#but despite this I actually had an ok time and met some cool people
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shattersstar · 9 months
ok but we need to hear more about college dick now👀👀
hehe ask and u shall receive because ohhh myyy dick in college is such a messsssssss but like so pretty it’s almost unfair
i love the idea of dick and a bunch of his friends getting a house together with the intent of being Normal for the first time in a while, which means being absolute menaces as most 20 smth yr old guys are
very much known for being a party house bordering a frat but all the guys r so nice that it’s rlly hard to think of them like that. it’s a space where he can let go, feel like himself and with the encouragement of his friends, dick puts the brakes on like relationship hunting and just has fun..
he’s been in pretty committed relationships since he was old enough to be and has always struggled with casual dating let alone sleeping with people he barely know. but when dick learns there r ppl out there looking for the same thing and not everyone wants to b the next future ex mr/mrs. grayson it makes it a lil easier to be his charming self with no bounds <33
and then he mets you and it’s the usual routine, flirting you to his bedroom which is in the basement—of course—well alllllmost doing so until you vanish out of his grasp for reasons dick cannot discern (you weren’t here for him silly)
and while he’s not like one of those oh i wanted to hit and couldn’t so im gonna chase you types, dick does have to reconcile with the fact your friends with roy and spend a lot of time at the house now
which also means he learns how cool you r and how goofy he feels for just tryna sleep with you
and despite his friends vouching for him you really only see (and have heard the numerous rumours) dick as a rich playboy and that’s not for you. plus he’s def a business or poli sci major……….but with a psych minor bc it feels the most practical despite how boring dick finds most of his classes
though when he realizes your both in a psych elective together he’s all toothy grins and obnoxious air which isn’t helping his case but of course he’s a decent student and when you mentioned hating statistics—you were stuck with the worse prof outta the two—dick jumped at the chance to help
you were sooooooo skeptical and even though agreed you kept brushing him off until dick just started helping you when you were over to hang out. he drops a textbook in your lap while sitting in roy’s bed or starts reviewing your notes and adding examples while your hanging out on the living room floor building lego sets with everyone else.
and dick did that a lot—sure it was his house and roy was his best friend along with all of his other housemates but dick never hesitated to insert himself into whatever you were doing when you came over. and it shouldn’t surprised you but everyone being so..unbothered by it had you confused. like maybe that’s how dick is but it spoke bounds to their closeness and was the First time you actually saw a little more to dick than just some campus hottie douchebag who threw parties to get laid
and while you weren’t about to tell dick that, you did start coming over with the intent of working on stats together. it usually meant dick having to re-lecture whatever your prof barely managed to explain and helping you with the page long equations needed for assignments
and dick keeps it as platonic as possible, on a mission to prove he’s not the person you think he is and not only because he wanted to be with you—well yeah he does—but because dick cares what you think about him. he knows his friends care about you and value what you have to say and he wants you to know it’s the same for him
and maaaybe you see that too but dick needs to suffer a little more
bonus: you talk to dick abt ppl you’re interested in at some point (either genuinely or to mess with him) when he insists on always hanging out with you and roy. and while he gives advice with a smile, still trying to prove his capacity for mature, platonic relationships, dick screams into his pillow later that night when he goes over the convo again and again and agai—
bonus bonus: he’s probably on the school’s gymnastics team <3
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just-some-guy-joust · 2 months
im stubborn and i like talking here's the reasons i put every character i did in side a into the tourney. I'll do side b later cause i gotta go to bed soon
important first note, quite a few of my decisions were because i was trying to get women in here and it was getting desperate because i had to cut out a lot of women for only being "just some guy" because they were written by a misogynist that made her sit on the sidelines and cheer for the male leads. The Woman Situation Is Always So Fucking Dire.
anyways on to the actual contestants im gonna start with the characters that have been causing the most people to start up shit about them not being just some guy
barry bluejeans (taz balance): 2 submissions, personal bias. i think a lot of people are misunderstanding what this tournament is tbh. this isnt about the "normal" characters, tho normalcy does play a factor in it. this is about dudes who are just some guy. there is a difference. barry is a dnd npc who wears blue jeans in a fantasy world and he loves his wife. yes he is a lich. yes he is involved in the main plot. he's also just chillin. like if the plot didn't happen the way it did barry would be playing sudoku or crosswords. he'd be an average man in a very fantasy world. he is so average and human its funny. he is just some guy
tommy (hlvrai): 1 submission, personal bias. his just some guy energy is so there. he gets a propeller hat that does nothing when all of his crew is getting cool guns and upgrades. his life goal is to go home and take his dog for a walk. he gets a chuck e cheese birthday party. he sounds like he's going to burst into tears at any moment. compared to the rest of the crew, tommy is comedically just some guy
ulala (persona 2): 1 submission, description swayed me. it described the list of characters in persona 2 and ulala was just "your roommate that wanted to go to a party". that's hilarious. also i was getting fucking desperate for women that didn't suck ass as i stated above
apollo (ace attorney): 2 submissions, personal bias, descriptions swayed me. yall the submissions for him were so fucking funny. he's just a lawyer. he just wants to do his job but he lives in the ace attorney universe so everything is fucked all the time. he would've been a normal lawyer if he hadn't met phoenix wright. he's just chillin.
ok now here's every other character
sasha james (tma): 1 submission, friend bias, good description. i asked r if i should put her in because they know tma and they said yes. submission described her as loving to organize and avoided many monsters by being just some guy.
reigen arataka (mp100): 2 submissions. i thought it'd be funny and i was right. he is also just a normal man pretending he's not and he refuses to give up the bit he 100% deserves to be here
joy (underworld office): 1 submission, friend bias. the mc is going through wild ghost related problems and she's just going . hey man. you good??? r's sister submitted her and im not letting her down dude she's awesome
junpei (zero escape): 3 submissions, personal bias. he is literally the only character who has no connection to the larger mystery he's just there because he loves 1 girl. he's PAINFULLY and VITALLY just a dude. i need him
horse (centaurworld): 1 submission. i thought it'd be really funny to include just a horse. her name is horse. thats fucking awesome dude
phone guy (fnaf): 2 submissions. he was the only character from fnaf that got more than 1 submission and there were like 9 fnaf submissions i kinda felt bad tbh. he was also the best example of just some guy out of all the fnaf submissions
gordon freeman (hlvrai): 1 submission. he is a guy playing a video game. he is the straight man to the rest of the crews antics and by god he plays his role well
joshua gillespie (tma): 4 submissions, friend bias, hilarious descriptions. he avoids getting killed because he's so good at following instructions despite him clearly supposed to be dying here. they said don't open the coffin so he didn't. simply don't tuesday
namari (dungeon meshi): 1 submission, personal bias. i like her c: she's pretty level headed compared to like. everyone else in laios's crew. she seems like somebody i could just be friends with and hang out with
shez (fire emblem): 3 submissions, hilarious descriptions. i might try getting into fire emblem because of this. ok so they got murdered in a previous game off screen and now they're the playable character of a new game in a new timeline and they're fucking everything up because they're just supposed to be some guy? thats so fucking funny holy shit i want to know more
henry stickmin (henry stickmin): 1 submission. henry stickmin. like idk i dont feel like i gotta explain this one he's a stickman
stanley (tsp): guaranteed entry
whole (chonny jash): 1 submission, friend bias. tbh i saw him and went oh fuck yeah thats the thing my friends like and then i put him in there. i dont actually know enough about chonny jash to say anything on this but i fully trust the submitter knew what they were doing
larry (pokemon): guaranteed entry
luke carder (inscryption): 1 submission, friend bias, good description. he is just a normal youtuber in the lore of the game. he fucking love card game. good for him man good for him
leorio (hxh): 3 submissions, friend bias, good descriptions. idk a lot about hxh but the descriptions of him compared to the other main characters was pretty convincing
barry the quokka (sonic): guaranteed entry
april o'neil (tmnt): 1 submission, friend bias. absolutely normal girl that just happens to be the one that found the turtles and become their friend
tsuzuru (a3!): 3 submissions, friend bias. descriptions definitely made him feel like a good fit. he's so good at being just some guy i actually thought he was a different character and was shocked when i went to grab images for the tourney and he wasnt the guy i thought he was. which is really funny. like who the fuck is he then. this didn't change my opinion or anything it was just so good
matt (woe.begone): 1 submission. woe.begone fans have ALWAYS been kind to me so they got some mod bias sprinkled in. i dont know what this guys deal is but in the dbtn tourney the guy who got in there had a giant fucking list of things that are happening to him all the time and apparently thats just what woe.begone is like so i believe it when told matt is normal in comparison. everything else is so batshit wild I Just Believe You
gilear (fantasy high): 2 submissions. he seems to be just a dad. wasn't going to get in at first tbh just for personal reasons but i was running out of characters that i felt actually fit the tournament well so ultimately he got in
emmet (lego movie): 4 submissions. honestly with the number of submissions we got, 4 submissions was basically a guaranteed entry. and emmet's whole story is about being just some guy
stahl (fire emblem): 1 submission, hilarious description. fire emblem fans are so funny. what do you mean he can only be perfectly average because everyone else improves/gets worse with him to keep him perfectly average. what the fuck. thats so good
doug (wolf359): 2 entries. i dont know jack shit about wolf359 and honestly the submissions didn't tell me a lot but it was enough to figure he qualifies and i was running out of characters that felt good for the tourney. i trust you wolf359 fans
jack townsend (tales from the gas station): 1 submission, good description. he works at an evil gas station and the description gave me no follow up on what an evil gas station is which is awesome. apparently the horrors are constantly happening and he's just kinda staring at them. he's not paid enough for this
frisk (undertale): guaranteed entry
brian pasternack (yuppie psycho): 1 submission. im gonna be super honest with you here. i dont remember. i know he qualifies but i have 0 thoughts about him. maybe thats a good thing in this tourney. he's an average office worker who has now been tasked with killing The Witch.
trevor (american arcadia): 4 submissions, personal bias, good descriptions. dude i fucking love american arcadia it's so fucking good what a nightmare. he's so normal they were going to kill him for not being entertaining enough
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Ok I bit the bullet and made an Ososan OC and his full name is Len Kanemaru.
He's the so-called perfect guy, pretty boy barista type turned up to 11, who might as well have manifested from thin air, who has genuine fanboys and fangirls, and most of the Matsunos want him fucking dead. He's oblivious to both of these aspects of the public opinion and seems kind of empty headed for the most part. He is also struggling just as badly as them but literally no one would believe him if he told them.
He also wants to kiss the oldest DESPITE the fact that his brothers are so jealous of him for being so perfect. Shenanigans ensue.
If you want a more detailed write up about him read the cut.
