#but dick&bruce and jason&bruce are- foundational to me
lorkonsghost · 3 days
Here's a sneak peek into April dating a Wayne kid au I'm writing. Title work in progress
The Red Hood, The Red Head, and The Big Green Turtles
He just wants to be Jason again
Jason has no idea why he’s fighting alien robots with almost 6ft tall turtles, or why the girl he started dating a month ago dating is also fighting said alien robots but he wasn’t really going to question it. He was fighting alien robots makes a lot of things easier if you don’t question them wait are those fucking ninjas and why did the turtle in red say their name like it’s a bad thing. Jason really rethinking coming to New York to go drinking by himself was a bad idea maybe if he at least brought Roy he wouldn't be in this mess.
1 month ago, and 2 weeks after Jason’s 21 birthday
Jason was getting sick of always having someone tag along everytime he went drinking, for his 21st birthday wasn’t the problem, but the 4 times he tried after that doing it solo was the first time he tried it Dick showed up not 10 seconds after his first shot the next tine he did it was in star city and Roy showed up before even his first shot. The third time it had to be a joke because why did Rose fucking Wilson show up at the bar he was drinking at in central city she normally never even visit central city. The fourth time he knew it was joke because he went to the most swear rat bar in Gotham and for fuck sake why was Bruce their wearing a fucking fake mustache. Jason wasn’t really annoyed at not drinking alone if he actually wanted to do that he would just stay home and buy a few beers with Bruce’s credit card but it was the fact that he kept running into people he new he just wanted to get drunk and make a few mistakes but no now somebody he new was their and he can’t go embarrassing himself in front of them he had reputation to up hold. So that’s why he’s in New York he knows almost no hero’s who even touch New York so he thought no problems.
Jason was a few drinks in when he first saw her it looked like the first time she ever been in bar by herself and Jason thought why would she choose such a warn down bar like this. Jason took a shot for confidence and approached her thinking the most he could do is keep her company.
“Hello their beautiful looking kinda lonely mind if I join.” Jason say with his buzzed confidence
 “Hmph ha ha ha are you serious my ex had better pick up lines.” the red headed girl says
“Sorry I never been the kind of guy to try pick up a girl this way.” Jason says with a slightly bruised pride
“Oh so how you do it mister aren’t you look lonely miss.” Her blue eyes smiled behind her glass
“honestly most of the time we just start dating or they fall for bad boy charm” Jason with a cocky smile
“Sorry dated one bad boy don’t know if I need another” her red hair drops a bit but she says with a cheer in her voice
Jason doesn’t know actually why he tried flirting with her Jason knew it wasn’t good to get involved with a civilian Isabel taught him that he missed the flight attendant. But maybe it was the alcohol In his system, or it was the fact he wanted to ignore the hero stuff that’s also probably why he wanted to drink  without anyone he new he just wanted a night where he’s okay to be somebody other than Jason Todd the red hood son of Batman in somebody’s eye just Jason.
“I never introduced myself I’m Jason I’m not just a bad boy I also happen to read pride and prejudice.” Jason says in half cocky smile with another swig of his drink
“Okay mister Jason tell me your favorite quote and I’ll tell you my name” Her smile softens
“I cannot fix on the hour, or the spot, or the look or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun. I know the original quote is about falling in love but it’s like I lived my life by it”  Jason says trying to hide the emotions he feels when he says it
“My names April so you where telling the truth about reading it” April say with a reassuring smile
Jason collects himself for a moment he’s kinda surprised how far he’s come along in this conversation. Jason really was only Jason right now no baggage to unravel yet and he’s okay with that right now it only him, April, his slowly blurring vision, and the hope maybe he could get a date out of this.
“So miss April tell me something other than your name please”. Jason say with a half smile
“Well currently I’m trying to be a journalist but get the last 5 credits of my degree I need to intern under another journalist for a year.” April says with a slight annoyed frown on her face
“so what’s the problem can’t find respectable enough journalist or something else” Jason says trying to offer A chance to vent
“It’s not that it’s just any intern ship I apply for needs me full time and my home life just doesn't allow that right now* April says with happier expression
Jason wants to call in a favor from Clark or Lois so bad right know he really could solve this girls problems with a phone call. But Jason was taught by Bruce, Ras, Dick, and Talia you can’t solve all the problems even if two them he would stab and not regret it and Bruce and Dick have been off his shit list for a good minute. But all of them where right he can’t just solve her problem for no reason but Jason wanted to do he makes a compromise.
“Okay that’s problem I could possibly help with” Jason says with cockiest smile yet
“Oh how so” April says with curiosity
“So a family friend is a journalist I could put in a word for and give you a chance at something buuut with it would be uup to you to convince them to agree to whatever youuu propose” Jason say with seriousness but with slurring
“Are you serious why would you do that for me” April says questionably
“Well I could ask you for a date as compensation but instead here’s what in going to do I give them a word if they give you a chance you go on date with me as celebration if they don’t drop my number we never talk again” Jason says with a smile
“Well mister Jason you got a deal and if don’t get I might stillll give you a chaaaasnccce for at least not being a creeeep” April tries to say a little flirty
Jason grabs a napkin and calls the waiter over to closes his tab and ask to borrow a pen and writes his number down
“call me in the morning I’ll set up an interview” Jason say as gets and walks over to April
Jason kisses the back of April hand and says as looks into her eyes once more ”Did you admire me for my impertinence?”
April laughs “yeah I did.”
Jason offers to pay for April’s tab as well but she’s says it’s okay and as Jason leaves he wonders if he’s doing the smart thing involving April in his life.
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laufire · 8 months
I really can't overstate my lack of interest in AUs where dick or jason weren't taken in by bruce tbh.
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gffa · 5 months
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"You hold it against Damian, who sat across from me, helpless, as it happened. You hold it against Richard, who was not himself to help you fight Bane. You hold it against Selina for make you feel it was not safe to come home for a moment longer." This conversation still hits like a truck, because this is Bruce's vision of Alfred when he's been drugged and trying to get his act together, this is Bruce acknowledging the things he's buried in his heart and hasn't let go of yet and it strikes me so hard that these are the people who were most involved in the story around Alfred's death--and then Dick, too. Who wasn't involved at all. Yet is still brought up as one of the jagged pieces of glass still lodged in Bruce's heart. It's so striking that Alfred-as-Bruce's-mouthpiece says that he holds it against Dick for not being there, because isn't that exactly the issue? That Bruce holds onto Dick as the one he always, always counts on for support. That, even when Dick is an amnesiac who doesn't remember anything of his life, some part of Bruce is still relying on him to be there. He's not involved in this at all, but Bruce still makes him part of this, in a way that doesn't apply to Jason or Tim or Cass or Babs or Cass or Duke. That it doesn't matter where Dick is or where he goes or how little he's involved, when it comes to these deeply personal things, like the death of one of his family, Bruce cannot let him go. Dick is the one who knows him the deepest, who Bruce relies on to be a constant rock in the raging torrents of their life, who Bruce needs in a way that I think only Alfred ever really matched. So much of that was from those early years, when it was just Bruce, Dick, and Alfred, they forged each other, they laid each others' foundations in this life. Yeah, Bruce was doing this for awhile before Dick came along, but it wasn't until that hurricane child barged into his life that Bruce really became who he is now, that he found any kind of balance in this life at all. And Bruce has never let go of that, he struggles to accept that Dick is an adult in a separate city and with his own priorities now, but some part of him will always have the deepest rockbed of: Alfred and Dick were the ones who knew him the clearest and who would always pull him out of the dark. Others will find their way into the twisting paths of Bruce's heart, Damian and Selina are part of this, he has equally thorn-filled dynamics with Tim and Jason, but, oh, Dick and Alfred. Those two are the ones Bruce used to build himself upon their framework. They will always be at the core of him, even when they're no longer physically there.
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spidernuggets · 5 months
Jason Todd x Reader
"You're going, Jason, and you don't even want to. I don't see the problem with me tagging along."
"It's a problem when you look like that."
You smiled, proud at your efforts of making yourself look presentable for another one of Bruce's grand galas. It would be your first time attending one of his events, thinking it would be a good time to officially introduce yourself as Jason's lover.
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You pulled a strand of your hair away from your face and admired yourself in the mirror. Usually, you don't spend so much time dressing up, but you decided that you wanted to make a good first impression when meeting Jason's family.
You assumed Jason knew you were coming with after he told you that he'd be going to the gala, and you thought it was an unsaid invitation, like usual. Every time Jason said he'd be going somewhere or to some sort of event, he'd expect you to come with.
So it surprised you when he asked why you were all dressed up, even when he was all fancied up too.
