#but for the most part i had fun <3 in hs too i liked writing essays usually... less of for english but i was a social studies girly
liinos · 11 months
I can't even lie yes I bitched about writing essays and wanted to put my head through a wall with the whole research process but I loveeee writing an essay once I get to actually write like unless I Absolutely despise the topic or have nothing to say I love writing my little paragraphs
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flashnthunder · 4 months
Miscellaneous tag game
@grumpy-liebgott and @sharkboyandlavalieb tagged me <333 and i am of course a million years late
Favorite place in the world you’ve visited?
inside the us i would say maine, i love the ocean/forest combo it's got going on
Something you’re proud of yourself for?
coauthoring several medical research papers as an undergrad, which is like my one and only flex and it's a nerdy one
Favorite books?
new hampshire- robert frost, the art of being human- michael wesch, ajax- sophocles (yes, only one of these is technically a book ik)
Something that makes your heart happy when thinking about it?
it might be cheesy to say music, but music and my friends <3
Favorite thing about your culture?
from the midwest US (so there's not that much), but i was raised very much in borderline appalachia and the older i've gotten the more i've come to appreciate that as part of how i was raised, so i would say quilting! i was taught to quilt by the women in my family and i still cherish the connection to them through that
When did you join the HBO War fandom? What was the first show you watched?
band of brothers in 8th grade, my history teacher would play it for us and i'm pretty sure he used it in place of actually teaching but he was a real one and also a drill sergeant so i don't think anyone argued with his methods
Have you read any of Easy Company’s books? If so, which ones were your favorite?
have NOT read any BoB books, but i have read most of the ones that inspired the pacific + a shit ton of pacific memoirs in general
Favorite HBO War character and your favorite moment with them?
lip and luz with the dud shell, bull watching out for the younger replacements, the officers in the eagle's nest, and just in general all of episode 8
Do you make content for any fandoms, if so; what sort of content?
band of brothers, top gun, the pacific (hypothetically), mota now it looks like, way back to my roots would be star trek and also whatever was going on with bandoms in hs that is a dark time
Favorite actor/actress and your favorite film of theirs?
oooh idk it changes, but last year i was on an ethan hawke kick- 'adopt a highway' and 'first reformed' are two he's good in (obligatory dead poets society mention ofc)
Favorite quote/s that you wish to share with others?
"Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light; I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night." - sarah williams
Random fact your mutuals/followers don’t know about you?
so bad at fun facts uhhh. uh. i am double-jointed in my hands.
If you’re a writer, do you need a beta reader (say yes so I can be your beta reader 🤭)?
i have NEVER had a beta reader and i am simply too scared to ask how it works because i'm not sure anyone should have to be subjected to my writing process but!! always willing to give a new thing a shot
Three things that make you smile?
my dog when she stretches in the sun, swimming in a creek in the summer, sitting in the car with my best friend while it rains
Any nicknames you like?
izzy! i have liked it well enough to all but legally make it my real name, other than that izzy-maye from people i'm close with, or iz/izzers when people are in a hurry
List some people you love to see around on tumblr!
@andromeddog art makes me go feral, @mutantmanifesto killer art that is living rent-free in my mind, @ewipandora MWAH you already know you make my day better on here, @onehelluvamarine has me kicking my feet giggling when they're in my notifs, @terresdebrume lovely writing <3
What would you do during a zombie apocalypse?
foolproof 3 step plan, ready for it? 1- find a good ditch 2- lay down in the ditch 3- just let it happen
idealistically i think i could go chill in the woods for a semi-significant period of time and be alright
Favorite movie?
logan's run (comfort movie, questionable 70s sci-fi), the hunt for red october (always feeling very big feelings on this), arrival, apocalypse now, fury, dead poets society, alexander (like the 4 hours version because im insufferable like that) the old star trek movies
Do you like horror movies?
i love horror movies WITH people you will not catch me watching them on my own, but 100% love love getting to sit on someone's couch and watch one
(no pressure and apologies for any double tagging) @ewipandora @blood-mocha-latte @deputy-buck @lamialamia @blurredcolour @saturnwisteria @staud + anyone i tagged in my answers and forgot to tag down here, or anyone who just wants to do it :)
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dyonoi · 1 year
I'm not sure if you even look at this blog anymore, but I just wanted to say I MISS YOU!! I still look through your old meta posts and art every few months and while I know you prob won't come back to the fandom, a part of me still hopes it! I guess I was curious to know how you're doing, and whether you've gotten into any other fandoms and ships? You were really fun and if there's something else you're into and writing for I would love to follow you into it!! <3
god this feels like the worst anime timeskip episode. hey there, its been a while. surprised theres people still around who remember. in the past 4??? years i guess ive done some shit, yeah. cliffnotes: finally closed the long distance and moved in with my SO, became a stoner, found the perfect physical art medium for me and have been busy becoming IG famous 💅 and actually making a living off it, and most importantly i have a cat now. he's a manx cat with a little bunny tail and he is so unlike any other cat ive interacted with. he has absolutely no style, no grace. he constantly trips over nothing. cannot jump higher than 2 feet, will gently catch bugs and then lets them fly away, is literally incapable of feeling anger (the sole exception is if you blow air on his feet. this makes him so angry so fast for whatever reason and its hilarious to witness) ive only heard him hiss twice in the past 4 years. anyway things could always be better but lifes pretty good.
as for other media ive gotten into? uh, the truth is i have a VERY muted relationship with media at this point. i dont run any secret fandom blogs. to be honest, i probably will never allow myself to become even nearly as entangled with a fandom ever again as much as i did with homestuck. for all the fun i had, i was WAY too active in it to the point where it was frankly unhealthy and being candid, it played a big role in me stagnating as a human being for a good year or two. the amount of opinionated bullshit i was spewing 24/7 for years predictably made me a target for people who disagreed and wanted to bring me down a peg, warranted or not, and as thick skinned as i am it did eventually start stressing me out and making me act like a loon. thankfully most of this was in private but it still happened, if you know you know. ive alluded to the reason why i got like that, but putting that much energy and faith into a single author to the extent i did is a recipe for ruin on multiple fronts.
hs was a painful lesson in that most shit just…sucks, and even if something starts out great, the chances that the author will stop giving a shit, fuck it up for the ending or even just straight up die is decently high lol and its something you should always have in the back of your mind. (guess which dumbass started reading berserk in late 2020) this was made way worse by hussie just… being an unrepentant fucking asshole. in hindsight this wasnt a shocking reveal but the hopium that theyd make it right in the end was too strong for all of us. i could have forgiven them losing interest as an artist due to general life hardships, but in the end they ditched it after pissing on it and then setting it on fire. so much of hs's success was on the back of fan media and when your finale in return is to salt the earth to the point where no one gives a fuck about it anymore, even the people who liked the tail end petered out pretty quickly too on that. just….eugh. i have permanent media trust issues.
even in the rare instances where something good ends up canon, even if the premise and buildup is great, the fandom surrounding it will pontificate a combined million hours and 9 times out of 10 will write them better than the author ever will. its sad in a way, but its the truth.
i still think davekat is great, once in a while ill look over my folder of it and my art and smile like an old lady looking over a dusty family photo album. the dynamic is rock solid, and if you agree my advice is to steal them. just steal them. call them doug and kevin and export them into your original story. they deserved better, and you will probably do a better job anyway.
media i AM interacting with (lightly) is one piece again. NONE of you bitches that read the entirety of homestuck have any room to complain about how long it is. i have a lot of problems with it (read: sanji) but in general its pretty fun and enough to sink your teeth into. sidenote i have been shipping luffy/zoro since two thousand fucking six and its a testament to my unending great taste that it was and still is an excellent ship. though i have a curse of somehow always ending up in fandom c-tier ships in terms of popularity like that LOL i got memed into watching bnha (DONT LAUGH) and my ship of choice, todobaku? an absolutely hilarious dynamic and a total banger. but yet another c-tier. after being spoiled with davekat content domination for years this sucks haha
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doggiewoggiez · 1 year
what is the reading list you’ve been doing
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This meme. Got reposted from 4chan to Reddit to Twitter and finally to Tumblr. I'll update this post as I read each book. Here's the complete list:
1. Goosebumps #28: The Cuckoo Clock of Doom - R.L. Stine. Very middle of the road Goosebumps book not especially good but not terrible. 6/10 dead sisters.
2. Call of the Crocodile - F. Gardner. This book is a meme on /lit/ cause the dude's batshit and is constantly trying to promote his books that are extremely poorly written. He calls himself a famous author, doesn't believe gorillas or giraffes are real, and advocates chainsmoking cigarettes to help with the writing process. This book is the funniest thing I've ever read and made me so fucking angry by being so awful. 10/10 misplaced commas.
3. No Longer Human - Osamu Dazai. A semi-autobiographical story published before the author's suicide about a severely mentally ill character named Oba Yozo through his life of addiction, women, suicide attempts, and so on. An incredibly depressing read. His whole inner life is laid bare and it's disgusting and grotesque and you see yourself in him and you wish you could hold him and cry for him but even if you could you would never have the power to make anything okay. Beautiful fucking book, genuinely 100% no fucking joke changed my life. 10000/10 shitty cyberpunk adaptations.
4. Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoevsky. I cried hard as fuck dude. Another life changer for reals. Dostoevsky had such a deep understanding of human nature whether it be the lowest, most base and vile instincts or the unending capacity for love and compassion that exist in us all. All while being the blueprint for like every heady crime drama like Death Note, Breaking Bad, etc. The shit all you fags like. Most people just remember it as maybe required HS reading and definitely something people are pretentious about but it 100% deserves all the love it gets. Fan fucking tastic. 100000/10 years in Siberia.
5. Becoming - Michelle Obama. A bit too heavily ghostwritten, but when Michelle's voice shows through it's not terrible, it's kind of interesting to hear the inside scoop on White House life. It's kind of sad that Barack is the most interesting part of the book, and book-Barack seems like an extremely interesting and cool guy. But the book doesn't address all his dead civilians. 5/10 drone strikes.
6. Ulysses - James Joyce. The modernist novel, from what I understand. Half retelling of the Odyssey in 1900s Ireland, half a troll on literary critics, all around a pretty damn fun read. Not very far yet. Definitely the most difficult thing I've ever tried to read. Unfinished/10 Agenbites of inwit
7. 48 Laws of Power. This is like, THE sigma bro self help book as far as I've heard. It's pretty iconic, but I'm not especially excited for it.
8. Frankenstein - Mary Shelley. We all know it and love it, I'm interested to read the OG story.
9. Catechism of the Catholic Church 2nd Edition. Book from the Vatican that lays out what the church's official opinions, rules, shit like that are. Will be boring but interesting.
10. The God Delusion - Richard Dawkins. One of the biggest atheist dude books there is and probably by far the most influential. God is bad people who believe in God are stupid etc etc. Hopefully it has something interesting to say and isn't just a jerk off. It might just be a jerk off.
11. The Love Hypothesis - Ali Hazelwood. Some booktok romance schlock afaik. People make fun of it.
12. A Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole. All I know is it's about a guy in New Orleans in the 60s. Might be good, people seem to really like it.
13. The Art of War - Sun Tzu. Im gonna get so good at surprising my enemy.
14. Kodomo no Jikan - Kaworu Watashiya. Pure pedoslop, I don't think there's even an official English translation so we might not read it but I'm preemptively giving it 0/10.
15. The Iliad - Homer. The story of the Trojan war. All I know is Helen, Horse, and that's about it.
16. The Odyssey - Homer. It's the Odyssey. I think it's funny that it comes after Ulysses since I don't actually know the whole story of the Odyssey itself.
