#but i gotta do these comms first ok bye
todayisafridaynight · 11 months
Y'know I'm not big on shipping so sometimes I'm like: "Man, why is it all Kazumaji." when searching for fanart but then I am on Twitter and... I think I am fine with Kazumaji on Tumblr.
i don't know the further implications of this and the diff between twit and tumblr kazumaji but Personally to me it just isn't my cup of tea and i don't really get the pairing
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driver270 · 9 days
*Elton John's "The Bitch Is Back" plays as a ring tone*
Erik Visser: Hold on a minute, I gotta take this. *Answers call* M'yello?
Tilda Van Der Meer: What did you do?
Erik: ...Alright, but you can't be mad at me.
Tilda: What did you do?
Erik: Okay, first... I was minding my own business–
Tilda: *Slams her hands on the table* BULLSHIT!
Erik: I wassssss-uh!
Tilda: And exactly what happened whilst you were "minding your own business?"
Erik: So I was chillaxin' in my room like a baller... then all the sudden, these schmucks kick in my door!
*Cut back to Erik alone in a room being filled with a dozen Tenakth rebels pointing various spears, bows, and blast slings at him*
Erik: One of them yelled out—
Tenakth Rebel Squad Leader: Get on your knees!
Erik: And I responded with—
Flashback Erik: I'm not your mother last night!
Present Erik: ...and they took exception to that.
*The Tenakth rebel squad, while screaming, proceed to throw or shoot their spears, bombs & arrows at him. Creating a cloud of smoke around Erik.*
Erik: Buuuut you know how that song and dance goes.
*Erik jumps out of the smoke cloud and proceeds to shoot or impale the squad in different ways.*
Erik: ...and I killed all but one of them.
Tilda: What happened to the last one?
*The last standing Tenakth rebel tries to load a bomb into their blast sling in a panic, only to drop it at their feet and explode, killing them.*
Erik: Pussed out like a bitch! Silver lining, I can cancel my room service!
*Erik can be heard loudly chewing on the now dead Tenakth rebel squad's food rations over the comm channel*
Erik: You've been really quiet for like, five minutes. Oh, I know why you're angry! It's because I went to NINMAH, isn't it?
Tilda: Erik, put the Asset on the phone.
Erik: Really? You want to talk to— OK, bye. Whatever.
*An inaudible conversation between Erik & The Asset can be overheard before the latter begins to talk to Tilda*
"The Asset" Beta: 'Ello?
Tilda: Whatever you do, DO NOT let Erik leave that room under any circumstance!
Beta: Actually, he just left. He said he was, "Goin' for a walk?"
*Erik proceeds to walk outside, with a Specter Gauntlet in each hand, where five full squads of Tenakth rebels are all pointing their weapons at him*
Erik: Hey guys, how's your health plan?
*The Tenakth rebels immediately panic and open fire at Erik*
*Erik kills the Tenakth rebels one by one. Alternating between shooting, impaling, or stabbing them.*
Tilda: Walter, be honest with me: what are we looking at in terms of collateral?
*Erik walks away after the last rebel is killed.*
Walter Londra: Well... the Erik amount.
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tllgrrl · 1 year
Snitches by @tllgrrl aka Nefertiri Jones & @shellyac75 aka Shellyac
Sam Wilson & Bucky Barnes | Rated: G
Summary: “I know what I’m doing, Sam. It’s not nearly as far as that time when I—what…what’s that? Waitaminute. Who are you calling?”
Sam looks Bucky dead in his blue-grey eyes and says the last two words Bucky wanted to hear right now:
“Hey, Sarah?”
* * * * * * * * * *
“Cap, Buck…I mean Sarge. COMM Check. We’re at altitude. Coming up on Jump Point in 60…”
Sam sets the volume on his COMM. “Thanks, Torres. Loud and clear.”
Bucky, following Sam to the door of the plane, grabs a COMM device, puts it in his own ear, and throws a thumbs-up at Torres.
“Look. I’m just saying. You better not jump outta this plane without—and I don’t care if it won’t kill you. I know you’ve done it before, but I’m telling you, Buck! I don’t want to have to hear about it from—”
“You don’t—“
“I mean it, man. Don’t make me do this…”
He pulls something out of a hidden upper mid-chest pocket of his suit.
“I know what I’m doing, Sam. It’s not nearly as far as that time when I—what…what’s that? Waitaminute. Who are you calling?”
Sam looks Bucky dead in his blue-grey eyes and says the last two words Bucky wanted to hear right now:
“Hey, Sarah?”
“Sarah?!? Are you kidding me? You’re telling Sarah on me? How old are you?!?”
“Yeah, Sis. No, no! Everything’s fine. But Bucky—“
“OKAY! Okay! I’ll get a ‘chute, DAD!”
Torres, watches the whole scene, trying to look like he’s keeping an eye on the digital display so Bucky won’t see him laughing. It’s always something between those two. They’re comedy gold. Even more now that Bucky’s dating Sam’s sister.
“Here. See? I’m gonna put it on. Now, hang up the pho—no wait, gimme that—“
[His voice changes, going softer and sweet.]
“Hey, baby? It’s me. Ou konnen mwen sonje w, wi?
Thanks, sweetness. I been practicing. Yeah, I miss you too—“
“Man, shut up.”
[Sam grabs the phone and pushes Bucky out of the plane, not even partially buckled into his parachute.]
“Au revoir, cyborg.
Sarah? Hey, guess what Bucky did…”
Later that evening…
“Yeah, Baby. I figured you saw it. Sam got Redwing to…yeah…in 4K.
I know I promised I wouldn't do that anymore, I just forgot at first…
But I did have my parachute! I was about to put it on, then Sam pushed me out of the plane.
I'm really sorry, nandi. It won’t happen again. Hug the boys for me—hey, they didn’t see—? Good. Don’t want them to…yeah, get ideas!
Ok I'll tell him. Ndiyakuthanda, sweetness. Bye.
Hey, Samuel? Sarah said to tell you a’ight bet.”
“I'm a dead man.”
* * *
The next day…
“Hey, Sam, Torres says we’re stopping off in Wakanda before going back to Delacroix. Why?”
“Because I value my life enough to know that I gotta bring back something nice for Sarah so she'll actually be happy to see me. If you were smart you’d do the same.”
“I already got something that’ll make Sarah happy to see me when I get home.”
A few minutes later...
[Bucky opens his eyes and sees Redwing hovering above him, just out of reach.]
“Very funny, Sam. Oh! Hold on…”
“What…what’s that? Who’re you callin’?!”
“Hey, Sarah? Guess what Sam did…”
* * * * * * * * * *
Ou konnen mwen sonje w, wi? (Haitian Creole) You know I miss you, yes?
Ndiyakuthanda (isiXhosa) I love you.
nandi sweet, tasty, delight
* * * * * * * * * *
NOTE: For now, Snitches is also posted HERE on AO3 for members. Hopefully they’ll get their whole AI thing worked out, but for now over there it’s locked unless you’re Registered.
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howl-fantasies · 2 years
A/N - A glimpse of Y/N past and Jim learning a few new things here. 🤔
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------------ 1 New Message --------
Jim Gordon
I found your old record. The one Oswald ordered to burn when he became mayor.
What are you? A stalker? Already have one. Two in fact with Scarecrow.
Jim Gordon
I was just curious.
Like what you saw?
Jim Gordon
Were you really arrested first at 10?
If it's in my record I suppose, detective. I don't remember it though. What was the reason?
Jim Gordon
... You stole a cop car, and drove it full speed straight into another one. You killed two agents that day.
Ah! I just remember the hospital, a concussion and the money I won. Should have been one hell of a show!
Jim Gordon
You were also arrested at 12 when you cheated in a clandestine casino in the Narrows.
Oh I remember that one quite well. I was counting the cards while playing blackjack with some wanna be mafiosi. They caught me but I had the time to contact the GCPD to make them rush and close the establishment. Also called Carmine, he was faster than cops and his second in command threw me at GCPD to buy time and allow them to flee. I think I shot him in the knees a bit after that. Not sure when.
Jim Gordon
You shot someone at 12?!
Well a few actually, even before I was 12 dude. Had to practice and start somewhere you know.
Jim Gordon
You were supposed to be at school!
Mommy was sick and daddy a drunkard, had to bring bread on the table at a young age 🥺
Jim Gordon
Is it true?
Well it's always the true reason in movies. Makes the villain look humain and the protagonist has some sympathy for them. Did it work?
Jim Gordon
... Not anymore. But now I'm curious about your parents.
Ask the Waynes then.
Jim Gordon
The Waynes? Like in Thomas and Martha? They are dead.
Jim Gordon
... Ok. No other family?
Dude, you're annoying. If you wanna chat about my personal life and try to understand what happened to me to become some sicko assassin just arrest me, or do your own research or ask Harvey.
Jim Gordon
Harvey? He knew you when you were a child?
Well since he was already a cop, yes. Ask him why the tables in interrogation rooms are sealed to the floor. Pretty sure he's still ashamed about how I table flipped it right in his face. Poor thing kept a bruise for weeks.
Jim Gordon
He never told me about knowing you though.
He tried to bring me back to the good side so many times, a bit like you actually. It was funny to see him so frustrated.
Jim Gordon
Sounds more sad than funny in my opinion...
Because you weren't here to see his livid then red angry face. Always made me think of a human traffic light.
Jim Gordon
It's also terrifying to learn you were already a sadist.
You can also ask Butch.
Jim Gordon
What about him?
We know each other for a long time.
Jim Gordon
Would he talk since Victor tortured him?
That's what I'm curious about. Please arrest me and let me witness it I want to laugh.
Jim Gordon
You're insane. How could have you let Zsasz torture him when you knew him for such a long time?!
It was business, nothing too personal.
Plus, and I am so disappointed I still have to tell you this but : it's Gotham, Jimbo. That's how it works here.
Jim Gordon
Can't belive it makes sense.
You wanted to be here, now you have to play by the rules and accept them. Like French people say : à Rome fais comme les Romains.
Who knows maybe one day you'll have to arrest you boss or your partner. Since it's Gotham you're never too sure so don't get too attached.
Jim Gordon
Thanks for the advice I suppose?
You're welcome.
Gotta go Jimbo. Take care and always be ready to be stabbed in the back 👋
Jim Gordon
Don't do anything illegal!
Sure, nothing you can ever prove, detective. Bye bye 👀
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Snarky space bois (Sub!Poe Dameron and sub!Tony Stark headcanons)
Warnings: 18+ only NSFW
GIF credits @rad-aar-blog​ and @the-darkling​
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Poe Dameron and Tony Stark have major bratty switch energy. Don’t @ me, this is a cold hard fact. Here are some thoughts thots I had about the ways they’d be similar / different in being a bratty sub for you, at the times they let you take control. Why? Idk? Please indulge me? I don’t mean you’re with them at the same time but go for it if you think you can handle that much snark. 🙈
Things get explicit under the cut!
They would both be weak for a partner who was capable of kicking their ass. Like, they see their partner take someone down (with their body or their mind tbh) and they’re just like: Yikes 🥵 *instantly good to go*. Take me down and I’ll sass you for it the whole time but I’m gonna love it and lose it if you top me and I’ll moan so pretty for you. If you can pin them to the bed, their arms above their head while they writhe under you? Fuck. They’re basically drooling for you.
They’d definitely wanna relinquish control to you to ease the pressure of being a hero. To lose control on purpose, instead of by accident (especially Tony, my god). To not have to make decisions all the time. But they’re both cocky enough that they’ll let you know you’re never fully in control. (That is, until you work your magic and they become a hot, sweaty, unravelled mess for you.)
You’re one of the few people they’ve met who can give as good as you get. They love that you can put them in their place because, tbh, few can. That’s one of the reasons you’re so good at being a brat-tamer for them. That, and how much they know they can trust you in giving their body over to you. Plus, you know all the right buttons to press to have them eating out of your hand.
Honestly, you get high from the power; knowing you can dominate such a difficult and desirable man thrills you. They don’t often listen to orders in general, but knowing they listen to you? You feel unstoppable. And hot as hell. They love how powerful you are, and whether you’re shy or not they make you feel so comfortable and capable at taking control of things (in and out of the bedroom, whether that’s running a company or a squadron, they believe in you).
If you’re not a penis owner, well they definitely wanna be pegged by you 👀 They’re so good for you and take it so well. And those pretty eyes and noises they give you in return? The way they get so hard? You love to watch them lose it. Bonus if they come on their own stomach and you lick it off afterwards, with a slight hum into their skin letting them know how good they taste. If you do this they have died and gone to heaven, and even though they’re spent it still makes their cock twitch and seek for more sensations. Maybe round two? Or three?
The praise? Oh my god. They love getting it, for starters. Fuel their already healthy egos, please (especially Tony). It’s what they deserve. But they’re also givers. They’ll praise you so hard for everything you’re doing to them, for how good you make them feel, for how gorgeous you are inside and out, proclamations spilling from their lips until you swear you’re nearly coming undone before they are. It’s always their mission to try and get you to come before you intended to, while you’re domming them, and a few times they manage it. Then, you simply have to punish them to wipe that smug look off their face, and neither of you are mad about any of this tbh.
They don’t shut up. That goes without saying. Sometimes you put their mouth to better use, but you never wanna gag them - why would you want to stop these pretty noises and words that get you off so well?! They’re vocal when they come, obviously. Soft, warm groans that build from their chest until the sound is pouring from their open lips, eyes fluttering closed. It’s your favourite sound (and sight) in the galaxy.
They’re super eager to please you. They need you to know they can’t get enough of you. Plus it just feels good to pleasure you. And you know how Tony always gotta keep his mouth and his hands busy? You can make sure he puts them to good use, whether you order his hands on you or on himself.
So many lip bites.
Sometimes, they’re too good? Like, you try and use their mouth and they have you undone in moments, and you just have to make them build you up all over again. They’re not complaining (ok well they’re gonna sass you) and, trust me, neither are you.
Neither of them are particularly into being handcuffed or blindfolded (too many negative associations, and they prefer to have their hands free to touch you, tbh). They didn’t imagine being into bondage at all as it makes them feel so vulnerable. But, since they trust you, you gently help them discover their liking for a little rope play. If you manage to try out some intricate shibari I’m betting you’d particularly enjoy the view of that bound ass and thighs, just saying. Maybe you could even slide a toy in there, I’m.. 🥵 You especially love it when they’re a little bound, because it gives you something to grab on to or a way to manipulate their position until you have them just where you want them.
Look, they’re probably down for using all manner of sex toys, on them or on you. Or both! If you’re with Tony you know he will build you something custom too. And some of these things are pretty kriffing elaborate- he’s a genius after all, and he has a pretty good imagination, if you know what I mean. If you’re with Poe, he’ll bring something back that he spotted on some alien planet and is keen to try, and at first you’re sceptical but you quickly get on board and boy, you’re glad you did. In fact, he teases you about how hard you came for weeks afterward.
They’ll try most things once. They have an adventurous spirit. Like, for example, I totally think you could convince them to wear your/some fancy underwear for a day, if it fits them. You didn’t think it’s something you’d ever be into, but Poe looks especially good in a pair of something pink and lacy, don’t look at me, bye.
A little bit of degradation is fine for them too, when you’re both in the mood. Like, if you call them names or rub your juices in their face. Maybe you spit on their cock too and make them rub it in. Maybe you call them your slut as you slide that toy or your fingers into their ass or palm their hard, needy cock.
Tony likes it if you bite him. Or scratch him. He doesn’t care if you leave marks. In fact, he likes it if you claim him as yours, for everyone to see.
Poe will almost nut any time you yank his curls. Touching his hair is a great way to get him hot under the collar in public. He especially likes it if you grab on while you use his mouth, or as you yank his head and say darkly, “look at me”, or at whatever you’re doing to him. You won’t let him close those pretty eyes while you ride him. He loses control of himself so quickly at the sight of you, it’s unreal.
They are not opposed to some light spanking, the smack of your palm on their ass or even thighs.
They like it if you carry things out of the bedroom. Like, if you sidle up to Poe in the hangar and whisper in his ear that he’s so good for you he’ll forget everything except your name and follow you obediently back to your room. It’s a good job he remembers your name as you’re gonna make him say it. A lot.
You love to tease them and get them to beg, because they don’t beg easily. You are more than up to the challenge though. You’ll edge them like no-one’s business until they’re shivering with need, and you milk every last drop of sass and cum from their body.
They want the world to know how amazing and hot and perfect you are, and they have zero embarrassment or shame. Like, half the world/base probably knows exactly what you’re into and how good you make them feel after a bunch of rather thinly veiled innuendos and jokes and comments. They never reveal anything too personal, of course, and respect your privacy. You know they’re just proud and don’t care who knows it. You’re not entirely mad at the bragging (you like to show them off too)... but you will make them suffer for it later.
You love the ongoing dynamic, and the fact that things can switch up at such short notice. You never know what you’re going to get and you keep each other on your toes. Most importantly though, you love and trust each other to the ends of the earth.
The pet names they have for you? So cute it’s almost obscene. Except a long list of terms which end up being banned by the other rebels/avengers because they work their way into every comms link, briefing, announcement, and group hang.
Afterwards? Look, these two boys are soft in the middle, and so full of love. Sometimes they might even cry a little afterwards, or sometimes you do. But they’re happy tears as you’re each so overwhelmed by sensations (and sometimes overstimulated) and by love. You try and look after them and it ends up being the other way around. They’re gonna cuddle and snuggle and kiss you everywhere. These boys are tactile and can’t get enough of touching you and letting you know they love every inch of you. They do wanna be little spoon, at first, but eventually it’s not enough and they flip around and hold you so tight like they’re never gonna let you go. They run warm and there’s no cosier or softer embrace, honestly. You feel entirely safe, and they feel safe with you.
If they do need a bit of care afterwards though, they love to curl up in your lap while you stroke their hair. To them, that’s their own personal heaven.
The snuggles usually only end when they get snacky (and like, actually snacky, and not just what they say when they wanna pleasure you all over again). But then you might make your way to the rec room/tv room and everyone else clears out, because they know you both fight so hard that every moment you have together is precious.
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Finding Your Heart - fic
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Dick Grayson, bits of Tim Drake and Stephanie Brown Summary: This wasn’t the way he wanted to find Damian, after everything that happened between them. This wasn’t how he wanted Alfred and Dick to reunite with him either. A/N: Dick was driving the plane. Crane blew up the building on purpose to cover his tracks, and was the one to lock Damian in the lab after he and the nameless henchmen fought. The whole family comes home and basically all live in the cave/Damian’s room as he recovers, and they all have conversations with him about what he was doing, why etc. Damian didn’t kill the guy who stabbed him because he recognized the henchmen was no the problem, Crane was. He’s still a good boy in my book. Glossed over kind of plotholes because I didn’t care enough and it wasn’t the point of this story ok bye. Don’t forget my Pateron and shit!
If Bruce was grateful for anything, it was the fact that no matter what he lost, save for his parents, it always came back.
Jason came back. Dick came back. Tim came back. Stephanie came back.
Alfred, now, came back too.
Damian…he came back. And then he left again.
It was in the back of his mind, as they celebrated Alfred’s return to life, and Dick’s return from amnesia. The fact that their returns were not through darkness, not through aliens, not through a multiverse crashing down around them and changing time.
It was magic. It was a miracle.
But Damian wasn’t here. And Bruce would never ever forget that. Not now, as they shared delivery pizza at the island in the manor’s spacious kitchen. Not in the days after, as things settled back into a semblance of the old normal, with new quirks here and there. Not in the weeks after either, as Alfred returned to being Penny-One, and Dick began to retrain himself to return to the Nightwing title soon.
Just as Bruce would never forget the tears in Dick’s eyes when he explained to him and Alfred what had happened to their youngest. His breakdown, and resolve in the violence. When he explained why.
“It’s not your fault.” Bruce promised, even as Alfred pulled a handkerchief from his pocket, and silently dabbed his eyes. “It’s mine. I…I didn’t see his grief. I didn’t understand how badly he was taking your absences. I didn’t know.”
“But I would have.” Alfred had whispered, closing his eyes.
“We would have.” Dick corrected.
And he’d never forget the despair on grandfather and son alike, when Dick asked if Bruce had any idea where he was, and he had to tell them no.
Damian was a sore subject, to say the least, after that. No one spoke of him, though Bruce found everyone stopping near the case holding his old uniform every so often.
Not a memorial for the dead, this time. But a memorial for the child they failed.
His name was like a bad word, a sour taste, and Bruce never forgot that either.
Most of all, he never forgot it was his fault.
Even now, as he, Tim and Stephanie fought against a gang that he had yet to determine which super villain they associated with, he thought of his son. The one not there, the one he chased away.
How much he could use his help right now. How much he missed him.
God, if Jason knew, he’d be furious. Furious because he didn’t learn the first time around, with him.
The fight was in the streets, and it was becoming a stalemate. Not that he and his partners for the evening would give up. But he was looking for an opening, a moment to retreat, regroup, then reappear with a new attack plan.
But the moment never came, because suddenly one of their enemies shouted.
“Boss said it’s a go! She’s blowin’!”
Before any of them could comprehend the warning, a building down the block – a lab, if Bruce had his bearings right – shuddered in an explosion. Glass from windows spraying into the street, flames pushing out right after. Dust and ash came at them in a typhoon-like wave.
And the gang members in the street laughed.
“You’re fucked.” One nearby cackled. When he came back into view, he had a gasmask on. “You’re so fucked, Batman.”
Bruce punched him in the Adam’s apple, and let him drop to the ground unconscious.
“Something’s in that building.” Bruce said through the comms. “How dangerous?”
“Gotham Labs.” Tim’s voice crackled. Bruce still couldn’t see him in the floating dust. “No major projects that I know of. Or dangerous. Vegan cosmetics was the last big thing I heard about coming from there.”
“And now it’s all up in flames?” Stephanie sighed. “So much for stealing Batman’s credit card on its launch date.”
“Spoiler, please.” Tim snorted.
Before Bruce could scold them, tell them to focus, get them to get these thugs off the street, there was a shriek from the lab, and a shape running from the destroyed building.
“Take care of them.” Bruce ordered. “I’m going up ahead.”