"You look nice... But why?"
"What do you mean, Jay? I'm going to Bruce's gala with you, no?" You asked, confused as to why he was asking.
His eyes widened. "What? No, no. I know you usually come, but not tonight. Maybe another night, sweetheart," he says.
Your head tilts to the side. "Why not tonight? It's a good time to meet the rest of your family, Jay! Well, I mean, I already know Dick, but I wanna meet everyone else!" You say excitingly.
Jason sighs and sits down on the bed. "I promise you, darling, you can meet them another time, just not tonight. A lot of people are gonna be there, so I doubt you'd get the chance to talk to them anyway."
"You sound like you'd be embarrassed if I showed up," you scoffed.
"I wouldn't! I just don't want you to come!" He argues back. You paused for a moment. He didn't want you to go with him? Was he actually embarrassed to be seen with you? Your insecurities start to bubble inside you. Sure, you weren't rich or owned a lot of fancy clothes. Hell, it was Jason who bought you the outfit you were wearing! And yeah, there would be a lot of prettier, more good-looking, fit people out there... that Jason could find mire attractive...
"You're going, Jason, and you don't even want to. I don't see the problem with me tagging along."
"It's a problem when you look like that."
Sorry, what? What did he just say? Why did he say that? How could he have said that so casually? Why is he looking at you like he didn't say anything wrong? Why does it look like he's.. proud of what he said?
You look back at the full-length mirror. Insecure thought starts to fill your head.
So he is embarrassed to be seen with me? I guess the outfit is a little too tight. I think I did go overboard with the foundation. I wouldn't wanna be seen with me either.
"Oh," was all you replied with as you slowly made your way into the bathroom that was in his room.
Jason's gaze followed you. Panic began to run his system. Wait, what did he just say again? "It's a problem when you look like that." What was wrong with that? He thought you would've been happy to hear that from him.
Oh shit.
Realisation punched Jason harder in the face than any blow that he got from Bruce, Dick or any other villain he was fighting.
Jason quickly stood up from the bed and strode to the bathroom door that you quickly shut close.
"Y/n! Wa-wait, love, I didn't mean that! I meant like-"
"It's fine, Jay, just go ahead, I'll stay here," he heard your little voice crack, and his heart broke into a million pieces.
He tried turning the knob to open the door, but to no avail as you've already locked it.
Jason leaned his head against the door, trying to get you to open it. "Darling, c'mon, please open the door. Please, let me talk to you, I- I didn't mean what I said," he begged.
When you opened the door, you were already out of your outfit, wearing your pyjama pants and one of Jason's shirts.
Your eyes were red, but you were smiling. "I said, it's fine, Jason. Just go, please. I'll meet your family another night."
Jason's eyes widened, and his head started shaking. "No. No, no, no. It's Jay! Not- not Jason. You never call me Jason. Sweetheart, please, listen," he pleaded as you tried nudging him out the door.
Jason turned around and grabbed your wrists, leading you towards the bed. He sat you down as he sat beside you, gently holding your face in his hands as he softly caressed your tear-stained cheeks with his thumbs.
"Y/n, my love, listen to me. I didn't mean that. When I said it was a problem that you look like that, I meant-" He sighed. "I meant that you looked drop dead gorgeous. Stunning. Amazing. Breath taking. Do you know how many people would be there tonight? Trying to steal you away from me?"
"Jason, why-"
You rolled your eyes playfully at his interruption. "Jay, why the hell would I let them 'steal me away' when I have a perfect man right here with me?"
"Because I'm not perfect! And there's someone who is perfect out there that you might find and leave me for, because you're perfect too!"
You scoffed. "Honestly, Jay. Do you know how many times I've dreaded you going to those galas because I might believe the same thing? That you're going to find someone better than me?"
"There's no one better than yo-"
You quickly cut him off. "Jason Tood, I swear to god, shut up." And he did, and you continued. "When... When you said that, I finally accepted that you didn't want me anymore. That you found someome perfect, and that was why you didn't want me to go. Because I don't fit in with everyone else. With all those rich, fancy people. Because let's face it, I don't, I really don't. So, yeah, I know you meant something different when you said that, but... I can't imagine any other interpretation of it. Even if you explain what you actually meant by it," your voice quiets down as you look down at your fingers intertwining each other while you pick on your nails and skin.
Jason's shoulder sag as he brought you in close. His lips leaned against your forhed as he muttered apologies loud enough for you to hear.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, sweetheart," He kissed your forhead. "It really wasn't what I meant," he kissed it again. "We can go together to the gala if you want," he kissed it a last time.
You sniffled, the sound making his heart ache, you looked up at him, shaking your head. "No, I don't really feel like going anymore," you say quietly, your voice hoarse. "I'll be okay, Jay," you whispered, "I promise, you go."
Jason sighed, letting go of you and getting up from the bed. When you think he's about to leave the room, he walks around the bed to the bedside table where his phone lies. He makes a call, the person picking up on the other end after three rings.
"Yeah. Yeah, Dick, uhh, I won't be coming tonight. Ye-Yeah, I know, I couldn't care less about what Bruce says, I'll see you tomorrow, bye," and he put his phone back on the table, removing his jacket, tie and dress shirt, leaving him in just his trousers after removing his belt.
Your head tilts in confusion, and Jason swears it was the cutest thing he's ever seen.
He lies down on the bed, grabbing you by the waist, pulling you down as he wrapped you in a warm, tight embrace, leaving light kisses all over your face as you giggled from the affection.
"Next gala or event or family meetup or whatever, you're coming with me, and I'll introduce you to my family," Jason mutters, his face buried in your hair.
Your eyes glow, "Really?" you asked, already excited.
"Really," he lowly replied, kissing the crown of your head.
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snakeredbirdbatkatana · 2 months
What if one day Jason just puts the gun down.
At first Bruce is estatic no more murder no more compromises it's almost like having his son back his precious Robin.
Yet as time goes on he sees less of Jason and when he does he looks not well.
He's injured more frequently the entire underworld seems to be gunning for Hood but he can't say he isn't happy maybe Jaylad will have to call for backup.
He's working at the computer when Dick storms in heading straight for him.
"What does it take for you to be ten percent of a good parent clearly it's not your child dying so what will it take Bruce"
He's furious but he's also a detective before anything else.
"What exactly are you talking about."
Dick's entire body changes closing up the earlier anger gone for something colder even his eyes icing over.
"Jason is being hunted by all of Gotham because the Red Hood was based on the foundation of being the bat that kills. He changed everything about himself following your stupid rules, for what?"
Dick can't breathe he wants to tear Bruce limb from limb. Smash the entire cave he feels like there is nothing that can fix this.
He stares at Bruce waiting for what he doesn't know.
All this time and he's done.
"I am not burying my brother again because you are such a narssastic asshole who could give less of a fuck about anything other than being Batman. The reason every Bat or Robin comes to me is I actually love them unconditionally they don't have to doubt because Bruce they are enough."
"They could burn down the world and I would happily cheer them the fuck on don't call me, don't call Jason. I'm taking Tim, and Damian. You can go fuck yourself enjoy Batman cause that's all you will ever be."
He doesn't look back.
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year
If the members of the batfam wrote memoirs or essays about themselves, what would their opening hooks be?
Dick: *record scratch and freeze frame* So you're probably wondering how I ended up here.
Jason: This is the story of how I died. Don't worry, I got better.
Tim: It all began on the day of my actual birth. Both of my parents failed to show up.
Damian: A caution to those who have an inferiority complex: stop reading right this second. The Homeric epic of my life will only make you feel more useless.
Duke: According to all known laws of city planning, there is no way a city like Gotham should be able to exist. It's infrastructure is too weak to build its fat little buildings off the ground. Gotham, of course, runs anyway, because the city doesn't care what humans think is impossible.
Cullen: The first rule of Tumblr is you don't talk about Tumblr.
Stephanie: ...I can explain.
Cassandra: Hi my name is Cassandra Wu-San Black Bat Orphan Cain and I have short bat-colored black hair (that’s how I got my name) with purple streaks and red tips that reaches my mid-shoulder and cold black eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me I look like an Asian Amy Lee (AN: if u don’t know who she is get da hell out of here!). I’m not related to the Biblical Cain but I wish I was because he’s a major fucking hottie. I’m a bat but my teeth are straight and white. I have pale white skin. I’m also a vigilante, and I live in a comic book city called Gotham in New Jersey where I’m the second Batgirl (I’m twenty-four). I’m a goth (in case you couldn’t tell) and I wear mostly black. I love Hot Topic and I buy all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a black bodysuit with matching holsters around it and a black leather jacket, yellow fingerless gloves and black combat boots. I was wearing black lipstick, white foundation, black eyeliner and red eye shadow. I was walking outside in Gotham. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. A lot of Rogues stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.