OK SO . Len is a guy trying his best to pretend to be an adult despite wanting to be anything but it. Unlike the Matsunos who dont pretend to be an adult and are anything but it, Len is trying to push through adult life while wanting to return to childhood when things were easier.
Sure he has a job as barista, but he's poor with money, spending it like he's still a teenager, struggles to maintain contact with people he’s befriended outside of work, DESPITE thinking people hating him is the end of the world, and surprisingly, still lives with his parents.
The thing is that he's REALLY good at pretending to have it all together. He has quite a few fanboys and fangirls and is often described as a prince. (It’s because of his charmingly good customer service skills that is his only real social experience post highschool.) But, despite being in his mid twenties, hes kind of poorly equipped socially and is unable to pick this up, despite it being clear to literally everyone.
(Like he thinks he’s being bad at pretending to be a well put together adult, and then turns around and can handle rush pretty well understaffed, not make any mistakes, and still keep a pleasant demeanor that his admirers swoon over. Anytime someone does act like a fan trying to get his love it’s met with confusion and just. “Huh.” more than anything. He doesn’t even reject them because he doesn’t realize so many people are in love with him)
This includes quite a few Matsunos who are jealous of him for being so popular (and admittedly kind of cool), find his princely yet oblivious attitude almost annoying, and somewhat creepy because of how much he knows about them from highschool. And those who aren't irritated by him are relatively apathetic towards him.
The only reason theyre so aware of him is the fact that he and Todomatsu worked at the same cafe before the latter quit. It was after he quit that Len properly met the sextuplets, having a chance encounter with the boys sometime after. Todomatsu was already irritated by him, by again, seeing above, but also because he already seemed intimately familiar with Totty during his highschool years.
It's like they had a whole classmate just manifest into being while skipping the "actually go to class together" part.
(They did actually go to school together but literally no one knew he existed during then. Not to their fault though, Len was basically that one vine that's like "I can't I have so much to do tomorrow" *fucks around on the keyboard. Because of that Len ended up being bad with people by the time he graduated and was ushered into the work force by his parents. As a result he can't really keep friends, often times contact dying off on accident. A lot of the time spent working is him TRYING his best to maintain relationships as an adult but it never really works out. Deep down Len wishes he could redo highschool, so he could not only get this skills but also find some memories that he so clearly missed out on. Because he willingly opted out of making those therefore other people don’t remember him. As far as he knows he hasn’t really had a friend since middle school.)
But like after the two and Totty's brothers encountered each other in public a whole bomb got dropped and nothing was the same.
Despite generally not liking him the Matsunos keep him around, mostly due to Totty's insistence saying they can use him (so they cant kill him yet!) but because Len is kind of bad with people in general outside of having a fandom (that, again, came with his customer service skills), and the Matsunos are the Matsunos, this never ever goes well.
Despite this and how much shenanigans the Matsunos end up dragging him into, he considers them friends since its the closest relationship he's maintained outside of his house. On top of that, he almost admires them for being NEETs. He's kind of ashamed of it, because he knows they have to be an adult, but because he's struggling so much as an adult, he wants nothing more than to be like them. He wants to stop being an adult and return to highschool.
It's why he takes to Osomatsu so much, since he seems most open about how shitty he is and how much he doesnt want to grow up. Like weirdly enough, his man-child behavior is what makes Len likes him so much. Sure he also has a big heart and loves his family, and Len can acknowledge Oso’s best aspects, but it’s the worst parts of him that loves.
And that admiration for having his character laid out flat and embracing his childishness despite his age and situation, how he practically will just grow up when he wants to rather than when he has to (unlike Len), makes the perfect man fall for the loser guy.
The more he hangs around the Matsunos the more they encourage him to tap into his evil side, and may end up making him worse, but for now he's Mr Perfect and most of them hate him for that. He doesn't get the message though so he's just kind of hanging around them for now.
Anyways he and Osomatsu are literally I'm Glad You're Evil Too to me . And also look at these sketches of him .
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#txt#ososan#osomatsu-san#osomatsu san oc#Len Kanemaru (OC)#my ocs#my art#lenoso#oc x canon#when i think more in depth into his individual relationships with the sextuplets i will probably do a better write up on that#i think the sextuplets are ultimately conflicted on him but because of that conflict#especially given their opinions before they learned more about him#it comes out in hostility and jealousy#mainly from Todomatsu#and maybe choromatsu i think#ichimatsu and len actually relate to each other a lot#especially since len is kind of struggling with what ichimatsu was going through in highschool (except as an adult)#but because they dont really communicate well either they cant really have their :handshake: moment until much later#i think osomatsu is the one who bridges their gaps though and helps clear the air on both sides mutual jealousy#with len and oso having a heart to heart over some drinks (that the former paid for by blowing an entire pay check)#(Len being horrible with money moment)#but again thats much later . and i think since ososan is a bit focused show anyways#the inherent bit of Len pining for Oso while he has better suitors trying to get his attention.#all while the brothers are wishing the worst upon him#is very funny#its like nyaachan and just dont except for the part where everyone liked nyaachan because none of them like him#(osomatsu might be a bit more conflicted on him though . something something oso might have actually remembered him then. again ill think)#but theyre all kind of oblivious to everyones exact feelings going on so they just kind of hang out and hope#len will hook them up with someone (he will not)#if u want to hear more about him or have questions send me asks... i would love to share and think more about him.
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kiribread · 25 days
Headcannon time?! >:)))
so uh since it's been a while since I've actually drawn edgeshot I thought I would do some general headcannons on him! I did a similar post to this when I had JUST started posting and may've done another one like it so if any of these sound familiar that's why.
Some slight manga spoilers ahead
I'm pretty sure it's obvious that's he's on the introvert side of things but I also feel like he's a huge people pleaser by nature.
Before he gave me a daddy issues now he just gives me general parent issues and undiagnosed autism
Emotionally absent mom perhaps?
He could be in a room for like 5 minuets with someone and can pretty accurately diagnose them with whatever mental/physical problem they have and encourage them to get treatment for it but he's one of those guys that refuses to get treated himself
a mom/therapist friend tm
I feel like he got really good grades in school (mainly for the academic validation) and even went to college
He went to college for some sort of medical training probably something like paramedics or ER doctor
While in high school him interning under Recovery girl gives me life <3333
During his 3rd year I could see him taking over for Recovery girl on occasion so she could have a well deserved break
Also, I don't know why but for some reason he gives me oopsy single dad vibes? Like a random baby that he knew nothing about showing up on his door step like" 🧍‍♂️ ok."
He loves that lil girl to death in back though <33333
He always knew he wanted kids in the future so he was pretty happy despite him thinking it was too early for him to be a dad (I'm thinking he was about 19-21 when this happened.)
He does feel pretty guilty often since he can't spend as much time with her as he would like to due to work (this didn't mix well with being a workaholic)
The decision to become a hero was a last second decision on his part he originally wanted to be a full time doctor
What could've changed his mind could be that he either was or he saved someone and inspired him to at least give it a try
I also think he could've considered therapy as a possible option as well
while he was genuinely impressed with Kamui woods during that raid with it being one of the main reasons for the team up one of the other main reasons was that he was a little lonely and thought he be a cool friend <3333. The only reason anyone knows that is bc he got hit by some confession quirk on duty... Kamui cried.
Him and mt lady i feel like sass eachother a lot.
Also probably help straighten her out a bit more.
Was perfectly ok with leaving the media up to mt lady. (Neither him or kamui were particularly fond of doing so.)
Definitely a good cook
I could just be biased bc i like salmon but i feel like he makes some GOOD salmon dishes.
Also definitely eats very healthy.
Won't pass up a good pizza though.
Before I thought that he'd be a huge naruto fan but now I think it'd be hilarious if everyone assumes he is but in reality he never seen a single episode.
He was thinking of watching it but got spoiled on pretty much the entire plot so he decided against it.
He met jeanist when jeanist noticed Edgeshot patching up his jacket during lunch time.
It was jeanist's idea to start the textiles club and Edgeshot was just dragged right along with it.
Many shenanigans happen there.
Edgeshot overall is pretty artsy and likes to try a bit of everything.
He particular likes pen & ink, ceramics, and digital art.
Also enjoys trying other hobbies out like gardening and hiking.
Participated in gymnastics till he got to ua were he used it to train.
Was really good at it but didn't care for the competition part of it.
used to be super cuddly as a kid but has moved away from that and is now picky of who touches him.
People he is close to he does allow them to snuggle up with him.
Likes flattening himself like a blanket and cuddling with people then.
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sunsguilt · 2 years
May I ask for more malleus being a looser headcanons?
YOU'RE CONFUSING MY HEART.┊ft: malleus draconia
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warnings: none! contains: gn! reader, LONG POST! (1.8k words)
notes: i'll do u one better comrade, ur getting a oneshot bc i am so cool (also this idea was floating around my head for a while) despite me talking about him as much as i have, he's not my fav but! he's interesting to have on the noggin.
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Sebek would not leave you alone. Usually, he would be bearable but he had been on your back for the entire day and even decided to follow you back to your respective dorm. 
He had been quite literally following you throughout the school. The problem is, he was silent, just staring at you with vehement outrage. You went to class? He sat in the seat behind you. You sat down in the cafeteria for lunch? He sat across from you and ate his food while staring you dead in the face. It had you sweating bullets the entire day.
You were racking your brain trying to figure out why he would be doing this in the first place.  Was this some sort of fear tactic he was testing? Because it was working. It was working really well.
At some point, you were fed up and spun around. “Sebek, what do you want?” His face had been contorted for quite some time now. It would be impressive if you weren’t worried that his face was stuck like that. 
You felt like your ears just popped. “Huh? Why?” Was he talking about Malleus? You were certain he was. But apologize? What?
“You know what you did, human.” He seethed. You did not know what you did, far from it actually. It only served to confuse you more. 
Sebek went on a tangent about how you should be grateful that Malleus gives you the time of day, and so on. You just stood there in shock, frozen in place. Students walked by, whispering while Sebek paid no mind and only seemed to be gearing up in his speech. This was so humiliating, you hoped you died posthaste. 
“What did I do?” You asked, at your wit’s end. 
“I warned Lord Malleus, I did! That you,” He jabbed his finger at you accusingly. “Were unfit to remain by the Young Master’s side! And yet he overlooked my words and is in the state he’s in!” 
Sebek’s lamenting could span for the remainder of your life if he decided to, so you cut him short. 
“Hang on, something’s wrong with Malleus? I thought he was sick or something.” Even the notion sounded a bit silly once you voiced it; in what world did fae actually get sick? But even fae can decide they don’t wish to attend class and claim to be ill.
Now that he mentioned it, it has been quite some time since you physically saw Malleus. You saw Lilia a few times and asked him where he was, only to be met with “he’s simply having a fit, you see.”