17. Ted Bundy: Conversations with a Killer - Stephen G. Michaud and Hugh Aynesworth. This is that thing they made a Netflix doc about a while back.
18. The C++ Programming Language 4th edition - Bjarne Stroustrup. Exactly what it says on the tin, by the guy who wrote the language.
19. Empress Theresa - Norman Boutin. A classic, it's a weird self-published story by a guy who's extremely unwell, usually referenced in the same way Sonichu is.
20. The Sound and the Fury - William Faulkner. His most difficult to read work, about a Southern family at the beginning of the 20th century.
21. Black Future #1 - Whitney Ryan. A very racist BNWO sissification porn story that was probably written as a joke. Possible skip definite 0/10.
22. The Cat in the Hat - Dr. Seuss. You know this.
23. The Trial - Franz Kafka. One of Kafka's most famous unfinished works, about a guy who's on trial for something and he doesn't know what.
24. American Psycho - Bret Easton Ellis. Supposed to be way darker and more fucked up than the movie, really supposed to chill you to the bone afaik. VERY excited for this read.
25. Gravity's Rainbow - Thomas Pynchon. One of those famous "Really Fucking Long And Hard Books" like Infinite Jest or Ulysses, incredibly autistic foray into WW2 rocket science. Classic Pynchonery.
26. Magick In Theory and Practice - Aleister Crowley. Thankfully it's not the entirety of Magick Liber ABA Book 4.
27. Minecraft Jokes for Kids - Steve Minecraft. Not a real book but we'll substitute Jokes For Minecrafters by the Hollow family.
28. The Jews and Their Lies - Martin Luther. One of the most notorious antisemitic texts, right up there with the Protocols. It's going to be a pretty apalling read but it has pretty damn significant historical value so it's probably worth reading.
29. Dianetics - L. Ron Hubbard. The scientology book. It's way longer than you'd expect.
30. Everyone Poops - Taro Gomi. I don't understand this because girls don't poop.
31. In His Own Write - John Lennon. His writing and art, mostly just a bunch of absurd bullshit. I want to remain neutral and not just hate the book because I hate the guy. We'll see if it deserves that.
32. Bear - Marian Engel. This is that Canadian novel where the woman has a romance with a bear.
33. How To Get A Girlfriend - Chad Scott Nellis. Some bullshit self published thing. I'm gonna be swimming in punani.
34. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck - Mark Manson. Some self help schlock afaik.
35. Gabriel Dropout (vol. 3) - UKAMI. This is that cutesy manga about those angels and demons in human high school.
36. 120 Days of Sodom - Marquis De Sade. Old story of elite sex cults, I'm pretty sure it's the origin of that being like a thing that people conspiracy theory about.
37. Phenomenology of Spirit - Hegel. You probably know Hegel from either Marx or Fallout New Vegas. I know Hegel because a chick at my friend's co-op talked at me about him for like ten minutes while I was way too shit faced to know what the fuck is going on around me at all but I nodded along.
38. Star Wars: The Ultimate Sticker Collection. I bought this used for a buck fifty with half the stickers gone. All the new trilogy ones were still there.
39. The Anarchist Cookbook. Vom hard at the idea of "buying" this but I want to make sure I get the version as it appears in the meme so I guess I'll drop a few bucks on it.
40. An American Life - Ronald Reagan. Practical applications for previous book.
41. Catcher in the Rye - JD Salinger. Had to read this in high school, hated it, maybe it'll be better this time around.
42. Finnegan's Wake - James Joyce. An early postmodernist work about uhhh fucking whatever it was about. I'm not gonna lie if Ulysses is this hard for me this one will kill me.
43. The Charles Mingus CAT-alog for Toilet Training Your Cat. I'm not in the know when it comes to music but apparently this guy is like one of the gods of jazz. And he wrote a book on teaching your cat to shit in a people-toilet.
44. Am I Disabled? - The Simpsons S7E7. This is the book Homer reads where he learns obesity is a disability and gets really fat so he can work from home. Story of my life.
45. Serial Experiments Lain: An Omnipresence in Wired - Yoshitoshi ABe. The Lain artbook, with the short manga The Nightmare of Fabrication. Will be very expensive to get ahold of.
46. Pounded by the Pound - Chuck Tingle. We've heard enough about this guy the bit was holding onto the last molecule of funny it had like five years ago but I now had to buy a compilation paperback of his work for this.
47. Ford Capri II 2.8 & 3.0 Owners Workshop Manual 1974-1987. Had to order this from the UK couldn't find any in the US.
48. Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov. We all know what this is. Of all things when my mom saw this list this was the book she pointed out as being really good, which I thought was funny.
49. Man's Life Magazine, September 1956 issue. "Weasels Ripped My Flesh." Good god it will be difficult finding the actual magazine, but the weasels story itself has been reprinted.
50. Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (2nd Edition) - Harold Abelson et al. I like when people make anime girls have it :)
51. Shiver - Junji Ito. Never been a major Ito fan but a couple of his works I really liked are in this compilation.
52. Neon Genesis Evangelion (vol. 2) - Yoshiyuki Sadamoto. The Eva manga was really good I've actually read it before.
53. How To Avoid Huge Ships - Captain John W. Trimmer. Classic meme because I guess the cover and premise is very funny but I don't really get the joke. It's not that ridiculous sounding of a book, it's just niche.
54. Spice and Wolf (vol. 1) - Isuna Hasekura. Light novel for that manga we've been seeing around. They put a generic cover on it and replaced the anime girl so it could sell to non-weebs.
55. Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand. My sister read this in like middle school and unironically no joke started bawling crying sobbing because poor people are so evil and awful.
56. The Very Hungry Caterpillar - Eric Carle. Oh Boy I Sure Hope This Little Wiggly Guy Eats Something Normal! Oh no.. oh dear ...
57. Glow In The Dark - Kanye West. Very very hard to get a physical copy but we'll try. Photo book of his tour of the same name.
58. Mein Kampf - Adolf Hitler. Now obviously this wasn't included on the list for the genuine important historical value this book has but that's what I'm going to be reading it for. In reading it critically afaik it really paints a picture of how pathetic and unwell he was.
59. Higurashi: When They Cry. I hear it's really good.
60. This is a naked photo of Daniel Radcliffe posed with a horse.
61. Aberration in the Heartland of the Real - Wendy S. Painting. This is a book on the life of the OKBOMB guy, Timothy McVeigh. I hate how true crime shit has become so polarized as either sensational dogshit to make women walk with their keys between their knuckles or some awful horrible thing that's not worth looking into because "they were just racist/misogynistic/etc" I think it's all very reductive so this promises to be a good read.
62. KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation. CIA document on breaking a prisoner and interrogating from the 60s.
63. The Game - Neil Strauss. The Bible for pickup artists.
64. Identifying Wood - R. Bruce Hoadley. Yep, it's wood.
65. Fresh And Fabulous Meals in Minutes - Ainsley Harriot. Lots of memes about him but this is just a regular cookbook.
66. The Turner Diaries - Andrew Macdonald. Far-right racist book that inspired terrorism and hate crimes. People who read it and didn't already agree with it going in have said it's poorly written and just blows, and in the peek I took that seems to be true. It's too influential to not read if I'm going to be reading about Timothy McVeigh. Hard to get since it got pulled from most online stores following Jan 6th.
67. The C Programming Language (2nd Edition) - Brian W. Kernighan & Dennis M. Ritchie. Gonna learn to code I guess.
68. A Little Life - Hanya Yanagihara. It's a story about a group of mentally ill gay men living in New York. Has been described as trauma porn written by a woman fetishizing gay men and is on there because channers like making fun of it, but it was also shortlisted for a Pulitzer.
69. The Rose of Paracelsus - William Leonard Pickard. The author was the victim of one of the largest acid busts and he wrote this in prison.
70. The Book of Mormon - Joseph Smith. Interested to learn what the fuck Mormons are actually all about.
71. Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone - J.K. Rowling. Like most people I read these in middle school. They were mid then and they're ass now but I'm not gonna tryhard about how bad they are because you've probably heard enough at this point.
72. A Critique of Pure Reason - Immanuel Kant. As someone who doesn't know shit about philosophy I'm excited.
73. Autobiography - Morrissey. Notorious for being published through Penguin Classics which is NOT for Morrisseys. Bad Morrissey. Go to your room.
74. Official Final Fantasy 7 Strategy Guide. I'm gonna get so good at FF7 dude.
75. My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness - Kabi Nagata. Think of the most annoying bpd she/they you know and then imagine a really mid book that she'd become way too annoying about. You've imagined this book.
76. Children of the Matrix - David Icke. The origin of the reptoids conspiracy theory.
77. Anti-Oedipus - Deleuze and Guattari. Mario and Luigi for your leftist roommate who won't do the dishes
78. Infinite Jest - David Foster Wallace. It's a book about a person place or thing I know that much.
79. Sonichu #0 - Gonna be near impossible to source a physical copy from its short Lulu run.
80. Uncle Tom's Cabin - Harriet Beecher Stowe. Obviously of great historical importance but I get a sneaking suspicion that's not why they put it on the list.
81. Bronze Age Mindset - Bronze Age Pervert. This is... Well, it's sure something.
82. Drilled By My Two Cowboys - Aurora Sommers. BBW Cowboy porn 😋💦
83. The Brothers Karamazov - Fyodor Dostoevsky. People say it's his best work and if it's anywhere near as good as C&P was it'll blow me away. Also the Godfather was inspired by it.
84. Spare - Prince Harry. Really unfunny inclusion I can't imagine there's much value in it.
85. Da Jesus Book. That's the Hawaiian Pidgin translation of the New Testament. So basically I'm just reading the bible with extra steps.
86. Elon Musk - Ashlee Vance. Biography on Elon Musk apparently, not especially interested cause good chance it'll just suck him off hard.
87. Where's Waldo (Deluxe) - Martin Handford. Oh god I hope I find him.
88. Dracula - Bram Stoker. Shoulda subbed to Dracula Daily......
89. Bart Simpson's Guide to Life. I'm excited to see what Bart has to say about what I need to do with myself.
90. Bakemonogatari (vol. 1) - Nisio Isin. I've heard of this in passing I don't really know anything about this light novel except there's like girls and they're monsters maybe?
91. Business Secrets of the Pharoahs - Mark Crorigan. Fake book from S8E2 of the show Peep Show, which I've never heard of. It's British.
92. Industrial Society and Its Future - Ted Kaczynski. All I really know about Ted's ideas in the end is that everyone on here says he's based. I definitely want to read him and formulate my own opinion but I will probably also end up agreeing that he's based.
93. My Twisted World - Elliot Rodger. This is the manifesto of that incel shooter, probably a pretty worthwhile read in the same way a lot of this stuff is, a look into a deeply troubled person's mind.
94. Wash Your Penis - Jordan B. Peterson. This doesn't exist so we'll just read 12 Rules for Life.
95. Andrew Tate's Exegesis of the Quran. Unfortunately he did not actually write one though I bet it would be soooo terrible and funny. But we will read the Quran.
96. Art of the Deal - Donald Trump. Time to find out why people respected this guy.
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koschei-the-ginger · 8 months
Screw it, brief reviews of Jason Bateman's filmography pre-Arrested Development
(there are only 4 pics but the post is long)
1981 Little House on the prairie - He was there for 1 season and already became so popular they made the grand finale all about him being a proof that God exists lol
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1983 Just a little more love - can't find this one
1982 Silver spoons - they had to fire him because the second he appeared on screen nobody gave a crap about the other kid, iconic, I've only had Derek Taylor for 21 episodes but if anything happened to him yk yk..