Barbara: Do you ever look at someone and wonder what is going on inside their head?
Harper: A long long time ago in a city far away...
Carrie: Bruce told me I can't insert audio so let's just say you got Rickrolled.
Kate: The definition of gay? Me. The definition of disaster? Also me. My picture's in the dictionary twice, suck it.
Alfred: In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and more bat-children. And at this point I'm not so sure about death.
Selina: "Mom I want Bruce Wayne" "We have Bruce Wayne at home" The Bruce Wayne at home:
Bruce: Look behind you.
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theodorecanaryhood · 4 months
The Bad Boy
Mafia! Jason Todd x Male! Reader
Jason meets a shy and quiet good boy and takes him as his assistant.
Warning: language, violence, smoking, sex and sexual acts
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Blood went down the drain as Jason washed his hands, blood belonging to someone else.
Jason hadn’t had a run in like this for a while, Red Hood was just taking over as Jason found out of his role wasn’t getting very far.
The steam from the showers hot water filled the room as Jason stripped down. The heat from the water made Jason sigh, maybe a sigh of relief? Or maybe a sigh of having to do this again tomorrow?
Looking at himself in the mirror, with just his towel on, Jason looked at the tattoo filled torso as he spotted some more bruises.
‘Jay, y/n is here’ Roy called out from the other side of the bathroom door.
‘Be right there’ Jason called back, wiping himself dry with his towel.
Dressed in his signature black suit, Jason walked down the hall with his best friend and his brother, Roy.
His brother is other ways to how Dick, Tim and Damian are. Roy is the only one who stood by Jason. After Bruce’s death, Jason took over half of the Wayne foundation and built his empire from that.
‘Hello Mr Todd’ you said, nervously as Jason smiled.
He shook your hand as you smiled shyly, avoiding looking him in the eyes for too long. You’d heard about Jason and what he’s done, who he is.
‘Please, call me Jason Mr y/l/n’
‘Y/n’ you assured as Jason realised he was still holding your hand, pulling his hand away gently and pointing to the seat opposite his desk.
It wasn’t so much as an interview, it was more Jason getting to know you to understand your mentality. Why’d you want to work with someone like him, or rather work for.
Jason liked the sound of your experience and he seemed fine with allowing you into his world. But, you had no idea how you’d got here.
Jason also noted that you were quite nervous, shy even. Seemed so timid and polite that Jason couldn’t fathom why you were here.
Over the first few days, Jason had you mostly do office or house stuff. Collect his coffee and such in the morning.
See now, Jason has a temper and it gets bad often, Jason thought if you saw him in that role first thing you would run screaming. So, he had you do small things first.
‘What happened?’ You asked as you stood in the doorway and watched as Jason washed blood off his hands.
‘It’s nothing, just a misunderstanding’ Jason replied, urging you to not stand and watch.
The next day, you figured you would do something nice as it was coming to your first month of employment with Jason. You made a breakfast and took it up to Jason’s room.
You placed the breakfast tray on Jason’s ottoman, opening his curtains and began making his bed.
‘Morning’ Jason smiled as he walked into his bedroom in only his towel.
You got red in the face and flustered as you saw Jason in this form. You knew he was a big guy, but you didn’t realise how big.
‘This for me?’ Jason asked as he pointed to the tray.
You simply nodded as you felt your face turning red, Jason said a small thank you as he took his towel off from around his waist and dried himself.
Jason stood completely naked for a good minute as he dried himself with his towel, not even registering that you were standing there, nervous.
‘Do I make you nervous?’ Jason asked, looking at you as you seemed nervous all of a sudden.
You nodded a little as Jason threw his towel on the ground and walked over to you, you seeing Jason is big all over.
‘Don’t be nervous Mr y/l/n’ Jason smiles slyly, he takes the blanket from your hand.
‘What…?’ You stutter out as Jason grabs his clothes from behind you.
‘Was just getting my clothes, Sir’ Jason winked as he walked into his closet.
You spent the last 5 minutes in the bathroom trying to get rid of your hard on in your pants. You wrapped your fingers around the base and jerked until you had finished.
Jason’s face, body and big D energy was stuck in your head. You wouldn’t be able to do anything until you got rid of the problem in your pants.
Jason stood outside as he puffed on his cigarette, his lungs filled with the hot poison as he stood and watched the sun rise. Jason hadn’t slept much last night, he’d been thinking about how he felt bad for making you nervous.
‘Good morning’ you cheered as you appeared from the back door, Jason turned his head and smiled when he saw you.
‘Good morning Mr y/l/n, sleep well?’ Jason asked, you nodded as you approached.
‘I did, please call me y/n’ you said as Jason chuckled.
Jason offered you a cigarette, to which you politely declined. Jason carried on smoking as you stood and enjoyed the view of the sun coming up, along with glancing over at your boss every so often.
‘I just wanted to apologise, I feel like I should say sorry about yesterday’ Jason broke the minute silence.
‘It’s ok, if I had a body like that I would show it off too’ you laughed, Jason laughed also. Throwing his cigarette end on the ground and stepping on it.
Jason allowed you into the field for the first time with him, you and Roy were to stay by the car as Jason dealt with a deal breaker. Another crime lord had decided to break his deal and promise to Red Hood. Which Jason knew was unacceptable.
You stood outside with Roy as Jason went inside, alerting his presence while dressed in Red Hood gear.
‘Ding dong’ Red Hood called as he punched a thug in the jaw and the crime lord pulled his gun out.
‘Hood, who the fuck do you think you are barging in here like this?’ The crime lord asked.
Red Hood simply laughed as he pulled his gun out and shot the Lord in the knee.
‘You break a deal with Jason Todd, you get Red Hood. You break a fucking deal, I break your fucking skull’ Hood growled as the Lord cowered down.
‘I’m sorry, Sir’
‘Your attitude has changed then, Prescott. Do I need to break your skull?’ Hood asked, the crime lord shook his head.
‘And I don’t need to pay a visit again?’
‘Great, so I’ll take this money as compensation for you testing my fucking patience, along with gas money’ Hood joked, picking up three wads of at least 12k.
Getting back home, Jason stripped off of his gear and took to the shower again.
You studied the Red Hood helmet as Jason appeared in the doorway, nothing but his towel again.
‘People are going to start talking about us if you keep catching me in my towel, sir’ Jason said as he walked over to his clothes laid out on the bed.
Dropping his towel to the floor as Jason stood naked, you once again becoming red in the face and nervous.
‘Sir?’ Jason gently called as you diverted your eyes to Jason’s.
‘Y/n please, Jason’ you reminded. Jason nodded as he took his attention back to his clothes.
It has been a good 7 months by now and you were curious as to what Jason wanted in life, he went to work on the field all day either as himself or the Hood. He’d go to bed and repeat.
Your question was whether or not Jason was into anyone, or hoping to have anyone in future.
The question was no longer an interest as you watched Jason, you’d never seen him lose his temper like this. It was something you never thought you would see.
The newest enemy had neglected to take Jason’s word seriously, had tried to get out of his deal. Jason did not take this too well and lifted the man off his feet and up against the wall.
‘You either go on your word, or I throw you through this fucking wall’ Jason said, surprisingly calm.
His face and body language said otherwise, you shivered as you saw this side of Jason.
You were quiet on the way home as you sat in the passengers seat, Jason drove you both back. Seeing as it was just the two of you.
Jason poured himself a glass of scotch as he hunched over the table, you put Jason’s gun back on the safe.
Jason lit a cigarette as he downed his scotch, pouring another one and a second for you. You took it, without still not saying much.
Jason grabbed your arm and held you in place, downing his second drink.
‘Do I scare you y/n?’ Jason asked, not looking at you.
You nodded a little as you replied with a simple yes. Jason sighed, pulling you closer to him as he took another puff of his cigarette.
‘Why?’ Jason asked now that he was looking at you, the smoke he exhaled went into your face.
‘Because’ you didn’t know what to say, Jason handed you his cigarette as he poured more scotch for you both.
Jason allowed you to sit and drink while he did the same, sitting drinking and smoking. As the two of you talked more you found every so often, Jason would edge closer to you.
Jason put his cigarette out as he leant in closer to you, the smell of smoke and scotch from Jason was strong, but not bad. Jason leant toward your face as he grabbed the back of your neck.
Jason’s lips felt incredible as he pulled you closer to him, your tongues battled against each other as Jason began taking your clothes off.
Before you could even register, Jason was naked and you were naked, you were in Jason’s bed with him. Your boss.
