events of Lyney's story quest, his lover comforts him as he finally finds closure after Cesar's death.
After the traveler and Paimon left Lyney and Lynette at the steambird, Lynette turned to look at her brother.
"So, Cesar's honour has been restored."
Lyney smiles to himself
"That it has my dear sister. Now, I do believe a certain someone is at home with Freminet waiting for us." Lyney turns to his sister expectingly.
"Actually, I'm going to the port. I need some time to shut down. And I think you need some time too, Lyney."
Lyney sighed and smiled a melancholy smile. Of course Lynette could see through him.
"You're quite right, as always dear sister. I think I shall take your advice."
When Lyney walked through the door to his home expecting to be greeted by his brother and lover, he only found his lover in sight.
"Freminet said he wanted to go diving by the opera house tonight. Something about the tildaga being different at this time of year." (y/n) answered, almost as if hearing Lyney's confusiong.
"Ah I see. Lynette has gone to the port to unwind after the weeks events."
(Y/n) smiled knowingly at the magician.
"And I suspect you'll be needing to unwind too."
Lyney gasped in faux astonishment
"My word! I didn't know you learnt telepathy? I suppose when you spend so much time around such a great magician you do pick up a few things. Maybe you can join Lynette and I and we can form a magical trio?" Lyney emphasised his words with a florish of his hat.
(Y/n) chuckled and moved towards Lyney, grabbing his hand.
"As much as I would love to know exactly what's going on in your mind, I do not have telepathy. I do however, know you well enough to know you need a rest."
Lyney's smile faltered a smidge. Despite knowing he can be vulnerable around (Y/n), he still struggles to let his guard down. Apparently years of working for the house of the Hearth does that to someone.
While in thought, (Y/n) pulls Lyney to their room, and places him on their bed, sitting him down wordlessly, and moving to sit behind him.
Lyney registers the feeling of his hat being taken off, and fingers in his hair taking out his braid.
"Just relax. I'll take care of you. I know everything with Cesar has been tough. You've been preparing yourself for this moment for years-- but I know it's still been heavy."
(Y/n) presses a kisse to his head.
"Cesar would be proud of you. I know you feel guilty about with holding the truth from him, but I just know he'd understand. He would be so, so proud of you and Lynette."
Lyney doesn't remember when the first tear fell down his face, or when his performance clothes were removed and replaced with pjamas, or when he was tucked in against (Y/n)'s chest.
"Cesar can be truly at peace now with his name cleared. You did great Lyney."
Lyney takes a deep breathe, and burries himself in the safety of his lover's embrace.
"..Thank you (Y/n).."
"Of course Lyney. I'll be here for you, always."
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this man has me in a chokehold
(thank god I pulled him<3)
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Swollen |Tengen x wives x fem pregnant reader nsfw 18+|
Warnings!: Female Recieving, BDSM, maiesiophilia, (Pregnancy sex), Polygamorous, 5some, pet names, aftercare.
Pairings!: Tengen Uzui, Hinatsuru, Makio, Suma, fem reader
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"Suma! you arent cutting the green onion's right!" Makio screams at Suma "IM TRYING MY HARDEST! THIS IS MY FIRST TIME MAKING UDON!" Suma starts to sob. "WELL YOU AREN'T TRYING HARD ENOUGH!" Makio claps back as they start arguing Hinatsuru is trying her hardest to calm the two females down."Hey!, what are you two arguing about now? i asked you to do one simple job and you are arguing at 9 in the morning quiet down, Y/N needs alot of rest to prepare for this baby soon!" Tengen says peeking his head out the door of the shared bedroom. "...Sorry Lord Tengen" Makio apologizes glaring at Suma who is still quietly sobbing.
Y/N's Pov: I groan as i feel the baby kick harshly, i put my hand across my swollen tummy rubbing it in circles. Tengen climbs back in bed behind me putting his hand on top of mine. "How is he doing?" Tengen asks peckering kisses on my shoulder. "He's doing good i felt him kick a couple of times" I smile brightly at him. "Thats good, are those pain killers that shinobu gave you working?" I nod. "What smells so good in the kitchen?" I ask "Let's just say our wonderful wives are making you a flamboyant breakfast!" he says in empathy.