“He’s shut himself in his room for days now. He refuses to speak to anyone, including me.” Somehow you felt that Sebek would cause him unneeded stress. 
Sebek made a face like he just tasted something unpleasant. He crossed his arms before speaking again. “As much as I loathe to admit it, human, the Young Master seems to care for you a great deal. You would do well to visit him.” 
Just how much pride did Sebek swallow to ask you for help? As far as you could guess, it was a lot, because he walked away immediately after. He left you with a lot more questions than answers, which was mildly infuriating. 
It really had been a long time since you had physically seen Malleus. You would text him and ask if he was ok, but he never called you after you gave him your number. He seemed to prefer to send you letters, which was fine. But now, the constant stream of letters seemed to have dried out, with not a single one arriving by carrier bird as they usually did. 
Weird, it was so weird. Well, no more bizarre than you agonizing over the well-being of a fae prince who likes to talk to you about his tamagotchi. 
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“And that’s why you’re dressed like that?”
“Is this not how people apologize to each other?” 
Grim stared at you from his cushy napping spot at the foot of your bed, observing you openly fret about your predicament. You were watching how-to videos on how to properly fix a tie. Great Seven knows where you acquired a tux. Honestly, your pacing was stressing him out and he was pretty much clueless about whatever was going on in your head at the moment. 
Both you and Malleus had the same way of visibly showing you were apprehensive about something. Grim had caught said fae a number of times walking back and forth outside of the dorm before finally knocking on the door to ask to see you. Grim thought the two of you were gross.
“Are you sure I should go now? It’s pretty late.” 
“Go, go! Those flowers you got are making me sneeze! I’m allergic, you know!” 
“So even the Great Grim has allergies? Weasels aren’t allergic to roses, stupid.” 
“I’m not a weasel! Plus, even I, the Great and Mighty Grim can have a weakness. An Achilles Heel!” 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. I’m gonna go before I chicken out.” 
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You ran like your life depended on it, hightailing it towards Diasomnia. Your umbrella inverted itself midway there, so you were more than a little drenched why the time you were at their doorstep. 
Fumbling for the knocker on the door, you slammed it down three times, deeming it sufficient. And it was, since you heard locks turning at the other end a few moments later. 
Said person answered the door, a bit disheveled like he just rolled out of bed, quite frankly. He was wearing a sweatshirt that hardly fit him, white-knuckling a freshly opened bag of chips. He was also wearing a headset with a mic. You would be more confused if it wasn’t Lilia. It would be a a truly bizarre sight if it was Sebek who appeared before you in this way. 
He took a few moments to look you up and down confusedly. “(name). A pleasure. You know where Malleus’s room is.” 
“Right, thanks.” 
He immediately turned on his heel and vanished down a hallway where you could faintly hear, “Silence, knave! I’m not AFK anymore.” 
These people were so strange. 
Usually, Malleus would be at your side as you ascended the winding staircase, idly listening to you talk about your special interest of the day that everyone had to know about. 
You reached his door and somehow it felt more imposing than the front door did. At this point, it would be more humiliating to turn back, so you knocked on the door. 
The bedroom door creaked on its hinges as it opened.
Malleus stood wordlessly in the doorway, his face unreadable. You probably looked a state, damp from the torrent of rain clutching a slightly squished bouquet of roses. His eyes lingered on them for a long time.
“Um, did you just wake up?” 
“Of course not.” 
He beckoned you inside his room with a sweep of his arm, and you stiffly entered. The room was dimly lit, save for the plethora of candles giving off a soft light. Malleus was actually in the process of lighting more as you noticed. 
“You must be cold. Sit here.” He eventually steers you towards the couch next to a fireplace, which was burning brightly. The fire did feel welcoming but you had a goal here, and sitting down would make you forget. 
“Malleus, these are for you.” 
What a sight! The human bestowing upon the fae prince a bouquet of roses picked out especially for them! Malleus looked especially stunned at the gesture, eyes widened, frozen in his seat on the couch while you stood meekly with your peace offering. 
“I’m not sure if I said something but,” You avoided eye contact while you spoke, feeling embarrassed already. “I don’t like this weird keeping-our-distance thing. This is me trying to apologize.” 
This was so humiliating, especially since Malleus had yet to react with anything other than surprise. 
“So…” He began slowly. “You bear no ill will of me? Truly?” 
Now it was your turn to be shocked, comically so. It was palpable in the expressions that flitted across your face. 
“HUH? Why would you even think that?” 
You realized just how loud you were probably being compared to him so you cleared your throat before kneeling down before him. 
“Malleus, I swear I could never hate you.” 
This was so cringe but Malleus always seemed super into that kind of stuff. He sat with you to watch dramas at your dorm sometimes. And he was, judging by the way his eyes seemed to soften. Your silly gesture seemed to have touched him deeply. 
That bouquet was cheap, if you were being honest with yourself. It was a fair trade for that heirloom he passed down to you a month prior for inviting him to dinner, no?
(if you were wondering, no it wasn’t, in your eyes)
Malleus seemed to be more genial, cupping your hand in his hands. He had smooth, unblemished hands, compared to yours that were constantly scarred from incidents where you were a bit reckless. He seemed to think that you were far more fragile than you actually were. Once, you told him that you burned your finger and he looked faint at the sight of the bandages. 
The rain continues falls outside but subsides quite a bit. It is so gentle it's more like a mist.
Aside from that, you decided it was probably necessary to ask what you were curious about from the beginning. 
“Malleus,” You began. He hummed, not yet releasing your hand from his hold. He has a stronger grip than he liked to let on. You rose to your feet, unable to step any farther due to his grasp on you. “Why haven’t you been in class?” 
His hands were gentle, rubbing his thumbs on the top of your hands. He seemed almost preoccupied with it since it took him so long to respond. 
“I believed that,” He seemed unusually hesitant, squeezing your hands again as if to reassure himself. “Perhaps you disliked me. Since you said as such.” 
“I did not. I would never.” 
“You did.” 
After a bit of back and forth, you vaguely recalled saying something along the lines of “I hate you” to him. But it was over something so incredibly stupid. You told Malleus you hated him because he wouldn’t offer to give you four million thaumarks on the spot when you asked. You asked as a joke to begin with. 
This whole situation was built off one singular misunderstanding. You wanted to smack him upside the head. But that would be too cruel. Also unnecessary. 
While you and Malleus were mending your bond, you distantly noticed through the windows that the storm that had been a constant finally disperse. Sun quickly bloomed through the passing storm clouds. 
What a weird coincidence. But you didn’t pay much attention to the sudden change in weather after Malleus insisted you sit bestwide him, to catch up on the time lost between you. 
— ☆
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palettepainter · 11 months
Ok, but do Mick and Terri have BF (before Floyd) designs? Like whenever they first met.
Sorry it took me a while to get to this! Wanted to get some what-if younger designs done for Terri and Mick to answer this!
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I can't go too into detail with some stuff relating to Terri as it'll come up in a new multiple chapter story involving a younger Floyd and baby Animal, but I'll include a few small facts about the both of them:
Terri: -So according to a post I saw on here the events in Muppets Mayhem ep 6 during Teeth's flashbacks is set in the 60's. Terri's father was a lawyer (debating on him possibly holding some position in the miliraty before he got married) and her mother was a teacher, Terri in the beginning was attending college aspiring to become a music teacher and working part time at a bar. She was a bit of a loner and came off as sort of rude to other people, she was a very goal driven person so tended to place value on her work and future more then making friends.
-During the 60's there was a lot more standards and expectations for genders. While men where welcomed into careers more suited for women, women struggled to achieve job positions of higher pay such as firefighters or police officers. It was mostly thanks to these changing times that Terri became such a driven person, hoping to build herself a strong career despite all the expectations placed upon women of her age
-She met Mick when he and his biker friends where passing through town and they stopped in at the bar she was working at. Mick flirted with her, and Terri calmly shot him down before probably saying how Mick had dirt or something on his shirt. A couple days later he showed back up and Terri ended up having a genuine conversation with him which she might have enjoyed a bit. She'd had a frustrating morning and so talking with Mick helped her vent off some steam
-This is one I can't go into too much detail with, but Terri's parents hate Mick with the heat of a thousand suns
-Mick was young, cool and just a bit dumb. He lived a comfortable life in Boston before he turned 18 and he and his biker friends set off on travelling about the world. Through out their journey they eventually get to San Franisco. Mick was getting a taste of the big world for the first time and the thrill of it all inflated his confidence, which is firmly knocked down a peg at Terri's harsh shutdown. He makes amends a few days later, he didn't actually mean to offend her, he just thought she was pretty.
-A day before Mick and his friends prepare to leave they wind up in a small brawl with another biker crew. Mick wasn't the aggressor, but he did say somethings that didn't help the situation. It ends up in a small chase on bikes, which leads to a pile up and crash, which Mick and his friends thankfully leave mostly unscathed. Thanks to the trouble they caused Mick and his pals end up arrested, but after gathering reports from witnesses and it was decided they weren't the ones responsible they're released on probation, thanks to Terri's dad. Again, can't go too in depth, but Terri's dad took pity on the younger boys and helped them out
-Not only is Mick on probation but his bike got wrecked in the crash, so now he has to save up for a new one. Terri's dad places him in community jobs such as trash cleaning and otherwork like that. Mick is not exactly happy at the situation, but with some good behaviour Terri's dad arranges him a job working at the same bar Terri works at. Terri's dad figured it would be a good way to keep an eye on him, since Terri would be able to directly report to him. This is how the two gradually become friends and, overtime, lovers. Terri began to sneak cuts of her pay into Mick's at the end of each month at the bar to help him get his bike back, because she could tell Mick wasn't truly happy being stuck there. Mick finds her out one day when he catches her messing with their monthly payments, it leads to the two accidentally confessing to each other (at this point they've had like a few dates, which neither dare say is a date out of embarrassment, and are dancing around each other). They have a small argument about it then Mick leaves
-Shortly after that Terri finds out she's pregnant and they both end up leaving San Francisco. Mick quits his biker gang, Terri homes out of home and they - especially Terri - never looked back
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thehighpriestexx420 · 4 months
My Twin Flame Experience
The intention of this post was to honestly just have a public space to write out my thoughts and feelings. I hope you get something from it. I'm highlighting the more common signs of twin flames for your reference.
The Beginning
We met through a social media app when I had just turned 23 and he was just turning 21. He added me and I thought he was stunningly attractive. There wasn't any conscious form of recognition at this point. I felt comfortable approaching him because we shared something a little more unique in common; we're both trans men. (Although I'm significantly more nonbinary/gender nonconforming)
When I asked him why he added me through the app I believe he just said I seemed cool. Later on he admitted he thought I was cute. I was upfront and told him I thought he was cute in my first message.