No recollection of time spent with each other, however you could hear the bed springs going crazy underneath you.
Jason held you down on the bed as he buried his length into you. Slamming so hard into your ass that it would surely hurt to sit down again.
Face down on the bed, Jason holding your arms behind your back with one hand, holding your shoulder with the other. You could feel Jason so deep inside you, you felt him so buried inside that your pleasure was coming.
You felt your heart racing as you gasped, spilling your seed from the amounts of pleasure. Trying to catch your breath, you could still feel Jason inside you.
Jason pulled out as he jerked his seed out of the head of his dick, spilling all over your back and asscheeks.
You remained where you were for a few seconds as you tried to register the fact that you’ve had sex with your boss, the Red Hood. Jason Todd.
Jason kissed your shoulder and down your back, Jason hummed a little as he came up to your face. Turning you around and kissing you again.
‘You ok?’ Jason asked as he stroked your face, you smiled and nodded.
The big and bad Red Hood, your boss, Jason Todd, was so different in this moment. He was so caring, kind and gentle. He pulled you in for a cuddle and held you in his arms all night.
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bruciemilf · 2 years
"Estranged son Jason" "Estranged son Dick" you are all WRONG, TIM is the estranged son. Jason breaks down crying if Bruce doesn't send him a paragraph of a good morning text every day.
Tim is never home unless he physically can't avoid it. Tim doesn't visit unless everything's going to shit and he has to do damage control and run interference to make sure nobody storms off in a moody fit and drops off the map for months. Tim pulls the you're not my dad card immediately Bruce tries to parent him in a way he doesn't like (literally any way that isn't extremely hands-off) and Bruce can't even say anything to the contrary because Tim's emancipated and Bruce was his legal guardian for less than two years.
Jason comes home for the week before and after every holiday, no matter how much he grumbles, and goes all sullen whenever he doesn't have his pile of thirty-three or more gifts. Jason handmakes Bruce father’s day gifts and sulks whenever Bruce glances at anyone else's for a second more.
Tim has to be begged and bargained with and blackmailed into coming for even just the day of the holiday—left to him, he would just send gifts and be done with it. Tim says him even showing up to Father's Day itself is enough of a gift, and gives Bruce a store-bought card and Batman tie.
Tim's difficult for the sake of being difficult. Jason’s difficult because he wants attention. Tim would be happy if Bruce only made him do bi-monthly check-ins digitally and the occasional gala for the public. Jason demands Bruce’s time and effort but only in the way he wants it.
The reason is simple; Tim grew up an only child with no supervision as long as he got good grades and didn't cause any trouble his parents would have to deal with. Jason was the youngest child to an overachiever older brother for years and was used to everything being his way.
LIKE, GOD, I LOVE THIS; Listen. Sometimes older children are youngest sibling coded and it doesn't fucking matter Jason is the second oldest. This motherfucker gets away with more shit than DAMIAN and that says a LOT
LOGICALLY, (and this isn't me wanting Jason to act like the kid he never got to be, what are you talking about) the person he'd have MOST beef with would be Damian for stealing his spotlight as the youngest.
He'll absolutely act like the big brother we all know he is and love, BUT. he crosses the line at Bruce.
He sees Damian wear one of HIS old sweaters that Bruce knitted for him and they both threw a tantrum while Bruce sighed in the background till he passed out. " MY sweater."
" MY Baba."
Tim????? Tim doesn't have a love language with a solid foundation yet, and he's just not used to (or expected) Bruce to be so attentive?
What do you mean you want to hear about my day? What do you mean you made a snack for me? What do you mean you love me regardless of my accomplishments?
AND YOU KNOW, I hear the " Dick drags his siblings to the manor because Bruce loves their company and loves seeing all the baby birds in one nest" crowd. I LOVE you people.
But I'm begging. Imagine you're Tim Drake and you get a furious message from your older brother crime lord about you missing family brunch.
" Literally how fucking hard it is to call and say you won't be there, fuck off Papi cut his finger trying to make that dumbass muffin you like, call home you piece of shit. Love you."
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frownyalfred · 4 months
you know this thing where almost every comic ever about a nightmare sequence has the wayne's murder as the most ultimate terrible horrendous thing that happened to bruce ever and then have him overcome it in the next comic?
Not that his trauma isn't terrible but I feel like he should have moved on during his time as dick's and jason's guardian/dad and then the next big trauma thing happened. And then he moves on slightly from that and the next big trauma thing happens. And then again. And again.
Sure, his parents are always going to be the first stone for the foundation of his purpose as batman but then other things keep happening and he accumulates more trauma and experiences and those things become part of what batman is too.
I don't mean he should move on because then batman would cease to exist the way he is now, i mean that his main fear and trauma has evolved, and, basically, integrated all the bad things that ever happened to him and people he's close to.
So when he thinks of his parents, he also thinks of what happened to barbara's birth parents and gordon, Dick's parents and jason's parents and tim's parents and clark's parents and so on...
I think that would be more interesting than getting another "oh yeah, look at that. poor batman and his poor parents, one being doomed to watch and two being doomed to get shot. do you feel sad now? you should, just look at his poor parents"
Every worst fear would be different depending on what happened last week, so every nightmare sequence could just focus on the different horrors of being a vigilante.
when, exactly, would you have him "move on"? As in "move on but not really". Their deaths stop being an oppressive force and become a resigned sadness that he accepted a long time ago but also tries to change every day when he steps in front of bullets in alleyways.
Does this make sense???
Yes! I’m glad you brought this up since I actually just finished watching Gen V on prime where they have a very similar fanfiction esque dream sequence in someone’s mind where you see their “most traumatic” experience.
And yeah. While Bruce’s parents’ murders were formative and probably damn near the worst thing that ever happened to him, they happened DECADES ago. Unless he’s actively rehearsing those memories, they are never going to hurt as much as newer, traumatic events.
I know I keep going back to this but someone told me the other day that there’s no worse grief than losing a parent, except losing a child. Bruce LOST Jason, in a highly traumatic and arguably preventable way. Compared to his parents’ death, it was far more visceral and happened to him as an adult fully capable of processing what occurred.
I’m sure some other folks here can come up with other recent events that might pop up in Bruce’s mind other than just Jason’s death.
Bruce is an effective compartmentalizer, but even the most seasoned PTSD pro needs time to repackage and quash traumatic memories.
If a writer or movie dove into Bruce’s mind right after Jason’s death and still went straight to the memory of his parents’ deaths (saved into his mind at a young age) I personally feel like they’re missing the point.
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halfbakedideas · 7 months
The full list of rules the Bat Family has, for both their civilian lives and their night lives.
It gets a little out of hand. Just a little.
A.P.: Alfred
B.W.: Bruce
D.G.: Dick
C.: Cass
J.T.: Jason
T.D.W/T.D.: Tim
S.B.: Steph
D.T.: Duke
D.W.: Damian
No tampering with any of the coffee machines. —A.P.
Master Tim is to be limited to a maximum of two shots of caffeine every 24 hours. —A.P.
‘Dealing with Damian’ is not a valid excuse to ignore the above limit. —B.W.
Only regular-strength coffee is to be kept in the Manor at any time. —B.W.
Not even after off-planet missions? —T.D.W.
‘At any time’ includes after off-planet missions, Tim. —B.W.
No speedsters and/or Kryptonians are to bring in any as an ‘emergency supply’ —B.W.
Master Bruce is banned from having any coffee at or after 12 a.m. —A.P.
Not even decaf? —B.W.
Why would you even bother drinking coffee then? —T.D.W.
Mayonnaise is not to be put on hamsters. —T.D.
Lucius has threatened to quit if it happened again and he sees it. —T.D.
Rule 11 applies to non-Family members too. —B.W.
Master Jason is not to bring any guns into the Manor. —A.P.
Not even the rubber bullets one? —J.T.
Especially not that one. —A.P.
Hugs are mandatory. —D.G.
Proposed revision: Hugs are recommended. —D.W.
Proposed revision: rejected :D — D.G.
Glitter is to be kept and used only in designated areas. —A.P.
The ballroom is not a designated area. —A.P.
Neither is the kitchen. —A.P.
Vigilante uniforms are not to be worn nor taken into the Manor. —A.P.
I am not allergic to emotions. —B.W.
Proposed revision: Bruce is allergic to emotions. —J.T.
Proposed revision: rejected. —B.W.
Nor am I emotionally constipated. —B.W.
Green hair dye is banned from the Manor. —D.G.
In all shades but especially neon. —D.G.
Excluding Bruce, attendance at galas isn’t mandatory. —C.