"Awe you guys didnt have too... I love you guys." I say, " You know.. ever since I got you pregnant not only has your stomach swollen but so are your tits too, do you think your lactating? he asks in question, "Hmm I don't know you usually lactate in your 2nd trimester in the first couple of weeks,im pretty sure im in my 1st. Tengen hums in conclusion only to look up at Makio Suma and Hinatsuru walking in the door with a bowl of perfectly made Udon.
"Goodmorning mama" Makio says setting the bowl of Udon infront of me with a breakfast in bed tray. "Hello my dears! what's this?" I ask tilting my head to the side slightly. It's for you! Tengen says with a beaming "flamboyant" smile, "Thank you my loves! You really didnt have too.." I say as i start to tear up. "HAH?! WHY ARE YOU CRYING?!!!" All the girls yell hopping into bed beside me, "Im sorry it's just that i dont want to be a burden to you guys I-" "SAY NO MORE!" Tengen yells smiling at me reassuringly, He kisses me to get me to stop talking.
Tengen smiles at me, "Dont say that about yourself, you arent a burden to neither of us we love you and the child you are carrying, truly it's a blessing from god himself. " He kisses my cheek, "I love you all thank you so much i couldnt thank you enough." I say as tears are still falling from my rosy cheeks, i feel Suma patting my stomach to soothe me. "Still crying hm?" Tengen asks, "Do we have to show you how much we love you?" Tengen says looking at all of us. "Huh!?" I yelp as im lifted by 2 very strong arms.
"But Tengen the baby... "I say looking at Suma and Hinatsuru's hand rubbing my tummy. "Yknow.. I heard if you have sex during pregnancy it could help you be prepared for contractions and even during birth~." He coo's. "...Okay but be as gentle as you can for my sake and the baby's." Makio, Suma and Hinatsuru look at eachother smirking already knowing what to do. Tengen flips me on my back my legs at the edge of the bed, while Suma and Makio pin my arms back above my head, While Hinatsuru starts massaging my swollen tits through my shirt in a circular motion.
"Hina.. " I whimper wincing at the pain as it starts to fade away. Tengen and Hina work together to take my shirt and bra off. The cold air brushes up against my nipples making them harden, Tengen leans down to take my pjama pants and panties off. "I'll be gentle okay?, just let me know if it hurts too much mkay?" "Okay.." I say biting the tip of my finger nervously. Makio kisses me to distract me from seeing Tengen pull his boxers down. His cock springs up already hard from earliers actions, he aligns his cock with my entrance ready to push the tip in, "You ready baby? ill make sure im gentle princess." I nod breathing in and out slowly bracing my self for me to take his length, he pushes his cock into me slowly looking at my face for extreme discomfort.
"You're doing so good for us" Suma reassures me, as he pushes further in I grip Makio and Suma's arms to squeeze as i feel him stretching me open. "mmmm.. fuck" I whimper, "Good girl... taking me so well, i love to see you swollen with my seed my love." He grabs my tummy lightly pushing himself further into me, he groans due to the tightness of my heat. Hina whispers sweet nothings in my ear as she kisses my neck and shoulders to take my mind off the pain. Suma takes her panties off and climbs over me straddling my face as she gently sits on it. I grip her thighs as i flick her clit with my tongue roughly causing her to moan. "Y-y/n!" Suma whimpers, Makio still holding my hands as she kisses suma's neck. "Im gonna move okay?" Tengen says, "Okay.." I look at him deeply into his eyes as he kisses me to let me know i can trust him.
"F-fuck!.. so tight... gonna fill you with my seed.. and get you pregnant with even more of my flamboyant babies.." We both moan as i squeeze makio and Hinatsuru's hand more. "Tengen!.. S-shit!" I groan as i feel him throb inside of me. I continue licking and sucking on Suma's clit as she moans covering her mouth to keep herself from being loud.. considering Tanjiro and his squad are next door. Tengen thrusts upward into my walls as hes searching for my G-spot that will make me cum instantly. "Tengen!, Suma!" I scream as Suma arches her back reaching to rub my clit in circular motions quickly, Tegen repeatedly thrusts his cock in my walls as cum starts to form around the base of Tengen's cock continued with a loud squelching sound of my pussy being rammed into. "Ahh fuck!, im gonna cum!" I yell as Suma squirts all over my face and the sheet's "Y/N!!!!" Suma yells through her orgasm as she starts to cry in pleasure.