Stephanie and Tim both gave their affirmatives, and jumped back into fighting the henchmen, now with a small element of surprise in the fog. As Bruce ran forward, he saw the shape was a woman in a lab coat.
“Help!” She was screaming. “Someone…anyone! Police! Ambulance! Help!”
“Ma’am.” Bruce called as he approached, careful not to scare her. She turned towards him with tears cascading down her face.
Bruce frowned. She…was clean. No ash, no burns. Her hair wasn’t even out of place. He glanced back towards the building, now smoking.
“Are you alright?”
“What? Oh, me? Yes. I’m fine. We’re all fine.” She sniffed, trying to wipe at her face. “But he’s not. He’s trapped and…and I don’t think there’s any vents in there, and we can’t-”
“He who?”
“I…” The woman paused. “I don’t know. He didn’t give a name. He just…he just appeared! Out of nowhere! Got us all out of the lab, shoved us in the bunker, told us to stay there until help arrived. Then…then the explosion happened, and when we came out to check, he was still in the lab, but…but Batman…”
“What? What’s wrong?”
“He was bleeding when we saw him.” The woman’s tears suddenly flowed harder. “But the canisters were all broken, we could see them.”
“What was in the canisters?”
“I…I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” The woman cried. “He…he was paying for our other research, and…and he was blackmailing us. We didn’t have a choice.”
Bruce’s stomach dropped.
“Who paid you?” He demanded. “What was in the canisters?”
“Fear gas.” The woman whispered. “Jonathan Crane was forcing us to make it. Mass produce. The…the boy tonight, he saved us, but whatever happened, all the canisters are broken, and the gas is in the lab.”
The woman hid her face.
“And there’s a failsafe on the doors.” She wailed. “That…that fucking shit is dangerous. So if even only one canister malfunctioned, the lab would seal itself shut to contain it.”
“For how long?” Bruce asked. “How long does the lab seal for?”
“I don’t know!” The woman yelled. “Crane installed it! He never told us!” She stopped her foot and pointed from where she came. “But he’s in there, the gas is flooding the place, he’s hurt, I didn’t see him have a respirator, and we can’t get him out!”
Bruce nodded, shoving his own respirator onto his face. “Stay here.”
The woman, surprisingly listened, but shouted information after him. The lab was in the basement, and the remaining scientists were still trying to first reach one of the doors to the lab through the explosion wreckage, and second, try to figure out if they could even open the door.
“Red Robin, when you’re finished, I’ll need you inside.” Bruce called through his communicator as he burst through the doors and looked for a way down. Not hard, when there were various holes in the floor from the explosion. “And both of you, there’s a potential for fear gas in the area. Masks on, now.”
They both returned an affirmative, and Barbara was immediately on the line herself, relaying last known sightings of the Scarecrow.
As Bruce got to the lower levels, he began to follow the voices, the sounds of things being thrown, or pushed. After a few rounded corners, he found the gaggle of scientists, three pushing fallen shelving units and chairs away from a large metal door, and a fourth knelt in front of said door, typing wildly on a keypad.
“It’s…it’s not working!” The typer growled in frustration. “There’s…there’s nothing I can think of! Nothing is working!”
“Then keep thinking!” Another one spat as he threw a table over the heads of the other two assisting him. “That kid is a fucking goner if we don’t get him out of there!”
Unlike the woman outside, Bruce didn’t announce his presence, just silently moved forward. As he reached them, he glanced into one of the windows next to the door, just to see what he was going to be working with. Who he was, hopefully, going to save, and not have to watch die a slow and painful death.
Immediately, his knees went weak.
The lab wasn’t that big. Smaller than an average fast food joint, but bigger than a grocery store public bathroom. Even through the opaque green gas, Bruce could see canisters lining the floor underneath the tables that followed the walls of the room, where microscopes, liquid-filled vials and partially constructed containers sat.
Each canister had a sizable hole in the side, and Bruce could only guess – remote detonation.
But none of that was important, not now, as he tried to stop himself from collapsing to his knees. What was important was the boy in the middle, wearing a black body suit, similar to Nightwing’s, and a black cape with a hood and faded gold trim.
“Jesus Christ, no.” He gasped. The scientists nearby jumped, having still not seen him.
Luckily, it was Gotham, and even scientists were disillusioned to the sudden appearance of a vigilante. “We’ve gotta get that kid out of there, Bats. Just one inhale of that crap will make you hallucinate. He’s been in there at least ten minutes, probably more, who knows what the effects could be.”
“Death, probably.” Another one said. The one who spoke slapped her on the arm. “What? I’m being honest! That’s why we don’t have to waste, here!”
Damian hadn’t moved at their ruckus. He was lying on the ground, eyes closed, half curled in on himself, hand clutching his side. There was blood on his fingers, and coming from his nose. Even through the gas, Damian looked dirty. Tired.
Bruce wondered where he’d been sleeping. Was he sleeping? Was he safe?
But then his heart stuttered again, as he noticed something else in the room. In the corner, by a door on the other side of the room. A man. A body.
A body that was, surprisingly, breathing. A body dressed like the gang members outside, that was wearing a respirator that looked suspiciously like one Bruce knew Damian used to carry, when he was Robin.
“…You all need to get out.” Bruce found himself croaking, as his surprise and heartache began to transform into action.
“What? No way. We need to get that kid out!” The one at the keyboard countered. “And…and maybe that other one, I don’t know if he’s even still…”
“I’ll handle it. Now go.” Bruce heard a click on his communicator, other chatter. Alfred it sounded like, to Barbara. Dick, too. He was at the cave with Alfred. The scientists didn’t move. “I said now!”
The four jumped again, and one by one began to slowly move. The last one, the man at the door, stopped on his way. “…You get that kid out, Batman, or so fucking help me.”
Bruce glared down at him. The man shrunk away and ran after his coworkers.
Bruce looked back into the room. The man in the corner was unconscious, he could tell that much. But still.
Bruce put his hand on the window. “…I don’t know what to call you.”
Damian twitched at the noise, and twisted his head to look at Bruce directly. His mask was still green, and it didn’t move as he frowned.
“Oh, great.” Damian sighed, dropping his head. “You.”
“I’m going to get you out, son.” Bruce said. “I promise.”
“Save it.” Damian huffed. But it was quick, and Bruce knew it was because he was trying not to breathe. “I’m not talking to you, Mother.”
Bruce blinked.
The gas. The hallucinations were your fears.
“It’s…it’s me.” Bruce tried instead. “Not your mother.”
Damian turned away, rolled with a groan to lay on his back. “My father doesn’t show up in real life, why would he show up in a fear-induced hallucination?”
Bruce almost smiled at his attitude. He was trying to fight the gas, like it was a sentient being. That was so like him.
God, Bruce missed it.
“I…Rob…” Bruce swallowed. “Da-”
“Do not say another word, Master Bruce.” Alfred scolded on the communicator. His voice was loud. “Focus on getting that door open.”
“I…right.” Bruce shook his head, and crouched, pulling out a code-breaking device from his utility belt.
“Tim will be in to help you in a few minutes.” Dick now, but he sounded distracted. “And we should be only a few minutes behind him.”
Bruce froze. “…What?”
“We’re coming.” Dick said plainly. “We’re coming to get Damian.”
“Wait, no.” Bruce growled. “Nightwing, you’re not recovered yet. A-Alfred, you’re…you are not to be in the field. It’s not safe-”
“And you will have your hands full with the other man in the chamber.” Alfred shot back. “Not to mention, you only have a respirator for yourself. From your cowl footage, it’s clear Damian gave his to that man. You know as soon as you get in there, he will be in the throws of the effects of the gas, and won’t recognize you. He doesn’t recognize you now. He will fight you, or flee, before you can get him any kind of help.”
“And we are not letting that happen.” Dick hissed. “We’re bringing Damian home, Bruce, or so help me-”
“It’s not safe.” Bruce snapped back, hitting buttons on his device. He could hear Damian babbling in the lab now. Talking about how he’s not scared of anything, least of all his father, or his judgment. Which, of course, Bruce knew, meant the complete opposite. He ignored the guilt in his heart, at least for a moment. “You are both to stay in the cave and wait for-”
“Bruce.” Alfred said coldly. “I am coming to get my grandson. Nightwing is coming to get his brother. And there is not a goddamn thing you can do to stop us.”
Bruce heard the distinct sound of a link click off.
“…So…” Stephanie chimed in after a moment. “Red’s on his way in and…I guess I’ll wait out here for Nightwing and, uh, Penny-One to arrive.”
Bruce frowned, squeezed the device in his hand a little too tightly, heard it creak in his grip. He continued to search through codes, the others be damned.
They didn’t know what he would do. Their beliefs were wrong. He wouldn’t worry about the man who clearly stabbed his son. He was unconscious and had a breather. He was fine. Tim could take him, whenever he got there.
No. Bruce would rush in, and he’d take his son into his arms. He’d put pressure on the wound, and hold his boy, no matter how hard Damian fought him, no matter how deep in the gas’s hallucinations he was.
He’d hold his son and this time, he was not letting go. For anything, or anyone.
He heard Tim arrive behind him, and glanced back into the chamber as Tim pulled a wire from his glove to plug into the keypad on the door. Damian was muttering to himself now. But more than that, he was trembling. Sweating. His eyes were wild behind the mask, darting back and forth, or trying to keep them closed, and failing.
He stood, put his hand on the thick glass. He wondered what Damian was seeing, hearing. “Son.” He called, and Damian twitched, curling deeper into himself. “Focus on my voice.”
“No.” Damian shot back.
“Batman, it’s not a good idea.” Tim offered, clicking away on his pad. “You know he’s hearing things. It’s not coming across as you.”
“Doesn’t mean we can’t try.”
“Doesn’t mean it won’t be construed into something else by the time he hears it.” Tim snapped. “You know that.”
“So you want him to lie in there and suffer?” Bruce shot back. He saw Tim tighten his jaw. “The least we can do is try.”
“The least we can do is focus on getting him out of there.” Tim countered. “So save your emotional vomit for later and help me.”
He huffed a frustrated breath, but…Tim was right. Of course Tim was right. So he pushed at the door, testing how tight it was, if the explosion had loosened it at all, and settled back in next to Red Robin to hack into the system.
The code was seven digits, and after they believed they figured out three, Bruce glanced over to make sure Tim had his respirator on. Glanced up at the unsteady building around them, that could theoretically collapse on them all at any moment. After four numbers, he glanced back to Damian. His trembles had manifested constant twitching now. Fingers, ankles, lips.
The gas seemed to be settling a little now, the room a little less green. That didn’t help, of course, since Damian was on the floor, where said gas was settling. But it would make containment easier. Wouldn’t reach the city, or any one who wasn’t in this room.
One less thing standing between he and his boy.
His heart fluttered when they hit the fifth digit. Hope, he could hope, he had hope. Damian had hope.
And when Tim’s device dinged for the sixth a moment later, Nightwing and Penny-One appeared in the doorway.
Dick was in his full Nightwing uniform, the one he hadn’t yet worn since before the amnesia. The one he was wearing when he was shot, Bruce realized, as he noticed the shadow of the large bloodstain on the costume’s neck.
Alfred was in black and dull green tactical gear, a black eye mask and a clear respirator adorning his face. He had a shotgun in hand, but Bruce saw at least one more handgun on his hip.
He forgot sometimes, Alfred used to be in the British army.
“Move.” Alfred demanded. Tim shifted to the side of the door, eyes still on his tablet. Bruce didn’t. “Batman, I won’t ask again.”
“He really won’t.” Nightwing mused as they walked forward. He was just finishing putting on his own rebreather. “Seriously, Bruce. Let us handle this.”
“He is my son.” Bruce countered, but his voice wasn’t right. It wasn’t as authoritative. It was almost whiny.
Almost scared.
“And you ran him off in the first place.” Alfred countered. “So the likelihood that you are the first one he’d want to see is almost zero.”
“Not to mention, there’s an asshole in there who, by the looks of it, stabbed him.” Nightwing added, glancing into the window. “So it’d probably be better if you took care of that guy than one of us because let me tell you, B. We’re already not happy.”
Alfred pumped his shotgun. “Indeed.”
“We’d also like some cover, if you don’t mind.” Dick said brightly. “There’s still been no sign of Crane. And if he or anyone else shows up while we’re trying to wrangle Damian, there could be trouble.” Dick looked over with a dark grin. “And we don’t want any more trouble, you know?”
And he did. Bruce did know. Bruce knew all of that, and on a normal case, he’d have already suggested and done all of it.
But, still. His heart was getting in the way. For once, his heart was overriding his head, and all he found himself saying was, “But he’s my son…”
For the first time that night, Alfred softened a little. He put a hand on Bruce’s shoulder. “So let us help you get your son home safely.”
At that moment, Damian screamed. No words, just a loud sound as he dropped to his back, body bowing as his chest and hips lifted.
Dick swallowed. “Red.”
“I’m working on it!” Tim snapped, angrily punching buttons on his tablet. There was the sound of something falling across the room. “I think if I can just…”
The tablet beeped, and the door sighed as the seal broke.
Dick was at the door instantly, digging his fingers into the seam until the door shifted. Bruce grabbed it too, pulling it until the gap was wide enough for their bodies to slip through.
“Kid!” Dick was calling as he fell into the room first. Damian growled in response. Dick jumped across the room anyway, dropping to his knees. “I’ve got you.”
Tim got into the room next, and he silently went for Damian’s assailant. Then Alfred, who followed Dick. Bruce remained just inside the room.
“Can you hear me?” Dick asked quietly, running his hand over Damian’s hair. “Can you hear me, D?”
“Fuck off.” Damian gasped, pulling away from Dick’s hand and struggling to twist up onto his elbows. His cape twisted around his biceps. “F-fuck off, I don’t have to listen to you.”
“I know.” Dick said smoothly. He glanced at Alfred, who already had gauze out, and was trying to assess Damian’s injuries. “…Do you know who you’re talking to?”
“What, did Satan suddenly forget his own name?” Damian spat, waving his arm like he was swatting at a fly around his head. “We already had this conversation last time I was in Hell, you twat.”
Bruce felt himself twitch at the statement. But he didn’t get any more time to think about it, as Tim was calling, “Any time you feel like it, Batman!”
Bruce shook his head, running over to help Tim with the other man in the lab.
“So yes, I know your name. And I know what you’re going to say.” Damian droned as he slowly shifted to his knees. “I know my parents hate me. I know I’m worthless. I know it’s my fault everyone is dead. Or was there something else you’d like to add?”
“…Oh, my boy.” Alfred whispered, and Damian froze. His eyes went wide as he slowly sat back on his knees. “My boy, it’s alright.”
Damian blinked, and tears appeared in his eyes. Almost robotically, he turned his head towards Alfred. “No.”
Alfred smiled. “Yes, my dear. It’s me. I’m here.”
“No!” Damian wailed. He turned back towards the room, searching. Eventually his eyes landed on something above and behind Dick’s shoulder. “Get him out!”
Dick glanced behind him, just to make sure there was nothing, and even looked over towards Bruce and Tim. They both shrugged.
“Pennyworth does not belong in Hell.” Damian hissed. “You’ve stolen him, haven’t you. You’ve stolen him and you’ve trapped him here, you overgrown piece of shit. No wonder you were kicked out of Heaven, you absolute waste of space!”
Damian tried to lunge, but the slice in his side reacted to the movement, and he recoiled instantly, shoving his hand against it.
“I’ll duel you.” He decided. “I’ll duel you for his soul, and I’ll kill you. Then I’ll rule Hell, and I’ll be sure to get all the souls you’ve stolen out.”
“Damian.” Alfred tried softly. He passed the gauze to Dick. “My dear boy, I’m not in Hell.” He reached out and carefully took Damian’s hand between both of his. Damian’s eyes, impossibly, grew wider, as he turned to look at Alfred once more. “And neither are you.”
“I should be.” Damian breathed. “I should be for what I did to you.”
“You did nothing to me.” Alfred promised. “What happened wasn’t your fault.”
It was mine. Bruce thought, as he rolled the man and pulled his arms together for Tim. It was mine, and I let Damian take the blame.
“I should have done something. I should have figured something else out.” Damian gasped, tears rolling down his face. He jerked, but didn’t take his eyes off Alfred, as Dick pressed the gauze to his side. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
“You have nothing to apologize for, Damian.” Alfred promised, squeezing Damian’s hand. “Absolutely nothing.”
“D, I need you to breathe.” Dick hummed. Damian jumped again, looked towards him. “Or, well, I need you to breathe slower. In and out.”
“I’m sorry.” Damian continued, eyes looking around the space, looking right through Dick. There was an accent in his voice now, and both Dick and Alfred knew too well that his accent only returned when their boy was at his lowest. “Pennyworth, I…I should have sacrificed myself. Bane would have happily killed me instead of you.”
“Don’t talk like that.” Alfred continued to try to soothe. “Damian, just focus on my voice, alright?”
“I should have let him kill me. I should have been there for Grayson.” Damian rambled. “I could have pushed him out of the way. Taken the bullet.” He tried to tug his hand from Alfred’s but the old man wouldn’t let go. “That’s why I’m here. That’s why I belong here. I failed you, and I failed Grayson and I am worthless so of course I belong down here in this god forsaken pl-”
“Hey.” Dick whispered. Balancing holding the pressure against Damian’s wound in one hand, he reached for Damian’s free hand with the other. Damian’s fingers twitched in his grip, and he watched with almost glee as recognition hit Damian’s eyes. “Kiddo, you didn’t fail me.”
Damian’s tears fell faster.
“You have never failed me a day in your life.” Dick smiled. “And look, see? I’m right here. I’m fine.”
“G-Grayson?” Damian murmured hopefully.
“Right here, Damian.” Dick nodded. Damian blinked at him, then looked at Alfred, then back. Then his eyes seemed to roam the room, like he was seeing it for the first time. He even looked over to Bruce, Tim and the man in the corner. “I came home.”
“…I’m sorry.” Damian whispered, looking back towards Dick. “I should have been there.”
Dick kept his grin, and shook his head. “No, you shouldn’t have.” He glanced behind Damian, watched as Alfred let go of his hand to reach into one of his pockets. It reappeared with the extra respirator they had brought, and he silently held the back of Damian’s head as he pressed it to his face. Once again, Damian didn’t seem to notice the action, nor Alfred retaking his hand. “I’m frankly real damn glad you weren’t.”
“It’s my job to protect Batman. My Batman.” Damian continued, frantically trying to blink the tears from his eyes. He turned to Alfred. “It’s my job to protect my family.”
“It’s not.” Alfred smiled too. “Your job as always been to allow us to love you, and to come home safe at the end of the day.”
“Your job is to be a kid.” Dick added. “Right now, your job is to not bleed out on this floor. Think you can do that for me?”
But Damian was shaking his head. Damian was pulling his trembling hands from theirs and hiding his face behind them as he doubled over himself and pressed his head to his knees.
“I’m sorry.” He cried. “I’m so sorry.”
“…I don’t think he believes they’re real.” Tim whispered as he leaned back from the unconscious man.
Bruce shook his head. “He won’t until his system is free of the gas.”
“Or until he stops losing blood.” Tim hummed. “We’ve gotta get him back to the cave.”
“I’m so sorry.” Damian continued across the room. “Please forgive me. Please, please forgive me.”
“…I agree.” Bruce sighed. He watched as Alfred pulled Damian’s hand back into his, and ran the other along the back of his head. As Dick, keeping one hand against the injury, wrapped his arm around Damian’s back and leaned his cheek on his shaking spine. “We need to get him home.”
“Want me to deal with this guy while you go with them?” Tim asked, pushing himself onto his feet.
Bruce watched for a moment longer. Listened as Damian sobbed, as Damian hated himself. Watched as Dick closed his eyes in sorrow, as Alfred wiped away his own tears too.
“No, I’ll…I’ll stay. They have him.” Bruce admitted, despite how tight his heart felt. “The more of us finishing this up, the faster we can all get home and be with him.” Tim nodded and helped Bruce to his feet, then leaned over to haul the man up. “…Nightwing.”
Dick opened his eyes and glanced over. After a moment, he nodded and sat back up. “Alfie.”
Alfred nodded too, reaching into another pocket and pulling out a syringe. Dick gently rolled Damian to his side, which Damian surprisingly allowed, and carefully gathered the boy into his arms.
“P-Please forgive me.” Damian continued, still hiding his eyes behind his one hand. As soon as he was settled, Alfred leaned forward and plunged the needle into his throat.
Like everything else, the fear gas made it so Damian didn’t notice.
They were all silent as the effects took hold. As Damian’s cries slowed, and tapered off into slow, watery breathes. As his hand dropped from his face in unconsciousness.
It was like a funeral procession as they left the remnants of the lab. Dick first, Damian in his arms. Alfred right behind them. Tim and Bruce bringing up the rear with the nameless man between them.
On the street, the GCPD were already swarming, taking the rest of the gang into custody. The plane Alfred and Dick brought sat in the middle of the road not far away.
“Get him home.” Bruce murmured as he passed Dick. “Call with any updates. We should be back soon.”
“Take your time.” Dick hummed. “It’s going to take us a while to get him stable.”
Bruce nodded, and gave Dick’s shoulder a grateful squeeze. He nodded to Alfred, who gave him a grim smile, and then they parted ways. Bruce watched as they loaded into the plane, as it took off down the street.
He exhaled, and let himself smile, just a little.
He’d found him. He’d found his boy.
It was another two or so hours before the rest of them could clamor home, the city saved, the day won. They’d found Crane, and they each took an extra punch or two to him, in honor of Damian.
But when Bruce stepped out of the Batmobile in the cave, the first sound to greet his ears was Damian crying. Still.
He frowned as he moved up the stairs. Had the gas not worn off yet? Why hadn’t they given him an antidote?
But he stopped as the medbay came into view. Damian was hooked up to every machine available, injuries bandaged and Dick was lying next to him on the cot. Damian himself was sat up, and engulfed in the embrace of one Alfred Pennyworth.
“You’re alive.” He was wailing, clinging to Alfred’s torso. To Dick, who was rubbing his back, he cried, “You came back.” Then to both, even as Alfred tried to wipe at the boy’s eyes. “You’re both here.”
“Like we could ever stay away from you, kiddo.” Dick smirked.