Except for the annual Wayne Foundation one, attendance at that one is mandatory for everyone. —B.W.
For every missed gala, you must make one (1) public appearance in that same month. —B.W.
A ‘public appearance’ does not include a trip to Walmart. —B.W.
No more murder attempts, Damian —T.D.W.
Proposed revision: Murder attempts are allowed on Drake. —D.W.
Proposed revision: rejected. —T.D.W.
No poison is to be put in hot chocolate. —A.P.
Why does that even have to be a rule?? —D.T.
Dick is to be kept away from any and all redheads. —J.T.
Including the one that he is currently dating. —D.W.
Whenever I ask any of you to bring me one of the spare Batsuits, I never mean the rainbow one. —B.W,
It’s Vigilante Bingo not Trauma Bingo. Stop being so concerning. —D.T.
If you’re up before 8 a.m. and you wake someone else up, you have to take their worst patrol shift. —T.D.W.
Only Alfred and Jason are allowed to actually make anything in the kitchen. —B.W.
Shower as soon as you get back from patrol. —A.P.
Just because you got cuddle pollen’d, doesn’t mean the whole family needs to be. —S.B.
Richard is not allowed to pick the movie for Movie Night. —D.W.
Unless Movie Night falls on the 29th night of February. —D.W.
Everyone has to clean their own rooms, do not make Alfred do it. He already has enough to do —B.W.
No going into each other's rooms without permission or a valid reason. —B.W.
‘For a prank war’ is not a valid reason. —B.W.
Rule 50 especially applies when the person is sleeping, Damian. —T.D.W.
A minimum of three people have to go with Alfred to do the grocery shopping. —B.W.
The BatComputer is multi-million dollar equipment and is not to be used to watch movies. —B.W.
No tie-dying your siblings, or their clothing, three hours before a gala. —B.W.
No using books as balance beams. —J.T.
Looking at you, Dick. —J.T.
No going to Jason for help with math; you must come to me. —D.G.
Ladies do not start prank wars, but they can finish them. —S.B.
So beware :) —C.
Stop doing monumental things in the hallway because I don't need to see that. —D.T.
Remember: I have POWERS. —D.T.
No stealing Damian's art supplies. —D.W.
If you do, I will disembowel you. —D.W.
Master Damian, no disembowelling your siblings. —A.P.
Cookies are to be eaten before dinner ^-^ —C.
Cookies are not to be eaten before dinner, unless one is recovering from a life-threatening injury. —A.P.
Does that mean I can eat cookies before dinner since I lost my spleen? —T.D.
YOU LOST YOUR SPLEEN????????? D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: —D.G.
Seconding. —S.B.
Thirding ^-^ —C.
Tt, of course, you have lost a major organ and failed to tell anyone. —D.W.
I will disembowel more of you if you touch my art supplies. —D.W.
Damian, you can't take more of Tim’s organs. He can't regrow them. —B.W.
He can if it's his liver —J.T.
Damian, you should take out part of Tim's liver so he can regrow it and then sell it on the black market and get rich. —S.B.
He's already rich, though. *raised eyebrow* —D.G.
Then he’ll get richer. —S.B.
Are we all just ignoring how Tim doesn't have a spleen now? —D.T.
That's how things work here. —J.T.
Bedtime for anyone under 16 is 10 p.m. on non-patrol nights; and 2 a.m. on patrol nights. —B.W.
12? —D.W.
10. —B.W.
11? —D.W.
10.30. That’s final. Or you have to take Condiment King next time he makes trouble. —B.W.
Tt. Fine. I will accept 10.30 p.m. —D.W.
Toasters are not to be taken out of the kitchen. —A.P.
‘For science’ is not a good nor valid reason, Master Tim. —A.P.
No dye is to be put into the pool. —B.W.
Just because we have the money to replace the tiles afterwards, doesn’t mean you should do it. —B.W.
No climbing on the Tyrannosaurus rex statue in the Cave. —D.W.
Pizza-store pizza is only to be brought into the Cave under specific circumstances. —A.P.
If pizza-store pizza has to be brought into the Cave, please use a napkin. —A.P.
My Ko-Fi
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mochinek0 · 1 year
Where is MY Boyfriend (3/4)
"So, who wants to bet on how long it takes Demon Spawn to propose?" Red Hood asked, in the Bat Cave.
"Have they been dating that long?' Bruce questioned, taking off his cowl.
'I didn't even know he was seeing someone. What if she's from the League?'
"Her personality changed so much." Dick spoke, redressing into civilian clothes, "Is she sane?"
"Actually, it's not that much different than what B does when he has to go out." Tim sighed.
Bruce and Dick turned to him quickly.
"What do you mean?" Bruce demanded, "I don't act like that!"
"You turn into 'Brucie' the playboy billionaire at galas and for the board memebers, but then you come down here and you turn into the 'Big Bad Bat'." Tim rebuffed.
"Replacement's got a point." Jason commented, "You can switch personalities at the drop of a hat, too."
"I was trained!" Bruce growled.
"So was your son; you don't see him coddling up the hoards of girls that follow him. He looks like he would rather skewer the girls at school and you know he could." Jason sighed.
"So, what makes this girl different?" Dick asked.
Tim sat at the computer and looked up Marinette. He cross-referenced Damian and the school to get more information.
"I'm assuming he hid his own personal file on the bat computer or it's on his own." Tim spoke, "She's a foreign exchange student on a scholarship through the Wayne foundation. Her parents are bakers, which are extremely well known, and she's from Paris. She's here for fashion design."
"Paris is the fashion capitol of the world." Bruce stated, "Why would she come here?"
"Seems she was severely bullied." Dick announced, "She has restrainign orders on a lot of people. Some of them have well known parents and others are serving time in a detention center. From the look of this article, she knows a lot of people. Her bully lied about them and she pleaded with her classmates to see reason. She was later hospitalized and then she went all out. She made calls to her connections and left the school. She was homeschooled for a bit and applied to come here. During that time, she was cyber bullied and stalked. They blamed her for the bully manipulating them and for the rug being pulled from under them."
"Let me get this straight! That girl who took out the Joker was bullied by a liar. She tried to get her classmates to see she was lying but got bullied by all of them. When they found out, they cyber bullied her because they were upset? She left the City of Love to come here? Is that what you're saying?" Jason shouted.
"That's what it looks like." Tim whispered.
Bruce remained silent. They all did.
"So, back to my bet." Jason spoke, after recovering, "How long til she's a Wayne thru the brat? After that display, I'd be shocked if he didn't try. Brat's not one to play the damsel in distress."
"Robin isn't emotionally prepared." Bruce declared.
"When isn't he?" Tim scoffed.
"My point exactly." Jason smirked.
"Have faith in him." Bruce sighed.
Jason just rolled his eyes.
As they exited the Bat Cave, they spotted Damian entering through the front door.
"So, when are your prosing, Brat?" Jason asked.
"Tomorrow afternoon." Damian declared, heading up the stairs.
The Waynes' stared at him in shock.
"Called it!" Jason cackled.
"Are you sure?" Bruce asked, "How long have you been dating?"
"Five months." Damian spoke, continuing his way to the second floor.
"Damian-" Dick spoke.
"Have you pick out a ring?" Jason questioned.
"I am about to begin my search online. She deserves the best one and I can visit the stores later to see if the appearance is just as adequate." the youngest Wayne announced, leaving the others stunned.
TAG LIST: @animeweebgirl @a-star-with-a-human-name @meme991001 @vixen-uchiha @abrx2002 @alysrose-starchild @fandom-trapped-03 @dood-space @moonlightstar64 @saltymiraculer @marveldcedits20 @09shell-sea09 @icerosecrystal @animegirlweeb @insane-fangirl-of-everything @blueblossombliss @nickristus-dreamer @megawhitleycalderonpaganus @missmadwoman @meira-3919  @princessdaisysolosyourfaves @blep-23 @fangirlingfanatic @darkhinauniverse @ravenr22 @im-a-satanic-ritual @ravennm84  @bianca-hooks123 @a-slytherinish-gryffindor @starling218
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fantastic-nonsense · 2 years
While you are digging into batfam lore, could you perhaps help explain what the batkids' legal names all are? Fanfiction has messed me all up. Did any of them actually legally take Wayne as their last name? I see it most often with Tim (i.e. Timothy Drake-Wayne) and Cass (i.e. Cassandra Wayne) but I haven't read any comics that I recall that actually called them that.
Sure! A quick rundown of who's actually part of the Wayne family:
Wayne family: Dick, Jason, Tim, and Cass were all legally adopted at one point or another in the post-Crisis universe (post-reboot is....complicated. Dick, Jason, and Tim are all once again adopted after a long series of retcons; Cass's status is still unknown). Damian is Bruce's biological son.