"FUCK Y/N! your gonna make me cum" Tengen warns as he starts to pound into me still making sure not to reach into my womb. "IM CUMMING!!" I yell as he thrusts 3 more times and a mix of cum and squirt fly everywhere due to Makio And Suma Rubbing my clit. "Good fucking girl, cum on me just like that, fuck im cumming~.." Tengen says as he cums inside of me.
I lay on the bed panting hard as Tengen carries me to our private onsen and runs hot water and puts us all in robes to soak in he puts bubbles in the filter, Suma Makio and Hina following not far behind coming to join me. We all lay in the shallow part of the onsen so i can sit down and rest. "Y/N! Shinobu is here for your daily checkup! Hina yells . "Hey mama! how are you How is sons name?" Shinobu comes in with open arms hugging me, "Im doing good and sons name is too! hes been kicking alot lately." "Great! that is a good sign, sounds like hes healthy but let me check to just make sure!" She says.
She takes my blood pressure and listens to me and the babies heart. "He sounds really healthy he has a strong pumping heart too!" "Great! and i think we all know where he gets that from" I look at Tengen as he chuckles lightly looking proudly back at me.
"Okay! thats all you guys! have fun!" She says before leaving. After a while we all get out and Tengen helps me put a nightgown on so i can be comfortable, Makio reheats all of our Udon as she brings it over to the couch to watch a movie as we all fall asleep on Tengen sleeping soundly. He carries all of us to the bed me and then the rest of the girls. As we all lay on him Suma snoring Makio all over Suma probably arguing at eachother in their dreams. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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I finished this at 1:03 AM.. Pt:2?
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mrs-march-ahs · 2 years
how would the evans react to a giggly and affectionate drunk!reader?
The Evans with a Drunk Reader
Drunk! Evans link :)
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not just descriptions but i tried to think of some specific nice scenarios :) (no austin today but everybody else) enjoy !
Tate -Loves it because he needs attention and affection -You come home from a party drunk as hell and try to get yourself into bed -Tate sets out pjamas for you, helps you go brush your teeth, and lays you down in bed on your side -If you’re overly giddy and excited he’ll try and calm you down -He’ll lay you down in bed and wipe your makeup off for you, shushing you to sleep -It probably doesn’t work and you stay giggly, but Tate keeps trying - “Hey now-”, Tate says softly squatting by your bed. - “You’re an all star!”, you laugh and sing. - “Shhh”, Tate tries to coo, not being able to hide his smile
Kit -Kit loves seeing you drunk -Kit used to put the clock backs on New Years Eve so that the kids could go to bed at a reasonable time, but now he just lets them stay up with you -He lets them have a little champagne and celebrate, but that’s if they even stay awake long enough -He’s a Cool Dad so he lets them go to bed without brushing their teeth on New Years, so he carries them straight to bed at 00:02 -But when they’re tucked in bed with a glistening kiss on their forehead, you and Kit stay up -You drink a lot of champagne - “Gimme anuder kiss”, you say, pulling Kit’s face into yours, smushing his cheeks -You kiss him on his pouty squished lips and gasp, “You’re too cute!”, you smush his face -Kit laughs, “Okay, I think you’ve had enough to drink doll” - “Mmm who says?” - “I do”, Kit says with authority and picks up the bottle of champagne - “Hey!”, you whine, trying to pull it from him, but before you know it, he walks over to the kitchen and puts the bottle on top of the fridge - “That’s not fair, I can’t reach that”, you lay back on the sofa in a huff - “That’s the point”, he laughs softly, “We’ve drank enough”, he says, in an effort to keep you calm and peaceful - “Who says!”, you ask again. “I do”, he repeats. “Kit, your husband, you know me?” -“And you who made you man of the house hm?”, you sit up and cross your arms across your chest -Kit laughs, and bends over. He picks you up and throws you over one shoulder - “Oooooooooooo, I’m in troubleeee”, you sing -Kit slaps your butt once, sending you into a fit of giggles -Kit’s a Cool Husband, so he tucks you into bed without brushing your teeth at 01:02, and gives you a big sloppy kiss on the forehead - “Eww”, you wipe your forehead dramatically -Kit fakes a tantrum and stomps over to his side of the bed, “If you don’t want my kisses, fine”, he lays in bed on his back and crosses his arms, mocking you -This hurts your little drunk heart, so you shake the entire bed flipping yourself over to face Kit and throw yourself on top of him, “I’m sorry”, you kiss him on the cheek -He wraps his big arms around you and holds you to fall asleep on him, rubbing your back -The best way to start a New Year