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1984 Knight Rider - Derek Taylor steals a car
1985 Robert Kennedy and his Times - I'm sure he's in it somewhere but it's like SIX hours long and incredibly boring
1984 The Fantastic World of DC Cooper - Derek Taylor strikes again
1984 It's your Move - Arrested Development for 6th graders, this show is SO fucking funny the parents insisted on killing it together with his Derek-sona for good.
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1985 Right to kill - blink and you'll miss him, this is his sister's movie
1986 Mr Belvedere - MILF CHASER
1986 Can you feel me dancing - a commissioned tv movie to show off Justine Bateman's range
1986 St Elsewhere - see, Dave Hogan can do drama too (no)
1986 Valerie/ The Hogan family - his most famous role pre-AD and I genuinely don't understand why, stale bread even for a family sitcom™. Cancelled for being the only show that was normal about aids thanks to Jason. They also dyed his hair to a different shade of auburn each season for some reason lol
1987 Bates Motel - this was supposed to be a sequel to Psycho 🤨
1987 Teen Wold too - words cannot describe how much I hate this movie and everything about it
1987 Matlock - he's playing "Jason Bateman, the star of Valerie" only 1 year after they fired Valerie from Valerie hmm...
1987 Moving target - this was fine
1988 Our House - if your kids think giving 10k to a teenager will get them a record label at 13 it's on them, he did nothing wrong
1988 Crossing the mob - you can watch this but god at what cost, it's so grainy you can barely see their faces (okay movie tho)
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1989 Breaking the rules - commissioned to show that he can do some "serious" acting, a tragic mistake on everyone's part
1991 Necessary roughness - Scott Bakula simps, I understand, no I seriously get it
1992 A Taste for killing - for every good movie (prev) you get 2 bad ones
1994 Confessions: two faces of evil - COPAGANDA
1994 This can't be love - *looks up synonyms for CUTE*
1994 Black sheep - can't find this one either
1995 Hart to Hart - he was so annoying they made him believe he's related to Donald Trump I can't even rgsthsrth
1995 An affectionate look at fatherhood - can't find this one either²
1995 Burke's law - this show is so camp you need to WATCH THE DUEL
1995 Simon - the writing is atrocious, he's trying SO hard to make it work while Harland Williams recites every line as if he had just learnt to read. Tragically, a must watch, I wish it existed in HD
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1996 Ned and Stacey - a sitcom star playing a sitcom star in a sitcom making fun of Friends, 10/10
1997 Chicago sons - 3 polish brothers live together, Jared Paladecki isn't in this eventhough there are at least 4 people that look like him
1998 George and Leo - if this came out today AO3 would be full of this elderly gay couple
1999 Love stinks - not mine but yk
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2000 Rude awakening - the absence of a laugh track caught me off guard, he's doing his best Bud Bundy impression down to the tragic goatee
2001 Some of my best friends - after this many cancelled sitcoms you stop seeing AD as a show that's simply good but as a miracle
2002 The Jake effect - if Scrubs was about hs teachers
2002 The sweetest thing - nobody cares about the men this is the penis song movie
2002 No way out - this is like Cary Elwes-kind of bad
2003 Sol Goode - blink and you'll miss him (idk what's even happening)
2003 Twillight Zone -someone get him an Emmy for trying to bribe a ghost of a kid he unintentionally murdered
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homestuck-iconz · 1 year
both mods ily pls rate my crackship (it is not a crackship but infact the in-sys polycule we have) jake <3 dirk <3 feferi <3 eridan they all love eachother very very much
mod dave had to write his response in discord, so let me copy and paste it here.
obviously this isn't attacking you as a system!
this is definitely a crackship, that's for sure. starting out with the most positive opinion i have, dirk and jake are obviously pretty canon and very fun together (the volcano kiss screen has been my wallpaper ever since i read that part in HS, so i'm obliged to like it.) then, erifef, which... while i'm not the biggest fan paleways, or pitchways, the way i could see it working out the most is flushed i guess? but still a no from me. then dirk x feferi, which... is a gay man and a woman the way i see it, so a polite no.
eridan and dirk... eridan is too striderphobic for that. eridan and jake, british person x british person... could be fun! jake and feferi, could be cool as friends but i don't see them anything as other than that. overall this is a 2/10 ship lmao, sorry
Now my [Mod Rose's] response!
Please note that, while I do understand you guyses context because i know yall, I'm basing my stuff off of cannon.
Dirkjake - Flushed - My highest rank here too, I have a soft spot for it due to it beung my first ever homestuck ship HAJEHSJHE. Solid 8/10, They need soooo much therapy
Erifef - Flushed - I'm not a fan of Erifef, just full stop. I think I've said stuff about them before I just don't remember the exacts of what I said? They're sibling pilled in my brain. 2/10.
Dirkfef - Flushed - Okay but this could be funny with a transmasc Feferi I think. :D vs B| type beat. 6/10
Eridirk - Flushed - I've seen this before, not the worst Eridan ship out there but also I think if Cannon Eridan and Dirk interacted Eridan would hiss like a cat when they see a cucumber????? Prince moments. 5/10
Erijake - Flushed - Funny. I know they technically interact because of Erisolsprite but also. Missed comedic potential of having them interact I think. Their aspects are going to war tho. 6/10
jakefef - flushed - These guys are siblingpilled in my head too im sorry. im not gonna give them a number rating but rjahdhdsj.
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v01d3nt1ty · 1 year
"Didn’t I tell you
you are a fish do not go to dry land
for I am the deep Sea." - rumi
(from GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki)
oh to be able to express like rumi!
or to be spoken through. or however it works.
this hit me bc i am deeply connected to the ocean. my *happy memory* go-to is the beach, the pacific ocean, *my* ocean. my fav colors are like soft teals, pastel aquas and blues, deep ceruleans... so yeah i'm a mermaid but not like... not like the commercialized version that everyone buys into. if i die tragically, i want it to be by drowning in the ocean.
wtf was my point.
anyway it brought me into that sharp awareness of being. and it's like peace & love & comfort & oneness & vibing...
idk, it was cool.
i also really love language. i hate it, but i love it. i hate that we need it, it's so clunky and awkward. there are a lot of words to remember & what if you get them wrong or forget them or put them in the wrong order? (hello, autism. 👋) i used to write poetry, realized i sucked at it & stopped.* i've always been deeply interested in foreign language, even tho i do not have the attention span to learn any. (i took one yr of spanish and 3 of french tho, that was fun. tried to take german... studied japanese w a new-at-the-time friend who has been a friend for like 10yrs or more.) (also i really love.... intentionally arranged sound? & i love variety. so i basically just love the way languages *sound* even without the meaning. don't get me started on accents...)
but i think my deep appreciation for language comes from being neurodivergent, being frustrated at being misunderstood all the time. being afraid to speak up too much bc my thoughts didn't align w what i was taught. my instincts going exactly counter to what i was being told all the time. so i probably developed this desire to be able to correctly assemble and arrange the most appropriate words for any given situation. the right & wrong things... so much to remember.. omg so boring, so tedious.. no wonder i hate everything. er.
so. yeah. no one asked for my psychology, but there u go. i never told u to read this, it's ur own damn fault.
*so this is a memory story. there are two, actually.
the first is, when i was in 5th grade, so around 9 or 10, i wrote this poem & it got printed in The School Newspaper (!!! omg such a huge deal!) anyway, i had this memory, & vaguely remembered some of the words. then somewhere in my 20s, i found the paper & read it & i was *amazed.* it was phrased perfectly, didn't even rhyme, was pretty deep esp for a 10 yr old. i *cannot* remember exactly how it went, but if i posted it with no context, u wouldn't think it was by a little kid. idk how i *lost* how to do that. probably by trying to Be Good and follow rules.
the other is when i was in hs, probably a senior, probably 17. so i listened to a lot of 90's alternative & grunge, as one did back then. (98.5 KOME, i still remember 😂 i wonder if any of those tapes are still good?) so i wrote a poem that was probably heavily influenced by the lyrics of the time, smashing pumpkins, REM, nirvana... and i was v proud of it. idek why i thought showing it to my family was a good idea, but i did. & my grandma goes "this [part] doesn't make any sense. what does it mean?" and i'm like "it isn't supposed to mean anything..." anyway it crushed my lil soul and i had to Follow Rules again. bc how can i know how to People if i don't do things the way People do things?
oh wow that's sad. poor young me. *hugs lil me*
why do i share my trauma.
idfk. maybe so one day, even one person will feel less alone.
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mcbenson25 · 3 years
What Was Never Meant To Be Part 4 (Finale)
As promised...the final part!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Warning: angst, anxiety, anxiety attack
Life had to be pulling a cruel joke on you.
Or maybe you were dreaming and you would wake up and everything would be okay.
And yet a part of you already knew nothing was okay right now.
This was real.
He was real.
Dominick Carisi was standing in front of you.
For a moment neither of you said anything. You were both afraid of what would happen next. So you both stood there staring at each other.
Waiting for the other to interrupt reality.
To bring it crashing.
"Momma who's that?"
And there it was.
You saw his eyes travel to Rosalie as she hide behind your legs, curious of the stranger.
How you wished he was.
You saw the hurt in his eyes as the filled with tears.
How dare him.
He has no right.
He hurt me.
"Rosalie darling why don't you go watch TV for a bit and then I'll give you ice cream?" Your voice trembled.
The little girl smiled before giving small wave to Sonny and disappearing to her room.
You saw him choke back a sob as he met your eyes.
"She's so big" he said quietly.
He doesn't get to play the sad card. The broken and alone card. It had already been used and it had only left devastation in its way.
"Yeah she is. What do you want?" You said coldly.
You saw him flinch at the sound of you voice. He had never heard you be this cold.
"I uh...I thought I could come and we could talk." He said avoiding you eyes.
You gave a small forced huff of annoyance.
"Talk? Now you want to talk? You know what? We were done talking the minute you kissed Amanda!" You voice was getting louder as you saw him look down in shame.
It was truly amazing how although he was taller than you he seemed so small right now.
Just like you were all those years ago.
"I jus-st wanted to meet her. To apologize to you". His voice broken and near crying.
You felt so much anger.
It had all been pent up over the years waiting to blow.
And it finally did.
"Oh yeah? Well sorry to tell you that you just came to waste your time. I don't need any of your apologies or pity or anything else. You hurt me. YOU BROKE ME!" You shook angrily.
"I'm sorry," he sobbed, "I never meant to hurt you."
Right when you were about to go off on him again he was on his knees sobbing and crying.
"I'm so sorry. Please, I'm sorry. Please," he sobbed uncontrollably as his breathing quickened and his whoke body began to shake.
This cannot be happening.
Sonny Carisi was having an anxiety attack.
Immediately your anger was forgotten as you rushed to his side and embraced him.
Despite everything, no one deserved to go through that alone.
Even if you had.
"Hey. Look at me it's okay. Shhhh it's okay." You tried to comfort him as the strong passionate man you had known broke down in front of you.
He cried saying things incoherently and you pulled him closer to you.
"ItsnotokaynothingisokayI'msosorry" he muffled into your chest.
Nothing is okay.
Understatement of the year.
As you rubbed his back he slowly began to calm down.
And become self concious of his surrondings.
He lightly pushed you away as he stood and took a good couple steps back, hs eyes wide and full of fear and regret.
"I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to do that," he said nervously, once again avoiding your gaze.
"No it's fine. I was a little too harsh." You said softly.
"Rightfully so," he said matching your tone.
There was a quiet silence between you for a while.
It gave you time to really think about all of this.
You sighed.
Rosalie deserved to know who her father was and have the opportunity to spend time with him.
"Sonny," you finally said.
His eyes looked up at you unsure.