We got to know eachother a bit through messages. I had alot of fun talking to him; something that's not too common in this dating app age, but not necessarily a sign of being twin flames. He was hilarious and we had a good back and forth.
He tried to come off as more confident than he actually was until the end of our first hang out. Before he did come over, I told my roommate at the time that I didn't think he was a real friend and he probably just wanted the LSD. He seemed to avoid hanging out with me for a while.
Which was true but not because he was uninterested. It was because he was insecure. He didn't like the thought of people seeing him and rejecting him. At the end of our hang, he said if I didn't like him that it was ok. I gave him that impression because I didn't talk much while we were watching Breaking Bad. I have social anxiety just like he does.
However, I actually felt a pull towards him that I couldn't explain. I felt the need to be physically close to him. But he had a partner at the time and I knew it was inappropriate. I sensed his energy as "masculine". Like... not in a casual sense when you see they have that masc swagger or something. It was his spirit. I didn't have the idea he was my twin flame at the time. But it's interesting because looking back at it, it aligns with the belief I have that he's my "divine masculine".
When we talked before we watched the show, the conversation was casual and somewhat comfortable. I don't remember if I knew I had romantic feelings at that point but I know I did by the end of the hang because I thought to myself of course I like someone when they already had a partner.
Him and his partner were actually starting to begin exploring having a nonmonogamous relationship. He wanted to have a threesome for his birthday and we obliged despite not knowing eachother very well. It was pretty meh. His partner and I kissed and later on he said he was jealous and thought to himself that I was his but not the same for his partner.
At one point he said he was going to marry his partner. He must have noticed the look of alarm on my face because he said that it wasn't like that. It was a fun celebration, not serious or legal. I didn't like the thought of him having a closer relationship with someone than me.
I'm an empath but when you feel someone's energy/emotions from a distance without intending to it's usually because you have a strong connection. At some point I felt that he was experiencing a negative emotion, I believe it was the feeling of wanting to escape something and not wanting to be there. I messaged him this and he told me that was accurate. He was hanging out with his partner.
I experienced jealousy but I just wanted him to be happy. If his relationship with someone was unhealthy that's what really made me want him to not be with that person. He eventually got the courage to break up with them.
I asked him to be my partner despite feeling like I wasn't ready for a relationship. He made me want to try. I had just been through a traumatic experience that gave me severe trust issues.
When he sat on my lap, it was so comfortable and familiar. Although "familiar" wasn't really in my vocabulary at that time, if that makes sense. It also stood out because I hadn't known him for that long at all. It was like he calmed my nerves and everything was ok. Like he was my person.
We had both thought that our relationship and the way we felt towards eachother was "too good to be true". It was unlike anything we had experienced and we couldnt foresee experiencing anything like this with anyone else even 5 years later and now till this day. I felt, for the first time, that someone loved me as much as I loved them and felt the same way -although with his own energy.
There was a moment where he said he missed me and I said I missed him too, although with a different meaning. I didn't mean for him to sense this through my voice. I didn't mean it all the way. It was an experience I was confused about and didn't know if it was even real.
But I didn't feel the same as when we first met. I didn't love him any less. It was just less exciting? Intense? I almost viewed him in a different way too. He asked me something like if I didn't like him anymore and I told him it wasn't like that. And it wasn't but I wasn't transparent about my experience because I didn't want him to think that. I felt guilty and confused.
I've been gaslight for almost my entire time knowing my mom and her long term bf. From birth until 22 with my mom. From 3 years old until 22 with my stepdad/her bf. The effects of gaslighting is horrid. It's second guessing your perception and not knowing what's real or not. I'd rather know what reality is no matter how bad. Especially with intrusive thoughts. It was a daily experience that I'd ruminate over if these thoughts were the truth. If I was bad, etc.
I told him this. I told him to please just tell me the truth no matter how bad it is; I'd rather know what's real and not. I told him I'd rather him ask to do nonplatonic stuff with others than cheat on me.
We decided to have a monogamous relationship because of jealousy, wanting to hold each other's attention the most, and because what we had wasn't comparable to anyone else.
The Middle
I also experienced as time went on our relationship became more unhealthy. I loved him so much and would do anything to make our relationship work. He said he was so comfortable with me he let his anger show. A symptom of ADHD is irritability and this is what he has.
But it wasn't just anger; it was not understanding my POV and not being able to be reasoned with. It was assuming the worst and not trusting me at times. When I neutrally told people about an experience I had with him, they'd agree with my assessment.
I'd question if he was right (for example, if I shouldnt have laughed when he spilt buttermilk because it was rude and I should've known that. He felt that I was laughing *at* him and not the situation. I wasn't supposed to hurt people's feelings or upset them. But when I taked about it with others they agreed that I cant be expected to know when someone is going to react disproportionately to the situation. That it was his responsibility to manage his anger *issues*. It wasn't mine to tiptoe. When people told me this I was assured it was obvious like I knew inside. But, again, the effects of gaslighting played a part here.)
There was a moment I completely recognized him as someone I already knew from other lives and I cried and told him that I missed him.
We had several moments where we felt like one person. We had felt that there was literally one person in the room when he and I were the only ones. When we cuddled, we felt like we combined into one person. It was serene, comfortable, and right.
I ended up breaking up with him 3 times. First time was because he broke a boundary of mine when I told him he could flirt with someone. I had told him I just wanted transparency and to be told when he was doing it. Not like every detail obviously - just updates in the actions and connections he had with others. I said something about wanting to be told beforehand or being asked. The night I told him this he flirted with someone without telling me beforehand. He said he just *assumed* I knew he was going to do it. I told him I made my boundaries clear. He said it was an accident but I dont know if that's true still.
This wasn't the only thing. The main reason is because he was hanging out with them alot more than me (they were long distance), laughed more, and had fun with eachother more. I told him I noticed this and wanted to work on it with him. He denied it but admitted I was right years later. The main main reason is when I asked him how he felt about her and if he would be partners with her if she lived close. He was annoyed by the "hypothetical" question and refused to answer it. I felt that this was a red flag - communication and honesty is key. He ended up saying he would and all of these things told me he viewed our relationship differently than I did.
I want to be real. I want to be authentic and have myself and others do what makes them happy. I want to be healthy. Since we didn't view our relationship the same, the outside reality had to reflect that. I didn't feel comfortable labeling our relationship as something it wasn't. He really didn't like that and took it as rejection. We were both heartbroken.
I had to take my wedding ring off. It was the hardest thing I had to do at the point. It felt like I was being torn apart; that I was tearing myself away from me.
During our time together, he had made little changes here and there but not really where it counted. He was stubborn and just wasn't changing.
The second time I broke up with him he accused me of gaslighting him. He had been emotionally abusive (I assume without realizing it) to me for so long. I had been patient and tried to be composed for so long. At this moment I lost my temper.
I kept screaming "leave me alone!" I told him that he was gaslighting *me* and that every time our memories didn't align it just happened to conveniently be in favor of him. I couldn't take it anymore and told him it was over. He convinced me to do relationship counseling with him. We did and it worked well. Until it didn't.
He told me that he didn't care if people flirted with me, didn't want to be jealous, and wanted me to feel good about myself. He then casually revealed to me that him and his friends flirt with eachother. This was the reason I first broke up with him. He crossed my boundary again. We debated as to what "friend flirting" was and if it was flirting or just compliments. I'm sure that you can see through context clues that it was just flirting. He told me that he'd stop doing it.
The End of Our Relationship
I discovered that he had been sexting and had a romantic long distance relationship with someone when I saw the messages between them on his computer (I wasn't snooping like I had in the past. He told me to turn his computer off if he fell asleep and left it on. The messages were open underneath his game.) He had this relationship with them for 2 months. Before that, he flirted/sexted with someone else that I saw. He told me that him & the person he had a relationship with also had phone sex once. After he told me he'd stop "friend flirting" he continued to. He had been cheating on me for at least a year. That was just what I knew.
He told me it was just because he was insecure and liked the attention and validation. He didn't really love the person he had a relationship with. He just liked the feeling of someone saying "I love you" and someone saying it back to him. That it wasn't because he didn't love me or that the relationship was boring or anything like that. I don't entirely believe him - I think there's more to it.
He said that he'd do anything to stay in a relationship with me. If this were true why didn't he just not cheat? Why did this change just because I caught him? He told me he'd be honest with me from then on. Of course, he wasn't. Instead, he lied about little things he didn't even have to.
I lost romantic attraction to him at one point. Being cheated on and disrespected in this way was a turn off. But I'd always love him and in some kind of romantic sense as well.
We still expressed our love for eachother through words and action 5 months after the breakup. Some time after that, he withdrew and spent more time on his computer. I knew what he was doing this time. It was like he was cheating again but I was just aware. He didn't tell me what was going on unlike the updates I gave him. He went on a date that he tried lying about but that I knew of. I tried to kill myself.
He ended up in a relationship with this person. I felt that it was just a rebound but I wasn't sure. When I accidentally saw them together in person, I knew it was true and that the vibes were his partner was just the second version of the partner he had when he first met me.
He seemed like a different person (new energy from sharing it with someone else and due to our recent experiences) and I didn't recognize him. We were supposed to say goodbye and hug on move out day. He lied to me even on that day and I changed my mind about it. Why would I want to do such a thing thing with someone who wasn't even there?
Even through being homeless, being abused by my parents, being mostly alienated from my peers, experiencing the difficulties of being trans, etc. this was still the worst experience I've been through.
He hit triggers of mine in extreme ways. It was worse than agony. Suicide came to mind but I realized it wouldn't change what happened. My suicide attempt was due to me not being able to handle my overwhelming emotions. It wouldn't change that he and our relationship was fictional. That he didn't really love me - only valued me for the stability, comfort, and familarity.
I didn't know up from down. I didn't know what was real and not. This affected my whole life - not just my perception of him and our relationship. I felt empty; like a blackhole. Nothing mattered. Nothing existed. If I thought I could trust him when I couldn't trust anyone else and he ended up doing something only my worst enemy would do then I couldn't trust anyone. Noone was innocent and deserved to be treated as such.
He started being even more emotionally abusive. After he felt guilty, he started blameshifting and looking for ways I could've cheated. Ways I treated him poorly. He told me that I didn't like talking about stuff that I did, just stuff that he did.
But I knew the timing of bringing these things up wasn't appropriate. That I wasn't anywhere near moving past this and healing. That the energy with which he talked about these things didn't feel right and like he wanted to make them right.
He was trying to escape what he did and the feelings that came with it. He was looking for someone else to focus his anger and pain on. Even when I already had more than enough on my plate, he managed to make it worse.