But still, among the tears of relief and reunion, was the litany that wasn’t as influenced as the fear gas as they’d hoped.
“I’m sorry.” Damian whispered. Alfred just stroked at his hair. Dick just rolled over and wrapped his arms around his waist, careful of the now bandaged stab wound nearby. “I’m so sorry. For everything that’s happened. For everything I did. Everything I didn’t do.”
It was something they’d have to work on, all of them. And a confrontation was coming, Bruce knew. But that was okay. That was fine. It didn’t matter. There was only one thing that mattered. One thing that Bruce, and everyone, was grateful for.
Damian was home.
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brighidvanguard · 5 years
RWBY Volume 6 Chapter 10 Review and Discussion
So today’s episode was great and I wanna go over some of the stuff I liked.
First up, there’s the whole plan to hijack the ship itself which I loved every part of. I thought it was really cute when Jaune’s nephew (sorry I don’t know what his sister’s name is) had to make a distraction. I also loved every moment we got with those two guards because they’re absolutely hilarious. I loved how Weiss had to sneak in Maria by having her hide in a suitcase. I also just loved most of moments between Weiss and Maria in general and I really like that dynamic. Aside from all that, I loved how they clearly had a well thought put plan with everyone making the best use of the skills that they has, especially with Blake using her skills she learned while she was with the White Fang to contribute. I also loved the little comms that they used because it really made the whole episode seem more like a covert ops mission sort of deal. I also loved how Weiss (best girl btw) just yeeted those two guards out of the ship with no remorse and just a parachute.
Aside from the plan itself, I really liked the small moments we got between characters in this episode. I feel like this volume in particular has had the absolute best character interactions and some of the best writing that CRWBY has produced in a while. I loved the little Bumbleby moments we got in this episode. It was nice to see Blake and Yang talking to each other in a more lighthearted attitude compared to their more serious conversations earlier in this volumw (which were still great but I just like seeing them be happy around one another). I also really liked the small moments that we got with JNR and between Oscar and Ruby. I also loved the inspirational words that Ruby said to Qrow to help him realize that everything is ok.
Also let’s talk about Qrow for a sec. I don’t blame Qrow for blaming himself for all that’s happened. Ever since he figured out his semblance, he’s probably blamed himself for all the bad things that happen around him, whether they be his fault or not. So seeing him try to take all the blame for the state that the world is in and for everything bad that’s happened so far is really sad and helps you see how broken he really is. So Ruby saying to him that it doesn’t matter if it’s his fault or not and that they just have to focus on what they do going forward is some really good theming and good advice for life in general. Because even if bad things happen, whether they be in your control or not, it doesn’t matter if it’s your fault, what matters is doing what you think is right going forward and trying your hardest to make things better.
Anyways, then the plan starts falling apart because Blake goes silent for reasons I’ll discuss in a bit. Maria tries to impersonate the guards which doesn’t work and wouldn’t have worked no matter how much jargon she knew. And because of that, General Bitch (can’t remember her name either so I’m just gonna call her that) decides to go all out and begins piloting a giant fucking mecha. This moment was so goddamn awesome and I am super hyped to see everyone attempt to try and take this things down.
And finally, we get to everybody’s favorite part of the episode; Adam’s return. I was wondering when the hell were they gonna bring Adam back since he been gone since rhe first episode of the volume. Plus, he’s in the OP for this volume in multiple shots AND the short for this volume was about his origin. And now, we finally get him back with a semi new design which is basically just him with some weird band over his eyes that I don’t quite understand. But anyways, he’s back and Blake has to deal with his shit again. And this time, Adam has just gone full on creepy stalker mode, essentially just following Blake across Anima just to try and kill her. Also, I loved how Blake dealt with his bullshit. He just says. “You ruined my life” and she goes “I don’t even wanna be a part of your life”, which is just the greatest comeback to that sentence ever. Anyways, CRWBY decides to flex on themselves once again by making this fight between them just so great and making volume 5’s fight scenes seem like even more of a joke. Anyways, after they fight on the tower, they fall all the way down to the ground, which has gotta hurt like a bitch even with aura. And lemme tell ya, when they fell, I was half expecting them to fall right in front of Yang and then Yang would look at Adam in shock/anger and then the episode would end. But, that’s not the case and instead we get the two facing off and then the episode ends.
Now for predictions. I’m nearly 100% sure that the next episode is gonna feature a fight with Adam, Yang, and Blake. But hopefully, this time the fight will be less one-sided than it was in volume 3, which was essentially just Blake getting wrecked and stabbed by Adam and Yang getting her arm slices off. I really hope that the fight is just Yang and Blake wrecking Adam and beating his ass. Because in volume 3, Adam was the one who was calm and collected while Blake and Yang were being consumed by their emotions (Blake’s fear and Yang’s rage). But this time, Blake seems more calm and Adam is just an absolute mess of negativity. Also next episode we’re probably gonna get an awesome fight between everyone else and thay giant ass mecha, but I have really no idea how that fight is gonna go so I’ll just leave it at that.
So, thanks for reading if you did, and I’ll be back next Saturday with another discussion post. Bye!
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bluedemon1995 · 5 years
Kidge One Shot...
What is real??
Blades…Hello…Anyone…come in…please come in…static…static…Can anyone hear me? Please?
Emergency message for Keith Kogane…static…I need to speak to Keith…hello? Anyone there? God, please, this is an emergency…I need to speak to Keith…
Hhhhhello, s…orry I do not speak Earth so good… I can transfer you to his voicemail Commander…
…yeah I guess that has to work…this is very important…
A few days later…aboard the Blade mothership
(Blade mission success, cheers and chaos soon ensues)
Keith sighs, he really hates the loud ruckus going on right now but his people deserve to celebrate and relax. While he prefers a quieter kind of relaxing, he recognizes the team deserves it. The planet they landed on had issue after issue: but it has finally been cleared of the worst of the illness that struck it, the farming plans have been amended and everything finally started to work after many setbacks. He knows everyone deserved some rest but apparently they want to party first. Joy. Sometimes this is when he misses Lance, party animal that he was. It took the pressure off of him to be seen and he could scurry back to his room unnoticed.
He shakes his head and tries to think of when he was last on the ship and what needs to be done. It had to be a few weeks at least! He figures he needs to stand here a few more minutes and then he just does not care, he plans on escaping back to his room. Feeling a slight pressure against his arm and he turns to see Acxa leaning up against his arm apparently soaking in their success.
She somberly looks up at him and says, “Hey we should get cleaned up and get a drink. You know to celebrate the culmination of all of our hard work?!?”
Taking a deep breath, Keith shakes his head saying, “Um, I’m actually pretty tired. Rain check?”
Acxa looks confused so Keith feels the need to explain further that ‘rain check’ is a phrase on Earth that means some other time. She nods slowly asking, “When?” Keith internally groans and says he’s got a lot to do so he’ll let her know. Hopefully she will forget. Eventually she walks away and he’s about to finally flee when his mom comes over making him pause.
She asks him if he was going to finally go out with Acxa. He felt himself flush but shook his head in the negative, does she know ‘go out’ means dating on Earth? Probably not he decides until a weird expression crossed her face and he thought she was going to comment. Internally bracing for more questions, he freezes. However, ultimately she just nodded and said for him to get some rest because he looks horrible. Obviously he hasn’t had a full night’s sleep in a while.
Keith slowly makes his way through the hall, saying a word here or there to his team all the while he carefully and meticulously and strategically maneuvering himself to the exit. While he feels more comfortable in the ‘leader’ role, sometimes he has to think…what would Shiro do. Right now he knows Shiro would give people some positive feedback and thanks. It has to be done. But there is no way he is staying here all night. Screw it.
Even though right now he just needs to get a little time to recharge, being around people so much really takes a toll. Finally he makes it out of the common area and he’s back in his room. Now he can shower, change and finally check his messages and rest. Maybe see if there are any snack packages from Hunk too! He tends to send care packages and Keith hopes Cosmo didn’t get into it like the last time! For all the stuff here, he would much rather eat Hunk’s care package!
After showering and changing he decides to lay on the bed to listen to his messages and knock off early. Most of the messages are the just the usual and are issues that he has been apprised of and already dealt with. Then finally there’s one with Hunk asking him if he has found any cool food or ingredients and another reminding him to call when he gets a minute. Lance asking if his farming suggestions helped and even Matt snitching on Shiro about how he burned something in the microwave and caused the sprinkler system to start on the Atlas. Chuckling to himself, he cannot wait to bring that one up to Shiro, especially because Shiro likes to tease about the time he burned eggs (he didn’t know that the water would evaporate)!
The lights are off and he’s laying down relaxing, he can feel himself almost tuning out and knocking out. Then suddenly, he hears a lot of static…a few beeps and what sounds like some clicking. Turning to his side, he lazily reaches out to check the device (is it broken?) but freezes when a rough voice suddenly says,
<<<Keith, buddy, I don’t know when you will get this but, Pidge, (garble) has been hurt. She’s not…it’s not looking good (crackle, crackle), you might want to try and get down here to say (tears???) good…bye…>>>
Keith freezes for a few minutes before he looks up panicked, good bye??? Does that just signal the end of the message or is Pidge dying?!? Was that Shiro?? Yelling “Cosmo!!!” He grabs his go bag, runs out of his room and while frantically calling for his mom via the comm link. He runs out into the corridor and luckily runs literally into Kolivan and his mom.
“I gotta go Pidge is hurt. I’m going to take the small cruiser, have command open a wormhole close to Earth. Cosmo is coming with me. I don’t know when I will be back! You’re in charge!!” He turns to run to the cruiser, not even paying attention to their response. He’s already trying to calculate how much longer it will be to his arrival on Earth. He starts the engines and quickly goes through the checklist for take off before he even realizes his mom is with him. He opens his mouth to say something when his mom interrupts.
“This is going to either end very badly or very good. Either way I’m not letting you go alone. Besides, I like the small Paladin, and I wish to be there for you … and her.” She meets his eyes dead on, letting him know that she means it. He nods and continues the protocol for lift off. There is no time to waste arguing. Cosmo must have sensed something was up because he was even looking serious.
Keith enters the room slowly, not knowing what to expect. He tried to envision what happened while traveling here. So many horrible scenarios. So many questions. In fact, his mind unfortunately had a multitude of options. But whatever it was, this is a hundred, no a thousand times worse. He looks at Pidge, on the bed, pale and lifeless. Her hair is cut short again, almost the same length as when they first went out to space. She’s hooked up to so many machines, and the slow beeping is not making him feel better. Is slow beeping good or bad?
He cannot tell you the last time he cried but right now his vision is wavering and he has to stop and just remind himself to breathe. He feels his mom’s hand on his shoulder grounding him and Cosmo pressing into his leg. But it’s not enough. He tries to focus on the room and the details. He has to calm down. Breathe. In…out…in…out…
He glances around, she’s in a huge room, maybe half the size of the small Garrison hospital floor. Security was tight, so he absently wondered if someone hurt her?!? Who did this? His fists clench but he shakes his head and again breathes.
She looks so tiny in the hospital bed, which is weird because in reality Pidge is larger than life. He finally takes his eyes off Pidge, and looks around and sees Shiro in the chair next to the bed. Actually, looking closely in the dimly lit room, he quickly realizes the whole team is here, looking like crap. Her parents and brother are here too looking so broken and he thinks they look how he feels. Fleetingly he wonders how can life keep going on if she’s not here? It shouldn’t. It can’t! He starts to breathe to quickly. Too fast. It’s too much.
Vaguely he wonders again what happened but just as quickly as the thought enters his mind, he lets it go. None of that really matters right now. He can hear about it later. He vaguely notices, Griffin and a few other MFE’s are in the room near the window and spares a moment to wonder why before he’s encompassed by the team, crying and hugging. It seems like they just lost Allura and now it’s Pidge hurt. But no, she should’ve been safe here on Earth. Nothing is making sense!! This cannot be happening! Keith feels his hands forming fists but there is no enemy to fight!
Shiro hugs him and whispers, “I know, I know.”
Finally, through a lot of tears, he understands there was some kind of explosion at the lab, at the Garrison. Someone made a mistake and gave Pidge the wrong element and Pidge was hurt. They don’t quite know if this was sabotage or an accident-an investigation is underway to determine what happened. But apparently it should have been much worse. Pidge must have noticed something was wrong or off because she activated the lab’s shield and saved another person by covering them with her own body, only moments before the explosion. She always was observant and moved instinctively to limit the damage. Typical Pidge.
But right now, Keith cannot help but wish she wasn’t quite so altruistic. He’d rather her safe than some random person. He knows that isn’t right, and he’d never say it out loud but this is Pidge. She’s the smartest of the five but she’s also the one all of them are overprotective of…for varying reasons.
Regardless of his feelings, she got hurt… bad. Concussion, brain bleeding, broken ribs and wrist, burns on her arms and back. At some point Keith couldn’t process all of her injuries. But they were able to stabilize her and stop the hemorrhaging. He wipes his eyes no shame in tears but he can’t see. Apparently, they don’t know what else to do, she just isn’t waking up. Luckily she still has brain waves but the doctors essentially have no answers other than to wait, pray, wish. And hope that she is mentally and cognitively ok. After a lot of talking, (and arguing with staff who think Cosmo is just a dog) Keith and Cosmo are left alone in the room with Pidge. Everyone else has been here non stop for a few weeks and look worse for the wear.
Keith assures everyone else they should go home, shower and rest while he stays with her. Yes, he’s fine, no he’s not tired. Yes, he will call if anything changes. Yes, he has his communicator and a cell phone. Yes, he’s quite capable of talking to her so she knows she’s not alone. Yes, he promises he can talk for more than a few minutes. Yes, he can be here for her!!! No he doesn’t need to sleep or rest. No, he’s not hungry. Yes, he’s being honest. Honestly, if Lance asks him one more time…finally, Krolia leaves with the Holts, deciding it is better if she goes with them to help them out.
As everyone takes a turn telling Pidge they love her and will be back soon, the door quietly closes. Loves her. So many people love her. The other paladins kissed her cheek or forehead. Her parents held her and Matt ruffled her hair while sobbing. Even his mom said it, which took him aback for a minute. Love. LOVE.
Keith leans against the door, taking in the abnormal quiet of the hospital room once everyone left. Frozen. He feels frozen and scared. There is just a background of humming and beeping from the various machines that are currently hooked up to her but that doesn’t offer him any comfort. Keith takes a few slow breaths and slowly edges over to her bed. He carefully and slowly takes her hand. Cosmo somehow gets himself on the bed and cuddles with her on her left. At first Keith is nervous, what if he knocks something out or off??
But, it seems as Cosmo knows how to be careful with her. He’s absolutely gentle rumbling and finally licking her fingers. Keith ends up taking up residence on her right side. At some point, another nurse tries to get Cosmo out but soon realizes that this is a lost cause. Finally the nurse starts to check stats and notes some kind of data on a clipboard and Keith can’t help but blurt out, “Everything looks ok right?”
The nurse, an older lady who looks like every teacher who hated him in school, replies, “We don’t know what is going on inside her head, if anything. But physically she’s stable. But the longer she is out, the more likely we need to consider a long term care facility for her. I told her parents this but they do not listen.”
There’s silence and then there is silence. Keith wants to wail and yell that SHE doesn’t know Pidge. She’s tougher than tough! She’s fought in an intergalactic war! Instead he ignores her and focuses on Pidge. He hears the nurse leave and his eyes don’t stray from Pidge. He traces her with his eyes because he’s afraid to disturb her. All he hears are the beeping of her heart on the monitor. He takes a deep breath and smells the antiseptic and he leans his head down to sniff her hair, which smells vaguely of smoke and the distinctive smell of a hospital. Her right hand has the iv in it and looks like there’s dirt under her nails. He starts to catalog her bandages-matching them to injuries. Unfortunately he is cataloging a lot.
Keith cannot help but just stare at her. She looks so peaceful and he can’t help but wish this is one of her jokes. One where she will suddenly open her eyes and laugh at him. Haha she got him. What he wouldn’t give. He cannot help himself, like if he is tethered to her, getting closer and closer.
At some point he gives in and just lays next to her and holds her close. Carefully arranging and maneuvering the wires and machines so he does not disrupt them. Her hand is cool to the touch and he thinks how she’s always cold. He gets his arm around her because he wants, no, needs to hold her, bind her to him…protect her. Keep her here, she’s his counterpart no matter what, in fact first. How can he go on knowing she’s not there?
Lance said to talk to her. What can he say that hasn’t already been said by someone else? Probably better and more articulate. But yet, he whispers, “Pidge you need to wake up. Please, I need you, more than you know.” Whispering his secrets. His needs. His dreams.
Who is he going to call when he can’t sleep? Because she is the one who always takes his calls, no matter the time. Who is going to keep him in the loop with gossip whether he wants to know it or not? Who is going to send him goofy messages and jokes when he goes MIA? Who will send him random updates to his weapons and computers? Who will yell at him when he gets stubborn? Who would go toe to toe with Kolivan on his behalf? But more than all that, he realizes she’s his lifeline to the team. Especially with Shiro married and the others scattered about. But more importantly, he knows he matters to her. And she really matters to him.
More than she knows…he doesn’t let her know, but he rereads her messages, her notes and keeps her picture in his pocket. She means so much and damned if she even knew. God, he should have told her…but he just thought they had more time. He always believed they had a ‘later’ to explore. After she got older, after she had time to see and do everything she should, everything she wanted. After he came to terms with his need and want. And could control it.
He can feel his eyes get heavy and knows that he’s going to fall asleep with her in his arms. And somehow in his sleep if he imagines her holding him and whispering to him, imagines her saying “Keith, baby,” and he kisses her…says he loves her…who can fault him…for his dreams.
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lusilly · 7 years
out of the woods
I realized I’ve never actually written Damian and Iris’s first kiss, so :)
this is all in canon with Earth-28
           “What travels all around the world, but always stays in the corner?”
           “A stamp.”
           “The poor have me. The rich need me. What am I?”
           “What, if you put it in a barrel, will make the barrel lighter?”
           Damian hesitated, then frowned. “A – lower caliber bullet?” His father cocked an eyebrow, and the penny dropped. “Oh,” he said. “Not that kind of barrel. A hole.”
           “Forward,” began Bruce, “I am heavy. Backwards, I am not. What am I?”
           “A ton,” said Damian.
           “What kind of flowers grow on your face?”
           “Tulips,” Damian said, “but that one’s dumb.”
           “You have one match,” Bruce instructed him, tone very serious. “You enter a room in which there is a kerosene lamp, an oil burner, and a wood burning stove. Which do you light first?”
           “The match,” answered Damian.
           At this, Bruce finally gave an approving nod. He typed something in the computer, apparently distracted, as Damian finished tugging on his gloves. “A man is found dead on the beach next to a rock,” said Bruce; Damian turned to watch his father, listening. “The rock was the cause of death, but never physically touched him. How did he die?”
           “He’s Superman,” said Damian, without skipping a beat. “The rock is Kryptonite. Which is actually carcinogenic to any creature, but I suppose for the sake of the riddle it has to be someone who’d die of Kryptonite exposure relatively quickly.”
           “Good,” Bruce said, without turning from the screen. “How far can you run into the woods?”
           There was a moment’s pause. Damian blinked at his father. “Is that it?” he asked.
           “That’s it,” Bruce replied. “How far can you run into the woods?”
           Damian took a long breath, considering this. His brow was knit in concentration. “The entire way through?”
           “As far as you can?”
           “As far as I can?”
           There was another short silence as Damian wracked his brain. “Is this one of those, when are the woods not the woods? sort of riddles?
           “No,” answered Bruce. “It’s very straightforward.”
           “How far can you run into the woods?”
           Bruce nodded. “How far can you run into the woods.”
           Damian made a noise. “Hm. Can I think on it?”
           Resuming his usual work on the computer, Bruce said, “Though that isn’t usually protocol in the field, I know you’re running late, so I’ll excuse you just this once.”
           Pressing his domino mask across his face, Damian headed down the steps from the computer hub down to the garage below. “Thanks,” he called. “I’ll have it figured out by the time I get back on Monday.”
           Raising his voice to be heard as Damian headed away from him, Bruce called, “I thought we agreed Sunday night?”
           “Alfred said Monday was fine if I checked in.”
           Begrudgingly, Bruce stopped himself from protesting this. He’d have a conversation with Alfred later. “Be careful,” he called, as a small light on his computer screen informed him Damian was getting into the personal jet. “Have fun.”
           The comm inside the jet’s cockpit picked up Damian’s reply, playing it directly out of the computer speakers. “How far can you run into the woods?” he repeated, apparently ignoring his father’s farewell. “Suppose I’ll have to find out, hm?”
           The engine roared. A few minutes later, Damian was gone. Bruce sat alone in the empty cave. It was good that Damian was gone more often, spending more time with the Titans, but it also had the odd effect of making the Cave and the Manor itself feel bigger, emptier. Lonelier.
           On the flight to Titans Tower, Damian checked in with the rest of his team.
            “What do you mean you’re not coming?” he demanded.
           Lian Harper let out a frustrated sigh. “I mean I’m not coming, I have a family thing.”
           “Is it a mission?”
           “No, it’s not a mission, it’s a family thing.”
           “What kind of-?”
           “Oh, right,” said Lian, cutting him off, “I’m sorry Robin, I forgot all of your meaningful familial engagements are missions, my bad.”
           This was true enough that Damian didn’t feel particularly cut by it, so he just began cautiously, “Arsenal, I thought we were doing training this weekend.”
           “It’s not like I’m stopping you. You know you can actually train without me, right?” Then she added, “And without Sin either, she happens to be in my family so she’s also gotta go to the family thing.”
           “You and Sin are our best hand-to-hand combatants. What am I supposed to do without either of you to spar against?”
           “Go toe-to-toe with a Kryptonian? Wait, take a video, I want to see Superboy beating the hell out of you.”
           Chris wasn’t coming this weekend either, which Damian knew because Superman had reached out to his father to let him know that he would be taking some time off for what Damian’s father had called medical leave, but that didn’t sound right to Damian. He knew that Chris had been having some trouble adapting to working in a group, and suspected that maybe he needed some time to decompress, or something. There was something a little off about Chris which Damian couldn’t quite figure out yet, but Chris was surprisingly bad at leadership for being the son of Superman, and awfully quiet in a crowd, and even had difficulty maintaining eye contact for too long. Though Damian didn’t want to pry – he hated the idea of the others noticing his own problems and trying to piece together the illness that haunted him –he was also terribly curious.