"Her name is Rosalie and she is four. She's so beautiful. She has the prettiest smile and most wonderful laugh. She lights up any room she is in and is the amazingest little girl in the whole world." You say taking a pause before continuing.
"She deserves to know you. And I don't have the heart to keep her away from you. But there are conditions."
He looked up at you with hopefull, pleading eyes, "Anything"
"You can come see her whenever you want. You just have to let me know. You will go with her to every field trip and parent conference. You will spoil her rotten and give her all the love she deserves. You will be her knight in shining armour," you pause as you felt your eyes well up in tears.
"And if you ever break her heart, I swear to you, you will never see her again and I'll make sure to make your life a living hell," you trembled out you voice threatening to crack.
"Because that little girl deserves nothing less."
Sonny was in tears as he nodded.
"Never. I promise you. I will never hurt her," he said gently before meeting you eyes, "or you again."
He tried to reach for you hand but you stepped back realizing how close you had gotten.
He looked down shamefully.
"Look Sonny. I was hurt pretty bad that day. And I ran. Away from you, from everything. But yet my feelings for you seemed to follow me. Because somehow my heart still felt something for you. It took years to get through that. I don't know what the future holds for us but please, I can't do that. I don't want for this to get complicated. Maybe someday I'll change my mind or find someone else. But for right now I just want to clear my head and just be friends."
"Right. Of course." He said.
You sighed softly.
It was nice to get that off your chest.
You looked at him and gave him a small smile.
"Do you want to meet your daughter?"
"Yes," he said returning your smile.
Maybe you were both never meant to be togther or maybe it was just bad timing. Maybe the future would change that. You had grown into a different person and so had he. There were so many possiblities for the future and for once you were ready.
Ready for what lied ahead.
Because life had a funny way of doing things.
And you were finally at peace.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Taglist: @wittysunflower
Okayyyyyyy. There you gooooo. After a month with just a small request here we are 4 parts later (sorry not sorry). This request was so fun to write and I hope you enjoyed it. Also made the ending so that you could decide what happens next! As always thank you so much for reading and don't be afraid to drop those requests!
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lovecolibri · 3 years
Things that did NOT Spark Joy-3x11
Well. As much fun as I had watching another episode without m*ria (two in a row?! Bless) and I talked about all my favorite bits here. But I do think this episode ended up suffering a lot from mistakes made and time wasted earlier in the season, leading to a bit of a snowball effect where a LOT of exposition had to happen all at once, plus the domino effect of some pretty non-nonsensical plot/writing choices that all managed to stall the train out here in this episode. This will probably get pretty long, and ranty, but as I’ve said before I would happily watch this episode in it’s entirety in replacement of each individual moment m*ria was on screen this season so as 😒😒😒 as I am about the plot stuff, I can’t say I didn’t at least enjoy myself while I was watching, and was able to save (for the most part) my critiques until after I watched the whole thing and then started on my notes. So, lets get to the salt! I think this one will need to be broader categories, followed by bullet points so let’s see if I can make that work!
First off: WHY in the everloving FUCK are they doing an infiltration/wounded hostage recovery operation (you know Max saw that blood outside from the sheriff’s GSW)  WITHOUT their a) DOCTOR, and b) at least one of the TWO characters with COMBAT TRAINING and medals from their time in the military, one of whom is MICHAEL’S SOULMATE and has been spending a very large portion of his life trying to keep Michael safe? 
WHY?! Of all the asinine episodes to have BOTH Alex and Kyle missing this is probably the worst. This is not the first time and for sure won’t be the last even within this post where I will drag the funeral vision plot for being pointless but IF they wanted to make it a Whole Thing, they could have put it in ONE episode and had that be one missing both Kyle and Alex so they could be in this one. 
Not only are both of them friends with Liz, but Kyle specifically is her HS sweetheart, and someone who is as close to her as family, even before the whole “Rosa is Kyle’s sister too” reveal. To not have Kyle looped in or even mentioned in an episode where she was kidnapped by Jones and all they know is someone has been injured?! Well, it makes about as much sense as Rosa forgetting Kyle existed after he was kidnapped and in a coma and still hasn’t seen or interacted with him even though he woke up at the start of 3x09 so basically 3 full episodes ago.
Why can’t this show TELL US WHERE PEOPLE ARE when they’re not in an episode? Because IF Alex and Kyle had to be missing from this episode, we’d better be told a damn good reason why. Alex’s WHOLE arc has been about putting himself in danger and denying what he wants in order to keep Michael safe. Malex JUST got back together. And now Michael’s going on a super dangerous mission against his evil father where anything could happen and you're telling me not only is Alex NOT THERE, but he isn't even mentioned to tell us why?! Nah fam.
At first I thought it might be because Kyle knew about Dallas and his instructions to kill Max, but Dallas told Max about that like, immediately, so it wasn’t some big thing that stunned everyone later. 
HOW did they get an episode where, after spending their first night together in LITERAL. YEARS. Malex gets called about a Big Deal Situation and we didn’t get to see them showing up clearly rumpled and hastily dressed and/or both dripping from a recent shower, possibly in each other’s clothes?! How does that make sense?! We could have had raised eyebrows from everyone but no one says anything trying to stay on task, except for a moment where each character pulls Michael or Alex aside throughout the episode to say how happy they are for them and both Michael and Alex groan and say they don’t want to talk about it, but their faces are still beaming and blushing a little and it’s clear they’re happy. WHY is this show allergic to picking up where the last episode left off?!  We had the perfect set up for a 1x03 morning after parallel where Isobel comes to get Michael after he isn’t answering Max’s calls. That’s a HUGE missed emotional beat. Especially if Isobel showed up with breakfast for 3. Because it’s been....3 episodes since Malex got together and yet we’ve had NO mention of it from ANYONE else? And if they’re keeping it on DL, then fine, but also they were doing that before and literally every rando that ran into seemed to know about them being in love so it’s once again, SUPER WEIRD that their friends know nothing or don’t say anything about it. Again, it’s a tv show, it doesn’t matter if the characters are “private” there is literally no other way for the audience to know what is happening in the character’s heads and off screen unless they show/tell us about it. Even someone asking and getting shut down gives us some information. Unlike the aliens, we aren’t mind readers.
 ALSO, Michael was making alien handcuffs and testing them and we didn’t get to see that scene happening with Alex because he wasn’t even in the episode?! The sheer comedic value that scene could have had makes me weep for what we’ve lost. If those don’t come back at some point and we don’t get a scene with Alex and Michael at least talking about them, I will riot. Absolutely ridiculous. They should have been making those sooner, in an episode Alex WAS in, maybe the one where they were hunting Jones and maybe could have used the cuffs to pull him out of m*ria’s mind and we could have gotten Alex and Michael testing them out and trying to be adults about it but having a hard time, perhaps? OR, Alex should have been in this episode because it makes zero sense for him not to be especially since they didn’t tell us he was being held captive somewhere which is probably the only thing that would keep him off a mission like this, or Michael lying to him about what is going down in which case we should have seen that so we would know what TF is going on.
Second: The New Power Plot
I adore Sanders, but this conversation with Michael about his powers should have been had during the one they referenced before that we should have seen where Michael was talking about his rocky path forward with Alex. Because Michael talking with Sanders about Alex right at the start of their relationship was something we were all pissed about not getting to see, BUT, Michael being afraid of a power he has that could possible have been controlling Alex and getting him to stick around that he needs to tell Alex about it but is scared?! And Walt tells him he’s more like his mom that his dad and how soft and squishy he is on the inside and how he doesn’t carry darkness in him and tying that all back to Alex?! That would have been great to see. Not that I think Michael should have this power at ALL, but if they were going to do it, we should have been seeing hints all season of this. Like, ya know, when he was goading the racists to hit him. 
 But more importantly, this plot shouldn’t belong to Michael at all. I don’t know if it’s because they gave the empath powers to Isobel so they didn’t want to give her anything else or what. Those have been...not the most useful this season so why even go that route? As I said here Isobel can already pop into people's minds why does she need the empath power? And having her struggling with having the same power Noah had is waaaaaaay more compelling that putting that on Michael, especially since Isobel has been the one most struggling with consent on the mind powers front.
Also, since we’re here, as fun as watching Isobel and Jones duke it out with pool cues or swords, we already got that in 3x08, and 3x11, and now again coming up in the finale episodes which is starting to feel redundant, especially because Isobel keeps winning or at the very least, not losing. We should have seen Jones being able to take Isobel down but not killing her, yet, to build up the tension for the “final battle” thing they’ve got going on. I remember him getting under Isobel's skin and I think her facing defeat, like Jones almost killing her and m*ria before Liz kicks him out, would make her choosing to step up even though she's scared and could be risking her life a much more powerful and compelling story AND makes Rosa's advice hit harder. Also, you can’t just pick up how to sword fight right away so we should have seen Isobel not been well matched with Jones, to make it look like she would be sacrificing something by taking him on again in the finale. Though honestly, if Isobel should have gotten the mind-hopping power, Michael should have gotten the “taking on his evil father” job this season. I have very much enjoyed watching Isobel and Jones, but the ultimate fight being between them instead of Michael or Max doesn’t really make sense. We have seen the thread of connection to Jones all season with Max and Michael, while there is no connection at all for Isobel beyond their banter moments and Louise also fighting him with a sword. If Isobel is the one to take him down, we should have seen a stronger connecting thread between them. Which, ultimately it could be Max or Michael that takes him down, but still having all the big physical fight scenes not be with his son or his clone is...a weird choice. 
Third: The Wyatt/Racist/Funeral Vision Plot. This whole thing is full of missed emotional beats, throw it out. What a waste of time Wyatt and the whole racist town/sheriff/Roswell Regiment and funeral vision plot has been.
Rosa talking about getting out of this town and going to art school should happen with someone she loves and is close to like, say, her DAD, or her sister who is working on listening and being more supportive, or her half-brother who has been such a support for her and who also almost died but hasn’t shared any scenes with her since he was kidnapped. 🙄
WHY give us this new racist sheriff when a) Kyle getting impaled and almost dying next to the Sheriff’s office where his mom works would have been the PERFECT way to let Michelle in on the secret (and Arturo could be in the know and we could get a scene of the two of them talking about being worried/proud of their kids. *grabby hands*), but also it would have allowed us to see a character we know and actually care about, Michelle, being shot and controlled by Jones which is someone Liz, the other characters, and the audience, are a LOT more invested in seeing healed/freed/NOT killed by Jones. This lady? She called in known white supremacists who are likely also classified as some kind of terrorist organization by FBI standers, to “help control” a peaceful protest. Literally NO ONE cares if Jones kills her. 
I’m pretty sure Wyatt with all his talk of the future, is going to be our funeral victim. Especially given everyone’s reactions as a whole, taking into account Isobel’s “empath” thing (which I swear if they only had that in order make the vision plot have more twists I will riot), and the likelihood of Wyatt ultimately sacrificing himself to save someone and Max being...Max about it, it all tracks so much more than that having been Kyle’s actual funeral in which case neither Alex or Liz’s reactions make sense, same with Walt, which Alex would also not cover up and Michael wouldn’t be casually talking to Bert about police reports. SO, if nothing was changed by them seeing this play out earlier except someone calling Max to check on Kyle which easily could have been played differently (and better) by having Kyle call Max (whom he’s stated he doesn’t particularly care for) for help, what was even the point. Why did we waste like, nearly half the flipping season on this plot?! We could have focused on other things much earlier and had the vision come in to play near the end, or just, not at all and just done a finale promo teaser with flashed of the coffin, and some voice-overs to show someone was dying at the end of the season. 