He ended up having me questioning if I was a narcissist like he accused me of and had convinced his friends that I was. He caused the first flashback I had and I haven't had another one since. (It's been over almost 2 years since this happened). He yelled and yelled and wouldn't allow me to escape from it.
The Aftermath
When I was crossfaded and after I asked him to block me so I couldn't unblock him, I emailed him that I loved him and hoped he was doing well. After I sent this, I was listening to My Curse - Killswitch Engage and I sensed the line "Will you wait for me?" was from his spirit.
Not long after this, I looked at his response that said I needed to not talk to him forever and that he'd get a restraining order if I did. This was devastating. But I still knew that line was referring to this message. There was a part of him that didn't really mean it. As hurt as I was and as much as my ego believed he truly didn't care about me and that's why it was easy for him to move on.
Some time after this, I received the strongest download/insight I've had. I knew the Universe was speaking to me and letting me know something. Reminding me. What happened was supposed to. This is the moment he changes and we have a happy and healthy relationship together. He needed to lose me and be without me to finally learn.
I don't remember if this was during that exact moment but I've also realized that it wasn't out of similarity that we triggered eachother. It was that the Universe and consequently ourselves knew what our triggers were and knew to bring them out so we could work through them. It was less exact "mirroring" and more just bringing out our traumas.
My experience with mirroring isn't always "we both like the color blue" or whatever. We are both the universe reflected back to us in the closest most intimate and affected way. We push eachother to grow the most. We are the most important aspects of each other's existence. We are eachothers universe. We are the exact outside to our individuals inside.
One of the reasons I know he's my twin flame is because he affected me so much. He reduced me to my atoms and basic concepts of life so I could find who I really am and rebuild myself better. He did this through negative action, state of being, and emotion. But negativity isn't "bad". Everything is "good" in that it's all meant to happen for the sake of unconditional love, experience, learning, and growing. This is the fabric of the Universe.
To allow existence is to unconditionally love. The Universe does this with everything. That's what makes it unconditional. He loved me so much he allowed me to view him as bad. He allowed me to experience bad emotions, thoughts, beliefs, etc. Consequently, he actually allowed me to heal and grow. To experience more health and happiness. To experience more truth.
As agonizing as it was and as profoundly painful as it still is, it's something I'm very grateful for. This is beyond human ooey-gooey love. This whole experience with my twin flame is the most meaningful and has made up my very existence.
I've received other signs and insights that he's my twin and that we're supposed to be together. One of the most undeniable ones was when I felt him masturbate thinking about me. I felt the bodily sensations. I felt my stomach tighten, things build, and got goosebumps when he orgasmed.
I felt his spirits reaction when I wrote to him. I still feel his energy and emotions towards me. They're more positive lately. Tarot is pretty unmistakable. The messages and imagery are consistent. They speak of my insights. I'll see people that look like eachothers twin.
There was a card that particularly resonates with me - its from the Starseed Oracle deck and is called The Messenger. It speaks of balancing the masculine and feminine within so that others do the same. The image is of a person holding out their hands - both of them holding an orb of bright light. Their head also has a bright light. This is how I feel ourselves to be - 2 sides of one person. 2 parts of one person. 2 body parts used by one body used to bring peace to themselves and the world.
I've been taking ketamine infusions for my mental health. Ketamine is a psychedelic. During some of these treatments, the Universe told me that we're literally twin flames - the concept that people talk about. That this being "unexpected" and a "plot twist" is a part of the experience.
It wasn't necessarily unexpected because I had believed he was my twin during our relationship but I wasn't sure because ya know, gaslighting. So I just settled it as not worrying about the label and knowing what I knew about it.
I spoke to his higher self and I asked if I should message him due to tarot readings saying I should. He gave the go-ahead but wasn't too enthusiastic. I came down to earth as a stream of blue butterflies. This was another reminder that I'm a messenger of hope.
I believe his higher self wasn't too enthusiastic because he didn't end up responding to me. He may have blocked my email or is just not ready.
I keep being reminded of faith, trust, and patience. My intuition and tarot reading skills have been significantly more skillfull and detailed. I'm more easily able to access my discernment and messages from the universe. This is part of the effect of our time together.
I know he thinks about me more than I thought. I'm trusting my inner knowing of that. I know what we had was real. I know some of the things experienced were just his ego and was designed by our soul plan. I know we'll reunite soon.
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hawkepockets · 1 year
Can we hear about prem and Rama or is that still being developed 👉👈😶 prem has a personality that makes him so funny in romance with people like Rama or canach it's entertaining to read
ok sorrysorrysorry i have been sitting on this ask. i have so much to say about these two but didn’t wanna drop it as an unbroken word wall without any new doodle comics … PRAMA NATION LETS GO !!
prama nation lets pause to note prem & canach have been broken up since mid icebrood saga. F. but prama nation, thats another story. LETS GO !!!!!!!!!!
prem met rama in seitung while the commander was still unconscious in jail. since he’s visibly canthan & zephyrite, prem could walk freely around the province, getting the lay of the land and passing as more or less local. obviously people knew he wasn’t from seitung, but they figured he was from some close-ish island. the mystery of who he was, how he’d been scarred, whether more zephyrites would be coming soon with goods to trade, was local gossip but not something that tripped any minsec alarms. lacking gold, provisions, and information, prem spent a week or so sweet-talking local merchants and fishermen into telling him about the area and giving him free food.
he also batted his eyes at rama, bc a cop is a juicy source of intel, and bc rama’s handsome! their conversation turned into a really long, really nice skiff riding date, rama bought prem crab rangoons, ran his mouth a little more than he should’ve about working for minsec, and went back to his office blushing to the ears like
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but of course prem wasn’t from a close-ish island. he was an outlander who’d been here under minsec’s nose. he’d let rama think he was canthan-born and only casually interested in minsec, lying big time by omission, and he’d used rama to find out where they were keeping gorrik and the comm. all of this was a sucker punch to rama when he found out, and he naturally assumed prem had faked his interest in rama and the whole date was a trick.
he was hurt, pissed off, betrayed, humiliated… but didn’t want any of that to come across, so settled on acting just kind of disgruntled and sticklery about government rules.
(the whole date wasn’t a trick. prem honestly liked him.)
when rama warned dragon’s watch that their unsecured comm channel was basically a public radio show, prem took it as encouragement instead of the “shut the hell up” rama intended. like what better way to win over ordinary canthans while kas handled the imperial court !
he started actually treating it like a podcast, taking canthan commoners’ questions live, talking about the guild’s exploits, and airing extended jokes and bits with his friends, and he’s funny, he’s fun to listen to, so every time he tuned in on his radio, rama would be taking torment damage trying to decide whether or not he likes prem despite it all, like
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and the more prem talked on the comm about things he’d done like wrestling a mordrem axemaster in the shell of a wrecked pact airship, following a dead dragon’s memories to find the lost city of kesho, seducing a mummy on istan to break out of a mordant crescent prison, using glamours to infiltrate the moon palace of gandara, out-talking jormag… the smaller rama felt by comparison to prem’s stories, and the smaller prem’s betrayal of him seemed, and his temper cooled but it also sort of felt like shit.
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in person, though, it’s different. when they’re out on the skiff in new kaineng’s canals, prem is interested in everything rama says, leaning forward, eyes meeting his squarely, laughing at his jokes, asking about how he ended up at minsec, making him feel large and deep and attractive again, like he’s one of the most important people prem’s met in all that traveling.
in person prem also feels so much less daunting. kinda washed up. rama hasn’t seen him fight, since the monastery is dedicated to dwayna and prem swore he’d never enter one of her places of worship again, so he wasn't at training. looking at him out of combat it’s easy to believe he exaggerated his past adventures, or at least that his grace has faded now.
so rama opens up about being kurzick, his childhood in the slums that drove him to become a cop. and prem surprises him again by really getting it! because he grew up zephyrite in kryta, he joined the shining blade in part to bring gold and honor to his mothers in the soon-to-collapse canthan district, he bought into the copaganda too ! and as they’re passing the grub lanes prem’s looking at the reflection of the buildings in the water, saying how much rama’s neighborhood looks like where prem grew up, and rama stops short and asks if he wants to get out of the boat and explore the place, but prem says no. he’d rather just look at the reflection. because the canthan district is gone forever and he doesn’t want his memory of it to get confused with new, similar streets.
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and rama is possessed to tell him about the love tunnel.
when things get real, though, is after minister li comes out as a purist and gets his ass kicked. prem & rama see each other in action for the first time, and the only surprise that could follow up rama activating his gunsword is prem becoming a dash of colorful light as he uses zephyrite aspect crystals to navigate the rooftop battlefield and take apart li’s task force armed only with his hands, feet, and a single war fan. there’s no longer any doubt in rama’s mind that this dude is still one of tyria’s best martial artists, but whether or not prem’s out of his league is not really a concern as he reckons with finding out his mentor/second father figure is a career racist who always held rama’s background against him, and that the ministry he’s been working himself to death for at the cost of every other relationship is corrupted to the top. of course gorrik and the comm feel bad, but they’re too focused on ankka and soo-won to slow down and take care of him.
so prem does that, staying behind on the rooftop after min takes li away, to offer rama a distraction.
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he catches a crab and makes it into a (small, and honestly just mid) dinner for the two of them at rama’s apartment. then they break into the soju. a tipsy prem lets a progressively drunker rama talk about li and pretends not to notice as he cries it out. and then,
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prem finally talks about why he left the shining blade—the corruption, the bad orders, the impossible expectations, finding out anise was messing with his memories—and about dueling his own mentor for his freedom. he doesn’t like talking about it, but he wants rama to feel less alone. at this point rama hypothesizes—not correctly, but close enough—that anise gave prem his scars as punishment. out of it and overwhelmed, rama starts making out with him…
aaand cuts it short in a second as he’s SEIZED by paranoia that purists will find his apartment and kill him for what he knows about li and they shouldn’t have been drinking bc at any fucking minute the assassins could break in !!
prem reminds him that the fight happened on public rooftops, and there’s nothing rama knows about li that min, minsec, the pact commander, and half of new kaineng don't also know already. rama feels foolish, and freshly devastated bc he thought he did know li better than anyone else in cantha, and that’s been taken away from him and the memory ruined. he calls himself stupid. prem says he's not. rama says fine, he's confused, and he's calling it a night. he asks if prem needs money for a raptor cab. prem declines, and rama crashes into bed. dead asleep before prem can stand to go.
at 4 am rama wakes up needing to take a leak, and when he opens his bedroom door prem is asleep on the floor right outside it, stretched out across the doorway like a guard dog, hand loosely over his war fan. just in case.
rama doesn't forget that casual act of devotion, or how nice the kiss was before he freaked himself out, and after soo-won's death, min's promotion to security minister, and prem's decision to stay in cantha with the "friends' detective agency" until rama's ready to travel, there's a growing feeling between them of like, "you're half stuck on canach. i'm half waiting for min. in the meantime can't a couple of messed-up ex-cops enjoy each other's company?" they start flirting and sizing each other up and testing out how much they can joke about a relationship before it becomes real.
this is long enough so i'll leave off there at the end of core EoD, with the final thought that i think prem works with serious characters romantically because he doesn't always take them seriously, he thinks a straight face is funny and a sharp tongue is cute, and having their stoicism laughed at and their moments of silliness and vulnerability rewarded gives them a chance to act more rounded. the same way his insistence on treating people like braham very seriously when everyone else is laughing off their expertise as a joke lets them feel more whole.
and who's not into that?