           Either way, Damian didn’t mention anything about Chris to Lian. Instead he just ended the call, then hesitated, then opened another line on his commlink.
           “GL,” he said. There was nothing. “Green Lantern, come in.”
           A couple minutes later, he received a text on his encrypted personal phone. Cant pick up Im in civvies.
           He texted her back. Are you coming this weekend?
           No I cant, read her reply, not much later. Its my quince
           Damian didn’t know what quince meant other than fifteen in Spanish, so he didn’t reply. Instead he thought briefly of trying to get a hold of Maxy, but her parents didn’t allow her to spend the night on her own yet anyway, so that seemed kind of pointless.
           Jai West also rarely spend the night at Titans Tower, but he was the only other person left that Damian could think of, and he was starting to feel a little desperate.
           “Jai,” he said at once, when the line picked up. “How are you?”
           On the other end, Jai sounded confused. “Robin? Why are you calling me?”
           Tactful as ever. “I thought we were meeting at the Tower this weekend, but it seems things will be awfully quiet. I was wondering if you planned on coming?”
           “Um, no. I have to do homework.”
           “And you couldn’t do it at the Tower?”
           “Not really, because usually you guys all have to rush out at once to do a mission or something, and I’m not a big fan of the way the giant T-shaped tower is basically a supervillain magnet.”
           This was more or less fair. “Well, I’ll be there if you do decide to stop by.”
           “OK,” said Jai. “I think Irey’s already there anyway, so I don’t really have a ride.”
           Something dropped into the pit of Damian’s stomach. “I see,” he said. “Well, let me know if you’d like to come. I can always pick you up.”
           “Okey-doke. Hey, maybe next weekend.”
           “Maybe next weekend,” Damian agreed. “Goodnight, then.”
           “’Bye, Robin.”
           The jet continued to race through the sky, chasing the setting sun. Below him, he could see a great rolling forest splayed across the landscape. How far can you run into the woods? As far as you could walk, just faster?
           He slowed his pace as he reached Titans Tower, circling three times, then landing beneath the Bay. Maybe he wouldn’t stay the entire weekend; but then again, the earlier he left, the sooner he’d have to come up with the answer to his father’s riddle. It seemed frustratingly impossible at the moment, but perhaps the frustration was mostly just a redirection from something else.
           So he exited the jet and headed up into the Tower itself with a heavy, roiling feeling in his stomach, nervous and unwell.
           Recently, for what was the fifth time since he’d started taking medication, he’d had a change in dosage; after a month or so on his previous meds, his anxiety had gotten so bad he’d barely been able to spend time with the Titans at all, even though he had categorically refused to admit this to his father. But biweekly appointments with a therapist meant that these things were caught earlier rather than later, and now here he was, trying a different cocktail of medication to see if the side effects would be more tolerable this time.
           Damian felt like a living economics experiment, an exercise in pareto efficiency: what was the optimal combination to make the symptoms of his OCD better off without making at least one other side effect worse off? At least in economics one could always solve dilemmas like these with a charts and tables and numbers. Nothing was that uncomplex for Damian.
           But at least the anxiety in the pit of his stomach wasn’t paralyzing as he headed up to the main level of the Tower. The big television, which took up nearly an entire wall, was on when Damian stepped out of the elevator.
           A girl popped her head over the couch. “Robin!” she said, sounding a little surprised. “I didn’t know if you were coming!” She laughed, leaning over the back of the couch. “I kind of thought I’d have the Tower to myself tonight. But this is cool, that’d be boring anyway.”
           Damian stood awkwardly by the elevator. “Impulse,” he said. She was not wearing her uniform, and her curly hair was big and surrounded her head like a halo, instead of in her usual braids. He suddenly felt very stupid, standing there in his full uniform and mask. “I…didn’t realize you were here already.”
           This was a lie, but his mouth was suddenly dry and he had to come up with something to say to avoid sounding stupid. Iris just grinned at him.
           She pointed back at the TV screen. “You want to watch?” she asked. “It’s kind of boring, but Lian got me addicted.”
           “I have some training to do,” Damian blurted out.
           “Oh,” she said. “OK. Well, I’ll be here.”
           There was a momentary pause. Iris didn’t turn away, just watched him expectantly. “I…suppose I could put it off a little,” he said, finally. She beamed at him, her face lighting up. “Watching television doesn’t appear to require the uniform, though,” he added. “I’ll go change.”
           “It’s OK,” said Iris quickly. “I like the costume! It’s nice.”
           If she, too, blushed, Damian didn’t catch it. While he tried furiously not to look her in the eye, she let out a little laugh. In the blink of an eye, she appeared before him, running so fast it could’ve been teleportation.
           Without hesitating, she reached out and gently peeled at the corner of his domino mask, tugging it off his skin. Despite himself, he let her.
           “You’re good,” she told him, crossing her arms as if appraising him like a piece of art. “It’s weird when you leave the mask on, but I don’t mind everything else if you don’t mind it.”
           She was very close to him. He reached out and snatched his mask back from her, then rubbed at his left eye, then caught himself and stopped. “Maybe I do mind.”
           “Maybe you don’t,” she countered.
           She flickered again, then reappeared at the couch. “Come watch with me?” she asked, glancing back at him from over the couch’s back.
           He hesitated another moment, then he let out a long breath and set aside his mask. He took off his cape, then his gloves, then his boots, and then he joined Iris on the couch. He sat at the opposite side, transparently as far away from her as possible.
           “What is this?” he asked, watching the screen.
           “Kay-you-double-you-tee-kay,” Iris replied. When he glanced at her, she grinned at him and then clarified, “Keeping Up With the Kardashians. Do you know the Kardashians? I feel like your dad’s famous enough that odds are good you’ve run into them at some point.”
           Damian looked back towards the screen. “I don’t know the Kardashians,” he said, watching whatever reality TV drama was going down. “I don’t even know who they are.”
           “Consider yourself lucky,” Iris told him, throwing a nice embroidered pillow at him. “They’re really annoying.”
           “Why do you watch the show, then?”
           She shrugged. “Guilty pleasure.”
           They sat in silence for a while, watching TV. Iris was also on her phone, scrolling through something, playing a game; she could never focus on one thing for too long. Damian, on the other hand, found the show somewhat riveting, but couldn’t really get into it because he was acutely aware of the fact that Iris was sitting a mere few feet away from him.
           An episode and a half passed. Damian glanced at Iris. She was typing something into her phone, probably texting someone. There was a smile on her face.
           He rubbed at his eye, then stopped it. “I talked to your brother,” he said, all of the sudden. “He said he had homework to finish, or something?”
           Iris glanced up. “Oh, yeah,” she said. “My mom’s been sort of training him on xenophysics lately. It’s cool.”
           “Just him? Not you?”
           With a smile that was almost apologetic, Iris explained, “I kind of got bored after she explained it the first time. He’s learning all the numbers and stuff, I don’t really need that.”
           “Why not?”
           She looked back to her phone. “’Cause I get it already,” she said mildly. “Most people need math and stuff to understand things like that, so they can kind of work it out step by step. When you’re as fast as I am it’s like explanations like that are moving in slow motion. I get it. I don’t need to go backwards.”
           Damian found this fascinating. He watched her, a gentle frown on his face. “So you don’t need to understand the equation,” he began, thoughtfully, “if you already understand the answer.”
           At this, she looked up, and actually lowered her phone to her lap. “Yeah,” she said. “Basically.”
           He nodded. “I can relate. My friend Colin, he’s our age,” he remembered Iris’s weird rapid-aging phenomenon and corrected, “my age – I’ve been tutoring him in chemistry. It’s basic stuff but sometimes it gets very difficult to explain, because it’s like,” he paused, searching for the right way to express this, “it’s like – there, that is the answer, obviously, but then he asks how I got there and I can’t really tell him.”
           Iris’s eyes lit up. “Yeah!” she said, nodding. “Exactly! Like, I don’t know how I know that but I just know it.”
           There was an awkward sort of silence. On the TV, Kim gave a tearful confession. Damian asked, casually, “So you don’t have any homework to take care of while you’re here?”
           “No,” answered Iris, shaking her head. “I have a couple assignments but I can do them on Sunday. How ‘bout you?”
           “I have an assignment too,” Damian said, thinking of the riddle. “But I don’t need to get it done right away.”
           Iris cocked an eyebrow at him. “Do you go to school?”
           “No,” he said. “Homeschooled. You?”
           She shook her head. “Same. I was in middle school with Jai for a little bit but I couldn’t make it through classes. Too boring.”
           Damian, who had never been in a traditional classroom and therefore couldn’t relate, just sort of nodded at this. The TV show droned on before them, but it was quickly growing old, so Damian offered, “Would you like to…go over some case files? Maybe we can identify our next mission before it falls into our lap.”
           Iris looked at him brightly. “That could be fun,” he said. “Everyone else might want a say, though.”
           Damian shrugged. “They’re not here,” he said simply.
           For a second, she just watched him with something almost like suspicion in her eyes. Then a smile stole across her lips. “I guess so,” she said. “C’mon.” She was instantly on her feet, across the room, at the door. “Let’s go.”
           When she began heading down towards the computer hub, Damian instead took her by the hand and pulled her in another direction. As soon as he realized what he was doing, heat rose suddenly to his face and he let go of her; embarrassed, he did not glance around to see her face. If he had, he might’ve seen she was smiling.
           “My, uh,” he cleared his throat, “database on the computer downstairs is better. It’s got all of Batman’s files, so it’s more detailed.”
           “All of Batman’s files?” asked Iris. If she was faking impressed, Damian couldn’t tell. “Wow.”
           They went downstairs, to where Damian had an entire floor of the Tower to himself. Milagro liked to make fun of him for it, but he needed the room for his own tech and uniform and computer and also for his personal space.
           There was only one seat before his massive computer downstairs, itself a smaller version of the Batcomputer in the Cave. He insisted that Iris take it, then giggled at him. “What a gentleman,” she said, amused. “You can always sit on my lap if you get tired of standing.”
           He fought the blush rising to his cheeks.
           Together they scrolled through the list of active cases, focusing in their particular area. “Looks like Green Arrow and the rest of his team take care of the worst missions up here,” said Damian, gesturing to a swath of dots on the map which represented completed missions. “That must be what they’re doing this weekend.”
           “This weekend?” echoed Iris doubtfully. “I don’t think GA’s taking any missions this weekend.”
           Damian raised an eyebrow at her. “I heard otherwise from Arsenal.”
           Iris blinked at him, then she took her phone out of her pocket, scrolling through her texts. “Hold on,” she said. “I swore Lian said she was doing that marathon thing tomorrow.”
           “Marathon?” echoed Damian, leaning over Iris’s shoulder, looking at her phone. There were an awful lot of heart emojis in her texts to Lian. “What marathon?”
           “The AIDS one,” she said, then, triumphantly, she turned her phone around to show him the screen. “Yeah, the Star City AIDS Walk. Her family does it every year.”
           Frowning at the phone, Damian reached out instinctually to take it – Iris pulled it away sharply, grinning at him. “AIDS Walk?” he asked, confused. “Why would they do that?”
           “Um,” began Iris, “because it’s a charity and the Queen family are like the biggest philanthropists this side of Gotham City, obviously.” She poked him in the side then added, “You’re telling me your dad doesn’t do marathons for charity?”
           “No,” answered Damian honestly. “No marathons or triathlons.”
           The light of the computer screen lit up Iris’s face harshly as she gave him a confused look. “That’s…really specific?”
           “In my family,” Damian explained, “we’re not supposed to do anything which might publicly draw attention to our…” he paused, searching for the right words, “atypical level of physical fitness.”
           “What?” asked Iris, scandalized. “The public isn’t even allowed to know you’re hot?”
           Despite himself, a smile tugged its way onto Damian’s lips. He leaned against the computer panel. “I’m afraid not,” he told her, almost ruefully. “So, if you could keep that between us…”
           She laughed at him. Something glinted in her eyes and though Damian could not quite identify what it was, he liked it. A lot.
           “Between us,” she echoed, watching him. “Sounds like a nice place.”
           There was a short, loaded silence.
           Then, before Damian could blink, she disappeared. A moment later she was back, this time sitting before the couch, laying a deck of cards down on a low coffee table before it. Without glancing up at him, she called, “You wanna play a game?”
           He went around to the other side of the coffee table, then lowered himself to the ground. “Poker?”
           “I was thinking Go Fish,” she replied, shuffling the deck.
           “Go what?”
           Iris stopped short and looked up at him. For a second she said nothing, then she narrowed her eyes and leaned forward across the table. Disbelievingly, she asked, “You don’t know what Go Fish is?”
           “No,” he answered, truthfully. “Should I?”
           A look of concern on her face, she watched him for a second. Then she asked, “How about War?”
           “About what?”
           He shook his head. “I know Solitaire,” he offered.
           “What about Bullshit?” she asked him, with narrowed eyes. “Have you ever heard of that?”
           This made him hesitate. “I mean – the term generally? Because if so then yes.”
           “It’s a game,” she said, then she started the split the cards between them. “I’ll teach you.”
           She did teach him; it was a fun game, if only because Damian appeared to be so calm and cool all the time that Iris started calling bullshit on every set of cards he laid down, so it didn’t take long for him to win. They played again. This time Iris called every one of his hands correctly, while he was only right about half of hers. She won.
           Once the game was over, he asked her admiringly, “How did you do that? You can’t possibly have decoded my mannerisms that quickly.”
           She grinned at him. So fast she seemed not to move at all, she collected every one of the cards – including those in his hand – and stacked them in a neat pile on the table.
           “I cheated,” she said.
           They got bored of card games quickly, and after poking through some potential missions they got bored of that too. Iris asked him if he wanted to watch a movie, and he said yes even though he didn’t really want to. She made some popcorn as he scrolled through Netflix. “We should get a pizza,” she called, standing at the microwave waiting for the popcorn. “No! Some Chinese food. I can just run out and get it, they don’t need to deliver it all the way here. Actually,” she said thoughtfully, tapping her chin, “I could go run out and get any food. What do you feel like, Robin?” she asked him. “Chicken nuggets?”
           “You can call me Damian,” he called in reply.
           She stopped, looking at him.
           He glanced back at her, then he gestured around them. “There’s nobody here,” he said. “You don’t need to call me Robin. We’re not in uniform.”
           “You are,” she pointed out.
           He pointed to his face, the missing mask. “Not in full uniform, anyway.”
           There was a beat of silence. Then she asked, “No on the chicken nuggets?”
           As he took a seat on the couch, he told her, “I don’t eat meat. But you should get some if you want some.”
           “No meat?” The microwave beeped. She took it out of the microwave and dumped it into a bowl, then went over to the couch. Without hesitation, she sat right next to Damian, close enough that the side of their legs touched. “Maybe pizza then,” she said, matter-of-factly. “But maybe later.”
           She offered him the bowl of popcorn. He was extremely uncomfortable, and his stomach kind of hurt, so he declined.
           When Damian started to play the movie he’d chosen, Iris let out a whine. “Really?” she asked. “A black-and-white movie? How old is this?”
           Indignantly, Damian replied, “It’s a classic!” which he only knew because he’d found it under the Classics section on Netflix.
           “It’s boring.” Iris threw a handful of popcorn into her mouth. “I’m gonna fall asleep.”
           Something was screaming inside Damian’s head, but he tried to ignore it. He summoned up all the courage in his little fifteen-year-old body, the kind of courage that allowed him to jump off buildings and bridges and face goons with automatic weapons without blinking – and he moved his arm up, and he slid it around Iris’s shoulders.
           Without looking away from the TV screen, he murmured, “That’d be OK.”
           There was a tense second, and then Iris sort of settled against his arm. She held the bowl of popcorn in her lap and tried to lean her head against his shoulder but she was a little too tall; so she scooted down in her seat a little, and tried again. This time it worked.
           The whole movie Damian’s pulse was elevated, which he wondered if she could feel. It was a weird feeling, a sort of buzzing in his head and a simultaneous sort of quiet, a focus, something that he really really liked despite the fact that it made him feel really uncomfortable.
            She finished the popcorn, then put the bowl aside. “Damian,” she said, for the very first time, tasting the name in her mouth. It didn’t feel right, didn’t suit him the way Robin did.
           He glanced at her. She lifted her hand and with two fingers turned his face towards her so she could see him better. Her eyes roved across his face, searching through his gaze and his sharp brow and down to the gentle curve of his nose and the width of his mouth. She liked him better without the mask, she decided. She liked seeing his eyes, as dark a brown as her own.
           While she looked at him, he clenched his jaw. His brain felt like it was short-circuiting a little bit: he couldn’t think of anything to say.
           Something popped up spontaneously, something he’d been turning over and over in his mind again and again, repetitively, obsessively, since leaving home earlier that evening. It spilled from his mouth before he could think about it, before he could consider if it made any sense or if it didn’t fit the moment or if it was going to interrupt whatever was happening right now.
           It came out just as Iris leaned in, like a physical block between their faces, because if what Damian thought was happening was actually happening he wasn’t sure if he could do it without something bad happening, though he didn’t know what. The nebulousness of the thought scared him, the uncertainty principle, the potential chaotic motion of the double rod pendulum of himself.
           “Iris,” he said, arresting the moment; in surprise and a little bit of shock at hearing him use her name for the first time, she stopped. He let out a silent but shaky breath. “How far,” he asked, “can you run into the woods?”
           She stared at him.
           Unhelpfully, he clarified, “It’s – a riddle.”
           She didn’t say, “Oh,” or make any other indication of confusion. She just looked at him thoughtfully, then away from him for a moment. Then she met his gaze once more, and she smiled
           “Halfway,” she answered. He stared at her, his brow knit. “You can only run halfway in,” she explained, “then you start running out.”
           She grinned. Before them, the black-and-white movie continued to play, a rush of music rising to crescendo as the characters onscreen shared their first kiss.
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verdigrisprowl · 7 years
Lost Light Stream - Transformers Prime 53-56
Prowl tried to help with the bargain thing Rodimus asked him about a month ago. He decided he wasn’t going to make progress.
Soundwave danced at DDR. It was the most important thing to happen tonight, and perhaps in all Lost Light Stream history.