Fourth: The Liz/Jones/Heath Science Stuff. Everyone has already talked about how little any of the science stuff makes sense so I won’t harp too much on that, but I think this all is another instance of the show waiting waaaaaaayyyy too long to introduce important plot things. Because, as mentioned above, we for some reason needed multiple episodes to establish the funeral vision thing which has amounted to nothing and has not affected the plot one single bit since like, 3x05, but we DIDN’T need multiple episodes to build the rest of these storylines. Sure, Jan.
Soooo, Liz should have made a deal with the devil long ago, Dangling the lure of new science for Liz earlier, maybe if m*ria was actually showing effects of the supposed brain damage, would have been more interesting I think than throwing that out right at the end and not giving it time to build across the season. (Or they should have drug out the Morally Grey Jones all season until the end, and carried Evil Jones into next season because I find him fascinating and don’t want to let him go.)
We spent so much time wondering if Heath was evil and tied to something shady with Gynorx (or whatever TF it’s called) or Deep Sky, and then finding out Deep Sky might be okay but Eduardo thinks there is a mole and wondering if THAT’S the connection with Heath, when we should have always been shown that Heath was using Liz to get info to help someone! We should have known he was shady, seeing him making calls and stuff, or stealing information, skipped most of the “love triangle that no one actually bought anyway” thing, and after having had Dallas for a few episodes too, THEN made the connection reveal that shows us Heath isn’t evil, he’s trying to help save his friend. Just like Liz is doing.
Speaking of the mole, why did Eduardo bring up that he was worried about a mole in Deep Sky  as a reason to keep Kyle in a barn far away, if that person is NOT HEATH?! Now, there’s still time to reveal Heath IS tied to Deep Sky (maybe that’s how they get in for the trailer clip we’ve seen) but then, why not let us see that sooner?! Alex never crossed paths with Heath, we could have known about it ALL ALONG and been yelling at our screens about it! 
And most importantly, if Heath isn’t the Deep Sky Mole, we could have avoided wasting one of Kyle’s episodes on a brief clip of him being in a coma and just...had him in Deep Sky and shown that Kylex clip in a different episode.
Fifth: Miscellaneous things that bother me so I’m going to bitch about them
Dallas’s age in his story doesn’t track since he’s about the same age as everyone else, but apparently the resistance took years? But how was there a resistance for years if Jones just...burned the whole planet? Was it only some people he killed? Was he a dictator before then? If he burned everyone then how was he still there to see the field of flowers but also escape on the same ship as Norah&Co? I’m guessing he only killed some but it...wasn’t very clear and the timeline for Michael especially as the dictator’s son doesn’t track if he was like, 7 when he went in the pod but is the same age as Dallas basically. Definitely not 7 years younger. Did Norah already have him before Jones threated Dallas and started getting clones made? In that case, what about Max? He’s ALSO not 7 years younger than Michael. Someone make a timeline I’m begging.
Jones said he healed sheriff and she looked fine when she went after Max and Dallas. So why was Liz talking about blood loss and getting her checked out?
There is no way that sword was in the Long Farm driveway under half an inch of gravel. If it was anywhere, it should have been in the barn. You know, where Louise lived and spent most of her time. Or out on the reservation. Where she spent the rest of her life after Roy was killed.
Speaking of, Isobel, stop using your powers in broad daylight and hauling alien swords around where anyone can see.
You're telling me in ALLLL the tests Liz and Kyle ran on Michael to save Max last season NO ONE noticed that they have at least a partial DNA match? And if they DID, then why the shock at Michael handling Jones's sword? How did they figure out that ONLY someone with Max's DNA could touch the sword without getting burned? There's only Isobel and Michael that knew about the sword at all! Did Jones tell them that before they put him in the pod? Because if they tested it, they would have found out Michael could touch it ages ago!  
Isobel said she could tell the sword to deactivate but that doesn't make Jones's not burning through that case in 3x07 make sense, but on that note, can Jones be killed with his own sword since it doesn’t burn someone with his DNA? And the swords are so thick and clunky and unwieldy, they don’t look like they are actually sharp to be able to cut something.
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staytiny-present · 3 years
Ateez Coraline!au
anyway, this is meant to be a little headcanon thing for a series i’ve been planning that is, obviously, based on the movie coraline. it’ll be a reader insert for you to enjoy as well :) this is basically a “ateez as characters in coraline,” but my plan is to still make them unique to the story. i hope you like this!
warnings: this does not match at all swearing, angsty situations, borderline crack (you’ll see), i think i make one sex joke, allusions to depression - PLEASE take caution when you read yunho’s part. i don’t think i go into any specifics, but his gets serious that i just want you to be aware
Reader’s backstory: you’ve lived with your grandmother who owns the pink palace apartments since you were a teenager so you can help her out as she gets older. the pink palace isn’t the most well-known, but it’s gotten a pretty negative rap since the disappearance of your best friend in high school. it’s hard living there still, but you know your grandma needs the support. you know nearly all of the ins and outs of the place, and all of the tenants adore both you and your grandma
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Wooyoung and Yeosang ~ Spink and Forcible
tell me i’m wrong
that’s right you can’t
they’ve been friends for years and bicker and tease each other like they’re married and still love and support each other? yeah
wooyoung and yeosang are childhood friends
they mostly did dance in high school but they were also in theater, and they were kinda well known for being The Best™
they were recruited to join a lot of teams and a lot of colleges wanted them because they were just??? amazing??? how tf??
so yeah they earned a lot of recognition in high school that honestly got them really famous from when they were 16 onward
it’s been a few years since then and so the hype around them has definitely died down but we’ll get to that
they are currently still working on stuff in regards to dancing and acting
they’re technically in college too, but they do online classes so they can stay at home and work on their shows
wooyoung is the idealist while yeosang is the realist
like i said, they act like an old married couple always bickering and fighting but they really do love each other
ride or die best friends dude
it’s just that they say they’ll do certain things or are planning things soon and it just… doesn’t happen
that’s mostly idealist woo talking before yeosang can reign him in
so for years it’s been a lot of empty promises of new work that many people just stopped expecting things from them
and because of that they’ve past their peak and are basically just in limbo before they are actually able to make/perform their next show or something like that 
they rent the basement apartment of the pink palace, and they’ve technically lived in there the longest actually
growing up, both of their families lived there so that was how they met and became the best of friends :)
they didn’t want to leave either but they had to for a couple years
but at least they stayed together :)
their families moved back when the boys were about a year into high school just because the old woman who owns the place is a gem and the city had a great school for them to go to
while they were living there though a boy around their age went missing, and it basically convinced their families that they should move out
wooyoung and yeosang were very adamant about staying, so their families told them you’re either moving away with us or finding a way to pay for the apartment yourselves
so the next day wooyoung and yeosang went out and found themselves some jobs so that they could
it upset their parents sure, but they were also kinda proud that they took so much initiative about this - they knew they would succeed in life
it also factored into why grandma let them stay because she knew the same thing
the sweet woman even said she would help them out from time to time :(
then cue the next 3-4 years where woo and yeo are making a bunch of money with their dances teams and performing in shows 
they’ve gotten a good amount of money over the years that they’ve been able to renovate the basement so that it’s really nice
now they have posters of their “golden years” (as wooyoung says) from high school and their first years of college all around their place
they have a dog and have been seriously considering getting more because he’s getting kind of old :( 
they don’t really get out much bc they are constantly trying to plan and work on their shows, but it’s fine because there’s nothing really close to the pink palace :/ the closest city where they went to school is quite the commute
but because of all this - the empty promises, the lack of activity, the radio silence - no one really takes them seriously anymore, and really people just stopped believing in them
it’s a major factor in their motivation and work ethic, but they try their hardest not to let it deter them from what they want to do in life
Mingi, San, and Jongho ~ The Amazing Bobinsky
trust me here ok?
mingi, san, and jongho start their own circus right out of high school
hear me out
the boys all went to high school together, but jongho is a year younger than them so they all graduated at different times
however they had a lot of classes together because they didn’t really care much about school and it reflected on their academics
so they were put in a lot of lower classes together that they all did well in, they just didn’t care about school
their circus started out as a joke honestly
it was probably edgy teen jongho who was like “ugh i hate school i should just drop out and join the circus”
and it became a running joke between them like haha yeah let’s join the circus, who would we all be tho?
mingi and san were both very adamant that jongho would be the strongman what with all his fruit breaking endeavors and the buff buff arms dude
san did martial arts and liked dancing and was very flexible so he was like ayy i’ll be the acrobat
it took them a while to decide what mingi would be because they were like “huh well what about the lion tamer?” “you know how much of a fraidy cat he is?” “ok well what about a trapeze artist?” “he’s a great dancer and flexible sure, but would he ever be able to have that kind of coordination?” “ok fine then what about a clown?” “fuck you guys”
they chose sword swallower mostly because like??? how does it work?? idk mingi should find out 
and yeah for a while it was a running joke between all of them like yeah we’re gonna drop out of school and join the circus lol
but then come mingi and san’s senior year and they were like… hang on
could… could we actually do this? it sounds fun as hell
it went as far as them all researching circuses in their spare time and income and how to go about joining one
and it ended with them not wanting to live the lifestyle of a traveling circus 
sure it sounded cool as fuck, but while they were somewhat willing to live with those conditions, they weren’t willing enough
so the next best thing for them would be to start their own circus
of course, how do you tell your parents that what you want to be when you grow up is a circus performer?
the answer: you don’t 
whenever they were asked things likes “oh what do you want to do in college?” they all just kinda passed it off as they didn’t know, but in reality they didn’t really have any desire to go to college
you don’t need a degree to start a circus, so they didn’t really want to
once mingi and san graduated, they immediately started looking for affordable apartments where they could do their thing - start their circus
in all honesty they started looking before they graduated too, partially since they would be moving out after hs but also because they just felt better about not living with their parents 
they had seen the pink palace in the newspaper a lot with a vacant attic apartment, and basically since they found out about it they were sold on it
a weird place in the middle of nowhere run by a woman who doesn’t mind housing younger people? perfect
they actually met her before they graduated so they could see about renting the apartment sooner or later
grandma all but told them it was there’s once she met the boys, and she understands that when they are finally able to start living there they will be pretty tight on money, so she doesn’t even make them pay the down payment - she does that herself and holds the apartment for them
because let’s face it: the pink palace isn’t very big,, it already has a good amount of people living there,,, how many people are actually gonna consider moving to the middle of nowhere to actually live there?
plus she likes these three boys, so she wants to help them as much as she can
so yeah once mingi and san graduate, they are basically ready to move into the pink palace
but this is technically after that boy went missing and after the case turned cold, so grandma doesn’t want to rent to anyone new
but she already assured the boys that the attic was theirs, and she’s not about to break that promise
so before giving the boys the keys she gives them the lowdown of what’s been going on and what will happen in the future
they know the boy went missing, but she explains to them all that happened and that it gives the pink palace a bad rap (even though she hardly cares about that), so she wouldn’t normally be doing something like this but they will be the last people she lets rent from her
and they don’t completely understand because they have no idea what this has been doing to the poor old woman, but they understand enough and are grateful for her that she’s still letting them live there
they decide then that it would be better for jongho to start living with them now even before he’s graduated just so it’s less of a change for grandma in the future
which jongho is totally okay with because he honestly would rather live with them anyway
but uh yeah mingi, san, and jongho are the last ones to start renting at the pink palace for a long while
they split rent three ways so that it’s less burdensome on them, and they all have jobs so that they can afford it
mingi and san work full time while jongho has a part time job while he finishes school
but full time they are all preparing and planning their circus!!