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trueoathbreaker · 9 months
Im watching a video on mmos and i wanted to talk about my experiences with the genre for the past like 2 decades
I first got into mmos with toontown back when it was all over tv
My parents paid for an account for me and my sibling to share and my dad had his own account
I played a whole bunch of toontown but i avoided a lot of things....i was barely in double digits....stuff like cog buildings and the factory (back when there was like...1) scared me...heck i still tend to avoid them when i go back to ttr (and bc i have zero social skills so i suffer in solo)
My first TRUE mmo was maplestory....i never got far tho i leveled up a few times and got to like the elf area and had someone try to trade me but again i was just a confused 11 year old at the time....idk how mmos work! I still played them!
Theres a bunch of mmos id get into during middle school and into hs but never for too long....i was like a grandma with a cell phone....idk what im doing im just hitting things and running around the first area
I have a friend who id play some of these with back then but even then i didnt know what i was doing
At this point in my life and its only been 28 years of being alive....most of these memories are fuzzy...
I remember always being magic classes until i got one with a gunner...i thought wow thats cool!
My friend always did way more in these games than i did....
And then there was one particular mmo....i had gotten into with a different friend in hs....
Now my first jump into tera was short lived (in 2013) bc i had a laptop not made to play such a demanding game and i barely saw past lumbertown for years. I shelved tera and had a small burst of playing mmos during this time from new to old
For....whatever reason i dont remember
My previous friend got me to hop back into tera in 2015
And that
Was the start of my true mmo years
Every other mmo i clueless played barely getting anywhere for a few months to playing talesrunner a few times to whatever mmo i wanted to try that gave me a virus once and i very shakily saved my computer from it (probably)
Didnt matter
Here we are back in tera 2 years later and its all different and would only get more different the more i played....i deleted the like 3 characters i had barely used bc their names were trash and i made a new archer named deed
And we had a blast (and i had a third friend join us for some time but we dont talk about him anymore ok ok)
I dont remember how or when
But i had found an mmo coming soon with a closed beta upcoming
Blade and soul
My first time playing blade and soul.....was awful
I was on yet another laptop that could not handle the game....i gave up at the first world boss area bc i had worn the pvp outfit not knowing it was a pvp outfit (whoops) and was basically stun locked into death by strangers bc my poor computer was too slow to handle it
Despite that i bought the founders pack and walked back into the earthern realm with my blade dancer magmia
Who i promptly disgarded to play with my friend on iksnanun
And seeliewood was born
And the rest they say
Is mostly recorded on this blog for your viewing pleasure
Blade and soul to this day is still one of the best experiences ive had in an mmo despite it all despite the games jank despite it taking me months to actually DO non story content bc i had new friends who dragged me with them besides doing the first two dungeons over ans over bc i was a scared baby of 20something despite the absolutely wild people ive met and friendships lost and stupid things ive said and done and times i got my butt kicked by mushin
Its about my friends still letting me try the scary raid with them after i have an embarrassing meltdown down in front of them and a bunch of strangers
Its sitting down for hours in a dungeon just to talk bc no one is gonna yell at us to get out
Its watching a whole raid stop and watch a rare item vanish bc one of u thinks its the ugliest outfit in the world and she paid us to throw it out
Its roping people in to farm pirate princess or black ice for months until they finally drop
Its not about reaching the best gear to do the newest raid that kills you for looking at it funny
Its about a game that introduced me to my gf @shironuri
And while i have had a lot of other mmos following some lasting longer than others including a third return to tera
Most are short lived
I don't stay as hooked on some mmos or i fall back into my rapid pick up and put down way of playing games in general
Many mmos are shutting down or mobile only or have specs past my nearly 10 year old pc that i do not have the money to replace
I'm back to staying away from socializing and many of my friends have moved on or have no time for these games anymore (or they're all in ff14 which i technically own but.... you know)
So many mmos i played only a few years ago are just gone or out of my computers power to play (id love to try and get pso2 to work again but i only played on jp and that takes a HUGE amount of time to set back up)
On that note i realize there's a lot of games i play that should go on this blog but i just haven't
Like other social sims
Yall want my vrchat screens??? Eh probably not theres like 2 active followers yall probably see this on my main enough
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starkcanvas · 2 years
Ok some more Ghost Sunny stuff because I'm on a roll!
Because Mari never got her knee injury, she still plays Softball and Aubrey likes to play it with her too.
Whenever the gang has some sort of event everyone tries to be there, but Sunny always shows up, he's reliable like that.
Mari is still a bit of a perfectionist, but not to the same degree in Canon or your AU's due to her parents not putting all that pressure on her.
The reason she got into Piano in this AU is because when Sunny was alive, any sort of piano music would always calm him down. It still does, but it was one of the few things that would actually work back then.
Sunny technically can swim, he doesn't do it normally for obvious reasons, but he does sort of float half way in water.
Mari and their parents know Sunny is very ticklish, but Basil found out accidentally and ended up being more embarrassed than sunny.
Sunny is able to interact with the world around himself normally but he has to actively think about floating or going through walls to do it. This does lead to some confusion when people see Kel throwing a ball and it floating before being tossed back but people really don't care enough to mention it.
When the Gang met Aubrey it was actually Mewo who found her shoe. She did get lots of cuddles because she's a good kitty.
When Basil was introduced to the group Sunny's Mom was baking bagels, this is a coincidence I swear.
Hero got his nickname because his Mom bought a bunch of hero sandwiches when he was younger and it was the only thing he'd eat all week.
Whenever they have sleepovers Sunny always wakes up with someone cuddling him. even when he's not even near them when he falls asleep.
Because of his size, everyone can pick him up
While he doesn't have a favourite food this time around he loves apple juice and it's the easiest way to bribe him.
Every april fools the gang has a big prank off and Sunny + his parents act as the judges.
Despite being incorporeal Sunny and his clothes still get dirty, no-one knows how exactly this happens, but it does mean he doesn't lose out on the joys of a bubble bath.
Mr Plantegg was originally Sunny's, but he gave it to Aubrey after they met because she mentioned that her parents don't get her stuff like that.
When she turns 13, her dad leaves, and when she's 14 the Suzuki's finalise their adoption of Aubrey.
While they don't adopt Basil, they do become good friends with both his grandma and Polly, who does adopt him after his grandma's death.
Despite being a ghost, Sunny can't see other ghosts. I guess he's a special type of ghost~.
He also has a lower 'body' temperature due to being dead, but he is still warm. His family uses this as an excuse to rug him up in warm clothes constantly, it's just a coincidence that the outfits are absolutely adorable.
Sunny found out Mari and Hero had a crush on each other because Mari said she thinks hero was pretty cool during a family dinner in a dreamy voice before turning beet red.
He also later found out heroes side of it because he asked him one day what kind of flowers and chocolates Mari likes.
Can't think of any more because I'm hungry, but I can totally send you more cute stuff when I get up tomorrow!
Wholesome babies ;-; all of them
Although I think I wanna take a break from reading long paragraphs for a bit… Wi-Fi’s being stupid with my phone so I couldn’t listen to music while I slept so I only ended up getting like, 2 hours of sleep and because I was left alone with my negative thoughts all night long, my anxiety kept me up for the rest of the night so… sorry if I don’t seem to be in a good mood today…
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rambling, random, ship
I have no idea why i am talking about this but had random impulse to say anything. I don’t think what i’ll be saying is actually what I believe in, maybe it’s a random thing, my mind is always wandering. Maybe some people will judge me but i no longer care tbh.
Reasons why I ship Ludoffee:
- Nostalgia. Perhaps my longing for old days and that ships takes me closer to those days that felt better back then. Pretty much personal selfish thing. It’s like keeping an old stuffed animal from childhood , to give the analogy.
- Both are villains whose stories were not fullly realized in canon.
- A cool composed and self-restrained man in a suit likes a short and emotional awkward guy - it’s kind of cute. (ok not “kind of”.. deep down I like this dynamic because that difference is kind of wholesome)
- Many ways to explore the dynamic in unusual ways (aka the “stereotyped as incompetent” guy turns out to be more emotionally mature in ways the cool guy isnt and can do great things which impresses the “cool” guy)
- Its pretty much Venomous and Boxman but as monsters.. (if they were not the way they were in canon)
- There was a lot of canon detail in season 1 (confirmed liking from Ludo toward Toffee. But uh, it wasn’t actually great tbh (including Ludo’s attitude; if Toffee were not manipulative and geniunely worked for him Ludo would be the problematic one I feel))
I kinda ship Eclipsafee, but the reason I do is probably because I thought that Eclipsa would date him and her personality would go in interesting ways with his. It’s also kind of a “sweet x goth” dynamic which is like a blueprint for a cool ship (”is toffee the goth and Eclipsa is sweet or Eclipsa is sweet and Toffee is goth?” - yes) .
- They Both give off a vibe “cool uncle or aunt”. Both are grown adults who seem mature (but aren’t)
- Making up their banter and dialogue would be fun (one is gloomy and other is sassy)
- A “used to know each other in teens years and met again years later and found out how much they changed” dynamic is cool. + Potential for writing: changes caused them to develop new perspectives on one another.
- Dark purple + dark purple
- Eclipsa could bond with Toffee because she was seen as monster too
- A dynamic where they don’t end up together because Eclipsa has her true love Globgor sounds interesting as well. All hail lone Toffee (a cool mysterious man in a suit who is not married and is single and likes it that way but sometimes stares at a lady he used to love and her husband being happy.). Also it’d be bittersweet to headcanon (in an au, Not canon) that Eclipsa does have some feelings for Toffee despite her living her new life fully.
__ Moontoffee
I used to avoid it at all costs for reasons i have already said in past. Mainly bc of second had embarrassment and fear that it will sink. But after everything ended I felt more free in trying to look at it.
- I wouldnt ship them as a royal Butterfly family but I would ship them as rivals from different peoples who stayed that way but somehow changed their views on one another.