Frat Kyle -Of course, you’re drunk at a frat party -Kyle has had a crush on you for a while, so he’s incredibly protective of you when you come to parties -He needs to make sure no other guys are chatting to you -But he’s not supervising you the entire night, so Kyle doesn’t realise how drunk you are until one of his frat boys points it out - “Come Kyle, Y/N is dancing on the bar!” -Kyle follows out of curiosity, and his eyes widen seeing you prancing around on top of the kitchen island, kicking red solo cups out of the way as you dance -He cuts through a wave of people to get to you -You drunkenly step on a plastic shot glass, almost falling off, but Kyle picks you up by your legs before you can hurt yourself - “Shows over”, he declares, making some of the guys who were looking under your skirt groan -He places you on the ground carefully, feeling how sticky you are all over your body from beer and other various dried drinks -He carefully leads you to the bathroom, with his arm under yours -You look over at the serious expression on his face and how gently he leads you up the few steps on the way to the bathroom -You squint ‘seriously’ as you look at him, but he’s too busy looking at the floor to notice -You poke his cheek - “I like you” -Kyle looks up at you and smiles, before reminding himself how drunk you are -He leads you to the bathroom to freshen you up - “Thanks, I like you too”, he replies, taking a towel and wetting it - “Can I tell you a secret?”, you whisper, and keep talking before Kyle can answer. “I liiiiike you” -Kyle looks deeply into your eyes, not sure whether to trust you, or how serious you are -As you see the clogs turning behind his eyes, you give him a big grin and lean closer to his face - “But don’t tell yourself” - “Huh?” - “I said, it’s a secret! Can’t tell” -Kyle smiles, “No problem, I won’t tell Kyle”, he whispers back -You smile and kiss his cheek, wrapping your arms around his neck for balance
Franken Kyle -Kyle doesn’t really remember what alcohol is or how it works after his death, but all he knows is that sometimes when he can’t fall asleep, and he goes to look for you, you’re in the kitchen and you smell funny -When you’re drinking funny juice and smell weird then you’re extra cuddly to him -You give him lots of slobbery kisses and he loves the attention -He likes when you drink funny juice -He goes to the kitchen after his bed time one night and you’re just doing paper work in the kitchen -He comes for a cuddle with his arms wide open and walks over to you - “Ky, it’s bed time, what are you doing?” -He comes up to you and smells you - “no funny juice :(“
Jimmy -Is probably drunk with you -Sex when you’re both a little drunk is the best, because Jimmy’s already such a fun, silly, relaxed guy -Alcohol gets rid of his last inhibitions and he’s very comfortable with his body -Won’t get too into it, but dirty talk -If you’re drunk and he’s not, he likes to joke around with you -He loves to scare you and see you flinch -But only if it makes you mad -If you get upset, he knows he took it too far - “C’mere”, he says with open arms, but you push him away. “I wanna be your safety, I’m sorry”, he says. - :(
James -The most patient -He’d walk past the bar and see you laughing at one of Liz’s jokes, and come up behind you -He’d slide his hands around your waist and kiss your shoulder, unexpectedly making you jump - “My darling you are awfully jumpy- and you seem to be slurring your words quite a bit, you aren’t having a stroke are you?” - “Nooooo Jimmy, just having fun” - “Oh dear, that’s quite enough of that happy juice” -He’d lovingly guide you by the hand back to your room from the bar - “My angel, if you require head soothing medication tomorrow do let me know, I will have somebody bring it immediately” -He kind of just ignores any excessive comments of drunken foolery -He accepts kisses though -He’s not crazy -He puts you into bed and slides his hand around your back for a short while -He also loves taking off your false eyelashes when you wear them, so he does that, but probably doesn’t know to wipe any more makeup off - “Can you tell me a bed time story Jamesy?”, you yawn - “Oh my love, you are incredibly cute, but you aren’t a child” -Tears well up in your eyes - “Once upon a time, in a hotel far far away…”