Welcome to the 'lostlightstream' room. Smokescreen: Delete that! Airachnid: Make me. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Shockbox: [[Unclear. We will see.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: //Not bad. Got to crunch up some rubble back home. Had me a damn good day.// Smokescreen: Don't make me go over there, Spidey. Timeline: they are gonna wonder around now looking up at everyone CptRodimus: *chuckles* The simple thing right? Airachnid: And what are you going to do about it? Airachnid: Cry again? Shockbox: *Hm. He pings an okay. The other is probably busy.* Whirl: Hey, she's on MY couch. If you come over here and start something, I WILL end it, Smokescreen. CptRodimus: We waiting on anyone else? Ima start Smokescreen: Spidey- you wanna fight? I'll fight you later- Airachnid: Fine. Smokescreen: I won't fight her now, but you can't stop me once I'm out of here. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Ain't nothin' like it for when ya gotta work off anger.// ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He is ready when the others are.]] Whirl: I don't care what you two do when you're out of here. Fight, or play tiddly-winks, or do a tango, for all I care. ItsyBitsySpyers: ((sorry if i'm slow, i'm eating dinner and typing lmao)) Smokescreen: And spidey- you win, you can torture. Bruin: *lots of footsteps, woops they were almost late* Whirl: ((Rodimus we watched these last week)) ItsyBitsySpyers: {{It Bruin bot!}} Zoooom. Smokescreen: GEE KNOCK OUT HOW LONG WERE YOU THERE Whirl: ((we did Inside Job through darkest Hour)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((wait yeah we're on S3E1)) Whirl: ((we're on season 3 episode 1!)) CptRodimus: ((rodimus wasnt there >_> he wouldnt know >_> ItsyBitsySpyers: ((OH)) ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Ah. Rodimus, we covered this set.]] Airachnid: Oh but I think I already won. CptRodimus: ...? Smokescreen: waitwaitwait-- can we get to the part where I'm in the sky? Smokescreen: You haven't won! Smokescreen: ...... Shockbox: *is allowing the others to take care of this episode mishap.* Whirl: ((i'll let y'all sort it out, gotta finish up dinner)) Timeline: Timeline is watching with wide optics "what was that? CptRodimus: I swear I havnt shown them its a playlist Smokescreen: geez they really like showing my insides, huh? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[At Dancitron, last week. He thought you might have captain's business keeping you.]] Airachnid: Whatever you say Smokescreen, whatever you say. CptRodimus: You just---- Smokescreen: You haven't won anything, Starscream. CptRodimus: THis one too? Airachnid: Yes. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Yes. Through to after the base was destroyed.]] Smokescreen: Still- I learned something valuable from that! /He's going to turn on his phase shifter and pull out a cube of high grade from his chest./ Timeline: horrifide internal screaming Airachnid: [she's not even going to pass a glace anymore] CptRodimus: ? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[This one and the one following. You are looking for the tape he labeled... hmm]] Bruin: *yay, there's a free shoulder for lazerbeak* Timeline: "WHAT WAS THAT THING HE DID" -they are pointing at smokescreen- ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Darkmount, NV]] Smokescreen: .... Smokescreen: oh primus I remember what's coming up Airachnid: :3c Whirl: *peels up the corner of his cube and huffs it softly, trying to get a scent& CptRodimus: *grumbling to himself* CptRodimus: This one?@ ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Ah, yes. Thank you.]] Smokescreen: .......... ItsyBitsySpyers: [[By the way, your lap ornament has trouble with this set.]] Timeline: "oh that doesn't look nice" ItsyBitsySpyers: [[So you are aware.]] Windchill: *APPEARS* Whirl: *swivels his helm around as soon as Windcill walks in. It's just you and the spider lady tonight* Smokescreen: ... CptRodimus: Mechs tend to with base destruction Smokescreen: poor wheeljack.... FakeProwl: *arrives, belatedly* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Nods to Prowl. Couch?* Shockbox: (( oh that megatron, he's a fine guy. )) Shockbox: (( you could say he's)) Shockbox: (( armless )) Whirl: Okay, I got two questions. First of all--*holds up his cube and looks at Soundwave* What is this? And second of all... where's Frenzy? FakeProwl: *who else is on the couch* Quark: One arm Megatron ItsyBitsySpyers: *Just him.* Windchill: *He's going to sit down while all of this docudrama happens, k* FakeProwl: *then he'll take it* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Quark is also here though.* Smokescreen: HA they sure fragged up at all that- ItsyBitsySpyers: ((which i wasn't sure of because they were so quiet omg i'm sorry)) Timeline: *horrifide face at the screen* FakeProwl: *prowl checked his usual couches and failed to check the rest of the room. what looked like Optimus's corpse distracted him* Whirl: *scoots to make room for Windchill's HUMONGOUS BUTT* FakeProwl: *that's an interesting start* Windchill: *SITS HIS GINORMOUS BUTT DOWN* Smokescreen: .... Windchill: I see you kept it warm for me, thanks. Airachnid: [she's just watching Smokescreen's reaction to all this] Whirl: Of couse. *shifts position and very delicately props his feet up on Windchill* Feel free to make use of my footstool, by the way. *to Airachnid* Timeline: "what is this?1?!" Smokescreen: /He's just starting to curl up already./ ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Frenzy is busy working and that is Praxus Pucker-Up.]] CptRodimus: *pat pat* Airachnid: [she barely heard him at first] I'll keep it in mind Whirl. Shockwave: ((SPRINTS IN AND SLIDES INTO HOME BASE)) Shockwave: ((DID I MISS HIM DID I MISS MY SON)) Whirl: ((SAFE)) Whirl: ((not yet we just started)) ItsyBitsySpyers: //Boss, we gotta get some of these.// ItsyBitsySpyers: [[No.]] Shockwave changed their nickname to Txen. CptRodimus: WHat is what? Windchill: (( Making some elixir of life brb )) Quark: *Walks in and sits down in a near by chair Smokescreen: ........ Txen: ((okay i'm gonna be Txen tonight so i dont have to fuss about switching for 4 people)) Timeline: "that looks like that time I tried to space bridge a flower" Shockbox: ((ahhhhh, you brought the preds today? )) Whirl: *tentatively takes a sip; I'm guessing this is a very sour drink?* Hmm. Tangy. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Massive fusion cannons.]] Whirl: Ugh, he's got a THRONE. What a loser. ItsyBitsySpyers: ((very acid-burn, very sour)) Smokescreen: megatron stop calling that number Whirl: ((ROGER. So translated into whirl's weak sense of taste... QUITE TANGY)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((lol)) Smokescreen: It's a pretty comfy throne, at least, but... Airachnid: That lie was almost believeable. Whirl: Anyone who loses it enough to plop themselves on a throne is due for termination, in my opinion. That's a good sign someone's gone mad with power. FakeProwl: I wouldn't trust him if he told me my own name with that tone of voice. Txen: ((ok when is most dramatic to come in late lululul)) Whirl: *takes another, long sip* This stuff ain't half bad. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Amused bob* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((with your boy, of course)) Whirl: *SNRKS at Prowl* Txen: ((wish i could remember when that is exactly but yeeeeeeeeee)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((the end)) Smokescreen: .... A literally low profile for me FakeProwl: *oh. EXTREMELY belatedly—* Whirl: ((fowler <3 <3 <3)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble stretches out on the couch. If Rodimus' knee is still available, he's using that as a foot rest. If not, he's kicking Smokescreen's leg* FakeProwl: @Rodimus *comm ping* Timeline: -looks up at Rodimus- "An exploding space bridge is a pretty thing to see but after it messy" Whirl: *GOO,D, Rumble. You've been taught well* Smokescreen: /He's still curled up and is trying to ignore the kicking there/ Txen: (("did the trick" aka sold toys)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave shakes his helm. He STILL cannot believe the Vehicon did not think past paint jobs.* Airachnid: [she's still watching Smokescreen] FakeProwl: ((ultra Hasbro marketing technique: "but it's not safe enough. we should change your paint twice a week just to be completely safe.")) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((DON'T GIVE THEM IDEAS)) Smokescreen: /He's not crying yet, though. Sorry, Spidey./ Airachnid: [she can wait, she's a patient arachnicon] Smokescreen: Primus, everyone was going through so much... Windchill: (( Wheeljack, always the damsel in distress. )) CptRodimus: *spoiler flickers* CptRodimus: You never asked them? Windchill: He looks awful. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Heh heh. Yeah, sure. That's some plan he's makin'.// Smokescreen: I didn't really want to tell 'em about what was going on for me then-- Smokescreen: And I mean- I heard bits and pieces, but not thwe whole story. Smokescreen: ....... /Hearing Optimus does get him crying./ ItsyBitsySpyers: ((the one thing that bothered me about this asspull explanation-- ItsyBitsySpyers: ((if he had the phase shifter, he could have had everyone touch him and they would've survived the base explosion)) Txen: ((~asspulls~)) Windchill: (PFFFFT )) Smokescreen: ((I figure smokescreen just didn't think of that)) FakeProwl: ((smokescreen has to be a special snowflake alone or not at all)) Airachnid: [chinhands at Smokescreen] FakeProwl: ((so sayeth the writers)) ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Yes. yes it could.]] Txen: ((*shakes fist at writers*)) Shockbox: (( smh. )) Smokescreen: /Trying to turn away from Airachnid there- uggh/ Shockbox: (( BIRB. )) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Laserbeak remembers this now. She abandons Bruin and tries to worm her way behind Soundwave's back to dock* Txen: ((deploy the cute baby)) boomtank: ((is here now, hai Smokescreen: GOOD JOB JACK YOU RUINED EVERYTHING ItsyBitsySpyers: *He leans forward to give her room to do so before sitting back again* Bruin: *oh bye birb* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Buzzsaw will take her place though* Windchill: *Sighs* FakeProwl: *Prowl thinks he knows how this is going to end for Laserbeak* Airachnid: That's what you get for texting your mother. boomtank: -wanders in a bit late- Windchill: How dare he. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Greetings, Blaster.]] CptRodimus: *waves at blaster* Smokescreen: But-- he could've gotten hurt! And he could've gotten Arcee hurt! Bruin: *and hellooo buzzsaw* boomtank: Hello, Soundwave -and waves back at Rodimus- Whirl: *no real expression on his faceless visage; he just seems to be enjoying his drink* Txen: ((gratuitous slomo)) Airachnid: Why don't you talk to your human friend about that? He IS alive in your universe isn't he? Smokescreen: He is-- I just-- I haven't talked to anyone back on Earth in a while. Smokescreen: Don't really want to tell them about Cybertron and how-- you know. boomtank: ...oh Airachnid: Or you'll start crying again? FakeProwl: *murmurs* Are my audials deceiving me, or is Smokescreen criticizing thoughtless recklessness? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[They do not.]] CptRodimus: BOOM Whirl: HA! Smokescreen: ... Whirl: Nice, ItsyBitsySpyers: *Muffled whirring from behind him. He reaches a feeler behind himself and taps his back* Airachnid: [LAUGHS] Windchill: Obvious. Smokescreen: Airachnid, can you go jump in a scraplet pit CptRodimus: Awesome FakeProwl: Hmm. Imagine that. Whirl: Oh, dang, Laserbeak. Arcee a little to spicy for ya? *sly sidelong look* Bruin: * aw heck not again, sympathetic rumbling noises* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Long, long stare at Whirl.* Whirl: *is he supposed to feel bad for ribbing Laserbeak* Smokescreen: HA Knock Out- really? Txen: ((MY BOY)) Smokescreen: soundwave put those away Whirl: *because he doesn't. It's not like Laserbeak is DEAD* Airachnid: :3c ItsyBitsySpyers: *He may feel whatever he wants. Soundwave will think what he wants.* Smokescreen: why does it have to show those feelers like that Smokescreen: why does this show do that ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Because he was inspecting his deployer.]] boomtank: ...? Windchill: It's history you boob Smokescreen: I know it's history! But does it have to show the feelers like that Smokescreen: BOOB Bruin: *OH FRAG* Shockbox: *he sits up straighter. * Whirl: *surely he expects this sort of cavalier attitude towards violence and injury by now* Windchill: (( Finally my thirst can be quenched. )) Txen: *an unfamiliar figure temporarily fills the doorway. Predaking strides in, flanked by Darksteel and Skylynx. A few seconds later, Shockwave follows, finishing out the little 'royal retinue'* Whirl: Oh, hey! Look who it is, boomtank: -NOPE- Shockbox: *of course his alternate survived, and- oh! speak of the devil.* CptRodimus: Its your all purple people eater ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage temporarily leaps onto Prowl's lap to keep from being squashed by the Predacons as they pass* Smokescreen: :O /Waving at the predacons!!/ Airachnid: [glaring at all of the newfound company] Quark: Wep the table just tilt over to the cons even more Shockbox: *how impeccable, his timing.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *He then hops off again as soon as Soundwave reminds him not to do that.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Greetings, Shockwave.]] Whirl: *blinks and immediately looks at Darksteel; Whirl sits up a little straighter, looking as if he's about to say something... but subsides. That's not the Darksteel he knows* FakeProwl: ((lsdkfjlj. every time i haven't seen shockwave in a while i forget that he doesn't sound like G1 shockwave.)) Whirl: *or, knew* Windchill: *What the heck just walked in?* CptRodimus: Failed to accurrtly hit anything you mean Shocky. Txen: *a coincidence, of course. still, fitting.* FakeProwl: ... Excuse you. *a little warning would have been nice.* Smokescreen: PFFF-- /Offering his servo for a high five for Rodimus/ Shockbox: *he's very distracted by the display, but he pings a greeting over to his alternate.* Windchill: (( Until, one day. )) Shockbox: *he is alone on the wave couch today.* Whirl: *he looks over the others curiously, but returns his attention to the screen, somewhat disappointed* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage dips his helm. That's the best he's got.* Windchill: (( I made contact with Megatron. )) Smokescreen: ... Shockwave sounds almost sad there FakeProwl: *he'll pretend that was an apology.* Whirl: Oh, PLEASE tell me you HIT him, Shockwave. Txen: *Shockwave nods in return to the greetings and ignores the attempts to tease him for his aim* Windchill: It kind of happens when people think you're dead, no big deal. CptRodimus: Dude got left behind, it sucks. boomtank: ((and how many Shockwaves are in the room? Shockbox: (( two. )) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((two)) Smokescreen: I know it does-- boomtank: ((two too many for Blaster ItsyBitsySpyers: //You been left behind, mech?// Whirl: Damn. Missed opportunity. Shockbox: (( his little antennae twitches kill me every time. )) Shockbox: (( excuse me, i need to fan myself. )) Smokescreen: HAH I am so glad for Knock Out existing Smokescreen: just take some of the corn right there Txen: *Predaking scans the room for the open couch most resembling a throne and eases into a seat. DS and Lynx are sniffing curiously. they're all kind of skeptical about this 'spacecraft' thing* Windchill: That would be stealing, Smokes. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He did not know when to stop toying with Starscream.]] Smokescreen: but he needs to eat Windchill: Not that badly, apparently. boomtank: .... Quark: ...........When did we get a Predacon? Whirl: There's only one time to stop toying with Starscream: when you're ready to snuff him. FakeProwl: *maybe this time. trying again.* FakeProwl: *comm ping @Rodimus?* Smokescreen: cryptid ratchet CptRodimus: *ping response* Windchill: It's Sasquatch. Smokescreen: he's even in the bigfoot pose Whirl: ((PFFT)) Whirl: Ratsquatch. Txen: Skylynx: *snorts at Quark* One? Try three. agoodidstraction: what did I miss? Smokescreen: ratchet's a cryptid Windchill: That sounds even worse. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Ah, yes. This.]] Airachnid: You being tortured. Whirl: YOU. Shockbox: *Oh Starscream. So petty.* agoodidstraction: oh good Whirl: *sits up and points at Wheeljack* I got WORDS for you, mech. agoodidstraction: What? Smokescreen: ..... Airachnid: [cackles] Whirl: What the hell was in that cy-gar you gave me> Windchill: ... ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He did see it. That's why he refreshed it.]] Smokescreen: soundwave did you refresh the page there while starwasnt looking Whirl: Last week, I mean. Smokescreen: AHA ItsyBitsySpyers: *NOBODY HEARD THAT* agoodidstraction: Silver, mercury, maybe some other scrap Txen: *Predaking cracks a smirk at Starscreams misfortune* FakeProwl: ... Why would you sabotage Starscream? CptRodimus: @Prowl ::Sup?:: FakeProwl: *he's sitting right here, he heard it* Airachnid: Because why not? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Because he had already defected.]] Shockbox: (( 'because *** starscream' can be a very adequate reason. )) Whirl: It was a drug, wasn't it? It wasn' a NORMAL cy-gar at all. *narrows his optic* You slipped me something! Smokescreen: New drinking game: Take a drink every time Starscream is embarrassing agoodidstraction: Oh great I'm here for this scrap Airachnid: I think we would die if we did that. Bruin: *preemptive exit* boomtank: -once again, NOPE- agoodidstraction: HA FakeProwl: @Rodimus «I apologize for the belated reply. But—what was up with that matter you commed me about? Trading innermost energon for something?» Shockbox: *still rather curious about the path.* Smokescreen: shockwave is actually pretty agoodidstraction: And yeah, Whirl, I thought ya wanted to party FakeProwl: *he's had a busy month* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Appears to have successfully distracted from his vow by mentioning his betrayal. Is pleased* Bruin: *wait. nevermind he didnt even mannage tto get up* Shockbox: *gives smokescreen a look.* Whirl: *eyes Wheeljack warily for a few moments* If you pull something like that on me again, I will gut you. boomtank: -Nope. Nopenopenope, out the door he goes- agoodidstraction: You didn't wanna be high? Shockbox: *it doesn't communicate anything, but it's a look. * Windchill: That smelter is shaped like Whirl: *snip snips a claw* Got it? None of that slag. Ever. Windchill: A BUTT Txen: *cant find what isnt there. unfortunately, wheeljacks mind is exceptionally empty* agoodidstraction: Frag yeah Airachnid: [she'll look forward to that, doesn't blame Whirl for being upset] agoodidstraction: *hey frag u* FakeProwl: At what point did you defect? CptRodimus: @Prowl ::That was--- hella long ago. It's too late now all fragged up.:: Windchill: Do none of these know how to dogfight? Windchill: I'm dissapointed. Whirl: *Whirl should know better than to accept cy-gars from the likes of Wheeljack* Booze though... you can slip me all the booze you like. *relents* Whirl: Of course they don't. They JETS. Whirl: Sadly inferior fliers. FakeProwl: @Rodimus «I'd still like to know what it was about.» agoodidstraction: Alright, then let's do shots. Smokescreen: uh huh, sure starry Whirl: No offense. *nudges Windchill* Smokescreen: /Drink drink drink/ Windchill: We're not usually THAT pitiful. Windchill: That was just obscene. Whirl: Compared to any chopper with his salt, you are. Smokescreen: I'd say drink every time I was embarrassing, but we'd also die with that Windchill: Maybe, but that's not my point. boomtank: -is the heights scene over?- Windchill: Can we compare them to other jets for a second? Windchill: It makes them look even worse. Txen: *Shockwave goes to sit next to Soundwave as always. DS and Lynx spend a minute elbowing each other in excitement before going to help themselves to one of everything from the snack table* Windchill: I don't expect they were even trained. Smokescreen: ..... Shockbox: *you sure about sitting next to soundwave. soundwave isn't on the wave couch.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[After the Omega Lock. When both sides finished destroying Cybertron.]] Shockbox: *and prowl is with him. * Txen: *...isnt he?* Whirl: Of course they weren't--these 'Cons treated their drone warriors like scrap. You think hey'd bother TRAINING THEM? Pfft. Txen: *prowl means nothing and may as well not exist* Whirl: ((also can I say... JEFFREY.... COMBS!!!!)) Smokescreen: ....... Windchill: Depends on who's in charge and when. Windchill: (( ALWAYS. )) Shockbox: *eh, true. but as far as i know, i'm sitting alone.* Whirl: I mean, specifically, the command structure we see HERE. On these documentaries. Whirl: Megatron and his cronies. Smokescreen: Is it that wrong to give up fighting like that? agoodidstraction: Whirl. I'm buyin' drinks. Smokescreen: ................ ItsyBitsySpyers: [[They did not know yet. He coud not tell them. We were... trying to determine what to do.]] Windchill: No argument there. CptRodimus: @Prowl ::Doesn't matter now.  Chance is all burned out.:: Windchill: *He's seen the evidence.* Whirl: ... *looks to Wheeljack* If you feel like sliding one my way, I won't say no. Txen: *apparently latecomers dont get the best seats in the house* agoodidstraction: Any special orders? Whirl: Ravage gave me this really good one, though. *waves an atomically sour/acidic drink in the air. Whirl loves it, of course* It's no gaugebuster but it's really tangy. boomtank: -peers back in- ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i thought the wave couch and slendy's couch were the same thing...)) Whirl: Oh, a gaugebuster, definitely. If you can get your hands on one. Windchill: They wiped out as many seekers as they could, so nobody was left who knew how to do anything, or even cared. In terms of aerial troops, I mean. Whirl: *TWO flavors?? IN ONE DAY? THAT'D BE AMAZING* Txen: ((it was only wave couch once there were three waves on it haha)) agoodidstraction: You got it. FakeProwl: @Rodimus «That isn't what I asked, but fine.» Smokescreen: theyre so close I'm so happy for them aaaaaaa?? Whirl: ((true love, bulkhead)) Whirl: ((true love)) Shockbox: (( eh, i don't even know anymore. i know i said  i was sitting in my usual spot, and you later went on to say that only quark was sitting with you when prowl wanted to join.* Shockbox: *)) Shockbox: (( so i presumed you weren't on the usual couch. )) FakeProwl: ((schrodinger's wave couch.)) FakeProwl: ((they both are and aren't on the same couch until txen shows up to ask)) Smokescreen: I can't believe Megatron had all the fliers painted in Starscream's colors Txen: ((how long it is grows with every new person to sit on it)) Smokescreen: ... probably after that thing with me ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i thought you meant your boy took his spot near the front of the room again, and i meant quark was in the room, not on his couch lol)) Whirl: I chalk THIS up to incompetent leadership. *gestures to the screen* When you outnumber the 'Bots so, so ridiculously HEAVILY, and you STILL get shown up, I'd say that the deficiency is in quality, not ItsyBitsySpyers: ((the couch is just soundwave's feelers supporting people)) agoodidstraction: *sits by Whirl and pushes over a drink* Bottom's up. Whirl: quantity. But, I'm just calling it as I see it here. Txen: ((ok so shockwave IS sitting in his spot. yes? yes.)) CptRodimus: Why are they throwing f listers at them? Smokescreen: Wheeljack-- can I have a drink, too? Windchill: Well, to be fair. Airachnid: [cackles] agoodidstraction: Come on over, kid. Txen: ((gay)) Whirl: *if Wheeljack wants to sit near Whirl, he'll have to wiggle in between either Airachnid or Windchill* Windchill: You have to be incompetent to systematically destroy your only tactical advantage to begin with, Smokescreen: But Rodimus is a comfy seat Airachnid: [she's not moving] Shockbox: (( yes, let's go with that. and let's solidify the fact that my usual spot is on the wave couch. )) Whirl: Agreed. Thanks, 'Jack. *he will take this drink in the other claw; is this the Gaugebuster of legend? Or a special brew?