takes a lot of throat training for mingi 😏 since he is literally putting swords down his throat, and he started this basically right when they decided their circus was going to be real
san and jongho have advantages because they already have some skill in their areas, but that doesn’t mean they don’t train
san still takes martial arts and dance, and he’s even signed up for gymnastics to help him with his flexibility
jongho basically spends all of his spare times working out (mostly lifting weights) so that he can really be strong
but also jongho has a thing for rats/mice and is like “hey,, why don’t we use them for something so that it’s not just us?”
and the boys lowkey are like wtf dude why but then again who are they to shut down his ideas when they are literally starting a circus?
so they’re like fine but that’s on you to decide how to do that and to plan the act
jongho: yessss ratssss
also jongho: NO they’re not RATS they’re MICE these are MICE THANK YOU
this is the “jumping mice” aspect of the coraline movie with bobinsky just fyi
a lot of jongho’s time in school is spent in the science and psychology departments talking to teachers about animals (specifically rats/mice) and how to train and work with them
the teachers are all kinda like… what? but also they are just happy that jongho is interested in something enough to come to the teachers and ask questions and apply himself
lmao it’s not for school tho
so he learns a lot of this information at school and honestly this might be the only thing he learns at school because soon enough he’s graduating with a bunch of knowledge on how to work with and train animals
once out of high school he starts working full time too so that money and rent is even easier
all of their extra money that isn’t toward rent and bills and groceries go to their circus
they hardly ever buy new clothes unless it’s something for their circus
also the boys had to go to grandma to ask if they could house mice in their apartment, and while it was a hard no (unless they were trained and wouldn’t cause trouble), jongho still smuggled them in
grandma knows about it too (bc she knows everything that goes on for the most part lmao) but she doesn’t say anything because they don’t cause trouble and she likes the boys
the day one of them gets loose and starts terrorizing and infesting the pink palace is the day she intervenes and tells them to get rid of them
but jongho is actually really good at training the mice so it’s fine
my point surrounding all of this is to say that mingi, san, and jongho are in the long and arduous stage of their lives and their circus of planning and preparing everything
they only make so much money and have so many resources that setting up their circus and doing everything to prepare is going to take a long time before they can actually open and show people what they’ve been working on
they’ve been doing it for a few years now and they’ve still hardly made a dent
they have to train and perfect their acts sure, but they also have to do all of the logistical stuff like advertising, selling tickets, finding venues, paying for safety and legal stuff, etc.
and these boys are only in their early 20s, so it’s gonna take a while before they can actually open their circus
but they are determined and passionate, so if this is what they have to do then they will happily do it
Yunho ~ The Ghost Children
oh god this is gonna start getting serious i’m sorry
in case you can’t tell, yunho is the boy that goes missing from the pink palace
he and his family lived in the pink palace from when he was pretty young until he was in high school
he was also really good friends with wooyoung and yeosang because they were all the same age
however he was... not happy
he always worked his ass off dancing because that’s what he wanted to do, but it meant his grades in school tanked
this would obviously be worrying to some parents, and his gave him an ultimatum
either get your grades up and start taking school seriously, or you’re not going to be allowed to continue your dance lessons
the answer was clear to yunho, so he told his dance teacher that he would be taking a break for a bit so he can focus on school
everything was fine until he realized his parents had zero intentions of letting him go back anyway
he didn’t understand,, his grades were getting better so why couldn’t he go back?
to put it plainly, his parents said this:
“what kind of career could you make out of dance? you’ll never succeed”
it was crushing
it was then that yunho realized that his own parents didn’t care about what he wanted and was passionate about
he didn’t think they ever would either, so he just sort of... stopped believing in them
it wasn’t all bad because he had his closest friends and grandma (who treated him like her own grandson)
but he had some pretty bad days that made the happy and energetic boy almost completely unrecognizable
he would look at wooyoung and yeosang and see how successful they were despite still being in school
he would see how their talent was rightfully recognized and sought after
and he would get down on himself, thinking how he wanted the same thing but fearing no one would see him
that’s why he worked hard at everything he did, why his motivation plummeted, and why he nearly wore himself out before even graduating
but one day he started acting strange
everyone noticed how a switch seemed to flip in him
that excited glimmer was back in his eyes, and no one knew why
don’t get me wrong, everyone was so happy to see the smiley yunho was back, but everyone wanted to know what happened
but he hardly made any sense when he told them
he supposedly found a place in the pink palace where he could do what he wanted, but whenever he tried showing anyone he couldn’t? the door was bricked up
everyone started thinking he made it up, that the stress was finally getting to him and he dreamt up a place like this so he wouldn’t lose his mind
that glimmer was gone again, and he stopped trying to talk to people
in fact, he closed himself off from everyone 
the day he went missing was the scariest day for everyone in the pink palace
everyone was devastated, but it completely changed his parents
grandma advised them to move out while the police investigated, but they refused despite how hard it was
but after a year the case became cold
no one could find yunho nor could anyone figure out what happened to him
he just disappeared without a trace
his parents still tried to stay though because they needed to find out what happened to their son
but they couldn’t. no one could
it wasn’t long before they too found it best that they move out of the pink palace
it was just too painful
that was the last time grandma ever rented to anyone new, so the apartment became completely vacant for years
even after they left, no one was able to figure out what happened to yunho
Seonghwa ~ The Black Cat
geomeun goyangi nero nero nero
uhhhh yeah seonghwa’s a cat lmao
he’s not owned by anyone and doesn’t have a collar or anything
he’s a stray that has been around for a while
he showed up pretty soon after yunho started distancing himself from people, but not soon enough for people to think that he’s an omen or something
and he’s not exactly
idk really how to explain it so i won’t lmao
he just sort of became the pink palace’s cat???
grandma takes responsibility for him though and makes sure he’s fed and has a place to rest and play if he ever feels like it
which is nice and all but he doesn’t?? do any of those things?
he comes and goes a lot sure,,, no one really knows where he goes but they know he’ll be back
but when he hangs out around the pink palace? he just... wanders?
it’s hard to explain but it’s almost like he is surveying the domain, like he’s searching for something wrong
he’s a weird cat
not only that though, but he doesn’t eat? or sleep? at all???
at least no one ever sees him sleeping or eating
he’s always getting into shit tho, like he’s always there when you don’t want him to be
there have been many times wooyoung has kicked him out of the apartment because the dogs hate him
mingi and san also try to keep him out because of jongho and his rats mice, but honestly jongho is pretty cool with him
because he doesn’t do anything to the mice? he literally just sits there and watches with wide and curious eyes
sure jongho worries about hwa one day stealing one of his mice for grandma to see so that she can make him get rid of them or kick them out but that’s not going to happen right?
hwa is chill tho, so jongho is chill
the cat would follow yunho around a lot, and a lot of times they were seen curled up together
yunho would be taking a nap the poor boy but hwa wouldn’t
he would just be there to comfort him :(
honestly he liked yunho and his best friend the most and everyone could tell jongho was a close second tho
they all came to start calling him mars instead of The Cat™ since they didn’t know his name
they still call him The Cat™ when he pisses them off but i digress
despite how fucking weird he is though, everyone at the pink palace basically loves him
he’s just Their Cat™ ok?
sure he might be annoying and shifty, or he might be haunted, or he might even be immortal
he’s a really weird cat dude
but he’s part of the family,, they gotta love him
Hongjoong ~ Coraline
curtesy of inception era hongjoong 
so joong is our main man here
at first he had no relation to the pink palace whatsoever,, he had never even heard of it
he lived with a friend in a fairly large city before and it was fine and all but WOW was it expensive
and it was honestly very stifling to hongjoong,,, he couldn’t really do everything he wanted to do there
he found the pink palace by accident
he was searching up affordable apartments to live in places that have good weather and conditions for gardening
let me explain though
hongjoong is in his downward stretch of college for a journalism degree, but he’s taking online classes with his move so that he can focus on that and working
he wants to work in gardening and writing, but he also really just wants to make stuff
his realistic plan is to work in journalism and write for like a gardening magazine or journal while gardening as a “side project” or something (like coraline’s parents do)
did somebody say florist joong? because i did
the dream job though would be to work in song writing or fashion or something artistic like that
he likes painting and making/customizing clothes so he would like to be able to make a career out of that
his goal is to eventually make his own business or store where he makes and sells affordable and sustainable clothes and accessories
he’s going for a degree in journalism with a minor in business, but he has been struggling with both so he has been debating dropping business
arguably it would be better for him to stick with business but most people in his life have told him he’s better in journalism and so he keeps at that mostly 
he feels unfulfilled - he wants to plant a garden, he wants to make and alter clothes customly, he wants to make music
but he isn’t able to do any of that because what are the odds any of that ends up working as a career? 
it might work for a little while but in the future he would technically be a small business, and maintaining a small business is difficult
at least with writing and working for a magazine/journal is stable
however it’s not what he’s most passionate about, thus he finds it hard to have motivation to work
he feels like a zombie going through his days the same as the last, just trying to get through school before he gets a 9-5 job that he’ll hate within a year (if that) doing something he doesn’t want to do
but hey, that’s adult life, isn’t it? 
he doesn’t like to complain and feels guilty when he is ungrateful for his circumstances because he knows plenty of people (his parents included) that went down this route who ended up fine, which means he will too
the one person who always told him to go after what he wanted was his mom even though she technically “settled” in life
holy shit did i digress
but yeah in his search for an affordable place to live with good weather, there wasn’t a lot 
but he also wanted a drastic change from what he was used to, and that was the pink palace
it was practically in the middle of nowhere, and the pictures (while pretty dull) showed potential for a great garden
it was perfect
it was a hard no from grandma when he called about possibly renting, so he wasn’t expecting her to call him back at all
grandma didn’t want to risk anything because of what happened with yunho
but with some convincing, she realized that she couldn’t keep holding on
while what happened was horrible, there was nothing that could be done as sad as it was
so she called hongjoong back about when the best time to come look at the pink palace would be
and the rest is history
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bluewhale52 · 2 years
Saw this on @taegularities post and wanted to do one for myself! This is such a great way to look back and review my work and my writing.
🎉 2021 Year End Review Game 🎉
Rules ; post the top 5 works you're most proud of that you released this year (not necessarily your most popular), your top 4 current WIPs that you're excited to release in the new year, your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year, your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year, and your number 1 favorite line you've written this year!
💜 Top 5 Works I’m most proud of:
1. dopegirl.com - churned this one out in one sitting when I was so insanely obsessed with Cypher Pt2. Yoongi can definitely take us to Hong Kong.
2. LBB Jimin Chapter - I really wanted this to be a fun chapter but nooope angst it is! I loved writing OC’s bad decisions too, at the expense of JM’s broken heart, sorry mochi 😢
3. Can You Hear It - a domestic YG series that takes a sudden turn into the paranormal, this actually has given me so many new ideas on where I want to take the series to, from the POVs of the children and their ‘friends’
4. All I Want for Christmas is You - i had so much fun creating this, playing around with the style of the fic and inserting the flashbacks. A challenge but def a very fun one.
5. The Queen’s Secret - my NamKook heart 🥺 a new genre for me to dabble into which was challenging but very rewarding at the same time.
👩🏻‍💻Top 4 WIP:
1. LBB Namjoon chapter - can’t say much here bc I’m keeping some surprises in my sleeves
2. Mafia au KTH x OC - e2l, keeping some surprises here as well!
3. JinKook MMF pwp smut bc why not? 🤪 i did a thread on this on my Twitter and it was so messy so I just had to redo it and do it properly, you know?
4. Cinderella au to continue on my Bangtan Fairytale series - HS, YG and Prince Jin x OC. Bulk of the story has been written as part of @btscreatorscorner workshop.
🛠My Top 3 Improvements:
1. Edit, edit, edit - not every fic needs a backstory, not every plot needs to be told explicitly, not every character needs to be explained/ described to make a connection!