- I would rather ship them in an au where Toffee didn’t kill Moon’s mother. But still.. I may be hated for this but I’ve seen dynamics where one character killed other’s parent and still at the end they made amends and worked out as a team. So I don’t know. I understand that in Moon’s case her mother’s death greatly affected her and I have hard time seeing her ever forgiving that so its better to make an au where Toffee had nothing to do with it.
- The fact that Toffee can be drawn in Moon’s color palette is kind of sus.. Their palettes are almost the same..
- I always liked to associate Toffee with the moon (not Moon Butterfly but.. moon, the moon) and water. And knowing that water is associated with the moon, it feels almost symbolic in my imagination that he would look interesting with Moon (even as a platonic duo)
- They are.. pretty similar (both are leaders who are ready to become the devil for their own people and who want to keep their status at all costs). Also in canon they turned into less likable characters at the end.
- Funny headcanon of mine: Many monsters liked to call Toffee “Moony” and that caused a lot of confusion and some monsters ( and Toffee  as well ) thought they mockingly called him after Moon Butterfly - a princess they all hated. But in reality “Moony” among monsters means “Lunatic who is dependant on the moon”, so they mockingly called him a lunatic who is obsessed with Moon (by obsession I mean that Toffee couldnt let go of resentment and remembered what Moon did to him)
“Oh hello general Moony”
“It’s Toffee. I am Not like that mewman princess”
“No, I dont mean Moon. I mean Moony.”
- In all honesty I dont want to ship them in canon universe. I’d ship them if they were not as violent to one another and had to unite against greater threat. (i.e. they both disagreed with their bosses and superiors and bonded over that. Also a nice potential for them changing their views on each others’ kind and learning that the other is not evil)
- I think I would ship them platonically, as friends. Enemies to friends. It’s kind of hard for me to imagine them as a romantic pair who’d caress another’s cheek.
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eurofox · 2 years
Project zero/Fatal frame 5: Maiden of Blackwater thoughts
Finally got round to this one and it really wasn’t as bad as some people were saying. Weaker than the rest of the series but it was still good. I had it on PS4 instead of the WiiU so maybe that helps.
It looks good for the most part, except for the hair effects, which is kind of a bollocks when creepy hair floating in the water is part of the scares. The lack of facial expressions were odd though, like they’ve never been the most expressive in this series but here they barely react to ANYTHING. You could put that down to everyone being jaded with their trauma but it came across as lazy. There is obvious fanservice here and it was off-putting. like at one point a girl was just standing their talking and her tits were jiggling. Despite running about in the pissing rain at night and wading through flooded caverns the girls are wearing see through shirts, tiny skirts and heels. It’s so dumb. And even some of the enemies have been affected, it’s hard to be scared when an enemies' big bouncy ghost tatties are in the middle of your viewfinder. They wore skirts in other games but here it’s just silly.  The enemies were ok, but a lot where just ghostly people, only a few were really creepy looking and there isn’t a huge amount of variety. The first game still has the best ghouls for me. Environments are nice, more outdoors space this time round. 
The camera in this game worked really well, I had a lot of fun with it. I picked it up faster this time round and was pretty soon getting A/S ranks for every level. I think it’s probably my favourite battle style so far, with the weak point strategy added. Movement is a bit stiff, like your character feels SO heavy, and a bit unwieldy moving around when not using the camera. They can run a lot faster this time  so that’s nice.   They’ve added a mechanic here were you are more vulnerable the more damp you are and while I get the idea (the whole tainted water thing is a big deal here) it’s implemented terribly. If it’s raining you can’t avoid it, and the game is far more linear this time around so if you don’t have much of a choice when it comes to wading through water. They also left in that stupid grabby ghost hand gimmick and that got annoying as fuck, it’s only scary once and then it’s just a waste of time. One gimmick that works though is the new fatal glance ability, where you get treated to a cutscene showing how each  ghost met their end. Some are sad, other’s surprisingly gruesome and one is just funny. I hope they keep that for the future, it was so cool. Learning about the different ghosts is one of my favourite things about this series and it’s done so well here. Only 2 of the ghosts really got on my nerves this time round as well.
One thing that pissed me off is the excuse used to keep going back to the scary haunted mountain to repeatedly look for people, often a person you literally just found. I get it, they're ‘possessed’, but it’s still annoying doing it over and over and over again. Like I just saved their stupid ass only for them to say they’re going right back? Get tae fuck. Not only that but you often have to play through the same areas back to back with different characters. And the pacing is bizarre, most chapters can be done in 30 mins or so but one in the middle just kept going, and going. And kept going after the boss with a chase scene. And kept going after that. It brought me through new areas that are never actually used again into the bargain. So much blatant padding
The sound is as good as ever. I had headphones and it’s very creepy.  Especially the unique encounter music for each ghost.
Story is a mixed bag. It feels muddled honestly, like a lot is happening and they couldn’t decide what to focus on. 3 characters makes it even more complicated and there’s 2 subplots that frankly, it could have done without. It was enough to keep me interested, but it unravels painfully slowly and a lot is told through diaries and notes, like the first game. I don’t mind reading lot’s of stuff, but some of it didn’t quite seem to tie back into the current story all that well  And some of it still isn’t clear to me, especially the timeline of events from the actual ritual. Some cutscenes seem to imply something that isn’t ever followed up on or is left obtuse. None of the playable characters are very interesting imo, not helped by their  lack of facial expressions and how bored they seem a lot of the time. The baddie, as usual, is more interesting. But even her motivations this time are a bit weak compared to previous games and i felt the endings didn’t make sense depending on the characters choices. 
I honestly found some of this game scarier than 2, the atmosphere is heavy and there’s no safe place once you head to the mountain, plus no friendly ghosts so the tension is always high. Not many jump scares that I can recall, although one ghost in particular is very un-nerving whenever it appears.
So a lot of fun, creepy enough and aside from one dogshit subplot it’s engaging storywise. Excited to finally get to play 4 next year, I’ve heard mixed opinions on that one as well.
 Spoilers about some of the endings here:      
 Miu is looking for Miku, her mum. Her entire plotline is stupid and gross tbh. It really didn’t need to exist and if you took them both out nothing would change. It just ruins Miku’s character, and Mafuyu’s too. She’s not helpful to the others and isn’t interesting at all. The whole brother and sister ghost marriage wouldn’t even have been that bad if they didn’t have miku get pregnant from it. And what about Kirie? Is she cool with her man and his ghost bigamy? Does spending eternity guarding the mouth of hell count as a relationship? She’s not a woman you want to piss off at any rate. Argh, such a moronic plotline, I just don’t get what the fuck they were thinking with this bullshit. Retcon it as a bad dream or something, it’s that bad.
Also the little girl marriage promise thing with Ren/Aso also felt completely unnecessary. She only appears twice and otherwise has very little to do with anything, I forgot she was actually thing since most of ren’s story focuses on Ose as well. Hell it even seems like EVERYONE forgets about her during the game until the end. She’s looks like a an anime character with her silly design (I think they were going for an albino look but it’s not good). Her whole mystery just felt like more padding. All she does is provide an explanation for ren’s awkwardness with women. Rui also felt unnecessary
I would have enjoyed it more if they made a more focused main story with the Maiden, Yuri and Ren and just left the rest out. They could have done more with the Ose ghost marraige/massacre plot points 
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marshmonaut · 1 year
Grimoire- Chapter One
Wattpad Link:
“DAMMIT! Watch where you’re going, jerk!” I yell angrily as a passing taxi nearly barrels me down in the middle of the crosswalk. After narrowly jumping out of the way, I show the driver one of the best uses for the middle finger that I've learned since coming here. I then resume my slow trudge in the direction of the prison the government likes to refer to as “public high school.” I know it’s a little cliche to describe school as prison but, well, how else do I describe this place? 
Nothing but concrete walls throughout all four towering stories, one for each grade level. The building is so tall and imposing, in fact, that during most of the day it blocks out the sun entirely so it constantly stays dark and cold. Really helps add to the whole “bleak gothic chic” aesthetic they got going on here. The only saving grace is the fact that you can see slivers of the outside world through the thick iron bars they keep on the few windows this place has.
If that wasn’t bad enough, the actual beings that are supposed to bring life to this place seem to suck it out of the very air. The teachers here are some of the most boring, strict, and miserable people I have ever met. And that is saying something, coming from me. What’s even worse is that they make it their life’s mission to make sure all the poor trapped souls they call students feel just as miserable as they do when we’re here. 
On my way through the doors, I am practically tackled by someone and we both topple to the floor in a flurry of limbs, textbooks, and swearing.
“Aw shoot. Um, I'm so sorry. I, uh, I wasn't looking where-”
In the middle of collecting my now bruised and confused carcass off the floor, I look up to see what made whoever it was stop talking so suddenly. Only to find them staring at me with this… stupid blank expression on their face. Despite still being on the floor themselves, I can see that they’re tall and lanky and built kind of like a maypole. No wonder they fell over so easily. I take in their features as they begin to stand up and gather themselves. They have soft golden yellow hair with bangs that brush just above their slightly bushy eyebrows, matching in color. These bushy brows are set evenly on a face that is surprisingly impishly cute with hints of mature features starting to peek through around the cheekbones and jawline. Inset in this face are two startlingly clear blue eyes. It looks like someone had encapsulated the water of the Maldives in this person’s eyes. Which are still wide open and staring directly at me. Kinda creepy, actually.
“Hey, look man, it’s cool. Honest mistake. Just be more careful in the future, ok?” I say as I pick the kid up off the floor. They’re still staring at me while I pick up some of their books and papers. They’re still staring when I hand them back to them. And they’re still not saying anything. Okaaaaaayyyyy then.
“So…I’m just gonna…” I start to trail off and back away towards my homeroom. As I turn around to keep walking, I can still feel that stare boring into the back of my head. There’s something about that kid that makes me feel...I don't know exactly. Warm? Fuzzy? Weird? Yeah. Weird is the word I'm looking for. But not in any particular sort of way or anything. Although, I might have to keep an eye on them. Juuuuuust to be sure they aren't suspicious or anything.
*   *   *
Who are they? I see them around the school all the time-it’s not that big a school after all-and they always strike me as that stereotypical “mysterious lone wolf” type of person. And, ok, so I might have had a BIT of a crush on them since they transferred here a month ago which might be why I see them around all the time, but I've never had the guts to actually try and talk to them. Super wimpy, I know.
Anyway, today is the first time I actually have a face-to-face encounter with them and what do I do? I stutter and mumble like a freaking idiot after bulldozing them in the hallway. Good job, man. Real smooth. I pick up the rest of my books and pencils off the floor and shuffle to my first period homeroom, trying to ignore the snickering and side glances from my peers. I guess I should probably be used to all the pointing and laughing by now, but it always hurts just a little. 