* Airachnid: [she loves that little smile of Ratchet's] Smokescreen: I miss Ratchet too now and everyone and Airachnid: [so precious] Shockbox: *he greets his alternate when he joins the couch.* agoodidstraction: *he'll just hang around then* CptRodimus: Ratchet is such a Tsudere. agoodidstraction: That's your Gaugebuster, mech. Smokescreen: A what now ItsyBitsySpyers: [[We barely had anyone else to throw at them, Rodimus.]] Txen: *DS perks and stops stacking his plate comically high to look at Whirl* Did somebody say 'Gaugebuster'? agoodidstraction: auuuugh ItsyBitsySpyers: //This fragger, I swear to fraggin Primus...// Smokescreen: ULTAR MGNUSA ItsyBitsySpyers: //Hey! It's me!// boomtank: Magnus boomtank: Is he as strict as the one from my timeline? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[You have no idea.]] Whirl: *hoists his second cube up to toast Darksteel* You know it, mech! Smokescreen: babyking Whirl: *bottoms up; Whirl takes a long pull. He speaks while he's drinking* This is the good stuff. agoodidstraction: Did a lot of timelines have predacons? Shockbox: *Oh, right, shockbox doesn't even know who the predacons are.* Whirl: I dunno if we do. Whirl: Aside from Razorclaw's boys. Smokescreen: HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABYKING Airachnid: Mine had them, but they were not brought back to life by Shockwave. boomtank: Not mine, thankfully Whirl: ((The Baby)) boomtank: Because a class like that would...uh...no. Txen: ((dem claws on shocky tho)) Smokescreen: i wanna pet him Whirl: Oh, hey! *swivels around and nods towards Predaking* It's you! Smokescreen: ... /wait frag predaking's in the room/ Shockbox: *...looks like the rest of the chat has given him all the context he needs to figure out that beasts such as this one are among us at present.* Windchill: A unicorn would have been cooler. Txen: *Predaking blinks– he’d been paying close attention* Indeed. It is I. Bruin: *looking from the screen to the predacons.. oh waohh* Shockbox: *….he approves.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Your majesty.]] *Helm bob* Smokescreen: … Oh yeahhh Shocks has made babies before agoodidstraction: !!!!!!!!!! Whirl: Welcome to movie night, I guess. *toasts predaking with the Gaugebuster* agoodidstraction: why’s everyone obsessed with my energon Windchill: You’re just juicy, dude. Whirl: *SNICKERS* Smokescreen: It’s pretty weird, yeah! agoodidstraction: why me Whirl: Ohh, analogue flight, right? Nice. Airachnid: [she’s glad that this beast doesn’t exist in her universe] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Because you’re an easy target.]] Txen: *inclines helm to Soundwave and Whirl. just his due respect* boomtank: -debating just staying in the hall- Smokescreen: Maybe they’re all vampires but only with your energon CptRodimus: *turn to look at who talked* OH hey– your the dragon? Whirl: ((i hope all of you are ready for Whirl Fanboying Maybe Just a Little)) Txen: ((gdi im so bad at identifiers. that was predaking lol)) Windchill: Maybe there are vampires here, in the room, right now. Txen: ((..also my universe’s predaking has a gnarly missing optic jsyk)) Smokescreen: :O ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave glances at Windchill. What do you know. Who told you.* Whirl: Better watch out, Wheeljack. Windchill: *There’s at least one bloodsucker in here that he knows of.* Whirl: *he’s gonna chug his super-sour drink so he can nurse the GB* Txen: ((snif did you miss darksteel asking about gaugebusters)) Smokescreen: Hope there aren’t any though- that’s pretty weird! Whirl: ((Nah, Whirl responded!)) Windchill: But there might be. CptRodimus: Maaaaaaaaaaaagnus Smokescreen: ughrhghh magnus why Txen: ((darn i missed it)) agoodidstraction: I’m not an easy target, frag you Txen: (sorry)) boomtank: Ah. That’s Magnus. Whirl: ((he toasted Darksteel, drank, and said while drinking [like a weirdo] basically, THIS IS THE BEST__ Whirl: Oh, NO. OH NO. Whirl: IT’S MAGNUS. Smokescreen: ... still miss seeing him though Whirl: Oh nooooo. I thought I was free. I can't believe this. How could you do this to me, Soundwave. Whirl: ((you're fine dude, it's hectic 8) )) boomtank: You can have mine ItsyBitsySpyers: //You ain't never free from him. I mean, me.// Whirl: *begins to continue lamenting but just snickers instead. Dammit Rumble* Smokescreen: ME ITS ME agoodidstraction: One, two, three *chugs* Whirl: Now, Wheeljack. You said you weren't an easy target... but does this mean you do admit to Windchill's charges? Whirl: *finishes chugging and fixes Wheeljack with the most serious optic of all* Are you juicy? Smokescreen: ... GEE HI SPIDEY Airachnid: Alternate. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Haaaaa!// Windchill: Maybe we should bite him and find out. agoodidstraction: I AM juicy Smokescreen: :o agoodidstraction: I'm the juiciest Whirl: I'll leave you that honor, Windchill, as I'm lacking the necessary biting bits. *snorts and ses his empty cube aside; time to hunch over his drink and savor the bouquet* Smokescreen: wheeljuicy Whirl: Oh, wow. Txen: DS: *he and Lynx plop down on the floor near Whirl with giant plates of snacks.* Most of you bipeds don't seem too good at handling that kind of fuel. *sniffs at the nearby bots* Whirl: Nice. Windchill: 'K, I'll bite the heck out him. CptRodimus: NEAT CptRodimus: Firebreathing! Shockbox: *really studying how predaking's fire breathing works.* agoodidstraction: why didn't I get dragons? Smokescreen: man predaking must be really warm and cozy and great for cuddling Whirl: *nods distractedly, watching the screen* Yeah. I've got next to no sense of taste, most of the time. *looks down properly* So stuff like this is heaven sent. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Perhaps Rodimus should show off a bit for the Predacons later. Have a flame on moment.* Airachnid: Do you have... negative surivival instincts? Whirl: But I got to actually taste it once. Liked to knock me unconscious. In short--it was GREAT, boomtank: -yup. Staying in the hall- Txen: PK: *snorts at Smokescreen's comment* agoodidstraction: I'm a Wrecker Smokescreen: ... Look- I'm not gonna go over and cuddle with Preds right now, but if Predaking ever sounded interested, I'd be 1000% down Whirl: *those WINGS though* Smokescreen: ... Also hi Preds! How're you doing? agoodidstraction: frag Txen: DS: Right??! *shares Whirls tastes in obscenely strong = awesome, apparently* CptRodimus: *laughs* I wonder who is hotter. Me or him? Txen: Predaking: Well, thank you. Smokescreen: You're hot in different ways! agoodidstraction: I'm cool CptRodimus: I bet me. Windchill: I'm hotter than either of you. CptRodimus: Iam hottest in a few ways. *winks at SS* Smokescreen: Aw- you're welcome! ... Seriously, if you're ever interested in cuddling, comm me. Bruin: Oh hot damn *can cybertronians drool, cause Brbuin is totaly doing the equivalent rn* CptRodimus: *looks over windchill* Not my flavour for that size. agoodidstraction: Cuddle pile Windchill: Your loss. Whirl: *LOOK AT HIM FLY* ItsyBitsySpyers: *They probably can and apparently some in here wouldn't blame him* Whirl: *IT'S FANTASTIC* Txen: Predaking: *looks a little taken aback by this offer* Whirl: I tend to run cool, myself. But yeah. If you guys have any other special brews like this--*waggles the cube at Darksteel* Let me know, mech. agoodidstraction: good to know every version of me *** hates magnus hahahaa ItsyBitsySpyers: [[You have no idea.]] Whirl: Arrgh I'm not nearly drunk enough to deal with Ultra Magnus. *TIME TO CHUG* agoodidstraction: Same agoodidstraction: I'm gettin seconds FakeProwl: *all right. he tried with Rodimus first and got a complete non-answer. Next.* agoodidstraction: Hey PROWL FakeProwl: *is going to ignore that* Smokescreen: /Giving Predaking a friendly grin and a thumbs up!/ agoodidstraction: Don't be a *** Prowl Whirl: Mech. You've got some moves. *swivels his helm to nod at Predaking* agoodidstraction: Prowl Whirl: Nice flying, ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage mutters something that might be a compliment about Predaking's tracking abilities. Even if they are inferior to his own.* Smokescreen: wheeljack no Whirl: ((predaking shows up,. everyone compliments him. he feels like the king he is. a good night)) Txen: DS: *shakes his helm* We can't make anything that good. Predacons just know how to hunt and eat things raw. So One-eye's lap ornam--- uh. We trade for it. Txen: ((A GOOD NIGHT)) Windchill: How is it that this spacecraft can't outrun an analog flier? Bruin: That was.. impressive agoodidstraction: It's a *** spacecraft Whirl: He must be that good. Windchill: *Was not impressed.* agoodidstraction: old grandpa cruiser Airachnid: Or it's a very slow ship. Whirl: *snickers--he caught that* So WHO is in charge of this brew, again? FakeProwl: @Soundwave «About a month ago Rodimus contacted me asking about a trade with Shockwave involving innermost energon? I redirected him to you. Did he comm you about it?» ItsyBitsySpyers: *WAS monitoring the frequencies closely. Decided not to say anything.* Windchill: It made it from Cybertron and back within a human lifetime, it can't be that slow. Txen: Predaking: *bows to your superior experience, oh small but mighty hunter* Windchill: Or from Cybertron to Earth, I mean. ItsyBitsySpyers: *WELL THEN. Ravage is pleased. He lifts his chin and closes his optics* CptRodimus: Magnus and his sudden dramatic earth arrivials. Ha. Whirl: Well. Slipspace travel isn't the same as flying through an atmosphere. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Affirmative. Smokescreen: stop calling him an it Starscream agoodidstraction: ((a friend of a friend introduced me to raf's voice actor last year andwe had ramen and text about guild wars. he is a cutie patootie omg)) Smokescreen: actually starscream just stop Windchill: Assuming that's what he did, it wasn't specified. Shockbox: (( holy ***, that's great. )) Whirl: ((omg)) Smokescreen: ((:OO NICE Windchill: *Frowns.* Whirl: I'd assume so. Whirl: *dramatically sighs and flops; half on windchill, and half on airahcnid. Sorry, Airachnid* I'm gonna need to bring more booze next time. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «What was that all about? I was about to start construction in Iacon so I couldn't ask him for more details. And now he doesn't feel like enlightening me.» Windchill: You need MORE? agoodidstraction: *halfway done with second cube* Txen: Predaking: *pleased by the compliments, but preening is beneath him* At this point, it was instinct more than skill. We Predacons come from a long legacy of apex predators. Airachnid: [she doesn't mind too much] Txen: ((sorry im so slow lmao)) Whirl: I need to be sloshed to deal with Magnus. Whirl: ((dude u fine)) Txen: Predaking: *tempted to growl when his onscreen counterpart did* agoodidstraction: This is *** why is everyone alive Airachnid: I do not blame you. Windchill: You guys are weird. agoodidstraction: What's this *** Smokescreen: ... okay sounds did you notice that I was dragging a hammer through darkmount and not say anything or did you frag up Windchill: He doesn't bother me. Smokescreen: ..... NO. CptRodimus: Awe, c'mon Magnus isn't bad once he  chills abit. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave points at the screen* Smokescreen: OPTIMUS. NO. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He knew what you were doing.]] Smokescreen: no no no no no boomtank: .... Whirl: Hey, if that was all instinct, then it's all the more impressive, mech. Airachnid: [chinhands in Smokescreen's direction] Smokescreen: ...... Windchill: Maybe you shouldn't have SMASHED IT THEN. Smokescreen: /Dangit no he's crying again./ Txen: DS: *shifting sheepishly in his seat when Whirl tells him to continue* Uh, you know... *drops his voice to a stage whisper, not that that works* Soundwave. The energon setup there is pretty -sweet.- Whirl: You and me are gonna hafta agree to disagree, Rodimus. He might be YOUR buddy, but he's not MINE. agoodidstraction: Smokey *hic* Airachnid: I do agree, if he wanted to restore Cybertron with it, she shouldn't have broken it. Smokescreen: all of you shhhh Windchill: No you shhh. Smokescreen: ... wheeljack Smokescreen: you shhh! Optimus knew what he was doing! He had to! Txen: ((*fart noise that sounds like 'op shouldve died instead of cockteasing it for five episodes straight*)) CptRodimus: *optic rolls* Well you get he is my buddy. Dont keep bashing him. agoodidstraction: ((omfg)) Smokescreen: ......... agoodidstraction: C'mere, want a sip? Whirl: *snickers; he is NEVER, EVER gonna forget Soundwave being called Shockwave's lap ornament. It is a thought that will amuse him in dark times. It will warm his spark and make him laugh in darkest hours Windchill: (( I hate that they dropped this plot thread jfc. )) CptRodimus: Orly, smokes? Smokescreen: ........... Airachnid: [LAUGHS HYSTICALLY] Smokescreen: /He's going over for that drink. And to curl up./ Whirl: *and since you can read his mind, Soundwave, YOU KNOW THIS* Yeah, I've spent some time at Dancitron. Prety cool. Not my kinda music, or my kinda scene, but it's not too bad. Txen: Skylynx: *noisily gobbling his plateful of snacks by just sticking his face into the pile* boomtank: Yeah, I'd have that look too CptRodimus: OPtimus told you... not the matrix? Airachnid: [MORE LAUGHER] Whirl: ((weh that's when it freezes for me)) boomtank: Leadership is a pain Smokescreen: /Chugchugchug he's trying to not answer anything/ Windchill: It's not that bad. boomtank: Really? Whirl: Oh my god. He's so HORRID. agoodidstraction: *** you magnus Whirl: Someone save me. *floops more* Windchill: Ewwww Whirl's touching me! boomtank: In my experience, it kinda is Windchill: *CRINGES.* Smokescreen: I think that was the one mistake Optimus mamde back there- Windchill: Maybe you don't have enough experience, then. Whirl: *rubs his feet all over Windchill's belly* Txen: Darksteel: *is a rude boy who's pushing his luck* We don't have -anything- like it on our planet yet. *theyre all wee bebes who see a nightclub and go AHHHHHH WHAT MAGIC IS THIS* Windchill: *Makes wretching sounds.* boomtank: ....right. We'll go with that. Txen: ((the preds are all like, 4 years old lmao SO INEXPERIENCE)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((okay i'm trying to get caught up in chat ONE: roddy since rodimus did not tell him it was a secret and he was there when the offer was made anyway would it be horrible if he told Prowl)) Windchill: *Shrugs while making wretching sounds. Sorry, dude, he's from Vos and Born Opinionated.* Whirl: *calmly continues his convo with Darksteel while rubbing his feet on Windchill and flopping on poor Airachnid* I think we used to, but I never went to places like that, myself. Airachnid: Then I think the Matrix needs a new set of standards. boomtank: -led what was left of the Autobots against Megatron when all other oficers were captured or killed- Whirl: You should travel, mech. See the multiverse. Smokescreen: I hate you Airachnid. Airachnid: :3c Smokescreen: ... But you're right. CptRodimus: ((rodimus already asummes anything he tell SW isnt pirvate anymore then no it will not make anymore issues Windchill: *Can't believe Whirl is mauling his stomach.* Whirl: *what part of this is not believeable* Windchill: *Well, to start with, Whirl is not believable. He is a myth.* Windchill: *A FANTASY.* Airachnid: [she's just going to pet Whirl, she wants to keep her servos preoccupied] Windchill: *If u know what I mean.* Whirl: *Whirl is obviously a cryptid* Smokescreen: Rodimus-- the matrix makes mistakes sometimes, right? ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Life creation. Txen: Darksteel: *grin is more like a grimace* Maybe one day. Right now I gotta think of the kids. Windchill: *The song of his people.* Whirl: *WHAT THE DICK HE'S BEING PETTED. ...allows this* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «... Elaborate?» Whirl: *blinks; the tableau before Darksteel is even more ridiculous now* The kids? Oh--yeah, Shockwave talked about them, I think. You've got little Preds running around? Windchill: *Faintly offended that they're being referred to as seekers, but whatever.* CptRodimus: Ever met a purple Blurr, Smokescreen? Pretty sure Primus can *** up. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): This one's, Shockwave's timelines have protomatter creation knowledge. Txen: DS: *w/e hes in a babypile half of the day anyway* Yup! Sure do. Smokescreen: Purple Blurr? Blurrple? Whirl: Shockwave made 'em, right? We've still not gotten past the wholle 'how to repopulate' problem. CptRodimus: *chuckles* Txen: Skylynx: *chokes a little* I fraggin' HOPE he didn't make them... Whirl: Then who did? CptRodimus: Well... still got that silly weakness Bruin: Ooooh ouch Txen: DS: *laughs* Naw, mech. He created -us-. We, uh. Handled the rest. Whirl: Oh, damn. *LAUGHS* Smokescreen: But-- you know-- he made a mistake on this part in the documentary with me, right? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave sits up slightly* CptRodimus: Ice cubed Whirl: Looks like they put you on ice, Predaking! ItsyBitsySpyers: *He likes watching this part quite a bit.* Shockbox: *is paying extremely close attention now.* CptRodimus: Primus Whirl: *looks back down to Darksteel, staring blankly for a moment* Ohhh. You guys propagate on your own, ight? Neat. Smokescreen: ........ CptRodimus: PPPPPPPPPPFFFFFFFFFFFFT Windchill: (( WHY AM I LAUGHING AT THAT SOUND. )) Txen: Predaking: *slight optic roll* I am susceptible to extreme shifts in temperature. It is of no permanent consequence. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «"Protomatter"?» Windchill: (( Sorry OP but your death throes amuse me. )) Smokescreen: ............ alpha trion was also-- ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): ...Basic living metal. Cybermatter. Protoform material. Smokescreen: how can two mechs and the matrix be so wrong CptRodimus: magnus is still awesome to watch. boomtank: -okay, back inside the room, again- ItsyBitsySpyers: *Quietly taps the inky mesh of his middle with a feeler claw. This stuff.* Txen: DS: *nods* Where we're from, most of the more beastlike bots do. Bruin: Aw frag, thatt wont end well Whirl: Pfft, and they have the nerve to call YOU guys primitive. You can do things we CAN'T. boomtank: HOW Txen: DS: That's what I'm always SAYING! *this guy gets it* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Such a good part.* Whirl: Oh, hey! Even you're getting in on it, Shockwave! Shockbox: *very good.* Whirl: Nice gun. Shockbox: (( i like how most of his dynamic actions actually do send shockwaves.)) Windchill: (( I live for the Shockwave fights. )) FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Ah. That's... if we're talking about the same thing, I believe it's called sentio metallico here. The material that surrounds a spark to make a new frame. That's what you can make?» Txen: Shockwave: The circumstances had become sufficiently dire to necessitate direct involvement. Windchill: He's dead, Jim. Whirl: Either way, have fun babysitting. *snorts and 'toasts' Darksteel again; it's so weird to talk to someone so familiar and yet a stranger* boomtank: -Then again, Blaster would never try jumping from any height. They terrify him- Txen: Shockwave: *has good shock absorbers. very good shock absorbers* ItsyBitsySpyers: *The feeler then drops to his side to, oh, I don't know. Pinch Shockwave's leg ever so secretly.* Whirl: *leeeans back again more. Slowly folds up his leg. Slowly. Extends it, pointing like a ballerin... for Windchill's face* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Correct. Windchill: *Stares.* Windchill: *This is it, this is how he dies. Toe to the face.* Whirl: Are you any good? *to Shockwave* Shockbox: *they're like arperture science level shock absorbers* Txen: Shockwave: *antennae perk. looks curiously over at S-- ah. Whirl* "Good?" Whirl: Can you fight worth a damn? FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Shockwave was offering—what, a sample of it? In exchange for a sample of someone's innermost energon?» boomtank: ....? Windchill: (( Starscream what do your elf eyes see. )) Airachnid: ALLLLLL)) ItsyBitsySpyers: //It ain't Skyfire.// FakeProwl: ((they're taking the autobots to nevada)) agoodidstraction: ????? boomtank: Wait Whirl: PFFT. agoodidstraction: this happened? Whirl: *BURSTS OUT LAUGHING* boomtank: Optimus got wings? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He got... well, everything]] CptRodimus: ...NICE Windchill: Why am I not surprised? boomtank: Or a jet pack? boomtank: Wow... Whirl: Wait, wait--wait. The Autobot's in you guys' dimension--they DID have fliers, didn;t they? *the foot has landed. Poke the cheek* Airachnid: [LAUGHS TOO, STILL NOT OVER IT] CptRodimus: SOMEONE HIT ME WITH THAT HAMMER agoodidstraction: robust Windchill: That's a long story. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Was always oddly uncomfortable with that upgrade. He likes big bots. He dislikes the Prime. Dilemma.* Airachnid: The Autobots had a few flyers. Shockbox: *to gay or not to gay, that is the question.* Whirl: Huh. We've always had plenty. Weird. Smokescree: THER WE GO what did I miss Windchill: Most of them were defected Decepticons, in my dimension. Smokescree: ....... Also Rodimus no Whirl: *shockwave no* Txen: ((dang i dcd. did my posts not post)) Whirl: *stop being attractive* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Small nod at Prowl* agoodidstraction: he is pretty huge Airachnid: [still laughing at the way Optimus looks] Smokescree: I'm glad Megatron didn't know about this stuff until recently, at least. ItsyBitsySpyers: //No way, Rodimus. You wanna look like a brick wall?// Whirl: Lord. That's embarrassing. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Wouldn't be racin' no more like that.// Whirl: Yeah, Rodders, you're better off staying the way you are. A good racer is better than a bad flier, any day. Txen: Shockwave: Taking into consideration that I am not a professional soldier, my fighting abilities are adequate. Windchill: *Nods. Even he'll agree to that.* Windchill: PFFFT. Smokescree: I don't think he looks so bad-- he's got a couple of my features? Like the thing on his chest and the extra biolights and-- It's weird Whirl: *just. pushed up against the cheek* Airachnid: Especially when you look like a bloated space shuttle. Bruin: *plating flared out, kibble up. Shockwave never to be underestimated* Whirl: Not too shabby. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Why did Rodimus want a sample? If it's your equivalent of our sentio metallico, then we already know what it is. Unless there's reason to think yours is significantly different than ours.» Smokescree: spidey I will eat you agoodidstraction: Haha CptRodimus: I bet if I had wings I'd out fly you whirl! Airachnid: :3c ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Replication knowledge. Whirl: NOTHING with wings can outlfy me. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave glances over at Shockwave. Tell him you were that steady.* Txen: ((COOL as a *** cucumber)) Windchill: *He's trying to sputter and there's practically a foot in his mouth. Don't complain if he spits on you, Whirl.* Shockbox: *astounded by the calmness of his alternate* Whirl: ((LIKE A BOSS)) Windchill: Depends on what you mean by that, bro. Txen: Shockwave: *are there iterations of himself who are -not- that steady?* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «... Ah. And Shockwave wanted innermost energon in return?» *unspoken: he ONLY wants innermost energon??* «Why did the trade break down?» Whirl: Go fatser than me? Maybe. But as far as moves goes, sorry Rodders. All the upgrdes in the world won't help you. *preens shamelessly* ItsyBitsySpyers: *He's met a few.* Shockbox: *shockblast, for one.* Whirl: (9FOWLER IS SO GOOD FFF)) Whirl: ((BEST)) Smokescree: ..... I want to hug optimus FakeProwl: ((shockblast does not count. he has anger management issues.)) agoodidstraction: My Optimus never got yolked Smokescree: i miss him i really miss him I- /Dangit it's happening again he's tearing up/ agoodidstraction: Smokes Txen: Shockwave: *mmh. a shame. perhaps they do not have allies that can be relied upon to form a bridge in time* Windchill: (( I HATE that we had the S2 ending that gave the cons such  huge advantage only to spend the entirety of S3 just returning it to the previous status quo, waste of time. )) Airachnid: [and she's watching Smoke. again.] Whirl: ((yeah.....)) ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Correct. Requested material not possible. Whirl: ((but the multi part setup wasn't too bad)) Txen: ((tfp didnt understand stakes)) FakeProwl: @Soundwave «... Why not?» Airachnid: TFP didn't understand a lot of things)) Whirl: *retracts his foot at last* Txen: ((now any time the stakes get risky optimus just flies in and overpowers anything thats not predaking)) FakeProwl: ((tfp didn't even understand what it had written half the time)) CptRodimus: *long hard look at whirl* Nah--- bet I would. If I have even half my skills fro mthe ground <3 Whirl: *...is he still being petted. Because if he is he is staying put, but if not, he's gonna sit up like a civilized creature* Airachnid: [yes he is] Txen: ((...only two eps tonight? :'0)) agoodidstraction: ((didn't they get a new director and make the writers cram everything into only 13 eps)) Windchill: (( Too busy selling toys + executive meddling + no actual writing team, just people pushing their own agendas. )) CptRodimus: ((there was three ItsyBitsySpyers: ((that was four heheh)) Txen: ((oh wait damn im wrong)) FakeProwl: ((yep)) agoodidstraction: ((we could've had SEASPRAY damn it. wj would have been so happy)) Airachnid: yeah season 3 was a mess)) Txen: ((WHAT how time flies)) boomtank: ((aw Windchill: *His mouth will never taste the same.* CptRodimus: *claps* There we go. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Thank Primus. He's not ready to face the upcomng memory yet.* Whirl: Pfft, in your dreams. *doing his best to look dignified while being petted and failing* You wouldn't even IMPRESS me, much less outmatch me. CptRodimus: Hey SMokes Windchill: *STRETCHES.* Shockbox: *well, tonight's showing sure has been...enlightening.* Whirl: You out, mech? Shockbox: *but he'll be leaving earlier than usual.* Smokescree: /He's just going to keep curling up here/ Bruin: *well that was something. He's just gonna eye the predacons because wow* Txen: *the preds are like wtf is wrong with petting. being petted is the BEST. ...when you ask for it. no funny moves smokescreen* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave bobs his helm to Shockbox. He figures he'll be getting questioned soon....* Windchill: *Stretches leg into the air.* Windchill: *So fancy.* Shockbox: *in a non-public setting, most likely.* Whirl: *Whirl didn't ask but he is not complaining. Airachnid has lovely fingers* Txen: Predaking: *'wow' is the acceptable response to a specimen of his stature and grace, yes* Smokescree: /He's not gonna try petting NOW at least. seeing Optimus like this again hurt a lot/ ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ah well. It had to happen sooner or later.* boomtank: Smokescreen? Are you okay over there? Shockbox: *he doesn't bother to take any energon with him this time.* Whirl: We going for one more? Or are we breaking for tonight? agoodidstraction: *head on table* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Unknown. Autobot morals, insufficient supply, other. Shockbox: *in any case, he pings goodbye. as he makes an exit.* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Hmm. What were the *precise* terms of the trade? And why wasn't something else simply proposed instead?» CptRodimus: We are done for hte night Windchill: That felt really short. Txen: *shockwave nods farewell to the alternate and keeps an eye on the two preds near whirl in case they Get Rowdy* Windchill: Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention. CptRodimus: *pulls out a datapad to play games on* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble peeks at the games if he can* Smokescree: /Shaking helm some in Blaster's general direction but not actually speaking. Dangit this is embarrassing/ Whirl: *if they do you'd better count on Whirl to egg them on* Airachnid: [she's still watching Smoke] Whirl: *to Windchill* You were probably distrcted. *by his feet; he looks to the Preds* You guys should come back, sometime. Whirl: We could use some Preds to liven the place up. boomtank: Do you need someone to talk to? CptRodimus: ((wher eis smoescreen at? sorry chat is moving really fast Windchill: Yeah, now that I think about it, I probably was. Smokescree: /He hasn't really moved much- probably still on rodimus unless rodimus moved?)) Windchill: *Partially due to FEET.* Txen: DS: Heh. Well, we were thinkin' about coming in for our parts at least. Uh. I mean, 'His Majesty's' parts. -We- ain't in it till the very end. Windchill: *Partially being lost in his own mindscape, the final frontier.* CptRodimus: ((nah smokey is getting a gamer hug rn then since rodders started playing a game on his datapad Txen: DS: *downright unfair if you ask him* CptRodimus: *mummers* Hey Smokey. agoodidstraction: zzz ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Innermost energon samples, sources: four/more outliers. After debate, other unusual mutations, spark readings also accepted. Whirl: PFFT! You actually call him MAJESTY? Whirl: *LAUGHS* Whirl: *who knows what wonders await us all in Windchill's mind* Windchill: *Raises eyebrows.* Smokescree: ... /Leaning up to Rodimus, still all curled up/ Bruin: *would buzzssaw object to helm scritches? Bruin is going to find out* Windchill: *Fart sounds, we've established this.* Txen: *they both shush Whirl urgently before His Kingliness notices hes being made fun of* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «... Huh.» *an odd request.* «Why?» ItsyBitsySpyers: *If Bruin asks, he may give one (1) helm scritch. If he surprises Buzzsaw, he'll get activated chainsaw wings (but no damage yet) instead* Windchill: *Windchill will fight his Kingliness, nobody tells Whirl what to do.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Buzzsaw is one of the minis who don't like surprise touches* Whirl: *he does subside, but no faster than he feels like* That is HILARIOUS. Txen: Skylynx: Look. We got to, all right. You don't know how he gets. Txen: DS: Don't mean we can't be sarcastic about it. CptRodimus: I gave optimus mack the matrix too. Txen: Predaking: *sarcasm what is sarcasm* Windchill: Wow. Bruin: *very slow moving han, making it obvious where he's reaching*This okay? Whirl: You'll neve, ever catch ME simpering up to someone just because he likes to think he's royalty. But, I'm not a Pred, so I guess it does't matter. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Shockwave.... many, MANY millions. Most genetic data already learned, understood. New knowledge, higher understanding sought. Educational. Entertaining. Smokescree: I mean- I didn't really take it in the first place... Is it a mistake to not to do that now? ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Soundwave has seen own. Fascinating. Txen: Skylynx: Ehh. *scratches cheek* It's like. A "pack thing." *air quotes* And the sooner you kiss a little aft, the easier he gets to live with. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Buzzsaw floats juuuuust a little lower to permit the hand. Briefly.* Windchill: Better to kick his aft, if he's gonna act like that. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «... Is there any danger to the people whose innermost energon is handed over?» ItsyBitsySpyers: }}Be certain you do not mistake me for a pet. I simply enjoy the sensation.{{ Txen: DS: Uh, were your optics shut during that show? *snorts* We tried, once. Whirl: Hey, you know what? I ain't even gonna judge you guys. boomtank: -Okay, no need for him now, Rodimus has this- Windchill: I saw everything, I think. Whirl: Do what you gotta to keep high command from breathing down your neck. But someone who wants THAT level of DEFERENCE from me's gotta EARN it. CptRodimus: *shrugs* All that matters is that you listened to your Spark Smokescreen. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Minor innermost energon loss. Privacy matter: full genome inspected. No other dangers expected. Windchill: *It's an unfair assessment, he still outweighs even Predaking, so. His perception regarding kickable aft is a little different than most people's.* boomtank: -Back to listining to music- CptRodimus: @Boom *pings a <3* Whirl: *whirl will 100% fight Predaking. He will probably lose but he will enjoy every second of it* Whirl: *an aerial battle against someone like THAT? HOT DAMN SIGN HIM UP* Bruin: I would never. Spotter and Lazerbeak enjoy it so guessed you might as well. *one  scritch and he'll stop* Smokescree: Well-- of course. I can't be a prime- I'd be bad at it! I'd get someone hurt and I know it and I don't want to hurt anyone because of my own mistakes CptRodimus: *rueful smile* It sucks. Txen: DS: It's not like we gotta grovel or nothing. He's just touchy about titles. *and he wouldnt admit it, but honestly... the guy does an okay job at leadership when he's not being a pompous aft* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Approving whistle. A wise mech, this Bruin. He can see why his sister floats nearby some nights.* Windchill: *Is a little more interested in Smokescreen's dilemma than Predacon problems, now.* Windchill: Listen, dude. boomtank: -Blinks but pings back a ':)'- CptRodimus: ((they are talking softly to eachother Whirl: *Whirl's just Extra Rebellious, don't worry, Darksteel* Fine, fine. But still. Principle of the thing. *he also might be slightly tipsy* Windchill: (( Whoops sorry, I couldn't tell. I keep getting up and missing blocks of chat. >:U )) CptRodimus: ((at least rodimus is. certinally not a thing he would have just anncounced to a room Txen: DS: *scraggletooth grin* If you care that much about it, you could always take a shot. FakeProwl: *a moment of silence as Prowl contemplates that.* @Soundwave «I can see why Rodimus balked. Taking another's innermost energon is... a questionable endeavor. Taboo, depending on the circumstances.» CptRodimus: ((it be pretty clear Smokey is upset thou! Whirl: I'd do it for fun, mech. Whirl: *lowers his voice* Soounds like a hell of a time. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Do you think he would be willing to accept something else?» Smokescree: ((smokescreen might be a bit louder because bad at controlling volume while crying)) Whirl: *lowers his voice YET AGAIN to a hoarse whisper* And I like to fight. CptRodimus: (9^^ I say they can hear Smokescreen but not rodimus? Whirl: *lowers his voice TO EVEN EVEN MORE LUDICROUS DEGREE* It's basically all I'm good at. That and singing karaoke. CptRodimus: ((that fine Smokey-mun? Windchill: *Chin, meet hands.* Smokescree: ((that's fine!!)) ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Soundwave knows energon taboo. Native planet has own versions. Taboo clinging not understood; Prowl's timeline gives in survival hope. This, literal survival hope. CptRodimus: ((so they all can see smokey upset and tearing up while rodimus and mummeringly softly at him ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Regardless... other items accepted, IF suitable. Txen: DS: *leans in, taking it seriously until that last bit startles a laugh* We're Predacons. We -all- like to fight. Whirl: *snickers back* That's why I like you guys. ItsyBitsySpyers: ((... can rumble hear if he's right nearby or is it really murmury murmuring?)) CptRodimus: ((would soundwave know the other item--- nvm i dont care about the details at this point Whirl: I used to be pals with another Darksteel--from a different timeline. *nods to Darksteel* It's... weird. Meeting the same people from other dimensions. But not a bas weird, necessarily Whirl: *bad CptRodimus: ((rumble can hear them he is right next time :D ItsyBitsySpyers: *Then Rumble can hear but is keeping his mouth shut for the moment.* Txen: DS: Huh. Never met another ME before... What was I like?? CptRodimus: *idle takes one of smokey's hand and start to make it dance to the beat* ItsyBitsySpyers: *He doesn't care for Smokescreen much but he knows embarrassing Rodimus won't win him any points for his application* CptRodimus: *a twitch of a grin* Windchill: *Makes snoring sounds, he's starting to get irritated for no rational reason.* FakeProwl: *hmm. what does Prowl feel safe giving...?* Txen: Shockwave: *well. movie night is over. he shifts in preparation to stand up* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Oh no you don't. Another hidden pinch with the feeler claw that is still right by that leg* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Would Tarantulas's innermost energon be of sufficient interest to him?» Smokescree: /Letting Rodimus take his hand, but still mostly curled up/ CptRodimus: *this make happen* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave leans back so Prowl can see Shockwave better and keeps looking at him. Try asking.* FakeProwl: *maybe not, considering that if Shockwave asked, Tarantulas would polish Shockwave's pedes with his own innermost energon for nothing in return; but it's worth checking.* Whirl: He was real cool, mech. *nods slowly; Whirl is actually somewhat sad to have lost him* Once, we both got blackout drunk and went on a rampage through a space station. Whirl: Spent the whole rest of the next day trying to piece it all together. Whirl: ...*perks up suddenly* Ravage! You're on-screen! ItsyBitsySpyers: =That poor feline.= ItsyBitsySpyers: =Filthy biped.= Smokescree: ?? /Smokescreen's not tearing up mostly because he's completely confused about what Rodimus is doing here/ Whirl: O,h come on, that;'s not so bad. If I was a cat, I'd let someone do that. Txen: Shockwave: *startles slightly when pinched. caught partway into stand-mode, he pauses, then sits back down. apprently, his presence is required* CptRodimus: *a soft purring laugh* Windchill: Cats are so patient. Txen: DS: Oh. I did that once. *nods somberly, mouth pursed* At Dancitron. Didn't end so good. ItsyBitsySpyers: =Lucky for you.= CptRodimus: ((thats totally is what rodimus is doing to smokey ItsyBitsySpyers: *He'd be clawing someone's optics out by now* Whirl: Rodimus? Can I make a request? CptRodimus: *laughing* Yeah? boomtank: -snickers at the sight- Whirl: *it's easy for whirl to say, he's not a cat* CptRodimus: *this is laughing therapy* FakeProwl: ((what a patient cat)) CptRodimus: *for the smokes lol* Windchill: (( I love them so much. )) boomtank: ((cat looked like about ready to do some murder Smokescree: /he's so confused right now and might be trying to squirm out of this!/ Whirl: HEH. I had a grand old time. FakeProwl: *sends Soundwave a comm ping that's the digital emotional equivalent of a mildly displeased blep face.* «Fine.» Txen: Predaking: *mystified. is this human entertainment. why does the small predatory mammal accept this abuse of its dignity* Whirl: Anyway--from my experiences, you guys know how to party. *nods* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage growls and slips out of the room. He's not watching his furry brethren be treated this way.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Buzzsaw's giggling though.* Whirl: *and now, aided by the coprious amounts of booze he has drunk, he straightens up, bobbing his helm in thanks to Airachnid, before swiveling around and pointing at Predaking* Whirl: YOU. CptRodimus: *ok he will show this vid ic now so smokey can see the cat vids* Airachnid: [she just lets him] Txen: Predaking: *eloquent brow raise* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Don't worry, Prowl. He'll make it up to you.* FakeProwl: *comm ping to Shockwave* Whirl: We gotta fight. Smokescree: Rodimus please-- Whirl: It's inevitabe. CptRodimus: *pets pets for good kitties* Windchill: (( That is the face of a cat that just doesn't care. Look at him. )) Whirl: Also, my request is anything by Dio. But Holy Diver is a good pick. Smokescree: ... /Grumbling but he's not trying to squirm away- the petting is kind of nice./ Txen: Shockwave: *one antennae twitches. aha. so the reason reveals itself.*  «What do you want.» ItsyBitsySpyers: *Close, Shockwave, but not quite.* CptRodimus: ((what was whirl's request? ItsyBitsySpyers: ((anything by Dio but Holy Diver is good)) Whirl: ((anything by Dio, but he recommends Holy Diver. Rainbow in the Dark is also a good pick)) Whirl: ((feel free to have Rodders promise it next week!)) Whirl: ((Smokescreen needs the therapy and whirl will not hold it gagainst him(( Txen: Predaking: *tilts helm to level his good eye* ...Oh? And what makes you think so, Autobot? CptRodimus: Next week Whirl I'll do it just remind me~ Whirl: Because if you don't agree to fight me... you're a CHUMP. Windchill: *Says the guy who won't agree to fight HIM.* Whirl: *THIS DOESN;T CONCERN YOU SICKBOY* Windchill: *LEFT OUT AGAIN.* Whirl: *HE WILL flip rodders a quick salute. Dragon Time* Windchill: *Story of his life.* CptRodimus: *poke smokes cheek* You dont like silly earth cats? FakeProwl: @Shockwave «I've been given to understand that about a month ago you offered to trade the process for creating cybermatter in exchange for four samples of innermost energon with unique properties.» Whirl: *WINDCHILL HE WILL PUT HIS FEET ALL OVER YOU AGAIN LATER. DRAGON. TIME.*& Windchill: *THAT'S NOT A FIGHT THO.* Whirl: *it is if you think about it. whirl's feet against your gag reflex* Txen: Predaking: *optic widens, surprised. he doesnt know what a chump is but gathers its an insult* You challenge my authority? FakeProwl: @Shockwave «In hopes of assisting Captain Rodimus in concluding this bargain, may I ask you some questions about that arrangement.» Txen: DS: Oh boy. Now you've done it. Windchill: *Did you just assume my gag reflex?* Whirl: Damn right I do. *puffs up* I challenge ALL authority. Smokescree: /And he's starting to curl up again./ Not right now... ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble chokes on his snacks. Whirl can't be this dumb.* Windchill: *It's not that dumb.* Airachnid: [she likes Whirl but dhe's not getting involved] Windchill: *Are there seriously only two people in this room not scared of the flying toad? Shockwave presumably aside?* Smokescree: ((eggs is just staring at me and slow-blinking at this)) Txen: Predaking: *lets out a deep and resonant "HAH" and pounds his fist on the armrest before standing up. looks more exhilarated than angered* I will take the utmost pleasure in defeating you on the -- Txen: Predaking: -- field of combat. CptRodimus: *tiny sigh* Fiiine. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble isn't scared, but he knows better than to make an outright challenge. That's the kinda mech you gotta sneak up on.* Airachnid: [she doesn't like to waste energy on things that don't concern her] ItsyBitsySpyers: *This is the difference between him and his brother.* Whirl: *he looks purely exhilarated. Well also like, 30% drunk, but mostly exhilerated* Big talk, flyboy. Windchill: *That's ONE way of doing it.* Whirl: Name the time, and the place, and I;'ll be there. Windchill: *Some of us have options. A bonfide CORNUCOPIA of meting out buttkickings.* Windchill: *Bonafide wow Whirl: *whirl, some might be shocked to know, IS capable of sneaking around when he needs to. see: Luna 1. but man. Sneaking on THIS magnificent specimen would be a WASTE* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Whirl's some 5 or 6 times Rumble's size. Cut him some tactic slack* Whirl: *understandable* Whirl: *but he'd probably do this even if he was still stuck as a bird, because. Whirl* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Final countdown, huh? This 'bout how long Whirl has til he gets snuffed or how long til ya pop guns 'n chase us all out?// Windchill: *Windchill, on the other hand, has no real excuse for sneaking around.* CptRodimus: Huh...? Whirl: PFFT! Oh, ye of little faith! Txen: @Prowl: *first, a correction* «The offer entailed a set amount of the substance, for the purpose of testing whether it could serve as a substitute for your sentio metallico. It was understood that-- CptRodimus: *looks up form his game playing and petting* Txen: further negotiation for the method could follow.» ItsyBitsySpyers: ((OOPS that's... mun error, not soundwave lying)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((frick)) Smokescree: /Purring from the continued petting and is starting to cling to Rodimus/ ItsyBitsySpyers: //OH HECK YEAH// CptRodimus: ((soundwave wouldnt heard the that part anyways ItsyBitsySpyers: *Air guitars* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((whew)) CptRodimus: *is fine being a purring heating pad* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «... So the bargain was for four samples of innermost energon, in exchange for a sample of the substance? And the method, I expect, would be more costly?» Windchill: *Narrows his optics. This song has always annoyed him a little and he can't figure out why.* CptRodimus: *he will just play his game on the datapad =)* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble stops to look at Rodimus.* Txen: @Prowl: «Ask your questions. My offer remains open, so long as my terms are not disrespected. I care not -who- acts, nor who reaps the benefits.» ItsyBitsySpyers: //Hey. Hey. I know a game you gotta do.// FakeProwl: *he did ask a question* Txen: (sorry im like)) Txen: ((that was still my initial response)) CptRodimus: *glance at rumble with an encouraging smile* FakeProwl: ((ok no prob. i didn't know if you thought the questions where rhetorical, my bad)) Txen: ((i hate this chat format and always struggle with it)) ItsyBitsySpyers: //There's this whole human game where ya sorta - where ya fake play this stuff on a fake instrument. 'N it got this song.// Txen: Shockwave: *in other words... he can go to someone you'd prefer that he not* CptRodimus: Guitar hero. ItsyBitsySpyers: //YEAH! You know it already? Don't tell me ya got it?// Windchill: *Stretches for REAL this time; he's getting frustrated and it's time to go.* Txen: ((your last post was to soundwave was that supposed to be shocky)) FakeProwl: ((.... yes, my bad)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *He's still waiting on Arcade to fashion a metal controller after he accidentally crushed the plastic one* FakeProwl: ((again)) Smokescree: ... Guitar hero!! We need to get some Cybertronian-sized guitar controllers ItsyBitsySpyers: //That's what I been sayin'!// FakeProwl: *not fazed. he never expected shockwave to care about who he gives his materials to as long as he's paid for them* Smokescree: I've got Cybertronian-sized DDR dancepads, but not guitars. CptRodimus: haha. I'll get hte nerd on it. ItsyBitsySpyers: *The BIGGEST shocked face.* CptRodimus: They scaled up PS4 controlers already Smokescree: YES PLEASE Whirl: I still need to learn to play. Smokescree: :O Really? I've got scaled up wiimotes and stuff-- we should just scale up as many consoles as we can! Smokescree: /He's starting to smile again at the thought/ boomtank: Scale up? Smokescree: Scale up so we can play 'em! ItsyBitsySpyers: //Yeah. Whatcha want us to do, play on them lil human ones?// Txen: @Prowl: *slowly inclines his helm* «Innermost energon, or an alternative but viable method for genetic analysis. Surely you understand the inherent difference in value between a substance and its-- ItsyBitsySpyers: //...I mean, I kinda can.// ItsyBitsySpyers: //Ain't none of you could.// Txen: --method of creation.» Windchill: *Just use a holoform, pssh.* boomtank: No, no, I just...didn't know what you were scaling up CptRodimus: *leans over a hits a few keys on the control pad under the table top* Whirl: You should absolutely do it, Rumble. Whirl: And I'll get a me-sized one and join you, someday. After a lot of classes. Windchill: I can't believe I've almost sat through this song twice now. Windchill: I'm leaving. Smokescree: Game controllers! Whirl: I've always wanted to use an electric guitar as a weapn, though... *distant look* Txen: ((OK GOMEN going to try to reply for predaking)) Windchill: You all tricked me. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Seeya, footstool// boomtank: Game controllers. Whirl: ((NO RUSH DUDE U FINE)) Windchill: Bye, suckers. Whirl: Pfft. *nudges Windchill with his foot one last time* Seeya, loser. boomtank: For...? Smokescree: ... FRAG YEAH hold on hold on maybe I have the dance pads in my subspace somewhere-- /He's rifling through his subspace. No dance pads unfortunately/ CptRodimus: *a set of ddr pad scaled uo rotate out of the floor. this is their multipurpose room* Smokescree: Video games! Smokescree: !!!! Smokescree: RODIMUS RODIMUS ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave accidentally perks at the sight, then pretends he didn't* boomtank: Um...? Smokescree: You wanna go? Windchill: (( For the record: I like that awful song but Windchill...not so much. )) Smokescree: /He's going to go over and take one- he's really good at this game!/ boomtank: -sits back to watch, curious- CptRodimus: Ill go I pick an easy song first! CptRodimus: *hops onto the player one pad* Smokescree: We don't need easy. FakeProwl: @Shockwave «Surely I do. I asked for clarification only because I had been led to believe the bargain was different.» Windchill: *He gets up and GETS THE HECK OUT before musical chaos breaks loose.* Smokescree: Well- I don't need easy, but still. Airachnid: [she's just going to sneak off becase things are getting boring] Whirl: *bobs is head in farewell* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Intently watching Rodimus play* CptRodimus: ((i didnt que up a twoplayer on sorry xD Txen: Predaking: *sweeps an arm wide* Whatever place and time you deem fitting for your defeat. *his own planet is just acid rain rn u may have to pick lol* Airachnid: [waves at Whirl before disappearing] CptRodimus: *oh we is hella fancy he learned to play in korea* Smokescree: ((All good!! just imagine smokescreen playing along here/ ItsyBitsySpyers: *Itch to challenge rising. Mustn't.* boomtank: -Soundwave. They seriously need to sit and talk- Smokescree: Not bad, Rodimus- bet I'll still win this though boomtank: -He had the same idea- ItsyBitsySpyers: *Yes they should.* Whirl: Okay. All right. So. *poiints* ...I'll pick when I'm sober. Txen: @Prowl: *doesn't waver* «Good.» *hasn't seen his previous dealings as terribly rational, so -he's- just heading off more of the same* Whirl: But anyplace with room to FLY. FakeProwl: @Shockwave «What, then, would you consider a reasonable payment for the full process? Without the patronizing comments, if you please, I find they waste valuable time.» ItsyBitsySpyers: ((omg the angriest ddr battle. blaster vs. soundwave. it could only be worse with a jazz.)) Whirl: *because OF COURSE he has to fight this guy in the air* boomtank: ((that would be HILARIOUS Txen: *duh of course* CptRodimus: *laughs* zi get too fancy--- footwork top notch! CptRodimus: WHo else for the pad? Smokescree: We've both got some AAA footwork, I think! CptRodimus: *steps off* Txen: Shockwave: *thats probably the most patronizing way to request a lack of patronizing comments, but ok. he runs some calculations* Smokescree: !!!! CptRodimus: *glances at blaster* I know you can rock this. CptRodimus: Get over here <3 ItsyBitsySpyers: *WATCHING SO CLOSE. Might be leaning forward.* Whirl: *Whirl will not even look at the pad; he'd definitely be good at this stuff but like hell is he gonna admit it* boomtank: Waiiiit Smokescree: I wish we could have infinite challengers and just have everyone go at it CptRodimus: *see that noodles* Whirl: For now... time to go on. *hops up and streeeetches before ndoding to the Preds* Nice meeting you two. Whirl: *turns and points to Predaking* YOU. You're goin' down. CptRodimus: *grins at boom* Whhhhaaaat scared SMokes is going to up seat a music mech? Txen: DS and Lynx: *wave to Whirl* boomtank: ...I think I know how this is played... boomtank: -okay, challenge accepted- boomtank: -up he goes- Smokescree: Hey- I'm a dancing mech. I'm not going down. CptRodimus: The arrows are times to music you press the arrows as the go up. You dont have to do al lthe stuff I was doing~ FakeProwl: *If Shockwave wasn't able to figure out by himself that it's illogical to waste his own time patronize someone who's trying to conduct business with him, clearly he needed it pointed out to him.* boomtank: So the arrows are notes boomtank: Got it boomtank: ((I'm laughing ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i got one lmao)) boomtank: ((hmn? ItsyBitsySpyers: ((am i allowed to link in here or should i put in skype)) CptRodimus: ((skype me Whirl: ((i cant believe a google search for "ddr kokomo" came up with NOTHING)) Smokescree: ... ((Ok how are you supposed to do that part where it's all notes at once Smokescree: ((do they just want you to use your feet that badly)) Txen: Shockwave: *perhaps prowl shouldnt be so ready to feel patronized by simple word choices made in the face of exhausting and negotiation with bots who care more about morality than saving cybertron* Smokescree: ((*hands boomtank: ((yup Txen: ((*minus that and. shoo you)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave would be sighing if he could hear those asterisks. Instead he's watching the other shenanigans* Smokescree: Soundssoundssounds- you can dance right? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He can.]] Smokescree: You should play this! boomtank: -That was fun- Whirl: *and poof he's gone for now* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[And why should he do that?]] Whirl: ((i must shower and i Caannot Abide this song)) Whirl: ((or the one that was playing last)) boomtank: ((whoa CptRodimus: ((soundwave mun wanted it linked =) Smokescree: 'Cause it's fun and you'd be good at it ItsyBitsySpyers: ((it's hard to see little but his legs are in full jitter mode too)) ItsyBitsySpyers: [[What does he get for doing it.]] CptRodimus: Fun ItsyBitsySpyers: ((pictured here: both music mechs)) Smokescree: A good time? What, do I have to let you look into my mind for secrets or something? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Fine.]] Txen: @Prowl: «Supervised study of your Enigma of Combination.» ItsyBitsySpyers: [[After this one.]] Smokescree: ... Fine to doing it for fun or for doing it for my secrets? 'Cause I don't really have that many secrets boomtank: -Can't. Sitting and laughing at this song- ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Both. Give him a moment.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Wanders into the hallway too toss back a quick ration* Smokescree: wait what CptRodimus: *rodimus does this dance without the dance pads cause he knows it xD* boomtank: -off the mat though- CptRodimus: *the actual dance* Txen: ((are prowl and shockwave going to have to Have A Serious Discussion while soundwaves dancing)) FakeProwl: @Shockwave «Noted.» boomtank: -laughing so hard- boomtank: ((Blaster here CptRodimus: *laughing too this is fun* boomtank: ((I think there is only one Soundwave in the room ItsyBitsySpyers: *Okay. Quick ration digested. He's back in and waiting to see what he'll have to work through.* boomtank: -okay, back on his peds- Smokescree: /And he's gonna sing along here!/ ItsyBitsySpyers: ((omg it's so slow tho....)) Txen: *the predacons are basically fascinated by this Revolution of the Double Dance* boomtank: ((gah ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i was hoping for something fast for him ;; )) boomtank: ((it doesn't match uuuup CptRodimus: ((this one is awful boomtank: ((yeah CptRodimus: ((lt find another ItsyBitsySpyers: ((thank you ;; )) boomtank: ((tanks Txen: ((god)) Smokescree: /Watching the predacons and grinning. They like it?/ Txen: *darksteel's trying to get skylynx to take a turn* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Okay. Soundwave shakes his arms a little and steps on the pad.* boomtank: ((oh god FakeProwl: @Shockwave «Thank you. At present, that's all the information I need. I will inform you should I require more.» ItsyBitsySpyers: *And he won't be using his feelers.* boomtank: -Smokes or him against 'wave?- CptRodimus: ((can we all take a moment to picture this Smokescree: /Going to just go over near them and try to pat/ You should give it a go, too! Txen: Shockwave: «Very well.» *if thats all to that conversation, he has other things to pay attention to* CptRodimus: ((lmao FakeProwl: *... ah. and just in time for a much more interesting show.* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((you are free to. that's the only reason I gave in lmfao. though he's fancir than this guy)) CptRodimus: ((i really nearly two yers had a thread where rodimus had these scaled up for the rec room boomtank: ((hehe ItsyBitsySpyers: ((nobody who can twirl like he did in the wj fight is this bland)) Txen: ((honestly DDR dancing tends to be really bland stomps)) boomtank: ((we need a fancier one for 'wave Txen: ((i appreciate the talent required regardless)) CptRodimus: ((rodimus is too boomtank: ((yup Txen: ((but its not super conducive to ACTUALLY dancing)) Txen: ((...unless soundwaves just Doing Riverdance RN)) boomtank: ((HAH ItsyBitsySpyers: ((LMAO)) Txen: ((picture it tho lmfao)) boomtank: ((ohgod ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i have seen some creative players)) CptRodimus: ((lmao Txen: ((*SNORT*)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((HAHAHA)) CptRodimus: (((ooc now CptRodimus: ((i am down a rabbit hole ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave steps down and nods. That was a little fun.* CptRodimus: ((minibots ItsyBitsySpyers: *And goes back to take his seat like nothing *** happened.* CptRodimus: ((ok i need to go get food Smokescree: /Thumbs up at Soundwave! Maybe he forgot the secrets part from the fun? Smokescreen's hoping that./ ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ha. As if.* Txen: ((A SOUNDWAVE NEVER FORGETS)) Txen: ((except when he does)) boomtank: ((good luck Smokes boomtank: ............ ItsyBitsySpyers: *Tilts his helm.* FakeProwl: *farewell ping to Soundwave* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Nods farewell to Prowl.* Smokescree: /Dangit/ boomtank: I am going to have to talk to my alternate ItsyBitsySpyers: [[....Hmm.]] FakeProwl: *flickers out* boomtank: What? CptRodimus: @Smoke ::You can come over and play DDR later!:: ItsyBitsySpyers: [[....Nothing. It is nothing.]] Smokescree: @Rodimus ::That'd be awesome-- thank you.:: boomtank: ...right. Smokescree: Hey- Preds, preds- you ever play any games? Txen: DS: *stops mid-attempt to scratch his head with his foot* Uh. What kinda games? Smokescree: Like the game we had up! Or even physical games- you ever try lobbing? ItsyBitsySpyers: *...Makes a small note to maybe. MAYBE. Ping Blaster of his own accord some day.* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((what are you lookin for roddy?)) CptRodimus: *ok has to run out---* CptRodimus: Oh *** guys--- i got a shift who is on duty rn.... CptRodimus: *enjoy npc cyclonus glaring til you all leave* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Farewell.]] boomtank: ...goodnight ItsyBitsySpyers: [[We should also be heading home.]] CptRodimus: *spins out of the room as Cyclonus comes in* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Stands and summons all of his minis. Glances at Blaster.* boomtank: Yeah? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...You were.]] NnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnO can't give a full compliment. [[Acceptable.]] boomtank: ....thanks. Same to you. ItsyBitsySpyers: *A sort of. A kind of. A stiff nod.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Coils a feeler loop around Shockwave's wrist and pulses Interest, Capital I, with a Question.* boomtank: -waves and leaves- G'night! boomtank: ((because mun is laughing so hard right now agoodidstraction: what Smokescree: Wheeljack Txen: Shockwave: *glances at feeler, then at wheeljack. maybe they should... have this conversation somewhere with fewer pests present* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Agreed. Shall they?* Txen: Shockwave: *offers arm* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Takes it. And out they go.* Txen: (SORRY SMOKEYMUN we got in a big convo on skype)) Smokescree: ((All good!)) Txen: DS: *shakes head vigorously* Sometimes we wrestle. Or take an old steel beam and have a tug-of-war. The kids got -loads- of chew toys...
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todayisafridaynight · 7 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
spiritual sequel to this for our favorite local goober My Friend
53 notes · View notes
thefredizone · 7 years
all of them? ;)
Look,,,, why do any of you take me seriously i hate you thanks xxxx this is gonna be the last well formatted section i hope u know that.  @lgbtposts here u mcfuckin go
200: My crush’s name is: probs amy but im trying for that to not be the case rn199: I was born in: Blackburn, 1999.198: I am really: fuckin cool197: My cellphone company is: EE196: My eye color is: blue195: My shoe size is: I mostly wear sixes but im actually between a 4 and a 5.5194: My ring size is: i dont fuckin know i dont even know my bra size193: My height is: see above192: I am allergic to: pollen191: My 1st car was: nonexistent190: My 1st job was: in a shop189: Last book you read: fuckin hell thats a throwback and a half. Probs The Rest Of Us Just Live Here188: My bed is: warm187: My pet: dogs186: My best friend: either Katie or Beef xx185: My favorite shampoo is: not a shampoo but Snow Fairy184: Xbox or ps3: PS4183: Piggy banks are: lame182: In my pockets: washed paper and probably a lighter181: On my calendar: who the fuck has a calendar180: Marriage is: for lame-os and i want to be a lame-o one day179: Spongebob can: go away178: My mom: is boring177: The last three songs I bought were?: probs this good robots album who pays for music. 176: Last YouTube video watched: Phils new one175: How many cousins do you have? None that i know of, my mam has loads with kids so i call them cousins but theyre some other convoluted thing174: Do you have any siblings? aye173: Are your parents divorced? aye172: Are you taller than your mom? aye171: Do you play an instrument? aye170: What did you do yesterday? fuck all, pretedned to write an essay mostly. played some overwatch[ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight: aye168: Luck:aye167: Fate:aye166: Yourself:nah165: Aliens: i want to believe164: Heaven: aye163: Hell: of course,, thts my life ha ha ha162: God: nah161: Horoscopes: sure 160: Soul mates: totally159: Ghosts: why not158: Gay Marriage: Comme une lesbienne, je suis partial. 157: War: what is it good for156: Orbs: why not, idk what this means tho155: Magic: nah[ This or That ]154: Hugs or Kisses: kisses153: Drunk or High: either or, never together. rn probs high152: Phone or Online: online151: Red heads or Black haired: Cherry Red like party mcfuckin poison i love them150: Blondes or Brunettes: probs brunette149: Hot or cold: hot148: Summer or winter: summer147: Autumn or Spring: autumn146: Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla145: Night or Day: night144: Oranges or Apples: apples143: Curly or Straight hair: straight142: McDonalds or Burger King: Mcdonalds141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: White140: Mac or PC: PC139: Flip flops or high heels: Heels138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: Ugly and rich fo sure137: Coke or Pepsi: pespi136: Hillary or Obama: obama135: Burried or cremated: set me the fuck on fire134: Singing or Dancing: singing133: Coach or Chanel: what the fuck are those132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: idk131: Small town or Big city: city130: Wal-Mart or Target: targe129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: neither128: Manicure or Pedicure: get away from me,, leave my nails alone127: East Coast or West Coast: east126: Your Birthday or Christmas:christmas125: Chocolate or Flowers: flowers,, but living ones. plants. 124: Disney or Six Flags: disney123: Yankees or Red Sox: neither[ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: use your words121: George Bush: go away120: Gay Marriage: gay119: The presidential election: fuck off118: Abortion: dont want one dont mcfuckin get one117: MySpace: dead116: Reality TV: boring115: Parents: eh114: Back stabbers: bye113: Ebay: amazons shitty cousin112: Facebook: boring but i use111: Work: kill me110: My Neighbors: named their kid the same as me fuck off shouting her name109: Gas Prices: idk i dont pay attention stop using crude oil108: Designer Clothes: i cant afford that shit107: College: cool106: Sports: not cool 105: My family: eh104: The future: *screaming at the void*
[ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: Rosies mam on tuesday lmao102: Last time you ate: popcorn rn101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: uh idk maybe morgan when i last saw them at lloyds?100: Cried in front of someone: probs katie during my Major Breakdown of february99: Went to a movie theater: fuckin civil war i dont go to the cinema98: Took a vacation: florida, 201497: Swam in a pool: summer 201696: Changed a diaper:never95: Got my nails done: pre-mothers wedding94: Went to a wedding:mothers wedding93: Broke a bone: never92: Got a peircing: septum in november91: Broke the law: i smoked weed a couple of weeks back90: Texted: rn[ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: beef88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my bed and or dogs87: The last movie I saw: ¾ of the green mile86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: leavers85: The thing im not looking forward to: c2 on wednesday84: People call me: kyra83: The most difficult thing to do is: live82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: nah81: My zodiac sign is: aquarius80: The first person i talked to today was: Amy79: First time you had a crush: i was like, 878: The one person who i can’t hide things from: beef77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: beef rn76: Right now I am talking to: ally, morgan, amy.75: What are you going to do when you grow up: be a skience74: I have/will get a job: in science73: Tomorrow: never comes72: Today: sleep71: Next Summer: screaming70: Next Weekend: get10 smashed for leavers ayyyyy69: I have these pets: 2 dog ,, revel n jack jack 68: The worst sound in the world: poorly tuned violin being played very poorly67: The person that makes me cry the most is: amy r i p 66: People that make you happy: hannah hart, beef, keg65: Last time I cried: last night64: My friends are: fuckin lovely63: My computer is: shitty62: My School: sux61: My Car: doesnt exist60: I lose all respect for people who: are bigots59: The movie I cried at was: pride58: Your hair color is:blonde ( 4 now)57: TV shows you watch: watching through friends and yoi rn. just started futurama, putting off watching greys56: Favorite web site: dont got one55: Your dream vacation: flo rida to new york gay road trip54: The worst pain I was ever in was: brace pain 53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium rare52: My room is: grey, green and a mess51: My favorite celebrity is: hannah hart  (ilhsm)50: Where would you like to be: somewhere sunny49: Do you want children: aye48: Ever been in love: probs idk anymore i think so47: Who’s your best friend: Beef or Keg46: More guy friends or girl friends: girls45: One thing that makes you feel great is: Validation44: One person that you wish you could see right now: beef probs she could do with a hug43: Do you have a 5 year plan: bitch i dont even have a 5 minute plan42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: nah41: Have you pre-named your children: nah. but i like Atlas40: Last person I got mad at: myself lol39: I would like to move to: canadia38: I wish I was a professional: science[ My Favorites ]37: Candy: skittles36: Vehicle: cool motorbikes35: President: obmam34: State visited: florida33: Cellphone provider: EE32: Athlete: a what now31: Actor: chris pratt30: Actress: uh probs scarjo dont come for me i love her voice in her ok29: Singer: Miley cyrus atm28: Band: mcr27: Clothing store: fuckin love asda me26: Grocery store: fuckin love aldi25: TV show: atm yoi24: Movie: Her23: Website: idk22: Animal: Tapir21: Theme park: Busch gardens or however the fcku you spell it20: Holiday: xmas19: Sport to watch: rugby18: Sport to play: a who now17: Magazine: i secretly love vogue16: Book: either wicdiv or killjoys15: Day of the week: saturday14: Beach: south shields13: Concert attended: fiatc,, i touched his butt12: Thing to cook: pasta11: Food: pasta10: Restaurant: deanos9: Radio station: kerrang8: Yankee candle scent: vanilla7: Perfume: theres an Alexander Mcqueen one that was designed to smell like sex but i love it anyway6: Flower: orchid5: Color: pink4: Talk show host: gotta say ellen for the lesbians3: Comedian: fight me i like jimmy car2: Dog breed: i love all doggos1: Did you answer all these truthfully? idk i think so
0 notes
tllgrrl · 2 years
by Nefertiri Jones aka @tllgrrl & @shellyac75
Summary: Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson know who runs the world.
* * * * * * *
How it started over on DIscord:
ShellyAC: I like the idea of both of them being scared of Sarah's wrath so the biggest threat they lob at each other is "I'm gonna tell Sarah".
Me: [cackles with glee, picks up the gauntlet]
So, after riffing bits of dialogue back and forth, here’s how it ended, in about 500 words::
* * * * * * * * * *
“Cap, Buck. COMM Check. We’re at altitude. Coming up on Jump Point in 60…”
Sam sets the volume on his COMM. “Thanks, Torres. Loud and clear.”
Bucky, following Sam to the door of the plane, grabs a COMM device, puts it in his ear and throws a cursory thumbs up at Torres.
“Look. I’m just saying. You better not jump outta this plane without—and I don’t care if it won’t kill you. I know you’ve done it before, but I’m telling you, Buck! I don’t want to have to hear about it.”
“You don’t—“
“I mean it, man. Don’t make me do this���”
He pulls something out of a hidden upper mid-chest pocket of his suit.
“I know what I’m doing, Sam. It’s not nearly as far as that time when I—what…what’s that? Waitaminute. Are you…? Who are you calling?”
Sam looks the man dead in his blue-grey eyes and says the last two words Bucky wanted to hear right now:
“Hey, Sarah?”
“Sarah?!? Are you kidding me? You’re telling Sarah on me? How old are you?!?
“Yeah, Sis. Oh, fine. No, no! Everything’s fine. But Bucky—“
“OKAY! Okay! I’ll get a chute, DAD!”
Torres, watches the whole scene, trying to look like he’s keeping an eye on the digital display so Bucky won’t see him laughing. It’s always something between those two. They’re comedy gold.
Even more now that Bucky is dating Sam’s sister.
“Here. See? I’m gonna put it on. Now, hang up the pho—no wait, gimme that—“
[His voice changes, going softer and sweet.]
“Hey, baby? It’s me. Ou konnen mwen sonje w, wi?
Thanks, sweetness. I been practicing. Yeah, I miss you too—“
“Man, shut up.
[Sam grabs the phone, and pushes Bucky out of the plane, not even partially buckled into his parachute.]
Au revoir, cyborg. Sarah? Hey, guess what Bucky did…”
“Yeah, Baby. I figured you saw it. Sam got Redwing to…yeah..in 4K.
I know I promised I wouldn't do that anymore, I just forgot at first.
But I did have my parachute! I was about to put it on then Sam pushed me out of the plane.
I'm really sorry, nandi. It won’t happen again. Hug the boys for me—hey, they didn’t see…Good. Don’t want them to…yeah, get ideas!
Ok I'll tell him. Ndiyakuthanda, sweetness. Bye.
Hey, Samuel? Sarah said to tell you 'aight bet."
“I'm a dead man.”
The next day…
“Hey, Sam, Torres says we’re stopping off in Wakanda before going back to Delacroix. Why?”
“Because I value my life enough to know that I gotta bring back something nice for Sarah so she'll actually be happy to see me. If you were smart you’d do the same.”
“I already got something that’ll make Sarah happy to see me when I get home.”
A few minutes later...
[Bucky opens his eyes and sees Redwing hovering above him, just out of reach.]
“Very funny, Sam. Oh! Hold on…”
“What…what’s that? Who’re you callin’?”
“Hey, Sarah? Guess what Sam did…”
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todayisafridaynight · 26 days
Shadow the hedgehog cartoon announcement sorry everyone im gonna hermit away four months in advanced so i can be optimally annoying when they talk about it
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tsutsumi gotta be the funniest choice to play sawashiro since he really does encapsulate his casting career of both action roles and being dad of the year (most of the time)
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