2. New genres: royalty au, (slightly) paranormal au were all uncharted territories. Thank you to the networks’ monthly challenges! I wouldn’t have ventured in without you guys!
3. Character developments- this was a goal I set for myself, to create characters that actually had growth and not 2 dimensional, that’s not always likeable, that makes mistakes and is not perfect.
🌟My Top 2 Resolutions:
1. Interact more- stop being such a silent writer and reader! Challenging myself this year to talk more to my readers as well as my fellow writers!
2. Write for myself - I think I pay too much attention to likes and reblogs, wondering why this or that fic is not getting the attention I was hoping for- an emotion can and has deterred me from writing. So I want to remind myself that yes while I definitely I write for an audience, I am writing for myself too, that it’s okay when it doesn’t get the interaction I wanted because it is still a fruit of my creativity.
✍️ No. 1 Favorite Line:
‘You watch him watch you as you walk further away, and you are the first to break the gaze, settling back into the embrace of your date, pushing Jimin away.’ ~ Little Black Book, Your Nemesis (Jimin’s chapter)
Nothing extraordinary about this line, but closing the chapter with it cements OC’s character and future in this series. It was hard to write it because it was at the expense of JM’s heart, but it was the best way to end that chapter. Again, sorry Mochi 🥺
I’m not tagging anyone in particular for this- anyone who wants to do it, feel free! 💜
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The Possibilities...Part 2
// After the last post of the CD covers I did went over so well with y’all, I decided to do the other 13 songs in the show and added in some character themed ones as well. Hope y’all like these ones as much as you did the last batch. I have 20, so they’ll be in 2 separate posts! 😊😄
** I also gave little descriptions for each cover to explain why I chose a certain pic, how I came up with the character or band specific logo in the top corner, and/or any other needed explanations (like college age looking characters or what’s up with Caleb).**
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~ For this one, I was deciding between a neon sign of a rainbow or going for a more generic picture of someone on a cliff side for lyrics like “That we're standing on the edge of...Something big, something crazy...Our best days are yet unknown...That this moment is ours to own...'Cause we're standing on the edge of great”. In the end, I liked the rainbow neon heart the most because it felt like it connected with lyrics “Shout, shout...C'mon and let it out, out...Don't gotta hide it...Let your colors blind their eyes...Be who you are, no compromise” really well. 
Logo: The band logo inside a Dahlia, which, depending on the CD cover, changes color to fit its background better
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~ This cover I looked forward to as I worked on all the other ones, as I had found this art back when I was doing aesthetic/mood boards of the songs late last year. It is an amazing fit for the song and the control Caleb and his curse have over the boys as they perform it, a puppet master controlling his puppets for his own gain. 
Logo: Took the logo I had done my best to recreate for OSOH and used it here
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~ Finally, for this one I had between stuck between doing this flower (or weed, idek) picture or one of 3 options of ones with trees that were miraculously still standing in the middle of a lake or in a foggy field. All encapsulated the feeling of standing strong and lyrics like “Even if I'm the last standing...I'ma stand tall...I'ma stand tall” very well, but a mutual and I decided the flower best represented Julie and the incredible strength/bravery she showcased going up on that stage and performing without the boys. Like the flower, Julie was persevering and deciding even without her band, her family, by her side she would “keep on going when it's all falling apart” because she’s “gotta keep on dreaming...’gotta catch that feeling" like the strong, amazing performer she is and always has been. 
Logo: The band logo inside a Dahlia, matching the color of the flower, Julie, because they’re a family now  
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~ For Julie and the rest of the teens, I decided that it would be alright to age up because trying to find an exact match to their ages and looks using the resources I had was going to be practically impossible. This pic I had used for a Julie/Rose, mother-daughter mood board last year and thought it would work great here. (If i did do something wrong with this representation of Julie in regards to skin tone, let me know)
Logo: The same thing, Julie’s initials inside a Dahlia, that I used in Part 1 of this post set for songs she performed alone
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~ I had a few options for a Luke pic, including 2 that ended up being too Charlie for this post, but when I found this pic I thought this would work best. Trying to find a pic that captures his hair, the beanie, and his style while also somewhat resembling Luke is stressful and impossible without likely losing my mind in the process. So, I decided a vague resemblance would work and decided to use my artistic license to say this is how I am choosing to represent our ghost himbo leading singer. The beanie felt right and not having the person’s whole face visible allowed for use of the imagination and for that air of mystery Luke aims to give off. 
Logo: I made a special logo for Luke of his initials in the same font as I used for them in the PH cover logo, but for this logo decided to put them atop a journal to represent the one he writes all his songs in and holds as sacred and many times off-limits to others      
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~ For Alex, I also had a hard time finding a close enough match that worked to represent him through hair, clothing, or even stature. I ended up finding this pic, of an actor from Outer Banks I believe, that seemed to fit the Alex vibe well enough to me, despite not have any of those matching clothing items or a perfect match for hairstyle. 
Logo: For this one I went with the expected, default fanny pack with his initials on it because there wasn’t quite any other sticker options on the site I use for these that screamed Alex and the fanny pack is intrinsic to his character (and we love it)
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~ Now for Reggie, I was able to find a pic that had both his look and allowed for him to have an instrument, even if I couldn’t for the other 2 himbos. It’s a pic of a member of The Neighbourhood performing and the leather jacket/white shirt, hair, and what I believe is a bass guitar fit with Reggie so well. I had 2 options of pics of this band member from 2 angles, but ended up deciding this one looked best. 
Logo: A cowboy on a horse to represent Reggie and his country music career dreams, plus ‘Home Is Where My Horse Is’, with his initials in a fitting font over it  
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~ While I was hesitant to use a pic of 2 girls on the ‘Flying Solo’ cover in an attempt to not unintentionally represent Madi and Jadah’s skin tones wrong, for this one just aiming to represent Flynn by herself I did my best to find a pic of a girl that not only got Flynn’s hair as we see it in the show represented but also had a close match to her/Jadah’s skin tone. Here’s to hoping I did her justice (but if I still did do something wrong with this representation of Flynn in those regards, let me know)! I thought the outfit, while not as eclectic as Flynn’s on the show, worked well for a casual look for Flynn in like Senior year of high school or even college, since the pics age all these characters up a bit. 
Logo: For the logo I went with a turntable sticker and Flynn’s initials, including letters for ‘no last name’ as people have used for her in post tags, until we learn of a last name for her hopefully in the future
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~ While looking for neon sign pics for other CD covers in this post set I came across many with people in them, a handful that also would have worked for Carrie, before finding this one among them. I loved the neon glow off the girl and the close match, as far as I can tell in the lighting, to Carrie/Savannah’s strawberry blonde hair. The outfit, similar to Flynn’s, works for end of high school or during college, where Carrie might dress in toned down versions of her usual style, we see her in during the show. The piercing and more carefree demeanor being effects of her letting go of the image she hid behind in HS and becoming a more authentic Carrie. 
Logo: I chose to put her initials over a diamond both because I wanted to use a diamond like I almost did for the pic in the ‘WOW’ cover and because of the diamond’s symbolism of things like strength/power, creativity, and balance/clarity
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~ Finally, for Caleb I had originally had a sepia colored picture of a magician looking guy in a top hat looking out onto the ocean or some body of water with his back to the camera...then I found this one. My mutual, who has been helping me with this post set, and I nicknamed him ‘Sexy Caleb’! He just gives off that suave, over-the-top magician vibe that is kinda Caleb’s thing. Since the rest of the characters were merely resemblance pics of the characters, I thought why not just go that route with Caleb’s and have fun with it. This was the result and I hope y’all enjoy it as much as I do! 
Logo: Went with the default sticker of a top hat for Caleb’s logo because it just works so well to represent him and the added initials on it almost look like goggles, like he wears in the very last scene of the season
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silverislander · 3 years
tag me
rules: answer these 30 questions and then tag 20 people you'd like to get to know better.
tagged by: @onthestupidtrain  @unadulteratedcolorkid @dissonantdreamer and @souncivilized17 !!  thanks yall :D
name/nickname: lee
gender: uhhhhhhhh,, at this point your guess is as good as mine my guy.  probably nonbinary, definitely lesbian??...  girl but to the left??  gender is a lie made up by the government to sell more bathrooms and it does not spark joy for me, but at least it gave us women
star sign: sagittarius
height: 5'5.5"
time: is a lie made up by the government to sell more clocks
birthday: dec 11
favorite bands: mcr, rise against, mother mother, paramore, against me!, the oh hellos
favorite solo artists: sleeping at last, hozier, palehound, phoebe bridgers
song stuck in my head: graceland too by phoebe bridgers!  i want to see if i can learn it on guitar- it even has my favourite guitar chord in it :D
last movie i watched: the thing (1982) with my good good dnd bros saturday night!  it was pretty fun, and the gore was v good a+, we love some practical effects in this house
last show: burden of truth- my family is watching it together
when did i create this blog: uhhh june 2019 i think??  it was def june
what i post: it’s like 95% tlou (esp part 2/ellie and dina my beloveds), but also the locked tomb series, memes/jokes, horror movies, trying to figure out my Brain Issues(tm), gay shit and whatever else i’m into for the week lol
other blogs: none!  all my bullshit stays right here baybee
last thing i googled: “figured bass inversions”... i have music theory hw to do and i suck at remembering figured bass :/
do i get asks: only when i rb games usually, but i’ve gotten a few abt my writing too which is always cool :D
why i chose my url: so i have this history of winning second place in competitions and stuff?  if i place, it’s almost always second, so that’s where the silver part comes from.  plus i am an islander :)
following: 472
followers: 300!!  thanks gang :’)
average hours of sleep: 6-7 hrs
lucky number: 13 and 7
instruments: piano, guitar, ukulele, trumpet/cornet and i am currently a voice major.  basically my whole life is music lmao
what am i wearing: denim shirt w the sleeves rolled up, jeans, socks and my key necklace.  i’m at home but i had to look nice for a recording lol, plus i just like this shirt :)
dream trip: ooo idk!  i’d probably want to go somewhere really different and learn abt the history and culture, maybe try some local food.  the problem is i’d have to be super careful to stay safe while travelling some foreign countries bc i’m visibly gay/gnc... i did a project on morocco in hs and i would have loved to go someday until i found out i’m illegal there 🤠
favorite food: burgers mmm
nationality: canadian!
last book i read: the city we became by n. k. jemisin.  it’s absolutely amazing and i am SO close to finishing it that it’s KILLING ME but i have so much schoolwork (and executive dysfunction) lately,, how to pause the entire world to read for several hours please :’(
top 3 fictional worlds I'd like to live in: most of the stories i like are either in the normal world or Not worlds i’d actually want to live in, oof.  as much as i’d love to hang out in jackson with ellie, dina and the gang (and i would LOVE to,, universe let me meet my fav characters and have a hug w them :( ), the ensuing trauma and near-certain death... idk if that's really worth it lol.  probably (in no order) camp half blood from pjo, infinity train maybe and uhhh... probably our dnd campaign in phandalin bc i would Love to be a bard.  performing/music, charisma score that isn’t less than 0 AND cool powers?  hell yeah, where do i sign
favorite color: never can decide if it’s blue or green tbh
tagging: @angelknive @schwulchen @sadgirlindiemusic @yourcandleonthewater @primaryass only if you want ofc!  no pressure 💛
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sneakystorms · 3 years
ó, ü
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this got a bit long so, under the cut!
ó: Is there any characters you feel could have been portrayed better?
Ok so like in terms of portrayals that are historically inaccurate in harmful ways or offensive stereotypes... I'm sure that stuff has been talked about to death and I'm not very knowledgeable about history OR modern asian political relations so i won't comment on it. The only thing I'll touch on is alfred being "found" by Arthur - and looking so much like him, wowie! what a coincidence!! - and it only bothers me personally because I've read a bit more about usa history than the average polish youth for a competition in hs.