NOT Wayne family: Barbara Gordon, Stephanie Brown, Helena Bertinelli, any members of the Fox family (Luke, Tam, Tiffany, Jace, etc), Harper Row, etc.
Duke is a complicated case; he was Bruce's temporary foster son for a year before moving in with his cousin Jay, who now has custody of him. He's...sort of considered Wayne family, in that at least Jason and Tim consider him to be sort of their brother, but he wasn't adopted and no longer lives with Bruce.
Other: Kate and Bette Kane, who are Bruce's cousins and part of the Kane family.
As for legal last names and who actually calls themselves Waynes:
Damian's legal last name is Wayne. The al Ghuls tend to call him "Damian al Ghul" when he's with them, but legally his last name is Wayne; it's also the name Damian goes by UNLESS he's specifically attempting to leverage the al Ghul name amongst his family or the League of Assassins.
Dick continues to go by and think of himself as "Richard John Grayson" even after being adopted, though he explicitly calls himself Bruce's adopted son in several arcs after his adoption happens. You can take your pick of reasons why this might be (and there's quite a few to choose from, mostly connected to Dick's love for his bio parents and already being an established adult when Bruce adopted him), but Grayson was and remains his legal last name.
Jason canonically remained "Jason Peter Todd" after his adoption, per his death certificate:
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Jason's death certificate, naming him as "Jason Peter Todd." -Batman Annual #25 (2006)
He was also "Jason Todd" to the general public; it's what people call him when they talk about him both before and after his death. The Red Hood and the Outlaws Rebirth comic (specifically RHATO #33) confirms that this is the case in the post-Flashpoint universe as well. However, there's a pretty reasonable canon foundation to assume that had Jason's adoption not happened in the 80s and had writers not wanted to complicate things, he probably would have chosen to hyphenate and become Jason Todd-Wayne, based largely on a) Jason's relationship with Willis Todd and b) Bruce and Jason's relationship before his death.
We simply don't know what Cass did. Cass was adopted off-panel in the vague period in between Batman RIP and Final Crisis, but Bruce's death threw everything up into the air; Cass was then promptly put on a bus and shipped out to Hong Kong for the duration of the Reborn era, and since she shows up in a grand total of 8 comics during that time we just don't get enough information to make a judgement call about her last name. Her two appearances in Tim's Red Robin book still call her Cassandra Cain, but it's unclear whether Fabian Nicieza, the writer, even knew her adoption had happened:
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"Cassandra Cain, former Batgirl, remains one of the most dangerous fighters on the planet..." /// "Cassandra Cain, aka The Black Bat, Hong Kong operative for Batman, Inc." -Red Robin #17 & #25
Since Cass never had much of a public identity to speak of in the first place (and for a long time didn't even want one), it's super ambiguous what her legal status is and what last name she holds post-adoption. It's pretty reasonable to assume she becomes Cassandra Wayne, though, and it's also my personal preference. Though her relationship with David Cain is complicated, she doesn't hold much attachment to him as a father; likewise, there's really no reason for her not to take on the Wayne name given her attachment to Bruce.
Tim is the complicated one here, mostly because his adoption was such A Production™. Tim was formally adopted about a year in-universe after the events of Identity Crisis (when Tim’s dad was killed by Captain Boomerang). The adoption was pretty high-profile; Tim and Bruce even sat for an interview about it:
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From 2007-2011, he's called Tim Drake and Tim Wayne (and occasionally Tim Drake-Wayne) pretty interchangably depending on the writer and situation. His legal name is probably Tim Drake-Wayne, though it's actually ambiguous. He tends to go by Tim Wayne in public while usually referring to himself as Tim Drake in private:
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"And by the way, it's Wayne when I want a favor or a table at Bartese, and it's Drake when I look in the mirror." -Red Robin #15
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"A question for Mr. Wayne--" /// "Reporting live from the reopening of the Newton Community Gym where Tim Wayne is about to address the crowd." -Red Robin #14 and 15
Post-Flashpoint, that adoption was erased and Bruce and Tim’s relationship was very strained; in the Rebirth era, his adoption was implied to be canon again in both Tynion’s Detective Comics run and King's Batman run, but we didn’t get confirmation until Infinite Frontier and Urban Legends, where Tim is once again explicitly adopted and occasionally called Tim Wayne, though he still mostly goes by and is referred to as Tim Drake:
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"But just to be clear--we're not splitting the bill, Tim Wayne." -Urban Legends #4
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"...and then Mr. Wayne just adopted you? Awful generous of him." -Urban Legends #4
Tim is also the only one regularly referred to in public as "Bruce's adopted son." Most of the time they're referred to as "Bruce Wayne's wards," so whether the adoptions are public knowledge or not is questionable, but their status as his wards and foster kids is not. Though they largely never lived in the Manor at the same time, they've all attended various public functions as Bruce's kids and acted on Bruce's behalf in various capacities while in the public eye.
tl;dr Tim is canonically the only one who takes the last name "Wayne" upon being adopted; he generally continues to refer to himself as Tim Drake, but canon calls him "Tim Drake," "Tim Drake-Wayne," and "Tim Wayne" pretty interchangably afterwards. Dick doesn't change his name and canonically Jason didn't either, though you could make a case that he might have hyphenated had his adoption been written in the modern era. We don't see Cass enough after her adoption to know either way; however, her existing canon relationships with Bruce and her biological family heavily support and/or imply that she probably became Cassandra Wayne.
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suppose-i-was-worm · 1 year
Iceberg Siren pt 3
**a little Sunday morning treat for you all! Hope you enjoy!**
Jason stood in the corner of the ballroom, holding a delicate flute of champagne and scowling at any socialite who tried to approach him. Damian was standing next to him, suit impeccable, scowling even harder than Jason.
Bruce had dragged the whole family here, as it was a charity gala for orphans that the Wayne Foundation had set up. Damian had spent the evening before arriving arguing that he ‘wasn’t an orphan’ and ‘shouldn’t be forced into this farce of an evening’. Jason was just bitter that he’d been pulled away from an evening of patrol.
With a sigh, he patted Damian on the shoulder and then made his way out into the throng, smiling politely at the old money that poisoned the city as he made his way towards Bruce, who was holding court on the other side of the ballroom.
Also approaching the philanthropist was the Penguin, with a sparkling date on his arm. Said date patted Cobblepot on his arm before separating from him, turning in Jason’s direction with a smile.
“Mind lending me a dance? Boss has business he wants to talk about, and I’m bored.”
Jason blinked, holding out his empty hand almost on autopilot as the young man in the glittering silver and green dress came towards him. A waiter appeared at his elbow to take his champagne flute, and Danny Nightingale, Iceberg’s Siren, smiled at him.
“Of course! You look- stunning.”
It was true- Danny’s dress, with thin straps and a deep cowl neck, clung to his figure attractively, fanning out into a mermaid skirt at his knees. It was a satiny silver, with tiny green crystals sewn in that caught the light and reflected back thousands of sparkling pinpricks. He wore a dripping necklace of greenish white crystals, and a his black hair was swept back to reveal matching earrings.
Jason found himself staring into Danny’s eyes a mite too long to be appropriate when Danny smirked at him.
“Thanks, Red. Shall we?”
With his mind racing, trying to remember half-finished dancing lessons from Alfred, Jason escorted Danny to the dance floor and took position with his other hand on Danny’s waist. The crystals shifting underneath his hand felt oddly cold, almost like ice, but Jason put it down to his own nerves acting up.
They waltzed for a few moments in silence, Jason focusing on not stepping on his partner’s dress, before Danny spoke up.
“I’m not fond of these things. Rich people showing off that they have money.”
“Me neither.’ Jason muttered in response, accidentally catching Tim’s wide stare from across the room. ‘Just out of curiosity, how did you know it was me?”
Danny laughed, a bright, tinkling noise that made Jason’s cheeks warm.
“You stand out in a crowd.”
“You’ve only seen me in a mask or helmet before.” Jason frowned a little, noticing Dick and Cass also watching from their respective clusters of sycophants.
It was another few moments of silence before Danny answered.
“You’ve died. That leaves pretty distinctive marks to those of us who know where to look.”
The song ended before Jason could think of an answer, and Danny swept away without another word, returning to Penguin’s side with a genuine-looking smile.
Damian appeared at his side, staring very hard in the direction Danny had left in.
“What, brat.”
“Who was that and why were they cozying up to you?”
“A friend.”
“Looked like more than that, Little Wing.” Dick appeared from behind, a grin on his face that promised mischief. “Timmy’s already looking him up.”