Precult Kai -Very accepting of the love and affection you give him -You come over to the Anderson’s house for Winter’s birthday -You’ve had a crush on Kai for weeks, but you’ve always been to timid to do anything about it -But alcohol helps with being timid - “Kaiiii!”, you shout in a sing-song voice down the stairs of the basement. “I’m coming downnnn”, you slur your words. You carefully plonk down each step making a thud each time. -Kai’s just awkwardly watching you walk down the stairs towards him, not understanding why you came to him uninvited. But when he realises you’re drunk, he gets off the sofa to help you down the last few steps. He stands on the steps below yours and holds your hand and waist as you step down each one. -You wrap your arm around his neck and kiss him on the forehead, “mmm thank you” -He laughs quietly - “Surprise!”, you jump up, and Kai manages to scoop your legs just in time to catch you bridal style with his arm still around your waist. You kick your feet back and forth happily as he carries you to the couch and flops you down. -You burst into a fit of giggles, looking over at his open laptop - “What’s … four chan?”, you ask, making Kai slam his screen down -Kai’s not the most patient with kids, so you in this state wasn’t something he was prepared mentally to deal with - “Uh, are you okay? I mean you’re drunk, but you’re good, right?” -He just sits next to you and puts something on the television, hoping you’ll fall asleep, but instead, when you sit next to him and cuddle up to him, he freezes, losing all confidence -You put your head on his shoulder and fall asleep -He does not move -He probably texts Winter what he should do
Cult Kai -As a whole, Kai doesn’t allow drinking in the cult, he finds it a distraction -This man takes 20 Adderalls a minute to enhance his thinking, he’s not gonna use anything that ruins that -But sometimes he allows it, as a tool to celebrate a big win or accomplishment -Kai still doesn’t drink, since you can’t mix Adderall and alcohol -Even in a good mood Kai has his limits so he might let you hold his hand or sit close to him, but probably won’t allow too much PDA, especially in front of other cult members, especially especially if he didn’t prompt it but you did -Affection only happens in his control -If you wander off to the kitchen for another drink he’ll follow you and whisper some things in your ear -Dirty things, or maybe praise -Telling you how proud he is of you for whatever you did recently that he liked -He’ll also tuck you into bed at 2am latest, with a pack of ibuprofen and a glass of water on the bedside table -It sounds sweet but he just wants you back to normal the next day, no time for a hangover when you could be helping him dominate the world
Peter -Basques in the attention - “I loooove you”, you sing to Peter as he drives you home - “Really? No way”, Peter teases. - “Really! Like really really!” -He laughs at everything you do -Picks you up and throws you on the bed, wrestling you into laying down - “Wow you’re stronger than I thought”, he mumbles -So he just lays down on you - “Get off!”, you whine and poke him - “Hooo mimimimi”, he fake snores
Colin -Imagine that your friends called him because you were at a party and you were getting too drunk -So Colin drives over to your friend’s house and comes to the door, not knowing what to expect, if you were blacked out, or if he had to carry you -Instead when one of your friends opens the door, he sees you on the floor with someone trying to put your shoes on - “C’mon Y/N”, your friend wrestles, trying to get your shoes on, but you just stare at him, giggling and wriggles your feet around -Colin comes in and takes your shoe from your friend, who sighs and walks away. Colin kneels down on the ground in front of you, and when he comes into your line of vision, you open your mouth - “Colin!”, you gasp excitedly, wrapping your arms around his