Walking down the hallway a little further, making sure to pay more attention this time, I finally arrive at my first period class. Math. Joy. Glancing at the clock, I see that I have some time before class starts. Maybe I can get a quick power nap in before the boredom starts. After setting all my things in their various appropriate positions on the floor and my desk, I slouch over it and close my eyes. I’m trying to force my mind to shut down so I can get a few blissful seconds of peace before the bell. For some reason, I can’t get that person out of my mind.
I guess I shouldn't really judge them for being all alone. I don't have very many friends either, being the stereotypical “clumsy awkward nerd” kind of guy. Which also explains why I just sat there, staring stupidly at them after we fell over. But I couldn't help it. I had always thought they were pretty from a distance but...they are absolutely breathtaking up close. 
Their bright fiery red hair fell so gracefully around their delicate face. The faint splash of freckles across the bridge of their nose playing a nice compliment to the flustered blush in their cheeks. And their eyes, a piercing jade green. They were almost like headlights inset with freshly polished emeralds. There was such an intense coldness and determination in them though, like I've never seen before. But the thing that stuck out to me the most about them, was the way they looked at me, almost like...they were looking at my soul. Like…like they were actually seeing me. Ugh. Who am I kidding with all that sappy bull? Keeping my eyes closed, I shake my head to try and clear the thought of them out. They’ll never look at, much less talk to, me again. Why would they? So, why bother? But...there’s something about them that makes me feel...I don't know. Drawn to them, somehow. I have to know more about them. The being with fire for hair. And ice in their eyes. And I actually might have an idea of who to ask, too.
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elavita · 2 years
11/22/2022 - Food
TW - (eating disorder, self-harm)
Today was a better day. I think...
I wasn't able to eat my breakfast. I may have had 5 spoonfulls of cereal, and I had not even two of Greek yogurt. I had a banana for lunch, and half of a bun and roast beef for dinner. I could barely get down my pre-workout
And I am still not hungry.
I just have no appetite.
I am still depressed as shit, maybe this could be the reason for it. I just stare at the food, and it is almost like a switch goes up and my stomach tells my brain, "I'm full now". It's actually rather frustrating for me, as going to the gym requires me to have a high caloric intake. I should be eating about 3200 calories a day with how I exercise. I bet you today I barely hit 1000. I just don't understand what is wrong with me.
I think I caught some people looking at the welts on my wrist. They are healing, but they are in that itching phase when they become scabbed over. They are still noticeable however, and my gym friend Beth came up and looked as though she was going to say something to me about it. I hadn't thought she noticed the other day, but she must have, because a lot like my other two friends, she was glancing repetitively at my wrist. It honestly, doesn't make me mad, unless I don't know you. I know my friends wouldn't judge me, but I feel like the old creepy white guys at the gym would. Infact, one made eye contact with me today, and I could also tell that he looked quite bashfully in the direction of my hand. They must think I am some kind of psycho, that I belong in a mental ward and Ratched would be my nurse.
I think one of my tinder matches likes me a lot, and it is kind of annoying. He pesters me every five seconds on snapchat, and I regret giving it to him. I thought he was honestly closer and better looking than the snaps he sent me. It's quite frustrating, as I have swiped left on nearly every guy in this half of the state. I feel like I can't just find the one and I am stuck on Jacob. I really like him, but I don't have the guts to tell him how I really feel about him. Plus, I don't even know if he is gay, and I really like having him as a friend at least.
I have only been on two other dates with guys from tinder, both were very cute. One was a frat boy who was on the rather short side, which I didn't mind. We shall call him Chris. Chris had a typical white boy haircut. He had blond hair and blue eyes, and a decent smile. He really didn't have a personality outside of being a frat boy. He stood me up when we were supposed to meet first, and then after we met for real, he said that I looked nothing like my pictures in tinder. Now you may say I am a hypocrite, but I had sent him pictures over snap where he called me cute. Then he recanted his previous statement and said we didn't vibe. He also said he wasn't out really. This was frustrating as I thought he was cute, however there wasn't much of anything happening between the ears, so I guess this was ok.
The second guy, call him Drake, I met off of tinder lived an hour and a half from me. He was super tall, 6'5, brown hair, curly in the front, and blue eyes, and beautiful smile. He had a darker white complexion, which made him look like a bronze statue in the sunlight. He was very muscular. Did I mention that he was unbelievably attractive and out of my league yet? Anyways, we met for the first time, and before he left, we made out in my car. That was one of the best experiences I had ever had in my life. This caused me to be a little clingy, and I probably annoyed him. Despite this, I really tried to play it cool, and I told him that I would love to see him again. I have just never really dated before, and I told him that. I really wasn't sure how to act around a boy I like. We ended up going out a second time, but he wouldn't let me kiss him after the date had ended. I figured he wasn't into me after that. The next day he said he 'wasn't feeling a vibe'. This broke my heart, as I was absolutely head over heels for this man. I feel stupid for letting my emotions get to me, but he really made it seem like he was looking for someone.
Now I am also talking to someone off of tinder, but they aren't as annoying as the other guy. He is quite nice; I will call him Will. Will is a super friendly guy, but I think he wants something more. I warned him about my litany of mental anguishes; despite this we are possibly meeting up tomorrow. Will though, really isn't my type and I only swiped right because I recognized him as the cousin of one of my friends from high school. We got to talking, but I didn't want to disappoint him, and added him on snapchat. He is really nice, and to be honest, I view him more as a friend instead of as a potential partner. I am really looking for my future husband here, and not just some casual hookups. I just find that to be few and far between.
I really like talking to guys from overseas too on tinder. They are usually super-duper hot. It is actually hilarious, because it must be the lack of fluoride over in Europe to make them more attractive. I would love to date a guy with an accent. My ranking of European/European decent guys is as follows:
Dutch guys - not only they super tall, but they have a beautiful accent, and know how to treat a guy
Swedish (also Norwegian and Finnish) guys - need I say more? Almost as tall as Dutch guys, but they all tend to be a little pastier. But they have beautiful blond locks.
French guys - obviously the language is super hot. And a lot of them have cute names.
Irish guys - Probably the best accent on the list, but relatively short. I have a thing for ginger guys.
English/Australian/New Zealanders/Canadians - Probably some of the cutest accents, especially if you get one talking in RP, ugh the best. But they can be a mixed bag looks wise.
Italians/Portuguese/Spanish guys - beautiful skin tone, sexy accents, but fail to find an attractive one on tinder as to date.
Slavic guys - best language to swear in, but I haven't found one yet that is conventionally attractive to me.
German guys - they are basically Dutch guys without the frills, kind of lack luster in terms of looks.
Baltic guys - they are kind of a mix of the Slavic and German guy archetype to me.
Greek guys - not very friendly interactions with many Greek guys.
Turkish guys - same as for the greeks, but even less nice.
Now this is all a generalization based on my interactions, so don't get your panties in a bunch. Obviously, there are outliers in each case. I have run in to Dutch boys that were not Hitler's wet dream, and I have run in to Turkish guys who are super nice too!
I digress.
For the rest of the night, I may draw a little more. I may use Alice Oseman's sketches as a template to get a little better at her style. I really like her style, and I want to be able to draw the characters from heartstopper liker her. I really hope her mental health improves. We all love the comics and want her to be in a good place before she writes them. I am really excited to see where Charlie and Nick's relationship goes. As someone who has body issues, and especially when it comes to sex, it is very relatable. I really wish I had seen these comics when I was in high school. I feel like I would have been in a different place now.
Signing off
~ Finn
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hermitcrabrave · 3 years
What your favourite hermit says about you
except i didn't do all of them bc this was a low-effort idea and i am simply one person lol GeminiTay- you're really chill but have a knack for messing with people lightheartedly. you like the colour green to an unhealthy extent. but only natural greens. You're really into aesthetics and '-core's, and probably have an aesthetic wallpaper. If you've been watching hermitcraft since before season 8, Scar was probably your favourite.
PearlescentMoon- you've probably been watching Pearl for a really long time already, and are happy to see her get to collab with so many of the hermits. You're considered the 'responsible one' of your friend group but i would not trust you with a lighter or spray paint. If you're a 3rd Life fan as well, a third of your time is spent thinking about what Could have been if Pearl had been on the server...
GoodTimesWithScar- You have good taste in fanfiction. This has nothing to do with Scar, but every Scar fan i've met is like this. You understand how chaotic Scar can be, and you love it. you firmly hold the stance that Scar in 3rd Life did Nothing wrong, and you would be correct :) You seem like a person who would have a stance against cursing, so it absolutely floors me when i hear you casually say 'fuck'. Also, your day instantly gets better when Scar posts Jellie content on twitter, and that is very understandable <3
BdoubleO- you have adhd. but that's fine, because bdubs' energy keeps you entertained, and his voice seems to strike a chord in your brain that just makes you happy. Your favourite story arc is probably the nHo jungle one, and you really like his new moss skin. You make fun of him for being short, but you're probably 5'3 yourself. Despite what most believe, you don't have anger issues, but you find loud humor kinda funny sometimes.
Mumbo Jumbo- You most likely have no idea what half of the redstone-y stuff he says even means, and you probably don't eve have a desire to learn. But that's fine, none of us are judging. You wish mumbo would be less self-deprecating, but you also think confidence looks weird on him. When you found out he was younger than Grian you lost your mind. and if you didn't know already,, you're welcome <3
Grian- you're either pretty new to hermitcraft, or have been here awhile. You're not actually as feral or chaotic as you're made out to be, and you genuinely care about the people you're close to, even if you have a hard time showing it. You probably own minecraft merchandise from the 2012 Era. You watched minecraft youtubers for about a solid 6 months before you ever even played the game.
Rendog- I could tell you you're a furry, or get way too enveloped in lore, but these are things you've heard many many times already, if you didn't already know them. You're a little bit h*rny on main, but thats okay. 3rd Life is your favourite mini-series, and you instantly latched onto Martyn, despite having never watched yogs content ever. You love his voice, and chances are, if you aren't LGBTQ+, yes you are.
Xisuma- you are in desperate need of a father figure. it's ok bestie, me too
Iskall85- Based. no but really, lol. you probably say "hallo" at least sometimes because of him. You think his whole green vibe thing going on is so cool, and, if you haven't made/looked at a stimboard before, you probably should. You're most likely some form of trans or nonbinary, and possibly think there was a lot of missed opportunity for Archetechs/Sahara projects in season 7. Extra note: Iskall's season 8 so far has been so fun and entertaining to watch. you have a truly iconic fav.
VintageBeef- You miss old Team Canada videos. Like seeing Beef collab with other people, and you genuinely just wanna give him a hug. valid. he feels like he gives good hugs. You have a really confusing but also specific music taste, but i feel like you'd be really good at suggesting good songs for me to listen to. ((drug cw under the cut))
wouldn't surprise me if you've had weed, honestly.
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