However, staying away from historical/political incorrectness and speaking strictly of character writing? I guess there's a few things that irk me. Keep in mind that I've only read the tankobon volumes that came out in poland plus some scattered strips, so I'm not taking later strips/strips that weren't included in those volumes into account!
For one, even though I'm still fond of spamano, the canon portrayal of it (especially their early relationship) is pretty gross and I wish Antonio wasn't written as some lowkey sho.tacon joke... I've seen reimaginings where Lovi is at least a teen during spanish rule (or even older than Toni!) and those are really cool, but even if Lovi stayed child aged it still could have been handled better.
What else... I think Yao could have been given more of a distinct personality given that he's supposed to be one of the main cast? I don't hate his character or anything but I always found him a little bland in comparison with others from the main 8.
ü: Have you visited your favorite character’s actual country. Any pics? (Don’t have to do the pics part!!)
Ooh, fun!! At first I thought I'd have to say no, but then I realised that I DID visit some of my faves! I think going to Malbork (currently in poland) counts as visiting gilbert, and although I don't have any pics of it I do have this record of me saying "Malbork is nice, I thought about gilbert a lot" </3
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My other fave is Lovino and I can now say I've been to southern Italy AND i have pics! my mom and i stayed in monopoli, venturing to various places around it. check out my pasty face before it got sunburnt to hell and back lol
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my favourite was definitely matera which is a city where a LOT of people deadass lived in caves until, like, the 50s. most of those caves are freely accessible (though i'm not sure if going in there is allowed? but if it's not then that's very poorly communicated lol) i don't have good pics of the caves but the surrounding architecture was also really cool!
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æ: Your favorite character and how they became such.
Speaking of favourites! Ever since I first got into hetalia I had cycled through favourite characters... I would get really into some character or other for a few weeks, then move on to another and so on. However, the two characters who have consistently been my favourites! Are gilbert and lovi! I couldn't tell you how they became such because it's literally been a decade - but i can try to psychoanalyse myself and try to figure out why those two appeal to me so much, haha.
for gil, i think it's so many things... I love cheeky bastard characters, I love characters who are really full of themselves and confident but with the actual skills to back it up! I love characters who enjoy power a bit too much, I have a weakness for albino anime boys and I love the contrast (intentional or not) of gilbert's medieval religious fervor with a physical appearance that would make him a prime candidate for demonisation in those times! And speaking of that, I also love a good old fashioned character with an unhealthy relationship to religion, even if it's not really explored outright in canon. I also used to ship him with erzsi BIG time, and I still consider pruhun somewhat of an honorary het ship.
for lovi, it's mostly the angst of it all... Himaruya really has a gift for sprinkling just enough pathos onto his otherwise comedic characters to suggest a hidden undercurrent of drama that an eager reader can easily read into and exploit. And i think lovi has some of the most explicitly stated angst out of the whole cast! his inferiority complex is plainly visible, stemming from feeling overshadowed both by feli and rome. But i like contrasting this and his childish behaviour with his fairly old age, his moments of genuine maturity and his past of formidable power! And again, I like ruminating on his relationship with religion, seeing as christianity is so closely linked with italian history and culture.
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ririnpoga · 3 years
I was tagged by @soysaucemachine on this thingie meme thing to put uh my wip’s names EXACTLY as they are on the folder and like. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh                      hhhhhhhhh *stares at the pile of 59 shit i have to write* Anyways lets gO as always people can ask me about one of these wips or some shit ig idk most titles are me having 7 different mental breakdowns at the same time so yeah
1. toga watches mlp and this is the hill i die on. dabi does too ig 2. COULD HAWKS FEATHERS POTENTIALLY WORK AS TENTA- *B O N K* 3. LoV work on a literal shopping mall and dabi works at kfc the saga 4. LoV work on a literal shopping mall and toga works at starbucks the saga II 5. LoV work on a literal shopping mall and shigaraki decays it down the saga III 6. The bunny stops shigaraki oh fuck oh no shes hot what am i gonna do ha,,,,, 7. toe 8. WHY AM I WRITING VOCALOID FANFIC IN 2021 I 9. The depressed scientist, the sadist doctor and the dumbass vet, all in love. White coat trio. 10. i rlly think antarc should have a polar bear for a pet considering how theyre literally ice on the anime 11. the hair dreamworld thing for padpa which will have 10 chapters or some shit. fuck. WHY DO THEIR HAIR LOOK SO FLUFFY I WANNA SCREAM 12. why am i writing vocaloid fanfic in 2021 part two electric boogaloo 13. ghghhghhhhghhghhgh FRIENDS TO LOVERS TO ENEMIES TO LOVERS AGAIN. 14. i rlly think dabi should learn how to pole dance yk 15. daddy rick astley/reader 16. uh 17. DREAM/BILL 200K ENEMIES TO LOVERS TUMBLR SEXYMAN HIGHSCHOOL (not actually 200k. probably.) 18. WHY THE FUCK AM I WRITING VOCALOID FANFIC IN 2021. PART III 19. do i really want to try and write dumbass ace attorney fanfic 20. toe (2) 21. VILLAIN OCHAKO GOOD. gay 22. dabi and toga have a type and its literally bird 23. LOVE LIVE FANFIC? 24. apparently yes ace attorney fanfic 25. THIS HIGHSCHOOL IS LITERALLY HELL I WANNA CRY its not even a highschool like think about it its a small kids school plus teens plus adult what is this does this has a na 26. demon/angel good but make it bnha 27. demon/angel good but make it 28. SANS/ONCELER 29. toe (3) 30. furry haha 31. I FOUND THIS PAIR ON ACCIDENT WHY IS IT SO FUCKING GOOODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 32. vocaloid fanfic part 6 i wanna cry what is this 33. lets make a highschool idol group~ *star* NO FUCK YOU 34. update they make the hs idol group 35. UPDATE THE SCHOOL BURNED DOWN. 36. update theyre dating now ig (all of these are the same fanfic but different chapters, but alas im too lazy to yk, write only one chapter at a time) 37. sonic/komaeda 38. demo angle 39. dabi stop adopting children i know my apartment was literally empty and only had like a bathroom and a bed but you cant just randomly bring 4 children home and say theyre ours now 40. hawks where the fuck are the children 41. CAN WE GET AN F ON THE CHAT GAMERS 42. toe (4) 43. i rlly think padpa would drop out of school to work on vocaloid to be completely honest. hs aus fun because they never get homework as opposing rela life 44. A 45. i will never finish this 46. VOCALOID FANFIC. PART 8. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 47. DASHCON AU DASHCON AU DASHCONA U DA 48. wow did i actually write something for my oc huh 49. was happy feet a movie 50. DANGANRONPA F-FANFIC,?????????????????? 51. no no you will not eat my girlfriend 52. ok this one is actually a fairy/demon 53. dashcon au but for the other fanodm 54. i just think dabi would catfish men into giving him money and hawks would be a simp yk 55. more rarepair content because toga deserves it 56. steals your peepe 57. toe (5) 58. vocaloid fanfic part 10 i wanna cry 59. im babey im taggin @peachygos because u r the only person i talk with here ;)
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luvdsc · 3 years
Misss cat hii how are you doing?? Here are some questions for you if you don't mind answering they're just for fun 😅- 1. What's your favourite hobby? 2. What is something you did ritualistically with your friends pre-covid but cannot now? 3. In HS, what did you do with your free summers, or just time off in general? How has that changed over time? 4. If you could dedicate one song as the soundtrack to your life, what would it be? 5. Fictional characters you related to the most?
also I wanted to say when I was new to your blog I saw you writing letters to some of your friends and I thought they were very pretty your handwriting is lovely 💌💕
hi, honey bee!! 💓 I’m doing good, thank you for asking :’) how are you doing? 💕 and omg yeah, of course I don’t mind, lovebug 💘
1. What’s your favorite hobby?
mmm I have several! I love painting, writing pen pal letters, visiting art museums, and going out with my friends 🌼 anything art would be #1! oh, and I really love watching crime shows and baking 🍰
2. What is something you did ritualistically with your friends pre-covid but cannot now?
i went on sunday brunches, boba runs, and shopping with them every week! i also went on daily breakfast/lunch/dinner outings with them too :’) basically, i always ate any meal with my friends, and i miss that 🤧 i also really miss partying and clubbing with them at least twice a week, and i miss having netflix marathons with my roomie where we drink wine and get uber eats together and paint 💕 i miss seeing my friends in my classes everyday..... i miss my weekly shopping and dinner trips with my best friend after work every friday... i miss walking to the farmer’s market and visiting the local art museum with my other best friend every saturday... i miss doing drunk tinder swipes with my best friends on a thursday night..... i miss doing city weekend trips with them... i just miss my friends a lot 😭
3. In HS, what did you do with your free summers, or just time off in general? How has that changed over time? 
in hs, my mom made me study math with her every summer for like 6 hours a day, so i was basically three math levels ahead of my grade every year. and in whatever free time i had left, i slept in super late or watched crime shows, or my sister drove me to the mall or movies so that i can hang out with my friends (bless my sister for not ratting me out to my parents that i had friends that were boys or went on dates). but besides that, i had to practice piano daily for 2 hours year round. in my free time, i was a dedicated member of the robotics team, volunteering club, art club, and school ambassadors club amongst others, but those four took up most of my time! i worked on robotics after school and on saturdays. on sundays, i always volunteered at the hospital and during my other free time, i would sign up for other volunteering opportunities, like community gardening or soup kitchens. i did a lot of art in between that and volunteered for school things, like open house, giving tours, and speaking to younger students.
nowadays, my family likes to take out of country summer trips for 2-3 weeks where we visit 2 different countries. of course, we had to skip that last year because of covid and possibly this year as well. i like to occupy my time by watching crime shows, facetiming friends, painting, writing pen pal letters, doing any sort of art, baking, catching up on sleep, and writing, of course :’) i’ve been writing a lot more now since i’m stuck at home and we can’t be out and about socializing anymore. but !!! my sister and i go out for outdoor dining on saturdays to get out of the house, and i just got tickets to an art exhibit (on hyuck’s bday coincidentally!!) with one of my best friends, which i’m so sooo excited about 💓
4. If you could dedicate one song as the soundtrack to your life, what would it be?
oh man.... can i say the entire fearless (taylor’s version) album??? 🤧 okay, so the way i loved you is my absolute favorite song out of all songs hands down, but i think fifteen might be it for my soundtrack. there’s these two lines that get me every time: “in your life, you’ll do things greater than dating the boy on the football team, i didn’t know it at fifteen” and “back then i swore i was gonna marry him someday, but i realized some bigger dreams of mine.” and i feel like that’s really encompassed my life so far??? like my god, i remember thinking during my elementary/middle school days after seeing all those movies and my sister in hs that hs was it. i thought hs was everything like i’d go on dates, meet my hs sweetheart, and prom would be this magical moment - but it’s not. life is so much bigger than that, so much bigger than meeting a boy and getting your first kiss and going to prom (thanks for the memories tho, james, nathan, austin, and jacob). that’s such a miniscule part of my life, and romance isn’t even on my radar anymore like if it’s there, it happens, but i’m so focused on myself and loving myself and that’s all i need tbh
5. Fictional characters you related to the most?
mulan and elle woods from legally blonde !! 💕
and omg thank you so much for liking my pen pal letters, honey bee!!! 🥺🌸 and thank you for complimenting my handwriting 🤧💖💖💖 this was really fun, thank you for sending in these questions, lovebug 💟
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