neck, sloppily kissing his cheek ­-Colin smiles, “I’m here to take you home” - “Nuuuuu not home”, you pout. “Yes home”, Colin laughs. “Home’s good! There’s ice cream” - “mmmm” -Colin would absolutely entertain all of the silly giggly things you would say - “Is that so? And then what happened?” -The way some parents talk to their babbling babies - “Wowie! That’s so great!” -He finds everything you affectionately say adorable and hilarious -He drives you both home, listening to you talking about the party, before you get completely silent -You’re resting on his jacket against the window, drooling and almost falling asleep - “Oh, goodnight baby”, he says softly not to startle you - “Night Coli”, you mumble -Colin drives really slow and avoids all the pot holes -So that you sleep fine :)
if you've changed your username and still want to be on the taglist please let me know, otherwise i'm just gonna have to start getting rid of people i think :/ so many of these have deactivated overtime
@milly-louise  @kitwalker02  @tatestripedsweaterpedsweater  @therenlover  @maria-akiraakira  @greenduvetenduvet  @sallyscigarettes  @mossybank  @ahsxualal  @mxlti-fand0m-imaginessd0m-imaginess   @kitwalkerangel  @twinkiemaximoff  @blackbat2020kbat2020  @elaineygrace @divinerulerluvrerluvr @johndeaconshands @midnightstar-90  @tatesweaterweatherweaterweather @undeadcortez @slightlyvicked @americxn @kaislittleheadlinerheadliner @imjimmysdarlingarling  @quickiesgirlesgirl @violate-larmon @cooperdays-gf @unlivingdisasterterreams @theytatelangdon @xxlangdon
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f1-disaster-bi · 2 months
Sebastian woke up to the sound of laughter and smiled into his pillow as it drifted up the hallway and into his bedroom.
He could hear the rumble of Jenson's voice through the walls and the sound of little feet running. The laughter was the sweetest sound he had ever heard, especially the way one of the little laughs went all high pitched and goofy. It made him grin as he eventually awoke enough to sit up.
He stretched a little and took a drink from the water bottle beside his bed before shoving his feet into slippers and making his way towards the sound of the laughter.
The smell of breakfast lingered in the air, but Sebastian knew Jenson had probably saved two plates so he and Sebastian could eat together once he woke up. His stomach grumbled a little but it didn't stop him making his way down into the living room to find his family.
Sebastian peeked around the door, and almost melted at the sight that greeted him.
His two little toddlers were dressed in their little Teddy Bear onsies that Sebastian had bought them as a little joke. Max was dressed in a light brown one with little ears and a cream face on the food that was pulled up over his hair. His chubby cheeks rosy with laughter and blue eyes twinkling as he held his twin's hand and clumsily chased a slowly jogging Jenson around the room.
Lando was laughing so hard he was barely moving. Max carefully tugging his smaller twin along. He was dressed in a light cream coloured Bear Onsie with little ears and a white face. His little curls stuck out in funny tufts from under the hood, and he hand his free hand making grabby gestures for Jenson.
Sebastian just watched them for a moment, soaking it all in before Max spotted him and stopped chasing his Dad.
"Papa!!", Max grinned as he yelled, startling Lando who wobbled before falling on his butt with an "oof" noise.
For a moment, Jenson and Sebastian held their breath and prepared for tears but then Max was giggling.
"Silly Lanno. Papa, Lanno, silly", Max giggled, and the sound was infectious as Lando started giggling again too. He kicked his little covered feet against the ground as he did.
"You're both very very silly", Sebastian smiled, moving into the room and dropping to his knees before his favourite little boys. He hugged them both, leaving noisy kisses on their cheeks that had Max going "yuck" and Lando giggling again, "But you're my and Daddy's silly boys"
"Yeah!", Lando grinned as he gripped at Sebastians pjama top and snuggled in close to him, "Love Pa. Love Da"
Sebastian couldn't help but hold them both closer and kiss their heads as he looked at Jenson who was sneakily capturing a few pictures of the moment.
"We love you too Lando, and you Maxy"
Inspired by this pic:
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