He felt Batman’s eyes on him, and turned to see Bruce’s piercing stare over the heads of the crowd, and Cass up on tiptoe, whispering into his ear.
Jason slid into his safe house through the window, wincing as his suit caught in the wound on his side. Angrily, he unlatched his helmet and threw it across the room. Sloppy. He’d been sloppy, and he’d gotten hurt because of it. If he’d only listened to B- no. No, if only he’d been more careful in the first place, this wouldn’t have happened.
Jason groaned, already planning the best way to get back at his ridiculous family.
Danny was being followed, and he knew it. The person following him didn’t seem hostile, but he was never sure in Gotham.
Honestly the city wasn’t that different from Amity Park, what with how vigilant he had to be on a regular basis.
With a sigh, he turned a corner and let invisibility wash over him, moving to the side so his follower would appear.
Soon enough, they did. It was a teenager with a hood pulled up over his head. When he looked around and couldn’t see Danny, he clicked his tongue and then held a hand up to his ear.
“Oracle, I lost the target near the divide between Robbinsville and The Bowery- do you have any cameras?”
By the way the young man reacted, whoever he was talking to had replied in a negative- Danny had chosen this alley because the only camera aimed toward it was broken.
“Curses. We will never find Todd’s paramour if this continues this way.”
It was all Danny could do to keep from laughing. This was about the gala a few weeks ago, where he had dragged one Jason Todd into a dance, dropped the ‘you died’ bomb, and then left the poor man hanging.
Was it unkind of him? Probably.
Did he really want to talk about such things while wearing a tight dress and heels? No.
The teen left the alley, and Danny popped back into visibility. It looked like it was time to find the half-formed halfa.
Gotham’s underworld had become bolder and bolder the longer the Joker was silent. He knew they weren’t aware the clown was dead, but their willingness to cause trouble in territories that weren’t theirs was starting to grate on his nerves.
He peeled off his domino mask, dropping it on the table carelessly, before shrugging out of his leather jacket. He flung that across the couch, and then made his way into the bedroom to change out of his other gear.
He’d finally gotten his kevlar off and started patching himself up in the bathroom when there was a knock at the door, and something told him he needed to answer it. He did so, shirtless because he didn’t particularly care if Dick saw his scars, and with a frown because he was in pain.
It wasn’t Dick.
Danny Nightingale stood there, shuffling nervously, one hand carding through his riot of black hair.
“Hi. I think we need to talk.”
Danielle “Dani” Phantom was bored. Frostbite had pronounced her sufficiently stabilized, and she hadn’t yet sussed out where her original had ended up.
He was a petty dingus for leaving her behind to have fun on his own. Well. Not really. He’d banned all ghosts from their home dimension for their safety, and then he told Dani to ‘rest and recuperate’ like she was some sort of invalid.
Melting was only a disability if she let it be one.
“Princess Danielle.”
She turned to see Clockwork floating behind her, swapping through ages like some demented PowerPoint.
“I have a place for you to go.”
“Is it where Danny is?”
Clockwork tilted his head to the side.
“It is a place you will find joy.”
Dani put her hands on her hips and glared at the unhelpful jerk.
“Don’t want joy, I want-”
Clockwork lifted a hand, and Dani felt herself falling through a portal.
She landed on her back on the concrete of a tall building, the bright sun almost blinding her after having spent so much time in the realms.
“-my brother.”
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phoenixkaptain · 3 months
I just want to say that the repeated mentions of Tim being like Bruce - Dick telling Tim that “you’re more like Bruce than I ever was” and even things as small as the other members of Young Justice assuming that Batman is literally Robin’s dad - mean so much to me because like-
Tim is so similar to Bruce. They are both rich kids, only childs, people like them but they never let anyone truly know them. Tim’s deductive ability is so often likened to Bruce’s, and even his combat prowess or leadership skills are more often compared to Bruce’s than Jason’s or Dick’s. Despite being Robin, and the third one at that, Tim really takes being the Batman of the group to an entirely new level with just how much he really is like Batman.
And that’s why they work so well together! Tim and Bruce are so similar, but they’re fundamentally different! Bruce is afraid to get hurt again, afraid to feel connections to other people, afraid of revealing his emotional vulnerability. Tim is afraid of disappointing people, afraid to fail to rise to the standards other people set for him, afraid of revealing that he isn’t as calm as he appears on the outside. Bruce and Tim both begin fighting crime out of love, a love so strong that it would lead either of them to give up their lives for that love, but Bruce does so out of a love for Gotham City and his parents and the legacy they represent to him while Tim does so out of a love for Gotham City and Robin and Batman.
Their partnership is built on their similarities, but it’s improved by their differences. Tim is softer than Bruce. He wants to trust people, he doesn’t enjoy making lists of ways to kill all of his friends. He tries to talk, to draw things out, to banter, while Bruce is more straightforward. Which, honestly, being more subtle than Bruce is a talent in its own right, ngl
Tim is described a lot as the perfect Robin. And, I can’t help but feel like yeah, he is. The writers really made this character perfect for Bruce specifically. Tim is a person who understands what Bruce wants him to do, even if he doesn’t always understand why. Tim cares about Bruce, both Bruce Wayne and Batman, and that care knocks down a lot of Bruce’s walls. Tim wants to fight crime with his friends and enjoy himself, but he also has his main goal which is to protect Bruce, especially from Bruce himself.
And it’s a two-way street. Bruce knows Tim so well. Like, I can’t even begin to describe how well Bruce can read Tim. He can tell that Tim’s care is sincere, and he wants to reciprocate that care. He trusts Tim, on such a deep, foundational level, and he trusts that if Tim lies to him, then Tim has a balid reason for doing so. He’s protective of Tim, even more than Tim is protective of him (for obvious reasons), but he’s also proud of Tim. He’s proud of how Tim can work with people and how Tim can handle his own and how Tim can solve cases.
Bruce and Tim are such a dynamic duo, literally. The understanding they have of each other is amazing. The trust they have in each other. The care. Bruce treats Tim like his son, and Tim honestly treats Bruce like his dad, even while Tim’s birth dad is still alive. These two are great together, they work so well together, they fit each other almost perfectly because Tim was literally made to be perfectly suited for Batman.
And, of course, there is an obsession there. Tim’s obsession with Batman runs deep. He would almost certainly make a great Batman, no matter how you look at it, because he has moments where he reaches that ability to be threatening. Of the times I know that he played Batman, he didn’t do a bad job. He’s intimidating and frightening and he manages to have his cape pulled around himself so he’s just a shape, just like Bruce does, and that’s mostly because he also literally does that same thing as Robin. Tim prefers to be Robin, because he prefers to be partnered with someone else.
(To be completely honest, I think Tim’s first choice of who he would want to be paired with at any given moment is almost certainly Dick. Dude loves that guy. I haven’t seen if Batman Dick and Robin Tim interact in those respective roles, but Tim is almost equally made to be Nightwing’s Robin. Bruce is his second choice though, definitely.)
I have to assume the obsession goes both ways, because the story is a lot more interesting if it does. Bruce is protective of Tim, even as he trusts Tim with the fate of the entire planet. His protectiveness of Tim is funny, actually, because he doesn’t mind Tim fighting gods but he does mind Tim showing the other members of Young Justice his face. (I mean, I get that one of the members is named Impulse, but Bart himself said that Batman gave him that name, so I feel like Bruce bringing it up as a detractor is just a bit hypocritical)
All the times we see Batman with Tim in the Young Justice run, Batman is pretty chill. Like, during the Sins of Youth storyline, when Bruce is Robin and Tim is Batman, Bruce seems totally cool with it. He doesn’t seem worried about Tim messing up. His comments on Tim talking to much read more to me as banter than actual criticisms. Bruce trusts Tim to be Batman, and I find that both sweet and a bit funny for a variety of reasons.
We see Batman get mad when Arrowette says the Justice League doesn’t understand any of the Young Justice members, although even then he just glares at her, he doesn’t say anything. Bruce is like “Yes, I know I don’t understand the majority of human interaction, what of it?” Batman doesn’t say much during that whole comic, actually? Like, he shows up with the rest of the Justice League and he taunts Tim (literally like someone taunting a child pfft) but he doesn’t actually seem to think they won’t pull through? He makes a quip about them being late getting back, but it doesn’t go anywhere, it was him teasing Robin, why was he even here?
(I like to think he kind of hoped Young Justice would disban so he could take Tim back. He obviously wants Tim around, he implies as much in the World Without Grownups arc, and he obviously enjoys Tim’s company, he seems to genuinely enjoy fighting crime with Tim, even when their roles are switched, and he lets Tim talk to Oracle all the time (he definitely could have cut that connection off if he really wanted to make it difficult for Tim during that whole bet thing) Like, Bruce believes that Tim is capable, I think he’s like Wonder Woman and thinks that the others (coughImpulseandSuperboycough) are bad influences. He is taking his boy wonder and leaving to get him good influences, like Nightwi- oh, wait, no, yeah, let’s let him hang out with Impulse and Superboy-)
This turned into a ramble about Young Justice, but I can’t help it!!! I really, REALLY wish that Batman had gone to the parent-teacher conference. Like, Nightwing showing up was wonderful on so many levels, but can you imagine?? Batman?? Dealing with Bonnie King-Jones??? Like, I think if he ever met her he would break the no-killing rule, full-stop, no hesitation. I want to know how the parent-teacher conference would have gone if Batman was there. I think it would have been mostly awkward silence while Batman lurked in the shadows and Red Tornado didn’t understand why everyone was so nervous, like, it’s just talking about what time he should feed their kids, why are you guys sweating-?
I love Tim and Bruce’s relationship. They’re so codependent. I don’t know if Bruce could ever not hold the next Robins up to Tim’s standard. Like, Damian trying to kill Tim makes a lot of sense if you look at it as Damian viewing the situation as “there only needs to be one Robin, and if there is a Tim to be compared to, I will lose.” Dick and Jason were great as Robin, but neither of them were Robin during the period of time in the nineties and early 2000s where Batman got a lot edgier and needed an edgier boy to be Robin. Dick was perfect for the 50s through to at least the 70s, and Jason was probably just fine too (still haven’t read Jason comics hrnng) but Tim fits Bruce perfectly because he was made for the more modern vision of Batman as a character.
Tim is a dweeb and a nerd, just like Dick before him, do not think that he isn’t, but he really works as a balance for Bruce. He was introduced to be that equilibrium, and he fulfills that role.
Tim and Bruce work so well together because they’re just on slightly different sides of a spectrum. They’re so close to being too similar, but they’re dissimilar enough that reading their dynamic is engaging and interesting. Tim really just is the Robin I understand people mistaking for Bruce’s blood kid, y’know? Before Damian, I mean. I feel like the Justice League members met Tim and went “whoa, shit, Batman knocked someone up, holy-“ The Young Justice members continuously genuinelybelieve that Batman is Robin’s dad (which makes it a lot funnier, because if he was Tim’s dad, Tim would essentially be saying: “my dad made me do this and won’t let me do this and to make things worse, my DAD moved us out!” Like, why would he just randomly mention who the subject of the conversation was again at such a pointed time? I understand that Superboy and Bart were not paying attention to him, but it’s just really funny to think that Tim would talk in such a strange way?) I like to think that Dick does not help matters, and instead goes out of his way to worsen them, because Dick is always the one telling Tim that he’s doing great and that he’s so similar to Bruce (he means it as a compliment, like Tim isn’t making the mistakes he thinks he’s making because he, just like Batman, just is unlikely to make mistakes) so I think Dick definitely tells his friends that Robin is Batman’s kid because it’s funny-
And this has gone from rambling about Young Justice to writing fanfiction mid-post, I should really stop while I’m ahead.
All in all, to sum it up, TLDR: Tim was made to be the best Robin specifically for Bruce as Batman. That’s why they work in harmony, but are ultimately entirely different instruments.
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gffa · 7 months
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One thing I did like about the ending of Gotham War is that I feel like there's some potentially interesting analysis of Bruce's character to be had here, because I find this whole thing 1000% more interesting viewed through the lens of Bruce backsliding on his core classic issue: He's terrified out of his mind at how much he loves these people around him and he struggles with having relationships with people who have fundamental differences to him. I keep thinking of that Tini Howard quote about this arc and about how it's not about whether or not Bruce and Selina can get together, but that he doesn't really know how to agree to disagree with someone he loves when it comes to something deeply foundational to him. And I think that's the entire point of including everything with Jason--that it's Bruce at a low point, after too much stress coming too quickly, too many major psychological pummelings over the last several arcs, and hitting a point where he can't deal with shoving aside his fundamental disagreements with Jason anymore. But he can't just write Jason off either, because Jason is his son, so his ten simultaneous mental breakdowns all get together and decide that the only option he can live with, is to try to force Jason out of this life. That's why he tries to talk himself into forcing Dick and Tim and Damian to be caught by the police, so they'd be forced out of this life. That's why he crumbles in an alley and tries to talk himself out of loving these people. Because he doesn't know how to agree to disagree with them and still keep loving them, keep having a relationship with them.
Because everything that happened with Selina, that he really let himself believe that he could be with her, marry her, and still be Batman, that really fucked him up and I think Gotham War is more of the aftermath of that. That's how I'm (admittedly doggedly) interpreting the bit about Selina and him being the "parents" of this group, despite that Selina was never in that role--I think Bruce wanted them to be the "parents" of the group and let himself believe in it and, when it went pear-shaped, something in him backslid terribly and now we're all here. "I'm okay with me not having happiness." is a direct call-back to Bruce in the car with Alfred on the way to the wedding, asking with surprising vulnerability, "Am I allowed to be happy?" He opened his heart and got hurt again and it's been stewing for awhile and so much has happened since then--Zur-En-Arrh, Tim getting his throat cut, Dick coming to cheer him up after Selina and getting shot in the head and Bruce almost losing him, Failsafe, Insomnia, everything that's going on over in Gotham Nocturne, etc.--that it fractured something in him and the cracks have finally grown deep enough that it fell apart in this story. So now all of this is just mounting tragedies to him. Which means he can't stay connected to it because he's too afraid of losing them and he's unwilling to try after what his fracturing led him to do. He can't stop them from living this life, despite everything he tried. He can't stop loving them, despite how hard he tried. So, all he can do is walk away before he gets hurt again, trying to leave everything in Dick's hands. Dick who is "better than Batman", who is better than Bruce. That he wants Dick and Barbara to be the "parents", because that's what he was trying to be and felt he failed at it, like to me this ending isn't really resolution, this is a low point for Bruce as a character in his bigger arc, because I think Batman's character arc always has to come back to his trauma of losing his family when he was young, working to let a new family in, coming to love them, and struggling against how much it terrifies him that he might lose them, too, because he doesn't think he can survive that kind of pain again. He'll still be in Damian's life, still be Batman and Robin there, but I think he's making an exception there because so much of it comes back to being able to live with fundamentally disagreeing with someone--Dick and Jason and Tim are adults, he can't tell them what to do anymore. Damian is young enough that, even if they clash, he's still directly in charge of raising him.
Zur-En-Arrh does hang over this entire storyline, he's part of what's taking up too much space to allow Bruce any mental breathing room, but fundamentally I see this storyline as part of Bruce's issues: That he's terrified of losing those he loves, but he can't control them, he desperately tries to and it doesn't work, and he can't live with them taking different paths from his ideals, so he walks away, rather than get hurt further. Bruce is probably going to dig himself further down into this hole and he's being incredibly dumb about it, but I can see how this fits all things that he has always struggled with--and sometimes he loses that fight against himself. This event wasn't really about fighting with Selina or Vandal Savage or even his kids--this was Bruce's love versus his fears, and today his fears won.
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Batman: Gotham War was pretty BAD, but at least we got:
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A cool scarecrow
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a heartbreaking hug
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fashion ✨
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Scarface robin 💖💖💖
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and the worst Jason face I've ever seen!
all for the low low price of the most poorly written batman I've ever encountered (tho granted i am new-ish to modern comics batman)
(spoilers below, also my descent into insanity)
... some writers really do just want to write batman punching people, huh...
(edit: I'm adding more now that i've had a few more minuets to just... let it all sink in...)
also, what is Selina gonna do now?? am i really going to keep reading modern batman comics to find out???
i am not being hyperbolic when i say i am screeming. I quite literally am, or was, because this. is. insane. and the more i think about all this the more confused and upset i get because WHAT??? WHAAAAT???? HUHH? WHAT????! I AM GOING FERAL
(please tell me the writers will pull bat-mite out their ass to retcon all this shit please [lease plzzzz )
(who the hell green lit this shit??? is it supposed to be absolutely insane??? is that the arc going on right now????)
WHY was the Vandal Savage plot line needed??? The rogues would have teamed up eventually, they did not need Savage to coordinate that and there could have still been a mole in Selina's crew. Then when the rogues finaly strike the Bats and the Cats could have worked together and then finaly talked things out ( if this was writen by a sane person)
also they kill Ra's Al Ghul of screen?? is he dead for good?? explain??
the more and more i think of this the more unwell i get.
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